#Joshua dun x reader
I was wondering if maybe you could write some sort of fluffy story with torchbearer Josh. Maybe something angsty/fluffy, like reader being worried about him before the Banditos go to do the big fight at Dema in Paladin Strait? If not, that’s okay too. No pressure. I’m just happy I found someone writing TØP on this site.
We're Going Back - Torchbearer!Josh Dun x GN!Reader
Pairing: TorchbearerJosh x Gender Neutral Bandito Reader
Warnings: Some swearing, anxiety/panic attacks, fight between Josh and Reader (reader actually is mean guys) There's fluff at the end tho!!
Word Count: 1523 (a nice long one for you anon)
Summary: When Reader finds out that Clancy and Torchbearer are going back into Dema she does everything she can to prevent it.
A/N: I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it anon. Please feel free to request more because I honestly love writing for twenty one pilots. And requests are what help keep me writing I-/
Note - some of this is headcannon for the purposes of making the story work
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The day Clancy and I left Dema, I knew there was no going back. It just wasn’t happening. We’d managed to escape together. He’d been outside the walls alone before but during the annual assemblage he’d convinced me to ‘tag along’ as he’d put it. We’d been close friends growing up in Dema, that was just the way it was. Things changed once we left. I remember the day I met the Torchbearer, Josh. It took a lot longer than I thought it would to learn his name. For reasons unknown; he'd kept it a secret known only by his closest friends (or in my case, girlfriend). Clancy and I had only spent a few weeks at the Bandito camp before he was recaptured. He was gone for years. While I knew Josh was looking out for him, I knew exactly what kind of pain Clancy was going through. It was Dema. Josh hadn’t grown up within the walls like Clancy and I, things were different for him, he didn’t know what he was getting himself into. Which was why when he reunited with Clancy and brought him back to the camp, my panic attacks started.
“Oh god you look so different,” I cried into Clancy’s shoulder, “are you okay? I mean, of course you’re not. You’re back.” He nodded quietly, I could feel the tightness of his body in my arms. “What’s wrong?” I asked. 
“We’re going back in,” he voiced bluntly, looking at Josh who nodded knowingly. This wasn’t happening. Clancy wasn’t going back, he’d just gotten out. He’d just been forced against his own will to create propaganda for the very institution that nearly killed us. Not to mention Josh hadn’t been physically in the city for longer than a few hours before. Of course they weren't going in there. Right? 
“You should go get some rest before we start preparations,” Josh said, clearly noticing the shocked look on my face. “It’s good to have you back, Clancy.” Clancy’s eyes darted to mine before he walked toward the tent that had been empty for years. Josh and I were left alone, standing in the middle of the camp. 
“You said we,” I muttered. 
“I did,” he replied, looking at me carefully. He’d grown used to the constant nightmares I’d had about my time in Dema and worries about Clancy. “You know why we're doing this,” He said. His tone made it clear he was  stating the obvious.
“You’re going with him,” I could feel my head throbbing as I grabbed his hand tightly. Josh looked at me, a quiet sigh escaping him while he led me to our private tent. 
“Of course I am.” He said matter of factly; like he never would have even considered another option. We sat down, his arms wrapping around my torso, the brightly coloured tattoo sleeve peeking out under his shirt. 
“It’s not safe and you goddamn know it Josh,” my voice trembled as I remembered my time in the city. All I could think about was how isolating and cold it was. Josh almost chuckled, despite the fact that the situation really wasn’t funny.
“I’m aware it’s dangerous,” He retorted, his hand resting on his forehead before he looked at me again,“I’m not gonna let him go in there alone.” 
“The bishops will kill you the second they see you, and then what? The rebellion is over. Both of our leaders will be dead, the banditos will be killed and everyone will have lost.” Josh was getting frustrated now, his grip on me loosening with every exchange. He didn’t want to be having this conversation, I could tell, but he knew if he tried to walk away I’d just follow him.
“That’s not going to happen. We have a plan, we’ll be fine,” He said, his voice full of empty hope. I knew what I was about to say when I said it, I knew I was firing a shot. One I’d been keeping in till I needed to use it. 
“Oh and how did your last ‘plan’ turn out Josh? What with Clancy being recaptured and forced to write SAI?” He dropped his arms from me and moved away so he was sitting directly in front of me. 
“Don’t.” He snapped, a hand raising and pointing at me. “Don’t bring that up.” He clenched his teeth, his jaw tightening as anger and frustration was starting to overtake his mind. I had to fight the urge to continue throwing emotional bullets his way. I was going to make it clear to him that it was dangerous in Dema, that he couldn’t go, regardless of whether or not it hurt our relationship. Because I loved him and I couldn’t lose any more than I already had. 
“Why not?” I challenged him, “It was your plan.”
“You think I don’t know that?!” he exhaled, his whole body tense now as he yelled. “You don’t think I lay awake at night thinking it’s all my fault Clancy was captured?” His fists were clenched, he was fighting the urge to punch something. Maybe himself, maybe a wall. He closed his eyes and took a couple deep breaths, trying to calm himself like he’d taught me when I’d had nightmares. He looked like he was about to check out for the rest of the day, what I’d said really had an impact on him. “Stop,” He managed to mutter, still fighting to stay in control of his emotions.
“Okay,” I nodded. I knew exactly how he’d felt about Clancy and SAI. I knew he thought it was his fault so he spent every waking hour with Clancy, making sure he could get back safely. I knew he blamed himself, not only for Clancy’s time back in Dema but also for hurting me. He hated himself so much already and hearing me remind him of what he thought about himself all the time was making him feel terrible. He swallowed hard, his eyes darting for a moment before he finally spoke again, his voice shaky. “Just stop… please..”
I reached out to hold him, “I’m sorry, I went too far Josh.” He rested his head into the crook of my neck, quiet sobs filling the air. He melted at my touch, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me closer as he held back sobs.
“Please,” He eventually muttered, “Please don’t hate me.”
“I could never hate you, I’m just scared. I don’t want you or Clancy leaving me again, I can't take any more losses,” I pressed my lips to his temple. 
“I know, I know,” He mumbled, his eyes squeezed shut as he was trying to compose himself. I continued to hold him tightly, not wanting to ever let go. “I’m scared too,” he added, his voice quiet. Eventually he pulled back and looked at me, his eyes slightly bloodshot from crying. He took a deep breath, still trying to keep hold of whatever composure he could. “We’ll be fine, I promise,” he mumbled, but even I could tell he had doubts. 
“You can’t promise that,” I sighed. 
“Watch me,” he replied sternly, though the shakiness in his voice didn’t help. He reached a hand out now, a cold palm cupping my chin as his eyes met mine. “I promise, we’ll come back. You have my word.” He leaned in, resting his forehead against mine for a few moments. 
“If I lose you, I need you to know that you're the best thing to ever happen to me, Torchbearer.” I tried desperately to come to terms with the fact that I was going to have to let him go.
“Don’t talk like that,” He whispered, “Not like you’re already saying good-bye to me.” I cupped his face gently, pressing my lips to his in an attempt to wade off tears. He melted into the kiss, gripping his hands at my sides as he held onto me. He deepened the kiss, his head tilting so the angle was better as he pulled me closer. I would’ve been happy to stay here if it meant him not having to leave. We pulled back as the fabric of the tent rustled, Clancy entering. We pulled back as the fabric of the tent rustled, Clancy entering. 
“It's time to start packing supplies and getting the others ready if we want to make it on time.” With a slight exhale Josh pulled away, turning to look at Clancy and nodded.
“Yeah, yeah we need to get moving,” he mumbled, his hands letting me go.
“Josh?” I called, catching him just before he followed Clancy outside.
He turned to look at me again, a hint of concerned look plastered onto his face. 
“Yeah?” He replied, his voice quiet.
“You better keep that promise.” I desperately attempted to hold back my sobs, knowing full well that as soon as one slipped I was a goner. 
“I will,” he whispered, taking a step closer to me again. “I’ll come back.” With careful hands he reached out and wiped away a stray tear that was rolling down my cheek. “I’ll always come back to you.”
Please submit any requests y'all have! I love to write so let me know if you've got any!
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j-jinxee · 6 months
NSFW under the cut! [warnings - general sex thoughts]
Thinking about Josh, how he can't keep his hands to himself. How fucking good it'd feel with just his hands, all over you. The way he touches you like no other, how he holds you all night, whether that be through unconsciousness or through an orgasm. He's so good at getting you to focus on nothing but him, your senses immediately crowded by every aspect of him. His hands lace every inch of your body while you desperately plead for him to stop teasing and just fuck you already.
And when he finally does, holy fuck he's so pretty. No matter much he makes you blush, how much you wanna look away, you just can't. You're completely infatuated with him as he hits all the perfect spots, so deep inside you. You see his pupils blow wider with each thrust, completely hypnotised by the feeling. Your hands find their way to his toned back, leaving rough red marks as your nails drag down his skin. The sight of his arms and shoulders flexing as he keeps himself hovering over you, it only gets you closer and closer. He's slow — and deep, only ever fucking you hard and fast if you ask him to. He prefers the intimacy of slowly working you to the edge while you're fixated on his eyes and the uneven rhythm of his breathing.
I like this style of just like yapping instead of like full one shots yk lmao I'm just lazy 🫶🏻🫶🏻 anyway new TØP song soon woohoooo
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z0mbiekisses · 2 days
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part one- if i can change i hope i never know.
jasmine’s life was predictable. to say the least. she had a steady routine going on. her days often blended together, until good day dema came into production. jasmine was in charge of the show. well, not completely. there was always someone above her, it was dema after all. it was different. the set was filled with bright pastels. good day dema was created to dismiss the claims “clancy” made. propaganda. jasmine knew the was all an illusion, she’s seen the gray walls day after day. hell, one of the biggest rules about dema was no music. so it definitely surprised jasmine to hear they’re forcing tyler to write an entire album. jasmine knew deep down it was suspicious. but jasmine didn’t have a choice. jasmine didn’t have options, this was the life planned for her. jasmine didn’t know about anything else. sure, she’s heard of “the outside”. but this was her life, and she just accepted it because what else was she going to do?
jasmine was waiting backstage in a dressing room for tyler to show up. to be honest, she didn’t know much about him. jasmine knew he betrayed nico and escaped from dema. jasmine never read the letters or anything, it didn’t catch her interest. she often kept to herself the best she could. trying to get through each day. jasmine did feel bad that he was being forced to do this show, but she supposed there were worse ways to be punished. jasmine didn’t understand the severity of it all. oblivious of the reality. jasmine was snapped out of her thoughts as tyler walked into the room.
“hello tyler, i’m jasmine. i’ll be taking care of you today.”, she smiled reaching her hand out for him to shake. his face was blank, emotionless. which wasn’t unusual here in dema. there was never any true joy or any feelings around. just blank slates and coldness.
jasmine took in his appearance as he shook her hand. their brown eyes meeting briefly. she took interest in his soft brown curls. jasmine almost felt sad that she’d have to turn it into a bright pastel pink. she admired it for a moment before leading tyler over to a chair.
“okay so i have these two shades of pink, one is more softer and the other is brighter.”, jasmine held up the two bottles of dye to tyler. he looked confused.
“you’re asking me?”, tyler raised his eyebrow. jasmine laughed dryly at his skepticism.
“well yeah.. it’s your hair after all.”, but tyler wasn’t phased. he just rolled his eyes.
“just get this over with it.”, jasmine was a bit surprised by his short response. but jasmine understood he wasn’t too happy about the situation. they were both aware they had to make the bishops happy. they both didn’t have a say in anything. she mixed the bleach and began to lightly coat his hair. it was quiet at first, jasmine wasn’t much for conversation. she never knew how to start them.. or carry them. but she did know how to finish them.
“have you ever dyed your hair before?”, tyler spoke up. jasmine nodded her head.
“only a strand of my hair blue. that was before i was ordered to take it out.”, jasmine shared. she was happy tyler was trying to talk to her.
“blue is a pretty color.”, tyler commented.
“blue is my favorite color.”, jasmine smiled. it was hard having a favorite color that was pretty much forbidden. but the blue skies always spoke to jasmine. especially at night when the stars would light up. reminding her that she wasn’t alone at the end of the day. or the paladin strait she could see in the distance. tyler nodded, taking mental note of it. after jasmine finished with the bleach, it was quiet again. jasmine didn’t want to wait the 30 minutes in silence. so she decided to turn on the radio. though of course, the only songs it played were scaled and icy.
“sorry.. it must be weird hearing your own voice.”, jasmine laughed lightly. fidgeting with the silver bracelets on her wrist.
“it’s okay, i’m used to it.. i just wish they were MY songs.”, tyler sighed. jasmine was confused by this response.
“your songs?”
“well i made them, but these aren’t my thoughts.. my feelings. it’s what the bishops told me to sing.”, jasmine listened to tyler. that didn’t sound unusual for the bishops. jasmine was just happy she was able to actually enjoy music. jasmine felt bad for tyler, she could tell this was hard for him. tyler had songs that actually were true to him. but of course, they were absolutely forbidden here.
“well for what it’s worth, you have a great voice.”, jasmine complimented. which made tyler smile. jasmine spent the rest of the time listening to the album while she finished up on tyler’s hair. they actually had light conversations. it was the first time in god knows how long jasmine was able to actually enjoy a conversation with someone.
“here’s your mic pack, in-ears all that stuff. i’ll come back in 10 minutes before you go on.”, jasmine gestured over to the small vanity. as she was about to walk out, tyler spoke.
“jasmine, a gift from god.”, jasmine turned around. her name spoke a lot about her character. jasmine and tyler were on two entirely different ends of their place in dema. while tyler was this traitor, jasmine was highly praised. the bishops often favored her. though, jasmine was unsure why. she knew it had something to do with her family. they had a close history with the bishops. but jasmine knew it had to be more than that. her privilege was how she ended up being in charge of this whole production.
“yeah, why do you bring it up?”, jasmine raised her eyebrows. tyler just shrugged. tyler was taking into account how different they were; at least on that level. part of him wished he could leave dema WITH jasmine. to be able to show her the truth. but tyler wasn’t even sure he’d be able to leave again.
jasmine could hear in her own in ear she was needed somewhere. so she left tyler alone. eventually she came back to let him know it was 5 minutes before showtime. tyler was just sitting there, staring at the blank white wall. jasmine felt unusually sad for him. it was rare where she was put in situations where she felt these kinds of emotions. everytime she expressed them it didn’t end well. she was quite unsure how to handle it. but with tyler, she felt different. he was different. she sat on the couch next to tyler.
“pre-show jitters?”, jasmine suggested.
“i guess you can say that.”, jasmine gave tyler a small smile.
“i look forward to hearing you perform.”, jasmine’s eyes met tyler’s. there was a small spark. which was the first jasmine had seen. jasmine was normally intimated by eye contact. but with tyler, it didn’t feel threatening. both jasmine & tyler heard it was time to head up on set. jasmine could tell tyler was disappointed.
jasmine rushed around, making sure everything was perfect. she looked down at the checklist on her clipboard. on the leather couch was an older gentleman & woman. tyler barely mumbled a word to them. to be completely honest, even jasmine was confused on who these people were. but, jasmine knew better not to ask questions. not anymore. the countdown started for the show to air.
i know it’s hard to believe me but it’s a good day.
jasmine watched as the bright lights shined on the golden set. the yellow coated walls were vibrant & would practically radiate off the screen. exactly how it was supposed to be. jasmine watched as the two hosts talked, and tyler sat in the middle. however, he didn’t even look up at the camera. it was almost as if he was trapped in his own head. tyler didn’t even react to the hosts comments about his band name. tyler was just.. there. jasmine knew tyler didn’t want to be there. but this didn’t feel right. jasmine couldn’t focus on that though. this was what the bishops wanted. this was her job. she had to stay focus. besides, he only had one song to sing. soon enough this would be over. jasmine went off to grab the scaled and icy discs for the hosts to advertise. when she came back, the hosts looked different. the had wounds on their faces that weren’t there before. jasmine didn’t have time to worry about that. she set up the merch table, and listened as tyler sang.
“i was born a choker.. no one’s coming for me.”
jasmine was almost entranced by his voice. sure, she didn’t know many songs to compare it to. but she always loved listening to tyler. his voice easing the stress and worry she was facing. she loved listening to scaled and icy, even if tyler wasn’t too fond of it. it brought her comfort. a rare thing for jasmine. there was a pause and that’s when she called over the hosts to the merch table. jasmine noticed their eyes were both yellow. it was off-putting to say the least. but she moved over off camera & waited for them to begin the commercial break. she walked over to tyler who now looked.. sad?
“hey, told you you’d do great.”, jasmine smiled at him. trying her best to make him feel better. tyler still looked down at the ground.
“are you happy here?”, tyler asked, looking into her eyes. it was a sudden question. but tyler needed to know where exactly jasmine’s head was at.
“what else is there?”, jasmine answered honestly.
“trench.”, tyler spoke again. it was engraved in jasmine’s’ mind that there was nothing outside the dema walls for her, or anyone. and people who escape are merely fools leading themselves to slaughter. that’s what she was taught.
“i have everything i need here.”, jasmine answered simply. though, it felt more as if she was reading off a script.
“i promise, there’s more than this. you can do better.”, tyler tried to explaining to her. but this wasn’t an easy thing for her to hear. how was she supposed to believe tyler?
“and yet you’re still here.”, jasmine replied coldly. tyler frowned, his sad demeanor creeping back. he knew trying to convince jasmine to leave everything behind would be difficult. but he has to try. tyler knew jasmine deserved better then whatever this shitty place had to offer. it was time for tyler to finish his part of the show. jasmine walked away off set. she was taking apart the merch table as tyler finished singing. letting tyler’s soft voice help bring her some peace.
jasmine went to go dismiss everyone from the set, but as she walked up she saw the two hosts bodies laying on the ground. their faces now fully wounded and bruised. their skin much paler than it once was. jasmine’s stomach felt ill. they were dead. the two people who were just up hosting a morning show were lying dead on the floor.
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔
hiiii guys!!^^ i hope you enjoyed the first part of this series. like ive mentioned, this will be a shorter story if you will, however ive been very into the lore & stuff. plus im a big maladaptive daydreamer so!!! i’ll try my best to update when i can! thank you for reading it means so much!!!:3
- v 🩶
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when-worlds-end · 7 days
PARDON MY DELAY Written by Nessrin
Conception ~ September 4th, 2024 4:55AM Published ~ · · · Finished ~ · · ·
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CLANCY She's red, but I want to paint her yellow.
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THE TORCHBEARER You're delaying the inevitable.
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NAVI Heavy is the sunset that holds the sun.
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0:00 Navigating | Twenty One Pilots | "Pardon my delay, I'm navigating..." 3:44 Overcompensate | Twenty One Pilots | "Don't hesitate to maybe overcompensate..." 7:42 Vignette | Twenty One Pilots | "Clinging to promises..." 11:05 Oldies Station | Twenty One Pilots | "Make an oath, then make mistakes..." 14:54 My Blood | Twenty One Pilots | "Stay with me, no, you don't need to run..." 18:45 Chlorine | Twenty One Pilots | "When I leave don't save my seat..." 24:10 Jumpsuit | Twenty One Pilots | "Jumpsuit, jumpsuit, cover me..."
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AUTHOR'S NOTES Due to the lore of Trench and Dema being kept secret, I am operating under the belief that after the original Clancy commits vialism, Tyler takes on the mantle of Clancy to continue his legacy.
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DISCLAIMER I do not own any rights to Twenty One Pilots, their lyrics are not mine, their composition is not mine, their timeline is not mine, nor do I know them personally. Everything that happens in this story is a work of pure fiction and written explicitly for entertainment. If the members or their families ever state that they do not want fanfiction written about them/their loved ones, in whatever capacity that may relate to my story, I will take it down and respect all boundaries set.
I only own the storyline and any characters I personally created (EX : Navi)
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joannajj · 4 months
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(Jeremiah Ong x Reader).
Kindly listen to this song while reading.
Ikaw at si jeo ay isang matalik na magkaibigan simula pa noong grade 4 pa kayo. Lagi kayong naglalaro sa paborito niyong playground manila, sadly, kailangan ng pamilya ni jeo na pumunta at dun na daw mag enroll ng ibang school si jeo, kaya panay iyak ako nun at laging nasa tabi ko si jeo dahil ayaw ko syang mawala sa tabi ko.
Tomorrow na ang last na pagkikita namin ni jeo kaya sinusulit namin ang pagkakataong ito, nasa paboritong playground namin kam, nakaupo sa swing.
"pot, kailangan mo ba talagang iwan ako?". Sabi ko na almost crying.
"di naman kita iiwan forever". Ika niya habang hinahawakan kaliwang kamay ko.
"promise?". Inoffer ko ang pinky ko para i- sealed ang promise namin.
"promise". Nag sealed na kami ng kamay.
9 years later.....
"Ma, alis na po ako".
"mag- ingat ka ah, paki bati nalang ako kala Janice!!". Sigaw ng aking mama sa kusina.
"opo ma!!".
Pupunta ako ng Palawan kung saan nakatira sina jeo, balak ko sanang sorpresahin ito.
Nandito na ako sa palawan, lumabas nako ng airport at nag hintay ng masasakya.
After ilang minutes, may huminto sa aking suv na puti, nag wait ako baka iba ang hinihintay nito pero Isang minuto, binaba yung bintana at nakita ko lalaki na nakatingin sakin na para bang Kilala niya ako.
Awkward kong pag wave sakanya as hi para di nya maisip na rude ako... Tinaas niya ang bintana kaya nakikita kona lang is black screen. Binaba ulit ito at bumungad sakin ay si tita Janice, nagulat ako at napasigaw dahil sa gulat at saya.
"tita ja?". Confused kong sabi.
"yes, ako nga nak". Nakangiting sabi nito.
"bat po kayo nandito? Balak kopo sanang sorpresahin kayo". Kamot ulo kong sabi.
"ay ganun ba, sinabe samin ng mama mo na pupunta ka sa Palawan kaya dali dali kaming pumunta dito". Tita Janice.
"ano ba yan si mama, sabi ko sakanya wag niya sabihin sainyo". irita kong sabi.
"ok lang yan nak, tara na't makauwi na tayo". Tita Janice.
"btw po tita, sino po ito?". Tinuro ko yung lalaki na katabi niya.
"ay, oo nga pala, Asawa ko nga pala, sya yung dahilan kung bakit kailangan namin tumira dito". Explain ni tita ja.
"ay ganun po ba, kamusta naman po si jeo?".
"ayun, makulit padin pero ayun laki na muscles at nag gy- gym pa yan". Tita ja.
"talaga po, miss na miss ko na po siya".
"ay nako, mas miss na miss ka niya, nak, kung alam mo lang, laging hawak hawak yung printed na picture mo..minsan pa nga nakikita ko yan umiiyak dun sa kwarto niya habang hawak hawak picture mo".
"cute". Bulong ko.
Nakatulog ako sa byahe dahil di naman ako natulog sa eroplano, nood nood lang ng K-drama.
"nak, dito na tayo". Pag- gising sakin ni tita Janice.
Nagising ako at tinignan sa labas ng kotse kung asan na kami, kita ko may dalawang naka parada na kotse at may mga aso't pusa na nakakulong.
"po? San po toh?".
"sa bahay namin". Natatawang Ika ni tita ja.
"mafe, San si jeo?". Tanong ni tita ja kay ate mafe.
"ate mafe!!!! I miss you". Sigaw ko nang makita ko si ate mafe na sobrang close sakin.
"uy, bel!! Musta ka na? ang ganda ganda mo na oh!!".
"thank you po, parang sumexy ka ata ate mafe?".
"huy, hindi naman AHAHAHA".
"si jeo pala?, natutulog pa sa taas tabi sila ni meng". Ate mafe.
"ahh ganun, sige, san si Joshua..?". Tita ja.
"nandun sa likod, nilalaro yung mga kuting".
"Joshua!!!!! halika muna dito, may bisita tayo!!". Sigaw ni tita ja.
Ilang segundo pa ay, bumungad samin si kuya Joshua, naka braid ang kanyang buhok kaya medj hindi ko siya namukaan ng 5 sec.
"bel? Ikaw ba yan? aba, ang laki- laki mo na, dati binubuhat- buhat pa kita ngayon tignan mo oh". Kuya Joshua.
"AHAHAHA, oo nga po e, time flies so fast nga po e".
"si jeo ba ang hanap mo? nandun sa taas, lam mo ba kung ano ano pinaggagagawa niyan nung wala ka, ewn ko ba Jan". Kuya Joshua.
Nasa sala kami naguusap, kung ano chika, ganun. Nalaman kona pala yung name nung kasintahan ni tita ja, geo ong pala.
Kinuwento nila sakin about sa vlog na ginagawa nila, mesmerized ako nun.
Nag vlo- vlog sila about sa nature at lagi daw sila naliligo sa dagat at ilog at nag ca- camping pa, nag offer pa nga sila na sumama ako sakanila pag maliligo ilog or dagat or di kaya ay magcamping. At sino ba tatanggi sa offer na yan, kaya nag yes nako kagad.
Habang nag uusap kami, may gumalaw sa peripheral view ko sa bandang kanan ko kung saan ay hagdan at taas naman nun is mga kwarto nila.
Tumingin ako at nakita ko si jeo, bagong gising, nakatitig sakin na walang kibo.
Dipa rin siya gumagalaw.
"jeo". Tawag ni tita ja.
Wala padin.
"jeo!!" Sigaw nila.
At wala pa din.
Kaya ako na ang tatawag sakanya baka sakali na bumalik sya sa katotohanan.
"pot". Tawag ko sakanya.
At finally,
Tawag niya sakin na palapit ng palapit.
Tumango nalang ako.
"Ikaw ba talaga yan o nananaginip lang ako, kung nananaginip talaga ako, kurotin mo nga ako".
Tumawa sila including me sa sinabi niya.
Kinurot ko sya ng medj malakas.
Nagulat naman ito at kita sa mukha niya na masakit.
"sorry, sabi mo ka- ".
Diko natuloy ang sinabi ko dahil niyakap ako bigla ni jeo ng sobrang higpit.
"pot, di ako makahinga,".
Pinapat- pat ko yung braso niya dahil totoo ngang hindi ako makahinga.
Kaya lumayo sya at nag sorry.
"sorry, miss lang talaga kita so much!!".
"ehem, baka nakakalimutan niyo may tao din dito oh".
Biro ni kuya josh at ang result napatawa kaming lahat.
Dito kami ni jeo sa kwarto niya nag uusap kung okay lang ba buhay niya dito at sakin.
I met domeng already, super kind and gwapo din sya like kuya niya, I just found out na inampon nila si meng.
"ang ganda ganda mo na".
Compliment niya habang nakatitig sakin.
"oh why, thank you, lumaki na ang katawan mo oh, sobrang pogi mo".
Ngiti kong sabi.
"I'm glad na you keep you promise".
Sabi ko na paiyak na.
"I would never ever break any promises that we made for each other".
Ika niya, nakangiti.
Niyakap ko sya ng mahigpit at umiyak sa kanyang shoulder.
I stop crying.
But I think I will start crying again dahil sa confession sakin ni jeo.
"Isabelle, sasabhin ko sana ito bago kami umalis pero..... Bel, I love you not as a friend but as a lover, matagal na kitang mahal simula nung nagkakita tayo..... Bel, pwede ba kitang maging girlfriend?".
Napahagul- gul ako sa confession niya.
"yes, I would love to be your girlfriend!!!".
Sigaw ko.
Niyakap niya ako ng mahigpit, ilang minuto pa ay binereak nya ang hug at parang ang mundo'y nag istop at parang kami lang dalawa ang gumagalaw.
Palapit ng palapit ang Mukha namin sa isa't Isa, nakatingin ako sa kanyang mata habang sya naman ay nakatingin sa aking labi.
Ayan na nga, nag meet na ang aming labi sa isa't Isa, ang soft at lasang strawberry ang kanyang lips, kaya pinikit ko na ang aking mata at inenjoy ang moment na ito.
Little did we know, nakasilip pala lahat ng pamilya ni jeo sa slightly ajar na pinto, kinikilig pa mga ito.
That's all, folks
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najaemsread · 2 years
" between the lines "
SYNOPSIS. yn plays a role written by her greatest what if, wonwoo. PAIRING. author!wonwoo x actress!reader GENRE/S. filo (written in filipino + english) smau, fluff, angst, humor mejj
accounts, part one | nation's love triangle (and jh)
next ➤ accounts, part two between the lines ➤ masterlist
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yn, stage name : tala. started her acting career shortly after high school. first nag-appear sa mga commercials and as extras sa mga films before eventually getting casted sa isang breakthrough supporting role in a melodrama. a household name, pero is now mostly known for her love team with joshua hong
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joshua. pbb teens winner, na-in love kasi general public sa kanya... can you blame them? his win kickstarted his acting career. started with supporting roles in tv shows but got his first major break in his first film -- a romcom with tala.
# talashua, basically this universe's jadine, kathniel, lizquen all rolled into one. all their films are blockbuster hits. masyado rin silang magaling sa fan service kaya maraming delulu na naniniwalang sila talaga
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jun. started acting as a kid ('lam niyo yung mga commercial ng nido, lucky me, etc ? suki siya dun). pero nowadays known by netizens as 'pambansang bestfriend' kasi typecasted na siya as a second lead sa mga shows / movies. has been in multiple projects with talashua na siya ang second lead kaya the three of them became known as 'the nation's love triangle'. not an issue with him though, siya yung pasimuno nung term. junhui fun fact ! yung assistant niya yung pinagawa niya ng twitter niya. nung tinanong siya kung anong gusto niyang bio, yan yung sinagot niya
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jeonghan. manager ni yn for the past four years. tala is the first artist he managed kaya parang baby niya and hirap siyang pakawalan. medyo kalog and mahilig makipagbarda sa mga haters. takes his job seriously , pero minsan tali ng studio kamay niya kaya nagbibigay ng romcom kay tala kahit alam niyang ayaw niya. naging ka-close si shua at jun dahil laging nagkikita sa taping.
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Chapter Eleven
Tear In My Heart | Series Masterlist
Warnings: Peak Beau assholeness
Word Count: 3079
Authors’ Note: We hope you enjoy this chapter! :) (picture credit)
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February 2017 - After The Grammys After Party
“Do you think he’s going to be ok?” Jenna asked quietly.
You looked over at Josh, who was currently passed out on the Josephs’ couch. It had only been a few minutes since you got back to the house, but it had been the perfect amount of time for Josh to get comfortable and pass out. That wasn’t really a surprise to you, though. After a few too many drinks at the after party and a night of shenanigans, the sickness and exhaustion was finally hitting him.
“I hope so,” you said, turning back to Jenna.
“Should we call him an Uber?”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” you sighed. “He might puke in the backseat.”
“Then what do we do?”
“Let me talk to him.”
You walked over and took a seat on the couch near Josh. As gently as you could, you started to push at Josh’s shoulder, hoping it was enough to wake him up. After a few seconds, he slowly blinked his eyes open and turned to look at you.
“Did I fall asleep?” he asked.
“Yeah, you did.”
“Am I at Tyler’s?”
“Yeah.” He sighed and dropped his head back to the couch. “How are you feeling, Josh? We need to get you home.”
“Terrible.” You pursed your lips, trying to decide what to do from here on out. Before you had a chance to make a decision, Josh spoke again. “Can you take care of me?”
“What?” you asked, unsure that you had heard him correctly.
“Can you take care of me?”
“What, like take you home?”
“And stay with me.”
“Josh, I have to get home to Beau at some point.”
Josh made an audible noise of disgust. You barely managed to hold back a laugh, even though you knew it was wrong.
“You don’t have to stay all night,” he mumbled. “Just a little while. Please.”
You turned to look at Jenna for some sort of reassurance, but she had disappeared. The decision was up to you and you alone, it seemed. To be fair, Josh did seem like he was in pretty bad shape and Beau didn’t know how long Grammy after parties went on…
“Ok, but I can’t stay long.”
“You’re coming?” Josh asked, the excitement in his voice was obvious.
“Only for a little.”
“Alright, you stay right here. I’m going to go tell Jenna and Tyler what’s going on.”
You found the two of them in the kitchen, having a quiet conversation while Jenna drank some water. They turned to you as you walked in the room.
“How is he doing?” Tyler asked.
“Still bad, but I’m going to take him home and stay with him for a little while so you two don’t have to deal with him.”
“Oh, you are?” Tyler asked, raising his eyebrows. Beside him, Jenna was smiling against the rim of her cup.
“Just to make sure he doesn’t get sick or injure himself. Shouldn’t you be thanking me because I’m taking him off your hands?” you laughed.
“Thank you,” Jenna smiled, briefly shooting a look at her husband. “If he gets to be too much, just give one of us a call and we can come over, ok?”
“I will. Anyway, we should probably get out of here.”
“Not before you hug me!” Jenna said, setting her cup down and walking around the counter.
She gave you a big hug before handing you off to Tyler. He was still smirking as he held his arms out to you.
“Congrats again,” you said as you hugged him. “You two deserve it. And thank you for letting me come along on this crazy ride.”
“We couldn’t have done it without you.”
“Alright, now let’s go get that idiot in the car.”
*     *     *
Twenty minutes later, you were standing in the entryway of Josh’s house with one arm looped around his middle. It had been awhile since the last time you were here, mostly because it was a fight with Beau anytime you told him you were going over. In fact, the last time you had been here was the night Josh asked you to be his “date” to the Grammys in the first place.
“You remember where the bedroom is?” Josh asked, putting an end to your reminiscing.
Taking a deep breath as you set your purse and keys down onto his end table by the door, you nodded your head in response to him with a slight laugh.
"I don't think so... I wasn't really given a tour the last time I was here, but I think that I'll manage."
Josh made a face and then slowly followed you down the hall, his feet dragging slightly due to how plastered he was, making it all the more difficult to hold him up, but you managed. Upon entering his bedroom, you turned on the light and looked around a bit at the surprisingly normal walls and decor. You had half expected his room to be a fanboy shrine to any of his favorite drummers. In that moment, you supposed it to be a silly thought as he wasn't a teenager. Shaking your head and smirking a bit, you continued with him over to his bed. Letting out a sigh, you plopped him down on the side and moved your arms a bit to release the tension that had built up in your shoulders.
"Okay, Dun. Come on now. You need to get changed into your pajamas. That looks like something you may have worn last night." You point to some folded up clothes at the end of his bed as he glanced with half open eyes. "Just use those. I'll be in the hall while you change." 
You turned on your heel and then left his bedroom, closing the door behind you, despite his whining and complaining of needing help. There was no way that you were going to willingly undress him and help him into his clothes outside of your job and pay grade. Not that you wouldn't want to, but it would just be torture knowing that you both can't do anything about it.
After a few moments of leaning against the wall, you heard Josh call your name and decided to open the door again to see him now laying down on the bed in his pajamas. Thankfully, he wasn't shirtless, so this made things a bit easier on you. Just a tee and his sweatpants.
"How are you doing? Feeling okay? I can bring the garbage can over if you need to throw up. I can even get you some water."
"No... no, I'm okay. I just need to rest right now. Thank you for helping me home, Y/N. I don't think I could've done it without you." He gave you a smile.
With a laugh, you shook your head and crossed your arms across your chest, "Oh, it's fine! You would've done the same for me. I should probably go home now, though."
With that being said, Josh sat up and looked at you with a pout, "Going home? You don't think that you can stay for a little while? Maybe to just... relax and lay in bed with me to watch TV?"
You sighed, "Josh, I don't think that I -"
Fighting internally with yourself for a bit, you decided against your better judgement to stay. "Okay, fine. But, only for a while! I don't want Beau to worry."
Josh made a face at your remark, but then nodded his head and sighed as he looked over your clothes. "Are you going to wear that? I have some extra clothes if you want to change into them to be comfortable."
Looking down to your clothes that you had changed into after the awards ceremony, you figured that he was probably right about not being comfortable in them. Taking him up on his offer, you walked over to his dresser and pulled some fresh joggers and a tee out from the drawer.
"You get whatever movie you want on. I'm going to change in the bathroom," you stated and Josh responded to you with a nod. Taking a deep breath, you walked into the bathroom across the hall and closed the door behind you, remembering to lock it up. Changing out of your clothes and into his, you stared at yourself for a moment in the mirror and just looked over how you looked. You had to admit that you often thought about times like this with him... although, it usually didn't involve Beau in the mix. Lifting some of the shirt up, you sniffed it a bit and thought you could vaguely smell Josh's cologne on it, even after it had been washed.
Clearing your throat and shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you made your way back into his room with your clothes folded up neatly in a pile, now being placed on the floor. You closed his door and then looked over to the television, seeing X-Files playing on the screen, causing you to smirk and roll your eyes. Of course he was watching that. You made your way to the unoccupied side of the bed and then slowly laid down as far away as you could get. Feeling eyes on you and then hearing a slight huff shortly after, you looked over to Josh and saw him staring.
"You're really going to lay that far from me? Do I have cooties or something, Y/N?"
You laughed and shook your head, blushing a bit to him. "It's not that... I just don't think that it's really... professional."
"Okay, you're not my boss right now. You're my friend. I need my friend for a while. No funny business, I promise."
Narrowing your eyes at him, you watched as he opened his arms to you and then you scooted toward him. Getting under the covers, you moved to lay in his arms as they enveloped themselves around you. You had to admit that it was the most comfortable that you had ever been. Using Josh's arm as a pillow, you closed your eyes in relaxation, but then felt his hand rest on your hips, causing you to tense up not because it made you feel disgusted, but because of the complete opposite. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you dared not open your eyes, because you knew that your faces were only mere inches apart. Instead, you settled on listening to his own heartbeat just as crazy as yours. And before you knew it... you were asleep.
*     *     *
You woke up to the sound of your alarm blasting right near your ear. That should have been the first sign that something was wrong, considering you hadn’t taken the time to set an alarm the night before, but in your tired state you simply turned it off and rolled a little further into Beau’s chest. His arms were wrapped around you, holding you close to his chest, and for the first time in what felt like forever, he wasn’t snoring. You smiled as you draped an arm over his side, letting your fingers trace idle patterns on his back.
Your alarm started blasting hardly thirty seconds later, bringing you right back from the edge of falling into a peaceful sleep. With a grumble, you reached over and grabbed your phone. Something was obviously messed up with your alarm and you needed to get to the bottom of it. Your stomach dropped the moment that you realized why your “alarm” wasn’t working. It wasn’t an alarm at all, but a phone call.
From Beau.
It only took a second for everything to come together in your head. The arms wrapped around you weren’t those of your boyfriend, but Josh, who was still fast asleep despite the numerous phone calls you had received that morning. You frantically got out of bed, no longer caring if you woke him up in the process. Your chest was heaving as you struggled to take in breath.
How the hell were you going to explain this?
The call eventually went to voicemail, giving you your first glimpse of your homescreen. It was flooded with notifications: Twitter, texts, voicemails, news articles, pretty much everything that you could think of. You scrolled through it for a moment, trying to get a hold on what was happening. Josh was still passed out on the bed.
dunlover: “look how cute y/n and josh were at the grammys together last night!! #shipped”
pilotsstan08: “you can’t tell me they aren’t together. look at the way josh is looking at her!”
tylerrrjosephsss: “get you a girl that looks at you the way y/n looks at josh”
You locked your phone and threw it down on the bed, only for it to start ringing again a few moments later. Beau’s picture was shining on the screen, smiling up at you. The mere sight of it filled your stomach with discomfort. You ignored the call and then sent him a quick text, telling him you would be home soon. He answered with a frowning face.
You frantically gathered your things and stuffed them into your purse. The sooner you got home, the less pissed that Beau was likely to be. Your mind was already racing with possibilities of what lie you could tell him to get him off your case. Maybe you could give Jenna a call and see if she would be willing to cover for you.
You were about to leave when you caught sight of Josh. He was still fast asleep, with his face pressed up into a pillow and the covers half-kicked off of his lower body. His arms were out at a weird angle from where you had previously been laying. You desperately wished that you were still there; his arms were the only place that you felt truly safe, it seemed.
You shook your head. Although your feelings for Josh were old news by now, Beau was still in the picture. There was no point in entertaining your thoughts about him as long as acting on them wasn’t an option.
After debating whether or not you should wake Josh up and let him know you were leaving, you decided on texting him later in the afternoon to explain what happened. There was a good chance that he didn’t even know you had spent the night, anyway. Not to mention that you weren’t so sure you would be able to say no if he asked you to stay just a little longer. You settled for one last glance at his sleeping form before grabbing your things and heading downstairs.
*     *     *
“Where the hell were you?”
You hadn’t even closed the front door yet and Beau’s voice was already raised. He was standing in the entryway, still wearing pajamas and looking like a mess. His hair was sticking up at all angles.
“At a friend’s.” Your voice sounded small. Defeated. Beau had only said one sentence to you and it wasn’t even accusatory.
“And you couldn’t let me know where you were because…?”
“I didn’t mean to stay over there. We were watching some TV and I fell asleep on the couch. I texted you as soon as I woke up.”
“Which friend?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat and blinked away the tears that were already forming.
“Which friend, Y/N? Answer me.”
“Jenna and Tyler.”
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not lying!”
“Yes you are. I can read it in your face, Y/N. Where were you actually?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady. “You don’t control who I get to spend time with.”
“I think I get to have a say if you stay out all night without telling me!”
“It was a fucking accident, Beau! I think it’s pretty bold of you to accuse me of lying when you aren’t even listening to the words coming out of my mouth!”
“You were with that Josh guy, weren’t you?” he asked, ignoring everything you had just said. “Weren’t you?”
“I wasn’t with Josh!”
“I saw the pictures, Y/N. Did you think I wouldn’t? They’re all over Twitter. It’s obvious that something is going on between you two. You’ve probably been fucking him for months by now.”
Hot tears were streaming down your face now, though it was mostly a result of anger. Infidelity had always been a weak spot for you and Beau knew that.
“There is nothing going on between me and Josh. Nothing. I have been loyal to you since we got together.”
“Oh yeah? Then why are you wearing his clothes?”
Your stomach dropped, but you tried not to let it show on your face. In your rush to leave Josh’s, you had forgotten to change out of the clothes that he had given you.
“Stop,” you muttered.
“I’m not stupid, Y/N. I’ve seen how you look at him. I’ve heard how you talk about him. I knew it from the moment that he came over here to help you pack. Why do you think I’ve always had it out for him?”
“If it’s so obvious to you, then why do you insist on staying in this relationship?”
“Because I’m helping you.” Beau’s voice had dropped back to a normal volume, but the icy undertone was still there.
“Helping me?”
“Come on, Y/N, you really think that he likes you? You know he’s just using you and will move on to the next best thing when he gets the chance. It’s all about the chase right now.”
You bit down on your lip to stop it from trembling. Tears were still streaming down your face, but you no longer cared. You let them fall.
“Josh isn’t like that,” you shook your head, desperately wanting to believe it yourself.
“Of course he is. He’s famous. That’s what all celebrities do.”
You continued to shake your head, but you couldn’t deny that Beau’s words were having an effect on you. Maybe it really was all about the chase.
“Come here,” Beau said, suddenly changing to his comforting tone. “It’s ok.”
You didn’t move, even when Beau wrapped his arms around you. His hands stroked along your hair as he talked softly to you, but you weren’t listening. His words were stuck in your head, rattling around until they were the only words you could hear.
You really think he likes you?
*     *     *     *     *
@topownsmyheart​ @faceofcontvsions​ @ohprettyweeper​ @tylersheavydirtysoul​ @svintsandghosts @wearebxnditos​ @breadbinishigh​ @patdsinner33​ @leam-2001
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malfoys-demigod · 5 years
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Imagine Tyler trying to make Josh ask you out.
What if Tyler saw the way Josh would look at you. He found it cute, and would tease him whenever you were nearby. Then, later on Tyler would encourage him to ask you out already!
Sometimes Tyler would say, “Dude, c’mon you have to ask her already!” Or would nudge him whenever you would say hi to them.
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prettyoddfiction · 7 years
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Josh Dun
Request: Yes || can you write something along the lines of the reader being a dancer for halseys concerts and josh drums for halsey, and josh gets a boner because of the reader seductively dancing, then they fuck in the dressing room??
Warnings: NSFW || smut, teasing ??, cursing, unprotected sex (reader on the pill). 
Masterlist: Here
Okay, so like, wow. This one is like... I’m so bad at dancing, let alone dancing sexily. So writing about it is super fucking awkward for me. I really hope I did this okay. Also I was really depressed while writing this and I hate it. I think this is the worst imagine I’ve written so far, but I honestly felt terrible for not uploading it yet, especially when I kept saying it would be up. So, this was just an “I’m sorry I’m a terrible human” kinda upload. So, yeah, sorry. Also this features Halsey a little bit but only cause she’s the performer. Also, practice safe sex. Wrap it before you tap it guys. Always. Anyway, enjoy, or at least try lol. xx
Drums. That was what was on your mind. You heard Josh practicing. He was in the same town as Ashley for some reason, and being that they were such good friends, she had invited him to play on stage with her tonight. But that wasn’t the kicker. You were one of her main dancers, and in one of her songs, you had the most sexual part of the routine. 
Some people thought her ‘Hold Me Down’ dance was sexual... They hadn’t seen your choreography yet.
She may or may not have also known that you may or may not have a celebrity crush on Josh. 
With Ashley being the headliner and you being one of her dancers, you were pretty decently close to her. She was a really good friend of yours. And she was a really good friend of Josh’s. So of course she had to make sure you guys met. So here you were, sitting backstage, with Josh practicing. 
An hour later, the venue doors opened and hundreds of people flooded in, finding their seats. Hours later, the opening acts had preformed and the crowd was extremely hyped up, and Ashley was excited. Josh was excited. You were excited. 
“Let’s kill it guys. Hopeless Fountain Kingdom on three. One two three!” She cheered, causing the group of dancers and crew and band members to all cheer the album name as everyone raised their hands before clapping and making their way to the stage. As soon as the venue started to dim, the crowd erupted again. 
The songs flew by and for a few of them, Ashley had even come over and danced with you as she sang, making the show a bit more LGBT friendly with the way she was acting towards you, but you didn’t mind. It was Ashley. This was just how your friendship was. As most people worded it, “Ash and Y/N have a friendship that makes us all question their sexualities. If that’s not true friendship, then I don't know what is.” You guys always laughed it off, but continued to be close.
Once you had gotten your moments of hip swinging, dropping low, and ass shaking, as well as some body touching in your dances, you felt like a stripper. But you would’ve been fine with it, had it not been for the fact that you could feel his eyes. Josh’s eyes were burning holes into your back the entire night. 
You know that sensation you get when someone is looking at you while you aren’t looking at them? When you can just feel it. Yeah, that was what you were feeling. And it was coming from the drum pedestal. Sure enough, every time you spun or turned in the choreography, you saw him staring. And he never looked away, even when you caught him. Way to be subtle, Joshua. 
You blushed and felt your cheeks heat up, turning back around to face the crowd, or Ashley when the times called for it and continuing your dancing. 
When the show ended you and the other dancers ran off stage, as well as Ash’s band. Josh running off as well. Immediately you and him both grabbed to get a towel. Your hands touched as you reached for the same one and you blushed, pulling your hand back so he could grab the towel, which he did. You grabbed the next one in the stack, right before Josh grabbed your hand. “Hey, Y/N, I need your help with something. Come on.” You cocked an eyebrow but nevertheless followed him through the halls of the concert hall. 
Finally after what felt like forever of running through the halls, he pulled you into a room. Your outfit from stage tonight was sticking to you and you felt extremely revealed. But then again, he was only wearing basketball shorts and sneakers, with a snapback on his head. “Josh what the hell is going on?”
“I can’t take this anymore.” He stated and shut the door behind him before turning to look at you. “You’ve been dancing for Ashley forever now and I’ve seen you at so many shows and the way you can move your body drives me absolutely insane. Y/N, I like you. And I fucking want you so badly. I have for so long I can’t take it anymore.” 
At first you didn’t quite get it. But then your eyes traveled down his torso and rested on the tent in his shorts. Suddenly, you became aware of the dampness in your panties. “Oh uh- I don’t-” 
“I’m so sorry to have made you uncomfortable but I had to fucking tell you and find out if there is any possible way that you like me back.” 
“Josh, watching you drum makes my stomach get all tied in knots. Talking to you makes my head go fuzzy. Of course I like you back. Now... I think I can help you with that.” You smiled and pointed to his lower region. 
He smirked and nodded, quickly pulling you to him and capturing your lips in a hungry kiss. It only took a few moments for you to kick you shoes off and shimmy out of your bottoms from dancing, and he did the same, his lips not leaving yours once. 
In minutes, you were both naked, and he had you up against the wall, his lips traveling from your cheek to your jawline, down to your neck and sucking softly on the flesh. This action made your eyes shut and a moan fall from your lips. “Don’t tease, Josh. For someone who couldn’t wait, you sure are taking your time.” You groaned, your hands going to his hips and pulling his body flush against yours.
After a few more seconds of intense making out, you felt Josh’s hand sliding down your body and rubbing figure eights on your clit, making you moan into his mouth. “Should I just take you like this, or should I prep you a bit with my fingers?” He whispered, gently biting on your lower lip. 
“Josh please just fuck me.” You whined, lifting one leg to hook around his waist so hopefully he would get the message.
“As you wish.” And without waiting another second, he pushed himself into you. The room filled with happy sighs from both of you and you smiled. As his hips rutted against yours, your back pushed against the wall behind you. You’d never done it against a wall, but it was fun and quite pleasurable. 
“Fuck, princess, this is better than I had ever imagined. Jesus Christ you feel so fucking good.” He moaned, his breath hot on your neck. Every word that he muttered sent shivers down your spine and made your breath hitch. It had only been a few minutes but with him rubbing your clit the way he was, and him fucking your relentlessly without a condom, you were on edge. “You’re close. I can see that.” 
“Do you want me to cum in you or pull out?” He moaned as your hands traced down his back and held his body as closely to you as you could. 
Honestly you hadn’t even bothered to think about a condom. You were too worried on feeling Josh in every way. “I’m on the pill. Doesn’t matter. Wherever you want-” You were cut off by a high pitched moan as your orgasm tore through you. It was expected, but unexpected as well. As it hit you, your body shook slightly and Josh continued to thrust his hips against yours. 
Your walls clenched down around his member slightly as your high continued to drown you in euphoria. And Josh’s hips faltered for a second before he stilled and there was a warm, rushing feeling between your legs. His high hit him and was followed by a long moan of your name.
A few moments passed and the two of you were panting. As Josh pulled out of you, a whimper slipped past your lips. “Fuck...” you commented and he nodded.
He nodded and pulled his clothes back on, as you did the same. “We should both probably get to the showers. We’ve gotta get outta here.” 
“Do you want to continue this later? Maybe a round two? Or even a relationship.” 
He smile said it all. You didn’t need an answer to know. However you did like the one you got.
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kittytodoroki · 2 years
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bad girl
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
male: au blurryface joshua dun
warnings: daddy dom and female sub relationship, cursing, bondage, toy usage, hair pulling, degradation, edging, voyeurism, unprotected sex (you know what the right thing to do is!), and biting
word count: 1.5k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
oh god.
oh fuck.
i try to wiggle myself free.
"please…" i moan.
damn! i wish i could use my fucking hands...
here's the thing: i’m tied up to my headboard, and in between my legs is a god damn vibrator, and it's right on my clit.
i’ve been trying to move it, but it's so firmly put.
maybe i should grind on it?
oh fuck! i want so much more...
this is what sucks about disobeying josh.
let's flashback to a few minutes before: he was slowly fingering me, to tease, but i ended up getting too desperate. i started to rub my clit, and with my other hand, i tried to make him finger me faster.
i just remember seeing him raise an eyebrow, and then my hands were tied to our headboard.
why do i always do this to myself?
"well..." he began as he grabbed a fistful of my hair, "if you want to be a fucking slut, then i’ll treat you like one," he growled in my ear. the breath on my skin sent shivers down my spine; i felt the wetness between my legs grow bigger. he went away and began to look through our drawers.
i took it as an advantage to try and untie myself; struggling to take the ties off, i stopped when i saw him open a box.
"i was going to give this to you as a surprise, but you've just been so bratty lately,” josh says.
he pauses to smile.
"i just have to punish you with it," he finishes as i wonder about the mysterious object behind his back. he bit his lip as he showed me what he had. in his hand, was a fucking vibrator. he turned it on and i squirmed, already feeling the sensation.
"what level of punishment does my princess need?" he asked and looked at the settings of the vibrator.
“hmmm, how about... high?" he answered himself, sliding the button all the way up.
with a devilish smile on his face, he put the vibrator on my clit.
right now, i’m trying to focus on not cumming, because i know josh will punish me even more.
but, holy fuck, i want so much more...
many curses fall out of my mouth, the vibrator getting me closer by the second,
"holy shit,"
"please, joshua,"
"god damn,"
to summarize the things i can't stop moaning.
i’m squirming so much by this point; i feel the sweat on my forehead, and my hair sticking to my face. i can't stop moaning and begging, "please, josh!”
what hurts even more is that he's just sitting at the edge of the bed; watching me squirm, moan, and beg for him.
asshole! he's still dressed!
"please, josh. oh, please," i beg him once again.
"no, baby," he replies.
"this is your punishment for being bratty, and if you cum," he pauses and smirks devilishly, "for a month, everyday, as soon as i get home from work, i’ll get you super horny." he stops to caress my inner thigh, making me jump.
“a different way every day," he starts again, "and you'll always end up tied up, and watching me jerk off. maybe i’ll put it in you a bit, but that'll be it. i won't let you cum. oh no, princess, only i can cum."
fucking hell!
he chuckles as he watches me edge myself; so close to cumming, but not letting myself.
"please, baby, i’m so sorry. i just wanted you so badly," i beg.
joshua just keeps staring at me; he loves to see me like this, loves to see me as his moaning mess.
i’m to the point where i can't say anything but, "please.”
"my little desperate girl," he must be thinking as he watches me trying to buck my hips onto the vibe.
"please, daddy," i whine once again.
did i mention that my legs are tied apart? well, they are; to each pole, at each corner, at the end of the bed.
all i have are my hips to buck, and i have no idea how he put the vibrator at such a still place. i should be able to knock it off, but it won't fucking budge.
if you want to see the full image: i’m sitting down on my bed, tied up, biting my lip, moans involuntarily escaping my mouth, and my boyfriend is at the end of the bed, watching me, and getting off on it all.
i can see his bulge.
oh, he's so hard.
i start to imagine myself getting on top of him. grinding my hips on his bulge, leaving a pool of wetness on his joggers, kissing him all ove—
"oh, fuck, joshua," i moan as i feel two digits enter me.
"fuck," he moans, "i never thought a little tease could get you so wet, holy shit."
josh begins to finger me, leaving the vibrator on and in between my legs. with his free hand, he unties my legs; my hips quickly buck. i moan loudly, and he moans, softly, along with me.
he knows.
"yes, princess, be a good girl and cum on daddy's fingers," josh says, along with a moan.
"oh fuck, joshua!" i loudly say as i cum.
the vibrator helps with longing my high, and josh starts to finger me slowly. i feel my legs go limp, but the vibrator is still on. as if reading my mind, josh turns it off. he looks at me, licks my cum off his fingers, smiles devilishly, and inserts his fingers in my mouth. i can taste myself, making me moan around his fingers.
tiredly, i decide to put on a show. i begin by swirling my tongue around his fingertips. then, i guide myself down, making sure i lick all of me from his fingers. he bites his lip and watches.
when i'm done, he takes his fingers away and says,
"good girl," as he turns me around, my hands criss-crossing. he makes me arch my back, and i wait patiently, biting my lip. a few seconds later, and i feel him filling me, surprising me and making a moan escape from both our mouths.
"fuck," i say.
"mhm, oh fuck," he moans along with me. his moans turn me on so fucking much, they always get me closer to cumming. his pace is fast and steady, curses coming out of his mouth every now and then. i'm moaning a lot and out loud, but i can still hear his heavy breathing.
so adorable.
i decide to take matters into my own hands. i push my ass back onto him, at the same pace, making the sensation better. i hear a staggered laugh and imagine him smiling, with his beautiful eyes closed and head thrown back. i feel his thrusts get sloppy, and then, he pulls out and turns me around. i’m thinking he's going to cum, so i open my legs: an invitation to cum on my tummy. i close my eyes, but i feel him inside of me again, a small groan escapes my mouth. i wrap my legs around him; his thrusts getting faster and faster until my legs let go off him. he takes that as an advantage to get up and rub my clit with his thumb as he thrusts deeper into me.
"josh, oh fucking christ," i moan.
he watches me as i arch my back and try to grind myself onto him.
then, i see his face expression change from a devilish and proud smile, to submissive and moaning. as soon as it changes, i hear his beautiful voice say, "fuck, baby, i-i’m close."
strangely and unconsciously, i reply, "me, too, daddy."
me, too?
after two more thrusts, i feel myself cumming. i moan as i arch my back and my eyes fly to the back of my head.
"fuuuck, joshhh…” i moan.
i feel him cum inside of me as he groans and bites my neck. he collapses on my chest, i see his head rising and falling as i try to control my breath. as soon as we're both calm, he gets up and kisses my breasts, leaving small hickeys here and there. then, he teasingly kisses and sucks on my neck, making me horny again. i moan at the sensation, and i can feel his sexy devilish smile against my skin.
he gets up and gets his towel.
“where are you going?" i ask him.
"i’m gonna shower? chill out," he replied.
"ummm, i'm still tied up?" i sarcastically add.
“no, duh," he says, "you're staying like that, until i want to untie you," he states.
"no! you can't do that! daddy! i'm still horny! please! let me go!" i beg.
he walks away into the bathroom; i’m still begging as i hear him laugh and turn on the shower.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
author’s note: fun fact — this was the second story i ever wrote! i really thought i went all out on it, lmao. even so, i love it so much. i mean, i better love it! after all, it took me sooo long to perfect. like always, i hope you guys like it! (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡
- love, kitty <3
posted: 28 august 2022
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For you - Tyler Joseph x Reader
Relationship: Tyler Joseph x Reader
Warnings: angst and cliffhanger ending, tyler crying :(
Word Count: 1710
Summary: A few weeks after graduating high school you break the news to your best friend Tyler that you're leaving Columbus.
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Summer 2006
Tyler and I had been friends since we were six, and nothing ever changed between us. It had been two weeks since we’d graduated high school, and we’d decided to go on a road trip. While most of our friends had already chosen which colleges they wanted to attend, neither Tyler nor I had made a final decision yet—except I’d just made mine that morning.
We’d parked our car at the entrance to a forest about an hour from Columbus and walked into the greenery. It was a warm day, so I was wearing a t-shirt I’d gotten on a Disney World trip with Tyler and my family, and he was wearing a black muscle shirt that showed off the tattoos he’d gotten the day we graduated, the ink still vibrant.
“I still can’t believe you got those,” I laughed, closing the car door.
“I still can’t believe my mom didn’t kill me the second she saw them,” he quipped, leading the way to the trail. “Have you thought much about what you’re going to do now that we’re done with school?”
I knew he was going to ask that question. I’d deliberately chosen not to tell him when I saw him that morning. When he realized I wasn’t answering, he turned around and looked at me, giving me a look that screamed, “I can read your mind.” His hair was short, initially buzzed to keep it out of his face for basketball, but it had grown out since. I looked into his eyes, which compelled me to tell him everything; the look on his face begged, “Please.”
“Come on, Ty. We don’t need to talk about that right now,” I muttered and continued to walk on until he grabbed my hand.
“Don’t hide things from me, Y/N. We don’t do that,” he said. I pulled my hand out of his grip and let out a loud sigh. He had a point. I’d never kept a secret from Tyler, and when I did have one, he was the first person I told. We were always vulnerable with each other, too. Whenever he was struggling, he’d come and talk to me. He’d even share his music with me despite feeling embarrassed about it because he was ‘supposed to be a jock.’
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
He laughed at that. “How on earth would you hurt me? It’s not like you’re leaving, right?” I didn’t say anything. I stood there staring at him with a saddened look on my face, which seemed to be contagious. “It’s not like you’re leaving, right?” he repeated.
“Tyler…” I reached out to him, but he moved away. My worst fear had come true. He hated me.
“You promised me… you said you’d always be here for me, Y/N. You know I need you!” His eyes quickly turned glossy with tears welling up. I had promised that. But I also knew that I couldn’t always be there for him.
“I only got into one school, Ty! What else am I supposed to do? You know I want to do film,” I sighed, running a hand through my hair.
“You’re supposed to stay in Columbus with me!” he shouted back, two tears running down his face.
“It’s gonna to be okay, Tyler,” I moved closer to him, and the tears started pouring down his face, prompting me to bring him into a tight embrace. He started sobbing, bringing the reality of how much I meant to him to the front of my mind. I really hadn’t thought we were that close. He pulled away slightly from me and looked desperately into my eyes, his hands coming up and cupping my face in the most intimate way he’d ever treated me.
“I need you, Y/N. Don’t leave me alone.” I leant my forehead against his, my right hand cupping the back of his head.
“I’m sorry, Ty,” I whispered, closing my eyes. This was the moment he decided to press his lips to mine in a quick kiss, the saltiness of his tears bringing a depression to an otherwise desperate attempt to make me his. His lips were softer than I had expected them to be. I’d known Tyler through both of his high school girlfriends, and he’d never treated any of them like this before. I pulled away from the kiss, my eyes searching for some kind of explanation.
“Stay with me. I love you,” he pleaded.
“You know I can’t,” I responded, “but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you too.”
We spent the rest of the day walking through the forest and talking about the future. I’d decided to move to California and attend UCLA’s Film School on an arts scholarship. He still didn’t know what to do now that school was over; basketball was his life in school, but he didn’t want to keep doing it forever. We’d ultimately decided to make the most of the summer and make memories while we could, which resulted in a summer romance between us—the very thing I least expected when I’d woken up that morning.
The day I left for California was hard on Tyler, but I’d made sure to prepare him.
“Are you sure you have to go?” he asked, sitting on my bed while I packed my bags.
“You already know the answer to that. But you know we’ll text every day,” I looked up at him. We’d agreed to end the relationship when I left; four years on the other side of the country would make a serious relationship between us impossible, and we didn’t want to break up on bad terms. “Hey, don’t you have that music thing next week?” Tyler had met some people over the summer who were in local bands and had started attending gigs on the weekends.
“Yeah, but I’ll be too depressed missing you to write anything at the damn workshop,” he’d now rolled over onto his back and was looking at me upside down off the edge of the bed. We both knew that every second we had would be our last, and it was bringing the feeling in the room down.
“I’m proud of you, Ty. You know that, right?” He rolled back onto his stomach and jumped up in front of me.
“Yeah, I know, babe,” he used the one nickname I’d earned over the summer. He was the only one to ever call me that, and I loved him for it.
“I mean it. You’re going places.” I smiled up at him before pulling him in for a final hug. He pressed a kiss to my right temple before whispering, “I’m gonna miss you so much.”
“I love you,” I whispered back before pulling away to grab my suitcase and getting into my car. “Text me every day, Ty, and never ever stop dreaming.”
Summer 2012
I hadn’t spoken to Tyler in three years. He stopped texting me as we both got busier with school and work. The last I’d heard from him, he had formed a band with two of his community college friends, but in a call from my mom, she had told me it wasn’t working out. Other than the occasional call with my mom, I had no idea what was going on back home. For the last few years, I’d worked in the film industry as both a writer and director for short films, but no big projects had come out of it. I was sitting in my apartment eating breakfast on my first Saturday off in a month, ironically scrolling through my emails. Everything was from producers, except for one email from an address I was unfamiliar with: “Reel Bear Media.” I laughed at the film pun before opening the email addressed to “Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Dear Y/N Y/L/N,
My name is Mark. You don’t know me, but I’ve heard a lot about you from one of my clients. I’m well aware that you’re currently based in Los Angeles, California, but I have a work opportunity I’d like to offer you. I currently work as a content producer for an Ohio band with a small but rapidly growing fan base. I’d like to offer you the job (at the request of the front man) as a touring videographer for the band ‘Twenty One Pilots.’ I’ve attached my contact information and some of my photos if you’re interested.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Mark Eshleman”
I scrolled down to look at the attached photo file to come face to face with the boy—now man—I hadn’t seen in around six years.
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He’d finally done it. Tyler had finally had the opportunity to make his music. He’d met someone–who I was sure he got along well with–who could truly help him succeed. I pulled out my phone and dialled the saved number I had for Tyler, praying that he hadn’t changed his it. It rang once, twice, I looked at the clock to make sure the time zones were right, three times. 
“Tyler?” I crossed my fingers, hoping it was him. 
“Hi Y/N. It’s been a long time hasn’t it?” the sound of his voice had changed, deeper than the last time I’d heard it. I could hear the sound of his smirk, confidence sounded good on him. 
“I got the email from Mark. I can’t believe you remembered I did film, let alone even thought of me,” I spoke, the tone of surprise very clearly sounding through the phone. I could hear his laugh come through the speaker. 
“Of course I thought of you. There’s very little I wouldn’t do for you baby,” I grinned hearing the nickname for the first time since I left, “I take it you’re coming then?” I nodded, knowing he can’t see me at all but knew exactly what I’m doing. “Flights are booked then. Be at LAX at 12pm and Josh and I will be at the airport in Columbus as soon as you land.” I couldn’t believe he had the power to book plane tickets that quickly and pick exactly who he wanted as part of his project. 
“I'm so excited to see you! I just know Josh is gonna love you,” he spoke.
“Sorry, who’s Josh?”
A/N: I really really loved writing this one. It went from something I wasn't too sure about into something super cute ngl. I'll probably write a part two if people want it so make sure to either request it in the question box or comment below if you're keen. Also, please don't repost my writing onto other platforms because I do work hard to come up with these stories!
Thanks for reading <3
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z0mbiekisses · 3 days
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★⋆. ࿐࿔ ★⋆. ࿐࿔ ★⋆. ࿐࿔ ★⋆. ࿐࿔
a story where…
jasmine had her entire life planned. sure, maybe it wasn’t HER plans, HER dreams. but jasmine didn’t know anything different. she was on set for good day dema. jasmine was the stage manager, it was her job to make sure everything was perfect. to paint this image of what dema supposedly is. jasmine knew the city was far from pastels and upbeat music. however, this was her job. and she was determined to make sure she wouldn’t let the bishops down. but when jasmine saw tyler for the first time. something in her changed. but was jasmine really willing to sacrifice everything she has for some idea of “the outside” ? will tyler be enough to open her eyes to the truth?
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
playlist(wip); https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2yYKhpbeT1hFhl4PFDfYRa?si=Yuz4ah6MSRy21cjTiAvR3A&pi=u-xl9Jdur5ShCI
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
part one
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AUTHORS NOTE: hello!! this is my first time posting a fic on tumblr, despite me being no stranger to writing or tumblr lol. this is all in good fun!! i’m going to try my best to stick to the lore, however i might change things for story sake or get things wrong. if so im sorry!! this will also be pretty short, ill say this will be a 4 part series since this takes place so LATE in the lore. and i rather have a few lengthy parts than multiple short little “chapters”. this is also heavily inspired by @oldiesstationlover11607 work.. more specifically her 2 parter clancy series. PLEASE check out her work it’s some of my favorite!!!
ANYWAAYSSS!!!! i hope you guys enjoy this!! i look forward to writing!!
- val 🎀
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when-worlds-end · 7 days
BUT I AM PETRIFIED Written by Nessrin
Conception ~ August 29th, 2024 10:38AM Published ~ · · · Finished ~ · · ·
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Tyler (Ty) Joseph I care way more than I should about what you think of me.
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Joshua (Josh) Dun Bro, she's tearing you apart... and maybe in a good way.
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Alexis (Alex) Silvera You are that boy's faith, why won't you let yourself see it??
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0:00 Car Radio | Twenty One Pilots | "Sometimes quiet is violence..." 4:50 Stressed Out | Twenty One Pilots | "My name's blurry face and I care what you think..." 8:14 Tear In My Heart | Twenty One Pilots | "She's a tear in my heart, I'm alive..." 11:24 Holding On To You | Twenty One Pilots | "Entertain my faith..." 15:49 Trees | Twenty One Pilots | "I want to know you, I want to see, I want to say... hello..." 20:08 The Judge | Twenty One Pilots | "You're the judge, on no, set me free..." 25:07 Heavydirtysoul | Twenty One Pilots | "Can you save my heavy dirty soul?" 29:03 Doubt | Twenty One Pilots | "I'm no good without you..." 32:16 Vignette | Twenty One Pilots | "Where do I go from here?" 36:00 Fake You Out | Twenty One Pilots | "You say I'm not alone, but I am petrified..."
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AUTHOR'S NOTES Due to me wanting certain things to happen in this story, the TOP timeline has been altered/accelerated as well as moved forwards towards the current day. To clarify, I have shifted around the years so that things will happen a lot earlier than they did in real life (EX : Tyler and Josh will meet in high school rather than meeting when they're in their early 20s).
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DISCLAIMER I do not own any rights to Twenty One Pilots, their lyrics are not mine, their composition is not mine, their timeline is not mine, nor do I know them personally. Everything that happens in this story is a work of pure fiction and written explicitly for entertainment. If the members or their families ever state that they do not want fanfiction written about them/their loved ones, in whatever capacity that may relate to my story, I will take it down and respect all boundaries set.
I only own the storyline and any characters I personally created (EX : Alexis).
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tialaises · 3 years
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dunstory · 3 years
Pairing: Josh Dun x Reader
Warnings: Anxiety, Panic Attack, Fluff
A/N: sooo, this is my first writing ever! all of this came from a dream i had last may, so i thought i could turn this into an imagine. also, there is a lot of lowercases because im to lazy to correct… sorry!! hope yall enjoy, feedback is appreciated!!
gif is not mine!
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yellow, white and red lights came from everywhere. it was happening, the first twenty one pilots convention ever. there were some people with their yellow tapes and bandanas, some with their red beanies and white glasses, even some people cosplaying as the bishops.
everything looked great. unfortunately, you weren't able to stay with josh in the backstage because him and tyler had a lot of interviews to attend and stuff. so you had the chance to explore the convention as yourself. as a clikkie that you first were, not just as Josh Dun's girlfriend. of course, some people recognized you and asked for pictures, which you happily accepted.
you spent most of your time at the stand where the clikkies were playing their tøp covers. you were amazed by their talent and passion, it was just fascinating. you even got yourself to play heavydirtysoul on the drums with another dude, you never felt so cool.
and then it was time. their special concert was about to start. As you arrived to the area, the majority of the fans that were already there recognized you and insisted for you to stay in the front row. at first everything was great, until you actually went to your saved place and started hearing some comments about you.
"she's just not it."
"she doesn't belong here."
"i don't claim her."
"josh deserves WAY better than this."
"she's a whore. she only wants his money."
to say that you're insecure is an understatement, but you could deal with it occasionally, josh knew everything about it and was always there for you.
except for now.
all the overheard voices ignited a bad feeling that you forgot you ever had. it was it. 3 minutes before your boyfriend concert, and you were about to have a panic attack. you were glad that there were chairs for everyone, so you sat and breathed deeply and slowly, as you always practiced. you thought you were going to be ok, until a girl a few rows behind you yelled:
"look how excited she is for her boyfriend's concert!oh my god. she's the only one seated."
you were about to say something back until someone else yelled
"that bitch must be pregnant! she just wanted his baby so he could give her all his money, i am sure."
dear. lord.
"why didn't I just stay home" played repeatedly in your head. but you had to focus on josh, after all, you were there for him.
and just as you calmed down, the lights came to a halt and the concert started. to be honest, you were really glad that it was a pocket show so the boys couldn't interact that much physically with the crowd because the constant movement and yelling was making you dizzy and more overwhelmed by every second, so you were glad that josh wouldn't be able to se your visibly uncomfortable face.
you loved the boys' concerts, you truly did. but you just couldn't wait for this one to finish, to be honest.
at this point, you couldn't even pay attention to tyler's singing, you just had to focus on keeping yourself on its place. considering that you were on the verge of having a panic attack and you couldn't dare to sit down while you're feeling dizzy, nauseous and slowly losing your conscience.
gladly, you could still cry. people would just think that you were thrilled. so that's what you did. you ugly cried until you heard the last screams of "hello" from tyler, meaning that trees was about to end and so was the concert. you couldn't even believe it when the music came to a halt and all you could hear was screams and applauses. these were surely the longest 50 minutes of your life.
as the boys came to the front to bow, josh started to look for you and as he found your eyes, his heart dropped. he knew you too well. he knew you weren't crying because of the concert, bur yes because of something else, most likely your anxiety got the best of you.
he was feeling so bad for you, for having left you alone and now seeing you in this state. he felt and the guilty over him. in a matter of seconds, after tyler said "we're twenty one pilots and so are you" he whispered something in a rush in his ear and he nodded, giving him the permission to run to you.
as he reached you, you started crying even more. you were too overwhelmed at this point. he then grabbed your hands firmly and asked "hey, hey, easy. are you ok?" and you shook your head weakly, feeling like you wouldn't last too long.
"ok, do you think you can jump this grid?" he asked and you nodded with a weak smile. with a help of two securities and the strong arms of your loved one, you made it to his arms. he grabbed you in bridal style and rushed out of the convention center, while kissing your forehead.
at this point, you were crumbling completely, letting all your feelings out. you were embarrassed, nervous, overwhelmed but above all, relieved for being finally in the arms of the man you loved the most. when you arrived outside, josh sat on the floor with you on his arms. he held you tightly, never wanting to let you go, he loved you so much that he couldn't put into words, so he demonstrated with actions, all the time.
and the same goes for you, you adored him, you never felt such as a thing as you felt your love for josh, it was overwhelming, but in good way actually.
he didn't ask you any questions. he just held you, kissing your forehead, massaging your back and eventually taking your hair out of your face. he stayed in silence with you, just gesturing with his hands the breathing exercises that you both had been practicing. once he made sure your breath was controlled, he just made his magic.
"and it was all yellow..." he sang lowly, only enough for you and him to listen.
it was like the whole world stopped, and it was just you and him. he forgot about his problems and commitments, even the meet&greet's that were about to happen after the show, he forgot they existed, his priority was you and you only.
"your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones..." he kept singing, shyly but doing it all for you.
you couldn't believe this, your favorite song being sang by your favorite person. he knew just the right buttons to press to make you feel like yourself again. you could feel your tears slowly drying and you smiled weakly against his chest, feeling the comfort you could never get tired of. feeling your smile encouraged josh to sing louder, as a way to also express his feelings, especially what he felt for you.
"turn in to something beautiful..."
you knew it wasn't going to be the last time you were going to hear his pretty voice sing. now that you knew that he would do this for you, you would always get the best of it. at this point, you were almost crying of joy. he was too sweet for you.
"do you know, you know i love you so.."
now, you had forgotten about the last one and a half hours of your life. you were back into your reality, where you felt good and happy, all of this because you had this yellow headed smiley boy by your side, always. to make an honor to him, you got all the strength you had left after crying a river and sang the last verse with him.
"you know i love you so... much." you nearly whispered the last word.
as he heard your tired voice, josh looked down at you with pure love in his eyes, that face that once was full of concern was now relaxed again, as the smile that he loved so much was returned to you.
all you knew was that you're going to be okay, it didn't matter what'd have to deal later in social media and press. you were okay, and while Josh was by your side, you'd always be. no matter what. even if he was comforting you from a panic attack in the middle of a sidewalk. it was just okay. after all, for him, you'd bleed yourself dry. and so would him for you.
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megalodun · 7 years
the skies in your eyes
josh dun x reader
warning: it's 1 am and i don't feel like using capitalisation. be warned. warning b: is this even cute, i don't know. no smut though.
sometimes you wondered how it felt like to fly. the wind in your hair, and the air pressure slowly draining you of breath. tonight was one of those nights. you laid across the empty park's freshly mowed grass, your watch reading 2:30 in the morning. oddly enough, you feel a presence approach and sit beside you. you didn't bother looking, nor acknowledging the person.
"lovely night, isn't it?" you hear a low voice ask. you shift you eyes a little, and notice strands of bright yellow hair sticking out of his cap.
"no stars out tonight, but it's okay, i guess," you reply quite hesistantly.
"but doesn't the night sky look cool? imagine flying up there,"
"that's just what i was thinking," you smile. he didn't seem too bad, you think. you continue to look up, and feel him slowly lay himself down with a bit of distance next to you. you found yourself not minding.
"i go here sometimes," you say. "to think."
"about what?"
"anything really. flying, walking, living, dying. depends on my mood."
"i see you here a lot of times too," he says. "just got around to saying hi, i guess."
"well then, hello to you too." you found yourself enjoying his company. he listened to your thoughts, and you listened to his too. apparently he plays for a band, which you thought was cool. he didn't think too highly of himself though. you liked that. the sky lightens, signaling the approaching sunrise. you sit up as he does, and you finally get a good look of his face. his hair became even more vibrant with the soft light of the morning, his eyes a deep shade of brown.
"your eyes," he says, shaking you from your trance.
"what about them?"
"i can see the sky. it's very pretty." he smiles. you observed how his eyes slightly squinted.
"thank you," you fluster a little.
"i'm (y/n) by the way," you stand, offering your hand to him. he takes your hand to pull himself up, and shakes it lightly.
"mine's josh. nice to meet you."
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