#and he's a big cat so he goes through even MORE than a normal sized cat would
chenziee · 8 months
I might actually open commissions.. had/will have a lot of unexpected expenses lately 😭
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teecupangel · 5 months
So I had the thought of Desmond becoming a MLP: fim changeling queen. Why a changeling? You may ask, because they are very cool.
If you don't know changelings are these horse-like bugs that can shape shift into pretty much anything even inanimate objects (or many that one is an illusion). They use this ability to collect love from other creatures since that's their main source of energy, seems like they need to eat normal stuff but in smaller quantities.
But for the sake of this Au let's say they can feed on the other emotions as well but the closer to love the emotion (example: happiness) the more energy they get. With love giving out the most energy.
So Desmond wakes up at Solomon's temple and sees he is some kind horse-bug and cause he is a queen changeling he is really big. Like draft horse big, even bigger than the Clydesdale. But still thin and spindly cause you know, bug. He wouldn't be like Chrysalis starved hive but also he wouldn't be rainbow colored like Thorax's. I see Desmond being desert colored for camouflage (dark red, brown, pale, black, sand) while having some white and red mixed in for the colours of the brotherhood.
Desmond curses his luck and wanders around trying to get used to his new body until Altaïr and company come for the apple. He discovers that he is completely armored and his carapace is really resistant and though, he is really strong capable of shatter stone with a kick, he is very flexible and can climb on surfaces like Spiderman, he can lift things with telekinesis through his horn (solves the issue of no hands), has this big bug mandibles that can come from his snout, his fleshy tail is very flexible and has a pair of stingers with a paralyzing venom, he has wings under his carapace like a beetle open it and fly, and he is pretty much an omnivore but absolutely loves flower nectar, honey, bee wax, and other insects.
One night while sneaking in a city he complains about not being at least a normal horse to not catch so much attention and then fiuussh he transforms into one of the smaller horses he saw in the stables he passed, smaller size and everything. He practices his new shape shifting ability and even figures out how to change color and become invisible. For now he can only shape shift into other quadrupeds, horses, dogs and even something as small as a cat. And that's how he discovers his new emotion based diet. Now that he can spend more time in the cities he doesn't feel as hungry and when some kids tried to pet him and play with him while disguised as a dog he felt an energy boost from feeding off the affection they were giving him.
So to kick off plot once the general date of the expedition to the temple comes Desmond comes back to the temple and waits. He turns invisible and when the fight for the apple comes he drops the invisibility and everyone sees his him in his big insect glory, they think Desmond is some Demon/guardian of the apple.
He manages to run off the templars, save Malik and Kadar and with his telekinesis gives Altaïr the apple.
From here I must clarify that Desmond can speak human languages perfectly he just chooses not to at the moment. And mainly uses this bug language of clicking, chittering, buzzing, crooning and hissing.
From here Desmond either goes back to being invisible and sneaks to Masyaf or just follows outright along with them outside the cave and transforms into a normal horse in front of them to travel back to Masyaf. With the second it allows for more interactions, Al Muslim gets to see Desmond at the beginning and they think the guardian of the apple is following them around and chose their faction as worthy of the treasure.
Al Muslim tries to order him around but Desmond just gives him the stink eye and follows Altaïr around. Using his shape shifting ability to help sneak around and get information, eventually learning how to transform into non-quadrupeds, humans and even inanimate objects. Every once in a while Desmond speaks like a human in public but everyone thinks he is just a very clever parrot except Altaïr who spends the more time with Desmond whose Desmond speaks more and more to everyday.
After Al Mualim is defeated Desmond makes Masyaf the place to put his hive without knowing, at this point everyone knows Desmond can speak and it's fully sapient.
When things calm down Desmond gets the surprise of his life when he lays his first clutch of eggs, he is not a Changeling Queen for nothing. And when the eggs hatch among the grubs is Clay (once Altaïr dies he will be reborn like this too).
The other changelings (changeling workers/soldiers) are also sapient and can do everything Desmond can but Clay becomes a sub-queen of sorts. Clay is a changeling whose function is to be the main Queen (Desmond) right hand, therefore Sub-Queen (princess). While the workers are regular horse sized Clay as Sub-Queen is somewhere in the middle is bigger than the workers but smaller than Desmond. Also Clay doesn't lay eggs (to Desmond's complains).
So now the brotherhood is composed of humans and changelings, who can infiltrate pretty much everywhere, their venom is widely used by the assassins and they make the templars incredibly paranoid of everything even their own pot plants.
If anyone in the brotherhood dares to even look at any of Desmond's hundred children wrong both Altaïr and Desmond will make their lives miserable.
(Now I see Altaïr with a handful of grubs who crawl all over him)
Masyaf becomes the main changeling hive and Clay goes on to make a second one in the nearest assassin headquarters (then he begins to lay eggs).
When Altaïr dies he is reborn as a grub that becomes another Sub-Queen. A lot of brotherhoods around now have a changeling hive with a Sub-Queen and all respond to Desmond (the main Queen).
Changelings feed on surrounding emotions and when they go infiltrate but they mostly feed on the affection of each other's and their fellow brotherhood members.
So when it's Ezio's turn he is just surrounded
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By this three giant bug-horses and their million children/niblings.
There was a man who visits their home often. He would always be accompanied by a strange bunch. People in hoods and animals of various sizes…
All of them would call him ‘mother’.
Ezio swears the people with hoods and the animals would change at times, even when they had already entered their home.
It was strange.
Sometimes they would visit with one brown dog but leave with no dogs at all but the number of people would rise.
Other times, he would visit with butterflies on his hair and leave with no butterflies at all but cats walking behind him.
He never stays long, talking to Ezio’s father the longest then taking the time to talk to everyone else for a bit.
Ezio liked it when he visited.
He always gave them new toys they had never seen before. Sometimes, he would bring books that sounded interesting and would be read and borrowed between the siblings.
As Ezio grew older, the more he understood who the man he only knew as ‘Desmond’ was.
He was royalty.
The mother queen.
Ezio still didn’t know what that was supposed to mean and why he was called 'mother queen' instead of 'father king'. All he knew was that Desmond was the ruling matriarch of a kingdom they do not know about.
And House Auditore was part of that kingdom.
Ezio always thought they were nobles of Firenze.
But no.
They were spies.
He still remembered the conversation he had unintentionally eavesdropped on while Desmond was visiting them.
���I’ve warned you about being too close to Lorenzo de’ Medici, Giovanni.”
“I am loyal to the Brotherhood.”
“I do not doubt your loyalty. Just as I know that Clay is loyal to me, I also know Clay will do what he believes is right. The same can be said to you.”
“I am honored to be compared to the princess-”
“Clay would tell you that it’s meant to be an insult. But it’s not. I’m just telling you this to make you understand that just because you are loyal to the Brotherhood, it does not mean you are not compromised.”
“I can assure you-”
“If I order you to return to Monteriggioni with your family and to not return to Monteriggioni even if Lorenzo de’ Medici begged you to, would you do it?”
“Ezio Auditore.”
Ezio stepped back from the door and turned to face the unfamiliar voice who called out to him.
He looked a lot like Desmond but with golden eyes.
“I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s fine.” The golden-eyed man said, “You will hear what Desmond has ordered your father to do later anyway. Walk with me.”
“Uuuhh…” Ezio didn’t really have any reason to say no so he began to follow the strange man.
As they exited the hallway and made their way to the main room, a cat meowed and nuzzled the man’s legs before following after him, glancing at Ezio curiously only once.
By the time they reached the inner courtyard, five cats were following the man.
It took a moment before Ezio realized that the man had introduced himself. He was unsure if he could just call ‘Altaïr’ or if he was a noble of higher standing than them so he just asked, “These cats…”
“My children.” Altaïr answered.
He was one of those people.
“Sef.” Altaïr called out and a white cat with black fur on his legs and paws meowed as he sat in front of Altaïr, “Stay with Desmond and tell him that I’ll be training Ezio Auditore until he’s done with Giovanni Auditore.”
Ezio opened his mouth to speak but the cat’s meow was loud enough to stop him. Ezio watched the cat quietly make his way back inside before he turned to face Altaïr as he asked, “Training?”
A hooded man that Ezio swore was not there before handed Altaïr two blunt swords used for training and Altaïr threw the other sword to Ezio who caught it easily.
“Uh- merda!” Ezio shouted as Altaïr suddenly charged him, easily disarming him with enough force to stagger him off his feet.
“Get up faster. You’d be dead if I had followed up on my first attack. Again.” Altaïr ordered as he took a few steps back.
Ezio growled and stood. As soon as he grabbed the sword, Altaïr charged once more. Ezio managed to keep hold of his sword but fell on his ass when Altaïr smacked his cheek with the back of his hand.
“You’re too focused on my sword. If I had a hidden weapon on my left hand, you’d be dead. Again.”
Ezio growled once more.
This bastardo was asking for it.
Training only ended when a hooded man who looked too much like Desmond and Altaïr that Ezio had to take a doubletake, giving Altaïr an opening to hit him on the side with the pommel of his sword, announced that lunch was ready and Desmond would like Altaïr to eat with him and the rest of the Auditore.
As Ezio wheezed as he held his poor bruised side, Altaïr handed the sword to the hooded man who could have been mistaken as Altaïr and Desmond’s son as he said, “Very well. Check the perimeter before scheduling everyone’s meal time, Sef.”
“Darim is already on it, father.”
Did Altaïr named a cat after his son???
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magicalrocketships · 1 year
knock knock who's there it's me 🥺🥺🥺 politely asking for an update on de-aged max?
WHO'S THERE, oh yes, more de-aged Max.
(this link shows the stuff I’ve already posted in chronological order if the tag isn't working. But anyway, this bit follows directly on from this part.)
The package with the new nightlights in arrives after lunch, and Max pads silently around Daniel's apartment after him, watching him set them up. The Jimmy or Sassy cats come too, of course, winding their troublesome selves around Daniel's feet and the trailing wires. They are an accident waiting to happen, so Daniel tries to make Max giggle by doing a silly dance to step around the cats, but Max is quiet today, like Daniel's little shadow, and just hooks his little fingers through Daniel's belt loop.
There's a cat shaped light for the hall outside their bedrooms, and Daniel has to position it on a little stool because there's not a useful surface near the plug. It has a selection of settings, from a changing wave of colours to single colours at various brightnesses. Max carefully touches the cat's head, in between its ears, to get it to change colours, before settling on a soft blue glow. The one for the bathroom is shaped like an otter, and Daniel has to move some of their shit out of the way to find space for it on the counter. There's a new package of Pokemon-themed face cloths and towels and a matching toothbrush that he hasn't sprung on Max yet because he's waiting for bath time, a routine Max still does not approve of and Daniel hasn't figured out how to make fun yet. Max could go back to being big at any moment, but until he wakes up his normal size again, Daniel is committed to ensuring that Max is clean and fed and safe and warm for the duration, even if Max seems to believe that baths are a very bad thing indeed, and bath time in general is exhausting for them both.
Even given that Max does not approve of bath time, and he keeps wetting the bed and Daniel hasn't slept through the night since that brave little knock on his door last week, getting to spend all of this time with Max like this is great. He wouldn't change it for anything. He's sort of dreading the moment it all comes to an end and Max wakes up normal-aged again, if he's honest.
It doesn't make it any better, however, when it all goes wrong when Daniel tries to set up the night light he'd got for Max's bedroom.
"No," Max says, little arms folded, bottom lip jutting out, cheeks red.
"No?" Daniel asks, after he's tried to put the animal themed night light on the drawers by the bed more than once, and Max has pushed it away.
"No," Max says again, stamping his foot.
"Don't you like it?"
"I'm not scared," Max says. "Take it away."
Daniel hadn't been entirely certain if Max was afraid of the dark before he'd ordered the nightlights. It was another weapon in the online parenting websites' arsenal of tools to combat bedwetting, something he thought he might try, but one look at Max's bright, scared eyes as he mutinously maintains he doesn't need it, and Daniel is convinced he's terrified.
Which is— well.
"Okay," Daniel says. "That's okay, Maxy-Max. Can I tell you a secret?"
Max still looks mutinous. He hasn't unfolded his arms, his little bottom lip sticking out. He's frowning. It would be cute if Daniel wasn't secretly so worried.
"I'm scared of the dark," Daniel says in a whisper. "But I didn't want anyone to know, so I never had a light. But if you don't need this one, then maybe I can have it in my room, so I won't be scared any more. Do you think that might be okay?"
Max's expression does something complicated. His eyes have gone very wide. He's looking up at Daniel like he's one of those monkeys with the huge eyes. "You are not scared of the dark, Daniel," he says, after a moment of staring, unblinking, up at Daniel like a very worried little alien.
"I am," Daniel says. He lets that settle for a bit. Max looks worried, but he's also thinking. Daniel's learned to recognise that thinking face.
"But you're a grown up," Max whispers. He twists his fingers into Daniel's t-shirt, just above the waist, like he can keep hold of Daniel if Daniel tried to leave him behind. Daniel's not leaving him anywhere.
"Grown ups can be scared of things," Daniel says, in as gentle a voice as he can manage. "Big Daniels are scared of lots of things." Max looks amazed, and more than a little bit worried, which Daniel does not like. "I told you I was scared of the dark," Daniel says. "I don't like it in the middle of the night when I wake up and it's all dark. I don't like it when you go swimming in the sea and there are fish and they swim up to you. Sharks are scary too." He does a pretend full body shiver, to make Max laugh, but Max isn't laughing. He sits down on Max's bed, and pats the mattress next to him. Max obediently clambers up next to him, tucking himself into Daniel's side. "And can I tell you another secret?"
Max nods uncertainly. His fingers are pulling on Daniel's t-shirt, holding on tight.
"Charmander scares me," Daniel tells him, "because his tail's on fire."
Max's eyes go even wider. He blinks up at Daniel, then buries his face in Daniel's t-shirt, mumbling something that Daniel can't make out.
"What did you say, Maxy-Max?"
"You'll get in trouble," Max whispers, without unhiding himself from Daniel's shirt.
Oh, Daniel thinks, and does not cry. Instead, he wraps an arm around Max's shoulders. "It's okay to be scared of things," he says, without much hope that Max is able to listen and understand. "Nobody gets in trouble here for being scared of things. Everyone is scared of something."
Max shakes his head, face still buried in Daniel's side.
"Do you think you can help me set up my new nightlight in my bedroom?" Daniel says. "That way, tonight I won't have to be scared any more. And I was thinking that we could put the light on in the bathroom, and the one in the hall, and I'll keep my bedroom door open too, and then it'll be light if I wake up in the middle of the night. Is that okay, Max?"
Max tucks his hand into Daniel's, but won't let go of him.
"Do you want to sit here for a bit? We could look at your flag book for a bit, if you'd like. Have a cuddle."
Max shifts a little, face tucked into Daniel's side. "I know about your flags," he says, because they've been reading about Australia, and about Italy.
"You do," Daniel agrees, reaching for the flag book on the drawers by Max's bed. "Do you want to pick a page?"
Max flicks through his book for a while, before coming back to Daniel with the book open to the chapter on South America. If there's ever a point where Daniel is racing again, and there's a geography Grill the Grid, he's going to smash it. Race Max to the winning place. But not yet. Not just yet. Daniel leans down and kisses the top of Max's head.
Max looks up at him with a worried little smile.
"Do you know who my favourite little boy is?" Daniel asks.
Max's brow furrows. He shakes his head.
Daniel leans in and blows a little raspberry into Max's ear so that he giggles and squeezes Daniel's hand. "You, Maxy-Max. You're my favourite."
Max is quiet today. That's okay. His hand's tucked into Daniel's. One of the Jimmy or Sassy cats comes and sits on the other side of him, and Max strokes their little fluffy head. Daniel reads him the flag facts about Brazil, about Argentina, about Uruguay. Later, he can set up the nightlight in his bedroom, on the drawers by the door so it'll light up the hallway. He'll leave all the doors open so that the light will bleed into Max's room, and hopefully it'll help. Hopefully he'll let Daniel buy him his own nightlight. Maybe one day soon he can say that he's scared and not worry about getting into trouble for it.
Until then: this. He's okay.
Thank you to @flawlessassholes for reading this over! And the other lovely people who listen to me go on and on about small Max.
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ril-sillyart1st · 24 days
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BATMM FF AU: "Understand my ship in 5 mintunes" meme!
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My own version of this meme! Full credits to gibbarts for the template and inspired by @dead-cat-batmm, @ask-the-blasher-fam, @meliskindachildishlol and more. (Sorry for the tags, just let me know if you don't want to be tagged so I could remove"@")
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Drawings itself:
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And yeah I didn't fully render instead because I thought it would look too much for an god-damned little work lol.
Chibi Blaze Flarelyn and Crusher Flarelyn:
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Going to make their reference sheet and exes version next! :3
Just a heads-up: this will have both SFW and NSFW parts!
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Their bar thingy information:
"who's the big spoon and little spoon?"
They're both a big and little spoon (they switch), though Crusher was at first the big spoon when their relationship started and Blaze was still kinda short but after Blaze's 26 birthday she grown older and taller than his boyfriend making them also the big spoon.
Crusher was the clingy one when it comes to waking up.
Blaze just loves to use Crusher's chest as his pillow sometimes (same goes to Crusher) but this mostly happened when they were boyfriends at that time.
And Crusher likes to use Blaze's belly and sometimes his ass as his pillow.
"Who borrows and lends their clothes?"
Pretty much they kinda also both lend each other's clothes swap because both are plus size though Crusher is way bigger than Blaze so it's more rare for Crusher to borrow their partner's shirt because it's too fitted on them. That one cat shirt ended being Crusher's shirt instead because it was bigger than his size (the one that has a cat with pizza everywhere on space), they really, really loved that shirt so much that they never gotten to give it back to Blaze every again lol but Blaze wasn't mad at all because she actually didn't like that shirt that much if they're being quite honest.
After their third date, Crusher has once again stole another cat shirt from his boyfriend that also fits perfectly on them. (It was two shirts this time!)
"who doesn't and does use pet names?"
Blaze and Crusher actually kind of rarely use pet names (ex: love, smarty-pants, etc) when mostly flirting! When they're having a normal conversation or fighting they'll use their real names.
Though this stops when they got married as it got more fewer for them to call each other pet names. This is where they start calling each other "daddy" and supposedly "dad" (parental role names).
When it was their first time making love, they started to call each other pet names again (ex: sexy, love, etc).
Though Crusher was kind of shy to call Blaze "sexy" while getting all the fun he gets from his husband.
Does this part even still about pet names? Prob not but I'll add this little lore anyways.
After Crusher was tested as "positive" in his pregnancy test he was in full joy to have his own child after being a former child psychologist, child therapist and taking care of children in his younger adulthood (aka babysitting).
Crusher was hoping for the best for his future daughter (Fiar) to say "daddy" as her first word. 👀
But it was "dada"!? Fiar's first word was "dada" instead of "dad" which Blaze wasn't expecting her to say the least. Blaze tried so many types to get his daughter to say "dad" instead but "dada" was his official parental name.
"who's introverted and extroverted?"
Both are socialized trucks (aka extroverts).
"who's affectionate through words and who's affectionate through actions?"
Blaze's way of flirt is being affectionate through her words more than his actions. Even few words would make Crusher's engine explodes from overheating due to easily get fluttered.
Crusher's flirting is through actions instead. Though Blaze isn't the type of truck who would easily be so giggly and fluttered like them but that doesn't mean Blaze can't get fluttered at times sometimes.
"who confesses first?"
Crusher always wanted to confess first but his weak ass was too shy to say it to Blaze so they waited for him instead which didn't last too long for Blaze to say what his confidence ass want to say to his love.
Blaze was having butterflies in his stomach when he confesses to them, which Crusher felt the same as well.
"who's a scary cat and who isn't for a bug?" (TW: mentioned about bugs and k🫧lling a r🌊ach!)
Crusher happens to have a love-hate relationship towards non-pest bugs, they do still find some bugs cool! Their favorite bug would be a dragonfly! And speaking of dragonfly, Crusher have a little dragonfly friend named "hasty", they met them when they where in the garden watering their plants.
Blaze in the other hand loves non-pest bugs as they find them delightful.
Though the only bug both would obviously kill will be a roach and any pest bugs that are harmful to anyone.
"who can and cannot cook and bake?"
Both can cook and bake but Blaze only knows a few recipes from other sweets but isn't a afraid to get out of her comfort zone when it comes to new stuff which same goes to Crusher themselves.
When it comes to Blaze making pancakes, it always tasted weird because some parts of the pancake are still dough and uncooked and this is why Blaze can only make waffles and other breakfast food instead.
"Who likes and dislikes PDA?"
Blaze loves to tease and flirt Crusher time to time Infront of their friends, not to exactly embarrassed his boyfriend but rather as a playful romantic act as she just loves Crusher's reaction to it.
Blaze only do it if they're with their friends at a safe spot despite Axle City is LGBTQIA+ friendly.
"who's overprotective and who's chill?"
Both are quite overprotective to one another especially Blaze. But it got a little chiller when they got married.
When they have Fiar (their daughter), the two were protective but not overprotective towards her and one another.
"who has more relationship experience?"
Crusher used to date someone in senior collage life who just used them for live streaming and videos but good thing Pickle helped them try to break up with thier ex girlfriend, Maritime aka Gas Guzzler.
Blaze didn't dated anyone in her life not until Crusher themselves. Blaze has been asking advises from his parents when he was 15 years old.
when Blaze finally dated Crusher, his parents were worried and was having second opinions on dating someone who's his frenemies but she told them that Crusher was slowly turning good that they don't need to be worried about, Blaze could handle this one his own. (which he was right, Crusher was now a good truck and he handle it properly in his own).
"Their horny level"
Like I mentioned earlier about their first time making love, both where really ready to not just have a baby but also wanted to get the fun started in their marriage.
Blaze was patiently waiting for this to happen for some time now. This man was ready to have a blast with his spouse, Crusher.
Both are getting to enjoy the fun, as both are equally giving each other the love. (They're basically doing the "ho-ho-ha-ha" funny number position 👀)
Blaze was mostly the top when she was 😻 her husband so goodly, Crusher was way louder than Blaze though good thing that the neighborhood didn't heard them (somehow lol 👀).
Both Blaze and Crusher gave each other 💕 marks which Crusher looks more obvious than Blaze.
"Awkwardness level"
Crusher is way more to get the awkwardness level than Blaze despite being extrovert.
"Jealousy level"
Crusher pretty much can still get easily jealous at his own boyfriend and future husband at time especially on race though he's trying to not get insecure about it and enjoy the race instead.
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And I didn't put their relationship lore here because it would take me forever to think and I want it to separate the lore somewhere else.
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Blinding Light Chapter Two
Hey guys! I just finished chapter two so I figured I might as well post it! I’m glad that you guys liked Chapter One. It has some formatting issues so I’ll try to fix those one I’m on my computer. I’m currently posting this from iPad at work, so it makes the formatting a bit odd. I hope you guys show this one as much love as chapter one! Thanks!
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Hybrids: Munchkin Cat Y/N (Omega), Fox Jin (Omega), Panther Yoongi (Alpha), Golden Retriever J-Hope (Beta), Wolf RM (Alpha), Calico Cat Jimin (Omega), Tiger V (Beta), Bunny Jungkook (Beta)
Word Count: 4, 121
Previous Chapter, Next Chapter
When I wake, I feel more rested than I ever have. Yoongi’s peppery scent wraps around me. I’m tucked into his side, my cheek resting on his chest. His breathing is calm and even. He seems to still be in a deep sleep. I gently try to disentangle myself.
“Where are you going?” His sleepy voice is a little deeper than his normal voice.
“Bathroom,” I whisper back. He lets me go, his arm lifting to point at a cracked door. When I emerge again, Yoongi sits up on the edge of the bed, blinking blearily at me. He holds out a hand to me, which I take quickly.
He pulls me toward him, his head nuzzling into my stomach. My hands go to his hair, my fingers running through is longish hair. He purrs, his hands resting on my hips. We stay like that for a while. He finally pulls back, after a while.
“We got you some clothes. We got a couple different sizes, so we’ll return whatever doesn’t fit,” He leans down and picks up a large shopping bag from beside the bed.
I cycle through a few clothes that are way too big before ending up in a pair of bicycle shorts and an oversized t-shirt. When I come out, Yoongi has also changed clothes.
“Lets go eat some breakfast,” He finally stands, taking my hand and leading me through the massive house, down the stairs, and into the dining room.
The table is overwhelming. It’s covered in food and surrounded by people. I end up seated between Yoongi and Hoseok. The pink haired Calico ends up seated across from me. I watch nervously as the boys load up their places. I recognize some of the, like Jungkook, Namjoon, and Jin, but I don’t know the name of the Omega Calico or the Tiger hybrid next to him.
“Y/N?” The voice pulls me from my daze. I look around to see everyone staring at me. I blush, ducking my head.
“Do you want me to make your plate?” Hoseok asks worriedly. I shake my head quickly and grab a few items near me. A waffled, a fried egg, and a few slices of bacon.
“Orange juice?” It’s the calico this time. I lift my glass and he pours some,” I’m Jimin, by the way.”
“Taehyung!” The tiger offers a boxy smile. I smile back shyly.
I eat as much as I can. This feels like a treat but I haven’t eaten consistently over the years. I don’t want to make myself sick. I finish about half the egg and waffle, but I also ate three slices of bacon.
“How are you feeling this morning?” This time, it’s Jin.
“I feel fine. No soreness or anything,” It feels eerie when everyone goes quiet when I speak.
“I have to ask you some questions after breakfast,” Namjoon, his gray wolf ears flicking.
“Namjoon,” Yoongi’s tone is warning,” She’s not ready.”
“It’s okay,” My voice is stronger than I thought it would be,” I-I want to talk.”
“I”m staying with her,” Yoongi grumbles, turning back to his breakfast. They all chatter through breakfast and then I’m in the library with Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook. I rub my hands together nervously.
“I’m going to show you some pictures. Tell me what you know about the people on them. Take your time. Anything you can tell us will help,” Namjoon has a stack of photos in front of him.
“I don’t know anyone’s names,” I chew on my bottom lip nervously.
“That’s okay!” Jungkook is cheerful,” We just need leverage.”
“Are you ready?” Namjoon gives me a comforting smile. I nod once and he lifts the first picture. Images flash through my mind. Blood, pain, fear. My hand curled into a fist, my breathing becoming shaky. A warm hand covers mine and I look up to see Jungkook, a worried look in his eyes. I take a deep breath.
“Brown bear hybrid. He’s not the bottom of the ladder but he’s not the top either. I think he’s a drug manufacturer. I could usually smell it on him. Had a preference for whips and choking,” While I speak, Jungkook’s hand stays on mine. I study his tattoos, ignoring the lump in my throat,” He was trying to work his way up.”
We proceed like this for a while. At some point, I end up in Yoongi’s lap as he scents me. I don’t know if it’s to calm me or him, but it soothed my trembling. Jungkook sits on the floor in front of us. I play with his hair, needing to keep my hands busy. His foot twitches every once in a while. The last picture causes my hands to still and my eyes to blur. My chest heaves.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Jungkook is kneeling before but I didn’t see him move, his hands wiping tears I didn’t know were falling,” We can stop. This is enough. Lets stop.”
“I only met him once,” My voice is empty, hollow,” The day I almost escaped. He’s a bodyguard for the boss. He was supposed to teach me a lesson. He’s an Alpha with a dominance issue. He forcibly marked me. My punishment was to deal the mark rejection that followed. It took three months.”
“I’m gonna kill him,” Yoongi’s voice is growled.
Mark rejection happens when an Omega is forcibly marked. Their body rejects the mark and they go through searing physical pain. Even breathing can feel like fire. The duration changes depending on the Omega and usually requires medical care.
“Lets finish up here. You need to take a breather,” Namjoon sets down his pen and walks over to us. His lips press to the top of my head,” No one will hurt you ever again.”
“I **need** to stay with her. If I go there now, no one will leave there alive,” Yoongi stands with me in his arms.
“Hyung, you know we won’t be able to get information out of them without you,” Jungkook whines,” Plus, she should spend time with all her mates. You’re hogging her.”
“Jimin and Tae are home. She’ll be safe with them,” Namjoon gives Yoongi a pointed look. He sighs, seeming resigned.
I can’t help but feel a surge of panic at the though of Yoongi being away from me. Our bond seems to have cemented itself. He had been my rock, my protector. Yoongi seems just as reluctant. He scents me throughly before the others can convince him to leave.
“Man, he really doesn’t trust us, does he?” Jimin rolls his eyes.
“We only set the kitchen on fire once! And no one was even hurt!” Taehyung whines.
“Well, we did set Jin’s hair on fire that one time. He wore a hat for two months,” Jimin lounges next to me on the couch. His cinnamon apple scent brings me comfort that can only be offered by a fellow Omega. Taehyung’s scent reminds me of snow. Cold, fresh, and oddly exhilarating.
“Okay, so, I know Yoongi told you about the whole mate thing, but do you have any questions? Hyung isn’t much of an explainer,” Taehyung sits in the chair diagonal to the couch.
“I don’t think so? Should I?” I chew on my bottom lip nervously.
I understand the basic concept of mates. A group of people whose animal counterparts draw them together. The groups usually range between five and ten people. I did hear about a pack of thirteen once but it’s rare. No one knows what draws them together or why. Mates bring you friendship, companionship, love, a support system. It depends on what you need. Most end up falling in love with each other. They patchwork themselves into the pieces of your heart. I never really expected to find mates, not really. Not everyone does.
“But?” Jimin prompts, pulling me from my thoughts.
“I just… wasn’t ever prepared for this option so I don’t know how to feel,” I feel like I’m staring holes in the carpet,” I don’t know how to be a mate.”
“Nobody does. You learn it through spending time with your mates. Every relationship is different. We have to learn about you too,” Jimin’s hand touches mine gently. I didn’t realize my fingers were digging into my thighs.
“Why don’t we just do something fun, instead. No need for everything to be so serious so quickly,” Taehyung gives me a cute, boxy smile,” I promised Chim I would teach him some pottery. I can teach you too.”
The clay splattered apron ends up being quite big. Taehyung’s hands engulf mine as he shows me how to shape and press my hands. Once I have the basics, he goes to help Jimin.
I quickly become absorbed. Keeping my hands busy makes everything else fade away. I forgot how much I loved to create, to use my hands to build something. For a while, nothing else matters. One of my nicer owners, a younger woman, was a potter. She had taught me once. Taught me how to create, carve, and glaze. I had nearly forgotten. It was so long ago.
When it was shaped how I wanted, I began to carve. I knew what I wanted. I don’t know how long I work but the finished product is perfect. The panther stares back at me, reminding me so much of Yoongi. I had decided on a coffee cup after watching him down multiple ups at breakfast this morning. Taehyung helps me place mine in the kiln alongside Jimin’s rose.
“It should be ready in the morning. You can come up and help me glaze them after dinner, if you want,” Taehyung’s tone is a little shy,” Where did you learn pottery?”
“One of my various owners. She was a potter. She passed in an accident and her mother sold me to a new owner,” I keep my voice casual,” She was my favorite.”
“He’ll love it, you know,” Jimin’s arm wraps around my shoulder,” He may pretend otherwise but he’ll love it.”
“Yeah, Yoongi is a big softie. He just looks tough,” Taehyung’s voice is teasing.
“Lets go watch a movie,” Jimin suggests suddenly,” I wanna cuddle.”
“I’m picking then,” Taehyung shoots off down the stairs.
Sitting on the couch nestled between Jimin and Taehyung is warm and comfortable. Jimin’s head is in my lap while I play with his hair. Taehyung’s arm is wrapped around my waist, his head on my shoulder. His ears tickle my jaw. Treasure Planet flashes on the tv.
Having an Omega near me brings me a comfort I’ve never known. I have never spent time around other Omegas. Before I was on suppressants, my heats were usually handled by Alphas or Betas. Or, sometimes, humans, but I hadn’t had a heat in years. I should probably talk to Jin about that at some point.
About halfway through the movie, it becomes obvious that Jimin has dozed off. Soft purrs leave him every so often and he’s rolled onto his back. Asleep, his face drops into an almost pouty expression. He’s much cuter like this, when he isn’t, seemingly, causing chaos with Taehyung.
“Can I scent you?” Taehyung’s voice is quiet and a little bit nervous. His nerves makes me shy.
“Y-yes,” I swallow, suddenly aware of everything happening around me. I hadn’t been scented by anyone but Yoongi so I wasn’t sure what to expect.
My head tilts to the side as his nose presses to my scent gland. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. We stay there for a while, him just taking in my scent. It suddenly makes me wonder what I smell like. You can’t smell your own scent, your brain filters it out before you even process it. Plus, your scent is more complex to your mates, something unique and satisfying to your senses. You even smell different to your different mates.
“Taehyung-“ I stop myself, a little embarrassed.
“You can call me Tae, you know,” I can feel his lips move against my neck, setting my nerve endings on fire.
“What do I smell like to you?” My teeth dig into my bottom lip nervously. This feels like an intimate conversation, but Jimin could wake up at any moment. I still don’t fully understand this whole mate thing. Not in a way that makes any rational sense. The concept of mates isn’t supposed to be rational, I suppose, but I feel like I’m not emotionally set up to be able to process it yet.
“Honeysuckle on a summer breeze,” His voice is almost nostalgic as he says it,” Combined with the scent Yoongi has left on you, it’s nearly enough to drive someone crazy.”
For a while, we sit like that, Taehyung scenting me while Jimin naps with his head in my lap. His version of scenting is different from Yoongi’s. Yoongi was gentle and soft while Taehyung is much more enthusiastic and forward. With Taehyung, I can feel how much my scent affects him. He’s much more open than Yoongi, at least when it comes to emotions. His teeth nip my scent gland, catching me off guard. All my breath leaves me in a rush.
“We’re home!” Taehyung pulls away with a huff, seemingly annoyed by our interruption. Hoseok comes around the corner, a couple bags in his hand. Yoongi trails in behind him, carrying more bags. They have brands from various clothing stores on them.
“Go help Jungkook unload. If you’re fast, it can be done before dinner,” Yoongi gives Taehyung a point look,” Wake Jimin up. He said he would help.”
“I’ll wake him up. You can go help Jungkook,” I give Taehyung a warm smile. He presses a quick kiss to my cheek, catching me off guard, before scrambling off to help Jungkook. I shake Jimin’s shoulder gently. He doesn’t stir,” Jiminie, it’s time to wake up.”
His eyes open at my words, his mouth forming a small, pouty circle. He just stares up at me for a minute, sleep still weighing heavily on his eyelids. We sit there for a few moments, his trying to wake up from his nap and me sitting captive under his head. He finally sits up, turning to face me for a moment.
“Say my name again,” His words are so forward, they catch me off guard.
“J-Jimin,” I answer without thinking. He offers me a sweet smile.
“Call me Jiminie,” With that, he’s gone, lopping off after Taehyung. It takes me a moment to clear my confusion and look over to see Yoongi and Hoseok still there. I blush, look away again, my hands knotting together.
“We got you some more clothes. I know Omega’s can be particular about clothing materials so I figured you could try them on and make sure there isn’t anything that needs to be returned or exchanged,” Hoseok holds up his hands, displaying the bags. I try not to look shocked at some of the brands I see on the bags. I had noticed that they seem to wear higher ends clothes but I didn’t think much of it at the time.
“Those are all for me?” I had never had any of my owners buy me clothes like this. I mean, they’re required to provide clothing but it was usually a week’s worth, at most.
“Lets just use the bathroom down here. I’m tired of carrying these bags,” Yoongi sets the bags at his feet.
“Hyung,” Hoseok whines,” We were gonna use my room because I have a full length mirror.”
“Then go get it,” Yoongi shrugs and sits next to me on the couch, pulling me into his arms. Hoseok rolls his eyes and heads up the stairs. I snuggle into his chest, letting out a content chirp.
“I missed you,” My words seem to catch us both off guard, Yoongi seeming to freeze. I blush again.
“I missed you too,” He says after a moment, humming and resting his head on top of mine. We separate, somewhat reluctantly, after Hoseok comes back downstairs lugging a tall mirror.
The next few hours make me feel like a doll playing dress up. Three piles are made: keep, exchange, and return. Yoongi seems very intune with my body language so I don’t have to verbalize if a certain material makes me uncomfortable. Most of the clothes are comfortable and the keep pile is by far the tallest. Dresses, jeans, shorts, t-shirts, button ups. Any kind of clothing imaginable. They had even thought to get me undergarments, though I chose not to question how they figured out my size.
The last dress takes my breath away. It’s a gorgeous emerald green dress with an open back, chains dangling between the shoulder blades. It feels much too nice for someone like me. Something for a fancy party, or a ball, or a fairytale. The silhouette is sleek and beautiful. No piece of clothing has ever made me feel this way. I’m almost nervous to show it to them. It doesn’t feel like I belong in this gown.
“Is everything okay?” Hoseok’s voice outside of the bathroom door wakes me from my stupor.
“I’m fine,” I say hastily, opening the door to see him standing right in front of me. One of my hands plays with the silky material,” I just-“
My words drop off at the expression on his face. He moves aside silently, allowing me space to walk to the mirror. Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin seem to have finished whatever task they were completing, as they have joined Yoongi on the couch. I feel nervous under all these eyes. I can’t look at any of them, my hands wringing together nervously. No one says anything.
“Do I look okay?” My words shake almost as much as I am. It almost feels like anxiety has burrowed into my chest. I didn’t realize until this moment that I wanted them to like me. Wanted to think I was pretty or beautiful or that I was important to them. Without realizing, I’m staring holes into the carpet again. Fingers gently close on my chin, lifting my head to meet a pair of dark eyes. They belong to Hoseok.
“You’re beautiful,” Hoseok’s voice is husky and sends my heart pounding, for some reason,” Don’t doubt yourself.”
“This feels like such a fancy dress. Doesn’t it seem a bit excessive? When would I have an occasion to wear it?” I decide that changing the subject would be best for saving my heart from beating right out of my chest.
“We have to go to dinner parties and the such sometimes,” Yoongi says casually, though his eyes haven’t left me once since I walked out.
“I’m sure we could make a reason if we need to,” Jungkook’s tone is joking,” You’re definitely keeping that one.”
My face bright with a blush, I return to the bathroom to change back into the clothes I started in. I bring the dress out to Hoseok, who quickly adds it to the keep pile. I help him bag up the rejects and exchanges, despite his protests. It doesn’t take long to organize it with two people. I hadn’t realized Yoongi had disappeared until I could smell food coming from the kitchen. By that point, Hoseok and I had finished and the four boys were in some debate about soccer that I couldn’t follow. I wander into the kitchen, following my nose, to find Yoongi at the counter, hard at work.
“Hi,” my voice disappears into his back as I softly wrap my arms around his waist, my cheek pressing to his back. He puts down his knife and turns in my arms, hugging me back for a moment before lifting me up and setting me on the counter next to him.
“Hi Kitten,” His voice is warm as he turns back to his chopping. I watch him for a while in comfortable silence. It’s easy to be around Yoongi. I don’t have to think about what I say. He’s a comfortable sort of person, seemingly happy to just let other people exist in his silence.
He obviously knows his way around the kitchen as he makes some sort of pasta dish. He makes a couple of sides as well. Occasionally, he would silently offer me bites of food, letting me be his taste tester. It wasn’t until I tried the first bite that I realized how hungry I was. Taehyung, Jimin, and I had ended up skipping lunch without realizing it. Too busy in our own little world to notice the passing time.
By the time he’s finished, Jin and Namjoon have also returned. We all sit down to dinner, in the same seats as before. I’m nestled between Hoseok and Yoongi, Jimin across from me. This time, before I can move, Yoongi makes my plate for me. He returns it to me before making his own. Yoongi seems to be the type to take care of you in quiet ways. He doesn’t boast that he doing it for you, he just does it without thinking.
“We have a surprise for you,” Jin is the first one to speak. My eyes widen, not prepared for that one. Yoongi takes my hand and I follow all the boys upstairs.
They lead me to a room. I try to remember the directions. Upstairs, left, then the last door on the left. When they open the door, it’s the colors that catch my attention first. The walls are white but the furniture is mahogany with dark green bedding and yellow accents throughout the room. The bed is a king, just as big as Yoongi’s massive bed. More space than one person will ever need on a bed. There’s a carpet spread across the floor, soft and warm on my toes. At some point, Hoseok must have brought the clothes upstairs and put them in the closet.
“We thought you might like to have a room of your own,” Jimin’s voice is bright and chipper. He runs over to a massive wardrobe,” There are tons of nesting blankets and stuffed animals in here. We found ones that look like us and scented them for you. Thought it might make you feel more comfortable since I know how hard it is for an Omega to settle in a new home.”
“This is…. All for me?” I can’t stop my eyes from welling with tears. I’ve never had a space that didn’t also belong to someone else.
“We also have another room set aside for your that you can turn into whatever you want. It’s on the other end of the house,” Namjoon is the furthest away from me, behind the group.
“It’s like Taehyung’s art studio. Namjoon has a library. Jungkook has a gym,” Jimin ticks off his fingers,” Everyone’s room is different.”
“We wanted you to have your own space here. Somewhere that felt like home,” Hoseok offers me a bright smile,” It was Yoongi’s idea.”
Yoongi blushes and won’t meet my eyes, his ears red. It makes me warm that they want me to feel like I have a home. We talk and visit for a while but soon, everyone begins to disperse to get ready for the evening. I decide to build myself a quick nest, leaving the more advanced nest for the morning. When I turn around, I’m shocked to see Yoongi still there, leaning casually against the wall, two coffee cups in hand. He offers me one. Inside is some steaming hot chocolate.
“I just wanted to come say good night,” His ears are a little pink.
“Good night, Yoon,” The nickname slips out without much thought. His ears become even pinker.
“Want me to tuck you in?” His tone is a little more teasing this time, trying to cover up his own embarrassment.
“I think I can manage,” I blush a little,” Can I have a hug though?”
He opens his arms and I practically jump into them. I nuzzle my face into his chest, purring. His scent wraps around me, releasing any tension I might have had. His cheek rests on the top of my head. I try to build up my courage. It’s just a few words but they feel so hard.
“Yoongi, will you stay with me tonight?” The words are spoken into his chest, my arms wrapped around him tightly.
“Of course, Kitten,” He presses a kiss to the top of my head. We cuddle in bed together, my nest built around us. I’ve never felt so comfortable in another person’s presence. He feels like home. Not this room, not anything else. Just him.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Chapter Three coming soon!
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Last legacy where everything is the same but mc has a gun
I know that the intro mentions Ayanna having a gun in the original game but no one in the story ever has one or mentions one so we're just gonna pretend no one in Astraea knows what they are
GN!Reader, guns and stuff that goes with it we're just gonna say you can summon the Astrolabe at any time but you have trouble actually using the magic aspect of it, Color Rule (Felix, Anisa, Sage), always follow proper gun safety!!
We'll assume you already have experience with a gun. Maybe you own one, or you grew up with parents or family that did and you grew up learning about them. You obviously didn't bring a gun with you to the convention, though.
So you're looking at the poster and you hear a clatter and you look over and see this ornate, golden pump-action shotgun. You can tell from a glance that it's a prop (although it doesn't have the 'fake weapon' tag that all prop weapons get when you check into the con, so that's a little weird...) but you make sure to stay away from the muzzle anyways when you walk over to pick it up, going to check the safety.
And then you get transported. Thanks, Felix.
When you tumble into Astraea, your immediately priority is to keep your finger far away from the trigger and check the safety. You just barely manage to find it (it's already in the ON position, thank fuck) when you get grabbed by the distraught wizard that just teleported you here.
Once Felix does calm down and realize you aren't Rime, he turns his attention to the As- what in seven Hells did you do to it?? He's never seen it take a form like this. What the hell even is it? Luckily you seem to know how to handle it. He ends up poking around it a bit. It's sort of,, like,,, a super big-ass wand? What's a trigger? What's a safety? Those are magical terms of sequential orders, not physical things!!
He'll have to look at it more another time, because the guards are pounding on the door. You sling the rifle over your shoulder with the handy strap and hop on through.
Then you're in Anisa's office and she's pointing a sword at your chest. Since the drop through the portal was a little rougher than you expected, you reflexively reach back to secure the rifle on your back. There's a soft glow and it transforms into a double-action revolver. Which uh. Does not go over well with Anisa because Now You Have A Handheld Magic Weapon!! She starts to grab it from you but pauses because What The Hells Even Is It??
On one hand, she's significantly more convinced you're an assassin. On the other hand, when you explain you're from Earth, she's quicker to believe you.
She! Has!! So!!! Many!!!! Questions!!!!! About Earth weapons. You give her a very basic safety lesson (don't point it at anything you don't plan to shoot, never have your finger on the trigger unless you're going to shoot, make sure the safety is on every time you pick it up, even if you 'swear' you had it on before, always handle it like it's loaded and live just to be sure, etc). The gun is so light you assume it's unloaded but you double-check anyways. And. Huh. There are these pellet-sized little balls of light magic in place of bullets. That's... Weird. You triple-check the safety and decide to investigate more later. Like, maybe when you're not in a closed room with a curious half-cat girl who's never seen a gun before?
Anyways Felix gets brought in before Anisa has a chance to ask more questions, though you promise you'll tell her more some other time.
Now it's off to the Saucy Gull to try and track down the mysterious Sage Lesath!
Anisa and Felix both suggest having your weapon on hand because the tavern you're going to is pretty well known for constant brawls. You're a bit wary about using it just yet - these clearly aren't normal bullets and you don't want to risk doing serious damage. You turn your prop sword/staff holster into a makeshift gun holster, secure it to your side under your cloak, and press on.
Then Anisa manages to start a fight in about a minute by pointing out the illegal rat racing going on in the back over there. It's way too crowded in here to even think about firing a shot, so you rely on dodging, ducking, and throwing random utensils - up until you get cornered against the bartop. Now you have a problem with three different choices;
Use your gun. You have one target at a point-blank range. You won't miss. But you have no idea how strong the magical bullets are so you have no idea if they'll go through the body and potentially ricochet or hit someone else. So that's out. And besides, when you're this close, your opponent can easily just knock the gun out of your hand, so it's risky to begin with.
Shout for Anisa and Felix. They're busy in their own battles, though, and there's lots of other shouting in the tavern, so there's a good chance they won't hear you.
Kick this dude in the shins as hard as you can and run the hell away. You're not sure you have enough room for a real wind-up, though.
You're spared from making a decision when your opponent gets knocked in the face from left field by a big 'ol neko. When he offers to bring you to safety, you agree, making sure your gun is still in it's holster because You Don't Actually Know Who This Large Strong Man Is and it's better to be safe than sorry. So onwards you go.
He's flirtatious. Sexy-dangerous, as he puts it. But you don't think he's a danger, so you relax a bit; up until the voices from the other end of the hallway that Sage identifies as bad news. On reflex you reach for your gun only to find it's once again morphed, this time into a semi-automatic pistol; faster and holds more rounds than the revolver, much tighter and less powerful than the shotgun. That should work if it comes down to blows.
Sage's first question is Why Were You Cowering Against The Bar If You Had A Weapon??? Second question is Can He Hold It (Not In A Kinky Way)? Obviously you're not letting him touch it because He Will Play With It Like A Toy, but you do very quickly release the cartridge to let him look at it (and to double-check the bullets - they're still those glowing magical balls). Then you slide it back into the pistol with an audible click! and Sage's tail starts wagging. And y'know? I think he's a little flustered when you have it on your hip like that because,, like,,, y'know how he totally got turned on when you had a knife to his throat? Well he imagines you pulling out the gun and cocking it and. like.
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Idk. Idk. I just think Sage likes being threatened and doesn't fully understand what a gun does (at least not until he actually sees you shooting at some targets)
You ultimately decide not to escalate the situation, though, and let Sage scare the guys off.
As you settle into life in Astraea, you learn about your weapon. From what Felix helps you learn, the Astrolabe changes it's shape depending on what you need it for in the moment. The ammo is magical so it's both infinite and fluid, meaning it's strength changes more or less in accordance with what you want.
You're able to get a sight on it,,, a laser, specifically. You don't get to use it very often because as soon as you turn it on, Anisa, Sage, and Stella all go into cat-mode and chase it.
You do eventually let everyone try it out, albeit after a very in-depth safety lesson (or multiple, if we're being honest).
Felix isn't a huge fan of it. It's kind of cool to look at but he prefers his spellcasting. He does enjoy getting to help you test the complexity of the bullets, though. Can you enchant them to do different things, like turning whatever it shoots to water or making it a flamethrower or something?? You guys don't know, but you're gonna find out!!
Anisa has mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, it's super cool! She loves learning about Earth technology and weaponry, and she appreciates the creativity involved for how humans have managed to adapt without magic. On the other hand you tell her about all the various atrocities guns have been used for and she's,, a little less enthusiastic. She likes target practice, though.
You have to knowingly keep it away from Sage because he's liable to just start messing with it. It's shiny and it makes funny sounds and sometimes there's a laser?? Instant cat toy for him. At the very least he understands religiously checking the safety and never aiming it at a living thing. He doesn't understand the concept of not touching the trigger until he nearly shoots himself in the foot. Then he gains a healthy level of respect. Now he's a little worried about you accidentally shooting yourself, though...
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ohnobrooo · 1 year
So, I was instantly inspired by your giant Peter B. Parker and Miles artwork. I loved it so much I got an Idea from it.
So here it is;
[Also, I haven't seen the movie since I watched it in the cinemas, so I might mix up a few things.]
So imagine each universe has a different size.
Miles's universe is rather a small one, so anyone getting sent to his dimension their body will instantly compress to fit this universe's requirements/rules.
[Different universes have different Requirements/rules.]
Of course, none of them knows this because universe/dimension travel is brand new to them all.
All those who come from a universe a lot bigger tend to glitch out way more as their bodies aren't used to the strain of dimension travel or being compressed into a small world and body.
They think the extra glitching on certain people is how far apart each dimension is, since Peter B. Parker glitches a lot they all assume his dimension is the furthest.
When Miles goes to the Spider Society a lot of spider people are bigger than him either by a foot or way bigger, he just assumes it because that's what their spider did to them, and well Gwen hasn't changed nor has she explained the reasoning behind the whole size difference thing.
Now Miguel is Massive, absolutely huge, which makes him even more intimating as so far no spider person they have seen has been that big.
[I like to think due to Miles's small size it makes Miguel underestimate him.]
Before anything can happen though an even bigger person comes through.
(In my head Peter B. Parker's world is the orginal, which I know isn't the case but I like to think that's why he is so much bigger in this.)
Peter B. Parker is instantly surprised at how small Miles is, he picks him up freaking Miles out.
(Imagine playing with a small marble between your fingers back and forth and that's what's happening to Miles.)
"Your smaller than I thought kid."
Miles instantly throws a glare his way at this comment and sighs.
"Thanks, Peter."
Peter B. Parker grins before nudging Miles with his overly-sized finger, Miles of course tries to push it away with no luck.
"Dude Stop."
And Peter B.Parker does and ask
"How is it out of our little group I'm the only normal-size one?"
I also imagine the scene where they try and stop Miles with the forcefield thing, which looks more like a tiny cup to the giant spider people;
but to the tiny spider people, they see it as a cage.
When Gwen yells at Miguel and Peter B. Parker;
"It's enough."
Peter B. Parker doesn't understand how bad it is because from his point of view, Miguel is saving his tiny vulnerable friend, and Miguel doesn't care since he's saving the universe.
But to other tiny spider people, it's seen as dehumanising and that even with their power they can't stop their bigger counterparts, it makes the smaller spider people see the bigger ones in more of a fearful light as they can easily control them.
Oh, and the chase afterwards I like to think that only the bigger spider people are chasing him or that only a few small spider people are doing it out of fear.
And that Miles is harder to catch because of his small size.
I hope you liked it, don't worry about drawing anything as long as you enjoyed my idea.
I might make more once I re-watch the movie XD
[Also, sorry for how long it is.]
I'm glad you liked my doodle of peter with miles, I feel honored honestly. I hope to inspire and motivate others more to make their own headcanons and ideas(Absolutely love to hear)
As for your ideas its absolutely mwah! Perfect chef kiss! They are kinda similar to this one idea I had were miguel was chasing miles but g/t, so miguel literally has miles in his hands but like pinned down (like that one cat meme that says "YOU").
Miles being a tiny is perfecto! Bro is the master of stealth and him being small makes him almost impossible to be found.
[Don't worry I love reading huge paragraphs, it makes me improve my English more. I would LOVE to hear more of your ideas. Lowkey making me want to watch the movie again just to draw more G/t content]
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quietplace26 · 2 years
Kitty Mayhem au (3)
It was just another normal day in the Izuki household.
Akito was out doing so errands and Mari was taking a nap in her room. As for Kitty!KK and his Kitty!Team, they were having a meeting in the living room.
They were talking about their curse and the fact it might be finally fading away!
It was just a feeling at this point, but both Kitty!KK and his Kitty!Team have been feeling different lately. A sign that maybe the curse was almost over and done with!
Kitty!Erika looks around at the older members and asks how they were going to explain everything to Akito and Mari when they turned back into humans?
Kitty!KK honestly was wondering the same thing...
Kitty!KK suddenly goes still. His Kitty!Team also goes still.
"What's that smell? It smells like something is burning..." Kitty!Erika looks around, trying to locate the smell when they heard yells coming from Mari's room.
The Kitty!Squad all look over to the girl's room, and to their collective horror, see smoke coming from under Mari's door!
"Mari!" Kitty!Erika darts over to the door and starts scratching at it wildly, yowling at the girl inside.
But it was useless, Kitty!Erika and the others were just small cats, they couldn't do anything to help Mari!
Or could they...
Kitty!KK looks down at his tiny paw for a moment. "Maybe..."
He holds out his paw and swipes it down. to his shock, a single etheral weaving line shoots out and damages the door enough for someone human size to crawl through!
"Erika!" Kitty!Rinko shouts as Kitty!Erika darts through the opening and toward Mari, who was coughing on the floor.
Kitty!KK and the rest of the Kitty!Team follows Kitty!Erika's lead and surrounds Mari, nudging her toward the hole in her door.
"Mari! M- *cough* Mari where are you?!" Kitty!KK's ears perk up when he hears Akito's voice. He yowls loudly to get the young man's attention.
Akito, hearing the noise and seeing smoke coming from Mari's room, runs over. He didn't even question why there was a big hole in Mari's door, he just drops to his knees and drags the coughing girl out of her buring room.
Akito, with Mari in his arms and kitties at his heels, runs out his now burning home.
Outside he's greeted by worried neighbours who noticed the fire and first responders who were called by the worried neighbours.
"KK!" Kitty!KK looks to Kitty!Rinko, and to his shock, sees she was glowing faintly. Actually, Kitty!KK and his whole Kitty!Team were glowing!
The curse! It was fading away!
"Shit! We need to leave!" Kitty!KK didn't want to think about how people would react to cats suddenly turning into humans!
"But- but what about Mari and Akito?" Kitty!Erika ears were drooping sadly. She glanced worriedly at Mari, who was now being loaded into an ambulance.
"No time!" Before Kitty!KK and his Kitty!Team could leave, a voice stops them. "Kuro?"
Kitty!KK and his Kitty!Team stiffens, slowly turning around to see Akito staring at them.
Seeing how he had his glowing kitty's attention, Akito gets down on his knees and slowly reaches out to Kitty!KK, petting his head with a thoughtful look on his face.
Kuro... You and your friends... None of you are actually cats, are you?"
Kitty!KK nods, looking away as he curled in on himself.
This was it. Akito was going to hate them...
Kitty!KK lets out a surprised meow when Akito plucks him off the ground and playfully boops his nose. "I'm not mad. Yeah, I would've like to have known you guys weren't really cats, ut you helped saved Mari, so I think that more than makes up for that."
Kitty!Erika moves closer to Akito, placing a tiny paw on his knee and lets out a sad meow when glancing over at the ambulance that was now leaving for the hospital.
Akito smiles weakly, saying Mari was going to fine.
Suddenly, the kitties began to glow a little brighter, proving the curse was almost gone.
Despite wanting to stay in Akito's arms a little longer, Kitty!KK knew it wasn't a good idea. So he squirms until Akito places him back on the ground.
Kitty!KK gives Akito a sad meow before looking away and motioning for his Kitty!Team to follow him.
Before they made it too far, Akito calls out to them. "Will you come back to visit me and Mari?"
Of course they'll come back to visit!
Kitty!KK in particular couldn't wait to come back to see Akito once he was fully human again! He had so much to say, to show! He'll charm Akito like he did as a kitty and win him over again in no time!
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viastro · 3 years
in a span of three months | joshua hong
ミ★ synopsis: in which you teach joshua how to live.
ミ★ genre: strangers to lovers!au, terminally ill!reader, angst, fluff, some humor
ミ★ warnings: mentions of depression (not mentioned heavily), implied suicidal thoughts and intention (very brief), major character death
ミ★ word count: 20,351
ミ★ pairings: joshua hong x gender neutral reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys ! here’s the longest oneshot i’ve ever written so i’d like to apologize in advance BSJKGBDKB i just wanted to mention that this isn’t necessarily realistic before you go into it, and that the reader’s illness is not mentioned in this oneshot as i didn’t want to explicitly list one. i hope you guys enjoy this oneshot, it’s my best work and i put a lot of time and effort into it <3
ミ★ taglist: @coppertrashi @magicalhannie @brinnalaine @minluvly @wonunuu @suhfluffy @shuajeong @euphorencia @imjustuhhvibing​ @minghao-will-be-the-death-of-me @shuahaeee @jaeyuni @sunflowergyeomie
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january 2, 2021 
The date flashes back at you from your lockscreen, and a breath escapes you as you turn off your phone. Your leg bounces against the floor in anxiousness as you wait for him to tell you the results from your recent test.
“I’m sorry, yn.” You slowly look up towards your doctor, seeing the grave expression on his face. Your grip on the chair tightens when he folds his hands together, turning towards you. 
“We estimate that you only have three more months to live. We will give you medication…” The rest of his words are tuned out as your gaze falls down to the table, the sound of your heartbeat is loud against your ears. You bite the inside of your cheek, listening to it thrum. 
I’m dying, yet I can feel my heartbeat right now. I can hear it. It’s beating.
I’m alive.
You stand up from your chair when Dr. Park does, and you give him as bright of a smile as you can muster when you bow towards him. He stares at you with pity in his eyes, and you hate it.
You hate it so much.
“Eat whatever you want, do things you’ve always wanted to do. Live your life, yn. I’ll see you at your next appointment.” Dr. Park tells you, and you nod your head. Giving him a small smile, you grab your bag and walk out of the room, tightly squeezing the strap as you exit the hospital.
Once outside, you suck in a deep breath of air, having felt as if you were suffocating in that building the longer you were in it. Rubbing the back of your neck, you look over towards the Han River, seeing the Banpo bridge shine brightly during the night. 
Letting out a sigh, you head in the direction of the bridge, deciding to walk home rather than take the bus like you usually do. Your heart remains heavy as you look around at your surroundings, wondering what you should do during your last few months of living. 
It’s strange.
Having a known deadline on your own life.
As you make it onto the bridge, you turn your head to look out along the Han River as you walk. The slight wind from the water breezes past you during the night, and you somehow find that it’s the only thing able to calm you down from the raging storm within you. Letting out a small smile, you notice how pretty Seoul is at night.
With the city lights shining brightly back at you, the busy streets roaring with life even during the relatively late hours. The bright stars glowing down from the sky, surrounding the beautiful moon that reflects its light across the Han River. 
“Ah, life is beautiful.” You mutter softly, turning your head and looking forward. You raise an eyebrow when you see a blonde head of hair standing in front of the railing along the bridge, just staring out at the water. Coming to a stop, you stare at the person a few feet from you, wondering what they’re doing. 
Your eyes trail down to see his hands gripping the railing tightly, and you tilt your head at the sight. Taking a few steps forward, the man seems to have not noticed your presence. He just looks out across the water with a blank stare, the whites of his knuckles becoming more prominent when he tightens his grip again. At this point, you decide to interrupt.
“Hi.” You greet cheerfully, and the guy blinks out of his dazed state from the sound of your voice. He slowly turns his head towards you, and you feel warmth flood your face immediately at how ethereal this man is.
His platinum hair falls softly over his forehead, wisps of it flying up slightly due to the light wind. His deerlike eyes stare into yours, and you find that they emphasize his beautiful features that much more. However, the exhaustion is evident in his gaze.
“Hey.” The stranger replies, voice soft and airy, somehow matching his appearance even though he seems tired. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, stepping forward so that you’re now right beside him. His eyes widen slightly, before they relax to their normal size. He shrugs his shoulders, glancing over at the road when a car drives by. “Just standing on the bridge.”
You give him a close-lipped smile, tilting your head as you press on, “Why?” 
“Just cause.” 
You nod your head, turning around so that you can rest your forearms onto the railing. Raising your hand up, you rest your chin on the palm of your hand, letting out a sigh of content as you lay eyes on the beautiful scenery once again. The ethereal man turns to glance at you, wondering what you could possibly want.
“Live your life.” You say in a soft tone, and he simply blinks at you.
You turn your head towards the pretty man, “Life is short when you think about it. It can suck a lot of the time, as well as be unfair, but sometimes…” 
Your voice trails off as you look up at the stars, realizing just how small you are in this great, big universe. “Sometimes it can be beautiful.” 
The stranger tilts his head up and stares at the sky along with you, a comfortable silence settling over the two of you as you do so.
“I wish I could see it like you do.” You look over at him, finding that he’s still staring up at the sky. His breath is visible due to the cold temperatures, and you watch as he lets out a sigh. He turns towards you, giving you a heartbreaking smile, “Life hasn’t been kind to me.” 
The two of you stare into each other's eyes for a moment, and you find that you’re more similar than you originally thought. You feel the exact same way about life, and you’ve asked life for years, why you? Why did it have to be you? 
You could never find the answer.
And so, you smile at the stranger, who tilts his head at you, wondering how one can be so bright and cheerful. You reach into your pocket and pull out your phone, handing it towards him after you unlock it. He raises an eyebrow as he reaches out and takes it, “You know I could totally just take this and run, right?” 
You nod your head, letting out a quiet giggle that rings in the blonde’s ears. He finds the sound to be rather pleasant. “I know, but I have a feeling you’re not that type of person.”
He purses his lips, nodding his head in agreement. Glancing down at the cellular device, he sees your wallpaper, a photo of you holding a cat with a big smile on your face. His eyes trail back up towards your face, as if to ask what you want him to do with your phone. 
You sigh with a teasing look on your face, and you take the phone from his grasp, opening up the contacts menu before holding it back out towards him. “Put your number in.” 
The blonde’s eyes widen slightly, before he tentatively types in his number, handing it back to you. You grasp the phone in your hand, a breath leaving your lips when you finally learn his name.
“Why do you want my number?” He asks, and you look up from your phone, giving your new friend a smile. 
“Since life hasn’t been kind to you, I wanted to be.” You answer simply, and he stares into your eyes with an indecipherable emotion to them at your answer. 
After a moment, he turns his body towards the railing of the bridge again, staring out at the city without saying anything else. You follow suit, resting your forearms onto the cool metal as you breathe in the fresh air. 
“My name is yn.” You tell him in a soft voice, not expecting a response. A few minutes pass when you finally hear his voice say,
“My name is Joshua.” 
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Joshua taps the eraser of his pencil onto his notebook, blankly staring off at the projector screen while he tunes out everything the professor is saying. The only thing on his mind is you, the person he met last week on the bridge. 
You haven’t contacted him yet, and he’s beginning to wonder if you were just a figment of his imagination. That deep down, he wanted to stay, so his consciousness created a positive person to appear right before him, convincing him to live another day.
“Yn.” Joshua whispers underneath his breath, and he tilts his head to the side, having not realized how nice your name was until this very moment. He only pays attention to the lecture when his professor announces the homework, and he quickly jots down the page numbers to read. Throwing his bag over his shoulder, he steps out of the auditorium and begins to walk off campus. 
Some university students would usually go and meet up with their friends after class to go and eat, or they’d go and meet their significant other to study together. Then there’s Joshua, who does neither of those things. 
“Hey Josh.” The blonde nods his head at his boss in greeting, letting the door close behind him as he walks over into the back to change. 
Everyday Joshua just goes through the motions, doing what he has to do to survive, as dramatic as that sounds. Go to uni, work a six hour shift to pay for his tuition, head home and study, then barely sleep. He wakes up the next day and does it all over again. 
Joshua has gotten used to the feeling of being numb.
He tiredly ties the apron onto his waist before going and washing his hands. The call of his name makes him glance up from the floor as he wipes his hands on a paper towel, his boss appears at the doorway, holding the notepad and pen towards him.
Joshua sends him a tight smile, stepping forward and taking the pen and paper from his hand. He feels himself get a pat on the back as his manager walks past him, and he lets out a breath, before walking out into the restaurant. 
His eyes trail over to two women seated at a booth, waiting for their orders to be taken. Joshua doesn’t feel like going over there yet, as the words you told him that night ring in his head. 
Live your life. 
Joshua scoffs quietly, remembering the bright smile you showed him. He looks down at the notepad in his hand, wondering how you could find life to be so beautiful when he’s never seen it that way. His head snaps up when he hears his name be called, and he immediately walks over to the table, clicking open the pen.
“Hi. What can I get started for you guys today?” 
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“One sikhye please!” The woman nods her head at you, and you smile as you hand her the correct amount of money. She hands you your order number, and you walk over to the other side of the food stand, waiting to be called.
Your hands make their way into your pockets, your hand wrapping around your phone. Tilting your head, you remember the pretty blonde you met on the bridge. You suck in a deep breath of the cool air, looking up towards the sky to catch the beginning of the sunset. A smile makes its way onto your face at the different pink and orange hues of the sky.
You fail to notice the blonde head of hair looking in your direction, wondering how you always manage to have a smile on your face. It’s only when you feel that tingly feeling of someone staring at you that you look back down, turning your head to find those deerlike eyes boring into yours.
Your mouth drops open in surprise, and you grin happily, raising your hand up and waving towards the ethereal man. 
“Hi Jos-” You’re cut off when your order number gets called, and you hold up a finger at the blonde to signal him to wait, before quickly grabbing your sikhye and walking over to him. 
“Hi Joshua.” You finally greet properly, taking a tiny sip of the sweet rice drink as he stares at you quietly. He clicks his tongue, tilting his head at you, “You never texted me.” 
Pursing your lips at the fact that he was waiting, you slowly hold out the drink in apology. Joshua glances down at it, before looking back at you with a raise to his eyebrow. 
“Don’t you want it?”
“Take my apology drink.”
“But you just ordered this-”
“I can buy another one.” 
The corner of Joshua’s lip quirks up slightly, before he takes the drink from your grasp and takes a sip. You let out a smile, before pointing back towards the drink stand, “I’ll go buy myself another drink and then we can hangout.” 
You’re about to turn around when you feel a hand grasp your wrist, stopping you from walking over. Your eyes slowly glance down, before they trail back up to see Joshua staring at you, straw in his mouth as he takes another sip of the sikhye. 
He lets go of your wrist and walks over to the stand himself, ordering the drink for you. You’re left flabbergasted as he hands the employee his card, and you watch as a blush rises to the woman’s face the longer she communicates with the pretty man. 
Once he’s handed his order number, he walks back towards you, seeing the shocked look on your face. He raises his hand up and waves it in front of your face, and you finally look back into his eyes. 
“Why do you look so shocked?” Joshua asks, slightly biting on the straw as he awaits your response. Your mouth opens and closes, before you just let out a huff, reaching out and hitting Joshua’s arm softly. He still feigns pain, his hand reaching up and rubbing the area.
You giggle at his reaction, “Thank you for the drink, Joshua. Except now I feel like the apology drink I gave you doesn’t count since you bought me one.” 
Joshua shrugs, looking back over towards the drink stand when he hears your order number be called. He shoots you a glance over his shoulder, “Consider it a gift.”
It’s only when Joshua walks back and hands you the sikhye that you wonder how he’s been doing. You stare at him for a moment as he places the receipt into his wallet, and you find that the darkness under his eyes is still evident. You even think they might be a bit darker than when you first saw him as he looks back up at you. 
“Is something on my face?” Joshua asks when he notices the furrow to your brow. Your eyes widen slightly and you shake your head, giving him a reassuring grin. “I just thought you were handsome.” 
Joshua’s mouth drops open at your honesty, while you internally panic at the fact that that was your coverup for staring at him. You watch as a tinge of pink appears on his cheeks, and you honestly find the sight so endearing that you have to look away. 
“Let’s go to the arcade!” You exclaim, not wanting to acknowledge the fact that you called him handsome as you point towards the colorful arcade down the block. Joshua raises an eyebrow, running a hand through his hair when he nods his head. “Okay.”
The two of you go on your way to the arcade, walking in a relative silence, the sounds of you both taking sips of your sikhye filling the quiet. Joshua pushes open the door for you, and you smile, nodding your head at him. 
“What a gentleman.” The blonde lets out a scoff at the nickname, and you giggle at his reaction once he steps inside after you. You both walk over to the machine that gives you the game card, and you quickly shove your credit card into the slot before Joshua can, effectively paying for the game card the two of you will share.
Joshua rolls his eyes as he takes another sip of his drink, “You should’ve let me pay for it.” 
You don’t respond, instead heading over to the racing games without another word. Joshua pauses when you glance over your shoulder with a smile, “Consider it a gift.” 
He watches as you skip towards the game with the motorcycle, the sight of your bright smile still imprinted in his brain. He shakes his head as if it’ll clear his thoughts, before following after you. 
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Joshua’s head falls back onto his pillows as he stares up at the ceiling of his dark room, the comforter resting over him. 
He’s always had trouble sleeping. It started out by him sleeping later and later as he grew older, until he could only fall asleep at around 4 or 5 in the morning. 
Joshua’s eyes trail over to the window beside him, and he lets out a quiet huff when he sees that the moon isn’t shining back at him. The stars are a bit dim, but they’re still evident in the dark sky. 
He looks back up towards the ceiling, and he closes his eyes when the thought of your smile comes into mind again. 
Joshua glances at you when you let out another giggle, and he finds himself wondering for the nth time how you can be so happy. You rest your head onto his shoulder for a second while you laugh, and he freezes slightly at the contact.
“Your face when I beat you at air hockey was so funny.” You manage to say through your laughing fit, reaching up to cover your mouth with your hand in an attempt to stop more giggles from pouring through. Joshua rolls his eyes playfully, remembering how happy you were when you won the arcade game. 
“Was it really that funny?” Joshua asks, and you nod your head with an incredulous look on your face. He lets out a sigh, placing his hands into his pockets as he looks up towards the night sky. The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, just enjoying the scenery as you calm down from the joys of the arcade. 
You turn your head to look at the blonde, “Did you have fun tonight?” 
The blonde doesn’t respond right away, instead letting his head fall so that he’s now staring at the sidewalk while the two of you walk to the bus stop. You nod, understanding that he probably didn’t enjoy the games as much as you did. 
“It’s okay if you didn’t. I know a few people who don’t actually like arcades-”
“I enjoyed it.” Joshua answers, turning to look at you with a close-lipped smile on his face. He watches as your eyes practically sparkle back at him from the sight. “Really?” 
Joshua nods his head, and you raise your hands up to your warm face, feeling accomplished. He looks away from you as the two of you continue to walk, finding you to be rather endearing. Once the two of you make it to the bus stop, you turn around to face the ethereal man, giving him a bright smile that makes his heart stutter within his chest. 
“I’m happy you had fun, Joshua. I’ll make sure to text you this time!” You say happily as the bus pulls up, and you raise your hand up to wave at him. 
Joshua keeps his hands in his pockets once you turn around and head onto the bus. He watches as you walk towards the window seat, immediately pulling open the window once you sit down. You give him another smile and a wave, and he tilts his head at you. 
It’s only when the bus pulls away from the curb that Joshua raises his hand up and waves back at you. 
Joshua’s eyes glance over to the window again, and he decides that you were brighter than all of the stars in the sky tonight. 
He manages to fall asleep earlier this time, around 2 am. 
Your smile was the last thing on his mind before he did so. 
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Joshua sits at his desk, mindlessly doing his homework as the soft guitar instrumental plays in the background of his room. He taps the eraser against his bottom lip, before pressing the led onto the paper again.
The sound of his phone receiving a notification captures his attention, and he glances down at the cool metal, seeing an unfamiliar number. He slides up on his lockscreen and reads the message.
you: joshua ! it’s me yn >:D
The blonde lets out a breathless chuckle, lifting up his phone and sending a response back.
joshua: so you actually texted me this time
you: don’t make me feel bad ! D: i was busy after i met you that night 
i gave you my sikhye last week to make up for it !
The corner of Joshua’s lips quirks upwards at your use of emoticons, knowing that you most likely pouted as you typed the message.
joshua: it was very good
you: i know right
anyways, do you wanna hangout later today? i wanna go to the park to take pictures when the sun sets
joshua: so you’re using me as your professional photographer
you: of course :3
joshua: pft
you: see you at around 5 <3333
joshua: i’ll see you
The blonde sets down his phone, running a hand through his hair as he looks out his window. The blue skies stare back at him, and he watches as a few birds fly past. His eyes trail back over towards his laptop, and he sighs. 
“I’ll finish this assignment before I start to get ready.” 
It’s only a few hours later that Joshua’s walking towards the park, hands in his pockets as he listens to the sound of life around him. He looks around at his surroundings, about to enter the park entrance when he catches sight of a tteokbokki stand.
He watches as a couple hands the lady some money, before she prepares their bowls that will hold the yummy rice cake. He specifically eyes the mozzarella cheese she layers over it, and Joshua suddenly wonders when he became hungry.
“I wonder if yn would want some.” Joshua mutters to himself, tilting his head the longer he debates on whether or not to spend his money.
He fails to notice you standing not too far from him, smiling as you watch him practically waddle in place as he stares at the food stand. You walk up to the blonde, reaching out and resting your hands on both of his arms, peering over his shoulder.
“Are you hungry?” Joshua chokes on his saliva at your sudden appearance, causing you to double over in laughter and apologies as you try to help him breathe properly. He squints at you when he finally regains his composure, still clearing his throat as he pats his chest. 
“I’m literally so fucking sorry.” His eyes turn into slits at your apology, watching as your shoulders shake from the laughter you’re trying to hold back. Joshua gently pushes you with his hand, before turning around and walking into the park, tteokbokki now forgotten.
“Joshua! I’m sorry!” You laugh from behind, walking faster in order to catch up to him. Joshua doesn’t respond, but he doesn’t pick up his pace either, instead letting you hurry to his side. You smile at him, peeking your head in front of his face so that he can look at you. “Do you forgive me?”
“You thought me choking was funny.” 
“True.” You admit, and Joshua scoffs at your answer, rolling his eyes teasingly as he nudges you with his shoulder again. You grin happily, nudging him back as you pull out your phone from your pocket. 
“The sun is setting which means we probably only have 20 minutes to take the best sunset photos known to man. You’re my designated photographer today, remember?” Joshua begrudgingly takes the phone from your grasp, and you walk onto the relatively empty field of grass, raising your arms up towards the sky. The blonde just lets out a sigh loud enough for you to hear as he goes onto the camera app, 
“Ah, what a tragic life I live.” 
“You should be happy that you’re photographing such beauty!” You shout, and the corner of Joshua’s lip quirks up when he sees the furrow to your brow. He lifts up the phone so that you’re in frame, but peeks his head out from behind it.
“Do you want me to just take a billion photos?” He asks, and you give him a thumbs up. The blonde nods his head, going back into photographer mode as he starts to take photos of you. 
You’re quite surprised at how seriously Joshua’s taking this photography gig, with the way he’s angling the camera and the straight face he has on. You find yourself giggling at the sight, causing the blonde to pause when he sees your smile through the camera. 
Your eyes widen slightly when you see him stiffen, realizing your laughter might’ve accidentally thrown him off his game, “Was my giggling bad? Sorry!”
Joshua shakes his head immediately at your apology, lowering your phone from his face so that you can see him properly. It’s as if your heart stops when you do look at him.
His platinum hair is flowing a bit with the wind, similar to when you first met him that night on the bridge. His deerlike eyes are boring into yours, and you find a tinge of pink dusting across his cheeks as he runs a hand through his hair. 
Joshua hides his face behind your phone again, wanting to capture your reaction when he says, 
“Don’t apologize. Your smile is pretty.”
Your mouth drops open at the compliment, having not received one from the past couple weeks of knowing the man. Joshua captures the moment on your phone, a breath leaving his lips when he sees a smile make its way onto your face. 
“Thank you.” You mutter, radiance to your features as you start posing again underneath the sky painted with various shades of pink and purple. He nods his head as he continues to capture more photos of you, silently wondering how he finds you to be prettier than the beautiful sunset behind you.
“No problem.”
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You stare into those lovely brown eyes with a determined look on your face, making the blonde raise an eyebrow at you in confusion. He reaches his hand out towards you, and you stare at it, wondering what he’s going to do. 
It only results in you rubbing your forehead with a glare, while Joshua just goes back to drinking his coffee—now happy about flicking your forehead. You slam your fists gently onto the wooden table, and the ethereal man just stares at you in silence.
“You know what we should do?” You ask, and Joshua stays quiet, knowing you’re going to answer the question anyways. A grin makes its way onto your face as you give him jazz hands, “Go to the store so that I can buy groceries because my fridge is low.” 
Joshua lets out a sigh, giving you an unimpressed look as he turns to face out the window. He’s not surprised, really. The last time the two of you hung out was just Joshua accompanying you to the library so that you wouldn’t have to return your books alone.
“Come on! I’ll buy you any snacks you want while we’re there. Besides, grocery shopping is fun.” Joshua continues to sip from his drink, somehow not surprised that you find restocking your food supply to be fun either.
“Well, more fun when you’re with someone at least.” You correct, and the blonde finally peeks at you, seeing the knowing smile on your face. He glances out the window, shrugging his shoulders in an attempt to appear indifferent. “As long as you buy me the snacks I want.”
“Of course, Joshua. What kind of person would I be if I didn’t buy you your favorite snacks?”
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“No, not those snacks. Those are expensive.” Joshua just stares at you in silence, bag of chips in hand as he watches you reach out towards the off-brand version. You pick up the bag, holding it out towards the pretty man and waving it for good measure. “These are cheaper and taste the same. Trust me, Joshua.”
“You told me that you’d buy the snacks I wanted if I went grocery shopping with you.” Joshua mutters with a pout to his lips, and you simply flash him an apologetic smile as you toss the bag into the cart while taking the original one from his grasp and returning it. The blonde scoffs, nudging you with his shoulder, and you giggle as you walk off towards the next aisle. “Yes, but we’re on a budget here.” 
Joshua pushes the cart after you, listening contently as you explain what you’re missing at your apartment and what food you should make for dinner. His eyes follow your movements as you gesture with your hands, now explaining a story of how you almost set your toy kitchen on fire when you were younger. 
Your eyes twinkle underneath the fluorescent light, and your lips are turned upwards in a warm smile as you look back on the memory. Your voice is soft but cheerful as you tell him about the memory while throwing in some items into the cart, and Joshua finds that there’s a lump in his throat as he watches you giggle.
You turn your head to look at the blonde, just to find his pretty eyes staring at you with an indecipherable emotion in them. Feeling warmth flood your face from his stare, you look down at the cart to place the box of tea in your hands. 
“What’s on your mind?” You ask, proceeding to walk out of the aisle to go to the bread section. Joshua stays quiet for a moment, staring at your fingers peeking out of your sweater paws as your arms swing back and forth.
When you don’t hear a response, you move to glance back at him, only to pause when he pushes the cart forward so that he’s now walking right beside you. Joshua raises his hand up and fondly pats your head, making your eyes widen at the sweet gesture. 
You slowly turn towards him, just to find the smallest hint of a smile on his face. Warmth floods your face at the lovely sight, and you can’t help but feel slightly disappointed when Joshua’s hand falls back onto the cart handle. 
The two of you gaze into each other's eyes in silence for a moment, and you begin to wonder when that hint of a sparkle began to show in Joshua’s eyes over the last month of the two of you hanging out. He turns away when he feels the tips of his ears turn red, looking over towards the bread aisle. You watch as he takes a step forward with the cart as he suddenly says,
“Let’s get this bread.” 
You let out a loud laugh at the old meme, startled at the fact that Joshua even said that as you follow after him. 
As Joshua watches you choose the bread you want while also picking out some cookies for the two of you to share on the way to your apartment, he finds himself feeling content for the first time in a long time. 
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“Hope you enjoy it.” Joshua says as he places the last dish onto the table, giving the customers a tight smile before walking back over to the register. He rests his head into his hands, grimacing at the oncoming migraine he knows will come later in the hour. 
He peeks through his fingers to look at the clock, seeing that he’s still on shift for another three hours. The blonde lets out a quiet groan, wondering if his boss has any aspirin he could possibly take.
The sound of the bells chiming from the door opening is what has him look up, trying to mask the pain from his headache as he stares towards the entrance. His eyes widen slightly when he sees you standing there, a bright smile on your face as you wave at the pretty man. 
You quickly walk up towards Joshua, feeling happy that you were able to come visit him during his shift. You slam your hand on the counter that keeps the two of you separated, while raising ₩20,000 towards his face with your other. Joshua simply raises an eyebrow at you, wondering why you look so determined.
“I’ll have your favorite dish from here and for you to eat it with me during your break.” 
“Are you trying to buy me, yn? My favorite dish is only 7,000 won-” 
“Now don’t make me sound like a bad person! You should be grateful I’m buying us food—your favorite nonetheless.” You whine, and Joshua just chuckles at the pout to your lips. You squint when he doesn’t take the money from you, only for your mouth to drop open in protest when you see him pull out his card.
“I’ll pay for the meal. It’ll keep me safe since you wanted to buy me-”
“I did not!” You laugh, watching as the receipt comes out from the printer after he pays for the meal. He places his card back into his wallet, before motioning towards a booth near the wall. “Go sit down, I’ll let my boss know I’m going on my 30.” 
You nod your head, walking over to the booth and sitting down on the rather worn out cushions. While you wait for Joshua, you rest your head onto your arms over the table, closing your eyes. A sad smile forms on your face when you hear your heartbeat in your ears, a reminder that your time left here is dwindling. 
It’s been a month and a few days since you found out about your ill-fate on that cold, January night. 
However, you haven’t found yourself thinking about your inevitable doom as often as you thought you would. Instead, you’ve been spending your days hanging out with Joshua, and using your nights to plan out the next place the two of you should go to.
You don’t know when you decided to spend your last three months trying to help Joshua see the beauty in life.
But as you look up from the table and see his pretty eyes starting to sparkle at you when he places the food down onto the surface, the corners of his lips quirking upwards as he explains how his boss was teasing him,
You realize that you wouldn’t want to spend them any other way.
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The two of you walk down the street side by side, taking sips of the sikhye you bought for the both of you to make up for the meal. The comfortable silence is settled over you guys like a blanket, not needing any words to be able to spend time with each other contently.
You take a peek at the beautiful man, suddenly noticing that the dark eye bags that once adorned his features have diminished significantly. The roots of his platinum hair are beginning to grow, but it seems like he doesn’t really care. 
You wouldn’t care if you looked like Joshua, either.
He’s too pretty.
God fucking damn it.
You immediately look away from Joshua’s curious gaze, warmth flooding your face at the fact that you just blatantly announced that he was too pretty when the two of you were walking in a relatively comfortable silence. 
“Cha Eunwoo from Astro.” You lie, and the blonde nods his head in agreement after a moment, turning back to face the front. Silence falls over the two of you again, and you’re incredibly grateful that he didn’t ask more questions.
But you also find yourself a bit disappointed at the lack of them.
When the two of you end up at the front of your apartment building, you both turn towards each other to say your goodbyes. However, as the streetlight lays over Joshua’s blonde hair, almost mimicking the appearance of a halo, you realize you don’t really want the night to end.
“Thank you for visiting me at work, yn. Make sure to text me when you get into your apartment.” Joshua tells you with his soft voice. You hum in response, shifting from one foot to another. “Thank you for the food. I’ll try to visit more.” 
Joshua nods his head, raising his hand up to send you a tentative wave. “I’ll see you later, yn.” 
You smile softly, waving back at him as he turns around and starts to walk away. An internal battle goes on inside you as you try to figure out what you want to do, watching as his figure gets smaller as the distance grows between you.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you shout out:
“Do you wanna come in and watch a movie with me?!”
Joshua pauses at the question, like, physically and mentally freezes. His eyes are wide as he stares at the pavement, and he wonders why his heart is beating so fast in his chest at the question. There’s a small breeze that passes the both of you, and you bite your bottom lip.
The silence is deafening.
Joshua slowly turns to glance at you, and you feel your heart sink slightly at the shocked expression on his face. You’ve come to realize as the two of you look at each other, that you asking him to come in was a mistake. So you open your mouth to tell him he doesn’t have to,
“Okay.” Your mouth remains open at his answer, believing that you must’ve just imagined him agreeing to your suggestion. 
And so you respond, “Heh?”
Joshua huffs, walking over so that the two of you are only a foot apart. He squints at you, and you furrow your eyebrows in response to the expression on his face.
“Yes. I’ll come in and watch a movie with you.” 
The two of you stare at each other for another moment. With you just gauging what he said while Joshua stands in silence, amusement and shyness written across his features. 
You suddenly let out a gasp, the fact that he said yes now sinking in as you step over towards the entrance and slide your card so that the doors will open. Joshua chuckles at the obvious embarrassment on your face when the doors finally open and you gesture towards the inside of the lobby.
“Let’s go up.” You say with a tight smile, and the blonde nods his head, following after you as the doors shut behind the both of you. 
The way to your apartment is rather quiet, except for the quiet chuckles Joshua lets out whenever he glances at you and you having to elbow him in the stomach. 
When you finally unlock your door and the two of you step inside, you suddenly realize all of your medication that you have to hide. You turn to face Joshua as he slips off his shoes and steps into the pair of slippers you have for guests, and his beautiful eyes land on you, signaling that you have his attention.
“You can go and sit on the couch, I just need to tidy up a bit.” The blonde nods his head, watching as you scurry off to your bedroom, shutting the door behind you. He lets out a breath, before walking over towards the couch, gaze travelling around your cozy apartment. 
His eyes latch onto a framed photo on the table next to the couch, and he carefully picks it up, feeling warmth flood his chest at the sight. 
You’re standing underneath a fully bloomed cherry blossom tree, a bright smile on your face as you look at the camera. Your arms are lifted up towards the sky in excitement, a habit of yours that Joshua has noticed in the month that he’s known you. 
He gently places the photo back down onto the table when he hears your bedroom door open, and he looks over to see you now dressed in a set of strawberry pajamas. The sight is so precious to behold that Joshua lets out a soft smile, and your eyes widen when you see it.
He smiled. This is the first time you’ve seen him smile.
“Are my pajamas funny to you?” You squeak out in an attempt to not make him uncomfortable by mentioning his smile. Holding back from slapping yourself at your strange tone, you just watch as Joshua nods his head, an emotion akin to warmth flooding his beautiful eyes as he stares at you. 
“I expected nothing less from you, yn.” Joshua responds softly, and you find no sign of teasing in his voice. You cough into your shoulder, breaking the eye contact as soon as you feel heat rush up to your face. Reaching out towards the remote, you turn on the TV and point towards the couch. 
“Go sit and choose a movie, I’ll go and get us some snacks.” You tell the blonde, and he plops down onto the worn out sofa as you walk into your kitchen. His eyes trail after you for a moment, before he turns back to the TV and starts scrolling through your Netflix.
You come back a few minutes later with snacks in hand, just to smile at the movie he chose. Joshua glances towards you, quietly thanking you for the snacks as you settle down beside him, making sure to place a bit of distance between the two of you. 
“Have you watched this?” Joshua asks as he takes a bite of popcorn, and you nod your head, turning to him with a grin. “A Silent Voice is one of my favorite movies.” 
Joshua’s mouth drops open into an ‘o’ shape, before suggesting if you want to choose another movie. You shake your head, instead grabbing the remote from the table and pressing play. 
“You chose it, so we’re going to watch it.” You mumble, leaning back into the couch and taking a sip of your water. The blonde’s eyes linger on you as the opening of the movie plays, wondering how one person could be so kind, so bright. 
You feel Joshua’s eyes on you. You know that he’s staring at you. 
But you know that your heart would just go feral and your face would turn warm if you look back. So you blindly reach out towards him with your hand, turning his head to face the TV instead. You retract your hand afterwards, a small smile on your face as you notice Joshua shaking his head in disbelief at your actions.
“Watch the movie.” You mutter, warmth flooding your cheeks as you try to appear indifferent. The blonde takes another bite of popcorn before turning back towards the TV, trying to suppress his chuckles.
The two of you watch the movie in silence, except to offer each other snacks or to shit on one of the characters you each dislike. 
It’s nice. Joshua thinks to himself at one point, turning to glance at you when you giggle at a specific scene. He looks back at the TV, biting back a small smile from forming on his face, This is nice.
When the movie hits the 45 minute mark, Joshua finds that you haven’t been taking any sips of your water or stealing some pieces of his popcorn. He’s about to comment on one of the characters when he feels a weight slump onto his shoulder. 
“Yn?” Joshua asks quietly, turning his head to look down at you. Your eyes are closed, mouth slightly open as you release puffs of air. He lets out a smile when he realizes you fell asleep, reaching out and patting your head softly. 
“Silly.” He mumbles, before taking a glance at the clock and sees that it’s already midnight. The blonde carefully grabs the remote that sits on the table and turns off the TV, before moving the snacks and drinks off the couch to the best of his ability as he tries not to wake you up.
Once he’s done with that, he carefully settles you down onto the cushions so that you’re laying comfortably. He takes the throw blanket from the back of the couch and lays it over your body. Letting out a breath once he’s finished, he grins at the angelic expression on your face as you sleep peacefully.
“I’ll see you later, yn.” Joshua says softly, before turning around to walk towards your door. 
Except for the hand that grasps onto his own, preventing him from taking another step. 
He slowly turns to glance down at you, seeing you with your eyes still closed, hand holding onto his. Joshua makes a move to carefully release the grip you have on him, but freezes when you say in a soft voice,
Joshua stares at you, unsure of what to do as you continue to hold his hand. 
“You don’t want me to stay, yn.” Joshua mutters, an indecipherable feeling flooding him when your grip on his hand tightens a bit. 
“Stay with me, Joshua.” 
And so he does. 
He scoots you over on the couch, wondering whether or not he’s gonna fall to his inevitable doom during the middle of the night as the two of you can hardly fit on the small surface. Carefully, he lays onto his back, staring up at your ceiling as silence fills the room, the fuzzy throw blanket covering you both. 
You turn over so that you’re facing him, and your hand falls onto his stomach. The blonde just listens to the sound of your steady breathing, wondering how you fell asleep so fast as he feels himself beginning to become drowsy. After a few minutes, his eyes softly fall shut, breathing now matching your own.
Joshua finds that sleep comes easier tonight.
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You’re seated on the bench, waiting for Joshua to arrive as you stare at the date on your phone.
february 17, 2021
Letting out a breath at the harsh reality check, you tap your shoe against the pavement, turning off your phone to look out towards the road.
You have a month and a half left. 
“When did time move so fast? Whenever I was in the hospital it moved so slow.” You mutter, a sad smile gracing your features as you look around at all the people walking past you. Turning your head, you suddenly lock eyes with those  deerlike eyes you’ve come to know. 
Your once sad smile turns into one of pure joy as you stand up from the bench, waving your hands excitedly as Joshua walks over to you. The blonde reaches out and pats your head in greeting once he’s a foot away, and you chuckle in response, ignoring the fact that your heart rate is a bit faster now.
“How were classes?” You ask as the two of you begin walking towards the cat café. Joshua mentioned in passing a week ago that he wanted to go to a cat café, so you set up a reservation for the two of you. 
The blonde purses his lips, realizing that he’s been enjoying attending classes a bit more as of recently. You gaze at him expectantly, grinning when Joshua simply just nods his head and looks back at you. “It was alright. I was excited thinking about the cat café though, so I’ll probably have to add some stuff to my notes later.” 
“I expected you to be more of a dog person, if I’m being honest.” You state, and Joshua looks back towards the front, letting out a small grin. 
“I am.” 
“Then what are we doing going to a cat café that I made reservations for a week prior?” 
The blonde shrugs his shoulders, turning to you with mirth filling his pretty eyes. He motions towards your phone, and you raise an eyebrow, raising it up so that the two of you can see it as it unlocks. Your mouth drops open when you see your homescreen, the photo of you and your old friend’s cat that was taken a couple years back, and all the pieces suddenly come together. 
“Joshua! Did you only say you wanted to go to a cat café because you knew I liked cats? That ruins the whole purpose of this-” 
Joshua cuts you off by simply holding open the door to the cat café, and you blink in a state of stunned silence, having not realized that the two of you have already arrived. He chuckles, “I’m a dog person, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like cats. I’ve always wanted to go to one, so hurry up and go in.”
Pursing your lips, you walk into the café, but not without poking the middle of Joshua’s stomach as you do so, letting out a satisfied grin at the sound of his quiet squeak. Your mouth immediately drops open when a black and white cat snuggles up to your legs, and you kneel down, petting the soft fur as you let out inaudible excited sounds. 
Joshua lets the door close behind him, the sound of the bells attached to the door letting out a little ring throughout the café. He glances down, seeing you happily petting the cats before the two of you have even ordered. 
“Yn, I’ll go order for us.” Joshua tells you, and you simply nod your head without a verbal response, still softly squealing as more cats walk up to you. The blonde lets out a breath, shaking his head with the hint of a smile on his face as he heads over to the register to place your guys’ order.
You regretfully stand up from the floor, hoping the cats will follow you as you walk over to the table you reserved. You sit down in the booth, watching as Joshua converses with the employee as he orders the food and drinks. 
Resting your chin on the palm of your hand, you smile fondly when Joshua glances around to find you. Your heart warms when his eyes finally land on you, a grin forming on his face as he walks over to you. 
“There was a cat laying on the table behind the employee at the register. He was so cute, I hope he comes over to our table.” Joshua tells you as soon as he sits down into the seat across from you, placing the receipt onto the wooden surface. You open your mouth to respond, only to let out a quiet squeal when a cat jumps onto the empty space beside you. 
“Hi pretty!” You greet, sparkles in your eyes as the cat nuzzles against your hand, asking for more pets. Joshua smiles at the sight, unlocking his phone and taking a photo of you happily petting the tabby cat. The sound of the camera shutter catches your attention, and you turn to glance at the source, seeing Joshua smiling fondly down at his phone screen. 
“Did you take a photo of me playing with the beautiful cat?” You ask with a teasing grin on your face, not expecting an answer from the pretty man. You stroke the cat’s head fondly, only for your hand to stutter when Joshua says, 
“You looked cute.” 
A brief moment of silence passes between you, with Joshua staring at his phone, and you listening to your heart beat against your ears as warmth floods your face. Your brain tries to formulate a response, but it can only form inaudible screeching noises. So instead, you turn your head to glance at the blonde, only for your eyes to widen when you see a fluffy grey cat trying to get his attention.
“What?” He asks, looking up at you when he hears the urgency in your tone. You point towards the cat sitting patiently beside his chair, and Joshua furrows his eyebrows in confusion, turning to where you pointed, only for his eyes to widen when he locks eyes with the cat.
“You followed me from the register!” Joshua exclaims in a soft voice, reaching down to pick up the cat. You let out a bright smile as Joshua coos at the precious animal, petting the cat softly as his eyes sparkle with joy.
“Yn, this is the cat I wanted to show you.” He tells you, letting out a soft chuckle when the cat nuzzles his head into Joshua’s chest. You nod your head, about to respond when the waitress walks up to your guys’ table and begins to place your order down onto the surface. 
“Thank you so much!” You say, and the waitress gives you a smile, bowing her head in response. She makes a move to leave, only to stop when she sees you and Joshua continue to play with the cats that stayed near you both. 
“Would you like me to take a photo of the two of you?” You and Joshua pause, both turning to glance at the waitress as she stands by your table, a knowing smile on her face. 
You and Joshua don’t have a single photo together in the month and a half that you’ve known each other. You’re not sure how he feels about his photo being taken, as he’s usually the one behind the camera rather than in front of it when the two of you are together.
Taking a peek at Joshua to see his reaction, you notice the indecipherable look on his face, and that’s how you know his answer. You give the waitress a small smile, moving to open your mouth when you see Joshua’s hand outstretched towards her through your peripheral vision. 
You turn your head to look at him, only to see that he’s giving her a grin, phone in hand as he nods his head. “That’d be nice, thank you.” 
Joshua lifts up the cat in his lap and stands up from his chair, taking a step forward and sitting down in the booth beside you. You continue to stare at him in silence, the slight shock evident on your features when he finally turns to glance at you. He gives you a soft smile, before pointing towards the waitress preparing to take your guys’ photo. 
“Say cheese!” She says, but you continue to stare at Joshua, watching as he smiles at the camera, raising the cat’s paw as if he’s saying hello. Warmth floods your heart as you turn towards the camera, a bright smile on your face as you hold up your cat’s paw as well, matching Joshua’s pose.
As you lay in bed hours later, you turn your head towards your bedside table when you hear the vibration of your phone. Reaching out, you pick up the cool metal, seeing a few messages from Joshua.
joshushushu: [attachment 4 images] 
thank you for taking me to the cat café :3
i think you’re some sort of cat whisperer based on how many cats came up to our table lol
it’s late, so you’re probably asleep
i’ll text you in the morning ^^
sweet dreams, yn
You tap on the images Joshua sent, and you let out a smile when you see the first photo is of you smiling happily down at the tabby cat, softly petting her head. Downloading the image, your thumb swipes across the screen, and you feel warmth flood your face at the fact that it’s the photo of the two of you. Except you’re not staring at the camera.
You’re staring at Joshua.
There’s a fond smile on your face, eyes sparkling brightly at him as he smiles at the camera, seemingly having no idea of the fact that you’re staring at him rather than the camera. Biting the inside of your cheek, you download the image and swipe to the left, now seeing the photo of both you and Joshua smiling at the camera, a cat paw in hand as you each make them wave for the photo. 
You download the photo before swiping to the left one more time, and your breath hitches when you lay eyes on the image.
You’re laughing happily down at the tabby cat who was protesting the grabbing of the paws for the photo, not paying attention to posing anymore. While Joshua is now staring at you, the softest of smiles on his face as he watches you laugh with the cat. 
You let out a shaky breath, zooming into the photo and seeing that he really is looking at you. 
He’s looking at you as if you’re the most precious thing in the world.
You download the image, a small smile on your face as you go to your settings and replace the homescreen you’ve had for the last two years, exiting the app to now see the photo of you and Joshua as your wallpaper. The warmth from the photo covers you like a blanket, and you turn off your phone, placing it back down onto your bedside table. 
You roll over onto your side and close your eyes, ignoring the harsh reality check that’s looming in the back of your mind in order to try and retain that happy feeling.
You fall asleep with lingering thoughts of pretty cats and Joshua Hong’s smile.
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“Thank you, have a good rest of your day.” Joshua says warmly as he hands the to-go bag to the customer. She gives him a smile, reaching into her pocket to take out ₩15,000 and place it onto the table. The blonde’s eyes widen slightly, and he looks back up at her in a stunned silence, as if to ask if she really means it. 
The woman nods her head, “You deserve it. Thank you for the food.” 
Joshua watches as she leaves the restaurant, still shocked as he watches her figure disappear out the door. He glances back down at the ₩15,000, reaching out and picking it up from the counter, eyeing the money for a moment. 
“I’ve been working here for six months.” Joshua mutters quietly, taking the ₩15,000 and placing it into his apron. He lets out a grateful smile, grabbing the spray bottle and towel to go and clean some tables. 
It was the first tip he’s ever received.
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“See you on Friday!” Joshua calls out as he pushes back the curtain to exit the kitchen, only to stop and turn back when he hears his boss call out to him. The older man walks over to Joshua, grinning and resting a hand on the blonde’s shoulder. 
“I just wanted to tell you that you look great lately.” Joshua raises an eyebrow, wondering what could’ve changed. He does a onceover of his own appearance, and his boss lets out a laugh, shaking his head. 
“I mean you in general. You look happier, brighter even. I’m happy for you.” Joshua blinks in surprise, before letting out a small smile. He bows his head as his thanks, and his boss pats his shoulder once more and turns around to walk back towards his office. 
Joshua lets out a breath, before closing the curtain behind him and walking over towards the exit. He tilts his head, “How does a person look happy?” 
He pushes open the doors and moves to step out from under the cover, only to pause when he registers the rain falling onto the road. He sighs, glancing down at his empty hands, cursing himself for not bringing an umbrella. 
“Guess I have to sprint-”
“Joshua!” The blonde’s eyebrows furrow at the voice, and he looks up, seeing you hurrying over with a bright yellow umbrella. It’s a stark contrast to the rather gloomy atmosphere and all the black umbrellas around you. His heart rate picks up at the sight of your smile, watching as you make your way over until you’re standing a couple feet away from him.
“How’d you know I forgot my umbrella?” Joshua asks teasingly as you hand him the yellow umbrella, taking it from your grasp and holding it over the two of you as you begin to walk down the sidewalk. 
“Had an intuition.” You answer with a grin, and he rolls his eyes. The two of you update each other on how your days were, chuckles exchanged as you explain how you made the best kimchi fried rice of your life. 
“You should make it for me sometime.” Joshua says, and you peek at him, smiling and nodding your head. 
“Of course, Joshua.” 
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, walking close beside each other in order to fit under your small umbrella. It’s when you’re close to Joshua’s apartment, and the streets are relatively quiet, that Joshua glances over and notices your hand sticking out of the umbrella. He watches in silence as you let the rain hit your skin, moving your hand as if it were a wave in the ocean.
“Your hand is getting wet.” Joshua points out, and you pause, turning to him as warmth rushes to your face at the fact that he caught you. You give him a bashful smile, nodding your head as you let your arm fall back to your side. “Yeah.” 
“Why?” You notice that he looks genuine, there’s no teasing tone in his voice, no mirth in his gaze as he stares at you. He just wants to know why you were letting your own arm get wet. You break the eye contact, looking down at the ground as the two of you continue to walk. 
“I just realized I’ve never played in the rain before.” 
Joshua stares at you for a moment longer, having not seen you so shy about something you wanted to do before. He lets out a breath, turning away as he reaches up and closes the yellow umbrella, promptly removing the shield that had been protecting the two of you from the rain.
Your eyes widen as you feel the rain hit you, and you turn your head, seeing Joshua place your umbrella down on the sidewalk. He looks back towards you, raising an eyebrow when he sees the shocked expression on your face. 
Joshua simply just closes his eyes and tilts his head up towards the sky, outstretching his arms as he feels the rain soak his clothes. That’s all you need to see for a smile to finally form on your face, and you let out a laugh, raising your arms into the air and spinning around. 
Joshua opens his eyes when he hears your laugh, and he looks over at you—only to feel his breath get taken away. The rain falls softly from the sky, landing on you as you laugh happily, a bright smile on your face. Time seems to slow down as he stares at you, heart stuttering in his chest as he watches you spin around, pure joy radiating from your features. 
He’s reminded of the first time the two of you met on the Banpo bridge almost two months ago, when you told him that life was beautiful and he didn’t understand how you could see it that way.
“I wish I could see it like you do.” Joshua mutters, and you look over at him, finding that he’s still staring up at the sky. His breath is visible due to the cold temperatures, and you watch as he lets out a sigh. He turns towards you, giving you a heartbreaking smile, “Life hasn’t been kind to me.” 
As Joshua watches you dance in the rain, he realizes that he finally understands what you mean. 
Life is beautiful.
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You lay in bed, still shivering even after having taken a hot shower as soon as you finished dancing in the rain with Joshua a couple hours prior. With a shaking hand, you pull up the comforter closer to your chin, wondering when you’ve become so frail, weak you should say.
“At least Joshua hasn’t noticed anything.” You mumble, knowing that your time left is short as you’ve been feeling more tired as the days go by. Rolling over, you look out the window to try and get sleepy, seeing the moon staring back at you. 
Your hand slips out of the covers, reaching out and grasping the air as you tried to reach for the moon. Letting your arm fall back onto the bed, you let out a breath.
You always wondered if you’d ever be able to reach the moon and the stars when you were younger. 
“Yn?” Turning your head, you see Joshua standing by the door to his bedroom. His blonde hair falls softly over his forehead, almost hiding his pretty eyes from sight. You watch as he walks over, reaching out and resting his hand over your head when he notices you shivering. 
“Do you want another blanket? You’re shivering.” Giving him a soft smile, you shake your head as you simply pull the comforter up more. 
“Why are you still awake?” You ask, and he stares at you for a moment. 
The corner of his lips quirk upwards, “I should be asking you the same thing.” 
Joshua chuckles, patting your head fondly before pointing back towards the bedroom door. You peek through the doorway, seeing his dark living room. “I’ll go back to the couch. I just wanted to check on you.” 
It’s when he’s about to leave that you reach out and grasp his wrist softly, promptly stopping him from taking another step. He turns to look back at you, seeing the same shy look on your face that he saw earlier. 
He’s reminded of the night where the two of you slept on the couch a few weeks prior, having experienced this exact scenario before. 
“Mm?” You bite the inside of your cheek, not wanting to respond. Instead, you weakly pull him towards you, and he takes a few steps towards your bedside. 
The two of you stare at each other for a moment in silence, numerous questions flooding your guys’ brain as you do so. However, you can only bring yourself to mutter out one word.
Joshua’s stare doesn’t waver, and you feel yourself growing more embarrassed the longer you wait for his response. You fully believe that he’s going to say no with the way he doesn’t hold your hand in return, and your belief comes true when he lets your hand fall back to the bed. 
It shouldn’t hurt. You know that you shouldn’t have gotten attached to him, or let him become so close to you. 
You’re going to die anyways.
Joshua turning down your request is for the best. It means there are still barriers between the two of you, that the last time you woke up with his arms wrapped around you was just a moment of weakness. That it won’t happen again.
The regret pools in your heart as you watch him turn and walk away, and you wonder whether or not you should apologize for even asking him in the first place.
Only for your eyes to widen when you see him walk to the other side of the bed, pulling up the comforter and climbing in. He arranges his pillows, before laying down and turning over onto his side, now facing you. 
You stare at him in shock, and he squints at you in amusement. The blonde reaches out and pokes your forehead, snapping you out of your surprised state. He chuckles, “You asked me to stay, so I’m staying.” 
A smile finally makes its way onto your face, and Joshua lets out a breath at the sight. The moonlight rests over you, illuminating your features beautifully, even in his dark bedroom. He feels himself smile back at you, eyes softening with fondness as he stares at you.
You tentatively reach your hand out, trying your best to hide the shakiness to it as you let it rest on Joshua’s cheek. He doesn’t seem unphased from the touch, he just continues to stare into your eyes as the look on your face softens.
“You look best when you’re happy.” You say quietly, and the blonde doesn’t respond. You watch as tears slowly fill his eyes, and your eyebrows furrow. You’ve never seen Joshua cry, not once in the time you’ve known him. Unexpectedly, Joshua’s hand comes out from under the covers and rests over yours, encompassing your cold hand in warmth. 
“I want to be a better person for you.” Joshua mutters, blinking away the tears as he tries to look at anything else in his room. You shake your head, your own heart breaking within your chest at how vulnerable he looks. You swipe away the tears from under his eye, and his eyes flit back to you, watching as a soft smile forms on your face. 
“You… you have always been more than enough, Joshua.” 
The blonde lets out a breath at your response, before his eyes softly fall shut. Your heart is warm within your chest as you let your eyes linger on him for a moment longer, his hand still resting over your own as he tries to fall asleep. 
Your gaze trails over back towards the window, seeing how bright the moon and millions of stars are in the dark sky. 
You may not have reached the moon and the stars like you originally wanted.
You look back towards Joshua, content washing over you when you listen to his steady breathing, seeing that he’s already fast asleep. You remove yours and Joshua’s hand from his cheek, letting it rest onto the mattress. A smile escapes you when you feel his hand tighten softly around yours in his sleep. After a moment, your eyes slowly fall shut with Joshua being the one to keep you warm, hand holding your own as the two of you fall asleep facing each other.
But you’ve reached the sun, and that’s more than enough.
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You stare at your medicine, wondering if you should even take it when you don’t have much time left. Shaking your head, you let out an aggravated sigh, taking out the pill and dry-swallowing it. 
You immediately regret dry-swallowing the large pill as you grab your glass of water, taking a large gulp to try and swallow it properly. Letting out a cough, you walk over to your fridge, not even feeling hungry as you stare at the food in it. 
march 18, 2021
It’s been two months. 
Your time is running out.
You’re about to grab a small container of yogurt when you hear your phone go off, and you glance over to see the screen lit up. Closing your fridge door, you walk back over to the counter and pick up your phone, a grin immediately forming on your face when you see that Joshua texted you.
joshushushu: be ready at 8 later, i’ll come pick you up !
you: so you’re the one planning now, huh? 
since when were you coming for my career
joshushushu: you’re just jealous cause i’m better at it
you: take that BACK.
joshushushu: see you at 8 <3
You chuckle, turning off your phone and looking back towards your refrigerator. Letting out a sigh, you walk over and take out the yogurt, grabbing a spoon and dipping into the snack. You quietly eat the yogurt as you walk over to your living room window, staring out at the city. 
The skies are blue, a contrast to the cloudy days Seoul had for the last couple of weeks. Your eyes follow the birds that fly past your window, watching as they get smaller and smaller the farther they go. You let out a sigh, taking another spoonful of yogurt.
“What a beautiful day.” 
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“Are you okay?” You turn your head to glance at Joshua, seeing the look of concern on his face as he looks at you. Giving him a smile, you nod your head, reaching up and rubbing the back of your neck as you look out the window of the bus.
“I’m okay, just tired.” The feeling of Joshua’s eyes on your side profile remains, and you hope that he doesn’t question it anymore. The blonde simply smiles, patting the top of your head fondly. “You can sleep, yn. I’ll wake you up when we get there.” 
You bite the inside of your cheek at his kindness, and nod in response. You rest your head against the window and close your eyes, ignoring the rumbling from the bumpy road. 
A few minutes pass of Joshua scrolling through his phone when he sees your head moving out of the corner of his eye. He looks at you, seeing your head bumping against the window whenever the bus drives over a pothole in the road, somehow still fast asleep.
Joshua reaches out and softly grasps your head, pulling you over so that you’re now resting on his shoulder. He stares at your sleeping face for a moment longer, finding that you look at peace as you sleep. 
“Pretty.” Joshua mutters, before looking out towards the window for the rest of the way.
It’s only half an hour later when you feel a hand gently shaking your shoulder, and Joshua’s soft voice telling you to wake up. Groggily, you open your eyes and sit up in the seat, scratching your head. You turn and look up to find Joshua standing up from the bus seat, throwing his bag over his shoulder. He lets out a giggle at how sleepy you look, “Come on. We’re here.” 
Turning towards the window, you see the Han River glimmering back at you. Raising an eyebrow, you stand up from the seat and look at Joshua, who’s just giving you a close-lipped smile. He extends his hand out towards you, and you stare at it.
After a moment, you reach out, feeling his warm hand encompass your cold one. He grins, giving your hand a squeeze before turning and guiding you off the bus. The two of you walk in silence as he leads you towards the top of a hill, but it soon becomes hard to breathe. 
“J-Joshua.” You wheeze out, and the blonde pauses, turning to see you doubled over. 
“Are you okay? Do you want to take a break here?” You don’t respond, instead trying to catch your breath as you hold onto Joshua’s hand like a lifeline. His eyebrows furrow, and he squats so that he can look into your eyes, watching as you begin to breathe properly again.
“We gotta work on your endurance.” Joshua jokes, and you let out a laugh, reaching out and slapping his shoulder as you stand up straight. He giggles, feeling relieved that you’ve caught your breath. He gives your hand a squeeze when he gets up from his squatting position, and you look at him. “Ready?” 
You nod your head, squeezing his hand in return, “Ready.” 
Joshua smiles, leading you towards the top of the hill once again. He makes sure to keep glancing back at you and even slows his pace as a means for you to not get exhausted again. 
When the two of you finally reach the top of the hill, he lets go of your hand, and you pout at the loss of warmth. You’re about to ask why he brought you here, only to stop when you see him unzip his bag, pulling out a picnic blanket and laying it onto the cold grass. 
“A picnic? At 9 pm?” You ask, only for Joshua not to respond as he just slips off his shoes and lays down onto the checkered blanket. You smile in amusement, tilting your head as you wonder what he’s doing. 
Joshua lets out an exasperated sigh, reaching out and patting the empty space beside him on the blanket. Pursing your lips, you slowly slip off your sneakers and climb onto the blanket, carefully laying on your back. Your head is turned to him, and you’re about to ask what now? Only for Joshua to gently grasp your chin, turning you away until you look up towards the sky and-
The millions of stars are shining brighter than you’ve ever seen. It was as if someone gathered a handful of sparkles and scattered them across the wide expanse of the dark sky, bringing light to unappreciative eyes. 
Joshua turns his head to see your reaction, and he smiles at the bright look to your eyes, your mouth being dropped open slightly in awe. 
He knew of your fascination with the sky ever since the two of you met on Banpo bridge. From the way your eyes sparkled at the sight of the moonlight reflecting across the river, to the content smile that would make its way onto your face whenever you’d look up towards the moon.
And so, whenever he would finish his evening classes at university, he’d take the bus to different parks and look for the spot that had the best sight of the sky at night.
Joshua wanted you to be able to reach the stars. 
“Do you like it?” You turn towards the pretty blonde, seeing the slight apprehension on his face in fear that you won’t be happy with his surprise for you. You watch as it melts away from the sight of your bright smile, and a breath of relief escapes him. 
“I love it.” 
The two of you turn back towards the sky, pointing at different constellations and talking about which star shines the brightest among the millions you can see. You let out a laugh when Joshua mistakenly points out lights from a plane as a shooting star, and he rolls his eyes, but the fond smile on his face tells you that he’s anything but annoyed. 
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence afterwards, just appreciating the beautiful sky. You feel warm, even though you’re in this cold weather, you somehow feel warm just by being with Joshua. The bright stars shine down at you, and you slowly raise your arm up to the sky.
Joshua’s eyes follow your hand, watching as it grasps at the air. His gaze trails down to your face, seeing you stare up at the stars with an indecipherable emotion in your eyes. He turns away, and your arm falls back down to your side. 
“What’s something you want to do with me?” Joshua asks, breaking the comfortable silence. You purse your lips, finding the question hard as you wonder how you could even answer this. 
You want to do everything with him.
You want to go to a karaoke place with him, go bowling, go to an amusement park and eat all the festival food. Watch a movie, play in the snow and build a snowman. Go to the beach and make sand castles, go grocery shopping, visit him at work. Go to uni with him, go on a walk, talk about your day, make him kimchi fried rice. Everything. 
You want to do everything with Joshua. 
Letting out a shaky breath, your eyes trail over to the trees down the hill, lined up on the sides of the pathway. You stare at the unbloomed buds, already seeing the beautiful flowers in the back of your mind that you know you won’t be here in time to see.
“Cherry blossoms.” You utter, and the blonde turns to you.
“I want to see the cherry blossoms with you.” Joshua lets out an, ah, a smile forming on his face at the thought of seeing the beautiful pink flowers with you. He looks back up towards the stars, “Cherry blossoms were always my favorite flower.” 
You listen to Joshua’s soft voice, holding onto every word as you stare down at the unbloomed trees. The blonde lets out a breathless chuckle. “April was my favorite month because that’s when the cherry blossoms would bloom, but I stopped being excited for them a couple years back.” 
Joshua grins, heart growing warm in his chest when he thinks of you spinning around excitedly underneath the cherry blossom trees, the pink petals softly falling around you. 
“But I’m excited to see them with you, yn.” 
Your heart wavers in your chest at Joshua’s sweet words, and you clench your fist at your side. Tears fill your eyes as you look away from the unbloomed cherry blossom trees, gaze trailing back up towards the stars. A tear escapes your left eye as you choke out, 
“I’m excited to see them with you too, Joshua.” 
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Laying in bed, you stare up at the ceiling tiredly, having lost almost all your energy a week ago. You roll over and look at your phone, watching as the screen lights up.
march 23, 2021
You let out a shaky breath, knowing that you should admit yourself to the hospital within a few days. However,
You open up your messaging app, tapping on your conversation with Joshua.
you: joshuaaa 
be ready at 2 ! i prepared a fun day for us :)
joshushushu: does it involve you paying for our meal? 
you: capitalism is the root of all evil.
but yes. yes it does.
joshushushu: okay epic, i’m in.
i’ll see you later ^^
you: see you <3
Turning off your phone, you take in a deep breath, before slowly climbing out of bed. The exhaustion weighs over you like a blanket, but you push yourself to make it to the bathroom to shower.
You need to get ready to spend one last day with Joshua.
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Sitting on the bench at the bus stop, you stare down at your sneakers as you wait for the pretty blonde to show up. It took you a while to get to the bus stop, as you felt even more exhausted by the time you stepped out of your apartment complex. You took your medicine and attempted to eat some food, but to no avail. 
The sunlight that was once shining down onto you suddenly disappears as you were thinking to yourself, and you look up to see Joshua grinning down at you. 
“What did you plan for today? Grocery shopping?” He asks, and you roll your eyes, standing up when you notice the bus heading your way. Nudging his shoulder, you answer, “No, something better than restocking my food and cleaning supplies.” 
Joshua lets out a mock gasp, making you giggle as the two of you climb onto the bus. You sit down in the window seat, the pretty man following soon after and continuing what he was saying. 
“Better than following you around the grocery store while pushing a cart for an hour? No such thing.” You laugh, slapping his leg and shaking your head at him. He grins, reaching up and patting the top of your head fondly. 
“I’m kidding. Doing anything with you brightens my day either way.” Joshua confesses, and you freeze slightly, before regaining your composure. Giving him a tight smile, you turn and glance out the window, watching as the world passes by. Cars filled with people going to wherever it is they’re going, people waiting on the crosswalks to cross the street, children screaming and playing on the playgrounds.
The world is roaring with life. 
“I’m happy for them.” You whisper, before closing your eyes. 
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“Yn, you shouldn’t have.” Joshua says when you lead him towards the entrance of a dog café. You grin, shrugging your shoulders as you muster enough strength to pull open the door. “You’re a dog person. I am simply returning the favor.” 
The blonde chuckles, stepping into the café with you following after him. You reach up and hold your bicep, lightly rubbing the area as it feels a bit strained. Your arm immediately falls back to your side when Joshua stops and turns to glance at you, wondering why you’re behind him. 
He lets out a fond smile, reaching his hand out towards you. “Come on, let’s go see the dogs.” 
Your eyes slowly trail down to his hand, warm and inviting. A stark contrast to what yours have become, cold and lonely. You look back up at Joshua’s face, seeing him tilt his head at you, waiting for you to grasp his hand. 
He watches as an indecipherable emotion passes your eyes, before you let out a smile and walk up to him, intertwining your fingers with his. He grins, and the two of you walk further into the café, only to be greeted by a golden retriever. 
Your eyes widen in surprise at the beautiful dog, and you’re about to bend down to pet it—only to stop once the sound of Joshua’s happy laugh rings in your ears. You turn to look at him, finding him patting the dog’s head with a bright smile on his face. 
“Come on puppy, yn and I have to go order our food.” Joshua says softly, before leading you towards the register. You let out a happy squeal when you see all the other dogs roaming around the tables, feeling excited to play with all of them. 
You and Joshua tell the employee what you’d both like to order as a few dogs come to stand beside the two of you. When you’re told the price, you reach into your bag with your free hand to pull out your wallet, only for your mouth to drop open when you see Joshua already handing the employee his card. 
“Joshua! I wanted to pay for us.” You whine, and he simply squeezes your hand with an accomplished grin on his face. He thanks the employee once he’s handed back his card along with the receipt, before turning to face you. 
“You’re just too slow~” Joshua teases, and you squint. You open your mouth to start complaining more, only to pause when you hear the employee’s voice ring out. 
“Sorry to interrupt, but if you’d like, we have a photobooth that you both could go take pictures in.” They tell you with a shy smile, pointing towards the back of the café where the photobooth is, and your eyes brighten at the idea. 
“Thank you so much!” You say, before pulling Joshua in the direction of the photobooth, your free hand already holding your wallet so that you can pay for it. 
“Yn-” You immediately shove your card into the reader when the two of you step into the small box, closing the black curtain. The blonde chuckles at your determination, and you smile as you pull out your card once the payment is accepted.
“How should we pose?” Joshua asks, and you shrug as you watch the timer start to count down. 
“You just gotta feel it.” 
“That’s not helpful at all.” 
“Just follow my lead.” You say with a laugh, and he grins in amusement, turning back towards the screen. The two of you lean your heads closer to each other, and you wink while Joshua simply smiles as the first photo is captured. 
This continues for the next three photos, with the two of you laughing and doing different poses for the photostrip. You both climb out of the small box, waiting for the two photostrips to be printed as you talk about how silly you each must look.
“Ah, they’re printed.” You say once the two photostrips fall out, and you grab them both. You hand one to Joshua, and you hear him let out a small giggle. 
You stare at the photostrip quietly, gauging the photos. Warmth floods your chest at the third panel in particular, and you let out a breath.
This was when the two of you missed the countdown as you were both facing each other and laughing. Joshua’s eyes are bright and filled with warmth, a smile on his face as he looks at you in the photo. Then there’s you, mid-laugh, nothing but joy over your features.
“Wow.” You breathe out, and Joshua chuckles at your reaction, nudging you with his shoulder. You blink, looking away from the photostrip and redirecting your attention towards the blonde. “Mm?”
He points towards the table in the corner, where quite a few dogs are resting around. “Let’s go sit there.” 
You bite back a laugh, knowing exactly why he wants to sit at that exact spot. Nodding your head, you grin when you see his features brighten, and the two of you walk towards the table. The dogs perk up at your guys’ arrival, almost all of them going around Joshua as the two of you sit across from each other.
“So cute!” Joshua exclaims, a big smile on his face when the golden retriever from earlier rests its paws on Joshua’s chair, licking his face excitedly. The corners of your lips quirk up, and you take out your phone, opening the camera app. 
You watch as Joshua grins, petting the golden retriever to try and calm them down as they continue to attempt to lick his face. Tilting your head, you take the photo right as Joshua breaks out into laughter. 
You lower the phone from your face when Joshua turns towards you from the sound of the camera shutter, and he lets out a grin when his gaze trails over to your left hand side.
“So busy ogling me that you didn’t even notice the cute puppy waiting for your attention.” Your eyebrows furrow at Joshua’s sentence, and you turn your head to the left, expecting nothing, only for your eyes to widen when you see the precious corgi sitting beside you in the booth, tail wagging as they stare at you. 
“Oh my God. Hi baby!” You coo, reaching out and finally giving the attention the corgi had been wanting from you. The corgi licks your wrist, and you giggle, petting their back as you turn to shoot a glare towards the blonde. He raises an eyebrow at the squint to your eyes, and he tilts his head in question.
“I was not ogling you!” You exclaim, and Joshua lets out an angelic laugh that makes your heart do a somersault within your chest. A sheepish smile forms on your face, destroying the “angry” persona you were trying to put on.
“Yeah, yeah. Tell it to the judge.”
“Joshua!” You laugh, and he laughs along with you. 
Your guys’ laughter rings throughout the café for the rest of the afternoon, pure happiness exuding from the two of you.
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“Oh sikhye, how you never fail me.” You say lovingly to the drink in your hand. Joshua simply chuckles at your antics, taking a sip of his own sikhye as the two of you walk on the sidewalk towards the bridge. 
“Thank you for taking me to the dog café, I had a lot of fun.” Joshua tells you, and you nod your head, a smile forming on your face when you remember how many dogs had been around your table. 
“You’re like a dog magnet, while I’m a cat magnet.” You point out, and the blonde purses his lips in thought, before nodding his head in agreement. “That makes sense.” 
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as you make your way onto the bridge, the sounds of the cars driving past you both filling the quiet.
“I feel like you could be a catboy, though.” Joshua accidentally snorts his sikhye at your abrupt comment, and you burst out into laughter as he doubles over, coughing up the drink. Patting his back, you wait for him to calm down as he slowly stands back up to his full height, taking deep breaths. 
“A catboy?”
“I cannot believe me calling you a catboy made you snort your drink.” You say, the corners of your mouth twitching as you try to hold back from smiling. The blonde catches this though, and he reaches out and pinches your cheek. 
Joshua smiles at your reaction, feeling satisfied that he got his payback after you made him snort his rice drink. He’s about to ask why you think he’s a catboy when he notices you walking up to the railing of the bridge.
You rest your hand onto the cold railing, staring out at the sight laid before you. The skies are painted in various shades of pink, blue, and purple. The sun is setting in the distance, the dark orange reflecting off the Han River, making the water glimmer. 
“Beautiful.” Joshua finishes, and you turn to him, seeing the sparkle to his eyes as he stares at the scenery. You’re reminded of the cold January night where you met him over two months ago. 
His eye bags are practically gone and the hunch to his shoulders are now replaced with confidence. His features are glowing, looking healthy in comparison to before, but it’s his eyes that have changed the most. His eyes no longer appear exhausted as he turns to look at you, now replaced with something along the lines of content.
“We met on this bridge over two months ago.” You state, and Joshua doesn’t respond. He looks back out towards the water, resting his forearms onto the railing as the thought of that night comes to mind. You follow suit, taking a sip of your sikhye as the two of you stare at the scenery in silence, the memories the two of you made over the last two months playing in your head. 
“You know when I said I couldn’t see life as something beautiful? And that it wasn’t kind to me?” Joshua asks after a moment, and you nod your head, the memory fresh in your mind.
He lets out a breath, “Two months ago, life was so hard for me that I couldn’t even think of trying anymore. So I didn’t understand what you meant when you said that life was beautiful.” 
Your hand squeezes the railing, but you don’t turn to look at Joshua. You know that he wouldn’t want you to look at him as he addresses what he didn’t want to even mention for the last two months. 
Joshua glances at you, the sunset no longer capturing his attention. A small smile escapes him as he stares at you, heart warm within his chest. 
“I understand what you mean now.” You turn to look at him, immediately locking eyes with the ethereal man. The small smile on his face turns into a full one when he stares into your bright eyes, feeling happy just by being with you. 
Joshua turns away, looking back out towards the sunset. Your heart swells with warmth and heartbreak when you hear him say,
“Life is beautiful.” 
You don’t respond right away as you struggle to hold back the tears from escaping. Your eyes remain on the scenery laid before you, doing your best to control your breathing as you watch the sun set below the city. 
Letting out a breath, you feel Joshua turn to look at you with his soft eyes. 
Joshua’s happy, so you’re happy. 
You turn your body towards Joshua and give him a tight smile as you raise your arms into the air. The blonde grins, reaching out and taking the sikhye from your hand when he notices some of its contents spill onto the pavement from your gesture. You giggle at your clumsiness, and he just shakes his head. 
“What would you do without me?” Joshua asks with a smile, and you shrug your shoulders, turning and beginning to walk in the direction of the bus stop. He tilts his head at you, and he watches as you turn and glance at him with a smile. 
“I wouldn’t be as happy as I am now!” You answer, turning away before you get the chance to see Joshua’s reaction. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you swing your arms as you walk, suddenly wishing you had your sikhye in your hand. 
The sound of running footsteps makes you glance back, only to let out a loud laugh when Joshua’s arm suddenly wraps around your shoulders, the sound of his giggles ringing in your ear. He holds out the drink in your direction, and you grin, taking it from his grasp.
As you take a sip of the sweet rice drink, you let out a sigh. You take a peek at Joshua, finding the hint of a smile on his face as he drinks his own beverage in his other hand. He notices your eyes on him, and he looks at you, a warm expression forming on his face. He leans in and gently nudges your head with his, before turning back towards the front. 
It’s as if all the sadness, anger, and pain melts away from the fond gesture. A shy smile breaks out onto your face as you turn away, letting out a sigh of content.
“Ah, what a beautiful day.”
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Joshua glances down at his phone while he waits in the elevator as it goes up to the eighth floor, the floor in which your apartment resides.
april 6, 2021
You haven’t contacted Joshua since the day the two of you went to the dog café, let alone open his texts. He’s been texting you everyday and even calling you to try and get a response, but to no avail.
So he finally decided to go visit your apartment to check in on you and ask what happened. 
As the elevator doors open, Joshua steps out and walks down the hallway. Once he turns left to enter the other hall, his eyebrows furrow when he notices the man standing in front of your door. He walks up to the man, who glances up towards the blonde when he catches sight of him through the corner of his eye.
“Do you know yn?” Joshua asks once he’s a few feet away from the older man. The gentleman nods, holding up his ID card, “I’m their landlord.” 
Joshua almost lets out a breath of relief, finally having met someone who could possibly know where you’ve been. The blonde points towards your apartment door, “Yn hasn’t contacted me in like, two weeks. Do you know if they’re home or if they went somewhere-”
“You don’t know?” Your landlord asks, and Joshua pauses. A feeling of dread runs down his spine when he sees the look of pity appear in the older man’s eyes when Joshua shakes his head, no. 
The dread soon turns into regret when the landlord informs him of the information he hadn’t known for the last three months.
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“Are you comfortable?” The nurse asks as she replaces your tube. You give her a weak smile, glancing out the window and staring at the birds flying past it as you answer, “As comfortable as I can be.”
Once the nurse finishes cleaning you up, she bows in your direction and steps out of the room. You let out a breath, eyes trailing down to your phone. You press your finger to the screen, and the photo of Joshua that you took at the dog café shines back at you. 
A soft smile escapes you when you see how brightly he’s laughing, the sound of his joyful laughs still ringing in your ear as if he was here with you. The brief moment of happiness you feel turns into one of guilt when you’re reminded of all the messages, missed calls, and voicemails he’s left you for the last two weeks. 
It’s for the best, you remind yourself. You want him to be happy, and knowing that you’re on your literal deathbed would take that away from him. 
You bite the inside of your cheek once you feel the tears rise to your eyes, and you let out an annoyed huff. In an attempt to make the wetness to your eyes disappear, you move to stare up at the ceiling, only to freeze when your gaze lands on the doorway. 
The blonde is standing there, chest rising and falling as he stares at you, pain evident in his gaze. His eyes trail over your appearance, wondering how he didn’t see the signs from the beginning. From the times you told him you were having trouble sleeping, the loss of appetite, how easily exhausted you would become from simply laughing too hard in the recent weeks.
How could he not know? 
“Yn.” Joshua breathes out, walking over to your bedside and sitting down in the chair. Feeling the tears flood your eyes, you look away from him, staring down at your hands in shame. 
“How did you find out?” You ask in a quiet voice, knowing he’s going to hate you for not telling him. When you don’t hear his response, the tears escape your eyes, falling onto the hospital blanket. 
“I’m so sorry Joshua.”
“I’m so selfish.” Your eyes widen slightly, and you look up from the blanket, only for your heart to break within your chest when you see the tears falling past Joshua’s eyes. 
“I-I hated my life and I openly complained about it in front of you, but you were going through so much worse and you still saw the beauty in it.” Joshua mutters, his hands reaching up towards his face as he tries to wipe away his tears. “I’m so sorry, yn.” You feel a sob bubble up in your chest, and you shake your head at him. 
“Don’t compare your struggles and pain to mine. Your struggles and your pain are valid. You have nothing to apologize for.” You tell him, vision becoming blurry as you reach out towards him with your hand. Joshua bites his bottom lip, before grasping your cold hand with his warm one. 
“It’s not fair.” Joshua mutters, and you blink at him. His hand tightens gently around yours, and he looks up into your beautiful eyes that hold so much life in them.
The life you deserve to live.
“I-It’s not fair. You of all people deserve to live your life.” Joshua says, the anger and sadness heavy in his voice. You let out a small smile, squeezing his hand with as much energy you can muster. “Sometimes life isn’t fair.”
Joshua just scoffs at your positivity and you let out a weak giggle. His eyes soften from the sight of your smile, and he reaches out with his free hand, wiping away your tears with his thumb. You lean into the touch, and Joshua feels his heart stutter in his chest. 
“Can you stay with me?” You ask, looking up into his deerlike eyes. Warmth floods the blonde’s face at how ethereal you are, feeling content when he still sees the sparkle in your eyes. 
“Yeah, always.”
Joshua slips off of his shoes and scoots you over on the hospital bed. He climbs onto it and lays onto his back beside you. You rest your head onto his arm, turning onto your side so that you’re facing him, and close your eyes at the feeling of his fingers intertwining with yours. 
“Thank you.” You mutter sleepily, and Joshua raises an eyebrow. 
“For what?” 
The memories of the last three months rewind in your head like a cassette tape, all the joy, laughter, sadness. All of it. 
“For making my last three months worthwhile.” 
Joshua sucks in a breath at your words, and he clenches his fist at his side. He’s filled with anger, sadness, so many different emotions as he turns his body to face you. He finds that you’re already fast asleep, small puffs of air leaving your lips, a reminder that you’re here. 
You’re alive.
Holding back the tears from rising, Joshua closes his eyes and gently rests his forehead onto yours. He feels your breath hit his lips, and he finds that it’s the only thing that calms him down as he feels a wave of drowsiness hit him.
He soon falls asleep with the thought of you turning to face him on the bridge two weeks ago, with the bright smile on your face that he’s grown to love.
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“Can I please take yn out of the hospital? They’re right at the entrance. It’s not like I’m taking yn to an amusement park.” 
“No, Joshua.” 
“But Dr. Park, please.” Joshua practically begs, following after your doctor as he tries to walk back to his office. The man doesn’t even spare the blonde another glance, already set on his answer. 
It’s been a week since Joshua discovered the truth of your illness, and he’s visited every single day. Even if he had classes or a shift at work, he’d immediately take the bus to the hospital right after to come and see you.
He knows your time is soon from how frail you’ve become, the exhaustion and pain evident on your face no matter how hard you try to hide it behind the smile you show him. 
That’s why he’s desperate for Dr. Park to say yes.
“I’ll even have the nurse accompany us! Please, it won’t take long.” Joshua calls out, and he watches as Dr. Park’s shoulders slump as he lets out a sigh. The older man turns to glance at him, “Joshua…”
“Please, Dr. Park. Yn—” Joshua looks down at his shoes, swallowing the lump in his throat as he tries to muster up the courage to say the next words. “Yn doesn’t have much time left.” 
Dr. Park stares at the blonde, knowing very well that your time is drawing near. He looks to his side, remembering what he told you the day you found out about your tragic fate. 
“Eat whatever you want, do things you’ve always wanted to do. Live your life, yn.” 
Dr. Park lets out a sigh, before turning back towards Joshua, who’s still staring down at the floor. He purses his lips, “Fine. You can take yn, but not for long. I’ll have their nurse accompany you.” 
Joshua immediately lifts up his head, eyes bright as he nods his head frantically. He blurts out multiple thank yous, even bowing at least ten times before he heads back to your hospital room. 
Dr. Park just lets out a sad smile as he watches the blonde disappear past the corner. Shaking his head, he glances down at his clipboard and heads towards his next patient. 
You lay in the hospital bed, struggling to keep your eyes open as you wait for Joshua. Your gaze is glued towards the doorway, wondering when you’ll see those pretty deerlike eyes of his. Your eyelids feel heavy, and you feel sleep beginning to pull you in. 
“Yn!” Your eyes slowly open at the angelic voice, and you find Joshua walking up to your hospital bed with an excited smile on his face. The corners of your lips tug upward, “Joshua, you look excited.”
“I have a surprise for you.” Your eyebrows furrow in suspicion, and he lets out a laugh. A sudden figure at your doorway catches your attention, and Joshua steps to the side so that you can see. You squint when you see your nurse standing there, a wheelchair in front of her as she gives you a smile. 
“What are you planning?” You ask, eyes going back to the blonde. He shrugs his shoulders, reaching out and grasping your cold hand, giving it a squeeze. 
“You’ll see.”
It takes about twenty minutes until you’re finally in the wheelchair, as you’re no longer able to walk on your own. It was hard, since Joshua had to help your nurse by carrying you and placing you into the seat. You kept apologizing for being a bother, but Joshua would always reply, 
“You could never be a bother, yn.”
And now you’re being pushed through the halls. With your nurse holding onto the IV pole while Joshua pushes you. You can’t help but feel a bit of excitement run through your veins as the three of you slowly make your way out of the hospital, no matter how exhausted you are.
“What’s the surprise? Did you buy me a sikhye truck?” 
“You think I’m rich?” Joshua counters, and you smile at his response. It’s when you’re closer to the automatic doors that you begin to feel your heartbeat faster, ecstatic to be able to smell the fresh air. 
“Are you ready?” Joshua asks, leaning over to peek at your face. You let out a shaky breath, before nodding your head and giving him a thumbs up. “Of course.” 
The blonde smiles, and starts pushing you towards the exit again, watching as the automatic doors open for the three of you. The sunlight shines down on you once you’re outside, and you suck in a deep breath of the fresh air, blinking your eyes to get used to the sudden light.
Once your eyes open again, you find Joshua standing before you, arms stretched up towards the sky. A pose that you always did when the two of you were together. You’re about to ask what he’s doing when a sudden flash of pink flies past your face. You turn your head, eyes following after it until it falls onto the ground next to dozens of others.
A cherry blossom petal. 
You slowly look back towards Joshua, seeing the warm smile on his face as he stares at you. Your eyes trail upwards, and you let out a breath when you see the fully bloomed cherry blossom trees above you. The brilliant shades of pink and white are hanging above you, and you feel your heart swell. 
A breeze blows past the trees, and you watch as the petals begin to fall around you and Joshua. The beautiful and delicate petals gently flow with the wind, as if they were pink snowflakes fluttering past you.
Opening up the palm of your hand, you watch as a precious petal falls directly into the middle of it. You let out a wet laugh, tears trailing down your cheeks as you look back up towards Joshua. He’s smiling back at you, eyes filled with tears of his own as the two of you stare at each other. 
“I saw the cherry blossoms with you.” You say softly, and Joshua nods his head, a heartbreaking smile on his face. Biting your bottom lip, you close your fingers around the precious petal in your hand, blinking away the tears that keep flooding your eyes.
“Thank you, Joshua.” You mutter, and the blonde simply lets out a sigh, turning so that he’s facing the cherry blossom tree. You look up towards him, seeing the small smile on his face as he glances back at you. 
“Consider it a gift, yn.”
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You lay on your hospital bed, listening to Joshua tell you about the lecture he attended today. Your heart warms when you hear him let out a giggle when mentioning something his classmate said, and a small smile escapes you. 
It’s been a few hours since you were brought back inside from seeing the cherry blossom trees, and Joshua’s stayed by your side the whole time. He didn’t even leave when you took a nap, just staying in the chair beside your bed doing his homework as he waited for you to wake up. 
You know that your time is almost over as you feel your heartbeat slow while listening to Joshua, finding yourself growing more sleepy. Somehow, rather than being afraid, you feel content. 
You’re happy.
You can see that Joshua knows it too, as he keeps talking to you about anything and everything, when you’d usually be the one to fill the silence. 
“And that’s how—”
“Joshua?” The blonde looks up at the sound of your voice immediately, and his heart falls when he sees the smile on your face. 
It’s different from all the ones before. It’s not bright, teasing, exciting, no. 
It’s accepting.
“Y-Yeah?” Joshua asks, and you extend your hand towards him. He reaches out and grasps it, your hand fitting perfectly within his own. 
“What’s the most beautiful thing about life?” You ask in a soft voice, staring into those deerlike eyes that seem to hold all the stars in the world. 
You want to remember it.
You want to remember him.
Joshua bites the inside of his cheek at your question, looking down at your connected hands as he tries to think of his answer. You watch as his eyebrows furrow in thought, and you grin in amusement at how hard he’s thinking.
The thought of the arcade comes to mind, as the neon purple lights shone on your face as you turned to look at him with a bright smile.
The sunset, when you spun around with your arms in the air and danced along the grass as he took photos of you. 
Going grocery shopping, when you were telling him a story with the softest of smiles on your face. Your eyes twinkled underneath the horrible fluorescent lights, and he wondered how you could possibly look so ethereal even with the bad lighting.
Your strawberry pajamas that you love so much.
Visiting the cat café, where your smile was the brightest and you were practically glowing from all the attention from the cats.
When it rained and you were laughing and spinning around as you let the raindrops fall onto you. Not a care in the world as you smiled brightly and extended your hand out towards him.
Going stargazing, except when he turned his head and looked into your eyes — he realized that you shined brighter than the millions of stars in the sky.
Joshua looks back towards you, seeing you waiting expectantly. His eyes trail over your features, from your beautiful eyes to your pretty lips that always hold a smile. He squeezes your hand softly as he finally answers,
You blink at his answer, before a small smile breaks out onto your face. Looking away, you notice the full moon out the window, with the millions of stars surrounding it on this clear night. You let out a breath, feeling like they’re closer tonight. 
“What about you? What’s the most beautiful thing about life?” Joshua asks, and he watches as your head slowly turns back towards him. You give him a grin and squeeze his hand with as much energy as you can muster, finding yourself getting lost in his bright eyes. 
“You. The most beautiful thing about life is you, Joshua.” 
Joshua smiles, but his heart hurts as his eyes pan to your vital signs monitor, seeing that your heart rate is slowing. He looks back at you, and he sucks in a deep breath when only one thought comes to mind. 
There’s still so many things he wants to tell you, so many things he wants to do with you. However, as he stares into your eyes, he realizes there’s only one last thing you need to know.
“Yeah, Joshua?” You respond, now struggling to keep your eyes open as you stare at him. 
“I love you.” 
You and Joshua stare at each other in silence for a moment, having finally aired out the truth that the two of you have kept hidden for the last three months. The truth that the both of you kept denying, for fear of the future. A bright smile forms on your face, and Joshua feels his heart stutter within his chest at the sight. 
“I love you too, Joshua.” 
He lets out a breath, swallowing the lump in his throat to try and appear strong for you. As Joshua stares at you, he realizes just how beautiful you are. Even though you’re frail and tired, your beauty is unmatched as he looks into your eyes. 
And so, Joshua smiles back at you, and you feel warmth flood your body at the beauty of it.
You hope to remember his smile even in your next life.
Joshua hears your monitor begin to beep, signalling that your heart rate is dropping. He doesn’t look away from you, holding the eye contact between the two of you as your eyes slowly fall shut. The grip you had on his hand loosens, and he continues to stare at you as your nurse comes in once the sound of the flatline rings throughout the room. 
Joshua stands up from the chair, heart thumping against his chest once your nurse turns off your monitor. 
“Time of death: Tuesday, April 13th. At 8:13 PM.”
Silence fills the room as he leans down and presses a soft kiss to your temple, before pulling away and falling back into the chair. The smile that he showed you is now gone as he bites his bottom lip, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to fall as he stares at you, the smallest of smiles still remaining on your face.
Joshua looks down as a few tears escape, and he slowly rests his forehead onto your guys’ connected hands, sobs finally wracking through his body as he holds onto you. 
The moon and the stars shine down onto the two of you through the hospital window. They illuminate the room as Joshua sobs against your hand, knowing that you were finally able to reach them. 
You were finally able to reach the moon and the stars.
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april 13, 2022
Joshua looks away from the calendar on the wall once he’s handed the bouquet of bright sunflowers. He smiles at the employee, giving them his thanks before he turns around and walks out of the store. 
The sun shines down on him as he walks towards the columbarium, making his black hair appear a light brown underneath the light. 
The sound of the birds chirping rings through his ears, and he smiles softly as he steps in through the entrance. He walks through the hall, before he finally stops, looking up and seeing your bright smile shining back at him.
Joshua lets out a grin at the sight, placing your sunflowers into the mini slot that holds the bouquets. A breath escapes him as he stares at the photos in your display, all of the photos capturing your beautiful smile. His eyes land on the last one, and he bites the inside of his cheek.
It’s the photostrip of the two of you from the day you both went to the dog café. 
Joshua has the same photostrip on the back of his phone case, as a reminder of a beautiful day. 
“Did you miss me?” Joshua asks you, knowing that he won’t receive a response. He smiles softly, looking down at his shoes. 
“It’s been a year without you, and I still think of your bright smile everyday.” Joshua tells you, placing his hands into his pockets as he continues to stare at the floor. “I know you’re getting a kick out of hearing me say that, huh?” 
Joshua stands there before you in silence for a moment, holding back the tears that threaten to flood his eyes. He lets out a shaky breath, before looking back up towards you with a smile and begins to update you on everything that’s happened since he last visited.
From the new job he got at an early learning center as a teacher, to the cat he visits at the shelter that reminds him of you, to his new friend Jeonghan who’s more mischievous than you could imagine, to the fried rice he made in the morning.
He tells you anything and everything until he can no longer think of anything else to say. Joshua lowers his head, wishing that he could hear a response. 
“I miss you.” He mutters, the thought of your smile and contagious laugh coming to mind. There’s a dull ache in his heart that has remained since you passed, and he knows it will be there for a long time. 
But as he lifts up his head to look at you and sees the photo of the both of you laughing, he knows he’ll be okay. You want him to be happy.
Joshua sucks in a deep breath, before reaching up and resting his hand over the glass. 
“Thank you, yn. Thank you for teaching me how to live.” 
Joshua gives you a genuine smile, before taking a step back from your locker. 
“I’ll continue to live happily, so don’t worry about me. I’ll visit you again soon...” Joshua chuckles as he trails off, looking away as warmth floods his face at the thought of the next thing he wants to tell you. He lets out a breath, before smiling at you as he says,
“I love you.” 
And with that, Joshua turns around and walks away with a lighter heart. He steps out of the columbarium and walks down the street, the thought of your smile and the sound of your laugh lingering in his mind. 
He walks with his head down, hands in his pockets as he heads to the bus stop. It’s only when a pink petal floats past him that he pauses and finally looks up from the ground. 
The fully bloomed cherry blossoms are a few feet from him, planted on the grass near the sidewalk, painting the pavement pink. He watches as a breeze blows past him, making hundreds of cherry blossom petals gently fall from the trees. 
Joshua lets out a small smile at the sight, before looking up towards the blue sky. A content sigh escapes him as he watches a pretty white cloud float past him. 
“What a beautiful day.”
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rotshop · 3 years
hewwoooo i had a funney little thougt and so now im continuing it <33333
n e wayssss here's sum fnky little mag main 4 hcs :]
-the blueprint the man the myth the legend the firestarter. anyways
-he struggles a lot more with speaking than he did pre-magnification, he can understand it fine but when it comes to finding his words he struggles. so!! he kinda just uses asl when he can and short phrases / grunts / noises, also has his own kind of language w/ you??? lot of tapping and misc noises that just mean things only you two understand its. funny actually. he'll just make some chirping noise at you and you go 'haha yeah that was pretty dumb.' deimos and sanford are both so desperate to know what ur both talking abt its insane.
-carries u around a lot!! he's always super duper careful and he prefers to hold you in his more normal hand, he always gets worried about his talons poking you too rough or him accidentally shocking you if he gets surprised. also likes it when you ride on his shoulders, u also like it because it makes you feel tall :]
-his jackets fucking massive on you you could get lost in that bitch. sometimes if you two can't get back to base for one reason or another he'll just let you lay on him and use his jacket as a blanket for you,,its always super warm and he purrs so !! bonus points
-if u get hurt he goes fucking mental buuut i dont rlly wanna add a bunch of violence warnings to this,,,so,,,we'll leave it at that
-also he adores the size difference, you do your best to kinda cup the sides of his face in ur hands when he leans down for you and they're just??? so fucking small?? he puts his overs urs and just melts in ur hands lol
-he's VERY nervous around you for the first while, he's incredibly not used to his new form and he's so so worried about accidentally hurting you. his hands always just awkwardly hover around you whenever you're nearby bc he!! fucking wants to be affectionate but hes scared!! hank has to kind of. give him a whole pep talk on this sorta thing and it does help calm his nerves a little but he's still super careful,,,whenever he's holding you or cuddling w/ you he always asks to make sure you're comfortable and he isn't suffocating you or anything,,
-once he gets more adjusted then whooo bestie. he already liked showing off his strength to you before but now its worse. whenever he picks you up and you kinda yelp a little in surprise before you lean into him and hold onto him a lil he just goes bonkers on the inside. he's carrying you most of the time since it just keeps him cool knowing that ur nearby and ur safe in his grip. also tends to keep you behind him whenever you two are on missions (u have to kind of. get him outta this habit just a lil bc he keeps being a lil too paranoid abt it and freaks out when you wander off)
-has claws now which he's very careful of around you but if u ever just like. grab his hands and hold onto em and just kinda. trace over the callouses and scars and scratches then he melts. has to look off to the side or something because he has a big dumb grin on his face, it doesn't rlly help tho because you can hear him purring
-he doesn't talk too much since it feels odd and it's easier for him to keep it to a minimum,,HOWEVER,,the exception is you ofc lol. he murmurs little 'i love you's and such to you a lot still, though he has to be real careful of his volume but!! on the bright side deep-ass voice lol
-terrible awful man who loves to cause problems for you <333
-he's like a cat in the sense that he's always hanging around you and bugging you to get your attention, cannot keep his hands off of u for more than 10 minutes. im so sorry 4 you,,,,on the bright side though he does have this kind of like. shaky and faint purring that's a lil fucked up bc of his smoking but it's pretty nice. really likes just leaning over you and resting his head on your shoulder or laying down by you and laying his head on your lap. will not stop pawing at you or making little 'chirrup' sounds at you till you pet him :| get a hobby king
-OH YEAH ALSO HES SO FUCKING HAPPY 2 BE TALLER THAN U LOL,,,rubs it in your face a lot by looming over you and resting his chin on top of your head or putting his shoulders on top of your head like a rest. you can counter this by just stepping forward / to the side because he WILL stumble and he will eat gravel and honestly?? he deserves it. also he really enjoys being big spoon w/ you, same as the previous point he'll sometimes just make u (read : annoy you until you oblige) lay down if neither of you are busy so he can curl up with you. again his purring makes up for it
-he's surprisingly the most animalistic, given he's got a tail and claws now. he likes putting you up on his shoulders or back and carrying you around like that (but also having you wrap ur arms around his neck while he's carrying you like. bridal style sorta and leaning into him is fucking HEAVEN to him. adores it). its fun until he gets on all fours and skitters around :|| u spray him with a water bottle bc of this and he hates it
-speaking of animalistic y'know how animals playfight w/ each other?? he does that with you. he still minds his strength ofc but sanford or 2b will be watching from the side and there's almost always at least one, 'fucking CHRIST deimos, be careful would you?' but yeah no it's usually very careful and its rlly just him roughhousing w/ you a little. usually devolves into him just trapping you down into cuddling w/ him lmao
-oh baby u dont even know.
-(un)surprisingly he's the most like his usual self. his intelligence didn't drop too much unlike the others (there's always at least one offended grunt from Hank when someone says this aloud), meaning he was able to mostly keep to his typical routine. HOWEVER,,he does get a little more laid back surprisingly?? like?? he still works most of the time but if you work alongside him it's a lot more common now for him to just stand by you a little awkwardly until you reach back for him so he can rest his head in the palm of your hand. ur the only one he allows to see him this vulnerable and openly affectionate so please enjoy that. his purring is a little quieter than the others but you can usually feel it instead
-has some funny fucked up wings now. he barely even notices that he does it but whenever you come stand by him he ALWAYS tucks one around you and pulls you closer. also has a habit of just placing one over you while he's laying next to you on his stomach like a blanket. they're sensitive tho so if you ask to touch them he's a little hesitant at first, he trusts you though so he gives in eventually. but. yknow. please do be careful, even just tracing along tender spots with your nails can make him jump a bit
-his speech is relatively the same, a little bit lower and rougher but not too much change. you can hear the little bit of scratchiness in it but !! yeah
-his touch starvation bites him in the ass like this. at first he was able to ignore it for the most part but after getting mag'd??? no gd way. its part of why he just kinda hovers around you a lot more, he's not too good at asking for things like affection so he just kinda. hopes you get the gesture. but on the bright side he doesn't mind if you mess up his hair because he's a little too blissed out whenever you're running your fingers through it. more than a few times has he fallen asleep on you because you were petting him,,,he apologizes whenever he wakes up but you can tell he was happy you let him rest around you like that
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sugar-petals · 4 years
:: random things about boyfriend yoongi
↳ ♡ NOTE I saw this format floating around the fandom and thought it was cool and sweet (just like our honey boy so here it goes) 😊  includes an sfw and nsfw bit, both can be read independently.
words. 3k
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First off, Yoongi is laid-back and casually sexy the way we know him. But he also has spikes of energy where he actually gets a little clingy. Any opportunity he will use to hold hands or jump around like a madman with his gummy smile because he got excited about something that you never could predict would make him so happy. He truly is an epiphany.
He’s your most eager personal chef but funnily enough a little unsettled by onions so you end up helping him. Yoongi hates to be crying in the kitchen because of some evil little vegetable but hey, perfect time and place to spend half an hour huddled together cooking or baking. And Yoongi is secretly longing for a cheesy scene, he finds it romantic when you wipe the tears from his face.
His way of speaking to you is a mix of mumbly Korean, high-pitched pouty cat speak, and old-school English slang phrases that he learned somewhere on social media or award shows back in 2018. Most of the time he takes things seriously but is up for some joking anyway. He is sure to giggle every now and then which is really adorable of him. Yoongi is also the person who gets every nuance of your humor and reacts to it.
After being single, you really have to get used to someone waddling around the house. Like— oh, he’s there! And it’s none other than him! Since Yoongi isn’t noisy when he concentrates on his laptop, it really stands out when he morphs from his unmovable rock-like being to a slow rolling stone headed towards the kitchen from time to time. You have to blink every time. And how could you not look up, he’s walking by with his cutest oversized sweaters and striped fluffy socks.
He cannot hide things that normal people would try to keep secret — because of their own discomfort, but he is good at blocking out things that serve your comfort. I’ll explain what I mean. If you have been keeping up with Yoongi postponing the reveal of his surgery until it was successful, you know what I mean. In short, Yoongi is pretty much an automatic filter for things that disturb you. Knowing the right time and place to inform you is the key. As is disregarding things that don’t concern you as a couple, unnecessary drama and opinions. He’s really good at that without ever trying to sugar-coat the important things because he remains a frank and honest soul.
Yoongi has an easier time giving random presents for simple occasions rather than making a big deal out of traditional festivities. So, big celebrations are often kept simple — unless the rest of BTS is there advocating their ‘a little party never killed nobody’ motto — while Yoongi focuses on getting you something attentive or useful every other day pretty much. He’s still a frugal type, you know him. It’s more about inexpensive things that catch his eye because he heard you likes this or that type of snack or want this or that sofa cushion. 
There’s always something new and surprising in the fridge and it’s hardly ever empty because Yoongs takes care of the groceries, really thinking it through. Just personal chef things. Being Yoongi’s partner must be the most destressing thing. He takes responsibility for the worldly things, the ironing clothes and the trash cans. He himself thinks that’s the easiest shit ever and is ready to put time into it (he sees the merit, it drives him) while thinking your side — the sheer act of being in love with him, being there for him — must be hard. Which it isn’t. 
Yoongi thinks emotions and relationships are tough and complicated while daily life runs smoothly at the snap of a finger. You think maintenance is a drudgery while love is not the maze your boyfriend assumes it is. Deep down Yoongi thinks he’s unlovable and a bad person, that’s why he believes he doesn’t have the burden but you have. That your affection then blazes past the barriers in Yoongi’s esteem is something that he finds incredible. It catches him off guard there, you burst the bubbles of the flaws he falsely imagines he has.
You bet your ARMY bomb you’re watching cat videos together.
Guess who’s the first person to hear all of Yoongi’s upcoming hit tracks? Even Namjoon gets the first sample ten minutes later. You gotta be really advanced at keeping secrets and avoiding accidental leaks with your phone or something.
Yoongi hesitates with the analogy because it’s a little funny and you’re evidently not a steaming liquid made of beans, but he claims you really are like his daily americano. Makes his every morning better. 
Now, in all seriousness. What means the most to him is that you take him how he is and are stable company. Yoongi is afraid of betrayal and stupid games so he has to be sure to have a safe bet going. I think that’s why he fancies marriage, it’s a sign of commitment and some degree of permanence to him. And yes, he is a bit jealous in nature since he’s easily invested in someone with a purity of feeling, almost in a naive way. Yoongi easily idolizes his partner and puts a lot of energy into a bond. He wants to protect that, take the risk, and he has watched for someone who radiates genuine trust and faith. He is sure to have found it in you without any illusions and he is right. Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty.
Playing the piano for dinner or date night is a must, he practices constantly to advance to a great standard. He secretly finds a lot of satisfaction in you cooing at his skills and melodies. Those ten bony fingers gliding over the keys with such a technicality and focus, and a passion that makes you hold your breath, it’s great to watch.
Did you see that one coming? He will compose and produce a designated mixtape only for you personally. Yes, with a little self-filmed, self-cut music video for the title track. 
Now those things never see the light of day, they’re all for you. But what about your couple life once it touches the social realm? As one might expect, Yoongi is very ‘eyes turn narrow’ with people who bring disharmony to your dynamic and the relationship in general. In fact, he is grumpy and disappointed, and should someone give him a reason, distinctly brutal. If someone even attempts to test you or plays manipulative games, Yoongi is relentlessly turning them from the inside out with his words that never miss the mark. They’re efficient. As I said, he hates playing annoying games, he’ll do any shortcut and be Yoongi.
I guarantee you can lean back and will never the fazed by stupid people and time wasters again. No need to lose face. Yoongi does the dirty work and is the best possible defender to have on your side. He handles that. Invasive opinions and useless phrases he will shove right up some trashtalker’s ass and leave. Let’s squarely say he is unafraid to be a armchair critic of your and his haters and doesn’t want any of that nuisance to disturb what you have together. He cuts very quick and makes sure not to get tangled up in trouble.
Yoongi will also debunk a whole bunch of weirdos on weverse asking about your private love while he’s at it. Prepare for some very entertaining snide remarks. Oh my god, so many entitled people will be pissed off. Many will also celebrate him for stepping up. What’s actually important to Yoongi is that nobody taints what is like a treasure to him.
It won’t be hard to overlook that Yoongi is very proud of you as well. He looks confident and revering when he hangs out with the group and you’re somewhere close by, even just doing something trivial.
He’s also pretty touchy, sometimes publically to demonstrate something, but mostly in the relative calm and safety of a hotel room. When the lights are out, all barriers crash, the utter romantic takes over. His favorite types of kisses besides those onto his hands are when you kiss his lashes. And yep. Yoongs is such a cozy little spoon. A very curled up one with cute shooky pajamas on most likely.
Talk about clothes. Believe it or not, Yoongi’s fashion goes through a significant change due to the relationship. He knows that you are touchy and thinks about what kinds of flannels are the biggest cuddle magnet, after all. And oh wonder, he will also show some level of skin when he accidentally hears your praises for his arms and legs and collar bones and glowy skin while talking to a close friend of yours. So, look forward to that in summer (he still dislikes the winter cold and wraps himself into scarves twice his size, mind you) though it’s still for your eyes only, he covers up when going out. Truth be told, he enjoys when you casually touch his skin. Especially the arms. Which hold up the firmament to you, and your world, too, and guard it.
BTS will know about how excited he is about you because he often boasts about for how long you’ve been living together by now. We all know this is Yoongi’s favorite way of bragging and it further shows that loyalty, dedication and longevity is the spice to his every meal.
Yoongi is probably going to quit the bottle because you naturally make him feel at ease and upbeat. In fact, he simply forgets about his wine. I don’t have to convince you that Yoongi will be very immersed in any interaction with you whether that be watching movies or discussing his latest tracks. 
Those discussions come with extra back massages for him because he spends a lot of hours in his chair. Especially around the neck, it’s no secret that this is in every cat’s top 3 favorite massaging areas. Yoongi is gonna make some really raspy, sleepy sounds and just melt in your hands. He’s gonna sleep like a baby afterwards every time. Sometimes, he says funny and cute things while he dozes. He looks very content.
Say goodbye to the 21st century adulting annoyances in your life because Yoongi has a grip on those without a word. Those six specific chores that always plague you take him only a dozen minutes and he is eager, the forms to fill out are already sent off, the list of people to e-mail is weeded through. The taxes are paid, the bank account is full, the meals are on the table, garnished to perfection. Roof over the head, and it’s a sturdy one, Yoongi bought a sound haven house to inhabit a lot of happiness for two. 
He’s probably the only person who doesn’t see it as a loss of dignity if you want to hold on tight to him during a dentist visit as a grown ass mf. Why all of this? Yoongi cannot not strive to feel needed in his actions. He wouldn’t like himself if he couldn’t contribute something reliable and useful. That you find things worthy of your time is priority. You complement each other, what you think is a waste of energy makes him work and strive and vice versa. That way, in the end all things are taken care of.
Giving is more important than taking in Yoongi’s world. He thinks of everything because he considers it an offense to have you in a pile of duties, that is, if you don’t like ‘em. It’s his form of dedicating his efforts and showing respect. He doesn’t need much in return. The things he expects if at all don’t feel like a duty: Much like he doesn’t consider doing those acts of services for you likewise.
Work horse he is, he needs something on his daily to-do plan. Which includes making you feel unbothered by the occasions of an incoming strict world when it’s getting to you. You’re supposed to do what you feel like doing just like him and not slave away at fifty deeds. That you torture yourself with daily life hassle is the thing he dislikes seeing the most. He enjoys doing these things so he’s happy to get going.
What’s not a daily life hassle: Holly is a big fan of yours. Instant friendship. Just wanted you to know.
He always knows how to preoccupy himself and finds something to improve. Getting on your nerves, and that’s no surprise, is the last thing Yoongi will ever do. In fact, you sometimes have to search for his napping spot because he got lost somewhere in the house. 
He either sleeps or works, his philosophy is simple. If you need him, he does appear seemingly out of nowhere. And, he spends as much time with you as you enjoy, not always prioritizing his producing unless it’s urgent or he’s on an inspiration streak. Which is great anyway, you can sit next to him listening. It’s the right balance of work and play.
Yoongi is not above blatantly showing off. Actually, he goes for an act of stunning pretty often. You know how cats parade around whatever they just caught. He wants to impress you with assets and accolades and appraisals, the boy can’t help it. That you only lightly nod at most of it with a little smile will confuse him but he will get the point later on. You wanna signal Yoongi that you anchor your love for him not in shifting numbers and chunky metal pieces. 
That you don’t confuse his signs of outward worth and fame with the core of the guy you find the sweetest in the world is very important to him. He will take some time to see through that because he’s used to being loved through status and its symbols by people close and afar. 
The way you throw yourself at him to give a big smooch in random situations — especially when he doesn’t feel great about himself— rather than only when he say gets a new car is sending him a message. Again, he has to grow into that. He will retreat at the beginning because he feels worthless of your affection on days where he doesn’t feel big and bold and successful. But since he sees you jumping on him because you need only his kind and squishy presence and see him as no different than usual because he’s always Yoongi underneath, your boyfriend will change his mind about it sooner or later. He learns that your presence makes him feel like a billion dollars yourself.
You don’t wallow in the regrets of other people missing the point of Yoongi and instead focus on always understanding him rather than enabling Yoongi into wrong directions. And there are many of those, his mental health can tell you a thing or two about it. He begins to get that you really know what you’re doing and are in it for the real him which makes him feel really loved far underneath all surfaces and images. You accept his fame and admire his work with music which is what he’s truly doing it for but also don’t forget that the most vulnerable Yoongi is the one that you’re there for and not a facade.
I know you’re curious. That Yoongi’s sexual style is more than just interesting goes without saying. To give you an idea. Anything steamy with Yoongi means him taking his time. You know, for making it quality. Yoongi wants to grow into the right balance of activity and staying relaxed. He is good at keeping cool and bringing some focus to the madness. He wants to figure out how to be more casual instead of tense and overly preoccupied which he’ll be at the start of the relationship. But the fast learner he is, his nervousness fades way faster than you think. 
Yoongi is extremely afraid that he can’t please you or starts to become awkward slash clueless so he darts to the opposite of the spectrum and overperforms, even plays a character. You have enough cool yourself to tell him what to do in the pace that works best. That he stays centered in his body is important for you to teach him. When he gets grounded and juggling his confidence is out of the equation, he fucks the best.
His favorite position besides giving oral — with you on your back — will be doggy style. Man, we gotta talk about that. Slow to upper moderate pace, nothing too all over the place. Yoongi moans very slowly, too, all drawn out. Get ready for a frequent session of some anal to unwind. You heard that right. First, Yoongi will get the two of you into the right rhythm with his hands at the sides of your waist, then, ride it out in slow mo with his right hand properly stimulating you from the front. 
By habit, he will add some lube here and there but not use insanely dripping amounts so everything gets messy or he can’t touch you without sliding off anymore. Just enough to slide well. Yoongi is so good at this I swear, it’ll be your favorite thing to relax. He has the restraint and technique to pull it off rather than pulling out, huh. Yoongi is gonna stay inside you for ages. It feels like he’s massaging every spot for some extra time. It’s amazing to slack off your muscles, cool off, and get many a gentle but fulfilling orgasm. 
He’s not gonna put you through the hassle of dealing with an anal creampie cleanup so he keeps it wrapped, and mostly focuses on your movements altogether while keeping his own climax smooth and more relieving rather than something that relentlessly knocks him out in one go. Yoongi is good at observing and doesn’t feel the need to chase a violent high which is why he is so great at sex. Fucking with Yoongi leaves a wholesome feeling and you never feel ashamed or guilty, or a sense of being dirty and ruined. 
He enjoys having sex to make you feel really good and works his hands on you very respectfully. His goal is to have you wet and pulsing after a long while of getting you there, and putting you to a good night’s sleep. He’d feel terrible if he left you sore or disturbed. He is really passionate, especially with his kisses or when you ask him to slide into very deeply, but Yoongi being brash and controlling is an image out of sight.
Besides giving you the number one heavenly assfucks, Yoongi also likes to work his tongue as we know, and he’ll work it all over. Few body parts of yours have not made contact with that glorious mouth and I say that in the best of ways. You can instruct him to do whatever, Yoongi obliges with radiant joy. And here again, he takes minutes upon minutes. Kissing and kissing and licking and maybe even teasing once or twice to make you smile. You know, a little signature wink. Honoring your skin and every shape is not something that Yoongi has to talk about, he will physically show it and I swear it’ll finally get into your head with every little move, Yoongi has totally surrendered his tongue to your body and worships it.
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gnocchighoul · 4 years
The boys (+undateables?) reactions when they discover MC is actually a vampire?
....so I’m a dingus and didn’t realize that this was also for the undateables and just wrote it for the brothers, my bad 😅 Part two maybe? 👀
WARNING: as this is about vampires, it’s a little bit morbid. I strayed away from being too graphic, but y’know. Vampires. There’s death and blood and such. 
Enjoy! :D
In hindsight, he really should have figured it out on his own.
But it’s not like he’s been around enough humans lately to know what Normal human behavior is. 
So he just kinda took your... quirks at face value.
So what if you’re far too comfortable with the Devildom’s constant state of nighttime? Solomon doesn’t seem to mind it either, so maybe humans are just more nocturnal now.
And perhaps your Very Strong aversion to garlic is a little odd, but Mammon wouldn't eat it either for the first 600 years of his life, so it’s not that weird.
You’re also not phased by constantly being surrounded by demons and monsters, which is a little strange, but maybe you’re just like the ancient greeks. A monster fucker.
You feeling right at home in the Devildom is auspicious for the exchange program, so he doesn’t bother dwelling on it.
Though maybe he does find it a little bit weird when you really insist that he start drinking cranberry juice.
(It’s just for health benefits of course, totally has nothing to do with you prepping your next meal)
So what, you may ask, triggers his big lightbulb moment?
You fall off the roof.
And you just get right back up.
Now he knows that humans aren’t supposed to be THAT durable, so he stops you from scaling the side of the fucking house with your bare hands, and very eloquently asks you, “What the fuck?” 
You shake him off. “What? Mammon and I are playing roof-ball.” 
Lucifer stares. “You fell. I saw how hard you hit the ground. You should be dead.”
You laugh. “Dead? Just from a little fall like that? Are you serio-ohhh wait. You don’t know, do you?” 
You give him your biggest, cheesiest grin and—oh. 
...And now he understands why you want him to drink cranberry juice.
You are, by far, the weirdest human he’s ever met. 
Which is saying something, because Solomon is literally just a few blocks away.
Seriously, despite camping out in your room nearly every single night, Mammon has never seen you sleep, he’s pretty fucking sure that sometimes you don’t even breathe, you won’t step foot into the House of Lamentation unless someone invites you in, and who the hell hates garlic that much?? 
But you’ve also expressed your intense dislike for crosses, so he supposes that you’re not unredeemable. 
Just weird.
But it’s incredibly annoying how you wont sleep. Your tossin’ and turnin’ is killing him, why the fuck can’t you just settle down? You need to just put your DDD down and sleep already, dammit.
He sits up, ready to tear you a new one—and pauses. 
“Um,” his voice is high, somewhat uncertain, and your eyes snap over to look at him. “Why are you looking at coffins for sale?” 
You sigh, a bit wistfully. “I just can’t stand sleeping in a bed anymore. I didn’t want to be rude, so I really did try, but it's been a couple hundred years since I last had one and it’s just murder on my back. I think I’m gonna just have to get a coffin. They’re so much more comfortable.” 
Briefly, Mammon considers running. 
Instead, he says, “What the fuck?” 
You quirk an eyebrow at him. “You do know I’m a vampire, right?” 
...What the fuck—
Mammon lays back down—crosses his arms over his chest with a huff and pretends that he isn’t totally freaked the fuck out. “‘Course I do, don’t be stupid. Now go to sleep already.” 
So that he can escape before you try to eat him.
“Mammon,” you sing, leaning over the bed to loom over him. He swallows hard—can’t look away from your sharp, toothy grin. 
You coo, “I can hear the scared little pitter patter of your heart, darling.”
He squeaks.
Honestly, Levi is so so happy to have another irl friend who’s into video games that he looks past your strangeness.
You like to stay indoors and play games!! That’s something he has in common with you that his brothers don’t, and that’s all that matters!
...Though he does find it a little weird how sometimes you just kinda sniff him. 
The first dozen times he nearly had a heart attack, and when he asked why you were doing it, he Really wasn't expecting you to shrug and say “I dunno, you just smell tasty” 
Seriously. Tasty? Are you Beel or something, what’s that supposed to mean?!
He’s not entirely sure why you’re a bit of a shut in gamer though, because despite your, ah, quirks, you’re still so much cooler than he is, so what’s the deal with that?
When he asks, you just shrug and say, “Old habits die hard, I guess. Real sunshine hurts, but virtual doesn’t, so I just got kinda used to living through games and staying indoors.”
“Oh.” Levi’s a bit surprised, but sympathetic. “So, you sunburn easily?” 
He’s not entirely sure why you’re laughing now, since that wasn’t a joke. He was just trying to be friendly :(
But then you hug him and he’s too flustered to be offended anymore jndcks
So, when does it finally click for Levi that you’re a vampire?
You guys are having a game night in his room.
He accidentally takes a sip of your caprisun and realizes, very quickly, that it is not the refreshing juice of a caprisun pouch.
He throws up a little bit.
And screams.
And maybe blacks out for a few seconds.
But when he finally calms down and lets you explain, he’s pretty damn enchanted, because this is just like Help, My Roommate Is A Vampire And I Didn’t Know Until A Vampire-Hunter Mistook Me For Them And Attacked Me!! :D 
Satan considers himself to be somewhat of a detective, y’know. His brain is just filled to the brim with Big Smarts
Naturally, he puts that jelly thicc thought tank of his to good use and realizes very quickly that you aren’t totally human. 
At first, he isn’t totally sure what you are.
And then a coffin gets delivered to the house, which upon seeing you cheer “Oh sweet, my new bed!!” aaaand he puts the pieces together.
You become somewhat of a case study to him. You’re the first vampire he’s ever encountered and he just wants to know everything and anything about your life.
He’s so intrigued by you.
But you frustrate him SO much.
He wants to know about how you were turned!! It’s not like he has any other vampires that he can ask about their experience!! And you fucking tell him a different story every day!!
“A cat jumped over my deceased body!”
“I was stabbed and the wound wasn’t treated with boiling water!” 
“On a dark and stormy night, I came across a palace and the owner, a hospitable gentleman, let me take refuge there. But then, I quickly realized that I was actually a hostage, and when I tried to escape, that fucker turned me!”
“Nobody put an obolus in my mouth to pay the toll of the Styx, so Charon the ferryman sent me back! What a great guy.” 
“A chupacabra bit me!”
Needless to say, he considers breaking the wooden leg off one of the dining room chairs and stabbing you with it, but the lecture he would get from Lucifer just isn’t worth the effort. 
He’s gonna pull the truth out of you one of these days.
“My my, darling, what sharp teeth you have~” Asmo purrs, lifting a finger to brush against them, doe-eyes wide and curious. “The better to eat me with, hopefully?” 
You smile. “Something like that.”
And you fuckin’ bite his finger.
His scream is fantastic. If you actually draw blood next time, maybe he’ll even shatter the windows! 
He swats your leg sharply with a silk folding fan and cries, “What if you had broken my skin!? Do you have any idea how much time and effort goes into maintaining this soft, supple skin?! What’s wrong with you, you psychopath?”
“Don’t hit me,” you pout, scooting away from him. “I couldn’t help it! You just smell so sweet and I haven’t had any blood in a while, so—”
“Huh?” Asmo blinks, looking a bit confused. Then recovers far too quickly and waggles his eyebrows at you. “Oh, so that’s what you’re into! What a pleasant surprise~” 
You thunk him on the back of the head. “Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to tease a vampire?”
Asmo’s grin could rival the sun.
“A vampire?! Well why didn’t you say so sooner?” 
He’s already taking off his shirt.
“Get over here already and take a bite out of me~”
When he finds out that you’re a vampire, his first thought is to worry over if you can eat normal food or not.
He’s very relieved when you tell him that you can, so long as you’ve had enough blood, but that garlic is a very big no-no.
Naturally, you two bond over how both of you never quite feel full. 
It’s not uncommon for the other house members to find you two laying face down on the floor, tummies rumbling, whining about how you’re staaaaarving
You carry around snacks for him, and Beel makes sure that you’ve always got access to blood (whether that means stashing blood bags, letting you feed from him, or a combo of both ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
He’s probably going to be the least weirded out by your ~undead tendencies~
Honestly, he’s a bit relieved by how strong you are. The last thing he ever wants to do is hurt you or see you get hurt, and it gives him peace of mind when he realizes that you’re actually pretty durable!
But it does give him a fucking heart attack the first time he sees you yeet yourself out a second story window to crush poor, poor unassuming Mammon.
He also really loves how your body temperature naturally runs cold. He’s a space heater, you’re an icicle—it just works. Snuggle time is good :)
He totally compares the size of your incisors with his jkdcnkj
He just thinks you’re really neat!!!
But he is very sympathetic about how you cant eat good garlic bread :(
We all know this emo boy is a vampire fucker, probably even more so than Asmo.
(He read Twilight. He saw all the movies. He had merch.)
(Fuck Edward and Jacob though, he was Team Alice all the way.)
(If he can stay awake long enough, he reads really shitty vampire romance novels.)
He just thinks vampires are hot, okay? He can’t help that his soul longs to be a vampire fucker.
Just accept it into your heart. Belphie already has.
So needless to say, he’s THRILLED when he finds out that you’re a vampire. He tries to play it cool though and pretends that he isn’t immediately trying to jump your bones dfghjkjh
He overheard you telling Satan that you got bitten by a Chupacabra, and they’re known for going after cows right? 
He is a cowboy, y’know, guess you’re just gonna have to go to him now when you’re thirsty, y’know, since you were bitten by a Chupacabra. it just makes sense, really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(No it doesn’t)
(But let’s be real, are you gonna pass up the chance to snuggle the shit out of him AND get a snack out of it? No. No you’re not.)
(He totally makes you arm wrestle Beel to recreate the “Iconic” twilight scene with Emmett and Bella.)
(When he realizes that you’re strong, he’s gonna make you give him piggyback rides, just like Edward and Bella :) and no he doesn’t care how ridiculous you both look)
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shyrose57 · 3 years
AU(s) where all the mod videos Tommy does, along with some other videos, are all alternate universes, and their residents end up in the SMP. Chaos ensues. 
Voice Mod AU:
Universe where nobody talks aloud. They telepathically communicate, and the closer you are, the clearer and louder you are, unless you have the control the lower your mental voice.
Post-apocalyptic world(because Tommy said welcome to the new world at the start, and I too that and ran with it). They’re the new versions of humans, created after life returned on the planett, and the telepathy is a survival method, because outward noise draws predators, inner noise does not. 
This also means they possibly have some other features similar to that. Like maybe Quackity’s duck wings being from some newly evolved duck species in the new world, Wilbur being a bit abnormally tall, or similar. I’m not sure. 
Oh hey, no, Wilbur can be like a tree hybrid or something, cause Treebur. 
Basically, evolution and telepathy.
Wilbur has a horse named Bert, he is speedy, and spends just as much time dragging his owner out of trouble than he does riding him into it.
The gang is basically just traveling the lands, exploring what’s about.
There are fish-horses, ender-horses, spider-horses, silverfish ponies, and horses that are somewhat like a breed between llamas and sheep in the world.
There are a lot of new horse breeds.
The Quackity of this universe wears clothes a lot like Manhunt Dream’s, hoodie-wise, but it’s all bright blue, and his mask has the :] face on it.
Size Mod AU:
Universe where people can shift and change sizes, though only to certain ones.
For example, Wilbur’s stuck small. He can shift to the size of a small dog, height wise, or that of a flower, but he can’t get big. Quackity can go smaller than Wilbur, or literally bigger than the Enderdragon. Both Tommy can be normal sized, or big, and Phil’s can be about the size of a tree, or become the size of a small mountain. 
They all live in a nice house in the plains and spend their time terrorizing the locals.
Wilbur has a little house within the house, and he uses his size to cause havoc more often than not. Quackity is equally guilty of this.
Sometimes when the kids are being particularly bad, Phil puts the smaller ones in a compost bin and holds Tommy off the ground until he starts behaving. 
Quackity’s a follower of the Blood God. Not to Techno’s length, but he goes and kills rabbits for him, and dedicates the chaos his giant form causes to the guy. In return, the four always have a flourishing harvest, and Quackity’s absolutely mean in battle. 
Wilbur sleeps in one of Tommy’s old shoes that he stole and made into a bed.
Honestly, Wilbur’s kind of like the house mouse. He steals stuff and vibes in his little home in the walls. The cats that occasionally slip in try to eat him a lot too.
Wilbur and Quackity are bird hybrids, Tommy’s a zombie hybrid(cause he’s fighting a zombie and saying ‘I burn’ at that little bit), and Phil’s an iron golem hybrid.
Quackity and WIlbur have little bird-houses set up around the area for them to dart into and hide if anything comes after them.
They all met when tiny Q and Wilbur tried to rob Tommy and Phil. They succeeded with Tommy, but Phil was less than impressed at the attempt. Somehow it resulted in them all sharing a house.
Dragon Mod AU:
Universe set in more medieval-themed world. Phil, Quackity, and Tommy are dragon hunters. Wilbur’s a mischievous dragon sorcerer who enjoys shapeshifting into a dragon to mess with people. The hunters were originally sent after him, but spent more time frantically running for their lives while he laughed at them.
Wilbur’s actually good friends with the actual Enderdragon, who he calls Keithette. It was with her blessing that he decided to pick on the hunters.
He just spends all of his time messing with them. That’s all he does. He messes with them. It’s originally more malicious, which means they had a ridiculous amount of deaths, but they eventually all grew fond of each other, so now it’s more playful. 
He helps them find treasure and scares off rivals. 
Tommy’s a trained medic. 
Quackity and Wilbur are...something? It’s a Skephalo situation. They could just be very affectionate friends, or they could be dating, or they could be messing with everyone. Nobody knows, and everytime they think they’ve figured it out, the two seem to magically know and do something to throw them off.
They’ve confused many, many people with their antics. 
(They’re probably messing with people though, because they definitely know what they’re doing)
When the actual Enderdragon and her egg mysteriously went missing, Wilbur rounded up his friends and asked for their help in finding her-so now the group is on a quest to find her and return her to the End.
Natural Disaster Mod AU:
Universe where world ending natural disasters just keep happening. It killed off a lot of people, but honestly, at this point, it’s been going on for years, and those that remain are pretty used to it.
Tubbo and Wilbur are followers of the Mule God, and were brought together by him. Jack and Tommy are two good friends who came together to survive. And Phil’s a top-tier survivalist who keeps an eye on the four, mostly because he’d feel bad if they died too often while they live in the area.
Though they’re all three different groups, they stick together and help each other out.
Tommy and Tubbo were childhood friends before the disasters separated them. A young Jack found Tommy and took him in, and Tubbo was saved and blessed by the Mule God. They’re still friends, but have somewhat grown apart with their differing lifestyles. 
Tommy’s a penguin hybrid. 
Tubbo and Wilbur have been known to try and scam people passing by, and they have tried this with everyone in the area too-the difference is the ones who stick around know better than to buy it. 
Whenever Tommy wants to hang out, he declares he’s rescuing Tubbo, and steals him from whatever he’s doing. Wilbur has long since accepted that occasionally Tubbo is going to be stolen, and doesn’t even blink anymore. 
Tommy wears green, and Tubbo wears red. 
Storm riding is a favored sport of Tubbo’s, where you grab a hang glider and get swept up into the storm. Jack hates it, but often gets dragged along anyway. 
Morph Mod AU:
Universe where shapeshifters are more common, and Tommy, Charlie, Phil, Schlatt, and Wilbur are all a clan of them. 
They co-exist with humans, and actually protect the local villages they live close too. 
They also spend a lot of time messing with people outside said villages, but that’s unimportant. 
Charlie and Wilbur prefer to be aquatic creatures. while Phil transforms into whatever works better for the environment he’s in. Schlatt just does whatever, and Tommy usually sticks to human form, only shifting when he’s bored or he needs too. 
Wilbur tried to transform into a horse once, while in fish form. He’s not sure what exactly happened, but long story short, he’s the reason for the myth of the hippocampus.
They have a house in the village, one out, and then general little areas meant for them in animal form. 
Because shapeshifters are strongly group-oriented, they prefer to shift in pairs or groups. Charlie and Wilbur typically pair up, as do Schlatt and Tommy. Philza doesn’t really have that instinct as strongly, so he just stays close to them instead. 
Laser Eye Mod AU:
Universe set in a futuristic setting, where, due to an ancient void deity becoming malicious, Tommy, Phil, Charlie, and Wilbur are selected to become plasma wielding cyber warriors(futuristic magical girls, basically) to fight back against such threats.
These four’s cybernetics were embued with magic to produce specific plasma that would be effective against threats.
Phil wields divine plasma, and it’s fired out from his cybernetic wings, which were implanted as a military experiment. He can even detach a feather to act as a plasma covered sword.
Tommy wields phoenix plasma, and it’s fired out of his cybernetic eyes, which were transplanted into him when he was in an accident young, rendering him blind. They allow him to see by scanning out the outlines of objects and areas, and feeding the image into his brain.
Wilbur wields soulfire plasma, which is fired from his prosthetic legs, which have a kind of mermaid-motif, with fins and all, and make him a fast swimmer.
And Charlie wields greekfire plasma, fired from his cybernetic arm-it can also fire slime-like globs that rapidly grow and incase the area they’re attached too. 
Wilbur was actually the first selected for the program, but he went missing shortly after, stolen and controlled by the void deity, who turned him into quite the obstacle for the others.
They eventually rescued him from it’s control, and after he recovered, he joined the fight. 
Endermen and endermen hybrids are common minions of the void deity-it seems to have End-based origins, being able to control them.
Lava Ravine Mod AU:
Universe where Phil, Charlie, Wilbur, and Tommy are all strangers, who get a mysterious invite to an unknown world. It seems like a lovely vacation at first, strangers aside, but things turn deadly when a seemingly normal ravine in the ground begins to grow, the lava inside it begins to rise, and our heroes find themselves unable to leave the world.
They soon realized they may have been selected for their ability to survive, but to do that, they’re going to have to all work together.
Tommyinnit originates from the world of RLcraft, Phil grew up in Hardcore Mode, Charlie is a fallen god from a world of chaos, and Wilbur has lived through a world like this before.
They build a giant glass and stone dome, and live within there, using their various skills to survive. 
Wilbur pretty much knows how this world works to a T, and is able to predict when the lava will raise and how quickly. He knows how to survive and work around the heat.
Tommy and Phil have a variety of skills from their lives before, not limited to first aid and cooking.
And Charlie’s got a bit of godly power he can put to good use here, as well as many out-of-the-box ideas for what to do.
Charlie brought a card-game from his old world, and teaches Wilbur how to play. It becomes a favorite past time of theirs. 
Jump Mod AU:
Universe where enhanced individuals have recently begun to exist. Tommy, Wilbur, and Quackity are some of many who choose to use their new abilities for their own gain, becoming thieves. They were taken under the wing of master thief Philza, who was in the game long before he gained his new powers.
Or, well, they were thieves. A job gone wrong resulted in them being caught by authorities, and forced into a deal. Once thieves for their own gain, now they’re agents for the government, stealing back what was stolen from their country. 
All of them are generally more physically enhanced, with agility, endurance, and all that jazz. But they also have other abilities. 
Tommy’s faster than anyone. Wilbur can refract light, essentially becoming invisible. Phil can communicate with birds. And Quackity can change the density of anything he touches, himself excluded. 
Philza was actually caught because he stayed behind for his new partners. He had realized someone was looking into them, and didn’t want the younger ones going into that alone. 
Universe where everyone is a mob hybrid, and they live divided in tribes. Tommy, Phil, Charlie, and Wilbur are a tribe/keg of creeper hybrids, who protect their territory, and cause havoc for any trespassers who happens upon them.
No one dares settle there, because these four are just as likely to swear a village’s protection as they are to laugh as they set it ablaze. It’s purely up to how they feel at the moment, finicky keg that they are. 
However, there is a reason some do venture here. 
Every tribe/(name for grouping of specific mob) guards a certain treasure. For the creeper boys, it’s an orchard of apple trees that grow, not only red apples, but gold ones too-and rarely, a god apple.
If you do happen to stumble upon their territory unintentionally, your best bet is to appeal to Wilbur, as he does have a soft spot for people-of course, you’ll need to make sure none of the others think you’re taking advantage of that soft spot, lest they slowly and painfully kill you for even considering it.
Creepers are very friendly to them, and see them as one of their own. Other mobs, not so much.
The orchard is surrounded by a dense forest, that’s abruptly lets up to a clearing that rings around it. This is where the keg lives, in high tree houses all connected to one another.
Their forest is their pride and joy, and it’s filled with many exotic trees and plants from around the world. Bringing them an addition for it is a sure way to assure your survival, and even gain an alliance, if it’s a really good addition.
Likewise, messing it up even slightly will immediately get you murdered.
Black Hole Mod AU:
Universe where the sun exploded and became a black hole that’s slowly consuming the world. Though many perished, some survived, with the advanced technology in the future.
Wilbur, Charlie, Phil, and Tommy are some of those survivors. 
Charlie is a scientist, studying the black hole to see if there’s anyway to perhaps stop it, or survive within it once it consumes them.
Phil’s a former mercenary who came to the lab with Tommy, after finding the young student stumbling about the remains of a city.
Wilbur’s the former on-board scientist from the crew that first encountered the black hole. He was originally presumed dead, but suddenly reappeared one day, and was found nearby by Phil, who dragged him to the lab. He’s...different. He’s seen things.
Charlie and Wilbur graduated from the same university, and were actually working in the same lab before Wilbur joined his crew in space for an up-close study.
Philza has a bad habit of adopting any creature he finds, and it’s become something of a joke by the four. He adopted Tommy, he’s adopted Wilbur and Charlie, and he has quite a few birds and other creatures that followed him back.
Body Shuffle Mod AU:
Universe where glitches a common sight, and humanity has evolved alongside them.
The world basically...well, I wouldn’t say revolves around? But glitches are a large part of life at this point, and players have specifically evolved to be able to work with them.
A common glitch includes the Body Glitch, where random body parts will seemingly vanish off a person without causing them harm or effecting them.
Tommy and Charlie are Takers, people who have a special, glitch-specific gene that allows them to take a glitch effecting a being or item, and pull that effect from said being/item, and upon themselves.
They’re equally loved and hated, considering the rarity of the gene, and what uses it could be employed for.
The two have a business that they use this ability to take and relocate glitches for various purposes.
Philza and Wilbur are the two’s bodyguards turned friends, who protect them from less savory people, and suss out the ones with bad intentions.
Gas Mod AU:
Universe set in a modern fantasy world where a mysterious gas suddenly overtook the planet. Many died. A few survived-but for some of them, that was the crueler fate, as the mysterious gas began to make them monsterous creatures that sought flesh and blood.
Tommy, Charlie, Phil and Wilbur are the scattered survivors in a city overtaken by the gas, banding together to fight back the monsters born from the green fog, and stay alive. 
Wilbur was formerly a cartographer on a ship. He’s also half siren, and his most priceless possession is a diamond dagger given to him by his former captain.
Charlie is a doctor, as well as a wizard. His magic pet is a slime-like dragon. Yeah, he’s not sure where the little guy came from either.
Phil got a whole cocktail of heritage, but most are sky-related, so he’s got a strong grasp on air magic, which he uses to create safe bubbles for the gang to breathe freely.
And Tommy’s a low tier human-turned demon after death- an imp, basically. He causes havoc.
They all have to wear gas mask, which are heavily enchanted to keep the gas from affecting them.
The group basically just has a weirdly domestic life in the abandoned city, after they cleared out an abandoned apartment building to chill in.
Surgery Mod:
Universe where the gang are the experiments of a mad scientist having escaped.
Tommy is a poison-based experiment, Wilbur is a Nether-based one, Philza is an End-based experiment, and Charlie is an Over-world based one.
They were all grouped together in a cell because the older three are part of the Dimension Project, and Tommy accidentally imprinted on Wilbur when he was created, meaning he would have died if he was separated from him.
The four eventually decide that they hate this life, and stage a break out with the rest of the guys experiments. 
Once they escaped, they decided to travel the world as a family, exploring everything they’d never had the chance to see, and finding where they belonged in this place.
Lava Floor Mod AU:
Universe where all the oceans in the world have been replaced by lava. For Ninja, Tommy, Wilbur, and George, their get-along vacation goes south when they’re stranded alone on a chain of distant islands, far from any sign of civilization. 
If they ever hope to survive, they’ll have to put their issues to the side and work together to get to the one place unaffected-the Nether.
Tommy ‘Smokes’ Notfound, and Wilbur ‘Soot’ Fortnite are the two children of the struggling couple George ‘Specs’ Notfound and Ninja ‘Bow’ Fortnite, who haven’t seen each other in years, despite still being married.
The two, knowing how close their kids were, agree to meet up so the two can hang out, which is why they ended up on this vacation on the first place. 
Wilbur and Smokes would really appreciate if their parents could get along too-it’d make vacation a lot nicer without all the tension. And yes, they could worry about all the oceans turning to lava, but they won’t. Instead, they’re going to be gremlins who try to get their parents to make up, whether that means divorce, or becoming a happy couple again.
Rising Void Mod AU:
Universe where the planets are being eaten by the void. Tommy, Philza, and Quackity are all aliens who managed to escape the demise of their home planets, and crashed landed on Earth, with the intention of warning them of what was coming.
Unfortunately, the only guy around for miles is Ranboo, a conspiracy theorist who prefers his isolated mountain cabin to the city...and also is in complete denial about the existence of aliens, even if they’re standing right in front of him. 
Quackity is from a planet where ores and gems have a large part of fashion culture.
Tommy’s planet was the first to fall. However, Quackity was the one who was closest to be touching, and it leaves side effects-like him occasionally hearing it’s eldritch whispering calling for him to surrender himself to it and stop fighting-
But, y’know. It’s fine. It’s all good.
(Although he does happen to be the most aware of their inevitable fate, and uses humor to cope with the knowledge that no matter how hard they try, he and these people he’s grown to care for are going to die, and there’s absolutely no way to stop that)
Sky Grid Mod AU
Universe where Ranboo is a young, lonely god born to a grid-formed world. Though he has made many interesting creations, he decides he wants someone like him. Who can listen, and answer, and love, and hate.
And the universe loves him, so it answers.
It finds two souls who’ve died too young, and puts them into his hands to mold as he wishes. One, he creates in colors of green, like grass, and emeralds, and poison alike. The other, he creates in colors of red, like lava and poppies, and warm beds.
Their names are Tubbo and Tommy, and they’re different than what he thought they’d be. They cannot be controlled or remade, but they can bleed, and they can laugh, and most importantly, they can make choices.
And they choose to love him, taking him in their embrace as a friend, treating him kindly, and as one of their own, regardless of his power or abilities. 
The three make a home in the gridded world, finding themselves and never fearing the fall, because the world loves both it’s godling, and the people made within it.
Terraforming The Moon AU:
Universe where the remains of humanity have fled to the moon upon the destruction of earth. They unintentionally awake age-old space deities, who, luckily for them, feel like lending a hand-mostly. 
Wilbur is the only actual deity of the moon, but the rest of the SBI spend more time there than they don’t, because humans are interesting.
Tommy’s the youngest god, a deity of the stars within their young galaxy-it’s a position that was passed onto him by the former star deity, Clara.
Technoblade is the deity of both Mars and Venus. He’s actually been to Earth a few times before it’s destruction, and finds their cultures fascinating-particularly the Greek and Romans.
Philza is the god of the End. The oldest, he’s not just a deity, he’s a primordial of the end of all things. Truthfully, it was the very end of Earth that awoke him from his slumber, and it’s former inhabitants interesting lives that keep him awake.
They all pick a human to favor, and help out. Changes on the day.
Honestly, they aren’t necessarily malicious? They don’t really consider the fact that humans don’t have the same limitations and powers as them, so occasionally they fuck something up that somebody worked hard on, and don’t understand why they don’t just fix it already, not realizing that the humans actually have to take awhile to do that.
One Hundred Player Laboratory AU:
Universe set in modern time. 
Wilbur and Technoblade are two university students trying to do a study for their finals-unfortunately, the rats they were supposed to use are both oddly sentient, and incredibly chaotic.
Techno and Wilbur are doing a study of behavior, and other scientific things. To do this, Techno has built a large, complex maze/building thing.
And Wilbur purchased a bunch of rats-except, he probably should have been a bit more careful who he bought from, becomes these rats definitely understand human speech, are all not normally colored, and desire to be as annoying and detrimental to their grades as possible.
To put it lightly, it’s not going well.
George’s If You Laugh You Lose Rematch AU:
Universe set in a chaotic, light-hearted world.
Sapnap, Karl, George, and Dream are some of the world’s residents.
Karl and Dream are chaotic shapeshifters who enjoy messing with George.
Sapnap’s a mischievous nether spirit who likes to team up and help them do it.
Karl can shift into objects, and Dream can turn into animals. 
The whole world is comedic, and all it’s residents have a permanent case of the giggles-to the point of making a game of how long one can hold off laughing.
Sapnap usually takes the form of an enderman or enderman hybrid 
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choofeyrac · 3 years
So @rosy-bless posted this post (thank u for my life) and uhhh some Eliot fic happened at lunchtime today. It’s not too long (~600 words) but you see your honour I love him. So, Le//verage fic ft. an unapologetically sneezy El/iot Spe/ncer!
The con involves Eliot being a fireman who rescues the mark’s cat from a tree. What Eliot neglects to mention, until they’re back in Lucille (cat rescued, gratitude earned, number and trust exchanged), is that he’s allergic to cats.
Hardison jumps so hard he nearly drives them off the road. Eliot flips his hair back out of his face, turning to roll his eyes at Hardison in the mirror. Then his face twitches, and he returns to the crook of his arm with another sneeze, strong and unapologetic. “HhYESCHuu!”
He pushes his hair out of his face again, wearing a satisfied little smile that Hardison associates with many things, but not with sneezes so loud he swears they rock the van.
“Warn a guy, jesus,” Hardison says, but Eliot just shrugs. A moment passes, then he sneezes again.
“Your Nana never teach you to say bless you?” He grouches, when Hardison goes off on another rant.
“Your family never teach you not to deafen people?”
Eliot shrugs again, unbothered. “Cats, man.”
Parker’s been watching him all this time, which, it’s Parker. He’s used to it. But now her gaze turns from calculating to something more troubled.
“You’re allergic? Why didn’t I know that?”
“‘s’no big deal.” He rubs at his face, and Sophie would probably say he’s embarrassed, but then he sneezes again so maybe he’s just itchy.
“God bless you,” Hardison says, dry, “but ‘no big deal’ doesn’t normally change Lucille’s damn centre of gravity.” He’s exaggerating, they both know exactly how much force it would take to tip Lucille, and it’s not this.
“Is this why you’ve been sniffly all week? Because I was with Princess Bojangles?” Parker’s spent the last week up in the tree Eliot had rescued the damn cat from, slipping treats and cat toys up there to lure the cat out of the window.
“I wasn’t sniffly.” He grumbles. He’s Eliot Spencer. He doesn’t sniffle.
“You were a little sniffly,” Hardison points out. Eliot makes his next sneeze louder on purpose, and to be fair, he does have to sniff a few times after that one. He should really tie his hair up, if this goes on much longer. He’s pulling a hair tie off his wrist when the next sneeze takes him, holding him frozen for a few seconds before it finally comes out. When he brushes his hair out of his face, Parker is somehow sat next to him.
“You should have told us,” she says, quiet, stubborn.
He sighs as he sits back, knowing she’s right.
“Yeah. I know. I, uh, it’s not normally this bad.” It’s an admission he’d make only ever to Parker.
She pokes him in the nose, and he knows he’s forgiven. He tilts his head, waiting to see if it’ll make him sneeze. It doesn’t, so she pokes the other side of his nose instead, and he blinks against the size of the flare in his sinuses.
“HehYishuue, hyISCHHoo! hYISCCH!”
He threads his hand through his hair, leaving it there as he sits back again and allows himself one more firm sniff. “That was a good one,” he says, more to himself than the others, the relief heady. Hardison shakes his head again, and Parker is already back in the front seat. There’s a travel pack of tissues in the pocket of his hoody, he realises, that hadn’t been there moments ago.
“No more cat rescue cons.” Parker orders.
“And we’re stopping for antihistamines.” Hardison adds.
“S’just sneezing,” he says, even though they’ll ignore him as much as they do when he growls at them. Whatever. He’ll be fine in a few hours, and until then, well. Maybe it’s time to test that bet on how many of Hardison’s fancy tissues they can steal before he starts twitching.
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bokunosimpfiction · 3 years
Yandere!Heisenberg x Reader Pt 3
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A/N: Since y’all demanded a plot that’s what you’ll get. Will it be good? No. I’ve never written anything with a plot in my entire life. Ever. Not even when I did Nanowrimo or whatever. I just bullshitted the whole thing. Like I’ll do with this fic. Y’all are going to have to remind me to update because I have the attention span of a goat. I’ll try to update this on Saturdays??? IDK at this point. ALSO, WHY THE FUCK IS THIS SO POPULAR?????????? DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY NOTES THIS HAS ON AO3???? 69????SIXITY FUCKING NINE??? I HATE EVERYTHING MY LEGACY WILL BE READER CALLING HEISENBERG DOOFSCHMIRTZ I HATE EVRYTHING DSHFUGSADFJ
Synopsis: You have totally, %100, given up on escaping. Totally. You haven't been gathering supplies for one, final last hurray. Nope. Totally not. All you have to do is persuade Heisenberg of that so you can change your mind at the last minute. Y’all know the trigger warning for this series but if you don’t tw:kidnapping (implied)
Taglist: it’s exclusivly @localdepressedvampire​  so if you want to be on it for just this story or for all my pieces fill out the google doc in my pinned post or dm me and I’ll put you on it. :)
             You’ve made a breakthrough in your long-term plan of escapism. Even with the mini escape attempts that were really about exploring the factory and less about actually trying to get out, you hadn’t made a lot of progress: until now.
             Well, two, really… Okay, maybe 1 ½. Firstly, you found a sawed-off two-barrel shotgun. With ammo. In fact, there was a various amount of ammo around the factory, but no actual gun. Until now. The second discovery, which is nowhere near as useful, was a window. Which was probably 50 or more feet up from the ground. You didn’t get a chance to inspect it that much, considering as soon as you saw it and got a glimpse at the far-off ground, you had to run again from Lycans.
             Which gives you a basic idea of a way to escape. You knew where the ammo was, you knew where the gun was and had a route to the edge of the building, and hopefully could find stairs at the end of the hallway. Now all you had to do was find a time where you could be gone long enough to get a decent head start before, he notices you’re even gone. Even when he was in the workshop, he kept a close eye on you, keeping you in arms-length to the point where it taxed on both of your mental health.
             And even then, in that chair in the small room, you watch him work in the finer details on something the size of your head and torso. You try not to look at the phone in your lap, he doesn’t even know you have it, much less how great the reception is in the building. How did he not know about his old phone that was still working fine? Oh well, he doesn’t need to know you’re looking at memes and reading feel-good wolf-star fanfic on ao3.
             The best idea you had was to leave him while he was asleep, but there were two some issues with that: he clung to you like his life depended on it, your back to his chest and arms around you almost tight enough to keep you awake; it was dark as hell in the hallways of the factory as is, but it would be impossible to navigate safely with the lights; and the Lycans were most active outside at night, which was where you were trying to go. They’ve tried to eat you before as they show no discrimination on food.
             The only way to get a good enough head start would be to leave while he didn’t notice you were gone, and wouldn’t notice for a long, long time. And that when it hit you. The only time he ever left you by yourself was when he had to deal with the other three lords. And while he left you in that basement that you originally woke up in, you had memorized your way out and found that going up five flights of stairs took you to that faithful widow.
             Would you have enough time to explore and look for an actual exit/entrance, or should you play it safe and find a way to go out that window. You wanted to laugh to yourself, you’d never think that going down a 50ft plus drop would be considered safe, but here you were, kidnapped and held hostage by one of the people your late grandmother warned you not to associate with, or even go near. The letter you received directly quoted “the four lords and their mother, Mother Miranda, are not to be approached or associated with at any costs. You’ll know them when you see them, they smell like death and money. See them and run.”
             You can’t help but find that ironic, considering that you did try to run, heeded her warning, and still faced the consequences that were far worse than she had warned you about. You regretted coming here, to this small village, when you first arrived: no friends, and even those you tried to approach held you to her standard and expected them to be just like her. You were far from her kind and optimistic nature (at least that’s what you heard of her; you hadn’t even known of her whereabouts until she was dead).
             Even the duke, who had helped smuggle you into the village, didn’t seem fond of you. It was a shame, you tried so hard to impress him. But he saw you to a point where you could easily reach her old cottage without having too many issues, turned his cart around, and left without a good-bye. It bothered you to no end that your only companion for about a year or so was an elderly outside cat and the creaking noises the walls made at night.
             And then the cat died and not even a week later you got kidnapped. You never considered yourself lucky, but damn if that wasn’t the worst streak of luck you’ve had in a long time.
             You pretend to turn a page in your book and scroll through your Instagram feed, seeing friends having fun at the beach, or studying at the library, or your old best friend taking selfies in provocative clothing to your ex-boyfriend. Did she forget he cheated on you? She wasn’t always the smartest, but she brought that heartbreak upon herself. You see a photo of your mom, she had posted a picture of a black and white photo of her with her mom, you’re guessing, you have no idea who that old woman is.
             This is the last photo I had with my mom before she died. We lost contact after I moved out. I wish we parted on better terms, Nana.
             She’s in a prairie dress, holding an ancient-looking key in one hand, and the other wrapped around her mom, a middle-aged woman with long hair in two braids and a face that had too many stress wrinkles. You guess your mom was as bad as you were in college. The background looks dreary. You would have guessed it to be the quality of the photo if you hadn’t recognized the house behind them as the house you lived in used to live in.
             The loops on the handle of the key look familiar. You spread your fingers apart to zoom in and see the blurry engravings on the side. It was the payment you gave to sneak into the village. You thought it was a worthless family heirloom at most and found it strange that he had even found interest in the key, or even valued it deeper than money in general. Maybe this photo or other photos of you and your family would help out.
             Why is that key suddenly piquing your interest? Were you that bored, as to sit there and think about a key that was at least twice your age? A key that you didn’t even have. You needed a hobby besides escapism and rejecting your captor’s sexual advances. You look up at him again, only to find him leaning against the desk, hat off and sunglass placed on his forehead, his gaze on you. It wasn’t his normal piercing one, that studied you and calculated your every move, but soft and lazy. His current gaze was dreamy; he was daydreaming about you. You found that equally undaring s it was unnerving.
             “Yes, Sweetiepea?” Honestly, what the fuck.
             “Firstly, why are you staring at me like that? Secondly, that is the most disgusting way to use that pet name. I need to take a shower after you called me that.”
             He chuckles light-heartedly. Even his softer more genuine, happy chuckles are booming and loud. “Okay… Sugarplum!” And he busts out laughing.
             Clearly dodging the first question and focusing on the second. You can’t believe you gave him ammo for his annoying-you-gun. And you thought you’d grown immune to most of his… less-savory traits. Were you growing used to him? Next thing you know you’re going to like him and develop Stockholm syndrome!
             “You’re a shit head, hobo magneto…” You turn your head away and let your hair cover half your face so he can’t see you smile. You’ll miss him when you escape and get the duke to smuggle you back to your home in Bucharest. But only a little. Just because calling Heisenberg these names are funny.
             “Why don’t you call me by my name, I know you know it.”
             “You sure about that?” You quip back.
             “You’ve lived with me for at least two months now!”
             “Hm…. I think I know your name! It’s uh…” You are totally faking not knowing his name. “It’s… Heidi Carlson? Yeah, that sounds about right!”
             “It’s Karl Heisenberg!”
             “Quit being so silly, Heidi! Maybe it’s nap-time!” This was a little too fun.
             He looks back at his project for a moment and genuinely considers it. “I know you’re being antagonistic but you’re probably right.” And with that, he walks towards you and goes to scoop you up. You have to shut your book quickly in order for him not to notice the phone in between its pages before you let him pick you up.
             He immediately notices that. “Are… Are you sick?”
             “No! Of course not!” Because you genuinely aren’t sick, and he’s already up in your business as-is, you don’t need him dotting on you because he thinks you’re sick or something. You’ll go fucking crazy.
             “You’ve put in zero effort into anything remotely physical since your last little failed escape attempt.” He gave it a little bit of thought. “You’ve given up, haven’t you, and you’re just depressed about it aren’t you?”
             You want to say no, you really do, but if Heisenberg thinks you’ve given up on escaping, perhaps it’ll give you enough space to plan the big one. The reverse heist so to speak. “No- I… okay maybe I have but I still don’t like you.
             He leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead. “Good girl. Now let’s get us that well-deserved nap.”
             You plug your nose and turn away as a joke. “You’ve gotta take a bath first, you smell like oil and sweat.” You don’t fight it, because you have to play the part, but you still have to act a little bit like yourself.
             “Okay, fine doll, but don’t think you’ve escaped my barrage of affection, because as soon as I get out of the shower-“
             You bonk him. And he looks at you so confused before he smiles and leans down to nuzzle his nose against yours. You try to hold the bile back in your mouth and lean forward and peck his lips before leaning back. You failed at trying to not visibly gag.
             “Ew… I can’t believe I just kissed you.”
             “Well, I guess someone caught feelings… Didn’t they?”
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Lucifer!! Who Shrank Me?!?
IT’S DONE!!! Finally! Man this was like pulling teeth! And guys, I’m almost out of titles (which means the series is drawing to a close). I think I have ONE more left in me, but it’ll be a doozy so don’t expect it too soon.
This is part of a multi-part series, (here’s the Masterlist) placed after “Lucifer?? Who Shrank You??”
(Okay.. How do I shrink the Lord of Hell, his butler, two angels, and an all-powerful sorcerer in one fell swoop…? uhhhh… Oh! Okay! Here we go!!)
It was all going according to plan. Satan finally got a handle on that size-changing book from before and he was ready to get Lucifer with it right in front of Diavolo. He more than anyone else was pissed that the eldest demon managed to stay hidden from his Lord during the shrinking fiasco that struck the brothers last time, but now there’d be no escape for him! He left the book at the bottom of a stack at Diavolo’s seat right before a big meeting between the demons and the exchange students... Knowing Lucifer, he’d pick up the stack to move it out of the way then BOOM- tiny!Lucifer right in front of Diavolo! It was perfect!...
... Okay, maybe there were some unforeseen holes in the plan. Like maybe the Demon Lord came in talking to one of the exchange students or his butler instead of Lucifer like he expected… And someone other than Lucifer decided to pick up the stack and now they’re three inches tall… Yikes… 😬
Who was it?
Look, he may be royalty but it's not like he’s frail or anything! He saw the books on his table and just picked them up in order to move them out of the way. The next thing you know, the all powerful ruler of the Devildom is the size of an index finger…
Nearly gave Barbatos a heart attack when the Young Lord suddenly disappeared from sight. If you think that Lucifer would be pissed, try Barbs on for size... Satan will be paying for this little prank ten-fold.
Diavolo is in oddly good spirits about it though. Like, between Lucifer and Barbs it’s not like he’s going to be in any danger so why not enjoy it?? He even got to order Lucifer to let him sit on his head during the meeting! (to the eldest’s chagrin…) 
And just like that, Lucifer became even more of a babysitter than he already was.... 🙄
Tiny!Diavolo still somehow manages to carry himself pretty well despite the new size, though it might be helped by the fact that Lucifer glares daggers at literally anyone who even smiles at him while he’s like this…
The Little D’s were thrown for a loop when the Lord came back even smaller than they were! He and the whole lot of them pretty much form a tiny gang of troublemakers and start messing around the Castle when Barbs is distracted…
Lucifer came by one night to find tiny!Diavolo Tarzan swinging from one of the chandeliers… He later had to pull out an extra large bottle of Demonus to get through that one. Tiny!Diavolo is not good for Luci’s health...
What sort of butler would he be if he didn’t move those books for his young Lord? It wasn’t his fault that Satan hadn't thought things through!
Speaking of Satan, he’s not exactly pleased with his new size (how in the world is he supposed to get anything done like this??) so he and Lucifer agree it’s within the young Lord’s best interest to have a replacement butler… (sorry Satan… 😥)
And he’s with the hot-headed blondie every step of the way. Literally sitting on his shoulder and commanding him to do this and that on threat of… honestly who knows what because Satan refuses to repeat it… 😰
To everyone who’s not named Satan, though, Barbatos is still very much Barbatos. He may be relying a little more on the Little D’s and his new slave Satan to get things done but the Castle still looks as good as ever.
Having tea with tiny!Barbatos is both oddly peaceful and really unnerving... He still orders Satan around to do all the pouring and serving with the presence of a drill sergeant, but his tiny-self is surprisingly relaxed when speaking to guests. It's probably because he can’t do very much personally… It’s like he’s actually getting a break, forced or not. 🤷‍♀️
His only big irritation is that he can’t cook while he’s this size and, let’s face it, Satan is no Barbatos in the kitchen. He may be no slouch, but it’s like comparing a state champion to an Olympic gold medalist…
Any time Satan has to prepare meals for Diavolo, it’s like he has a mini-Gordon Ramsey shouting in his ear and it’s VERY stressful…! There's just no mercy for the poor guy… 😞
He was just trying to be polite and move those books for Diavolo while they were chatting… Why in the world is he so small now??
Luke turned into a blubbering mess upon seeing him because of course, of course, OF COURSE demons would be behind doing such a terrible thing to his brother/father/mentor/guardian man!! How dare they!!! 😡
Simeon… is kind of chill though. Sure he’s shocked and not very happy about it but there’s always a bright side to every bad situation!
He gets to be carried by Luke or the MC around RAD now. It’s just like what he used to do for tiny!MC but in reverse which is certainly refreshing. And Luke is just too adorable when he tries to “protect” his fellow angel from demons, cats, and everything in between. It’s very sweet. 🤭
Since one of Lucifer’s brothers shrunk him, he was able to subtly convince Diavolo to leave the angel’s protection outside of school up to Lucifer himself (which means he can’t keep ignoring him anymore!)
It took some time for him to wear the demon down, but truth be told, seeing tiny!Simeon and Lucifer palling around is sort of adorable… Any time Lucifer thinks they’re alone it’s almost like there was never any war to start with. They’ll just shoot the shit about old stories or embarrassing stuff Michael’s been up to... Dream come true for Simeon!
Of course, it all goes right back to normal the second that Lucifer notices that there’s someone else around. Unfortunately, the man’s damn pride won’t let him admit that he may actually miss his old friends… But a few hours of having the old Luci back is more than enough for Simeon (at least for now).
If he’s not with Lucifer, then he’s with the MC literally playing the part of their “shoulder angel.” No sinning when the angel’s watching, MC, because otherwise he’ll be very disappointed in you... 🤨
He’d never be caught dead helping a demon! Royalty or otherwise!!
...he just moved those books so Simeon or MC didn’t have to while the group was chatting… Yeah. Totally.
Which is how the Devildom was graced with an itty-bitty Luke… like, ittier-bittier that all of the other tiny!residents by at least an inch!
Between Simeon freaking out and poor Luke crying in confusion about the whole thing it was really just a mess at first… 😥
Luke doesn't like being tiny at all! He was already the shortest person there and now he feels so small and unsafe... He's terrified some demon will come by and just gobble him up! 😣
MC has to keep an extra close eye on tiny!Luke because the brothers WILL try to mess with him if they get the chance. The only exception is Beel, but even he will extort the little angel for cake if Luke gets too snippy with him...
Luke needs the most help compared to all the others (duh). Boy is like the anti-Satan, he can't problem-solve for shit… If they leave Luke on a table and he'll be completely stuck there. He’s too scared to try and do anything too daring on his own so please keep an eye on this itsy-bitsy bean… 
His little cakes are adorable though! Like, it was really hard for him to make them when he was big, but at his current size (and a little help with Simeon and MC) he can make just the cutest micro-cupcakes! (Don’t tell Beel though, or he’ll order a trillion… 😰)
Recognized the size changing book at the bottom in an instant (it’s his book, after all) but picked the stack up anyway.
If you thought that Mammon being small was bad enough, now there’s a tiny!Solomon running around… Devil help us… 😣
Is he using his tiny size to get up to all sorts of shady shit? Probably. It’s really hard to tell because he’s damn good at staying hidden... (You think this is his first time getting shrunk? Oh please honey, he’s a veteran.)
Oooor, he may be using a “Oh, MC! Look at what the brothers have done this time! Woe is me...” ploy to get the MC’s undivided attention for a while…(Who the hell knows?)
He doesn’t NEED help really because he can magically levitate and shrink everything that he wants down to size, but no. He helped the MC through their shrinking adventures, (“Help” is, admittedly, a strong word for “taking advantage of a situation he technically caused” but you know) so it was time for them to return the favor!
The MC finds some benefits to having a pocket sorcerer though. Hanging out with little Solomon is like having a Swiss Army knife to life! The guy has a spell or a convenient connection to tackle right about anything that comes their way!
These “favors” don’t come free though… He fully expects repayment each time and he’s not Mammon, Grimm ain’t going to cut it. His requests are a lot more… uh…
Well, the MC has now learned how to recreate a number of Solomon’s signature dishes which include such enduring classics as: jellied tuna, cheesecakes made with actual nacho cheese, and something they’ve dubbed “Literal Death” which is just tamales stuffed with paste made from ground Ghost Peppers… Hope it all was worth it...
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