#and he just looks so displeased to be there lmfao
oplishin · 9 months
Anytime Cody and Seth mention each other in interviews I go a little insane because Cody’s always like “I don’t like Seth BUT I respect him so much top 3 current wrestlers for sure but I don’t think he likes me or that we’ll ever be friends :( BUT he got me a birthday cake!!! Have no doubts tho our rivalry is real and true >:((( he’s also MVP of the year”
and meanwhile Seth’s like “oh you’re gonna ask me about Cody again? Yeah he did tear his pec that one time. Anyway”
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awearywritersworld · 7 months
how do you think uraume would react to reader? because I think their interaction, with or without sukuna, would be really funny.
oooooooooo!!! i kinda feel like this would actually be a bit of a heated moment???? maybe i'm just a uraume hater tho lmao
tags/warnings: cursing. protective!sukuna. 400 words.
you and sukuna are sitting so closely that your thigh is pressed to his, even though the park bench you're both occupying offers more than enough space.
there's a chill in the air, but your hands are wrapped around a cup of hot chocolate, something sukuna insisted you get to help you stay warm.
you're prattling on about the manga you just finished, and he's asking you questions every now and then. it's something you appreciate, because while you know the actual story does little to interest him, he still cares about it because you do.
suddenly the chill in the air seems to intensify and your words die in your throat when someone materializes in front of you.
they're gazing at sukuna so intently and their eyes seem to glint upon hearing their name from his lips. looking between the two of them, you try to recover from your initial shock.
"sama?" you question, your voice laced with humor. "you?"
uraume's gaze lands on you for the first time, and you realize that they hardly noticed you were even there until now.
"you dare question sukuna-sama's nobility and power?" they sneer, flames dancing in their irises. "when you are nothing more than a mortal i could easily crush?"
just as you register that this situation is not one which calls for thoughtless quips, sukuna is gone from your side.
his body moves in front of yours protectively, easily knocking away uraume's outstretched hand.
his voice is resolute when he speaks. "she is not to be touched."
sukuna had valued uraume's unyielding loyalty in the past, but with you in the picture, all it does is serve to evoke his nerves.
immediately, uraume's knee meets with the ground as they kneel before him. "i apologize, master, for i was not aware."
despite their words, you still feel the hair on the back of your neck stand up. their irritation and jealousy over being scolded because of a human seeps from their body and mingles with yours.
your hands grips sukuna's arm as you peer around his side and nervously apologize. "s-sorry. i was just joking around—"
"not helping," sukuna sighs.
"right!" you squeak, disappearing behind his broad back once more.
though his cautious eyes do not leave uraume, sukuna reaches for your hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.
he can't help but wonder why now, of all times, his past has decided to catch up to him.
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hehheheh thank you for asking this nonnie! i do think there would be quite a bit of humor between these two once they become acclimated to each other.
it would definitely take uraume forever to warm up to reader, especially since reader likes to poke fun sm, but they'd never outwardly show it bc they can't bear the thought of displeasing sukuna.
then the day that uraume finally banters back with reader she'd be over the moon about it lmfao bc i think she'd kinda make it her mission to be friends w them and acclimate them to the modern age.
i'm also thinking about how uraume's eyes would absolutely bulge out of their head when they realize what's contained in reader's necklace.
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cheemken · 9 months
Oh that mental image of him breaking down and his Dragonite gently holding him until he's ready to hug back--crying in the club fr I wanna write this scene so much
Another personal hc that I have is definitely one that has a lot of self-projecting onto it. Mostly from the throw away line of 'my knees are creaking' and how the other E4s run to the end of the arena while he takes his sweet time. Couple that with lines on how he fell asleep and is always just resting at the club, a part of me likes to think that he's got some health issues. Maybe joint pain or something that causes chronic exhaustion.
Drayton isn't all too bad with his classes schoolwork wise but he fails primarily on his lack of attendance. Maybe it's partially from days where getting out of bed is hard, or when he can't pretend that everything's all fine and dandy. Sitting down often because standing or walking too long causes his knees to act up. Napping when he can cause he's just low-key tired all the time.
Perhaps he wouldn't have gotten the reputation of being lazy and a slacker if he just spoke up about it but no. He gives me the vibes of someone who dislikes pity, having a level of pride where he prefers to handle stuff on his own. He's got a system with his Pokemon where they help him on bad days. Shame that's how people saw him but it's not like he's making an effort to dispel it anyway. He'd hate it if those displeased looks turned to pity instead
But I'm also a sucker for days where he just can't summon up the energy to pretend around people, and while most just chalk it up to him being lazy again, maybe his friends can tell and help make things a little easier.
(Again, that's just my personal hc with a healthy dose of self projection. I just love putting him through situations haha)
Omf cndmcndm yeah yeah I get that I understand that that hit me right at home lmfaooo
No but, imagine if the reason behind that too is bc how grueling the training of Drayden was. Cause I also have this small hc that Iris really tried to keep up w Drayden's 10k push ups, sit ups, and squats during their training too (so she's a bit built thanks to that lmfao), but Drayton couldn't keep up w that, he tries but he couldn't, his body wasn't frail to say the least, but he wasn't built like Drayden or Iris, his body was a bit weaker compared to theirs, so when he tries, even when he did warm ups beforehand, it'd still leave his body quite sore
That plus the lil hc I have that he always waits for Iris to come back home most nights, so he stays up late most of the time too, making him tired the next day
But yeah, with his pride, he always refuse to get help, to the point he conditioned himself that there really is nothing wrong w him, but there is y'know, and sometimes he can't handle it anymore. There was once his body just needed rest that he didn't go to school at all, it resulted in his fam telling him if he's that lazy then he should just stop going to school and just help around the house, after all, he isn't trusted enough for the gym, wasn't motivated enough to do any kind of work, not even w school, so what's he gonna do
Anyways yeah, this I canon in my heart anon, just let the boy sleep in he deserves it
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infernalembrace · 1 month
Tell me about your most favorite oc who has very complex lore🥏🍹
Bro the way that you and I have the craziest most intense OC lore… My fav OC who also has very deep crazy lore is PROBABLY my Oblivion OC Ko’ra aka Kora.
She’s a khajiit (the cat folk) who was found as a baby (kit?) by a dark elf woman living in the city of Bravil who had ties the Cammona Tong (a dark elf criminal organization from Morrowind.) This woman was not the type to care for children or be nurturing in any way, but she’d been praying to the 3 good Daedra (the gods the dark elves typically worship) for a change in her life so she decided to not look a gift horse in the mouth and raise the Khajiiti child.
From a young age Ko’ra was taught the art of thievery and deception. She was already quite an accomplished pickpocket by the age of 7. She also always had a bit of a mean/sadistic streak and would bully the other children a lot. This was simply just a result of her environment + how she was being brought up at home. Her mother felt like she was simply preparing Ko’ra to survive in a cutthroat world. They lived in poverty in an economically depressed area so that wasn’t entirely untrue but that mentally definitely corrupted her early on and put her on a bad path.
Eventually Ko’ra’s mother would get caught up in some trouble and would end up paying for it with her life, leaving her to flee to the Imperial City so that she could (hopefully) disappear into the hustle and bustle. This is when she ultimately would end up joining the thieves guild, where she would work her way up until inevitably, due to her solipsism and devaluation of human life, she would kill in cold blood for the first time. This is how she ended up in prison (which is where you start in the game, until you conveniently get let out by some old guy who dies in 2 minutes lol.)
She would end up abandoning the thieves guild and while in the process of fulfilling all that the emperor had asked of her (Ko’ra is VERY superstitious and spiritual, so she took all the fate and destiny stuff he said very seriously) she also ends up tangled in with the dark brotherhood (a cult of assassins) and becomes a VERY devout worshippers of Sithis (the god they worship) and ends up as the listener (the highest rank you can get in the dark brotherhood. The ultimate kvlt guy.)
However after seeing everything that unfolds in terms of stopping the Daedric invasion of Tamriel, and ESPECIALLY after seeing Martin (the Emperor) turning into an avatar of Akatosh (the dragon god/god of time) and defeating Mehrunes Dagon (the villain)(kinda) it kind of makes her question literally everything in her life, and she ultimately fakes her death and abandons the dark brotherhood to become a Knight of the Nine (the gods that are worshipped by a lot of people in the games) while never speaking of her past.
Inevitably, that decision WOULD catch up with her. Sithis was VERY displeased by this choice. But I haven’t written that far so this is where the tale ends. Also I forgot to mention that she is a calico Khajiit which is very uncommon (at least in my headcanon.)
I hope I didn’t yap too much x.x lmfao
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druidgroves · 1 year
Edit 04/16/2024:
Putting all this here because I don't feel like making a whole post for this by itself & would rather have it somewhere that those who are actually looking for it can easily find it!
I've been hemming & hawwing about rewriting BLP for months now (if you've followed me through my bitching I commend you) & finally decided that in order for me to be truly proud & invested in what I was working on, I needed to refocus on a lot of things.
First, I haven't really written any new content for BLP in...months. I've just been trying to rework what I had and getting increasingly unhappy with it because I felt that since I had dedicated so much time to these ideas, they should be used. This lead me to realize that the entire fic needed reworking in small and major ways. I definitely see myself using a lot of what I've written here for the rewrite, just recontextualizing it and connecting it in more substantial ways to the major themes I want to hit on. Which was another issue.
I thought I had a major theme/throughline for the fic. I did not. Or rather, I did and it got very, very clumsy. Part of this comes from the fact that I did the bare minimum outlining because I was so excited to write & share what I was making. Things sort of started to get away from me & I was treating each chapter sort of as a one shot in itself so they were all sort of disconnected in a way that I was never happy with but felt too far into to do anything about. The clumsy handling of supposed major themes also came from what I identified as my main issue: I wasn't writing the fic I wanted to be writing.
In recent months I realized I was holding back. There were certain scenes, kinds of relationships, and graphic/violent themes I wanted to write about that I was scared about being received poorly despite the setting of Fallout being host to all sorts of dark & taboo things. Because of this I would shoot down my ideas as I was writing & subsequently became displeased with what I was making because I wasn't really getting to the crux of what I really wanted to write. Like ghosting around it in a way that coming back to the fic now, basically a whole year later, did not jive with me.
There's also the matter of Georgia developing a lot more in my head than what I was writing down. It's like every time I would strike out an old idea I could feel her over my shoulder in a "you're butchering me, you're butchering my character arc!" way lmfao. Writing BLP has taught me a lot about my own OC, which is kind of wild. This was Proto-Georgia. Pilot Georgia. First Draft Georgia.
Despite it all though, BLP has helped me a lot in terms of writing improvement! It's also helped me find lots of cool people in the fandom with amazing OCs and fics of their own. So for that, I probably won't delete this version of BLP for now, if only so it serves as a reminder of where I started!
I thank everyone who read, reblogged, commented, & kudos'd my fic. It truly means the world to me that literally anyone was interested in my silly little oc & my take on her silly little merc. Mwah <3 Off to the rewrite!
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Fandom: Fallout 4 Ship: Female Sole Survivor/RJ MacCready Characters: Canon Divergent Sole Survivor, RJ MacCready, Preston Garvey, Piper Wright, Nick Valentine, Original Characters List of Triggers: Self-harm, unhealthy coping mechanisms, unhealthy/abusive relationships, mentions of child death, (to be updated as they appear)
Summary: Georgia Tate has always had a plan. She planned to be a teacher, eventually a wife, and perhaps a mother. In the 2070s, she has a pretty good idea of how her life should turn out. But after she's thrust into a future where her old world ideals don't make sense anymore, she's determined to make the best of it. She's willing to fight for a safer world for her missing son to live in, once she finds him. RJ MacCready has always known what life is like in the wasteland. He knew just what it was like to be a leader, a mercenary, a father. To be a leader, you had to be tough, to be a mercenary, you had to be quick, and to be a father, you had to be there. So when a woman walks into the Third Rail calling herself the new General of the Minutemen with more caps than sense, MacCready thinks he might actually be able to pull of the job that brought him to the Commonwealth in the first place. What neither of them are prepared for is the Commonwealth getting turned upside down with Georgia at the epicenter, much less for making sense of the feelings steadily growing between them. But even with Georgia's boundless optimism and MacCready's endless realism, best laid plans can often go awry...
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Maybe I'll Say Maybe (Rewritten 01/20/2024; original)
Chapter Two: Crawl Out Through the Fallout
Chapter Three: Hit the Road, Jack
Chapter Four: Accentuate the Positive
Chapter Five: Dear Hearts and Gentle People
Chapter Six: I've Got a Feeling I'm Falling
Chapter Seven: Dream a Little Dream of Me
Chapter Eight: Rhythm of the Rain
Chapter Nine: I Get Along Without You Very Well
Chapter Ten: So Much to Do and So Little Time
Chapter Eleven: Just In Time
Chapter Twelve: Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall
Chapter Thirteen: It's All in the Game
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qvnthesia · 1 year
AHSOKA Ep4: "Fallen Jedi" thoughts
(considering how i'm already losing my mind it's only by the Will of the Force™ that i'm able to type this with whatever that's left of my sanity)
the way seatos' aesthetic always slays >>>>
(god how i wanna live my shadow phase there)
love it every time when ahsoka ignites her sabers, especially when huyang powered down that ship.
shin's subtle cloak drop 👀
lightsaber duels were FERAL this episode
lmao marrok disintegrating into dust and just obliterating all other fan theories about his identity. though, the dust was green in shade, similar to the nightsisters one 👀
"anakin spoke highly of you." "funny, he never mentioned you." dead.
the way the dialogues continue to slay >>>
okay hera sweetie I love you but bringing a 10-year-old to a potential warzone isn't such a good idea—
i'm mad at sabine for giving up the map but i understand her decision so i got mixed feelings about the outcome lol — though it goes to show how much layered she is, which is what I've always loved about her
my writer mind wants more information about peridea and the hyperspace coordinates
am i sensing something between shin and sabine? yes. am i interested? VERY MUCH 👀
here's reaction to when the hyperspace ring leaves 😭 she's just so fuckjng devastated
"i've got a bad feeling about this" 😭😭😭
and seatos, which has an ENTRANCE TO THE WORLD BETWEEN WORLDS??
live action world between worlds is beautiful 😭😭
"hello snips" WHAT THE—
"anakin" THE DEAGING LMFAO hayden's always looked like a 30-year-old anakin to me, it's, like technology, a bit off. let's see how it looks in the next ep though.
all-rounding questions to the ahsoka show (questions are also related to the sequels; respectfully asking, this ain't a place to bash them because I love the characters but also displeased with the writing and the way disney betrayed them):
jacen is a jedi and obviously luke and hera know each other, so he's going to train, right? or does hera decide something else for him considering kylo went on to destroy the temple?
are there any more details we can get about seatos considering it was settled by an extragalactic species and that it has an entrance to the world between worlds?
i hope we get to see bits of peridea; not much, but enough.
where's leia in all this? and luke? ik appearance isn't possible but a mention would be great.
would travel to peridea possibly create a rift in the galactic barrier of the known galaxy? there was some SERIOUS void-like cronau radiation trailing behind when the ship jumped to hyperspace 👀
how did clan wren d-word? and why didn't ahsoka trust sabine? was it with regards to physical or mutual support?
(more questions will be added later on)
hands down, ep4 is a gazillion out of 10 from me. as i've indicated, I am clearly very much dead, and will be back alive next week to scream more.
live reaction to seeing anakin:
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unhingedselfships · 1 year
Phe is a Mean Lil Tease (don't let her fool you, she is also a sub, Kimi is just even subbier lmfao)
Fingers coaxed soft whimpers and gasps from the rounder woman, stroking a careless but insistent rhythm as her thumb played at her lover's clit.
Pressed into her side, mouth nipping and licking at the nearest breast, moaning into the soft skin every time pale fingers tugged at her dark hair.
She was content, smug, at the way she could lazily play the woman's body. It really didn't take much.
So amusing.
So cute. 
A little extra pressure, a slightly sharper nibble, and she hummed, pleased at the breathy, high, moan. 
She teased and tormented the body writhing beneath her with delicious pleasure, happily taking her time, dragging it out.
So when the sharp gasp of his name met her ears, she was displeased.
Glancing over at the doorway, from the corner of her eye, she saw him standing there, making some dumb face.
Of course, when wasn't his face dumb?
A final insistent suck, and her lips released the nipple she'd been toying with, with a lewd, damp, pop.
She rested her cheek on the soft flesh, staring at him, mischief in her eyes.
The soft mewling turned vaguely discontent even as the sensations kept building. She knew her pretty pseudo-wife was terribly embarrassed, but she also knew her body, and knew she felt good. 
And really Kimi was such an indulgent thing, shameless at times, she was flustered at being seen, but wasn't by any means going to ask Phe to stop.
"Hey dipshit-chan, I don't really care if you wanna watch, or join in, or go away, but just standing there is making my Kimi uncomfy, so figure it out, hmm?"
The tug at her hair let her know she'd aggravated the woman, but massaging against the special spot she knew just how to find, and giving a quick nip, had her arching and she knew that while it wasn't forgotten, the scolding was delayed.
Looking back up, the man was gone, but she could hear him stomping and slamming about the apartment.
She giggled, that particular giggle she did when she was about to start shit. And shouted.
"Let me finish her off, and she's all yours!"
Something was thrown, and her name fell from soft pink lips like a curse.
Shifting around to slip between thick pale thighs, she grinned impishly. 
"I'm not sorry," she teased, before cutting off the would be reprimand with a firm lick.
Fingers dug into sheets and the high pitched pants picked up, killing any admonishments in her throat.
Her lazy but persistent efforts of the morning were paying off, and she could tell by the whimpers and mumbled words that her sweet-wonderful-adorable lover was ever so very sensitive. 
A firm, loving, grip on soft hips meant she wasn't going anywhere and relentless strokes and swirls had the soft woman keening.
She'd long figured out all her favorite spots.
And the ones that were "too much". 
Annoyance at the interruption had her focusing on the latter, a delightful sort of punishment for her darling.
The way the body in her grasp trembled told her all she needed and she kept going even as heels dug into the mattress, and fingers dug into hair.
She felt the first tear through her, and she knew he could hear them, hear her. The woman really could be loud when pressed.
How delightful.
She was feeling rather mean today, wasn't she? 
Too bad for everyone else.
Fingers digging in harder, a tight grip on pretty hips, and no amount of begging had her letting go.
She wanted one more for the road, damnit.
The sobs changed in pitch, and she knew she had her, and as the soft body all but convulsed she slowed her pace, a gradual let down, dragging it out as long as she could.
One final lazy lick and she rested her cheek on the soft skin of her thigh, fingers absently tracing over stretch marks, and cooed at the sweet little hiccups Kimi made as she tried to catch her breath.
"Aww don't act like you're actually mad~"
"He's going to be such an ass."
Phe snorted inelegantly, "When isn't he? You rest up pretty girl, I'm going to get a drink."
All she got in return was a pout and she grinned.
Pulling on a dress as she left the room, she spotted him pouting in the kitchen.
"You can have her back now, I had my fun."
He threw something at her and she laughed.
Kimi all but snuck out of her bedroom, freshly washed and newly clothed.
She shrunk under the glare he leveled at her.
"M'sorry Kenshi. I didn't know you were coming today."
"Funny, I didn't know you were either."
She winced at his retort, an odd sound not unlike a deflating balloon leaving her.
She wouldn't meet his eyes, and withdrew on herself a bit further.
He huffed, and stood.
"Well it's a later start than I wanted, but if we leave now, we should still be able to fit in everything."
Her hopeful eyes looked up at him and she smiled.
"Yes, Kimberly, now get up. Let's go."
She poked her head into the kitchen, grabbing a kiss and saying goodbye to Phe. It further annoyed him but oh well.
Honestly what didn't?
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cat3ch1sm · 3 years
i’ve just read your chrollo x reader… obsessed alreadyy, cant wait for your next parts to come. stay safe, love <33
🍈|OKAY GUYS HERE IT IS IM SO SORRY LMFAO- y'all have to understand how busy i am fr, there will probably need to b a part 3
💚| link to part one! (fem reader btw)
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Chrollo Lucilfer had finally arrived up to the Prime Minister's extravagant bedroom, standing in front of the door and eyeing the browning blood splattered all over the floor with distaste. Carefully, he stepped over the body and head of the cadaverous corpse and eventually took his place beside you, looking down to face you. "You said that he touched you- that is why you killed him?"
"Yes, that's right... should I have refrained?" you queried cautiously, not meeting Chrollo's gaze, instead staring disdainfully at your bloodied dress.
Chrollo remained silent for a few seconds before answering. "No- I suppose we had no use for him; he'd already given up the location of his artifacts. Besides... I'm not sure that I'm very fond of the idea of him with his hands all over you..." Chrollo's jaw tightened ever so slightly as he folded his arms across his chest, staring at the floor with contempt.
You glanced up at your boss, a little caught off guard by his expression. It wasn't like he seemed outraged- but there was certainly something a bit off about his reaction. Since when did Chrollo care about anyone touching you? Usually it was anything for the mission- but now he seemed... displeased as he eyed the corpse before him dubiously. It was strange- there had been many times on missions where Troupe women had had to sleep with or seduce targets, but Chrollo had never seemed bothered by it when Machi or Pakunoda did it. Why were you suddenly an issue?
Opting to put the matter aside, you shrugged dismissively. "What matters is that we know where the treasures are- have the other Spiders been sent down to the chapel already?"
Chrollo seemed to snap out of his daze, abruptly lifting his head back up to look back at you. "Oh- yes, they were dispatched around fifteen minutes ago. They should be alright- a few guards shouldn't be a problem for them at all."
You were even more confused now, furrowing your brow. "Aren't we going to go join them?"
Chrollo's perpetually pensive gaze seemed to intensify as he looked you directly in the eyes, and suddenly you were overly conscious of the fact that your dress was still totally unzipped, leaving your Spider tattoo and much of your bare waist and back visible. Feeling a little embarrassed at being half-naked in front of your boss, you dropped your gaze to your heels, completely blood-soaked as well.
"Why would we? Retrieving a few artifacts should not be a difficult task for them- if they do happen to need us, they'll contact us."
"Oh. Uh- alright." You didn't know what else to say, pulling at your fingertips awkwardly before deciding to reach behind you to try and zip up your dress to escape from the tension. However, the angle you were positioned in stopped your arms from bending far enough to reach your zipper.
Oh, great.
"B- Chrollo, would you mind helping me redress?" you queried reluctantly, a bit mortified to have to ask the man to help you dress. "I'm sorry- I hope I didn't off-put you with my dress unzipped like that." You got to your feet, moving toward Chrollo with your eyes still fixed on the floor.
"As a matter of fact, I do mind." Chrollo replied, gazing down at you with an unreadable expression on his face.
You blinked hard before immediately defaulting to apologizing profusely, trying to correct yourself. Obviously he'd be uncomfortable- that was weird! It was weird to have your superior put your clothes back on. You shouldn't even have asked.
"You do? I apologize, I really should have known that wouldn't be proper. I'll get it myself-"
"Why would you want to cover up such beautiful skin?"
You froze- as in, you came to a complete dead stop.
What did your boss just say to you?
"I- huh?" was all you could manage to blurt. Had you heard Chrollo right? What was going on?
When Chrollo didn't respond immediately, you decided that the remark had just been your ears playing suspiciously realistic pranks on you. You blinked and wrinkled your nose, baffled, before realizing that you were still standing awkwardly in front of Chrollo, your dress still unzipped, and you immediately dropped your eyes to the ground.
"I see you're a little perplexed," Chrollo began suddenly, making you jerk your head back up in surprise. So you hadn't been hearing things- he'd actually told you that you had beautiful skin. Now you felt totally discombobulated- Chrollo wasn't making any sense. Not knowing what to say, you opted to simply stay silent as he continued, his voice calm and even as usual despite the uncharacteristically... personal words that were coming out of his mouth.
"Don't look so bewildered, Y/N." Chrollo smiled, a warm gesture with a hint of cockiness, and you couldn't believe he was acting so nonchalant. "Surely I'm not so much your superior that I can't pay you a small compliment without you getting flustered?" He tilted his head at you with a pitifully smug look on his face, his hair dropping down his head to cover his bandage.
It was getting ridiculously difficult to hide the hot blush spreading across your cheeks, but not wanting to sacrifice your dignity, you stared Chrollo in the eyes defiantly, crossing your arms across your chest, most of your upper body with the exception of your breasts still exposed.
"Well- are you enjoying the view, Chrollo?" you asked bluntly and a little peevishly, at a loss for anything else; his expression changed into one of surprise at your words.
The second the question left your mouth, you cringed internally, cursing yourself for saying something like that to your boss. He could say what he wanted- but you couldn't. You felt like an absolute mess- why did Chrollo even feel the need to compliment you to begin with? You were never going to recover from this.
But you were rather caught off guard when Chrollo responded with: "As a matter of fact, I believe I am."
Without thinking, you let out a quick disgruntled exhale- now you'd never be able to regain your composure. Unable to come up with anything flirtatious and still quite confused, you made a lame attempt to maneuver your way out of the situation using reason, taking several steps back from the man to make yourself seem more disinterested than you admittedly actually were. "Chrollo, all I do is work for you. There's just no way we can-"
You knew it was a weaker protest than you'd hoped it to be when Chrollo interrupted you with an audible chuckle before fixing you with a stare that made your knees wobble a little. Still, you held his tranquil but mischievous gaze the best you could.
"Y/N," Chrollo murmured, almost whispered- "I don't want to hear your excuses. Come here."
Okay, so he definitely saw straight through your facade. Great- at the very least, you hoped he couldn't sense your growing arousal, the moisture pooling in between your legs. It would be humiliating if he found out you were already turned on.
A little warily, you walked back towards him, your dress halfway down your shoulders and barely covering your chest anymore. What was he doing? Was he displeased with you?
Your questions were answered when Chrollo took your chin in his hands delicately and pressed your lips gently to his, and instinctively you lifted your own arm and wrapped a hand around the wrist that had your chin. Chrollo seemed to sense that you were on edge, however, and wrapped his other arm around your waist firmly, as if to protect you from some unseen danger. The gesture did help your body relax some, and it was just after you closed your eyes as well that Chrollo pulled away.
"Chrollo, why-?"
Chrollo held up a hand to stop you mid-sentence, already knowing what you would ask him. "Ah- it's a little hard to pinpoint just when I began to feel something for you, I'm afraid. But as for why?"
You stood there expectantly, still a little dazed from Chrollo's tender kiss, waiting for him to tell you what had drawn him to you.
"I'm afraid I can't tell you exactly what it was." Chrollo's stare suddenly intensified, and he leaned down to kiss you again, unexpectedly; this time you did not stiffen.
You were quiet for a little while. "Well... I suppose I can't say I don't feel the same way... but what about the others? Of course, right now we still have a mission to carry out, and I'm sure the other spiders are waiting for us. And not just now- if we try to go anywhere with this, what would it do to the Troupe's dynamic?" The initial euphoria of Chrollo's kiss had faded away and doubt began to set in. "Perhaps this isn't the best idea- there's just so much to consider-"
"Didn't I say I didn't want to hear any more excuses, Y/N?" Chrollo cut you off, his expression somewhat goading with an eyebrow raised. "If anybody has anything to say about this, I'll deal with it myself. Do you understand?" His tone was firm and authoritative, and it put you a little back on edge.
When you didn't respond, Chrollo took it as to mean that you agreed. "Why don't you calm down, my dear- nobody will harm you. I only want to please you."
You still weren't that convinced- this all felt quite sudden and you weren't sure how to process it. The words were sweet and they seemed sincere- but what was really behind them? Dubious, you remained silent.
"God, you're stubborn," Chrollo muttered, and you turned to him in shock- but you barely had time to process the remark before you felt Chrollo's arm slip around your waist and your body being pushed back until you were at the foot of the bed- and once you were there, you toppled over, Chrollo forcing your back down onto the bed.
"Chrollo-" you gasped, but he cut you off with a passionate kiss, one that made you glad you were already laying down- and without thinking, you kissed him back as his hands made their way to the loose straps of your dress and slid them down your arms; you made no move to stop him.
"Don't worry," Chrollo promised, voice breathless but level as always. "As I said- I only want to please you."
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🌱| (author's note after editing): okay y'all r gonna kill me but... i will be away for about four days so uploads will still b slow- part 3 will def have actual smut for sure but i knew i couldn't keep u guys waiting any longer😭😭😭 im super sorry hang in there guys ily
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t0shii · 3 years
hi! i hope your having a nice day! i was wondering if you could write something for suna, bokuto and tendou? something where the boys (separately of course hehe) are cuddling with their s/o (who gets shy pretty easily and hides their face) and keep complementing and being super soft with them (some cute and intimate moments, calling them by sweet nicknames). only if thats ok with u! if not just ignore this. i love your writing btw :) <3
ღ — cuddles & compliments
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.! suna, bokuto, tendou (sep) x gn!r
.! fluff/ not proofread
.! hi! ty for the request! this was cute- hope u enjoy <3 (sorry for the wait- i actually started this soooo long ago and i only just finished it, hence why sunas is so long lmfao)
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you can help the giggle that escapes your throat as suna places kisses on your neck, "rin that... that tickles." you say in between breaths, playfully hitting his back. "'m sorry, you're neck is just so pretty, i had to kiss it." you gasp, heat rising to your cheeks, "why do you say things like that?" "like what?" it's not til he feels the heat radiating from your face that he notices you're embarrassed. "you don't like when i compliment you?" he raises his head to look at you, pout on his lips, "n-no it's just that-" "but i think you're so cute- in fact it's not just your neck that's pretty y'know? everything about you is so pretty, especially your lips." he smirks, leaning in to kiss you, but stopping just as your lips graze his, "you're such a pretty thing, aren't you?" he mutters and you're sure he can feel you're heart about to beat out of your chest, "you get flustered so easily don't you?" suna grins, an airy chuckle leaving his lips and you groan, "you're so mean to me sometimes." you complain, pushing his body off of you, or you try to anyway, "'m not moving." he says, face already buried back into the crook of your neck, "fine." "you really are beautiful, y'know."
usually bokuto's attention would be on the movie but for some reason reason he could not take his eyes off you tonight. maybe it was because he'd been away for a month for an out of country tournament or maybe he was just head over heels for you, well let's face it, it's definitely both. "you're so beautiful." he blurts, immediately heat rises up your cheeks, "bo, don't say things like that!" you whine, covering your face with your hands. "uhh i- uh, sorry! i didn't mean to- wait, why not? you don't like my compliments?" now he's tugging on your wrist, "no it's not like that bo, it's just..... i dunno, embarrassing?" "EMBARRASSING? why? it's true you're so pretty- he pouts, squinting at you -now i'm offended, i thought you liked when i complimented you." you giggle "i do like your compliments, but that time what out of the blue." "hmm whatever, i'm just gonna keep complimenting you out of the blue, "i kinda like flustering you."
"you're really pretty, y'know." tendou smiles and immediately your face grows hot, "satori! you have to warn me before you say things like that!" you groan, hands moving to cover your face though before they even make it there he's grabbing your wrist and holding them still. "you're soooo beautiful, my beautiful beautiful baby." he laughs as you trip over your own words. you're about to protest against his words but his lips are quick to kiss yours, "and don't even think of saying otherwise or else i'll be very displeased." he smirks, kissing you again. he pulls away, studying your face, "mhm, s' beautiful and all mine too aren't you?" you nod hesitantly, "there we go, see? that's the spirit!" he chuckles letting your wrists go to cup your cheeks in his hands, "so beautiful." he mumbles, kissing your forehead.
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taglist @sergeant102105 @soft-elle @kozu-zumi @jeansgirl @borealis-tristesse
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piduai · 2 years
finally sat my ass down and read vol 31 of gk properly
1. i know that i personally was fed like a pig about to be sent for slaughter but i'm greedy so i'm still a bit annoyed there was nothing new for the epic saga of tsurumi and ogata. like i'm feeling antagonized here. is it my own fault for having unrealistic expectations? yes. will it stop me from complaining? no.
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2. the line about becoming bait is gone, now he's saying just 'sugimoto and co are coming here'. i thought it was weird af when the chapter came out so i am not displeased
3. reading these chapters reminded me of the convos around each of them i either took part in or saw glimpses of and reaffirms my strong conviction that if you sent a handful of pebbles to first grade they'd put the vast majority of gk readers to shame in terms of intelligence. anyway i remember particularly how much weird fucking discourse that page of sugimoto looking at asirpa after she shot ogata brought. funnily sometimes the volume versions give a little bit more insight into the most controversial things that went down in the eng speaking part of the fandom, so i imagine japanese readers could have had some difficulty with that too. there was an added page in 309 of sugimoto thinking "her alone i can't take with me. her alone i can't put on a vip seat on the train to hell"
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and then two additional ones in 310 after ogata yeets himself off the train
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in which he's like "at the end of the day, i couldn't treat her like my partner, not truly, not from the bottom of my heart... not until i saw that she's resolved to follow me to hell". don't get me wrong if you're a stubborn dumbass with less emotional depth god granted a rusty kettle no matter how pre-chewed and soft the food you're being spoon-fed is you'll still be fucking stupid i guess. and not GET IT. but the story tried, it tried
4. the close up page of ogata blowing his brains out has been wiped, now it's a distant focus and shiraishi, asirpa and sugimoto are shown looking at him in shock. very disappointed, it was my favorite page in the chapter
5. the whole seemingly random exposition in 309 of tsurumi's plans he just tells us because he wants to is not random at all, it was strategically placed there as a set-up for the omake. lmfao. so that has always been planned as the true ending i guess. except in the volume he tells all of this to a corpse because why not
6. 306-308 were gk's greatest flop era, genuinely the worst 3 chapters in the entire manga. i was mad as shit when i read them as they were coming out and i was mad as hell reading them now. absolutely disgusting. and also 0 improvement on them too, tho i guess since they're unsalvageable it would have been a waste of effort. but i am tired of those two. i am tired of everything related to them so i'll just pretend they don't exist
7. in the mag version sugimoto only punches ogata once, but in the vol he goes oraora mode on his ass. lmfao
8. the way the tsurussy has been kept shadowed for half a chapter before he lost his bones (which he kept in his HEART POCKET) and THAT page... chef's kiss
9. also not pertinent to the volume alone but i love how sugimoto beat ogata's ass but tsurumi gave him a good fight <3 close combat competent king
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i love her
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thedancefloorsilly · 3 years
how Leorio and Kurapika with a GN s/o who finds themselves getting into trouble a lot? not like intentionally, more like, “oh I didn’t even realize I took this 300 year old ancient artifact, oh I’m going to jail now? oops” or like “oh Tom? Yeah he’s a dick. Huh? He’s right behind me? yikes” LMFAO like their just unaware all the time and constantly in trouble 😭
Leorio + Kurapika With a S/o Who Gets Into Trouble A lot
HAA I love this request sm 😭 I wanted to get this request done sooner but ahhh school sorry :,) hope u have a great day nd enjoy these anon !!
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- Well Leorio can understands the few times you start getting into some trouble. He’s well aware of how he can be a klutz, too, sometimes, and that bad things can just happen to someone.
- Speaking of this, Leorio loves having you around because he won’t feel so embarrassed if he ever gets into trouble. He knows that you probably won’t be as judge-y with him being that you’re ALSO known for getting into some situations. 
- The first times you start to get into some trouble, he doesn't make a big deal out of it at first, though!! Instead, he just made light out of the situation by laughing it off.
- Sometimes he thinks you’re doing it on purpose to be funny. Though, Leorio later realizes that you’re NOT joking, and that you just naturally happen to get yourself into these things. He might think that you’re more clumsy than he is. 
- The more problems you get into the more more worried Leorio becomes. He honestly starts to assume that you have bad luck or something (this man will even surprise you with some lucky charm that he haggled from some town vendor as a joke gift). 
- Every time you ask him if you can go with him somewhere, he always just gives you that skeptical look. Yes, Leorio loves to have your company, but he still can’t help but remember that time where you almost accidentally got them arrested... or that time where you got yourselves in a fight between a whole group of people. 
- He WILL offer to stay by your side the whole time though, just in case anything happens..
- Kurapika is just so confused as to how the hell you get into these situations so often!! He simply doesn’t understand how someone is able to attract all this trouble when you guys go out.
- Whenever you go out with him, Kurapika is going to watch you like a HAWK. Yes, he DOES have trust in you and the fact that you can perfectly do stuff on your own, but how can he be so sure!!
- Don’t think he forgot about that time where you accidentally shattered that expensive glass from that store at the mall 👀 OR that time where Mizaistom overheard you gossiping about him (and where the hell he gets his milk from😐😐).
- Whatever situation you’re in, Kurapika is going to TRYY and get you out. Of course, he might roll his eyes playfully after seeing you get into trouble AGAIN, but at the end of the day Kurapika loves you and he won’t hesitate to try and help.
- When you guys are in some trouble, he might be a little stressed when trying to think of a logical way out of it. But that feeling is always fleeting once everything’s solved. He’d probably give you that “really? again?” type of look, but then just immediately chuckle as a later response.
- Kurapika actually loves to reminisce about any previous times you’ve gotten into some trouble. In those current moments, he remembered feeling a little displeased of course, but now when looking back, Kurapika just can’t help to laugh. He finds your cluelessness to this type of stuff to be pretty funny, and thinks of it as another little cute quirk of yours that he loved. 
- Sometimes when Kurapika is feeling down, he’ll always recall those little moments to help cheer him up!! Thinking about you always helps him raise his spirits, and whenever he does, all you’ll see if a small smile on his face just imagining those memories (especially that time with Mizastom.. he does have to admit it was funny as hell). 
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softgrungeprophet · 2 years
here i'll give you one from an AU that i DEFINITELY won't finish and haven't touched in a long-ass time lmfao—
the "johnny is a sentient android" spideytorch au
"What are Asimov's three laws of robotics?"
Peter smiled to himself as he tested the shoulder maneuverability on the empty body, and behind him…
"Ugh." Johnny sounded displeased. "How many questions are you gonna ask me?"
A stubborn one indeed. Still not full proof of anything, though normally the androids weren't capable of expressing disinterest or refusal… But even that could simply be error or damage, or just a customized personality chip. Especially as a life replica... Not everyone actually wanted a servile, obedient pet.
"As many as I need." Grady straightened his papers. "Tell me something: Do you have a soul?"
Peter cocked his head, as for a moment Johnny remained silent.
After a few seconds, he said, "I don't know. Do you?"
And Peter added, "You know that test only works on AI that hasn't been exposed to philosophy or the internet."
Grady groaned, but he said, "Of course I know that." He tossed his clipboard to the side. "What else am I supposed to do? I can't even prove your sentience. It's a completely intangible concept with no provability."
Johnny grumbled something.
"In your defense, no one can prove my sentience or lack thereof." Peter brandished his screwdriver. "My mind is an impenetrable fortress bolstered by 400 milligrams daily of pure caffeine."
A soft laugh escaped Johnny's speakers, and Grady and Peter both looked at Johnny.
Sure, they were all programmed to laugh at jokes, even to be self-conscious, but…
"That wasn't even funny." Peter pointed his screwdriver at Johnny, who'd averted his eyes. "I'm offended that you laughed at that."
Johnny's artificial eyebrows drew together, with this slight, half-formed smile as he said, "You're weird."
"Oh, I'm weird?" Peter pointed at himself, eyebrows shooting up. "Lemme tell you something—"
"Peter, don't argue with the sex bot."
Johnny's expression turned stormy, and his eyes locked on Grady to say, "I'm not a sex bot."
Grady put his hands up in surrender, leaning back in his chair. "Okay, okay."
"Just equipped like one—hey, what's wrong with being a sex bot, anyway?" Peter turned his back to the both of them as he rambled, reaching to turn the chassis he was working on so he could open the panel in the back. "Sex is great."
Behind him, Grady sighed.
Johnny's voice was the same even tone it had been this whole time, and he said, "I don't want to exist solely for someone else's sexual gratification."
Peter paused with a handful of screws in one hand. He looked over at Johnny, whose eyes were locked on him, face impassive. Peter stared right back. It was uncanny, of course. A human-like head on a metal stand. A depth to the eyes that he couldn't blame entirely on the craftsmanship, even though logically that was all it was. Craftsmanship. Nothing more.
So Peter asked the first question that came to mind: "What do you want?"
Johnny turned his eyes away again. "I want to take a break."  A glance, exchanged between Peter and Grady.
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unnerving-presence · 4 years
Could I get some headcanons of how the killers would react to a new survivor being brought to her first trial in full glam? Fancy makeup, fancy long nails, heels, tight breath restricting outfit, ect. And she cant do literally anything, she cant do gens cuz her nails get in the way, she cant run cuz heels and she gives out her location by yelling when her makeup runs and gets in her eyes. And she couldnt even take any of it off bc as soon as she was brought to the realm she was put in a trial.
You didn’t specify how many killers and what killers so I’m just gonna go with the ones I am the most familiar with! Also I don’t know if this is an s/o request or not since you didn’t really specify but I’ll make it one it one anyways
I’m not really doing the best right now, and I’m in a horrible mood, so if this is lazily written, that’s why.
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Evan Macmillan:
While he is familiar with the Entity’s hobby of giving survivors new outfits, he didn’t expect the new survivor to look like they were going to the prom. Not like he was complaining though, didn’t matter to him.
He thinks the dress looks nice. He likes the heels, they look really cute on you. Hopefully you aren’t as boring to chase as the other survivors are.
Honestly he’s really confused at first. Why are you so useless to your team? Why are you so easy to find? And why do you trip and fall everytime you try running from him? Heels aren’t that hard to run in, he thinks. Well, free kill for him I guess. he knows nothing about women’s clothes don’t blame him
Feels kind of bad though. He realizes the clothing doesn’t look comfortable at all, it’s obvious you can’t do much with those nails and heels, and you don’t look half bad.. Maybe just this once he’ll let you go.
He’s glad the Entity decided to give you some new clothes after that. Doesn’t really try chasing you though. Probably just because he can stare at your ass tbh. The longer the chase the longer that ass can giggle lmfao-
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Kazan Yamaoka:
He sees you and is very fond of your outfit. He thinks the makeup makes you look pretty teehee
Doesn’t change the way he treats you in trials though. He has to please the Entity somehow. Though he can’t help but be a bit amused by the way you act in trials.
Laughs to himself whenever he sees you attempt to work on a gen only for your nails to get in the way and blow it up. Probably laughs out loud when he sees you trying to run but you end up tripping and falling over your own feet. I’m sorry he just thinks it’s kind of funny. He’s never had a survivor like you before
He still sacrifices you though. He doesn’t wear dresses or makeup so he doesn’t understand why you were acting so strange. Kind of understands the nails though, they do get in the way sometimes.
He’s kind of bummed that you have a new outfit though, he liked the old one. He’s actually really surprised at how much you’ve improved at well, basically everything. Atleast there’s more thrill in the hunt than usual now that you’re actually a challenge.
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Philip Ojomo:
Look at you! You look beautiful! This boy doesn’t wanna hurt you-
He sees how the outfit gets in your way though. You can barely run from him since your dress is constricting you like a snake, and those heels aren’t helping either. Yeah, it’s best to leave you alone for now.
He feels bad since you think he’s not gonna hurt you. Well, for now he isn’t. But knows he has to sooner or later. The Entity is already displeased enough with him not hooking you, and he doesn’t want to suffer like Evan did.
The next time he sees you, you’re in a more comfortable outfit, and he’s happy for you! Now you can actually try and survive this hell hole. Though he isn’t too thrilled about having to hurt you. Welp, he has to get used to it sooner or later.
You see him and think it’s going to be a free escape, but alas, its not as you thought, and you immediately get sacrificed. Please understand it’s just his job ajdhhshs he doesn’t like hurting you and he wants to get you out of the way so you don’t have to suffer more.
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 years
(star emoji) for Grifting With The Enemy :D
Pumpkin!! 🧡🧡🧡 Hello, my dear friend, thank you so much for your endless interest & support!! 😍😍 And for giving me a reason to re-read GWTE, which I haven't done for a loooong time!! 😂😬 (But, the good news is, it low-key got me inspired to hurry up & finish it!! 😏) BUT - in the meantime - here's some BTS info from my re-read under the cut, which is a lot - fair warning - since it's a 4 chapter fic & counting!! ❤️
LOL I forgot how stressful it is coming up with names for random extra people in fics, I hate doing that LOL But I did think it was important to open with Red NOT being a merciless crime lord who kills anyone who displeases him, cause - while he does have that side to him when necessary - that's not who Red is or wants to be.
I liked including that little moment with Red & Dembe about the parallel parking. I love those father/son & brotp moments for them, they're just the best. I tried to sprinkle those in wherever I could in Red's POV in this fic.
I loved the mental picture of Liz - with glasses & beanie a la The Harem - just leaning casually against a bookshelf the first time Red sees her... & he's immediately captivated, just like in canon. Especially with her eyes, I can't NOT write any version of Red that is not completely blown away by Liz's eyes, I mean, come on I also thought it was important that he thinks she's much younger than she is (intentionally part of her persona) & I'm looking forward to writing the reveal of her true age in a later chapter.
I loved writing a Liz that instantly challenges Red, already having heard about him (& more than that, as revealed in chapter 2) & point blank telling him she may refuse the job bc she has a say too. I liked keeping - & even amplifying a little - that dynamic from canon!Liz of always surprising Red & keeping him on his toes, all while he's trying so desperately to stay ahead of her & impress her.
I LOVED writing the brush pass scene - that moment where Red realizes he has officially underestimated her - & LOL I completely forgot I wrote that part about the condom LMFAO wow past!Coda, mighty daring of you 😂😂😂
Plus, I couldn't help the bonus bit about her stealing his phone & tossing it to him to end the chapter, that was just so fun to throw in there!!
I liked opening chapter 2 with Red still thinking about Liz, just to show how she captured his attention, even before he finds out she's been stealing from him. And I liked writing that revelation without any anger on his part, with him understanding it wasn't a full-scale attack on his empire, she's just a thief taking well paying jobs where she can get them, & instead it just shows him how talented she is. I thought that was an important thing to clarify before moving forward.
I LOVED writing Red & Dembe surprising Liz in her apartment, especially the part with Red's snooping & being confused & surprised by what he sees there. I loved kind of creating/designing Liz's apartment to showcase her true self, not her "young thief" persona that Red falls for at first. I wanted it to be clear that Red is fascinated by her seeming duality from the start (canon LOL) as well as just straight-up attracted to her (also canon LMAO).
Also I gave Liz a loft apartment cause I've always loved those!!
And I LOVEDDD writing Red super confident about surprising her & looking forward to taking her off guard by settling in on the couch & all that macho man stuff, only to be rendered fucking dumbstruck when she comes downstairs with no pants on lmfao & I included that little detail of her usually wearing a knife on her leg to show she's not to be underestimated 😏 & I couldn't help but throw in there Dembe kicking the back of the couch, that made me cackle lmfao
I think the truce was important to establish asap bc I didn't want any secrets or lingering animosity between them. That's for canon 😒 Only flirting & sexual tension here, thank you very much.
I had to include Red being a gentleman & asking if she wanted to get dressed, but I also couldn't resist Liz being confident & careless about it, while still hiding tactfully behind the counter. I thought that was a cute exchange.
lmfao of course, I included their coffee preferences being noticed by the other, I think that's an obligatory thing in any Lizzington fic ever, I'm so guilty of that lmfao
I loved the idea of Red being ready to start on a classic Red's Blacklister Presentation but Liz once again stops him in his tracks (while still secretly being impressed by his presence, of course, & I even accidentally switched POVs for no reason to include that?? nice Coda lmfao) as well as trading barbs & quips with him while Red feels awful & guilty at any accidental slights bc he can't bear to insult her.
AM&R vs. AR&M whoops typo lol
I liked the little snippet of dark!Red we see in their conversation of consequences for his enemies, that way Liz sees a little bit of what he's capable of & Red sees how she's not phased by it.
And that last little flirtation & wink to finish the chapter - lol can't resist
Ooooh, I loved switching to Liz's POV (fully ha) for chapter 3, I enjoyed describing how head over heels she is for Red already, that was fun. I liked writing about her lil movie day & chores she's completed, as well as fleshing out her AU past a little with Sam & her young grifting experiences. And her burning her popcorn while daydreaming about Red cause... same 😏
Ooooh, phone conversations are always so fun to write between them, I love trying to get that perfect mix of joking & sincerity & flirting & pining & pressing the phone close to their ear.
I thought it was important to keep (or rather re-invent, since TPTB seemed to drop it like a hot potato 😒😒😒) Liz's intense interest & respect for psychology, especially as a reason for being attracted to Red, since it kind of mirrors one facet of his interest in her. Not to mention Red thinks at first that it's just a useless, do nothing degree for her LOL
Ohhh, I loved establishing that mutual respect & friendliness between Liz & Dembe early on, that's such a fave of mine, I've always loved their friendship & thought it had a lot of potential. Liz loves & respects Dembe for keeping Red safe & Dembe loves & respects Liz for being so dear to Red.
Ugh, I LOVED writing Liz so completely disarmed by Red's relative state of undress at his safe house (paralleling her pants-less parade in chapter 2, of course) bc sameeeeeeee girl.
I also had fun writing Red blabbing on about some story as he often does, meanwhile Liz has already picked the lock on the safe, once again impressing & surprising him while she admires his different passport pics. That was so fun.
And I loved the quick shift to just a little animosity between them with Red insulting her lockpicks & Liz flaunting her thefts from him. I think those little spats give a little electricity & tension to the relationship, even if they blown over quickly, which they always do. And the fact that Red apologizes & they shake hands & make up is very refreshing to me (since they never fucking do it in canon lol fml) & also it's an excuse to write a little teasing physical contact & sexual tension 😁😁😁
And damn, I forgot how fun it is to throw a little teasing jab in there at the end of a chapter, just for fun - probably bc I'm allergic to multi-chapter fics & never write them lmfao wow
Ahhhhhhhh. I remember how much fun I had writing this whole restaurant scene, partly bc it was a difficult & long process (trying not to make all the flirting & physical movements repetitive while fitting in all the necessary dialogue in a semi-non-boring way lol) but also bc it was so fun writing their back-and-forth while seated at a table alone with nowhere else to go & nothing to distract them. I also wanted to take the opportunity to show Red's genuine interest in her as a person & let them spend some quality time together for the first time. I loved the idea of them losing track of time & Dembe having to come interrupt them with a knowing smirk. Also I def referred to the Olive Garden website for the food they ate cause I'm lame lmfaooo
I thought it was cute to throw in that Liz almost couldn't find Red when she arrived but for the fedora marker he placed out for her & then when she's leaving, she can feel his gaze on her the whole way out. Little parallels like that are my guilty pleasure 😁
Omggg I forgot about the end of this chapter, I remember I wanted Red to surprise Liz yet again & I thought the dessert snuck into her bag was a cute touch. Plus, tiramisu is a favorite of mine 😋 I also tried to make the vibe of this phone call a little softer & more tentative, not so much on tender hooks with lots of tension as the previous ones have been, showing how they're getting used to each other & falling in love at a break neck pace lol
Welp, that's all 4 chapters that are posted buttttttttt a sneaky look at my document that I haven't opened for an embarrassingly long timeeeeeee shows my sketch for the rest of the fic which revealssssss....... a detailed 10 chapter map with an epilogue!! Wow, I forgot I sketched everything out in such detail, this isn't too bad, maybe I should actually write this 😂😂😂 And I promise I will, hopefully sooner rather than later!! ❤️❤️❤️
Well, there you go, Pumpkin, I hope that didn't take you too long to slog through & there was something enjoyable in there for you!! 😂 Thank you so much for your interest again, my lovely friend, & getting me excited about this fic again!! 🥰 Much love to you, always, Pumpkin!! 🧡
Fanfic Writers: Director's Cut
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thewriterowl · 3 years
I’M SORRY I MEANT CHAPTER 5, NOT 6. I AM DUMB. Pleaaase link us the kofi/paypal!!! I am so hungry for more Hope I’ll honest to god pay for like, the first 2 opening sentences lmfao
LOL you’re not dumb XD I was just wanted to check!
I don’t mind sharing! But this is a great way to experiment: https://ko-fi.com/shyowl let’s see how this works!
And for chapter five here is a little snippet in chapter 5!:
“Hold still and just let me know if anything hurts.” The Mandalorian urged.
“It won’t.” Luke promised.
The man just grunted and kept Luke’s injured hand out, cradled against his larger own, as he removed some Bacta-spray from the kit and began to apply it over. It was cool, and there was an instant difference in comfort, but Luke could barely feel anything else.
“You really can tolerate pain.” The man muttered.
“Yes.” Luke nodded. “I have to.”
He just made another grunt. He sounded displeased. He still felt angry.
“You’re fine.” He noted. “You haven’t done anything.” His thumb brushed over Luke’s fingers, looking over them for any sign of other injuries. “Anything else hurts?”
You hurt, little one. You hurt so much.
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WIP: Just a Little of Your Love
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So this is really only an idea, not a concrete one. It’ll deal with Reader’s relationship with a somewhat jaded Obi Wan (at this point it might also become a Din Djarin x Reader x Obi Wan, instead of past!Din Djarin x Reader—probably not lmfao). Basic summary is: “You’re a person who gives too much of themselves, Obi Wan is a person who has lost a lot of himself.” or the lyrics “And every time I think the planets alignin' // You're still so close, but yet so far.” —Still Dont Know My Name by Labrinth
title is also is also under construction lol (inspired by take by wens)
There’s a knock in the door and Din moves just slightly so you could see who is about to come in when you ask who it is.
“It’s uh Obi Wan.”
Din’s eyebrows furrow in question, most likely trying to figure out who that is. He practically knows everyone you work with or are friends with except for Obi Wan, whose name he has definitely heard, but can’t place. Obi Wan hasn’t been part of your life for such a long time.
“Come in.”
“I thought we could have lunch together. Anakin is—“ The door opens slowly and Obi Wan peers into the room, almost as if afraid to enter, until he sees Din and Baby, his mouth falling slightly agape at the unexpected sight, and trailing off. “Sorry, I didn’t know you had company, if I knew—“
“It’s fine, Obi,” you interject softly, hiking Baby higher on your hip. He’s getting bigger and heavier now, harder to hold. “You’re not interrupting.”
“I was just leaving, as well,” Din says, glancing at you with intrigue and a very much confused look in his eyes then at Obi Wan, and you sigh.
“Din, this Obi Wan Kenobi, an old friend of mine and Luke and Leia’s godfather.” Recognition flashes in his eyes, having seen pictures of Obi Wan when he was younger with longer hair and obviously from stories he's heard, whether from you or your friends. “Obi Wan, this is my friend, Din Djarin.”
Din moves away from you to offer his hand to Obi Wan, who accepts it. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Obi Wan. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“As have I,” Obi Wan says, stern and a little less than detached.
Din raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t say anything while you groan internally. What exactly has Anakin been feeding Obi Wan?
“Baby!” The little one in your arms squirms and you laugh, finding him looking at you with a scrunched up face displeased that you haven’t introduced him, yet.
“I’m sorry, honey. Obi Wan, this is Baby Djarin, Din’s son.”
“Our,” Din corrects, shooting you a look.
“Right.” You bite your lip to hide your wide smile, ducking your head before nodding. “Our son.”
Obi Wan blinks, taken aback by the sudden information and you don’t blame him. You’ll probably have to explain this situation to him since apparently Anakin and Padme chose to omit this part of your life from him (you ignore the fact that you have as well, but then again, you weren’t the one that kept in touch with him since he left and it’s not like you’ve had a chance to tell him since he came back either).
He clears his throat and a smile settles on his lips, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, little one.”
Baby is absolutely delighted that Obi Wan is offering his hand, practically jumping out of your arms to shake his hand. Din quickly balances him and you by placing a hand in your back and another on Baby’s tummy.
“Careful,” he murmurs, which makes Baby pout. Chuckling, he ruffles his son’s curls. “I should get going.”
“Good luck,” you tell him, watching him lean down to kiss the top of Baby’s brown curls. “There’s no doubt you’ll get the job.”
He sighs, a corner of his lips lifting into an unsteady smile. He’s nervous. “I hope so.”
“You’re going to do great,” you assure him firmly. “You know all the ins and out, and have Cara and Greef vouching for you. You are more than qualified for this position.”
He cracks a small smile. “Yeah, you’re right.” He doesn’t sound super convinced, but he still manages to nod resolutely and picks up his sling bag, but then he pauses. “You sure this is fine?”
You roll your eyes again. “Yes, Din. It’s fine. Baby being here is no trouble at all.”
“Okay. Okay. Just—I’ll try to head back as soon as I’m done.”
“Take your time and don’t worry. We’ll be fine.”
His head tilts slightly, but then he nods, finally relenting. Turning to Obi Wan, he says, “It was nice to finally meet you.”
“You too,” Obi Wan supplies back, but it’s still tense and stern.
Din doesn’t let it bother him, instead focusing on his son. “Bye, Baby.”
“Bwye, Papa!”
“I’ll see you both later.”
“Yeah, yeah, go!” He shoots you a look and you laugh. “Go,” you urge.
Din finally slips out the door, but not without another kiss to Baby’s head.
“So, son?” Obi Wan breaks his silence as you put Baby down onto his feet.
He’s quick to waddle to his bag and pull out a blanket, handing it to you to place for him on the floor. Din and you always place it on top to make it easy to take out and after seeing you and his dad do it so much, Baby just knows that’s his ground blanket.
“Yeah.” You place down the blanket, smoothing it out and Baby tries to help by grabbing the corners and tugging.
“How old is he?”
“Hey, Baby,” you faux-whisper, “wanna tell Obi Wan how old you are?”
Holding up four fingers in Obi Wan’s direction, he practically yells, “Thwee!”
Obi Wan chuckles, thoroughly amused at how excited Baby is to share his age. “Wow! You’re so big.”
“Yes,” Baby says, dropping himself onto his bottom once he’s satisfied with how you’ve laid out the blanket. “Big!”
“He’s turning four in a couple of months,” you inform him with a smile, sitting down next to your little one. “It’s why he’s starting to put up four fingers. Luke and Leia have been teaching him.”
“So Anakin and Padme know?”
“Of course they do. Why wouldn’t they?”
“They didn't mention it to me.”
Probably because Anakin didn’t think they’d be part of my life after Din and I broke up. But that’s not what you voice, instead you only say, “Oh.”
He raises an eyebrow, a perfectly arched eyebrow and it reminds you so much of the young Obi Wan Kenobi that you’d try so hard to impress with your ever growing knowledge.
“I figured they hadn’t with how you reacted earlier.”
“Baby is from a previous relationship of his?” He isn’t, not exactly, but Obi Wan doesn’t need to know what isn’t your information to give. “And you and Din are, what, coparenting?”
He doesn’t mean to sound like he’s being judgemental but it sure as hell sounds like it when he stares at you like that, like he’s questioning your life choices. You don’t like it. Never did.
“Baby was only a few months old when he came into our lives.”
“You have grown attached.” It isn’t a question, it’s a statement, a heavy loaded statement, one you don’t know if you even want to decipher.
You sigh. “Yes, Obi Wan. I am attached.” Baby slaps his hands on your thighs, grinning toothily and you smooth his hair away from his wide, brown eyes. “How could I not be? We are family. Blood or no blood.”
“I see.” He wants to say more, you can tell by the way he speaks his words slowly, with restraint.
Something bubbles in your stomach, nothing pleasant. It's anger and frustration and this need to yell at him like when you were both younger and you less mature. You want to push, to force him to tell you exactly what he wants to say, it’s never stopped him before, so why now? But Baby babbling in broken sentences to himself while trying to pull his toys out of his bag reminds you that you are not that person anymore, haven’t been that person in such a long time. And maybe it’s for the best.
“Wed truck?” Baby asks, showing off the newest toy in his collection and when you place your hand out, thinking he wants to give it to you, he stands on his two little feet and waddles over to Obi Wan. “Cheer up, pwease. Wed truck will help!”
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