#and his writing started off pretty good but it got to a point where it seemed sloppier
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sunnie-angel · 1 day ago
Um hello?????? This was so good and there’s going to be more at some point? July is an amazing messenger for this story and I’m so here for it. The yearning is so real.
He kissed her a little, tried to do what he was supposed to; put his hands on her waist, maintaining a respectable distance from too high or too low. But it felt…off, somehow.
I’m so emotional over this. He’s doing what he’s supposed to even though it doesn’t feel right and it makes him think that he can never have this now.
working himself to the bone as the Red Hood so he wouldn’t have time to reflect on who he was as Jason.
Insane over this part!!!! There’s a separation between the mask and the man and he’s leaning on the mask because he finds the man wanting.
He needs time to think. To lie down in his old bed, stare at the ceiling, and think about if he’ll ever see you again.
Yearner Jason Todd confirmed.
“That’s…uh…” Dick clears his throat again. Then again. “That’s great, Jason,” he says, at last regaining his composure.
Dick is the unexpected VIP of this fic, I love how you write him here
Dick has to quiet the extremely loud sirens going off in his head when he (albeit incorrectly) has the realization that his baby brother, the one he still sees as four feet tall, swinging his little legs off the kitchen island and covered in cookie crumbs is, in fact, having sex. 
Cackling at Dick losing his mind and simultaneously trying to keep it together. Yes his little brother is all grown up! But also it’s not at all what he thinks it is.
Jason can’t imagine you’d be welcoming, either, after the way he left two nights ago. He watched you splash your face with cool water, leaving him with a shaky, watery smile, then listened to you putter around the kitchen with the promise of tea for the both of you.
The little details make this so heartbreaking.
He climbed out of your bedroom window, like a coward. In his haste, he left those bloodstains he promised he would clean.
!!!!!!! Jason I’m pretty sure she cared way more about you yeeting yourself out of the window while injured and ghosting her than the stained sheets.
“You’re, uh…using protection, right?”
Dick is trying so hard to be a good big brother but also I am dying from the awkwardness. So is Jason.
You’re mad at yourself for being so stupid as to break down in front of him. It’s no fucking wonder he ran out the first chance he got.
Nooooo!!!!! I knew that bit of vulnerability was gonna come back to bite the both of them.
In the days following, the book sat there, practically taunting you until you turned it face-down so the sight of the star-constellated cover would stop making your stomach twist over in nausea. Nausea at the memory of how eager you were to pick it up at the library mere days after he had mentioned it, how you buzzed with excitement, and maybe something deeper, when you came home at night ready to snuggle into the couch with a blanket and your favorite mug to read the next chapter.
1) is this based on a real book? 2) Love the zoom in on the little details in the face of everything else. Reader’s brain/emotions can’t deal with the enormity of everything so it focuses on the little parts it can handle.
That their love was doomed from the start because, inevitably, he will have to leave her, and he has known the entire time that he would have to leave. That he loved her with one foot out the door.
Ohhhhhhh I love the parallel to Reader/Jason and the book couple. Now I really am wondering if this was based on a real book.
You hoped not; no one else needed to know him the way you did.
Let’s go possessive reader!!!!!!!
Ten days after that night, that book is one week past its due date when you muster up the will to take it back to the Gotham Public Library.
This is such a creative idea to get them back together but it also is so heartbreaking.
It would be another two months before you saw him again.
TWO MONTHS?????? Oh the angst is going to be off the wall. I can’t wait to see where you go with this!
love in withdrawal
true that love in withdrawal was the weeping of me, that the sound of the saw must be known by the tree.
or; in the aftermath of that night, you're both wracked with regret, wishing it went differently. [3.3k]
jason todd x fem!reader; warnings from pt1 also apply; typical jason-angst (so ptsd, self-image/hatred, family issues, etc) + virgin!jason YOU ALR KNOW THE VIBESSSS😝😝😝👹👹 previous: you're good to me, baby
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Jason Todd has tried very hard to be normal. At least, as normal as he can get. After returning to his home city and settling into his role as the Red Hood, crime lord and resident anti-hero of Gotham, he really did try. He went out with his 'coworkers' to have a good time. He spoke to his neighbors, hoping some friendship would stick. He went to a seedy bar with Roy and stuttered through some flirting with the girl who eye-fucked him from across the bar for fifteen minutes. With Roy’s encouragement (read: peer pressure), he followed her out to the alley behind the bar. He kissed her a little, tried to do what he was supposed to; put his hands on her waist, maintaining a respectable distance from too high or too low. But it felt…off, somehow. His heightened senses made the way she trailed one finger up and down the muscles of his arm feel prickly, the scars under his sleeve sensitive and itching at her touch. Her lips were too sticky with gloss, and its saccharine watermelon flavor lingered on his teeth for days. No matter how hard he scrubbed at them.
Roy hadn’t let him live that down for months. His recounting of Jason leaving her in the bar when she invited him home, looking ‘scared shitless and fumbling hard’ was an exaggeration, but maybe not that far off. Looking back, he wasn’t sure what he expected; he could barely look his own family in the eye. How did he think he’d be able to keep it together around a pretty girl? He was quick to give up any hopes of being ‘normal’ after that.
He lived like that for a while; putting all his energy into keeping the city safe, working himself to the bone as the Red Hood so he wouldn’t have time to reflect on who he was as Jason. He fixed things with his family just enough to have a place to go every other weekend to “upgrade his gear.” When he stuck around long enough that it was ‘only convenient’ to stay for dinner, no one commented on it. He’d accepted that this was his life now.
He never meant for things to go this far with you. Honestly. He was just doing his job when he gave you a ride home after you sprained your ankle trying to fight off that mugger. When he had to hold your weight so you could walk up the stairs to your apartment, he was still just doing his job. And when you, still in shock and heart pumping with adrenaline, put your frantic energy into nervous ramblings and fretting over his bruises— making sure you were okay before he left was part of his job. But one visit to your apartment turned into two, and two turned into three, each under the guise of ‘checking on your ankle’ or ‘being on his route’. Somewhere along the line your arrangement came to be: he stopped by with wounds needing to be treated, you treated them, and then he’d leave. And if you wanted to make some small conversation, getting to know each other a little more with every visit, that was harmless. Seeking you out for the smallest injuries that he was fully capable of dealing with himself was harmless. Holding you in his arms while you clutched onto him for dear life and sobbed into his shirt, neglecting his knife wound for far too long in favor of wiping away your tears—
He never meant for things to go this far.
Two days after that night, Jason is still reeling. In hindsight, letting the slice on his arm sit in the open, stale air for as long as it did was not the best idea. Sewing it closed one-handed so as to relieve the burden from your shoulders, taking no care to sterilize the instruments that fell to the floor in his hurry to follow the alarm bells in his head that screamed go! Get out and go! was a horrible idea. Sure, having you kneeled in his lap, pressed against him for the better part of the thirty minutes he spent at your place wasn’t exactly a regret. But was it worth the round of antibiotics and week-long benching ordered by Bruce after he stumbled into the Batcave an hour ago, hastily stitched up by his own hand and running a fever? He can’t decide. Was it worth the consequence of his siblings taking turns covering the patrol route of his city sector during his absence? Definitely not.
Was it worth the sight of you looking up at him, watery-eyed with flushed cheeks and fluttering eyelashes accentuated by the shine of your tears? The feeling of your hand sliding over his chest?
Maybe he could use the time off, as pointed out by a sneering Timothy, considering he was so stupid as to let his wound fester to the point of infection. He’d be too distracted to give the city his full attention, anyway. He needs time to think. To lie down in his old bed, stare at the ceiling, and think about if he’ll ever see you again.
Tim’s comment earns him a smack to the back of the head from Dick, who promptly kicks Tim out of the room.
“How are you feeling?” Dick stands at Jason’s bedside, arms crossed in concern.
“Same as when you asked me five minutes ago.” Jason wheezes. His pit-enhanced immunity makes the infection symptoms much easier than they could have been, but Bruce still insisted on him staying the whole week for observation. With how much he’s grown since he last used it, his childhood room feels much smaller than he remembers.
“Yeah, but…” Dick narrows his eyes at Jason. His gaze flits to his arm, wrapped in fresh bandages with an ice pack pressed over the stitches. “How…are you?”
“The same as…before,” Jason says, mimicking his brother’s cadence.
Dick sighs, thinking over his next move. He walks to the door, closes it, and pulls Jason’s desk chair to the bedside and sits down.
Jason groans. “Do you really have to—”
“Just humor me,” Dick interrupts. He leans forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. He takes Jason’s silence as resignation. “Did something happen?”
Jason rolls his eyes. “I got stabbed, Dick.”
“Is that all?” There’s a lilt in Dick’s voice.
“What are you implying?” Jason shoots back, though his hoarse throat negates his attempt to sound intimidating.
“Nothing! I’m not implying anything!” Dick leans back in his chair, holding his palms up in surrender. “I’m just saying. You seem…bothered. By something.”
“Yeah, the stab wound.”
“Okay. Okay, fine.” Dick clears his throat. “If there’s nothing.” He stands, returning the chair to its place. As he’s leaving, though, his hand settled on the doorknob, he hears a rustle of fabric and turns back to Jason. He’s shifting around in his old bed, awkwardly pulling at the comforter and he moves to sit on the edge, staring hard at the red pattern of the blanket while opening and closing his mouth, battling with himself on whether or not he should speak. Dick waits, giving him the time to work it out.
“I think I…” Jason says finally, not looking up from his lap. “I messed up.” He looks very uncomfortable. If opening up wasn’t such a rare occurrence for him, Dick might have found humor in his brother’s embarrassment.
Dick lets go of the doorknob, but doesn’t dare move closer. He knows that Jason’s fight or flight instincts will take hold the second he feels too caged in. “Messed up how?” He asks, keeping his tone even and unemotional.
“With…someone.” Jason forces out the words, cheeks burning as bright as his bedspread. He still refuses to look at Dick, but at the surprised, choked-back sound he makes at the admission, Jason’s face snaps up to his. Dick is disguising his shock as a cough into his fist, but his wide eyes are unmistakable, even behind the curtain of thick hair falling over his eyes.
“That’s…uh…” Dick clears his throat again. Then again. “That’s great, Jason,” he says, at last regaining his composure.
“Is it?” Jason says, squinting at his brother.
“No, I mean—not that you—” Dick sighs, running a hand down his face and deciding to abandon that train of thought altogether. “What happened?”
“I sort of…left. Abruptly.” Jason rubs at the growing stubble on his jaw. “Like— like after…” He trails off, hoping Dick will get the idea.
Dick has to quiet the extremely loud sirens going off in his head when he (albeit incorrectly) has the realization that his baby brother, the one he still sees as four feet tall, swinging his little legs off the kitchen island and covered in cookie crumbs is, in fact, having sex. 
“Is it serious?” He asks through a stiff smile.
Jason, ever oblivious to the silent breakdown his brother is having at the door, is not sure if he’d describe what you two have as serious. He knows you fairly well, knows what you do from the nights you talk about what’s going on at work; what you like from the posters and trinkets you have hung up around your place. And yeah, you talk sometimes. He may not speak that much around you, and it’s usually just frustrated complaints about the other bats, but it’s certainly more than he speaks to most people outside his family. And he sees you more often than he does most people outside his family. And he feels more comfortable with you than—
“Jason,” Dick calls, pulling him from his thoughts. “Is it serious?” He asks again, though there’s a quirk in his brow that suggests he already knows the answer.
“I don’t know,” is what Jason settles on.
“When did this happen?”
“Uh, a few days ago?” Jason says, even though he knows that’s a lie. It was 45 hours and 26 minutes ago, to be precise, but he doesn’t say that. He’s not sure how it would be received.
“You can’t go back? Just try to apologize?”
He wants to see you again, but he can’t. Doing so in the first place only put you in danger, and he was an idiot for ignoring that. If the wrong person had seen the Red Hood making consistent visits to the same window of the same building? His stomach turns at the thought.
Jason can’t imagine you’d be welcoming, either, after the way he left two nights ago. He watched you splash your face with cool water, leaving him with a shaky, watery smile, then listened to you putter around the kitchen with the promise of tea for the both of you. He felt like an asshole, picturing you coming back to the bathroom with his mug in hand, only to be met with an empty room and scattered first aid supplies on the floor. He didn’t even leave through the living room, like he entered, because you were in the kitchen. He climbed out of your bedroom window, like a coward. In his haste, he left those bloodstains he promised he would clean.
“I’m not sure she wants to see me.” Jason says quietly.
Dick answers thoughtfully; “Did she tell you that, or are you just making assumptions?”
Jason sighs. “Shit.”
“But, actually,” Dick winces. “You do have to stay here for the whole week, so…”
Jason lets out a tired groan and drops his face into his palms.
“Maybe call her?” Dick offers. He gathers the conversation is over from the way Jason glares at him, and turns to leave. But when he’s halfway out the door, he turns back. “Hey, Jaybird?”
Jason lifts his chin.
“You’re, uh…using protection, right?”
Jason blinks. It’s now that he realizes what Dick thought he was talking about and it burns him, leaving his skin red-hot.
“Get the fuck out.”
“Look, I’m just trying to—” He cuts himself off with a yelp, leaping out of the doorway to dodge the projectile pillow thrown at his head.
Jason hears a ‘good talk’ from the end of the hall, but is too busy with brand new concerns about his situation with you. If he could call you, he would, but he doesn’t have your number. He could easily find it, but not while he’s confined to this bedroom; he’d need access to his gear at home. And with the entire manor breathing down his neck for the next week, there was no way he’d be able to sneak out. So he’d have to wait an entire week before coming to see you again.
Maybe showing up at your place two days after the ordeal would have you understandably hurt, but nine days? You were going to be pissed. You are pissed.
Not at the Red Hood. You’re mad at yourself for being so stupid as to break down in front of him. It’s no fucking wonder he ran out the first chance he got. You sobbed into his shirt like an idiot for who knows how long. You practically felt him up. You’re an idiot for not thinking that would make him uncomfortable. And now, he’s never coming back, and you can’t even blame him!
There’s a book on your coffee table with a bookmark near the end that’s been staring at you since that night. That night when you, more consumed with confusion than anything else, dumped two mugs of fresh tea in the sink and flopped down on the couch and…waited. For what, you had no idea. The cover art took up your entire field of vision while you lied to yourself, saying you weren’t stealing glances at the window, hoping for a certain body to appear in the frame.
In the days following, the book sat there, practically taunting you until you turned it face-down so the sight of the star-constellated cover would stop making your stomach twist over in nausea. Nausea at the memory of how eager you were to pick it up at the library mere days after he had mentioned it, how you buzzed with excitement, and maybe something deeper, when you came home at night ready to snuggle into the couch with a blanket and your favorite mug to read the next chapter.
I hate you so much, you had murmured into a nasty bruise on the back of his left shoulder one night, though you couldn’t stop the grin that broke through the words.
What did I do? He replied, turning to look at you over his shoulder. 
You never told me that would happen halfway through, you said, forcing a frown when you looked up at him.
He chuckled. I’m sorry, I didn’t want to spoil it for you.
Through the amusement there was a lull in your usual rhythm. He did not need to ask which part of the book you were complaining about. He knows, knows you well enough to understand that you would be angry, reading about a budding, hopeful love that’s marred by the revelation that the boy and the girl will not make it. That their love was doomed from the start because, inevitably, he will have to leave her, and he has known the entire time that he would have to leave. That he loved her with one foot out the door.
You turned him around, ready to focus on the small abrasion at his temple when he asks, forgive me?
Fine, I guess so, you said, standing on your toes to get closer to his head.
That night replayed in your mind too often. The way he moved a ghost of an inch closer to lean into your fingers. The smell that was purely him in the grime and sweat in his hair when you pushed it back from his forehead, hoping he wouldn’t notice the extra second you lingered, fingers threaded into those streaks of white. You always wondered if they would feel different than the rest of his hair. They didn’t. They were just as soft. You wondered if anyone else knew that. You hoped not; no one else needed to know him the way you did.
(No one needed to know that you revisited that night with such frequency, either, in the middle of the night hidden under layers of blankets and darkness with nothing but your hands and imagination. You’d take that to the grave.)
Perhaps, deep down, there was a small part of you that wished he would turn up at your window again, this time armed with reasonings and apologies.
There was an emergency.
My team needed me.
I didn’t want to leave.
But after five days of radio silence, there’s not much you can do except take the hint.
You go about your normal routine, trying your hardest to push him out of your mind. Things at work are steady, your position intact and safe from usurping coworkers. You resign yourself to a fate of friends with questionable compassion, grateful to have any at all, and call up your best friend to smooth things over. She accepts, moving on to squeal about her boyfriend’s friend that she’s been dying to set you up with. You reluctantly agree to a double date somewhere down the line, but start preparing excuses and illnesses in the back of your mind.
Ten days after that night, that book is one week past its due date when you muster up the will to take it back to the Gotham Public Library.
(So maybe you still held out a small flicker of hope. What matters now is that you’re here, ready to return it and blow out that flame.)
There’s one person ahead of you when you fall into line at the front desk. He makes easy conversation with the librarian while she scans his library card; judging by the waves he garners from other passing staff, he must be popular around here.
“Thanks again, you’re the best,” he says, taking the book she hands him.
“Oh, of course,” the librarian gushes, a faint rouge coloring her face. “You let me know how you like that one.”
“I will.”
He turns around, halting suddenly to stop himself from walking into you. You mutter out an apology, ready to move past him, but he stares at you, saying nothing. His large hand tightens its grip on an old and worn book. The ends of jet black strands peek out from under a red beanie and he searches you with wide, teal eyes, mouth agape like he wants to speak. He’s looking at you like he’s been looking for you for ages, and he can’t believe you’re here.
“Hi,” he says, sounding a little breathless.
“Hi.” You clutch your book tighter against your chest, not knowing what to make of this man. It draws his eyes lower and he sees the title.
“Hi,” he says again. Then; “I— I was wondering. About that book.” He nods toward it. “I’m, uh, thinking about reading it. What did you think?”
“Oh,” you exhale. “I actually never finished it. Sorry.”
“Oh,” he echoes. His face falls, but only for a moment, before returning to a neutral expression. “Okay, sorry.”
He brushes past, leaving you addled in his wake, but also next in line. The librarian flashes you a glare when the book is scanned in as one week late. Sheepishly, you pay the fine and watch as it gets rolled away on a re-shelf cart, the last of your connections to the Red Hood rolling along with it.
It would be another two months before you saw him again.
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remember after the last part when i said "ignore how his open would is just sitting there marinating"? well i figured out how to amend that👍 idk why i feel like this is so short i tried to write more but yk how it is the story goes the way it wants to i am but the messenger. i've been experiencing mad writer's block this past couple of weeks please pray for me🙏🙏🙏
listen to the inspo song!!!
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year ago
i really want people to realize that i don’t hate lip or fiona because i think people may be starting to think that. lip’s my third favorite gallagher, i don’t like his actions and i personally believe he’s a misogynist but he is also one of the best written characters on the show
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elizzsush · 9 months ago
Fae Courting Rituals | TWST
Diasomnia Dorm X Reader
Lilia X Reader, Sebek X Reader, Malleus X Reader, Silver X Reader
---- Fae are typically taught from a young age certain courting rituals. (Non-Human courting rituals part 3/3)
Note: Was going To add silver to this list. (I know he isn't a fae, but he was raised by one) but was too tired to write for him)
Savanaclaw Ver. | Octavinelle Ver
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He starts following you around for some reason.
Seriously, one day he just woke up and decided to not leave you alone. It helped that you guys shared a bundle of classes together.
You had no clue how you befriended the green hair boy. You weren't complaining though, in this school, where everyone is so set in their ways, you liked having the extra layer of protection that was the loud half fae: Sebek.
He was loud and denies it however, whenever you point out he follows you. He claims to not having even realized he was doing such a thing. "I would never follow around a mere human!" He shouted out his claims with a red face.
It could be true. He did get somewhat spacy sometimes if you'd believe it.
He had a packed schedule, or so he claimed, yet he always found time to be around you. It made a warm feeling blossom in your chest, well, of course before he used this time to rant about Malleus. "Wakasama is the most kind and fit ruler of-" He'd ramble, you'd sigh; put your face in your hand and lean a bit closer to him. You enjoyed hearing him so passionate, even if it was... constant.
He didn't have an off switch, that didn't have to be a bad thing.
Plush, you didn't hate his voice. Not that you'd be as loud about your likes as he was for his.
Though you were pretty positive your friends... and most of the students at NRC were in fact sick of his voice. People have also noticed he is more vocal around you.
Which is… a good thing?
The oddest thing happened once. At one point when the two of you were relaxing in ramshackle. A bag of popcorn and a shitty TV you got on sale at Sam's shop. He wasn't being loud for once in his life, instead his attention was focused on the screen.
You two were sitting pretty close together when, he had grabbed your hand and laid his head on yours. Was he... cuddling you?
You couldn't help but smile and continue to watch the movie. You didn't want to comment on it, you knew if you did, he'd probably get up, make a huge deal out of it (with a red face), and leave.
He started rubbing his forehead against yours before he finally pulled away like it never happened. It was oddly affectionate.
You didn't even think he knew that he was doing it.
He began to do these affectionate things while he was focused on something else. Either it be a show at the movie nights you organized with him, or if he was studying a bit to hard with you.
Your friends wondered how you even managed a movie night with the loud boy but you just shrugged.
Eventually, you had to face it: You really like Sebek.
You really liked this brash boy with a thick skull.
You knew however, even if he did like you back. He'd never admit it, let alone go out with you.
It left you with this odd feeling. A dull pain that ranged from a small ache to feeling like Throns were wrapping around your heart, piercing the organ in your chest.
You tried not to let that get you too down. Instead, you watched him across the lunchroom as subconsciously he blew bubbles into his drink, his green eyes finding yours...
So yes, you'd listen to his rants. You'd go out of your way to hang out with him, you'd enjoy his company while you could.
Because you knew, sooner or later, he'd realize it too. The same reality you had to face. And...
He wouldn't face it.
He'd probably turn you away and never speak to you again. And you'd be fine with that. Even if you didn't want to be because you...
Well, let's save that for another day.. "Hey Sebek, lets hang out!"
"I suppose I can make time for you, Human!"
He was out to get you.
You noticed it. Almost everybody noticed it. You just didn't know what you did to him! He'd pop up everywhere and scare you! Right before disappearing away.
This counted as bullying, right?
You were starting to get... slightly paranoid.
You enjoyed Lilia's company, you really did. But you were tired of constantly looking over your shoulder. So, you started to avoid him, just a bit.
Your own personal revenge for the paranoia.
Now, Lilia has lived a long life. He knows what he's doing and is just having fun. He liked you, he did, but he probably isn't going to be that serious about this. He's in it for the vibes.
So when he see's you avoiding him... he well... He serenades you from outside ramshackle.
He makes his intentions very clear with a love song!
A boombox in Sebek's hand, and a tired Silver who followed along because... well Lilia was making Sebek hold a bomb box and traveling in your direction.
Lilia song his heart out for you. "Everybody loves somebody sometime!~ And although my dream was-"
"It is 2am!! The perfect will go out with you tomorrow!" Grim shouted out the window with a grogy done with it tone. After you threw a pillow at them.
NOTE: Sorry this one is short but I have a hard time writing for Lilia
What do you mean? You started courting him first. Very brave of you indeed child of man. He had even commented on it while you handed a piece of treasure!
That was... well, it was a cheap polished rock. It was well... shiny...?
It started very small. He accepted your gift and was expecting a bit more to be honest. Not even he was exactly sure how this courting would work out; he was prepared to be the one to pursue you!
Initially, he sat back and relaxed. Enjoyed the small sense of harmony you two already had and assumed you guys were dating.
Why would he not? He accepted your courting gift, he assumed their were more to come, the next step up to this would be marriage and he wasn’t sure you were ready for that.
However, you noticed this. You were so confused. He’d began to call you “beloved.” Which was a 180.
When did you two…? Huh??
He’s also been more clingy. Not on the sense he’d follow you around but in the sense of a mountain of handwritten letters and the actual sense that he’s in your personal space when you two do hang out.
So… the two of you are just dating now? “Beloved, you haven’t been responding to my letters. Did I do something?”
“Oh, sorry I just haven’t… quite finished all of them.” You glanced at a room that was empty at one time. Now it held a pile of letters.
This was an exaggeration, they’re were a lot but not a whole room full… yet.
Extra??? Silver:
It started like most seedlings of love, with a dream. A simple one, you were sat beside him, the two of you quiet and happy in each others company. The birds sang as you hummed beside him. The boy was content, more so then he had been in his life.
Then, like it was second nature to both of you. You two shared a kiss, and then he woke up.
Usually, he tried not to lose himself to sleep. But tonight all he wanted was to go back to the dream world and hold you. As soon as the realization crossed his mind however, he woke up even more. Had he ever been this awake? “Am I in love…?”
He, not knowing what to do. Went to Lilia, whom was enthusiastic with this news.
You know when parents find out their four year old has a crush? That’s Lilia, except Silver isn’t four. Every time they see you Lilia shoos Silver off too hang out with you. Sadly, with no prior love life to speak of, silver goes along with it.
Though he is embarrassed about it, he hides it well enough.
“Does Lilia think you like me?” You asked all to happily once, hiding your own happiness behind a giggle at the absurd situation he found himself in.
“Uh, yeah…” he’d just smile at you, his head laying on the lunch table as he was about to go to sleep. he loved to see you laugh even if it was somewhat at his expense. However, Sleep tends to escape him when he was near you. Not that he didn’t feel tired, but he didn’t feel as tired. He couldn’t feel angry about it, in fact he was happy about this. It was like you were some temporary cures for his illness.
Lilia would also insist that Silver gift you things. To show he can provide for you, the Silver hair male couldn’t disagree. So, he’d find things that might fancy you.
His bird and squirrel friends also helped him in his venture to gain your affection. Often leaving flowers at your doorstep and small shiny things.
One day you saw the birds and Squirrels run up to your doorstep, one flower at a time, make a gorgeous bouquet.
You made sure to thank him and his animal friends after that.
In return you'd try and make things for him, find things around he or the animals would like. Nuts for squirrels, seeds for the birds, and a deep red rose you plucked from Heartslabyul during the end of an unbirthday party.
He stayed awake for longer than he ever had that night, staring up at the rose in the dark while his dormmate slept. A smile on his lips as he examined every detail of it.
Ace would call it cheesy. The relationship between the two of you was something out of a romance movie he'd say in a more teasing way. Something like, "Is it Tuesday or Wednesday he's going to chase after you to an airport?" and then roll his eyes. You tell Ace to shut up while looking away with a face as red as riddle's hair.
It was after a test, you pulled your test paper out of your bag ready to check your score after preparing for disappointment when a blue bird swopped down and took it!
You cursed and chased after the bird, rushing past students and looking crazy, eventually you ended up in the forest next to the school.
You were sure you looked ever crazier than you had been running in the school halls, because now you had leaves in your hair, and your shoes were all muddy now...
Eventually, the birds placed the test paper, face down on a certain boy's chest. "Silver... Are you asleep?" You smiled and knelt beside him, a small smile on your face. Rolling your eyes at the perpetually sleeping boy. You sat beside him for a moment taking a deep breath before you grabbed your test.
You almost preferred it this way, to have him here, even if he wasn't fully here. It helped your nerves somewhat. An even bigger smile graced your face as you turned the paper, and a large B was printed at the top.
Standing up, you gifted your friend a small kiss on his forehead and wandered off back to school.
Well, you were stopped by a small, sleepy voice. "Y/N...?"
Note: It was this or clean my depression room... Anyway, I want to expand on Sebek's small scenario because I know if it was its own imagine I could make it really good.
Would ya'll enjoy that...?
ANYWAY, these small series is competed! (Unless...?) Thank you for reading them and thanks for reading the note. Not a lot of people do that. Myself included.
I have a hard time writing for Diasomnia...
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heavenbarnes · 1 year ago
have to write this because @evisnotok had some crazy good points in the notes | p1 p2 p3
the 141 know they can rely on your older bf!simon to come through with a fully stocked camera roll. whether they’re killing time in a safe house, back on base, or crowded around a sticky table at a pub.
their eyes are all on one thing.
that’d be you.
with your blessing, of course. simon had told you about johnny accidentally stumbling across his (not very well guarded) collection of intimate photos and he hadn’t missed the way your eyes had shifted and your thighs had tensed.
it’d been a change of minuscule proportions but simon had been watching you with well trained eyes- waiting for any telltale signs.
when he mentioned the way johnny had to adjust the front of his trousers, he could practically hear your mouth water.
when he took it so far as to tell you what johnny had said? you’d spent the rest of the evening humping simon’s leg like a bitch in heat as he laid out all the filthy things sergeant mactavish wanted to do to you.
so when the rest of the 141 caught on, found out about this little arrangement between simon and johnny- they wanted in. they’d seen the pretty little thing that simon kept at home and they wanted to see just how pretty you could get.
it started with the phone being passed around the group (simon had to overcome a few things before he’d let you get passed around the group) and it escalated into a group chat that was full to the fucking brim of your best moments.
videos of you crying simon’s name as you stuff yourself with your fingers.
photos of you with your back arched and your feet kicking.
videos of you being absolutely wrecked by simon the night he gets back from deployment.
photos of you with cum painting your cheeks and a big smile on your face.
they’re almost always for simon’s enjoyment but that last one- that was something different. unfamiliar sense of altruism filling his chest when he had you on your knees.
you’d been sucking his cock for the best part of an hour now, no complaints to be had. simon had put a pillow under your knees and his steady stream of praises had you keening into the hand that stroked your cheek.
“doin’ such a good job for me, sweet’art”
as you felt his balls tense up in your hand, where you’d been stroking them with your palm- you gave him one last long lick before you started tugging him off.
sitting back on your haunches, you stuck your tongue out in waiting when the hand that was around the back of your neck started to grip harder.
“gonna’ cum all over that pretty fuckin’ face”
you twisted your wrist, hand coming up over the leaky head of his cock before sliding it back down. spit flicked around as his foreskin moved beneath your grip, simon’s voice became gruntier than usual.
“you fuckin’ like that, huh? like it when i paint you like i fuckin’ own you?”
like? as if he didn’t already.
simon always got mouthy when he was nearing that peak and the minute the dams broke and he was shooting hot ropes of cum across your eagerly waiting face, his words were trailing off into broken moans.
you kept stroking him until his fingers had to pry you off him, hips beginning to jolt with sensitivity. but you didn’t move, sat still on your knees so simon could get a good look at you.
eyes following his movements, he reached across to pick up his cellphone before you heard the shutter sound a couple times (his phone is never silent, unless he’s on duty- at home it’s the loudest thing you’ve ever heard).
still holding his phone steady, simon reaches his thumb out to drag through some of his cum, before he presses it to your tongue and snaps another picture.
as he drags it away, he lifts his phone for a higher angle before you see his lip quirk up in amusement.
“that’s it, smile for the lads yeah?”
and the group chat never goes without, now whenever they see “ghost sent an attachment” their cocks chub up in almost pavlovian response.
the photos are filthy but their messages are filthier, the way they speak about you is enough to have your cheeks burning and your ears ringing.
“steamin’ jesus L.T you’re one lucky fucker”
“look at the state a’that, so fuckin’ pretty”
“so fuckin’ good at taking loads- got y’one well trained”
filthy enough to turn you inside out- your stomach fucking flipping with every word simon read to you.
one hand holding his phone, the other between your thighs, three thick fingers stuffed inside you. each new message he read, he’d flex his fingers against the spongy little spot that had your eyes rolling.
“can feel you squeezing my fuckin’ fingers, y’like the way they talk about you?”
your hands wrapped around his wrist, fingernails digging into the ink of his tattoos as he spurred you to the edge. leaning back against his chest, his phone was hovering right before your face and you could see those three little dots jumping as johnny typed a new message.
“almost there L.T can y’spare one more?”
you didn’t mean to moan out loud but the image of johnny stroking himself to you was nearly too much. head tipped back onto simon’s shoulder as your hips bucked into his hand, you felt his chuckle rumble against your spine.
long arm reaching up and the unmistakable sound of the shutter ringing around the room, you heard him type a quick reply before you opened your eyes.
debauched, the photo looked fucking debauched. spread out for him with your legs over his thick thighs and your hand practically forcing his fingers deeper into you.
you felt simon shift as he pressed a kiss to your heated cheek, thick cock pressing into the small of your back. he hummed as he slowly started to grind into you.
he knew it was all for show, that you just had this filthy little voyeuristic part of you that needed to be satiated by the praise of these men. he knew that at the end of it all-
“you’re all mine, aren’t ya?”
he just had to be sure, he was only man after all.
not a thought behind your eyes or a doubt in your mind, you nodded furiously as you melted further into his touch.
“only yours, si”
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thediaryofaurora · 6 months ago
ticci toby nsfw headcanons 😭🤲 can’t express how much i love your hc’s bro its so good 🥹💗 pls keep cooking
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☆Ticci Toby Relationship HCs☆
CW: NSFW, f!reader
THANK YOU SO MUCH! This ask single-handedly brought me out of my writing slump. I went ahead and added SFW dating HCs as well, a little bonus 🙌 Also I’m in a leg brace from soccer so I’m stuck in bed.
- This guy has got a LOT on his mental plate, be prepared for that.
- He is 100% a friends to lovers type of guy. He’s not easily trusting, so that relationship really has to be built up.
- When he does have a crush on someone he beats himself up about it because he feels so stupid for thinking you’d ever like him back.
- Moving onto actually dating him, he is so so so insecure. Lots of reassurance is needed, but if you’re able to get through to him he eventually realizes you actually like him.
- Crazy touch starved. In the first few months of dating he’s super unsure of if he can kiss you or even put his arm around you, he’s HORRIFIED of crossing any boundaries and you leaving. You’ll probably have to make the first move.
- He most likely won’t be the one to ask you out. If you’ve known eachother for a while and he’s feeling a little confident there’s a possibility, but in his mind he’d rather stay friends and get to see you rather than get rejected and you not talk to him anymore.
- LOVES going on dates with you, but he’s a ball of anxiety. It should be easy to cool him down and let him know you’re enjoying it, he’s just so worried about if you’re happy or not.
- Usually thinks going on walks or sitting on a curb together is like the perfect date, ESPECIALLY in the fall. He keeps an old camera on him that he got from Brian so he can make little home videos and capture the moments you spend together.
- Picks up cool leaves, glass shards, or other things left in the forest and makes sure to show you.
- He’s actually not an awful cook. He’s a fast learner in pretty much every aspect and he already knows the basics. His mom taught him when he was young how to make some baseline German dishes, and this man can WHIP that shit up.
- Once you two are to the point in your relationship where you can cuddle, he is ALL OVER YOU. Especially when it’s raining/ thundering out and you two can lay in bed together. Since he overheats easily due to his CIPA, in the colder seasons you’ll have to leave the window open so he can stay cool.
- After seeing how his dad treated his mom, he has a pretty good grasp on how to treat a partner. At times he can fly off the handle, especially with his bipolar disorder, but afterwards he breaks down and apologizes. If at any point you even SEEM like you don’t like him anymore he gets defensive, it makes him very standoffish or snappy.
- Won’t shut up about you after you start dating. Not in a rambling way, but he finds a way to bring you up in every conversation. He doesn’t meant to, but how could he go without telling someone you’d like the flower he just walked by?
- I mean VIRGIN virgin, like this guy has had NO activity. No first kiss either. All the knowledge he has is from porn, so he’s completely clueless. If you’re both inexperienced you’ll just have to persevere.
- He’s the kind of person to get turned on looking at a picture of you fully clothed, he’s just so in love with you.
- Before you two start dating he’s 100% taking candid pictures of you or finding your instagram posts and jacking off to them.
- Massive bottom. He puts out a front for a WHILE before you’ll be able to realize he’s not a top, he doesn’t want to look like a sissy. If you suggest being on top he’s BLOWN AWAY. Acts like he’s just doing whatever you want, but afterwards you definitely realize he’s been waiting for it.
- Sensitive as hell. He’s a loud one, but again he doesn’t want to look weak or not masculine enough. He tries to hold his moans and whimpers back and grunt instead, but if you do it just right he’s a whimpering, whining, PANTING, mess. Kiss his neck? He’s rock hard. Even if you’re just giving him a hickey he’s whimpering and bucking his hips into you.
- Tits man 100%. Doesn’t matter what size, the fact that they’re there is enough. When you’re on top of him he prefers for you to face him so he can watch them bounce. When he’s on top he’s usually in missionary so he can still see them.
- Hair pulling kink, specifically his. He can’t feel the pain, but the yank drives him CRAZY.
- Big on oral. Giving or receiving, he doesn’t care. If he’s giving he prefers for you to sit on his face, but he’d never admit that.
- His favorite place to do it is tight spaces. Closets, cars, narrow alleyways. Especially if it adds to the thrill of getting caught.
- STAMINA. He cums crazy fast, but he’s definitely able to make up for it with how many rounds he can go. Even if he came a few minutes ago, it’s already up and ready to go again.
- Likes to have music playing in the back while you do it. He probably already made a playlist the second you started dating, but if you ever want to choose the music he doesn’t mind.
- At first he’s self conscious about his abilities, but after some time and seeing how good you feel he’s a cocky motherfucker. Slyly grinning and looking at you all worn out after a few rounds boosts his ego to the moon.
- Dim lighting all the way. He wants to be able to see you, but he feels too exposed when it’s too bright.
- Not completely opposed to a threesome, it depends on who it is. He’s more protective than possessive, so if he trusts the person enough he’d be okay with it. If it had to be anyone in the mansion it would probably be Cody or Liu, but he’d make sure you’re okay with it.
- Rabid horny teenager.
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months ago
ive been writing my thoughts in the notes app but due to popular demand (one person asked for it) i'm posting my liveblogging DO NOT SAY/TAG/COMMENT SPOILERS PLEASE i read tags
warning im a yapper, im 10 hours in and theres a lot already (separated into sessions):
whos this clown i thought i would be playing as revan
ive been too spoiled by dragon age origins this character creator sucks ass
only human???? ): fr?? ill just imagine her different in my brain or some shit
my life is being mansplained to me. is this bad writing or do i have amnesiacs
hes meta now??? hes talking abt the screen controls?????
omg a jedi and an evil jediii
omg their asses suckedddd they both died immediately
i <3 bringing a sword to a gun fight
i clicked a workbench and it said lightsaber so either i get a lightsaber or i get a jedi friend whose lightsaber i can steal if im careful
I assume u play as revan in kotor2 so im gonna buy that now so i can play it when im done playing w this clown
i got light side points im getting a good grade in game morality which is something both normal to want and possible to achieve
everyone keeps saying revan is dead but thats my friend revan from tumblr hes clearly alive. or they???
my characters ass is distractingly present onscreen
huge fan of the way everyone collapsed drunk what the FUCK was in that wine
ok these sith ppl might be the bad guys but their armour is DRIPPY AS FUCK
ideologically i dont agree w the sith but they kinda went off w the fits
googling how to become a sith without being evil cause they have Drip
i paid £1.19 to see revan he better show up in this game at some point
all these sith n i still cant find one revan….. stop faking ur death rn come out n talk to me babygirl this isnt like u….
why can i be light/dark side if im not a jedi. give me a laser sword
maybe this jedi gyal will know where revan is faking his death. or give me a fuckin lightsaber PLEASEEE
was just thinking 'does this game have romance' and then carth called me beautiful. i dont think im gonna romance anyone until i get this amnesia sorted
why is carth questioning me so much abt the crash im pretty sure i have amnesia
why tf did the jedi lady have me transferred to this ship are we in lesbians with each other???
carth's not wrong it is suspicious but i lowkey have amnesia so i coulda done that i coulda not
a lot of clone wars voice actors in this. was lucasfilm so broke in the 2000s that they could only afford the same 3 VAs for every project
mission is 14??????? we need to get my girl back in school
tale as old as time i fucking suck at racing games
ok i didnt realise you had to mash click i won
REVAN!!! REVAN!!!!!!!!!
why am i dreaming abt revan tho. real as hell but ?????
lmao cringe revan getting blown up. i thought the jedi beat rev-meister in a fight but no. accident
"such visions are often a sign of force sensitivity" COOL YAY GIVE ME A LIGHTSABER
CARTH IS RIGHT THATS LIKE DAY ONE JEDI SHIT. ok i still love her even tho shes a bit of a bitch and also doesnt have a saber
if we find a lightsaber im taking it first tho
whys carth getting weird abt me being weird that he doesnt trust me. i just wanna be friends mate
'i mean no disrespect, but perhaps one of the male slaves could serve you better' i went in here to start a slave revolution and instead got called a lesbo
thats insaneee they blew up BILLIONS of people to get to one jedi?????? these sith arent fucking around theyre scary
someone just called me padawan i kinda assumed i was in my late 20s do i just have baby vibes
all the jedi in the movies are so chill but every kotor jedi i've met so far has been a bit of a bitch
YO THEY HAVE A YODA!!! its not THE yoda but
cool so these guys are just the regional managers at best. your asses are not the council
why can everyone smell my force juju so strong
why does fake yoda not blink both eyes at the same time. im calling him master tortimer he reminds me of the animal crossing mayor
bastila there was no need for such a fancy bow
malak is like evil aang
revan is so much shorter than malak omg
are me and bastila sharing dreams. are we both obsessed w revan
poor mission ):
im intrigued i like this whole hidden jedi shtick its very compelling. so is whatever theyre hiding from me
kinda surprising no jedi found me before tho given my force juju is so strong
does revan rlly not have pronouns i thought that was a tumblr thing but they straight up are a nonbinary icon ive never heard a single pronoun used. revan's pronouns are revan/revan's
damn revan seems so cool in these stories (charismatic war hero that convinced their troops to join them as conqueror?? julius caesar) and yet all we've seen them do onscreen is get blown up and die by accident
A YEAR AGO? the way they were talking i assumed revan died like. a week before the game started
master uh i forgot his name he has martin scorcese vibes said revan was a paragon of the jedi so what im getting is that all jedi gifted kids turn evil
even if i didnt know revan as a tumblr darling id KNOW revan has to be alive somewhere they way everyone talks abt them is too cool for a character who exploded and died. i think. i hope. I PAID £1.19 TO MEET REVAN
'only you and bastila can stop malak' seriously????? just us two?? ive been a jedi for like, 6 minutes and you guys keep calling bastila young???? do you guys not wanna help??
omg im getting carth to traumadump! <3
i totally knew the jedi code and did not have to google it whatsoever
they rlly said fuck going to illum heres a crystal from the bin
he told me id be a great sentinel and i was like i know but i want blue cause i dont wanna be matchies with bastila
omg i made my lightsaber perfectlyyy which is rare <3 getting a good grade in jedi
maybe i was a travelling lightsaber salesman before my amnesia
seriously though WHO was i everyone's kinda stopped acting like i have amnesia since the first mission BUT IVE PLAYED DRAGON AGE THAT GIVES YOU OPPORTUNITIES TO RP UR PAST. THIS DOESNT. EITHER THIS GAME IS BAD (but i love it so its not) OR I HAVE RETROGRADE AMNESIA
also everyone keeps being like "Oh ur force juju is so strong" AND NOBODY FOUND ME TIL NOW??? suspicious. did getting a really bad concussion activate the force in me
im too confused and amnesiac'd to think abt anything except the fact i have a glowing stick now
big fan of using aliens to avoid having to get VAs to read every line
oh so carth's boyfriend saul betrayed him and became leader of the sith fleet so he has trust issues
well he needs to calm down. i can't betray him cause i dont know what the fuck is happening
yooo i love the design differences on the mandalorians
oh my god this lady wanted to fuck her droid cause it was her husband's. and then it killed itself. wtf. game of the year tho
wtf they jebaited this juhani person into going dark side but then i talked her out of it. that seems a bit mean of them
i hope she can join my party she looks too unique to be a random npc
ive been thinking and I might be going crazy but there was a loading screen tip ages ago that said jedis could wipe ppl's mind and all i thought at the time was 'fuck the shitshow acolyte didnt make that up'. but what if one of them wiped MY memory and i used to be a jedi or smthn ????????
cause they keep being like ur weirdly good at this??? did bastila steal my memories??????????
if i dont have amnesia and im just deeping the fact the opening had my life being mansplained then im gonna look real stupid
anyway time 2 go to the fuckshit ruins cave where r-dog and malak went to
"it must be referring to revan. the dark lord and malak--" revan's pronouns are revan/thedarklord
bastila said theres no mention of the Builders in the archives. does she just know every text off by heart
omg i can equip 2 lightsabers at once. game of the year
ok i didnt get choices and i didnt really uh… say anything that i didnt already get told im still not ruling out amnesia
also booo i didnt get to find out how old i was
master tortimer rlly looks like the ultimate ketamine yoda
omg kashyyk from jedi fallen order!!!
omg this ship is fun i wish everyone had personalised bunk spaces like hfw… a game which came out 19 years after this i should probably just take what we have
im gonna start w manaan cause im p sure thats what B-dog said n its the same language the droid was speakin
omg hyperspace from star wars
am i having dreams abt revan bc bastila killed revan and im connected to her this is so roundabout
maybe i'd sleep better if my ponytail wasnt clipping into the pillow
[kiwi accent] six
carth needs a xanax every time i think we're friends he stops trusting me
also lmao he actually pointed out how wild it was that a day one padawan is being sent on this uber important mission and HES RIGHT IT IS WEIRD!! i thought it was main character logic but he's calling it out
i really really like the sense of unease that's setting in like at first i thought it was just cause im not used to 2003 games but no this is on purpose bc carth my friend carth keeps calling it out
THERE IS A CHILD ON MY SHIP ??????????????????
lmao the representative for menaan is roland wann. its like poetry it rhymes
there are no cameras in the sith hangar <3 rookie error i can commit crimes now
bastila's favourite hobby is getting shot and walking into my grenades
this isnt a combat system this is a missing system
nvm i had a datapad that said the sith were evil so theyve let me go free and we're besties
why do i feel like ive just walked into an underwater horror mission
this suit waddles at the speed of a penguin on fentanyl
i tamed the beastie this is like how to train your dragon
but maybe revan escaped when bastila wasnt looking THEYRE FINE THEYRE OUT THERE SOMEWHERE. I BELIEVE
so hopefully when we run into revan they'll be like agh i changed my ways cause of the being shot thing and they'll be my bestie
great news i successfully communicated w the ship child and gave her back to dantooine. my girl has shockingly good linguisitics skills
bastila is so dour "oh watch out for the dark side" GIRL I AM. I NEED TO GET THE BEST GRADE IN GAME MORALITY
ok OFF TO KASHYYK i hope cal kestis is there… thru the force i guess… bc he wont be born for another 4000 years but its whatever
omg you'll never guess what. another vision. wow its one of the thangs. cool this is a tomorrow me problem
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srjlvr · 11 months ago
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LYING to his friends about having a girlfriend was definitely not on his ‘how to survive highschool’ list and now, he has to convince his biggest rival that will surely laugh at his face, to fake date him.
PAIRING. rugby player+rival!sunghoon X rival-fem!reader (mentions of the rest of enha, aespa’s karina and boynextdoor taesan)
GENRE. childhood enemies to fake dating to lovers, angst, comedy, fluff and idk what more.
WARNINGS. young sunghoon’s a bitch, so is young y/n, also older sunghoon’s a bitch and so is y/n, manipulating here and there, misunderstandings, miscommunications, definitely curse words (seventh graders already know how to curse here!) , horrible humor, ik its weird but all of the mentioned idols here are the same age! (lmk if i missed something pls!)
WORD-COUNT. 10.4k+
NOTE. ok fine! bully me for not knowing how to make a pretty cover, its the story that matters though, right? anyways besties i really dunno when will be my next update so please be patient!! i miss writing and being here 24/7 honestly but its just been really hard for me.
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“i need you to fake date me”
“are you seriously begging right now?”
“that’s fun, get on your knees and beg more”
“are you nuts? i’ll never do that”
“fine then, pay me for that”
“how much?”
if there’s one thing sunghoon can say about himself is that he’s quite an organized person, therefore he made a list for highschool.
a list that will help him survive his last years in highschool and will help him stay sane at the same time.
he called his list “how to survive highschool”, creative, right?
he’s been following his list and so far managed to survive just perfectly.
staying in rugby team with his friends? check!
“sunghoon! catch!” he heard a voice calling him and saw a ball coming right at him, he caught the ball and ran with it, then passing the ball to riki, his friend and teammate who scored the game and ended it with a win.
“that was a good one! take a break and return in thirty minutes!” the rugby team’s coach clapped and sent the players off for break.
“hey! i got your exam grades here! come collect them!” jungwon, one of sunghoon’s friends waved the exams to show the players he got the them in his hands.
sunghoon went up to jungwon and took his own.
get high grades? check!
“i got A+ again!” he looked at the grade and excitedly smiled.
“ugh, you’re making me sick being the nerdy rugby player” jay, another friends of his rolled his eyes.
“you’re just jealous my grades are higher than your chances with your crush” sunghoon joked.
“oh you—“ “enough! no fighting on break time” heeseung cut jay in the middle of his sentence.
“let’s just get something to snack, it’s lunch time anyway” sunoo suggested and they all nodded.
“you guys ready?” riki asked before they entered the hallway.
get popular enough so students will freak out when they see you? check!
“sunghoon! i got you this chocolate snack! please accept this and enjoy it” a one random student handed him the chocolate snack.
before he could take it, jake snatched it and smiled, “i’ll take that, thank you” and left the girl and sunghoon speechless.
“dude what the fuck?” he asked his friend.
“it could be poisoned for all you care” jake shrugged but proceeded to take a bite from the snack as they kept walking.
“let’s just sit right there!” jungwon pointed at one lunch table as they entered the cafeteria.
“really? right in front of where y/n is sitting?” sunoo whispered in his ear.
“sure, let’s do that” sunghoon replied and started walking towards the table.
“um, i’ll go grab the snacks” riki said and ran to get the snacks.
“did he just-“ “oh, it’s going to be interesting” jake smirked and watched sunghoon as he walked really closer to you, who was sitting with your back towards him.
“so, what are your plans for the weekend?” your friend karina asked as she took a bite of your food.
“oh i don’t really know, probably chilling at home and—“ you were cut off middle sentence by someone bumping into you, causing you to spill some of your food on your uniform.
“what the fuck?” you turned around and saw the person behind it, “should’ve known it was you, park”
get yourself a rival so it’ll be more fun and interesting….? check!
“sorry, couldn’t see you there” he smirked.
“just go away” you rolled your eyes at him and turned to your friend who looked awkward as hell.
“sure” he started to walk but bumped into you again, causing you to spill more food on your clothes.
“oops! that happened again” he chuckled and continued to walk to the table.
“that’s it” that was your last straw.
you got up and took your water bottle, “y/n dont—“ your friend tried to stop you but it was too late already.
as you got closer to sunghoon, you poured all your water on him.
“what the—“ “sorry!! i slipped over and spilled some on you!!” you replied with a smirk and stormed off.
his friends who were watching the whole thing from afar, walked closer to now drenched sunghoon and started laughing.
“damn, that was fun. do it again!” jay cheered.
“here sunghoon i got you a towel!” a student walked up to him and handed him a towel to dry himself.
“thank you, i’ll take it” sunoo said and took the towel.
sunghoon glared at him, “what? you’re already used to being drenched by sweat, it’s the same thing, no?”
“i hate him” you rolled your eyes.
“say, what’s the deal with you and sunghoon? you never really told me and i just assumed he annoys you because he’s a nerdy rugby player,” she chuckled, “but it seems more than that”
“park sunghoon has been on my ass ever since seventh grade” you sighed.
“why? what happened on seventh grade?” she asked, leaving everything she was busy on behind and crossing her hands to focus on you and you only.
before seventh grade you and sunghoon were best friends, hell, your parents could’ve sworn that one day you’ll end up marrying each other.
you were stuck like a glue, always around each other and doing basically everything together, no one could tear you apart.
until, seventh grade happened.
you were the top student in class, you aced everything, from math to arts and received praises from all teachers. for the last few days of school, the teacher wanted you to show the whole school your arts project.
you drew your favorite view, which was your house garden, the teacher got so excited over the drawing and decided she wants you to show it to everyone else too.
a day before the last day of school, you were busy doing the last touches of your art, sunghoon was busy doing his usual, which was to annoy you.
“sunghoon stop! i need to focus” you scoffed.
sunghoon shrugged, “but i’m bored”
“go play around with others or something” you sighed.
he shook his head, “not when i can annoy you!”
he walked back and forth, even twirled around, until he became dizzy and accidentally pushed you over your drawing, making it look like a big mess over the canvas.
you let out a yelp and looked at it with teary eyes.
“i….i’m sorry!” he quickly said.
“get out!” you yelled without even looking at him.
“it can be fixed! just a few little—“ “i asked you to get out! you ruined my drawing! how will i be able to show it to everyone now?” at this point you started crying.
you didn’t show your unfinished and ruined art in front of everyone, instead it was sunghoon’s drawing that was shown to everyone.
your teacher saw the ruined art and decided to change the plans by taking sunghoon’s project and showing it to everyone.
jealousy was eating you alive. it was supposed to be you up there on stage, showing the project to everyone and getting the compliments, you deserve that after working so hard.
it was sunghoon’s fault, all of it.
before you walked away with your parents, sunghoon called you a few times. at first you ignored his callings, but your parents, unbeknown to the whole story behind it, stopped your tracks and told you to go to sunghoon.
with heavy steps you walked closer to him, “what do you want?” you coldly asked.
“i wanted to apologize” he took a deep breath.
“great, you just did”
“we’re good now, i forgive you” you lied. you just didn’t feel like hearing his excuses and explanations.
“wow, really?”
“yeah” no.
although you told sunghoon you forgive him, things became really awkward between the two of you.
summer vacation arrived and you did your best to ignore him, except the times where he left you no choice and just randomly showed up at your house.
eighth grade was cool between the two of you, but you still held strong feelings against him.
he tried his best to overcome the weird awkwardness between the two of you, you’re too important for him to let go. he was honestly so scared of entering highschool without you by his side.
the second half of eighth grade was the last straw between the two of you.
you started crushing over someone in your class, and started hanging out with him, slowly getting close to the guy.
sunghoon, who was carefully watching you from behind, didn’t like your new crush, he seemed like bad news to him, getting close not only to you, but to other girls as well.
your parents, who were strict that time, warned you about dating a guy at such young age, and sunghoon had to do what he had to do.
“park, what the fuck?” you came up to him and pushed him.
“what?” he asked surprised.
“why the fuck did you tell my parents about him?” you shout.
“oh,” he rolled his eyes, “so it’s about him”
“of course it’s about him! you know about my long time crush on him!”
“he’s bad news y/n” sunghoon tried to warn you.
“no, you’re bad news! i should’ve known not to forgive you at all” you scoffed and walked away.
“y/n, wait!” sunghoon called you but you were faster than the light and suddenly was nowhere to be found.
“uh oh” jay, who was there to witness everything pat his friend’s back, “you fucked up”
“yeah, thanks jay i really needed that” sunghoon rolled his eyes.
“really? going behind her back and telling her parents about some guy? you could’ve just talked with her about it” jay snapped.
“it’s not that easy”
“it sure isn’t, and so will be your attempts to talk with her”
jay was right, sunghoon tried everything to get to talk with you, followed you everywhere, sent you numerous texts and calls until you had to block his number, even showed up at your house a few times. nothing helped.
so sunghoon, being the cool teenager he is, decided to move on. he doesn’t need you anymore anyways.
nineth grade came and so did a new student that sunghoon couldn’t take his eyes off of.
slowly he tried his best to get closer to her and spending more time with her, he was so close to confess his feelings towards her.
“did you do that on purpose?” she asked, nothing but hatred in her eyes as she looked at sunghoon.
“do what…?” he asked confused.
“did you tell the whole school about my family issues?” she raised her voice.
“what? no! i would never—“
“forget it, you’re such a jerk!” she yelled and stormed out.
“wait!!” he called her and was about to run after her but his eyes caught a glimpse of a person smirking.
he clenched his jaw and moved closer to the figure, “what the fuck did you do?” he asked.
“nothing, i don’t know what you’re talking about” the person shrugged.
“don’t play dumb, y/n. i know you had something to do with it” he rolled his eyes.
“still don’t know what you’re talking about” you shrugged again, “maybe someone’s just taking a revenge on you, i don't know” you added and left with a smirk.
“i hate you choi y/n!” he shout. “it’s mutual park sunghoon!”
“oh now i get it! yes girl! give him the revenge he deserves to get” karina cheered and you nodded.
“but, don’t you think he ruined your chances with your crush just because he was jealous?” she asked and you glared at her, “i mean, even your parents could’ve sworn you’d end up getting married”
“even if he was jealous, he should’ve confronted me about it” you replied and she nodded.
“you’re right” she sighed, “but what if he was, i don’t know, scared?”
“are you seriously on his side now?” you asked in disbelief.
“never!” she hugged you and you giggled.
“let’s get you cleaned up, i think i have an extra uniform in my locker”
“oh no, walking in school hallways like that is like just straight up asking to be bullied”
“i won’t let anyone bully you bae, let’s go”
“by the way! all of you are invited to my brother’s wedding, no single hoes are invited though, that includes you sunghoon” heeseung chuckled,
“sweet! when is it?” jake asked.
“in a month”
“what? you cannot be serious!” sunghoon complained.
“sorry, your single ass will not be able to handle this wedding” heeseung shrugged.
“even riki has a partner before you” sunoo laughed.
“guys just realized sunghoon is really the only one single here” jungwon added which made everyone laugh and make jokes about him.
“all of you can shut up because i actually do have a girlfriend”
heeseung was obviously joking about sunghoon not being invited because he’s single, but he was not expecting to hear his friend confessing that he actually is seeing someone now.
sunghoon was also not expecting that big lie to come out of his mouth, but it was already too late.
“what?” jungwon spoke first after the silence that surrounded after his confession.
“i do have a girlfriend” no sunghoon, you can still get away with it and say you were joking.
sunghoon’s list of surviving highschool has a lot of tasks still left untouched, but this one was definitely not, and was never written, as one of his tasks on his list.
lie to your friends about having a girlfriend? definitely not on the list, stop with the lies!!!
his friends looked at him in shock. riki dropped the spoon he was about to shove into his mouth, jake choked on his water and heeseung pat his back, jay almost fainted and jungwon and sunoo froze in their place.
“what?” sunghoon asked.
they all burst into laughter, “that was a good one! i almost believed you!” riki wiped his tears that fell down because of the amount of laughter he let out.
“i’m serious!” sunghoon scoffed.
“you? a girlfriend? sunghoon, i saw your ‘how to survive highschool’ list, you had a ‘no matter what, stay single until you finish highschool!’ line!” jay chuckled.
“i can break one line its not a big deal, besides, she’s definitely worth it” sunghoon smiled.
he’s talking about no one, no one comes to his mind at the moment, but he still keeps on with his lie.
“will we be able to see her before the wedding?” heeseung asked.
“a day before maybe” sunghoon nodded.
“hey! we’re already late for practice! get up everyone now!!” jungwon checked the clock and hurried everyone up.
sunghoon knows he fucked up, real bad. he never had a normal conversation with a girl in highschool, and let’s not forget about the fact that everyone talks to him as if he has some kind of royal blood.
the only real friendship he had with a girl was with you in his childhood. and you’re the only girl who can talk back to him without feeling threatened. wait, that’s it!
“i need you to fake date me”
curse him and his very awful impulse control.
as soon as sunghoon finished his practice he went to the library, figured he’d find you there and apparently he was right.
the book you were reading was long forgotten as you tried to process what you just heard.
“no” you replied shortly.
“please?” he sounded so desperate.
“are you seriously begging right now?”
“that’s fun, get on your knees and beg more” you smirked.
“are you nuts? i’ll never do that” he frowned and rolled his eyes.
“fine then, pay me for that”
“how much?”
“hell no”
“kiss my ass goodbye then” you shrugged.
“you’re unbelievable”
“said the one who barged into the library and started begging me to date him”
“yeah, it’ll help you become popular” he slightly nodded.
“right, you’re already popular and have multiple fans or whatever, why don’t you just ask them?”
“it’ll just make things worse!”
“fuck off sunghoon, i’m not going to fake date you and help you because of some stupid lie you told” you rolled your eyes and got back to reading the book.
he tried begging you once more but at this point you just decided to ignore him until he left.
“what the heck was that?” you asked yourself and shook your head.
“hey y/n!” you heard a voice calling you and you immediately recognized this voice.
it belonged to taesan, your classmate and also your longtime crush. taesan’s quite popular amongst the students, and surprising so, he’s not a rugby player.
you’ve made a pros and cons lists about your few old crushes and also made one about your current crush, taesan.
pros? he’s funny, smart, creative, caring, friendly, kind and would prefer to spend his free time in the library with you.
“hey sunghoon dude! didn’t see you there, what are you doing here?”
he’s sunghoon’s best friend. that is a BIG no no for you.
“just came to check something, studying again?” sunghoon smirked as he looked at you.
did he seriously wait for taesan to come so he could spend more time annoying you?
“yeah, it’s my studying with y/n time, we’ve been doing that for a while” taesan smiled widely and winked at you.
without even noticing your cheeks started to heat up. but your blushing cheeks were already noticed by someone who’s definitely going to use that against you.
“right, i’m not going to interrupt you two, enjoy!” sunghoon said as he gave you one last smirk before turning around and leaving.
“isn’t he so weird sometimes? i can definitely understand why you hate his guts” taesan chuckled and you nodded.
“how are you today anyway? didn’t see you that much” he smiled.
“so far so good, you?”
“great now that i’m here with you”
you tried your best to stop your racing heart beats after hearing what he said and making eye contact with him.
you just giggled and opened a book right away, “let’s just start with this book!”
after some time that felt like half an hour to you (but was actually two hours or so) it was time to go back home.
“let me walk you home” taesan suggested.
“it’s okay, i live closeby, if so i’m the one who needs to walk you home” you giggled.
“i insist”
you didn’t reply to him and just walked out of the library as he followed you.
“oh hey y/n, taesan!” you stopped your trace when you noticed sunghoon standing right outside the library.
“sunghoon? why are you still here?” taesan asked, emphasizing the last question.
“just walked by after dropping yeji at her friend’s house, also i promised y/n i’ll walk her home, right y/n?”
you looked at him confused but he gave you the ‘you better say yes now’ look, and besides, you didn’t want to bother taesan with the long walk.
“right, i completely forgot, i’m really sorry taesan, next time i’ll be the one to walk you home!” you said and he nodded.
“don’t worry about it!” he said, quite confused since he never saw the both of you getting along and actually walking home together, even though you live right across each other.
sunghoon took your hand and dragged you away from taesan.
“what the fuck park?”
“walking him home? seriously? your lazy ass could never” he teased and you rolled your eyes.
“fuck off sunghoon, why are you really here?”
“i’ve got a deal to offer” he stopped you from walking and you glared at him.
“you haven’t heard it yet”
“i don’t care, it’s a no from me, i can never trust you” you scoffed and started walking away.
“i’ll help you to get close to taesan!” he said and you froze for a second, “i don’t need your help”
“oh but you do” he smirked as he figured he got your weakness point, “you’ve been acting awfully trying to hide your little crush on him”
“what do you need?” you asked, half convinced.
“a month” he said straightforwardly.
“are you—“
“a month of fake dating and then i’ll let you tell everyone you broke up with me and broke my heart and whatever you want” he licked his lips, “i’ll help you get closer to taesan too”
“i need a day to think about it” you sighed.
“fine” he said, full of hopes and prayers.
as you arrived you bid your goodbyes for the first time in years, and it never felt so weird as much as it just did.
as you entered the house you took a quick shower and ate, right after that you ran to get your phone a called karina.
“i think you should do it, a month wouldn’t be so bad, plus, he did say he’ll help you get close to taesan” she said.
“can i really trust him though? he ruined my chances with my crush once already” you groaned.
“you’re right, don’t trust that guy”
“but he’s also the only one that could get me close to taesan”
“right again, trust him fully and agree to that deal”
“you’re not helping me at all!!” you complained.
“i don’t know bae, i guess that if i was you i would’ve probably go with what my heart says”
“cliché much, aren’t we?”
“i didn’t know what to say!”
“i guess i just…”
“really? are you for real? is it really happening right now? i need you to sign this contract right now before you regret” sunghoon’s eyes widened and his lips formed into a little smile.
you rolled your eyes, “don’t make me regret this”
“okay okay, i won’t, let’s just find a spot where we could talk” he said and took your hand.
he dragged you to an empty classroom and closed the door.
“so,” he spoke, “we need rules”
“no shit sherlock”
“can you stop being an actual bitch for a second and hear me out?” he spat and you rolled your eyes.
“i’ll be walking you home, mornings and afternoons no matter what” he said.
“does that really matter? i mean, no one sees us” you sighed.
“that’s what you think, my friends are stalkers it’s actually scary”
“we’ll be posting pictures together which means we’re going to have to go on date—“
“im gonna stop you right there” you cut him off middle sentence, “you can just use pictures from pinterest”
“there’s no chance im going on dates with you” you argued.
“you agreed to this fake dating, you need to face the consequences”
you groaned and he continued, “kissing is not prohibited, you can kiss me whenever you want, if it’s necessary”
you felt like throwing up hearing this sentence.
“who’s gonna buy that? just yesterday you were bumping into me and acting like a total bitch in front of everyone” you rolled your eyes.
“it’s as simple as that, we’ll say we’ve been forced by our parents to come as a couple to an event and we had a deep conversation about our past and after a while of reuniting i asked you out and we decided to hide our relationship until now” he shrugged.
“wow,” you clapped, “you thought about it the whole day yesterday didn’t you?”
“no…” he scratched his nape and looked everywhere but at you.
“sure” you nodded, completely not believing what he just said.
“anyways it’s all settled, we’ll be posting a picture today after school” he said and was about to leave the classroom.
“one more thing,” he said, “pda is a must, therefore you’d have to give me your hand and we’d have to go hand in hand to classroom”
“just say you want to hold my hand, i’ll take that into consideration, but i’m not interested” you asked annoyed.
“you wish someone would actually want to hold your hand out of his own will” he rolled his eyes.
“you haven’t touched a single soul in your entire life”
“just shut up” he sighed.
“never as long as your annoying ass is right besides me”
he just groaned and took your hand.
“starting now” he nodded, “it’ll make everyone confuse until we reveal our relationship”
“yuck, even calling it a relationship is making me want to throw up”
“hope your stupid brain knows it’s mutual but whatever, just don’t act like that when we’re together”
walking through the hallway while everyone is whispering and glancing at you was never a problem to sunghoon, it was a big problem for you though.
you tried letting go of sunghoon’s hand to stop the whispering and glancing but he held you tighter.
“it’s okay, calm down i’m here with you” he whispered.
as much as you’d like to deny it, it made you feel somewhat safe.
however, it’s the park sunghoon we’re talking about. your worst enemy.
“is that supposed to make me feel better?” you whispered back.
“and we’re here, outside your classroom” he changed the subject and stopped right outside of your class while everyone else kept looking at the two of you.
“i’ll wait for you after class” he winked and left a peck on your forehead before leaving to his classroom.
you so wished you could wipe it off at the moment. or at least, you think.
“what the fuck did i just saw?” karina walked up to you as soon as sunghoon left.
“we have a lot to catch on” you sighed and dragged her inside the classroom.
“and you agreed?!?”
“ms. karina and ms. y/n, would you like to share to your class what were you talking about?” the teacher knocked on the desk.
“no, we’re sorry” you said quietly and the teacher went back to teaching.
“you told me to follow what my heart says!” you whispered-yelled to her.
“i didn’t think it’d say to agree to it!!” she replied back.
“well i did, and now i’m stuck with the worst person ever”
“maybe he’s not that bad”
“get out karina”
“can’t, we’re in the middle of a class” she shrugged and you groaned.
“so you’re now dating your worst ever enemy, the infamous woman in this highschool, choi y/n?!!”
“yes jake, i don’t know why it’s so surprising to you” sunghoon rolled his eyes as he took a bite from his lunch.
“surprising only to him? sunghoon, just a few days ago you called her an attention seeker bitch, now you’re telling us you’ve been dating for a few months already?” jungwon asked, concerned.
“well we did great at hiding didn’t we? our parents told us we should sign to drama classes”
“nothing here makes sense” jay shook his head.
lying to his friends about his whole relationship life? was definitely not and never will be on his list but he couldn’t care less about the list anymore.
“life doesn’t make sense, jay” sunghoon sighed, “it just happened, now i can’t stop thinking about her, it’s like i want to spend every minute with her”
“ew, not in front of my salad” riki gagged.
“although it makes no sense to me, i’m happy for you sunghoon, so proud of you for finally getting along with someone” sunoo pat his back.
“hey what do you mean by that?”
“from childhood friends to childhood enemies to lovers, that sounds like an actual pretty good story genre” heeseung crossed his arms and nodded.
“can’t believe you haven’t told me anything about it!” taesan, who for the first time in a while joined their lunch table, lightly pushed sunghoon, completely in disbelief.
“you’re right, i should’ve told you about it before” sunghoon nodded.
sunghoon’s a bad friend. a very, very bad one.
a few weeks ago he had a conversation with who he considers as his best friend, but how could he face him now after this conversation?
“hey hoon! i wanted to ask you something” taesan bit his lips, a bit anxious to start the conversation.
“yeah dude, what’s up?” he asked.
“i know you and y/n are….not on good terms, but i actually started spending some time with her and i’m really interested in her” his eyes lit up from excitement just by talking about you, “wanted to ask you if that’s okay that, you know….”
“yeah for sure! even though i hate this person with all my heart, i can’t decided on your life, can’t see how and why you’re interested in her but whatever, it’s yours” sunghoon shrugged.
“thanks sunghoon, i’m really glad i got you as my friend” taesan hugged sunghoon tightly.
sunghoon definitely knew about taesan’s little crush about you, and the day he told you that taesan has a little crush, he actually meant you.
back to today, sunghoon feels like his whole life was tearing apart.
how could he betray his friend like that? after everything taesan did to him. from helping him with studies to even paying for the things he couldn’t.
taesan shook his head and smiled weakly, “whatever makes you happy sunghoon” he said.
sunghoon was expecting him to shout at him and get mad about it, but was actually surprised he took it well somehow.
‘i’m doing this for you too’ sunghoon thought, after all, he has the perfect plan for taesan and y/n.
“thanks taesan” sunghoon hugged him tightly and pat his back as a sign for asking for forgiveness.
“that’s not gonna work, too many people are looking at us” you complained as soon as you got out of your last class for the day and noticed sunghoon who was already waiting for you outside.
“with popularity comes the consequences” he shrugged and you rolled your eyes.
“enjoy lovebirds!” jay shouted as he walked past you.
“let’s go” he extended his hand out for you to hold it but you shook your head.
“i promised taesan i’ll review his essay he wrote”
“you can do it tomorrow—“ “can’t, plus you said you’ll help me with taesan, we can go on your stupid fake date later”
sunghoon rolled his eyes and sighed, “fine, i’ll walk you to the library”
when he noticed you smiling he couldn’t help but feel that weird feeling of excitement, but then he realized you were not smiling because of him.
“hey y/n!” taesan smiled warmly at you when he noticed you, “and sunghoon” he added quietly.
“hey taesan” you called with a wider smile on your face and sunghoon nodded.
“i’ll pick you up later then” he said and walked away.
“so…you and sunghoon huh?” taesan asked.
“ugh, don’t even— i felt everyone’s eyes on me throughout the whole day” you groaned.
“you don’t seem that happy with that”
“because i’m not! i’m so tired of it already, i should’ve known not to agree to that deal”
“what deal?”
“uhhhh” you freaked out, how stupid can you actually be??
“nothing!! no deal” you giggled nervously.
“if you say so” he shrugged and opened his laptop to show you his essay.
“why dont you just tell him?” karina asked you over the phone.
“and what will i say if he asks why i agreed to the deal?”
“simple, ‘i did it because i want sunghoon to help me date you’, like that”
“sure, it’s that easy” you rolled your eyes.
“how was your first day dating sunghoon anyway?”
“he took me to get some ice cream, he actually remembers my favorite taste”
“yeah i saw on your instagram story, if i didn’t happen to know that this is all fake i’d actually believe it” she said teasingly.
“can’t believe i’m saying this but” you sighed, “he’s not that bad to hang out with”
you expected a reply from her right away but all you heard was silence.
“i can’t believe this conversation is not being recorded” she finally spoke.
“forget that i said tha—“ “no no no! please continue”
“well….he was actually super nice and even paid for my ice cream, even found a nice spot and brought me his jacket since it was starting to get cold” you said calmly.
“you might end up falling in love with him instead of taesan” she said and you scoffed.
“are you forgetting that he literally ruined my life?”
“i said what i said!” she argued.
eventually you ended the call and drifted off to dreamland.
a few days passed since you revealed your (fake) relationship and today was the first day you sat with seven other people at your lunch table.
“you and sunghoo—“
“stop it”
“sunghoon and yo—“
“shut it!”
sunghoon’s friends tried to ease up the awkward situation but were shut off by you and sunghoon.
“we just think it’s weird that’s all!! it’ll pass sooner or later” jay chuckled.
“so y/n, how’s life?” riki asked.
“seriously?” sunghoon raised his brow.
“babe, it’s okay,” you almost gagged after using the nickname on sunghoon, “life’s fun, you never know which surprises awaits for you”
you raised sunghoon’s hand and showed everyone your locked hands.
“ew, don’t need to use those nicknames and act all cheesy here” jake teased.
“you wanted to meet my girlfriend didn’t you? here she is” sunghoon spoke.
that’s when it got to you. sunghoon lied to his friends about having a girlfriend! why did he choose you though? out of hundreds of students.
“you’re right” heeseung nodded, “if you already know each other so well, why don’t we ask you questions about sunghoon and you answer?”
“baby you don’t have to—“ “it’s okay, hit me with the questions”
“sunghoon’s favorite color?”
“his favorite season”
“used to be winter, it’s autumn now”
“favorite ice cream flavor?”
“um” you froze for a second.
“ah ha! got you”
“aw man, you suck!” riki said in disappointment after you answered all the questions correctly.
sunghoon in the meantime was busy staring at you and daydreaming.
when did you become so pretty? with your cute eyes that lit up every time you answered a question correctly, and your lips that formed into a smile when you noticed you won over his friend’s questions.
how come you remember those details about him as well?
he had tons of questions, but curse his inability to communicate well, he’ll probably leave those questions unanswered.
the only thing he does know, is that he’s scared to fall in love with you.
“babe? are you ready to go? let me walk you to the field now, you have practice”
you called him and he zoned out, for a second there he really forgot this is all fake.
the way you’d look at him and call him babe, it made him feel so weird, he had never felt like that before.
“yeah” he slightly nodded and got up.
when both of you arrived at the field he stopped in front of you and frowned.
“what if i’ll just take you on a date instead of practice?” he asked.
“sunghoon what the fuck? we’re all alone here nobody sees you, you don’t need to act all lovey dovey” you snapped back.
“right” he said, almost sounding too disappointed.
“i’ll go back now to the library, taesan’s waiting” you smiled and started walking away.
“pull yourself together sunghoon” he sighed and entered the field.
“hey” you called taesan as you saw him already sitting at your usual library desk.
“hey y/n!” he called you back excitedly.
“missed being with you after school, i went on too many dates with sunghoon lately” you sighed.
“yeah” he whispered, you could hear a bit of disappointment in his voice but he shrugged it off quickly, “hey how about instead of studying we’ll go hang out, i got pretty tired of reading today”
“sure! of course, i would love to!!” you excitedly replied.
taesan got up and held your hand, “let’s go watch some movies”
practice ended and sunghoon went straight to the library without even showering first. he couldn’t wait telling you how his friends couldn’t stop talking about you and praising your (again, fake) relationship.
he looked at the clock and it was usually around the time you and taesan would finish and get out, only this time you were nowhere to be found.
sunghoon started to freak out, what if something bad happened to you? did taesan leave you alone? what if he did something bad to you?
no, no. sunghoon was just freaking out.
he tried calling you, but your phone was turned off, you weren’t available.
he ran all the way to your home and asked your mother if she happened to see you, but got a negative answer.
“why, is she missing?” your mother asked and tried to stay calm.
“no of course not!” sunghoon awkwardly said, “we’re just playing hide and seek that’s all, i was wondering if she walked all the way here to hide in her room”
seriously sunghoon? that’s the best thing you got?
“alright, have fun!” it seemed like it made your mom believe him!
“y/n where the fuck are you?” he whispered to himself.
he decided to call taesan, “if he’s not answering i swea—“
“hey dude, what’s up?” his friend on the other line answered calmly.
“do you happen to know where y/n is?” he straightforwardly asked.
“yeah, she’s right next to me, didn’t she tell you we’re going to watch some movies?” taesan’s voice stayed calm but on the inside he was smirking.
taesan 1, sunghoon 0.
“she probably forgot or something” sunghoon giggled, “when do you plan on coming back?”
“don’t know, but don’t worry dude, i’ll make sure she gets home safely”
“yeah, okay” sunghoon said and ended the call.
“who was that?” you asked.
“your boyfriend, didn’t you tell him we’re here?”
“oh no, i forgot about it”
“yeah he was worried sick”
“i think we should head back now” you let out a sigh.
“okay, sure” he nodded and both of you got up.
you don’t know why you said it instead of staying the whole night just watching random movies with your longtime crush.
what the hell did this fake dating with sunghoon do to you?
taesan walked you until it was already safe for you to walk alone, you argued with him that it’s fine and your house was a minute away, he tried insisting but you didn’t budge.
both of you knew why you wanted to walk over to your house alone.
sunghoon 1, taesan 1.
you really tried using you muscle memory and walk to your door with your eyes closed so you won’t have to meet with—
“well who do we have here”
“i really didn’t want to see you here now” you sighed and opened your eyes.
“i was worried sick! why didn’t you just send me a text or whatever?” he spit out and you never really realized how irritating his voice is until now.
“what are you? my mom? why do i have to tell you my whereabouts?” you snapped.
“we’re dating, of course—“ “hell no we’re not, this whole thing is fake and you know it, i dont owe you shit, park”
for the first time sunghoon was stunned and speechless because of you. he did not know what to say or even process what the hell just happened. and why the fuck was he so annoyed by you going to the movies with taesan?
“if you dont have anything to say just go” you sighed and just like that he left.
you finally got inside your room and laid on your bed, thinking about your last events and how stupid it was of you to go home early because of that fucking rat who was ‘worried’ over you.
your phone buzzed and when you looked at the caller ID you smiled.
“just checking that you arrived safely”
“i’m not a five years old kid taesan,” you chuckled and got up to sit on the edge of your bed, “besides, it was a minute walk from where you left me”
“alright, was just checking if you were still alive” he giggled.
“hey taesan”
“let’s hang out more, i had real fun today”
“all i was just asking is for you to text me if there’s a change of plans! i was really worried because i knew i had to pick you up but you were nowhere to be seen” that is how your morning started, for the past few days it because a routine for you to have a morning and after school walk with sunghoon, and each morning you’d have a little fight.
this time, even though you hate to admit it, he’s right.
“you’re right, i should’ve told you beforehand, i just got super excited to go out with taesan so i forgot about it, besides you’re supposed to be happy for me, i’m finally getting closer to my crush” you huffed.
“thank you, and yeah, i’m super happy” he rolled his eyes and you nodded.
“another thing, heeseung’s brother is having a wedding in less than a month and we have to go there together, as a couple” he said, “after the wedding we’ll plan the break up and will part our ways”
“sounds like a plan to me” you shrugged.
“no matter what happens, please just show up to his brother’s wedding, i think heeseung already favors you so much, he always did but i always warned him not to get too close to you”
“obviously you did” you rolled your eyes, “but i will do it, for him and for his happiness”
“thank you” he said sincerely.
“wow, didnt know you could be genuine”
“just shut up and continue to walk”
two weeks passed and as much as you hate to admit it, dating sunghoon park isn’t something that bad.
you went to all kinds of ‘dates’ together, that one amusement park date was your favorite.
“no no no no! don’t go too high, y/n hold my hand tight!” he yelled on one of the roller coasters you forced him to get on, “i think i’m gonna throw up oh no, here it comes! i hate it here”
while he was busy yelling, you were busy laughing your ass off at him. he was cute, you admit.
it reminded you of that time you went to an amusement park together when you were kids, he remained the same, nothing changed.
as you got tired of the amusement park, he took you to a restaurant and both of you sat one in front of the other.
“i like it here, this place is designed so beautifully” you said.
“not as beautiful as you” he mumbled.
“hm?” you asked and he shook his head, “nothing”
“you know, it wasn’t so bad today, i really had fun” he started speaking, “reminded me of our childhood”
“yeah, i thought about that too” you nodded.
“i kinda miss it” i kinda miss you, he wanted to say, but he felt like it’d be too much.
sunghoon that day realized his strong feelings for you never left, and probably never will. your past antics were long forgotten and all he wanted was to hold you in his arms and tell you how much he loves you, and he have always had.
“i kinda miss it too” you replied and it was like an unspoken tension between the two of you.
none of you would talk after that and just walked home in silence, but it was a comforting one.
“girl, he’s super like, into you, and you’re so like, into him too” karina said after you told her about the amusement park date.
“am not! i’ve been actually going out with taesan a lot, i really really like him” you smiled.
“whatever you say girl!”
“i actually am going to hang out with taesan today, i’ll update you on everything, bye bae” you smiled and ended the call to get ready for your hangout with taesan.
an hour later he sent you a text that he’s already waiting and you got out of your house right away.
“you look, really pretty” taesan was being so stunned by your beauty that he forgot how to talk.
“thank you” you smiled, “so, where are we going?”
“a new arcade just opened and i know how much you love arcades so i just thought of testing it out”
“oh my god you really do know me so well!!” you took out your phone to text sunghoon about your whereabouts.
you became more responsible and it suddenly didn’t bother you as much to text him about it, it almost became a habit of you.
‘off to the new arcade that opened up with taesan, don’t you worry about me’ you texted him and closed your phone.
as you arrived your eyes roamed around the big arcade and suddenly you looked like a five years old child who just got their first ever vanilla ice cream.
“what are we waiting for? let’s just go!!” taesan cheered and you clapped.
after hours and hours of playing you both went to sit down by the nearest park there.
“it was so fun today, we have to do it again!” you grinned and taesan nodded.
it suddenly became so quiet and you noticed taesan was staring at you for too long.
“are you okay?”
“i know about you and sunghoon,” he spoke, “about your fake dating thing”
you were too stunned to speak.
“i heard you arguing on the same day we went to the movies, i wanted to check on you if you arrived safely but i noticed you and sunghoon talking and i couldn’t help but eavesdrop” he shrugged.
“oh” was all you could let out.
“i was actually glad to find out that this whole thing with you and sunghoon was fake”
“what do you mea—“ “i like you y/n, a lot” he cut you middle sentence and you felt so weird hearing his confession.
“oh! there you are!” before you could even respond to taesan you heard a voice calling the both of you.
you turned around and saw the one and only, park sunghoon. what was he doing here?
a few days ago taesan asked to meet up with sunghoon. he confessed to him about knowing your fake relationship and told sunghoon he was going to confess to you.
“i like y/n, a lot, you already know that” he said.
“what’s your plan?” sunghoon asked.
“asking her out after going to that new arcade” he exposed his plan, and sunghoon’s cue to stop the confession was a simple text from you about your whereabouts.
sunghoon for the second time chose to be a shitty and egoistic ass friend, and prevent his so called ‘best friend’ from confessing to you.
but of course sunghoon wouldn’t tell you all of that.
“me and y/n were planning to go on a date today! i guess she forgot” sunghoon smirked.
“cut it sunghoon, i know you’re not really dating” taesan clenched his jaw.
“doesn’t matter, i still made us a reservation for this new restaurant” sunghoon rolled his eyes and dragged you away.
you were too shocked by the whole scene that only when you arrived back to your home you realized what happened.
“did you just—” you sighed, “ruined my fucking chance with taesan?” you felt your blood starting to boil.
“what do you mean?” he asked confused.
“taesan just fucking confessed and you just fucking showed up and dragged me away, what the fuck were you thinking?” you shout.
“y/n i—“
“you what, sunghoon? want to ruin my life once again? just like you did with my painting from seventh grade and my crush from eighth grade?” you snapped.
“you seriously still hold that against me? we were in seventh grade for god’s sake!”
“and it ruined my life ever since then! did you become your family’s disappointment? because i did, oh! and funny enough, not only that seventh grade made them disappointed in me, but also my stupid crush on eighth grade that you decided to snitch on!” you looked at him in disbelief.
“what about my crush from nineth grade then, huh? not only you lied to her and told her i spread the rumors about her, you made me look like the bad guy and the other students refused to talk to me for months! you basically made everyone back away from me!”
“and rightfully so” you rolled your eyes.
“y/n, look” sunghoon ran his hands through his hair and sighed,
“save it park, i don’t want to hear from you ever again, i had a blast ignoring you for the last few years and i’ll continue having a blast if it’ll continue that way” you lied through your teeth, “we’ll only talk when necessary and cut ties after heeseung’s brother’s wedding”
“y/n” sunghoon called you again but you already walked away and entered your house.
sunghoon knows he fucked up, and he realized there were so many miscommunications between the two of you over the past few years and he didn’t know how to fix it.
meanwhile you, the minute you stepped inside your room and closed the door, you started crying.
you didn’t know how to feel with yourself. you were glad that sunghoon cut you off before you could answer taesan, because surprisingly so, you were about to reject him.
taesan is a nice guy, he really is, and he really was your longtime crush, until your old crush entered your life again.
you realized you gained back your feelings the moment sunghoon opened his mouth to genuinely talk with you, in fact, those feelings never really left.
you found yourself so focused on the way that his dimples would always show while smiling and talking to you, or the way his fangs would show up with every smile he gives you.
but you couldn’t help but let your blood boil after his whole ‘i’m not going to let y/n have another chance with someone’ show, it made you think about your past and you hated it.
the next few weeks felt normal to everyone but you, sunghoon and taesan.
you and sunghoon acted as if nothing happened between the two of you when someone you know happened to be around.
when you two were alone? hell, you won’t even shoot a glance at him.
and as for you and taesan, you told him it’d be better if the both of you would take a short break for a while, just for you to adjust everything.
sunghoon refused to let go of you so easily once again, he tried everything, calling, texting, even calling your parents to ask if you were home and maybe they can tell you to pick your constantly ringing phone up.
it all felt like a deja vu now, but not the good one. you were getting distant again and it scared him that the same thing will happen yet again.
“thank you for coming” sunghoon welcomed the person into his house.
“why are you so stressed? oh no don’t tell me you got someone pregnant”
“jay, i sometimes wonder if your last braincells are just off to go travel or something” sunghoon groaned.
“well, you seem so tense, what is it?”
sunghoon decided to tell jay everything from A to Z, they’ve been best friends for long and he feels like he can trust him wholeheartedly, plus he had to get some help from someone.
“i knew it the moment you told me both of you are dating! it felt so unreal”
“thanks a lot jay, it really helps”
“well, i think im getting a little deja vu for eighth grade”
“exactly! i don’t want this to happen again! i know i fucked up but i….” sunghoon sighed, “i’m willing to do everything as long as i won’t lose her”
“okay first of all, ew dude that’s so cringy” jay said in disgust, “second, i think you just need to give her some time, i’m sure that if you still haven’t heard about her and taesan dating, she might as well was about to reject him”
“then why would she get so angry at me? it doesn’t make sense”
“you took a whole ass opportunity from her to try and sort her things out, of course she’d be pissed”
“try to talk with karina maybe, she might help you out on this one” jay pat his friend’s shoulder, “besides, the wedding is in a few days and you told me you made her promise you to show up no matter what, it’s not like she can run away from you for long”
“i hate that you’re so right” sunghoon groaned and jay shrugged, “i’m just saying whatever comes to my mind, whenever it comes to my mind”
“what do you want, park?”
“wow you really sound like y/n now” sunghoon sighed as he saw karina looking at him uninterested, “i guess she already told you what happened”
“yes, she did” she also told me she’s scared because she actually has feelings for you, she wanted to say. but its not her place to say it anyway.
“how….is she doing?” he asked quietly.
“why do you care?”
“oh no please don’t make it harder than it already is” he mumbled under his breath.
“because, i need to talk with her, a serious conversation”
“oh no don’t tell me you caught feelings”
“how did you— nevermind, please tell her that i’ll be waiting for her, and i really want to sort things out between us” he sounded so desperate it scared karina.
“i’ll see what i can do” karina nodded and he bit his lips and smiled.
“thank you, thank you, thank you, thank—“ “i get it you can go now!”
he nodded as he got his bag and went for another practice.
“hey bae how are you doing today?” karina hugged you as she sat on your bed.
ever since your last encounter with sunghoon you started missing a few classes here and there, you didn’t really feel like going to school and seeing sunghoon anyway. that’s why karina came to check up on you.
“same as usual, i don’t know”
“i know what you’re thinking” she said and you looked at her creeped out.
“relax, it’s nothing scary” she laughed, “i just know you’re thinking about him”
“am not!” you argued.
“yeah, and i’m queen elizabeth”
you can’t stop thinking about sunghoon, she wasn’t lying really.
you realized how messed up your whole story was. you need answers from him, you need the apology you’ve been waiting to hear, the confirmation that he misses you as much as you miss him. you need to hold him tight and never let him go again.
“fine, you got me” you sighed.
you wish you’d know how to sort things out without going crazy.
“he came up to me today,” she said and your eyes sparkled, “he asked me about you, he’s been so desperate to talk with you, he looked and sounded really sincere”
“i don’t know karina, i’m not sure if i’m ready to face him without getting angry again, it’s just that whenever i see him my blood just starts to boil when i think about our past”
“that’s your problem, you refuse to let go of your past” she put her hand on your shoulder, “just let it go, and get the answers and confirmation you need from him”
you decided not to show up at school ever since your conversation with karina.
sunghoon tried checking up on you multiple times but each time you’d lie to your mother who opened the door for him and told her to tell him that you’re sick. both of you knew it was wrong.
sunghoon was going crazy, his friends couldn’t stop asking about you and about your whereabouts and he could only lie and say that you’ve got really sick and that he’s been taking care of you.
he asked karina about you again and again, until she got tired and told him everything, about your wellbeing and your health.
he was so worried for you it surprised her, he was really acting as if he’s your real boyfriend.
karina would lie if she said she didn’t confuse him as your boyfriend for a while.
“here” sunghoon handed karina a notebook.
“what’s that?” she asked.
“i took some notes on this class, give it to y/n please”
“sunghoon, i’m not some kind of—“
“i know i know you’re not a delivery guy but, i don’t know how to give it to her in any other way” he sighed.
oh the poor guy, she really pities him.
wedding day came and sunghoon was going back and forth in his room.
will you be coming? should he pick you up? you promised him! if not for him then for heeseung!
at the end, jay called him and told him it was becoming too late and he should just come without you.
sunghoon left his house with a heavy heart and empty hands, that were supposed to hold you tightly and close to him.
“hey hoon! you came!!” heeseung welcomed his friend with a hug and a big smile over his face.
“where’s y/n?” he asked.
“oh y/n, she really wanted to come but—“ “but what?” he was cut off by someone else.
when he looked over his shoulder he found you, walking over to them and putting your hands together on sunghoon’s right shoulder.
“i was getting ready and it took me too long to come, so i just told sunghoon to go away so he won’t be late because of me” you smiled and planted a kiss on sunghoon’s cheek.
“i’m so glad you came!!” heeseung smiled widely and hugged you tightly.
sunghoon was still shocked seeing you there, first you walked in, looking gorgeous than ever in the outfit you put on yourself, then you went and put your hands over his shoulder and lastly, you kiss his cheek.
he froze and zoned out for a few seconds until you waved your hands in front of him.
“let’s get in! it’s about to start” you were about to walk in but sunghoon was quick enough to pull you back to him.
he was holding your waist and pulling you closer to him.
“first, you walk in here, looking prettier than any other person here, no offense to the bride, then you smile and kiss my cheeks. i don’t understand, what’s happening?” he asked, his face is closer than ever to yours.
“i don’t want to open it up now—“ “if not now then when?”
you sighed and closed your eyes.
“i only have one question”
“did you really regret what you did back then?”
“of course i did, i still do” he reached your hand to hold it, “look at where it got us”
“why did you ruin my chance with my crush back then?”
“you said only one question”
“okay so maybe now i have more”
“i did it,” sunghoon stayed quiet for a second, is this the right time to confess? “because i really liked you, and i still do” fuck it.
“when we started to fake dating i realized those feelings never left, everytime i look at you i just cant help it but smile, i think it’s way beyond just ‘like you’, i love you y/n” he let go of his hold on your waist and held both of your hands in his.
you stopped breathing for a second as you tried to process what you just heard.
“park sunghoon” you whispered and he hummed.
“i’m here baby”
“i hate you” you said and sunghoon could swear his heart dropped.
“i hate you for making me hate you so much to the point it ruined our friendship for so long” you continued, “you could’ve confessed your feelings and we could’ve been the best highschool couple by now”
sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows, he got so confused by your words.
“if you still didn’t get it, i happen to love you too, you dumbass” you laughed.
without giving you a warning he pulled you into a kiss with a big grin on his face.
it was a desperate kiss, as if he was waiting to do this for so long. both of you didn’t want to part away but you did eventually because of the lack of oxygen.
“i can’t believe we fucked this up because of this stupid painting in seventh grade” that was the first thing he said afterwards.
“you fucked this up and it’s not just a stupid painting!!” you argued and he laughed as he hugged you tightly.
“i’m joking, i’m really sorry for that, and for the crush thing in eighth grade too” he grinned, “but he was just not good for you, you had me the whole time and still wanted him”
you kissed him again and smiled.
“i was too blind i guess”
“can you two cut it off lovebirds? the wedding is about to start” both of you turned your heads and saw annoyed jay standing in front of you.
“sorry! coming” both of you said at the same time.
as you sat one next to each other, sunghoon interlocked your fingers together.
“hey” he whispered and you hummed.
“hearing ‘i love you’ from you really warmed my heart” he smiled, “just letting you know”
“oh really?” you asked and he nodded.
“i love you” you kissed his cheek.
“i’ll keep saying this until you’ll get tired of it”
“which is basically never”
jay groaned and turned to look at the both of you “can you please just stop being so lovey dovey oh my god”
“you were exactly like that on your first days with your girlfriend stop being such an attention seeker” jake rolled his eyes and jay hit him.
“shhhh!! why don’t we just pay attention to heeseung that’s crying right there?”
“just took a picture! will definitely use it to blackmail him!”
“poor little thing only wanted to get emotional in his brother’s wedding”
“soon to be us at sunghoon’s and y/n��s wedding”
and they lived happily ever after! i mean, as much as you can when you have those six people as your friends and karina’s nonstop questions about future kids.
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PERM TAG-LIST ; @sungwhoonz @ohdudehesflirting @unlikelysublimekryptonite @deobiis @manooffline @miumiuoi @in-somnias-world @lovelovelovebts @filmofhybe @wonbinsnovia @daegutowns @aurumiee @soobywon @dhriti-stories @ariadores @firstclassjaylee @watamotee33 @moons-v @s00buwu @hoonheepretty @jjeoni-7 @dimplewonie (bold means cannot be tagged)
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sturncrazy · 1 year ago
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New Camera 🔥
Matt Sturniolo x y/n (fem)
warnings: SMUUUUUTTT NSFW 18+ (umm lots. use of camera/recording, dom matt, degrading, slapping, language, daddy kink, slight choking, unprotected, creampie, j very rough)
authors note: so this won the vote for which y’all wanted first! ask and u shall receive! this one is FILTHY AND KINKY so if that’s not ur vibe, uve been warned…also side note, i feel like this goes without saying but, i write mostly unprotected… guys pls don’t actually do that. wrap it before u tap it🫶 ok luv u!! enjoy!!
summary: your boyfriend matt gets a new camera before going on tour and decides to experiment with it on you…
word count: 2,270 w
~you look good on camera baby let’s go make a film~
your phone buzzed on your desk.
“be over in 10 babe ❤️” read a message from matt. you went back to fixing your makeup in the mirror, wanting to look your best for your boyfriends last night home. Matt was about to leave to go on tour tomorrow and it would be a month and a half before you got to see him again. even though you were excited for him, you wanted to make sure it was extra hard for him to leave you. after swiping on some lip gloss, you rummaged through your closet and landed on a thin white tank and flannel shorts. comfy, but still cute and showed just the right amount of skin to hopefully get his attention. your doorbell rang and you ran to answer it.
“hi, beautiful” matt said, pulling you in for a kiss.
“hi” you said smiling at him, the chill from outside hitting your mostly bare skin. he closed the door and walked in. his eyes gave you a once over as he took off his coat.
“you look hot” he smirked
“oh yeah?” you replied coyly, turning to head back down the hall.
“yeah. some shorts” he chuckled out, blatantly checking out your ass.
“what these?” you teased, bending over slightly
“don’t start with me, y/n” matt came up behind you and slapped your ass, playfully but hard. the two of you walked to your room and you flopped on your bed, reaching for the remote to your tv. matt followed and unzipped his backpack, rummaging through it and pulling out a box.
“whatcha got there?”
“bought a new vlog camera for tour!” he answered, excitedly
“wanna see?” he sat down next to you, showing off the new device.
“oooo fancy” you knew nothing about cameras, but pretended to be impressed since matt was so enthusiastic. his fingers whizzed around the buttons.
“it’s got awesome quality and it’s so easy to use” he continued, the machine chirped as he hit the red button and pointed it at your face.
“matttt” you whined, covering your face with your hands.
“what are you being camera shy?” he snickered, standing above you continuing to point the lens at you.
“cmon show me that gorgeous face of yours baby” you huffed, dramatically and lowered your hands looking up at him.
“that’s my pretty girl” he cooed, making a smile toy at the corners of your mouth. you could never say no to him. his eyes flicked over you behind the camera and you tried to read what he was thinking. he licked his lips and backed up, silently, getting a wider view of you in frame. you stayed put on the bed.
“take your top off” he stated, flatly.
“matt-what—?” you nervously laughed out
“did i say it was a question? take your top off” something about the harshness of his tone was so out of character it made your heart race. you reached for the hem of your tank and began to lift it.
“damn, baby” matt growled out, lowering the camera to capture your exposed tits. you breathed heavily, unable to bring yourself to move from your perched position on the edge of your bed. your eyes followed as his hands lowered the camera even further to where you had your hands in your lap.
“now your shorts”
“but—matt—im not wearing any underwear” you stuttered.
“well you’re filming i mean i—“
“if you’re gonna be a little slut and not wear your panties then i get to treat you like a little slut. strip.” he interrupted, gruffly. you couldn’t help but notice how insanely hot he sounded being so demanding, and hoped he wouldn’t be able to see your already obvious wetness. you reached for your waistband, standing, never taking your eyes off him as you began to lower your shorts to the floor. you stepped out of them and kicked them aside. nervousness spread goosebumps across your skin as you became aware of how completely exposed you were to matt and his camera. this was unlike anything you’d ever done before.
“good girl” matt praised, dryly.
“you wanna give me a better view of that pretty little ass of yours and bend over the bed for me?” you felt as vulnerable to matt’s commands as the machine in his hands. you slowly turned half way and rested your hands on your bed, lifting your ass into better view for him.
“fuck” he exhaled. you could feel him move closer behind you. he brought a hand sharply down against your flesh. you whimpered.
“so sexy” he growled.
“got me so hard just looking at you baby” you turned your head back to look at him. he laughed, sinisterly.
“what? you wanna see what you’re doing to me, slut? huh?”
you nodded, dumbly. he snickered again.
“course you do. get on your knees for me.” he demanded. you followed every order like a well trained dog. you settled down by his feet and looked back up at him, as he readjusted the lens again.
“mmmm you look so perfect from this angle, babygirl” he praised stroking your face gently, before slapping his hand against your cheek just enough to sting a bit. your jaw dropped slightly in surprise, which matt took as an opportunity to slid his thumb into your mouth. you sucked at his digit and he groaned, watching you before sliding it back out of your mouth creating a popping sound.
“take off my pants” he commanded. you eagerly fumbled with his belt and zipper, hooking your fingers around the waste and and pulling slowly. his already rock hard dick sprung out and slapped his t shirt. your mouth almost watered in desperation at the sight of his veiny, practically throbbing, member.
“open your mouth, baby” he exhaled. you looked up into the camera, doe eyed and parted your lips with your tongue out slightly. he pumped himself with his free hand, the tip of his dick just grazing your lips and tongue and then began to slowly insert himself into your warm wet mouth. he ran his hand down your head, petting your hair, soothingly, as you took him all the way down the back of your throat. fighting the urge to gag at his size.
“such a good girl” matt groaned. his pets reached the base of your skull, then latched harshly into your hair. his grip was tight, as he began to thrust into your mouth. you felt tears form at the corner of your eyes as he forcefully fucked your throat. matt let his grasp on your hair go and slid himself out of your mouth. he grabbed your jaw and forced you to turn your messy face to him, getting a clear shot of the streaks of tears on your cheeks and spit running down your chin.
“get on your hands and knees. i need to feel that pretty little pussy of yours” he huffed, patting your face again. you scrambled to the bed, desperate to feel him fill you up. you’d never felt so much heat screaming from between your legs in your life. you arched your back, letting matt have perfect access to your dripping folds. matt dragged a finger down them, teasing you and eliciting a loud whine from your lips.
“soaking for me already huh, slut?” he mocked. all you could do in response was whimper.
“so pathetic for me” he taunted, pressing two fingers against your entrance.
“matt—please—“ you breathed out in agony
“camera can’t hear you, baby. be a good little slut and beg louder for me.”
“Matt—fuck—-please—i need your dick now—“ you cried out, the need for contact almost eating away at your brain. you screamed as matt rammed into you, entirely, and without warning. the unprepared sensation of stretch caused a pleasurable pain to radiant through you. he groaned, finally feeling your wet pussy around his torturously hard dick. he began to relentlessly pound into you from behind, filling the room with deafening slapping sounds intermixed with your screams and his grunts.
“MATT—“ you cried out, overwhelmed by his intensity, collapsing your face into the pillows beneath you.
“what? ” he wrapped his free hand around a fistful of your hair and yanked your head back up.
“don’t act like you can’t handle my cock now, slut.” he snarled, not letting up on his unwavering rhythm in and out of your core. he slapped your ass again.
“yes matt” you wheezed. he slapped your ass again.
“yes, who?”
“fuckk—yes, daddy” you sobbed out
“good girl” his thrusts hit your g spot each time, making your legs shake and stars form against your tightly squeezed eyelids.
“you wanna show me how much you love my cock, princess?”
“yes, daddy” you hardly could think straight
“bounce that perfect ass on my cock, baby” he said, slowing his thrusts. you obeyed and began to rock your hips back and forth, fucking yourself on his dick.
“good girl. doing such a good job” he sang out, one hand gripping your flesh while the other captured your movement on film. you whimpered again, your hips stuttering.
“you tired, princess?” you nodded and let out another pathetic sound.
“need daddy to take over again?”
“yes—oh fuck—please daddy-“ you managed to mumble out. Matt pulled out of you abruptly, causing you to whine at the loss. you couldn’t move anymore, but the last thing you wanted was for him to stop fucking you. he slapped your ass again
“turn over” he growled
“i wanna see your pretty face when i cum in your pussy” you felt like you could cum from his filthy requests alone. you’d barely even landed on you back before matt slammed back into your throbbing entrance. he struggled to keep his balance momentarily, too desperate to feel you around him again. he kept one hand supporting himself upright and the other still holding the camera, pointed at you as his picked back up his steady thrusts.
“so perfect—look ss-so good—with my cock stuffed inside your little pussy” he huffed out between thrusts
“OH—fuck—yes—your cock feels so good, daddy” you moaned out, helplessly. your eyes rolling back into your head. matt’s free hand wrapped around your throat, constricting your breathing perfectly.
“watch me while i fuck you, slut” he growled.
“yes, daddy” you wheezed out against his tight grip. he removed his hand and you gasped for air. within moments of his dick pounding perfectly back against your sweet spot, you felt your orgasm begin to crest.
“FUCK—IM—“ you panted.
“that’s it—good girl—cum all over daddy’s cock” he ordered. your walls clenched and throbbed around him uncontrollably, causing him to let out a string of curse words. you felt his dick begin to twitch deep inside you.
“ohh-hh-fuck—shit” he stuttered out, his thrusts becoming wilder and less expertise.
“mmm—close—“ he groaned, his jaw dropping slightly.
“mmmm fuck yeah cum inside me, daddy” you whined out, your high still settling.
“shit yeah baby? you want me to fill your little pussy?”
your brows knotted and your nodded your head desperately.
“fuck i’ll fill you up—so full of cum—baby you’ll look—-so perfect—spilling out of you” he huffed
“OH FUCK FUCK BABY IM GONNA CUM” he cried out as his whole body shook. he thrust deep into you one last time, halting as his cock spasmed against your walls. releasing a multitude of spurts of his hot white load. once matt seemed to regain his senses, he clicked the red button again—ending his taping. he pulled out of you slowly, making your legs shake. he glanced down at your trembling sensitive entrance leaking his release in pulses and bit his lip in a satisfied smirk, snapping one last photo of the mess he’d made of you.
“MATT!” you laughed out in embarrassment, shutting your legs and rolling onto your side.
“sorry…i had to. too hot not save” he said, smiling and flopping down next to you.
“are you okay? was that too much?” he asked, pushing your hair out of your face.
“no way. i loved that”
“you swear i wasn’t too rough with you?” he said with worry. you shook your head vigorously
“not at ALL! that was HOT” you replied through a smile. he fought a grin, biting his lip clearly extremely pleased at your enthusiasm.
“so can i ask what inspired the camera?” you questioned.
“well, now on tour i can reminisce what it’s like to fuck my crazy hot girlfriend” he smiled at the ceiling.
“hey!” you slapped his chest playfully “you know you can always facetime me and we cannnnn” you dragged your words out, looking off into the distance above his face in teasing suggestion.
“oh don’t you worry, we’ll have phone sex all the time. this is just for when you can’t call me and i need to…y’know” he glanced down at his crotch.
“jesus, how many times are you planning on jerking off” you teased
“twice a day. minimum.” he matter of factly stated, grinning again.
“MATTHEW!” you scoffed out in shock
“What? not my fault you’re so sexy” he laughed, leaning in to give you a peck on the lips.
“yeah yeah whatever. just NEVER show that to anyone”
“are you kidding me? you think i’d ever let anyone else get a look at you like that? nhhuhh nope.” he shook his head dramatically
“only i get to see how perfect you look getting your brains fucked out” he leaned in, kissing you playfully again. you giggled, feeling a slight blush.
“i love you, you freak” you said against his lips.
“i love you more, baby”
ok y’all were on to something with wanting this one cause WHY DO I LOVE IT?? rly hope everyone likes it ahhh 🫶🫶
also guys imagine matt accidentally posting the wrong video and posts ur tape instead of a car video?? HAHA
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elliee3e · 1 month ago
‘sweet lovin’’
⋅˚₊‧ 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ logan howlett x f! reader
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summary ;
just being held in logan’s arms as he takes care of you.
content warnings ;
age gap, size kink, dirty talk but it’s slight, slight overstimulation (?) implied ddlg
author’s note ;
hey so um.. this was actually supposed to be deeper than it sounds😭 i did NOT mean to write plain smut like this there was supposed to be a whole hurt / comfort trope & stuff but clearly my horniness got the best of me. anywho i might make a fluff aftercare version but here’s this for now. veryyy short drabble btw because i have no motivation help
being held in logan’s arms as his hands toy with your body to the point where you’re trembling, and he has to hold you flush to him so you don’t crash out just yet. “shh, baby. i gotcha.” his voice would ring in your ears, keeping you grounded, as your smaller hands would grip at the hard muscles of his arms.
“i can’t, lo.” you’d manage to mumble out shakily, warm breath panting against his neck, as your little thighs trembled around his big hand — threatening to close — as he brought his other one down to prevent that from happening. “yeah you can, darlin’. look at that. you’re doin’ so good for me right now, you have been this whole time. don’t tell me you can’t handle it now.” each word said into your hair as he gently pressed little kisses to the soft locks, his scruff rubbing the warm skin of your forehead: a contrast to the way his fingers were working in tight circles on your over sensitive clit. a hiccup and gasp bubbled up in your throat as the feeling started to stir up a burning feeling in your lower belly.
logan chuckled as he heard this, bringing his face down to yours. he knew you were close. he always did. he pressed his forehead against yours, hands still pressed on your thigh as the other rubbed you a little faster: hearing your pathetic whimpers.
“fuck, you’re just adorable, aren’t ya?” he’d whisper against your forehead, the hand that was on your thigh moving up to grab a small fistful of your soft hair that he had been nuzzling moments before — to make you look up at him, the sight of your eyes all glazed over with tears making him even more desperate to finish you off, give you the pleasure you craved.
“m’ so close— lo—“ you hiccuped, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment with a gasp as his thick fingers slipped through your folds, gliding in and out of the tight, slick warm heat of your hole. it’s making your body tingle and go numb all at the same time, thick fingers spreading you open: and they way they speed up. you feel your little hole fluttering around the intrusion, holding onto it as the feeling of your impending orgasm starts to overwhelm you.
logan lets out a low groan as he feels how tight you’re squeezing just his two fingers, his thumb still working over your puffy clit. he brings your head back up to kiss you, letting all your moans pour into his mouth; before your hands start scratching at his arm.
“fuck, you’re really worked up tonight, ain’ya?” he’d chuckle in disbelief, hearing your whines as he pulled away from the kiss — the way you squirmed under him. “come on, baby. let go. wanna feel your pretty pussy gushing all over my fingers.” he says, proving his words by slightly curling his fingers deep inside you, wanting to hit that soft spot that his cock always did when he would be inside you. the feeling was too much, and with a whine that was muffled by pressing your face into logan’s neck, your high reached it’s peak — spilling all over his thick fingers.
logan groaned as he felt the sticky warmth, keeping his fingers inside you till you were panting and squirming away from him. without hesitation, he brought them up to his mouth, tasting the sweet tang of your essence on his tongue. a taste he’d never get tired of.
“tastes fuckin’ delicious, sweetheart. did so good too,” he praised, watching your flushed face as you leaned back against the pillows: still trying to come down from that high as it reached an end.
once his words registered into your mind, he was already shifting closer to you and pulling your little panties up and over your pretty hips, the feeling making you flutter as you sighed. “felt good, lo.” you mumbled contentedly, and logan couldn’t help but scoop your body up into his bigger arms, pressing a sweet kiss to the crown of your head.
“mm, yeah. ‘m sure it did, angel. glad i could make you feel better.”
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imreidswifey · 4 days ago
fem!reader who's just so so enamoured with how pretty Spencer is and she often just stares at him for long periods of time (not in a weird creepy way, like she zones out and doesn't realize how long she's staring). Spencer notices when she does this and he gets all flustered every time. like to the point where he can't focus on whatever he's doing. Then when they're alone Spencer let's her just look at him and like, trace his facial features and stuff? like they're having a conversation on the couch and r is just tracing Spencer's jawline or the bridge of his nose with her fingers?
apologies if this isn't a very good idea, if i was dating Spencer I'd be doing this all the time!! he's so pretty omg.
𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐲
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
w/c: 5.2k
a/n: AHHHH THIS IS MY FIRST REQUEST EVERR!! Im actually so happy y'all dont understand 🤭 thank you so much 🪲! This req was literally perfect and was a dream to writee i actually like love u so much and I hope I did what you wanted with this prompt!!
Spencer Reid had the kind of beauty that made my heart ache.
Not in a fleeting, superficial way—but in a way that settled deep in my bones, in a way that made everything else in the world seem dull in comparison. It was unfair, really, how effortlessly stunning he was.
I didn’t think he realized it, which only made it worse.
It was everything—the soft, golden curls that always seemed to fall perfectly into place no matter how often he raked a hand through them. The sharp lines of his cheekbones, the way they caught the light when he turned his head just so. His hazel eyes, warm and thoughtful, always filled with something unreadable yet captivating.
I was enamored. Absolutely, irreversibly enamored.
And I had a habit.
A terrible, unbreakable habit.
I stared at Spencer Reid. A lot.
Not in a creepy, overbearing way—I didn’t gawk or leer. It wasn’t intentional, either. I just… got lost in him sometimes.
It happened when he was deep in thought, tapping his fingers against his chin while reading some obscure book that no one else in the team could decipher. Or when he was talking, completely oblivious to how mesmerizing he looked while explaining quantum physics or behavioral patterns.
It was never on purpose.
But Spencer noticed.
Every single time.
I was supposed to be working.
I really was.
But Spencer was sitting across from me, brow furrowed in concentration as he flipped through a case file. His glasses—those damn glasses—were perched on the bridge of his nose, the thin gold frame complementing the warm undertones of his skin.
I was done for.
I didn’t realize how long I’d been staring until Spencer suddenly stopped moving.
I blinked, snapping back to reality. His hazel eyes met mine, slightly wide, as if I’d caught him off guard—though, in reality, he had caught me.
The air between us shifted, crackling with something unspoken. Spencer’s fingers twitched against the pages of his file, but he didn’t turn away.
Instead, his blush started to rise.
I knew the pattern by now—the way it crept up his neck, painting his cheeks a soft, rosy hue. The way his lips parted slightly, as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t quite form the words.
I felt a smile tug at the corners of my mouth. “Spence?”
He cleared his throat, breaking eye contact far too quickly.
“You’re—uh—” He gestured vaguely, struggling. “You’re doing it again.”
I tilted my head, feigning innocence. “Doing what?”
His jaw clenched slightly, and he let out a breath through his nose.
“You know what.”
A small laugh escaped me.
Before I could tease him further, Hotch’s voice cut through the moment.
“You two.”
I jumped, realizing that everyone was staring at us. Emily raised a knowing brow, JJ bit back a smirk, and Derek—of course—was grinning like he’d just won the lottery.
Spencer, on the other hand, looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him whole.
“We’re moving forward with the profile,” Hotch continued, eyes narrowing slightly. “Unless, of course, you’re both too… distracted.”
Spencer made a noise in his throat—something between a cough and a strangled squeak—and immediately buried himself in his notes.
I felt the warmth of amusement bloom in my chest.
I really needed to get better at hiding my staring.
It wasn’t until later that night that I got the chance to properly admire Spencer without the weight of an audience.
The two of us were curled up on my couch, the soft glow of my reading lamp casting a golden hue over everything. A book lay open in his lap—something about classical philosophy—but neither of us were really focused on it.
Spencer was talking, his voice low and soothing as he explained something about Socratic irony. I was listening—really, I was—but my hands had a mind of their own.
Without thinking, I reached out, my fingertips ghosting over the sharp line of his jaw.
Spencer inhaled sharply, his words cutting off mid-sentence.
His gaze snapped to mine, hazel eyes wide and unreadable.
I didn’t stop.
I traced the curve of his cheekbone, my touch feather-light, barely there. His skin was warm beneath my fingertips, and I could feel the way his jaw tensed slightly, as if he wasn’t sure whether to lean into my touch or pull away.
He didn’t pull away.
Instead, he swallowed, throat bobbing slightly.
“You—” His voice was barely a whisper. “You do this a lot.”
I smiled, letting my fingers trail along the bridge of his nose, then down to the corner of his lips.
“I know.”
Spencer’s breath hitched.
His hands clenched slightly against his lap, as if he was holding himself back. His blush deepened, spreading across his cheeks like wildfire.
I leaned in slightly, my voice barely above a whisper. “Do you want me to stop?”
For a moment, I thought he might say yes.
But then—slowly, hesitantly—he exhaled and shook his head.
“No,” he murmured.
That was all the permission I needed.
I took my time, memorizing him the way I always wanted to. My fingers traced the sharp planes of his face, following the path of freckles that dusted his nose. He stayed perfectly still, his breath uneven, his lips parting slightly at my touch.
“You’re beautiful,” I whispered.
Spencer closed his eyes for a moment, his lashes fluttering against his cheek. When he opened them again, there was something raw in his gaze—something vulnerable and breathtaking.
“You really think that?” he asked softly.
I let my thumb brush against his cheek.
“I know that.”
Spencer exhaled shakily, his hands finally moving. One of them lifted, hesitating before resting over mine. He held it there, pressing my palm against his cheek, as if grounding himself in the moment.
And then, in the softest voice I’d ever heard from him, he whispered, “I like it when you look at me.”
My heart clenched.
I smiled, leaning in just a little closer. “Good.”
Because I wasn’t going to stop.
Not now. Not ever.
Spencer Reid didn’t need words to be poetry.
He was poetry in the way he blushed, in the way he stammered when I caught him off guard. He was poetry in the way he let me trace my fingers over his skin, in the way he closed his eyes and melted into my touch.
He was poetry in the way he let me look at him.
And I never wanted to stop reading.
Tyy 🪲 for requesting this!!!
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bunny-jpeg · 5 months ago
hi bunny! can i please have cream puffs with a side of tonic water served by max verstappen
thank you love you <33
bakery menu!!
want to submit your own order? then hit up the menu! there are tons of options to choose from! thank you so, so much for all i've received! as for the anon, i hope that you love this! i love the combination of prompts. this is technically a team principal!max au, but not the main one i'm currently writing. this is just a fun little side!
cream puffs ("let me finish inside.") + tonic water (age gap) served by max verstappen (formula one)!!
cw: smut/pwp, team principal!max, team principal au, driver!reader, breeding/pregnancy, pool sex, age gap (20s/40s), unprotected sex, incorrect info about sex (!!)
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maybe it was wrong for max verstappen to ogle at his new driver. maybe it wasn't the brightest ides to let her prance around the pool like an excited puppy. people would talk. it didn't help that you were wearing the loosest definition of a bikini, he swore that he saw of your nipples peek out of the top.
you were splashing and laughing the pool, kicking around and having the time of your life. all while max was trying to focus on an email he was writing. but that was hard, about as hard as his cock that strained in his swim trunks.
max prided himself on focus, and integrity. he was a strong drive of a good character. but with you all judgement was clouded.
"c'mon, mister verstappen. let's play mermaids." you said with excitement in your tone. max knew that closest pool you had growing up was the public one in your neighourhood. so to have one all to yourself for the afternoon left like a luxury. even with the large contract you had with verstappen racing, the smallest things excited you.
max assumed at this point in his career that he was used to luxury. he had enough money to start a racing team after years of racing. but, to you, this was all new and exciting. it made max want to spoil you.
max looked up from his phone, "i'm a little busy."
you sighed, you were up against the edge of the pool. he could picture your pretty breasts pressed against the tiles. you said, "it's off season, sir. stop being an over-worker an let's have some fun! all you do is work, work, work!"
"and what is your idea of fun?" he asked.
you looked adorable as you responded with, "mermaids!"
max couldn't argue with that. so his phone was soon left on the table before he took off his t-shirt and ended up in the pool with you in just his swim trunks. your swam over and wrapped your arms around him.
"see, isn't this fun?" you asked as you held him. max believed you were a temptress in disguise. a devil dressed like an angel.
he was in the water for you as you held onto him tightly. you were alluring in the most perfect way possible. he leaned in to kiss you with his hands on your hips. team principals didn't kiss their drivers, but with the high walls around the house. it was your little secret.
you giggled against the kiss, "sir!"
"you're teasing me, angel." he replied as he kissed you more. they got a little more heated as his grip on you tightened. you squirmed a little, but he held tightly onto you. he had kissed you before, usually in private. on the track he usually got his fix where he could.
"i just wanted to play in the water, sir." you pouted. you were a horrible actress, this was the least convincing performance you had done so far.
"i think you wanted more." he replied. he was hard in his trunks as he worked to get your bottoms off to give him easy access to your slick core. you whined and he beamed at you. he knew you so well.
he learned very early on how to read your expressions, your poker face was horrible. you wore everything on your face and on your sleeve. he knew you very well, more than he knew your teammate and other driver.
"mister verstappen." you moaned as he held you in the water.
he got his trunks off and rubbed his cock up against your pussy. it excited him. being in the warm water didn't help either. he said, "let me finish inside."
he replied, "you can't get pregnant in a pool." and as a response you wrapped your legs around his waist and with a few tries he sank his cock inside of you. his size was impressive and it made you warm all over.
it felt like a slice of heaven. it felt like home, and it made you moan loudly.
you believed him, so you let him take you bare in the pool at his over priced house in monaco. your hands were in his short hair as he fucked up into you. even at close to double your age, he fucked like a young man. you yanked on his near blond hair and he groaned. just as he knew your body, you knew his. you knew that the famed max verstappen liked to have his hair pulled.
you moaned against one another, the kisses were hot and the noises got louder. you whimpered while he moaned against you. he loved the feeling, the intensity of your fucking. the thought of playing in the water was long forgotten as he moved against you. rutted up into you in a way that made you feel good all over. his face was against your breasts and he could feel your hard nipples through our bikini top.
your back arched with a heated want for the man inside of you. you yanked on his hair a little more as he bit your left nipple through the swimsuit which made your toes curled. he managed to mark you a your breasts a little in the areas that weren't covered by the bikini top. his groaned made you feel hotter.
"please, sir."
you felt amazing. you made a primal part of his brain sing with the idea of having you with him for a lifetime. he yearned for you, he wanted you in ways that only a lover could. to keep you as his. he was close to double your age, but he was deeply in love with you. a marvel on the track and in his arms. anyway he's have you. he's take it, even if it was unprotected sex in his pool.
you held onto him as you rolled your hips. you moaned louder and felt the pleasure course through you. down to your very core. your hadn't met a man like max before and you would never after. you panted heavily and max drank in the feeling. to have you like this, this was what heaven was.
"sh, sh, just call me max. just max, my angel." he said through a tense jaw as he picked up the pace. he wasn't going to last much longer. it wasn't long before you felt the grip of pleasure through you. the heightened feeling of his cock up inside of you. you came with a sharp moan that made max tense up. you always sounded so pretty on the edge of climax.
"please mister! miste-max!" you whined through orgasm and max kept his pace inside of you. your tightness around him almost made him choke on air. it all felt amazing.
"i got you, i got you." he promised. he'd always have you. you were his daring racer, the marvel of his team. his winner. with a few more heavy thrusts he finished inside of you. fucking you without protection felt amazing.
he hoped he'd get the chance to finish inside of you again. he shuddered at the notion, your pretty pussy caked in his cum. he stopped his movements and held you in his arms.
you softly kissed him as he held you for a moment. when you pulled away, you cupped his face and asked, "i guess we're not playing in the pool today?"
"adrian!" you chirped as you quickly got into the pool with your son, "you have to wait for me, you know mama can't move as fast as you right now." it was a little harder keeping up with a four year old in floaties while you were six months pregnant.
the little boy was a least smart enough to stay in the shallow end of the pool. max was barely outside when you were in the pool with adrian. he settled your things down while you splashed in the pool with the young boy.
max watched, keeping a keen eye on the both of you. he didn't want his little family getting into too much trouble in the pool. you were no longer his star driver, but you did upgrade to 'wife status'. you recently had gotten a job with formula two which made max happy. it was good to see his former superstar and current wife in demand in the racing field. even if you weren't a driver. your skills weren't being put to waste because you got pregnant a lot sooner than expected.
as you and adrian played in the water, you smiled at your husband. he waved to you and your smile grew. you remarked, "c'mon, honey, we're going to play mermaids." <3
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zorange13 · 3 months ago
— love island, enhypen edition
enha as the islanders x afab reader (hyung line). | maknae line
warnings/content. suggestive content, got WAYYY carried away with jake’s part, slowburn, reality tv au, YEARNINGGG, romantic competition, half-cheating, angst, light e2l, swearing, jealousy, insecurity, drama-heavy (duh)
lightly proofread, i did NOT sleep to write this lmao.
word count: 7.2k
inspired by the aot edition from @rynfiles, pls check them out!!
Heeseung 이희승
def a smooth ass talker, so charismatic 
such a heartthrob
would be a fan favorite at first
an OG and would partner up with whoever he wants
also prob have a kiss by the end of the first episode 
knows he’s hot and would honestly use that to his advantage to get to know everyone, esp in early days
genuinely so funny and would be one of the guys that gets along well with both the boys and girls
however, he would be a lil bit of a fuckboy, but he would feel so bad about it after watching the show back at the end.
being a libra, hee is naturally (and sometimes unintentionally) very flirty to the point where a girl might think she is being led on. even if he’s just trying to be nice. 
cue one of the girls saying, “idk like heeseung and i just seem to have a good connection.”
10 minutes later he’s tonguing down another girl.
so him and his first pairing would just end in a pretty messy situation
fans start to not fw him
he would be in couples and stay throughout the whole show just because he’s good tv. 
he’d be on the chopping block a few times but would somehow the producers would find something to save him (rob cough cough)
fans love to hate him
but wouldn’t truly fall head over heels until about week 3 and really hit it off with a girl. no one else matters to him at that point
you’d be a bombshell (duh)
but by the time casa amor comes around and he wants to close things off, the girls would be gone by that point
he’d be fuming
but then when the casa girls come, he’d be like ‘nah, i miss my girl’
but his head would be slightly turned by one of them
maybe a kiss or two, heavy petting unfortunately
but then when the girls are sent the video of what the boys have been doing…
best believe heeseung would get his ass handed to him at the recoupling
wouldn’t be able to look at you, once he sees the look in your eyes was when it hit him.
he wouldn’t bring anyone back though!!
you would put a pillow between them
fans kinda hate him at this point, like bro is public enemy #1
but he would do anything to win you back
i’m talking on HIS KNEES, yearning !!
a clip on tiktok would go viral of him for that
“if i have to show you why you’re the one for me, i’ll do it again. over and over again until you want me. i don’t care what it takes. i can’t let you go.”
fans would swoon, then hate themselves for liking him again (real asf)
kordell and serena coded as far as the casa situation
days of nice gestures until you felt you wanted him to stop
he would (try to) make you breakfast and bring it up to the beauty room; giving you a kiss on the side of your head as he left. saying “i know you like your eggs scrambled and your coffee light and sweet”
it would prob taste terrible it’s the thought that counts
the girls would giggle after he got far enough from the door, but you didn’t pay much mind
making you cheese toasties in the middle of the day when he “just so happens” to hear that you’re hungry.
after days of groveling, you cave when he enlists jay and jake to help him make your favorite food for candlelit dinner by the beach.
“i know i fucked up, i know that i hurt you badly. but please, if you give me this chance to prove that i’m not just some asshole, i will be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had.”
would have the hideaway for the night
would def make use of the toys in there
can see y’all being in the final 4
final date is horseback riding and dinner at one of the luxury resorts in fiji
his finale speech would send twitter in a spiral
“i came in here not expecting anything from this, just a fun time. just a free vacation and beautiful women. i seriously thought that i was on my way out because i had burnt all of my bridges. but when you showed up, i just—” sighs, trying not to let himself get choked up. “I knew you were so out of my league. even now you are, i felt like a guy like me didn’t deserve a woman like you. you’re not scared to call me out on my bullshit, you make me laugh, you made me earn you. despite all of the bullshit i put you through, you extended grace and there’s nothing more i could ask for from you and that will be the last time i ever ask you to extend me that much. but that look in your eye told me everything that i needed to know. watching that clip of you cry in the girl’s arms during movie night was all that i needed to know that i will never in my life, do anything to make someone i love feel like that ever again. you’re it for me, and no matter what happens tonight, win or lose; i’m a winner because I get to walk out with you.”
would have the whole villa in TEARS
reformed fuckboy™ + the queen who tamed him = they don’t even need to win
Jay 박종성
the most chill one there tbh
og and would pair with who he liked 
but they would burn out not from drama, but they realized there was a lack of chemistry
wouldn’t stir much drama but WOULD PULL for sure
he knew what he signed up for of course but is more of slow burner
he doesn’t like to entertain someone he isn’t interested in if he knew there was someone else he might like more
if his heart isn’t in it, he’s not gonna waste your time or his own
so he’d just be honest and the girls would love him for that
grows close with a lot of them and even offers advice when needed
blunt, but transparent and the fans like him
such a breath of fresh air from all of the weird, sneaky boys
the type that you would def know if he liked you
would somehow end up making out with one of the bombshells in soul ties, they couple up
the chef™
is always the one helping out with dinner
the girls always ask him to make them something because they know he’d never say no
isn’t the life of the party but is never a buzz kill
knows how to have fun and will always be there to have a good laugh.
would fizzle out with that bombshell
“you’re cool and so gorgeous. i just don’t feel anything deeper and i’m sorry.”
bombshell would be understanding not take it personally, she’s more into heeseung anyway lmao
kinda goes on aimlessly
would end up kissing one of the og girls (you) during a challenge in week 2 and holy shit
he liked it a lot more than he’d expect
wouldn’t know how to handle it and would feel like shit
i mean it’s only week 2 but weeks here feel like months
so technically, everyone’s been dating for 2 months !!
would talk to jake and would eventually just approach you about it. better to live with no regrets
“hey, can i pull you for a chat?” he says to you as you’re lounging on one of the day beds.
“of course,” you stood up and he ruffled your hair with a smile as y’all walked to one of the swinging benches.
“so remember when we kissed earlier? in the challenge?”
“yeah? i’m sure i’d remember who i kissed.”
oh…he liked this girl for real now
your own couple wouldn’t be too solid either seeing as it was so early but not
still wanted to be respectful though !!
nonetheless you end up recoupling and that guy gets sent home
sad to see a friend of his go home but very happy that he could love on his girl openly now
so head over heels, still makes the girls food because he’s a gentleman
but he brings you full on meals!! steaks, ribs, chicken (fried, baked, grilled, doesn’t matter !!! your wish is his command) the most they were getting out of him was a cheese toastie, they’ll be lucky if they get a piece of meat on it
you would def have a ‘my man, my man’ attitude after that which he lowkey loved
the girls made jokes about how they lost their personal chef and would start hassling their men to cook for them
you left a note on your mirror for him before you dipped for casa. 
“i’m not the best at goodbyes, but i didn’t want to leave without saying something. thank you for being so good to me, for being real with me, and for making me feel like i matter here. i know things aren’t always easy to say, but i’m happy with you. i hope you’re doing okay while i’m gone, and i’ll be thinking about you. can’t wait to come back to you.
p.s. the food’s not the same without you here.”
then left a kiss in his favorite lipstick of yours on the mirror next to the note
he was irritated at no goodbye but tried to maintain some sort of sanity 
after all the guys all filed out of the beauty room, he kissed the mark you left on the mirror and considered that his parting kiss
grab the note to put it in his pocket and keep by his bed to look at
he also saw you left the lipstick right on the vanity so he took that too
the casa girls came and they came with the heat let me tell you
but he didn’t give in no no no
though he WAS tempted
he was chatting by the firepit with one of the casa girls and she leaned in to kiss him
he ALMOST fumbled
but he was solid, the plastic component of your lipstick in his back pocket a reminder of who was gonna be waiting for him on the other side
gently shoots the girl down for giving her the wrong impression, “i’m sorry if it seemed like anything else but i miss my girl and i just don’t think kisses outside of challenges are appropriate.”
very respectful
but the girl does not take too kindly to it
he doesn’t care because he likes you
he’s not trippin because like…can she fight? lmao
makes it back to the villa in one piece !!
is running back to you
fidgeting at the firepit because didn’t want to stand there to wait for y’all to officially full on be a couple again
kissing you down when he gets to you
making everyone hold their hearts at the cuteness
closes off with you that night and are the first ones to get in the hideaway !!
everyone voted you guys to go
you wore this amazing baby blue lingerie and he almost lost it
he put you in them fuzzy pink handcuffs that night 
everything is smooth sailing 
in the final 4 
final date is dinner on a yacht then jet skiing on the sunset
then at the finale he would also give a speech that is so cute but so him!!
“i’m not good at words but that’s not an excuse to give a subpar speech because you deserve more than that. you have been so solid and wonderful through this whole experience. i never expected after 2 weeks it’d be me and you but i’m glad we got to harvest a friendship first.” He blushed, looking away from you as you laughed and gave him his time to simmer down. “i’d fall in love with you in any universe. the same way how i’d cook you anything you’d ask me to because you simply deserve it. you deserve to be treated like royalty and you know with me, i’m gonna deliver. you don’t have to lift a finger. you don’t have to worry about anything. not money, not my loyalty, my honesty. you came here to get the man you deserve and i’m here to give you that, baby.” would lift your hand to kiss it as he asked, “will you let me be your boyfriend?”
twitter meltdown—simple as that.
the producers picked good men this season…
y’all won and split—well actually, he gave you all of the prize money !!
every. last. dime.
there’s nothing other to describe him as perfect—he was patient, didn’t hoe around, had intentions and pursued you when it mattered the most. 
ofc he’s the fan favorite and y’all are talked about online for forever as one of the best couples to come out of love island
Jake 심재윤
one of the sweetest guys there like seriously
cinnamon roll™ 
another og
it’s physically impossible to hate him
fans are swooning because they’ve never seen this many hot guys on love island at once
especially when all of them are heartthrobs and have so much potential
jakey is so beloved by the guys because he’s just…a bro
BUT HE GIVES GREAT ADVICE and is pretty chill
also knows how to have fun and is usually the one (besides heeseung) to like initiate a game or something fun to do
the villa can get boring when y’all are just sitting around all day
as for the girls, he gets along very well
he knows he’s good-looking but he doesn’t do too much
that accent gets them
very humble
all of the girls have wanted a piece of him at one point and quite frankly none of them were his type ???
“hey…bro…” he’d say to them, as he sat down with them during chats
so the girls just stayed his friend and didn’t want to embarrass themselves further
went through a depressive period for a few weeks
coupling with girls just to stay alive
until a bombshell, you,—came in.
he legit had all of the guys come to the firepit so he could tell them you were off limits
they listened, except for one
that bastard
some drama arose as there was gonna be a recoupling that sent one of the guys home
this only further incentivized jake to pursue you harder
“hey, can i steal you for chat?” he approaches you as you sat in the kitchen talking to the other guy
he didn’t feel bad, as you said “of course,” he made sure to give the guy a sly look as he placed his arm around your waist as you followed him up to soul ties. 
fans loved him even more now: “ok jakey going after what he wants!!!!” “nah ngl if a cinnamon roll looked at me like that i’d self eliminate fr lmao” “well he said she was off limits *shrug emoji*” “he can’t even be mad at jake like he hasn’t had not one connection the whole time. let him get the girl he wants !!”
he knew he couldn’t sit on his ass and wait for you to come naturally
as he got to know you, he realized you were like him
a hot geek!!
you loved math and science just like him 
you were always correcting people
and somehow you loved the same shows and movies
it’s like you’re him, just the girl version!!
needless to say, he falls fast and hard
he knew how to cook pretty well, so he would make you breakfast every morning 
hot chocolate, with big marshmallows and a waffle
all made from scratch of course!! he took some pointers from jay ;)
the other guy continued to pursue you, to which he encouraged you
he knew what he was there for but who was he to limit you to one connection?
“i’m here for you and i know what i want. but i’m also never gonna tell you to put me above you; if you feel you want to explore then go handle that.” he told you as you settled in between his legs, back against his chest on one of the daybeds. you had your eyes shut as you leaned your head on his shoulder as gently caressed your leg with one hand and your arm with another. relishing in the serenity of the feeling and the waves crashing against each other.
this is right when you knew you weren’t going anywhere
fans also ate this up: “i just need someone to hold me like jake holds her and i’ll be ok, i promise” “i would let him do the most unspeakable things to me, Lord forgive me” “just give me 3 minutes.”
was some part of him anxious as hell? absolutely, but he meant what he said
it was up to you, either way someone was going home
so when you got a text later that afternoon, you read it aloud to everyone (basically screaming it but it’s ok) 
“it’s almost decision time! you must decide where your heart lies. tonight, you will choose who you want to couple up with, and one guy will be sent home. solve for x and see where you end up! #toobadsosad #makingupforlosttime #gotmyanglesonyou”
you flustered at the reminders of the conversations you and jake were having
but it was funny nonetheless
that night at the firepit, you had never see jake so distraught
he spaced out which he like never does but now it was time for you to make your choice
you stood up in your heels, almost shaking but maintaining composure
“i would like to couple up with this boy because he has been so amazing and consistent since my time here.” jake listened to you intently as you spoke, hopefully trying to pick up on something that could indicate that you’d pick him.
“we also get along really well and i feel that in the short time that i’ve been here, we’ve been able to get on pretty well. i know that if we have a chance to further this connection, then something great will be able to come from it.”
ok, he was getting hopeful
“we bond over so many things, and i feel like we mirror each other. people say that it’s hard to be with someone that’s just like you. however, studies show that 89% of couples share the same values and similarities, making them successful and at a lower rate of divorce.”
your fellow islanders laughed at your random, yet endearing factoid
jake just tilted his head as he stared at you lovingly, “that’s my girl,” he whispered to himself
“so the boy i’d like to couple up with is…” 
fingers crossed
surprise. “jake.” you said with a bright smile on your face.
jake wanted to run to you and kiss you until his last dying breath
BUT he had some sort of couth 
he dapped up the guy that he was standing by, he didn’t want to because he felt he was an asshole but still. respect.
then he walked over to you with the brightest smile in the world and hugged you so tight you almost complained but you let him have his moment. “you’re so amazing, baby. you’re mine now,” his whispered into your ear. the mic just barely picked it up.
he pulled back and gave you the gentlest kiss you’ve felt in your life, that you barely even felt
viral moment
it was hard to watch the guy pack his stuff 
yes, he knows that he got you now but after coming to his senses in a way, the guy just wanted to find love the same way they all did
they ended up having a conversation before he left and they squashed the beef
later that night, you and jake showered together
made sure to lock the door, there was like 8 other bathrooms in this big ass house
the others could use another one
BUT it was nothing freaky deaky
just gentle, intimate
you detangled and washed his hair for him 
granted it was very hard to keep his hands off of you
just this perfect body in front of him in this big ass shower where he had ample room to do what he wanted
but he kept it cute, only letting his hands slide south when you let him
but a little kiss didn’t hurt
his hand wrapped around your neck as pulled you to cover his lips with yours. the familiar taste of your lips sending jolts through his body. he groaned at the sensation as you followed. “should’ve done this at the firepit, right in front of that bastard. that way he would’ve known you were really mine all along.”
he left a lil hickey
nothing too crazy
y’all def did it in the bed with everybody there that night though
casa amor rolls around
y’all are doing good even before then
challenges were fun, vibes were on point!!
but just like the others, you bounce without a word. but you also left a note just like heeseung’s girl
“hi jakey !! i’m gonna be gone for a while but not to worry. distance makes the heart grow fonder. i trust you, and i hope you honor me while i’m away because i will do the same for you <3 p.s. i sprayed my perfume on our bed so if a bitch even tries to lie there she’ll be getting a piece of me. hugs and kisses xoxo !!”
he audibly laughed at your note, some tears threatening to escape him but quickly sucked it up
he missed you already, his baby
his little einstein
he tucked the note in his pocket for safe keeping
remember what i said before, the casa girls are coming in hot!!
and jake being the fun—and nice—guy he is, makes the girls feel welcome 
until one of them pulls him for chat and he accepts
she came onto and him for some reason something came over him
to this day he can’t put his finger on if it was the excitement of a new face after seeing the same ones every single day for, what felt like, forever 
or just lack of self control
maybe both
but he fucks her
when the guys found out they were jarred
even heeseung, the resident fuckboy™ wasn’t that wild
needless to say, jake has never felt more disgusted with himself
the support he amassed over the last few goes down the drain as this was one of the biggest twists of the season
i said hee became public enemy #1 before but no, jake was hated BAD!!!
fans were hurt themselves: “bro i feel so bad for y/n, she was everything and more and he just shit on her, fuck jake” “i really don’t believe in love anymore, this is wild” “imagine going thru ALL THAT with a girl that was made for you just to hook up with a random casa girl bc of a ‘minor slip up’ what a loser”
going back to the villa was…a journey to say the least
but when he got back you were smiling
like…you couldn’t wait to see him
him, along with the boys were confused as they all thought that you’d seen what happened due to heeseung just getting heat
but no
you seemed to know nothing
and jake just played along, he didn’t bring anyone back and neither did you
“hello, my einstein,” he hugged you as he spun you around before gently placing you back on the wooden deck of the firepit.
the silence amongst the boys was deafening, there were already tensions due to heeseung’s situation, but the girls still tried to be happy for you and cheer you on. them clearly being oblivious to what really went down.
a few days passed and jake carried along as normal as he could, still consulting jay about this hole in chest called guilt that he couldn’t shake. he had to tell you.
until sunghoon’s girl got a text, she beckoned all of them to front
“islanders, it’s time for movie night! watch some exclusive clips from your time in the villa and casa amor! grab your seats and watch some dirty truths be unveiled. #nosecretshere #lightscameradrama”
everyone looked at each other with unsure looks, the boys getting glared and cold stares left and right. 
you felt terrible, “i feel so bad, i know [heeseung’s girl] went through so much the last few days. i’d hate for her to have to almost relive it, you know?” you said to jake, to which he hugged you with a small ‘yeah’
everyone gathered around and it was time to pick which “movie” y’all wanted to watch
they chose ‘experiment gone wrong’
and that was when you saw it
jake tonguing down this girl, which stung, but ok this was during a challenge so nothing crazy
the next clip cut to them talking at the firepit and he was just giggling it up
then they kissed
which was more than enough to make your heart feel like it smashed into a million pieces
then the next clip was of them making out on yours and his shared bed
then he covered both of them with the comforter as the camera moved to a new angle where they threw their clothes onto the floor from beneath the sheets
then on the outside on the firepit right where they were, laid the note you left for him before you left
then it faded to black
the silence was deafening
the girl’s right by you sat in shock as you were all equally.
the first to break the silence was jungwon’s girl “so y’all knew?”
the boys were all looking down in shame
silence. crickets.
you wanted so badly to say something but your voice simply wouldn’t allow you
you just remember breaking down into jungwon’s girl’s arms as she rested her hand on your head, stroking your head to give you some consolation as the rest of the girl’s cursed them out.
jake just sat there, tears in his eyes as croaked out, “i didn’t mean to—”
“what didn’t mean to do what? she trusted you, we all did! y’all are some grimy ass people for not even letting one of us know. like you didn’t have to tell her. at least one of us and we could’ve done something!”
“jake you are such a piece of shit”
“i know,” he whimpered, leaning back into the couch
“if you’re capable of keeping some shit like that from her then you’re capable of anything.”
he knew what the girls were saying was true to some–well, a huge extent. but he wasn’t looking at them. 
he was looking at you break down over something that he did out of pure tactlessness
the producers didn’t let you get up until the clips were done being shown but as soon as they were done, you sped walked right inside
knowing jake was hot on your tail
before you can ever get past even the middle of the yard space he catches up you
“y/n please,” he says, pleading. “i can explain,”
you looked at him, with nothing but pure pain and desolation, “explain what? your dick just somehow slipped inside her on accident?”
he shook his head, “baby—”
that was when you snapped, yelling at for the first time ever. “no! you lost the privilege to call me that! i’m nothing to you, do you hear me? nothing! you are a sick and twisted individual. nevermind the hooking up thing because a part of me expected it. men will be men, but for you to have days to tell me and you let me find out along with everyone else?”
“please, can we just talk about this somewhere else?” his voice cracked as he began to sob, not caring if all of your peers were watching
“you’re such a con artist, you made me believe you. made me believe that everything was fine and dandy between us and that i was like the one for you—”
“but you are, you are—” he grabbed his hair, pulling it from stress and frustration. “gosh, you are! i just fucked up—”
“i gave you my body, jake. does that not mean anything to you?”
he sobbed loudly, not even caring how he looked anymore. “yes! it means everything just please understand me!” he grabbed your shoulders to hopefully make you listen. “i fucked up. i know i’m a shitty person for doing that and i know i’m even shittier than lying to you like this and keeping you in the dark. but please trust me when i say that it was a mistake and will never happen again.”
“you’ve shown me who you are, jake. i’m taking it for what it is. you’ve made your choice and it wasn’t me.” you said, cold and distant
choking back sobs as he tries to reach for you again. “y/n, please. i’m begging you. don’t do this. i’ll do anything. i’ll make it right, just give me a chance.”
“fuck you, jake.”
jungwon’s girl ends up sleeping with you outside that night
jake cries himself to sleep, even though he could barely do that
the next day you were more angry than hurt
when he brought you breakfast, you threw it out the window right in front of face
you’re like 60% sure bits of the eggs ended up in the pool
everytime he tried to talk to you, you ignored him
if he asked to pull you for a chat while you speaking to someone, you continued talking as if he wasn’t standing there, literally begging you for a conversation
he was vapor to you and it wasn’t fun being like this but he needed to be punished
until one recoupling, he decides to self-eliminate
this rippled shock throughout the villa, even you
during his final speech, “i felt like i came here to find a connection. i did, and regardless of how it turned out, i’m so grateful for the time that i did get with that person. i know i did the most…distasteful things but i also know that forgiveness comes with time and it shouldn’t be on your terms.” he looked at you with longing eyes, “y/n, i love you,” 
the L word in love island is like…unheard of almost like oh my god ??/?/?/ so your stomach was in knots
“and i will do anything to see you happy, baby, always. if that means being free from me than i’ll do it and i will let you have the experience you so rightfully deserve, so…that’s why i’d like to go home. i got what i came here for.”
there were definitely tears from everyone in the villa
jake had been everyone’s best friend so to see him go was hard
you and him exchanged longing glances and a gentle nod before he walked out and the ‘loves me not’ sign flashes
you ended up leaving the following week
you just wandered about aimlessly
bombshells came but none of them compared to jake 
you were eliminated and was actually glad to go home and see your family after all these months
definitely sad because at this point, you spent so much time and gotten along well with everyone that they considered you an og at this point
but you left with your chest held high
but as soon as you got your phone back you saw you sat at a good 2M followers on instagram, which was like 1,999,900 million more than you came in here with.
you took a look at your dm’s and saw a familiar face text you:
“hey gorgeous,
i know you probably won’t see this for a while, but i couldn’t just leave things unsaid. i’ve spent so much time thinking about everything, and i know there’s no excuse for what i did. i messed up, badly. i hurt you, and i’ll never be able to fully fix that, no matter how much i wish i could. but i need you to know that i’m truly sorry. not just for what i did, but for letting you down in ways that went beyond just that moment.
i was selfish. i let my insecurities and confusion get the better of me, and in doing so, i betrayed your trust. i lied to you, and i let you believe things were okay when they weren’t. the worst part is, i knew better. i knew what i was doing was wrong, but i still did it. i don’t expect forgiveness from you, not after what i did, but i hope you can eventually find it in yourself to heal from this.
you deserve someone who values you and respects you, someone who sees you for who you truly are, not just in the moments when things are easy. i failed you in that regard. i let you down in front of everyone, and i’m sorry for that. but i want you to know that i will always think of you, and no matter what happens, you’ll always be important to me.
i don’t know if you’ll ever want to talk to me again, and honestly, i wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t. i’m not asking for forgiveness, and i’m not asking for anything except that you take care of yourself, y/n. you deserve the world. and i’ll keep working on becoming someone better, even if it’s too late for us.
i hope that wherever you are, you’re finding peace and happiness. i’ll be here if you ever want to reach out, but i understand if you need time or if you don’t ever want to. just know i’m thinking of you, and i’ll always be rooting for you. i wouldn’t change a thing if it meant i got to experience the beauty that is you.
take care of yourself. you were more than everything to me. i love you einstein.
your jakey <3
ok that felt like a gut punch
you sat there, on your bed wondering your next move
then you got to typing
Sunghoon 박성훈
he’s for sure a bombshell
one of the bombshells that comes in the blind kissing challenges to confuse all of the girls
he’s had his eye on you for a while 
so when he gets to kiss you, he’s more than prepared to rock your world
he takes his time with you as he runs a gentle finger down your lips to the valley of your breasts as he pulls you closer by your hips
then he pulled you in so your lips could meet his and it was up from there
everyone was so confused 
“jake?” “nah that's not him”
“heeseung?” “nah he’s not as aggressive”
the boys were in complete shock, some of there were dying laughing
others bitter because he was kissing their girls lmaooo
when the girls took their blindfolds off, they were screaming in shock
you laughed something serious!!
but when you got a look at sunghoon, you were also very shook
he was…scarily beautiful, like he almost made you feel insecure lmao
but he couldn’t stop looking at you
you and the girls congregated after that to discuss details
“yo, he’s hot as fuck” “he’s gorgeous” “y’all don’t even know what to do with all that”
the fans were thrown. they were gagged. 
the guys all whispered about him, impressed that he came in with such a bang
others, whose couples weren’t so steady in their couples were worried
but they saw how he kissed you
he wanted you
during the challenge where america weighs in on what they feel about them
he gets voted to be like the biggest fuckboy
which again, makes heeseung laugh because he was that was his thing™ 
everyone even voted him too, so to hear america’s thoughts made the girls think the world knew something they didn’t
but back to sunghoon
his feelings were a little hurt
he wasn’t sure if it was the way he looked that gave people that impression
but he never kissed any girls outside of challenges so it didn’t make much sense
sure he had his fun outside of the villa
but he knew that he was going to be on national television, so he did try to dial it back
you were very turned off by this
you admitted in the confessionals, “i’ve had my fair share of fuckboys. i even knew by coming here that i wasn’t exempt from them! so to be real, i’m not shocked. i mean look at him. i’d be hurt if he wasn’t sharing the fun with other people.”
he’s annoyed by it but doesn’t let it phase him
now onto you guys
at this point, you’re pretty solid in your original connection
sunghoon didn’t really gaf lmao
he was a bombshell, he wasn’t supposed to be peaceful 
he had a talk with your connection in front of the guys
“i’m sorry but i’m here to step on toes and i really don’t care if you don’t like that. i’m not here to make friends.”
your connection nodded with a ‘challenge accepted’ type of smile
so let the games begin
he pursued you down
a solid week and a half of him and your partner fighting for you
until heeseung is bored one night and wants to play a game: truth or dare
“y/n, truth or dare”
now you knew better than to accept a dare from any of these hooligans, “truth.”
“do you think your connection is solid enough to survive me being here?” he leans forward, resting his head on his hands with a smile
so you didn’t have anything to say
you literally plead the fifth 
and that caused some drama and needless to say, you and your partner argued that night
“so, one guy just comes around and all of a sudden i’m not enough for you?”
“i never said that, you’re just insecure and plus it’s not that serious. this is love island. i came here for me, who are you to hinder me from my experience?”
he slept outside that night
sunghoon slept with a smile on his that night
the next morning, he asked around what you liked for breakfast and brought it to you while you were doing your makeup
you thanked him politely, not liking him for basically prophesying your couple’s misfortune
he knew what happened and was capitalizing off of it
fans easily saw this and thought the same, not entirely liking sunghoon and calling him a little bit of weirdo
“he’s hot but something about bro seems sketchy”  “is he a witch or sumn??? does bro have crystals and sage in his suitcase??? wtf is going on” “i agree with the discourse but why am i kinda eating this up tho”
you were chatting with jay’s girl and then he pulls you for a chat, to which you agreed reluctantly “sure”
y’all went to the chairs by the beach. he sat on one and you sat across from him
“so? rough night?” 
“do you have a problem with me?”
“no. i just want you.”
“you’re so weird, i mean i appreciate that you’re trying to be nice to me in your own sick way. but i don’t play games.”
he smiled, “i’m not playing with you, though. i just held up a mirror.”
“you’re serious?”
“think about it, i didn’t do anything. i just asked you one question and he did the rest.”
you resigned
ok he was right, i mean
your partner was bugging out because he was threatened by another man
“obviously i’ll leave you alone if you want me to but it won’t exactly help your situation.”
“you some type of mind reader or something?”
“i don’t need to read minds. i just need to pay attention. and i’ve been watching for a while. what i’m seeing isn’t really about me, it’s about what you’re not saying.”
fuck it
you stood up and walked toward to him as you straddled his hips
he smiled gently as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. and yours around his neck as you kissed officially
some of your fellow islanders were eavesdropping and and watching from behind the deck and they silently cheered
as you pulled back, “did i say enough?”
biting his lip, he nodded as he rested his hand on the back of your head. “yeah,” the other head rubbed your thighs on either side of him.
you pulled away from the kiss and the tension lingered but he kept his grip on your thigh. as if he was scared you’d pull away. 
“what are you thinking, pretty girl?” his voice took on a new tone. that sarcastic, patronizing inflection long gone. 
“i think you knew exactly what you were doing.” you laughed
he smiled, your laugh actually giving him butterflies “maybe,” the head that rested on your head moved to your cheek as he stroked it gently. “just want to make you feel wanted,”
your connection ended up getting eliminated at recoupling (womp womp)
since sunghoon came late, casa was only a week later
a part of him was excited to explore more options
you didn’t leave a note, which kinda stung
but there wasn’t anything to do about it so he just continued as normal
he kissed a few girls, brought one back :(
definitely pissed you off!!
lowkey he got your frustration but it’s only been a week!!
“it’s not like we’re married or anything, i’m just tryna explore my options.”
to which you understood, didn’t make the embarrassment any easier
you were so mad you didn’t bring a guy back either
fans felt validated that their suspicions were right “see??? i knew i wasn’t buggin. he’s a hoe.” “i get that it’s been a week but he could’ve been a little nicer about it like damn” “the audacity to chase her and put her other connection at risk when he could’ve just kept it cool?? he just wanted screen time fr” “this sounds crazy but not even heeseung is this bad” “he wants to be heeseung sooo baddd LMFAOO”
not hated, but not liked either
y’all fizzle out and he partners with the casa girl 
you get eliminated at that recoupling
you guys hug before you leave and reconcile
no beef
no static
he’d def reach out after everything tho
Copyright: © zorange13. 2024. All rights reserved. Do not repost, copy, or distribute without permission.
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bluebells-and-dragonflies · 2 months ago
viktor (arcane) nsfw alphabet <3
-> hello viktor nation. haven't been able to get this guy out of my mind for the past four weeks, so! here you go! also consider this your formal invitation to scream about him in my inbox i would LOVEEEE to write more about him............
alphabet template is from the.coldest.goodbye!
-> content warnings: sex, edging, blowjobs, pussy eating, dom/sub dynamics, discussion of kink, reader has a vagina, viktor loves you like a lot, 18+ MDNI MDNI MDNI I MEAN IT
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Viktor gets very soft after sex. He'll curl up into your side and bury his face in the side of your neck, pressing his lips into your skin.
You'll help each other to the bath (and you do have a bath- it's one of the few luxuries Viktor indulges in) and soak together, sometimes for hours, you leaning against his chest or him leaning against yours depending on the night. He'll tell you how good you were, how good you are, how much he cares about you, and you'll call him a sap and wash his hair for him. Before long, though, he'll drag you back to bed, ready to fall asleep with your limbs tangled together.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
If you have tits he's obsessed with them to the point that it's kind of a joke between you. After some of your rougher encounters you'll look at yourself and realize there are bite marks and bruises all over them and that it's very visible unless you wear a shirt with a super high cut.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
One of his biggest turn-ons is coming inside of you. He'll lean down with his face between your thighs and watch as his come leaks out of your hole. And then he'll push it back inside of you with two slender fingers.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
If he had fewer morals he would definitely steal your underwear. As it is he just fantasizes about it constantly. Inhaling the scent of them while he gets himself off, maybe even wrapping them around his dick and coming into them. If you ever get this fantasy out of him definitely hide a pair in his jacket pocket or something, he'll basically explode.
Also he has a recurring fantasy about watching Jayce fuck you...
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He's sort of in the middle. He's had enough sex to be good in bed without you having to guide him much, but he's never been promiscuous: for him, sex is a means to an end more than anything else. He goes out and gets his needs met when he has the urge every once in a while and doesn't do anything more involved than that. It's more of a maintenance thing and less of a habit. He's never been in a serious relationship before (or really had strong feelings for anyone) either, so sex is casual to him. Then, of course, he meets you, and sex starts to mean much more than just getting off when he needs.
Side note but I've got a personal hc that the culture in Zaun is super cavalier about sex and doesn't treat it as particularly taboo. Which means that Viktor doesn't try to hide his sex life, even before you're sleeping together, and it probably drives you insane thinking about what he must be doing.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Anything that puts him physically above you he's going to be a fan of. He loves seeing you underneath him, getting to watch every single expression on your face and every involuntary shudder. That said, there are going to be times where he's in too much pain to hold himself up for very long. Then he loves for you to either ride him or just lay between his legs and suck him off, running your hands up the sides of his body and toying with his nipples.
If you held a gun to his head and made him pick just one position, though, it wouldn't be any of those- he would want you to sit on his face. He absolutely fucking LOVES everything about it. He loves the weight of you on his shoulders and chest, he loves when you grind against his chin and mouth and nose, helplessly chasing your release. He loves feeling your come cover his face. He loves your hands in his hair, gripping tight and holding his head still so you can use him. He's obsessed.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Viktor can get giggly during sex, which surprises him as much as it does you. There are plenty of times where the vibe is less serious, where you're grinning at each other like idiots and high-fiving in the afterglow. If you're at the point where you're having sex regularly he's already thrown caution to the wind with you. You make him feel comfortable and his willingness to laugh and be vulnerable together is a direct result.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He trims every now and then but doesn't do anything more than that- no shaving or waxing or anything.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
In serious moments Viktor worships you. He wants to take his time. He fucks you slow and deep and kisses you during, gasping into your mouth at the peak of every thrust. What he feels for you is so large and devotional that it scares him. He wants to bury himself in you, would crawl inside your chest and live there if he could. He's desperate for you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He gets off to the thought of you and doesn't feel bad about it at all lol. Some people have a bit of a hangup about masturbating to people they know, but not him! He's got entire scripts in his mind and he follows them religiously: playing with the tip of himself when he's imagining you lapping at the head of his cock like a kitten, holding the base of his cock with two fingers when the version of you in his head decides to make him wait to come. This is happening before you ever get together and before you even know he's interested, and he'll look you in the eyes like he didn't lick his come off his own palm that morning, picturing your tongue instead.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Oh he's a freak LMAO. Kink isn't necessary to him at all and he'd be okay with a vanilla sex life, but if you're down he has a whole laundry list of things he knows he likes and an even longer one of things he wants to explore. He's into bondage, edging, overstimulation, and minor painplay (stuff like spanking, gentle choking, and giving, not receiving). He will sub, especially if that's your inclination, although he slightly prefers domming. Edging is his absolute favorite and he can spend entire nights on it, watching you slowly unravel until you're begging for him with tears in your eyes.
He doesn't quite know it yet, but if you ever bring up the idea of fucking him he would be VERY into it.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He vastly prefers the bed over anywhere else. It's by far the most comfortable for him. That doesn't stop him from wanting to fuck you elsewhere, though. It goes without saying that he'd daydream about bending you over the lab desk.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
He's just as into the basics as the next person- of course he gets turned on when you lean past him and he can see down your shirt, or when you're at a party together and you run your hand down his arm so slowly he can't mistake the look you're giving him for anything but want. What surprises him is how turned on he gets by you simply existing in his space. Something about having you in his apartment, the domesticity of it all, really gets to him. Once, in the early days of your relationship, he comes home late from the lab and finds you in his bed, dressed in soft pajamas and already asleep, and the rush of affection and desire that hits him is so strong he has to go to the bathroom and jack off in the shower.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
As much as he likes the dom/sub dynamic he never wants to seriously hurt you or be seriously hurt. He's also not a fan of degradation beyond teasing condescension- he's never going to pretend he doesn't want you or call you stupid or threaten to find someone else, even as a kink thing. Also, spit and come are the only two bodily fluids he's really interested in.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He's obsessed with eating you out, but as much as he loves pleasuring you with his mouth, he loves seeing you with his cock down your throat more. He'll restrain himself as much as he can, but he won't be able to stop his hips from making shallow little aborted thrusts once you've bottomed out on him. Your mouth takes him completely out of his head.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Generally on the slower, deeper side. He's a scientist first: he's going to be methodical with you, carefully measuring his actions and watching how you react, especially in the first few months of having you. He maps you out like you're a country he's just discovered, learns you with the same attention and devotion he gives his most serious work, and never forgets a single one of the things that make you moan.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He's down, but it's not his favorite thing. If one or both of you gets desperate in the middle of the day (if you go out of your way to tease him), he's certainly not above bending you over the nearest flat surface. In ideal circumstances, though, he wants to get you in bed and spend a little longer with you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Viktor is one of the most risk-tolerant people in the world. He'll try almost anything once. You never have to worry about suggesting something too outlandish for him because basically nothing is lol. No promises that he'll be super into it after, but he figures he won't know until he tries.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
It depends on what sort of lasting you mean. Viktor appears immune to attempts to turn him on throughout the day and can stay completely composed while taking you apart over and over again- he has immense self-control and won't snap easily. However. If you're playing a more dominant role, he melts under your hands once you've got him in subspace (it takes some time to put him there, but once he's in it he's in it). Suddenly everything you do- every touch, every word of praise you give him- has him straining against whatever rules you've set for him. He will beg if you make him.
In terms of how long it takes him to come, he's not especially slow or especially fast. He does find it harder to last when you're having sweet, slow sex, though. At the end of the day what really undoes him is the fact that you love him.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Yeah, he's definitely engineered a few of his own sex toys. He also definitely engineers them with you in mind. He would love to watch you squirm with a vibrator buried deep in your cunt, or come clenched around a fucking machine.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He is the world's biggest tease, before and during sex. He'll flirt with you throughout the day- a hand on the small of your back, fingers trailing down your spine, a foot dragging up the side of your calf when you're seated across from each other- only to divert his eyes and pretend you're losing your mind when you react.
As mentioned above, edging is one of his favorite kinks. He'll wait until you need to come so badly you're almost incoherent and then make it even harder for you: Speak up, my love. Use your words. I'm finding it difficult to understand what you want.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
More of a groaner than a moaner and not super loud in general. If you want to hear him really break, tie his hands to the headboard and bring him to the edge with your hands and mouth until he starts to beg. Then keep going. (Alternatively, tell him you love him- he'll say it back and won't be able to stop.)
Also he's incapable of shutting the fuck up during sex lol. He's going to keep up an entire conversation with you (and smirk when you start stuttering over your responses). He's going to tell you how long he's wanted you. He's going to tell you how good you look. He's going to tease you incessantly. Annoying as hell!!!
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Viktor almost never curses in general. It's just not the way he talks. Usually. During sex he gets absolutely filthy- the first time you ever hear him say the word fuck is the first time you ever wrap your hand around his cock, and he doesn't stop after that.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
His cock is canonically huge LMFAO I agree with the show here. Hard he's somewhere between seven and eight inches. It'll be a bit of a stretch the first time he slides inside you.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Viktor's sex drive is fairly high but before he meets you he tries his best to pretend it's not. He thinks of sex a lot like he does food: they're both necessary to his continuing function as a human, but they're also deeply annoying distractions from the work he really wants to be doing. He'll ignore his desire until it's actively interfering with whatever he's trying to do, and only then will he spend a few precious hours going out and picking someone up (or hitting up one of the people he occasionally has one-night-stands with).
Once he meets you his desire becomes impossible to ignore. He wants you so badly it keeps him from focusing, from sleeping, and no number of nights out or meaningless hookups banish you from his mind. When he has you, you'll be on the receiving end of all that built-up need.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Sex between you usually happens at night, and Viktor will fall asleep right after unless he has a very good reason not to. He'll accompany you to the bathroom, you'll wash off together, and then he'll be dragging you back to bed with both hands. He won't want either of you to get dressed, and once you're under the covers he tangles himself up in you like he's trying to get as much of his body to touch yours as possible, which is exactly what he's doing. You might talk for a while about nothing much in particular, faces close, before drifting off together.
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purinfelix · 5 months ago
Ok I’m not good at making requests but I think it would be cute if one of the interviewers wears an Argentina jersey and Franco is blushing and yapping in the media pen (and then he posts about it a million times like his handshake w Lewis)
good journalism ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ - franco colapinto
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a/n: YES FRANCO LOVERS JOIN MEE i honestly love writing fics for this flirty little shit pls send more requests like this one eee it was so cute w/c: 922
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It's all for the sake of good journalism.
At least, that's what you kept telling yourself - and all the other interviewers who were questioning why you were sporting an Argentina kit to a race that was being held in Singapore. Watching, buried in a hoard of other photographers and journalists, the race drew to a close and suddenly the crowd around you sprung into action. As drivers started trickling in, with tired expressions - some happy, others not, you resigned yourself to waiting. It was pretty clear you were only here for one.
He spots you as soon as he enters the media area, even though you're concealed by about a dozen other people. You watch as his eyes light up at the sight of the familiar blue and white fabric and he beelines towards you, ignoring the sound of others calling his name.
"Hello," he says, breathlessly with a beaming smile - you chalk the flush in his cheeks up to having just finished a race.
"Hi!" you spring immediately into interview mode, listing off question after question about the race. He answers them all as earnestly as he can, and the entire time you're watching him with an awe-struck look. The clamour and sound of camera flashes around you are drowned out as the two of you talk, and before you realise it you've forgotten you're conducting an interview and not just having a conversation.
"Well that's all the questions I had prepared, good job out there today, you did amazing!" you say, fully aware that you're gushing at this point but you're relieved when he offers you an earnest smile.
"Nice shirt," he points out, and you realise suddenly how keen he is to keep talking. You laugh, a little shy at being so openly acknowledged.
"I knew you'd like it!"
"Who's on the back?" he asks curiously and you turn around to show him, "Ah, Lionel of course, a woman after my own heart." You chuckle softly as he places a hand over his chest. There's a beat of silence when you honestly think he's about to leave but then he leans in a little closer.
"Blue looks good on you, maybe a Williams shirt next time?" He says it so casually it takes you a while to take in what he's saying - and to realise how boldly he's flirting with you.
"Ah," you let out, though it's more of a gasp than words, "I'll have to talk to your merch department about that."
"I'll be waiting," he beams, giving you a sly little nod before disappearing back into his garage. It's only once he's gone do you realise how sore your cheeks are from smiling non-stop. Letting out a shaky breath, slightly overwhelmed by how well that interaction went, you turn around to snake your way back through the crowd. You try to avoid eye contact with anyone but the other camerapeople only smile at you knowingly, and you can only hope some of them got good enough photos for you to remember this moment by.
It's only once you get back to your hotel room and open up your phone do you realise just how many pictures had been taken of the two of you - and how many of them were far better than 'good enough'. In one the two of you are deep in conversation, your brows furrowed in a frankly un-flattering way, him as perfect as ever. In another, you're both laughing, about what you're not entirely sure, but just looking at the photo makes your heart flutter. Your favourite by far though, is one where you're looking down at your notebook trying desperately to remember the questions you had wanted to ask him. There's a childish pout at your lips that you cringe at - but what makes it your favourite is the look on Franco's face as he watches you, cheeks flushed as his lips curl subtly at the corners.
You don't seem to be alone in this opinion either - at least, that's what you've deduced from the half a dozen times Franco has posted it. Clicking through his stories, you're taken aback by the fact that he posted more about your interaction than him scoring points - the photo of the two of you even becomes the cover of his post dedicated to the weekend. Looking at the post you're not even bothered by the hundreds and hundreds of comments speculating what's going on between you two. Instead, your attention is captured by the caption he's added to it - "A race weekend to remember, for more reasons than one."
It's a little corny, and you let out a soft chuckle as you scroll through the rest of his page shamelessly, though you're sure not to like any of his posts for fear of letting on too much. The two of you spoke once, and if you're being completely honest you're a little embarrassed to still be thinking about him at this moment.
Just as you're about to set your phone down though, it chimes with. a notification that makes your eyes widen - a follow request from none other than the man of the hour. The rational part of you begins questioning how he managed to find your profile or the professional concerns of a journalist and driver following each other. These concerns however do little to slow you down as you race to hit accept because at that moment the only thing you can think about is one thing - that he's thinking of you too.
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catsvrsdogscatswin · 10 months ago
I started reading Discworld earlier this year –because I figured it's a cultural treasure and I may as well get around to it by now– and like, I knew something about Terry's ability to sneak underhanded puns into the texts –I've seen the posts. I'd also read Good Omens, even if at that point I couldn't disentangle who was writing what.
So I entered the books fully like the Stay back, slut meme, except regarding wordplay. I was reading with a fine-toothed comb. I was squinting at every name and testing every phoneme. Not necessarily because I don't like puns or didn't enjoy the idea of getting caught by surprise, mind you, just that I'd heard very good things about Terry Prachett's humor and I didn't want to miss any of his jokes and with wordplay stuff if you don't catch it, you'll never know it existed.
I caught a lot of stuff, and even when I didn't get some of the references (the series stretches across a lot of decades I wasn't born in) I could still at least tell when he was making them. I made it out of my grand read with a pat on the back and a certain pleasure in the knowledge that I had enough pop-culture and etymological awareness to not let Terry pull a fast one on me.
In classic Pratchett fashion, turns out I was dead wrong.
I was rereading Soul Music, because even if I'm late to the party I still enjoyed the Discworld books immensely, and I got to the scene where a bunch of schmucks with no music knowledge (or talent) are infected by the spirit of rock n' roll and descend in a horde upon a guitar shop. The owner starts off trying to sell them decent instruments, but, soon realizing his new flow of customers couldn't play a triangle and are more interested in the look of the thing anyways, he promptly starts pulling out his scrappiest, crappiest pseudo-instruments (Ankh-Morpok, amiright) and sticking a bunch of paint, glitter, and ankh-stones on them for the look of things before selling them at marked-up prices.
Ankh-stones were first mentioned in Sourcery, I think, and were used in the creation of the fake Archchancellor's hat. They get mentioned in other books on and off as a source of bedazzlement that's pretty clearly meant to be a riff on rhinestones. First time I read about them, I went "oh what a nice little bit of worldbuilding, of course some gems would get named after local stuff" and thought no more on it. But like…
Rhinestones. Rhine-stones.
The infamously nasty River Ankh that flows(?) through Ankh-Morpok, and the River Rhine, a real river that exists.
I just about swore and hit the table when I clocked that one, because I went into the series ready for it, I was looking for it, and Terry still fuckin' got me good.
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r0-boat · 5 months ago
Please please I need him!!
Listen I know I'm writing for him before he comes out shut up!! Let me be Delulu and kiss him
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He likes to hold you close and feel up your body, lay his lips on your skin and tell you how good you were. He likes to talk about everything you did to make him cum.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your hips, something nice to grab onto soft or muscular he doesn't care He likes the feeling of his finger into your soft skin.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He likes to shoot his cum all over you and inside you but what really gets him off something he's kind of embarrassed about is seeing your face covered in his cum. It does things to him.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
One time the two of you play wrestled when you were being a brat and annoying him and he feeling his big hands grasped around your wrists and you're squirming body brushing against his Light got so hard.
It took him hours to calm down. And now all he can think about is manhandling you and pinning you to the ground like a real villain taking you by force with pure strength. It's not something he would ever do to you obviously.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Lighter has had partners before. So he knows what he's doing but he'd rather know what you like come on you can tell him he promises he'll be gentle.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes when you sit in his lap His fingers digging into your ass or hips bouncing you up and down, where He can see your whole body and kiss you if he wants to.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He does goof off when he sees how stressed you are. He wants you to enjoy this as much as he is. To make you relax he'll make you laugh maybe crack a joke or two.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He shaves every now and then so he doesn't have to worry about his hair down there for a while when he's on the road or doing something else.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He doesn't do it often but when he does Your heart will be so full to the point of bursting.
His favorites include late night rides under the stars before taking you. Massaging your shoulders before His hands start dipping lower and lower. Drawing you a warm bath and then slipping inside with you when you're not looking.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Lighter masturbates a lot, a lot more than he should. He can't help how he feels about you. Be prepared for a dick pic.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I can see him like marking. Bite marks and hickeys and he'll make sure people see them. I can also see him liking restraints, Cuffs, rope or his own hands He wants to make sure you're nice and submissive.
He's a bit of a brat tamer as well.
He wants to degrade you but also praise you at the same time.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Doing it somewhere in public like an alleyway getting a rush at the idea of someone walking in on him taking you raw. But don't worry you're pretty little head He knows the outer ring like the back of his hand no one's gonna see you, The only person who gets to hear and see you like this is him.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Anything with risk involved. Something that really gets his adrenaline pumping. Whether it be fucking in public, breeding you, rough housing, or you sending a risky text. Catch him off guard and he'll be at your door in seconds.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He will not, under any circumstances. Share you with anyone. He doesn't like sharing.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers receiving, He would love nothing more than your pretty little mouth taking more than you can handle his cum running down your overfilled mouth.
But He does not mind at all watching you ride squirm and scream his name on his tongue.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He apologizes if he slams his hips to roughly and to you sometimes he doesn't know his own strength. When he gets so caught up and how much and tight you squeeze him, he might go a little harder than he wants to. Sometimes he'll get carried away and start moving his hips faster.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Yes. He'll mess up your guts then send you off to your friends.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Oh he experiments anything to keep you on your toes. And when it comes to risky sex... He lives for it! What an adrenaline junkie...
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He's a fighter, He's fit and he tends to have more stamina which is good for him since he likes to force orgasms out of you like it's nothing not so good for you...
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He's okay on toys. He understands that toys can be used to tease you more or heighten your pleasure but he rather be the only one inside you. Maybe he could use it to fill your other holes.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He can't help that such degrading words slip from his tongue. He doesn't try to use them often. And he'll tease you till you beg. He wants to hear those sweet words and those cute little eyes fill with tears and you're quivering little lips.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Pretty quiet The most you'll get out of him is grunts stifled moans or growls.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Lighter can be pretty possessive as a partner. Mostly protective. And it kind of shows during sex.
Almost exclusively calls you pet names. But every now and then on rare occasions when you got him so worked up he will say your name.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Big cock with heavy full balls, it's thick veiny and uncut.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He may not look it, He is always down to fuck you. He always wants to have you if he wants to he could use you everyday.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Can easily last a couple rounds and even then the first thing he does is shower after he waits for you to fall asleep.
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