#and he actually has nothing to worry about she thinks hes the coolest anyway <3
ikiprian · 6 months
kip wip of ur choice? :3🤲
DAISY DAISY I LOVE YOU IM SORRY I FORGOT TO ANSWER!!! i forgot. that inbox is a thing i need to check. have longish oc brainrot, salem & angel, big cousin & baby cousin beloveds <3
Angel knows Salem better than he would probably like. In the cracks of his kind-compassionate-confident facade lies something neglected, dust swirling through the open air, stirring wildly with the heave of his lungs. He crumbles and rots, desperately splashes fresh paint over the decay, and it says something about their family that she knows the whys of it better through news articles than first person accounts.
Angel’s a good cousin, though. Her role is easy: she’ll lean in close, mirror his fear, let him comfort her like she’s much younger than she is so he may draw his own safety from the action.
Here, with his face tucked into her hair, she doesn’t even have to exaggerate her expression. She curls herself small and does her best to fit into the hollow space beneath his ribcage.
She wonders if Sam used to fit here, so perfectly, or if he’d chafed within Salem’s frantic hold. She doesn’t remember a lot— a cheeky smile, a hand-me-down toy chest, the punchline of a joke— but she knows they used to fight. Salem would never let family do stupid shit alone, and Sam had been desperate to establish himself as an individual, to split the set.
(This deduction had been extrapolated from stories stolen across the hall, nights when the grownups cracked open their beers and let themselves laugh and grieve. Angel often wonders why she’s not invited. Hadn’t Sam been her family, too? Hadn’t Tito James and Tita Teres?)
(Maybe this is why Salem moved out. He can’t stand their silence, either.)
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Salem hums, haltingly. “I’m here. It’s okay.”
Angel sniffs and pushes herself against him again, slides a hand around his back as if to cling. With practiced hands she shores up damaged frames.
There’s more, she sees, to unpack. She’s read all the articles he’s ever texted her. Probably, she could pass a college-level abnormal psych exam without even studying. But he’s not her client, and she’s not trying to be his therapist. What she is is his beloved cousin, and what he is is falling apart. She’ll hold up what she can, whenever he’ll allow it, and in return he’ll spoil and impress her with his gifts and time and advice. They’ll pretend this is a one-way street, this giving, and leave it at that.
“I’m here, I’m here,” he repeats, barely a murmur. He holds her tight, and every time his grip loosens, it trembles. She notices that he doesn’t let it loose often.
You’re here, Angel thinks back. Maybe she’ll develop her own superpowers. Contact-based telepathy. The only way to get it through his thick skull.
She thinks it as hard and she can while he leans on her.
You’re here. It’s okay.
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luffyvace · 8 months
Hello again brook! I am the one who asked for the luffy x heroic reader! Thanks for it I liked it a lot! I wanna ask for another headcanons now, a Platonic garp x young fem reader that really look up to him and that work really really hard to achieve her dream to become an admiral and work to change how the marine work (being okay with slavery, allowing some pirates to hurt ppl and do whatever they want while chasing some for doing nothing...) And she manage to become one of the strongest and the barevest marines in such a short time
yay I’m so happy you were satisfied!!! ❤️‍🩹
AWWW your concepts are the cutest!!! I think garp with young apprentice who admires him a lot is absolutely adorable!!
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Idk whether to make this old or young garp really so you choose :P
ENJOY!! You have such good ideas~
You look up to garp so much!!
he’s the hero of the marines who doesn’t?!
you’ve admired him for a long time now and he motivates you even more to achieve your goal!
as soon as you get as good as him, you’ll put an end to all the corrupt things the marines let slide!!
your gonna be a hero in your own way!! 🦸‍♀️
and make things right in the way the government does things!!
to make this true justice!!!
you’ve read all about garp’s past a million times
to the point where you could probably tell it backwards and upside down without reading it 😅
you subconsciously ramble and talk about him a lot
not in a creepy way
in a cute puppy like way where you just like to talk about the one you admire!
you always think “what would garp do?!” in tough situations!
and it works too
he’s the type that comes up with simple yet effective plans that mostly involve brute force
but hey I mean sometimes that works 🤷‍♀️
Garp honestly doesn’t mind one bit that you look up to him so heavily
he wouldn’t care so much if you weren’t his apprentice but you are
And while he doesn’t mind, he does want you to carve your own path, not or just limit yourself to his if you can surpass him
he stooped to one knee, put a hand on your shoulder and told you that one day as you were training
you’ve gotta admit it was the coolest day of your life and you’ll never forget it
you’ve engraved into your mind and make sure never to obsess over becoming like him, but strive to be as good as him
you couldn’t stop thinking about that moment for a solid week
garp could tell because you kept spacing out way more often than usual 😂💗
Ngl you kinda view garp as like a uncle or second father maybe, or even your grandfather (but of course you don’t dismiss that your not actually family)
garp’s training is honestly- REALLY INTENSE 😃
like he does you how he does koby, helmeppo and younger luffy
but WORSE 😆
why? Because he has high expectations for you <3
and while he might come off as too harsh at first, as you soon as you found that out you stop complaining 😂
It’s honestly a good thing your a natural hard worker cuz garp was gonna make you one anyway 😂🤷‍♀️
now he doesn’t have to worry about you slacking or being lazy
but he does warn you about overworking and that rest is just as important as working, as odd as it may seem
your dream to become an admiral seems totally in reach for you to him
your like the perfect specimen to do so in his eyes
You have a moral sense of justice, your strong and hard working
you’d be an ideal admiral!
and the first female one at that!
he honestly hopes you do become an admiral
its time for a change of pace as far as the governmental rules anyway
you’d bring that about perfectly
and give regular people a hope that there is good in the marines, specifically uncorrupted ones they could trust
And you’d teach a good lesson to those darned pirates too!
-according to garp
He’s given you all the training and has set you up to become a successful admiral—just like you wanted!
Now you’d better become one and achieve your dream! Or he’s gonna beat you!
(Fist of love 🤜💥)
literally 😋
he cares so much about you, he doesn’t want you to fail!
so he’ll force you to not to 😊
one way or the other :P
and besides, your practically his successor!!
he ain’t getting any younger (not that you like when he says that) so your gonna have to take over a lot of responsibility from his shoulders when he leaves!! >:(…. (❤️‍🩹)
And if he leaves this earth and you embarrass him by being weak he’s gonna come BACK down here and teach you a lesson!
”YES SIR.” (`_´)ゞ
He’s also straight forward about warning you of the dangers that comes with this job
number one is strong pirates and two is breaking the rules!
don’t be afraid to break the rules because you’ll loose your job, but because HE’S gonna get you >:/
That aside there’s also the grand line in general but the marines have the advantage of special travel routes and technology
So to put it short as long as you ain’t doing nothin you ain’t got no business you’ll be fine :)
the whole slavery thing is beyond garp
Not in the sense that he doesn’t know about it
but that he just can’t believe others are doing that??
like what’s the purpose
if you were gonna do illegal things anyway might as well become a pirate so he can beat you for it
but because they’re in a position of power too it makes it harder
you have to gather solid evidence and go to court and blah blah blah……*tunes out*
(bro just wants to eat his crackers)
but not to worry for the slaves!
you’ve got a plan!
what it is? don’t ask, garp wasn’t listening 🧍‍♀️
but just know you’ll be saved soon! 👋
He understands your want to save others in general
now idk what garp’s drive is
but even though your goals may be different
he totally sees where your coming from
but take some advice from a guy who gets called a hero all the time—don’t get ahead of yourself.
(he knows you won’t he just wants to make sure he tells you in case you do, then he can say he warned you)
lots of people loose they’re way on they’re path to power
but your so headstrong he knows you won’t
as far as the whole thing were some of the marines attack pirates who have barely just started calling themselves so but won’t take down the ones causing REAL chaos
is real phony and bogus to him
and to you too
(it low key makes you giddy when you and garp have the same opinions because you admire him so much 😂💖)
but yeah he personally beats any pirates he comes across, big or small
but he will prioritize the bigger ones
he’s a big shot himself, so he ain’t scared 😎
his missions is never to chase around roaches anyway
he only gets the real deal 💪
garp was so proud when you became one of the strongest and bravest marines
he had no doubt in his mind you could do it
But so soon? He’s impressed!
”guess you worked harder than I thought you did, sport.”
that was your first ever sense of praise from him and from that very second on you never forgot
you think about it every night before bed and during every battle
You let it drive you and push you further towards your goal
which is also when you may have realized his soft spot for you
At first he never really displayed it, but ever since then you knew it was already always there <3
you felt so honored and grateful in that moment
he treats you to some crackers to celebrate 🍻
koby and helmeppo love to train with you!!
they think your so strong
and that it’s cool that your basically garp’s successor
they definitely believe in you, especially since all the times you beat them in training
In fact, they look up to you
btw you, garp and Sengoku are also like a silly little family 💗
your family bond between you, garp, Sengoku, Koby and Helmeppo is adorable, goofy and inseparable all at the same time
he’s proud, you’ll never hear him say it, but he doesn’t have to. ❤️‍🩹🤝
This is my first time writing for garp and it was my pleasure! This was so heartwarming and I’m honored to have done the job <3
I hope you enjoyed these hcs as well dearest anon!
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andilovetowrite · 3 years
Initial Shyness(P.P x Reader)
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Confessions are cute, right? Especially when you have been waiting for years to say it out loud. But what happens when the initial shyness wears off? And we all know Peter isn’t as innocent as he seems ;)
Warnings: Nothing but some unending fluff. Lots of Peter rambling and awkward kisses :)
Based on a request, you can find it here!
Here is my Masterlist in case you want to find more of my work :)
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“C’mon, you can do it!” hissed MJ from beside you. She pushed you toward’s Peter’s door, making you stumble. Still, you tried to hold back against MJ, who you realized, was freakishly strong.
“I can’t! Nope. No way.” You shook your head, crossing your arms. MJ sighed, probably too tired for your crap.
“Oh come on Y/N! I cannot hear another word about Peter again.”, she said, looking too serious.
“Not one more word”
“So what you are going to do is go into his room, go up to him, confess your feeling, and then kiss him.” She looked at you expectantly. “Am I clear?”
“Uh- just one component you are missing out on….I don’t have the balls to tell Peter I like him!”
MJ rolled her eyes, coming to stand next to you. “Yes, you don’t. And that’s why, I am really really sorry for what I am going to do next.” You didn’t even have time to figure out what she meant before you were pushed into Peter’s room harshly by Ned and MJ. As soon as most of you was inside, they shut the door behind you and you heard the door lock behind you.
“Oh COME ON!”, you said, trying to open the door.
“You know what to do!”, MJ said back, her voice muffled. You sighed, turning around to see Peter looking at you, a slight smile on his face. Oh, and what an amazing smile he had. His eyes crinkled, and small dimples showed up on his face. His pearly whites showed through his pink lips that you have dreame-
“Hey Y/N...what’s up?” Peter asked, snapping you out of your Peter-sized daydream.
“Huh-uh, so um- MJ just wanted some-uh alone time with- with uh Ned. Yeah”, you said, trying to think of anything other than the fact that you had a gigantic crush on your best friend.
Peter’s eyebrows scrunched up, confused. “Why would she want to talk to Ned?”
“Uh-um wanting to know something about uh-English…”
“Okay”, Peter said, drawing out the word. You could see he didn’t believe you so you did the most logical thing. A logical course of action that anybody in your situation would do. Lie.
“Well, she actually wanted me to show you something, um-on the roof”, you said, biting your lip, trying to figure out what to do once you got on the roof.
“Alright, let’s go!”, Peter said quickly, holding his hand out to you. You grabbed it, feeling the warmth seep into your body and make it’s way up to your cheeks. You held on, knowing that this would be the last time if Peter didn’t reciprocate your feelings.
Jumping out the window, you let out a small yelp as Peter grabbed your waist, holding onto you tight as he pulled you two to the rooftop. Landing onto the ground, you held on for dear life, looking at Peter.
“Give me a warning next time! I thought you were going to chuck me out the window…”
“Oh please, then who would I have to annoy all the time?”, he asked teasingly. You let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding in.
“Well, you would lose your best friend…”
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t see the way Peter’s face contorted into a grimace as he looked down.
“Yeah, but not only my best friend but the coolest person in Queens!” You cracked a smile, a red tint making its way up to your neck as you heard him speak. “I mean, you are so damn smart and pretty...Not to mention, so badass. I mean, I saw how you elbowed Flash in the-”
“Okay, let’s not relive it” You interjected. Peter smiled at that, walking both of you over to the other side of the roof. “Where are we going?”, you asked, confused.
“Uh, so I just wanted to-uh. Just come and see this”, Peter said, scratching his head slightly. Not knowing what to do, you just followed him, hoping you would see what he was talking about. And you weren’t expecting this.
A plush rose blanket spread out across half of the roof, with rose petals thrown here and there. In the middle of it was a small picnic box, with food sticking out of it. You could see some books stacked in the corner and a couple pillows as well. The light reflected off the buildings around you, giving the entire space an orangish-pinkish glow. You were so engrossed in the spread, you didn’t even notice Peter shakily taking out a small bouquet of roses from behind him.
“Peter, wha-what is this?”, you asked, shocked.
Bringing out the roses, he held it out to you, a blush the same color as the flowers making it’s way up to both of your cheeks. “I-um, heard what you and uh MJ were talking about a-a couple um days ago. So-I uh decided to ask Mr Stark to help me out with thi-”
“Wait a second. Tony Stark helped you out with this?!”, you asked, shocked at why your dad would help Peter out with this small thing. I mean, it-he shouldn’t care so much about Peter’s best friend, right?
“Yeah-uh, so I um set this out for you, and asked MJ to help me get you in my roo-”
“MJ has been in on this?”, you asked, suddenly remembering how she and Peter had been talking discreetly a few days ago.
Peter just nodded, looking down as a dopey smile made it’s way to his face. You cleared your throat, trying to figure out what was happening. You weren’t dumb, but you didn’t want to jump to conclusions to quickly.
“Why-why would yo-is this-uh”, you tried to speak, with little success. You could feel you face heat up in embarrassment, so you just stared at the flowers in Peter’s hands.
“I-uh really, um like you Y/N. Like more than a-a friend. And much more than a best friend. I know yo-you may not like me back, but I couldn’t keep it in any longe-”
You know it’s rude to interrupt someone when they are speaking. But you couldn’t hear anyother word come out of his mouth, because otherwise you would’ve melted. So you did the next best thing. You kissed him. Hard.
His words got caught in his throat as his lips met yours. And for a second you were worried you went too far, pulling back. But as soon as he felt you doing that, his hands went to your hair, pulling you flush against him, kissing you back with fevour.
You wish you could’ve stopped time. Right there. During a beautiful sunset, on the roof surrounded by rose petals, and with Peter in your arms. And in your mouth. But sadly, you needed air to breathe, so you pulled away, probably looking like a fish straight out of the water. Opening your eyes, you could see Peter’s face. His pupils were dilated and his entire face was a pink hue. His lips were plump and red, but pulled up in a lovesick smile.
You knew you had the exact same expression on your face. Smiling softly, you looked at Peter, and at the same time, you both said.
“I really like you”
“I really like you”
Giggling, you hesitantly took the crushed flowers from Peter, breathing them in.
“They got squashed”, Peter said, running his hands over the petals.
You shrugged, not caring. “Well, it wasn’t only your fault. I think it was a two-person thing..”, you said cheekily, smirking at Peter.
He laughed, throwing his arms over you and pulling you in for a hug. You breathed in his signature scent and melted against him, your heart full. It would’ve been perfect if not for the eruption of clapping and whistles from behind you.
“GOOD JOB PETE!”, MJ yelled, running to the both of you, Ned and May close behind. Crashing into you, you laughed as she looked at Peter. “Better take care of her, got it?”
Peter nodded, kissing my cheek. And just as he did that, a flash went off fro next to you. “Nice job Underoos. Watch the lips though. Don’t get too close to my daughter.” Tony’s voice went through the air, making you jump.
“Dad?!”, you said, shocked.
“Mr Stark?!”
“Yes yes, I was spying on you. But at least I’m not like Nat and Thor. They have been circling the building for the last 15 minutes.”
Tony said, shrugging as he pointed to the sky, where you could see the two of them waving at you.
“Oh god”, you groaned, throwing your head back. Peter looked at you, white as a ghost, before giving a scared nod at your dad.
“Yes sir, I’ll be very-um-uh good to Y/N. I mea-she is uh so pretty-wait that’s not-uh and smart- but that’s not-,” he stuttered, eyes wide. Helping out the poor boy, you shooed everyone away.
“Bye, dad. Please take Nat and Thor home with you. We’ll be back soon”
“Not later than 11, got it? And remember Peter, hands to yourself.”
“Yes M-Mr Stark”
Giggling, you watched as everyone walked away, leaving you with Peter. “Sorry bout that”
“Oh, it’s fine. I got the girl of my dreams tonight. Nothing could beat that” Blushing you pulled him in for a short kiss, before hugging him tightly.
Wish you say that was the end of the story. That you both lived happily ever after. But sadly, with a group of friends and family, privacy was not the best. And you were very sorry to say that you scarred more people than you had hoped to scar in the next few months.
The first victim though was none other than Aunt May. And boy oh boy did she not look at you two for weeks after the incident.
Alright! This was really fun to write, and this is such a cute idea, so I kinda want to make this into a series where people walk in on Peter and Y/N, so let’s see where it goes. But the next part will be out in a couple of days once my exams end :) Also, on that note, wish me luck, since I have my math exam tomorrow. Anyway, until next time!
Taglist: @a--1--1--3 @idkatee @eternalscribblesforthesoul @loudbluepancake @poisondevotion @scram1326 @t-hollanderr @305weasley @starknik22 @marvelfansworld @lou-la-lou @lomlparker @marvelfansworld @wowitsel @vanteguccir @fullcheesecakeengineer @ifyouknewhowmiserylovedme @ladykxxx08
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srirachvbi · 4 years
Aran and Aone as dads headcanons !
requested by @kara-grayson04: would you do aone and aran as dads?
a/n: MY BOYS!!! i love these two sm and i actually meant to post smth for aone before but i lost inspiration :((( it was an imagine not headcanons and i struggle to write sometimes-- maybe i’ll rewrite it and post it but idk (it was based off of his concern that people didn’t like to sit next to him on the train) and... aran needs more content !!! i’m literally in love with him... ALSO TIMESKIP ARAN HAS ME 😳👉👈 LIKE THE BEARD??? he looks SO GOOD.. Also.. oh my god im so sorry it took me so long to post these 😭 i literally have no excuse i was just tired
warning(s): manga spoilers 
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Ojirou Aran
hello sir, your hand in marriage pls <3
I have no doubts in my mind that he’d literally be the best husband, father, brother in law, grandfather, uncle, cousin, sibling--
This is me saying that I love Aran and I think he’s perfect 
I also think this way about Kita
Kita Shinsuke, and Ojirou Aran, please... your hands in marriage
Osamu too-- he can cook 🥰
But Atsumu??? 🤢🤢
That’s a joke he’s one of my favorite characters
Anyways back to Aran <3
But like him having twins-- one boy and one girl
The amount of dread he had before they were born because all he could think about was what if they turned out like the Miya twins
But!! when they were born and weren't the devils incarnate he was like 🥰🥰
His twins are both super energetic and never sit down
But they're like!! so happy all the time and he just
*heart clench*
He'd literally do anything for them it's so cute
When they were born, he'd spend hours in their room after you went to sleep
He would like cradle them and tell them stories and all that :((
Since he's a pro volleyball player, he wouldn't be able to spend as much time as he'd actually like with them so that's why he'd stay up late just in their room
If they ever start crying in the middle of the night, he'd immediately let you go back to sleep and he'd take care of it !!
He thinks it's fair because you take care of them so much when he's away for games and you also birthed them so like
Whenever he's home, you don't have to do half of the things you normally do
As the twins grow older, you start bringing them to his games and he's like "!!!" cause they're his pride and joy 🥺🥺🥺
He'd show them off to his teammates after the game
Aran would be like "Look!! Here are my two angels who are nothing like the Miyas 🥰🥰"
Atsumu meeting them at MSBY vs Red Falcons cause you had time off from work and the twins wanted to go
The twins knowing what their dad has said about Atsumu and being like "👁️👄👁️ my dad says you're rude" and he just *clenches heart* cause its so cute yet so sad
CAUSE LIKE yeah they're insulting him but the look on their faces is just... so cute
That's kinda masochistic, Atsumu
Actually Atsumu's a lot better than he was in high school as an adult so they do warm up to him, sadly 😔
Aran is definitely the type of guy you see in public with his kids and immediately go like "wow, he's definitely a great father" because he just radiates that energy
okay i do this sometimes idk if others do
He never yells too much at his kids and always talks things out maturely with them and its 🥺🥺
He tries not to spoil them too much but definitely does on accident CJWJCIE
They'll come back from the store and you'll see toys in their hands and you just give him one look and he's like
They're just too damn cute for him to say no to sometimes
But he won't spoil them to the point of them becoming obnoxious!! he knows the limits and has set them !!
When you were pregnant, he was literally so helpful and you just... hardly had to do anything
He wasn't as strict with making you do LITERALLY nothing like Sakusa, but he definitely tried to do everything he could
Absolutely no!! carrying of anything!!
He's a strong volleyball player who was one of the best back in high school-- he refuses to let his wife carry anything !!
All in all, Aran would be the best dad of haikyuu and i would write more but that would be too long
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Aone Takanobu
I literally love him so much hes just... his current concern knocked me out
I would sit next to you Aone 😔
Aone would definitely be a great dad but he'd be a bit aloof unlike Aran would be
He wouldn't really be too sure what to do cause he's scared his own kid would be afraid of him :(
For a while, he'd be extremely hesitant to take care of your guys' daughter because he just :(( he was scared that she would start crying
Turns out his daughter literally is a ball of sunshine who thinks her dad is!! the coolest!!
I mean he's really good at volleyball and he's so BIG 🌟👄🌟
L i k e
He's literally her walking jungle gym-- you can pry this headcanon from my dead body i REFUSE to see anything else
He would be in the kitchen drinking coffee first thing in the morning and suddenly, he hears her tiny footsteps and then theres something weighing down his arm
SURPRISE!!!!! it's Misa!!!!
Forgive me, i was binging Maid-sama
She's all like "dad! dad!!" and then she'll start rambling on and he just
heart clench
You both were such a blessing in his life because neither of you were afraid of him 🥺🥺
Aone and you met during college!!
You guys didn't go to the same college but you met him on the bus hehe
🥰🥰 and you sat next to him without hesitation and actually tried to start a conversation with him because he looked to be a similar age
Now you two are married and have your cute daughter, Misaki 🥺🥺💖
Futakuchi wasn't allowed to babysit her by himself because he said something bad in front of Misa once and she asked about it later to Aone and you at dinner
Futakuchi getting a call from Aone and it's completely silent
He got the message (๑•﹏•)
Hinata is Misa's favorite uncle!!
because Futakuchi said bad words that anyones not supposed to say >:((((
Hinata likes to tell her stories of his interactions with her dad and shes all like ✧\(>o<)ノ✧ cause!! her dad's so!! cool!!
Since Aone works in construction (i think), he's super strong so she's always testing his limits
"Dad... can you lift the couch?" "... yes."
He lifts the couch and she's squealing like "WOAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DADS SO COOL!!!!!!"
stop shes so proud that Aone's her dad and it's just so cute
all of her friends think that Aone's the coolest as well because Misa never stops talking about him!!
"Aone-san, you're so cool!!! Misa-chan was right!!" "RIGHT?? RIGHT?? My dads awesome!!!"
He's never felt so much happiness
When you were pregnant, he was this huge ball of anxiety... the poor thing...
He's super nervous he's gonna accidentally hurt you in some way and so for a while, he refuses to touch you im-
He doesn't know his own strength and if smth happens to you, he will literally die
It took you scolding him for like 20 minutes for him to finally understand
He's still hesitant to hold you when you guys are in bed tho cause he's 😔😔
Aone would definitely struggle at the beginning as a father but he's literally such a great dad after he lets go of his worries!!
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 16 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 3 K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (15)
Next part (17) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
The Loss Of A Friend
You've never been to a funeral. Well, you did, but you were a kid and you didn't know the family friend who was being buried that day. In your child's mind, you didn't get why everyone was wearing black, in uncomfortable silence, crying all day long. You remember clearly that a blue bug got your attention, making your eyes follow its every move, making you smile despite the sad atmosphere.
It couldn't be more different today.
As the coffin is lowered into the ground, where Jason will forever rest now, you hold Billy's hand, the soft fabric of your black dress tickling your tights. You barely feel it though, all your sensations resumed to the weight in your chest, crushing, squeezing your ribs, smashing your heart.
You suddenly remember the day Monica introduced you to Jason. It was the Saturday before you started working at the pool, in the parking lot of Starcourt Mall. He had his little brother on one arm, and the girl walking beside him, tugging on the hem his shirt.
“So that's the new girl.” He said, a smile spreading across his lips as he reached out his hand for you to shyly shake. “I'm Jason, born to bear the weight of being Monica's cousin, but also the coolest guy you'll find in Hawkins.”
That, of course, started a small war of cheesy pick-up lines, insults, and sarcastic comments. You laughed, feeling easily welcomed by Monica's cousin.
Now, what gets your attention is how his young siblings cry, yell, calling out Jason as is he was just sleeping inside the wooden box and would wake up, smile, and start chasing them around again. He won't. Jason is only a memory now.
“I think we should go,” Billy says in a low voice, letting go of your hand to rub your arms softly.
Nodding, you let him guide you to his Camaro, driving you away from the sea of people dressed in black. You've known Jason for such a little time compared to everyone else here, who saw him grow up, studied with him, lived near him for many years. Your pain is just a speck of dust compared to theirs.
When you get home, the sun is setting. You decide to call Diane, just to make sure she's alright, but you don't tell what happened. It would make her come here immediately, and the last thing you need is someone else you care about being in danger. You have to lie, despite hating yourself for it, telling her that your voice is funny because you had to yell a lot with the kids at the pool. But it's better this way. There are more than enough people here you need to worry about.
“Come here,” Billy calls when you finally head to the bedroom. He sits in the bed, back against the headrest and you're quick to crawl into the bed and into his arms. “How are you feeling?”
“I don't know. Sad doesn't really explain it.” Putting your legs over his, you hide your face on his neck, breathing in your favorite cologne, the only one he uses since the day you told him that. “I can't believe I buried Jason. Jason. My crazy-ass friend.” Your voice cracks and you hold back a sob. “I'll never hear those stupid jokes again.”
“I'm so sorry, princess.” There's a pain in his voice too. Billy has been around Jason a bit, mostly with you. But you know he's actually sad because of how broken you are. You can see it in his eyes, that he wish he could take your pain away, and that he's desperate because he doesn't know what to do.
But there's nothing Billy or anyone else could do. You can't fight death. You can't hit it with a baseball bat full of nails until it gives your friend back. The only thing you can do is avenge him. Get whatever took him and destroy it.
“I wanna kill those Demothings.” The anger in your voice is tangible, and you clench your hands into fists. “I swear to God, Billy, I'll kill one of them myself.”
“Anger won't help. We need to be smart about it. We need a strategy.” Billy is often angry with things. Mostly with things that hurt you, but this time, you get why he's taking another path, trying to calm you down instead of putting more wood in the fire. “The meeting is set for tomorrow. We'll find a battle plan to kill those damn things.” His hand comes to lay on your thigh, fingers softly caressing your skin. “But for now you need to rest, ok? I'll cook something you like and then we'll cuddle watching some nice movie. How does that sound?”
“What if I cry through the movie?” You ask because more tears start rolling down, it doesn't matter how many times you try to get rid of them.
“Then I'll hold you tight.”
“Sounds good to me.”
Billy is kind enough to try and get you into some small talk. Nothing too complicated, nothing related to the Demothings or Jason. You're thankful for that. He even manages to get a few laughs from you, although they're always followed by a reality check when the events of the last two days hit you again, and the smile is gone.
A couple of hours later you're watching Jaws, your head on Billy's chest as you try to follow the events of the movie. But it seems way too fast for you, or it's just your mind that's refusing to process anything that's happening.
You just keep thinking about death. About how Jason's whole life was cut short. How all of his plans for the future were erased.
“Billy, can I ask you something?” Keeping your voice low, you speak up for the first time since you came to the living room after having dinner.
“Of course, princess. What is it?”
Biting your lip, you consider if you should really bring that up. It's selfish to talk about your future when someone else won't have one. But this whole situation made you want to make plans because it's a privilege to still be here. It's a blessing to still have time. “What you said to Joyce about... Marriage. Did you really mean that or–” Pushing yourself up from where you were laying on top of him, you take a deep breath. “–or were you just trying to get out of the conversation. Because it's ok if–”
“Haven't I made it clear that I want to be with you for the rest of my life?” He moves to sit up as well, pulling you close until you're placed in between his legs, a hand caressing your cheek. “Because if I hadn't, I'll make it clear now. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I don't know how it happened, and it did get me by surprise, but the day you walked in the Hawkins Community Pool, I knew something changed in me. I knew I had to get to know you, and I did thought it would pass, that I'd get tired of you as I got of the other girls, but I didn't.” Billy holds you closer to him, your foreheads touching. “You hit me like–”
“Bang.” You finish for him, the memory of the day he was unbelievably honest with you coming back. The day he admitted to you, and somehow to himself too, that he liked you. It was also the day he punched David, and the day he kissed your cheek, making your stomach burn like it has been set on fire.
“Like bang.” He breathes out, warm lips coming in touch with yours. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull him as close as you can, the need to feel that he's here, with you, clouding the sound of the TV. Billy moves to lay back down again, and when you move to follow his change of posture, your knee slips and connects to his ribs. “Ouch!” He breathes out, cutting off the kiss.
“Oh, shit. I'm so sorry.” Covering your mouth, you bring the free hand to rub his side. “Sorry, baby.”
Taking a deep breath, he grabs your arm and pulls you down, making you collide on his chest, giggling. “Sorry. I shouldn't be joking around with you now.”
Squinting your eyes at him, you try to get up, but his strong arms come around your body, keeping you from moving. “I hate you, Hargrove.” The fake sentence is soon overcome by a giggle. “I'll kick you right this time, I'm warning you.”
“Oh, I'm shaking like a leaf.”
“Don't test me, Hargrove. Keep in mind we sleep on the same bed and I know all of your habits, baby.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Mhmm.” Mumbling, you manage to stand up, moving back into a sitting position. You know he actually let you go, but there's no reason to acknowledge that. Taking a deep breath, the sudden happiness is stained again, as the memories crawl back. It seems like Billy notices because his smile softens. “I love living with you, you know that, right?”
“I love waking up next to you every morning.”
You can't help the smile that comes to your lips as you bend over again, kissing his lips.
On the next day, Billy calls Anthony to ask him to give you a few days off work. Obviously, you have to urge your hothead boyfriend not to curse the manager and risk losing his job. You feel fine to go to the pool, or you think you do, but the truth is you wouldn't be paying much attention anyway. And much to your dismay, Billy gets a total of zero days off. No discussion, what makes him hang up the phone so hard you thought he broke the poor thing.
Since you don't want to be alone, and Billy would absolutely never allow you to be alone in the house when you're friend just died, he drives you to Joyce's place, where the party will gather to make plans.
Saying it's hard to be away from Billy on the day after you buried Jason is a misunderstanding. Seeing him drive away from Joyce's porch makes you feel like he's taking your heart with him. He didn't seem pleased either, but there was no other choice. You wouldn't make him miss the day, since you know Anthony is a terrible human being, just looking for the right excuse to get rid of the lifeguards.
“Honey, come inside,” Joyce calls a hand on your shoulder. “Can I get you something to eat? We had pizza last night and I have a slice in the fridge.”
“No, thank you, Joyce.” Politely, you decline her offer. “Is there any bed I can crash in?”
“Sure. Come.” Walking through Jonathan and Will, you wave at them, muttering a good morning and trying not to cry at their sad faces. They know Jason was a close friend, and, like everyone else, they don't know what to do or say. “This is Will's and Jonathan's room. Just pick a bed.” Nodding, you choose the one on the left and lie down. “Do you need to talk?”
“There's nothing to say.” Putting your head on a pillow, you stare at the ceiling. You feel comfortable around Joyce, she has this mother thing about her. “I just want this to end. Before anyone else gets... Eaten.” The word makes you shiver as it brings the image of his body back. “I wish I wasn't the one to find him. To... See him that way. I don't think I'll ever forget that.”
“Honey, I'm so sorry.” She comes to sit on the edge of the bed. “When... When they found Will's body, it hurt. I knew in my heart it wasn't him, but the very idea of losing my baby was horrible. So I have an idea of how you feel. Losing someone is a pain that doesn't go away. You'll get used to it, but it remains. All we can do is learn to deal with it and honor them by carrying their memories.”
You're crying through her speech, and you can't help but sit up and hug her, crying on her shoulder. “We have to be careful because I can't lose anyone else.” You're not sure if she can even understand what you're saying, but since she nods, you think she did.
“Don't worry, honey. We'll all be alright.” She pulls away, rubbing both your arms. “The kids will be here soon, but feel free to stay here or join us, ok? Do whatever makes you comfortable.”
“Thanks.” Offering her a small, sad smile, you watch as she leaves.
You hear when they get here, the chattering starts, and you can understand a few words here and there. They talk about you, and about Billy and about the funeral. But soon enough it falls into the major problem. And that's when you tune out, staring at the ceiling, trying not to make yourself too comfortable in someone else's bed.
The only thing you want now is Billy. You want to go back to the time where there was no Demogorgon, Demowhatever lurking around. At least to you. It's weird to know what really happened in Billy's car accident, how he was almost the host for the Mind Flayer. You're happy it didn't happen, that he's here now. You need to thank Max for that, actually. If it wasn't for her and the others, your Billy wouldn't be here. He could be dead, and you'd never meet him. He'd never shoot glances at you, or drive you home, buy you tacos or punch David's face. Or kiss you, hold you, love you. The thought of a life without Billy in it is absurd. Now, more than ever, after you lost someone so dear, you have this need to be with him. Just to make sure he's here.
Breathing out and closing your eyes, your hand comes to hold the necklace. It makes you feel closer to Billy, and there is a silent promise here, one you hold close to your heart, together with the earring.
Eyes open, you get up of the bed. You don't care if you got days off, you have to see him. Even if it's just for a hug. Leaving the bedroom, you make your way to the living room, which is crowded.
“We wait until it's late at night to make sure the Demodogs are out, sneak inside the tunnels, and spill insane amounts of gasoline all over it. Get the hell out, wait until it's morning, and set the whole thing on fire.” Dustin says, hands in the air and a smile on his face.
He's kidding, right? He can't be suggesting that as if it's the greatest idea of the world. “Are you completely insane?” You ask, making your presence known. Arms crossed, your eyes scan through the party. “You can't possibly think this is a good idea.”
“I agree with (Y/N), this is insane,” Joyce adds, her face making it clear she thinks this idea sucks. “I won't let you do that.”
“The point is to kill them without getting ourselves killed. And every single idea you come up with has a hundred different ways to get us killed.” Steve says, both his hand on his hips as he paces around the room. “Who thinks this idea sucks raise your hand.” He's the first to do it, and Joyce, you, and Jonathan do the same.
“Count Billy in.” You say, raising the other hand as well.
“And Hopper,” Joyce states, giving you an approving stare.
“It's six against seven. We're doing it.” Dustin exclaims.
“No.” You basically shout, not caring one bit if you sound bossy. All eyes lay on you as you struggle to keep it together. “We're not doing it and that's final.”
“I just lost a friend and I will not let you do something that might just end up in another funeral.” There are tears threatening to fall again, but you hold them back. “So come up with something else.”
The silence is deafening. You know you're breaking down again, even though the tears aren't rolling down. Yet.
“Please. There's gotta be something else.” Lowering your voice and looking down at your feet, you beg. You can't even think about someone else dying. You couldn't bear it.
“I saw this thing at school. Like a robot with remote control.” Lucas starts. “If we could build a bunch of them and attach a hose, we could guide it inside the tunnels and spread the gasoline.”
“Yeah, but there are seven holes. Which means a lot of ground we'd have to cover.” Eleven adds as you make your way to the group, sitting on the couch beside Joyce.
“Let's blow up six of them.” You burst out, crossing your legs. “A hell of a explosion that would take those things days to dig it back. Then there will be only one way in and out. Find a hell of a long hose or just connect a bunch of them and a million gallons of gas. The robots will spread it then we'll just need a match.”
“That's good. It could work.” Nancy says. “But we'll need to chip in to buy all these things.
“Hopper can get some for free I'm sure.”
“We start right now.” Mike stands up and the others follow. “Let's get started.”
The rest of the day is hectic. Lists are made, one of the kids teachers come over to help with what they called a summer project. For fun. And the materials started arriving. You don't really know what to do, so you help Joyce make lunch, keeping up with her small talk. Joyce is easy to be around, and you like to hear her stories about Will and Jonathan. You even manage to show a few smiles every now and then. After everyone is fed, you finally sit on the porch, trying to help as much as you can. The kids are genius, literally building remote control robots from random pieces and the instructions from books. It's amazing. Since you can't really be of much help in this aspect, you join Nancy, separating stuff or doing anything they tell you too.
When the sun is setting, some of them had to go home to gather their stuff. They'll crash here and take the robot construction through the night. By the moment you hear the faint noise of Billy's car, it's just Joyce's kids, Steve and Dustin. Leaving the small pieces of metal you were shaping into tiny little circles, you stand up abruptly.
“Where are you going? These circles aren't going to make themselves.” Dustin complains, raising his hands in the air.
“Billy is back.” There's no need for further explanation, so you tiptoe among the stuff, careful not to step on anything.
“It could be anyone.”
“Dustin, is there any other car in Hawkins that sounds like that?” As you speak, the noise gets louder and Billy's car comes to your sight.
“She knows her boyfriend's car.” Steve jokes as you walk to the yard, smiling when Billy stops the car and comes out.
“Miss me, princess?”
“Obviously.” It's a feeling of pure relief to see him. It feels like it's been so much longer than just some hours, but you feel that you'll have this insane need to be around him for a while. Just to enjoy the fact that you're still alive. You can't help but wonder for long the idea of death will hover over you... Probably forever.
“You ok?” He asks, his hand on your hair as you have your head on his chest.
“I will be.” Remembering the audience, you pull away, standing on your toes to kiss him. “Dustin had a terrible idea but I made him change his mind about it.”
“How did you do that?”
“I yelled.” With no intention of further explanation, you turn at the guys. “I'll be back tomorrow morning, alright? Have fun doing crazy science.” Waving at them, you get into the car.
You would like to stay at Joyce's, keep helping as much as you can, but you feel like you need silence and peace. The kid's laughter and jokes make you feel better, but you know that you also need to let the sadness creep over for a while. Keeping it hidden, disguised, makes no good. So as you dry and brush your hair, waiting for Billy to finish his shower, you cry.
For Monica, for Jason's younger siblings, his mother, his father, uncle, and aunt. For every friend he made since he was born. And for yourself too. Jason was one of the people that you imagined you'd be around for the rest of your life.
You're dragged away from your thoughts by the phone's ring. Rushing to answer it, you find it's Joyce, kindly asking if you can pick Mike up and drive him to her place, and of course, you comply.
“Billy.” You call when you hear him coming out of the bathroom. “Joyce needs us to pick up Mike. Nancy can't stop what she's doing there.”
“Sure. Let's go.”
Being out at night makes you anxious, but you try not to let it show. Eyes on the road, you bounce your leg nervously, tugging on the seat belt. Billy notices, and a hand comes to rest on your thigh.
“We'll be fine. Relax.”
“I'm trying.” Stretching your arm, you touch his neck. “I'm sorry if I can't stop thinking about Jason and what happened.”
“(Y/N), you just lost a friend. My responsibility as your boyfriend is to hold and love you through this process. Don't apologize.”
“I don't want this to be your responsibility, Billy.” When he turns his head to look at you, you run your fingers through his jaw.
He takes a deep breath, pulling over by Mike's house. You were about to get out, but since he doesn't move, neither do you. Billy looks like he's thinking, furrowed eyebrows and distant eyes. “Billy? Come back to Earth.” You decide to ask, taking off the belt and turning your body towards his.
“To have and to hold. For better or worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.” He squints his eyes through the words, trying to remember them. It takes a while for you to understand what he means, and when you do, your heart starts drumming in your ears. “To love and cherish till death do us part.”
“It means I'll stand by your side. Not because I feel like it's my responsibility, but because I love you. And I'm more than happy to take the responsibility of being your–”
“Couldn't you save that up for, I don't know, someday when I'm dressed in white?” The words come out fast, and you're blushing hard, your cheeks burning. “No. You had to do this now. Drive me insane now in your Camaro.” You roll your eyes dramatically when his lips break into a smile, that smug, cocky smile he has when he knows he got to you somehow.
“Be my wife, (Y/N).”
“No.” It's an utter absurd how hard you have to fight not to say the exact opposite. You want to just burst out the word, here and now, because you're so damn sure you want Billy for the rest of your life. “No, baby. We'll graduate, save up money and you'll make a decent proposal.” You hope he can't notice your hands shaking as you step out of the car, almost stumbling on the sidewalk. His words burn through your mind, sending shivers down your spine. “I won't say I'll marry you in the middle of the sidewalk, in the middle of the night, in front of Mike's house.”
“Did I just make you nervous?” Billy's arms come to encircle your waist, his deep voice, and breath on your hair making you sigh.
“Shut up, Hargrove.” With the sweet sound of his laughter on your ear, you knock on the front door, trying to push him away before someone comes to answer. “Let go.”
“Are you using my cologne again?” As soon as he asks, you feel his nose softly rubbing your neck, what makes you giggle and try to push him away again, uselessly. “You are.”
It wasn't your intention to let him find out, but he always does. “Well, it was–”
The door is suddenly open, a yellowish light hitting your eyes as you try to stand up straighter. The woman standing there gives a step back as if she just saw a ghost. Her eyes fly from Billy and back at you, then all the way back to Billy. It hits you suddenly as you realize she's Mrs. Wheeler, the woman Billy was going to meet on the day the Mind Flayer almost got him. They haven't met or spoken since that day, and you weren't expecting her to look so... Perplexed. You try to read her expression, to understand what the look in her eyes means.
“Hello, Mrs. Wheeler.” You manage to say because Billy clearly won't even try to be polite. You feel his muscles tensing up, as he gets immediately uncomfortable under the woman's stare since she doesn't seem to even try to hide. “Sorry to disturb you. We're here for Mike.”
@chloe-skywalker @dpaccione @dreamin-of-dacre @funeral-7 @uncookspaget @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @halloweenbitch2764 @redlovett @multific @shinydixon @nikkixostan @clockworkballerina @nope-thanks
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queenofthefullmoon · 4 years
An exhaustive list of Dark Souls 3 bosses I would or would not date
Iudex/Champion Gundyr
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We’re starting off this list with a strong yes. Our boy Gundyr has had a hard, difficult life, and he deserves some good company. He’s tall, strong, and I trust him to protect us as we set a lovely camp site outside of the fire link shrine.
Vordt of the Boreal Valley
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Vordt is big and he is feral which are truly the only two qualities I look for in a man. Together we’d be unstoppable. I mean, think about how easy it would be to go around with him: just climb on his back and let the rodeo begin, baby. This argument alone should be enough to convince you that Vordt is a suitable boyfriend, but here’s another one: if you get too hot in the summer, worry fucking not for your gigantic man can hold his equally gigantic hammer over you and cover you with snow like an italian man covering his pasta with parmesan.
Cursed Rotted Greatwood
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Now while I’m certain it would be a perfect partner for some people, the Cursed Rotted Greatwood isn’t for me. For one, I am not fan of curses, or rot, or weird sticky balls, or strange orange acid, or pale white and slightly viscous hands bursting through a living tree. Secondly, I feel like the crowd of Hollows who group up around the tree would be a big impediment to our intimacy, and I’m not ready to be the mother of 20 Hollows.
Crystal Sage
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No offense but you’d be an idiot for not wanting to date the Crystal Sage. All wrapped up in one package, you get a super competent sorcerer bf, who wears the coolest hat in the galaxy and an equally cool cape, and who overall looks like the upgraded version of a plague doctor. In addition to that he also has a pretty rapier so you can both engage in some sparring (which we all know is the most romantic couple activity).
Deacons of the Deep
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Probably one of the worst options on the list, they’re all crusty, rotting men moaning around a biggass coffin. There are many technical questions. If I dated a deacon, would I have to date all of them? Can we go out on dates or are they obligated to stay next to the coffin at all times? Can I even date them at all?? Not that I would, because I have standards. The only pro to entering this relationship(s?) would be that I’d probably get one of their robes for free, but the cons are so numerous that I’d rather buy it myself.
Abyss Watchers
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Let’s be real and honest even if it hurts. Would I date an Abyss Watcher? Yes. Maybe I’d even date two. However, would an Abyss Watcher date me? No, because they’re all in love with Artorias, and I can’t blame them for that.
Old Demon King
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At first I considered dating the Old Demon King like a Russian Instagram model dates an old, rich American man: with a great deal of fake love but above all great patience in order to be the only person on the will. But then I thought about it more, and what does the Old Demon King have to offer, really? A big firework show that will leave him exhausted like the old creature he is, and maybe some pyromancies. Truly, it is not worth it, especially since I’d have to take residence where he lives, in a big old room filled with the corpses of his kin.
High Lord Wolnir
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I’ve got nothing against Wolnir personally, but I have no interest in skeletons, nor in his army of skeleton children. As stated above I’m not ready to be a mother. I feel like if we got in an argument and he sighed, he would poison me with his awful breath and I would die a horrible death. Also, living on the brink of the Abyss doesn’t appeal to me that much. However I would like Wolnir to be a good friend I can talk jewelry with because let’s be honest, the man (skeleton?) is blinged the fuck out even in death and I respect that.
Yhorm the Giant
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Yes, I would date Yhorm. He was nothing but a sweet, misunderstood giant who always tried to get people to trust him and he convinced me. I would put my life in his big hands. Think of the possibilities. Just like with Vordt he could carry you everywhere but in a less reckless way if you prefer proper manners. You’d never have to worry about not seeing anything at a concert. Also, may I add that waiting for you to show up while sitting on his biggass throne is an absolute power move? Yhorm is a Lord of Cinder, but above all, a Lord of this heart.
Pontiff Sulyvahn
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Would I date him because of his appealing aesthetic? Yes. Would I date him for anything else? No. Sulyvahn is absolutely terrifying, completely unhinged in the most frightening way, which is that he doesn’t look bat shit crazy. I could be thinking that everything is going well in our relationship then suddenly he’d lock me in a dungeon then would feed me to his weird friend because I put a fork in the knife drawer. He could pretend to propose and give me a weird fucked up ring with his eye in it and the next thing I know I’d be running in a field on all fours. I don’t trust like that.
Aldritch, Devourer of Gods
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I’m so sad about Aldritch because literally everything about him is completely unappealing, unacceptable, unnatural, unholy, abhorrent, but he has the delicate and beautiful face of Gwyndolin. While our lovely Gwyndolin looks gorgeous as ever it doesn’t make up for the fact that Aldritch devoured people and probably wouldn’t find love to be a good reason to not eat his partner. The only reason I can find to have a friendship (not even a romantic relationship) with him is if you really like experimenting with cooking and you really, really need someone to taste your inventions.
Dancer of the Boreal Valley
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I feel attraction, which means that just like any other being who feels attraction, I would date the Dancer. She is beautiful, graceful, a bit feral, and would not hesitate to put a flaming knife to my throat, which is the description of my dream woman. Imagine walking the streets with her, trying to hold her hand while it dangles 3 feet above you and she insists on holding her sword, actually, so she might slay anyone who tries to approach you, which she communicates through icy breaths and murmurs. The date of a lifetime.
Oceiros, the Consumed King
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Another awful choice on this list, Oceiros is RABID and also, as far as we know, still a married man. You really want to date a man that hasn’t even gone through his divorce but already looks like this? Me neither. I’m already not big on dragon fucking but the fact that he’s all viscous and has weird growths all over him is not helping. Also, he has children, and we know how I feel about that — although, given how he treats them, he probably won’t have kids very soon (too far?).
Ancient Wyvern
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So I’ve stated that I’m not very big on dragon fucking. With that said, do I think the wyvern is sexy and beautiful? Absolutely so. You’re probably like « Blue you’re sending mixed signals, are you gonna date the lizard or not? » and to that I say, date? Perhaps not. I would however like to form a lifelong bond with this wonderful force of nature and fight by its side, live a long and fulfilling life travelling along with it, only to die at the same time atop the tallest mountain in the world, where our skeletons will be discovers hundreds of years in the future by brave explorers, who will confirm that the legendary songs that were written about us were in fact not just a myth.
Nameless King
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You’ve just read what I said about the wyvern. I feel like the Nameless King really understands me and would respect me for that. We could bond over our love of dragons and other flying scaly beasts and perhaps share some chaste kisses while soaring the sky on our companions. It’s nice to date someone who loves pets as much as you. I feel like he would be a fun guy to hang around in general, maybe he’d let you braid his hair or try on his crown. He can arrange personalized fireworks shows for you with his lightning powers. I don’t think you’d ever be bored around him.  
Dragonslayer Armor
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Dating an empty suit of armor has never bothered me (see: ds2 Ruin Sentinels), however I have beef with the dragonslayer armor. Is it a beautiful armor? Perhaps a bit worn off, but the reply remains affirmative. However, it is controlled by Pilgrim Butterflies, which basically means I’m dating one to multiple of these things in the shape of an armor, and I’ve gotta confess that I’m not down for that.
Lorian Older Prince and Lothric Younger Prince
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Here comes the delicate moment where we have to make a choice without offending anyone. I personally, speaking for myself, in my own opinion, would rather date Lorian. Reason: he is big, strong, and a bit rabid, which I’ve made very clear is my type. I don’t dislike Lothric, but I feel like we’d be better off as best friends who have a really snarky group chat where we shit talk the entire kingdom. That’s pretty good because if I even just slightly disliked Lothric I’m pretty sure Lorian would sense it and would not hesitate to murder me on sight.
Champion’s Gravetender and Champion Greatwolf
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Well the full name is just a formality here, I’m not completely insane so I don’t want to date this rabid wolf. I feel like the Champion’s Gravetender is just a normal dude who’s a bit in over his head and it’s not his fault but he just seems a bit boring compared to all my other options. Instead of a date I think he’d be more of an awkward flirt I had when I was bored and then I came to my senses but didn’t know how to disengage, but in the end it worked out because he was more interested in his work anyway.
Sister Friede and Father Ariandel
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Again a choice has to be made and I will have to be predictable and say I’d date Elfriede. Just like Dancer she’s what the woman of my dreams is made of. She’s graceful and could easily take my life and I think it’s awfully sexy of her to be like that. I think I’d be accepted into the family pretty easily, which is important since Father Ariandel cares about Friede so much. I’d go visit him sometimes, play chess with him, bring him his flail, normal interactions with your girlfriend’s dad.
Soul of Cinder
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I’m gonna be a tiny bit freaky here and say I’d date the Soul of Cinder. Dating it is just like opening a Kinder Surprise egg, you never know what you’re gonna get (sorry Americans for excluding you here). That makes life exciting and doesn’t let routine stall your relationship. Every day you can wake up with the question « What weapon will my darling walk around with today? The flaming sword, or the sorcery staff? » and be surprised by the answer. Truly ideal, but I understand it’s not for the faint of heart.
Demon Prince
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I’m gonna go with a maaaaaaybeeeee? leaning towards no. I mean yes, the Demon Prince is a weird fleshy flaming demon, and that may be a bit gross, but I’ve gotta admit I admire his style, the drama of it all. The care he puts into his entrance, the attitude in his moves. If we don’t date I’d at least want to be friends so he can teach me his ways.
Darkeater Midir
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I have very intense and contradictory feelings towards Midir. In one hand, holy shit, absolutely epic dragon, the spirit of companionship is growing in me. On the other hand, this beast is RABID and pretending I could tame him is foolish, and pretentious. I guess in the end the answer remains that I don’t date dragons, I just want to adopt them as my extremely exotic pets.
Halflight, Spear of the Church
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Yeah I’d date Halflight, I know it’s the easy answer but look at him. I mean shit he’s walking around like a little thotty with his shirt open and you mean to tell me I’m not supposed to wanna date him because he looks pretty much like a regular dude? My boy Halflight WANTS me to date him or else he would not show up with his tiddies out to a sword fight, which as an activity already has enough erotic implications on its own.
Slave Knight Gael
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I’m gonna say it unashamedly and I’ll say it again: I would date Gael. He’s been nothing but helpful and when he tries to attack you it’s to help his little lady that he’s adopted as his niece. We love a chaotic parental figure. Maybe he’s a tad bit old and dirty but there’s nothing a good bath can’t fix and I’m sure he’d appreciate having someone taking care of him for once. Again, he’s got that slightly unhinged quality to him that makes him delightful. When I walk around with my partner I want us to instill both fear and fascination in people which we would be able to accomplish perfectly well.
Dark Souls 1: Remastered date list // Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin date list
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mewtonian-physics · 3 years
my ranking of the alex rider original series (stormbreaker through scorpia rising) from ‘book i least enjoy rereading’ to ‘book i most enjoy rereading’ let’s goooo
spoilers for all 9 books under the cut
9. Ark Angel
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...He went to space. He went to space. Also the entire plot could have been avoided if Drevin had actually bothered to provide a photograph of his son. I’m sure he had one. I still like this book but it’s literally so insane that I just don’t know what to do with it. 
It is however really funny that Webber just goes and gives a speech insulting this super high-profile ecoterrorist group and acts like it’s no big deal and then they kill him. Shock of shocks.
8. Skeleton Key
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Okay, points to this book for terrifying the shit out of me. God damn it does that shark scene scare me. Also, points for making me feel a little bit bad for a man who wants to nuke his own country because he thinks it will fix the place up. I’m still not entirely sure how that’s supposed to work, but that’s probably a good thing. I feel like understanding his thought process would say bad things about me. Still, I actually did feel sorry for him, if only a little. Dude was clearly mentally unstable and I doubt his son’s death helped at all. I also got sad about what happened to Carver and Troy. (Yeah, yeah, I’m a cringe fail American who has the American release. So sue me.) What a nightmare that must’ve been to endure... Otherwise, though, I’m not super into this book. The opening is just kind of meh and the way it leads into the rest of the plot seems a little bit unbelievable. Also, this might be an unpopular opinion, but Sabina annoys me. I would not get along with her at all and I can’t imagine her as a girlfriend. Skeleton Key does, however, absolutely excel at the emotional scenes. 
Also, why are all the spy agencies so comfortable with sending in a 14-year-old? Especially when they outright admit that the other attempts have all died horribly? Bureaucracy’s a bitch.
7. Point Blank
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Boo, Dr. Grief! Boo! We hate your white supremacy! I’m so glad you got a snowmobile to the face, you deserved it. (Perks of books written by Jewish people--we aren’t afraid to give the neo-Nazis an unpleasant death.) Anyway, this book definitely isn’t bad, but I wouldn’t really say it stands out in the series. It definitely does hammer home the point of just how trapped Alex is, since MI6 isn’t going to just let him go after one mission, and let’s face it, the plot with the clones is creepy as hell, if highly improbable. But I’m largely just here to see the neo-Nazi get snowmobiled. That’s right, I just completely changed the definition of a pre-established word. I’m a rebel.
Also, I hate Fiona Friend so much and overall think she just didn’t need to be in the book, but the line about ‘I’d rather kiss the horse’ made me laugh so hard. Alex, you sass.
6. Snakehead
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Okay, let’s talk about how genius the plan in this book is. I love it! I love how Yu wants to kill the people involved in the peace conference without making them into martyrs, so he comes up with this whole elaborate plan to stage a natural disaster. It’s incredible. This dude was thinking so far ahead. And he would’ve gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for that meddling kid... But anyway, I don’t see a lot of books where the villain really acknowledges that killing their enemies could just cause more problems for them via turning them into martyrs for a cause. Also, the way he’s so polite and soft-spoken while also being a complete monster... This book genuinely gives me chills. Extra bonus points for the part in the hospital, the absolute nightmare of having all your organs slowly removed and sold off and everyone around you is being so nice about it? ‘Oh, don’t worry, Alex, it won’t be so bad. Here, take your medicine. Do you need anything?’ Literally just. What the fuck. 
Also Ash can fucking fight me. You put your own godson in horrible danger on purpose! You killed your best friend! Bastard. 
...And just in case the book wasn’t disturbing enough, Yu’s fate at the end lives in my mind rent-free and I think about it on a concerningly regular basis considering that the chances of that happening to me are so low they’re practically in the negatives. Damn you, Horowitz.
I would also be remiss if I did not mention just how much I love the tagline ‘once bitten, twice spy’.
5. Crocodile Tears
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Ah yes, the book that kickstarted my drift away from the church... I kid, of course. I drifted away from the church for completely separate reasons. But Desmond McCain is always going to scare the shit out of me. The ability to kill countless innocent people while blissfully quoting Bible verses (that he takes wildly out of context and uses for his own self-serving means) is... well, I could actually say a lot about what that reminds me of, but I’m here to rate books, not religion. Moving on. This book has some really stellar antagonists, and the plot is chilling in a way that feels a lot more realistic than most of the other books. Even if some of it is a bit farfetched (sabotaging a nuclear power plant? Really?), the idea of using disasters for your own profit... well. I’m sure I don’t need to elaborate on why that is so believable. The Poison Dome is also a really cool and chilling scene--even Alex, who has the luck of the devil, can’t get out of that one unscathed. Further scares come in with the fate of Harold Bulman--imagine having your entire existence wiped and your identity changed while you were asleep! The breakdown he has over it is almost enough to make me feel sorry for him, even though he was ready to exploit a teenager and make his life a living hell just to turn a profit. Note the word almost.
Also. The opening makes me cry. Specifically the line talking about how Ravi’s kids would ‘never meet Mickey Mouse’. I lose my goddamn mind every single time I read it. That little personal touch turns the scene from a statistic to a tragedy. Once again: Damn you, Horowitz.
4. Stormbreaker
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Yeah, this one gets the special cover shot. And why not? What we are looking at here is the birth of a legend. Move the fuck over, James Bond, Alex Rider is on the scene now. Anyway, yeah, this book is pretty damn spectacular. It has its stumbles, but as the first book in a series, that’s to be expected. Still, it pulls you in from quite literally the first line and keeps you going right up until the end. (If you came here from my post of memes, you know how much the line ‘Killing is for grownups, and you’re still a child’ destroys me.) It has the debut of much-beloved characters such as, of course, Alex--but also Jack Starbright, and of course, the best MI6 agent of them all, which is to say Smithers. Hell, even Yassen Gregorovich, especially once you get through Russian Roulette... Man, that was a rough one. 
Seriously, though. This is a really good book. The scene with the Portuguese man-o’-war still gives me the chills to think about. (Have you ever looked up pictures of those things? They’re beautiful, but holy shit will they make you regret being born. Nature is funny like that.) 
We also get the introduction of, of course, Alex’s patented sass (his response to Sayle saying he relates to the man-o’-war is HILARIOUS) and we get the inherent humor of Alex screwing up an alias one time and then just going by Alex for the rest of the series so he doesn’t do that again. Really, kid, I know you’re not a trained spy or anything but did you never play pretend growing up? Ever? You can’t pretend your name is Felix for a little while? That sounds like a you problem.
3. Scorpia Rising
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I distinctly remember when this book came out, actually. I was on vacation at the time, and I remember my brother annoying the hell out of the poor workers at a bookstore we frequented there to see if/when they were going to get it in. They did, finally, and we bought it immediately, and I was of course absolutely desperate to read it. He got to read it first, though. -_-
This is a great book, an absolute emotional rollercoaster all the way through. The way Blunt tricks Alex back into service by staging a shooting was exactly the kind of cold, brutal behavior I’d expect from him. Seeing Julius come back was shocking, but very exciting, too. And Razim makes an incredibly chilling villain, with his absolute disregard for human life and his desire to measure pain. Also, seeing Smithers’s house was so much fun. Smithers in this book was just really fun in general, but he’s really fun in every book, so... nothing unusual there. But also, I want an unwelcome mat. Please?
2. Eagle Strike
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‘But Penny,’ you might ask, ‘why is this book so high on your list? It has so much of Sabina in it, and you said she annoys you.’ That is true. What does not annoy me, however, is basically the entire rest of the book. I love the tense opening, and then reading through Alex’s real-life ‘playthrough’ of Feathered Serpent is still one of my favorite scenes. Cray is absolutely incredible as a villain, with the way that he truly believes in his cause--which is undoubtedly a good one! Yet the extremes to which he will go for that cause, and the fact that he very nearly succeeds, are what elevate him to one of the most dangerous villains in the series. That scene with Charlie Roper and the nickels is something I can never seem to stop thinking about. Actually, I think about it basically whenever I think about large amounts of money paid in small increments... 
Also, I really enjoy how he gets into the whole plot in the first place, and I really enjoy Smithers saying ‘ah, fuck it’ and helping him out anyway. Go, Smithers. You once again prove me right in saying that you’re the coolest adult in MI6.
The revelation that Yassen knew Alex’s father is one that absolutely blew my mind first time around. The way his life was threaded into the lives of the Rider family--he worked with John Rider, was saved by him, killed Ian Rider, and then died for refusing to kill Alex Rider--wow. Wow. It gets to me. It really gets to me. This book is a masterpiece. I heard that it’s going to be what the second season of the TV series is based off of, and I’m so hyped for that. We love to see it, we really do.
1. Scorpia
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I don’t believe anyone who says this book didn’t get to them at all. I just think they are lying. I don’t think it’s humanly possible to not be affected by this book. God. Just thinking about it reminds me of why I don’t think it’s possible. I mean, come on. We get all this backstory about Alex’s parents, we get tricked along with him into thinking MI6 killed his father, then bam, that was a lie, and Alex may have just fucked himself over big time. Also, that plot is terrifying! (And I bet anti-vaxxers had a field day with it, huh.) Julia Rothman is a really great antagonist, one of the only ones who didn’t go and explain her plan in great detail to Alex--the fact that she didn’t actually being a plot point was something I personally found pretty clever. In general, this book is... I tend to hate when people say they ‘can’t put it down’ because it’s usually an obvious exaggeration, but that really is how I feel reading it.
And again. If that ending didn’t get to you... Well, I just think you are lying.
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munsonboy · 4 years
Marvel G/t Oneshot: A Place to Call Home
Loki x borrower!Peter Parker x female!borrower Y/n
I wrote this in 5 days😅😂...enjoy!
It was an incredibly stormy night at the Avengers Tower. Everyone was cooped up in their bedrooms, keeping themselves busy to take their minds off of the storm that was brewing outside. Loki sat in his room with his back against the head board of his bed. He had his legs bent so that his knees were sticking up from underneath the blanket. That’s where his little friend Peter was currently sitting. Peter was perched up on the giant Asgardian’s knee, throwing questions at Loki left and right about the storm. “Are you sure that the Tower isn’t going to get knocked over? It’s raining pretty hard out there and I really don’t think the building could withstand-..”, Peter stopped talking when Loki held his hand up as a gesture to not continue anymore with the conversation. “Peter, if you ask me one more question about the rain, I think I might just throw you out in it.” Peter’s eyes went as wide as buttons and his face paled. This caused Loki to feel guilt rush quickly into his chest. “I’m just joking, little one. You must know by now that I would never do that to you. I’m not even sure that someone your size would have a mere chance of survival out there”, said Loki as he turned his head to look out the window. Peter laughed nervously. “Yeah, I hope there aren’t any borrowers out in this.”
The raindrops falling from the sky were hitting the windows as if they were bullets, trees in Central Park looked as if they were going to be torn out of the ground, and a 3-inch tall girl named Y/n was currently having the worst night of her life. Y/n had been out and about in the big city and hadn’t even thought to look up towards the grey clouds that were hovering above the tall buildings. She was on a mission to find a new place to call home since she was caught in the recent one she’s been borrowering from for a while now, but instead she found herself running around huge puddles, dogding the massive raindrops that were almost as big as her head, and most importantly, she was trying to find something that would shelter her from the tsunami of rain coming down.
It was almost like someone heard her prayers, because Y/n soon stumbled upon the biggest building she had ever seen. “There has to be at least one good hiding spot in this building”, said Y/n. Her eyes scanned where the building met the sidewalk, seeing if there was anyway possible for her to get inside. “Please let there be a hole, please-....bingo!” Y/n had spotted a small hole on the outside of the building’s wall that she would be able to shimmy her way through. “I’ll be out of this rain in no time and I’ll finally be able to dry off somehow”, said Y/n as she looked down at her soaked clothes. If only she knew what, or who, was waiting for her on the inside.
Once she was inside and out of the rain, Y/n had found the vent system and started her journey from there. Every now and then she would peak out from the safety of the vents to see if there were any humans around and luckily for her, not one was insight. Y/n couldn’t wrap her mind around it, but who was she to complain? No humans meant all the more she could borrower and not have to worry about being spotted. However, Y/n’s curiosity got the better of her, so she decided to continue walking until she found at least one human being.
The more she walked through the vents, the more floors she went up and before she knew it, the voices of multiple different people were soon echoing throughout the vents where Y/n was. “Great, looks like I’m not alone.” After snooping around and taking a good look at the humans who lived in the tower and who she would have to stay hidden from, Y/n soon discovered that it housed multiple super heroes. She took note of who she had spied on so far. A blonde man with muscles who had a red, white, and blue flag up on the wall, a woman that could move things by using some kind of red orb in her hands, a guy that was playing with a bow and a few arrows, two scientists who were definitely going to be avoided at all costs, a woman with short red hair, and another blonde man who was playing with some funky looking hammer. “Of all the places I’ve lived, this definitely has to be the coolest and most strangest place I’ve come across”, said Y/n to herself.
She continued walking through the vents to find some place quiet when she stumbled upon a room that looked practically empty. The vent led her out onto a desk and without checking to see if any humans were around, she exited the vents and stepped foot out in the open. Y/n’s eyes trailed around the room for not even one second before they landed on the giant that occupied the room. He was sitting on the bed directly across from the desk she was on. She yelped, hoping that the human didn’t hear, and jumped behind the tissue box that was looming beside her.
She slowly peaked around the side of it and studied the human. He had raven black hair that barely passed his shoulders and was very pale looking, even from far away. It looked as if he was just at a costume party because he had this green, gold, and black armor on. He was also talking to someone, but there were no other humans in sight. Y/n looked around the room, confused as ever, to see if there was another human besides the one she was looking at. As Y/n continued staring at the human, her eyes went wide. There was a borrower sitting on the human’s knee, conversing with the giant. “Is that borrower crazy?”, Y/n asked herself. “That’s like asking to be killed.” Y/n decided to not stick around anymore, not wanting to get caught, so she decided to walk towards the edge of the desk to find an escape route.
Loki and Peter had ended their conversation about the rain and began to talk about their plans for tomorrow. “Okay, so I was thinking you could hide me in your pocket and we go down to Central Park for a nice morning walk!”, said Peter excitedly. Loki stared at him for a moment and said, “If you think I’m going to risk your safety just so you can look at a few trees while I have to deal with receiving unpleasant glares from strangers, you are mistaken, young Peter.” Loki tapped Peter on the head and laughed as he tried to push Loki’s finger away. “The rain will most likely continue throughout the morning. So I say we explore the library the Avengers Tower has to offer. I do not recall you telling me that you have been there before”, said Loki.
“I forgot about the library! I never went there though because Mr. Stark was always walking around. I didn’t want to risk being caught by a scientist”, said Peter. Loki smiled at the borrower sitting on top of his knee. “Yes, well, instead of a scientist, you ended up getting caught by the God of Mischief”, said Loki, which got a laugh out of Peter. Making his little friend laugh was probably one of the few things that warmed Loki’s heart. However, nothing beats earning the trust of such a small being. Loki still couldn’t believe that borrowers actually exist. He yearned to have another opportunity to become friends with another borrower. Peter would have someone to hang out with that was actually his size. As Loki looked at Peter laughing, his eyes wandered behind Peter and over to his desk. They fell upon a sight that made his heart want to leap out of his throat. A tiny girl, no bigger than Peter, was standing at the edge of his desk, looking down towards the floor. ‘If she were to fall, she would-...’, Loki couldn’t even finish the thought. He gently picked Peter up and set him down on the bed. “I’ll be one moment, Peter.” He didn’t give Peter a chance to question where he was going and made his way over towards the borrower on the desk.
“Okay..now what?”, asked Y/n to herself as she stared at the floor that seemed miles away from her. She really didn’t think this all the way through. Come to think of it, she didn’t even come to realize what her plan would be if the giant ended up seeing her. Just as Y/n was about to turn back around to get away from the edge, a shadow encased her in darkness. She slowly turned around to be met with the giant, who had been sitting on the bed, looming over her. It was then that she saw the giant’s hand that was coming closer. It was making its way towards her and she couldn’t do anything about it.
If she were to run, the hand would just snatch her right up, so what would be the point? As the giant’s fingers snaked themselves around Y/n’s waist, she closed her eyes. She felt herself being gently squeezed and before she was able to process what was happening, Y/n felt herself being raised higher and higher. Suddenly, she felt a squishy surface beneath her feet. Y/n’s legs were shaking like crazy and they weren’t able to hold her up, so she landed on her bum, and involuntary backpedaled until her back hit the fingers overhead that were more than twice her size. “This is it...I’m done for..”, said Y/n quietly to herself as she ducked her head down.
Loki studied the small girl in his palm. She had blonde hair that was neatly tied up in a ponytail, she wore a patchwork shirt with black pants and a pair of little, slip on shoes. Her clothes actually looked like she had gotten them off of a doll, but they looked as if they had been dumped in a bucket of water. “Were you caught out in the rain, little one?”, asked Loki. He saw the tiny girl flinch at the sound of his voice, but he received no response.
After observing her appearance and not getting an answer to his question, Loki almost forgot to think of how much he was scaring the girl. Her arms were covering her face, hands on her head, which seemed to be giving her some sense of protection, and even though she was smaller than his thumb, Loki could visibly see her quivering. ‘Poor thing. She must be terrified’, thought Loki to himself. His heart ached when his ears picked up on the inaudible, short breathes the tiny was taking in and out.
Y/n didn’t like the predicament she had gotten herself into. Her vision was blurred due to the tears in her eyes and she couldn’t even sit still. She wouldn’t let this giant see her break down. Y/n refused to let that happen again. Suddenly, an immense pressure was on her back, gently rubbing around in small circles. Y/n quickly realized that it was the giant’s finger, but she failed to notice how gentle he was being and instantly took it that she was being pet like an animal. That was the last straw. Y/n’s tears escaped the brims of her eyes and streamed down her rosey cheeks, getting her somewhat dry shirt wet again.
Loki, on the other hand, froze completely and removed his finger from her back. He didn’t expect her to break down this much. Peter was very frightened of Loki when they first encountered each other, but he didn’t react this badly. Without thinking, Loki walked over towards Peter, who was sitting on the bed the entire time. If anyone could calm the tiny girl down, it would definitely be Peter. Loki knelt down in front of Peter, holding the girl close to his chest. “Loki what happened? Why do I hear someone crying-..?”, as Peter finished asking his question, Loki had brought the girl down towards the bed and rested his hand on the mattress. He unfurled his fingers so Peter could see the new addition to the family. He couldn’t believe his eyes. “A-Another borrower?!”, he exclaimed. “Yes, and do make sure to be quiet, young Peter. She is petrified. I was wondering if you could somehow get her to a calmer state so we can all talk”, said Loki.
Peter clambered right on top of Loki’s hand without saying a word and walked over to the girl. Peter had never seen another borrower before, so this was a whole new experience for him. As Peter got closer to her, he noticed that she was much shorter than him. ‘Finally, I wouldn’t be the shortest person in the Tower anymore’, thought Peter to himself. He knelt down beside the girl, looking at her.
“H-Hey there, are you o-okay?” Peter mentally slapped himself for stuttering, but brushed that aside when he got a response out of her. She had looked up from her crouched position and was staring into Peter’s eyes. The only thing he saw was fear. Peter instinctively wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. He felt the girl tense up, but she welcomed his embrace in a matter of seconds. “You really don’t have to be scared. Loki isn’t going to hurt you. He’s actually super nice!”, said Peter happily. His happiness grew by the dozens when the girl started talking to him. “H-He is?”, she asked. “Yeah! He acts tough on the outside, but he’s a real softie once you get to know him!”, exclaimed Peter, who was poked by Loki’s finger. He looked up to see Loki smirking at him. “I’m Peter by the way! What’s your name?” Peter broke the hug, but kept an arm around her to reassure that she was fine.
Y/n contemplated whether or not she should tell him what her name was, but she felt so relaxed after Peter had hugged her, that she now found it rude not to tell him. “U-Um I-..I-I’m Y-Y/n.”
“That’s a nice name! Do you want to tell Loki what your name is?”, asked Peter. He felt Y/n tense up again, so he said, “You really have nothing to be scared of. He’s not gonna hurt you. Trust me.” And with that, Y/n looked up at the giant who was holding her and Peter. The huge, green eyes staring at Y/n made her nervousness slightly go up again, but she tried to hold onto the confidence that she was feeling when he softly smiled at her. “My n-name is Y/n, s-sir.” Loki couldn’t believe his ears. She had told him her name. “Y/n..”, repeated Loki under his breath. He wanted to see how her name sounded when he said it. “You have the most elegant name I have ever heard of, little one. I am Loki, Prince of Asgard. It is lovely to meet your acquaintance my dear and please do not call me sir. It makes me feel old.” Loki chuckled softly.
“Wow, he’s really polite”, whispered Y/n to Peter. He laughed as he looked at Y/n. Peter suddenly got an idea. “Loki! Can we watch a movie to celebrate Y/n’s first night here at the Tower?” “Now, young one, we are still unsure if Y/n even wants to stay here with us. We did not even ask her yet”, said Loki. He didn’t want to force it upon Y/n to stay here with him and Peter. It was bad enough that he had scooped her up off of his desk without her consent. He didn’t want to mess things up and scare her all over again.
“You..you both wouldn’t m-mind if I stayed here?”, asked Y/n. “Oh by Odin! Of course we do not mind, little one!”, responded Loki. Y/n thought for a moment. Was she really going to do this? Stay in a tower full of super heroes? She didn’t really have anywhere else to go, so how could she pass up a chance to finally have a home? “I-I would love to stay here with you and Peter!”, exclaimed Y/n.
Peter hugged Y/n again and started listing off the different movies that they could watch. She looked up at Loki to see him laughing away at Peter’s actions. That’s when Y/n suddenly got an idea. When Peter released her from his bone crushing hug, Y/n stood up, catching her balance, and walked over to Loki’s thumb. She wrapped her arms around the long digit and just hugged it. “Th-Thank you. Thank you so much for giving me a new home, Loki”, she said as she continued to hug his finger.
Loki’s heart practically melted because of the sweet gesture. He used his pointer finger on his other hand to rub her back gently. “No need to thank me, my little dove. Everyone deserves a place to call home.” Loki ruffled Y/n’s hair a little, getting a sweet laugh out of her.
The days that followed Y/n’s first meeting with Loki and Peter were the best days she had ever lived through. Loki had made her a makeshift bed that was placed on his bedside table, but she hardly ever used it. She slept on his chest every night, with Peter next to her. A hand was always cupped over the two borrowers, sheltering them from the outside world. Loki would always read to them to help them sleep, and it always worked like a charm.
Y/n had finally done it. She had made new friends who she was proud to call her family.
Let me know if you liked it! Also, let me know if I should do more oneshots like this! It was super fun writing this story :D
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jpegjade · 4 years
Take Care - Spencer
diana has made an appearance for something! i have rewritten this 3 times and i feel like this time is the one. 
Request: I’ve never seen this story anywhere written but like Spencer x reader where the reader is a caretaker of Diana’s and Diana is always talking about Reid and reading y/n the letters he sends and Diana always talks about how good spencer + the reader would be together and then they meet and fall in love ugh 🥺
Warnings: none that i can think of. 
“You look bright today, Diana.” You said, bringing her mail for the day. 
“I’m getting a letter from Spencer today.” She said, opening the letter for the day. 
“Yeah, that’s great!” You said, handing out the other residents letters from their loved ones. 
Diana was the only one who got something everyday because her son was some kind of big shot fbi guy, according to her, so he was able to tell her all this cool stuff. She reads the letters to you very formally, as you were letting her believe she was still a professor and she was just holding office hours. That always made her happy, when you played into the delusion. You weren’t on her detailed staff so you didn’t know everything but you knew enough. 
One day, a letter came in the mail, addressed to you. Your relatives didn’t write letters so you didn’t know who it could be from until you opened it. 
“Dear y/n, 
My name is Spencer Reid. I am Diana Reid’s son. I assume she has told you about me as she mentions how cute you and I would be together when I actually have the chance to talk to her on rare occasions. She speaks highly of your service to her. I wanted to thank you for that. I can not do so in person at the moment but I figured a letter is a personal way to thank someone for their service.
Spencer W. Reid”
Standing in the lobby, you read the letter a couple of times. What in the world? Why would he thank you? Why you? You must not have been special. He must have hand written a letter to all of the people who help his mom. But… You’re the one person who hangs out with his mom and isn’t on the official staff list assigned to her. You were obviously perplexed but you figured that you should write one back. 
You got out a piece of paper and started writing. Then scratching out. Then writing again. Then scratching out again. Finally, you got something solid and closed the envelope, dropping it in the building’s outgoing mailbox. 
You pushed it to the back of your mind and moved on with your day. You couldn’t wait to hear about Spencer’s “adventures,” as Diana calls them. Sure, they weren’t the most interesting things but he told her secrets that no one else knew. It was like you were in on something special without prying. 
Diana read you her letter and then you got her up and moving for lunch. After that, your morning shift was over and it was time for you to return home. You bid Diana goodbye for the day, although she wasn’t going to recognize that you were leaving. She had been in a weird space lately so it was harder for her to really know what was happening. 
Life went on, going through the motions of bringing Diana her mail of the day for a few days in a row. As suspected, she was the only one with mail today until you saw your name in the same handwriting as the last one. As you rushed to open it, something fell out. A piece of paper labeled, “read me to diana.” 
“Dear y/n, 
Yes, I am an FBI profiler with the Behavioral Analysis Unit (or BAU). Yes, I know you aren’t in my mother’s healthcare worker detail but I also know that you spend time with her every day. I may not see my mother but I might stop by every now and then to check in on her, even if she doesn’t know I’m there. And if she doesn’t know, you don’t know. But I know you. I know you were nervous to write to me, your handwriting was shaky and wouldn’t stay on a line. The way you gripped the pen was probably tighter than normal. You slant down, meaning something is weighing on you, but not low enough that you aren’t on a relatively straight line. I suspect you’re a little younger than me, based on the way you dot your i’s and cross your double t’s. It suggests that you still believe in impossible things. And of course, you’re curious because you asked me to profile your handwriting. I’ve also seen you before so I know we’re about the same age and yes, you are very cute. My mother is a schizophrenic but she’s not completely delusional. 
How did the letter reading go? 
Spencer W. Reid”
How had you never seen him? How did you never see him, as long as his mother has been here. Maybe you did see him but he was unremarkable? Diana was hardly unremarkable so her son must be of similar construct, right? 
You thought about this before you wrote him back. It was a quick message, nothing too intricate. You were a little bit more careful about how you held the pen, since he knew you were nervous last time. You wrote to him about how the letter reading went: she loved the poem. You guessed that Spencer would know that but sent it anyway to make her happy. But that still doesn’t answer the question, “why you?” 
Another few days passed but you couldn’t stop thinking of Spencer. You tried looking him up on the internet and found out he was just as brilliant as his mother. That was a plus. Negative was he was not on any social media unless it was an article about him. Eventually you gave up and just went back to trying to imagine him in your head. Was he tall? Was he short? What did he like to do in his free time? He has seen you but you haven’t seen him… That wasn’t fair. 
When you opened his next letter, you were sitting outside in the grass, across from Diana sitting on the bench. She was having a particularly tough day so she wasn’t up to reading you her letter. You told her you would still keep her company until your shift ended and she seemed to like that. 
“Dear y/n, 
You ask a lot of questions. Are you sure you’re not profiling me? And yes, I have witnessed your connection with my mother before but you wouldn’t recognize me in a crowd. I’m average, nothing special. You care for her in a way I never could… That’s why I wrote to you. I’ll see you on Friday.
Spencer W. Reid”
You didn’t think about how you interacted with Diana that made a difference. You just thought about why Spencer would want to talk to you… He said Friday. Which was today. Today was Friday… He could be anywhere! You had to find him and get some questions answered up close. 
You looked for anyone who might look remotely like Diana, frantically searching while looking nonchalant. Of course, he knows what you look like so you can’t seem desperate and like you’ve lost it. You also didn’t want to worry any of the residents. 
“Excuse me.” You said, trying to get past a guy who was standing in the doorway. He turned slightly and looked at you. He had a sad smile on his face and his hands in his pockets. He looked like someone who didn’t fit into the sea of people visiting their family members. Fridays were busier than the rest of the week so he could be anyone but you had a hunch by the way the guy was staring in the direction where Diana was sitting. 
“Spencer W. Reid?” You said, watching the sad smile get a little bigger. 
“You figured me out? How did you do it?” He said, scooting over so he wasn’t standing directly next to you. 
You didn’t take that as an offensive action. His mom did the same thing. They both had a thing about people touching them. 
“You were standoff-ish. And you’re dressed like you’re important.” You said, confidently. 
You had been googling what a profiler was and how to do it since the second letter. You thought it was the coolest job in the world but you liked where you were at, caring for people close to home. 
“So you profiled me.” Spencer turned towards you a little more.
“Yes, Dr. Reid, I did.” You triumphantly put your hands on your hips. 
“I never told you I was a doctor.” He said, knowing your nonchalant facade was going to fall apart that minute. 
“Well… Okay, I googled you.” You sighed. 
“The internet has its uses... “ He said, looking over at his mom again. 
He looked like he was getting cold feet of some sort. You saw him moving a little bit more and his eyes becoming a little flighty. 
“Do you want to step outside, into the lobby?” You asked, to which he nodded. He almost looked relieved not to be forced to go over there. 
“You don’t have to go over there. I don’t have to tell her you were here.” You said, sitting on the opposite side of the lobby bench to you. 
“No, she should know I came for her birthday.” He said, looking down at his hands. 
It wasn’t very often that the visitors got anything special on their birthdays. Unless their family did something within set guidelines, there was no celebration that happened here because it could set off one of the other residents in the facility. 
“That’s sweet. She would enjoy that.” You said smiling a little bit. 
“She’ll get her wish.” He said, wanting to chuckle. 
“And what’s that?” You wondered what he could possibly be talking about. 
“Seeing us together. I mentioned it in a letter previously, that she occasionally mentions that you and I would look cute together.” He said, finally looking up at you. 
“Oh, yeah. She has said that I needed to meet you once or twice before. We talk about you a lot. I feel like I know you.” You said, breaking eye contact. You were embarrassed that you told him that you talk about him when this is the first time you’ve ever met him. 
“Well, I don’t know much about you.” He paused. “Do you think you would want to tell me more?” 
“Oh well sure. Where do you want to start? My whole backstory is wild.” You looked up at him. 
It took a second for you to recognize what he was saying. 
“oh , you mean. Yes, that would be fun.” You said, attempting to remain calm. You just scored yourself a date and you didn’t do anything but write letters. Maybe you should be a pen-pal more often.
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 3 years
I've actually been so upset over the past few days because of the new chapters... nothing to worry about though it's not too serious.
I am making content, in terms of fics I got one more oneshot to add to my current chocotemp collection, a HnK au, and a new series of oneshots, more precisely about how I feel GRG would respond to the current event in the real world. In terms of art I have a few sketch graphs and one piece planned, but it might take a while to churn out.
(Check out my ao3 for my fics! https://archiveofourown.org/series/1811194)
For now I just really want to talk about them because they make me so sad and happy at the same time. Enjoy my rambling.
Giga 13th squad! They're all so cool, Giga's squad are really just Squad 1 Legendary characters team, the other fillers and Squad 13th. I immediately fall for any teleportation-related character, so Veganic is like (chef's kiss)! He is adorable I want to pick him up and put him in my fancy coat pocket.
I hate the word goated but he really is he's the coolest and I hope he knows it! I feel embarrassed for talking to a fictional character but I wish he knows how much I love and cherish him
"There are times in life when you lose. If you're bound to lose, then just do the best you can! Then there will be a next time." I'm so devastated. How could you leave like this. How could you leave so happy when I'm dying over here.
"Give it to Choco Bibi and tell him it's my gift to congratulate him for becoming the second guild master of Grass Roots."
"How about we fight with our swords? It's been a while!"
"There should be a home for him to return to after he's done wandering. I'm going to start a new guild."
You don't understand. I don't have words for how painful this is. Just revel in the pain with me.
And here comes the backstory fluff (aka a sweetener to make the angst more bitter)
"How about we dance to draw attention?" "I think that'll make things worse." HELP ME
I'm actually never going to shut up about how Bibi never blushes in the presence of women. Like never. MSM and Drip Soup are always blushing when there's pretty women around but really Bibi has never shown attraction. When Pooh Upooh was naked? No. When Coco first entered the guild? No. Here, where a girl literally says she wants to go on a date with him? NO. This is actually my queer agenda, me and Sehun Kim had a talk and we agreed on making Bibi queer coded.
I would have never guessed that Drip Soup and Tempest were both affiliated with Giga for a short while? Guess I manifested my Giga!GRG but in a different way
I've never let go of the headcanon that Bibi is fucking terrible with feelings and is always angry, this just solidifies it more (really, every interaction Bibi has is just solidifying the theory that he's emotionally constipated)
I've also got the feeling that Bibi's super prideful in the sense that he would rather not express weakness (cry, express pain) in front of others (seen when he gets beaten by NM!Bibi the first time on) and that he channels everything into spite and anger instead. I kind of want to see this when he realises MSM is gone later on also. I want to see him get irrationally mad and blame someone (HCLW) before realising (or realising but still feeling lost and like he has to target someone) MSM wouldn't have wanted this. Armes wouldn't have wanted this. His friends are the only ones left.
It really comforts me to see that Master Swordsman is happy with his life right now. I'm kind of stuck between "oh he's happy because he's well off from the game, his work doesn't count" and "anything that you're happy with in life is worth it. You don't need an office job to be happy" though, but for real. I've never wanted a regular office job and I'd rather just do something simple and get by since nothing matters in the long run when I die. But at the same time, I feel like I can only say this because of how privileged I am to be me. It's hard being alive, sometimes. I'll pull through.
Tempest appearance! This time it solidifies my idea that Tempest finds his friends to be more important than himself, at least at this point of time. I expand a lot more in my new fic and I've written a bunch there already, so I'll save it for then (haha, shameless plug)
It's so bloody funny that they're all from the same school and that they're meeting up for a battle. What are you, YouTubers with beef?
Anyways Bibi with a sugar addiction I really do not need to elaborate on this.
They are such LOSERS who does irl fights I swear to god yall EMBARRASSING /lh
I MANIFESTED HEAVY ALCOHOL TOLERANCE BIBI YOU HAVE ME TO THANK FOR THIS!!!!!!! I REALLY DID!!!!!!!! (My linked headcanon was that Bibi's the group protector when they're out drinking. It's sort of true.)
I can't do this. This is a lot for my heart. To whoever looks at this, why? But also thank you for being here it means a lot to me.
Bibi gets couch rights as he should! Also Bibi and Tempest airpod users while MSM and Soup earphone users?
Glasses and WFL came from nowhere but alright I still love them
The gifts thing. The gifts thing. I am so upset it's unbelievable.
The hat... the hat was given to Bibi by MSM... I want to see him have a breakdown now. I want to see him wear the hat forever on after this arc because it's something solid he has left. He's an art major irl, I want to see him recreate the hat or make art related to MSM.
"You might be grumpy on the outside, but I know you always think dear of me. I'm glad you don't know what I'm doing right now. If you did, you would've stopped me by any means."
It hurts so much.
"Life doesn't always go your way. And sometimes... you just want to run away from the life that turned out so differently. Some people say, the place you run off to is no paradise. They may be right, but those who ran away can still comfort each other there."
I cannot do this anymore it's horrible my heart is shattering into a million pieces
"How did we end up like this? You went through enough to deserve a little happiness. Hardcore. Go back to your friends!"
He does deserve it. You deserve it. I hate this. Thank you. Sorry.
And Bibi still doesn't know. He'll be the last to know. "Did he go knowing I loved him? What were his last words? How do I go on? What do I do from now?"
I do want to see them reunite and remember. I do want to see them waddle in their hurt and pain, to heal together, to move on as a guild knowing this is what MSM would have wanted. It's so fascinating seeing someone grow and oh how much have the Grass Roots grown in the past 3 years. They've been close to my heart since forever and I really love them so much.
Final conclusion: I hope you've hurt as much as I do. I hope reading this has shown you something from my perspective that has made you hurt a little more. Talk to me and be my friend so we can hurt together.
On a more self note: Like I said, I'm writing stuff. I'm drawing stuff. It sucks to think sometimes that so few people will see it, but I know that I love what I'm doing. I may be prideful and want more people to love me, but I think I'm not selfish for wanting so. Reading this drains me. Reading this fills me with inspiration and joy and happiness and pain and anger and sadness.
I hope you don't find it just plain cringe that my emotions work like this. I hope that you reading this find comfort in knowing someone feels this way too. Thank you.
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daesungfmd · 4 years
hello! i’m peyton, but you can call me pey for short if you’d like; either is fine by me. i’ve only recently returned to tumblr rp, so i’m still getting back into the swing of things! please....... be patient with me in the meantime. anyway, i’m going to be writing for impulse’s lead vocal  &  rapper, hwang daesung! go ahead and leave a  ♡  if you’re interested in plotting with us and i’ll send you an im asap!
private profile  /  idol profile  /  plots  /  pinterest
daesung is originally from the neighborhood of samcheong in seoul. his mom owns a small salon there, which is where he spent the majority of his time while he was growing up (and where he still spends a lot of his free time nowadays, tbh). 
he doesn’t have any siblings  &  his dad passed away when he was twelve, so it was just him, his mom and the stray cats that they fed. they struggled quite a bit in these times and daesung’s mom often considered selling the salon, but daesung refused to let that happen. he didn’t ask for a whole lot because he didn’t want to make her feel bad.
but! he’s always been very deeply interested in music  —  stems a little from memories of just sitting in the family car with his dad and sharing music as well as listening to a busker who frequently performed near his school.
wanted to be a rockstar, which definitely irritated his mom. she wanted to be supportive, but she also wanted him to succeed in life  &  knew how hard it would be for him to make something like that come true.
regardless, she kept buying him the cds, record players, records, guitars, etc that he asked for around his birthday and the holidays because he never wanted anything else.
a series of strong-willed fights resulted in daesung’s mom finally allowing him to audition for companies. after many rejections, he found his home at gold star entertainment.
he became a trainee in early 2012—so when he was 15—and two years later, he debuted with impulse. during this time, he became estranged from his mother, but after debuting, he began to get closer to her again.
he stayed outwardly optimistic during his time as a trainee, but he didn’t exactly love it and his health was on a steady decline, both physically and mentally. there were times when he wanted to back out because he didn’t want to be an idol, he wanted to be a rock musician, but... he had too much pride to go back home. so he stayed.
during next: origin story, daesung’s poor dancing skills  &  unfaltering confidence had him framed as an arrogant boy with no shame; furthermore, he was said to be dumb because of how many times certain things had to be explained to him. towards the end of the show, he was able to redeem himself a bit, though.
to be fair............... he is kind of dumb. promoted as the ~4d type~, but it’s not like that image was pulled out of thin air --- he’s more or less the same on and off camera, can’t really differentiate between his work persona and his actual self. the best way i can describe it is that it’s really obvious that he isn’t book/traditionally smart, but he’s intelligent in other ways: emotionally, first and foremost. 
anyway! in impulse, the shameless and dense aspects of his personality that the public had already met were molded into a new, more likeable persona... although more likeable is still up for debate. during the debut era, he was very loud, a little too honest, always trying to crack a joke  &  steal the show.
in his most ridiculous shenanigan so far... he has a nervous habit of scratching his head (also does this when he’s embarrassed  —  i.e, when someone’s making fun of him) and fans made a compilation of the clips. he took it much further than he should have and made a statement without running it past management about how he’d been scratching because he had lice. never actually had lice, but fans began gifting him with copious amounts of lice shampoo, hair trimmers, plastic gloves, hairnets, etc. management was definitely fed up with him over this... but he found it hilarious.
impulse debuted nearly  7  years ago, so he has toned down his behavior a bit... or maybe the public’s just gotten more used to it? it’s hard to be shocked by him now ‘cause the public’s already seen it all. seen as the kind of idol who has no shame whatsoever.
i intend to push him towards variety whether he likes it or not. he really, really wants to act, but the company’s quite adamant about not letting him do that (for one good reason: he sucks at acting)... so maybe variety’s the next best thing? he certainly doesn’t want to be reduced to the few osts he’s done, anyway. </3
he doesn’t hate being an idol. it isn’t what he wanted, but all things considered, he doesn’t think it’s that bad, either. impulse’s music is a lot better now than it was when they debuted, he’s made a lot of friends who he never would’ve otherwise met  &  he likes to be known/liked. kinda indifferent about the idol status ig.
for more general facts about daesung... he’s quite the social butterfly. he has many friends, but i imagine that he doesn’t have very many close ones. partially because he doesn’t tend to spend too much time with individuals  &  partially because it’s hard to break past the superficial layer with him. his fans will claim that he’s the most genuine guy around, but when you actually know him, the constant grin and jokes become a bit unnerving. especially when it’s obvious that he’s not doing well, but refuses to speak about his feelings.
but once he deems someone trustworthy, he’s the king of oversharing. he’s a very open book, will tell you anything you wanna know if he knows that you actually care.
he’s a very affectionate guy, whether he’s close to someone or not. he thinks the world could definitely use some more love (and he’s seen first-hand that idols tend to be the angstiest mfs around), so he’s always looking for a way to brighten someone’s day or at least get the tiniest smile out of ‘em. with people he is close to, he’s usually pretty touchy; likes to hug his friends, rub their backs, ruffle their hair, etc, but his affection is also shown through words of affirmation! if you need an ego boost, he’s here to provide it. thinks his friends are the absolute coolest. with people he’s not close to, he tends to crack jokes to break the ice, try to talk about their interests, pay attention to whatever they have to say. gives spontaneous gifts to friends and acquaintances. likes to spend time with people, too, whether he knows them well or he’s just starting to.
he says “i love you” like it’s his life’s motto. calls up his friends when he’s drunk like, “you know that i love you, right? i really love you. so much... damn. i miss you!!! i love you and i miss you! please come back to me!!!” aka it starts out innocent enough but then he starts sounding like a crazy ex. no worries, though, it’s just your good ol’ friend daesung acting like a fool because it’s been a week since he last saw you. <3
makes spontaneous phonecalls. if he has your number in his phone, he’s definitely called you a handful of times — even if you’re a virtual stranger. i imagine there are plenty of people who’ve probably blocked his number at this point.
he’s interested in fashion, but if he said this aloud, it would be treated as a shocking statement. nothing that he wears is ever in trend. most of his outfits are inspired by ‘90′s fashion, but even taking that into consideration, hardly anyone ever thinks he looks good other than himself. his neon-toned bucket hats, excessively tie-dyed clothes  &  gaudy accessories result in him getting clowned a lot. it’s very obvious when he dresses himself....... probably not even allowed to pick his own airport clothes.
mcs have joked that he even manages to make expensive brands look cheap with how he styles them. kind of hurts his feelings but it’s okay. <3
he’s super into skateboarding. he didn’t start until after impulse debuted, but he’s gotten pretty good at it with how much he practices in his spare time. has a collection of unique boards  &  even has his apartment decorated with some furniture made from decks. some fans have definitely met him at skateparks before.
believes in the most outrageous conspiracies  —  say what you want, but you can’t change his mind about anything. he thinks that aliens are indeed real (and already walking the earth), he thinks that the government consists of people who are not entirely human, he thinks that there’s a huge chance that this world is only a simulation, he thinks that all cryptids are Definitely real (mothman, bigfoot, nightcrawlers, etc) and so on. i suggest not letting him get going about this because he can def sound a little crazy.
specialties: reciting quotes but always getting one word Terribly wrong, misusing and mispronouncing words, getting under everyone’s skin without even really having to try, slapstick humor and making 30 second stories feel 3 hours long.
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lynndoublelegacy · 4 years
just a cool dnd meme i saw
Yook so it’s less a meme and more like. a big ol questionare but hey, might as well do it. originally saw it on @/probablyottrpgideas, go check them out
1. Game Master, Player, or both? Why?
Ok so technically I’ve DMed twice but I really don’t find it fun? and don’t ever want to do it again. so. Player. I like building characters and their connections with fellow PCs more than building worlds
2. When did you start roleplaying? How old were you?
oh god, if we’re talking about roleplaying in general? I’ve been doing it basically as long as I can remember. As a kid I would play House, and then once I got older in like 5th grade I actually started making characters and playing out their stories with friends. Google+ is what made me realize this was actually like, a THING, though, and I got into some roleplaying groups there, then on DevaintArt. Dungeons and Dragons is a newer development? I got into it in late 2018 when my sister’s friend invited us to a one-shot, and... well, yea, I got hooked lol
3. What was the first roleplaying book you ever owned?
dude, bold of you to assume I really own any. I don’t have that kind of money and literally only own the Guide to Wildemount, and that was a gift
4. Describe the first game you ever ran or played in.
I mean... it’s not a game but ima describe the one shot, bc my first campaign was a hot mess without a true storyline and I used the same character for it anyway. I played a tiefling bard called Aisling Kai (I didn’t know this was a cliche combo at this point, and I honestly played her like a rogue with a music motif but Whatever) and we were a little group tasked to figure out why the hell anyone who goes into this cave never comes out. So we go in, make our way through the dungeon, fight some frog people (I made one of their ears bleed just by getting a nat 20 on a performance check to play a high f# on flute, that was fun, FWEET), and turns out yep, theres a hill giant down here. We kicked his ass and collapsed the cave on top of us (dw I think we were fine but my memory is a little screwy)
5. What system did you grow up with? / 6. Which system do you play now?
i learned on and currently play dnd 5e. I don’t really know anything else, but I’m debating checking out Vampire of the Masquerade.
7. Longest campaign you’ve run or played in?
That would be my Tal’Dorei campaign group, aka The Fatefallen! Started in the Fall of 2019 and still going to this day, just played our 45th session last week. I play Ilia Liadon, the drow grave cleric, and the only member of our party who has been there for every single session since the beginning.
8. Where did you meet your current gaming group?
...well first I feel the need to mention that I have 3 different groups (2 of them are on hiatus now for pandemic related reasons but! we’re still groups). My first group (with Aisling) was formed slowly over time as friends adopted friends into the group, I think it started as a school club? but that didn’t last long. The other two started from a different school club as well, though one has since branched out into other people as well. 
9. Strategic combat or dramatic plotlines?
I am a roleplayer first and a gamer second. Give me all of the backstories and dramatic plotlines. Don’t get me wrong, I still like combat, but story takes precedent for me.
10. Favorite RPG genre?
I don’t tend to define myself by genre? But I tend to fall into more of a fantasy, at most arcanapunk style. Give me all of the magic, and magic powered tech.
11. Your first character.
I got into her a little bit earlier, but my first character was Aisling, aka Calypso Kai. She was a homebrew subclass bard with a criminal background, who honestly? should’ve been a rogue. I’ve since rebuilt her into an Assassin Rogue/College of Eloguence Bard multiclasser, but this iteration was like. Baby her, baby me new to dnd, I did not know what I was doing. She tried to be edgy, but my mom energy came through HARD and she just. Never really had a set characterization. She deserves better and I plan on playing her better sometime in the future.
12. Your favorite character.
You are making me choose between my children. BUT, if I had to pick, either Ilia Liadon, or! Ashe Wednesday, a protector aasimar drunken master monk and my profile picture. Ashe also deserved a lot better from their campaign, so I have a massive soft spot for them, they were made during a really tough time in my life (as was Ilia) and was going through an equally rough time in-game, since I made them for a Curse of Strahd campaign without understanding what I was getting into. They’re my little rebellious asshole and I love them dearly, someone get this kid therapy. Ilia, on the other hand, is just... she’s a comfort character for me at this point. mostly soft edges, such a mom- while Ashe was me yelling “come at me” at the world while crying, Ilia was just... embracing it. Making it better. basically, if they actually existed, I would die for both of them.
13. Your most ridiculous character.
I don’t usually play super ridiculous characters, but! I would say Keothi “Bookfinder” Vaimeil counts. She was basically me looking all of the goliath barbarian stereotypes in the eye, and going “nah. she’s a nerd.” She’s literally a massive puppy dog, just the sweetest big old thing, sitting in her house and reading all the books she can get her hands on in order to make up for her amnesia. Oh, and did I mention that she’s a zombie? ...yea. She’s wacky, but I love her.
14. The best in-character line you’ve ever had.
“I need sleep. I don’t even sleep and I need sleep.”
~Ilia, after a particularly tough fight and an emotionally draining day
15. Your most epic death.
Ok so... none of my characters in game have ever actually died during the storyline? Keothi obviously has in her backstory, and Ilia might have in hers as well, it was never explicitly stated, but during the game? Nope. Ashe got stupid close, but nope. Since Keothi is my only death period, and her death was pretty epic, I’m just gonna describe that. Her parents and siblings in her Goliath tribe had all fallen ill, so she decided to go searching for a possible cure, and ended up getting conned into helping this cult, since they said they would cure her family. Turns out, yea, they were lying, they just needed a goliath willing to sacrifice themselves with a cursed sword. They made the mistake of revealing this before Keothi was actually dead, so as she was dying, she brought the entire goddamn cultist temple down to the bottom of the sea and took the cultists with her. The sword was why she was undead, in the Shadowfell, and couldn’t remember anything.
16. Your most disappointing death. 
As mentioned, I’ve never died in campaign, but I feel like I have to mention this one that happened to our party in Curse of Strahd. We were in the death house, all 5 of us, still level 1, and our barbarian falls into a pit trap with spikes. None of us realize she’s actually dead, so we send out paladin down to get her... with the monk, the bard, and the warlock holding the rope. ....yea both of them died.
17. Something that shouldn’t have worked, but it did.
I’m stuck between two options for this one. First one was the time our water genasi paladin/rogue bloodbended our gnome cleric into a bridge to keep her from falling all the way down a ravine. The second time was when our party managed to defend a small seaside town from a pirate raid with just an NPC with Control Water, a ballista, ourselves, and some explosives. Neither should’ve worked, but both did. Having a triton in your party can really come in clutch in a seaside campaign.
18. Something that went hilariously awry.
I have one that’s hilarious and one that’s horrifying. Hilarious one: in my first ever campaign, someone from Aisling’s backstory popped up and our sorcerer went “that’s shady” (to be fair, he was) and then went to investigate BY HIMSELF. He obviously got kidnapped by the mafia, and then we went all stealth mission to break him out. Stealth was immediately abandoned after our other bard used a SCREAMING SWORD to break open the locks, then we proceeded to go out the way we came, setting everything on fire on the way out, and with our bard lying their way out the front door (with the rest of us in tow as “prisoners”) by pretending to be a fellow mafia member. It was great. Horrifying one: Ilia tries to Send to a member of the party who left in order to let him know that a fellow party member had died. Forgot that he left bc his mind was invaded by a previously dead, very evil old god, and ends up trapped there with him for a while. Ended up with all of our main spellcasters trapped in their own heads while the barbarian paced around worriedly and the rogue decided he was going to get smashed instead of worrying himself silly.
19. Your most memorable in-character moment.
There are a LOT in Ilia’s campaign, but! If I had to pick one, it would actually be a pretty recent one involving Ilia and our party’s wizard, Liara. They’re basically the embodiment of head vs heart? Anyway, Liara is currently suffering from something called magic corruption, though idk if suffering is the right word. Anyway! It basically resulted in her getting... possessed? by her own magic during the night during Ilia’s watch, and they had a really, really interesting conversation regarding guilt, death, and grief, and yea basically I love them. Honorable mention to our druid’s death (he’s back and better now, but that was my first long-time death in a game, we didn’t know he was coming back) and also the moment that Ilia realized that her childhood bff/crush had been revived in a new body and that this NPC was her best friend. That was a trip.
20. The coolest item you ever got and how you came to possess it.
I got this item in the revamp of my first ever campaign and nothing has topped it since which is Sad but hey. Anyway! I got this really cool, possibly cursed dagger after I threw a knife at an absolutely eldritch being and it got stuck in him as he transformed. It looked really badass, and allowed me to cast Inflict Wounds on occasion when I stabbed someone with it. So yea, we love that. Honorable mention to my paladin/bloodhunter’s Helm of the Aberrant Gladiator which allows you to basically do a bunch of fear based affects and psychic stuff.
Numbers 21 through 30 don’t apply to me but. yea. enjoy this summary of my dnd history I guess
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Survey #326
“life by life  /  waste to waste  /  i'm the harbinger: the master of decay”
When you get married what do you think you’ll put most of your focus and money into? Do you mean like, for the wedding? Probably the venue. Or possibly the photographer. Have you ever had a teacher that also taught your parents? No. What’s something you complain about frequently? My legs. Are you afraid of falling in love? Very. Are you close to any of your aunts/uncles? Not very. Do you hate it when people smoke around you? Very much so. Do you own anything that is special edition? Yeah, things like DVDs. Do you have any funky bookmarks? I have this one meerkat bookmark where the image moves when you tilt it. Did you ever watch Pokemon? Hell yeah I did. Are there more females or males in your family? Females. Does anyone in your family snore loudly? My mom does due to having gerd. Dad did too when I actually lived with him. I wouldn't know nowadays. Do you own a camera tripod? Yes. Did you ever believe in mermaids? No. Have you ever purchased alcohol? Yes. Any essential quirks/interests/other you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner? Similar interests, like being a metal fan and gamer especially, as well as a serious animal lover for sure. Any romantic gestures you really like? Okay if someone did that little bow thing while reaching out for my hand to dance, I'd melt, lol. I also appreciate love interests holding open doors, SHOWING INTEREST IN HOW I FCKN FEEL, asking permission before doing anything in sexual exploration, stuff like that. Any sexual fantasies? Are you daring enough to share one? Yep, not sharing those lmfao. Have you ever been in love? Twice. What is your favorite/least favorite word? My favorite is "serendipity/serendipitous," and my least favorite is "retarded." Have you ever been skinny dipping? No. If I actually had a body I was confident in, I probably would in privacy tho at night lmao. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? Oh yeah. What is your favorite thing to do? Probably RPing with my favorite OCs when I'm in a really creative mood and during a great scene. Did you go to your senior prom? Yeah, I did. Prom's honestly pretty damn overrated, but I did it and his senior prom anyway. It's the picking out a beautiful dress and taking pictures that I loved. What did you do after graduation? I don't remember. We probably went out to eat or something. Favorite home cooked meal growing up? Spaghetti. What item most embarrasses you to purchase? Nothing, really. Do you give cards to people for holidays or events? No. Name the coolest thing about one of your grandparents. Uhhhhh idk. Name two things you put whipped cream on? I hate the texture of whipped cream. Do you ever eat peanut butter straight from the jar? Sometimes if I want a snack but am trying to be healthy-ish, I'll eat just a scoop. What was the last pill you took for? Pain. Do you prefer your clothes loose or close fitting? Loose, 100%. Favorite thing you’ve ever painted? Meerkats grooming. I did it in high school on a large piece of burlap. Are there any songs that remind you of your mother? "Take It Like a Woman" by Alice Cooper, for one. How did your elementary school teachers describe you? Very smart, sweet, friendly, and nice. Game you were best at in PE/gym? Pf, none. Obsession from childhood? Dinosaurs and Pokemon. Best way for someone to bond with you? Let's talk about deep stuff regarding the world or about how awesome animals are. Top 5 favorite Vines? Oh boy. There are just way too many. I'll try to name a few: 1.) the "I can't find my berries" saga guy; 2.) *in drive-thru, asked what he would like to order* "I wanna FUCKIN DIE"; 2.) "i cOUldA DROPpeD my CroISSAnt"; 3.) "it's Wednesday, m'dudes"; 4.) "a d a m"; 5.) "I WON'T HESITATE, BITCH." God, I miss Vine. What is the first meme you remember seeing? Holy cow, I have no idea. Sci-fi, fantasy, or superheroes? Fantasy. Favorite tradition? Dressing up for Halloween, even though I don't do it anymore... Talent you’re proud of having? Writing. Favorite website from your childhood? Webkinz was unbeatable. I was obsessed. Any good luck charms? I don't believe in those. Favorite potato food? French fries. Tell me the color of your eyes, without using the name of a color: Uhhhh a cloudy sky right before rain? Ever been through a goth phase? Goth is my fucking AESTHETIC. I wish I could afford a truly gothic wardrobe, because you bet your sweet ass it's all I'd wear out. Can you remember your first phone? If so, what kind was it? I think so? It was a Blueberry, I believe. Who is your favourite character from Alice in Wonderland? Obviously the Cheshire cat. What is your favorite type of YouTube video to watch? Lately, it's been tarantula and snake channels/pet YouTubers. I still think my overall favorites are let's plays, but right now it's just stepping back a bit. What’s the next project you are excited to start? I have this pretty cool drawing I wanna do of a morbid meerkat doing a big toothy smile, doing a peace sign (but his fingers are syringes) with a crown blinking over his head. Inspired by the "Professional Griefers" lyric of "lab rat king." I just really wanna make it perfect and am procrastinating in fear of failing... Have you ever experienced a miracle? I don't think I believe in miracles. What are your top three names you like for a daughter? Alessandra, Justine, and Chloe, to name a few. Which did you like better: high school or college? High school, at least in most ways. What is the theme of your bedroom? It doesn't have a theme. My interests just kinda threw up everywhere, haha. Have you ever lived in a dorm? No. Were you raised religious? Yes. Do you do your own taxes, or do you hire a professional? I don't have to do taxes yet. What was the very first thing you ever saved up to buy with your own money? Venus was the first big thing, I think. Describe your favorite Christmas ornament: I don't know what that would be, honestly. We have so very many. What jobs did your parents have when you were growing up? Dad's always been a mailman, and he also had a second job as a carpenter for a while. Mom worked with special needs children at my elementary school as a teacher assistant. She also worked at the hospital at one point, doing some computer work. I don't remember her actual position. Are you taller than your mom? We're the same height. Would you marry someone if they were unable to have sex? Sure, that's not a big deal to me. Last reason you went to the ER? For myself, a suicide attempt/overdose. What was the last word document you typed? This survey, actually, so I could save progress as I combine them. What’s something you don’t think people take seriously enough? Global warming. Have you ever dated someone who had a child from a previous relationship? No. Is there any drama currently going on with your family? No. What was the last fruit or vegetable you chopped/sliced up? An apple. I wanted apple slices with peanut butter. What is your favorite Hostess/Little Debbie snack? Holy SHIT that is impossible. Maybe the devil cakes, but I really don't know. I love most of them. Do you/your family buy loaf from the bakery or bagged on the shelf? Bagged. White, wheat or other? Mom buys white bread, but my favorite is pumpernickel. What was the last non-fiction book you’ve read? (Not a school textbook!): I ain't got a clue. I don't really read non-fiction. What color are your headphones/earbuds? These are blue. Would you be embarrassed to find out you snored loudly in public? Yep. Thankfully, I don't snore. Do you feel guilty about killing bugs? Yep. How do you feel about coconut? Not a fan. ^ Ever cracked one open? Ha, I've always wanted to. Who did you last worry about and why? My mom. She's getting a CT scan ASAP due to chronic headaches and stomach pain, so I'm worried her cancer might be re-emerging. When was the last time you ate/drank something gross just to be polite? I don't know; I struggle to do this. If I don't like something, my face shows it. I can't help it. When did you last make up a baby’s bottle? Never. Do you have any framed black & white photos in your home? Who are they of? No. What’s the most expensive thing your car needed to get done? N/A If you had a thousand dollars to spend on a pricey brand you like but can’t really afford (until now of course), which ONE brand would you chose? I don't know. Real talk, I find most luxury brands to sell pretty ugly stuff... Do you like candy canes? Yeah. Do you still talk to any of your old teachers? Yes; one is my landlord. What color was the dress you wore to your senior prom? It was black. Ever go to another school’s prom? No. Do you like burning candles or incense? I love incense. Do you ever venture into the woods? What do you normally do in there? When I used to live in the woods, I did every now and then to take pictures. Does your significant other ever make you mix CDs? Single, but that would be so romantic. /swoons How did you dress your freshman year of high school? I was this emo/metalhead/goth creature. What is the best present you have ever received? My dog Teddy. <3 What is the best present you have ever given? I put the most effort into a scrapbook thing of well over a hundred reasons I loved my then-boyfriend Jason. Even though we're done, I honestly hope he still has it, just to remember. What is the best surprise you have ever had? Sara's parents paying for a flight up there to be with Sara for her birthday. Have you ever been robbed? No, thankfully. Ever kiss someone on the first date? No. Ever sleep with someone on the first date? Definitely a nope. Ever give someone a wrong phone number on purpose? No. What’s the strangest thing you have ever witnessed firsthand? I have no idea. It's... very morbid, but possibly dogs twitching after being euthanized. Seeing Teddy do it was such a strange, painful experience. Like there was still life in there... even though I know it was just his nerves doing their final hoorah and he was already dead. Ever seen a psychiatric ward? I've been in a mental hospital five or six times, so I'm uncomfortably familiar with them. What is the last thing you did that you didn’t want to do? Group therapy. I'm really burning out on it. Thankfully, I don't have it on the weekends. What is the last thing you convinced someone else to do? I dunno. If you could live in a different time, would you? When? Nah. Do you prefer to sleep alone or with someone else? Sleeping alone is more comfortably physically, but I usually prefer sleeping with a partner because there's this amazing feeling of safety, love, and companionship. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two. Do you prefer cold air and blankets, or warm air and no blankets? Cold air and blankets by ten miles. I can't sleep if I'm even remotely hot. How often do you dust? Sigh, not as much as I need to. What is the most "extreme" activity you have ever done? I haven't done very much that fits that description... so idk. Dr. Pepper or root beer? Dr. Pepper. I hate root beer. Last room you cleaned? Mine. Last thing you did that made you feel like an adult? Checked into the doctor's office by myself, haha... Talk about sad. What’s your favorite picture of your mom? Dad? It's not my business to actually share those pictures, but I can describe them. I fucking ADORE this candid photograph I took of my mom laughing; I will forever cherish it. It's morbid to think about, but it's absolutely a picture I'll frame of her once she's passed away. I don't have many pictures of Dad, but I do really like this picture we took together at Red Lobster once. Are you subscribed to anything (Magazines, monthly boxes, streaming sites, etc.)? Mom pays an Adobe Creative Cloud photography bundle subscription for me, but that's it. Last TV show series you finished? Fullmetal Alchemist with Sara. It was a rewatch for me, but she'd never seen it. What’s something exciting that’s happened to one of your friends recently? A childhood friend got engaged a few days back. Do you have any board games? If so, where do you keep them? We have a few somewhere. What were the last things you glued together? I don’t recall. What are your friends’ pets’ names? I'll just use Sara here since she's my best friend. She has two family dogs, Buster and Beesly, a cat named Winter, four ball pythons named Martha, Crowley, Little Dot, and Jane Marie, and Doris, a bearded dragon that I personally adore most. :') What all did you do today? I played World of Warcraft early this morning, but not for very long. I've been in a phase of being very uninterested in it lately. I've mostly just done surveys... lots of surveys. I'm just in the mood to. I've also been listening to music and watching John Wolfe play Amnesia: Rebirth periodically. If you live in a house, how many floors does it have? If you live in an apartment building, how many units does it have? It's just one floor. Would you like to live in a world with mythical creatures, even if they turned out to be evil or dangerous? Honestly... I probably would, haha. Are you scared of heights? Yes. When was the last time you lost something of great sentimental value? Did you ever end up finding it again? Never, I think and hope. What food do you find to be the most filling? Is this something you eat a lot of? Eggs or oatmeal. Not really. What do you think of people who purposefully train their dogs to fight or to be aggressive? They're fucking garbage human beings. If you suffer/have suffered with acne, do you squeeze your spots or do your best to just leave them be? Ugh, I was so bad (and still am if something pops up) about picking at it. Does your father have any hobbies? What are they? Sure. He loves sports, fishing, idk if he still plays video games, fantasy football... and I can't forget playing with his grandkids. It's hard for me to know all of them when I don't live with him and see him rarely. What did the last face mask you wore look like? It was just a white cotton one. Is there a specific song that you always request at parties? What is it? I don't go to parties. Would you rather read poetry or write poetry? Write it. Have you ever had any really infected injuries? I've had infected piercings as well as a badly infected pilonidal cyst. Is there any band out there that you like every song by them? No. Are you popular on any websites? No. What was the last song you listened to? Aaaaand now I'm hooked on "NIHIL" by 3TEETH. Are you currently texting anyone right now? No. When was the last time you played jump rope? Yikes, probably not since I was a kid. I used to love it. Who was the last person you offended? I dunno. What’s the earliest you’ve ever had to wake up for work? Not early. Do you know anyone who has changed their first name? I know trans people who have, yes. Do you know anyone who has been on life support and survived? No. At least, I don't believe so. Do your parents have a strong relationship together? They're divorced, and Mom at least can't stand him. Dad doesn't really care. Do you ever feel like you’re sharing too much about yourself online? Oh, I absolutely used to. I still might, idk. I've tried to reel it back some. How many windows are in the room you’re in? Eight, but they're just small, vertical rectangles stacked together, so it's not as revealing as it sounds. What was the last necklace you wore? My spiked choker, I think, for pictures. Or maybe the one I have with a bunch of big silver skulls. Do you think there are more dimensions than what we’re able to perceive? I don't think so, no. Does anyone in your family have schizophrenia? My half-sister on Dad's side that I've never met. Have you ever been in an abandoned house? A shack, yeah. Do you like art? I positively adore it. I could NOT imagine life without it. How about theatre? I don't care for it. Have you ever made breakfast for someone? Yes, for Sara. Do you talk to your crush? If you have one. Yeah, she's my best fren. If yes, what do you usually talk about? Nowadays I ask her almost daily how she's doing in regards to her progress of recovering from both serious physical and mental stressors. I try to always be an available ear if she ever wants to vent. Would you rather read or watch a video about something? Watch a video. In what ways have you fulfilled some of the hopes and dreams you had as a teenager? I've fulfilled none of those. What’s one stressful thing you’ve been trying to deal with lately? How have you been dealing with it? Inexplicable, chronic boredom/serious anhedonia. I've just... put up with it. I get pleasure out of essentially nothing most days, and it sucks big time. I just try to distract myself and force myself to do things I usually love, though I've been bad about actually succeeding in making me do said stuff... Is there a regional chain of store/restaurant/etc. in your area that you feel very loyal to? MOTHERFUCKIN BOJANGLE'S, BITCH. You think YOU have good fries somewhere? Oh hunny, sit down. Oftentimes, people warn us against getting tattoos or body modifications or dying our hair unnatural colors because we could be judged poorly for them. But has a more “alternative” look ever worked out in your favor? Well, I like myself better with my piercings and tattoos, and that's all that really matters to me. Do you have any daily routine/habit of that you’re really proud of keeping up? No. .-. Pick one of the following activities to do in a forest (assume you would be equally good at each one of these): Foraging for mushrooms, identifying trees, searching for specific types of bugs, trying to build something out of fallen branches and logs. Searching for bugs w/ my camera!!! But that all sounds fun. What’s the hardest class you’ve ever taken? My most recent math course that I failed horribly.
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whumphoarder · 5 years
D is for Diploma
Summary: Between all of his commitments, Peter’s grades start slipping, putting him in danger of losing his academic scholarship to Midtown. Stressed and guilt-ridden about the effect this will have on May’s finances, he ends up worrying himself sick and having a breakdown in Tony’s lab.
Word count: 3,759
Genre: emotional hurt/comfort, angst, hurt/comfort
A/N: Thanks so much to @xxx-cat-xxx and @sallyidss for beta reading and encouragement <3
Link to read on Ao3
“But how are you getting a C in gym class?” Ned balks at his friend. He’s peering over Peter’s shoulder as he scrolls through his quarterly grades on the school library computer. “Everyone gets an A. I’m getting an A. All you gotta do is show up and at least look like you’re trying and boom, automatic A.”
Peter rubs a hand at the back of his neck sheepishly. “So, remember after the Rhino dude attacked me, how I had all those bruises that didn’t heal right away?”
“Yeah...” Ned recalls, frowning. “But you said they didn’t hurt.”
“They didn’t! Not really, anyway,” Peter says quickly. “But like, I didn’t really want everyone to see that, so I kinda didn’t change into my uniform. And apparently if you don’t change, Wilson just marks you as absent.”
“Ah.” Ned gives him a sympathetic wince. “Yeah, that’s lame.”
“What I don’t understand,” MJ pipes up, glancing up from the book she’s had her nose in all afternoon, “is the D in Spanish. Rodríguez isn’t even a hard teacher.”
Peter’s face flushes with embarrassment. “So… I might have forgotten to submit a couple assignments.”
She quirks an eyebrow. “You forgot? He reminds us what’s due, like, three times every class period.”
“I mean, it was just the take-home quiz...” he mumbles. “And some of the homework sheets. Oh, and that cultural essay thing about the ancient Mayans.”
“Peter.” She blinks at him. “That was like, twenty percent of our grade.”
“Well, to be fair, I did have a concussion,” he defends. “It was a little hard to remember stuff that week.”
Ned rolls his eyes. “Oh yeah, that makes it so much better.”
Peter huffs out a laugh. Honestly, between all the hours he’s been logging lately as Spider-Man, his frequent internship nights with Tony in the lab, the increasingly demanding decathlon practice schedule as their team moves toward regionals, and the weekend shifts he’s started picking up at Delmar’s (because, let’s face it, the vigilante life isn’t the most lucrative career path—the occasional free churro notwithstanding), Peter thinks he’s been doing quite well juggling everything. Sure, his grades aren’t quite the neat row of A’s and the occasional B he’s grown accustomed to throughout his school career, but it’s not like he’s failing anything.
“I’ve just got different priorities now,” Peter says with a shrug. “I still show up and I’m passing all my classes, so what does the grade matter?”
MJ returns the shrug, looking vaguely impressed with him. “It doesn’t really. I’ve always been morally opposed to using arbitrary numerical values as a measure of academic success.” She shifts her gaze back to her novel before adding, offhandedly, “But you gotta admit, the tuition break is nice.”
And in those nine little words, she might as well have punched him in the gut.
“Oh shit,” Peter breathes out. Hurriedly, he starts gathering books together and getting to his feet.
“What?” Ned asks, looking puzzled.
“Um, I gotta go,” he blurts. And then before anyone can say another word, he’s out of the library doors.
The Parkers aren’t poor, exactly.
May works full-time at her job as a neonatal nurse, besides picking up extra shifts one or two nights a month to give them a bit of cushion. Between her wages and the social security checks that come every month from Ben’s pension, the two of them get by. Sure, Peter might not have name-brand clothes or the coolest tech or even a pair of gym shoes without a bit of duct tape on the soles, but there’s always been food on the table and a roof over his head, so Peter’s never stressed that much about their financial situation.
Maybe that’s how he managed to completely forget about his academic scholarship.
He’s qualified for it ever since he passed Midtown’s entrance exams in the top tenth percentile back in eighth grade. The money is substantial—slightly over two-thirds of the tuition cost is paid for him—and the scholarship automatically renews every semester provided he maintains a grade point average of 3.3 or higher, which has never been a problem for him.
That is, up until now. Factoring in his B in history, the C’s in gym and trig, and his D in Spanish, his GPA is currently sitting at 2.9.
Peter is going to lose his scholarship.
With less than two weeks left before finals, Peter starts cramming in all the studying he can manage. He stays up late, pouring over his trigonometry notes, trying to work his way through all the practice problems he’s been slacking on. He makes a point of showing up three minutes early to gym class every day, even if he has to use a bit of his enhanced speed to get all the way there from the chem labs on the other side of the building. On the train, he quizzes himself on the names of historical figures and the dates of battles long-since fought. Some of his teachers are willing to work with him, letting him turn in late assignments for partial credit or giving him additional projects to complete.
And then there’s Spanish.
“Isn’t there some kind of extra credit project I can do?” Peter begs. “Anything?”
It’s his study hall period and he’s at Señor Rodríguez’s desk for the second day in a row, desperately hoping for anything that could give his grade the boost it needs.
“I’m sorry, Peter,” his teacher says, sounding genuinely regretful. “But you’ve had countless opportunities this semester to get your grade up via homework and test retakes, all of which you neglected to take advantage of. Coming to me with less than ten days left in the semester requesting make up work for assignments worth significant percentages of your grade is simply too little, too late.”
“But… I had a concussion that week,” Peter argues. “Like, right when it was all due. And I would have done the work before, but…” He trails off, unable to finish his sentence without explaining his unorthodox extracurriculars. “I...I was busy,” he concludes weakly.
Rodríguez raises an eyebrow a little skeptically. “I didn’t receive any notes from the nurse’s office about this concussion.”
Peter glances down to his feet. “Well, that’s because she didn’t know, exactly…”
No one did—not even May. After getting all those bruises the week before, Peter didn’t want anyone to know he was hurt again so soon. Apparently Karen hadn’t deemed the blow to the head he took severe enough to override his wishes. He’d just dealt with the headaches and brain fog the best he could and sort of floated through that week on his own. In hindsight, maybe not his best plan.
“Well, I guess this is a good life lesson for you then, Peter,” Rodríguez says. His voice is firm, but not unkind. “Part of growing up is taking responsibility and learning to communicate with authority figures before you get into trouble.”
“Right, and I get that,” Peter babbles, “I just—”
His teacher holds up a finger, quieting him. “My job is to train my students for success in the real world, and sometimes that means reminding you that actions have consequences. ¿Lo entiendes?”
And Peter finds himself nodding. Because, despite the pool of dread growing in his gut, he does understand. He wants to be mad, wants to say it’s unfair and the universe gave him a raw deal and he doesn’t deserve this. But he can’t. Rodríguez is right.
And Peter’s still fucked.
By the time Friday rolls around, Peter’s barely functioning. Besides all the extra assignments and studying for finals, he’s had three days in a row of Decathlon practices, followed by some particularly eventful evening patrols that all went quite a bit later than his usual curfew of ten p.m.
He can’t get much of his lunch down today, which does nothing to appease his friends’ concerned looks. The food seems tasteless in his mouth and he’s so tired he nearly nods off into his cafeteria chicken nuggets.
When school finally lets out, he’s surprised and a little disheartened to see the sleek black car waiting for him in the bus circle. He’d totally forgotten it was an internship weekend.
Peter groans as he disconnects the circuits he just switched out. He’s been trying to fix a bug in his suit’s heater upgrade for the last twenty minutes now, but nothing he attempts is working and his head is throbbing so much that his vision is hazy.
“Just try again, kid,” Tony encourages absently from across the workshop. He’s not looking up, fully engrossed as he is in his own project. “You got this.”
“Yeah...” Peter mutters under his breath. Blinking a few times, he rubs a hand at his eyes to try to clear his vision.
He connects a different wire. That one doesn’t yield any better results, so he unplugs it and tries again. Then again. Then again. He’s fairly sure he’s already tried the next combination, but he’s so tired he can’t remember so he does it again just to be sure. Nothing.
Peter is so frustrated now that his hands are actually shaking. He pauses and takes a deep breath before trying again.
This time, the wire sparks at him.
“I can’t do this!” Peter exclaims, shoving the suit away from him across the table. “I can’t do anything! Why am I so fucking stupid?!”
He’s breathing heavily now, tears clouding his vision even further. Within a few seconds he feels Tony’s hand rest heavily on his shoulder. It should be comforting, but it only makes Peter feel pathetic.
“C’mon, just take a deep breath and—”
“No!” Peter blurts, shaking away from Tony’s grip. “That’s not going to fix anything! I can’t fix this—don’t you see?!”
Stepping backwards, Tony holds his hands up in front of his chest, keeping his expression perfectly neutral. “Okay…” he says carefully. “I think you might need a break.”
Tears prick at Peter’s eyes and he instantly regrets snapping at his mentor. “No, no, I didn’t mean that! I’m s-sorry, ’m fine…” he says. It would probably sound a lot more convincing if his breath would stop hitching.
Tony lifts an eyebrow. “Yeah, no, I’m pulling rank here,” he declares. “It’s break time.”
“No!” Peter protests. His hands fumble back on the table for the wires.  “I gotta finish it! It’s so close, it’s just—” He cuts himself off as the images of the suit swim before his eyes, his head throbbing. “I, I need to finish…” he concludes lamely.
“Peter, just stop,” Tony says with an exasperated sigh. “You’re no good like this.”
Somehow, those words are the catalyst. Peter feels every emotion he’s been bottling up for the past week erupt inside of him. His breath hitches and his head pulses. “I, I know I’m not,” he manages to say, “but that’s why I gotta… gotta finish, then maybe—”
“Jesus, kid,” Tony breathes out. “That’s not what I meant at all. I was just saying—”
Peter cuts him off. “No, I… I know…” Tears are sliding down Peter’s cheeks now. He runs a hand through his hair, shoulders shaking. “’M sorry.”
Tony’s eyes are a mixture of concern and confusion. “Whoa, hey, what’s going on here?” Tugging the edge of his sleeve over his thumb, Tony uses it to wipe a few of the tears off his cheeks. “Talk to me.”
Honestly, Peter doesn’t even know where to begin. The frustration of his current project, the lack of sleep, his grades, the scholarship…
“I just… I-I have a headache.”
Peter doesn’t know why he says it—the pressure in his skull doesn’t even rank very high on his list of concerns at the moment, yet the simple physicality of it somehow makes it the easiest thing to admit. He rubs the back of his hand at his eyes, but his vision is still so blurry. “Can’t really see straight…”
Tony’s brows knit together. “Is it a migraine?”
“N-No,” Peter says between choked sobs. “Or... I don’t know, I don’t th-think so?” Despite never having had a migraine, he’s pretty sure that’s not what this is. The pain isn’t anything exceptional—it’s just that he can’t seem to stop crying and he’s so fucking tired.
“Either way, I think you’ll feel better once you’ve got a couple painkillers in you,” Tony reasons. “C’mon, let’s get you sorted out.”
Peter shakes his head in weak protest. “No, ’s’okay... “
“Nope,” Tony says, his voice a little more firm. “Trust me on this, you don’t want to work in a lab right now. It’s bright, and loud, and honestly, you’re a bit of a safety hazard at the moment.”
To Peter’s horror, a fresh wave of emotion comes over him and he finds himself properly crying now, his frame wracking with each sob.
“Okay, okay, alright…” Tony murmurs, and Peter feels a hand awkwardly patting him on the back.
It’s all so idiotic, Peter decides, standing in Tony’s lab, crying over things that are completely his own fault and a headache that isn’t even that bad.
“You’re okay, kid,” Tony whispers. “Just breathe.”
As Peter struggles to pull himself together, he feels the hand switch to rubbing circles on his back. It moves up to the back of his neck, but halts as soon as Tony’s fingers touch Peter’s bare skin.
Tony frowns. “Do you have a fever?”
“Wh-What?” Peter’s throat is thick.
“You’re really warm,” Tony explains. He flips his hand around to press the back of his fingers to Peter’s skin, first on his neck, then on his cheek. “Yeah. FRIDAY, can we get a read on that?”
“100.7, boss,” she supplies.
Tony hums a bit. “Yeah, that’s about what I thought…”
Peter doesn’t get it. “B-But I’m not sick,” he protests. “Just—”
“Exhausted,” Tony finishes for him. “When’s the last time you had a full night’s sleep?”
Sniffling, Peter gives a non-committal shrug.
“Yeah, that’s not good, kid,” Tony huffs. “Take it from a guy who has a bit of experience in this area—not sleeping enough will seriously mess you up.”
With a hand on Peter’s back, Tony starts gently ushering the kid out of the lab. Peter doesn’t even bother protesting anymore as he shuffles along, his lip quivering. He figures he’s caused enough trouble today.
Tony deposits him onto the couch in the living room and Peter immediately curls up against the arm rest, squeezing his eyelids shut in an effort not to think about what a fool he’s making of himself in front of his mentor. It doesn’t help much.
“You just chill out for a minute here, okay?” Tony says quietly, draping a blanket over Peter. “I’m gonna get you some meds.”
Peter nods and Tony gives his shoulder a final squeeze before stepping out.
The second he’s alone, the tears start streaming down again, hot and silent and totally uncontrollable. If he’s not working in the lab, then he really should be studying for these stupid finals, but he can’t bring himself to pull out his flash cards. He doesn’t think he can rest—not with so much hanging over his head—but he can’t work either. Tony was right; he’s just no good right now.
When Tony reenters with painkillers and a glass of water, he doesn’t say anything about how Peter is hurriedly sitting up and scrubbing his face with his hands in a pointless attempt to pull himself together. He just presses two pills into Peter’s palm.
Looking down at the painkillers in his shaking hand, Peter’s stomach twists and he’s suddenly not so sure they’ll be able to stay down. “I can’t. I feel sick,” he admits in a whisper.
With a quiet sigh, Tony perches himself on the edge of the sofa, right beside Peter’s tucked knees. “I think you’re just tired, kiddo. Sometimes that makes you feel a little sick.”
Peter doesn’t say anything so Tony passes him the glass of water. “Here. Humor me,” he says. “If I’m wrong, I’ll pay for the dry cleaning.”
It’s a stupid joke, but the corners of Peter’s lips twitch anyway. “Okay,” he croaks.
Peter slips the pills into his mouth and swallows them down with a sip of water. He’s queasy, but it’s not too bad. He goes to set the cup back down on the coffee table, but his mentor shakes his head.
“Drink the whole thing,” Tony instructs.
Peter obeys. It takes him a couple of minutes, but he manages to get the entire cup down and feels just the smallest bit better for it.
Tony takes the empty glass from his hand and sets it on the table. “Think you can sleep now?”
Peter just shrugs. He wants to—god, he wants to—but he doesn’t deserve it. Not when this is all his own damn fault. His voice is barely a whisper when he speaks again:
“I think I really messed up, Mr. Stark.”
Over the next ten minutes, it all comes tumbling out: the job at Delmar’s, the decathlon requirements, the late patrols, his slipping grades, his scholarship, everything.
“I just… I don’t want to change schools,” Peter concludes softly. “I like Midtown. It was the first place I really felt like… well, like I fit in.”
Tony’s been quiet for the whole time Peter was speaking, but now his brow furrows. “Why would you need to quit Midtown?”
Peter blinks at him; isn’t it obvious? “Because the full tuition is eight thousand dollars a semester. Without the scholarship…” he trails off. “I just can’t do that to May.”
A look of relief spreads across Tony’s face. “Is that all? That’s the whole issue?” He huffs out an amused breath. “Done. Consider it paid. Problem solved.”
Peter feels his cheeks flush. He shakes his head frantically. “No, no, I didn’t mean that you should pay! Please don’t do that!”
Now it’s Tony’s turn to blink at him. “Peter. I am a multi-billionaire. Do you have any idea what eight thousand dollars is to me?”
“But you shouldn’t have t—”
“Peanuts,” Tony cuts him off. “I’ve spent more on peanuts than that.”
“And by that I mean actual, honest-to-god peanuts,” Tony continues over the kid’s protests. “There’s this company in Peru that slow-roasts them for twenty-one days in a secret spice blend. Happy’s obsessed with ‘em—says they’re god’s gift to mankind. So, for Christmas one year—”
“You can’t pay my tuition!” Peter blurts out.
Tony stops his story abruptly. His eyes narrow at Peter. “And why exactly is that?”
“Because…” Running a hand through his hair, Peter draws in a shuddery breath. “Because… If anyone should pay, it’s me. I-I’m the one who fucked up and lost the stupid scholarship. I should be the one responsible for fixing this.”
“But you can’t fix it,” Tony says bluntly.
Peter’s caught off-guard. “Wh-What? N-No, I just need to get my grades up, and, and…”
Tony’s voice is gentler now. “You can’t, Peter. You can’t get a 2.9 up to a 3.3 by next week, no matter how well you do on your exams. You’ve gotta know that.”
(Peter does know. He’s known for days. He’s always been good at math, after all.)
“So you can’t keep going on like this, trying to make up for what happened,” Tony concludes.
Tears prick at the corners of Peter’s eyes once more. He’s determined not to let them fall this time. “But I deserve it…” he whispers.
Tony shrugs. “If we always got what we deserved, I never would have made it through the 90s.” He huffs out a short laugh. “At least nobody has to bail you out of prison. Same can’t be said for all of us.”
In spite of Peter’s earlier resolve, the traitorous tears slip out anyway. He wonders how he has any left.
Tony sobers a bit. “You’re a good kid, Pete,” he says quietly. “But you’re trying to carry the whole world on your shoulders and that’s enough to break anyone. It’s okay to ask for help sometimes. Even if you fucked up.”
Peter swallows hard. “Okay.”
“So let’s try this again,” Tony says. He makes eye contact with Peter. “What do you need, kid?”
“Right now?” Peter exhales deeply. “I dunno. A nap?”
Tony smirks slightly. “I think we can manage that.”
Peter makes it through finals.
All his extra effort and studying does yield some results. His gym grade increases to a B after Coach Wilson grades his two-page extra credit report on the rules of badminton. The trig final is rough, but he pulls in another couple points there, and the art teacher accepts a few late sketches from the unit on perspectivism. With the help of the final exam, he even manages to eek out a C- in Spanish.
When it’s all said and done, Peter’s GPA sits at 3.1.
“That wasn’t easy to do. I’m proud of you, Peter,” May says sincerely. “You know that, right?”
Peter shrugs. “I guess so.”
They’re sitting together at the apartment’s small kitchen table, May’s open laptop in front of them with all of Peter’s end of semester grades displayed. Peter’s eyes drift down from the screen to the table where a check for eight thousand dollars signed by Tony Stark himself is staring back at him. He sighs.
May plants a quick kiss on the top of her nephew’s head. “Well, I know so. So for now, I’ll just know it for the both of us.”
Peter strokes his fingers over the crisp paper of the check. Besides covering tuition, Tony has now upgraded Peter’s unofficial SI internship to a paid position—something he says he should have done long ago, given how much time Peter spends working in the lab—and that will allow him to give Mr. Delmar his two-week notice.
He knows he should be grateful, but honestly, it’s going to take him some time to wrap his head around the concept of being taken care of like this.
Getting up from the table, May moves over to retrieve a small paper bag from the counter. “That reminds me—Mr. Stark told me to give you this.” She tosses the bag to Peter, who catches it easily.
Curiously, he opens it. He’s immediately hit with the aroma of exotic spices and roasted legumes. Peter can’t help but grin.
A note inside the bag reads: Enjoy your peanuts, kid.
A/N: If you enjoyed this story, you might also like: 
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thebladeblaster · 4 years
Pokémon: the Dark Circuit (aka Vanguard Descends season 2)
Chapter 3 New Allies
Aichi’s current team
Level 79 Wingal (Lycanroc (dusk)) rock
Stealth rock
Stone edge
Play rough
Level 77 Llew (Golisopod) water/bug
Sucker punch
First impression
Level 78 Gancelot (Lucario) fighting/steel
Focus blast
Stone edge
Meteor mash
Dragon pulse
Level 85 Soul Saver (Haxorus) dragon
Iron tail
Dragon dance
Scale shot
Level 100 Alfred (Aegislash) ghost/steel
Sacred sword
King’s shield
Iron head
Shadow Claw
“We are sending you over to Kanto. There’s strong trainers there that can help you find Aichi.”, Takuto said.
In Kanto…
Misaki, Kamui, Miwa, and Kourin had just come upon the coast of Kanto.
“So, this is the Kanto region. Hopefully, these guys will be worth coming all the way out here.”, Kamui commented.
“I don’t think they would send us here for nothing.”, Miwa replied.
The dock looked heavily guarded which made them feel a bit nervous. Countless Pokémon and military trainers lined the edge. They could also see several powerful water type Pokémon circling the waters. The flag on their ship was Kakusa’s: Their flag was green with Arceus’s golden ring on it with gold circular streaks along the ring. Kamui and Miwa had some trouble hiding the nervousness they felt. They were entering in through Pallet town, which was where the trainers they were waiting for resided. Their ship stopped before the dock. Misaki was in front, keeping the coolest expression she could. One of the people sent with them on the ship put the plank down so they could cross. One of the government agents came by and showed an ID confirming that they are from Kakusa which one of the guards looked at before nodding. The guards cleared a path for them. One by one they stepped onto Kanto. They were mostly quiet as the agent led them along.
They entered the once small town of Pallet town which has seen quite a bit of growth in the last few years. They were not sure exactly which building they would be led to. But, they certainly didn’t expect it to be a small game shop.
In Alola…
They had defeated some of the many bloodthirsty Pokémon who had attacked them and Gancelot gave Aichi back their Poké balls. They then had met back up with Alfred, Wingal, and Llew.
“Wingal what are you doing out like this? You look very hurt.”, Aichi said, before he scooped up Wingal protectively in his arms.
“Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc. Lycanroc.(Sorry about that, I just wanted to help out. I don’t want to be a burden. )”, Wingal apologized, looking down seeing how worried he made his trainer.
Aichi looked surprised at this and Soul Saver tilted her head in confusion.
“You’re not a burden! What made you think that?!”, Aichi questioned.
“Golisopod. Golisopod. Golisopod. (See I’m not the only one, Wingal.)”, Llew said.
“Lucario. Lucario. Lucario. Lucario. Lucario. Lucario. Lucario. Lucario. Lucario. Lucario. (None of us thinks you're a burden, Wingal. You're an important member of the party.)”, Gancelot assured.
“Haxorus! (Yeah definitely!)”, Soul Saver agreed and Alfred nodded in agreement.
Aichi looked down at Wingal and gave him a warm smile. Wingal just blushed lightly and buried himself in Aichi’s arms.
“The castle is that way.”, Alfred said as ‘pointed’ with his cloth-like arms.
They all started towards that direction. Little did they know Team Asteroid’s elite squad was coming to Alola and that they were being watched.
In Kanto…
A short old man with spiky silver hair came up to Kai and the boy with the necklace.
“Some people have come to see you, Yugi.”, the old man said.
The boy with the necklace now known as Yugi turned to see Misaki, Kamui, Kourin, and Miwa. Their eyes widened in shock seeing Kai and Miwa gasped.
“Hey, Kai it’s you! Long time no see!”, Miwa greeted.
Kai looked over to them a bit surprised, but he didn’t show it.
“What’s he doing here?”, Kamui questioned.
“You guys know Kai?”, Yugi questioned, pointing towards Kai.
“Yes, and you must be Mutou Yugi right?”, Misaki replied.
“Ah! Yes! That’s me. Who are you guys exactly?”, Yugi replied in a sheepish manner reminding them of Aichi.
“I am Tokura Misaki. I am the psychic type gym leader of the Kakusa region.”, Misaki replied.
“I’m the whirlwind fighter with 8 gym badges! The great Katsuragi Kamui!”, Kamui introduced himself boastfully puffing out his chest.
That made Yugi sweat drop a bit.
“He’s just like Jonouchi”, Yugi thought.
“I’m Taishi Miwa. Nice to meet you.”, Miwa introduced.
“Kourin.”, Kourin introduced simply.
“The Kakusa region…”, Yugi trailed off, the region wasn’t super well known though he’s felt like he’s heard of it before.
“Weren’t they the one with that Christmas thing?”, the ghost? Translucent person? Questioned next to him.
The others didn’t react to this at all as if they couldn’t see or hear the mysterious specter.
“Oh, yeah that was Kakusa wasn’t it?”, Yugi gasped in realization.
Christmas Eve
Yugi was carrying around boxes in his grandpa’s game shop. A blond teen with brown eyes wearing a jean jacket, a white shirt , and jeans was laying on his coach flipping through channels. His name was Katsuya Jonouchi. Sitting in one of the other chairs was a boy with brown hair and brown eyes he had on a black jacket, a white shirt, and jeans. His name was Hiroto Honda. In another chair was a girl with brown hair and blue eyes she wore a light pink dress shirt with a pink choker and jeans. Her name was Mazaki Anzu.
“You need help with that Yugi?”, Anzul asked.
The screen on the tv turned to a certain Christmas broadcast.
A massive parade went through the Kakusa region. The floats were big and boisterous with massive Santa, Reindeer, and other Christmas blow ups. Golden bells rang and on one of the platforms Ultra Rare performed. Many citizens came out to watch the parade come by. Aichi was a part of the parade dressed as Santa Claus. Soul Saver and Wingal had reindeer costumes. Ahmes, Gancelot, Llew, and Alfred had elf costumes. The media’s cameramen all focused their attention on the boy and Ultra Rare.
“For those of you who don’t know this is our newest champion, Sendou Aichi! He became our champion and hero after defeating Suzugamori Ren and driving away Team Asteroid!”, a reporter on the tv said.
Yugi gasped in shock, turning his attention to the tv along with the others.
“W-what somebody actually beat one of those guys?!”, Jonouchi gasped in shock, sitting up.
“That can’t be true.”, Honda commented.
Anzu quickly got out her phone.
“It’s real!”, Anzu gasped, showing them her phone.
It was an article from the Kakusa region a few months ago. It told about how Suzugamori Ren became champion of the region and how Team Asteroid started to take over. Yugi walked over reading the article shocked. They hadn’t heard of the take over here because sadly many news outlets didn’t see Team Asteroid taking over or attacking other regions as big news anymore. It had very sadly become the norm.
“That’s amazing! They were able to completely drive away Team Asteroid like that!”, Yugi gasped in awe.
“So...what exactly are they doing?”, Jonouchi asked, pointing at the screen.
Yugi’s grandpa, Mutou Solomon, the old man from before, froze when he looked at the broadcast. Yugi looked over to him with a bit of confusion as he saw tears in his eyes.
“Is something wrong grandpa?”, Yugi asked a bit concerned, putting the box down.
“It’s Christmas.”, Solomon replied sounding a bit emotional.
“Christmas? What’s that?”, Honda asked.
“It’s a holiday, a certain day of the year where you hold some sort of celebration. We used to celebrate it here every year before the war. You give presents to your loved ones and have something like a party.”, Solomon explained.
“So, that’s Christmas? It sounds like a nice holiday.”, Yugi replied.
“I never thought I would see a Christmas celebration again in my lifetime. Like many of the other holidays we used to have it’s no longer celebrated because people are too scared of Team Asteroid attacking during it.”, Solomon continued.
“Maybe we should stop letting ourselves live in fear and celebrate Christmas. That would be nice wouldn’t it grandpa. We can have a small celebration here.”, Yugi suggested, smiling at his grandpa glad that the broadcast was making him happy.
“Oh Yugi we couldn’t…”, Solomon replied.
“Why not? Nobody has to know.”, Jonouchi replied, with a grin.
Flashback end
Yugi didn’t exactly know what they wanted with him, but he was thankful for the bit of happiness Kakusa was able to give his grandfather.
“...anyway. We’re here because we need your help to find our friend Sendou Aichi.”, Misaki explained.
“Sendou Aichi...he’s the one who defeated Suzugamori Ren, 001q.”, Yugi thought.
“Aichi’s missing?”, Kai questioned.
“Yeah, it’s weird a massive tsunami suddenly hit Sanctuary town out of nowhere and he was gone.”, Miwa explained.
Kai looked down feeling a bit worried. His fists shook. He had a feeling that was no normal tsunami.
“I don’t know how I could help you. I can battle, but I don’t really have anyway to find someone.”, Yugi replied, looking down.
The others looked a bit disappointed.
“You might be able to. You were able to sense 004a right?”, Kai said and they looked at him.
“Yeah, but that was 004a. I don’t think I could sense a normal person with the puzzle.”, Yugi replied, before Kamui, Miwa, and Kourin suddenly smiled at the last part.
“Good thing bros no normie then.”, Kamui replied.
“What?”, Yugi questioned.
“Remember what I told you and the others Yugi. Sendou Aichi is 003v.”, Kai reminded Yugi who then gasped.
“That’s right! Okay, I think I might be able to help then. Though, I will warn you I don’t really know how to use this thing.”, Yugi replied as she gestured his necklace much to the others' confusion.
In Kanto…
They went back to Solomon’s small game shop and waited while Yugi went to get his friends to help out. He came back into the game shop with Jonouchi, Anzu, and Honda.
“These are my friends. They can offer some extra help if things get dicey while we look for Aichi.”, Yugi said.
“I’m Katsuya Jonouchi. Nice to meet ya.”, Jonouchi introduced.
“I am Hiroto Honda. What Jonouchi said.”, Honda introduced waving at them.
“I am Mazaki Anzu. It’s a honor.”, Anzu introduced politely with a light bow.
“I am Tokura Misaki. I am the psychic type gym leader of the Kakusa region.”, Misaki replied.
“I’m the whirlwind fighter with 8 gym badges! The great Katsuragi Kamui!”, Kamui introduced himself boastfully puffing out his chest.
“I like this kids style.”, Jonouchi commented with a grin as the others with him sweat dropped.
“Not another Jonouchi…”, Honda grumbled, rubbing his temples.
“What’s that supposed to mean Honda?!”, Jonouchi question, putting Honda into a headlock.
“Does he even need to say it?”, Anzu questioned with a chuckle.
“I’m Taishi Miwa. Nice to meet you.”, Miwa introduced.
“Kourin.”, Kourin introduced simply.
“Okay, now let’s see…”, Yugi said as he sat down and put his hands over his necklace much to the Kakusans' confusion.
“You sense anything, Yami? Someone like 004a?”, Yugi thought.
The ghost? Now known as Yami closed his eyes focusing. A golden eye symbol eerily similar to the one that the rare hunter had glowed on his forehead.
Yami felt a malicious searing heat not too far away which worried him a bit. The aura felt wild and untamed like it would lash out at anyone that crossed it.
“004a...that’s not him. He’s worryingly close to here, I think he’s in Johto. I don’t know if he’ll attack.”, Yami thought as he focused more.
Yami then felt an aura that felt like a powerful maelstrom near Galar. It cackled thunderously full of power and pride. It was like an unrelenting tide.
Then another in some place he wasn’t really familiar with. It seemed very faint like the person was deliberately trying to hide themselves. It was too faint for him to really make out.
Though, a commonality that he felt in all the auras was a supreme darkness that they all carried on them restricting them like invisible collars. There was one that was different very different. He thinks he’s felt it once when that mysterious blast of energy flashed through the Kanto region purifying the corrupted Pokémon. It carried darkness sure, but everyone did in some capacity. The darkness within him was like the leash-like darkness of the others. However despite that the aura was still full of light and warmth. It shined like the sun giving life to those around it, but still dangerous in its own right. Though, the danger it posed wasn’t exactly intentional. The aura was in…
Yami froze, actually recognizing where the aura was and raised his eyebrow in surprise.
“Uhh...why is he just sitting there?”, Kamui questioned.
“Perhaps he’s like a psychic or something?”, Miwa questioned.
“Not exactly...but sort of…”, Anzu replied, not sounding sure of what he was herself.
“Is something wrong, Yami?”, Yugi asked.
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bubblegvms · 4 years
      ♡ . *   [   madelyn cline, cis female, she/her   ] ⁠— * oh, here comes DELILAH ABBOTT  !  the twenty-two year old libra is often referred to as the luminary. people say they have a tendency to be sententious and opinionated, but from what i’ve seen, they can be vivacious and devoted too. when they walk by, you’ll probably hear give you my lovin by mazzy star playing out of their headphones, but they’re also associated with chewing bubblegum after lunch, signing love letters with a kiss, & collecting music boxes. i hear they’re a waitress and studying women’s studies & want to become a social worker when they’re older, but who knows what will become of ‘em  !
Tumblr media
        hey, everyone  !!  my name is diana, i am twenty years old, use she/her pronouns and reside in the est timezone  !!  some fun facts ( not really ) abt me: i’m a libra sun with a virgo moon and aquarius rising, i have 3 cats, i love film and jane austen :) i am suuuuper excited to be part of this group, ily all already and all ur muses are amazing <3 hehe i’ll be coming to u all for plots now asap :’) but anyway, without further ado, u can read abt my muse delilah under the cut  !!!
♡ . *    𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔    !
full name : delilah lane abbott
nickname(s) : lila ( she goes by this ), dee ( by family and close friends )
age : twenty-two
zodiac : libra sun, taurus moon, pisces rising ( click )
sexuality : bisexual
alignment : neutral good
pinterest : click
♡ . *    𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅    !    ( alcoholism & substance abuse tw )
delilah was born on a crisp autumn night, october 15th, 1970, to be exact. she was born in a tiny apartment in the middle of a college party. delilah’s birth mom was extremely young ( high school age ) when she got pregnant, and wasn’t sure who the father was. she came from a wealthy family, but ran away when she realized she was pregnant
her  birth  mother  also  struggled  with  alcoholism  and  substance  abuse.  those  close  to  her  did  their  best  to  make  sure  she  wasn’t  using  any  of  these  substances  during  her  pregnancy,  but  she  snuck  a  few  drinks  and  pills  here  and  there  whenever  she  got  the  chance
after giving birth to delilah, things only got worse. she continued drinking and using drugs more than ever before, often times neglecting her baby. she attempted to raise her baby with her boyfriend, who was much older than her, but he ultimately was no help and only there for a good time. delilah lived with her birth mom the first three ( almost four ) years of her life
finally, her birth mom’s parents tracked her down and discovered she had a child. once they saw the conditions she was living in, they told her she needed to put delilah up for adoption before the state took her away. so that is exactly what she did, and has been in and out of rehab ever since
delilah was adopted around a year later. at this point, she was nearly 5. she was extremely happy and felt so grateful to be adopted. while in the foster care system, she had met a lot of older kids who had been there for years
delilah’s family was so loving and welcoming, she truly could not have asked for more. 3 years later, they adopted jude and delilah became a big sister  !!!  she is extremely protective over her sister, she would literally do anything for her :’) and their parents clearly loved kids, since their basement also became the hangout spot for everyone
( donna and i are still plotting out the details about their family, but it’s only them and their mom now o: )
lila had to grow up pretty fast, so she always much more responsible and mature for her age. still, despite everything, she always maintained an optimistic outlook on life. she loves life and the people in hers so much, she just has so much love to spread  !!!!
delilah developed a passion for feminism at a young age, thanks to her mother. she would literally print out feminist readings and pass them out at lunch in high school. she’d also give speeches about feminism at school. some people disliked her for it, saying she was too opinionated and stuff, but it never stopped her. she also pretty much always knew she wanted to be a social worker
♡ . *    𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚    !
delilah always sees the best in people. although she acknowledges that everyone has flaws, she’s the type of person who doesn’t like to give up on anyone. she will support you even through your darkest times, and try to help you see the light
she is so protective of her friends and family, like will truly do anything to see them safe and happy. she just wants to remind everyone that they are loved and supported
she LOVES people soooooo much  !!!  she is extremely extroverted, literally a social butterfly who tries to befriend literally everyone ajskdhkdh
delilah dislikes conflict, so she is often playing peacemaker, whether in her home life or with her friend group. she wants everyone to get along, but be able to talk to their differences to come to some sort of common ground. however, sometimes this means shes sticking her nose in other people’s business
she is obsessed with love  !!!!  like this girl literally falls in love 5 times a day with a stranger on the bus, the coolest celebrity on tv, the girl that sits next to he in class, etc. i think she is definitely a relationship person, because she’s a nurturer and wants to be there for people. however, i think sometimes she gets caught up in the fairy tale of it all. like she wants to be in love so bad, sometimes she rushes into things or idealizes the situation in her head, so things might not exactly work out
delilah isn’t very open with her emotions. she mostly keeps them to herself, because she doesn’t want anyone to have to worry about her or anything. she tries to deal with everything herself mostly
she sees the beauty in everything, which is like partially because she’s a huge optimist. she also cannot resist pretty things. she once bought a pink guitar from a thrift store because she thought it was pretty, even though she has no idea how to play. however, she wants to learn, especially because she loves to sing ( this bitch is literally always humming )
is almost always the designated driver. she doesn’t really drink or smoke too often, and when she does, it’s during social situations. but she wants her friends to have all the fun they want and know they have someone they can count on to get them home safely. but btw she is an extreme lightweight LMFAO
some other little headcanons / tidbits about her
♡ . *    𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅  𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔    !
adventure buddy - someone who goes on little adventures with her and is always down to experience and try new things  !!!
ride or die / best friend - the person she is closest to ( aside from jude ). literally her platonic soulmate, the person who understands her the most, the person she understands the most
unlikely friends - they’re so different, you’d never expect them to be good friends. but for some reason, it just works. they click  !!  maybe they’re always introducing each other to new things, like showing each other their interests and stuff
ex-fling / gf / bf - maybe they ended on weird terms, maybe they ended on good terms, maybe they still have lingering feelings or sexual tension, etc. we can plot however  !!
unrequited crush - maybe delilah has a crush on ur muse. she is constantly falling for people so it wouldn’t be unlikely  !!  OR ur muse could have a crush on her and she’s oblivious to it
requited crush - they both like each other, but maybe they’re both too scared to make a move, or maybe they’re ready to like try going out, we can plot however  !!
friends w benefits - someone she is currently seeing / sleeping with. could be no strings attached, or there could b some feelings there. maybe they don’t want to make it anything serious, or maybe they’re ready to take it to the next level. maybe one person is ready to go further, and the other isn’t
enemies w benefits - ok not actually enemies, since they’re all friends and delilah doesnt rly hate anyone ( only racist, sexist, homophobic, etc kinds of ppl ). but maybe they don’t exactly see eye to eye, so imagine the tension  !!!  they started out not getting along that well, but ended up hooking up. maybe it was a one time thing, or maybe they can’t stop going back to each other. maybe they’re keeping it a secret from everyone else
will they, won’t they -  there’s feelings between them, but they haven’t made the plunge to pursue whatever they have. longing, yearning, lingering glances PLS  !!!  they have chemistry, but maybe the timing has always been off  ??
flirtationship - they flirt constantly, but nothing serious has come out of it and maybe never will. maybe they have good chemistry, but have never tried to explore it further, or don’t want to ruin their friendship. or maybe they flirt and think it’s a joke, but really it’s like a haha jk....unless  ?  type situation AKSJJKSD
ex-close friends - someone she used to consider a best friend, but they had a falling out for whatever reason. maybe they want to re-kindle their friendship but don’t know how, or they’re just accepting of the distance between them
take care / taken care of - ok so delilah doesnt drink or smoke a lot, but when she does, she is an extreme lightweight. maybe ur muse looks after her when she’s under the influence  ?  also  !!!  someone she looks after a lot. like she tries to take care of all her friends, but maybe she especially wants to take care of ur muse and has a soft spot for them  !!!
confidant - someone who confides in her or someone she confides in, or they confide in each other  !!!  they trust each other, and maybe they talk more in private. delilah isn’t very open about stuff, but she confides in ur muse maybe
bad influence - delilah hasn’t done a lot of bad or crazy things in her life, so i’d luvvvvv for a bad influence plot  !!  someone who gets her to do things she never would do otherwise. someone who can show her a fun time  !!
good influence - someone she can be a good influence on, someone she brings out the best in, maybe someone she rly cares about and wants to look after to make sure they’re ok  !!
diner days - she’s a waitress, maybe ur muse always shows up during her shifts to keep her company and get free milkshakes  !!  someone who helps her pass the time while she’s working
these are all the plot ideas i can think of for now, but i’ll be making a plots page later on and add more stuff  !
finally, that is all !! i’m so sorry about how long this is, i ramble so much sometimes !!! but anyway, if u like this post i’ll hit u up on discord ( if u don’t i’ll still message u <3 ). if u prefer tumblr im’s for plotting tho, just let me know <3 i’m sooo excited to rp with u all aaahhh i can’t wait  !!!!
my discord:  blackpink is coming <333333#5522
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