#and he's fast and strong obviously
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months ago
Second prompt is a lil crazier but I can’t stop thinkin about it: what about a flash forward to older Heracles! He’s a big strong warrior now and an even bigger mama’s boy, respects his pops and somehow they end up in trouble so of COURSE he has to help them! He owes them everything! idk just a thought, do with that what you will and I’m excited to read it! Thank you <3
"Everyone, get back!"
The days of war in Athens had finally calmed, but now Deviants were more common than ever. Where they had been all this time was a mystery, but the attacks were now a daily occurrence.
"Off the battlefield!" Thena ordered as she swung first her spear and then her sword. The Deviant reared back after getting sliced through its eye. She turned. "Now!"
Heracles offered a grin, as if that would soften his defiance of her. "But the people need help!"
Heracles had grown from a mischievous human child into a man fit to be named a demigod by the people. Born a human but raised by the gods, Athenians would say. He was of towering stature now, hair golden and noble of character. He had a fine weapon, forged by the hands of the Great Champion himself.
Although it was said he could often be seen in town walking alongside an old mutt with a wooden children's toy hanging from his belt.
Thena huffed, turning her attention back to the battle at hand. "It was not up for discussion."
Thena circled the beast. It was massive, like the Bull back in Babylon. It was shaped like a cavalry horse, if massive. Perhaps the story of the Trojan horse would become muddled with this as time went on. "Up!"
Gilgamesh, as if apparating from thin air, appeared at her side and grasped her waist. He even made a full turn, using his strength and velocity to throw the Goddess of War into the air. He put his hand up to his eyes to shield them from the sun, admiring her like a shooting star. "Wow."
Even with Gilgamesh's help, she landed just above the creature's haunches. She closed both palms and dug her swords both into its wiry musculature. It reared up in pain, leaving her to dangle from them with only her own strength.
"Hang on!" Heracles, having ushered the last of the citizens away from the immediate vicinity of danger, rushed forward. He ran straight at the creature, his eyes on the woman hanging onto its back.
Both Gilgamesh and Heracles swarmed like bees to a flower, watching and waiting anxiously to see if Thena would be thrown from the goliath's back from sheer force of its movements.
Upon its back, she gritted her teeth. "Accursed thing."
She changed the shape of her blades within its flesh, hoping to lodge them therein like fish hooks or poison barbs. But the horse was easily the height of the city gates back on its rear legs like this. If anything, it was only standing up too tall--too far back. She let go of her own accord, swinging herself around. "Gilgamesh! Send it that way!"
He frowned. He didn't want his choice to be between catching her and saving entire blocks of the city. But he raised his fist, charging his energy around it. It wasn't as if the fall could do any real damage. He just would prefer to be the one catching her.
Gilgamesh punched up in the creature's direction. No contact had to be made. He was able to avoid hitting Thena in the crossfire, sending a blast of Cosmic Energy up at the thing's back, forcing it to fall towards the cliffs and away from the edge of town.
Heracles caught her. He had taken a running leap and jumped at a height that was questionable for any human. He even landed successfully, his sandals sliding on the dirt path of the city's entrance for some distance. He looked at the Goddess of War, "you okay?"
Thena frowned up at him (the large child, as far as she was concerned). "Unhand me."
"What?" he laughed, as if this were all a game they were playing.
"I told you to get to safety, that is what," she huffed at him, standing from his embrace and dusting her spotless white dress off. "You are mortal, since it bears repeating."
Young man as he was, now, Heracles still turned his big, sad eyes on her. "I know. But the people need protecting, even if you and Pops have it under control."
She huffed. She could not deny that protecting humans was always the goal, and that surely having more help with it was not a problem. But that meant conceding that the human before her was no longer a child clinging to her with a snotty nose looking for pastry scraps.
She had to concede that he was grown enough to risk his life if he so chose.
"The citizens are clear of the area. They will need you to protect them if the walls are breached," she sufficed to say.
They watched as the massive horse fell, shaking the earth around them. Its back crumbled the cliffside and sent it tumbling down the side of the mountain. The road into the city from the shoreline would be compromised, but at least it and the city gates were standing yet.
Heracles looked at the Eternals, now both shorter than he. "Hephaestus is gonna be mad."
Gilgamesh crossed his arms at him. "I would think the mortal one here shouldn't be the most reckless one."
"Exactly my thoughts," Thena joined him in their united front against Heracles' disobedience.
The human blinked as both of them turned the disapproval on him. He took a step back, holding his hands up in front of him, as if choosing not to see their disapproving frowns would keep them from existing. "Hey, I was just trying to help."
"And since when do I need assistance?"
Gilgamesh snorted. Heracles had stepped right into that dung pile.
The young man cleared his throat, correcting his posture and leaning down in an invitation for her to ruffle his hair. "Never, Goddess Athena."
Thena uncrossed her arms, pushing his head up and away, which ruffled his hair by happenstance. "Agitating child."
He rose to his full height again with a grin. "Yes, Mother."
Thena gave up on lecturing him, choosing to examine the damage and peer down to see if the creature still breathed.
Gilgamesh chuckled at the mortal man, facing down the Goddess of War with such cheek. "You're lucky she's fond of you, or you'd be down there with that thing."
"You think I don't know that?" Heracles laughed. He had inherited Gilgamesh's mirth and zealous sense of humour, of all things.
"It's still alive."
The two of them rushed over. Heracles eagerly reached out to pull Thena out of the path of danger. Gilgamesh slid forward to take his place alongside her, in contrast. But it didn't matter; all three of them plummeted down the cliff as the Deviant attempted to claw its way back up to the city limits.
Its gargantuan hooves slapped into the cliffs, crumbling massive boulders in its wake and making it tumble down even further with every attempt.
Gilgamesh threw himself at both Thena and Heracles, holding his arms above his head. He grunted as he did have to endure a boulder or two before Thena added her power to his and skewered a few with her trident. "Where's Sersi when you need her?"
The dust settled and the three emerged. Thena looked at Heracles extensively. "Unscathed?"
"Yes, yes, I'm fine," he chuckled as she turned and twisted his head, poked at his arms, even jabbed him in the ribs between the plates of his armour. "Ow!"
"Do not leave your vitals exposed," she took the time to lecture before going to check on the Deviant again.
Heracles ruffled his own golden hair as he followed. "You battle in a toga."
Gilgamesh elbowed him. "Don't talk back to the Goddess of War."
The human sighed, knowing he was outnumbered by his unwavering mentors/parents. "Yes, sir."
The horse was indeed still alive. But as much as Eternals were not gifted swimmers, Deviants truly sank like stones. The monster was thrashing as it continued to tumble downward until it reached the shoreline. Its own mass would soon drown it.
"We should bring Sersi, tell her to expand the landmass and keep that thing's body contained within the rock," Thena declared, still watching until the fight left her enemy's body.
"That's gonna make for some wild fossils someday," Gilgamesh muttered to himself as he too watched. Of course, he only watched for as long as Thena did. He slid his eyes over to her. "Should we...go get her now?"
"We must be certain this thing won't try to claw its way on land again." The Goddess of War had spoken, and that was that.
Both men sighed heavily.
She turned back to them and their petulance. "We will have to climb back up the cliff regardless."
They had indeed fallen a great distance.
Heracles leaned over the edge slightly, holding his hand up mostly for dramatic effect. "It's in the water now, I'm sure it won't take long to be submerged completely."
By the time he turned, Thena was already in Gilgamesh's arms, held like a maiden. His jaw dropped in offense at the idea that they were leaving him there. "Hey!"
"Since you're so tough, you can keep an eye out until Sersi gets here," Gilgamesh chuckled, happily holding his Goddess in his arms and preparing to jump most if not all the height they fell.
"Indeed," Thena agreed, furthering the betrayal. "If you do not wish to listen to my instruction, then you can take the service roads back up to the city. As mortals do."
Heracles pursed his lips (a habit picked up from the goddess herself). "This is unjust."
"Have Sersi walk back with you if dusk falls," Thena pointed out lastly before Gilgamesh charged energy under his feet and took off like a rock from a trebuchet.
Heracles shouted after his petulant parents (always sneaking away to canoodle). "I am not a child!"
#Thenamesh Heracles AU#thank you so much for the ask I really hope you like it!!!!#this one is a little lighter than the last#I just think Heracles would be all fun and games#he grows up so fast#and he's fast and strong obviously#he got trained by two of the finest warriors the planet has ever seen#also yes I totally picture him like a blonde disney hercules#and he's so cheeky#he loves joking around like Gil#and he loves acting like a little mama's boy for Thena#she acts so annoyed but he can see how happy it makes her when he still comes over#tail wagging for her approval#the first time he wins in a battle or lands a bullseye or wins a race against Makkari's light jog#he's like did you see Mama Thena I won!!!!#Thena pretends to be uninterested but she couldn't be prouder#also he does still have that little sword she whittled for him when he was a kid#it's his most treasured possession#that and his old dog Odysseus#Thena still calls it Canis (Dog)#Heracles fights the occasional Deviant that makes its way into town#he protects the people keeps buildings from crushing them that kinda thing#Thena has to be both#proud of him for being such a noble protector of the innocent#and horrified that the little boy who used to cry to her for every little thing is now risking his life on the daily#and now that he's an adult#he realises just how ooey gooey and snuggly and gross his parents really are#he drags himself up the long way to the city like seriously?!!?!#Thena and Gilgamesh are having a romantic candlelit dinner feeding each other grapes#welcome back son have some dinner with your folks
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arohuacheng · 2 years ago
what people don't get about hualian is that they're literally like. jock and alternative art student. xie lian lives like a frat boy (mattress on the floor and nothing else in his room, no standards for his own well-being, can't cook and ends up eating what could be classified as biohazards) and is really enthusiastic about fighting as a hobby. meanwhile hua cheng rocks up to the function in his cunty little outfits every day of the week, bells on his boots and the red eyeliner slayed, obviously has taste but is soooo in love with his boyfriend who only ever wears cargo shorts and the most fucked up questionable hoodies you've ever seen. hua cheng wants xie lian to have nice things but it's always like. "babe i promise it's no trouble can we please get you a bedframe??" nd xie lian is obviously so enamored with his cool alt boyfriend who wears skirts sometimes and never misses a beat on a bitchy comment that's just the way it is. basically if your hualian concept doesn't have hua cheng as the hot goth gf you just don't get it
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regulationhottie7905 · 1 month ago
as somebody who works with kids, the fact that some characters are genuinely scared of Nico is so goddamn funny to me 😭 like. that’s a middle schooler. that is a clinically depressed middle schooler. what is he gonna do to you? hide behind the wall when you’re in the bathroom and yell “BOO!” when you jump out????
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titsthedamnseason · 1 year ago
#i feel bad saying this bc in the forward brandon says that sazed’s character arc gave him a lot of trouble in the back half of the series#but i can definitely sense that#i don’t really love the direction that it took#i mean i actually do think that him losing faith in the one thing he dedicated his life to is a really strong plot#like it’s the most Serious and unexpected but sadly believable thing that could happen to a character like sazed#but i’m unfortunately not convinced that tindwyl’s death would cause this#and i swear im not just being a hater because i didn’t like her a lot as a character#i just mean that we never really saw them interact that much? and sort of knew that they’d known each other back in terris but there were no#flashbacks or anything and so much of the past was tinged with animosity#so imo their love story came on kind of fast and didn’t convince me#which is why i think i can’t by grief for tindwyl as the reason for sazed’s prolonged mental breakdown#and i also feel bad saying this next part because personal grief obviously changes and affects a person more than other objective deaths#but sazed if fr acting like nobody else has ever died before#like sir your nation is in the midst of a millennia long still ongoing tragedy and desperately needs your specific help now#GET IT TOGETHER MAN!#mine#juli reads the cosmere#in his last pov he said something like ‘yes people have been dying this whole time but tindwyl was Different’ well actually no she wasn’t!#the rest of the terrismen are actively being targeted right now. let’s focus on that if you’re so worried babes!
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iwannaleavemymind · 3 months ago
(All jjk men🫥)
Here’s their favorite positions imo;
Choso; probably cowgirl, you facing him so he can see your fucked out expression and to see the way your tits bounce when you’re sloppily taking him with your mean hips bouncing up and down his cock- 🐇
Geto; omg from the side, having one of his arms hooked under your leg while he fucks his length into you, his tip hitting your g spot every time making your squirm and moan under him<3 👩‍🦽‍➡️
Sukuna; oh wow definitely Full Nelson imo; he loves seeing your legs shake helplessly while he holds them up, hips meeting yours in hard, deep, thrusts kissing your cervix by how fucking deep he is.⛓️
Nanami; good old fashioned missionary, loves holding your wrists above your head with your legs wrapped around his torso, allowing him to fuck into you deeper with your sweet little moans and whimpers slipping past your lips. 🤟
Gojo; phew he’s a wildcard, most likely tabletop, bent over? Yes. Propped up sitting and facing him while he pushes down on your stomach to feel where he is? Yes. Loves it either way, he knows his dick game is good and loooves seeing it all over your face and hearing it in your voice. ♠️
Toji; doggystyle, you cannot convince me he isn’t an ass guy. Loves it when his mean hips snap against your and the way your ass jiggles when he fucks your tight core at a dizzying pace; meanly grabbing your hips and holding your in place. 🐕
They all love the mating press🖤
Choso! panting and whining your name over and over whilst fucking your poor cunt like a starved man, deep and hard just how he likes it, but he doesn’t mean to go so rough💜
Geto! Loves it when you attempt to shut your eyes because the pleasures to overwhelming, his thick length pushing into your deeper and deeper, teasing and telling you how well your taking him. 🤤
Sukuna! Is a straight up sadist- obviously. Teases and degrades you with no bounds, forcibly holding your legs up because your poor body can’t keep up with him, but your sloppy loud pussy can. 😉
Nanami! Folds you like a pretzel holding your legs in place with his strong veiny arms, low groans and pants escaping his lips while your moaning like a bitch in heat when he hits that sweet spot every time. He’s such a gentleman💛
Gojo! Sloppily thrusting in and out of your tight cunt, eyes rolling back and cheeks flushed in pleasure pussydrunk on how tight and wet you feel, praising you over and over, whilst obviously you can’t say much with incoherent babbles falling from your lips. 🥵
Toji! Pounds into you like there’s no tomorrow, damn near breaking the bed. His length sliding in and out of you at a fast and rough pace, filling you up completely while he loves degrading how she is so noisy and sloppy and how your sweet little mouth is being too loud with how your moans bounce off the walls around you. 😌
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kisakunt · 24 days ago
their favorite position!
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yab yum.
Sue him. Gojo is a loud man, and a freaky one too, but God forbid he enjoy a little bit of intimacy. It’s a bit awkward when you first try it; his legs are so long that even criss-cross, there’s a little too much room in between each thigh, once you have yours around his waist and your arms around his neck it’s awkward trying to even get it in, and the rocking is a rough start. But when you perfect it? Gojo is through the fucking roof. Satoru’s eyes hurt like hell, but he loves eye contact during sex and there’s no better time for it than in yab yum. He lets himself go; the closeness between you two, the way he can feel every inch of you, the fact for once he’s not in control. He’s vulnerable, he’s connected, and it feels so fucking good. When he cums, his legs tense a little bit more, making it easier for you to keep up with your pace. He falls apart under you, grabbing your face weakly as his head falls back. Literally perfect position for him.
full nelson.
The motherfucker. Toji is strong. He’s a big guy, it doesn’t matter how tall you are or how much you weigh, he can support it. Part of the appeal is how defenseless you are, how much he gets to show off, the fact you’re like prey to him basically. It never goes too particularly deep, so if he’s itching to bruise you, he’ll let go of your legs and have you put your feet on the bed while you lie on him so he can fucking hammer you. But, in the real full nelson, he keeps it up for as long as he can. He knows just how to hit your g-spot with it, he curves to where you clench on him just right in that cute little way you do, he’s mean in the shortness of each stroke. He loves feeling your body go limp on him, he loves watching your head struggle to fall with his arms behind your neck, he loves feeling your ass move perfect against him. He’s got good stamina, too. If you begged and pleaded, Toji could cum quick— but he never would. He likes to torture you with his dick. He likes to make it hurt, make you weak, make it to where you can’t walk for days after, and the full nelson gets you sore fast.
the hook.
Another intimacy lover. Choso worships you. He loves everything about making love to you. He loves your noises, the way your body folds on itself when he contorts you, how wet you get for him. The hook is perfect. It’s deep and, above all else, he thinks it’s the position you feel most good in. Whenever he can, Choso has each of your legs up on top of each of his shoulders, angled up perfect with you. He likes looking down at you, seeing your face all scrunched up and beautiful. He likes the way you beg for him. He likes how simultaneously close yet far he is from you. And when it gets all too much, he throws his head back and you get to look up at him and watch him fall apart above you. Your moans intertwine, he strokes perfect, and when he’s about to cum, he’ll break position and lower your legs just to wrap his arms around you and pull you incredibly closer.
hands behind the ankles.
The fucking freak. No, seriously, the fucking freak. It doesn’t take him long to suggest— demand— the position to you. Obviously, Sukuna likes control. There’s never been a moment he hasn’t liked control and there’s never been a moment he’s had to worry about not having it. So that’s hardly been any different in your sex life. But when he first pulled out a pair of police grade handcuffs, you laughed— albeit a little anxiously. It’s a fucking workout for you, honestly, to hold yourself up with your legs in the air and your hands cuffed behind them. Sukuna lives for how you’re even more at his expense than you already were. He fits snug in the place between your legs, balls slapping against your lower ass every time he thrusts, pelvic bone meshing with your plush. You’re weak like this, defenseless, a perfect little toy for Sukuna to fuck, and he’d be damned if he weren’t obsessed with it.
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monstas1ut · 11 months ago
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Why you touchin’ me
military! EREN YEAGER x black!reader
__ eren just needs his girl to give it to him when he finally comes home. he’s been thinking about that super soaker every night… he always does, so of course he’s not going to let you loose or let you decide how this will go.. just keep them ankles high and he won’t be too mean.
__ black!reader, female reader, eren is in the military, DIRTY TALK, so much dirty talk, dominance, dom eren, overstimulation, squirting, talk of not pulling out, dumb off dick!reader
__ brown skin can be dark, light, medium color, whatever. brown is brown.. and it's gorgeous.
__ a/n , hey y’all lol, something slight because I’m just trying to get back into writing because I’m loosing my touch lmaooo
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A simple breather couldn’t refill your lungs as the oxygen continued to be ripped from you. Those words made you lose every brain cell that was ever created in your human body. There was intensity that poured over your golden skin as your blurred eyes could only see the sparkle from his dangling chain.
Only a desperate attempt to whine could come from you. Your glossy, darkly lined lips parted only to reveal that you were drooling from the overtaking pleasure. Your hands were around your ankles, much to his liking as your head began spinning.
It was beginning to be embarrassing at how wet you were, how dumb you felt. That sweet, curved dick that slipped in each time with a smothering rhythm made you feel as if your insides were being pushed against. Your sounds, and each word that dripped from your lips, he was listening. He missed it so much that there was no way he was going to lose focus.
“Eren~ baby~… Fuck! M-My pussy so fuckin’ wet..” Those words were drenched in tears as your pussy coated Eren’s cock with warm nectar. And he enjoyed watching it pool around the base of his cock, juicy and wet. It was so gushy that his pretty eyes failed to leave it.
“I fucking see… I got that pussy talkin to me..” Eren talked to you as he pounded that hole open, his rough hands gripping hard on your pretty hips. The depths of your insides were being stretched open all over again, and you could feel it part ways with his cock.
Those army green pants he wore were now damp as they were just below his cock. He obviously couldn’t wait. Once seeing you stand there waiting for him, he had to have you the second he got home. He pulled your pretty dress off and pulled your gorgeous breasts out of your bra to worship you with kisses. But inevitably he found himself so eager to have you, he couldn’t even prepare himself for how fast he pulled his own pants and underwear down.
He just missed that pretty pussy.
It was such a soft brown, yet a bright pink on the inside, like a mystery treat. He knew how it tasted, he knew how it felt, but he still couldn’t get enough of it. He couldn’t get enough of watching your face contort into those pleasurable expressions. He couldn’t get enough of your stupid little babbles when you’d be filled up with his dick. And he surely couldn’t get enough of you soaking him like a damn water park.
With painted toes curling high in the air, you tried to keep the hard grip on your ankles. However with each thrust was a powerful force behind each one, so much that your breasts would plap against each other while falling up and down. The ripples of skin were also enough to know how strong the thrusts were, as if he was back on the battlefield trying to fight for his life. But in this case, it seemed as if Eren was fighting to make you dumb off his cock.
The head of his cock met the hot air each time, slipping right back in with your wetness lubricating the both of you well. There was absolutely no struggle to slip out and slip right back in, not when your body was producing so much lubricant. It was so wet that it felt almost numb, you couldn’t feel anything but the pleasurable pounding near your cervix. It was such a intricate, surreal feeling that there was barely any word to describe it. The only thing you could understand was that you were too close to fucking the bed sheets up,
“Ooo-…Ooh fuck! Fuck!.. No-.. shit-..” there was a sharp feeling in your stomach that felt like small jolts of orgasms. Oh it felt so odd, and it made you so anxious. Your pussy squeezed, and it had a grip on his fair skinned cock and yet he was still pounding through. It was an overwhelming feeling for your body to endure, so much so that your fingers slipped and your ankles fell from your grip.
The second this happened you had no choice but to close your legs, trying to prevent that sweet, intense orgasm you knew was coming. Fate was sealed, and the rumble that came from Eren’s throat was a warning. But for some reason, you weren’t moving fast enough for him.
“Put them fuckin’ legs back up. Grab them damn ankles.. stop playin with me..” Eren’s face was inches from yours, your eyes watering up with pleasured tears once again before grabbing a hold of your ankles. Your glistening pussy was being rammed into over and over again, and you simply couldn’t take it.
“Stop runnin from that nut.” Eren huskily whispered, obviously becoming desperate for his own orgasm. He groaned from the bottom of his stomach, his head thrown back for a second before he moved to look back down at your tightening pussy, that’s before it relaxed and he felt the sudden wetness increase. This caused him to thrust just a tad bit harder because he knew you. He still understood what made you cum, what made you cream, and what made you squirt.
“Fuck yeah… hold em’ open..” Eren almost hissed at how sexy you were, the drips of juices squirting up in the air ever so gently and landing on his cock. It all made him want to cum right there. “Eren! Eren!….Oooh~ shit~… please!” You begged, moaned, and almost felt yourself losing your body as your pussy had a mind of its own. Each time Eren would slide his dick out, you’d squirt your soft juices in the air before he’d slam right back inside you. The gushing noises made you seem like a whore for him.. in more ways than one.
“That’s fucking right.. Squirt on that dick baby.. good fucking girl..” Eren almost spoke through his teeth as his cock was sensitive, he pulled it out and grabbed his dick to run it up and down those pretty brown lips only to watch you squirm and drench the bed underneath you. The wet sounds of you splashing him was music to his ears, so he couldn’t stop.. not until you had nothing left in you.
“Please~! Fuck Eren! Stop that fucking shit…!” Your words were covered in sounds you could not contain, the pleasure was so unbelievable you couldn’t even imagine how your body was doing this. That man’s lower stomach was covered in your squirt, and his cock, which throbbed the second he went back inside.
You gripped your ankles so hard that you might leave bruises, and yet.. you couldn’t care. This man was beating your pussy up even more, overstimulating you as your eyes rolled back slowly. Your eyebrows furrowed, and you eventually stared up at him with blurred vision.
“Run from it again… I swear on me I won’t pull out..”
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ⓒ Monstas1ut , Do not copy
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chuluoyi · 11 months ago
࿐ ࿔ 🕰️ 「 11:07 P.M 」
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divorce scare apology fic🤞🏻 yes people, in the spirit of april 1, it’s gojo who is having dreams :)) and i promise you it’s straight up comfort fic~
a part of gojo's love entries
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you’ve known something is bugging satoru as he hasn’t been teasing the heck out of you for these past three days.
and you were proven true when tonight, on your marital bed, he said—
“so… i’ve been thinking…” he started, seemingly deep in thought, playing with your hair. “oh, more like it’s because of this one bad dream…”
“what are you on about?” you raised an eyebrow. okay, you knew something was up with him, but him being a bit skittish made you a bit worried.
“umm, yeah. so, the other day i had this dream about us in tokyo district court—”
“district court—?”
“—getting a divorce, yeah.”
your eyes rounded, and satoru could feel himself almost regretting his words seeing your stunned expression, so he added a band-aid—
“no, it was just a dream! i’m not divorcing you, okay?!”
however, your expression had soured, as you looked down, visibly heartbroken. alarmed, satoru immediately pulled you to his chest.
“oh, ooh— there, there,” he soothed you, stroking your hair. “sweets, no. never. okay? i’m just telling you, just like what you did the other day.”
you had a dream of him cheating on you once, but this was wholly different.
“you’re the worst,” you accused, and despite yourself, you felt an ache in your chest. “how could such thought even cross your mind— that you dream about it?”
“if i can pick my dream… i’ll pick the memory from our honeymoon— precisely when i ripped your black and pink lingerie off and made you scream my name, you know that.”
you huffed, burying your face in his chest. “hmph. explain.”
satoru smiled, finding you so incredibly precious. silly wifey.
he proceeded as he pat your back. “nothing really, i’m still bitter too! no way in hell! but then i started thinking… what would you do in 0.001% chance of us being divorced?”
you pulled away, growling. “…so there’s still a chance—!”
“noooo! that’s statistically impossible! aren’t we having a late night talk? we’re always talking about imaginary scenarios at night, aren’t we?!”
what was the point of this? it was only upsetting you with each second.
“how could you ask me that?” you glared at him resentfully. “if we’re divorced, then—” you grabbed his hand and placed it on your belly. “what about baby? do you not want to see him anymore?”
and in that moment it seemed like he just realized it too as he sheepishly scratched his head, mouth gaping. “ah—”
his response caused your hormones to stir, and combined by your disbelief, you spitefully threw his hand away and turned to your side, refusing to face him.
“if you dare to divorce me, i’ll move out japan at a moment’s notice,” you spat out, crossing your arms. “i won’t let you see my baby— and i’ll put a restraining order on you too, just so you see.”
“whoa, wait—”
“or i can also jump from yasohachi bridge and then become a curse—i’ll haunt you to your dying days!”
“—?! you can’t do that!”
“oh, i can also remarry! i’ll marry ichiji so fast and by the time the baby is born, your kid will have his name instead!”
“ichi— hey! that’s insulting! i would’ve forgiven if it was nanami, but ichiji?!”
“shut up! you’re— you’re annoying!”
in hindsight, this wasn’t something you should get this much worked up for. satoru was obviously just being his dense self and you knew it, but somehow the thought of him suddenly not by your side anymore hurt you— and perhaps your unstable hormones played a part too.
. . . but then his strong arms wrapped around you in that instant, enveloping you in his warm and reassuring embrace from behind. “hey… sweets, don’t be mad…”
“if you do, baby will also be—”
“you are making us mad.”
“okay, okay.” satoru sighed, his right palm reaching out to caress your five-month baby bump, and his voice was tinted with slight regret as he replied, “sorry…”
you melted a bit, but still gave him the cold shoulder, showing how cross you were that he brought it up in the first place.
and both of you stayed that way for a while, and you started to get sleepy, until you heard him muttering—
“still… whatever you do,” his voice sounded strained, and it made you awake again. “even when i’m not here… you can’t get yourself hurt, alright?”
“what does that mean?” you finally turned towards him, your eyes shone with slight panic. “what do you mean with you not being here?”
“nothing, sweetheart.” satoru grinned, pinching your cheek. “just saying—since i’m away often, don’t do anything reckless, you can get hurt.”
“don’t put it as if you’re going to go some place far away.” you didn’t know what you were spouting now, but you were tired and just didn’t want to pursue this conversation any longer.
you bit your lip, not looking at him. “or… i’ll get sad.”
seeing you so vulnerable and open like this made satoru realize that as much as he needed you to stay sane, you also needed him. the clarity stirred something within him, causing warmth to rapidly spread in his chest.
and he felt soft. so soft for you. and he adored you, more than anyone else in this wretched world.
“aw, look at my baby girl.” your husband cradled you close to him with a wide grin, patting you soothingly, his heart fluttering. “how can i leave you be a single mother? i’m here, yeah? always.”
and you believed him. otherwise, you were willing to risk it all just to get him home, by your side.
you smushed your face into his chest, ignoring your burning face. “hmph, being a single mother isn’t that bad. i can still drain your wealth.”
“huh?! wait, you just said you’ll be sad without me!”
and you thought, being in his embrace is the most comforting place of all.
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“by the way, i just realized…” satoru fixed his frown on you accusingly in the next morning. “how is your taste in men so bad? why ichiji as your first pick?”
“uh,” you were at a loss of words, totally not expecting this discussion on a brand new morning. “because… he’s kind? he’s easiest to sway—”
“so you’re saying… you can seduce him easily?!”
“…sort of? but you’re right, i should go for nanami. he’s way good-looking. or his apprentice… what’s his name again? ino takuma—”
“nanami? ino?! wait a minute…! y-you’re my wife… but you’re also thinking about which man is easier to seduce and which is more attractive?!”
“uh— you’re the one asking first!”
“still! so you do think about them! about weaker, lesser men who are not me!”
��nanami is not—!”
“hoh?! so it’s nanami, huh!?”
“don’t you dare to start anything, gojo satoru,” you hissed. “you said my taste in men is bad. so that includes you too.”
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maybanksprincess · 4 months ago
face sitting with munch!jj
warnings: smut and face sitting obviously, pussywhipped!jj, dom! jj, ass slapping, squirting, pet names, and dirty talk.
pairings: gf!reader x bf!jj
requested by this ask! (thank you anon!🤍)
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jj had tried convincing you all day to sit on his face, you were afraid of suffocating him, or even more so you were afraid he wouldn't like it, and would regret asking.
you'd think after three hours of asking, he would drop it already. but of course he didn't because he always gets what he wants, especially from you.
after a while you finally had enough of his begging and pleading, all of his "please mama"'s and "ill do anything you want"'s, you had enough of it and just gave in.
following the pleads that comes out of his mouth, you sigh and agree. "okay jayj, fine. ill do it"
he looks at you with surprise, raising his head up to look at you from your chest. "yeah?" a smirk suddenly spreads across his face.
"yeah." you echo. his smirk grows wider and he sits up, laying on his back, arms behind his head, his blonde hair messy and all over the place.
"cmere mama." he beckons you over with one of his hands, that mischievous smirk still plastered on his face.
you can see the way his eyes go up and down you body, his tongue darting out to wet his lips, as his dimples poke thru his left and right cheek.
you can feel the pool between your legs getting wetter by the second, and as much as you were scared to sit on his face, you knew he would do a good job at it.
you sit on his lap, and he moves a pillow behind his head, peeling your pink laced panties off. he watches as your pussy and your panties connect with a string of wetness from your arousal.
he lets out a soft groan at he sound, you can feel his length pressing up against you in his boxers, then suddenly he pulls you up by your thighs using his strong arms.
your now hovering over his face, your pussy so close to his pink and plump lips. you slowly sink down onto his face uncomfortably, not putting your full weight on him.
he grunts disapprovingly, he gives your ass a warning slap, pulling you all the way down.
he moans as he feels all of your pussy on his mouth. "mm good girl" he mumbles against your heat. his tongue flattening against your core.
his tongue does fast figure eights on your clit, then licks long stripes up and down your pussy.
you relax against his face, and your hands fly down to pull at his hair, your hands tugging at the blondes unruly strands. "yeah. jus' like that jay." you were enjoying this a lot more than you thought you would. you were starting to think maybe you should've agreed to it the first time he asked
he buries his face inside, his strong arms flexing around your ass, he feels like his cock could explode at any moment from how hard it was. it was literally painful at this point.
you look back and see his cock strained against his boxers, and that only adds to the moans flying out of your mouth. you didnt know if it was the way his cock was jumping or the way his tongue was rapidly flicking at your folds. but all it once, the pleasure hits you, and your cumming. tugging at his hair, your head thrown back, and eyes rolled to the back of your eye socket.
your moaning pathetically, trying to prolong your orgasm as much as possible, riding his tongue, his nose nudging your clit. and before you know it your cumming again, except this time you feel liquid flowing out of your hole. and the orgasm feels much more powerful this time.
your legs are shaking and your body falls limp against his, you move off his face, and down to lay on top of him.
after a few minutes coming down from your high, he breaks the comfortable silence.
"so your letting me do that again sometime, yeah?"
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weakformingyu · 10 months ago
More than meets the eye
Pairing: Chan x afab!reader
Inspired by Prison for life by Olivia Rodrigo
Summary: Chan is a pushover when it comes to doing things for you, but not so much when someone messes with his girl.
A/N: let's thank Chili(@baby-yongbok) for this brainrot, she's the one who planted this idea in my head.
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Chan who's the sweetest person you have ever met, the one who blushed and stuttered when asking you out.
Chan who's always a gentleman, opening all the doors for you, pulling the chair so you can sit, throwing his coat over your shoulders so you won't get cold.
Chan who lingers a bit longer when he says goodbye to you after taking you back home, trying to gather the courage to kiss you.
Chan who's surprised by the way you grab him by the collar and crash your lips on his.
Chan who gets flustered when you ask him to come inside with you, so you can talk more.
Chan who can't help but feel his face on fire when you start undressing in front of him, not sure where he should put his hands.
Chan who eats you out slowly, enjoying every sound that comes out of your mouth, sure that he could make the prettiest song in the world with just your moans.
Chan who asks you to be his girlfriend the next morning, taking you by surprise when you wake up to a full table of breakfast.
Chris who loves to do everything for you, you want to stay home cuddling? Done, he'll make popcorn and prepare a list of rom-coms for you two to watch together. You want to go out with him and his friends? Sure, he'll make sure the guys are on their best behavior. You want to go shopping? Bet, he'll clean his schedule so he can spend the day buying you gifts, even though you always argue that you can buy things with your own money.
Chris who finds you amazing, you're strong, smart and capable, everything you have was earned with your hard work and he would never want to cross that line or take that away from you.
Chris who has to stand his friends making fun of him 'cause he's such a pushover when it comes to you. He would let you step on him if you asked him to and he would do it smiling.
Chris who loves to buy you flowers every time you have a date with him, so he always goes out of his way to buy you a bouquet.
Christopher who arrives late to your date because the flower shop messed up his order and witnesses a man grabbing you by the wrist while you argue with the stranger.
Christopher who sees red when he realizes what's happening, dropping the flowers and walking fast to where you are.
Christopher who puts his hand on the shoulder of the man, smiling softly and asking to talk to the man outside.
Christopher who's suddenly not a pushover anymore, not when it comes to someone messing with his girl.
Christopher who comes back inside after twenty minutes, dirty dress shirt and knuckles bloody.
Christopher who drags you out of the bar, hugging you tightly when the cold air outside hits your skin.
Christopher who fucks you in the backseat of his car, biting and marking you and calling you names, far different from the gentleman you are used to but you're not complaining.
Christopher who chants how much he loves you while you cum around his cock, overstimulated by the new side of your boyfriend that you're just getting to know.
Chris who helps you fix yourself so you can get out of the car to sit on the front seat, deciding that you should just grab some food on the drive thru and go home.
You're a feminist obviously, you don't need a man. But after that night you don't mind Chan saving you, you very much like his protection.
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jaewritesfic · 6 months ago
Everlasting Trio Nobody Knows AU DP x DC Part 4
Part 3
(Tim POV! This is a long one 😅)
 Tim almost has it. He's so close to cracking this file he can fucking taste it. He's been fighting this thing for two weeks. It's the most incomprehensible and infuriating code he's ever faced off against, which is fitting considering who gave it to them.
The engineer. THEIR engineer. The engineer they didn't ask for and Tim still isn't sure how they got, and the single biggest mystery in Tim's fucking life right now.
See, a significant amount of Bat gadgets at this point are Tim's brainchildren. He imagines them, he designs them, he workshops and tests them.
A few months ago, he'd had a pouch on his utility belt full of experimental pellets meant for slowing down fleeing vehicles. They were designed to break when run over and the compound inside would expand into durable, sticky foam that would ensnare tires.
He'd tested them in the cave.
He had not been prepared to take one hit to that side and have to frantically divest himself of that pouch before he became Gotham's latest foam based cryptid. 
His family had laughed themselves silly at him even as he broke off in pursuit of the drug runners he'd been fighting.
When Tim had doubled back expecting a mess to clean up and pellets to rework? It had been gone. All of it. The foam, the pellets, the pouch of his utility belt.
A serious problem, because who knows who got their hands on that?
Then it had shown back up.
That is to say, Gordon had called them because he found a pouch with a note labeled ‘for Red Robin’ sitting on the stand of the Bat Signal and didn't dare touch it.
After making sure it wasn't a bomb or some kind of biological weapon, Tim had opened the pouch - his own belt pouch - and found pellets. New pellets. Different pellets.
The note just read, “As funny as that was to watch, I fixed them for you. No more premature sploogage on the job. :3 P.S. here's a recipe for solution to dissolve future intentional discharges.”
They'd been right, too. The new pellets were tested (in case THEY were a bomb or biological weapon) and they'd been just strong enough to safely transport but still break when under the pressure of tires. Even the foam was more effective, and the spray Tim synthesized from that stupid recipe had worked like a dream.
What. The fuck.
This person not only improved his design and came up with a dissolution agent from scratch in days, they'd been watching without him knowing and made off with the original pellets without anyone noticing.
This was either a rogue in the making or someone they wanted on their side, and either way they needed to be found.
So Tim had done the obvious.
He'd put together a lockbox of money for the product they'd been given, loaded it with no less than ten (10) bat trackers and a note thanking their mysterious benefactor and requesting to meet up. He'd exploded a foam pellet on a rooftop and left the box on it in the hopes they'd notice and find it, then hung around far enough to not be seen and close enough to beat feet as soon as the trackers started moving. 
They did not start moving. They all went offline simultaneously. 
Tim has never moved so fast in his life, and yet by the time he got to the rooftop there was a pile of foam and nothing else. Not even a trace of whoever took the lockbox.
The next day, there was a ping of one (1) tracker that led them to a note thanking him for the money, refusing to meet, and asking if they'd considered certain improvements to their grapples with schematics for said designs.
Thus started the most bizarre and infuriating chase through notes, money, helpful designs and disappearing trackers Tim has ever been a part of.
Last time, the engineer had left them a USB stick and a note claiming that since they really wanted to know about him so bad, they could have the information on the USB if they could crack the encryption on the zip file inside.
Obviously they screened heavily for viruses or backdoors, but long story short Tim has been trying to crack the fucking thing for two weeks and refuses to let Oracle help. It's personal. It's a matter of pride. 
He could swear the code itself has actively been sabotaging his attempts to hack it, which is, you know. Impossible. 
Tim blinks, looking over at the map on another monitor of the Bat computer. 
He taps into Duke’s comms. This is the first time this has ever happened during the day shift, he wasn't expecting it.
“Signal! I need you on the roof of the warehouse on the corner of Fifth and Everest - a tracker just came online.”
Another thing that infuriates Tim. You can't just turn Bat trackers on and off. They're activated, and then they either stay active or they're destroyed. They can't be turned off and then reactivated.
And fucking yet.
Duke groans, but his own tracker starts making its way in that direction.
“Dude. He's gonna be long gone by the time I get there. He always is.”
“He can't run from me forever,” Tim insists. “I'm almost in this damn file, and I am going to find him and dangle him off a roof from his ankles for giving us this runaround, so help me God.”
“Uh huh,” Duke deadpans. “Sure you are. I'm almost there, and- oh look! A note. What a surprise!”
Tim hears Duke touch down on the rooftop, eyes on the code on his screen while his brother clears his throat and reads aloud.
“Ahem- ‘Good morning, sunshine!’ - guess that's me - ‘I hear some bats and birds have been murdering tires at an alarming rate with the way they drive their bikes-’”
Tim freezes. He's not listening anymore.
“‘- and that just can't be good for business. Nobody wants a bald tire ruining a chase. So boy do I have the thing for you-”
“I got it.”
“Huh? Got what?”
“I cracked his file. I got it.”
Tim is staring, wide eyed and full of a mixture of elation and trepidation at the contents of the zip file. It's a single text file titled, ‘Wow! You did it!’
“Oh, shit? Well? What's in it?”
Tim swallows, mouse hovering over the file. He takes a deep breath, then double clicks.
The file opens.
Tim blinks.
“Red Robin? What's in it?”
Tim scrolls slowly down, disbelief and horror dawning across his face. “Oh my God.”
“What? Come on, man, talk to me.”
Tim scrolls further.
“Oh. My God.”
“Red? Red Robin, you're scaring me, man.”
Tim puts his face in his hands. Voice muffled, he responds.
“...Red? You okay?”
“It's the entire Bee Movie script.”
Silence reigns for a solid five seconds before Duke breaks and descends into raucous, hysterical laughter.
Even muffled by his own hands, Tim's scream of rage scares the bats in the cave into a tizzy.
Part 5
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irrfahrer · 2 years ago
Character Information LV : A sickly runt
Before it had been mentioned that Ziv as a Memeber of a r-selected species was one of those pups who had been born a sickly runt and would have naturally died to give the stronger littersiblings more food and more room to grow. Which was one of the reasons why Ziv was given to the Jedi Temple as a infant because she would be given one of the best medical supports in the Galaxy possible and also because Ziv was | still is a scuttlecrusher with her telekinesis bound to her emotions and infants tend to scream very emotionally. But beside her beeing prone to spacesickness, having problems with stark sunlight and vision due to albinism, and having a lot of problems with her diet, she is doing suprisingly well in most theards.
That has a simple answer: The bacteria and viruses around Ziv are not coined for her system as a alien but made for aliens closer to humanoids. Which means that in her time in the Jedi Temple (after all as the only Tynnan since Bowspritz from 3000 years ago) and in her time as a refugee after Order 66 she never had (or only seldomly had) contact to viruses and bacteria that actually could be really dangerouse for her, which meant that her work as a Healer was accordingly a lot of easier. She could work with the sick, because what was wearing down her patients, was not dangerouse for her. This naturally changed when Ziv joined Deep Current because she was suddenly hit with the iron fist of viruses and bacteria made for and carried by Tynnan that all are very much adult members of her species had went through as kits and build immunities up. Sicknesses Ziv as a sickly child given away to the Temple as a six-month-old, had never went through and never build up immunities for. Which means that Ziv had never been faced harder with her for a Tynnan weak constitution and the fact that she is indeed a sickly runt. Obviously she also had at that time access to more proper medicine than her herbal remedies, had over a decade of medical training and she had grown up in the Jedi temple with one of the best medical support in the Galaxy, so she was eventually alright and more importantly- could do her work as a spy for the rebellion at best away from the membrs of Deep Current. But the fact that she never had been to Tynna, her own homeplanet, or had a deeper connection with one of her squadmembers, might be explained by this. Ziv is once again isolated.
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yandere-daydreams · 7 months ago
re: owner!geto and dog!gojo and kidnapped cat!reader
gojo and reader both do something punishment worthy in getos eyes, so he makes gojo fuck reader even if they both hate it. reader hates it because this guy kidnapped them and have been forcing them to be a pet and now theyre getting fucked by this other guy too??? gojo hates it because he has to touch the street cat thats been taking getos attention off him, even worse that he finds he enjoys fucking the cat
tw - non/con, kidnapping, drug use, dehumanization, and gratuitous petplay.
honestly it doesn't even have to be a punishment,,, i think suguru could just notice that his beloved puppy and his darling kitten aren't getting along as well as he'd hope (i.e. making out in front of him 24/7), and decide you two need to spend some time alone together in a very small room after taking some very strong, very fast-acting pills. both of you hate it, obviously, but for you, it's not that different from having to bend over and whine for your kidnapper at the snap of his fingers, your own dignity and desires nothing more than an afterthought. satoru, though - he's seeing red, digging his nails into your hips and burying his teeth into your throat, doing his best to satisfy the aphrodisiacs coursing through his system while making sure you know that if he had it his way, you'd still be an alley cat and he'd have suguru all to himself. he doesn't seem to care that you want the same thing.
you're both fucked-out and half-conscious by the time suguru's medicine actually wears off, but suguru makes sure you're both taken care of - with you being tucked into his bed while satoru is locked in the well-adorned crate he's been resigned to after suguru found him trying to suffocate you in your sleep. when you both wake up, satoru swears up and down that there's no difference, that he still doesn't want you here, that he never wants to so much as look at you again, and yet, suguru quickly loses track of just how many times he catches satoru staring absent-mindedly in your direction over the course of the next day. suguru could tease him, but he doesn't, just smiling, petting through his extremely trainable puppy's hair, and making a note to plan another playdate for the two of you sometime soon.
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lamb-teaa · 3 months ago
` last of his kind, or not
` C.2 - first impression failed successfully
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—⁠ ` C.1 - dragons, flowers and what?
—⁠ tags: comedy/crack. romcom. Sylus x fem!reader. AU from Sylus's myth. canon divergence. obvious OOC. whipped and boy failure Sylus anyone? /hj.
—⁠ teaa's note: wasn't gonna write a continuation of this cuz I literally wrote it out on a whim but here we are lol thanks for reading!!
—⁠ and big thanks for the support!!: @crowleysthings @stxrrielle @sylusfluffymeow @sublimeinternetlady @clearlysworld @jinnmyc @mangooes @satansdaughter123 @alahamums @xxfaithlynxx @pirana10 @kyushii
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The audacity.
Was the first thought that crossed Sylus's mind when the strong slap of Datura flowers hit his face.
His eyes narrowed dangerously, a deep growl rumbling in his throat as a snarl threatened its way out-
But he halted when the sight of your bewildered gaze morphed into a fierce defying glare followed by a venomous scowl as you bare your sharp fangs at him-
Oh damn.
Sylus might've just gone crazy because his heart just did a flip-flop for a second there.
He opened his mouth, his brain wracking between introducing himself or getting off of you, which the latter should've been the first he should do obviously but he was caught off guard when you suddenly swiped him right across his face.
Your smaller yet still sharp claws graze against his skin as you raise your legs, kicking him square in the stomach, sending him stumbling backwards onto the ground in a shocked daze.
His own clawed hand slowly reached up to hold his left cheek, feeling the small trickle of blood seeping down his skin, the wound wasn't that deep but it still stunned Sylus that you did that, his eyes drifted to you in a mixture of disbelief and awe.
First you slapped him with flowers, then the next second you scratched his face.
Oh the audacity indeed.
And for the love of all misery in the world- can his heart calm down a bit?!
"Why you-"
Before Sylus could even utter another word out, you had already spread your large wings out, instantly launching yourself into the sky and flying far away from Sylus as fast as possible.
"Hey- wait!"
Sylus's eyes widened in a panic as the female dragon took flight into the air, every fibre of his being immediately screaming at him to pursue you. The thought of not seeing you again made his heart drop in dread. Now that he knew you were real, not a figment of his imagination, someone who appeared dragon-like such as himself-
He found himself wanting you.
Although, he didn't understand what he actually wanted in you.
A friend? A companion? Someone similar to him to stay by his side in this godforsaken world?
Sylus doesn't have an answer to that, but maybe you might help him find said answer.
Sylus's wings unfurled behind him as he propelled himself off the ground at a ridiculously inhumane speed. His eyes never leaving your flying form despite your best efforts in hiding amongst the thick clouds in hopes of losing his sight.
"Wait! Come back! I'm not going to hurt you!" Sylus shouted, trying to keep up with your speed, the sound of desperation crept in his voice but you didn't slow down even just a bit.
If anything, you grew even more adamant in getting as far away from him, not even giving him a chance to talk and it made Sylus more restless but even more so determined.
He was used to being feared and rejected by humans for centuries, coming to terms with his solitude life and the unfortunate fate that befall him since his birth.
Pain, it's all he ever knew and had buried deep within him.
But seeing you, a fellow dragon, running away from him was another kind of pain he never knew would hurt this much.
Because it's one thing to be rejected by humans, but it's another to be feared by his own kind that had thought to be extinct long ago.
As the chase through the skies continued on what felt like an eternity, the view of the dark dense forest came into his sight. Sylus watched in frustration as you dove deeper inside the forest, using the concentrated surrounding area to your advantage as you maneuvered across the trees at lightning speed.
His muscles ache from exertion, his breath ragged as he pushed himself to his limits, calling out to you once more, over and over and yet you still continued to ignore him.
And Sylus was losing the strands of patience he had left.
A part of him wanted to be, let's say, civil to you but he's not courteous like those noble humans and you weren't giving him any choice either.
So desperate times call for desperate measures.
Black red mist materializes between his fingertips, as it shoots out towards your direction. You didn't have time to dodge the incoming mist when it had wrapped itself around your waist and wrists before tugging you backwards, a strong force pulling you back until you collided against Sylus's broad chest.
The uncontrollable impact sent both of you tumbling down between the spikes of trees, limbs and wings tangled together. Sylus had his arms secured tightly around you, his large wings engulfing your form so you'd take less damage from the fall at the expense of his own, before both of you crashed into the dense foliage ground.
Both of you coming to a stop after rolling down the grassy steep as branches and leaves whipped on both your faces and hairs until both lay still on the ground, with you sprawled on top of him in stunned disbelief.
Time stood frozen for a moment, only labored breaths could be heard in the quiet dark forest as you slowly lifted your head to look at Sylus, your eyes widened in panic and fear.
Sensing your trepidation, his mist subconsciously tightened around your figure and so were his arms around your waist. His chest heaving with exhaustion as his bright red eyes locked with you that shone with intense desperation.
"Please." He whispered hoarsely, his tone held foreign softness in them that even surprised Sylus himself as he struggled to catch his breath from the long chase. "I mean you no harm."
"No harm?!" You hissed at him, your eyes burning with hostility as you struggled within the binding of his black red mist. "You attacked me!"
"When did I- oh." Sylus grimaced, his mind rewinding to the events back at the flower field. As much as he wanted to explain that it wasn't an attack but then he stopped himself, because yeah, getting lunged in the middle of a nowhere field while you were minding your own business did seem like one.
So the distrust was, frankly speaking, warranted.
"I.. never meant for that." His hold on you loosened a bit, his once brash confidence faltering under your scrutinizing glare, "I just.."
"Just what?!"
I thought I was hallucinating you so I wanted to make sure you were real.
Yeah, no. Even enduring longtime solitude Sylus knows that would be the worst thing to say to someone whose immediate impression of himself is a possible threat at first met.
Sylus hesitated as he lowered his hands, the black red mist slowly dissipating into thin air as it released you from his hold. He watched silently as you carefully leaned back from him, creating some space between you two, your puzzled and guarded expression etched on your face and Sylus could only hope you won't run off again, and hoping to prove to you and reassure you that he wasn't going to hurt you.
But he was caught off guard yet again when this time, you lunged forward towards him and pinned him on the ground, straddling his stomach as both your clawed hands gripped his throat that made his breath hitch in both surprise and, dare he say, strangely exciting.
"Speak your intentions!" You growled, your grip around his throat tightened, making it clear to him that you were dead serious. "Or I'll kill you!"
Well damn.
You had just threatened him and yet Sylus couldn't help but crack a small smirk at that. It was amusing, endearing even as Sylus let out a low chuckle.
What an interesting turnout of events.
"Your name.." Sylus breathed out in awe, his hand reaching up to brush a lock of hair behind your hair as he relished the sight of your adorably confused yet stunned expression.
"I want to know your name."
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—⁠ teaa's extra notes: aaaand that's a wrap! idk how to continue from here on out (lie i do actually just haven't flesh it out properly am sorry) so might take a while before I pick this back up again. Multifics aren't my strongest point tbh but hopefully my upcoming short scenarios will suffice! again, thank you for reading (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)♡
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astonmartinii · 9 months ago
i can do it with a broken heart [guilty as sin part three] | charles leclerc social media au
pairing: charles leclerc x fem sainz!reader
life goes on after a bombshell but this silence isn't mysterious it's ominous
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and 1,304,509 others
yourusername: don't tell lies about me and i won't tell truths about you
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user164: oh holy moly this is so much worse than i thought
user165: i don't think i can ever look at those men the same ever again
user167: my mouth dropped open when i read that
user168: so like not to be insensitive but like who do we think it was
maxverstappen1: so like y/n obviously can't talk on this because she needs her silence but my big mouth will remain open they tried it on me that's why she mentions that she managed to make friends.
user169: what the fuck
maxverstappen1: they thought that i would be an easy target because i was so young but jokes on them i've always been taken advantage of so i saw that from a mile away (also y/n didn't want to so that obviously helped)
user170: that is actually insane like her and max are the same age so that would've made her so young i hope to god that they didn't try it with anyone older
maxverstappen1: they did but by the time they realised that it hadn't worked on me y/n had allies and fernando and seb were not about to let any of that happen
user171: thank the lord she had some friends when people control your money you'll do anything
fernandoalo_oficial: she became my daughter the moment that i saw them try and offer their family to some of the older men in the paddock
user172: i am actually in shock this was a "oh gosh this is so dramatic situation" but now it's just "holy shit i kinda need to see these guys in jail"
fernandoalo_oficial: me and you both
user173: i'm going to need ferrari to let charles out of the cage for this one
user174: kinda expected him to be in the comments supporting her i'm not going to lie
user175: he's in the likes?
user176: girl? his girlfriend is being sued by his own family and is confessing that she was offered round the paddock like a prize cow i feel like he should be actively voicing his support
oscarpiastri: you're loved and have the full support of the paddock
maxverstappen1: we're behind you 100% of the way
olliebearman: nothing but full support for you mum
pierregasly: we're all here for you no matter what we're allowed to say
fernandoalo_oficial: 🫶
sebastianvettel: it'll all work out in the end
user177: still no charles ???
user178: eh i feel like pierre is confirming charles' support in his place
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername and 835,923 others
tagged: yourusername & charles_leclerc
maxverstappen1: i'm missing my best friend has anyone seen her?
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user179: oh good i was just about to lose it from y/n and max withdrawals
user180: at least one of the trio of dumbasses is keeping us fed
yourusername: i miss you toooooooooo :( (reply fast my lawyer has gone to the bathroom)
maxverstappen1: hurry up and win your lawsuit so we can go back to kicking ass and drinking gin and tonics
yourusername: i'm trying 🤞
maxverstappen1: and if i said it's time to red wedding them?
yourusername: i think we would be swiftly arrested
maxverstappen1: they can't arrest us our face cards are too strong
yourusername: well one of us is currently in court so what does that say about my face card
this comment was liked by the author and @yourusername
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user181: so is that like confirmation that charles is back in PR jail in maranello
user182: right i understand that he's literally employed by them but like he's also a grown ass man who can speak up
user183: like i know max isn't obviously at ferrari and isn't contractually obligated to be teammates with carlos but even he's out here slamming him
user184: and oscar who's only in his SECOND year in the sport
oscarpiastri: bold assumption that you're the best friend max
maxverstappen1: let's not get too rowdy piastri i can deal with you as the 'child' - you cannot be a bestie as well
oscarpiastri: i don't think that's the exact rules
maxverstappen1: you'll soon learn that I MAKE THE RULES AROUND HERE BUSTER
oscarpiastri: i can't wait for y/n to kick their asses so she can come back and KICK YOURS FOR ME
maxverstappen1: she would NEVER
oscarpiastri: okay maybe she wouldn't, but my dad on the other hand ...
liked by @charles_leclerc
user185: charles just PLEASE GET ON THE MIC
user186: i'm about to lose my patience i'm not going to lie
user187: guys we have to remember that this is a complicated situation with a lot of different moving parts, as long as charles is there for her in REAL LIFE it doesn't matter what we're seeing
liked by @yourusername
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liked by landonorris, user190 and 308,994 others
carlossainz55: what was it you said? all is fair in love and poetry.
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user192: not the childhood dog too ???
user193: these are unbelievable levels of hating
user194: i'd be impressed if he wasn't such an asshole
maxverstappen1: get fucked
carlossainz55: she shouldn't dish it out if she can't take it
maxverstappen1: she fell in love ?? and you thought that was a good excuse to take everything she's ever had
carlossainz55: she cost me my dream
maxverstappen1: as far i can remember, she's not on the fucking FERRARI BOARD GENIUS
carlossainz55: it's her pussy-whipped boyfriend that's the problem and she deserved this as soon as she choose him over her blood
maxverstappen1: you're insane and history will always remember you as the biggest crybaby loser to ever grace this sport
user195: so this ^^ is definitely referring to y/n's poetry
user196: are we living through scooter braun volume two
user197: @taylorswift PLEASE HELP
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charles_leclerc: you are the lowest of the low and you will get what is coming to you
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charles_leclerc: there's only so long i have to stay silent and the people will know just the type of person you are
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user198: so is like carlos deleting this comments or ferrari?
user199: i bet it's ferrari
user200: 1. can they stop being allergic to fun 2. i think this has gotten past the need to uphold image like these are your employees and this is serious actually
user201: also like silencing charles when its CARLOS BEING THE MESSY ONE HE IS ACTUALLY STILL YOUR EMPLOYEE
yourusername: old habits die screaming
carlossainz55: you can spout all the 'poetry' you want it'll all belong to me anyway
yourusername: i'd rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of all this bitching and moaning
user202: stealing poetry? now that's a new low
user203: i'm gonna need someone to take one for the team and put a cheeky front wing in his tyre
georgerussell63: well this sounds like a job for me
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1 and 893,450 others
charles_leclerc: lets go racing.
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user206: is this even charles? where are the emojis? where is the excitement
user207: i think we might be witnessing a lil PR takeover after his deleted comments tirade under carlos' recent post
user208: you'd think they'd at least get his tone right like the rest of his account is RIGHT THERE
user209: charles leclerc's PR team we now have beef
liked by @yourusername
maxverstappen1: ugh you people are useless
oscarpiastri: i'm not going to lie i'm losing my patience
maxverstappen1: for real i'm gonna need this court case to finish up fast so we can get back to being a united front of haters
oscarpiastri: and then we can also wrestle charles' phone back by force
user210: oh so they quite literally took his phone?
olliebearman: whoops
user210: ollie coming for kid of the year
olliebearman: i can't be told off for accidentally leaving my phone out while in the car and accidentally making my password something easy to remember and accidentally telling charles that his PR team had posted something - accident i swear
user211: @maxverstappen1 can you confirm they're still grossly in love?
maxverstappen1: i do have the letters to prove so but i think he's going insane with withdrawals
user213: yo i know we just got some confirmation from max but i can't help but think how lonely this must be for y/n
user214: for real if i was being sued by my family and had everything stolen from me i'd want more than some 'confirmation' through her bff in an instagram comment
carlossainz55: i hate to say i told you so @yourusername but that would be a lie i'm enjoying this so much
maxverstappen1: i want to fight you so bad but my therapist said that's bad
oscarpiastri: it's also illegal?
maxverstappen1: what's the point of being a rich white man oscar if i can't use to it to traverse the justice system and defend my bestie's honour
user215: @charles_leclerc get a backbone and do it like these two ^^
user216: i still have faith that he'll rain hell on that family when he's free
user217: well can he hurry the fuck up cause he's really shaping up to be the worst boyfriend of the year
user218: he has to get fucking loud HE CAN'T PROVE CARLOS RIGHT I DON'T WANT TO LIVE IN THAT WORLD
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liked by maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri and 934,520 others
yourusername: i can do it with a broken heart
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user224: it's finished?
user225: that's what the spanish media are saying
user224: well in that case Y/N WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE YOUR POETRY BACK?
maxverstappen1: a wine evening without me? prison changed you
user225: SHE'S IN PRISON?
maxverstappen1: want me to put some money in the commissary so you can buy cigarettes?
yourusername: i don't even smoke and i'M NOT IN JAIL
maxverstappen1: now you've done time can you employ some stricter parenting on oscar and ollie, they've gotten unruly with both parents absent
yourusername: i'm not an absent mother :(
maxverstappen1: did you just refer to literal FORMULA ONE GRAND PRIXS AS RECITALS?
oscarpiastri: maybe i did
yourusername: he's allowed to call them what he wants
olliebearman: i feel sufficiently supported by you mum x
yourusername: i'm glad
olliebearman: family dinner when dad gets released from ferrari's top secret base jail?
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maxverstappen1: did he just get sniped by ferrari's PR?
user226: okay cool got the main kids update but WHAT ABOUT LEO?
user227: please tell me he's been been in good care
yourusername: he's been my rock 🤞
user228: not the dog being more present than charles - it would be funny if it wasn't so sad :(
user229: so are any of you going to address the literal caption of this post
user230: there's two options here she either lost the court case or her and charles have actually broken up
user231: the fact carlos is not in this comment section actively gloating makes me think she might have actually won?
user232: but i don't want it to be the other option... charles and y/n are end game :(
user233: but he's been so so silent and that BULLSHIT response in the press conference
user234: idk the delusion in me has this theory ... she won the case but like t swift, doesn't have access to her old work so maybe she's heartbroken over losing that and then it's just exacerbated by her boyfriend's useless bosses that are holding him captive in italy (also he was totally coached to say that shit in the presser it's written all over his strangely expressive face)
user235: at this point i might go to italy and just prison break him out of there this is ridiculous
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note: DON'T HATE ME YALL i promise it'll get better we must have faith in the man (i know i hate to put my faith in men) xx
extra note from me here. first, i will fix this tag list at some point idk why it's not working rn. secondly, i have been made aware by multiple people that there is a series just like this one down to characters and the name of the series on here and i can't lie i'm bummed about it. as i said on the first part (?) this is an idea i've had since the release of TTPD (and people will back me up on this) so it bums me out that there are blatant copies coming out! i'm all for inspiration but sometimes there's a difference between taking inspo and copying especially when my masterlist was posted ages ago and my first part was posted on the 9th of may.... anyways that's all i have to say! enjoy xx
taglist: in comments!
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mayasaura · 10 months ago
It really dawned on me watching episode 17, just how important this sequence of events is to Kabru and Laios' relationship, and how. Well. That's for a different post. I want to keep this one free of spoilers. (Certified Safe For Anime Only™)(There are spoilers for episode 17, tho. Obviously.)
Kabru's main concern has been, at least in part, revealed. He wants to figure out if Laios is capable of defeating the dungeon, and, if so, if Laios can be trusted with the power that might confer. The answer to his first question is simple. Yes. If anyone can defeat the dungeon, it's Laios.
The second question is where things get interesting. Can Laios be trusted with power?
In the aftermath of Laios' first fight with Toshiro, Kabru learns that while Laios has no particular respect for the law or conventional wisdom, he does have the humility to consider that his judgment might be flawed if he encounters conflict with someone he respects.
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That is the face of a man taking notes, and I think he's making a cautious mark in Laios' favor. Laios doesn't really understand Toshiro's opinion, but he's listening.
Then, in the fight with the Falin-Dragon chimera, Kabru voices dissent—disgust, even—with Laios and Marcille's priorities.
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You can practically see the Dragon Age style approval rating drop. Kabru disapproves. Minus fifteen hearts. If it had ended like this, I think Kabru would have lost all interest in Laios. Someone who would sacrifice a dozen lives out of sentiment can't be trusted.
Laios' response, and the way it builds on Kabru's earlier observation, is crucial.
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He listened. And even better, he didn't listen blindly. He applied critical thought to Kabru's argument. What Kabru hears from him isn't just "I'm sorry, you were right," but also, "I understand and respect your position and priorities, and here's a very good argument for why killing what I still consider to be my sister is not in our best interest."
He processed Kabru's criticism and came to his own conclusions, and he did it fast. Not only that, but he's right. Kabru hadn't considered the potential consequences of killing the chimera.
Laios proved in this one exchange that he 1) isn't blinded by either his pride or his prejudice, 2) has the strength of character to not just fall back and surrender to someone else's judgment when he's uncertain, and 3) is smart enough to tactically outhink Kabru.
This is why Kabru is so invested in Laios liking him that he forces himself to eat the harpy omlette. This is why Kabru takes Laios' hand and makes sure he knows he wants to see him again. He doesn't understand Laios, and he still has strong reservations about him. Laios' interest in monsters scares him. But Laios has proved to Kabru that he might be capable of being the person Kabru needs him to be.
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Top Ten Pictures Of The Moment He Won You Over (Taken Just Before Disaster).
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