#and has connected many people to this day by being an honest expression of these feelings
teastainedprose · 5 months
Mark You Pretty (Homelander x Reader)
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My brain saw this post and ran with it. Homelander bruises you. 13k words, Homelander x GN!reader (Warnings for bruising, mild Sadism/masochistic play)
The first time Homelander bruises you, it's an honest mistake. He didn't mean to grab you that hard. Not really. Sometimes Homelander forgets how delicate normal people can be. It had been a reflexive thing, snatching you about the arm just above your wrist as you reach over him to gather up the handouts from the meeting.
"Leave it," Homelander mutters with eyes still fixated on the stack of papers set before him, gloves creaking as he briefly tightens his grip on your arm before releasing you. The small gasp you make as you withdraw doesn't penetrate his concentration. He doesn't notice how you rub at your arm, expression pinching up while stepping away. You're another faceless worker bee and Homelander has no time for you. The meeting is over and you shuffle out with the other nameless non-supe Vought employees. His attention is back to the paperwork in front of him, mind buzzing on how to handle the downswing in public opinion on The Seven. You're forgotten as Homelander turns back to the task of being Homelander.
He doesn't even register that he hurt you until the next day. It's the top you're wearing that does it. Long sleeved and out of season, which draws his attention to you for the second time this week. He registers the blooming bruise peeking out from under your sleeve when you bend over to offer handouts about the table. He blinks, clocking the imprint as a mirror of his gloved grip. There's no guilt associated with this realization, simply an understanding of the connection. He did that to you. Homelander marred your pretty skin with a bloom of purple where he grabbed you. Suddenly, it's satisfaction that's coiling in his gut. He likes how you wear his mark.
For better or worse, now he notices you.
Homelander lets his eyes wander up your arm, snagging briefly on your ample chest before flicking across your face. You instantly look away, unable or unwilling to meet his gaze. Cute. He smirks as he takes you in. You're a charming enough little thing. A bit too skittish for his taste, but the bruise he left on you keeps drawing Homelander's eyes back over and over again.
For the entirety of the meeting, Homelander lets his attention wander to you while his eyes roam your form. He's shameless with the ogling and never looks away when you catch him at it. No, he's only further pleased by it. He makes sure to catch your eye as his lips curl up and part slightly, his tongue poking at the corner of his mouth. That gets a blush across your cheeks and you're quick to break eye contact. This only amuses Homelander further and galvanizes him to find further ways to unsettle you throughout the meeting. You are his distraction to make this presentation a little less dull.
The meeting ends and Homelander puts you from his mind once more as soon as you walk out the conference room doors. You're nothing but a passing amusement, something to play with at the next meeting perhaps. He's already letting the image of your blush and the bruise he left on your skin fade from his thoughts before something catches in Homelander's ear later that day as he strides down the hallway.
There are many curious sounds within Vought Tower and Homelander has heard plenty. People whispering secrets across phone lines and into ears. Muffled moans of employees sneaking off to empty conference rooms or even broom closets for salacious rendezvous. The one that catches him now? It's soft, more a quiet exhale with a moan undercutting the sound. He blinks, pausing to look towards where the sound came from. It's your office Homelander finds himself standing outside as he cocks his head to the side. He watches you as you sit at your desk, clearly not thinking yourself observed. X-ray vision lets him watch as you press two fingers into the bruise he left on you, teeth sinking into your bottom lip to hold back that noise. You moan again all the same, your enjoyment evident as your face twists into a brief flash of pleasure.
Oh, isn't that interesting?
Now Homelander's fascination with you ignites. His eyes seek yours constantly throughout every business meeting the two of you find yourselves in now. He's prone to stepping too close and invading your personal space whenever Homelander comes across you, which has jumped in frequency. He even has the gall to hook his pinky on the sleeve of your shirt one day, tugging it up enough to check if the bruise is still there. By then the purple has faded to a duller, splotchy green. His mark is almost gone and Homelander finds he doesn't like that one bit.
The second time Homelander bruises you, it is very intentional. 
He's bolder the second week. Homelander deliberately holds you back after one meeting with a flimsy excuse. Those massive doors ominously shutting close after everyone else has filed out. Now you're trapped inside the conference room with him. It makes your pulse skitter with terror, which is an utter delight to Homelander. He can smell the fear off of you. A heady scent that stirs a primal need within him because it's mingled with your arousal as well. That fact alone has a smirk on Homelander's lips as he approaches you, hands clasped behind his back and under his cape as he leisurely strolls over. Normally, such posture would be non-threatening but on Homelander it's anything but.
It's a terrifying sight yet compelling. Homelander is ever the perfect superhero in looks. Vought's true golden boy that you and countless others privately swoon over in the break room despite his reputation. yet even you have learned that Homelander isn't the squeaky clean supe he's portrayed as. The looming trial only adds further credit to the rumors that circulate about him. Still, it's thrilling, and you may be a little too into the danger Homelander represents. You can't help the anticipation coiling in your belly as you watch him stalk closer.
He traps you there against the wall, shifting as he places a palm flat against it. You stare at his chest as Homelander slides his hand down, lifting it to cup your chin to tilt your gaze up to meet his own. "Er, you wanted to talk sir?" You manage to push the words out, flushing at the tremor in your voice. He smiles and those too sharp canines flash. You shiver, eyes wide as you meet the clear blue of his gaze.
"You bruise easily, don't you?" Homelander muses, his hand on your chin shifting to stroke down your cheek before moving to your neck. Electric heat shoots up your spine from the chaste caress, the leather of his gloves smooth against your skin. His fingers curl around your throat as you feel his thumb ghost over your pulse point. Your breath hitches at the subtle threat but then he's sliding his hand down to tighten his fingers about your shoulder. Homelander digs his thumb in just below your collarbone to the point of pain as he watches you intently.
You hiss in response, eyes squeezing shut before you huff out a sound. It’s not a pained noise. An echo of the sound he’d heard by chance last week. He eases up, a knowing look on his face as you open your eyes again.The scent of your fear lesses, while your arousal fills his nostrils. You like the pain. He smirks all the wider while leaning in to ghost his lips over your cheek. 
"I didn't mean to hurt you." Homelander rumbles out, breath a hot caress against your skin. For the other day or just now? You don't know which he's apologizing for and there's not much time to ponder over that because Homelander's lips are against your own in the next breath.
His mouth against your is Homelander's sort of apology, more for him than you but you enjoy it all the same.
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signanothername · 1 month
Can we have a more in depth look into how you think Dream and Nightmare experience autism and how it affects them?
Ok before we start this ramble, I’d like to emphasize how important the time period Dream and Nightmare grew up in, it was a time period in which anything mental health related was immediately connected with “demons” and “possession”
I like to say that the twins are masked Autistics a lot, but in truth, I like to think they both started off without masking their Autism at all, they never saw anything wrong with the way they behaved (cause there indeed wasn’t anything wrong), they were comfortable with who they were and how they behaved, it was their normal in a world that saw it as abnormal, but it was when the villagers started getting in the picture that problems started
Nightmare experiences his Autism through his special interest in learning new things and reading books, hyper empathy, isolation, avoiding eye contact, semi-repulsion to touch if he wasn’t the one to initiate it, understimulation, extreme difficulty in understanding his own emotions (and by extension, difficulty in expressing them), generally being blunt, brutally honest and direct, and selective mutism, Nightmare mostly stims by repeating certain sounds or phrases and humming
Dream experiences his Autism through his special interest in nature (especially flowers), precious stones as well as sewing, difficulty understanding social cues, selective mutism, extreme sensitivity to bright lights (he has a love/hate relationship with the sun) and loud noises, overstimulation, low empathy, and learning difficulties especially when it comes to language, Dream tends to stim by flapping his hands or stomping his feet
Both the twins perfer to follow a routine, however, Nightmare tends to plan his days carefully, and finds any change in his routine extremely distressing to the point it can cause him to experience a meltdown if he couldn’t think of a quick solution
Dream finds a change in his routine distressing too, but his reaction is a bit milder, he tends to get anxious and starts stimming to calm himself down all while he works on a way to get his routine back on track
Speaking of meltdowns, whenever the twins are extremely distressed, Nightmare is more likely to experience a shutdown while Dream is more likely to experience a meltdown, that doesn’t mean the opposite can’t happen sometimes, but it really depends on the situation
Then the villagers came and abused Nightmare into masking his Autism, using his Autistic traits as an excuse to demonize him, made comments about how he must be “possessed”, meanwhile they abused Dream into masking by making sweet tainted mean spirited comments about any behavior he exhibited that felt “abnormal” to them, they’d say things like “honey, it’s rude not to look someone in the eyes when speaking to them” or how he should “use his words” when Dream felt like he couldn’t
Both Nightmare and Dream internalized such comments deeply, and started subconsciously masking their Autism, they were children at the time after all, and especially after the apple incident, Nightmare truly believed he might be a demon or at least possessed by one for centuries after, cause for so long Nightmare couldn’t find a logical explanation in his beloved books for why he behaves the way he does
The word “Autism” never even existed back then, Nightmare spent years of his life researching for any logical explanation only to hit a dead end each time, and now that he’s out in the multiverse seeing how many people don’t really exhibit the same behavior he and his twin do, he was trying desperately to reassure himself that he can’t truly be a “demon” considering Dream exhibits the same “abnormal” behaviors (it rarely made him feel better about himself), even as an adult, the thought of being a “demon” distresses Nightmare so much that he sometimes experiences a meltdown cause of it
Nightmare eventually gives up trying to understand himself and instead starts consciously masking his Autism, he starts forcing himself to look people in the eye when he speaks or spoken to, he stops himself from stimming, he forces himself to speak when he’s overwhelmed, he starts hiding his love for his special interest (he has an entire big library of books yet he’d force himself not to spend most of his time there), he stops isolating himself and forces himself not to avert from anyone touching him, all to appear “normal”, all while it’s physically painful and emotionally draining to him
Same thing with Dream, except Dream never consciously masks, it’s all subconsciously, he forces himself to make eye contact, he stops stimming when people are around, he forces himself to act “normal” when he’s overstimulated, he forces himself to speak even when he feels like he can’t, he hides his special interest and puts on a mask of empathy even when he can’t truly understand/ tune in with the pain or feelings others experience but rather only able to understand their pain in a logical manner (and it makes him feel so damn guilty, cause Dream loves to help people, he thinks that he should be able to feel sad when others do), he pretends to understand social cues when in reality he only mimics how others act in social situations, he blames his learning difficulties on “time constraints” and how he simply doesn’t have the time to sit down and learn
Sometimes both the twins’ masks slip away when they’re extremely overwhelmed, other times, they let their masks slip when they’re alone, and it only adds to their stress cause they feel a sort of fucked up guilt and shame over not acting in a “normal” way, other times it’s a guilty pleasure, they almost reached a point in which they think their Autistic traits are some sort of privilege, punishing themselves if they mess up by not giving themselves the relief of letting the mask slip when alone (like forcing themselves not to stim)
The fucked up truth is, their masks also really impairs them socially, cause sometimes they get anxious thinking about being normal, that it might distract them or cause them to lose track of things
And even when the centuries passed by and science developed and changed and the idea of demonic possession became outdated and mental health became more prominent, and the word “Autism” came to be, neither twins really know they have Autism, neither of them even know what Autism is, Dream doesn’t have the resources to understand what it is, and Nightmare gave up trying to understand himself a long time ago to realize he’s not demonic for it
Will they eventually know about it, understand themselves better and get the support they deserve? It’ll probably take as many years to undo the damage done but I like to believe they do
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A kinda part 2
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luimagines · 6 months
He Realizes That You Like Him Part 3
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Part 1 Part 2
Part three will include Time, Wild and Hyrule.
Content under the cut!
He realized that you liked him faster than he’s ever going to tell you to your face.
Time knew that he was attractive to an extent. It’s not as if he hasn’t had people interesting in him. He just wasn’t interested in them.
But he’s had enough experience to see the signs.
Naturally, he wanted to write it off at first, thinking that perhaps he was just seeing things. However, there’s only so many times that he’s willing to brush things off as coincidences. 
Time could see your soft blushes, the way you glanced his way when you thought he wouldn’t notice. He noticed how you seemed a little nervous around him but still wanted to be nearby. You paid more attention to him than the others. You took into account his needs and wants and tried everything in your power to make this whole ordeal easier for him.
He could see it all.
But it was really when you admitted, albeit absentmindedly, that he was your favorite of the group that he felt as if he could whole heartedly close the case. There was no more room for doubt after that.
He’d have to admit, he felt a little better about himself in that moment. He even cheekily teased by getting close to your personal space. You held your breath as you waited to see what he’d so next. Your poor heart was beating so hard he could see the faint thump on your chest.
He grinned and smiled at you, leaving you there to gather your wits.
If Time was being honest, he felt like a dumb struck idiot. The amount of sheer will power that it took to not break out in a grin and start giggling like a fool was more than he thought he was capable of.
You were, thankfully, none the wiser, even when you chased after him, demanding he explain himself to you.
But what could he say? It’s not as if he could have put everything on the table and pour out his soul then and there. The others were still present and he knew that were never going to let him live it down if he did that. Besides, he didn’t want to overwhelm you.
You were simply irresistible, if a little too easy to tease.
But you liked him.
You liked him.
Whenever Time has to think about it, he has to fight off a boyish smile from your face. He should be better than this. He’s an adult. It shouldn’t make him dissolve into a giggly, giddy teenager all over again.
But it is an incredibly lovely thought, isn’t it?
He sighs to himself all over again as he thinks about you.
Incredibly lovely, indeed.
Wild could be a bit dense at times but he was still smarter than most people gave him credit for.
He knew... that you acted different around him but he would be the first to admit that he couldn’t figure out why. You seemed to get along with everyone. And don’t get him wrong, you both got along well as well, but there were times when you couldn’t quite meet him in the eye or seemed to be nervous when he got too close to you despite the fact that he wasn’t doing anything.... Unless he was.
But you would have said something to him, right? You both virtually hung off of each other at times, so he can’t see the connection or what makes some different than others.
There was a moment where he had remembered that your favorite food and you looked to be having a bad day. Now Wild was never good with words, but he hoped that a good meal of something you liked would help turn it around.
So he made the meal and gave it to you. It seemed to do the trick and Wild was happy to leave it at that.
But then you came to him with a shy expression and a blush on your face the next day.
Admittedly, it had taken his breath away. It was so incredibly soft. So tender. Wild had to fight himself to stay neutral and keep his hands to himself this time around.
He smiles at you and he thinks he sees your soft blush grow darker. “Hey. What’s up?”
It takes a beat for you to build up the courage to say what you wanted to say, but that’s ok, Wild thinks. He’s willing to wait for as long as you need him too. You cough and scratch your cheek. Wild notices that you keep one of your hands behind your back. “I... came to say thank you... For yesterday. You didn’t have to do that.”
Wild smiles brighter. How cute. “It was my pleasure. I’m glad you felt better afterwards.”
“Yeah...” You agree quietly. “I did... um.. Here... I wanted to give to you...”
You hold out a flower.
Wild’s heart get stuck in his throat. He recognizes this flower.
A blue nightshade.
Where did you even find this?
Recognition triggers at the back of his head to the time when he brought a blue nightshade to Wabbin at Lover’s Pond. He told you that story. Had you remembered it? 
Wild takes the flower between two of his fingers, studying it with quiet awe. You grin and are quick to make your get away. “Anyway! That’ll be all. I lo- appreciate everything you do! Ok bye!”
Wild stares after you silently, wondering when exactly his heart started beating out of his chest.
Does... does he thinks this means what he thinks it means?
Hyrule knew that he liked you for a while now. Your charm, your grace, your wit, your sass- It was all very attractive to him.
But that being said, he knew he wasn’t exactly a catch. There were plenty of reason that he could think of for you to choose literally any other person. 
It was just a fact, so he didn’t want it to bother him too much. He was still happy with your friendship and you were an awesome person through and through.
That being said, every doubt in the existence of doubts would circle around his head whenever he thought about telling you how he felt. It could never be that easy though, could it?
He was never going to pick up any hint you could have thrown at him. He was never going to pick on anything subtle or small that you could have thought of to try and show that you would have reciprocated his feelings. 
It would take something huge.
It would take something obvious.
It would take something that he wouldn’t be able to deny no matter what was thrown at his face.
“Hyrule.” You said softly. You had taken him aside from the group for a moment with soft blush to your face and an nervous expression. “I wanted to tell you something.”
Hyrule stood at attention, wondering what ti could have been that had you so nervous to tell him. It must be important. you looked ready to back out any minute. He hopes you wouldn’t. Hyrule wanted you to come to him with whatever would bother you.
“What is it?” He pressed softly, wanting to show his interest in what you were saying.
You stalled, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet as you thought about what you wanted to say. The silence was deafening. Hyrule had to stop himself rom copying your nervous movement.
“I like you.”
He stills. Did he hear you correctly?
You don’t want t wait for him to twist your words into something easier to digest. “Like... a lot. I like you a lot.”
Hyrule’s still processing your words when you take a step forward and kiss his cheek. His entire mind shuts down.
“A lot, a lot.” You clarify. “You don’t have to answer right now, ok? Just... think about it?”
You almost say, ’think about me’, but that might a bit too much for the young hero to handle right now.
You clear your throat, blushing brightly at your forwardness. “I’ll... that’s all.”
You run away.
A beat passes and Hyrule explodes into a blush now that you’re out of sight. His hands come up to cover his face as he sinks down to his knees.
There’s denying that. He couldn’t even if he tried.
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sayhoneysiren · 1 year
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book a personal reading here
welcome sirens! this reading is for entertainment pursposes only based on the downloads i receive. do not attack me if the message doesn’t resonate. keep in mind this is a collective reading, not a individual one. with that being said, enjoy!
join patreon for weekly tarot readings
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xx HoneySiren xx 🍒
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I ~ Your charm is your Elusiveness. You prefer to keep your circle small and don't open up to others easily. It takes effort to get your attention and tie you down, since you have high standards. Many of you may attract athletes or be athletic yourself. People seem to be in awe with your physique. You could enjoy dressing in leather and velvet fabrics.
Underneath your cool exterior you are a very compassionate, sensitive and spiritual person who can be shy at times or have anxiety about being seen. People view your shyness as 'cute' and instantly become somewhat protective over you. In a social setting, you are probably stationed in the corner of the room waiting for others to approach you or surrounded by close people you know.
Your eyes are alluring and can be felt across the room. People yearn to know more about you and what lies behind your enchanting gaze. They question why you're so quiet and to yourself.
When getting to know you, people notice that you are blunt and honest, preferring to cut straight to the point. You can clearly see through players, fakeness and egos and you're not here to entertain the bs. It also surprises people that you are so intelligent, headstrong and charming. But you only open to who you deem worthy.
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II ~ Your charm is JE NE SAIS QUOI, Unfamiliar, profound and spellbinding, You are a person of potent power and you know it. Your essence oozes a calm confidence that fascinates and touches everyone around you.
Many may view you as a lone wolf or distinct in the way you present yourself. No one can check you off into any box. Some of you are of a different descent than those around you,
making you seem exotic. People could be enthralled by your accent, voice, unique fashion sense or your culture. You don't care about appearing weird to others. Staying authentic to yourself is most important and by doing this you give others hope, expand their minds and show them that they too can express their truest selves. You take them to another world where they can see themselves with loving eyes.
A glo' up' has been real for some of you and your looks have evolved tremendously. People describe you as a baddie or an it girl. You just have a captivating quality. On top of that, you KNOW how to seduce and don't care about being labeled 'bad'. Some of you embrace the label of the 'bad girl'.
People love taking time to get to know you and you enjoy talking about your big dreams. You don't stay still, always seeking to grow. Therefore always evolving.
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III ~ Your charm is the Finesser.
From first glance no one would expect you are a powerful witch. The spell work and affirmations you do helps you manifest things excellently. You are able to see situations for what they are and manipulate it into what you want them to be. You may also be connected to nature and have some unique spiritual tattoos.
You are the undercover player moving in very strategic ways. You’re the type to meet your crush and reverse them to like you. You charm them by playing coquette and get them on your side to do whatever you want. You may use the affirmation "Everything I want wants me more."
You have many different sides to show, but you never reveal your full hand all at once. One day you're innocent then the next day naughty, happy then sad. You always have a one up one people, so things never get dull with you. You may also love to shock and surprise people. 
You're not boastful or afraid of showing vulnerability. You know this works in your benefit and no one suspects you until it's too late. Until they're too far gone under your charm.
People think you're losing but you’re actually winning.
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simplysparrow14 · 8 months
Pikelan is probably the most complex CR ship and more people need to realize that instead of branding it as the "haha funny gnomes" ship.
because the entirely of Pikelan revolves around Scanlan, a very charismatic bard who flirts with literally everyone around him but is head-over-heels in love with his cleric friend but is tragically dogshit at expressing it so he resorts to doing crude bits and gags that ultimatly mask who he truly is.
And then you have Pike, a cleric brimming with self-confidence, who absolutely loves Scanlan for who he is, but is constantly getting mixed signals, because on one hand, he's constantly doing crude jokes and flirting with every person he sets his sights on (even so far as going after his unknown daughter) but on another, he tenderly holds her while she's bleeding and he's constantly at her side during battle and even tends to her emaciated brother for her and it's beautiful to watch, but the moment, the moment she brings it up, he reverts back to his crass personality and it just leaves her reeling about who he truly is.
And then we get to Bards Lament, and Scanlan, after tip-toeing around his true emotions for so long, finally snaps and lets everything he's been feeling (all the pain, and self-loathing manifested as anger towards everyone else, because even in his darkest moment, he's still so dogshit at expressing it for what it truly is) and Pike, who's been wrestling with these mixed signals, finally gets his true feelings on what he feels, calling her magic weird, hating that the same magic that has kept him alive and safe for so long brought him back to his sad existence, hating her for doing it. In the end, Scanlan leaves, just as Pike left the first time and the second time. And Pike stays behind, watching as he heads towards somewhere where she cant follow, abandoning the team and her and grog and everything they've built for themselves. She loves him, and him leaving brings her to that point.
The two are split apart, and despite the anger and hurt, the need for connection with each other is so strong. Scanlan reveals that he dident fully leave Taldorei at first, that he was only 20 miles away in another town entirely, listening to Pike's earing conversations. And eventually, when Scanlan is on another continent, he finds a temple of the Everlight (or just simply begins talking to Everlight) and prays, prays for guidance on finding forgiveness for what he said and did. He's deeply in love with pike, and still is, going to her god for answers to his problems, the quickest connection to Pike that he has between one giant ocean and a continent.
And Pike, despite holding a very rightful disdain for what he said to her, keeps him up to date, informs him of her happenings with the people of Whitestone. She should fucking hate his guts and yet the person she wants to speak to at the end of her day is a bard who (for all she knows) threw his earing away and traveled to some far off place, forever gone from Vox Machina, from her. Yet she keeps speaking.
They switch roles, with Scanlan becoming the quiet solitary one seeking forgiveness for his actions and Pike becoming the people oriented one.
When they reunite, it's tense and sad and angry. So many things said in anger and hurt and they don't really know where to step in the case that something, anything might send them back to that angry, angry place. And suddenly their back at the same place they were before, before the fight.
Pike is, again, trying so hard to sift through the mixed signals he's giving because he's being Scanlan again! Charming bard, essential party member, more confident than he's ever been! but now he's standing near the back and holding his hands and apologizing with a soft voice that she hasn't heard in over a year and a half and rebuilding the bridges he's burned and she doesn't know what to think!
And Scanlan is giving an honest effort at trying to fix what he's broken. He's working harder than ever, he's apologizing. He tries very hard to have conversations with people and fixing what he can. But, again, he's Scanlan, who is less dogshit at expressing what he feels, but still pretty dogshit none the less, and now he's a crime boss and still a beloved bard, but he's also surrounded by the friends, some of them he loves so dearly and he's trying, he's trying so hard
Eventually, everything is forgiven and in the end, Pike and Scanlan come to term with themselves and each other. Pike comes to terms with knowing that Scanlan is a complex person, a broken person just trying to figure his way through this world, just as she had done.
in the end, Pike becomes the person Scanlan feels the most free to be around, one where he doesn't have to put on the mask of a performer, where he can just be Scanlan the gnome instead of Scanlan, bard extraordinaire. and Pike comes to terms with knowing that Scanlan is a complex person, a broken person just trying to figure his way through this world, just as she had done before.
and together, they are beautiful reflection of each other.
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sunvylovebug · 29 days
Love garden
↬ Warnings: No warnings …⁠ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ
↬ Female!Reader and person narration (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
↬ Author Note: I love Diluc<3 I've written some other stuff with Genshin characters, you can check it out on my profile if you're interested<3
↬ Summary: The uncrowned king of Mondstadt has begun to develop feelings for his childhood friend.
↬ Word Count: 1,003 Words
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Since childhood, Y/N and Diluc had been inseparable. They grew up together in Mondstadt, sharing games, secrets and adventures in every corner of the city. Their friendship was as solid as iron, forged by years of laughter and loyalty, of promises and memories, of good and bad times together, little adventures and tons of love and care for each other.
As time went by, they both had to take separate ways, separating for a while, but even after so long their hearts were still connected, it was impossible to break a connection that had prevailed alive for so many years after all.
While Diluc, after years of being away from the nation, assumed his role as the owner of the Dawn Winery in the mornings and the enigmatic, mysterious and heroic Dark Knight Hero of Mondstadt in the evenings, Y/N found her own purpose after studying at the Akademiya of Sumeru, returning to Mondstadt to tend to a small garden that had been built in the heart of the city.
One day, while Y/N was in her garden arranging the flowers and making sure everything was in order, Diluc appeared unexpectedly. Although his face showed a serious expression, there was a soft intensity in his eyes that Y/N had not seen in a long time. "Y/N, I've been thinking about you." Diluc said, slowly approaching. "Can I stay with you for a moment?"
Y/N looked at him with curiosity and a slight smile on her lips. The garden had always been her place of peace, the place where everything seemed more pleasant, more simple and peaceful, Diluc's presence made it even more special. "Of course, Diluc. You're always welcome here."
He sat near her, on a small bench of the place, watching how she worked with delicacy and mastery on her plants, she already had a good time taking care of this place. A pleasant silence formed between them, interrupted only by the occasional birdsong and the soft rustling of the leaves as they moved in the wind.
"You know..." He began to say in a thoughtful tone. "Sometimes when I see the flowers here, they remind me of what we've shared since we were children, the days in my father's garden, the sunny days where we played hide and seek with Kaeya or Jean, or when we'd go looking for bugs and flowers with you... The times when as children, everything seemed simpler."
She looked up from the flowers, looking at him with a mixture of surprise and affection. They didn't usually talk about their feelings this way, but she felt there was something different about the way Diluc was acting.
"Kinda funny..." She said with a soft smile. "Maybe it's weird for me to say it like this but I've always thought that this garden is like a reflection of various connections I have with people, especially our friendship. I take great care of it cause it means a lot to me, as you do too, Diluc."
He was silent, but his eyes shone with an intensity that Y/N couldn't ignore. Finally, he leaned a little closer. "Y/N, there is something I need to tell you." He began, his voice filled with an unusual vulnerability. "How I've felt about you has changed over time. You're not only my friend, but someone I truly appreciate more than I could ever put into words. You are a beautiful girl, you are strong and honest, you are charismatic and kind, you are sweet and brave... I could spend all day talking about how I see you... but I'm scared, I don't wanna lose you because of the things I feel for you."
Her stomach flipped over, she felt her heart beating faster, her cheeks flushing as she listened to Diluc's heartfelt words. She wasn't sure how to respond, but the sincerity in his voice moved her deeply.
"Diluc, I've felt something special for you too, for a while now..." Admitted Y/N in a trembling voice. "But I- I didn't know how to tell you. I was afraid it might ruin our friendship."
Diluc smiled, a gleam of relief in his eyes. "You don't have to fear that, Y/N. What I feel for you has grown over time and I think it's something worth feeling together, if you'll allow me."
With a gesture full of tenderness Diluc took Y/N's hand, looking at her warm and comforting eyes with an expression that blended love and affection that became overwhelming to the young woman's melting heart.
"Let me show you how special you are to me, not only as a friend with whom I have spent countless moments together, adventures and good times, but as someone I wish to protect, care for and love as long as you and life will allow me to."
With her heart overwhelmed with emotion, she nodded slowly, looking into his eyes, nervous and excited by his words. Her trust in Diluc and the love she felt for him came together in a moment of pure connection. "I'd love to do the same, Diluc."
He ran a hand around her waist with a gentle smile and a soft shade of pink on his cheeks. He held her chin with his gloved hand and looked down at her. "May I?"
It was the happiest day for both of them. She felt like she would faint soon from so much emotion her heart was feeling, she nodded shyly and it was then that Diluc brought their lips together gently, a tender kiss full of the love and affection they felt for each other.
From that day on, the garden became an even more meaningful place for them, a place to spend time together and create many memories.
Each visit was a mixture of laughter and intimate moments, as Diluc strove to show his devotion and affection in every gesture and action. Through the seasons, through time and through life's changes, their new relationship blossomed so beautifully, just as the flowers did in Y/N's garden.
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xjulixred45x · 9 months
I saw your request were open can I please request a female douma in jjk.
For getou and gojo please her and gojo having the beautiful eyes and cocky attitude and douma and getou and her both owing a cult this idea is living rent free in my head.
Oh lalala~ this is interesting! I'm in!
SatoSugu x Douma Like-Reader
Genre: headcanons
Reader: Female
Warnings: The reader has the past and attitude of Douma from KNY, that is, she has difficulty understanding and expressing emotions. apart from a shady past and is worshiped by a cult. she has rainbow eyes and gray hair, if a reader with a specific appearance bothers you, don't read this. CULTS AND WHAT THEY CONVINCE, The reader and Gojo share a neuron, and they are horrible with their emotions, I think that's all.
Since you were born, you have been the center of attention in your family.
You were born with eyes of all the colors of the rainbow and gray hair. Your family was amazed by this.
Thanks to this, your family believed that they had been blessed by the gods, that YOU had been blessed by the gods and that you could communicate with them, so they started a cult in your name to be able to worship the idea they had of you.
You, being a small and innocent girl, did not understand any of this, but you acted how they wanted you to act to make them happy. You believed that if they were happy, you were happy, right? but you never really understood very well how emotions worked. They never explained it to you or bothered to tell you anything about it.
It was somewhat frustrating but you resigned yourself quickly. You had to maintain the role you had been assigned after all. keep your hope.
but there really wasn't any, you were never able to communicate with the gods…. there really was nothing to have faith in.
but these people were in denial, and would not allow you to give up your position.
Everything got worse when your parents died, your mother murdered your father…and then committed suicide.
you found their corpses.
but the worst of all was that you didn't know how to process the loss of your parents. how you didn't even know how to process your own emotions.
You just thought about how unpleasant the smell of blood was and you replayed the scene over and over in your head.
all while you didn't change your facial expression. smiling, the one that people wanted to see in you, a supposed "saint"
So you adapted that mentality to your daily life, no matter how many lies you have to tell, no matter how many people get hurt because of this--
As long as the believers were happy, maybe one day you would be too. some day…
Until then, Keep smilling, keep make them happy, keep faken up your emotion, maybe if you fake it enough, you will feel something more than this inmense Void.
but at least all this had its good side, you developed your own damn ice technique!
It was powerful enough that the people in charge of you decided that you needed help in managing it.
that's how you ended up at Jujustu Tech.
That's how you met them…
When you first arrived at Jujustu Tech, you attracted a lot of attention. not only because of your carefree attitude but, obviously, because of your appearance. You were fine with that, you were used to it.
but when Geto and Gojo saw you for the first time when they introduced you to their group…WOW they were silent. which was weird in itself.
Gojo, being Gojo, and well recovered from the shock, went up to you and asked if you had contact lenses, even if he could see that you didn't, he HAD to make sure you didn't.
Geto obviously scolded him and apologized on his behalf for his rude comment. But he didn't miss the opportunity to say how beautiful your eyes were.
With these first impressions you could get an idea of ​​what they were like. And honestly? You became friends very quickly.
To be honest, growing up adored by your cult and having a pretty powerful ability, you ended up being quite arrogant, well-meaning, but cocky.
Thanks to this, Gojo was able to connect with you quite quickly, at first with the intention of destroying that ego you had, but it always ended badly in one way or another.
For example, trying to outdo yourself in physical combat seeing that you depended a lot on your ability with ice, it's a piece of cake with his Infinity, right? well…
Both Gojo and Geto made the same mistake when facing you for the first time, UNDERESTIMATING YOU based on your seemingly silly personality.
You turned out to be more skilled than he thought, which cost him almost blinding him when you realized how special his eyes were. Something similar happened with Geto, he wanted to know more in depth about your abilities, but above all, to know if your eyes, similar to Satoru's, had any unusual abilities.
only to have his ass kicked for being distracted by them…
They could respect you from the beginning, they could see that there was something more than a smiling mask in you. a great power.
Although the more they got to know you, the more things came to light and the more they understood you.
You and Gojo could understand each other on the level of having people expect too much of you, things that are not yours and even putting you on a pedestal for that (in your case very literally). Gojo found the whole cult thing very shady when you told them both, but he also found it shady that you didn't understand how that was WRONG.
Geto was the same(at the start), you and he understood each other more on the side of having abilities (in your case appearance) that although "helps people" rather condemns them to a pretty miserable life.
Thanks to this he opened up to you when he was in spiral, he felt that if anyone would understand him, it would be you.
In case we follow the canonical route, you tend to show two faces with each of them, both authentic and part of you, but distant from each other.
With Geto, you show your most morally perverse side, enjoying for the first time your position in the cult, the power you have over the lives of those people, realizing that YOU ARE the one in control.
You and Geto united the cutls, becoming even more powerful and influential, Geto is a loving couple, I'm not going to lie. He continues to pamper you as much as you want, whether physically, materially or emotionally.
The family respects you a lot, not only because of your power, but because they see you as an equal to Geto, the legitimate queen of the new world for sorcerers.
Geto doesn't really agree with watching you fight, and since you yourself are a little lazy to do it, he leaves the part of interacting with the believers to be your strong point.
Despite everything, being with Geto in this case has its disadvantages, and that is that he does not let you get down from that position of power and believe that the rest are better, apart from the fact that he encourages your harmful behavior towards others (that is, he does not let you mature )
Although don't misunderstand me, he will do everything possible to help you understand and experience the emotions that you have been depriving yourself of.
and when you go with Gojo (he and Gojo "divide custody" in this case) you do a 180 degree turn. You show your most happy and carefree side.
With Gojo you feel like there is nothing to worry about, you like that, he is quite relaxed himself.
Similarly to Geto, he spoils you a lot and is a great cuddler. He LOVES having PDA with you, hugs, kisses, snuggles, anything. he loves it.
Gojo directly takes you to therapy for emotions and when you come out and talk to him about your progress he is very happy to see you getting better every day, it seems.
Unlike Geto, he would try to remove the cult's influence from your life by seeing them as primarily responsible for your traumas (along with the death of your parents) and is fiercely protective in that regard.
They know it, you know it, one bad move and they're screwed.
NOW, if we're talking about the AUS where Geto doesn't get corrupted and stays in Jujutsu Tech with Mimiko and Nanako…IT'S ALL FLUFF.
Both are great life partners, mainly because they balance each other and thus you get the best of the best of EVERYTHING.
(i cant write more than this so sorry if its seems cut off im triying to fix it)
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orkbutch · 1 year
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Okay! time to add my accompanying essays with each image from this set of work about why I assigned which types of play to each set of characters, and how Baldur's Gate III supports these in the text of the game. Because I thought about all of this way too much im not joking
First, Context: All of these are drawings of consentual play happening between these characters after they have put aside any active conflicts between each other. Nontheless, they utilise the dynamics and emotional conflicts of these characters. Each of these characters are in some way violent people, deeply stressed out by their circumstances, and craving pleasure and connection. Sometimes you need a little pinch and squeal before the end of the world just to get through the night, you know?
Wrestling & choking; Lae'zel (D) / Karlach (S)
I'll be honest, figuring out how Karlach and Lae'zel's dynamic would manifest was difficult for me at first. This piece came into existence primarily to balance the other pieces; it had to be the two of them with Lae'zel domming and Karlach subbing. But those restraints ended up guiding me to something I possibly may not have considered and have ended up really, really liking! Lae'zel immediately likes and respects Karlach because she is powerful, hardy, direct and honest. She tells Tav to show Karlach due respect the night she joins you. I think everyone loves Karlach because shes Karlach, but that is an unprecedented level of immediate respect from Lae'zel. I reckon one of the first things Lae'zel thought when getting to know Karlach was how fun it'd be to spar her, to test her strength. Not even sexually - just as bonding or morning exercise before taking on the day. And I know she'd want ideally to win, because she always wants to win, even if she'd be horny about losing.
Karlach seems to respect Lae'zel just as much for similar reasons; direct, honest, committed to her principles, and a beast on the battlefield. I think she'd feel a lot of empathy for Lae'zel's alienation from the world around her. She spent 10 years in Hell and is only now finally coming home, and she'd see in Lae'zel the opposite; someone flung out into space, braving a terrifying fate with nothing grounding or reassuring her. I think she'd be invested in welcoming Lae'zel into fun, casual friendship without being patronizing.
If these two powerhouses spent enough time wrestling each other or watching each other drill or whatever... INEVITABLY... it'd turn horny. Lae'zel's no. 1 turn on seems to be respectable beefcakes, and Karlach would fucking love wrestling in a horny way. Lots of body contact, its playful, its a little competitive, you got some power struggle shit going on which I think Karlach would enjoy, and she gets to use her big muscles for fun!
Wrestling also has a layer that I think Karlach and Lae'zel would absolutely connect on, which I kinda wanna flesh out in some more work: a love for Primal dynamics.
Now, a little detour, because Primal can be embodied and understood differently by different people. For some people, Primal is all about the specific power dynamic Primal usually plays on: Hunter/Prey. This is a dynamic of power struggle, pursuit, conquering and claiming, all things I think Lae'zel would definitely love, and Karlach would also enjoy. Where I think Primal clicks more for Karlach is another element of how many people do Primal: As play that emphasizes liberated expression of emotion, and roleplays loss of control. Its The Berzerker's Kink, and The Werewolf's Kink, the restless adhd jock's kink. Just getting lost in struggling and contact and fucking and roughness, and expressing whatever emotion comes during that. Karlach and Lae'zel find really, really good partners in each other for this kind of play.
Lae'zel is tough as fuck, competitive as hell and kinda scary, so Karlach wouldn't need to worry that much about getting too rough with her. She'd get to truly go hard in the struggle for power. But, ultimately, I think Karlach would let Lae'zel win pretty frequently (and tbh I think Karlach would usually win wrestling Lae'zel just because of her size and reach) because Karlach would LOVE being pinned and held by a body. Its the most high contact, our bodies are all over each other fun, and I think she'd relish that after 10 years of denial. She gets to just enjoy the feeling of being held, spent and physically overwhelmed after some good fun rolling around in the dirt. It's a great time. Karlach is deeply admirable to Lae'zel from the moment she met her. I think Lae'zel kind of sees Karlach as this singular force of nature warrior peer. Lae'zel doesn't have preconceived notions of what a tiefling is, or what most Plane beings are. She doesn't see Karlach as someone whose been Changed from an original form by time in the Hells. She sees Karlach, and she sees a war-torn tower of long surviving muscle that pours out fire and kills baddies with terrifying power and efficacy, who is also bright red and a team player. And seriously, I think for Lae'zel this would have been a moment of like. "Holy shit, they make people like this here? Maybe this Plane isn't so bad. She is a dragon and I want a ride." And getting to wrestle away control and power and subdue that beast, to conquer this amazing peer you admire so much, would be ... SUCH a rush for Lae'zel. The ultimate power trip. To bring Karlach the unique pleasure of being physically immobalized and held and conquered in a way thats hot, satisfying and safe. Yes. They'd love it. In Conclusion: They'd fuck a bunch and get extremely exhausted and roughed up. Then they'd go sit in a pond that Karlach would set at a comfy spa heat with her body and give each other shoulder rubs and drink beer. And they'd be like, "Hey seriously, x move was really good. I did not see that coming. Your leg lock is stronger than it was last month. I totally overpowered you with that pin though, right? Oh it was a fluke huh? We'll see next time." Jocks having some good rough fun.
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spacebarbarianweird · 9 months
Synopsis: Tiriel has body image issues after giving birth, and Astarion is just too eager on having sex with his beautiful wife once again.
Thanks @tragedybunny for beta-reading!
Tags: smut, vaginal sex, praise kink, post-partum body image
Read on AO3
Astarion puts away the book and looks in the cradle. His baby girl is sound asleep, her pointy ears twitching like the ones of a kitten.
He still can’t believe it’s all real, though, he’s had  three months to accept it. A tiny newborn who he still hopes won’t be a dhampir requires all the time he and Tiriel have.
Astarion doesn’t mind. If anything, he enjoys being a father.
He touches Alethaine’s digits. One day, she will grow up and become a beautiful Elven woman. What voice will she have? What face features? Will she look more like him or more like her mother? Or maybe he will see some unfamiliar features in her - Tiriel’s Elven ancestors or his own?
The vampire hears soft steps from the bathroom - Tiriel finished washing herself. Astarion would have loved to join, but someone has had to keep an eye on the baby.
He leaves the nursery and leaves the door half open.
“Our little princess can fall asleep only if I read her Elven fairy tales. She definitely has standards!”
Tiriel doesn’t respond. She is naked, drops of water still on her body.
And the Half-Elven warrior is absolutely stunning.
Her breasts got bigger during pregnancy, and Astarion hopes they will stay like that even when she stops breastfeeding. Freckles dance all over her skin, a gift from her ancestors, the human clans of the Sunset Mountains.
Her stomach is no longer flat, and he feels an unstoppable desire to touch those soft folds of skin. There are stretch marks in the lower part and on her thighs, long white lines resembling lighting.
Astarion feels like his trousers tighten between his legs.
Well, one year of celibacy is a form of torture.
“Tell me the truth. Do I look disgusting?” Tiriel asks. That’s when he realizes she looks miserable. Many years ago, at the beginning of their relationship, she had this same facial expression when people pointed at her mixed ancestry. Both elves and humans.
“What are you talking about?”
“I look in the mirror and don’t recognize myself. While I was pregnant, it was one thing, but now... Fuck. It’s just as if my body is all distorted.”
“Your body is a fucking miracle that gave me my precious treasure of a child. Don’t you dare speak ill of it.”
“Just look at me!”
“I am looking at you.”
Drops of milk drip from her swollen nipples.
The tightness in his pants becomes unbearable.
Gods, if he doesn’t put his cock inside Tiriel, he will cum in his pants
Astarion pushes Tiriel to the bed, and, before she manages to object, he gets rid of his shirt and unlaces the front of his trousers.
He hovers above his wife and presses his lips against hers, kissing  her desperately, hungrily. Tiriel grabs his shoulders, pulling him closer to her - she is strong, his fierce wife.
He pulls away a bit and there is a thin strand of saliva connecting them. Astarion recognizes the fire in Tiriel’s eyes -  all too familiar. Desire. Pure and honest, the desire of a woman who was never ashamed of her nature.
Astarion goes down to her breasts. He sucks her left nipple, tasting the essence with his tongue. Then, the other. Tiriel moans and grabs his hair which makes him groan.
He keeps tracing his kisses -her  stomach feels so warm and so soft, like a pillow. So much better than it used to be.
Astarion gets on his knees and grabs Tiriel’s hips to put her bottom on his lap. Now when her legs are spread he can see the vulva in all its glorious details.
“Did it change?” Tiriel asks.
He touches her clit making Tiriel whimper. Her whole body, busy with growing a child inside, was missing Astarion.
“It did. A bit” he says, studying her womanhood.
“I knew it” Tiriel sounds disappointed.
Astarion sticks his finger inside, feeling the familiar wetness.
“Your pussy is a fucking temple which is fit for both lovemaking and birthing children. Don’t desecrate it with your curses.”
He finally manages to get rid of his trousers and with no further hesitation sticks his cock inside.
“F-fuck” he groans feeling the walls tightening around him.
Tiriel pulls him to her and kisses him. Her legs wrap around his torso pressing his lower part to her.
“Does it feel the same?” she asks, her eyes half-lidded,
“It feels better. Much… better…”
He thrusts harder and harder, making Tiriel whimper helplessly. Her nipples drool with milk and her clean body is sticky with sweat.
Tiriel presses him to herself, piercing his back with her nails. Her breath is as hot as the campfire, and her kisses make him insane.
Astarion wishes to prolong this pleasure but his body doesn’t obey. He cums with a low groan, feeling his release coating his cock.
Tiriel grabs a handful of his hair and makes him kiss her.
Afterwards, he lies beside her, wrapping his hands around her chest.
“You know” she pants. “If you were drunk on blood right now, I would already be pregnant. My cycle has been restored recently.”
“Hm, give me time to go to the woods. I will return and fuck another child into you.”
She laughs. “No, let’s wait another twenty years. Once Alethaine is an adult, you can fuck her brother inside me.”
“A sister. Another girl,” he corrects.
“I thought the second baby must be a boy?”
“Nah, I want to have daughters. Sons are boring.”
“I think most of the men in this world would disagree.”
“Most of the men are morons,” he kisses the crown of her head.
Suddenly Tiriel elbows up and he realizes she sits on him, her breasts swaying in anticipation.
“What are you doing, love?”
“I haven’t had sex for a year, too, and meanwhile you could, at least, pleasure yourself with your hand, I definitely didn’t have the time of my life.”
“Guilty as charged.”
“Did you think one round would satisfy me?”
Astarion feels his erection growing again, and he places his hands on Tiriel’s wide hips.
“I hoped it wouldn’t.”
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musicalmoritz · 25 days
do u hc any character on the aro/ace spectrum?
I love this question!! Unfortunately since TBHK is so heavily focused on romance, I don’t have many. Ofc aroace ppl can still date but fandoms tend to ignore the nuance of that statement and put them into relationships without considering what that means for them. I like to look at it a bit deeper because aroace headcanons do have some importance to me. My sister is aroace so every time I see a headcanon for a character being aspec I have to let her know lol. So before I get into this list I just wanted to say to any aroace ppl who see this, I love ya’ll, ya’ll are doing great <3
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Nobody murder me, I’m going to explain. Typically I’m not a fan of aroace villains bcuz the trope has some nasty implications. That doesn’t mean no villain character can ever be headcanoned as aroace but I need some very good reasons before sticking with a headcanon like that. And for Tsukasa, I have my reasons!! A lot of fans tend to agree that he shouldn’t be in a relationship with anybody and that used to really annoy me because I don’t like the whole “this character is clearly mentally ill therefore they get no love” thing. I know it goes deeper than that with him being generally abusive but still. Eh. There are people with disorders that make them bad partners and those people are still very capable of getting therapy and improving. Plus most fans who say that claim to love toxic ships to like???
I’m not really a fan of any Tsukasa ships tho (I used to crack ship TsuAoi but those days are over) so I figured I would actually put some effort into giving a reason as to why he doesn’t do relationships. Rather than go the whole “he could hurt other people” route, I wanted to focus more about how Tsukasa himself would feel about dating. And to be honest? I don’t think he’d like it! He’s definitely interested in relationships as a concept but I don’t think he’s the type to take them seriously. I try to use this headcanon to humanize Tsukasa rather than demonizing him like a lot of people do with aroace villain headcanons. Love is very important to him on a platonic level but romance just isn’t his thing. And it creates a nice contrast in fics between him and characters whose lives center so much around romance. My sister actually is the one who introduced me to this hc and every aroace hc she has is law so I abide by it lmao
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This one is way more recent but it makes so much sense to me. If you want to talk about characters who are more realistically potentially aroace, Tsuchigomori has never expressed the desire for a love interest in canon. When most adult male characters are single in fiction it’s seen as a problem (at least in a comedic sense), but with Tsuchigomori none of the characters question it. I feel like he has some level of interest in romance, maybe demiromantic?? But overall romantic attraction isn’t something he experiences easily
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This one is more based on vibes and me hunting down every TBHK character that doesn’t have an arc connected to romantic attraction. I don’t think he realized it when he was alive because the people in his village didn’t talk about asexuality/aromanticism much. Maybe he thought he was gay but that didn’t quite feel right because his disinterest in women extended to everyone. He seems like the type to love being surrounded by people and be generally very personable, so his platonic relationships are very important to him. Just no romance
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I know you specifically asked for aroace characters but I 100% see this man as demiromantic, and maybe demisexual too. Possibly completely asexual, though leaning more towards the positive side of the spectrum (or just neutral). Emotions don’t come easily to this man so love is a complicated subject but I do believe he’s capable of loving people romantically, just under specific circumstances and not in the traditional sense
I hope you liked these headcanons!! I’ve seen some others that interest me too. I once wrote a Sakuhiko request where they were both aroace and queer platonic, that was very fun. I’ve also seen both the Minamoto brothers written as asexual which is cool to me. Tbh I’m open to most types of headcanons unless I see one that inexplicably gives me the ick…but even then I mind my business bcuz I don’t have to agree with every headcanon I see. I may not have many aroace headcanons for TBHK but I have more for other fandoms, completely unrelated but I could write a whole essay on why Jean Valjean is aroace lol
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annoying--moth · 4 days
No matter how many times it is explained to me or I talk about it with someone, I can't fully grasp what exactly is going on with art in the arc of a scythe universe. Because like,
It's stated multiple times that post-mortal art is "bland" and "uninspired" and "redone to death," and while I can certainly understand SOME art being like that, surely not all art is like that?? And I understand this in the sense that like, everyone's constantly remaking/repainting/making their own versions of famous paintings and such, but also there still has to be people who don't do that, right??? Like maybe I just have zero reading comprehension and somehow missed the bigger picture, but I feel like all this talk about art being redone to death implies that no one is making original art anymore? Which just. doesn't seem feasible to me?? Because as an artist myself, I can't see immortality taking away my ability to draw or come up with cool ideas. I don't draw because I'm going to die one day, I draw because I like it, and it's a form of creative expression. You can always come up with something new to draw- whether it's a cool oc, or someone you know, or just something random and abstract. The possibilities never end!
Of course, I suppose there is the argument then that people just aren't creative anymore, but I also find that hard to believe. I couldn't imagine ever truly running out of ideas. Like I mentioned above, OCs people??? I highly doubt there's no one in the post-mortal era still making weird, whacky, badass, or just cute OCs. Heck, I'd expect scythe ocs to be really popular! I wonder if it's like a thing for every kid to have a scythe oc phase..? Or at least kids in certain communities/fandoms (like scythe card trading- maybe they make their own cards for their scythe ocs!)
And also, it's confirmed that fiction is still very much a thing in the post-mortal era (I know zombies are referenced in one Gleanings story) so it's not like people can only connect to non-fiction. That's another thing that's discussed more in terms of theatre and writing- people not being able to connect to the themes because they're so far removed from it in reality. But my thing is, I've never experienced war or death (until very recently at least) and I still don't find myself unable to sympathize with people losing their loved ones to death or war or disease, although I suppose this could also have to do with the nanites. Plus the fact that death and war still exist in society as an actual thing that happens, but idk.
Also by the way- I feel like that one Gleanings story The Mortal Canvas has a subtle diss on digital art? And I have nothing against traditional art- heck I probably draw traditionally more often since I'm always doodling/sketching, but I feel like just because art is digital doesn't mean it's "uninspired" or whatever people were saying in the books. In fact, I've found myself moved emotionally by more digital pieces than traditional ones (although I don't see a lot of traditional paintings compared to digital ones tbf)
Also also I want to say- I don't exactly know how well this relates to my point but that one dude in The Mortal Canvas who made the others' artstyles into filters was a huge douchebag. AI art type shit, I was ready to strangle him reading that.
I remember the bit in The Toll about Ezra the artist, and how he said he was just "decent" or "moderately good" or something along those lines when we first met him, and I was going to make an argument about that part too but to be honest it's been a little while since I've read The Toll so I'll have to come back to that one once I reread it. But I think it also had to do with the emotional/creative aspect of art, which again, I refuse to believe immortality has such an influence on creativity that no art is original or interesting anymore. Sure it might make certain things harder, or make motivation worse, but I feel like if someone is truly creative it doesn't matter? Though then again, I'm not immortal so what do I know.
I briefly mentioned nanites earlier, and that is one thing that I do think probably has an impact, and I specifically mean emo-nanites. Since post-mortals can't feel as strong emotions as us mortal humans, perhaps that's also why their art seems more uninspired or whatever, because they can't put as much emotion into it. However, an excess amount of emotion isn't exactly needed to make art either. Like as I was writing this I was looking through my own art and realised that for some pieces I wasn't putting any emotional thought whatsoever into the pieces, yet there's still a clear emotion there when you look at them. Joy, wonder, whatever.
Anyway in conclusion, I think that it's unrealistic to say that all post-mortal art would be dull, uninspired, and meaningless, because I believe there will always be creative people who will make art not because they're gonna die one day, but because they want to and enjoy it, simple as that. Thanks to whoever stuck around long enough to read this far, I really hope it made sense. It's kinda late while I'm writing this and tbh I'm half-expecting there to be some huge detail/plot point that I missed that makes my whole argument totally invalid, whether that's me misinterpreting all the bits about post-mortal art or just being a complete dumbass with zero media literacy. Either way hope this was a fun read, I don't write long-form posts like these super often (note the lack of confidence in my media literacy skills) and if I made a really bad argument/missed something huge please be nice in the notes, I have a fragile ego :(
Uh yeah anyway I think I got everything as usual don't take my rambling *too* seriously, I just always found it confusing how post-mortal art is said to be so "uninspired" (I keep using that word cause I reread chapter 3 of Scythe today and Faraday uses it there) when I personally can't imagine not being able to be creative, though perhaps I'm just self-projecting. So uh, yeah.
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miela · 1 year
Shattered Memories • Chapter III: A Sense of Reunion II • {Peter Parker x Stark!Reader}
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Chapter Genre: Angst (???) Chapter Warnings: Mentions of Substance Abuse Masterlist
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↪ divider by firefly-graphics
VIDEO LOG #20 / 10 JUNE 2026
Hey (Y/N),
 It’s me, Peter.
It’s been almost two years since you have forgotten about me. And to be honest, these two years have been absolutely hell without you. I got a redo on life as most people wish for but be careful what you wish for I guess. I have a new life and it’s okay. I have friends from school but they’ll never compare to you, Celina, Ned, and MJ. I have two jobs and they pay okay. It helps with rent. I’m still out there being Spiderman, I haven’t heard anything about you though which I guess is understandable. I hope you’re doing okay.
I miss you….I miss you so much. In times like these, I know I could always turn to you, lay my head on your shoulder, and cry…you would rub my back, kiss the top of my head, and tell me that everything is going to be okay...because we had each other. I feel like I took those moments for granted even though I know I didn’t. I just really miss you. 
I hope one day…I could be in your arms again. I love you so much.
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I know who you are. 
It rang and echoed in Peter's head after you said it. His heart didn’t know what it wanted to do; stop and explode or race and explode. He looked at you with an expression he could only imagine was a mix of shock and anticipation. How long did you know? Is that why you came to find him? Because you remembered him? There were so many things he wanted to say, ask and do.
But before he could even react, your words knocked his cathedral of hope down to the ground just as quickly as it was built up.
"But I don't remember you."
And there it was. The catch. His heart dropped.
Of course, it wouldn’t have been that easy for him. Even though five years went by and that was more than plenty of time for you to figure it out with what little information you had, Strange’s spell was thorough and very effective. Peter wasn’t sure if he wanted to scream or cry or to crawl in a dark hole and whither away. He didn’t even know how to respond. How was he supposed to explain everything to you? How was he supposed to explain his reasoning for not following through with his promise five years ago?
He just looked at you dumbfounded.
You pressed your lips together and nodded slowly at his response of silence. “When going through the Avenger files, I saw your file. Funny how I recognized everyone else but I didn’t recognize you. Even funnier that we were partners in justice and crime fighting and I didn’t even remember your face. So I did a month-long deep dive.”
Peter never took his eyes off of you and you never took your eyes off of him. He could tell you were getting serious although your expression was still pretty relaxed. On the other hand, he could feel his jaw clench from his nerves making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
“I asked around. I asked Sam, Bucky, Dr. Cho, Ned, MJ, Celina…anyone who has a connection to you and none of them know who you are. Well, MJ and Ned said you come into the coffee shop a lot, but they don’t know you. See, memories can be erased from people, but not from algorithms. We went to the same high school, both were in the academic decathlon with MJ, and we had almost all the same classes together. We were both Avengers, we were a duo team because we have the same powers, I remember every single mission, Hell, I remember fighting you,” you continued with emotion in your voice that Peter could only guess was frustration. “But I don’t remember…you.”
Peter decided he wanted to scream. He wanted to scream and then tell you everything, but he had his reasons for not telling you.
“For five years I’ve been dreaming of this guy. I call him the Faceless Boy. I have dreamt of him every single night since that day five years ago. The dreams are more than dreams, more than that dream-walking shit Celina talks about. These dreams are memories with someone who is so foreign to me.” You walked over by him slowly and stopped when you were about three feet away and you looked up into his eyes. “When I snuck through your window today, I expected a different response from you after webbing me to the wall.”
Peter gulped slightly.
“You talked to me like you knew who I was. A long-time friend that you haven’t seen in a while and one you weren’t expecting to see for an even longer while. And then when we shook hands…?” You chewed on your lip nervously, almost like you were afraid to say the next bit. “For five years, I’ve had this hole in my chest, as if something was carved out of my life when it wasn’t supposed to be. I’ve tried to fill it with anything and everything and I failed every single time. So tell me why when we shook hands I never felt it so whole before. A simple handshake from a boy from Queens filled my emptiness like he was the missing puzzle piece.”
Peter’s heart raced as you spoke and looked at him with a desperation for answers, but he couldn’t speak. He didn’t know how to respond as you searched his dark eyes for answers. He didn’t want to lie to you but…he also didn’t want to tell you the truth. The truth is what is keeping you safe and what is keeping you sane. 
“I know you feel it right now,” you said. “The pull.”
The pheromonal connection.
Peter could feel it, He didn’t stop feeling it since he sensed you in his apartment, especially after the handshake. His senses were in a frenzy, he could only imagine how yours were, especially when you couldn’t even remember who he was to you. He pressed his lips together. 
“So tell me, Peter Parker,” you started again. “What happened?”
Peter looked deeply into your eyes and slowly brought his hand up to your cheek and gently caressed it before laying his hand on it. You leaned your face into his touch and closed your eyes. His senses instantly focused on you. Your breath hitched as you opened your eyes again to look up at his dark ones.
He wanted to tell you everything so badly. He wanted to tell you how he knew you like the back of his hand. He wanted to tell you that he knew your favorite things and that you couldn’t cook to save your life, and that you loved to dance and you did ballet since you were a child. He wanted to tell you how in high school you would viscerally defend him every time Flash Thompson opened his mouth and called Peter “Penis Parker” and how when you found out Flash’s real name you started using it just to piss him off and shut him up. He wanted to tell you about how MJ didn’t like him at first because she was afraid that the same situation that happened with him and Liz would happen to you. He wanted to tell you how you and Ned would constantly bicker over who was the coolest character in Star Wars and that everyone thought your favorite anime was Chainsaw Man but he knew it was actually Sailor Moon (and that you constantly argued that Usagi would floor Goku anytime any day and any era). He wanted to tell you everything about yourself and your memories until his jaw hurt from talking too much.
But everything in him told him not to.
“(Y/N)...” he began. “I-”
Before he could finish his sentence your eyes blinked rapidly and your brows furrowed before you winced and hissed. You held your head as you let out a noise of pain and Peter instantly pulled back. 
“(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Are you okay? What’s happening?!” Peter panicked.
After a moment you looked up at him catching your breath softly. “Yeah….yeah. I’m fine. Like I said before. Stark Stress.”
Peter called total bullshit on that. 
“What were we talking about?” You asked softly to no one in particular.
Peter looked at you wide eyes filled with confusion and concern. 
“Uh…” he searched his scatterbrain for something to say. “The…uh…Avenger Files? You were going to tell me why you were going through the Avenger files, yeah…mhm…”
You looked at him with a knowing expression. “Parker, I remember everything I said. It was a rhetorical question.”
“Oh…!” Peter squeaked. 
You rubbed your temples and smiled up at him. “You won’t tell me anything. That’s fine I won't force you. Whatever you did, you did it for good reason.” You leaned back on the table. “I’ll figure it out anyway. Just promise you’ll be honest with me when I ask about something.”
Peter nodded. “Y-yeah! Yeah, sure, yeah I’ll be …uh….I’ll be honest.”
“Great!” you clapped your hands together. “Now down to business. I didn’t just drag you here to interrogate you.” You turned to the table to avoid his gaze.
You were deflecting the situation. Peter knows because you tend to do that when you have felt like you came off too strong in a situation and your way of reacting was to pretend like it was nothing big in hopes that the other person would follow suit. At this moment, Peter was glad you did, because he would’ve done it if you didn’t. Especially when those Stark Stress Migraines seemed more like Parker Stress ones. Both times you guys made contact you had a strong reaction. It scared him and he wanted to know why. He wished he could have asked Strange about this, but Strange didn’t remember him and probably wouldn’t even remember the spell. 
He guessed that was his big sign to keep his distance from you. 
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Later, he was taken back home in time for him to go out patrolling once more. He swung across the veins of New York City as he thought about the events that happened.
Today was a really strange day.
After your whole interrogation, you told him about your plans for the NAI and the scholarship that Tony had left for him. 
 “My dad had an actual internship and scholarship set aside for you but obviously it was meant for MIT. I changed it up a bit for your sake. So your last five years will be compensated and paid off tuition-wise and the rest of your time in school will be paid in full. You will also have an internship opportunity whenever you’re ready for it. It will be a summer internship so you can have full focus on it without any distractions, or you could do it during winter break. Whatever works for you.” You pointed at the holographic screens respectively. 
Peter looked at the holograms in shock. Tony was planning on doing all of this for him. He shouldn’t be surprised but he was…and was touched by it. And you modifying it to fit his needs made it all the more… meaningful. He did remember Tony offering him a grant when he first came to visit him but he thought he wasn’t serious about it and was using it for code to add to the stark internship.  
He almost didn’t take it, but you insisted. 
 “Parker, this was something my dad set in place years ago. Consider it a token of gratitude. He would want this for you.” you explained. “But I won't force it on you if you really don’t want it.”
Peter sighed when he stopped on a building to think. He hated keeping the truth from you, and he hated that you were suffering all this time because of your migraines. He remembered your big reaction to both times that he touched you. 
It was hurting you. 
He wondered if it would be the same for Ned, Celina, and MJ. Would they have a splitting headache if he got close to any of them too? The whole point of this stupid spell was to protect the ones he cared about, not cause them pain. 
He really, really hated magic.
He sighed and sat down at the edge of the building. He thought about what you went through in the past years without him. He had hoped that you would have been living your best life without worry, but instead, you were dreaming about him without knowing who he was, and he had to sit there and not tell you that it was him that you were dreaming about. 
It was best to just stay away from you all. Like it was intended five years ago.
He needed a distraction. He remembered one of his friends from school mentioning a party at his Fraternity House this weekend that Peter initially said no to going to. But after today he could use it. He took out his phone and called him.
“Parker,” Harry Osborn, chimed. “What’s up, my guy?”
“Hey Harry,” Peter greeted. “I changed my mind, I do wanna go to that party tomorrow.”
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To say you were a mess was an understatement. 
You didn’t seem it though. You were working with Nika on the list of foundations and non-profit organizations that would be attending the charity gala that you were hosting in a month. You’re first act of Philanthropy would be donating at least one billion dollars each year to different organizations and you wanted it to be a well-rounded event but you were distracted by the recent ones that happened.
Nika could tell.
“(Y/N),” she said, folding her hands in her lap. “Are you okay? Did that Avenger boy do something to you?”
“Huh? What? No,” You replied a little defensively. “He’s harmless.”
“Then why do you seem so upset?” She asked with concern in her tone. “You were fine earlier.”
You sighed and rubbed your temples with your fingers gently as you closed your eyes. “Migraine,” you responded, only giving part of the problem. 
She sighed knowing that you weren’t telling her everything. “I’m going to talk to you as a friend.”
You looked at the redhead expectantly.
“You haven’t had much of a life since…well…since I first met you four years ago.”
You met Nika Eyrewolfe, back in the recovery center. She was in for substance abuse herself. Since then you guys have been great friends and been a good support for each other. When you found out that she had no place to call home or anything to her name, you got her a job at Stark Industries before she was promoted to your assistant. She’s done nothing but a great job at it. She has been with you most days since you became CEO. So to say the girl knew your life and schedule like her life depended on it was an understatement.
“You’ve worked yourself so much that your headaches are getting worse and worse,” she continued. “The only person you hang out with is Morgan, who’s ten years old. You haven’t made time for Celina, Ned, and MJ in forever. But you had time to get Avenger Boy.”
“He has a name,” You retorted. “Peter. Peter Parker.”
“That’s nice,” Nika replied sarcastically. “And who is Peter Parker to you exactly?”
That’s the problem. I don’t know, you thought.
All you know is that he was the cutest guy you have ever seen in your entire life. His brown curls were soft and silky on his head. His eyes looked tired but they were soft and kind. He had boyish features that only added to his softness. And his smile. God, that smile. It lit up his whole face. His black tee shirt hugged his muscles nicely, and his dark denim jeans hugged his thighs and legs in just the right way. You had to catch yourself from staring at him too long before it got really weird.
You stayed silent and leaned your head on the back of your chair.
“Exactly,” Nika stated. “Nothing. So, you should make time for your friends. I’ll clear your calendar this weekend.”
The thing was that Peter wasn’t “nothing” to you, he was definitely a big something. You were at least eighty percent sure he was the faceless boy from your dreams. And when he touched you…? You couldn’t ignore that no matter how much you tried. The way his hand was so heartbreakingly gentle on your skin as all your worries faded away for a small moment before the splitting headache came again. It’s not like you could tell Nika any of this.
But she was right about one thing. It had been a while since you hung out with your friends. You kept in touch with them in the group chat, but it wasn’t the same as seeing them. 
“Okay,” you gave her a small smile. “Thank you, Nika. What would I be without you?”
“I dunno, probably insane.”
You snorted in response.
Maybe it would be good for you to step away from everything for a little bit. Especially with how crazy your day was. You especially wanted to pretend this day never happened, crawl into the void, and scream until your voice was gone. You deserved to relax for a moment and maybe next time you make the impulsive decision to climb into the window of someone you think you know but you don’t…
You won’t.
tags: @riordanness @chrisevans-realwife @peterdarlingg
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daisys-reality · 1 year
After two years I still don't understand what shifting is or what it requires, like is it about how strongly you believe in it, does it require a certain meditative state, is it about how effectively you manipulate your senses, is it fully up to you or does the universe/spirits whatever have a say.
I honestly think my main struggle with shifting is my lack of understanding of what it is, it feels both way too subjective but also a really objective experience with specific rules
I'm not quite sure what exactly you want me to do, whether it's giving you space to rant, giving you advice or answers. But to be honest the first thing i had in mind as a reply was: shifting can be whatever you want it to be.
I can totally understand your way of thinking though. It seems you feel very lost/confused about this at this time which makes it probably very difficult for you to connect with 'reality shifting' itself. You've heard this probably already many times but one's shifting journey is a very personal journey.
You know reality shifting as we call it now is something that has been practiced a long time ago in many different fields. And people from these different fields have learned and approached 'reality shifting' with different mindsets, attitudes and different kinds of understanding. And they still did it! There is no one specific way that works - no, it depends on each person individually. It is very similar to one's spiritual journey. Both are journeys where you have to work with yourself on a very deep level and everyone has very different experiences.
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No one but you has a say in this. You ask what shifting is and what it requires, as annoying as this sounds but you have to decide what reality shifting is TO YOU and how it should work FOR YOU. You write your own story. In one of my recent readings I had the expression come up: Choose happiness for yourself and accept it. And this is so important in my opinion. Choose what you want and accept it. Commit to it from your heart and see where you go from there. But always listen to your heart and to your feelings. Accommodate things to you, you don't need to break yourself "trying to make it work". If you ever notice yourself overworking or overstretching yourself for something, remind yourself that is not how it should be, you're not being true to yourself. Your view seems clouded and you're just punishing yourself in those times. Never forget to treat yourself with respect and to focus on your well-being while being on this journey. A healthy body carries a healthy mind, right?
Another aspect I recently talked about in one of my readings was about the doubts we have on our shifting journey. Doubts will probably always prevail because it is something you don't completely understand, and you probably will never fully do! But that's ok. (You don't really need to know how it works anyways.) Doubts are natural and they will never stop you from fully shifting. It will happen even while you have doubts. It's more so about commitment and willpower. Perhaps, a well balanced mix of spiritual and practical efforts that helps you improve and move forward on your journey. You know your beliefs can move mountains. So instead of searching for the correct information and answers, choose how you want to view shifting yourself, make it fit into your world view. Make it your own little fun thing. Belief it, connect to it and practice feeling it. I know you can do it, don't give up but also don't stress yourself out, okay?
For example, you could for the next few days do some little sessions during the day (like 5-10 min sessions). Make yourself comfortable, put on your favourite music or subliminal whatever and try to think about your beliefs or about how you are able to shift easily, imagine it. You can even tell yourself affirmation. In a way, yes, you try to convince yourself like you said. But you do this in the beginning to develop a certain belief. Once that is established you don't need to convince yourself every time, you will just be able to do it then. It becomes easier.
But for now, I think it is important for you personally to decide on what you want to believe in first. (And then work on strengthening that belief.)
I don't know how helpful my answer is but I believe in you and I know you can do it.❤️
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dontneedhair · 4 months
On Identity And (Not) Being Seen
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(Me kind of hidden, although more to be protected against sunburn in this case, and revealing all of my full cueball look.)
Sexuality seems to be tied to who we are, at least to a degree. One way this can find its expression would be when, let's say, a man introduces himself in front of a group, and often right after his name, he will add that he is married and has children. Describing himself as a family man can get him bonus points with a lot of people; it can help him to come across as less threatening and is surely seen as an asset in more conservative circles.
When, on the other hand, someone’s sexuality doesn’t correspond to what is seen as the norm, people often feel the need to name precisely that. And I’m not even primarily thinking of those who are "not corresponding", but of others describing them. I’ve often heard one person mentioning someone famous in a neutral or positive way, and another person immediately interjecting „But he/she is gay!“, which literally was meant as some sort of  „counterargument“. This occurs a lot less these days.
The same thing also easily happens when those talking about a gay person (to stay with the example) don’t have an issue with their sexuality, but still feel it’s an important characteristic that helps making sense of who that person really is. Maybe that is due to how our sexuality has an influence on the way we relate to others on a basic level.
Finally, people who tend to see themselves as „normal“ seem to feel compelled to state exactly that (one way or another) when others wrongly assume they are part of a sexual minority that was/is considered as „less normal“. And for someone from such a minority, being able to simply mention this aspect of their lives can feel like a huge relief.
Lately, I have thought A LOT about what this means for me as a shy, introvert gay man who’s sexuality is very much linked to different „non-standard practices“ (fetishes), of which hairlessness is one major example. And as I have written on here, I don’t believe I feel drawn to being degraded or humiliated because of my lack of hair. I rather love both the process and result of removing hair, be it on me or on other men.
By being hairless, I express a part of myself that feels both very authentic and vulnerable. Others will generally not know that a big part of my motivation to do this is sexual by nature, and since I’m a guy, many people will also feel free to comment on my appearance in my presence. Mostly not in a mean way, more like feeling the need to tell me I would look better with hair or, on the contrary, that the look really suits me.
Unbeknown to them, they are talking about something which for me is very intimate in nature, and that again is why they can easily step over some boundaries without even realising it. That can make me feel quite exposed, and in case of the more negative comments, insecure. I sometimes use the word „naked“ to describe that state, and some readers who comment on here or chat with me have also used that word in that context.
At the same time, I do actually long for this part of me to be seen by the people I’m close to, with whom I feel comfortable and who don’t have a problem with the concept of „different“. But these are the few people with whom it feels safe to discuss almost anything in connection with sexuality. That in turn rules out most of my family, acquaintances or people I work with. To be completely honest about my motivation to be bald/browless by choice really is that intimate to me. While I try hard not to lie about my motivations, what I will say when asked about it will most likely only amount to some form of „I like it that way“.
So to summarise, I express something very deep about myself by looking the way I do; I don’t want to hide that side of me, but I also don’t want to let everyone into that intimate space by telling me what they really think about it or asking me to justify myself. To complicate things even further, the possibility of being confronted can actually be a thrill, especially after having made some change in my appearance, when I’m not yet sure whether or not people will notice and if I’m going to get away with it. However, it is the possibility that’s the thrill. Being confronted or getting snark comments would actually be a major turn-off.
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seaofwine · 20 days
i've been offline - at least off tumblr - for about a month at this point. this has been for many reasons, but there are a couple that i want to talk about. first: i find it incredibly difficult to articulate what my practice is now. while it is still deeply rooted in arkadian reconstructionism, there is so little about tegea that exists in the written record. at this point, i am okay saying that i have shared what i can.
to be honest, the further along in my practice I get, the harder it becomes to put down in words. in short: i feel less confident sharing religious content online. the ways people experience the divine will be as varied as there are worshippers, which is a good thing. religion is meant to be personal to you.
for me, i'm at a stage in life & my religious practice where i see now just how much i don't know. sometimes that is the wisest thing you can say.
Athena is as vast as the cosmos, with so much knowledge i cannot even begin to comprehend. i can tell you about her epithets, i can tell you what they mean to me. she is my goddess (said with the reverence of 'my captain, my captain'), i am devoted to her, i revere her; but she is beyond my understanding. i don't understand divinity, and i would not speak on their behalf.
i have received asks in the past that i struggled to answer; things like, "how do i know Athena is reaching out to me?" or, "what offerings does she like?" I can tell you that, at least during Panathenaea, that a peplos was placed on her altar; a gift from the weavers of the city for her festival. I can tell you the story i was told by a mythographer in Athens, of how glaukopis came to denote the color blue. i can tell you that olives and olive oils are lovely offerings, or that it could be nice to crochet, knit, or weave an altar cloth. all of these things can be sought out and sourced.
i can't source the personal things. i can't tell you to do what i do, because i don't always know why i do it. i know that Athena is there because she meets me where i am. i sew and weave as a devotional act, so when i was having a bad day, i knew she was there when i stepped over a spool of thread on my way home. i love owls and collect them for her, so i knew she was there with me during the most nerve-wracking exam of my life when i looked out the window and was face-to-face with an advertisement for a company whose logo was a giant cartoon owl.
that being said, it makes sense then that i'm also personally uncomfortable with and wary of the influx of people claiming to be priests and priestesses. i won't rehash it because @loemius made a great post (literally the one underneath this one) addressing the fact that titles hold weight.
e-temples are a great way to connect with people & to express your worship in a subtle way, especially if you cannot openly worship at home. i think they are wonderful. however, any community with implied or enforced hierarchies centered around religious expression are things to be cautious about. this is doubly the case if these are run by minors.
i've been trying to work on a collaborative post about modern priesthood, but i keep coming back to the same problem. the structures that allowed for & educated Hellenic polytheist priests just don't exist in an accessible way today. in short: i don't know.
people are fallible, people make mistakes. always do your due diligence to double-triple-check the things people are telling you online, myself included.
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shiningmystic · 2 years
A piece of info on your soulmate/future spouse ❤️✨
Pick a Card
Happy Valentine’s Day lovelies! Just made a quick reading for all cause I felt it in my bones and I’m kinda in the clouds constantly connecting to my soulmate 🤣 just wanted to bring something to you about yours!
So the question was just to know a piece about them, information on who they are what they believe in etc. just a slice of the pie that is them, whoever that person may be ;)
Here are the piles, I close my eyes and see which ones are coming towards me and don’t be afraid to choose 2 or all of them! They may embody all these pieces in their own mosaic:
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This reading is nothing fancy just some quick messages about them!
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Justice pile 1
Your person will not compromise their morals and are very authentic towards everyone. They don’t mix emotions with business and take things that need care to safety. I’m getting a knightly vibe from pile one where they will not by into lies and never take ish from people but they pick and choose battles wisely. Super smart even if they aren’t book smart definitely a thinker and a problem solver. Your person will have no problem pushing logic back into someone’s face and show them they will not be treaded upon. They have a great work ethic and know what they want. I see a kindness to them that is truly genuine and comes from the right place. I can see through all these piles your soulmates are all very passionate over you guys like crazy cause I can’t pretend the message isn’t coming through like 10 times 😂
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Ace of pentacles pile 2
I can see pile 2 you have a much more carefree kind of person but not one who can’t get what they want. I can see many connections, a social person. They will be very public with there affection even if it isn’t physical they are doing everything else to emphasize their love. This does not mean touch will not be something they won’t want to do just saying what I’m seeing. I see many many many gifts from them but many sentimental and thoughtful ones along with the random trips and experiences they want to have with you. I do see luxury getting Venus vibes so they have great taste I mean they picked you 😉 I also see opportunity a sense of wonder and adventure. Very sweet human! They will be able to provide everything you desire to be very honest, or at least they will try 💕 just to quickly mention as well I felt that all three piles are full of passionate people so expect them to be crazy about you in there own ways 😌
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Knight of wands reversed
3 of swords
So for pile 3 your spirit guides are saying this person has been through the thick of it. They have been through many hearts breaks but from what I understand; when I receive a message like this it means that you have also been through your own suffering and pain. From this connection I see you will feel heard understood and allowed to be expressive/open about yourselves and your feelings. Even through the hard stuff I hear spirit guides saying they will not turn their back on you. I see that because of there deep pain they are healing right now and will find there way to you and their own hearts again; do not worry about them because again you may be struggling yourself and must find what is maiming you before you can fully take care of another. I see your soulmate will be a delightful person with a drive and a passion for life. Very youthful passionate individual that has a lot to do and say. I see from the knight they have a charisma, they know how to have fun and be playful with there words. I see them being a physical person maybe sports, they are def active. Adventure and excitement just keep resonating through every pile haha
Happy Valentine’s Day! May this find the people who need a little love ❤️ makes me happy to know something about them.
I hope you all enjoyed this small little piece of your soulmates/future spouses!
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