#and he's not really a mermaid
madwheelerz · 1 year
Most Hip and Horrific
Mike almost burst into laughter when Max tosses the mirror up to his face. He knows what she's doing, but-
"You think I'm a vampire?" He asked, brow raised.
Max shrugged, sliding into place next to him and looking at the mirror, or he assumed at least he couldn't really tell because of her glasses.
"Worth a shot," She murmured, "leave no stone unturned and all that,"
"Look," Mike started as the rounded up to his locker, "since I've gotten to this school," he opened the locker, "people have assumed I'm a witch,"
Max snickered.
"A ghost, a cupid-" Max was full on laughing now.
"Well, now you can add vampire to your growing list, Wheeler,"
Mike rolled his eyes. It's no surprise though, he was in a school of monsters after all and none of his fellow students had managed to figure out what type of monster he was. Some of them had come to the conclusion that he was human and simply attending for fun.
"None of those is even remotely correct,"
"Well unless you're human-"
"Nope, no way Mayfield that's for you guys to figure out," He grabed his books and shut the locker.
"You're enjoying this way too much," Max said as the snakes on her head started wriggling in annoyance.
Mike shrugged.
The class was filled with chatter when the two of them arrived. The only two seats that were available were probably the worst in the class. They were directly in the instructor's line of sight and Mike groaned.
"Again, seriously?" He asked.
Max opted to ignore him and make her way to her seat. This was going to be a boring class. Mike reluctantly followed suit.
"Well class…" Mike took the opportunity to scan the class as his, mildly ancient, instructor droned in. El, who was clearly not paying attention to the class, waved at him. One of her hands, cleanly detached at the stitches, is in the process of giving the other a manicure.
Mike half expects the hand to start doing a dance when that's over with, but at least El was entertained. He smiled at her and then at Will, sitting next to her.
Just as Mike was about to reluctantly turn his attention to the board, several students, including Max, got up. She came back with a heater and some beakers.
"You're getting the rest of the supplies," Max offers.
Mike groaned as the second wave of students began to go up. He goes with them. El, clearly of the correct opinion that he hadn't been paying attention, stops next to him in line.
"Here," She said, offering him the hand that had been doing her manicure.
"Oh, thanks El," Mike gently took the hand from her as their turn at the supplies came up. El smiled and waved, with her still attached hand, before heading off to grab her own supplies one-handed.
Mike briefly wondered if he should offer to help her, but just as the debate in his hand began El had already started heading back to her seat with her supplies gathered in one arm.
Mike shook his head and gently placed the hand El had given him down so that it could gather the supplies for him. His instructor either didn't notice or couldn't be bothered to care because nothing was said.
Gathering up the supplies, Mike made his way back to his seat. Max groaned and got started working on their experiment, which Mike still didn't know, while Mike leaned as far back from the fire as possible.
"Ohhhhhh, poor Max getting stuck with all the work," Dustin teased.
Right. Dustin and Lucas were right behind them.
"I'll dump this on you when I'm done," Max said flatly.
"Please don't. Suzie would hate that-" Dustin started, hooves tapping nervously.
"What are we making again?" Mike asked, leaning back in his chair slightly.
"Wow, you really zoned out there," Lucas snickered.
"Maybe," Mike conceded.
"It's a glow potion genius. Makes you glow and stuff," Max answered gruffly, completely concentrated on mixing the potion.
Mike didn't justify that with an answer.
Max made Mike drink the potion. He and half of his classmates were glowing brightly like fireflies.
"This sucks," Mike groaned. Max snickered next to him.
"Well I made it, which means-"
"I have to drink it," Mike finished, "yeah, yeah, I'm aware of our agreement Mayfield,"
Mike was absolutely being annoying by calling Max by her last name so he wasn't exactly surprised that she aimed a kick at his leg.
"Ow, seriously?"
"Yeah, seriously," She mocked.
Mike rolled his eyes. "Where are we heading anyway,"
"The pool. El wanted to watch the fear squad race against the swim team,"
El wanting to watch the fear quad made sense, Mike was pretty sure she wanted to join. What didn't make sense was why the fear squad would want to race the swim team.
Mike paused, "Why-"
"I don't know,"
That tracked.
Mike shrugged and followed Max to the pool where the fear squad was, predictably, being dominated by the swim team. His eyes scanned the room looking for an signs of El or their other friends and upon finding none, his eyes settled down on the race between the fear squad and swim team.
"They're not very good at this are they?" Mike asked flatly as one of the fearleaders made a very poor attempt to hasten their swimming.
"They're swimming against sea monsters,"
"Exactly," Although he might've said that, Mike was pretty sure that a majority of the poor swimming he was witnessing was at least partially due to a lack of skill. If you asked him it all seemed very unsafe, but with all the swim team members around it was unlikely anything would happen.
"Does El want to join the swim team too or something?" Mike asked. It wasn't uncommon, although it wasn't necessarily common either. Max snorted and as though saying her name summoned the young frankenmonster, El seemingly materialized from behind the bleachers and waved. As she started making her way over, the rest of the party followed suit.
Lucas was so focused on his phone that Mike was surprised he didn't trip. Distantly, Mike took a moment to marvel at the fact that he could even use a phone.
"Hey! Pharaoh eyes on the prize!" Just as the words left Max, Lucas nearly tripped over some discarded piece of swim gear. Oh. There it is. That's what Lucas got for not focusing.
He put the phone away. El giggled and Max grinned. Dustin and Will both seemed exasperated and Mike? Mike laughed.
"Seriously man," Lucas chided when the party arrived.
"You should've seen your face," Mike said between bouts of laughter. Lucas had seemed so out of it when he'd nearly fallen. It was hilarious.
Lucas continued to sulk. "She looks like she's gonna win," El said, pointing at one of the swimmers.
Mike takes a break from laughing to observe the race with El.
"Really? I think she's more likely to win," Mike said, pointing at another swimmer.
The two of them go back and forth with their bets until the end of the race. The girl Mike had pointed out won.
The teams pack up and leave. It goes well for about five minutes until Walsh shows up. The party is just about ready to leave too, the swim team has already left along with ninety percent of the fear squad.
"Well, well, well look what we have here the little odd squad,"
Mike could feel irritation welling up inside him already.
"You know it's no wonder you lot seem so drawn to each other, your basically normals disguised as monsters," Walsh sneered.
"I could show you what a normie is right now," Max mumbled under her breath, fingers twitching as though she was getting ready to remove her sunglasses.
"What was that?"
"I said, I'll show you what a normie is right now!" Max snapped.
"A normie," Walsh started, "acts exactly like your little friend," he walked towards El at this and snatched her bracelet, "here," at this he tossed El's bracelet into the pool.
Mike felt his anger rise.
"At least she's got a personality on her," Mike snapped.
For some reason that must have been Walsh's breaking point because the next thing Mike knows his lungs are full of water, meaning that Walsh had pushed him in.
The freak out that ensued above the pool was epic.
"What the hell Walsh?!" Max screamed, the only thing between her and turning Waldh into stone being Lucas's hold on her.
"You drowned him?" El asked, hesitantly.
Will looked between freaked out and ready to attack while Dustin seemed like he was trying to figure out what he'd just witnessed.
It looked like Walsh had managed to drown Mike which was illegal and would definitely get him expelled. Someone had rushed off and apparently gotten a teacher seeing as Ms. Kelly had wandered in with a student trailing after her.
"What is going on?" She asked, tone leaving no room for anything that wasn't an answer.
"Troy drowned Wheeler!" A student shouted.
The face that Ms. Kelly made was interesting, it was something between rage and complete disbelief.
"Troy Walsh drowned Michael Wheeler?" She repeated slowly, as though she was trying to see if the words would fit.
"Yes," the student stated, although they didn't sound like they were sure anymore.
"Well," Ms. Kelly started as the water started shifting around behind her, "I'd be surprised if Walsh-"
Mike popped up behind her at that, but he didn't look quite like the Mike that the party was used to. For one, he had scales, fins, and gills.
"-managed to drown a sea monster," Ms. Kelly finished as Mike raised a webbed hand, showcasing El's bracelet.
"Found your bracelet," Mike said, with a grin.
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majimasleftasscheek · 4 months
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eeljima for MerMay 👀
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crow-n-tell · 1 year
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A lil future doofiness with moon and reader that’s been in the sketches for a bit
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parcai · 1 year
the little mermaid also KILLED by making it caribbean themed like so true actually eric IS the only white guy who washed up on their shores + survived only bc a mother loved him, and then bc a mermaid did. the dancing + music + colors r all sm better + also makes way more sense rip to everyone who hated black ariel ur ken doll prince is the outsider (+ knows it), not miss bailey
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mutliwankenobi · 1 year
there is literally nothing sluttier than a man in a white linen shirt with the top two buttons undone
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quirkylilcumlord · 2 months
farcille in a hypothetical beach episode would include marcille sunbathing really close to the water because falin is making extremely detailed sand civilisations along the moist shore
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g0nefischin · 3 months
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Definitely not mermay anymore but here's the last 3 sirens I wanted to do
and some explanation on why I choose what I did under the cut
(little warning for parasites on fresh's section)
So from left to right
Dream is a golden colored koi carp fish, I picked it because they are very pretty and they represent a lot of positive things like luck and fortune, some people even wish on them to make their dreams come true :> I also thought of the legend where a golden koi fish climbs a large waterfall to turn into a dragon, so they have some mythical legends as well. In terms of the actual fish, Koi are very sociable and sturdy, they also live for quite awhile.
Nightmare is a coelacanth, he should probably be an octopus considering he has tentacles, but I really wanted to make him a coelacanth because I think they are neat. Coelacanth's are very old with the latest fossils being over 400 million years old, they were thought to be extinct until one was found in 1938, grandpa nightmare. They are also nocturnal, sleeping in caves during the day, they live deep in the ocean as well. 
Fresh is actually a two in one, he is a rainbow parrotfish with a tongue-eating louse in his mouth. Out of alI the bright fish I did a parrotfish because I really like their gradients, and I think the magenta fins fit his jacket. He's a parasite inside of a Sans body, so I picked a fish parasite to go along with the fish half of his body. I chose the tongue-eating louse, a type of parasite that replaces a fish's tongue. It first severs the blood vessels to the tongue and once it falls off takes its place. feeding on nutrients and acting as a new tongue for the rest of the fish's life, very cool and terrifying.
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meii-jasmine · 2 years
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Elliott as the Little Merman!
Headcanon: Elliott dresses up as merman Ariel to make Jas happy
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simonsezsewart · 4 months
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my mermay contribution✨
Oh my god…
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I’m absolutely screaming
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mossy-paws · 6 months
Slingshot! (PHIGHTING! Mermaid au)
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Fish,,, flying fish Shot,,, get it because he can walk on air
next one is boombox!
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starrspice · 6 months
I've been meaning to ask, in the Silent Shanty au, how do Eclipse and Y/n know each other? And why doesn't Y/n remember him?
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Well, they spent a summer together a long time ago.
Eclipse would travel overseas with his father during the summer, and while playing on the beach one afternoon he got swept out to sea by the current. Y/N helped pull him back to shore, and the two played together everyday that summer.
Those summer memories have always held a place in Eclipse’s heart, and he’s spent years trying to find them again. But it was such a long time ago Y/N’s nearly forgotten
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crow-n-tell · 1 year
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I sketched this after making this post but I don't think I will be using it. Have some overprotective sun.
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monasdiabolica · 2 months
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here i go again
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allastoredeer · 4 months
I agree with your whole take on Lucifer being a complicated, multi-faceted, ego-driven character that would be the top in a relationship with Alastor.
One aspect I love about their dueling egos is that Alastor is used to being the one charming others, or antagonizing. Lucifer in top form is perfectly capable of both and in antagonism I think they match up well (That whole Looney-Tunes Dad Beat Dad show for example).
But Lucifer has millennia of experience charming people, original tempter for lord's sake, and I believe Alastor would balk at sincerity. Especially, since he's used to smarmy manipulations and fake charisma.
Lucifer is many things, but fake is not one of them. Like Alastor he is very sure of who he is, he doesn't have to project a fake persona, he just code-switches like everyone else based on who he's interacting with. IF he felt inclined to compliment Alastor, it would be sincere.
And that would put Alastor on the back foot, in a good way.
All this to say, Lucifer could play Alastor like a fiddle and do so without making him feel like he's being personally attacked, after enough time at least. Alastor would have a helluva time trying to do the same because he loves needling others and would be terrified to let his guard down enough for that kind of openness.
I love all the analysis this fandom has on Hazbin's characters.
Sometimes, it's so easy to forget just how ancient Lucifer is. That guy witnessed the birth of the Earth. He was there when humanity was first created. He has been alive for a loooooong time, and it's fun to consider the experiences he's had in comparison to the other characters in the show.
And yeah, I agree about Lucifer being a charmer, cuz, like you said, he was the original tempter. And I also agree that he's not very fake. Or, at least, he's not very good at trying to be fake. It was very, very obvious how he felt about the hotel when he was first looking at it XD
Alastor would 100% balk at sincerity and I think once Lucifer realizes that, he'd be one-upping Alastor on a daily basis. Arguing and getting defensive is exactly the outcome Alastor is expecting (the outcome he wants). He's not used to someone responding to his jabs/needling with sincerity. What's he supposed to do with that? He's not going to be genuine back, that's wacky nonsense.
LOL it'd leave him fumbling so bad.
And, just to make it extra fun, I don't think Lucifer expects Alastor to be sincere in return, so when Alastor realizes he can level the playing field by using Lucifer's own trick against him, you bet your bonnet he's going to do it. Anything to have the last laugh, however hard it is for him to pry an honest answer from his teeth.
This is to say, Alastor opening up and building an honest and sincere relationship with someone out of pettiness and spite is the most Alastor way to form a connection, and I'm so here for it.
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sunonwaxyleaves · 3 months
After hanging out with Sirius’ little brother for a few months now - sometimes the three of them but more and more just the two of them - James first realizes he’s in love with Regulus on a summer night with cheeks warm from sunburn and sweet red wine. They’re on an old leather couch at a party Sirius is throwing at the Potter’s beach house, and Regulus rests his head on James’ shoulder with a deep, heavy sigh. Absolutely plastered, he mutters in defeat, “I think I’m now ready to admit that I’ve probably missed my chance at becoming a mermaid.” James wants to laugh until his stomach cramps, wants to kiss him on his peeling lips and point out that Regulus turns 21 in just one week, what does he mean he’s willing to admit this now, but instead he shrugs lightly and rests his head on Regulus’. He says in that cocky voice of his that makes far too many people swoon, “You’d be the prettiest mermaid of them all” and Regulus would roll his eyes even though James couldn’t see, he’d bury his head further into James’ neck, and tell him “Yeah, James, obviously”.
And then a week would pass, the morning of Regulus’ 21st birthday, and he’d wake up before anyone else and sneak out of the house for his morning run. Sometimes on the really hot days, like the day of his 21st birthday, he’d cool off in the ocean before walking back to the house, the walk long enough to let the sun dry him a bit.
Except this time was different.
Regulus runs and jumps into the ocean, does a few slow strokes atop the rolling waves, then promptly begins to scream bloody murder in the blink of an eye; his legs have become so heavy it’s as if an overweight adult man is clinging to him. He twists and turns his body, lifts his cement legs up to see what the fuck is going on, freezes, starts drowning, then screams even as his mouth fills with saltwater.
Where his legs are supposed to be - where they used to be - there is now a beautiful emerald mermaid tail with scales that glitter tiny rainbows like the polish on his finger nails.
A mile away, the split second Regulus screams the first time, James wakes from a deep slumber with a gasp so sharp it throws him into a coughing fit. He drinks from the glass of water on his bedside table and grabs his phone before leaning back onto the fluffy pillows, pulling up his messages to text the birthday boy.
(7:02am) Happy birthday Reggie!!!! 21 WOOHOO!!!!!
(7:03am) Are u back from ur run?? Do u want blueberry or chocolate chip pancakes?
(7:04am) Had the craziest dream last night. Need to tell u all about it over some Potter Pancakes(;
(7:26am) Reggie??
(7:38am) Sirius said u never came back from ur run is everything okay???
(7:41am) Ur freaking me out Reg can u pls respond
(7:55am) Wherever u are: STAY THERE
(7:55am) I’m coming to find u. Call me when u see these, pls pls please
(8:06am) Where the fuck are you, Regulus?????
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arttsuka · 5 hours
what’s the bad ending to mer-fidd?
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Getting cannibalised by Bill probably
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