#and found one that is titled ''fuck [name of my friend's girlfriend who i have many issues with]''. and i. i keep listening to it
eggmeralda · 2 years
listening to the sort of music that would kill my onceler oc within an instant
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eph3merall · 5 days
I JUST FOUND YOU BUT PLEASE PLEASE ANOTHER STALKER!MATT FIC (for ideas maybe while she’s on facetime with him hes.. yaknow and his camera is on which is more riskier, or another idea is she posted a photo on instagram or something thats a little more on the 18+ side and he… yaknow)
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i got u 🙂↕️ piggybacked off an idea kinda ????? been meanin to visit stalker!matt i miss him :( this is sooooo late as well im so so so sorry !!! not proofread i cant STAND rereading things i write
18+ content, suggestive, stalker!matt . dont read if this isnt your cup of tea :)
matt has a habit of knowing where you are and who you're with at all times. well, most times. sometimes he messed up, a mistake on his part. sure, your sweet, little self is his best friend, and it is wrong for him to do the things he does and think the things he conjures up in his head. but it's so hard not to want to blow your back out or tug at your hair with his dick in your mouth when you just look so pretty on your new instagram photo dump.
matt knows where these photos are taken—you and your little group of friends having gone on a trip by yourselves and driving around cute places. the beach, a flower field, museums, art galleries, you name it. multiple photos of you and various girlfriends posing or sipping drinks, until matt sees some selfies of you guys at a bar.
'what the fuck?' are the words that spew from his mouth when theres suddenly a video playing of you guys downing shots and giggling. the music is loud and the crowd in the video is boisterous and looks most likely high and or drunk. the video is a fairly short one, but he doesn't miss the way a guy is snaking his hands around your waist as you turn and grin at him so prettily.
matt's thumb swipes immediately, not wanting to stare at that sight anymore. he doesn't realize the way his fingers grip his phone a little tighter, blinking at the last image in your new little photo dump.
the dress clinging to your figure was anything but modest, paired with the way you looked with your friend. the shot was a little blurry, the cameraman was probably drunk or something. your friend stood to your right, leaning towards the camera with her upper body. a shocked expression lay on her face, one hand covering her mouth while the other splayed on top of her thigh. her eyes diverted away from the camera.
you, on the other hand, have your ass almost directly facing the camera. wide googly eyes stare at the matt through his screen over your shoulder, your shoulders hunched and hair a pretty mess. the hem of the dress you wore rode up and gave him just a little peek of your ass, and god—his dick strained uncomfortably in his jeans. the way you looked so innocent yet so enticing, knowing nothing is by far innocent in the photo.
the caption of the dump was titled 'with my girls <33', and upon opening the comments there were immediately your friends' usernames hyping you up. specifically the last photo. matt scoffed under his breath at how you responded with your little emojis and what-not. the lingering thought of the guy who briefly showed up in the dump was still in his head, to which he stashed in the back of his brain. because matt will find out who that was.
but first, he can't miss the way his dick twitches ever so slightly in the confines of his jeans and belt.
soon enough, he has his belt strewn haphazardly on the floor of his room and his pants pool at his ankles. tongue prodding his cheek, chest heaving with a heavy exhale as his hand thumbs at his tip. a hiss leaves his mouth and he's spreading the pre that's leaking from his slit down the length of his dick.
his free hand fumbles for his phone that sits on the edge of his desk, swiping to that god forsaken photo that gives him a peek of your ass. a grumbled whine rips from his throat and his hand wraps around his length—starting to pump slowly as his eyes scan over each and every single feature of your body and face in the picture.
matt's fingers grip his phone tighter and your name is falling from his lips in whiny breaths and huffs, the occasional curse getting muttered under his breath. the pace of his fist increases and soon enough he's getting himself off to not only the photo of you—but the scenarios he keeps caged up in his head.
your face stuffed in a pillow with your ass up, his palm splaying across the cheek as his dick rams into you. drool bubbling at the corners of your mouth as he holds your head down on his cock, nose pressing into his pelvis as he feels your gag reflex kick in. your body laid all perfectly on his bed, thighs spread and squirming. his tongue poking at your entrance and his hands gripping the flesh of your hips and thighs, holding down harshly to make sure you don't thrash around so much.
matt doesn't realize he's busting until his balls tighten and your name is chanted over and over again in a whiny breath, like a prayer. his fist slows and his chest heaves up and down with each heavy gasp of air, eyes gazing at the photo on his phone and lingering for a little while.
goodnight i havent had motivation to do anything recently how are u all i love you guys !!!! if u sent in a req i will get to that just itll be very very slow .....
©eph3merall 2024
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eurydicees · 3 months
i think iwaizumi is like. ok so he comes off as cool and athletic and smart and popular and, yk, to a degree, he totally is! he’s incredible at volleyball and he gets decent grades and he’s a good friend and overall well-liked by the general seijoh population.
ALSO at the same time he is like. the lamest popular guy in the world.
this is a title that oikawa has given him and the part that iwaizumi protests is not “lame” but “popular.” some points that oikawa makes, when talking to iwaizumi about how much of a normal average deeply Just A Guy iwaizumi is:
iwaizumi’s favorite activity is, first and foremost, volleyball; and second, it’s “spend time watching d-rated martial arts movies with my best friend.”
i appreciate it and love this, oikawa says, obviously, but you do have other things you can do with your time. do you know that. it doesn’t seem like you know that.
he’s popular, he has other friends, he could have his pick of girlfriends, and he chooses to instead monopolize oikawa’s time through varying methods of aggression and/or affection.
why do you not have a girlfriend yet, oikawa asks. i’m too busy keeping you in line, iwaizumi says. to which oikawa replies, you suck at being popular, iwa.
people think he’s cool because he likes the outdoors, likes going on hikes with his free time, excels at every athletic task, etc etc.
what they do not know is that he likes going on hikes to look at the changing leaves and his favorite way to interact with nature is like his fucking rock collection or some shit.
do they have names, oikawa asks, teasing. shut the fuck up, iwaizumi says. then, fucking obviously they have names.
he’s not scared of bugs, girls whisper when he passes in the hallways. he saved me from a spider one time, they say, and oikawa claims they swoon.
and like, oikawa HAS to laugh because this is the same boy who tried to keep a tank of beetles he collected from the park and cried hysterically both first when they all escaped, and second when his mother yelled at him for ten minutes about the five she found in the sugar jar. he was fourteen.
“he’s so smart,” someone says admiringly when iwaizumi helps them a bit with their class work. oikawa is rolling his damn eyes because iwaizumi is smart, sure, he’s doing fine in school, but he’s evidently not smart enough to calculate the risk/reward of a monetary bet on how many pork buns he can fit in his mouth. more than 8 gets him 1000 yen. less than 8 makes him lose 1500.
what the fuck was he thinking, oikawa is forced to ask, first when he nearly has to perform the heimlich maneuver and later when he buys iwaizumi a consolation bottle of water. what the fuck.
people think he’s mysterious and stoic and kind of darkly intriguing because he doesn’t necessarily laugh a lot while he’s in class and focused, and while he’s friendly with everyone, he still sticks pretty close to his little group.
oikawa cannot believe that anyone could ever think this because iwaizumi gets home after school and does not shut the fuck up. and he’s so easy to make laugh. and his every expression is so easy to read.
how could you possibly have anyone convinced that you are cool and mysterious, oikawa asks. how the fuck did you do that.
iwaizumi is forced to shrug. he doesn’t really have an answer. people just kind of make their own assumptions about him no matter what he does. doesn’t matter anyways. oikawa might be the only one who seems to truly get him, but he’s okay with that. if it had be one person, he’s glad it’s someone he loves.
and now what the fuck is oikawa supposed to do with that.
(push him down on the bed and kiss him, oikawa finds, seems to be the right answer.)
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leclsrc · 2 years
writing for charles, carlos, max, & mick (subject to change)
minors dni. everything can be found here ↓
✳︎ fics, long
charles leclerc...
blurred lines (18+)
Things with Charles finally come to a head. In a cramped room. In the Red Bull garage. Of all places, really.
see it through
You go from social media manager to girlfriend in under a day. Keeping up appearances for Charles’ family isn’t easy, until it is – and until they’re not really appearances anymore.
sweet pea
You finally reap what you sow after fooling around with your best friend. The reaping in question is a kid.
stay, at least for breakfast
You love once and miss always.
you know it (18+)
Charles is a bit disappointed the pretty girl he harbors a crush on doesn’t have him listed as a Formula 1 crush. He is a lot disappointed that you two can’t fuck.
wait and see
The grid recounts the evolution, nature, and many ups and downs of your and Charles' vague relationship.
low down (18+)
A lot can happen under an hour. You and Charles, self-proclaimed pros at sneaking around, can attest to this.
it's never over (18+)
You must have lost the plot along the way, because pretending to date your childhood best friend was not on your 2023 bingo card. (Neither was the fact that things are looking a lot more real as time passes.)
team effort ft. carlos sainz (18+)
It was supposed to be a one-time thing, but now you’re in-between your boyfriend and his teammate again. So really, maybe, this could become a regular thing.
like you should
If you don’t learn from history, it’ll stick around and find a way to repeat itself – even if the history is with your boyfriend’s rival, and its repetition happens behind his back.
max verstappen...
low life (18+)
You really don’t like Max Verstappen. What you’re doing in his hotel room is a separate issue.
↳ part 2, reciprocate (18+)
You have trouble maintaining your vow of Max celibacy when you’re on vacation together.
mick schumacher...
mr. nice guy (18+)
Mick Schumacher is the paddock’s golden boy. He likes upholding this reputation, but there’s something nagging at him lately that makes it... difficult.
carlos sainz...
a certain romance
A love affair is never an easy thing to keep under wraps. Or, the four times your two brothers almost catch you and Carlos together, and the one time they finally do.
has yet to pass
Four years after an angry breakup, the universe is bored enough to nominate Carlos Sainz for GQ Sports’ Man of the Year and assign you to be the writer of his profile.
team effort ft. charles leclerc (18+)
It was supposed to be a one-time thing, but now you’re in-between your boyfriend and his teammate again. So really, maybe, this could become a regular thing.
do you want it? (18+)
Whatever preconceived notions you have about your summer at the beach house are all toppled over when your parents announce the arrival of a guest, who happens to be your dad's friend. title from this
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✳︎ drabbles
charles leclerc...
forever ago
↳ part 2, fin de siècle
motorsport ft. carlos sainz (18+)
everyone adores you
all my trying
the moment divine
words unspoken
things lovers do
overly sincere
the final frame
keep a place for me
proving my devotion
main dans la main
misspelled (dad charles)
felt the rush (18+, sainz reader)
my own doing (18+)
olive you
divine sense
first words (dad charles)
take a chance on me
say it all
test run
guessing game
name calling (wolff reader)
what you know
max verstappen...
self professed
carlos sainz...
silver lining
motorsport ft. charles leclerc (18+)
kissy spells
saving grace
need some patience (18+)
what i feel for you
brought me here
↳ part 2, kind of love
i knew you
guessing game
in my dream
mick schumacher...
you’ve been waiting (18+)
hold my hand
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✳︎ instagram aus
charles leclerc...
is that you?
at sea
say cheese
good luck
↳ part 2, what once was
↳ part 3, mardy bum
spill the tea
carlos sainz...
national holiday
↳ part 2, sneaky
↳ part 3, upgrades
max verstappen...
no clue
mick schumacher...
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✳︎ etc
auds’ recs tag
auds ask game
celebrating 1k, 2k, and 3k :)
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starry-eyes-love · 5 months
Hollywood Story
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Pairing | Dieter Bravo X Curvy F!Reader (nicknamed ‘pretty little girlfriend’)
Summary | You wake up to find the Hollywood News article plastered all over the internet of Dieter kissing his co-star, Amy, while on set for the filming of his recent movie. At first, you find the article funny until you start reading the comments and see another article calling you a fat cow. Dieter puts these false rumors to rest once and for all with a funny live Instagram talk.
Note: For the text messages: bold with italic text is from Dieter, just italic text is from you, and bold and red colored text is from his agent, Kat.
A/N:  We all saw the photo that is making a lot of us feral with that kiss.  I wanted to have a funny little story that went with this.  For some reason, this screams Dieter at me in my mind.  
A huge thanks to my good friend from CAImages on Instagram for pulling this photo together at the last minute for me.  Enjoy :) 
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Warnings | 18+, language
References to body image issues for F!reader (no descriptions except that she is curvy), reference to a cast made of Dieter’s crotch, mentions of previous phone sex (but no details given besides that), Dieter being Dieter.
Word Count: 3.4K
You guys are too nice saying I’m sexy.  Who knew that the belly was sexy, huh? But you know what, you all want to fuck me and the belly, but yet none of you can say one nice fucking thing to my pretty little girlfriend.  I’ve spent all morning reading everyone’s comments online, saying how she isn’t attractive because she has curves. Fuck. You know I love those curves; they feel so good. I love making love to the woman who has those sexy curves.  So, if I’m sexy with this belly, then she can be sexy with her curves too, you know.”
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When you pulled up the app to read your morning digital copy of the newspaper, the image popped up on your home screen.  The headline read, “Dieter ends long-term relationship with girlfriend for another woman.”  You usually never cared about those articles, especially when your longtime boyfriend of 5 years was working on a movie set.  You knew that Dieter was in the process of filming a romantic love comedy, and you knew there were kissing scenes.  But this headline piqued your interest, so you clicked on it to read further.
“Sources say that these two co-stars had connected during the filming of the latest romantic movie, titled “I Want You, which stars Dieter, as a lawyer who just moved to New York City and found love with the daughter of the man he is trying to put in jail. People have spotted these two co-stars snuggling up together and having private moments late into the night after filming has wrapped. Recently, reporters caught a private moment of these two as Dieter’s co-star walked him to his car after a long day of filming. Before leaving, reporters captured a long and tender kiss that co-star Amy had given Dieter before he left.  Hollywood wonders if this is it for Dieter and his long-time girlfriend. Sources closest to Dieter say that his current relationship with his girlfriend is over with and that he is moving on, citing the reason for the split was infidelity accusations, among other things.” 
You had to laugh at the tabloid article, considering that last night, you had some of the best phone sex with your boyfriend.  You were moaning his name as you fucked yourself with a dildo that he bought you before he left to go and film this movie.  It was a cast of his hardened cock, a present for his pretty little girlfriend who missed her man dearly on these long movie shooting times when he was away from home.
Pulling up your phone's message app, you sent your boyfriend a copy of the article and some accompanying sass.
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Dieter had been lying in bed, dozing on and off this morning.  He had a late call back last night and had to shoot some nighttime scenes.  So after his long day and some nice phone sex with his pretty little girlfriend, he had to go back to work and shoot for another 3 hours.  Yesterday was a 15-hour workday, and he was exhausted.  The studio gave him a day off, saying he could rest up as the following scenes didn’t involve him. 
When Dieter heard the ding of his message app, and then another one, he figured he needed to check to make sure it wasn’t the studio telling him that they had changed their mind and that he’d still have to come in today.  When he pulled up his messages, he saw two were from you.  He stretched and sat up in bed, grabbing his glasses off the nightstand and placing them on his face so he could read what you sent.
So apparently, according to the tabloids, you are cheating on me, and our relationship is over.  By the way, it was a lovely kiss. I'm somewhat jealous that those lips on you weren’t mine.
“What the?” Dieter mumbled to himself at your message.  He clicked the link to the article and saw the picture of the kiss, of a moment playing out during a scene.  It wasn’t unheard of for paparazzi to snap photos of scenes filmed outside, especially along the roadway like yesterday. He glanced down the page and saw the quick article about the photo. As he read through the article, he cursed under his breath at the fact that the tabloids would print something so false.  He quickly typed out a reply to you and then got up and headed to the bathroom to take a piss. He needed to call his new publicist and give him a piece of his mind. He was paying good money to ensure articles like this would not appear in Hollywood, and if they did, he’d know about it ahead of time. So why did this get through without his knowledge? It blew his mind and angered him immensely.
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You were slowly sipping your morning coffee, waiting to see what your boyfriend had to say. When you heard the ding of your message app, followed by a few more, you knew he had thoroughly read it.
How do people even come up with this shit?
I need to fire my publicist.
No, you don’t need to fire your new publicist.
Are the allegations true?
What?  NO! 
Absolutely not, baby!
I'm just checking because, you know, apparently, infidelity accusations have happened, and I’m not giving you everything you need or something.
Another article cites that I have more curves, and that’s why you did it because I’m not skinny.
That’s not true, and you fucking know it.
I love your curves, baby, and I love you.
It’s just assholes thinking that they know what’s going on but don’t.
Yeah, well, I guess.
You guess? What the fuck do you mean, you guess?
Baby, that was a scene from the movie I’m shooting, a scene.
Not. The. Real. Thing
Ok, if you say so.
What, what the hell- look, I’m not even relaxed like when I kiss you.
Plus, my tongue ain’t even down her fucking throat like it is with you, baby.
I know; it’s just a lot right now. And everyone keeps asking me if the rumors are true. 
Fuck. The longer that Dieter looked online, the more he saw that it was a fucking nightmare.  People accused him of kissing his co-star, Amy, on his off times. One article even claimed that someone saw him fucking her in the ally, which was not even true.  He had to make them stop, not because they were true.  None of them were.  It was just a photo from a movie shoot that he was doing and nothing else.  His co-star was not his type; she was not someone he found attractive in the way he found you attractive.  Sure, Amy was pretty, and she had a beautiful personality, but she was not someone he’d want to be balls deep in, fucking her against the wall like he loved to do with you.  
He was glancing at all the articles, and then he came across one in particular, one that referred to you as a “fat cow,” and that was when he had enough.  He immediately dialed his publicist and gave that son of a bitch a piece of his mind.
Five minutes later, Dieter swore at his publicist, telling him this should never have happened.
“Sam, I don’t give a fuck. I am paying you to stop this shit from happening. Really? Did you stop it? I don’t think you did because I’m looking at an article right now that is referring to my girlfriend as a fat cow.  You better hope she doesn’t read this. Yeah, or you’re fired.”
But as soon as he said it, he heard the ding of a message. His heart sank when he glanced at it, tuning out his publicist's apologizing momentarily and assuring him that everything was fine.  
I can’t come down next week for that event thing anymore. Some stuff, uh, some stuff came up.
Dieter quickly texted you back, hoping that the reason the plans had changed had nothing to do with what you had seen online. 
OK, that’s fine if you don’t want to. Can I ask why there was a sudden change of heart?
I just don’t think me being in a bikini, helping kids, is the best message you want to send people.
Fuck. You must have seen the article.
Baby, why wouldn’t it be the best image?
Come on, honey, talk to me. What’s bothering you?
Nothing is bothering me; it’s just I’m overweight, and I don’t think walking around with a one-piece swimsuit and asking people to help make donations for homeless children is proper.
Baby, how is it not proper? You love that kind of stuff.
It just isn’t okay.  Plus, no one wants to see a fat cow walk around in a bathing suit.  I mean, how can people even print that?  I know I’m a little overweight, but I’m not that much overweight, I think.
Fuck, you did read that article, and it broke his heart to know this.
Look, I just don’t want to do it, ok.
Plus, you could do so much better than me, anyway.
I mean, look at her; she’s beautiful and sexy. What am I?
I’m not attractive, that’s what.  Why did you even ask me out in the first place?
I know cause I was skinny.
Okay, maybe I'm not skinny, but I wasn’t fat.
Okay, yeah, I was fat, but.
One text after another kept coming in as you derailed your self-esteem because of two dumb photos of him kissing his co-star during the middle of a scene for shooting a movie.  
Sam was still talking on the phone, but Dieter was no longer paying attention. He was more concerned about what his pretty little girlfriend was thinking. Dieter was with you because you made him laugh, and you were the love of his life. He had to make this right for you.
“Sam, I’m going to stop you right there. I’ll make this simple for you. You’re fucking fired.”  Dieter then hung up the phone and immediately texted his agent, a woman that scared the living shit out of him because she never took any shit from anyone in the world. Dieter doesn’t remember what her real name is; he’s always called her Kat because she’d claw his eyes out more than once if she had the chance with all of the shit he used to pull before meeting you.
Kat, I fired Sam, he’s a fucking idiot anyways. Please tell me you can stop this fucking shitstorm online. 
For once, remember that I DID NOTHING to start this one.
Kat had gotten back to him almost immediately, helping in the best way that Kat knew how to, taking control of the situation.
Well, Dieter, that didn’t take you long, did it? Just for the record, I fired him this morning before you called him. You were right; he was an idiot. 
I’m already taking care of the shitstorm in the media; the director is fucking furious at the accusations that came forward and is setting the record straight.  I’ll also have the production company make an official statement.
What about the article that called her a fat cow, what about that?
Seriously? Did they- oh, for fucks sake, I’ll take care of it.  I know the editor. I’ll just call him up and threaten to beat the shit out of him for publishing something like that.
Really? You’re going to beat the shit out of someone that isn’t me? Wow, talk about going soft.
Oh, don’t start, Dieter. I can still kick your ass, too.  And I may do it yet today.
But don’t worry, I’ll take care of it, but you’ll have to do damage control on the backside.   
Me? How the hell am I supposed to do that?
It’s called doing damage control with your girlfriend, Dieter. 
I’m sorry for her. No woman or person deserves that horrible humiliation. Take care of her; she’s going to need some reassurance.
Dieter looked at Kat’s last message and couldn’t agree more.  But he didn’t know what he could do to help calm your nerves. As he sat there thinking, he devised an idea that he thought would work. It should take some heat off you and even the playing field.
Dieter pulled his phone out, clicked on the Instagram app, then hit the live button.
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You had been drowning in your mind at all the negative comments about your weight, about how people couldn’t believe someone like Dieter would ever be with you, etc. You had spent all morning immersing yourself in these articles and comments, working yourself up into a horrible frenzy of anxiousness and despair.  
You were curled up on the couch, attempting to watch your favorite TV program, missing Dieter, when you heard the ding at the live notification of your Instagram.  The only person you followed like that was Dieter, so you were surprised that he was going live, especially on a day like today.  You quickly pulled out your phone and hit the notification so you could watch and see what was happening.  Dieter already had over 5,000 people watching. So you knew you could hide and not say anything just to see what was happening.
“Hi, it’s me, Dieter…right. Listen. I’m sorry, I’m trying not to care, but it’s hard. It’s hard to see negative comments about the person I love, people calling her unattractive because she doesn’t have a flat stomach like my co-star does.  But you know what, I don’t have a flat stomach either.”
Dieter then stood up, removed his T-shirt and sweatpants, and sat in his boxers, his belly slightly hanging over them.
“So, do you guys want to have sex with me like this?”
After Dieter watched the notifications in the chat coming in of Yes in one way or another, he knew he had the audience right where he wanted them.
“Yeah, I know. Thanks, and wow. You guys are too nice saying I’m sexy.  Who knew that the belly was sexy, huh? But you know what, you all want to fuck me and the belly, but yet none of you can say one nice fucking thing to my pretty little girlfriend.  I’ve spent all morning reading everyone’s comments online, saying how she isn’t attractive because she has curves. Fuck. You know I love those curves; they feel so good. I love making love to the woman who has those sexy curves.  So, if I’m sexy with this belly, then she can be sexy with her curves too, you know.”
“I eat a KitKat every day, either from my mini bar or home. And then, in the morning, there’s always a new KitKat cause my girl knows I love them. And you know what, you don’t know me.  Nobody knows me, the real me, and that’s okay. But my girl, she does; she knows me for the real me, not the Hollywood me.  Like, after we have sex, I always ask her, ‘How do I know in the morning you’re not gonna sell the stuff I unloaded in you to the sperm bank?’ I think about stuff like that when I’m with her, and I tell her.”
“We also have conversations like what happens if your shit, like your literal shit, was alive. That scares me sometimes late at night, and I talk with my girlfriend about it. I go, ‘So, you know when I shit, I don’t watch myself shit. You should never watch yourself shit.  You should just wipe, flush, and then move on.’ We have conversations like that. And then when I have diarrhea and vomiting from food poisoning, I yell for her to hold my hair back because I don’t want the chance of getting vomit in my hair, even if it’s short.”
As you sat back, you watched your boyfriend talk crazy, like you do sometimes late at night. You knew that Dieter never said these things out loud except with you. You didn’t judge him, but the world isn’t always easy on everyone.
“Why do I say these crazy things? Well, if you’re going to judge the most beautiful woman in the world, and she IS the most beautiful woman to me, then you’ll see who I am without the mask of fame. She sees me for the real me and loves me for it. So, if you still love me and all of this crazy shit I do in life, then love her too, cause if you don’t, I won’t be making movies any longer.  I never want to read statements of me cheating on a woman that I’ve had to pinch myself every day in the balls to make sure that I’m not dreaming.  She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and if you guys can’t realize that, then I’m done making movies.  So yeah, goodbye, I guess, until you all fix this issue and stop shaming women or men who don’t fit a perfect image. And stop writing false stories, or this will be the last story you all write of me because I sure as hell won't keep fucking going if all I read are lies about me anymore. I love you all, but seriously, goodbye until you straighten out.”
You then heard him fart on camera and then ended the live right after that. You sat there with tears at how he publicly defended you, even though you never asked him to.  You quickly called him up to thank him.
“You know you didn’t have to say anything, D.”
“I know, but I did. I also thought that I saw you online watching.”  Dieter’s voice echoed like he was in a cave or a large room.
“Where are you? Your voice is echoing.”
“Bathroom,” was all he said, and then you heard it, a fart that echoed.
“Dieter, what-”
“Look, I haven’t taken my morning shit yet, babe.  I’ve had to deal with all this bullshit first, and I can’t hold it anymore, so yeah.”
“It's okay, D, you know I love you. Look, I'll let you go and-”
“No, babe, talk to me. I have nothing else I'm doing while sitting here. You feel a little better?”
“Yeah, a little bit. I mean, you didn't have to say those things about quitting and potentially fuck up your career.”
“Baby, I didn't fuck up my career. And even if I did, I don't care. I love you, and your happiness is just as important to me, if not more, than my career. I care about you, and I’m pissed off that people would say those horrible things about you, the most beautiful woman in my life. My pretty little girlfriend, I love you.”
The two of you talked for an hour until the production company called. They told Dieter that they were postponing shooting more scenes for a few more days until they could figure out the logistics of keeping privacy for more intimate shoots in the future. 
That was fine because it allowed Dieter to fly home to you for a few days. All was peaceful until Dieter got a message from the production company a few days later stating that scenes would begin shooting again next week. As Dieter was packing back up to leave, he received a message from his agent, Kat.
Dieter, you jackass, that’s not what I meant by damage control. You know what, fine, do it your way.  But don’t cry when the little stunt you pulled online results in you getting fired or not being offered any more movie roles.  
Dieter knew that Kat was blowing steam because he had received three tentative movie offers for comedic roles since his online speech.  When he asked Kat what she thought, she was honest with him.
Dieter, you know you can just go fuck yourself, right?
And for what it’s worth, I’m happy you made your girlfriend feel better. You really are a great guy.
To HER, that is.  Now start making my job a little easier, not harder, or so help me, God, I’ll rip your head clean off.  And I'm not talking about the one on the top of your neck. Lord knows you don't need that head anymore cause you don’t ever think with it. I'm talking about the other one.
Dieter laughed hard and knew Kat’s threats were just that, threats.  She has saved his ass more times than he cared to admit.  Yes, this stunt he pulled could have been a huge problem, but he didn’t care.  He’s weathered those harsh storms of his career in the past.  That’s why he paid Kat the big bucks, to help him get out of those shit storms.  But this stunt was for you, to get the negative attention off you. And to make you laugh more, which is what he did in the end.  The only thing that mattered to Dieter was that his pretty little girlfriend was safe, warm, and happy.  Everything in Hollywood was always so fake, except for you and the love that Dieter had for you, that wasn't fake. Dieter loved you more than anything: real, soulmate-type, passionate love. And to him, that was the only story ever worth writing about. 
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Matty Healy Imagine
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Summary: In which you "dated" Matty pre 75 fame (2011-2012) and bump into him seven years later (late 2019) never realising you meant more to Matty than you could ever imagine.
Warnings: Swearing. Vulgar language somewhere around the middle because there is a tiny section of smut my friends!
Author's Note: Hope you enjoy this one. This was the 'Matty realising who his person is/in love with' piece that you all voted for next. Not entirely sure if it's any good to be honest but I hope you like it. A short blurb might be posted at a later date. Ross and George stuff coming up next! Enjoy! x
P.S If any of you can think of a 1975 song that we could use to title this bad boy I would be highly appreciative because currently I have nothing!
4.8K Words
When you met Matty Healy you were just shy of turning twenty one years old, you were still at uni and you were at a wedding of a friend of a friend that you only knew kind of through work and he was captivating from the off. He had a stunning set of curls and a cheeky charm about him, that had you knocking back whatever shots he was offering, laughing at all his stupid jokes (read chat up lines) and letting him feel you up as you danced until the early morning. You would have followed him into whatever trouble he got himself into without a single question asked.
He told you he was in a band with his mates from school to which you humoured him, nodding your head as you hummed in vague response. Of course he was, this was the noughties, every boy in your age range was or had been in a garage band doing covers of Blink 182 and hoping to make it big one day. What made Drive Like I Do or whatever weird name he told you any different from the rest of the kids?
Except they were different. They were fucking brilliant and when you found out they were from a small town in Cheshire not far from where you were from, you thought it might have been fate that you two would find each other.
You “dated” for roughly six months. You use the word loosely because looking back at that time in your life, it seemed like it was just a flurry of a lot of sex and a lot of fighting. Fighting about the states he would get in when he’d do drugs with his mates. Some of your most profound conversations were with him when he was high or you were both drunk out of your minds. But you probably fought more in those last two months than you did in the entirety of your next relationship. Which is a shame because you could have really loved him.
When the two of you finally admitted defeat and decided to go your separate ways. You didn’t hear from him or the boys again. Not that you ever expected to as he was busy becoming the front man in the biggest band in the world and you ended up moving to London for work and working up the ladder at your law firm and living with your boyfriend for the next seven years. You couldn’t escape him though, the band were the biggest thing to come out of the North since Arctic Monkeys and they were on every channel, every magazine, their music attached to every social media post.
Even though you weren’t on speaking terms with any of them because you had too much respect for Matty to make it weird. You knew George, Adam and Ross deserved the success they had achieved over the past seven years. Matty too, this was his dream and he was living it to the fullest.
You expected the success to find them. What you didn’t expect was to run into Adam and his girlfriend on your walk home from work one late October evening in 2019. He spotted you first, the two of you just standing in shock in front of one another for the first time in so long, in silence. His girlfriend highly confused as to what was happening until one of you finally spoke.
“Hi.” Adam immediately smiled sweetly at you before embracing you. “How are you doing Ads? Congratulations on everything! I knew you’d do it!”  You told him, your happiness genuine for him, he was one of the nicest people you had ever met.
“Thanks. Carls this is y/n an old friend of ours. Her and Matty dated what…” He paused a moment, whist trying to figure it out. “How long has it been since I’ve seen you? Seven years now?”
“Sounds about right!” You managed to chuckle. “I ehhh heard about what happened with him a couple of years ago. I wanted to reach out but didn’t know how or if it’d be weird or not?  Is he doing okay?”
“Better than ever.”  Adam smiled warmly at you at your concern.
“Will you pass on the message that I’m glad he’s well.”  You had started to ask but before either of you could say anything else. You heard the dulcet northern tones of a man that you shared your life with many moons ago, rupture through the evening air.
“Hann! What you doing mate? Who are you talking to…”
Words died on his tongue the moment he took in the sight of you in front of him for the first time since your last fight in the spring of 2012. Very rarely did Matty not know what to say. But there you were, his muse for some of his most beloved songs. As he lived and breathed, dressed in tight leather pants, a smart white blouse tucked in and stiletto heels that looked like they could kill him if he got in your way. Shock etched across your face but you looked more beautiful that Matty ever remembered.
Your voice came out a little less confident than you anticipated and it made you want to shoot yourself in the foot but when Matty let out a breathy “Hi” like he was unsure of what to say it made you feel a little better. The pair of you continued to stare at one another, not completely sure how long neither of you weren’t saying anything but Adam coughed awkwardly and prompting you to look over in his direction.
“Well it was lovely to see you again.”  Adam leant down to press a deft kiss to your cheek before throwing a look over his shoulder at his best mate. “Hopefully it won’t be seven years next time.” He laughed, squeezing your arm gently as Carly sent you a soft smile and a wave as they both headed off in the opposite direction to you.
“You look good Healy.” 
You broke the silence, smiling at him sincerely as you took in how good he looked. He looked happy and healthy, had this glow about him and that’s all you ever wanted for him, was for him to be well. Matty grinned at your compliment before shaking his head, laughing as his curls fell in front of his eyes.
When he finally looked back up at you, you noticed the crinkle in the corner of his eyes were still prominent in his features when he laughed and this overwhelming feeling appeared heavy in your chest. A soft tingle rushed up your face, through your nose and prickling at your eyes. You didn’t want to cry but the softness of his face made the nostalgia wave over you so strongly that you didn’t know if you could keep composure for much longer if he didn’t say anything.
“Shit sweetheart! So do you! Sensational!”  
Matty’s words made you laugh, that feeling instantaneously washing away as you both laughed with each other for the first time again. Tentatively he took a step closer towards you. Opening his arms almost awkwardly gesturing for a hug as if he was unsure you would. You immediately stepping into his arms; his finding their way around your waist as yours naturally found theirs around his neck. 
His body felt warm against yours; hands pressed flat against your back, his curls tickling the side of his face as you curled up against his neck, squeezing him that little bit tighter as he attempted to step back and trapping him in your arms for a little longer. The smell of cigarette smoke and his signature aftershave the same after all this time, invaded your senses, making you relax into him. The pressure on your waist automatically tightened as he reciprocated your affection before you both finally took steps to move away from one another before it got awkward.
“It was really good to see you sweetheart.” Matty smiled; shoving his hands into his coat pockets. You noticed him shuffling his feet awkwardly, unsure of why he seemed nervous. It was just you. “But I’ve got to…”  He gestured in the direction Adam had left. “It’s a work thing. But I’ll message you.”
Nodding, you assumed after he pressed a messy kiss to your cheek and was jogging off after his band mate, that you probably wouldn’t hear from your rockstar again. But the notification from trumanblack not a hour later that just said ‘Call me x’ and his number had stupid butterflies swimming in your stomach that maybe if anything you’d be able to make things right with him, even if it just meant he was apart of your life.
That was eighteen months ago. It was now Spring of 2021 and I think it was fair to say you were fully submerged back into The 1975’s world. There were times when you could see the jealousy swimming through his brown eyes when you hung out with the other members of the band. Laughter echoing around whatever room you were in as your laugh intertwined with Ross’ infectious giggle.
Jealousy that this time around, your attention wasn’t solely focused on him. Which lets be honest a decade ago, the two of you were completely infatuated with one another. You were friendly with the boys but your entire world was Matty and Matty you. You can’t believe you missed out on this type of love that the boys were giving you. George was happy to have someone to entertain his horrendous dad jokes. Adam to have meaningful life talks with. Ross to go to when work was stressing you out, he always knew what to say to ease your mind. He had quickly become your best friend. All of them happy to have someone on their side to help wind Matty up!
You don’t even know what you and Matty were. Not long after you were reunited, the boys headed off on their American tour and you spent every night speaking to Matty over FaceTime once he got in from the gig. It was always middle of the night/early morning for you and after a certain amount of calls, you didn’t care what you looked like anymore.
Your conversations always ranged from what the tour was like, travelling, stupid things the boys had done whilst on the road to your work, missing him, him missing you, missing home and his mum and just wanting a good cup of tea. He of course was naughty as always and sometimes you found yourself wearing less and less just because you could and if he could tease so could you.
Yet once they returned home and they headed out on their UK tour, you found yourself working remotely and tagging along. This was everything you had dreamed of for him and it made your heart ache with so much joy you weren’t sure if it was pure happiness for them or you were slipping into the nostalgic feeling of being around him 24/7.
Then covid hit the world and you were forced apart again. You were currently living alone since your ex had moved out of your apartment six months prior but by some sort of miracle your neighbour one street over happened to be one Ross MacDonald. Him and his housemates so graciously offering you to move into their spare room for the next few months. Living with Ross felt like a better idea for your sanity than entertaining the idea of Matty if he had got in there before him, somehow you knew you had made the right decision.
Ross MacDonald was a fantastic housemate plus knowing it meant Ross had someone on his side when ganging up on Matty was worth it on its own. You lived for that shit! You and Ross also made a great team during your weekly zoom quizzes, having coming top of the leaderboard almost every time much to Matty’s dismay. Him proclaiming the two of you were clearly cheating on more than one occasion, which only made you laugh harder, the more he continued to rant. There is one thing you should know and that is Matthew Healy is a sore loser! This of course always goes down well with the rest of the band when he throws a strop like the man child that he is! 
Matty on the other hand wasn’t impressed by the speed in which your relationship with his bassist was forming. 
“You moved in quicker with Ross than you did me!”
“We never lived together Healy!”  You laughed at his pouting through the phone.
“To be fair mate. You were kind of a nightmare to live with back in the day!”  Ross’ voice could be heard from the other side of the living room.
“I don’t like that you two gang up on me!”
“Stop pouting at me!”  You laughed loudly at him, “To be fair to him, the rate in which we were going ten years ago. If we lived with each other. We would have killed each other and I’d hate to be the person to have deprived the world of your talent.”  You tried to soften the blow a little with a compliment.
“Yeah.” Matty sighed, before shooting you a soft smile. “Thanks sweetheart. Can’t wait to see you.”
The softness in his voice, made your heart burst and you hated how you knew how this was going to end up. “Me too babe. Me too.”
“Plus I need to make up for lost time.”
“What do you mean?”
“I need to accumulate the same amount of hours you’ve spent with Ross once we’re allowed out of the house.”
“You’re ridiculous. You know that right?”
“So I’ve been told! But you love me anyway!”
“Sure. Whatever makes you sleep better at night Healy!”
You laughed at the dramatic gasp of horror from the man on the opposite side of the phone. A roll of eyes definitely happened from both you and Ross who was drinking a cup of coffee on the other end of the couch.
That was a year ago. You were currently in the studio with him and George, just quietly watching them work. Adam and Ross long gone and happily tucked up in bed and you were currently falling asleep on the sofa and being held hostage by their lead singer. George threw you a sympathetic smile over his shoulder as you struggled to keep your eyes open, nudging his mate and gesturing towards your slumped frame.
Immediately standing up; Matty made his way over to you, kneeling down next to you and brushing your hair behind your ear so softly. That if you were actually awake, you would have leaned into his touch but you were completely wiped out. “Lets get you home sweetheart.” His voice soft as he pulled you up and he dragged you gently out of the studio and into his car, George’s goodbye muffled by your sleepy brain as he headed towards his own car further down the street.
Matty drove to his, your shit already there and tucked by the side of the bed in his spare room, despite the fact the past two days you had fallen asleep curled up next to him as you watched documentaries in bed together. You still don’t know what you were because friends don’t continue to sleep in the same bed with one another and not go any further than that. Scientifically impossible especially with the history the two of you had, a tension of the sexual kind always tethering the two of you together, no matter who was around, you always toed that line. 
That was all about to change.
When you woke up the next morning, Matty’s face in your neck, hands up the t-shirt you were wearing for bed, body wrapped around you as he spooned you from behind. The kiss he pressed to the back of your neck before moving away was enough to stir you from your sleep to search for him again in the sheets. Rolling over; you slotted into his side seamlessly, foot automatically intruding between his legs as your leg draped over the top of his waist.
“Don’t want to go to work. Tell the boys you’re not well. I’ll ring in sick.”  
You mumbled into his neck. His skin vibrated against your lips, his chuckles dying quickly in his throat as you pressed kisses to the upside of his jaw. Leaning down slowly he caught your lips between his own, neither of you bothered by whatever morning breath you may have, having seen each other in worse states than this. 
Matty’s hands moved from your face, dancing down your body as you tugged at his curls. Hands grabbing at the globes of your ass roughly as you kissed lazily in the morning light that was seeping through the curtains. Time was not a concept for either of you as you made out like a pair of love struck teenagers. You had gone nine years without him and now you didn’t want to let him go now you had leapt over that line.
A particular tug of his curls had him moaning into your mouth as he squeezed you against him, your ass firmly between his hands as you straddled him. “Babe gonna have to piss. Sorry.”  He mumbled against your lips, before wiggling out from beneath you. The both of you yawning as you both stretched properly for the first time that morning. “Maybe coffee too. Shit I’m tired as balls. Come on sweetheart.” He held out his hand for you take, finally leaving the confines of his bedroom.
Coffee brewed, breakfast eaten and teeth brushed. You and Matty happily trudged back to his bed after you called in sick to work and Matty text George some bullshit excuse as to why he wasn’t going to the studio today. The pair of you continuing to make out like horny teenagers until your lips were swollen and you were desperate to be under him and your wish was about to come true.
The hum of contentment left your mouth as Matty’s hands bunched up his shirt you had slept in the night before, soft kisses making their way down your stomach until he reached the top of your lacy knickers. Thank fuck for always thinking a head, you’d pat yourself on the back later for that one. Matty continued to press kisses to both of your hips before continuing his assault everywhere but where you wanted him to.
Looking down at him, Matty leant against the inside of your thigh, his eyes swimming with permission and when he looked like that between your legs, you’d happily give him anything he wanted. “Please.” You managed to whimper as his fingers tucked underneath the lace and dragging them down your legs quicker than you anticipated.
Matty held your legs apart as he looked up at you, hearts appearing in his eyes as he looked up at your heaving chest before delving in. Fingers wrapping around his curls, you couldn’t help but tighten your grip as his tongue swept through your folds to lick at your clit before sucking it into his mouth. Your back arching into his touch as he devoured you,  the pornographic moans you let out as he lapped up your mess enough to make him cum in his pants like a teenager.
“Fuck how have you got better at this?” You moaned; throwing your head back into the pillow as you groaned at his ministrations as he mouthed at your pussy. “Jesus fuck! That’s good!”
“Loads of practice.” He hummed against you, a soft kiss to your inner thigh before running his tongue over you again, before pressing his middle and index fingers into you too and pressing against that spot he loved so much.
“Don’t want to hear about other girls Healy.” You huffed, just as he sucked your clit into his mouth again, causing you to groan loudly. “Fuck going to cum.”
The grip you had on Matty’s hair was impossibly tight, the feeling of your nails indenting into the palm of your hand proof of that as your legs started to shake either side of his head. Matty doubled down on his efforts as you started to tingle all over, his fingers rapidly moving in you had the brunette holding your hips down as you started to gyrate against his mouth in a hurried effort to cum for him.
When you finally did, it felt like you were cumming forever. Your legs still shaking as Matty slowly made his way up towards your face, pressing kisses in the wake of his path before pressing a deep kiss to your lips. The taste of yourself now on your tongue making you hum as you pulled him closer.
“Could fucking stay between your legs forever baby.”
“I’d let you. That was fucking good Healy.”
“Hmmm.” Matty hummed into your neck, as he pressed delicate kisses to your skin as you ran your fingers through his hair. “Ringing in sick, best idea ever.”
After that; you too couldn’t keep your hands off you. You had opened the floodgates and you were never not having sex of some sorts. It was constant which was saying something because when you were both in your early twenties the two of you were at it like rabbits! 
Now that the two of you seemed to have established that you wanted to be with each other, life seemed to fall into place so easily. You went to work during the day, working with high end clients in the law firm you worked at and being a bad ass bitch by day and went home and fucked your sexy, talented ass man when you got home and hung out with the other boys in the studio at the weekend/days off. You couldn’t complain really and neither could they when apparently Matty was tuning out material so good, that George claimed that he was just playing him a song that was an old classic and not something new.
You had already become a constant within the boys’ lives at this point but it was when you were chilling in the studio, draped across the sofa and atop of both Ross and George as Matty faffed about at the sound board with one of their sound technicians that you realised you were all way too comfortable around each other.
The sound technician had been out of the room all of two seconds before he was sending you a suggestive look from the spinning chair he was currently occupying. His eyes drifted from you to his crotch and back again, raising an eyebrow to challenge you. But you weren’t playing these games today. You knew you were falling for him, 99% sure you already had and there wasn’t anything you wouldn’t do for the stupid fucker. But you wouldn’t play these games in front of the lads.
“No.” You tilted your head up from where it was leaning against George’s leg, to shoot your boyfriend a look.
“Why not?”
“Babe I’m not sucking your dick when the boys are here. Don’t be gross!” 
“Baaabe” He whined dramatically at you.
“Yeah. I object to that sort of behaviour.” Ross piped up from the other end of the sofa with a chuckle.
“I love you both but I don’t want to see your dick mate.” Adam looked up from his guitar in the corner.
“Agreed, we put up with a lot of shit but do I want to see your dick in our sweet innocent friend’s mouth. No.” George joked from above you. You pinched his thigh much to his annoyance, hitting you with his flailing arms in reflex to your assault.
“Your dick is practically in her mouth now. Shut up! Come on baby, let’s quickly sneak out.”
Your boyfriend’s unfiltered mouth, seemed to think he was funny. But his joke didn’t settle with any of you the way he thought it would. Especially you and George and it was the first time you made an effort to sit up and move away from the friendly giant you called your mate. As the awkwardness settled between the five of you, you quickly dropped your legs from Ross’ lap too and sat up. 
The atmosphere in the room had quickly shifted and you made an excuse to make a “work call” and left the room.
That was the first disagreement you had with Matty since you had gotten back together. You were up for a dick joke as much as the next lass but making you the butt of the joke like you were some type of slut was where you drew the line. 
Although to give Matty’s his dues, he let you talk it out with him after giving you the space you needed. He apologised immediately and promised he’d not slut you up in front of the boys again. Which if it had happened ten years ago, you would have screamed about him being “such a boy” and how he would have screamed about “how you just don’t get his humour and to get over yourself.”
“I’m sorry baby. I forget I don’t have a filter sometimes. Won’t happen again.”  He pressed a soft kiss to your lips, hands draped around your waist. “I’ve never been this happy. This is the happiest I’ve ever been and it’s all because of you sweetheart. Don’t want to mess this up.”
“I know baby.”  You kissed him back harder than before, twirling his curls around his fingers before pecking your lips against his over and over again, just wanting to be close to him. If you could see yourselves, you’d hate the two of you. “You won’t, I know you won't.” You whispered against the side if his neck, as you mouthed at his jaw and pulling a groan from him as you pressed just underneath his ear.
“I fucking love you sweetheart.”
You felt like your heart stopped as his words entered your ears, his forehead resting against yours as he pressed you up against the wall.
“Yeah?”  Matty nodded. “I fucking love you too Healy!”  You grinned.
Matty pressed you further into the wall, kissing you so deeply you thought you’d go through it. The moan you tried to suppress as you felt his thigh press between your own echoed through the corridor in the studio and it was only when you realised where you were, your mates just on other side of the wall. Had you pulling aways as sense invaded your brain.
“I love you but not here. When we’re home.”  You laughed at his pout.
“Only because I love you so much. Don’t think I ever really stopped to be honest.” 
Matty had the nerve to look demure as he said it but the giddiness as he bounced on the balls of his feet, you knew he was anything but as he looked like he was ready to burst. You rolled your eyes as you know what he wanted but you sent him a soft smile all the same. God you were down bad for the silly fucker!
“You can tell the boys! Go!” You shoved him playfully. Your laugh reverberated around the hall as he pressed a kiss to your mouth once more before running back towards the room you had both disappeared from. “She fucking loves me mate!”  You heard him shout as he burst through the studio door.
Not far behind him, you stopped to lean against the door frame as he bounced around the room. The boys patting him on the back with smiles equally as big as they voiced their congratulations. 
“We know!”  Ross cackled, rolling his eyes when he spotted you.
“Fuck knows why! You’re a pain the arse!” George smirked, pulling his best mate into a tight hug.
“I’m happy for you both.”  Adam spoke from his corner, a bright smile on his face as he nodded at you in the doorway. Adam had this all knowing look on his face, having been there the moment you reunited. You think he always knew deep down, this was where it was heading. You both loved hard and fast, he saw it first hand ten years ago and had seen how happy his best mate had been just by having you in his life again. He knew there was no way you weren’t going to realise that the two of you were meant to be.
Your boy turned to look at you. Leant against the doorframe, arms folded across your chest and the softest look on your face as you watched his energy bounce off everything he touched, it was so infectious that you couldn’t help but feel your eyes gloss over. The overwhelming feeling of love hitting you square in the chest as the four of them teased one another. Teased Matty for being soft. You caught each others eyes, Matty beaming as he took you in.
A chance meeting at a wedding ten years ago. A fleeting love affair. Nine years apart. 
A chance reunion between an international rockstar and the one who got away.
Yeah you were fucking so down for this man.
He was your person.
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brewsterispunkk · 2 years
sunshine state
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pairing: benny miller x f!reader
WC: 6k
summary: an unexpected call sends honey back home. she doesn’t go alone.
warnings: grief, death of a loved one, referenced smut, these idiots can’t communicate, so much angst, fluff, toxic family dynamic
A/N: this was co-written with @jc-writes-bullshit who helped pull me from my writersblock!!! also, my semester is finally over! I’m hoping to finish sunshine state before the new year now that I have more time on my hands. we shall see. ALSO: i recently started an aemond targaryen x oc fic on ao3 if anyone wants to check it out! my username is the same there as it is here !
PS: this chapter is named after the song cry to me by solomon burke. BUT there is another benny miller one shot called Cry To Me by @carni-val ! I want to put a disclaimer that this chapter is in no way based off of or plagiarizing their art! the only similarity is the title! However, I would recommend their fic. It’s a must-read to any and all benny miller fans !
You weren’t there when Benny woke up.
He inhaled suddenly, snapping awake at the lack of your presence in his bed.
His bed.
His heart stuttered, recalling the events of the night before as if they were a dream.
He sighed, eyes fluttering shut again. As he nosed his pillow, he noticed he could still smell your perfume on his sheets. His stomach thrilled, and for a moment all he felt was contentment.
After months and months of you haunting his dreams, flitting through his life and turning it upside down like a tornado, he couldn’t believe that he actually got to have this.
He felt his stomach flutter at the memory of what had passed the night before. Your hands in his hair, your legs around his waist, the way your breath shallowed when he touched you. How you’d felt around him. It had never been like that with anyone else before.
Benny had never been one for casual sex, save for a few stints in his younger years. Still, he was far from inexperienced when it came to sex. He’d had plenty of girlfriends throughout the years, and plenty of sex besides. But now, when he tried to recount them, all he could see was your face. The very idea of sex with someone else made him cringe. One night with you had ruined him for anyone else, forever.
His house was uncharacteristically quiet for a morning that you were there. Usually, he would be woken up to the sound of you bustling about the kitchen or living room, rooting through his fridge for something edible or fiddling with his coffee maker. Now though, it was just silent.
Suddenly, Benny started. Where had you gone?
He couldn’t see you fleeing before he woke up, leaving him like this was some one night stand. That was, unless…
Unless you regretted it.
His stomach dropped at the thought. That was the worst case scenario.
He’d hoped that once you’d woken up, the two of you could talk about what happened. The two of you hadn’t discussed what exactly this was last night—you hadn’t quite gotten there before you’d jumped his bones. Benny had no idea where you were at.
As far as he was concerned, you were convinced that this had just been a favor for a friend, a casual thing. Nothing serious. The very thought of that made Benny scoff. You were the most serious thing in his life. He just hoped he hadn’t fucked it up.
He looked around for his phone— he hardly ever slept without it. He’d spent so much time with some of the guys in his squad that now going a night without his phone, a night with the possibility of missing one of them if they needed him, was a foreign concept.
But, he wouldn’t have slept with his phone last night. He’d been too busy with … other things.
Benny swore under his breath. He reached around for shorts, a pair of boxers, anything-- and when he’d finally found a pair of sweatpants he tugged them on and trudged out to his living room, his stomach turning as he tried to plan what he could possibly say that would remedy this, or fix your now doomed-to-fail friendship, or bring you back.
- - - -
His dog tags were the first thing you’d seen that morning when you woke up.
A stream of pleasant memories flooded your mind; Benny’s hands on your hips, the softness of his lips. The feeling of him inside of you, filling you up. You’d been like puzzle pieces instead of ships passing in the night and for once, anxiety wasn’t the first thing you felt when you woke up. It was the sturdiness of Benny’s chest beneath your fingertips, then the chill of the silver chain around his neck under your palm. And when you lifted your eyes, you found your nose just inches from his, those sea-glass eyes of his still concealed behind closed lids and long blonde eyelashes that curled up at the ends in a way that would’ve made any girl envy him.
And then, as you shifted but only slightly to improve your comfort - soreness between your legs.
You grunted, regretfully leaving Benny’s grasp to sit up. You knew sex would have discomfort the first time around. You had been right.
You swore under your breath as you pressed your feet against the floor and began to collect your clothes, pulling on your abandoned underwear and - now with an unfamiliar light filling your chest - Benny’s discarded t-shirt. You padded down the short hallway to his bathroom, imagining he’d have tylenol in his medicine cabinet. It seemed unlikely to you that someone who had been in the MMA circuit as long as him wouldn’t have some over the counter pain reliever. Honestly, the probability of him having something stronger was just as likely. Once again, you’d been right. You downed two aspirin tablets and then set off to find your phone. It was the first thing you checked every morning.
You found it tucked down in between Benny’s couch cushions. It dangled between your fingers as you sauntered to Benny’s kitchen to make yourself some coffee.
As you popped the capsule into his Keurig, you finally checked your home screen.
Something had happened.
That was all you could think as a heavy cloud settled over your cheery mood. Four missed calls from your mom. Two from your brother, though why he would be calling you at all was a mystery. One from your dad. Almost a hundred missed texts from your parents and your grandmother and a brood of cousins you saw twice a year at best.
Your heart raced as you unlocked your phone. You played a voicemail from your father first, hoping that would give you some insight.
His voice was gruff and uneven.
“Hey, sis.” He said, and when his voice cracked something in you split open. This was very bad.
“Uh … we tried to reach you last night, but you must’ve been asleep. It’s your - it’s your Papa. He’s … he’s passed away.”
And just like that - in a split second - the world stopped. The light seeped from the room.
Your papa had always been special to you. He wasn’t like your mother’s father, who had been old from the time you had memories of him. No, Papa and your grandmother had had your dad young. Your parents had you young. Papa had run and played with you from the time you could walk. He taught you about constellations. He taught you how to change your oil and had taught you the names of parts of an engine and he had shown you the perfect way to trim the leaves of a tomato plant. Every year at Christmas, he gave you a record from his collection, usually John Denver or Neil Diamond or the Monkees.
And there had been so many close calls with him. He was sick with different kinds of cancer on and off but never let it dampen his spirit. There had been so many close calls - including an incredibly stupid incident where he’d accidentally given himself blood poisoning with Raid for cockroaches - but nothing had ever taken. Nothing could take out Papa. He was the strongest person you’d ever known.
“It was peaceful.” Your father continued. “He was just so out of it … I don’t think he really knew what was happening. I know that doesn’t make it better for us, but …” His voice cracked again, and this time, you could tell he was crying. “Call me when you get this. We should talk. I love you, baby.”
And click. The call was over.
You listened to it again. And again. And every time, you waited to hear something resembling laughter in the background; some show, some ha! Gotcha!
But none ever came.
The world, suddenly, felt very small.
You should’ve called more. You should never have left home. You should’ve been there.
As you sank to the floor, your back to the cabinet, you wondered how anyone could possibly be as selfish and as careless as you.
- - - -
Benny was at your side.
You never would’ve noticed if he hadn’t wrapped his arms around you. Even the words tumbling from his lips—“I’m sorry” and “we can just forget, we can forget it ever happened” - wouldn’t have been strong enough to pull you from inside of your own head if you hadn’t felt the safety of his touch.
You looked up at him and found he was little more than a blur in the moment. You hadn’t found it in yourself to cry - but you would, surely, at a later date when it somehow set in - but your whole world was turning around you. Plane tickets, rental cars, buying something black (you’d ditched all of your black clothes after a week in the Florida heat), orchestrating housing for a long weekend, family reunions, a plane ticket home, missing work … it was all too much, all at once. So you held onto Benny, his pine scented body wash still clinging loosely to him and drowning all of your big feelings momentarily in an imaginary sea of green. You pushed your nose into his neck and squeezed your eyes shut.
“Honey?” Benny brought his palm to rest at the back of your head. “Are you feeling okay?”
The stinging began behind your eyes, becoming a prickle. You felt your face growing hot but decided it didn’t matter. It was too much.
“He’s dead, Benny.” You whimpered. “My papa. He’s dead.”
Benny’s grip on you tightened. He knew how much your grandfather had meant to you; God knows you’d discussed him enough times as you compared your unruly mud-pie and Sunday fishing filled childhoods.
“Fuck, honey. I’m - I’m so sorry.”
Benny didn’t feel the need to fill the air with words like you did. Everything about him was comfort, was stability; perfect just as it was.
“I have to - I have to go home.” You leaned back against the cupboard, and for the moment, Benny released you.
He sat back, his arms roping around his knees. Like a little kid trying to sit still.
“For the funeral, and all. You know.” You pressed the heels of you hands into your eyes. “Fuck, I gotta find a sitter for Salem, and - I have to book a ticket home. I mean, I could take my car, but that thing is, just - a fucking massive hunk of crap-“
“You’re not taking your car.” Benny said with finality.
“How the hell else am I supposed to get there?” You snapped.
“We’ll drive.” Benny said.
We’ll drive.
“You’re not going alone.” He told you. “The plane tickets are gonna cost you an arm and a leg. And you can’t take your car. And … you shouldn’t be by yourself.”
You considered it for a moment; having Benny around made you better. He was honest about who he was from the first word he spoke to you. He was funny, and joyful, and he somehow always knew the right thing to say. And the thought of facing your family without him felt like trying to keep yourself from getting swallowed by a black hole.
But, still. You were who you were.
“You don’t have to–”
“I know.” Benny reached for your hand. As it enveloped yours, you allowed yourself to look at him for the first time. Those big, sweet bambi eyes of his - giving away every little feeling - were like lakes all of a sudden. Like you could drown in them.
“I don’t even have to meet your family, if you don’t want to. I’ll - stay across town, or find a Super 8 or something–”
“Don’t be stupid.” You said, and it came out a little sharper than you meant it to. You squeezed Benny’s hand. “Of course you’ll meet them. You’re my best friend, Benny.”
Part of you reeled inside. Best friend.
Best friends who fuck sometimes, your mind corrected, and you cringed.
Right. You two had had sex. Insane, charged, mindblowing sex, and you still didn’t know what that exactly meant for your relationship. In all honesty, you were too scared to ask. You knew that he had been doing you a favor.
“I could do it,” he’d said. It was just a task; a friend helping another friend out.
But still, part of you hoped, wished. Now that you’d gotten a piece of what it was like to be with him, you didn’t know how to go back. You thought you’d combust or explode or die if you had to forget about it and move on. You’d been lying to yourself when you said that you would be able to move on if you could have him at least once. There was no moving on from Benny Miller.
But you didn’t have time to think about how awful you may have fucked this up. Your family needed you. You needed your family.
You felt your chest clench at the idea of going home and your papa not being there. There had been no warning, no preparation. You weren’t even able to say goodbye, he was just gone.
What had been the last thing you said to him? The last full conversation? The last time you’d helped him cook? Watched a show with him. You couldn’t remember. How could you not remember?
Your bottom lip trembled and somewhere in the peripheral of your hearing, you heard someone whimper. It wasn’t until you felt Benny’s hands on your face that you realized it was you.
He titled your head up toward him, and for the first time you realized that he was kneeling on his kitchen floor with you. His green-blue eyes gazed into yours and instead of finding pity or disgust or awkwardness, you found tenderness.
The thought caused a sob to wrack your shoulders, and you broke, folding in on yourself.
“Hey, hey.” Benny cooed, hauling your trembling form into his arms. “It’s okay. It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you.”
You dug your face into his shoulder and one of his hands snaked into your hair, massaging your scalp. He held you while you wept.
“I’m sorry,” you huffed pathetically, holding onto his shoulders.
“No, no. Don’t apologize,” he whispered into your hair. “Let it out, honey.”
You clung to him, and you weren’t sure how long you stayed like that.
Eventually, your tears calmed into sniffles and Benny’s hand was still moving up and down your back.
You pulled back, wiping the moisture left around your eyes. Benny’s arms fell to your arms, and one of his hands moved to tuck an errant curl behind your ear.
“God,” you croaked, eyes bleary. “This is just a mess. I’m so sorry, Benny.”
“Don’t you dare apologize to me right now,” he said softly, thumb moving up and down your forearm.
“No, Ben. After last night—”
“Don’t.” His voice was soft but firm. Your eyes filled with tears again.
God, you’d ruined this, hadn’t you?
“No, please, I don’t want you to think–”
You were cut off by his lips on yours, and it was enough to send your stomach fluttering.
It wasn’t a passionate, desperate kiss like the ones you’d shared the night before. No, this kiss was chaste, but just as steadfast. It was closed-lipped, but firm, and achingly slow. It felt like a goodbye.
“Baby,” he breathed, and when you looked into his eyes, they were soft. “It’s okay. I know.”
The resigned look in his eyes made your heart stop.
Oh, you thought. He thought you were going to ask him to forget it.
He kissed your forehead and you just sat there, at a loss.
What were you even going to say to him?
“Hey, I know you just did me a huge favor, but I'm actually in love with you and never want to be with anyone else for the rest of my life?” Or, “hey, I’m in love with you and I think I have been for months, thanks for the sex by the way!”?
No. The truth was, you had no idea what you’d been about to say, or where you’d even begin to describe where you were at. You weren’t even sure you’d be able to. Besides, there were more pressing things that occupied your mind at the moment.
Your grandfather.
The thought hit you like a truck, stealing the breath from your chest.
Benny pulled back from your forehead, the usual easy look in his eyes. He looked exactly as he always did, proving to you that whatever happened last night couldn’t have been as big a deal to him as it was to you. Your chest panged at that notion.
“How soon do you need to get back home?” He gently asked.
You blinked.
“The funeral is in four days,” you said, sniffling. “I should get back as soon as I can, though. God, my dad’s gotta be an absolute wreck.”
“Okay,” he said. “I’ll call the gym, and we can leave first thing in the morning. Sooner, if you want.”
“And I need to call Santi to see if he can watch Salem,” you added. “I’ll let my mom know we’ll be up soon. Both of us.”
You said the last part pointedly, raising your eyebrows at him. He chuckled. You still couldn’t believe that he’d thought you were going to make him stay across town. As if.
“Let me handle Santi,” he said, standing up and offering a hand to you from where you were on the floor. You sighed and let him pull you off the tile by the arm.
“Are you sure?” you asked. “I can handle it. You’re already coming with me—”
“Honey,” he cut you off so softly that it made your heart yearn. Even when interrupting you, he was kind. “I’ve got it. You call your mom.”
“Okay,” you breathed.
He smiled at you and tapped your chin, before turning on his heel and walking back to his bedroom. As his footsteps faded, you heard his voice on the phone, no doubt talking to work.
You dialed your mom’s number, and as the phone rang, you truly felt as though your world was caving around you. Still though, the one constant thing was that Benny was next to you.
- - - -
The road was somehow lonelier than you remembered, if that was possible.
The only consolidation was the fact that Benny was humming quietly beside you, laser focused on the road while you looked onto the cornfields absently.
You silently thanked that he didn’t ask you if you were okay. One look at you could answer that question, but still. You thought that if anyone asked you that, you’d break down again.
He reached for the volume on the radio as the song reached its bridge, and his humming turned into full-blown song. You had barely realized the radio before then, being so caught up in your own grief-addled mind to be fully present. You snorted at the song choice once you recognized it.
“You will never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you!” Benny sang the chorus of Fleetwood Mac’s Silver Springs dramatically.
He turned to you when he saw you laughing.
“What?” he asked defensively.
“Nothing,” you said. “Just didn’t think they were your thing.”
“Hmm,” he hummed before glancing at you. “They’re not really, but they’re yours.”
It touched somewhere in you that he had thought to put your favorite artist on, even though he was the one behind the wheel, and it was his car. You felt your eyes mist up for what must have been the fifth time that day.
“Besides, maybe they’ve grown on me,” he added as an afterthought, eyes on the road.
You blinked the tears away.
“Told you so,” you muttered.
The past 24 hours had been a whirlwind.
It included packing for yours and Benny’s week-long stay at your parents’ house, calling off of work (something that shouldn't have been nearly as hard as it was), and convincing Santi and Everett to stay at your place for a week to watch Salem.
Initially when Benny had called Santi up with the proposition, he’d been vehemently against it. Benny hadn’t even been able to get out the reason why the two of you had to leave town before he refused. Apparently, Santi “didn’t do,” cats. Which proved to be a problem, as Frankie and Mari still had a newborn, and Will was still radio-silent after his and Benny’s fight. Once Santi figured out why you were leaving town though, he caved (with some convincing from Everett).
Now, as you and Benny made your way through the Appalachian mountains on your way to your midwestern hometown, what you worried about was your family.
More specifically, how your family would handle your bringing home a man who wasn’t your significant other.
You already knew that your aunts would love him; A handsome, tall, former military man like Benny? You’d’ve been surprised if your Aunt Jeanette didn’t propose to him herself. Your father would be fine, at least you didn’t have to worry about that part. He already knew about Benny and how he’d been your best friend for the better part of a year. You were closest with your father by far.
No, it was your mother and your brother that you worried about.
Your mother would be ambivalent at best and aggressive at worst toward him, all under the guise of protectiveness. Your brother would treat Benny’s very presence there as some sort of pissing competition if precedent was any indicator.
Once, when you were in your freshman year of college, you’d gone out with a marine for a few months. It had been a bad relationship, and he had been a bad guy, but still, he’d met your family once and when he did, your brother was on his very worst behavior. It was because he felt threatened, you knew, but still. You weren’t looking for a repeat of history.
“I can hear you overthinking over there,” Benny’s voice tore you from your worries.
“What is it?”
“My family,” you sighed, squeezing your eyes together. “I’m just imagining how uncomfortable this is going to be for you.”
“Please,” he laughed out, reaching over to squeeze your knee. “I did seven years in the army. I think I can handle your crazy family for five days.”
“I just can’t stop thinking about it. The drama, and all the questions we’ll get.”
“Honey, it’ll be fine.”
“I really wish it was that easy to get out of my head Benny, I do,” you said.
“Okay,” he offered. “Okay. Run me through your worst case scenario, then.”
“You realize it’s not worth it, and you never talk to me again.”
“Jesus, honey.” He scoffed. “You’re so dramatic. As if you could scare me off. You’re stuck with me now, or haven’t you figured that out?”
You half laughed at him supposing he was right. You were well past that.
“Tell me what to expect, then,” he said.
You sighed. That was better. You could do that.
“My aunts are gonna love you,” you began.
“Well that’s good to hear.”
“You didn’t let me finish. They’re gonna love you a little too much. Seriously, you’re like their wet dream.”
He threw his head back and laughed at that.
“I’m having a hard time seeing the problem with this.”
“Ha ha.” you said sarcastically. “Anyway, if they make you uncomfortable just tell me. My dad will be fine, he already knows about you. My uncles are fine, my cousin’s boyfriend is a dick, other than that, it’s just my mom and brother I’m worried about.”
“And why is that?”
“My mom is,” you paused. “Complicated. I genuinely don’t know how she’ll react. I already told her you were coming, but still. She’s a wild card.”
“Okay. What about your brother? Scared he’s gonna beat me up?”
You actually laughed at that, unable to hold it back. The very idea was hilarious. No, Benny could take your brother in a fight any day. It was the potential for drama that your brother held that made you nervous.
“No,” you finally said, voice still holding humor. “No, you could take him. It’s more that he likes to stir the pot. Any chance to embarrass me or cause problems, he’ll take it. I just don’t want him to involve you in the insane power trips he goes on.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I promise to be on my best behavior.” He offered.
That meant a lot to you. Benny was a hothead, that was no secret to either of you. It was something that made him such a good fighter. The fact that he was even willing to put up with someone intentionally trying to rile him up meant the world.
“I appreciate it, Ben, but that shouldn’t be your job.”
“It’s not fair that you have to put up with it–”
“Honey,” you stopped at the urgency in his voice. It was the tone he used when you were rambling. You took a deep breath and met his eyes.
“It’s not your responsibility either.” He said evenly, looking at you. You took another breath.
“You’re right,” you nodded. “I just really appreciate that you’re even doing this for me. It feels like adding this to the mix is too much.”
“I’ll be the judge of what’s too much, honey,” he placated. “Let me help you with this. I’m here because I want to be, not because I feel like it’s a chore or because of pity, okay?”
You stayed silent, looking out the window at the rural landscape. Anything to not meet his eye. All of a sudden you felt embarrassed, like your biggest fear was just exposed for the world to see, because in reality it was. Benny had just seen through all the bullshit you put up about independence and not caring and thrown it to the wind. And now you were left with the truth; with the bare-bones reality that you needed him.
“Okay?” He asked again.
“Okay,” you caved.
You supposed you would need at least one ally if you were going to get through this week. It might as well be Benny. The truth was, no matter how much it scared the shit out of you, he was the one person you could always trust to have your back.
- - - -
You’d forgotten how much you missed the noise.
The quiet that Florida offered was nice, and it was welcome when you had it, but this. It hit you like a ton of bricks.
It was familiar in a way that made you ache and laugh at the same time. It was all that once had trapped you, and it was all that was now welcoming you back. It was the same and it was not.
Standing in your parents’ kitchen, you watched as your little cousins chased each other down to the basement for a game of hide-and-seek, nearly tripping your uncle as they raced past him. They were too young to fully grasp what was going on, why everyone was sad and grieving. You envied them for it.
In the other room, you could hear your dad and uncles talking about the economy again, while your mother and aunts prattled on about some other cousin or relative’s divorce. Your grandmother was sat quietly in the corner, and the seat next to her was occupied by Benny, who looked to be schmoozing the hell out of her.
It brought a smile to your face.
At the kitchen table were your other cousins–the ones you’d grown up with whose own children now wreaked havoc downstairs. They all seemed more somber than the rest, as if the others were just trying to continue as normal, but they were the ones who truly understood how strange this all was.
It was the same and it was different.
This was the same scene that you had lived out a million times throughout your childhood; a crowded, noisy house, your cousins running about causing mischief, too much food to go around, and laughter ringing from the rafters. Only now, it just seemed…off.
You were no longer a child, and the cousins you’d grown up with now had children of their own. Your mother and aunts and uncles were older too. And there were empty spaces. Your papa’s space was empty.
You shook your head to stop that train of thought. There would be plenty of time for tears at the funeral, and you’d been gone too long to be considered normal. You couldn’t leave Benny to fend for himself for too long either. Your grandmother was harmless enough, but it was only so long until some other member of your family decided to sink in their claws.
You skirted your way through your parents’ crowded living room, dodging a kid here and a cat there, before finally making it back to your seat beside Benny.
“Coffee?” You offered, handing him a mug made the way he liked it.
“Thanks, honey.” He patted your knee, taking a long sip of the hot liquid.
You sipped your own.
When your grandmother turned to converse with one of your aunts, Benny turned to you.
“So,” he began. “Don’t hate me, but there are at least twenty people in this room and I can barely remember the names of half of them.”
You laughed.
“That’s okay. If it makes it easier to remember, my mom and aunts’ names all start with J. It’s Jeannette, Joyce, Julie, and Jackie.”
“Huh,” he cocked a brow. “That would be great if they didn’t look so damn similar.”
“I know,” you shrugged.
It was true; your mother and her sisters all resembled each other. You took more after your father, though.
“Don’t worry about it,” you finally added, turning toward Benny. “All you need to know is that my mom is Jackie. Don’t call her that, though, unless she tells you to.”
“Got it.” He nodded, eyebrows furrowing in concentration.
The first meeting with your mother had gone surprisingly well. Better than what you’d expected. It was by no means touchy-feely, but it was cordial. Kind, even, if you could believe it.
She’d seemed suspicious when you’d told her vehemently that you were just friends, and that the trundle in the basement would be fine for Benny. But, she also had expressed her gratitude to him for getting you home safely and for being such a support to you since you’d moved to Florida.
It was an olive branch if you’d ever seen one.
So, it was now your brother that you had to worry about.
He’d had yet to make an appearance. Apparently, he was tied up on the base until tomorrow morning, so he would be flying out and arriving after that, tomorrow evening. That gave you some time to get acclimated to being back, yes, but also time to worry about having him and Benny beneath the same roof.
Your brother was a dick, but he was also your brother, which meant that he knew exactly how to hit you where it hurt. It’s a skill all siblings have. You’d seen Will hit Benny below the belt before, and vice versa. And you were completely prepared to take whatever blows your brother dealt in the coming week. It was the fact that you knew he would single out Benny that made you nervous.
You looked over at Benny beside you, and saw that his eyebrows were still drawn together in thought. You grappled with the urge to smooth out the wrinkle that formed between them.
“I can hear you overthinking over there.” You repeated his words from earlier.
“Hm,” he chuckled, turning to you. “Just trying to figure out how to make sure your mom doesn’t hate me.”
“What?” you laughed, not expecting that.
“She’s scary,” he laughed along with you. You could only nod.
“She scares everyone. You’d know if she hated you, I promise.”
He hummed, and before you could stop yourself, you continued.
“Besides, I don’t think anyone could hate you, Ben.”
You held your breath once the words were out.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
His eyes softened and he opened his mouth like he was about to say something, before your Aunt Joyce’s voice stopped him.
“Benny!” She shrieked, and the moment was gone.
“Come over here and tell us about your work!”
Benny’s eyes locked with yours and you had to hold back a laugh at the panic you saw in them.
“Good luck,” you mouthed at him as he made his way over to her.
- - - -
You couldn’t sleep.
You were in your childhood bedroom; a place where you’d slept thousands of times before without consequence, and still, you couldn’t sleep. You’d been tossing and turning for hours, and sleep just wouldn’t come.
You tried to blame it on too much caffeine, the excitement of the past few days, anything, but you knew what the common denominator was: Benny.
You couldn’t sleep without him there. At least not tonight, at least not after what happened.
After your family had overstayed their welcome (customarily), you had all retreated to your respective corners of the house: your father to his office, your mother to their room, and you and Benny curled up on the couch and watched hallmark Christmas movies.
It was the end of November, and the television channels were beginning their Christmas countdowns. Normally you hated the holidays. Your family never really celebrated thanksgiving, and Christmas was always a dramatic affair that included more fighting and bickering than family together-ness, so you’d grown to hate the tediousness of it all. But there, sitting with Benny and laughing at the ridiculousness of whatever Christmas-themed monstrosity hallmark had conjured up this year, made you realize that maybe you could like it if it included him. And that thought scared you.
Sitting up in your bed, you made your mind up and came to a decision, no matter how stupid that decision may be.
You crept down the stairs with skilled agility, being sure to bypass all the creaky floorboards that had gotten you in trouble in the past. You wrapped the quilt you’d brought with you from your bed tighter around your shoulders as you neared the basement. It was always freezing down there, no matter how much your parents cranked up the heat.
You were sure to be quiet as you snuck into the dark room where Benny was sleeping. It wasn’t dark and dank like many basements you’d seen, but it wasn’t completely finished either. You could barely make out his form on the trundle bed in the low lighting.
You shuffled closer and gently placed a knee on the bed.
“Honey?” he asked in a scratchy voice. Your heart stopped.
“Sorry,” you whispered sheepishly. “Did I wake you? I was trying to be quiet.”
“No,” his answer was immediate as he shuffled from the middle of the bed to one side, wordlessly making room for you.
He held up the heavy comforter as you moved closer, a wordless invitation. You slid in, perhaps a bit too close to be considered platonic, before placing your own quilt over his own comforter.
“I’m sorry it’s so cold down here,” you said lamely, suddenly embarrassed that you’d been caught sneaking into his bed.
He must think I’m pathetic, you thought.
“It’s okay,” he chuckled half-heartedly. “I don’t mind.”
You knew that was a lie. Benny would sleep in a sauna if he could. Still, it made your heart clench.
“Couldn’t sleep?” He asked after a moment of laying there in silence.
You shook your head.
He hummed at that, shuffling a bit closer before sighing. He was getting comfortable, you realized. Getting ready to sleep. You felt his breath on your lips, and even in the darkness, you could tell that if you moved forward an inch, your noses would be touching.
“Me neither.” He finally added. “Goodnight, honey.”
“Goodnight,” you hummed back, tangling your legs with his under the blankets.
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what if you let them all in on the lie? (lt. bradley “rooster” bradshaw)
a/n: i am not lying to you when i say storm warning is the only series i’ve ever finished in a timely manner. it’s the power of cowboys. i kind of fucked up the ages a teensy bit so just.. ignore that. author oversight
summary: Rooster learns the truth. 
title comes from kelsea ballerinas “homecoming queen”
main masterlist | top gun: maverick masterlist | storm warning masterlist | forget what you’ve been told | but i’ve found that time can heal most anything
folks who wanted to be tagged: @hotch-meeeeeuppppp​ @shanimallina87 @abaker74​ 
warnings: swearing, death of both parents, mentions of cancer, kissing, a handful of allusions to sex if you squint, gross overuse of italics
word count: 4,108
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He sighed, moving the coffee cup up to his lips as he listened to his friends chatter. They’re discussing their plans for their last day, leaving the small town early tomorrow morning. 
He can feel Hangman’s eyes on him, their relationship back to being tense ever since whatever he had going on with Hangman’s girl ended. He hasn’t seen them together since he ended it with her but he assumed they were just trying to keep it on the down low, not hurt his feelings any more than they already did. 
He hears footsteps on the stairs, eyes drifting to the figure of Hangman’s girl. She’s in a pair of pajama pants, Navy blue with shooting stars, and a black t-shirt with her high school’s name on it. She rubs the sleep out of her eyes, yawning as she turns the corner and her eyes lock with his own. Swallowing, he looks away, not wanting to talk to her. He can sense Jake standing up but is greeted with the sound of the front door shutting just a few moments later. 
Looking back over, he watches Hangman sit back down, sighing and rubbing a hand over his eyes. He takes a sip of his coffee once more. 
“The two of y’all still fighting?” 
“Yes, of course we are, Em.” Hangman snaps. He almost raises an eyebrow at this, sure they were back together.
“Wasn’t asking you Seresin.” His gaze flickers up to catch Emma’s, realizing she’s talking to him. He doesn’t respond, just stretches out his arms as he moves to cross them. “Shame. Dating one of Jake’s friends severely decreased his chances of being stabbed by his little sister.”
Payback lets out a laugh. “What does Hangman’s little sister have to do with Rooster?”
Hangman- Hangman has a sister?
Tyler threw his friend a confused look. “That... that is Jake’s little sister.”
“Rooster’s been running around with Jake’s little sister.” Madison confirms as he feels his stomach begin to sink.
He’s fucked up. 
“You have a little sister?” Fanboy asks, sitting a little straighter from where he’s sprawled out on the floor. “I didn’t know that.” 
“I did.” Coyote says, leaning back against the couch. The group collectively turns to their attention to him.“You mentioned her once in passing a few years ago, when your Mom...” He trails off, looking around the room. “You know.” 
He very much did not know. 
Coyote clears his throat. “Anyways, she looks a lot like you, actually now that I think about it.”
Phoenix eyes grow wide as she turns to look at him. “Oh, you’re stupider than I thought you were Bradshaw.”
Now that’s not fair.
“Okay, no- hang on for a minute Phe, up until two minutes ago I wasn’t even aware Hangman had a sister. I thought she was his ex-girlfriend for Christ’s sake!”
Hangman makes a noise in the back of his throat. “That’s disgusting Bradshaw, this isn’t sweet home Alabama.” 
“Do you blame me Seresin? The two of you haven’t gotten along since we got here!”
“I wonder why.” Emma scoffs, rolling her eyes.
“Shut up and mind your business Em.” Hangman shoots, eyes narrowing at the girl. 
“You made it my business.” 
“Actually, Ty made it our business when he convinced us all this was a good idea.” Lucas says, appearing in the doorway, the sound of the front door shutting following his words.  
Tyler startles. “Don’t put the responsibility all on me, Madi agreed to having them here.” 
She shoots her boyfriend a glare. “You were the one who came to me Ty and had I known this is how it was going to go, I would’ve told you to tell Jake to keep his ass back in San Diego.” 
“Et tu, Madi?” Hangman asks, huffing out a dry laugh. She turns to him. 
“Your little sister is hurting Jake, and somehow, you fail to see that.” 
“No, I see it, but I don’t know why.”
“Oh that’s bullshit Jake.” Riley says, moving off the couch. 
“What is going on?” He mouths to Coyote, watching the ranch hands fight. Coyote gives a half shrug, looking every bit bewildered as he feels. 
“The reality is Jake, that you know exactly how you’ve fucked up. But instead of taking responsibility for it, like a man, you’re cowering your way out, pretending like you didn’t do anything wrong.” 
“I’m not- Ty, back me up here.” 
“I don’t disagree with them, Jake. I just thought... I thought that if the two of you were in a room together, after ten years, maybe you could sort your shit out.” 
“Ten years?” Coyote exclaims, eyes widening as his head swings towards his best friend. 
“Been longer than that at this point.” Emma mumbles. 
“Maybe she’d forgive me if she didn’t have Em in her ear, talking her out of it.” Hangman shoots, words dripping with venom. It’s one of the only time he’s seen Hangman’s attacks not be carefully crafted, precise, meant to needle their exact target. It’s messy and angry and all too personal. 
“You know what, fuck you Seresin. When you take off again, and you will, because that’s exactly the kind of person you’ve proven yourself to be, it will be me picking you sister back up again. You leaving shattered your sister once, Jake. I don’t think she’ll survive a second time.” 
A silence settles over the room as Emma leans back against the back of the couch, tongue pressed in her cheek. “Em-” Hangman tries, voice much softer this time. 
“And you know what, no one wants to say it, but it’s time someone addresses it. Your Mom is dead. Your Dad is dead. Your sister was here. And where were you?” 
“Emma, you can’t-” Tyler says, but she turns to him.
“Can’t what? Say the truth? It’s about time someone did. Because I mean, fuck his sister right, if he gets to be out, traveling the world for the Navy, right? Fuck her, if it means he gets what he wants.” Emma sighs, standing up from the couch. “Go the fuck back to San Diego, Jake. Do what you do best and leave. But do me a favor this time and stay there.” He watches as Emma moves out of the room, pushing past Madison and Tyler to disappear into the kitchen. 
He looks over to Hangman, who is looking down at the floor, eyes glassed over. “Jake, she’s just looking out for your sister, she doesn’t-” Lucas says as Hangman stands up, setting his hat back on his head. 
“Yeah, I know.” He says, voice gruff as he slips past Riley, heavy boots sounding against the wood as he walks upstairs. He flinches as a door slams shut and he looks back to Phoenix. 
“Phoenix, I am so sorry your engagement trip has been bogged down by all this petty sibling drama. I should’ve- should’ve expected this.” Tyler says, catching his team’s attention. Phoenix shakes her head. 
“It’s okay.” She says softly. 
“I just thought- I thought maybe they could change things. But I was wrong and I’m sorry because I know y’all came out here to celebrate the two of you.” 
“No, it’s okay. Bob and I- we get it. It’s fine, please don’t worry about it.” Tyler nods absentmindedly, like he doesn’t quite believe her. Phoenix swings her head to look at him. “And how are you going to fix this Bradshaw?” 
He shakes his head. “I’ll admit that I fucked up, but it’s not worth it. It was never realistic anyways.” She stares at him as he pointedly avoids her look, taking another sip of his coffee. There’s a long pause between the two of them as he continues to count the chips in the peeling paint of the ceiling. 
“You’re not letting this go, are you?” Halo asks, a hint of laughter in her voice. 
“Absolutely not.”
“Phoenix, how would I even begin to fix it?” 
“Groveling would help.” 
She grabs his arm, pulling him to his feet. “C’mon Bradshaw, you’re gonna go grovel and explain to your girl that you’re a moron, and patch this right up.” 
“Can I at least finish my coffee first?” 
“No.” She says, grabbing the cup from him and setting it down on the table with a little more force than necessary. She all but drags him out of the house as he can do little but follow her, walking towards the stables. 
He briefly catches the sight of her talking to Bob, still in her pajamas, as she paces barefoot. She catches sight of him and Phoenix and pauses, chest heaving. 
He shoves his hands into his pockets, suddenly feeling a little silly. “Hi Cowgirl.” 
You cross your arms. “You have an eavesdropping problem.” 
Bob locks the stall door they had been at and moves to Phoenix, slipping his hand into hers. “We’re gonna go back inside. We’ll see the two of you in there, yeah?” 
“Remember what I said Bradshaw! Don’t want to see you again till you’ve groveled!” Phoenix shouts over her shoulder as she leaves with Bob. He looks up at the roof of the stables, wishing the ground would swallow him whole. 
“Can’t believe I’m a grown adult being lectured by my friends.” 
“Kind of think you deserve it.”
He doesn’t disagree.
“We should talk.” 
You nod. “Yeah, let’s talk.” The two of you walk out of the stables, settling at a picnic table not too far from them. It’s old, the paint peeling, and he takes it as a good sign when you settle next to him instead of across from him. 
“I- I should start by saying I’m sorry. I, kind of stupidly, thought you were Hangman’s ex.”
“So I’ve been told.” You murmur quietly, picking at the skin on your fingernails. 
“He’s just- he’s never told us about a sister so I didn’t even- and well, I- I liked you a lot.” 
It’s the first time he’s said the words out loud, really contemplated the fact that he liked Hangman’s sister quite a bit more than he originally anticipated. 
“Liked, past tense?” 
“Like, present tense.” He corrects, taking one of your hands. “The thought that you might end back up with him- it scared me and uh, I didn’t want to be the pawn in whatever was going on between you and him.” 
“You were never a pawn. My issues with my brother remain the same but I’m not the type of person to just... use someone in that way.” 
He swallows, nodding as he squeezes your hand. “I believe you. I should’ve asked, but I didn’t, I assumed, and I’m sorry.” 
You shake your head. “It’s okay, I figure I could’ve said something but- when someone hurts you deeply like that, it’s just- it’s hard to explain.” 
“I get it. Trust me, I get it.” 
If anyone understood betrayal, and the anger that came with it, it was him. 
“You know, he wasn’t here. My mom died of cancer when I was a freshman in college and he wasn’t here. He wasn’t here when I graduated from UT. He wasn’t here when Dad died. He left me alone and it’s been years and I just- He got out, got to see the whole goddamn world, and I was here, stuck in this shitty little country town, playing ranch hand until I died.” His grip on her hand tightens as he looks down at you. “I didn’t- I’m so tired of having to be the perfect one, the one to keep it together. To be the one to stay.” 
“Hey, you don’t have to anymore. You’ve got quite a few good friends in there and for what it’s worth, I’m here too.” 
He’s not entirely sure you processed his words as you shake your head. “Well, anyways, I’m sorry you and your friends got caught in the middle of all that.” 
He shakes his head, turning to press a soft kiss to your forehead, choosing to let it go. You let him, leaning into his side. “Don’t worry about any of that. What matters to me is if this between us is still fixable.” 
You look up at him. “I hope it is.” 
He nods as he leans down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. Unlike the other times he’s kissed you, it’s slow, more meaning rather than passion. The feeling he felt that first night he met you is back and he knows he’d be a fool to walk away again. 
You pull away first but don’t go far, leaning your forehead against his own. “I wish we had more time.” You whisper, barely reaching his ears. 
“Me too.” He presses another kiss to your forehead. “We’ll figure something out.” You look up at him. 
He nods, confirming. “Yeah, if you want to put up with my dumbassery, then I’d be a fool to let you out of my sights again.” You let out a light laugh.
“Oh Bradshaw, if you only knew.” 
It’s you who initiates the kiss this time, hands finding the edges of his flannel to pull him against you. He breaks the kiss, ducking his head. 
“We should get inside. Shower. Start the day.” 
You snort, leaning your nose into his cheek. “Yeah, showering. That’s what we’ll be doing.” 
Phoenix grabs your arm as the group makes their way back inside the house, returning from their last night celebration. It was originally meant to be just their team but Bradley had asked you to come along, and Phoenix and Bob had just smiled and said the more the merrier. 
Jake was noticeably absent the whole day and didn’t make an appearance the whole night. 
You watch the kitchen door shut behind Bradley as you turn to face her and Bob, who are both smiling at you. “Hey, so what’re you doing a year from now?” 
You shrug, slipping your hands into your back pockets. “Probably here. Why?” 
Bob and Phoenix exchange a look. “Well, we wanted to formally invite you to our wedding.” Bob says, eyes gleaming with a hint of nerves. 
You raise an eyebrow, suddenly struggling to breathe. “I mean- yeah, if you want me there, of course I’ll be there.” You say, words coming out in a breathless rush. 
Phoenix smiles wide, reaching over to pull you into a hug. “”M so happy to hear that, because we’ve all enjoyed getting to know you.” You smile as you hug her. 
“Thanks for letting me into the group.” 
“Well, Bradley seems to really like you so we’d best be keeping you around.” You laugh as you turn, pushing the kitchen door open. Your friends are there and your brother is leaned up against the stove. You hop on to the counter to sit next to Bradley and smile at him as he hands you a beer from the fridge. There’s a silence as Phoenix and Bob take seats at the table that continues as you all sit there. 
“We should talk before I leave, kid.” Jake says softly. 
“I don’t really think I have anything left to say to you Jake.” 
He sighs. “Kid-” 
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that? That name was reserved for someone who cared about me, something you haven’t done in years.”
“That’s not true.”
Your eyes widen. “It’s not? Okay, did you care when you left with no goodbye? Did you care when your little sister was left all alone with our abusive father? Did you care when you didn’t call when Mom got sick or when you didn’t show up for her funeral? Is it caring, hm, to show up after more than a decade of radio silence? What the fuck about any of that is caring?” He doesn’t say anything and you take that as a cue to continue. “No, the only person you care about and look out for is you, Jake. What you fail to see about all of this, isn’t just the fact that you left. It’s the fact that you didn’t come back.” 
“What would you have me done? You know just as well as I did that I was not welcome back here.” 
“You could’ve called. Picked up the phone. Showed up after Dad died. Not left your 15 year old sister alone in this godforsaken house. God, Jake I know. I grew up here too. I know what it was like, but you have had chance after chance to fix things. To reach out. To say hey, I’m sorry for leaving and letting everything fall to you and carry lifelong burdens starting at the age of 15. But you haven’t done any of that. Instead, you skirted your responsibilities and left me here to carry the weight alone, to be stuck and pigeon-holed in this life I don’t want, just so you could get out. I had to bury our mother alone Jake.” 
He sighs, crossing his arms. Another silence falls over the room as he thinks over your words. His voice is gruff one he does speak. “Okay, kid, I hear you and I’m sorry. I am sorry. I can’t imagine what that was like, what this has been like, for you and I would like to fix it.”
You huff, sliding off the counter. “Too little, too late Jake.” The kitchen door swings shut behind you as you walk through the house to the front door, wanting to escape to the porch swing and night air. 
You all but collapse on the swing as the front door slams shut behind you. It’s not long that you’re out there alone as the screen door creaks open again, revealing Bradley. He wordlessly walk to the porch swing and you move to allow him to sit next to you. He doesn’t say anything as he opens his arms to pull you close and you take the invitation, crawling into his side. 
You aren’t sure how long you sit there with him, the porch swing gently swinging from the force of him rocking it as you sit curled into his side. “I’m sorry you had to see that.” You finally say, unsure what else to say about the exchange you and your brother had had. He squeezes your shoulder. 
“’S okay.” He doesn’t say anything more as he begins to rub soft circles into your shoulder. There’s another pause as you look out over the vast emptiness of the driveway and night sky. “Do you think you’ll ever forgive him?” 
You shrug. “I don’t know if I can.” You whisper, a fear unfurling in your chest that you may not ever be able to forgive him. “I’ve been angry for so long that- I don't know if I know how to not be.” 
He doesn’t stop his movements as he nods. “I understand.” There’s another pause as he moves you to be able to look into your eyes. “He is sorry though. Genuinely.” 
“I- I just- I’m his sister. I deserved more.”
He nods again as he reaches on of his hands out to cup your face. “I agree.” 
“And you know, it’s not like it’s all been shitty. I have great friends, a good job, and I haven’t hated home as much since Dad died. But I’ve always wanted more. I never got to have more because of the choices he made.” 
“What’s stopping you now?”
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean, your Dad is dead. You have no more tethers here. You could... get out. Take the chance to explore the world.” 
You’re quick to shake your head. “No, I’m- My time, my chance, to have more has come and gone. These people need me and my place is here.”
He sighs, crossing his arms. “I just think you’d be happier if you stopped being afraid of taking the risk to seek more.” 
You swallow, unsure about how to respond. Your chest ached at the thought of leaving this place you had so long called home, with these people who you’d known all your life. But what made your chest ache even more was the thought of never getting out. Of staying here, because he wasn’t wrong, that you were afraid. Of not seeing the world, of never knowing more than this. 
“I’m terrified.” You finally admit softly, hoping the words will be lost to the night. “I’m terrified that I’m not as bright as I think I am, that I won't be as good out there as I am here, that I’ll walk way like he did, and not have a home to come back to, just like he did.” 
Bradley pulls you close once more. “Don’t worry honey, I’ve got you. I’ll be right here in case you fall.”
The morning chill sweeps through you as you hug Bradley, not wanting to let go. 
“This isn’t goodbye.” He whispers into your ear, as the pilots stand around you, getting their bags loaded in the cars and saying their final goodbyes. “It’s just see you later.”
You nod. “I know.” You swallow, not wanting to cry again in front of this boy you met just a handful of days ago. “Just gonna miss you.” 
He pulls back to cup your face. “Hey, I’ll still be here, just a phone call away. I’ll see you before you know it.” 
Last night, long after your conversation about Jake had passed, you and Bradley discussed the two of you. Where you went from here. While not ready to label things quite yet, you both agreed that you weren’t planning to date any one else moving forward. You guys had time to figure the rest out. 
You had all the time in the world. 
“I know.” You whisper softly as he leans down to kiss you. 
Kissing never seems to stop taking your breath away. It’s full of words neither of you know how to say just yet. You cling to his UVA sweatshirt as he pulls away. His eyes flicker over your shoulder and he straightens up. 
“Sorry, it’s your brother.” You glance over your shoulder to see Jake standing off to the side, eyeing the two of you with a hard look on his face. “You gonna say goodbye?” 
You sigh. “Probably should, shouldn’t I?” He nods. 
“Think that’d be best.” 
You take a step back, Bradley letting you go. You turn, walking towards your brother, who raises his eyebrows at the sight of you. You stick out your hand, offering him a small smile. “Don’t be a stranger, Jake.” He eyes your hand as he sighs, taking it and pulling you into a hug. You blink, feeling tears sting your eyes at being this close to him after so many years. “You stay safe out there, okay?”
“Same goes for you kid. No more horse-related injuries.” 
“No promises.” You whisper, squeezing his shoulders as he laughs, pulling away.
“Alright pilots, let’s hit the road. Y’all gonna miss your flight if we don’t head out.” Tyler says, shutting the trunk of one of the two cars, Riley and Lucas taking the other. Jake squeezes your shoulder as he walks towards the car, pulling Tyler into a hug. Emma and Madison come to stand behind you as Bradley jogs over, pulling you into one last kiss. 
“For the road.” He whispers. You smile into his lips. 
“Stay safe, Cowboy.” 
He presses a kiss to your cheek as Phoenix calls out for him and he turns, heading towards the car. Emma wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you into her side as the cars pull out of the driveway. The three of you wave goodbye, watching them pull down the path. Madison wraps an arm around your waist as you stand there, even after they’ve driven away. 
“You gonna be okay?” She asks. You shrug.
“Just hope it’s not the end.” Emma squeezes your shoulder. 
“Even if it is, we’ll be here. And if not, if this is the door to the rest of your life, then we’ll still be here.” You smile, wrapping your arms around the two girls to pull them into a group hug. 
“Y’all want pancakes? ‘M starving.” Madison says after a moment, stepping back from the hug, and you nod as the three of you turn towards the house. Emma keeps her arm around slung around your shoulder as you walk through the creaky screen door. 
“Hey, for the record, I’m expecting my invitation to the Seresin-Bradshaw wedding.” She says and the three of you burst out into laughter, your soul feeling a little lighter. 
Maybe this was it. 
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x-stephanie-sinnz-x · 2 years
( I titled this story with the word "Raped" because of a few reasons.
One, is because a friend of my husband's told us that him and his girlfriend role play rape scenarios. He said his girlfriend has fantasies of being raped, so he breaks into the house and "rapes" her.
They are both consenting adults and whatever turns them on is fine by me, but my response to that was "you can't rape the willing", a quote that I always believed in.
I know times have changed and the whole me to moment has taken hold, and there are genuine victims that I sympathize with, but aside from that I did some research and found that 62% of women have had a rape fantasy. For women who have had rape fantasies, the median frequency of these fantasies was about 4 times per year, with 14% of participants reporting that they had rape fantasies at least once a week.
Secondly, alot of times I get comments on some of my stories telling me that I was molested, and or raped, so I thought I'd title this one accordingly.
Third and lastly, I was reminded of this particular event when my husband and I tried to serve a court order to a Muslim.
Some of you may not know that I am a legal assistant and from time to time for some extra cash , my husband and I serve.
This one particular time, just the other day, my husband and I attempted to serve a Muslim owner of a few gas stations.
  Anyway, the lady came out yelling at me , then the husband.
I wasn't in the least worried because I was armed as well as my husband, which we commonly are.
We had to report that they refused, which really looks bad on them when they go to court. Anyways that particular incident reminded me of a time I had a run in with some Muslim men.
I might get some backlash for saying this, but around here we call them Habeebs. We use it in a derogatory way.
And their belief that women ain't shit really bugs alot of people here in the United States. Just my opinion.)
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Raped by a habeeb part 1 of 2
I was 18yrs old  fresh out of high school, kicked out of my parents house for "whoring around" as my dad put it, and was living with my friend Melissa in a cheap dump of an appointment.
Melissa had a guy named Ahmed coming over bringing us drugs from time to time. They would have sex and he'd leave, and for the most part he ignored me.
One day he came over while Melissa was out with some other guys.
We chatted for a bit and he wanted to fuck me. It wasn't uncommon that Melissa and I fucked each other's guys, but he said he didn't really want her to know, so we should go to his house.
I had just got home from work and told him "give me your address, I'll shower and change, then I'll meet you there".
He agreed and said I had to be quiet because he had a lot of roommates.
I went to his place and he snuck me in to his room.  I could hear voices upstairs (his room was in the basement).  We quietly stripped and he pushed me onto his bed and mounted me. I wasn't expecting it so fast but went along, since I'm such a slut. 
He lined up his dick at my pussyhole, a bit dry.  I whispered "I be wet in just a second" but he replied with a heavily accented "No" and pushed right in.  I cried out in pain and surprise, not expecting this to happen so quickly (less than a minute from getting into his room to getting penetrated).  He said quietly but menacingly "Shut up or I'll hurt you".  I wasn't scared, as I think I could have fought him off if I needed to, but I'm a slutty cumdump, so I just shut up and took it.
He thrusted hard and fast, no real rhythm to get adjusted to, just stabbing over and over with his long, not super-thick cock.  It was like getting punched by a little fist in my pussy, hurting more and more with each jagged thrust. I grunted in pain, and he grabbed me by the hair, pulling my head back and clamping a hand over my mouth.  He suddenly jabbed really hard, once, twice, three times and stopped.  I guess he came, but I wasn't sure. 
I expected him to let me up, but he started thrusting again, just as rough as before, hitting at different angles each time.  He was faster too, but I felt wetter, so he must have cum already.  This time it took longer, probably only 10 minutes or so, but it felt like an hour.  He was pulling my hair again, harder than before, and he shoved his hand into my mouth this time, causing me to gag on his fingers.  Tears started leaking from my eyes, as it was getting to be a bit too much, but I was a trooper and just endured.
It went on for a while until again he stabbed me with his cock brutally 4-5 times, causing me to whimper each time.  This time is really hurt and I was definitely ready to go home.  He just laid there on top of me, breathing hard, hands still gripping my hair and inside my mouth. 
I started to try to get out from under him, but he looped his hair-holding arm around my neck and said "Not yet bitch!", and started stabbing me with his cock again, each time just as hard as when he came, just faster and harder and at all sorts of different angles.  I tried to shift, but he just held me down, stronger than I thought.  He slugged me once in the ribs, causing me to cry out.  He stopped suddenly, waiting to see if anyone heard.  Silence,  He was about to start raping me again, but there was a knock at the door.
A man's voice asked a question in a language I didn't understand and Ahmed replied.  The man said something that sounded like a joke and they both laughed.  Ahmed waited a bit, then started the rape again.  It really hurt, and he was really punishing me now, fingers forcing their way down my throat while he ramped up the thrusting, making extra sure that he was pounding all around my cunt, changing the angles to inflict pain.  The thrusts were coming faster and faster.  He let go of my neck and took his hand out of my mouth now, pushing my face into the pillow. He pounded so fast now, I couldn't beleive it, it was crazy.  I was squealing now, desperate for an orgasm. His thrusting slowed just a little.  He shoved it in again, really hard.  I felt the contractions this time, as he shot his third load into me. 
He again collapsed on top of me, breating raggedly while I cried softly and orgasmed.  I was praying that he wasn't going to go for a fourth round.  I like sex, but he wasn't any good at it, and this was too much even for me.  Luckily, he sat up and yanked his softening cock out of me.  I started to sit up but he slapped me across the face, hard.  I fell back to the bed.  He pounced on me, sitting on my breasts.  He said "Clean it off" and pushed his now mostly soft cock into my mouth.  I cleaned off the cum and pussy juices.  He got off me and started getting dressed.  He told me to get dressed and leave quietly, out the side door that he smuggled me in.  I gathered my clothes and put them on, not even looking in his direction.
I hurriedly finished dressing and quietly opened a door.  To my surprise, there were three other habeebs, with grins on their faces.  Those grins turned to frowns and they started yelling in what I assumed was arabic.  Ahmed started yelling back.  I couldn't make any sense of it, but I did hear the word "slut" in English a couple times.  I tried to walk past them, but they wouldn't let me.  The yelling continued and two more men came down the stairs, confused at the commotion.  More yelling, this time I heard the word "whore" among the habeebs. 
The yelling slowed then stopped.  The energy in the room changed quickly and they started grinning.  One grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards the stairs leading up...
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steely-eyedmissileman · 2 months
The Vampire Diaries, Ep. 2x07
boring title. that aside, this episode was the most engrossing episode of the vampire diaries i've seen in a while. my notes are a bit thin on the ground because i was too busy actually watching the fucking episode for once.
caroline knows the difference between elena and katherine. i have a question about this, actually. shouldn't it be really easy for vampires to tell the difference. elena has a heartbeat and she breathes and she has blood running through her veins. katherine doesn't. if you have superhuman senses, shouldn't it be really fucking easy to tell the difference between a vampire and a human. unless vampires aren't that different from humans. in which cas, i'll be disappointed, but i wish someone would fucking tell me!
katherine's going to kill people at the masquerade ball (by people, she means everyone). stefan's going to kill katherine. katherine has an evil bonnie now.
jeremy's going to help kill katherine. ht is here!!!! he has secret arm stakes, which i adore! god, i miss ht. he's not in the show enough anymore.
matt has to go make tyler kill him. elena's not going to the party. ht's not going to the party. he's going to stay home with jenna and make sure elena is okay.
i feel like this plan to kill katherine isn't going to work. why do i feel like this isn't going to work? because i understand the arc of a twenty-two episode season.
we then have a moment that made me laugh so hard i almost hyperventilated and died. i'll let the notes take this one: 'ian somerhalder and paul wesley are two very attractive men how did they make them so un-hot in suits'
i don't want matt to die, and i'm beginning to get worried that he will. why did they do that with jeremy's hair? why are there so many bad covers of 80s songs?
katherine kills a girl in front of stefan in the middle of this party. why is this always happening?
meanwhile, elena is sneaking out to go figure out what's going on, even after ht told her not to. this is not a good idea.
at the party, bonnie and jeremy are bonding. i love a potential friendship between these two, which would be very nice. both of them need more ties to the larger group. both of them are fairly isolated, and they won't be able to evolve as characters without additional connections.
caroline looks fucking beautiful. she has become a much more interesting character since becoming a vampire. caroline successfully tricks katherine into the room, and she gets a wonderful evil laugh moment. she's really come into her own since she was turned, and it's a joy to watch. damon and caroline have a wonderful 'hello katherine' 'goodbye katherine' moment. it's lovely to see these two characters, who are arguably katherine's biggest victims in mystic falls, take back some agency and fight against katherine.
elena has found bonnie and jeremy and she's worried that her friends will get killed because of her. jeremy makes an excellent point: 'it's not just you anymore, elena.' and he's right. a lot of the plot is about elena, but all the other characters have also been harmed. everyone has the right to decide how to handle their own lives and elena is going to have to relinquish her desire for control. then katherine is stabbed, and elena starts bleeding. elena gets hurt when katherine does. to quote my notes, 'this is bad this is real bad.'
there's another witch at the party. bonnie's going to go find her. and do what? we simply don't know.
meanwhile, matt is provoking tyler. caroline enters just in time to save matt. however, the girl who fell down the stairs a couple episodes ago (her name is sarah, my girlfriend has told me) attacks tyler too. he shoves her off him, but she hits her head on the desk and dies. this party has a very high body count. and tyler's a werewolf now.
upstairs, katherine is turning the brothers against each other in the hopes that they'll attack each other. and she thinks it's funny. the spell gets removed, and then no one stabs katherine.
caroline is covering up tyler's situation because she's a good friend and a good person.
bonnie confronts the other witch: 'when i gave you the stone, how did i know i could trust you?' the other witch reveals that she is a bennett cousin. she also tells bonnie to embrace her role in the supernatural. 'unlike me, you're one of the good ones, bonnie. the middle is exactly where you need to be.' i'm hoping that this will help bonnie embrace her role in the narrative and stop the morality policing that she has been doing constantly.
unfortunately, it becomes clear that bonnie and jeremy are going to get together. i fucking hate it.
elena isn't getting back together with stefan because she doesn't feel safe.
damon puts katherine in the tomb, 'where you should have been all along.' death is too good for katherine.
elena gets kidnapped by a masked man.
holy shit, y'all, this was an episode.
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billthedrake · 2 years
I didn't know his first name. The town referred to him as Sarge MacAllister, but the guys on the team just called him Sarge. The man was definitely ex-Army, though possibly he rose to a rank above sergeant. After the military, he'd spent twenty solid years coaching the Jackson High Cougars to several state championship seasons. He was like a god in my hometown, and people still referred to the Sarge years of Cougar football.
The man retired several years ago but had stayed on. I think his title was volunteer coach, but his real job was to be Sarge - to remind us of the team's winning past and to inspire us to live up to it. It must have frustrated Coach Fitzgerald, our real coach, to have a competing authority figure on the team, but Sarge was hands off for the real coaching. He mostly spent time with us in the work out room or invited us to his back office for man-to-man chats. And each Friday, he'd give the rousing pep talk before we stormed out onto the football field. Fitzgerald was the brains of the team, but Sarge was its heart.
I'd been playing varsity a couple years when I found out that Sarge encouraged team morale in other ways.
"I heard about you and Kelly," Tom Stansell said as we walked back to the field house after a long, grueling practice. Tom was another linebacker and he and I were pretty tight, though maybe not good friends outside of football. "That's tough."
"Yeah, it sucks," I said. Kelly Allen was a very cute and very stacked cheerleader I'd dated through junior year. "I mean, I was the one who broke it off, but I miss pussy something bad," I added with a laugh. Like most of the guys on the team, I'd learned to be crude in talking about the girls I fucked, wanted to fuck, or just pretended to fuck.
"I hear ya," Tom said. He tended to date the smart girls rather than the cheerleader type, but he too was between girlfriends, despite being one of the most attractive, outgoing guys in the school - 6'5", muscular, and with sea blue eyes that amped up his success rate.
Tom then dropped his voice low and looked around a second before he added, "Listen, Rick... you ever think about letting a dude take care of you?"
I was shocked. Less by the idea. I mean, yes, I had thought about that idea, a lot. But more shocked that lady's man Tom Stansell was the one bringing it up. "I dunno," I replied noncommittally. "Why?"
Tom gave a casual shurg, even through his football pads. "Maybe not your thing, but men can do it better, I swear. At least when you're between chicks," he clarified. He gave me a deeper look. "If you want, bro, I can introduce you to a very good cock sucker."
A part of me worried this was a bait, a gag on Tom's part. But the way he was talking and looking at me seemed dead serious, and I knew instinctively that Stansell wasn't that good an actor.
"Yeah?" I ventured. My dick was starting to firm up in my jock strap as we got closer to the field house.
We paused and Tom nodded. "You gotta swear you'll keep it a secret. The dude could get into some trouble if people found out."
"Sure," I said, surprised how the conversation had turned from a hypothetical to agreeing to a man blowing me. This was going to happen, I felt.
Tom smiled but reasserted. "Seriously, Miller," he used my last name. "Promise me."
"I swear, man."
That's what Tom wanted to hear. He patted my shoulder. "Just follow me after practice, bro. You won't regret it."
So I did. And a sinking feeling entered the pit of my stomach as I followed Tom's car to a familiar neighborhood and a familiar house. Sarge's. He'd had the team over for end of year pool parties and now I wondered what else went on at those parties.
But any butterflies in my stomach didn't compare to how turned on I was as I got out of my car and walked over to my teammate. He had a proud look on his face, and a big smile, and he walked in kind of a jocky strut. "See why I couldn't tell ya, Miller?" he grinned.
"Oh yeah," I said. "Fuck. Is this for real?"
"For real," Tom said as he patted my shoulder again to encourage me to walk with him to the door. "Sarge is a pro at sucking cock... you'll see, man."
It was the same old Sarge who answered the door. 65, give or take, silver hair thinning now, tan, ruggedly handsome face, and all that ex-military muscle filling out his beaten-up gray T-shirt and sweat pants. I'm sure that muscle was harder twenty years ago, but it was still pretty damn impressive and if anything his granddad look made the bulk more enticing.
"Gentlemen," he greeted us, come in.
It was like the one-on-one bull sessions in Sarge's office. Open door policy, making you feel like one of the men. "Glad you could join us, Miller," he said as he gave my upper arm a quick squeeze. Like Tom, I was a few inches taller than Sarge.
"Thanks for having us, Sarge," I said, as if he was inviting us over for iced tea or something. I felt nervous and awkward but Sarge didn't seem either of those things, and that put me at ease some.
Sarge chuckled softly and gave Tom a knowing look. "Wanna enjoy the pool for a bit, Stansell?" It was as much a request as a question.
"Aye aye Sarge," Tom grinned and gave my a fist bump before walking to the back fenced in area. Sarge live in a quiet subdivision on the egde of town and had a big private fenced in back yard with a sprawling deck and a pool. Tom was already peeling off his shirt and tossing it on an empty chair. He'd clearly been coming over regularly and made himself at home.
Pretty quickly, it was just me and Sarge, in his living room. He looked at me in a friendly but quietly lusty way. "Tom told you how I help him out, right?"
I nodded. "Not the full details, Sarge, but yeah."
His gaze grew more direct. "You want me to help you out too, Rick?" Sarge almost never used my first name.
I was so nervous but I was even more horny. A lump formed in my throat as I replied. "Yeah, Sarge. That'd be great."
That made the veteran coach smile. "Why don't you show me what you got," he urged.
It took me a half second to realize what he meant. Then I started undoing my jeans and pulling them and my briefs down. My dick had a mind of its own and was pulsing rapidly toward full erection.
"Fucking nice cock, Miller," Sarge enthused, like he was complimenting me on a great catch during a game. "You been holding out on me, buddy."
I looked at Sarge. 200 and then some pounds of mature, hardened muscle, gruff man's man. But all of a sudden his bachelor ways made sense to me. "I guess," I laughed nervously. But my dick wasn't nervous. I was getting rock hard and Sarge's clear desire for me fueled my excitement.
As if time was in slow motion, the built older stud got off of his sofa and crossed over to me. His eyes were half on me, half on my cock. He gave a subtle nod then crouched down, running his hands up and down my bare legs. That felt great.
Sarge edged closer to my crotch. I watched, almost not believing this was going to happen. The man was over 45 years my senior and hot as fuck. And that gruff masculine fact looked up at me. "You don't have to hold back, Miller," he urged. "Just last as long as you like, buddy."
And with that I felt the man's lips circle the head of my cut cock. The first bobs were exploratory and shallow. I loved them, loved watching Sarge clearly excited for my cock. I guess I knew I had a decent sized tool, but this man acted like it was the most amazing dick he'd ever sucked.
Then, the blow job got better. Sarge's mouth strokes went deeper, fuller onto my prick, getting closer and closer to my pubes with each bob. This wasn't a cheerleader blowjob, this was a man who loved servicing dick and loved showing off his skills.
My breath grew short and I held on to Sarge's meaty, muscular shoulders as he got me there. "Oh fuck, Sarge... I'm gonna cum... oh fuck.... HOLY SHIT!"
My ejaculation felt like a firehose of pressure releasing the built up load in my balls. Hands down, it was the best orgasm of my years to date. Sarge bobbed up and down more frantically, milking every drop from my horny teen testicles. He seemed to know when I was getting too sensitive, too, cause he finally pulled off, resting his face about a foot from my spent hardon.
"Damn, buddy," he gurgled with cum and saliva in the back of his throat still. "That was one hell of a load." He held on to my balls, not roughly, almost lovingly. "You need to get these drained more, Miller."
I was coming down from the high of my orgasm and getting my senses back. "You offering, Sarge?” Now feeling more familiar with the grandfather figure, who I now looked at in a very different way.
The man looked up at me. Playful, but lusty. "Damn straight I am, Miller." He patted my prick once more before letting go of my genitals. "I'll take care of you again in a bit if you want. After Stansell's turn."
Damn, I'd forgotten about Tom. All of this was so wild. "Yeah?" I said. My dick surged at the idea of another BJ, but I knew it could use the rest.
Sarge winked at me, then patted my leg. I still had my T-shirt on but my jeans were pooled around my ankles. "Why don't you cool off in the pool? You can skinny dip... no neighbors to see you."
I nodded and got off of the sofa, pulling up my jeans but not zipping them up. Sarge led me back to the french door entrance to the deck, his strong hand affectionately on my shoulder the whole way. I couldn't help but notice the man's dick was stiff in his sweats now.
"Ready, Stansell?" he called out before stepping back inside.
I walked out toward the pool. Tom was treading water but swam to the edge and got out. He'd been nude in the pool, and his naked body looked pretty good as he got out. His dick was thick, thicker than mine, and was already chubbing as he walked toward me.
"How was it Rick?" he asked.
I gave my biggest grin. "Fucking incredible, man. You weren't lying."
"Cool," the linebacker said. "I might be a while. Sarge has been showing me how to edge... Kind of something he and I have been exploring lately."
"That's cool,"" I said. "Enjoy it, bro."
"I will," he said and sauntered into the big house.
I stripped down and enjoyed the cool water. In another month, it would be too cold for an outdoor pool, but then it was perfect. I didn't have a watch, but Tom must have been inside for a good thirty to forty minutes. It was almost dark when he slid open the doors and ran out to jump into the pool, like a little kid. When he resurfaced he swam over to me. "If you want seconds, Rick, Sarge is ready for you."
I felt self conscious getting out of the pool with a hardon. But I couldn't help it, thinking about what Sarge and Tom had done got me excited. And I figured Tom and I were there for sex with a man, he wouldn't be phased by me showing hard. And he wasn't. As I walked around the pool decking, Tom dove back in and started doing gentle laps.
Sarge was waiting for me, hanging out seated at his kitchen island and drinking a sparkling water. "Damn, buddy," he growled as he saw my hardon. "eager for more, aren't ya?"
"Yes, sir," I grinned.
The man pushed his stool back and turned toward me, spreading his legs. I saw that even though he had on that stretched gray T-shirt still, he was naked from the waist down. Maybe he was nervous he was going to scare me off earlier with his nakedness and was less concerned now. Turns out I loved seeing it. Sarge's crotch was thick was dark-silver fur that extended to lighter-colored hair that covered his legs. The man's dick was a solid tool, though not as big as me or Tom, nor as firm in its erection.
"Bring it here, Miller," Sarge growled, patting his legs.
I stepped forward and enjoyed being a piece of meat for the older man. His callused hands ran up and down my mostly smooth jock muscle. "The weights have been paying off, buddy," he hissed appreciatively. Even if he wasn't touching my cock, I felt the excitement there, too, almost as if he was stimulating my genitals.
I reached forward, too, in a cautious, exploratory way, and ran my hands along Sarge's arms and shoulders through the shirt cotton. I knew the man lifted regularly, cause he was there in the weight room with us guys day in and day out. But I had first hand knowledge of how solid he'd kept himself. Sarge grinned as he watched my face.
"You like that muscle, Miller?" he asked excitedly.
"Yeah, Sarge, I do," I replied honestly. "A lot."
The man bit his lip thoughtfully, then reached to the hem of his shirt. I stepped back a little and watched the man strip off the last of his clothing.
Holy fuck, it was an incredible sight. I didn't know until that afternoon how much I was wired for older men. Much older men. Granddad types, at least if they were like Sarge. His chest swirled with heavy silver fur and had this amazing combination of still hard muscle and rugged, sagging skin that made my cock twitch. It was a big taboo, being with a man so much older than me. I didn't lust after either of my grandfathers, but this felt almost as nasty.
I took the liberty of running my fingers through all that chest hair. That made Sarge grin up at me as he wrapped his fist around my boner, feeling first hand how turned on I was. I could tell he was surprised by how into this I was.
"You think you might be up for more than a blowie, Miller?" the man asked in a masculine gravely voice.
My heart pounded. I had an idea of what the man was suggesting, but I was still naive and new to all this. "What are you thinking, Sarge?" I asked.
He more openly stroked my dick, which was getting wetter in his palm from my precum. "I bet this bad boy would feel amazing in my ass... if you're up for that kind of thing, stud."
"God, yeah," I hissed. And like that, Sarge and I were kissing. Tongue and all. Not like a kiss with one of my girlfriends, this felt deep and crudely sexual. I loved it.
The authority figure led me back to his bedroom and I got to admire his backside, all thick and meaty. Sarge had a granddaddy ass, I'd come to realize after stroking off to mature porn over the next month, and for years after. Not quite as round and firm as a middle-aged man or younger, but somehow that allured me, too. As did the hamstrings which were underdeveloped compared to the front of his legs.
For the next twenty minutes, Sarge briefly coached me in how to prep a man's ass and how to enter him. Then he let my teen jock instinct and hormones do the rest. God, it was incredible. Sarge's guts were tight and warm and after I worked myself in, the man's insides welcomed me deep. I fucked him steadily, then harder, and was rewarded to see him stroke his own load out, a good half minute before I came inside him. We kissed softly then uncoupled.
Tom was waiting for us in the kitchen, helping himself to a beer from Sarge's fridge. He'd dried off from the pool but his hair was wet and his naked body damp.
"You showing him to edge, MacAllister?" Tom teased. It was the first time I'd ever heard a player call Sarge by his last name. It felt familiar, overly familiar even.
Sarge didn't seem to notice or be bothered. "Nah, gave Miller here the full ride," the man said. I was starting to feel self conscious being naked around Tom, but my clothes were outside. And Sarge was very open in his nudity. "If you ever wanna try, let me know, Stansell."
"I'm good Sarge," Tom grinned. "I'll stick to head." He reached down and arranged his junk. He wasn't hard but was getting there.
I watched in amazement as Sarge got down to kneel on the kitchen floor and take Tom into his mouth.
Sarge blew Tom. I watched. Tom sipped his beer and looked down, enjoying the grade-A blow job before he looked up at me. "You're real into this shit, aren't ya, Rick?"
I wasn't sure if that was a put down or not, but I answered anyway. "Yeah, I am. A lot."
Tom smiled. "That's cool. Just didn't expect it."
That made two of us. I watched Tom start guiding Sarge's slightly balding head up and down onto his hard dick, urgently coaxing the older man to get him off. I wanted to watch but worried Tom would think I was perving out on him too much. I gave him a friendly pat as I walked past to go out and retrieve my clothing.
I don't know how many players Sarge took care of. There was Keith White, a tight end, and our quarterback Cameron Barrett. One or both of these guys would be hanging out at Sarge's when I'd go over, in the evenings or on the weekend. Tom Stansell got a girlfriend and stopped coming, but occasionally he'd drop a lewd comment to me asking if Sarge was taking good care of me. I'd grin and say he was.
I still don't know if Sarge tapped into something that was there already, or if I got into mature men because of him. But I got into porn with older daddies. Granddaddies. Major age gaps. It was all amazing, even if none of the men were as hot as Sarge.
I was slow to put two and two together, but I saw Barrett walk out of Sarge's office as we were suiting up for the championship game. He had a familiar, freshly laid look on his face. There was no way Sarge was blowing him right here in the field house, was there?
My curiosity got the best of me. I figured we had about twenty minutes before Sarge would come out and give us our big pep talk. Telling us about Cougar pride and the killer instinct inside us. Telling us to go out there and whoop some ass.
I padded down the hall, cleats on the concrete floor. I knocked on Sarge's metal office door. The man was looking over play charts. Old habits, maybe, because Coach Fitzgerald was the one who called the plays. He looked up, brown eyes brightening as he saw me. "Come in, Miller... and shut the door."
I did as instructed, stepping in a couple of steps.
"You got the pregame jitters, Rick?" he asked, in his normal friendly coach-like tone.
"Something like that, Sarge," I said. I wasn't gonna come out and ask him for sex, not here. But I wanted to feel out if that was a possibility.
He grinned and got out of his seat. He wore a Cougars Football sweatshirt but had on a pair of coach shorts that showed off his sinewed, furry mature legs. I knew he was a week from his 66th birthday and the man could not be hotter in my eyes.
Particularly as he turned and dropped his shorts then bent over to brace himself on his desk.
"Gotta make it a quick one, today, Miller," he urged. "OK?"
"Yeah, Sarge," I hissed in lust, unlacing my football pants as fast as I could. As I pulled out my cup and fisted my cock to full hardness, I looked around. "Um, you got any stuff?" I still could be shy when it came to fucking, and for some reason asking for lube seemed too crude at the moment.
The man shook his head and held his upper body steady in a passive stance. "Barrett loaded me up pretty good just now. So I'm plenty slick for ya, buddy."
So I wasn't the only player fucking Sarge. I lined up my hardon and figured I didn't have to persuade his hole to relax. I nudged in and then pressed for full penetration.
Sarge's guts accepted me and then some. Twenty minutes before game time and I was in the saddle. Fuck.
I held onto the man's hips and replayed the granddad porn fantasies in my head. Then realized that Sarge was hotter than the fantasies so I watched his bent over body as I fucked him fast and hard. I loved it all. His broad shoulder and spread legs and silver haired head. I was getting there quick, all right.
I leaned forward and started kissing his neck and that bristly military-cut silver hair as I fucked faster to my orgasm.
"Love you, Sarge," I let out as I came, hard.
"Nice," I heard his soft masculine growl as I slowly pulled out and stood up. The man methodically grabbed a kleenex and wiped his spermed crack before pulling up those coach shorts. There was cum on the desk, Sarge's cum, and I felt a wave of pride rush through me.
At least until embarrassment set in. "Sorry, Sarge," I explained as I replaced my cup and laced up my uniform again. "Guess I got carried away."
The man gave me a knowing look, but it was almost like he felt he was the one getting carried away. He stepped up to me and placed his arms around my waist. "It's OK, Miller. I guess I'm pretty crazy about you, too," he said. We kissed, softly. This was wild and forbidden and completely right. When we kissed he patted my ass, almost like a coach more than a lover. "We'll talk about it this weekend, OK?"
"Yeah," I nodded.
The man winked. "OK, Miller... go out and knock 'em dead today. Make me proud of you, ya hear?"
I laughed. "Yessir, Sarge." I still didn't know his first name, but hopefully that weekend I would learn it.
I claimed another kiss then walked back out into the locker room, joining my teammates. Barrett shot me a smirk, but no one else noticed anything unusual.
Five minutes later Sarge strutted out, face reddened barking at his in his best Army-turned-Coach voice. "All right guys! You ready to wipe that football field with some Whtiman County ass?!"
"Yes, Sarge!" I bellowed out, in unison with my teammates.
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frogtanii · 3 years
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the heartbreak in osamu’s voice was clear to everyone in the room, but most of all to his brother.
though they hadn’t been close in such a long time, atsumu believed he would never forget his twin’s idiosyncrasies and the meaning underlying his words, no matter how far they drifted.
most of the members were likely to conclude that osamu’s heartbreak was coming from meiko’s obvious betrayal but atsumu knew better. meiko was a part of it, yes, but suna had been stuck by the twins’ side since birth and that was a bond that went deeper than any temporary girlfriend.
as much as he didn’t want to admit it, that hurt. the fact that osamu showed blatant pain from suna’s dramatic reveal but hadn’t shown an ounce of care as atsumu floated further and further away, stung.
they were brothers but they were also twins. they were supposed to stick together no matter what and yet...
a large, warm hand was placed on his shoulder while a smaller one weaved its way into his. when he finally took a moment to glance to his sides, he found sakusa giving him an encouraging tilt of the head and you, his angel, holding his hand tight.
you had no idea how much you meant to him, how deep his care for you ran. you didn’t know how just your presence alone soothed him in his darkest moments. how, since meeting you, he slept well at night with your face floating through his thoughts and dreams. how he hoped and prayed that you would eventually reciprocate his feelings one day.
if you’d heard his thoughts, you would absolutely call him a sap and he wouldn’t disagree. after all, it was you who made him that way.
“-ou told me you broke up with them, meiko. what, what the fuck is this? you’re dating osamu?” suna’s irritated voice jolted atsumu from his simping sappy mind and back into the present.
suna was squared up with meiko who seemed to be just as furious, while osamu stood behind the two of them at the island in shock.
“you knew what you were getting into suna, don’t fucking lie!” her manicured hands found their way to his chest before shoving him back into the living room. hard.
in an instant, yachi was standing in front of meiko with a righteous fury burning in her eyes. “go the fuck to your room. now. everyone else, you too. i have some calls to make.”
the authority in her voice had everyone scrambling, you wrapping atsumu up into your arms one final time before heading off with kenma and oikawa. suna shot the twins an apologetic smile while trailing behind their livid manager to her office.
in only a few moments, the room was empty, leaving the brothers alone in a stifled silence.
after a minute, atsumu finally opened his mouth to speak. “so. meiko, huh?” the attempt at conversation was absolutely pitiful but it managed to make the both of them laugh despite the heaviness in the atmosphere.
the lightheartedness left almost as soon as it appeared, the pair falling back into a contemplative quiet. “i- ya promised nothing would come between us,” atsumu whispered, his eyes growing glassy, against his best efforts. “what happened?”
osamu didn’t have an answer to that. he was meant to be the older twin and while that shouldn’t hold that much weight, it did.
he would never forget the day he’d given atsumu his word, the memory holding firm in his mind as though it happened yesterday.
the two of them had been so excited for their first official summer camp at the ripe age of 7 years old, happy to spend time away from their grandmother in, what they believed to be, an extended sleepover.
atsumu was bouncing off the walls with enthusiasm while osamu had been more reserved, determined to take care of his younger twin just as his grandma told him to.
after the first day of camp went by so swimmingly, osamu was starting to think he wasn’t even needed by his brother, especially after seeing him at lunch surrounded by girls and boys both fawning over him. atsumu was doing just fine on his own it seemed and there was no reason for him to stick around.
that all changed that night when osamu heard atsumu yelling for him from his bunk. the older twin raced over and climbed up into his brother’s bed, holding him close as he cried from the thunder booming outside their cabin window.
“nothing will get in between us tsumu,” osamu had murmured while rocking atsumu back and forth, “not the wind, not the rain, nothing.”
after that, their relationship was stronger than ever, the twins coming to one another for any and everything. their trust had grown so solid that osamu’s promise continued to hold true throughout the years, to the point where one was rarely seen without the other.
somehow, though, that trust had been broken in an instant, just because of one woman and it, for lack of a better word, sucked.
“i care about ya samu, ya know i do, but i can’t let ya mistreat or disrespect my best friend like that anymore. i love ya and i love her too. don’t make me choose,” atsumu before moving towards the stairs, his eyes never leaving his brother.
osamu was frozen in place, the image of atsumu that he’d painted with the help of meiko washing away to reveal his independent, assertive, kind, and caring brother whom he’d entirely lost sight of.
he couldn’t even imagine what atsumu saw when he looked at him—he didn’t think he wanted to know. all he did know was that he was no longer worthy of the title older brother, and he hadn’t been for a long time. osamu needed to become someone his brother could look up to again, someone new, someone better.
“i’m so sorry atsumu, i-i can be better,” he resolved, taking a step closer to his twin. atsumu just gave him a sad, worn smile, tiredness and disappointment written all over his face.
“be better osamu. i’ll be waiting.”
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℗ poker face
be better
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an - ACK THIS CH GAVE ME SO MUCH TROUBLE tryna display the twins’ dynamics was so difficult, esp since i switched up the ages??? bitch i have no idea if this is even coherent lmfao m sorry besties it’s a lil bit shit but ily <33 don’t forget to feed me >:3
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@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @katsulovee • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @syndellwins • @jooleuuh • @loubells • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saikishairclip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @risjime • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @crybabygumi • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp
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starbuckie · 3 years
𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠
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pairing(s): college!peter parker x reader, dark!steve rogers x reader, dark!sam wilson x reader, dark!bucky barnes x reader
words: 8.1k words
warnings: DARK!FIC, SMUT 18+ (unprotected sex, foursome turned fivesome, gangbang, non-con/dub-con, daddy kink, oral M and F-receiving, spit kink, degredation kink, praise kink, creampie), age-gap (reader is in her early 20s), cheating, angst, there’s like zero fluff
summary: peter should’ve made it back to the tower for date night on time, or maybe just before he found his girlfriend being fucked by three other superheroes.
a/n: eee my first dark fic! im so so happy with the way this turned out, and even though it was a pain in my ass for nearly three months, im so hapy to share it with y’all. this idea was brought up by an anon from @mypoisonedvine’s saturday sleepover a few months back, but i switched up tony and sam bc i didn’t like the tony and peter stuff. hopefully my smut has improved from the first time i wrote it in january, and just a reminder that in no way, shape, or form do i condone rape of any kind. there’s a large difference from the page and the real world. i try to put all tw’s in the tags and warnings, but if there was something i missed please tell me. thank you to my lovely bestie @mermaidxatxheart for beta-reading(i have no fucking clue what i’d do without your help). feel free to leave a comment or two and reblog, but don’t repost anywhere or i will hunt down your ass. thank you again and please please enjoy <3
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Bucky wasn’t planning to fuck Y/N as soon as he saw her.
It started with a faint mention, something Tony had thrown around along the lines of, “Parker’s bringing his girl down here tomorrow, don’t be an asshole”. He didn’t give a damn what Tony said or how he acted around Peter’s girl. Years of being thrown between gruesome mind-wiping and being half-dead, asleep in a freezer would do that to a man.
So the next day when Peter brought his girlfriend in, he was scratching his ass like a fucking ape and downing a beer with a messy bun at the nape of his neck, until he actually saw her. Neat hair, even neater laces with a sweet smile but a body that could kill. Didn’t matter that she was bundled under Parker’s hoodie and a pair of jeans- he could always admire a pretty dame, but Bucky could see that she was beyond that. It was as if God had intentionally made the one being, the one ethereal creature beautiful and angelic enough to be a sin away from him, so that he couldn’t touch her. Because she was young, and in her twenties, and that shouldn’t have even been the first two things that popped up in his mind because she was also Peter’s girlfriend.
But then she had the audacity to stick her hand out, a shy grin and twinkle in her eyes as she gave her name. It sounded so pretty rolling off of her tongue, and he wondered what it would sound like while he groaned it into her cunt.
So, yeah, maybe Bucky wasn’t planning to fuck her as soon as he met her, but it was pretty damn close after.
Steve Rogers was one of very few men who said they had the pleasure of banging nearly every woman on the north side of Manhattan. Bucky indulged in the fact that the man who had once been too shy to do so much as meet a gal’s gaze was now “a dollar whore”, but he was more than happy to keep that title if it meant he could continue to get off in the nearest woman’s mouth everyday. 
Every time he walked down the streets of New York with just a simple ball cap and jeans, he could feel stares on his back from what seemed like miles away, girls on every street corner just waiting for him to take her into the nearest public bathroom and fuck them dirty. CEOs, baristas, girls fresh out of getting master’s degrees with stars in their eyes and big dreams, until he shattered them by making them gag on his cock and scream his name into bedsheets. Or tile floors. He didn’t care as long as they were screaming. The girls of this century were just too delectable to turn down. He didn’t discriminate. His dick had been in women of every height, stature, hair color, and he had quite the variety throwing themselves at him as well.
And then Tony ruined it all and sat him down with a simple explanation that the image of Captain America was being tainted with disturbing stories of girls being fucked in the ass and thrown on their knees in dirty bathroom stalls. The blond was beyond pissed when the billionaire told him to stop dicking around, but he couldn’t do anything else if he wanted to keep his title and job. In a new century, even if he’d had a few years to adjust, he was still absolutely oblivious when it came to anything outside of aliens and sex. There was nothing left for him outside of being an Avenger, so reluctantly he agreed to keep his number of conquests to a minimum, and most definitely inside of the tower rather than out on the street.
However, inside of the tower seemed to be no problem at all when Peter brought his girlfriend over, all smiles and straight A’s, and that’s when Steve realized that he’d yet to fuck a bright, little college student. He could see himself stripping her from the innocence in her eyes, loosening up her pussy with his thick cock against the wall in his room.
Surely Tony couldn’t reprimand him for spending a little time trying to bond with Peter’s new girl, right?
Sam Wilson was a simple man. He had a job, a well-paid one at that, somewhere to live, a girlfriend, or a woman to keep him company, that’s for sure- but for once in his life he was seeking out something other than missions, something that would keep him busy when he was feeling bored, something like-
Pleasure, and he knew that he’d finally found what he was looking for the moment Peter brought his girlfriend through the elevator doors on the fifty-sixth level of the Avengers tower. She’d shaken his hand so daintily and spoke so politely that if he were to see her without any backstory, he’d think she was another innocent, dim-witted college student, breaking her bank account every Saturday morning and naively believing that her relationship would last longer than a few months. But by the things Parker had told him, she was much more than that.
Was it shitty of Peter to tell his teammates, the people he worked with, how Y/N was in bed? By the majority’s vote, probably, and by Sam’s strict conduct of his own morals, definitely, but when Peter’s girl looked like that and he was so incredibly bored with his routine? 
Well, fuck, Sam had never been happier that the Spider-kid had told everyone how his girl gave head.
Peter brought his girlfriend in daily after that, and every one of her visits, she grew less shy and more friendly, and the Falcon saw each of his friends gape at her growing comfortability with a wolfish demeanor. It started with the water incident with Steve in the kitchen, where he so clearly spilled water on her already thin, white camisole with intention. Sam couldn’t say he was upset though, after all Steve had offered him and the rest of the Avengers quite a show when he tried to clean up her shirt, taking his sweet, sweet time to fondle her tits as subtly as he could, his eyes staring at her pebbled nipples poking through the material. He could see Bucky hiding his boner under his cereal bowl on the couch that day. 
Then of course, he’d been no better than America’s sweetheart himself when he greeted Y/N with a hug that in hindsight, was a little too enthusiastic. His large hands squeezed into the pockets of her back pocket, and if the college student found anything weird with it, she didn’t say so, but Sam graciously palmed the round globes of her ass in his hands, feeling the muscle clench under his fingers. Oh, how he’d never hugged someone that tight ever before in his life. Maybe he would’ve gotten a bit further than squeezing her ass had it not been for his own girlfriend standing behind him, ready to introduce herself to Y/N.
Bucky, well, Sam could admit that Bucky had the most guts out of all of them. Though the super-soldier was normally well-reserved and polite, the dark glint in his eyes the day he met Y/N let him in on the secret that he had a much dirtier mind than most thought. It had been movie night that time, and he barely even tried to cover up how much he wanted the girl, his hands resting all over her as they watched Inception. Hardly a movie to get so riled up over, yet Bucky’s hand still inched its way up her thigh, his rough fingers gently carressing the flesh until they started to lightly trace the apex of her thighs. 
If she noticed anything then, she didn’t comment on it, doe-like eyes just marvelling at the screen in great intrigue. It was only when Peter’s arms wrapped around her a bit tighter did she scooch away from Bucky’s touch, with a small apology and shy grin. 
That only made his dick harder.
On the other side of Bucky, his super-soldier counterpart tapped his knee gently, forcing their blue eyes to meet each other. No words had to be said between the two, three men when they looked over to Sam, because they all recognized that look they saw in each other's eyes; predatory, dark, nearly voracious in the way they all wanted to be balls deep inside of Y/N.
And they would get there. No matter how long it took, they knew that the ultimate prize of tearing their prey apart would be more than worth the wait.
“Hey, babe, I’m gonna be a little late. Ned and I got stuck back in the lab, so we’re gonna need to stay until eight or nine. Can you make it to the tower by yourself alright?”
Peter’s concerned voice made Y/N smile gently as she trudged along the rainy streets of New York. He always loved to worry about her, especially when it was dark and gloomy out, but she could handle herself pretty okay. By pretty okay, of course meant she could kick ass like no other twenty-something year-old, but she wasn’t one to brag. Y/N readjusted the Kate Spade purse on her shoulder with her right hand, attempting to keep her umbrella over her head with the other. “I’ll be fine, Pete, just go finish up and get back to me. I’m gonna be waiting in your room at the tower before you go off on that mission this weekend.”
A small sigh came through the speaker, “Okay, I’ll try to get back to you soon. I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Pete.” 
“Oh,” she could hear the shy but no less mischievous smile that was taking over his face, “I left you a little present on the bed, make sure you open it before I get back.”
Y/N’s face heated at the implication. “Peter Parker, you dirty little-” He ended the call with a laugh, and she huffed out a small chuckle at his childish antics.
The walk to the Avengers tower would have been nice, had it not been for the downfall of rain, making everything mushy, socks being absolutely soaked through her sneakers by the time she arrived. The receptionist at the front desk, Jenny, if Y/N remembered correctly, stared at her a little oddly, probably not expecting to see the young college girl in such a state of disorder, but it didn’t affect her at all. She confidently strutted up to the elevator, pressing in the floor number where all the rooms were located. Y/N scrolled through her Twitter feed on her phone while classic rock blared through the elevator with the constant shuffling of people moving in and out. Seven minutes and thirty-two seconds later she was sprinting down the halls with soggy shoes and damp hair, her cold body screaming for warmth.
Peter’s room was the farthest down the hall, and the room was fairly empty. He rarely stayed at his room in the tower, preferring to stay with his Aunt May or keep Y/N company in Brooklyn. When she entered the room, she saw a plain white shirt and a pair of socks strewn upon the carpeted floor, but what really caught her eye was the red box wrapped in a pink bow on the bed. Deciding it would add more suspense if she opened it later, she quickly hopped in the shower, letting the hot water warm her freezing, rigid muscles under the spray. 
Peter didn’t have all the products she’d usually use before she knew they were going to have sex, so she had to make do with the half-used bar of Irish Spring and his small travel-sized bottles of shampoo and conditioner, promising the fresh, breezy smell of citrus and mint. It was a quick process; two squeezes of shampoo, shaving with the green soap as best as she could without cutting herself, one squeeze of conditioner. A fuzzy towel sat waiting for Y/N on the rack, with the Spiderman symbol as a prank gift from her to her lovely boyfriend, and without a second to let the heat leave her damp skin, she wrapped herself in it, quickly hopping out to the bedroom again.
The lingerie she set out on the bed was a deep set burgundy color, with lace decorating the delicate corset and the trim of the satin panties. The packaging really did not do it justice. Y/N grinned at the new set, one that she knew would happily be torn from her body later. A shiver ran through her as she let the cold air fall over her skin, carefully slipping the lingerie on. It was a damn shame, really; the set was quite nice, and she reminded herself to buy more of the nicely suiting color for their nights together. 
Y/N’s heart thumped with anticipation as she heard the door open and she took a quick moment to ready herself. Hair in perfect style, legs stretched along the length of the bed to make herself look as seductive as possible, a small smirk thrown on her pouty lips.
But in the darkened room, it wasn’t Peter’s shadow that appeared. Three men, three tall, bulkier men’s shadows appeared at the foot of the bed, and horror washed over her as she realized who they were. “Goddamn, dolly, I’ve imagined what you would’ve looked like under those sweaters, but this is much sweeter than I expected.”
The sinister face of Bucky Barnes came into her view, just a sliver of moonlight lighting up his pale skin. His eyes raked over Y/N’s uncovered skin, and goosebumps appeared as she tried to cover herself up under his predatory gaze.
“W-what are you doing here?” She whispered worriedly. Sam and Steve flanked the bed on either side of her, plastered sickly sweet smiles on their faces, providing her with a false sense of security that made her heart scream in fear. Though she wasn't making any noise, her lungs felt like they were going to give out, her throat closing up like an allergic reaction. 
Her head whipped every which way in robotic movement, her brain seeming to fail her as she scanned the room for an exit. Several moments of shortened breaths, cold air chilling her body, before she came out of her freezing shock to realization.
“Why are you here? Please, get out, just g-get out!”
A calloused hand pushed away Y/N’s left arm that covered her tits, and Steve groaned at the sight of her pebbled nipples. “God, baby, they’re as pretty as I thought they’d be. Been trying to feel them up all week, but you knew that, didn’t you?”
Saturday the week before at lunch when he’d spilled water over chest and tried to clean her up. Sam’s friendly hug that became a bit less friendly when his hands slipped into the back pockets of her jeans. The movie night on Monday when Bucky’s hand caressed her thigh a little too close to her core. All of their touches began to make more sense, and her eyes filled with tears at the realization. 
“Please,” she begged, tears blocking her vision, “I promise I won’t tell anyone, not even Pete, but please just go.”
“You just don’t get it, do you?” Steve asked. He grasped her chin roughly, his face close enough to hers so that she could feel his fiery breath on her lips. “We’re not leaving, sweetheart. You’re gonna let all three of us play with your pretty little body, and you’re gonna make the prettiest sounds for us, alright?”
Y/N shook her head violently, too afraid to make noise, but also bold enough to make one last attempt at freedom. The hand that held her chin quickly moved to slap her cheek, and she hated the way the sting made heat stir in her lower belly. She tried to shy away from their touch again, but Bucky’s face simply held the same smirk as he trailed his vibranium fingers up and down her leg. 
“Oh, come on, Y/N, don’t act all shy now. Peter has been telling us how good you’ve been to him and don’t think he hasn’t told us about your little childhood crush on little ol’ me. Been wanting to fuck you ever since.” Bucky’s hand quickly left her body, instead moving to palm over the bulge in his pants. “Fuck, sweetheart, got me real hard just thinking ‘bout your pussy swallowing my cock. Bet you’re gonna be a sweet, obedient girl for me, right?”
Fire started to course through Y/N’s veins, and with all the power she tried to dampen it down with, it seemed to push through her body that much more dangerously. She despised the fact that she could feel herself growing wet for the three older men, but God, she had never felt the need to be filled up as badly as she did in that moment.
“You’re a bit of a slut, don’t you think?” Sam mocked. He kneeled on her right, his eyes fixated on her panty-clad pussy, a wet patch already forming on the soft satin. It really didn’t help that three of her teen celebrity crushes were eyeing her nearly naked body like a piece of meat. “I mean, look at you, already growing wet and needy for three cocks. Is that what you want, honey? Parker not treating you good enough?”
She hesitated. Goosebumps rose across her skin at the sinister tone of his voice, like he already knew it was true. And it was true and she hated that Sam was right, but as amazing as Peter was a boyfriend, it was clear from the vibrator hiding in his apartment’s bathroom that he was not amazing in the sheets. Every time, she held hope that it would be better, that she would finally get to stop faking an orgasm before he rolled out of the bed with a filled up condom, but she knew deep down inside of her that it wasn’t happening anytime soon. Y/N forced herself to nod weakly at Sam’s questions, and Bucky chuckled. “Oh, you poor dolly, we’re gonna have so much fun with you. Treat you better than that little boy ever could.”
All it took was a whimper, a nearly audible, deadly silent whimper that managed to squeak its way past Y/N’s throat, and the three men took it as permission to ravage her body however they pleased.
Steve made quick work of his pants as Sam lifted her chin to kiss him, his tongue hot and heavy against her mouth, coaxing her lips open. The sound of belt buckles hitting the floor shamefully turned on Y/N even more. Panic coursed through her senses, her mind wanting to scream for them to stop, but her body knew her too well as she felt a wave of slick run down her thighs. Cold metal digits slipped under the waistband of her panties, moving to her wet folds, and she whimpered into Sam’s mouth at the touch. 
“You look so nice, baby, so pretty all laid out for us like this.” Bucky’s hands pulled down her panties as Steve pinched her peaked nipple through the lace, laying lavish, open-mouthed kisses down her torso. The cool air hit her pussy when Bucky’s hands pulled her legs wide open, fully exposed to the three men ready to use her against her will. “Knew you’d be so wet for us, sweetheart, just look at you. Dripping all for your daddies,” Steve murmured against her skin.
Hot breath fanned over her cunt before they rolled her over on her stomach, someone’s hands forcing her up onto her knees with her face smashed into the cotton pillows. She could feel two rough human hands pulling her ass cheeks apart, spreading her ever wider for their view. “Would you look at that, boys, look how fucking hot she is for us.”
Sam’s thick finger ran through her folds, the calloused pad of his finger just teasing her clit before landing a harsh smack to the inside of her thigh. Her moan was muffled through the mattress and she prayed they wouldn’t hear how being treated like whore made her wet like nothing else. 
Hot slick dripped down her thighs, a pool of it staining the pristine sheets by each knee. It was quite a sight, Steve, kneeled by the bed as his face hovered next to her ear, whispering filthy things into her ear as Bucky stroked his hard, leaking cock right next to him. Sam’s lips were making their way up the inside of her right thigh, cracked skin gliding across her sticky flesh. “Oh, baby,” he purred, “you smell so good. Bet you taste even better, don’t you, little girl?”
His tongue reached the apex of her thighs, finally licking a stipe up her center with no warning. Y/N sobbed into the comforter below her, mascara stained tears marking up her face. Two fingers edged their way between the bed and her face, forcing her head upwards and arching her back. Steve’s face was caught in a dirty smirk above hers, lip pulled taut between his teeth, until he saw the tears trailing down her face. “Oh, sweetheart, you look so desperate like this.” His fingers traced her smeared lip gloss around her lips, before opening her lips harshly. “Open up, you dumb baby.”
Y/N forced her jaw open wider, just enough to watch a string of Steve’s saliva drip into her mouth. The thick spit pooled on her tongue and she tried hard not to grimace in front of him, in hopes that he wouldn’t make her- 
“Swallow it, sweetheart.” He saw the hesitation in her eyes, how her lower lip trembled at his words, but he just laughed at her. “Now.”
The warm saliva slid down her tongue and more black tears ran down her face as she obliged his orders, finally gulping it and cringing at the taste. Steve loved the way her face screwed up in displeasure, how she still had the audacity to pretend she hated what they were doing though she was moaning and whimpering with Sam’s tongue attacking her entrance.
“What do you want, sweetheart? We might give it to you as long as you use your words.” Bucky taunted lightly.
Y/N stared up at the brunette, staring menacingly down at her with his cock in hand. “Please,” she whimpered.
The three found it woeful, the way she could barely get a full sentence out as Sam went to town with his skilled tongue, but even with that onslaught, a simple please wasn’t enough for them.
“Please what, honey,” Sam moaned from between her legs, “you gotta use your big words or we’ll never know what you want from us.”
Steve and Bucky nodded in fake-agreement even though they all knew exactly what she wanted and where. 
“I don’t-” her widened eyes glanced into Steve’s, blown-out and teary. “I don’t want anything, not from you.” She lied through her teeth harshly.
Sam removed his head from between her thighs and Y/N immediately whined at the loss of contact almost hilariously. “You don’t want anything, little girl?” 
The air felt static, every hair on her neck rising in the pressured silence. The angel and the devil clawed at her heart, each trying to show her what was right. And she wanted to sin, God knew that she would love nothing more than to let that little greedy part of her take over, but she’d already cheated on Peter and that damn good part of her conscience stole the wheels of her brain.
Slowly and shamefully, she shook her head, though the downright dirty monster inside of her wanted the men to ignore her words and keep assaulting her body. 
“That’s a shame, baby, I thought we were having fun.” Sam sighed. He met Bucky’s gaze on the side, and though they seemed to be in resignation with her wishes, their eyes twinkled devilishly. He positioned his body over Y/N’s kneeled over form, his bare chest glued to her sweating back as his hands ran up the sides of her ribcage and to her front, just barely grazing over her sensitive nipples. “You mean, you don’t want me to touch you here?”
He pinched the darkened buds and she had to use every ounce of self-restraint to not collapse at the sensation. His calloused hands moved back even further, tracing down to the stretch of skin just above her mound, swiping a finger across the skin delicately. “How about here? Or even,” he brought three fingers around her body, over her ass, and into her glistening cunt again, just rubbing along her entrance, not daring to go further in. Y/N couldn’t hold in her reaction to his prodding anymore, his teasing chipping away all of her dignity and pride in a few simple touches. 
“Yes, please, please, use your fingers,” she blurted against her will. Where shame should have washed over her, there was only lust, raging red and coursing through her body so forcefully that she felt braindead. “Put your fingers in me, daddy, please.”
The pet name rolled off of her tongue so easily and she was barely ashamed of how it made her feel. The name especially shocked the three men, who smiled even wider with their cocks harder than before at the little slip up. “That was all you had to say, dolly, gonna have your daddies make you feel real good,” Bucky laughed.
Sam finally plunged his thick fingers knuckle-deep into her cunt as Steve’s mouth captured hers, effectively swallowing her scream with ferocity. The long digits scissored and swirled inside of her, pressing against new unexplored areas that she’d never even gotten to with her own fingers. White dots danced along the front line of her vision as teeth clashed against hers and though it’d been mere minutes she already knew she was close and the men did as well.
“I can feel you clamping around my fingers, honey,” Sam taunted. His lips were moving sinfully around her ass, planting sloppy kisses and drooling all over her skin while he fingered her deep. “Are you gonna come soon, baby?”
“Yes, daddy, I’m so- fuck,” Y/N panted into Steve’s mouth, “m’ so c-close.” The blond bit her tongue hard enough for her to taste blood and she yelped as she heard Sam and Bucky laugh. 
“Watch your language, dolly,” Bucky sneered from the side of the bed. His hand was rapidly moving around his cock, corkscrew motions edging him towards the brink of pleasure. 
“Little girls like you don’t get to use big swear words,” Sam’s face was still buried between her legs, his soaked fingers pulling out of her cunt only to rub at her little pearl of nerves in circles. His tongue still lapped at her dripping entrance and he could feel her tight hole start to pulse as her breathing picked up. “Oh, baby, you’re getting close, aren’t you?”
Y/N was hesitant to answer at first, the sweat on her body seeming to cool immediately in fear of what would happen if she messed up. But after five seconds Steve stopped kissing her, gripping her chin and staring into her eyes deeply. He looked as debauched as she felt, with his rosy lips swollen with spit and cheeks tinged with pink. “Are you gonna answer daddy, sweetheart?”
That knocked her into shape real fast.
“Yes, daddy, I’m so close. P-please let me come,” she whimpered. The whine in her voice pleased the two men, and Steve went back to exploring her mouth before she felt something poking against her asshole.
“Gonna let daddy put his cock in you, little girl?” Sam asked gently. His words had panic coursing through her system, a chilling realization like water being poured on her head and she began to wiggle around, trying to free Sam’s hand from her hip. Her arms weakly pushed at Steve’s chest, trying to push him as far away as he could, but the men only laughed at her flailing limbs. Y/N wanted to scream no to them, and despite her contrasting love-hate relationship with Sam’s fingers inside her cunt she knew it was time to go. It was laughable how much she would continue to say that to herself for the rest of the night. 
But Sam managed to sense her panic, knowing exactly what the issue was before harshly spanking her and effectively stopping her struggle. “Don’t worry, baby, I won’t come inside of you. I’m not risking knocking up a whore with my kids, I’ve got more dignity than that.”
He led the leaking tip of his dick down her crack, rubbing it along her slick entrance before pushing in with a groan. “Oh my fucking God, that is so hot.” Bucky admonished from the side. “Gotta get in on that soon.”
Steve chuckled against Y/N’s lips, pulling away with a strand of saliva connecting them. He adjusted himself up so his dick was centimeters from her face, a knee propped up on the bed for balance. “Gotta wait your turn, Buck, we all want a piece of her.” He noticed the way Y/N’s eyes were transfixed on his cock, the red mushroom head smeared with precome along the slit, nearly purplish veins standing out prominently on his shaft. Yeah, he couldn’t even deny that he was big because he already knew how many girls had dropped down on their knees for him. “Go ahead, sweetheart, open up those pretty lips for me.”
Almost too excitedly, she dropped her jaw, allowing him to slide his cock into the silky warmth of her mouth. As his hips started to thrust into her mouth, Sam’s started to do the same into her cunt. Both men moaned in tandem with their movements as Y/N’s worries faded away to the back of her mind as they stuffed her to the brim.
“You can come now, baby,” Sam nearly ordered, “go and cream on daddy’s cock- fuck, I know you’ve been waiting.”
It was a harsh bump of his head against her G-spot that sent her over the edge, walls clamping down with ferocity and milking him for all she was worth. Y/N reeled in the sunlight infested warmth that coursed through her body as she finally let go, whining around Steve’s dick as he continued to abuse her throat with long, deep thrusts. 
Bucky was still holding his orgasm off, fondling with his tight, heavy sac while his dick remained a painfully hard mess, glistening with precome. “I’m so glad I got to see you come, dolly, look so fucking pretty when you do.”
She couldn’t deny the little skip of her heart at the praise, just a few simple words that made her feel like a good little girl. But no, God-fucking no, she wasn’t supposed to let them make her feel this way. Guilt washed away that warmth in her chest just as quickly, knowing that her boyfriend was just waiting to come back to see her, finishing up his studies so that they could live their lives out together after college while she was getting her pussy and mouth absolutely wrecked by his co-workers. 
As soon as Y/N got her brain thinking straight again, Sam started moving inside of her again and she garbled out a strangled cry. “If you thought we were done here, baby,” Sam laughed, “you’ve got a lot left ahead of you.”
“We’re not leaving until all of us have come, brat.” Steve’s palm gripped the back of her skull roughly, pushing her head so far down on his dick that her nose was squished against his abdomen. “Greedy little bitch.”
Both men started to thrust into her again, and just like that she was back to being absolutely lost in desire and lust like the bitch in heat she was until there was a sudden shift in the air. So much that the sweat on her body began to cool her skin, Sam’s hands still gripping her hips so tightly she knew they’d leave marks that she would have to hide when she wore her favorite low-cut shorts. 
Bucky’s eyes seemed to drift from her tits moving with each movement of her hips, checking behind the door as if there were something lurking there, but she was too afraid to see for herself. If she stopped she would get spanked, and they’d probably prolong her second orgasm even further, and her pussy couldn’t handle any more subtle teasing.  
“Hey there, Parker, why don’t come on out here?”
But that, that was what made the hairs on Y/N’s neck rose, dread filling her to the fullest as she realized the implications of Sam’s words.
Peter had seen everything. Peter, her boyfriend, had seen three of his co-workers, three men who she barely knew, fuck her deep into his mattress. Peter, her boyfriend, had watched her get fucked into his mattress, without trying to stop them whatsoever.
She couldn’t tell if it was the guilt of cheating on her boyfriend or the freezing realization that he hadn’t done anything to stop the three men that hurt more. 
Yet Peter still walked from behind the door, dressed in a NYU hoodie and a pair of khakis slung low on his hips, just drawing attention to the sizable bulge that stretched out his zipper. His umber eyes, normally full of so much joy and love, were possessed by the same lust and darkness as the three men, as much as he tried to hide it behind a shyer facade. 
His eyes were trained on the tightness of how Y/N’s pussy was gripping Sam, her lips glossed over with come and spit wrapped around Steve’s dick. The girl stopped in her movements, her eyes no longer full of tears for just being gagged, but as soon as her mouth came to a halt around the base of his cock, the blond slapped her across the face. A sharp crack echoed around the room and though she couldn’t see him, she heard Bucky’s feral growl of pleasure at the whorish treatment she was receiving. 
“Didn’t say you could fucking stop, sweetheart, keep working on daddy’s cock.” No more words needed to be said as Steve gripped her hair once more, forcing himself farther back into her throat to the point where she couldn’t breathe. Sam’s thrusts were quickening, closer and closer to release as the sounds of the girl struggling to breath made his balls tighten. 
“Fucking shit, baby, you feel yourself squeezing my dick? I bet you like teasing daddy like that, don’t you?” One of his hands were brought down on her ass in a quick smack that resonated with Bucky, who was staving off his orgasm for something much sweeter than his hand. She was moaning raucously around the dick stuffed in her mouth, the vibrations sending jolts of pleasure up every nerve in Steve’s body as he came with the tip of his dick nearly being swallowed by Y/N’s throat. There was barely any time for her to fully down the thick come in her mouth before Sam was threatening to orgasm. “I’m gonna come so soon but you better fucking not, little girl, you hear me? Gotta let your daddy come before you, you ungrateful little bitch- oh.”
It was a really fucking close call, Sam’s dick pulling out of her with one quick movement before spilling pearly ropes of come onto Y/N’s spine. A high whine escaped her mouth, clit throbbing as she was so, so close to coming, and she was too far into her crazed pleasure to realize that she was letting three older men, men who fought to defend the universe from evil, use her as an over-glorified fleshlight. 
She couldn’t really blame them for calling her a cockdrunk whore. 
Bucky sauntered over to the bed, eyes trained on the pool of come centered around the base of her spine before flipping her over onto her back with his large hands and shoving three vibranium fingers back into her hole. She gasped and held onto his forearm as he continued to fingerfuck her to her second orgasm, eyes screwed shut in a delirious haze of contentment for being filled with at least something again. 
“Bucky, Bucky, Bucky, please-” Steve slapped her along the face, correcting her words immediately. “Daddy, daddy, please let me come.”
Bucky chuckled, tweaking one of her nipples with his flesh hand as he hovered over her face. “I don’t know, dolly, you’ve been a little naughty, callin’ me the wrong name, not listening to Stevie’s orders- don’t think you deserve to get what you want.”
A muffled whimper escaped her swollen lips, and he sighed in surrender. “Okay, dollface, go ahead and come on my fingers. Let me see how you wet ‘em up real good.”
Y/N’s hips bucked into his metal digits with finality, come leaking out of her cunt and soaking the sheets below her. Her sweat-glazed skin shone even against the darkening sky, and all Bucky could do was chuckle at how her chest rose quickly as she tried to catch her breath. He thought about teasing her clit again, just circling around the little bud of nerves to get a rise out of her, but he decided against it. Sam probably had better plans for her anyway. 
On the other hand, Y/N’s orgasm was starting to wear off as she noticed the hardened stare from the edge of the room. Her boyfriend.
“Peter, I…” Y/N made eye contact with him, suddenly noticing how mousy he looked in his own bedroom. 
“I nearly forgot you were here, Parker,” Sam smirked darkly. “Why don’t you come over here and fuck your little whore. I’m feeling a little generous today.”
Steve and Bucky nodded with the same infuriating smugness as Sam. The brunette boy opened his mouth to object to the degrading statement, but when he met his girlfriend’s eyes nothing needed to be said. There was no escaping this. Nothing he said mattered to the three older men, because really they had already gotten everything they wanted right in front of their disgusting, perverted eyes. 
He unbuckled his belt, letting the weight of it drop his khakis to the floor. Maybe if he’d known he would be forced into join a fivesome later that night he’d have picked any other boxers but the Ducktales one, but no one seemed to say a word about them, rather focusing on what they were failing to conceal. 
Peter’s cock had always been admirable to Y/N by its length and God, definitely its thickness. Curved upwards towards his abdomen with a vein running along the left side up to the bulbous head, it was definitely more than average. It was really just a shame he didn’t know how to use it well enough.
His shirt was pulled over his head just as quickly, and if Y/N knew any better she would say that he was excited to get to fuck her in front of the three men. He placed himself in between Y/N’s parted legs, standing in the same position as he had so many times before.
But when Y/N cried out in pain and pleasure as he slid into her, Peter knew that this time, it was different. This time three men, men that he used to trust with his life, stood on either side of him and his girlfriend and jerked their hands up and down their cocks as they watched her get fucked relentlessly. It wasn’t sweet, it wasn’t romantic, but he couldn’t really think when his thick cock was stuffed inside of her stimulated pussy, juices and come leaking out of her abused sex. 
“Go faster, Parker,” Steve instructed, his face contorted in pure pleasure. The pace of Peter’s thrusts sped up, and he threw Y/N’s ankles over his shoulders, hitting deeper inside of her, with the sound of her sobs only turning them all on more. “Oh, right there, shit, shit, shit-”
Steve came first, a low groan escaping his lips as streams of come landed on her tits, still bouncing with every movement of Peter’s hips. 
“Open up,” Sam gritted through his teeth, and Y/N obediently opened her mouth to let his bitter come coat the inside of her throat, some of it landing on her face and neck. The string of curses he let out made Peter thrust even faster into her, and he hated, absolutely despised the way it turned him on to see the three men use his girlfriend to their pleasure. But soon enough a hand pushed against his chest away from Y/N and he reluctantly pulled out.
“Move aside, kid,” Bucky instructed, “Wanna come inside of her.”
As he lined his gigantic cock up with her entrance, her eyes widened with fear. “No, please, I didn’t take my pills, I can’t- I won’t, please not inside-”
“Shut the fuck up, you slut.” Bucky’s fingers came to slap her clit harshly, and she cried out in pain. “You’re gonna be quiet and let me come wherever I damn want, right?”
He punctuated his last word as he thrust inside her, filling her up to the hilt with his girth. She was too drunk on the feeling of her cunt being filled up to argue again. It was painful, extremely so, even though two different cocks had been inside her overstimulated pussy already and Bucky stretched her out wide, his cock thicker with veins to hit every pleasure point. With her legs tossed around his tapered torso, he slid out until his very tip was left in her, then slammed back in with a small moan. The head of his cock relentlessly pounded into her cervix in a nearly soundless tempo and all Y/N could hear were her own gasps of pleasure, jaw-dropping moans that made drool slide back down her throat in her laid down position.
She turned her head to the side, and though her vision was bleary through the tears, she could see Sam and Steve watching Bucky fuck her while Peter, her boyfriend, her sweet, sweet boyfriend, was caught up fucking his hand to the sound of Bucky’s balls slapping against her ass. 
“Fuck, ‘m not gonna last much longer, dollface.” Bucky gasped. “You gonna come soon? You’re gonna come for daddy one more time. I think you’ve got a third one in you, you little fucking slut.”
“Shit, shit, daddy, please ‘m almost there,” Y/N wailed absentmindedly. A thumb came down to circle her clit quickly and she felt the coil in her stomach grow tighter and tighter, until she finally let out a high whine, finding her release as Bucky’s cock pulsed inside of her, ready to come just as easily as her. Her pussy clenched around his cock as she rode out her orgasm, fingers grasping at the sheets in order to find some sort of grounding. His come painted her walls white, and Bucky could’ve sworn there was no better feeling than feeling his blood warm in every vein as he finally let go. With stunted groans, his hips slowed its rhythm, lost in watching how his cock disappear into Y/N’s pussy, her slick juices coating his dick each time he pulled out. 
“Ah, fuck, dolly, you did so good for me. Pussy tight as a fuckin’ vice.” Bucky hugged her limp body close to his sweaty chest, letting his dick soften inside of her for a good few moments before pulling out. He tossed Y/N back onto the bed below him, barely even caring to clean the come dripping down her ribcage and out of her cunt before grabbing his boxers from the cabinet next to the bed. 
Steve was already buttoning his jeans up, checking the notifications on his phone before shoving it back into his pocket. The blond seemed to have better things to do so soon after, rushing his way to the door before pausing where Y/N laid to watch come drip out of her pussy. One more time he pushed Bucky’s come inside of her abused entrance, watching as it oozed out from behind his digits. “Look at you, fucking full of of his come. Such a goddamn whore,” he muttered under his breath.
Those were the last words he said to her before patting Bucky on the shoulder and leading him out of the opened door. 
Maybe Sam was a bit more kind, or affectionate at least. He was already dressed but visibly hard again beneath the thick denim of his pants, and he made sure Y/N knew it, taking her left hand and placing it over his dick. “You still got that effect on me, honey, even when you’re all fucked out like this.” He dragged his fingers through the thick ribbons of come that coated her chest, bringing them up to her mouth so she could taste. Even though she was more than exhausted, she wrapped her tongue around the two fingers that were pushed past her swollen lips, sucking them clean with a tired vengeance. Satisfied with her work, he kissed her chin one more time before leaving without so much as another word, slamming the door shut on his way out.
It ended exactly the way it started, the lock jostling into the doorknob just as easily as the high of Y/N’s final orgasm slipped away.
Stifling silence suffocated the room around them. Peter refused to meet her eyes, just as much as hers did his. She laid motionless on the bed with him standing at the foot, his dick soft and if she narrowed her bleary eyes just a bit, she could see how his knees were shaking. Neither of them were able to say anything, losing the ability to converse as soon as the three men left the room.
“Peter,” her voice was throaty after the rough fucking she took, “C-can you please get me a drink?”
The brown-haired boy looked down to meet her face, and she could finally see the reason that he had hid it from her. His eyes were red and bloodshot, snot running from his nose with tears running down his cheeks. She’d been so caught up in the after haze of the sex that she didn’t even notice how his bare chest was heaving so deeply, nearing hyperventalation. 
But still, he grabbed his boxers, pulling them over his weakened legs clumsily. “Y-yeah, what kind do you want, Mr. Stark has a ton-”
“I don’t care.” She cut him off firmly, a sharp tone in her voice as she rolled over on her side. Y/N tucked her knees to her chin, fingers running over the side of her neck which was marked with bruises and scratches. “I don’t fucking care.”
Without another word Peter slipped out of the room quietly, knowing better than to try to talk to her about what they had been forced to participate in. It wasn’t as if there was much to say anyways.
Rain pattered against the window. It was only six o’clock in the evening. Cars honked and beeped and Natasha’s Igor Stavinsky record played for its fiftieth round of the day, and to anyone else in the tower it was a normal night. Normal, just like the ones spent sitting on the couch with Bucky’s hand creeping up her leg or Sam’s hands groping her ass, but this time they’d made a move. 
The silence was far too much to handle, the unspoken truth of what she’d done with Bucky, Steve, Sam, and Peter finally hitting her, knocking the air out of her lungs as she suddenly struggled to breathe. Gripping her face, clawing at it like a goddamn wolf, Y/N began to cry. Silently at first, gradually growing into heartbroken sobs, she let her trodden pride carry her voice wherever it wanted to go. 
The men’s whispered words haunted her mere moments after they’d left the room, but most audibly she could hear a faint husk of a voice, Sam’s low moan in her ear looming in the dreadful silence of the room:
Thanks for sharing with us, baby.
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todourouki · 4 years
REQUEST Any chance you’d please write a Bakugou x reader where they are in a secret relationship and he needs to vent but she’s having a shower so he walks THROUGH THE GIRLS BATHROOM and all the girls follow him like wtf is he doing, and they just watch as he just starts having a conversation with the reader, hands her her towel, her face stuff, just helping her get ready while absolutely ranting about complete bullshit and to calm him she just kissed him and they are like 🤭 (last years, of age ofc)
Title: Definitely What It Looks Like
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Explicit Language
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Not even Mina, an avid member of the Bakusquad, suspected that Bakugou of all people would follow you around like a lost-puppy and a clear pout drawn on his skin. Not during their first year at UA, and definitely not now in their third.
Yet somehow, the pink girl, Asui, Hagakure, Uraraka, Jirou, and Momo found themselves crammed in utter silence and confusion into the small bathroom entrance before the showers where a pouty Bakugou stood with you while you showered.
Sure, Mina always suspected there was some form of secret friendship going on between the two of you. Yet the minute she watched the blond boy shuffle into the girls bathroom was a sight she couldn’t just ignore. Thus resulting in her gathering all the other girls and listening in on the conversation in nothing but shock.
“You just don’t fucking understand, you always want to play little miss princess.” Bakugou growled, crossing his arms across his chest and leaning against the tiled wall.
He couldn’t see your expression due to your frame being hidden behind the shower curtain, but he could practically feel the smirk plastered across your face as you scoffed at his words.
“Katsu, just admit it— pass me my conditioner please— you actually enjoy being around him. It’s okay.” You joked, reaching a wet arm out as he shoved the container into your hands.
The girls all watched in shock, staring at each other before going back to the scene in shock. Katsu? His first-name, and at that, a nickname? For Bakugou? Who was willingly doing what you asked him to do?
“Yeah but that’s not the fucking point— do you want me to pass you the body wash too?” He froze, waiting for your response as he reached down into your shower caddie and held the bottle in his right hand as he tossed it up and down into the air.
“No not yet baby, continue.”
Watching Bakugou place the body soap bottle down, Mina’s eyes almost popped out the socket. “Baby?!” Hagakure whispered in disbelief.
None of the girls could believe their ears, not even their own eyes could be trusted. This was something they had never expected, not even from a Tsundere like Bakugou. The man who had a problem obeying orders from anyone but himself was allowing a girl to call him out his name twice and do favors for you? It just never ended.
“Half and half bastard thinks he can call me his friend for three years! Always hanging out with me and always trying to make me fucking laugh. He takes me as a joke Y/N, I know it. I know Deku and him fucking talk about me.” He continued to ramble, allowing you to slip in a few sounds to signify you were listening.
“Fucking Icy-Hot just pisses me off because it’s like, who the fuck do you think you are being my friend now—”
“Ah, so he is a friend?” You questioned, a teasing tone playing at your lips as Bakugou began fuming at the thought of the idea.
“What?! No fucking way!” He yelled, a crack erupting from his left hand that was free of any hair washing bottle. The sound caused you to poke your head out of the curtain, face smitten in disbelief and antagonization.
“Look me in my eyes and tell me you don’t think he’s at least some type of friend to you, Katsuki.”
Your words rang through the room, the girls watching as Bakugou’s ears became a hazy red color. He sucked his teeth, glaring at your face with nothing but defeat written in his eyes. It wasn’t like he wanted to admit defeat, but it also wasn’t like he wanted to admit the boy was his friend and that was clear.
Yet watching your smirking face drop with water and your head stick wetly to the back of your scalp, he couldn’t help but obey your orders of responding to your statement.
“Tch, I cant lie if you have that stupid fucking face on.” He muttered with fake anger, turning his eyes away from yours and beginning to read the English words he couldn’t completely understand stuck into the pink bottle.
Your eyes never left his though, adoration written in your eyes as you watched your boyfriend (unbeknownst to the group of girls spying in on the interaction at the time) try to act as if he wasn’t actually fond of having another friend around.
“If my face is so stupid, why does it seem to me as if you want to kiss it?” You teased.
Without being able to stop it, a squeal left Mina’s lips and her eyes widened in utter shock. Following her squeal as well as the round of gasps from the other girls, Bakugou’s head snapped towards the door with his eyes in slits.
If he found out they were spying on him, especially during a moment so intimate for him, they would all be done for. With a hand on one another’s face, all the girls pressed their pajama covered bodies against the bathroom wall and tried to silence their own breathing.
“Who’s there?!” Bakugou yelled, his quirk activating aggressively as he placed the bottle on his hand on the ground and keeping his guard up.
The girls each clasped their hands across their face, Hagakure peeking her head over the edge of the doorway to see if he was on his way down. Instead, Bakugou was still next to your shower stall, eyes glancing around the room feverishly as if nervous they could get caught in any moment.
Technically, you were both already caught but whatever.
Hagakure gave the signal (tapping Yaoyorozu on her shoulder and creating a chain) to signal to the other girls that the coast was clear to look.
When their eyes reached the corner though, they watched as you slipped your head through the curtains and gave the angry boy pouty lips. “Gimme kiss, my big, strong, angry man.”
Your teasing words weren’t the only shock, because the way Bakugou rolled his eyes and smirked into your face as he pulled your lips onto his was what really took the cake for the girls. They couldn’t even utter a single sound, watching as the two of you locked lips and released as if it was nothing.
The only sound filling the room was the small muttering from the whisper you said to him, turning your head back between the curtains and continuing to wash the soap off your body. Bakugou’s face wasn’t visible to the girls since he faced the opposite direction, but the chuckle he slipped out made the hairs on their arms stand up.
“I hope you and your little fucking friends are done spying on my girlfriend and I, Raccoon-Eyes,” his voice announced, making Mina and the other girls’s eyes widen in disbelief, fear, and embarrassment, “because you have three seconds to get the fuck out or I’m blasting you all you hell.”
The threat didn’t fall on loose ears, and the girls found themselves scuffling out the bathroom the minute he finished his words. Bakugou didn’t follow them though, only smirking as he gripped the towel he planned on passing to you the minute you shut the water off.
Mina, on the other hand, clenched her chest as she ran over to the elevator with Momo and Jirou since all the girls split up the moment they ran. The image of the kiss and the conversation passed through her mind, a wide and proud smile covering her naturally pink face.
I can’t wait to tell Kaminari he owes me $20 for thinking he can get a girlfriend before Bakugou does.
I hope this was okay, anon! Btw this has got to be one of my fav requests LMAO it was mad cute to write. Thank youuu <3 | heilly <3
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
[12.43] mafia!seonghwa × reader
⇀ convinced his partner is trying to steal him away from you, you tried conveying your feelings to him. But he didn't believe you, he thought you're just simply jealous.
⇁ tw : mafia life, jealousy, angst, death
⇁ disclaimer : the author does not support any and all criminal/illegal acts. the narrative written in this story is purely fiction out of the author’s imagination. the things written here does not portray real mafia life nor is the author aware of how the mafia life is like. the author is a hermit loser.
Clad in his couture suit, Seonghwa walked into the party venue with you in his arms. You were wearing a beautiful, glimmering Indigo dress that accentuates your curves, earrings that provide shine to your face, and heels that seem to heighten your class.
Despite all that, you had a forced smile on your face as you just had an argument with Seonghwa in his car merely minutes prior.
He is well aware of your apprehension towards his current partner in crime, a female that done the title of a seductress in the organization both for her role and her daily behaviour. You can't even lie and say that she looks like an inside-out, bloated cow because she's beyond perfect. To make things worse, you heard that the reason why she was partnered with Seonghwa was that she and he look good together.
At first, it was harmless observation over the two, wanting to see their chemistry and whether or not what people said was true. But when you see that even outside of their mission she'd flirt and cling onto him, you feel threatened. Naturally, you told Seonghwa about this but he only brushed your feelings off, convincing himself and you that it's merely childish jealousy.
The issue was never addressed and it accumulates to the point that it became the bane of most of your arguments. So he decided to just avoid talking about anything that relates to his partner in any way.
This is why when he accidentally let it slip that she'd be at the party back in the car, you were slightly furious at him for not giving you a heads up.
So here you are, standing by the champagne tower as Seonghwa made his rounds alone only to be joined by his 'partner' when he talked to their ally.
Your hand was clenching the flute so hard, it was threatening to break any second.
"Whoah, never seen you so tense," a voice called out, breaking your focus of glaring at Seonghwa and her. You look towards the source of the voice only to be greeted with Wooyoung's teasing smirk.
You rolled your eyes at him but smiled at his teasing jab, "hi Woo," you greeted, letting him pull you into a deep hug that lasted a while.
"Givenchy," he stated after taking a whiff at your neck, "man has taste," he pulled away to properly take your attire in, going as far as twirling you playfully which made you giggle. The people around looked at you two with a smile, probably thinking about how cute you two looked together. Which didn't go unnoticed by Seonghwa who is now zeroing his vision in on you and Wooyoung as the girl next to him clung on his arm tightly, seemingly pretending like they're together.
"Where's Seonghwa hyung?" Wooyoung asked after he stopped twirling you, grabbing a flute of champagne instead. You rolled your eyes at the reminder and simply nod your head towards where Seonghwa and his partner stood before sipping the champagne.
Wooyoung cringed at the sight of the girl throwing herself onto a taken man but what bothered him was the fact that Seonghwa seemed to not be affected by it.
"How stupid is your boyfriend to still insist that your intuition is nothing more than jealousy? I mean seriously! She's embarrassing herself!" he groaned, knowing full well what's going on between you and Seonghwa.
You were glad that you're not the only one who realized, despite the person who shared your sentiment is not your boyfriend.
But before you can answer, loud gunshots shocked everyone and suddenly chaos broke.
Wooyoung immediately pushed you behind him as he produces a gun from inside his suit. He turned to you briefly to hurry you out, "go out now, run and don't look back, take the stairs by the balcony and get out of here as quickly as you can and do not try to hide," he said before rushing towards the sound of the gunshot before you could say anything else.
People were pushing you left and right, trying to escape the hall and so were you. But you can't find it in yourself to run just yet, you look around the crowd of people, trying to find Seonghwa.
Soon enough, your eyes met his.
"Seonghwa!" you called out, pushing your way to get to him as he was trying to get to you. But then another voice calling his name broke his attention away from you.
Seonghwa looked towards the source of the voice only to find his partner by the tables, her dress stuck between two tables and for some reason she didn't seem to be able to pull herself out.
If you weren't in such a panicked state, you'd roll your eyes and call her out on her bullshit.
Your eyes flit between her and Seonghwa as Seonghwa's flit between you and her. You were hoping that he'd ignore her and run to you instead so you both could go to safety.
But your heart broke when he shot you an apologetic look, mouthing out 'sorry' before running to help his partner.
You can actually feel your heart shatter seeing that in a dire situation, he had chosen the girl that you had explicitly told him you don't trust, that you think she has it in her to steal him away from you. But he didn't seem to care.
Slowly, your feet began moving on their own. You couldn't even register where your feet are dragging you to. But as you reach the door towards the balcony, you look back to the sight of Seonghwa holding his partner closely before going where the other members of his organization are going.
And that was the last time you had seen each other for the night.
The shoot out went for quite a while. Apparently, a rival organization caught wind of the party and decided to use this opportunity to infiltrate the mansion to steal something. Their plans were foiled and that's when all hell broke loose.
When Seonghwa and the others managed to kill and capture their rivals, things began to finally wind down. Most people had already fled the scene, being part of the criminal world surely gave them the knowledge of what to do when a shoot out happens.
There were some guests left, those who hid behind tables or were unable to escape due to fear, and sadly, those who were caught in the crosshairs.
Seonghwa sighed at the sight in front of him, bodies lying on the ground, some belonging to their rival, some were members of his organization, and some were the unfortunate guests.
He looked around to see the lower-ranking workers carrying bodies on a stretcher with a white cloth covering everything. His eyebrows furrowed at the sight, no matter how long he's been involved in the mafia life, he couldn't seem to shake his sadness away when seeing innocent victims.
As he looked around, he saw Wooyoung walking back to the hall where the party was held merely an hour ago. "Wooyoung!" Seonghwa called, running towards the guy to catch up to him. Wooyoung stopped in his tracks and looked back, waiting for Seonghwa, "Hey, what's up?" he asked nonchalantly.
"Have you seen (Y/N)? The last time I saw her was when I went to help my partner a-" "you helped your partner instead of making sure (Y/N) was okay?" Wooyoung cut him off, an incredulous look on his face. Seonghwa was caught off-guard at the tone his friend used at him, "yeah? She was stuck and needed my help, I couldn't just-" "she's a member of a fucking mafia, she kills people for a living and on a daily basis, you really think she couldn't have gotten herself unstuck?" Wooyoung scoffed.
Seonghwa only stared at Wooyoung with a confused expression, not knowing how to answer him nor how to defend his choice in the predicament after Wooyoung explained the situation his way.
Rolling his eyes, Wooyoung nodded towards the door by the table that once had the champagne tower, "Last time I saw her, I told her to run and get the hell out of here," he said simply. Seonghwa muttered a small 'thanks' to him and was about to run to look for you when Wooyoung put a hand on his shoulder, "Just so you know, what you did will change things forever between you two, you got a heck load of making up to do," he said simply before continuing his previous path.
He realized that Wooyoung was right. So he immediately set off to find you, wherever you are.
His instinct told him that you're still around, considering his car is still in the parking lot and that you hadn't known anyone else in the party, he deducted that it wouldn't be possible for you to have gone back.
Even so, you were nowhere to be found. He tried looking everywhere inside the mansion and outside in the garden, but there were no signs of you, not even when he asked the other guests and members of the organization that were still around.
He stepped out to the grand front entrance and look around but only seeing people carrying the bodies of the deceased. He was starting to get worried.
"Seonghwa!" a feminine voice called.
He snaps his head, hoping to see you, but only to be greeted by the sight of his partner jogging towards him. For the first time ever, he rolled his eyes at her and went back to trying to locate you.
She, on the other hand, didn't seem to get the hint as she suddenly hugged one of his arms, "Hey, I was looking everywhere for you, I was worried," she said, pouting at him.
Seonghwa tried to pry his arm off of hers, but she held tight. Wooyoung was right, she's beyond capable of getting herself unstuck, so why did he went to help her instead of you?
"I don't have time for this, I'm looking for my girlfriend," he said gruffly, still trying to push her off as his eyes trail on the people around.
"Oh, come on, I'm sure she's perfectly fine somewhere, maybe even with Wooyoung," she said ignorantly.
At the insinuation that you'd be with Wooyoung, Seonghwa snap his head towards her and was about to say something when suddenly the sight of your dress caught his eyes.
He'd recognize the sparkly indigo dress that he had personally picked for you from miles away. For a second, he forgot about his partner and was about to run towards you.
But his steps halted at the scene in front of him.
Seonghwa hadn't processed that the piece of your dress that he saw was from underneath a cloth that covered your whole body that's rested on a stretcher.
He could feel his heart stopped, his head spinning, and his breath hitching. He was trying to convince himself that you're okay, that you're simply unconscious and is resting, waiting to be taken to the hospital to be treated.
When he realized that a couple of workers were about to carry you away, he sprinted and yelled for them to stop.
As soon as he arrived by your side, his trembling hands held on the piece of dress that peeked out. Again, he tried convincing himself that everything's okay, that maybe this is not you. Slowly, he pulled the cloth back a little to expose your hand. The ring that he had bought you to commemorate your 2nd anniversary brought dread to him for the first time ever. He used to love seeing it on your finger, showing people that you're taken, but not this time.
Bracing himself, he pulled the rest of the cloth off of you. "Oh no," he choked out and finally broke down when he saw your pale, lifeless face. The same face that greeted him every morning and accompanied him every night, the same face that would scrunch up whilst cleaning his wound when he came back home from a mission. The same face that dropped in disappointment when he decided to go after the other girl in her last moments.
He can't believe your last memory of him was him turning his back on you, his last conversation with you was when he called your feelings childish and uncalled for, that the last time he held your beating heart was when he pushed you away so he could talk to people he didn't even care for.
All he could do now is held onto you as he cried, hand going over the wound that ultimately ended your life. Several bullet holes littered your body, but he seems to be focused on the one that's directly on your heart. He thought about how much pain your heart must've born, how much the pain he inflicted on you must've hurt much more than the bullet that struck through. He thought about how he should've gone to you to ensure your safety.
Seonghwa, the usually reserved and collected man, didn't even care about the attention he drew. People around were looking at him with much pity, those who knew him wanted to comfort him but didn't know how to, even Wooyoung can't help but shed his pettiness over his older friend when seeing him wailing over his loss.
But Seonghwa didn't care.
How could he?
When the only important person in his life was ripped away from him before he could make amends.
Without thinking twice, he stood up and carried you off the stretcher. The workers that were supposed to take care of the deceased stood silent and unsure, yet they didn't stop Seonghwa even when he began to carry you towards his car.
"Don't worry, I'm taking you home so you can rest," he said with tears still streaming down his face. He looked down at your face, he could fool himself and say that you're only sleeping, that tomorrow things will be better. Yeah, for now, he can do that.
Once he put you on the front seat securely and went over to the driver's seat, he leaned down and press a kiss to your forehead lovingly, "I'm never gonna leave you anymore," he said before turning the car engine on and drove off.
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chelleztjs18 · 3 years
Lost in Assistance - Ch. 62
Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader.
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Summary: Y/n is a professional celebrity's personal assistant in Hollywood got hired with two years contract to be the assistant of the famous and talented Elizabeth Olsen / Lizzie by her manager. Both Y/n and Lizzie hate each other since day one, and they have mutual friend. One is as stubborn as the other, will Y/n stay when Lizzie gives attitudes and tries her best to make her quit before the contract ends?
Warning: fluff, angst, smut (in future chapters), swearing words ( +18 only)
I do not own any pictures, name, brand, song titles or anything that I used in this story.
A/n: Hi lovelies! Here's Ch. 62 that has a lot going on in it! Thank you @stonemaxx for helping me with this chapter. Buckle up buttercups! Happy reading!
All chapters
Aubrey gasps. "That little bitch! What is she doing here?!" She half whispers angrily. "I don't know. All I know, I have to talk with her!" Lizzie answers in gritted teeth and scurries towards Gwen who is putting in her groceries into her trunk.
Gwen finally feels a stare and presence close to her. Surprised with who she sees, she asks "Uh Elizabeth, Aubrey, can I help you?"
"Can you please stop?!" Lizzie asks furiously yet still trying to hold the rest of her anger.
Confusion written all over Gwen's face. "Stop what? What did you mean?" Her gaze jumps back and forth between Lizzie and Aubrey. "Oh, stop lying, you little bitch! You think we don't know what you are doing?!" Aubrey takes her turn in confronting the dark haired woman.
"Look, both of you are the ones that come to me and act like lunatics. So who's the bitch? You both need to calm the fuck down, okay?" Gwen starts to raise her voice at the girls.
"How can I calm the fuck down when you haven't stop bugging y/n's life?! I'm not going to let you ruin her life once again, so you better stop doing what you are doing and stay the fuck away from us." Lizzie's pulse slams in her neck as she tries to warn your ex.
Gwen's gaze and facial expression turns softer, wrapped with concern as soon as she hears your name. "Ruin y/n's life? I didn't do anything! Is y/n okay? Please tell me that she is okay."
“Save it, Gwen! Don’t act like you still care about y/n when you are behind all of the stalking. You better tell Benjamin to stop stalking Lizzie and Y/n. I swear, Gwen, if something bad happens to them, I will come find you and drag you myself to jail!” Her temples throbbed with rage.
“Stalking? Benjamin? What the hell are you talking about? Benjamin is not even here anymore. He got deported and banned from coming back here! So stop accusing me shits and tell me what’s going on?! Is y/n okay?” Gwen explains and lets out her frustration at the same time.
Lizzie and Aubrey look at each other as soon as they hear her explanation, they both looked so disquieted. Their anger instantly replaced by distress. At this point, they think it’s better to talk with her in a more calm manner instead of letting their rage get the best of them if they want to figure out who is the stalker.
“Oh my God, can any of you tell me if y/n is okay, please?!” The shorter woman pleads. “Y-yeah. She is okay. Uh–lately someone has been stalking either me or y/n and it gets worse. Y/n told me that the person reminds her of someone you know, Benjamin.” The blonde explains in a calmer manner.
“Yeah, so we thought that you had something to do with all this.” Aubrey added and Gwen noticed some remorse on Lizzie’s face. “No, I have nothing to do with it. After I broke up with..” She pauses to ease her sadness and guilt thinking about what she did to you in the past.
“After I broke up with y/n, he asked me to be his girlfriend but I told him I never had any feelings for him and I’m getting married. He got all mad at me and acted crazy. My dad found out about it so he fired him and made him get deported and banned from coming back here. Since then I never see him anymore. It’s impossible for him to come back here, so I’m sure it’s not him.” More details come out from Gwen about what’s going on.
“Fuck, if it’s not him then who is it? Oh my God, this just gets more complicated.” Fear splinters Lizzie’s heart and it’s obvious to see. The blonde pushed back her hair off her face in frustration.
“Look, I understand if you both think it was me after everything I did. I won’t blame you. I know I've lost my chances with her and there's nothing that can change it but I still care about her and I wouldn’t do such things to her.” Gwen expresses her feelings to the two women in front of her. Aubrey scoffs sarcastically. Lizzie nudges her arms right away as her reaction to it.
“What? Liz, I can’t trust her right away after everything she did to y/n. Hell no.” The brunette answers her best friend as she glares at Gwen.
“I know Aubrey, I just want us to focus on figuring out who the stalker really is.” Lizzie replies. “Yeah but she is still on my suspect list until we really get proof that it’s not her.” A stern tone covers Aubrey’s statement and leaves no room for Lizzie to argue more.
“It’s okay, Elizabeth. I deserve it. I won’t bother your life with y/n and I will try my best to help but please let me know if something happens.” Gwen pleads as her eyes get teary and her hand grabs Lizzie’s. “I-I will. Thank you, Gwen. We are leaving now.” She nods at her and being the kind person she is, she feels bad for Gwen.
Lizzie turns around and walks away. “Come on, Aubrey. Let’s go home.” Aubrey follows her but she turns around one more time and gives Gwen a “I’m watching you” gesture before she leaves with Lizzie. “Aubrey, don’t tell y/n about this, please. I don’t want her to get more worried.” Aubrey nods and hums in agreement.
On the way home, your woman’s mind can’t stop thinking and worrying about you. Her mind keeps wondering who the stalker is. The more she thinks about it the bigger her concern grows. A thought pops up in her mind but she tries to deny it. She tries to distract her mind by thinking about the plan of posting a live statement on her social media about today’s crazy news related to you.
She calls you on the way home to make sure that you are okay and to check where you are at. She told you that you are coming home and Aubrey is coming to visit. You told her that you are meeting Mitch at your house to take care of some stuff and you can meet them there.
Your doorbell rings. You open the door and see your redhead best friend’s smile. “Hi, love! I miss you!” Mitchel walks in and gives you a warm hug. “Mitch, I miss you too. How are you?”" You return his hug.
"I'm good. I saw what's going on everywhere on the internet about you. I'm so sorry babe. Are you okay?" Sympathy lays across Mitch's face as he holds your hand.
"Yeah that sucks. He is a jerk. That's not what happened." You explain and continue telling him what happened.
"Oh my god, that was horrible. Very shitty move. I can't believe the stalker is still after both of you too." Both of you take a seat in the living room.
"Aaw. Ash just did a live video talking about you and gave a statement about what really happened between you and the paparazzi. That's really sweet of her. People's reactions are positive too!" Mitchel tells you as he shows you his phone.
You check it out and smile. "Yeah, she was really nice. I should mail her something as a thank you."
"Oh, talking about mail, there's mail for you. My assistant found it and since you were not there, she gave it to me. It doesn't say from who but here you go." The blue eyed man hands you the mail.
You furrow your eyebrows and instantly think that it's weird. You open it right away. It makes you sick in your stomach and wakes up the tiny hairs in the back of your neck as soon as you find what's inside.
"What the fuck?" You can't believe what you see. A few pieces of polaroid pictures of you and Lizzie at the airport from this morning. Yeah, from this morning.
"What? What's in it? Let me see." Mitch asks with a huge curiosity.
"Lizzie's gonna freak out about this." You pass him the pictures. "Wow, this is crazy! It seems like he wasn't that far from you when this picture was taken. He was kinda behind you two." Mitch looks at the pictures in terror.
"Yeah if you notice that it was at the baggage claim, so it means—" You pinch the bridge of your nose.
"He was on the same flight with you both? But how come? How did he know which flight? He is a hacker or something?" Mitch finished your sentence and came up with questions.
"I don't know. It's either that or he is a psycho." You answer as you cover your face with both of your hands.
You raise your head as soon as a thought pops in your head. "He knows where I work too. This is crazy. It was probably Clint, so he works together with the stalker?"
"Could be. But I doubt that it was him who dropped the mail off, because I told the security guard to pay attention and not let him be around the office at all, especially since he came to your mom's funeral." The redhead thinks through his theories.
"I will talk about this with Lizzie when she's home." You nervously bite your nails.
"Baabeee! I'm home!" The voice of the woman you love made its way to be heard. It draws a smile on your face. "Yes, baabee. We are home!" Aubrey try to make fun of both of you being all lovey dovey like a couple. You shake your head playfully after hearing her voice knowing what she meant. "We are over here, love." You answer as you collect the polaroid pictures and put them back into the envelopes.
"Hey, sweetie. Hi Mitch." Lizzie gives you a peck kiss on your lips shortly before she gives Mitch a hug. Aubrey greets you and Mitch as well.
"Liz, did you see what Ash posted?" You ask. "Yes and we are going to do the same thing." The blonde answered right away.
"We? As in you and—" You ask while you internally hope that you are not involved or saying anything in the video. You are worried that you would say something or do something that would make the situation worse for Lizzie.
"Aubrey and I, honey. I know what I'm going to say." She answers and smiles at you as she holds your hand and her thumb gently strokes the back of your hand.
You decided to tell Lizzie about the mail later after she is done posting her statement.
Lizzie and Aubrey are sitting together in front of the set up phone camera. “Ready, Liz?” Aubrey asks and she nods to her. You are sitting on the couch in front of them with Mitch.
“Hi, everyone. It’s me, Lizzie. Today, I’m with Aubrey.” Aubrey waves. “What’s up y’all Lizzie’s fans!” She greets with her antics. “The reason Aubrey and I are making this live video is because of the rumor that I found today about my assistant, Y/N Y/L/N. I would like to say that what was written in those articles wasn’t right. It is not what happened. Y/N didn’t do anything to the camera of one of the paparazzies that day. It was all an accident because Y/n, Ash and I were all trapped by them while we were waiting for our car. We didn’t mind signing and answering questions from them but the questions started getting too personal and inappropriate especially from one of them whose camera fell ACCIDENTALLY. So the point is I just wanted to clarify that Y/n didn’t do things that were mentioned in the article and as you can see from Ash’s social media post as well as a proof of what I just said. I hope this will help to clean her name. Thank you everybody and Aubrey will address her thoughts as well regarding this matter.” Lizzie proceeds her statement with a seriousness in her face.
“Thank you, Liz. Y/n has been my best friend for years. I know her very well and I can assure you that such behavior that was written all over the internet is false. She is a very lovely person. We love her so much.” Aubrey finishes her statement. You notice Lizzie looks nervous that you thought that her anxiety starts to bother her but then you see her smile slowly showing up. It soothes your heart right away.
“Yes, yes. We do. I do. Let me tell all of you one more thing…” She paused and blush slowly creeping up to her cheeks around her smile. “I’m sure all of you have been questioning or wondering what has been going on between us. To answer those questions, I want to say that yes, Y/n and I are together. We just started dating not too long ago, probably like a month or so.” Your heart skitters when you hear her voice telling the world that you are together. Joy welled up in her heart, you didn’t expect that she was ready to announce about both of you. Your best friend next to you gasps loudly from the news Lizzie just announced. Aubrey covers her lips in surprise with both hands, squealing in excitement. “I think we should call y/n to sit here.” The older actress suggests.
“Oh, yeah yeah. Of course! Sorry, guys. I’m all nervous now. I’m not gonna lie. Uh Y/n? Can you sit with me here please, babe.” She asks as she looks at you and smiles.
Aubrey stands up to give you her space to sit. Lizzie giggles, happy that you are sitting here next to her. She grabs your right hand and lays it on her lap as she entwines her fingers with yours. She looks at you dearly before she looks back to the camera and continues. “Being around her for a while makes me see how wonderful, adorable and lovable a person she is. I don’t know when exactly the feelings grew but all I know right now is I am in love with her and I’m so lucky to have her in my life." Her eyes flicks between you and the camera as she finishes her sentences.
You are nervous but on cloud nine. The woman that you love just told everybody that she is in love with you. You smile at her, words can't come out of you as if you are hypnotized by her until she asks you "Y/n, do you want to say something or say hi to everybody?"
"Oh uh me? Uh y-yeah yeah. Sorry, love." You stutter as you turn to the camera. You take a deep breath. "Uh, Hi everybody. As you know, I'm y/n. I'm Lizzie's—" Lizzie quickly interrupts you. "Girlfriend." She giggles.
You smile from ear to ear followed by a giggle as well. "Yes, I'm y/n and I'm Lizzie's girlfriend. I wanted to say that I saw your comments and support about what the news said about me. We appreciate it so much." You said.
Meanwhile Aubrey and Mitch watch everything in awe. Both of his hands try to fan his face as he tries hard to hold back his happy tears. "I'm so happy for them. They are cute together. I'm glad that we finally got them together."
"I know right. It took quite a while for these two idiots to realize their feelings. It was worth the wait though." Aubrey replies as she wraps her right arm over Mitch's shoulder and she raises her left hand for a high five with him.
You and Lizzie are finally done with the video. “I hope you didn’t mind the surprise when I announced about us.” She smiles at you with a little concern if it was too much for you. “Oh no, Liz. Not at all. Yes, it was surprising but sweet at the same time and thank you for doing all that.” You give her a peck kiss. Both of you giggle.
“Aaaww. You guys are so cute! I knew you both would be perfect together! I really simp for both of you.” Aubrey smirks. “Congratulations you two. I’m happy for you both! I’m not crying, you are.” Once again, Mitch is struggling keeping his tears in. “There.. there.. Mitch. Is it that time of the month?” Aubrey jokes around, teasing Mitch as she pats her back. Four of you laugh.
All of you spend more time together in the next few hours, talking about anything and everything. As the conversation goes further, you decide to tell Lizzie about the pictures in the mail. As soon as you are about to say something, a loud shattering glass sound makes its way to be heard in the living room.
“What the hell was that?!” Aubrey asks instantly, shocked by the sound. “It’s–it’s that from our window?” Liz asks as she looks at you with furrowed eyebrows. A line appears between her eyebrows. Your forehead creased and your eyes widened. “I–I don’t know. Maybe.” You answer as you stand up to go to check it out. Lizzie grabs your hand and says “I’m coming with you.”
“No, Liz. You stay here.” You grab the fireplace poker kit. Mitch stands up and follows you. You nod at him. Both of you walk slowly and very cautiously. Your heart starts to race, intense silence fills up the room in no time.
“Oh shit!” The only reaction that could come up right after you found something in your sight. You look all over the floor. “O..M..G!” Mitch exclaims. “What is it? Is everything okay?” The girls stand up and walk to you swiftly. “Uh yeah, it’s just that my window is fucked up now. Watch out for the glasses, Liz.” You answer as your eyes keep searching for more clues.
“What the fuck just happened? This is crazy!” Aubrey comments after she sees the mess. “Someone just threw something to the window.” You said and you turn your head as soon as you see her point in one direction. “Y/n! Look at that brick over there!”
You quickly search the mentioned brick and find it close to the corner of the wall. You pick it up and notice that the brick is wrapped with a white envelope. "It looks like a letter." You said as you opened the letter and you read it.
"My dear sweet perfect Lizzie, you are still as beautiful as always. I still watch all of your movies and come to the events wherever you are. I adore you more and more. I notice that you even still wear the same perfume that I really like. I love you but I saw your video today, it was very disappointing that you picked that bitch Y/n over me. She picked you over her ex only for your fame. She is a terrible person. You deserve someone better than her, sweetheart. I know that she is not who you want, I know you want me, you want us. Don't worry, gorgeous, I will fix it and make everything work for us to be together. I'll take care of EVERYTHING."
Everybody watch your face expression turns to a mixed of terror and disgust after you read the printed letter. Your stomach turns, fear slowly scratches deep internally. You are afraid that Lizzie's in danger.
"What does it say?" Your girlfriend asks. You didn't answer, you are so lost in your thoughts and fear. "Y/n, sweetie? Are you okay? What does it say?" She comes to you and you hand her the letter. "It's for you and I'm really concerned about this. We have to take this to the police." You try to answer her as calmly as you can, hiding how worried you are about all this and her safety.
Lizzie reads it together with Aubrey and Mitch. Three of them look terrified. “Y/n, do you think this is the same person who left the mail?” Mitch asks as he looks at you, thinking about his theory. “Mail? What mail?” Lizzie asks as her gaze flicks around from Mitch to you and back to him. She turns her head very fast as soon as you answer her.
“Someone left an envelope with my name on it and no sender at the office. I was going to show you but then this happened.” You hand her the envelopes at the same time you are explaining to her. Aubrey’s hand is faster than the petrified yet confused Lizzie to grab it.
“Oh my god, this is from —- from this morning?! He was this close behind us?” Her hand is a little shaky while holding the pictures as she lets out a panic question. You are speechless to answer her. You are too busy to lie to yourself that everything is going to be okay. You know that this is getting out of hand but you force yourself to calm down and stay focused.
You hold her by both of her upper arms as you look into her panic stricken green eyes. “Lizzie, love, don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you no matter what, okay? We’ll report this to the police and we just have to stay together as much as we can. I won’t leave you if I really don’t have to.” You patch a fake smile for her and she nods.
“Do you think Clint has something to do with this?” Mitch tries to help on figuring things out. “I don’t know Mitch, he might have something to do with this. Even if he does, I’m sure he is not alone. He is a dumb alcoholic, he doesn’t have enough braincells to plan this kind of stuff.” You answer.
“Oh my God, Liz, do you think Robbie and Clint work together on doing all this?” Another possibility pops up in Aubrey’s mind but she gets no answer from her best friends. An alarm rang in Lizzie’s mind. She is deeply lost in her own thoughts, thinking about something or more about someone but once again her trauma forces her to deny it.
Aubrey’s voice calling her name for the third time finally brought Lizzie back from her daze. “What? What did you say, Aubrey?”
“I said, do you think Robbie and Clint work together on doing all this?” Aubrey repeats in a slower tone knowing her best friend is a little out of it. “Uh I-I don’t–I don’t know.” She stutters. Seeing her look out of it and terrified, definitely makes your stomach knotted. Worry gnawed at you and fear twisted your gut but you kept it to yourself. You really don’t want to make her fear turn worse if she sees or knows how you really feel.
“I just called my office to check on the band’s manager’s assistance. She said that the band is still on tour and he will be back here again in the next few days. So I’m pretty sure it’s not him.” He answered in confidence.
Frustrated with all possibilities you could think of that leads to nowhere, you storm out to your driveway and your eyes observe the surroundings as you scream in vexation. "Come here you, coward!!! You got a problem with me? Show yourself!" Rage poisons your veins. Your breathing falls into a fast pace after you scream as if you are running low in air.
"Y/n, sweetie. Calm down, okay." Lizzie tries to calm you down while she slowly pulls you back into the house. "Look at me, I don't think he is here right now. Why don't we just go to the police station, right now? So they can do something about this." She adds as she tucks your hair to the back of your ear. You nod.
You both decided not to wait any longer to take this to the police station. Aubrey and Mitch couldn’t agree more with both of you.
“Okay, Ms. Y/L/N and Ms. Olsen, both of you are not sure since when the stalking started?” Officer Oliver Burton asks both of you as he types all the information he got. “Correct but we noticed that it gets worse lately.” You agreed.
“Do you suspect anybody behind all this?” Oliver asks another question. You nod and you tell him about Clint as detailed as you could. “Any other names?” The tall older man asks you two. He sees Lizzie’s unusual facial expression despite her shaking her head while he observes the letters and pictures as the evidence.
“Yes, I do have two names but I’m not sure about it since the letter shows huge interest in my girlfriend here.” You second guess yourself. “Go ahead, tell me. The more information we can collect the easier it leads us to the clues.” He puts the evidence in and he is ready to type more information.
Once again, you try to tell him detailed information but as soon as you start to mention Gwen and Benjamin, Lizzie interrupts you right away. "Officer, Gwen and Benjamin have nothing to do with this."
You turn your head swiftly, perplexity appears in your face after you hear what she said. "And, what made you sure about that, Ms. Olsen?" Oliver stops typing to ask her.
"Yes, Liz. Why? Am I missing something here?" You squint your eyes as you lock your gaze at hers.
"Because I talked to Gwen. I saw her and I went to confront her about this. I—" She explains and you cut her off. "You what? How come I didn't know about this? She's still here? Was Benjamin there with her? Liz, you could've been in danger. What were you thinking?" You ramble with rows of questions.
"Ms. Y/L/N, let's give Ms. Olsen, her chance to talk?" The officer suggests.
"Babe, calm down please. I will explain, okay?" Her green eyes look at you as she holds her hand trying to give you comfort. It worked. You are slowly calming down. Lizzie continues telling you and the officer what happened at the parking lot.
"Okay, thank you Ms. Olsen for the information. So, the main suspect now is Clint and he might work with somebody else who is behind all this. For Gwen and Benjamin, even though you said that she told you she has nothing to do with everything, they are still on my list. So there's no more suspect that you could think of?" He explains and asks one more time.
"I think that's all, officer. Thank you so much for your help." You answer but the pit of your stomach falls when you hear what Lizzie says now.
"Actually, I–I have another name, from my past." She swallows hard, anxiety swirls around her. Internally hoping that this particular past of hers won’t repeat itself. “Who is it, Liz?” Your mouth feels dry. Oliver looks ready to add another name on the list.
“It’s Damien Walker.” She bites the inside of her cheeks. She couldn’t believe that she would say that name again. A name that gives her chill and sweat trickled down her spine. “Is he your friend? Family?” He squints his eyes as he asks. “No. No. No. He is someone that I wish he never existed. I–I–I don’t even want to say his name ever again.” Her green eyes were covered with fear and distress in a split second.
As silence starts to float around, she continues. “He–uh– he was my stalker. Five years ago, he stalked me so bad that it drove me crazy. He made my anxiety get worse. He is one of the reasons that I don’t trust new people.” She looks at you as if she explained why she didn’t want you to be her assistant back then.
Her eyes meet Oliver’s as she tells more about Damien and she looks at you every now and then. “He followed me everywhere, he kept finding where I lived or where I was no matter how hard I tried to hide or move secretly. He did the same thing with pictures and letters but I think if it’s really him, he definitely gets more aggressive than he was before.” Lizzie explains in terror from a terrifying memory lane.
““Ms. Olsen, take your time, take a deep breath. You can tell me more when you are ready. Did you report this to the police?” Oliver scrutinizes everything. “Yes, yes I did. I filed a restraining order against him.” She nods multiple times.
“You saw his face in our picture. Why didn’t you tell me anything about him? Does the man look anything like him?” You ask with an unease and distress wrapped tone.
“I don’t know, Y/n. I don’t know! It’s–it’s–It was 5 years ago. I didn’t really see his face when all the craziness happened. I only saw his face once when the cops finally got him. I forgot what he looks like. I didn’t think it was him until I found out it wasn’t Gwen or Benjamin and this picture and mysterious letter thing happened.” She takes a deep breath after rambling with answers for you.
You can see how scared she is just from thinking back on the memories. You feel really bad for her, it for sure fills you with worry. You are concerned about her safety.
“Okay, okay. Uh anything else both of you want to add?” He questions. Both of you shake your head slowly. “Okay, I will check on your restraining order file and I will check his information. I will work on it and will call you as soon as I get more clues.” You both stand up and thank him for everything.
You have been so quiet since both of you walked out of the station. No words escape from you. You sit on the passenger's seat silently, you are drawn too far in your notions about everything that happened today. You are still surprised with everything Lizzie said about Gwen, Benjamin and Damien.
The more you think about it the more you are wrapped in such agony, distress and fear that the psychos will get her hurt. You could care less about yourself. All you care about is her, and only her. She is all you have. Your chest feels tightened, your heart pounds and worry snaked through you. You are also angry with the situation, you curse Clint and whoever that is. Rage slowly fueled you.
“Honey, are you okay? You’ve been very quiet the whole time after we left the station.” She asks while she is focused on driving at the same time.
“Yes, I’m okay. How come you didn’t tell me that you met Gwen?” You ask in a low voice. “Well, I didn’t get the chance to tell you. I got home, we did the video and we hung out with Mitch and Aubrey. Then that psycho threw the brick. Do you think Oliver can help us figure out who the stalker is?” She answers then pitches a question right away, hoping you won’t talk about Gwen situation anymore.
Ignoring her question, you ask her once more. “Were you going to tell me about it? Be honest, Liz.”
"Honey, there are more important things we need to talk about—" She is avoiding to answer but you interrupt her as you plead. "Liz, please."
She takes a deep breath. "No, I wasn't but I have my reason. I don't want you to freak out and get all panicked or worried more about my safety. Turns out, I was right. You got all panicked and worried about me."
You scoff. "Of course, I got all worried. I love you and you are all I have. Who wouldn't be all worried when they find out that their girlfriend's life is in danger caused by a freaking psycho from the past? I didn't even know anything about him. Were you even going to tell me about him?"
She takes a glance at you then back to the road, she nods slowly. “Yes, I was going to tell you about Damien. The moment Gwen told me it wasn’t her or Benjamin, I know I have to tell you about him. Now, you know about him. I promise there will be no more surprises from my past. I hide nothing from you. I’m sorry.” You notice her remorse on her face.
“It’s okay, love. I’m sorry. I’m just so scared of losing you. I’m terrified that they will come and do something bad to you or get you hurt. Clint is a psycho and threatened me to hurt you just to hurt me and to know the fact there is someone crazier that will do anything to get you, I’m not gonna lie Liz, it scared the shit out of me. Everything is just one thing after another. We just can’t have a break. I just want a happy life with you.” You ramble again, then covering your face. Your voice starts to break. You shove your hair back off your face and breathe hard.
“Y/n, sweetie, calm down please. Take a deep breath. Everything is gonna be okay. You know what—” She multitasks between driving and calming you down as she tries to rub your back. As soon as an idea pops in her mind, she quickly makes a U-turn.
“Liz, where are we going? Our house is the other way.” You ask in confusion. “I’m taking you somewhere you need to be. Trust me, y/n.” She focuses on driving you as fast as she can. You nod in agreement. You trust her. She holds your hands and rubs the back of your hand lovingly with her thumb.
She pulls into the parking lot and parks her car. “Okay, we are here. Let’s go, babe.” She smiles at you and kisses your hand before she gets out then goes to your door. You ask her as soon as she opens the door for you. “Love, why did you take me here?” Your stressful mind slows your brain and you can’t even decipher why she took you here.
“Trust me, y/n. Just come with me, please.” She offers you her open right hand, you oblige and take her hand. She helps you get out of the car. Both of you walk to the building hand in hand. Her fingers entwine softly with yours and she smiles at you as if it reminds you that she will always be by your side no matter what happens.
Both of you walk in and she talks to the front desk. She gets you a spot in the corner so it will be more private for both of you.
As you two are finally standing on the corner spot, she grabs a golf club and hands it to you. All you do is just look at her. “Lizzie, darling. I–I’m not in the mood to play.” She pressed her lips and tilted her head with her loving green eyes looking at you. “Who said that I want you to play? I want you to hit the balls. Like you always do when you are upset, sad or stressed. You have been through a lot and are very stressed lately. I believe it has been a while since the last time you were here to hit your emotions on those golf balls..” She tries to convince you.
That’s when it hits you. You were too stressed out lately, too busy thinking about all of them and you don’t remember that you usually do this to vent out. Everything has been too much for you that it almost broke you but you are grateful that you have the beautiful green eyed blonde woman that you love. She loves you so much that she remembers and helps you go through everything together. You are still here because of her. You look at her absentmindedly.
“Y/n, are you ready?” She pushes the golf club into your hand. “Uh-y-yes, love.” You take it in your hand. “Remember, y/n. Hit the balls and let everything out. Don’t hold back. Trust me, it will help.” She reminds you again as she slowly walks back, giving you the space and time you need for yourself.
You start to hit the first ball, then you hit the second ball harder. Your mind starts to replay everything that happened. From your mom’s death, Clint and what he did to her also what he did in her funeral. You remember his voice threatened you that he would hurt Lizzie, how he tried to run you over. Every hit you do to the next ball gets harder and harder as you also remember the paparazzi and the stalker, how close he was to hurt Lizzie a few times. All the creepy words printed on the letter and also the pictures. Your breath quickened. Hitting the ball as hard as you can has become your mission at this moment.
You grunt every hit. Your sadness, fear and anger starts to melt in one pot of your emotions. Your flesh prickled and your skin crawled thinking how disgusted you are of that stalker. You are so scared of losing Lizzie that rage swept over you. Your grief of your mom’s death hurts you. At this point, you hit the ball faster and aimlessly. The more you hit the more emotional you are. Tears start to flow slowly from the corner of your eyes. Your hands are shaking from all emotion and it even starts to hurt your hand from the impact of how hard you hit the balls many times in such short periods.
Your throat thickened with sobs. You bit back a scream, every breath you take feels like thousands of knives stab your heart over and over and over. Lizzie’s eyes got teary seeing the state you are in right now. Your hands start to feel numb and you slow your movement. You still try to hit more balls but your emotion starts to drain you out. You feel like you are in a spinning labyrinth where all the walls are closing in. Your mind turns fuzzy, your visions blur from tears pooling up in your eyes once more make you miss the ball and it upsets you even more. You try to hit and you miss it again and again. Until you give up and you fall on your fours crying with your head hanging low but you haven’t realized yet that you start to feel lighter.
Lizzie comes to you and kneels down with you, you flinch as soon as you feel her touch land on you. She tries once more to touch your back, slowly rubs your back when she notices you are okay with her touch. She then pulls you into her tight comforting hug. “Sssttt. It’s okay. It’s okay, sweetie. I’m here. Take a deep breath. Everything is gonna be okay. We have each other, I love you so much.” She whispers to you. You can feel her breathing and her whispers at the same time, creating a blanket of support and love you needed the most. You are sobbing silently on her shoulder, being the most vulnerable that other people never knew before.
After a little time passed, you finally calmed down. You take a deep breath once more and sniffle. “Feel better?” She asks as she keeps stroking your hair lovingly. She feels you nod slowly and weakly. You pull away from her hug and you look at her. She smiles at you as both of her hands cup your cheeks. Her thumbs wipe your tears away. Then kiss your forehead.
“Ready to go home?” She asks with her soothing voice. “Yes, I want to go home with you.” You reply. “Let’s go.” She stands up shortly before helping you to stand up and give you a bottle of water.
As she is driving home, you feel so much better and lighter. “Lizzie darling, thank you so much.” You look at her in huge gratitude. “You are welcomed, I know it has been a while since the last time you hit the balls like crazy there because you were jealous of me being with Robbie.” She tries to tease you.
“What? I wasn’t jealous at that time.” You deny it right away. She tilts her head as she rolls her eyes playfully. “Seriously? We are dating now and you still don’t want to admit it? Just admit it.” She teases you more. “Okay, okay. I was, just a little bit though.” You half heartedly admit it.
“Oh yeah? Tell that to those poor golf balls you hit that day. I wish I could find them so you can tell them.” She nonchalantly reacts to your answer and you laugh because of what she said. The laugh is contagious and she laughs with you. You never get enough of her laughing sounds that fill your ears and warm your heart. “Well, at least I was only jealous once. You? Hmm let me count how many times you got jealous?” You tease her back as you use your finger to pretend to count it. “Emma, Aaron, Gwen aaand Alice.” You mentioned the names slowly.
“Well, I’m not proud of that but yes I admit that.” She admits it at ease followed by her scrunches her nose. You look at her in adoration.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, she calls you. “Sweetie.” You hum as your answer. “I was just thinking, since your house is not safe anymore and I don’t want us to be apart just to be safe, do you want to move in with me?”
You look at her in surprise but joy fills you like sunshine. “Yes, of course! I would love for us to live together. That way I can make sure you are safe too.” A smile lays across you and her face.
“I love you.” She said.
“I love you too, Liz.”
Ch. 63
A/n: Welp, I hope this chapter was worth the wait! Let me know what you think! Reblogs, likes, comments, and feedback are appreciated! Follow me for more! See you!
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