#he grows up so fast
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saytrrose · 9 months ago
does your kinger plushie sometimes want to be in a pillow fort?
I stacked up the 5 pillows on my bed and he still is to big to fit inside the fort I made
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softquietsteadylove · 2 months ago
Second prompt is a lil crazier but I can’t stop thinkin about it: what about a flash forward to older Heracles! He’s a big strong warrior now and an even bigger mama’s boy, respects his pops and somehow they end up in trouble so of COURSE he has to help them! He owes them everything! idk just a thought, do with that what you will and I’m excited to read it! Thank you <3
"Everyone, get back!"
The days of war in Athens had finally calmed, but now Deviants were more common than ever. Where they had been all this time was a mystery, but the attacks were now a daily occurrence.
"Off the battlefield!" Thena ordered as she swung first her spear and then her sword. The Deviant reared back after getting sliced through its eye. She turned. "Now!"
Heracles offered a grin, as if that would soften his defiance of her. "But the people need help!"
Heracles had grown from a mischievous human child into a man fit to be named a demigod by the people. Born a human but raised by the gods, Athenians would say. He was of towering stature now, hair golden and noble of character. He had a fine weapon, forged by the hands of the Great Champion himself.
Although it was said he could often be seen in town walking alongside an old mutt with a wooden children's toy hanging from his belt.
Thena huffed, turning her attention back to the battle at hand. "It was not up for discussion."
Thena circled the beast. It was massive, like the Bull back in Babylon. It was shaped like a cavalry horse, if massive. Perhaps the story of the Trojan horse would become muddled with this as time went on. "Up!"
Gilgamesh, as if apparating from thin air, appeared at her side and grasped her waist. He even made a full turn, using his strength and velocity to throw the Goddess of War into the air. He put his hand up to his eyes to shield them from the sun, admiring her like a shooting star. "Wow."
Even with Gilgamesh's help, she landed just above the creature's haunches. She closed both palms and dug her swords both into its wiry musculature. It reared up in pain, leaving her to dangle from them with only her own strength.
"Hang on!" Heracles, having ushered the last of the citizens away from the immediate vicinity of danger, rushed forward. He ran straight at the creature, his eyes on the woman hanging onto its back.
Both Gilgamesh and Heracles swarmed like bees to a flower, watching and waiting anxiously to see if Thena would be thrown from the goliath's back from sheer force of its movements.
Upon its back, she gritted her teeth. "Accursed thing."
She changed the shape of her blades within its flesh, hoping to lodge them therein like fish hooks or poison barbs. But the horse was easily the height of the city gates back on its rear legs like this. If anything, it was only standing up too tall--too far back. She let go of her own accord, swinging herself around. "Gilgamesh! Send it that way!"
He frowned. He didn't want his choice to be between catching her and saving entire blocks of the city. But he raised his fist, charging his energy around it. It wasn't as if the fall could do any real damage. He just would prefer to be the one catching her.
Gilgamesh punched up in the creature's direction. No contact had to be made. He was able to avoid hitting Thena in the crossfire, sending a blast of Cosmic Energy up at the thing's back, forcing it to fall towards the cliffs and away from the edge of town.
Heracles caught her. He had taken a running leap and jumped at a height that was questionable for any human. He even landed successfully, his sandals sliding on the dirt path of the city's entrance for some distance. He looked at the Goddess of War, "you okay?"
Thena frowned up at him (the large child, as far as she was concerned). "Unhand me."
"What?" he laughed, as if this were all a game they were playing.
"I told you to get to safety, that is what," she huffed at him, standing from his embrace and dusting her spotless white dress off. "You are mortal, since it bears repeating."
Young man as he was, now, Heracles still turned his big, sad eyes on her. "I know. But the people need protecting, even if you and Pops have it under control."
She huffed. She could not deny that protecting humans was always the goal, and that surely having more help with it was not a problem. But that meant conceding that the human before her was no longer a child clinging to her with a snotty nose looking for pastry scraps.
She had to concede that he was grown enough to risk his life if he so chose.
"The citizens are clear of the area. They will need you to protect them if the walls are breached," she sufficed to say.
They watched as the massive horse fell, shaking the earth around them. Its back crumbled the cliffside and sent it tumbling down the side of the mountain. The road into the city from the shoreline would be compromised, but at least it and the city gates were standing yet.
Heracles looked at the Eternals, now both shorter than he. "Hephaestus is gonna be mad."
Gilgamesh crossed his arms at him. "I would think the mortal one here shouldn't be the most reckless one."
"Exactly my thoughts," Thena joined him in their united front against Heracles' disobedience.
The human blinked as both of them turned the disapproval on him. He took a step back, holding his hands up in front of him, as if choosing not to see their disapproving frowns would keep them from existing. "Hey, I was just trying to help."
"And since when do I need assistance?"
Gilgamesh snorted. Heracles had stepped right into that dung pile.
The young man cleared his throat, correcting his posture and leaning down in an invitation for her to ruffle his hair. "Never, Goddess Athena."
Thena uncrossed her arms, pushing his head up and away, which ruffled his hair by happenstance. "Agitating child."
He rose to his full height again with a grin. "Yes, Mother."
Thena gave up on lecturing him, choosing to examine the damage and peer down to see if the creature still breathed.
Gilgamesh chuckled at the mortal man, facing down the Goddess of War with such cheek. "You're lucky she's fond of you, or you'd be down there with that thing."
"You think I don't know that?" Heracles laughed. He had inherited Gilgamesh's mirth and zealous sense of humour, of all things.
"It's still alive."
The two of them rushed over. Heracles eagerly reached out to pull Thena out of the path of danger. Gilgamesh slid forward to take his place alongside her, in contrast. But it didn't matter; all three of them plummeted down the cliff as the Deviant attempted to claw its way back up to the city limits.
Its gargantuan hooves slapped into the cliffs, crumbling massive boulders in its wake and making it tumble down even further with every attempt.
Gilgamesh threw himself at both Thena and Heracles, holding his arms above his head. He grunted as he did have to endure a boulder or two before Thena added her power to his and skewered a few with her trident. "Where's Sersi when you need her?"
The dust settled and the three emerged. Thena looked at Heracles extensively. "Unscathed?"
"Yes, yes, I'm fine," he chuckled as she turned and twisted his head, poked at his arms, even jabbed him in the ribs between the plates of his armour. "Ow!"
"Do not leave your vitals exposed," she took the time to lecture before going to check on the Deviant again.
Heracles ruffled his own golden hair as he followed. "You battle in a toga."
Gilgamesh elbowed him. "Don't talk back to the Goddess of War."
The human sighed, knowing he was outnumbered by his unwavering mentors/parents. "Yes, sir."
The horse was indeed still alive. But as much as Eternals were not gifted swimmers, Deviants truly sank like stones. The monster was thrashing as it continued to tumble downward until it reached the shoreline. Its own mass would soon drown it.
"We should bring Sersi, tell her to expand the landmass and keep that thing's body contained within the rock," Thena declared, still watching until the fight left her enemy's body.
"That's gonna make for some wild fossils someday," Gilgamesh muttered to himself as he too watched. Of course, he only watched for as long as Thena did. He slid his eyes over to her. "Should we...go get her now?"
"We must be certain this thing won't try to claw its way on land again." The Goddess of War had spoken, and that was that.
Both men sighed heavily.
She turned back to them and their petulance. "We will have to climb back up the cliff regardless."
They had indeed fallen a great distance.
Heracles leaned over the edge slightly, holding his hand up mostly for dramatic effect. "It's in the water now, I'm sure it won't take long to be submerged completely."
By the time he turned, Thena was already in Gilgamesh's arms, held like a maiden. His jaw dropped in offense at the idea that they were leaving him there. "Hey!"
"Since you're so tough, you can keep an eye out until Sersi gets here," Gilgamesh chuckled, happily holding his Goddess in his arms and preparing to jump most if not all the height they fell.
"Indeed," Thena agreed, furthering the betrayal. "If you do not wish to listen to my instruction, then you can take the service roads back up to the city. As mortals do."
Heracles pursed his lips (a habit picked up from the goddess herself). "This is unjust."
"Have Sersi walk back with you if dusk falls," Thena pointed out lastly before Gilgamesh charged energy under his feet and took off like a rock from a trebuchet.
Heracles shouted after his petulant parents (always sneaking away to canoodle). "I am not a child!"
#Thenamesh Heracles AU#thank you so much for the ask I really hope you like it!!!!#this one is a little lighter than the last#I just think Heracles would be all fun and games#he grows up so fast#and he's fast and strong obviously#he got trained by two of the finest warriors the planet has ever seen#also yes I totally picture him like a blonde disney hercules#and he's so cheeky#he loves joking around like Gil#and he loves acting like a little mama's boy for Thena#she acts so annoyed but he can see how happy it makes her when he still comes over#tail wagging for her approval#the first time he wins in a battle or lands a bullseye or wins a race against Makkari's light jog#he's like did you see Mama Thena I won!!!!#Thena pretends to be uninterested but she couldn't be prouder#also he does still have that little sword she whittled for him when he was a kid#it's his most treasured possession#that and his old dog Odysseus#Thena still calls it Canis (Dog)#Heracles fights the occasional Deviant that makes its way into town#he protects the people keeps buildings from crushing them that kinda thing#Thena has to be both#proud of him for being such a noble protector of the innocent#and horrified that the little boy who used to cry to her for every little thing is now risking his life on the daily#and now that he's an adult#he realises just how ooey gooey and snuggly and gross his parents really are#he drags himself up the long way to the city like seriously?!!?!#Thena and Gilgamesh are having a romantic candlelit dinner feeding each other grapes#welcome back son have some dinner with your folks
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mismess · 2 years ago
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shadowofthehost · 1 year ago
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"It's October! That means my birthday is in two weeks."
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turtledotjpeg · 2 years ago
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kurapika remembers when gon was small
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lucifers-favorite-child · 8 months ago
Tim with his clone baby pictures: Here he is as a zygote ... and here he is after his cell divided for the first time!
Jason: Wow ... glad you got that.
Steph: Yeah, we really needed all 278 of these pictures.
Kon: *tears in his eyes* I know right? It's beautiful. Can we see the embryonic pictures again!
Tim: Fuck yeah, here he is when his spine started to develop.
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laurellala-comics · 3 months ago
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Wow guys ace attorney is so cool, I wish lawyers were real
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just-null · 6 months ago
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Hantengu: 5"5 (166cm) Sekido: 5"9 (175cm) Karaku: 5"9 (175cm) Urogi: 5"9 (175cm) Aizetsu: 5"9 (174cm) Zohakuten: 5"3 (160cm) Urami: 8"5 (257cm)
[little aftermath under the cut]
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they're so annoying. peace is nonexistent... they're the best ever.
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quil12 · 2 years ago
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Good news, Link can finally have alcohol
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hexsta · 9 months ago
You know when you Look back at season 1 you'd never expect the kid Stealing caramel apples to be forced to throw the dead bodies into the sea Just a few months later
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willowser · 9 months ago
31 year old soggy loser touya that can't drive or stay out after curfew and that was released from prison 7 months ago and has to keep his job at ace hardware and has to go to his meetings and is figuring out how to both apologize and forgive and is so far behind socially among his peers because of all he had to endure during his child/teenagehood my beloved
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gossippool · 5 months ago
i need a fic where wade tries to find logan a hobby and every chapter is just logan trying out a new one. because that man has been alive and fighting for so long and depressed for half that time and i'm pretty sure he has not done anything Fun And Enjoyable like. ever
and the hobby he settles on, whatever that is (still focused on the magician!logan idea) would definitely be something hands-on to reshape what he can do with his hands
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stagefoureddiediaz · 5 months ago
The Helena diaz of it all has me fascinated. I’ve said for a long while that Eddie’s real issues are his mommy issues and this episode just cemented for me that we’re gonna explore that and deal with it.
Because it’s Helena who forced Eddie to grow up to fast - because her husband wasn’t around much - so she pushed Eddie into de facto parent and husband role ls - selfishly filling her needs and ignoring the damage it was doing to her son (it is a form of abuse in my book).
Eddie then had the audacity to fall in love with and marry Shannon and get her pregnant. It’s why Helena was always so off with Shannon - she was punishing her. She is also punishing Eddie for all of this and his refusal to return to El Paso only cemented further her bitterness and resentment.
Now she does have Ramon back she doesn’t need Eddie any longer to fill that role so she is still punishing him and part of that is tied into her glee over now getting to parent Christopher - something she has always been intent on doing the doppelgänger just gave her the opportunity- as well as allowing her to further punish her son and his love of Shannon.
Her barbed comments about building a pool were all about showing what she can provide Christopher - how she is parenting him better than Eddie - it’s part of her mind games - making Eddie feel like more of a failure as a parent to his son.
The reality of course is that the reverse is true - Helena’s parenting is all superficial, flash and showy - it isn’t the hard day to day parenting when things get tough and you have to be the bad guy. While Eddie has made mistakes, there is nothing superficial, flash, or showy about his parenting. It’s why bucks comments about Eddie being a great dad are so important.
Eddie feel like a failure right now and that he is entirely to blame for everything. But in reality, while he does bear a bit of the responsibility, the truth of the matter is that he needs to learn and deal with the fact that all of it actually stems from Helena and her abuse of her young son - Shannon never stood a chance just like Eddie never has.
#genuinely don’t see how she can get any sort of redemption arc#but this is 911 so maybe they’ll find a way 🤷🏻‍♀️#Helena’s treatment of Eddie is a form of child abuse - it has done so much damage to him psychologically#I do really hope we finally get to meet Sophia and adriana as part of this arc beciase I think it might be very revealing#I am also wondering if Ramon had a stache in the past - and that is what Eddie is subconsciously trying to mimic#and that is about him trying to regain his mothers affection - trying to fill that husband role she forced him into#and that shaving it off is a part of his dealing with that and choosing to free himself from her clutches#and in doing that - standing up for himself etc - it will be the trigger that v ring schristopher back#the catholic guilt and Eddie’s queerness is also all tied up in this - the church reinforces and condones Helena and her actions#the Catholic Church has a long history of abuse of children in all it’s horrendous forms#so Eddie seeking solace in that direction think it will help him find away back to Helena’s good books only for it to open a few doors he#has bolted shut#as for the queer aspect - forcing Eddie to grow up too fast and fill this role of husband to his mother and parent to his siblings means#Eddie never got the chance to learn who he actually is - to explore his sexuality and all that goes with that - at the age one normally#would - as a teenager and into your 20’s. it explains so much around his relationship with Shannon and dealing with the helana of it all#and the queerness of his identity - ​will also allow him to actually let Shannon go#Eddie’s arc is going to be incredible - heartbreaking and gut wrenching - but incredible#Helena diaz it’s on sight - she is evil and cannot be redeemed in my eyes!#911 spoilers#Thinky thoughts#eddie diaz#911 abc
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jojo-schmo · 1 month ago
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I'm updating my personal ref sheets and it's really hitting me just how SMOL Kirby, Bandee, and Elfilis really are compared to the rest of the cast.
#Elfilis! standing on your tippy toes is cheating!!#its okay tho on all fours you're like a little house cat compared to Dedede hehehe#here's a bonus story for anyone nice enough to read my tags#I'll tell the cliffs notes version of the story I drafted of why Gorimondo is so much taller than the other Beasts#especially when comparing Gori to the Mookies (the little hammer monkey enemies)#It involves him exploring a forbidden ruin with Sillydillo#and finding an experimental growth serum in some abandoned school chemistry lab#Gori was the shortest of everyone growing up so he's self conscious about it#Silly can read enough “Forgotten Language” to pick out the word “grow” and eggs him on to try drinking it#and they're like teenagers at that point so Gori just shrugs and tries it and nothing happens.#fast forward a year and he doubled in height#NO ONE KNOWS why he shot upwards like that except for Silly. he doesn't want to be lectured about drinking strange potions in the ruins#the rest of the beast council friend group just assume he was a late bloomer of some kind or he just increased his exercise routine#but when kids ask him why he's so tall Gori just says he ate all his vegetables and always listened to what his parents said#the kiddos in Wondaria were very well behaved after he told them that#the end! thanks for reading hehe. if you could only see my notes on the Beast Pack#their personalities are so basic in canon I get to squash and stretch their backstories all I want muahaha#art#forgotten land roleswap#roleswap bonus features#king dedede#meta knight#elfilis#kirby#bandana waddle dee#kirby and the forgotten land#kirby series#kirby comic#beast pack#clawroline
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punkrangerdraws · 10 days ago
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It's Antoine's real birthday lads!! (or sometime around now, I must have deleted the original first playthrough since that was technically a completely different character, but he was born from that, so I still consider him my first step)
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hawnks · 1 year ago
I think Gojo manhandles you sometimes. Not on always purpose, he just like..forgets how BIG he is sometimes. Suddenly his hug becomes him dragging you bodily where he wants you, just because he can. Like a dog realizing it can knock over tables to get the food on top.
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