#and he was moving his body to look at us while we sailed around him
anonymousewrites · 2 days
Pearl of the Sea Chapter Twenty
Found Family! PoTC Cast x Teen! Reader
Platonic! Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Jack Sparrow, Tia Dalma x Reader
Chapter Twenty: Seeing the Dead
Summary: Truths and conflicts emerge as they make their way out of the Locker.
            “Trim that sail! Slack windward brace and sheet!” ordered Barbossa as the Black Pearl prepared to sail (where, they weren’t sure).
            “Haul the pennant line,” said Barbossa and Jack at the same time.
            “What are you doing?” demanded Barbossa.
            “What are you doing?” retorted Jack.
            “No, what are you doing?” Barbossa threw it back at him.
            “What are you? Captain gives orders on this ship,” said Jack.
            “The captain of this ship is giving the orders,” said Barbossa.
            “My ship, makes me captain,” argued Jack.
            “They be my charts,” replied Barbossa.
            “That makes you ‘chartman,’ ” said Jack.
            (Y/N) groaned as they argued and turned to face the sea.
            They stiffened. “Elizabeth.”
            She swallowed. Not Lizzie. Elizabeth. “(Y/N), you have to know that I did it for—”
            “I don’t care who you did it for,” snapped (Y/N). They whirled on her. “You left Jack to the kraken. You left him to die.”
            “We wouldn’t have survived with Jack. Will—you—wouldn’t have made it. And he’s here now. We’ve rescued him,” said Elizabeth, trying to justify herself and stop (Y/N)’s gaze from being one of such disappointment.
            “You still did it,” said (Y/N). Their hands were balled in fists, and the waves rose and fell with their breaths. “He came back for us to the right thing, and you repaid him with death.”
            They brushed past Elizabeth, unwilling to speak any longer. Elizabeth was left standing on her own.
            She had broken a part of her bond with (Y/N). It would take more than a discussion to fix it.
            (Y/N) didn’t leave the side of the ship for the rest of the day. While the sun lowered in the sky and the clouds darkened, (Y/N) just stared at the murky grey waters below them.
            Appropriate, thought (Y/N). That’s how I feel.
            They were startled once they saw bodies in white floating by beneath in the waves. Souls, whispered the sea air, and (Y/N) believed their instinct. They leaned out over the bodies, and their brow creased. They seemed lost, the poor spirits, no afterlife to wash up on.
            “They should be in the care of Davy Jones.” Tia Dalma drifted up next to (Y/N). They barely glanced at her, used to the way she moved like water, light and graceful.
            “I thought he ruled the Locker,” said (Y/N).
            “He does,” said Tia Dalma. “But this is the true duty he was charged with by the goddess, Calypso.”
            Calypso. The very name held power, and (Y/N) could have sworn the waters rushed around the Pearl faster in response.
            “To ferry those who die at sea to the other side,” continue Tia Dalma. “And every ten years him could come ashore to be with her who love him truly.” The history in her words spoke volumes, but (Y/N) felt the heaviness and knew not to ask for more than what she gave. “But the man has become a monster.”
            “So he didn’t fulfill his duty, and the cost was his humanity,” said (Y/N).
            Tia Dalma smiled slightly. “You understand magic well.”
            (Y/N) lowered their gaze to the souls drifting by. “It just made sense.”
            “Perhaps.” Tia Dalma looked at them, and (Y/N) could feel her gaze burning into them. “But you have a talent for magic.”
            (Y/N) felt an itch beneath their skin and ran their hand over their arm to sooth it. “I don’t know what that means.”
            “It means tis in your blood,” said Tia Dalma. “I ‘ave heard from William Turner and Elizabeth Swann that you mights have summon’d a wave against the kraken.”
            “I—I don’t know what that was,” admitted (Y/N). “I just felt a lot, and then the sea was there. It was just…strange.”
            Tia Dalma hummed. “Give me your hand.” She extended her palm, and (Y/N) stared at her. “Go on. I mean no harm to you, child.”
            (Y/N) nodded shortly and put their hand in hers. Tia Dalma turned over their hand and ran a finger down their vein. (Y/N) stared as a slight pearlescent shine followed her finger, disappearing in the darkness.
            Tia Dalma hummed. “As I thought. Magic is in these veins—magic of the sea.”
            (Y/N) pulled their hand away and stared at it. “What does that mean?”
            “It means you’re a Child of the Sea.” Tia Dalma looked at them with that all-knowing glint in her eyes once more. “You escape to the sea. You yearn for it. It is freedom, life. Your heart.”
            “How do you know that?” whispered (Y/N).
            “The sea is my heart. In a different way, but my heart, too,” said Tia Dalma, gazing out at the sea mysteriously.
            (Y/N) frowned. “What does that me—”
            “Boats!” cried Ragetti, clutching onto Pintel.
            The shout broke all focus on tasks. (Y/N) and Tia Dalma turned to see what the others on deck were looking at. In the distance, hundreds of tiny rowboats floated towards them. They bobbed over the spirits suspended beneath the surface of the water. Lanterns sat at the head of each boat and lit their way.
            Gibbs grabbed a rifle, and Tia Dalma stormed towards him. Will lowered its muzzle and shook his head.
            “They’re not a threat to us.” He looked at Tia Dalma. “Am I right?”
            “We’re nothing but ghosts to them,” said Tia Dalma.
            “It’s best just let them be,” said Barbossa.
            (Y/N) gazed sorrowfully at the dead who had no guide to a proper resting place. Children, elderly, men, women—none reacted as they drifted by.
            “It’s my father!”
            Everyone followed Elizabeth’s gaze to a man sitting in one longboat. (Y/N)’s heart broke. Swann was dead. He would never be with them again once they returned to the land of the living.
            “We’ve made it back,” said Elizabeth in relief. “Father, Father, here! Look here!”
            “Elizabeth.” Jack shook his head. “We’re not back.”
            Terrible realization dawned, and she faced him again. “Father!”
            Swann turned his head dreamily. “Elizabeth. Are you dead?”
            Elizabeth shook her head in panic. “No. No.”
            “I think I am,” said Swann hesitantly.
            “No, you can’t be!” cried Elizabeth.
            (Y/N) covered their mouth as the man who helped raise them drifted by towards the Land of the Dead—but he would never find it. Jack steadied them by the shoulders as they watched with horror.
            “There was this chest, you see,” said Swann. “It’s odd. At the time it seemed so important.”
            “Come board!” shouted Elizabeth.
            “And a heart,” continued Swann. “I learned that if you stab the heart, yours must take its place. And you will sail the seas for eternity. The Dutchman must have a captain.”
            If someone killed the heart and Jones, they would take his role. The realization washed over the crew and each person who had considered doing just that.
            “Silly thing to die for,” said Swann.
            “Someone, cast a line!” said Elizabeth desperately. “Come back with us!” She grabbed a rope herself and threw it out. “Take the line!”
            Swann looked up at Elizabeth and smiled. “I’m so proud of you and (Y/N), Elizabeth.”
            “Father, take the line! Take the line!” begged Elizabeth.
            But Swann just smiled as he floated away.
            (Y/N) ran and hugged their sister tightly as she cried out for Swann.
            “I’ll give love to your mother,” said Swann as he disappeared into the darkness.
            “Please!” cried Elizabeth.
            (Y/N) just held her tighter as Elizabeth broke down and hugged them back. “I’m sorry,” they whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
            Elizabeth just sobbed harder and held (Y/N) tighter. Her last bit of family was in her arms.
            Everyone was silent as Elizabeth returned to the deck after (Y/N) had brought her down to rest after seeing her father pass into the afterlife.
            “How are you?” said Will softly.
            She gazed at him with red eyes, evidence of how much she cried for Swann. Will’s eyes softened, and he hugged her.
            “How is (Y/N)?” said Jack. Swann had taken them in as a ward, so although they were not father and child, it was clear he also meant quite a bit to them.
            “We both took a rest,” said Elizabeth. “They’re still sleeping, so I left them as they were.”
            Will nodded. “They deserve it. You do, too.”
            “I want to make sure we can get back to defeat Beckett,” said Elizabeth, narrowing her eyes. She would channel her grief into determination. Beckett would pay for what he’d done.
            “Good,” said Tia Dalma. “He has the power of the seas. We must fight with all we have.” Her gaze darkened. “And we have something that may help.”
            All eyes went to her.
            “What do you mean?” said Will. “If we have a way to fight him, why have you been holding it back?”
            “Because Beckett will want to use it to his advantage,” said Tia Dalma.
            “We’ll make sure that won’t happen.” Barbossa patted his sword handle. “Beckett isn’t getting any more power now that a proper pirate is on the seas.” Jack rolled his eyes.
            “Good. They will need support,” said Tia Dalma.
            “They?” said Elizabeth.
            “What?” said Will.
            “(Y/N) isn’t a weapon!” said Elizabeth.
            “The lad is a good pirate, but Beckett is formidable,” said Barbossa.
            “This is about what you warned me of, aye?” said Jack.
            Tia Dalma smirked and nodded. “You noticed it?”
            Jack nodded.
            “What is she talking about?” said Will.
            “I told him (Y/N) is a Child of the Sea,” said Tia Dalma. “They have something wild within them. And now it’s free.” She looked at each adult—Will, Elizabeth, Barbossa, and Jack—in turn. “The magic of the sea is theirs.”
            “The wave and the kraken…that was them?” said Elizabeth. She had seen it and thought it significant, but all that had occurred overshadowed the moment.
            Tia Dalma nodded. “They can control the waters.”
            “I thought Jones did,” said Will.
            “He does,” said Tia Dalma. “But so does (Y/N). They are both parts of the ocean.”
            “How? What is a child of the sea? What type of magic can (Y/N) have? They’re just a child,” said Elizabeth.
            “You found them in the sea,” said Tia Dalma.
            “Yes,” said Elizabeth.
            “They were alive, yet they had nothing to keep the above water,” said Tia Dalma.
            “How do you—”
            “I know the sea,” said Tia Dalma, and Barbossa narrowed his eyes. She looked at the adults—(Y/N)’s family. “And I know what (Y/N) is.”
            “A child of the sea, you’ve said it a million times now,” said Jack, waving a hand.
            “They are a nereid,” said Tia Dalma.
            “That sounds Greek,” said Elizabeth, remembering her mythology.
            “All myths are based in truth,” said Tia Dalma. “Nereids are sea spirits, incarnations of the sea. (Y/N) is made of the sea and its magic.”
            “So their magic could help against Jones’s,” said Will.
            “If they can use it, yes,” said Tia Dalma.
            “What if they can’t control it?” said Elizabeth.
            “The sea isn’t about control,” said Tia Dalma, raising her chin. “It is about freedom.”
            “But will the magic hurt them?” said Elizabeth. She wouldn’t let (Y/N) be hurt.
            “No. It wants to be free,” said Tia Dalma. “They will be themself once they let it go.”
            “But you’re worried about them because of Beckett,” said Jack, narrowing his eyes. He wouldn’t let that Lord hurt (Y/N), not after all that he had already done, not to his kid.
            “He wishes to tame the seas. If he knows of what they are, he will see them as a threat,” said Tia Dalma. “He cannot stand what he cannot control, so he will seek to tame them or destroy them.” She smirked. “And (Y/N) is as untamable as the sea.”
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ventus-selphus · 1 year
me: oh i should work on quietus stuff
also me: plays a game for 6 hours straight
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cozage · 1 year
Congrats on 2k!!!!
For the request I was wondering if you could do the ASL boys confessing to their childhood friend that they've had a crush on:) and if it's not too much could you add shanks as well?? It's okay if not!
I love your writing it's the best just make sure you're taking care of yourself!! <3
A/N: Some of these are kind of subtle, but I think subtle is their way of confessing after that long :)  Characters: gn reader x Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Shanks CW: Marineford spoilers Total word count: 873
From Friends to Lovers
“She looks like your type,” you mumbled, nudging Ace. A girl at the end of the bar had been eyeing him all night. 
“And how do you know my type?” Ace asked, raising his eyebrow at you. He was slurring his words just slightly; enough for you to know he was drunk.
“Please. We’ve been friends forever, and we’ve sailed together for two years. I know what kind of girls you go for.” You laughed, pushing down the jealousy that churned in your stomach. 
“You must not,” Ace said, leaning his head against you. "I'll stay right where I am."
“Go talk to her,” you urged. “It’s not doing you any good being by my side.”
He frowned at you. “What do you mean? I’m already sitting next to the hottest person in the bar.”
You rolled your eyes and gave him a playful shove. 
“I’m serious.” He had a newfound urgency in his voice. “You’re the only one for me. You’ve always been the only one for me.”
Your heart skipped a beat. There was no way he could be serious right now. He was drunk and stupid. 
He saw the bewilderment on your face and gave you a goofy grin. “Are you just now realizing I’m head over heels for you?! I thought I had made that obvious from day one!”
You stared at the man before you, unsure how to react. He looked like Sabo. He definitely acted like Sabo. Even his name was Sabo. But it had to be a coincidence. 
“No,” you said. “Sabo died. Sabo died a long time ago.”
“There was this one winter day where we went sledding,” he said. “We raced Ace and Luffy down the hill a hundred times. They kept trying to beat us, but they never could. And then Dadan made us go inside and gave us hot chocolate and let us all sleep together in one big bed that night because it was so cold. I said it was the best day ever because we got to spend it together.”
Tears filled your eyes as he spoke. “You died,” you whispered again. 
You were talking to a ghost. You were afraid any moment you’d wake up and be left alone again. Just like when he had died. Just like when Ace had died, and Luffy had disappeared.
“I lost my memories from the head injury and was taken in by the Revolutionary Army. I only remembered after I saw the headlines about…” 
“Ace,” you whispered, tears spilling over. It still hurt to think about. 
“I’ll never leave you again,” he promised. “Come back with me to the Revolutionary Army. We’ll keep you safe. I want to hear about everything.”
“Please,” he begged. “I know I just remembered you, but my heart has ached every moment we’ve been apart. I just found you again and I’m starting to feel whole. Please-please don’t leave yet.”
“Heeeeeeyyyyyyy!!!!” Luffys voice rang out from above you, and you instinctually braced yourself. 
He slammed into you, sending the both of you falling to the ground. You screamed out in glee as rubber arms wrapped around you, holding you tight. 
“It’s been a while, Luffy!” 
“I can’t believe it’s really you!” He shouted. “What are you doing here?”
“This is my home, idiot!” You laughed, trying to squirm out from under him. 
Moving away from his grip was proving to be quite difficult though, considering Luffy’s body weight was on top of you, his arms still tightly around you to prevent you from moving. 
“Your home was Windmill Village. I’ve missed you since you left.” 
Tears filled your eyes, and you suddenly enjoyed his closeness “I missed you too, Luffy.”
“Sail with me and my crew,” he said, pulling away slightly to look in your eyes, begging you with his big, dark eyes. “I want you to join me.”
You raised your eyebrow. “I have a life here, Luffy. I can’t-“
“Make a life with me!” He whined. “Come on!!”
“You still want to be King of the Pirates?” 
“I can only do it with you by my side.”
A red-haired man sat down next to you in the bar, glancing your way. 
“Come here often?” he asked, sliding your favorite beer over to you. 
“Only in town for the week.” A smile danced across your lips. “My pain in the ass captain has us on a tight schedule.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his jolly laugh, the room brightening as his voice echoed through it. 
“He sounds like tough work,” Shanks said, wiping a tear from his eye. 
“He is!” You took a long drink of your beer. “I’ve been sailing with him my whole life, I think I would know.”
He smirked. “And you’re not tired of him yet?”
“Nah,” you chuckled. “I could never get tired of you.”
Your words caught up with your brain, and your cheeks turned a deep pink at the realization of what you had said. 
“Good, because I’ll never get tired of you either. ” Shanks gave you a softy, gentle smile and cupped your cheek with his hand. “So you’re stuck with me for the rest of time, okay? You’re all mine.”
“Of course, Captain.”
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little-diable · 12 days
Commands - Draco Malfoy (smut)
A small Drabble I wrote at work lol. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Draco is reader’s step-brother, something he doesn’t seem to care about while asking her to put her mouth to work. Pwp
Warnings: 18+, oral (m), degrading, stepcest, dumbification, slight slapping
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!reader (1.1k words)
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“Draco?” Her voice dripped with sleep, eyes burning in exhaustion as she looked at the dark frame. She had been woken by the sound of his feet stepping onto the one spot of the old wooden flooring creaking too loudly. “What are you doing?”
“Quiet!” Her breath instantly hitched in her chest, eyes zoning in on her step brother who stepped closer to her bed. She didn’t dare speak another word, too focused on the man who had always treated her with spite and anger, at least for most parts of the day. At night he behaved differently, as if his demons finally managed to get the upper hand, guiding his lust and longing for his step sister.
“I’m tired, Draco.” (Y/n) sighed her words before plopping back down on the mattress. She was about to cover her barely clothed body with her blanket, but Draco was faster. He ripped the fabric from her fingers, exposing the shirt of his she wore, managing to cover the lacy pair of panties she knew Draco loved.
Perhaps she had hoped for another visit, perhaps she had prayed that he’d find her again. Longings she didn’t dare put into words, at least not out loud.
“Don’t lie to me, we both know you’re a greedy fucking whore for your step brother, aren’t you?” He kneeled on the mattress, forcing her legs apart to settle between them. His cold fingers danced over her arms, moving up to her shoulders before one hand came down on her throat, letting his fingers grasp her. “Answer me.”
“Yes.” She only managed to press a whisper past her clenched teeth, trying not to give in all that easily. Draco had always managed to gain the upper hand, to guide her while she got lost in the waves of pleasure like a raft losing its path in the icy river it was sailing on.
“Good. I need those pretty lips wrapped around me.” He hadn’t been able to find any rest, unable to give in to sleep's quiet call. Draco’s mind had been too active, thinking of the woman sleeping only a few rooms down from his, wondering what she was dreaming of. (Y/n) was haunting his thoughts, had been ever since their parents had gotten married years ago. He had tried to stay away, all until her twenty-first birthday they had celebrated together, a night where he had claimed her for the first of many times.
(Y/n) rose to a sitting position before she put her weight onto her knees. Draco’s hand on her throat pulled her in for a kiss, momentarily distracting her while her hands rested on his chest. Her body was covered in goosebumps as if he was winter itself, embracing the biting cold that left marks on her body, burning straight through her system.
He was the darkness, the bleak midwinter she had eventually found enjoyment in.
Draco leaned back against the headrest of her bed after pulling off his shirt, exposing his abs to her wandering eyes. He watched her free his cock, watched her spit down on the red tip just like he had taught her to months ago. By now she was a natural, knowing what he was aching for, how he needed to feel her to get that push to clear his racing mind.
His ringed fingers found her head almost instantly, forcing her down on his cock with a satisfied groan clawing through him. With his eyes pressed shut, Draco sank into her touch, allowing (y/n) to bob her head fast enough to leave him moaning. Her sounds were almost as loud as his, clawing through her while she worked her mouth on him, a sinful, forbidden mixture both had fallen in love with.
“Atta girl, your mouth’s so perfect for me.” Heat flushed through her, set on gaining as much praise as possible. Draco wasn’t one for complimenting her, wasn’t one for showering her with attention, only in those secret moments where she touched him like that would he give in and tell her how much he adored her – her body at least.
With her eyes set on his features, on his closed eyes, on the teeth nibbling on his lower lip, she kept sucking him off. The corners of her mouth were still hurting from yesterday night, a strange deja-vu she couldn’t shake as she took as much of him as possible. She didn’t care much about her own pleasure, didn’t worry much about her own highs he’d give her either way. All (y/n) was focused on was Draco, his pleasure, his sounds, the praise his body would wordlessly share with her.
He twitched in her mouth, resting heavily on her tongue. (Y/n) knew that he’d cum soon, painting her tongue white with his release – a fulfilling taste she was already aching for. Seeing a man like Draco cum was an experience itself, a moment so raw, so intimate, she sometimes found herself wondering if she was only dreaming it.
“Tell me what you’ll do, tell me the rule.” Draco pulled her off his cock, watching her saliva drip from her chin while her hand kept pumping him. (Y/n) needed a second to collect herself, pondering over his command while her throat begged for a break. She heavily swallowed as his hand came down on her cheek, not hard enough to hurt her, just with enough pressure to refocus her. “Such a dumb slut, all because you have the privilege to suck me off.”
“I’ll swallow, swallow it all!” It seemed to be good enough for Draco. He nodded his head with a smirk tugging on his lips, head tilted back down to his cock to wordlessly guide her. Almost instantly, (y/n) got back to work, lips finding their way back to his tip to suck on the head. Another moan broke through Draco, a moan that slightly trembled as his orgasm started to build.
With excitement laced in her gaze, (y/n) watched him come undone. Sweat was pearling on his forehead, making a few bright strands of his hair stick to his skin, lips parted, cheeks rosy. A moan left him as he came, filling her cheeks with his cum as she kept pumping his cock with her aching fingers.
Draco pulled her off his cock once again, staring down at her as she exposed her empty tongue to him. His thumb wiped along her lower lip, collecting some saliva before bringing his digit up to his mouth. They held eye contact as he sucked his finger clean, gazes wandering over one another’s features.
“I want you on your hands and knees when I return. Don’t you dare move.”
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muwapsturniolo · 5 months
✯𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐲✯
IN WHICH…We experience a toxic relationship between a drug dealer and his baby momma
WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT AHEAD!!! Toxic behaviors, slight domestic abuse (not really but I’m putting it as a warning anyway), drugs, sex, broken household
Words highlighted in orange is Chris and how he connects with the song. Pink highlighted words is Y/n (aka you) and how you connect with the song. Purple highlighted words is how both you and Chris (or others in the story) connect with the song.
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Chris sighs as the beaten-up screen door squeaks open, the hot LA air immediately rushing past his face. He lets it close by itself as he walks along the porch, taking a seat in his chair. He sets down his cup and sparks his blunt, closing his eyes as he inhales the grape-flavored tobacco leaf and weed.
The sound of laughter catches his attention, making him open his eyes. He scans the lawn briefly before he lands on two bodies rolling around in the yard, one bigger than the other.
He whistles catching both of their attention, the younger one gasping in excitement.
"Mama! Daddy is awake!"
Chris catches the eye of the child's mother and sighs.
I know this ship is sailed and this is dead I'm singin', "RIP," I'm singin', "RIP," yeah
He can see the irritation in her eyes, a feeling he has been all to familiar with for the last three years. He doesn’t know when it started but if he had to guess, it was a month after Kehlani was born, their relationship taking a turn for the worst.
The relationship was dead and he knew it, he knew from the beginning they wouldn't last. But he did it for her, he tried to make things work but it seemed like she was against him.
Kehlani runs as fast as her little legs can take her, diving right into Chris's lap. He laughs and quickly moves the blunt away so he won't burn the four-year-old, or get smoke in their face.
I know you gave up long time ago Boy, I'm singin', "RIP," I'm singin', "RIP"
Y/n watches Kehlani and Chris giggle and play with each other on the porch, her heart sinking. She hates to admit it but she was envious of her daughter having all of Chris's attention.
It seemed like he hated her.
From the moment Chris laid eyes on the child, she was pushed back on the backburner. It was difficult to handle, especially going through postpartum.
She tried to do better, act better, hoping Chris would give her an ounce of attention, but he would just ignore her.
She knew Chris had given up on their relationship a long time ago, and it hurt. However, she has come to terms with it.
She stands up and brushes the grass and dirt off her pants, walking towards the home. She runs up the porch steps and frowns seeing the blunt near her child.
She snatches the four-year-old off of his lap and gives him a dirty look, “Momma I want to stay with Daddy!”
“No, it’s lunch time and then you need to nap.” She says getting ready to walk in the house.
She stops when she hears Chris’s voice, “Let her stay out here while you make us lunch.” She turns and sees Chris putting the blunt in his mouth, his eyes trained on her.
“I said no, Finish your blunt and come make your own food.”
She opens the screen door and steps foot into the house, only to freeze hearing Chris’s mumbling.
“Fucking bitch.”
All I need's some Loving,
"Daddy, do you love me?" Kehlani's words make Y/n chuckle to herself, a small smile ghosting her lips.
"Of course I do baby. I love you with my whole life and beyond."
The four-year-olds next words make Y/n stop in her tracks, "Do you love momma the same amount?"
She knows what Chris is going to say, he's going to mask it to the child but he's going to make it clear that he doesn't love her.
She grabs the plates of food and starts walking to the table.
"I love momma a lot, the same way I love you"
His words catch Y/n off guard and she trips and falls, the plates breaking and the food going everywhere. Chris quickly sets Lani on the couch, telling her not to move before he rushes into the kitchen.
"What the fuck happened?" He asks as he sees Y/n surrounded by broken plates and food. "I-Im sorry, I ju-" his eyes soften seeing her sniffling, her eyes glossy with salt water.
He inches forward, careful to avoid the sharp glass before kneeling in front of her. "Talk to me ma, what's wrong?"
"Y-you said you love me....you haven't said it in so long." She sobs out, her whole body shaking. He quickly pulls her into him, rubbing her back softly. "Shh, I know, and I'm sorry. You know I love you baby, I could never stop loving you."
She sobs even harder and grips Chris tightly,
That's all she ever wanted to hear.
"Why don't we order tonight?"
some fucking
"Shhh mama you don't wanna wake Lani up do you?" Chris asks, holding back a groan himself. Y/n moans quietly, her head thrown back in pleasure.
"Taking me so well mama's. Whose pussy is this?"
"Fuck! it's yours- all yours daddy!"
"That's right."
And you say this shit don't matter But we always goin' at it, ain't no trustin
"Why do we always fight?" Chris asks holding the girl in his arms. He can see the gears turning in her head, thinking of multiple reason as to why they fight, but she tells him it doesn't matter.
"But it does matter...all we do is fight." He thinks to himself.
I need some lovin', good, good fuckin'
It's times like this that make Y/n despise the father of her child. He never wants to address anything, he always wants to leave shit in the air, causing more arguments.
She doesn't want argument, she hates arguing.
She wants love, but he has to settle for sex to 'cure' their problems.
And we fussin' and we fight, and you always wonder why
Y/n scoffs as Chris continues to yell at her, "You always do this stupid shit Y/n! You wanna love me one minute, then you accuse me of fucking cheating and hating you!"
"Because you fucking do!" She screams at the top of her lungs. Chris stares at her with no emotion, used to her raising her voice at him.
"You asked me the other night why we always fussin' and fighting and it's because of you!" She stabs her finger in his chest. "You treat me like shit! I hear you calling me out my fucking name, I catch you giving me dirty looks!"
"That doesn't mean I hate you! And it sure as hell doesn't mean I cheated on you!"
Y/n smiles with tears in her eyes, " But it does Chris...I'm not dumb, I've seen the texts in your phone, I've seen you come home with hickeys...and I won't forget the night you came home and told me you cheated on me, because my body changed after I gave birth to your child!"
Chris's stomach falls to his ass as he watches Y/n begin to pack a bag.
"W-Where are you going?"
And my mama told me, "None of this should come as a surprise"
"It hurts so much! I do my best and it's never enough!" Y/n sobs into her mother's arms. She had packed a bag and left with Kehlani after her and Chris's argument, not wanting to spend another second with him.
"Baby none of this should come as a surprise. I've been told you this when you were younger after your daddy." Y/n looks up at her mother in confusion, her brows furrowed.
"W-what did you tell me?"
" love don't come easy, it don't come easy"
Love don't come easy, yeah, givin' up easy
"Don't give up on it yet baby...I know you want it to be a plain and simple game but you have to work for it, the both of you."
Times get hard, but nothing's easy
Let's go out
Y/n approaches Chris in the kitchen who is currently measuring out weed. She sits across from him and waits for him to acknowledge her. "What do you want?" He sounds irritated, making Y/n nervous. She looks down and fiddles with her fingers.
"I was thinking we could go out...like a date... like we used to."
Let's try it out
Chris stops measuring the weed and looks at her, "it was just a th-ok." He shrugs, leaning back in his chair.
She smiles genuinely, something he hasn't seen her do in a long time. He stands up and walks over to her, rubbing a hand over her face. "Yeah, lets try it out." She breaks out into a wide grin and jumps up, planting a fat kiss on his cheek.
You don't hear me out,
Y/n sighs as Chris tells her to be quiet. They were in the car driving home when somehow, an argument started. All she said was that maybe he shouldn't sell as much so they could spend more time with each other.
That's why you always run your mouth,
"You always have shit to say! You never shut the fuck up! It's always complaints and trying to fucking act better than me, and I'm sick of this shit! Just shut your fucking mouth!"
We been talking 'bout our love's runnin' out But you don't hear me out, yeah
"You don't fucking listen to me Chris! that's why I keep saying the same shit!" Y/n yells as they enter the house. She throws her heels in the corner and rushes towards the bedroom, grabbing a bag.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Chris asks, his eyes set on her frantic figure throwing clothes in the bag. She ignores him and goes to Kehlani's room, beginning to pack more clothes.
"I'm leaving you, that's what I'm doing. I'm taking Kehlani and leaving you!" She tries to move past Chris but he stands in her way. "You're not fucking leaving me Y/n, and you're not taking my child!" She ignores him and goes to step to the side but he moves with her. He grabs her making her jerk back, "Don't fucking touch me! Let me go Chri-YOU'RE NOT FUCKING LEAVING ME!" He slams her against the wall.
She winces as her head bounces off the wall, looking at Chris in fright.
That's why you always run your mouth
Chris's grip remains tight on her arms, his breathing heavy. "You're not leaving me, and you're not taking Lani either...J-just stop." His voice breaks as he stares into her eyes.
And all I need's some Lovin',
"You can't leave me, you c-can't take Lani away from me, please." His eyes begin to sting as tears blur his vision. "I'm tired of this Chris" Y/n croaks, her throat closing as she begins to cry as well. He nods, understanding her words. "I know ma, I know and I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry-" he wraps his arms around her waist and starts to kiss along her jawline.
some fuckin'
"Let me make it up to you...Let me show you how much I love you."
And the sex is still compatible But I ain't got no manual for trustin'
She knows she shouldn't, she shouldn't crave his touch, she shouldn't crave to be intimate with him. She should put her foot down and stand ten toes on her threat of leaving, but she doesn't.
Chris sees her hesitancy and continues to convince her, promising he will change, promising he will be more loving.
She doesn't know if she believes him, but she gives in anyway.
I need some lovin', good, good fuckin'
Y/n's head is pushed into the pillows as Chris slams into her repeatedly.
"Fuck, I love you so much Ma. Say it, say you love me."
"Fuck! I love you!" She reaches back, holding Chris's hand as his dick slides in and out of her dripping cunt.
You say something isn't right, only fuckin', gettin' high
"This feels weird" Y/n mumbles as she and Chris sit on the couch. They had put Lani to bed around an hour ago, and now they are on the couch watching TV. Chris looks down at the girl snuggled into his side, "What are you talking about Ma?"
She sits up and crosses her legs, playing with the fraying couch, "I mean...It seems like all we do is have sex and get high. We never sit with each other all cuddled up and relaxed, we're always arguing." Chris sighs and pulls the girl onto his lap, "Is that what you want to do? You want to only argue, have sex, and get high with me?" Y/n shakes her head, begging to play with his chain.
"Good, because I don't want to either."
And my daddy told me, "Hold your heart in order to survive"
"You have to do better son. For yourself, and your family." Chris sighs as he listens to his father's words. "I'm trying pops, I really am it's just hard."
"I know it is, but you have to hold your heart in order to survive. What I mean by that is that, your heart is your lifeline, without it you would die. Y/n is your lifeline son. Without her, you would destroy yourself. Hold her close, cherish her, water her like a flower so both you and your family can grow."
'Cause love don't come easy, it don't come easy Love don't come easy, yeah, givin' up easy
Y/n couldn't do it anymore.
She was fed up with the toxic relationship, so she left. She left while Chris was out dealing, throwing bags in her car and fleeing to her mothers house with Lani.
When Chris came home and saw the note on the fridge, he broke down. Vases being broken, and tables being flipped over as well.
He couldn't believe she gave up this easily on them, on what they could be.
Love don't come easy, it don't come easy (No, no) It don't come easy
Chris bangs on the door, waiting for someone to answer. eventually, it does open and he sees the girl who has been avoiding him for a month now.
"Chris?" She questions in confusion. She never told him she was staying at her mother's home, so to see him was a surprise. She crosses her arms and looks down at her shoes, "what do you want?"
"I want you back."
"Chris I do-"
Times get hard, but nothing's easy
tears form in her eyes as she looks at the ring in the box.
"I-I know I haven't been the best to you. I've said some horrible things to and about you, I-I cheated, and all in all, I treated you like shit. I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry. I-I want- no- I need you in my life. You're my heart, my lifeline, my everything. I don't know what I would do without you."
"I'll do better I promise! Things won't be easy, but I'm going to try... Just please don't leave me...Don't take my family away from me, don't give up on me."
Tell your man you trust him
Y/n accepted the proposal, allowing Chris to put the ring on her finger. She quickly brings him into a hug, sobbing softly. "I'll do better, I promise. You just have to trust me Ma. I'll give you the whole world if you just trust me."
"I trust you"
Tell your girl you love her
"I love you so much Ma, I love you so much." He whispers as he rubs her back.
Tell your dad you miss him
"Daddy you're back!" Lani shouts as she runs up and hugs his leg. Chris sniffles and picks her up, wrapping one arm around her and the other around Y/n.
"I missed you so much!"
And call your mom and thank her
Y/n walks away from the father and daughter duo, calling her mother to thank her for being a good guide and letting her and Lani stay with her for the month.
Tell your daughter you love her
"I love you so much Lani, with my whole life." Chris expresses as he holds her close, grateful to have the child back in his arms.
Tell yourself you got this
It's unknown to both adults that their minds are reeling as they drive home, both of them giving themselves a mental pep talk.
"You got this, it will be different this time. everything will be better."
'Cause these times get hard, but nothing's easy
They come to a red light and Chris looks over to Y/n who is staring down at her engagement ring.
"I love you," he expresses as he takes hold of her hand.
"I love you too Chris."
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idk how i feel about this so if yall don't like it, ion blame you 😭
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@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @imaslut4kehlani @that-general-simp @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @adoreindie @braindead4l @pettydollie @chrissgirlsstuff @alexis007 @ratatioulle @yamamasjumpercables @luv4kozume @sturnioloslurps @kqyslyho3 @j3tblackt3ars @ilovestarz @lustfulslxt @soimightlikeoldmen69 @tastesousweet @slut4sebastiansallow @whicked-hazlatwhore @stasiesturn @loljackwasfat @nicksmainbitch @ninacutebee16 @mayhem-72 @sturniolosmind @breeloveschris @mattslolita @mattsivy @guccifrog @hysteria-things @mrssturnioloo @koris_009 @patscorner @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @nickuniversity @luverboychris @thenickgirl @riasturns @imwetforyourmom @junnniiieee07 @realuvrrr @milasturniolo @fwskullz @hearts4tatemcrae @mattandchrismakemewett @chrissystur @canthelpit0 @strnilo @demistyles @junovrsmp4 @heartsforchrisandmatt @maryx2xx @vecnasnose0 @freshsturns @xxsturnxx @pettydollie @crimsoncorpse @sturnssmuts @sturniolovoid @m0r94n
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
Bless you for your perfect Mihawk writing, I am dying <3 if you're still taking requests, may I please request some angst with lots of fluff? Mihawk gets word that his wife was badly injured on a mission, she almost dies, but she's strong so she survives with a deep battle wound? Soft Mihawk gives me life ;-;
I gotcha My Dear!
⚠️ Warning: ⚠️ Mention of Death, Disfigurement
Angst and some fluff
My Heart Lies with You
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Ah the Dracule Couple- The best power couple of the ages by most people's standards. Mihawk who was the best swordsmen and you his wife the best stealth killers there was, a couple to be taken incredibly seriously. While you were no Warlord you were the wife of one so got the same privileges as your Husband. Paired with your skill it was a bonus for the world goverment to have you on their side.
It had been a normal mission like all the rest, you two rarely got mission together after getting caught being a little too friendly with each other on a assassination mission. So you went off 4 days ago to do a intel and assassination while Mihawk was sent to cause havoc and destroy a pirate base.
Mihawk was currently mid battle, ripping apart the base with his sword and fighting the worthless goons with ease. He heard the transponder snail go off in his ear and he sighed as he answered.
"I'm a little busy here Garp-" He says in a nonchalant way, cutting down several more people as the base behind him exploded.
"Hawkeye, you need to get here as quickly as possible-" Garp said I'm a rather sharp tone that wasn't fitting of the Vice- Admiral.
Mihawk felt a peg of annoyance go through his body at hearing such a tone from the man- Something was wrong very wrong..
"Fine.. I'll be there with the tide" Mihawk said disconnecting the call, sighing as he decided to stop having fun and get this over with so he could meet with the Garp.
The following morning Garp sat at his desk, nervously tapping his finger on the desk knowing this was not going to be pleasant. He heard the heavy footsteps of the Warlords and pulled out the whiskey, knowing it would be needed. Mihawk walked in, Stepping forward with a deep frown as he watched Garp pour the whiskey.
"You called me here Garp?" Mihawk asked with his normal stoic tone, The Vice-Admiral nodded and held out the whiskey to Mihawk who took it and took a hefty sip.
"Hawkeye- (Y/N) is MIA, there was a surprisingly large battle during her stealth mission and after she informed us she was injured transmission cut and we lost her" Garp said evenly, his eyes trained on Mihawk whose whole body seemed to lock up. The Warlord setting down the glass of whiskey quickly as his mind focused on one thing- his wife.
"Where was her mission?" He demanded, His breathing seeming shallow and unsheathed rage behind his eyes as Garp drank his glass of whiskey.
"Just off Summer Island, a boat has already been prepared to take you within the next hour" Garp said calmly, however Mihawk was already out the door at hearing this. His heart beating in his ears as he heard of this- His wife MIA after being injured.. scared him? He wasn't used to feeling scared like this- You were so skilled and careful, a perfect stealth killer as well as a Pirate he saw equal to himself.
As promised, within the hour Mihawk was sailing to Summer Island. The Marines with him scared as he looked like a pacing tiger, Walking up and down the main docks as his eyes locked onto the direction of his destination. By nightfall they had arrived, seeing a search party was already there. Never having been so greatful that Garp had let their mission be semi close to each other (usually a 2 day boat ride to one another max).
Mihawk looked around at the clear battle that had taken place on the island, anger bubbling in his chest as his mind racing with all the possibilities. He saw the search party still moving through the clearing. They wouldn't find her unless she wanted to be found- she was too good.
Stepping forward he cupped his hand over his lips and gave out two loud whistles sounding like a birds call, he held up a hand to the research party to stop which they did. The forest falling silent for a few moments, Mihawk closing his eyes to focus... after a moment or two a weakened call returned. Mihawk feet moving faster then his brain as he followed the bird call.
The search party backed away as Mihawk trudged forward repeating the bird call again following its echoed call.
Finally he made it to a large pile of fallen trees still scorched from what seemed to he a fire. Without care he began to throw off the glowing logs like they weighed nothing, finally seeing your arm wriggling under a large log he tossed it with all of his strength and fell to his knees quickly.
"I got you My Heart.. I got you" He said softly, his arm sliding under you and he felt the dampness from blood as he slowly lifted you into his arms. You managed to open an eye to see your husband, the taste of ash and dirt on your lips as you tried to give him a soft smile.
"D-Dont look so sa.." You croaked out, but the pain keep you from finishing your words. Mihawk pulling you closer to him and holding your face in his hand, his thumb pushing the dried blood and dirt from your face. Panic filling his features and- he froze. Fear filling his whole body that practically immobilized him-
"Medics Now!" Mihawk ordered loudly, a rush of Marine medics rushing forward to exact you and take you to the boat for attention. The Warlord finally seeing the large open wound on your chest which made his stomach churn- it went from your naval up to the left of your body shredding your skin across your left breast and past your shoulder. If it hadn't been for the grace of whatever Gods were out there or the dirt packed into the wound you would have died for sure.
Mihawk felt his body go cold- watching as the Marines take his wife. At first frozen in his spot before he quickly followed behind quickly, he was silent as they loaded you onto the boat. The medics quick to take you to the infirmary of the ship to provide emergency treatment- Mihawk standing in your room as he watched with unwaving eyes as they gave you oxygen and more to keep you breathing.
As fast as the boat could move it landed on a near by Marine Base to get you into its established hospital. The nurses and medical staff taking you as top priority as they got you into a proper room, Garp meeting Mihawk there as he saw them loading you into a room.
Once several machines were placed on you the loud sirens of the heart monitor sounded which shattered Mihawk- Hearing your heart jump in shock of whatever they were doing before it suddently stopped and flattened. He shoved past the doctors at this and grabbed your hand feeling it turn cold before a doctor could yank him off.
"Code Blue Code Blue we have lost the heart beat" a nurse announced, Another young nurse pushing Mihawk out of the room fully as they began emergency treatment for you. Mihawk had tried to resist at first ready to mow down the nurses but Garp pulled him back into the hallway before he could.
"They have to keep you out to give her the best treatment Hawkeye-" He tried to reason with the Warlord who looked ready to rip Garp apart, but he nodded silently as the older man lead him to a bench to sit down. Hours passed and Mihawk heard nothing... his nerves shot as he sat there trying to mentally figure out what to do- You could take die.. he would be lost if you did.. he mentally couldn't not comprehend the idea.. His face found his hands as he sat there letting his own imagination get the absolute worse of him.
"Mr. Dracule sir?.." The old doctor said softly, pulling the man from his hands as he looked up at the man. His eyes red from either stress or crying- no one was going to ask which, Mihawk stood up fully staring at the doctor.
"So we have your wife stable and alive, she will be making a recovery. While we are unsure of the damage done from the blood loss I can say she is very fortunate" Mihawk gave a sigh in relief, like he could finally take a breath for the first time.
"However there was some... damage due to the injuries" The doctor spoke gently, Mihawks relief was short lived as the doctor went into detail over your injuries. It seemed whatever had caused your injury had shredded the left side of your chest- due to the extent of the injuries they had to give a mastectomy to your left breast as well as remove lots of skin from around the whole wound that could have caused infections heaving what was going to be one hell of a scar.
His heart sank to his stomach at hearing this, but nodded in understanding. Greatful you were just alive. The doctor lead him inside still trying to brace him to see you.
When he saw you- he crumbled.. his heart shattered into tiny peices as he saw you. You were swollen and pale, the machine beeping loudly and monitoring every rise and fall of your chest which was shallow. He shuffled over to the little plastic seat next to your bed and sat there, he looked lost. Like the idea of you like this had never crossed his mind and he couldn't handle it now- he stared at the doctor, pity in the older man's eyes as he saw the devastated Warlord.
"How long will she be like this?.." Mihawk finally said. The doctor swallowing thickly and shook his head.
"Now that is something I can't tell you..." He said, before leaving the room to let Mihawk be with you. The Warlord reaching forward and touching your face softly, his hands shaking as he stared at the cuts and bruises on your face. Pulling away finally as he sat by your side, caressing your free hand carefully.
Hours turned to days.. days turned to weeks and after a month Mihawk had still not left your side, others even trying to convince the man to at least get fresh air but he refused. Unmoving and too stubborn to leave you alone as you recovered in your coma. Till one day-
You opened your eyes, you felt truly awful- your eyes burning at the harsh light. You blinked several times as your eyes adjusted and saw you were in a hospital, the beeping of machines around you finally took notice of them- flowers. So many flowers of every color and stage of wilting were scattered in the room like someone had set them in whatever space was available. A heavy feeling on your chest and hand caught your attention. Lifting your head slightly you could feel heavy gauze around your chest that made it hard to breath- however you assumed the pain medicine thay was for sure in your IV was keeping you from feeling whatever was happening there. However your gaze went to your side to the pressure on your hand, your gaze softening at the sight.
There was you husband, he looked as bad as you felt. His hair was a mess on his head and clearly hadnt been washed in some time, a deep stubble was blending in with his natural facial hair making him look like he was growing a full rugged beard instead of his usual clean look and even though he was passed out with his face pressed into your hand like a puppy waiting for its owner the insane bags under his closed eyes clued you in that he had been exhausted in waiting for you.
Carefully you reach around with your free hand and touch his hair, despite it being a greasy mess you stroke his hair softly. After a few moments of messing with his hair Mihawk head shoots up, his bright yellow eyes as wide as saucers as he stared at you.
"(Y/N).." He breathed out and his cupped your cheek quickly, you can see his eyes watering at seeing you awake. He stood up to place a kiss on your forehead, feeling a tear fall onto your cheek realizing it was from your husband. He pressed the call nurse button quickly.
"They need to check you first okay?..." Mihawk said, almost like he was convincing himself just as much as you. Soon a flood of nurses came in, giving every checkup and look around possible. If you weren't sure before that your situation had been bad then you knew by the end.
It had been a few days since you woke up from the hospital. To say it had been a roller coaster was a understatement, your husband had taken control of your care and recovery almost possessivly. Then his colleges and friends of the past visited the both of you- Even catching who had been assisting in bringing in flowers for you.
From Vice Admiral Garp who brought in a large strawberry cake and some adorable white flowers, Zoro with lovely blue hydrangeas, Perona bring in every type of rose imaginable, Shanks with whatever he could find and even Buggy who would shyly bring sunflowers and leave before getting the ire of Mihawk if the clown tried any stupid jokes.
It took Shanks and Zoro to convince Mihawk to finally go shower and change clothes agreeing to watch over you while he did so. You never did tell him he smelt like ripe ass sitting next to you.
Upon returning in fresh clothes that Perona had brought back you smiled.
"There is my handsome husband" You said with a grin, he smirked at this and took his seat next to you. Shanks and Zoro also glad to see at least most of Mihawk back to his former self- you reaches forward and touched the full beard that graced his features and giggled.
"I never knew you could grow a beard like this" You chimed, he rolled his eyes at your words and gently took your hand from his beard and held it instead.
"Don't get uses to it- once back home I'm shaving" You see Shanks and Zoro smirk at this, Clearly finding it amusing.
You look at the two of them and smile.
"Guys, could you get us something to eat?.. and some tea?" You ask sweetly, Zoro looked confused over this clearly about to question why not call the nurses button bit Shanks got it and patted Zoro shoulder. "Come with me" He said calmly as he lead the green haired man out the room and closing the door behind them. There was a few moments of silence, your hand finding its way to your own gauzed up chest.
"They told you?... right?" You asked softly, wanting to know of he knew about the amputation and the heavy scars on your body. He nodded calmly. You winced at this, feeling... ashamed at this and uncomforble, Giving a forced chuckle-
"Well... no more bikini seasons for me.." You try to make light, even if your bottom lip quivered. Touching that spot on your chest again. Mihawks eyes hardened at this and he gently pulled your hand from your chest and held it tightly. He knew what you were insinuating and it broke his heart all over again.
"(Y/N).. never say that- You are beautiful in every way imaginable. No matter what has been added or taken away... you're beautiful cause.. just cause your here with me" He admitted, staring at you. You felt your eyes grow warm with fresh tears at such thoughtful words.
"Honey.." You whisper softly, giving his hand a gentle tug to come closer to you which he obediently did and kissed you on the lips which you savored. Tears running down your cheeks at his sweet words-
"I love you Mihawk" You whisper softly again his lips, he pulled back ever so slightly and smiled.
"I love you too My Heart"
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livelaughlovesubs · 6 months
Nini!!! I have an idea, if ur still busy making that fic then take ur time with this ask. Soooo this might be a lil bit inappropriate butttt how abt cockwarming dazai while he tries to work?? Again if ur still busy with that fic u mentioned on ur last post then don’t mind me! (=^ ◡ ^=)
Sorry if I bothered u!!! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
- 🎀
Dw, you aren’t bothering me, you’d never bother me with your lovely asks ☺️ (sorry that I took so long, I literally have to force myself to feed ya’ll) and it’s a little short, sorry for that
Dom!reader x sub!dazai
Warning: cockwarming, strap or dick - you can interpret it however you want, reader is gender neutral
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He sighed when he glanced over the mountains of paperwork on his desk, you could even say he whined. Slumping down and pouting, throwing the led in his hand onto the table. “What’s with all this work?” The boy complained, before he leaned back against his seat, cuddling up against you. “Do we really have to wait until I’m finished?”
Today was like any other day, with dazai refusing to do any of his assignments. Mori wanted you to do something about it, and as much as you’d like to protest, he was your boss after all. Which is why you decided to make it fun for you as well. That led to your current situation, with dazai sitting in your lap and diligently working, all while your dick was buried deep inside him.
Your hands fit perfectly on his slim waist, holding him and making sure that he stays still. The feeling of his smooth skin was nice to the touch, and you rested your head on his shoulder. Sometimes when you exhaled, the hot air would tickled his ears. If you weren’t easing him, then he doesn’t know what it was. How can you expect him to do all of this while you are touching him like you are about to bend him over? Not that he minds, he desperately wants you to do so. How long has he waited for any action to happen? Maybe hours now.
He felt full and filled, it was a very erotic experience. Every once in a while his insides would clench around you, and he’d squeeze his thighs together. This was worse than any torture methods he learned, much worse. The words on the paper in front of him started to blur, it was like he forgot how to read. Yet again he slumped back against you, biting his bottom lip at the small yet delicious friction that gave him. “Hmm..! God, y/n, can’t you just fuck me?”
Dazai really couldn’t wait any longer. He already worked for more than an hour, can’t you do him a small favour? Subconsciously, or maybe he knew what he was doing, he rocked his hips. The boy moved so slow, like a ship sailing on a calm ocean, he thought you wouldn’t notice. In contrary you did saw it, and grabbed his chin to make him face you, then you whispered your answer, “no.”
Without giving him any reasoning, only a cold and commanding refusal. For some reasons it made him even more wet, he felt his body shake and his dick twitch at your voice. His precum was dripping down his shaft and coating his soft thighs, you’d even dare say he looked like a girl with all those fluids he let out. “If you want to get fucked so bad, finish your work sooner.” You suggested, though he knew you weren’t giving him an inch. It was an order and you weren’t going to show him mercy. Fine, guess he will have to use his trump card.
Suddenly, he raised his shoulders, they were now reaching his ears. Then he slowly started to sob, small delicate tears rolled down his rosy cheeks. Afterwards he did a dramatic turn, staring back at you with the most pitiful and vulnerable expression he could muster. The way desire and need blended perfectly in his eyes was seductive, though the pose he did was the one of an innocent maiden. Some strands of his bangs stuck to his forehead, and his lips were slightly parted. In that moment, he looked straight out of a painting, like an angel that descended upon the moral realm.
“Please..” Dazai began his act, mumbling in a meek tone, as if he was embarrassed of himself. “Fuck me.. I want it so bad.” The way he stressed the last two words was the peak of acting, he could win an Oscar with that one. It took you every resolve and self control you had to not throw him onto the table and fuck him. If you were to wait any longer, it was going to be a torture for you too. More tears flowed down his pretty face, those water droplets were like diamond shining in the sun light, emphasising his helplessness even more.
That man knew what he was doing and did it with passion, if he wants something he will get it, that’s what his body language told you. Which is why you especially want to go against it. “No is no, osamu, if you don’t finish this until dawn I’ll just leave and go drinking with chuuya.” You warned him, but it was more like a threat. He gasped a little, now crying a little louder than before. “Oh.. how cruel of you..! Can chuuya give you the things I can offer?” There was no answer to that question, you didn’t want to because you knew he could use it against you. Instead you gave him a little trust, enough to make his back arch. “AhHHh~ m-mhm..” the male moaned out, he did not hold back at all.
“go back to work.” You chuckled as you said, resting your chin on his shoulder again. “Hm.. mean..” and now he was pouting again, oh well, let’s see how long he can still play this game until he breaks. You weren’t going to be the first one to crumble. All you had to do was lay back and watch the play unfold. “Do as you wish, dazai, you have time until dawn.”
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simpforboys · 2 years
Please do a part two for “Sail across the Ocean” where the baby has a random arrival while she is in the water and is rushed back to shore and ends up having the baby. Just a cute fluff moment between her and neteyam, and maybe a little angst if he says “mawey” and she likes shut up you don’t know how this feel?? Do whatever feels best
sail across the ocean - 2
neteyam x fem!omatikaya!pregnant!reader
summary: in which you give birth to your son
warnings: labor, swear words, you snap at neteyam, soft!neteyam, you and him are 20
find part one here
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while you neared the end of your pregnancy, neteyam became extremely overprotective.
you knew he just wanted to keep you safe, but it felt like you were walking on shells.
i mean, you were. it was harder for you to adjust to the metkayina ways, but you adapted with time.
neteyam, however, was beyond excited for the arrival of your son.
he got the idea of a nursery in your marui pod. he collected shells, leaves, vines, and even had kutwa, the crafter, make some figurines.
your bulging belly ached more and more everyday, and with ronal’s birth and being tsahìk, she suggested some ways to ease the pain.
as you connected your queue with an ilu, allowing the animal to guide you gently in the water.
lo’ak, seeing you leaving, cocked his head. he remembered his brother’s favor, if you were to go anywhere neteyam wasn’t, to keep an eye out for you.
so that is what lo’ak did. he called an ilu, gently following you.
as you were sitting atop the ilu, breathing in the fresh air, a sharp pain erupted through your body.
whimpering in pain, you fell on the neck of the animal. the pain became more frequent.
“y/n!” lo’ak shouted, seeing the way your body flopped.
“lo’ak?” you asked.
“we must get you to shore.” lo’ak breathed out.
you whimpered once more, the baby kicking as you felt more water pool around you.
neteyam was searching around the village for you, sensing something in your mood.
“neteyam! lo’ak is with y/n in the water, the baby is coming!”
tsireya dove into the ocean as neteyam’s head spun. he was finally going to meet his son.
everyone on the island was suddenly aware of the labor.
neteyam grabbed an ilu, seeing you in the distance as lo’ak and tsireya held onto you. your face was scrunched in pain and he could hear your swears from his position.
“my y/n!” neteyam called out as he approached.
you cried out to your mate, the pain immense as neteyam pulled you onto his ilu.
“go tell ronal it is time!” neteyam told his brother and tsireya.
the duo took off to the shore.
neteyam held you tightly against him, your nails digging into his thigh as you whined in pain.
“it hurts, teyam.”
“our ‘itan (son) is coming, my y/n!”
“he is coming painfully.” you snapped back, seeing ronal and the sully family surrounding the shore. metkayinas helped you as ronal rushed towards you.
“rikx (move)!” ronal snapped.
your ears were ringing as your legs shook, using neteyam to lean against.
“lay here.” ronal pointed to a woven mat, grabbing her spiritual tools.
neteyam grabbed your hand as the sullys waited outside, neytiri telling the excited family off.
ronal began mumbling prayers as she used her tools to help the pain. neteyam held your hand as he helped you breathe.
“mawey (calm), y/n. mawey.”
neteyam massaged your scalp as you squeezed his hand.
“do not tell me to calm down, neteyam!” you snapped at him.
ronal gave neteyam a look as you arched your back in displeasure.
“get him out!” you groaned.
you laid against neteyam, your mate being used as a stress ball as you squeezed and gripped him. ronal removed your loin cloth, mumbling another prayer to eywa.
“it is time. push, y/n. push!” ronal instructed.
you yelped from the pain, using your muscles to push.
neteyam pressed kisses against your skin as he praised you for doing so well, your eyes squeezed shut as you cried out.
“he is close!” ronal announced, cupping the baby’s head as you gave out a final push. your body fell weak as you heard your son’s cries.
your son wasn’t the only one crying, though. both you and neteyam had tears running down your face as ronal placed the baby on your chest.
“hi, prrnen (baby).” neteyam’s cheeks hurt from smiling as he stroked his son’s head.
“you did it, y/n. i am so proud.” neteyam continued to praise you as ronal put your loin cloth back on, cleaning you up and giving you and your mate some time.
“he is perfect.” you cooed.
the baby gripped onto neteyam’s finger as he continued to cry.
“our little neyoeng.” you smiled up at your mate.
within the week neyoeng had become quite popular. the metkayina were not used to seeing an omatikaya baby.
but ronal and tonowari held a ceremony for the infant.
everyone gathered in the cove of ancestors, you and neteyam wearing special jewelry and outfits.
neytiri cried silently as her grand baby was lead on kelp, jake smiling wide.
tuk was beyond excited to be an aunt, as was kiri.
“neyoeng!” you and neteyam announced, showing the baby towards the eclipse to welcome the boy into pandora.
neteyam pressed a kiss to your cheek as you held your son against your chest, a proud smile on your face as you were surrounded by your family.
neteyam would insist on carrying the baby in a wrap. he loved being close to neyoeng. you would fall asleep in the hammock with neteyam, waking up in the morning to find neyoeng in the hammock with you.
jake and neytiri love being grandparents. they constantly gush around the baby, always ready to watch neyoeng if you and neteyam need a moment.
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keeponquinning · 1 year
Imagine being Joseph's girlfriend and feeling awkward and insecure about all the attention he's getting. now imagine the sweet nothings he'd whisper in her ear, the endearing 'I love you's while buried between her legs and little marks left on her skin so she always knows...
Guys, never stop sending me stuff like this.
Good lord. Here we go. 18+ adult rpf stuff ahead, scram kiddos
It'd be difficult not to feel insecure, the attention he gets is so constant, and part of you can't blame them. You've always known how amazing and talented he was. And he cares so much of his fans, part of it being of pure amazement and never expecting this attention. You're proud of him, so proud of him... and yet...
He just seems to shine so much brighter than he used to, brighter than you. He's being cast in these major productions, getting more in the spotlight and rising higher and higher and part of you can't help but think you're holding him back. That one day he'll leave you behind, in the dust of what you two used to be. There's models, actresses that would fit better with Joseph and you can't help but feel you don't measure up. Soon, he'll see you as an anchor that's keeping him in one place and not sail towards the sun.
But Joseph doesn't see that. When he looks at you, he sees the one person keeping him afloat in the storm of this madness he found himself in. Oh, it's fun, it's exciting, and he's getting opportunities he was sure he'd never had a chance to get before Eddie Munson, but it's so mad sometimes. He'd lose himself if it weren't for you. The calm in the storm. He cherishes every moment with you, something as simple as holding his hand is like a lifeline to him. Your smile brightens his day, your laugh makes his heart feel full. You're everything to him. He wouldn't know what to do with himself without you.
The night before he has to leave you for a shoot, he tells you as such, his cock filling you deep. Every thrust of his hips is hard, quick, his hand curled around your throat as his body presses against you, in his bed. One of your legs curled high on his waist, making you look at him in his eyes. He felt a man possessed, wanting every second of this burned into his memory. The sound of your panting moans and desperate cries, making his cock twitch, pulse as the walls of your cunt clench around him so tight it drives him absolutely mad with desire.
Towering over you, his whole body covers you, his hands moving the grasp your hair and pull your head back. His lips dancing along the curve of your neck, his own little grunts and groans beating down on you with heated breath. His body moves on his own, chasing the pleasure you give him, his hips pounding into you harder and harder — yet with every quickened breath, every desperate "Oh, god, oh yes, god, right there, please, please..." he forces himself not to follow through, to ease off, though it makes his body shudder, driving him absolutely fucking mad. His teeth biting into your neck, hard and unforgiving. He knows his cock is leaking, so desperate to cum, but the sounds of your desperate cries is too cute for him.
"...do you know how much I love you?" he asked, stilling inside you, cock pulsing, desperate. But he keeps still, tongue licking where he just bit you, imagining the bruise it'll bring. "Do you?"
You're dazed, but even in such a state, the doubts, the insecurity comes out. "...you say that..."
"Because I mean it. I love you. I love you so... So fucking much..." Starting to move his hips again, slow and deep as he lets out a groan. "I'm going to be — so mad — without you. Absolutely useless, just fucking... I'm gonna miss you..." his voice deep, whispering into your ear with each thrust quickening each time. "Going to miss — going to miss every part of you. Like a fucking — a fucking phantom limb I'll feel — but know isn't there... Fuck," he let out, feeling your pussy clench his cock at that. "Oh, you wanna get praised, do you? Mmm. Easily done, love, my fucking love of my life..."
And he tells you, over and over into your ear. Words of praise mingled with breathy moans and pants from his lips. Accompanied with love bites along your neck, jaw, shoulder as his hips thrust in and out of you with wild abandon. He isn't holding back anymore. His words becoming feverish, mixes of I love you, my fuckin' darling and cunt was made for me, y o u were made for me. Heated utterances of how beautiful you are. Your laugh, your smile, the sound of your voice a bright light in any dull instance his new found fame gave him. Because you weren't part of the fame monster, you were real, technicolor in a grey scale industry and he needed you like he needed air. To feel like himself, the old Joseph Quinn and he needed that, he needed you, so desperately did you have any idea of how much he needs you?
You both cum the hardest and most intense you've both ever felt. You drench his cock in your release and Joseph? He cums inside you, deep and plentiful, thick ropes of his cum painting your walls, coating, drenching them with his cum. He moves, still, body jerking into your body, milking the orgasm out of you both. You could feel him, how much he filled you with his cum, filling you to the brim and more than you two had before. His body feels limp as the last spills inside you.
You both feel light, heavenly, and you feel the rumble of his chuckle as he kisses the flesh of your neck, up to your cheek. "I won't be here," he says, a cheeky grin on his face as he traced his lips along your jaw, toward your lips, "But fuck, you'll be dripping of me for weeks... I hope that'll do until I come back to you." He furrowed his brow, "I hope you know... There's only you. There will always be you."
The sincerity of his words, the way his brown eyes are soft, how sweet his lips feels against yours, the feel of his cock pulsing so deep inside you... Yes... You know. Wrapping your arms around him and you taste his love off his tongue and to your own, the insecurities, the jealousy, the fears melt away and you smile so helplessly, in love with this man.
And he was so helplessly in love with you.
And nothing else mattered.
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webslingingslasher · 2 months
Hii i was just wondering, is the uni series cancelled?
no! not canceled, on a brief hiatus bc i am reworking the series!
here’s a little blurb bc i haven’t shared anything yet::
A rush of air hits your face. In the blink of an eye, there’s a body slammed to the floor next to you, another one is pressing his hand into the guy’s chest. “Jesus, Parker! You didn’t have to-”
Parker. He’s cute. He’s really cute. He’s really cute and strong.
“You and your shitbag brother are a fucking disgrace to the frat, I told you last time was the last time. You guys are out.”
Your eyes blow wide, you can’t believe you just got a front row seat to a survivor episode. The twins just got voted off. But more interestingly, who’s Parker and why are you just now seeing him?
“Hey, woah, Parker, man, we don’t gotta do this. It’s just guy shit, it’s nothing serious.” He tries to sit up, Parker keeps him in place with one push, you gnaw down on your bottom lip. “Guy shit stays inside the house, not when I have a fucking party. You want an audience and that’s the problem.”
You hide your open mouth behind a hand. The twin doesn’t like this and his attitude flips entirely. “Look, Parker, you don’t control shit so the fact you think you can kick us out is laughable.”
Parker sneers down at him. “Health and safety officer. You impose a threat to both. Get your brother and get the fuck out, come back tomorrow to empty out your room.” If it was possible, your panties would’ve just sailed across the room.
Yes Mr. officer… ?
“It’s fucking midnight, where are we supposed to go?”
“Figure it out. I believe in you.” It’s taking everything in you not to bite down on your fist. You spin for your roommate- slash- best friend, she’s nowhere to be found. If you didn’t know who Parker was you’d bet she does, it seems like her boyfriend is in the same frat. Beyond that, she’s going to be so upset she missed the drama.
“You know, you’re a fucking dick.”
“Exactly. So why would you call my bluff?” Parker’s name is called, you follow the sound like he does, Ethan Keznek is holding back the carbon copy of who’s on the floor. “Can we please get a move on?” Floor guy is hauled up by his shirt, Parker pushes him into his brother, who then is shoved by Ethan to the door.
Parker follows to make sure they leave, your eyes trail after him while you drink up his movements. He’s right at six feet and blessed with broad shoulders. From what you could tell, he’s lean and something tells you that the flannel he’s wearing is covering up some nice and defining features. The most important, brown curls that lightly tucked themselves around the brim of his snapback. It’s twisted backwards and if you let your eyes fall just enough… You can see a peek of a silver chain hidden under the cotton.
You can already picture it between your teeth.
The threat was disarmed, you step opposite of Parker, trailing him into the kitchen from the other side and meeting in the middle. You want to wrap your body around his, feel his hands run up your back and down to your thighs. You want to bite into the arms that were holding another back, you want to feel him breathe into you.
He stops. He looks. He runs his eyes over you once, twice, three times.
“What?” He’s not in a good mood. He’s unimpressed. He doesn’t like what he sees. You don’t know where to go from there, you at least expected a hello or how are you, but not a blunt, go nowhere, question.
You didn’t talk fast enough for him. “C’mon, spit it out, freshman.” You have another lag, when it catches up, your eyebrows furrow. “I’m not-” Parker’s already walking around you, “don’t care.” For the second time tonight you watch after him but this time you agree with the man Parker had body slammed.
Parker is a dick.
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cera-writes · 2 months
Hi there I love your work you are very talented I was wondering if you could write a fic about gambit x reader who has powers like atom eve from invincible ie matter manipulation and energy constructs
I hope you Will be able to do so if not that's also ok have a nice day
A/N: Thank you so much!! Hope this was okay for your request! I'm super sorry it took so long for me to finish this up!
The scent of stale cigarettes and desperation clung to the air as you navigated the labyrinthine back alleys of New York. Tonight's target: a heavily guarded warehouse rumored to house a stolen shipment of mutant growth hormone. Not exactly Robin Hood territory, but rent didn't discriminate on ethics. A loose brick skittered under your boot, the telltale sign of a pressure plate. You smirked, picturing the goons scrambling for a nonexistent bomb – a trick you'd learned the hard way.
Suddenly, a figure dropped from the shadows, landing effortlessly beside you. Crimson and onyx eyes gleamed under the dim glow of a flickering streetlight. "Need a hand, cher?"
It was Remy LeBeau, the infamous Gambit. His roguish charm usually left you cold, but tonight, with two of Hammerhead's goons charging out of the warehouse, his timing couldn't be better.
"Always a pleasure," you deadpanned, hands crackling with raw energy. "Just stay out of my way, Cajun."
Remit whistled, a playful glint in his eyes. Before you could react, a flurry of playing cards – some standard, some ornately decorated – sailed through the air, charged with explosive energy straight in the thugs' direction.
"Don' mind if I do, cherie," he drawled, as he watched the cards make a beeline straight towards the goons. The cards detonated leaving smoke behind in their wake, leaving the goons groaning on the cobblestone street.
You rolled your eyes, momentarily distracted. It was a bad habit – one Gambit always seemed to exploit. A wave of your hand sent a metal dumpster lid soaring through the air, slamming shut the heavy warehouse doors.
"Looks like we're on the same page," you conceded, a grudging respect tinging your voice.
Working with Gambit was a gamble. You'd first encountered him trying to "borrow" some tech from a shady organization you'd been infiltrating. The ensuing chaos had forged an uneasy alliance, one that begrudgingly acknowledged your shared skills.
Inside the warehouse, the air grew thick with dust motes dancing in the beams of your makeshift energy constructs. You moved with practiced ease, manipulating the metal crates into makeshift platforms and walkways, making your way deeper into the cavernous space.
Suddenly, a booming voice echoed through the vast hall. "Well, well, what do we have here? A couple of freaks playing dress-up?"
A hulking figure with cybernetic enhancements emerged from the shadows. Hammerhead, the local crime lord, his face a grotesque parody of a human skull.
"Looks like we have company, cherie," Gambit murmured, flinging a card. It exploded with a dull thud, barely slowing Hammerhead's charge.
The fight was a blur of steel and energy. Your constructs clashed against Hammerhead's cybernetic limbs, while Gambit danced around him, using his agility, bo staff, and charged cards to wear him down. Finally, you saw an opening.
"Remy, now!" you yelled, gathering a concentrated burst of energy in your palm.
Gambit tossed a card at Hammerhead, this one a queen of spades. It detonated with a blinding flash, momentarily disorienting the villain. You seized your chance, launching your energy blast directly at the power core strapped to his chest. It was seemingly fused into his body through his armor, the one thing that gave him an open weakness.
There was a deafening crackle of electricity, followed by a sickening screech as the power core overloaded. Hammerhead crumpled to the floor, smoke rising from his damaged armor.
Silence descended upon the warehouse. You deactivated your powers, the exhaustion settling in your bones.
Gambit chuckled, leaning against a stack of crates. "Nice work, cherie. Y'sure know how to light up a room."
You huffed a tired laugh. "Just don't get used to it, Cajun. This was a one-time thing."
He winked, his signature smirk playing on his lips. "We'll see 'bout dat, cherie. We'll see 'bout dat."
As dawn painted the New York skyline in hues of orange and pink, you stood atop the warehouse, watching Gambit melt back into the shadows. He was trouble, that was for certain, but tonight, at least, you were on the same side. Perhaps, you thought, a little chaos wasn't so bad, especially when someone with a charming smile and a knack for explosives had your back.
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naomihatake · 1 year
In search of freedom (Ch. 2)
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2. The wheel of death
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Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3
⠀⠀⠀⠀She's been searching for freedom her entire life and everytime she thought it was laying right in front of her eyes, she was mistaken. She was running around the East Blue, seeking herself and her dreams, meeting people she never forgot. No matter how much she traveled, she could only catch a glimpse of peace before realizing everything would crumble at her feet.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Maybe it was destiny that brought her on that ship with three strangers — foolishly, that's what she tried to believe when the moon shined beautifully and hope settled in her chest, squeezed by the same ribcage where feelings were blooming.
Pairing: female!reader x OPLA Zoro Roronoa. This chapter follows the events of the second episode.
Warnings for this chapter: canon typical violence, kidnapping
Word count: 3,1k
Theme song: “Haunted Isles” by Derek Fiechter (click on the link)
A/N: I almost didn't believe I wrote so much considering the process felt so slow and kind of annoying. Not the best chapter I've written so far, not something I'm necessarily proud of, but I wanted to follow OPLA's plot. I know 3k words isn't much, but I already prepared pieces of the next chapters that I'm genuinely excited to share with you. Half of this part is filled with action, meanwhile, the next chapter will be full of psychological analysis and a lot of thoughts + more interactions between the reader and Zoro.
The reader will be referred to as "Witch" from now on, because I have no intentions of using "Y/N".
I'm open for comments and opinions <3
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The view made her smile as she looked at the dark blue nuance of the sea, her eyes sparkling just like the moon that was hidden by the gray clouds at that time. Her heart beat so peacefully, in sync with the waves of the water, and with every inhale she could feel that sensation taking over her senses. Everytime she got on a ship, the feeling grew stronger and stronger and she doubted there was a limit.
Freedom had no limit and she wondered if that's what it felt like.
"We're not a crew," Zoro and Nami — the woman with orange hair — said in unison.
Luffy was dead set on calling four people a crew, despite the fact that it was a decision he kind of made on his own.
Zoro's tall figure disappeared inside the cabin, where he intended to nap. She was intrigued; it was the same man who made a fool of those marines back at the tavern. The witch was confused about the soft clinck sounds coming from him, until she realized it was just his three golden earrings hitting one another at each move.
Luffy's last crewmate smiled, endeared by the unfaltering enthusiasm their supposed captain was radiating. He was like a ball of energy since they got on Nami's ship and sailed away with help from Koby.
"So, you're a witch," Luffy excitedly turned towards her.
"You could call me that, I think," she shrugged.
"Do you do magic? Like, potions in a cauldron and spells with candles—"
"I think you know too many stereotypes," she let out a long sigh.
Nami was on her knees in front of the safe box, ear glued to the locker as she rolled it between her fingers.
"So you won't chop us into pieces and boil us?" She arched her eyebrow, unintentionally feeding Luffy's crazy ideas.
"No, I don't."
She rubbed at the bridge of her nose with her thumb and pointer finger.
"What about you two talking after I finish unlocking this? I need silence."
The witch sat down, resting her body against a barrel as she watched Nami's careful actions. Now that she thinks about it, she never saw someone so sure of themselves while opening up this kind of locker, which meant it wasn't the first time she did it either. She presented herself as a thief.
Luffy was agitated, roaming around and stretching, a big smile on his lips. He was holding back from babbling until he forgot he had to keep his mouth shut.
"I almost can't believe I already have a crew and we got our hands on the Grand Line map."
"Luffy," the witch whispered so she wouldn't disturb Nami. "You do know none of us promised to take part in this adventure, right?"
She was trying her best to be gentle about the topic, especially since he seemed so happy he couldn't hold back at all. Luffy had no filter anymore, saying whatever came to mind, but she supposed he's always like that.
"Maybe you'll change your mind," he beamed.
"I appreciate your help a lot, kid, and I'll try my best to help you if I get the chance until we get to the next destination, but I don't know about that," she shook her head.
"You said the same thing at the tavern: that it's dangerous."
"And I still didn't change my mind. It is dangerous."
"Can you be silent?" Nami accentuated her words in annoyance.
"Sorry," the witch muttered.
The orange haired woman glued her ear to the lock again, eyes narrowed and brows pulled together in concentration. One strand of hair fell over her blue eyes but she didn't mind it while she continued opening the locker up.
A small click vibrated shyly through the air and Nami snapped up.
"It's open!" she shouted.
From inside the box, Nami took a long cylinder and opened it. The witch moved behind her and looked at the map of the Grand Line, inspecting it with the eye of someone who wasn't an expert at all. She was focusing on the navigator's explanations so intensely, she didn't notice when the other two approached. Zoro's swords brushed by her leg, moving her entire attention to him.
The sound of fireworks filled the air.
"The marines? When did they find us?" Nami furrowed her eyebrows.
"What's with the red smoke?" the witch found herself asking right after she started seeing in nuances.
"It smells weird," Luffy muttered.
She found out it was true only after she inhaled it and her vision was getting blurry. Everything happened so fast: Nami falling first, then Zoro saying something she couldn't hear. Her body got soft and in less than a few seconds, she fell unconscious after she caught a glimpse of a pirate ship.
The witch rubbed her wrists together, but her attempt to escape from the rope digging into her skin was futile. She was sitting in an open chest, her knees pulled close to her chest; both her legs and wrists were tied and she was growing tired of it.
They were kidnapped by some pirate clowns and thrown into what he called the Green Room. Luffy was still in the main tent, and what was happening to him was a secret between the clowns and the dozens of people who had their legs chained like animals.
The Green Room was filled with strange things and old furniture and cushions. Golden bulbs shined and reflected into some square mirrors and another large one with skulls as ornaments. There was a chair in front of a desk, where cups were placed next to some photos. A creepy white mannequin stood right next to the chest she was sitting in, wearing an elegant purple scarf. Something that imitated a chandelier was hanging in the middle of the roof, made out of big flower cups of white thin material. Zoro's swords were left against one of the cushions, where her two identical guns were.
A barely audible groan left the swordsman's lips as he struggled against the rope that glued his wrists to a big wheel.
"They're too strong even for you," Nami commented in a shallow tone.
Both of her hands clutched at the metal bars of the wide bird cage she was stuck in.
"I need to get out of here and kill some clowns," he muttered, focused on escaping. "I've got out of worse."
"With that I have to agree," the witch sighed.
"I saw a town when I got out of the tent… what was left of it after Buggy destroyed it."
"You mean, when you tried to leave us for dead?" Zoro grimaced after pulling at the ropes again.
The witch was like a bystander, her eyes running from one to the other. They were seriously insane, ready to argue in a life-or-death situation.
"You were picking up a fight you couldn't win," Nami snapped her head towards the swordsman.
"I know your type: if there's nothing to gain, you're out."
"Says the one who runs after Berries—"
"Shut it, you two," the witch intervened, letting out a groan. "We can argue and throw venom at each other after we get out of here."
"If we get out of here," Nami retorted.
"We do because I have too much of an ego to play in a circus created by a maniac," the witch mumbled.
After a few moments of silence, no sounds coming from outside the room they were left in, Nami got a lock pin out of her boot.
"Didn't they take all of them?" Zoro asked.
"They only took three," she smirked for a brief moment.
The witch leaned her torso forward and, despite the painful tug of the rope, she tried to raise them to the belt of her pants. She snuck her fingers between the two pieces of clothing and bit at her bottom lip when her skin started stinging painfully.
Finally, she got a small pocket knife out and grinned.
"I thought you were a witch," the swordsman gazed at her.
"You'll see magic once I get out of here," she joked.
A loud scream ripped through the air and it made all of them snap their heads towards the door.
Was that Luffy?
The witch's blood froze in her veins.
"You better hurry," Zoro whispered.
The witch gulped and wielded the knife between her fingers until the sharp edge grazed the rope around her wrists. She moved the knife up and down, putting as much pressure as the position allowed her. Nami, on the other hand, continued rolling the lock pick into the padlock.
Now that the woman stared intently at the mannequin while cutting the rope — even if way too slowly —, the doll had a scary smile painted in black on its porcelain face. Why was it looking back at her?
Minutes of unsuccessful cutting ropes and rolling lock picks, after another groan coming out of Zoro's mouth, he spoke:
"Someone's coming."
"Keep them talking, I need more time," Nami turned her head.
"Same here."
"I don't talk, I hit things," he grunted.
"Then change your hobby," the witch huffed.
The witch's eyes widened and she leaned back against the chest, so her arms and pocket knife would be hidden. Her heart was beating painfully fast in between her ribs and it was almost ridiculous, how she was sweating and the clothes started getting uncomfortable.
A monocycle creaked under the man who just got inside the room. He passed right by her when he came in, which sent her into an inner crisis. Wearing dark colored clothes and an unbuttoned coat without sleeves, the man hopped off and let the object fall to the floor.
She had no clue why the pirate chose to get close to the swordsman, who looked at him dead in the eye.
"Remember me?" the pirate spoke.
"No. Must be some other homicidal, unicycle-riding clown."
The witch was reminded you pay for the audacity of speaking up to your enemy when you're locked up; Zoro got instantly hit by the pirate's fist into the stomach. However, he didn't give that clown any satisfaction, his lips glued.
She eyed Nami, who was turned with her back at the lock of her cage, trying to open it without even looking at it. Damn, it wasn't good.
The witch couldn't hear whatever the fuck that clown was muttering at Zoro's ear, her fingers moving the knife faster, a tight knot settling in her throat as adrenaline pumped through her.
Nami made eye contact with the swordsman and the pirate who called himself Cabaji turned towards her.
"I've never met a clown. I thought they're supposed to be funny. Do some acrobatics on your monocycle, maybe it can help the time pass."
The witch shouldn't have opened her mouth in the first place, but if Nami was caught, it could've ended badly. Maybe it was the fault of the adrenaline, but pissing off that idiot with three strands of mint green hair made her smirk victoriously.
People who get angry when you step on their ego have always been the funniest creatures alive.
Of course, the reaction she received wasn't a good one. The pirate took two knives from his belt and stepped closer. She refused to look away and nothing could erase that grin off her face.
"Still doesn't ring a bell," Zoro caught his attention again.
Bad move. One of Cabaji's knives cut through the air and sunk into the wood the swordsman was glued to. Any other sounds have immediately been silenced.
"You followed us day and night for weeks through the Goa kingdom, never relenting, like some kind of demon."
Oh, so that's who Roronoa Zoro really was; the witch dared to allow her curiosity to act like a sponge about the new information. Interesting. The swordsman was a demon and a bounty hunter. Amazing combo.
He was probably hated by every pirate on the sea.
The woman tried her best to focus on the pocket knife between her fingers, but she couldn't help the fear crawling up into her skin. They had to get out of there alive and, preferably, with their limbs attached to their body.
After a few heavy steps, Cabaji gripped at the edge of the wooden wheel and in less than two seconds, the swordsman was rotating like a toy. The pirate walked roughly two meters away and then continued tossing knives, each time managing to avoid Zoro's flesh.
Nami and the witch looked at each other for a brief moment and then continued with their previous work.
When the rope finally got cut, she looked at the maniac pirate who didn't stop with his play yet. She held back her reactions, instead choosing to look at the swordsman who was rotating in the air and it made her pale. Time passed by too slowly and she slowly let out a long sigh when the wheel stopped from moving.
"You really don't fear death, do you?" Cabaji huffed.
He wasn't satisfied by the lack of reaction he received from Zoro who looked like he's gone through that three times a day for years. How did he manage to keep such a poker face?
"No, I just don't fear you."
Good, make him corner you.
The pirate didn't think twice before he threw a knife that aimed right above the swordsman's wrist. Their enemy wasn't careful enough, since the rope could now be easily cut.
Cabaji walked towards Zoro — another mistake. Nami already opened her cage and she was silently getting out. The witch didn't hesitate when she stopped pretending like she still had her wrists tied together. Clutching at the knife between her fingers, she raised her hand and tossed the sharp object through the air, aiming at the man's back.
"Thinking you're the only one who can play with knives, clown?" she huffed.
Cabaji turned and it was Nami's opportunity to kick his stomach with her foot, which made him fall on his back, the knife digging further into his flesh, cutting through his ribs and lung.
Finally, the witch's anxiety lowered now that one of their men was down. Now, who knows how many more they had to defeat.
"I didn't take you for a criminal."
Nami took one of the knives stuck in the wheel and cut Zoro's rope and then came to her other crewmate, helping with the rope around her ankles.
"I was desperate and he was annoying," the witch shrugged while she rubbed at her aching wrists.
When she found the freedom of moving again, she got out of the chest and took all the knives she found, including the ones from the wheel.
"What's the plan?" Zoro asked as he arranged his swords back at his hip.
"I say we beat the shit out of every clown we see," Nami grinned.
The witch smiled after she put each knife at her belt, rolling another one between her fingers. With her guns sitting at each side of her hip and the bonus of adrenaline, it felt like nothing could stop her.
The sharp edge of the weapon broke the glass after she threw it right in the middle of Luffy's aquarium — or whatever that thing was supposed to be.
"Luffy!" she shouted his name.
The glass wall of his cage shattered and the water splashed around, the straw hat coughing, his face pale. He was on the floor, soaked to the bone. His straw hat was so close to him,yet so far away. Luffy vomited the cylinder with the map and despite the nausea he was experiencing, he crawled to his hat.
He put himself in danger this entire time and chose not to let go of the Grand Line map, but that object held much more importance to him. The witch froze for a mere moment, confused, but when she wanted to get closer and get the map away from Buggy, a pirate with a sword came sprinting towards her.
"Witch!" she heard a gruff voice.
She dodged it before her head could get cut off and sank a knife into his stomach, only to raise the agony after she hit the man in the same spot, blood gushing out of his wound and soaking his clothes.
With a swift motion, her fingers grabbed at one of her revolvers. She fired at Buggy who was a breath away from touching the map, but didn't pay enough attention to another attack towards her.
A sword's edge shone in the corner of her eye and no matter how fast she was, she couldn't dodge that. Her eyes widened and she waited for the pain to inflict into her body. The pirate froze in place and his sword slipped between his fingers. When he fell to his knees, from behind him there was Zoro who was using a three-sword style.
Definitely a demon; but in a good way.
The witch nodded at him. She didn't train properly in the past year and she lost some speed on the way. She hasn't been in such a situation for a long time.
With other two pirates attacking them from the sides, she protected his blind spot while he killed another enemy with a mere flick of his swords. Another loud shot rang through the air and another man fell down, the center of his heart pierced.
"Buggy needs to have a weakness," the witch said.
"And what is it?"
The answer was right before their eyes: Luffy managed to get back to his feet while they were busy. He used his ability to elongate his arm and grabbed at the leg who was moving in the air, only to throw it in a chest. Nami closed it and grinned mischievously.
That was it.
The witch rolled another knife between her fingers and analyzed the detached hand that was rotating around her. At the perfect time, she threw it in the middle of its palm with enough force to send it into another chest, Nami locking it.
They focused on getting each part of Buggy's body stuck in any suitable place, be it a chest, a barrel or under a bucket. For as long as they got rid of that maniac, everything was fine.
She let out a sigh when only the clown's head remained intact, now laughing pitifully. Zoro bent down and grabbed the head, locking it into a box and putting a rock on top of it.
"Let's get the hell out of here."
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A/N: Thank you so much for the comments and the support <3
Tag list: @emelia07 @dimplewonie @tfamidoingwithmylife @murnsondock @the-skys-musical-echo @conspiracy-crows @hallow33nz @ramae17 @gaslysainz @bunntsu @katt58
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otomehoneyybearr · 11 months
Silvio's Aphrodisiac Story!
Uhm, so this is quite QUITE the smutty story. Minors please keep away.
This is a translation of an event story on the JP Server, all the content belongs to Cybird, please support them if you can!
Gilbert's Aphrodisiac Event Here
And last but not least, thank you @candied-boys for providing the screenshots! ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Its become a daily routine to sort through the mountain of gifts that are sent to Silvio.
That night I was silently continuing the job I began getting accustomed to, when...
(... Huh? This one looks a little out of place.)
What I picked up was a small glass bottle with a detailed geometric pattern engraved on it.
There was a thick pink liquid inside.
I checked the note to see if the sender had been a merchant sending a sample or a gift from an noble.
(Its from Silvio's sailing partner...!)
(Then maybe this is... a sort of secret medicine?!)
I had thought back to the book about an adventurous story that had been written based on Silvio's voyage.
(It was about two young lovers on a island making a custom of making a toast on special occasions with unique drinks.)
(The note that came with the bottle says that it'll ‘make you more honest and deepen your love’, but...)
Although the side effects weren't mentioned, I could get a general idea from the words "deepen your love."
Emma: "W-why would they send something like this....?"
Just when my cheeks started to feel feverish, I heard a jangling sound, and the door opened with a bang.
Silvio: "...What are you doing?"
I turned around in surprise and saw Silvio's staring at me.
Emma: "This... this is a gift from one of your sailing companions!"
As I rush to get the words out my mouth, Silvio walks towards me with the corner of his lips curling upwards.
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Silvio: "Give it to me."
Silvio: "If you drink it by mistake, you'll end up feeling weaker than usual."
Emma: "W-weaker...?!"
Emma: "Then, you may end up wanting to run away."
Silvio: "What are you talkin' about? I wouldn't run away from the most beautiful person in the world."
He says teasingly while staring at me.
(...Although his attitude is straight bullshit, he seems to be pretty hesitant about this medicine.)
(Normally, you would just avoid it, but if I use this, then this could be my chance to make you more honest.)
Emma: "Well then, how about we drink it together?"
I pour the content of the bottle into two glasses and offer one of them to Silvio.
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Silvio: "I ain't gonna drink that."
I was getting annoyed with Silvio's stubborn attitude so I picked up my glass.
Emma: "Fine, then I'll do it."
(It'll be fine... Right? It was sent by one of Silvio's trusted sailing companions.)
Alright! I pulled myself together and poured the liquid from the glass into my mouth.
Emma: "...Ugh."
When I covered my mouth, Silvio's eyes widened immediately .
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Silvio: "Hey, are you okay?!"
When Silvio looked into my face in a panic, I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him just like that.
Silvio: "Mmph?!"
Emma: "...nngh"
I clung onto Silvio as he squirmed around and spilled the thick liquid from my mouth into his.
As soon as I saw his throat start to move, I pulled away.
Silvio: ".....ngh... You...!
I couldn’t help but relax when I saw Silvio's blushing face, glaring at me.
(Yes! I did it!)
As I was caught up in the joy of having successfully completed my plan,
Silvio picked up his glass and downed the contents in one go and kissed me as if in revenge.
Emma: "...ngh."
He forced my lips my opened with his tongue and pushed the liquid into my mouth. I ended up forcefully swallowing it down until it was gone.
My body instantly felt like it was on fire and my heart pounded wildly.
(It's.... very effective.....)
I hugged my body as I started to feel a clear difference in temperature.
Silvio reaches out and touches my cheek.
Emma: "Ah."
Silvio noticed the jump in my body and he grinned.
Silvio: "Maybe its you who's on the run after all? I have no intention of letting you though.
The sensation of his palm resting on my cheek, sliding down to my chin sends a shiver of pleasure down my spine.
A sweet sensation runs through my entire body.
I took a breathe in hopes to release some of the heat rising in me, and met Silvio's gaze, defiantly.
Emma: "I won't run away."
Silvio: "Really now?"
Silvio bites down on my lip then kisses me, inserting his tongue and explores the inside of my mouth.
His tongue makes my body writhe incessantly, consumed with a hopeless pleasure.
(...Its just a kiss, but...)
As if something snapped in dizzy head, I lost all strength left my body.
Silvio picks me up and takes me straight to the bed
I was lowered onto the sheets, and he hurriedly removed my clothes.
Silvio: "Now that you've said you wouldn't run, ... I wont be letting you go no matter what.
The warmth of his breath against my earlobe causes the pit in my stomach to stir.
(Its... so hot... but I think I know what will happen if this continue...)
(But I'm not going to run away... I can't run away.)
I dont want to admit it but... I'm looking forward to being loved by Silvio, both body and heart.
Emma: "I told you I wouldn't run--- ah!"
I was interrupted as he sucked on my skin and my body began to tremble slightly.
Silvio: "...Heh, that's punishment for what you did to me."
As he spoke, Silvio buried his face in my chest to then suck on my already swollen bosom.
Emma: "Mmm..."
Pleasure travelled all throughout my body as he caressed them mercilessly with his tongue.
My mind begins to feel hazy as a I feel a liquid start pour out from my lower abdomen.
I rubbed my wet thighs together when Silvio reached his hand down.
His long fingers traced the wet area until he slowly inserted them inside.
Emma: "...Ah!"
Hearing the whimper that spilled from my mouth, Silvio laughed with satisfaction and moved his fingers vigorously.
And just when I thought it was falling apart, things became worse, as he stimulated my weak spot with precicision.
The sound of the endless, overflowing honey filled the air.
(...This... Is so embarrassing....)
Lewd sounds of water echoed loudly in the room and Silvio narrowed his sea-colored eyes with pleasure.
Silvio: "Like I said, you're weak."
(Silvio took the medicine too yet... I'm the only one like this.)
Taking advantage of the frustration that welled up in my chest, I sat up, clung tightly to Silvio, and brought my face close to his ear.
Silvio: "H-Hey...."
(I want you to loose your cool too.)
I want him to be such a mess to the point you've forgotten about everything else but me.
Emma: "I love you, Silvio. I'm so in love with you."
I whispered the word into his already slightly red ears, and soon his face turned as red as an apple.
I slowly snake my arms around him and while rubbing his back, I begin kissing his ear over and over again.
I could sense Silvio's agitation as his body trembled from time to time with his skin gradually becoming hot.
(... I want to fill your head with thoughts about me....)
Emma: "I'm usually too embarrassed to say it, but I... I'm always thinking about you, Silvio."
Emma: "Not only when we're together, but also when we're apart."
Emma: "No matter what I see, I'm reminded of you, and no matter what I do, I think about what you would do."
Emma: "And with every time, I always think about how much I love you."
Emma: "So, please, Silvio. Think of only me."
Emma: "Please don't think about anything other than me."
(I finally said it....)
Feeling the heat riding in my cheeks, I put strength into the arms behind his back, and Silvio hugged me back.
He brought his face close enough that I could feel his breath.
Silvio: "You put on a tough act... but when you say somethin' as cute as that, I just wanna hug you tight."
I could see a fiery heat flickering in his sea-blue eyes as he looked at me.
Silvio: "I'm always thinkin' about you too."
Silvio: "Your presence is too big for me to go thinkin' about somethin' else."
Silvio: "You've been on my mind from when I woke up, to before I took the medicine."
(So Silvio feels the same way...)
Silvio: "You better take responsibility for making me love you this much, you idiot."
Seeing Silvio's eyebrows furrow in a displeased manner, I could help but retort.
Emma: "I'm sure I love you more though."
Silvio: "That's not true, I love you more."
While saying this, Silvio drops a sudden kiss on my forehead.
Silvio: "... Not only are you weaker than usual but you're also sayin' strange and embarrassing things."
Silvio: "Let me taste you."
Emma: " 'Strange' and 'embarassing' was an unneccessary way to put it but.... Enjoy."
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Silvio: "Didn't I tell you?"
Silvio grins, as he pulls his fingers out and raises his body.
He quickly took his clothes off and soon leans over me again.
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Silvio: "Even if you scream and cry, I wont stop."
Emma: "Well it turns out, that's exactly what I want."
Silvio looks at me with a slight smile on his face as he put his body on top of mine and hugged me.
I couldn't help but let out a sigh as a resurgence of heat penetrates the center of my body.
Emma: "..n...nngh..."
My body shook violently, and when I clung to him, he rained kisses down on me.
Silvio: "Its still not enough. Give me more."
Silvio mumbled while kissing me, parting my lips and invading my mouth with his tongue.
It was a fierce kiss, entangling our tongues and even swallowing breathe.
It aroused my passion once more and made my body tremble.
(I'm sure I have a lewd expression right now.)
However, as beads of sweat form on his head and the warmth of his breath on my skin, I could tell that he was....
(Silvio said that he was always thinking about me.)
(I see it now. I finally understand.)
Emma: "..ngh... I love you Silvio..."
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Silvio: "I love you too, Emma."
The heat makes all reason and embarrassment I felt melt away, and I'm sure its the same for Silvio too.
We made love again and again, conveying our overflowing love through our body and words.
Emma: "I can barely move anymore."
I had been wrapped in the sheet, exhausted, when Silvio stroked my hair.
Silvio: "I knew this would happen. That's why I didn't want to drink it in the first place."
Though he was grumbling, Silvio's hand was gentle and I could feel the love.
Silvio: "Even so, you were really honest tonight, huh?"
(I'm feeling embarrassed just remembering it...)
Emma: "But... I don't regret it."
Silvio: "So you meant what you said, then?"
I glared into his sea-blue eyes, frustrated that he was teasing me.
Emma: "Didn't you mean what you said too, Silvio?"
The moment I asked the question, Silvio's face turned red.
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Silvio: "Ugh... how annoyin'. If you really meant what you said, you shouldn't have any complaints then.
Emma: "I don't. I was really happy."
The interaction was more frank than usual, and my heart was filled with warmth.
Perhaps that elixir does deepen love after all.
When I touched his red cheeks, Silvio's shoulders gave a small twitch and he trapped me in a hug as if to get revenge.
Silvio: "Looks like you able to move your body again. So, how about we continue deepenin' our love for each other?
Emma: "Huh?!"
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That night, we expressed our love for one another until the sun came up.
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snippychicke · 1 year
It's Just Business-- Part Two
Ya'll have seen that gifset of this man's smile, right?
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Fandom: One Piece (LA mainly)
Rating: Teen so far
Pairing: Sanji/Reader
Warnings: No real warnings, but god, I hope you like pining
Summary: You felt like you had known Sanji forever, considering your family had been the main merchants Zeff used to supply the Baratie. You had a small crush on him, but knew it was hopeless considering you were the one woman he didn't seem to pine over. 
It was fine. Or so you thought until you ended up on the Going Merry as a bookkeeper and supply manager. Being around him 24/7 was a lot more difficult than just a few days a week.  
(Please note 》°《 denotes a scene in the past while -*- will be a regular scene break. Because yeah, I like my non-linear story telling.)
Masterpost | Ao3
You had been raised on a ship. Solid land was unnatural to you compared to a swaying wooden deck. And you were well aware Sanji was the same, except one crucial thing: the Baratie was free-floating for the most part. Sailing and navigating had not been a large part of the chef's education. 
And looking at Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp, you had your doubts it had been theirs. None of them struck you as experienced sailors. "Do any of you know how to sail?" You bluntly asked as you watched them prepped their ship to leave the Baratie after Nami. 
You definitely hadn't followed Sanji down to the docks, your stomach in knots because he was leaving the Baratie. And joining the upstart pirate crew that had both fought the legendary Mihawk and the infamous Arlong. It didn't bother you. You weren't worried at all. 
It was bullshit and you were fuming underneath all the fear you couldn’t shake. There were too many emotions that it was far easier to just bottle them up and focus on the problem at hand.
As you suspected - and feared - none of the men looked completely confident as they shrugged their shoulders. "Kinda?" Was the general consensus between the three men you didn’t know, which is not what you wanted to hear. 
You looked at Sanji, who had already stepped onto the deck. But he was hardly helpful considering he simply shot you an impish smile as if he knew what you were thinking and was all for it. The look in his eyes was virtually daring you. 'Come on. You know you want to.'
Granted, you weren't even sure what you were doing. Or why. (You did, you just didn't want to admit to it.)
You groaned as you rubbed your forehead. Men. "Okay, follow up question. Do you even know where Arlong's base is?"
Luffy lightened up at that question, giving you a moment of hope. "I don't, but Binky does!"
To your horror, the wanna-be pirate captain led you along with the others into the cabin where a black bag sat on a table. Before you could even question what was going on, Luffy pulled a decapitated head out of that bag. "Bendy knows where Arlong is, and will tell us as long as we get his body back!"
You had a moment of severely doubting Luffy’s sanity before the head moved. And spoke, glaring up at Luffy. "The name's Buggy. Not Bendy, not Blinky, Buggy."
The only reason you didn't fall over or bolt was Sanji's arms suddenly wrapping around you as soon as you screamed, pulling you close in an attempt to reassure you. 
The clown's grin grew, amused by your reaction. "Hello to you too, gorgeous. You boys didn't waste any time replacing the redhead, did ya?"
"She's not replacing Nami," Luffy stated firmly, which was at odds with his smile. "But she's going to help us rescue her, right?" 
Rescue. Right. Because that is what comes jumping to your mind when you heard Nami apparently left with the towering fishman of her own volition, as well as a map to the Grand Line. Why was no one else freaking out over the living bodiless head?
"She's one of the best sailors I know," Sanji said, his grip tightening slightly around your waist. "And could punt your head off the deck like a ball if you insult her again." 
Oh. You felt a blush rising to your cheeks despite yourself. "And she is right here and able to talk for herself. Besides, I know where the Conomi Islands are, it's just that most avoid it like the plague since Arlong took over." Including yourself. Because you liked living.
Gods only know why. 
Which is how you ended up as the in-term navigator of the Going Merry, and seriously considering jumping overboard after just a day of sailing with the Strawhat pirates.
Luffy was both obnoxiously optimistic and bullheaded. It probably wouldn’t be too awfully bad if he wasn’t determined to find out what your dream was, and the fact he was absolutely certain you were now part of his crew. 
You never agreed to anything of the type. You just didn’t want the idiots - mainly your idiot - getting lost at sea. 
Zoro was decent on his own, except he was also being rather bullheaded for an idiot that was just on death's door days earlier. Either he was green with seasickness, or from the combination of blood loss and pushing himself too far. And then there was the fact that when he was around Sanji the two were constantly moments away from throwing punches. Well, kicks and swinging swords, to be more accurate.
Usually you would instantly be on Sanji’s side, but considering Sanji was currently smitten with Nami you were about ready to take one of his skillets and knock some sense into him as well. 
You knew he flirted with girls. Ever since you were both teenangers, he'd been a massive flirt with every female-presenting person that walked through the doors of the Baratie. Every week you heard the stories that were romanticized by Sanji, incriminating from the rest of the crew, with the truth probably somewhere in between.
But you had never seen it up close like this. Usually it was an hour or two at kost before he moved on to the next. 
Nami was beautiful; there was no denying that. You had met her briefly while you helped Zeff stitch Zoro up - being a merchant meant pirate attacks, which meant first aid was a necessity to survive - and you could get why he was infatuated. But god, it made you ill to hear Sanji be as determined as Luffy that she had done nothing wrong and was incapable of being a traitor. You weren't jealous. Not at all. Nope.
Then there was a talking head of Buggy that was thankfully usually handled by either Zoro or Sanji. And actually, Usopp was pretty decent other than either being a compulsive liar or just enjoying telling tall tales. Sailed the East Blue by himself? You called that bull within seconds of watching him trying to manage the sail. You'd be surprised if he had more than a week's worth of sailing experience.
You managed the helm, noting the direction of your trusty compass when a shadow fell over you. Your stomach twisted, hoping it wasn’t Luffy again asking how much longer. 
"Figured you could use a little afternoon snack," Sanji offered when you looked up, causing a moment of relief. There was no denying the warmth that filled your chest at seeing him, or to see an assortment of finger-foods --each more appetizing than the last-- on the small plate he offered.
"I shouldn't… I'm still pretty full from lunch." Yet they looked so good, and smelled even better. But god, you had eaten so much at lunch, far more than you usually did. One of the perks of having a chef aboard instead of deciding how much energy you wanted to expend on cooking. 
Sanji didn't seem convinced as he leaned closer so he could faux-whisper: "If you don't accept them, I'm pretty sure Luffy will inhale them before you get a second chance." 
Fair. The boy had an appetite more legendary and unbelievable than his gum-gum fruit abilities. He was thin as a rail, but you had seen him eat more than his own weight already.  
As if sensing your waivering judgment, Sanji picked up one of the treats and held it to your lips. You hope you didn't look as red as you felt as you hesitantly opened your mouth to accept. Especially when you glanced up at his eyes while you did so. It did nothing well for you seeing that pleasant faint smile on his face as he fed you, his fingers brushing your lips slowly and softly. 
"I'm glad you're with us," He confessed as he pulled his fingers away. "I'd hate to have to rely on a clown for directions." 
You smiled despite a full mouth, taking your time to enjoy your treat - and maybe enjoying watching him relax against the nearby rail, indulging in one of the finger-foods himself. Seeing him relaxed and set against the open sea, wind teasing his blonde hair was quite the sight if you were to be honest.
"Well, that's what friends do," you offered once.you were finished. "Back each other up even if the other is being incredibly stupid." 
His eyes narrowed though his expression was playful. Which did not help your heart fluttering any. 
Oh yes, this was a very stupid idea. On both parts. 
You were not going to join once they got their navigator back. No way. You couldn’t stand being around him day in and day out. 
You frowned as you saw Sanji leaning against the railing overlooking the main floor of the Baratie, the young teen looking like a love struck idiot. You adjusted the plastic tote of used dishes and silverware in your hip as you approached, looking over the railing.
A group of girls - probably a few years older than you - sitting at one of the center tables. Dressed in beautiful gowns, hair sleek and shiny, and all laughing as they talked amongst themselves. 
It had been the running theme since your parents left you in the care of Zeff while they sailed to Logue town for some convention - apparently not trusting you enough to take you to one of the largest cities of the East Blue. 
You weren't bitter. Not at all.
"You'll just make a fool of yourself," You sighed as you returned to clearing the empty table from the lunch rush, well aware of Sanji's eyes glaring holes into your back. 
"What do you mean by that?" He shot back as he followed you, setting out new dishes and silverware from his own tote. 
"I mean exactly that. If you go down there and even try to talk to them, you'd end up making a fool of yourself. They'll be laughing their heads off." 
"They would not," He defended hotly. "And I would not make a fool of myself. I'd be absolutely charming." 
You laughed at that. Stuck between a kid and a teen, Sanji was anything but charming in your eyes. He had reached a growth spurt, losing some of the baby weight from when you had met him, but now looked like a bean pole with gangly limbs. "Sure, Sanji. Be honest, you haven't even kissed a girl before. How are you going to sweep them off their feet if you have no idea what you're doing?" 
It was fun to watch him turn bright cherry red as he spluttered. "You haven't exactly kissed anyone either, I bet!"
You could feel your own cheeks brighten as you huffed. "That's besides the point! You're the one doing the fawning, not me." 
There was a lull of silence as you worked until the rest of the tables were cleaned and ready for the dinner rush. "You know," Sanji said as you both surveyed your work. "There's an easy solution to our problem." 
You frowned as you looked up at him. "Our problem? I wasn't aware we had a problem." 
There was a pink tinge to his cheeks as he avoided your gaze, itching his neck nervously. "The fact we've never kissed anyone." 
You blushed as you looked away. "I think that's more of a you problem, more than anything." Still, your stomach twisted with butterflies at just the mere thought.  Surely he wasn't implying what your mind was jumping to. 
"I'm just saying if we kissed each other, then that's one less thing to worry about." 
Nope, he was. 
Up until this point, that was something that you had never worried about. Yet here you were, questioning if that was something a girl your age should be worrying about. You hadn't been around a lot of other people in your age group, except Sanji really. 
Did those girls down there already have their first kiss? Were they talking about their boyfriends or girlfriends or whatever? 
You screwed your eyes shut, annoyed at the sudden onslaught of questions your own mind was coming up with. 
"Fuck it," You swore - your parents were going to regret letting you live on the Baratie for a few months because of your new colorful language. 
You sharply turned towards Sanji, grabbing his tie and tugging him closer to press a kiss to his mouth
 Well, you were aiming for his mouth, but being as flustered as you were, it was equal parts his lips and cheek. But it still counted, right? 
"There, happy?" You bit out despite the burn in your cheeks as Sanji stared at you. It didn't help that he looked as startled as you had ever seen him.
"Y-you…"  He stammered for a moment before his brain finally started to work, his eyes narrowing in confusion. "You call that a kiss?"
"My lips touched yours!" You defended huffily. "So yes, I do."
“That was not a kiss,” He argued. “At least, not one that counts.”
“Oh? And who made you the kissing expert?”
As if you weren’t feeling flustered enough, Sanji stepped closer as he cupped your cheek, pinning you with those light blue eyes of his. You couldn’t move as he leaned in, gently pressing his lips to yours. And, okay, it wasn’t bad, but you still didn’t quite see the appeal of it as he pulled away. Granted, the way your heart was pounding painfully in your chest didn’t help matters much.
“That’s a kiss,” He murmured after a moment.  
Your anger rose to protect your honor as you took a step back, “Same thing as what I did. Just slow, like yourself.” 
The soft expression on his face changed as he crossed his arms, “Are you saying you didn’t enjoy it?” 
You shrugged your shoulders, “I mean, it was nothing special.” Honestly, him touching you had made your heart quicken more than the actual kiss itself. It was nothing like the earth-shattering experience your books made it out to be.
“Let me try again,” He insisted, causing you to scoff. 
���No,” You stated, already turning away. “You got two kisses, that’s more than enough.” 
Sanji whined your name as he followed you back towards the kitchens. “C’mon. You’re practically saying I’m a bad kisser!” 
You smirked to yourself as you shot a look over your shoulder. “Well, I mean….” 
The stricken look on your face made you laugh. “I’m kidding, Sanji. It wasn’t bad. I just don’t see the appeal. You’re a playboy, so of course you’d like it. I’m just different from you.” “I’m not a playboy,” He huffed. “Finding women beautiful does not make me one of those. Once I find the one, that’s it. I just… have to find her, is all.”
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
My dear author, I just read "Daemon Targaryen*In Charge" and omg it's amazing! That said, if you're taking requests could I get a part 2, extremely fluffy focused on their married life (how they support each other and are completely devoted to each other, stuff) please?
Daemon Targaryen*My Moon and Stars
Pairing: Daemon x essos!reader
Summary: The reader experiences a peaceful day of married life since moving to Westeros for love
Word count: 1419
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This is a fluffy sequel to In Charge. Can be read by itself
Warnings: just pure fluff
Masterlist Here
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Kirimvose - thank you
Ñuha qēlos - my star
Ñuho glaeso hūrus - moon of my life
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It was easy to miss Essos, the smell of its spices, the music that rang in the streets like church bells, and the hot summer sun. Moving from the depths of the East to the capital of the West had been a big adjustment, to say the least. The lords spoke differently here, the streets were busy but somehow not as loud, and the air was cold even when others said it was warm. A foreign land with strange people yet for some reason you kept choosing to stay.
Daemon was the reason why. He was the reason you didn’t pick a ship and sail back. He was the reason you smiled, the reason you laughed, the reason your body felt warm even during the winter season. He was also currently laying behind you, arm lazily draped over your waist. His fingers drew light circles over your hip bone.
“We must wake dear husband,” you said, stifling the yawn that threatened to spill. You had gone to bed later than usual last night and the reason why lay behind you.
Daemon brushed the hair off your shoulder, placing a kiss on the nape of your neck, “Not yet ñuha qēlos,” my star he called you. The star from the east to guide him home he would call you.
“ñuho glaeso hūrus,” you said back slowly, the pronunciation feeling tight on your tongue. “Did I say it right?” You asked, turning your head at first but soon moving to lay on your back to gaze up at his face.
“Yes qēlos,” he whispered, leaning down to place a soft kiss on your lips. While you were the star, he was the moon. Moon of my life. He’d taught you the phrase after he taught you qēlos. “Your Valerian is almost as good as mine,” his lilac eyes gazed into yours and sometimes at night you wondered if the moon would be prettier in purple.
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Later that day once you had finally managed to pry Daemon from his marriage bed you decided to walk the grounds while Daemon trained in the courtyard. The red keep had been quiet recently, perhaps too quiet, but nonetheless, you decided to enjoy the rarity to its full extent. As you walked you noticed all the other wives gathered in clusters with their sewing or their embroidery or occasionally a book.
While the wives may have smiled at you and asked polite questions it had yet to go further. Lady Beesbury smiled at you from her embroidery group, even lifting her hand for a small wave. “They’ll love you once they know you. Like I have, “Daemon's words rang in your heads as you took your first step over. “Ladies,” you greeted the three as you approached.
“Princess,” all greeted, bowing their eyes down before looking back up. You found the curtseying and bowing and titles of Westeros all so painful, but you did not want to correct them yet. “Have you come to join us princess?” Lady Harte asked, glancing around the group.
“If you would like me to my lady,” you said, daemon having spent many a night with you teaching you how to speak to people at court.
Lady Beesbury grinned as she shuffled over on the bench she sat on, “It would be an honour princess,”
“Thank you,” you said, sitting down next to her, glancing at her embroidery, “But please we are in our own company, call me by my name,”
“Very well,” Lady Beesbury said, a smile eating up her face, “Well (Y/N) I’m Alice and these are my friends,” as Alice began to introduce you to your new group you didn’t notice the watchful lilac eyes from the windows above.
Daemon stood silently, leaning on the balcony watching how you smiled as you spoke, how your hands moved with each word, with a relaxed grin on his face. He wasn’t sure how long he had been watching you until he saw Lady Beesbury finger-pointing him out to you. When your eyes met, he noticed your smile widening. Daemon didn’t want to ruin your fun however so left it at a simple wave.
As he walked through the corridors, he noticed a face that he knew would soon become familiar, “Lord Beesbury,” Daemon greeted, suddenly approaching the slightly bumbling man that had been roaming court for the past month. “Do you and your wife have planned this evening?”
“N-not my prince,” the man stuttered out, his cheeks pinking at the edges, “Can we be of service to you in anyway?”
Daemon chuckled lightly at this, “You can help us polish off the plates if you’d like. Would you both like to join us at dinner?” Daemon even managed to have him track down the other wives and their husbands and you were shocked to find out about the sudden dinner party you were hosting.
“Not that I’m complaining,” you told daemon in your chambers as you finished getting ready. Your hands sneaked around his waist, pulling him into you, “But what’s with the sudden want for company darling?”
“It was nice to see you making friends,” he said, brushing the hair out of your face, “and see you smile of course,” he added when he saw the grin spreading across your cheeks.
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The dinner had been a success and Daemon even managed to enjoy himself somehow, but he was thankful that it was over. “I forget how much I hate to share,” he mumbled into your neck.
You laughed as you pushed him off of you. “You were right by my side the whole night my moon,” you said as you stroked his cheek, “Besides I cannot have my bath with you clinging to my hip like a wanting child,”
Daemon grinned, his eyebrow-raising, “A bath you say?” He said as his hands grabbed your waist, pulling you flush against his chest.
“My bath,” you said pointedly, your hand pushing against his strong chest, “For I smell horrible,”
“You’ve never smelt horrible,” Daemon said but finally he relinquished his grip. As you turned to finish the touches on your bath, Daemon moved to sit on a chair close by. You worked silently, filling the bath with milks, honey, salts, and flowers as daemon watched each move. When you moved here impromptu you had left much of Essos behind, but Daemon was soon to send for all the salts and dried flowers you needed for these baths.
The water had turned a milky lilac once you’d finished and the steam from the water smelt like a sweet flower in spring. As you reached for the laces of your dresses Daemon stood silently. Without words he moved to stand behind you, pulling on each lace gently until he slipped the dress over your shoulders to pool on the floor.
You stepped out of the dress, moving over to step in the bath when you looked up to see Daemon carefully folding the fine silk dress away into the correct chest. You let yourself enjoy the sight, your husband oblivious to your gaze, before allowing yourself to enter the hot water, sighing as the warmth enveloped your body.
You let your eyes flutter shut as you rested your head on the edge of the bath. When heard footsteps pad across the floor, the sound of a chair scraping stone, then felt soft fingertips trail along your scalp. Your eyes fluttered open and when they looked up you saw Daemon looking down. “Relax ñuha qēlos,” he said gently, his voice not far above a whisper.
Allowing your eyes to shut again you let Daemon continue his movements. His fingers slipping into your hair, scratching gently at your scalp at first making you groan in pleasure. He continued his work silently, grabbing a hair oil from your chest of smells and pastes. His fingers stroked through your hair, using the oil the way he had watched you do many times. You let yourself enjoy the silence, enjoy his touch.
After he had finished with your hair daemon had you sit further forward to massage your back, working out any tension Westeros had caused. “Thank you,” you whispered into the near-silent room as Daemon worked out a knot in your shoulder.
Daemon paused for a moment, holding your shoulders in his hands. He leant forward, pressing a kiss to your cheek without caring that he got his shirt wet. None of that mattered to him right now, “Anything for you ñuha qēlos,”
“kirimvose ñuho glaeso hūrus,”
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics @starkleila
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soulcandi · 1 year
𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 (𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬) | 𝐣𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 - 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞
synopsis: Widowed Jake Sully (sorry) gathers his four children to seek refuge in the isolated territory of the Metkayina clan. He warns them to be on their best behavior, but quickly realizes that it's himself he'll have to watch out for when he meets the eldest daughter of the clan leader.
warnings: jake's pov, alternating povs, mutual pining, written with afab!reader in mind, reader has a na'vi name.
a/n: cross-posted on ao3 and Tumblr <3 noticed some people on tumblr kinda ripping off my work so ig i need to establish dominance on this hellsite too. not sure if i vibe with the pov dividers yet, but they're there regardless.
word count: 2,092
masterlist, next chapter
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The foreign white sands seemed to sink under my weight as I dismounted my Ikran. One arm held my youngest daughter against my hip while the other gestured for my three eldest children to stand down and lower their guards. I felt the weariness and apprehension radiating off of them, and understood it, but knew more in the ways of diplomacy than I ever thought to pass on. 
The people emerged from their dwellings in droves, peering out into the open sands at the new arrivals from beyond the horizon. Tuk began to stir in my arms as I hoisted her up higher. My legs threatened to buckle underneath my body with every suggested movement. I hadn’t stepped foot on solid land since we first disembarked from the forest floor. I couldn’t afford to. 
A low hum rose from the curious silence as the people’s wonder turned to fear. Who were these people? Why have they come to us? 
I threw my head in every direction, searching through the many faces for that of Tonowari, who met the sky people in battle alongside me many years ago. He of all people would understand our dire situation. My stomach churned when out of a thousand faces, all melted into a rippling sea of coral blue, none made any move to come forward. Instead, I began to take notice of the pointed spearheads prodding out of the makeshift barricade. They were arming themselves. 
A commotion behind me made me whip my head around just in time to catch Neteyam making a grab for the bow strapped to the saddle of his Ikran. “Tiftang,”��I hissed. Stop it. If these people saw us as a threat in any capacity, it would be onto the next clan, then the next, and the next, until we came across someplace stupid enough to harbor five fugitives from the forest. 
Neteyam met my eye and hesitated before lowering his arm helplessly to his side, a dejected look quickly masking the curiosity that I detected in him immediately after landing. Just as soon as the whispers ceased, they returned tenfold. When I looked back down the beach, it didn’t take long to establish why.
A single figure emerged from the wall of defensive clanspeople, stepping across the platform of pliant sand as if it were a marble runway. It was effortless in a way that should have made me uneasy but instead inspired a rush similar to adrenaline in my cold and wind-beaten body. 
 The very first thing I noticed was the flowing white cloth draped over your waist — a type of fabric I would have assumed was cotton back on Earth, but on Pandora, I couldn’t be too sure. A long slit ran all the way to your outer thigh and billowed like a sail on the open sea. Strings of beaded pearls twisted around both your legs like thin aquatic vines, and when you grew closer, I would soon notice how similar beads had been woven into the hair framing your face.
I had never seen anything quite like you – on my native planet or this one. 
Swallowing, I lowered a wriggling Tuk to the sands where she quickly disappeared behind her sister. I intended to meet you in the middle of the small peninsula, but as soon as I found the strength to move, you had already come within a few feet of where we landed.
There was something so regal in the way you composed yourself, with a sense of majesty that commanded the attention of all those around you, including myself. Anyone could have whispered in my ear just then and told me you were something ethereal — something larger than life — and I would have had no choice but to believe them. 
I immediately moved to make myself smaller, afraid of coming off as too imposing. Before I earned the respect of the Omaticaya, I was the oaf, the fool who didn’t consider his own size before running blindly into conflict. I refused to inherit that same legacy here.
Touching two fingers against my temple, I brought them down in a wide arch away from my body. “Oel ngati kameie.” I see you.  
Boy, did I ever.  
You met my display with a bow of your own, bringing two fingers to the space between your eyes. Your wrist was cluttered with bracelets woven from strong green fibers and I studied you shamelessly, assuming your eyes were closed when in reality, you were studying me back beneath your curtain of long eyelashes.
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You heard them well before you ever saw them — the mighty flying beasts whose wings beat up the waters flying low over the edge of the reef. You were raised on stories of the Ikran and of the Toruk who ruled over them in the forest regions. But more often, you were ensnared by tales of Toruk Makto who fought alongside your father in the war against the sky people — those who hunted your tulkun siblings over the horizon. 
You were barely able to hold your own in those times of great sorrow, buried in your studies as you learned the ways of the Tsahìk – the role you were blessed to one day inherit from your mother. You long outgrew the audience of the village storyteller, but you had to have been blind not to recognize who now stood in your presence, bowed to offer you his deepest respects.
“Oel ngati kameie,” he spoke, voice low and tinted with a guttural edge. His eyes, a startling yellow that rivaled the burnfibers that grew in the underbrush around the clan border, moved not once from yours. 
Your face began to burn from the heat of his gaze – evaporating whatever seawater still lingered on your cheeks from your morning swim. A man who not once in his life reduced himself to beg was now pleading before you, empty hand still outstretched as if for you to take. 
In an attempt to hide the effect he was having on you, you quickly moved to fulfill your end of the gesture by touching your own two fingers to your temple. It was only polite by way of your people. Before you could part your lips and repeat his own words back to him, however, you heard furious footfalls upon the sand and staggered backward as your brother Ao’nung appeared out of nowhere and drew you close behind him.
“We have no peace with these forest people,” he seethed, turning back to glower at you before glaring straight forward at your unexpected guests. You were six cycles his elder, but no one would ever guess it by how closely he mirrored your father in both leadership and combat. Despite this, Ao’nung was undeniably a child; a child who did not yet wield the power of clan leader. 
Your brother had far to go in his studies, but if he were to become Olo’eyktan one day like he so planned, the village was better for it.
You watched as Toruk Makto — Jake’sully — drew his ears flat against his head like a wounded animal. Only then did he finally drop his hand and a wave of regret washed through you for not showing him his owed respect when you had the chance. 
Planted all around him was a small army of children, all cowering at his side. Two boys looked around Ao’nung’s age, or close. Beside them, bearing no signs of fear, only weariness, a girl with choppy black hair who reminded you very little of your sister stood before an even smaller child who was too far hidden behind the others for you to see clearly.
“That is Toruk Makto,” you whispered in warning, placing a hand on your brother’s shoulder. He huffed at your display of seniority but did not back down. “Ao’nung.” 
“His title makes no difference to me,” he scoffed. “Outsiders are unwelcome.”
Pursing your lips, you stepped back. “Where is father?” 
Any efforts you could have made to remedy the situation proved to be in vain as both your parents surfaced from the flood of villagers standing at the shoreline. Neither of them looked as forgiving as you might have hoped to be.
You could stand up to either of your siblings in a heartbeat, and you’ve done it a thousand times before, but both you and your brother knew better than to test them. Especially now, when human gunfire could be heard over the horizon in the deadly stillness of night. 
Stepping aside, you allowed the Olo’eyktan and Tsahìk past so they could cast their own judgment upon the forest refugees.
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There was a flurry of mixed reactions when Tonowari announced to his people that my family and I would be allowed into the village. More whispers, which were expected, but no thunderous applause. Definitely no applause. 
The Metkayina looked down upon us like one would look upon a child struggling to stand, but with pity where hope should have been found. I could only swallow the last of my shame and give all the thanks I could muster. 
“Dad?” Tuk tugged on my tunic, wet with ocean spray and sweat from several days’ travel. I lifted her once again over my hip, using my free hand to unhook the leather satchel that hung from the saddle of my Ikran. Kiri and the boys watched me closely, waiting for the go-ahead to do anything but stand there rigidly. 
I nodded toward their Ikran. All three had been locked in a conversation entirely their own, comprised of clicks and caws I couldn’t even begin to understand. Not like Kiri miraculously could. “Get your things,” I commanded. No time to sit around and sunbathe. Not while Ronal could easily whip her head back around and overpower her mate’s decision to allow us refuge, sending us right back out into open seas with nothing but the last of our rations and a week’s worth of exhaustion. 
They snapped to it immediately, grabbing the netted sacks that held the last remaining fragments of their previous lives and dismissing their Ikrans to the skies. I followed suit before turning to face the village, our home for the foreseeable future, for a final time. 
Everyone else had long since wandered off, returning to their duties just as Tonowari ordered. Those that remained sprinkled across the sands were doing a half-assed job of pretending there weren’t five foreign faces walking amongst them. They watched from the shadows of their straw buildings, or from underneath the surface of their crystal clear waters.
But you?
You were standing right where I left you, hands clutched together in front of your body with a gentle smile pulling at your lips. I tried not to replay your first impression of me in my head for fear of ruining a second. I see you, I repeated to myself in the furthest reaches of my mind. I see you, I see you, I see you.  
“May the great mother look upon our meeting with favor,” you beamed like you had been waiting your entire life to roll out the welcome wagon. Considering the clan’s attitude toward outsiders, this was likely the case. “I will show you to our village. May I?”
The last of your words were directed solely to Neteyam, who was struggling to haul both his and Kiri’s luggage over his arm. He froze instantly in the presence of your warm smile and did nothing to deny you as you stepped forward and took his bag into your hands. 
You made a point to greet each of the children with a welcoming smile, even going as far as to offer Tuk a private giggle before meeting my gaze with a neutral, diplomatic air. “Right this way, please.”
A true leader in the making. 
If I stopped to ponder it long enough, I could force myself to remember you. In my first tour of the neighboring clans, when Toruk Makto was called upon to unite them against the sky people, you had been there. Hidden behind Ronal, I remember your eyes as clear as day. They were your father’s eyes, though brighter and filled with hope rather than wise resignation.
When your back was turned, I watched my eldest son gulp and shift his remaining bag higher over his shoulder. Lo’ak snorted and socked him roughly in the arm before taking off after his sisters, who hounded close behind your retreating figure as if it were a beacon in the dark.
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