#and he still laughs afterwards
simpingforcys · 7 days
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It's very blink and you'll miss it but during their fight, Ralph does try to push him away and punch him (in the face, no less) but Candybug freaking blocks and catches it into his talons. The Cybug virus enhanced not only his strength and speed but also reflexes.
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several-ravens · 4 months
horror podcast:
me: what's the worst you can do, claustrophobia? go on, i'm not scared
horror podcast: *someone yelling and slamming the table in anger*
me: ok i apologise
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I am yet again procrastinating on schoolwork by making shitposts and starting a somewhat ambitious fanart :"^)
I really wanna mess around and experiment with the mosaic-"censoring" and implied(? (but-still-pretty-much-in-your-face)) gore with this one >;^) I'm kinda terrified but masochistically looking forward to drawing the background and lighting/shading, since I don't usually fuck around with those much (at least not on the same scale as i'm planning to do with this)
...haaaah, i miss fixating on normal, healthy-ish fandoms with no fucked up shit being the focal point... :'\ /jk, I'm having a great time here ( ͡º ꒳ ͡º)
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frothy-commissions · 3 months
I keep seeing people complain about Suletta and Mirorine winning the shipping bracket and claiming no one has heard of them... My coworker who hates anime literally saw me reblog them amd went 'isn't that those two lesbians from that space show all over facebook and twitter?' Like come on now, these two are not only actually in love, but very popular. You sre just mad that a lesbian couple won something.
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more-profound-bond · 2 years
Charles: So what’s for dinner?
Erik, staring at the food he just burnt: Regret.
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hivepixels · 17 days
#while i was on my trip there was a tarot reading booth so i got mine read for topic: “money”#i never try this bcs im skeptical but that also means my sample size for cross-referencing is zilch. nonetheless leaving this log#mumblings#it was an interesting experience bc my sister had hers read for topic: “love” right before my turn#when she drew her five cards (deliberately picking them out in a random roundabout way) all of them were related to romance somehow#e.g card of man and woman + kneeling man presenting flowers to woman + pair of wedding rings#apparently this year she will meet a man with a personality opposite to hers. he will gift her a present and eventually propose to her#we laughed abt it afterwards bc she's a fashion student.. so all the men she links up with to model her garments r gay.#i wasnt paying close attention but im pretty sure i drew from the exact same deck yet i didnt pick any lover-looking cards#i drew mine rather predictably - mostly picking cards near the middle. one by one from left to right#my first three cards apparently gave context of fortune/luxury/nobility as real estate agent#then the fourth card was like. a cunning hooded figure sitting amidst piles and bags of gold. very disturbing contrast to the first three#mood turns still tense and dramatic. tarot lady explains i will make big bank in real estate and be very greedy abt it.#then the fifth final card is turnt over and it's a neutralizing one with flowers meaning “but despite that - i dont need to worry."#the timing of the five card reveal being done in this order mustve been staged somehow but i was too caught up in the performance of it#stared straight at the table yet could not notice how and when the deck couldve been shuffled or rearranged with sleight of hand
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bunnyinatree · 2 months
I feel awful. My dad and I got into a screaming match over my dad's casual transphobia on my mom's birthday 😔 She didn't deserve that... And I don't deserve my dad saying, "Well, now you're hurting MY feelings" every time I try to explain to him why something he said/did is hurtful towards trans people.
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there-will-be-a-way · 9 months
Just went outside to smoke. Saw fireworks, was happy. Heard the fireworks, was unhappy. Then saw a random dude riding his bike when he fell all of a sudden. The random dude didn't get up again. Thought, "Hm, I should get over." Walked towards him in joggers and slippers. Realized the random dude was my drunk roommate. Helped him up. Then his shopping bag broke and his groceries fell out
I just wanted to go for a quick smoke lmao
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maddymoreau · 2 years
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seariii · 6 months
Hm /pos
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Personal tier list of main yakuza antagonist deaths ranked from Least Aggravating to I’m Going To Eat Drift Wood ok it goes mine → nishiki → ryuji → aoki
#spoilers#snap chats#my opinion and heres why#Redeemed Through Death is such an aggravating trope but mines is the only one i can vaguely let slide#like richardson couldve been clocked out cold or just straight-up died in that scene mine didnt have to die but w/e#at least i can justify it by being like. This Is Why Daigo's So Depressed Afterwards LMAO (˘・_・˘)#still pisses me off/makes me sad though. i would love to see how he bounced back from uhh Everything LMAOO#nishiki- that shit was senseless like bro stumble out of that room right now and shoot the briefcase you prick#youre so dramatic GOD#nishiki and mine are tied tbh im only slightly more at peace with mines death#ryujis just. ryujis just the funniest character period bro was just here to beat up kiryu#see ryujis death is more funny than aggravating like kaoru was really like 'hey lets go home now yeah'#and ryuji was like 'NO i want to KILL HIM' and. FUNNIEST SHIT plus i live by dead souls canon. hes fine hes chill hes selling takoyaki#theres nothing funny or redeeming about aokis death like. like that shit was just depressing and infuriating#like there was legitimately no reason he had to die- you can justify it for the other three to an extent#but aoki's was just like. they had to fill out a quota in the most Are You Fucking Kidding Me way#its like when youre playing fire emblem on classic mode and youre at the very end of the map and suddenly one of your units gets killed#and youre just like Are You Fucking Kidding Me x2 Where Did That Come From cause you didnt check EVERYTHING before making your move#aokis death pisses me off the most like at least i can laugh at the other three or like be Whatever about it#god just let him rot in jail im begging you i hate it here#ok bye im gonna do those six fanarts challenge#might be more than six idk i dont know how to say no LMAO
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larnax · 9 months
ok i have. i have more disgaea thoughts. my girl fuka what did they do to you
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ok so the thing abt d4 is that overall its story is quite fun, it's peak disgaea because it is wacky in a way where its absurdly exaggerated literal events are used to represent emotional conflicts ie a character's dad shutting himself away in his lab for her entire childhood who reveals it was to fulfill her dream of taking over the world by developing machines that she can command to take over the world as an allegory for a dad doing his best to provide for his kids at the expense of being there for his kids so they grow up without feeling like he loves them, and it legitimately is the only story i think really intertwines serious and batshit to make "WE HAVE TO POWER THE MECH WITH LOVE SO IT CAN STOP THE MOON FROM CRASHING TO EARTH, QUICK, PRAY TO YOUR PARTNER BECAUSE WHILE YOU HAVE NO FAITH IN GOD YOU HAVE FAITH IN HIM!" instead of in d1 having the story be wacky with occasional stops to tell a standard story with normal emotional stakes and etna is there to tell jokes, or from d5 onwards basically just being standard fantasy stories with normal emotional stakes but theres wacky backgrounds.
the actual main story of d4 is all bangers, there are a lot of great heels to keep the story interesting and although they all come around to val in the end they don't all become his bff which avoids the d7 problem of "you made a new guy up just so we would have anyone to fight and nobody we do recruit puts up an interesting struggle and therefore none of us have an interesting reason we're still here beyond inertia". i do wish artina got to do more stuff i think she's way too fun a character who is way too important in the story to be relegated to third wheel as often as she is, but to fix that i would just give her most of axel's stuff. she becomes president and then is absent for the moon episode on intel that she'll meet "someone she doesn't wanna see" and then when she radios in for the roll call you have a little joke about flonne being that person.
usually i really like flonne being a straightforward heel in her adult appearances. shes the whitest woman in existence and shes very nasty when she thinks she's doing the right thing, which is always. i support women's wrongs and her stealing billions from the netherworld(which celestia already exploits in a lot of ways/sometimes just decides to destroy) to fuck around with by forcing an underling who actively does not want to do it to shake down random civilians and public infrastructure, all to fund her stupid ass mech shaped like her who's powered by prayer? thats horrible! shes so nasty! it's really funny and them being forced to deal with That being their only way to keep fenrich from having the most important thing in his life(after val) fucking exploded leads to one of the reasons they should have won that fucking noncanon gayest ships tournament FUCK those community bitches.
HOWEVER. the fuka dlc is so bad. or let me rephrase: the fuka dlc is transcendantly good until the ending at which point it becomes the worst thing that happens in disgaea 4.
bc ok ok ok. so fuka is dead. that's her story, after a childhood of being neglected by her always busy dad she breaks into his lab and finds his evil scientist lair full of mutant constructs, one of whom kills her. she doesn't accept that she's dead because she's only 14 and her life hasn't even started yet and on top of that she's been sent to hell despite being a normal ass 14 year old whos biggest crime is being a teenager. so she deals with it by denying it and deluding herself into believing that this is all a dream and someday she'll wake up in a happy life she's just starting and she won't have to confront the terrible fate she met with. so the solution is obvious, right?
after the main story resolves and fuka has a group of friends and caretakers who love her and she's patched things up with her dad, fuka needs to accept that she's dead. disgaea uses a reincarnation system as a core part of the series mythology and gameplay. reincarnation is good and necessary. fuka, eventually, needs to let go, and stop haunting the world she did get cheated out of a life in.
so in the dlc, her friends and family help her. val puts her through the toughest puzzle course he can because he's her teacher and he wants her to prove that she's strong and resourceful and capable, and she does! she passes all his tests and he gives her his formal blessing. then her secondary father figure, her bio dad, finally delivers on his promise to help her take over the world, they like. rent out a city and give her a bunch of crazy machines to go wild on with the power she's worked so hard for and the allies she's found so much support in, including her little sister who she only recently got to meet and connect with during the main story and her surrogate reluctant little brother, The Grim Reaper, who is the one guiding her through the mechanics of reincarnation in the first place as a sign of his own personal growth that he's now mature enough to handle this difficult case.
and it works! fuka accepts it! she accepts, sadly, that she's dead, and she should move on. she'll lose this life, which is sad! they're all sad about it! but it's okay. and then-- it's an ending, right?
it's going to be an ending, you think. disgaea has a bunch of specific endings. there's one for completing a single optional stage in d1. it would make perfect sense narratively and gameplay wise to have an ending with fuka reincarnating, then just. introduce a bill to resummon fuka from an alternate dimension or time travel shenanigans or literally whatever other funny joake you can think of this is a comedy series and doing it this way doesn't undercut the emotional part While Its Happening. because if that happened itd be Bad.
enter flonne. because it is not an ending. flonne barrels through the fourth wall at the last second and, dead vfucking serious, CONDEMNS FUKA TO ETERNAL HELL WITH NO CHANCE OF REINCARNATION because she "tried to take over the world" by fighting in a stage consisting of like three blocks her dad set up for her where no civilians were even present. also bc shes the ruler of heaven this is the character who condemned her to hell originally when she was FOURTEEN because when she was six she wanted to take over the world.
which is a baller heel move and i would be so so so so into it IF she was a boss fight. if they had to defeat her before she was forced to reluctantly give fuka her very well-deserved reincarnation. but, uh, nope, last minute twist, Moving On Is Bad Actually and fuka is still condemned to eternal hell. fuck you. sure its technically a sentence that lets her spend time with her besties forever but like. at what cost. flonne only works as a heel if the other characters clash with her instead of valvatorez and emizel of all fucking people being like Woof so glad we don't have to say goodbye, i guess our entire characters and the things we find important and the reasons we were doing this do not matter and all that shit about caring about fuka and wanting her to find peace was Bullshit. have fun being 14 for the rest of your life, Dumbass!
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← literally what its like to be 14 years old
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aoifereal · 9 months
Still feeling kind of incredulous about what sparked my argument with my older brother this morning. Like he's always been a bit of a debate bro but until the past couple of years he's had broadly liberal tendencies. Today though, he said:
- he thinks Ricky Gervais has done great jokes recently and that you should be allowed to joke about whatever you want. He dismissed my sibling saying you should try to avoid punching down with "if it's funny it's funny". I bit my tongue for this stuff beyond agreeing with my sibling it's a normal privileged dude opinion, and difficult to argue against because it's very easy to shift around language to avoid seeming to cross any lines while making the implications clear.
- then he said that he doesn't think there should be any different treatment of people of colour (in the context of he thinks you should be able to make racist jokes) and that historical racism "shouldn't have any impact on how we treat people today". When I pointed out that in order to get to the point where people are equal more work needs to be done he doubled down. This is where the conversation heated up because I said it was the most stupid thing I'd ever heard him say. Unfortunately he would proceed to impress me further.
- Then onto feminism, he said that he thinks there are less women CEOs because women just "want to be in the boardroom less than men do". I questioned him on it and he said because of the long hours. Then I tried explaining to him how misogyny functions in the workplace to make those environments hostile to women. During this he said that women don't get promotions because they ask for them less than men. And Why Do You Think That Might Be , Connor. As soon as it was clear he wasn't able to say anything more he said the final most stupid thing.
- Feminism "wasn't an issue before the industrial revolution". I asked what he thought the whole deal was with us having kings and male inherited wealth for several hundred years was. He said it couldn't be an issue because "our longest reigning monarch was a queen". Literally the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Why Do You Think She Got To Be Queen, Connor. Do you think maybe, there was some sort of unlikely circumstance leading to that. He couldn't answer that so just went back to saying that feminism wasn't an issue. At this point I think I literally just sputtered and started saying the world primogeniture over and over again like a madwoman. Then someone else loudly changed topic.
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mintjeru · 2 years
are you normal or did you note down the puns in the act 1 event quest to compare between localizations
#so the thing is i heard there would be puns so i switched my text language to spanish again#and i caught 3 of them#the first is the va-iew-vyastra one#that one was pretty much the same in spa it was 'vayumatra' so i think it was just the 'matra' pun#the second in en was apparently 'ground nuts'#i find the spa one more related to the context of a.lbedo's suggestion to test out m.ondstadt native flora afterwards#it's 'valbayas' instead and he said it's bc 'vayas al suelo' tal vez despues de comer demasiado#i will admit that one coaxed an actual laugh out of me#valberry in spa text is valbaya -> baya means berry#but the pun is bc vaya and baya are pronounced almost the same way#the 'b' in baya in this case is an approximate of /b/ bc it appears in intervocalic position#and orthographic 'v' is pronounced as /b/ after a significant pause#idr if he was speaking quickly at this time but yeah#and 'vayas' is the 2nd person singular subjunctive form of 'ir' meaning 'to go'#so the gloss would probably be 'you fell to the ground'#bc she ate too many valberries#the third in en was 'c.ollei lily/flower'#in spa they did a diff pun and he said 'coleigas' como las colegas de c.ollei#it's a cognate so 'colleague' and 'c.ollei'#love these little changes in the localizations it makes me pay more attention to differences#i also mainly use cn voiceover. sometimes i switch to en for certain characters#i left the vo the same and boy was that a test of listening comprehension#unfortunately i'm not as proficient there so i could only pick out certain words and phrases#which was still fun ngl! i really took my time with this quest#i played it late in the day too so that's why this is late-ish#oh right and i was spiraling in the abyss earlier which put me in The worst mood but hey 36 stars we take those#if you read this essay. why. but yw that was your localization infodump for the day#unfortunately i cannot ramble about this anywhere so to the blog it goes#note#genshinposting
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magpieinthemorning · 2 years
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(I left out the stupid joke)
#on brand for me#i liked this story and was able to enjoy it#only afterwards the race-swapping/'colorblind'/racist casting bothered me ...#especially in this story ....... bc it's such a typical thing that esp. white men do to women and poc#to steal our work and take the credit - esp. bc they think we don't deserve it or 'wouldn't know what to do with it' etc.#precisely because we are women and poc and thus 'beneath them' and they feel entitled to it like a resource/raw material#i have personally experienced it MANY TIMES#so in rian johnson's shitty tv series OF COURSE Gavin is a white guy (the actor is Italian/white)#while the murderers and thieves are a white woman a black man and a meek/'cucky' lmao white man ugh#white men stealing our stories again ... blade runner 2049 all over again :/#in another poker face episode there is a bunch of people laughing at security cam footage of someone dumping the dead body of a black man#and it's apparently 'okay' and 'not racist at all' bc they cast a black man as one of the people laughing#that was really fucked up tbh#natasha lyonne why#i still have to watch if because i love you too much :/#(yeah i'm blocking everyone who tries to argue in the notes lmao)#(and missing the point of Gavin being a 'magpie' but not murdering#and ripping off a whole entire song every single word and note from one single specific person ... jesus christ xD)#('magpie' meaning that he took a sound here a rhythm there a word here a thing there etc but he didn't ever rip off a whole entire thing)#(in real life it happens that songwriters accidentally take a melody or other element from an existing song)#(often they settle it by giving songwriting credits to the original - it was unrealistic in this ep that it would ruin the whole deal)#(but maybe a little bit plausible in this specific scenario since the song was supposed to be their one comeback hit)#(and they didn't have anything else remotely as good)#(while f.ex. ed sheeran has accidentally or not copied melodies before but he's got 50.000 other bangers up his sleeve so it's no big deal)#(like he doesn't lose his entire career over it lol - just some lawsuits once in a while heh)
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judesstfrancis · 1 year
just thinking about val and how he'll become really close friends with someone and look forward to seeing them every day, loves texting them back and forth, and then suddenly it's gone. the texts slow, more excuses come as to why they can't hang out. eventually her friend is gone, like they were never there, except she KNOWS they were there, and she misses them, but they don't miss him. clearly. he was never as important to them as they were to him. that's how it's always been, and she's sure it's not the last time it'll happen. doesn't mean it ever hurts less, though.
and she tries, sometimes, not to get attached. she's walled herself off, to an extent. but every now and again, someone comes close, and they stick around, and they hit it off. they're fast friends and then suddenly they aren't and val is left with an ache in her chest that only belongs to him and no one else. he still thinks of them from time to time, all of them. even the ones he shouldn't. even when he knows they never think of her once they leave.
when they do, it's usually with a wistful look in their eyes, nothing more. none of the hurt that she holds. none of the missing her. just "oh, val! I remember her," a passing thought. they liked her once. they just don't think much of her anymore.
somehow, despite it all, he still thinks the world of all of them.
but then benny comes along. and he stays. and he tells her he'll keep staying, and he means it. he sees all the stickiest clingiest parts of her and pulls them out and says yeah I'd like to keep these. and val doesn't know what those parts of her even mean, can't ever pin down why they feel that way, just knows that usually people leave when they see them. or, if they see them, and decide they like them, usually they leave when they realize val can't explain them.
benny doesn't. he just sees them. doesn't need to know what they are or why or how. he just wants them. and val's never had that before, never had someone look at him and tell him he's wanted, like benny does. all of him, just as he is, no changes necessary. benny never waits for something he won't get.
even when benny loves him, so deeply and real, he doesn't wait. he's just there. he stays. because val is just val, and that's enough, and he can't understand why no one's ever noticed that.
and slowly, gradually, not all at once, val learns that she was only ever meant to exist. nothing extra.
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