#and girl dad geeks getting a goal as he should
callsign-bubbles · 7 months
why do i even like this team...
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marycecilyy · 3 years
Hey could you do headcanons for the mcl guys (or if not all of them castiel, armin, and kentin) when their S/O is a famous singer? Thank you❤
Oh god this turned out so longer than I expected huahahushaushu
First of all, these are too long to be headcanons, all three of them have more than 1k words each. Also, I changed a bit the prompt. It's more like "Candy has the dream of becoming a famous singer". The rest you'll see... I'll only say that I'm very proud of this one ;)
Castiel, Armin and Kentin with a Candy that wishes to be a famous singer
Castiel wasn’t one to be friendly to new students, but he knew you weren’t like any other when you came to him and asked if Winged Skull was one of his favorite bands too. He was shocked to know that there was another person at Sweet Amoris who enjoyed the same bands as him. Yes, bands (in plural). After he answered that, yes, Winged Skull was his favorite band of all times, you started talking about your common interests and discovered that there were many.
He was a very closed off guy, but somehow you managed to break into his skull in a short time and, in a few months, you turned into best friends.
When Debrah came back and that whole situation happened, your fight with Castiel had a lot of impact over you. In your head, you had just lost your best friend forever. Fortunately. Lysander not only helped you recover from the blow and gave you energy to gather your friends and expose Debrah, but also helped you admit to yourself that, you did have feelings for Castiel.
Once she was unmasked and ran away like a coward, things quickly came back to normal. In less than one week, you had restored your reputation, your friends apologized for misjudging you, Castiel and you were once again friends. The only difference was that you knew that you were in love with him.
You didn’t tell him about your feelings right away, you decided to keep your friendship and focus a bit on your lifelong goal: become a music star. You started learning how to sing properly and doubled the days of your guitar lessons. Castiel even helped you get into the music club (they were full when you got into Sweet Amoris, but he found a way to enroll you).
You knew that your chances of actually becoming famous were pretty low, the market was difficult and depended a lot on having the right contacts. That was why, while you tried putting your name out there, your plan was to get a degree in music as soon as you finished high school. Antheros Academy offered a good education and was close, it was your best option.
As you channeled your energies towards your goal, Castiel started to acknowledge his own sentiment towards you. He liked to watch your focused face as you tuned your guitar and your singing voice earned a sweet accent all of the sudden. He always considered you a special girl, but, to his surprise, feelings were starting to develop inside his closed off chest.
That was why, as soon as he won those concert tickets on a raffle, he knew he’d take you there as your first date. Luckily for him, you accepted right away. Castiel had a feeling that night would be something else.
And it really was, as he kissed you, without even thinking it through, when the vocalist sung what he knew was your favorite tune. When you kissed him back, he wrapped his hands over your waist and lifted you up, feeling your warm lips open up for him.
The months that followed were full of bliss. With you and Castiel officially dating, the school had a lot to talk about. Amber pestered you quite a bunch of times, but that didn’t mess with your relationship at all. Everything was perfect, as it was supposed to be.
But that didn’t last long. Right after you finished high school, your dad had to move to another town because of his job and you had no choice but to go too. You were sure that your relationship would survive the distance, after all, you were in love. This situation would be worked out.
Castiel came to your new house a couple of times and you two called frequently, but in the end distance started to grow between the both of you… and it hurt. Knowing that Castiel was sad made you miserable and you decided to break up before it became unbearable.
You lost your count of how many nights you cried thinking about him.
4 years later.
You were zipping your jeans up when you heard a knock on your dressing room’s door. Who could it be? Your parents had already congratulated you over the phone, there was no one supposed to come that night. Did your manager schedule a press interview for after the show?
You put on your shirt and told whoever was on the other side to wait. When you finally opened the door, your jaw almost fell. You couldn’t believe he was there.
He looked exactly like in the magazines, (a bit less photoshopped, but that was to expect. You went through that as well and it sucked). His hair was shoulder-length and he wore a black shirt that showed off the tattoos up to the middle of his arm. He wore some light makeup, most on his skin, which you deduced his manager made him put on. Castiel looked like you expected him to after all those years, but one thing about him surprised you.
His eyes, although more mature and serious, had the same brightness as before.
"Are ya going to keep staring like that?” He asked and you noticed you had just been looking at him for a solid minute.
“Sorry. Come in.” You said and made space for him to enter the room. For your luck, there was nothing private to be seen, you had the habit of leaving your clothes and personal belongings messy and only cleaning up the second you had to go.
Castiel cleared his throat. An awkward silence hung between you. You hadn’t been alone with each other ever since the breakup. You two were two of the biggest stars of nowadays rock music, but you barely had any opportunity to talk. Not that you haven’t tried, it was the opposite. You avoided contact. Your fans knew you had dated in high school (you used to have pictures on your personal instagrams and fans were quick to dig over old accounts to find information about their idols), so they never expected a feat or any kind of collab. Everyone knew that you weren’t on best terms.
You remembered just a couple of days ago, when you were interviewed for one of those talk shows. The host made a lot of personal questions about Castiel and even asked if you would get back with him if you had the chance. You tried to avoid answering, but the public instantly read your unconscious signs: yes, you would.
That was why, you assumed, he was there. To make things clear. After all, because of you yours and his fans started shipping you two and got you on twitter’s trending topics. He probably was pissed. There was also a possibility of him wanting to take advantage of the situation, maybe propose a fake relationship? No, that wasn’t like him. Or was it? You barely knew him anymore.
“So… you probably guessed why I’m here. I saw your interview” You were right, then. “And I want to make things clear.” Ouch. You should prepare for the blow. “Look, we both know time has passed and we’re not the same as before. You broke up to avoid more suffering, and I get that. I really do.”
Castiel crossed his arms and glared at you. You looked back at him with fear, fear of knowing what his next words would be. “But...?” You asked.
“Tsk.” He huffed. This would be more difficult than he thought. “Look, little girl…” You felt a shiver run through your spine at the sound of the old nickname he gave you. You had always loved it, even though you didn’t say it out loud. After what felt like hours, he continued. “I don’t want to be cheesy, that’s not like me. So I’ll just say that if what all of the fans are theorizing is true.... If you do want to try again....”
Castiel took your hand and you jumped in surprise. He turned your palm to him and grabbed a pen from his back pocket. He wrote down a phone number on your hand and let go of it, capped the pen and turned around to go.
"That's my personal number. It’s pretty useful if you wanna call me without having to schedule an appointment with my manager.” You managed to laugh. You knew exactly how these things were annoying.
Inside, you were bursting with excitement. However, you answered playfully “Hm…. I’ll think about it, mr. Rockstar” Castiel chuckled and excused himself, saying that his manager would get pissed at him if he took too long. You smiled.
Maybe it was not over, after all.
When you told Armin, very early on your friendship, that your dream was to become a famous singer, he got so excited for you. He already knew that you played the guitar and was good at singing, but he had no idea that you wanted to make this your career path.
You couldn’t have chosen a better partner. Being the tech nerd that Armin was, he helped you a lot in recording your covers with the best quality possible considering the amateur camera and microphone you had.
However, the times that his presence most comforted you was when you showed him your new songs. He was always eager to see your composing progress and gave you pure honesty in his feedback, keeping in mind that he was no expert but still wanted to help you.
You always asked him for a way to return his favors, but he always said that it was his duty as your best friend to support you and that it was more than enough having you to talk about all his geek interests.
As time passed, you started to notice that you liked him way more as a friend. Without an idea of what to do, you asked Rosa and Alexy for advice. They were your closest friends apart from your crush (and you couldn’t run to him in that situation, duh)
After a dozen pro tips and date ideas from them, you decided to take Armin to the movies (basic, you knew, but couldn’t go wrong).
When you asked him if he was available Saturday night, you didn’t say properly “Hey, we’re going on a date”. Actually, you didn’t mention the word “date” at all, hoping that he would read between the lines.
And he did, because as soon as you sat and the film started, Armin grabbed your hand that was resting in the armrest and entwined your fingers. You couldn’t pay attention to what was going on screen at all and your attention was completely drawn from the movie when the boy grabbed your chin and brought your lips to his.
You only stopped kissing when the lights went on and the credits started scrolling.
“Hey…” You asked as soon as you two left the place, holding hands with him. “What was the movie about again?”
Armin laughed out loud. He teased you about it a lot before you made him confess that he didn’t know either.
A few days later, it was him who asked you out. You kept going on dates for the next week, all of them simple but interesting at the same time. However, you two weren’t dating. The whole school knew there was something going on between you two by the chuckles and timid kisses when you thought nobody saw them, but you didn’t make things official… yet. But that was about to change.
It was friday and you invited Armin over to “study” (he was sure that the afternoon would be spent between videogames and kisses, but if you wanted to call it a study session, it was okay for him).
As he comfortably sat on your bed as if it were his own, you told him to wait as you brought him some juice. When you came back, he was already grabbing his nintendo switch from his bag.
“What makes you think that we’re here to game?” You teased, handing him the glass.
“Come on, Candy, we both know that none of us are interested in learning orbital hybridization…”
“Maybe I am. I really need a good grade on those tests.” You approached him and held his jaw up so your foreheads touched. With a trailed voice, you continued. “Unless you have something more interesting to do in mind...”
Armin opened up that playful smile of his. “Oh, I do, actually.” In a quick movement that caught you off guard, he threw you in bed and started pampering you with kisses all over your face. You couldn’t stop laughing from how his hands tickled your belly, but you managed to stop him. “W-Wait, Armin!”
He looked at you, confused. “What?”
As you caught your breath, you explained that there was something you wanted to show him first. You got off the bed and went to grab your guitar that was hung up on the free wall of your bedroom.
“Did you compose a new song?” Armin deducted as you sat in front of him again, this time with your guitar in hands.
“You’ll see.” You tuned your instrument under his curious gaze. When you felt satisfied with the sound, you looked back at him. Armin didn’t miss the blush that coloured your cheeks. “I know you’d never do it, but I have to ask even so: promise you won’t laugh.”
You started playing the first chords of the song you had finished composing just a few days before. Usually, you composed simple songs that anyone could identify with, songs about friendship, inspiration, changing the world. You never wrote about your personal feelings. The notes never made you cry.
This song was special, though, because it was about him.
The day it hit you that you had feelings for him, you had the idea of writing random verses that could one day fit into a new song. After your first date, you felt so overwhelmed that, looking at the words, you decided to turn them into a song. You didn’t think it would turn into something so personal and emotional. Every note, every word, everything was clearly about him, that dorky geek you had fallen in love with.
Falling deeper every time
I can’t help but think, oh my
I’m through, but I don’t mind
Would you trade you 2D girls
For this hopeless lover
That just wants your heart?
I’ll just say that he got the message very clearly and, as soon as you finished playing, he practically jumped on you, kissing your lips with such tenderness that you almost teared up.
Of course, he asked you to be his girlfriend XD
The first time he heard about your dream, he was still little Ken. It was one of your first days at Sweet Amoris and you two were eating cookies in the staircase. You were ranting about how sad you were that the music club was already full and you couldn’t join. Ken asked you the reason why you were so upset.
“Well… There weren’t those kind of classes in our old school. Learning how to play an instrument and sing, even during extra classes would be so cool! If I went well, maybe I’d be able to convince my dad to pay me for some private classes and then I’d be one step closer to my dream!”
“Your dream?” Ken muttered.
“Yeah! I want to become a famous singer in the future! I know that it’s impossible and even kinda silly, but-”
“No, Candy! It’s not silly at all!” Ken said. Learning more about you made him happy and he didn’t want you to think for even a second that your dream was worthless. “You shouldn't be ashamed of dreaming big. You’ll have a long, difficult path to walk through, but when you get there - and you have my word on that - I’ll be cheering for you!”
“Ken... “ You flashed your best smile at him. It meant a lot to you to have his support, he was a kind person and a very good friend (he did cross a few limits with his adoration for you, but you weren’t bothered by it). You liked being around him a lot.
“Kentin!” You threw yourself in his arms and gave him a tender kiss. “Good morning.”
Your boyfriend chuckled and held your hand, walking with you through the hallway. You talked about how your weekend had been and, between light smiles and sweet kisses, you thought of how quickly things changed between you two.
When he came back from military school, a lot of things had changed in him, including his nickname. You were facing a new person and it had been a challenge discovering Kentin and building a new relationship with him.
Even though he was a different person from before, one thing didn’t change at all and you noticed it clearly: he still liked you. Obviously he was no longer that guy who professed his feelings to everyone and followed you everywhere, he had found new ways to show you his love. You enjoyed that more mature version of him, but wished he had the opportunity to grow into a man without all the trauma he went through. You knew that most of his growth had been through suffering, and that upset you.
You didn’t know when, but somewhere into your friendship you started to grow feelings for him too. After some coaxing from Rosa and Alexy, you managed to ask him out on an official date.
The whole school already knew that Kentin was head over heels for you, but everyone was shocked to know that you loved him back as your relationship became official.
“Hey, love.”
“What?” You asked your boyfriend back as soon as you got in front of your lockers. You started looking for your books, checking that day’s classes.
“I really liked that video you posted on youtube yesterday. I never heard that song before, did you compose it yourself?”
The book you held in your hand fell to the ground. “What video?” You whispered, eyes wide.
“What do you mean, babe? That video of you singing and playing the guitar. You uploaded it yesterday night. I saw right away, you know I have my notifications turned on to all your videos. I got surprised that you decided to finally show your face and sing something of your own and- Candy? Is everything okay?”
Kentin noticed your face and got worried for you. You looked absolutely terrified.
“That video… How did you see it? I posted it as private”
“No, you didn't. It was public.” Kentin was starting to understand why you were so surprised. He put one hand on your back as you blushed and hid your face on his chest in embarrassment.
“Oh god, I can’t believe I did that! I’m so stupid! The first time I record something like that, I accidentally post it for everyone to see! Dumb, dumb Candy! Dang, now everyone’s gonna know I’m bad!”
“First of all.” Your boyfriend frowned, bringing you close to him. “You’re not dumb, you just made a mistake. And it’s okay, probably just a few people saw it. Last time I checked was before I went to sleep and it only had 20 views. But why are you so upset, Candy? Didn’t you tell me a few days ago that you were finally ready to show your face along with the covers. Did something happen to change your mind?”
“Well, I was not ready to show right away, especially not in a video that I looked terrible in. And it’s not just that. It was my first original song. I never showed it to anyone, what if it sucks?”
Kentin held your chin up and looked you in the eyes. “Candy, it doesn’t suck and you look great in the video!” You closed your eyes and snuggled close to him. “But I understand your concerns. Luckily, that can be solved if you delete the video. You’ll have other opportunities to get famous, and with better videos.”
“Yeah, I can do that.” You reached for your phone and went to your youtube page. “Fu... No way…!”
Your hands trembled. Kentin was right, the video had few views (which was good). Only 50 people had seen it, but the problem wasn’t that. For your bad luck, one of those people had been Amber. You knew that because she had left three comments on your video.
AmberOfficial: lmaooooo
AmberOfficial: Thank you for the laughs. That’s hilarious
AmberOfficial: Just give up already, looser
“That girl....” Kentin grunted, looking at your phone screen. “I swear to you, Candy, I’ll make her regret this. I’ll-”
“You don’t need to, I’m fine.”
You untangled your arms from his torso and started walking away, trying your best to hide how upset you really were. Amber was right, your music sucked. You should give up on your dream of becoming a famous singer, not only because you were bad, but also because you could barely show your face to a few people without feeling like shit. You wouldn’t be able to deal with fame.
Kentin tried to call you, but you didn’t answer. He figured you needed some time alone. He could use that time to think of something to support you and get back at Amber.
You walked out of the bathroom, your eyes red and swollen from crying. You had already deleted the video, but you couldn’t stop feeling stupid for getting so upset by a few bad comments. And feeling stupid made you even more upset.
When you got to the hallway, it was empty due to classes having already started. You probably spent half an hour locked up, but at least no one would mess with you.
You went to the garden to get some fresh air and wait until the next class started. You sat at the bench, breathed in and finally calmed down a bit.
You turned around, surprised to see your boyfriend. “Kentin! What are you doing here? Classes have already started.”
He just waved his hand in a “don’t worry about that” way and sat beside you. He kissed your cheek and took your hand, checking how you were. Seeing that you seemed to be more calm, he smiled lightly at you. “So… I talked to Armin. He already found out Amber’s password and he’ll hack into Amber’s youtube account. He’ll just mess with it for a bit, delete some videos and upload some random stuff. Nothing too bad, I promise, just some memes and rickrolls.”
“Hmm…” You muttered, thinking about what he said. It wasn’t right, for sure, but you didn’t feel like stopping them. You were still hurt. “Okay. Just promise you two won’t do something serious, okay?”
He agreed. You felt a bit better, but that wasn’t enough to lift your mood and Kentin knew that. That was why he also had something else prepared. "That 's not all. I did some quick search for places where you could record that music of yours with its deserved quality. You are a good composer, Candy, believe it. Your talent doesn’t have to stay hidden in a dark room with only you, a guitar and your cellphone recording it.”
“If you want to, I’ll help you rent a studio and record your song. That would be very useful for your portfolio. I know that’s expensive, but we can find ways to-” You cut him off with a kiss. He cared about you so much, to the point of skipping classes to think of ways to make you feel better. You loved your boyfriend so much…
Lucky. You felt lucky to have him.
“I love you. Thank you for taking care of me... “ You kissed his cheek, happy to have his support. That was more than enough at that moment, Amber’s words were far behind you. All that mattered was that you could go through this.
You had Kentin, and when you had him, you had your whole world holding you so you wouldn’t fall.
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 58
Alright! So chronologically speaking this is Pixelator's third akumation so I've made him a little more powerful, similar to how Stormy Weather's powers evolved. Anyway, that's this one done!! I'm very happy with how it turned out and I hope you all enjoy it too :D Next up is Love-Eater!
Also for anyone who's interested. Luka was using Psychometry via empathy which is how he was able to view how Vincent was akumatized. His empathy will be growing more and more throughout my season 4 and he will be learning a lot more about Hao Feng and others :D
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Pixelator’s Photo Finish
"So how was therapy today?" Juleka asked as she walked with Luka from the building that Doctor Lang worked in. Luka looked pretty tired but gave her a small smile as they walked down the street.
 "We were talking about my father issues and abandonment issues... and the akumas," He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. Hawkmoth had been sending akumas after him again. He seemed to be trying to be more crafty about it but it was obvious what their goal was. However, at this point he had just kind gotten use to it. Juleka nodded as they walked over to the ice cream cart. She had promised to get some with him after his therapy session. "I told her about you,"
 "Oh?" She asked, looking over at him.
 "I told her that you're amazing," He grinned, making her lightly punch him and call him a geek. He laughed a little as they came to a stop at Andre's ice cream and ordered two cones. Andre handed Juleka two scoops with sprinkles. One scoop was strawberry and the other was liqwish. The sprinkles were glittery. He turned to Luka next and gave him one scoop of blueberry and one scoop of strawberry with a flake. Luka smiled and took it before they paid him and walked off. They found a seat and sat down, looking over at the seine as they ate their ice creams. "Thanks for meeting me..."
 "It's fine," Juleka mumbled, looking to the side shyly. "Besides, I managed to get out of class early for it,"
 "Oh so that's why you agreed," Luka teased, grinning at Juleka who mumbled and lightly punched him again. "You are so mean to me,"
 "Hey, you started it," She grinned before they both laughed and continued to eat their ice cream. They both sat in silence as Juleka sighed, causing Luka to look over at her. She was glancing down at her ice cream with a sad expression. He knocked his arm against hers lightly, making her look over at him. "I'm ok,"
 "No, you're not," He replied, making her sigh. "Want to talk about it?"
 "You just got out of a therapy session," She pointed out but he gave her a look. She sighed and looked over at the water. "I'm afraid..."
 "Of what?" He asked, looking at her. She sighed and glanced down at her lap. 
 "Of losing you..." She mumbled, making him look at her. Tears filled her eyes. "It seems like you're always in danger right now. First, there was the akuma and the seizure then hawkmoth targeting you for ages. When it finally calmed down, you were almost kidnapped and then Lila went after you and then you were actually kidnapped, almost killed and that bastard got akumatized and tried to kill you... I was so afraid when Lady Noir told us you were in the hospital again and it was even worse when I saw you laying asleep in the bed. I knew you were asleep but I was so afraid you wouldn't wake up. And now the akumas are back and trying to hurt you. Luka, I d-don't want to lose you,"
 "Jewel, I promise I am not going anywhere," He stated, wrapping his arms around her as tears slid down her cheeks. "You're stuck with me ok?"
 She nodded and rested her head against his shoulder as he gently kissed the top of her head before softly humming as she slowly calmed down. She closed her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his waist, humming with him.
 "I'm sorry..." She mumbled, looking up at him but he shook his head.
 "Don't be," He replied, smiling softly at her. "And I'll be more careful. I promise,"
 "It's not your fault..." Juleka mumbled as the two of them looked at the Seine. "Issac, Hawkmoth and Lila are the ones at fault,"
 "Hmm, I guess you're right about that," He replied, gently smiling at her. Juleka nodded and leaned against him as he held her, gently rubbing her back as he did. She slowly looked up and wiped her eyes before sighing.
 "I'm sorry," She mumbled, making him look at her.
 "For what?" He asked, frowning a little.
 "Crying on you," She mumbled, looking down ashamed. "I didn't mean to break down on you. You don't need it right now and I should handle my emotions better,"
"Hey, don't say that," He stated, holding her shoulders so she could look at him. "You're my little sister, Jewel and I don't care if I have to go through hell to help you. If you need my help, I'm gonna be there. If you just need me to listen while you rant then I'll do it. I don't care if I'm on the other side of the world... if you need me, I'll be there so don't think you have to bottle up your feelings, can't break down in front of me or talk to me. Just because I'm in therapy doesn't mean I can't listen to you. You're allowed to feel and all of this has been scary for you too. Your feelings are valid too, Jewel,"
 "Thank you," She replied, hugging him. He wrapped his arms around her again. "I just don't want to add to your stress,"
 "Not telling me when you need to will add to my stress," He whispered back, rubbing her back. "You know I won't pressure you to tell me everything but please don't think you can't tell me,"
 She nodded, making him smile.
 "Why don't we head home, get some snacks and watch a movie?" He suggested, making her smile a little before playing with her hands.
 "A-Aren't you meeting Marinette tonight?" She replied, making him blush a little. She grinned at his reaction but he shook his head. "You're not?"
 "There will be other times and she'll understand. Besides, I know she has some new projects for Dad and Clara," He replied, making Juleka look over at him. "Dad kept going on about it,"
 Juleka giggled before getting up.
 "Alright," She replied, making him look at her. "But I get to choose the movie,"
 "Are you gonna torment me with a horror movie?" Luka asked as he took out his phone and texted Marinette, asking for a rain check. She texted back almost instantly, saying sure but asking if he was ok. He smiled a little and replied.
 L: Yeah, I'm fine. It's actually Jewels. She's a bit upset atm. X
 M: Oh, is she ok? I can bake her some cookies. Xx
 L: She'll be alright. She was just upset with all that's been going on. I suggested a movie night with just the two of us. It's been a while and it usually cheers her up but cookies would be lovely :3 xx
 M: Oh, poor juleka. She's lucky to a great brother like you :) tell her I'll bring some to school tomorrow and don't stay up too late! XD We'll hang out another day :D xx
 L: I will :) thanks for understanding though. You're the best xxx
 M: No worries, Lu  😊
 L: Thanks again 😘
 M: 😳😊
 He chuckled at her reply before putting his phone away and catching up to Juleka. They headed to the shop first and brought some drinks, popcorn and chocolate before heading back to the Liberty
 "So is Marinette ok with it?" She asked, making him nod.
 "Yeah. She also said she'll have some cookies for you tomorrow at school," He smiled, making Juleka grin. Marinette's cookies are the best. 
 "So when are you gonna ask her out?" She asked, making him turn bright red and cough a little. She laughed at his reaction. "She's into you you know,"
 "W-We're just friends," He gasped, looking to the side. He did want more with her but he also respected that she liked him as a friend. "Besides, she probably doesn't see me in that way and she probably still likes Adrien,"
 "Adrien is with Kagami,"
 "I know but she might still have a thing for him and is just trying to heal..." He muttered, looking to the side again. "Besides, she hasn't said anything about my confession..."
 "Hold up, you confessed to Marinette?!"
 "Well... yeah..."
 "Well, what did you say? And when?"
 "I said 'you're the most extraordinary girl. As clear as a music note and as sincere as a melody. You're the song that's been playing in my head since I met you'.... just before our performance on TVi," Luka replied, blushing as Juleka stopped and stared at him. "Was it too much? It was, wasn't it?"
 "What? No, that was really romantic," Juleka gasped, making him blush a little. "But it might have been too complicated?"
 "You mean I went overboard?" He asked, making her laugh and held up her fingers to show that maybe just a bit. "Urg I'm such a geek,"
 "Don't worry about that," She stated, making him look at her. "Chics dig geeks,"
 "Did you just quote avengers at me?" He asked as she grinned. He shook his head and laughed as they opened the gang plank and walked onto the Liberty. "So what's your advice, o worthy one?"
 "Just ask her on a date and confess to her like a normal person," She replied, making him roll his eyes a little. She smirked as they headed downstairs. "We're watching Annabelle by the way,"
 "Do we have to?"
 "Hey, it's not my fault you're afraid of dolls,"
 "I'm not afraid of dolls," Luka gasped as he started to make popcorn. "I'm just afraid of that doll,"
 Juleka laughed and put in the DVD as Luka brought the popcorn over.
 ~A Few Days Later~
 Marinette hummed as she walked to the park where she was meeting Luka. She had chose to wear a pink and white summer dress that she had made with her ballet pumps and her hair done in a plait instead of her usual style. She had brought some snacks with her too and a blanket. She didn't think it was a date but part of her hoped it was. They had been kind of dating without actually dating. She saw him and smiled before walking over. He was sat on a bench with his guitar, tuning it.
 "Hey," She smiled, making him look up and smile before he put down the guitar and stood up.
 "Hey," He smiled, hugging her. She hugged back before they pulled away. "You look lovely,"
 "T-Thanks," She blushed, playing with her plait. "S-So I brought some snacks... maybe we could find somewhere to sit and relax,"
 "Sounds like a good plan to me," He smiled, putting the guitar in it's case and placing it over his back before offering his arm. She giggled and took it before they walked off and found a nice area on the grass. Marinette removed her arm and took out the blanket before putting it on the ground and sitting down with the basket. Luka sat down and smiled as she passed him an eclair. "Thanks,"
 "How's Juleka doing?" She asked as she took out a cookie for herself. 
 "She's doing ok," He replied, making her smile. "She's actually thinking about going for therapy herself but she hasn't made up her mind yet,"
 "It's not a choice that should be taken lightly," Marinette stated, making him nod as he ate the eclair. "And how's it going with yours?"
 "It's going ok actually," He smiled, grabbing a bottle of drink. "Dr Lang is pretty cool actually. She's been teaching me breathing exercises to help with the panic attacks and nightmares,"
 "That's good," She smiled as he smiled back. She shuffled a little closer, making him blush a little. She giggled and leaned her head against his arm, making him smile before he cleared his throat, making her look at him.
 "Y-You know how I said about you're the song in my head..." He mumbled, making her sit up straight. She looked a little worried, hoping he wasn't gonna take it back. "I m-mean it, Marinette. You're amazing and I l-"
 "Luka Couffaine!!" A voice suddenly shouted, making both Marinette and Luka jump as a man with blonde and pink hair rushed over. He was wearing a Jagged Stone shirt, blue jeans and lace gloves. He completely ignored Marinette as he rushed over and stood in front of Luka. "Oh my god!! This is so cool!! I have a huge favor to ask you!!"
 "W-Who are you?!" Luka gasped, leaning away from him. Marinette frowned and moved over.
 "Hey! Can't you see we're busy here?!" She gasped, making him look at her before he gasped in surprise as well.
 "And Marinette Dupain-Cheng!!" He gasped, making her look at him in surprise. "Oh my gosh!! You're Jagged Stone's designer!!! I have to have your autography too!! Oh, are you two on a date?! How amazing! Jagged's designer and his son on a date!!"
 "Um-" Marinette gasped, feeling really uncomfortable. She noticed Luka looked the same. "We're busy. Let's head home, Lu,"
 "R-Right," He replied in a quieter then usual voice. They quickly packed up the picnic and began to walk off but the newcomer followed them.
 "Wait!! Can I get a photo of you? Oh and can you ask Jagged for an autograph and photo?!" He gasped, rushing after them. Marinette turned around and glared at him. "Please! I'm Vincent, his biggest fan and I just want a photo of him!!"
 "Leave us alone!" Marinette hissed like a cat as Luka and her walked off quickly. Luka had heard about Vincent before. Jagged had told him the story about how he had tried to capture a photo and became an akuma. He also told Luka that he had a restraining order against him. However, Vincent got closer and actually grabbed Luka's arm, causing him to panic.
 "Please, Luka! Your father is my idol!" He gasped, ignoring Marinette as Luka tried to pull away. She shouted at him to get off but he ignored her. "I need a photo with him!!"
 "Back off!!" Marinette growled. Once again, he ignored her and moved closer to Luka, causing him to panic more. He managed to slip his hand into his pocket, causing Tikki to push the pepper spray into his hand as Marinette tried to pull Vincent away from him. "Hey!!"
 "You have t- Aaahhh!!!" He screamed as Luka sprayed him with the pepper spray. He stumbled back and tripped, falling onto the ground as Luka took deep breathes and calmed down. "My eyes!!"
 "Leave me and Marinette alone!" He stated, grabbing her hand and running back to the bakery with her. As soon as they got inside, Marinette dropped the basket and turned to him as he leaned against the door with his eyes closed, taking slow and calm breathes.
 "Are you ok, Luka?" She asked, making him open his eyes and nod. She gently moved a bit of his hair as she looked at him with a gentle but concerned look. "Why don't we go to the balcony and finish our pinick there if you want?"
 "I-I'd like that," He replied. She smiled and went to pick up the basket but he gently took her hand, making her look at him. "Are you ok?"
 "Yes," She nodded, leaning up and gently kissing his cheek. He smiled a little before picking up the basket and helping her upstairs. The two of them climbed up to her room before making their way to her bed. Marinette climbed on top and reached for her skylight, opening it before pulling herself through it as Luka brought the basket over. He passed it to her, causing her to pull it up onto the balcony before he climbed up and grabbed onto the edge of the skylight, hoisting himself through it. Marinette was placing the food on the little table before she pulled the two chairs together. Luka smiled as she smiled at him before they sat down. She moved the blanket around them and leaned gently against Luka. Instantly, he felt calm now that they were sat on her balcony. "Are you ok?"
 "Yeah..." He muttered, looking out to the sun. "I'm alright,"
 ~Hawkmoth's Lair~
 "Another soul seeking out Luka Couffaine again?" Hawkmoth muttered to himself before smirking and holding out his hand as a butterfly flew over to him and landed on it. He covered it with his other hand, charging it up with his magic. He moved it and allowed it to fly off. "Fly away, my little akuma and akumatized him,"
 The butterfly flew out of the window and into the city. A few minutes later, the connection opened, causing Hawkmoth to smile.
 "Pixalator, I'm returning your powers to capture your idol forever," Hawkmoth declared as Vincent listened. "And in return-"
 "I get the miraculous of Anatis and Lady Noir," He replied, making Hawkmoth smile. "I know the drill,"
 "Yes, you do," Hawkmoth smirked, leaning on his cane. "But while that is part of the deal, I have something else I want... or should I say someone?"
 "Go on,"
 "I want you to capture and bring me a young man called Luka Couffaine," He replied, making Vincent gasp in surprise. "I believe you're familiar with him,"
 "Jagged Stone's son?!" He gasped. "Do you want his designer as well?"
 "Hmm... no, the girl is useless to me. Just bring me Couffaine and miraculous," He ordered, smirking. "Do we have a deal, Pixelator?"
 "Let the photo shoot begin, Hawkmoth..."
 ~Back to Marinette and Luka~
 The two of them climbed back down into her room after spending a good half an hour. They decided to head back into her room and were just chilling on her chaise lounge as she taught Luka to sew. He had his tongue stuck out and was focusing on the task. She smiled a little as she watched him before gently poking his arm, causing him to look up at her.
 "What were you gonna say before that guy turned up?" She asked as he put down the material he was practicing on. 
 "I was going to say that I a- what the hell?" He gasped as he looked at her photos with fear in his eyes. Marinette gasped and turned around as something stepped out of one of her photos. he two of them stared in shock as Pixelator grinned at them in a creepy manner before pointing to his lens.
 "Smile for the camera!" He declared, firing at them. Luckily, the two of them had already jumped up and out of the way. "Hold still, my pretty subjects! I only want a picture!!"
 He jumped over and grabbed Marinette, throwing her out of the way.
 "A little moth wants a word with you, boy," He smirked, cornering Luka in the corner. His eyes widen in fear and shock as he went to grab Luka's arm. "Now come wi- Ahhh!!!"
 Marinette yanked a spare flour sack over him that she had in her room. She was planning to use it for an art project but it made for the perfect distraction. She grabbed Luka's hand as Pixelator tried to escape from it and pulled him over to the trap door. She opened it and pushed him towards the exit, causing him to climb down into the hallway as she followed. However, Pixelator ripped the sack in parts and shot at her, causing her to disappear in a bright light.
 "Marinette!" Luka gasped as Pixelator jumped down, smirking. "What do you want?!"
 "Me? I just want to immortalize Jagged Stone forever but Hawkmoth wishes to talk to you," He declared, roughly grabbing Luka's arm and began to drag him back up towards Marinette's room. Luka looked confused and horrified. "I think you sparked his interest. I'm not surprise that you're special. Just like your father! Oh, I could immortalize you as well!"
 "W-Wait but Hawkmoth knows it was just ep-epilepsy!" Luka gasped, trying to get out of his grip as panic began to fill his mind. "He said he would leave me alone!"
 "That was before the incident with Mob Boss," Pixelator replied but he had the purple mask over his eyes. "Once is chance, twice is coincidence but three times is a pattern and I have akumatized an epileptic before, Mr Couffaine. No one reacted the way you did,"
 "I counted twice, Hawkmoth," Luka pointed out, making him chuckle.
 "Two akumas and an amok," He replied, glaring at him. "I count three and I highly doubt that you're epileptic. I think Anatis is covering up something about you and I will find out what it is!"
 Luka had to take a deep breathe to calm himself down as Pixelator continued to pull him back into the room and towards a photo. He glanced around, trying to work out how to break free but nothing lit up, making him feel more panicked. However, his luck vision kicked in when he looked towards Marinette's mirror, highlighting himself. He blinked with slight confusion. What could he do? He was just Luka and Luka didn't have any super powers... but he did have nature magic. Once he remembered that, it became clear of what he needed to do. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, causing Pixelator to stop and look at him.
 "What are you doing?" He asked. Luka wasn't sure if it was the akuma or Hawkmoth but frankly he didn't care.
 "Trying to stop myself from having a panic attack," He replied, keeping his eyes closed as he spoke calmly. "Unfortunately, I have them thanks to the actions of my asshole of a stepfather. Been kidnapped and beaten up will do that for you,"
 "Well, that makes sense! It was a traumatic event," Well, it looks like Pixelator r is back in control. "But don't worry! Once Hawkmoth has talked to you, I'll immor-"
 Luka suddenly slammed his hand on Pixelator's arm and projected his panic onto him, causing him to yell out and letting go. It wasn't the same level as he did to Issac but it was enough to shock the akuma and possibly cause a backlash onto Hawkmoth. Seeing his chance, he ripped his arm free and scaled the platform that led to Marinette's bed before hoisting himself up to the balcony. He slammed the skylight closed and locked it before moving the table over it. The table jumped slightly as Pixelator tried to break through the skylight. Luka rushed over to the edge and climbed over it, moving over to the edge and towards the brick wall. He ducked behind it as a bright light appeared. Tikki looked up at him, causing him to place his finger to his lip as Pixelator climbed onto the balcony. He growled when he couldn't see Luka.
 "He's not here, Hawkmoth," He stated, glancing around. "He must have escaped,"
 Luka peeked around the edge a little as Pixelator stood still with a purple mask over his eyes. Hawkmoth was talking to him and though Luka couldn't hear it, he could guess what he was saying. Find him and bring him to me. 
 "Of course," He replied before jumping off the balcony and into the city. Luka let out a sigh as Tikki flew out.
 "Are you ok?" She asked, making him nod.
 "But Hawkmoth has decided to hunt me down again," He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "I probably haven't helped the situation but I used that trick Feng taught me to escape from Pixelator's grip,"
 "You projected your emotions on him again?"
 "Yeah but just enough to stun him for a couple of minutes," He replied, glancing down. "I only did what I did to Issac because it was the only way to stop him without getting violent..."
 "I know, Luka," She whispered, touching his cheek. "Trust me, I'm not judging you. I'm just surprised at how quickly you mastered that trick that's all. You really are a natural mage,"
 "Thanks, Tikki," He smiled before frowning. "But Pixelator captured Marinette so it's time to transform. Tikki! Spots on!"
 He transformed and took out his yoyo before scrolling through his contacts. Lady Noir wasn't online, making him frown but he shook his head and sent her a quick message, explaining the akuma. With that done, he went onto the ladyblog and scrolled through it's older posts til he came to the article on Pixelator when he first turned up. He read over it as he frowned. Obsessed with Jagged Stone, tried to capture him and ended up capturing multiple victims. He remembered taking him down with Simon Says and using his power to capture many akumas and jury members during Princess Justice's attack but he had no idea who he was as a civilian. With some of the akumas, it was obvious. Either they looked like their normal selves, they revealed who they were when talking, they were famous or he actually knew them in his normal life but with some akumas, he didn't have an idea who they were and Pixelator was one of those ones. It didn't help that technically reporters and bloggers weren't allowed to name their civilian identities but even with those ones, he could usually work who they were. Anatis frowned to himself before looking back at the article and read it over again. The part that stood out to him was the obsessed with Jagged Stone. Pixelator had said it as well. How he wanted to immortalize Jagged Stone. It reminded him of that creepy guy in the park who had interrupted his time with Marinette. He frowned as he thought about it. He had sprayed him with Pepper Spray so maybe he did get akumatized afterwards. Anatis let out a sigh and closed his yoyo. He only knew a few things about this guy. His first name was Vincent and he was obsessed with Jagged. He sighed before throwing his yoyo and swinging across to the Grand Paris Hotel. He landed on the roof and put his yoyo away before he heard his name been squealed. He glanced over and saw Chloe and Sabrina looking at him.
 "Oh hey," He smiled, lifting his hand to wave. Sabrina giggled and followed Chloe as she rushed over. 
 "Are you on patrol?" Chloe asked.
 "Actually, I'm looking for Jagged Stone," He replied, making her gasp in surprise. "He stays here right?"
 "Oh! Yes!! Room 36 on the fourth floor," Sabrina gasped, making him nod. "We can show you to it,"
 "That would be great," He smiled, causing the two girls to pull him over to the lift. The three of them went down the lift and to the fourth floor. Once there, Anatis thanked them and headed towards Jagged's room. He knocked on the door and waited for a few minutes before the door opened, revealing Penny.
 "Anatis?" She asked, surprised.
 "I need to talk to Mr Stone," He stated, causing her to nod and let him in. Jagged looked up from his guitar and gasped in surprise before jumping up and rushing over to him.
 "Anatis! What brings you here?"
 "Um... actually I wanted to ask about Pixelator," He stated, making Jagged frown. "He's returned and I need to know who he is,"
 "Oh well that's easy," Jagged stated, making Anatis nod. "He's called Vincent Asa. He's this super obsessed fan of mine. When he first became Pixelator, it was because Penny caught him trying to take a picture of me without my permission. She kicked him out and well he got akumatized and came after me. Ryuko and Aspik saved me but a lot of other people got captured. I'm not sure how they got out though as they definitely escaped before you turned up. Anyway, they stopped him by destroying his camera,"
 "Hmm," Anatis frowned, nodding to himself before taking out his yoyo and typing Vincent's name, finding his address. "Ok, I'm gonna go and investigate his home. Maybe I can find a clue as to how his power works or why he got akumatized,"
 "Well, he just captures people and traps them in some sort of place," Penny stated, making Anatis shake his head. "Anatis?"
 "It seems his power has grown. He is now able to travel through photos as well as capture people," He replied, frowning. "I recommend not going outside. Pixelator will try and capture you if he sees you, Mr Stone,"
 "R-Right..." Jagged nodded before gasping. "Wait, you don't think he'll go after my son will you?!"
 "Luka?" Anatis asked, making Jagged nod. "Actually, it was him who alerted me about Pixelator but I told him to hide somewhere Pixelator wouldn't think to look,"
 "Like the school?" Jagged asked, making Anatis chuckle.
 "Sure," He replied before opening the window and diving out of it, swinging off into the city. He landed on the building next to the one Vincent lived in before jumping down and climbing through an open window. He glanced around, frowning at all the pictures devoted to Jagged but a shiver came up to his spine as he saw pictures of himself, Juleka, Anarka and even Marinette. There were ones of him walking home from school and a couple of him and Juleka having ice cream. There were ones of Anarka, Jagged and Penny talking as well of ones of Marinette hanging out with him and Juleka and a couple of her meetings with Penny and Jagged. "Ok, this is a whole new level of creepy and I'm pretty sure this is illegal,"
 He took out his yoyo and took photos for evidence. There was no way he was going to let Vincent get away with stalking. He might be Hawkmoth's current victim but this was something that needed to be addressed. He walked over and noticed a cloth on the side by a sink. He walked over and noticed it had black on it. He recognized it was eyeliner, suggesting that Vincent had been using it to wash his face. He frowned and walked over, picking it up. Almost instantly, his vision flashed, causing him to blink. When he opened his eyes, he still stood in front of the mirror but stood next to him was Vincent. Anatis jumped back in surprise but Vincent didn't react to him at all. In fact, he was still looking in the mirror. His eyes were red and watery as he shakily held the cloth. Anatis frowned and moved his hand in front of his face yet he didn't react to him. Instead, he sighed and moved his hand.
 "Stupid brat," He muttered, running it under water before dubbing his eyes. "I just want a photo of Jagged! He didn't have to spray me with damn pepper spray!"
 He slammed the cloth down and walked over to his bed, picking up his camera as an akuma fluttered into the room. Anatis frowned as he saw the akuma enter the camera. Vincent growled as he listened to Hawkmoth.
 "I get the miraculous of Anatis and Lady Noir," He replied, making Anatis frown as he listened. "I know the drill,"
 He didn't turn into Pixelator straight away. Instead, he continued to listen to Hawkmoth.
 "Go on," He stated before gasping. "Jagged Stone's son?! Do you want his designer as well?"
 Anatis frowned as he watched. Is that why he captured Marinette?
 "Let the photo shoot begin, Hawkmoth..." Vincent stated, making Anatis frown as he turned into Pixelator before he blinked again and looked round the room. Vincent was gone and Anatis was still stood in front of the mirror, holding the cloth.
 "That was new..." He muttered, making a mental note to ask Feng about it as he put down the cloth. He went to head to the door before noticing some odd looking pictures. It took a moment but he realized they weren't pictures but in fact, people trapped. He moved over and gasped as he saw a couple of people he didn't recognized but one he did. "Marinette?"
 "Anatis!" She gasped, looking up at him with relief in her eyes. "Oh thank goodness, you're here! You need to find Luka! He's in big trouble,"
 "Luka is safe, Marinette. I know Pixelator is after him so I've hidden him somewhere Pixelator won't think to look," He replied, making Marinette let out a sigh of relief as new pictures appeared on the wall. A few others noticed him and began to ask for help, causing him to look at them in shock. "What happened to you?"
 "We were just walking- Behind you!" One of them gasped, causing Anatis to jump out of the way as Pixelator jumped out of a picture and began to shoot at him. He jumped over the couch as Pixelator aimed at him. He went to throw his yoyo but Pixelator's beam hit his arm, causing him to drop his yoyo. He gasped and jumped across the room, grabbing his yoyo as he did. Pixelator aimed at him, causing him to knock his body into the camera lights. They began to fall on Pixelator, forcing him to take photos of them so they didn't land on him. Seeing his chance, Anatis escaped through the window and swung off through the city, landing on a rooftop and moved behind a wall. He glanced behind and saw Pixelator wasn't following him, causing him to let out a small sigh of relief before he turned his attention back to his arm to see the damage. He looked at it and frowned as he saw it was pixelated. He took a deep breathe and went to touch it with his other hand, only for it to go straight through. 
 "Oh dear," He gasped, wiggling his fingers. "I really hope Tikki can fix that..."
 His yoyo vibrated, causing him to open it with his good hand. It was a notification from the TVi studio. He went to press play but his fingers went through, making him sigh.
 "Yoyo, play the video," He ordered, causing it to make the video play. He didn't use it very often but right now, he was glad he could use voice command on his yoyo. The video played, causing him to frown as he watched the news crew film Pixelator firing at random innocent people as he strolled down the Champs-Élysées before turning to the camera.
 "Anatis, if you don't bring me what I want, I'll make sure everyone in Paris is nothing but memories!" He demanded before firing at the camera man, making the film cut off. Anatis sighed before closing his yoyo and swinging off to the Champs-Élysées. He landed on a bus as Pixelator continued to shoot at people, making him sigh.
 "Got a itchy trigger finger hm?" He asked, causing Pixelator to turn around and face him. He went to fire at him but Anatis held up his hand. "Hold on! If you get rid of me now, you'll never know where I hid your target but more importantly, I have an offer for you that I know you won't be able to resist?"
 "What could you possibly give me?" Pixelator asked, making Anatis smirk.
 "Jagged Stone," He replied, causing the akuma to gasp. "I know you're his biggest fan and if you free the people you have captured, I'll arrange a once in a lifetime opportunity for you. Your very own photoshoot with Jagged Stone himself. He'll be yours forever,"
 "You're lying," Pixelator gasped, making Anatis narrow his eyes.
 "I would never lie," He stated, making Pixelator look at him. "Everyone knows how much I hate liars. Just look at how I reacted to Volpina,"
 "Hmm... You did expose her," He stated, frowning as he tapped his chin.
 "And you're never get a chance like this again," He stated, making Pixelator smile as he brought into it. "What do you say? Free the people you've captured and immortalize your idol forever or lose your chance forever?"
 "How about I free half now then the other half once you bring Jagged here?" He replied, making Anatis pull a face before sighing.
 "Alright, it's a deal," He replied, making Pixelator smirk before he pressed a button on the side of his head. A shockwave of pixels appeared before people began to reappear.
 "Alright, I've kept my part of the deal now you keep yours," Pixelator stated, causing Anatis to nod. He took out his yoyo and opened it before trying to use it. He sighed and began to use his nose, making Pixelator roll his eyes. "Hurry up,"
 "Well, I'd be able to do this faster if you hadn't pixelated my arm!" Anatis snapped back, looking up and moving the yoyo to his ear. "Ms Rolling, it's Anatis. I need you to bring Mr Stone to the Champs-Élysées. I know but it was the only way I could free some of the people. Yes... thank you for understanding,"
 He moved his yoyo and used his chin to close it before looking at Pixelator. 
 "He's on his way," He stated as Lady Noir silently jumped down and slowly moved towards him. "So while we're waiting, why don't I guess where your akuma is or you could release the other half?"
 "I'll release them when Jagged Stone gets here," He replied, stepping forward. "Of course, I could just take your miraculous right now hm? Since you've arranged for Jagged to come here, I no longer need you,"
 "Yeah but I'm the only person who knows where your other target is," Anatis replied, making Pixelator stop. "And I know that's who Hawkmoth really wants. You get rid of me and I'll never tell you where he is,"
 "You drive a hard bargain, Anatis," Pixelator replied, crossing his arms before glancing around. "You better not be lying to me,"
 "I'm not," Anatis replied, tilting his head to the side. "Is it in your head gear?"
 Pixelator snapped his head towards him, causing Anatis to pick up on a hint of panic.
 "It is, isn't it?" He smirked as Lady Noir reached for it but before she could get it, Pixelator realized and turned around, grabbing her hand. She pushed against him before he knocked her down and grabbed her legs, throwing her into Anatis. He tried to catch her but thanks to his pixelated hand, it fails and she landed on him. Pixelator laughed and fired at them, causing Anatis to grab her with his good hand and roll under the car. "You ok?"
 "I'm good," She replied as they jumped up and ran from Pixelator as he fired at the car. Lady Noir frowned as she noticed Anatis cradling his right hand. "What happened to your hand?"
 "Oh, Pixelator hit it with his beam and... well..." He held it up, showing her what it looked like. Pixelator fired at them again, causing them to backflip away before landing on the ground as Pixelator fired at them again. To their surprise, he missed but then Lady Noir saw that he hit a window of a car behind them, causing the beam to bounce and head towards Anatis. She pushed him out of the way, causing her to disappear in pixels as it hit her. Anatis rolled and jumped up, throwing his yoyo at Pixelator who turned to him.
 "When the cat's away, the mice will play," He smirked, pointing to his lens. "Ready to be immortalized forever, Anatis?"
 "Can't wait," He grinned, spinning his yoyo and dodging Pixelator's beams before jumping over him and throwing his yoyo. It wrapped around his wrist as Anatis landed. He yanked it, causing Pixelator to fall forward. He growled and yanked his hand free as Anatis jumped onto a car and threw his yoyo, swinging away from him. Pixelator fired at him, hitting his leg and causing him to fall down as he stalked over.
 "You're very clever, Anatis but it's obvious that you lied to me to distract me," 
 "You were the one who believed me, Pixelator," He replied, moving away from him as best as he could. "I really do hate liars but did you really think I'd actually sacrifice a civilian?"
 "Well played," He replied, smirking. "But I win this game. Look into-"
 "Pixelator!" Jagged's voice echoed, causing Anatis to look over in surprise as Pixelator smirked and turned to him. He called out to him, trying to tell him to run as he was in danger. However, Jagged completely ignored him. "You want me?! Well, here I am!"
 "Jagged!" He gasped, completely losing interesting in Anatis. "At last, I can finally immortalize you! Look into the lens!"
 He went to take his photo but Jagged stopped him and switched pose before repeating the action. He questioned if the lighting was right or if his nose looked small, keeping Pixelator distracted and annoyed. Anatis tried to stand up but fell forward. However, Penny caught him surprising him.
 "We saw the news reporter and it looked like you could use a hand," She whispered as Jagged spun around again, getting on his knees and holding up his hands. "I think it might be time to use your power,"
 "Good suggestion," Anatis replied, throwing his yoyo up with his good hand. "Lucky charm!"
 A compact mirror appeared out of thin and fell to the ground, causing Anatis to try and grab it. However, it phased through his hand but Penny caught it.
 "A compact mirror?" She asked, holding it to him. He took it from her as she frowned. "What are you gonna do with that?"
 "I'm not sure yet," He replied, looking around in his luck vision as Pixelator demanded that Jagged open his eyes. To his and Penny's surprise, a bunch of pixels appeared, causing everyone who got captured to return. Anatis let out a sigh of relief as he saw Lady Noir, causing his luck vision to work. It highlighted her baton and then the compact mirror. "Of course! Batter up!!"
 He lifted it in his good hand and threw it towards Lady Noir, who used her baton as a bat and hit towards Jagged and Pixelator, just as he was about to take a photo of him. Everyone held their breathe as he pressed the button but the mirror flew inbetween him and Jagged as he did. The beam bounced back towards him, turning him into pixels and causing his head gear to fall to the ground. Lady Noir rushed over and grabbed the compact mirror before running over to Anatis. She handed him the compact mirror, causing him to take it and throw it up in the air with his good hand. 
 "Miraculous Ladybugs!" He shouted, causing it to burst into the magical swarm that headed straight for him, flowing around him before moving through Paris, fixing all the damage and returning Pixelator in front of him. With his arm and his leg fixed, Anatis crushed his head set and captured the akuma that escaped from it. Pixelator turned back into Vincent Asa, who looked around confused as Anatis let the butterfly go. However, Anatis stepped in front of him with a stern look at him. Vincent looked up at him and gulped as his expression was grim. "Officer Roger, I think you need to take this man into police custorary,"
 "But he was a victim?" He asked, walking over as relief flooded Vincent's face.
 "Yes, I'm a victim!" He gasped but he shut his mouth as Anatis took out his yoyo and opened it.
 "While I was trying to work out how he got akumatized and his powers, I had to search his apartment," He replied, making Vincent go pale as Anatis turned to him. "I discovered his shrine to Jagged but also these,"
 He showed Officer Roger, Penny and Jagged the pictures of he took of his photos of himself, Marinette, Penny, Anarka and Juleka.
 "He's been stalking Jagged and his family I'd guess since Mr Roth released that information about my friend," He stated, making Vincent gulp as everyone looked at him. "I also know that he became akumatized again because he cornered Mr Couffaine and Miss Dupain-Cheng in the park earlier today, causing Mr Couffaine to panic and react by using pepper spray on him,"
 "H-He assaulted me!" Vincent gasped. "H-He shouldn't have pepper spray!! It's illegal!!"
 "Actually, Mr Couffaine applied for a licence in order to be able to carry a small spray of pepper spray on his person for a form of self defense, due to recent circumstances and it was approved by a court," Penny stated, surprising everyone. "Also, Officer Roger, please arrest this man. We will be pressing charges for stalking and harassing a minor. Anatis would you mind forwarding those to the right authorities for evidence?"
 "Vincent Asa, you're under arrest," Officer Roger stated as Anatis' earrings beeped and Lady Noir's ring beeped. Anatis turned to Penny and Jagged.
 "I'll send them as soon as I'm charged up again... but thank you for your help today," He smiled before turning to Lady Noir. "See you soon, Kitten,"
 "Bye, Annie," She grinned before jumping away.
 ~Hawkmoth's Lair~
 "Sir?" Nathalie asked as Hawkmoth frowned deeply. She walked over to him and placed his hands over his. "Are you ok?"
 "I'm fine," He stated, turning to the window. "It's time to put Miss Rossi's skill to use again and to see how loyal she is to me,"
 "What do you have planned sir?" She asked as he detransformed and led her through his garden and up to his office. He took out his calendar and opened it, scrolling through the dates before stopping on it. "Sir?"
 "In two weeks time, it will be exactly one year since Anatis made his first appearance," He replied, tapping the screen. "And on that way, he will finally fall and I will finally claim his and that annoyed cat's miraculous,"
 "But how will you do that?"
 "With a distraction," He replied, tapping on the screen. "It just happens to be the wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Rossi on the same day. Emotions run high and with a little invention on Miss Rossi's part, the happy couple won't be so happy. I'll akumatize them and Anatis will fight them,"
 "He'll defeat them," 
 "Exactly and he won't expect a second akuma straight away," Hawkmoth smirked. "He'll be caught off guard,"
 "An excellent plan," She replied, making Hawkmoth smirk. "Will you go after Mr Couffaine again?"
 "I won't need to," He replied, smirking. "With the second akuma will have him come to me easily but Mr Couffaine is a secondary goal and won't matter if I get the miraculous,"
Next Chapter: Chapter 59
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thenovelartist · 4 years
MLQC headcanon-Meeting their daughter’s boyfriend
Oh look. More random headcanon crap XD
Victor’s daughter’s boyfriend will have to go through an intense background check and screening process
And that is before ultimately meeting Victor in person.
MC will have to constantly remind Victor to not use that stare.
The one where he uses when trying to coerce a business partner into doing what he wants.
Will ask many questions about the boyfriend’s plans for the future and whatnot.
AKA typical overprotective dad looking out for their daughter, but “with power and connections” edition.
But ultimately, unless Victor has a glaring objection to the man or his behavior, he’ll trust his daughter to make a good choice.
“Dad, you taught me two things. How to read people, and that time is money. I won’t bring over anyone who I don’t think is worth my precious time.”
Yes, he raised her well.
She’s careful with who she gives her heart to. Which ultimately happens to be a male version of MC.
Victor pretends to lament over where he went wrong when, in reality, he thinks his daughter chose well.
Lucien has two daughters, and the younger one will 100% observe what her father does to the older sister’s boyfriend and catalogue it for future reference.
Lucien won’t do the whole background check thing.
He’ll just treat any boyfriend brought over like a subject in his experiments. After all, he loves people watching.
And if he doesn’t hear about them again after that first dinner? “What happened to that nice boy you brought over for dinner last week, sweetie?”
“He got squeamish over being observed. He’s a handsome specimen but weak-willed.”
“That’s my girl.”
To both girls, dating is a highly controlled human experiment.
Really, only the strong-willed stick around.
“That was our goal from the beginning. It worked quite efficiently, if we say so ourselves.”
Lucien finds the men his daughters ultimately chose quite intriguing.
Out of all the boys, Kiro should be the most worried about his daughter.
She’s definitely a “follow your heart over your head” sort of person.
And sometimes an “act before you think” person.
So Kiro has to be on guard for any boys she talks to (which is a lot of pretty/rich boys since she ends up a singer/actor in her teens like her daddy.)
However, after getting her heart broken the first time…“You want me to hack his accounts and end him?”
Kiro, dang it, you are the parent. Set a good example!
“It’s okay, dad. I’ll do it.”
“I taught you so well.”
After hacking the accounts of five separate guys (she only ruined the career of one! He deserved it. The others, she just caused general mischief), ends up befriending a programming nerd at a geek convention who constantly puts a smile on her face by sending her memes and virtual roses (and then roses made of candy when he can sneak onto set)
Eventually becomes a little more than just a friend.
Kiro gets along with him swimmingly and happily approves.
Gavin is Mr. Overprotective.
He won’t force his daughter, but if she’s open, will teach her self-defense.
She’s a bit of a daddy’s girl, so she’ll do anything to spend time with her dad.
Her self-defense abilities are good, but what Gavin’s really proud of is har ability to handle a gun.
New rule: any boyfriend she brings over must watch her disassemble, reassemble, then shoot said gun.
Gavin figured this would scare any potential boyfriend a lot more than if he threatens them.
Only had one guy come over once before not hearing from him again.
“Oh, we broke up. I just don’t think any guy who nearly pisses his pants watching me handle a gun is worth it.”
So. Dang. PROUD.
Eventually, she finds a police officer (like her)
Gavin happened to personally train him, so he knows enough about him to approve.
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accomplisheddoubt · 4 years
Summers’ Family Legacy Pt. 18
               At last, it was Brendon’s birthday. He had lived a wonderful life. From cigarette addicted fuckboy with no real goals in life, to slacker musician, to struggling single dad, to one of the best fathers a girl could ask for. And while he may have been able to give up random sex and smoking, his addictive personality needed something new. By this point in his life, Brendon’s perspective had changed so drastically that it was no surprise to find his new addiction was cleaning. He was obsessed with keeping a tidy home, constantly vacuuming already clean floors and do not dare spill something on the floor during one of his parties!
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               Brendon really liked his daughter’s boyfriend, Hunter; he was shaping up to be a great young man. Brendon was grateful that his daughter never had eyes for Gael. Who he would often catch looking at her like she was some sort of snack. Hunter and Brendon had become close friends. During Brendon’s birthday party, the ladies were having a chat at the dinning table while the men were in the kitchen preparing dinner. My how things can change.
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               The next day they celebrated Devland’s birthday. She had grown into an oblivious, glutton, who was adventurous, and aspired to have a family of her own. Her boyfriend, Hunter, was a geeky, goofball who was really into recycling and wanted to be a curator. Devland had known from a young age that she wanted to be a mother some day but other than that, she had no idea what to do with her life. As a teen she had thought about writing a children’s book, but she never got around to finishing it. She decided now that she was a little older, wiser, and was that much closer to having her own kids someday, maybe now was the time to work on it. How cool would it be to read your future child a book written by yourself? As she was getting closer to finishing her first book, she found the desire to start a screenplay. And just like that, she knew what she wanted to do. Be a freelance writer, a job doing what she loved but also having the freedom to work from home and be there for her future family. Growing up that was the only thing she wish her father would have done differently, be home more often after school. Hunter, being the geek that he was, decided to take a tech job. He thought it would be cool to one day create his own video game.  
               At first, Brendon wasn’t keen on the whole being an elder thing, but he was really coming around to it. He even developed his own daily routine. Wake up around 5am, use the restroom, bathe, breakfast, play a little music, mimosa by 11am, then nap before heading off to work. By the end of the week, he had developed his mixology skill and decided to spice things up by having a screwdriver instead.
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               It wasn’t long into their young adult lives before Hunter got down on one knee and proposed to Devland. They were high school sweethearts who saved themselves for marriage. The wedding was beautiful. It was on the beach as an ode to Brendon’s love of the ocean. Many of Devland’s childhood memories were had by the water, and she couldn’t picture having her wedding anywhere else. The two honeymooned in Sulani as well. They had waited so long to have sex with each other, they found it hard to leave the rental property to do much of anything else. Though they did manage to squeeze in some snorkeling, where Hunter even met a dolphin! After snorkeling they hit up the new Lagoon Look, it was such a romantic evening the two could not control themselves and had a little public woohoo in the restaurant’s bathroom.
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               When the honeymoon ended, Devland and Hunter arrived back to find Brendon had moved himself into the trailer. He told the newlyweds that he wanted them to have the house. He told Devland she could do whatever she wanted with it, he just wanted to keep his office space. Being that Devland was a daddy’s girl and could not imagine not seeing her father every day, she convinced Hunter that they should stay. Though, it did not take much to convince Hunter, he was over so much that house already felt like his home. In fact, Hunter even surprised his wife by changing his last name to Summers. He knew how much the family name meant to her and he never wanted anyone to mistake them as unmarried for having different last names. He was all in and ready to start a family with his wife.  
 *I know I said I was going to stop adding in my own input, but I had to share this.. The daily routine Brendon had was something he did on his own. He has always owned a bar and I have never once had him go make a drink or take a nap. But now that he was an elder, I found myself controlling Devland more, and every morning if I left him alone, he would do that stuff. Have you ever had a sim create their own routine? Is this actually a thing sims do? I love it so much. Also, I have downloaded the pose player. So, if you see photos in the future that aren’t live in game photos, just know they were recreated to look better but will be of events that do actually happen in gameplay.
 Oblivious trait: New Emotional Traits by Kuttoe (itch.io)
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peter-parcoeur · 4 years
“When you’re gone” - part 2
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Summary + Chapter 1
Comment if you like it ♥
Chapter II
It had been two weeks now.
Two entire weeks of a world Tony Stark wasn’t part of anymore and still, Peter wasn’t ready to come out and face the emptiness he had left into his own life. It was just too brutal, too confusing, and too sad.
Ned had come to visit almost every day in hope that, at some point, Peter would consider leaving his bedroom and catch some fresh air. Every single attempt failed as he barely had the force to get out of his room to share a meal with his aunt. Sometimes he would simply watch his meal until it was completely cold. His entire world had collapsed and now it felt like he had no goal left. Even thinking about MJ didn’t bring him a single happy thought, he had simply lost interest in his ordinary life.
“School’s starting tomorrow” May stated as she grabbed a few dirty clothes from his bedroom floor “you should get your stuff ready for the big day!”
“You’re calling this a big day?
-          Last year of high school, this is HUGE.
-          Whatever, I’m not going anyway.”
Peter flinched at the sound of the laundry basket being dropped on the wooden floor. When he looked up, May looked furious.
“Okay that’s it, get up, now!
-          Wow, what’s up with you May?
-          I’ve been patient and I know you’re hurt honey but I won’t let you drop out of school and make stupid decisions like this! So you better get your ass out of this bed or I’ll drag you out of your bedroom so fast you won’t get to use your freaking magic spider sense!”
She was sat by his bed now, pulling at the cover so she could finally look into his eyes.
“What happened is truly awful and we’ll mourn Tony for as long as we get to live… But… Life needs to go on. You’re 17. Do you think he saved you so you could spend your days in bed playing Fall of Duty in your boxers?
-          That’s… Call of Duty actually
-          Whatever! This is a stupid game and you’re smarter than this, Peter.
-          I just don’t know how to do it…
-          One step at a time baby.”
With a tender hand resting on his cheek, she pecked his forehead.
“First step: take a shower, you smell like a rotted dead fish.” She winced, “Happy’s coming over for dinner, he’ll be happy to see you looking fresh.”
“Happy’s been coming a lot lately…
-          He’s been really supportive. Now out! Shower!” she snapped her fingers, grabbed her laundry basket and left the room so she wouldn’t have the conversation she was dreading.
There’s was something therapeutic about long, hot showers and though his heart was still heavier than ever, Peter couldn’t deny he was lucky to have May to kick his ass when he needed her to.
Walking back into his bedroom with a towel wrapped around his hips, Peter could smell his aunt famous’ meatloaf cooking from the kitchen. She was right, life would still go on even if it didn’t seem that appealing without his dear friend in it.
As he looked for a fresh pair of pants and some socks, his eyes were inevitably drawn to a few pictures he had pinned on his wall, right above his desk. Every person he’d ever loved was in there. His parents, his uncle Ben and May on their wedding day, Ned, MJ, Happy… And of course, Tony. His heart sunk into his chest as he grabbed a picture of himself holding a little girl wearing Iron Man’s helmet with her hands wrapped around his neck, recognizing Tony’s daughter, Y/N.
If only he had a chance, Peter would go back to this day just so he would get to hang out with Tony and his family again. To think he wouldn’t get to see his daughter grow into a woman (and probably terrorize any man willing to date her) was heartbreaking, especially when he thought of the way she looked at the funeral. She seemed both devastated and angry with no helmet for her to hide her feelings anymore.
He remembered every detail of the day he had met Y/N, 8 years ago.
 It was the first time Peter ever stepped into Tony Stark’s actual home. So far, they had met at Stark Industries or in random places all over the world but today, Tony had invited his young apprentice into the intimacy of his Home.
The weather was incredible that day, sunny and warm like a summer afternoon even though it was in the middle of March. Peter didn’t know why he’d been lucky enough to be invited here but he felt extremely thankful for it.
“Hi Peter, please come in” Pepper buzzed him in on the huge monitor in front of the main gate. Of course Tony Stark’s house was surrounded by a thousand of video cameras. After all, he was one of the most powerful man in New-York City, not to mention that he was, well, Iron Man.
Stepping into such a huge mansion wasn’t anodyne for Peter, a kid from Forest Hills. This looked nothing like anything he’d seen back in the Queens.
“He’s down in his workshop if you want to join!” Pepper smiled as she seemed busy with paperwork. She quickly led him towards the elevator, giving him the instructions to enter the basement like he was standing in the heart of the SHIELD’s offices. Everything seemed cool and impressive for an ordinary teenager.
Peter could hear AC/DC blasting from afar as he reached the basement. In front of the big steel doors he found a screen, just like Pepper had told him and as soon as he stood in front of it, a facial scan started.
“Welcome, Peter Parker” – with a click, the main doors opened for him.
“Hi kiddo!” Tony was working on a new armor that looked like a bigger, smarter version of his original Iron Man suit. Peter had always been impressed at how easy Tony made it look when it came to technology. As much of a geek he might be, Peter could never be on that level of perfection.
“New suit?
-          Yeah… Well, we’ll see where this goes, I’ve been thinking.”
Tony always seemed to say this. It’s like he never slept at night because somehow, that’s when his greatest ideas came alive. It was just crazy to think that a man could come up with incredible weapons and crazy armors just over a sleepless night. Would he be given the same amount of time, Peter wouldn’t even get through a school assignment.  
“Your house is incredible, thanks for the invite Mr Stark
-          It’s Tony
-          Alright, Tony.” Peter smiled, genuinely flattered Tony Stark himself would consider him close enough to name it anything but Mr Stark.
-          By the way, not that I wouldn’t have you there randomly but… Someone was dying to meet you and you know me, I aim to please.
-          Really, who!?”
Peter was secretly hoping it would be Nick Fury. He was just as scared as an admirer of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. He couldn’t wait for the day he would make him an Avenger. To this day, it remained his biggest dream.
“Come on out honey, don’t be shy…” Tony smiled in a way Peter had never seen before.
Clearly, he would never call Nick Fury “honey”, so that dream was off the table for today.
Then a little girl came out, fiddling with her hands and avoiding all eye contact.
“Hi?” Peter smiled at her shyness, “is that Y/N?”
“My one and only” Tony stated proudly.
Tony had told him about his daughter, Y/N and how she had changed his whole life. What didn’t matter before, like getting injured or stepping closer to an inevitable death, mattered now. Happy had even told Peter that becoming a father had made Tony more anxious, more stressed. It was a different dynamic now that he had something to lose. Of course there was Pepper too, but she was hot and smart, she’d find a new husband. Y/N would never find a new dad.
Getting down on one knee, Peter welcomed the little girl as warm as possible. She could sense she was a bit star struck for some reason, but he had always been amazing with kids. She wouldn’t be the exception.
“Hi, I’m Peter!” he beamed, reaching for her hand.
“Oh she knows!” Tony chuckled “she’s not usually that shy, she’s just… impressed.” Tony watched the expression on Peter’s face change immediately “Don’t get too cocky, she just likes you very veeeery much, right honey?”
The little girl nodded then went straight into Peter’s arms for a hug.
“Aw that’s cute!” Peter smiled, holding the little girl against him.
“Yeah well, be careful, her dad’s kind of a psycho!”
Looking closer, Peter could definitely tell she was a Stark. She had her father’s eyes and mischievous smile but sometimes she would give you one of Pepper’s famous cocky look. Everything about her screamed “I’m the result of two geniuses’ love” and he could tell she’d become a smart ass in the future. Secretly, he hoped he’d still be around to see that, only because it would mean Tony would still be his mentor.
           The rest of the day went blissfully. Peter learned more about Y/N and had the privilege to see her “astrology” themed bedroom with a ceiling covered with stars that would shine in the dark, her massive telescope her daddy had built for her 8th birthday and all twelve names of her favorite toys. Out of everything, the cutest thing was the spider-man figurine she kept on her bedside table. There was no denying he was for sure, her favorite super-hero.
When Peter left, Tony grabbed Y/N into his arms for her to wave goodbye to her new friend.
“Daddy? She asked after a while
-          Yes sweetheart?
-          When I grow up, I want to marry spider-man.”
Pepper couldn’t help but laugh at Tony’s face, a perfect mix between the astonishment and the one he’d given her when she had keyed his favorite car “just for fun”.
“That kid will have to kill me first” he joked, walking back into the house as he held the most precious gift life had given him.
Thinking about it, Peter probably wasn’t the worst choice she could make… when she’d turn 30.
Peter realized he must have blacked out for a while when he caught a glimpse of his aunt May and Happy at his doorway. How long had he been dreaming?
“Oh errr, sorry, I was just… thinking… Good to see you Happy!
-          Hi kid, I’d give you a hug but you’re underage and shirtless, so that’s weird!” Happy joked, pointing at Peter’s naked chest.
-          Dinner’s ready, May added, whenever you feel like joining us?
-          I’ll be out in a minute.”
Peter sighed as he pinned the picture back on the wall, wondering if he’d ever get to speak to Y/N again.
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ohmeohmayohmy · 5 years
With the Slightest Smile, Chapter 12
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Taglist: @reedusteinrambles​ @juxt4p0siti0n​ @kurtnehhh​ @chlobo6​ @reavenedges-lies​ @livcaper @singularpurplepansy @geek-and-proud​
Notes: Hello everyone! Thank you for the patience and kindness. I’ve been swamped with school work for weeks, and had to put this on the back burner. There’s a lot put in this chapter, but I think it’ll set things up nicely for the upcoming ones. And I’m super excited for the next chapter, so hopefully that will be out in like a week. That’s the goal! But don’t hold me to it. Anyway, please enjoy...
Warnings: Drinking, swearing, mentions of illness, sexual implications (no smut)
Words: 11.9k + (whew!)
May 13, 1974
The waiting room was completely silent. Or at least, it was to you. You had no interest in what anyone had to say, not unless they were carrying a clipboard with Brian’s chart on it. Something about being on the other side of the nurses’ desk made you realize how alone you were. The person waiting to receive words of comfort, not give them. Being the one to tell visitors about their loved ones was definitely preferable. 
But you had to stop thinking about yourself. You didn’t matter. 
Nothing mattered until you were able to hold your best friend in your arms.
July 9
“I don’t want to play Scrabble.”
Brian leaned forward in the bed, confused by your answer. “Why not? You love Scrabble.”
“You always beat me,” you pouted, but a smile quickly snuck across your face and betrayed your jocose demeanor.
“Not always.”
“The times you let me win don’t count.”
He scoffed, dismissing the accusation, and flopped back into the pillows supporting him. “That doesn’t sound like something I'd do.”
You laughed quietly. “But it does, ‘cause you did.”
Brian hummed, unsure of how to respond. “What if you just denied a man his dying wish?” He asked, already knowing the weight of the words he meant to say lightheartedly. He regretted the question as soon as it slipped.
Your heart dropped into your stomach. Despite knowing that it was a joke, you choked up thinking about it, because a few weeks ago the notion was a horrifying possibility. After the transportation from New York, and being admitted for hepatitis and gangrene, Brian was rehospitalized for a previously undiagnosed ulcer. He had barely been home for a day between hospital visits.
“Your dying wish would be to play Scrabble with your roommate?” The word roommate felt foreign as it tumbled from your lips, it took you by surprise.
I’ve never referred to him as that before.
Brian’s eyes looked up at you, hopeful, glistening. You were too busy biting the inside of your cheek while zoning out to truly process his expression. “There are worse things in life.” 
You sighed before meeting his gaze. “I should think so.”
“And you’ll never win if you never play.”
You shrugged, watching his face intently. “But I wouldn’t lose either.” He shied away from your stare. You frowned at the shift in dynamic, but subtly shook your head to bring yourself out of it. The already-set Scrabble board caught your attention as you cast your sights around the room. A small pit formed in your stomach. “Did May play when she was here?”
Brian cleared his throat, readjusting his sitting position. “Uh, no. Couldn’t convince her. Said she’s terrible.”
Miss Almost-Perfect can’t play Scrabble? They’ll never last. Guiltily, you eased at the thought.  
“That’s just a thing girls say when they want to seem demure.”
“They?” He arched an eyebrow, looking skeptical. “So, you don’t?”
You leaned forward, closing some of the distance between the two of you. “I would, but I’m good at everything,” you taunted. A smug grin was etched in your cheeks. This time, Brian’s eyes melted into your fixation. You were the first to break away. He lingered, and you could feel it.
After a quiet moment, Brian took a deep breath. It alarmed you, so you returned your eyes to his face. He had an expression of concentration, but didn’t appear to be pained.
“Something on your mind?”
Brian hesitated. “She doesn’t think you like her,” he mumbled.
Despite knowing exactly what he said, you felt the need to ask “What was that?”
“May doesn’t think you like her.”
You made a face of disbelief, but even you didn’t find it convincing. “I don’t know why she would feel that way. Did I do something?”
“Maybe you’re just intimidating.”
That made you laugh. Genuinely. “Intimidating? Have you seen me?”
“I have,” he teased, scrunching his face with disgust. You glared, squinting your eyes. “You do make scary faces sometimes.” Brian’s voice grew more high-pitched out of defensiveness.
“Maybe you’re just scared of me.”
“Indeed, I am.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re the most terrifying thing I know.” It sounded sad, the way the sentence fell from his lips. Nostalgic. Melancholic. Something.
You couldn’t put your finger on it.
“Well, I’m a woman, not a thing.”
Brian shook his head again, sighing with good nature. “More like a force to be reckoned with.”
You smiled brightly, puffing out your chest in pride. “I like the sound of that.” He grinned back at you, feeling the warmth in your presence. You shifted in your spot at the foot of his hospital bed, clearing your throat. “Why’d you say so?”
Brian was taken aback. “What?”
“Why’d you say May thinks I’m intimidating?”
“Well, I didn’t say—”
“Should I spend more time with her?” 
Please say no. Oh god. Please.
Brian wanted to say no. He really did. “Maybe…?” His voice squeaked slightly.
You changed your disappointed expression to one of content. “I was going to lunch with Ronnie tomorrow. Would—” cough “—would May be interested in joining?” That might make it better. 
“No Stella?”
“If May finds me intimidating, I don’t think it’d be the right choice to bring Elle.”
Brian chortled softly. “You’re probably right.”
“I tend to be.”
The playful conversation lulled. It wasn’t awkward, but it also wasn’t uncomfortable. You just sat quietly, too far from each other. Neither of you tried to fix the distance. Brian began to twiddle his fingers, not sure what to do with them. You found yourself staring at the Scrabble board. It looked like a short game had been interrupted by something, and the few words on the playing space were the only remnants of the interaction.
Brian made a sudden movement, which brought you back to the moment you were sitting in. Snapping your head to him, you saw Brian trying to reach the guitar case next to his bed. With glee, you watched him wiggle and squirm, trying to reach without having to stand up. Eventually you took pity on him after seeing his frustration, and walked four steps to pick it up and hand it to him. He graciously accepted it.
“Do you want to hear what ‘ve been working on?”
“You’ve been writing songs? What about rest, Bri?”
“I find the music relaxing.”
You couldn’t argue with that.
“I’d love to.”
Brian’s heart skipped a beat at your quiet encouragement, he almost forgot to play. When he started strumming in a soft, yet aggressive pattern, you closed your eyes and allowed the sensation to fill your ears. He hummed a melody over the chords. You peeked through a half-opened eyelid, watching the concentration on Brian’s delicate face. He had his forehead relaxed, his eyes fluttering gently, and his bottom lip between his teeth. It was the most beautiful sight you had seen in a while. You never wanted it to end.
Upon playing the final portion, Brian looked up from the strings, wistful. You applauded enthusiastically.
“Beautiful, Brian.”
His cheeks grew rosy. “Thank you, love.”
“Do you have any lyrics for it?”
“Not quite.” He was lying.
“A working title, perhaps? It might help.”
He shrugged. Changing the subject, Brian said, “Tim came by.”
You felt slightly disoriented by his abruptness. “Oh?”
“The Scrabble game,” he gestured to the table. “We played a couple.”
“Oh.” You nodded, trying to express understanding. “How was he? Haven’t seen him around lately.”
“Great! Nellie’s expecting. They’re really happy.”
You beamed. Nellie was one of your childhood friends, the girl Tim had fallen in love with in your teen years. “That’s wonderful,” a tearful response came through. Brian looked concerned by your reaction.
“Y/N, love, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. ’M just so happy for them.”
“Me too.”
You looked down at your hands, wringing them. “They’re truly the lucky ones, huh?” Brian didn’t know what to say, but he knew exactly what you meant. “He didn’t get the fame he always wanted, but I think he’s happier this way. He finally got his girl.” Brian’s heart sank at the words you whispered. Maybe it could have been him who got his happily ever after if he never rose to fame. Maybe it could have been him who got his girl.
“Hmm?” He didn’t meet your gaze.
“I think you’d make a great dad.”
That was enough to lift his eyes to your face. 
“Really?” The small smile of his surprise made you swoon.
“Yes, I really do.”
Hushed moments ensued, but neither of you seemed to mind. The butterflies in your stomach made up for it.
For the first time in weeks, everything felt alright. Everything felt hopeful.
July 10
You held the door open for Veronica, whom you had given a ride to the restaurant. 
May hadn’t called before you left for the early lunch, so you had assumed she decided not to come, but upon your inspection of the dining area, your eyes landed on a familiar head of strawberry blonde hair. The bell jingled, announcing your arrival to the staff and other patrons. She turned around in her seat and waved at the sight of you two. Veronica waved half-heartedly and made her way to the table. You took a deep breath, and followed after her.
You took the seat across from May, with Veronica next to you.
“Thank you for inviting me,” May chirped. You could tell she was feeling nervous.
Despite wanting to be domineering, you decided against it. You could play nice. No need to make her uncomfortable.
“Of course. A friend of Brian’s is a friend of ours,” Veronica replied. You took a swig from the water glass in front of you. May bit her lip and looked down at the menu.
“Have you been waiting long?” You managed to ask, forcing a pleasant intonation.
May’s eyes widened. “Oh, no.” You could tell she was lying, but didn’t care to point it out. She was clearly making an effort.
“Good.” You picked up your menu and glanced over it. Nothing sounded particularly appetizing. “What are you thinking of getting?” You asked, leaning over to Veronica.
“You can’t go wrong with oatmeal and a side of fruit.” She pointed to the items.
“I love fruit,” May added.
You nodded. “Me too.”
“Brian likes grapefruit, but I don’t understand the appeal.”
“Ha, yeah. He loves grapefruit juice.”
May grew more comfortable with your silly conversation. “Though, I’m more partial to the standard orange.”
“I prefer drinking water,” you snarked, trying to tease her lightly. She appreciated the banter, feeling more accepted by you.
Veronica turned her attention to May, eyes sparkling. “So, how are you and Brian doing? Must be pretty intense, given what he’s going through.”
“It is a lot for a new relationship, but he’s so understanding and kind. He makes it easy to work for it.”
“Brian is worth working for,” you agreed.
May tensed at your comment, feeling threatened by the closeness of your relationship. She didn’t want to hear you talk about Brian like that. “What about Paul?”
“What about him?”
“How are you two doing? Brian says he makes you happy.”
“We’re doing well.” You gave a tight-lipped grin. “He’s rather fit, you know.”
“I’ve noticed,” May laughed. “Very handsome.”
Not as handsome as...no. Stop it.
“He is. And very passionate.”
Veronica whistled, winking and raising her eyebrows suggestively. You stifled a snort, amused by her antics.
The waitress came over to take your orders, she eyed Veronica with an entertained smile. Veronica’s face changed into one of mortification, barely able to order her food.
“Johnny is too,” she whispered, suddenly feeling shy.
“The way he looks at you is almost too much to handle,” you teased. “He’s such a sweetheart.”
“He really is,” Veronica beamed. “I think we might get married.”
“You make John so happy, I’m surprised he hasn’t proposed already.” She giggled at your joke. You engulfed her in a hug, which quickly became uncomfortable due to the table.
May watched the pair sitting across from her, feeling left out. “How long have you been with John, Veronica?”
“Oh, it’s hard to keep track.” Veronica blushed. “I feel like I’ve loved him forever.”
May shifted in her chair, something clearly on her mind. “How did you know?”
“Know what?”
“You loved him? That he loved you?”
You flicked your eyes from May’s inquisitive expression to Veronica’s glowing face.
“One morning, I heard a knock at the door of my flat. So I threw my robe on and hurried to answer. John stood on the other side and he was holding my morning paper. He was sopping wet, but the paper was completely dry. I asked him when it started raining, and he said it must’ve been hours ago. So, I looked from his dripping hair to the newspaper in his grip, but he didn’t understand the connection I was making. I let him in and insisted on putting his coat away, poor thing was shivering. We spent an hour or so there, he dried off nicely, and we left for a late breakfast. As he led me to his car, I noticed something on the driveway, so I got closer and realized it was the soaked paper that had been delivered to my address.” It was obvious that May had missed the point. Veronica’s blush deepened. “John didn’t say anything, but I figured out that he had seen the original was ruined, and drove all the way to a stand just so I would have one to read that morning. He hasn’t said anything about it since, and I don’t think he knows I know.”
“That’s when you knew?” May’s voice got caught in her throat.
“I think I felt it since the moment I met him, if I’m going to be honest, but that was the moment my mind caught up with the rest of me.”
You felt dewy-eyed, seeing the enamoration in your friend’s smile. The amount of happiness she felt, you hadn’t experienced in a while.
“And you, Y/N?”
“When did you know you loved Paul?” May’s question caught you off guard, you choked on the water you had been sipping. “Oh, sorry, are you okay?”
Coughing for another few seconds, you finally managed to croak, “I’m fine.”
“I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s alright, really.”
“Paul and I haven’t…”
“Really?” May’s voice squeaked. “Brian says you’re staying over at his place all the time, I just thought that maybe…”
You paused, realizing May’s misunderstanding. “We haven’t said ‘I love you’ yet.”
“I stay over plenty.”
Veronica snickered at you what you were implying, amazed that neither you nor May could say what you meant.
“Right.” May caught on after observing Veronica’s reaction. “How is it?” Her voice became more hushed, like she was ashamed about what she was asking. You didn’t want to share your sex life, especially if May was going to talk about hers. With Brian.
You’d rather not know.
But Veronica’s meaningful glance made you relent slightly. “It—he’s good.”
May nodded slowly, averting her eyes. Like she knew something but didn’t want to confront it. “You’re just not in love with him.”
“I don’t know. It hasn’t been long.”
“If you were in love with him, it’d be more than good.”
You were at a loss for words. May made an excellent point. But with indignation, you sat up a little straighter. “It’s rather good, actually. He’s very tender.”
Veronica scrunched her face at the thought. “Great. Now that’s all I’ll be thinking about next time the four of us go for a meal.”
“Oh yeah?” You raised an eyebrow. “And what about John?” Veronica said nothing. “I thought so.”
May watched Veronica’s face. “Is John…?”
“I’m Catholic,” Veronica remarked, avoiding giving an answer. May’s eyes widened again, embarrassed by her own question.
The waitress came back around with your assorted dishes. You each thanked her as she set the plates down in front of you. She gave a knowing smile as she walked away. You began to eat the warm oatmeal, embracing the quietude that had befallen your group. Veronica, however, was more devious than you had anticipated.
“What about Brian?” She wanted to see your reaction, to confirm her suspicions. You tensed as the question came to its completion, just as Veronica had predicted. “Is he better than you remember?”
“I don’t know what you mean,” May mumbled, not taking her eyes from the salad in her bowl.
“You dated in university, didn’t you?” 
Veronica has an excellent ability of making any question sound innocent. You rolled your eyes subtly.
“Briefly,” May said between small bites of lettuce.
“He became a rock star since then, I’m sure things have improved.”
Now both you and May were blushing.
Luckily, only Veronica seemed to notice your reddened face.
May swallowed heavily, obviously self-conscious. “Brian and I have never actually slept together.”  
You felt the air leaving your lungs. 
“And we’ve never said ‘I love you’ either.”
Breathless. You were left breathless.
August 3
“That one was good, Rog,” Freddie’s voice called into the recording space. Roger gave a thumbs up while rising from the drum stool, stretched his arms, and wiped the sweat from his brow.
It was a particularly warm summer day, and the recording studio was notorious for trapping heat.
“Last take, yeah?” Roger asked in his raspy voice.
“I think so.”
Roger motioned to Brian, who was flopped over on the couch. “What does Mister Perfectionist think?” Brian didn’t budge, only responding with a hmph, not thrilled by the nickname.
“Use your words, dear,” Freddie taunted.
“It was good, Rog.”
Roger crossed his arms, furrowing his brow. “You’re not very convincing there, mate.”
“I promise it was.” Brian sat up. “Just not feeling well.”
“Oi,” Roger groaned, “I thought we were past this.”
“It’s the heat, Rog.”
Freddie nodded in concurrence. “It is a bit sweltering.” He fanned his face with an exaggerated enthusiasm. Roger rolled his eyes while Brian scoffed in amusement. Freddie laughed at himself before scanning the room. “Did Deaky leave?”
Both Roger and Brian swiveled their heads around, looking for the bassist.
“It appears so,” Brian answered.
Roger shrugged. “So we can call it a day?” Freddie nodded reluctantly. “Great, means I can actually go on my date.”
“You weren’t going to be able to before?”
“Well, I would hate to be too exhausted, y’know.” Reaching for a cigarette, Roger raised his eyebrows a couple times, trying to overemphasize the implication. “Girls don’t like that.”
“Sounds like you speak from experience,” Freddie chided. Roger tried to retaliate, but nothing came to mind, so he settled on pouting as best he could.
Brian smiled at the two men standing in front of him. Things really felt like they were back to normal.
September 23
The distant sound of clanging metal startled you, rousing you from slumber. You cracked open your left eye just enough to confirm that it was daytime. The pale sunlight streaked through Paul’s bedroom curtains, leaving a splotchy pattern on the carpeted floor. With a sigh, you turned your body the other way, despite knowing your boyfriend was not lying there beside you.
“Boyfriend” still didn’t feel right, despite the fact that you had been officially dating for…
Seven months.
Your anniversary. It was today.
You forgot.
The boys were supposed to debut their newly finished album, in its entirety, to you tonight.
The panic was enough to get you into an upright position. You removed yourself from the warm cocoon of blankets and stood on the floor, unmoving, for a moment, playing through many scenarios in your mind.
I could tell him I was unable to get his gift done in time, between social life and work.
No. Too obviously an excuse.
I can throw together a last minute plan for a trip.
No. You didn’t have much time off in the upcoming days. In fact, today and tomorrow were supposed the only ones for at least another week.
It’ll come to me.
At least, you hoped.
Forcing a smile on your face, you walked through the door to enter into the living room.
As expected, Paul was clambering around in the kitchen, whisking away at something you couldn’t quite see with much intensity. Frustration. You slowly made your way past the sofa and coffee table to get to him.
He looked up and instantly melted into a softer emotion. That always made you blush. Made you feel special.
“Good morning, beautiful.”
“Good morning, babe.” You wrapped your arms around Paul’s waist, peering down at the mixing bowl. The red batter was easily recognizable. You couldn’t hide the smile working its way across your face.
“Happy anniversary,” he whispered before planting a kiss on the top of your head.
“Oh, that’s today?” You mocked innocence, though you had only remembered about three minutes prior to that moment. “I thought you just wanted to spoil me.”
Paul smirked. He set the bowl down and spun around to hold you. “Trust me, I wouldn’t need an excuse.”
“Is that so?” Your voice became more playful, trying to be a tease. You stood on your toes and brought your lips to meet with his.
All you could feel was his warmth. Nothing existed beyond that sensation.
It was lovely, being so engrossed in someone.
“Do you want to open your present now?”
You blinked. “The red velvet cake isn’t my gift?” He nodded, his smirk deepening. “You really do know how to spoil a woman.” He leaned in for another kiss and you met him halfway, humming into it. When you broke away, the pair of you were all smiles.
“Wait here,” Paul instructed. You complied, releasing the grip you had on him. He rushed off, giddy with excitement. It was cute.
You pulled your body up onto the countertop and let your legs dangle while waiting for him to return. The vague shuffling noises coming from the other room grew less frantic.
Paul called out “Close your eyes!” You rolled your eyes to yourself and obliged to his request. He crossed the flat quickly, obviously excited. “Alright, you can look.”
A sizable box was placed in the center of the dining table. Beside it was an extremely flat parcel.
Your interest was piqued, you hopped down from the spot and approached Paul, who was standing next to the table proudly. With a quick exchange of permissive glances, you moved to tear the wrapping of the smaller item. He stopped you, pointing to the larger package. You shrugged and pulled the box closer to you.
With ease, you pulled the shiny paper from its contents.
That’s a box, alright, you joked to yourself.
“Just what ‘ve always wanted.”
Paul gave an insincere laugh, which made you smile. He made a gesture, telling you to keep going. You tore the box open, surprised by the record player inside.
It was brand new, so unlike the one you and Brian shared back at your apartment.
“I know you’re used to having music surrounding you constantly,” Paul started, a little nervous. “I wanted you to feel more at home here.” The sentiment was almost enough to make you cry. Without you needing to say it, he understood the discomfort musickessness brought you.
“Thank you, Paul, I—”
He held up a hand to stop you, smiled kindly, then indicated to the second item.
As you guessed, it was a record. You ghosted a finger around the edges of the slip covering it. Upon further inspection, you realized what it was.
All I Have to Do Is Dream.
An original copy of the Everly Brothers’ single.
It left you speechless.
How did he know?
Without a word, you pulled your boyfriend into a firm embrace, tears filling your eyes. Paul stroked your hair, unsure of what to do.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I just wanted to give you something that would make you happy...”
You gazed up at his worried expression. “I am happy,” you assured him. “It’s perfect.” You could feel the sigh of relief that Paul expelled. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you, my love.”
My love.
As wrong as it seemed, all that you could think about in that moment was Brian.
You tried to push the creeping thoughts as far from your mind as possible, settling your attention on Paul. Your boyfriend. Panicking, you said, “Your gift will be ready tonight.”
He smiled, almost shyly. “I get a gift too?”
“Of course, silly. It’s not just my anniversary.” You paused for a moment. “You still don’t mind going to hear the album tonight, right?”
“So long as we can go after dinner.”
Dinner. Of course he planned to go to dinner.
“Yes, yes we can. They can wait for us. It’s our night too.”
Paul nodded, then kissed you atop the head and relinquished his hold on you. “I’m sorry I have to go to work, babe.”
Perfect. Maybe I’ll actually be able to figure something out.
“I’ll find it in my heart to forgive you,” you replied, as melodramatically as possible. “Should I put the cake in the oven?”
“I can do that later.”
“But the batter might go bad if we don’t do it now…”
“I suppose you might know better than me,” Paul joked.
“You suppose?”
He chuckled before pouring the batter into a prepared cake pan.
“I’ll see you later, baby. Dinner at six?”
“Mmhmm. Can you pick me up from my flat?”
He hesitated. “Of course.”
* * *
“Elle, please, I don’t know what the fuck to do.”
Stella groaned into the telephone. “What does Paul like? He likes plants, right?”
“I feel like the past six anniversaries I’ve gotten him something plant-related. If I buy him another fern, he’s sure to know something’s amiss.”
She cleared her throat and leaned forward in her seat. Intrigued. “Is something amiss?”
“What? No.”
You felt like you were lying.
Stella could tell.
“He makes you happy, right?”
“Of course he does. Why would I stay in a joyless relationship?”
“To make up for something else.”
Her accusation made you angry. “I’m feeling plenty fulfilled in my other endeavors, thank you. My job is what I want to be doing, I’ve got good friends. What could I possibly be making up for? What am I lacking?”
“Nothing.” Stella's tone was colder, more sarcastic. “Everything’s perfect. Maybe you’ll get married and have the perfect family, right?”
“We’ve only known each other since the beginning of the year. I wouldn’t marry someone I’ve only barely—”
“Then how long would you like to know him for, eh? Twenty some odd years?”
Your face started heating up. “That’s not fair.”
Stella knew she had gone too far, but she was in a fairly antagonistic mood. “Do you even let him come to your place anymore?”
“It’s not my fault his flat is in a better location. It’s easier to get there from both of our jobs.” You huffed. “And this really isn’t any of your business.”
“We’ve barely spoken in weeks, Y/N. I think I’m entitled to ask my best friend some questions. Sorry.”
“I don’t even know how we got here! I just called to ask about gifts. I guess I asked the wrong person about what guys like.”
Stella laughed quietly. “I’d say you did.” It hit you. You started laughing too.
The sound of jingling keys rang outside your door, but you weren’t really paying attention. Brian pushed through, walking in to see you in hysterics with the phone tucked under your ear. You turned to look at him, which only made you giggle more.
“You alright, Y/N?”
You could only nod, too worked up in laughter.
Stella asked, “Is that Brian?”
“Yeah,” you wheezed, trying to calm down.
Then May walked in, and it sobered you up instantly.
“Y/N?” Stella’s voice was only a distant drone now.
You swallowed heavily. “I should go.”
“Are you alr—”
“Bye, Stella.”
You hung up, not moving your eyes from the couple in the doorway.
Brian had a sheepish expression plastered across his face. May looked surprised.
“Good afternoon,” you said, trying to relieve some of the tension.
May didn’t say anything, just waved hesitantly.
You took a deep breath. “Excited for tonight?”
“Yes. Yeah.”
“Me too,” you smiled. Brian relaxed.
“What were you and Stella laughing about?”
You bit your lip, suddenly self-conscious about the phone call. “I was just asking her advice on something.”
Brian moved closer to you, quizzical. He rested on the arm of the sofa nearest to you. “Can I be of any help?” May didn’t look thrilled by his eagerness. You cast your eyes down to your feet, avoiding the two pairs of eyes set on you.
She looks...disMayed. You grinned at the double meaning.
“Uh, I don’t know…”
“Have I ever given you poor advice?” There was an edge of hurt in his voice. But it was barely detectable.
He masks it pretty well around her.
“Can’t say that you have,” you admitted. “But I don’t know how much help you’d be.”
He extended his arms out, puffing his chest slightly. “Try me.”
You chewed the inside of your cheek. It felt wrong to talk about Paul. Especially in front of Brian.
May came around behind your best friend and nestled her head on his shoulder. “We want to help, Y/N.” Her tone was innocent enough, but you read too far into it.
Considering the way she was touching Brian, maybe you just wanted to believe she had mal intent.
“Fine,” you replied, your voice sickeningly sweet. “It’s mine and Paul’s anniversary today, and—”
“And you forgot to get him something?” Again, you detected a smugness in May’s words. Something that, rationally, you were sure wasn’t there.
“Essentially.” You made it known you didn’t appreciate the interruption. Brian read your body language intuitively, knowing that he was the one who should be helping you.
But he didn’t want to get in the middle of it. He didn’t want to think about Paul. He didn’t like to think about Paul.
May was unscathed by your bitterness. “How how long have you two been together?”
“Seven.” A pause. “Months.”
Brian’s heart sank. It had already been seven months? Had you said ‘I love you’ to each other yet? Did he miss his chance?
Keeping a stoic expression, Brian just gave an impressed whistle. “Practically married,” he tried to joke. But no one was laughing.
You moved past it, not wanting to even consider the possibility. “I’ve already gotten him so many houseplants, I can’t continue in that way. And he bought this beautiful record player...” And a beautiful vinyl.
Brian’s eyes widened, like he knew something, but you were too busy staring at the coffee table to see it.
All too quickly, May blurted, “Maybe get him something...more personal…” She blushed at whatever she was thinking.
“More personal?” What the hell does she mean by that? “Like a handwritten note?”
“No.” May glanced longingly at Brian, who was desperately trying to look anywhere but at her. “Something more intimate.”
It dawned on you. She was referring to lingerie.
“I’ve never bought anything like that before,” you said quietly, almost embarrassed. “Brian, do guys—”
Brian did not engage.
You overstepped, and you knew it instantly.
The room grew quieter.
May was the first to speak, breaking the awkward silence with more awkwardness. “If you want, I can help you pick something out.”
Oh god.
“No, May, it’s fine, you don’t have to.”
“But I want to,” she insisted.
You looked at Brian, hoping he would do something or say something, but he just sat there, avoiding eye contact. And it frustrated you.
“Thank you, May. I appreciate it.” You paused. “Where do you even go?”
She smiled, but it felt condescending. “Department stores tend to have things.”
You were not satisfied with her answer. “I mean, yes, but…” You weren’t really sure what words you were searching for.
“Bri can take us,” May piped. It finally dragged Brian out of his daze.
“I said you can take us to the store, right? For Paul’s anniversary gift.” She winked at you.
Brian was visibly uncomfortable. You wanted to relieve him of his “duties”, but you were still a little frustrated with him.
“That would be great,” you said, trying to feign sweetness. Brian knew.
“Alright,” he replied cheerfully. May gave him a kiss and walked back to the door. You stood up from the couch and straightened your clothes. Brian had a glint in his eye. “But I’m not trying anything on this time.”
You giggled, with sincerity. You missed the snarky comments when he wasn’t around. The flat always felt so empty without them. Him.
* * *
This is by far the most awkward experience of my life.
You rifled through the racks of delicates, feeling a little overwhelmed. May was keeping Brian close, holding up things and asking for his opinion. He didn’t know if she meant for you, or for her. And he didn’t want to think about it. She held up a set, it was very fine black lace.
“What about this one?”
You looked at it from across the many racks between you. 
You had to admit, it was gorgeous.
“I like it,” you said with a smile. 
May looked very pleased with herself. 
Brian was doing his best not to think about you wearing it. He couldn’t take any more of this outing. “I’m going to browse the men’s blazers,” he declared, trying to excuse himself. You and May both nodded with concern. He stalked off in a hurry.
May sighed as she watched him go. “He’s so cute.”
You didn’t want to say anything, so you just bobbed your head slowly. You didn’t want to convey agreement, but you also didn’t want to seem uninterested in what she was saying.
“Are you excited about Helsinki?”
You were very confused and disoriented by May’s question. “What?”
“The tour. They’re going to Helsinki. I assumed you’d go with them, right? Show them around?”
“Oh.” You laughed uneasily. “Yeah. Right.”
“Brian hasn’t told you yet, has he?”
You shrugged, trying to be nonchalant. “He’s mentioned the tour.”
May noticed your evasion of the question, but she didn’t want to cross any boundaries. “You want to try this on?” She waved the black lingerie set.
But your mind was on Helsinki, not undergarments.
* * *
“Thank you so much for bringing me here.” You gestured to the upscale restaurant in which you were dining. “I’ve always been curious about what it looked like on the inside.”
“And now you know,” Paul remarked.
“Now I know!” You reached across the table and held his hand. “The food was delicious.”
“Well, I hope you don’t feel too full for cake.”
“I would never be too full for red velvet cake.” You grinned. “Besides, we have a couple hours before we get to eat it.”
“Right.” He sounded disappointed.
You felt guilty about going to hear the new album tonight, of all nights.
I do have tomorrow off as well…
And you were mad at Brian for not telling you about Helsinki. 
But you refused to consider that as an excuse.
“Or we could just wrap up here and go back to your place.” You tried to sound seductive, but you weren’t sure it was coming across that way. “I’ll let you open your gift.”
Paul’s disappointment was replaced by hope. “Really? You wouldn’t mind not going?”
“I can prioritize.”
His smile broadened, and waved for the waiter.
You felt a pit form in your stomach, but you didn’t want your face to reflect it. You hated the thought of being flaky. You didn’t want to let the boys down.
It’ll be alright. Right?
* * *
“Shall we begin?”
Brian shot Freddie a dirty look. “Y/N’s not here yet.”
“I doubt she’s coming, dear.”
“It is a special night,” May chimed in. Brian’s back was to her, so he was grateful she couldn’t see him rolling his eyes.
“But she wanted to come. We shouldn’t just go ahead without her.”
“Yeah, but she’s not here,” Roger sniped. He wasn’t too involved in the conversation, he was more involved with the brunette on his arm.
“Fuck off, Rog.”
May put a hand on Brian’s shoulder. “It’ll be alright, baby. You can make it up to her, give her a private show of it.”
But Brian didn’t feel like he had to make anything up to you. He felt betrayed. Replaced.
“Fine,” he said through gritted teeth. “Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time, Sheer Heart Attack.”
The record started playing.
* * *
“No peeking!”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Paul had his eyes squeezed shut, patiently waiting for you to reveal his big surprise as he sat on the sofa.
You took a deep breath, studying yourself in the mirror one last time. It looks good, you told yourself. With that, you took a step out from the bedroom.
His eyes flew open and widened at the sight of you. “You’re breathtaking.” His compliment made you feel more self conscious. You wrapped your arms around your torso. He shook his head. “No, seriously Y/N. I can’t...you...I love you.”
The words caught you off guard.
In the seven months of your relationship, you made it clear that you wanted something more casual. You adored the commitment and seriousness of it, but the three words made it real. Too real.
“You love me?” Your voice was meek, almost a whimper.
Your eyes stung. You felt like you were giving something up. Someone.
“I love you too, Paul.”
November 1
Roger was sprawled across your couch, not minding the wrinkles being etched into his suit. 
Paul had an exhibit transfer to oversee that evening, so Roger stepped in as your date to the album release party. Or, rather, you stepped in to be his.
“Hey, Rog?” You called from your bedroom.
“Can you zip me up?”
He groaned as he pushed himself up from his seat, and strutted to your door. With a gentle knock, he came into the room.
“You could’ve at least asked if I was decent,” you scolded, jokingly.
“You’re right, I could have.” Roger nodded his head. “It was a risk I was willing to take.” You smacked him playfully, then turned around to allow him access to your zipper. He guided it up your spine with ease.
“Thank you.” You started fixing your hair in the mirror.
“Of course, I’m nothing if not a gentleman.”
“If you say so, Rog,” Brian’s voice filled your ears. Both you and Roger turned to face the door, where he was standing just up against the frame. He was wearing a new suit and an amused smile. “You look nice, Y/N.”
You swished the fabric of your skirt around. “Like my dress?”
“I do.” It wasn’t his favorite black one, but he was more entranced by your face anyway. The subtle makeup didn’t hide your natural beauty, but rather enhanced it. Your eyes perfectly complemented by the eyeshadow. 
He had always loved your eyes. They radiated kindness and affection.
But he couldn’t afford to get lost in them, not tonight.
“Are we all going to pick May up?”
Before Brian could respond, Roger answered you with another question, “Might as well take one car, yeah?”
Brian didn’t protest. “Yeah. Might as well.”
“Then I get front seat,” you exclaimed.
“Why? ‘T was my idea.” Roger was indignant. 
You patted his cheek. “Age before beauty.”
“Can’t argue with that logic,” he ceded.
“Should we go?” Brian interrupted the snarky conversation.
“Yes, let me just grab my wrap.” You began to scope the room.
“Is that it, on the back of your chair?”
You snapped your neck to look. “It is.” You pulled it from its spot and settled it on the crooks of your arms. “Am I missing anything?” You were asking yourself aloud. The boys shrugged. You mirrored their action and started for the door.
“Alright,” Brian said. “Off we go.”
* * *
Roger had left you to get drinks twenty minutes ago. Something tells me he’s not coming back, you smirked to yourself at the thought.
The evening seemed longer than these release parties tended to feel. You didn’t want to attribute it to the fact that Brian was somewhere else with someone else, but you knew it was true, no matter how much you didn’t want it to be.
With a sigh, you walked to the bar to get your own beverage.
“May I get a flute of champagne, please?”
The bartender obliged, nodding at your request.
You inspected the room from your vantage point, watching studio executives rubbing elbows, people drinking, couples dancing. Your eyes landed on John and Veronica laughing at themselves as they grooved to the upbeat music. They were smiling fondly, their faces flushed, glowing in each other’s presence. 
The sight made you wistful.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the bartender setting down your glass. You thanked him and moved closer to your friends. They greeted you pleasantly, embracing you as if they hadn’t just seen you an hour earlier.
“Did your date abandon you?” Deaky scanned the nearby space for Roger.
“It appears so,” you replied.
Veronica ran her hand along her boyfriend’s back, unconsciously. “Well, he’s missing out on lovely company.”
“I imagine he’ll get over it,” John quipped under his breath. You and Veronica shared quiet laughter.
“I haven’t seen Fred since we got here.”
“He’s quite elusive, isn’t he?”
“Well, so is Brian.” You tried to cover the hurt. Veronica and John exchanged glances. “I’m sure he and May are having a great time.”
You bit your lip. “She looks lovely tonight, doesn’t she?”
“I hadn’t noticed.” Veronica feigned innocence in the way only she could.
John wrapped his arms tight around her waist. “Not as lovely as my girl, that’s for certain.”
Ronnie kissed his sweetly and passionately.
You looked away, not wanting to watch them in their intimate moment, not wanting to be awkward. “Do you want anything to drink? The champagne is good.” 
They broke apart. Veronica politely declined, and John merely nodded in agreement.
Something about it made you tear up.
“It’s just as well,” you choked. “I should go find Roger.”
“You don’t have to leave, Y/N.” Deaky’s voice was gentle.
You shook your head. “He could be slumped over somewhere no one will find him. I really should go.”
Veronica picked up on the desperation in your voice. It wasn’t actually about Roger. She understood. “Okay.”
You left the dancing area, searching for a secluded place to sit. With a stroke of luck, Brian also seemed to have had the same idea. He was settled into a loveseat in the corner of the ballroom, exactly where you thought he might be. And he was completely alone. Your heart skipped a beat.
“This seat taken?”
Brian shifted his eyes up to your face. He was startled by recognition, not expecting it to be you.
“It’s all yours.” He gestured to the empty seat beside his. You carefully sat down, not wanting your dress to ride up and flash anyone.
“You don’t look very excited to be here,” you said. Why is that how you open? “Where’s May?”
“I don’t know.” The candor sounded dry coming from his mouth. He showed no emotion.
“Bri? Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, Y/N.” You were taken aback by his harshness. Brian saw the shock. He regretted it instantly. “I’m sorry. I’m just having a bad night.”
“Can I do anything to help?”
How could you, when you were part of the problem.
He simply shook his head. “No, but I’ll be okay.”
To you, it sounded like Brian’s spirits were lifting. It made you happy.
The song changed, and your ears perked at the first note.
Tiny Dancer.
“Hey, Bri?”
You stood up and held out your hand. “May I have this dance?” Brian’s cold expression didn’t shift. You wiggled your fingers, goading him without a word.
“Not tonight, Y/N.”
“Don’t leave me without a partner. I hate dancing alone.” You were trying so hard not to beg.
Brian averted his eyes, hating the hurt he knew he was inflicting upon you. But he couldn’t handle it right now.
The yearning.
He couldn’t bring himself to feel it.
“I don’t want to dance, Y/N.”
You felt your heart drop into your stomach.
“No worries,” you said, coolly. With tears in your eyes, you left Brian sitting, alone as you found him.
He watched you go, helpless.
November 25
“It’s stunning here,” Freddie affirmed before kissing you on the cheek.
You ended up agreeing to join the band on their trip to Helsinki, despite Brian never formally asking you.
“I do miss it sometimes.”
Roger was sceptical. “Why? It’s cold as fuck.”
“Life was simpler here.” Much simpler. “And it was fun to live on my own.”
Brian frowned at your comment, thinking it was a dig at him. “Except those times when you called, crying over how much you missed me.”
You scoffed. “It’s not like you never called me with tears in your eyes.”
“You’re the one who left, Y/N. I was allowed to feel miserable in your absence.”
His words stung. A lot.
“Why don’t we just have a nice time in Helsinki?” Freddie soothed. “We’re with the people we love in a gorgeous city, anything is possible.”
“You’re right,” you muttered. “I’m sorry, Fred.”
“Sorry, Fred.”
He smiled in a knowing manner. “You two drive me mad. It’s a good thing I love you.”
“Is that a threat?” You teased.
“Of course, my dear.”
Brian checked his wristwatch. “We should hurry if we want to make it to dinner on time.”
“Stupid couples,” Roger snorted. “Always an inconvenience.”
“Ronnie and John made it sound important,” you said in their defense. “And you really should eat before a performance, anyway.”
“Alright, alright, mum.”
You stuck your tongue out at Roger, who copied you instantly.
* * *
“Drinks?” The waitress asked, holding up her pad of paper.
“Water all around,” John answered.
Everyone seemed surprised at him taking charge, but no one minded.
Well, Roger minded.
“And one whiskey, please.”
The waitress nodded politely and left your table. She came back quickly and took your meal requests, promising to be back shortly.
You happily talked amongst yourselves as you waited for the food to come out.
“So, what are your impressions of the city?” You asked the couple sitting next to you.
John was the only one to bring a significant other.
“I love it,” Veronica said. She was all aglow. “It’s beautiful. And I love the cold weather.”
“I don’t care much for the freezing temperatures,” Deaky retorted, “but I do agree it’s beautiful.”
You beamed. “I’m glad.”
The food was ready soon thereafter, as the waitress said. She set the dishes in front of their respective orderers without fault and wished you all a pleasant dining experience. 
As she was walking away, John rose from his seat, wringing his hands. Veronica placed one of hers on his forearm, urging him on. He couldn’t resist her encouragement.
Clapping his hands together suddenly, Deaky demanded everyone’s attention. All eyes were focused on him. He seemed nervous about something, but a happy, giddy kind of nervous.
“Since we’re in such a beautiful place, with the best company, Ronnie and I thought this would be an appropriate time to tell you all.”
You sat with bated breath.
“You know I’m a man of few words, or perhaps seem deceptively so, so I would like to make this as short as possible. For some time now, I won’t say exactly, Veronica and I have been engaged to be married.”
Veronica stood up from her seat, and wrapped her arms around her fiance tenderly.
The table, and a few others nearby, erupted in applause.
“We’ve decided on a date already, January 18th, so we can celebrate before the tour in America.”
Tour in America?
As excited as you were for your friends, the words echoed through your mind.
Tour in America.
Among the chorus of “Congratulations” streaming from your party, and others from surrounding groups, Brian stared at you from across the table, but you were too far gone to notice.
He had meant to tell you weeks ago, when they all found out, but he had still been mad at you about missing the private debut of the album. The one he insisted on just for you. The one that he had convinced the boys to schedule on that specific night so that you wouldn’t be alone with Paul on your anniversary. 
The night you left him stranded.
But now, Brian watched you expectantly, hoping you’d stay true to your word about joining them in America, when they would be headliners.
Without so much as a glance in his direction, you stood up to hug the happy couple.
“I’m so excited for you.” The news came as no surprise, you had suspected it for a while, but now was not the time to make that point.
They shared a secret smile.
* * *
The performance was as good as they always were. Freddie flirted with the crowd shamelessly, Roger managed to warm up to the cold atmosphere wearing nothing but a fringe vest and tight pants, John was smiling more than usual, and Brian kept an incredible focus on his instrument.
You really missed standing side stage. It had been a while. And it was nice to have Veronica there with you. She made up for the groupies, giving you smug expressions whenever they were particularly annoying. When they screamed, you didn’t feel as awkward about joining them ironically, because she did it with you. But at some point you lost your focus on her. She dropped off your radar and you only found yourself staring at Brian. He was playing intensely, drawing out the “Brighton Rock” solo with much gusto, rhythmically, sensually rutting his hips against the guitar whenever the music became aggressive. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him.
He’s magnificent.
Your ogling was interrupted by a firm tap on your shoulder. You spun around, expecting to see Ronnie with a question formed at her lips. It took you by surprise when a stagehand was there instead.
“We have a call for you, miss,” he said over the music. He looked like he felt bad.
“Is it an emergency?”
He shook his head. “Someone just called asking for you. A mister McCarthy?”
You felt extremely torn. You didn’t want to leave. You wanted to stay and watch Brian, but you feared your mind might wander too much. And Paul wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t of some importance.
Plus, he was your boyfriend.
You groaned. Paul won.
You gave Veronica a small wave as the stagehand led you back to the dressing room. She looked confused as she watched you walk away, right in the middle of the guitar solo.
Down the corridor you went, still hearing the echoes of rock ‘n roll drifting through. It made you a little angry with Paul. He knew this was important to you. 
Upon coming into the room, you marched up to the telephone, all riled up.
A hiccough came through.
“Hello, sweetie.” His words were slurring.
You’d never heard him in this drunken condition before. At least, not to this extent.
“Are you alright?” The frustration you had pent up was melting away. Something wasn’t right.
“I just wanted to call to say I was thinking of you.”
“Well, that’s very nice of you, but-”
“Will you move in with me?”
You held your breath. “What?”
“Will you move in with me? It’s been the better part of a year, and I meant to ask you before you left…What d’ya think?”
“I think you’re drunk, Paul. You’re not being serious.”
“I promise I am being serious, Y/N. I love you more than ’ve ever loved a woman, and I want you to live with me.”
You said nothing.
“Y/N? Please answer me.”
Not a word.
Paul fell quiet, though you could hear him breathing through the phone.
“It’s Brian, isn’t it?”
“Everything’s about Brian.”
You had enough.
“Paul, we’ll talk about this when I get back.”
You slammed the phone down on its hook and walked back to watch the show.
--October 28, 1961--
“Please don’t make me go alone,” you begged. “I don’t really know anyone who’s going to be there.”
Brian tutted, not looking up from the camera he was fiddling with. “I wasn’t invited, Y/N. Would be rude of me to go.”
“But I’m inviting you.”
Hearing your want for him made his chest swell. But he knew he couldn’t just show up to someone else’s party without their sayso. “You’ll be fine. I promise.”
His voice was nearly successful at calming you down, but you still felt a little riled up, anxious.
“God, I hate parties. I hate people.”
Brian laughed at your outburst. “No, you don’t hate people.”
“I really do, Bri. ‘Specially teenage girls,” you pouted.
He smirked. “I’m really quite fond of ‘em.”
You rolled your eyes, but the comment sounded funny coming out of Brian’s mouth. It was enough to make you break your scowl.
“But I’m serious, I hate parties. And I really hate going alone.”
“I just said you’ll be fine.”
“No, you promised.” You took a step closer, your face mere inches from Brian’s. Challenging him.
“Yeah, because I know you’ll be fine.”
You softened, backing away. He instantly noticed the change in your demeanor.
“What’s wrong? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, Y/N.”
“What if I’m dressed wrong? Or they don’t like it?” You whispered.
Brian’s heart broke a little, hearing the worry in your tone. Seeing the embarrassment on your face. He cleared his throat, nervous.
“I think you look beautiful.” His whisper matched yours.
Your eyes fluttered up to meet his. The warmth of their hazel hue brought you an inexplicable comfort.
His face reddened. “Really.” 
You saw the blush creeping across his face. “Are you hot?” Maybe you misinterpreted it.
“Uh, yeah.” Brian shifted awkwardly. “It’s just a little warm.” It wasn’t.
“Can you at least walk me?”
He sighed. “How can I say no?” Brian looked down at the Agfa isola on his desk, and picked it up. Then he looked at you and held up the camera to his face. “Smile, Y/N!”
You gave him an unamused glare. “What are you doing?”
Brian shrugged, not removing the camera from his face. “Want to see if it works.”
You used for hands to cover your face. “No, Brian, put it away.”
He reached on of his hands out to move yours. “Please? I need something dynamic, wanna see how it works with complex subjects.” He didn’t want you to see the hopeful smile that was pulling at his lips. “You’re the most complex thing I know.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“You should! Now, will you please give me a smile?”
You kept your lips pursed, but more playfully this time.
Brian finally moved the camera, making eye contact with you. It was pleading. And he was doing you a favor by walking you to Jeanette’s house. You groaned and flashed a fake smile. He furrowed his brow, obviously not pleased.
“Don’t make faces. Give me a real smile?”
“Better to look bad on purpose,” you taunted.
Brian scratched his nose. “You always look good,” he mumbled, not even you could decipher what he said.
“What?” A surprised, confused grin formed on your cheeks. He took that opportunity and quickly took a snapshot of the moment. “Brian!”
“Sorry, Y/N, my finger must’ve slipped.”
You didn’t believe his sorry excuse for one moment, but before you could say anything, he glanced at his wristwatch.
“We should go, don’t want to be too late.”
“C’mon, you don’t want to be rude.”
You frowned. No, I guess not.
* * *
The walk had been rather brisk, both in speed and in temperature. You had shivered for only a few seconds before Brian draped his jacket over your shoulders. Though you protested, neither of you did anything to change it.
When you arrived to the property, you felt your insides twist with unease. He saw the nervousness spelled out in you features and wrapped his arm around you, holding you close.
“You’ll be okay,” he whispered kindly. “I bet you’ll be the scariest person in there.”
“I wish I hadn’t said yes.” I wish I could just stay with you.
“But you did, and I admire you keeping to your commitment.” He kissed the top of your head. It was new to you. Brian felt mortified at what he’d done. You felt more at ease than you had before. Neither of you moved. But eventually he pulled away, feeling the moment grow more tense. You didn’t feel that way.
“You’ll call me when you get home, right?”
You gazed up at him, towering over you. Has he always been this much taller? “What are you, my mum?”
He laughed softly. “Please, just let me know.”
“But I don’t want you to wait up.”
“Trust me, I’ll stay up longer worrying if you don’t.”
Brian’s words struck you. How caring he was. Without thinking, you reached up, pulled his face to you, and planted a small peck on his cheek.
“I promise, I’ll call.” Then you turned your sights to the manor in front of you. With a deep breath, you trudged to the front door. You didn’t look back at Brian, you didn’t want him to see your dizzy expression.
Brian, watching you walk away, held a hand to his cheek. He felt as though he stopped breathing, as though the world had frozen so it was just you and him, standing in that moment in front of the house.
But you were gone, and he was alone.
So he started the walk back home.
Knock knock
As you stood waiting for someone to answer the door, you fussed over the hem of your new purple dress. It was the one Brian had helped you pick out at the boutique.
The door swung open. Jeanette Oliver stood opposite you, smiling gleefully. “Y/N! You made it!” You nodded shyly. “Come in.” You glanced back behind you to look at Brian one last time, but couldn’t find him. It caused a pang in your chest, but didn’t want to let on that it did.
The house was even bigger on the inside that it had looked on the outside.
“You have a lovely home, Jeanette.”
“I’d say thank you, but I really had very little to do with it,” she tried to joke. When you didn’t know how to react, she shifted into a more serious tone. “I love your dress. It looks nice on you.”
“Well, thank you, but I also had very little to do with it.” Your joke didn’t land, and the pair of you stood awkwardly in the entryway. “Genetics,” you tried to elaborate. “...Or the dress. Didn’t have much to do with either, I suppose…”
“Either way, you look nice.”
“You do too. I like the pink.” You gestured to the pink lace frock she was sporting. With her face lighting up, Jeanette gave a small spin. You gave an obligatory laugh.
“Everyone’s in the other room, but be sure to help yourself to any refreshments we have in the kitchen.”
With that, you moved in the directed she pointed when referring to the kitchen.
* * *
For an hour or so, you kept to yourself, not really engaging with your acquaintances from school. Half of the people in attendance you’d never seen before. Most of them paired up in some way; some significant others snuggled up on a loveseat or against the walls, some friends standing in sets of twos or even larger groups. You were alone. Your customary companion hadn’t been invited, and you didn’t want to impose by bringing Brian along. In this moment, you were really wishing you had.
No, you reminded yourself, that would be rude.
A small group of girls from your class approached you. You knew their names, but never had much of a conversation with any of them. Your hand rebelled against you and gave them a timid wave.
“Hey, it’s Y/N, right?” The first girl to speak was Cynthia, she was a decent student but seldom did extracurriculars.
“Yeah,” you answered quietly. “Hi Cynthia.” She smiled.
“Are you here alone?”
“No, my boyfriend’s just grabbing some punch,” you deadpanned. The girls exchanged looks, unaware that you were kidding. You cleared your throat. “Uh, yeah, I’m alone.”
“So, no Brian?” Rita, a red head with a shrill voice, asked. Cynthia and the third girl, Lucille, gave her dirty looks, telling her to knock it off. 
Whatever it was that she was doing.
You shook your head, wary of her intentions. “Not tonight. Just me.”
Rita groaned. Cynthia shushed while Lucille scolded her. Rita turned to her friends, attempting to whisper, “I thought Jeanette said he would come if she did.” You could hear every word.
“Brian wasn’t invited,” you chimed in. “And there wasn’t a plus one.” Rita looked at you, her eyes narrowed. 
“I didn’t ask.”
“Rita,” Lucille snipped, “stop it.”
Rita scoffed, not moving her eyes from yours. “I just thought that you were incapable of doing anything without him.”
“Well,” you had trouble coming up with a response. “We go to different schools.” Really? That’s the best you can do? “And why do you care if he’s here or not?”
Rita scowled and walked away, rolling her eyes. Cynthia gave you an expression of sympathy and Lucille mouthed Sorry before they followed after their friend.
You would have preferred being alone all night.
* * *
Dave Dilloway came about two hours into the event. He was greeted by a chorus of “Dave!” as he sauntered into the room. The smug look on his face was replaced by a stupefied one as he saw you standing in the corner. You seemed sad.
Ignoring everyone else, Dave walked up to you. You warmed at the sight of a familiar, friendly face.
“Hey, Y/N, I didn’t know you were going to be here.”
You smiled at his kind disposition. “I could say the same for you.”
He chuckled. “Is Brian hanging around here somewhere?”
“Ah. Uh, no. Just me. Though that seems to be the big question of the evening.”
“Well, I can be the stand-in for the time being, if ya like.”
You played with the loose fabric of your dress. 
“I would like that.”
* * *
You weren’t sure how you managed to stay long enough to get roped into the game of Truth or Dare. You meant to leave no later than 10. It was now 11:13.
Once Dave had shown up, nobody gave you sneaky glares or gawked at the fact that you came alone, so everything from then on was smooth sailing.
It was Jeanette’s turn to ask someone. She settled on Cynthia, who was distracted by the guy she was sitting next to. 
“Truth or dare?”
You weren’t bothered to pay attention to what was being said. Instead, you were making snide comments to Dave, who quipped back just as easily. You were completely immersed in him. The only thing to break your focus was the mention of Rita’s name.
It was her turn to be asked.
“Truth!” She exclaimed, her voice piercing through your ears. You felt as though it was just to spite you.
“Alright,” the person started, thinking aloud. You had never seen her before, but it was no concern of yours. “Who do you like?”
The whole room filled with the teasing chuckles and giggles of teenagers, since everyone knew that question was bound to be asked at some point. Rita’s face reddened, not pairing well with the shade of her hair. 
Someone else shouted, “You can’t change your answer!” It sounded like Lucille.
Rita then glanced quickly at you before folding her arms over her chest. “Then ask a different question.”
“That’s no fun.”
“Fine.” Rita glared at the girl who had asked. You already knew the answer before she said it. Brian. “Now it’s my turn.” Her expression could only be described as scheming. She scanned the circle of people over the floor before returning her eyes to you.
You squirmed under her glare.
You sighed in relief.
“Truth or dare?”
Dave fidgeted in his spot. “...dare?”
That was the wrong answer.
Rita’s mouth twisted in a horrific manner. You did not like where this was going.
“Kiss Y/N.”
Dave didn’t look at you, he was too transfixed on the words. Too shy. 
You sighed and leaned closer to him. “You don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable.”
“I was going to say the same to you.”
It made your heart swell, knowing that he thought about your feelings even when it was him who was being called out. 
He was the one being humiliated. Of course, to you, it didn’t feel that way.
Everyone’s eyes were on the pair of you.
Dave cupped your cheek gently, searching your eyes for permission. Your heart started beating faster. 
You’d never been kissed before.
He closed the space between you, his head tilted to the right. You shut your eyes, not wanting to see everyone watching you.
It finally happened, after what felt like ages. And it wasn’t bad.
You smiled into it, but pulled away after a few seconds, leaving Dave hanging. His skin was flushed. 
You felt bad for breaking it off, but the muffled sound of laughter was too much to take. You quickly stood up, straightened your dress, and rushed out of the room. Dave was frozen, watching helplessly as you went away.
With tears in your eyes, you flew through the front door. It was all wrong. 
Wrong place. 
Wrong time. 
Wrong boy.
* * *
The walk home was dark and cold, but you were fortunate that it wasn’t very long. Especially if you walked quickly. You hugged the warmth of the coat tighter around you.
The streets of your hometown were always very quiet at night. It was one of the most beautiful things about it.
However, tonight, you didn’t want to enjoy it. You wanted to be home. But instead of going left where you usually would, you went right.
You had to see him.
The last few blocks were the hardest to get through. You felt a weight building up on your body, heavy with embarrassment, or anger, or guilt. At this point, you weren’t sure if they were separate emotions.
Then you reached your destination.
Stopped in your tracks.
There was a dim light emanating from Brian’s bedroom window.
Please be awake.
You went up to it and tapped lightly.
I need you.
The glass slid carefully, and Brian’s face poked through from the inside. His eyes had been wide, but upon seeing you, he relaxed.
“Y/N?” He sounded unsure that it was really you standing outside his window. At midnight. He thought it could have been a dream.
“Bri.” Your voice was shaking, and Brian realized that your face wasn’t just red from the cold. “I’m so glad you’re awake.”
He studied the tear marks on your skin. They made your makeup streaky.
“You said you’d call when you got home. Never did. I tend to worry.”
You felt a sob rise in your chest, but you repressed it. You were so thankful for him. Affection was coursing through your veins.
“Can you come in? ‘M afraid you’ll freeze to death.”
“Won’t your parents wake up?”
“I think they’ll be fine, even if they do.”
“Alri—” but before you could finish, Brian had hopped off to the front door. He held it open for you, shepherding you inside. He took your coat, set it on the coat rack, and replaced it with a blanket. He even rubbed your arms a few times, trying to soothe.
It was working.
You didn’t want to move, and stayed in his arms for another minute without a word.
Brian got the hint and pulled you closer. He rested his face in your hair, closing his eyes as the soft scent lulled him. You buried yourself in his chest.
For once, Brian was the first to break the embrace you were locked in.
“What’s wrong?”
You looked down at your feet and decided that guilt was definitely the emotion you were feeling.
Brian’s face sunk as you peered at him through your dampened eyelashes. It hurt him to see you so distraught. Still, you said nothing, and the silence was killing him.
“Please talk to me.” His volume was barely louder than a whisper.
“I hate parties.”
Brian was panic-stricken, fearing the worst. “What hap—did something happen?”
You hesitated. 
It felt wrong to tell him about the game. Rita. The kiss.
Maybe another time.
“Can we just play Scrabble? I don’t want to go home yet.”
He felt a small rush of relief. Even if you didn’t want to talk about it now, you trusted him enough to keep him close. For the time being, that was enough.
“What kind of host would I be if I said no?”
You gave him a wide smile, but it was short lived. You just couldn’t shake the guilty feeling that was churning your insides.
* * *
“Alright, I guess I’ll play a W on the ALL over here.” Brian hastily placed the W tile down to complete the word.
He took his focus away from the board, gazing up at you. “What?”
“You’ve got nothing better than WALL?”
“‘Ve got shit letters!” His voice was louder than he intended. You could see the regret in his eyes. It made you giggle.
“Watch your language, young man.” You wagged a finger at him, pretending to scold.
“Isn’t that what Scrabble is?”
You grimaced at the terrible joke. Brian looked mildly embarrassed. You felt bad and decided to move on. Looking at your tiles, you grinned, realizing that he hadn’t messed up the word you had planned, and played on the second L.
While you were placing the tiles, Brian tried to read the word from his angle. He frowned. “MELISSA is a name, not a word.”
“What do you mean it’s not a word?”
“We’ve never used proper nouns, Y/N. Y’ can’t change the rules in the middle.”
“But it is a word.”
He looked skeptical. “Then what does it mean?”
You gave Brian a sly grin. “It means ‘honeybee’ in Greek.”
Brian was only barely paying attention to what you were saying. He was mostly focused on the soft look in your eyes, now that the teary redness had gone away. You were looking renewed, more at ease. The gentleness of your disposition made his heart ache.
But it was definitely just a schoolboy crush. Right?
Nodding, trying to convey that he was listening, Brian uttered, “I think it’s lovely.”
Watching the performance with tears streaming down your face, you realized how unhappy you were. Seeing the joy on Veronica’s face as she watched the love of her life wiggle about on stage. You hadn’t felt that way in a long time.
Maybe everything was about Brian. And maybe you were ready to admit it.
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bullets-and-masks · 5 years
Lilith’s Character Analysis
Hey, guys!  As requested by @valoscope I’m taking a deep dive into Lilith’s character. Differently from Krieg, that had as an objective creating a plausible backstory for,I decided my goal with Lilith is to look further and perhaps clarify the biggest divide in regards to her in the fandom: Why did Lilith do what she did in the end of TPS?  (Spoilers for all games and the Borderlands comics anthology.)
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Let’s go by this order  - Borderlands (when she first appears), BL2 (we get to know her), Comics (to further what we know), and then TPS (oh the discourse)  Borderlands:  Lilith is a playable character in Borderlands (1) and unlike BL2, the first game doesn’t include ECHOs with extra bits of backstory liying around. As a result, anything that can be grasped about Lilith is from the main story - that has very little to do with WHO the original Vault Hunters are and her quotes. Lilith’s quotes are mostly all centered around her being a badass with a short temper, often hushing things to happen and going after danger. She celebrates victories and thinks highly of herself and her siren powers.  In short, Lilith in Borderlands is cocky, self assured and short tempered, enjoying what she does and proud of being a siren.  Borderlands 2 (oh how the tables have turned) In Borderlands 2, Lilith becomes a NPC deeply connected to the story, assisting the player and being one of the main characters related to what’s going down. We also get DLCs and tidbits of her personality outside a conflic situation.  Lilith in Borderlands 2 starts as presumed dead. We learn later that her and the other vaulties decided it would be best to hide. Under the alias Firehawk, she gives up being with Roland and her friends to draw Bloodshot bandits away from Sanctuary. It’s under this alias that she first meets the player.  She appears with flaming wings and greets the player with “Sup”, something we learn she likes saying before or after using her powers.  After Lilith goes back to Sanctuary we start to get a better grasp of her personality as her friends gather up. Lilith likes saying stupid/mean jokes but actually worries about her friends and saving Pandora, helping as far as she can. In the mission In Memorian, the player picks up old ECHOs of Lilith after she hid as firehawk, all of her trying to talk to Roland after their relationship has gone cold and awkward. Lilith is also awkward, seemingly searching for reasons to see Roland, but quotes like “I liquified a guy”, said with surprised/fearful tone, even if she says it was awesome later, show that she trusts Roland and is the kind to actually search for help - and that she doesn’t quite undertand the extent of what she is. And that maybe she was also lonely among crazied bandits. In the mission Where Angels Fear to Thread, Angel warns the player and the Vault Hunters that no siren should go in the mission. Lilith debates this and then complies, only to show anyway.  This has caused great divides in the community, many blaming Lilith for allowing the Warrior to be woken, but with all we learned the conclusion is: Lilith’s confidence and love for her companions makes so she goes, she wants to help terribly and ends up as doing things work. Lilith makes a mistake.  Then, we have the DLCs. The biggest points of interest in the DLCs is that they happen after there’s no more danger, so we get to see Lilith more relaxed. In Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep, Lilith disciplines Tina, wants to help with her grief. She also admits to being a nerd, and that she was bullied when little for liking geek stuff and for her tattoos, going so far as to keep Mr Torgue from playing because he doesn’t seem like a nerd and she’s worried his only interested because geek is trendy.  In Sir Hammerlock and the Son of Crawmerax, there’s a small dialogue involving the original Vault Hunters and showing that Lilith really likes Talon, Modercai’s new bird. She doesn’t mind being bit and sounds really proud of how Talon is going.  In short, we learn in Borderlands 2 that Lilith’s own nature is still a source of confusion, surprise and pride for her. She’s still cocky and violent, not taking long to make decisions, but she seems to want to stick to the plans, she really wants to make a difference for Pandora and she’s terribly awkward with feelings of any kind, but likes being near her friends and even seemed lonely. Comics: Borderlands Origins Lilith’s chapter in Borderlands Origins starts by her telling the reader she’s a siren, followed by this monologue: 
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(Image Description: A starry sky with yellow text boxes that read “There are six of us in the entirety of the universe. Or so I’m told. Prophecies can be fuzzy with the specifics.”)
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(Image Description: A starry sky with yellow text boxes that read “It seems when you’re a little girl, you can look up at the stars as if they will live on forever. As you grown into a woman, you reaize that stars die just like anything else. Thrashing, heaving, clutching at anything not to go quietly into the black.”) This text already shows not only a deep sense of loneliness - the only out of six like her in the whole of existence - but also that much of Lilith’s personality might come from this stuborness to not die quietly.  Enter the flashback to when she was little. By her size and inteligence, I’m willing to guess 6/7yo+. Lilith watches as her dad dies (not specified of what). His last words are “Promise me you’ll see the galaxy” and “I’ll see you among the stars”. Right after that, an old lady, the oldest siren, walks up to Lilith. The old lady had been looking for her. Lilith watches as she dies and simultaneously gets her own siren tattoos. She asks the old lady what she should do, too, but the only answer Lilith gets is: 
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(Image description: white speech bubbles over a orange and yellow background. they read: “That is up to you. Do as you will and grow as you might. We siren have no code, we’ve only our song. It is yours to sing now.”)  From this, we gather that Lilith has no one else to be with her. As the old siren dies, it’s understandable that Lilith has now two very different types of loneliness; literal and the one that comes from being turned, unwillingly, into something not quite human, and something that makes her unique and alone. The old siren also tells Lilith she will NOT be seeing her father among the stars.  The flasback ends and takes us to Lilith in a bar in Pandora. Later she gets in Marcu’s bus and Borderlands the Game starts from there.  In short, what we understand from Borderlands Origins is that Lilith had to fend off on her own since little, probably making so she’s really proud of her habilities and surviving. With time she starts enjoying this power, which comes with the short temper and will to keep going after challenges to push herself. Coupled with this comes the great sense of loneliness of being a siren, and of carrying her father’s wish forward. In my opinion, this turns many of Lilith’s actions into a search for a sense of purpose, of place.  (not that she’s not having fun with it).  Also, wether one considers the comics canon or not despite being written by one of Borderlands writes and being considered so, nothing above is news. It’s all in her behavior and extra game content.  On to Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel  TPS is told by Athena, one of the people (and playable characters) hired to help Jack. Lilith’s actions in TPS are short and sweet. She’s actually barely in the game.  Lilith and Roland are helping Jack because he wants to stop Zarpedon from blowing up Elpis, Pandora’s moon.  Shortly before they defeat Zarpedon, though, Jack gets word that one of Hyperion’s scientists might be a spy. He proceeds to throw all of them out in space and then says something about how it felt good. His tone is also glad, truthfull. Among other actions and commentary, this makes so Lilith, Roland and Moxxi decide not help anymore - because Jack might actually be... Not their brand of good.  This decision culminates in Lilith later phasewalking into the Vault and punching a vault relic Jack’s found. It’s unclear wether or not her intention was to brand his face, but clear she wanted to destroy it - too much power for not a very good man.  Pre-Sequel Epilogue:  The TPS Epilogue goes down after BL2. Lilith’s pissed about Roland’s death, and her conclusion is that killing Athena for having helped Jack is what she wants to do. What she wants because it’s cleary a harsh action decided with anger, as many of Lilith’s actions.  Mordecai and Brick note that this isn’t like her.  (All is stop by eridians that say war is coming and we’ll need all the vaulties we can get)  In the Claptastic Voyage DLC, Lilith also apologises to Athena, admitting her blame on Jack’s rise - should’d killed him, not just branded/punched the relic. Her apology comes with the realization and admission that ordering to kill Athena made her just like Jack; Lilith understand’s her shortcomings and tries to fix it. She doesn’t shy away from blame  In short, TPS Lilith along with companions took actions based on their own morallity and what they thought would be best to Pandora and Elpis. In the epilogue, Lilith displays high levels of anger and impulse decision making - she’s very led by emotions, BUT is able of seeing her wrong doings and wanting to do better. Conclusion:  Lilith is a very harsh person, both proud and short-tempered. She has fun with violence and her powers, but also goes out of her way to help people and those she holds dear. Many of her actions can be pointed towards not having enough interactions and education, specially in patience and strategy; and certain interactions. Lilith is a nerd and well intentioned, some of her behavior even seeming like what someone would do to look cool. Her temper gets the best of her. She’s the kind to look for purpose in quick missions, friends and helping. While much of Lilith’s character can be explained, it shouldn’t be excused. People can grow and change out of what they are. Lilith is a great, flawled character, and I’d like the conclusion of this analysis to be that she can grow as a person and character.  She did what she did in the end of TPS because that’s what she ( and Roland and Moxxi) judged as the best to do at that momment; making sure an unhinged man didn’t have so much power in his hands.  Regarding the Discourse:  No, it’s not her fault for Handsome Jack being Handsome Jack. She didn’t make it any better, and it’s her comment that names him “handsome”, but the man was already dangerous and unhinged. It’s not the fault of her character and temper either; it was a decision taken by at least three people. 
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matrixaffiliate · 5 years
New Story! FFN and AO3
There's something magical about his waitress, and Al is determined to get to the bottom of it. NOT CURSED CHILD COMPLIANT!
This story stems from my story Portent, and like that one this is NOT Cursed Child compliant. You have been warned. You do not need to read Portent first, this story comes before that story and we'll see how far I take it. I'll probably take it at least to where Portent is.
Next chapter goes up on July 20.
Chapter 1
He was going to quit.
He was going to admit defeat and drop his classes and see if Aunt Hermione could find him someplace interesting to work for the rest of his life. Albus Potter was finished trying to make Muggle technology work around magic. It had been a pipe dream and he should have seen it as one. He'd spent a full year and a half in university trying to figure out what he was missing and nothing was working. He was wasting money and his life trying to solve something that was unsolvable and he was an idiot for thinking he was different and could figure it out.
Al shoved the ruined laptop into the duffle bag his dad converted for him, hearing it clatter as it fell to the bottom. They were only two weeks into the semester but he already had a decent amount of work to be done on top of his stupid experimenting. Al stared at the textbooks for a long moment before shaking his head. He holstered his wand beneath his shirt, grabbed his phone, and went for a walk.
It was cold, but Al was grateful for it. The freezing air around him seemed to numb his brain a bit too, giving him a momentary respite from his thoughts. He didn't pay attention to where he was walking, Al just walked. He must have looked like a crazy person as he would randomly decide to turn back and take a turn he had initially decided against. Aunt Hermione called it part of his innovative character, but Al wondered if she was mixing up the words innovative and insane.
He'd been walking for nearly forty-five minutes when his body finally started rebelling with pain. Al ducked into the first available door hoping to warm up just enough before pushing out into the cold to freeze his brain again. But as the door shut, Al felt himself freeze for a completely different reason than the weather.
His eyes had fallen on a woman who took the breath from his lungs faster than the winter air had. She had dark mahogany colored hair pulled back and pinned into a bun. Her eyes were dark, almost black, and she was talking with an accent Al thought he had heard before but nothing like this; and he never wanted to stop hearing it.
"If it's just you, pull up a seat at the counter," the woman smiled at him. "I'll be right with you."
Al finally took a moment to look around. He had apparently walked into a small caff. A voice in his head told him that he would have called it a dive if this lovely woman hadn't been standing in it. There were five small booths and a long counter that ran nearly the length of the narrow building. Al slid onto one of the stools at the counter just as the beautiful waitress had instructed.
She came around the counter from the table that she'd just delivered their order and pulled out a pad and pen.
"What can I get you?"
Al blinked, realizing that he hadn't really thought about the fact that he was in a restaurant and therefore would need to order something to eat or drink.
"Er," he hedged trying to find a menu.
"Look up, green eyes," she chuckled, pointing her pen upward.
Al looked up to find a blackboard with the menu scrawled across it in white chalk. Al picked the first two things that looked good and in his price range.
"Peppermint tea and a spinach omelet, please."
The beauty smiled at him, "Good choices, I'll be back."
Al watched her go, and he felt something a lot like magic.
Well, that kind of magic too but specifically real magic. As the gorgeous woman walked away, Al would have sworn on Merlin's grave that he felt magic in the air. He'd spent the last few years trying to make magic and Muggle technology co-exist, and he'd become somewhat adept at sensing when magic was around him. Al felt magic when his waitress turned and walked back to the kitchen, and felt it fade as she disappeared behind the door.
Al's bad morning of experimenting was now far from his brain. He was completely focused on a new goal, getting this woman's name, and maybe her number if he was lucky.
She appeared through the door with a mug of steaming water and plate with tea bags and milk and sugar. The magic wasn't there, well the real magic wasn't but Al still had stars in his eyes for this stunning creature. So much so that he utilized advice about chatting up a girl he got from Jamie while they were both still at Hogwarts.
"Thanks," he smiled at her as she set down his drink, "I'm sure you get asked all the time," he paused, hoping she would fill in the blank with the obvious question of where she was from before throwing what Jamie called a side pass, "but where do you get your aprons?"
The woman looked at him confused for a moment before a smile took over her face and she laughed, a clear and joyous sound that made Al want to listen to it on his phone on repeat all day.
"I'm from St. John's, Newfoundland. It's a Canadian island."
Al grinned, she didn't give him her name but she told him where she was from. He decided that was progress.
"That's brilliant. I'm Al, by the way."
"Ellie," she offered him her hand before pulling back and huffing. "Sorry, my boss gets mad when I shake hands with customers, says it's a waste of time for me to keep washing my hands."
Al chuckled, "Maybe I could take you up on the handshake after your shift?"
Ellie's face turned a pretty shade of red and she made a motion like she might like to behind her hair if it wasn't pulled back.
"I'll think about it." She smiled at him before turning and heading over to one of the tables.
And the magic was back. Al was almost too distracted by the magic he felt around him to fully appreciate the figurative magic he felt with Ellie. But Al was too much of a geek to not want to solve this puzzle.
He stirred his milk and sugar into his tea while he thought through what he knew. First, Ellie was gorgeous and he definitely wanted to get to know her. Second, every time Ellie had walked away from him, he sensed that there was real magic around her. Third, it was only when her back was turned to him that he sensed it.
Ellie slipped back into the kitchen and Al determined he was just as interested in her walking away from him as he was in her walking toward him. The next time she walked away, he'd pay attention. Maybe she had some magical item?
Maybe, maybe she was a witch?
Al didn't let his brain go down that latter road. He didn't want to set expectations for her. He didn't have a problem dating Muggles. He'd dated a couple of Muggle girls in the year or so he'd been living in the Muggle world full time, granted he never felt close enough to try and figure out how to approach the bombshell of him being a wizard, but lots of people had things they didn't immediately share in a new relationship, and sometimes a relationship never developed to a point for those things to come up. He just had a bit of a huge secret along with the little things like a Star Wars obsession.
The prospect of dating a witch was sort of exciting seeing as he hadn't dated a witch since Hogwarts, let alone a witch who was living in the Muggle world as he was. That was too much to hope for.
He was pulled from his thoughts when the door to the kitchen opened and Ellie walked out with a tray of food. She delivered Al's plate last along with a shy smile.
"I work Tuesdays and Thursdays from open to close," she said quietly while wiping down a section of the counter. Al noticed that it didn't need to be cleaned, which gave him a bit of a smug feeling in his chest.
"The whole day?"
Ellie's cheeks flushed but she smiled, "This place is open from six till two, and wait staff shows up at half five and stays till usually three to clean up."
Al leaned closer to her over the counter. "Well, that's very good news because I don't have class on either of those days until after lunch."
Ellie busied herself behind the counter with filing napkin holders. "Are you at uni here too?"
Al nodded as he cut into his omelet. "What are you studying?"
"Art," Ellie sighed happily. "What about you?"
"Information Technology, Computer Science, and a minor in Computer Engineering." Al shoved a bite of omelet into his mouth and was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. He was also surprised that Ellie didn't immediately freak out at his degree choices. Even the professors called him crazy.
"There's something about you," she set the napkin holder down, "and I can't place my finger on it, but there's something about you that's not like most blokes who come in here."
Al held her gaze, forcing his eyes not to drop to her lips because, Merlin, this woman was going to be the death of him and he'd known her for less than thirty minutes.
"There's something magical about you too."
She blushed and Al wondered if he'd dropped enough of a hint. How does one go about asking if another is a witch?
The order bell rang and Ellie started before winking at Al and walking back toward the kitchen.
Al focused on the magic that radiated from her retreating form, trying to sense what it was. The magic was focused around her head, he realized, but there was nothing out of the ordinary about her head. Her dark hair was twisted up into a bun and...
He just caught sight of it as she walked behind the door, a long white hair pin stick. Whatever that was, it wasn't Muggle-made.
And a part of Al's brain wanted it to be a wand.
Everything about how it felt made Al believe it was a wand. It was shorter than his, probably nine inches, but while his wand looked like a stick, the pin in Ellie's hair looked to be a piece of artwork. It wasn't quite white, more of an ivory color, and Al thought he saw what looked like designs carved into it.
It was beautiful.
Al finished his omelet, watching the kitchen door for Ellie to reappear, though he had no idea what he was going to say.
Before that little technicality could come to mind, Ellie appeared with his bill.
"So, if you're ever in the market for an omelet, you should come back." She didn't look at him as she busied herself with straightening the salt and pepper shakers.
"I'm a big fan of omelets," Al handed her his card. As his brain was about to kick him for such a pathetic comment, Ellie turned around to the cash register and Al got a full view of what he thought of now as her magical hairpin.
It was definitely magical, and he'd been right that there were designs carved into it. They looked a little bit like runes, but nothing like what he'd studied at Hogwarts. It was striking in her dark hair and Al briefly was tempted to ask if he could hold it. But Ellie turned around with his card and receipt.
"Then I guess I'll see you the next time you want another omelet." As she handed back his card, her fingers brushed against his and Al resisted the urge to grab her hand.
"Brilliant," was all Al managed to say before Ellie pulled away and Al was left wishing that it wasn't quite so cold out. He was no longer interested in numbing his brain. He was interested in keeping it functioning so he could figure out how to ask Ellie out on a date and maybe find out if she was a witch.
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3 Writing Tips I Learned From Stranger Things
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Anyone who keeps up with TV news will know that the show Stranger Things, the breakout hit from 2016, just released its second season on Netflix. The cinematic TV show is about a boy named Will Byers who disappears from his small town and how the boy’s friends, mother, and town police chief start searching for him independently, only to find that the boy might have been taken by an otherworldly monster. That’s a poor summary so please, go to IMDB for a better description, or better yet, put on Netflix and start watching.
Now that season two is on I am in Stranger Things Land once again (aka the upside down) and want to talk about the writing tips I’ve learned while watching it. If you’re worried the rest of this article contains spoilers for season two, don’t be. I’m not even going to talk about season two today. I’ll be talking about season one since I’m currently rewatching it and I’ll try to keep it spoiler-free so that even those who haven’t seen this masterpiece of a TV show can read on. Let’s see how this show can help us write better novels.
 First, I consider this show to be a masterpiece of the television medium for many reasons, the main one being that it is very well written. It’s a very tight story structurally, and it accomplishes so much in such a short time you’ll be amazed it’s only eight episodes long. There’s a ton that writers can take way from this show, and this article doesn’t completely cover all my musings on it, but here we go:
1. Characters and what Defines them
All writers have probably heard the argument of which is more important, character or plot. That’s a whole article in itself, but my quick opinion is that they’re almost equal in importance, with character pulling ahead just slightly. You have to have characters the audience can connect with, or how can you get them invested in the plot? You want characters who are relatable. Who are fun to read. And who have individual personalities.
Often when I watch TV or movies and analyze the characters, I have a thought like this:  “Movies and  TV are kind of cheating because the actor brings their own personality to the character.” What I’m talking about is the Acting. Novel writers don’t have actors in their novels, acting out their scenes for people to watch. We can describe the character’s movements, reactions, and facial tics, all down to the last detail, but it still isn’t the same as acting. And often, we don’t want to describe every last detail of how our character is acting and reacting and fidgeting because that gets old fast. So instead, we rely on their dialogue, their thoughts, and their actions. This is how we define our characters.
Well, this show made me rethink some things. Because yes, the actors bring their personalities to the roles, but the characters themselves are still individuals. I know what the characters are likely to do or say based on their dialogue and actions. If different actors were put into the roles, the characters would still be defined by the same actions.
In Stranger Things, Mike, one of our main characters, is a 12-year old boy who is part of a group of misfits at school.
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Like his friends, he geeks out over dungeons and dragons, Lord of the Rings, and anything sciency. In fact, all three of his friends share these traits in common. But Mike is defined as an individual by his actions. He often takes the lead in conversations and has a goal-oriented mind set. He’s empathetic and likes to look after people, as he does for the girl Eleven when he finds her in the woods. He volunteers to hide Eleven in his basement while his other friends advise him against it. When he talks to Eleven, he’s mindful of her feelings. Dialogue and actions define him.
Dustin is one of Mike’s friends and he’s just as geeky as Mike (maybe even more so) but he stands out as an individual, not just as “one of the friend characters”.
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Dustin is funny and loud, effortlessly delivering witty dialogue. He’s usually the first to make a geeky reference and does so as if he expects everyone in the room to know what he’s talking about. His adult teeth haven’t completely come in yet so he has a speech impediment, which he handles in stride. He spazzes out more easily than his other friends, mostly for comedic effect. At first glance he seems like the less intelligent one of the group, but as the show goes on you realize he’s not only the most level-headed, he might be the smartest, and he’s very intuitive about others feelings. He acts as mediator between his friends and tries to get them to stop fighting, even advising Mike to make things right with his friend Lucas. 
Lucas is harsher with words but he comes off as a decisive character. Once he’s made up his mind, it’s hard to sway him.
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Though Dustin is physically the strongest of the three boys, Lucas is the one who projects a tough guy attitude. He never forgets his slingshot (aka wrist rocket) and fully intends to use it on any bad guys that pop up (along with his dad’s knife and binoculars, “from Nam”). He’s a very loyal friend, so much so that he can be suspicious of people not in his friend group. More than once he gets angry at his friends for not being serious enough about looking for Will, and takes it upon his shoulders to look for his friend alone if he has to. Again, taking action. 
We often see inactive characters as being uninteresting. Part of the reason is that they take few actions on their own. As a result, they can’t really be defined by their actions and they come off as one-dimensional.
Dialogue speaks for your character. Actions do as well. Are you letting these things define them?
2. The Characters are Connected to the Plot
This is a topic I’ve been thinking about recently. In a good story, a character drives the plot. In a great story, a character is connected to the plot on an emotional level. This story isn’t just another life event for them, it’s the most important and defining time of their life. As such, this story should be an emotional ride for them, one that they feel and experience so that the reader can do the same.
The character is defined by their actions right? Well, their actions should be directly tied to what’s going on in the story and should, at times, be an emotional response to what’s going on. The characters need to care about what’s happening.
In my own writing, I often have my characters react emotionally to the plot. Where I have problems is knowing how much emotion to use. Am I being melodramatic? Am I spending too much time focusing on their emotional response and not letting them move on with the story? This is a really hard one to navigate.
I don’t think characters should be having emotional reactions all the time. I’ve read plenty of YA books where the MC was getting emotional about every little thing that happened, and it doesn’t work for me. Your character should be behaving intelligently more than they behave emotionally. But when the plot calls for an emotional reaction, let them feel it. Don’t glance over it. Try to use phrases that are outside the norm. Not everything should make the girl’s heart beat wildly out of her chest, or have her inhale sharply. Sometimes these emotions don’t need to be described physically at all, but can be shown through a character’s actions.
In Stranger Things, a boy named Will Byers goes missing and this has a huge effect on those close to him. I’ve seen a fair amount of TV or movies where a child goes missing. The family is usually shown sitting at home, grief-stricken, with little to say except how much they miss their child.
In this TV show, the boy’s family members are some of the main characters, and they aren’t sitting around, they’re moving. Joyce Byers, the boy’s mother, goes to the police in episode one and demands that they listen to her. She frantically searches the woods around her house for her missing kid. All through her actions, she exhibits how frantic and afraid she is. She is emotionally connected to the plot and she feels what’s going on. 
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The same is true for the other characters. Take Mike for example. Mike gets upset over Will’s disappearance and lashes out at his parents at the dinner table. He calls his friend Lucas and tells him (paraphrasing here) that Will was a friend who had their backs in the past and they should be out there looking for him, even if their parents forbid it. But Mike shows his connection the plot in other ways, not just with the central storyline.
Mike meets a girl named Eleven, a girl who just escaped from a top-secret lab. When Mike learns of the danger Eleven is in, he agrees to hide her, and even defends her to his friends when they tell him he should turn her in. When he thinks that one of his friends has died, Mike lashes out at Eleven and runs home, a sudden change from his usually kind self. We can see how much the story affects him, which in turn affects us.
3. Personal Stakes
The stakes in this show are always high, thanks to the disappearance of a young boy. Us viewers are automatically more sympathetic to a child character than we would be to an adult. Not only does Will go missing, he vanishes in a supernatural and frightening way when an otherworldly creature starts stalking him in the night. Just five minutes into the show the stakes are real and it seems like this kid who we just met could die any second.
The stakes from this point on are tied to the idea that Will is missing and he could die at any time. None of the characters know if he’s even alive, but his friends and his mother Joyce are convinced he’s out there somewhere, in need of rescuing. This situation creates a kind of ticking time bomb. The characters have to rescue Will before he dies, but we have no idea how they’re going to pull it off, not while a strange monster is on the loose.
The stakes are equally real for the character Eleven. Eleven is a young girl who’s been raised in a top-secret government lab, a lab that has something to do with Will Byer’s disappearance. For Eleven, the real fear is being found by the men chasing her. We witness early on that the men from this lab are willing to kill to get her back, and could even be aiming to kill Eleven herself. As a result, they pose a looming threat, especially since Eleven is being hidden by Mike, Lucas, and Dustin, three kids who we definitely don’t want to get hurt in the crossfire.
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A looming threat is a good thing in a story, but what are some ways you can make this threat more real to the characters? For one thing, the characters should know about the threat or they have no way to care about it. If the world’s going to end and the reader knows but the characters don’t for half the story, they can’t react to the situation, resulting in the reader feeling distanced from what’s going on.
If Will Byers had disappeared but it took days for the characters to learn about it, the stakes wouldn’t be real to them. Let the danger present itself in your story as early as possible. Pin your characters up against the antagonistic force. Let them take actions to save themselves or others, actions that help define who they are.
None of this is easy to do, but these are a few things to think about when you sit down for your next writing session. I need to look at the stakes in my own novel and figure out how to make it more intense. Most importantly, I need to let my character’s act in ways that define them.
Because if the reader can connect to your character’s actions, they can relate to them. Once you have a character we can relate to, we will be so much more afraid when their stakes are increased.
What are some ways your characters can be defined by their actions? What are you doing to up the stakes in your story? Have you learned about writing from Stranger Things too or is it just me? And do you even know what this TV show is or are you confused as to why everyone is raving about this girl with a shaved head who loves eggos?
Leave me a comment! And if you want to discuss the show, no season 2 spoilers please. I still haven’t finished it myself.
I Hope you don’t find yourself upside down in your writing this week. ;)
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bewitchthequeen · 7 years
Our Problems With Teen Wolf
Note: My friend, @knightedtime, and I made this a while back and I decided to release it because the world should know our feelings XD Or something meaningful like that. So here we go.
I have nothing against the actors. I have nothing against the writers. This are just my complaints. Any hostility will be exploited.
Feel free to add your own if you’d like! Just include a line break.
Jackson Whittemore. He came off as a huge asshole even when they tried to make him sympathetic and I was indifferent to him “dying” temporarily. 
No reasons for Lydia acting shallow, vapid and pretending to be dumb while she was with Jackson. It was never addressed. Never talked about why she did that and everyone just acts like it didn’t happen. Okay.
Lydia doesn’t seem to have friends. You can claim the Pack are her friends but ??? They don’t hang out much. Like hang out like normal people their age. So I think Danny was her only real friend because he showed concern and shit and talked to her outside of mystery problem stuff. 
Theo Raeken being a Peter Hale rip off. Cause that’s what he is. And trusting him about anything is bullshit. He fucked that up. Maybe had he been developed more I’d be more understanding. Nothing against Cody Christian but Theo is just another evil dude with pretty face. At least Peter had some sort of depth.
Stydia last season
Most Stydia fans
Stydia in general
Stydia being shoved down my throat.
Season 5 in general
Kira’s “ending”. It was bullshit. There was some open ended shit so her story being over was bullshit. BULLSHIT. BULLLLSHIT. and I hope Arden Cho is doing great things after that utter bullshittery.
The loss and lack of Danny. I fucking loved him and he was just gone. Another actor mistreated on this asshole show. Well, I hope Keahu Kahuanui is doing greater things than this.
Last season is about Stiles. At least 6a. I’m sorry but in NO way should the last season of the show being about the sidekick. I don’t give a shit what or who he is. STILES SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THE MAIN GOAL OF 6A. I don’t give a shit about what Stiles fans and Stydia fans have to say about it. 
Scott and Stiles’ friendship is continuously on a downward spiral. Stiles has always been the dominating personality in the relationship. Check out all of season one if you don’t believe me. Scott just recently started coming into his own with being an alpha, a leader. I feel like Stiles doesn’t like that. Aside from this, I also feel like Stiles expects certain privileges with being Scott’s “best friend” but their relationship has corroded and they can’t really be “best friends” if Scott no longer trusts Stiles. And I don’t believe he does, regardless of what Jeff says.
The unrealistic relationships. Stydia. Stalia. Mainly. Because it’s kind of relationships that they just kind of pulled out of their asses and were like “meh”. Adelaide and Gage left and Stiles just needed someone. 
No explanation for what happened to Derek. Literally. I know that Tyler H. said he wasn’t coming back but the show never explained where Derek went. Yet another character that we’re suppose to just forget about.
Scott’s development from season 3 to season 5. Where is it? I mean, yes, he was kind of an asshole in season 2 when it came to Derek making more werewolves. Then it went stagnant.
The fandom/fanbase. The most vocal (I don’t want to say majority) are the Stydia people. The most vocal of the Stydia people seem to be bullying the actors and I AIN’T ABOUT THAT. Listen up, you little parasites, your show is ending due to you bitching all the time. Had it not been for that, might have gotten some more.
The shipping wars
Layden. Another rushed relationship that I don’t have the capacity to care about. Plus the “homage” to Scallison is just -.- exhausting.
Theo Raeken comes back for season 6, erasing the last thing Kira did on the show. Thanks.
Rehashing old relationship. Same as 19, but it really urked me so let’s put it up here twice.
Theo Raeken in general
Lydia and Jackson ever being a thing. It was a toxic relationship. They were both kind of hateable. Some people are just too toxic to be together. Maybe had Colton Hayes stayed the could have worked on that, but Colton deserves better so he can go ahead and do what he’s doing.
Stydia in General because it’s really cliche if you look at it. That whole popular girl gets won over by the nerd/geek is so worn out. Usually, I’m all for an underdog story, but Stiles isn’t an underdog. He’s kind of an asshole. He kind of treats everyone like garbage (even Lydia in some instances) and the two of them are usually at odds. Honestly, Stydia happening (to me) isn’t out of love, but out of Lydia paying homage to her dead best friend because Allison was the one who told Lydia to give him a chance. Make of that what you will.
Scott moving too quick. I mean… His relationships go from like 5 to 100 in a matter of episodes. It’s a bit concerning even though he’s a sweet boy. It makes me concerned for him. 
WTF HAPPENED TO LAHEY (I know he’s with Chris but wtf? No updates on him). Not even mentioned again. He doesn’t exist.
The last season being focused on Stiles when they knew beforehand that Dylan O’ Brien was going to be busy and it really should be focusing on the Titular Character given that it’s last season. (On here twice cause it’s BULLSHIT).
The way that Jeff Davis treats his actors. I’m looking at Danny’s actor and Kira’s.
Peter Hale never got a redemption arc until season 6, but Theo basically got his immediately. Theo’s redemption is bullshit at that. Using fear as a redemption tool is never successful. Scared Straight doesn’t work for murderers. If it doesn’t work for sex offenders, it’s not going to work for Theo. Sorry, not sorry.
The fact Peter is probably going to get screwed over again. Wouldn’t surprise me.
The fact that Brett and Liam would have been more believable than Layden and Brett and Liam borderline hating each other. Maybe it’s chemistry, maybe it’s the fact that Layden was so rushed. The world may never know.
There’s not any main queer relationships. I dare you to name your top three in season 6 without repeating any characters. I fucking dare you.
They bring in a Bi character and he’s not used much. *cough*BrettTalbot*cough*
I can’t be excited for season 6 because of the past seasons (mainly 5) being at least somewhat disappointing
The fact that they claimed there wasn’t room for Kira and yet they casted a bunch of people for season 6 who were new.
Not that I ship it, but They baited Sterek a lot outside of the show for views.
Scott trusts Theo more than he trusts Stiles. So much for best friends, am I right?
Stiles kinda being an ass to Scott after Scott died and expecting Scott to be everywhere at once, resulting in that one gif where Stiles attacked Scott very fucking violently. Scott is a werewolf, not a superhero.
The show focuses more on Stiles’ Trauma more than anyone else’s. Scott and Lydia dealing with the loss of Allison, a part of an episode of them crying and the occasional mention. Why did Lydia act dumb? What went on with Scott since he didn’t have a dad? How has them being what they are affected them mentally? What about Malia’s trauma? These things are merely touched upon everyone once in a while. Stiles’ trauma is probably enough to write a thesis paper on.
Having no real reason other than Allison’s death for Isaac leaving (even that relationship was WAY too fast and wasn’t love based, like, at all)
Allison and Isaac’s relationship to begin with. There’s so much with this relationship that just grates me.
Allison tried to justify torturing people who had nothing to do with her mom’s death. Like I understand, but that also made it seem like they were going to set her up as a villain in later seasons, which for her not to go that route made it pretty damn disappointing and pissed me off. (Especially when she seemingly expected Derek to be cool with her. Fun Fact: Once you start disliking someone with a passion, everything that person does pisses you off so I can’t fault Derek here).
Gerard being alive. Just… That bitch.
The fact Scott is barely ever “single” and thus making him pretty fucking unrelateable. In highschool, I only date two people, some of my friends never dated, and some of my friends dated their s.o. freshman year or earlier to senior year. Plus, we never really seen him mourn Allison much so that could be a reason.
Kira’s story arc season 5 because that was weak to the point I barely remember wtf she was doing. Basically, made her character less memorable other being “that one girl Scott dated that wasn’t Allison”
The fact that Allison died at all, when really, they could have just let her actress leave and It’s like if you look at most people who are written off the show, the majority of Females who do DIE. 
Stalia vs. Stydia. Stiles should work on his personality a bit before he should be in a relationship but whatever
Wtf happened to Lydia’s dad?
Wtf happened to Scott’s dad?
The show just gets more unrealistic and unrelatable. These kids basically have no breaks in between problems .-. In continuation to this, I’m adding the fact that this shit always happens to these kids and while it’s a tv show and everything, it’s rly unrealistic that everything happens to them.
There’s a rumor that Scott’s going to kick the bucket for the last season and I don’t like it.
Malia getting hate for dating Stiles. 
Lydia’s sudden feelings for Stiles (Fandom would claim differently, but She looks really annoyed when he talks and their “humor” sounds somewhere between “I fucking hate you” and demeaning).
Void!Stiles not being addressed much (or the results of that rather). 
Just now delving into more of Lydia’s abilities :l and they’re still pretty fucking shoddy.
Stydia getting so much fanservice. For example, the whole Stiles holding Lydia’s hand when it reasonably should have been Scott, considering they’re closer as “friends” and he can take away pain.
The Wendigo thing. Just… What the fuck man. Don’t introduce new creatures if you aren’t going to delve. Seriously.
How everything always happens in Beacon Hills (I understand the whole Nemeton drawing people there but still :l minus when they went to Mexico which can barely be counted :l)
The fact that the show treated Kira’s departure like a joke with the hashtag, but when it comes to Stiles’ Jeep, they take it seriously. You value you a character over a car. Congrats, assholes.
There’s no actual way that Stydia would work out considering the who “Try being less scared” line Stiles told Lydia while working on his Jeep (which is just one instance. This is NOT banter. This is NOT an old married couple).
Stiles is becoming more of an asshole with the more paranoid he gets which is why he shouldn’t be involved with this shit in the first place.
The whole ‘Some of us are human’ line. Like sorry, asshole. I like you most of the time, but still.  
Tbh the way Stiles used to treat Lahey. Like, motherfucker he was abused and Stiles doesn’t acknowledge that and tells him he “milking” that. Lahey has trauma, you have mommy issues. Stop valuing your trauma over everyone else’s. Your trauma is pathetic compared to most other people’s.
The way that the fandom treats Parrish when it comes to Lydia.  She’s 18 guys and not even supposed to be in high school anymore, considering she could graduate early if she wanted. When you’re 18 you can date anyone older than you without people blinking an eye. 
Kate ending up being a werejaguar where she was scratched by werewolf Peter Hale. Just the whole “the bite effects how you feel” or whatever. No. You get bit my a werewolf, you should become a werewolf. Whatever, man. I’m tired of applying logic to this show…
JD disregards his actors feelings
Fandom being Hypocrites when it comes to Posey doing something wrong, when Dylan O’Brien’s done some bad shit too. LEAVE POSEY ALONE.
We didn’t get a funeral for Allison. (But we got one for Crazy Kate -.-)
The show is more about ships than anything else. What is a story line?
The fact Allison’s mom was a bitch and Allison’s “hallucinations” show her as a bitch but she went off the deep end because of her bitchy mom was dead.
They promote Stiles so much that most people think he’s the lead main character. Before I started watching this show, I seriously thought Stiles was the main character. Imagine my surprise when Scott was the werewolf.
All their female characters are kind of shit :l or in the process of going to shit… Or they’re dead... Or gone. My feelings for Malia fluctuate, they reduced Lydia to a crying, moping mess who was willing to risk Scott’s life for Stiles Stfuckboylinski, Erica is dead, Cora is/was female Derek, Allison is dead, Kira will be remembered as “Kitsune girl who dated Scott” because their lack of using her, Hayden… wait… who is Hayden again?, Let’s not touch Krazy Kate, who’s Braedan again? Wait, where did Marin go? Oh, fuck!
Can’t say much for their male characters either at this point.
The fact that they kinda ended Kira’s story with a cliffhanger. 
How Lydia was cool with Peter and went to him for help after the whole possession and “you” thing that happened. “Yeah, I know that you were like haunting me or whatever and literally made me feel like I was losing my mind which you never really tried to make up for, but I totally and completely trust you”
Why the fuck was it necessary to kill Erica? Is that the only way this show knows how to get rid of characters?
The fact that they probably brought theo back to make Matheo a thing. He fucking shot her. If I was Malia, I’d sooner rip his head off.
People defending Stydia with “It’s only fanservice if you don’t agree with it”. No, it’s fanservice because you bitched for it and the writers want to pacify you and hope you shut up. “The Stydia moments every season is only a thing if you ship it”. Nope, it’s fanservice. Holland Roden even admitted that season 6a was fanservice. (I say all of 6a because it was Stiles centered and seemed more like fan fiction than an actual tv show).
For how old everyone was, I’m kind of shocked that Allison and Lydia were still friends after Lydia made out with Scott… Unless she never found out about that? I don’t know man.
Allison neglecting her and Lydia’s friendship and only paying attention to get help from her resulting in what happened with Peter, but no one addresses that. Which, to me, makes Allison not the best bestie.
People sending Malia and Parrish’s actors death threats over Stydia. Are you guys serious? This is why the show is garbage and this is why it’s ending and views are dropping. Kudos to Shelley Hennig and Ryan Kelley for putting up with that shit.
The fact that none of the female cast have storylines that are front and center. They all seem to be in the background more than anything. The women of this show are more like props (excluding Allison and Melissa).
Stydia fanbase freaking out over anything bad that happens to Dylan or Holland. I’m pretty sure that whole freak out of her getting pushed is enough to explain my feelings towards this.
Then antiStydia people making hashtags telling Holland to kill herself :l That’s not fair guys. It’s not Holland’s fault there’s a bunch of oversized babies shoving their ship down your throat.
JD giving the stydia fandom what they want when they don’t deserve it and they’re just a bunch of a brats.
The fandom shipping the actors together when they are real people with lives. This is just a general pet peeve of mind. Stop shipping living, breathing functional people unless you’re shipping them with their significant other. Don’t get caught up in other people’s life and start living yours.
The fact that apparently JD hinted Stiles was Bi and never did anything with it? :l He’s the straightest person ever. Seriously, I have never seen anyone straighter than Stiles Stilinski. 
The Panic Attack kiss .-. I don’t wanna say it was OOC but it was a lot less Lydia like than everything else and the begin of Lydia acting less like herself like people do when they’re in an abusive relationship! (That was also the kind of panic attack that requires space too.)(Yeah -.- but oooo stydia)
The fact that the fandom was anti Malia (partially because she punched him once) but was totally cool shipping Sterek despite the fact that Derek p much assaults Stiles whenever Stiles steps out of line
Stiles also kinda treats Derek badly and Really? I don’t see why anyone would consider them to be ‘Friends’.
Lacrosse is somehow popular.  Don’t know how, but Beacon Hills seems about the same size as Fresno is and really? I don’t know how lacrosse got so popular when beacon hills has a football team and that’s the so called american sport.
Fandom is woo girl power one minute, then bitching about Malia and Kira (Lydia less than those two) as individual parts.
The fact that everyone’s character development is all over the place, basically all the time
Basically all the female characters getting slut shamed
People thinking that Stiles deserves Lydia, like she’s some sort of prize to be won. Lydia is a fucking person. Fucking chauvinists. 
Tbh the people who get the least amount of hate are more abusive? (examples?)(Jackson, Derek (though Derek’s “hate” is more the fandom sexualizing him?)) (I’ve seen them call Scott abusive and I’m like okay HOW.)
Ima just say this now, which prob ties to a lot of the actor stuff earlier, but the way the fandom treats Tyler Posey specifically like… I really just… :l (It’s frankly disgusting how they treat him.)(It really is :c) So much love in my heart for that boy. I just want to fucking hug him and make him feel better. 
The fact that they’re putting Parrish in a Freezer during season 6 when he could help.
Ik that Lydia wouldn’t do this because Lydia and Allison were “best friends” but tbh Lydia has more romantic and even more friendship chemistry with Scott than she does with Stiles (Yeah. I noticed that.)
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Hi readers! The winner of one of my silly competitions asked for an “all Angie” thing as a prize and of course I must oblige now. Well, she asked me like almost two months ago, but if you regularly read my blog you know what my usual timing is by now so you won’t be surprised.
I hope you like it! Let me know what you think about this ;)
WARNING: don’t read this if you’re not at Chapter 42 yet, there are a few spoilers!
Have a good read!
Name: Angie W. Pacifico, but something about her name will be revealed in chapter 43
Role in the story: she’s the main original female character of the story
Scene where she first appears: Chapter 1, at the mini mart, when young customers make fun of her and she makes fun of them
Age: she’s just turned 18 in Chapter One, at the end of the fic she’ll be either 28... or 42... it depends on which ending you’ll choose, because yeah, big revelation here: there’s gonna be TWO endings to this story
Nationality: American with both Italian and British descent
Hometown: may be Boise, Idaho (or not)
Current residence: Seattle, Washington at this point in the fic
Occupation: film student, waitress at Roxy’s diner, clerk at Westlake Minimart at the beginning, her career will have good and bad moments during the fic
Income: she’s not rich (or is she), but she makes ends meet and manages to pay half of her school tuition (the other half is paid by her parents)
Family: she’s the only child of Ray (basically Frank Zappa’s twin brother separated at birth) and Janis Pacifico, grandchild of Angelina Agnello and Salvatore Pacifico, her dad’s parents, originally from Sicily, who moved back to Italy when they retired. Currently living in Bologna, where Angie often visits them during the summer holidays. Her mom’s parents passed away but she has some relatives in Brighton.
Significant others: none at the beginning of the story. Although Jerry Cantrell has a crush on her, she ignores him, or pretends to. She later gets with him, whom she breaks up with after finding out about him cheating repeatedly. One year before the beginning of the story, she had a summer fling with David Grohl, who’ll later move to Seattle to play with Nirvana and meet her again, but nothing happens between them except for some kissing. Her first boyfriend, Sean Livingstone, who’s also one of her best friends from Boise, will appear in the story at some point.  Angie’s gonna have other relationships during the story (but I’m not gonna tell you who :P)
Angie in a relationship: when she’s in a relationship, Angie’s focused on her significant other, but not too clingy, although she’s sweet and caring. Tends to treat boyfriends like she’s their mom sometimes. She totally trusts her boyfriend, but still she tends to keep secrets from him, mostly about her personal and family life. She’s patient and forgiving, she pretends not to see the flaws and the bad actions of the person she loves. She enjoys sex, she’s kinda shy though, especially about showing her naked body. 
Angie with friends: she’s sarcastic, funny and loyal, she’ll never spontaneously talk about her problems to friends if they don’t ask her and she keeps secrets from friends too. She initially thinks the new people she meets in Seattle are only friends with her because of Meg, and later Jeff, she’ll later change her mind. She’s always there for friends and would do anything for them, for example she lets Eddie call her at any time when he can’t sleep.
Height: 5 feet and 0.24 inches
Weight: 145 lbs at the beginning of the story, alternatively gains and loses weight as times goes by
Race: white
Eye color: black/dark brown
Hair color: black/dark brown, will do something to her color at some point though
Skin color: very pale
Shape of face: round
Distinguishing features: thin lips, big eyes, slightly crooked tooth
Style: almost always dressed in black or dark, with maybe one or two colorful items. Prefers comfortable clothes, can look nicer when needed if she puts some effort (or when Meg orders). Likes eye make up but thinks she’s not good at that, her daily make up routine is thick line of black eye pencil around her eyes and sometimes lipgloss (stolen from Meg). She likes painting her nails and keeps them long and tidy. She loves fruit, candy and spice scented soaps and shampoo, doesn’t like perfume. Drives an old Mini Cooper.
Habits: she smokes, a lot when she’s nervous or sad or lonely, same thing for food. She drinks and sometimes smokes pot in company, she’s scared of other drugs.
Health: she gets chlamydia from Jerry, other than that the rest is ok. She should lose weight or practice sport though, and that’s why she starts going to the gym
Hobbies: cooking and baking, cleaning the house and generally doing the chores to relax, singing very badly in her car (always waiting for a song to end before getting out of the car), making mix tapes for herself and friends, writing, photography, playing basketball with Eddie
Talking patterns: she uses big words when she’s drunk, other than that she articulates and argumentates very well, even though she’s shy. Always sarcastic.
Best quality: smartness and patience, sees the good in every one
Greatest flaw: can’t sing for shit, total lack of self confidence and self esteem, sees the worst in herself
Various talents/skills: good at writing, plays the drums, plays basketball, good dancer
Educational background: she was kind of “in the middle” in high school, not a geek but good. She has difficulties at college because it’s harder than she expected, but she does well in the end
Short term goals in life: get a degree in film studies, staying in Seattle
Long term goals in life: become a screen writer
What she wants the most out of life: become someone completely different from a certain person...
How does she see herself: fat and ugly
How does she believe she’s perceived by others: as unimportant by strangers, as a little kid who cant’ defend herself by friends
Relationship with other main characters:
1. Megan McDonald: Angie doesn't like her when she first arrives in Seattle, thinks she's a bimbo and talks too much, later becomes her roommate and best friend. 2. Eddie Vedder: Weird encounter at the diner, they later become very close... then stuff happens 3. Jeff Ament, Stone Gossard: Stone initially couldn't stand her, Jeff liked her as soon as he first met her, they become like big brothers to her 4. Jerry Cantrell: is not interested in her initially, also because she's underage, then gets romantically involved with Angie, then fucks it up badly. But they won't lose touch during the story, their relationship will turn into something else
Is she ruled by emotion or logic or a combination of both? Apparently all of Angie’s decisions are made following logic, she’s the type of person who keeps control over her emotions and consequent actions. She’s human though, so she fails sometimes.
What would most embarrass this character? Generally be the center of people’s attention, at least when sober, and having secrets revealed about her. At the beginning of the story, be seen naked by someone else, talking about boyfriends with her parents and introducing a guy to them as her boyfriend. 
How does she deal with conflicts and problems? She avoids conflict at all costs, she deals with problems and sadness simply trying to ignore them and pretend they never happened, often she goes into full binge eating. 
Things she would change in her life: at the beginning her body, later her bad choices
What motivates her: The love for art and the idea she owes something to her parents, she has to be good, to succeed for them
What frightens her: being abandoned, being lonely, becoming a bad person, spiders and creepers in general.
What makes her happy: Movies, art, music, tv series, cartoons and animes, her friends, books, Eddie
Attitude towards money: generous but she doesn’t throw it away
Attitude towards religion and spiritualism: she’s an atheist and religion is just a cultural reference for her as part of her background since her grandparents are catholics
How she’s different at the end of the story compared to when the story began: in both two endings she’s older, wiser and more confident, but in two completely different contexts
How I came up with this character: I got inspiration part from myself, I admit it, part from girls I met in my life, part from girls I wish I was. I love this character, although the starting point might not be that original: an apparently average kinda shy but funny young woman with confidence issues, who's not exactly what she claims to be and has more than one secret... I came up with some basic elements first, then the character basically “came to life” for me, started telling me her story, and in the end she just took over and began driving the fic on her own.
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reading-with-nixie · 8 years
Top Books of 2016
Hi Y’all,
This has been a HORRIBLE reading year for me. I had a lot of (mostly bad) Life Events and therefore spent a lot of year having neither the time nor the concentration to read. So I only ended up reading about 25 books. But the good news is that I didn’t have a quantity goal this year. Rather, I decided to only read books with queer characters (LGBTQ+, which in practice unfortunately ended up mostly LGT -- though a lot of polysexual characters came up toward the end!). And a bunch of them were either badly-written or included pretty bad representation. But I managed to pick a surprisingly large number of books that were actually worth recommending. So here’s my top NINE of this year, in basically  no particular order, except for my top two.
Hero by Perry Moore.
This one has a gay protagonist, and that’s certainly a part of the story - but our Thom has a lot more going on in his life than just coming to terms with his sexuality. Mainly the fact that he has superpowers and has become buddy-buddy with an elite superhero team that his dad (a former hero) used to be part of and now has negative feelings toward. There’s also the fact that Thom’s mom left he and his dad.
I enjoyed this book partially because there’s a lot more to it than just a coming out narrative and also because it doesn’t shy away from other huge issues. Racism is a large part of one character’s backstory, another character has cancer and both are treated seriously but without being used in a way that feels exploitative. Rather, these characters issues are used to contrast Thom’s and put his own situation into perspective.
Recommended for: Social justice clerics and MCU fans.
Own Voices?: Yes. Perry Moore was openly gay.
George by Alex Gino
George has been talked about a lot in certain corners of the internet, and it’s really no wonder why. The book’s a middle-grade book with a trans protagonist. Seriously, George (who has spent her first day out as Melissa by the end of the novel) is a 10-year-old trans girl. It’s just about as heart-breaking as you can imagine, with our elementary schooler protagonist encountering issues with gender roles, most prominently that she wants the part of Charlotte in her school’s production of Charlotte’s Web but is denied the part for unfortunately obvious reasons.
But it’s also really optimistic. Melissa’s mom and brother don’t really get her dysphoria, but they’re earnestly trying to, which is a great first step. And her best friend is wonderful. While some bad things happen to Melissa over the course of the book, the end makes it seem like her story is set to continue in an upward trajectory.
Recommended for: Miniature humans confused about their gender and people who love them.
Own Voices?: Alex Gino is genderqueer and uses they/them pronouns whereas Melissa uses she/hers. So both are trans, just different variations thereof. So I’m gonna go with yes again here.
Saving Hamlet by Molly Booth
Full disclosure: This book was written by a friend from college. But know that I wouldn’t put it on this list if it wasn’t genuinely great. Sometimes I legitimately forgot that it was written by someone I know because it was so polished (as it should have been, it was published by Disney Hyperion) and just GOOD in a way that feels removed from anybody I know personally, if that makes any sense. ANYWAY.
Saving Hamlet tells the story of a girl who falls through a trapdoor and ends up in Elizabethan London during the first production of Hamlet while stage managing her high school’s production of the same play. She needs to deal with all sorts of changes in her life while putting on two productions of Hamlet at once and dealing with TimeTravel!Jetlag.
Our protagonist, Emma, isn’t queer (presumably. She expresses romantic/sexual feelings for several people, all of whom are dudes) - but her best friend is bisexual and actually uses the term. There is also a minor character who turns out to be gay in a minor reveal. The queerness of these characters isn’t really part of Emma’s adventure, but does factor in a way that makes sense. Doubly so because theatre.
Recommended for: Shakespeare geeks and people who would like to see a fresh approach to time travel.
Own Voices?: Molly is a GREAT ally, but as far as I know she’s straight.
Simon VS the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Speaking of queer high schoolers and theatre, there’s also this marvelous book. I FLEW through it, having read the vast majority of it on Christmas and staying up all night on 27th to finish it.
The premise is that Simon, a high school junior, has been having an email courtship with a anonymous guy who also goes to his school. Then he forgets to  log out of his email in one of the school library’s computers and someone takes a screenshot of them. Said dude then blackmails Simon. It seems like it could be REALLY deep and dark based on the description. But it’s actually pretty light-hearted and fluffy. Though Simon (and his email not-quite-boyfriend-but-basically-boyfriend) faces anxiety about coming out and gets bullied slightly after, there isn’t any violence against him and his family is pretty damn great.
The email exchanges were all so cute and good to read, and all the teenage characters actually think and talk like teenagers. Several of the characters fuck up in pretty big ways (sexism and racism are also themes in the books), which the narrative takes an understanding but firmly negative attitude toward -- which is exactly what YA should involve, in my honest opinion.
Recommended for: David Levithan fans and people-people.
Own Voices?: Becky Albertalli is married to a dude, which doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but means that if she’s queer it’s not immediately evident if she’s queer. Regardless,she seems like a pretty kickass ally based off her work with LGBTQIA folks as an adolescent psychologist. Also, this interview  with her is pretty great and makes me want to be her friend.
Luna by Julie Anne Peters
I’d been meaning to read this book for a while and finally got around to it this year. It’s not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it really exceeded my expectations.
Luna is incredibly interesting for a lot of reasons.For starters, the protagonist is the sister of a trans woman dealing with being her sister’s only confidante while trying to navigate normal high schooler problems. Then there’s the fact that ALL the characters in the novel are flawed; the protagonist isn’t perfect, neither is her sister, and her parents are such complicated people. They all take turns being really selfish. But all of them are rendered sympathetic to varying degrees despite being flawed.
Another really cool thing about Luna is that its message is really different from a lot of other earlier LGBT novels (and being published in 2006, it’s definitely on the older side of literature about trans characters). A lot of older stuff tells readers that if people come out and/or transition bad things will happen to them. Whereas in Luna, bad things happen to the eponymous trans character, but the narrative makes it clear that NOT coming out and transitioning is the WORSE option for her.
Recommended for: Close friends and family members of trans folks (though probably not trans folks themselves; this book would make an excellent 101 course, but lacks a lot of nuance). Also, people who want to read about complex familial relationships.
Own Voices?: Julie Anne Peters has a wife, and judging by her work she’s probably a lesbian (though I guess she could be bi? Who knows? If you do tell me?). But she’s not trans.
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
This book is so long; it clocks in at almost 900 pages, but it’s so, so worth it.
In case you don’t know about Cloud Atlas, it’s basically a series of interwoven short stories that take place over a freakishly long span of time. Reincarnation is involved and some really cool aspects thread their way through all or some of the stories. There’s some really cool thriller and dystopian stuff and a lot of good characters...one of whom is bisexual (and maybe what we would consider poly?) and whose lover appears in another story much older. Neither of the characters have their queerness at the center of their stories, but it’s still undeniable there.
Recommended for: People who aren’t intimidated and/or enjoy long, era-sprawling narratives. Fans of Margaret Atwood and/or Agatha Christie would enjoy some elements for sure.
Own Voices?:  Mitchell is married to a women, so it’s unclear.
Palimpsest by Catherynne M. Valente
This is maybe probably the trippiest thing I’ve ever read. The basic premise of the book is that we follow four protagonists, each of which gain access to a sexually-transmitted fantastical world. Yes, really. If you have sex with someone who has a map on their skin, you go to this world which has a very Lotus Eater effect on a lot of people. It is in turns beautiful and creepy.
Sex being the main driving force behind the plot, there are a wide variety of sexual orientations presented here. We have lesbians, bisexuals, and a wonderful poly triad among other things. I mean, people also have sex with humanized trains and bees (again, yes, really) - but that doesn’t operate in such a way as to minimize the queerness. It won a Lambda, so that’s pretty rad.
That said, please be aware that the book deals with rape and there is a suicide attempt.
Recommended for: Sense8 fans and people who enjoyed The Night Circus.
Own Voices?: Probably? All of Valente’s bios state that she lives with her “partner” specifically, so that to me points to her likely being queer. I’m not 100% sure of that though.
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon
This book was given to me by a friend a while ago and had been languishing on my bookshelf for a long time. Had I known more about it, it would have been there for a much shorter period of time. It was my second favorite of 2016.
Kavalier and Clay tells the story of two cousins coming of age in the WWII era and becoming comicbook industry icons. The story has some really interesting magical elements that blend brilliantly with the gritty realities of Kavalier and Clay.
Josef Kavalier is sixteen when he leaves his Jewish family behind in Prague and lives with the weight of worrying about their fates for the majority of the novel. Samuel Clay, on the other hand, must deal with the issues inherent in being gay in 1940s America. The novel is written like a biographical text, so we get to know both these characters (both their lovers) fairly well.
Recommended for: Fans of comic books, history, or comic book history. Also, Jewish folks.
Own Voices?: Michael Chabon is married to a woman, but as previously stated that doesn’t prove or disprove anything - it only means that nothing is conclusive. However, Chabon is Jewish.
Everything Leads to You by Nina Lacour
If you’ve seen me at basically any point in 2016, I raved to you about Everything Leads to You. It’s the best. It doesn’t really have any merit as Literature™, but it’s about girls who like girls getting to be HAPPY and there’s more to the book than just the romance. It’s a goddamn miracle. Everything got a lot of hype and it’s really, really well-deserved. It was my favorite of 2016.
Emi has a really rad internship helping design movie sets, and she’s doing her first solo set when she encounters a mystery. And a really pretty lady. Both the mystery and her feelings about the girl in question are both focal points of the book, with the plots twining together and being pretty evenly balanced.
There is no coming out story, since Emi already knows she’s into girls (there’s actually a subplot in which she needs to deal with lingering feelings for her ex). Emi’s experience with being queer is largely positive, but that can’t be said for all the queer characters in the book. The book examines racism (Emi is biracial) and class issues while not making the book ABOUT its social justice dealings.
Recommended for: Girls who desperately want a w/w beach read and art students.
Own Voices?: Yup! Nina Lacour has a wife!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
How Oscar Isaac Brings Duke Leto Atreides to Life in Dune
A critical character in Dune, both the novel and all three screen adaptations of it, is Duke Leto Atreides, head of the powerful Atreides family and father of the story’s protagonist, Paul Atreides. The Atreides are one of many noble families who wield immense power in this galactic empire of the far future, and Duke Leto is given control by the Emperor of perhaps the most important planet in the galaxy — Arrakis, also known as Dune.
Arrakis is the only planet that produces a substance called melange, or the spice, which enhances human abilities and makes space travel possible. But Leto is walking into a trap set by the Emperor and former Arrakis overlords the Harkonnens, who plan to wrest control of Arrakis away from Leto and his family by any means necessary — including murder.
In director Denis Villeneuve’s upcoming adaptation of Frank Herbert’s 1965 novel (or at least its first half), Leto is played by Oscar Isaac, an actor who is well versed in science fiction thanks to his work in movies like Ex Machina and as pilot Poe Dameron in the recent Star Wars trilogy. The role of Leto was previously played by Jürgen Prochnow in the 1984 film and William Hurt in the 2000 miniseries.  
Asked in a recent online press event to break down the character of Leto, Isaac responded, “He’s a dad. I think that’s a big thing. He’s a father, and he’s got all the qualities of, I think, what the epitome of what a father should be. He’s noble, and House Atreides is a noble house…He’s human, and I think that’s the biggest thing.”
On a deeper level, even though Leto cannot refuse the offer to rule Arrakis, he also knows that he is putting himself, his wife Lady Jessica (Rebecca Ferguson) and his son Paul (Timothée Chalamet) in grave danger by taking them from their home world of Caladan and bringing them to the inhospitable desert planet.
“He is absolutely human and doomed, the way that humans are,” Isaac said. “And under incredible pressure to save his family, save his house, but also adapt to this new existential threat situation, which is being forced to move to this strange planet, and being able to see that there could be a trap…and yet, he’s trying to live up to those bigger ideals, which are sensitivity and empathy and love and order, and trying to give that and show that to his son, knowing that he’s not going to be there forever, in the hopes that they can use this dark, strange situation to their advantage.”
Leto also knows that his son is special — and (in the novel) wasn’t supposed to exist at all, had Jessica followed the breeding edicts of the mystical religious order known as the Bene Gesserit and produced a female — and that his wife as well as Paul may have roles to play that are outside his understanding.
“It’s a really weird family,” explained Isaac. “I mean, they’re tight, but they’ve got very specific goals, all of them. You’ve got Lady Jessica — Rebecca Ferguson, who just did an incredible job — and she’s his dearest partner in greatness, but she has her own weird, Bene Gesserit, prophet/spy thing going on. I think (Leto) doesn’t really get too much into what that’s all about. He understands she has this specific role to play. And then he’s got a son that might be the messiah, so there’s a lot going on there.”
Chiabella James/Warner Bros.
The birth of Paul to Leto and Jessica is part of an ancient, vast plan to create a superbeing known as the Kwisatz Haderach, and it’s Jessica’s direct decision to have a boy instead of a girl that sets those events in motion.
“She’s the engine of the family,” said Isaac. “She’s the engine of the events that happen. It’s a long game that’s being played over millennia, and she’s part of that. So she’s in a very interesting place too, because she understands that there’s a much greater mission to accomplish. Yet she also loves her family and wants to protect them in any way she can. They’re a family in an insane amount of pressure and a lot of conflict, but I think at the core of that, it’s an intense love that they have for each other.”
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As fans of the book know, the Atreides family is permanently transformed by the events of Dune, ultimately giving its members a larger role to play in the fate of the known universe — if they survive.
Dune is scheduled to open in theaters on December 18.
The post How Oscar Isaac Brings Duke Leto Atreides to Life in Dune appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3ij1ZMX
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
Megan Thee Stallion Talks Double Standards, Women As 'The Superior Beings' & Treating Men As Disposable In Marie Claire
Megan Thee Stallion covers Marie Claire’s May 2020 issue. Inside, she talks about how her father taught her never to settle, double standards in the male-dominated music industry and why women are "the superior beings." Get it all inside…
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                  Introducing Megan Thee Stallion, our May cover star. In an interview conducted back in February, the singer talks about double standards in the music industry, letting go of perfectionism, and why “women are the superior beings.” Link in bio for the full cover story. EIC: @ayakanai Writer: @lolaogunnaike Photographer: @micaiahcarter Stylist: @memsor Hair: @kellonderyck Makeup: @sirjohn Manicure: @cocamichelle Set Design: @wetdisgrace Booker: @maxwelllosgar Design Director: @wanyizee
A post shared by Marie Claire (@marieclairemag) on Apr 6, 2020 at 5:02am PDT
  One thing is for sure, Megan Thee Stallion’s rap career is flourishing as the Houston Hottie continues to put out hits for her fans, whom she affectionately calls her Hotties.
These are tough times we’re living in with the Coronavirus pandemic wreaking havoc on the world. However, Megan’s music has been holding folks over, especially with the rising popularity of the video-sharing platform, TikTok. More on that in a few.
Heating up the magazine circuit, the 25-year-old rapper/college student (real name Megan Jovon Ruth Pete) covers the May 2020 issue of Marie Claire magazine. And she stuns on the cover and in the magazine spread.
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                  On studying for a degree in health-care administration while pursing a career in music: “I never had a plan B; I always had two plan A's. I knew I wanted to go to school, but I knew I wanted to pursue music. When you really want to do something, you’re really going to put your mind to doing it. And I really want to do both. I have to do both.” Link in bio for @theestallion’s full cover story.
A post shared by Marie Claire (@marieclairemag) on Apr 6, 2020 at 5:18am PDT
  Meg is juggling her promising rap career and her coursework at Texas Southern University.  She’s currently working toward a degree in health-care administration, and she dreams of one day opening assisted-living facilities for the elderly in her hometown. Copping her degree has always been one of her life goals and so has music. There was never a Plan B because she has always had two Plan As.
“I never had a plan B; I always had two plan As. I knew I wanted to go to school, but I knew I wanted to pursue music,” she says. Due to her hectic work schedule, most of her schooling currently happens online. “When you really want to do something, you’re really going to put your mind to doing it. And I really want to do both. I have to do both.”
As Meg's rap career began to take off, she was hit with double devastating news that rocked her to the core. She lost her mother and great-grandmother in March 2019. Suffering a tragic loss like that could break some of the strongest people, but Meg decided to use it to fuel her ambitions.
Meg's mother, Holly Thomas, was a bill collector and she was also a rapper who rapped under the name "Holly-Wood." Meg's mother would bring her to the studio as a kid where Megan soaked in everything she could during her mom's recording sessions. In the past, Megan has always talked about how influential her mother (who was also her manager before her death) was as she cultivated her rap persona.
However, it was Megan's father who taught her to NEVER to settle when it comes to committing to a partner. Sadly, he passed away during her freshman year of high school, but he left some valuable life lessons for his daughter.
“My dad was definitely my best friend, but for the first eight years of my life, he was in jail,” she reveals. “When he got out, we were together everyday.” Her father’s love is one of the primary reasons why she refuses to settle. “I saw how he treated my mom, and I saw how my dad treated me,” she says. “I have so many strong positive influences. I’m not going to lower my standards.”
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                  “I know that women are powerful. I know that we are out here birthing people. I know that we are out here running sh*t, so I can’t even be mad at you for thinking that we should be held to a high standard. We’re the ultimate beings. We are the superior beings.” - @theestallion Link in bio.
A post shared by Marie Claire (@marieclairemag) on Apr 6, 2020 at 5:31am PDT
As she continues to take over the music charts, Meg isn't blind to the double standards in the male-dominated music industry. Critics have accused her of being too raunchy, too unapologetically and overtly sexual - words that are never used for a male rapper when he raps about sex in his music.
“A man can be as mediocre as he wants to be but still be praised,” she argues. “A man can talk about how he’s about to do all of these drugs and then come and shoot your house up. But as soon as I say something about my vagina, it’s the end of the world? What are you really mad about? You cannot be mad about me rapping about sex. That’s not what you’re mad about.”
“It’s something deeper,” she theorizes. “Not only am I rapping about sex, I’m rapping about you making me feel good. I’m not rapping about licking on you. No, you’re going to do what I told you to do, and I feel like sometimes that can be a little intimidating....Sometimes it’s overwhelming to some men. They can’t handle it, they get a little shook, they get a little scared. But I’m not going nowhere, so get used to it.”
Exactly. And anyone who has a problem with her rapping about sex will just have to deal.
“I know that women are powerful. I know that we are out here birthing people. I know that we are out here running shit, so I can’t even be mad at you for thinking that we should be held to a high standard,” she says. “We’re the ultimate beings. We are the superior beings.”
And that's that on that!
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                  May cover star @theestallion shares her favorite dance move, her biggest pet peeve, and how she earned her first dollar in the latest episode of Pop Quiz.
A post shared by Marie Claire (@marieclairemag) on Apr 6, 2020 at 10:13am PDT
  Rocking Off-White fishnet drip for the cover, Meg revealed the motto more women probably need to live by:
'Sometimes I can treat men like they're disposable, and it's because I know that I don't need you. You're here because I want you to be here,' the rapper revealed, according to a Marie Claire press release.
This doesn't mean she's cold hearted though.  Just aware of treating others the way they often treat us.
Megan has strong family ties with her loved one, especially the women in her life. And they've blessed her with some words of wisdom to live by. Her grandmother, a special-ed teacher, encouraged her to always be kind. “It takes more energy to be a bitch than it does to just be nice,” Meg says.
You can read her full interview here.
Find out all of Thee Stallion's faves in her Pop Quiz clip below:
The latest craze on TikTok has been the #SavageChallenge, created by TikTok user Keara Wilson. After loading her verision of the dance on social media, it spread like wildfire where Meg herself joined in on the challenge, along with several other celebs like Keke Palmer, Marsai Martin, Normani, Ryan Destiny, and even Tamar Braxton (who could use a tad bit more practice).
Recently, Megan released a lyric video of her track "Savage," that features an animation of the #SavageChallenge creator, Keara. Loves it. Check it above.
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                  Savage challenge in my @savagexfenty #savagextheestallion #savagechallenge
A post shared by Hot Girl Meg (@theestallion) on Apr 6, 2020 at 12:16pm PDT
    Naturally, Keara was totally geeked that Megan included her in the video:
  original sound - theybf_daily
  Be sure to follow us on TIKTOK to keep up with all the dance trends!
By the way, Meg now has the #CaptainHookChallenge taking over social media:
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                  When you’ve reached the expert level of @tiktok #captainhookchallenge
A post shared by Hot Girl Meg (@theestallion) on Apr 5, 2020 at 7:25am PDT
  Photo: Megan's IG
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/04/08/megan-thee-stallion-reveals-how-her-dad-taught-her-not-to-settle-talks-double-standards-w
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years
Honest Answers To All Of The Questions Hinge Seems To Think I Should Answer
MC Jeffereson Agloro
Where To Find Me At The Party
If I’m actually at a party and not just drinking at one of the four bars I go to and/or at home, I’m probably connected to one of my best friends talking shit about something or someone. Or, if one of the last parties I went to is any indication, I’m involved in a very tense discussion about how problematic was with a girl who really just wanted to talk about how much she liked the main girl’s hair.
Dream Dinner Guest
Honestly no one. I kind of hate eating in front of people and that’s why I almost always suggest “just sitting at the bar” because something about sitting perpendicular to someone rather than across makes me feel less weird about it. But if I could choose someone to eat at the bar with I’d choose my best friend (awww) because he never bores me.
My Last Meal Would Be
Eaten alone.
Go-To Dish To Cook
I really don’t cook anymore which is pathetic and cliché and it makes me embarrassed. If I didn’t have to do the dishes this Hungarian cauliflower soup I know how to make is pretty spectacular. But it’s really labor intensive so I honestly only make it once a year.
Worst Idea I’ve Ever Had
This? Probably this.
I Got Detention For
So many things. Skipping school to go counter protest people protesting abortion, making out with someone in a practice room, not writing a paper about the witches of Macbeth when I was supposed to. I was a bad student.
My 2016 Resolutions Were
Not kept.
Weirdest Gift I have Given Or Received
A boyfriend bought me a romper once. It wasn’t great.
Craziest Office Party
I work remotely and never get to go and have FOMO every single time.
Favorite Big Game Commerical
I’m assuming that this involves the Superbowl and truly I do not care I only watch for the half-time performance.
The Hallmark Of A Good Relationship Is
I believe that the best relationship of your life will be with someone who has the opposite opinion about pickles as you. Like for me, I hate pickles. Can’t stand them. But then my partner gets to have even MORE pickles. Win win.
What I’d Like To know About You
1) Who did you vote for? 2) How do you feel about that decision now? 3) How do you feel about pickles? 4) Have you Googled me? 5) What did you lie about on your profile?
Finish This Sentence
The Working Title For My Memoir
Is a secret. But an alternate title was just “BITCH” all caps no punctuation.
Would You Rather
I’ll Never Tell My Grandchildren
A lot of things, probably.
Pet Peeves
Most things. Practically all things. But front runners are slow walkers, people who write ‘everyday’ when they mean ‘every day’, PDFs, when people hit the 1 or Lobby button on the elevator when it’s already clearly been pressed, people who don’t acknowledge their dog’s bad behavior, nail polish that chips too quickly, Uber drivers who don’t use Waze, men who feel that eye contact is an invitation for conversation, and when people add my email to subscription lists without my permission.
Fact Or Fiction
Try To Guess This About Me
You Should Leave A Comment If
Favorite Disney Movie
In no particular order: , , , and .
My Dream Job If Money Didn’t Matter
One of Martha Stewart’s dogs. (Writer’s Note: This is my used answer on the app.)
I’d Donate A Kidney For
My dad, probably. But I don’t think we have the same blood type so that’s probably not even an option.
Fact About Me That Surprises People
I don’t like salad.
What I Wanted To Be When I Grew Up
A Broadway Actress or an Olympic Equestrian.
How My Parents Met
I think at church? That seems very North Dakota and therefore, right.
Dream Vacation
One with minimal plans, lots of free time, tons of books to read, and good beer to drink while reading them.
Most Spontaneous Thing I’ve Done
More than one tattoo.
My Happy Place
My bed.
Favorite Holiday Tradition
My best friend and I do vacations on Thanksgiving together instead of like, being at home or doing the whole dinner thing. And it’s honestly amazing.
A Life Goal Of Mine
To get day drunk with Bethenny Frankel.
Most Embarrassing Song On Spotify
I’m not embarrassed of anything I listen to? If you want to make fun of me for jamming to One Direction that honestly not my problem.
I Geek Out On
Talking about clickbait and industry things and telling everyone why they are wrong.
On My Bucket List
Getting day drunk with Bethenny Frankel.
My Simple Pleasures
Walking with my dog, having 3 different kinds of La Croix in my apartment at all times, never making my own coffee.
Next Vacation I Want To Go On
Typical Sunday
Lounging until I get the Sunday Scaries and then having a pretty terrible sleep.
Worst First Date
It is a very long story but it involved a tiki bar, Portland, and him handcuffing himself to my roommate.
Go-To Karaoke Song
I’m a big fan of ladies from the 80s and almost exclusively choose my karaoke repertoire from their greatest hits.
My Personality Type
Heidi told me ESTP so let’s go with that.
My Greatest Strength
My ability to always be right.
I Don’t Always Streak But When I Do
Worst Roommate Story
Too many to list on a dating app.
Worst Fad I Participated In
Do you remember those weird “bubble shirts” that would like, stretch like crazy and were somehow raised and sort of silky? Yeah, those.
I’m Looking For
Someone to be the plus one to weddings who will also try and sneak food out of the venue.
Best Halloween Costume
I was supposed to be the Robin Thicke to my best friend’s Miley Cyrus but he bailed last minute and was Michael Phelps. The costume was still good but that was unfortunate.
Never Have I Ever
Won never have I ever.
I’m Actually Legitimately Bad At
Math. And driving.
My Childhood Crush.
Jonathan Taylor Thomas.
What Makes Me Happy
When people tell me I’m right. When I realize that I don’t have anything to do that day. When my apartment is clean. The sound of my dog drinking water. New sneakers and novelty sweatshirts.
Two Truths And A Lie
(Real Hinge Answer) Once John Cusack asked me to sing for him and I said no. I’m a Slytherin. I’m a natural blonde.
Unusual Skills
I’m really good at guessing heights.
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