#and he sees the way cait looks at her? he knows.
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scorpiorising-swiftie · 22 hours ago
hello all!! i just wrote the first chapter of any caitvi fanfic called “illicit affairs”, in which Caitlyn and Vi begin to have an affair while Caitlyn is engaged to Maddie. hope you enjoy!!
Chapter one
Vi huffed angrily at her reflection, tossing her hair this way and that, trying to get it just right. She couldn’t risk looking bad today, not when she was about to see Caitlyn for the first time in nearly five years.
Okay, it wasn’t just about that. She was revisiting her alma mater in honor of today being five years since her class graduated. She was excited to see all of her school friends who she hadn’t seen in years, what with her being so busy with her career as a world-renowned boxer. She hadn’t expected to become so famous, but there was no denying that there would probably be a fleet of paparazzi following her today. She cringed at the thought of that. She would have to wear a hat and glasses in order to obscure herself from the public eye. She looked at herself in the mirror one final time. She looked good enough. Her hair, which was buzzed on one side, has grown out quite a bit, and the long side now reached down to her collarbones. She was wearing a white tank top, black jeans, combat boots, and her favorite red and black leather jacket. The one she’d had since high school. The one she knew Caitlyn adored. God, she needed to stop thinking about her. For all she knew, Caitlyn could’ve moved on and found someone new. The thought of that made Vi’s heart sink, but it had been five years. She had to be open to that possibility. She walked out the door, got in her car and began driving to her old school. Butterflies began to flutter in her gut as she thought of seeing Caitlyn again. Would she be happy to see her? It had been so many years. All Vi knew now was that Caitlyn had just graduated college, and was now working as a police officer in the next town over. She kept thinking about Caitlyn in a cop outfit, and a blush crept across her face. Damn, she would look good dressed like that. She shook those thoughts from her head as she approached the school, her hands shaking as she gripped the steering wheel. She parked, got out of the car, and began walking towards the gym. As soon as she entered, she anxiously looked around, trying to spot a familiar face. She had never been the most popular, but she had a good amount of friends. Standing towards the center of the gym, she spotted two of her old friends, Jayce and Viktor. Jayce was standing with a hand draped around the smaller man’s waist, and Viktor seemed to be looking around the gym for people he knew. As soon as his eyes landed on Vi, his face lit up, and he pointed Jayce towards her. Jayce waved happily to his old friend, and they began to walk over together.
“Look at you two!” Vi gushed, bringing Jayce in for a hug. “You guys look awfully close.” She teased.
Viktor’s face went beet red, and he tried to hide it behind his hands. Jayce just smiled.
“Well, after ignoring our feelings for four years, we finally got our shit together and I asked him out.” He said sheepishly. A small smile crept across Viktor’s face. “Yes, we are quite happy together.” He said, pecking a chaste kiss to Jayce’s cheek.
Vi just beamed at the sight of her two friends, clearly so in love. Speaking of which..
“Hey, have either of you seen Cait yet?” Vi asked casually.
The smile on Jayce’s face disappeared just for a moment, but it was quickly replaced with one that wasn’t as genuine. “Oh! Uh, yeah I think I saw her outside.” He said awkwardly.
“Thanks!” Vi exclaimed, hurriedly rushing out of the gym. Why did Jayce seem so.. off as soon as she brought up Caitlyn? Did he know something she didn't? Never mind that. She was too damn excited to care.
It took a minute for Vi’s eyes to adjust to the sunlight, but once she did, she immediately spotted Caitlyn. Her jaw dropped.
She looked better than she ever had. Her cobalt hair was tied up in a ponytail, a few strands loose in the front. She was wearing a black turtleneck that hugged her figure in all the right places. She also had on a black miniskirt, tights, and boots, that must’ve made her six and a half feet tall. Goddamn. Those familiar butterflies returned to Vi’s gut once again. But wait, she was so distracted by how good Cait looked that she didn’t even notice she was with someone. Another woman. The girl was small, with short ginger hair, and a face full of freckles. Vi felt like crying as she saw Caitlyn tuck a strand of russet hair behind the girl’s ear. It took everything in Vi not to rush to the bathroom and sob. But no, she wasn’t an immature teenager anymore. Cait had moved on, and she just has to come to terms with that. But just how intimate had those two gotten. Had this stranger kissed every crevice of Caitlyn’s body, as Vi had? Had she made her see stars, and scream her name, like she had? Did she know that her favorite flowers were forget-me-not’s? That she secretly yearned to be an actress, but settled for a more reasonable career in order not to disappoint her parents? Vi pushed these thoughts away. She had to be mature about the situation. Even if she wanted to run up to Caitlyn and kiss her pretty face right in front of her new lover. She was about to go inside again, when Caitlyn’s eyes landed on her. Her mouth formed an “o” shape as she eyed Vi up and down, likely staring at her muscles. Vi was certainly ripped in high school, but now being a full-time boxer, her muscles had nearly doubled in size. A hint of pride welled up in her as Cait stared her down. There was no denying that she was still attracted to her, right? No! She couldn’t risk thinking like that. Cait was here with another girl, for God’s sake!
Before Vi could even register what was happening, Caitlyn was walking over to her, her girlfriend reluctantly following behind.
Caitlyn engulfed Vi in a more than friendly hug, and Vi had to pray for the blush to disappear from her cheeks before the other girl saw.
“Vi! I’ve missed you!” Caitlyn explained, her English accent making Vi go weak in the knees. She still smelled like expensive vanilla perfume.
“Hey, cupcake.” Vi replied, staring into those gorgeous cerulean eyes. The two were lost in the moment together, clearing fighting back old feelings that were threatening to resurface. Caitlyn seemed to break from the spell first, as her new lover approached her side.
“Oh! How could I forget! Vi, this is Maddie, she’s my.. uh..” Caitlyn seemed to be at a loss for words, so Maddie chimed in.
“Fiancé! I’m her fiancé!” She chirped in a heavy Scottish accent.
Vi felt the tears prick at her eyes, threatening to spill over. Fiancé? So this wasn’t just a girlfriend, this was the woman Caitlyn was going to marry. She put on her best fake smile, praying that Caitlyn didn’t spot the sadness behind her eyes.
“That’s great. I’m so happy for you guys. When’s the wedding?”
“Next spring!” Maddie gushed. “It’s going to be in my hometown, in Edinburgh!” Vi couldn’t help but think Maddie was much more excited about the whole ordeal than Caitlyn.
“You’ve got to come, Vi!” Caitlyn finally said. “If you’re not busy, that is.”
“Oh! I would love to.” Vi replied, though the thought of witnessing Caitlyn get married to another woman made her want to throw up.
“How’s the career going? Maddie and I watch you all the time.” Caitlyn changed the subject, and Vi could swear she saw the slightest bit of blush creeping across her cheeks.
“It’s good! Had to wear a disguise here, just to make sure the paparazzi wouldn’t see me, but other than that it’s great.” Vi stated casually.
“You’re so incredible! I knew you were strong, but watching you in the ring is.. well, it’s invigorating.” Okay, Cait was definitely blushing now. Vi just chuckled.
“Thanks, how’s your job going? Heard you’re a cop now.”
“It’s great! It’s how Maddie and I met, actually..” She stated, her voice laced with awkwardness.
“That’s great! Hey, wanna head inside? Jayce and Viktor are already in there, and they’re all over each other.” Vi giggled mischievously.
“Oh, let’s!” Caitlyn exclaimed, grabbing Maddie’s hand and heading towards the gym.
Vi trailed behind them and watched them, hand in hand. She had to fight back tears as she thought of Caitlyn making love to this woman. What did Maddie have that Vi didn’t? A cute accent, red hair, and she was probably rich, too. Maybe that’s what it was. Though Caitlyn never cared that Vi came from a low income home, that was more her parents.
Vi watched from a distance as Caitlyn and Jayce shared a warm embrace, and Cait introduced Jayce and Viktor to Maddie. She suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to leave, and this time she couldn’t stop it. She rushed out to her car, and swung open the door, when she suddenly heard a familiar voice call out to her.
“Vi, wait!” Caitlyn exclaimed. Vi turned around to find her ex- lover just inches away from her face. She grabbed her arm and stared into her eyes.
“I hope you’re not too upset about Maddie, it all happened so suddenly. You see, my parents set us up..”
That made Vi feel a little better. Maybe Caitlyn didn’t really love Maddie like she thought she did.
“No, I’m happy for you, Cait.” Vi responded, her voice devoid of any emotion.
“Can we go out sometime? Let me take you for coffee.” Caitlyn nearly pleaded.
“You think that’s appropriate? You’re engaged, Caitlyn.” Vi replied.
“No! I didn’t mean a date.. we just haven’t really caught up since..”
“Since you dumped me.” Vi interjected.
Caitlyn looked hurt, and Vi instantly regretted the jab. “You know I didn’t want to. It was my parents.” Caitlyn lamented. Vi just sighed.
“I know. Coffee sounds great, I have Sundays off, so how about tomorrow?”
Caitlyn’s face lit up, and for a moment, Vi swore she saw the lovesick teenager she fell in love with.
“Yes! Tomorrow would be excellent!” She rejoiced.
Vi just smiled, and tucked a strand of hair behind Caitlyn’s ears.
“Great. See you tomorrow, cupcake.”
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yoshi-disney · 2 days ago
NOT MY ART!!!!! Artwork created by Nikkotari on Instagram, check them out :)
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Theres an extremely angsty headcannon I've had in my mind ever since I saw this image in which I will now bless the Arcane tag with, apologies in advance....
HC: Jinx looked down on the cities as the sun slowly set across the horizon.
It had been one month since the war in Piltover and nothing was the same. Many good things have happened sure. Zaun now had a representative on the council with the full backing of the richest house in Piltover 'Even if it is that one armed ogre' Jinx thought to herself. Zauns air ducts became infused with what was left of Hextech, creating near perfect conditions in the undercity. And of course there was Ekko, kind, loyal Ekko. How he had forgiven all of what Jinx had done to his firelights was beyond her but he was by her side now, and that was something she hoped never changes.
But Vi was gone. Blown to smithereens after saving her from that creature. All that remained of her were her two gauntlets. Jinx felt a tear flow down her face as memories of that day came back. "Im always with you sis, take care of Cupcake will ya," those were her final words, words that have haunted Jinx every day since. Ever since she found her bones scattered throughout the tower and blood still fresh in her gauntlets. It took Ekko days to finally calm Jinx down the same way he did before this stupid, pointless war. And for a while, with his and the firelights help she was calm, she started to feel some semblance of peace again living with him and his tree people.
And then all that changed when Caitlyn found out about Vi.
She rememberd going up to Piltover to check up on Vis girlfriend, 'which I probably wouldn't have done if she hadn't asked me too.' But she was stopped short when she heard a piercing yell coming throughout "cupcakes " house. It was heartbreaking, it was the sound of someone who had truly lost evreything, Jinx knows from experience. She rememberd peering through the windows to see Caitlyn fighting off doctors trying to restrain her. Caitlyn had said something to the affect of "No, she can't be dead" but the windows and her cracking voice made it hard to understand.
She rememberd going back and crying in Ekkos arms, her heart broken after what she saw and heard that day. But tonight was a different night, Ekko had followed behind her as they went back to the Kiarmann estate to check up on Caitlyn, as Jinx did every day, with Ekko occasionally tagging along for the hell of it. Although Jinx noticed there wasn't much to "check up on" nowadays because, well, Caitlyn never did anything anymore.
'Wakes up, makes tea, sits by the fire, sometimes cries though she's been doing less of that lately, ever so often sits in the garden, sits some more, eats a littlebit of soup, ALWAYS has one cupcake at night, goes to bed.' Jinx had her routine pretty much down to a science at this point. "You know if it wasn't your sister's dying wish for you to stalk her girlfriend, that would be a little creepy. " Ekko said, Jinx gasped, realizing she said all that out loud, she proceeds to sock Ekko in the shoulder. "Ah, sorry just, trying to lighten the mood a little. " Ekko said. Jinx smirked a little, appreciating the effort, as useless as it may have seen. What Jinx didn't understand though is, why WAS she doing this?
Well, she knows WHY she had to do it, because Vi told her too. But Vi knew she had a Dad, servants, and doctors on call who would be there if she needed serious help, hell Jinx had seen that happen plenty of times on days Caitlyn wouldn't stop crying. So why would Vi want her of all people to take care of Cait, HER. The same psychopath who captured her in the shower and tortured her because she was jealous. Jinx watched intently has Caitlyn stared off into space, which was most of what she does now. Her eyes, well, eye, filled with unshed tears and a tea on her side that's most likely gone cold.
"I think you should speak to her," Ekko said out of the blue. Jinx perked up, "Why the hell would that be a good idea?" Jinx asked. "You know damn well what I've done to her, I can't go near her." Ekko put his hand on Jinx's shoulder. "Look, Vi, wanted you to take care of her, and, you haven't been getting too far." Ekko said softly, "I think you, and her, need to talk about Vi, she loved you two more than anything. " Jinx nodded, he was right. Caitlyn had been getting worse, she hadn't been sobbing or crying her eyes out evrey hour or so as she was when Vi first died. But she's been growing distant, slower in all of her actions, she hadn't even left her room this week. Caitlyn was spiraling, and Jinx would know, because she had spiraled before.
Ekko was right, they needed to talk, because the only people in the world who could've possibly understood what losing Vi meant, was her and Caitlyn. Jinx took a deep breath, "what do I even say to her?" Jinx asked. "The truth, " Ekko responds with confidence. Jinx raised her eyebrow "and what would that be?" She asked. "You'll know dear" Ekko said kissing Jinx's forehead, "if anything happens I'll be right outside and I'll take you out." Ekko said Jinx agrees.
The room is warm, really really warm, Jinx was wearing a tank top and she was burning up. She couldn't even imagine how hot Caitlyn was in that turtle neck vest. Cait was still sitting on that chair, there was a table between her and the fire place. Jinx took a deep breath and walked towards the fire. Jinx walked in front of Caitlyn and sat on the table in front of her. Caitlyn didn't even acknowledge her. "Hey," Jinx said softly. Caitlyn still didn't look at her, Jinx wasn't even sure if Caitlyn knew she was there. "Look, , know you hate me and for good reason I, did alot of, fucked up shit as Vi used to say," Jinx chuckled. Nothing, not even a nod. Jinx wasn't sure what she was expecting based on evreything she's seen, cuss her out, punch her in the face, pull a gun on her, maybe even just straight up kill her. Not whatever this was.
"Look I'm, I miss Vi too, and, I, it's my fault she's dead." Jinx said, tears starting to flow, Janna help her she was rambling. Still Caitlyn said nothing, "I'm so sorry, for everything I've done, I, I had no, fuck me I"
"Jinx" Caitlyn said matter of factly. Jinx looked up and saw Caitlyn look at her, her eye was soft, still held unshed tears. Jinx however was chocking back sob after sob. Caitlyn sighed and held out her hand. "Why?" Jinx asked. Caitlyn breathed deeply and said, "because we're both to blame for this." Jinx took Caitlyns hand and hugged her. Jinx was completely falling apart on Caitlyns chest and Cait was rubbing Jinx's hair, tears falling down her own face. "I'm sorry " Jinx said over and over. Caitlyn simply held her, "Vi loved both of us, even though we've both hurt her." Caitlyn said. "That was Vi," Jinx laughed as she dug herself closer into Caitlyn's embrace, and Caits hug tightened. And it was here, Jinx finally understood why Vi wants Jinx to take care of her Cupcake, because they are now eternally connected by Vis death. And this was how they move on.
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candz13z · 2 months ago
ever think about Caitlyn coming out to Jayce and thinking "Man I'm so happy he accepts me. He's such a good ally." And then years later, she sees him look at Viktor and she just KNOWS that his ass is NOT straight
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yameoto · 3 months ago
caitvi fuckgirls x virgin!reader
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femmepussy (cait) + butchcock (vi) = deflowering you
tw; sorority!caitlyn & fratbro!vi bc i succumbed to lust, virgin!reader, voyeurism, masturbation, pussyeating, pussyfucking, praise, mild agegap (senior!caitvi x freshman!reader). wc; 2.2k
they’re no strangers to bringing girls home. they’ve refined it to an art. or at least, caitlyn has. vi is still prone to flash a wink with a drink clasped in hand, and a sleazy (though it looks more sultry, on her), “my girlfriend and i saw you from across the bar, and..” when she’s feeling real lazy.
it still works, of course. of course it does. who wouldn’t want to get in-between the most legendary couple on campus? fraternity president and sorority president, all at once—college politics aside—it’s anybody’s wet dream.
tonight, it’s your turn. if the two pairs of hands wandering up your body downstairs, we’re anything to go by—and the matching smirks curving their lips as you were led gently away from the party and into one of the rooms above (door, plastered with a VI, to leave no room for argument. the frathouse always did throw the grandest ragers).
caitlyn leans against the doorway, tongue prodding the inside of her cheek as she eyes down the both of you, shamelessly. the room is plastered with posters you think your dad might've liked when he was sixteen, and countless football trophies and college memorabilia. not that analysing vi's room decor is exactly what's on your mind, right now—not when you're splayed back in the middle of a double-size bed, sheets crumpled under you, with aforementioned room owner sprawled in the space between your legs, her girlfriend steadily approaching, from the side.
"shit. you're just a lil' baby, huh?" vi's eyes are lidded as she plays with the hem of your shorts, pink hair all ruffled. her big hands swallow the span of your thighs, and she grins, lazy, at the sight.
"vi. don't be crass," caitlyn chastises, like her gaze isn't practically stripping you down with laser-focus. she honest to god licks her lips; because—who wouldn’t? pretty girl on a pretty girl, laid out like a pair of perfect presents, upon the bed. "you'll scare the poor girl."
"oh, c'mon, cait." vi grins, "i know the thought of defiling a freshie gets you wetter than a supersoaker."
this is all moving so fucking fast, you almost feel dizzy. can't breathe, because—well—holy fucking shit. as if your ramping discomfort is sensed, a calloused hand rests on your shoulder, and the tension melts away.
"you can't get better than us," vi soothes, in her smug, infinite wisdom. "just relax, sweetheart. we'll take good care of you." her hands are already snaking under, before a little tutting noise halts her movements. vi's head snaps up, like a puppy to a clicker, the beginnings of a despairing frown marring her pretty features. caitlyn’s smirk is gloating.
"take an off-side, darling. i found this one, first."
vi's jaw drops, shooting upwards in incredulity. "what? but—"
caitlyn shoots her girlfriend a sharp warning glare that sends a jolt of lighting straight to your cunt, and vi wilts like a curling petal, sulking all the way to the couch on the opposite-end to the bed. she collapses, legs swinging wide in the most egregiously delectable manspread of all time. the position shows off the most insane boner you've ever had the pleasure of seeing. the tent spears upwards like a fucking skyscraper, towering up at the crotch of vi's jeans as it's if attempting to burst free from its restraints.
then, vi's fly comes loose, and the veined girth of her cock slaps out in all its glory, bouncing against her toned abdomen and smearing a trail of slick behind. thick, hot-pink hairs crawl upwards from its base to just under her belly button. the aftermath of pre-cum glosses over locks, glistening under the dim lights.
oh, god. this is better than porn.
"see that? that's all for you." caitlyn purrs, and the red flushes to the tips of your ears, blood roaring. you don't even realise you've let out a whine, thighs shifting subconsciously, when vi grunts out a low, "fuck," and palms her dick.
caitlyn's tongue wraps around the swollen nub of your clit, and all of a sudden, you know exactly why people say caitlyn's tongue is like silver. she works, languidly, at first. heat licks up your thighs, and out of the blurry corners of your vision, you can see vi's hand wrap around her cock. caitlyn laves up the nooks and crannies of your folds in little flicks, gaze gossamer as the ferocity of her eyes pin you down.
plush lips barely graze your cunt, and humiliatingly, a garbled moan wrenches from your throat, body snapping taut with the force of an elastic band, caitlyn freezes, and you're made intimately aware of just how wet you are, and you've done nothing but squirm a little as they simply take their positions.
"don't be embarrassed, lovely," cailyn laughs, when your thighs quiver like they're about to squeeze shut—keeping you spread open, with the press of a palm, nails grazing up your abdomen. "it's flattering."
what caitlyn finds, in the first fifteen seconds of eating you out, is that you are extremely fucking sensitive. by the nth jerk of the knee, and those delicious, strangled whimpers that stream out of your pretty panting mouth; she has to ask.
"is this your first time?”
"why?" your hands are fisted into the sheets, knuckles bled white. "is it bad? am i bein’ bad?”
oh, caitlyn's always been a sucker for the whimpering type.
“no, darling,” she coos, nosing up the wet headiness of your pussy, pupils edging out the sharp, cerulean blue of her irises because, oh, she can’t let you realise just how wet you’ve just made her. a virgin. she can feel her already-damp panties, become renewed with a gush of slick as she slides her hands up your thighs, groin subtly grinding through her clothes and against the edge of the mattress because—fuck.
"fuck, i'm so hard," vi whines, a little desperate as she makes the widest puppy-eyes from the sofa, cock drooping in her hand as it pumps out an insane amount of pre like it's nobody's business. her knee has been jostling up and down like it's about to jackhammer a hole in the carpet. she's teetering on the precipice of simply exploding all over the two of you, eyes glazed over as her teeth grit in the effort to restrain herself. because if she cums; caitlyn won't let her fuck you, and call it the alcohol, her dick, or pure, dumb horniness; but there is literally nothing she wants more on this earth, right now—than to bury her cock inside of you and fuck you to oblivion.
caitlyn, however, is playing your pretty virgin pussy like a fiddle. you thrash, back, on the sheets, slew of broken moans torn from your lips. she’s drunk on lust. god, the way you tremble under her, bundle of nerves reacting to each and every one of her barest licks with the harshest gasps or clamp of your thighs. you’d have her wrapped in a headlock, by now, if it weren’t for the force in which she’s a splayed you open—right for vi’s prying eyes, as the older girl furiously fists her cock, frustration burning in her gut at being forced to only look, but barred to touch.
"cupcake," vi pleads, as both you and caitlyn's gazes turn on her. yours, baleful and uncomprehending, hips canting uselessly to chase after caitlyn's retreating mouth. she hushes your whimper (but coos all the same).
"i'm dyin', here," vi moans, and with the flushed tint of her cheeks and sweat glistening in the creased furrows of her brow; hand quivering around her dick—she almost looks like she is. caitlyn laughs, and your pussy throbs when hot breath gusts against your clit.
caitlyn sighs, exaggerated. the both of you can see the smug glint to her eyes, at the way she's worked both her babies, up. (and what a slip of the mind, that is? not an hour in the bedroom, and she's already calling you her baby. their baby.) she lifts up from between your legs, with one last kiss planted directly onto the deliciously glossy wetness of your swollen clit (yes, you shake), before coaxing vi forwards.
vi lunges forwards, like a starved lion thrown it's first scrap of meat, and suddenly the silken fingers dragging up your thighs and the soft lips kissing teasingly along your folds—is replaced by a desperate, fervid nuzzling and slobbering, as vi mouths desperately up your legs.
"i gotta—" she mumbles into your cunt, hands spreading you so wide they almost hurt. "i need—baby—please. i gotta be in you. i gotta— y'pussy smells so good. looks so pretty an' wet an'—" her growls are practically gibberish. caitlyn snorts. she, too, is partial to seeing vi a drooling mess.
you don't have much mental space, to do more than nod, heart thudding out of your chest. distantly, you hear a groaned "fuck, yes!" from underneath you, though any further processing that (surprisingly adorable) comment—is wrenched away by the vi is clambering on top to mount you, flat of her dick sliding along your folds. you both gasp, your chest lurching upwards—before caitlyn's manicured hand pushes you right back down.
"relax," she coos, as vi's weight sinks on top of your thighs, "it'll be easier, that way." vi is practically trembling in an attempt not to just ram herself into you. her head brushes against your core, and it feels like water. vi moans, almost buckling in anticipation. "can i please—"
you think maybe caitlyn nods her head, or gives some other indication of affirmation; because you can't see anything but spinning stars in your vision the second vi pushes, into you.
you're forced to turn your head, biting into the sheets to stifle what you're sure would be screams—until caitlyn gently takes your head, and shifts it to bury between her thighs. the heat from caitlyn’s core is distracting and tempting and has you drooling, though completely useless to do anything but pant and moan and mewl, helplessly into it, as vi‘s cock plows into you with a fullness you’ve never felt before.
“careful with her, baby.”
“i’m trying,” vi huffs through gritted teeth, her own eyes burning because her head is whirling with entirely unhelpful thoughts, like, holy shit, is she the first one to use your tight little hole like this? and oh, fuck, am i good? am i hurting her? this is her first time. shit. and then, just oh, fuck.
you unravel, midway around the girth of vi's cock. you spam, upwards, mangled croon resonating up and into caitlyn’s cunt, hips bucking up and unintentionally slamming vi hilt-deep, and like a seismic chain-reaction; both of them cry out at once. vi, at the sensation of being completely sucked into the tight, wonderful clench of your pussy, submerged completely in the all-encompassing heat as your orgasm shatters your body and mind into what feels like a million little peaces. caitlyn, can't not cum, with the taste of you still glazing her tongue and the way you cry out, into the sloppy slick of her folds and reverberating to her core. it's not just that, though. it's the way you babble, squirming uselessly as your eyes roll into your head and your lashes flutter like the prettiest thing, mouth lolling open around caitlyn's creaming cunt. it takes, a moment, for the three of you to recover. vi is slumped into your chest, cock still twitching as her head kisses your burning insides. caitlyn's legs have fallen limp. it's only when they start to move, vi shakily, reluctantly, sliding out from your cunt—and caitlyn's thighs, loosening from your shoulders—that you protest.
"wait," you rasp, eyes all glossy as you peer up at them through teary lashes, and fuck, for a moment they think; jesus christ. you might just be the most precious thing in the world. "i— i wanna try." you declare, pushing up weakly on your elbows.
"you want to try?"
"wanna make you feel good," you slur, into her thighs, and unbidden, caitlyn feels a whole new gush of heat rush through and slick your pink-dusted cheeks in an entirely new type of sheen.
"..i always did like the ones with a little initiative."
and when you burrow yourself into caitlyn’s cunt, trying to mimic the motions she’d done before to get you feeling as if you were floating on cloud nine; her fingers card through your hair, and vi rocks her hips, still into you, catching her breath as she nuzzles into your collar.
“..feel so good, baby. doin’ so well.” she pants, thumb running up the curves of your body, eyes lifting to fix caitlyn with starry eyes and caitlyn can’t help but swallow, her fingers quivering as you swirl your tongue like a good little pupil and she arches her head back, satisfied “ah,” shuddering though her. and they realise, then, that they’re kind of fucking besotted.
“can we keep her?” vi murmurs, and you’re so deep in caitlyn’s pussy that you almost miss it. caitlyn’s lips curl upwards, head in a daze, as her grip tightens in your hair—loathe to let you go.
“god, please.”
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b-lossm · 4 months ago
•+*Workout Plan*+•
Caitvi! x reader [modern au!]
Synopsis: two strong women at the gym want you?? wait,, they're girlfriends??
The New Workout Plan [+18]
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You where exhausted, but you had to perservere.
As you walked into the gym you where talking to your friend on the phone "you know ever since I started to follow that workout plan, I got all my shit together" you talk to your friend as you walk to the locker room. When you walk in you notice these two girls talking, a taller blue haired one, and a slightly shorter pink haired one with tattoos, What you don't notice is how they eye you up when you walk by them, mumbling something not being better then a man
By the time you come out, all changed and ready to go, you notice the blue one looking at you but then quickly looking away and talking to the other 'weird' you think, self deprecating thoughts entering your mind but that doesn't stop you from heading to the platies room to attend your little workout class.
You sit on your pilaties machine and see the blue haired one from earlier and give her a little wave, hoping that she isn't as mean as you think she is. When you wave she gives you a little confident smile and waves back, immedately taking her phone out and quickly texts somebody, you assume its the pink haired girl from earlier.
Annoingly, yout instructor cancles last minute "freak my life" you mumble under your breath as you start to get your stuff "I know this is so annoying" you hear the blue haired girl next to you say, handing you your lipgloss that fell out of your bag "Almost lost this" she chuckles awkwardly and messes with her bangs. "Oh! Thank you" you say, smiling as you introduce yourself "Oh my name is Caitlyn" she awkwardly sticks out her hand for a handshake and you smile while shaking it 'shes pretty...' you think while talking to her and walking out of the room
She then sees the pink haired girl from earlier "Oh! Vi! come meet my new friend" she giggles as the pink haired girl looks suprised, a subtle pink flushing over her cheeks "Hi, I'm Vi" she introduces, looking at Caitlyn "Nice too meet you Vi, it is short for violence" you giggle while looking at her bandaged arms and hands. She then gives a knowing look to Caitlyn "hmm well i guess" she replies, winking.
After that you guys just..clicked you guess, you found out they where in fact girlfriends so you pined for the both of them in secret while the three of your's friendship blossomed past gym buddies. You three where now watching a movie at their place, you and Vi where on the couch underneath one of Cait's massive blankets while she got the snacktray ready.
"Cait we're watching Waves!" you shout from the couch, not noticing how Vi was eyeing you up in your cute flowy nightgown. You where too busy being exited to introduce the two to this Masterpiece, "Come on! hurry up Cait!" you whine impatiently "Yeah Cupcake can't keep Dumpling here waiting right?" she chuckles while playfully pinching your side "Shut up" you giggle and playfully hit her while Cait comes back with the snack tray. Cait sighs "Ten minutes without me and you guys are already tearing up the place hm?" she takes a seat next to you instead of Vi, leaving you in the middle 'Weird' you think, sitting up as to not lean on one of the other's girlfriend.
About midway through the movie your hope to not lean into Cait, or Vi failed, your where laying on Cait while Vi laid between your legs and rested her head on your tummy "Why is he yelling at her? He said that its okay if they keep it....like I get that its a high school pregnancy but she is valid to be sad.." Vi complained, tracing shaped into your side "Its just the way he is, He's a very angry and stressed character" You say as Cait plays with your hair "You'll see" you start to massage her scalp with Vi's hair and she sighs relaxing and even leaning into your touch.
As the movie progresses, and you watch the perspective switch Cait and Vi eventually awkwardly switch places with each other. "This movie is so.. complex" Cait says while leaning into your stomach "Its beautiful.... It shows how someone's life is effected in a time of grief and how it effects them, but it also shows that they can love again while going through it" you sigh and lean into Vi's soft touches "S' a real emotional movie Dumpling, didn't know you liked such emotional stuff like this.." she yawns and looks at you and Cait laid out on top of her
By the time the movie is over you start to help them clean up, not knowing how to react after basically spending the whole two hours cuddling "Uhm.. I should head home" you say, already putting your shoes back on only stopping due to Vi gently grabbing your wrist, her hand sliding down to meet yours "no!--uh, stay.. with us.. Please?" she says awkwardly, Cait coming over too see that their plan has worked "Its really no problem y/n" she says with a soft but confident smile, holding Vi's shoulder "Oh! uhm.. alright" you say with a soft smile, as you let them lead you to their room "In your bed..?" you tilt your head slightly 'cute' the girls think "Mhm, is that a problem, Dumpling?" Cait says, 'shut up are they seriously asking me to sleep in their bed' you think as you bashfully set your bag down and you pull out your brush and follow Cait to their shared bathroom to brush your hair, Vi lays on their bed and admires the two of you, wishing and hoping to see this everyday.
When you eventually get in their bed you find yourself on the edge to give them space but then Cait speaks up "What are you doing..? come here" she pats the space in between them 'holy shit' you think as you awkwardly crawl over to the space "So.....how's the weather?" you say with an awkward giggle and then the two then take initiative and lean into you, awkwardly shuffling before finding a nice cuddling position.
"uhm.. goodnight Cait.. goodnight Vi" you yawn, leaning to hug Vi who is in front of you while Cait braids your hair so it doesn't get tangled up "Goodnight Dumpling" Vi kisses your wrist "Goodnight y/n" Cait kisses your head.
You didn't wanna ruin the moment and mention how your only friends with them right now and how you felt a little weird, but I guess that's a talk that can wait for tomorrow.
meowmeowmeowmeow umm spoilers for next part maybe its probably gonna be sesbian lex and I'm not gonna talk about how they all get together so !!
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mrsarnold · 3 months ago
ambessa x reader who has a toddler OR
vi x pregnant!reader
be my be my baby !. ۫ ꣑ৎ .
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syn : pregannt hcs with arcane girls!
pair : arcane girls x fem!reader
warn : none! pure fluff, idk what else
note : i couldn't choose one so why not all, thank @heart4caitlin for helping me bless u king
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when jinx finds out she was excited. you told her through a carving when she was teaching you how to make stuff with wood. jinx is the type of person to make mostly everything for the baby. she's also extremely protective btw, like goes crazy when she cant find you because she doesnt want you or the baby hurt, and also because shes scared you left her.
i also feel like jinx would be like REALLY overwhelmed with knowing her s/o is pregnant especially if its after silco died. jinx would try to make baby bombs for the baby but they were a huge no once you found out
i can vision her talking and painting the baby bump too. plans on teaching her child everything that she knows with building and refuses reader to buy the baby clothes and essentials bc jinx wants to make everything. she also refuses reader to but the baby clothes and essentials bc jinx wants to make everything
also she would be incharge decorating the babies room and has her signature everywhere and little monkies.
when vi finds out i feel how the way you would tell vi is the normal way and just showing her the test i fear.. vi definitely falls asleep with her hand on your bump aswell as telling the baby bump stories about her childhood adventures while reader is sleeping. adding onto that vi would ban allowing reader to let the baby have anything similar to her childhood adventures because she doesn't want the poor baby growing up in consent danger.
vi naming the baby the most outrageous names, 'oo we should name them cookie', 'how about brownie', 'chicken wing?', 'NO VI', 'what why :((('. shes the type to fist bump readers belly and she claims the baby kicks her as to fist bump her back. you would want vi to wrap the bow trend on her belly ( iykyk the trend ) and vi would brag about it.
vi making jinx build everything bc vi is to 'busy' buying everything online meanwhile she still freaking out ab being a good mother or not :((. she would aswell beg cait for some help. she would also want to do everything for you, making food (which she sucks at), massaging her feet.
when cait finds out i feel you would do one of those aesthetic boxes thingys and give it to cait and cait is over the moon. cait definitely plans EVERYTHING out. researching for the best doctors around, scheduling every appointment, baby proofing the house, making sure she has everything for the delivery cait would definitely keep the pregnancy on the down low until the baby is born especially from her mom but it was to late when the baby was borm ( iykyk )
caitlyn buying the most expensive and useful stuff for the baby after you convinced her not to. cait also reads first time parenting books just in case and tells you new facts everyday! buying reader expensive but comfy maternal clothes so reader feels better about this situation
OH and speaking of her mom, telling the bump about stories of her mom before she sleeps
when sevika finds out i feel she would find out on date night. she tried to order you wine then you admitted it right there and then. first things first we can agree.. shes so protective oh my gosh, the second anyone looks at you shes killing them. she also fixes everything around the house for you and the baby. she also loves loves feeling the baby kick but hates seeing you in pain so tells the baby to stop.
she also tells silco about the baby and makes him the god father before he dies. speaking of silco ! she tells the baby stories of silco after he dies. also tells the baby stories of jinx's shaninagans 24/7. once again makinv jinx build everything for the baby while she goes around and tell all of zaun if she sees one of them even look at reader wrong she'll kill them i fear
when ambessa finds out i feel you would be nervous to tell her because ambessa is always busy so ambessa finds out by herself. she also gets the most perfect cooks for you and the baby. she's very nervous to tell Mel at first but tells her eventually when its blantly obvious. shes also gets the best designers to design the baby's room.
she also talks to the bump about kino all the time lets be real
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sweetbans29 · 18 days ago
Brother's Best Friend - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: Caitlin falls for her older brothers best friend
Warnings: Caitlin Clark lol, slowest of burns
Word Count: 6.1k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: I have had this in the back of my mind for a long while and it has been in my drafts even longer lol. So here we go!
"B! Come on, we are going to be late!" You yell from the bottom of the stairs. "Your parents are going to kill us if we miss this."
"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Blake says as he runs down the stairs. You hold out his jacket and the two of you run out the door and make your way to Carver-Hawkeye arena.
The two of you make your way through the arena and find her parents and Colin in the stands. Hugs are given all around and you take your seat in between the two brothers.
"When do you think she is going to do it?" Colin asks as he nervously rubs his hands on his pants.
"First quarter, all she is thinking about is winning," you say as you find her warming up. You see her and immediately know she is about to be a terror on the court.
You have known Caitlin since she was 5. You and Blake had become best friends in second grade and have been practically inseparable ever since. Brent and Anne absolutely adore you and Collin looks up to you and loves having you around. Oftentimes, Colin was the one who held you at the door when you were on your way out to talk about anything and everything which you later learned was his desire to be seen and how that wasn't always the easiest as the youngest.
Caitlin was just happy to have another girl around and you enjoyed being around her. You got to watch her grow up and see how amazing she truly is, both on and off the court. One of your favorite things about her is she would always ask if you would go to her games. You never missed a single one. She would find you after every single one and make sure you saw her favorite part of the game.
This game is no different, since you have graduated college it has been much easier to travel to see Cait play. Blake would join most of the time since both of you had pretty flexible schedules but even when he couldn't you would still be there for your favorite WBB player.
It is early February of your senior year, Caitlin's sophomore year. The Hawkeyes are set to play Michigan in Michigan on a Sunday afternoon. You get a text from the girl two days prior asking if you can make it and you just send her a picture of the 8 hour drive it would be if you were to go.
"Cait just asked if we could go to her Michigan game on Sunday," you tell Blake as the two of you are studying.
"That's like 8 hours away," Blake laughs and looks at his calendar.
"We've driven further," you say.
"I can't go - I will be at a conference this weekend," Blake says.
You sigh. You have never missed a game and didn't want to start now but an 8 hour drive alone would be rough.
"She'll understand if you can't," Blake says, knowing you are wrestling with the decision.
"I know she will, but I've never missed when she has asked," you say. Ever since she has started asking, which has been since you became Blake's best friend, you were there for her. She would ask you before every game all the way up to your senior year of high school. She knew that you would be busier and would have other priorities and stopped asking all together. You approached her about it and asked why she stopped asking to which she stubbornly avoided answering. After going back and forth, you finally got her to break and she confessed how of course she wants you there but knows you would be a college student now and wouldn't have as much time. You took her in your arms and held her, promising that if she asked, you would do everything in your power to be there.
You call her to tell her it isn't looking promising, especially since Blake couldn't go. She says she understands but you can tell by her voice she is bummed.
It's Cait's game day and you wake up at the ass-crack of dawn and decide to head to the game. You know you'll regret it the next week but you have a feeling that you should be there. You shoot Caitlin a 'good luck' text and begin the drive. You get to the arena right before tip-off. You make your way to your seat which just happens to be behind the Iowa bench.
The game starts and the whole time, it is a battle. Caitlin is single handedly carrying the team but it isn't enough. Even with Cait going 46-4-10 with 3 steals Iowa takes the loss to Michigan. You try to go to the lockers but security doesn't let you through.
You end up texting one of the coaches to see where the team is staying and decide that might be better. Once you get the address, you head there and wait for the team to arrive.
Kate texts you telling you what room they are in and that she will be in Gabby's room. She finishes the text with 'good luck'.
You get to the door and knock lightly. You hear shuffling but Cait doesn't open the door.
You knock again.
"Go away," you hear.
You knock again and keep knocking.
"I told you to go the fuck away-" Caitlin says as she swings the door open and stops mid sentence when she sees you.
"You still want me to go, what was it..." you think for a second, "oh - the fuck away?"
Caitlin immediately moves towards you and you take her in your arms. She nuzzles her head into the crook of your neck, like she always does and you hold her. You hold her, refusing to be the first one to let go. Eventually you guide them to her bed where you plop down and open your arms to her. She falls into them.
"You going to tell me your favorite part?" You ask her softly and you feel her shake her head no.
"Can I tell you my favorite part?" You ask and she doesn't move.
"My favorite part was when you got the second steal - you got the block on their big and came down and grabbed the steal leading to a transition 3," you say.
"It wasn't enough," she says, speaking for the first time. "I wasn't enough."
You shake your head no as if she can see.
"No Cait, you are always enough," you say as you kiss the top of her head.
Caitlin ends up falling asleep in your arms. You are quite tired yourself and are about to doze off when Kate gets back.
"Hey, I can go," you say as you begin to remove Caitlin from your person only to have her grip on you tighten.
"No, no, no," Kate says in a whisper. "Stay, she needs you to stay."
You nod and thank her. Kate gets ready for bed and turns the light off.
"Thank you for coming," Kate whispers with a yawn. "It means more to Caitlin than you know."
You let out a little hum, too tired to ask her what she means by that.
"Here we go," Blake says as the teams position themselves for tip-off.
The whole family watches intently and right out the gate Cait scores the first points for Iowa. The cheers are crazy as everyone counts down the points until CC breaks Kelsey Plum's WBB record. The next time up the floor Cait drains a 3 and Colin turns to you.
"You were right," Colin says as if you were ever wrong when it came to Cait's game. You give him a smile as Gabby grabs the defensive rebound and passes Cait the ball to bring it up the court.
"This is it," you say mostly to yourself but Blake and Colin nod.
You all watch as Caitlin gets to her usual spot and puts up a logo 3.
You hold your breath, not that you need to because you know it is going in the second it leaves her hands. It all happens in slow motion - the ball flies through the air and makes its way to a perfect swoosh.
The cheers blow the roof off the arena as Caitlin does her classic yell to the crowd. A time-out is called shortly after and you watch as everyone from the Hawkeye's bench goes to celebrate with CC.
You stand there smiling down at her, mirroring her family as you all just stand in awe of the 22 year old girl.
You know Cait doesn't care about the records - she is a lover of the game. But you know that her need to be the best has propelled her into a league of her own and that breaking this record in this particular game, against this particular team holds more weight than it would against any other. The fact that you are standing there watching Caitlin dominate the first quarter against Michigan is her taking back that loss from sophomore year. Eveny time she has played Michigan after that loss has been a statement.
The rest of the game is just as exciting as the first quarter. Caitlin puts up 49-1-13, finishing the statement with the win over Michigan.
Once the game is over, Colin is the first one of the family on the floor. You and Blake follow.
Colin goes over and practically tackles Caitlin in a bear hug.
You wait patiently as her parents and grandparents all congratulate her. She greets Blake with a hug and you know you are next. You are smiling at Blake and Cait embracing.
Caitlin's eyes land on you and her smile is wider than it was when she hit THE shot. She comes barreling into your arms, face straight into your neck as you laugh at the tickle of her breath on your skin. For being a few inches shorter than the basketball star, she always opted to be go under when hugging.
"I'm so proud of you," you whisper to her, knowing your time with her is going to be short in this moment.
You feel Caitlin's eyelashes flutter and she takes a deep inhale. You expect her to let you go but she squeezes you tighter. Your smile widens.
After another moment passes, you pinch her side.
"Go celebrate with your team, they are going to think I am hogging you," you say as she buckles and moves her torso away from you.
"Okay, okay," Cait says as she releases you, not wanting to be a victim to one of you tickling attacks. You look in her eyes and for a split second you see what you think is disappointment but it is quickly hidden.
Your head tilts a little as you examine her, giving her the silent 'what was that?' look.
Colin swings his arm around Caitlin's shoulder and points to you.
"She called it," he says and Cait smiles. "Knew you would break it in the first quarter, even down to the first 2 minutes."
You shrug.
"I know our girl," you say with a smile and a shrug.
You don’t notice but Colin does. He feels the way Cait’s breath hitches ever so slightly and her body relaxes. He is one of two people that knows that you calling Caitlin ‘our girl’ causes her heart to flutter and squeeze at the desire to be called ‘your girl’.
That’s been her one unspoken desire - YOU have been her one unspoken desire since the 7th grade. One she swears she will take to her grave but has gotten harder by the day. Colin only knows because over the years he has also developed a little crush on you - just not nearly as deep as his sister.
Caitlin’s feelings have been swallowed for so long and she has hid them so deep that it has become a second nature. In the eyes of everyone, you had been welcomed into the family and were considered the Clark’s fourth child. To everyone, you would be marrying Blake someday. You had become so integrated into their family that many would refer to Cait and you as sisters which caused her blood to boil.
“Ya, sometimes better than we know her,” Blake jokes and you all laugh.
“Hey, that’s not my fault,” you say as you put your hands up.
No, it was not your fault at all - that was all Caitlin. Since her feelings developed for you and began to rapidly increase, she did everything in her power to be known by you. There is no one on this earth that she wanted to be seen by more than you and you did, you have made her feel and believe she is seen.
Kate comes over and pulls Cait to head back to the locker with the team. The fam says some brief goodbyes as you all part ways.
As Caitlin walks away with Kate, her smile falters a little and she tries to suppress a sigh.
Kate gives her a side eye and chooses not to say anything. When the two of them are walking down the tunnel, Caitlin rounds a corner and stops. Her back presses against the wall as her hands come up to her face and she releases the biggest exhale. Kate looks around then steps in front of Caitlin.
It’s as if Kate can physically see Caitlin’s heart break.
Cait brings her hands to her chest, pulls at her jersey then puts her hands on her knees as if trying to circulate more air through her lungs. Kate rubs her back and lets the lovesick girl detach.
“It gets harder each time,” Caitlin says. “Every time I see her, she looks better and all I want to do is just watch her every move. When her arms wrap around me, I never want them to let go. To inhale her scent every moment of every day.”
“I know,” Kate says softly. Kate has been watching her best friend and teammate struggle with this since their first season together. Kate remembers when she first recommended Caitlin to talk to you about her feelings which led to Caitlin going on an hour rant about how she could never do that because you were so intertwined with her family. Kate literally had to talk Caitlin down from the ledge of believing that her family would choose you over her.
"I don't know what I am going to do once the draft happens and I am no longer near her," Caitlin says and feels herself start to panic. This is not the time nor the place to be having these thoughts.
"Hey, you just broke the NCAA WBB scoring record - I know you are feeling a lot but we are going to go out and celebrate, okay?" Kate says trying to shift Caitlin's gears into a different direction and she does.
After that game, things in Caitlin's mind went back to the way they usually are - present but not at the forefront.
The next time she feels like she is suffocating in her own skin is in the finals. Iowa vs. South Carolina and things are not looking up for the Hawkeyes.
You are standing in the crowd and you watch Caitlin. Watch her struggle on the floor but never stop trying because that's not in her nature. You watch as the realization sets in that they aren't going to take it, rather how SC will. You watch as she exits the floor for the final time and makes her way to hug all of her coaches, smiling through the tears because the whole world is watching.
Caitlin knows she should stay on the floor, knows the cameras are following her every move but she just can't. She's human and needs the room to be. Coach Bluder gives her a nod and Caitlin makes her way through the tunnel. She knows she only has a few moments before she needs to be back on the floor but she tries not to think about that. As she walks down the tunnel, out of view from prying eyes - an arm grabs her and pulls her into a room.
Without a second thought, Caitlin knows it's you.
You pull her into as the younger girl falls apart. She lets out a heartbreaking cry as you squeeze her tighter.
"I've got you," you say. "I've got you."
You give her another moment and you both know the time is limited before she needs to be back out there.
You pull her away from your body and that is the last things she wants. You bring your hands up to wipe away her tears and sooth over her headband.
"You are Caitlin Clark," you say as you rub her cheek. "And you are my Cait."
Never before had Caitlin been grateful to be crying in your presence but she is beyond grateful that her cheeks are already flushed to hide the blush creeping up her neck.
"Go be you," you say and give her one more hug.
"I love you," Caitlin says before she can stop herself.
"I love you too," you say and Caitlin knows you don't mean it in the same way that she does.
She walks out and you stand there for a moment.
You watch as Caitlin walks back out to the court and you can't help but wonder why she has chosen you. Ya, you are Blake's best friend and have known her for as long as you can remember but the way Caitlin turns to you makes you never want it to stop.
That night Caitlin did exactly as she should. She doesn't really have time to process everything before she is headed to New York for Saturday Night Live then to the draft.
After Caitlin gets drafted first, you join Caitlin and her friends in celebrating the occasion. Before you know it, you are all at a rooftop bar.
"How are you feeling?" You ask Kate Martin about being picked in the draft.
"If I had words for it, if I did I would tell you, but I am speechless," she says as she takes a sip of her drink.
You shake your head with a smile.
"Kate Martin," you say. "You are going to take over the W."
She laughs and you both cheers for that. You look around and your eyes find Caitlin.
"The world isn't ready for her," you say.
Kate watches the way that you look over at Caitlin. She has seen the look before, knows it well. Has seen it in her best friend.
"I am going to go see if she needs another one," you say, lifting your drink and giving a smile to Kate.
Even if neither Caitlin or Kate got drafted, Kate believed that seeing that look on our face while looking at Caitlin was worth it.
"Clark!" You shout over the music.
She screams and throws her arms around you causing you to laugh.
"I love you soooooo much," she says with a little hiccup.
"Okay, I think you have had enough," you say, taking the drink from her hand. "Why don't we get you back to the room, shall we?"
"I will go anywhere with you," she says with a giggle.
"Sounds like someone is a little tipsy," you say as you swing one of her arms around your shoulder. "Let's not tell your brothers about how much you have had tonight."
"Ugh, don't bring up my brothers," she says and you laugh.
"Why not?" You ask. "You're brothers are the best."
Caitlin pouts.
"I'm the best," she says with a frown.
You laugh.
"Stop laughing at me," she says with a stomp.
"I am not laughing at you," you say. You lead Caitlin to her room.
"I am the best," Caitlin says. "Not Colin....not Colin. Not Blake."
You chuckle as you guide her to the bed of her hotel room.
Cait falls on the bed and lets you remove her shoes.
She pouts again.
"Why are are pouting?" You say as you sit her up to remove her jacket.
"Because," she says.
"Because why?" You ask.
"Marry Blake," she murmurs.
"Who's marrying Blake?" You ask, slipping her arms out of the jacket.
"You," she says as her head falls forward and leans against your shoulder.
You laugh.
"Stop laughing, everyone knows," she says.
"Caitlin, I am not going to marry Blake," you say.
"That's what mom thinks," Caitlin says. "But do you want to know a secret?"
You don't say anything as you lean her back, placing her head on the pillow.
"I don't want Blake to marry you," Caitlin says as you bring the blanket up to cover her.
"I am not going to marry Blake," you say.
"Good," she says as her eyes close and she begins dozing off. You turn the light and kiss her forehead.
"Goodnight Caitlin," you say as you begin to make your exit.
Right before you leave, you hear her.
"It's good because I'm going to marry you," Caitlin says with a yawn.
You stop dead in your tracks as you look back at the now sleeping girl. You slowly walk back to the sleeping Caitlin and brush her hair from her face. You take a good look at the girl in front of you and sigh. It would be a lie to say you haven't thought about what life would look like if you were honest with yourself about how you feel. But you also know how much more it affects than just the two of you. Whenever you think about Caitlin - your mind goes back to one night your freshman year of college.
"You ever gonna put yourself out there?" Blake asks as you dig your spoon into the tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.
"What is that supposed to mean?" You ask, giving him a 'you are not serious right now' look.
"I'm just saying - it's our freshman year, we are out of the nest and it's the time to get to know new people," he says, grabbing the tub of ice cream from you.
"Why do I need to meet new people when I know you?" You ask, grabbing the bag of chips in his lap.
Blake laughs, "You know what I mean."
"When the time comes, I'll just marry you," you joke, knowing both of you know that would never happen.
Blake rolls his eyes.
"No," he says and you laugh.
"Not happening," Blake says and you shake your head. "Not me or the sibs."
"What? You don't want me marrying Caitlin?" You joke and take the ice cream back.
"Absolutely not," Blake says laughing.
You lean down and kiss the top of her head, knowing no matter what you feel you would never act.
The next few months things stay the same. You don't bring up that night and never plan to. You try to give Caitlin a little more space which proves to be harder than you expected considering she calls you multiple times a week. At the beginning you tried to not answer every one but that led to Cait calling twice as much then drilling you with questions as to why you didn't answer.
You have been able to make most of her games so far, even when she hasn't asked. How could you not? She only has one rookie season.
You are now in Phoenix, AZ for the W's All-Star weekend. It's Blake, Colin and yourself, which has been quite interesting considering Caitlin only provided you all with one court-side ticket. She handed it directly to you, leaving Colin butt-hurt.
Now it is you court-side watching Caitlin and her team taking on the 2024 Olympic team. She has run over to you 3 times in the first half and you keep shooing her away.
"Did you see that last assist?'" She says after jogging up to you and you just push her away and roll your eyes.
"Cait, I am watching - now go play," you say, feeling like you are talking to a child.
She smiles at you and sprints to guard Jewel. When half time hits she starts to run your way when the whole team is heading to the locker and you just point to where her team is headed and she slows her skip to a stop, rolls her eyes and drastically makes her way back to the tunnel causing you to laugh.
When the team comes back out for their halftime warm-ups, Caitlin comes right over to you. As she does, she passes the ball she has to you.
You raise your eyebrows at the girl.
"Spin it," she says.
"Why?" You ask.
"Because I want to see it," She says like the two of you back in her backyard.
"Cait-" you start but she cuts you off.
"Come on, pleaseeee," she whines, causing you to yet again roll your eyes.
You flick the ball up and begin to spin it on your finger, keeping it going with a few taps. Caitlin smiles and knocks it off your finger, running back to the team.
"She seems like a handful," the woman next to you says as you sit back down.
"She sure is," you laugh.
"How long have the two of you been together?" The woman asks.
"Oh no, we aren't together," you say. The woman just nods with a slight smile.
"Could have fooled me, dear," she says. "And everyone in this building."
You take a deep breath and try to laugh off the woman's words.
You try to not be a distraction for the rest of the game but Cait keeps coming over to you, trying to start random conversations and you keep pushing her away. At one point, you are pushing her back on the court as she is actively fighting against you and Ab has to come over and grab her to get her back in the game.
At the end of the game, you stand and start looking for the Clark boys as Caitlin makes her way over, yet again.
She stands in front of you waiting for you post-game hug but you don't make a move.
"Hug?" She asks.
"I don't think you deserve a hug," you say honestly.
"What? Why?" Her tone defensive. "We won."
"Caitlin, you were over here like 20 times during the game - you've had more than enough me time," you say.
"Still want a hug," she pouts as Blake and Colin walk up.
"Great job CC," Colin says, giving her a hug.
"She could have played better," you say with a joking tone.
"Hey!" She yells and goes to pinch you but you dodge.
Blake stands and observes the interactions. He has been observing Cait around you for a while now and has begun to see what Cait has been hiding for years now.
"Are we getting food or are you too busy for us now?" Colin asks jokingly.
"Never too busy for you, twerp," she says as she ruffles his hair.
The four of you grab take out and head back to your room to enjoy food and each other's company. Once everyone is full and tired, the Clark siblings all head back to their rooms.
Blake stops Caitlin before she heads to her room. Caitlin looks at her brother.
He hesitates but finally speaks.
"How long?" Blake asks. Caitlin's heart speeds up.
"What are you talking about B?" Cait asks, knowing exactly what he is asking.
"How long?" He says more firmly now.
Caitlin looks down at the ground. After a few moments of silence, she lets out a little laugh.
"For as long as I can remember," Cait says, still not looking in her brother's eyes.
Blake processes what he has just been told and logs it with what he has been slowly observing with you around his little sister. He takes his time to really think.
Caitlin stands there, dying in his silence.
"Say something," she says.
Blake continues to take his time, thoroughly thinking through what he is about to say.
"I can't-" Blake begins but Caitlin stops him.
"This isn't just some crush. It isn't something that I haven't completely thought through myself," Caitlin says. "This is a love that has burned inside of me for years and at no point has it dulled or died. It isn't a phase. I love her, with every fiber of my being and it terrifies me. She is so intertwined in our family that I have spent countless nights thinking through every scenario of what could go wrong. She is your best friend. This would change so much, but I can't help but think how much more this can be for all of us."
Caitlin takes a deep breath, then holds it waiting to see what her big brother says.
Blake removes his glasses and rubs his eyes and Caitlin can already feel her heart breaking at his soon-to-be response.
"I'm sorry," Caitlin says quietly which causes Blake to immediately shake his head no.
"Don't say sorry," Blake says. "Never apologize for your feelings."
Caitlin can feel tears forming on the brim of her eyes. Blake closes his eyes.
"I just don't know what would happen if either of you get hurt," he says.
"I won't hurt her," Cait says in a heartbeat. "And if she hurts me, I probably deserve it."
"Okay," Blake finally says.
"Okay?" Caitlin asks, not willing to let her hopes rise just yet.
"Okay," Blake says again. "But she is still MY best friend."
Caitlin nods rapidly.
"So, how are you going to tell her?" Blake asks.
"I haven't thought that far," Caitlin says honestly.
Blake lets out a laugh.
"Well I am not going to help you there," Blake says.
"What? Why not?" Caitlin says.
"Because regardless of what you do, she is going to love it," Blake says. Blake has watched you turn down every person to ask you out over the years. He has seen how your interest is never as invested as those who are invested in you and how you would run through fire for his little sister.
Caitlin lights up at hearing those words. The two of them part and Cait begins to think through how she is going to tell you just how much she loves you.
Cait wants to do it immediately but going into olympic break knows there is no real reason for her to ask you to come down to Indiana.
It is a month after her conversation with Blake that she finally sees you again. She asks if you will go to her game against the Sky and you don't hesitate to say yes.
Per usual, you watch as Caitlin dominates leading the Fever to another win on the season.
At the end of the game you wait for her but notice she is taking longer than usual. The arena clears out and you wonder if you should just head back and meet Cait in her hotel but that is not your normal. You check your phone to find no new messages.
After about 20 more minutes and a practically empty arena, you grab your things and are about to head out when you see a familiar face running your way.
"There she is," you say with a smile.
Caitlin immediately finds her place in your arms as she nuzzles her face in your neck. You laugh as her breath tickles your neck. you hold her as you rock the both of you back and forth.
"Proud of you C," you say expecting her to release you but she doesn't. She stands there in your arms and you let her.
After a few minutes, you speak again.
"Ready for food?" You ask. She nods and you smile.
"Let's go," you say.
You guys grab food and head back to her hotel room. You both sit on different beds while you eat and watch a show. Once the food has been eaten, she finds her way in the bed you are in.
Caitlin is laying with her head in your lap as you play with her hair - not an abnormal position for the two of you.
There is an overwhelming sense of comfort that settles between the two of you.
You feel Caitlin shift but are too into the show that you don't notice her looking up at you now.
Cait watches you as she brings her hand up to grab the one that is running through her hair. She begins fiddling with your fingers, like she does with her own when she is overthinking.
"What's running through that little brain of yours?" You say, eyes still on the screen.
"My brain is not small," she retorts and you finally look down at her. You see how she is looking at you and feel little flurries in your stomach.
"I didn't say small, I said little," you say.
"That's the same thing," Cait says.
"You are avoiding the question," you say and Caitlin makes a move to sit up. She sits right in front of you and you give her a slight smile.
You can see the gears of her head turning as her fingers fiddle with themselves. You can tell she is beyond nervous.
Your hand comes to stop hers as you bring them onto your lap, rubbing your thumb along the back of her hand. She sighs and closes her eyes, trying to work up the courage to say what she wants to.
Your mind is going a mile a minute but is hiding it much better than she is. She is taking longer than you want and you make the decision to take the lead.
Without a second thought, you bring your hand to her neck and pull her into you - lips meeting in the middle. Cait lets out a little gasp. Once she realizes what is happening, she leans further into you never wanting to leave this moment.
You smile into the kiss and you feel her do the same.
You pull away and a little whine escapes Cait's lips causing you to chuckle.
"Don't laugh at me," she mumbles as she leans her head into your shoulder, a blush overtaking her face. She can't believe how every nerve in her body is on fire from a single kiss.
"That was really cute," you say and you bring you hand to her head, lifting her so you can look her in the eyes.
She looks in your eyes then down to your lips, leaning in to kiss you again. You let her take the lead as she moves her lips against yours. Your hands finding their way to your waist, squeezing them and guiding her to straddle you. She is intoxicated by you and can't believe she has waited this long to have a taste.
After a few more moments, you put your hand on her chest and push her away. It is your turn to rest your head on her shoulder as you steady your breath.
"Marry me," Caitlin states and you let out a hearty laugh, lifting your head to look at her only to find she is semi-serious.
"I'm serious," she says as she brings her hand to cup your face.
Your eyebrows furrow and you just look at her.
"Caitlin, I can't-" you begin but she stops you, just like she stopped Blake.
"Blake knows," she blurts out. "He knows I'm in love with you and he didn't kill me. He knows and it is okay, he is okay."
Your heart is full at hearing her say she is in love with you.
"You should have lead with that and not 'marry me'," you say, shaking your head trying to hide a smile.
"Well it is going to happen someday, so why not today?" Caitlin says as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.
"What if I say no?" You counter.
Caitlin laughs.
"When is the last time you have said no to me?" She asks and you have to think.
She brings her forehead to yours, "You, my love, have never said no to me."
"Well there is a first time for everything," you say with a shrug.
"You are not going to say no to me," she says.
"I don't know why we are talking about marriage when we haven't even been on a date," you say.
"Fine, we can go on a date and then we can get married," she says and you roll your eyes.
"Caitlin Clark, you are unbelievable."
AN: I needed to get this out. Let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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vktrjyce · 3 months ago
tell me that i'm what you need
a jayvik college au
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length: 6.8k
author's note: them in a college au has been rotting in my brain since I finished act 3, and i had to write it. it's completely self-indulgent and i understand that and i do not apologize. i have TONS more ideas for this so if it gets enough traction maybe i'll write more LMAOOO. jayvik has their hooks in me good you guys. anyways, thanks so much for reading!! i hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to leave likes and comments! i'd love to hear any feedback or thoughts :) have a great day!!
there is also a playlist that goes along with this fic!
tags: college party ; weed smoking ; trans viktor ; sub jayce talis ; dom viktor ; college au ; shotgunning ; making out ; sexuality crisis ; first meeting ; viktor is hot and confident and jayce loves it ; they're both idiots
warnings: sexual content, weed smoking
summary: Jayce goes to a party with Caitlyn and gets more than he bargained for when he meets a handsome stranger in the basement.
originally posted by vktrjyce
Jayce followed Caitlyn into the overflowing house, wincing at the music pounding against his skull. Three different people bumped into him in the foyer alone, the third spilling an obscene amount of beer on his shoes. He grimaced, waved away the guy’s half-assed apology, and attempted to adjust to the stickiness. It felt a little like he’d surpassed his age of enjoying parties like this. Or maybe he simply needed to be with the right crowd. 
This did not feel like his crowd. 
“Cait!” He shouted over the music, grabbing his companion’s arm. She turned to him with a raised eyebrow, “This is really how you want to spend your Friday night?” 
She pressed her lips into a thin line and leaned towards him, “Vi invited me! I couldn’t exactly say no.” 
He overdramatically rolled his eyes, a knowing smile on his face, “So your girlfriend’s the partying type?” 
Caitlyn’s own eyes widened, her cheeks going slightly pink, “She’s not my girlfriend! Yet…” She shook her head, dark blue strands swaying back and forth, “And her sister threw this party. She’s just along for the ride.��� 
“Mmhmm.” Jayce scanned the crowd, looking for a head of hot-pink hair he’d only heard about in stories, “So, where is she?” 
“I don’t know. I can’t see her from he-” 
“Cupcake!” A muscled arm landed on Caitlyn’s shoulders, simultaneously knocking her into Jayce’s side. The owner of said arm had the exact hair he’d been on the lookout for. Also, the ‘Vi’ tattooed on her face was sort of a dead giveaway, “I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.” 
Caitlyn looked over at Vi, a pleasant smile sliding across her face. She leaned into the woman, “What, and leave you to your own devices? I can only imagine the chaos that would ensue.” 
“You think so low of me. I’m hurt.” Vi teased, before her eyes landed on Jayce, “Who’s this?” 
Caitlyn answered before he had a chance to, “This is Jayce Talis. I’ve told you about him.” 
Jayce, in turn, offered a polite smile and a small wave. 
“So, this is the brainiac?” Vi gave him a once-over, pursing her lips, “Quite the pretty boy, isn’t he?” 
He choked out a slightly embarrassed chuckle, resisting the urge to rub at the back of his neck. His Mother always scolded him for having such an obvious nervous tick. 
“Don’t say that, it’ll go right to his head.” Cait retorted, giving her friend a knowing look, “And it’s big enough already.” 
The man barked out a laugh, “There’s better ways to show off than making fun of me, you know.” 
Once again, her eyes widened, “I wasn’t-” 
“Aww, are you trying to seduce me with your stuck-upness?” Vi cooed, pinching Caitlyn’s cheek. Though she scrunched up her nose, she didn’t pull away from the touch, “If you are, it’s working.” 
“You’re an idiot.” She deadpanned, and then looked back at Jayce, “You both are.” 
“I guess you attract them.” He winked at her. 
“I like this guy. He’s not all prude and stiff like most of the people you introduce me to.” Vi commented, grinning, “We could have some fun together, pretty boy.” 
“The feeling’s mutual, Vi.” 
“I don’t know, the thought of you two together doesn’t sit well with me.” Caitlyn piped up, “And I absolutely do not want to be demoted to third-wheel.” 
“I don’t think you’ll need to worry about that.” Jayce gave her a knowing look, sending her gaze to the floor. So he turned it on Vi. She smirked in response. 
“You guys want a drink? The kitchen’s stocked with all kinds of stuff.” She offered, pulling Caitlyn closer to her.
“I wouldn’t mind a drink.” His friend responded. She looked at Jayce with a warning on her face. He was no longer welcome in the group. 
He heard her loud and clear. 
“You guys go ahead, I’m gonna go mingle for a bit.” He told them, taking a step back, “We’ll meet back up later.” 
Caitlyn’s look turned grateful, eyes sparkling in the strobe lights. Vi nodded at his declaration. 
“Alright, see you later, then.” She bid him adieu, turning Caitlyn (presumably) towards the kitchen. 
As they walked away, he heard his friend ask, “Where’s Jinx?” 
“Somewhere causing problems, probably. I think she was trying to make fireworks or something.” Vi’s response came, and then they were out of earshot. And Jayce was all alone. 
He shifted his weight, patted his hands against his pants, and then decided he should do something. Something other than standing in the middle of this room. Watching the party go on without him. Like a loser. 
He sucked in a deep breath and moved further into the house. 
People were dancing, mingling, playing games, and making out on practically every available surface. He could only imagine what others were getting up to in the non-public spaces. He’d had his own fair share of trysts in his younger days. Now, though, he much preferred a quiet night in or hyperfocusing on a new project. Cait always teased him for ‘turning into an old man.’ 
Maybe she had a point. Just a little bit. 
It took Jayce a 10-minute conversation with Salo and another 15 minutes of standing against a wall before the noise and the lights became too much. He was uncomfortable, on his way to overstimulated, and in desperate need of a small respite. So he went looking for one. 
All the bedrooms were… occupied. The bathroom, when not occupied, was more of a cesspool of untoward activity than a sanctuary. The backyard was just as loud as anywhere else. All that left him with was the closed basement door. Which had an eccentric, bright pink ‘Stay Out!!!’ spray-painted on it. 
He did feel bad about ignoring the warning, but desperate times called for desperate measures. 
Jayce opened the door, stepped inside, and shut it behind him. The immediate quiet, even with the muffled music through the wall, sent relief through his body. He sighed and walked down the stairs. About halfway down, a familiar skunk-like smell wafted its way up to him. But since he’d already committed, he simply wrinkled his nose and kept going. 
He stepped off the final stair, turned the corner, and took a look around the room. 
It was a typical basement- a couple of couches, a TV, a coffee table, and various movie and show posters on the walls. The lights were off, save for a warm-colored lamp on the table. None of it was out of the ordinary. Nothing particularly caught his eye. 
What did gain his attention, though, was the man on the couch. 
Pale and lanky, long brown hair with strands of blonde pulled into a low bun, clad in a burgundy cardigan and black sweats with a leg brace on the right knee. Only his side profile was visible from here, showing off a long nose and sharp cheekbones. A beauty mark sat above his thin, pink lips, which were currently wrapped around a half-smoked joint. His long lashes fluttered closed as he inhaled, pulled the joint from his mouth, and laid his head back against the couch. One long finger tapped against it. 
Jayce was, for one moment, very taken aback. If this guy was a girl, he’d be stunning.
“Uh-” He grunted out, like an idiot. 
The man’s eye opened, iris sliding in his direction. No other part of him moved. He exhaled the smoke and closed his eye again, “The bathroom is upstairs, on the second level. At the end of the hall.” 
As if this stranger’s looks weren’t enough of a shock, his words came out accented. It sounded Russian, or maybe Czech. It made him sound melodic, like voicing an elegant song instead of speaking. Jayce found himself wanting to hear more. 
“Oh, no, I, uh-” Jayce cleared his throat, then tried again, “Sorry, I was actually just trying to find a quiet place for a minute. All the noise was… it was a little much.” 
The man’s eyes opened again, and this time he turned his head towards Jayce. The latter discovered two distinct things at that moment. 
One, he had another beauty mark. Under his right eye, lighter than the one above his mouth. 
Two, the attractiveness increased tenfold when he saw his whole face. A few strands of his hair had fallen out of the bun and framed his face. Seriously, he could be a model or something.
The stranger raised a thick, dark eyebrow, “Why come to a party if the party is going to be ‘a little much’?” 
“Well, that’s not-” He scoffed, rubbing a hand over his jaw, “I didn’t- I came with a friend, so.” 
Piercing golden eyes watched him with mild curiosity, “And where is your friend now?” 
“She’s with her- you know what? It doesn’t matter.” Jayce shook his head, feeling a little disgruntled, “You’re the one hiding down here all by yourself.” 
“Well, I live here. I can’t exactly escape the party.” He explained, tilting his head from side to side, “This was supposed to be my safe haven.” 
Jayce ignored the last part, partly out of stubbornness, and responded with a question, “You live here? I thought Vi’s sister was the host.” 
“Jinx.” The man explained, looking away. It gave Jayce a chance to take a deep breath. He felt like a bug under a magnifying glass with those eyes on him, “And she is. She’s my roommate. One of them.” 
“Jinx? What kind of a name is that?” He chuckled. 
There was no response. Only a noncommittal shrug as he lifted the joint to his lips once again. A motion by which Jayce found himself hypnotized. The slender fingers holding it, the way his lips pursed as he inhaled, the twitching of his eyelids. It looked so natural- as simple as breathing. He was so caught up in it that he didn’t realize the man’s gaze was on him again. 
“Do you want some?” He asked, jolting Jayce out of his trance and offering the weed up. 
He could feel his face heating up, both from being caught staring and from the offer. He’d had weed a couple of times in the past, but it never ended well. Whether it be not knowing his own limits or peer pressure, he always went too far and got too anxious to enjoy it. He was open to it, but that didn’t stop him from feeling nervous. A familiar emotion right now. 
“Oh, I uh- I wouldn’t want to intrude.” 
The man smiled, just a small thing, but it made a certain softness take over his face, “A little late for that, no?” 
His cheeks were sure to be bright red now. He laughed nervously. 
The good-looking stranger shook his head, gesturing for Jayce to come closer, “I’m joking. Come. The company might be nice.” 
“Are you sure?” The question came out hesitant, but he was already moving over to the couch. Something about the way this guy spoke made him feel compelled to listen.
However, that could be the sleep deprivation talking. Or he’d finally lost it. Both were possibilities. 
“I find you… intriguing.” His new acquaintance told him, watching as he sat on the opposite side of the couch, “Besides, you said you needed a moment of quiet.” 
“I guess that’s true.” He shrugged, “Thanks. I appreciate it.” 
“Mm.” Humming, he offered the joint to Jayce once again. This time, he took it. 
It was only then that he realized there was a cane resting next to the man. Silver with a red and gold handle, decorated with graffiti that matched the ‘keep out’ sign on the door. He wondered if it was the stranger’s doing, but that felt unlikely. It didn’t seem like his style. 
Jayce took a drag, forcing himself not to cough as the marijuana burned all the way down. He really was not used to this sensation. The only thing worse than the burn, though, would be looking like a fool in front of this interesting guy he’d just met. He had to play it cool. 
God, he was such a loser. 
“You’re supposed to exhale it, you know.” The man spoke up, amusement lacing that magnetizing accent. It was just shy of patronizing, which strangely made his stomach coil.
This entire interaction was making Jayce’s head spin a little bit. 
He let the smoke out in one quick breath, which immediately sent him into a coughing fit. He hunched over himself, hitting a fist against his chest in an attempt to clear the pipe. He didn’t think this could get any worse. Either the humiliation or the coughing would kill him. A death that he’d happily embrace. 
“There, there. Easy.” A hand rested on his back, lithe fingers rubbing into the muscles, “You haven’t smoked much, I see.” 
Jayce barely noticed the hand on him, too preoccupied with trying not to die. He shook his head, letting out a hoarse, “Not really.” 
“Here.” The joint was taken from his hand and replaced with a glass of water, “Drink.” 
He didn’t hesitate to chug half of it. Then he slumped back against the couch, eyes closed as he took a few deep breaths. The burn had subsided, leaving only a bit of irritation in his throat. At the very least, he’d stopped coughing. Small victories. 
“Are you alright?” 
Jayce looked over at the stranger- his savior, in a way- and froze. Those amber eyes were locked on him, rimmed with red, and hungry. That feeling in his chest tightened, making him feel on edge. 
He swallowed, “Yeah. Yeah, uh, sorry. I don’t- I’m sorta new to this.” 
The man tucked some hair behind his ear and laid his arm over the back of the couch. His hand was only a few inches away from Jayce’s face. 
“Was this your first time?” 
“No.” He shook his head, “I’ve done it a couple times before. Just… not in a while.” 
“I see.” He picked at a loose thread sticking out of the cushion, “Did you enjoy it? In the past?” 
Jayce’s mind was starting to feel foggy. He pursed his lips, “It wasn’t bad. I think I just… I did too much too fast. Got in over my head.” 
“Mm, you seem like the type.” The man’s fingernails were painted black, the polish chipped, “To get in over your head, that is.” 
“Yeah?” He smiled lazily at his new friend, “What about you?” 
The man shook his head immediately, “Definitely not. I am always calm and collected. Just don’t ask anyone close to me for a second opinion on that.” 
That made him laugh. He laid a hand over his stomach, head tilted back. When he looked back at the stranger, still chuckling, there was something close to admiration on the guy’s face. Again, his stomach did a flip. What a strange way this night was going. 
“What’s your name?” He asked, voice deeper and accent more prominent. 
“Jayce.” He responded, “Jayce Talis. You?” 
“Viktor.” The man told him, and it was perfect. He couldn’t think of a better-fitting name. 
“It’s nice to meet you. Even if I made a complete fool of myself with the weed.” 
Viktor snorted out a laugh, taking another hit from the joint. He made it look effortless, “Not at all. You’re new to it. I’ve been doing it for a long time.” 
“You never get sick of it?” 
“Never. It helps too much. With the, eh, pain. And, you know, it quiets the mind.” 
“Right.” He gestured to the leg brace, “I don’t wanna pry, but I assume that’s what you’re talking about.” 
“Well, there are worse ways to be nosy.” He responded, screwing up his lips, “You’d be right, though. It’s my bad leg. I was born with it.” 
“I’m sorry.” Jayce blurted, because he felt like an idiot. The weed definitely wasn’t helping with his stupidness, “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” 
“If I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t.” 
He held his hands up in surrender, “Alright, that’s fair. I just don’t want you to feel pressured.” 
“My hero.” Viktor deadpanned, rolling his pretty eyes, “Can you feel it yet?” 
Jayce furrowed his brows, “Feel- oh, the weed?” 
The other man nodded in confirmation. 
“A little. I don’t think I had much, honestly.” 
“Do you want more?” 
“And have another coughing fit? I can’t take more embarrassment, Viktor.” 
He chuckled, “You’ll survive. And we can try another way to get it down for you.” 
“Another way? Like what?” 
Something mischievous had crossed over his face, which was slightly scary, “I believe most people call it, uh… shotgunning. Have you heard of it?” 
Jayce most definitely had. And the prospect was simultaneously intriguing and panic-inducing to him. 
Viktor was nice and funny, and he was good-looking. But shotgunning was sort of… an intimate thing? In a way? The kind of thing you did when you wanted to get up close and personal with someone? 
Was that what Viktor wanted? Was he coming onto Jayce? 
If he was, well, that was flattering. But Jayce wasn’t really… he’d done stuff with men before. The typical college, experimenting stuff. And it was fine- wasn’t terrible. But he didn’t think that was really… him. 
But he was also a little high. And spiraling. And he was having a good time with Viktor and he didn’t want it to end. 
So what the hell? Why not? What’s the worst that could happen?
“Yeah, I- I think I have.” He spoke, finally giving in and rubbing at the back of his neck, “We could give it a shot. If you want.” 
“Excellent.” Viktor patted the empty spot next to him, “Come.” 
Jayce followed the order with no hesitation. Like a dog obeying the commands of his master. Something about it made the other man’s eyes light up, much to his confusion. 
“So, how are we-” 
He didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence. The words were cut off as Viktor slid onto his legs, seating himself right on Jayce’s lap. It sent his brain, his heart, his whole body into overdrive. It didn’t even occur to him to move him, though. He was too busy trying to remember how to breathe. Not necessarily in a bad way, but definitely slightly unnerving.
Friends could do stuff like this, right? 
Did Jayce even want to just be friends? Was there something more here? 
Viktor smelled like weed, cinnamon, and old paper. It drew him in with every breath.
Jayce, even with his sluggish mind, was coming to a semi-realization. While he couldn’t be sure how true it would feel in the light of day, it felt true now. Which could mean tons of things, honestly. 
Jayce was realizing that he liked this feeling. He liked the buzzing under his skin, the fogginess behind his eyes. He liked the weight of Viktor on him, liked the smell of Viktor, liked Viktor. Something about him was just so magnetizing. It made him nervous. This whole thing did. But he found that he didn’t really mind it. 
This was surely a crisis in the making. Something to be dealt with and reflected on in the sober light of day. He could analyze every move, second-guess every word and every reaction. He could take the time to nitpick his feelings until everything was clear. But right now, that didn’t matter. 
Right now, he felt good. And he wanted to keep doing what felt good. That should be simple enough. 
He nodded to himself. Literally. He probably looked like a freak to his companion. If he did, he garnered no reaction. 
“Open your mouth,” Viktor told him, raising the joint to his lips. 
Fuck. A cacophony of not-appropriate things flitted through his mind in reaction to the words. Not on purpose.
“Wait-” He heard himself saying, which was the opposite of what his heart (and his dick) wanted him to do. Apparently, his head still had the wheel. 
Jayce rested his hands on Viktor’s hips to stop him. Even through the thick cardigan, the latter’s hip bones were prominent. It made something twist unhappily in Jayce’s chest. 
Viktor did wait, pausing with a raised eyebrow and the weed an inch or two from his mouth. 
“A-are you okay like this?” Jayce stuttered out, looking up at the star of his current dilemma, “Your leg-” 
The questioning look on Viktor’s face turned to amusement, and he tilted his head, “That’s what you’re worried about? You idiot.” 
The word didn’t even sting like it would’ve from anyone else. It sounded like an endearment more than anything. 
“My leg is fine.” He hummed, resting a hand on Jayce’s shoulder. The weight was nice, soothing, “I’ve lived with it all my life. I know what I can handle.” 
Did weed have some sort of magical attraction properties? The sensation in his chest certainly felt like something out of a fairytale. 
“Okay.” Jayce exhaled shakily- again, not on purpose, “Okay. I just wanted to check.” 
“How kind of you.” That hand left his arm, coming back a moment later as Viktor grabbed his chin. He squeezed lightly, causing Jayce’s lips to pucker, “Are you ready?” 
Jayce nodded eagerly, giggling. Any harder and his head probably would’ve snapped off. 
Viktor gave him a look of approval that made his lungs ache, “Inhale when I exhale. Yes?” 
He swallowed, “Yes.” 
The man half-smiled, gave him a little nod, and took a long drag. It looked so easy, so beautiful, when he did it. Which was a strange thing to think. A strange action to find beautiful. But it was, nevertheless. 
Jayce parted his lips when Viktor lowered his hand, watching with expectant eyes as the man leaned toward him. Their noses brushed, sending a tingle through his skin. His breath hitched, and then the smoke was blown into his mouth. He closed his eyes and inhaled. 
It burned again, but he loved it this time. It filled his chest, his brain, left him feeling a little weightless. 
There was no coughing when he exhaled. Only the relief of subsided stinging, the warmth of Viktor against him. His nerves began to hum from his head to his toes. 
He was pretty sure he understood what all the hype was about now. Why the drug was so popular. 
But then again, that could all be because of Viktor. 
Viktor, Viktor, Viktor.
“So beautiful.” He heard his companion say, and there was a thumb brushing over his bottom lip. 
Jayce blinked his eyes open. It was harder than usual. Everything felt a little sluggish. 
Viktor was watching him. The whites of his starlight eyes were red, his gaze half-lidded, and that hunger was back. He looked like a cat on the prowl. Stalking its prey. 
Jayce had never been so pleased to feel like a cornered mouse. 
“Do you like men, Jayce?” 
“Do I-?” The question echoed his own thoughts bouncing around his mind. It sent a strike of panic through him, slightly dampened by the drug in his veins. He didn’t really have an answer for him. This night had brought up a lot of feelings on that exact topic, and most of them were muddy. It was terrifying, “I don’t… I’m not really sure, Viktor.” 
“Allow me to rephrase my question, then.” He hummed, and he was back to brushing his fingers over Jayce’s face. His lips, cheeks, nose, the space between his eyebrows, “Do you want to kiss me?” 
This question was much simpler. But it wasn’t much easier to answer.
He really liked Viktor. He was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Viktor was funny and he had a nice accent and his face was- honestly, the only word that came to mind was beautiful. He’d never found a man beautiful before. 
Jayce wanted the answer to be easy. He wanted it to come to him like a reflex. But he was scared. The fear was holding him back. 
He tried to remind himself of the vow he’d made only a bit ago. Analyze emotions later, do what feels good now. 
If Viktor was a woman, Jayce knew what his answer would be. And that should be enough for now. He met Viktor’s gaze once more.
“Yes.” He whispered. It felt a little like signing his death sentence. 
“Go on, then.” Their noses were touching again. Viktor’s skin was cold on his. Or maybe Jayce’s was just unusually hot. 
“You want me to?” Jayce was over-thinking. As he, clearly, had a tendency to do. But some part of him felt like this was all a prank, or a dream. Surely, the moment he leaned forward it would all go up in a cloud of smoke. 
“Take what you want, Jayce.” His voice was lower, deeper. The words curled with his accent, like music notes drifting through the air, “Hesitate, and the opportunity will slip through your fingers.”
That was all the push he needed. 
He kissed Viktor. Slowly at first, awkwardly. He was giggling again, mostly out of nervousness. Jayce had experience in kissing- 95% of it was with women. And this was different. 
He’d lean forward and end up squishing their noses together. Let out a chuckle, re-adjust, try again. Their teeth clacked together on the next kiss, a jarring sensation that made them both flinch. Still, they were smiling and touching and going for more. Jayce tried to kiss him and missed, planting a smooch right on his chin. 
“Shit-” He snickered, pulling away. His cheeks were red-hot, “Sorry, sorry.” 
“Don’t be. And don’t be nervous.” Viktor’s eyes crinkled a little as he smiled, “We’re in no rush.” 
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. Okay.” He took a stabilizing breath, half-grinning, “Can I try again?” 
“I’d be offended if you didn’t.” 
Jayce laughed and kissed him again. A little more sure this time, but just as sloppy. He leaned up off the couch, pressing his hand into the small of Viktor’s lower back. Needing him closer, closer, closer. His lips tasted like raspberries. 
Viktor’s fingers tangled into Jayce’s hair, keeping his head right where he wanted. He kissed him like he was a master at it, like it was something he’d done a million times. It made Jayce feel very, very inadequate. 
He nipped at Jayce’s bottom lip, pulled back enough that Jayce had to chase him for more, then plunged right back in. A gentle tug on the locks in Viktor’s hands had Jayce’s mouth falling open. Viktor’s tongue slipped inside a moment later. One of his hands came to rest on Viktor’s face, thumb brushing over that sharp cheekbone. He allowed himself to be manhandled- let Viktor use his mouth as he pleased. He couldn’t stop fucking smiling. 
“There we go, you’re getting the hang of it,” Viktor murmured against his lips. His kisses moved to Jayce’s chin, mouthing along his jawline, “So eager, too. Like a puppy. Will you wag your tail if I call you a good boy?” 
He wanted to be embarrassed about the comparison. Wanted to not like the insinuation as much as he did. Mostly, though, he just wanted more Viktor. 
“Fuck.” He breathed, tilting his head back to give the other man more access. His pants were starting to strain a little bit. 
“I think that’s a yes.” He whispered, his breath sending goosebumps across Jayce’s skin. 
Viktor’s kisses moved up, up, up, until he was nibbling on Jayce’s earlobe. He gave it one sharp tug. 
And Jayce fucking whimpered. 
He’d never made that noise before. He didn’t even know he could make that noise. It definitely didn’t sound like something that would’ve come out of him. But it had. His face was on fire. 
“Oh, you like that?” Viktor practically purred. He pulled away to look at Jayce, and his hazy eyes widened a bit, “You didn’t know you liked that.” 
“No, I-” He swallowed, shifting a little in his seat, “I didn’t mean to make that… noise.” 
As if his inexperience wasn’t bad enough, now he was making sounds that could only be labeled as pathetic. Viktor must have thought he was such an idiot. 
The man frowned, pink lips forming an adorable pout, “I put work into getting that noise from you. I’d appreciate if you didn’t try to downplay it.” 
Jayce blinked up at him, “You liked it?” 
Viktor stared at him like he was an idiot. Jayce could only focus on how pretty he was like that. 
“Kiss me again?” He pleaded, because the way his head was already spinning wasn’t enough. He needed more. 
His companion was happy to oblige. 
The kiss was back to passionate and sloppy, all tongue and teeth and wandering hands. Jayce’s shirt got halfway unbuttoned, Viktor’s hair was let down, and the forgotten cup of water was kicked onto the carpet. Neither of them noticed, or maybe they didn’t care. Too caught up in each other to remember there was a whole world around them. 
They’d fallen into a rhythm, moving together like partners in a dance. It was euphoric.
“Shit-” Jayce moaned, eyes rolled back as the other man sucked at his neck. 
Viktor ran his tongue down Jayce’s pulse point, kissed the spot right above his collarbone, and then bit down. Hard. 
Jayce hissed at the sting, then grunted as it immediately turned into pleasure. All of his blood had gone South. His head was blissfully empty. Had he ever felt so needy in his life? If he had, he definitely couldn’t remember it. 
Viktor slid his hands down Jayce’s arms, interlocking them with the ones still on his waist. His fingers were slender against Jayce’s, bony and long while the other’s were thick and strong. They fit together perfectly.
Viktor kissed him again, then again. Little pecks that left him desperate for more. 
“Had enough yet?” He asked through the kisses, his lips swollen and red, “Perhaps you should return to the- mm- party. If you’ve had your moment of quiet.”
“Trying to get rid of me?” Jayce asked, his breathing ragged. The question was asked jokingly, but it made his chest ache. Maybe he was doing terribly- maybe this wasn’t as good for Viktor as it was for him. He squeezed Viktor’s hands, still clasped in his own, “And here I thought we were having such a good time.”
“Whatever gave you that idea?” He shot back, attempting to hide the amused smile on his lips. He certainly thought himself funny. It made Jayce’s fear die down, just a little, “Be a good boy and lay me down. I need to rest my leg.”
The nickname went straight to his dick. It also made him sit there for a solid five seconds like an idiot as his mind tried to process the words. Then he did, and it immediately had his heart lunging with worry. 
“Does it hurt?” Jayce asked earnestly, hooking his hands under Viktor’s thighs to lay him down on the couch. He knelt in between the man’s legs, the right one stretched out and relaxed. 
Viktor let out a relieved sigh as he settled into the couch, “It was starting to pinch. Nothing too bad, don’t worry.” 
“Are you sure?” Jayce asked softly, one hand holding him up while the other held Viktor’s hip. He watched the man closely, worriedly, “We can stop if-” 
“Do you want to stop?” 
“No!” He choked out, dark strands falling over his forehead. The answer came out faster than his mind could keep up. Complete instinct. He furrowed his brows, “No, I don’t. I just am… worried.” 
“Jayce, I am high out of my mind, having my way with a beautiful boy. I am fine.” 
He grinned at the sentiment, even as it made his face heat up, “Beautiful? Really?” 
Viktor rolled his red-tinged eyes, “You know you’re beautiful. I won’t feed your ego. Come and kiss me more, yes?” 
Jayce giggled. He leaned down, “Yes.” 
It was easier to kiss Viktor like this- more familiar. He still wasn’t the one leading, but it did feel like he had more control. Not that he’d minded being at the mercy of his companion. 
Jayce’s hand slid down the other man’s hip, grasping his thigh and pulling the leg against his waist. He could nearly wrap his hand entirely around the limb, fingertips almost touching. It made something primal, maybe territorial, bloom in his chest. Viktor was so fucking skinny.
“Mm-” Viktor gasped as their groins slotted together, fingers digging into Jayce’s shoulders. He looked up with those pretty sunset eyes, lips parted, “Jayce.” 
If he was sober, Jayce would’ve realized that his name sounded a little like a warning. But he was high, he was horny, and he had never been much of a good listener. And Viktor smelled so good and his skin was soft and Jayce was kissing up and down his throat. Really, it wasn’t his fault. He had too much he was preoccupied with. 
He rolled his hips again, desperate for friction, and paused. Something about that was… off. It didn’t feel how it should. 
“Hold on,” Viktor spoke up again, another warning. Jayce couldn’t hear him- he was too busy thinking. 
The cogs in his head were turning, and he was realizing, and- Shit. He pulled away like he’d been burned. He watched with wide eyes as Viktor sat up, the latter’s expression nearing resignation. 
“Jayce-” He began, and it sounded like the beginning of an explanation. 
Once again, Jayce was not listening. How the hell was Viktor so calm? This was serious!
“Oh my God.” He breathed out, running a hand through his already messy hair. He sat back on his heels, “Oh my God, Viktor, where’s your dick? What happened to it?” 
The other man watched him in stunned silence. It was totally unnerving. Really, why wasn’t he freaking out?!
“Did I crush it? Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know that was possible. My Mom always told me I had more strength than I knew what to do with, I just didn’t think it could do this-” 
Viktor snorted. Loud and sharp enough that it shut Jayce up, quieted his mind. The two stared at each other for three long seconds. 
Then Viktor started laughing. 
The sound was light, a little wheezy, and beautiful. Despite the strangeness of the situation, it made Jayce smile. He’d never heard a laugh quite like it. 
Still, that didn’t take away from the very real panic coursing through him. 
“Jayce, you are- oh, God.” He chuckled, covering his mouth with a hand, “It is a good thing you have your looks.” 
He furrowed his brows. His brain was very slow right now and he was very, very confused. Shaking his head, he rested a hand on Viktor’s knee, “I don’t understand.” 
The smile the man gave Jayce was equal parts fondness and patronization, “I don’t have a, eh, dick, as you so eloquently put it. I never have.” 
Jayce tilted his head to the side as if things would make more sense at a 45-degree angle. He blinked once, twice, three times, “What?”
Viktor rolled his eyes, more for theatrics than anything else, “To put it technically, I was born a female. Which took me very little time to realize was not the case. Thus, here I am now. Not a female. My body simply… is a little behind in the process.” 
Jayce was the dumbest fucking idiot in the world. His face was absolutely on fire, embarrassment burning through him. Part of him hoped death would just take him now, or that this was all a dream he’d wake up from. If only to save himself from the humiliation. Viktor must have been kicking himself for spending time with such an imbecile. 
“Is that a problem for you?” Viktor asked when Jayce stayed silent, an incredulous eyebrow raised. The warmth was gone from him, defenses raised as he waited for an answer. 
Jayce lurched forward, desperate to fix the situation, to stop being so damn stupid. A large hand cupped Viktor’s cheek, “No! No, not at all. I’m sorry, I just- I feel so stupid.” He laughed, more self-deprecating than anything, “You’re great, Viktor- wonderful. And I’m an idiot. I didn’t- I’m sorry, my brain is not working. It’s not a problem. I like you how you are.” 
The word vomit spewing from him was grating on his nerves, making him cringe. He wanted to curl into a ball and die. This was the worst. 
He expected Viktor to pull away. To tell him to leave, that they were done and Jayce was unwelcome. He expected to be shunned for his idiocy. He would’ve deserved it, too. 
Instead, the man huffed out a laugh. He shook his head, “I’m not sure I’d go so far as to call you an idiot, Jayce. But it certainly was not one of your finest moments.” 
“Definitely not.” He grinned, running his thumb over the sharp cheekbone, “Try not to hold it against me? I don’t care that you’re a guy without a dick. I like you. I’m just very high.” 
“Oh, you like me?” Viktor wrapped a hand around Jayce’s forearm, “You just met me.” 
He gave a half-assed shrug, getting a little caught up in how starkly contrasting their skin tones were, “It doesn’t take much.” 
“Just weed and some kissing, huh?” 
“You also happen to be very cool.” Jayce argued, a teasing lilt to his voice, “Though the weed and the kissing don’t hurt.” 
Viktor chuckled. He looked so lovely with his hair down and a smile on his face. Jayce wanted to commit it to a canvas and look at it forever. 
“Can we do some more of it? The kissing?” He asked before he could stop himself. This longing in his chest was more than he could bear. 
The man’s eyes shimmered like starlight, something akin to pride flaring in him. He liked that Jayce wanted him. Jayce liked it too- he liked that look on Viktor’s face a lot. 
Just as Jayce’s companion opened his mouth to respond, though, they were interrupted. 
The door to the basement was flung open, letting in a flurry of pounding music and strobe lights. Jayce jumped a foot in the air, heart rate skyrocketing, while Viktor didn’t move a muscle.
“Vik, you down there?” A voice that could only be described as cackly called. From here, Jayce couldn’t see any part of the intruder besides black scuffed boots and two ankle-length blue braids, “Ekko says I can’t set off my fireworks unless you’re there to supervise!” 
Viktor laid his head against the back of the couch and looked up toward the doorway, “I’m assuming you won’t be taking no for an answer?” 
“Nope!” Came her enthusiastic reply as she rocked back and forth on her heels, “I told you I was gonna make you participate in the party. You’ve had your time.” 
The man let out a long sigh before responding, “I’ll be right there.” 
“Don’t take too long! I’ll be on the roof!” 
Then the door slammed shut, and they were in the quiet again. 
Viktor looked at Jayce with an expression bordering on apologetic, “It seems we’ll have to rain-check our kissing, unfortunately.” 
“You have to go?” He didn’t mean to sound as pathetic and whiny as he did. The thought of parting with him right now made him very sad. 
“Jinx is not one for patience.” Viktor got to his feet, stretching his arms above his head until his spine popped. His shirt rode up, giving Jayce a peek of smooth skin over a prominent hip bone, “And I’d prefer if my house didn’t get burned down by her antics. I like having a place to live.” 
Viktor was reaching for his cane and Jayce was panicking, panicking, panicking. He didn’t want to say goodbye, not yet. His mind was a haze but he knew that much. 
“Well, can I see you again? Sometime soon?” Desperate. He must’ve looked so desperate. He didn’t care. 
Viktor paused and looked down at him, half-smirking. His fingers tapped against the head of his cane, “I’m sure you’ll see me again, Jayce. Some time.” 
“You can stay down here as long as you’d like.” Viktor walked towards the stairs, favoring the weight of his bad leg a little, “Enjoy the quiet, get some rest, take care of your… predicament. No one will bother you.” 
It didn’t take a genius to know that the ‘predicament’ was Jayce’s not-so-subtle erection. His cheeks were heating up again. All he could do was watch with resignation as the man moved away from him. He was like water Jayce was trying to hold in his hands. 
Just as he was about to ascend the stairs, Viktor stopped again. He looked at Jayce over his shoulder, gazing through strands of brown hair. His eyes shone with warmth, “Thank you for keeping me company. I hope it was as… enjoyable for you as it was for me.” 
He left after that. Deserting Jayce in the basement with kiss-swollen lips, too-tight pants, and a whole lot of questions. 
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sunflowerwinds · 2 months ago
take care | s.a
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summary: you get absolutely hammered at a party with your bestfriend, caitlyn, and you call your girlfriend to the rescue when your exhaustion hits you out of nowhere. sevika takes care of your intoxicated state and the groggy morning after.
pairing: fem!reader x sevika arcane
contains: slight modern!au (they use cell phones), established relationship, alcohol consumption, cait & mel being BAD BITCHES, fluff, mentions of suggestive content, sevika being so attentive and patient <3
word count: 2.9K
a/n: absolutely self-indulgent, i wrote this the day after recovering from a hangover LMAO <3 i hope you all enjoy!!
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You truthfully couldn’t remember the last time you had gotten as drunk as you were at this very moment. A friend of your best friend's had invited you two out to this warehouse party-club situation. You were hesitant at first, not knowing if you had that in you but the second you arrived at the apartment of the friend, who you found out was named Mel, and they were pregaming with Fireball and Malibu shots, you knew you were incredibly fucked.
You had a great time, granted.
Your best friend, Caitlyn, Mel, and you made new friends amid the crowd. The girls were so lovely, throwing compliments on hair, makeup, and outfits back and forth.
Before you knew it you had made your way onto the stage with the DJ, telling him to play a certain selection of songs. He even lets you queue them up on his laptop. You huff as you realize that you want to go home but Mel was talking to some tall man who was quite handsome off stage in a corner and Caitlyn was with you on stage but she was busy talking to a red-haired butch that was covered in tattoos on the other side of the large stage.
You reach lazily into your back pocket, pulling out your phone to call your girlfriend. You blink rapidly to try and focus your eyes on your screen, leaning a bit to one side as if that would help your slightly blurry vision due to both your intoxication and the number of strobe lights.
You successfully press the call button and hold the speaker up to your ear as you take slow steps over to Caitlyn, tapping her bare shoulder as she is wearing a rosewood red lace tank and a short black skirt. You mutter an apology to someone you bumped into as you tap on her shoulder again.
She turns her head around to see you holding up your phone to your ear, furrowing her brows.
“Wait, darling, who are you calling?” Caitlyn shouts over the music, one hand on the girl’s shoulder that she was talking to and the other brushing her long blue hair over her ear.
“Sevik– Hi, baby!” You beam as the line clicks, cutting yourself off before nodding to Caitlyn and mouthing, ‘Sevika’.
You think you hear a little bit of shuffling on the other line before you shake your head with a frown, looking up at your best friend. The line clicked off so you assumed you needed to go somewhere quiet to be able to talk to the woman you loved.
“Cait, wait a minute. I’m gonna,” you take a deep breath to stabilize yourself, holding a hand out to make sure you don’t face plant onto the ground. “‘M gonna go just a little bit outside so that Sev can pick us up. I’ll be righ’ back, okay?”
“No, no, you’re not going alone. Wait right here. Do not move.”
The taller woman turns to the butch she was talking to, sending her a quick flirty smile before leaning down to say something in her ear. You wait patiently for her, looking down at your screen again to see a few message notifications from Sevika.
from sevi ❤︎ | Babe, is everything okay?
from sevi ❤︎ | You did mean to call me, right?
from sevi ❤︎ | Please text me, my love. I’m getting a bit worried.
Your heart aches at the bright reminders that you have a girlfriend: who cares about your well-being. You look up to see Caitlyn placing a kiss to the woman's cheek before handing her back her phone. You swore even being as drunk as you were, you could tell how flustered that woman was. You understood though.
Caitlyn is fucking stunning.
“We grab Mel and we head outside, okay? I see her right there.” Caitlyn’s long arm hooks on yours, a big of a smug grin on her face.
“She was hot! You gave her your number right?” You squeal as you carefully step down with Caitlyn to the ground level once again.
A wave of nausea washed over you as you attempted to balance yourself out. You believe Caitlyn confirmed the fact that she had gotten the butch’s number but the next thing you remember is being face-to-face with Mel and the man she had been talking to.
She tells you his name, leaning in to shout it in your ear.
“Jay? Hi Jay! You are very handsome,” you shout in his face, a stupid smile on your face.
The man’s face twists in amusement at your state and looks at Mel with a softer expression. “H-Hi! It’s Jayce but thank you.”
Your mouth forms into an ‘o’ at how you misheard the name, stuttering out apologies. He waves it off, telling you it's okay.
“I think someone’s calling you,” the man, Jayce, points to your phone that was buzzing in your hand.
You look down at it, muttering a curse as it was Sevika calling you once again and you are still inside the loud crowded warehouse.
“Meli, we’ve got to go outside for a moment. Sevika’s calling her,” Caitlyn placed a hand on Mel’s forearm.
Mel looked between you and Jayce, excusing herself to the man and reassuring him that she’d be right back. He told her it was fine and to not worry about it. You couldn’t hold back your awe and wave ‘bye’ at Jayce as Caitlyn and Mel now had one arm hooked on either one of yours as the three of you made your way outside.
“I’ll call her back,” Caitlyn reaches for your phone that was gripped tightly in your hand.
You easily allow her to take it from you, resting your head on Mel’s shoulder as the fresh air hits you the second you step outside. You hum a random tune as Mel rests her head on your head too, rubbing her free palm on your hand.
Caitlyn took a step away from you two to dial Sevika on your phone again to let her know that you were fine and just wanted to go home. Within minutes after ringing her back, Sevika was in her beaten town truck just across the street. You gasped at the sight of it, even in your drunken state, you were able to recognize the familiar vehicle.
Sevika walks over to you three, greeting Mel and Caitlyn first before allowing you to wrap your arms around her torso to lean into her touch. You held yourself up weakly, stumbling over the curb.
“Sevika,” you sigh with a slight groan.
“Yeah, baby, I’m here. We’re gonna go home,” the taller of you two leaned down to press a kiss to your damp temple from your sweat.
“We’ll see you on Monday. I’ll call you tomorrow to make sure you’re okay.” Caitlyn assures you with a sweet grin, leaning back into Mel now that you are clinging to your girlfriend.
“Wait, who’s taking you home? I don’ want you guys to be here alone,” you look up at Sevika and point your finger over her shoulder to her truck. “Let’s take ‘em home, baby.”
Mel and Caitlyn are quick to assure you and your girlfriend that the man that they were previously talking to would take them home as he was the DD for his best friend that he was with that night. You stare unable to remember for a moment who they were talking about.
“Ohhh, Jaycey boy! He seems really nice, Meli. I’m so happy for you,” you nod in approval with a thumbs up as you lean into Sevika’s chest.
“She has our locations, Sevika,” Caitlyn tells your girlfriend, hinting to her to check it every once in a while to make sure the man wouldn’t take them anywhere they weren’t supposed to.
Sevika nods in understanding, sternly telling the two to please be safe. Mel showed a photo of Jayce to Sevika to make sure she knew who this man was. Your mind only had bits and pieces of that night that you were able to remember.
For instance, after Sevika had picked you up, you couldn’t remember the drive home whatsoever. What you do remember is begging Sevika to get some Nacho Fries and a frozen Baja Blast.
You reached over her lap from the passenger's seat to tell the worker your order, Sevika placing a hand on your lower stomach to keep you steady so you wouldn’t fall forward and hit your face on the car door.
“Wait, Sevi, do you wan’ anything?” You turn your back into the car to look at your girlfriend.
“No, I’m okay. Thank you, baby.” she leans forward to kiss your side before patting your hip to motion for you to sit back down.
“Mm okay,” you hum before telling the worker that should be everything and snuggle back down into your seat.
After paying for the food and handing it to you in the passenger's seat, Sevika told you that you were almost home and you could eat it then. You didn’t listen and ate all of the fries in her car and hounded down the Baja Blast with ease.
Thankfully, your shared apartment was only a few minutes away from Taco Bell.
Sevika had opened your passenger's side door when you arrived, holding back an amused at the giddy expression on your face. She held her arm out for you to grasp onto as you stepped down onto the concrete of the road. You hum to yourself as you look up at Sevika, raising your free hand to pat her broad shoulder.
“Baby, would it be so bad if we…?” You trail off as you giggle to yourself at the thought.
“If we what?” Sevika hums back as her arm slithers around your waist to hold you up as the two of you make your way to your apartment.
Sevika internally cursed as she knew you wouldn’t want to go up all of the stairs. You two lived on the fourth floor.
“Well, I don’t know. What we woul’ usually be doing on a Friday– Oh!”
You yelp as Sevika wraps her arms around your waist to hoist you up and over her shoulder, cutting off your words. Your hands rest on her lower back, grinning mischievously to yourself at the sight of her skin.
“You don’t feel like throwing up?” Sevika questions as she holds your thighs down with one of her forearms.
“Nuh-uh. ‘M lovin’ this view though,” you chuckle to yourself as you stare at her ass, blinking a bit to focus your vision.
Sevika shakes her head knowingly, smiling at your giggles the whole way up the stairs. She even felt your hands caressing her strip of skin that was exposed from her slightly cut-off t-shirt.
“You’re having fun down there?” She questions as she approaches your front door, reaching into her front pocket to pull out her keys.
You merely smack her ass to confirm her suspicions to which she lightly smacks your own with a: “Keep your hands to yourself.”
You twiddle with a loose string coming from the shirt as she carries you into your cool apartment, tossing her keys into the bowl near the front door. She kicks the door shut with her foot with a soft grunt, scaring you for a moment at the sudden movement.
“Baby, lock the door for me, please?” She asked you, scooting backward a few steps.
You lift your head, steadying yourself with one weak hand on her lower back as you reach for the three knobs. You twist each of them to the right with a soft click. Sevika kisses the side of your hip that is next to her face and thanks you before making her way down the hall to your shared bedroom.
“Sevi, I think I’m gonna throw up a little,” you warn her, hiccuping a bit.
Sevika’s eyes widen at your words as she carefully sets you down on your feet, holding your hips to lead you to the bathroom. You cover your mouth as you stumble to kneel next to the toilet, hunching over as you wait for the vomit to hit the water. Sevika quickly took her place next to you as she pushed back your falling strands of hair, gathering it in a ponytail in her fist.
“Let it out if you need to. It’s okay if you can’t,” she rubs your back with the other hand, wincing at your gagging.
You groan as you shake your head, eyes watering at the fact that it wasn’t coming up.
“It’s not– I can’t. I though’ I could, Sevi,” you frown up at her as you slump against the wall in front of the seat.
Sevika shushes you as she releases your hair and takes your hands into her larger ones, urging you to stand up.
“It’s okay. Let’s just get you to bed,” she instructs you gently.
You nod slowly, sniffling as you let her lead you back into the bedroom. You remember her carefully removing your ‘party clothes’ and putting one of her sleeping tees on you. She knew how much you adored them so at least you would have that to wake up to. She grabbed some of your micellar water and a rag to remove what was left of your makeup, holding your jaw in your hand as you kept trying to lay down once the comfier clothing was on.
After doing the usual night routine, you plopped down onto the mattress with a satisfied sigh as she snuggled your cheek into the pillowcase.
“Night, baby,” you hum as you smack your lips.
“Good night, my love,” she teases as she places a kiss on your cheek before rounding the bed to lie down on her side.
You pretty much passed out as soon as Sevika had lifted the covers over you two, mouth ajar and limbs awry.
You were never drinking again.
You thought as you carefully sat upright in your bed, squinting your eyes hard as the light from the morning sun was blinding you through your thin curtains. The headache and nausea hit you all at once as you covered your mouth, afraid of the bile that might escape. You wait a few seconds to make sure you aren’t actually going to throw up. Your eyes follow to your bedside table as you reach over to grab your phone, your movements slow as ever.
As you squint your eyes to focus on the screen, you see a few messages from Caitlyn and Mel; telling you they made it home and they were in fact not kidnapped. You then shift your eyes to the numbers at the top.
It was 9 o’clock in the morning; way too fucking early for the night you had.
You grunt as you gradually lay back down, wanting to stay still for the next three hours to not trigger the pounding headache to worsen. You peer over your bedroom door to see that it was left halfway open, the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway. Not to your surprise, it was Sevika with a small tray of food for you. You could hear her whisper a curse as she tried her hardest to not spill the coffee on it.
“Sevika?” You call out to her, your groggy and strained voice making your head hurt.
“You’re awake. Good morning,” Sevika tells you with a knowing and sympathetic smile.
You groan in response to her words, wanting to grab the pillow you were laying your head on and shield your face.
“I want to sleep,” you say right off the bat, frowning at her as you try to recollect the events of the previous night.
“I know, my love but can you eat this for me? You’ll feel better once you have food in you.”
Your girlfriend slowly sits herself down on the empty space next to you; her side of the bed. You knew she was right but you felt like you had to use so much energy just to sit upright, let alone eat.
And chew.
And drink.
It all sounded so… bothersome. But then you feel Sevika leaning over to press a few kisses onto your cheek and jaw, a hand rubbing up and down your arm that was out from under the comforter. You shut your eyes as you sigh at the feeling, wishing the kisses could push away your hangover.
“15 minutes,” she places one kiss on your jaw, “and then,” another to your nose, “you can sleep all day.”
You pretend as if you weren’t already set on eating as she continues to kiss as gently as possible every square inch of your face. Your smile grows as you force out a grumbled ‘fine’ as you steadily sit upright so that your back is resting on the headboard.
“You’re too good to me, Sev,” you tell her as you rub your tired eyes, yawning as she places the tray in your lap.
Sevika hums in agreement, playfully tapping underneath your chin with a hooked finger.
“Just eat. Then I’ll leave you alone, I promise.”
“No,” you reach for her hand, intertwining your fingers. “Never leave me alone.”
Sevika can’t help the smitten flush that covers her face as she takes your intertwined hands to kiss the back of yours.
You weakly smile at that before digging into your eggs, toast, fruit, and Tylenol with a long and collected sigh, enjoying the flavors of it all. You look down at your sleeping attire, feeling warm at the fact that it was Sevika’s.
Whether it was drunk, sober, or mind-numbingly hungover, she always took care of you.
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TAGLIST: @eilishxo @nevergonna-give-u-up @archangeldyke-all @violynsb @lesbianpuppygirl @cutestdarkskin @moodient @starytree @capedyke @sameshoeally @lovinglynny @rurides @iluvwomensm
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gingerpines · 3 months ago
teen!caitvi AU drabble based on this art by me!
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warning: i am not a writer! and english isn’t my first language! i hope this still makes sense :) its a bit messy its not very well explained sometimes but i hope i got the point across! enjoy!
Ekko was sent by benzo to deliver things at jayce’s workshop and vi and claggor join because ekko’s quite young to go on his own anyways, vi is like, acting as the bodyguard and shes looking all tough and mysterious making sure ekko is okay constantly
they knock and stand at the door, vi staying behind ekko to look around and jayce is like come in! bc they have quite a lot of things and while vi stands back still cautious, she completely drops her tough demeanor when she sees young cait tinkering with some of jayce’s stuff, goggles on. Vi tries to be discreet but her eyes keep darting back at Cait while ekko and jayce conclude business, claggor catches vi but doesnt say anything, and cait comes towards them, taking the goggles off, a big smile on her face.
"Nice to meet you all!" she goes in her thick british accent and she offers a handshake to Vi who doesnt know what to do with that so she kinda blushes and stares at cait, cait going "I’m Caitlyn!" and, embarrassed and flustered, vi just frowns and doesnt say anything, sorta turning around and caitlyn takes that VERY personally and from that point on she’s got beef with her and Vi kinda regrets how stupid she acted but tries not to think about it too much.
now everytime ekko has business in piltover, vi INSISTS on joining, saying its for safety but really its in the hopes she’ll run into caitlyn again. one time at a fair, benzo has a booth to sell things in piltover and ekko runs it, naturally, vi and the other kids join, Jayce and Caitlyn visit the booth and when cait sees Vi she just turns her head away with a frown, still upset at their last interaction and refusing to look at her, and Vi decides to tease her and ask about what theyre doing here. Cait kinda ignores her at first but ends up yapping about jayce’s and her’s latest experiments and shes talking sooo much and vi listens to all of it and when cait realized shes been talking too much they both kinda laughs and then jayce says they have to go so they leave and they smile at each other
throughout the fair Cait tries to “accidentally” walk in front of ekko’s booth again, and when she does, Vi is gone and she asks Ekko where she went and ekko shrugs, cait keeps walking around until she sees Vi walk around and cait joins her and they just kinda tease each other and argue the whole day but in a cute way but they both try to pretend they dont like the other bc they have such different lives and vi keeps calling cait entitled but she doesnt even mean it. From then on, Vi starts sneaking out to meet Cait outside her gate, but she has no idea how to get her attention, so she kinda sits there in the rain for a while until one of the dog starts barking, waking, thankfully, only Caitlyn up who looks out her bedroom window and goes outside to see little wet puppy vi standing at the gate and trying to make up an excuse as to why shes here like jayce forgot a tool from ekko and it was just easier to get it to her house instead and they end up talking until so late even tho its freezing outside, the gate still separating them, like the wall that socially separates them.
they start meeting up almost every week, like clockwork, outside of Cait’s house to talk, and for Cait to yap about things she likes while Vi listens. one day, Cassandra catches them and forbids Cait to see Vi again. They both cry themselves to sleep and Vander notices Vi’s change in mood after that, and asks her about it. she tells him everything and apologizes for lying and sneaking out but vander isnt upset, he hugs her and tells her theyre going to figure it out.
Vander decides to go talk to Cassandra at the next Piltover-Zaun event, Vi standing shyly behind Vander’s leg, Caitlyn standing straight next to Cassandra, both girls so excited to see each other again even tho its weird and awkward with their parents talking in front of them, Cassandra listens to Vander who’s putting on The Charm™️ and she eventually sighs and allows them to see each other bc she sees Vi isnt a menace
that day they both walk around Piltover, often almost holding hands but theyre too shy so they don’t, but Vi wants to show Cait she likes her but she doesnt know how to because they shouldnt and also because she doesnt know how to show love in a way that Caitlyn would understand. they walk around and its comfortably quiet this time, even tho theyre used to yapping and yapping for hours but this time they just want each other’s presence. at one point they walk through a tiny crowd and theres a small group of Zaunites laughing at them, at the contrast between their clothes and demeanors and they hear one of the boys call Caitlyn and a not-so-nice words like stuck up or worse, Vi isn’t even sure but she immediately knocks him down in one punch and Cait has absolutely no idea what to do or say but she then grabs Vi’s hand and they run away, when theyre safe away from that crowd, Caitlyn gets SOOO mad in her little british accent and Vi just sits, knuckles bloody, listening to Cait lecture her.
Eventually, cait calms down and looks down at Vi’s hands and sighs, starting to unwrap her bandages to check her wound muttering “You are such an idiot, Violet.” and Vi just smiles as Cait cleans her wounds.
cait begging her mom to let her bring vi to one of the shooting tournaments and Vi joins and they have so much fun and cait lets vi try out her rifle and shes so bad and they laugh and caitlyn teaches her and theyre having a moment but cait’s parents interrupt and theyre blushing and being silly teenagers with a crush and they dont know how to deal with it. cait is definitely the one to fall first even tho she represses it bc vi is from zaun and thats not how she was raised, but she becomes closer with vi and vi realizes wayyyyy too late that she has a massive crush and also that cait is not being slick about it in the slightest. she talks about it with vander at the last drop she sits at the counter with her head in her hands like ughhhhhh i hate having a crush its so stupid and vander laughs
thank u for reading :))
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ann7av · 4 months ago
Spoilers for act 2
Isha is Jinx's inner child just as Warrick is Vi's inner monster and their mutual destruction is actually a pivotal event so they can both evolve as individuals, in this essay I will--
*start yapping*
No, I mean it, the hyper fixation kicked in and it kicked me hard. This is just about Vi's perspective in ep.5 btw but in my defense, she looks so tired
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In the first arc, Vi starts to separate Powder from Jinx as a way of coping, she feels guilty about the destruction Jix caused and, as we know, Vi would never intentionally hurt her sister so the only way for her to try and stop her is to separate the two.
She can't kill her sister but she can kill Jinx (at least she thinks she can)
In ep.5 we see her spiraling into self-destruction, her entire character thus far has been taking care of others and now she has no one, and as such she doesn't think she has value simply as an individual.
Vi cannot accept change, that's her biggest flaw, she can't accept her sister's change or the change in the underground, and she begs Cait not to change in arc one. She somewhat recreated what her life in prison must've been like (she has a tiny apartment where she keeps herself enclosed, she's fighting on a daily basis, she's angry) so Vi's seeking familiarity in whatever she can find.
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Now, she wakes up to Jinx in her little "protected" new reality, and her first instinct is to attack. She chokes Jinx (not her sister) and tells her off when she tells her about Vander, but THEN what happens?
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Jinx starts to cry, and for a millisecond the illusion of Powder X Jinx is broken and Vi lets go of her, allowing her to say that "Vander is alive" and that "He needs OUR help".
Just like that, Vi's forced to face the possibility of change, she's not trusting that any of this is actually real and not one of Jix's "delusions" but it doesn't matter, the chance that someone NEEDS her help is enough for her to finally look at her own reflection on the mirror she broke in anger and denial, she has a choice to stay in the illusion or to take a risk.
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Now, Vi follows her out and sees the mural. Not only does the mural depict Jinx (the person Vi is convincing herself killed her sister) as a hero but it also has Vander in it.
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Jinx became Silco's daughter, the man who killed Vander and tore their family apart but for Zaun, she's also Vander's legacy of revolution. Vi is having to face that both things can be true at the same time.
They walk the tunnels and they start bickering, throwing things at each other's face and it's clear she's trying to avoid thinking too hard about what Jix is telling her.
Vi drops her gauntlets to make a point she doesn't need them, but her gauntlets are a physical symbol of her own emotional barriers, she takes them out when she's comfortable enough to let her guard down.
In this scenario, she's using her anger as a shield against Jinx, and anger is a safe emotion so she assumes there's not much risk, she doesn't expect Jinx to hit her, and when she does she hits back.
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The thing is, that fight does not seem serious, they're not actually trying to hurt the other but rather just trying to prove their own points.
Now, Isha is serving as Jinx's inner child here and, as one would expect, she jumps in to help. But Vi's not expecting that and (as she does) she reacts.
She hits Isha (the embodiment of Powder) while fighting Jinx, she didn't mean to hurt the kid just like she never meant to her her sister all those years ago, but by fighting with Jinx (the sister she cannot accept) she does.
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That's a visual representation of her inner turmoil, there's Jinx and there's Powder and she cannot see them as one, but she can't fight one without hurting the other, where one goes the other follows, they are one and the same.
Jinx goes to comfort Isha, and THAT'S when she puts her gauntlets back on, that's when she builds her defenses again, she can't allow herself to humanize Jinx or else she'll have to admit she's her sister and that she's changed.
Then we have Singed talking about Warrick (not Vander) something like:
"The beast was once a man victim of a great tragedy, but he had an incredible will to live, tolerance to pain, and was very resilient but it got lost in the bowels of the beast" - Yeah, sounds familiar?
We see in Warrick's pov, and he remembers wiping Powder's tears the same way Vi wiped Caits but Vi is blurred, her memory is still lost to him just like she's lost to herself
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They find an office that belonged to Vander and Silco, and Violet takes one of her gauntlets off after she enters but keeps the other, her defenses are faltering but she's not willing to lower them yet.
They find a letter from Vander apologizing for what he did after the riot (the thing that broke them apart and later on separated Vi and Jinx)
Warrick came back to where Vander's apology to Silco was never read, he's roaming a familiar place with no purpose, desperately trying to find something he doesn't even know what means anymore.
And what guides him to the sisters is Isha's blood, the blood that was shed when Vi struck her in her fight with Jinx.
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Jinx says everything might have been different if Silco had found the letter, and that same thought could apply to them.
If Marcus hadn't taken Vi away before she could come back to her sister, if Jinx had known what happened, if they had talked sooner after reuniting
Vi's defenses are crumbling here, they're both thinking the same thing and for a moment Jinx and Powder are the same, she almost comforts her with her uncovered hand, Jinx is being vulnerable, but Vi hesitates to trust her, so instead of reaching for her she reaches for the gauntlet again, putting her defenses up.
They leave back to the tunnels when Warrick finally catches on, and Vi sees this "beast" running towards them
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It doesn't matter Jinx is telling her it's Vander, because Vi is still not trusting her, all she can see is Warrick and he himself is not stopping either, he can't recognize his daughters.
The only person who trusts the beast is Jinx, but she's not the person who can stop him at this moment, Vi is, and she does. Just like she has always done she gets in the way to protect the people she cares about.
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Now, now, something very interesting about how this show deals with details is that Warrick was following the scent of Isha's blood so when he jumps to attack the camera focuses on the two.
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As I commented, these two characters are being used to show Jinx and Vi's inner turmoil, and the fact Vi's inner monster (Warrick) is specifically aiming to hurt Jinx's inner child (Isha) is very telling.
But what is even more telling is that Vi is the one to stop him from hurting her, and by extension, she's protecting Jinx.
Just like before we see that Vi cannot attack Jinx without hurting Powder here we see that she can't protect Powder without protecting Jinx as well.
And THAT'S when we have the Jinx X Powder separation cracking
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She says he's going to kill YOU, she's not worried about herself here, and the way she tries to protect them is to fight.
Vi always tries to fight her problem away by either violence or avoidance and now is no difference, she tries to fight him but here she's metaphorically fighting her own anger, the same anger that hurt her family and herself
The problem is that you can't fight fire with fire in these situations. Anger will not beat anger, punching will not stop the fight it will only make it worse.
They fight and he throws her against a wall before turning to focus on Isha but Jinx gets in the way and for a moment he recognizes Powder again
Jinx has been trying to protect Isha while making them stop and she tries again, but this time Vi is willing to hear her out,
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She doesn't see Vander inside Warrick yet, and as this ginormous thing is barreling towards her she makes a decision, and for the first time, she trusts Jinx again, lowers her gauntlets and stops fighting. Vi's accepting the beast
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There's a sequence where the image goes from Vi to Warrick repeatedly and they have similar expressions but then her eyes change and she calls for her father again.
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Everything goes dark then, and we see Jinx completely terrified holding a lighter and looking for them. She doesn't know what she's going to find, she doesn't know if she was right in blindly believing Vander was still there.
The lights were bright during the fight but now everything is dark, and the dark is often used as a space of uncertainty and vulnerability Jinx couldn't save her sister from the beast and all she could do was try to guide her into saving herself.
Violet tried everything she knew, she tried fighting Jinx but in the process, she hurt the child, she tried avoiding the connection with her sister and by extension avoiding the family history but Warrick caught up with them again nonetheless, and when he did she tried to fight him off but the beast can't be killed by the same violence that created it.
In the end, it was the act of trusting Jinx that brought Vander back, Vi hugged him with the same gauntlets she used to hurt Warrick, she recognizes Jinx is also his daughter and by doing so she opens a door to seeing her as her sister again, even Isha got pulled into the hug.
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Important to add that I do see Vander and Isha as more than just inner versions of Vi and Jinx but this show makes so many connections that everyone is everyone's inner something at one point tbh
Also, wdym both Cait and Jinx go to Stillwater and yet there was not ONE little detail of them thinking about Vi while my girl is literally hallucinating and only thinking about them? ONE MENTION
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hauntingblue · 4 months ago
Episode 4 and 5 in the tags and:
SALO BEING A VIKTOS FOLLOWER??? CRAZY. ALSO BOTH VIKTOR MISSING JAYCE AJDHSKSJ also cait has kinda calmed down... and I am sure she misses vi so I KNOW this is going to happen to her soon.... we aren't getting much of her feelings yet... she's still too onto Jinx to catch up on where ambessa is going...
Also vander not recognizing vi at first until she gives up fighting.... incredible ALSO vander and silco being miners and vi wearing her gauntlets that were initially thought out for miners.... damn
This is my favourite episode so far....
Episode 6 here:
Sky really being there..... of course she is....
Ambessa training caitlyn.... of course thats her new daughter akdjskms Tunnels in your eyes.... GIRL!!!!!!! THAT'S WHAT YOU DON'T NEED RIGHT NOW also the guy outside is a mage... ambessa is such a hypocrite
Vi and Jinx vs ambessa and cait.... this was always about class war don't get it twisted SINGED!!! TRAITOR!!!!
ARE THEY GOING TO SEE VIKTOR???? I looove how viktors touch on their faces leave "scars" so recognizable
Did isha just take the gem from vi's gauntlets??? Omg I wasn't expecting viktor to build a hippie commune to be honest omg he looks so good.... with the blonde underhairs.... and I do believe that's the same blanket....
And of course viktor knows who vander is.... nvm he diesnt know omg viktor asking for Powder.....
We are getting viktor horsegirl montage.... omg the vander momtage I can't..... omg they wanna stay.... singed is gonna fuck all this up NOOOOO 😭😭😭 they are already there I am going to kms
CAITLYN STOP THIS MADESSS!!! ✋️ CAITLYN!!!!! VI KILL THIS MAN!!! OMG CAITLYN...... mongoose... yeah.... and fuck you too.... CUPCAKE!!!! ABOUT TIME!!!! CAITLYN I SAID STOP THIS MADNESS WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!! And jayce too 😭😭😭 we're never making it out of the fissures
It's such a shame the spit on here won't work like on challengers.... one can only pray I guess
Jinx experiencing the "there's nothing more undoing as a daughter" moment.... incredible
"Your absence provided a vacuum I was able to fill" TO VI???? I KNEW THAT HAND HOLDING IN THE COMMANDER SCENE WAS SUS AKDHKASJ maddie exists and ambessa knows that and still.... it was not filling her mother's void...
YES CAITLYN!!! YES!!!!! VI is so hot I am distracted... ambessa was right.... now what the fuck will jayce fuck up??? Thats the question... NOT ANOTHER CHILD!!! jayce is a menace... the guys smiling at jayce are viktor... maybe the child even....
Isha what are you going to do omg 😭😭 did she kill vander... another powder... my god another week...
That was such a good fucking episode too.... and caitlyn didn't go insane when finding Jinx that is a step forwards but viktor can't be dead... no fucking way... he was giving himself away for the people and he was going to finally die by saving vander and look at what we got... no wonder viktor hates his guts. Jayce you were so good in act one.... what happened..... alright. Christ.... another week....
#FUCKING MADDIE?????????????? NO FUCKING WAYYYYYYYYYY#fucking maddie??? yes she is fucking her. christ. jinx was right vi should have hit before all of that.... maddie bet her to it 😭😭😭#i have tears in my eyes aldjaodjsk no fucking way what the heeeeeeell ooooh my goooood nowaaayyaaayyyaaaayyyy#and cait looks so pretty....... she is still focused on jinx.....#omg isha..... jinx gave up jinx??? what...... ambessa is making hextech... so jayce is still missing.... well she is trying#and mel is still missing too.... christ and ekkos friend is sympathetic to jinx... mmhmhmmmmm also ambessa clocks everything aldjakaj#cait has calmed down.... what is happening... she is now only violent towards jinx i guess. ambessa is opening that wound over and over oof#THE MIDDLE FINGER AKDBAKSBKANSKA sevika is unifying the underground i knew it!!! yes!!!! jinx show up!!!!#cait paying homage to her mother while rictus beats up some guy.... her suffering meking her an enabler to those actions... yeah#oh no..... they know.... isha lighting the fire like jinx did.... sevika getting her arm cut... ISHA BEAT HIM UUUP!!! JINX!!!! omg singed..#enforcer vi becoming part of her hallucinations... its so over... also silco... jinx kill this man. not ambessa... omg jinx run....#she likes iiiit yeeeeahhhh.... ekkos friend... . and THE BROTHEL LADY... SHE KNOWS WHO SHE IS!!! SHE IS SO GLAD!!! WARWICK!! FUCK SHIT UP!!#OMG HE RECOGNIZES HER!!!!! HE SPEAKS!!!!! WHAT A FUCKING MASSACRE OUTSIDE BUT HE DOES RECOGNIZE HER!!!!#CALL VIIIII THROW A PARTY WE ARE A FOUR PEOPLE HOUSEHOLD NOW!!! FIVE WITH SEVIKA!!! COME ON AT LEAST TRY!!!#his eyes changing color... singed you are nothing compared to a fathers love... jinx complaining about not really having killed powder....#she didnt and vander recognises that.... amazing omg........#THE CAIT IN BED HALLUCINATION AND JINX THERE!!!! its so weird seeing them both like this.... jinx wanting to help him.... ofc...#THEY GOT VANDER???? also you know whats funny... the cape makes cait look like silco... it looks red even#why is singed based.... OMG MEL!!! HER BROTHER!!!!! OH MY GOD VIIII LOOKS SO GOOOD!!!! HER GAUNTLETS ARE PAINTED BLACK TOO AKDBAKS#bitch mittens (not even diy) damn vi she got you hard THE BITCH SLAP omg vi... your big sister duties...#singed actually venering vander.... do not help the opressor singed!! i just said you were based!!! IS MEL PREGNANT?!?!??!#she does enjoy her puzzles..... oh of course he is an hallucination.... the first time he appeared behind her....#silco and vanders old hq..... omg MORE DOOMED YAOI...... vander apologised but silco didn't read the letter 😭😭 as vi reaches for jinx omg#vi wearing her enforcer plaque without the plaque.... slay but why. no vander no loke he is a dog akdhaksj IS VANDER THEIR ACTUAL FATHER#NO FUCKING WAY A LOVE TRIANGLE AND EACH ONE GETS OME DAUGHTER AIDHOQSJOSAKL i need a fucking moment....#well its not vanders.... BUT THE SAME CUP AND STRAW FOR POWDER OMG!!! THE FATHERS THAT STEPPED UP!!!CONNEL GET RECKT!!!!#bedrock and blisters my fucking god. vander and silco wanting to build a better zaun for her daughters... AND JINX AND VI ARE GONNA MAKE IT#vander looking at the woman she likes whos hair is purple: ive always liked the name violet. im going to be sick!!!! my god!!!#MY GOOOOOD!!!!!!! VANDER HUGGING VI!!! THE SHOT OF HER OFFERING JINX TO JOIN WILL END MEE!!!!#watching arcane
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arvlelt · 3 months ago
pretty mechanic.
pairing - vi x fem!reader
cw - reader's attractiveness makes vi nervy, reader is a smarty pants duh, for the sake of the plot vi doesn’t like cait, fluff, teasing, etc. lmk if i missed anything.
request - For Vi, something with a fem reader, who she meets through Ekko. Reader is apart of the Firelights, a mechanic or a healer, and she's getting parts and Vi just spots her rummaging through old stuff that she's intent on using to fix a hover board, and gets all tongue tied because she was expecting some scrawny pack rat kid, not a pretty woman
w.count - 1.1k+
a/n - kinda short did w what i could, also it's not letting me tag the person that requested this so if you see this, this ones for you gang<3 not proofread
"this better not be a waste of our time," grumbled a pretty grumpy violet who was following ekko with caitlyn not too far behind.
they were on their way to maybe find some clues about powder before ekko insisted that they make a pit stop to fix his board.
ekko scoffed, "if you want my help, i'm going to need my board. which needs fixing. so i need to go to our mechanic, genius."
vi smirked, "what, you can't fix it yourself, big guy? need a lil 'ol mechanic to fix it?" her tone was teasing as ekko didn't reply.
vi thought that was the end of that and that her point was proven right at his silence.
so you could imagine her shock when she see's not a scrawny little nerd, but in fact a very pretty and fit woman.
vi felt her cheeks warming up as she eyed the woman bent over, rummaging through boxes of whatever you were looking for, vi wasn’t as fixated on that — and more on the woman in her eye frame.
she couldn’t help her wandering eyes as they examined your curves, taking in all of your body that she didn’t even seem to notice ekko and caitlyn watching her watch you.
she took in your complete outfit, short shorts that showed just enough but not a lot of your ass, fishnets underneath with a few layered t-shirts you had laying around that made you look so good.
vi seemed to sense a presence behind her she turned around with a slightly flustered expression, “who, uhm— who’s that?” she whispered. ekko couldn’t stop the shit eating grin from forming on his face.
you seemed to hear the commotion as you looked over your shoulder for a quick sec, not giving much attention to the newcomers, before going back to your little invention you were working on.
“what happened now, ekko?” he could hear the desperation in your voice as ekko had quite a habit of damaging his board after coming back from raids, which would make you pause whatever you were working on.
ekko moved past vi, caitlyn straying behind him, and walked into your work space, taking a comfortable seat on your desk next to you, "this is our mechanic, y/n! she can typically fix anything aaanddd, she's a huge help around here."
you scoffed at his praise, wiping the sweat off your brow as you turned around and vi fully saw your face.
she swore she could've fallen on her knees right then and there. you were down right gorgeous. and not just that, you for sure had to have brains. it certainly doesn't take the average person to know what they're doing with being a mechanic and fixing equipment.
vi couldn't help the words spilling out her mouth, as she suddenly felt flustered, "she's your mechanic?" sounding a little more loud than she intended to.
caitlyn was quite amused, not quite used to seeing big bad vi so tongue-tied over someone. and it's not like she could blame her.
you tried not to take offense to her little comment but your face betrayed you as you responded, "and what's that supposed to mean?" you had a bit of an attitude as you reached over and grabbed a rag, cleaning your hands of the grease.
vi could understand why, it's not like everyone in the undercity was as accepting of women doing 'man jobs'.
she winced at how she might've sounded, hands coming up in defense and immediately was fumbling over her words, "that's- that's not what i was implying-! you're.. you're just so.." she trailed off, suddenly feeling awkward under your gaze. you were looking at her with a raised brow, waiting for her to finish.
well it's not like she was implying a bad thing, you were just so pretty. and she could never imagine a pretty dainty thing like you getting your hands dirty, and honestly, she found it so hot.
"i'm soo..?"
oh vi was gonna piss herself at the tone of your voice.
ekko cleared his throat in attempt to save vi, "anways! we're here because i once again busted my board. you guessed it. so if you would be so kind," you scoffed and let go of whatever vi was trying to say and looked over at ekko, who was handing you his board.
vi swallowed hard and she could feel sweat forming on her forehead as she watched you two chatting, caitlyn grabbing her attention as she came next to her, "what's got you so.. not.. you...?" she questioned her but she knew very well what the reason was.
she was trying to tease her, honestly.
vi scoffed, rolling her eyes a bit at her question, "oh, please, you know exactly why," she walked out your workspace with caitlyn trailing behind her.
as they walked out you gave a slight glance at where they walked out before looking back at ekko, "who's that pink-haired chick? she got a problem?" you tilted your head as ekko let out a slight chuckle.
"oh, her only issue would be that you weren't trying to get at her," ekko let out a little laugh as your face dropped in shock.
well that's not what you were expecting. it's not everyday that a woman finds interest in you.
and honestly, it kind of intrigued you.
vi and caitlyn came back in, and once again vi couldn't find the will to speak in your presence. you looked at violet, this time taking a good look at her which seemed to make her blush as she felt her cheeks warming up under your gaze as you eyed her up and down.
"can i help you with something else?" your tone was kinder and more inviting as you could feel the nerves basically rolling off of vi.
vi looking to the side at caitlyn before looking back at you, "uh, just wanna know if you guys are done. we need to, uh, head out soon."
you hummed, looking at ekko and signaling for him to borrow your board, "well if it's urgent, ekko can use mine while i fix his," ekko took the courtesy of walking out, caitlyn as well.
which finally left you two alone for a split sec before the nerves got to vi again and she turned on her heel, ready to run for it.
"i didn't catch your name?" vi was going to faint, good lord.
there was no way such a pretty girl was asking for her name.
she turned over her shoulder, giving a shy smile, "violet, vi for short."
you hummed slightly in response and she watched as you moved along your workspace, grabbing ekko's board and placing it on your work desk, "well, vi, you should come by some time. let me get to know you," your back was turned to her as you started working on the disaster in front of you.
vi was going to explode. she couldn't help the little hops of victory she did quietly behind you before replying calmly.
"yeah for sure, that sounds nice."
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not-so-mundane-after-all · 4 months ago
I know plenty of people have already made a version of the "Jinx is alive" theory post but I've also seen so many of you mourn her death that I decided to gather all the evidence and make another post, turning this theory into a fact.
Because Jinx is alive. It's not a speculation. It's literally there.
The first thing I'm going to mention are the context clues Jinx gives herself. First, the last thing the ghost of Silco tells her. I think the cycle only ends when you find the will to walk away. Then, the realization she comes to when Vi hugs her in the cell. You're never gonna give up on me, are you? What she tells Vi after she leaves her in that cell. You don't need to worry about me anymore. [...] And yes, her initial plan is to kill herself, because she thinks the only way for Vi to move on is for her to be gone. And Ekko gets there just in time to stop her but it looks like he doesn't convince her to abandon her plan, just change it.
And later, when she joins Vi in the final fight. What does she tell her? Still don't get it, huh, sis? I'm always with you. Even when we're worlds apart.
Everything that happens after is constructed specifically to let us and Vi believe that Jinx died. Until we get to this scene:
Caitlyn is studying the Hexgates designs.
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She's looking through the pages depicting the place where the final fight happened, specifically focusing on the air vent shafts, while toying with a monkey bomb head - the same monkey bomb that Jinx used in her supposed last monents.
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She looks down at the monkey...
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Watch the eyes. The realization hits her...
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And she smirks, knowing. Jinx used one of the air vents to escape before the explosion.
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I've studied the explosion frame by frame. First, a small yellow explosion goes off - Jinx sets off the monkey bomb.
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As it becomes bigger, she shoots out of there
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this is still the beginning of the blast when we can still see her, and the big boom that destroys everything starts 10 frames later
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Last context clue is a reference to the very first episode, which is clearly depicted in this gifset here, so instead of explaining, I'll just send you there to check for yourselves.
One thing that is speculation here is, how exactly did Caitlyn come into possession of the monkey bomb head? I doubt she found it there because it would have been turned to dust. And I'm thinking, Jinx took it with her and left it for Cait to find as a clue. She didn't want Vi to know but maybe she wanted Cait to figure it out. I imagine her sneaking into her house and maybe leaving it somewhere for Cait to find, like her desk or something. It gives Cait an idea, a gut feeling she needs to check, and that allows her to figure it out. Just like we are supposed to figure it out on our own.
Bottom line, Jinx is alive. She escaped the explosion through the air vents, then boarded the airship and left the city, convinced that the only way to give her sister a happy ending is to take herself out of the equation. The glitching closing shot saying The End in Jinx's colorful handwriting is a sign that she is telling us that this is where this story ends, like she's saying "don't look for me. It's over." That's also probably why we aren't shown what Caitlyn does with the information she now possesses.
I hope this helps take away from the grief 💙
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mossangelll · 1 month ago
Out of all the arcane sugar daddies/mommies: who do you think are most likely to fall/want a relationship with their sugar baby🤔
OH MY GOD THANK YOU FOR ASKING THIS!!! honestly thinking of starting a series based on this concept - it’s so fun ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
based on this work!
cw: mentions of sex
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Cait is very repressed when it comes to relationships. I mentioned in a previous work that her childhood was probably a bit devoid of affection in the sense that she wasn’t treated so much as a child but as a future heir who had to be perfect which definitely contributes to this complex. This isn’t to say her parents didn’t love her, they definitely did, but they did instil these impossible expectations that leached over into her love life and the expectations she has for herself and her future partner. I mean, the whole reason she went on a sugar baby site was because she dedicates her whole life to work and pushes aside love. This isn’t because she doesn’t want it, quite the opposite - she wants it badly but knows that whoever she chooses has to live up to her family’s expectations and come to terms that for Cait, the Kiramman house will always come first.
This is why Cait opts for a “no strings attached” arrangement because in her mind, this is the best outcome she can hope for. Someone to keep the loneliness at bay while she focuses on what’s important. That is until she meets you and gets to truly know you as a person; it goes from a simple dinner date to her buying you a penthouse - she’s down bad.
Her friends warn her that you’re just a gold digger, that this isn’t a long-term arrangement and that she deserves someone of a higher standing. She couldn’t care less. You truly get her, not the version of her who is the genius heir to an important family, but the version of her who wants to chase her own dreams and simply slow down. Being with you doesn’t feel like a societal obligation or an
She would agonise over how to tell you that she wants more from you, from the both of you. Cait is definitely the kind of person who gets unbelievably sappy after sex and so she can’t help but whisper out those three important words when she thinks you’re asleep. Except you’re not. When she realises, she freaks out and ditches your place 😭 She basically goes into hiding for a week as she works out what exactly the next step is and how she should approach the situation.
You’re hurt that she would leave you, especially since you were just about to say “I love you” back so with the help of your friends you refuse to contact her first, and she’s hurt since you haven’t contacted her and it makes her wonder if maybe her friends were right and you didn’t really care about her. Two idiots in love. Eventually, Cait comes to her senses and visits your penthouse with a a bouquet of those flowers that last a whole year without wilting. A show of her immense love for you.
Needless to say you’re beyond happy that you’ve finally reunited and from that moment on you two are official, society and familial expectations be damned.
Oh Jayce.
Another one who is inexperienced when it comes to love and serious, committed relationships. Again, he focused a lot of time on his research and didn’t have the time for anything more than short flings and hookups.
At first he genuinely isn’t looking for anything serious with you, he has work and friends to keep him occupied enough. It would take a while before he starts to view you in a more romantic, genuine way since building a deep bond is very important to him. But when he does realise? He doesn’t want to let you go.
You two had agreed that you weren’t exclusive, but after many months of seeing each other, he had stopped going on dates with others and had to suffer in excruciating silence when you talked to him about someone you had a nice time with last night. It was his fault for asking, but can you blame him - he needs to scope out the competition! Because of this he ends up coming across a bit petulant, starting petty arguments with you as if you were cheating even though it was clearly agreed there were no strings attached.
You can only tolerate so much of this behaviour though. After all, you have an obligation to go on dates with him when he pays, but it’s hard to enjoy your time when he’s practically interrogating you on your date last night. So, you put an end to this as soon as possible, you do like Jayce a lot and can’t stomach being in this weird, uncomfortable limbo with him. It’s nerve wracking for sure, asking out a chancellor, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world when you see the way his eyes light up and his jaw drops, revealing his ever-so-slightly gapped teeth. Being able to reduce such a big man to a puddle of shock is quite exciting.
From then on, he uses every excuse and chance he has to slip in the fact you’re his girlfriend into the most unrelated conversations. He’s ridiculous 😭
It’s a bit awkward because as a chancellor, people talk and talk they did when they caught onto the fact that you were his sugar baby. But you’re his now and he does not tolerate people speaking ill of you or what you used to do in the past. None of that matters, especially not now that you’ve confessed your love for each other!
The moment you come to him with tears in your eyes over nasty comments (sure, you’ve built a thick skin over the years but nothing compares to the cattiness of rich aristocrats) he is finding that person and having words. Or, if he wants to create a more lasting impact, he uses his connections to bad talk the person and limit the job opportunities they get with members of the council.
Despite taking a little longer to realise his feelings compared to the other two, he would be the quickest out of them all to propose. Now that he knows that you’re the love of his life, more important than even his hextech, he doesn’t want to wait any longer to solidify your relationship and show the world the scope of your love <3
Vander is older than you which complicates your relationship from the get-go; no matter how much he yearns for for something more than this arrangement, it feels wholly inappropriate. Just the thought of meeting your parents, people closer in age to him than he is to you, makes him wince.
Still, it doesn’t stop him from acting more like your boyfriend more than just some guy who spoils you in return for your time. He picks you and your friends up from the club, gives you back rubs when you complain about a long day of work, even gossips with you about random celebrities he knows nothing about. He is sooooo whipped he practically has heart eyes whenever he so much as thinks about you. He admires everything about you and sometimes the doubt weighs down on him - you’re perfect in his eyes and it makes him believe that if he wasn’t essentially paying you to be with him, you wouldn’t have looked twice at him.
In this situation, he is so hopeless you would have to be the one to reach out to him and ask for a serious relationship. He would be taken aback, sure he knows he’s attractive but wouldn’t you want someone your own age? Someone you wouldn’t feel ashamed being with openly? Once he gets over all his fears and doubts this guy goes all out - he’s in love! Every time you guys get intimate, he can’t help but call it “making love” since now it’s something special that truly means a lot to you both.
Expect to be spoiled™️ when it’s time for holidays such as valentines and christmas. He doesn’t even expect anything from you, your presence is a gift enough for him, but if you do get him something (especially a well-thought out gift that shows how much you care) this man is bear hugging you with tears in his eyes. He is beyond ecstatic that he found his special someone, even if it happened in a very unorthodox way :’)
special mentions: jinx, viktor
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the-dumpster-fire-of-life · 4 months ago
Hiii, loved to see that you a writing for arcane again. Tbh I just loved Isha and Jinx, so could could you make headcanons for how Jinx, Vi and Cait would be like taking care of or rising a kid with a girlfriend or s/o?
Sure I can! I don’t want he post to be huge though so I’ll break it up into three separate ones! Enjoy!
Family Bound
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Raising or looking after a kid was not easy by any means, but taking care of one with Jinx was even harder
Jinx does not know how to be a paternal figure, or an older sibling kind of figure
She has really bad experiences with the only ones she’s ever known, so how was she supposed to fix that with some kid she’s not even related to?
But, for your sake, I feel like jinx loves you enough to try
If the kid was your sibling, I feel like she would be more reserved and distant from the child
In some way you and your little sibling remind her of herself and Vi when they were young and it’s not a good thing
She’s only able to take care of the kid once she separated those two things and finally able to bond with the kid
It takes a lot of time and patience from you for Jinx to be able to bond with the kid
If y’all found the kiddo, I feel like it would be easier for her to take care of it more than it being your sibling
When she does come around, Jinx can be very protective of the kid
She’s more the parent that doesn’t discipline and lets the kid get away with stuff, which causes some behavioral issues and arguments between you two cause that’s not really a good thing
So she has to learn from you how to take care of the child
She teaches the kid lots of things like how to invent gadgets, to make sure they work, how to protect yourself, and lots of other things like that
On more positive notes:
You’re the main bridge between the two so when they’re left alone together, they have no clue what to do or how to bond
But you do find little bits and pieces of a genuine bond forming between the two
You see the little smile Jinx wears when she finds genuine joy in taking care of them
She wonders how anyone could abandon their child or harm them when the one she takes care of with you is so beautifully innocent and childlike
In a way the kid heals the inner child and the Powder still inside of Jinx
She takes care of them in the way she wished Silco or Vi was
And she understands them in a way not even you can, especially if they show signs that Powder and Jinx did when she was young
She likes goofing off with the kid, and she likes playing around with them
You’ve found them roughhousing and giggling more times than you could count
and you’ve found them testing out bombs, which only happens when it’s in a safe place and a safe distance away
Jinx would never intentionally harm your guys’ child
She loves them so much that sometimes it’s scary to see how attached she has become
She doesn’t know what she would do if anything happened to you or the kid
She doesn’t ever wanna scare them, which has only happpened once
Jinx was having a freak out after everything has happened, probably after Vi was found to be an enforcer or after their fight
She was going through it, yelling, breaking things and crying and screaming
She didn’t notice how scared your guys’ child was until they started crying
Jinx felt her heart break, and even if she was ashamed of doing it, she ran out
She didn’t know how to handle the gaf she scare them so much
She was gone for a while and when she came back she was visibly distant
It took a lot of patience and reassurance for her to come back around the kid without being hesitant about every move
But the kid loved her, and when she saw your child was more sad about the fact she was gone, it broke her heart and almost healed it at the same time
She doesn’t know what she would do if they feared her badly
She loves coloring with the little girl or boy, and she likes helping them figure out outfits
She likes running around the lanes with them, or going to the old hideout
The two also love messing with Sevika as the woman has now joined your little mini family
Jinx and the kid often pass out together, both on the ground or wherever and limbs tangled and snoring with drool on the corners of their lips
Which means you have to carry both to bed a lot of the time
Jinx loves. Showing he kid to invent, and how to fight and everything
She loves seeing the sparkle in the kids eye when she shows them fireworks and anything Jinx
She and the kid have a bond you don’t know how to describe
She also doesn’t try to keep the fact of who she is and the things she’s done a secret from the child
Sometimes she can be harsh, but it’s from a space of love even if the kid gets hurt feelings
She always makes up for it though
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