#and he still manages to be flamboyant and dramatic while also being a brain in a jar
thestrawberryfool · 4 days
Giggling, Cackling even at the tags left on my MAWS gif post
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That shirt is NOT approved by OSHA
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twst-bs · 3 years
TWST Vice Dorm Leaders and a Stressed-out MC
I couldn't leave out the Vice Dorm Leaders! I'm just used to working in chunks of seven because of my Obey Me! writing. I'll do a piece for all of the other characters as well!
Note: I wrote most of these to be ambiguous, but Ortho's in meant to be read as platonic. I just wanted to give the little dude some love.
Trey: "Do you not like it?"
They only just barely managed to catch their fork before it clattered against the plate. With everything going through their head at a mile a minute, they had completely forgotten what they were supposed to be doing.
“No! I mean, yes, I like it!” they stumbled over their words, pasting a hopefully-convincing grin on their face.
“Really?” Trey fixed them with a knowing look and they felt themselves wither beneath it. “Because you only took one bite before staring off into middle distance.”
“Oh,” their grin turned sheepishly. “Sorry.”
“Something on your mind?” he asked, taking a seat on the stool across from them. “You’re awfully quiet.”
Damn it, they had really hoped Trey wouldn’t figure them out. Or at least take more than ten minutes.
The pressure had been mounting lately. Trying to stay on top of impossible classes, watching over Grimm, the ever-looming problem of them not being able to go back to their own world and the moral dilemma of if they even wanted to go back...they had a lot of things on their mind, and they didn’t even know where to start.
This was supposed to be a light-hearted little night in. Trey had found a new recipe he wanted to try out, and they were always willing to be the taste-tester. But, of course, good old anxiety had decided to drop in and ruin the fun, and the cute date night had turned south before it had even really begun.
“Hey, easy,” Trey’s voice cut through the fog that was slowly descending over their brain. “I know that face. Will talking about it help or hurt?”
“...I don’t know,” they mumbled, setting their fork down. “I’m sorry, Trey, I -”
“Nope.” he reached across the kitchen island and gently slipped his hand beneath theirs. They squeezed it back, letting him run his thumb over their knuckles as they tried to fight down the panic that threatened to burst from within. “No apologies are necessary. Take your time.”
“But I ruined our date,” they sighed, shoulders slumping. “Just because I couldn’t get out of my own head for a few hours.”
“Riddle couldn’t get out of his own head for almost two decades, and I’m still friends with him.” Trey chuckled. “Your mental well-being is more important than a silly date night. You can talk to me about anything, any time, anywhere, and I won’t be angry with you, promise.”
“...Can I still have the cake?”
“Yes, you can still have the cake.”
Ruggie: It had been another long night.
Sleepless nights were a pretty common occurrence for the Ramshackle Prefect, unfortunately. Even if they were dead tired at the end of the day, they often tossed and turned the whole night, managing maybe a few hours of sleep at best. Which often led to days like this.
They could barely keep their eyes open, even as they walked to their next class. They were on autopilot, going through their daily motions. The books in their bag felt like they might as well be boulders, and the thought of climbing the stairs made them want to cry. Their legs felt like lead.
They definitely didn’t scream when a pair of lithe arms wrapped around their middle. No way, you have no proof.
“Sheesh, herbivore, you’re loud.” Ruggie snickered, hooking his chin over their shoulder. “You could wake the dead like that. Is that how you wake up the ghosts in your dorm?”
“Ruggie, you scared the hell out of me!”
“Your fault for not payin’ attention!” He gave them a fond squeeze around the middle before letting them go. “I’ve been walkin’ behind you since you left your class. You wouldn’t survive a day in the Savannah, walkin’ around with your head in the clouds like that.”
“Why didn’t you say anything, instead of stalking me like a creep?”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Ruggie cackled. However, his snarky grin dropped from his face when he got a good look at them. “Hey, you aren’t lookin’ so good.”
“Didn’t sleep very well,” they shrugged, readjusting the strap on their bag so it wasn’t digging into their shoulder. Ruggie scowled, eyes narrowing.
They stuck their tongue out at him. “It’s not like I do it on purpose.”
The hyena stared at them for a little bit longer before sighing. “I guess it can’t be helped. Come on.” he grabbed their wrist, tugging them in the opposite direction of their next class.
“Hey, where are we going?”
“Back to Ramshackle,” Ruggie said lightly.
“Oh, but you scold Leona when he skips?” they poked him in the side with their free hand, and he squirmed away.
“Leona doesn’t need three afternoon naps,” the hyena sniggered. “You look like you could use a coma.”
Jade: “Thank you again for helping out.”
Their arms felt like jelly. Their legs were about ready to fall off. Their face hurt from having to put on a fake smile for the past few hours.
“No problem!” they said brightly. The fake smile could last a few more minutes. “I guess Floyd can’t give you guys more notice when he decides to skip his shift, huh?”
“No, Floyd does what he wants, when he wants.” Jade chuckled lightly, wiping his hands on the towel draped over his arm. Friday nights at the lounge were always busy, so of course that was when Floyd decided he didn’t want to work. Mostro Lounge didn’t have that many options, so Jade had called and asked them if they would mind helping out.
Honestly, they should have said no. They were tired, they had a lot of homework to do, and they honestly just needed a night to themselves for once. But, the thought of letting someone down triggered a deep and primal fear in them, and before they even really knew what they were doing, they had agreed. And here they were.
“...would you like?”
They had to stop themselves from physically shaking themselves out of their trance. “What? I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.”
Jade raised an eyebrow, but politely decided not to comment. “One of the rules at the Lounge is that those who work that day get a free meal after their shift. I asked what you would like.”
“Oh! Um, I’m fine, really, I wouldn’t want to -” their stomach chose that moment to disagree, grumbling loudly in protest of not being fed. How long had it been since lunch? Had they even eaten lunch?
“Both I and your stomach insist, it seems.” Jade pulled out his waiter’s pad. “You’ve earned a meal for your hard work.”
“But -”
“You aren’t troubling anyone.” Jade cut in, seemingly more in tune with their thoughts than they were. “And I wouldn’t have been angry with you if you had turned down my request for help.”
“How did you -”
“Now, what would you like to eat?”
The two of them stood at an impasse for a moment.
“...the tomato basil bisque and grilled cheese sounded good.”
Jamil: “You’re going to chop your fingers off.”
They almost hit the ceiling when Jamil’s hand covered their own. They hadn’t even realized their hands had been shaking until his warm palm steadied theirs.Gently, carefully, he brought the knife down onto the vegetables they were chopping in a nice, clean cut.
“You don’t have to help if you aren’t feeling well.” Jamil took the knife from their hands, setting it down on the cutting board. Kalim had spontaneously announced another one of Scarabia’s famous parties, and of course that left most of the prep work to Jamil. Although Kalim was at least handling the decorations this time. Baby steps.
When they heard the news a few days prior, they had offered to help, and Jamil had practically deflated with relief. Every time Kalim held a party at the dorm, Jamil felt like a zombie for at least the next day and a half. They had personally seen him take a basketball to the face because he had been so tired. Although that might have been Floyd messing with him.
But, of course, when they woke up the day of the party, something had felt off. Nothing in particular had caused them to feel strange, but it could have been a bunch of little things. Regardless of the cause, it was a day best spent alone, dealing with the random anxiety. But, they had made a promise, and even though they wanted to back out, said anxiety also wouldn’t let them for fear of inconveniencing someone even a little bit.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” they grinned, shaking their wrist out. “Just spent a bit too long working on Trein’s homework. I’m pretty sure you get better grades if you write long paragraphs.”
“The trick is to make them long and unnecessarily fancy,” Jamil’s lips quirked upwards as he hip-checked them out of the way. “And don’t think you can distract me.”
“Damn it.”
Jamil shook his head. “Don’t push yourself so hard.”
“Pot meet kettle, Jamil.”
“I’m serious.” he leveled them with a steely look that had them feeling like a child getting scolded. “Honestly, with all of the stuff you do for everyone, I’m surprised you haven’t cracked yet.”
“...Me too, honestly.”
“See? Give yourself a break every once in a while.”
“Only if you do, too, Mr. I-Don’t-Need-Any-Help.”
His stern look softened until he was smiling fondly at them, warmth in his eyes. “Deal.”
Rook: “Non, non, this is unacceptable.”
They had heard Rook’s footsteps as he approached, which meant he wanted them to notice him. Otherwise he would have been completely silent.
Hand still on the spine of the book they were attempting to ease out of the tightly-packed library shelves, they turned to look at him. “What’s unacceptable?”
“The hunch to your shoulders, mon bijou.” the hunter swept dramatically into the light. “The sallowness of your skin. The shadows beneath your eyes!”
“You look very tired, my dear.” Rook dropped his usual flamboyant act, approaching them with concern shining in his eyes. “Are you alright?”
“Just…” after a moment, they turned to him and rapped their knuckles lightly against their head. “A lot going on up here, you know?”
“I do,” Rook nodded. “You have many things to be worrying about, don’t you?.”
He stepped forward, grasping both of their hands in his. They were trembling lightly, since when had that started?
“You know I pride myself in being a protector of all things beautiful,” Rook gave their hands a squeeze. “And seeing your beautiful heart burdened so...it is my duty to ease it’s weight. So please, if there is anything I can do to help, tell me.”
Ortho: “Sorry for bothering you like this, Ortho.”
The little robot-boy smiled. “It’s no problem! I’m glad to help! Something as simple as a body scan is no trouble.”
The two of them were sat in the Ignihyde lounge. It was late enough that most of the dorm members had holed themselves up in their rooms - Ignihyde wasn’t known for its social butterflies, after all. But Ortho had still been up and about when the Ramshackle Prefect came knocking.
The infirmary closed around 5pm, although there was a nurse on-call for emergencies. So when something was wrong with a student, but not necessarily life threatening, they went to NRC’s resident robot. Ortho could scan for most problems in seconds, and more than once the nurses had asked to borrow him.
The little scanner on his chest opened up. The blue light swept over the Prefect’s body for a few seconds before Ortho beeped and the light disappeared.
“Heart rate: 102. No physical cause detected.” he reported. “It looks like you’re a little bit stressed.”
“...Yeah, that tracks.” they sighed. “I guess there’s nothing you can do for general anxiety, huh?”
“I don’t think so.” Ortho shrugged, looking sad. “I’m sorry, I wish I could help more.”
“It’s okay!” the Prefect smiled. “You did help! I was worried I was sick or something.”
Ortho still didn’t look satisfied. “But...ah!” he hit his fist against his palm. They could practically see the lightbulb go off in his head. Actually, they were a little surprised Idia had not installed that feature yet. “There is one thing I can do.”
“What’s that?”
The Prefect made a soft “oof” sound as Ortho darted forward and wrapped his arms around them. He was a little cold, being made of metal, but the thought was there.
“Internet research says that sometimes a hug can make people feel better. Does it work? I hope it works.”
They felt like they were going to cry. Or explode. Or both. “Yeah, I think it works.”
Lilia: “You don’t need to look so stressed, you know.”
Lilia laughed when the Ramshackle Prefect jumped, fangs poking out. “You’ve wound yourself so tightly, I wonder if you’ll break.”
To be fair, the Diasomnia lounge could be quite intimidating. It often took first years a few solid months to be comfortable in it. So Lilia wasn’t surprised that the human was ill at ease sitting there as Lilia served the two of them tea.
“That old story about being trapped in the Fae world if you eat their food isn’t true, you know.” Lilia sat down on the couch opposite of them, taking a sip of his tea. “At least, not that I’m aware of.”
The human squirmed slightly, and Lilia sighed. “Go on, drink. This is the type of tea I used to give to Malleus when he couldn’t sleep.”
The image of a baby Malleus being soothed by Lilia was so ridiculously cute that it brought a smile to their face. Lilia hummed happily in response.
“There’s the smile I was looking for.” he set his cup down. “Now, what brings you here so late? Nightmares again?”
“...Yeah…” they sighed, the tension in their body falling away like someone had cut the strings of a marionette. “I just wish they would stop so I could sleep.”
“Do you want to talk about them?” Lilia asked.
“It’s the same one, it’s always the same one.” they groaned, reaching for the tea cup. It smelled of chamomile and lavender, a perfect sleeping concoction. “I’m being chased, but I can’t tell by what, and every time I turn a corner the thing gets closer, and - and -”
“Hush, don’t work yourself up.” he moved from his spot on the couch to sit next to them. “Take a drink, there’s a good child.”
They took a sip of tea, focusing on the feeling of warmth down their throat as a way to ground themselves to the present. “I’m sorry.”
“You needn’t apologize,” Lilia murmured, reaching up to pet their hair. “Drink your tea, now, and I’ll make sure you get some sleep.”
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mj-spooks · 3 years
Okay this is apparently a thing so
Vox Machina, Episode 2: thoughts from someone who has never engaged with Critical Role beyond the bare minimum interaction w cosplaying friends and tumblr posts
- Sorry sorry I just. Cannot get over them having David “would blow away in a stiff breeze” Tennant voice this absolute unit of a General. That is. incredibly funny. to me. But also I... love him?
- In my defense! If I did! This time he’s voiced by David Tennant and I am. weak.
- I think you’re gonna need more soldiers there guys
- Yeah and through that whole thing, the general was MYSTERIOUSLY ABSENT. I’m right aren’t I. It’s okay show you can tell me now.
- And oh look he survived with barely a scratch even tho last we saw him he went into his tent and the whole camp was burned. I’m calling it I can’t help it guys I love betrayers and mutineers
- We appreciate the enthusiasm Scanlan but y’all are. A bit late.
- Okay okay okay so. If I’m right. Are Krieg and Sketchy Dude in it together, or is Sketchy Dude a red herring. They want to handle the issue very different ways, is this just to keep the council fighting about it while the dragon kills shit? But also Sketchy Dude seems almost TOO sketchy and this was a ttrpg and we all know how DM’s LOVE to make That One Sketchy NPC to throw the players off.
- I want Sketchy Dude to be not actually sketchy.
- Everybody loves the bear
- “I didn’t catch anybody’s name” MOOD GROG. MOOD.
- Did I mention that I also love flamboyant dramatic merchants?
- So did Vex send Pike with Vax just to make sure her brother didn’t get distracted with the merchant because if they flirted any harder their clothes would literally just melt off
- “foreplay’s over” Pike you’re no fun
- Scanlan no
- “Dick for brains” seems generous tbh
- Grog you are a braver man than I, for I would certainly not partake in any ale that Scanlan had thrown himself into
- Okay no Sketchy Dude (I know his name is Fince now but he’s still Sketchy Dude) is almost definitely a red herring they are playing this Spooky Ooky thing WAY too hard.
- okay guys crisis averted Grog got a sandwich
- Grog wanting a sandwich made me want a sandwich and so now I’m eating Real Food. The Legend of Vox Machina therefore is self-care thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
- the least surprising thing ever is Scanlan’s door-opening song clearly being a sex joke. But I posit the only reason it didn’t work is because that’s obviously the front door, dummy.
- Are all of his songs like this? I can’t decide if I want the answer to be yes or no. But I have a feeling the answer is probably “at least a vast majority” so I’m going to decide I want them to be so it’s funny and not annoying.
- okay THANK YOU VAX because I was LITERALLY over here like “aren’t you a rogue? don’t you pick locks?” bonus points for chekov’s toothpicks justifying the sandwich that Grog so rightly deserved.
- Ah yes, the extremely ostentatious painting hung in the foyer so everyone knows how big and important I am. Elegant.
- “Or maybe we all just go check the cellar” Look Vax not all of us can roll great all the time okay
- Scanlan’s insults would all be very slut-shame-y if he were not, in fact, the biggest slut of them all.
- Ah, predictable character preferences, you never let me down
- Percy why would you ever tell a guy like Grog “don’t touch anything” that is the quickest way to make him touch something
- Oh good, distracted by the one thing in the room he literally CAN’T touch and in fact it is of benefit for him to’ve been distracted by, WHICH HAPPENS TO BE THE SEXY NAKED LADY OF COURSE
- Love how Scanlan is the very essence of Bard Stereotypes and Vax consistently is the opposite of Rogue Stereotypes. Sure, hand the random child a silver coin, be more level-headed and reliable than the rest of the party, barely react to the giant piles of dragon gold compared to the almost whole rest of your party.
- I mean he is still stealing shit but. He didn’t race down the hill and start swimming in it like the rest of them.
- Vex. I appreciate you figuring it out. But why did it take that long.
- They did not just cast David “disappears when he turns to the side” Tennant to play a Big Muscular Beefy General THEY CAST HIM AS A HUGE FUCKOFF DRAGON this is hilarious
- Brimscythe is a fucking bitchin’ dragon name
- “I’ve got a plan” “Another one?!” look technically the last plan did put you right where you need to be in order to fulfill your contract. so.
- lmaooo dragon too arrogant to realize IT WAS ALL A RUSE
- “Is he dead” I mean his head is in two pieces down the middle but maybe smash it a bit more to be sure
- One of two things is about to happen, either they’re gonna race to get out and then go “SHIT WE DIDN’T TAKE ANY GOLD” or, exactly that same thing happens but one of the party members casually slips a coin purse somewhere the others can’t see it like Altivo at the end of The Road to El Dorado.
- Oh no did Vex just. Straight up have an armful of gold? Hilarious.
- Scanlan also had gold but DROPPED IT YOU IDIOT
- Honorary members of the council seems like a bit much
- I mean... you’ll have a house? That’s... not nothing, at least? And “protectors” implies future work which implies pay? I assume?
- “Several dignitaries” hm I feel. like. this. will introduce the Briarwoods.
- *spongebob timecard voiceover* Two. Seconds. Later.
- Y’all some stupid bandits. To any and all aspiring bandits out there, if you pull over some super rich looking fucks to rob and they can’t be arsed to seem a little worried, you should probably just. let them go.
- Dude was already built like a brick house like it’s not as though he’s. not. intimidating.
- Anyway I know nothing about WHY the Briarwoods are bad I just know they are and it has something to do with Percy and he would very much like them dead.
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mr-walkingrainbow · 3 years
battle for abimel? i want a power showdown.
Basically OverWitch + I guess the rest of the charmed ones, face the new demon of the day, the Cancellor, which nullifies any power thrown at them.
They have to really think hard to figure this one out.
But like, mainly gay OverWitch.
“Ugh,” Macy groaned audibly for the fourth time in the past two minutes, “What’s taking her so long!”
“Ok could you tone down the whine today?” Mel replied exasperatingly, “It’s not like Abby lives next door. And she can’t orb like Harry. It takes time to get here.”
“Yeah and by the time she does the DotD will be long gone!” She stated in annoyance.
Maggie rolled her eyes, “I think the demon of the day can wait for a few minutes. I doubt their in a rush for a Appointment at the nail salon.”
The eldest huffed, “Yeah but Abbys just taking forever!”
“You rang?”
Everyone turned to the source of the voice, which oddly, seemed to be nix.
But more understandingly, smoke started to swirl, practically a mini tornado, until it took the form of Mels beloved.
“Abby!” The Latina cheered, running over and giving her girlfriend a hug.
“Hello lovely,” Abigael grinned, before smirking in Macy’s direction, “Now what’s this about me being slow? Shall I remind you how long it took you and Witchbanger to actually bang?”
Macy made a squawk of protest, while Harry looked on in mute surprise.
“Witchbangers new.” He commented, although Mel couldn’t tell if he was annoyed or curious.
Abby gestured towards him with a flourish, then nodded towards Macy, “Well, this pile of nerves is Whitebanger, only fitting we have the other half.”
Harry seemed to nod in numb acceptance, before turning back to the gadget in his hands.
“Now that we’re all here, I introduce, the Cancellor !” He waved his arms dramatically for the reveal, the gadget projecting a hologram of a dark woman in a white suit.
Maggie stared blankly, “the counselor?”
Harry looked a bit miffed, “No, the Cancellor.”
Macy tilted her head, “The chancellor?”
“NO, lovely, the CANCELLOR.”
Mel narrowed her eyes, “Cancer?”
Harry gasped for breath, “-wha- how?? It’s the CAN-CELL-OR.”
Abigael smirked, snickering lightly, “Oh Harold, why didn’t you just say so?”
Everyone offered nods of agreement while Harry sputtered for words.
Macy graciously took this time to step forward.
“As my dear was beginning to, ahem, say?” She broke off to give the sputtering whitelighter a concerned look, “This is apparently, in fact, the Cancellor. They have the power to nullify or ‘Cancel’ any powers used against it.”
“Oh but who needs powers when your in the middle of fighting a bloodthirsty demon!” Abby snarked typically.
Mel would normally scold her for such a comment, but found herself cracking a smile at the humor of it.
Macy looked annoyed, but shrugged it off, “As I was saying, something good to note, the Cancellor takes the form of whatever it nullified last, so it might not look like this. That’s just the last recorded form.”
She gestured to the regal woman in white. To which Abby purred delightfully.
“At least it’s last participant knew how to dress well.”
Mel shot her a glare, giving her a slap to the arm.
“What?!” The Britt squeaked. She just rolled her eyes in response.
“Aww,” Abby cooed, wrapping her arms around Mels smaller frame, “Is someone jealous of a power taking, identity stealing demon of the day?”
The Latina grumbled a bit, embarrassed of the blush that had indeed made its way across her face.
“Oh I think you are.” The later whispered, “But don’t worry my love, no matter how amazingly dressed someone is, they cant even manage to come close to your overall beauty.”
Mel blushed again, this time for an entirely different reason. And a bit bashfully, she turned and gave Abby a chaste kiss.
“I hate you.” She stated grumpily.
“Love you too grumpy.”
“Ladies,” everyone turned to harry, who had finally recuperated, holding an Orb, “Will you generously accompany me to fight a fashionable identity stealer?”
“Oh Harold,” Abby sashayed forward dramatically, “I thought you’d never ask!”
Macy growled jealously while Mel shared a secret laugh with Maggie. The two of them had slowly found Abbys wit more humorous then insulting.
Harry threw the orb, the Group proceeding to jump through it into a wide circular stone covered room.
“Where are we?” Maggie questioned, peering around, their seemingly was only one entrance, a small archway carved into the surrounding rock. Leading into another room.
“We’re in the Cancellors Lair, that ark leads to the cancellor.” Harry answered informatively.
Mel was confused, however, “If so, how do people get in?”
“I think I have the answer to that.”
Everyone turned to Macy, who was staring at the ceiling. They followed pursuit, only to find their room was not really a room, but the bottom of a very deep pit.
“What a treacherous trap.” Abby seethed respectively, if possible, “Some loner demon falls down the pit. And if they survive. The Cancellor can steal their powers and harvest their body.”
“No… no that can’t be?” The youngest stated sadly, ever the empath, “Some have to escape. What about the innocent humans who fall?”
“I guess some could escape,” Abigael reasoned blatantly. If they realized where they were before the Cancellor found them. They would have to have some type of powers that could propel them upwards, like smoke phasing. Because no lucky Jim could climb these walls. Their smooth as stone.”
She wasn’t wrong, Mel found herself absentmindedly feeling the slick walls with her hand.
Someone tapped her shoulder, and she turned to see her girlfriend smiling at her bashully, and hand held out.
“Head in the Clouds my love?”
“Yeah,” the Latina grinned, taking the britts hand, “Thanks for always finding me.”
“Oh why of course!” The hybrid proclaimed, “What else is a loving girlfriend supposed to do?”
“Oh you know, fight demons, slay monsters, make out from time to time.” She monologued coyly.
-“while I’d love to hear this agonizing conversation,” Macy interrupted, “We have a demon destroy.”
Both of them rolled their eyes, but gladly shared secret smiles.
The ragtag group of magical beings entered the room. Nearly immersed in pitch darkness.
Mel felt Abby take her hand, and she tried to send soothing vibes, squeezing it to show she understood.
Abigael wasn’t a fan of the dark, it wasn’t cause she was afraid of it specifically, moreover, it reminded her of being locked in the crate. And mentioned it made her feel quite claustrophobic.
A lot of her fears spiraled from the singular subject of her childhood. It didn’t make them any less valid, however.
“Macy.” Mel whispered in the dark, “A light please?”
“Since when are you afraid of- oh.”
Her sister caught on, a tad second too late. But thankfully, mentioned nothing when the room was engulfed in flames. Just sending Mel a understanding nod.
Abby may get on Macy’s nerves, but she truly did care about her overall well-being.
“Oh thank you Lovely, now we can see where the Cancellors coming from.” Harry commented, subtly driving attention away from Abigael.
The Latina still could see the flush on her girlfriends face. And squeezed her hand again. Trying to say it was ok through touch.
Annoyingly, even with Macy’s flame, the room was not very bright. And from what Mel could see, it was another circular room, but with a domed ceiling, and vine-snaked walls.
Everyone sorta teetered around, peering closely at the cylinder wall, some parts holding ritualistic type carvings underneath the vines.
“How interesting.” Abby mused lightly, tracing a line finger in the indentions.
Mel winced slightly, as the light behind her got abruptly brighter.
“Hey Mace, good job with the light! Didn’t know you were practicing.”
“Mel…” Macy’s voice sounded nervous and halted, “Mel that isn’t me.”
“What do you mean who else would it-“
She cut off, as everyone turned to the center of the room.
Somehow, submerged in the darkness, a middle platform was completely unseen.
But now, from a spotlight coming from nowhere, it was illuminated in a ghostly, nearly theatrical glow.
And on top of that platform, posing dramatically, was the Cancellor.
Maggie scrunched her nose, “Wait… is that-“
-“LIL NAS X?!?” Mel exclaimed abnormally loud.
Her brain was completely shot. How could this be possible. This shouldn’t be. It couldn’t be.
But yet, it was, no one else rocked Red dreads, tiny black & white boxers, and thigh high leather boots then the number 1 black gay pop artist.
Macy looked thoroughly confused, “Who..? And are you sure that’s him?”
“I thought he looked familiar.” Maggie mumbled to herself.
Harry’s eyes were bugging out of his head, caught between staring and trying to give the Cancellor some privacy. The bulge in his CK boxers leaving nothing to imagination.
“No that’s definitely him,” Abby purred, practically hypnotized, “No one wears those raunchy underwear but him.”
Mel blushed jealously, “He’s gay Abby. As in into penis.”
Abigael jerked her head, trance broken as she gazed at her pouting girlfriend.
“Aww,” she cooed once again, leaning in close, “Is someone jealous of a LilNausex clone?”
The lesbian flushed, hating how adorable Abbys mispronunciation of his name sounded in her accent.
“It’s Lil Nas X.” She stated huffily.
Abby frowned, just a tad, “Oh come on Lovely.”
“Don’t lovely me!” Mel denied stubbornly.
It was a bit childish, yes, but right now the Demon straddling a chair from literally nowhere was undeniably hot for the Men lovers in the room. And she was green with envy.
“Oh you should know by now,” Abby whispered, her tone seductive and lovely, “Your the only one I want to see in those flamboyant boxers.”
Mel hated how much she was turned on right now.
“Also,” her girlfriends voice was now soft, “No matter how much I may ogle or tease, you really are my one and only love.”
Ok, now she could love her again.
“I hate you.”
“Love you too.”
“Not to break up this repetitive conversation,” Macy once again interrupted, “But how is ‘Lil Nas X’ in the room?”
“Yeah,” Harry piped up finally, “He’s human. And it’s not like he’s killed and stolen the crown, and powers of some random leader.”
“OH MY GOD.” Mel screeched, going straight back to mortified.
Everyone turned to her for an explanation, while she blushed from the heavy gaze, and sexual nature of the rationale.
“I-In his recent music video,” she whispered meekly, “he kills satan and steals his power.”
Her blushed increased dramatically at the implication.
“Not that I’ve watched it or something.”
“Don’t worry darling,” Abby whispered with a devilish attitude, “I’ve watched it plenty enough for the both of us.”
“Basically he stripper poles his way down to hell, does a Lap dance for Satan himself, and then proceeds to kill him in the middle of the throws of it. Ergo stealing his crown. And then his powers. We avid fans all assumed it was apart of gay pride and acceptance and sticking it to the homophobes. Turns out it’s that, and becoming all powerful.”
True to their personality. Mel loves what Abby says, Maggie nods appreciatively and nonchalantly, while Macy and Harry look seconds away from dying of pure awkwardness.
“Um, why isn’t he saying anything?” Maggie points out. The sexy demon staring at them all unblinkingly, thoroughly creeping them out.
“Maybe the voices doesn’t carry when he takes the form?” Macy suggests, “So he tries to hide it by not talking? False sense of security?”
Lil N’as Cloné then opened his mouth, revealing a large jagged set of teeth, jaw unhinging slightly.
“Or!” Maggie says with a state of panic, “He was just waiting to eat us alive!”
The demon crouches low, nearly spider like. Swaying from side to side.
“Ladies! Backs to the wall!” Harry announces, “And make sure to show some type of power, we don’t know how long the transformation takes, so we need to keep track on who still possesses them.”
Mel needs no second affirmation, grabbing Abbys wrist and yanking her back.
“Mel?��� She looks outraged, “We need to fight it!”
“Yeah we’ll I can’t fight it if your powers are stolen and need someone to protect you!”
Abigael huffs, “I can take care of myself Melanie. See?”
She holds her hand up as if to summon a flame.
Head jerking when none appears.
Her expression changes to one filled with fear and confusion, “Bloody hell??”
Abby continued to unsuccessfully summon a flame, hand whirring to a blur.
“Mel!” She exclaimed in a frenzy, “Mel, it’s not working, why isn’t it working? To hell with this!”
“Hey! Hey,” the Latina soothed, rushing to place a hand on her arm in a calming motion, “Carino it’s ok. Don’t panic. The lil n’as dude just took your powers assumingly.”
“Are you sure?!?”
It seemed kinda like a controversial question to ask; considering she couldn’t activate her fire powers, but Mel understood it was from fear rather then logic.
“Well, try to smoke phase.”
Abby nodded tentatively. Raising her hands once again.
The very tips of her fingers produced ashy whisps, but aside from that, their was nothing.
“Your smoking.” Maggie unhelpfully stated, as she edged towards them.
“Why thank you Captain obvious!” Abby snarked bitterly.
The brunette looked concerned, glancing at the Latina instead, “Mel, what’s wrong?”
Abby was outraged, “Mel?! I am RIGHT HERE y’a know, if your just gonna stand their like a blathering idiot you might as well-“
-“She’s been cancelled,” Mel interrupted blatantly, witch just a tad of irritation at her raving girlfriend, “Her powers aren’t working and she’s lashing out.”
Maggie shrugged, “Naturally.”
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN NATURALLY?! I have a RIGHT to be upset I-“
-“So you sure their fully gone?” Her sister continued, “I never saw the Cancellor do anything? And he still looks like Lil N’as!”
Mel turned back to the center, brows furrowing at the now empty stage.
“Where’d he go?”
The dead silence, and lack of demon, filled the room with an eerie unsettling vibe.
“Mel, I don’t like this.” The empath warned.
She didn’t either.
“MACY!” The Latina called out, “WHERED HE GO?”
Macy looked just as panicked, probably even more, “I DONT KNOW! HE WAS JUST HERE?!”
“Oh for gods sake! We should rejoice for all I care! I’m the one with my powers gone and if you would STOP bloody ignoring me id-“
Mel whirled around, placing one finger in front of Abbys lips, the other hand firmly around her waist.
“Abby. I love you. I know your freaking out right now. But please, can you refrain from ranting till we leave?”
Abbys eyes were both murderous and loving, and softly, Mel kissed her until it changed to a lightly irritated.
“Better?” She puffed quietly.
The Britt nodded silently, blushing lightly at the affection showed.
Mel scrunched her eyebrows, briefly seeing the abrupt look of horror sweep it’s way across her girlfriends face.
“What’s wr-“
Abby had shoved her aside roughly, the witch groaning as she hit the ground, but enough adrenaline rushing through to allow her to roll to her elbows.
She glanced up, Just in time to see a dark shadow drag Abigail to the the darkest parts of the room.
“ABBY!” She screamed, arm outreached and terror in her eyes.
“MACY!” Mel barked, “MORE LIGHT.”
Her sister didn’t have to be told twice, “ON IT!”
Immediately, the softly glow from Macy’s flame turned into a raging fire, illuminating all that it could without burning something.
Dead silence followed.
Maggie gasped, “Oh no.”
Standing before them, with the shadows gone and dust settled, was two identical Abigael Jameson-Caines. Each with matching clothes and injuries.
“By all things science.” Macy blanched.
“The Cancellor has taken Abbys form!” Harry informed quickly, “Ready yourself for an attack from either one.”
Mel rose to her feet on shaky limbs, reading an icicle from the air particles around her.
“Alright,” her voice was steady, although she wasn’t calm in the slightest, “One of you is the hot pain in my ass who I love dearly. And the other is a cannibalistic identity stealer. So. Who’s who.”
Immediately both of them rushed to ensure her trust, voices perfectly identical.
“I’m the real Abby!” The one on the right said.
“No!” Lefty said, “Don’t listen to them I’m the real Abby!”
[Authors note - Right side Abby will be in bold.
Left side Abby is in Italics.]
“Their perfectly identical,” Macy stressed, “How are we gonna tell them apart?!”
“Their must be a logical way to solve this.” Harry muttered under his breath.
“Come on guys, really?” Maggie shot them a glare, Mel seemed to catch on, “It’s easy really.”
“We quiz them.”
After a quick group huddle, and their bearings regain, they were ready to give a life or death quiz.
“Alright Abby clones,” Maggie narrated, “We’ve each prepared a question, something only the real Abby should know. Based on your answers, we will decide if your truthful or not.”
“Great just don’t dose me with truth serum while your at it.” Both Abbys snarked in complete unison, before shooting matching scowls at the other.
Maggie looked drastically discouraged but the display, voice wavering.
“U-uh, um, y-yes. Questions. H-Harry your up.”
The man walked up a few feet, nervously wiping his palms against his button up.
“Alright, ladies,” he gave his habitual gentlemen nod to the two of them, “When one of you invited me over for dinner, what was the main course?”
“Duck!” Righty said immediately. Grinning proudly.
“Hey! That one was too easy!” Lefty argued, “Duck is the best meat for a date! Everyone knows that! Not to mention I gave Harold a massage beforehand.”
“Of course it’s the best! What else would you eat, bloody chicken like an uncultured heathen?!”
Righty paused to glance at Harry, “Uh, I get the point for that one right?”
Harry looked overwhelmed, panic evident on his face.
“Uh, um. Undecided!” He then quickly scampered to the back of the pack, face flushed while doing so.
“Completely identical.” The Whitelighter whispered to no one.
Macy shrugged, “Guess I’m up.”
She approached the twins glancing at either with an impassive face.
“Let’s see, what’s Abbys favorite nickname for me?”
“Whitebanger.” The two answer in synchronized perfection. Shooting yet another glare at each other.
Macy looked tired, pinching the bridge of her nose, “Of course that one was too easy. Any Abby could apparently answer that in her sleep. Let me think of a harder question.”
It wasn’t long before her poker face soon returned. Leveling them up once again.
“When You fake poisoned yourself, what was that one question that was actually subserviently a dig on me?”
“To spoon!” Left jolted, “I asked you to spoon!”
“Actually! I asked her if she was the big spoon or little spoon.”
“Well excuse me for messing up one tiny detail! At least I got the spoon part before you!” Left rolled her eyesz
“Well mine was actually accurate, so yours doesn’t count!”
“Yeah it does!”
“Does not!” Right argued.
Macy had both hands out, face strained, “You two need to stop arguing so I can think!”
The clones shut up, as she stormed back towards the group, shaking her head.
“They share a freaking mind.” The eldest stated bitterly.
A few minutes passed as they waited for Maggie to step up. Who looked severely intimidated by the task at hand.
Mel coughed, “Maggie it’s-“
“I KNOW!” The Latina shrieked, “GIVE ME A SECOND!”
The youngest took a couple very hesitant feet forward.
“Hello!” She waved awkwardly, “I’m Maggie -wait ugh, Abby already knows that of course! Gosh stop talking to yourself and think of a damn question!”
She bit her lip nervously, looking at them with a fearful expression.
“Ok, um. Let’s see. What’s some things Abby likes to do?”
“Oh that’s easy, Alcohol, Mel, making Macymorts life miserable!” Righty laughed to herself.
Mel ignored the fierce blush that rose to her face at the implication.
“But that’s easy,” Lefty sneered meanly, “I like to do many things, all which someone could easily guess.”
“Pray tell, tell me how you could ‘guess’ I like those things?”
“Well I-“
-“Ok!” Maggie squeaked, “Another question then!”
She then proceeded to flounder for a few moments. Hands waving rapidly in anxiety.
“Um, ok then. Who’d you save my life from?”
“My brother.”
“My half-brother, Parker.”
The answers seemed to be the same, yet lefty seemed to be happy with how specific she was.
Maggie, however, had paused. Eyes narrowed at the two, caught in a thought.
“Maggie?” Mel whispered, “What did you see?”
The Brunette jolted, plastering a fake smile on her face, “Oh nothing! Just a trick of the light!”
Mel grabbed her arm once she returned closer to the group, “Pfft, trick of the light my ass, you saw something? What was it?”
“I honestly don’t know,” her eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, “It was something about how they said it. They said the some thing, yet one sounded right, and the other wrong?”
“But how is that possible?” Macy interject lowly, ever the logical person.
“I don’t know!” Maggie whined, arms flailing, “It just was!”
“We’ll don’t stress,” Mel soothed, “We definitely have something by now from other questions.”
“We definitely, do not, have something from any of these questions.” Harry muttered a few minutes later in a group huddle.
“Maggie,” he glanced at the youngest, “Were you able to get anything, you know, empath wise?”
Her gaze snapped to his, a bit of fire in her pupils, “Don’t you think I would have said something if I did?! It’s hard enough that their identical, but their emotions are too! The Cancellor apparently has the ability to copy someone completely! They know everything about the other, because they know it themselves!”
Mel gasped, realization hitting her in a flash, “Oh my god Mags, that’s it!”
Maggie looked confused, as did the rest of them, “What’s it? What did I say?”
“I can’t be something Abby already knows,” she explained carefully, in a deep whisper, “If it’s something she already knows, the Cancellor can immediately pick up on it. He has a copy of all her memories! It’s gotta be something she doesn’t know, or, Moreover, something we know that can get a honest reaction she doesn’t know she makes.”
“But that’s practically impossible!”
“Don’t say that Macy, it’s not impossible if your the girlfriend of Abigael Jameson-Caine!”
Mel pulled from the group, walking up to the two with a confident swagger.
Both, of course, seemed a bit taken aback by her bold demeanor.
“Ok Siamese freak from hell,” she grinned, cracking her knuckles, “Your in my court now, It’s my turn to ask the questions.”
“One of you is the woman I love, and the fact she’s currently having to take a quiz for her life is sickening, so that stokes the fire of hate I have for whoever is causing this. And once I find out who is it, I promise you will regret ever messing with us, and mi Cariño!”
Mel let her monologue be a distraction, gradually advancing forward as she spoke. Until she was directly in front of them.
“Now, it’s time for your final question.”
She stared them in their chocolate orbs, lingering over the right one. Mel couldn’t understand it, but she felt as if the righty was the true Abby. Even with no proof. Their was just something in her eyes.
“Can you kindly hold you hands like this?”
The Latina then proceeded to hold one hand up, baring the wrist, the other slightly bellow, pressing on a very specific patch of skin.
The two were confused, both tilting their heads to the side slightly, in a way Abby would commonly do when she was thinking.
Mel let her hands drop to her sides, watching like a hawk as the complied. She could feel the groups eyes on her, and was desperately praying that this worked.
A few seconds passed. Nothing happened. Perfectly identical.
Then, it happened. The Abby on the right legs swiftly crumpled.
Mel rushed in, and in one move, caught Abby with one arm. The other, which had been hidden from sight, stabbing the duplicate with a quickly formed air icicle.
The demon gave a feral screech from the weapon embedded in its chest, clawing at it weakly.
The group watched in awe as it switched between numerous forms, one which of was lil n’as, the others it’s countless victims.
“How?” It gasped hoarsely, “I’m completely identical.”
“That’s where your wrong!” Mel smiled proudly, “You see, in a way, you were identical. You knew everything Abby did because you could copy her mind! But what about something she didn’t even know of? Like the fact that from years of being put in shock cuffs consequently damaged the nerve in her right wrist? That when pressed, would cause her to pass out?”
“But how?” It wailed, “She would have known!”
“Except she didn’t!” The Latina cradled the unconscious body gently, kissing Abbys crown lightly, “I only found out by accident. And she didn’t remember a thing about it when waking up. I didn’t want to worry her, so I just stayed quiet. I soon understood why it happened due to her trial. But as a demon who can only copy what the person knows, you wouldn’t have.”
The creature let out a few more pitiful whines before crumpling to ash and dust.
“MEL!” Maggie shrieked in happiness, giving her a gigantic hug, “That was AMAZING! How did you figure it out?!”
“Just by what you said,” she answered honestly,” Their emotions were the same, and physically they were too. But the body is an amazing thing, and it does many things were not even aware of!”
“That is factually correct!” Macy complimented with a smile.
“I suppose this calls for a celebration when we get home, err, when do you think she’ll wake up?” Harry gestured to the peacefully resting girl.
The lesbian grinned softly, “Oh, any moment now. It only knocks her out for a minute or two.”
“Oh!” Maggie perked up, “I just remembered what I noticed about her response!”
Everyone stared with great interest.
The youngest smiled, “Abby called Parker ‘Brother’. Even though he’s only half related, she always adressed him as her brother. I guess the clone thought we wanted more specific.”
“She truly is just that amazing.” Mel noted warmly, lips parting when she felt Abby starting to stir.
The group took this as their key to leave, telling Mel to meet them back in the other room.
She nodded, expression soft when Abigaels eyes fluttered open.
“W-what happened? D-id we do it? Is it gone?”
“Gone Cariño,” Mel cooed, smoothing the stray hairs off her face and stroking her forehead just the way she liked, “All thanks to you my love.”
“Me?” Abigael questioned, “What did I do? All I remember is, ugh, I have a killer headache, I just remember doing some weird hand signs and then darkness?”
“Oh my love, you were yourself! Undeniably, and amazingly yourself. And no Lil N’as, fancy identity stealer could ever imitate you perfectly. For theirs only one of you. And for that, I am greatful.”
“Why?” Abby arched an eyebrow, smiling erotically, “Because I’m too hot to handle?”
Mel scoffed, chuckling despite herself, nearly dropping her girlfriend in the process.
“More like because i can barely tolerate one of your personality!”
The Britt pouted slightly, “Your mean.”
“Oh am I?” She leaned in and kissed her pouty lips, “No but actually? It’s because I’m reminded to never take you for granted. I only get one of you. And it be the worst mistake of my life to waste it.”
Abbys lips turned to a fond smile, “And their you go again, making me feel things and generally be a better happier person.”
“Oh the audacity of myself!” The witch smirked.
“Ugh, I hate you!”
She grinned, “Love you too.”
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shadowedmoonlight · 3 years
3 Times Virgil Came Out to Others + 1 Time Someone Came Out to Him
I am aware that I am a few hours late, but this is the longest oneshot I've ever written
Day 3: Coming out
Warnings: Food mention, talk of sexual attraction (In regards to asexuality), anxiety, disassociation (brief)
Summary: In which the story gains a plot ft. fluff and hurt/comfort
Word count: 4025
Read on Ao3
Virgil hadn’t been this terrified in a long time. He knew that being gay shouldn’t be that big of a deal, in regards to his two gay fathers, but he couldn’t stop the terrifying thoughts from running through their head.
What if they thought he was too young to have figured himself out? They were only fifteen after all. Is he even sure they're gay? And what would they think about the pronouns thing? Vigil had no idea where their dads stood on transgender rights.
They had planned to do it after dinner. That way he could have one last dinner of peace in the unlikely event of something going wrong. It's more likely than you think they’re gonna kick you out, you’re gonna have to live on the streets
Emile had made spinach lasagna that night. Virgil’s favorite. But he could hardly enjoy it due to the nerves stirring in his stomach. Instead, he moved the food around on his plate and attempted to pay attention to the conversation occurring before him.
He believed his dad was telling some dramatic story about some lady that came into the coffee shop. They normally would be completely invested in that sort of thing, but they just couldn’t focus with all the thoughts running around his head.
What is he gonna do if he gets kicked out? They can’t live on the streets. He can barely work a stove. How would he live on his own? Maybe Remus or Janus would take him in? No, they have their own problems. They shouldn’t burden them with his own problems. But how would he-
“Virgil? What do you think?” A voice cut through his spiral.
“Hm- wha-?” Virgil couldn’t recall for the life of them what he was supposed to be responding to. He looked up to see his parents both looking at him concernedly.
“You feeling okay, hon? It's not like you to space out like that,” Emile asked.
Virgil winced. He had to learn to be less obvious to when they were stressed. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired.”
They still looked doubtful. “Are you sure?” Remy raised an eyebrow.
Virgil nodded and tried for a small smile. He didn’t think it was successful, however, when his parents exchanged a worried glance. His leg bounced slightly under the table. Why couldn’t they relax?
Emile started to collect the dishes but paused when their eyes landed on Virgil’s still-full plate. He glanced again at their husband, and then their son.
“Maybe you should head to bed early tonight. You hardly touched your food. You might be coming down with something.” Virgil saw Remy stand up as his Papa spoke. He offered them a hand.
“Babes, I think that might be a good idea. You’re looking a bit pale- well, paler than usual with all that foundation you cake on. Don’t think I don’t notice.” Virgil blushed, slightly. His experimentation with makeup had been one of his ways to tone down their glaring masculinity.
In response to the first statement, maybe it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to put this off another day. They weren’t sure they had enough energy or confidence to go through with this. With a little hesitation, they grabbed Remy's hand and hauled himself to their feet.
Emile smiled sadly at their son’s submissiveness. He had to have been really tired with the way his eyes kept wandering. They abandoned the dishes they were holding, grabbed his other hand, and started leading Remy and Virgil upstairs.
Virgil blinked and suddenly he was in their room. They sat between his parents on his bed. Emile had them leaning against their side as Remy rubbed soft circles into his back. His eyes darted around in confusion.
Remy glanced down and let out a sigh of relief. “Welcome back to this plane of existence.”
Emile smacked their husband lightly. “Sorry baby, we didn’t want to leave you alone while you were disassociating.” Virgil’s eyebrows furrowed slightly. They didn’t remember going into an episode.
Remy kissed his forehead and stood up. “We’ll leave you to your peace now. Let us know if you need anything.” Emile began to follow.
Virgil bit their lip. Was he really going to go through all this stress just to chicken out? He took a breath. He was strong. They could do this.
“Wait,” they called out, lightly. “I need to talk to you about something.” His parents halted in their place in the doorway and came back to sit next to them.
“What is it, babe? Did something happen?” Remy grabbed one of his hands.
“No, not exactly,” Virgil said. His breath was starting to stutter.
“Take your time,” Emile said, softly.
Virgil attempted to calm their breathing. It's highly unlikely that this will have a bad outcome, half of his brain rationalized. They are gay themselves, after all.
Yeah, but what about the pronoun thing? The other half argued. You have no idea what they’ll think of it.
Virgil took another deep breath and opened his mouth to speak. They may as well start with the easy one. “I’m… I’m gay.”
Remy placed a hand on his chest and sighed dramatically. “Oh thank god,” he exclaimed. “I’m not sure I could have handled it if I had to raise a straight son.”
Emile smacked him again. Virgil winced slightly at the word ‘son.’ Remy seemed to notice his discomfort and scooted closer. “Of course we love and accept you and everything, but that's all kind of obvious considering, well,” he lifted his hand as wiggled his ring finger, “Is there something else on your mind?”
Virgil nodded, “I, um, want to start using different pronouns. He/they.”
Emile lit up. “Ooh, we can match!”
Virgil’s head shot up. “What?”
Both Emile and Remy looked confused for a second before a horrifying realization dawned on them.
“Did I- never tell you I’m non-binary?” Emile asked, tentativly. They were sure they told Virgil at some point.
Virgil couldn’t help themself. He started to laugh hysterically. After a moment their parents joined in.
“I’m sorry- I just- I’m fifteen years old and you never thought to tell me that vital piece of information?” Virgil wiped tears from his eyes as he continued to giggle.
Emile was bright red. “Trust me, I’m mortified.”
Remy groaned. “That makes two of us.”
Virgil snorted. “I was so worried about how’d you react and this whole time you’re the same thing.”
“Oh honey,” Emile exclaimed. “You should never be worried about telling us something. We support you no matter what.”
“Of course,” Remy added. “What kind of hypocrites would we be if we said otherwise?”
Virgil pulled them both into a hug. “You’re the best parents anyone could ask for.”
Sanders High School had an interesting dynamic. There were two main groups that everyone at school was invested majorly in. Most, if not all, of the gossip in school was directed at them. They were envied. They were hated. They were idolized. They were the closest thing Sanders High ever had to celebrities. The Dark Sides and The Light Sides.
Everyone that saw them would assume they were the rivals. Bickering and prank wars were constant. Classroom debates between members could last hours if not moderated. Each group consisted of three members.
First up is Roman Prince, the flamboyant jock and theater nerd. He was the first kid at school to break through harmful gender stereotypes. Before he came to school, any boy that joined theater was seen as weak and nerdy. Roman was the first openly gay kid on the football team- as quarterback no less- and the first jock to join the drama program. He was unapologetically himself in everything he did. He often came to school in skirts and dresses and there was rarely a day he could be seen without his signature red lipstick. Despite his smashing of stereotypes, Roman is the only cis kid in both the light and dark sides (not that everyone is out to the school like he is, or even to each other). He has the most social media followers out of anyone in the school, and was the one to first publicize the two groups. Roman is a proud member of The Light Sides.
Next is Patton Hart, the bubbly, adorable student council president. Everybody loved Patton and they loved everybody. Patton is one of the kindest kids in the school. He’s always willing to drop everything to help somebody or cheer someone up. They met Roman when they were young and they’ve been inseparable ever since. Some might say they’re dating, but a select few know otherwise.
Last in The Light Sides is Logan Berry. Logan is objectively the smartest kid in school. He is rumored to be taking all AP classes. How that’s possible, no one knows. Everyone knows that Logan will be Valedictorian at the end of the year. There’s no other logical choice. Somehow, even with all that, they also manage to be co-captain of the debate club. Patton and Roman somehow managed to rope them into their small group sometime during elementary school. Again, how that’s possible, no one knows. Logan is extremely stone-faced to people they're not close with. Some think he might be a robot with how emotionless he is most of the time. Those people, however, have never seen him with a jar of Crofters. (But if they knew their secret, everyone would think so).
Over in the dark sides, we have Janus Lies. Genderfluid icon. Their coming out started a revolution of sorts at Sanders High. So many kids came out as non-binary or genderfluid or something in between, the school ended up getting rid of gendered bathrooms entirely. A new genderfluid locker room was built in the PE building and the academic teachers revised their gendered way of teaching. But, back to Janus. They were the most sarcastic person you’d ever meet. So much so, it became difficult for people to tell if they were telling the truth. Their trademark hat and gloves stayed on no matter what the occasion. They also co-captained the debate club with Logan. They grouped together with Remus and Virgil before anyone could remember, including the three dark sides.
Remus Prince, twin of Roman Prince, is the extremely crude drama student and class clown. They are known for their dark sense of humor and sexual disruptions of class. The teachers have learned to just ignore them, as countless trips to detention were fruitless in correcting their behavior. Although they privately came out before Janus, they were more private socially when it came to their gender. Until that is, Janus came out and was accepted. After that, Remus showed no limits in expressing themself.
Lastly, there is Virgil Picani, the emo nightmare themself. He is in almost every club at school, including but not limited to drama, debate, GSA, writing, and volunteering. His sarcastic personality is no stranger to anybody, although it is much more subdued than Janus’s. Virgil came out to Janus and Remus before he had even fully figured himself out yet. He had not, however, come out to any of the light sides as gay or genderqueer.
And that brings us to today. As mentioned earlier, anyone that saw the two groups would assume they had a strong rivalry. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
The reality is, although they did start out as rivals, the six of them have a strong friendship. They keep up the facade of competitors for sake of reputation (and a little fun never hurt anybody). Once Roman and Remus had gotten over their sibling rivalry, the six of them had discovered that they shared many of the same interests. They started hanging out after school and now it is rare to see one of the group without another.
Virgil knows that he has nothing to worry about. Roman is gay, and both Patton and Logan already use he/they pronouns. They accepted Janus and Remus without question. It won’t be any different for him. All they actually had to do was tell them.
But here lies the issue. Virgil thought they had already. It wasn’t until the first day of pride month that he realized their mistake.
They decided to make pronoun pins for all the kids in GSA. So, naturally, he made one for himself as well. They weren't publicly out yet, but it was perfectly okay for them to wear them inside the safety that was the gay-straight alliance.
Virgil was struggling to attach his pin to their shirt when Janus came over to help. Virgil noted the blue bracelet. Janus looked surprised as he read the contents of the pin.
“You told them?” He asked, incredulously. “I thought you would tell me when you finally did it.”
Virgil was confused. “What do you mean? I came out to them… shoot.”
Janus snorted. “You totally don’t need to tell them. This isn’t getting out of hand at all.”
Virgil blushed red. “I honestly thought I did! I’ll do it now, okay?”
They didn’t wait for a response before marching over to Roman, Logan, and Patton and dragging them outside of the classroom. He ignored the curious looks of their classmates, most likely wondering what they were fighting about this time.
They closed the door behind them and looked around quickly, making sure there was no one else around. He turned back to the group that was looking at him, slightly concerned.
Virgil rolled their eyes at their expressions. “Oh calm down, I just forgot to tell you something, is all.”
Logan cleared their throat and straightened up. “And that is?”
“I genderqueer, he/they, and gay.”
“Yay!” Patton exclaimed and pulled him into a hug. “I’m proud of you for being yourself.”
Patton pulled back and Virgil caught the expressions of the other two. Logan was looking at him with a delighted expression on their face. “I had my suspicions.”
Roman furrowed his brows. “So did I, but I must ask, why wait so long to tell us? Surely you knew that we would accept you wholeheartedly.”
Virgil snorted. “I actually did the same thing my Papa did with me. I thought I told you all ages ago.” They all laughed at that.
“We should probably get back,” Logan remarked, “Thank you for trusting us enough to tell us this.”
Virgil felt nervous, but not extremely so.
He knew nothing would go wrong. So many kids had come out in the past year at Sanders High, the school had made pronoun pins mandatory to avoid misgendering. All they had to do was wear the new pin he had grabbed from the office the day before. He also planned to wear a rainbow shirt to identify themself as the flaming homosexual he is.
The only real thing they were worried about would be the gossip surrounding them for the next week or so. Someone coming out is hardly a rare occurrence, but they were one of the most popular kids in school. He was certain that there were at least a few bets going around school on whether they were queer or not. To be fair, he was the only member of the Light and Dark sides to never confirm any rumors about gender or sexuality. And it's not as if he’s really hid anything. He’s just never confirmed.
But they’re ready to change that. They pull on their rainbow shirt, do their makeup slightly more dramatic than usual, and debate for a moment over the plaid purple skirt his dads had gotten him a few years ago. It matched his usual hoodie perfectly, but he had yet to wear it outside the house. There was no reason not to wear it. Why not spend his first day publicly out AGAP (as gay as possible)?
They arrive at school with an air of confidence around them that he hadn’t felt in a while. As he walked through the hallways, he saw a few looks of disappointment, but most were of excitement and joy. They caught a few thumbs up and cheers in the crowd as well.
He found the other two members of the Dark Sides standing at Virgil’s locker, both wearing identical looks of pride as they stared at him. They walked directly up to the pair, smirking slightly. Once he was within earshot, Remus grasped their head with one hand and Janus’s shoulder, striking a dramatic pose.
“Do you see that Jan Jan? Our little slime monster is all grown up!” Virgil rolled their eyes at their best friend’s antics. Janus lifted their wrist to show off her pink band. Despite the new rule about pronoun pins, Janus still kept her bracelet system in place. She claimed it to be simpler and more efficient.
She slung her arm around Virgil’s shoulders. She leaned in and said in a low voice, “I really am proud of you.”
Remus jumped on his back. “That makes two of us!”
Virgil had always enjoyed Logan’s company. They were the only person out of the group of six that allowed him some peace.
He could also be a captivating conversation partner. Listening to Logan ramble on about whatever he was currently studying was one of Virgil's favorite pastimes. The way his eyes lit up when you asked him about something they were interested in was adorable. And his voice would take on this gorgeous tone to it that Virgil knows not many people get to hear.
Their weekly study session was the thing that Virgil looked forward to the most. Every Thursday, they get to spend hours in a room with the most beautiful person he knows. They love the way Logan will straighten his tie or fix his hair even when they’re both immaculate. He loves the way they slowly and patiently explain the answer to something Virgil gets wrong, never criticizing them or getting frustrated.
Virgil may have developed an itty bitty crush on them over the years.
Not that they will ever tell him. They don’t even know where he stands on sexuality. He has only been open about their gender. And he doesn’t want to complicate their relationship for the sake of some silly crush.
The two of them sat in Virgil’s room doing homework. Logan sat on their bed, while Virgil had opted for the floor. They had hardly spoken a word to each other in the past few hours (a normal occurrence for their weekly get-togethers), but Virgil could tell something was bothering Logan. They’d been fidgeting for the past hour or so, and had seemed tense and nervous all day.
Virgil placed their bookmark into his book and groaned loudly. “If I have to read one more word of this, I think my eyes might literally start bleeding.”
Logan also marked their page before looking up. “That is highly unlikely. The amount of force that would cause one's eyeballs to ‘literally’ start bleeding is far more than would be caused by eye strain. Additionally, subconjunctival hemorrhage has not been linked to overuse and is instead usually caused by some sort of trauma to the eye. So unless you are planning to hit yourself in the face with the book, it will not cause your eyes to hemorrhage.”
Virgil huffed a laugh, internally cooing at how adorable they are when explaining something. “I guess you’re right. I can’t read anymore though.”
Logan cleaning their glasses on the edge of his shirt. “I agree with that statement.”
Virgil looked at him closely. Cleaning their glasses is a sort of nervous tick for him. And they had done it multiple times in the last hour. “Okay, what's going on? You’ve been nervous and weird all afternoon.”
Logan cleared his throat. “Nothing of importance.”
“So there is something!” Virgil exclaimed.
They blanched. “No, of course not. What would be wrong at the moment?”
Virgil gave them a look. “I never said that there was something wrong.”
Logan stood up quickly and started gathering his materials. “Well, it’s getting late. I must head home now in order to be at dinner at an adequate time.”
Virgil grabbed their arm. “Wait, Logan, there’s still hours until you need to leave. If you really don’t want to talk about whatever’s bothering you, we don’t have to. But if you do, I’m here and ready to listen.”
Logan shot them a grateful look. “I truly appreciate that Virgil. I will keep your offer in mind.”
They resumed their study positions and all was silent for a few minutes. Virgil couldn’t keep their mind off of Logan. He hoped that whatever was troubling him could be resolved easily. He didn’t want him to be distressed.
Eventually, Logan stiffly placed his books beside him and turned to their study partner. At the shift in movement, Virgil also put away their materials and prepared to listen, moving to sit next to them on their bed.
“I would like you to not speak until I am done speaking if that is acceptable for you.” Virgil immediately agreed. They would never interrupt him when they were having such a serious conversation.
“My sincerest gratitude. I-” Logan paused. They took a stuttering breath. Virgil reached out and took his hand, attempting to provide some form of comfort.
“I am not a robot. I know that there are some that may think otherwise. Aside from the vast technological inaccuracies in that statement, contrary to popular belief, I do have emotions. I do experience love. Just not in the same way as others do. From a young age, I have known that I have felt no sexual attraction. The idea of sex repulsed me far more than I can explain, even past the age of maturity. I have no desire to love anybody in that way. And I never will.
“I was under the impression that the same went for romantic attraction. I had never felt any sort of romantic feelings for a female. But recent… variables have shown me otherwise. I do not feel any romantic attraction for people of the female gender or sex. I do, however, experience attraction to people of the same gender. These people fall under the male and non-binary spectrum. In conclusion, I am asexual and homoromantic. I am finished, you may speak now.”
Virgil was delighted by the news. They had just confirmed that his crush could possibly be attracted to him. They didn’t care about the asexual part. It changed none of his feelings towards the academic prodigy.
They made the mistake of staying silent for a moment too long. That became evident when he looked at Logan’s face. Any positive feelings he had melted into concern.
“Oh, Lo,” they said softly, “You’re crying.” He brought his hand to Logan’s cheek and wiped away the silent tears that had trickled down with their thumb.
Logan's voice wobbled as they spoke. “My apologies.”
“No,” Virgil cooed, “you have nothing to apologize for. You’ve done nothing wrong. You’re accepting yourself and I am so proud of you for that.”
That seemed to be all it would take for their dam to break. Soft sobs escaped his mouth and he brought up a hand to try to muffle them.
Virgil made a sympathetic noise and wrapped them up in their arms. He cupped the back of Logan’s neck with one hand and used the other to rub soothing circles into his back. Logan gripped their hoodie tightly as they cried into their shoulder.
Virgil whispered quiet words of encouragement to him. Eventually, Logan seemed to finally be calming down. His tears dwindled into quiet sniffles and they sagged into his chest. The emotional exhaustion of the day in addition to the exergy expelled by crying made him unbelievably tired.
Virgil shifted the two so they were lying down on his bed, Logan cuddled against their chest. They could feel his breaths evening out rapidly.
Virgil pressed a small kiss into his forehead, wishing more than anything that they could do it when Logan could remember.
Let me know if you want to be added to the non-existent tag list!
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mythgirlimagines · 3 years
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As the third day of the week begins its start, Fusion Anon began to work on his art. The submission is ready, and you better know it! Presenting Myth Anon, the Former Ultimate Poet!
When it came to academic subjects, Myth was very skilled in anything requiring creativity, for she is able to gain creative inspiration from just about anything. While she has a love for all art forms, the one mode that catched her eye in particular happened to be poetry, particularly poetry related to people and romance. As Myth became a teenager and romantic feelings began to blossom on both sides of the hill, she began writing poems to try and woo the people she had feelings for, but alas, not many people returned the sentiment, mainly due to Myth’s odd mannerisms and speech patterns. But despite her odd speech patterns and mannerisms, no one can deny that Myth is a stellar poet, with perfect flow and emotionally-moving verses, to the point that she managed to get into Hope’s Peak, thanks to her poetic skills. As an adult, she is currently living off the revenues gained from her live poetry readings.
Wyre Anon, Former Ultimate Procrastinator
When you consider the two’s personality traits, a friendship between Myth, the eccentric and flamboyant poet, and Wyre, the chronic slacker and part-time delinquent, would seem utterly and patently ridiculous. But Myth and Wyre have been the best of friends ever since they were young children. Whenever Myth gets rejected by a prospective love interest, Wyre would always be there with ice cream for Myth, and a little “something-something” for the people who rejected their best friend.
Outfit: A messy black gakuran over a white undershirt, longer hair that she didn’t even bother to cut, glasses from her original design.
Anon Scar, Ultimate Conspiracy Theorist 
As the mastermind behind various outrageous (yet credible) conspiracy theories, Scar proclaims herself to be the “Savior of All” and yearns to protect people from the hypothesized threats that Scar claims are looming around the horizon. Scar’s whole chuunibyo act provides inspiration for a lot of Myth’s poems, particularly ones themed around darkness and evil threats. While Scar is glad to help her senpai, she is also low-key embarrassed about her whole middle-school chuunibyou act.
Outfit: A camo-patterned t-shirt, a dark purple overcoat slung over her shoulders like a cape, cargo pants, mask, gloves, and boots from original design.
Fusion Anon, Ultimate Ice Skater
Famed for his grace and sheer energy upon the ice, Fusion won loads upon loads of awards from ice skating tournaments, particularly specializing in Salchows and speed-skating. Fusion is currently attempting to teach Myth and the other conmates how to ice-skate. Myth is still far from an expert, but her newly-gained skill in ice-skating gave her even more inspiration for her poems. Because Myth’s vocabulary is very similar to his good friend Purple’s, Fusion can easily understand Myth.
Outfit: A fluffy blue parka over a red and yellow leotard, red mittens that were knitted for him by a fan, glasses from original design.
Fusion Anon II, Ultimate Trivia Expert
Having appeared on various trivia game shows and often seen studying in the library, Fusion II has a vast amount of random knowledge on a vast amount of random things. While Fusion II views Myth as a confident role model and wishes to emulate her coolness and confidence, Fusion II wishes that Myth didn’t intrude in the middle of her study session and start loudly reciting her poetry. The irritation is not helped by the fact that Myth can’t seem to pick up on Fusion II’s sarcasm in the slightest.
Outfit: A blue and yellow baseball cap with a yellow question mark on the front, a blue letterman’s jacket over the same red shirt from her original design, the skirt and boots from her original design.
Just Anon, Ultimate Personal Assistant
Despite being polite and very efficient with his duties when on his various jobs, when off-duty, Janon couldn’t be any further from that façade, being lazy and crude to just about anybody. It was very clear that having all of those jobs at such a young age really took a toll on both his psyche and his sanity, and he wants nothing more than to finish all of his duties in record time and then collapse on the spot. Janon can’t stand Myth and her flamboyant and eccentric mannerisms, for they give him a headache that just wouldn’t go away. But deep down, Janon envies Myth’s independence and confident in being herself, while Janon views himself as a slave to PR and can’t show his true and vulgar attitude towards his bosses.
Outfit: His hair and bangs slicked back, a brown vest over a white dress shirt and a pink bowtie, matching brown pants, black gloves and boots.
Sparkle Anon, Former Ultimate Voice Actor
Famous for starring as the leading ladies in magical girl anime, Sparkle’s loud and hammy vocals have garnered her fame, despite her young age. Even when she isn’t playing a character, Sparkle’s voice is still as loud and flamboyant as you can get. Because of their similar temperaments and personas, Myth and Sparkle got along very easily. Myth was over the moon in joy, from finding someone who behaved a lot like her (flamboyant, loud and appreciates the “fine arts”) and appreciated her poetic masterpieces, on top of that. Myth regularly lets Sparkle read her poems, as vocal exercises, and Sparkle’s voice just sounds so hypnotic, when she is reading Myth’s poems in a hammy and energetic magical girl’s voice. 
Outfit: Same outfit from the original, but with bedazzled microphone and headphones. 
Egg Anon, Former Ultimate Romantic, and Wet Sock, Former Ultimate Paleontologist
Egg is famous around their school for their romantic advice, while Wet Sock is a pioneer in paleontology. Despite the very different domains of their talents, Egg and Wet Sock are practically peas in a pod, particularly when it comes to inserting cursed comments into just about any situation. But just because they’re both cursed, that doesn’t mean they aren’t geniuses and respected in their respective fields. Egg, is willing to put aside their cursed comments and help Myth with her romantic troubles, and even giving her advice for her romantic poems. Egg’s twin harbor some more-than-platonic feelings for the poet, but good luck getting those feelings out of Wet Sock, for they just might threaten you with a bone shiv. 
Egg’s Outfit: Smoothed down hair, a pink off-the-shoulder sweater with a red heart stitched on the front over a white tank-top, black leggings with small pink hearts on the knees, pink slip-on shoes, glasses from original design. 
Wet Sock’s Outfit: A brown sleeveless jacket over a white tanktop that shows off their scarred arms, a tan apron with a dark brown dinosaur skeleton on the front, brown cargo shorts, brown steel-toed boots.
Curious Anon, Jr. Ultimate Ornithologist 
Having mastered the art of standing quietly and motionless, Curious is so placid and peaceful, that birds can’t help but perch on them. Thanks to their calm and passive nature, Curious is able to get closer to birds and study them. Despite being a respected genius in the study of all sorts of bird species and is even the discoverer of nearly-extinct species of birds, no one knows where Curious came from, for they spent pretty much all their life is the forest, yet is exceedingly formal and polite. Curious’s modest, polite and romantically-dense nature, contrasts heavily against Myth’s loud, dramatic, and flirtatious nature, but somehow their friendship still works, thanks to Curious’s heavy respect towards their senpai. 
Outfit: A green poncho to help them blend into the grass over a white shirt, a brown belt, black pants, brown boots and binoculars across their neck.
Anon Nerd, Former Ultimate Astronomer
Yearning to reach the stars, and stopping at nothing until he accomplishes his goals, Nerd has brains and brawn and he is not afraid to use either of those (his brown, in particular). Graduating at the top of his astronomy academy, both physically and mentally, Nerd’s disagreeable and explosive personality means that he wasn’t able to become an astronaut, particularly after he scouter-burned a teacher who gave him a bad grade. Bad grades aren’t the only thing that can enrage Nerd, for he particularly hates flirty and flamboyant poets who constantly try to seduce him at every opportunity. But Myth is one determined poet, for she will constantly write love poems for Nerd, even if she suffers in the process.
Outfit: Same suit from his original design, but with a galaxy patterned tie.
Eldritch Anon, Ultimate Essayist
Despite the sheer number of academically-acclaimed essays that Eldritch wrote, it’s near impossible to find any other traces of Eldritch’s existence, apart from his self-reviewed and academically-revolutionary essays. Eldritch double-shooted, to make absolutely sure that no one could find him and trace the essays back to him. Eldritch is truly a textbook example of a shut-in, who finds it impossible to trust anybody. Because both Myth and Eldritch have talents that involve writing, Myth keeps trying to interact with Eldritch, but Eldritch just repeatedly pushes her away, while loudly claiming that he doesn’t trust her, for reasons left unknown. But Myth keeps trying, hoping that Eldritch could let his guard down one day.
Outfit: A grey hoodie with the hood-up, shorts and slippers from the original design.
Dream Anon, Ultimate Puzzle Solver
Despite being physically gifted, Dream appreciates a great mental challenge, from time to time. Whenever she’s not dancing or playing volleyball, Dream is often in the corner with a sudoku puzzle or a Rubix cube. Eventually though, Dream made world records, despite her age, thanks to her sheer speed and accuracy at completing puzzles. Eventually, Dream managed to get into Hope’s Peak with the title of Ultimate Puzzle Solver. Whenever Myth gets writer’s block, Dream would supply Myth with a puzzle to get Myth’s creative neurons firing, and it usually works, at least half of the time. Dream may not understand half of what comes out of Myth’s mouth, but she’s still a great friend to her.
Outfit: Two pink barrettes shaped like jigsaw puzzle pieces, a black t-shirt with a Rubix cube design on the front, a pink and cream flannel shirt tied around her waist, sheared green shorts, shoes from the original design.
Iris Anon, Jr. Ultimate Speedreader 
Iris has a reading comprehension way above even most adults, and reading is practically a breeze for this clumsy, yet well-meaning, bookworm. Being a massive book nerd and proud of it, Iris proudly read the entirety of her local library two times over, at unparalleled speeds, all with a big smile on her face, causing her to become a local sensation, until she was accepted into Hope’s Peak’s middle school division. Because of the vast walls of text that she reads, Iris can easily understand Myth’s eccentric and grandiose speech patterns, and translate for people who can’t understand. Iris’s naturally positive and friendly personality also helps in making friends with the otherwise eccentric and friendless Myth. 
Outfit: A blue overcoat over a black shirt and skirt, black stockings and blue slip-on shoes.
Purple Anon, Ultimate Surgeon
As a veritable medical prodigy who was born to two affluent medical professionals herself, Purple primarily specialises in surgery and operations. Despite her age and general timidity when in social situations (to the point that she often hides from others behind much larger doctors), Purple is a master at surgeries and is revered by her patients for her maternal attitude and her kind heart. Both Myth and Purple bond over their hard to understand and oddly-vocabulary, and Purple’s vocabulary helps Myth come up with new words for her latest poems. Myth is also working on giving confidence lessons to Purple. It’s taking some time for Purple, but Myth is confident in her skills, and claims that it’ll work one day.
Outfit: Same outfit from her original design, but without the beret and an added white lab coat.
This series would center around the egotistical yet lovable poet, getting the love that she truly deserves. 
Poet!Myth is flamboyant, eccentric and likes to think of herself as a charmer and a genius, and wouldn’t hesitate to show off her talent and intellect, at every chance that she gets. Poet!Myth speaks a lot like her poems: with odd metaphors and old-fashioned vocabulary, and quoting famous poets and playwrights. She usually responds to her haters by claiming that they “just don’t understand art”. Ultimately though, Poet!Myth yearns to find love and people who could accept her for who she is, and she constantly puts up the charmer facade, in hopes that it’ll work out one day.
Poet!Myth wears her purple hair in a ponytail that is pinned by a feather quill, and the glasses from her original design. Myth wears a black overcoat with internal velvet that is slung over her shoulders like a cape, a blue vest with pink stripes on each side and a matching pink cravat, over a white dress shirt, black pants and matching black loafers.
I hope you like this talentswap! Let me know what you think of this AU!
-Fusion Anon
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Title: Squish
Fandom: Sander Sides
Pairing(s): Logicality
Genre: Angst with a happy ending
Word Count: 2564
Warning(s): Weight Mention
Tag List: @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch
Finally finished @lamp-calm-sanders fic, so sorry it took so long (I say knowing full well this is sadly the shortest amount of time it has ever taken me to write a fic, I am so sorry) (also spent like and hour trying to fix this because tumblr hates the copy paste option)  
Logan hadn’t always felt bad about his body. Logan hadn’t always looked at his chub with disdain or fantasized what it would be like to be skinny, he hadn’t always wondered what it would be like to not be fat. God, he hated that word, he hated it’s definition, the connotations it brought when he said it, he even hated the ugly way it seemed to roll off his tongue. But he hated that he hated his body even more. He knew he wasn’t unhealthy (He encouraged Thomas to eat healthily often and Logan was not much of a hypocrite) it was just how his body metabolized food and he understood that. He knew the other three loved him and his body but he still couldn’t stop the negativity he felt when he thought about it.
Like he said though, he hadn’t always hated his size, for most of his life the thoughts never dared cross his mind. He wasn’t really sure when they had started, when Thomas was younger he hadn’t minded his size, if anything he liked his body. And he knew the other sides had no problem. Roman didn’t really care, he could playfully quip with Logan no matter how skinny or fat he was. Virgil liked to act like it didn’t bother him but he secretly loved the comfort that came with Logan’s hugs that wouldn’t have felt the same if Logan were any skinnier (he had always taken pride in being the only one besides Patton who could calm the anxious trait down.) And Patton, of course, loved Logan’s size, when they were younger Patton would always gush about how adorable Logan was, calling Logan his favorite “squish.”
Squish (adj)- a way of describing someone who is smol (see card 37), loveable, and sometimes even physically squishy.
Logan pretended he thought it was annoying but he secretly loved the endearing nickname. A warm fuzzy feeling would erupt in his chest whenever Patton said it, his heart would swell and his cheeks would turn bright red (when he was older and could understand emotions better he defined this feeling as happiness.)
Happiness (n)- the state of feeling happy (showing or feeling pleasure/contentment)
But that all changed during Thomas’s teenage years. It had started off small, Thomas would watch a movie with his friends, the coined “fat kid” was always the butt of the jokes. Logan had brushed it off at the time, high school children were often harsh for the sake of it, there was nothing wrong with him, the cruelties of high school were to blame. Then Thomas’s chubbier friends would get picked on at school, Logan once again would brush it off as useless teenage bullying but now there was an inkling of doubt (what if they were right? What if he was the wrong one here, what if they were right) Then social media began to take off and everywhere Logan would people just like him endlessly picked on for no other reason than how big they were. They were accused of being lazy, fat, disgusting, unhygienic, unmotivated, wrong, bad, wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong
After careful data analysis and consideration Logan finally concluded that being fat was bad. If so many people hated it (hated him) then statistically it must be true. Fat was wrong, he was wrong.
If Logan was younger he would have talked to Patton or Virgil about it. He would have crawled in their beds and cried his feelings away until he felt better. He could’ve sobbed into Patton’s chest and laid his insecurities out as they cuddled in his bed. He could have leaned on Virgil’s shoulder as they watched rain trickle down the their windows, just enjoying the quiet content of it all. 
But it was too late for that, they had grown distant as Thomas had gotten older. Virgil was much more controlling during high school, he knew all the horrible things kids in school could do and he just wanted to protect Thomas from it all. But the other sides never thought that was the right way approach to high school and soon it became a constant war of Virgil vs. everyone else. So it hadn’t really surprised Logan when the other’s bickering had grown so tiresome for the anxious side that he had decided he was done with it all and retired to his room. Patton had been upset at first but Virgil could still do his job and he came out eat when he needed to so eventually Patton relented. By the time Thomas started making vines Logan had only seen Virgil a handful of times.
And Logan, too, had become more distant, Patton and Roman were too emotional most of the time (this was when he missed his left brain bro... the name was Virgil’s suggestion) and he did not have the time or energy to deal with them. He and Roman started disagreeing more often, Roman’s outlandish ideas sometimes overpowering any logical thought. Patton, of course, tried to bond with him every once in awhile but each time Logan would brush it off, so yeah, Logan was not in any position to ask any of them for help.
So he dealt on his own, and he was good at it. He learned to bottle his emotions up into this tiny spot in his chest and never touch them again. Using that method he could cope with all his issues without any negative connotations for Thomas. He was fine.
Until he wasn’t.
“This one’s for you Patton!” Thomas exclaimed, phone in hand. It was a late Tuesday night and they had yet again been subjected to Sides Q&A. “What’s your favorite cartoon?”
“Ooh! It’s so hard to choose,” Patton gushed. “But if I have to choose I’d saaaaaay, Steven Universe but Legend of Korra is always a close second.” Patton said with a grin. It’d been a bad day for Logan, nothing particular had happened it was just one of those really bad days where the mirrors seemed to distort his image until he felt like he was looking at an ugly monster. It was one of those day where he didn’t want anyone to see him, it made him feel open and vulnerable and he couldn’t deal with that right now.  It was just one of those days where he just wanted to lay in his bed and hide under the covers until the sun went away. But life was never exactly kind to Logan when exactly kind when he wanted it to be.
“Virgil, in your opinion, who gives the best hugs?” Thomas queried, breaking Logan from his train of thought.
“I don’t really have many options considering Patton’s the only one who hugs me but I guess I’d say Patton,” Virgil said, bitterness from his years of exclusion leaking through. Pain pierced through Logan’s heart, he used to be Virgil’s favorite hugger.
Longing (n)- a yearning desire for what once was or what could be
“I will make an effort in the future to engage in more comforting physical contact.” Logan managed to squeeze out of his chest, stoic as ever, determined to hide the swell of emotions threatening to break the surface.
“As will I!” Roman declared. “I shall become the best hugger you have ever seen Virgil dear.” Virgil rolled his eyes but everyone could see the light blush that dusted his cheeks.
“Ah! Here’s another one for Logan,” Thomas interrupted. “What’s your favorite vocabulary card?” The interests of the other three perked up. It seemed like Logan had hundreds of cards and they’d only seen a handful.
”There are many that I’ve grown fond of but at this time my favorite is Extra.” Logan replied, flipping the card out from his back pocket.
Extra (adj)- Someone who is over the top, flamboyant or dramatic when it is not necessary
“It was not only one of the easier ones to learn but it is also an adequate insult for Roman.” He said with a mischievous smirk. Roman feigned an affronted gasp.
“I’ll let you know,” He cried, hand over his heart “I take that as a compliment.” He said dramatically and sniffled.
“See, case in point. You are extra.” Logan said, pointing at him, earning a chuckle from Virgil and another gasp from Roman. Thomas chuckled but pulled up another ask.
“This one’s for all of you,” He said. “Who do you all think is the hottest?” Immediately, they all jumped in, putting in their thoughts.
“Noooo, I can’t choose we’re all beautiful.” Patton said in distress eyes bouncing to all of them wildly.
“Oh it’s me of course,” Roman said gallantly, striking a pose.
“Why are you forcing us to choose who is what society expects to be ‘hot?’”Virgil asked, shaking his head. 
“I hate to say it, but I do agree with Roman,” Logan spoke up and everyone paused to stare at him, even Thomas, Logan rarely agreed with Roman, much less on frivolous things such as this. “While you all are beautiful in your own way, Roman is the only one who fits the societal version of a hot version and actively tries to maintain this image.” No one spoke for a moment, the air tense and uncomfortable. Everyone was staring at Logan like he’d just grown two more heads, he looked away, not used to so much attention on him at once. Finally, Patton broke the silence.
“You mean, we are all beautiful, you forgot yourself.” He whispered and Logan tensed, Patton was the type of person who just sort of knew when someone wasn’t feeling like themselves and Logan didn’t want Patton to know right now.
Intuition (n)- the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning
“Yes, yes, of course, merely a slip of the tongue,” Logan lied, his fingers tapping on his wrist to the beat of his nervous heart rate. “However, this question was shallow and I’d prefer not to take part in ones like these again, therefore I shall be going. Goodbye everyone.” He sunk out as quick as he could, he could hear the others saying their goodbyes and following behind him as he willed all his strength into not sprinting into his room and collapsing into his bed.
“Hey, Logan,” Virgil mumbled from behind, managing to catch him in the commons. “Umm.. sleep well.” He said, smiling softly, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. It may not have seemed like much but Logan knew it was so much more, when he was ready he would go to Virgil and finally talk about what was bothering him but he wasn’t ready yet and Virgil understood that.
With that comforting thought, he finally made it into his room and collapsed on the bed, the metaphorical damn breaking as his chest seemed to cleave in two, silent tears leaking out as he curled in on himself, bringing his knees to his chest. But he surprisingly didn’t feel particularly bad, there wasn’t any of the usual uncomfortable ball of sadness weighing on his chest, instead there was nothing. But he didn’t feel good either. It wasn’t like the weight had been lifted, it seemed more like a pleasant numbing. If he was being honest, he didn’t really feel anything at all.
He could deal with that, not feeling was fine, Logan was perfectly okay with not feeling. It probably wasn’t healthy but it was something different from the aches that usually plagued him everyday and Logan could use every break he could get. Patton, on the other hand, was not fine with that and chose a very poor time to barge into Logan’s room.
“Hey, kiddo, I noticed you were feeling down earlier and wanted to know if-” Patton paused, noticing the strange emptiness of the room. “Logan?” Logan didn’t move, laying still in his void of nothingness, he wanted Patton to go away and take all his feelings with him, Logan did not need them right now, he couldn’t breathe when they were there and needed them to leave.
“Oh honey,” Patton cooed and hurried over to the bed to sit next to Logan, his hand resting soothingly on Logan’s knee. “Is this about the Q&A question earlier?” Logan hesitantly nodded numbly, staring right past Patton. It was useless lying to Patton, he’d pester Logan until he confessed if he didn’t.
“I-I was not feeling my best.” He managed to mumble, the salty sensation of his tears shocking him closer to reality.
“Why?” Patton asked softly.
“It.. reminded me that I-I do not have a.. d-desirable body type.” He said slowly and Patton frowned.
“Is it because you’re chubbier than us?” Patton asked and Logan nodded again, more tears flowing as a silent sob wracked through him. Patton frowned and turned to face the crying boy. “You know that your size has nothing to do with your beauty right?” Logan paused.
“B-But it does,” Logan said earnestly. “I have looked over so much data, and the data shows that fat people are ugly. So I must be ugly... It’s only logical thinking.” He trailed off at the end, looking away from Patton and focusing on a tiny speck of dust in his covers.
“Can you sit up kiddo? I want to prove you wrong.” Patton said after a moment, an unidentifiable look in his eyes. Logan frowned but relented, sitting cross legged across from Patton, who smiled and poked his arm.
“See these arms? You may only see flab, but I see that these arms are the same arms that give the best hugs in the mindscape, even Virgil will agree with me on this one.” Patton lightly squeezed his arm and Logan rolled his eyes.
“And this tum?” Patton lightly pinched a bit of fat around his stomach. “This is the cutest tum I have ever seen. Even if you don’t think so.” He gave Logan a quick tickle as Logan giggled slightly and squirmed away.
“And you said your body isn’t hot? Well we must be talking about different people because Logan baby those hips do not lie.” Patton whistled, gaining a small chuckle from Logan. “You are perfect just the way you are Logan, your size is beautiful and just the right size for you. Your size is a part of who you are, you wouldn’t be my favorite squish without it.” The childhood nickname sent Logan over the edge as he launched himself into Patton’s arms, sobbing as Patton cupped Logan’s head against his shoulder. He let years of anguish and self loathing overflow as he clung to Patton like a frightened child. Patton calmingly shushed him and whispers words of kindness into his ears as they fell back against Logan’s bed, content in each other’s arms.
Logan knew he’d always have bad days. He knew there would be times where he couldn’t stand to look in a mirror. There would be days he’d want to hide away and never let anyone in but he knew Patton and the other sides would always be there for him and in that moment, for Logan, that was enough.
Also, Logan lied, extra was not his favorite vocabulary word.
Squish (adj)- a way of describing someone who is smol (see card 37), loveable, and sometimes even physically squishy. (i.e Logan)
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As a deeply jaded Harry Potter fan, I sometimes have to make a conscious effort to focus on the positives. So I think it’s worth noting that I didn’t have to try too hard to find some positives to focus on in Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.
The second installment in the Harry Potter prequel series is now in theaters, and with it, author J.K. Rowling, who writes the screenplays, has introduced a host of serious wrinkles in her own established universe. The plot is confusing, disjointed, and seemingly devoted to setting up a convoluted storyline that will play out in future installments.
Watching the film feels a bit like being dropped into the middle of a very thick novel that’s full of words whose meanings you don’t know. And this holds true no matter your level of Harry Potter fandom; Rowling does a ton of worldbuilding on the fly, and expects viewers to roll with it and figure things out as they go. That’s difficult to do, and it makes The Grimes of Grindelwald hard to review, because it’s so obviously laying the foundation for some future film.
But even given all of that, there are things to like about it; and the things to like are, I think, pretty interesting things!
The Crimes of Grindelwald picks up where the first Fantastic Beasts film left off: with the dark wizard Grindelwald (the controversial Johnny Depp) sitting in jail after infiltrating the American magical congress. (Why he wanted to infiltrate it in the first place wasn’t ever fully explained, but it clearly involved being generically evil.)
In the opening moments of the new film, Grindelwald dramatically escapes prison, leaving Professor Dumbledore — an inexplicably de-camped Jude Law — to decide how to respond. Dumbledore, who was canonically in love with Grindelwald as a teen and may have once been in a relationship with him, is either unwilling or unable to fight him now, in adulthood, so he sends our hero Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) to battle Grindelwald in his stead. This involves finding the one person who can effectively fight him: Credence (Ezra Miller), who we encountered in the first Fantastic Beasts film as a frightened orphan, confused about his identity and unaware of his own tremendous magical abilities.
The Crimes of Grindelwald then follows Newt as he attempts to locate Credence in Paris. It also follows Grindelwald as he attempts to locate Credence, and as he launches what must be the most hastily assembled and disturbingly muffled political allegory ever thrown together by a writer capable of much greater nuance than this. The driving force of The Crimes of Grindelwald’s plot — though it’s difficult to refrain from putting sarcasm quotes around “plot” — is for Newt to find Credence before Grindelwald can, because the implication is that whoever gets to Credence first will have the best chance at deploying his magic as a weapon for their side. (More on what those sides are fighting for in a moment.)
Along the way, the movie gets sidetracked by a tangled web of subplots. Characters keep tossing around fragments of prophecies whose origins are never properly contextualized and whose predictions are never fully explained. There are baby-killings, cases of mistaken identity, mysterious characters with mysterious backgrounds, dramatic flashbacks, and several different moments that disrupt the established canonical timeline of the Harry Potter universe in ways that are sure to break the brains of Harry Potter fans across the internet. There’s even a giant Chinese fire-dragon cat-thing that needs to be dealt with. (It’s cute!)
But none of these subplots further the narrative beyond providing an occasional dramatic reveal that ultimately goes nowhere. Characters show up, deliver backstory and dramatic revelations, and then, more often than not, die. The effect is basically that watching the The Crimes of Grindelwald feels like staring at that spinning top from Inception for two hours straight before eventually realizing it’s never going to fall over, because it doesn’t have enough mass to upset its inertia. There’s just no story, no substance . And what little substance there is essentially forms dramatic exposition for the next Fantastic Beasts movie.
It’s especially unfortunate that this wheel-spinning for the sake of expository setup was one of the chief complaints of critics who reviewed the previous Fantastic Beasts film. But the previous film had so much more actual plot than this one that by comparison, The Crimes of Grindelwald feels extra-flimsy and empty. At least in the previous film, there was a set of clearly achievable objectives involving the rounding-up of a bunch of fantastic beasts!
But. But! Do we watch Harry Potter movies for the plot, or do we watch Harry Potter movies for the wizarding world? Because The Crimes of Grindelwald contributes beauty and a solid sense of setting and depth to the Harry Potter universe, and it deserves credit for that.
One of the things I continue to admire and love most about the Harry Potter film franchise in its latter-day installments is how director David Yates, who has helmed all of the movies since the fifth one in the main franchise, remains fully committed to J.K. Rowling’s vision, no matter how obscure it might get. And let’s be real, Fantastic Beasts is a totally new franchise arc that’s headed who-knows-where, and Rowling’s vision is deeply obscured in The Crimes of Grindelwald.
Yet Yates, with the trademark mix of sensitivity, detail, and emphasis on sumptuous worldbuilding that he’s deployed in each of the six Harry Potter films he’s directed so far, manages to make things work on his end. The Gilded Age wizarding world, Art Deco with a splash of steampunk, moves from vintage New York to London and Paris over the course of the film, and it looks as lovely and inviting as ever.
While the magical elements can feel a bit paint-by-numbers at times, it’s clear that Yates, Rowling, and longtime Harry Potter screenwriter-turned-producer Steve Kloves are still thinking deeply about how to keep the details of this world feeling unique and magical. And I think, for the most part, they do feel magical; that is, they feel like a world I enjoy spending time in, even when I’m exasperated by the lack of story.
It helps that Fantastic Beasts’ characters are, for the most part, characters I enjoy watching. It’s hard to overstate just how unique Redmayne’s Newt Scamander is within the annals of fictional heroes. Not only is he plainly and unremarkably neurodivergent, but he subverts typical onscreen representations of masculinity in refreshing and unexpected ways. Rowling seems to have written him by consciously sidestepping the tropes of toxic masculinity, and the result is that Newt, however overshadowed he is by plot dramatics, always feels like the answer to the questions she’s trying to ask about violence and propaganda and side-taking.
Unfortunately, those questions aren’t very well-posed. Grindelwald’s dark wizardry is a tangled mishmash of World War I-era fashion, militant Fascism disguised as leftist rhetoric, and concern-trolling about Nazis and World War II, designed to appeal to pureblood wizards of all races, including at least one character who’s coded Jewish. What Grindelwald’s actual politics are beyond wanting Muggle genocide is anyone’s guess, but given that this film is arriving during one of the most politically confusing and polarized eras in recent history, it’s mildly worrying that Grindelwald’s actual message is as vague and “insert-your-own-ideology” as possible.
And then there’s Grindelwald himself. The sheer number of characters in The Crimes of Grindelwald means we spend less time with Newt and his core group of friends than before, but we arguably spend the most time with Grindelwald. And though Johnny Depp’s performance is notably subdued (for Depp, at least), Grindelwald still feels like the series’ flamboyant gay villain (a stereotype that’s exacerbated further due to how toned-down and butch Dumbledore has become) — he’s always standing a little too close to his potential allies, always tacitly seducing them into joining him on the dark side, always being framed by the film as representing something irresistible and innately evil.
It’s weird and uncomfortable to watch, and I wish I felt like more of that weirdness and discomfort is because Grindelwald is a Nazi and not because he’s queer. (All of this potential association of Grindelwald’s evilness with his queerness is built into the narrative of the Harry Potter books, but given that so far, there are only two known queer characters in the entire wizarding universe, and given that one of them is an evil genocidal Aryan and the other one is in love with the evil genocidal Aryan, we can be forgiven for feeling a little queasy about how things are playing out.)
But commenting too critically on The Crimes of Grindelwald could, at this point, amount to unfair speculation. Rowling is clearly in the middle of juggling eight or nine plot points at once, as she loves to do, and it seems somewhat futile to do anything more than stand back and let her at it, until we finally have a coherent 10-hour film that we can judge as a whole. What we clearly don’t have in The Crimes of Grindelwald is a movie; instead, we have a heavily fragmented, not terribly coherent piece of something larger.
Whether that other, larger thing eventually coalesces into the sparkling magical story we came for, or whether it disapparates into oblivion, remains to be seen. But for Harry Potter fans who’ve put their trust in J.K. Rowling for all this time, the best thing I can say about The Crimes of Grindelwald is probably this: It won’t make you want to put your wand away any time soon.
Original Source -> Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald feels like a giant prologue for some other movie
via The Conservative Brief
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A (brief) history of PlayStation football • Eurogamer.net
Wesley Yin-Poole
Deputy Editor
Last night, following Manchester United's 3-0 Champions League group game victory against Basel, manager Jose Mourinho expressed his anger at the way his side had played.
The demanding Portuguese said his players played with too much confidence and, well, took the piss a bit.
"We were playing fantasy football, PlayStation football, flicks," Mourinho said. "I don't like it. We gambled a little bit, but football is football and you have to respect your opponent.
"I don't know if goal difference will play a part. We lost position, our shape, we lost balls in easy situations. I didn't like it, the players relaxed too much."
While Mourinho's comments come across as a tad harsh, he's not the first manager to blast his players for playing "PlayStation football". In fact, the Premier League and PlayStation have a bit of a history.
Mourinho's latest jibe got me thinking about other times PlayStation has come up in real-world football. My list includes multiple references to Sony's console - some hilarious, some ridiculous and some downright pointless. But throughout it all remember this: the thing about Arsenal is, they always try to walk it in.
Gary Neville versus David Luiz, aka David Lolz
Regular readers may be aware that I'm a Chelsea fan. I also love David Luiz to bits. But even I can see angry pundit Gary Neville had a point when he likened Luiz's performance in Chelsea's November 2011 defeat at Liverpool to "being controlled by a 10-year-old on a PlayStation".
The flamboyant Brazilian defender is like that. He's about as PlayStation a footballer you can get. He often does incredible things (that free kick against Liverpool, for example), but every now and then he makes a mistake that costs us a goal. But the Bridge would be a poorer place without him. In fact it was, while Luiz played for PSG for a bit.
In any case, Luiz is no longer the PlayStation footballer he was. Under Antonio Conte and in a 3-5-2 formation, he's become one of the best defenders in the league. So now he's just a bit mad and also very very good, which is ideal.
Anyway, here's the inevitable Gary Neville backtrack.
Roy Hodgson versus Wayne Rooney
Back in August 2013, then England boss Roy Hodgson (who's now managing Crystal Palace somehow) warned Wayne Rooney not to chat to left back Ashley Cole about a rumoured move from Manchester United to Chelsea while playing... PlayStation.
Hodgson, in his infinite wisdom, didn't want England players thinking about anything other than performing terribly for England. So, he ordered they leave their club rivalries at the main gates and ignore the conversations around the PlayStation, which it seems is the football version of the water cooler.
"I don't know whether it's nave, but Ashley Cole and Wayne are quite close friends and I'm sure David Moyes knows that as well," Hodgson said.
"If they aren't speaking in the hotel they will be speaking on the phone. I do accept a duty of care and I will try to make it clear to the players of Manchester United and Chelsea that they will be with England now.
"As far as we're concerned you can speak as much as you like to each other, but during these two or three days this is about England versus Scotland and the matches beyond that.
"I don't expect anybody for one minute to fracture their concentration from what's important.
"Both David Moyes and Jose Mourinho have been very supportive and fully understand my position."
In the end, Rooney stayed at Manchester United. Didn't help David Moyes much, though.
Petr Cech versus Rock Band
Here's an odd one. Arsenal goalkeeper Petr Cech loves playing the drums. He even has his own YouTube channel in which he, yep, plays the drums. And he's pretty good! But did you know he got into playing the drums after ex-Chelsea goalkeeper Carlo Cudicini introduced him to Rock Band on PlayStation? Here's the quote:
"I never played any instrument before and I never had a music lesson or anything like that. But then once with Carlo Cudicini we played Rock Band on the PlayStation and I jumped on the drums without ever playing it before.
"I had so much fun and realised how much I enjoyed it because I love music in general. I was always listening to music but I realised that actively participating in the song you enjoy listening to was even better.
"Then he told me to get the digital drum kit so that I could put the iPod in and play along to songs for fun and relaxation."
Cech reckons playing the drums has made him a better keeper. "You need to find a way to co-ordinate things and, once you learn how to programme your brain to do that, it helps you to co-ordinate even for football," he said.
So there you have it. PlayStation made Petr Cech a better goalkeeper, or something.
Chile versus Lionel Messi
In July 2015, Chile were set to face Argentina in the Copa America final. The problem was, Argentina had Lionel Messi, probably the greatest footballer ever, to contend with. To combat Messi, Chile had their players play on a PlayStation. That's about as detailed as the reports got, but here's the quote from coach Jorge Sampaoli anyway:
"We have a simulation program that uses PlayStation technology and allows players to move the team around the pitch using a joystick. We can tell a player: 'We are going to press in 4-4-2' and the software shows us how that will work against our rival."
Apparently want-away Arsenal forward Alexis Sanchez put more hours in than most. It all sounds pretty silly, but whatever went on behind the scenes worked, as Chile won the final in a penalty shootout. That's the true power of PlayStation right there.
Messi's player rating in FIFA 18. Fair enough, really.
Messi versus everyone
While we're on Messi, the Barcelona great is so overpowered, Arsene Wenger once described him as a PlayStation player. In 2014, then Barcelona boss Luis Enrique said Messi did things in training "I have not even seen on the PlayStation".
"He does things in training that I have not even seen... on the PlayStation,' Enrique said with a dramatic pause.
Messi, the quintessential PlayStation footballer. What a legend.
David James versus Tomb Raider
This one's a classic. Back in the mid 90s, England and Liverpool goalkeeper suffered a dip in form that led some to label him "Calamity James". His response? Blame PlayStation.
Specifically, Tomb Raider and Tekken 2, which, James said, had been keeping him up all night - and it was that video game binge that led him to play terribly in a 4-3 victory over Newcastle in 1997.
"I was getting carried away playing Tekken II and Tomb Raider for hours on end," James said. Right mate.
Romelu Lukaku versus a PS3 controller
Romelu Lukaku is known for terrorising defenders, but back in October 2013 he terrorised a PlayStation pad. Why? Because he lost a game of FIFA.
While preparing to take on Aston Villa's defence while playing for Everton, the striker smashed up a PS3 pad after he lost at FIFA 14 to then teammate Kevin Mirallas. He posted a picture of the damaged goods on Instagram. Ouch.
Careful, Lukaku. Those PlayStation controllers cost, what, 30? That's like, 10 seconds of your time or something.
Arsenal versus Norwich
If ever there was a PlayStation goal scored, it was Jack Wilshere's strike against Norwich in 2013.
The goal involved wonderful one-touch passing that bamboozled the Norwich defense and culminated in a first-time caress into the back of the net by the once-full of potential Wilshere. It's a beautiful goal - one of that season's best, and Arsenal through and through.
After the match, Arsenal's German star Mesut Ozil praised his teammates:
"I've got to praise the three players involved for the first goal. It was real 'tiki-taka' - almost like they were playing PlayStation! It was an unbelievable goal."
Chelsea versus Amiga
This one doesn't have anything to do with PlayStation but as a Chelsea fan I had to include it. Back in the day, before Roman Abramovich's billions dragged Chelsea into the big time, before Autoglass and before Coors, we were sponsored by Amiga. Yep, that's right, the Commodore Amiga. The retro 1993/94 Umbro Chelsea shirt is one I still have hanging inside my wardrobe. And around that time I was playing video games on an Amiga, too. An Amiga 1200 in fact. Theme Park, The Secret of Monkey Island, that sort of thing.
Why have I brought this up? A couple of reasons. I wanted our younger readers (we have those, right?) to know that video games and football go back further than PlayStation, and I wanted an excuse to publish this picture of ex-Chelsea goalkeeper Dmitri Kharine, which is quite something.
Got any cool PlayStation meets real football stories? If so, let us know about them in the comments.
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