#porkys 80s
acmeoop · 1 year
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Circle Gallery Exhibit Poster (1983)
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ducktracy · 4 months
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springbreak1984 · 10 months
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picturebookshelf · 2 years
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Bugs Bunny and the Pink Flamigos (1987)
Story: Gina Ingoglia -- Art: John Costanza
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grumpy80sguy · 1 year
Porky's Trailer 1982
Did anyone else rent this vhs, sneak it into the house and watch it in the living room after everyone went to bed.
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dedtek · 1 year
High School Nights (Porky's Revenge, 1985)
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trnsocial · 3 months
84 From '84: Up the Creek
Bob McGraw is in his 12th year of college, goofing his way through life, until he has to win a river rafting race with three college buddies. Cast: Tim Matheson as Bob McGraw Jennifer Runyon as Heather Merriweather Dan Monahan as Max Sandy Helberg as Irwin Stephen Furst as Gonzer John Hillerman as Dean Burch Jeff East as Rex Crandall James Sikking as Tozer 1984 memories This was…
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acmeoop · 2 years
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Production Cels “Daffy Duck's Quackbusters” (1988)
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cursedonyx · 4 months
Sebastian and Ominis Headcanons
✧ Adores chocolate to the point it’s almost comical. His absolute favourite is Honeydukes Best Chocolate (which in my mind tastes like a Hotel Chocolat’s milk chocolate with just a hint of caramel and vanilla), but he’s happy with any chocolate except really dark chocolate. Anything above 80% and he’ll turn his nose up at it. Left to his own devices with free reign at night in Honeydukes, you’d find him in the morning in a sugar coma with his tummy almost bursting his shirt buttons, his face covered in chocolate stains and looking about as happy as it’s possible to look.
✧ He’s got rotten hay fever and may occasionally make use of the bubblehead charm when the pollen count’s high. He doesn’t care if people laugh and is happy to explain why – this led to a lot of students capable of using the charm imitating him if they have hay fever.
✧ Loves cats but adores dogs, particularly if they’re big and dopey, like Labradors or Great Danes. He’s not particularly fond of small, yappy dogs like Jack Russells, which is the complete opposite of his twin.
✧ He’s got an immune system like a tank and will shake off most colds and tummy bugs with relative ease, but when he gets poorly, he gets really poorly. Even so, he’ll try and pretend that nothing’s wrong, even when he’s white as a sheet and sweating, barely able to stand. Ominis has had to knock him out and levitate him to the Hospital Wing on more than one occasion to get him to accept help.
✧ On that note, he absolutely refuses any kind of help unless it’s on behalf of someone else. He’s happy to accept help when he’s searching for a cure for Anne, but if he’s struggling with an essay, confused about his feelings for someone, or just needs to process something, he won’t ask for help, and tries to play it off as him just having an off day.
✧ Sebastian thinks fart jokes are hilarious. The whoopee cushion was invented in the 1930s, and Sebastian was a menace with the damn thing. Think Leslie Neilsen bringing a fart machine to interviews.
✧ Sebastian is a proper summer baby and loves being outside in the sunshine. He loves the excuse to splash about in streams or go swimming, and has tried to teach Ominis how to swim. Sadly, Ominis isn’t keen on the idea as he can’t tell where anything is in the water.
✧ Sebastian’s temper is like a firecracker; quick to spark, quick to explode, and just as quick to go out. He doesn’t forgive easily, especially if the person who’s annoyed him has deliberately tried to hurt him or someone he loves, but he doesn’t tend to hold grudges. Unless it's serious, if he can’t get revenge in a week or two, he tends to move on from the idea though that doesn’t mean he won’t hate the person for a time.
✧ Sebastian’s opinions of people always start out neutral, and they can be swayed positively or negatively through a variety of factors. Lots of little positive things can be overshadowed by one huge negative, but it takes a lot more effort to change his negative opinion to a positive one.
✧ He eats anything and everything. He’s got a big appetite and tends to consume food at a rate that would shame a graphorn. If he didn’t have so much nervous energy, he’d probably end up a little porky.
✧ His boggart would be Anne’s corpse. If Anne is cured, or he has to spend any time in Azkaban, this changes to a dementor.
✧ His animagus form and patronus would be a fox without a doubt – his colouring would be browner than most foxes and mottled with darker ‘freckles’ all down his back and tail. His favourite part about being an animagus is having a tail.
✧ Doesn’t like sweets, and particularly loathes chocolate, much to Sebastian’s horror. This is due to his upbringing and a particular trauma around his parents trying to cure his blindness then forcing him to eat chocolate as a ‘reward,’ no matter how much he didn’t want to, and he was shouted at until he ate it. Consuming something chocolatey will bring back those memories, so he avoids it where possible.
✧ He absolutely adores tiny summer strawberries though, and he will actively seek them out. They’re very hard for him to find by himself and he usually gets a bit down if he can’t find any, so if you go foraging and present him with a punnet, there’s a pretty strong chance he’ll fall in love with you.
✧ Has no allergies, but gets poorly relatively easily. If there’s a cold going about Hogwarts, you can bet that Ominis will catch it if he’s not patient zero. He’s like an illness magnet in that way. Similarly to Sebastian, he won’t complain about it unless he’s in a romantic relationship, then all he’ll do is whine because he knows his partner will make a big fuss of him and look after him the way his family never did. He’s a sucker for being pampered.
✧ Ominis has a bit of a sensitive tummy, and he tends to stick to foods he knows are safe. He’s happy to try new foods, but he prefers to try them in very small amounts to minimise the risk of upsetting his stomach.
✧ Ominis gets hilariously embarrassed around toilet humour, and for the most part pretends that people don’t go to the bathroom. If it comes up in conversation, he either won’t engage and pretend it’s not happening, or he’ll change the subject at the first opportunity.
✧ He’s a cat magnet, and even the most aloof or grumpy cats will be happy to curl up in his lap. They love finding Ominis during one of his naps, and unless he’s in his dorm or the Undercroft, he’ll wake up in a puddle of cats. He finds them very comforting.
✧ He adores snakes and longs to have one as a pet, but after an incident when he was seven involving a snake he made friends with that he called Daisy, and his brother Marvolo, he’s absolutely terrified of making friends with another one, just in case Marvolo does what he did again (Considering doing a very angsty and painful short fic of this idea, but it’s pretty unpleasant so I’m in two minds).
✧ Hates being cold, but suffers terribly in the heat. UK summers are horribly humid, and he can’t stand it. A dryer summer heat like the South of France is the only kind he can tolerate, and he’s grateful the Slytherin common room is in the dungeons, so at least he can still sleep in the summer. Otherwise, he will complain constantly about how hot it is.
✧ Ominis is a filthy gossip. Any kind of rumour and he’ll hear about it and spread it with relish, especially if it’s about someone that’s wronged him in the past. Even without this, he loves to gossip about absolutely anything, and those that know will often seek him out to ask if rumours are true. He wields this small power with satisfaction, especially as it means he’s able to field any rumours about his friends and turn attention to other things going about the castle.
✧ Ominis has a long memory and a fertile imagination. Though his patience for shenanigans is short, it’s unending when it comes to plotting revenge. If you wrong the Prince of Snakes, you better be on your guard for the rest of your life. He will not forget, and the punishment will always fit the crime. Unless of course he hates the person in question or is protecting his loved ones, then you can expect Ominis to go scorched earth in order to get revenge.
✧ Ominis’ boggart doesn’t have a physical form, but it takes on the sound of hissing snakes. To the casual observer, they’d think he was frightened of snakes, and Ominis is perfectly happy to let people think that. In actuality, it’s his family speaking to him in Parseltongue, reminding him of his worst experiences of home and threatening to take him away from his friends, forcing him to live with them and bow to their ways.
✧ Ominis has a healthy dose of fear of his parents, but he’s absolutely terrified of Marvolo. Marvolo bullied him relentlessly when they were young, and once Noctua went missing, it only got worse, and their parents never discouraged it, claiming it would help Ominis build character. Marvolo is the person Ominis nightmares about the most.
✧ Ominis’ patronus and animagus form is a serpent, but contrary to typical animagi/patronuses, which tend to mimic each other, Ominis’ patronus is an enormous snake, similar to an anaconda, while his animagus form is more similar to a ball python, pale gold in colour with darker scales that mimic his beauty marks.
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ducktracy · 17 days
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YEARS AGO i tried multiple attempts to humanize Porky and Daffy and now i'm trying again. i'm copy and pasting from another server so please forgive the word vomit
I SURE LIKED THIS A LOT BETTER WITHOUT COLOR. first one is the "accurate" version in that realistically, Porky is not going to have pink anime hair. he also has brown eyes apparently (source: one off radio broadcast from like 1945 with him saying this being completely reliant on a punchline. sexy woman is flirting with him. she says he has pretty brown eyes and he says she has pretty brown eyes too) and unfortunately Daffy has been portrayed with blue eyes multiple times and seeing it in human form is like a crime against humanity. but i had to do an Eliza safe version with the second of "less accurate but will stop me from wanting to heave". just better color harmony
so much 80s merchandising has Porky in a three piece suit for whatever reason so im bringing that here. Daffy is having a culture clash because i modeled his outfit after 1940s casualwear (though you'd never be able to tell with the colors LOL) but i modeled him a bit after a young Sammy Davis Jr (and Cab Calloway as well though that's more of a mental inspiration rather than reflected here) and the flat top/accidental like Elvis curl??? i tried to implement his three hair spikes and the ref image i used of Sammy Davis Jr he has like the slightest curl in his hair. but anyway that all is very '50s so there is a clash of the decades. Porky i modeled after Roscoe Arbuckle a bit because i thought i remember hearing he was an inspiration but i might have been thinking of Roscoe Ates instead who was a vaudevillian that did a bait and switch stuttering act. though i would be shocked if Arbuckle WASN'T an inspiration. ANYWAY. i was reminiscing on my old human designs and was like "these could be so much better"
v these are the old human designs from 2020
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pkmoth · 2 months
Happy asking, and happy answering!!! Askers, make sure to read people's intros/FAQs before asking stuff, and participants, make sure to have fun and pace yourselves!! If you're an artist, make sure to take breaks and stretch regularly :]
Also, in case you missed it (because it was kind of spontaneous and recent), I will be reblogging all event related posts to @motherbound-askapalooza!! If you don't want me archiving your posts, just let me know!!
ALSO also, if you're not on the list but decide you want to participate, you can still join mid-event!! All are welcome :D
(I tried summarizing your intros in 1-2 sentences, let me know if anything seems off!!)
*@defector-commander [INTRO] - A canon divergent AU where Claus malfunctions two years into the timeskip and breaks free of his brainwashing, going into hiding inside the chimera lab.
*@askmagicantprince [INTRO] - Magicant!Ninten AU! Everything is perfect in Magicant :)
@pk-ghost [INTRO] - Ness and Lucas take a break from SSB to visit different worlds!
*@commandernachos (most weekends + fridays) [INTRO] - A Chimera Ness and Porky AU!
@turnaboutfromnowhere [INTRO] - A Mother 3 x Ace Attorney crossover AU, where askers take the role of Phoenix Wright in Claus's trial for the murder of "Mr. Pig".
*@jefferson-earthbound [INTRO] - A Jeff RP account!
*@stearix-ask-magikin [INTRO] - An AU where Lucas is raised by Locria after Hinawa goes missing and Flint spends all his time trying to find her.
@kerushi-lemonz [INTRO] - Their Reliving the 80s AU! Tatsuro (Ness) and his friends are having strange dreams where they have different identities (their mother series counterparts).
@nucas-roof [INTRO] - Ness, Lucas, and the OMINOUS HOLE IN THE CEILING?!
@askfuelcas [INTRO] - Lucas and Fuel, featuring Claus as well!
*@ask-commander-arild [INTRO] - Post-Mother 3, the pigmask army is repurposed by Claus in he name of peace. Arild, a former captain of the old army, is now the commander of the new army.
@ghostbox99 [INTRO] - Porky wakes up in an abandoned city one day, with only an old computer (and you, the askers) to keep him company.
*@theworldreturning [INTRO] - A post-Mother 3 AU, where the new world takes place in an alternate post-Mother 2 universe (with the inclusion of the Nowhere Islands).
@quirkyearthboundinspireddinner [INTRO] - The protagonist of eggnogisdead's comic! Ten years after the events of Earthbound, Giegue's planet wages war against earth.
@butacyanide [INTRO] -The Earthbound characters!
*@daily-dose-of-lucas [INTRO TBA] - Ask Lucas!
NOT FULL MONTH (in order of week(s) participating):
@misticfog (week 1) [INTRO] - Li'l Miss Marshmallow!
@tonys-room (weeks 1-2) [INTRO] - Mostly canon compliant, except Tony has PSI and the ability to see through the fourth wall.
@twothpaste (weeks 1-2) [INTRO] - Their Intermission AU! A modern AU of the Earthbound/Mother 3 casts in college, dealing with real-world problems (and, of course, playing D&D).
*@judgment-days (weeks 1-2) [INTRO] - Corruption AU trio! King Lucas and a severely mushroomized Ness are brought in by Giygas and Cosmic Commander Ninten for questioning.
*@kellanzy (weeks 2-3) [INTRO] - Lovebound AU: a post-Mother 3 AU where all the protagonists (and Giegue) meet in the newly made world.
@projectc-114 (weeks 2-3) [INTRO] - Takes place after Claus is kidnapped and brainwashed, but before he becomes the commander. The scientists at the lab call him C-114.
*@pkmoth (weeks 2-4) [INTRO] - Swap AU Claus and Lucas in Smash Mansion! (intro TBA)
*@tanejineri (week 4) [INTRO] - An AU Claus called Commander Samuel!
*@plutothenotdwarfplanet [INTRO] - A gieeg OC!
*@masterporky [INTRO] - A Pokey/Porky Minch RP blog!
*@ask-the-fever-four [INTRO] - Mayhem AU!
*@ask-clausten [INTRO] - Clausten! >:D
*up for rp
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deadmandead10845 · 6 months
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This is Brandon. Brandon is a 2L (second year) student at a top tier law school. He is a very hard worker putting himself through law school alone. He survives off a diet of ramen and similar cheap foods and hardly gets enough of it. He weighs just 150lbs. He just scored an offer from a big law firm which means he gets to spend his summer between 2L and 3L as a summer associate at lawyer salary. He can’t wait to have enough money to survive.
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After spending a summer with money, Brandon learned how much he loved fine cuisines and eating out. He was at cocktail parties and drinking and eating a lot too. He was shocked to see on the scale that he gained 60lbs from May to September. Ultimately he felt defeated as he had no time to work out and lose weight as a 3L law student. He grew a patchy beard to try to cover his double chin, but everyone knew that he got porky.
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Throughout his last year as a student, he kept up the eating and burned through the money he saved during the summer. After graduating, he started work at the firm but couldn’t wait to get his first paycheck. He was in no position to buy a new suit and it stopped fitting him. He knew that there was no chance the coat would button. Brandon wasn’t shocked this time when he stepped on the scale and saw 270lbs. He knew he’d been eating and he had no time to burn it off. He thought now that he was graduated he would have the time. He was so wrong.
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Brandon was working 70-80 hour weeks coming home exhausted and often ordered takeout to the firm’s office. Within just a few months he had crossed 300lbs. He had never had access to so much money or food especially with the last 3 years being borderline starving on 79 cent ramen cups from the campus vending machines. It was impossible to resist grabbing a bite when he could.
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Before he knew it, Brandon had already outgrown all of his new suits. All of the other associates had put on a few pounds too and Brandon kept telling himself it was the same thing. The difference was the associates were maybe 20lbs heavier and had dad bods, and he was nearly 80lbs heavier coming close to 360lbs. He had never been heavier in his life and had never dreamed of being half the size he was. He was out of control. Not even 2 years ago, he was just under 200lbs.
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It felt like everyday that Brandon would rip something, pop a button, or knock something over with his immense size and girth. He was getting really self conscious of his weight until one of the paralegals took a liking to him. At this point, Brandon was 32, single, unhappy with his body, well over 400lbs, and spending most of his life in the office. Brandon thought the paralegal was joking when he called him handsome. After whittling away at Brandon, he finally asked him out and they became boyfriends. His name was James.
Brandon knew something was up with him because whenever they were intimate, James would play with his belly and comment on his size. He would even dress up in Brandon’s massive suits and pants. It wasn’t until Brandon’s 33rd birthday when James brought a family sized cake to his apartment. Brandon thought maybe this was a surprise party and his friends were hiding in the other room, but James brought it with the intention to feed it all to him. Every time Brandon would eat a slice, James would spend a few seconds sucking him 0ff, but when he got somewhat close, would stop and wait until Brandon ate another slice. After two tiring hours, Brandon had finished the entire cake and finished HARD into James. Brandon spent the entire week thinking about how hot that interaction was and asked James to do it again.
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Within weeks, this became the normal and Brandon and James had introduced food into their nightly routine and consequently Brandon began to pile on the pounds. This headshot of him at 450lbs was probably the last time he was able to close a suit around his girth. Now that James was appreciating him for his size, he didn’t hate how he looked anymore and embraced that he was the big guy in the firm. The other associates couldn’t recognize him from when he started working there.
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Brandon and James have been dating for a few years now, and Brandon’s belly really showed for it. He was just over 520lbs and he loved it. He had to get a second seat on the plane when he traveled for work, learned the tricks to how to get a meal expensed and would get massive amounts of food expensed so he could outgrow his next suit. He looked forward to outgrowing clothes thanks to James.
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At 38, Brandon made partner. He was at his heaviest as always but he was really struggling to stay mobile. Brandon was tipping scales at 660lbs and still happy with James. They were now engaged to be married and planning a wedding.
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starsarefire824 · 9 months
honestly id die if they confirm mike’s attraction to will/the hosegate implications by having mike acknowledge will’s butt, maybe in an obvious glance at it or something that only we see 😭 it’s just something i can visualize so easily being in the show as a quick moment and makes sense and would he so funny
Lmao ok yeah if executed properly this would be not only hilarious, but also such a wonderful way to really start to tell the general audience of mike’s shifting attraction.
I personally would love to see Mike have a come to jesus/ oh shit moment regarding his attraction to Will. First of all, seeing Finn Wolfhard act that out would be hilarious, but also I think leaning into the boys’ coming of age/sexuality etc would for me personally be super fun! Especially since boy centric dirty sex jokes were all the rage in 80s movies ie. Fast Times, Porky’s, Revenge of the Nerds.
Why not kind of turn that trope on its head and make it a boy as the object of desire instead of a girl?😆
But also, on a more serious note… if byler is going to happen we really are, as an audience, going to need a deep dive into a mike pov like we had for will in season 4.
I of course think all of this will be done with the upmost subtlety like it was handled with Will, but it’s still really fun/funny to think about just because of the stellar mike in crisis vibes which is one of my all time fave things! Lol
I am generally a bi mike fan so it’s really funny for me personally to imagine a sort of Adam Groff moment via first season of Sex Education 😆. Nothing so graphic as all that 😈, but I would die if there is just Mike staring between El and Will and looking utterly confused and terrified as he checks both of them out, and that being his aha/fuck me “I think Will is hot don’t i?” Moment™️.
Internally cackling just thinking about nonnie! 🤣
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commandernachos · 2 months
List of fanfics I'm working on to build Anticipation for you guys maybe
-Claus fic: my first MOTHER fic... well the original version was (which was also unfinished) was my first, I started rewriting it from scratch. I'd say... 80% complete the first draft maybe? Unless I get a new scene idea.
-Redeemed Porky fic: I've written... a teeny bit... I decided to make it a lot longer than initially planned (basically just write some interactions and then it'll work itself out eithin 1000 words or whatever... now I'm rewriting an entire scene in the game and it'll be longer if I write it competently.)
-Nessporky hanahaki fic: haven't even started, I have the basic premise someone (do you wanna be creditted?) thought of and then I guess I decided it should specifically be roses Porky throws up like he did with his skull in the manga... anyway yeah not much.
-Unstoppable Force vs. Immovable object: WHOA ONE WITH A TITLE??? Anyway wrote most of a first draft that is probably terrible and if I ever write it, will probably start from scratch! It's a very basic fic that stars Pippi and Teddy.
-A Ness in Shining Armor: WHOA ANOTHER ONE WITH AN ACTUAL TITLE??? ANyway I have wrote TWO barely finished first drafts. Will probably start from scratch. It'd be a relatively short fic though.
-Actually nice and wholesome Nessporky fic that might even have mutual romance: haven't even started, although it should be easy to write. Honestly though, low on my priority list.
-Picky fic: I wrote 3 sentences and then didn't like it but I will probably write it... sometime...
-Lucas and Claus fic: haven't started, and it's verrry basic like there's really no way I can make it that long by itself. I'll probably have to add more to my initial idea or else it'll be like. 100 words
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Accepted Shorts List
This list will be updated as shorts are selected, and will become a masterdoc for entries.
Piper, dir. Alan Barillaro (Available on Disney+)
Dissolve, dir. Carina Heller
Sharp Teeth, dir. David James Armsby
Tar Boy, dir. James Lee
Moses of Prosthesis, dir. Gagame
Quasi at the Quackadero, dir. Sally Cruikshank
Welcome to Hell, dir. Erica Wester
Friendly Shadow, dir. David James Armsby
The Acorn Princess, dir. Kris Yim
Drawn to You, dir. Eleanor Davitt
Scattershot, dir. Jade Smania
Ramshackle, dir. Zi Chen
Paperman, dir. John Kahrs (Available on Disney+, Amazon, iTunes, Google Play)
Loop, dir. Erica Milsom (Available on Disney+)
Jinxy Jenkins & Lucky Lou, dir. Michael Bidinger and Michelle Kwon
Kitbull, dir. Rosana Sullivan
Out, dir. Steven Clay Hunter
In a Heartbeat, dir. Beth David and Esteban Bravo
Ice Merchants, dir. João Gonzalez
Diamond Jack, dir. Rachel Kim
Lackadaisy (Pilot), dir. Fable Siegel
The Cat Came Back, dir. Cordell Barker
Fuelled, dir. Michelle Hao and Fawn Chan
The Man Who Planted Trees, dir. Frédéric Back
My Friends Take the Night Bus, dir. Sofi
Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers, dir. Nick Park
The Naked King -What a Beautiful Life-, dir. rapparu
Coming Out, dir. Cressa Maeve Beer
Dear Girl, dir. Choi Ji-eun
Jibaro, dir. Alberto Mielgo (Available on Netflix, Love Death + Robots S3E9)
The Witness, dir. Alberto Mielgo (Available on Netflix, Love Death + Robots S1E3)
The Legend of Pipi, dir. Julia Schoel and Birgit Uhlig
The Cameraman's Revenge, dir. Wladyslaw Starewicz
What's Opera, Doc? dir. Chuck Jones
The Dover Boys at Pimento University; or, The Rivals of Roquefort Hall, dir. Chuck Jones
Kitty Kornered, dir. Bob Clampett
A Wild Hare, dir. Tex Avery
Everything Will Be OK, dir. Don Hertzfeldt
Yankee Doodle Daffy, dir. Friz Freleng
Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century, dir. Chuck Jones
Long Gone Gulch, dir. Tara Billenger and Zach Bellissimo
I Love to Singa, dir. Tex Avery
Opal, dir. Jack Stauber
Scaredy Cat, dir. Chuck Jones
I Should Leave This Mall I Think, dir. Noodle
Porky's Duck Hunt, dir. Tex Avery
Bambi Meets Godzilla, dir. Marv Newland
Porky in Wackyland, dir. Bob Clampett
Rabbit Seasoning, dir. Chuck Jones
One Froggy Evening, dir. Chuck Jones
Don vs. Raph, dir. Jhonen Vasquez
Cat City, dir. Victoria Vincent
Roller Coaster Rabbit, dir. Rob Minkoff
Tummy Trouble, dir. Rob Minkoff
Trail Mix-Up, dir. Barry Cook
Blood Bound, dir. Lyly Hoang
Ciao, Alberto, dir. McKenna Harris (Available on Disney+)
Blackfly, dir. Christopher Hinton
Charlie the Unicorn: The Grand Finale, dir. Jason Steele
Free Apple, dir. Ian Worthington
Bigtop Burger Season 1, dir. Ian Worthington
There's a Man in the Woods, dir. Jacob Streilein
Llamas with Hats: The Series, dir. Jason Steele
Welcome to my Life, dir. Elizabeth Ito
Duck Amuck, dir. Chuck Jones
We Can't Live Without Cosmos, dir. Konstantin Bronzit
Geri's Game, dir. Jan Pinkava
Have to change the format cause tumblr has a limit to text in a single list
68. Snow-White, dir. Dave Fleischer
69. DAICON IV Opening Animation, dir. Hiroyuki Yamaga
70. Rooty Toot Toot, dir. John Hubley
71. SHOP: A Pop Opera, dir. Jack Stauber
72. Rabbit of Seville, dir. Chuck Jones
73. The Cat Concerto, dir. Joseph Barbera and William Hanna
74. My Little Goat, dir. Tomoki Misato
75. Asparagus, dir. Suzan Pitt (Available on the Criterion Channel)
76. Puparia, dir. Shingo Tamagawa
77. The Cybernetic Grandma, dir. Jiří Trnka
78. Captain Yajima, dir. Ian Worthington
79. Agoraphobia, dir. Victoria Vincent
80. Donald in Mathmagic Land, dir. Hamilton Luske, Wolfgang Reitherman, Les Clark and Joshua Meador
81. Joy Street, dir. Suzan Pitt (Available on the Criterion Channel)
82. The Old Man and The Sea, dir. Aleksandr Petrov
83. The Dream of a Ridiculous Man, dir. Aleksandr Petrov
84. Vincent, dir. Tim Burton
85. World of Tomorrow, dir. Don Hertzfeldt
86. World of Tomorrow Episode 2: The Burden of Other People's Thoughts, dir. Don Hertzfeldt (pay per view of Vimeo)
87. The Magic Portal, dir. Lindsay Fleay
88. The Golden Chain, dir. Adebukola Bodunrin and Ezra Claytan Daniels (available on the Criterion Channel)
89. Black Soul, dir. Martine Chartrand
90. Hedgehog in the Fog, dir. Yuri Norstein
91. Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend: The Flying House, dir. Windsor McCay
92. Around is Around, dir. Evelyn Lambart and Norman McLaren
93. Popeye the Sailor Meets Sinbad the Sailor, dir. Dave Fleischer
94. Historia Naturae (Suita), dir. Jan Svankmajer
95. Still Lost I Guess, Here's a Tunnel, dir. Dario Alva
96. Kapaemahu, dir. Joe Wilson, Dean Hamer and Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu
97. Long-Haired Hare, dir. Chuck Jones
98. Muto, dir. Blu
99. Windy Day, dir. John and Faith Hubley
100. Bully for Bugs, dir. Chuck Jones
101. The Haunted Hotel, dir. J. Stuart Blackton
102. Destino, dir. Dominique Monfery (Available on Disney+)
103. Fantasy, dir. Vince Collins
104. To Beep or Not To Beep, dir. Chuck Jones
105. Pixillation, dir. Lillian Schwartz
106. Goodbye Jerome!, dir. Chloé Farr, Gabrielle Selnet and Adam Sillard (Available on the Criterion Channel)
107. Betty Boop's Halloween Party, dir. Dave Fleischer
108. Jumping, dir. Osamu Tezuka
109. Baby Fingers, dir. Adrian Dalen
110. On Your Mark, dir. Hayao Miyazaki
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