#and he interrupted and started yelling at me and gaslighting me and claiming that i was the one who said something earlier not someone else
guppy365 · 6 days
The little Darling Needs to Calm down.(Yandere! Harem x Female Darling who wants to be a Yandere part 2)
Y/n runs out the front door and to her school. She had taken the test there on her 18th birthday. She stormed into to the school and the room where all 18 year olds take their test which is administered by a person who is a extra and a staff member.
She starts banging on the test room door angrily and yelling. "Hey. You messed up my fucking test. I got the wrong results.", she screams so loudly that teachers look out of classrooms all with a few students who were apart of after school clubs.
The student council was also present. Two members of it, Simon La Rue who was the president and Claira Simpson who was treasurer, went up behind Y/n. Simon grabbed Y/n from behind and pulled her away from the door while Claire got in front of her. "Hey. Leave me the Fuck alone.", yelled Y/n and she extract her herself from Simon's arms. She did not want Simon or Claira to see the darling collar on her. They were both yanderes and would get the wrong idea.
It was to late as Claire saw the collar. She cooed at Y/n. "The little darling needs to calm down.", said Claira causing Y/n to thrash harder and Simon to look at Y/n's neck. Both Yanderes started to talk softly and try to gaslight Y/n in order to placate the darling.
Y/n continued to struggle and growled at them. Finally Claira frowned. "Where is your yandere? They need to calm you down.", she says. Y/n sneered and spit at her. "Claira check her chip.", says Simon. Claira nods and pulls at her phone pointing it at the struggling darlings collar.
After a minute she frowns. "Nobody has claimed her yet, either platonically or romantically.", says Claira with a frown. Simon snorts. "No wonder. Who would want such a troublesome darling.", says Simon biting his lip.
Y/n growled and elbowed the student council president in the crotch. He grunted but did not let go. "You little...", starts Simon. He is interrupted though by the sound of a gun clicking.
"Put my little sister down.", says Johnathan in a cold tone. Simon sets Y/n down and she scrambles away to her brother who is holding a gun. Johnathan hugs her and kisses her forehead before turning and shoving her into Orion's arms.
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bundlebrent · 11 months
Work rant below because it ended up being way longer than I thought. I just couldn’t get all my thoughts out.
I know my boss has a good memory for an 81 year old but I wish instead of accusing me of gaslighting him all the time he would just actually listen to me during the conversations we’d had so he would remember it. We’ve had this fight So Many Times. We run a busy shop no one’s going to remember everything and if a person isn’t listening or dismisses what you’re saying they’re A Lot less likely to remember it.
Constantly I ask him to listen to me all the way through if I’m trying to clarify something and instead he interrupts just repeating the same thing he just said that I’m trying to make sure I understand in my own words. Or I ask a question and he’s like oh we have plenty of time don’t worry about. He’ll say all you have to do is tell me and I’ll remember things and that actually his memory is better than mine.
I’m never claiming to remember everything and in fact know for sure I don’t which is why I write things down and leave notes for myself. I am balancing my share of the incoming work, the shop’s taxes, the monthly accounts and coordinating with customers looking for larger orders.
We’re busy and when you’re busy no one remembers all details!!!
Another recent argument is about me making mistakes. When I rush Im more likely to make mistakes, which I’ve told him but my biggest recent mistakes? Mostly cases of communication errors.
The worst of my errors was him telling me to put something on his machine because he could have had it printed before I got in, forgetting I said I wasn’t finished and had asked if he was sure this image the customer sent would work or if I should simplify it. Then assuming now that it was on his machine it was done and proceeded to print and run it.
I should just start giving him things to do because I’m tired of him saying I spend too much time on each job and I’m wasting his money when actually I charge more than everyone else and I don’t spend as much time as he thinks on things. I negotiate the large orders that bring us $200-$3000 worth of work. We have several customers who only call or come in when they think he won’t be there.
I know part of it is I’ve been there the longest so he feels the most comfortable yelling at me but Jesus fucking Christ I can only take so much
TLDR: My boss is shit at communicating and accuses me of gaslighting him when he doesn’t remember.
I’m tired of everything being ‘my fault’ all the time and everyday I want to quit more.
I also said we we’re busy like 17 times.
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newfruits · 4 years
i want to play acnh but the controller drift is unbearable and i dont have a spare $100 to buy new ones. also im depressed.
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Writing Toxic Male Characters (from someone who has dated toxic men)
CW: abvse, toxicity, the whole mile
I could write these for hours. So, if anyone out there is writing (or even experiencing) a toxic relationship or person in general, send me a message or comment what you want/need tips about & I will definitely respond. No judgement for anything at all, 100% judgement free. I’m here to help whether it’s with writing or real life.
They won’t show signs of toxicity right away.
They will lie, they will say elaborate lies, sound genuine doing it, and they will roll with it for a while.
But there’s something about the lies that sounds or feels outrageous, too good to be true, and the victim characters have a nagging intuition that something isn’t right but they can’t say anything yet.
They eventually come clean, whether it be by overwhelming guilt from being in too deep, being exposed, or otherwise.
When they do come clean, they will cry & once again, sound very genuine with regret for lying. Or, if they’re exposed, they will react with anger, rage, blame…
They want to seem bada$$. That’s their goal. They want to be a perfect bada$$, maybe a hero. Deep down they know they aren’t sh!t.
They use other peoples belongings or money & flaunt them as their own.
They get massively upset and rage at the victim for things as simple as saying thank you to a waiter. Example: a waiter sets down food at a table, the victim looks at him and says thank you, the toxic man gets upset. He’s silent, he’s looking down at his food waiting for victim to ask what’s wrong. They do, and he acts disgusted, he says he can’t even eat now but he won’t say what’s wrong until they beg him to. He eventually says “you think that waiter is cute, don’t you?” Victim is shocked. He keeps telling them to admit it until they get upset enough and walk out of the restaurant. On the way home, he’s screaming at them at the top of his lungs, saying massively hurtful and horrid things, threatening to jerk the wheel & drive off the road (and actually trying to do it), when that fails, he threatens to jump out of the moving car….. (true story from my life lmao) notice the spiral & increasing intensity of it. That’s the main point. Something small is a trigger, then ignoring, refusal to speak, acting disgusted, slamming doors, accusing, screaming, then lives being threatened.
They embarrass their victim in public for things they didn’t even do. Example: wearing pants that ‘accentuate curves,’ the man might throw a fit about the pants because “other people will be looking at you,” and even if other people AREN’T looking, he will ASSUME they are and confront them for something they weren’t doing, and then scream & yell at the victim for ‘making him do it because they didn’t have to wear those pants in public.’
He will have a social life, but if his victim does, he will purposely & tactfully isolate and gaslight them until he’s the only person in their life. The victim won’t be allowed around his friends either. He’s the only one.
Calling the victim at ungodly hours of the night, threatening to self unalive for whatever reason and expecting them to stay on the phone with him for hours, even when he knows they have work or school in the morning.
Threatening to self unalive over the phone, claiming he’s at a place other than home with a gvn, when he’s really just at home sitting in his car in the driveway. Example in an outline text: “he called her at 5am with a flat, monotone voice. He asked her what she was doing before interrupting to say he can’t take it anymore. He claimed he was at a baseball field with a gvn in his glovebox, ready to use it on himself. She believed him, even though she had to get up in a few hours for school, she spent hours on the phone trying to get him to go home. He kept repeating the same phrases over and over. Every time she’d try to hang up, he would threaten his own life. He eventually agreed, yet she never heard his car start. She never heard him driving. She only heard him getting out of the car and walk into his house. He was never at the field to begin with. And he never had a gvn” (Also a true story😬)
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Twelve Days of Christmas - Day Seven
Prompt: Starry Night.
Pairing: Yandere!Hawks/Reader (BNHA).
TW: Prolonged Imprisonment, Mentions of Kidnapping, Disassociation, Infantilization, Slight Stockholm Syndrome, and Gaslighting.
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It was easy to forget how big the world was, sometimes.
Well, it wasn’t easy. Even in Keigo’s villa, on the outskirts of the city where the nearest neighbor was still separated by an acre of forest and wilderness, you felt small. The high ceilings made sure of that, as did the bright lights and bulletproof glass and the oversized clothes he was so fond of bringing home for you, things he claimed he bought for himself, but you’d never seen him wear, not before passing them on to you. You didn’t mind, most of the time. You felt small, sure, but you’d felt too cramped in your old apartment, in the job you’d worked too hard at to make so little, in the basement you knew you’d be shoved in if you ever complained, and feeling small was better. It wasn’t more enjoyable, but it was more comfortable. Keigo was nicer, when you felt small.
But, so far from the nearest skyscraper, the world around you felt big. Not just tall, not just open, but endless, a vast expanse of darkness and snow and sky that ran on for miles without interruption. If you glanced over your shoulder, you might still be able to see the dull glow of Keigo’s villa, the evidence of lasting civilization, but you didn’t check, keeping your eyes fixed on the ground ahead.
You hadn’t thought to grab shoes, before you left. To be fair, you hadn’t planned to leave, but Keigo was tired, today. He’d forgotten to lock the front door when he got home, and somewhere between greeting him and starting dinner, you’d noticed the inconsistency. It’d just been a step onto the porch, at first, then a walk down the driveway. Then, your feet were in the snow and you were pushing forward, weaving around roots and outstretched branches as you trailed after nothing in particular, following an urge you should’ve known better than to indulge. You probably left the door open, you don’t remember stopping to close it. Keigo was probably--
“Angel? Are you out here?”
Keigo was probably getting worried.
You couldn’t have been gone for more than a few minutes, but he already sounded concerned. He usually was, when it came to you, always shaking his head or narrowing his eyes or yelling, on the rare occasions you did something bad enough to warrant it. This might count as something bad enough. It had a few months ago, when you’d hidden away food and water bottles and as much money as you could find before stealing his keys and slipping out, but that’d been purposeful, you’d been trying to escape. You weren’t going to escape, this time. You knew that was unrealistic, even if a writhing, fiery part of you was still tempted to try.
“C’mon, baby, it’s cold out here! Let’s go back inside! I promise, I’m not angry!”
He was raising his voice, now, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. The forest was starting to thin, now, and without warning, you emerged into a small clearing, just big enough to let you tilt your head back. That was why you’d come out here, honestly, why you were willing to take whatever punishment Keigo chose, when you went home.
You wanted to see the sky.
You never got to see it in the city, or, you never got to see it like this, at least. Grey and lavender smeared against black, streams of navy mixed with turquoise so bright, you could’ve mistaken it for dawn rather than a few hours after dusk. And, dotted across all of it, were the stars, points of pink and white and purple that stretched into the horizon, only disappearing when the ground rose to meet them. Instantly, you didn’t care about the chill, about Keigo, about the fact that you’d probably spend the next two weeks locked in a warm, stuffy bedroom while your captor went off to play hero, it couldn’t be… it wasn’t important. It couldn’t be. You couldn’t stand the thought of letting it be.
It was small. It was all so, so small.
None of it could matter. Not compared to something so big.
You didn’t blink. For as long as you were able to, you stayed there, staring upward, even as something heavy draped itself over your shoulders, wrapping you in layers of cloth and faux-fur before you were pulled off your feet and dragged into Keigo’s chest, his wings closing in around you, finally blocking your view. You sighed, but if Keigo noticed, he didn’t seem to care. He was busy fretting over you, pushing feather-light kisses into the nape of your neck and your shoulders while you mourned your loss silently. “I thought I’d lost you, this time,” He said, the words coming out breathy, fading into a chuckle before he was really finished. He shifted, one arm moving underneath the bend of your knees, and you tried not to resist, only clinging to the coat he’d thrown onto you. You hadn’t realized how cold it was, not until he showed up. Not until you had someone to remind you to shiver. “Don’t scare me like that, angel. You know you shouldn’t be out here all alone.”
“I wasn’t trying to run away.” It felt pointless to say. Even in the dim light, you could make out his smile, how it didn’t falter when you spoke. If he believed you, he didn’t care. You couldn’t say you blamed him, by now. “I just… I needed some fresh air. I was going to come back.”
“I never said you weren’t.” But, he was already turning around, starting back towards his villa, not giving you the option to walk on your own. “But, rules are rules. If I let you sneak out tonight, what’s stopping you from doing it tomorrow? And it stresses me out when you put yourself in that kind of danger, remember? I can’t just let this slide.” Now, it was his turn to sigh. “We’ll have to get your old room ready, and your collar, too. Just to make sure you don’t pull this kind of stunt again. You understand why, right?”
You didn’t, not really, but you nodded regardless. There wouldn’t be a point in refusing.
It’s not like any of this would matter, in the end.
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cyncerity · 3 years
not to be a bother but-
will there be a part two to the t!revivebur and g!tommy story or would you like to just leave it at that?
Now I wanna make this a whole au how does this keep happening-
tw: vore, hard vore mention (doesn’t happen), and angst
Also credit to my friends Calli and Bio Anon who helped me out a lot with writing this!! (most of the good ideas came from them lmao)
Wilbur woke up to the walls around him still, the steady breath of the lungs not far above him indicating that Tommy was still sound asleep, and he was still tucked away in the teen’s gut. The realization of that very fact hit him harder now that he was fully awake. He supposed he had the right to be a little tired yesterday. After all, he was now mere inches tall, and far more insignificant in the grand scheme of things compared to how he was before his death. He had only agreed to stay here because Tommy had been to tired to argue with. But now that he was awake, he wanted out, not giving a damn if it was day or night outside his flesh prison.
Wilbur began to pound on the smooth, sponge-like walls that surrounded him in an attempt to wake up Tommy, which after a few minutes began to work as he felt the teen grumble and sit up, shifting Wilbur in the process. The now-tiny felt something press into the stomach from the outside, collapsing the already small organ into him further. “Hello…?” Tommy asked, apparently completely forgetting about the previous night (night? Wilbur couldn’t be sure), apparently.
“You prick, it’s Wil, get me out of here, you said you would, remember?” Wilbur shouted. There was a surrounding silence for a few moments before Tommy stuttered an answer. “I- I thought you didn’t like to be called Wil…?”
‘Why wouldn’t I like to be called Wil, that my nam- oh.’ Wilbur thought. Tommy had mistaken him for “Ghostbur” the previous night. Somehow, this only managed to piss off Wilbur further.
“Maybe ‘Ghostbur’ or whoever didn’t, but fuck him cause I’m here now. It’s me, Wil, actual Wil, so let me out. I don’t give a damn if innocent little ghost me liked it in here cause I don’t, so get me out of here like you said you would you fucking dickhead child.”
Tommy gave no response, or any indication that he even heard Wil. He sighed in annoyance at the silence as he started to shove at the walls again, repeatedly shouting for Tommy to let him out.
Tommy couldn’t decide if he wanted to throw up or keep Wilbur exactly where he was. On one hand, he couldn’t stand to think that his older brother figure, his now alive older brother figure, was stuck inside him. Inside him where he had only ever trusted Ghostbur to go, because it (for some reason) comforted the small ghost as much as it comforted Tommy. But on the other hand, if Wilbur really hated it as much as he claimed he did, Tommy wanted to keep him there as long as possible as an uncharacteristic sort of vengeance towards the man for taking Ghostbur from him.
Tommy had relished being able to keep Ghostbur safe. To help him like he had failed to help Wilbur. But now, he was being reminded by every kick, punch, and shout that came from his stomach that the comfort Ghostbur gave him was gone, and was never coming back. The thought alone made him want to do the unthinkable by his own means. I mean, how hard would it be to get rid of Wilbur from where he was? That would give him Ghostbur back…right?
Tommy let out a shaky sigh as tears began to fall from his eyes. He couldn’t do it. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t do it. Not in a place Ghostbur felt so safe in. Even if it did give him the ghost back, Tommy was sure that Ghostbur would never be able to forgive him for something like that. Hell, Tommy would never even be able to forgive himself.
A particularly loud yell came from the man the man in his belly, snapping Tommy back into reality. Wilbur seemed to be having a tantrum inside his stomach, as the tiny’s voice had become considerably more hoarse and Tommys gut hurt considerably worse in the time he had taken to zone off in his thoughts. All Wilbur was screaming about was vague threats towards Tommy and a considerable amount of gaslighting, too. Well, that made Tommy’s decision a bit easier.
The teen let out a small laugh through his tears, making Wilbur stop momentarily. “What the fuck?!” The tiny screamed. “Why the hell are you laughing?! Let. Me. Out!”
“What makes you think you’re in control right now?” Tommy stated in a mockingly monotone voice that contradicted the amount of crying Tommy had just done. Wilbur felt chills run down his spine as he went to answer, “What do y-“
“You’re the one stuck inside me. You’re in no place to be making threats. Do you know how easily I could kill you right now?” Tommy interrupted. He could practically feel Wilbur tense up in his stomach. “Y-you wouldn’t…”
“But I would, considering getting rid of you would give me Ghostbur back.” Sure Tommy had decided that he wasn’t that heartless, but Wilbur didn’t need to know that. And the tiny sure as hell believed it, considering he could now feel Wil shaking in his core.
“So if I were you, I’d behave, cause you’re gonna be in there for a while. Or at least, until I believe that you’re trustworthy enough to be let out.” Tommy continued, getting out of bed and getting ready for the day.
“Y- You can’t, You won’t get away with it! Someone will find out! I- I’ll scream! I’ll scream until your ears fucking bleed!!” Wilbur screeched as he writhed around in the stomach.
“I’ll ignore it, I’m sure you’ll lose your voice before my ears start to bleed.” Tommy scoffed. “And besides, even if someone did find out, who’d help you? No one wanted to back anyways. If anything, I’m doing the server a favor.”
Tommy felt Wilbur slump back against the stomach wall, stunned into silence, as he snickered to himself. He had the man who had caused him so much misery trapped where only he could get to him.
This was going to be fun.
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rosethornewrites · 4 years
Fic: The Rebellion of Adrien Agreste, ch. 14
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Luka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Kagami Tsurugi, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Luka Couffaine, Lila Rossi/karma, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth/aneurism, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Plagg & Tikki
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Lila Rossi, Jagged Stone, Plagg, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine, Penny Rolling, Anarka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Césaire, Chloé Bourgeois, Wayhem, Nadja Chamack, Nathalie Sancoeur, Sabine Cheng, Tom Dupain, Tikki, Fang, Principal Damocles, Caline Bustier, Ms. Mendeleiev, original minor character, Alec Cataldi, Lila Rossi’s Mother, Sabrina Raincomprix, Roger Raincomprix, Mylène Haprèle, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste’s Bodyguard, Nino Lahiffe, Nooroo
Tags: Lila Rossi salt, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Teenage Rebellion, Swearing, Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste, Crack Treated Seriously, Lila Rossi’s Lies Are Exposed, Cuddling & Snuggling, Luka Couffaine Needs a Hug, Paparazzi, Parentification, Marinette Dupain-Cheng Needs a Hug, Gabriel Agreste Needs an Aneurism, Uncle Jagged Stone, we’re all queer here, the spirit of punk is sometimes just being allowed to be yourself, Kagami Finds Her Groove, punk rock fashion, Savage Kagami, Marinette protection squad, Good Parent Sabine Cheng, Good Parent Tom Dupain, Protective Kagami Tsurugi, Protective Luka Couffaine, Bisexual Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Pansexual Luka Couffaine, Sharing a Bed, Pet Names, LGBTQ Character, LGBTQ Themes, Instagram, Bullying, Social Media, Anxiety, Makeover, Hugs, will cure your acne, Face Punching, Bad Ass Juleka Couffaine, Rumors, Protective Juleka Couffaine, Protective Adrien Agreste, Lawyers, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Holding Hands, accountability, mental health, Jagged Stone’s well-paid pet shark, How to Make the Evening News, Sexy eyeliner for days, one fish two fish Lila is a screwed fish, How to have fun and piss Gabriel off, Fuckery, sweet litigious karma, Alya sugar, lawyer shark doo doo doo doo doo doo, Schadenfreude, Bad Ass Alya Césaire, Gaslighting, abuse denormalization, Jagged likes his lawyers like he likes his pets: toothy af, Blood in the Water, Everything you didn’t know you wanted and some things you did, Gabriel Agreste is shark bait, Denial, Consequences, Principal Damocles salt, caline bustier salt, the impotence of Gabriel Agreste, snarky Nooroo, lies and the lying liars who tell them, Lila’s brain is a narcissistic hellscape, Lila’s mind is built like an Escher piece, Alec Cataldi salt, Adrien Sugar, wholesome salt, Fu Salt, Kwami Shenanigans, Nooroo is a little shit
Summary: Jagged's Shark! Doo doo doo doo doo doo!
Notes: Jagged’s shark! Doo doo doo doo doo doo! (@norakwami​ fault, there.) For real, though. Look up the lawyer’s first and last name for extra lulz. I research too much. And also I love puns. Also researched diplomatic immunity—Lila’s mom could refuse to waive it only for her bosses to override her and waive it anyway. And for serious crimes that’s sometimes the case. I wanted some Alya sugar here; yeah, she and multiple other people believed Lila and dismissed Marinette's concerns. The adults are the ones who deserve salt, though. Not a 14-year-old.
AO3 link
Chapters 1-2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13
They were still waiting for M. Damocles to finish contacting Mme. Rossi, Marinette having fallen asleep against Sabine and Adrien tempted to follow suit, when a commotion caught their attention. Marinette blinked awake at the shouting.
Curious, Adrien got up to peer around the corner. What he saw left him gaping.
Mme. Bustier’s class had spilled out of the classroom, and were watching as Lila and her mother yelled at each other in rapid-fire Italian, both red-faced. It was almost shocking how they met the stereotype of the hot-blooded Italian in their fervor.
Adrien watched, captivated, only vaguely aware when he was joined by the others, and when the lawyer knocked on the principal’s door and let him know about the “spectacle,” as she called it.
Marinette cried out, her face pale, pointing at a butterfly hovering near the scene. Alya took out her phone to record it, her face a mix of horror and excitement, as though she wasn’t sure she wanted an Akuma just now. Mylène started crying. Juleka moved protectively in front of Rose. Other classroom doors were opening as teachers and students alike came to investigate the commotion.
The Akuma hovered, seemingly uncertain as to which of the Rossis it wanted to go after. Unfortunately, Lila saw it, her expression brightening as she dashed toward it.
“I’ll show you all!”
Adrien gasped as the girl touched her pendant to the Akuma and a familiar butterfly-shaped mask appeared over her face. She would come after him and Marinette, and probably Luka and Kagami. And Jagged and Penny and the lawyer and Tom and Sabine… They were all defenseless. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to get away quick enough to protect them.
As he stood there, frozen, Alya dropped her phone, rushed forward, and clocked Lila in the face. Once she was on the ground, she ripped the necklace from her neck. Mme. Mendeleiev rushed forward with a large beaker from her chemistry lab as Alya broke the pendant, capturing it and covering the opening with a book.
Marinette rushing past him unfroze Adrien, and he ran after her as she hugged a pale, panting Alya.
“Alya, that was amazing,” she breathed. “You saved everyone.”
“Mari— Oh, god, Mari. She wanted to be Akumatized. She was going to go after you and hurt you, and I just couldn’t—” Alya was sobbing in her arms, babbling. “I’m so sorry I didn’t believe you. I’ve been a terrible friend! You tried to tell me, and p-protect me and instead I believed someone I barely knew instead of you. I c-couldn’t let her hurt you!”
As Marinette reassured her, Mme. Mendeleiev told a pallid and shaking M. Damocles that she would put the Akuma somewhere Lila couldn’t reach it for Ladybug and Chat Noir to deal with later.
Lila was keening softly on the ground, her nose obviously broken with this punch, and Adrien couldn’t help but feel a bit of schadenfreude at the sight. Her mother seemed frozen in shock, not even moving forward to comfort her daughter.
“Alya got the Akuma on video,” he murmured, thinking aloud. “So there’s video of Lila going after it to be voluntarily Akumatized.”
Nino picked up Alya’s phone, checking to see that nothing was broken. He pressed the screen to stop the recording. “Yeah, dude. She totally did. Sabrina, you might wanna call your dad. This is big.”
Sabrina immediately pulled out her phone and retreated into the classroom; Chloé blocked the door to make sure Lila didn’t try to stop her, though it seemed unnecessary—the girl gave no indication she’d heard.
M. Damocles stepped forward toward Mme. Rossi. “We will need to have a conversation about your daughter, but perhaps that will need to wait until after her arrest.”
Mme. Rossi turned white, eyes wide. “A-arrest?!”
“Your daughter just knowingly and willingly attempted to aid and abet a terrorist, Mme. Rossi,” the lawyer said, not unkindly. “She will face far more than just the lawsuits by M. Stone, M. Dupain, and Mme. Cheng.”
She stared at the lawyer as though uncomprehending.
“Of course, you could claim diplomatic immunity for your daughter, but it is likely she will at least be expelled from France, though France may choose to refer this matter to the Court of Justice of the European Union, as anti-terrorism laws extend beyond our borders.”
“Who are you?” Mme. Rossi finally demanded.
The lawyer smiled her best shark smile. “I am the head of M. Stone’s legal team, Maître Eulalie Reschignier.”
Adrien tried not to smile when he realized her name was almost a pun.
“My daughter has diplomatic immunity from all lawsuits, as I’m sure you are aware.”
The shark smile became a bit toothy. “We’re aware of that, but also aware that she can be expelled from France at the discretion of the French government.”
Whatever response Lila’s mother intended to give was interrupted by the arrival of Lieutenant Raincomprix and a retinue of other officers.
Nino stepped forward and played the video for the officers. Afterward, Roger approached the still-crying Alya to explain they’d have to take in her phone as evidence until the file could be processed. She just nodded, accepting the temporary loss; she hadn’t let go of Marinette yet.
Then he turned to Mme. Rossi. “We’ll have her injuries checked at the station, but it appears your daughter was attempting to voluntarily become an Akuma. While Akuma victims are never prosecuted, this is a very different issue.”
Mme. Rossi balked. “My daughter has diplomatic immunity!”
“We’re aware,” Officer Raincomprix said with a nod. “Since she has diplomatic immunity, she’ll be moved to a facility outside of Paris pending her likely expulsion back to Italy. Since she attempted to aid and abet a terrorist, your home country will decide whether to waive her diplomatic immunity, but regardless she is too dangerous to keep in Paris.”
That silenced Mme. Rossi, as she realized the limits of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
Several officers helped Lila off the ground and led her down the stairs toward the school entrance, followed closely by Mme. Rossi.
Adrien breathed a sigh of relief at their exit. He doubted they’d ever have to deal with Lila again—at least not in person. And he was willing to bet Italy would take a long hard look at her. Meeting Marinette’s eyes, he could see she was having similar balming thoughts; it’d take them all a while to heal from this—especially if the tears still streaming down Alya’s cheeks and the guilt in her eyes were any indication—but they’d move past this somehow, and hopefully their relationships would all be strengthened.
M. Damocles cleared his throat. “Are we finished here?”
Jagged’s smile was almost malicious. “I don’t think so. Eulalie?”
Maître Reschignier turned to the principal. “It seems Mlle. Rossi’s removal from class will no longer be necessary. Instead, we seek anti-bullying and anti-harassment training for all school personnel in addition to the investigation into the treatment of Mlle. Dupain-Cheng.”
Adrien couldn’t help but notice the elated smile that graced Mme. Mendeleiev’s face briefly, taking years off her appearance, before disappearing under her usual scowl. She, at least, was clearly not opposed to any of that. Mme. Bustier, however, looked displeased—and given that she’d rolled over multiple times to enable both Chloé and Lila, he wasn’t surprised.
The lawyer smiled, this time sincerely, at Adrien and Marinette. “I believe M. Agreste and Mlle. Dupain-Cheng would be best served returning to their class while M. Stone, Mme. Rolling, M. Dupain, and Mme. Cheng iron out the specifics with you in your office, M. Damocles.”
“Ah… Of course, Maître Reschignier.” The principal pulled out a handkerchief from his breast pocket and wiped his brow. “That seems best.”
Mme. Bustier gestured to enter the classroom. As Adrien moved past the lawyer, she murmured, “I do hope your father will present more of a challenge, M. Agreste.”
He couldn’t hold in his laughter—oh, Adrien hoped she wrecked Gabriel Agreste.
And that he had a front-row seat when she did. And maybe some popcorn.
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dontkillcoyotes · 4 years
-I woke him up, went to change my shirt. “Don’t fucking touch my white shirt you’ll make it filthy.” Puts down the white shirt and grabs a black one. “Why can’t you wear your own clothes???? Fuck sakes” can’t wear my own clothes, because joeys ONLY CHORE is to do laundry. And he hasn’t in forever. “How’s it MY fault the washer broke? Maybe if you got yours out of your apartment I could actually do laundry” my driveway is currently covered with snow. Some plow pushed it all into my driveway. I can’t shovel it, it’s basically frozen ice. “Well I never met a woman who was too lazy to call the town and get it cleared” I don’t have a phone number set up, he wouldn’t let me pay off the bill. He said he was going to call about it, never did. I spit in his face, and then he spits back at me and calls me a “fat, stupid, ugly bitch who’s disgusting and gross.”
-all our problems are caused by me drinking. No matter what. Quit drinking. Still all arguments are blamed on me drinking. Still don’t understand this one.
-I’m immature because I yell. But Joey isn’t immature for cutting me off, interrupting me, or making me feel like I need to yell for another reason, usually he isn’t listening to me at all and only responds when I yell.
-the names. Constant name calling. I’m a bitch. I’m dirty and gross, I’m fat, I’m stupid, I’m a slut, I’m a whore.
-went to my friend Danielle’s one night. We washed our hair to put it in cute up styles. We put on dresses and had a few drinks. Came home to drop off my clothes. “Why is your hair wet? Why are you wearing different clothes? Clearly you’re trying to impress SOMEONE! Fucking WHORE.” I never hung out with friends again after. (This was before I quit drinking. This situation was used for me to quit drinking because I apparently put myself in situations that don’t look good).
-before I went to Danielle’s I went out to the bar with my friend Morgan. I had a curfew. I couldn’t stay out past 11pm or 12 I can’t remember which. “I can’t trust you when you’re out with your friends. Your friends have reputations. How do I know you’re not just a bunch of whores trying to cheat and cover it up together?” Came home. Was pissy for about a week about this. Questioned me on everything that happened. Would get extremely upset and point out anything. “We had some drinks and I danced” versus “we had some drinks and we went out for a smoke and came back in and danced” apparently they both are different things and because I didn’t mention we went out to smoke before dancing, my words can’t be trusted.
-shot up a bunch of times in front of me during our relationship but still continues to tell people he’s sober. Apparently that’s okay, but the few times I slipped and drank when I quit means I didn’t quit and can’t say I quit.
-gaslighting. Constantly. Over the dumbest shit. “I’ve been awake for hours Libbi I’m just laying here.” He wasn’t awake. I was in the room barely 5 minutes before. When I point this out, I’m clearly a liar, manipulative, and just want to start arguments. Makes me questions all the time if what I said what actually what I said. Makes me doubt whether he said anything horrible at all.
-claims I only want to leave because I have backup men waiting for me. I only want to be a whore if I don’t want to be with him, because he can’t comprehend that I don’t want to be here because he’s abusing me.
-threw my coat on the railing where he left a full mug of congealed chocolate milk. I’m “disgusting, never met a woman so dirty, just destroying everything and making everyone miserable.” Even though when I moved in here, he had a house full of trash. Literal trash he pulled out of peoples spring clean up piles. Did not clean the floor once since he moved in. Dog hair everywhere. Dishes were barely rinsed before being put back in the cupboard. The fridge was broken and food was constantly spoiling. He still ate it.
-went into the store because he complained about going in all the time for me. Almost got into the store when he said “don’t be surprised if I’m not out here when your done. Maybe you can walk home.”
-threatened to kill my cat when I tried to leave the last time. I tried to walk to my old apartment. He followed me all the way there til I was so exhausted trying to get away from his truck by walking in knee deep snow I started throwing up. He picked me up, threw me in the truck and brought me back to his house.
I’m going to update this every now and then. When Joey starts to act out when I leave I need to keep this so I don’t doubt my own memories.
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onisionhurtspeople · 7 years
Blaire White & Onision Debate
I already posted this mini-rant beneath the debate video itself, but I’m going to add it here as a text post as well in case people have a preference for reblogging this instead. 
A lot of people in the comments section of the Blaire White x Onision debate video, and in the anti-O and O communities alike, are complaining about Blaire’s conduct during this debate: "WHY DIDN'T SHE LET HIM TALK?! WHY WAS SHE SO MEAN? WHY DID SHE KEEP INTERRUPTING HIM?", and claiming that Onision won by default just because she interrupted him so much. Allow me to explain to you why Blaire did this the way she did.
Despite the fact that Onision labels himself "honest" and "The Fact Fucking Machine", in reality, he is neither of these things. Onision had no objective to enter this debate with the intent of arguing with honesty and integrity - he uses these debates as a way to manipulate and assert control over others, especially women (notice how he almost always debates women?). If you allow Onision to lead the conversation during these debates, he will dominate it, he was gaslight you, and he will manipulate circumstances, conversation, and even the very definition of words themselves in order to serve his purpose: to monopolize the conversation, and win. Not to debate honestly, to expand his horizons, or to defend his ideals, but to win, to dominate, to influence, to garner attention, and to humiliate.  The way that Blaire treated this debate - as a joke, by purposely toying with him, and by being the person to lead the conversation - is the ONLY way to win a debate with Onision. You have to keep him following your lead, and not allow him to command the conversation even for a single second - as soon as he gets the upper hand, he will take it (you can see him trying at several places throughout this video, when Blaire listens long enough for him to start picking up steam). Unfortunately in this instance, where somebody else is dominating the conversation, he will then switch into victim mode ("she was so mean, she was so angry, she called me names, she yelled even though I was so calm" - even though he has done the same thing himself in EVERY single debate he's had; I mean, just look at his debate with Joy Sparkle BS last week where he called her every name in the book - but then he labels HIS yelling and insults as “righteous indignation”); but nonetheless, despite trying to posit himself as a victim of Blaire, he will still be angry and annoyed and feel humiliated and defeated.
Blaire knew all of this before going into the debate. She is very well-versed in Onision and his manipulative techniques. That’s why she treated him the way she did throughout the conversation. She 100% went through with this debate not because she actually wanted to have a discussion or to prove him wrong, but literally just because she wanted an opportunity to fuck with him - she actually admitted this several times during the course of the conversation. And it worked. She got what she wanted.
I don't follow Blaire and we disagree on many topics (particularly conservatism), but this debate had me fucking rolling at how expertly she turned his own game on its head, used it against him, and then won, with his OWN tactics; and I was incredibly proud of her for managing to do so. This is the first time I've ever seen Onision get spanked like a baby during a debate, and I loved watching it. Thank you, Blaire. I've been waiting for this for YEARS.  
For those of you who haven’t seen the debate yet, I highly recommend it. Honestly, he got tyrannosaurus rekt. There’s just no other way to say it. (Video)
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persephoneofhades · 7 years
Kremlin Annihilation Week: Day 2
Okay, so most people are posting the moments when Mayo-Blegh insults Kara and yells at her and gaslights her for today, which is great! Those are all awesome moments to highlight, but since those have been done a lot, I’ll go with the two more obvious isolation moments. Because I think there’s evidence that Man-Hell is slowly isolating Kara more and more in very subtle ways.
First up? 2x15, the episode where Kara loses her job. 
Kara spends most of the episode lobbying Snapper to let her write an article about the alien kidnappings by Cadmus just to get a warning out so the alien citizens in National City (and elsewhere, presumably, I’m not sure how far Cadmus had planned to reach) could keep themselves as safe as possible. She even went so far as to get Snapper an audience with Supergirl as her “source” for the information. When that didn’t work, it was Lena who gave her the idea to post something on a blog about it.
Kermils will take that last piece of info and shout to the high heavens that Lena is now also just as guilty as Mountain Dew for Kara making her choice. But that’s not true at all because what Lena did was GIVE Kara a choice. Kara was stuck between a rock and a hard place with Snapper: she either tried to write the article and somehow figure out how to run it without Snapper’s approval (maybe going straight to James with it? Just a thought, I mean he is the boss of CatCo and all, not that the writers remember that) which would certainly have gotten her in trouble, or she just gave up her crusade and the warning never gets out. Lena gives her an alternative without necessarily giving an opinion on the matter herself and just says that she’ll try to find Kara some extra information from L-Corp so that she could be Kara’s source and therefore Kara could then run the article legitimately. Ultimately, Lena finds the pertinent information a little too late and Kara loses the job. But Lena does not deserve any of the blame for simply coming up with the idea of a blog article.
In comparison, when Kara is at home deliberating over whether she should or should not post the article she’s written, Man-Ew decides to take matters into his own hands. He listens just enough to hear that she is trying to figure out whether she should do something that will cost her her job or not. He likely knows it’s a warning for the aliens because she’s spoken about it at the DEO already. He asks her to tell him which one is the “right choice” and Kara obviously says the choice that gets the warning out but loses her her job. She tries to tell him about WHY she doesn’t want to lose her job and why this is difficult for her and why she’s hesitating and deliberating and he. Won’t. Listen. To. Her. After TWO EPISODES NOW where he’s promised over and over that he’ll listen to her and then broken that promise. This is the third episode in a row where he has chosen not to listen to her when she needed him to. 
What does he do instead? He interrupts her and starts chanting “Do it! Do it! Do it!” until Kara posts the blog article, cementing the loss of her job at CatCo, the only place now that he cannot really follow her or be around her all the time. 
When he shows up later at her apartment (with food for her that he has already started to eat, how romantic) and she is mourning her reporting job, he just says, “There will always be other jobs.” Again, not realizing just how important this job was to her and how much pain she’s in over having to give it up to save people (something he WOULD have known had he stopped for five seconds in the previous scene he was in and just LISTENED to her, but that’s not his style).
And while this isn’t abuse on his part, the scene ends with Kara giving up all of her identities - as a refugee citizen of Earth, as a Kryptonian, as a superhero, as just Kara - and claims that just “having him” is enough. She claims Supergirl is just “what she can do” (and not her literal link to her Kryptonian lineage and legacy) and that her reporting job at CatCo was “who she was,” that that was where she felt she could just be “Kara.” So now that Supergirl isn’t her true identity and she isn’t a reporter, saying that she could be Supergirl and have her boyfriend and have that be enough is just saying that her ONLY IDENTITY now is in relation to Moldy-Fail. That’s it. Her entire identity is HIS girlfriend. Her identity isn’t about her anymore. 
And that’s what kind-of sealed it for me, that this show I loved last year was gone. Because they literally just killed Supergirl on her own show. She’s gone. She doesn’t exist anymore as per the writing of this scene. The show had seriously just turned into “The Mon-El Show” and painted it as romantic. 
Anyway, Musty-Eel goes even further in 2x17. Or he tries, at least.
After they realize that it’s likely Wonder Bread’s mother who put a bounty on Kara’s head, he comes up with a plan to run away to another PLANET, just the two of them. His plan is literally to take Kara away from everything and everyone she knows and loves and have her all to himself. He wants her to leave behind all of her responsibilities and dreams and her last remaining links to her family to be with him alone for the rest of their lives. 
And when she tells him that won’t happen because she is the Girl of Steel and doesn’t run from anything, he tells her it’s one of her more “annoying” traits. 
The typical line there for the superhero love interest is to sort-of groan, “I know, that’s one of the things I love most about you,” insinuating that while they don’t always like their loved one putting themselves in constant danger, they wouldn’t be the person they had fallen in love with if they didn’t. Because heroism and selflessness is SUPPOSED to be a good trait, one that’s encouraged and admired. 
But Murky-Fell has never seen heroism as anything but selfish, as made obvious by his line in 2x16 when he claims that he is only a hero so he can spend every day by Kara’s side (wow, stalkerish, much?) whereas literally everyone else who becomes a hero on the show has said something to the effect of, “I want to be/I am a hero because I want to help people.”
So WHY would Mangy-Flea say that Kara’s refusal to run away is annoying? Because it means he’ll never be able to get her to run away with him and thus isolate her totally. He can’t take the easy way out there and has to actually be a little more devious in order to get her away from her support system. Which requires work and we all know how much he LOVES having to do any kind of work.
Anyway, that’s what I’m deciding to focus on for Day 2: Most Abusive Moment(s) for Kremlin Annihilation Week. Isolation.
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writingsbysam · 4 years
“I hate you” ��Ditto” pt. 1
 Sarah Maplewood was not having a good day, her presentation partner (for the rest of the year!) was a complete idiot, an utter disaster of a human being. He first walked in holding a Red bull, that she soon found out contained orange soda and coffee as well as half the energy drink. She was so thrown off by the awful drink combo that she was not prepared for the first words out of his mouth,
“So you’re the prodigy, huh?” She sighed and cringed trying to deflect,
“That sounds more like a question than an answer, Maplewood,” he teased.
“Well, Leo Diaz was it? Some of us don’t like to be referred to as ‘the prodigy’ like the only thing we’re useful at is being intelligent,” she shot back. He put his hands up defensively,
“I’m only taking this class to graduate, so let’s just get a move on with this presentation alright?” he took out his computer, an old beat up Asus that look it was from 2010 at the latest, and Sarah sighed as she pulled out the brand new MacBook she had been saving up for since the beginning of her freshman year of high school, a year she ended up skipping, but oh well.
 It wasn’t like she wanted to skip grades it’s just that her brother David skipped 9th grade too and she always wanted to one up him, even if she was tired of being two years younger than the rest of her class. This made for some awkward encounters her freshman and sophomore years, particularly with boys that liked her. It’s a little weird to have a boy in your class hitting on you and then you have to tell them that you’re 16. Their face would go all red and they’d sputter out an apology. Then most of them swore to protect her like they were siblings, and let’s just say that Sarah doesn’t get picked on anymore. (All the frat boys in the universe would rain hell upon the offender!)
 “Alright, Diaz, let’s just get this thing over with,” she sighed, she seemed to be doing a lot of that recently.
  It was the dreaded and ever so boring ‘Get To Know Me’ presentation, only this year it was worse because they had partners. And they had to present them to the entire small class that made up ‘Presentations and Public Speaking’ with Professor Miller.
  Professor Miller, however, could care less about getting to know them, or anything at all really. He slept through most of the presentations given in his classroom and always gave everyone A’s even if they did absolutely nothing. So Leo signed up for this class as his last English credit figuring that he wouldn’t have to do anything for it and he could just cruise his way into the police academy.
  About an hour into sitting in those uncomfortable library chairs Leo started to get antsy, moving around and tapping his pencil on the table. He was done with his portion of the presentation, Sarah however was not.
 “Maplewood, are you done yet? How much is there to know about you?” he exclaimed, running a hand down his face.
 “Well, Diaz, some of us actually have accomplishments to list. Unlike you, it says to list every academic award you’ve ever gotten and I happen to have 156 of them so it takes some time to enter all of that!” She remarked.
 “What?” he burst, “Are you counting the 1st grade spelling bee or something?”
 “No, I’m not. If you read the instructions you would know that it said since Freshman year of high school. Or for me, my sophomore year,” she shot back. Leo looked away, sheepish.
 “Alright, jeez. Do I have to wait here the entire time or can I go get food,” he laid forward on the table, reaching out at Sarah, “because I’m starving! Let me save myself, Maplewood! Don’t let me starve!” Sarah rolled her eyes and sighed.
 “Diaz, if I hear one more groan out of you I will- just go,” she relented. Leo walked away. Ignoring the grumbling of her own stomach, she got back to work.
 Half an hour later and Leo was still not back, Sarah would worry usually but she was too wrapped up in remembering what was the project that won her a nod from a Nobel Prize-winning physicist.
 Three hours later and Sarah was only vaguely aware of the fact that Leo wasn’t back. Her fingers clacked away at the keyboard seemingly faster than the eye could see, her eyebrows were slowly sinking down in concentration, her tongue peaked out of the corner of her mouth an old habit of hers. This was the scene that Leo walked back into, and for a moment he just stopped and stared, which he knew looked creepy. Knowing, almost subconsciously, how many guys would beat him up if he kept standing there, he thumped back into the seat he had abandoned three hours prior.
 That broke her concentration immediately. She looked up about to say something to the person who dared to interrupt her furious typing. That was the second she saw Leo. Her lips quirked up for a second, opening her mouth to speak,
 “Hey! I thought you went home?” she asked, confused as why he was back.
 “Well, dummy, if you were as smart as they all claim, you would remember that I merely went out to get some food,” he put his foot up on the table. She promptly knocked it off.
 “Well, it’s only like what? 9? You were only gone for like 15 minutes!” Sarah shot back.
 “Sarah, it’s midnight. The library closes in 15 minutes,” he laughed, “How many slides is our presentation now?” She blushed,
 “And how many of them are just your academic achievements?” he smirked.
 “102…” she said sheepishly. He chuckled. He’d heard rumours about the girl who was basically a prodigy, but since she was 19, almost 20 now she wasn’t as much as a ‘prodigy’ and more like the smartest person he’d ever known.          He looked down at his hands, almost forgetting that in his three hour break he’d gone to the desert place down the street and picked her up a snack, Diaz style. It was a monstrosity. It was a pink cotton candy burrito, filled with Lucky Charms marshmallows, and then chocolate chips. Leo thought they were the greatest thing in the world.
 “Hey, I figured you’d be hungry” a growl from her stomach interrupted him, he laughed, “yep. So I got you this from the place down the street.” He held the burrito up, she looked up at him, saw the burrito, and burst out laughing.
 “Diaz, if I eat that my teeth will fall out!” she exclaimed.
 “Well, then should I just eat it?” he questioned, knowing she was hungry. She glared at him, a ravenous gleam in her eye.
 “No!” she lunged for it, hungry, and not knowing whether or not he’d eat it anyway. He handed it to her, an eyebrow raised.
 “So, are you done here? Because Ms. Myrian is about to kick us out for yelling and the fact that she needs to close up,” he said, spotting the librarian walking towards them at a rapid pace.
 “Fine!” she relented. As she picked up the stuff she had strewn around her in the hours she had sat there, Leo looked around the library. It was a quaint place, by far not the biggest of the libraries on campus (there were three), with orangish gaslights casting dark shadows on the wall, but it felt like a place to get away from things for a while. He looked around at the students, some he’d never met before, new freshmen if he’d had to take a guess, some that he knew and weren’t very fond of. The sort of people that you look at them and your skin crawls. He then looked at Sarah, someone he probably hated, and made the decision that he can’t just let her walk home by herself. That’s the gentlemanly thing to do right? It’s not that Sarah was helpless either, but it put him in a state of unease just to think about being a woman walking home at night. He could hardly imagine what it would be like to be one, and maybe he just wanted a little more time to even just hang out with Sarah, but whatever. He decided that he was just going with gentlemanly on this one, he still probably hates her, right? He began in a low voice, nearly a whisper,
 “Hey, uh Maplewood? I know that you’re a strong independent woman and all that, but the guys at the other table are giving me the creeps, and-”
 “You want to make sure I get home alright?” she finished. Leo rubbed the back of his neck and a little laugh escaped his throat. “That’s so sweet,” she teased. She extended her arm to him, having picked up her stuff, “you may. I shall except, my prince.” Leo laughed full heartedly and the people around them gave them weird looks. Leo grabbed his stuff and hooked his arm with Sarah’s. He let go soon after, and Sarah missed the warmth of his arm in hers. (Seriously that boy was like a space heater, even being near him made her feel warm.)
They walked silently across the campus to where Sarah’s car was parked, his was parked on the other side of campus but he didn’t mention that. Leo was on a bit of a look out, the strange feeling prickling the back of his neck once more, setting him uneased.
  Arriving at the car, Sarah turned around and faced him, a rare little smile on her face. He noticed she was still holding the cotton candy burrito wrapper from earlier.
 “Wanting another one?” he joked, “Me too. They’re almost better than the orange soda cereal combo.” Her face scrunched up in confusion, or disgust he couldn’t tell.
 “The what now?” she asked.
 “The orange soda cereal combination,” he said, in all seriousness.
 “Please tell me you mean separate, and not that you eat your cereal covered in orange soda?” she begged.
 The silence was answer enough. The look on her face was definitely disgust. She pinched her nose bridge in between her fingers. She breathed deeply, still wondering what she did in a past life for this to happen to her.
 “I hate you.” He’s adorable, but such an idiot!
 “Ditto.” She’s way too cute to be so uptight!
 “I’m surprised you know that word,” she said.
 “Hey!” he exclaimed. She opened her car door and got in laughing.
 “Goodnight, Diaz,” she said, shutting the door. She started the car and drove off into the night, Leo standing there on the curb.
 “Goodnight, Sarah,” he said, preparing for the long walk back to his car, and wondering how a girl he hated could leave him wondering when he was going to see her next.
 The answer to that was a week from that night, in their first presentation class (the first one had been online instructions with who your partner was and their email).
 He was sitting in the back ready to nap at the moment the lights went down, but right before the lights went off he heard the door open. He’d been looking for Sarah earlier but couldn’t see her blonde head anywhere. Someone sat down next to him, just as the lights went down. He gazed blearily at the woman in the chair next to him, lifting his head from the piled up sweatshirt on the small desk in front of him. It took him a whole 20 seconds to register that the woman was Sarah.
 “Maplewood? Out of the two of us I was the one on time?” he asked, “the world must be ending.” Sarah looked down at him, his brown hair mussed and his wide brown eyes barely open. He was cute, she had to admit that. He was also an idiot, she had to admit that too.
 “I’ll wake you up when it’s over. I’ll throw something at you though,” she joked, nudging him with her arm.
 “I’ll take what I can get,” he mumbled, and then in about two seconds, he was out cold. Sarah laughed softly as Professor Miller didn’t notice that at least half of his students were napping in their chairs.
 The lecture ran on and on and on, Professor Miller’s own ‘Get to Know Me’ presentation running nearly the length of class. By the end of class, with maybe two minutes left, Prof. Miller was done and she kicked Leo in the shin. And yeah, she could’ve woken him up in a normal way, but she had a chance to mess with him and she wanted to.
 “Ow! Maplewood! Why?” he groaned as he pulled his shin up to his chest, but by doing that he knocked his stuff on the floor, papers going flying. Sarah was barely able to catch his computer, though she seriously considered dropping it so he might get a new one, but she grabbed the computer anyway, saying to herself that she’d just convince him to get a new one.
 The entire small lecture hall turned to look at them. Both of their faces went tomato red. Sarah immediately pointed at Leo,
 “It’s Diaz’s fault! He knocked his stuff everywhere!” she said.
 “You kicked me in the shin!” he shot back.
 “Yeah, to wake you up, dummy. Unless you wanted to sleep through all the rest of your classes!”
 “I have Honors Calc after this, that was the plan,” he said, gathering the last of the papers.
 “You have Honors Calc? The man who puts orange soda in his cereal instead of milk? You are unbelievable!” she threw her hands up into the air. ‘Seriously, how could one man so irresponsible have Honors Calc! He couldn’t even spell Luxembourg! Or write a sentence that was not a grammatical abomination!’
“Says you! You have no grasp on the concept of time! You spent three hours just writing down your academic achievements!” he exclaimed. ‘I mean she spent three (three!) hours just writing down her academic achievements, and she thought it had been 15 minutes!’
 “I hate you,” she sighed, throwing her hands onto her face and giving up.
 “Ditto.” The crowd dispersed, and Leo ran to honors Calculus. Sarah walked calmly to Game Theory, she’d read the entire textbook over the summer.
 Taking into account that she hated making bad impressions on people Sarah walked a little faster. Not much, but the pace went from ‘leisurely stroll’ to ‘brisk walk’. It was not Leo’s ‘oh shit I’m going to be late dead sprint™’.
 Strolling into Game Theory, the second class she was nearly late for today, she sat down in the back, pulling out the paper she was reading on ‘The Periplus of Erythraean Sea’. (Not the translated version, it was in Koine even which was a nice change of pace from the horribly choppy Lacedaemonian dialect of Tyrtaeus.)
 Sometimes Sarah would come across a word that she didn’t recognize, it was Koine but it was still a strange dialectal pattern that suggested that the author had learned Egyptian (Or Coptic) first. Sarah filed that thought away for her next project, and or future thesis ideas. If she decided to get her Physics doctorate and her Classics one too. She already had completed her bachelors in Economics, and that might be a good tie in with maybe having an extremely confident theory on where the land of Punt was. (The northern part of Somalia, more specifically around Opone.)
 By the end of Game Theory, which Sarah was hardly paying attention to, she was exhausted. Walking out of class her mind went to the one thing that could shake her out of Greek declensions, caffeine and someone to talk to. She had one of those things, there was a vending machine with a rainbow collection of Bangs standing in rows. The other one was a little bit tricky, there were the Classics students that were in her class last year. Henry, Alexander, and the Three C’s, Carissa, Carmen, and Cassandra. (They made fun of Cassandra endlessly, asking her when we could meet Apollo and ‘how’s seeing the future Cass?’ ‘How’s my date with Theo going to go?’ the answer was horribly, he wanted to go to a barrel museum, and that was too boring for even Sarah!)
  They were all a little stuck up, even though they were the closest people to friends she had, but Sarah decided she needed normalcy, she wasn’t interested in talking about Aristotle today anyway. Maybe tomorrow. That left the business kids, the science kids, and her presentation class.
 The business kids are the worst, they all (especially here at the Academy!) were stuck up rich kids whose only qualifications were that they knew how to suck up to people. They were simply here to get the ‘correct qualifications’ for their daddy’s jobs and to party.
 The science kids were not much better, they would never stop talking about their hypotheses and the new papers that came out. Plus half the time they were working in the Research Nuclear Reactor and Sarah just wasn’t ready to see who wasn’t manning Little Blue today. (It’s named Little Blue after the Cherenkov’s radiation that makes it blue.)
 That left her presentation class, which was not much better since she only knew Leo from that class. Oh, god Leo.
 Leonidas Diaz was the most annoying person on planet Earth. Sarah wasn’t quite sure about what irked her about him, but it was something major. It might be that in their two meetings she’s been handed a cotton candy burrito, knocked his stuff all over the ground, been the object of mocking for said disaster, and she couldn’t stop thinking about him!
 Determined to find someone to talk to she didn’t notice that her Bang had been released from the vending machine. Someone cleared their throat behind her.
 “So, Maplewood, are you just going to stand there all day?” they said.
 “Ορίστε?” (Pardon?) she asked.
 “I said, Maplewood, are you just going to stand there all day?” the decidedly male voice asked. She then turned around. It was Leo.
 “Oh! It’s just you, Diaz. Sorry I thought someone was being weird again. The freshmen are creepy!” she rambled. Leo frowned.
 “What do you mean freshmen are creepy?” he asked, concern lacing his voice.
 “You know just normal stuff, catcalling, some staring, the occasional whistle, it was worse when I first came here,” she shrugged, like it was no big deal. Leo, however, was horrified. Even if he hated her as a person, he was still worried about her as a fellow human being!
 “That’s normal! And you were 16 when you started here!” he burst, volume several decibels too loud. People look and stared at what the commotion was. Leo was throwing his hands around trying to explain how that wasn’t ‘normal’ and Sarah cut him off.
 “You’ve clearly never thought about why women always go to the bathroom in packs, all with their drinks, and why we keep tallies of how much we drink at parties? Or why I go to Taekwondo?” she raised an eyebrow at him. His brown eyes were full of only slightly contained fury. He was angry, and Sarah was surprised that such a happy go lucky guy to be this angry about stuff people like him did all the time!
 “Well, I always just thought they were being weird,” he admitted, “and I didn’t know you went to Taekwondo. That’s pretty cool actually,” he said.
 “Thanks, Diaz,” she said, getting ready to leave and give in to going to Little Blue. As she turned to leave, he said,
 “Wait, Sarah. Is there any place we could go and you could teach me about what happens and what I can do?” he asked. Sarah smiled.
 “I think Ms. Myrian wouldn’t mind if we used one of the Library’s quiet rooms,” she said.
 They talked as they walked to the library, he insisted on carrying her backpack for her, which to be honest was a relief since she had four enormous textbooks in there, plus her own books. She’s also not the strongest person on the planet.
 Leo’s shoulder started to hurt about halfway there, it was fine. He didn’t really need to feel his right arm anyway. He looked down at Sarah, she was sipping the Bang in her hand like it was water from the Fountain of Youth.
 “So what were you doing just staring at the vending machine? Was it telling you its secrets? Do you know the language of the vending machine? How do I get free food?” he teased.
 “Well, I was trying to remember what type of ships they would have used to cross the Indian ocean in Roman times, it’s a Corbita, by the way. I’d almost completely forgotten it, but then you interrupted my train of thought. It turns out I was thinking in Koine, because when you startled me I asked you ‘Pardon?’ but in Koine Greek. And if you want free food from the vending machine one of the computer science majors hacked it so that the code of what you want followed by a secret code give you free food,” she listed off.
 “What’s the code, Maplewood?” he asked.
 “Well, what’s in it for me, Diaz?” she shot back, pushing him away by the arm.
 “The rest of the year I’ll split the presentation work with you exactly 50/50, and I’ll let you go over my stuff and fix what you want?” he bargained. This was a golden deal, and he knew it. For one, he knew that in group projects she always ended up doing 75-90% of the work herself and then going over the rest too. Second, he knew that she was a control freak at heart and that she desperately wanted to go over all his work to make sure it was correct.
 “Alright, Diaz,” she stuck her hand out for the deal-sealing handshake. They shook on it, and then Sarah’s phone went off.
 “Crap! It’s Theo! What do I do?” she muttered to herself. Theo was her boyfriend, the boring one that wanted to go to the Barrel Museum, for the 42nd time. She could tell you who made every barrel in that museum and who they were related to.
 She ignored the call. She didn’t want to deal with him. Leo looked at her, incredulous. He whistled,
 “Damn, Maplewood, what did he do?”
 “Being the most annoying person on planet Earth,” she answered.
 “Even more annoying than me?” he fake pouted. She laughed and her phone went off again, it was Brian, one of the graduate students in charge at the reactor. She sighed and mouthed ‘I hate you’ as she picked up the phone.
 “Ditto,” he mouthed back.
 A minute later she was off the phone, looking slightly panicked but also majorly annoyed. He shot her a look.
 “What’d that guy want? And who was he?” he asked.
 “It was Brian, a grad student working at the reactor. They need a particle physicist ‘at the site immediately’, like he isn’t also one of those!” she exclaimed.
 “Well sounds like going to the library is off, how far away is it even?” he asked.
 “A mile or so… the other way of my car,” she said, running a hand over her face.
 “I’m parked over here, I can actually see my car from here. I can give you a ride over there, if you want that is?” he offered. Sarah weighed her options.          “They did say it was urgent, and who knows what urgent means at a nuclear reactor, even if it is a way powered down one that’s not at risk of melt downs?” he said, reasonably.
 “Fine, let’s go,” she said.
 “Race you!” he called, taking off. Sarah, not one to be beaten, took off after him, laughing the whole way.
 They got to his car in under a minute, both out of breath and panting. Leo’s car was a piece of junk. It was also really dirty. Leo blushed as she opened the door.
 “Sorry about the mess, I’ve been so busy with starting the year that I haven’t had the chance to clean up the summer accumulated garbage!” he joked, rubbing the back of his neck as he got in the car and started it. He pulled out of the parking lot, driving using the directions Sarah had given him.
 “If it’s any consolation I found a book I lost my sophomore year in my car like two days ago. To be fair, it was a book that I hated and made fun of constantly, but still a book! That’s blasphemy!” she joked.
 “Blasphemy!” he exclaimed, “Blasphemy indeed!” Sarah laughed and turned up the stereo, and the opening chord to “A Hard Day’s Night” blasted out of the speakers. His car may be a piece of junk but at least he splurged on the speakers.
 “It’s been a hard day’s night, and I’ve been working like a dog!” she sang along quite loudly, and to be fair she didn’t have a bad voice but she wasn’t trying.
 “When I’m home, feeling you holding me tight!” they both sang, “it’s been a hard day’s night, and I’ve been working like a dog!..” they exploded into giggles. The song was over far too quick, but then the opening riff of “I Feel Fine” started. Sarah broke into song more than before. She air guitared the solo, bobbing her head to the beat.
 “That her baby buys things you know, he buys her diamond rings you know, she said so!” she belted.
 “I’m in love with her and I feel fine!” he finished. The song faded out and they were at the reactor.
 “Well, this is it, McCartney,” she teased as she got out.
 “Are you calling me the cute one?” he laughed. She sighed.
 “I still hate you!” she exclaimed. He parked the car.
 “Ditto,” he laughed. She walked away, but Leo couldn’t bring himself to leave, so he pulled up Netflix on his phone, searched for ‘feminism’ and sat in for the long haul.
 He was asleep when she came out of reactor, bracing herself for the long walk back to the university in the dark. Her keys were at the ready and she steeled her nerves as she reviewed everything her instructor told her, but then she noticed Leo’s car. He waited for her! It’d been four hours since he’d dropped her off! She was amazed, and walked up to the car. He was asleep!
 “Diaz?” she said quietly, opening the door.
 “Sarah?” he mumbled, rubbing at his eyes, “What time is it?” she look down at her phone.
 “Seven thirty-two,” she said, “did you wait for me the entire time?” He shrugged.
 “Yeah. I watched a documentary on Feminism, and then I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark for about the seventieth time. I fell asleep about halfway through,” he yawned, “let’s get you back to campus, so that we can all sleep.”
 “Alright, I’m in parking lot D,” she leaned back for the quick drive back to actual campus. The stereo was on ever so slightly and Sarah found herself humming, almost subconsciously, along to it.
 Leo made a good friend, she decided. She needed to hang out with him more. He made her laugh, he was an annoying little shit, but he was also a nice person who didn’t immediately write her off as ‘little miss genius’.
 They were at her car by the end of the song, she stepped out and laughed,
 “Thanks, by the way.”
 “Of course,” he replied, like wasting four hours waiting for a girl he barely knew to finish working at a nuclear reactor was not a big deal.
 “I still hate you,” she said, smiling. She didn’t, not really.
 “Ditto,” he replied with a smile. He didn’t, not really. She got into her car,
 “Goodnight, Leo.”
 “Goodnight, Sarah.” He drove away, the stereo playing pianissimo.
“She loves you! Yeah, yeah, yeah!”, the Beatles crooned on in the background.
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onisionhurtspeople · 7 years
A lot of people in the comments section of this video, and in the anti-O and O communities alike, are complaining about Blaire’s conduct during this debate: "WHY DIDN'T SHE LET HIM TALK?! WHY WAS SHE SO MEAN? WHY DID SHE KEEP INTERRUPTING HIM?", and claiming that Onision won by default just because she interrupted him so much. Allow me to explain to you why Blaire did this the way she did. 
Despite the fact that Onision labels himself "honest" and "The Fact Fucking Machine", in reality, he is neither of these things. Onision had no objective to enter this debate with the intent of arguing with honesty and integrity - he uses these debates as a way to manipulate and assert control over others, especially women (notice how he almost always debates women?). If you allow Onision to lead the conversation during these debates, he will dominate it, he was gaslight you, and he will manipulate circumstances, conversation, and even the very definition of words themselves in order to serve his purpose: to monopolize the conversation, and win. Not to debate honestly, to expand his horizons, or to defend his ideals, but to win, to dominate, to influence, to garner attention, and to humiliate.  The way that Blaire treated this debate - as a joke, by purposely toying with him, and by being the person to lead the conversation - is the ONLY way to win a debate with Onision. You have to keep him following your lead, and not allow him to command the conversation even for a single second - as soon as he gets the upper hand, he will take it (you can see him trying at several places throughout this video, when Blaire listens long enough for him to start picking up steam). Unfortunately in this instance, where somebody else is dominating the conversation, he will then switch into victim mode ("she was so mean, she was so angry, she called me names, she yelled even though I was so calm" - even though he has done the same thing himself in EVERY single debate he's had; I mean, just look at his debate with Joy Sparkle BS last week where he called her every name in the book - but then he labels HIS yelling and insults as “righteous indignation”); but nonetheless, despite trying to posit himself as a victim of Blaire, he will still be angry and annoyed and feel humiliated and defeated.
Blaire knew all of this before going into the debate. She is very well-versed in Onision and his manipulative techniques. That’s why she treated him the way she did throughout the conversation. She 100% went through with this debate not because she actually wanted to have a discussion or to prove him wrong, but literally just because she wanted an opportunity to fuck with him - she actually admitted this several times during the course of the conversation. And it worked. She got what she wanted.
I don't follow Blaire and we disagree on many topics (particularly conservatism), but this debate had me fucking rolling at how expertly she turned his own game on its head, used it against him, and then won, with his OWN tactics; and I was incredibly proud of her for managing to do so. This is the first time I've ever seen Onision get spanked like a baby during a debate, and I loved watching it. Thank you, Blaire. I've been waiting for this for YEARS.   
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