#al at muggle university
marigold-hills · 2 months
Dunes & Waters, part 26
“We need to go to Lycopolis,” Sirius says, “maybe the British left something there. The Box must have a key, there’s always one somewhere.”
It’s a week until the full moon. Remus already feels it pulling at the edges of him. Wants to cocoon himself in bed with a nest of blankets and warmth, to tell Sirius next week, please, but he can’t. Sirius is already gracious enough not running away screaming. Remus won’t put the setbacks of his conditions on him as well.
Not when he’s already keeping him from his family.
Remus didn’t really consider that, before. Should have, probably, because most people have someone that waits for them. A parent or a brother or a best friend – and Sirius has them all, of course he does, the person he is. (Wonderful, caring, charming.) and he’d told Remus, at the very beginning, he said I miss my family but somehow the meaning of it didn’t really hit.
It is a fear, a violation, to be found out through the Registry like he was, but can he begrudge the Potters? No. One of their own was off in a foreign country, being kept in that foreign country, even once they got him free. Of course they’d want to know who it was, doing the keeping.
There’s a young bell boy at the hotel they trust not to say anything about Ziggy (because he hasn’t, the many times he’s seen him). Remus gives him payment – or a bribe – to feed the cat the two days they’ll be gone. They pack lightly.
Segin al-Kom is three Apparition jumps north from where they were in Aswan. The very heart of the Nile Delta, it’s surrounded by a shock of green fields cultivated at the sites of the annual flood. It’s a living connection to history – the same land and the same water, cyclically allowing for life to grow, since before Osiris was worshipped here.
They find a small hotel. They arrive early, so the room won’t be ready for a few hours, but the concierge lets them leave their bags there ahead of time so they can travel unburdened.
Sirius takes a look at Remus, and insist they go to eat first. He buys a book of crosswords from the hotel shop (“I need my routine, Remus!”). Seems to be into them more than Remus is by now, and getting better too.
It’s more joy watching him solve them than Remus ever felt doing them alone. (It’s better to smell tea when Sirius drinks it, to see sunlight change shapes with passing time if it falls on his hair, to eat sticky-sweet pastries when Sirius eats them, too.)
The Museum is small, as they tend to be in places the British had stripped of all their historical artefacts. It’s run by muggles, without a Wizarding counterpart. Remus is a bit worried about that – had they had an in, Kingsley could always get them into the back rooms, the storage, the hidden things not presented to the general public. He hopes his Oxford university credentials are enough to get them some leeway.
(let me know if you do/don’t want to be tagged!)
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greenerteacups · 5 months
Hi. First of all, thank you for writing Lionheart, it's been a highlight of my Fridays for a while now. :) I'm on a current reread and am on the chapter where Draco meets Petrovsky et al. and they mention researching at university. Hence my question: what's your view on post-Hogwarts education? I imagined it as more like earning a Mastery with private instructors (given how small the wizarding world is supposed to be). Which would ofc be another disadvantage for muggleborns (connection-wise)
Interesting question! I imagine you'd need a mastery to get licensed for your Boards in technical sciency-y subjects (e.g. Potions and Herbology). In other areas, however, I think you'd only need a mastery if you wanted to teach it (e.g. Transfiguration and Charms). We can assume college and grad school are definitely not the standard course — there's no reference to any of the Weasleys doing it, despite Bill and Percy both being top-of-their-grade academic achievers — so I would imagine that wizarding mastery is a more private, guild-based system of apprenticeship, or possibly small programs hidden here and there at muggle universities. For a while I toyed with the idea of writing a Dramione Oxford AU where there was an additional, magical college sandwiched onto the existing set, but it went on a sojourn to draftland and remains there to this day.
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pebblysand · 16 days
Hi! Thank you so much for writing Castles, it’s the Harry Potter post we’re story I always wanted to read. I love your characterization of the Potter kids, I especially love your take on Lily Luna, do you have a headcanon of what happens next with the kids, regarding their careers and personal lives, or do you want to leave it open to interpretation?
aw, thank you so much ❤️. so glad you enjoyed!
so: yes to both. i've obviously spent a lot of time thinking about the kids so i do have my headcanons (as far as the castles universe goes) but i'm also more than happy for people to have their own. IMO, i'm not the gold standard here. anything that happens in my head that i chose not to put in the fic is not castles-canon. you can totally have your own versions of this.
having said that, here's what i think:
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(moodboard from my outline. yes, they're all ridiculously hot.)
you already see this at the end of castles, but i think james joins the WWW family business, but opening up an "events" side of things, which he runs. he's 100000% a nepo-baby who uses his parents' fame to build up his address book and be the star of the show, lmao. but... we still love him hahaha. he's got a good heart 😅. i sort of see him as the david guetta (lmao) of the wizarding world. i think he likes to entertain people, allow them to have fun and forget their worries, etc. he's very into quidditch but like his father, he's not really interested in making it a career. it's too much hard work/investment. i think james is generally more interested in having fun than in... working 🤣. i also headcanon he lives at his parents' past 30 because it's just convenient. he's that kid who's always asking for money to invest in a potential business venture - has 50 new ideas per hour (not all conclusive) - and ginny's always kind of kindly but firmly bringing him back down to earth. harry would give him the entire contents of his vaults to open a solid-gold-cauldron business 🤣.
personal life:
friendships/family: as described in the fic, he's got a lot of friends, he's a people person, and someone who loves to bridge wizards and muggles. he truly cares about people - i think he's got a bit of teddy's hufflepuff side in that. he's got great relationships with his parents and his siblings, beyond the standard, mild-rivalry that is normal in kids that age. i think he gets on with al because underneath their obvious differences, they have the same sense of humour. i think he feels very big-brotherly and protecting towards lily, and they have good banter. he also massively admires her.
love life: this is hinted at in text but james has a bit of a rough time in his mid-to-late 20s. i headcanon that he gets a Serious Girlfriend pretty early on (probably around 18/19), who he madly falls in love with. i kind of think underneath the whole chill/party vibes, james is a hopeless romantic so when he falls, he falls hard. he's got his parents example in his head of what relationships should look like, and obviously harry and ginny have such a strong relationship, that he wants that for himself, and gives it his all and thinks it's Forever. that girl ends up cheating on him and i think he takes it pretty fucking hard, especially because this happens while lily is in mongolia, all of which sort of sends him spiralling. you kind of see that between the lines in chapter 24: the partying, the sleeping around, etc. kind of like his mother... kind of like his father, too, possibly, had he not met mia. as said in text, there's a lot of press about him, and it's not always nice. without the nazi-costume wearing (i don't think james is stupid enough to do that kind of shit) i headcanon him a bit like prince harry in his early days. in a weird way (as is also hinted at in castles), i think lily coming back re-anchors him. they play video games and have each other's back and heal together, in a way.
later, i headcanon him meeting someone else, maybe in his late 20s and early 30s. i think he's pretty cautious at first, due to past experiences, but she is The One. i headcanon she's a squib or something, or the muggle sibling of a wizard, someone non-magical but who is aware of the magical world, perhaps a doctor or a nurse, someone very out of the spotlight, who's not really interested in who he is or who his parents are, who's there for him, but also understands the pressures he's under. i don't know if they have kids. i can't decide. i strangely headcanon that maybe she doesn't want them? like, she's this doctor who loves children and loves helping people but also feels like she'd rather dedicate her life to others than to have her own. i think james would be happy either way, she's pretty much his world and he loves her enough for that not to matter. or, maybe they have one later, in their late-30s early 40s, once their careers and lives are really established? i'm not entirely sure.
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(yes this was done with AI. you would not believe how hard it is to find black-haired guys with green eyes that aren't trying to be harry potter himself online 😅)
career-wise: oh, al becomes a professor. obviously. i sort of see him do a PhD in muggle history, then specialising in the study of war and parallels between muggle and wizarding history. i think that's the way he manages to wrap his head around and understand what happened to his family. he's in a perpetual search of meaning and patterns, understanding how history repeats itself. i think that sort of study reassures him and provides him comfort, knowing that it's not just him, not just them, that there's meaning and purpose behind all of it. i see him teach (i think he's a great teacher, like his father) - maybe in hogwarts or maybe in a post-grad setting, i'm not 100% sure. i kind of lean towards the latter cause i don't think binns is ever giving up his seat 🤣.
i also see him as rather CASHCOW-involved. like, i think studying war like he does makes him want to do something. he's not necessarily the flashy, loud kind of brave, but he is still very brave, and very opinionated. i do think he's also very close to his mother and cares a lot about the things she started with #metoo and the book, so perhaps he gets involved in that side of things.
personal life:
friendships/family: i think his relationship with his family is pretty much established in castles, i don't have much else to add. he's independent, sure, but still very close to them all. i think he's the kind of person who, unlike james, has a small but very tight-knit circle of people around him, and that suits him fine. he has a few but very close friends.
love life: oh, scorpius is the love of his life. that's it. they have the kind of relationship we all dream of: easy and supportive and loving. i think the main difficulty they probably have is scorpius struggling to come out to his father a bit, but i reckon that happens eventually. i 10000% headcanon them having kids. i think they adopt. i think al has his mother's faith in people and the future, and so it makes sense he would want to pass that on.
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(my CHILD!! my war hero!!)
career-wise: i think that's hard. for her. coming back. i headcanon her taking care of the museum for a while. i think she's back and forth to mongolia quite a lot in the early years as well, because she cares about the people she left there. she probably works at the shop, or with james for a bit as well, helping out. i do think eventually (maybe a few years later - she is almost 20 when she comes back to england, so maybe when she's 23/24), she takes her NEWTs, and albus helps her study. i think that brings them closer. i could see her getting into politics later on. being a wizengamot member or something, not someone who's ever going to really get into power, but more of an agitator, someone who says the hard things and truly tries to change the world.
personal life:
friendships/family: all of this is pretty much established in the fic/above so i won't come back on it. i will say that sadly, because of POV constraints, i couldn't quite explore her relationship with her mother, but i think they have a pretty good one (as much as mothers and daughters can - lol). i think although it's hard, she has a lot more support coming back and healing than harry and ginny ever had.
love life: this sort of ties in to the above but i think lily is someone who values friendship and platonic love a lot more than most people, and a lot more than society does. i'm not sure i entirely headcanon her as ace/aro, but i do think she's someone who doesn't really need romantic love to be happy. she cares and loves very deeply, but she doesn't need to be in a Relationship like most people do. i do think she's generally attracted to men, and i think there are a few lovers in her life that are very, very important to her, but she never feels the need to put a label on it or be someone's Person. she is the world's Person.
in a weird way, though, i do headcanon her having kids. i almost see her as having them and raising them in a commune sort of setting (lol), with friends and people she truly cares about. i headcanon the father to be someone she... loves, even they're not in a conventional sort of relationship. i think she's happy, though. i think lily's happy.
Teddy Remus Lupin:
i never made a moodboard for teddy, i think because his face constantly changes lol. i either see him as becoming a musician or a wandmaker. i couldn't decide, so i hinted at both in the fic. you can pick one lol. or, maybe, he starts out with one with the other as a hobby, then switches things around when he gets bored. i think he's just a creative person, who loves making things. i think romantically, he's probably with victoire, they have cute babies.
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i sort of headcanon naran as moving back to england eventually. it's heavily hinted at in castles but, in a strange way that most immigrants will recognise, mongolia is her home but it's also... not her home. she says it to harry in chapter 23, she's in between spaces, neither truly english nor truly mongolian. most of her formative years are spent in england, and i think, a little bit like ron who, after the most urgent rebuilding is done, quits the ministry, she, i think, moves back to london, probably in her mid-twenties. i do think she's back and forth a lot, very involved, but ultimately, her home is lily. i'm not sure whether she marries or has kids, that's up to you.
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dhr-ao3 · 4 months
The Exception(al)
The Exception(al) https://ift.tt/g94PbTY by thedarkalchemistx What if the Brightest Witch of Their Age was sorted into the House of Serpents? And what if a Pureblood Prince fell for her? Do they have what it takes to forge a bond beyond blood to challenge darkness itself?   After a painful, lonely upbringing in a muggle orphanage, Hermione Granger simply cannot wait to make new friends with the young witches and wizards at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But there's just one thing... She's the only muggleborn witch to have ever been sorted into Slytherin House. ---- Draco Malfoy knew that meeting Hermione Granger--dubbed by the Ministry as the Brightest Witch of Their Age--was inevitable. His father had warned him about the muggleborn (and her exceptional magical talent) before he even set foot on the Hogwarts Express. But he's still surprised when the little swot becomes one of his closest friends and changes his entire life. Words: 6387, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Severus Snape, Narcissa Black, Narcissa Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Ginny Weasley Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini/Ginny Weasley, Theodore Nott/George Weasley, Pansy Parkinson/Neville Longbottom Additional Tags: Slytherin Hermione Granger, BAMF Hermione Granger, Coming of Age, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Found Family, Eventual Romance, Good Slytherins, Slytherins Being Slytherins, Protective Slytherins via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/YL0Zm6z June 03, 2024 at 12:53AM
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assorted-fics · 10 months
Fics of the Month
Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail by MusingsOnBuckyBarnes & Owlet First Fic: The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect
Average Avengers Local Chapter 7 of New York City by hetrez
Steve and Tony accidentally start a national do-gooders association and fall in love.
Changing Fate by melWinter
Loki was supposed to go back to Asgard to assume control of the throne after saving Thor on Svartalfheim. He was supposed to be the portent for Ragnarok...too bad fate didn't ask for his opinion. After all, fate didn't plan for Loki to find an abandoned baby elf. Nor did Loki plan to discover how intriguing Jane Foster can be. And what the heck do the Avengers and his trickster of a daughter have to do with any of this? Loki makes a different choice. But can Loki truly escape the fate that has been his since the beginning? Can the trickster learn to love? With Thanos rising and the infinity war looming, the universe may come to an end if the nine realms can't reconcile with the prince it once rejected. Eventual Jane/Loki. Warning: Loki and Hela snarkiness, Tony cockiness, Thor cluelessness, and random cuteness of Loki dealing with being a dad.
secret keeper by jilliancares
Ellie stares at the new arrival, gaping. All the evidence points to one obvious answer, but this guy looks nothing like the Spider-Man Ellie recognizes — mostly because he isn’t wearing the suit. “Crappy day to get kidnapped, amirite?” he says, crouching next to Ellie and deftly untying her restraints. “Looks like these guys were amateurs, though. They didn’t even lock the windows.” In which Ellie accidentally becomes the one person who knows Spider-Man's identity. She doesn't tell her dad.
Harry Potter
Of a Linear Circle (series) by flamethrower
First Fic: In September of 1971, Severus Snape finds a forgotten portrait of the Slytherin family in a dark corner of the Slytherin Common Room. At the time, he has no idea that talking portrait will affect the rest of his life.
When It Returns by academicdisaster
‘You’re late, layabout,’ Malfoy drawled, pushing the whiskey over to him. ‘I’ll have you know that I am very busy maintaining a whole house and garden by myself now.’ ‘Oooh, the dead husband card. Before any alcohol. Is that a record?’ Harry's husband is dead, and Malfoy is the only one who gets it. Or, the one where they drink at a straight man pub, renovate a house, and learn how to find joy again.
Percy Weasley and the Prefect Job That Isn’t A Vanity Role by adiduck (book_people) and joisbishmyoga
In Which Prefects Have Very Specific Training And Delineated Duties, Namely Handling Exactly One (1) Dormful Of Kids -OR- Percy Is Dorm Mom To Five Boys And No One Else -OR- In Which McGonagall Pictured Prefect Oliver Wood For Two Minutes, Turned Green, And Gave Percy The Badge Despite The Sheer Number Of Responsibilities He Already Had, And It Did Not End In Disaster The Notes For A Fic That Will Not Be Written No, Really, It Won't, Please Don't Ask A Place on Earth by louisfake "Right," Draco said, rolling his eyes. "I'm supposed to believe that the Gryffindor war hero caught the former Death Eater singing Muggle pop like a lunatic in his dormitory and didn't immediately share the news with his pack of admirers?" Harry couldn't help it, he snorted a little. "As if they would ever believe me, Draco." Draco drew himself up, ready to launch into some other tirade, so Harry held up a hand; "What would I even say? I saw Draco Malfoy being joyful and free. How is that a joke?"
Next to You (It’s the Rule) by LunaMyLove
Arthur and Merlin have a special relationship. They always have, even when they were prince and servant. While many question it when first noticing, eventually it becomes an understanding in Camelot—and even among some other countries—that where there is Arthur, there is Merlin. And, where there is Merlin, there is Arthur. Or Arthur and Merlin's relationship as witnessed and explained by others. Also, or Five times someone realizes that Merlin is the Queen, one time Merlin realizes it himself, and one time he owns it.
The Hunt for Red Emrys by Darkbluedark
King Arthur sets out to keep his promise to the spirit of the Druid boy by repealing his father's ban on magic. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done, for reasons including but not limited to the following: (1) He can't change the law until he understands magic better, but no sorcerer is willing to explain magic to him until he changes the law; (2) The sorcerers all have some strange obsession with Merlin, which is awakening all sorts of feelings in Arthur that he really doesn't fancy examining too closely; (3) He is starting to feel like the butt of some Druid-population-wide inside joke involving the mysterious phenomenon called Emrys; and (4) Oh yeah, Morgana is still trying to kill him. Thus he embarks on a journey of discovery, diplomacy, accountability, and self-improvement, and maybe even falls in love along the way.
Open Eyes by N16
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till death do us part by RottenKidNextDoor (Portal of Words)
"the first time jay killed carlos, they were sitting in the foyer of hell hall and carlos was worried about the blood on the floor." or jay and carlos have an agreement to kill each other to exploit the magic barrier's healing ability when things go too far. killing for mercy isn't as easy as it sounds.
death came to visit me so sweetly by tobiko
Do you know what it feels like to die? The Isle kids do. It's not something that they like to talk about.
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kathrynalicemc · 1 year
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Heard people are making Marauders OCs so I realized I never really introduced one of my gals. I’ve just been clowning with @cursebreakerfarrier for a while with her.
So here is Elowen Abberline! She’s a bit older than true ME as she’s born around 1956 and not 1960. Her father Alphonse Abberline was the head of the Aurors and was very famous for being successful at his job and being warm and friendly. It was just the two of them and they were inseparable, Al even taking her to the Ministry some days. Elowen had the run of the place and charmed the entire department. The two of them lived together in a little cottage in the woods in the countryside (location tbd).
Unfortunately, Alphonse was killed by a Death Eater sometime when El was a teenager. She lost her best friend and was driven to find whoever killed him. She decided to go to the best Muggle university she could find and take classes in law and journalism. After getting her degree, she tried to enter the workforce but had to start at the bottom. This, of course, was working as a journalist for the Daily Prophet.
She had the knowledge to work as a lawyer which served her well. Eventually she would also have a private investigator business on the side. One day, a story she was reporting on was also being investigated by Aurors and she demanded the ability to shadow the Auror on the case. She was granted this as she knew almost everyone in the department. Everyone, that is, except the newest Auror who was hired after the death of her father. Killian Reiss was now her partner and the two butted heads at the start but would eventually grow together and even fall in love.
Together they would try to solve the murder of Alphonse Abberline…
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danceworshipper · 9 months
And now, a secondary HPHL quartet that no one, not even I, asked for:
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In this universe, only one of them has the Ancient Magic connection. The rest are special in their own ways. Introducing:
The MC: Persephone Malfoy
- Persephone follows the game's storyline almost perfectly. The main change is that she's a Malfoy, and thus has previous knowledge of the wizarding world. Her family originally thought she was a Squib (and hated her for it). Receiving her letter was an absolute shock, even for her, and even more surprising was how quickly she took to the magic that had refused her for so long. Being the failure middle child, Persephone has grown to be a bit of a callous bitch, but she also bonds quickly with anyone that could be considered an underdog or anyone who ignores her family name when speaking with her. Her pink hair is not natural - she was born with the well-known Malfoy platinum - but instead dyed with muggle hair dye, a "nasty habit" she's had for a few years now. Being sorted into Gryffindor unlike her siblings is one of her greatest achievements. Her parents are furious, and that's just the way she likes them. Seph's not used to being a leader, but she quickly discovers that she's damn good at it. @autisticarachnid she's the one I asked for your advice for a while ago!
Wohali Hopkins
- Listen. I had a bizarre dream a while ago about the HP universe and for some reason, my subconscious gave me some new lore: purple people. The image shown of Wohali isn't entirely accurate - his skin should be purple too. Here's the lore: in pureblood families, a child could randomly be born completely purple. These purple babies are seen as (in this era) a sign of perfectly pure blood; the absolute pinnacle of wizardkind. Purple witches and wizards usually had much more powerful and advanced magic, and were capable of doing things all others could not. Wohali is half Native American on his mother's side and grew up in the US, but he was sent to Hogwarts in his second year because his father didn't think that Ilvermorny was treating him with the proper reverence, aka, special treatment. You'd think Wohali would be a dick with a dad like that, but he actually hates his dad and doesn't want that sort of attention - but like a true Slytherin, he will use it to his advantage.
Alistair Royce
- I made this guy for one reason and one reason only: Leander Prewett. I didn't mean to, but I ended up a little obsessed with the idiot and needed a suave oc to make him trip over his own feet, so here he is. Alistair is an openly gay, very flirty Quidditch star who happens to have his eyes set on this absolute fucking loser (affectionate). Besides that, he's a total closet nerd - he takes Arithmancy and Ancient Runes of his own free will and has been begging for the option to take Alchemy since third year. He's teaching himself some of the most difficult types of magic in his free time. Why is Al a Hufflepuff if he's so intelligent? Simple: lack of motivation. He's one of the smartest wizards in the entire school, but he struggles to pay attention in class unless it's actually challenging, and because of Quidditch he fails to study and do his homework a lot of the time. Plus, he's one of the most outgoing guys around. He finds spending time with his friends and enjoying life far more important than his grades.
Gloria Ulbinn
- Gloria was made to round out the quartet. I had nothing for her for the longest time other than a vague idea of her appearance, but I finally figured it out. Gloria is a nosy girl who knows things about people. She can make anyone obsessed with her, or hate her, or plague them with nightmares they can't escape, because she's a Dreamwalker. Dream magic is incredibly difficult and under-studied as a subject in the Wizarding World, but since her birth she's been able to appear in people's dreams and influence them. She's never actually had a dream of her own. This ability is incredibly useful in some ways, but it's also her darkest secret. Since she can't not enter someone's dream each night, her presence tends to screw with a person's subconscious. Once, she got someone addicted to her, and if she didn't enter their dreams they'd wake up screaming in a cold sweat - and it can go the other way, too. She's nice! Just... maybe sleep with one eye open.
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karmasabitchsworld · 2 years
Harry Potter: The Inclusive Version
With the recent news that JK Rowling is taking things a step further and using new funds from our nostalgia trip to fund Anti-Trans bills, I decided to say a giant fuck you to that and reclaim my childhood as my own. I have started writing out a new version of the Harry Potter Universe in more Modern day times and things we all wanted but JK Rowling deprived us of. This AU, New Age Harry Potter universe is for all writers, artists, and cosplayers to use who still want to be apart of the Harry Potter world we all love but feel they can't support JK Rowling's version anymore.
I give you all a new version to support and put your love into while still holding onto the nostalgia you feel for the Wizarding World. I give you Harry Potter: The Inclusive Version.
The School - Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry is still a castle but has fewer death traps and tricky things that cause you to miss class (Like phantom steps or doorways that lead to walls cause who thought that was a good idea?). For those that still like to get up to mischief, don’t worry there are still plenty of secret corridors behind well-hidden buttons or levers or things that require a particular rhyme to open. The tunnels behind them lead all over, from different areas of the school to the Forbidden Forest, all the way to Hogsmeade. There are even rumors of one that disappears and reappears at the same time a specific room does.
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The Teachers - They are many lovely teachers at Hogwarts though the Dark Arts teacher changed for a few years the one that stuck around was well-loved by all the students. 
Core Classes
Astronomy - Professor Aurora Sinistra
Charms - Professor Filius Flitwick
Defense Against the Dark Arts (D.A.D.A.) - Quinirus Quirrel (First year only), Gilderoy Lockhart (Second year only), Remus Lupin (Third year-Present)
Herbology - Professor Pomona Sprout
History of Magic -Professor Cuthbert Binns
Potions - Professor Severus Snape
Transfiguration - Professor Minerva McGonagall
Arithmancy - Professor Septima Vector
Care of Magical Creatures - Professor Rubeus Hagrid
Divination - Professor Sybill Trelawney
Muggle Studies - Professor Charity Burbage
Study of Ancient Runes - Professor Bathsheda Babbling
Advanced Arithmancy Studies - Professor Septima Vector
Alchemy - Professor Carina Birch (I had to make one up because there isn’t one on the wiki)
Extra-Curricular Subjects
Ancient Studies - Professor Delta Grace (Another made up one)
Apparition - Professor Wilkie Twycross
Art - Professor Crow Sterling (Made up)
Flying - Professor Rolanda Hooch
Ghoul Studies - Professor Cedar Hinde (Made up)
Magical Theory - Professor Eleazar Fig
Muggle Art - Professor Charity Burbage
Muggle Music -Professor Charity Burbage
Music - Professor Basil Yetis (Made up)
Xylomancy - Professor Sybill Trelawney
How Different Holidays Work - There are a vast array of magical students attending Hogwarts and not all of them share the same religions or subsequent holiday traditions due to that fact, but the Hogwarts staff are very accepting and accommodating of all the students they care for and have ways of making sure they get to spend the holidays with their families accordingly.
3 days before Hanukkah in the given year any students who practice Judaism and wish to spend Hanukkah with their families will be given a sign-up sheet with the option to sign up to stay at school or leave their names off the list and be planned to be on the train ride to Platform 9 ¾ to meet their families. They will spend their 8 days with their families and then have two more nights to say goodbyes and goof off before getting on the train back to Hogwarts. 
As for those who celebrate Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, the staff keeps track of when those holidays are coming and during Eid al-Fitr, they make sure the house elves who work the kitchens are aware of whose fasting so food isn’t sent their way and when it comes times for salat, there is an emptied out hall they keep just for Muslim students to pray in when they want or need to. 3 days before Eid al-Adha, teachers offer another signup sheet to either stay at school or students who wish to visit their families to celebrate with them and be with them during that time will be free to take the train back to Platform 9 ¾ to be with their families for a week. After the week ends, they will return back to school and continue their classes. 
For those who celebrate Christmas, a signup sheet is passed around on December 21st to see who wants to stay at school, and those who do not sign up get to return home to their families for the holiday and spend Christmas Eve and Day through to New Years with their families and then the day after New Years return to Hogwarts to continue classes. 
For those that celebrate Kwanzaa, another signup sheet goes around just after the Christmas kids have left on December 23rd, and those who decided to get to return home to spend Kwanzaa with their families before returning to school on January 3rd just after the Christmas kids get back as well to resume classes. 
Magic Traditions - The Goblet of Fire was a tradition for a long time but luckily that stayed banned because it’s deadly and who would pin a bunch of school children in a fucking death match? But Quidditch is much less deadly, though still dangerous it’s still a beloved sport of the Wizarding World. Another beloved tradition that’s still around is the Sorting Ceremony but the school’s much less divided nowadays. The teachers have long since realized that if siblings who only know each other get put in different houses it may cause a very bad rift between them, especially for ones who are younger siblings. So they allow people to mingle between tables and as long as you have permission from a member belonging to the house, you’re allowed to be in another house's common room. They are however magical precautions against people giving away separate house passwords to each other or for anyone who doesn’t have a house's permission to sneak into another house's common room. Professor Flitwick is quite good with charms y’know?
The Potter Prophecy - Lily and James Potter died at the hands of Lord Voldemort and Lily dying to protect her child gave him the protection that lasted his whole life. But as for being left on the Dursley’s doorstep by a morally-grey man who wanted to raise that child for slaughter? Uh-uh, no, not in my good magical household. You see in this life there were better resources and better options. In other words, the person who caught up to Sirius Black wasn’t a goddamned moron and checked his wand to see what spell was cast last and saw that he in fact did not just blow up a man. On top of that Professor Albus Dumbledore decided to have a heart and tell them that Sirius Black wasn’t the Potters' secret keeper and that it was in fact, Pettigrew. Long story short, Sirius Black never went to Azkaban and since he was Harry’s Godfather he had first dibs on adopting Harry. So instead of being raised in the abusive Dursley house, Harry was raised by his two gay Uncles, Sirius and Remus, and grew up feeling loved and knowing who and what he was. Of course, the kid wasn’t raised to have an ego or be anything but polite yet sarcastic, much like Remus, but he knew from a certain age why people always stared at him and were always giddy to meet him. 
New Age Wands - Wands aren’t what they used to be either. Ollivander was the first wandmaker to start pioneering a new way of making wands more concealable to muggles when people started finding ways to charm technology into working around and with magic. You see a guy pulling out a long spindly stick as a reflex when he gets angry kinda makes people start to question things a little when he acts like it’s a weapon of mass destruction and his cousin acts like that stick is a knife pointed at his throat. So mixing wands into things like umbrellas, and selfie sticks, heck they even sell wands that flip out like a switchblade or collapse into a handle like pens. Of course, finding the right type of wand is done the old-fashioned way of which wand chooses you, so you find the right wand in the normal form but if you want it to be concealable Ollivander has no problem making it that way for a little extra charge.
So there you have it. The first post to the new Harry Potter. I'll finish up the Character stuff I have and post it later. Also, I deeply apologize if any of the stuff about other holidays is off, particularly the Muslim holidays. I don't know about other holiday traditions beside Hanukkah really and as much as I tried to do the best research I could into the topics of the other holidays to get the information right there wasn't a lot of good info about how Eid is celebrated. Feel free to correct me and I will make changes to it. I appreciate any feedback.
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klaine-a03-feed · 16 days
El hijo del muggle
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/VMXJR92 by nir_hat Muchas veces, Kurt Hummel ha sentido que no encaja en este mundo, aunque todo esto cambia cuando un día recibe aquella invitación a la escuela de magia y hechicería en Hogwarts. Mucha gente que conocer, al igual que todo un mundo desconocido. Enemistades, amistades, y hasta enamoramientos. Words: 12991, Chapters: 3/18, Language: Español Fandoms: Glee (TV 2009) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Burt Hummel, Rachell "Rae" Hofstetter, David the Warbler (Glee), Sebastian Smythe Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Pre-Relationship, Adventure, Canon Related, Magic
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beboslatkice · 6 months
wrap plagerism sandbeak tigger scarf hand down neck gasp fall wipe remains muslim failure faggot b want 2 b moses sucks tigger wannabe bigger manhood any sexual act as a.c.t (play) write dyslexic disappoint tetragrammaton chaldean lesser than “nationalist” “coffee” shit eaters romancing lost disassociate beheading kill kill death recording human violations Ni laws govern Satanic Further speak less violated on commission NDA abdulaziz algasim Sodomy Abdullah correct declaration immoral live omission unnatural force confusion spell casting Gay Way Death Krampus Conjure IT Pmy Amy Stuprum (proof of service attached) (signature of attorney) “I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true & correct 3rd” 8.613(f)(g)(a) placement Clerk’s stamp archive Ni petiotion(er) i.f a.t.t.e.m.p.t jus a fax [“U.S”] Date/Currant/Elder Agency Program Diversion freeborn nomagic muggle personal slight Jim Crow law policy “hurt not disappointed” segregation as placement Hail White Power at Eternity/Texaco vs. othersagebasilleftplagiarismredundant atheistic agnostic peanut shits brainless p body definition letter (ing) researcher theorectical stupid faggot look fake away on apostlepaulbitchtiggersemanswallowercumonbeard methamphetamine sharp placement pain further ElmCreast13th light show headinsandHumayun nebuchadnezzar literal ugly retard nostalgic former rape torture beating humiliate Cuckold extreme annotate inception eternal Moloch Paimon The God covet{wind}earthquakes “…….” [after] emulsifier use letter {Q} as slander Walmart Hassam sum type way Taco bitch sand coochie aftershock sold in every Walmart Come And Check Yahoo Dare Heckler & Koch weapons contracts Beelzebub Satan Devil Paimon Moloch Valak Bael Nudy(BIV) FEMA camps operation occupy wallstreet matthew kidder Aflac moderna Democrate veagan (ism) retard alibi literal shit eaters less then/than humanitarian new rat world order petri dish sickle cell disease white boy chemical castration prostration unholy Reveng inc.. Dimension Franchisee interstellar from “kinda got sexual psychical torture” adiyaman from the (pain)as pro placement “BLK site” extremist drama mello extra minority can spread Annotation: supplementary info Augustus Adolf Elizabeth Per-30sometypeway Council prejudge xes violet treadstone
al hol roj irgcqf kataib hizballah assad kremlin dumayr strike site lgbtqi trauma disassociate theory migraine uninformed enhanced Eric Rudolph young Richard Jew’ell Allied Universal FBI buttfuck2debt Melih Uzunyol Ramzi Yousef Mahmud Abouhalima mohammad salemeh nidal ayyad Rahman yasin ahmed ajaj jaish pashtun kabul omar hibatullah akhundzada the ugly stupid hurt fool burqa  
“hypocrite us dew atrocities eternal & Blasphemy disrespect pervert 666 & get away haha loser club”
Scary carton monkey
Freddy Krueger
Hostel Annotation
Iraq & Syria from Pentagram Cross Hermes $60,000 throw
The Exorcist
Book Leviticus
Oompa Loompa Demon Teeth
Literal: Ginger Mustard Gas Monster Yellow Cake Exposure
ChildsPlay Brunette
Jigsaw Mask Roja Remington
BLK “ThankYou” carry away bagget head Revenge Rifle Gun Play
Cassie Boy Knife Split White Hoof Heal Toe Syth
Xenomorph purgatory Gehenna Valhalla Reich UnHoly Realm Power Bleed Blood
Great Depression MkUltra UK totalitarian/Secret The Genocide
Child Labor Perc 30-sometypeway
War Extermination Law
Including Shelter Food Medicine Education
The Mentor PFL. H
0 notes
leonsrightarm · 9 months
i'm never actually going to waste my time writing the essay so here is how white supremacy and fascism generally operates in harry potter fanfic btw:
harry discovers that he has been bewitched/betrayed by dumbledore et al.
typically he has been manipulated into being stupider and less powerful (and sometimes more heterosexual) than he Actually is. also they have been stealing his money.
the malfoys or some other death eater/group of death eaters conveniently arrive to explain to harry that he has been terribly misled about the nature of the conflict between purebloods and muggle-borns
"our traditions are being erased. ): they are OUTLAWED due to MUGGLE-BORN pearl clutching. ): they never even bothered to understand our world they just TOOK OVER and started changing everything!!!!! we just want to defend ourselves from muggles who fear and disdain us and would kill or enslave us if they could!!!!"
wow the outsiders are ruining the old traditions for the wealthy in-group defined by the purity of their blood and their access to institutions and knowledge. also they are almost universally wealthy and the one poor family (the weasleys) is almost always framed as evil conspirators operating against the good of other purebloods because they are greedy and stupid. i'm sure that doesn't have any meta-textual implications.
harry begins his righteous fight back against the evil corrupting forces of non-wizards usually by dismantling the government and replacing it with....?? conveniently, usually everyone is in favor of all these changes and almost unanimously choose to go along with it except for the evil (and poor and greedy, unlike the wealthy and good purebloods!) weasleys. and dumbledore. so don't worry, it's a """democracy.""" nothing to see here folks. :) continue on your way.
hermione is a convenient token muggle-born who admits that the purebloods have all been wronged (because she is so smart!) and helps harry fix society's wrongs. see we have a good muggle-born so we can't be wrong. other muggle-borns should just be reasonable like hermione and learn pureblood traditions and accept pureblood rule and fit in with the dominant society.
in case you're wondering what does happen to muggle-borns in this society, it's that they are taken from their parents when they're babies and adopted by purebloods or raised in orphanages so that they can learn pureblood culture and not infect the wizarding world with muggle-born values and ideas. because that's a nice and reasonable thing to do and not fascist at all. (but we wouldn't murder them!!! they're children!!! WE'RE not the bad guys!!!)
then harry hooks up with a nice pureblood witch (or wizard) and becomes a devoted follower of the pureblood old ways that were almost stolen from him
the end :) what a happy and cool story that is completely free from any real world political meaning and will be repeated ad-nauseam for countless years and millions upon millions of words
this is the plot of so many fucking harry potter fanfics and it's not even thinly veiled and yet i have never seen anyone discuss it and it drives me a little bit insane.
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shinynewboots · 11 months
The Speakeasy / Hermione x Thorfinn Rowle (Chapter 1)
Summary:  Four years after the war, life is going the exact opposite of what Hermione Granger expected. She quit her internship and is now attending a muggle university and working in a cliché muggle bar to help herself get by. However, when she catches the eye of a former Death Eater, she is left wondering if her life really has derailed or if she's doing exactly what she was meant to do.
Warnings: 18+, eventual smut, post-war au, Thorfinn Rowle bakes bread
AO3 Link
Next Chapter
AN: Hey Friends! This is my attempt at moving over some of my works from fanfiction . net to AO3 just bc I really like the formatting and filters on AO3 better. Posted on fanfiction under the same name in 2018. Also hoping this will give me so inspo for the story ( I definitely already have some ideas!!). Hope you all enjoy! Second chapter should be added sometime this week, I just need to go back and edit for clarity and grammar mistakes!
The Speakeasy was not a place of socialization and the soft nursing of an ale or beer, but rather an audacious display of American drinking culture. The owner, Mr. Eli Jacobs, described it as being a place of being "go big or go home". The bar was a place one typically went to with the intention of drinking to forget and drinking with the intent of becoming utterly shitfaced in a short amount of time. Of course, this culture only existed during the evenings, when the youth of London began to seek a thrill utterly foreign to them in the early hours of the night.
During the days, the bar was quiet. The light haze of cigarette smoke was always present in the air and had become the bar's signature scent. The occasional wanderer would find their way into the bar, and casually sip on their American beer. Aside from this, the bar was relatively quiet during the afternoons. This state of peace left Hermione Granger, a bartender, ample opportunity to study her university textbooks when not being asked to give the occasional barfly a refill.
Hermione was an oddity to her coworkers, who questioned why such a bright woman would choose to work in a bar to help pay for school when she was the type of girl who should have an internship or a research project. Of course, they never asked this to her face, as they had immediately determined that Hermione was very private about herself and her personal life. The only information they had managed to dig up from her was that she studying to become an educator to young children.
Of course, if they did discover the truth about her, they would never believe the circumstances that led to her becoming a bartender in a cheesy, second-rate American bar. Even her own friends didn't believe how her life had turned out.
Four years prior, the war had come to an end. The Golden Trio had gone on their ways and pursued what was expected of them. Harry had begun training to become an auror, despite Hermione chastising him and asking him to at least give himself time to recover from the trauma of a war. Of course, this led her to become a hypocrite as she did just the same as Harry and buried herself in becoming a Healer through intensive training. Ron had chosen what Hermione later realized to be the healthiest life choice out of the trio, which was helping George run the joke shop.
Her budding romantic relationship with Ron fizzled out in the weeks after the war, as the pair realized they likely would kill each other if they continued down the path they were heading. That wasn't to say they didn't love each other immensely, but rather the love they had was too platonic to ever survive in a romantic relationship. Hermione knew she could never love Ron as a brother, but also knew she could never love him as a lover either. And so they parted ways and left their relationship the way it was meant to be, with both of them being the fiercest of friends.
Hermione had chosen to live with Harry in Grimmauld Place, despite the awful coldness the building kept buried deep within its walls. In the beginning, she had tried to bring an air of lightness to the building, but her efforts remained fruitless. After a while, she stopped trying. The house was unwelcoming, and Hermione hated every moment she spent in it alone, as Harry normally arrived back from his own training at odd hours of the night.
Upon reflection, Hermione wasn't sure what made her want to become a Healer. Perhaps it stemmed from the stereotypical aspiration of muggle parents who wished their children to be physicians. Maybe it came from the fact that despite her desire to end corruption within the Ministry, she had no desire to return to a place that played background for various nightmares. However, a tiny sliver of her soul knew the truth which was simply that she wished to do something that reminded her of her parents.
Her training continued for a while: three years in fact. She was almost to the point where she would officially be certified when one day she was helping to heal a potioneer of his burns that were the result of a potion explosion when she simply walked out of St. Mungos, the sudden, cold realization hitting her that she was not happy and would never be happy being a Healer. And that she was tired. So utterly tired and burnt out from the years of non-stop intensity.
Her friends had worried about her mental well-being, though she assured them that she was fine. Begrudgingly, they believed her but continued to ask after her frequently after her apparent mental break. Harry in particular stressed and fussed about her when he was home, despite being exhausted from his days of training. During this stretch of time, Hermione resolved that it wasn't fair of him to devote his time to worrying over her like a mother hen, and used some of the savings her parents had left her before she had cast the memory charm to rent a flat. She also forged Muggle transcripts and decided to do what she knew best: education.
School was comforting. Familiar. Despite attending a muggle university, the emotions surrounding it were the same as the ones she had felt at Hogwarts. Her classes were obviously an adjustment, as she had not attended a muggle institution in years, However, it was only a short time until she found her rhythm and was making top marks in her classes. Of course, she was a few years older than her first-year classmates, which likely helped her performance as well.
She wasn't even supposed to be working today. Wednesdays were days she typically devoted wholly to her studies in the afternoons, yet her coworker Lisa had called her with a raspy voice and practically begged Hermione to work. Of course, Hermione would have agreed even without the begging, however, Lisa had a flare for the dramatics and tended to overact with every performance, whether that be serving beer or cleaning glasses.
Hermione continued to scan her textbooks, unconsciously nibbling the end of her pen in her mouth. Her thoughts were absorbed in the psychology that was associated with the education of grade school children. Thus, she missed the newest patron entering the bar. He took his seat at the counter, the same seat, unknowingly to her, that he took every Wednesday. When he noticed that he was essentially being ignored by the bartender, he exhaled loudly and began to obnoxiously tap his fingers against the counter.
"Sweetheart," He called out, forcefully pulling Hermione from her studies, causing her to jump in surprise.
"Sorry," She offered in return, embarrassed by her lack of awareness. "I was just-"
Her voice stopped cold as she met the hulking figure of none other than Thorfinn Rowle. He was equally as surprised, as his striking blue eyes grew wide. A sudden rush of red ran to her cheeks, and her eyes darted around the room.
"Granger? What the fuck?" He boomed, any form of subtly being nonexistent. Any nervousness she had possessed drained out of her and was replaced with red-hot irritation. How dare he invade her private place. How dare he sit his arrogant arse on one of the stools and ask her what she was doing. She had yet to allow even her friends to know the privilege of the exact establishment she worked, and yet here a brutish buffoon sat, ruining her sanctuary.
"Me? Shouldn't you still be under house arrest for oh, I don't know, being a Death Eater," She shot back, trying to keep her composure intact and failing miserably.
He gave her a mischievous look and held up his right wrist revealing a pewter bracelet. Hermione recognized it from an article she had read in the Daily Prophet a few months prior that described a new Ministry tool that essentially worked as a device to keep rehabilitated war criminals on a tight leash. "Got off on good behavior. Now I can travel between Rowle Rock and London."
"Good behavior," She scoffed. Though Rowle didn't particularly scare her, she wasn't all too keen on seeing him sitting across from her in the place she worked. However, the side of her with a justice fetish argued that despite his misgivings, he had served a sentence and deserved to be out in the world like anyone else.
"Why don't you fix me a glass of whiskey, Granger," Rowle said, obviously enjoying the roles they were in. Hermione fumed.
"Why don't I throw you out, hm Rowle?"
Rowle smirked. "I'm sure Eli wouldn't approve of you throwing out one of his regulars, now would he?"
Hermione's shoulders slumped and she held a gob-smacked expression. "You know Mr. Jacobs? The owner?"
Rowle nodded, his eyes holding an amusement, as though he were playing a poker game and holding all the right cards. "I'm here almost every Wednesday and Saturday. Hell, even some Fridays."
She narrowed her eyes at his words. "I've never seen you here. I work every Saturday."
"Hm, I guess I never noticed you," Rowle mused, picking dirt from under his fingernail. Hermione exhaled deeply from her nostrils, somewhere between being halfway insulted by his comment and not giving a damn about what Thorfinn Rowle noticed about her. "By the way, Sweetheart, about that glass of whiskey?"
Wordlessly, Hermione grabbed a glass and placed it in front of him. She grabbed the bottle of whiskey and poured him a glass, internally seething at the situation. Rowle winked at her and took a sip of the alcohol.
While he was busy, Hermione grabbed her textbook and shoved it into the bag she kept under the counter. He peered over his glass. "What's that Granger?"
"None of your concern," She replied smartly, turning to face him. Despite the bar's dim lights, his long, blond hair glistened and glittered. It made her sick. She gave him a hard stare as if asking him to challenge her.
"What's with the attitude Granger," He asked, taking a sipping of his drink. "It's not like I've killed someone."
"Congratulations. Would you like a gold star?" She questioned. Thorfinn smirked into his glass and nodded his head.
"Nice. What was it they called you in the Prophet? Brightest Witch?"
Despite hating the title once it had been bestowed to her by the awful writers of the Prophet, she preened under the apparent insult he threw.
"Better than being known as a brutish git who got hit by a memory charm by a little girl."
"Damn Granger, that was a bit below the belt," He replied, shaking his head. He took a final sip of his whiskey until the glass was empty, and pulled some money from his pocket to leave on the counter.
"You've wounded me, Granger. I supposed I'll have to endure your verbal besting Saturday when I see you," He said, winking at her. Hermione looked at him with a displeased expression on her face, and the feeling of a rock in her stomach. He only laughed at her and left the bar.
The rest of her shift passed slowly, and Hermione couldn't help but revisit the conversation she had with Rowle. She hated the way she had silently enjoyed the verbal battle she held with him. However, she also hated his little quips and the way they had managed to get under her skin. If she saw him again on Saturday it would be much too soon, and she was silently praying Lisa would be well by Saturday so that perhaps she could miss work if only just to avoid him.
Hermione left work and walked down the London streets to make her way to Grimmauld Place. Despite no longer living there, Hermione always had dinner with Harry, Ron, Ginny, and George every Wednesday as it was the only day that fit into their schedule for them to all meet. Of course, they didn't cook dinner but instead would rotate turns on who would order take-out from some of the various restaurants in the Wizarding World. Fortunately, it wasn't Hermione's turn, as she would have totally forgotten.
She entered Grimmauld Place and was immediately engulfed in a hug from a semi-sweaty Ginny. Hermione wrinkled her nose. "Just get finished with practice?"
"Of course not," Ginny laughed. "This is my natural scent."
"Funny you weren't born a boy since you smell like one," Ron jested, coming up behind Ginny to greet Hermione. Ginny scrunched her nose up at her brother, and turned on her heel towards the kitchen, but not before she gave him a hard thwack on the arm.
"Ow," Ron exclaimed, rubbing his wounded arm. Hermione gave him a pitying smile.
"How was work?" She asked, walking with him towards the kitchen.
"A little slow, but that's to be expected in January since school just started back and all. George and I have been working on a new product though, so that's exciting."
"Oh really? What kind?"
"It's part of the WonderWitch collection," George replied, popping up behind Hermione and Ron. Hermione jumped and gripped at her heart. Ron jumped as well, though he still laughed at Hermione's reaction.
"Damnit George," Hermione squeaked, though the adrenaline and utter terror she had felt was worth it to see the expression on George's face. He wore a grin, and the lines around his eyes had crinkled into something that mimicked happiness. In the past few weeks, he had become more like his old self than they had witnessed before the war.
"Sorry Mione," He laughed. He reached into his pocket and revealed a small purple vial. He handed it to Hermione, who grasped the vial and opened it cautiously. She took a sniff, however was unable to find any sort of odor.
"What is it?"
"We haven't really come up with a name yet. You're supposed to drink it and be able to tell who finds you attractive based on a color aura," Ron said, glancing over at George for affirmation.
"Yeah but I wouldn't be drinking it yet, Love," George said, plucking the bottle from Hermione's hands. "It's still in the works. I took some the other day and could only tell which dogs found me irresistible."
Hermione giggled and could only conjure the image of George being followed by a horde of dogs who all had heart eyes for him.
"Woof," Ginny barked from the kitchen. George laughed and shook his head.
"You'll pay for that Gin," He yelled, running into the kitchen. Ron and Hermione followed him and were met with the sight of Ginny and George locked into a wrestling match. Harry looked at the pair of siblings, amusement in his eyes.
"My money's on Ginny," He stated, bolstering his girlfriend's confidence. Ginny laughed and proceeded to put the many hours of quidditch training to use. In almost no time at all, George was pinned down to the kitchen table.
"Uncle," George cried, ready to escape the embarrassment that was losing to his younger sister in a wrestling match. Ginny laughed in a sadistic way only a sibling could at her brother's discomfort. She finally released him and was given a victory kiss by Harry.
"Damn Harry I don't know how you put up with this one," George said, pointing at Ginny. Ginny stuck her tongue out at her brother and Harry only winked in response. Ron's face grew green at what Harry seemed to imply.
"Nope, we're drawing a line there. Who's hungry?"
The motley crew grabbed the take-out that George had picked up from the Leaky Cauldron and began to eat. When everyone was absorbed in their meals, Hermione looked around the room at each of her friends and felt a pang in her chest at the scene before her.
Sometimes, she wished it were like this every day. At this moment, they were simply a group of twenty-somethings who all appeared lost in the path of life. These were the days Hermione craved. Because when they all gathered together, she didn't feel like such a failure. It was rich, coming from her: the girl who exceeded expectations and held so much ambition and promise. Yet, she knew when she left this gathering of friends she would become someone who had no clue what was going on in her life.
It terrified her. She knew if she were to look at Boggart now, it would have evolved from the childish fear she had of making less than excellent marks. No, her boggart now would be herself, drifting in a boat with no clue where she would make land.
Every person at the table before her had some sort of direction. Ginny was playing professional quidditch. Harry was an auror for the Ministry. He had been in a relationship with Ginny for a while, and though Hermione knew that Harry would allow Ginny and himself the time to get adjusted to their careers before he proposed, there was still a plan set in place for their future.
Ron and George owned the joke shop and were successful entrepreneurs. They had even been talking about expanding to hold another store somewhere else in Britain.
Yet, here Hermione sat: a university student with pieces of a dream and a bartender in the evenings. In her eyes, she felt like her life was going nowhere. That was why she loved Wednesday nights so much because the gang was all gathered together and put at a standstill. It was almost as though their successful lives were put on pause, along with their careers, just for one night a week, giving Hermione a chance to breathe.
"You'll never guess who I saw today while I was at work," She said once everyone looked as though they had finished eating.
"Who?" Ron said, still munching on some chips.
"Thorfinn Rowle."
"The big Viking? I thought he was still on house arrest," George said, his eyebrows raised in mild surprise.
"No, he's been allowed to leave his manor and travel London, though he has to be kept tracked," Harry supplied, knowledgeable on all former Death Eaters.
"He said something about good behavior," Hermione said. Ron scrunched his nose.
"Good behavior my arse," He muttered.
Harry shrugged his shoulders. "The Ministry's trying to rehabilitate former Death Eaters who, quite frankly, were shit at being Death Eaters. There's some concern that the wizarding population had been on a sharp decrease since the war so they're hoping that putting them back into society might help those numbers."
Ginny gave a look of disgust. "Well, I guess if big, brutish, and stupid is your type. Kind of odd he was at a muggle bar though."
Hermione snorted, nodding at Ginny's words. She pitied the witch who determined Rowle was the man of her dreams.
"I'm not really surprised. Most rehabilitated Death Eaters tend to stay away from Diagon Alley." Harry offered.
"Well, what did he say? Did he bother you?" George asked, brotherly concern swimming in his eyes. Hermione smiled at his expression.
"Not really, besides him being an irritating git. But I think that's his personality."
The rest of the group laughed.
"Speaking of work Hermione, when are you going to let us come visit you?" Ginny pried, curious. Since Hermione had gotten a job at the muggle bar, Ginny had pestered her about letting her visit and experience the muggle nightlife.
"Let me see," Hermione thought out loud, grabbing a glass of water. "Today's Wednesday, so never."
Ginny scowled and pursued her lips. "One day Granger. And you know what, we will make a girl's night out of it."
Hermione smiled, though internally she was nervous. Nervous that one day Ginny would visit the bar, and realize just how low on the totem pole Hermione had sunk her life. "Maybe one day."
The rest of the night was spent in the same manner, with various topics just coming up. If everyone in the group didn't have work or other obligations the next day, it was very likely each of them would have left in a happy drunk disarray that could only be found when in the company of friends. Hermione could have even fixed the drinks with her acquired skills. Yet, they each had some form of obligation, and the night was ended too soon and too sober for Hermione's taste.
When she left Grimmauld and made it back to her flat, she removed her jumper and greeted her favorite bottle of wine like an old friend. She needed something to get her through the rest of her textbook and the night without crashing. After all, sleep was for the weak and if she had to sacrifice a few hours of study time to spend with her friends, it was all worth it.
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anggy-3181 · 1 year
Harry Potter
En el año 1997 se publica un libro que cambiaría el rumbo de la literatura juvenil universal: Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal. J.K. Rowlling, como cuenta la leyenda, la joven autora sin trabajo y deprimida por su separación, escribió este extraordinario libro en un café mientras su pequeña hija dormía en el cochecito.
A partir de este libro se despliega toda una saga sobre Harry Potter con siete libros, siete películas, videojuegos… Aunque ya llevamos casi quince años de “pottermanía”, y aunque algunos especialistas señalan que ya está remitiendo (no hay más que fijarse el reciente fenómeno “Crepúsculo”), lo que es indudable es que la saga del conocido mago ha animado a leer a muchos jóvenes y lectores adultos y ha logrado un interés sin igual por la literatura juvenil a nivel mundial.
Lo que quizás enganchó a todos los lectores en Harry Potter es esa capacidad para que la fantasía se convierta página a página en algo “normal”. A pesar de que el libro comienza con un relato realista, en el que se nos cuenta que Harry Potter vive en casa de los Dursley, sus tíos, y conocemos su aburrida y desgraciada vida, la autora nos introduce, desde el primer momento, los elementos extraños o fantásticos que van anunciando que Harry es un niño especial. Aunque los Dursley “estén muy orgullosos de ser muy normales” una mañana comienzan a ocurrir cosas extrañas: una gran lechuza parda pasa volando por la ventana mientras desayunan, un gato está mirando el plano de una ciudad, caen estrellas fugaces en pleno día…
Los animales y los fenómenos de la naturaleza se convierten desde el primer momento de la novela en los portadores de noticias, desgracias y designios. Cuando Harry recibe la carta de admisión en Hogwarts y comienza su viaje con Hagrit al callejón Digon de la ciudad para buscar los que necesita por sus clases (una varita, un caldero, un juego de redomas de vidrio o cristal, un telescopio y una balanza de latón), Harry se va dando cuenta de que no es normal, no es un muggle como sus tíos, y que la fantasía forma parte de su pasado, su presente y su futuro.
Harry Potter es una serie de novelas fantásticas escrita por la autora británica J. K. Rowling, en la que se describen las aventuras del joven aprendiz de magia y hechicería Harry Potter y sus amigos Hermione Granger y Ron Weasley, durante los años que pasan en el Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechicería. El argumento se centra en la lucha entre Harry Potter y el malvado mago lord Voldemort, quien asesinó a los padres de Harry en su afán de conquistar el mundo mágico.
Harry Potter se ha quedado huérfano y vive en casa de sus abominables tíos y el insoportable primo Dudley. Harry se siente muy triste y solo, hasta que un buen día recibe una carta que cambiará su vida para siempre. En ella le comunican que ha sido aceptado como alumno en el Colegio Hogwarts de Magia. A partir de ese momento, la suerte de Harry da un vuelco espectacular. En esa escuela tan especial aprenderá encantamientos, trucos fabulosos y tácticas de defensa contra las malas artes. Se convertirá en campeón escolar de quidditch, especie de fútbol aéreo que se juega montado sobre escobas, y hará un puñado de buenos amigos… aunque también algunos temibles enemigos. Pero, sobre todo, conocerá los secretos que le permitirán cumplir con su destino. Pues, aunque no lo parezca a primera vista, Harry no es un chico normal y corriente: ¡es un verdadero mago!
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Los siete libros siguen una estructura similar, capítulos numéricos con un pequeño título, largos, pero rápidos de leer y narrados en tercera persona por un narrador omnisciente. La pluma de la autora yo no la conocía, pero sí había oído muy buenas críticas y ahora entiendo el porqué. Su manera de escribir es muy buena, a mí me pareció maravillosa, muy cuidada, cómoda y llena de magia. Sus descripciones son largas, pero te meten muy bien en el fantástico mundo que ha creado y en todos los detalles que lo componen.
Un punto fuerte de estos libros son los personajes, me parecen muy bien trabajados y son de esos que te llegan al corazón. Todos y cada uno de ellos, protagonistas, secundarios, de relleno, villanos, todos tienen una personalidad marcadísima y están muy bien hechos y profundizados. Desde muy pequeña mis preferidos son Ron y Hermione y eso no ha cambiado sino que se ha acrecentado al leer los libros. Ron siempre será mi preferido porque me parece un personaje muy infravalorado, para mí es muy leal, tierno, divertido y humilde de todos. Y aunque me matéis, Harry es uno de los personajes que peor me cae, siempre lo he visto muy chulito y presuntuoso. Me ha gustado muchísimo conocer mejor a todos los personajes y ver que los actores los actuaron muy bien. El personaje de Snape y el de Ginny me sorprendió un montón sobretodo el de Ginny porque es todo lo contrario de las películas y se ha convertido en uno de mis favoritos en el libro. La he amado. Soy fan de los personjes, les tengo muchísimo cariño y para mí son reales e inolvidables. La verdad es que creo que la autora ha hecho un trabajo excepcional con todos los personajes que componen esta saga porque acabas amando hasta a los más villanos.
La trama que compone esta historia es maravillosa también, no puedo ni imaginar cómo los autores crean algo así. Imaginan un mundo y lo plasma haciendo que el lector lo visualice perfectamente como si fuera real, yo siempre lo diré, los autores de fantasías tienen mi mayor respeto porque me parece dificilísimo crear un mundo de la nada, plasmarlo y hacerlo real hasta tal punto de querer vivir en él o visitar sus lugares. Por otro lado me sorprendió mucho muchas explicaciones o detalles sobre escenas que en la película tocan muy por encima o casi no las tocan. Aquí yo encontré explicaciones sobre escenas que no esperaba, todo me dejaba con la boca abierta y sorprendida porque no me esperaba que ciertas escenas que yo tanto amaba tuvieran detrás ese tipo de explicación. Esto no solo me sorprendió sino que también hizo que amara y entendiera mucho más el mundo y todo lo que gira en torno a Hogwarts y a los personajes que componen esta historia. Hay escenas que me hicieron sentir muchísimo, algunas muertes me dolieron mucho más en la película por cómo estaban detalladas, los sentimientos de los personajes me tocaron el corazón, la comedida de los hermanos Wesley la amé del todo y creo que muchas escenas desprenden magia. Y no exagero. No quiero contar mucho más de la trama, creo que las películas están muy adaptadas y los actores están a la altura de sus personajes a la hora de crearlos, pero los libros son una pasada y me quedo con ellos sin duda porque me han flipado y sorprendido muchísimo.
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Y es que a las once en punto sale el Expreso de Hogwarts con parada en todas las librerías del mundo desde el 26 de junio de 1997, fecha en la que se publica el primero de los libros de la saga: Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal.
Qué duda cabe de que el fenómeno Harry Potter ha marcado la historia de la literatura en los últimos tiempos. En un momento en que todo el mundo hablaba de lo poco que leían los jóvenes, J.K. Rowling consiguió poner a millones de niños alrededor de todo el mundo a hacer fila frente a las librerías.
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Una vez aceptada la fantasía que nos propone la autora, el lector se sumerge y asume como normal el libro hasta el punto que no la cuestiona en ningún momento como puede ocurrir en otras novelas de fantasía o ficción.
Cuando uno comienza a leer la obra de J. K. Rowling puede pensar que surge de una imaginación desbordante o de una gran capacidad narrativa. Como señala los autores de El diccionario del mago, un libro que nadie puede dejar de leer para conocer los secretos de Harry Potter1 “uno de los grandes placeres para los lectores de Harry Potter deriva de la extraordinaria riqueza de su universo mágico creado en parte por la imaginación aparentemente ilimitada de J. K. Rowling y, en parte, por la sabiduría popular tan amplia que existe en todo el mundo”.
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J. K. Rowlling logra recopilar todos estos elementos fantásticos populares y los introduce en la historia de Harry y de un colegio, Hogwarts, que forma a algunos elegidos en el arte de la magia.
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tenebras-lux-rpg · 2 years
pero muchas cosas no tendrán que ver con los libros. \\ Entonces tendréis que darnos muchísimo más contexto del que nos habéis facilitado hasta ahora y no decirnos "tecnología no, vestimenta no". Porque si ya de por sí es difícil situarse en un mundo de HP conocido por el que han transcurrido 25 años, imagínate si hablamos de un Alternative Universe que solamente conocen sus administradores... Entiendo, pues, que tenéis mucha más información que no habéis subido y veremos en el foro?
Entiendo, pues, que tenéis mucha más información que no habéis subido y veremos en el foro? || Exactamente. Existe mucha información que está en el foro y es demasiada para subir todo al tumblr de una vez. Las criaturas, que aún no se publican todas las razas, son una parte integral del foro.
Como es una duda tan amplia y se presta para confusiones, lo aclaramos de manera más sencilla. La ambientación está hecha de manera tal, que pueden tener muggles, criaturas y rolear tramas individuales en el mundo muggle sin referencia al Mundo Mágico en lo absoluto. Por otro lado, quién quiera sus tramas en el mundo mágico, Hogwarts, Ministerio y San Mungo, también lo puede hacer. La ambientación ofrece muchas oportunidades de crear personajes distintos y no vamos a limitar a nadie.
Queda mucha información que solo existe en el foro y que aclara las dudas. Las criaturas se suben primero, porque queremos que vean las adaptaciones. Que no son completamente dependiente de los libros y muchas cosas no lo serán. Un poco de paciencia y despejamos las dudas pronto. Tus preguntas son importantes y nos sirven para enfocar las respuestas y la información.
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dhr-ao3 · 2 months
Triwizard Tournament - Dramione (Traducción)
Triwizard Tournament - Dramione (Traducción) https://ift.tt/gI1pBQC by Naikiara En un mundo en el que Voldemort nunca ha resucitado, Harry Potter vive su vida en Hogwarts sin problemas. Con sus mejores amigos, Ron y Ginny Weasley, se dedica a estudiar, al Quidditch y a una buena cantidad de fiestas y juergas con los Gryffindors. Cuando el director de Hogwarts anuncia que recibirán la visita de otros dos colegios mágicos, Beauxbatons y Durmstrang, todo el colegio se revoluciona. Dumbledore no tardará en informarles de que Hogwarts será el colegio anfitrión del Torneo de los Tres Magos, una competición que se celebra cada cinco años. Sin que Dumbledore lo sepa, en Beauxbatons y Durmstrang hay dos alumnos muy especiales cuyos destinos se cruzarán a lo largo del año. Hermione Granger, inglesa nacida de muggles que vive en París y asiste a Beauxbatons, y Draco Malfoy, sangre pura e inglés, enviado por su padre a estudiar a Durmstrang. *La historia se sitúa en el séptimo curso de Hogwarts. Draco, Hermione, Ron, Harry y Ginny tienen entre 18 y 19 años.* Words: 5954, Chapters: 1/10, Language: Español Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Igor Karkaroff, Viktor Krum, Theodore Nott, Madame Maxime, Albus Dumbledore, Fleur Delacour Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter/Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott/Pansy Parkinson Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Durmstrang Student Draco Malfoy, Alternate Universe - No Voldemort, Smut, Flirting, Beauxbatons Student Hermione Granger, Romance, Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, Draco Malfoy is Not a Death Eater via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/u0W5VPC July 24, 2024 at 03:53PM
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matrixaffiliate · 5 years
New Story! FFN and AO3
There's something magical about his waitress, and Al is determined to get to the bottom of it. NOT CURSED CHILD COMPLIANT!
This story stems from my story Portent, and like that one this is NOT Cursed Child compliant. You have been warned. You do not need to read Portent first, this story comes before that story and we'll see how far I take it. I'll probably take it at least to where Portent is.
Next chapter goes up on July 20.
Chapter 1
He was going to quit.
He was going to admit defeat and drop his classes and see if Aunt Hermione could find him someplace interesting to work for the rest of his life. Albus Potter was finished trying to make Muggle technology work around magic. It had been a pipe dream and he should have seen it as one. He'd spent a full year and a half in university trying to figure out what he was missing and nothing was working. He was wasting money and his life trying to solve something that was unsolvable and he was an idiot for thinking he was different and could figure it out.
Al shoved the ruined laptop into the duffle bag his dad converted for him, hearing it clatter as it fell to the bottom. They were only two weeks into the semester but he already had a decent amount of work to be done on top of his stupid experimenting. Al stared at the textbooks for a long moment before shaking his head. He holstered his wand beneath his shirt, grabbed his phone, and went for a walk.
It was cold, but Al was grateful for it. The freezing air around him seemed to numb his brain a bit too, giving him a momentary respite from his thoughts. He didn't pay attention to where he was walking, Al just walked. He must have looked like a crazy person as he would randomly decide to turn back and take a turn he had initially decided against. Aunt Hermione called it part of his innovative character, but Al wondered if she was mixing up the words innovative and insane.
He'd been walking for nearly forty-five minutes when his body finally started rebelling with pain. Al ducked into the first available door hoping to warm up just enough before pushing out into the cold to freeze his brain again. But as the door shut, Al felt himself freeze for a completely different reason than the weather.
His eyes had fallen on a woman who took the breath from his lungs faster than the winter air had. She had dark mahogany colored hair pulled back and pinned into a bun. Her eyes were dark, almost black, and she was talking with an accent Al thought he had heard before but nothing like this; and he never wanted to stop hearing it.
"If it's just you, pull up a seat at the counter," the woman smiled at him. "I'll be right with you."
Al finally took a moment to look around. He had apparently walked into a small caff. A voice in his head told him that he would have called it a dive if this lovely woman hadn't been standing in it. There were five small booths and a long counter that ran nearly the length of the narrow building. Al slid onto one of the stools at the counter just as the beautiful waitress had instructed.
She came around the counter from the table that she'd just delivered their order and pulled out a pad and pen.
"What can I get you?"
Al blinked, realizing that he hadn't really thought about the fact that he was in a restaurant and therefore would need to order something to eat or drink.
"Er," he hedged trying to find a menu.
"Look up, green eyes," she chuckled, pointing her pen upward.
Al looked up to find a blackboard with the menu scrawled across it in white chalk. Al picked the first two things that looked good and in his price range.
"Peppermint tea and a spinach omelet, please."
The beauty smiled at him, "Good choices, I'll be back."
Al watched her go, and he felt something a lot like magic.
Well, that kind of magic too but specifically real magic. As the gorgeous woman walked away, Al would have sworn on Merlin's grave that he felt magic in the air. He'd spent the last few years trying to make magic and Muggle technology co-exist, and he'd become somewhat adept at sensing when magic was around him. Al felt magic when his waitress turned and walked back to the kitchen, and felt it fade as she disappeared behind the door.
Al's bad morning of experimenting was now far from his brain. He was completely focused on a new goal, getting this woman's name, and maybe her number if he was lucky.
She appeared through the door with a mug of steaming water and plate with tea bags and milk and sugar. The magic wasn't there, well the real magic wasn't but Al still had stars in his eyes for this stunning creature. So much so that he utilized advice about chatting up a girl he got from Jamie while they were both still at Hogwarts.
"Thanks," he smiled at her as she set down his drink, "I'm sure you get asked all the time," he paused, hoping she would fill in the blank with the obvious question of where she was from before throwing what Jamie called a side pass, "but where do you get your aprons?"
The woman looked at him confused for a moment before a smile took over her face and she laughed, a clear and joyous sound that made Al want to listen to it on his phone on repeat all day.
"I'm from St. John's, Newfoundland. It's a Canadian island."
Al grinned, she didn't give him her name but she told him where she was from. He decided that was progress.
"That's brilliant. I'm Al, by the way."
"Ellie," she offered him her hand before pulling back and huffing. "Sorry, my boss gets mad when I shake hands with customers, says it's a waste of time for me to keep washing my hands."
Al chuckled, "Maybe I could take you up on the handshake after your shift?"
Ellie's face turned a pretty shade of red and she made a motion like she might like to behind her hair if it wasn't pulled back.
"I'll think about it." She smiled at him before turning and heading over to one of the tables.
And the magic was back. Al was almost too distracted by the magic he felt around him to fully appreciate the figurative magic he felt with Ellie. But Al was too much of a geek to not want to solve this puzzle.
He stirred his milk and sugar into his tea while he thought through what he knew. First, Ellie was gorgeous and he definitely wanted to get to know her. Second, every time Ellie had walked away from him, he sensed that there was real magic around her. Third, it was only when her back was turned to him that he sensed it.
Ellie slipped back into the kitchen and Al determined he was just as interested in her walking away from him as he was in her walking toward him. The next time she walked away, he'd pay attention. Maybe she had some magical item?
Maybe, maybe she was a witch?
Al didn't let his brain go down that latter road. He didn't want to set expectations for her. He didn't have a problem dating Muggles. He'd dated a couple of Muggle girls in the year or so he'd been living in the Muggle world full time, granted he never felt close enough to try and figure out how to approach the bombshell of him being a wizard, but lots of people had things they didn't immediately share in a new relationship, and sometimes a relationship never developed to a point for those things to come up. He just had a bit of a huge secret along with the little things like a Star Wars obsession.
The prospect of dating a witch was sort of exciting seeing as he hadn't dated a witch since Hogwarts, let alone a witch who was living in the Muggle world as he was. That was too much to hope for.
He was pulled from his thoughts when the door to the kitchen opened and Ellie walked out with a tray of food. She delivered Al's plate last along with a shy smile.
"I work Tuesdays and Thursdays from open to close," she said quietly while wiping down a section of the counter. Al noticed that it didn't need to be cleaned, which gave him a bit of a smug feeling in his chest.
"The whole day?"
Ellie's cheeks flushed but she smiled, "This place is open from six till two, and wait staff shows up at half five and stays till usually three to clean up."
Al leaned closer to her over the counter. "Well, that's very good news because I don't have class on either of those days until after lunch."
Ellie busied herself behind the counter with filing napkin holders. "Are you at uni here too?"
Al nodded as he cut into his omelet. "What are you studying?"
"Art," Ellie sighed happily. "What about you?"
"Information Technology, Computer Science, and a minor in Computer Engineering." Al shoved a bite of omelet into his mouth and was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. He was also surprised that Ellie didn't immediately freak out at his degree choices. Even the professors called him crazy.
"There's something about you," she set the napkin holder down, "and I can't place my finger on it, but there's something about you that's not like most blokes who come in here."
Al held her gaze, forcing his eyes not to drop to her lips because, Merlin, this woman was going to be the death of him and he'd known her for less than thirty minutes.
"There's something magical about you too."
She blushed and Al wondered if he'd dropped enough of a hint. How does one go about asking if another is a witch?
The order bell rang and Ellie started before winking at Al and walking back toward the kitchen.
Al focused on the magic that radiated from her retreating form, trying to sense what it was. The magic was focused around her head, he realized, but there was nothing out of the ordinary about her head. Her dark hair was twisted up into a bun and...
He just caught sight of it as she walked behind the door, a long white hair pin stick. Whatever that was, it wasn't Muggle-made.
And a part of Al's brain wanted it to be a wand.
Everything about how it felt made Al believe it was a wand. It was shorter than his, probably nine inches, but while his wand looked like a stick, the pin in Ellie's hair looked to be a piece of artwork. It wasn't quite white, more of an ivory color, and Al thought he saw what looked like designs carved into it.
It was beautiful.
Al finished his omelet, watching the kitchen door for Ellie to reappear, though he had no idea what he was going to say.
Before that little technicality could come to mind, Ellie appeared with his bill.
"So, if you're ever in the market for an omelet, you should come back." She didn't look at him as she busied herself with straightening the salt and pepper shakers.
"I'm a big fan of omelets," Al handed her his card. As his brain was about to kick him for such a pathetic comment, Ellie turned around to the cash register and Al got a full view of what he thought of now as her magical hairpin.
It was definitely magical, and he'd been right that there were designs carved into it. They looked a little bit like runes, but nothing like what he'd studied at Hogwarts. It was striking in her dark hair and Al briefly was tempted to ask if he could hold it. But Ellie turned around with his card and receipt.
"Then I guess I'll see you the next time you want another omelet." As she handed back his card, her fingers brushed against his and Al resisted the urge to grab her hand.
"Brilliant," was all Al managed to say before Ellie pulled away and Al was left wishing that it wasn't quite so cold out. He was no longer interested in numbing his brain. He was interested in keeping it functioning so he could figure out how to ask Ellie out on a date and maybe find out if she was a witch.
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