#and how sheev hooked him
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intermundia · 8 months ago
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RotS Web Documentary #15: "Becoming Sidious"
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la2yn0va · 27 days ago
DBD Killer Concept: Darth Vader
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Heard rumors that Disney wanted Darth Vader in dbd.. so… I’m doin this. (Don’t know if it’s true, but I thought it’ll be interesting to try)
Killer Name: The Sith Lord
Map: Jedi Temple (during order 66) or The Death Star
Weapon: Red Lightsaber (Duh)
L. Skins: Anakin Skywalker and/or emperor sheev Palpatine.
Movement Speed: 4.4m (110%)
Terror Radius: 40 Meters
Height: Tall
Power: The Force Unleashed
Harnessing the power of the Dark Side, Vader can manipulate survivors with the Force, striking fear into their hearts and bending them to his will. (Activating it works like vecna’s power)
Ability 1: Force Choke
Hold the Power button to target a survivor within 16 meters.
After a short delay, the survivor is lifted into the air, unable to move for 2.5 seconds before being slammed to the ground, inflicting Deep Wound.
Survivors near a Force Choke target (within 14m) suffer from Hindered (-6% movement speed) for 4 seconds.
Cooldown: 12 seconds.
Ability 2: Force Dash
Vader empowers himself for 5 seconds, allowing him to move at 6.8 m/s (173% same as vecna’s flight)
While active, vader will destroy any pallets and walls in his path.
If he hits a survivor during this, they will suffer from hemorrhage and loose a health state.
Survivors will become oblivious once vader activates this ability, unless he’s already in chase.
Cooldown 20 seconds
Ability 3: Force Thrust
Vader will throw his lightsaber and use the force to direct it.
It’ll move at 145% movement and if a survivor is impaled by the saber, vader can see their aura and will pull them closer to him for 4 seconds.
Cooldown 10 seconds
Ability 4: Vaders Rage
Vader raises both hands, using the Force to explode his surroundings, affecting all Survivors within 24 meters.
Survivors near dropped pallets or windows are pushed backward (2 meters) and become Hindered (-5% speed) for 6 seconds.
If a Survivor is within 14m of you, they are dragged toward Vader.
All generators within range spark, regressing by 3% for 20 seconds
Power stops after 6 seconds, unless it’s canceled early.
Cooldown 1 minute and 20 seconds
Perks: Vader has 3 teachable perks.
1. Fear the dark
You cannot escape your fate. Only choose how you run from it
When a generator is completed, all survivors suffer from blindness and oblivious status effect for 12/14/16 seconds.
“The Force is strong with you. But you are no Jedi” — Darth Vader
2. The Dark Side
Hope is an illusion. Fear is reality
After hooking a survivor, the aura of the farthest survivor is reveled to you for 8/9/10 seconds, while all other survivors are exposed for 6/7/8 seconds.
“The Dark Side Of The Force Is A Pathway To Many Abilities Some Consider To Be… Unnatural” — Sheev Palpatine
3. Unrelenting Wrath
Your defeat is imminent. Striking him only quickens your doom
When vader is stunned or blinded, he gains haste for 4/4.5/5 seconds. Survivor who stunned him become exposed and hindered (-4% movement speed) for 6 seconds.
Additionally, the survivor is unable to fast vault for 2 seconds and this perk can stack twice.
30 second cooldown
“YOU WILL NOT TAKE HER FROM ME!” — Anakin Skywalker
Mori Animation
Vader lifts a survivor in the air and impales them, then snaps their neck with the force and lifts them up, allowing the saber to cut the survivor in half life butter before throwing them onto the ground and retrieving his saber.
Possible survivors: Luke/Leia Skywalker. Obi-Wan Kenobi. Ahsoka Tano, A Youngling— (kidding kidding)
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enkisstories · 8 months ago
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The First Order district was teeming with stormtrooper patrols, so Archex and Rose made it to the roof of a house and from there worked their way towards a bridge spanning the droid depot and the residential area.
This vantage point allowed them to get a good look at the cargo hall (and if they'd gotten caught, they'd been on the hook for attempted burglary of the droid depot, not rebel activity).
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Archex: "Funny how different things can look when viewed in perspective... The snivelling brat in his fancy coat killed my father... father figure. But Pryde for all we know wants to bring the Emperor back, making Armitage look like a saint in comparison. What's going on in that man's head!"
Rose: "Your father figure, hm. Are we talking Brendol "kill a fellow cadet to join my secret student society" Hux here?"
Archex: "He wasn't... Not always, I mean. And anyway, Brendol held the Jedi in high regard!"
Rose: "Yes, as is apparent in his idea to conscript two year olds for his army. What's going on in those people's heads, indeed!"
Archex: ...
Rose: "I've given the signal. Let's climb down again."
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Armitage Hux promptly reacted to Rose's signal. He had prepared his words for this meeting meticulously and with more malice than Sheev Palpatine had orchestrated his reign. But when he beheld the person sitting next to Rose, well, things indeed appeared different when looked at from a different perpective.
Armitage didn't see Captain Cardinal, who once again went by his birth name, Archex. All he saw instead of the actual man sitting at the table was the favored son, and then he saw Brendol Hux again and then various bruises that hadn't left physical scars (bacta gel was great for keeping appearances, after all) started hurting again. There wasn’t any capacity left for also hating Rose for the dirty trick she had played on him.
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Armitage: "Rose, we need to talk. When I gave you the ring in the ruins, that was an appliccation for "Tico". There's no need to stage a happy family reunion.”
Alright, at least a little of the haughtiness and dripping acid he had planned to put into his voice was coming through. But the urge to cling to the familiar - up until two days ago loved - presence of Rose Tico was stronger than anything else now.
The things this woman was doing for him... tracking down his surrogate brother, here, at the very arse end of nowhere! Nevermind that neither man was interested in encountering the other again, that was some serious dedication to a relationship. How anybody could NOT love Rose, or the fact that he didn’t have to deal with at least twenty rivals for her affection, was beyond Armitage’s understanding.
Archex: "Vi Moradi sent us on this mission together."
Armitage: "Right. The mission. We better take this conversation to my apartment. Follow me."
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fanfic-obsessed · 3 years ago
So this hilariously cracky idea came to me and I hope someone can take it and go somewhere interesting. 
At some point mid Clone Wars, a clone of the 212th, we'll call him Calc because he loves statistical analysis, looks at stats from the previous 12 months of battles and comes across a strange anomaly. Through some fancy calculations he proves that the higher the probability that the Chancellor's Office knows about their battle plans, the higher the chance that those plans will be leaked to the enemy. 
At first the powers in charge think it is simply a mole or a bug in the office or amongst the aides. No one, from the Council on down,  suspects Palpatine. They have bought his act, hook line and sinker. Then someone thinks about the Sith and how there was one in a position of power. Instead of leaping to the conclusion that it is Palpatine, they leap to the conclusion that it is someone Palpatine is close to is the Sith and effectively using him as a puppet. That he is a victim of the Sith Master. They ask themselves what is more likely, the kindly old man with all the power is the Sith, or someone in his shadow is pulling the strings.  
Anakin obviously wants to save him immediately, but is able to be brought to reason. They do not know who the Sith is, or how much he controls the Chancellor. His friend could be hurt if they move rashly. How would his friend, Palpatine, feel if he was forced to hurt others because they moved too quickly, he is asked. The other Jedi also start to softly counsel him about what to do if his friend does not want to be his friend after he is free.  Because they do not know how long the Sith has been controlling him, and he may not want to confront those memories. 
An entire Mythos develops over the course of months. How Light the chancellor must be, if he can be that kind with a Sith in his head, trying to control him. How much therapy he is going to need, when they finally get him free. Jedi mind healers prepare for anything. Jedi all over the galaxy begin to watch the Chancellor, almost obsessively, looking for evidence of who the Sith controlling him is. They mourn when any cruelty is witnessed, feeling he must have lost just a little bit harder that day. It becomes part of every Jedi’s meditation to push Light and Strength toward the Chancellor. 
Someone finds that his family on Naboo was all killed when he was a young man, and they wonder if it is within this vulnerable moment that he was captured.  There is something found that indicates he may be at least a little force sensitive, everyone nods (I personally headcanon that being while Force Sensitive makes one resilient to a lot it also makes one vulnerable to some really specific techniques), and starts shoving more good feelings at Palpatine. 
Oddly enough it does serve to make Anakin more cautious around Palpatine. Less because he really thinks his friend would betray him, and more because he knows that Paptine would feel horrible if he woke up from whatever the Sith had done and had hurt someone. 
Meanwhile Palpatine is just going along, doing his Sith thing, getting high on tricking people and preparing for his empire. Then Anakin starts to act strangely. After that Jedi just started smiling at him, asking him how he is, bringing him items drenched in the Light Side, like he wasn’t planning their downfall. Even the odd dreadlocked Kriffar, who skulks around CC-1010’s office and pretends he isn’t trying to find some evidence of wrongdoing, starts acting friendly.  
In addition the Force is giggling. Both sides. The Force had never giggled around him before. The darkside may never have giggled ever. 
Just utter shenanigans as the Jedi try to figure out how to Rescue (capital intended) Sheev Palpatine from himself and send him strength and light to overcome his own evil.
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blackkatmagic · 4 years ago
Could I please request a drabble with Mace meeting Jaster? Time travel shenanigans would be loved and heart-eyed, but are not required.
“A Jedi is hiring a Mandalorian for a job?” Jaster asks, one brow raised, and can't help the thread of incredulity that creeps into his voice. “Perhaps you're confused, Jetii, but our people have been enemies for millennia.”
“I'm well aware,” the Jedi says, unmoving. Jaster has, admittedly, never been quite this close to a Jedi, and he can't help but be faintly impressed at the man’s stoneface, particularly given the bright-eyed Chalactan girl peering around his side. Her hands are hooked into his sash without any apparent fear of being shaken off, or any apparent concern for her Master’s dignity, and Jaster finds himself reluctantly amused despite the man’s temerity.
“Oh?” Jaster asks, leaning back in his chair. His blaster is within easy reach, and the Jedi is far enough away that Jaster has the advantage. “Bold of you to approach me with a job offer, then.”
“Is it?” the man asks, and reaches up, folding his hood back. Jaster stills, startled, because he hadn’t thought there were Korun Jedi—Myles has always been very insistent that the Korun people have their own Force traditions, and outsiders aren’t welcome to step into them. He’s a handsome one, too, tall and broad shouldered, with a lean strength to him that even the loose, comfortable robes can't hide. Steady, he meets Jaster's eyes, and says, low, “It seems to me, Mand’alor, that our status as enemies means no one will suspect me of having hired you.”
Ah, Jaster thinks, smiling. Like that, is it. He hums, then says, “Jango, who don’t you show this lovely padawan the gardens? I'm sure she would like to see them.”
“What?” Jango demands, outraged the way only a fourteen-year-old can be. “Buir, I'm not leaving—”
Jaster levels a pointed look at his son, and his mouth snaps shut. He scowls, deep and affronted, and crosses his arms over his chest. “You shouldn’t be meeting with a Jedi alone,” he says grumpily. “Myles is going to yell at you.”
“Myles will survive,” Jaster says, though it’s likely true. “Master Jedi, I hope you don’t object to speaking privately.”
“Of course not,” the Jedi says, perfectly calm, and glances down at his padawan. “Depa. Be polite.”
That is, Jaster reflects wryly, an incrediblyfamiliar tone of voice. He’s willing to bet the girl gets herself into almost as much trouble as Jango, given how practiced it sounds.
And, on cue, the girl beams up at her Master without hesitation. “I'm always polite, Master Mace,” she protests, perfectly, wickedly innocent. Mace doesn’t answer, just sighs, and Depa laughs, rising up on her tiptoes. She hauls him down, no thought given to dignity, and plants a loud, showy kiss on his cheek, then hops back two steps and turns that smile on Jango, who freezes like he was just dipped in carbonite, his eyes going wide.
She is, Jaster thinks with amusement, a very pretty girl. He wonders how quickly Jango will manage to stick his foot in his mouth this time. Within ten minutes, judging by last time. Jaster doesn’t precisely have high hopes for their interaction, but at least this isn't the daughter of a high-profile client that Jango is going to offend. The Jedi needs them, not the other way around, and given Jedi morals, he likely won't turn to the Death Watch the instant he’s insulted.
“Depa,” Mace says, a warning, but Depa ignores it, grinning at Jango and folding her hands behind her.
“I would love to see the garden,” she says cheerfully. “Jango, was it?”
“Jango Fett,” Jango says, only a little mulishly, and takes a careful step forward, like he’s worried she’s going to bite him. “It’s this way, I guess.”
He couldn’t sound less enthusiastic if he tried. Jaster rather suspects he is.
As the door slides shut behind their two witnesses, though, Jaster's amusement fades slightly, and he turns his gaze on Mace, narrow and thoughtful as he considers the man, his presence on Mandalore, the quiet, entirely understated way he arrived.
“This isn't a mission from the Jedi Order,” he says, weighing. “I might even go so far as to say they have no idea of your presence here.”
“They don’t,” Mace says bluntly. “I'm here on my own business, and acting on information the Jedi Council isn't privy to.” There's a pause, and then a rueful curve just touches one corner of his mouth. “Believe me, Mand’alor. I do not go behind the Council’s back easily. This is vital, and I'm willing to provide the funds to prove it.”
Jaster smiles, a little humorless, a little thin. He’s not fond of being played, and this sounds very much like Mace is trying. “I have plenty of credits, Master Jedi. Why should I find yours any more appealing than anyone else’s?”
Mace doesn’t hesitate this time, just raises his chin. “Because I have something that is far more valuable than credits,” he says calmly. “I can provide you with information.”
It is, Jaster will admit, a tempting prospect, but he’s still wary. “Jedi information? Access to the Archives, perhaps? If I wanted dry Jedi tomes on political law—”
“No,” Mace interrupts, flat, and takes two steps forward, until he’s right across Jaster's desk. “Far more important and immediate information. Such as the name of the traitor who will kill you. And the location of Jango Fett's older sister.”
Jaster freezes, hardly daring to breathe. Arla was gone by the time he’d made it back to the Fett homestead on Concord Dawn, and no trace of her has ever surfaced. Jaster has been looking, because Jango speaks of her endlessly, but—
“That,” he rasps, voice half-caught in his throat, “could be considered blackmail, Master Jedi.”
Mace tips his head. “Proof of my desperation,” he says, and there's no self-consciousness to it, just blunt honesty. A pause, and then he says, faintly rueful, “I’ll give you her location whether you take the job or not. The Death Watch has her.”
Jaster was afraid of that. He breathes out, slow, careful, and—the willingness to offer up half of his bargaining chips makes him more inclined to trust Mace, even if a flicker of wariness still remains. “And the job is?”
Mace doesn’t waver, doesn’t hesitate, doesn’t flinch. “I want you to assassinate the senior senator from Naboo. Sheev Palpatine. He’s a Sith apprentice.”
Of all the things that Jaster was expecting, that most certainly wasn’t among them.
It takes him a long moment to scrape together a coherent response, another still to get the words right. “Apprentice,” he echoes. “Usually, an apprentice follows a master. Who is the Sith Master, then?”
“A scientist and a banker,” Mace says coolly. “Palpatine is the more dangerous target, and a better duelist. I can handle the Master, but the apprentice I would leave to someone more adept at assassinations.”
It would hardly be the first time the Mandalorians have been hired for such a thing, and Jaster is more than willing to do it. Knowing that Mace will be fighting his own battle allays some of Jaster's fears as well, and he leans on one arm of his chair, considering the man.
“A fraught mission,” he says, “on both parts. You have a plan, I assume.”
If anything, Mace looks amused at that. “The Jedi do not plan,” he says, a trace of humor in the words. “I trust the Force to see me through, however. And as I am training Depa, I will have all the time I need to see things through.”
Jedi, Jaster thinks, and doesn’t roll his eyes. Quite. “And would you care to tell me where you got this information, Master Jedi? Particularly about a traitor within the ranks of the True Mandalorians. I must admit that one surprises me.”
Mace is silent for another moment. “From the future,” he finally offers. “I traveled back with the help of a Force nexus. In the time I came from, the True Mandalorians were wiped out, and the Sith won.”
Something cold slides down Jaster's spine, and he rises slowly, comes to his feet to face the Jedi. Mace meets his eyes, holds his gaze, and—
He looks tired, Jaster thinks, calculating, considering. Tired in a bone-deep, weary way that Jaster had managed to miss before, buried as it was by his determination. Traveled back from the future, through time itself, and Jaster didn’t know such a thing was possible.
Not possible for most people, he thinks, watching Mace. And not optimal even for this one.
“Very well,” he says after a long minute of silence. “But on the condition that you stay here and provide your information throughout the mission. I won't have a Sith kill my men because you think you have better things to do.”
The relief that slides over Mace's expression is subtle, but—Jaster catches it easily. “Agreed,” he says. “We will rely on your hospitality, Mand’alor.”
“Jaster, please,” Jaster says, and moves around the end of his desk, taking Mace's arm. Muscled, he thinks, and that’s likely a good sign. Not a useless Jedi, hopefully. Not if he’s certain he can take on a Sith. “I think the use of first names is allowable now that you're my guest.”
“You have a liberal interpretation of guest,” Mace says dryly, but he doesn’t pull away as Jaster leads him out of the office, and Jaster is willing to count it as a win.
[On AO3]
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sonoftatooine · 4 years ago
Whumpay 2021
Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Sheev Palpatine
Summary: Instead of being accepted into the Jedi Order after the Battle of Naboo, Anakin is rejected by the Council and given to Palpatine as an adopted son. Three years later, he reveals to Anakin that he is a Sith and that he will be his apprentice. Horrified, Anakin escapes from under his master’s watchful eye and runs away to tell the Jedi the truth.
“Master Kenobi, please!,” Anakin cried, twisting the long, voluminous sleeves of the Naboo robes his adoptive father had gifted him tightly in his hands, staring up at the Jedi Knight before him through messy blond curls disarrayed from his dash to the Temple. “Please don't send me back to him! I'll do anything! You don't have to make me a Jedi, just don't make me go back—”
“Young Skywalker,” Mace Windu interrupted him before the knight in question could reply. He was pinching the bridge of his nose, with a look of intense irritation on his face that had worsened and worsened ever since Anakin had given Palpatine's guards the slip and run to the Temple to tell the Jedi of the terrible truth he had discovered about the man who had taken him in after his rejection by the Order. “Your father is worried about you. Do not make this more difficult than it needs to be.”
It wouldn't be difficult if you would just believe me, Anakin wanted to shout. Of all the problems he had imagined—being caught, being unable to escape his minders, getting to the Temple from Palpatine's apartment in 500 Republica undetected—it somehow hadn't occurred to him that the Jedi might not listen to him. But if Palpatine had proved anything in the months after he revealed that he was a Sith Lord intent on reshaping the Galaxy to his will and that he, Anakin, would be his apprentice—whether he wished it or not—it was that he was cunning and manipulative in a way that Anakin was not, with a watchful eye that was extremely difficult to escape from under. The Senate guards had informed him of his adoptive son's disappearance not long after he had left, and he had acted quickly to mitigate any damage Anakin might do in his escape. As such, by the time he ran into Obi-Wan and Windu at the entrance to the Temple, instead of being listened to and believed , he had been pulled into an empty conference room, his warnings lost beneath stern lectures about running away on his own and the severity of telling lies about his father. Palpatine had contacted the Jedi before he arrived, it seemed, and spun them a web of lies—lies about him being a troubled child who made up fantasies to deal with his past—that they had readily soaked up like a sponge. Twelve is a difficult age, he had probably said, in those kindly tones that everyone swallowed hook, line and sinker. And Anakin can be a difficult child. He feels the need to push back against my authority, and so of course he sees me as a villain. In truth, Master Jedi, I fear he has never really recovered from your rejection of him. Perhaps these...fantasies are a way of proving his worth to you. Whatever it had been, neither Obi-Wan nor Master Windu doubted it, and no matter what he said, it only earned him more disbelief from the two of them.
“He's not my father!,” he exclaimed in anger and frustration. Palpatine wasn't his father. He was his master, his owner. His mother's owner. He had only taken them in so that he could use him, possess him, make it so that he would have no choice but to follow the plans he had for him—bend to his will and his alone. No matter how kind he had seemed at first—and he had seemed kind to Anakin in the beginning, despite the monster that he was—his true colours showed it to be nothing but an act. “He's evil!”
The two Jedi, exchanged a glance, one exasperated, one pained. Then, Obi-Wan turned back to him, sighing sadly.
“Anakin, I know this is hard for you, but Chancellor Palpatine only wants what's best for you,” he said. “He took you in, freed your mother from slavery. He cares for you, and he was clearly very worried for you when he found you missing.”
“Only because he doesn't want me to tell you the truth!,” Anakin shot back. Palpatine didn't care for him, nor for his mother, nor for anyone but himself. He may have taken them away from Tatooine—a small, bitter part of him that seemed to be growing bigger and bigger with each day that he spent under the old Sith's thumb, like a speck of rot at the heart of a shurra fruit, hissed that it was more than the Jedi had ever done for them—but it was not freedom. It had been nothing more than a transaction—passing them from one master to another. A master that the Jedi had given him to without a second thought. Tears sprang to his eyes. “Why won't you believe me?!”
He didn't know why it hurt so much. Why he had placed so much faith in a group of people who had been ready to cast him off like a desperate droid once they had deemed him to old and too dangerous for them, and whose sole attempt to help had landed in him in a situation that almost made him think of his life on Tatooine with longing. But despite that bitter part of him that his master had taken great pains to nurture in him, the part which remembered his innocent hope upon seeing Qui-Gon Jinn's lightsaber clipped to his hip at Jira's stall—that still thought of the Jedi as the heroes the legends spoke of—had felt, somehow, that if he could just tell them the truth, that if the Jedi knew, it would all be alright. Their refusal to believe him was a crushing blow.
“Anakin—” Obi-Wan said. He sounded pained. Anakin didn't want him to be pained, but he also wanted to be understood and believed. He needed Obi-Wan to help him and he wouldn't— Why wouldn't he—?
“He's a Sith!,” he exclaimed, his voice shaking from anger and frustrated tears. “He's the reason Padmé's planet was attacked! He's the reason Qui-Gon's dead!”
“Skywalker!” Master Windu barked sharply.
Obi-Wan had gone very white, his eyes wide and shocked, and Anakin knew he had gone too far. But it was true. Even if he didn't want to hear it, it was true, and he needed him to believe it, because if he didn't, Palpatine would punish him and his mother and then the Sith would continue on with his plan until it was too late and the Galaxy would be enslaved to him and the Jedi would be dead. He opened his mouth to continue but—
“That is quite enough, Anakin.”
Anakin froze at the sound of the familiar voice. It was the kindly Chancellor Palpatine voice rather than the foul croak of Darth Sidious, but it made Anakin shrink away and hide behind Obi-Wan's billowing robes all the same. From behind the Jedi Knight, he saw Palpatine come down the steps to the conference room from where he had been standing in the doorway, flanked by two senate guards, and adorned with his black and red robes of state and an expression of mingled displeasure and concern that he might have been convinced by had he not known the truth. But he did know the truth, and he could see the rage glinting in the Sith's eyes behind the benign veneer that had so fooled everyone else.
“Your Excellency” Windu said with a brusque nod of greeting. He couldn't see it, wouldn't see it—the evil behind the mask. Why couldn't any of them see it?
“My apologies, Master Jedi,” Palpatine said with a regretful sigh as false as his concern. Anakin knew well enough by now that Sidious would never apologise to a Jedi and mean it. “I knew this was a problem, but I had no idea—”
He cut himself off, turning sharply away and pinching the bridge of his nose. Taking in a deep breath, he lowered his hand and turned his attention back towards Anakin. He looked worried and tired, the very picture of a concerned and overworked father struggling to deal with an unruly son's latest stunt.
“What in the Galaxy were you thinking, Anakin?!,” he cried. “Running off like that? Anything could have happened to you!”
It couldn't be worse than anything you want to do to me, Anakin thought bitterly. He shrank further behind Obi-Wan, one small hand clutching tight at the back of his cloak. Obi-Wan glanced down at him, a small frown on his face, and despite his refusal to believe, Anakin felt a sliver of worry slip through the man's shields.
“I really am very sorry about this,” Palpatine said, his attention turned back towards the Jedi. He had drawn back when Anakin shrunk away from him, mindful to maintain his carefully cultivated persona—the pained father who only what was best for his son even as said son was convinced that he was the ultimate evil in the Galaxy. The smile he sent Master Windu was tinged with melancholy, even as he plotted Anakin's punishment for trying to expose him, even as he plotted the man's death and that of the entire Jedi Order. He hated him. Hated him. Hated him with the strength of a thousand suns— “I had best take him home. I'm sure he has troubled you enough already.”
No. No, he couldn't go back. He couldn't go back there. His master would be furious with him. He would hurt him. Punish him. He would hurt and punish his mother. He couldn't go back, couldn't let him— He needed the Jedi to believe him and then they could rescue her and it would all be alright. It had to be. It had to be— A gentle hand came to rest atop his head, suddenly stilling his wild thoughts. It was Obi-Wan's hand, he realised. Obi-Wan, who had made no move to send him off towards his adoptive father. Whose frown had not left his face since Palpatine arrived.
“Anakin is no trouble at all, Your Excellency” he replied. There was a hint of reprimand in his tone.
Palpatine smiled thinly.
“Of course,” he said, holding out a gnarled hand in Anakin's direction. “Come, my boy. We have taken up enough of the Jedi's time.”
Anakin did not move. He didn't want to go, couldn't go, not after what he'd done. He wanted to stay here with Obi-Wan. Palpatine would be watching him as intently as a bonegnawer did its prey, after this—it may be his only chance to get help, to find someone who would believe him and save them. No, he wouldn't go. He wouldn't, he wouldn't, he wouldn't—
There was a long pause where nobody spoke and nobody moved, and then Palpatine's face hardened.
“Come along, Anakin” he repeated. His voice was stern this time, though to the untrained ear, it did not sound unkind. Anakin, however, could hear the warning beneath the act loud and clear.
If you do not come with me right now, a cruel, croaking voice hissed inside his head through their bond, I will visit such pain upon your mother that she will be left with nothing but a half-life and a tattered soul. You think the Jedi will protect you, save her? They will do nothing, as they have always done, and your mother will curse your name for inviting such suffering upon her.
Anakin trembled. He wanted to cry. He had been so close, so close. Obi-Wan was still frowning, but he made no move to intervene, to give him an excuse to stay. Swallowing thickly, he pulled away, balling his shaking hands into fists beneath his sleeves, and headed slowly over towards his master. Palpatine's hand came to rest in-between his shoulder blades, arm blocking his route back to the Jedi like the door of a cage swinging shut.
“Thank you once again, Master Jedi,” Palpatine said, a triumphant gleam in his eyes. “We shan't impose upon you any longer.”
Come, boy, the voice hissed in his head again. Do not try my patience any further, unless you wish for a worse punishment than you've already earned. The pressure of the hand between his shoulder blades increased in warning, and Anakin had no choice but to follow along where his master led. Just as they reached the door, however, he turned, glancing back to catch Obi-Wan's eye. The frown was still on his brow, and as he met his gaze, Anakin couldn't help but imagine that there was something a little suspicious, a little unsettled in the expression on his face.
Well, Anakin thought as he was led away, perhaps there is some hope after all.
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onlyanidala · 4 years ago
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Title: just a bliss Author:  stranestelle Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  A lightheaded Anakin Skywalker wakes up to the heavenly vision that is Padmé Amidala. Can you blame the man for wanting to kiss his wife on the spot? Well you can, when the whole thing is witnessed by a room full of senators caught in a hostage situation... and she'd really rather they had waited for later.
Title: just carry me home tonight Author: gemma Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  "I – I didn't mean to, it's only that… Well, the Force, it lets me feel… What you feel, and I know this wasn't exactly what you imagined for your wedding night, so I…" His flesh hand rose to scratch his neck awkwardly, "I suppose I just wanted to make this special for you…"
Title: king of my heart Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Anakin Skywalker's holiday to the small country of Naboo takes an unexpected turn when he unknowingly foils an assassination attempt meant for Padmé Naberrie, the nation's Crown Princess. Saving a Princess is crazy enough. The only thing crazier... well, actually, there are a few things. Things Anakin is well on his way to experiencing.
Title: lights in the valley outshine the sun Author: elizabeth7 Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  What would happen if Padme survived and Darth Vader finds out? Padme & Anakin Darth Vader.
Title: look into my eyes it’s where my demons hide Author: shelivesfree Status: WIP/Unupdated Rating: T Summary:  Each time he comes back to her, a little piece of him is missing... left out there, in the field, with his brothers. She can see it in the way he smiles and it doesn't reach his eyes. In the way he cries to himself when he thinks she's not awake. And all she can do is hold him.
Title: lost Author: pinkeastereggs Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  “I feel lost." “Lost . . . what do you mean?” Padme couldn’t help but frown, searching for any signs on her husband’s face that could give her an insight to what he meant. But Anakin was just frowning to the side, seeming conflicted about something. He seemed distant, his eyes filled with an emotion that the young wife couldn’t begin to describe. How long had Anakin had this look in his eyes? Had she been oblivious to it before now or was this something new? Anakin and Padme have a heart-to-heart when he admits to feeling lost and frustrated with the Jedi Council. With truths about his relationship with Palpatine coming to light, Padme fights to talk some sense into her husband.
Title: madam president Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  Between late nights and headaches and mountains of paperwork and fierce opposition from her political opponents, President Padmé Amidala already had enough on her plate. And then she just had to go and fall for one of her bodyguards, a relationship which would ruin her reputation and his career if anyone were to find out about it. Also, someone's trying to kill her.
Title: make the world a little colorful Author: estrangedlestrange Status: WIP Rating: G Summary:  The morning after meeting her soulmate, Padmé woke up and saw color for the first time. In the midst of a political crisis, Padmé had just met a gungan, two Jedi, and a slave boy and his mother. She, like any rational young woman, assumed the padawan learner was her soulmate. Ten years later, after having accepted that she would never be with her soulmate, Padmé, reunited with both her supposed soulmate and the slave boy, she realized how wrong her assumptions were. The slave boy, Anakin, who had looked at her with wide hopeful eyes and asked if she was an angel, was her soulmate.
Title: the masterplan Author: stranestelle Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  In the midst of the endless galactic conflict, Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala have made a shocking discovery that brings more questions than answers. And maybe, just maybe, an end to the never-ending war. Sequel to Give Me A Signal.
Title: mother knows best Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.... Shmi Skywalker Palpatine had ruled the Galactic Empire on behalf of her son, Anakin, since the death of his father. For his part, the next Emperor has been content to leave politics to his mother and engage only in military exercises. All that is about to change as Padmé Naberrie, former Queen of Naboo, comes seeking aid for her charity, Amidala's Crusade, and Anakin's long-dormant crush comes surging back. What should be a perfect match is opposed by a mother determined not to lose her son and convinced hers is the only way...
Title: no colors in our skin Author:  JTHM_Michi Status: Abandoned Rating: T Summary:  Anakin grew up knowing that his masters called him the wrong words. They all called him “girl” or “girl-child” and it was just another way for them to dehumanize him. He didn’t know that, of course, not in those words, but it was true enough. His mother was always very clear with him, from the first time he came to her and asked her if she knew which master had taken his “boy parts”, that just because his masters called him a girl didn’t make him one. a.k.a. the Transgender Anakin Skywalker Verse
Title: no heroes on the high seas Author: spellcleaver Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  When Luke's aunt and uncle are executed by order of the Emperor's right hand, Lord Vader, he flees his home to search for his sister and the mother he never knew. But then Obi-Wan Kenobi stows away aboard the same ship, Vader gives chase, and Luke is dragged into a conflict that his family are at the very heart of. Gen.
Title: nos cedamus amori Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  Anakin is a gladiator and a slave. Padmé is the wife of the Roman emperor's heir. Circumstances should never even allow them to meet, let alone fall in love.
Title: of mutated worlds Author: gemma Status: WIP Rating: M Summary:  Nobody saw the end of the world coming. It happened overnight, no warning, no escape. They came from the shadows, biting, paralysing, and killing little by little until they were the majority. One day, everything was normal and then, suddenly, Padme Amidala Naberrie woke up in hell.
Title: of options and comlinks Author: estrangedlestrange Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  In that moment it seemed like there were only two options: help Master Windu arrest the Chancellor and secret Sith Lord or heed to Sheev Palpatine’s begging and turn against the Jedi. But then, in a split second, a third option revealed itself.
Title: order 66-S Author: disco shop girl Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  The order was to exterminate all Jedi: Past, Present and Future. Captain Rex has a different plan. Order 66-S: to save General Skywalker.
Title: parent-teacher conference Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  Anakin has to meet with the twins' second grade teacher after Leia punches a classmate in the face. But he hadn't counted on Ms. Amidala being quite so pretty.
Title: pas de deux Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: M Summary:  When Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker meet at their mutual friends' house party, the sparks immediately fly, resulting in a one night stand that both of them want to be the start of something more. Except it turns out that Padmé works at the ballet company Anakin just took over. And Anakin is in the middle of a very heated divorce as he tries to gain custody of his daughter Leia. With pressure coming at them from their private and professional lives, making their fledgling relationship work will prove the biggest role of a lifetime.
Title: the path of the dark Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Vader triumphs. Padmé resists. Series:Three Paths Not Followed. Series: The Darker Path.
Title: perfect Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: G Summary:  The war is over, Luke and Leia are five years old, and Anakin and Padmé finally have the peaceful life and big family they've always dreamed of. But their life is about to get a little less peaceful and their family a little bigger.
Title: perfect strangers Author:  catiiasofia & misschrisdaae Status: complete Rating: R Summary:  Anakin Skywalker meets a masked angel at a Halloween costume ball, and the two of them hook up for the best night of his life. But when the morning comes, she is nowhere to be found. Padmé Amidala forgot to get the name of a guy she hooked up with at Halloween before running out for work on November 1. A few weeks later, she realizes she's pregnant. Two perfect strangers, certain their paths are never going to cross again. Oops.
Title: pipe dream Author: skywalkersamidala Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  Padmé's new plumber is the most attractive human being she's ever laid eyes on, so naturally, she keeps faking plumbing emergencies so she can keep seeing him.
Title: pocket full of sand Author: philthestone Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  “I’m Leia Skywalker,” she says, and there is something unfathomably life-changing about that little declaration. “We’re here to rescue you!” Luke remembers the circumstances of his mother's arrest with a frustrating amount of clarity. AU series where Anakin never falls, Padme is a spy in the senate, and the dynamic duo of Force Sensitive twins don't know they're related.
Title: purgatory Author: helent Status: complete Rating: T Summary:  A newly dead Anakin Skywalker wakes in a new world - given the appearance of his 23 year-old self. However, the self-sacrifice that ended his life has also given Anakin an unexpected boon that he isn't sure he can accept. Worse, it comes with conditions that might just be impossible to meet. A moment of redemption is one thing, but a full reformation another entirely.
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catsnkooks · 5 years ago
Beach Craze
Hardcase x reader x Jesse
summary: The Clone Wars had finally ended. The Republic had won. The whole galaxy was filled with the same exhilaration of victory, and everyone seemed to be celebrating. To celebrate, you were on a girl’s getaway with your two best friends. The three of you had planned it many years ago, as your office job on Coruscant could get boring at times, but travel was dangerous during the war. But now that it was over, you could enjoy the sultry beaches and open bar that the hotel you were staying at on Scarif boasted.
rating: PG-13
warnings: some mentions of Sexy Times but thats abt it, mostly fluff
word count: 4,187
a/n: this was meant to be out a month ago but here it is!! canon never happened, nope, everyone lived (except sheev). inspired by @notreallybeccab and @suddenly-clones beach fics and @suja-janee beach times art :’)
here it is on ao3!
The warm winds that made Scarif famous blew through your hair as you sat on your colorful beach towel, the soft sound of the waves of the calm water echoing beside you. You buried your feet in the soft, warm sand. You laughed along with your beautiful Twi’lek friend, Torva’ris, as your other friend, Narei, told you the story of her latest romantic escapade.
“So as I'm talking to her,” Narei continued, flipping one of her twin braids across her shoulder, “some guy comes up to us and says, ‘No need to fight ladies, I can share.’ And she says, ‘I'm a lesbian, jackass.’”
The three of you burst into laughter again. You lifted your head, your mouth and heart singing with the exhilaration of being happy and free and at peace.
The Clone Wars had finally ended. The Republic had won. The whole galaxy was filled with the same exhilaration of victory, and everyone seemed to be celebrating. To celebrate, you were on a girl’s getaway with your two best friends. The three of you had planned it many years ago, as your office job on Coruscant could get boring at times, but travel was dangerous during the war. But now that it was over, you could enjoy the sultry beaches and open bar that the hotel you were staying at on Scarif boasted.
Torva rolled her eyes beside you, wearing a white two-piece that accentuated the deep blue hue of her skin. “Ugh, men.”
Narei snorted on your other side, sheltered underneath her large umbrella, and you knew she was rolling her eyes under her dark sunglasses. She had already applied sunscreen to her pale skin liberally, but she said she wasn’t taking any chances. Her natural green, high-waisted bikini showed off her petite frame. “Tell me about it. I don’t know why I'm still attracted to them.”
You laughed at Narei’s frustrated comment. You leaned back on your own beach towel, admiring the way it complemented the color of your swimsuit—your favorite color. Your eyes traveled up the stretch of the beach to where another large group of people rested. You noticed a group of six men looking in your direction, nudging and laughing at each other.
“Don’t look now,” you began, nodding your head in the direction of the men, “but I think we might have attracted some more of them.”
Torva and Narei turned to look in the direction you indicated. Narei peered over the rims of her sunglasses. “Hm, looks like clones.”
“Oh?” Torva asked, raising her eyebrows appreciatively.
Narei studied them closer. “Looks like the 501st, 212th, and 104th from their colors.” You then remembered Narei worked as a secretary in one of the GAR offices. “I had a night with a guy from the 327th once. I hope he’s not here.” She paused. “Actually, I do, because General Secura is kinda hot.”
“Well, I guess we’ll find out,” you said, settling back on your elbows as you also studied the men coming towards you.
They were made for fighting, that much you could tell. Toned, defined muscles lined their torsos and arms. Bronzed skin tanned even deeper by a short time in the sun. Your eyes traced the V of their stomachs as it disappeared below the band of their swim trunks, colored to what you presume were their battalion colors: blue, gray, and yellow. They all had different hairstyles and facial markings, which, you supposed, was the only way you could tell them apart.
“Why didn’t you hook me up with one of them sooner?” you muttered to Narei, still letting your eyes wander appreciatively over the six men who were almost at your spot.
“You never asked,” Narei huffed.
“You ladies mind if we join you?” said the one with the Republic symbol over his face.
You shook your head and patted the sand beside you. “No, we don’t mind.”
They all seemed to grin at your words and sat down beside the each of you, introducing themselves. Beside Narei sat Boost and Sinker from the 104th, beside you, Jesse and Hardcase from the 501st, and finally, Boil and Waxer from the 212th beside Torva.
“Did you see Tup brought a metal detector with him?” Hardcase said to you left, grinning at Jesse who sat to your right. You also noticed the way his eyes subtly roamed over your figure before coming up to wink at his brother.
Jesse rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I did. I'm surprised Dogma didn’t chew him out for bringing it.” He picked up your hand and rubbed small circles into your palm with his thumb, looking into your eyes and smirking. “He’s a big stickler on illegal contraband and everything.”
“I agree with Tup,” said Boost. Sinker was too busy checking Narei out to contribute to the conversation, his fingers dancing over her thigh. “You can find some interesting things with a metal detector.”
“Well, the only thing I'm interested in is getting some sun,” Torva said, flipping one of her lekku over her shoulder. Waxer reached up to smooth it along her back.
You nodded emphatically and groaned. “Ugh, yes. I missed it after being in an office for so long.” You lifted your arms, not missing the way Jesse and Hardcase’s eyes followed them. You let them fall back down with a sigh, laying one back in Jesse’s grasp. “It’s been way too long.”
Narei snorted. “Speak for yourself.”
Sinker finally looked up from where his eyes were trained on her thigh. “You allergic to the sun or somethin’?”
“You could say that,” she replied, gesturing to all of her protective measures. “I don’t tan, I burn.”
Boil let out a bark of laughter and grinned at Waxer. “Do you remember when we were on Ryloth and General Kenobi got that awful sunburn?”
Waxer laughed. “Yeah, I remember how Cody gave him so much shit for that.”
Torva perked up at the mention of her home world. “You’ve been to Ryloth?”
“Oh, I’ve been all over the galaxy, baby,” Waxer murmured, brushing a finger over her jaw.
Boil puffed out his chest. “Yeah, we were there for the Battle of Ryloth. Took out a whole battalion of droids there.”
Hardcase scoffed. “Those are rookie numbers.” He positioned his arm behind you and leaned in so his breath tickled your shoulder. “I couldn’t tell you how many of those clankers I’ve blown up.”
You giggled at his claim and the way his breath on your shoulder combined with Jesse’s incessant touch sent a rush of giddiness through you, leaving you feeling breathless. “Oh, really?”
“Oh, yeah?” Sinker snorted. “I bet I took out three battalions of clankers on Cato Neimoidia and that damn Viceroy’s personal ship.”
Narei ran her fingers through Sinker’s stark white hair, who leaned into her touch. “Oh, that sounds scary.”
“Nah, me and Sinker are the best shots in the 104th,” Boost said, sitting up straighter and grinning at her.
“You know you shouldn’t tell lies, Boost.”
Your group turned to look at the two men who had walked up to your spot. Narei detangled her fingers from Sinker’s hair and waved at them.
“Hi Master Kenobi, Master Plo,” she said. “Enjoying your visit?”
The two Jedi masters nodded.
“Yes, it has been quite relaxing,” said Master Kenobi.
“Though I think some of us might be enjoying it too much,” said Master Plo, who had spoken earlier. “Eh, Boost?”
Boost rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks tinged a little pink. “I wasn’t lyin’, sir, just…ah….”
“Embellishing?” teased Jesse. Boost glared at him as you and Torva stifled your giggles.
The two generals chuckled at their trooper’s antics.
“Anyway,” Master Kenobi continued, turning to Narei, “the reason why we are here is because Padmé wanted to know if you wanted to meet the twins. She brought them down where we are stationed.” He motioned farther down the beach where you could see more people sitting.
“Oh!” Narei gasped, standing and disentangling herself from Boost and Sinker’s grasp. “Oh my goodness, yes! I would love to see them!” She pulled on your and Torva’s arms, pulling the both of you up. “You have to come see them! They're so cute!”
You didn’t notice the audible protests from your group of admirers as the three of you rushed off to see the babies. Boost and Sinker pouted, putting their heads on their hands, while Boil, Waxer, and Hardcase glared at their generals for interrupting their flirting. Jesse huffed and kicked at the sand.
“Beat by a kid that can't even walk yet,” he muttered, crossing his arms.
“Oh, don’t worry,” Obi-Wan teased, patting Jesse’s shoulder. “You’ll all have your chance soon enough.”
The babbling of the two infants mixed with the sound of the wind and the waves. You held a giggling Leia on your hip with Torva beside you making faces at her. Narei was cooing at Luke who was in Padmé’s arms.
“I'm sorry I couldn’t come see them sooner,” Narei said to the former senator. “You know how it gets at work sometimes, especially now that we’re at the end of everything.”
Padmé laughed. “Oh, yes I understand. Sometimes I do miss being in the Senate, but it is nice to come home and relax.”
“I bet these two are a handful,” Torva said, taking Leia from you and bouncing her on her hip.
“Oh, Anakin is worse than the both of them,” Padmé sighed, rolling her eyes. She looked over her shoulder where her husband was playing in the water with two others. “I suppose it’s a good thing he cares so much, but I didn’t think he was going to leave their sides.”
The three of you laughed at the image of the tall Jedi master worrying over the more than capable senator.
“Well, I’d say he’s got his work cut out for him,” you laughed, squeezing Leia’s plump baby cheeks.
You, Torva, and Narei finally said your goodbyes to Padmé, promising to come visit again some time. Your group of admirers met you halfway to your spot, and asked if you three wanted to play in the water, now that the sun was at its hottest and highest peak. You and Torva agreed while Narei declined, opting to sit and relax in the shallows. Hardcase waved over the togruta that was with Anakin earlier, Ahsoka, so you all could have a three-way chicken fight.
“You guys are gonna get destroyed!” Ahsoka threatened from Hardcase’s shoulders, the both of them grinning.
“I don’t think so!” you threatened back from atop Jesse’s shoulders. You felt the rush of giddiness again as Jesse’s warm hands encircled your thighs and you grasped at his broad shoulders.
Torva laughed from Boil’s shoulders, flipping her lekku behind her back. Waxer remained off to the side as the referee.
“Ready?” he asked. All of you nodded. “Alright. On your marks, get set, go!”
Jesse charged directly at Boil and Torva. You and Torva locked hands, squealing and laughing while trying to push each other off-balance. You pushed her back a little hard, causing her to sway off balance and Boil to take a few steps back, but then they came right back for you. This time, instead of grasping hands, you went right for the roots of her lekku, where you knew she was ticklish.
Torva squealed. “No fair!” Caught off guard, you pushed her again, this time causing her to fall down into the water, pulling a startled Boil with her.
Too caught up in your victory, you didn’t notice Ahsoka and Hardcase sneaking up behind you until you felt her hands on your back.
“Whoa! Sneak attack!” Jesse exclaimed, turning you around to grapple with Ahsoka.
You locked hands with her and tried to match her, but with her Jedi training, she was too strong for her. Soon you found yourself falling backwards, yelling, holding onto Jesse’s shoulders, and dragging him down in the water with you.
The salty water rushed around your ears as you bobbed up to the surface, gasping and laughing. Jesse surfaced beside you, and you swam over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck to keep you floating.
“Looks like they were right, huh?” Jesse chuckled, nodding to Hardcase and Ahsoka who were celebrating their victory by hooting and splashing in the water.
You sighed, setting your chin on his shoulder. “Yeah, we never stood a chance against a Jedi.” You looked in the opposite direction to find where Torva, Boil, and Waxer went.
“Well, there is something that I know that a Jedi couldn’t do,” Jesse murmured.
You turned back around to find that Jesse had turned himself to face you in the water, one arm supporting you by your waist. He raised his eyes from where he was looking at the way the cold water lapped at the tops of your breast and gave you a crooked grin. You raised an eyebrow, your lips curling up in a sultry smile, and caressed his cheek.
“Oh, really?” you asked. “You’ll have to catch me first!” You pushed off from his leg with a laugh and swam away, headed for Torva, who had acquired a donut floaty. You could hear Jesse splashing behind you to catch up.
You swam up to Torva’s floaty, wrapping your arms around it opposite of her. When you settled, she motioned behind you with a nod of her head. You looked behind you where Narei was sitting in the shallows with Boost and Sinker. One of her hands played with Sinker’s hair, who was asleep in her lap, while the other stood at a right angle on her knee, supporting her chin. She was listening to Boost talk, who had placed an arm behind her, leaning in close to her, a flirtatious smile on her face.
You sighed. “She’s really good at that.”
“Yeah,” Torva sighed also. Then she grinned at you. “At least there’s lots of them to go around, huh? We might still have a chance.”
You rolled your eyes at her, but you had to admit she was right. “At least we got separate rooms at the hotel.” And you hoped Jesse and Hardcase would see yours tonight.
You and Torva swam with the boys from the 501st and 212th and Ahsoka for a while after that. Jesse and Hardcase had a contest to see who could hold their breath the longest. (Hardcase won, but only after you pulled him up a minute after Jesse resurfaced). Then they tried for a splashing contest against you girls, until Ahsoka almost washed them away with a wave she created with the Force. (Which they called cheating, but it was four against three, so you thought it was fair.) Now, you held Jesse’s shoulders, giggling, as he lazily dragged you around in the water, with Hardcase swimming behind you, trying to grasp gently at your legs, a playful look in his eyes. Torva floated on her donut floaty somewhere beside you, her lekku dangling and swaying in the water, Boil and Waxer floating beside her. Ahsoka had rejoined Padmé with the twins.
You made Jesse pause when you heard your name being called from the shore. Narei was standing in the shallows, waving at you to come to her.
“I wonder what she wants,” you mused, mostly to yourself. Torva was already headed that way, Boil and Waxer following along.
“I’ll race you there,” Hardcase said, still grinning at you. He dove under the water, quickly heading for the shore.
You yelped when Jesse took off after him, clutching at his shoulders tighter as he raced through the water. You made it to the shore just a few moments after Hardcase.
“I don’t know about you two, but I'm pretty hungry,” Narei said.
You placed a hand over your stomach as you felt the familiar pang of hunger as well. You hadn’t noticed it with all the excitement.
“Ooh, yeah, I want to check out that sushi place by the hotel,” Torva said. She and Narei started walking back to your stuff still lying in the sand.
“I’ll be there in a minute!” you called after them. You turned back to Jesse and Hardcase, still in the shallows, grinning and jabbing at each other.
“What's up?” Hardcase asked.
“We’re going to get something to eat,” you replied, jerking your thumb to where Torva and Narei were packing up their things. “We’re pretty hungry after a long day at the beach.”
“So, you’re leaving for the day?” Jesse asked. If you didn’t know any better, you would almost say he looked like a sad puppy.
“Yeah, but we’ll be back tomorrow probably,” you said. You thought for a moment, the crossed your arms over your chest, sauntering toward them. “You know…there is a bar in the hotel....” You uncrossed your arms and placed a hand on both of their chests. “Meet me there later?”
Both of the men looked at each other, sharing a lopsided grin before turning back to face you. “Sounds like a plan,” Hardcase said, winking at you as they left.
A thrill ran up your spine as you watched them walk away. You turned to grab your things further up the beach with Torva and Narei. Now you had something else to look forward to tonight.
The bar was packed. Everyone was celebrating, as you had anticipated. Lights and music pulsed all around you, and it would almost be too much if not for the liquor already coursing through your veins. The three of you were sitting at the bar counter, drinks in hand, and waiting for the boys to show.
“Do you think they’ll come?” you asked, biting your lip and glancing again at the door.
Narei rolled her eyes and downed her drink in one gulp. “Not if you keep looking like a lost puppy.”
You sighed and glanced down at your drink, taking a sip of it. The sweet liquid burned its way down your throat, giving you a little boost of confidence. You looked back up and straightened your shoulders.
Torva laughed on your other side. “See? We don’t need them to have fun. It’s our girl’s vacay anyway!” She slid off of her stool and tugged at you hand. “C’mon! Dance with me!”
You laughed with her, letting her tug you off your stool and drag you to the dancefloor. You held her hand and swayed to the music with her, laughing and letting the giddy feeling of the alcohol and the music flow through you. She held your hand up and you twirled around her, letting your feet slide you out of her grasp. You bumped into someone and you gasped, turning around to apologize. “Oh! I'm sorry—!” You gasped again when you realized it was the two clones you were waiting for. “Jesse! ‘Case!”
“Havin’ fun without us, princess?” Hardcase asked, his hands sliding to your waist.
The strong liquor running through your bloodstream made you feel braver than usual. Your hands went to his cheeks and you leaned up to give him a quick kiss on his lips. You giggled at the surprised look on his face.
“What took you so long?” you giggled, turning to Jesse behind you.
“’Case had to make sure he looked good,” Jesse said. He put his thumb on your chin and pulled you to his lips.
You hummed and leaned into his touch. You rested a hand on his chest, leaning up slightly on your tiptoes to reach him, and broke away from him with a smile. You looked down to observe their outfits and hummed appreciatively again. “You dressed all fancy for me?” They were wearing, what you could assume, their gray military uniforms.
Hardcase tugged on the hand you left resting on his cheek and grinned. “Dress to impress, baby.”
You turned to face him completely, placing your hands on his shoulders. You liked the way their uniforms accentuated their broad chests and shoulders. Theirs had blue stripes, just like their swim trunks had.
“How much have you had to drink, baby?” Hardcase asked, pulling you closer to him. You noted the slight tinge of concern to his voice.
You rolled your eyes. “Just one! Narei was buying!”
“How ‘bout we buy you all the drinks you want?” Jesse murmured into your ear, pulling you toward the bar.
“No!” you exclaimed, pouting. “I want to dance! Dance with me!” You pulled both of them further onto the dance floor, laughing.
You didn’t know how long you danced with them. You could have danced all night with them, with the pulsing lights and music, with the alcohol coursing through your veins. It was only until Hardcase’s grip on your hips and sides became tighter, pulling you in for more heated kisses, and Jesse’s gaze became more intense and his mouth twitched up into an even cockier smile that you thought you might want to take things to your room.
“I think it’s time for a change of scenery, don’t you ‘Case?” Jesse asked. He nodded in the direction of the bar’s exit.
“Wait! I need to tell my friends!” You turned around to find Torva and Narei within the packed bar. You saw Torva in a booth sitting in Boil’s lap with Waxer’s lips attached to her neck. Narei sat at the bar with Boost and Sinker’s rapt attention. You huffed slightly in annoyance.
“I think they’re in good company,” Hardcase said behind you.
You turned back around to face them, a grin on your face. “I’d like some good company for myself.” You took both of their hands and led them out of the bar and up to your room, giggling with anticipation.
Soft breaths tickled your nose. You scrunched and wiggled it, squinting your eyes open. Your eyes were met with the rich brown skin of Hardcase, sleeping next to you. You smiled and traced the blue geometric lines down his face. His lips twitched and he let out a small puff of breath.
“G’mornin’,” he muttered, not opening his eyes.
You giggled and placed a kiss to his lips. “Good morning.” You tried shifting to face him, but then realized Jesse was still sleeping on your chest, his soft snores tickling the skin of your neck. You bent your head to give a quick kiss on his forehead and traced the tattoo covering the left side of his face.
Hardcase yawned and peeked his eyes open, stretching slightly. “How much did I drink last night?”
You laughed softly, so as not to wake Jesse. “I think I was the only one who drank last night.” You stretched your arms up and over your head, trying to wriggle out from underneath Jesse. “And now I have to go to the ‘fresher.”
“It’s alright if you’re a little rough,” Hardcase said, chuckling. “Jess’ don’t wake up for nothin’.” He shifted over and up slightly to let you wriggle out from underneath Jesse. Jesse just grunted and snuggled deeper into the blankets.
You stood up and grabbed your phone off the bedside table. You turned back around to give another quick kiss to Hardcase, who had flopped over to the other side of the bed. “I’ll be right back.”
You padded into the refresher. The hotel soaps were still in their packaging with your tooth cleanser and other toiletries stacked with them. You turned on the tap and splashed some warm water on your face, scrubbing it with a cloth. You grimaced at the marks on your neck and around your collarbone. That was going to be hard to explain.
Once you were done, you checked your phone. You bit your lip to stop smirking. Two unread messages on your group chat with Torva and Narei. This was gonna be good, you thought.
torva 🤘: so uhh
torva 🤘: wild night huh guys 😂 😂
You snickered. Yeah definitely 😂, you texted back. I'm gonna have to go out in a turtleneck now 😂 😂
torva 🤘: same 😂 😂
You sighed and rooted through your makeup bag that you had brought with you. You could probably cover it up with some foundation and concealer, as long as you didn’t stay too long in the water.
You looked back at your phone when you heard it ping again. Narei had sent a photo. You opened it and gasped, covering you mouth to control your laughter. She had taken it from the neck up; her hair was wild and she had a hand covering her forehead. The thing that stood out the most was the large bite mark on her neck, where you noticed Sinker’s platinum hair peeking in at the corner.
narei 😏: do either of you know how to cover a bite mark?
torva 🤘: YOU DIDN’T
torva 🤘: MOTHER OF MOONS 😂 😂
narei 😏: they're not called the wolfpack for nothing
You leaned against the refresher sink, your body almost collapsing from holding in your laughter. It seemed all three of you had some explaining to do today.
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doopcafe · 4 years ago
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Star Wars Rebels: Wolves and a Door (4x12)
Summary: The wolves take the family on a field trip to the Jedi Temple, but it’s being torn apart by the Empire looking for secrets. 
Comments: OMG Hera uses her goggles! I swear I didn’t watch this episode before writing my  last review. Apparently this is the first, and only time, she uses the things. 
Okay, so the plot here is that the wolves teleport the family to the Jedi Temple on Lothal where the Empire has a crew working to break into it. It seems easier just to send a pair of Inquisitors over for the day to open it for them, but whatever. They’re breaking in. Ezra wants to “find secrets” by entering the temple, so the episode revolves around trying to get him inside, past the Empire. 
There’s a good night-time “bad things happening” vibe here, with the Empire portrayed as defiling the temple to their own nefarious purposes, but then, with only a couple episodes left of the show, at the 11:00 minute mark, Star Wars Rebels ends...
Creamy Sheev is on the hologram thing, says the words “The Mortis Gods” and the diagram of that mind-numbing sequence of TCW episodes appears of the brother/sister/father trio of... whatever they were. TCW 2.0 spells the end of any hope for more “Space Family goes on fun adventures” episodes. 
I remember at least three things from those three episodes:
(1) The opening hook (ancient Jedi message from deep space) was the best of the whole series, 
(2) Anakin changes into Darth Vader in less than ten seconds, and 
(3) The dialogue was abysmally bad. 
I don’t care about the Mortis Gods (or whatever) and I don’t care what they’ve been up to all this time. 
Anyways, someone mentions “conduit between the living and the dead,” so I’m pretty sure my prediction of Kanan coming back half-man-half-wolf will prove correct. 
In conclusion, Ezra does some Indiana Jones stuff and figures out how to enter the temple. 
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shmisolo · 5 years ago
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I wanted to post the things I’ve made this year in one place.  I haven’t posted most of them over here—largely because I’m not tumblring a lot these days.  But I made a lot this year—both visual and written—that I’m proud of and wanted to share it out.  You can find this post also in tweet form here!
Happy 2020, Reylo friends!  It’s been a wild ride of a year, and mine couldn’t have been what it has been without you.
Alternate TROS Ending Gifset | World Between Worlds Graphic | Padmé quote gifset | Hadestown AU |  Alfa Gifset | ManDADlorian Video | Rey & Dark Rey Gifset 1 | Rey & Dark Rey Gifset 2 | Rey & Padmé Gifset | Rey Gifset 1 | Rey Gifset 2 | Rey Gifset 3 | Rey Gifset 4 | Rey Gif | Trailer Gifset 1| Trailer Gifset 2 | Trailer Gifset 3 | Kylo’s Karaoke Night Playlist | Graphic for lwaboc for @kylorenvevo | Graphic for Heart’s Flight | Graphic for YTCShepard | Gifs for Sugar, Honey, Honey for YTCShepard | Gifs for @sciosophia | Game of Thrones AU Graphic | Luke Gifset
Investiture for @misscoppelia
In which Ben goes to daven for his father’s yahrtzeit and manages to prove to himself once again that he is both a terrible person and a terrible Jew.
Oh and he sort of falls in love.
baby you can drive my car for @talltig
They call them “soulmates.” Probably because it leaves less of a sting in their mouths.
The Kitchen for flypaper_brain
Rey and Ben, hunting for their first house.
alone with a heart meant for you for @nuanceismyjam
Ben orders Grubhub; Rey's car breaks down.
myosotis for @rissanox
Ben picked the flowers for their wedding.
and beyond for @lilithsaur
For a moment, he thinks it will be like the first time, him begging, her crying and saying no and him not knowing how to protect his crushed heart.
But she doesn’t cry, she doesn’t say, “Please don’t go this way,” she doesn’t look horrified or disgusted. She just grabs him by the front of his shirt and tugs his lips down to hers before reaching down to cup his cock.
You, Me, and He for @rissanox, @persimonne, and @misscoppelia
When they say that Kylo's brain is in his groin, they're not far from the truth.
In which Kylo Ren is his own penis.
Bliss, Balance and Birth for @selunchen​
Ben teaches their daughter to read.
In which Ben accidentally implies that he gets his cardio from having sex on national television.
Favorites for @lilithsaur
In which Matt is preoccupied in getting Daisy the perfect token of his love on this, the two month anniversary of her agreeing to be his girlfriend.
A Trash Triplets AU.
Gotta Get Up, Gotta Get Out | Moodboard
“Listen asshole,” Rey says as she steps through the door of Poe’s deli. “You have exactly as long as it takes me to buy these cigarettes.”
Ben doesn’t waste a second breathing. “Metaphysically speaking, you and I are intrinsically and inexplicably linked,” he starts because there’s no time for beating around the bush and besides, Rey can sniff out a lie like no one else. “And I'm convinced our true purpose is to to connect with each other, if not help save each other's lives.” She’s opening her wallet and handing Poe a ten. “In another world, hopefully you are doing the same for me.”
The Other Thing for @persimonne
That’s what they don’t warn you about, he thinks idly. In his DesEd class, they’d warned him about knots, and heats, and ruts, and nesting. But they’d never warned him that her home would smell so much like her, like everything he’s ever wanted, that he would be unable to extricate himself.
“Can you make it a little more interesting in like...thirty minutes?” he asks her.
She pulls away and he immediately regrets saying a damn word.
“I could make that work,” she replies dryly. “I’ll pencil you in.”
A for... for @loveofescapism
Rey’s seeing double by the time there’s food on her plate. Oh. There’s food on her plate. That’s good. That’s unexpected at this point. “Eat,” Ben tells her.
So she does. It tastes good. Very good. She likes this food a lot.
“I’ll make sure she knows,” Ben says.
Oh she’s at that point of drunk where she’s just saying things out loud instead of keeping them in her internal monologue.
“You are,” Ben says, looking very amused.
She hopes she doesn’t say anything embarrassing.
“I promise, you haven’t yet, but oh boy, I’m looking forward to this.”
She shoves food into her mouth to keep herself from thinking out loud about his dick in her ass at his mother’s Passover seder.
do or do not (do the do)
In which Ben, in an effort to improve his stamina (look he's making progress, ok?) after reading some articles that he'll never be able to unread, receives some coaching (that he very much did not ask for).
(Very much did not ask for.)
(Not) Interested for @thewayofthetrashcompactor, @monsterleadmehome, @destiniesfic, yuktipatipriya
We're bringing Speed Dating back to Space Battles Bonanza! Register online for one of our special Bonanza sessions of 15 three-minute dates so you’ll no longer have to look for love in a galaxy far far away. Choose from one of seven speed dating sessions, two of which are queer focused. If the Insurgents can blow up the Doom Moon in 11 minutes, let’s see if you can make a love connection in only three.
There’s a history of successful Speed Dating at Space Battles Bonanzas, with long-term couples, engagements and marriages now among the alumni.
In which Rey & Kylo meet at their fancon's speed dating.
Never Die for @avamarga
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you.
Forged for @reyloner
There are several reasons that Ben would never have dreamed he’d ever receive this text. The first is that he’d be invited to a Halloween party. The second is that he’d never in his life expected to be in a serious relationship, much less the sort of serious relationship where his partner would suggest matching Halloween costumes. And the last is that he is dating someone who’s show only and they’ve only almost murdered one another twice. Because he’s an A Song of Ice and Fire fan. He hates Game of Thrones.
and getting caught in the rain for @kylorenvevo
What's the point of going to a family wedding if you're not going to hook up with your newly rediscovered brother's baseball coach?
A Picture's Worth for @selunchen
reyjay: hiya your art is amazing
reyjay: it’s a big ask but could you draw me for my art final tomorrow? i’m shit at drawing people and i can’t fail this. can you help?
He stares.
And stares.
And stares.
kyloren: is this some kind of a joke?
reyjay: no?? why??
kyloren: you’re asking me to help you cheat your exam, but you’re not even offering me money?
Bang for your Buck
“We ready?” he asks her, sounding huffy.
“Nice to meet you Ben, I’m just familiarizing myself with your training,” she replies.
“Ok, well I don’t have all day.”
“No, you have,” she checks her watch, “another hour.” Because of course he’d booked an extra long session. Bless that sweet, sweet overtime pay.
“And you’re sure you know what you’re doing?” he asks her and she glances up at him, sure that her eyes are flashing because that’s fucking rude. She’s a professional. Amilyn wouldn’t have hired her if she didn’t know what she’s doing, and just because he apparently thinks he’s the center of the universe doesn’t change that fact.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get your bang for your buck,” she tells him icily.
Two to Tango
Rey: I need to ask you something awkward. Ben: What’s up? Rey: Can I give you a blowjob? Please?
atlanta > all atlanta > community > missed connections for @sand-its-everywhere
In which Rey meets a cosplayer at DragonCon.
Sonsick (I'll fall for you soon enough) for @jeenonamit & YTCShepard
Sheev and Snoke share a moment at the country club.
A Thousand Words for @monsterleadmehome | Moodboard
In which, some years later, Ben encounters someone he drew for nudes.
Truth and Death written for this year’s @reylofanfictionanthology
Ben opens the box. Inside, he sees the charred remains of a helmet.
She is made of sand-turned-clay, where other moving creatures are made of flesh and blood. Their skin cracks in the dry Jakku sun just like hers, but they are alive in their organs.
Rey is alive in a different way.
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year written with @jeenonamit | Moodboard
Rey convinces Ben--and his sentient penis--to go with her to a Halloween party.
What could go wrong?
(Working title: "Dicklo 2: Electric BOO-galoo")
Shalom Rav! for @jeenonamit | Moodboard
In which Rey comes to terms realizing that she is attracted to the rabbi.
when the stars and moon align just so for @capaldisrighteyebrow
Songs spoke of red stars on nights that blood was shed. Stars bled too when the great fell. There were no red stars tonight. The stars did not bleed for Snoke.
Would they bleed for Ben?
She swallowed.
Because despite his own words—that he served his master (master, as though he were a draft horse to be yoked and plow the fields of men), that he would give everything to his master, she had seen doubt in his eyes that night, three years ago, when the stars and moon had aligned just so.
oh, my love, don't forsake me (take what the water gave me) for @reyloner and @loveofescapism
Their sabers clashed, humming in the spray, and Rey's heart was in her throat the entire time.
it’s you and me (i know it’s our destiny) | Moodboard
It’s just a kid’s game, he thinks when jealousy pangs in his heart. But it’s more than just a kid’s game.
It’s Pokémon.
It’s the only good thing in his life.
will you come when i call you (i’ll come when you call me) | Moodboard
Surely when Snoke had connected them, he hadn’t connected them like this.  
@reylo_prompts: “Due to the Force bond Rey and Ben always come simultaneously. Now they need to figure out how not to do that since it can result in awkward situations.”
The Sweater Curse for @jeenonamit & @commandercrouton
She’s never made a sweater before, but she saw the pattern on Ravelry and who cares if she’s only made (lumpy) hats before—she has to try it.  She has to make it. She has to make it for Ben.
“You realize that Hannukah isn’t an important holiday, right?” Ben asks as she makes eye contact with him.  His eyes are big and brown and—at this moment—mildly annoyed.
“Really?  Is it a giant conspiracy theory?  Part of the war on Christmas?”
“More than you realize,” Ben says and for the life of her she can’t tell if he’s joking.  He does this thing sometimes that’s confusing—where he’ll say something that sounds mopey but is actually snarky and it disarms her every damn time.  “In any event, ugly Hanukkah sweaters definitely aren’t a thing the way ugly Christmas sweaters are.”
“Well, they are now,” Rey says firmly.  “I’m making you an ugly Hanukkah sweater.  Deal with it. And stop moving.”
Ours Is The Fury for @reyloner & @commandercrouton
Rey was tasked with taking Storm's End for her king. She defeated the Storm King Snoke in the Rainwood, but when she proceeded to the castle itself, preparing for a long siege, things did not go to plan.
Seen ✔️✔️ for @ever-so-reylo | Graphic
His lock screen has three texts from Rey on it:
Rey Wife: Babe I know you’re probably busy right now, but you sent that pic to the wrong chat. Rey Wife: Bennnnnnn Rey Wife: Call me when you’re done processing your trauma.
And then about ninety chats from the Skywalker Ranch WhatsApp thread.
In which Ben sends a picture to the wrong chat.
With you, Always for @jeenonamit, @nuanceismyjam, and YTCShepard 
Rey's boyfriend is now a Force ghost but they're sure as fuck gonna try fucking anyway.
Chaptered Fics
we decided not to kill the wolves (we wanted to be wolves) for @nerdherderette | Complete | Moodboard
A pack of wolves lives in the woods to the north of Raddus and as winter looms, they have their eyes set on Leia Organa’s stronghold. Rey may be new to Raddus, but she’s not about to do nothing while it may be in danger. And besides, Poe must be exaggerating about wolves the size of bears. She’s not afraid of monsters.
Carry In My Core (That Voice I Adore) | Complete | Moodboards
Starring in her first opera would be stressful as is, but Rey, always one to outdo herself, just had to go and make things even more complicated with Kylo Ren. It’s hard enough looking him in the eye, much less pretending to be in love with him. She can make it through this. She has made it through worse. She can make it through this.
shadow boxes | Complete
Just because they aren’t together, doesn’t mean they’re not in love.
anyway you want to (anyway you've got to) | Complete
But you know she's getting something other Than the love from her mother
A Porn Challenge in which your author makes Rey and Ben bone their way through the month of February.
words like tomorrow (or future, or fate) for @haloren1st​ & @staticcatfish​ | Complete
One day, Rey wakes in a body that's not her own in a town she's never been to before. Who is Ben, whose body she seems to be possessing, and who woke up in her body? Why are they connected this way?
A Your name. AU.
Above us, stars. Beneath us, constellations. for @valsansretour​ | Complete | Moodboard
Ben woke, but Luke’s saber wasn’t ignited. Instead, he saw a master who had shattered his trust, who thought he was a monster, and—worse—he was probably right.
So he fled Yavin IV, to Skywalker’s dismay, and no one heard from him since.
Years later, on a wasteland planet, a girl and a fugitive stormtrooper board a Corellian YT-1300 light freighter in desperation to find they are not the only ones trying to steal it.
Why Don’t You And I Combine for @ever-so-reylo | Complete | Moodboard
Rey’s phone rings while she’s at the farmer’s market. She lets it ring. They have a line and it’s only a few hours, and the girls are at school and it’s just her today, so she doesn’t have enough hands. Rose and Finn and Poe are helping Ben move furniture out of his apartment and into the house. They’re probably calling about something silly, or Ben’s calling to say he’s fully moved in and he’s lying in their bed—possibly with his hand on his cock—and that he’s thinking of her.
In which life continues, grows, and Rey and Ben continue to rebuild their relationship.
A sequel to Let’s Get Together.
The Love Committee for @jeenonamit | Complete | Moodboard
In which Rey, tired of her bad luck with dating apps and failed relationships, enlists her friends' help in determining who she should date next.
They take it a little too seriously.
A Year of Me and You for autonomee | Complete
“After you move in with one another, give yourself six months to like one another again,” Maz says, looking at Rey seriously through her bottlecap glasses.
“I’m not going to fall out of love with—”
“No, no. Not love. Love’s not got anything to do with it, child. Like.”
Non-linear vignettes of various length, set during the first year Rey and Ben live together.
Hanging by a Moment for pillar-of-salt | Complete | Mix
There are many things that Ben could have tolerated about his parents’ divorce. That his mother had finally had it with his father’s borderline illegal—or rather, as he liked to put it, borderline legal—company, the shady activities it covered that would doubtlessly end her political career if a reporter got hold of them; that his father had finally had it with the way his mother nags, because sure, he’d thought it was hot twenty years ago, but he is in fact an adult who can actually keep his shit together—all that he would have gotten. He’d have been wrecked, but he’d have gotten it.
His dad leaving his mom for a nineteen-year-old gold-digger though, and his mother not even putting up a fight—that had caught him by surprise.
That had hurt.
Be nice to her, Ben, his mother had said on the phone when he’d spoken to her for the first time in five years. She just lost your father.
Yeah. So did I.
Cupcake Wars | Complete | Fingerpainting + Playlist
Entirely by accident, Rey ends up fucking someone who works for Snoke's Cupcakery. She's just blowing off steam. It doesn't mean anything at all. It certainly won't come back to bite her in the ass.
in nobody's eyes but mine for @ever-so-reylo | Complete | Moodboard
Rey had spent too much of her life feeling as though permanence could only be transient so why bother with it. What was long-term? What was mating? What was home?
the water won’t have ya if the devil’s too blind for @thekesselrun | Complete | Moodboard
That water’s too dirty to wash away your sins.
“They’re not sins. I didn’t commit them against god. There is no such thing as god.”
Then whatever you want to call them. Crimes don’t get washed away by a river.
“It’s a cursed river,” Ben points out.
No, it’s a polluted river. Curses aren’t real. Not like that, anyway.
“Are you really well-actually-ing me?”
Yes, I am. Because you’re an idiot. Some extremely oily and not remotely potable water is not going to be able to remove the guilt you feel about killing your father, turning your back on your mother, murdering hundreds of innocents, and helping the First Order destroy the world. Especially when you knew I wasn’t going to let you die.
In which Ben Solo washes up on shore, very still alive and unsure of what to do next until a passing scavenger offers him a lift on her boat. Who is he now? Who does he want to be?
Apples & Honey for @peaceblessingspeyton | Complete | Moodboard
When Ben catches wind that his mother is planning to foist a potential girlfriend on him when he comes home for Rosh Hashanah, he takes matters into his own hands: specifically, he runs to Rey and asks her to pretend to be his girlfriend.
There Is Another for @kylorenvevo | Complete | Moodboards: Ch 1 | Ch 3 | Ch 7 | Ch 9 | Ch 11 | Ch14
“Mission success?”
“You will be interested in this.”
Kylo glances back over his shoulder. The girl he had found on Takodana is still deeply unconscious, and will remain so for a long while. He had knocked her out as deeply as he could. She had fired at him the moment she’d seen him, resisted him tooth and nail. He does not want her waking up until he has her properly restrained, and he had not come to Takodana prepared to take any prisoners.
A shiver runs up his spine as he tries to shove away how it had felt, carrying her through that forest.
“How so?”
The trouble with helmets is he can’t look Kira dead in the eye anymore. He can’t watch her face closely to see what will happen when he tells her,
“She’s you.”
Dear Mr. President | WIP | Moodboards: Ch13
Dr. Dameron shifts and slides a manilla folder across the desk to her. “Under ordinary circumstances, I’d let you keep the folder. I hope you’ll understand why I can’t do that this time around.”
She opens it and stares.
She stares and stares and stares.
Dr. Dameron has to be kidding. There have to be hidden cameras here, this has to be some elaborate prank. That’s why it’s him here and not Dr. Wexley—that was his name. Dr. Wexley.
But instead of getting to her feet and tossing her hair and saying he was cruel for playing with her heart like this, all she does is ask, blankly, “So...Ben Solo is my soulmate? Our new president is my…”
She swallows.
And Dr. Dameron nods.
so long lives this and this gives life to thee | WIP | Moodboard
His smile fades and he falls to the ground, his head hitting the ground with a sharp crack.
“Ben!” The yell echoes around them in the darkness and Rey lurches forward, her hands scrabbling over his face, his neck, trying to find a pulse.
She bursts into tears when she finds it. She doesn’t know why she’s crying. He’s alive.
In which Ben's Force Sensitivity—and not his life—was given to save Rey.
a little death (goes a long way) for @talltig | WIP | Moodboard
“That’s good of you,” he replies. “Especially with the O-Negative.”
“It’s a good deal,” she says and he glances up. Yeah, because Omega blood is harder to find. A taste of life, because they almost never survive the turn.
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legobiwan · 5 years ago
Just got home from The Rise of Skywalker. No pithy intro, I’m just going to jump right in and it’s going to be a LONG rant here so buckle up, my friends, and be sure to read below the cut. SPOILERS AHOY YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
Okay, so yes, the first third of the movie went at a blistering, nearly nonsensical pace. JJ  really had to cram a whole watermelon’s worth of exposition into a...well, you know, there was a lot to take in. This movie had to do so much telling instead of showing because it was such a departure (and middle finger to TLJ) from what came before. 
The thing was, the first third was also the most interesting part of the movie. I actually wish the whole trilogy had started with all of the Sith nonsense. (Actually, I wish they had started with Kylo absolutely wrecking shit like he did and then the Palpatine scene. People would have made all the wrong assumptions and it would have been glorious to unravel it over three films.) There is a strong history of Sith artifacts in both Nu-Canon and Legends, and it wouldn’t have been out of place, considering what we know now, to have made Rey, Poe, and Finn’s quest for these artifacts the start of the new trilogy, and then told the rest of the story in a non-linear timeline. Probably too experimental for a Star Wars reboot, but it would have grabbed attention and everyone like creepy Sith shit. 
Frankly, I would have dropped zombie-robot Palpatine at the very start of the trilogy, as well. It’s bonkers but I don’t hate the Rey Palpatine thing and they could have spent the rest fo the movies explaining this weird-ass lineage and how it relates to Kylo, Snoke, etc. and then have built back to the final confrontaion on Exegol. 
Leia. Trained. Rey. I so so so so so wished we had been able to get more of this. This, in my mind, is what it should have been all along. I liked TLJ (okay, so shoot me) but Master Leia is a whole other level of awesome. If I had to rewrite Luke and Leia’s roles, it would have went something like this:
Luke was searching for Sith artifacts. Luke was becoming disillusioned by what he was learning of the Jedi through “The Sacred Texts.” WHO DOES THAT SOUND LIKE? Hmmmm, I wonder....
Could you imagine Luke started to go a little Dooku in this respect, and so instead of fucking off the Ach-To because he had a feeling that was more “gravy than of grave” about Ben Solo’s dark sidedness, he fucked off to Ach-To - or even better - gave up training in order to keep himself from going down a darker path. 
And so instead, Leia is getting involved with training (and probably also governing at the same time because she would be an overachiever like that.)
Enter Ben Solo, who is Force sensitive, strong, being trained by his mother and occasionally his uncle, who is not totally plugged into the light side at the moment, which can rub off on Ben. Meanwhile, Han is maybe not the best father (he wants to be, he tries, but it all comes out wrong. I’ve been watching a lot of Psych lately, so I’m thinking of a dynamic similar to Henry and Shawn, but a little more dramatic.)
Of course, Palpatine is seeing all of this behind the scenes, he’s fostering ill will and discontent through the scattered remains of the Empire, sending Snoke clones out to be almost pseudo-religious/cult figures in the wake of the economic and social devastation left by the Empire’s fall and the floundering new government. Extremism, in pockets, rises. Extremism which preys on discontent, which preys of the desire for family, for belonging. 
Enter again Ben Solo, who has been pitted against the other strongest trainee, Rey (insert whatever last name you want. She knows it’s not her real name, she knows she was an orphan on Jakku, but she was brought by Luke to be trained). Ben is pissed how she and Leia bond, has been talking to his uncle, and perhaps encountered a Snoke clone on the way. 
Rey, on the other hand, is no one but wants to be someone, and that manifests in weird ways during her training. Perhaps she leaves at some point, perhaps not. But the seeds of her being Palpatine’s bloodline are laid within her. She wants to seek that belonging Ben has.
Okay, but getting away from my personal rewrites of the sequels, Star Wars is about family and lineage, both blood and found. There was so much potential to play on this throughout the trilogy with the Skywalkers, with Rey’s relation to Palps that if they had just planned the damn thing, it could have been brilliant. 
Moving ...(for now)
I felt so bad for Oscar Isaac. I felt like I watched his soul slowly depart his body over almost 3 hours. That man was not a happy camper and it came out in his performance. 
Power levels. Here’s the thing, guys. Magic needs to have consequences. Sure, you can cast a spell, but what does that take from you? You can use the Force, but to what degree? How much? Even Anakin exhausted himself at some points, and he was (allegedly, according to one Qui-gon Jinn), the Chosen One. It’s the first law of thermodynamics - energy can neither be created nor destroyed - and the Force is literally the energy of every life thing in the galaxy. You take the energy, use it towards something else, it has to drain from somewhere. This is what bugged the hell out of me with Rey’s Force Healing abilities (an ability that doesn’t thrill me to begin with as it’s so easy to overuse). Kylo keels from resurrecting the dead (and yeah, he was pretty beat up already), but Rey barely seems to breathe a beat harder. Once you start ignoring the consequences for magic, you end up like a shitty video game, and one of the criticisms I’ve leveled at the movie is that it feels like a montage of Battlefront and I can’t say that’s totally off point.
JEDI HUNTERS. Ochi. I will bet my right liver we’re going to hear something about this on The Mandalorian. 
So I know a lot of people wanted to see Rey Kenobi, but there was one piece of glaring evidence in the film why that would never be. (Aside from Kylo just announcing it to Rey.) She has a lightsaber, but she still ends up using a blaster. So uncivilized.
Speaking of The Mandalorian - Stormtroopers with Mando jetpacks. Hmmm.....
I loved techno-Sheev hooked up to all the equipment just floating. That was creepy as hell and played with the whole cloning and extension of life that was such a large part of the Darth Plagueis novel (which I still consider to be canon, higher powers be damned). Also, Palpy’s glowup with the wardrobe was hilarious. 
Dark!Rey was hot. There, I said it.
Let’s talk about romance. Or the lack thereof. Or the shoehorned thereof.
Poor Rose got shafted in this film with no explanation. I didn’t buy that whole thing in TLJ, but god damn anyway. (Finn also got shafted, for different reasons, which I will talk about later.)
If they were going to romance, just let it have been Finn and Poe, Finn and Rey, or fuck it, even a trio. 
I mean, I could have bought Reylo if it had been presented better. (With context. Adam Driver is an amazing actor, another thing I’ll talk about later.)
The Reylo kiss though - my theater laughed. No joke.
Of course, this was the same theater that thought Lando was trying to mack on Jannah at the end, so who knows what we were all thinking in there. (On that note, Lando was hilarious because no matter what, he was just having a grand ‘ol time in the movie. I like to think he got a medical spice card in his retirement years and was just enjoying anything that came his way, be it Wookiees, Jedi, starships, wars, whatever.)
While the Reylo kiss didn’t hit the mark the space lesbian background kiss got cheers, so there was some hope for my fellow theater-goers.
Did anyone pick up on Threepio saying the Senate made the bill that would render him incapable of translating the Sith language? No doubt that was a Palpatine move from TCW era. 
What is up with these movies and desert/jungle planets? Ugh. Thank everyone for Kijimi, at least that was interesting. 
New characters I loved: Babu Frik and DO. 
Finn’s Force sensitivity. Yes, I totally buy it. I wanted more. I wanted more fucking context of a Stormtrooper who would have known nothing of the Jedi getting these feelings and then bailing from the First Order (or, if I were writing the movies, bailing from the remnants of the Empire/Snokes weird military cults.) Totally underutilized character development. 
We. Were. Robbed. of Good!Ben. Adam Driver is so phenomenal. Form the little we saw of redeemed Ben, he is the perfect mix of his parents, from the “Ow” to the eyebrow wagging, the swagger, the smirks...I LOVED good!Ben. I wanted so much more good!Ben. What a transformation.
Speaking of which - the scene between Kylo/Ben and Han was terrific. I wish we had had more context for why everything went south, but it was so good and the type of family dynamic we really needed more of. 
The Knights of Ren looked awesome in this film? They needed to be like the Black Order of Star Wars, and they were getting to it, but not quite there. Gods, they could have been the enforcers of Snoke’s cults (Palpy’s puppet cults) that could terrorize far more than a normal, brainwashed Stormtrooper, who was only useful as cannon fodder (I mean, if we look at the history of the clone army to the Stormtroopers, it would be terribly fitting.)
That ship tug-of-war was DUMB. (See my rant about magic and consequences). But, if Rey was going to shoot lightening Palpy-style and blow up a ship, Chewie should have died. I’m sorry, that’s terrible, I love him, but there needed to be consequences for actions and throughout the film, there were either no consequences or random consequences that were a narrative convenience rather than developed into the plot/characterization/worldbuilding. 
Here’s the thing with the ST - there is so much potential. There are some awesome ideas. But they wanted to play if safe with JJ by rebooting the OT, Rian was too far out for them, there was no cohesive storytelling, and so we get these little glimpses into what could have been amidst a shitstorm of trailers for Battlefront 17. 
we could have had it allll....
Final rating: 4/10
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empresskylo · 5 years ago
‘𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖑𝖊𝖉’ - Ch 1
Birthday Wishes
Series Summary: (tangled themed reylo au) The magically long-haired Rey has spent her entire life in a tower, but now that a runaway thief has stumbled upon her, she is about to discover the world for the first time, and who she really is. Pairing: Rey x Kylo Ren | Ben Solo Warnings: n/a Word Count: 1k+ Author’s Notes: This is a Disney’s Tangled Reylo au, although I’ve changed things a bit. It’s still got a star wars feel (there’s multiple planets, a rebel war, lightsabers, etc.) but it has Tangled’s aesthetic if that makes sense. Also, Luke is playing Rey’s (Rapunzel’s) Uncle in this series. The one who’s keeping her trapped in a tower. And Corona (the city from Tangled) is the planet on which Rey lives. And it starts off pretty similar to the plot of Tangled, but I promise it will start to diverge (as well as be a lot darker and explicit than Tangled). “𝖙����𝖓𝖌𝖑𝖊𝖉” masterlist | main masterlist
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Warm purple light danced in through Rey’s curtains in her tower. She groggily rolled over and fell out of her cozy bed. “Another day, trapped,” she sighed. Rey rose and looked at herself in her beautifully carved mirror. She pouted, her mind already bored. Rey spent the morning reading, cleaning, making a cake, making dozens of candles, painting, reading some more, cleaning her room again, playing dress up, reading again, and it still wasn’t even noon. Rey had been locked away in a tower once her Uncle discovered her hair possessed time-reversing powers. Her Uncle Luke told her it was best to keep her hidden away from the rest of the world; the world was an evil place and people would only try to take advantage of her. Rey grew up in the tower, never having stepped foot on the green earth below. Luke was all Rey knew... Him and this tower. Luke had told Rey her parents were killed when she was just a baby, which is why he took over care for her. She’d spend days pinning for his return, he was the only social interaction she had. Luke often left for weeks at a time, he would sell things at the market. It was a rough time for the planet of Corona with a war going on, and Luke said he was busy helping the rebels but selling them parts and weapons.
Rey was sprawled out on her velvet couch, a paintbrush loosely held in her hand as she stared at the mural she was working on on the ceiling. She painted what she imagined different worlds and ships to look like (she wasn’t even sure what Corona looked like, only what she could see out her window). Rey would often hear ships fly over, but she knew it was because of the war that was going on between the rebels and the Empire. Luke said it was dangerous out there, and only a skilled user of a lightsaber should ever go out on Corona. But Luke refused to reach Rey, he said it was useless to teach someone who would never even leave their home in the first place. “Rey!” Luke called from below. Rey instantaneously sprang up, her feet knocking over the paint on the floor as she ran to the balcony window. Wide eyed, Rey peered down and smiled happily at her Uncle Luke. She quickly looped her hair around a hook and threw it down for him to grasp on to. Once they had worked together to heave him up, he engulfed her in a hug. “I’m so glad you’re back!” Rey cried. “I missed you so much!” “I missed you too, sweet pea.” Luke then moved past her to put his stuff down on the kitchen counter. “So, what do you want for dinner? I picked up some fresh veggies, although I’d be lying if I said I didn’t eat most of it on my trek back here. Man, it was a rough week in the market square, didn’t make much...” Luke went on and on as Rey stood watching him, her hands nervously twirling her golden hair around her fingers. She was turning 18 tomorrow and had finally figured out what she wanted, but she didn’t know how to ask her Uncle. He was so strict about her staying hidden away. Rey had read thousands upon thousands of books and knew turning 18 was very important in a young woman’s life. She desperately wanted to feel the grass between her toes, to feel the stream of water she could hear through the woods rushing over her legs, and to smell fresh flowers in the sun. Even if only for one day. She approached Luke who was busy boiling a pot of water for dinner that night. He has on a dark beige tunic that paired well with his beige cloak that was thrown over the kitchen chair, a pair of dark knit pants, and a golden belt. His hair was long and disheveled and he had scars across his face that Luke said was from protecting her as a child. “Yes?” Luke asked when Rey came up from behind him. “Well... I had spent all day thinking... I mean that’s all I ever do,” the last part Rey said barely above a whisper. “Speak up, Rey,” Luke commanded. “I fingered out what I wanted for my birthday tomorrow.” Luke spun around, “Oh, yes, that’s tomorrow... Well... What is it? Hopefully nothing expensive.” “No— Well... I was hoping to be able to leave... the tower tomorrow...” Luke’s eyes darkened, “Only for a day! And you can be there the whole time. I just desperately want to feel the grass and—“ “No, Rey. And don’t ask again.” “But—“ Luke instinctively gripped his saber at his side, “I said, no.” Rey gulped, his voice deep and threatening. “Okay, Uncle.” She quietly turned around, tears pouring down her cheeks, as she went to her room.
Kylo Ren was running through the woods, dodging tree branches and using the force to guide his way. Stormtroopers followed close behind, Kylo gripping the bag on his hip closer which contained none other than the lost princess’s crown. She was the granddaughter to Sheev Papaltine and the Queen. This was one of Kylo’s most risky thievery quests. It took careful planning and execution to get aboard Palpatine’s ship in order to steal his granddaughters crown. Well... to be fair, that wasn’t his first intention. He was there to steal much more than that, but he may have slipped up a bit and was only able to escape with one thing. Kylo was like a bounty hunter... but for ‘things’... it was much less dangerous, and sometimes he wasn’t sure he had the stomach for murder, but he wouldn’t say that out loud. Kylo slipped behind a thick curtain of vines as the stormtroopers rushed by. He let out a sigh and realized he was standing in a cave. She clicked on his red saber and made he was down the stone walls. He saw a gleam from the moon and realized it was no cave, but a tunnel. He slowly peered out into the night air, turning his saber off, not wanting to be spotted, when he laid his eyes upon the tallest tower he had ever seen.
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gffa · 7 years ago
Count Dooku might have become Sidious's apprentice after Maul was allegedly killed but I believe that Dooku' s involvement with Sidious goes as far back as the invasion of naboo for example it was Dooku who convinced Sifo Diyas that the republic needed an army and then it was Dooku who had him killed and all this happened when Valorim was Chancellor.
I honestly would not be surprised!  Sifo-Dyas’ vision of a big full-scale battle was genuine and it motivated him, but there’s no way a single person, not even a Jedi, could pull off that kind of heist without deeper help, especially when SO MUCH of Palpatine’s plans hinged on that clone army--the war he needed to grind down the Republic, the chips in the clones’ heads to execute the genocide of the Jedi, etc.Palpatine may not have wanted to get directly involved with Sifo-Dyas/show his face, so having Dooku as a proxy would make sense to me.  It’s not until after Maul’s death that he formally becomes Sidious’ apprentice, but Dooku had to have been falling for a long time before that.This reminds me of how there was--and I think this was in the Revenge of the Sith rough draft?--Dooku was the one who ordered the Tuskens to kidnap Shmi and that fits with how I see Dooku working for Palpatine, who wanted that to happen, so the visions he was sending Anakin were just true enough to rile him up, and make him edge that much closer to falling.As much as I hesitate to make one villain plan out that many things, because some of these require such delicate planning, I feel like Palpatine is one of those evil masterminds that I legit believe could have pulled all this stuff off, especially because he was tapping into the Force and GOD KNOWS what kind of evil projects he had going on that helped him.  Like Dave Filoni once implied that the Force-sensitive babies he was kidnapping during TCW were going to be hooked up into a system that would better help him see the future.I WOULD PUT NOTHING PAST SHEEV PALPATINE, nothing too evil or too masterful.  And Dooku would have been wrapped up in that for a very long time!
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obar-dheathaine-maps · 2 years ago
Right there. 13 years of Sheeve fucking with the kid. Subtle remark here, snide comment there, a welcome comforting word to Anakin, a touch of giving him the answers HE WANTS, not needs. Especially if that answer is half trash to hook him more.
That stupid Darth Plagius story ringing bells? It's 20 mins-ish AFTER the Yoda scene. Plants the whole setup for the next Act. Dropping a whole lot of crap on a 21 year old Anakin.
"Good is a point of view, Anakin" - Sidius is in this scene. Trash talks adding in after Anakin says they don't trust Palps, and Palps says they want to get rid of him, the senate, the republic, pretty much anything
hen he drops exactly what Anakin is looking for with Darth Plagius's bullshit story.
How did Sidius know?
Because of his position he knows about Padme and the Babies. She's a senator, and an unknowing part of his plot that has been running for Decades, he is definitely keeping tabs on her what she's doing. And he revealed later when he literally says he knows and can save them!
I'm of the opinion even if Sidius isn't SENDING The Visions. He's got a bond with Anakin through their friendship, and 50-60 years of Sith creepy powers to tap into what Anakin is dreaming.
Probably the only time Anakin wouldn't Sense The Force in use on him, too. The temple is full of people practicing and learning. Lots of "noise" to distract.
What does Yoda mean when he says "rejoice for those around you that transform into the force"? why does he want Anakin to be happy after losing someone and not mourn or miss them
Here's the thing about Scene 77.
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Yoda's in a situation where Anakin is giving almost no information, to the point where Yoda literally needs to complete his sentences for him. As seen in the Revenge of the Sith script:
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If Anakin's only gonna give him vague information, Yoda can only give generalities. And Yoda speaks in riddles.
So, with regards to the part about "rejoicing for those around you who transform into the force", that's simply Yoda’s way of saying "when you're sad, try to remember the good times you had together".
This is also fair advice. He’s not telling Anakin “how dare you mourn or be sad instead of laughing! Bad Anakin! Start dancing and celebrating! Now!”
He’s telling Anakin to cherish the moments he had with that person that’s about to die, which will, in turn help him accept that inevitability, come to the conclusion that they had a good run. Instead of pulling back from these fears and this pain, he should face them head on and accept that it's happening.
It’s very general advice, granted. But it’s good advice.
And if Anakin were asking casually, on a normal day? I think he wouldn’t sneer at it, and would actually reflect on it.
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Like, he went to see Yoda for a reason, right?
Yoda usually gives him good advice.
Hell, one time, Yoda counseled Anakin about his concern for Padmé, during the Clovis arc:
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But Anakin isn't at his best during Scene 77.
He hasn't had an ounce of sleep and he's scared out of his mind. He's not thinking straight. He's hoping for a concrete, tangible response but isn't giving a concrete scenario.
So when he gets this answer:
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He dismisses it as fortune cookie nonsense and Yoda essentially telling him to "give up on Padmé" which he just won't do.
But that's the crux. Yoda doesn’t tell Anakin to “give up” on everything he fears to lose. He says *let go.
Which isn’t the same thing.
Lucas explains the nuance many times. My personal fav is this one:
“ There’s a line between loving somebody compassionately and caring about them and helping them. But the other line is not to be greedy or once you are greedy then you get fearful. You don’t want to lose what it is you have that you are getting. So you have to learn to give up everything. And ultimately for a Jedi Knight, it’s very easy to give up. One of the things they give up is marriage. They can still love people. But they can’t possess them. They can’t own them. They can’t demand that they do things. They have to be able to accept […] their mortality, that they are going to die. And not worry about it. That the loved ones they have, everything they love is going to die and they can’t do anything about it. I mean they can protect them as you would ordinarily protect, you know, ‘Get out of the way of that car.’ Somebody charges you with a gun, you knock the gun out, but there is an inevitability to life which is death and you have to accept that. ” - George Lucas, Star Wars Celebration V, 2010
Anakin doesn’t see that difference. Like, in his mind, accepting that there are things beyond your control is synonymous with giving up. Which isn’t the case, it’s a sign of maturity, not weakness or carelessness.
This is also perfectly illustrated in the TCW episode where Ahsoka and Barris are trapped under rubble, slowly dying from the lack of oxygen. Luminara readies herself to "let go", Anakin is hearing "giving up". It's two separate things (I talk more about that scene here).
Gonna conclude with a headcanon:
Had Anakin just put all cards on the table in Scene 77, just full-on revealed he's married to Padmé, they have a baby but now he's having nightmares like the ones he had when his mother died... everything would've turned out okay.
Like, first off, Yoda would've probably given more concrete advice, probably would've sent some Jedi healers over to her suite, etc.
Secondly, it's not like Yoda didn't know something was going on with Padmé. Anakin is really bad at keeping that secret.
Them being actually married and having a child would be a surprise to be sure, but Yoda and Anakin have this grandpa/grandchild bond, which we've seen many times during TCW.
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And Yoda has also been confronted with a situation like this one before, as seen in Dooku: Jedi Lost.
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I like to think Yoda did learn from that incident with Braylon and would help Anakin.
Finally, I don't think Anakin would've been expelled. Or if he had, it'd be waaaay later. Right now, the Jedi Council is:
close to finding the second Sith Lord,
just as the Chancellor legally took ownership of their Order,
just as they're hunting Grievous,
while there's a whole war raging on.
They got more important shit to handle, and they've already made plenty of exceptions for Anakin, so they'd at least table the discussion, and at best just make another exception for the Chosen One and come up with a plan on how to move forward this situation.
And again, on a normal day, Anakin probably knows this.
We see, at the start of Revenge of the Sith, that he's starting to get fed up with the secrecy, and we know he knows Obi-Wan knows about him and Padmé.
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Deep down, he probably knows that it'll all be fine if he just tells it all.
But Anakin isn't thinking rationally, he's thinking emotionally. So he keeps his cards close to his chest and says as little as possible.
And it doesn't help that Palpatine's been manipulating Anakin for 13 years into thinking he can't talk to the Jedi.
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lexidanger · 7 years ago
My TLJ (way longer than expected) analysis/rant/review
DISCLAIMER: I work for Hasbro but knew NOTHING behind the scenes for this movie like I did for TFA, so I didn’t have any outside influence...also
I honestly have a lot of mixed feelings about this movie, because while there were things I absolutely adored in it, but there were also choices made that I really still can’t wrap my head around and ultimately have left me pretty disappointed, I’m not going to go over every little thing but if you have a question about how I felt about a certain character/scene etc just shoot me an ask and i’ll rant at you there. Anyways I’m gonna start with the good shit since I might get a tad ranty with the bad
The opening sequence- The opening scenes were phenomenal imo, that was absolutely the way to start off the movie, It honestly held a lot of that SW nostalgia and felt really great action/tone wise, it pulled you in like a good hook should.
Leia- So i’m legit a huge emotional baby when it comes to stuff I love, I was already crying as soon as the opening crawl hit, but it wasn’t until they showed Leia the first time that both me and the girl next to me started sobbing (she turned to me and offered some tissues saying she made sure to bring a bunch so it was nice to have some emotional solidarity) But anyways Leia was great and i’m beyond happy with how they handled her which leads me to my next point…
LEIA USING THE FORCE- Everyone in the theater was crushed when she was thrown out into space, and as soon as the shot closed in on her body and she began to use the Force to bring herself back, you could hear the sigh of relief and amazement come from the crowd (as well as the sniffles because everyone was crying at this point) and it was such a magical moment to see her finally use the Force in a tangible way and shut up the fanboys who thought she wasn’t Force Sensitive. And speaking of one half of the twins...
Luke- As always Mark is an absolute delight and gift to this role, and it was so nice to see him back on screen again. A lot of people are crying out about how this movie “””””ruined him”””” by showing his more grey morality (THAT HES ALWAYS HAD B T W) but even as a dark sider I’ve always adored Luke and his views and he made me super proud in this movie. I’m honestly not ready for people to start demonizing him for "almost killing their precious Ben bby uwu” because again that was a moment with a lot of complexity on both sides that I think could bring up a lot of great conversations about Luke’s trauma in the war and wanting to prevent the loss of billions of lives.
Also as a side note I just want to say how heartwarming it was to see Luke reunited with R2, the moment he recognizes him the bitter old facade melts away and we see that sweet excited boy from Tatooine when he gets to talk to his best friend again after so long.
I’m so so sad to see him go, but honestly I couldn’t think of a better way for him to go out, I’m glad it was done in such a peaceful way (except maybe him actually going to Crait and pulling an Obi proper but thats a whole other issue)
Snoke- I adored Snoke, plain and simple. The few scenes he was in he commanded attention and I was honestly captivated by Serkis’ skills as a character actor once again. The CG work done on him was remarkable, his personality was actually very enjoyable and I really wish we got to see more of his Force mastery, it’s so rare we get to see it controlled on that grand of a scale and so effortlessly too (For those of you who read Darth Plagueis you know the difficulty that comes with using the Force on someone over hologram/long distance, so it was definitely a treat to see that). The potential of this character is remarkable and if anyone involved with SW media is smart they will tap into it and release more content with him ASAP
Rey’s Parentage- As someone who was an avid Rey Palpatine theory supporter, I just want to say how glad I am that Rey’s parentage proved to be of no significance, because in a way it still holds kind of what I wanted to see from her being related to Palpatine. I wanted them to show that really in the end, your bloodline doesn’t make you who you are, you decide who you want to be, not your past, and in a way they did that. They showed that someone from humble beginnings, like Rey and even Finn, can rise up to do amazing things, you don’t have to be part of a dynasty like the Skywalkers to be great.
Imagery/Portrayal of the Force- If theres one thing I can really commend this movie for, it’s the visuals. From the color contrasts of Crait to the trippy Force shenanigans everything was visually stunning. Leia using the Force to glide through the void of space to safety was such a magical moment I will never forget (and anyone calling it Mary Poppins or Superman flying is honestly just afraid to have whimsical moments in their SW and therefore a coward) the blend of CG and puppets was super great and using a puppet for Yoda’s return was such a great callback to the original trilogy. After watching so many Transformers movies its nice to watch an action flick that doesn’t rely on shaky cam to sell the intensity of a scene, but instead uses the art direction and imagery as it should.
Also as far as the Force goes, i’ve been so happy that we’re moving away from the two extremes. The Dark Side in not completely evil and the Light Side is not completely good, i’m just glad we’re finally showing that in the movies, and if it makes people mad then good, the truth hurts but they need to understand not everything is black and white.
Humor- Some might argue that a lot of the humor was oriented more towards the younger audience, but tbh most of the bits really hit with me (probably because I am a child) and provided some nice warm moments in what might be considered a tense and dark movie. We’ve been debating for years now how Luke’s first interaction with Rey would go, what would he say to her? What would he do? and it’s my belief that they could not have gone with a more appropriate choice than for him to toss the saber over his shoulder as he did (Luke’s “reach out” moment with her was also so nice and I’m 1000% convinced it was improv by Mark) The bits with the guardians of the island were great, the porgs were surprisingly enjoyable (if not still a bit bizarre) and my favorite running joke of all, turning Hux into what i’ve always seen him as, a huge joke, a slapstick prop to be tossed around and ridiculed, it was quite satisfying.
Additional things- Despite the fact that there wasn’t a saber on saber fight the entire movie, the Snoke’s Praetorian guard fight scene with Rey and Kylo will go down in history as one of the great fight scenes in SW history. Rose was such an amazing addition to the cast and Kelly is so talented, I’m happy she’s a part of the SW family now. And BOY you want to talk about memorable moments, Holdo’s lightspeed crash into Snoke’s Supremecy was absolutely breathtaking. The way it was shot, the sound design, everything was perfect and people are going to be talking about it for a very long time.
Snoke’s Death- The moment Snoke was killed off is the moment I feel like everything shifted in the movie, I was enjoying it quite a bit up until that point, and then as soon as the saber bisected him this huge wave of disappointment and disbelief washed over me, which is why this is probably one of the biggest mis-steps in the movie besides Phasma’s treatment. For years now we’ve been theorizing and trying to piece together who Snoke could possibly be, whether it be the return of an older character or him being his own thing and with every tiny piece of info that came out we were further pulled in to the mysteries that surrounded him. Who is he? What is he? Why does he look that way? How did he come to power? I never expected all of these questions to be answered in TLJ, but a piece of info or two thrown our way to reward our patience and interest in him would have been appreciated.
Instead what we got was nothing and a swift ridiculous death half way through the movie. To say that i’m crestfallen is a bit of an understatement. Those that know me are aware that I’m a huge dark side fan and an even bigger fan of Sheev Palpatine, he’s a compelling character in a lot of the ways Snoke has the potential to be, so to see another great antagonist along the lines of Palpatine just thrown away without any second thought or explanation is an awful thing to see.
And I’m aware that they are probably going to throw his backstory into a book or comic, which part of me is grateful for (especially since James Luceno, author of Darth Plagueis might possibly be writing it right now) but tbh you shouldn’t throw the responsibility of portraying a character off on someone else when you have more than enough time and opportunities to show it in the film. As someone who is heavily invested in the alternative media surrounding SW I still don’t think that you should put your viewers through that, making them ask questions about a character, pay for a ticket to possibly have some of those questions answered and then pull the rug out from under them like “Nope sorry you’ll have to buy the book when it comes out next year” it’s very in-accessible and just downright disrespectful to the writers that set him up for a decent arc.
Plenty of uninteresting things were prioritized over the interesting so don’t tell me they couldn’t have taken 10 minutes out of something inconsequential to slip in some context for this character. It’s such a shame to see an opportunity to flesh out a compelling character passed over for the purpose of subverting everyone’s expectations, cheap and unsatisfying. #AndySerkisDeservedBetter
Phasma- I want to say for the record that I am absolutely outraged, not only did we get even less Phasma than we did in TFA, but they “killed her off” in a way they can either bring her back and do what they said they were going to do after TFA which was give her a decent amount of screen time, or leave her dead. It’s honestly a travesty that they continuously recruit these talented actors to portray these characters and they get shafted as far as content and inclusion goes. I can’t even put my excitement into words when Phasma was first announced, I just wanted female Stormtroopers period but having a woman play a fierce Stormtrooper commander meant everything to me. But alas, just as Snoke it seems these directors can’t seem to find a place to put them amongst the other pointless plots that are stuffed into the film which brings me to…
Canto Bight- A beautiful planet/setting but very unnecessary as a whole. I mean the whole idea of them needing to go to a planet to get a random codebreaker to get on the ship in the first place is absolutely absurd when they’ve had countless ways upon these ships in the past. And the fact that they had to call up Maz so they could poorly stuff her into the movie for 2 minutes as she quickly rattled off their mission in a very Battlefront 2 manner was absolutely ridiculous. The casino itself was neat and I’m glad they touched upon the fact that these people got rich by selling weapons to both sides, but the whole animal chase sequence and everything with DJ felt so out of place and long and distracting from things that would have far better served the characters and plot.
Length- As someone who sat through Age of Extinction after drinking a large soda at the beginning of the film, trust me when I say I know when a movie feels long and this one felt unbearably so. Every time I thought to myself “oh this is it this is going to be the climax and resolution” they would set off on another escape plan. It’s like they came up with 5 different endings and couldn’t decide which one to use so they just kinda tacked them on to the end of each other. After learning that this movie was 3 hours at it’s original cut, I cannot imagine sitting through another hour of squished together side-plots and escape plans, if those cut scenes had more Snoke and Phasma it might’ve been worth it but something tells me it didn’t. We wont know until the bluray with all the deleted scenes comes out next year.
Rey as the future of the Jedi- There was fanboy outcry at the end of TFA saying that Rey was a “”””mary sue””” for being able to defeat someone like Kylo Ren with no lightsaber training/understanding of the Force, but all their arguments are bullshit and there was nothing unbelievable about Rey’s skill with a staff translating to a saber and embracing the Force to gain an edge over Kylo and defeat him.
Now in TLJ Luke’s training of Rey was set up (like many things) to be a main focal point in the story when in reality, it lasts maybe two days and in that time not much training happens at all, in fact Luke tries to show Rey why the Jedi should NOT continue. But in the end it’s very much eluded to that it’s now up to Rey to continue on the Jedi ways and teach a whole new batch of bright eyed young light siders. Rey was skilled enough in TFA to handle herself, but she was still very much a student in need of a teacher herself, something she got only briefly. I honestly have little faith that they can convincingly portray this if they choose to go this route.
Confusing moments with Holdo/Mutiny- I don’t know if was just me but with the movie as a whole being an overwhelming stream of events and developments, the whole Poe mutiny against Holdo was an absolute clusterfuck to me. It was obvious that Holdo was planning something and wouldn’t share it with Poe to the point where it was almost as if she was a traitor/spy and was running everyone into the ground on purpose, and I thought my suspicions were confirmed when she broke back out of custody, but then suddenly Leia shows up and stuns Poe?? Was she a Changeling??? What the fuck was going on??
And then it turns out that she just had a plan to stay with the ship and to get everyone to the Rebel base on the planet below THAT SHE WOULDN’T TELL ANYONE. Like if she would have been a little more up front with this plan I think things would have gone smoother and the whole Poe mutiny thing could have been avoided. It was all very necessary and created conflict and complexity where there didn’t need to be.
Confrontation- While the final confrontation between Kylo and Luke is impactful in it’s end, I think it would have been even more so had it not been needlessly complicated by having him project from Ahch-to. I mean he probably wouldn’t have survived the Walker blasts, but if he could project across the galaxy like that then he could’ve figured something out. When he showed up at the base out of nowhere my suspension of disbelief was already running thin with the loss of Snoke and Phasma, but seeing him look so different from what he looked like minutes ago just ruined the surprise of him not actually being there. I would have liked to see him reunite with Leia in person before becoming one with the Force, and I just think him being there and pulling an Obi Wan by disappearing and leaving the cloak behind just as he did with Vader would have been a nice call back.
Rose/Finn- This moment I did not see coming because tbh, there was no build up to it, and just like the infamous Steve Rogers/Sharon Carter kiss from Civil War, it was awkward and unnecessary and I’m fairly convinced this was added last minute to subvert fans from the whole Stormpilot ship, because you know, how dare us gays want to be included in SW right? Rose is a BRILLIANT character, and even tho Finn suffered the short end of the stick as far as development in this movie went, neither of them needed this rushed moment to make her action or their friendship any more meaningful.
Payoff- Although I was happy with Rey’s parentage I don’t like that it was made to be such an issue that ultimately ended up not being a big deal. Now a lot of this comes from the fact that Rian took it upon himself to “fix” some of JJ’s weaker elements from TFA, but instead of fixing them he eliminated what would have been really nice payoffs for the fans who’ve invested so much time and love into discussing this series. This also goes for Snoke, why create this mystery around this character and have people talking about him if you aren’t going to give them some kind of payoff in the end. That bit of satisfaction that we hoped to get just slipped away and  we’ll have to wait another 2 years to have another chance at it, or maybe not at all and thats incredibly frustrating.
In the end I had fun, but that fun just can’t make me forget about the glaring issues this movie had. And they’re not just issues, they’re needless issues, things that could have been easily avoided or fixed. At this point i’m not even really invested enough in the characters that are left to be excited for the next film.
So yes this film had problems, but is it the worst SW film ever? Is SW really dead? Absolutely not, everyone is being far too dramatic, which honestly isn’t surprising seeing as most of them still pretend the prequels had nothing of value and don’t exist.
It had problems.
Fix them.
Do better next time.
It’s as simple as that and if the filmmakers can’t recognize this film’s shortcoming to avoid making the same mistakes again, then it’s their own fault for the criticism they get. The film isn’t a total loss in the slightest and hopefully some of the deleted content will shed some light on a few things we so very much wanted to see.
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iainwrites · 5 years ago
The Rise of Skywalker Likes and Dislikes
This is going to talk very bluntly and blatantly about things that happened in the movie.  So if you’ve been holding off on seeing it, here’s your warning.  Or if you don’t want to read someone criticizing something you enjoyed.  Skip past everything.
-Finn at the beginning.  It’s nice to see his character growth from oblivious and try-to-hard former Stormtrooper, to still a little blundering Resistance fighter but still shows he’s capable, to a man confident in himself/in himself/in his friends and allies.
-When Chebacca learns of Leia’s death.  That’s the look of someone who has lost their oldest friends and don’t even have the strength to be angry.  There’s just loss.  THAT is one of the most powerful moments in this whole movie.
-Fine.  Ben’s “Okay bitches.  Now we can do this.” shrug before carving through the Knights is a great bit of physical acting and (I guess) comedy.
-The new main trio meet at the end and… hug.  No kissing.  No pairing off.  Three people who just survived a war and are happy that each is still alive.  Especially Finn.  This is his family and they’re okay.  Not everything has to end with hook-ups or resolved love triangles.  
Dislikes and Opinions:
-Palpatine.  Why?  He did his bit in the prequels, died in the OT, had no bearing in either TFA or TLJ.  So why bring him back now?
-What was the point of Rose in this?  She gets limited screen-time and doesn’t move the plot along.  The movie could have used this as a means to continue its slow show of representation, but apparently that’s a bridge too far.  But we did get Naomi Ackie as a supporting character of color with screentime and lines?  So we… traded?  Maintained?
-The fuck was with that Finn “I have something to tell you” line?  There was no lead in from any of the prior movies at all.  And no, it doesn’t count if it was revealed in the novelisation of either of the previous films.
-So Rey can sense Chewie is on a ship… but can’t tell that he’s on a different ship than the one she blows up?  Or that he’s not on the ship that she’s telekinetically fighting over?
-D-O is cute factor and nothing more or better.  Add onto that: Babu was there for cute factor.  And people shit on Jar Jar (me included) because he was written as something to entertain children.
-Rey is a Palpatine.  Why was that a choice that was made?  Why does she have to be related to anyone pre-existing in the Star Wars canon?  And why did things have to be explained not in the movie, but in tweets, interviews, the novelisation, etc?  Like the fact that Rey is a Palpatine.  Movie made you think that one of her parents was Sheev’s child, right?  Which one?  Sorry, didn’t tell us.  Oh, and it was her father, by the way.  Oh, and he wasn’t Palpatine’s child; he was actually a failed clone of Palpatine.  And that’s just one part.
-How does the blade work in the grand scheme of things?  Was it made after the destruction of the Death Star (because how else would it be able to line up so well with the wreckage)?  Who made it?  Why didn’t they pillage Palpatin’s hidden room of important shit?  Why didn’t they pass it on immediately to Kylo if he’s the second coming of Vader?
-Leia’s death.  Yes, all they had was archival footage.  So you mean to tell me that they couldn’t have done anything with that miraculous CGI technology to create a facial/vocal facsimile?  That they had no point of reference of ever doing that?  That there was absolutely no budget?  Or that rewrites were an impossible thing?  Because “Leia lays down, dies, and gives her son a moment to pause and get stabbed” isn’t doing right by Carrie Fisher or respecting her legacy.  That’s “Well, this is what we have.  Guess all we can do is use only what we have to make something and not put any more effort into it.”
-”We have no source material!” Except the whole “Emperor trying to find a new body” thing was done in Dark Empire.  As was the fact that the Emperor we saw was a clone that decayed rapidly without a Force-strong host.  And the fleet of ships to turn the tide of things was done with the Katana Fleet.  And Force Heal has been done in games like the GBA version of Revenge of the Sith.  And and and.
-Han Solo forgives his son!  Except it’s not Han, or a Force Ghost of Han (because Han wasn’t Force sensitive or trained to become self aware in the Cosmic Force after he died because that’s the explanation that they’ve been establishing in the Clone Wars TV series since the end of Season 6), but a figment of Ben’s imagination.  So Ben imagined that his father forgave him for murdering him.  … That’s not how it works.  If you’re imagining your murder victim forgiving you, there’s probably some deep psychological shit to deal with.
-People have talked about it, so I’ll hop on the train: how in the hell did Lando travel quickly enough to get that many ships when a distress call put out by Leia herself couldn’t shift asses?  How can he cover that much area, gather all those ships, then get through the mists or whatever the shit surround Exogal when one of those tracking beacon/map thingies have been set up as the only way a ship can travel through?
-For everything that Abrams did to negate TLJ, Palpatine’s monologue of Rey’s actions is very similar to Snoke’s monologue of Ren’s actions.  Down to the “HAHA PSYCH!” moment.
-The Knights of Ren are just a shit-show.  The name sounds cool, though, right!  Aaannnddd they’re killed off without a single line said or them proving to be any sort of threat representative of their “feared” name.
-Here’s something: when all the past Jedi are talking to Rey, you’re told who the male voices belong to (including stuff like Young Obi-Wan and Kanan).  But you only get Female Jedi 1 and Female Jedi 2.  That’s kind of fucked up and sexist, right?
-They set up Rey’s anger throughout the trilogy as being her path to the Dark Side (going as far to show what she could be like if she gives into those darker urges)... and never really do anything to resolve it.
-They REALLY lean into the idea that Finn is Force sensitive in this movie, don’t they?  Despite no evidence of it in any other movie.
-The random scene of just revived Rey grasping Ben’s hand and the frames drop (maybe that’s just my copy, but it's still a standout).  If it’s something everyone gets… then why the hell is something that glaring still in the movie.
-The kiss.  The novelisation said that the kiss was one of “gratitude,” but seriously?  Rogue One had a moment of gratitude where Jyn and Cassian are together and they… hug.  That’s it.  Piss off with your gratitude; there was a kiss because this movie substitutes sense with forced fanservice and they knew that people wanted to see Rey and Kylo together at some point.  Just like they likely kept Rose out of the movie because people gave Kelly Marie Tran shit.  Like that could have made the movie even possibly worse.
-Ben dies and fades away… and Leia’s body fades away at the same time.  Even though she’s been dead for a day+ at this point.  Because… she connected her spirit to her son?  See, that’s something I pulled completely out of thin air, but wouldn’t it be nice if that was the truth and the movie actually explained that was what happened instead of just giving random ass coincidences?
-Rey Skywalker.  Why does she have to be Rey Anybody?  There could have been such a positive spin to what she said earlier in the movie.  “Just Rey.”  Have her say it with pride and ownership now.  She’s her own person, unburdened by the names of those who have gone before.  She doesn’t have any name to live up to.
-Fuck you for your obvious, blatant and unecessary fanservice and self pleasing imagery where the twin suns are arranged to look like BB-8.  He’s not so important that one of the last lingering moments has to be of your new creation, Abrams.  You’re not so essential to Star Wars that you have to make a “HEY LOOK AT ME THE GUY WHO MADE THIS MOVIE” made-for-screenshots image.
-There’s no meh.  There are just rare moments of contentment amongst a constant feeling of disappointment and frustration.
Random Asides
-Kathleen Kennedy did an interview with Rolling Stone in November of 2019 leading up to The Rise of Skywalker.  You may have seen it float around, but she said “Every one of these movies is a particularly hard nut to crack. There’s no source material. We don’t have comic books. We don’t have 800-page novels.”  It’s in relation to how difficult it is to write and direct the movies, but come on.  There’s TONS of source material, dating as far back 1977 for the comics AND the novels.  There might not be 800 page novels, but there are trilogies, doulogies and massive story arcs that exceed those numbers (NJO and Legacy of the Force may not be your thing, but they’re there).  Rebels went and borrowed Zeb’s look from the original script AND took characters directly from Zahn’s Thrawn trilogy; Clone Wars pulled from Legends while Legends were still considered canon and afterwards.  Not all of it is good; it’d be difficult to translate a lot of it to screen without heavy edits these days.
“I love that we have these amazingly passionate fans who care so much. And I know sometimes they may think we don’t listen, but we do, and I thought it was fantastic that people got that engaged. It just showed me and everybody else how much they care. And that’s important for all of us that are doing this. We really look at them as the custodians of this story as much as [we are]. We look at it as kind of a partnership.”  Except when we’re not happy with a product that turns out to be sub-par.  Piss right off.
-Billie Dee Williams seems like he’s dropped in from a different movie entirely.  Not a bad thing; his delivery and presence is just so different from anyone else’s.
All In All
-It’s my least favorite of all the movies.  Worse than any of the prequels.  And say what you will about the prequels: at least they had a connecting story and the director didn’t try to kneecap something that happened in the middle movie before burying it in a shallow grave while taking a dump on the things left behind that didn’t fit in their vision.  It’s worse than Solo.  No amount of fanservice can fix the fact that the movie was by-and-large unenjoyable.   
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