#and her door is always open for ppl if they wanna study w her!! she tries to make a calm/peaceful environment for that reason ;v;
sereina-archive · 2 years
Serena’s dorm at the academy is best described as cozy and comfortable. This is the space she’ll be occupying during the length of her studies, and she wants it to be a space where she can relax and be in a calm state of mind for the best focus as far as studying/her homework goes.
She has a multitude of candles, a wax melter, and an oil diffuser. Her bed is full of soft blankets accompanied by her weighted one, along with a variety of plush dolls and throw pillows. House plants adorn the windowsill, and she has strings of fairy lights hung along the ceiling.
Her desk is an organized mess of flashcards, notebooks, loose papers, pens, pencils, her laptop, etc, and is her comfy spot. This is where she’ll do all of her studying/homework, often seen curled up in her ergonomic chair and with something caffeinated and warm to drink.
There’s also a TV which she has her Switch hooked up to on the off chance she gets to play a game or two here and there on a rainy day when she has the time. The television mostly serves as background noise of sorts most of the time, playing a documentary, the news, or the weather.
Her kitchen is another safe haven, cooking most of her meals here. She will eat at the cafeteria from time to time, as she does think the food there is amazing, but Serena enjoys the independence of cooking on her own. She tries to cook actual meals with nutritional value and sustenance, rather than popping something easy in the microwave. She’s gotten extremely good at cooking quick, yet hearty meals for herself and will often have food left over for herself.
Baking is in the same vein, should she have the time. Much to the delight of those in neighboring dorms that can smell what she’s baking/cooking, she tends to bake a little extra just to share with others who happen to get hungry from the scent. 
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leossmoonn · 3 years
omg bae ship me w someone!! i rlly hope u know enough about me but just in case u don’t i use she/her/hers pronouns and i’m bi so u can ship me w any gender! also do it for any fandom i wanna see what u come up w LOL LOVE YOU <3
hehe alrighty
male mcu ship - peter parker
i swear i didnt ship u w peter just bc of your pfp pick but when you sent me your info and i read youre allergic to cats i was like “yes this is peter’s gf”. also i see you and peter as very alike ppl so… OKAY anyways so youll def met in school duh. it was the first day of the senior year in physics. you outsmarted him and he was like 🤨🤨 but also 😳😳 but he was confused and flustered. you ended up turning to him and giving him a smile which made his face turn pink. you giggled softly and turned back to pay attention the the class, completely obvious to the fact that peter stared at you the whole period.
after class he went up to you and was like “h-hey, y/n, right? well u-um i noticed that i was wrong in class, and i was just um, wondering if you could explain to me how i was wrong. because i was like, 200% sure i was right haha” and youre like “sure. meet me in the library during lunch” then you leave bc youre cool and peter is left there like 😮.
anyways so he meets you in the library and you basically give him a tutoring session and omg he literally cant stop staring at youu. he loves the way you smell and he thinks you look so pretty in your outfit hes like 😍😍😍. you notice this and smirk and say “you wanna go out w me and betty and ned tonight?” and hes like 😟 “wot” and youre like “it can be a double date. unless youre with someo-” and he’s like “NO NO IM NOT” and youre like “alright. heres my address. be there at 5, no later than that” you scribble your apartment number down and hand it to him before leaving. he picks up the paper and stares at it and just smiles bc tbh hes always thought you were pretty but was always too nervous to talk to you.
anyways so he tells aunt may when he gets home n shes so excited! her baby is going on his first date! she helps him prepare and she wishes him the best as he leaves to go to your apartment. he knocks on the door, holding a rose and waiting anxiously for you to open the door. you do a few moments later, your appearance making his heart explode. youre in this pretty blue dress thats super casual and has white flowers all over it. and hes like 😍😍😍😍 and you giggle and get flustered bc your long time crush is staring at you with his jaw wide. you then say hi, breaking him out of his daze and hes like “h-hi. you look stunning, u-uh i mean, pretty. stunning is too much. o-or maybe it’s not uh—” “thank you pete” you say. he smiles and holds out the rose, to which you awe at. you take him inside for a few moments, ned and betty already there. you grab your purse before you two head to downtown. 
the night is amazing. while ned and betty are cuddling up to each other, you and peter hang back and talk. you two learn a lot about each other and jump from topic to topic seamlessly. you end the night w ice cream and while ned takes betty home, peter takes you home too. you two end up sharing a cute goodbye kiss that leaves you two 😍😍😍 (lmfao this emoji is so famous). and you bid him goodbye and leave him again, flustered. next morning you two see each other in class and peter asks you to be his gf (aww) (you assume betty gave him the advice but actually he did it all on his own. he isnt totally clueless).
you two become gf and bf and are easily the most attractive and smartest couple in school. you two go on lots of dates and often match your outfits hehe. you two are often found in his apartment, cuddling while studying for upcoming tests. he eventually reveals his secret to you and youre a little pissed he didnt tell you before , but overall youre amazed and supportive. you do worry about him bur after missions he always comes back to you and its the best.
also just wanna add you two move in together after graduating and get a cat and you both just die while you cuddle it 🤩🤩
female hp ship - ginny weasley
kk so like you two were bffs before but then you two got drunk and ended up revealing your feelings to each other and shared a very drunk kiss before falling asleep on the couch in the common room 🌝. but the next morning you two are like 😳😳 “uh.. did we?” and you two are smiling like idiots and you kiss again out of excitement. 
you two kinda officiate everything that morning. you two decide to not be public yet bc its new to yall and you two dont want to ruin your friendship but literally a week in you both know youre soulmates and you end up giving your friends hints by beginning to hold hands n all that PDA. theyre very supportive of yall and youre soon the most cherished couple in school, but you two make sure to keep your relationship private.
you two go on lots of dates too. mostly to hogmeade, but in the summer you hang out at her house and end up going into town a lot. your outfits also match. ginny is usually seen wearing the jean and shirt version of y’all’s outfit but sometimes she’ll wear a dress to twin w you hehe.
you two are often seen cuddling, watching movies together and taking naps. you two are always in the kitchen, making a mess and having food fights. ginny also gets you into reading too. shes usually the one reading to you bc her voice is nice and soothing, and you almost always fall asleep to her reading. its so cute, molly ends up taking pictures with a camera arthur got her.
when you two are old enough, you move in together in a cute little apartment near the hospital where you intern at. ginny goes to train for quidditch and you two end up spending a lot of time apart, but you make sure to make the most of the time you have together <3 hehe
hope you liked it :) its really long lol 🌝 also this wasnt proofread i apologize if there are mistakes lol
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40, 47, 59, 62, 76
lmao hell yeah thanks for All this support i love it!! quastions
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
really idk i feel like even our schools’s Antics were pretty par for the course and i was just sitting in the corner reading the whole time basically......trying to think if anything wild happened in college but even then it was p similar. well you know what, whatever donors covered the majority of the cost of the school’s black box theater being renovated apparently Stipulated that every other year a rodgers and hammerstein production be put on. absolute freaks. my roommate/friend and their then-boyfriend, the one mormon i have Knowingly Known in my life, were in pirates of penzance (sic?) together. hilarious
47. favorite type of cheese?
i like cheddar and like, parmesan, smoked gouda.....let’s get that shit Sharp!!! and hard lmao
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
idk i’d be like an npc just doing their weird thing on their own. i’ve never played pokemons unless you count pokemons Go but i think about the famed “i like shorts they’re comfy and easy to wear” npc kid. like, yeah. i feel the same. and would say similar bullshit nobody asked about
62. seven characters you relate to?
oh god.........recognizing the self through the relatable characters :|
well let’s just talk about the wrol roles right off b/c the characters that Most occupy my gay thoughts (which is to say: my general thoughts) will inevitably get priority when it comes to Remembering things
1) whom among us doesn’t relate to jared kleinman........will roland emerging from relative obscurity and coming for our entire fucking lives like the goddamn legend he is. it’s tough b/c it’s like, oh well alana is relatable too, so is evan unfortunately sorry evan, and in ways i might ~usually act~ like one of those two more than jared but. no. it is Jared who wins the relatability contest, and we all get to be beautifully haunted by it forever
2) leaning hard into winston even with the few glimpses of him b/c somehow will Cannot play an allistic cishet. and this is even More of a case where maybe i don’t much have winston’s demeanor.......even without winston being a beacon of confidence, he has more confidence lmao. and he has that ability to just Be Himself in a situation which, i wish i had that moxie lmao. i am a lot more [usually trying to be accommodating wayyyy harder than i should], booo......even though he’s clearly not great at conflict considering how it doesn’t take Too much to put him out, it’d be pretty impossible for me to be all “called them hacks and lame” or carry out a very irritated monologue in front of four people in the first place lmao. but who knows. and it’s more in the details of like, oh no winston’s the odd one out even though he hasn’t really Done Anything, but we all ~understand~ why he Deserves it.........his expectation / treating it basically as Fact that he will disappoint people.......the [weird] [offputting] behaviors and his way of speaking in What he Says and How He Says It seeming wrong to people.......like it’s only 15-ish min of content that we have here and we don’t have the least info about will’s own thoughts on the character but it’s like. how is this such an iconic Gay Autistic Quant b/c these vibes are so rare. and i appreciate that he can be ~difficult~ lmao. same with jared though i didn’t mention it. i can be difficult!! love it for us...
3) briony atkins from murder of bindy mackenzie as a character who Does act more like how i Usually Act Like lmao.....god we’re only on three i forgot there was seven of these. and yet i know there’s probably at least 2 dozen characters who could make this list and i just won’t think of most of them unless directly reminded......but anyways yeah i mean in person i mostly do Not want attention unless i feel comfortable enough / in my element or whatever. especially if it’d be some situation like “sitting in a group of randos” lol. i mean it depends b/c i also can sometimes be ~on~ in terms of Masking and trying to be like Haha I’m Social I’m Regular and i def engage in Nervous Chatter sometimes, but like, very often it’s like god don’t talk to me and i don’t want to talk either.....and then yeah people Will be surprised that like, idk, i’m opinionated as shit and idk that i Enjoy Things / Have Thoughts And Feelings coz the assumption i guess is that you must simply have nothing to say. so the dismissal of this person who seemingly has nothing to contribute and must be Boring rings true lmfao.....but then of course it’s also important that her personality Under that is the one getting mistaken for emily’s lol cuz yeah At Heart i am sure of that dramatic / intense / excitable type Sometimes. but it takes some excavation before i am like “oh i can engage in my actual self” and like weeks and months to get comfortable w/ people and i’m always suspicious that anyone actually would enjoy it and i’m not too much......i am a motormouth actually and have something to say about any and everything and like to Have Fun Here but like. idk i come off as boring and can be Notably Quiet lmao
4) oscar martinez from the office is weirdly [Haha Same] sometimes lmfao. sort of keeps to himself but also has to pipe up with Opinions and Pedantry and the kind of Drama of a restrained theatre gay. some deleted scene from an episode where during an interview clip of Jimothy in a theater lobby and you have oscar call from across the group in that [wearied Ugh God] way of ‘jim, they’re remaking ___’ while jim just kind of gives a cursory “wow gosh” or whatever and like, i sure don’t have lots of Theatre Opinions but that “oh jeez i have a Take on this and have to share it with someone” vibe is like hahaha yeah.....it’s funny in the “the gang goes to the ice rink for a third of the ep” bit where you just catch oscar doing [ice skating turn] with some solemn intensity.......the “here’s a question nobody’s asking: is this worth it” quote.........way at the end where there’s a whole deal with one of the indoor plants and he’s like “why is it a He” @ the collective gendering of the houseplant lmfao.......i love the one thing where he and pam and uhh toby right? have the Finer Things book club or whatever and jim wants to join just like ~ironically~ and pam has to tell him that oscar doesn’t want him to join b/c he’s not going to take it seriously and use it as a Jokes Vehicle. and then you get the scene at the end where jim Is basically doing that and they’re just like taking it out of him and oscar’s all very seriously like “did you get it all out of your system” lmfao like yeah, earnest members only lmao.....the thing where he gets mad at angela’s like Jazz Musician Posed Babies posters all “it’s kitsch it Destroys art” lmaoooo and in a totally different season all “this is the problem with debate” over the completely inconsequential “is [whichever actress, i forget] Hot” “”””debate””””.......the whole tendency to get involved and always have a take to get across.....opinionated-sometimes-to-the-point-of-petty central. also that he’s the canon gay, are there even any others? anyways and as the us office’s spiritual successor i’ll add on to this by uh what’s the name of billy eichner’s character on parks and rec? it’s craig right. that Self-Powered Intensity is very #me as well.
5) augh god........im like lmfao shit who represents my Hater Club side. hmmm. oh no wait you know what. totally different but i love Prof Beatrice Hotchkiss in the trt nancy drew pc game. she’s holed up in her room writing all the time and just is weird when you try to talk to her all like no i won’t open the door, bring me food, do this Research, bring me my Ski Boots i guess......and then when you do meet her it’s all at like post-midnight in the lounge and she’s all like, encouraging you as a Night Owl and your investigative curiosity and all and i’m like oh word yeah being up in the dead of night is the shit. she’s just weird and passionate and this is another character i might not Act hardly at all like but who i vibe with lmfao. hotchkiss was the supportive adult in my life
6) remembering how hotchkiss is a historian made me think of academia which made me think of like, once again with “these vibes are So So Rare” i really ought to put the wrol role of Nato on the list cuz like. that essential representation of “gets gr8 grades but isn’t really ~academic~ / doesn’t care about that and really just cares about Hanging W Friends and [real specific interests]” is like wow damn that’s the Mood. coz like to an extent i can always Relate to the ~overachiever~ types a la the [nerd character gets all-A’s and other nerd shit] deal, but there’s eventually the issue of like.....those characters like bindy mackenzies and alana becks Care about their achievements (not exclusively as some ppl would have it 9_9) and are Studious whereas i always hated school and was a godawful student in terms of Habits and always got good grades b/c the devil was with me or something and like people will think i must have tried real hard and dedicated myself to Academics and stuff and it’s like.........no................not at all hardly, sure i did my hw every night but at like 11:29 pm or studied for a midterm at lunch right before the class lol or flipped through a lil bit of the sat study guide the night prior.........the “low-effort dumbass who Academically Excels Anyhow” representation is so crucial like!! i run into a wall when it’s the Good Grades nerd character who is real studious and focused and stuff like. couldn’t be me. meanwhile the “naturally weird + probably some ‘deliberate’ weirdness” and “likes animals” and “most likely to just wanna Roll With It” and “shitty focus lol” and “non sequiturs” and “without [activity] i do nothing” is all like....ahahahohoho..........nato rly got to make this list. and honorable mention for Wrol Jeremy. again: whom doesn’t relate!!!!!!!!
7) damnit i know there’s So many answers to [characters i relate to] and whom cover like, more particular Facets here but i’m struggling lmao. Uh. like i’m like, who’s the Hot Mess / continually evolving disaster characters i vibe with......who’s the peak despresso detached Haters rep......who embodies the solo production lifestyle........dammit you know what lol i tend to Feel for like, the background ~nobodies~ who might just get like totally destroyed in some movie with life or death stakes just to like, show how much danger our heroes / Important Complex Protags are. same w/ jeremy not feeling like the Hero / the one who the story’s about / the cool guy / player 1 / etc etc etc i’m like oo i’d be the npc who doesn’t really do anything, i’d be the rando getting blown away in the background of someone else’s story. on a totally different note another shoutout / honorable mention to wybie from the coraline lmfao one of the best characters invented from thin air for an adaptation......tangentially relevant b/c he’s entirely here to support the protag / not his story at all, just here to help and prompt interactions / exposition really.......but love that [weird loner kid who’s best friend is a cat and annoys the other kid and doesn’t Get it and has specific interests and entertains himself and just is doing weird shit around here tf dude lmao killing it] like, #mood. #lifestyle. less dismal to relate to than the bg person who dies......his counterpart who totally dies is somewhat fleshed out / given Investment so it doesnt Really count as [background Nobody who’s really just fodder for “defining the stakes / threat level”] Character Concept
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
latkes maybe......Yummy
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akhcnd · 5 years
* ↪ mishti rahman. she/her. cisfemale. ╱ i thought i saw jade akhand getting questioned by the police. the twenty-two year old is in their third year at west bridge studying fashion design. they were at manon’s party because she was forcing herself out of her comfort zone. do you think they had something to do with her death? + a mixed smell of lavender and vanilla, broken promises, and the sigh of relief when you’re finally alone.
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hi, pals! it’s ya resident dumbass, claire, from the est. i’m currently on my game of thrones shit, so i’m probably gonna be screaming for the next couple of hours. bear with me, okay? i’ve been lurking this rp for SO LONG, and i made sure to wait until finals were over so i could devote my time to it. needless to say, i’m real exited to finally be able to join. uwu anyway, here’s my baby jade! fair warning, i haven’t played a character like her in a WHILEE... so let’s get right into it. tw: mentions of anxiety
shy girlie!! she’s always been that way. it wasn’t until she got older that she realized it ran deeper than just being shy. it was when she realized she was checking the way she moved, the way she talked, the way she crossed her legs when sitting, the way she cut the crusts off her sandwiches that it wasn’t just your typical shyness. eventually, she was told she had anxiety, and that made her reactions and thoughts make a lot more sense.
because of this, she wasn’t really the type to have a lot of friends. it’s not that she didn’t want them. oooohhh, she wanted them a WHOLE lot - the kind of friends that she would watch in the movies at home. she’d had a couple of them growing up, but it wasn’t what she had wanted. something was missing, and she was sure it was because of her. maybe she just wasn’t outgoing enough or fun enough. the list goes on. she was never someone’s best friend. at least, not in her eyes. she was always #2. 
being alone so much did help out in the long run tho. it gave her a lot of time to focus on her studies which eventually got her into west bridge. she’s here on scholarship, which makes the party situation a lot more dangerous for her. if she loses that, she’ll def have to leave, so she holding onto hope that nothing happens 
it also gave her a lot of time to go through her mom’s things, and one of the things she found & enjoyed the most was a basket full of old vogue magazine’s her mom had received in the mail when she was much younger. it was through this that led to her love of fashion. she lost herself in the details, focusing on every stitch of the fabric. a big lover of clothes, likes to pair different things up and pose in the mirror. made sketches all the time. 
when it comes to family, it’s p much your standard. she’s an only child and her mother was a stay at home mom until her last yr of high school when she got a part-time position as a paralegal. she’s a total mama’s girl. loves her mom with all of her heart. her mom is basically her best friend so they’re super close. she cried for a while when her parents left her at west bridge. she also takes any free time she has to call her mom. she loves her a lot dad too but because he was gone working a lot, the bond is just not AS strong as w her mother but strong enough. she’s pretty open with her parents, and the party is like the one thing she knows she’s gonna keep hidden for the rest of her life. 
she started out as a nursing major, a bsn specifically. it was a sensible degree. she knew it would make her a decent wage and she wouldn’t worry about funds in the future. it wasn’t what she loved, though, and that led her to change to fashion design in the spring of her first semester. she knows it might be risky, but she’s willing to work hard. she’s still scared of failing tho. 
she made a plan when she got to west bridge to make a new life for herself. she told herself college would be different and she wouldn’t be so scared of going places and meeting ppl. welllll, that didn’t happen. she was really confined to her dorm or stuck to her phone when out in public. mostly focused on doing her work at first. 
she’s probably made a few friends here and there?? probably not like SUPER CLOSE friends but more like some ppl who would sit with her if they had the same class or would smile at her if they saw each other. something like that?? plots, plots, plots
by her third year, she was fed up with being the shy, nervous, introverted girl. she had overheard others talking about manon’s party. she knew who manon was, but they had never really interacted. she made a plan to show up, even though her heart had told her not to. going to a party probably wasn’t the best way to start stepping out of her comfort zone, but she had made the decision and she was sticking to it. clearly that paid off lmao
going to the party did pay off in a lot of ways. she’s connected to a lot of other people in a way she’s never been. they all have a shared secret, much like friends would. though, she knows that’s a little too optimistic of a way to think about it. it probably opened the doors to a lot more interaction, but it’s also added more fears to the list she had before.
random facts !!
has an irrational fear that everyone’s like,,, staring at her & thinking she’s weird. really wants everyone to like her but she’s not sure how to make that happen (news flash, it won’t, jade).  
very interested in strong female leads. wishes she could be them. 
loves books, reads a lot bc she has a lot of spare time due to the fact that her social life is pretty much dead
she’s v nice! kind of awkward! gets ahead of herself sometimes! gets nervous when she has to repeat herself bc ppl can’t hear her! soft spoken!
really lives through her instagram. not to brag, but her insta is the fucking shit!! the theme is iconic. her own little fake personal life for those to see back home
pansexual ! let’s here it for that !
pretends she’s not but is really a hopeless romantic! *hint hint nudge nudge* break her heart. BREAK HER HEART ! do it >:)
has a job in the school library ! basically just reshelves books n things. her thoughts on the job? it’s aight 
and to mention the broken promises thing, it’s party due to her anxiety and partly due to a variety of fears she has! she’s rlly a messy bitch !
okay so that’s basically it for now ! i ofc wanna develop her and to also make plots with all you lovely ppl so hit me up !! either on the tumblr ims or discord (  tell cersei#5135 )! anyway, i’m really excited to start writing with you all ! 
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thepatricktreestump · 8 years
Temptation: a Josh Dun fanfic
Y/N: Okay this anon ask is hot as fuck honestly. Probably will be one of the smuttiest things I’ve written on here yet. It was asked to be in josh’s perspective with a female reader so yeah… I’m sort of skeptical of posting this just cause some ppl might think it’s disrespectful or not right or whatever but the prompt is hella amazing and I can’t help myself. If you don’t wanna read it, then don’t read it, but pls don’t come at me with hate because I wrote something super scandalous compared to most of my shit. So here it is xoxo (get ready for some steamy, spicy, sexy smut!)
(1/2) Anonymous said: one where Josh and Y/N are roommates and she's always very flirty and barely wearing anything around the house and gets him so turned on and hes always having to take cold showers and has dirty dreams about her but then they have rough sex? (2/2) Anonymous said: About the roommates with josh request can it also be from Josh's pov?
*josh pov, female reader, lots of smut
To say that y/n is hot is an understatement. She’s drop dead gorgeous. And yeah, I know that probably sounds like an overstatement, but it’s not. Not at all. Ever since I moved in with her and we started sharing an apartment, she hasn’t left my mind. She has these amazing eyes and this sly smile and her body, holy shit, her body is better than anything I’ve ever seen in my life. I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help it, especially with the way she barely even wears anything around the house. It’s sort of like she’s almost asking for it, but I’ve decided by now it’s just her sense of style. She likes to wear as little as possible and still claim it as an outfit. And when she wears lingerie, fuck, I can’t help but just fall apart. So yes, I guess you could say I’d definitely want to fuck her.
The first few days we spent as roommates were pure torture. Mostly because I told myself I shouldn’t fall for her tricks. I thought she was trying to get me to make a move or something, or just plain tease me, but I told myself I was supposed to be respectful and know my place. It started out with me coming home and watching her cook dinner. She’d wear this skimpy little crop top and super short tight shorts, hair up in a ponytail, swaying her hips as she walked about the kitchen, licking her lips after she taste tested the food, sucking her fingers from the cake batter after baking, almost everything she did just for my own amusement. Especially when we ate dinner. She’d always stare at me with these eyes, biting her lip and acting all innocent, occasionally letting her bra strap fall off her shoulder and act like it didn’t even happen. It was all these small little things that got to me. I tried to ignore it, tried to just tell myself she was oblivious to how attractive she was, tried to convince myself that I was the one making all of this up. But it was the course of events that happened over the following couple of days that really fucked me up. Literally.
It was late evening and when I walked into the kitchen, of course, she was there at the table, scrolling through her phone and eating a cupcake. “Hey Josh,” she smiled slyly. “You back from dinner?” Tyler had invited me to go eat with him and Jenna that night and I took him up on the offer.
“Yeah,” I answered nervously, trying to peel my eyes away from her chest. She was wearing nothing but a lacy bra and this miniskirt. That must’ve been what was in the Victoria’s Secret bag I found lying on the couch this morning. Shit, she looked so good. I watched in a daze as she skimmed the frosting of the cupcake with her finger before sucking it off slowly and then pulling the finger from her mouth.
“I thought you were going to eat dinner with me,” she sighed, a tone of disappointment in her voice. I stiffened. It wasn’t like we planned to have dinner tonight or anything, but I still felt a pang of guilt. I also felt myself start to grow hard and I curse myself, and her, in my head.
“I’m sorry,” I swallowed uncomfortably. “I uh, I planned on having dinner with Tyler and Jenna tonight.”
“Mmm I see,” she nodded slowly. “You spend quite a lot of time with him. Tyler.” When she says his name I tense up, and I don’t know why I should be jealous that she even knows his name, but I am. This girl always makes me feel emotions I can’t quite explain. I hate it. I love her.
“He’s my best friend,” I explained, trying to stay calm but it’s sort of impossible when she bites her lower lip and looks at me that way, shifting in her seat so that the lace over her breasts move ever so slightly that it exposes just another inch of skin. I was really getting heated now.
“Friend,” she repeated the word slowly, glancing down at the bulge in my pants before flickering her gaze back up towards me.
“Yeah,” I tried my best to keep my expression neutral. “Tyler’s a friend.”
“Did your friend do that to you? Hmm?” she raised an eyebrow.
“What?” my face turned red. “No, he didn’t.”
“Did his wife?” she smirked and I instantly clench my fist, angry she would even think I’d do something like that.
“No,” I instantly retort. “I’d never do that to Tyler.”
“So if it wasn’t Tyler, and it wasn’t Jenna…” she gave a small chuckle. “It must’ve been me.”
“Must’ve been,” I muttered. “Look, I don’t know what you’re trying to start, but I’m going to bed. Okay?”
“Going to bed?” she frowned. “Aren’t you going to take care of that first, maybe?”
“That’s my own business,” I narrowed my eyes, agitated beyond measure by now.
“Well then that’s a shame,” she sighed. “I was looking forward to maybe helping you.”
“Hmm?” I raised my eyebrows, doing a double take.
“You heard what I said,” she insisted, pushing out her chair and walking over towards me, getting on her knees. I tensed up, staring down at her, watching how she looked up at me, those eyes boring into mine. “I know you want to.”
“W-what are you doing?” I stammered out, trying to stay cool but she put both of her hands on my hips, tugging me closer to her. I was getting super hard now. Shit.
“You know exactly what I’m doing, Josh,” she smirked, taking a hand off of my hip to delicately stroke my member from underneath the fabric of my pants. “Mmm you’re so hard for me, aren’t you?” I bit my lower lip, trying to suppress a moan from escaping my mouth, and I was prepared for her to touch me again when instead her hands left my body and she got back up, dusting off her miniskirt and studying the expression on my face for a second before walking away.
“Where are you going?” I wondered, watching as she swayed her hips back and forth as she walked to the table, picking up her cupcake and starting to head out of the room.
“To my bedroom,” she responded. “It’s getting late you know.”
Before I could respond she was gone, and I was left in the kitchen with a fucking boner and head full of confusion. Did she really just tease me that bad? And I let her get away with it? Fuck y/n. I closed my eyes tight, starting to contemplate whether that actually just happened, and then decided to go to bed where I’d take care of the problem myself. I slip off my t-shirt, slide off my pants, go to shut the door, then climb in bed, tugging down my boxers and getting to work. Damn, the things she does to me. I’m imaging her body, her lips, the way her hands grazed my cock just moments earlier, those eyes staring at me, her seductive voice, everything about her is so-
The door swings open and my eyes widen, I’m sitting up instantly, almost forgetting the fact that I’m completely fucking nude, when she’s standing there, lacy bra, miniskirt, half eaten cupcake and all, staring at me. “I was going to take care of the problem, but it looks like you beat me to it,” she shrugged, eyeing me up and down before strutting off, not even bothering to close the door behind her.
“Wait-” I started to call for her but it was too late. She was gone.
The next morning when I wake up, I feel sore all over. I don’t know whether it was out of sexual frustration or just plain being aroused, but I must’ve fucked myself so hard last night. Especially after she made a surprise reappearance for a split second, catching me red handed as I’m moaning out her name, jacking off, completely naked. Probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. I’m not even usually one to do that, hell, I’ve never even really done that before but I couldn’t help it and last night with her hands on my body and her eyes looking at mine, I just couldn’t help it. I stumble out of bed and slip on some underwear, running a hand through my messy bright yellow hair before going into the living room, sitting on the sofa and pulling out my phone.
I’m scrolling through my timeline when she enters the room, and she’s literally wearing nothing but a baggy t-shirt. She’s wearing the most and the least clothes I’ve ever seen her wear around the house so far. Most because the t-shirt goes from barely above her tits all the way down to below her ass, and it’s probably the first time she’s ever covered her stomach while around the house. Least because while although it covers most of her, it’s still apparent that it’s the only article of clothing she’s decided to wear today. “Do you know where the remote is?” she wondered softly, yawning and stretching her arms up, pulling the fabric up with her movement and I’m trying not to pay attention to the way it inches up her skin and I can see those gorgeous curves, so I focus on her face but she’s got her mouth formed in that perfect open O and I think I’m getting a hard on again when I shake my head, try to swallow down my emotions, watch as she raises her eyebrows, staring at me.
“I don’t remember,” I replied.
“Maybe I should look for it,” she thought aloud, walking over to me and I’m about to move but she shakes her head. “You’re fine just where you are.”
“Oh, uh, okay,” I decided, trying to keep eye contact with my phone screen as she bent down right beside me, sticking her hand in between the couch cushions and sticking her ass right in the air, not the slightest look of concern on her face as the fabric shifted up and exposed her entire bum. She only bent down even lower, and my eyes couldn’t help but be glued to the sight before she stood back up again, fabric of the baggy t-shirt falling down to cover her skin again as she clutched the television remote in her hand.
“Found it,” she smiled, spinning around and turning on the television before sauntering off into the kitchen. She makes a cup of coffee and then sits on the couch next to me, a little distance away, and I’m still scrolling through my phone but I notice the way her shirt sags down and I’m trying to calculate how long it’s going to be before the fabric moves down even further when she sighs, downing the cup of coffee and clicking off the television.
“What are you doing today?” she wondered.
“Going to the studio,” I responded nonchalantly, keeping my eyes glued to my phone.
“Ah, are you going to be busy?” she inquired.
“Yeah,” I nodded.
“You must be working,” she murmured. “Drumming, right?”
“That’s what I do,” I verified.
“I love watching drummers,” y/n sighed. “They’re just so good at pounding on those drums. They do it so fast and hard, you know?”
“I guess…” my voice trailed off, my mind slowly wandering off at her words.
“Fast and hard,” she repeated slowly, letting out a low hum. “Tell me Josh, do you get all sweaty after a show? So hot and exhausted after a big performance? Absolutely worn out and spent?”
“Kind of,” I grew uncomfortable with her questions, slowly staring to be suspicious of these suggestive drumming metaphors.
“I see,” she drew out the words slowly. “Well, have fun in the studio with your friend Tyler.”
“Will do,” I replied uncomfortably. However, when I arrived at the studio, I didn’t have much fun at all. In fact, I could not get y/n out of my mind. Her voice, her words, her body, everything about her, it was just spinning around in my brain and I couldn’t concentrate. Hours passed, her words still stuck in my mind, and it was already late when Tyler decided to finally say something.
“You okay?” Tyler asked.
“Yeah,” I nodded. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t look like it,” he frowned, pulling his hands away from the keyboard and walking over to where I was sitting by the drum kit. “Dude, you haven’t been able to play a single rhythm correctly all day. That’s not like you. What’s up?”
“I don’t know,” I looked down, nervously twirling the drumsticks in my hands. “I just uh, I kind of have someone on my mind.”
“Me?” he gave a sly smile.
“No,” I laughed, but it quickly faded away. “Uh, it’s this girl.”
“A girl?” he raised his eyebrows. “Sick!”
“Not sick,” I shook my head. “I can’t stop thinking about her.”
“That’s not a bad thing,” Tyler reassured. “It means you’re head over heels.”
“I’m not sure I want to be though,” I sighed.
“Why? Is she a stripper or something?” he joked.
“To be completely honest, I wouldn’t be surprised,” I admitted. “Especially with the kinds of clothes she wears.”
“Woah! Who’s this girl you’re talking about?” he asked.
“Just my roommate,” I shrugged. “She’s a total flirt though, and she rubs it in all the time. She’s smoking hot, and I can’t stop thinking about her. Last night uh…” I decide not to tell him, rather, let my voice drift off.
“You should make a move then,” Tyler nudged my foot.
“She usually does,” I explained. “But she’s super confusing.”
“How so?” he wondered.
“She just says stuff and then does stuff and then acts like it never happened,” I groaned, running a hand through my hair. “I don’t know what to think of it.”
“What kind of stuff?” he inquired, but I just took a deep breath.
“I don’t know,” I mumbled. “I don’t really want to talk about it.”
“It’s okay,” Tyler reassured. “Just uh, if you ever need to talk to someone, I’m here. Got it?”
“Yeah,” I gave a half smile.
“Now come on,” he laughed. “Let’s not get some silly girl get in the way of your legendary drum skills.”
When I’m driving home, I’m thinking about what Tyler said. How he told me I should make the first move. How he told me I shouldn’t let her get in the way. She’s just some silly girl, right? However, some silly girl would be the last thing I would ever use to describe what I found when I entered the apartment that night. As soon as I entered, I heard a collections of soft moans, and I was about to head right back out the door, well, that was, until I heard my own name. “Joshua?” she whispered, the way her voice echoed throughout the walls making me shiver, how she said my name making me bite my lip, the pronunciation so soft and sweet I was already getting heated. “Baby, is that you?”
“Y/n?” I decided against opening up the door and instead turning around, watching as she appeared in the doorway that led to the bedrooms, naked head to toe. My eyes grew wide and my clothes felt restricting, and so I took a deep breath, examining every inch of her skin. I had never seen her this exposed in all my life. She smirked at my reaction, leaning against the wall, tracing her fingers from her thigh up to her side deliberately slow.
“It’s growing a little hot in here, don’t you think?” she murmured, eyes staring into mine.
“D-do you want me to um, to turn down the thermostat?” I wondered, gaze still fixed on her body. Fuck she looked so good. I tugged at my shirt collar, swallowing uncomfortably as she began walking towards me, that gorgeous body coming closer and closer.
“No, don’t go out of your way to do that,” she shook her head. Y/n reached forward to touch the fabric of my shirt, running a hand down my chest before stopping at the last button of my shirt, unbuttoning the fabric carefully. I inhaled a sharp breath, watching cautiously as she made her way higher, and naturally, my hands came to rest on her hips, gaining a soft grip on her sides, my thumbs brushing against the skin of her stomach lightly. She was so beautiful.
“What are you doing?” I wondered aloud.
“Helping you,” she mumbled, eyes flickering up to meet mine for a split second before unbuttoning my entire shirt, slipping it off of my body and then lightly grazing the skin of my chest with her fingernails, dragging them down from my pecs to my abs and even lower, resting on the waistband of my shorts for only a fragment of a second before she stepped back. “Anyways, I have something I need to finish. Goodnight, Josh.”
“G-goodnight,” I responded, extremely confused as she turned around, her bare ass swaying side to side as she walked back to the bedroom, shutting and locking the door, only several moments passing before I heard a creak of the dip in the mattress, and then the collection of soft moans and sighs continued. I shook my head, trying to get her out of my mind as I traveled through the kitchen in attempts to find a small snack. Whatever the fuck had been going on these past few days was crazy.
That’s when I heard the noises get louder and I can’t take it anymore. I start to think maybe there’s someone in there with her. Was she banging some other dude? I was about to knock on the door when I realize I shouldn’t. Why should I even care? It’s not like we’re dating or anything. We’re just roommates. Hell, she could have a boyfriend for all I know, a husband even. Honestly, as mysterious as y/n sometimes was, I wouldn’t be surprised. We were just roommates, right? I heard her let out a loud moan again and my breath got caught in my throat and I just couldn’t help it. I found myself tiptoeing down the hall to her room, my breathing shallow, my ear pressed against the door- what the hell am I doing? I backed away quickly in realization when her breathy gasps come to a stop and she calls out my name again. “Josh?” she murmured. “Is that you?” I could practically envision the smirk on her face by now.
“Yeah,” I responded sheepishly. “You alone in there?”
“Sadly,” she sighed. “Unless you’d like to join me.”
“I um…” I shut my eyes tight. No, this was wrong, this was wrong, this was very wrong. I shouldn’t even be contemplating her offer. “I don’t think so.”
“Come on,” she tempted, and I could only imagine what she was doing behind that locked door. “Just the two of us. We don’t even have to tell anyone. Not even Tyler.”
“Y/n-” I raised my voice, the thought of her even thinking about Tyler making me angry. He was my friend and my band mate. She wasn’t even supposed to know his name, much less talk about him in this kind of situation. I could feel the redness of my cheeks increase as she let out a soft gasp.
“I know you want to,” she whispered and I shook my head, taking a step back from the door.
“I shouldn’t,” I argued. “I uh, I think I’m going to get some sleep.”
“Sleep…” she drew out the word nice and slow. “Right.”
“Yeah,” I stated more forcefully.
“Sweet dreams,” she dismissed me, and I took another step away from the door, reevaluating my decision before finally just leaving. When I’m underneath the sheets though, I can’t stop thinking about her. She was probably touching herself behind that locked door, the way she was moaning and sighing and gasping, how she said my name, how she fucking invited me to join her… I had to stop thinking about her so much. It was unhealthy. She was just some silly girl, like Tyler said. Nothing more and nothing less.
When I wake up though, I’m covered in sweat, overheated, suffocating in blankets. It was just a dream. One hell of a dream though. I still remember every moment, every dirty detail, every single movement of her body against mine. I shudder underneath my sheets, throwing them off of me and trying to get that dream out of my head. I’m imagining everything all over again, how I was fucking her in my sleep, her gorgeous body underneath mine. I shook my head, forced myself to get her out of my mind, wiped the sweat off of my forehead and grabbed my clothes. It was super late. I must’ve slept through my alarm. I checked my phone and realized Tyler had been trying to get ahold of me all day. I groaned before calling him back, sleepily walking through the house to the bathroom. There were several rings before he finally picked up. “Hey Josh, you okay?” he wondered. “I called you like a gazillion times!”
“You called me eighteen times,” I narrowed my eyes. “And yeah, I’m fine. I just uh, slept in I guess.”
“Okay,” Tyler sighed. “Is it fine if I stop by? I’ve got some tacos and song ideas.”
“Two of the best things in the world,” I laughed. “Yeah, give me half an hour? I’ve got to take a shower.”
“Yeah no problem,” Tyler reassured. He hung up and I took a deep breath, starting up the water and stripping down, tossing my clothes on the bathroom counter, sliding the shower curtain past and getting underneath the downpour, closing my eyes and tilting my head up, humming softly. Maybe this is what I needed, just some alone time, something to clear my head. I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging softly, the water rushing past my body and my mind began to become tempted with thoughts of her again. Flashbacks of my dream flashed through my mind, her little gasps and moans all because of me, my hands all over her body, being able to have her so close. I can’t help but slip one of my hands down my chest, lower, and lower, letting out a low moan. I’m so lost in what I’m doing I don’t even realize the door creak open, or the footsteps and rustle of clothing being shed, or the shower curtain be pushed to the side. It was far too late by the time I opened my eyes, alert and startled by the arms wrapping around my waist and the lips by my ear.
“Let me take care of that, baby,” the familiar voice whispered, turning me around to face her, both of us naked and alone together in the shower, and I’m starting to wonder how the fuck she even got here when she pulls me close, kissing my lips and I melt into her touch.
“God I’ve wanted that for so long,” I murmured against her neck, working my lips down her skin. Y/n’s running her hands down my chest, and I’m holding her in my arms, touching her all over, listening to those beautiful sounds escaping her mouth.
“Oh Josh,” she gasped my name as I moved my lips lower and her fingernails dug into my shoulder blades just right, making a small smile tug at the sides of my lips. I’m kissing her over and over and over again, trying to get all of her all at once, and I can barely understand how I’ve managed to go so long without this. She feels so damn good I can hardly believe it.
“Please tell me this isn’t another dream,” I mumbled, brushing her hair out of her face and staring into those gorgeous eyes. The steam of the shower created little droplets of water on her eyelashes and her body was pressed up so close to mine and her lips were so soft and sweet and everything about her was too much all at once and I loved it. “Another dream?” she raised an eyebrow with a sly smile.
“Long story,” I rolled my eyes, pressing my lips to her forehead. “Just answer the question, babe.”
“It’s not a dream,” y/n replied, cupping my cheek with her hand and capturing me in another kiss. “You left the door open.”
“So this is real?” I smirked, unable to get my eyes off of her.
“Very real,” she answered slowly. “Although I’m afraid it might be time for me to go.”
“Don’t leave-” I grabbed her hips as she tried to take a step back but she shook her head and I let my hands fall to my hips, tilting my head slightly in confusion as she sighed, tugging back the shower curtain and stepping out, my head peeking into the bathroom and watching carefully as she wrapped a towel around her body.
“Someone’s at the door,” she explained. She flickered her gaze to my waist back up to my eyes and grinned. “You might want to get ready for company soon.”
“Shit,” I tried to catch my breath. “Look, you’ve got to put on some clothes or something. You can’t open the door for Tyler in a towel like that.”
“Tyler, is that who it is? Hmm?” she raised her eyebrows. I swallowed uncomfortably at how she stated his name and I caught a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “Interesting.”
“Y/n really,” I argued. “I’ll get dressed real quick and open the door, you go uh… go.”
“Go where?” she inquired innocently. “Why can’t I greet our special guest?”
“Just, um, fuck…” I ran a hand through my hair, realizing the shower was still running and I was still naked and she was still standing there and Tyler was still knocking on the door. “You know what, just forget it. I’ll deal with it.”
“Suit yourself,” she shrugged, strutting out of the bathroom and not caring to close the door, leaving me there to absorb all that had happened and somehow screw my head back on the right way, scrambling to put on my clothes and dry myself off mostly before racing to the door to open it up for Tyler. I was probably hallucinating. There’s no way that just happened. Instead, I shake those silly thoughts out of my head and open the door, Tyler’s contagious smile getting the best of me.
“There he is!” Tyler laughed, greeting me with a hug. “Ugh, man, you’re still all wet from your shower.”
“I’m sure he is,” a soft voice chuckled suggestively. This made Tyler push back the door even more, craning his neck and eyes widening at the sight of y/n. I looked back and ended up widening my eyes too when I saw what she was wearing. She was dead ass standing in the middle of the living room wearing nothing but dark crimson red lingerie barely stretching over her body, lipstick to match perfectly, hair cascading down her shoulders, devilish grin and a naughty look in her eye.
“So she must be the stripper,” Tyler whispered in my ear jokingly.
“Shut up dude,” I narrowed my eyes at him, feeling my cheeks turn red. What the hell would possess her to wear such a thing with company over?
“Well don’t just stand in the doorway,” she sighed. “Why don’t you take a seat, Tyler?”
“I don’t mind if I do,” he smiled smugly, marching in and sitting down on the sofa comfortably, bag of Taco Bell in his hand, notebook in the other. “Who must this um, lovely lady might be?” I could catch the sarcasm in his voice, but obviously, y/n did not. Hell, she probably thought he was egging her on. In a strange twisted way, I guess he was.
“Y/n,” she introduced. “And you must be Tyler I assume.”
“Oh, so you’ve heard about me?” he raised an eyebrow. “Did Josh over here talk me up real nice for you?”
“He gave me a very loooong talk,” she nodded, stretching out a particular choice of words. “Made sure to tell me all about your biiiiig reputation.”
“Did he now?” Tyler wondered, acting even more curious.
“Yeah, yeah, I did,” I quickly dismissed her constant teasing. “Uh, how about you get us some napkins and plates for our tacos?”
“Dude,” Tyler scowled, jabbing me playfully in the arm. “Since when do we eat like civilized folk? It’s called fast food for a reason. You eat it with your hands! They’re tacos!”
“I guess,” I shrugged, closing the door and walking over to where Tyler was sitting on the couch, now opening up his bag.
“I’m sure he’s just a bit flustered,” y/n reassured, and I tensed up when I felt her hands gently massage my shoulders, working her way down my back, hot breath on my neck. “Aren’t you, Josh?”
“Y-yeah,” I stammered out. “Um, you know what Ty? Can y/n and I talk for a little bit, one on one? I’ll meet you back out here? There’s just a little thing we have to finish up.”
“Last I recalled it wasn’t little at all,” y/n smirked, eyes flickering down to the waistband of my jeans before staring back up at me.
“Stop it,” I glared at her. “Uh, is that okay?”
“Yeah Ty…” she added teasingly. I cringed at her use of the nickname. “Is that okay, sweetie?”
“Sure thing,” Tyler grinned. “You two go at it. Just don’t take too long. You might not have any tacos left waiting for you, Josh.”
“Uh huh,” I responded hurriedly, motioning for y/n to come follow me into my room. I push her in and then shut the door, clenching my fists and trying to find the right words to say, but I can’t, so I let it out all at once. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Huh?”
“What do you mean?” she raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t you try to pull that innocent bullshit on me,” I narrowed my eyes. “You know exactly what you’re doing.”
“I really don’t,” she sighed, giving me an annoyed glare, sitting on the edge of my bed.
“Really?” I challenged. “You just come strutting out of the hallway wearing this lingerie and smooth talking my best friend? Calling him sweetie and all that?”
“Why? Are you jealous?” she smirked.
“What?” I turned red right away. “No!”
“I think you are,” she giggled softly. Y/n got up off of the bed, slowly walking towards me, spinning me around and pressing a light kiss to my lips and lingering a second before pulling away, staring me right in the eyes. “You’re just angry because Tyler probably wants to fuck me too.”
“Hey!” I instantly got heated, eyes ablaze with anger. “He has a wife!”
“Oh, and I bet she’d want to fuck me just as bad,” she gave a sly smile. “What’s her name again? Jenna?”
“That’s it!” I clenched my jaw, pinning her up against the door, my anger getting the best of me. My hands were pressing her shoulders up against the wood, fury in my eyes, and I expected her to gasp or be frightened or something, anything, but instead she just rolled her eyes.
“You must think you’re trying to scare me,” she sighed. “But damn, you’re only making yourself sexier, Joshua. Showing me how dominant you can be, letting your emotions seize you, pushing me up against the door like this. Hmm?”
“That’s enough,” I muttered, frustrated, letting go of her and trying to ignore her small chuckle.
“Uh, hey guys,” Tyler knocked on the door. “Everything okay in there?”
“I don’t know,” y/n gave me a playful look. “Maybe you should ask Josh. He’s getting a little handsy lately.”
“Um okay…” Tyler responded. I glared at her before opening up the door, coming face to face with a very confused Tyler, and I could practically envision the smug expression of y/n following behind me.
“You know what, maybe we should head to the studio,” I suggested.
“What?” Tyler frowned. “I just got here. You haven’t eaten your taco yet!”
“I can eat the taco at the studio,” I grumbled. “I think I just need to get away from distractions.”
“Distractions?” y/n inquired behind me, and sure enough, when I turned around, there she was, snapping the strap of her bra and raised her eyebrows.
“Yes,” I answered, frustrated beyond belief. “Hey, let’s go talk outside.”
“Me?” she smirked.
“No,” I narrowed my eyes, tugging on Tyler’s sleeve. “Come on, I have to tell you something, one on one.”
“O-okay,” Tyler stammered, confused. I dragged him out the apartment door and closed it, pulling him farther down the hallway just to make sure she wasn’t listening.
“Did you see that?” I groaned, running a hand through my hair. “Did you see her?”
“See her?” Tyler burst out laughing. “Trust me bro, I saw a whole lot more of her than I ever needed to. Dang, she’s a looker.”
“That’s one way to put it,” I sighed. “Geez, what do I do?”
“Well first off, does she wear that kind of stuff all the time?” he wondered. “Or was that just because she knew I was coming over?”
“Ty stop it,” I shook my head. “Seriously.”
“Okay, I’m sorry,” he apologized. “Look, I just don’t know how to handle that kind of stuff Josh. I mean, if you want to go for her, sure, why not. But if she’s just going to keep teasing you like that, maybe you should tell her.”
“Tell her what?” I whined. “I’ve tried everything. It’s come to the point where I’m thinking about her, dreaming about her, hallucinating about her!” “Woah… hallucinating?” he widened his eyes.
“I don’t know,” I closed my eyes tight. “She’s like a curse or something. I mean, I love her, or at least uh, I think I do. I um, I don’t really know. But I want her so bad.”
“I think you should go for it, buddy,” he shrugged. “I mean, definitely not my type, but you should give her a try. Just tell her how you feel.”
“You know I’ve never been good with talking about this kind of stuff,” I narrowed my eyes. “I can barely even move when I’m around her!”
“I can’t help you with that one,” he sighed. “Look if you-”
There was a creak of a door and Tyler and I both whipped our heads back, and sure enough, she was standing there, staring at us, stupid sly smile on her lips. “You boys behaving out here?” she inquired.
“Dammit,” I whispered. “Uh, Tyler, I think it’s best you leave. Sorry.”
“Nah, it’s fine,” he reassured. “Hey, good luck.”
“Thanks. I’ll need it,” I muttered.
“Enjoy your taco!” Tyler gave a light smile, tucking his notebook under his arm, and giving a wave before heading down the hallway.
As soon as I got back inside the apartment and the door’s shut, I’m blowing up on her. “What the fuck was that about?” I roared. “Seriously? In front of my own best friend, y/n? You think that’s amusing enough for you? Huh?”
“You’re sexy when you’re angry,” she flickered her eyes up to meet mine.
“Answer the question!” I balled my hands up into fists at my sides, anger boiling up inside of me.
“What? You’re mad?” she frowned. “At me, baby? What did I do?”
“Oh,” I laughed darkly. “You know exactly what you did, babe.”
“Mmm,” she closed her eyes, tilted her head back, biting the bottom of her lip. I watched, my gaze never leaving her face as she let out a soft moan. “I love it when you call me that. Do it again. Call me babe.”
“That’s enough!” I finally shouted, closing the gap between us and latching my lips onto hers, pressing her body close to me and enveloping her in a kiss. “Fuck. Oh shit. Damn.” I’m a cursing mess with her in my arms, my lips trailing down her skin, kissing her jaw, her lips, her neck, everywhere.
“Such dirty words,” she chuckled softly as I kissed her harder, my shirt somehow leaving my chest in the process and her legs somehow wrapping around my waist as I pressed her against the door. “How come you don’t cuss in front of Tyler like that, hmm? You act like a good boy? Pretend to be all innocent?”
“Shhh,” I tried to hush her, placing my lips on hers, but as soon as I pulled away, she still had that naughty look in her eyes.
“I know you were jealous earlier,” she murmured. “I thought maybe I’d finally get to you.”
“Well you did,” I replied shakily, absorbing all of the moment, realizing this was real. She was in my arms and her taste was on my lips and she was here, right now, all mine. “Because I can’t take this anymore, y/n. I need you.”
“Prove it then,” she decided, staring into my eyes. “Fuck me, Josh. Fuck me fast and hard.”
“Oh god,” I murmured, leaning in for her lips once again and carrying her off to the bedroom, my bedroom. I laid her down on the mattress, climbing on top of her, tugging down the lace lingerie and unclasping it from the back, tossing it to the side and sucking at her breasts, massaging one in my hand and teasing her other with my mouth, swirling my tongue around, teasing her.
“Mmmm I knew you would be good at this,” she hummed, tossing her head back into the pillows when I grazed my teeth against one of her nipples. “Just like that, baby. Leave hickeys all over.”
“Fuck,” I gasped, alternating to the next, listening to all the pretty sounds she was making for me. “You’re such a noisy little slut for me, aren’t you?”
“Slut, hmm?” she chuckled, and I glanced up at her, afraid I had gone too far.
“I, uh, I didn’t mean to-” I began to say sorry but she just rolled her eyes, pulling my head up to hers and kissing me softly, brushing a strand of my hair away from my forehead and tugging my ear close to her mouth.
“Don’t apologize,” she whispered. “I love it when you talk dirty to me, baby.”
“Yeah?” I swallowed uncomfortably, eyeing her carefully.
“That’s right,” she nodded slowly. “I’m such a noisy little slut, all for you, just for you.”
“Fuck,” I breathed, staring into her eyes before pulling her in for another kiss, trailing my lips down her body and inching down the last bits of lace until they’re down to her ankles, making sure to leave kisses all the way down her legs. I press my lips to her hips, her thighs, her knees, her shins, all the way down to her feet, tossing the fabric off before making my way up her legs again, placing my hands on her thighs and pushing them to the sides slowly, flickering my eyes up to meet her before looking back down between her legs and smirking at the sight. “You’re dripping wet for me baby, gosh. Look at that beautiful tight little cunt. I can’t wait to fuck you, baby. I can only imagine the sounds you’ll make then. Dammit y/n…”
“I’m all yours,” she reminded, biting down on her lower lip.
“You want me to fuck this pretty pussy, hmm?” I raised an eyebrow, rubbing her clit softly, watching in amusement as she gasped. “You like that?” I ran a finger down her slit, my hand covered in her juices, teasing her folds before slipping a finger inside her without warning.
“Oh fuck daddy,” she moaned loudly and I fixed my eyes on hers quickly, inhaling a sharp breath, paused. She closed her eyes, humming softly before opening them up again, grin appearing on her face when she realized what she had done. “What? You know I can’t control myself when I’m around you, baby.”
“Just surprising,” I admitted, starting to pump the finger in and out and watching her revert back to a mumbling mess of moans. “That’s right, baby. Make those beautiful noises for me.”
“Goddammit Joshua,” she muttered as I added another finger. “Please-”
“Please?” I chuckled. “You’re using manners all of a sudden, babygirl?”
“Fuck me,” she moaned out loudly. “Stop teasing.”
“I don’t know,” I sighed. “I’m having fun here, watching you like this, a mess, absolutely helpless. Just look at this, you’re soaked. God I can’t wait to get inside you.”
“Then do it,” she insisted. “I want to cum with you inside me.”
“Anything you say baby,” I complied, letting my fingers linger a bit before drawing them out, sucking on them and watching her stare at me in a daze.
“That’s so fucking hot…” her voice trailed off, eyes still fixed on me as I drew my fingers from my mouth, giving a sly smile before climbing on top of her again. Her hands were at my sides unzipping my jeans and tugging them down, smirking at the sight of my complete hard on, groping me through the fabric before tugging those down as well, trailing kisses from my jaw down to my chest before whispering two words. “Fuck me.”
That’s all it took before I was sliding into her, both of us noisy as fuck, a mess of moans and collection of sighs. I’ve waited so long for this and I can tell she has been too, because we’re both clinging onto each other, her fingernails digging into my skin, my hands a tight grip on her hips, thrusting relentlessly, quickening the pace with no control. She’s moaning into my shoulder and we’re both so desperate for this feeling it’s like our bodies don’t have a limit. I’m pounding her into the mattress at this point, both of us trying to get as much as we can as fast as possible, drowning in this feeling, and it’s not long before we’re both riding out our orgasms, moaning out each other’s names. She’s clawing at my back and I’m holding her body so close to mine, both of us just an assortment of gasps and moans, drowning in this feeling, in this moment. We lay there in silence for several seconds before I finally dare to speak.
“I’ve been waiting literally forever to do that,” I whispered, lying beside her in the bed, staring into her eyes, sliding the palm of my hand across her body gently, from her shoulders to her sides to her hips, pulling her close.
“You were the one waiting,” she chuckled. “Sure.”
“Is that what all that was about?” I narrowed my eyes. “The constant teasing, the barely wearing any clothing, the suggestive comments?”
“Maybe…” she admitted shyly. “I mean, I just wanted you to notice me.”
“Notice you?” I burst out laughing and her face turned red.
“Yeah,” she confessed.
“You didn’t have to tease me all the time,” I sighed. “You could’ve just said you wanted to fuck.”
“Yeah, well you didn’t have to act like you were blind either,” she muttered.
“Blind?” I widened my eyes. “Y/n, are you kidding me? I could’ve spotted you from a mile away with that sexy body of yours.”
There’s a pause. “You really think I’m sexy?” she raised an eyebrow.
“Definitely,” I reassured. “You're quite the temptation.”
“You’re not too shabby yourself, drummer boy,” she added.
There’s another moment of silence that passes. “Hey, I know this is sort of past due, but uh… would you ever be interested in coming to one of our shows sometime?” I inquired. “Me and Ty?”
“Do you play fast and hard?” she smirked.
“Always,” I gave her a knowing look. “I mean, you should know.”
“Then you can bet my ass I’ll be there,” she grinned. “I’d never pass up an opportunity to see that.”
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