#and hating the dashboard on Tumblr mobile
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
goddessofroyalty · 3 months ago
While I tagged the childhood friends Jayvik ask with Zaun Family it's probably not the version of the verse where Silco gets Zaun Representive.
Because tiny!Jayce is determined enough that he would get over his fear of the big scary Zaun Representative and give Silco letters he's written to Viktor (he figures they can at the very least stay penpals right?). And then Silco, who will ultimately buckle to his children if they are annoying enough, has Viktor begging him to take him to Piltover with him one day so he can see Jayce again.
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hero-is-back · 2 years ago
Tumblr is rapidly getting worse
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pan-matsuri · 2 years ago
This isn't the most important thing in the world, but why did this app change the way you look at images so the double tap to zoom in no longer works?
Can we please just leave well enough alone
I am so tired
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bunniepaws · 2 years ago
also hilarious there’s a post limit for twitter now when ever other post is an ad
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im-a-goat-in-disguise · 2 years ago
hey, tumblr @staff , if you don't revert my dashboard back the way it was like two weeks ago [i.e - NOT LOOKING LIKE FUCKING TWITTER OH MY GOD. PUT THE HOME AND MESSAGES AND EVERYTHING BACK IN THE TOP RIGHT WHERE ITS SUPPOSED TO BE AND I KNOW WHERE IT IS AND I WANT TO CLICK] I'm just not going to use tumblr on the website. at all. my use of tumblr will severely decline. you were good the way you were before. at least mobile is still the same [For now...] Trying to blatantly copy the layouts and decisions of other companies and social media sites [which are burning to the ground *because of those decisions*] will not make you more popular or retentive to new users or old ones. You will only push away anybody who creates content and has used your site for a long time. I've seen some of my friends switch to tumblr recently and they are not using it because it feels like twitter, or because it feels like reddit, but because the content they want is right there, accessible, and not hard to get to. they have supreme control over what they see and no algorithm tries to lead them to other stuff. for this reason, one of my friends has literally described tumblr as "Reddit, but more wholesome" - based on the fact that reddit kept leading them towards content they hated and made them feel upset. Don't try to become reddit. Or twitter. Or facebook. You're tumblr, and that's all you need to be.
At the very VERY VERY least, let us have an option to opt-out of future UI layout changes. OR give *NEW USERS* the OPTION to customize the UI layout when they join, if they want it to resemble twitter or reddit or anything else.
[ @staff @changes @humans @engineering @brickwhartley ]
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suspiciousspidey · 2 years ago
How to Block/Filter Out Certain Tags
Hello, some people are being silly geese and sending hate to people posting fanfic content that they don't want to see.
Keep in mind, your media consumption is your responsibility.
But I understand everyone has triggers, icks, and things they don't want to see or read. So...
Here is a step by step guide to block posts with certain tags on Tumblr mobile app.
1. Go to your account, and tap on the little gear in the top right corner.
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2. After tapping on the gear, you will find yourself at the account settings page with everything about your account and it's settings. Tap on the first option, account settings.
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3. Once in account settings, you'll want to go down and tap on "Content You See", which is where you can have more control over the content that is viewable to you on Tumblr.
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4. YAY! We are now where you can edit what is visible to you on Tumblr. You can simply filter out certain tags, or you can also filter out specific content and content types as well. Go wild! Customize your viewing experience if you wish.
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And you're done!
1. For You: this is curated content tumblr thinks you will like. It's algorithm based.
Another thing to keep in mind: dashboards! If you don't filter out tags, you may see things on your dash you don't wish to. There are three different dashs on Tumblr.
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2. Following: this is posts and reblogs from people you follow!
3. Your tags: exactly how it sounds, these are posts with tags you follow.
Hope these tips and information will help you enjoy and know a bit more about Tumblr. Instead of sending hate to creators, maybe try these steps first.
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How to use the Tumblr Tag Blocking and Content Filtering functions with nifty screen shots
[with small about dpxdc venting/hate posts at the end]
First, what is Filtering Tags and what is Filtering Post Content.
Filtered Tags: the tags you hide here will be hidden from you dashboard and in search.
Filtered Post Content: Post content filtering searches the entire post for the word/phrase you add. Not just the tags.
Below is a series of screen shots showing where the blocking/content filtering option are and how to use them.
DESKTOP: got to setting and scroll down. Tag filtering and Content Filtering are right above the Community Labels and under where your birthday is displayed.
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MOBILE: Click on the gear in the top right corner of your dashboard → go to General Settings → scroll down until you see Filtering. There you will be able to see all of your blocked tags and filtered content once you add it in.
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You add a tag or content to filter by, by clicking the plus sign and typing in the EXACT phrase or tag you want to filter out. As you can see in the video below, if you only block Jazz Fenton/Jason Todd only things with that exact tag (for tag filtering) or phrase in the post (content filtering) will be hidden.
Therefore you CAN block Jazz Fenton/Jason Todd and still see Jazz and Jason content respectively.
Jazz/Jason Content Filtering.mov
Here is an example of tag filtering we did with the dpxdc tag so you can see how it will look if you have a blocked tag, and how to UNBLOCK a tag very easily. Note that it’s really easy to block and unblock tags, and the change takes place IMMEDIATELY so it’s easy to block/unblock at your leisure.
dpxdc Tag Blocking.mov
A helpful cheat sheet for words/phrases to filter by!
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On another note: PLEASE DON'T tag vents or hate about dpxdc as "dpxdc" or as "dp x dc" as those are the main fandom tags.
Thank you!!! 🦇👻🦇👻🦇👻🦇👻🦇👻🦇👻🦇👻🦇👻🦇👻🦇👻🦇👻🦇
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xserpx · 8 days ago
Joined a tumblr community to see what it was like, left bc it put porn & spam on my dash. The porn in and of itself I don't have a problem with, but I DO NOT want it on my dash! Crucial aspect of tumblr: the ability to curate your own experience. I will unfollow ppl who post untagged porn, because I want to be able to scroll through my dash in public without worrying.
I kind of expected tumblr communities to be a page you choose to go to, separate to the dashboard, like a newer, more organised, less spam-filled, more drama-filled, more discussion-based form of tag*? Instead,hitting 'follow' on a community is like opting into marketing emails. It's like having an entire tag on your dashboard, which is just awful - porn aside, the volume of posts drowns out the dashboard regulars, and that's not at all good either. As much as I liked the community itself (lots of enthusiastic & talented people!), I won't join if it jeopardises my dashboard experience.
The nail in the coffin is that I can find the same posts on the tag, which is ususlly where the conversation is happening anyway. At this point, communities are simply too niche and too exclusive to generate a life of their own, and IMO it may add to the problem of people being passive consumers because of the way it: A) pushes content (requires no effort, people rest easy in the knowledge they're "part of the community"); B) hides the number of notes a post has, making it look like no one is talking, and C) the fact you have to click through in order to be able to reblog.
All this to say, tags continue to be the #1 way to navigate online fandom spaces in a way that is both inclusive & easy to customise. I get that it's a new feature with issues to sort out (hopefully they'll at least figure out how to stop the spam), but the major problem of having unwanted content pushed to the dash is something that I reckon tumblr considers to be a feature rather than a bug. I don't hate the idea of communities - it makes sense, especially with the rise of Discord servers, that they'd want to cater to hyperspecific niche-within-a-niche groups - but at the moment I utterly fail to see how it's better than tags.
*I am convinced that tumblr hates the tag system, otherwise they'd realise it's one of the best features and lean into it rather than away. The awkward sideways scroll of tags you have to do on mobile is laughably bad, and tracked tags is practically non-existent on desktop.
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papermint-airplane · 1 month ago
🎨Design what your blog would look like if it was a person!👩‍🎨 (picrew)
Hehehehe thank you for the tag @silwermoon-sims
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This is my papermint-airplane dot tumblr dot com gajinka. As you can see, she follows my color scheme of mint and white, with a pop of pink here and there that I can't remember if I still have on my blog or if I got rid of the pink accents ages ago because I almost exclusively use the mobile view on my dashboard now because I hate my layout but would rather chew off my own arm at the shoulder than change it at this point.
Anyway, Blog-chan tries to be all cute and creative and wacky, but as you can see from the obvious fact that her eyes are tweaking, she's on the brink of a total sanity collapse at any given moment. She floats in a minty cuboid void waiting to be noticed by Mutual-senpai, forgetting constantly that she needs to actually post regularly in order for that to be a possibility. Poor Blog-chan.
The green fuzzy worm represents Aiden.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
I am tagging:
@happy-lemon, @judetuude, @changingplumbob, @bool-prop, @miss-may-i, @bastardtrait, @laurademelza, and finally last but not least YOU! Yeah, you reading this! You're tagged! Ignore if you've already done it/don't want to do it blah blah blah.
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yesornopolls · 5 months ago
im pretty sure on the web side of things not using the app or mobile you can't submit asks or anything similar from a custom blog url - this has happened to me for years only on custom urls, and i am very much logged in. you also can't use navigate to dash or view a post on dash from custom urls since it hides the tumblr toolbar and only shows a "log in/sign up" button. custom urls have functioned this way since people first started using them. its actually why i always hate and end up avoiding blogs with custom urls 😭 if im navigating their blog via desktop (my favourite way) i cannot reblog posts unless their theme is one of the ones that includes reblog buttons
not the same anon but your ask box and votes don't work for me either on your actual blog (vs the pop-up dashboard view version)
the ask box says I'm not logged in and clicking the login link just redirects me to the top of my dashboard where I am, in fact, logged in
trying to vote just redirects me to the dashboard view version of that post
no idea what the cause of the issue is but it does sadly exist 😭
Ok, so I disconnected the custom address from this blog so I am sure that will take a few days to take effect. If that doesn't fix the problem, then I am not sure what to do because tumblr sucks and its apparently a tech issue on their side.
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ohnochanges · 2 years ago
once again I will echo previous suggestions: when they start a/b testing major new features (such as the new desktop dashboard layout), if you receive it and hate it? just. stop using tumblr for a bit. or only use it on platforms that the change isnt on (i.e. mobile instead of desktop). let the data from a/b testing show oh, people just straight up stopped using the site as much when we gave them this update. weird.
and also go to the support page and leave feedback. specific feedback! not just "ew, gross", but point out specific things you dislike, and say WHY. even if its something simple like "this is an obvious copy of twitter's layout, and its annoying for yall to randomly copy twitter for no reason, this doesnt add much usability, etc"
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years ago
ok! today’s tumblr shenanigan is that “snooze tumblr live” removes the carousel of tumblr live videos from your dash, but not the icon or the “new” flag. in exchange, the snooze option now removes the videos for a month instead of a week. mobile version:
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i say “in exchange” because “snooze tumblr live” as a feature has always seemed like a concession @staff bargained for on our behalf, against a top-down directive they knew veteran users would hate. and if that’s true, the latest update seems even more like a negotiated result. more days with no ladies licking the screen, but we have to live with the camera icon replacing….. whatever used to be there, i literally can’t remember and it has been gone for less than 8 hours.
there’s probably no way to clear the “new” bubble until they’re ready, even if you do sign up for live, since that’s how it was when some earlier features came with a bubble like that, but i assume it will go away in a few weeks and then i can just ignore the camera icon the way i ignored whatever was there before 🙃
i haven’t checked it out thoroughly on desktop yet, but at first glance, the permanent live option lives in that left column of options, and if you have a “new” flag with it (i don’t), the flag can probably be cleared with ublock if you’re not using a dashboard unfucker.
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edraculation · 8 months ago
i fucking hate that clicking the dashboard button on tumblr mobile sends you back to the top of your dash. as a person with tics that cause me to accidentally click things sometimes LET ME OUT OF HERE
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lunar-wandering · 2 years ago
the only reason i refuse to move to using solely mobile in the face of stupid dashboard changes are as follows:
i HATE typing on my phone. the keyboard is so cramped so i make more spelling mistakes, and it's hard to format a post with italics and stuff the way i want too. takes too much time
i can't post videos on mobile cause i only make video edits on my laptop
i can't post fics either cause i REFUSE to do so on my phone cause again: editing is hell and it's WORSE on my phone
i have a suspicion that someone on the tumblr team is trying to get everyone to swap to mobile via these stupid changes so im refusing to do so out of spite
tumblr was a site first and an app second so, again, i refuse to use solely the app out of spite
a lot of this is outta spite tbh
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maddogmp3 · 1 year ago
hate how tumblr mobile will randomly put me somewhere else on my dashboard now. i wasnt done scrolling but i am now because i dont know where i am anymore and that post i was looking at just Vanished
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aluckiicoin · 1 year ago
budget mobile rules/about
Aventurine belongs to the Honkai Star Rail universe. More specifically:
A senior manager in the IPC Strategic Investment Department and one of the Ten Stonehearts.
[ about | guideline (also under readmore) | verses ( also under readmore ) ]
As far as personality goes:
He is not a nice person. While he seems rather laid back and as if nothing could ever bother him, he will talk down on you, use you for his own advantage, sell you out if he thinks the offer is good enough. He will manipulate and use you to his whims. His constant smile and ability to wrap words around makes it almost impossible to discern his true feeling. Truthfully, he might not be able to ID them himself. He can be nice and he will be if he thinks it will help him win you over.
But if you want more about how he is, you will have to look up the Information tag (and the one on the old blog).
A very short breakdown on rules:
he won't know who you are unless you are (for now) Topaz. If you want him to, you can mention it before (that does exclude OCs that are a integral part of the IPC, obviously he should've heard of those before). He might have heard of you if you're known to the IPC however.
I can decide what he does by myself, thank you
I'm not big on ships, mostly because I don't wanna hurt myself or others; and he's likely never gonna be what you want him to become
I'm terrified of people and therefore hate dms with a passion, mostly because I can only get myself to concentrate on talking to two people at a time
there might be some nsfw-related things, nothing explicit that would be over there
if you have a problem with trans folks you can fucking leave and get hit by a car for all I care
general tumblr rp lingo:
I am not mutuals exclusive
I will have favourites, it's a human thing to do
I'm a fan of OCs, so come at me
you can always bother him via askbox
If you wanna follow up on an ask, please put it into a separate thread and link to the ask (cannot believe I forgot to mention my biggest pet peeve on here)
it would be awesome if you could cut your posts. You don't have to but if you don't it's unlikely I will follow back because I only have so much space on my dashboard and if I come back from work I'd rather not scroll through 98 posts on the same thread.
I don't mind duplicates - really I wanna see him mess with other versions of himself
in the spirit of favourites I'll probably find mains, those will be the people meant if any muse is ever mentioned in a thread. That's not first come, first served.
I'm very low activity. I will likely reblog one or two memes every day but answers will likely have to wait until the weekend.
The writer:
I'm not a good person even though people that know me will disagree
I agonize over everything I say and then it still comes out wrong
for someone usually rping muses with people skills I am AWFUL at it
I'm overthinking everything, I get anxious about anything and I wish any of my muses would just share a tiny bit of their fucking ego bc I sure could use it
You can call my Skully (Skullbert)
I'm 30+ years, from europe and a guy.
and verses!
encased in amber light ( main verse I; pre Penacony ) which is everything pre-penacony (as in everything up until 2.0 and actually checking into the hotel)
wip (mainverse II, actual Penacony)
the higher I get; the lower I sink. I can't drown my demons; they know how to swim ( post Penacony main verse ) which is everything everything after the stoneheart's oath video
swarm disaster; muse edition (star rail but the characters keep multiplying) ; anything from 'the characters found tumblr and use it' to general meeting multiple versions of the same character goes here
the emergency plan; depending on how the penacony storyline goes on, Ven fakes his death and hides out in Belobog from then on (though with Boothill's description I might have hopes that my suspicions are wrong)
everything else
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