#and he bought dinner which was awesome
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calciferfiredemon · 8 days ago
I really don’t want to be mad. But I am. I wish I could not let it bother me as much but I’m really hurt man. Why you gotta do me like that.
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mads-hemmo · 2 months ago
Chuckle Sandwich x Anxious reader
TW: Mental Illness
Various situations in which the boys of Chuckle Sandwich comfort their partner with anxiety.
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Charlie and you have been together for about a year now. You are very thankful for having him as a boyfriend. He listens well and knows what to do when you are overwhelmed which is a common occurrence. Tonight is no different. The two of you went out to dinner with friends. You thought you fully prepared yourself, but you were wrong.
As you are sitting at the table, there are multiple conversations going on. It’s hard to focus on one and the sound has gotten a little bit too loud. You have pretty much shut down at this point not saying a word. You haven’t even touched your food.
“Are you okay?” You hear Charlie whisper in your ear.
You turn to look at him. “Yeah,” you lie, but he knows better.
“Can I touch you?” He asks. He knows when you are overwhelmed, you don’t like to be touched so he wants to ask to see.
You nod. He grabs your hand. “(Y/N), are those D20 earrings new?” Grizzly asks you.
“Yeah Char bought them for me,” you tell him.
“They are awesome. I just looked over and saw them,” he says before turning back to the conversation he was having.
You feel Charlie’s thumb rubbing the back of your palm. You continue to listen in on the conversations, but don’t contribute to them. You feel your anxiety getting higher with each passing minute. ”If you need to, go to the bathroom. Watch some TikToks or play a mobile game,” Charlie whispers to you, placing a soft kiss on your temple.
You give him a soft smile. You’re so happy he knows that most of the time you just need to step away from the situation. You decide to take his advice and excuse yourself to the bathroom. “I’ll be right back,” you tell the group.
Once you get into the bathroom, you watch TikToks with the sound at the lowest volume. You slightly disassociate and focus on your screen. You see a text from Charlie, ‘feeling any better?’
You smile at your phone. ‘Yes a bit. I’ll be out in a minute,’ you text him back.
‘take your time sweetheart!’
When you start feeling calmer, you wash your hand before going back to the table. All of your friends smile at you as you sit down. You start taking bites of your food, finally able to enjoy everyone’s company. “When we get home, I’m going to draw you a bath. Then we can cuddle and watch some Sailor Moon,” Charlie whispers in your ear. You feel your heart swell that you have a boyfriend who knows you so well.
If it was any other night, you could guess the things that he whispers in your ear will be slightly naughty. However, you’ve had a rough night and he knows all you need is some comfort and quality time with him.
After a while, you all finally finish your meal. Charlie pays the two of you and you give a hug to your friends. When you are in the car, you feel an immense calm wash over you. You are excited to finally be alone with just your boyfriend. He takes hold of your hand and kisses your knuckles. “Thank you for going out with me tonight, baby,” Charlie tells you.
“No need to thank me for that. Thank you for knowing me and what I need. I love you,” you say to him.
“I love you too.” The two of you drive home with just the sound of the radio playing softly.
As soon as you get home, Charlie goes to the bathroom to fill up the tub. He throws a bathbomb in to make it more cozy. You follow him into the bathroom and he helps you out of your clothes, making sure to be extra careful. Once the bath is full, he helps you inside. “Do you want help washing your hair or do you want me to set up the living room?”
“You can wash my hair. Also, can you join me?” You ask him. You have started feeling proud of yourself that you are willing to not only accept help, but also ask for what you want.
“Of course,” Charlie says, taking his clothes off. He gets in the bath behind you so you can settle in between his legs. His hands immediately start washing your hair. He softly massages your head.
After you and Charlie finish washing each other’s bodies and hair, you get out and put on your most comfortable pajamas. He puts on Sailor Moon then holds his arms out for you. You quickly mold perfectly into his body. You feel incredibly safe in his arms making you never want to leave this spot. Charlie kisses the top of your head and you feel insanely lucky to have such a wonderful boyfriend.
Before dating Ted, you lived alone and you loved it. You enjoyed the freedom of eating, watching, and basically doing whatever you want. However, when you moved in with Ted you hated being alone. You always slept terribly when he wasn’t lying beside you.
Tonight is no different, Ted is in San Diego for TwitchCon. He tried to convince you to come with him, but you had to work. You wished you used your PDO, so you could be sleeping beside him. But no, you couldn’t stop thinking about everything. Such as how much laundry you have to do. How dirty the apartment has gotten. Did you eat enough tonight? Did you eat too much tonight? What if someone breaks in and hurts you in your sleep?
All the thoughts and more kept circling your brain making your insomnia worse. You sent a text to Ted, ‘Are you in your hotel room yet?’ You figured he was probably hanging out with his friends or attending parties. Thinking about him at parties only made your thoughts worse. What if he finds someone better than you? What if he thinks you’re annoying for texting him while he’s trying to have fun? What if he gets drunk and does something stupid? You trust your boyfriend a lot, but that didn’t help the thoughts circling through your mind.
Instead of answering your text, you see Ted calling you on FaceTime. You immediately answer. “Hi beautiful. Couldn’t sleep?” he asks, obviously laying down in his hotel room. So no parties, good.
“How did you know?” You ask him.
“Well it’s almost midnight and you would usually be passed out by now.”
You look at the time on your phone, not realizing how late it was. “I’m sorry did I wake you?”
Ted’s glasses were already off and he was shirtless meaning he was ready for bed. “No you didn’t. I’m having a bit of trouble sleeping too,” he admits to you.
“Really? Why?” You ask. You feel slightly worried, but also a bit comforted in the fact that he couldn’t sleep either.
“My brain won’t shut up. Every time I close my eyes, I keep overthinking about everything. When I sleep beside you, I can press mute on my brain and sleep peacefully.”
“Exactly!” Even though you have different diagnoses, there are many things you and Ted can relate to. One of those being, brains that are constantly running at 100 mph. That’s why you and Ted work so well together. You understand each other.
“What have you been thinking about?” Ted asks you. This is one thing you guys do a lot to help each other process your emotions.
“I’ve been thinking about the laundry, the dishes, the dirtiness of the apartment in general, work, what’s going to kill me in the dark, and what if you plan on leaving me while you are gone,” you tell him. “What about you?”
Instead of commenting on how your thoughts are ridiculous, he listens to you. “I’ve been thinking about how I’m being perceived by fans, what I have to do tomorrow while I’m here, if my streamer ‘friends’ really like me, and your safety with me not there.”
You nod as he speaks. “Did that help to let it all out? It helped me.”
“Yeah it helped, but I still fucking miss you.”
“I know. I miss you too. When are you coming home?” you ask, not knowing if you’ll survive much longer without him.
“I have to stay tomorrow then I’ll head back after a few things on Sunday. It will pass by before we know it,” he tells you.
“It feels like forever. How did I ever live alone?”
He slightly laughs at you. “I have an idea on how we can both sleep?” You raise your eyebrow in response. “We should stay on the phone with each other until we fall asleep.”
“What are we 15?” You tease, thinking about the times you did the same thing with your high school boyfriends.
“I know it’s not the same as actually cuddling with you, but I think hearing your snores will help me sleep better,” Ted informs you.
You give him a slight pout. “I don’t not snore!”
“You do, but it’s cute.”
You flip him off. “Okay, I’ll lay you down beside me,” you say, laying your phone by your head.
“I’ll do the same,” Ted says. You hear him shifting around to make himself comfortable. “Goodnight baby. I love you.”
“I love you too, Teddy.” You place a small kiss on your phone screen before laying it back down. You tuck yourself in and get in the mindset to go to sleep. After only a few minutes, you hear Ted’s breath slow down as he falls asleep. Even though you would rather have him beside you, listening to him sleep helps you start to drift off. Soon after, you finally doze off dreaming of being with Ted again.
Schlatt had spent most of his day in his office recording and editing videos. He walks into your shared bedroom where he sees you watching New Girl, your comfort tv show. Jambo and [redacted] are laying on either side of you. Schlatt can tell you haven’t gotten up since he left your side this morning. He wonders what has caused you to not be active and lay in bed all day.
Schlatt walks over to the bed and kisses your forehead. “Hi darling, have you eaten anything today?” He asks you, knowing the answer is probably no.
“No,” you answer, your eyes glued to the tv.
“Are you hungry? I can make us some dinner or maybe door dash something.”
You ignore him. You’re not really hungry and getting out of bed sounds like a lot of work. You also remember that you didn’t take your medicine. You start wondering if the cats have been fed since Schlatt has been busy working. You feel bad for laying in bed all day while he’s working hard.
Schlatt can tell that you’re overthinking. He sits on the bed beside you. “What can I do for you?” He asks.
“You don’t have to do anything. You’ve already done a lot today. Don’t worry about me,” you tell him.
“Toots, it doesn't bother me to take care of you. Tell me what you need.”
You take a deep breath. “Okay,” you say. “I need my medicine, I forgot to take it. Did you feed the cats before you started working? Can we order food? I love you but you’re not the best chef,” you ramble to him.
He smiles at you, grateful that you’re being honest with him. He knows days like this are hard for you and asking for help is even harder. He is happy that you seem to trust him more. “Wow I’m offended,” he jokes. “I’ll go grab your medicine.”
Schlatt goes into the on suite bathroom and grabs your medicine. He also grabs the cup beside the sink and fills it with water for you. He comes back into the bedroom to hand you the medicine and water. “Thank you,” you tell him.
As you take the medicine, he grabs the water from you to place it on the bedside table. “What are you thinking for dinner? Also, yes I did feed the cats this morning.”
“Pizza?” You suggest.
“You know I’ll never say no to pizza. I’ll go ahead and order it,” Schlatt tells you, immediately pulling out his phone.
Your eyes automatically go back to being glued to the tv. After Schlatt orders, he lays beside you. “Pizza is ordered.”
“Awesome,” you tell him, not really focusing on him. Your mind continues to race thinking about various things mostly relating to work that you have to do the next day.
“What’s on your mind?” Schlatt asks. He pulls you into him so you are laying on his chest.
“Just work stuff.”
“What kind of work stuff? Obviously it’s stressing you out so talk to me about it.”
You sigh. You know he’s right, but it will sound like nothing to worry about once you say it out loud. “I just have a lot of paperwork to do. A lot of my students didn’t do well on the last test, so I’m going to have to reteach it to them. But today all I’ve done is lay around and watch tv,” you let out.
“That sounds like a lot. It’s the weekend, so you deserve to do nothing. Your work is not going anywhere and I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to do it tomorrow. You do so much you deserve to relax,” Schlatt tells you, kissing the top of your head.
“Thank you,” you tell him. “You deserve to relax too. You work yourself too hard sometimes.”
“You’re one to talk Toots. This is why we are having a pizza night. I’ll even let you put those frilly face masks on me.”
“Really?” You ask, excitedly looking up at him.
“Yes, I want to be pampered too. But I’ll draw the line at you painting my nails. I have to appear manly,” Schlatt says, playing with your hair now.
“You’re very manly.” You peck his lips. “I promise I won’t paint your nails. I didn’t even think of that until you brought it up anyways. Maybe this is your way of telling me you want your nails painted.”
He looks at you with a slight scold. “You’re ridiculous you know that?”
“Yeah but you love me,” you tell him.
“I do, sadly,” he teases. You hit his arm. “I’m kidding. I love you lots.”
“I love you too. So can we do face masks now or?” You ask.
Schlatt rolls his eyes at you and pulls you in for a kiss. The only thing that pulls him away from you is the doorbell ringing to alert you both that the pizza arrived. You and Schlatt enjoy your pizza and spa night causing you to forget whatever you were worrying about in the first place.
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A/N: I know this is long but I wanted to write for every guy. I’m not great at writing head cannons or small things like that so you get a short story for each! I am someone who struggles with intense anxiety so I hope no one is offended by any of this. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed.
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sleepymccoy · 7 months ago
I have some general anxiety about going to supermarkets aimed at specific cultures because the intended clientele is not lil white me and the staff often don't speak english and I feel inappropriate. But not once has this been true, and I've always enjoyed my visit. Anyway, that's a preface so you can appreciate how brave I am
My colleague recently made me lahpet which is a Burmese salad including pickled tea leaves, dried beans mix, and tomatoes. I loved it and wanted more. I live in a densely Chinese area and thought one of the many supermarkets might have something Burmese, so I brought the empty jar to every store.
Many don't speak english, but that's fine. I had a jar! All interactions basically went like this;
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None of them knew Burmese so couldn't even tell me if they had something similar
I gave up and bought it online. Also had a hard time with that cos they don't deliver to apartments (got the vibe that it's just the shop owners son doing deliveries and he couldn't be fucked going upstairs. Valid). But I persevered and got three jars! And the dried beans mix I needed. Way too many dried beans, I totally misjudged the size of the bag being sold
I used one to show my friends this salad. They didn't go as insane over it as I did. I gave another jar to my dad who did go appropriately insane. He said he liked it, then five min later interrupted to say he really liked it, then after dinner spent time with me going through the ingredients and trying to figure out if he can pickle tea leaves himself. Booyah.
Regardless, this left me with one jar which I swiftly finished. So I'm on the hunt again and the online store stresses me out now cos they don't like apartments
I found a Burmese supermarket a few suburbs away and a twenty min walk from the station. Fucking worth it, it's added two hours to my commute home but I want these jars so much. I enjoyed the stroll. It rained a bit, so I saw a couple rainbows
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In the store I was, again, immediately stressed. I went down an aisle and back again and found nothing. I found other pickled things! But not my tea leaves! I did not want this trip to be in vain, it was long and I had a shit day at work. I was really only doing it today cos the days a write off as a bad day so I may as well run an annoying errand
Anyway I pulled up the website and showed the lady at the counter a photo of the jar and she pointed me to them immediately. I returned like fifteen seconds later with four jars and she was already on a phone call with someone. I love workers rights. You're awesome, lady.
So I say four and hold four fingers up and pass her one jar. She scans and sets the price right. She then interrupts whoever's talking on the phone to ask me, "How you know this?"
So I quickly explained that my colleague made me the salad and I loved it. She pointed back at the aisle and said, "the beans, you need beans." So I was like "I have so many beans, I bought too many, I just need the pickled leaves." And she was already waving her hand at me in disinterest so I stopped talking and paid lol.
It was a long haul home. I passed and remember to take a photo of my favourite art installation, the tower of coffee cups in a pole.
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There's no starbucks in my suburb so one of these at least has taken a long trip to get here. So did I today, my feet are sore
Anyway, I have four jars of miraculous pickled tea leaves. If you can figure out how to buy these ingredients I recommend it to serve alongside very fatty meals like lasagne or sausage cos it cuts through nicely. I also take a serving to work every day because the tea leaves are caffeinated so I'm skipping the second coffee
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I love lahpet
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fox-bee926 · 2 years ago
Who did this?
Harvey Specter x fem!reader
Masterlist A/N: Wow another one? I'm going to do one more after this and then answer an ask and put all my harvey fics on one post. Then after that who knows. I have an awesome aragorn x reader fic I've been playing around with so I might work on that. Definitely going to try and do more one shots to improve my writing. I really enjoy it but depression makes it a tad hard. Anyways! Enjoy! TW: **This story focuses on the physical abuse between the Reader character and her boyfriend. I am not responsible for the content you consume so please be advised. There are explanations of abuse, but no explicit scenes of abuse occurring.** abuse (physical and emotional), hurt/comfort, Harvey being very sweet, mention of painkillers but I'm talking like 2 tylenol or ibuprofen or something Word Count: 2.5k
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You run across the street to the Pearson Hardman office building, just about soaking wet. All that protected you from the rain was a newspaper you bought right outside your building. You prayed all the way to work that it wouldn’t just completely break under the force of the rain. You had spent almost thirty minutes on makeup, twenty five more minutes than you usually spend. To go along with that, you couldn’t find an available taxi because of the rain. Not even the pain in your shoulder had let up, despite taking a couple painkillers.
Your boyfriend had gotten a bit angry with you last night after you went out socializing with some friends. It wasn’t your smartest move. You knew he didn’t like you to hang out with your guy friends without his permission. But you didn’t think it was that big of a deal. The feelings of your heart conflicted with your rational mind. All you know is you love him and he loves you. Which is why he gets upset when you go out without him. But then why wouldn’t he make time to go out with me alone?
You shook those thoughts out of your head as you swiped your card into the building. You took the time in the elevator to dry off with your sweater. Which was consequently soaked. Curses rang out in the elevator- cursing the sweater, the weather, your boyfriend, you didn’t know.
You sat down in the chair next to Donna and exchanged greetings. “How are we looking today, Donna?” You smiled as you saw Harvey sitting in his office. The only person getting into the office earlier than him was Donna.
“Full day as always. Oh, Jonathan from accounting asked for Harvey to look at his expense accounts for this last month. He won’t of course- but as long as they get to Harvey’s desk, Jon won’t speak another word about it until the next thousand dollar dinner with a client.” Donna goes back to typing rapidly on her computer. 
“And then the cycle continues,” You let out a hearty laugh for the first time since you left work last Friday. “I’ll get on that. Anything else while I’m in accounting?” You gather up different file folders that you need to take down to accounting anyway.
“Nope, say hi to Mr. Expense Forms for me!”
“Will do, Donna.”
You quickly walk to the elevator and down to the accounting department for Jonathan's expense reports. Harvey is still in the same spot as he was when you left as you open the door to his office. You make sure to open the door with your left arm, with the papers in your right. 
“I got a delivery for Harvey Specter from Mr. Jonathan Expense Forms from accounting. Fuming as always. You might want to lay off the fancy dinners for a week.” Harvey rolls his eyes at the notion.
“Sweetheart, you think I’m that good at my job that I don’t need fancy dinners to win over clients? You must think very highly of me.” He chuckles smugly as he writes words you can barely read on a legal pad. You deal his snark back just the same.
“Of course I think you’re good. You’re my boss, I’m legally obligated to think so.” You both laugh until you reach with your right arm to set the folder on his desk. You let out a noise just loud enough for Harvey to be concerned. 
“What happened to your shoulder?” 
“It’s nothing, I just fell.”
At this, Harvey looks up. You were never one to be clumsy, let alone fall so hard as to hurt yourself. As Harvey’s eyes assess you, he notices a large dark bruise on your wrist- both your wrists in fact. 
His silence worries you, and you follow his eyes to your wrists. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry-” You quickly try to pull your sleeves down to cover the spots. Remnants of rain water drove through the foundation. 
Harvey takes a few deep breaths as you stand there in shocked silence. For the smallest second, you think he’s going to hurt you. Rationally, you know the notion is absurd, but the mind that has dealt with angry men keeps you silent.
Harvey finally speaks after taking a minute to process the information he’s pieced together.
“Who did this to you?”
You’re taken aback, that small part of your mind thinking he would call you unprofessional or weak. “My... My boyfriend. He just gets a little annoyed with me sometimes. It’s truly nothing. I’ll do better to cover them-”
“A good man being annoyed never results in bruises. How did this happen?” Harvey has to go against every part of his nature not to rush out and ask Donna everything about this man, then subsequently find him. He’s thinking that those boxing lessons are actually going to come in handy.
But he knows he can’t. He knows that if he moves like that, or moves at all, he’d terrify you. He can see how your eyes dart around. Towards the door, towards your wrists, and towards himself. He didn’t know how you would react if he even stood up.
“I fell into a bookshelf. He pushed me a bit and I lost balance.”
“You mean he shoved you into a shelf.”
The way Harvey phrased it made you feel uncomfortable. “That’s a bit harsh, but you could phrase it like that.”
He stared at you in disbelief. This wasn’t the woman he saw on a daily basis. The woman that dealt with almost every slimy man that came into the building. The woman that he had slowly fallen in love with since she arrived here.
The woman before him seemed like a shell of the woman he met three years ago, and he couldn’t help what came out of his mouth next.
“Do you know how you sound? You should never be bruised, shoved, or red eyed if you’re in love. That’s simply not how it is, and I’m sorry you’ve been made to believe that.”
At this, the dam broke.
Tears had been pooling in your eyes from the moment Harvey saw the bruises. But at his last words you let out a pained sob. It hadn't sunk in just how bad it had gotten. Your boyfriend had done this a few times before, but had never gotten so harsh until last night.
All the pain from the last year had come rushing in, and you were about to break right in front of your boss. Heavy tears started to run down your face. It was at this moment you were glad you never wore heavy makeup. You did your best to stifle the sounds and cries that tried to escape, but outside, Donna still saw through the glass. 
Immediately, Donna calmly walks in. She takes one look at you, then Harvey. With a single nod from Harvey, Donna lets out a quiet "Car is on its way."
Unfortunately that made you feel even worse. "I'm so sorry, Harvey. This is completely unprofessional-"
Harvey finally stands up and walks towards you. At this point, what you need isn't space. He places his hands as gentle as can be on your arms to coax you to look at him. And you do, but looking at your red eyes and wet tears streaming down your face up close make his heart break even more.
"I don't give a shit about professionalism. Donna is getting the car and my driver is going to take you home-"
"No! He's there, he's been trying to move in with me and doesn't have a day job. He's just been staying there..." Your sentence trails off as you’re trying to process what you’re actually saying. Are you really doing this?
"Okay, then my driver will take you to my place and give you a key. We'll talk about the next steps when I get home. I'll get you some things from your apartment, okay?"
The tears were gone purely by witnessing Harvey be so calm, and you nodded slowly. All you could do was follow the sound of his voice. Like a lighthouse in a raging storm. 
Donna entered the room quietly, "The car is here."
"Good. Donna will walk you out." You nodded, not saying a word. You turn to walk out of Harvey’s office, but he reaches out for your hand. “You’ll get through this, alright?”
You give a small smile. However, your mental state did not display the same sentiment. Your mind was reeling from what had happened in the last- what, 10? 15 minutes? 
Donna leads you out the back staircase as a gesture of mercy. She knew that you didn’t want anyone else to see you like this. Harvey wasn’t exaggerating his view of you. Everyone in the office saw you as an unbreakable force.
Harvey’s driver opens the door for you. You look back at Donna, who is smiling sweetly. “I promise, Harvey will take care of everything. The only thing you need to worry about is taking care of yourself, okay?” 
You gave Donna the same small smile you gave Harvey. You were at the edge of your sanity at this point. Now that you’ve gone through all the sadness and shock of the... situation, you were embarrassed. Angry. Angry at yourself for letting a man put his hands on you for a full year. Angry at Donna for knowing exactly what was going on and getting exactly what was needed. Angry at Harvey Specter for being so goddamn perfect that you couldn’t help the butterflies that always arose in your stomach whenever he talked to you. Angry at the world for putting you in this position.
Wordlessly, you exited the car once it stopped in front of Harvey’s building. You reached his apartment without thought. You took your heels off, and put your purse on the closest counter you saw. 
And you cried.
 Harvey exited the elevator with a large box held in his hands. It was purely full of necessities. A week's change of clothes, toiletries, some books he knew were your favorite. Everything else he could buy new. He looked down and saw your heels on the ground and your purse on the table beside him.
Once he set down the box on the floor, he saw you. You looked even worse than at the office. Your beautiful hair was frizzy and pulled in odd directions. The worst part was the absolutely destroyed look on your face. Eyeshadow and liner were smudged on your red tinged eyes which stared into space in front of you. 
Harvey sees your body stiff as a board on the edge of his soft couch, seemingly ready to run at a moment’s thought. “Have you been sitting like that since you got here?”
“No. I’ve only just sat down.” Your arms leaned on your knees, hands folded in your lap.
Harvey tries to ignore the hoarse sound in your voice. “Well, you can relax a bit if you’d like. I got you some more comfortable clothes if you want to change.”
Your brows furrow as you think. “Did he give you any problems?” For the first time since he came in the front door you look at him. He was visibly more relaxed than he is in the office. His suit jacket was tossed on the coat rake next to the door and the sleeves of his dress shirt were neatly folded up his arms. He walked towards the kitchen to the freezer. 
“He didn’t get a chance. Don’t worry, he won’t hurt you again.” He walks over to where you’re sitting on the couch and sets down an ice pack. His shirt was obviously wrinkled, and his knuckles held the slightest tinge of blue. The thought of Harvey hurting someone made your stomach flip, but you didn’t feel quite so bad for the receiving party.
“Let’s get some ice on that shoulder, huh?” He could tell you were still sensitive, but it felt more subdued than the scared woman he saw in his office.
You nodded in agreement about the ice pack. You hadn’t really stopped to think about it until he said something. As you unbutton your shirt to reveal your nude colored undershirt, you wince. The swelling of the bruise had gotten worse since you hadn’t taken anything for it. You hadn’t noticed the pain when you were crying, but now it just felt terrible.
“Let me help.” You give Harvey a look when the words come out of his mouth, a glimpse of that fiery woman that he knows. But you sigh and relent. You managed to undo a few buttons at least before Harvey steps in.
He unbuttons your shirt down to your stomach and pulls the shoulder of the shirt down just enough to slide the ice pack onto the skin. As soon as it’s securely placed between you and the couch, you let out a groan. In relief or pain, you don’t know. All you knew was that the cold felt absolutely wonderful on your swelled skin.
You and Harvey stay like that for a while, the exact amount of minutes you don’t know and neither does he. Harvey is the first to speak.
“You’ve been awfully quiet.” 
You give him a look that says “I wonder why, dumbass.” But you refrain. “I’m thinking.”
He finally sits next to you on the couch and reaches his arm to grasp the top of the cushions. In his mind he excuses it as getting more comfortable, but the opportunity to touch you is also a bonus. Harvey was not a man of wise words for comfort, moreso actions and touch.
In a singsong voice, trying to lighten the mood, he says “Whatcha thinkin’ about.”
You smile a true smile and look towards him. Then the thoughts in your head come rushing in and the smile falls from your face. “I’m thinking about how I’ve been with him for so long that I don’t know how to live my life without him. So much of my life has been conforming to his ideals, his feelings. How am I supposed to love and be loved after him? After I’ve split my soul into so many pieces that I’ve lost track of where they all are?”
Both of you sit in silence, not sure what to say.
“I was definitely not expecting that.”
“I am... extremely sorry I said that, please just ignore-”
“I wasn’t finished, sweetheart. Firstly, I think you should see a professional about these feelings. But in the meantime, we can work on that together.” Harvey smiles, but then falters. “I- I mean, if you want. I’m not trying to get in your pants, I promise, all I’m saying is that I’m here whenever and you can stay as long as you want and-”
“Thank you, Harvey. It means a lot to hear you say that.” You laugh at the sight of a flustered Harvey Specter.
“To paraphrase, you're not alone in this. Not ever.”
You reach over with your good arm and pull him into as much of a hug as you can muster. In return, he pulls you close. Neither of you ever want to leave.
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luveline · 2 years ago
hiii!! i saw that you wanted some roan & eddie & reader requests sooo,, becuase barbie is trending so muchh i was wondering if you could write reader watching roan play with her barbies and instantly taken back to her childhood and getting very emotional ??
i mean its whats happening to me being reminded how much ive grown and how much effect those dolls had on me soo yeah 😭
tysm ♡ eddie and roan
A long, creaking squeal sounds from Roan when you come home. Eddie plugs his ears, knowing exactly what it is you have in the huge plastic bag at your waist —Roan's special treats, as previously discussed, for being such a lovely girl lately. 
It might be a silly thing to treat her for, but she deserves toys before any amazing behaviour, and you have the extra money to buy them. Why shouldn't she get them? You and Eddie chatted some while you were at work that morning, trying to choose what toys to get. 
"I haven't bought her toys by myself since we first met, what if I pick something crappy?" you'd worried. 
Eddie gave it a little bit of thought, hand twined in the curling wire of the telephone, slouched as he usually does against the back wall of the shop. "Hey, she hasn't had any new dolls since Christmas. They'd go over nicely. Or she always likes a new dress. I'm sure you'll find something when you're there. You can get me something fun at the same time if you want." 
You'd laughed at his joke and, if the light in your eyes now is anything to go off of, managed to find some presents you're happy with.
"Naddy's Toy Emporium!?" Roan shouts, rocketing off of the couch where she'd been standing waiting for you. 
You've a nightly routine, hugging her when you come home like your life depends on it, but clearly Roan has decided the hug can wait. For once, Eddie's finished dinner before you're return, so he has a good seat on the couch to watch everything unfold. 
You let her grab the bag's sides but lift it a touch when she tries to take it. "Hey, they're for you, I promise, but let's come inside and put them on the table!" 
Roan squeals and knocks into Eddie's knees. He sits up and grabs her gently by the waist, hoisting her onto his lap. You sit on the couch cushion trampled flat by Roan's feet, pulling the play table where she likes to eat her snacks closer. 
"Are you doing the speech?" you ask Eddie, putting down the bag. 
He grins. "Ro," he begins, turning skewiff, her back to the couch to allow you both a great view of her face, "you've been a really good girl, lately. Do you know that? You've been eating all your dinner, no tantrums before school, and now you're even starting to help clean up around the house. So me and Y/N just want you to know how proud we are and how awesome we think you are." 
"And we think all this awesome deserves some presents because we love you," you say. "Do you want the smallest or the biggest one first?" 
There's lots of nice presents. You've stayed within the confines of the agreed budget, which is a feat for you (as you love to spoil her). There's five new barbies, one of which comes with a car, and the other a puppy dog. They have clothes, accessories, and an abundance of plastic he needs to cut away with scissors. His hand is welted red by the time he's through. 
You also bought her a glittery lip gloss to replace the one she lost a few weeks ago. The proof of it sparkles on your cheek and Eddie's, twin thank yous. 
You go quiet as Roan retreats to her satin princess tent, driving the pink corvette back and forth as she makes the barbies talk to one another. 
"You okay?" he asks. You'd been wearing this huge smile for the last twenty minutes and now it's gone, he hates it. "I've been thinking maybe you deserve something nice, too." 
You smile weakly. Okay, so you're not wanting anything. 
"Dinner should be ready soon." 
"Thanks, Eddie." 
He gives up. He's about as subtle as a feather boa and you love him that way, drifting down toward your arm, his face smashing into your shoulder. "What's wrong?" 
You put your head atop his. "Well, I'm just thinking." 
"I may not look like it, but I think too, occasionally. Share with me." 
You push his arm until he sits up and sinks down into his side instead. Eddie supposes you're allowed, even if usually he'd call it sexist or selfish. "I had a lot of fun picking those out today, and I kept thinking about the look on her face…"
Eddie hums to show he's listening. Kisses the top of your head 'cos he can. "Yeah?" 
"I just remembered being her age. Do you remember wanting something really badly? There was something so nice about getting to grab a kart and– and to just stand there debating which ones to get." 
Eddie toys with your pinky finger. "That's not everything, is it?" 
Your smile presses against his arm, a deep emotion in your voice that's hard to pin. "Watching her makes me remember. Being a kid, playing make believe. I'll never be that young ever again, and there's no way to go back. But I," —you take in a steadying breath— "don't mind. I love seeing her so happy." 
He intertwines your fingers between his, shorter and a little bit softer than his. He soaks in your presence for a moment, the smell of you, your tiny sounds, the secret you've shared with him. You're a mixture of sad and happy. He's not sure which one overpowers which, only that they're hitting you hard. 
"There's lots of cool shit that comes with being a parent. You know the best one?" he asks you, raising his eyebrows at you with a fondness lining his lips. 
"You can play games without anyone judging you. I know it's not the same as being a kid again, but it's close." 
"Yeah?" you ask, sitting up. "You'll come play too, right?" 
Eddie casts his gaze to his daughter where she chit chats on the floor. "Hey, Roanie? Can we come play with you?" 
Roan is almost as pleased as when she first laid eyes on her treasure trove of dolls. 
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strongbabe2907 · 4 months ago
Here’s a little review of Zepp Haneda - Dir en grey Who is this hell for tour 2024
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In the morning i took a wrong train and almost ended in Yokohama, lmao. In the end i was there around 10:40 and we got the merch tickets.
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After that we met up with a few people and had some food. The cafe/bar we went too was blasting Dir all day and played their pvs inside too, it was surreal but very cute.
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Visnu brought the art books and it was so cool to see them irl before she put them in the gift box🥰 everyone worked so hard!! Go check out #SilverCoinProject if you haven’t! I’m not an artist i send in some pictures hehe. There’s also a picture in there of my gifts.. maybe i’ll post them later on social media now i have given them.
So we walked around a bit and went to the torii my friend recommended, but they were doing construction work right around it so it was a bit noisy.
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When it was time for merch we found out todays sticker was Kaoru!! I hoped a shiny but unfortunately just normal ones. Still cute.
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I bought more merch for friends and some standees, did some trading with other japanese fans and some gift exchange 🥰 honestly everyone has been so nice and sweet.
We god dinner before the show and i started to get nervous again.. we split up waiting because we had different numbers and i was very focused on the counting haha.
I had 235 for vip which got me… 6th row maybe? Second barrier in zepp. Which was.. i had hoped for a bit closer but it is what it is.
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Again i was between Kaoru and Kyo and looked at them most. Shinya wore his white outfit, Die also wore a white outfit. I think Toshiya was all black? He wore the shorts with something on top and dramatic separate sleeves.
Kaoru looked amazing! He was in all black. Black dress shirt with big collar. Wearing a small, wide black tie. His waistcoat thing and trousers/shorts were the same texture/print. The waistcoat was much more wide/baggy and shorter in the front and longer in the back. I think it had 2 rows of 3 buttons on it. The shorts were just passed his knees and veryy wide with big pockets on the sides. He wore black leggings with them again. Black dr martens and i think socks?
His hair was pulled back in a little ponytail and he had two strands loose in the front. One behind his ear and one just loose. He had the usual make up, little fangs, eyeliner and dark shading especially around his head. He was the only one that didn’t change for the encore.
Kyo wore the same simple outfit. I still couldn’t make out the tat very well, but thought i could discern some points to it.. Visnu later mentioned she thinks it’s either like a little star or a cross?
He wore low black doc martens this time.
His voice was just 💯from the start. They seemed more energetic/relaxed than the first show (which was still really good btw). He did some dancing (god he’s so tiny..) and moved around and took his earpieces out to listen to the crowd sing/shout. Closer to the end he pointed at two people, one right ahead of me. I think one of them had made a tattoo like him and he was smiling? Cute.
Also HELLOOO obscure was so awesome. It was the more recent version which i personally prefer. It was so cool!! And i mentioned this on twitter already but Kaoru didnt do much wahwah but he did grunt along with tsumi no kisei and was doing tough guy act to the crowd and singing along with a song (sorry cant remember which) for a long but, it was really cute. They switched sides once i think. My friends said there was almost a twin towers collision but i didnt see.
After the last song (Eddie), Kyo did a big smile and said ‘bye bye’ and he was off.
Shinya’s drumstick landed right next to my foot but i was busy looking at Kaoru😭😂🙈(he was also throwing stuff). Then girl next to me notices a tiny but before me and bend down to grab it, but it was fine i mosty found it funny i missed it cos i was going 👁️ at Kao.
Everyone but Kyo also threw a tour towel.. maybe shinya didnt? Im not sure. Toshiya was smiling and put his face in it before tossing it in the crowd lol. Kaoru also threw it near the front and Die tied a knot in it again and pitched it to the back of the venue lol.
So good live! Girls around me were lively but i was standing at a bit of a dead area in the crowd?? I liked both citta and zepp even though the vibes were different. (Citta was def more intense)
After the show we got the vip bags! They’re very cute. And now i try and recover a little before heading to Kyoto.
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t3ag3rs · 1 year ago
g e n s o - 0 1.
↪element is translated to genso in japanese, therefore y/n's nickname/future hero name is "element"
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"wait up you guys..!"
the h/c haired girl yelled out of breath. "you're running too fast!" you stopped and put your hands on your knees steadying your breath. those two boys are so fast..! i cant even keep up!
"genso! hurry up! we have to be first in line for the new all might action figure!" exclaimed the ash blonde boy, katsuki bakugou, otherwise known as kacchan. "im coming!" you exclaimed picking up your pace to be beside him and the other green haired boy, izuku midoriya, otherwise known as deku.
"im so excited to get the new figurine!" deku exclaims happily, you laugh in agreement. the trio slow to a stop as they go inside the shop and find the display. "mommy! lets get it! pleaseee? i wont ask for anything else!" you begged, pointing at the shelf as deku and bakugou walked to the register with their moms following close by, getting ready to purchase the toy.
m/n grabbed the toy, "i dont see why you shouldnt get it" you smiled widely and gave her a hug repeatedly thanking her as she bought the toy. you and the two boys were smiling out of happiness, "hey kiddos lets take a picture!" exclaimed mitsuki holding up her camera. you got in between deku and bakugou and let out a big smile as the two hugged you.
well... more like just bakugou. he wouldnt even let poor deku wrap his hands around you. to him you were all his and no one else could be with you.
whats bakugous, will always be bakugous.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
"genso!" you turned and looked at bakugou, "my mom said to invite you and your mom for dinner tonight" you smiled enthusiastically, "really?? i'll tell my mommy!" you ran over to your mom and told her what bakugou told you. she smiled and agreed, so you ran over and told him you would be coming. "well.. we best head home now kacchan so I can shower and come over, i'll see you in a bit. byebye!" you wave and grab on to your moms hand walking away.
bakugou smiled triumphantly, "hey old hag! genso's coming over for dinner with her mom tonight!" he yelled, "KATSUKI BAKUGOU IF YOU DON'T STOP CALLING ME THAT I'LL PERSONALLY GO RETURN THAT FIGURINE" she screamed, unfazed at how he had invited you without her permission.
it wasn't the first time anyway.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you rang the doorbell and waited eagerly for bakugou to open the door. "oh hi there y/n and m/n! please come in!" mitsuki stepped aside and you walked in. you took off your shoes and placed it neatly in the corner, "wheres kacchan?" you ask looking around. "the brat should be around here somewh-" "GENSO!!" bakugou came running up to you and hugged you, taking both you and both parents by suprise.
you blush slightly, " h-hi kacchan..! " you hug him back, he pulls away and grabs your arm dragging you to his room. "lets go watch some all might footage!" you smile as he drags you away.
"looks like my little brat has a crush on your daughter m/n.." mitsuki chuckled, m/n just sighed and added "young love.." which caused both parents to laugh to themselves.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you sat with bakugou on his bed watching the footage and making comments about how awesome all might is. "im gonna grow up and become a no. 1 hero just like him!" bakugou commented while punching his hand up in the air. you giggled at his action, "me too!"
bakugou turns to look at you, "your so lucky you got your quirk early! i can't wait for when i finally get mine!" you grin, "well whatever it is, i'm sure it'll be great!" bakugou jumps out of the bed, "wait here, i have something to give you!" he opens his drawer and pulls out a bracelet he made with the colors from all mights costume. you gasp, "you made that for me?" he nods as he puts it on you.
"theres the letter of your first name, a heart, and a 'k' for my name to show that i made it for you!" he exclaims, you blush and give him a hug. "thank you kacchan!" he blushes and stutters, "y-yeah, yeah.. whatever idiot..!" he pulls away and grabs another bracelet and puts it on himself. "now we can match!" he smiles and you giggle.
soon after a bunch of all might footage, mitsuki and m/n walk into bakugous room to find you laying on bakugou as he hugs you. both your parents look at the adorable sight and take photos to show you two later. "look at their wrists!" pointed m/n, "so thats why the brat was making bracelets!" smirked mitsuki, she prepared to tease him about it whenever he woke up.
m/n gently picked you up and grabbed your shoes. "we'll be going now.. thanks for the food mitsuki.. tell bakugou we both said bye!" mitsuki walked your mom to the door and waved bye as you two walked away.
her brat had a crush on you!
"oh that brat wont ever stop hearing about this!" she chuckled.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
a couple years later.. (12 yrs old)
you stand there shocked holding your acceptance letter from icaru private junior high academy. i actually got in..!
your mom and your dad congratulated you, and started texting all your relatives to tell them the good news. you were happy.. of course you were. you had just gotten into the academy you've wanted to go to for years! but that meant you wouldnt be able to go to school with bakugou and deku anymore. the amount of stress on the academics would also leave you with no time for hang outs with them.
you sighed as you facetimed both of them, mentally readying yourself to deliver the news. "why am i in a call with pathetic deku, genso?" snarled bakugou, you kept your mouth shut. it bothered you how much he had changed just because deku didn't have a quirk. "i need to tell you two something.." you paused.
"i got accepted into that academy i've been ranting about" deku smiled, "thats great y/n! congrats!" you smiled, "thank you izu..!" you looked down sadly, "but that's not what i called about.. you see, i won't be able to go to school with you guys and hang out as much now..."
bakugous eyes widened, "what?! are you kidding me genso!?" you shook your head sadly, "oh no.. y/n.." muttered deku. "i just felt like i should've told you two before i left.." you fiddled with your nails. "my last hang out will probably be this saturday, if you guys arent busy please come, okay..?" you let out a sad smile.
"of course y/n..! anything for you!" you smiled and deku left the call, leaving you with just bakugou. "and you..?" you asked. he had been concerningly quiet during the entire conversation. "i'll come but it'll be after fucking deku leaves." he ends the call, and you sigh out, blinking back your tears.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
deku came by with his mom and gave you a all might plushie to remember him by. he stayed for an hour and left after giving you a hug and wishing you luck at your new school. you sighed out, one friend down... one more to go.
bakugou came by shortly after that with his mom. you opened the door and was immediately brought into a bear hug by mitsuki. "good luck at your new school hun'. i know you'll do just fine, you're a sweet girl, anyone will like you." you smiled and pulled away looking at bakugou.
you waited for mitsuki to walk away and took bakugou up to your room. he sat down on your bed and stared at you. you sat there in quiet until he finally broke it, "do you really have to go..?" he asked quietly. you sat next to him, looking at your hands, " my parents want me to go.. i need to make them happy bakugou.. "
he handed you a printed photo. you grabbed it and your eyes started watering.
it was the photo of younger you and bakugou sleeping on each other with the matching bracelets on your wrists. "i thought you should have somewhat of a reminder of us before you go.." he mumbled.
you turned and hugged him, crying into his shirt. "i don't wanna leave you guys here and be at a new school by myself..!" he just hugged you back, trying not to show how upset he actually was. "i don't want you to go either genso.. but this is what's better for you and that's all i want."
"HEY BRAT WE GOTTA GO!" screamed mitsuki from below. you wiped your tears and stood up. "genso" he called, "promise me you'll get into UA so we can be friends again." you looked at him, "i promise i will" you repeated.
you both walked downstairs and bakugou and mitsuki left, leaving just you and your parents there. "i'm gonna go back to my room.." you mutter, heading upstairs. you sit on your bed and look at the picture of you and bakugou.
right there and then you swore to yourself you would work yourself tirelessly until you got into UA.
and that's exactly what you did.
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previous part(s): pt. 00 next part(s): pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 / pt. 05 / pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13 / pt. 14 / pt. 15 / pt. 16
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bueckerrss · 1 year ago
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P.S. I still love you
pairing: chris x fem ! reader
-> warnings: cursing, angst. i think that’s it sorry in advance 😔. slightly short
dear y/n,
it’s been a year already can you believe that? it feels like we met just yesterday at a random party i was invited to and to think i was going to skip it because i had a meeting the next day, i remember how i accidentally bumped into you causing you to spill your drink on yourself god i felt so bad watching you try to dry it off i just kept apologizing and you said it was fine but that still didn’t stop me from feeling bad.
i remember that after that party we became great friends and how inseparable we were, remember that one time when we sat up on your roof drinking sodas (considering we were both underage and hated drinking) watching the sunset that’s the day i realized that i loved you and wanted to be with you forever.
remember that time we went to the park with cat (absolute insane name for a dog by the way) then somehow his leash came off making us chase him around the whole park but before we caught him you tripped causing me to fall on top of you making us laugh uncontrollably for about five minutes, that was one of my favorite moments together (out of so many of course)
do you remember when we tried giving cat a bath? that motherfucker couldn’t stay in the bathtub for more than two seconds especially since he was a very hyper dog, i remember when he first jumped out you tried running after him but accidentally slipped on the bar of soap making you fall into the water, bubbles in your hair drenched in dirty dog water and yet i still thought you were the most beautiful girl i ever saw.
remember on our two year anniversary i took you to france for a week? gosh i was so nervous the day i gave you the tickets since you “never liked me spending money on you” but at the end you absolutely loved the trip especially that special dinner we went to where i gave you the necklace you’ve been wanting for weeks, i’ll never forget the look on your face when you saw the necklace it made me feel like i fulfilled my purpose as your boyfriend.
one of the memories that brings a big smile to my face is when i remember the day nick and matt met you for the first time they were so excited because i would never shut up about you and how great you were so when they finally got to meet the reason for my happiness it was awesome, having you all getting along was amazing i loved how they accepted you with open arms, the thing i hated was how nick would always steal you from me but i forgave him when i found out you two had a lot in common more than you and me i got a little jealous but opposites attract or whatever they say.
i loved when we would go sit in your car watching the sunset or sunrise while talking about our future, i loved the way your nose would scrunch every time you laughed or smiled, i absolutely adored your voice and how your voice sounded like honey in the early morning when you would wake me up.
i loved how much you helped matt when he had any problems or questions about anything and how you never made him feel dumb for it, that’s one of the many things i loved about you how you helped others and never made them fell stupid for the questions they asked.
i loved the way you would talk to little kids, how caring you were for them and it always made me think of how an amazing mother you would’ve been.
you know matt and nick still talk about you, same with my mom and dad they all miss you even trev misses you he always sits or lays down in your spot on my bed, fuck we all miss you y/n especially me, we had a lot of plans together we had so many ideas for our future! i even bought a stupid ring that i was going to give to you on our fifth year anniversary which is tomorrow but sadly not everything goes according to plan.
but i know that you’re no longer in pain and in a better place, you probably won’t read this stupid letter but thank you for giving me the best years of my life and giving me amazing memories that i will cherish for as long as i live.
ta chérie.
P.S. I still love you.
with that the boy folded up the letter placing it in an envelope tears streaming down his face but what he didn’t know was that the love of his life was there watching him write that letter with tears running down her face as she smiled sadly at him, she never got to tell him everything she wanted or the fact that they had a baby on the way.
i cried a few times while writing this um it’s mostly based off of a movie i saw a few years ago that randomly hit me (movie: P.S. I Love You) also idk why but the songs i was listening to while writing this were depressing so that didn’t help at all but i hope you enjoyed this and pls don’t hate me 😔
tags: @sturnioloslurps @sturniolos-blog
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asarajaa · 11 months ago
(no pressure if you don’t want to do it ofc bbg<3 )
Ofc bb but have patience, I’m a little bit down cause I didn’t like at all my last post so yk 😭✋🏽
Omg I’m so dumb, I answered it without the fic made HAHAJJAJAJA, when I got it I’ll put it here and I’ll tell ya, k love? Have some paciencia 😽💗
Update: k so I already did it so here you go my love, hope you like it <3!
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Warnings: fem!reader Words: 656 Disclaimer: English isn't my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings! Taglist: @merlucide
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Meeting Bachiras mom for the first time
₊˚ෆ To help me with this, I will pretend it is the second part of the Bachira falling in love hcs.
₊˚ෆ Indeed, his mom liked you.
₊˚ෆ First of all, when Bachira got home and told her mom about you, she was super enthusiastic to meet you!
₊˚ෆ After Bachira made a move and you guys become boyfriend and girlfriend, the next step was meeting each others parents, being Bachira the first.
₊˚ෆ When the time came, you were extremely nervous, Bachira tried everything to make you feel less nervous but obviously it didn't work.
₊˚ෆ You wanted to everything go great. Your friends always says that is like having a second family and that creating a bond with his mom is important bc she's gonna be like a second mom to you.
₊˚ෆ You made yourself a list of 5 rules to follow when you meet his mom (which made Bachira laugh at you because- babe, my mom is super chill you don't need to do those things.)
₊˚ෆ Rule number 1: Do not show empty handed. It doesn't matter if you give her flowers, some dessert or a gift, Bachiras mom will appreciate it and think that you're a very nice and sweet girl. She's the type of person who appreciates the small things so giving smth to her will be perfect.
₊˚ෆ Rule number 2: Dress modestly. Look, Bachiras mom wouldn't care if you go with some jeans and a cute top, in fact, she would compliment you. But if you go dressed like if you're going to some club she would not think bad of you but neither she'll think good of you. I believe that as an artist she's very into the fashion world and if you're meeting her with a cute outfit she'll like you.
₊˚ෆ Rule number 3: Don't try to be somebody that you're not. She want to meet the person her son fall in love with, no one else. She'll like you just the way that you are! As an artist, Bachiras mom know about being judge so don't worry about those things.
₊˚ෆ Rule number 4: Always offer to clean up. Of course, she wouldn't let you, but it would be nice seeing the effort of your actions that his son never stops talking about.
₊˚ෆ Rule number 5: Try having a one on one time with her. Women to women bounds are super special so you have to use the opportunity to grow a very strong relationships. Honestly, she always wanted a daughter so just talked with her about girl things and it would be awesome!
You and Bachiras mom were left alone, she told Bachira to go to the store to buy some dessert (you bought flowers) so now you girls were alone.
"So, how did you knew you wanted to be an artist Mrs.Bachira?" you asked her enthusiastic, the dinner went awesome and you guys were having a great time.
Bachiras mom loved your question, nobody usually ask her about her profession and you were actually interested.
As the night went by, you girls ended up having a girl talk about the latest in fashion, the new tea about celebrities, skincare and make-up.
When Bachira came with the dessert, he was confused. He left you guys silent and when he come back you were sitting next to each other talking passionately about some new viral linase mask that gives a botox effect. Although he wasn't complaining either.
"Word of mouth is that the mask also works to give definition on the curly haired girls." you said showing her the video of a girl trying it.
"Really?" she said leaning to you "Bachiras cousin has curly hair, i'll show it to her."
₊˚ෆ She loved you, like she would call you some days to exchange tips and your calls last hours.
₊˚ෆ Bachira was more than happy when he find out, It seemed perfect to him that the two women in his life got along so well.
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nksdhfsbfv idk what I did.
I feel like It was too short, great rules tho
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© asarajaa — Please, do not copy, translate or reuse my work without my permission.
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rip-quizilla · 1 year ago
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The Boy is Mine (Hannah's Edition)
Thank you @carolmunson so much for coming up with this awesome prompt! I had a lot of fun writing this one :)
Click here to read the original prompt, here for the masterlist of everyone's different takes on the idea!
Word Count: 3k
Summary: Eddie's romantic night with Chrissy doesn't go as planned, so you do what any good neighbor would do and pull him out of his pity party.
Eddie was an idiot.
He had done everything he could think of to make tonight so romantic that Chrissy would finally see him as something more. See that he was worthy of a girl like her. That he could treat her right, the way a gentleman should. 
Up until now, their relationship had been casual; nothing was set in stone or exclusive. She was free to go on dates with whomever she wanted, they didn’t talk to each other at school or do boyfriend-girlfriend things. Eddie had been fine with that… until he wasn’t. 
He wanted Chrissy to know that he could treat her just as well as her country club boyfriends could. He could be romantic. He was worth more than making out in the back of his van and secret notes stuffed in lockers. 
Today was her birthday, so he’d pulled out all the stops- he’d cleaned the trailer, bought her flowers, made pasta with the fancy parmesan on top. He’d even baked her a birthday cake. Sure, it was funfetti cake mix from a box, but it was more work than Eddie usually went through for a cake. 
“Make yourself comfortable, food’s almost ready!” he gushed when Chrissy had first entered the trailer. She’d taken a seat on the couch, eyes wide as she looked around the kitchen and living room. The coffee table had been cleared of its usual magazines and ashtray, newly set with old yellowed doilies as placemats and silverware, worn porcelain plates with little powder-blue curly cues along the edges…
“Eddie,” Chrissy had said, bewildered. “What…what is all this?”
He’d barely heard her over the cacophony of sizzles and bubbles that surrounded him in the small galley kitchen. “I hope you like Italian,” he threw a smile over his shoulder as he stirred the bubbling tomato sauce on the stove. “It’s your birthday, I wanted to make you a proper dinner. Even baked you a cake!” Eddie smiled, but then widened his eyes in alarm when he remembered that he’d put the cake in the oven and forgotten to set a timer. How long had it been baking for? Eddie couldn’t remember. 
“Shit…” He hissed, yanking open the oven door as angry smoke plumed into the tiny trailer. Eddie waved an oven-mitted hand, frantically trying to clear a path for his vision to see if the cake was at least salvageable… which it wasn’t.
Chrissy sat frozen on the couch, hugging a time-tattered throw pillow to her stomach and toying anxiously with the fringe at its edges as she watched Eddie place a blackened tin of burnt cake on the stovetop. It was like watching a train wreck; Chrissy couldn’t look away, no matter how painful the scene before her got. 
“Eddie, it’s okay,” she said, voice overly soft and sweet, as if she were breaking bad news to a volatile toddler. “You don’t have to-”
“Wine!” Eddie interrupted, excitedly (desperately) remembering the wine he’d bought. He’d read somewhere that red wine paired well with spaghetti and meatballs, so he’d run to the nearest gas station he knew never carded and bought the best red wine he could afford- which was the only red wine at the gas station- but he thought the label looked pretty, so it must be good right?
"I ran out of, like, nice cups,” Eddie said, voice strained as he did a little hop to reach the matching plastic steins on the highest shelf. “Is this okay? My uncle used to be into fancy beer that was apparently too classy to drink from a can, so he got these things. Kinda makes you feel like you’re in an old-timey tavern when you drink out of ‘em, though, which is cool-"
Chrissy’s voice sounded strained, pitying- Eddie didn’t like that. It wasn’t how he wanted her to feel on her birthday. “I don’t drink wine much, so hopefully I got the right kind! I mean, wine is wine, right? Can’t be that bad-”
He froze. He turned to her, bottle in one hand and a stein in the other. His heart thumped out a warning in his chest. 
“Eddie… if I gave you any kind of false impression, I’m so sorry-”
Nope. He didn’t like where this was going.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, princess! I’m sorry I burned the cake, that was my bad- I forgot to set the timer, and-”
Chrissy winced at the pet name; he’d only used it a couple times before that, so Eddie had assumed she didn’t have a problem with it… liked it, even.
“When you asked me to come over, I didn’t realize it was…” She took a short deep breath, huffing out the exhale. “I didn’t realize you meant it as a date.”
“I know,” he replied. It was immediate, reassuring. “I know this isn’t what I usually do, and I’m sorry for that. You deserve more than… than secret makeouts after cheer practice, and lying in the back of my shitty old van.” Eddie smiled at her, hopeful. “I can do better than that, and I’m trying-”
“I don’t want better than that.” 
Eddie stopped, stunned. Chrissy winced again. “That came out… wrong. I… I mean, I do want something like that, maybe someday. But…”
Her words trailed off, lips retreating into each other as she bit them nervously, unsure of how to communicate what she meant. 
Eddie knew how though.
“...But you don’t want it with me.”
She looked up at him, eyes brimming with guilty regret. “Eddie, I’m so sorry. If I had known you felt this way-”
“No, don’t worry about it princess.” There was venom in the name now, a bitterness that rivaled the smell of burnt funfetti that still wafted around them. “No harm done. I understand.”
“I’m so sorry, Eddie-”
“Go home, Chrissy.” He turned his back to her, reaching for the knob on his stove to switch the burners off. “Seriously. It’s okay.”
The venom had left his voice; he’d channeled all of it into the word princess, and now all that was left was resignation. It wasn’t her fault for not liking him; he wasn’t even sure he’d ever liked her. He’d just known that if he could get a girl like her to like him, it might mean he was worth a damn. 
But she didn’t. So he wasn’t. Which wasn’t a surprise to him.
“Go home. Celebrate your birthday. It’s okay.”
And she did. She got in her car, brows pinched with painful sympathy, and drove back home. The spaghetti got cold and the cake was tossed in the trash, leaving Eddie with far too much pasta for himself, an unopened bottle of red, and a container of vanilla frosting. 
And then there was you.
Your trailer sat parallel to the Munsons’, a modest one-person camper on the opposite side of the dirt path the Forest Hills considered a road. You kept a plastic lawn chair and a rainbow beach umbrella in your front “yard” for days when the sun was warm enough to relax outside. Today was one of those evenings where the light was still bright enough for you to see your notebook, perfect for watching the sunset and sketching whatever caught your eye.
Today’s trailer park still-life didn’t disappoint. Your neighbor, Eddie, sat on the concrete stoop eating vanilla frosting- all by itself- with a spoon as he stared dejectedly at the horizon. Sad as the scene before you was, you loved the sketch that was taking form in your small spiral notebook of the forlorn metalhead. As if the picture couldn’t get any sadder, beside him sat an unopened bottle of cheap wine that you had every confidence he planned on drinking without a glass. Sure enough, you watched as your neighbor let out a heavy sigh, put down the frosting, and grabbed the bottle of wine. 
He started wrestling with the foil over the top of the bottle, sighing with relief this time when he finally removed the foil but groaning to himself when he saw the cork in the top. You couldn’t help but laugh when he whipped out a knife from his back pocket. 
“Please put that away,” you called over to him, closing your notebook and placing it on your seat as you stood up. “You’re going to hurt yourself!” 
Eddie glanced up, seemingly surprised you were there in the first place; he must not have even noticed you. You disappeared into your camper before he could say a word, reappearing a moment later with a wine key in hand. 
He made no move to stop you when you took the bottle, easily twisting the corkscrew into the soft stopper and leveraging it out in seconds. You smiled at the satisfying pop that echoed against the metal walls of the Munsons’ trailer. 
“Thanks.” Eddie said, accepting the wine from you with a nod. 
“You can thank me by promising you’re going to eat something more filling than frosting before you down that.” You nodded to the freshly opened bottle in his hand with an eyebrow raised.
Eddie stared back at you, his expression hard as he raised an eyebrow to meet yours. “I’ll be fine.”
Oh. You didn’t like the self-destructive undertones of that response. 
“Didn’t take you for a wine drinker.” you mused. “Let me see that label again?”
Eddie sighed, handing it to you begrudgingly. You recognized the label; it was the only cabernet you’d been able to afford in your early days of being legal drinking age. You’d never gone to college, choosing the starving artist life over classes you didn’t care about and student loans you’d be paying for over a decade. Technically, you still referred to yourself as a starving artist, but at least now you had a decent savings account and could afford a nice bordeaux now and again.
“Man, this stuff takes me back.” Eddle looked at you curiously, so you elaborated. “I used to get these constantly, it was the only wine I could afford to buy in my early twenties.”
“That can’t have been too long ago.” Eddie replied, a bit of a smile dancing on his lips. You smirked, handing him the bottle back. 
“It wasn’t,” you said wryly, “but it wasn’t yesterday either.” 
Eddie chuckled, taking a swig of the wine before immediately twisting his face with wrinkled disgust. “Oh my god,” he half gargled the words, promptly spitting the wine into the dirt beside him. “This tastes like shit!”
You laughed, taking the liberty of grabbing his bottle and taking a gulp for yourself. The taste was familiar, but certainly wasn’t pleasant. You cringed slightly and shook your head. “That would be why it’s so cheap.”
Eddie stared at you, aghast. “And you said you like that?”
“Never said I liked it, just drank a lot of it.” you giggled as the young man shook his head with his tongue hanging out, face scrunched up like a baby whose parents had handed them a lemon slice. You cocked your head, still smiling. “You know, whatever’s bothering you isn’t going to get better after a bottle of shitty wine and some frosting.”
That sobered him up quite a bit. Eddie’s gaze turned cold as he frustratedly grabbed the frosting and resumed shoveling it into his mouth. 
“Yeah, well…” he harrumphed around his heaping bite, “...beats going back in there and cleaning up the biggest disaster in the history of failed dates.” 
Your smile fell, empathy plucking at your heartstrings. “I’m sure it wasn’t as bad as you think it was.” 
So Eddie told you about Chrissy. How he had delusionally hoped he could be boyfriend material. He relayed the events of the evening to you in all their excruciating detail, and the entire time he waited for your face to mimic hers, to display the same sympathetic pinch of her eyebrows that said Oh, you poor, poor boy. How did you not see this coming? How could you have expected any outcome other than this?
But you didn’t. The only thing he saw in your eyes the entire time was understanding. 
“I’ve had my fair share of disastrous failed dates,” you sighed. “Yours is by far not the worst.”
Eddie laughed ruefully. “Oh yeah? What could be worse than a guy who misreads an entire relationship so bad that he fools himself into thinking it was even a relationship in the first place?”
“Oh don’t be like that,” you scolded him, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly. “That’s not even true! From what you told me, you had a relationship with this girl, even if you hadn’t officially defined it. She gave you no indication that she didn’t want a traditional, romantic relationship with you, and it wasn’t wrong in the slightest for you to want that with her. The way tonight went down sucks to say the least, but that doesn’t make it your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong here.” 
Eddie was quiet, and you were keenly aware of the rise and fall of his shoulders as he breathed. When he made no move to speak, you continued.
“For all you know, that was the first time that someone had done something so romantic for this girl. It’s possible she was so overwhelmed at your thoughtfulness that she simply didn’t know how to break it to you that she didn’t feel the same way, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t appreciate what you were trying to do for her-”
“That doesn’t make me feel any better.” he griped. 
“Well it should!” you retorted, voice rising an octave. “You showed that girl that she is worth flowers and Italian food and wine and birthday cake! So many people walk around like they don’t deserve things like that, but in reality we all deserve to know what it’s like to have someone care about us like that.” You huffed out a deep breath; you were working yourself up over this. “Now, at least that girl knows the standard that every guy should have to live up to from now on.”
Eddie’s eyes were trained on you, ignited by the passion with which you spoke about the worthiness of love that everyone apparently had. He wondered if that passion came from a place of experience, or a place of longing for the sorts of romantic gestures that he’d tried to gift to Chrissy.
“Has someone done those kinds of things for you before?”
Now it was your turn to go quiet. You looked down at your lap at the wine bottle in your hands, remembering how many failed dates had left you home alone with this exact bottle on your counter. How many works of art had come from that loneliness, and how many times those works of art had sold for just enough to pay for that week’s meals. At least something useful came from all those lonely nights.
“No,” you whispered, “that’s why this Chrissy girl is so lucky. Even if she didn’t want what you were offering her, she at least knows how it feels to be valued like that. Let’s hope she chooses not to settle for less.” You took a swig of wine as Eddie eyed you curiously. “Lord knows I settled for less a few times, and look where that got me.”
“Drinking shitty wine in a trailer park?” Eddie supplied.
You smirked at him. “Well, I could also be eating frosting with a spoon.”
Smiling wryly, Eddie looked down into the half-eaten container of frosting, then offered it to you spoon and all. You eyed it for a moment, then accepted.
You wrapped your lips around a generous bite of the sugary substance while Eddie took another crack at the wine. He cringed of course, but muscled through, sighing as he stared at your little camper across the road. 
“So does this mean I’m destined to become you? Single and doodling under a rainbow umbrella?”
Eddie’s tone held no malice; nothing but sarcasm and mock dread for his future, but you shoved him with your shoulder nonetheless. 
“Hey, now, don’t be mean.”
“Do you at least have a cat or something?” he leaned into your shoulder, lazing his weight into you like a sleepy child. “I don’t exactly want to be a crazy cat lady, but one or two cats might sweeten the deal if I’m fated to be a trailer park bachelorette.”
“If you don’t stop, we’re gonna have a problem.” You laughed through the words, pushing him off of you and handing him back the frosting container, but not without licking the spoon clean and bopping him on the forehead with it. He may have been a little too focused on your tongue as you cleaned the spoon, but you didn’t notice.
“If you must know, I do have a cat.” you said. “His name is Fibonacci.”
Eddie nodded. “I’ve seen him in your windowsill. He’s gray, right?”
“Yeah, that’s him. I have to open the windows whenever I paint because of the smell, and whenever I do he assumes his favorite spot to soak up the sun and keep watch over his domain.”
That earned you a chuckle. “His domain, huh? He own the whole park?”
“He certainly thinks he does.”
“Well, now I know who to kiss up to in case I’m ever late on rent.”
You glanced at Eddie out the side of your eye, admiring the way the light played on his curls. “Y’know, Fibonacci and I are pretty close.”
“Oh you are, huh?” he quipped. He seemed to know where this was going, and chose to play along.
“Kissing up to me is basically kissing up to him.”
“Is that so?”
You nodded sagely. “It is.”
The two of you were facing each other now, the air between you shifting from neighborly to something more. 
“And how might somebody go about kissing up to you? Hypothetically.” Eddie’s voice was a smidge deeper now, and the timbre felt warm in your ears.
“Coffee.” you replied, “At that little cafe on Kerley. They agreed to hang some of my pieces there.” Shrugging, you feigned nonchalance but eyed Eddie with contact that conveyed anything but. “Hypothetically, if someone took me there for coffee and gushed about my shitty artwork, that would definitely land them in my good graces.” You paused, then added, “And by proxy, Fibonacci’s graces.”
Eddie’s grin was blinding as he beamed. “I guarantee your artwork isn’t shitty.”
“Ah, you’re very good at this gushing thing.”
“I’m just getting started.” Eddie placed the frosting container on the stoop behind him, forgotten. He wasn’t hungry for empty calories anymore. “You free Sunday morning?”
Your smile matched Eddie’s now; you couldn’t fight it if you tried. “Pick me up at 10?”
He winced, jokingly unsure. “That’s pretty early for such a long drive to your place, but for you I’ll brave the journey.”
You giggled, standing to make that very journey back across the road. “Oh, aren’t you sweet.” 
“The sweetest.” 
And he was. Eddie picked you up on Sunday, 10 o’clock like you’d planned, with a bouquet of daisies in hand. You immediately began protesting, thanking him profusely but simultaneously insisting that he really hadn’t needed to go through the trouble-
“You remember what you told me, sweetheart?”
Sweetheart. That was enough to shut you up. 
“You said we all deserve the flowers, the home-cooked meals, the birthday cakes- right?” 
You nodded, clutching the flowers as your face began to hurt from the brilliance of your smile. 
“Well,” Eddie shrugged, “you shouldn’t settle for less.” 
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milksuu · 1 year ago
Do you have any random dad!phel headcanons you'd like to share about how he deals with twins? Because I'm still obsessed 🥲
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hc: dad!phel and his twin boy parenting from mom!reader
tw: mention of death, angst, minor injuries
notes: rcv'd multiple req. for this one, so here you all go! between dad!phel and yandere!phel...I can't pick one atm. im obsessed with both. still working on some dad!phel comic pages. stay tuned for those. <3
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dad!phel made a special request to be a stay-at-home father for the first few years to raise the twins. just until they were of elementary school age. working from home was a huge help, and none of the his band mates minded. and of course, neither did manager auntie alune. considering she wanted what was best for her brother and nephews.
dad!phel made sure to keep them on a consistent schedule as infants, doing everything from feedings to cuddle times. it took him multiple failed attempts to get them in sync, especially when they shared a crib. if one woke up, then sure enough to other did. wailing and crying. double the sleepless nights for him. he made the healthy-dad choice of switching from heart attack inducing energy drinks to zen-out green tea. but even that was becoming an addiction. at some point he did buy a seperate crib for each. and baby monitors helped help him anticipate when one was stirring, so he could intercept one before the cries woke the other.
dad!phel encouraged the twins individuality whenever he could. naturally, they gravitated to each other whatever the situation was. it was no different between him and alune. except he felt he relied too heavily on his sister most of the time, which made social life difficult for him to navigate through without her. to make sure this wouldn't happen to either of them, he never bought matching sets for clothing or toys. allowing them to decide how they preferred to express themselves. of course, he would never turn down a matching gift set from his band mates or alune. usually he saved those pairs for when they were being watched over by the gifting recipient. it saved him from a awkward situation, made the other person happy, and the twins apathetic. a small win.
dad!phel also encouraged them having different sets of skills and hobbies, to even friend groups. again, not easy when they constantly wanted to hold each others hands for dear life, especially in new situations. it wasn't unusual for one to cry when the other was taken to another activity in their primary school years. it always weighed heavily when the instructors mentioned these outbursts between them. thinking perhaps he wasn't being a good or fair father to them. it took many pep talks from alune and the school counselor that this was normal, and he was doing his best as a single father.
dad!phel was never the best at making lunches...or breakfast, or dinner, or anything culinary related. Everything was either undercooked, overcooked, over salted, or just not the right combination of ingredients. it was one of his sore spots as a stay-at-home dad. the twins stopped complaining when he all but lost it when trying to make a ham sandwich without too much mustard. the twins quickly learned to just say 'thanks dad this is great', feed it to the neighborhood stray or flowers growing outside, and sneak into the fridge later. but they always appreciated when their dad writes words of affirmation on their school lunches, like 'keep on shining my awesome stars', and 'love you to the moon and back'.
dad!phel makes sure the twins keep up with their sign language retention and development, making it a rule for them to always use it at home. believing it will help them bolster their prospects in the future. when they're being rather defiant teenagers, he will only respond to them if they sign to him while speaking. otherwise, he pretends he's deaf rather than mute , and just continues on with whatever he's doing. it doesn't take them long to change their tune, especially if their asking for the latest video game about to release.
dad!phel was and still is the master of all pranks. everyday is a potential battle field of trick mines and purposefully placed banana peels. he has house cameras installed for a reason. watching anytime the twins are hiding to blast him with a double-trouble water gun. little do they know, he has a water balloon launcher at the ready. the twins smarten up real quick, find the hidden cameras, then hack into the security system. uploading and rendering a static image of a 'peaceful' household. then it was dad!phel who had to smarten up real quick. especially when their prank on him almost blew up the neighborhood powerline generator. (he rather not go into details)
dad!phel doesn't have any pictures of mom!reader around the house. ever since her passing, it's been too difficult to have any kind of reminder. a pain that he can't seem to get over, no matter how many support group session he takes himself to along with the twins. but he is trying, for the day he can unbury a single photo he has of mom!reader from the depths of his closet. and buried deep in the recesses of his heart.
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"Dad. It's not fair. It's like you just keep her all to yourself," one of the twins stated.
"Sure, you've told us about her, but you've never showed even one picture. So, why's that? Why won't you show her to us?" the other cut in, biting on his words. "Did you even love her?"
Dinner conversation fell to a static silence. It shocked him to his core. He had heard these words before. These whispers. At the funeral. Relatives. Family members. Friends. Conversing in front of him. Behind him. All around him.
[Look at him. He's not even crying.]
[Does he even feel anything? She died giving birth to his children for God's sake.]
[I feel bad for them. Even if they weren't planned. Imagine having to be raised by a father so emotionless as him. Does he even have a heart?]
[Did he even love her?]
His eyes were wide, staring at nothing but a distant memory. Lost to everything. His hands trembled. Reigning them to steady, he placed them on his barely emptied plate. Without a word, he lifted himself along with his plate, sauntering heavily to the sink. Washing, picking, scrubbing. Every spot. Every lie—they were all wrong. He felt everything. So vividly. So painfully. If he surrendered to even a fraction of it, the whole world would break into unmendable pieces. So he couldn't cry. Couldn't feel anything. He had to be strong for her. He had to be strong for them.
"Dad. Stop. You're going to—!" One of the twins rose in their seat, but it was too late. The plate shattered from the destructive pressure, slicing bits and pieces of his hands. He didn't feel a thing. Maybe they were right after all.
The twins rushed to their father's side. One worked on removing the splinters of ceramic digging into his palms, the other pressing wads of paper towels to his gashes and cuts. When the moment settled, the twins sniffed on their tears, hugging him at each side.
"We're sorry dad. Really sorry," one choked, burying their nose into his sleeve.
"We...We didn't mean..." the other hiccuped, dampening his other sleeve. "We just wish we met her. That's all."
In the vacant stare of his eyes, a wetness blurred his vision. For the first time. Since he gathered the two bassinets from the NICU staff. To the moment he stepped into a cold empty home with them. Afraid to even touch them, till they reached out and took hold of his fingers. The tears came pouring, and he felt they would never end. Drowning and suffocating him in such bitter sweet memories.
He gathered his sons in his arm, condensing himself in the comfort of their soft beds of hair. Allowing the tears to stain his face and drip in dollops from his quivering chin.
They had to know. They needed to know. They deserved to know. That he loved their mother more than anything in this world.
And with them, he felt her love every single day.
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baby-alien11 · 2 years ago
Dinner with the Ulrich family (Y/N Ulrich universe)
My requests are open btw (unfortunately for many of you, I won't write smut for Jack for the simple fact that I'm three soon to be four years older than him and I would be uncomfortable writting that for him, there are enough people sexualising him on tik tok which is wrong because he turned eighteen like a few months ago)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @aonungsgirlfriend @ethanlandryluver
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Lately, things have been bussy in Jack's life because of the new fame he gainned for Avatar and Scream VI, making him a little tired because of the interviews and next projects to film, so in a week when he didn't had any compromises he decided to spend a day with you in your house (of course after going to the gym), and Butters was also there
During most part of the day, the two of you spend time in your room watching movies and sleeping, with Butters and baby dragon Jake between you to, the only times when both of you leave the bedroom was to go to the bathroom or to eat when Skeet called you
That was until the middle of "Hamilton", when Skeet openned the door, with the sight of the two of you laying in your bed with Butters sleeping in one of your pillows
"Kids, time to get up", Skeet said turning the lights on, "Dinner's ready"
"Can we go when we reach the final of the first act?", you asked with sweetness, "It's only one song left"
"You can finish it later", Skeet responded, "Come on, the food is going to get cold"
Sighing in defeat, you and Jack got up from your bed to walk downstairs with Butters following close
At first you only were expecting a small dinner between you, your dad, Jack (and Butters), so you were surprised and happy to see two blond heads in the dinning room
"What are you doing here?", you smiled hugging your older siblings
"Dad said he needed help with the two tornados in his house", Naiia joked
"The champ!", Jakob exclaimed hugging Jack
"Hey man", Jack answered with a smile
After setting the table with the plates and drinks for everyone and serving Butters food, the five of you sit at the table to eat the chinese food that the twins had bought
"So, how was everyones day?", Jakob asked
"Surprisingly, chill", Skeet responded causing you and Jack to look at him with offense
"Wait, the two tornados haven't done a dissaster?", Naiia said in shock
"Today they are chill, so I got to talk with my agent about going to the MEGACON with a little Scream reunion", Skeet revealed causing big smiles on everyone
"That's awesome", Jack exclaimed
"Who's going?", you asked
"Neve, Matthew and Jamie", Skeet answered
"The OG's", Jakob joked, "So, I have a question about that, is Stu really dead?"
"Jack", you said turning to look at your boyfriend, "Ethan also had a TV falling into his head, what do you think about Stu's fate?"
"If Ethan is dead after that, also Stu", Jack shrugged
"Yeah, but Ethan was stabbed like a million times, Stu not so much", Naiia replied, "He could be alive, with scars and in a mental facility"
"Just like in the Tik Tok theories", you exclaimed
"What if we call uncle Matthew and ask him?", Skeet interrupted taking out his phone
Putting the phone on speaker, it was only a few seconds of the ringtone when he answered
"What's up Skeet?", Matthew greeted from the other side
"Hey man", Skeet greeted, "My kids want to ask you something"
"Hi, uncle Matthew", you speak due to being the "baby" of the family, "We were having a debate about the first Scream, is Stu alive?"
Instead of an answer, the only thing that was heard after the question was the sound of the call ending
"He hang up on us", Naiia pointed
"So rude", Jakob commented, "Anyways, Jack, how's everything?"
"Crazy", Jack admited with honesty, "That's the word to describe everything that is happening"
"Including the Ethan defenders?", you joked feeling how Butters jumped into your lap, "He was at econ, I know, trust me"
"That is actually fun", Jack laughed
"Believe me kid, you are going to have a lot of that", Skeet joked
"Yeah, it's not cool to see thirst traps of Billy Loomis in my for you page", Naiia murmured
"Oh my god, I thought I was the only one", you sighed
"What?", Skeet exclaimed in confusion
"It's for the scream tag", Jakob explained
"There a lot of videos dedicated to every character", Jack continued, "Including the theories, rankings and so much more"
"Welcome to Gen-Z, dad", Naiia joked
While the four of you laughed at that comment, Skeet only smiled at the sight of his four kids (including Jack) having fun
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actuallysaiyan · 2 years ago
Birthday Bash(Vegeta x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: Vegeta being a sweetie, mentions/allusions to fellatio/male receiving oral sex a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @witchofcustom!! I HOPE YOU HAVE THE MOST MAGICAL DAY AND I LOVE YOU!!!
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If Vegeta was being honest, he had no idea where to start. He was going to pretty much ignore it until Bulma had been the one to bring it up. Blasted Bulma, always meddling in his relationship. But Bulma cares so much about you and she wants you to have the best birthday. So it’s with lots of patience and love and care for you, Bulma helps Vegeta set up something for you.
They are at the store, and Vegeta is grumpy as ever. Bulma drags him down all the aisles, looking for the perfect decorations and party favors for you. This is exactly her sort of thing, so Vegeta allows her to use her expertise. But he would be lying if he said he didn’t pitch in a few ideas and pick out the right things to get you. He knows you so well by this point, so if Bulma were to pick the wrong colors, he is so quick to snap at her and tell her which ones are your favorites.
Once all the supplies are bought and everything is ready for your big day, Bulma and Vegeta do what they can to devise a plan to get you out of the house so they can set up. Vegeta will be spending the whole day with you, letting you go shopping and eat all kinds of foods you like. Despite the fact that he’d much rather be training, the one thing on his mind right now is just how happy you’ll be to be surprised by all your loved ones on your very special day.
The day finally comes and Bulma is bustling around Capsule Corps to make sure everything is perfect. With the help of Chi Chi and Yamcha, they are getting the place decorated and set up. Vegeta has the task of keeping you distracted and busy all day. In the morning, when you wake up, he’s already got you up and going to the mall. It seems only just a little out of character for him, but you’re so grateful for spending time with your prince.
“What about this dress?” you ask, smirking at the price tag. You’re being cheeky now, but you know he’d buy you anything if you were to want it.
“Tch, what do I care?” He snaps, but there’s a playful smirk on his face too.
You drag him into the store, looking at all the cute clothes and accessories. It’s so awesome to spend time with Vegeta like this. He’s being a little bit bratty, but it’s all in good nature. After some time in the store, you leave with a few bags under your arms. Vegeta follows you towards the next store, a happy look on his usually stoic face.
And this goes on for a few hours until he is starting to herd you out of the mall. There was something suspicious about the way he seems to be rushing you, but you wonder if maybe it’s because he has a special dinner planned for you. So you go with Vegeta, who flies you home and tells you to get dressed in the prettiest outfit you bought today. You smile at the way your Saiyan husband was displaying patience that was often not seen within his character. 
After getting ready, this is when Vegeta decides to put the blindfold on you.
“Relax,” he whispers in your ear, pressing his muscular body against you, “I’ve got another surprise. Just trust me.”
And with that, you let him whisk you up into his arms and he begins flying out into the night. Finally, you arrive somewhere, but you’re not sure where this is. The blindfold is very good at keeping you in the dark, figuratively and literally. Vegeta holds your hand as he leads you into a building. A few more steps, and then he’s ripping off your blindfold and…
“SURPRISE!” Everyone in the room yells.
Bulma is approaching you with a little cupcake with a candle lit. Everyone is singing ‘Happy Birthday’ and you can see all your friends in this room. You can’t help but tear up at the thought of everyone showing up and planning this for you. You turn to Vegeta who has his arm crossed, but he’s smirking at you. 
“Wow, no wonder Vegeta took me shopping today! I’m so surprised you all had this planned out!” You tell Bulma after blowing out the candle on the gourmet cupcake.
Bulma laughs, “We couldn’t have done it without him.”
You mingle for a bit while opening gifts and eating lots of tasty foods that are your favorites. While everyone spends a little time with you, you sort of find yourself longing for just a little alone time with your prince. After all, he helped plan this little surprise and you know that no good deed goes unpunished.
Eventually, you find him and while everyone is distracted, you pull him into a private room. His cheeks turn bright red as you kneel in front of him and begin unbuckling his belt. He’s got his strong hands on your wrists trying to stop you.
“Just what are you doing?!” he asks, his voice filled with bewilderment.
You giggle, “Thanking my sweet prince for planning this.”
He scoffs, “It was mostly Bulma’s doing…”
You pout, looking up at him with wide eyes. He lets go of your wrists and you begin to pull down his pants and his boxers.
“You’re not going to deny the birthday girl her wish, are you?”
No, he really wasn’t about to deny you this wish.
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greenday-bingus · 8 months ago
[𝒜𝓇𝓂𝓎 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝑒𝓇𝓈] (JJK x Blood User!Reader)
𝟏.𝟖𝐤 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬
CH. 1 CH.2 CH.3
𝙳𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚜𝚞𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛?!
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♥ [Chapter 2] I know what I saw ♥
One of your close friends had invited you to dinner since it was her birthday, so of course you didn’t want to miss out on it. It was a small restaurant she had picked, it wasn’t really known so there was absolutely nobody in the restaurant except for you and your friends. The birthday girl took a 0.5 photo of you as you were distracted eating your meal. 
“Hey you can’t just take photos of me when I’m eating!” You swat your hands at her as she laughs. “You look like a chipmunk though! You’re so silly!” Your face turned red in embarrassment, while your other friends giggled lightheartedly and returned to gossiping. You sighed as they finally stopped teasing as your attention shifted to your vibrating phone.. 
“Oh my goodness I’m scared to even open my phone. But maybe it’s my notification from my cool tweet I just posted.”
You opened your phone to see Gojo has sent a photo, of what you may ask? Megumi with blood covering his face. “Oh god!,” you accidently peeped out which made your friends turn their heads at you. They all ‘ooo’ed and scooted closer to you just to see what you were looking at your phone. The friend on your right gasped, “is that your boyfriend?! He looks like he's been fighting!” You covered your friend’s eyes and blushed, “it’s nothing it just, a guy… A guy from Tumblr! That’s all, I don’t even know him!” 
They could tell that it wasn’t true but decided not to push, except for the girl on your right side. “He looks exactly your type! He’s so pretty, and has long lashes!” 
“You’re just spitting nonsense, listen we’re just friends,” you rolled your eyes and decided to text Gojo back, something along the lines of, “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!”
As much as your text was stressed, you showed no signs on your face. “Miki (birthday girl), are you ready for the cake?” One of the girls on her left side asked. Miki’s eyes looked like they were going to water, “you guys got me a cake too?! God has really blessed me with awesome friends!” You laughed a bit seeing her too excited for cake, but it made sense as to why she was filled with joy. Her parents have never bought her a cake before, so this was truly special to her, it made you feel warm inside seeing her smile. A genuine smile. 
You walked Miki to her car, and waved, but she quickly stopped you, “are you sure you don’t want me to drive you home?” Her voice was filled with genuine concern. “Yes, I’m sure! The drive is way out the way! It would take too much gas for your small, small car! I’ll be fine, trust me, nothing is going to kill me!”
“Unless it’s a special grade curse, then there’s no way I’m winning that fight.”
She sighed and then waved you off, in which you waved and watched her leave. “Anyways, time to head back home!” You skipped away into the abyss until you got a phone call.
You slowly reach for your phone, only to find out it was just a spam call. “I’m not falling for your tricks, scammers! I’m way too smart for this!” You quickly declined the phone call, and went your merry way onto the subway. Normally subways at this time were almost empty, which didn’t bother you, who would want to be pushed up against other people.
Surely not the guy who’s also on the subway, probably. When you stepped into the train station you saw a very peculiar man, blue hair, stitches, a lot of them, along with two different eye colors. You thought it was best to ignore him, he had curse energy, there was nothing normal about him. 
You had your cursed energy turned hidden since it wouldn’t be good if you were to attract curses like the guy in front of you. You grabbed your phone out to start to play flappy bird as one does, maybe afterwards you played some crossy road, because who doesn’t play crossy road. You need to keep your mind distracted from staring at the guy, but he just looks so weird.
“I can feel him staring, maybe if i sit really still he won’t notice me, it works with bees all the time!”
‘briiing briiiing’
Hearing the sound of your phone made you jump up a bit, you almost had a heart attack from the loud ringing. The caller id was from Gojo, it’s almost like he knows when to call you at the worst times.
“Should I pick up, it would be weird if I didn’t, but I’ll look like how I care about the ringing, in front of nobody, supposedly…”
“Hello?” you cautiously answered.
“You should’ve been here! Some crazy things had just happened, you know the fingers? You know the fingers, but anyways some kid ate them! Oh and then Megumi got his shit absolutely rocked!”
“That's so great! I’m so glad your book meeting is going great, mother. Though I know you’re oh so busy, how about I talk to you later when I get home? Okay byeeee!” You quickly hung up on Gojo trying to keep a calm composure. The man in front of you is looking at you like a rotisserie chicken, it’s making you uncomfortable. 
“Doesn’t this man have anything else better to do?”
You were quickly pulled out of your thoughts as soon as the train had abruptly stopped, then the lights started to flicker quickly. Your heart started to beat faster, “I’ve faced scarier things than a couple of flashing lights, I should be fine.”
Suddenly the lights were back and the train started to move again, however the blue haired guy was gone. Vanished. Absent. Maybe he disintegrated, you could care less. Maybe you should care. People don’t disappear randomly on trains, “actually where the hell could he have gone?”  
You looked to the left then quickly to the right, you covered your mouth realizing he really was nowhere to be seen. That was definitely a curse, if it took the appearance of an actual man then it had to be dangerous. Probably. You gripped onto your hand bag, your stomach started to feel uneasy. But you made sure not to crush the cake you brought for Megumi and Gojo. 
You almost collapse at the entrance of your dorm, you swore to yourself to never run up those stairs again. You set the cake down on the floor as you drop onto your bed. The fluffy blanket you owned quickly engulfed you. As much as you wanted to sleep, you had to get ready for the night and give the leftover cake to your pals. You let out a groan and picked yourself up from the bed, you headed for your door as you grabbed the cake, then left.
You shut your door, you’re met with Megumi. “I was about to give you some cake!” Megumi’s eyebrow arched as he sighed, “I don’t really like sweet things…” You gasped and covered your mouth, “oh my god! I forgot, how’s your head doing? Gojo sent some photos of you and it looked like you were fighting for your life!” Your hand started to reach for his wrapped forehead, but he quickly caught your hand. “I’m fine, it’s just a small injury. Jesus, you’re acting like I got hit by a car or something!” Megumi rolled his eyes as his eyebrows knit together. 
“What happened? Actually, where's Gojo? Normally he’s yapping about missions, especially when you’re involved!” 
“Well, I was sent out to look for the missing Sukuna finger, only to be in the hands of some occult club. Oh! There was also this crazy strong kid, he ate the finger-”
Megumi slapped his hands over your mouth, “shush! Yes he did, he’s basically now a vessel for Sukuna.” Your eyes could almost pop from your skull just from hearing this information. “I don't know what's going to happen with the kid, but I’m hoping for the best for now. But you have to keep this a secret until Gojo or the higher-ups decide what they’re going to do with him,” Megumi added. He removed his hands from your mouth so you speak, “isn’t that stuff super rare?!” 
Megumi nodded, “yeah, but I’m not surprised he’s the vessel. Without any curse energy he’s pretty skilled with combat. Anyway, Shoko said I should be laying down, so goodnight.” With that being said Megumi turned on his heels and went to his dorm. Knowing this information you were sure that the higher-ups have this all handled, nothing could go wrong. Sukuna? Pshh, what could a more than 1000 years old curse could do? 
Maki and you have been sent to check out an abandoned hospital, the place had been said that a long time ago all the patients were treated awful, which led to the abandonment. Gojo had said something about the curses being either grade 1 or 2, neither you or Maki could remember, which was the reason you were shaking uncontrollably. When Maki looked back at your shaking figure she scoffed, “why are you shaking? We’re going to be fine, especially since I don’t have any curse energy, and you can hide yours. We have a good advantage, we can see the curse, and it can’t find us.” Her words of wisdom made you feel better, you clutched your Axe closer to your body praying you’ll make it out alive.
“You’re right! We can do this!” you confidently smiled only for Maki to pull you to the side and point in a direction. “There it is,” she whispered, she got her spear ready to lounge at it, however she was quickly stopped when you put your arms in front of her. “I got this,” you quickly threw your blood spear at the curse. “Stay behind me!” you yelled out to Maki as you started to run towards the curse. 
The curse let out an ear bleeding screech once your blood spear had hit it. This was going to be your first time to show someone your really cool technique, nothing could go wrong, you’ve been practicing this technique to its perfection.
You moved quickly and dodged every attack the curse threw at you, once you were close to the curse you touched the wound so you could spread the blood through your hands. 
“Curse technique: Spider web!”
Your puppeteer-like blood strings went to move the curse’s body, only your fingers to fall off.
“I thought you had it all under control!” Maki yelled at you. 
When you tried to use your ultimate weapon, the blood strings had cut off your fingers. “I did! I swear! I didn’t think that my own technique would cut my fucking fingers off!” The two of you were in Shoko’s office as she used her curse technique to put your fingers back. “Well, I guess it’s better to learn now. I guess I can only control curses and people weaker than me, or something.”
Maki hits you on the head, “next time, just let me handle it.”
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 1 year ago
Weekly Tag Wednesday
I was tagged by @mybrainismelted @energievie and @lingy910y, hi guys!
Name: Gigi
Age: 24
Location: Brooklyn, NY
And now...
Latest music discovery: I've been listening to a lot of 70's african rock lately and really loving it with the good weather
Latest movie: Nothing new, but I'm most excited to see Monkey Man, bc ive thought Dev Patel was awesome since he played prince zuko, the only redeeming part of an otherwise irredeemable movie
Last TV show you finished: Atlanta, it was so fucking good
Most recently started book: Braiding sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Most recent trip out of town: omg, i guess it was christmas when i went home. definently thinking about hiking trips upstate and beach days on the coast since the weathers getting nice
Most recent trip out of the country: Korea, precovid yikes. im planning my first trip to europe this year, im going to ireland! but haven't been fucked to plan it yet
Most recent gift you made yourself: i got myself a bunch of candles recently, Im trying to get enough to light my apartment by candles alone
Most recent gift you made to someone else: i had a bunch of overripe bananas so i dropped off banana bread for my gf and her roommates
Most recent text message you received: my group chat trying to figure out what to do this weekend, which has me thinking about what clubs i frequent that Mickey would like, i think theres one he would tolerate and two he might actually like
Most recent text message you sent: texting my nail tech for an appointment lol
Last fic you read: The Southside forever series highly recommend
Last drink you had: coffee
Last thing you ate: yogurt and eggs on toast this morning and ill be sitting down for dinner soon
Latest piece of clothing you bought: I got a couple blouses and sundresses recently, but ive been trying not to do any shopping until i clean out my closet
Latest piece of advice you received: my doctor telling me how to boost my immune system since ive gotten sick like 4 times this year
Latest piece of advice you gave: I gave someone directions on the street today, so that probably counts
Latest thing you promised yourself: that im not getting fucking sick again!!! Im going to be super discipline and stay healthy
tagging: @gallawitchxx @stocious @iansw0rld @jrooc @em-harlsnow@spookygingerr @mickeym4ndy @mickeysgaymom @deathclassic @metalheadmickey @atthedugouts @transmurderbug
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danikamariewrites · 2 years ago
believe me when i say that your blog is AWESOME, AMAZING, im in love with your writing, i think it's the most beautiful thing in the world and i want to say thank you for sharing your talent with us. if i could marry one of your fanfics, i would do it without hesitation. 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 .now that i said my thoughts about your amazing blog, i have a request... MODERN rowaelin x reader.
🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ (fancy clothes, expensive phones, cars...) i would LOVE to see a fanfic of them in the modern world with reader🧎🏻‍♀️😫 .
no pressure, take your time, stay safe, eat healthy, sleep well, and drink water 🫂💜
Modern!Rowaelin x reader headcanon
A/n: thank you! That’s so nice of you to say and I’m so happy you like my writing (trying to make it my career if Hollywood can get its shit together lol). I love this concept, it’s amazing and I had to write it bc Aelin would thrive as modern day princess/queen.
Sending you love bestie ❤️
Warnings: none
Modern!Rowaelin would be a fucking power couple (and with you a power trio)
Let’s say for this hc that Aelin and Rowan are just a rich couple that come from old money. I’m talking old New England money but they give it a new look bc Aelin likes new stuff, Rowan is like the antique collector in the relationship
When you met they were shopping for art at the gallery you worked at
You had just graduated college a year or so ago and this was your entry level job in the art world. You were actually very familiar with the pieces the gallery sold and you have an insane memory for art history
Aelin and Rowan came in to buy a few pieces for their new apartment in the city so you showed them a few pieces since the owner was busy
The three of you hit it off and they offered to take you out to dinner once you finished with work
You met them at the five-star restaurant that was in their building and that’s when they asked you out. “We knew once we met you we had a connection. If you don’t feel the same way please feel free to reject us and we can pretend this never happened.” Aelin said
But you had felt an instant connection with them too. You felt safe and at home around them. You knew you needed to be with them
After that night you moved in with them and they talked you into quitting your job and working for their clients as an art collector
It was like a dream come true
Aelin and Rowan spoiled you with love, attention, and gifts
You weren’t always a material person, you grew up getting things you asked for that were within your family’s budget but this was a whole other level
After a year of being with them they gave you a credit card, “unlimited spending baby. Anything you want it’s your.” Rowan said kissing you on the cheek
Shopping sprees with Aelin were the best! Those were your bonding trips and when you truly got to know each other. You talked about everything while wandering the aisles of high end department stores, trying on shoes and clothes
Lingerie shopping was the most fun since you would pick out pieces that would drive him crazy (and each other)
There may have been a time or two where you both couldn’t keep your hands to yourself in the changing room
With Rowan your bonding time was going on walks or runs or him teaching you how to work out at the gym
When you were out in nature with him that’s when you saw him most relaxed (besides at home)
Your yearly summer vacation is always to Cape Cod
Both their families have beach houses there but they wanted their own in a different area, so they bought one just before they met you
The house is huge and you obviously use it more than once a year but you always had those set 2 weeks in July that you would go
No work. No distractions. Just the 3 of you, the beach, and fun times
You and Aelin of course demand the best lobster rolls which Rowan gets for you
Ice cream every night after dinner
And they buy you all the souvenirs you want
Two days before you were set to leave, you and Rowan were packing. You folded he put away (he’d never admit it but he’s awful at folding clothes but he tries)
Aelin came running into the bedroom with a shit eating grin on her face that told you two she wanted something, “Row, y/n/n.” “Yes Aelin.” You responded in unison
“I just realized we need something for the Cape house that we don’t have.” Rowan rolled his eyes, “And what would that be, Fireheart?”
“We don’t have a Jeep!” You and Rowan shared a look. “Ok A, so what do you suggest?” Aelin clapped her hands together in excitement “We’re going to get one obviously.” “Right now!?” “Yes Rowan. Come on you’re driving.”
She rushed back out of the room and you followed her as Rowan let out an exasperated sigh, tilting his head back
45 minutes later you were all sitting in the Jeep dealership
Not only did you leave with a Jeep wrangler, but she also managed to find a beautiful jet black convertible Audi
Aelin insisted you bring both to Cape Cod and of course Rowan gave in to her
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