#and for ultimate cozy bakery au is up there
bigmammallama5 · 3 months
ao3 gonna be down? no problem! (any supercorp fics you can rec to download durin' this time? and any fave fics of yours to suggest? i've read all your stuff and i gotta be picky for my poor phone memory lmao)
<33333 you are very sweet thank you for attempting to trust my terrible memory LOL but my brain has been all over the place in terms of writing and reading the past year, so forgive me for this vague and generic answer.
I guess that depends on what you're in the mood for! I know we all love the big writers (Jazz, Jill, Thorned Rose, I know I'm missing names please forgive my broken brain) so maybe pick a handful there that are either a oneshot or long form for some variety? I know I personally have some ranging from single chapter oneshots to multi-chapter, I think the others do too. The zine when it was running introduced some nice fics as well, that's a roster to still check out though I'm not sure if some of those authors still write. I will say there were a lot of nice fics from the last big bang too last summer! Definitely go look through there and pick out a couple if you want to stay occupied for a few hours. There was also a recent event Supergirl Mayhem this spring that was more than supercorp but looked like a lot of fun! I know it's a broad answer but I struggle picking favorites and I know there are a lot of not-as-well-known authors out there who write bangers.
If anyone following me has a favorite comfort supercorp fic please drop the title/author in the notes!
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ronnieiswriting · 3 years
Sweet Dreams- Boxer!Paz x Baker!Freader
Inspired by the events of Foul (following straight after) and the Boxer Din AU created and written by the wonderful, amazing, brilliantly talented @djarinsbeskar! WC: 1,641 Tags: 18+, mentions of smut, its a smutty AU ya'll know the drill, sickeningly sweet fluff I have been driven to write this to deal with all my Paz thots- it will become very clear that I make up for the fact that I can't write hot smut by writing the softest shit. Excuse the lack of editing, also, its quite the mess x
After Din had stormed off with his “not-girlfriend” at Avika, Paz was more than ready to go home right then and there, thoroughly unwanting to deal with the feral frenzy that Din had stirred up in and out the ring. But there was no doubt that there would be more calls for blood. And even if that weren’t the case- even if Din wasn’t on the lists tonight- Paz had to stay.
It was his job after all. And one he enjoyed more often than not.
But when he thought about you, Paz’s priorities became trivial- like dust in the wind.
He hadn’t been dating you for long but he already knew that he was in deep. To Paz, you were the one that hung the stars in the sky; you, a hardworking baker with a smile that made his heart ache and hips that made his cock twitch. It was love, the realest he’d ever found, and every day he swore his gratitude to whatever force had sent him to you.
It was almost a taunt to watch Din leave Avika with his “not-girlfriend” tucked into his side- he’d been disqualified from any more fights that night but he couldn’t look any less content about it- when Paz had to stay behind with nothing but the thoughts of you waiting for him back at his place to keep him company.
To pass a bit of time between the words that were being exchanged between Boba and Din’s opponent’s trainer, Paz checked his phone- his mood instantly brightened when he saw a notification from you.
From: Sugar Cookie💖
Hey babe, I just got home. Did you feed Kitty yet? He’s begging me for food rn but I know he’s probs got a full belly and is just being a little gobble guts lol. sent 4:13am
I gave him a tinyyy bit of kibble to hold him over in case you didn’t. Kitty knows I can’t resist him. Sorry for messaging you at work btw. I know you’re busy xx Love you xx sent 4:19am
Paz checked the current time. 5:30am. Shit. He must’ve missed the buzz of the notification amidst the chaos. Usually, your shifts at the bakery ended closer to midnight but he knew you to be a hard worker, proud of the bakery you ran by yourself, and always likely to get caught up in a task until it was done to a high standard. It was just another thing for Paz to love about you.
His thumbs hovered over the reply box; you had probably already gone to bed, exhausted from your own long day of work. He couldn’t bring himself to disturb you but he pushed past that doubt a second later, typing out a response, softened when he reread your messages about his kitten.
“Vizsla!” Boba’s voice pulled him back into reality. “Are you listening at all? This does concern you.”
Paz managed an easy half-lie, fingers tapping away as he switched contacts and began typing another message, “I’m sending Din a text- trying to figure out what started all this.”
When Paz finally did get home it was pushing 8am. Expecting to find you curled up in his bed, comfortably asleep, he was shocked to see you as soon as he opened the door to his apartment. You were propped up against a wall of cushions on his couch with a book resting in your lap and his kitten snoozing on your chest. Head thrown back and peacefully still, he could tell you were fast asleep.
Just the sight of you, the shape of your body outlined by the drape of the blanket that was thrown over you, your features illuminated by the warm light of the lamp, the splay of your hair over the pillows- just looking at you relieved him of so much of the stress he had carried home. His eyes traced over your form, picking out the dip and curve of your hips, and he was struck again with the amount of love he had for you. He still couldn’t believe how quickly he had developed such deep feelings for you but that fact made them no less sincere. The softness and simple intimacy (whether that be primarily sexual or emotional) that your company alone promised never ceased to amaze him.
Trying to be as quiet as he could manage, Paz shut the door behind him, put his backpack down by the door, and crossed the room to kneel down at your side. He considered leaving you there for the rest of the night- if he did he could go take a nap and then come back and wake you up by eating you out before making you breakfast- but ultimately he wanted to, needed to sleep next to you… and he couldn’t manage that on the couch.
He got the best sleep when you stayed the night, your chest made a far better pillow and your arms though relatively small provided him with so much warmth that he would be more than content to sleep without any covers (which happened sometimes when you hoarded the blankets).
Paz let out a silent sigh and reached out to stroke the hair away from your face. You stirred in response and he leaned in to press a kiss to your nose, “Hey, baby, it’s just me.”
You let out a soft moan, eyes scrunching up before blinking open, looking up at him blearily, “Paz~”
His heart could have burst at the sound of your gentle voice laden with sleep. Carefully so as not to disturb your place, Paz eased the book from your fingers. The exhaustion was palpable on your face, the weight of many hours of work pulling at the edges of your eyes. “I thought you’d be in bed by now.”
You eased yourself up on the cushions, one hand bracing the kitten against your chest. “I wanted to stay up for you. I didn’t mean to doze off.” Fuck. Paz was slipping his arms under you faster than you could process and when he stood you were tucked against his chest, kitten, blanket and all. You didn’t even seem bothered by the shift, curling your fingers into the neckline of his shirt. The simple touch drove him wild- the burn of your warm skin against his throat like a blowtorch- and the fact that you seemed oblivious to that only made him ache for you more.
When he had gotten you halfway to the bedroom you spoke again in that voice that threatened sleep, “I would've been able to stay up for you if I didn’t have to spend three hours on a last minute order for a wedding cake.”
Paz opened the door with his hip. “You don’t have to say yes to every job you know.”
“I know- but the couple was so sweet, I couldn’t say no. Plus they paid me double and half on top because of the short notice.”
He laid you out on the bed and replaced the throw blanket with his thick quilt, kitten moving to curl up beside your head on the pillow. The comfortable setting was luring you quickly to sleep again but you were still determined to see him next to you before you shut your eyes again fully. When he didn’t immediately join you, you frowned.
Paz eased the crease in your brow with a kiss there, “Don’t pout, sweetheart. I just gotta take a shower.” He could have skipped one for now, knowing you wouldn’t protest his sweaty skin, but he wanted to be rid of the flecks of blood that had stuck to him, everything that had stuck to him from that ring, before he touched you. You started to protest but Paz silenced you with a searing kiss to your lips, “I won’t be long, I promise.”
If he had thought you would be back asleep by the time he finished he was fooling himself. You scooched backwards on the mattress and petted the space you made in front, “come here.”
Paz went willingly, instantly. He eased back the covers and shuffled in next to you, clad only in a pair of boxers, hands instantly finding your skin to greedily palm the warmth that radiated from you. You cozied up to him just as naturally, arms wrapping around his neck so that he could tuck his face against the crook of your neck. With the covers pulled over the both of you, Paz felt surrounded by your presence and it calmed any remaining stress he had.
Although he had reprimanded Din for taking a violent approach to defending a woman’s honor, Paz couldn’t deny the fact that he’d be just as likely to take a similar action if anyone spoke about you like that- just thinking about those vile, entitled words directed at you made his jaw clench subconsciously. And yet just as soon as that anger stirred up in him, it dissipated again, soothed by the thump of your heart against his chest and the delicate fan of air you puffed over his damp skin.
He was reminded of the first time he told you he loved you; not long ago, in the middle of a good hard fuck when he had you by the hip, lost in the emotion of your eyes to the point where his confession had come out as a babble that became a mantra that he punctuated with each thrust of his hips. You had been on the verge of tears then, overstimulated and shaking, when you returned the words to him from your own lips: I love you too.
“I love you.” Paz whispered.
You snuggled against him tighter, a sleepy sigh escaping you when his hands ran up and down your sides. “I love you too.”
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autumnsoulcakes · 3 years
A Holiday Fic Review - Flour, water, salt, yeast, love
One of the little things I wanted to do this year was read more fanfic (especially since I finally made my own AO3 account), and since I hadn’t read anything in a while, I decided to start with my first ever fandom - The Legend of Zelda. School being school and me being an elastic ball of stress I figured I’d look for something on the light, happy side, with a few deeper elements and maybe a bit of holiday flavoring. Oh boy did I get lucky because I found @zeldaelmo‘s botw fic “Flour, water, salt, yeast, love” off the bat.
It’s a Zelink advent calendar fic (if you aren’t familiar with the concept, it updates once a day each day of the advent season) set in a bakery AU. As of posting this it hasn’t wrapped up yet, so if you want to jump in and binge it before the last few chapters come out, here’s the AO3 summary:
“As a regular in Link's bakery, Zelda asks him for a favor for Hylia's day. A mistake leads to them fake-dating until at end of the holidays neither of them knows what is fake and what is real anymore.”
It’s cute, fluffy, cozy and warm, and if straight fluff isn’t your cup of tea (or coffee with whipped cream), there are some highly engaging mystery elements that I wouldn’t dare spoil, but that revolve around Link and Zelda’s backstories (I’m beyond excited to see how it’s all resolved). The prose is also excellent, and if you’re picky about fic grammar you’ll never need to worry. So that’s the gist; if I’ve piqued your interest already, click here to read it on AO3. But if you need a little more detail, read on. 
(Spoilers herein)
The fic takes place in a modernized Hyrule with a religious holiday called “Hylia’s Day” that involves a traditional pastry called a loftwing’s nest. Zelda’s family expects her to be the oh-so-perfect daughter (or perhaps she expects that of herself... hmm... ) and ask her to make the buns for the year’s festivities after mistakenly believing (as she convinced them) that the ones she brought last year were her own creations. 
She can’t source any from the bakery in time, and instead asks Link for some help with the recipe. Eventually he offers to write one for her, then to show her how to do it, and eventually to come with her to her parents’ and help her make them there. It all very quickly turns to fake-not-fake dating.
To begin gushing: oh my god the detail in this fic. It’s most evident in the baking. I’m almost certain you could reliably recreate your own loftwings’ nests just from the fic itself, but as it happens you don’t need to because...
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“Artemyss wrote me a comment that she had trouble imaging the Loftwing's nests. I plan to post a recipe for them at the end of the story, but since I already took photos of the baking process and results, I'll attach a pic to the end of this chapter for you all!”
And yes, they look as lovely as you might imagine.
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I really, truly don’t want to spoil anything more because I think the story’s progression and especially its most recent chapters are worth going into blind. Link and Zelda both feel like very hurt, flawed people who are at once incredibly endearing. One of my favorite parts of today’s chapter was that Zelda ends up agreeing to a certain extent (with a character who absolutely despises her) that she’s been fake. But that isn’t treated as a moral failure on Zelda’s part, though a significant number of characters think it is one. It’s treated as it is -- kind of shitty, not at all healthy, and ultimately, not her. 
I can’t wait to see how it all ends, and I hope I’ve convinced at least one person to check it out. Many thanks to @zeldaelmo for a wonderful advent. I hope you continue writing, and writing, and writing for many years to come. To the fandom, I hope you all have a merry Yule, a comfortable Christmas, and quiet New Years.
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tirednotflirting · 4 years
does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes?
baby’s first au whaaaaaat? 
special thank you to @clumsyclifford​ for linking the prompt list i got this idea from! this was the prompt (it was a whole slew of celebrity AUs: “wait, you’re supposed to be DEAD and i just recognized you at the grocery store, turns out you just didn’t want to be a celebrity anymore” au. bella is also writing one from this list and it’s one of my most favorite lashton things i have ever read, highly recommend, 10/10, i could yell about hello, hello for ages omg
also here is the ao3 link if that’s your preferred way to read :)  
There are few things that bring Luke as much joy as his Friday night (well, Saturday morning, really) grocery trips.
He had started working the night shift at the nurses’ desk at the children’s hospital about a year prior after graduating. He had found the job through the friend of a friend of a friend who was a nurse herself and mentioned the job needed filling fast. Luke had never really considered the idea of a night job but ultimately the work wasn’t all too bad. He made coffee every couple of hours (he made an effort to never let the pot empty which got him lots of smiles from the nurses) and every once in awhile Lina, the 6 year old cancer patient whose room was just around the corner from the brightly colored desk, would wander out to ask him to check for monsters under her bed and to be tucked back in. It was pretty simple (and heartwarming) work.
However, staying up through the night for 5 nights a week made it damn near impossible to be awake during the day on his weekends off. Luckily enough for Luke, he had friends like Michael who tended to play video games all night despite working through the day (he stopped questioning how he managed it a long time ago) and his favorite grocery store was a 24 hour location.
The first time Luke had come to do his shop at around 2am, he had felt a little spooked by the parking lot and eerie silence in between Top 40 songs that played over the intercom in the store. But he soon grew to find the general atmosphere pretty calming and he made friends with the nighttime stocker (a guy named Calum who also never saw himself doing nighttime work but here they were) and it became something he really looked forward to on his Saturday (very early) mornings.
He arrives at the store just a bit after 1am. He just finished ‘a late breakfast’ (he still always finds himself giggling at the concept of eating meals at opposite points in the day as everyone else despite the obvious logic to the schedule) and has a list tucked into the pocket of his sweats. It’s a little chilly out so he grabs the first sweater he sees on the backseat - a blue cardigan - since he knows they also keep the store pretty cool in the night to make sure everybody stays awake through their shift.
As he grabs one of the smaller carts as he heads into the store, he feels his phone buzzing in his pocket. He pulls out his list first and drops it into the baby seat of the cart and then grabs his phone. Luke’s faced with the wild selfie Michael set for his profile picture and he rolls his eyes as clicks the icon to answer the call.
“What’s up, Mikey?” he answers as he starts pushing the cart in the direction of the produce section. 
“You at the store yet?” Luke can hear the clicking of the buttons on the controller in Michael’s hands.
“Yeah, just got in. You need anything?”
Michael then rambles off a short list that Luke jots down into his notes app since he doesn’t have a pen or anything with him. He assures his friend he’ll come drop off the odd collection of snacks and things (“They have to be the dinosaur shaped ones. I swear Luke they do taste better.”) once he finished up his shop of real groceries.
Luke wanders around the produce, picking out what fruits and veggies he wants to have around for the week. He takes his time finding the apples without the bruises, bananas that will be the perfect amount of ripe by midweek, some leafy bunches for the salad he’s been assigned to bring for the breakroom potluck on Tuesday. He’s checking out some strawberries that he thinks might be nice to toss into the mix too when a human sized figure appears in the corner of his vision.
It’s a man around his size (in similar cozy clothes) facing away from him. He’s got hair the opposite color to Luke’s bleached blonde. His messy black curls are pulled back into a tiny bun that mirrors Luke’s own. The other man is broad and has a tattoo of a bird across the back of his neck, just barely visible above the collar of a faded blue sweatshirt. The tattoo is one that seems oddly familiar to Luke, as though it belongs to someone he knows. The man begins to wander off toward the bakery section of the store though and Luke shrugs off the recognition, figuring it might be someone he’s seen around a waiting room in the hospital at some point. He settles on some strawberries and starts pushing his cart in the direction of the deli and meats.
As he stares at the different packages of chicken and breakfast sausages, he can’t help but think back on the man he saw though. There was something achingly familiar about him, and more than just the tattoo. He can’t shake the thought for some reason and finds himself jumping in surprise when he feels his phone buzz once again in his pocket. 
He doesn’t even have to look to the screen to know that it’s Michael calling again to add something to his list. In fact, he happens to even know the items that his friend failed to mention the first time he called. Luke presses the accept button and lifts the phone to his ear.
“Froot Loops and the character shaped fruit snacks?”
“The superhero ones, if they have them please!”
Luke continues around the store, grabbing all the bits from his list (and Michael’s 12 year old boy list) and eventually lands in the dairy section. He grabs the yogurt he’s been mixing granola into for breakfast lately and some butter for the cookies his mom sent him a recipe for. Only thing left in terms of food is cereal milk and coffee milk (2% and oat, respectively, of course). When he looks up from the list to make his way over to the fridges containing the plethora of milks, he is faced once again with the familiar stranger. 
Except this time, as he catches just the briefest glimpse of the man’s face, of his hazel eyes and strong jawline, he realizes this isn’t a stranger. Very much not a stranger. It’s Ashton Irwin, the host of at least three of those reality dating shows he forces Michael to watch with him on the weekends since he can’t watch them when they air live on Monday and Tuesdays. 
Or, well, he was the host of all of those shows until about two months ago.
Because Ashton Irwin has been dead for two months due to a freak heart attack while on vacation on some remote island.
Luke glances away from him for a moment in a panic. Has he completely lost it? Have the late nights finally gotten to him and he’s starting to actually see things that don’t exist? Was Calum right all along and the store really is haunted? (Though it's a little lost on him why a star TV host would want to haunt a grocery store. And not even a good one like that Whole Foods in Downtown.)
Then he realizes that perhaps he was just wrong. (Though now that he thinks about it, he very much remembers liking an Instagram picture of that tattoo on Ashton Irwin’s account a couple years back.) He’s far enough down the aisle from him that he can chance a look at the man without being caught. So, slowly, Luke turns again just slightly to look toward him.
It’s the hair that left him not immediately making the recognition. His hair has been dyed black, a stark contrast to his signature dark red but definitely a change that likely doesn’t draw as much attention. The sweatshirt he’s paired with black skinny jeans is pretty baggy and it’s a damn shame because Luke knows he has the arms of a god.
(Something Luke knows from the tabloid covers he glances at from time to time at the pharmacy and the summer version of the show that Ashton hosted, of course. He most definitely has never searched up his name + ‘biceps’ before. Never.)
But despite the obvious attempt to match the look and aesthetic of ‘2am grocery shopper’ he's still very unmistakably Ashton Irwin.
As Luke grapples with this new knowledge that apparently this person he thought was dead is not dead and also apparently goes to the same grocery as him, he fails to notice that Ashton has turned to face him and that he is still staring at him in shock. 
Very quickly, Ashton’s face comes to mirror Luke’s expression and he’s rushing toward the blonde in a state of terror. 
“Please don’t say anything,” he gasped in a hushed voice. The accent similar to his own that Luke has grown used to hearing on his TV sticks out some in his panicked words.
“How? I - uh? Are you,” Luke trips over every syllable that comes out of his mouth as he attempts to let his brain wrap around the situation. “Are you a ghost?”
The feared look of the black haired man actually fades some as he lets a quiet giggle escape (a very cute giggle, if Luke is being honest). “I’m, uh, not a ghost. No. Though I guess that does kind of accurately explain what I’m trying to be.”
Now Luke is even more confused. Based on the statement, he obviously wasn’t making up all of the tabloid stories he had seen about Ashton dying but something isn’t adding up to the present moment. “I don't-”
“Listen, if you’re going to go tell the press, can you at least give me like,” he glances down at his phone screen displaying the time. “2 hours to get back out to my friend’s place where I’ve been hiding?”
It’s now Luke’s turn to laugh. “You do realize if I go to some paparazzi or something and tell them I saw deceased Ashton Irwin wandering around my grocery store trying to decide between hazelnut and cashew milk they would just laugh in my face, right?”
The statement causes Ashton to look down at his hands to the milks in his hands. He sighs down at the cartons before tossing both of them in the cart. “Guess you’re not really wrong.”
“Is someone pulling some kind of long-winded, over the top prank on me right now? Am I being punk’d?” Luke asks, his head tilting some in a way that would normally have Michael making fun of him for the child-like behavior. “Because I know for a fact that I am not worth that much effort.”
The questions have Ashton smiling a bit again and Luke suddenly finds himself wanting to say increasingly dumb things so long as it’ll keep the hazel-eyed man smiling. “No, no. Not at all. I just,” his smile falters some, leaving his lips still turned up but his eyes drop some. “I started to get a little sick of the world and the world started getting a bit sick of me, I think.” Luke wonders if Ashton knew just how heavy his words feel.
He scoffs then, as if hearing Luke’s silent question. “Wow, sorry that was really dramatic,” Ashton shakes his head a bit before continuing. “Hi, I’m Ashton.”
Luke looks down to the tanned arm being stretched out toward him. He lifts a hand from his shopping cart and wraps it around Ashton’s. “I’m Luke.”
Ashton brightens again as he shakes his hand. “Well, Luke, you’re the first person other than my current landlord of sorts that I’ve come across since literally dying in the eyes of the media. So I guess I owe you an explanation? Since it seems like you’re familiar with that media viewpoint?”
Ashton moves to start pushing his cart in the direction of another area of the store but peers over his shoulder and gestures with his head to follow him. Luke quickly reaches into the fridge on his left to grab the rest of his dairy before catching up to him. “Well, you really don’t owe me anything. I don’t know you beyond what I see of you on my TV screen,” Luke wonders then if maybe he should have played it a bit cooler and not told the cute, presumed dead TV star that he watches his shows. “But I am a bit confused by whatever is going on and would like to hear anything you’re willing to share.”
“Cute and polite,” Ashton muses, avoiding Luke’s eye as he continues forward toward the packaged food aisles. “You’re already checking boxes, Luke.”
Some kind of intelligible noise falls from Luke’s lips as he feels a blush rush up to his cheeks because he’s flirting with him. Ashton only laughs and starts his story.
“Well Luke, you seem to be aware of what I did for a living up until about 2 months ago. I’ve been doing this job for like, about 5 years and before every new season of anything, there’s all these big network and programming meetings about production and filming and such. And every single time, I get hounded by our ratings people because I apparently don’t do enough to instigate and promote drama. Like my contract was getting threatened like three times a year because rather than trying to make peoples’ lives miserable, I just want to help them fall in love.
“And so at this particular meeting, about two and half months ago, just before the ‘accident’,” he punctuates the word with air quotations. “I got the boot. Ratings from the previous season were down by 3% and all of the uppers decided it was because of my congeniality and not the fact that the guy they chose for the season was a complete dick.
“So that night I have to host the red carpet stuff for an awards show. And I’m talking with all these glittery people who also do TV work and it suddenly hits me, harder than it ever has before, that every single person I’m speaking to would never even bother to smile in my direction if they didn’t know who I was. If I was just a plain old guy, the kind of guy I was back in school before I signed on to the shows, they probably wouldn’t pay me a single bit of kindness. So I decided, right then, as I was talking to some Grey’s Anatomy actor, that I wanted to get out.”
He turns into the chip aisle then, and Luke follows close behind. “You decided you wanted to step away from television and your first idea was to fake your own death?”
Ashton laughs as he reaches for a couple tubes of Pringles. “It was more than that,” he starts as he tosses the tubes into the cart. “I wanted to escape celebrity all together, not just the world of television. A friend from back home that I would trust with my life had this cabin kinda out in the middle of nowhere in this forest and he only ever uses it for like, two weeks in the summer and said I could camp out there until I find a way to get back to Australia undetected to live at the house I bought over there a few years ago. My manager helped with all the media stories and such. And two months later, here we are.”
“That’s insane,” Luke shakes his head as he speaks, reaching for his own tube of Pringles as he realizes it's been quite awhile since he got his hand stuck in a Pringle tube so why not?
“The journey is a bit wild, I will agree, Luke, but the life I’m living right now is much more enjoyable than faking it every damn day.”
Luke shakes his head (and ignores the fluttery feeling he keeps getting when Ashton says his name). “No, I mean it’s insane that I am somehow the first person that’s caught you.”
Ashton’s brows perk up at the statement. “Oh yeah no, I’m also pretty surprised by that. Figured I would have had to pay off a lot of people by now to keep them quiet.”
They’ve both pushed their carts up toward the self check out how and start scanning away at their items. Luke looks up halfway through his cart and catches Calum giving him a look from a little ways away. He’s got a suggestive look on his face. But thankfully it's one that reads much more as “ohhh Luke is talking to a boy” rather than “ohhh there’s a celebrity in my store”. Plus Luke knows Calum wouldn’t be the type to go rushing to media people to out the presence of dead celebrities in his grocery store at 2am so he chooses to subtly flip him off before reaching for the next item in his basket.
They’re both about done scanning and bagging up their groceries when Luke starts to realize he really...doesn’t want this little bit of time he’s spent with Ashton to end yet. And given his lack of normal human interaction during daylight hours as of recently, he’s a bit out of practice on the whole asking someone to extend a conversation beyond the grocery store aisles. He drops his bags back into his cart to roll back out to his car and as he watches Ashton perform the same action the words just sort of leap from his mouth. “Hey do you, uh, have anywhere to be right now?”
Ashton gently places a bag containing some produce into his cart before turning to Luke, a teasing smirk resting on his lips. “Luke, it’s 2am and I’m presumed dead to everyone but about 4 people,” he catches that Luke still looks somewhat nervous (something he would later reflect on to tell him just how damn cute it was) and continues. “So I’ve got just about all the time in the world.”
“Want to come to mine for lunch? We could make something and watch a show or keep chatting or something?” he asks, tentatively. 
He watches as Ashton’s face shifts a bit, obviously confused by some part of what Luke’s just said. “Why would you ask if I’m free now if you were wanting to make lunch plans?”
Luke realizes his request requires some explanation for people that live during normal human hours. “Oh, because I have lunch at about 3am. Because I work nights. So right now feels like,” he pauses a moment, trying to decide and calculate what time this would have been for him before taking his job. “It feels like about 11am-ish for me right now. So close to lunch time.”
They’re out in the parking lot now and Ashton just stops for a moment beside Luke in the middle of the lot and looks up at him for a moment, a smile spreading across his face, his dimples, ones that Luke had grown used to seeing on his TV screens over the last few years, increasingly deepen. “Lunch sounds nice.”
Ashton follows Luke back to his apartment (and to the brief stop he makes at Michael’s where he ignores the comments about the man parked in the car behind his) and they park in the garage, carrying their groceries in their arms up to his unit. They each deposit their cold and frozen items into Luke’s fridge and he pours them each a glass of water as Ashton takes a seat at his kitchen counter. Luke sips from his glass as he watches Ashton glance around his kitchen and living room.
“I try to keep it cozy,” Luke explains as he reaches into a cabinet for a couple pots and pans. He migrates over to his sink to fill a pot with water to boil. “Needed it when I first started the working at night thing and I needed to find a way to force myself to sleep when the sun was up. Gonna make some pasta and chicken thing, that cool?”
Ashton smiles warmly from his place at the counter. “Sounds lovely. You mind if I use that?” he points to the opposite corner of the space where a black Keurig machine sits. “I don’t often do this whole living like normal in the night thing.”
Luke laughs at the comment on being nocturnal. “Go for it.” 
He turns back to the pan of chicken, chopping it up and moving it around some before turning to a different burner and tossing in a few things to make a garlic sauce. He can make maybe two things that qualify as meals rather than just large portioned snacks so he’s opted for one of those since he so rarely has company. 
“What do you do then that’s got you up all through the night?” Ashton asks as he opens the cabinet above the coffee machine pulling down a bright yellow mug. The color suits him, Luke thinks. “You work in tech support or something?”
“Thankfully very far off from that,” Luke starts with a giggle. “I’m absolute garbage with computers. I work the nurses’ desk for the recovery wing at one of the children’s hospitals. It’s a lot of checking and distributing charts, ordering things for the nurses, talking to parents when they want more logistical updates on their child’s care there. Sometimes I get to help entertain the kids who get to go out and about. Yesterday I let them request songs to play for awhile and then we had show and tell.”
“God, you’re like something out of some cheesy movie, huh?”
Luke turns to see Ashton smiling up at him, his arms crossed at his chest as he leans against the counter to face him, the coffee machine whirring to life behind him. Luke bites at his cheek to avoid an entirely too large smile to spread across his face though he knows he can’t help the blush painting it’s way across his nose and cheeks. “It’s a good job. Even worth the whole graveyard shift situation.”
Ashton grimaces at the end of Luke’s reply. “Night shoots used to kick my ass. There is nothing in the world more terrifying than slightly drunk women in hot pink crying over some complete asshole rejecting them after a cocktail party at 2am.”
“Was there anything about it that you liked, though?” Luke asks after he turns down the heat to let the sauce simmer for a bit. He watches Ashton stir some milk into his mug that he retrieved from the fridge.
“Of course,” Ashton answers quickly, in a tone that projects honesty rather than just being used to answering the question. “I got to travel to places I would have never made it to otherwise, meet people that I considered heroes growing up, provide for myself and my family. And for a while that’s why I just dealt with the bull shit. But I started to realize I was working my ass off for all of that good stuff I was getting. That I didn’t have to deal with things in exchange for those things that were mine because of my work.”
Luke isn’t quite sure what to respond to that. Because he’s right, the logic is obvious and sound on all of it. As he’s trying to formulate a response though, Ashton cuts in again. “Though I guess maybe that’s a pretty privileged logic I-”
“No, don’t,” Luke cuts him off. “You shouldn’t justify the unfair parts of your job like that. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your own values about the way people should be interacting with one another for the sake of drama for good TV ratings. You don’t owe anything to anyone who doesn’t actually give a shit about you as a person. I’ve known you for like two hours and it already just baffles me why someone wouldn’t want to know who you are behind the stage makeup and scripted lines.”
He watches as Ashton lifts the mug to his lips, pink cheeks peeking out from each side (he wonders if the change in color comes from the heat of the mug or the words he’s just said). He lowers the mug and his lips lift into a lazy smile. “See now I’m starting to wonder if I’m actually dead. Your kindness is angelic.”
Luke hasn’t a single clue how to respond to that so he gives the hazel-eyed man a small smile before returning to his saucepan. Ashton shifts the conversation then, asking Luke more about his job before telling him about the gardening he’s taken up since being stuck out in the middle of nowhere on his own. He shows Luke pictures of his herb garden and points out each one as he names it. As he starts putting food into bowls, Luke offhandedly mentions how he’s always wanted to grow lavender but tending to plants when you sleep through the sunshine makes gardening difficult. He drops a fork into a bowl and when he turns to hand it to Ashton, Luke watches as he hits the “Add to Cart” option on an Amazon page for lavender seeds. His heart does some kind of funny rhythm as butterflies burst in his chest. Their eyes meet as Ashton locks his phone and looks up to him. 
“Pretend you didn’t see that, I want it to be a surprise,” Ashton whispers between the two of them, his right eye winking up at Luke as he accepts the bowl.
“So this is going to be happening again then?” Luke muses as he grabs his own bowl and walks toward the living room. Ashton follows behind him. “I should plan for future early morning lunches with a dead celebrity?”
“I know it comes with some amount of risk for both of us but,” Ashton looks down toward his feet, scratching at the back of his neck as he tries to come up with the right way to phrase things. Luke turns to face him as he hears the hesitation in his voice. “I really want to see you again. This has been nice. And not just because you’re the first person I’ve spoken to other than my mother in two months. I...want to know you, Luke.”
Luke smiles tiredly, feelings the earliness of the hour in a way that he hasn’t in quite some time. He watches as Ashton’s fingers fidget with a string hanging from the end of his sweatshirt, obviously nervous about what he’s just admitted to the man he’s only just really met, still. Luke reaches forward for his hand, tangling their fingers together as he squeezes his palm against Ashton’s. It feels nice to be close to someone like this. It’s something he didn’t realize he was missing out on while only really living in the night.
“I think you’re worth the risk, Ashton.”
He watches as Ashton looks down to their intertwined hands, Luke’s eyes following to the same place. His hands are pale from the lack of much sunlight other than what he gets at sunset when he goes out to take his walk after waking. Ashton’s is warm and tanned, likely from the sun he gets from days in his secret garden hideout. He barely knows this man, apart from the apparently highly curated version he’s seen on screen. He wants to know the Ashton that speaks like sunshine and loves love enough to lose his job over. He wants to know the steps he knows he’s skipping in his story right now that led to him faking his own death. So it’s no surprise that the next words have him smiling bright enough to light up the early morning they found each other in. 
“I think we’re worth the risk, too.”
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rhetoricalrogue · 4 years
OTP Question Meme
I was tagged by @bimollymauks thank you!
Answering with my new Zoe/Mason Wayhaven pairing and also my favorite OC OTP, mine and @alittlestarling‘s Roz/Vincent
Leaving this as an open tag, so whoever would like to join in, please do!  Fingers crossed that my Read More cut works, as this is LONG.
Who is more likely to raise their voice?
Z/M: both, tbh. Zoe yells when she’s angry
R/V: depending on the situation, both, though Vincent goes deathly quiet when he’s truly upset.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
Z/M: neither. Zoe’s abandonment issues kick in like woah and it’s a line that Mason never crosses.
R/V: Vincent, but it’s not leave-leave, it’s more “I need some air, I’ll be back later” to deescalate an argument before someone says something hurtful they don’t mean. 
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
Z/M: N/A
R/V: Vincent, but he’s back in an hour or so after he’s cooled down.
Who trashes the house?
Z/M: not the house, but Zoe’s been known to vent her frustrations by throwing rocks into nearby bodies of water and scream if she’s at like Anger Level 11 on a 1-10 scale.
R/V: neither. Vincent would probably want to flip a table, but he doesn’t because he’d ultimately be the one to clean it up afterwards.
Do either of them get physical?
Z/M: Coming to blows? No. Shoving Mason out of her way (if he hasn’t already left yet) so she could storm out? Probably, but she retreats into her Touch Me Not mode, so that would only be if she felt cornered.
R/V: Absolutely not.
How often do they argue/disagree?
Z/M: rarely. They bicker and snark more than hold true arguments.
R/V: only when one feels the other is putting themselves in danger. They’ve grown up together for practically their entire lives, they’re pretty much of a same mind on many issues.
Who is the first to apologize?
Z/M: Zoe. “I’m sorry I was being an asshole” is a regular statement.
R/V: Vincent. He hates being at odds with Roz and is miserable if he can’t apologize and make things right between them.
Who is on top?
Z/M: either/or with Zoe barely creeping in on top more.
R/V: Vincent, but he loves it when Roz takes initiative.
Who is on bottom?
Z/M: either/or, depending on the mood
R/V: Roz, but it’s a 50-50 split
Any kinks?
Z/M: Yep
R/V: Absolutely. You know, it’s the quiet ones that surprise you.
Who has the strangest desires?
There’s nothing too strange for either pairing. Both are open for experimentation and the “try it once to see if we like it” mindset, but it’s also not like “is the NSA agent looking at my search history blushing?” variety either. 
Who’s dominant in bed?
Equal opportunity for both pairings! 
Is head ever in the equation?
Z/M: Yes. Zoe texted Mason after not hearing from him for a few days with “Hey, I froze my ass off giving you a blowjob in the woods last week, answer your phone.”
R/V: Yes. It’s nice that it worked out that Vincent loves to give and Roz is enthusiastic about receiving.
If so, who is better at performing it?
Z/M: Mason, though he doesn’t complain at all when Zoe offers.
R/V: Vincent, since he’s had more practice during his “have casual sex with anyone with a pulse to get over Feelings” phase of pining over Roz.
Ever had sex in public?
Z/M: a few times
R/V: they’re Circle mages. It’s easier to name a place they haven’t had sex in, especially in the Sweethearts AU.
Who moans the most?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: They’re both quiet by default, but when they have the opportunity to be a couple out in the open? Vincent. 
Who leaves the most marks?
Z/M: Mason, purely because he heals up faster than either of them would like
R/V: Roz. It was a surprise to them both when they found out biting was a big turn-on for Vincent, so she uses it often. 
Who is the more experienced of the two?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: Vincent
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
Z/M: fuck, though they have some “oh shit, this got Emotional and I am NOT prepared to deal with this, WHAT DO I DO?” moments later on
R/V: make love
How long do they usually last?
Z/M: hot and heavy quickies to release all the pent up energy from the constant flirting banter they keep up, then a slower second round
R/V: quick and rushed during the day, but multiple slower sessions when they can be alone
Rough or soft?
Z/M: both
R/V: both, but more often soft
Is protection used?
Yes to both pairings
Does it ever get boring?
Yes and no to both. The whole intimacy thing where you can carry on a conversation or “oh hey, I remembered what I meant to tell you earlier” starts happening and sometimes sex is more scratching an itch than the whole soulful event. Then again, there’s those times when someone moves or does something different and “okay, so I didn’t know THAT was something we liked. Let’s do that again.” (idk, I have a lot of Feelings about couples and sex, see the sexlaughterhonesty posts @thesecondseal​ has)
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
Z/M: in an abandoned building Zoe used to go hang out in when she wanted to be alone as a teen
R/V: extremely late night rendezvous in Skyhold’s library. May or may not have happened in the same nook Dorian likes to frequent. Also may or may not have been 100% sure Solas was asleep downstairs.
Do they plan on having children/or have children?
Z/M: no. Zoe’s afraid of becoming her mother and focusing more on her work than her child and she never wants anyone to have to experience that.
R/V: yes. It’s an option that was never available to them before, but once it’s an avenue that they can actually think about, they would love to become parents.
If so, how many children do they want/have?
Z/M: none
R/V: they wind up with five, all named after flowers
Who likes to cuddle?
R/V: both. They’re both very touchy-feely by nature and always seem to gravitate towards the other when they’re doing something in the same room
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
Z/M: Mason, but it’s not like Zoe’s arguing either
R/V: Roz
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?
Z/M: both
R/V: Vincent
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
Z/M: for a while before an arm falls asleep and they need to move positions/one of them gets too hot
R/V: for pretty much forever, except in the summertime. They’re both walking furnaces (Vincent says Roz is like a tiny space heater) so it makes for uncomfortable hot weather snuggles
What is their favourite non-sexual activity?
Z/M: Hanging out together outside and enjoying the quiet/scenery, especially at night
R/V: gardening
Where is their favourite place to cuddle?
Z/M: in bed or on the sofa
R/V: wherever, whenever
Who snores?
Z/M: neither
R/V: Vincent, but very lightly. more of a slight rumble ever so often
If both do, who snores the loudest?
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
Z/M: separately. Bed sharing = commitment and this is supposed to be no strings fun
R/V: share a bed. Skyhold’s is the largest bed they’ve ever slept in, so there’s a lot of giggling and “I have crossed oceans of bedsheets to find you” jokes at first.
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
Z/M: N/A
R/V: starts cuddled together with Roz’s head on Vincent’s shoulder, but they move a lot during the night, sharing Big Spoon duties. Even if they wake up with both of them on their backs, they either have a foot touching a leg or holding hands.
What do they wear to bed?
Z/M: underwear & a t-shirt or nothing at all
R/V: dedicated PJs. Roz: nightgown/chemise or one of Vincent’s shirts, Vincent: sleep pants
Are either of them insomniacs?
Z/M: Zoe when something’s bothering her. Since Mason doesn’t technically need a lot of sleep, he doesn’t consider himself one.
R/V: Vincent, especially in the Sweethearts AU. Nightmares from his time conscripted into the Orlesian army keep him awake and afraid to sleep. 
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
Z/M: no
R/V: yes, in both powdered and potion form, though Vincent rarely uses them since he hates how sluggish he feels the next day (and they rarely give him dreamless sleep anyway)
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
Z/M: both
R/V: tangle of limbs
Who wakes up with bed hair?
Z/M: both, though Zoe tends to sleep with her hair in a braid most nights, so it’s not as bad as Mason’s
R/V: both, and it’s a tie as to who has the worse bed head most mornings
Who wakes up first?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: Vincent. He’s an early bird up before dawn and she’s more of a later morning riser
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
Z/M: breakfast is normally coffee at home with a croissant from the bakery for her, so Mason usually turns on the coffeemaker when he stays over or before he leaves in the morning
R/V: either, but usually Vincent since he’s awake before her
What is their favourite sleeping position?
Z/M: they claim they’re both knives, but Zoe is a Big Spoon who likes to wrap her leg over Mason’s hip
R/V: snuggled up with Roz’s head on Vincent’s shoulder/chest, but they wind up with Vincent curled around her (and with a mouthful of hair) or Roz doing the turtle backpack/jetpack when they do spoon.
Do they set an alarm each night?
Z/M: Zoe needs at least two alarms, but did away with one of them when Mason nearly threw her phone out of the room after it blared right in his ear.
R/V: both of them have pretty good internal alarm clocks and wake up at the same time every morning
Who has nightmares?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: both, but probably more on Vincent’s side
Can a television be found in their bedroom?
No for both
Who has ridiculous dreams?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: Roz, maybe
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: Vincent, purely because he’s taller
Who makes the bed?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: either, whoever winds up doing it first
What time is bed time?
Z/M: 11 to midnight, but she’s usually asleep closer to one in the morning, even without Mason showing up
R/V: either anywhere between 8 and 11 or so late it’s considered early because they’re both working and one of them manages to drag the other into bed. There is no in-between.
Any routines/rituals before bed?
Z/M: usual tooth brushing, changing clothes, Zoe’s half-assed attempt at a nighttime skincare routine. Zoe usually spends some time brushing her hair out since it’s been in a ponytail during the day and brushing tends to soothe the all day pull on her scalp.
R/V: tea by the fireplace, changing clothes, putting aside work. Roz likes to braid her hair before going to bed and sometimes Vincent will ask if he can brush it and braid it for her since the act is calming for both of them
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
Z/M: Zoe. Do not talk to her before her first cup of coffee.
R/V: Roz. Vincent is an automatic Ray of Sunshine first rattle out of the box and it’s a good thing she loves him as much as she does or else she may have killed him years ago.
Who is the busiest?
Z/M: it’s a pretty equal amount
R/V: either, depending on which AU we’re talking about and who’s Inquisitor (*trips and a thousand AUs spill out of my pockets*)
Who rakes in the highest income?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: *insert “You people are getting paid?” meme here*
Are any of them unemployed?
Who takes the most sick days?
None of them are likely to take sick days, unless they’re truly sick, and they’re all pretty healthy people aside from one or two seasonal colds per year
What are their jobs?
Z/M: Zoe’s Wayhaven’s detective and human liaison to the Agency. Mason is with Unit Bravo
R/V: one of them is the Inquisitor and the other is a companion/former Circle mage, depending on the AU. Vincent was ranked higher than Roz as an Enchanter pre-Inquisition  
Who sucks up to their boss?
None of them
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
Z/M: Zoe, but it’s rare
R/V: both are punctual 
Who stresses the most?
Z/M: both are cool as a cucumber on the outside, but internalize their stress, so who knows
R/V: Roz
Do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
They all like their jobs!
Are they financially stable?
Z/M: yes, though Zoe really, really wishes she made enough to afford a new car
R/V: Yes.
Who does the washing?
Z/M: the dishwasher. They take turns loading/unloading it
R/V: Roz does the washing, Vincent does the drying and putting away
Who takes out the trash?
Z/M: either
R/V: Vincent
Who does the ironing?
Z/M: Zoe, but only her clothes. Mason, but only his clothes.
R/V: Roz
Who does the cooking?
Z/M: is picking up or calling in for takeout considered “cooking”?
R/V: they like to cook together
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
Z/M: “Mason, it was ONE. Fucking. Time.” Zoe set the fire alarm off while trying to be domestic and Mason won’t let her live it down.
R/V: neither, they’re both pretty decent cooks
Who is messier?
Z/M: Maybe Zoe, she’s neat but she leaves things out sometimes just to irk Mason
R/V: both are pretty neat and don’t really make messes without straightening things up
Who leaves the toilet roll empty?
Z/M: neither
R/V: neither
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
Z/M: both, but it eventually gets picked up
R/V: both, if they’re really tired. Otherwise, there’s a hamper.
Who forgets to flush the toilet?
None of them
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
Z/M: neither
R/V: (Modern AU) neither, but sometimes keys are misplaced even though they have a dish on a hall table right when you walk in. 
Who answers the telephone?
Z/M: depends on who’s calling. Bobby gets an automatic ignore and deleted voicemail.
R/V: (Modern AU) they answer their own phones, but will hand the other their cell to answer if the other person is away from where it’s at.
Who mows the lawn?
Z/M: Zoe lives in an apartment with landscaping management included in the rent. Mason doesn’t know who mows the Warehouse’s lawn, but it sure isn’t him.
R/V: (Modern AU) Vincent will go over to mow Roz’s rental house lawn (and probably sneak in a few plants from the nursery he owns into her flowerbeds)  
Who does the vacuuming?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: Roz
Who does the groceries?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: both
Who takes the longest to shower?
Z/M: Zoe, purely because she has thick, thick hair almost down to her waist that is a chore and a half to shampoo/condition
R/V: either, depending on who decided to sneak into the shower with the other
Who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: depends on the day. Shaving usually takes Vincent a longer time since he’s careful of his facial scars, but Roz has the same hair issues that Zoe has, so it’s pretty much a tie.
Is money a problem?
Z/M: No, but Zoe thinks that it would be nice to invest in her motorcycle or a new car
R/V: No. No matter the AU, Vincent’s technically a trust fund baby with wealthy parents willing to help out.
How many cars do they own?
Z/M: Zoe: beaten up silver hatchback that’s seen better days and is held together with spit and a mechanic’s prayer, WiP motorcycle she’s restoring. Mason: Agency SUV
R/V: two sensible, mid-priced cars, both pre-owned and paid for
What’s their song?
Z/M: Ghost - Au/Ra
R/V: Work Song - Hozier
Do they live in the city or in the country?
Z/M: they live in (Zoe)/on the outskirts of (Mason) Wayhaven
R/V: in the country, near Wycome post-Inquisition to be close to Vincent’s parents
Do they own their home or do they rent?
Z/M: Rents an apartment/lives in the Agency-owned Warehouse
R/V: (Modern AU) Vincent: rents out an apartment, Roz: rents a house
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
Yes for both
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Z/M: work, hanging out with friends
R/V: work, friends, mentoring young mages
Where did they first meet?
Z/M: met when Zoe shot Adam (she was sorry about it later), but made a bad first impression on the other when Rebecca formally introduced them
R/V: Vincent was five, going on six years old when the Templars brought in a new girl his age. He was sad when he saw her crying and decided to be her friend. 
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: Vincent
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Z/M: neither. Zoe would like to have nice things, but she’s not going to be a showoff with them if/when she gets them
R/V: neither
Any mental issues?
Z/M: Zoe’s abandonment feelings/anger with her mother
R/V: PTSD for both of them, Vincent’s insomnia 
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
Z/M: both, since they’re both light on their feet and agile. They do check to see if the other is okay, even if they’re smirking while they do it
R/V: neither, they help the other up and ask if they’re okay, but don’t overly worry about it unless it was a bad fall or there was an underlying reason they tripped in the first place, like being exhausted.
Who’s terrified of bugs?
Z/M: neither
R/V: neither, unless you count giant spiders and whatnot as bugs. Then both.
Who kills the spiders around the house?
Z/M: either, though Mason is more likely to find a cup in the middle of the room with a “DO NOT OPEN” sticky note on top if it’s a big spider
R/V: either, and they usually try to scoop them up and release outside. 
Do they have any fears for their future?
Z/M: Aside from the whole immortality vs. human lifespan thing, they try not to dwell on things. The future is uncertain and it’s better to enjoy the present.
R/V: so many, but they’re in it together and can deal with whatever gets thrown at them.
Their favourite place?
Z/M: the Warehouse’s rooftop
R/V: Skyhold’s gardens
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
Z/M: Mason, maybe?
R/V: Vincent
Who pays the bills?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: Vincent
Who’s the tallest?
Z/M: Mason. He’s 6′0″ and Zoe’s 5′9″
R/V: Vincent. He’s 6′1″ and Roz’s 5′1″ (my favorite tol and smol, tbh)
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
Z/M: Mason
R/V: Roz
Who wanders around in their underwear?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: Roz
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
Z/M: Zoe
R/V: both
What do they tease each other about?
Z/M: both of them being grumps with no filters. Mason about Zoe nearly burning her apartment down making a grilled cheese sandwich that one time. (”It wasn’t THAT bad!”)
R/V: I don’t really know! I mean, they do tease the other, but a lot of it is in-jokes and maybe Roz being a small ball of fury at times? *shrugs into the abyss*
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
Z/M: neither. They tend to wear mostly the same dark colored clothing and stuff that’s not likely to stand out and get them noticed
R/V: neither. Vincent thinks Roz is beautiful in anything she wears and Roz likes the fact that Vincent’s pants are snug around his butt and his shirts emphasize his broad shoulders.
Who crushed first?
Z/M: Zoe, in that “stupid hot Agent, he makes me SO MAD...oh no, I think he’s hot. FUCK.” way.
R/V: Vincent P I N E S over Roz for Y E A R S but doesn’t do anything because she’s his best and dearest friend and telling her how he feels would risk ruining that friendship since there’s just NO WAY AT ALL she would EVER feel the same for him...
Any alcohol or substance related problems?
Z/M: none. Both will drink socially, but nothing more serious than a few drinks and a minor buzz. They both have a smoking problem, but Mason tends to cut back because of Zoe and Zoe has a rule of never smoking at work. She eventually cuts back in her off hours because of Mason, but will light up when she’s stressed or upset, mostly with things centering on Rebecca.
R/V: none
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
Z/M: neither. Zoe doesn’t like to get more than a pleasant buzz where the edges are a little hazy but nothing past that
R/V: Vincent. He’s a horrible lightweight who can’t hold his liquor. Two drinks in and he’s all “WHOMST wants to see me naked???” Forget about tequila making his clothes come off, ANY booze and he’s stripping.
Who swears the most?
Z/M: both
R/V: Roz, though Vincent keeps a good internal swearing streak going every now and then.
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Happily Ever After
Archie Hopper x Nicole Blake
Wedding Anniversary
October 1
Ship song
Accidentally In Love by Counting Crows
How we met
Back in the Enchanted Forest, after being forced to be the Evil Queen’s apprentice for seven years, I managed to escape her grasp. I wandered the forest for days before I was found by Jiminy and he tried to convince me to help a nearby village who needed assistance. He helped show me I was still who I was prior to being Regina’s apprentice, and talked me into helping Snow and David stop Regina.
How we got together
I wrote about it here!
The Dark Curse
When the Dark Curse hit, my cursed name became Nicole Blake. I was the local baker who was friends with most of the town. But I was particularly close with Archie whom I subtly pined after the entirety of the curse.
Post Dark Curse
Once Emma broke the curse and everyone got their memories back, I did my best to resume my life. I attempted to help people with my magic as I used to while also maintaining my job as the baker. During all of the chaos going on in Storybrooke, I always managed to stay calm thanks to the comfort and support of Archie. However over the years my feelings for him only grew.
Wardrobe AU: When it was planned to send Snow and Emma into the wardrobe to escape the curse, David also asked me to go to help take of his wife and daughter. Unfortunately Emma was born early and only the two of us made it through the wardrobe. Instead, I did my best to raise Emma until she ran away at 17. After she was released from prison, Emma lived with me in Boston for about a year before going on her own. On her 28th birthday when Henry found her, I went to Storybrooke with her and helped Henry convince Emma the curse was real. Along the way I end up falling for Archie.
Cursed Marriage AU: When Regina casts the curse, she thinks she knows me well enough and how to make me the unhappiest so in the curse she has me married to Archie, thinking I would be frustrated since I never listen to my conscience. Unbeknownst to her, it in fact does the opposite. When the curse breaks, Archie and I admit the feelings were real even though it was all based off a curse.
Heroes & Villains AU: Based off the season 4 finale; I’m a member of the resistance against the Evil Queen Snow, and am close friends with Regina who is being by hunted by the Queen. I am the only person who knows where Regina is hiding, and one day I am captured by the Queen’s men. I’m then interrogated by Jiminy (Archie) but I refuse to give up Regina’s location. He eventually realizes that I might up give up the information willingly and begins to slowly become nicer to me. He goes as far as establishing a relationship with me, but ultimately ends up falling for me along the way.
Apprentice AU: Instead of leaving Regina, I continue to be her apprentice. When she casts the Dark Curse, I am given a life as her “niece” and live with her, but I still have the bakery I run. I also still have my memories of my life in the Enchanted Forest. I slowly fall for Archie over the years, and when Henry brings Emma to Storybrooke to break the curse, I help him make her believe. Before the curse is broken, I develop a relationship with Archie which is put on hold once the curse is broken and every regains their memories. Believing I don’t deserve his love, I keep my distance from him until he’s “killed”. After he’s found very much alive, I apologize and we continue our relationship.
Cottagecore AU: A simple life for the two of us in Enchanted Forest, living in a cozy cottage on our small farm near a quaint village. Nothing but fluff in this AU. Happiness and fluff and domesticity.
Henry Hopper AU: Archie and I are married during the curse, and all we want is to have a baby. But because of the curse and no one aging (although we’re oblivious to it), we can’t have one. Until Mr Gold graciously helps us adopt and we end up with 3 month old baby Henry whom we raise until he runs away and finds his birth mother, Emma.
Modern Single Parent AU: Storybrooke is a normal small town with normal residence. I own the town bakery and struggle to raise my three children alone, until Archie, my next door neighbor, starts helping out. It isn’t too long until we get close and fall for each other.
Fake Marriage AU: Archie is invited to a family reunion by his parents, and during the conversation they insinuate he made the wrong life decision when he left home for college. Wanting to prove them wrong, he tells them how life has been wonderful and lies, telling them he’s happily married. When they invite his ‘wife’ to the family reunion, he asks me to pretend to be married to him and to go to the reunion with him. What neither of us realize is that the other is secretly madly in love with us.
The oldest is Ichabod Jiminy Hopper. He has messy brown hair and blue eyes, and looks strikingly similar to his father. Ichabod is a wild child, unable to contain his mischief for very long. He spends a lot of his time in the town having fun, in his room listening to music, or playing with Pongo. Birthday: July 17
The middle child is Elizabella Regina Hopper. She has red hair and blue eyes like Archie, but looks very similar to me. She’s quiet, and is for the most part Ichabod’s “conscience”, always trying to keep him out of trouble. She takes after her father quite a bit, but has an artistic side to her that very few know about outside of the family. Birthday: February 3
The youngest is Lily Grace Hopper. She has red hair like her sister but inherited my hazel eyes. She’s unique in her own way, headstrong and bold, and never one to back down from a challenge. She lives for thrill and adventure, and if she cannot find an adventure then she will make one herself. Birthday: November 20
The House
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elletromil · 7 years
elle’s self rec list
So I figured out that with the billions of fic I have written for Kingsman I would do a little list of those that are dear to me and I think you should all read. (I could legit put everything on this list, but 138 completed fics is a bit much even for me)
Of Flowers, Thunderstorm and Tranquility - M, Hartwin, AU
The fresh snow crinkles satisfyingly under his feet as Harry slowly makes his rounds of his part of the Forest. He is seconds away from humming when a whimpering sound from a bush nearby gives him pause.
Harry carefully makes his way towards the sound, on his guard. He gasps in surprise when he parts the foliage. He doesn’t know what he expected, but one thing is certain, it wasn’t the unconscious Summer Child curled up around himself.
This is quite frankly the one I think of as my masterpiece. (though that will probably change when Red and I post the bang). It took me over a year to complete, but oh boy am I proud of the result.
I'm not calling you a ghost - G, Hartwin
He closes his eyes for a few seconds, before opening them again. Hun. Still there. He must be on the really good drugs.
In the chair besides his bed, Harry Hart is sitting reading what must be a report, a little frown that only accentuates the scar on the left side of his forehead.
Definitely my most popular fic. Way back in the beginning, before we knew we would get a sequel, when everyone was sure Harry Hart was dead for real and not coming back.
Before getting 101 dogs, you need at least 2 - G, Hartwin, 101 dalmatians au
JB loves his human, but he's getting rather fed up with how Eggsy won't even look at the nice gentleman he's clearly interested in they keep seeing in the park.
He's going to take the matters into his own paws.
Short and sweet and I am still amazed at how much people liked it :D
Merlin, dogsitter extraordinaire - G, Merlin-centric, background Hartwin and Percilot
All through his childhood, he has had dogs and he’s always enjoyed their company and unconditional love. Then he had left for college where he just hadn’t had enough space to keep one and after being recruited into Kingsman he had just been too busy to even think about welcoming one puppy into his life and training him or her accordingly.
You like Merlin? You like dogs? You like ocs? This one got it all
I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice - G, Hartwin
“What I don’t understand is why you thought it was necessary to make a montage of every time Galahad appears in someone else’s feed though.”
“No, what you watched is every time an agent looked at Galahad’s when the boy was looking at you.”
I wrote this based on a prompt I got, but damn I still adore the way I chose to write this.
A Boxful of Kittens - G, Merhartwin
While he's taking a walk around the manor, after coming back from dealing with Valentine, Merlin finds four kittens and their mother.
After what he just lived through, he cannot bear living them outside to fend for themselves.
Kittens and out three favourite men... What more do you want?
Only a fool would deny love - G, Hartwin
A princess' kiss might have been Eggsy's highlight of that horrific day. Because seriously who can honestly say they’ve never dreamt about kissing a princess (or a prince, because Eggsy is many thing, but picky isn’t one of those)? Until he got back on the plane and finds out Harry's back from the dead.
The first long fic I started writing in the fandom. I really love it even if it shows that this has been written 2 years ago and I have definitely improved since then
Messenger of War - T, Hartwin, AU
He shivers at the brief contact of a hand on his shoulder and he forces the ripple of familiarity back down, but something in Harry’s eyes before he turns back and leaves hints that he is not the only one feeling it.
I am still stupidly proud of this fic okay and I’ll forever will be.
Kisses Like a Thousand Snowflakes - G, Hartwin, Roxlin, Percilot
“I wanted to know… What’s Kingsman’s stance on Christmas’ decorations?” It’s hard not answering to Eggsy’s enthusiasm with a grin of his own and he doesn’t really try. “Well since the Angels Incident of ‘97, the Garlands Debacle of ‘02 and the Reindeers Nightmare of ‘09, the late Arthur had put a ban on all the stuff and confiscate it all.”
This Christmas, mistletoe is everywhere and nobody is safe.
Okay this is a christmas fic, but who cares? It’s also the ultimate fix-it where everyone is alive and nobody’s dead.
Baked Love - G, Hartwin, AU
There were no other customers, but he didn’t think he was wrong in assuming it had more to do with the hour, after lunch but before the afternoon rush, and the awful weather, than anything wrong with the shop. For one thing, the interior was decorated really simply, but with enough nice touches to make it feel cozy. For another, the smell permeating the air, a mix of baked goods and coffee, was quite mouth-watering. The gorgeous young man walking out of the backroom with a polite but genuine smile wasn’t a slight against the shop either.
Or in which Harry is really a tailor and Eggsy works in a bakery shop.
Food and pining is a think one of the best combination in the world.
A Summer's Day - G, Pre-Hartwin
Harry doesn’t sigh when he notices the empty bench in the familiar corner of the park. He had not gone on a walk with the intention to come here, but since Mr. Pickle has died a month ago, his feet continuously lead him to what had been their usual spot to waste a lazy afternoon away.
In which Harry recites poetry to a pug in a park.
Because meet-cutes are the best
Kingsman's Nursery - G, Gen, AU
It is by sheer luck that James witnesses Princess Tilde’s kidnapping.
He’s only walking in the area, minding his own business, when he notices the infamous criminal mastermind Valentine and his deadly bodyguard Gazelle forcing the princess into a car.
In which they are all children except for Chester and Valentine, but they're all spies too (or princesses).
That one was just too fun to write and I think more people should read it
Room for Three (Not Only You and Me) - G, Merhartwin
The first time it happens Merlin honestly doesn’t know. Though, in Merlin’s defense there is nothing indicating that this is any different than usual.
Wherein Merlin date-crashes Harry and Eggsy's dates without realising it at first. Except, when Merlin tries to give them some space, they don't seem to be happy about it.
This one will always have a special place in my heart because this is the one that made me meet Red. Also writing about oblivious Merlin was very fun xD
Stay (A)head of the Case - G, Roxlin, Pre-Hartwin, Sleepy Hollow AU
In the relative comfort of the carriage bringing him to Sleepy Hollow, Merlin scoffs as he revises the facts that are known about the case he's being sent to investigate.
There are already three victims, the Heskeths, father and son, as well as a certain widow Winship, and the only suspect is a Headless Horseman? Who could ever believe such rubbish really? Whoever the true perpetrator of those murders is, they must be having a jolly time indeed.
In which Merlin is a constable from New York sent to Sleepy Hollow to investigate a series of murders.
I just love what I did with this AU and seriously there isn’t enough Roxlin in the fandom
Come Sail Away (Into the Light of the Dark Black Night) - G, Hartwin, soulmate AU
Eggsy had always known his soulmate would be older than him.
Or no, that wasn’t entirely right. He might have been hearing his soulmate all his life, but it had been a while before anyone had explained to him what it really meant.
It’s a soulmate au, if you like those do you really need more? :D
Labyrinth of Love - T, Merhartwin, Labyrinth AU
It is not the first time that a mortal catches the fancy of the Goblin King, but it is the first time one catches the eyes of both Kings.
In which Merlin and Harry are co-rulers of the Goblin Kingdom and Eggsy makes what he thinks is an unfortunate wish.
Who doesn’t love the movie Labyrinth? Who doesn’t want to imagine Merlin and Harry as the Goblin Kings?
From your hearts, I make a home - T, Hartwinrox
Since he’s started living on his own, Harry has always done everything so that the house he goes back to feels like a home. Sometime it was all that kept him sane while he dealt with whatever trauma that came with being a Knight.
And sure, nowadays he doesn’t see much field work, but the rituals have stayed and being able to offer that sense of home to not one amazing being but two? It is priceless.
Because domestic fluff and Harry/Roxy/Eggsy is always a must
I Get a Little Bit... - G, Merlahad, Ghenghis Khan AU
Merlin is putting his two children to bed when his phone starts ringing with a too familiar alert. He curses under his breath, thankful that Roxy is already fast asleep and won’t reprimand him on his language.
It’s the Genghis Khan Merlahad au everyone wanted but nobody was writing really.
Love is a fabric which never fades - G, Hartwin, Dragon AU
When Harry started his hoard of clothing, it has come as to no surprise to either him or his parents. After all, he has been drawn to fabrics and texture and colors for as long as he can remember; one of his earliest memory the soft cashmere of his father’s brown sweater and the rough red scales of his mother’s skin.
Harry has been courting Eggsy dragon style for a while now without telling him because he's a self-sacrificing idiot who doesn't believe he can be loved. Luckily for them, Eggsy is no such idiot.
Quite honestly, I am very surprised by how much people seem to enjoy this??? Like sure it’s dragons, but I never would have expected the kind of response I got :O
Fairy Tale Ending - G, Mercival, werewolf AU
If it had been anyone else, if he had been stranded in the woods with, let’s say, Lancelot instead, he would have believed the words to be a very ill-timed joke.
But this was Merlin, Merlin whom he trusts with his life.
And Merlin's a werewolf.
It’s a werewolf au. Need I say more?
Warm and safe, like a home - G, Merwin
It starts simple enough, with Eggsy bringing Merlin a cup of tea.
But before it can become anything more, Harry comes back from the dead and Eggsy realises he never truly had a chance.
Pining and misunderstandings but with a happy ending. I am sure I can’t be the only one who loves that
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magiccatprincess · 8 years
This is for @mindsebbandflow‘s new giveaway, and let me tell you I wasn’t sure how to express my love for my favorite character. Although by now, I’m very sure that my followers can guess which boueibu character is my favorite.
Ryuu has been my favorite ever since I first watched the show, and even before. He stood out to me in all the promotional material as well. By now it was just his pinkness or.. The adorable factor that caused it, although... What's not to love?
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I’ve taken this as an excuse to rant about my favorite character so prepare yourself for a long post dedicated to Ryuu Zaou and my love for him.
Also included: - Headcanons - Speculations - Some pics - AU ideas (sponsored by me and @fillyrika) - LOTS of ranting, I mean it when I say this turned out long.
Ryuu is adorable, there is no denying it.
His Looks His hair is bright and looks so soft, and he's got big, bright, brown eyes that really go well with all that pink. I have a bias for him with his hair down, but he's had his hair plenty of ways which I all enjoyed, look at these! 
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I'm sure there's probably some I missed. I love those two from the posters too. Look at how bright they are. And Ryuu really knows how to accessorize. I like that he has earrings, and wears headbands, plus the fedora looked really nice on him too.
His outfits from what we seen range from stylish (season 1 ep 7, staff said they picked the outfit from a fashion magazine) to cozy. (season 2 ep 8, sugary ioryuu poster)
I think he looks a lot younger with his hair down, which is probably why he wears it up. Can't be a womanizer if you look like a kid after all.
Personality Enough about his looks now. On to his personality. Ryuu is playful and fun. Reckless, bold, impatient, loud, charismatic, cheery and sweet. He often acts without thinking, and always speaks his mind. Those don't always go well together, and it led to him hurting Yumoto's feelings in season 2. It was never addressed, mainly because Yumoto himself didn't address it.
Still personality but some speculation and headcanons join in now ^^
But there's also some things Ryuu doesn't say. Those things are noticed through his actions. Ryuu has a strong, needy desire to be liked. Not just popular, but liked. It's where his people pleasing tendencies come from. That combined with how he dates around, leads me to think that Ryuu wants to feel wanted.  
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Did I mention that I LOVE how one of the first thing Io noticed about Ryuu, was that Ryuu is a huge people pleaser and does anything to be liked?! Because my feels!!
And judging by how Ryuu reacted how Io was leaving the defense club in season 1 episode 6, I think kiddo has abandonment issues.
The source of it? Well in novel 1 we find out that Ryuu is raised by his grandma and not his parents. This leads me to believe that  
Considering that Ryuu lives with his grandma and not with his parents, I headcanon that his parents left him with her, not when he was a baby, but when he was old enough to understand that his parents left and didn't come back for him. But he wouldn't be old enough to be able to understand that it was his parents' error. He'd think they left because they didn't like him. Because they didn't want him.
So from then on Ryuu started to do everything he could do, to get people to like him. And when he discovered dating.... Well Ryuu is a softy. He likes romance, those trival realistic moments, like sharing coffee with a girl, or when your shoulders brush when the train shakes. Dating lots of girls makes Ryuu feel like he's wanted.  
Plus he's a fluffy romance lover!
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Another thing that's amazing about Ryuu is that deep down he doesn't always feel like he's amazing. That's what we found out in season 2 episode 6.
"I'm an idiot who only thinks of getting with girls." -Ryuu Zaou s2e6
Me and Io shared that appalled tone because D: !! Kiddo no! You're amazing and I love you. And of course I ADORED THE SUBTLE LAYER OF WONDERFUL ANGST!!!
There's more than meets the eye with Ryuu. He's not the smartest and he knows it. But he's a social butterfly and good with reading people. I was honestly surprised by his good analysis on the Beppu twins. So was Io for that matter.
I think that Ryuu is a very good liar/actor, because he knows what people want to hear. We've seen him do it with Wombat in season 1 episode 11, making up the word 'lovetivity' and saying just the right things to get Wombat to agree with him.
Another thing we learn about Ryuu in season 2 is that he can draw. At least chibis XD and in the otome game, when we see Ryuu's room there's this framed picture of a man in fashionable clothes. Now I doubt that Ryuu would frame a magazine clipping. So... What if he designed that himself?
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Headcanon: Ryuu goes to study fashion design in Tokyo. Not only that but he ends up going to the same college as Akoya where they end up being roommates.
I can also picture Ryuu becoming a fashion designer when he's older.
I headcanon that Ryuu's grandma owns a bakery, and she helped Ryuu make those chocolates for Io.
Some talk of the side material. Well I love Ryuu in the otome game. It gave us lots of gems like that picture of Ryuu's room. This adorable pj pic
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Thanks to @vashtijoy for giving me that keychain I still treasure it! That game also gave us that wonderful ioryuu route. I still love reading @intra-fiducia‘s translations of that game, and the ioryuu friend end. Plus there is that wonderful post about how ioryuu are in the game.
I didn't actively follow the conquest club's manga, but I enjoyed that it showed that Ryuu being good at those machine grabby game things, to win stuffed toys. He must have had lots of practice thanks to winning toys for his dates.  
The novels are a treasure, not just for how they portray the characters but also because of the more serious plot. I already talked about the first novel so I won't do it again. The second and third novel aren't translated though, but a bit from one of the first chapters makes me think that Ryuu may be the result of an unplanned teen pregnancy.  
Someone told me about how shippy the third novel is, and I can't wait to find out more about that!
There's that comic thing, which I adored, mostly because of my ultimate brotp! Pink Bros! I love the comic in which the pinks work out together, and how Akoya worried about telling Ryuu he was leaving. Those to became close friends and I love it! I love how Akoya grew to care about Ryuu and- Akoya is good at reading people too! I bet he understood that Ryuu has abandonment issues and worried about telling Ryuu that he was leaving.  
And their friendship was still in a fragile new place for him too.
Now I LOVE the Boueibu manga, it's still going, but that ioryuu chapter made that thing priceless! How ioryuu have their first real fight in it! Io worrying about Ryuu getting a cold and putting a blanket over him. And that face kiddo makes when Io says "Stay at my side forever!" Amazing! Amazing! Amazing!
It's no secret that I enjoyed the boueibu stage play. Aramaki portrayed Ryuu so well. Captured his fun spirit and his cuteness, and looked great while doing it. Aramaki spoke like Ryuu, walked like Ryuu and sang like Ryuu. It's scary! He even moved like Ryuu! The play is filled with so many wonderful moments as well!
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Relationships with others
I'm not joking, this ship brings me so much joy. The way they look at each other, how they sound different when talking to each other. How they'd blindly defend the other against their peers. Io's protectiveness is so great! And that they're opposites but admire each other's differences. They're so proud of each other! I'll say it again I love protective Io.  
There's so many wonderful ioryuu moments, all of episodes 6, both in season 1 and 2. Those posters, their duets. God I love Sync a Think!
I've made many separate posts about ioryuu so I'll leave it at this for now.
There's akoryuu/pink bros. My ultimate brotp. In my recent fanfic Pink Blood, I made them discover that they're actually related in canon universe. All because Akoya's father had a one night stand with Ryuu's mom. I've loved this BROTP since I started planning my fanfic In the Name of Love, and have been in love with it ever since.
They're also related in several of the AUs I created with @fillyrika. Such as: - Mermaid AU - Fairy AU - Magic School AU - DC Villains AU - CPS AU
And they have a sibling like bond in - Brothel AU - Slave AU - Monster AU
Then there's also Enryuu, season 2 give me a thing that I had kinds hoped for but didn't expect to fall in love with. I kind low-key shipped enryuu before, because the smut would be steamy. (get it Fire + water) But now it's a strong brotp as well. There's several GREAT fanfics for this brotp as well. Like the fic where En stop Ryuu from being bullied, and the one where enryuu wear matching skirts ^^
I have lots of Ryuu merchandise too, I'll share a pic of it later ^^
And I've reached the point were I call Ryuu my son so much, that my mom started calling him her grandson.
Now this post turned out very long, so I wonder if you're still reading this. Sorry about this, I feel like I still have things to say, but I can't think of more right now. At the very least I got the chance to share some of my thoughts on kiddo.
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revivedlegend · 8 years
Relationship Tag: Canary Wave for our trash selves
The Ultimate Relationship Tag
Under the cut cause this is l o n g
Who is more likely to raise their voice?: Mick, for sure. Sara’s more quiet fury.Who threatens to leave but never actually does?: I really don’t think either of them do. They might storm off to cool down on their own but I feel like Mick and Sara both know what hearing their partner threaten to leave would do to them so…Who actually keeps their word and leaves?: Again, like…I think they both storm off in the middle of an argument but not like leave leaveWho trashes the house?: ….I mean, probably both of them but the idea of Mick charring Sara’s stuff is pissing her off. But like they both do the knife throwing when they’re angry so…Do either of them get physical?: They probably both do tbh. Mick is the guy who said “I like you, Sara” before trying to kill her in canon. How often do they argue/disagree?: Probably a lot tbh. Not all the time but…maybe 65%.Who is the first to apologise?: Probably Sara more often but they’re both awful with words.
Who is on top?: Alternates but we’ve established that Sara makes Mick more subby so…Who is on the bottom?: I mean, if Sara’s topping, that means Mick’s on the bottomWho has the strangest desires?: Probably Sara tbhAny kinks? Biting. Lots and lots of biting. We’re both hella ace though and haven’t figured anything else about these nerds yet.Who’s dominant in bed?: Sara. Let’s be real, it’s totally Sara.Is head ever in the equation?: Probably. If so, who is better at performing it?: I wanna say Sara just because Mick is pretty ace.Ever had sex in public?: NopeWho moans the most?: Whoever’s getting bitten lbrWho leaves the most marks? S a r aWho screams the loudest? Honestly? I’m…not entirely sure. You’ve got a trained assassin and a gruff quiet dude…I genuinely don’t know.Who is the more experienced of the two?: Sara. Hands down Sara.Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? I wanna say make love cause they’re fuCKING SAPSRough or soft?: Varies.How long do they usually last?: Pfffft hell if I know. Foreplay time varies.Is protection used?: Yup.Does it ever get boring? Doubt it.Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?: Idk the kitchen on the Waverider?
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children?: Plan, no. But we do have that verse where they and Len somehow end up having Sarah fucking Walker from Chuck because all of our muses are related.If so, how many children do your muses want/have? …1 I guess.Who is the favorite parent? Sara lbrWho is the authoritative parent? Also Sara lbrWho is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Mick is the most indulgent dad ever.Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? M I C KWho turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Whoever can. Both of them I’m sureWho goes to parent teacher interviews? Sara cause she’s intimidating but looks less scary than she is.Who changes the diapers? Probably Sara tbhWho gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Sara; she’s hella nocturnal and a boarderline insomniac Who spends the most time with the children? Both of them tbh; family is automatically on the small list of people they care about.Who packs their lunch boxes? Mick and he gives them wAY TOO MANY SWEETSWho gives their children ‘the talk’? Sara obviWho cleans up after the kids? Probs SaraWho worries the most? Both of them but Sara is more vocal with her worriesWho are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? M I C K
Who likes to cuddle?: SARA LANCE IS A CUDDLY LITTLE CANARY OKAYWho is the little spoon? Honestly, it’s Mick more often than you’d think just because Sara clings to him a lotWho gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Is that even a question? Sara. Duh.Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? S a r aHow long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? Shrug? Depends on the position I suppose?Who gives the most kisses? S A R AWhat is their favourite non-sexual activity? Throwing knives at shit. And drinking. Also Mick teaching her to bake cause please.Where is their favourite place to cuddle? Probably a bed cause then they can stretch out their legs?Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Sara.How often do they get time to themselves? Not often enough.
Who snores? Mick if he’s hella drunk when he passes out.If both do, who snores the loudest? N/ADo they share a bed or sleep separately? Depends? They end up sharing a lotIf they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Again, depends, but usually, they cozy up. Mick is so goddamn warm always and Sara loves it.Who talks in their sleep? I feel like, if any of them, Mick would.What do they wear to bed? Mick’s a t-shirt and boxers kinda guy. Sara is tank top always and either shorts or just her underwear in warm weather and sweats in cold weather.Are either of your muses insomniacs? Sara’s pretty damn close but I feel like they both have difficulty sleeping.Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? ProbablyDo they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Depends on the sort of night they’re having.Who wakes up with bed hair? I mean…given that Mick’s head is shaved, I’m gonna have to say Sara.Who wakes up first? Sara, usually.Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? See, I feel like Sara would bring food for Mick to eat in bed but it’d be like toast and coffee and bacon, something easy. Mick would cook a proper meal but he’d just come in and tell her it’s ready.What is their favourite sleeping position? Sara sleeps on her side, one hand under her pillow able to reach for her dagger, facing the door. I feel like Mick sleeps either on his stomach or on his back with hands resting on his chest.Who hogs the sheets? Sara, unless the night is really cold, in which case it’s Mick and Sara just clings to him.Do they set an alarm each night? Nah. Sara’s got a pretty regular internal clock that gets her up and Sara is basically Mick’s alarm.Can a television be found in their bedroom? Yeah, probably.Who has nightmares? Both of them.Who has ridiculous dreams? Both of them but probably Mick moreWho sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Mick fucking Rory. He’s just lucky Sara is smol.Who makes the bed? Sara usually.What time is bed time? Ain’t that the million dollar question. They just get sleep when they can.Any routines/rituals before bed? Mick flicks his lighter a lot and stares for a while. Sometimes Sara meditates if she has the time to lower her heart rate and calm her mind.Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Mick, hands down.
Who is the busiest? Sara, in most verses.Who rakes in the highest income? …I guess Mick cause he’s a thief. Except for Dr. Sara Lance verse cause…she’s a doctor.Are any of your muses unemployed? I mean they’re not legally employed but they have jobs so…yes and no, the both of them?Who takes the most sick days? …idkWho is more likely to turn up late to work? Mick probs but verse dependent. He’s gotta be at the bakery at like fucking 4 am sometimes.Who sucks up to their boss? …neither of them? In half our AUs, they’re self employed and they both give shit to Rip…I guess Sara given that she and Rip get along the best?What are their jobs? Verse dependent but in main it’s time traveling crime fighters.Who stresses the most? Sara, lbrDo your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? I think Sara really enjoys her jobs in her AUs except for RENT AU. And Mick grows to like being a Legend and being a florist and…whatever he does in RENT AU. Is he a filmmaker since he’s kinda the Mark of the OT3?Are your muses financially stable? …I guess?
Who does the washing? SaraWho takes out the trash? MickWho does the ironing? Probably Sara?Who does the cooking? MickWho is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Neither of them, Mick would just burn the house down cause.Who is messier? MickWho leaves the toilet roll empty? MickWho leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Both of them but mostly MickWho forgets to flush the toilet? MickWho is the prankster around the house? MickWho loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? MickWho mows the lawn? MickWho answers the telephone? SaraWho does the vacuuming? SaraWho does the groceries? Mick - if he cooks, he picks the food though Sara usually goes with him to help.Who takes the longest to shower? SaraWho spends the most time in the bathroom? Sara
Is money a problem? Doubt it.How many cars do they own? …One? One plus Sara’s motorcycleDo they own their home or do they rent? Own probably. Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? I feel like Sara would want coast but Mick would want country - probably not a water guy.Do they live in the city or in the country? CityDo they enjoy their surroundings? I think so!What’s their song? The Way I Do - Starship, Firefly - Ed SheeranWhat do they do when they’re away from each other? Burn shit, fight shit, drink. Where did they first meet? Verse dependent. Main it’s January 2016 on a rooftop in…was it Star City or Central City?How did they first meet? Rip Hunter fucking knocked them out and brought them to a roof with the othersWho spends the most money when out shopping? Sara. Mick just steals she he wants.Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Neither of them tbhWho finds it amusing when the other trips over? Both of themAny mental issues? The list for both of them is too too longWho’s terrified of bugs? Neither of them.Who kills the spiders around the house? Whoever sees them.Their favourite place? Mick likes the kitchen. Sara probably prefers her/their room.Who pays the bills? Sara cause most of Mick’s money has to be laundered like crazy.Do they have any fears for their future? The future. Just…in general. Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Mick tbh. The fucking sap.Who uses up all of the hot water? Mick.Who’s the tallest? Mick.Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? SaraWho wanders around in their underwear? SaraWho sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? SaraWhat do they tease each other about? Probably everything lbrWho is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? SaraDo they have mutual friends? Yup! The crew and Lisa, at the very least.Who crushed first? Probably Mick but Sara was probably the first to admit it to herself, if not to Mick.Any alcohol or substance related problems? They’re both boarderline alcoholics.Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Mick. Sara holds her liquor too well.Who swears the most? Mick but just a smidge.
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oselatra · 6 years
Essential New Orleans
An extensive guide to eating, drinking, dancing, karaoke-ing, strolling and Carnivaling in the Crescent City.
Carnival season in New Orleans kicked off in early January and reaches its peak on Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras day, which falls this year on March 2. Any time is the right time to visit New Orleans, but there is something special about this time of year, when it can feel like the whole creative force of the city is devoted to the art of celebration. No rough guide can do it justice — the city is inexhaustible — but here's a starter kit. If you're picturing frat boys barfing on Bourbon, don't worry: There's a better way.
First things first, pack in as many of these New Orleans classics as you can: The fried chicken at Willie Mae's Scotch House, the muffaletta at City Grocery, oysters at Casamento's, the jambalaya supreme at Coop's Place. Other good spots for Cajun/Creole/soul food: Li'l Dizzy's Cafe and Dooky Chase. And yes, I'm stating the obvious here, but it must be said — go get beignets and a cafe au lait at Cafe Du Monde. A tip that might save you an hour: If there's a line, ignore it. They don't make this clear to tourists, but locals know — there is no hostess, you just keep your eye out for someone leaving, have a seat at any un-bussed table, and a waiter will swoop in before you know it.
While this is a topic of endless local debate, for my money, the best po-boys in town are at Domilise's. For a different twist, try the immaculately stuffed barbecue shrimp po-boy at Liuzza's by the Track. If you want the full po-boy tour, longtime midtown haunt Parkway Bakery and Tavern is also worth a visit. And to cure your late-night hankering, Gene's dishes out hot sausage po-boys 24 hours a day from its can't-miss-it bright-pink building at the corner of St. Claude and Elysian Fields, always a wild (if occasionally dodgy) scene in the wee hours.  
On the fancier end of the spectrum, the hottest table in town might be Saba, the new Mediterranean restaurant from James Beard Foundation Award-winning chef Alon Shaya. Among the elaborate and unforgettable hummus options: blue crab with beech mushrooms, lemon butter and mint; lamb tongue with pickled barberries, red onion and almonds.  
Cochon, from another James Beard award-winner, Donald Link, is a favorite spot for casual splurging for locals and foodie visitors alike. Cochon serves up Cajun-influenced downhome gourmet; it's the sort of place where you can find both a world-class wine list and fried alligator. The Louisiana Cochon is its show-stopper: pork braised overnight into a succulent and crispy cake, topped with pork cracklins, cabbage and pickled turnips. If you can find the room, other highlights include the wood-fired oyster roast, the rabbit and dumplings, and the indulgent charcuterie plate. Ask about moonshine offerings. Other great restaurants from Donald Link: fine dining at Herbsaint, seafood at Peche and casual Cajun deli and butcher shop Butcher next door to Cochon.
Cochon is one of a number of contemporary restaurants in New Orleans that blend fine dining with country cooking. A couple of other masters of this form, both uptown: Coquette and Patois. If you can score the one outside table at Patois, it's the perfect romantic spot for a date. Have yourself a pickle-tini: Hendrick's gin plus juice from Patois' homemade bread-and-butter pickles.
Meanwhile, for fine dining on the finer end, the big spenders should make a reservation at August or Compère Lapin. Or if you have a hankering for old-fashioned New Orleans decadence rather than the contemporary foodie scene (think turtle soup, Oysters Rockefeller, bread pudding, classic French Creole rabbit dishes, served up in roaring-'20s opulence), some of the best options: Brigtsen's, Brennan's, Clancy's and the ultimate classic, Commander's Palace, where the 25-cent martini happy hour for Friday lunch remains the supreme see-and-be-seen scene for the dandy set.    
If you want to go fancy but you're on a budget, check out the city's best happy hours: Domenica — 2-5 p.m., half-off wood-fired pizza and half off drinks; Luke — 3-6 p.m., 75-cent oysters on the half shell and half-off drinks.
The best bang for your buck in town: Boucherie. Everything on the rotating and vibrantly eclectic "casual fine dining" menu is good: boudin balls, scallops, grit fries, sashimi, bacon brownies, Waygu beef brisket, Krispy Kreme bread pudding. And it has the best Pimm's Cup in the city, if you ask me. Its sister restaurant around the corner, Bourreé, a Cajun smokehouse, butcher and patio beer garden, serves up seasonal fresh-fruit daiquiris, hot wings, boiled peanuts, boudin links and more — an absolute gem for laid-back al fresco dining.  
Other cozy, relaxed neighborhood spots: Bennachin offers up West African comfort food in the French Quarter; Bacchanal is a wine bar in the Bywater that serves exquisite tapas in a picturesque outdoor courtyard with live jazz; the small and intimate 1000 Figs serves impeccable (and affordable) Mediterranean cuisine in mid-city; and Pizza Delicious is a casual, counter-service restaurant in the Bywater that has become a local favorite — true to its name, its thin-crust pizza is delicious. Be ready for lines, but check out Turkey and the Wolf, the Irish Channel sandwich shop that was recently named the best new restaurant in the nation by Bon Appétit magazine.
For breakfast, the best vibe is Pagoda and the best food is Toast, while the talk of the town is a new spot, Molly's Rise and Shine. Satsuma Cafe and Surrey's Cafe and Juice Bar are great neighborhood spots. If you're in need of morning munchies in the Quarter: Stanley is a touristy but fine option in Jackson Square; Clover Grill on Bourbon Street is an inviting greasy diner for the hungover set.
My vote for the best cocktail in the city is the Ramos Gin Fizz at the Sazerac Bar. Yes, it has a hefty price tag at $14. But you're on vacation: Treat yourself. The Sazerac Bar, in the Roosevelt Hotel a block off the Quarter, is an art deco masterpiece, with a mahogany bar, walnut-paneled walls and iconic murals by the artist Paul Ninas. This is the bar where legendary Louisiana Gov. Huey P. Long held court, always with a Ramos Gin Fizz in hand. The story goes that Long got a highway built between Baton Rouge and New Orleans just so that he could speed his limo from the state Capitol to the gin fizz awaiting him at the Sazerac Bar in an hour flat. Among the other too-good-to-check stories: While staying at an upscale New York hotel, Long was unsatisfied with its version of the drink and flew the top bartender at the Sazerac Bar up to "teach these New York sophisticates how and what to drink." I don't blame the Kingfish — the Sazerac Bar's Ramos Gin Fizz remains heavenly stuff.
Meanwhile, for inventive and contemporary takes on fancy cocktails, stop by Bar Tonique, or check out the Cuban-inspired frozen cocktails at Manolito.
But maybe you just want cheap beer that's cold, and you don't mind a little grit and grime. The following dive bars have low prices, an aroma that lingers from before the city's smoking ban, and plenty of character (and characters): Iggy's, The John, Big Daddy's, BJ's, Bud Rip's, Cutter's, Snake and Jake's Christmas Club Lounge, Miss Mae's.
While gallivanting around in the French Quarter, have a Bloody Mary at Molly's at the Market (ask for it spicy). Other cozy bars downtown that are worth a pit stop: In the French Quarter — Lafitte's, Carousel Bar in the Hotel Monteleone, Cosimo's. In the Marigny — Lost Love Lounge, R Bar, Mimi's.
And when it's time to take it all in, the best rooftop bar, with stunning views of the city: Hot Tin.
Be merry
Preservation Hall remains the city's premier place to see traditional New Orleans jazz; make sure to get tickets in advance, as the intimate space inevitably fills up. For the booming funk of the city's many brass bands, the more adventurous souls among you might seek out the hallowed neighborhood dives that serve as meccas for live brass: check the listings at the Candlelight Lounge, Bullet's, Vaughn's and the Mother in Law Lounge. For the uptown set (Tulane students like to dance, too!) — the Maple Leaf is another great spot. Or just wait for the happy surprise of seeing a brass band play in the street — walk around Frenchmen Street and you'll inevitably come across one blasting on a corner. Frenchmen is home to the Spotted Cat, a terrific spot for trad-jazz, klezmer, Cajun and blues, with patrons spilling out to dance in the street; other spots to check the listings on Frenchmen include Snug Harbor, d.b.a. and Blue Nile. If you are lucky enough to be in town when a second line parade is rolling with a brass band on a Sunday afternoon, this quintessential New Orleans experience is not to be missed — check wwoz.org for upcoming second lines or just keep your ear open for tips.
Karaoke in New Orleans is like karaoke everywhere, except the guy belting out "Born to Run" might be wearing a space insect costume made of immaculately woven neon tinsel. Kajun's, a divey downtown joint, is thusly one of the most spirited karaoke bars I've ever set foot in. Located on St. Claude Avenue, a hard-partying street in the heart of a hard-partying city, Kajun's has all of the cheap-beer-fueled abandon with a dash of psychedelic mayhem. If New Orleans is famous for its high-culture musical traditions, the city also hums on pastiche and kitsch. Kajun's is the sort of establishment where the besotted fool singing a Lisa Loeb song begins to feel like a messenger from God.
St. Claude Avenue is rapidly gentrifying these days, but remains home to longtime bars that serve as nightlife headquarters for the city's outré scenesters. Just down the block from Kajun's, the AllWays Lounge, an expansive freaky-deaky performance space and watering hole — what David Lynch might imagine for a dive bar — is one of the most joyously unique venues in the city, and a great spot to see the full creative wizardry of local revelers. Other venerable bars on the strip to check out, hosting everything from dance parties to brass to death metal: Hi-Ho Lounge, Saturn Bar, Siberia. One block up, the extremely divey St. Roch Tavern hosts raucous and sweaty nights devoted to New Orleans bounce music. The St. Claude corridor would also be the area where you might befriend a crusty rogue at the bar who can fill you in on the wacko happenings in the New Orleans downtown scene that are too spontaneous and secretive to find in listings like this one.
The best place to swim in your undies and/or eat a waffle: The Country Club, a Bywater mansion that houses the late-night after-party scene for weird New Orleans — with a bar, restaurant, swimming pool, sauna and hot tub. They no longer allow skinny dipping, but the Country Club retains a swanky anarchy in the wee hours; meanwhile, once the sun comes up, they serve one of the best brunches in the city.
Out and about in town
If you need a quiet moment to get away from it all, head to City Park. The 1,300-acre sanctuary is one of the nation's oldest parks, offering a green respite from the concrete bustle and buzz of New Orleans since 1854. Rent a paddle boat, canoe or kayak to explore the park's waterways, or wander around and check out the botanical garden, the sculpture garden, the antique wooden carousel at the old-time amusement park and the New Orleans Museum of Art, the city's flagship fine arts museum. It's also worth a stroll to follow the bayou on the east end of the park down into the picturesque Bayou St. John neighborhood.
City Park features the oldest grove of mature live oaks in the world. The Singing Oak, near the park's Esplanade entrance, is one of the most enchanting spots in the city. The work of local artist Jim Hart, the tree is subtly adorned with giant chimes (up to 14 feet long), positioned to catch the breeze from the nearby lake and ring a pentatonic scale. Sit beneath the shade of the drooping live oak and enjoy the gentle symphony. It's the perfect place for a picnic: Grab provisions at mid-city's neighborhood grocery store Canseco's or, better yet, pick up a few pounds of cooked crawfish from Danny's #1 Seafood in the Seventh Ward. Short of stumbling upon a neighborhood crawfish boil, a do-it-yourself, peel-and-eat picnic is the best way to have crawfish in New Orleans; skip the buckets at overpriced French Quarter restaurants and get a big bag fresh from Danny's or from Cajun Seafood, which has various locations around town. FYI for the hardcore mudbug fanatics eager to host your own boil: You can get live crawfish shipped home or even take them as a carry-on on a plane.
One of the most delightful ways to see a long stretch of the city is to hop on a streetcar. If you're in the French Quarter and want to see uptown New Orleans, take the St. Charles streetcar, which goes all the way from the heart of the Quarter to the riverbend on the other side of the town, through the north end of the Garden District, Audubon Park and just south of the Loyola and Tulane campuses. It's a perfect trip for house-gazing and people-watching. New Orleans Original Daiquiris is just around the corner from the last stop uptown; pick up a daiquiri to give your ride a little buzz. Warning: Trying to take the streetcar on Mardi Gras weekend can be nearly impossible because of the crowds; the St. Charles streetcar is also not an option when St. Charles is on a parade route.
For shopping and strolling, try Magazine Street six blocks south of St. Charles at the other end of the Garden District, a charming stretch of boutiques, antiques and restaurants. The French Quarter is also great for ambling. Skip Bourbon Street unless you just have to have a grain alcohol concoction in a novelty neon container; instead hop one block over and try walking the length of Royal Street from Canal to Esplanade during the daytime. You can also catch a $2 ride at the foot of Canal Street on the Algiers Ferry, which offers beautiful views of the city as it crosses the Mississippi River to Algiers Point, a walkable neighborhood on the West Bank.
And make time for these absolute New Orleans treasures: Domino Sound Record Shack, a collector's paradise; the interactive sound installation Music Box Village, an open-to-the-public wonderland of musical houses and structures; and the Backstreet Cultural Museum, a warmly curated collection honoring Mardi Gras Indians, second lines, jazz funerals and other aspects of the city's black cultural history.
If you want the absolute pinnacle of Mardi Gras madness, you'll want to make the trip for Mardi Gras day and the weekend preceding it, but keep in mind that the parades and celebrations of Carnival go on for weeks beforehand, with schedules easy to find online.
The bigger parades can be overwhelming, but they're a fun window into how much of a communal, family event Carnival is (particularly further from the Quarter on the parade routes). The best of the biggies: the irreverent Krewe du Vieux, famous for its wicked satire, kicks things off in mid-February; the all-female Krewe of Muses rolls uptown on the Thursday before Mardi Gras (its elaborately bedazzled shoes are one of the most prized "throws" of Mardi Gras season); and the historically black Krewe of Zulu tosses hand-painted coconuts in its mammoth procession on Mardi Gras day.
Everyone, at least once, should try the bone-rattling thrill of hanging out under an overpass on a Mardi Gras parade route, where the processions pause for the high-school marching bands to take advantage of the throbbing acoustics under the bridge.
Various nontraditional parades have more manageable crowds, more opportunities for impromptu participation, and often the most interesting DIY art. Dance along with the costumed revelers at the Box of Wine and Red Beans walking parades; check out the incredible shoebox-sized tiny floats of the all-miniature parade, 'tit Rex; gawk at the rolling art installation that is the science-fiction-themed Intergalactic Krewe of Chewbacchus; and woof along with Barkus, the all-dog parade. Things get stranger still if you can hunt down one of the various secret, no-permit parades by word of mouth; the Mystic Krewe of Eris provides an experience you won't soon forget if you can find them.
If you are in town for Mardi Gras weekend, check out the Panorama Brass Band at AllWays Lounge on Saturday night. Make sure to get some sleep on Monday — the party on Mardi Gras day starts first thing in the morning and lasts all day. Start downtown with the walking parades of the Society of St. Anne or the St. Anthony Ramblers, featuring the most lovingly outlandish costumes in the city. They don't follow precise routes, but R Bar or Mimi's are good spots to join up, and they roll down Royal all the way into the Quarter. Or start your morning uptown on St. Charles to watch Zulu and follow them into the Quarter. One way or another, spend some time checking out the costumes and mini-krewes on Royal, which provides a steady stream of wonders all day. Catch an outdoor band in Jackson Square, then duck into Pirate's Alley around the corner for an absinthe, then mosey to the Moonwalk riverfront park, where the day's adventurers take a minute to relax by the Mississippi.
It may take some searching, but Mardi Gras day is also one of just two days a year that you can witness an utterly singular New Orleans cultural tradition: Mardi Gras Indians are out chanting, singing and strutting in the stunning costumes that they have worked on all year. The best spots to find them are under the I-10 overpass on Claiborne and outside the Backstreet Cultural Museum in the Seventh Ward. 
Essential New Orleans
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