#and he can’t stand deadbeat parents because they actually got what he wanted and ruined on purpose
beebubb · 3 years
I read your LJ and will headcanons and i really love them! Can you perhaps make some headcanons of when LJ had to take care of baby william? Like how would he treat him when he hated him and then when he actually grew to like him?
Ahhhhhh!!! Yessss!!! I'm gonna make this a post of LJ taking care or will from newborn to now
LJ taking care of william grossman headcanons (childhood all the way to now) + a bit of will's back story
Will as a baby
Will was assigned to LJ before will was even born
So while everyone was celebrating the pregnancy, LJ was just pissed
no one could hear or see him obviously, so he could say what ever he wanted
He just look at the dad be like "i bet that brat isn't even yours!"
He would just DREAD the day will was finally born
When will was born, and his mom finally came back home with will in her arms, was when he finally met him
".....he looks exactly like fucking isaac goddamnit!!!!"
He wouldn't take care of will and could care less about him
He would appear to will whenever he was alone in the nursery room and just say the meanest things to him or just hate anything will did
".....you're the cum shot your mom should have swallowed...."
"can you shut the fuck up?!?"
*carrying him* "go to hell you annoying waste of space"
"i wish I could take your eye out like I did to your fucking grandpa....."
"you know I can gut you whenever I feel like it"
Or just make dark jokes
"i can knock all your teeth over just like isaac! Wait, you don't have any! Hahaha!!"
LJ doesn't admit but, when he was watching over will, he just started crying, he was just so overwhelmed by everything, especially knowing he was stuck with his enemy's grandkid "i hate that i'm stuck with you!!! Why the fuck would you even want me?!? You're just going to abandon me just like your damn grandfather!!!"
With time though, he started growing fond of him
Will was really close to LJ. He would just smile to him, laugh, grab his pointy nose, and even if jack rarely carried him, you know those feathers jack has on his shoulders? Will would immediatly fall asleep with those
Once LJ was a bit more ready to care for him, was when he actually started trying
"Alright, i'm your guardian! I hate it! But if i'm stuck with you, i'm going to raise you MY way!"
"I'm the one protecting you so you BETTER say my name as your first word, got it?"
It took him a bit to warm up to him but it eventually came along
Will was a cuddly baby, so he loved to sleep on LJ's shoulder and grab his nose
"let go of my nose before I kill you"
When he was finally attached to will, he was acting more of a parent than anyone.
He would hate it if someone didn't take proper care of him
"you're holding him wrong!"
"he doesn't like to be held like that!"
"you're supposed to put 2 scoops of formula! Not 1!!"
"goddamnit I'm doing most of the work here!!!"
"if yall wanted a kid you should atleast know to care for it!"
Will's first word was JJ.
It was his attempt at saying LJ
"holy shit!!! That's not my name but it's close!! I knew it!!"
His mom and dad saw it as insignificant and thought it was just those weird baby noises that babies make
But LJ knew what he meant and was more happy than ever
"he likes me more!! In your face assholes!!"
Will as a toddler
LJ was there for his first words, so he was also there for will's first steps
Will was also a very energetic kid, and once he started crawling and walking, it was more chaos for his parents
They had to baby proof a lot of things
But LJ could keep up with his energy, and sometimes even tire him
Though there was this one time when will called him "daddy" and his dad thought he was calling him but actually, he was talking to LJ
Many think that LJ might hate to be called that sense well, you know, he hates children, but he honestly didn't know how to feel. He was a bit surprised, a bit happy, and confused
He didn't deny it, it was just like
Toddler will: daddy! Daddy!
LJ: um....uh... Lets keep playing ok?
LJ loved will and was happy to care for him and pretty much the hate he had towards him was pretty much gone but, he didn't really know how to feel
He let it slide but will called him that a lot
LJ would get a bit emotional sometimes but he would just try to ignore it and keep playing with will
Or he would just slightly smile
Will as a kid (4-11)
Will was now more aware and way more energetic
Which was more fun for LJ
Will didn't have many friends, except for LJ
Even if he was happy and energetic, will was a shy child at school.
Also he didn't play with anyone except jack
The teachers thought that will was weird and called his parents a lot
The teachers would always say stuff like "he doesn't play with any of the other children, and talks alone like if he were talking with someone else especially someone he says is called" jack", is everything OK at home? Have you seen a family psychologist?"
Will was actually taken to a few therapy sessions but he wasn't diagnosed with any mental illnesses. So people just assumed that will just had a really active imagination and that jack was just an imaginary friend
Though will being "weird" just meant he was gonna be an easy target to get bullied
But jack wouldn't let that happen. He wouldn't let some asshole kids ruin will's childhood
Sometimes when the kids would go to the bathroom or just go to the hallway to the drinking fountain, he would scare them by turning the lights on and off
Or he would even follow them home and would make his claw like hands appear from inside their closets or under their beds.
Sometimes he would even grab their legs which would terrify the kids
They soon stopped bothering will because "jack will come and get you!"
So will had a pretty good childhood thanks to Jack sense he would protect him of pretty much everything
When will was in kindergarden they had arts and crafts, he would sometimes draw his mom and his dad together but mostly his drawings were of jack
The teachers thought the parents were irresponsible because lets say that sometimes will's drawing were a bit graphic or creepy and they thought that it was because will watched too much horror movies
Teacher: what are you drawing, William?
Will: it's Jack and I!
Teacher: oh that's nice! But.. What.. What are you doing with Jack?
Will: We're using the stuff inside the guy's belly to make balloon animals! *keeps drawing* jack said that I'll be a killer when I grow up!
Jack was just a proud clown guardian
Jack's prized possession was a drawing that will made of the two of them. It just made him feel really appreciated. Also he encouraged will to play with the kids but will just preferred LJ
LJ: you know that you can play with the other kids right?
Will: i don't want to! I don't like the other kids! I want to be with you, you're my best friend!
It was just fun with will that someday jack would spend days laughing and laughing that sometimes it felt like he would get his colors back
Also will learned to cuss at a young age. And everyone can already guess where he got that from
He was a horror movie fan
Which is why he always said "i want to be like Jason when I grow up!"
"i want to do what leatherface does!"
"I'm going to be just like ghostface!"
But when LJ told him about the pastas, is when he started admiring them
"when I grow up, I'm going to work for slenderman!!"
Also you know in that one comic page where will was at the institution and said "i am the one and only grossman! And I will become the greatest killer the world and the underworld has ever seen!"
Well he had been saying that ever sense he was a kid
Will's mom was a really caring and nice mother but she would soon start getting angry every time will said he wanted to be a killer
Everytime the family got together or the neighbors would ask will what he wanted to be when he grew up, will's mom would always get embarrassed and try to change the answer
Neighbor: what do you want to be when you grow up?
Will: i want to be a killer!
Mom: AN ACTOR!! he wants to be an actor!! He just.. Um... Has seen so many horror movies and well he likes the actors! So he wants to be one!
Will would always get scolded by his mom or get grounded
"William, i told you a million times!!! Stop saying you want to be a killer!!! That doesn't exists! Just choose something normal!!"
William would sometimes just stand or sit in the corner and cry
LJ was always there to comfort him
"Don't cry buddy! Don't listen to that bitch! You will be a killer!"
His mom would get annoyed a lot of will talking about LJ
"You're six!!! You're old enough to know that jack is just an imaginary friend!"
"He's not imaginary!!!!"
And ever sense will knew about the underworld, that's the only place he would talk about.
Will: LJ please take me with you!! I want to go to the under realm! I want to meet jeff the killer! And ben! And masky! And slenderman!
LJ: i can't take you now but i promise i will when you're older!
Will loved his parents but he slowly started disliking them.
His mom always seemed embarrassed of him and his dad was becoming distant
The day that his parents got divorced, he did cry a few days.
He would always ask LJ "did dad leave because of me?"
But jack was there to reassure him it wasn't his fault.
"He's just a deadbeat bitch dad! But i'll be here for you! You don't need him!"
LJ pretty much took a fatherly role to will but never realised it
In will's school he had this "bring your parent to school day" thing and he didn't tell his mom, he wanted LJ to come
LJ didn't have a human disguise like the other pastas sense he was technically an imaginary friend. So he had to consult the rulers of hell to give him a temporary one or grant him that ability
LJ: Come on please! He really wants me to attend! Lend me a fucking hand here!
Paimon: i don't know, your job is just to protect him, you don't NEED to attend something as simple as a school event, he has his mother
LJ: i know but my boy wants ME to come! He doesn't want his damn mother to go!
Yeah, LJ called him "his boy"
He was more of a father than ever even if he didn't admit it
Bael: *sighs* fine, we'll give you a disguise just for today
LJ: yes! Thank you!
And LJ was able to go to will's school, he just presented himself as will's uncle
Will was happier than ever
Jack tried to act normal so he made up lies of his career
"Oh um i'm a....surgeon!"
Being a surgeon was the closest thing to his actual job. I mean, they both take out people's guts right?
Will as a teen (13-17) (basically now)
Will had a bit of an emo phase but not completely. It only appeared whenever he was with his mom
Only when he was with his mom he was distant and always seemed annoyed
He became the typical angsty teen. Started drinking, getting piercings, dying his hair, wear black, eyeliner, etc
Mom: another piercing?!
Will: yeah! Why do you care!?! I'm already an embarrassment to you aren't i?!
They would get into arguments a lot
Especially because of his sexuality
His mom didn't respect will's privacy so he would always check his texts, pictures, etc
"You're talking with girls AND boys?!?!"
Will was bisexual but only LJ knew obviously.
"If my boy likes guys then fucking let him!!! Stupid bitch!!!"
Though no matter who won the argument, it always ended with will crying or just laying on his bed listening to music
William would run away a LOT
Him and LJ had found an abandoned hospital where they would always hang out.
Will could be himself with LJ
His mood and attitude completely changed there.
They would drink beer together, tell jokes, prank random people in the streets, or just do random things
"Look at this street sign i stole!!"
But how did will finally go to the underworld? A family argument in will's 16th birthday
His mom invited everyone to the house.
But will was uninterested
And his mom like always, didn't want to "be embarrassed" by will, so he forced him to wear something else besides black, to take all of his piercings off, and didn't let him dye his hair
Everyone was there eating together
But will, like always, was distant
Uncle: so how are things in school?
Will: everything's fine
Cousin: what college are you going to?
Will: *shrugs*
Will hated his party.
LJ: enjoying your sweet 16? Haha!
Will: i hate it....
LJ frowned seeing him upset in his own birthday, but he gave him something
LJ: hey, i got you a little something! I know you want to be a killer so here!
He gave will the bird mask
Will: ! My...my first killer mask?!
LJ: yep!
Will: holy shit!!! Thank you! *puts it on* i love it!! I look like an actual serial killer!
LJ: i knew you would like it!
Will was super happy with his mask but he was called outside to cut the cake
"Cut your cake bud! Once this party is over, how about we go get some drinks?"
Will smiled "alright!"
He went out to cut his cake.
A few hours later though, everything was ruined
Will had another argument with his mom.
Will: I'M your son!!! Not them!!! Why do you like them more?!
Mom: i do like you will! I just...i just want you to be normal like them! I want you to want a normal career! To do better in school! To dress differently, and like girls!
Will: i DO like girls!!!
Mom: then why were you talking to boys?!?
Everyone just looked at will in shock
Will: b-because.....because i'm fucking bisexual!!! I like boys AND girls!! I'm not gay!!! There's a difference!!!
Mom: but you like boys!! That's not normal!! Nothing of you is normal!! Liking boys isn't normal! And being a killer isn't normal either!!
Will: oh so you hate me for being me?!?! I fucking hate you!!! You make my life a living hell!!!
Will stormed off to his room and locked himself and started sobbing.
Jack saw everything. He would have killed will's mom but everyone was there, plus he wasn't allowed to (a disadvantage of having a deal with the rulers of hell)
Will felt humiliated infront of the whole family
Jack saw how upset he was, so that's when he finally made up his mind
LJ: hey, remember when i told you i was bringing you to the underworld one day?
Will: *wiping away his tears* y-yeah?
LJ: well, that's today!
Will: wait, really?!?
Will immediately sat up his a smile on his face
LJ: yep! How about we leave this place? Let's go to to the underworld! You won't have to worry about your mom anymore! Or that shitty family of yours!
Will: yes!!!!! Yes I'd love that!!!
LJ: then pack your things and lets go!
Will got up from his bed and started packing. And once he was done, he just stood up smiling with his bags in hand
Will: let's go!!
LJ covered will's eyes with his hands.
And before Will knew it, he was in the underworld.
And that's when will finally started a new life.
LJ didn't have a luxurious life to give will but will loved it. Even if they lived in a shitty apartment, will was more happy than ever.
Will was still underage so LJ took care of getting him registered as an official underworld citizen and getting all the paper work done to have full custody of will as his guardian
So he basically adopted will
Will: i can actually be a killer here right?
LJ: yep! There's actually an institution for killers! So I'll start working on enrolling you in!
Will: yes!!!
And that's basically how their lives started
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violetwolfraven · 3 years
“Oh my gosh, Flynn! Don’t bother coming!”
Part 2 of that flarrie angst I wrote earlier. This should be fun.
Tw: abandonment, denial of feelings, a little internalized homophobia.
“Oh my gosh, Flynn! Don’t bother coming!”
Of course Carrie doesn’t want Flynn and Julie to come to her performance. Why would she? It’s not like they’re friends anymore. They’re not. They haven’t been for a while.
Carrie does not miss Flynn and Julie.
She doesn’t. She doesn’t need them. They were good friends while it lasted, sure, but that’s over and dead and it’s never coming back so Carrie isn’t stuck in the past missing them.
She’s got Dirty Candi now. And the others are talented, but not enough to be competition like Julie is, and they have a healthy fear of the girl who can kick them out of the band if she wants, so they don’t challenge her like Flynn does. They do what they’re told. Carrie doesn’t have to care about their opinions beyond making sure they know they can tell her if any choreography or costumes make them uncomfortable. Considering she’s had to alter a grand total of two dance moves since they got together, that’s not even that big of a concern.
It is not lonely, being a bubblegum pop princess ruling alone over her little kingdom by fear. It’s... different from how things were with Julie and Flynn, but it’s better. The other girls know that their talents lie mostly in dance and these days, that alone isn’t enough to get them the fame they want so badly. They need Carrie to get any real fame. Hopefully, that means they can’t just leave at the drop of a hat.
Sure, maybe Kayla never used to look at her with that caution before their dance class became their band, but it’s fine. It’s fine. It’s probably better, because if she’s afraid of Carrie, she can’t hurt her.
None of them can. No one can.
Carrie’s finally as invincible as she always wished she was and she is not lonely.
She doesn’t miss having Julie to bounce music ideas off of and Flynn to...
Flynn. Talking about everything from things that don’t actually matter to things that really, really do. Watching Pirates of the Caribbean and chugging soda to stay awake and braiding each other’s hair.
Flynn, who is as sarcastic as she is compassionate, level-headed as they are ready to throw hands with anyone who hurts one of her friends. Fiercely protective yet would probably sell you to Satan for one corn chip.
Carrie can still remember the process to help when there’s something bothering them. Turn on her favorite movie trilogy, mess around with her hair a bit, talk about nothing important until they’re ready to talk about whatever is important. Give Flynn her full attention, making sure they feel seen and her feelings are validated. Carrie got it down to a science years ago, and it always felt nice to help when they were upset. It made this warm feeling flush through her chest, seeing that lovely smile of hers creep out, and...
And okay, maybe Carrie can’t watch Pirates of the Caribbean anymore because it feels wrong to watch it without them, but that doesn’t mean anything! It doesn’t mean she misses her!
Carrie doesn’t miss people. Missing someone doesn’t bring them back, so why bother? And besides, Flynn and Julie are hardly the first people to leave her behind.
Honestly, though, she doesn’t expect Nick to leave until he does.
She knows about his crush on Julie (and on at least one of his lacrosse teammates at any given time). She’s not blind. Of course she knows. And she doesn’t particularly care, because she knows Nick, and she knows he wouldn’t cheat.
And she knows that they’ve been together since the beginning of 8th grade—over 2 years—and most teen relationships don’t last 2 months, so it’s not exactly a surprise that he doesn’t like her that way anymore. He did in the beginning, but lately they’ve been drifting apart not so much physically as emotionally. They’re not the same people they were in 8th grade.
Nick has known Julie for as long as he’s known Carrie, so of course he knew Rose, too (another person in Carrie’s life that left.) and for him, with the Molinas’ tendency to provide family figures to anyone who needs them, her death was probably a ripping open of old wounds, considering how his own mother died when he was little. Rose’s death affected him almost as much as it did a girl who’s known the Molinas since she was in diapers.
Carrie just... tried really hard not to think about it. She’s still trying really hard not to think about it. Because Rose was... well, she was around for more of Carrie’s childhood than her deadbeat of a blood mother was.
That woman is another thing Carrie tries really hard not to think about.
She who only stuck around for the first 7 years of Carrie’s life, and then left because... because she cried too much or needed too much attention or just got to be too much effort? Because she wasn’t a part of the future her mother wanted?
Because Carrie was never wanted in the first place?
It’s not like her dad ever told her, but Carrie’s not stupid. She knows that her parents were never married, and her dad had been tripping hard on the consequences of teenage fame around the time she would have been conceived. He’d cleaned up his act for her and her mom hadn’t because why would she put in the effort for the product of what was probably a one night stand?
Carrie’s not stupid. No one told her, but she knows she was an accident. And she doesn’t care. She doesn’t let how she came to be affect how she lives her life. She doesn’t be bright and flashy and talented to prove that she deserves her space in the world. She doesn’t let it affect her perception of herself or her relationships.
Flynn is always so effortlessly confident in themself, no matter if she’s feeling conflicted about her mom having a girlfriend or angry about their dad ignoring them or sad about her best friend’s mom who was as good as another mother to them dying. It’s one of the things Carrie loves hates the most about her. That she could be that confident (so confident she could almost make Carrie feel confident in herself).
Flynn always acts like they’re right. It’s infuriating because she almost always is she’s wrong when it comes to Carrie.
Okay, maybe Carrie doesn’t like Nick that way. Maybe Flynn’s right about that. But he bops to her songs. He doesn’t challenge her. And he’s hiding from acting on any of his actual crushes just like her.
They’re together because... because Carrie does like being around him. Nick’s easy to like. He’s friendly with practically everyone and has pretty flexible music taste. He’s popular, like her. They make sense together.
And Carrie knows he’s been hiding behind her to avoid confronting his crush on Julie for the last several months, so it honestly doesn’t make sense why he’d want to stop. What they’re doing now is safe. It’s easy. Effortless, really.
And it’s apparently not enough. Carrie is apparently not enough for him anymore.
Whatever. She doesn’t think him and Julie are going to get together, be it because of Julie’s new crush on her guitarist or Nick’s already-established inability to make a damn move on a real crush. Honestly, she’s expecting him to chicken out and run back to her like the last couple times.
Or at least... she is until he accuses her of the same thing Flynn did years ago.
When Flynn who is always right insisted she’s...
Carrie remembers back when they first came out, when Triple Threat was they were maybe... 11? 10? As a lesbian with she/they pronouns. She remembers how everyone was supportive, but Rose did pull Julie and Carrie aside later to say that they need to look out for Flynn because people can be hateful and though it’s getting better, things will be harder for her because of who they are.
And Rose was right. In the spotlight, it’s harder to be anything but straight. Her dad told her once about a friend he had when he was younger who faced so much shit because he was gay. She saw the stickynote some idiot stuck in Flynn’s locker in 7th grade. She’s seen producers and choreographers willing to work with Dirty Candi—until they look at Courtney’s Instagram and find that she’s out and proud and therefore not as marketable to a mainstream audience.
It’s not easy to be anyone trying to get your big break. But if you’re straight your sexuality is never one of the things that gets in the way, so Carrie is straight.
She’s fine with Courtney being out. She’s not their front woman and the group’s reputation can survive that. And Julie and Flynn’s sexualities are never one of the things Carrie mocks about them, but she knows from stalking the comments on Edge of Great and seeing some assholes saying shit about Julie being bisexual that others aren’t so kind.
Another reason Carrie liked being with Nick was because she had an excuse not to think about any of this.
Not to replay Flynn’s voice in her mind from when they were 13, confessing feelings Carrie had never even considered and asking her out.
She’d run away from that—run to Nick—because... because she felt bad, breaking Flynn’s heart. Not because there was any kind of realization and consequential panic about feelings for her that Carrie might, hypothetically return.
It’s easier to be straight. Being straight doesn’t hurt her career, and she needs her career because she’s got to prove to everyone who ever left her that they should’ve stayed that she’s just as talented as her dad.
So when the feelings and heartbreak and complications ruin their friendship because Flynn is right can’t accept being wrong, she doesn’t miss Flynn. She doesn’t miss Flynn. She doesn’t miss Flynn.
Pirates of the Caribbean isn’t even that good of a franchise anyway, so what does Carrie care if Flynn hates her guts and calls her a demon and growls that you don’t even like him and you can lie to the world and yourself about who you are but we can be friends again when you’re ready to stop lying to me.
Carrie doesn’t miss them. She doesn’t miss Julie, either. She doesn’t need either of them. She doesn’t want them around. She doesn’t enjoy the (grudgingly) impressed look on Flynn’s face on the rare occasion she shows up to a Dirty Candi show and watches Carrie shine without them.
But with how weird Nick’s been acting lately... maybe she does need Julie and Flynn’s help to find out what’s wrong, because the normal Nick left her clearly doesn’t trust her anymore and she won’t be able to help him by herself.
So after over a year of pushing them away, telling them not to bother coming to her performances, being angry that Julie is so successful, Carrie sucks it up, takes a deep breath, and walks over to Julie’s locker for a civil conversation.
The murderous look that Flynn gives her doesn’t matter. It’s fine.
Carrie hasn’t missed her, or... desperately wanted her around even when they were fighting or anything.
I’m pretty sure I saw someone call the blue one Courtney once. I don’t think it’s a canon name but that’s who that is if anyone was wondering.
I kinda rushed finishing this because jatp won an mtv award and I wanted to contribute to (maybe) making it trend so sorry if it kinda sucks! If you do like it, comments are love so please comment!
Also let me know if you want a part 3 cause I’m undecided on writing more to this.
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pogueshomecoming · 4 years
you’ll always have a place here x john b routledge
requested? yes: Can I make a request pls? Perhaps something along the lines of John B meeting your family for the first time, you guys are pogues but slightly richer than the typical 'pogue' and when they ask him about his family even though its a touchy subject he opens up to them which then your family make it their mission to include him as much as possible and make him feel loved and part of the family as much as they can? (hello anon! this is such a cute idea, and i had fun writing it. thank you for sending it in.)
description: after meeting your boyfriend once, your parents make sure john b always feels welcome in their home
fill out this survey to join my taglist(s), here’s my masterlist, and requests are open
Warnings: i don’t think this is angst or fluff so,,,, there’s that.
word count: 1.6k
so if anyone would want it, i might make another part or two of john b actually spending time w the family? Idk, i feel like i didn’t fully answer the request
You hadn’t been dating John B for long when your parents requested you bring him over for dinner one night. They had always been protective of you, considering you’re their only child, but this put you and John B on edge. 
Not because your parents were bad people, but because sometimes they were too much. Overenthusiastic, as you liked to tell everyone on your front porch before they entered your house for the first time. 
Both John B and your parents had been given pep talks beforehand. John B had been warned not to get your dad started on anything political, and to compliment your mom on her vintage dishes she’d most likely pull out for the special occasion. She’d been collecting them for years. 
However, your parents were a little tougher. You were painfully aware of the way they liked to dig into your friend’s lives, whether they meant to or not. Honestly, they just wanted to know the background of their daughter’s friends, but for John B, you told them that wasn’t an option. Given John B’s family situation and everything he’d been through in the last year, you warned them to be careful. 
So when you hear the doorbell ring, you immediately jump up, beating your parents to the door by a split second. “Shoo, let me open the door in peace. Trust me, you have all night with him, and that’s plenty.”
After they’ve disappeared from behind you, you take a breath and have a moment to yourself. It’s going to be a good night. Everything will go smoothly. There’s no way this can be messed up. Well, there absolutely is a way, lots of ways actually, but maybe drilling the boundaries into their heads was effective this time. 
John B greets you with a hug and a kiss, trying to hold on to you for as long as he can. He’s nervous, you can already tell. With parent figures being absent in his life, this was a big deal. It felt like a make it or break it situation for him.
The first half of dinner was fine. You thought that things couldn’t have gone any better. When John B complimented your mother’s matching dishes, she talked about them for a whole twenty minutes, and it moved things along quite quickly. Things started spiraling when your dad said, “So, what’s your family like?”
You felt your breath catch in your throat, immediately shooting daggers with your eyes at your father. This was on the list of things he couldn’t ask about under any circumstance. John B notices you tense and squeezes your hand. 
“Don’t answer that if you don’t want to.” You lean over, intending for it to be a whisper, but when there are only two other people in the room, it’s hard to keep anything a secret.
John B clears his throat and shakes his head, throwing a side glance at you to let you know it’s okay. 
“I didn’t mean to overstep. If it’s an uncomfortable topic, we can find something else to talk about.” Your dad tries to make amends, more so for your sake, because John B doesn’t seem too bothered. You’re the only one at the table who knows that your boyfriend is very good at keeping his composure when he wants to. 
“No, sir, it’s fine. I want Y/N to be in my life for as long as possible, so it’s only fair that you know about me, right?” John B offers a small smile, turning towards you for just a second. You refrain from rolling your eyes at the fact that he could sweet-talk his way in or out of absolutely anything. 
It’s silent for just a beat before John B spills his life’s details. His mom leaving when he was young, and his dad spending a lot of time researching until it eventually leads to his death. Can’t forget the deadbeat uncle who left his nephew to the sharks that are also known as DCS. 
The shock on your parents’ faces as John B ends his spiel with, “So, pretty much I’m an orphan.” is evident. They’re not even trying to hide it. Your mom looks like she’s about to cry, and your dad just looks hugely uncomfortable. John B shifts in his chair, looking down at his plate like he’s ashamed. 
“Uhm,” Your mother clears her throat, gathering her plate in his hands, “We’re going to go get the dessert from the kitchen, alright?”
She gives your father a side glance, and he follows her into the kitchen. It’s your turn to let your jaw fall. First, your dad blatantly asks about something you told him not to, and then they just leave the room. What had gotten into them? 
John B is already looking at you when you finally look over to him. Your cheeks feel hot with embarrassment. “I am so sorry. That was ridiculous, and I’m embarrassed. I told them not to cross the boundaries. I don’t know why they’re so rude. Like, are you kidding me? I’m going in there to talk to them.”
As you angrily ramble, you start to get up, but John B pulls you back down. “Hey, it’s fine, Y/N. Maybe they didn’t know how to respond. I’m a little uncomfortable, but they probably are too. I get it.”
You know that John B can pretty much see the steam coming from your ears, but before you can ask if he’s saying that for your sake, your parents come back. The apple pie your mother slaved over gets put in the middle of the table. A pin falling to the floor could be heard with how silent it is. 
Thankfully, your dad breaks the silence. If he’d waited for a second longer, you would’ve exploded with anger.
“John B, we apologize for walking out like that. It was just a little bit of a surprise is all, we aren’t here to judge you or think any less of you because of what you’ve been through. I’m sorry if I overstepped by asking.” Your dad slightly bows his head as a way to solidify his apology. 
“No, sir, there’s nothing to apologize for.” JB places his hand back on your thigh under the table, and you put one of yours over the top of it. 
“We also want you to know that we want you to feel like this is a second home to you. Anything you need, we’ll do what we can to help you. We’ve got an extra bedroom, even. It’s not an empty offer, either, so don’t be afraid to ask.” Your mom is already an emotional person, so by the time she’s done speaking, the tears have welled up so far in her eyes that you’re sure she can’t see anything. 
John B smiles, and so do you. It’s the last thing you would’ve expected them to say based on their previous reactions, but it makes your heart swell. They like John B enough to welcome him into the family already. Of course, you never had any doubts that they’d like him, but you hadn’t ever thought of this outcome. 
“I appreciate it. I really do. Thank you both for being so kind. This pie looks delicious, should we cut into it?” He switches the subject causing your father to laugh. 
“How about you cut the first slice?” He passes the knife over to John B, and you let out the breath you’d been holding. 
It was fine. Everything was okay. Maybe it wasn’t how you imagined the night to go, but as you watched John B joke with your dad while eating apple pie, you weren’t concerned anymore. Laughter from all four of you filled the room when John B accidentally dropped a piece of pie off the server. 
“That one can be mine.” John B shrugged, scooping it onto his plate before he placed a new slice onto yours. He sends you a wink, leaning over to place a soft kiss to your cheek. 
It’s not long before it’s time for John B has to leave. He promised JJ they’d go night fishing and you weren’t going to let him miss it. For a minute there, you thought you were going to have to drag him from the dining table yourself. JB stands up, reaching to shake your dad’s hand but is surprised when he pulls him in for a hug instead. Your mom is next. 
“Please, come back any time, John B. We loved having your company.” She kisses his cheek as she pulls away, and you groan. 
“Okay, mother, he’s going now. John B can’t be late.” You pull on his hand, and he lets his weight fall in your direction before he takes steps to follow you. 
“Thank you so much for having me!”
The two of you step outside onto your front porch. The yellow light by the front door casting a glow over both your faces. He takes a step down, so you’re closer to the same height.
“That went well, right?” John B asks, pulling you by the waist into his arms. 
“Better than I could’ve imagined, but I thought it was going to take a wrong turn there for a second.” You press your forehead to his and smile. 
“Do you think it’s too early to ask them to check in with Peterkin every now and then, so DCS isn’t on my case?” John B laughs, only a little bit joking. 
“I think we can make that happen.” You bring your chin forward, meeting his lips with yours. 
Suddenly the door opens, ruining the one moment you had alone with John B tonight. Your parents stick their heads out as you both turn to look at them. They’d probably been eavesdropping through the screen door, and you suspicions are confirmed when your mother says,
“You’ll always have a place here, John B.”
thanks for reading! don’t forget to reblog or send me feedback :)
john b taglist: john b taglist: @pogue-h , @shawnssongs , @hopelesswritingxd , @millie-753 , @thatsonobx , @jjtheangel , @ohbx , @babysbestlife , @psychicforest , @fanficscuziranout , @maebanks , @diverdown06, @thelocalpogue , @maybe-maybanks , @extratragic , @alexandracheers , @a-brooding-bird , @ughitslizz , @damonsalvawhore27 , @beth-winchester21 , @sunwardsss , @outerbanksbro , @collecting-stories , @yelyahryan ,
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greenygreenland · 4 years
Birds of a Feather Pt 1: (platonic) Scrooge McDuck & Reader
-i usually do star wars buuuuuut I'm becoming multi-fandom
-the original was deleted
-thanks a LOT technology. Three hours of hard work, down the drain
-comments will really help my mood, so please tell me if you like this
-happy father's day
Important note: You’re cursed with immortality, so you’re forever the age 15
Scrooge has been hiding a secret from you for over two decades. You two argue and your relationship becomes rocky.
A week before
(Y/n) was seething in anger. Her chest heaved and her fingers curled into fists so tight that Scrooge worried she’d draw blood. “Twenty--no, thirty something years, Uncle Scrooge. I can’t believe you’ve hid this from me since the day you found me half-dead! How--how dare you?” 
Scrooge couldn’t stand the way (Y/n) was looking at him. Her eyes were ablaze, filled with hatred and sorrow he could not place into words. Seeing (Y/n), the girl who wasn’t so little anymore, look at him like that made his battered heart burst into little pieces. “(Y/n), I didn’t mean to--”
“No, I don’t want to hear it! You told me my family was dead! You said that I was the only one who survived that assassination.” (Y/n) stuffed a pair of trousers into her suitcase and zipped it shut. “You lied to me for decades! Why?” Scrooge’s lips withered into a frown. “I was trying to protect you!”
“’Protect me’?” (Y/n) echoed. She heaved her suitcase onto its quad wheels with a scowl. “Oh yes, because the wee little duckling who knows martial arts needs help despite surviving countless near-death experiences, adventures as your side-kick, and defeating archenemies. Yes, yes, I’m powerless, aren’t I?” Scrooge’s brows knitted together. He knew full-well that (Y/n) could take care of herself. She survived being stuck on an island as well, being swallowed by a gold-hunting dragon, and so many other things that could have ended her life for good. 
But this? It wasn’t that Scrooge thought she was weak. No, no. It was only that he knew she couldn’t handle the truth. The Eider family were an absolute nightmare. Besides the fact that they were abusive, they were greedier than the greediest ducks, and more power-hungry than the worst of kings. They believed themselves to be the best of the best (which in itself was not a lie), but because of their arrogance, their enemies spread father than the deepest oceans.
Funnily enough, that was what got (Y/n)’s parents killed.
She was a smart lass, Scrooge gave her that, but the one thing she could never seem to do was let them go. During the years Scrooge hid the true story from her, she never gave up in researching and looking into what happened to her parents. It was as if that were the only reason she existed. 
And now that she knew the truth, Scrooge worried what she’d do when she actually got back in contact with her family. Although it looked like she forgave them for ruining her life, abusing her, and for being absolute blockheads, it was clear as daylight to him that she held a deep grudge against her family. “You’re not going back to them are you?” he quietly inquired. 
(Y/n)’s glare made him feel as though he were the dust on an old book. “Guess again, Scroogey.” His expression hardened and the air thickened like jam. “Lass, you are not going back there.” (Y/n) made her way to the door, a tight frown on her face. “I don’t have to listen to you, liar.” 
Scrooge’s jaw unhinged. “I’m your guardian!” 
“Only because my parents died.” 
His shoulders tensed and he slammed the door shut. “You listen here and you listen well!” He yanked (Y/n) away from the door. “Me lying will never compare to how terrible your family treated you. You want the truth so bad? Well, your rubbish aunt hired a hit man to assassinate your parents! There! That’s the truth! Are you happy now?” (Y/n) slapped Scrooge’s hand off her shoulder, but he didn’t pay any mind. 
The two had a silent stare-off that may have lasted for an hour if it weren’t for the knock on the door. “(Y/n)?” Scrooge eyed the door as (Y/n) made her way towards it. She cracked it open just enough to peek out at the little girl before her. “Sorry Webby, I can’t play right now. I’m a bit...”
“Yeah.” (Y/n) offered an apologetic smile, to which Webby frowned and twiddled her thumbs to. “Okay then. I’ll be in my room.” She made her way down the hall. “Alone.” (Y/n) frowned. “I’m sorry Webby, promise I’ll make it up to you in two weeks time. How about we get ice cream?” Webby froze, eyes wide. “You mean it?”
“Promise.” (Y/n) said. Webby smiled. “Okay.” 
Once (Y/n) was sure Webby was gone, she closed the door behind her and turned on Scrooge with a dark glare. “I’m done arguing with you. I’m leaving.” she announced. Scrooge folded his arms across his chest and seized (Y/n) by the collar. “Oh no you don’t!” He reeled her away from the door and kicked her suitcase out of her hands. “You are staying right here.”
“I’m not a kid anymore Uncle Scrooge!”
“You’re fifteen. Still a kid.”
“If you add the years after I was cursed by you--”
“It was an accident!”
“--I’m about thirty-five years old.” (Y/n) finished. Scrooge ruffled her hair with a roll of his eyes and a light-hearted chuckle. “You’ll always be my kid in my eyes. I suggest you reschedule with Webby to tomorrow.” There was a good pause before he added, “You don’t need to see your sad excuse of a family anyway. They’re nothing but trouble.”
“Lauchpad, please try to stay on the road!” exclaimed (Y/n). The large man-child sped through Duckburg as if he were in a NASCAR race. Speed-bumps and pot-holes caused (Y/n) to slam into the door and Scrooge at least fives times in a row, and since he had a long day of meetings, the old man’s patience ran thin. “Eyes on the road McQuack!”
“Sorry Mr. McDee, (N/n).” 
(Y/n) wanted to be nice to Launchpad, but her stomach did flip-flops and her head ached. She should have expected this, because it was always like this, but her being her always held onto the sliver of hope that Launchpad would miraculously learn how to not crash a car. Scrooge took a good look at (Y/n), a short sigh escaping his lips. “Every dent in this car is coming out of your salary!” 
“Absolutely. Hey, hear about that crazy snow storm on the Drake Barrier Reef? I’d hate to fly into that one. You see, I’m a bit of a pilot--”
Without looking up from his newspaper, Scrooge pressed a button on the door. The glass divider slowly rolled up and forced Launchpad to keep his eyes where they should be: on the road. 
(Y/n) lied down on the seat with a sluggish frown. “I’m just gonna...close my eyes.” Either Launchpad forgot how brakes work, or he had zero brain cells left, because he continued charging through the city until he came to the manor’s gates despite Scrooge’s protests. The limo came to a screeching stop. If it weren’t for Scrooge, (Y/n) would have flown into the windscreen. 
“Why aren’t we moving?” demanded Scrooge. (Y/n) harshly swallowed and sat up. The impatient beeping of the limo’s horn didn’t help her spinning head, and neither did Scrooge’s yelling as he hopped out of the car. “Hey!” he shouted. “Jettison that jalopy from my driveway, ya deadbeat!” 
Who was he even talking to?
“Donald Duck.” 
“Uncle Scrooge.”
(Y/n) didn’t care to listen to the arguing. All she wanted was a good cup of tea and a bed. 
“Jettison that jalopy from my driveway this instant, ya deadbeat!”
“Oh, here we go again, giving orders like he’s the richest duck in the world!”
“I am the richest duck in the world, now move!”
(Y/n) couldn’t take the arguing anymore. Her head spun, she felt like she’d throw up, and she really craved that cuppa probably waiting for her in the dining room. “Can you both shut up?!” A pair of footsteps made their way towards the open car door. Through the disgustingly bright sunlight, and the splitting headache, (Y/n) made out the angry face of Donald Duck.
“What did you do to her Scrooge?!” he shouted. Scrooge let out a large gasp, a clear sign he was beyond offended. “What did I do to her?! It was Launchpad’s driving!” 
There was some more chatter before three identical children piled in the limo. (Y/n) didn’t care who they were, and it seemed like the feeling with Scrooge was mutual. When the gates opened and they arrived at the front door, Mrs. Beakely scooped (Y/n) in her arms and brought her to her room. “My, my, was it Launchpad’s terrible excuse for driving again?” 
(Y/n) wordlessly nodded as Beakley set her on her bed. She poured a nice warm cup of tea and handed it to the car-sick girl. “I suggest you rest for a little before you get caught up too much excitement again.” Mrs. B. said. 
A little rest, Mrs. B. said. It would be good for you, she said. Only after waking up did (Y/n) realise she had been drugged by the one-and-only housekeeper. It was obvious she knew (Y/n) wouldn’t get a wink of sleep because she had a tendency to lay awake in bed until three in the morning, but in her eyes, that did not justify her actions, especially after all the action she missed out on. 
That morning, she stood in the dining room, PJs on and mouth agape as three identical triplets bombarded her with an arsenal of crazy questions.
"Aren't you Uncle Scrooge's famous sidekick?"
"Isn't your family crazy rich and extremely prestige?"
"How do you still look the same after so many years?"
"Water from the Fountain of Youth?"
"No, plastic surgery?"
(Y/n) sent Scrooge a silent look for help, to which he shook his head with a warm smile. "Boys, don't be rude." he merrily said. "She's just cursed is all." The blue one's eyes widened, and for a second, (Y/n) thought he had chocked on his scrambled eggs. "You're cursed? How?"
"Actually, I have a better question, how did you meet Uncle Scrooge?"
(Y/n) swallowed a bite of toast. Her gaze nervously snapped towards the old duck, to which he folded his newspaper shut and said, "Alright, boys. That's enough. I think it's a bit early for all these questions, especially for her. She hates mornings." (Y/n) smiled a little. "Yeah, I do." She returned her focus on the faces of the three kids. Each had large, bright eyes, extremely large smiles, and loud personalities. Which also happened to remind her of...
(Y/n) leaned over to Scrooge's ear and subtly face-palmed. "They're Della's kids, aren't they?"
"You just figured that out now?"
"I was tired, what do you expect?"
Scrooge rolled his eyes. "Besides that, we're going to Atlantis tomorrow." he nonchalantly announced. (Y/n) almost spit out her tea. "Wait, you're serious?"
He nodded, a sparkle (Y/n) hadn't seen in a while shining in his eyes. (Y/n) couldn't help but feel grateful for Scrooge. If he hadn't stopped her from seeking out her family, she'd probably be dead. (Y/n) Eider didn't belong with a bunch of prestigious, scholarly ducks. She was an adventurer, an explorer, who walked through every corner of the Earth.
But most importantly, she was Scrooge McDuck's one and only side-kick.
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Meeting and Dating Anthony “Meat” Tuperello
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(My gif)(requested by my heart)
- You met Meat when your friend had convinced you to join her in asking about his nickname. Wendy had urged her to do so and since she was too shy to go alone you went with her. 
- So before first period on the first day of school you found yourself walking up to the group of boys and awkwardly standing behind your friend as she innocently introduced herself and you. When he looked away from her to gaze at you his mouth went dry and his heart skipped a beat. Your friend had to repeat herself when asking about his nickname because he was too preoccupied with looking at you. 
“Sorry, sorry what did you say?”  “Why do they call you meat!?” 
-  When he danced around answering the question you began to catch on. After all, why would his friends be cracking up behind him if not for the exact reason you thought? Ultimately Meat turned the two of you away, apologizing for not being able to explain and watching as you followed your disappointed friend back to Wendy.  
- You would have no way of knowing but he had acted much shyer than usual because of your presence. He was a little embarrassed and didn’t want your first impression of him to be bad which is why he didn’t need persuading to say “no can do” to showing you how he got his nickname. 
- Later that day, he spotted you as you were sitting in the court yard during your lunch period. Meat’s in no way a shy guy so he has no problem approaching you and asking to sit beside you as he strikes up a conversation. 
- At first you’re a little wary of him because of your previous encounter but he manages to sway your opinion of him and you find yourself enjoying his company. You can’t help but find him cute in a goofy, dumb jock kind of way.
- He introduces you to his friends after the two of you talk for a few days and get to know each other. They’re all pretty much lovable dumbasses so you have no problem with joining the group and becoming friends with them yourself.
- As you get closer and start hanging out more, Meats attraction to you gets stronger. You’re not just a pretty girl to him anymore, you’re a person and you’ve got sense of humor and a personality that he loves. He won’t admit it to anyone but he’s full on falling for you.
- Theres a subtle change in Meats personality/actions when he has a crush on someone. His “flirting” is sort of the same as his usual behavior which is why it’s near impossible to see that something has changed between you two (at least on his end). He teases you and gets touchy but if you know Meat then you know that that’s sort of just how he is.
- You think nothing of it when he has an arm around you or leans his chin on your shoulder because that’s just what most of the guys do with each other. Why would you be any different?
- The two of you tease each other constantly. You’re the only one whose allowed to prank or insult him without repercussions. If you’re teasing him then you’re paying attention to him which is all he wants even if it means some of the guys laugh at him.
- Speaking of teasing/pranking. All of a sudden you’ll be hugged from behind and hoisted in the air or lugged over his shoulder. He loves hearing you shriek and giggle in surprise, plus it’s an excuse to touch you.
- Like I said before: Meat really isn’t a shy guy so it won’t take long for him to ask you out. You’ll probably be just friends for like a month before he confesses.
- Now he’s not shy but he’ll still stumble over his words, scratch the back of his neck, and run a hand over his mouth as he attempts to verbalize that he wants to take you out. It’s honestly adorable.
- Of course you agree and that night he takes you to Deadbeats for dinner. Chances are the gang crashes your date before they are told by an annoyed Meat that you two are not just hanging out as friends.
“Oh, oh I see. Well come on guys let’s leave the two lovebirds alone.”
- You’re first kiss is the next day when he approaches you before school starts and asks if you were “going steady”. When you say yes he gives you a big smile and pulls you into a gentle kiss.
- The two of you break apart a little flustered as the rest of your friends show up and ruin the moment. You have to stifle your laugh when your new boyfriend chases Peewee after the boy teases the two of you.
- He calls you “babe” a lot. It’s his favorite pet name. 
-He holds your face/jaw when he kisses you and believe me he kisses you a lot.
- He has an oral fixation. You will be used to appease that fixation.
- Obviously Meats a big guy and he’s really strong so if you ever need a little muscle than you know who to call. He likes having the chance to show off and it’s definitely worth the effort when you thank him with a kiss.
- He definitely picks you up bridal style a lot. Sometimes out of nowhere your feet will be off the ground and you’ll be in his arms. But most of the time it’s prompted by a joke of yours like if you say “you can’t go on any longer” or that you “feel weak”.
- Calling him your knight in shining armor when he picks you up. It always makes him smile.
- Going to his basketball games, the guys jokingly complain that “you never cheer for them”. Meat always shoves them into the locker room before he gives you a kiss and hits the showers.
- If you ever tried to challenge him to a game of basketball he’d probably just smile and let you dribble the ball around him like an amused yet exasperated parent. He would definitely lift you up on his shoulder so that you could dunk the ball.
- Helping him make good decisions that would sabotage some aspect of his life.
- He’s pretty easy to distract so if he’s thinking of doing something stupid just tilt his face toward you and hint at something provocative. That’ll do the trick.
- He’s not totally sex crazed like some of the guys (cough cough Peewee cough cough) but if you tempt him he’ll happily oblige.
- He’s definitely a smart ass, the two of you make sarcastic comments towards each other all the time.
- Okay but what if the reason he so desperately wanted to get into Princeton was because it was the college you were planning on going to? 
- Comforting him when he gets turndowned from Princeton. You have no idea why he’s so insistent on going there but if you were to ever find out you’d probably melt. He probably tells you when he’s plastered and you fall for him even more than you already have.
- Trying to stop him from getting totally plastered and subsequently arrested whenever he gets upset.
- He jokes about babysitting you, could be because of the size difference, could be because of your personality. You decide.
- Hes a big lovebug and everybody knows it no matter how much he roughhouses and threatens his friends.
- Hes a pushover especially when it comes to you. He might gruffly refuse at first but the instant you give him a little pout he’s ready to do whatever you ask him.
- Theres something charming about his voice and accent. He’s actually kind of surprised that you like it, he thinks it sounds too rough and sort of wishes he could talk a little more delicately. It makes him happy that you like him just the way he is.
- He tried desperately to hide the fairy costume from you but in the end there was no way he could avoid you any longer. You tried your best not to laugh when you saw it for the first time but you couldn’t help it.
“Yeah, yeah it’s real funny.”
“Oh don’t get upset Tony, you know if I had to do something like this you’d bust a gut.”
- Hes not really a jealous or possessive guy, I mean it’s him. Whose going to go against one of the biggest guys in school. The only time he really gets jealous (besides when he jokingly acts jealous after his friends tease him) is when he thinks someone has something he doesn’t and it makes him sort of insecure.
- He doesn’t react in the way you probably expect, he just sort of gets quiet and looks like he’s down in the dumps. But his mood is easily fixed by a few kisses and you paying more attention to him then the guy who he’s jealous of.
- You probably have a good few fights but they never last very long. He’s good at annoying you until you talk to him again and sweet talking you into actually forgiving him. It does help that none of your fights are ever very serious.
- Meats Italian right? He seems Italian so going off of that you were probably greeted with a big kiss and hug when he introduced you to his mother and father. You’re probably the first girl he’s actually gone steady with so they’re very welcoming and happy to meet you.
- You go over to his house for dinner a lot.
- Speaking of Italian~ whenever girls ask him why he’s called meat he now just says something along the lines of “you know like a meatball …ha ha.” (Or something having to do with him being big and muscley)
- I have a feeling he eats a lot so he sort of just stores food on him like a squirrel. If one day you look in your school bag and find a granola bar you didn’t put in there just know that it’s him.
- His hand in your back pocket when you wear jeans.
- Having him carry your books between classes.
- Helping with pranks.
- Beach dates.
- He prefers when you call him Anthony or Tony, it just seems so weird for you to call him Meat especially when you aren’t around the guys.
- He doesn’t necessarily compliment you, more so just whistled or occasionally tries to playfully grope you.
- Comparing hand sizes. He thinks it’s cute seeing how much smaller yours are.
- Hes a human heater so if you’re ever cold just snuggle up to him. He’s more than happy to share his warmth.
- Sitting in his lap.
- Anytime you wear his clothes he can’t help but blush and chuckle. They’re adorably big on you and it makes him flustered.
- He says a very casual “love ya” when you hang up the phone or say goodbye. When you say goodbye it’s usually accompanied by a peck on the lips.
- Cheek and forehead kisses.
- Head kisses because he’s so damn tall.
- He thinks it’s very cute when you stand on your tiptoes to try to kiss him. He’ll tease you and straighten up so that you have no way of reaching him before he picks you up and kisses the life out of you.
- The guys joke that Meat ruins women for anyone else but there is truth in that statement that none of them want to admit. Just know that you’ll be very satisfied with him as your man.
- Hes got a ton of colleges lined up to accept him so chances are the two of you can go to the same one and continue your relationship without any hassle.
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14. Part 4
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Robyn moved back from me and moved away, watching her walk around the kitchen counter, I hate to see this. I hate to see Robyn upset “I am ok” she said but her voice could barely say those words, I am so sad for her, I hate to hear things like that. I am damaged goods but she is also damaged in her own way, and I can imagine that has stemmed from me or better yet her dad “try telling yourself that, I came here for you Robyn because I felt your unhappiness. I didn’t like that you were feeling that way, that you were saying those words. I mean everything” Robyn grabbed a paper towel, wiping her tears “your duffle bag is in my room, can you pick up my paper plate. We can talk in my room” nodding my head, picking up the paper plate “I can go to a hotel after” Robyn laughed “you’re funny, you’re just saying words now. You want some water to take up with you?” she asked, nodding my head as I waited with the cake in hand “god” Robyn breathed, watching her open the fridge door “what a mess, I mean what did I expect? Perfect, I am not that lucky in life am I” walking slowly over to her “let me hold one of the bottles for you Robyn” grabbing one of the bottles from her “thank you, and you can sleep on the floor of my room” she kicked the fridge door shut, feeling my phone ringing in my pocket “you want to get that?” she asked, shaking my head walking behind her “I am going to bed Mel” Robyn announced “mhmm, Chris following behind you like a pet animal. I see how it is” Mel got jokes “don’t get a beating from Monica, gag her” Robyn isn’t saying anything at all, but Mel is just saying words.
Whoever is ringing me, is not stopping at all. Grabbing my phone from out of my pocket “what are you doing awake?” Royalty ringing me out of the blue, she didn’t pick up before “I woke up, I had a bad nightmare” why is the women in my life like this, I have two upset women in my life, and then me. I am mentally unstable “aw no, you know what I do when I have a bad nightmare?” Robyn’ room here is nice “what?” watching Robyn throw the pillow on the floor, she is playing thinking I am sleeping there “nothing really, I was trying to be the concerning parent” I laughed, Royalty laughed in my ear “I am going to mommy’ room, you didn’t send me a selfie dad. I sent you one!” she did, I don’t remember “I didn’t see it, I will send one after. You got your soccer game coming up, see I remember. I am not that bad” she always thinks I am forgetful “you are forgetful and old dad” rolling my eyes “you go and annoy your mother, I am busy right now” I rather she do just that “you keep saying busy” moving my phone back from my ear, putting it on speakerphone “what did you say?” I missed it “your hearing is going dad, I said you are always busy. Why? You do nothing all day” that is cheeky “I do things ok; I am just extra busy doing nothing now” taking the selfie before Royalty harasses me even more “and aye, stop commenting on my pictures. You asked for me to put the comments back on, and you kept saying am I home. Stupid butt, there I sent it now. Why do you like doing this” taking it off speakerphone “so I can see your face and know you’re ok, I am at mommy’ room now so bye!” she put the phone down, I sighed out “she is special” I mumbled “why you say that?” Robyn asked “if she sends me a selfie, I have to send one back. It’s weird, she is weird” I laughed locking my phone “I don’t know why she wants to see your face anyways” Robyn said, she is rude.
I like that Robyn is cool with me speaking to Royalty on the phone, it doesn’t phase her at all “you really wanted that cake huh?” Robyn nodded eating the cake, she finished off what she is doing “emotionally depressed, best thing” she lifted the paper plate up at me, she got a point “that is what I don’t like to hear, first the bad dream and now this. I don’t know, I can’t say what will happen. I didn’t really see pregnancy as such a dangerous thing till now” Robyn sat on the edge of the bed “because you actually care for the person that is giving birth Chris, that is the difference but I have spoken to my mom. I said to her that if anything like that happens, I want my baby to be with her father” I hate this conversation “no, she would be better here” I don’t want this conversation right now “I can’t look after a baby Robyn, my mom does it for me! I don’t want a baby without you. You think I would care. Why speak on something that won’t happen” it’s true it won’t “stop predicting shit that can happen, be truthful with me right now. It kills me to think of it but with how shit my luck is, it may happen, and I do not want my daughter being lost. Be truthful with me, please use your heart and tell me what would you do knowing me? Knowing what I would want” shaking my head putting my head down “my life would be ruined if that happened to you, it would be my fault and then everyone would blame me for it. I know it” looking up at Robyn, she knows I am right that is why she is looking at me in sadness “my mom said she would promise me that it would be taken care of and that if I wanted that, she would make it happen. Look I am just saying, stop being blind” rubbing my hands together “I would move here, I think I know you would be smiling to know she is being bought up in your home country, can we drop it now? Because you’re still going to be here stressing me out” Robyn cooed out “ok, least I know but that is cute, you know me well. We will drop it but I am being deadass, I will haunt you if you go back to drugs and be a deadbeat to my daughter” nodding my head “promise I won’t” I think she would do just that to me.
Robyn finished the cake, I thought I would let her enjoy herself “I was speaking to Jahleel” placing the water bottle between my legs “you the only one to say his name, call his dumbass Ja but was he nice to you?” nodding my head “he said a lot, he is real. He is really wanting you to be happy, he said you have been unhappy for far too long. You froze your eggs?” Robyn looked a little shocked “he said that to you, uh yeah” watching her open the water bottle “why?” I questioned, I mean I kind of get it but I don’t “because I am getting old, I was not having sex with anybody. I didn’t just want anybody even if I was having sex, nobody I knew. I was scared that I wasn’t going to have a baby to call my own, I was not a woman anybody wanted to call wife or baby mother clearly. I think what hurt me, I never wanted his baby anyways, we spoke on it, but I mean that was me speaking on it. But Hassan really just put me down to where I thought wow, I am not a decent person at all, he would use condoms and act like I have some disease and before we split he kind of made it like I am not good enough to be a wife, and I have generally thought that of me. Sex me and that is it, but what does the world know. So, I froze them, waited it out and I was going to get a sperm donor and hide” Robyn drank her water “well I mean I don’t think I am really, I am not worthy of taking me home to your mother, because she will just be like oh Rihanna, the girl that has no clothes on, I have been put down. It’s not perfect and it hurts, my friends around me have all gotten married and it’s just what it is” she shrugged “but you are worthy of that Robyn, you are worthy of everything, to be a wife. These men don’t deserve you anyways, you are good enough, I know that men like you. I hate it, I get jealous” Robyn laughed “they want to fuck me Chris” she put her head down “I wasn’t good enough for you Chris and I am not bringing the past up but it’s the truth, because I am not the best looking girl like everyone seems, my forehead is huge and I do hate at times, my nose is big, I am thicker. People say I look like an auntie and it’s just what it is. I wasn’t good enough for you back then, you still sought other women, I was faithful to you and you cheated on me then, and you had two women when I got with you again. So, when you say I am worth it, I am not Chris. I just think, you love me, but you just can’t help yourself but see other beautiful women that can please you and are better than me. Men just let me down” putting my head down, how can I say she is wrong when I did constantly just cheat.
Looking up at Robyn “I just always wanted that happy ending for me, I just craved it and it hurt me when it got to a point where I knew I wouldn’t get it but who thinks that of me. I am Rihanna, I shouldn’t have these issues, but I do, I have been let down every single time. And even now, I am having my baby and now Rorrey, he is just letting me down. I just want what every single girl wants, and I don’t see it” getting up from the seat, I hate when she cries “come on Robyn, I am stupid. I wasn’t thinking of anything but myself, first time I was being a stupid boy, second I was more into my drugs and now I see clear. I have always loved you Robyn, I know I fucked up but I have never stopped loving you” holding Robyn’ arm, she got up from the bed and I wrapped my arms around her, holding her as close to me as possible, without hurting her. I rubbed her back, and kissed her forehead “I am sorry Robyn, you have been let down a lot” Robyn cried into my chest, her cries being muffled. I continued to hug her, feeling my tee get damp from the tears “I promise I am going to prove you will get that trust me” her crying died down a little. When it did, I pulled away from her. Robyn kept her head down; she didn't want me to see her like this.
I lifted her chin with my hand so that I could see her face. Her makeup was smudged from the tears, and her eyes are bloodshot red “you have done so much for others, people don’t see it or know or will even understand. To see you this vulnerable hurts my heart it does, I am so happy god has bought us back together. From afar I have always wanted you back, commenting on your posts and trying to get your attention, you were not having it and I get it. I hurt you so much, standing here hearing what you are saying. You right, I strayed away when you were faithful to me, but I do want to make it right, I really do Robyn. And I want this to be different for me, for us” touching her bump “like I have always been ready for this” tucking her hair behind both of her ears “you are beautiful, you are worth it. You are worth to be someone’s wife, and I want you. That is it for us, it’s always going to be me and you because we have that bond. I want the best for you, I want to make shit I did wrong, right. I want that happiness; I want to be with you Robyn. You said it’s about you and I and I am your happiness; this is why you smile when I am around. I can’t force you to do anything, but you said it’s about you, then let’s make it about you Robyn. Look I want to marry you” I just said it, I am just going around in circles “what?” Robyn said in shock a little “why date? What is the point, we have done this for years! We don’t need anything else; I will never do anything to upset you Robyn. This is it for me, for us. Marry me, wait sorry” rushing to my duffle bag.
I forgot the ring, I got her this ring “my second engagement ring to you, I will do it properly for you” getting down on one knee “marry me Robyn, I want to grow old with you. I am a crazy nigga with bipolar and I have grande ideas, but this is one of my best ideas ever. Because even if you don’t want me, I will be around you for eighteen years of her life, I will be there and you and I both know what we are like together, let me make you my wife because you are worth it Robyn. How many more years are we going to waste, let’s forget the world and do us” Robyn’ lower lip quivered, I am here sweating and a little nervous but adrenaline is getting me through this “no nigga would fly across just because you was sad, no matter the bad there was a lot of good in us” Robyn breathed out but it was more of a sob “just you and I?” she said “just you and I, I want to do this properly. You drive me crazy but it’s not a bad thing. You believe in me, also you believe that my knees have no feelings because a nigga just been like this for so long” Robyn laughed “ok, yes. Yes, I will” I gasped “really?” I feel choked up “you right, you can’t let me down” I was quick to place the ring on her finger before she changed her mind and getting up “you really want to marry me” I didn’t think I would cry but I am “I love you Chris” hugging Robyn “thank you for believing in me, I love you so much” clenching my eyes shut as tears fell.
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rebellect-writes · 4 years
[SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Jess. [b]Age:[/b] 21. [b]How did you find us?:[/b] In the TARDIS’s swimming pool.
[b]Name:[/b] Drew Shamis.   [b]Nicknames & Aliases:[/b] Drew works as best as anything. Dew at a push. [b]Age:[/b] 27. [b]Date of Birth:[/b] May 11th 1984 [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Homosexual. [b]Occupation:[/b] Works at and owns Creature Comforts. [b]Powers:[/b] None.
[b]Face Claim:[/b] Ryan Kwanten. [b]Description:[/b] [IMG]http://www.blogher.com/files/Jason-sized.jpg[/IMG] [i]Height:[/i] 5’10 [i]Weight:[/i] 150lbs. [i]Eyes:[/i] Brown. [i]Hair:[/i] Dirty blond. [i]Build:[/i] Average. [i]Visible marks:[/i] He has a nasty looking scar circling his right wrist from where wire cut to the bone. Also, Drew has a tribal wolf [URL=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs15/150/f/2007/073/6/9/Tribal_Wolf_Bust_and_Paw_by_KMoongangSR.png]tattoo[/URL] on his right shoulder. [i]Style:[/i] Drew’s not the type to spend money on lots of clothes he’d wear once. So he gets and wears what he’s comfortable in. So jeans, t-shirts, boots. If he has to dress up, he will do but he always feels like a clown when he does. Jewellery isn't something he'd normally wear either. The exception to that rule is a gold crucifix that he's had since he was a kid.
[b]Special Skills:[/b] He's good at working on the fly, if that counts. He’s also pretty handy when it comes to slinging out drunks at the bar. [b]Personality:[/b]   At first glance, Drew’s the type that smiles and tries to be the friendly type of guy. He may not look it or come off it at times but he’s actually a smart one. He just hides it behind his sometimes dumb looks and useless comments. Drew wants people to be comfortable around him so if he can make people laugh and also laugh at himself, he counts that as win. Now he’s not exactly smart-alecky either, Drew knows when to hold his tongue and stop talking. It’s probably something that he’s picked up and harnessed while working at the bar, who knows.
He’s loyal, stubborn and persistent, and not always in that order. Drew will back friends no matter what because that bond means a lot to him. Former friends fall into his loyalty zone, even if they drag him into some kind of trouble. That’s not to say that he’ll let people walk right over him. He’s more than willing to give a little as long as he receives and if someone’s run out their fourth, fifth and sixth second chance with him, he knows when to call it a day and just walk away. While he may go out of his way to help people and be friendly, Drew’s not an attention seeker and won’t willingly search for it and he’s not exactly great when dragged into the spot light either.
Drew’s known love once, and he’s still in love despite having no idea if Eric is alive or dead. He’s held out hope since he was sixteen that Eric is alive though, and where most people would have moved on and found someone else, Drew hasn’t done so. One night stands don’t appeal to him; women at the pub get turned down or distracted by Ja-Mal while Drew can escape into the office out the back. It’s been over ten years, you’d think that he would have done the sensible thing and let things lie, but he hasn’t. Did I mention that stubborn streak?
On matters regarding the supernatural, Drew’s pretty loud. He doesn’t care if a person has fangs, fur, scales or feathers. They’re still human. He’s not about to go out and cause trouble just because he’s breakable. Drew knows for a fact that a lot of things could end his life, and he’s more than likely to end up in a deadly bar fight than eaten by a ‘monster’. And that’s another thing! He hates the word “monster” being used when referring to preternatural people. The only thing that Drew doesn’t tolerate is when someone kicks off in Creature Comforts, he does have human clients to and his ‘baby’ doesn’t need to be seeing none of that nasty Hollywood monster mojo.
Because people see him as a nice guy, they generally get a shock when he snaps. Drew’s not an angry person by nature and it takes a lot to make him so but when he gets angry, he also gets a little angsty and may slightly paranoid. He’s locked himself away in his office for hours before today and had to be dragged out by his best friend because a delivery had been messed up. He doesn’t like being angry, or scared, or any of those pesky negative emotions because then he can’t help but wonder why he tries so hard. [b]Likes:[/b] [LIST] [*] Cherry coke. [*] Playing video games. [*] Canines. Shush your faces. [*] Working so he doesn't have to think. [*] His baby, Creature Comforts. [*] Cooking. [/LIST][b]Dislikes:[/b] [LIST] [*] Thunderstorms and rain. [*] Dealing with drunks at the pub. [*] People demanding he does something. [*] Being stuck indoors. [*] The catholic religion. [*] Doctors, hospitals, anything medical. [/LIST][b]Strengths:[/b] [LIST] [*] Understanding and accepting of the supernatural. [*] Knows when to back down in a situation. [*] His stubborn streak. That’s saved his life. [*] Isn’t opposed to listening to others ideas. [/LIST][b]Weaknesses:[/b] [LIST] [*] Clowns, borderline fear. [*] Eric. [*] Sometimes he forgets to look after himself. [*] Smokes when he’s stressed. That’ll kill him one day no doubt. [/LIST][b]History:[/b]  
Back in the early summer of 1984, a young mum named Cheyenne gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. There wasn’t much room to celebrate though. Cheyenne had a ‘white boy’ according to her boyfriend at the time, Louis. He was Hispanic in origin; Cheyenne was only half Native American from her mother’s Hopi blood. The boy that she named Drew didn’t look like it at all; in fact he looked more like the beast that had taken her virginity in a brutal attack. Still, she didn’t hold that against her son and even though the colour of skin drove Louis away and left the small family broken, she did her best for almost two years before finally giving up and signing Drew away into the child protections services. She left no trail for Drew to pick up should he ever want to contact her, only a scribbled tribe name on a book store receipt and her cross.
Since he was too little to remember his real parents, Drew grew up in a small town house in the central business district of New Orleans. He hated it with a passion, his sister Anna made his life hell and Amanda and Nickolas his foster parents didn’t even notice, they were so wrapped up in their own respective work lives the majority of the time they barely even noticed their own biological daughter, their foster son was beyond them. It was basically a time where he brought himself up, if he fell down then he picked himself up, if he was hungry, then he made himself something to eat and avoided the family as much as possible by staying out as late as possible or locking himself away. It wasn’t like the bruises from Anna’s ‘lessons’ would have bothered his mom or his dad even if they had seen them when he was around.
By the age of thirteen, nearly fourteen, he’d more or less dropped out of school and spent a lot of his time on the streets avoiding things. He met another kid, just a little older than him called Eric and they started hanging out more and more. By the time he was sixteen, he’d developed a major crush on Eric but he was always scared that the other male would turn him away. He’d seen Eric’s parents once, and they in a roundabout way made Drew glad that he had foster parents even if he did want to deck Eric’s deadbeat dad. It was only a few weeks after getting a glimpse of what Eric’s parents were like that he finally admitted that he had feelings for Eric and got the shock of his life when Eric admitted the same thing.
They had a year together and it was great. Drew would always come up with something new for Eric and Eric would retaliate and surprise him. It was one of the happiest times in Drew’s life and not even his bitchy sister couldn’t ruin for him. Even his foster mom was a little more approachable, especially after she’d stumbled across him and Eric making out. The happiness was short lived though. Eric’s Ulfric caught them out one day along with the pack Bolverk. Ulfric Shane believed that wolves should stay with their own kind and wanted to deal with the ‘embarrassment’ that the boys had become before anyone within Eric’s pack got any bright ideas and tried something funny, so he set the evil doer on Eric to teach him a lesson.
While the wolves fought and tore into each, Drew was held back by Shane. He struggled, it was only natural, and the guy snapped Drew’s arm in two like a twig without even blinking. He was hauled away when Shane thought that he’d got what he wanted. Drew all the while thought that he’d end up as Gator bait or something worse, dinner for Shane. It was perhaps a stroke of luck that a rival pack decided to take over the territory because Shane wasn’t doing what he should’ve been doing. Drew never saw his boyfriend come mate again after that day, the only thing he remembers seeing was his Eric pinned by some shaggy Hollywood monster that smelt of wet dog.
Shane handed Drew off to the Geri and Hati, loyalists that believed in what Shane did. These pair weren’t none too gentle with the teenager either. The Geri threw Drew in the back of a car after clocking him upside the head and that was it. Bye bye Eric, bye bye New Orleans and hello Chicago. He fought against the two wolves, Julian and Warrick. If they thought that he was going to sit back and let them just walk all over him then they had another thing coming. Of course every time he resisted something that they said or did, they hurt him. After awhile it was like he became their pet, he stayed with them for almost three years before they finally let him wander around on his own. The first chance he got, Drew ran as fast as he could and didn’t stop until he collapsed and when he got up he ran some more.
Drew bounced around a lot after that, finding work when and where he could. Sure, he could’ve gone back to New Orleans and tried to find out what had happened. Instead something kept him away from his home. He tried getting a life for himself, and by the time he was twenty five he’d made his way across the pond and settled in the UK, Jackford actually. Instead of sitting on his thumb though, Drew hunted for a purpose and found a rundown family pub that was up for sale because the owner’s wife had passed on because of cancer after pouring her life into the business. Drew snapped the offer up with a promise there’d be a memorial for her. He’s made a good go at things at Creature Comforts since then and still stays somewhat under the radar. Just in case.[/SIZE]
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The Missing Piece
Pairing: Jared x Daughter!Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Beta: @writingsbyshay67ss
Growing up, you never had a dad. Literally speaking, of course, someone made you. But figuratively speaking, he was never there. You just assumed that he had left your mom before you were born- or before you were old enough to remember. What a jerk move, right? You always swore that if you met your father, you would hate him for abandoning you and your mom. Your grandfather passed away four years before you were born, your mom was only thirteen and your grandmother passed away from cancer when you were five. So, at the age of fifteen, when your mom was in a bad car accident and fell into a coma, you were all alone. You decided when you were almost seventeen, that it was finally time to move on- clear the things out of your childhood home and prepare for university life that was just around the corner in your life.
“Hmm…” You hummed as you came across an old photo album that your mom had stashed away in the attic. “What’s in this?”
You cracked the cover and it revealed a picture of a baby in her parents’ arms labelled, “Mom, Dad + Me, April 4th, 1985.” This was a photo album that your mom created while she was growing up.
You skipped a few pages and came across a photo of a man labelled, “Dad, just before he passed. Miss you always, daddy. Love your baby girl, Katie. 1998.”
Another few pages and you spotted an unfamiliar face. Even though both of your grandparents had passed away, you still knew what they looked like from the photos. The picture with the unfamiliar face was labelled, “Jared and I, our first official date, 2000.”
“So, you’re thinking that maybe this Jared guy is your dad.” Your best friend, Maureen questioned as she sipped on her piping hot tea.
“Yeah, I mean they dated up until the year I was born. There are so many pictures of him and them together in my mom’s photo album. Dates, anniversaries, birthdays, holidays- the whole works. The album ended with a picture of them kissing and it was labelled: “March 21st, 2oo2, Jared: I’m sorry I can’t go to Los Angeles with you. Good luck with every journey life gives you. You were the love of my life, forever and always will I love you, Katelyn.” It’s sad to read that- my mom really loved Jared and he just left.” 
“Who knows why he left, Y/N. Maybe he had no other choice… like his family was moving or something… He was only young.” Maureen suggested. 
“Yeah, I know. Something gives me the feeling that he didn’t know my mom was pregnant when he left… I would’ve been conceived in February of the same year that I was born and they never broke up till March. There was no way my mom would’ve known she was pregnant before they split. But why didn’t she call and tell him? What could be more important than his child.” You pondered. 
“I dunno what to tell you.” Maureen shrugged. “You got a photo of him?”
You nodded and pulled a picture out of your sweater pocket.
“Holy shit.” Maureen gasped, taking one single glance at the photo. “No way,”
“What? What is it, Maury?”
Immediately, she pulled out her phone and tapped away on the keyboard.
“This is the Jared your mom dated!” Maureen exclaimed, turning the phone towards you.
On the screen, there was a man with shoulder-length brown hair, a bit of scruff on his chin and beautiful hazel eyes.
“Jared… Padalecki?” You squinted to read the words in the google search bar.
“He’s an actor on the longest-running Sci-Fi television series, AKA my favourite show, Supernatural.” Maureen declared.
“Doesn’t ring a bell.” You shrugged. “It does look like the same person though.”
“Because it is him, Y/N! And, seriously? You’ve heard me talk about this show before. It just proves my point that you tune me out all the time.”
“...What?... Hmm?” You snatched the phone from Maureen to read up on this Jared Padalecki guy.
“See? Exactly.” Maureen frowned.
“Nevermind you.”
You selected the all button on google and clicked his Wikipedia link. 
“Maury, he has a wife and three young kids.”
“So? He’s your father… she’s your step-mom. They are your half-siblings! You have the right to meet them!”
“This is crazy. There is no way that my dad is a famous actor. He’s just some deadbeat who didn’t want a pregnant seventeen-year-old girlfriend and her baby.” You hissed. “How would you even propose I go about finding out if this Jared guy is actually my dad. I’m just going to be shoved off to the side and labelled as some crazy stalker fan.” 
“No… you’re the one who’s crazy. You can’t see a good thing when it’s right in front of you. You can’t accept the fact that you’d have a father who might actually be interested in your life and care about you because you’re so used to being alone. Are you suggesting that your mom cheated on him? You were clearly conceived before they broke up and it was obvious that your mom loved him more than anything.” 
“No! My mom would never do that.” 
“Well... There you go.” 
Maureen was right… Probably. Your mom was too loving and innocent to have cheated on her boyfriend. She also wouldn’t have known she was pregnant before Jared left for Los Angeles… You were assuming that it was to get his big break and jump-start his career. But why wouldn’t she tell him? Now you felt as if your mom thought Jared’s career was more important than you were. Part of you wished your mom had gone to LA with Jared. Why couldn’t she? At least that way, you wouldn’t feel like some part of you was missing. After long and hard deliberation, you sought out a way to reach Jared… or one of his associates. One of his known associates decided to meet up with you and see what the fuss you were creating was all about. You were so nervous. It was hard to swallow and your hands were all clammy when you sat down to have a meal with the man. You showed him pictures of your mom and Jared and then pictures of you and your mom to try and prove that you weren’t just some stalker trying to ruin Jared’s life. You willingly let a stranger take a swab of your DNA to run it against Jared’s. 
 A few days later, Jared’s representative, Matthew, messaged you and asked you to meet him at a restaurant.
“Mr. Padalecki would like to meet you.” He announced. 
“Do-Does that mean… what I think i-it means?” You stuttered.
“Your DNA was a match to Mr. Padalecki’s. Our highly trained doctors are 100% sure that you are actually his daughter.” 
Your heart skipped a beat and you nearly choked on your food. 
“Holy Shit.” You muttered. 
You couldn’t believe you had actually found your dad. After nearly seventeen years of searching and wondering who the lucky guy might be- you finally found him. 
“I-I’d love to meet him.” You admitted. 
A driver picked you up when you were contacted about meeting Jared. You didn’t have a license which made things difficult as you’ve been living on your own for a year. You were hoping that maybe if you ever got close with the Padalecki’s, they’d teach you the many things that your mom would’ve if she was alive. Technically your mother hasn’t passed, there was just a very slim chance that she’d wake up after falling into a coma. Ever since the accident, you’ve craved parental support and now that you’ve found your biological dad, and he was willing to meet with you, you finally might have it. As the car was put in park and the driver stepped out, you found yourself frozen in the seat. 
What if he didn’t like you?
What if his wife and kids didn’t like you? 
What would his parents think of their long lost grandkid?
So many things were running through your head and those thoughts were on all of the things that could go wrong in this meet and greet with your old man. It made you sick.
“This way.” The driver opened the door for you. 
“Can-Can I ask you something?” You gulped. 
Sheer nervousness resonated throughout your voice as you spoke with the complete stranger.
“Sure, Ms. Y/L/N.” The man responded, giving you a sympathetic smile.
“What do you say to a man that you just found out, after nearly seventeen years of being on this earth, is your father… that you never knew. What if he hates me? What if I’m getting my hopes up for nothing?” 
“Just tell him the truth. Mr. Padalecki is one of the nicest men I know. He doesn’t hate and he’s a very reasonable guy. He’s excited to meet you, albeit just as nervous or more nervous than you are.”
“Do you always have to call him Mr. Padalecki? Is that like a requirement of your job or-”
“Alright, I see what’s going on here. You’re stalling. Get out of the car and go meet your dad.” 
Jacob, the driver of the car, walked you up to the door.
“And by the way, It’s not a requirement of my job, it’s just courteous to call my clients by Mister or Miss.” He winked as he knocked on the door for you. “Good luck.”
Before you knew it, you were standing alone at the door of your father’s house. Man, that felt weird to think about… your dad.  The man from the picture answered the door. He was even more beautiful in person. He gave you a big smile. You smiled nervously back at him. When you held your hand out to shake his, he hugged you instead. It took a second before you realized “Hey! This is your dad hugging you! Hug back, dummy.” He held you in his arms for an extra second which made you feel like you had known him all your life, it made you feel at home for the first time since your mom’s car accident.
You moved in not too long later. Jared’s boys and his little girl loved you- so did he and his wife. When Jared found out that your mom was in a coma, he moved you in right away and helped you sell your childhood. It was like you were living a dream. You couldn’t imagine your life without Jared- it felt as if he had been there your whole life. 
“I feel guilty, you know,” Jared admitted.
“Why? You don’t have anything to be guilty over.” You shrugged.
You hadn’t quite worked your way up to calling Jared “dad” yet.
“Yes, I do. I should’ve known about you. I should’ve been around to help you out as a kid and help you when your mom’s accident happened.”
“You’re here now. That’s all that matters. You’re my missing piece, D-dad. Thank you for taking me in and loving me.” You sniffed.
“Hey hey, don’t cry on me now. Of course, I love you, you’re my daughter.” He smiled. 
It never felt better to have a dad! 
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panda-noosh · 6 years
Hiraeth {part two} {demigod!Lance x reader}
Words: 7k
Summary: Your life changed forever that day in the forest. The day the voices got too much. The day that single word brought you to what felt like the very brink of death - that was until Lance McClain, son of Poseidon, arrived to take you home.
Genre: percyjackson!au - angst
Notes: part 1 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8 - part 9 - epilogue -yeehaw, the drama has started. 
Hiraeth - (n) a homesickness for a place you can’t return to, or that never was.
Chapter 2
  Lance stayed by your side when the two of you were finally called for dinner by a most uncertain sounding camper. The girl – Lance later informed you that she was a child of Apollo – had been ordered to merely poke her head inside of the Hades cabin and tell you and Lance that dinner was ready; she had done so, but not before giving you a look that told you she was about to burst into tears simply by stepping foot inside of the cabin.
  Lance's jokes died down. He didn't try and make light of the situation, didn't try and take away any of the shock you were feeling as you walked beside him towards the feasting area of the camp. Your hands were trembling, and you plunged them into the pockets of your coat in any attempt to hide them from prying eyes; what would people around you think if they saw how terrified you were right now?
  Because that was truly the only word you could think of to describe the feelings coursing through you right now, the only logical explanation for the feeling of pure weakness slamming into you. You had lived your life on the streets, had almost been kidnapped on multiple occasions, had been forced to sleep on the cold brambles of a forest almost everyday for the past few years – but this was by far the most mortified you had ever been.
  Lance led you over to the Hades table once the two of you finally reached the feasting hall. Twelve other tables were lined up, filled with chattering people, all of whom paused their conversations to look at you and Lance when you entered.
  Lance placed a hand on the small of your back, pushed you through the gawking crowd a little quicker. “Just ignore them. They do this every time I walk in.”
  You nodded slowly and allowed Lance to lead you over to an empty table on the far side of the hall. It was a direct contrast to the other tables which were spread out before you; they were packed full, some people even being forced to drag extra chairs over just to fight for a space upon the bench. The table you sat down at, though, held no such privilege, as it was completely empty.
  Lance winced as he sat down next to you. “I really shouldn't be sitting here, you know. My table is over there.” He nodded towards another empty table set beside your own.
  “You can go and sit over there if you want,” you mumbled. “I don't mind.”
  “No. No, it's alright. I like the company.” He nudged your arm gently, but you paid him no attention. “Besides, it gets a little lonely. I'm sure Chiron won't mind if I give our newcomer a bit of a run-down on how meal times work.”
 “I'm not really all that hungry.”
  Lance frowned. You could feel his worried gaze pouring into the side of your face, could tell he wanted nothing more than to tell you to suck it up, because every single person in this camp had been through the exact same experience you had just been through; being told the deadbeat parents they always believed they would never figure out the identity to was actually an Olympic god.
  And it still felt so surreal, even though you had pinched yourself a thousand times just to confirm it wasn't a dream – a nightmare.
  Lance didn't say much after that. He simply stood up, went over to the buffet and stacked two plates full of food. He placed one in front of you, sat down, and started eating from his own.
  “I scraped a little bit into the sacrifice fire for you,” he told you through a mouthful of rice. “That might entice Hades to come forward a little sooner.”
  You raised a brow, head shooting over to look at him. He didn't seem to realise what he had just said, as he continued to stuff rice into his mouth, curiously glancing around at the campers.
  “Come forward?” you repeated. “What are you talking about?”
  “The claiming,” said Lance, as if it was obvious. He glanced over at you, noticed your confused expression and sighed, setting his fork down and turning his full attention to you now. “A claiming is basically whenever a god finally – well, claims their child. It's a big deal around here, and it's not usually very subtle.”
  “Have you had yours?”
  He nodded, but seemed to almost wince at the memory. “Mine was awful. Dad must have thought he was being a prankster or something – trying to keep up with the kids, you know? He ended up doing it whenever I was doing my introduction speech to the camp. Nobody knew who I belonged to – I was just the five year old who walked in with bruises, not knowing where he was. Chiron ended up making me introduce myself to everyone, and it was then that good old Poseidon decided to inform him of my parentage – it was traumatic.”
   You narrowed your eyes. “What happened?”
  “This massive trident thing started glowing above my head,” he explained. “Obviously, everybody else knew what it was but me, and they all started freaking out. 'A child of one of the Big Three!' You could have sworn I'd just spontaneously combusted in front of them all with how panicked they got.”
  He scoffed and shook his head, diving back into the rice he was eating with a casual aura glaring off of him – you continued to stare at him, hand trembling. How had he gotten over such a thing? How could he sit beside you now and talk about such a moment with little care in his voice at all? You were certain that if something like that were to happen to you, you would be traumatised forever.
  You swallowed thickly and turned back to the plate in front of you – there would be no point in dwelling on it now. No point at all. What was done was done, and you couldn't help who your father was. You would just have to try and push through, just like Lance had been doing all these years.
  Dinner continued. Conversation from the other tables was loud and boisterous, but you and Lance were fairly quiet. Every now and then Lance would nudge your elbow and point out something he believed to be humourous, and you would put on a fake little laugh just to make him happy – in reality, all you wanted to do was curl up and sleep, forget this day had even happened. Maybe you would wake up back in the brambles, a headache still splitting through your skull. Maybe this was a dream, and you were just struggling to get out of it.
  As dinner drew to a close and the sun slowly started to descend behind the mountains, Chiron stood up from the table that was placed at the front of the hall. You hadn't even noticed him sitting up there until now, though now that he had made himself known, you were unsure how you could have missed him at all. Sitting next to him was a shorter man in a Hawaiian shirt, a greying beard and curly dark hair – he seemed to be scowling up at the centaur before him, taking frequent sips out of the wooden mug he had.
  “Half-Bloods!” Chiron suddenly cried, making you jump. The camp immediately went quiet and directed their attention to the centaur. “I hope you all ate plenty, for training will continue tomorrow and you will need all of your energy for next weeks game of Capture the Flag.”
    Howls erupted from the Ares table, a boy standing up on the chair and yelling, “We're gonna destroy you!” to nobody in particular.
  Lance leaned in and whispered, “The Ares kids get a little bit excited about Capture the Flag.”
  You dumbly nodded.
  Chiron continued. “Alright Sebastian, settle down, settle down. Although Capture the Flag is a big topic of conversation lately, there is something else I know you are all extremely curious about – our newest camper.”
  You clenched your jaw as heads span around to look at you. A few people even went as far as to stand up on their seats in an attempt to get a better look at you.
  “This is Y/N L/N, an unclaimed Half-Blood who came upon us today thanks to Lance McClain, son of Poseidon.” Lance grinned, waved as if he was waving to a crowd of fans. “You will all treat her with the utmost respect and I hope you can all find it in your hearts to welcome her with open arms – we all know what it feels like to join Camp Half-Blood for the first time, and it is nothing short of a scary experience.”
  “How can you expect us to welcome a child of Hades?” a voice yelled out over the crowd. Immediately a bursting symphony of agreement fled over the hall, enticing an entire conversation that blocked out Chiron's speech.
  You wanted to disappear.
  You huddled your arms into your chest, trying to make yourself as small as possible as the protests continued. Lance placed a gentle hand on your arm before ruining the gentle moment by swinging his head over his shoulder and yelling at a Hephaestus kid to mind his own business.
  “Everyone! Everyone!” Chiron barked, slamming his hoof against the wooden ledge he was seated upon. “Y/N is unclaimed as of right now, meaning none of us have a right to claim her to be the child of the Underworld ruler – but if that is the case-” He knew full rightly that was the case. “-then we will continue to treat her with just as much respect as we would treat anybody else. This is not up for debate! You all know better than to judge a person based off of their parents actions!”
  “She can raise the dead, Chiron!” someone yelled. “I don't mess with that kind of black magic!”
  Your eyes widened. You weren't sure where the panic stemmed from, but it burst within you at a moments notice and there was no catching it. Lance's hand tightened on your arm as the exclamation settled – he had clearly meant to tell you that little nugget of information later on.
  You span around on the bench to face him with wide eyes as Chiron continued trying to settle the crowd down.
  “Raise the dead?” you hissed.
  Lance winced, tried to cover it by awkwardly smiling at you. “Surprise?”
  You tugged your arm out of his grip. You felt like water was rising above you, slowly dragging you under, slowly clawing away at your oxygen supply until there was nothing left. You stood up from the bench before you could stop yourself, before you could realise that you were currently standing amongst a group of demigods who could so easily put you down with a simple flick of their wrist.
  “Y/N, please-” Lance started, reaching up to grab you.
  You stumbled away from him, and the crowd grew quiet, turned to see what you were doing. You didn't care. You looked up at Chiron just the once, dared him to say anything, before you were spinning on your heel and marching away from the dinner hall.
  You got as far as the Athena table before your head started to hurt.
  It might very well have been the worst pain you had ever felt in your life. Blinding, white hot, as if somebody was continuously splashing flames against your forehead. You cried out, gripped your temples tightly in any attempt to ease the pain that was coursing through you, but it was no use. It continued to fight against your grip, forcing you to your knees. Despite the camps previous protestations against you, you were surprised to find a few of them rushing to your aid, calling out for somebody to get a medic.
  “Let the Apollo kids through! Let them through!”
  But it was Lance who crumbled to your side. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, tugged you into him and started whispering soothing words in your ear; you could hear him. You could hear him, you realised, because there were no voices. It was just pain. Just pure, unfiltered pain and you had no idea where it had come from.
  An Apollo kid kneeled down on your other side and gently took your head in her hands. She ran her fingers along your forehead, concentrating, tongue peaking out of her mouth. You had an urge to pull away, to tell her to leave you alone, but you had to admit that the touch she currently wielded upon your skin was bringing you some form of relief.
  But then her blue eyes widened, and her hands were falling from your face. She stumbled back, very nearly trampling over the shoes of the people circling you. Even Lance's grip seemed to falter across your shoulders, but he made no attempt to pull away from you.
  “Oh gods,” the Apollo girl whispered.
  “What? What's wrong?” you asked, before another strike of pain darted through your forehead, causing you to keel over. Lance tried to hold you up, but his grip was weaker now and it was clear he was feeling the same sense of shock as everybody else surrounding you. “What is it?” you cried. “What is happening?”
  Lance's hands zoomed up from your shoulders and to your jaw; he tilted your head upwards, forcing you to look at the blinding light above you – it wasn't the sun. It had definitely not been there before.
  Through the prickle of tears, you could just barely make out the symbol glowing, big and bright, above your head – a skull and crossbones.
   Chiron stepped down from the dais. Everybody fell silent, but you could still hear the pantings of scared campers.
  “You have been claimed,” the centaur said, a slight hint of disappointment evident in his voice. “Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, daughter of Hades – god of the Underworld.”
  You didn't sleep well that night.
  All alone, curled up in the Hades cabin with the covers draped over your head. You were trying to block out the noise of the draft wafting in from the under the door, the sharp scream of the wind outside; Lance had told you that the weather was controlled entirely by Chiron, and you had half a mind to get out of bed and tell Chiron to stop making it so drafty.
  But you didn't, because you felt as if you could barely move.
  Your stomach was made of lead, it seemed like. Your legs were still weak from the pain that had coursed through you only a few hours prior, and, quite honestly, you just didn't want to leave the confines of the cabin. That meant facing people – people who very clearly didn't want to see you.
  The next morning, you didn't leave your cabin until a few hours after you had awoken. You could hear the other campers filing out of their cabins, making their way to the breakfast buffet which you had hastily decided to skip – you would get something later on, whenever the dining hall was less packed full of people who thought you were going to kill them.
  It was only whenever the darkness of the cabin started to gnaw at you did you finally get out of bed, get dressed into the orange shirt and trousers that had been left for you, and head outside.
  The camp was in full spirits. People were sword fighting to your left, people were messing with the elements to your right. Chiron was wading between people, grinning and giving them pointers on how to hold a gods damned spear.
  You nearly guffawed, very nearly stumbled over your own feet at such a bizarre sight – these people couldn't have been older than eighteen, and yet they were marching around with weaponry in their hands, slicing at the air as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
  “Shocking, huh?”
  You span around, nearly slamming into Lance. How he had snuck up behind you without making a noise was beyond you, but you decided not to question it. Instead, you folded your arms over your chest and ran your eyes down his figure.
  He was dressed in an orange shirt that matched yours, his blue jacket draped over his shoulders. He was eating a churro, and holding a still fully-intact churro in his other hand.
  He noticed you staring at it and quickly thrust it in your direction. “I noticed you didn't come down for breakfast this morning.”
   You gratefully took the churro from him and nibbled on it as you watched the campers fighting in the fenced off area in the middle of the camp.
  “You're gonna have to start doing that eventually, you know,” Lance said.
  You scoffed. “I'm okay, thanks. I don't think I'd work well with a sword in my hand.”
  “Well, it doesn't have to be a sword,” he said. “You could have a dagger, or a spear, or a trident, or a -”
   “Or a pitchfork. Those are most commonly seen as symbols of death.”
  Lance pursed his lips, immediately making you feel guilty for bringing the mood down; you shouldn't be speaking to him in this way, with so much hostility. He was one of the only people in this camp who were truly still supporting you, who didn't shiver every time you looked in their direction.
   You sighed and nudged him gently, similar to the way he always nudged you. “Sorry. I'm still a bit . . . Shook up over what happened yesterday.”
  “At dinner?”
  You nodded. “I just don't understand why it had to happen there. Surely Hades – my – my dad – has a bit more kindness towards his kids than that.”
   “My dad did the same thing. They're very strong gods, Y/N, meaning they make very strong children.”
  “I must have got more of my mothers genes-”
  Lance suddenly grabbed your elbow, forcing you to look at him. His face had morphed into a stern expression, his sharp jaw clenched and the veins in his neck protruding from the tanned skin. “Don't say that. I know this is weird for you, but this is your life now – this is who you are. There's a reason people are so scared of the children of the Big Three. We're powerful. Once we lodge ourselves into our powers properly-”
  You shrugged your arm out of his grip. “I don't want to lodge into my powers. From what I've heard, I have the ability to raise the dead, and that doesn't sound like something I'm particularly excited to do.”
  “They were being dramatic whenever they said you could raise the dead,” Lance mumbled, sheepishly taking another bite of his churro. “You can control the dead – you're not making them come back to life or anything. It's skeletons who are under your control.”
   Your mouth ran dry. You fought off the urge to laugh at him, because you knew he was telling the truth. That was all he had been doing since the day he met you – just because it sounded unbelievable, didn't make it a lie.
  “The sooner you start training, the better,” continued Lance. “How about me and you go down to the lake after lunch today and see what you can do?”
   “I can't do anything,” you replied. “I didn't even know I had powers until yesterday.”
  “Well then we'll start you off.” He smiled down at you, as if the idea of your life changing forever was something that amused him. “I'm a good teacher, I promise.”   ---
  The lake glistened. At the moment, it was the only comfort you were being given as you nervously waited for Lance to make his appearance.
  You had agreed. Foolishly agreed to let him train you in the art of godly powers. Lunch had just ended, and you had spent the time pacing the camp nervously, not having the confidence to show your face amongst the other campers just yet – you weren't sure if you ever would.
  They had every reason to be terrified of you, of course. You knew that. Apparently you held a power that they could only dream of, and because of your parentage, they were terrified of you. Again, you couldn't blame them. If you were in their position, you would be scared as well.
  You folded your arms and stood over the edge of the lake, half tempted to slip your shoes off and dip your toes in. You could see the tiny little fish swimming around, darting to the surface every now and then before splashing back amongst the soft waves with a splash.
  You smiled. It was peaceful. There was nobody here to disturb you, nobody who was terrified of you. It was just the fish, and the moon, and the soft sway of the-
  Your thoughts were cut off as the lake suddenly exploded.
  You cried out, stumbling back so hastily that you ended up tripping over your own feet and crashing onto your backside in the dirt. The water exploded up around you, rained down on your head until – for the second time in two days – your hair was draped over your eyes in soaked sheets.
  After the water had splashed back into the lake, you could make out the sound of Lance's hysterical laughter behind you.
  “I had to!” he exclaimed. You scrambled back onto your feet, turned to face him with a glare. He was doubled over, one arm looped around his middle, one hand pressed against his knee. “I'm sorry! I'm sorry, okay? I just – The opportunity was too perfect to miss!”
   You grumbled under your breath, slamming your hands into his shoulders. He chuckled at the action, slowly straightening himself back up and giving you an apologetic smile that you merely scowled at in response.
  “Alright, alright. Let's get started,” he said, a hint of humour still evident with every word. “We should probably start by doing nice stretches.”
  You raised a brow. “Stretches?”
  He paused, looking at you curiously. “I don't really know what powers you were granted when you came out of the womb, meaning we have to be prepared for anything. You could very well injure yourself if we're not careful. Now, this is a stretch I like to call the Cockroach-”
  “Can we not just – I don't know – mess around with some tactics and see which one works?”
  Lance frowned, pausing in the odd pose he had taken up. Upon seeing that you hadn't been following his instructions, he quickly scrambled up and ran his hands down his blue jacket, coughing awkwardly. “Right. Yeah. That sounds like the best option.”
  “Show me how you work your powers,” you said, stepping away from the lake and allowing Lance to take centre stage. He shot you a wary glance before stepping forward, and you could make out the soft hue of pink that was slowly crawling up his neck.
  You hid your amused smile behind your hand, watching him closely.
  You had to admit that Lance was powerful. He worked the water so well, as if it was made for him, as if he had formed every lake in the universe and knew exactly how each of them worked. He had closed his eyes, took a deep breath, rolled his shoulders back – and then he started.
  It was like watching a water show at the zoo or something. It oddly brought you back to childhood, and you realised that it wasn't entirely down to the water that was currently forming shapes around you – it was Lance as well. It was the energy he gave off, the pure and raw joy he seemed to radiate at all times, but now more than ever. He was always smiling, always telling little jokes to make people laugh, but you had never seen the man look so. . . at home.
  He moved his hands fluidly in front of him, and the water rose up into the air. It was in sheets at first, before he crossed his hands over his chest and the droplets crashed together, forming the shape of a dolphin leaping out of the water. The figure wiggled in the air for a moment before Lance put his hands back to his side and it delved back into the lake, disappearing for good.
  And then he was creating more shapes – wolves grazing through mountains, a kitten playing with a ball of yarn, a centaur that looked suspiciously like Chiron – that one made you laugh, a real laugh that you hadn't heard from yourself in a very, very long time.
  But Lance kept his eyes closed, and you were too in awe to stop him. Your fingers were itching to do the same, to work the water even though you knew you couldn't – whilst Lance had the beautiful abilities of manipulating the water into gorgeous shapes, you would soon find yourself doing the complete opposite.
  Your powers were ugly, and his glistened.
  It took a few minutes for Lance to finally come back to earth. His eyes popped open and he let his hands fall to his sides, the water dropping from the air and landing with a splash back into the lake. He turned to look at you, nervously scratched the back of his neck and gave you a sheepish smile that told you he very rarely showed off his powers to people – you had no doubt in your mind that nobody ever really asked.
  You started clapping, slow and truthfully. Lance flushed a deep red colour, waved his hand in front of his face as if telling you it wasn't a big deal, but you couldn't stop the smile from arising on your cheeks.
  “That was incredible,” you said. “You're incredible.”
  Lance grunted. “It was nothing. That's not gonna help me if I'm under attack.” He turned back to the water, clicked his fingers, and immediately the water started swirling around at a speed you could barely comprehend. It blew your hair out of your face, sent tiny droplets of water spraying across your skin. You could taste the salt water, crinkled your nose up but continued to watch with curiosity nonetheless.
  “A whirlpool,” Lance explained. “I know you have those in the mortal world, and they're very dangerous.” He clicked his fingers again and the whirlpool froze. “I don't do that often. Chiron warned me it wasn't the best for my reputation to start showing people the height of my strengths.”
   “He isn't exactly wrong.” You stepped forward, craned your neck to get a better look at the water. “I think it was beautiful, though.”
   Lance was silent for a moment. You continued to look down into the water, curiosity getting the better of you. It was funny how you could change mood so quickly, how you had once been dreading the idea of working your own powers, but now that you had seen Lance do it so well, you suddenly craved to feel the same way.
  Lance coughed, breaking the silence in his usual, awkward way. “Alright then. Let's get started with you, shall we? Stand in front of me and don't break eye contact. Whatever you do, keep your eyes on me.”
   You nodded, unsure as to what he was doing but refusing to question it. You stood in front of him, let your eyes burn into his blue ones. He narrowed his own, raised a brow, tilted his head – testing you to make sure you never once broke the eye contact.
  You giggled as he quickly zoomed to the left. Your eyes followed him and he grinned.
  “Good. Now, what I want you to do is conjure up an image that makes you angry – any image at all. A memory, a person's face – think of Keith, for example. Keith Kogane. The guy with the ugly hair and the red jacket.”
  “I don't know who that is.”
  “Lucky you,” mumbled Lance, before shaking his head and getting back to business. “I need you to think of something that just infuriates you. Strong emotions are key for bringing up somebody's powers.”
  There was plenty that made you angry, you realised. You thought long and hard, the different experiences you had been through in life flashing through your mind, reminding you of all the times you could have very easily slammed your fist into a wall.
  But there was one memory that was immediately brought to the forefront, a memory that immediately made true anger swell in your very being.
  It was the one memory you had left of your mother – the memory of her drinking as your young self stood in the doorway, begging for her to make dinner. She had acted like she hadn't even heard you, continued to take a swig of her drink, before she had turned to you and spat, “You aren't my daughter. I didn't give birth to a mutant.”
  Lance must have noticed the flash in your eyes. He nodded slowly to himself, placing his hands on your shoulders as he continued to give instructions. “Now I need you to channel that anger all throughout your body. It might sound confusing, but I know you can do it. You'll feel it – all of us Half-Bloods do. It's strong, unlike any human emotion. Do you understand?”
   You nodded. You understood perfectly. The memory you had chosen was dancing on the brink of your brain, and you understood, even though it was nothing you had ever experienced before. You clenched your fists, felt the anger spearing through you, trickling through your very system like the water Lance had just manipulated.
   Mutant. Mutant. Mutant.
  Your stomach clenched. You gritted your teeth. You had never let your anger go on for so long, so harshly. You were usually so adamant to stop it, never wanting trouble that was unnecessary.
  But now it was being let free, and you thought about your mother and the shit she had put you through purely because of your father.
  It was her fault you had been alone your entire life. It was her fault you had never known who you were, where you came from, where you belonged. Because as you stood on the edge of this lake now, with anger spearing through you and Lance nodding enthusiastically in front of you, you realised that this very place was where you should have been the entire time. With people like you. Proving to them that you could be an equal, even though your father was a god who provoked such fear in people.
  And then something popped.
  You heard it dimly in the back of your head, and it immediately startled you back to reality. Your fingertips tingled, every bone in your body vibrating beneath your flesh.
  You backed out of Lance's grip, suddenly afraid of hurting him somehow, even though you were completely oblivious to what you had done. Lance was grinning from ear to ear, his eyes twinkling.
  You continued to back up, back up, back up, until your heel crashed against something and you fell backwards with a yell.
  You crumbled to the floor, eyes immediately darting to the thing you had fallen over – and what you saw made your heart fall to your stomach.
  It was a single bone, sticking up out of the mud. It looked to be the bone of a finger, as if a skeleton had tried crawling out of the ground but had gotten stuck just as they reached the surface.
  “No,” you croaked out. “No, no, no. I didn't do that, did I? That was here when we got here, wasn't it?” Your eyes snapped up to Lance, who was looking at you in shock, as if he had fully expected you to love the idea of yourself causing skeletons to crawl up out of the floor. “Lance, please tell me-”
    “I told you it was dark magic!”
  Your eyes snapped up to the path that led out of the lake. Standing there was a tall man with long, white hair tied up in a ponytail. He wore a purple jacket and the same orange shirt underneath, a fairly well-beaded necklace strung around his neck.
  He was looking at the bone at your feet, half in horror and half in amusement.
  Lance was immediately standing in front of you, kicking the bone back into the mud and covering it with soil. You watched him do it, feeling horrible –  was that truly the hand of a dead person? Lance had just kicked it back into the dirt as if had been nothing.
  “Get back up to camp, Lotor,” Lance growled. “There's nothing to see here.”
   “Well clearly that's a lie,” 'Lotor' sneered. “She's just tried bringing the dead back up! When Mr D finds out about this, he's going to be-”
   “Mr D knows that Y/N needs to train. He isn't going to do anything.” Lance smiled then. “He already thinks you at the Ares cabin are pretty wimpy anyway. Wouldn't want to throw your siblings under the bus any more than they already are, would you?”
  Lotor's lips curled into a snarl as he kept his eyes firm on Lance – Lance knew he was stronger, and Lotor knew that too. Although he had yet to back down, he had yet to make a move, either.
  Finally, Lotor scoffed and swung his head back, the stray strand of white hair being pushed back by the movement. “You should watch who you spend your time with, Lance. This might very easily come back to bite you in the ass, and we both know your father isn't too keen on protecting his off-spring.”
  With one final glare in Lance's direction, Lotor turned on his heel and headed back up the path.
  You leaned forward and pressed your head in your hands. “They all think I'm doing dark magic.”
  Lance sighed. You heard him kneel down beside you, felt his skinny arm once again wrapping around your shoulders. “Don't listen to Lotor. He's just angry because his dad isn't one of the Big Three and he doesn't feel special – Ares sleeps around with mortal women all the time, which means Lotor is one amongst many. He's just angry that Chiron doesn't pay him as much attention as he does to us.”
  You nodded slowly, trying to understand what Lance was saying but failing to do so. Lotor didn't seem like the type of man who was just pushed off to the side – he had a sense of authority radiating off of him that had almost stunned you when he first appeared, very nearly made you feel as if you were about to be told off by a superior.
  “You did a good job today, though,” said Lance softly. You looked up and gave him a grateful smile, despite the horror you still felt at the idea of you unearthing a dead, decomposed body. “Not many demigods are able to grab onto their powers so early. You must have been really angry.”
  He chuckled nervously. You gave him the benefit of the doubt and laughed along with him, even though you didn't feel humourous or joyful in the slightest.
  “I think we should wait until later on until we do anything else,” you said. “At least until the other campers have gone to sleep.”
   “You don't really care about what they think, do you?” Lance asked, helping you up as he did so. “Y/N, you have every right to train with your powers – just as they do. They can't stop you.”
   “I know that. I know.” You ran a hand through your hair. “I just don't want the campers to be any more afraid of me. Whilst I have a right to train, they also have a right to not live in fear, you know? I've only been here a day – I'm trying to make a decent first impression.”
  Lance pursed his lips and continued to stare at the back of your head as the two of you descended from the lake.
  Lance all but forced you to join him for dinner the previous day.
  You had been avoiding his training sessions all day, instead busying yourself with trying to rack up a few more clothes from the other cabins – the campers had been too afraid of you to say no, and had given you everything you needed upon you asking for it.
  But now, you sat beside Lance at the Poseidon table, trying your hardest to avoid the glares being sent to the back of your head by Lotor and his friends over at the Ares table, which was always the loudest at dinner.
  Lance chewed on a piece of steak, letting out soft 'mm's' of appreciation. You picked away at your own meal, finding it too difficult to eat anything that you had to chew – you felt as if your throat had closed up completely.
  Lance stuck his fork in your face, a piece of steak pierced through the tongs. “Want a bite?”
  You pushed his arm away. “I'm good.”
   “You have to eat something.” Lance groaned, set his own fork down and picked up yours. You watched on in amusement as he pierced a piece of asparagus and brought it to your lips – you couldn't hold back your giggle, giving Lance the perfect opportunity to slip the asparagus into your mouth.
  You chewed on it, shaking your head. “I'm not a baby.”
  “Until you start acting like an adult, that's how I'm gonna treat you.” He roughly bit at his steak again, gravy spewing down his chin. “I did not travel for four days straight to find you, just for you to arrive at Camp Half-Blood and starve to death. It's not happening.”
  “You must feel real good knowing you've basically saved my life.”
   Lance shot a glare in your direction, mouth still full of steak. “I don't appreciate the sarcasm.”
  You giggled, but continued to eat your dinner – he was right. At the end of the day, eating was the best thing you could do. Years of malnutrition should have had you mauling the food in front of you – you had a chance to repair your damaged body, and you needed to take it.
  Dinner went on. You and Lance continued to joke around, him finishing his meal and immediately beginning to complain about how he would have had more if he wasn't forced to scrape half of his meal into the sacrifice fire up at the front.
  You listened to his complaining until they were drowned out by the screaming.
  Your head snapped up, fear slamming through you instinctively. It seemed as if the rest of the camp didn't have those natural moments of debate, as almost immediately, Lance and the rest of the campers were jumping out of their seats and barrelling down the hill towards the noise.
  You swallowed thickly before following close behind them; they were all heading down to the lake.
  “What's going on?”
   “Is anyone hurt?”
   “Let the Apollo cabin go first, just in case!”
  You lagged behind, standing on your tippy-toes at the back of the crowd in your attempts to see what all the hassle was about.
  The gasps confirmed something for you – this was not a false alarm.
  A girl in a green jacket suddenly threw herself forward into a man in yellows arms, gasping for air. Tears were streaming down her face, and as soon as the man in yellow wrapped his arms around her, she broke down. She buried her face in his shoulder and started wailing, too overwhelmed to describe what she had just witnessed.
  You risked stepping forward, and immediately regretted it.
  Because laying by the edge of the river was a dead body.
  Dead in a way you had never seen before, and you had seen plenty of dead bodies in your time. Living on the streets made it difficult to avoid seeing dead bodies, hidden behind alleyways, bodies of your friends who had gone one day too long without food. But this was unlike anything you had ever seen.
  It was the body of a man with ginger hair and a ginger, curled moustache. He was sprawled out in the dirt, and there were black veins crawling up his body, attacking his arms and his neck until his face almost looked inhuman. His mouth was open as if he had been screaming, his eyes wide and the glasses on the edge of his nose shattered.
  Chiron pushed forward. “Coran.”
  “What happened to him?” Pidge, the girl in green, wailed. “I was just – I was walking down here to go and feed the serpents, and he was just there!”
  “Who is responsible for this?” Chiron bellowed, as if he genuinely expected an answer. “This was not an accidental death! The gods will have seen the culprit-”
  “We don't need the gods help.”
  All eyes snapped over to Lotor, who took a big and bold step forward into the spotlight. Lance reached out and grabbed your hand – you hadn't even realised he had come to your side.
  Lotor turned and faced the crowd. “This was the work of dark magic – we all know there's only one person here who has the ability to kill, whose father prides himself on death – this was the work of Y/N L/N, daughter of Hades.”
    “Shut your fucking mouth!” Lance suddenly yelled, and for the first time, it was you who had to tangle your hands with his own, tugging him back before he could throw himself towards Lotor. “Chiron, you don't believe a word he says, do you? That douchebag has had it out for the kids of the Big Three since he stepped foot inside of this gods damned camp!”
  “Stop yelling, Mr McClain.”
   “Not until he admits he's just being a jealous little prick!”
  “Lance!” you exclaimed, tugging him back roughly. Lance stumbled into your chest, his breathing heavy. He never once took his angered glare off of Lotor, who was simply shaking his head in faux disappointment.
  “You see, Chiron?” he said. The centaur had his head bowed, looking down at the dead body at his hooves. “The children of the Big Three are as we always suspected – uncontrollable, dangerous. Lance loses his temper and starts yelling to the heavens almost as soon as somebody disagrees with him. Is it really that big of a stretch to think that the daughter of Hades has the same temper, that perhaps she took things a little too far?”
  “She hasn't even known she's a Half-Blood for more than two days,” Hunk, the man in yellow, spoke up. “I find it hard to believe she's already capable of killing a man.”
   Lotor grinned now. “Funny you say that, Hunk. I happen to have bore witness to her unearthing a skeleton only yesterday afternoon – she's a lot more powerful than we've given her credit for.”
  Chiron's head snapped up. Your body froze, horror flooding through you – oh gods he was right.
  “Is this true, Miss L/N?” Chiron asked, voice wavering.
  You swallowed the golf ball sized lump in your throat, head snapping left and right, as if begging the other campers to step in and help you – you didn't know what to say. Did you confess and make yourself seem powerful, or did you lie and make yourself seem guilty?
  It was Lance who eventually answered for you. “Pointing your fingers at the new girl purely because she's powerful is a bullys move. You know that, Chiron. You're better than that.”
   Chiron whinnied. “I don't know what to think right now, Lance.”
    “You need to start looking into the real evidence!” Lance barked. “Hunk was right – Y/N hasn't even known she's a demigod for that long. She had a strike of luck yesterday with her powers, but even then she was only able to unearth a finger from a skeleton – she's most definitely not at the level to kill someone!”     “This coming from another child of a Big Three god,” Lotor sneered. “You protect each other because you're both outsiders. It's obvious to see.”
   “If you don't shut your gods damned mouth, Lotor-”
   “Enough!” Chiron barked, holding up a hand to silence the arguing demigods. “I will look into this. Until I can rule out the suspects, Y/N is at the top of my list.”
  “Chiron-” Lance wailed, but you stopped him by placing a hand on his chest. He inhaled deeply, stepped back and bit down into his bottom lip, clearly trying to hold back his temper.
  Chiron shot you an apologetic glance, the last piece of hope he was going to give you that he didn't truly believe Lotor's claims – but you couldn't blame him for keeping you under close eye. You were the new arrival, had the power to kill if you so wanted to. Even though you had yet to learn such a skill, would never want to learn such a skill, it made sense why Chiron would think of you as the lead suspect.
  “Everyone back to their cabins for the night. Training is cancelled until tomorrow morning,” said Chiron. “Somebody help me move this body.”
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amyscascadingtabs · 6 years
this night is sparkling, don’t you let it go
She doesn’t fully comprehend how he gathers the energy for his signature boyish, goofy grin at one in the morning, but he does anyway and waves his phone at her. “I was going to play you my list of Taylor Swift favorites.”
“You said I could”, he reminds her with an accusatory expression that works all too well on her. “‘Sure, whatever.’ Those were your exact words.”
“Just keep it at a low volume. ”
Three times - all under wildly different circumstances - Jake plays Amy the same Taylor Swift song.
read on ao3
The first time Amy Santiago hears it is at the precinct.
She’s landed Jake Peralta as her partner for the money laundering case she’s currently working, and while he’s been peculiarly nice to her since he won their bet - even came to admit he enjoys working with her when she came close to taking a job at Major Crimes - he’s not the most efficient when it comes to going through pages and pages of income and transaction records. The fact that it’s currently one o’clock at night and Boyle broke the coffee machine trying to make chai latte in it aren’t helping their focus much either. She’s sticking with water as coffee-replacement, trying to attentively work through the records with her highlighter while Jake’s drinking something blue that can’t possibly be good for his heart, humming away on some upbeat melody and tapping his pen to the table in a drumming, repetitive manner. It would be a lie to say it doesn’t bother her, but she’s learnt from experience it’s a habit too ingrained in him for it to matter if she told him to stop.
He’s actually pretty charming like this, Amy notes. When he’s hard at work on a case without the pathological need to deliver a humorous line every other second, he suddenly becomes a lot more tolerable. She can even admit the messy, sleep-deprived look of his wrinkled flannel and tousled curls has a certain attractivity to it, especially in combination with the peering brown eyes flicking around the room whenever he gets distracted.
(It’s just the sleep-deprivation talking, though.)
(She doesn’t find Jake cute.)
(Really, she doesn’t.)
“Santia- gooo”, she hears just as she’s finished highlighting another dubious transaction in hot pink, the sudden noise causing her to flinch and her hand to slip, making an unintentional pink dot at the side of the paper.
“What do you want, Peralta?” She holds up the document in demonstration. “You’re ruining my notes.”
“Oh, come on, see it as a piece of art. Now your notes are just more unique.” She snorts at his creative attempt at avoiding an apology. “Anyway - you mind if I play some tunes? Helps me focus better.”
“Sure. Whatever.” She shrugs. “But no High School Musical soundtrack. Not again.”
“Pfft, you loved it when Boyle and I sang along to I Don’t Dance.”
“Absolutely didn’t.”
“And no, I won’t play High School Musical, even though it’s arguably the best Disney movie and musical of all time.“
“Absolutely isn’t.”
“Oh my god, Santiago, just let me finish.” She doesn’t fully comprehend how he gathers the energy for his signature boyish, goofy grin at one in the morning, but he does anyway and waves his phone at her. “I was going to play you my list of Taylor Swift favorites.”
“You said I could”, he reminds her with an accusatory expression that works all too well on her. “‘Sure, whatever.’ Those were your exact words.”
“Just keep it at a low volume.” She stifles a smile at the way his face lights up, jubilant over having convinced her.
Seconds later a slow ballad is playing in the bullpen. It’s softer, more tranquil than the music he usually plays until it picks up pace in the first chorus. Even then it doesn’t bother her much. She honestly truly enjoys the song, and because it’s late and she knows it’ll make him happy, she tells him so.
“It’s Enchanted”, he informs her, beaming with excitement. “It’s called that, I mean. It’s one of my favorites. I’ve always pictured this song playing at my wedding.” She raises a questioning eyebrow.
“You already have a song for that?”
“You don’t?”
“No?” This is brand new information to her, and she’s frankly finding it shocking. He never seemed the type who has a song picked out for their wedding even though they’re single to her - and she quite doubts he’ll ever be mature enough to want to get married. “I want something nice, instrumental. Live music.”
“Never said I didn’t want live music”, he retorts, pouting.
“I know for a fact you’re not allowed within five hundred feet of Taylor Swift, Peralta.”
“That was a misunderstanding!”
“Whatever you say”, she mumbles, returning to her documents and highlighter. Jake continues passionately singing along to the chorus, about a sparkling night and being enchanted to meet someone, and even though she’d deny it should anyone ask, she’s instantaneously grateful it’s him she’s working this late night with.
(He makes her laugh.)
She loses track of how many more times she hears the song after her and Jake become a couple. Truth be told, she loses track of how many times she hears any Taylor Swift song, because he plays them so often there's no use in keeping count. Amy's fully willing to admit some of the tunes are pretty catchy, and after a while she even begins to associate them with cherished memories from their relationship. Jake played Shake It Off on repeat to calm his nerves during their road trip to his first official Santiago Family Gathering, they've danced around the living room like fools to the soundtrack of both Blank Space and Style more than once and she beat him in memorizing all the lyrics to All Too Well when he bet her she couldn’t.
Enchanted still remains her favorite. It's the one song she can’t hear without remembering the time they were merely two competitive detectives, deadbeat on proving their skilfulness in whatever way possible, and how even when it feels like the universe has turned itself inside out since then and they’re oceans away from the people they used to be, they’re also in some ways entirely the same.
She whispers this, albeit in a much less coherent way than the thought appeared in her head, to Jake when they’re perched on Shaw’s bar stools after their unconventional precinct-curbside wedding, going through their shared Spotify library. They’re still giddy from the champagne and the exuberant joy of finally being married, and she has her doubts about whether they will be able to survive their first dance without unintentionally maiming each other, but Terry insisted on it being a crucial part of any wedding reception and so here they are.
“I think we’ve find our song”, Jake tells the bartender, handing him the phone so it can be plugged into the speaker system. “Ready, Mrs. Santiago-Peralta?” He says his own name after hers with unrelenting pride, and although they’ve agreed many times she is in no way his property for having married him, it's flattering.
They make their way to what will serve as their dancefloor under close observation from their friends and the sound of Charles sobbing with happiness, hand in hand still trying to grasp the fact that they got here, they did it, they’re married.
The soft guitar of the melody she’d recognize anywhere starts playing, and she shifts focus from Rosa’s wolf-whistling and Holt’s modest smile to her husband.
“You know how terrible I am at dancing. It’s not going to be easier in this dress. You’ve been warned”, she advises him quietly.
“It doesn’t bother me”, he promises, and Amy knows it’s true.
This night is sparkling, don’t you let it go
I’m wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I’ll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
They’re mostly swaying back and forth, too enervated from their day of bomb threats and jealous exes and too aware of their limited skills in ballroom dancing to dare try something more advanced, but she likes it. It’s sweet and effortless, an harmonious oasis in the midst of Shaw’s buzzing atmosphere. He meets her eyes with an adoring smile as the tempo of the song slows down again, nearing the end.
Please don’t be in love with someone else, please don’t have somebody waiting on you, the lyrics repeat.
With what just having promised him the rest of their lives, matching silver rings on their left fourth fingers to demonstrate so, she knows there is no further need for her to prove she’s not in love with someone else. She kisses him anyway, the cheers and standing ovations from their friends fading to white noise with his lips under hers and his hands on her waist.
“I would marry you again any time, any place”, he says when they part. “I love you.”
She takes the chance to press another quick peck to his lips, grinning at the way she hears Charles squeal with euphoria from the couple’s uncharacteristic amount of PDA this evening. “I love you too.”
“Thank you for saying yes”, he whispers. “When I asked you to marry me.”
“Thank you for asking.”
Although several of the books on parenting Amy made sure to consume during the almost nine month eternity her pregnancy felt like said the same thing - that babies can recognize music played to them in utero after they’re born - it's still a partial shock to her when their daughter shows a certain affinity for Taylor Swift ballads early on. With the singer’s albums definitely playing throughout their apartment more often than Amy would like and Jake literally holding the phone to her bump while it plays his favorite Taylor hits at more than one instance, it really shouldn't have surprised her; but it does.
As with so many other lessons the couple learn on parenting, they discover it entirely by chance and in the middle of the night.
They’ve been parents for a long, exhilarating and exhausting week when they learn. In this week-long trial of parenthood, neither of them has had more than three consecutive hours of sleep or the opportunity to take a shower longer than five minutes, and it’s somehow all still been worth it. It’s only a little less worth it, possibly, when their daughter’s face is deep red and crumpled from exertion and she’s crying without stop, unflagging and indefatigable even though Amy has nursed her, burped her, checked her diaper a dozen times and walked at least forty laps around the living room in the middle of the night trying to bounce a screaming newborn to sleep.
“No success?” Jake stumbles into the living room just as she’s finishing lap forty-one. He looks disorientated either from the few minutes of sleep she told him to get or from lack of it; with the noise their progeny is making, she suspects the latter. She shakes her head in response, continuing the bouncing. “Did you try the pacifier?”
“Spits it out.”
“Want me to take over?”
“Please.” The smile she tries her best to give him comes out more an exhausted grimace, plagued by the soul-crushing sound of a panicked infant. Their daughter does go silent for a millisecond as Amy transfers her to Jake’s arms, a glimmer of hope burning before her parents eyes, but then the crying simply picks up where it left off.
“Man, you’re persistent”, he tells the infant before giving Amy a meaning look. “Much like someone else I know.”
“You’re not funny”, she mumbles and takes a swig from her water bottle on the dining room table otherwise covered in flowers and cards sent from family and friends.
“No, I guess that’s fair. She doesn’t seem to think so either. What’s bothering you, little Holly?” The sight of him talking to their baby in a soft voice and equally tender expression on his face is disarmingly sweet, and she wishes it wasn’t disrupted by the shrill soundtrack.
“I’ve vetoed Holly”, Amy reminds him warningly, laying down on the couch for at least a moment of physical rest. “And I don’t know what’s bothering her. I’ve tried everything. I think she’s just overtired and can’t figure out how to go to sleep.”
“Maybe we’re just trying too hard? Because she sure slept fine before she was born - she could be missing the environment. Must’ve been nice and comfortable in there.”
“Yeah, but I’ve held her so she can hear my heartbeat, and the bouncing should remind her of me moving around. I don’t get what else I can do.”
“Noise”, he states confidently. “I think she’s a little calmer when we’re speaking. Marginally, but still. And there must’ve been constant noise inside you, right? So this is way too silent for Johanna McClane.”
“I vetoed all Die Hard names, Jake. You give birth if you want to name a kid after those movies.” She hands him a lime green pacifier left on the couch table, but their daughter promptly spits it out again. “What are you suggesting in terms of noise then, baby-genius?”
Jake shines up at the nickname. “Ooh, nice title! And we haven’t tried music before, have we? Could be worth a shot.”
“Anything is worth a shot right now”, she agrees, stifling a yawn. “Hand me your phone. What should I play?”
“Just put on whatever I was listening to before.”
“I’m not playing her The Lonely Island.”
“Taylor Swift, then”, he says matter-of-factly. She scrolls down to the ‘t-swift favez’ playlist on Spotify and presses shuffle.
The first tones to Enchanted begin to play, and as if by magic, the crying lessens moderately. Amy hands Jake the phone so it’s closer to the baby, and by the time the first refrain ends their daughter is silent save the sound of her breathing.
They’re staring at each other in pure unadulterated shock as the newborn simply yawns her adorable yawn and closes her eyes against her father’s t-shirt.
“Put it on repeat”, Amy wheezes - a sentence she’s never said regarding any Taylor Swift song before. “Quick.”
Three plays later has a baby still fast asleep and two parents looking from her to each other to the phone in utter disbelief.
“So clearly my daughter.” Jake’s glowing from pride watching the sleeping copy of him continue her sleep, and Amy’s fighting both hormones and sleep-deprivation in order not to shed a tear of relief.
(She loses.)
She grows just a little bit tired of the song when their daughter is nearing one and still refuses to fall asleep through any other method than by being carried around the apartment as someone rocks her and plays the very same Taylor Swift ballad.
She also loves it more than ever, because now she’s learnt to associate it with the heartwarming sensation of a growing baby nestling her face into the crook of Amy’s neck, falling asleep before the end of the six minute track.
“I was really enchanted to meet you, Miss Leah”, she whispers a few nights later when the (non-Die Hard) name is finally settled on. “Always will be.”
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africareddie · 7 years
14 with Dallas
“Every time I see you with her, it kills me.” - Dallas Winston
Here I was, staring down at the bottom of my empty glass bottle that was once filled with alcohol. I was drinking away my worries and drinking for my own self-pity. I was best friends with Dallas Winston, and over time, I had fell for him, hard. Sure he wasn’t perfect, hell he was far from it, but that’s what I liked about him. He was real, so real he scared me. We’d known each other ever since we were little kids in New York. That night he got arrested at the young age of 9, he promised me he would get us out of here. He kept that promise, and that’s exactly what he did. We never did have time to develop feelings for each other, we were too busy growing up and getting to know the real world at such a young age. Too young, in my opinion. Our parents were deadbeats, we couldn’t help it. We had to find our own way around the city. I can almost remember it... We searched the streets, young at heart, eager to find new adventure. We thought the world was how they told it in fairy tales, full of love and happiness. That was before we came face to face with what was actually in the streets, and we got sucked into the madness. It never affected me that much, for whatever reason that was, I don’t know. It sure did take a toll on Dally though, soon it became his whole life. It would’ve been all he had if it wasn’t for me.
Lately we’ve been getting distant recently, and there was only one reason why. Sylvia. The girl that had took Dallas’ cold heart and played with it, throwing it away and taking it back countless times again. Every time she’d break things off with him, he’d come for me for comfort, and just to let out all his feelings he bottled up inside. He did because I knew him through the set of walls he had set up, I knew what he was like before he made himself hard and cold. I’d tell him the same thing every single time, but apparently it was going in one ear and going out the other. I’d tell him “She ain’t worth your time Dal. Can’t you see what she’s doing to you? She doesn’t care about you, she only wants you for the sex. She doesn’t love you. Stop giving her chances.” He’d tell me that I’m right and that he’d stop giving her what she wanted, and we ended up falling asleep together that night. He’d hold onto me as he slept, and for the first time I could pretend that we were together. But as morning came and reality hit, I knew it was too good to be true. A few days pass, and the next thing I know is that I’m listening to his and Sylvia’s groans and moans through the thin walls in my room at Buck’s. The longest they’ve last apart is a week or so.
One night I confronted him about it, I couldn’t keep spitting out the same things like a broken record when he came to me after he broke things off with Sylvia. He came crashing through my room again, a cigarette already lit in one of his hands. He sat down on my bed and told me the news, taking a long drag off his cigarette after he did. Only this time they broke things off after being together for almost 3 months. He gave her his ring that he rolled a drunk senior to get, but that was back on his finger. Instead of saying my usual lines about how he deserves better, I said this to him. “Dallas, you don’t realize it.. but you’re making yourself miserable. Sure it might feel good to sleep with a broad every night, and sure it’s okay to keep pleasing Sylvia, but at the end of the day it’s hurting you, whether you see or not. I promised you when you when we were kids that I would always be there for you, but I’m tired of you not listening to me and falling back into her arms. So I’m saying something I should’ve said a long time ago.. I love you. I love you, okay? I always have, and I probably always will. I shouldn’t love you as much as I do, I shouldn’t care about you and your well being as much as I do.. but I do. Every time I see you with her, it kills me. I’ve tried help you to stop hooking up with her for so long, and I can’t stand it anymore...” I trail off, looking over at him, trying to read his hard, set in stone, face. It used to be so easy, before we got involved with all the shit on the streets. I used to be able to read him perfectly, and I could always tell when he was upset. Now I only know when he breaks down and tells me. He didn’t say anything, his expression completely blank. It was already tearing me apart not knowing what he was thinking or how he felt. “Dally, say anything, please!?” You could hear me breaking in the cracks of my voice. I felt like an idiot for telling him how I felt, I had probably ruined a friendship that was supposed to last a lifetime. He didn’t say anything still, giving me a long stare before he got up. He burned his cigarette out on the ash tray, walking away, just leaving me to break. I fell to my knees as he closed the door. Tears ran down my cheeks faster then race cars on a race car track. I heard him get a few things in his room, slamming his room door as he left Buck’s. I heard Buck’s T-Bird speed off into the night. He was gone from my sight and presence for what felt like eternity.
Here I was, staring down at the bottom of my empty glass bottle that was once filled with alcohol. I was drinking away my worries and drinking for my own self-pity.
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
This AMAZING thread on being pro-life is just what you need as we head into the Christmas holiday
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/this-amazing-thread-on-being-pro-life-is-just-what-you-need-as-we-head-into-the-christmas-holiday/
This AMAZING thread on being pro-life is just what you need as we head into the Christmas holiday
It’s getting a little dusty in here…
Read this. Read every word all the way to the end … it’s freaking amazing:
For my twitter friends who actually care, i said one day I’d share the story of why I’m so damn pro life:
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
I was about 22, i mostly lived to party. I’d get drunk every single night at my favorite dive bar before heading downtown to whatever party or bar was happening
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
I had nothing going for me. Dead end job, lived with my parents, barely working car. I probably would have wrapped it around a tree drunk if given a few more years.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
On my birthday, a bunch of my friends came out, and i got exceedingly drunk. I ran into an old fling, nice enough girl. We had a one night stand.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
A few months later, I’m working the night shift stocking shelves at a grocery store, i get a call. It’s he girl from my birthday night. She’s pregnant.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
Fuck. I make 9.50 a hour and work at home. What the hell am i supposed to do? Call a guy i know who is a pastor.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
He’s a pretty understanding dude. Asks me what i plan to do. Plan? I haven’t planned a thing in my life, i live in the moment.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
He asks me if i want a kid. “Hell no!” He gives me a card, says it’s a relationship counselor, tells me to call her and explain my situation.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
I called her, explained what was going on, and she had a reasonable proposal: why don’t you two come meet me, and we can talk about this in a environment that feels safe and open.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
I called Jenna (my wife now) i tell her that i want to try to be a good person and maybe we could talk about it with this person who is in expert in bad situations.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
First meeting comes and this lady is a little out there, but very understanding. Jenna and i are able to talk about what we want. We come to a tentative agreement that we should get to know each other.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
Jenna’s dad is a doctor, she’s had everything she’s ever wanted or needed in life. She’s a great student and college athlete. I’m a fuck up, my parents, while wealthy, have mostly cut me off and i have a awful relationship with them at this time.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
That poor woman is faced with a couple bad choices: hitch her wagon to a fucking deadbeat loser, get an abortion, give the baby up for adoption or keep the baby, cut me off and try to finish school as a single mom at 20.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
In the worst decision (later best) she’s ever made, she decided to go with me… a guy who stocks grocery stores, living in his parents basement with a car that barely runs.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
We started going to couples counseling twice a week, literally to get to know each other. Now Jenna had never dated anyone before. Suddenly this deadbeat scruffball shows up with her at all her family events, church and dinner on Sunday, the whole 9 yards
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
We eventually got to the point where we decided we wanted to keep the baby and maybe get married. This is about 4-5 months into the pregnancy. She hadn’t told her parents yet and she was starting to show a little
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
Everytime we tried to tell them, she’d have a panic attack and we wouldn’t tell them. Eventually it got to the point where someone had to do tell them or they would guess
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
Eventually i realized that i was going to have to tell them myself. I looked her dad up on his hospitals website and called his office. Asked to meet with him.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
Folks, i was not a brave man. I always took the easy way, i was a coward and a weasel. But i went to that fucking meeting and i broke that poor mans heart. He knew what i was, and now his beautiful, intelligent, sweet daughter was forever linked to me.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
Hardest thing I’ve ever done is telling a good man that i may have just ruined his daughters dreams, and his dreams for her.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
My FIL is a saint folks. He took it stoically. He didn’t yell or scream or kick my ass. He thanked me for telling him and said he would be in touch, that he had to talk to his family.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
Jenna called me a hour later. She was furious. Called me every name in the book and then some. She would have made @liars_never_win blush.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
Her mom called an hour later and asked me to come to dinner that night. Talk about walking into a bad situation. I went that night.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
It went great actually. Her family was supportive of her, wanted to make the best of the situation and offered to pay for the counseling we were going to (100 bucks a week is a lot when you make 9.50)
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
After a month or two we decided we would get married. Jenna dropped out of school and started sewing decorative pillows to make a little money. I started to get my act together with work. I went from a shit employee to the best motherfucker they had.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
I completely turned my life around. I had no choice, it was sink or swim and i had to carry two others on my back. I worked my tail off and got some promotions and small raises.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
Out of the blue, my parents made us an astounding offer: they would buy a very modest house for us, and would defer payments for the first couple years of our marriage.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
We found a nice house in a safe neighborhood and they bought it. A month later Charlie was born.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
Charlie changed my world. From the moment i found out about him, he began to save me. Charlie transformed me from a directionless fuck up to a man with a purpose pic.twitter.com/seJTmltXnC
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
Hindsight is great right? I didn’t see it then, but that tiny little human inside Jenna changed me more than any outside influence ever could. He made me be a man, he saved my life, and he brought the love of my life into my life.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
So why am i pro life? Because i understand that a small, seemingly insignificant and helpless human can have a profound impact on the world. Simply by existing a unborn child has the power to save someone, to radically change a life.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
And Charlie didn’t just save me, he brought Jenna and i together, and through that came Henry and Annie, two more wonderful amazing people who will have a huge impact on their world. pic.twitter.com/YJ7Smzjnk0
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
A life is never a mistake! The power in a life to save others is immense. It may not be clear at the time, but in time it becomes clear. Charlie saved my life. I would never want someone to lose that amazing chance.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
Side note for those curious: Jenna’s pillow business took off, and what used to help feed us, now helps pay for the kids school, and our house that we bought with our own money. I worked my way up through a factory into a supervisory position, and now manage a factory of 200
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
My relationship with my parents has never been better. I love my inlaws so much. Jenna and i are able to help others in need. I can’t imagine where i would be if we had choose abortion. Abortion is an evil thing.
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
— NaughtyDerek🇺🇸 (@NaughtyDerek) December 22, 2017
if ( (window.__aa_fraud_serve === undefined) || (window.__aa_fraud_serve == true) ) googletag.cmd.push(function () googletag.display(“div-gpt-300x250_1”); );
Read more: https://twitchy.com/gregp-3534/2017/12/22/this-amazing-thread-on-being-pro-life-is-just-what-you-need-as-we-head-into-the-christmas-holiday/
0 notes
Meeting and dating Tommy Turner
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(My gif)(Tommys in plaid for any of you who haven’t seen porkys)
- You met Tommy when the both of you were placed in the same class. The two of you became quick friends once you were seated near each other. He introduced you to the other guys and soon enough you had a whole group of new friends.
- For a while you remained just that: friends. He even became a wing man of sorts and tried to set you up with a few guys from school. But everything changed one fateful day.
- Like clockwork the boys had snuck into the the tunnels of the school and got into position at their peepholes. Except today you had had an accident with a bunch of paint in art class and were sent to clean yourself up in the school showers.
- It took the boys a little while to realize just who the new girl was since they knew you didn’t have gym class that period. But they got their answer as you turned to face their wall innocently giggling at Wendy’s teasing as you scrubbed the paint from your chest.
“Holy shit that’s y/n!” Everyone in the group tries to stifle their laughter, everyone but him; he’s too busy staring at you.
- He had never thought of you in a sexual way before, he sort of just saw you as one of the guys. Yet here you were, wet, naked and wow, he couldn’t take his eyes off you.
- For the rest of the day he looks at you weird and you have no idea why. He’s staring, gulping, sneaking glances after you catch him watching you; you feel like an algebra equation he can’t figure out. You start to question yourself; what have you done lately that would make him suspicious of you. Was one of the other planning a prank? Was he?
“…Well I’m gonna head to class Tommy…see ya…” you mutter as you leave the lunch table.
- His third eye has been opened and its laser focused on your tits.
- When he can’t get you out of his head for a week straight he knows he has a real problem on his hands and a problem he apparently can’t “fix” with his hands…believe him he tried.
- You’re beginning to wonder what the hell is going on with your best friend (and crush but that’s besides the point). You try to ask the guys whats going on but they just fight back laughter like there’s an inside joke between them. They just think that Tommy’s particularly horny after seeing you naked and doesn’t know how to deal which is …sort of the truth but he’s more than horny. He’s in love.
- He begins to subtly try and ask you out, saying things like “hey y/l/n, wanna go to Deadbeats with me tonight?” but you just aren’t getting it. He wants to yell that “it’s a goddamn date” whenever you ask “where everyone else is” but he doesn’t have the nerve.
- Tommy is definitely the type of guy to act really childish when he has a crush on someone (and after you start dating) and since you’re already friends this works out perfectly for him. He takes turns acting like a playground bully who pulls your pigtails and a really soft, sweet boy.
- After some time Tommy actually asks you out in a proper way that can’t be mistaken as just a friendly hang out. You genuinely think it’s a prank until he kisses the life out of you, but even then it takes a few dates for him to totally convince you.
- Your first date is at a nice restaurant. He wants to make the occasion stand out so he opts for the stereotypical romantic dinner date since the two of you had done just about everything else in town together as friends. He’s sort of out of his element; he’s blushing and giggling whenever you say something, it’s really quite the adorable sight to see.
- Since you knew each other before you went out you don’t have to deal with that trial period a couple goes through, you just skip to being girlfriend and boyfriend.
- When the gang finds out about the two of you dating Peewee accidentally rats the guys out for spying on you when you were in the showers. You aren’t exactly mad just really flustered and embarrassed. You drop your face into your hands and refuse to look at anyone all the while Tommy is attempting to make you feel better(and failing miserably).
“It’s really no big deal y/n, I mean you have a great body! You have no reason to be embarrassed believe me!”
“You could see me naked if you’d like? Then we’ll be even Steven.” 
- Obviously he doesn’t help his case very much but you knew what you were getting into when you agreed to go steady with him.
- His love language is very physical; he prefers to show you he cares through his actions rather than his words. 
- Hand kisses and hand holding.
- Hugs from behind where he just keeps you pinned against him.
- He’s a funny guy even when he isn’t trying to be.
- Gossiping together. 
- Getting to hear about the “master plans” he’s particularly proud of or the ones he needs your help with. Although sometimes he doesn’t tell you about the pranks he intends to pull because he doesn’t want you to try and stop him.
- Compliments even though he says them like he’s actually teasing you.
- He likes to make you shriek so be prepared to have him try to scare you at least once a week. 
- Drive in movie dates. 
- Bowling dates.
- Going to the record shop together. 
- Elbowing him when he tries to mess with Balbricker so that he can maybe avoid detention for once. I have this idea in my head (kinda like that niece ask) that Tommy’s girlfriend would be like Balbricker’s favorite student and it bothers Tommy to no end. Like~
 “How the hell do you like that evil bitch?”
 “What? Shes always been nice to me?”
- Visiting him in detention; he gets in trouble a lot.
- Kissing his beauty marks. 
- He ruins the moment a lot; it’s just his thing.
- Dancing with him. 
- You’re basically best friends who kiss and cuddle. 
- Do not tease him with not following through on kisses. That is a serious offense.
- He’s pretty smooth like sometimes he’ll say something and you’ll have to take a minute to recover from it.
- Him always defending you and being ready to kick someone’s ass.
- He likes all your jokes no matter how bad.
“That’s a shit joke y/n.”
“I liked it.” He pulls you into a hug with a smile.
- He cleans you up whenever something happens to you like a nosebleed or a scraped knee. He likes to take care of you it’s fun for him especially when he gets a kiss and hug for it.
- He loves seeing your lipstick on his handkerchief, he always smiles when you borrow it and there’s a little smudge of red on the corner.
- Cracking up when Balbricker tackles him.
- When she’s dragged away you jokingly ask if he’s alright, he replies that “it” is hurt and that you should kiss it better.
- Evidence suggests that he has a pretty big porky (with a mole) so…enjoy that.
- He probably jokingly flashes you when you tell him to get dressed (or something similar).
- Pins you against walls while the two of you makeout.
- Sit. In. His. Lap. At the diner. He wants everyone to see you together.
- He slaps your ass in public, he does not care in the slightest. He only cares if his parents are around and even then he’s still a little shit
- He’s definitely snuck through your window late at night and fucked up his knee because he immediately tripped and fell to your floor. You can’t stop laughing while you make sure he’s okay.
- You ever just want to get fucking thrown? He likes to throw you, it’s a perfect match. In a bed, a pool, doesn’t matter, you’re just getting tossed.
- Leaning your heads on each other’s shoulders.
- Affectionate name calling.
- Neck kisses.
- He likes to tickle you, he thinks your uncontrollable laughter is adorable.
- Billy and you get really close since he’s the one in the gang who sticks around Tommy the most. You guys make a good team.
- Once something happens he’s excited for the rest of the day because he can’t wait to be able to tell you about it. Like if he doesn’t get to see you for a while he’ll keep a list of what’s happened so that he doesn’t forget.
- He doesn’t really get jealous. If you wanted to date someone else you could have but you chose him; obviously that meant something, right? He sort of just thinks it’s funny to watch guys attempt to flirt with you and get turned down. He particularly enjoys it when you sit on his lap to make sure the other guy takes the hint; he always gets this smug look on his face.
- On one hand he thinks it’s cute seeing you jealous, on the other hand he gets a bit exasperated by it (kind of because he’s a perv and wants to spy on other girls without anyone trying to stop him).
- Most of your fights are probably about his incessant need to stare at other girls tits or his questionable choices when being caught by said girls. He’ll assure you that it was “just a joke” but that’s a pretty shitty excuse, isn’t it?
- If you break up with and ignore him for a little while he’ll learn his lesson. He’ll clean up his act when he realizes you aren’t going to let him play you. You’ll get an apology from a very uncomfortable boy after some time spent away from each other.
- He is genuinely sorry once he realized he actually really bothered and/or hurt you. He sort of just didn’t take your feelings into consideration, he’s not exactly experienced in real relationships. Like I said: he’ll clean up his act.
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