#and he still chooses Guinevere
andalon-historian · 1 month
Arthuriana August
Week 2: Angst! (Sick Leave) @caer-gai
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Elaine of Astolat, having finally left her tapestries despite the so-called "curse," rushes to find Lancelot and breathe in the outside world-- and is punished harshly.
Elaine has quite possibly my least favorite story in Arthuriana, at least out of the ones that keep getting retold. But The Lady of Shalott is the best version (least bad) by a mile, and the imagery is so striking.
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cynthia39100 · 4 months
Merlin rewatch -- S2E4: Lancelot and Guinevere
riverbank scene
I never realised how indulgent Arthur looked at the end of this scene.
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After the little talk about Gwen and love and what can and cannot be, Arthur warned Merlin of leaking the conversation and Merlin retorted “ More (of a living hell) than you already have?” And it was like Arthur couldn't help but smile at it and failed to maintain a proper threatening face. Love it.
('the threatening face' for reference)
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Another small moment I like in the scene was the flustered face Arthur made when outside of the camera's focus when Merlin relentlessly teased him about Gwen.
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It's adorable. And Merlin was just so happy that Arthur had a new crush! Like in Sophia ep. He definitely didn't expect a full-on love confession from Arthur.
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I like that he changed his tone instantly after that and encouraged Arthur not to give up his desire. Such a lovely friendship moment.
Lastly, I already mentioned in another post but I love this shot so much!! Merlin was rambling about how Arthur risked their life and Arthur just grinned like a dork. So precious!
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It was so unguarded. They just passed through a dangerous situation so his demeanor already loosened up. And he was just happy that while complaining all the way through, Merlin was still with him and he knew Merlin would always choose to go with him. That soft and open grin contained so much of Arthur’s adoration of Merlin.
[S2E4] [other episodes]
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queer-ragnelle · 6 months
tristan/isolde/palomides your MIND
LISTEN I have so many thoughts about them!! It’s an actual tragedy that they’ve never inhabited a movie together. I first noticed them in Le Morte d'Arthur, as I'm sure most people did, as it's more accessible than the Prose Tristan. But I didn't really appreciate them until after I read Between Knights: Triangular Desire and Sir Palomides by Oldga Burakov Mongan. In this essay, Mongan claims:
Very often the bond between the desiring subject [Palomides] and his beloved [Isolde] is peripheral, subordinate in its intensity, to the subject's relationship with his male 'mediator of desire' [Tristan].
This essay breaks down many of the encounters between these three in Le Morte and demonstrates how interconnected they truly are. Speaking for myself, I prefer La Tavola Ritonda instead. I'm not quite done scanning that, but it will be on my blog ASAP.
In the mean time, it has one of my favorite Palomides introductions ever.
There entered on the side of the King of Scozia a knight who bore all black insignia, and who was called Palamidesso the Pagan, a son of King Scalabrino. This Palamidesso carried two swords by his side as a signal that no knight had ever made him bend over the saddlebow.
Duel wielding? Bend over the saddlebow, you say? Interesting. Palomides goes on to win this tournament! After that he follows his lord to another castle where he first sees Isolde, falls in love with her, and begins a hateful staring contest with Tristan (literally). It's here that they battle for the first time...
As Tristano looked over the field, he saw that Sir Palamidesso was leaving, and called out to him, "Hallo, knight, guard yourself against me! I am the knight you met at King Languis' court, and it seems now that I am the worthier of the love of Isotta the Blonde!" Bold Palamidesso, hearing those words, turned his horse's head around and, drawing his sword, gave Tristano such blows on his helmet that he bent him over the saddlebow. But Tristano hit back, and hit Palamidesso so hard on his helmet that he made blood gush out of his mouth and nose, and knocked him off his horse so badly wounded that for a long time he was unconscious. Thus Palamidesso lost the prize, and lost also the right to wear two swords.
Compelling word choice throughout this. Anyway as per usual they continue to squabble until eventually settling their differences and becoming friends (in part thanks to Lancelot who apparently rents out his castle for polyamorous hookups).
"When I was jousting with Sir Lancilotto the other day, he said to me, 'Now, Palamidesso, Gioiosa Guardia is worth more than any other place in the world, for it holds a noble treasure.' Therefore I imagine that this treasure is Sir Tristan and the beautiful Isotta, because those two are the ones who excel all others in the world in beauty, prowess, and courtesy." When he heard these words, Tristano allowed Palamidesso to remount and then let his lance fall, since Palamidesso had broken his. Then he spoke in this way: "Palamidesso, Palamidesso, here is this Tristano you have been searching for. Come and fight me, if you want to. If not, I am willing to stop because of those words you spoke. I am your enemy, but I am ready to make peace with you. Still, if it would please you to fight, I am ready to do battle with you. You may choose whichever pleases and delights you most." Palamidesso replied, "Surely, Tristano, the man who could have you for a friend would be foolish to want you for an enemy, Therefore I ask that there be peace and good friendship between us."
Nobody tell Palomides that Lancelot was almost certainly referring to Guinevere and not Tristan or Isolde. But their truce culminates in everyone joining back up at Cuck Castle Joyous Guard.
The knights then rode in that direction, and when they arrived at the main palace they found the lady, Queen Isotta, all happy and joyous, attended by ladies and maidens. When Tristano told her how he and Palamidesso had made peace, she was very glad of it, and welcomed the knights with much honor. Then the tables were set out, and they all sat down to eat.
Much later, King Arthur hosts a joust in which all participants are to bring a lady. So, now that everyone are friends, Isolde is brought along with a retinue of knights, including Tristan and Palomides. They wear her colors and fight on "her" side against Arthur, Lancelot, and their kinsmen on Guinevere's "side." Polyamory enjoyers, this text is for us. Anyway the only portion of that I'll include is this sweet passage which really illustrates that the friendship in this little group is genuine. They're all affectionate after the truce and everyone is having a great time.
When Isotta had returned to the pavilion, the tables were set out and food was prepared, and when water had been brought out for their hands, they sat down to eat. As they ate, Gariette looked out and saw Palamidesso going by looking for them, and pointed him out to Sir Tristano. Tristano got up and went to meet him, taking him by the hand and leading him into the pavilion, where he disarmed and sat at the table. They all passed that night in great joy.
After this, they all live happily ever after, and nothing bad happens. :'^) I'll have La Tavola Ritonda done soon, and then you all can enjoy it too. I promise it's worth getting used to the Italian names, it's so fun! Thanks for the ask!
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ramjam · 6 months
i just know you're cooking up something crazy with the jericho stuff
maybe i will talk about it. i just haven't been too in-depth about my theories because being potentially catastrophically incorrect about this would be SOOOOO embarrassing LOL but i'll put my foot in the ring here. i wanted to wait until i caught up with the new episodes to see how the anime adapted the scenes but i'm bored, so.
the idea that's been floating in my brain almost since those chapters dropped is that she's under some kind of mind-manipulation. we do know arthur has that capability, he's been using it to control the people he makes work for him.
since the main villain is literally "chaos", choosing to use her as a tool in such a traumatic and destructive way like this would just make a lot of sense. and could serve a lot of purposes for arthur. theory is a bit long so it's going under the readmore.
i'm currently under the belief that he warped her mind this way for one (or all) of these possible reasons.
to generally just cause chaos. it's implied that jericho and lancelot were investigating the chaos knights and this would be an insane way to get back at her/mess with her life for it.
to push lancelot away from guinevere. he may be aware that lancelot and guinevere's fates are connected to each other. he wants guinevere for her power, he can't let an opposing force connect with her.
arthur may believe that fighting this lancelot guy is crucial to his own destiny and goals in some way? so he did something to cause him to hate him. he acts quite smug about this when they first meet officially. it seems like he's asking a question he knows the answer to. more-or-less indirectly saying, "yeah. i did something to piss you off."
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arthur didn't know that lancelot was one of the four knights, but he recognized his name and had a strong reaction to it. he's also seen his face before, but didn't connect that significant name to this boy. maybe it's because jericho's future vision of lancelot is explicitly really, really feminine (interesting choice, nakaba...) he looks nothing like lancelot, basically.
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you could say he's just aware of him because of jericho, but this response comes across like the name has importance to him, and not just simply him recognizing lancelot as jericho's former student. hearing "lancelot" nearly stopped arthur in his tracks. this is before arthur officially abducted guinevere, too.
i'm under the belief that arthur was clued into the fact that guinevere has been searching for lancelot-- she's been doing this for years, investigating at random trying to find him by her own words. if arthur has been tailing her, there's no doubt that he'd have heard lancelot's name come up.
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okay please stick with me i have to do a brief analysis on her introduction with guila in order to elaborate on my point here.
something else that i believe supports this is the fact that during guila and jericho's introduction together in the sequel, guila's mini-arc with gowther was brought up for the first time since chapter 168 of the original manga. ie: when she was brainwashed to love gowther for his own selfish experiments/motivations.
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throughout the series, guila and jericho tend to parallel each other a lot. even when they're separated, their arcs often coincided. in the end of the original manga, it concluded with their epilogue being "together." their introductory scene in the sequel put heavy focus on the fact that they parallel each other. the way they couldn't land any hits on each other because they know each other's bodies and movements so well.
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despite jericho being full villain mode, she still didn't want to hurt guila. there was a softness here. she refused to harm her unless guila did first, she gave her many chances to leave so it didn't have to come to that. jericho is lancelot's teacher, older sister, and supposedly in love with him. but her introduction is all about her fated connections with guila and the care she has for her, even when she has to face her as an enemy.
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if jericho's relationship with lancelot was truly meant to be genuine, i feel like nakaba would've introduced jericho in the sequel by fighting lancelot instead, and not guila. but he doesn't. we have this multi-chapter fight with heavy emphasis on her relationship to guila and the way they always find each other again after falling apart.
two sisters-in-arms, fire and ice, forever linked together. her fight with guila is actually a direct callback to her introduction with fighting ban in the prison, too. which is um... an interesting comparison to make, all context considered.
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the title of this chapter refers to the sudden reveal that guila managed to master some kind of body horror ability with the latent demon power she has in her. but in my opinion, it refers to both of them. so how has jericho "transformed" in such a way that can be directly compared to guila's shape-shifting?
and despite the significance behind the plot-twist with jericho and lancelot, the databook that released doesn't reflect this at all. jericho's main quote here is when she's speaking to guila. the japanese text is the line she's saying in the panel i'm adding alongside it. the line nakaba chose to represent 4kota-jericho is her telling guila that she'll be forced to kill her if guila isn't backing down. nothing to do with lancelot at all.
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(guila's quote on her databook page is when she tells jericho that she has a duty to uphold as a holy knight, so she can't back down. they're directly speaking to each other. just to further emphasize this.)
meanwhile, the panel about loving lancelot is a tiny blurb. not even her personality description mentions it. it's just kind of a side detail. ultimately, she's still being centered around her dynamic with guila, like she always has been. i think this detail is fascinating and important.
anyways, jericho also had a really sudden shift in personality the moment lancelot entered the scene and touched her, like it triggered something. i'm really curious to see how the anime handled her voice-work at this moment.
circling back to the gowther situation being randomly brought up. the fact that jericho was being more like her old self (although a bit villainous, like her arc one personality) with guila and then having a sudden personality change when lancelot engages with her, reminds me a lot of this.
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(edit: i'm dying, i forgot the punchline of this scene was that jericho became disturbed since she knows guila has no men in her life besides her little brother and couldn't think of anyone she'd be referring to. more emphasis on how jericho is very much not for predatory behavior.)
in the original series, jericho's presence seemed to have temporarily disrupted gowther's brainwashing, only for guila to suddenly have this insane shift in demeanor the moment gowther appeared again and she was forced to question her memories. this is also the first time the audience is clued into the fact something is deeply wrong here. it's so similar that it's difficult to ignore.
this panel in particular when guila first brings up lancelot reminds me of guila's reaction when jericho questioned her about how she managed to survive unscathed. like their true memories were getting mixed up after suddenly having to question reality.
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kudos to my friend ren for this next observation: guila and jericho have also strongly paralleled hendrickson and dreyfus respectively as early as the original manga. guila suddenly having demon powers is a reminder of that. if you recall, an aspect of hendrickson and dreyfus' dynamic is the fact dreyfus ended up being a corrupted figure in power because he was having his mind tampered with in an extremely similar way.
so not only is jericho's current situation possibly reflecting what happened to guila before, it may also be further connected to dreyfus.
in regards to what i mean by the "shift" in personality: before lancelot directly makes contact with her, she's still in her smug-battle state.
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the chapter where this reveal drops is called "a burning, freezing heart" which still draws more connection to her dynamic with guila than lancelot. the title is very much a reminder of their relationship-- especially after that huge focus in the battle where jericho froze guila's fire-- and not really necessarily about lancelot at all.
despite lancelot showing up-- this boy she supposedly loves-- her focus here is on guila more than anything else initially. her dialogue here in japanese is less "no hard feelings [from me]" and more her asking guila, "please don't hate me for this." but once he engages with her to save guila's life... something shifts.
there's even this notable focus on her gasping at the contact. all attention on her delicate relationship with her friend and partner shatters in an instant.
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nakaba also visualizes this by having lancelot touch where the brand arthur left on her body is. and now all of a sudden, her demeanor became wildly different. it feels unnatural.
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especially with the entirety of jericho's character in mind. she's exceptionally good with kids, acts as an older sister to both zeal and lancelot. one of the films also dedicates a scene to how good she is with children, when she's on patrol with guila and they encounter some kids playing in the street. she's an honorable knight with a strong moral code.
the two-parter movies also back this idea up, in my opinion. they take place about a year before the sequel manga begins. jericho is still watching over lancelot from a distance and behaving like her usual self.
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nakaba could've used this point in the movie to set-up the whole "secret admirer weirdo" thing, but instead it's just her being the cool level-headed sisterly master that she was to him. sometime between then and now, she was taken in by arthur as a chaos knight and began to act a lot differently.
the one-shot has a moment that i feel serves as a red-herring for this plot point. out of context, you'd think it supports the idea that her words to lancelot are 100% legit and serious. in-context, it's not inherently weird and even elaine says so herself after the fact. she's literally just doting on him. lancelot only initially interpreted it as weird because he was just told the same thing by someone who had ill-intent with him. i think this scene exists to create doubt.
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not to mention the fact that if jericho had been harboring these feelings for the three years they were spirited away, lancelot would know. he's a fairy, he can read hearts. he does it a lot, almost constantly using it so he's clued into everything around him. lancelot was doing it in that scene i just posted, too. he would've known. but he had no reason to suspect this was supposedly happening.
because it... probably wasn't! this is likely a new development manufactured by arthur for some villainous motivation, to create tragedy and conflict. this is not jericho's first run-in with being dragged into a cult and manipulated to behave in ways that go against her moral codes. she's a professional at this point.
the reason jericho up and left lancelot (if the version she tells turns out to be a fabrication) remains a mystery. i think it's possible it had something to do with his well-being. especially if she was looking into arthur, and we know arthur was aware this mysterious lancelot guy is a detriment to his goals with guinevere. i think it's possible she also could've made a deal of some kind but things got out of hand and she became a pawn, kind of like what happened to her in the first series.
if i'm wrong i'm going to be so embarrassed that i jump into traffic.
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modern-day-bard · 4 months
Other Duties As Assigned: A Joel Miller Fanfiction
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Summary: Guinevere Russell is the sole heir to the multimedia conglomerate, Russell Corp. After obtaining her MBA and moving home to New York City, she’s been forced to return to a tumultuous relationship with her father and the rest of the board. Gwen would prefer to run off with her friends and see just how far she can take a distraction, and she’s perfectly happy doing so. That is, until her father hires a bodyguard to keep a watchful eye on her. She just can’t figure out if he was hired for her safety, or to uncover the secrets no one else knows she possesses…
Joel Miller is a personal security officer on leave from his last assignment, where he worked abroad for a U.S. embassy. He has avoided private security detail for years after a life-changing accident, but when he gets this call, the money is too good to pass up. But Joel has never met a client with such an aversion to being protected. Regardless of the paycheck, Joel will soon realize this is his biggest challenge yet, but not for the reason he thinks…
When their secrets, both past and present, collide in a mixture of tension and new-found feelings, the results can be catastrophic. Now, Gwen’s safety is put at risk more than ever before, and the two of them have to get to the bottom of the mystery, and what they mean to each other, before it’s too late. Author's Note: Hello! This is my second attempt at fan-fiction and I just need to warn you all that this is a SLOW. BURN. If anyone has read my other fic, Worth The Feeling, it has a very different pace. It is also my first time writing from the male perspective, and writing any story that is dual POV. Also unlike my last fic, this one is a work in progress and it’s much, much longer. I want to try to get the chapters out at a steady pace as best I can, but I also want to prioritize editing this time, and balancing that with writing the new chapters. Last time I was so nervous that I just put the entire thing out as fast as possible without editing it lol. Another change I made for this fic is that I did add physical descriptors of these original characters this time. I had a clear picture of Gwen from the start and I ran with it in the hopes that anyone reading could still connect with the story. I hope people can still picture themselves if they wish, regardless of how she is described. Visibility is very important to me, and whoever you are, you are welcome in my story. I would also like to add that though I would consider this fic a romance/rom-com, it has a slightly darker tone. I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but this is strictly for adults only. There is explicit smut and mature themes such as drinking, stalking, mentions/descriptions of death, military flashbacks, and violence. There are also mentions of sexual harassment, but absolutely no mentions of sexual assault. Additionally, there is an age-gap with Gwen being 28 and Joel being 39. With that being said, I’ve been having so much fun putting this story together. Picturing an AU with no outbreak, wondering what Joel might have done as a career instead of contracting, and creating a love interest who is equally as stubborn for him to play off of has been a blast. I really hope anyone who chooses to read this story enjoys it! If you are one of those people, thank you so much!
Chapter 1: Games Gwen
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This is the moment where I finally punch a man in the face. My fingers are already curled into a fist, though with my acrylics, I’m worried that I’ll puncture my skin before I even make contact with Arthur’s wrinkled cheek.
“I’m not going,” I say through gritted teeth.
Arthur pinches the bridge of his nose. “For the last time, Guinevere, you will be attending the gala. That’s final.”
“If it’s so important,” I spit, “Why doesn’t my father ask me himself?”
“He did. Three months ago.”
“An invitation identical to the ones sent out to hundreds of other people doesn't count.”
Arthur clenches his jaw, and I continue to clench my fist. We’ve done this several other times, for several other events that I was expected to attempt on behalf of my father. Every other time, I gave in. It was usually after a freeze to my trust fund was brought up, but still, I complied.
Not this time. I refuse. Another giant room full of giant egos with giant wallets. All I want to do is dance. And not the boring, mediocre slow dancing that takes place at these stuffy events. I want to be messy and loose. I want to feel the base all the way down to my toes. It would be a nice reprieve from this tension building up within me these last few months. Tension that is only being pulled tighter with this Arthur stare-down.
“Guinevere,” He sighs.
“You know, most young ladies would actually enjoy spending their evening at the Plaza. You have your own hair and makeup team for Christ’s sake.”
“Most young ladies have autonomy over how to spend a Saturday night.”
He slaps his hands against the pants of his Armani suit in exasperation. “Well what else could you possibly want to do instead?”
“I want to dance, Arthur. I want to go have fun and not be tied down to all these engagements where no one actually cares about important issues.”
“You can dance and have fun in a room full of important people, important shareholders whom you need to impress.”
We stare each other down again, but his words make me rethink my night. Not for any of the reasons he’s suggesting, of course. But he’s right. I could have some fun of my own. And I could make a statement while doing so.
“You know what, you’re right.” I give him a saccharine smile.
“I am? I mean—yes. Good. I hope you’ll be ready in time.” Arthur checks his watch.
“I’ll be ready to leave in an hour.” I flick my hair behind me and stroll out of the mahogany-filled office. I’m assuming that one of the housekeepers already let the hair and makeup team up to my old room, especially since Arthur assumed I would cave. Which, technically, I have. But if my father and his advisors can decide where my evening takes place, they don’t get to decide how it takes place.
“Gwen!” Mateo sings as I enter the dressing room.
“Hey, Mateo,” I soften my voice, giving him a double-cheek kiss.
“I understand it’s sort of a quick turn-around tonight,” He says, motioning me to sit in the plush chair closest to the window.
“That is a polite way to say I dug my heels in as long as possible.”
Mateo snickers, just as Aria comes out of the adjoining bathroom.
“Hey, doll,” She pats my head as she sets up an assortment of styling tools on the table behind me. “What are you thinking for tonight?”
I smirk to myself. “I’m thinking of going out after this,” a harmless white lie, “So I’d like some dark eyes and slightly… wild hair. Other than that, let your creative juices fly.”
I don’t miss the two of them exchange a look in the mirror. Typically, unless we are working with the rare occasion wherein I get to plan my own evening, we go for a clean look. Clearly done up, but still polished. Hair pulled back, light peach or gold on the eyes. But despite their surprise, they get to work.
Forty-five minutes later, my thick blond waves have been volumized, teased and smoothed. Mateo made my eyes the smokiest he’s ever made them, and my lips were glossy enough to match the shimmer of the glittery silver on top of my lids. It was perfect.
“Evelyn couldn’t make it, but she sent options,” Aria says as she helps me over to the dressing area.
I flip through the rolling rack that my stylist, or rather, my father-approved stylist, picked out. All of the dresses were plain and respectable. Sophisticated. Not at all the type I would need for tonight. That is until I come across a black and silver sleeveless dress. Perfectly modest, as the sheer fabric had a slip built in.
“Do you have scissors with you by any chance?”
- - -
The weather was on my side with my scheme. While on some nights, my long black trench coat would have seemed odd in the heat, tonight’s cool air provided the necessary formula to pull this off. With this chill, it wasn’t suspicious of me to get in the car fully covering my dress. I probably wouldn’t have bothered with it at all if Arthur and I weren’t taking the same car there. Even being an advisor to my father and a lawyer for the Russell Corporation, and with every expectation for him to attend tonight, I still get the feeling we’re carpooling so he can ensure that I actually show up.
When we arrive at the Plaza, Arthur helps me out of the car, and several cameras flash in my face. I smile, giving a few of them a small wave on my way in. I’ll make sure they’re there to see me on my way out so they can get the full view.
Once inside, Arthur guides me toward the coat check, but I wave him on ahead.
“I’ll be there in a minute. I need to find my gloss and reapply.” I gesture to my puckered lips, knowing it will make him uncomfortable enough to leave me alone.
He enters the banquet hall, and I unbutton my coat, tossing it to the attendant, reveling in the way his eyes widen. Exactly what I had hoped.
Two more attendants open the double doors of the banquet hall for me, and I square my shoulders. The black fabric, now completely sheer after I cut out the opaque slip, does absolutely nothing but accentuate my visible black bra and skimpy panties. I scan the room, noting a few stares from attendees near the door, and find the jackpot: the bar.
Taking my time on the way, I make a few purposeful detours and wave at familiar, frustrating faces. I take extra care to sway my hips from side to side, especially when I leave those faces behind me. The room, I have to admit, is spectacular. Each circular table is filled with bouquets of white flowers and green accents, and there are several living trees placed around the room. There is a stage in the front of the hall that matches the white tablecloths around it, and the reflective floor bounces off the light from one of the many chandeliers above. Though I would never tell him, Arthur had been right about the fact that this is a lovely place to be. Just maybe under different circumstances.
When I do finally reach the bar, I order three shots of tequila, despite the bartender’s apprehensive face.
“Cheers,” I wink at him, downing all three shots in tandem.
“Um, Miss Russell,” I hear him say as I walk away. I turn back around, only answering with a raised brow.
“Even with the open bar, we’re offering bottles for purchase. All proceeds go to the charity selected this evening?” I take pity on him, ending that fact like a question.
“Alright. How much?”
“Ten thousand a piece, miss.”
“Really?” In this room, with these people? I thought they wanted to raise money for charity, “I’ll take two.”
Normally, I would feel obligated to talk to as many people as possible. I’d want to see how their children were, how they felt about their investment in my father’s company, or how their other endeavors were going, and particularly, how lucrative those endeavors are. But tonight, I simply carry the two bottles back to my table, and pop one. The noise makes several attendees glance over, but when they see who it is, they try to pretend they were looking elsewhere.
I have the bottle pressed against my lips when I hear a voice rather akin to applying a cheese grater to my nerves.
“Gwenny, darling. How are you?”
I turn, still sipping the champagne. I don’t reply, trying to keep my face as impassive as possible.
“I believe we’re at the same table tonight.” He takes a seat next to me, draping his arm across my chair.
I remove the bottle from my lips with a loud pop. “Daniel, if we have to suffer each other’s company for an entire evening, do you think you could allow me a little space to breathe?” I scooch to the side enough to remove his arm and place it on his lap.
“I'm the majority shareholder, sweetheart. I can sit where I wish,” His voice is dripping in a honey only I can recognize as disdain.
I scoff, “Majority behind me, and behind my father. So congrats,” I raise the bottle in my right hand, “You’ve made third place. You can collect your participation trophy at least three seats away from me.”
“I suppose, but then I would miss out on the view,” Daniel says in a hushed tone, his eyes scanning over my figure. My tequila threatens to make a reappearance at his words. I open my mouth to reply, but I hear a familiar clearing of a throat next to me. Arthur.
“Guinevere, may I have a word?”
“Sure thing,” I glance up at him.
“In private,” He says through gritted teeth. His eyes glance upward, and I note that a few people are taking their seats at our table.
“Here is fine,” I smile.
I can practically see the steam pouring out of his ears. Nevertheless, he leans down to whisper to me.
“There seems to be a problem with your dress.”
I glance down for added effect. “There’s no problem. I haven’t spilled anything on it.”
“Guinevere. It is more see through than if you had spilled something on it. What happened to what Evelyn chose for you?”
“That’s what happened,” I poke him gently in the chest, “She chose it for me. I figured that I deserved to style it however I wanted.” I hear myself slur the last couple of words. The tequila must be kicking in.
Arthur just stares at me for a moment.
“Do you want to be on the cover of every tabloid tomorrow morning? Or do you just enjoy raising my blood pressure?”
“I mean no harm to you, Arthur,” I say sincerely, “Now go take your seat. The auction will be starting soon.”
With a deep inhale, a brief smile, and wave at my now almost-full table, Arthur leaves.
“He’s right, you know,” Daniel chimes in because, when does he not? “You’re asking for trouble.”
I ignore him, turning to the middle-aged woman who is taking the seat to my left. I smile at her when she notices me, and she blinks several times as if to confirm what she is seeing.
“Hi there,” I extend my hand, “I’m Gwen.”
“Miss Russell! Of course. Pleasure to meet you,” She shakes my hand, and it takes her another moment to add, “Oh, I’m Lucille. My husband, Richard Allen, is in finance for the entertainment division.” She gestures to the man next to her, and he extends his hand as well, his eyes widening when I give him a smile.
“Pleasure,” I say to them both, “Tell me, Lucille, did you know they’re selling champagne here tonight for the benefit?”
“No, ma’am, I did not.” She looks surprised by my question. Maybe she’s surprised that I’m still talking to her.
“Please, call me Gwen. And I insist that both of you try it. I can’t possibly finish both of these bottles by myself.” A lie. I could definitely finish these tonight. Still, I start to uncork the second bottle despite Lucille’s meager attempt to dismiss the idea.
“I insist,” I say, standing to pour both Lucille and Richard’s glasses until they nearly overflow. “Actually,” I raise my voice, addressing the entire table. “Who else would like to try?” The rest of the guests look rather stunned, but they slowly raise their glasses. A waiter passes by, and I grab his attention. “Two more of these, please.”
“Two more bottles?” Daniel mutters, sipping delicately on whatever sad dark liquor he chose for the evening.
“Yup, and none for you.” I breeze by his chair, and take a turn around the table, pouring champagne into everyone’s glass. Two tables nearby have turned to glance over, either due to the fact that I am nearly naked, or because of the satisfied cheers from my heavy pour.
“In the spirit of giving,” I say as I pour the last two glasses, “I recommend we put these charitable drinks to good use. Who wants to play a drinking game?”
No one else at this table is under thirty, or maybe even forty, which explains a few of their bewildered expressions. Daniel is close at thirty-one, and I can guarantee whatever fraternity he was involved in taught him a thing or two about drinking games, but I would rather he didn’t participate.
I got a couple of halfhearted nods, but no verbal commitment. The lights flash twice, indicating that the auction is about to start. “Come on, everybody. For every glass you finish, I’ll donate an extra thousand. Lucille? Richard?” I glance at my table-mates.
“Oh, yes, of course.” Lucille says.
“Sounds like fun!” Richard starts chugging.
“That’s the spirit!” I follow suit, and soon several of them around the table start to drink as well.
“To add some extra… motivation, if you will,” I stifle a hiccup, “Every time that announcer says the word ‘generous,’ take a sip. Same goes for when they say ‘Russell Foundation.’” Daniel scratches his chin, but the others look intrigued now, a few of them chuckling.
“Two sips when there’s a bidding war.” An older gentleman on the other side of the table calls out.
“Yes! I love it. Anyone else?”
“Finish your drink when the bid is over a hundred thousand!” The woman next to him adds.
“Excellent idea. I’ll be watching all of you, so you better drink up.” The whole table now, sans Daniel, seems to be on board. Maybe they were as bored of these events as I was.
“Ladies and Gentleman, please take your seats.” I hear over the intercom as an older man with glasses takes the stage and welcome’s everyone to the gala. Honestly, I miss most of what he says because I’m so focused on making sure my table plays by the rules. I’m also way more dazzled by the sparkles on my dress now, and I start to count some on my knee.
As the auction gets going, I pull my phone out of my clutch to make note of how much I need to donate when this is all over. The man who suggested the bidding war, who I learned is Matt, or Mike, I can’t remember, has already cost me three grand. His wife cost me two. Our table keeps getting looks from nearby, but all it does is fuel me to keep going. As a weekend in the Hamptons gets a bid of $200,000, the rest of the table and I down our next glass.
“You might want to take a breather, Gwenny.” Daniel whispers next to me.
“You might want to pop a mint, Daniel.” I mimic his condescending tone as best I can.
Lucille glances over, I realize that might have come out louder than I intended.
“Fine. Slur your entire speech if you want.”
“Yeah, I will—what?” He has my full attention now.
“Your speech, darling. Why do you think you were needed here if your father couldn’t make it?” The smug smile on his face is driving me nuts, and I need to confirm if he’s just pulling my leg.
“I…to make an appearance. I appeared.” Had Arthur even mentioned that?
Daniel leans in, his arm around my chair once more, “You need to thank all of your guests.”
I stare down Daniel for a minute, and just to piss him off, I keep eye contact as I take his glass from his hands, and finish it as well. He narrows his eyes, but I’m spluttering at whatever was in that glass.
“Christ. You do hate yourself don’t you,” I mutter.
“We only have two more items to auction off this evening, folks. Myself and the Russell Foundation appreciate your generosity,” The announcer holds for applause.
“That’s two, drink up people!” I raise my glass to my table, and they all follow suit.
“Before we finish off tonight, I would like to invite Guinevere Russell up on the stage. Miss Russell?”
My table erupts with applause, and I shoot to my feet. Way, way too quickly.
I stumble, catching myself on the back of Lucille’s chair. I keep a pleasant smile plastered on my face as I walk like a baby giraffe up to the stage. One of the attendants offers his arm to help me up the steps, which I gratefully accept. The sound of my heels clicking on the stage seems to ring out around me, and the man with the glasses hands me the microphone with a nervous smile.
When I face the audience, I cover my eyes for a second, blinded by the spotlight.
“Yikes,” I hiss before realizing I was speaking into the microphone now. A few people politely chuckle from somewhere beneath me.
“I would say it’s nice to see you all, but I can’t see anything.” A few more chuckles from the audience, and then the spotlight dies down a little.
“Ah, there we go. Hello, everyone. How are we doing tonight?”
There is a loud round of applause. Now that I can see a little better, this room is actually quite full. There must be at least 500 guests. I straighten up a bit, flicking a hair away from my face.
“Wonderful, wonderful. I appreciate all of you showing up here tonight, for such an important cause,” I hope the contempt in my voice isn’t too clear, not yet. “And of course for your continuous generosity toward the Russell Foundation. That’s one sip, table one,” I point in their general direction, and my table hollers. Some of the people below me look confused. “We’re playing a drinking game over there, sorry. It’s also for a good cause.” Some of the laughter sounds forced now.
“Anyway, again, thank you all so much for coming. I know my father wishes he could be here tonight to see how much money you all are willing to spend on yet another trip to Aspen. But, alas,” Hiccup, “You’re stuck with me. Which brings us to our final item up for auction today—”
The man with the glasses takes a step forward, whispering in my ear.
“Ah, never mind. This will be the second-to-last item. Or the third. Whatever, it brings me to what I wanted to auction off.”
I do a small twirl, faltering slightly, and land with my hand on my hip, part of my exposed backside facing the crowd, “Me.”
The crowd immediately begins murmuring to each other, sounds of both concern and consideration wash through the banquet hall.
“Dinner with me, on a night of your choosing. I thought I should give a little preview of your purchase,” I gesture to my outfit, and the man behind me coughs several times, probably trying to get my attention. I don’t even give him a glance.
“All for a good cause, folks” I survey the tables beneath me, and point to the burly man with red cheeks that I know all too well, “What about you, Ralph? Oh wait, I’m sorry, you don’t date above twenty-five.” I move over to the other side of the stage, leaving Ralph's beet red face, and his shell-shocked table behind me. “Or you, Murphy!” I point at a skinny fifty-year-old at table six, “We know this isn’t the first time you’ve thought about it. In fact, you’ve mentioned it to me before. Why not do it for charity?” Murphy’s face contorts, and if looks could kill, Murphy's fiancé would have incinerated him on the spot.
I do a quick turn back toward the center of the stage, but I wish I hadn’t. Even when I stop spinning, the room doesn’t. I don’t think the last of whatever Daniel was drinking is sitting well with me. Well with me, and my champagne…and my tequila. God, I don’t feel good.
When the room stands still again, I slowly make my way back to centerstage.
“Letssss start the bidding off at 50—50,000.” I try to steady myself, but my heels aren’t helping.
Suddenly, I hear quickened footsteps to the stairs on my left, and the crowd erupts in applause. When the person’s face comes into view, my stomach might as well have fallen out of my ass.
“Dad?” I say into the mic. The mic which is now being, very forcefully, ripped out of my hand.
“Hello, everyone!” my father says cheerfully over the microphone, placing a steady, warning hand on my back. “You’ll have to excuse my daughter’s attempt at improv. You study for a couple months in Europe and suddenly you think you’ve got an act.” More polite laughter, but I can still see some scowling faces. Even though I’m not moving anymore, it feels like my stomach is doing cartwheels.
“I didn’t think I would make it back to New York in time, but I am here tonight to auction off a dinner with me. Though I appreciate Guinevere taking my place while I’ve been away.”
I place a hand over my stomach, and fail to stifle a burp. How long had he been in the ballroom? I cringe thinking about just how much of me could be seen when I was standing under the spotlight. That had been the point, but he wasn’t supposed to be here for it.
My father speaks again, an attempt to cover it up another burp, though that one was unexpected, “Let’s start the bidding off at ten thousand dollars.”
A paddle in the crowd goes up, and I make a move to leave the stage, but my dad holds me there in place. I’m assuming it’s a punishment, but these lights are way hotter than I expected. I’m struggling to remember what my scheme for tonight even was, now that my mouth tastes like pennies.
I burp again, and my dad pinches my side.
“Let’s hear it for twenty-thousand.”
Another paddle goes up in the air, just as I vomit all over the stage floor.
Next Chapter
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jester-creates · 1 month
thinking about that Mechanisms persona 5 au again. The one where it's the mechs cast in p5. So I might as well put who I think should go where.
This is also a college au. I guess. It just fits better
The phantom thieves- the Mechanisms. This is obvious why. They choose the Mechanisms as their phantom thieves group name first, but after a certain someone kept basically saying to everyone that they were the Mechanisms in public, they made the band as a cover and now they have to manufacture beef between themselves as the band and themselves as phantom thieves and that the phantom thieves definitely stole their name.
wildcard- Jonny D'ville. He's the narrator of the Mechanisms and one of the first members of the Mechanisms. He's up there for most roles over all the albums, so wildcard. I'm half tempted to make his persona Prince Charming because one, it would tick him off to no end and two, it the role he as himself played in ouatis.
0 fool - I think Yog Sothoth or one of the elder gods would make the best fit for Yaldy. No idea who Igor would be though
1 magician - the Toy Soldier. It is the least organic of the Mechanisms which is in line with Morgana's origins. I'd say it was given instructions to find the wildcard and eventually found itself in the first Palace pretending to be a Shadow or something. Haven't decided on a persona for it yet though
2 high priestess - Ashes O'Reilly. They have mob connections (though a lot different from how Makoto's went). Ashes would slso manage to become the student president at their college. Their persona would probably be Hades
3 emperor - Raphaella la Cognizi. She and Yusuke are both eccentric weirdos (/pos) in their fields. She has probably neglected herself and her finances in her focus on science as well. Haven't decided on a persona for her yet
4 empress - Nastya Rasputina. A princess and an Heir to a food company are basically the same thing right? (I almost had her be the futaba of the group due to Out, but I figured that being the Haru of the group fit her better. Plus she deserves to be the most terrifying member of the group. And also a big weapon.) Haven't decided on a persona for her yet.
5 Hierophant- Dr. Carmilla (unless I find someone better). She is somewhat of a parental figure? I'm not too sure on this one.
6 the lovers - Gunpowder Tim. His whole thing with bertie parallels Ann's thing with Shiho pretty well.
7 chariot - Baron Marius von Raum. He seems like he would be the most like Ryuji. He does do the talking about the phantom thieves out loud thing which results in them having to make the band as a cover.
8 strength- the Aurora. As the most inhuman of the crew, she gets to be Jonny's attendant in the Velvet Room. They do figure out that something is up with the VR and rescue her much earlier than lavenza gets rescued in p5. (Aurora and Nastya are together in this au still)
9 hermit - Ivy Alexandra. She would definitely be a Navi type.
10 fortune - undecided maybe loki?
11 justice - drumbot Brian. He gets to be akechi due to the whole 2 modes thing, so two personas. To keep in line with his mostly robot thing I am going to make him a anti shadow weapon (think aigis from persona 3)
12 Hanged man- the pendragon trio (or at least arthur). the thing with mordred could be a good parallel between iwai and his kid
13 death- Oedipus. tae and oedipus are both doctors who do kinda have a similar storyline. plus the image of oedipus in tae's outfit kills me
14 temperance - undecided. maybe cinders?
15 devil - Ulysses. Ohya and them have a very similar starting point when we meet them. And Ulysses is a gumshoe (a detective) so that would take the place of ohya's investigative journalism.
16 Tower - undecided. Maybe Heracles?
17 star - undecided. Maybe rose red? Maybe Guinevere?
18 moon - undecided. Maybe pilchard? (Though he'd do better as a Palace ruler or the Shadow that leads them to the second palace)
19 sun - snow white. She and Yoshida both are politicians campaigning for peace and better stuff.
20 judgement- Lyfrassir Edda. They and Sae are both long-suffering people in kaw enforcement who have to deal with the Mechanisms/phantom thieves and all their shenanigans.
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a-funeral-pyre · 4 months
May Day Parade 2024 - Prompt Two: May Queen Guinevere
Once again for @queer-ragnelle 's initiative. This is my first (though I doubt it'll be the last) time writing from Gwen's POV. Let's try this out.
It would be easier if I could say I never loved you.
But it would be a lie. It wouldn't be enough to mend what we've broken, and it would not save what remains of my torn heart.
I loved your light before I loved you. You were the victor of Bredigan, the hero of Badon – and the man my father had chosen to recognize as king. When you were still but a whisper on the lips of warriors, I longed to be by your side. I longed to be part of the future you promised to bring.
But it wasn't the stories that were already blooming about you that made me smile when I learned of your proposal, that made me tremble with joy on the morning of our wedding, that pushed me to kiss you during our nights. It was not the knowledge of the services you had rendered my father, nor the number and valour of the men who had chosen to follow you, nor the enemy's blood on the blade of your sword.
It was your eyes.
You looked at me hungry for something more than just an alliance. Like you really wanted me. As if, in the future you were building, there was no room for anyone else.
And I really believed it. Surrounded by the light of a new spring, I had no reason to think that its sweet flame would go out, that our dreams would be shattered. Fortune had elevated me higher than I had ever hoped. I dreamed of growing old alongside you, of holding your hand as your years came to an end, of seeing our children – with your own eyes and your own valaour – inherit the world I swore to preserve .
I did not mean to hurt you. I had been dreaming too long not to wake up, but I hoped it would not be the same for you. I hoped I could protect the illusion.
I loved him as much as I loved you. It should not have happened. If I had never looked him in the eyes, perhaps my heart would have remained loyal to you, despite the passing of the years and the darkness that gathered over us, flowing from the heart of a son that I had not birthed.
But I drowned in the depths of his gaze, in a light different from yours – not the glow of the victorious flame, but the dance of the sun on the waters. In his valour I saw what had pushed me into your arms once, even if his smile hid a sadder sweetness, the awareness that the dream you had passed on to us could not have lasted. And he started looking at me too soon as if he could love me even when my soul would have moved too far from the splendour that you insisted on believing was immortal. As if he already knew then that he would choose me even if it meant letting the world burn around us.
I did not want him to make that choice. I also knew that, in his place, you would never have been able to do it.
I would have chosen you both if I could. It would have been enough for you not to realize the truth until the end. It was not in your nature to listen to suspicions. You have always been good at not seeing what you did not want to see – too in love with your creation to see its stains. We were both too bound to what we had once been for me not to keep lying to myself, telling myself that nothing would really change, and for you to even dare to think that I was lying.
And when for the first time I kissed him as I had done with you, we both shed tears for our betrayal, knowing that it was too late to stop, that already our heart's desire would be enough to scar Camelot and the promise of light upon which it was founded.
When darkness fell, sudden and cruel even if it had been foreseen in my soul for too long, I could only choose him. I hoped that at least he would have stayed with me.
But I did not imagine how far the shadow would separate us. To what extent blood would destroy us, drowning everything I had believed in.
And now that there's nothing left, all I can do is remember and pretend that winter never came to overwhelm us. Perhaps, when the end has come for me too, only the memory of the time when we were truly happy will return to my mind.
I loved you.
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like-sands-of-time · 1 year
All right heres the thing that's been bugging me since I watched season four.
I love morgana in season one. I find her introduction absolutely fascinating. She feels like a very important character, but we don't know how yet. I love that we see her picking fights with Uther from the first, for it to all culminate in her attempting to kill him by the first season finale, all in a way that is so believable and sympathetic to me (and Merlin) that I was honestly hoping Merlin would just, slip on one of those hills and watch her kill him, because we now know three characters who wouldnt mourn the loss of the king. Who are angry at him for the unforgivable things he's done even recently. At that point arthur is most willing to work with magic and common men, and morgana (with Merlin) have had a clear impact on his growth as a man. I love that.
I... Don't see the rest of the shows arc (s3 and on) as believable for who she was then. I'm sorry but either she was caring about the citizens of Camelot and their suffering, or it was all a lie, that doesn't go away just because you're angry at one guy. I'll leave that alone, it's for another time. BUT. even if they wanted to show that dragons have free will and could befriend who they wished, regardless of dragon blood, I still don't think the entirety of that season makes any sense.
Why would Merlin have hatched the egg right then if he wasn't willing or able to raise the hatchling? They said multiple times the egg would last. And if Kilgharrah wasn't willing to raise the egg why did he convince Merlin to do it. It what world would the characters of Kilgharrah and Merlin as we know them at this point just leave an infant dragon to do it's own thing anyway? Let alone go work with a sorceress they believe to be evil consumed. That.... Doesn't make sense. Not even in a tragic but realistic way, it just simply doesn't make sense to me. Merlin could have safely put the egg where Kilgharrah used to be imprisoned if no one visits there, or Kilgharrah could have found another cave or safe place to keep it. Those make sense. Hatching it only to both leave and forget about the child doesn't really make sense for either of them?
The writers wanted morgana to have a dragon ally, be an equal to Merlin visually in their ultimate fight, and I get it....... but make Aithusa choosing morgana make sense. Develop their relationship in any way..? And while we're at it make morgana trying repeatedly to kill Arthur make any sense because it the show I watched I never saw any reason for her to want anything other than 1) uther dead and 2) magic free in Camelot once more. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE. You can't have characters just Do Things because you want them to happen lmao that's not how people work.
This show loves to tell me instead of showing me. I know what they want me to think because they make it glaringly freaking obvious but I'm sorry .. you have to actually develop character arcs or relationships (whether it's between a dragon and the main villain, or Arthur and Guinevere, because sunbursts and cute music isn't doing anything for me lol. They didn't even develop lance either. She had two love interests shown to us and we just have to use our imagination I guess.
Idk, write morgana to be the darkest, cruellest, most insane bitch you want that's fine with me. It's all medieval fanfiction but ... It has to be plausible. Give me any reason at all why bbc morgana hated Arthur or Camelot or Gwen or anything. Do tragic, do.. "she was always meant to be against him" if you must, but also? It's all fanfiction so have morgana being Arthurs sorceress .. powerful just like Merlin but in her own way and they're both loyal to Arthur.
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pamsimmerstories · 4 months
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malcolm is still lurking there
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[cassandra]: what’s happening?
[cassandra]: the toilet is broken?
[malcolm]: cassie! i’m here!
[griffin]: mom!
*griffin broke malcolm’s connection*
[cassandra]: are you okay, gwen?
[griffin]: i called mom for you
[gwen]: i want daddy back, mom! when is he coming back home?
[cassandra]: oh baby... he’s not coming home.
[cassandra]: but i’m here, alright? if you miss him, come to me and i’ll tell all funny stories about dad, so we’re gonna miss him a little less. telling his story will keep him alive to us
[gwen]: okay mom
[cassandra]: and soon we’re gonna have a new baby to make us company.
[guinevere]: a baby?!
[cassandra]: mhm
[griffin]: will the baby play with us?
[guinevere]: i hope it’s a girl! too many boys in this house, mom. too many!
[cassandra]: i need to go see your aunt elsa to find out...
[guinevere]: can i pick her name?
[cassandra]: after we find out... we’ll choose together, alright?
[griffin]: what if mom has twins again? a boy and a girl? like us! it would be soooo cool.
[guinevere]: yes, but i prefer just a girl. to play with me :)
[griffin]: but we can play all together, right? so many games!! collin is teaching me chess, i could teach the baby chess!!
[guinevere]: ugh. don’t steal my baby for brainy activities. i want to play doll with her
[griffin]: it’s not your baby!! it’s mom’s! and dad’s.
[guinevere]: dad’s not here anyway.
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How about:
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
Oooh 2 this time!
Guinevere is very weak to chivalric romantic gestures. Very into the Lady and Knight kind of dynamic. Fighting for her, asking and wearing her favor, writing her poetry, all that stuff. Even just giving an impassioned declaration of love to her privately gets her flushed and giggly.
She looks for someone she can trust and confide in. Someone who supports her and who is as loyal to her as she is to them. She wants someone who makes her feel safe and secure.
She is a huge romantic so while not quite love at first sight, if she feels a pull when she first meets someone, she will follow it.
Arthur is very much a knight at heart so any sort of knightly feet gets him flustered. Duels, jousting, just any example of Lancelot’s skills as a knight really appeal to him.
He wants someone who will treat him as an equal instead of as a king. Someone he can be simply Arthur around, and who he doesn’t feel pressured to be perfect for.
He doesn’t believe in love at first sight as much as he used to, but a pre of him still believe he’ll know when he finds the one for him.
He’s really into knightly duels and shows of valor. Dueling with Lancelot or doing tests of skill. It’s all very lighthearted to him but that kind of intimate chivalric fighting gets to them.
They want someone who lets him be free of pressure. Someone he doesn’t have to be the responsible and mature one for like he does his siblings. Who lets them mess up and be unknightly and real.
He doesn’t. A relationship requires a mutual respect for them that he thinks can only come from an existing relationship.
Honestly standing up to her gets her heart racing. Meeting her eye to eye and not being someone who simply submits to her will is what she loves. She’s so used to pretty much getting away with anything that it’s nice when someone doesn’t take her nonsense.
Morgan wants someone who will be her equal. Who can tell her when she’s going too far and or needs to stop. Someone who understands her and who she can protect.
She doesn’t. She’s attracted to people easily and will pursue flings, but she needs to build a relationship to really consider an actual romance.
Just small examples of trust and affection get to him. Lancelot absentmindedly touching or cuddling him. Laughing at his jokes and defending him to others.
He’s looking for someone who can accept him as he is. Someone who will let him protect them and who he can be honest about his feelings with. Someone who wants a simple life like him.
He tries not too but will still follow his heart if he thinks he has found someone. He won’t pursue them immediately but will still try and get to know them to see if what he fealt meant anything.
Being chosen over someone else is really the key to their heart. They’re so used to being second best at most. Being chosen first, of even being considered the first priority means so much to them.
They just want someone who will choose them, who doesn’t try to change them or compare them to others. Someone who in happy to have them as a partner.
They do not. Anything attraction they’ve felt towards someone has usually always ended in rejection (partially due to their own rather aggressive and rude attitude) so they tend to ignore any attraction to others.
Just little gifts like flowers or rocks or such really get to them. They love little tokens that show their partner was thinking of them in these innocuous moments.
They shut want someone who helps them feel like they belong. Someone they can find a community with and who wants to eventual settle down somewhere with them.
They do kind of believe in it. As in if they feel a pull they’ll jump into the relationship quickly and go from there. They’re a fairy so for them, they have time to try relationships and see if they last.
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andalon-historian · 2 months
I know Lancelot is written as so deeply in love with Guinevere that he never once even considers any other love interest, but I think I like it better if he does. If he loves someone else, but still chooses Guinevere.
Galehaut, Elaine, Morgan, Elaine, even Arthur or Gawaine.
I appreciate the drama in him and Gwen being doomed, in that it could never have gone any other way. But what if it could have gone so many other ways? What if he had *so many* chances? If he could have been happy with so many people who loved him and wanted him, but he chose his devotion instead?
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choices-and-voices · 1 year
So I have a thousand thoughts about Chapter 14 of Guinevere but I know they’re going to evolve very quickly in the coming weeks, so for now, all I’m going to say is this: it blows my mind how well the writers have managed to incorporate Merlin’s accusations of infidelity into Arthur’s romance route, to the point where they don’t just make sense, they also hit super hard emotionally & even raise some interesting ideas that don’t come up in Lancelot’s route. Like, the fact that Lancelot is so painfully in love with Guinevere, they fought so hard to suppress it until they finally snapped, and then all they get for that is a broken heart & the knowledge that Guinevere is at risk of death because of their momentary lapse in self-control? That is a devastating outcome for them. It is a tragedy in the traditional sense, the kind you would see in a Shakespearean or Greco-Roman play. And the writers don’t just skim over it, they lean right in. Then on top of that, what about the fact that Merlin’s accusations are now entirely baseless? The fact that he is now undeniably 100% responsible for orchestrating his own vision of Camelot’s fall, because there is no way Guinevere could have been accused of treason without his interference, but also that vision was what made him interfere in the first place? That particular plot point raises so many questions about predestination that are way more complex & nuanced than I ever expected from Choices, and the fact that they’re being raised in a choose-your-own-adventure game – a format that inherently challenges the concept of narrative predestination – is also insanely interesting to me. Watch this space for more thoughts, but for now, here are the screenshots that triggered this essay. I’m still getting over just how awesome they are.
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The Once and Future Contestant: Revival Round 2-B
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The top 2 characters will go to the next round!
Zagreus (Hades)
"He tries to be cool but in a lot of the dialogue he comes across as a bit of a dork. He get's regualrly beat up by his ex girlfriend who works for his dad. Immortal but he once died by slipping on a banana peel, can buy a set of unflitable weights and somehow bring them to his room but can't pick them up after. He had a brief period working in the accounting departement of his dad's house but was fired. He likes fishing."
The Luidaeg (October Daye)
"The Luidaeg is a tired and cranky witch who is bound by far too many curses and suffered far too many losses, but she still cares deeply for her family and she deserves the world."
Lord Foog the 2st
"Looks trustworthy, very regal, can’t be worse at governing than current British government"
Arthur Dent (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
"1. His name is Arthur and he's English 2. After the Vogons destroy the earth to make room for a new hyperspace express route, he is literally the only English person in existence which would, presumably, make him King Arthur by default."
Firestar (Warrior Cats)
"Firestar is a leader of a clan, he has quite a few older characters that could fill out the Merlin role, while he doesn't necessarily own a sword but the religion of the Clans granted him the ability to have access to multiple lives if he just so happened to die on accident!"
Martin the Warrior (Redwall)
"A wandering warrior who makes his fame conquering tyrannical despots with his iconic meteor-iron sword. His Guinevere didn’t cheat but she died and left him grief stricken. After he retires he founds a monastery which is the central location of the book series and his spirit haunts it/his sword for centuries, choosing heirs to defend it and drive out evil. Also, he is a mouse"
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modern-day-bard · 4 months
Other Duties As Assigned: A Joel Miller Fanfiction
Content Warning: 18+ This story includes mature themes such as drinking, stalking, violence, and explicit smut. Minors, do not interact.
Chapter 4: Exit Points
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I know exactly what this woman is doing.
I see the way she treats other people, especially the staff at her father’s house. She may be tough, but she’s not this nasty to anyone else. She also isn’t this scantily clad around anyone else, either.
It started with whatever that gazelle walk was to her bathroom. I was putting away my clothes into the dresser across from the bed, but I could see enough to know what was going on. I averted my gaze immediately. For over an entire week now, Guinevere only seems to address me if she is half-naked. Otherwise, I'm almost completely ignored. It’s made me watch her less at home and at the gym, and I get the sense that she knew that. It was no secret she didn’t want me here, and her body seems to be her first line of defense. I’ve grown to believe that’s part of the reason she’s draping herself on her couch in very short, silk nightgowns when no one else is around.
When she is wearing clothing appropriate for autumn on the East Coast, she’s still choosing shorter skirts or low-cut tops. She’ll usually wear a jacket over the ensemble before removing it when we get where we’re going. Naturally, I look away. My instinct is to give a woman her privacy. But it doesn’t take long for me to remember that watching her is half of the reason why I’m here, the other half being to watch those around her. So when I do need to check on her, I usually settle for looking her in her eyes.
And she is usually already glaring back at me.
Guinevere always makes sure to turn that scowl back into a pleasant smile when speaking to anyone that isn’t either a) trying to protect her, or b) currently working in some corporate capacity for her father. Like the sales people who are fawning over her now.
I would have preferred if Guinevere could have told me ahead of time that we would be venturing into one of the most high traffic streets in the country, but that would make it too easy on me. If she wasn’t so active online, she could probably move about New York with little to no recognition. Thanks to her online presence however, many people looked her way as we walked from store to store on Fifth Avenue. She muttered something about the last stop as we entered Bergdorf Goodman. And the sales staff here descended on her like a swarm of bees.
Over an hour later, they must have taken us through the entire store. It’s hard to tell if the staff actually likes her, or just her money. But from where I stand, her smile seems genuine. She jokes with them like they are old friends. Though now, the three that had been showing her item after item give her some space as she approaches a jewelry counter. They look as if they’re collectively holding their breath.
My cell buzzes in my pocket, and I answer it on my earpiece.
“Miller,” I say.
“Mr. Miller, hello,” a cheery male voice sounds over the speaker, “My name is Ezra Garcia, Mr. Russell’s first assistant.”
“Hello, Ezra.” I hadn’t spoken to him, but I already had his photo on file back at the apartment. “Everything alright?”
“Of course. I was calling to confirm that Miss Russell will be attending her father’s dinner this evening. She doesn’t use an assistant, and it seems she has been unable to reply to her father or myself.”
I glance up at Gwen, who currently has her phone in her hand to take a photo of whatever is in that jewelry case. Unable to reply is a nice way to put it.
“I’m sorry for reaching out to her through you, sir. Mr. Russell hasn’t had one of his dinner’s for some time. It’s recommended that Miss Russell attend.”
I know that by recommended, he means mandatory. “Absolutely. I will remind her.”
“Wonderful. Thank you, Mr. Miller. Good to meet you.”
I open my mouth to reply, but Ezra has already hung up.
I walk over to Gwen, noticing how two of the sales people eye me as I do so.
“These are pretty,” I say quietly, leaning to look into the glass case.
Gwen glowers up at me, but she doesn’t speak. I keep my voice low, “You have dinner at your father’s tonight, his assistant just called.”
She turns her attention back to one of the rings she was trying on. “I’m aware. Ezra’s already texted me several times.”
“You didn’t think you should text back so he knew where you were?” I don’t mean it to be accusatory, I just don’t understand what the point is for avoiding these people like the plague.
“They know I’m coming, Mr. Miller. I don’t have a choice.”
“Ezra wasn’t so sure.”
One of the sales associates, a perky brunette with a ponytail, approaches us from behind the counter.
“I think you’re right, Daisy. The emerald will just suit her so much better.” I don’t even recognize that calm, polite tone from Gwen.
The associate perks up even further, “Excellent. Would you like me to wrap it up for you?”
“Yes, please.”
Daisy takes the whopping jewel away from Gwen with a smile.
“Who is the ring for?” I fold my hands on the countertop, which seems to disgust her.
“Why? In case they copy my fingerprints off of it with a piece of tape?”
I huff, “Hadn’t actually thought of that one. I was just curious.”
Gwen ponders that for a moment before replying, her blue eyes narrowing with speculation. “My friend, Harper. It’s her birthday soon. We’re having a party for her on Friday. So I guess that means you’ll be attending the party, too.” She sighs to herself.
Now wouldn’t be a good time to explain that I already know who Harper is, what she looks like, what school she attended, and how long the two of them have known each other. What I didn’t know about, was the party.
“I’ll need the details about that party, Miss Russell.”
“And you’ll get them, Mr. Miller. Just be patient.”
I interlock my fingers on the countertop, lightly cracking them. “It’s Wednesday.”
“Correct. And Wednesday isn’t the same day as Friday, now, is it? I promise I’ll give you the details tomorrow. That should be more than enough time to plan where you're going to stand and do nothing all night.” She pats one of her soft, manicured hands on top of mine as if to physically stamp her condescending tone. She then turns her attention back to the jewelry. I squeeze my fingers together until my knuckles go white.
I learn shortly afterwards that part of my duties include carrying tens of thousands of dollars in shopping bags. On the bright side, when Rodney drops us off at her apartment, Gwen actually begins to get ready for dinner. When she starts to shimmy out of her skirt in the middle of the living room though, I think it best to wait in my room. With the door closed this time. I think about giving Tommy a call to update him on everything, but I don’t trust Gwen not to leave without me. Thankfully, the walls are decently thin. I can always tell when she’s walking down the hall, or talking on the phone, even if I can’t hear exactly what she’s saying. Still, I don’t want to get distracted.
Her shoes tonight make it even easier for me to hear when she’s finished getting ready forty minutes later. The click-clacking reverberates down the hall as she makes her way to the living room. I stand from my spot at the end of the bed, cracking my neck and looking myself over in the full-length mirror in the corner. I button up one extra button and smooth back my hair with my hands. No one ever discussed a wardrobe requirement with me, and I hadn’t given it much thought. Most of this past week has been split between chasing Gwen whenever ‘spontaneous’ plans come up, and scheduling the best reps I know to install the new security system. But to wait outside or stand at the edge of a room, I feel like this should be fine.
That is, until I walk into the living room and feel my breath get caught in my throat. Gwen’s waves have been pulled up off of her neck with a few pieces left loose to frame her face. A face that now had pinker cheeks and glossier lips. For the first time, focusing my attention on her face didn’t seem like a good idea. At least what she had on now was more coverage than she’s had since the first day I met her. A clean, black strapless dress. It may be incredibly short, but she finally put tights on. When she leans over to adjust the strap on her heels though, I need to look away regardless.
“I’ll text Rodney that we’re ready to leave,” I say to the sofa.
I can feel her disapproving frown on me anyway. “He already knows.”
Inhaling deeply, I say, “Again, Miss Russell, we need to work out some logistics together,” I risk a glance at her, “But I am glad he knows.”
She doesn’t give me anything besides a huff and a look at my button-down. At least I know if there is a dress code, she’ll be the first one to tell me that I missed the mark.
Rodney meets us in the underground garage, which I count as a win. I have taken to sitting in the front seat instead, trying to abide by her request for space as much as possible. The ride to her father’s house takes less than twenty minutes, and when we get there, she actually allows me to get out and get her door for her first. For this, I’m thankful, especially because her father’s brownstone has no rear or alternative entrance. I make a note to research later if this is standard for oldschool brownstones, if they’re protected by some historical society, or if we can look into changing things.
Even calling this place a brownstone feels wrong. It’s the castle of brownstones. You could probably fit three, multimillion-dollar brownstones inside of this one. I’m glad Gwen doesn't live here as it’s so much more ground to cover. That, and the fact that she’s impossibly uptight and unsettled as we walk inside. Her shoulders are tighter than normal, and she shakes her head a little before walking through the doors. Maybe one would think that it was to get those few little locks out of her eyes, but I disagree. To me, it looks like a boxer rolling out their shoulders before stepping into the ring.
“Miss Russell!” A smiling, younger man of moderate build brightens as we walk through the doors.
“Ezra, how are you?” Gwen’s returning smile is kind as she unbuttons her jacket. Instinctively, I move to take it from her. She gives me a quick, speculative look, before turning her attention back to Ezra.
Ezra, who is now looking at me. I fold Gwen’s jacket over my arm and extend my hand to him. “Joel Miller, we spoke on the phone.”
Understanding washes over his face. “Ah, Mr. Miller. Good to meet you in person. Most of the guests are already in the dining room,” He nods toward the back of the wide foyer. I’ve memorized this floor plan top to bottom, and Gwen and I visited a few days ago for a meeting with her stylist, Evelyn. Still, knowing the layout doesn’t take away from its beauty. The home was clearly restored to its original glory, just adding modern finishes. If I were in another situation, I would want a tour. I’m wondering if I’ll be able to look around during the meal when a tall brunette man walks around the corner. The sly set of his smile has my instincts firing off immediately.
“Gwenny! You made it.” Him and his loafers stride up and plant a kiss on Gwen’s cheek. Her entire body stiffens, and I take a step closer to her. The man doesn’t pay any attention to me, placing his hand on her lower back to guide her down the part of the hall he just came from. Gwen straightens her already ridged shoulders.
“Daniel,” She says cooly, grabbing his wrist and placing it next to his side. Where it belongs.
“It’s been a while since we had one of our little family meetings.” His confidence doesn’t seem to be shaken in the slightest.
“It’s not a meeting, it’s dinner. And we’re not family.”
“Well, we’re all a part of the Russell Corp. family.”
Gwen legitimately snorts at this. “Whatever makes you feel less inferior, Daniel.” I’m surprised when she tosses a glance back at me. “Have you met Mr. Miller?”
Daniel turns to face me now that we’re standing outside the double doors of the dining room.
“Nice to meet you,” I extend my hand. He regards me with a mixture of displeasure and boredom.
“Mr. Wilson,” Daniel shakes my hand, “You’re the one who’s been put in charge of Gwenny I see.”
I give him a closed-lipped smile, “In charge of her protection, you mean. Yes.”
His brow lifts slightly. “Yes, of course. Well, pleasure.” He abruptly tramps into the dining room, leaving Gwen to follow after. Unsure of what the protocol is, I hang back. But Gwen only makes it a few steps before looking expectantly at me, and curling one long finger towards her.
When I fall into step beside her, she says, “My father will want to meet you, if you haven’t met already.”
I nod, taking in a room so lavish it looks like it belongs in Buckingham Palace. The group congregating around the long, mahogany table is composed primarily of men, though a few women hover next to them. I notice a smaller group, two men and one woman, practically glaring at Gwen. I move so that I’m standing on her left side, blocking their view. If Gwen notices, she doesn’t show it. The next man I see is her father, William, whom I recognize from the photo Arthur provided. He’s deep in what looks to be a serious conversation as we approach, but he ends it when he sees Gwen.
True to his photograph, William Russell does not crack even a slight smile. He has a similar way about him that Arthur does, only way more intense. Maybe all rich guys have that way about them. It’s an unwritten power dynamic; an entitlement. No matter what you do, they’ll always be just a little displeased. Because you’re not one of them. I find it surprising that this displeasure also applies to his daughter. If anyone were going to carry out that entitlement, I would think it would be the only heir.
“Darling,” William says in a mild, low voice. He gives Gwen a quick kiss on the cheek before pulling more than an arm’s length away. “You look well.”
I wonder if he’s seen her since that charity gala.
“Thanks, Dad.” Gwen’s tone is the opposite of her father’s. It’s far too cheerful. “Being watched twenty-four-seven does wonders.”
“I should think you were sleeping better.” William’s voice turns frosty.
“With a strange man in my home? That’s an interesting conclusion to make.”
I cast my gaze down to the floor. I hadn’t thought she would be afraid of me. I should have. I at least should have told her my background, my experience. Though on second thought, the experience could make her trust me less.
“Guinevere. Are you going to introduce me, or not?” William assesses me.
“Mr. Miller, this is my father, William Russell. He’s the one signing your paychecks.”
I shake his hand, “Good to meet you, sir.”
“Likewise,” his handshake is firm despite his age. “I assume Gwen’s security system is being brought up to its proper standards.”
“Absolutely. Working on it as we speak.”
“Excellent.” William gives me a firm nod, but still no smile.
“Dad, why are Ralph and Murphy here? These dinners are supposed to be for the core group only.”
William lets out a humorless laugh. “I think you know the answer to that, Guinevere.”
“Oh,” Gwen grabs a wine glass off of a waitress’s tray as she passes by, “So being exposed as a pervert actually adds to one’s social calendar now?”
Pervert? I look to my left again, trying to ascertain which one was Ralph, and which was Murphy. I’ll need a broader list of the higher ups to brush up on. I’ll also need to know what those two did.
“Don’t start, Gwen. You made the spill, you’re going to have to scrub the floors.” William nearly hisses the last few words. Gwen only smiles at him, and sips her wine. After a moment of tense silence, she turns to me.
“Clearly I’m in good hands here, Mr. Miller. I’ll see you after dinner.”
I give her a quick nod before addressing William again, “It was nice to meet you, Mr. Russell.”
“Likewise,” William repeats, already walking away from both Gwen and me.
“I won’t be far,” I whisper to her.
“Not that it matters,” She says against the rim of her wine glass. I scoff on my way out. Anyone with eyes can see this isn’t a comfortable get-together. I just want her to know we can leave if she needs to. Maybe I have to be more black-and-white with her. Though I doubt she wouldn’t leave on her own accord regardless of the situation.
I take the opportunity to explore the house as I had hoped. Mostly out of curiosity, somewhat out of concern for their own system. I start upstairs as the only time I’ve been here before, I had to spend most of it in the foyer. Ordinarily I wouldn’t have left Gwen alone, but with it being her father’s house, and the fact that she was going to be in a room, changing dozens of times…The foyer was fine.
I notice now that the security is decently tight. There aren’t any security officers inside the house, but I know from my conversation with Amari that there are usually some stationed outside, weather permitting. In the dead of winter, they’ll be inside with the family. The windows have sensors, and the alarm is state-of-the-art. I don’t take the liberty of entering any of the bedrooms, but since even the bathrooms are included in the system, the bedrooms must be as well. Back downstairs, there is more of a buzz. From the back stairs, I can hear the chef and waitstaff chatting at a low volume. There are also a few maids walking about, and I overhear one of them asking if any of the guests plan on staying the night. I recognize each face I see from the portfolio Arthur put together, and I know from their background checks just how vetted each and every person in this home is.
That is why, when I try to open a door attached to the opulent library, I’m surprised to find that it’s locked. There is an office on the other side of the library, who’s adjoining door is just to my left. Maybe it’s a closet? But why would a closet be locked in a library? For all I know, the closet could hold a safe that housed hundreds of first edition old-english literature, or whatever rich people liked to collect. I run through the blueprints in my mind, yanking one last time on the door—
“If you need to use the restroom, Mr. Miller, you could have just asked.”
I whip my head back to the open door of the library to find Gwen standing there, her arms crossed in front of her chest.
“I was, um—”
“Snooping?” Her glossy lips curl upwards on one side.
I mirror her, crossing my arms as well. “Yeah, actually. It’s sort of my job… to snoop.”
“Just in case there’s a monster in there, waiting to jump out and attack me? That’s my father’s home office. You couldn’t get in there even if a monster was trying to come out.”
I sigh, shaking my head. “It’s good to know the exit points, Miss Russell.”
She nods slowly. “Well, on that account, we can agree. I’m leaving, I thought you’d like to know.”
I glance down at my watch. “It’s only been an hour.”
“An hour too long,” She turns on her heel, strutting down the hallway, and I’m forced to keep up with her. We walk past the dining room, and from what I can hear it still sounds relatively full. Ezra also looks surprised when he sees the two of us back in the foyer, with me handing Gwen her jacket.
“Finished already?” He asks, his tone pitched with nerves.
“Unfortunately, yes.” If I hadn’t heard her a minute ago, I would believe that Gwen was actually disappointed to be leaving. “Thank you for your reminders today, Ezra. I’m sure my dad doesn’t say it enough but I don’t think he could put together even a dinner party without you.”
Ezra’s cheeks redden. “Thank you, Miss Russell. I–I’ll be seeing you next Wednesday, then?”
“See you then,” Her smile falters a little as I get the door for her. I give Ezra a nod as I close the door behind us.
When we’re back in the warmth of Rodney’s car, I glance back at Gwen. “Next Wednesday…is that another dinner?”
“Yes,” she hisses, picking at one of her cuticles, “Apparently these are becoming a weekly ordeal.”
I turn my attention back to the road, keeping my eyes on the street as I ask, “With the same guests every week?”
I can hear the disappointment in her voice, “Most likely.”
The remainder of the drive is quiet, just as both Rodney and Gwen seem to prefer it. When we are riding back up in the elevator, I look down to her. “If there is someone who is making you uncomfortable, if they are threatening you in any way, I could prevent them from attending these dinners.”
Her blue eyes narrow at me, “What?”
The elevator dings, and we step out into her apartment. “Those men you mentioned. The…perverts, I believe. It’s my job to keep my clients safe. If you don’t feel safe with them around, I can make it so they aren’t there.”
Gwen pauses mid-unbuckling her heel. “You think I don’t feel safe around them?” Her tone is full of venom.
“No,” I say softly, “I just think there is a little bit of truth behind every joke. And I’m not sure you were joking to begin with.”
Gwen removes both of her shoes, sizing me up even though she is now almost a foot shorter than me.
I continue, “Despite your reservations, I’m an expert in my field. I could talk to your father, explain that someone could be a security risk for any various reason. Do you want me to do that?”
“No,” She scoffs. Then, a little softer, “You really think you could do that?”
“Of course. That’s part of our arrangement. You set your own boundaries and I help enforce them.”
Gwen looks at me another moment, her gaze far less intense than before. As she unzips her jacket, she says, “There’s usually a coat hanger, or a maid to give this to next time. Just so you’re not…so you don’t have to carry it around for me.”
She drops her jacket on one of the sofas before padding off down the hall without another word. That was probably the nicest thing she’s ever said to me. But I’m not naive enough to think it will last.
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These are all the fanfiction AO3 links to Primo related content. Please see pinned post on Tumblr for other Papa content!
If you don't see something you are interested in please feel free to send an ask when open as well as commission me through the heart mug site. Link in pinned post!
Multi-Chapter Works:
⛧ Divine Cause (COMPLETE) >>> Primo & OC Liliana Primo Emeritus returns home after his endeavors abroad for a night of summoning. When he is reunited with Sister Liliana, a woman he once knew as a girl. After an accident during the ritual the two become close and Primo must choose between his life before and a life with the sister. Part of the Papas in Love Series featuring my original Papas and Prime Mover stories. (NSFW-Romance/Fluff/Blasphemy/Pregnancy)
⛧ Potpourri (IN PROGRESS) >>> Primo & OC Guinevere During his retirement, Papa Primo Emeritus falls in love with a new Sister of Sin who has suffered a tragic loss. While the new sister settles into the Abbey, Primo can't help but grow more infatuated with her. Promising to give her everything she desires, but can he win her affections when she still can't let go of the past? (NSFW-Romance/Fluff/Pregnancy Loss/Angst/Sex w/the intention of pregnancy)
One Off Works:
The Seedling You sat quietly in the pews, your heart still trying to steady itself and breathing still unsettled. Your tear stained cheeks–cascaded in color from the stained glass windows of the chapel. You prayed you would be ok.  (SFW-Fluff/Comfort) Everything You've Always Wanted It had been weeks since you first asked and so you waited in the greenhouse for Primo to arrive. He promised you an answer, you hoped it was the one you wanted to hear. (NSFW-Romance/Fluff/Breeding Kink/Sex w/the intention of pregnancy) Beauty in Chaos When the everyday tasks for you become too much as Primo's wife and Prime mover, he helps you unwind as only he can in the greenhouse. (NSFW-Romance/Comfort/Fluff/Greenhouse sex)
Primo One Off Works Featuring Other's OCs):
The Seamstress (Feat. OC Marianne) Sister Marianne keeps mostly to herself, spending her days sewing and up in the library, when one day she is asked to help Cardinal Primo with something...who she just so happens to be in love with. (NSFW-Romance/Love Confession/Angst/Young Cardinal Primo/Feat. OC)
Thank you for reading!
May he walk with you in Darkness, leading you from the Light
⛧ PM Ren
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castelled-away · 1 year
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Mergwenthur beginnings from Merlin‘s pov bc he has the potential to make all of this SO angsty mmm
Like think abt Merlin feeling like he imposed on Arthur & Gwen's relationship simply bc he thinks the 2 are perfect (Merlin is obv so gone for them) & therefore perfect for each other but without him mixed into it bc „he doesn’t have a place there in their relationship“
Or him already feeling insecure abt a potential position in a 3-way-relationship bc of the whole thing with Lancelot’s shade & probably thinks Arthur would therefore react badly or hurt
Or maybe throw in a magic reveal where Guinevere & Arthur are both shocked at first ofc & Gwen gets over that & is all reasonable/starting to understand & Arthur is still blown away/angry & just can’t understand so maybe Merlin sees their different opinions on the magic matter & thinks he’s or at least will soon be tearing a rift between Arwen through that
Or maybe him not feeling good enough for them since not only is Arthur the king but Gwen as his queen has ALSO risen in rank & is now „above“ him as well (tho I think this is a bit ooc for Merlin)
Or to try & keep Arthur away from him/not tempt himself (bc Merlin still has to hide his magic& therefore cannot get too close to anyone) Merlin pushes Gwen & Arthur together with effort & he thinks he’s left alone & that both of them will/can never know how much he loves them or know who he really is. Then Arwen ask why he wants them to be together SO BAD since the 2 don’t really ever want to spent time together without Merlin (bc they’re all in love your honor) & Merlin just explodes with a whole speech like because if you two don’t end up together all of the pain & the suffering I have gone through while having to watch from far away was worth for nothing & then Gwen thinks Merls were in love only with Arthur & Arthur thinks Merlin were only in love with Gwen & then they are all being stupid & sad abt that whole love triangle till it comes out that Merlin loves them BOTH at the end
Or ofc the Lancelot-Gwen-Arthur fiasco, but where Merlin & Gwen get enchanted by Morgana instead & they’re all super angsty abt this (there’s the fic, it’s great: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46578598 by @burglarhobbit)
While reading this fic the idea came to me that maybe Merlin takes the blame for Morgana’s love spell volunteeringly so that Arthur doesn’t get hurt by thinking Gwen cheated of her own free will & takes her back, but Gwen (the goddess that she is) straight up tells Arthur no, Merlin wouldn’t ever do that, it must’ve somehow been Morgana & they ask Merlin why he lied & his answer is I just wanted you two to be happy but then followed with I guess that I’m just selfish for wanting you two to love me as well, that would have been to good to be true anyways
Or Arthur seeing Gwen & Merlin hug like they used to do all the time in the show bc they’re best friends & always help each other through their hard stuff, so cue Arthur having his big bi panic & while still being a bit traumatised by the whole Lancelot’s shade-fiasco, he mistakes his romantic feelings for them as jealousy/insecurity/fear of Gwen leaving him for Merlin & saying smth like „you wouldn’t take her from me would you?“ to Merlin (maybe even just as a dumb joke without all those negative feelings) & Merlin being all surprised no ofc i wouldn’t do that, not to you Arthur, to neither of you, you mean too much to me to do that & being scared that he somehow crossed a line while talking to Gwen or smth to warrant this kind of question from Arthur
Or Merlin thinking: You already have to take care of Arthurs destiny (protecting him, be loyal to him, make him see magic is good without outing himself as a sorcerer etc.) you can’t also take his heart/feelings aswell. You can’t do that to Gwen.Arthur is already forced to spend forever with Merls due to destiny, let him choose Gwen on his own free will, so that means Merlin thinking his connection to Arthur is less important that Gwen’s connection to Arthur bc of destiny
Or Gwen & Arthur together trying to court him & invite him into their throuple so they kiss him on separate occasions without the other one present & Merlin is just alone walking with Gwen through the halls of Camelot & reeling with why did she just kiss me isn’t she in love with Arthur?? & Arthur then also kissing him or giving him gifts & he’s starting to catch on/hope that they might return his feelings but then he overhears Gwen telling Arthur that he (Arthur) is her everything (bc Arthur is emotionally constipated & needs reassurance & affection like he deserves), so Merls tries to gaslight himself à la oh those kisses where just friendly, friends kiss each other sometimes don’t they??? Gwen probably just missed me that 1 time/wanted to reassure me of something & Arthur was probably still high of of a particularly good fight during training OR he thinks maybe they were just playing a joke on him OR he assumes he’s just their mistress/playtoy now & therefore are his connections to them second to their marriage connection OR even angstier, he thinks they’re both cheating on each other with him & don’t know abt it & he fears they have problems in their relationship & is plagued by guilt bc he doesn’t know how to tell them that they’re kind of cheating with the same person (lol) & anytime he looks at them he asks himself how do I tell you that your wife is cheating on you with me, but I’m actually in love with the BOTH of you? Arthur surely won’t believe that for a second, he’ll just be rly angry
OR the 3 of them already being an item but like still in the beginnings & then the magic reveal happens & Arthur is just like you didn’t enchant us to fall in love with you right? (don’t worry, Arthur isn’t that bigoted, he’s just surprised that he feels so much love for not 1 BUT 2 whole wonderful ppl & starts to doubt bc he’s constipated like that) & Merlin says no, I wouldn’t do that, I don’t even know how to do a spell like that, but then comes the rocky acceptance-of-Merlin’s-magic-phase where everything including their budding relationship gets difficult & Merlin is doubting with thoughts like they don’t seem very in love with me anymore so maybe I DID put a love spell on them without knowing? Maybe I wanted them to love me so much so that my magic/I just enchanted them subconsciously??? Maybe all we had, all that THEY felt for me was a lie & I have been using them for my own personal gain?? And he’s just beating himself up over that in a puddle of guilt & heartbreak
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