#and for ejzah's birthday
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mashmaiden · 2 years ago
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NCIS: Los Angeles - The Squid & Dagger
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ejzah · 2 months ago
@mashmaiden also pointed out that the twins’ birthday would be coming up, or passed if you follow my timeline.
“Are you having a good party?” Deeks asked Sophia, lying on his side while she and Caleb played with sorting cups and blocks.
“Yah,” she responded matter of factly, not looking up from the two cups she was trying to force them together.
A few feet away, Kensi and Rosa were taking turns building towers for Caleb to immediately knock down. Roberta, Callen, Anna, Sam, and Fatima had also come to celebrate the twins’ first birthday, and were currently embroiled in a highly competitive game of “Don’t Say Birthday” (with twins, baby, Sophia, Caleb, and present added into the mix of banned words to up the difficulty). At the moment, Roberta and Sam were tied.
“Alright, that’s my last pin,” Callen announced, handing it over to Fatima. “I’m out, try not to kill each other.” He wandered over, stopping beside Deeks. “When you invited me, I assumed it would be the one year olds fighting, not my partner and your mom.”
“Yeah, we probably should have stuck to bingo,” Deeks said, laughing at their antics.
“Ti,” Sophia instructed, patting the spot next to her. When Callen didn’t immediately respond to her directive, she patted the floor more emphatically, scowling at him.
“I think the birthday girl would like you to sit down,” Deeks interpreted.
“Oh, of course.” Callen hastily sat down. “Wouldn’t want to get on her bad side.”
“Definitely not.”
Sophia patted his shoulder, apparently satisfied and then lifted her light blue birthday dress to cover her face, and shouted “boo!”.
This time, Callen didn’t hesitate to hold his hands up and copy her, making Sophia giggle in delight.
“Incoming!” Kensi called out right before Caleb came running towards them, a party hat in one hand, and a green block in the other.
Deeks held out his arms, catching Caleb against his chest before he could crash.
“Hey buddy, how you doing?”
Caleb didn’t say anything, choosing to bury his head almost in Deeks’ armpit instead.
“I think he’s reaching the end of his endurance,” Kensi said, picking up a few toys as she moved closer. She brushed Caleb’s curls back from his temple, pushing her bottom lip out. “My poor baby. You’re just having too much fun.”
“Caleb reached up and clumsily forced a party hat on top of Deeks’ head.
“Thanks, kiddo,” Deeks said, pulling the attached rubber band under his chin. Both he and Sophia had started the party out with their own hats, but quickly dispensed with them. He’d seen Sophia’s discarded under the table, while Caleb had repurposed his as a container to hold a variety of snacks.
“I think it’s cake time,” Kensi told Rosa, who excitedly jumped, heading for the kitchen. She had kindly volunteered to the two smaller cakes for Sophia and Caleb to destroy and a larger cake for the rest of the party to enjoy.
“Guys, we’re about to sing “Happy Birthday” and have cake,” Kensi announced more loudly, addressing the rest of the guests. “So, I officially call an end to the game. Who has the most safety pins?”
“Me,” Anna said, raising her hand. “I have twenty-two.”
“Impressive,” Deeks commented.
“Yeah, won by nefarious means,” Sam said darkly.
“All I did was engage you in pleasant conversation.” Anna shrugged innocently.
“How’d you lose yours?” Kensi asked Fatima, who shook her head.
“Oh, I folded ten minutes ago and started refereeing these two,” she said.
“Ah, nice to know that even if we’re not coworkers anymore, the crazy still remains,” Deeks teased, picking Caleb and Sophia up and toting them over to the dining room table. Kensi took Sophia from him, getting her settled in her high hair, while Deeks worked on Caleb.
Sophia clapped her hands together, babbling about cake and other things Deeks didn’t quite catch.
“Oh, those are so beautiful, Rosa!” Fatima exclaimed as Rosa emerged from the kitchen with a tray containing two tiny cake decorated in teal and white frosting topped off with white number one candles. She brought them to the dining room table as everyone gathered around, and Caleb reached towards the candles with awe in his eyes.
“Caleb, don’t touch. Hot,” Kensi warned him, and Caleb pulled back, repeating,
“Let me get a picture of you all together,” Roberta said, gesturing for Kensi, Deeks, and Rosa to scoot closer to the twins and
They sang an abridged chorus of happy birthday since the twins were starting to get antsy.
“Sophia, Caleb, blow out the candles,” Kensi encouraged then when they finished singing.
Caleb screwed up his face and blew hard, blowing out the flame and also spraying the cake with a good amount of spit. Seeing her brother’s example, Sophia let out a short puff of air, frowning when her candle stayed lit.
“Try again,” Deeks encouraged.
It took three more tries before Sophia blew her candle out and then she immediately stuffed a fist into the cake. Caleb went head first instead, getting a mouthful of just frosting.
“Oh, I don’t envy you guys tonight when that sugar crash happens,” Sam said, chuckling at their future misfortune.
“Totally worth it.” Deeks gestured to the twins, somehow already completely covered in blue frosting and cake crumbs.
Later, after everyone had left and the mess cleaned up, Kensi and Deeks sat on the couch, the twins between them, just taking a moment to themselves.
“It’s crazy to think a year ago, these two weren’t even earth-side,” Deeks said with quiet awe.
“I know.” Kensi brushed her fingers over Caleb and Sophia’s cheeks. “And now they’re walking, starting to talk, eating anything they can find, and getting into lots of mischief.”
“Yeah, they definitely got your sweet tooth.”
“Hey, I didn’t see you turn down that second piece of cake,” Kensi retorted.
“It was really good cake. If Rosa decides she doesn’t want to be a lawyer, she could totally open a restaurant,” he said, turning his attention back to the twins.
“We’re pretty lucky,” he murmured.
“The luckiest,” Kensi agreed.
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aprylynn · 2 years ago
Happy Birthday! 🎉
Thank you, Emily 💗💗💗
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imperiumwifestrikesagain · 6 months ago
Thanks for the tag @ejzah !
Reblog what you did/will do today, and what you are looking forward to tomorrow!!
Today so far, I have taken both kids to Sunday school, the older one stayed for church with her godparents, and the younger one came with me to my parents house after. We’ve been here chilling so far.
We’re meeting my IL’s for a late lunch for mil’s birthday around 2. After that we will probably head home, since my energy levels are still in the toilet. Might try to get some cleaning done. Idk
Tomorrow I want to actually get some school work done with my kid.
I’m tagging @arch78, @chenfordspiral, @mamadoc, @amy97213, @kanerallels
@ellickalways, @sisterofficerlucychen
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kalliopekorekind · 3 years ago
@ejzah hey lady. Thinking that it might be your birthday, in which case let me be a little late to the game and wish the best birthday going! Have fun, be awesome, laugh, and know you are loved.
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bluenet13 · 3 years ago
Thanks @strandedchesspiece @chicgeekgirl89 for the tag!
With the year ending, let’s look back at what we did! What are your favorite creations you did or the ones you think deserve more love? Send this to 5 other creators to share the love.
It took me a long time and effort to get back to writing after stopping the last couple of years and I'm very glad I can make a list this year. I feel proud of all my stories but these are the ones that feel extra special to me.
1. Sir Percival
For a long time I wanted to write a story for a show other than NCISLA, especially for SEAL Team, and this year I finally did. It was also my first BTHB story and it started a better than usual writing year for me.
2. What's Really Keeping You Awake?
I always saw myself as an angst and hurt/comfort writer and this story helped me see that I can also write lighthearted, funny fics and have equal fun doing it.
3. Fix You
I've always loved writing dark, angsty, introspective stories and this is the first time I managed to do this for 911 Lone Star. This one is very me and the type of emotional story I've always enjoyed writing the most.
4. It's All In Your Head
Chicago Fire has been one my favorite shows for a very long time and this year I finally wrote a story for it. I had so much fun writing this one, putting my own spin on the shows' friendships and finally writing something for Casey and Brettsey.
5. No Longer Were the Stars Their Only Witness
Roswell New Mexico is my discovery of the year and I now love it and it's characters so, so much. I feel very proud of this story and hope it's only the first of many for this show and ship.
Honorable Mentions
Heroes Tonight
This was my first story for 911 Lone Star and my new favorite ship and it pushed my obsession with Tarlos to new levels. I also wrote it as a Birthday gift for a very good friend. She help me rediscover my love for fandom and fanfic this year, so this story will always be very special to me.
Special Occasions
This was another fluffy and fun story that in a way is very unlike me but I really enjoyed writing it and loved focusing on another side of my boys and my writing, and proving to myself that I can write more than angst and h/c.
Thank you so much to anyone who's read or interacted with any of my stories this year. I appreciate every one of you. Let's hope for more words and for my wips to become finished fics in 2022.
Tagging @ejzah @anonkp @glenncoco4 @wanna-be-bold @ravens-words @cosmiicmalex
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agentblyeanddeeks · 4 years ago
I was tagged by @ejzah
Name/Nickname: Katey/KayKay
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Aries/Taurus
Height: 5′ 5.5″
Time: 11:38am
Birthday: 4/20
Favorite Bands: S Club 7
Favorite Solo Artists: P!nk
Last Show: Friends
Last Movie: I don’t even know the last time I saw a movie
When did I create the blog: this blog December 2019 but I have had an account on tumblr since 2013
What I post: NCISLA only
Last thing I googled: best way to travel from London to Germany
Other Blogs: Charmed blog on Twitter
Do I get asks: Rarely
Why did I choose my URL: Because it’s Densi HELLO!
Following: 51
Followed: 84
Average hours of sleep: 7 or 8
Instruments: Used to play piano in 5th grade but forgot 100% of it
What I’m Wearing: 3/4 sleeve shirt, jeans, shoes, and a mask
Dream Job: Restaurant owner. 
Dream Trip: Been there, done that.
Favorite Food: mac and cheese
Nationality: white girl
Favorite Song: I don’t have a favorite song but Aude Lang Syne is stuck in my head.
Last Book I Read: reread a Charmed tie in novel
Top 3 Fictional Universes: NCISLA, Charmed, Friends
Tagging @mashmaiden @ncis-ncislafan @psyched1328
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wanna-be-bold · 4 years ago
Tagged by @lekyk
Name/Nickname: T
Gender: Female
Star sign: Virgo
Height: 5'2"
Time: 7:30
Birthday: August 31
Favorite bands: Dan + Shay, Rascal Flatts, Lady A
Favorite solo artists: Garth Brooks, Miranda Lambert
Last show: Last show I watched is NCIS
Last movie: Christmas Vacation and the Madea Christmas movie
When did I create this blog: Back in July 2012 (thanks to @hellokaelyn for finding this for me!)
What I post: mainly fandom things, sometimes person things
Last thing I googled: Criminal investigation jobs
Other blogs: Nope!
Do I get asks: occasionally, but I always love getting asks
Why did I choose my URL: it's what Kensi told Deeks in Humbug when they decided to go "all in." "I wanna be bold Deeks, but I wanna be bold with you."
Following: 435
Followers: 1,121
Average hours of sleep: 6-8
Instruments: I used to be able to play piano
What I'm wearing: yoga pants and a sweatshirt
Dream job: something with artist relations
Dream trip: Italy or Israel
Favorite food: steak and potatoes
Nationality: American
Favorite song: More than a Memory by Garth Brooks
Last book I read: The Choice by Nicholas Sparks
Top 3 fictional universes: NCIS
Tagging @mashmaiden @ejzah @glenncoco4 @chicgeekgirl89
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blogger360ncislarules · 5 years ago
                                          Leap Day
                            (Post S11′s The Circle)
It was very early the morning of February 29th (the day that only comes once every 4 years) The birthday girl had woken up early to see the sun rise.
As the sun rose, She reminicised on how the past 4 years had been for her and her team: Losing her partner, Almost losing her life more then once, Watching her team get blown up and nearly killed, Disappearing for 9 and a half months, Returning in stunning fashion to save Densi’s wedding, Eric’s undercover mission, Finding out one of her ‘orphans’ had turned evil, Stopping the blood feud between the family that cost Callen his mother and his chance at a normal life.
And chuckled, because despite all of that, her agents were still intact, and She was still alive.
‘To hell with these last 4 years!’
                   If I had been writing last month, I would’ve written this and posted this on Feb 29th. But today works too! 🎂❤
Tagging: @shipppphappens, @mashmaiden, @ejzah, @littlemiss3ma
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cbetham · 2 years ago
Happy Birthday @ejzah
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ejzah · 2 months ago
A/N: Once again, thanks to @mashmaiden for reminding me Deeks’ birthday was closer than I realized. Happy birthday Martin Atticus Deeks!
Once in a Lifetime
Mid-November 2024
Nell watched Kensi prep a bottle of milk, hands currently occupied with Caleb. Sophia was still sleeping in their room, but Kensi figured she wouldn’t be for long.
“Alright, this is ready to go,” Kensi said, holding out the bottle to Nell. “Do you want to feed him?”
“Absolutely,” Nell said eagerly, following Kensi to the living room to sit down with Caleb. “Give me.”
Kensi snorted as Nell made a grabby hand and settled in to feed Caleb.
“Ok, so what are we doing today while Deeks is at his meeting? Hit up some mommy and me groups? Check out the hot dads at the park?”
“No to the first one. I tried some of those groups during the first couple of months, and hated it. To the second, the only hot dad I need is Deeks,” Kensi retorted, then immediately winced. “That sounds wrong. Moving on. I actually thought maybe you could help me plan Deeks’ birthday. I want to do something kind of big.”
“Ooh, I do love party planning. Though I would have thought forty-five made more sense for a milestone birthday bash,” Nell commented.
“Yeah, well last year we had three week old twins on our hands on Deeks’ last birthday. We were lucky we had fresh clothes on and didn’t spend the whole day in bed,” Kensi reminded her archly.
“That is an excellent point.” Nell leaned back against the couch cushions, drawing her legs up under her as Caleb happily sucked away at the bottle. “Ok, so what are we doing for my brother from another mother. The Shaggy to my Velma.”
Kensi gave her an amused look. She’d been thinking about this a lot for the past few months. She knew Deeks truly appreciated any recognition of his birthday, but he deserved to be celebrated. This time in extravagant fashion if she had any say in it.
Folding her hands together, Kensi turned to face Nell fill-on, feeling unaccountably nervous.
“Last time we visited you and Eric, Deeks really loved that sushi restaurant we went to. So, here’s where I have a really massive, request and I fully recognize that it’s taking advantage of our friendship and—”
“You’d like us to arrange a trip for you and Deeks to Tokyo?” Nell interrupted gently.
“Kind of,” Kensi said sheepishly. “Is that a ridiculous thing to even think about?”
“Of course not. You know we’d fly you over in a heartbeat. When you have access to a private jet and lots of money, it’s what you do for the people you love.”
“Well, when you put it that way,” Kensi joked. “Thank you, Nell.”
Caleb chose that moment to take his mostly empty bottle and hand it to Nell, and started fussing, babbling “Mama” in between a bunch of unintelligible babble.
“Here, I’ll take him. He usually gets like this when he’s still sleepy.” Tucking Caleb under her chin, Kensi shared, “I’m going to see if Roberta can watch them, with Rosa supervising when she can.”
“What do you think about me and Eric coming here and watching them instead?” Nell suggested. “We can babysit and take Rosa on some adventures.”
“We couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“You’re not, I’m offering. You know we’re always looking for any opportunity for quality kid time.” Nell wiggled Caleb’s foot. “Right? Your aunt and uncle need a chance to teach you about all the wonderful weird things out there.”
“That would be great. Just as long as the adventures don’t include anything like that steampunk casino with the feather dancing you took us to last time.”
Nell tilted her consideringly. “We’ll take them to a science museum,” she said. “No feather dancing in sight.”
“Hey ladies. Who’s doing a feather dance?” Deeks inquired, coming in from the back. He set his shoulder bag to the side, coming over to kiss Kensi and then Caleb.
“Oh, we were just reminiscing,” Nell said with a forced laugh that made Deeks raise a questioning eyebrow.
“Alright then.” He reached for Caleb, tucking him in the crook of his arm with ease, Caleb curling up against him immediately. “Hey, where’s your sister, Mr. Doughnut? Let’s go find her. See if she wants to play while mommy and Auntie Nell tell super secret stories.”
As he walked away, Nell leaned towards Kensi with a delighted expression. “This is going to be fun,” she whispered.
January 6th, 2025
“The beach.”
“An amusement park?”
“Still no,” Kensi replied, calmly driving on as Deeks sat beside her, a sleep mask over his eyes and his hands folded in his lap. She’d made him put the mask on about thirty minutes ago when she thought he might get suspicious about the route to the private airport Nell and Eric had arranged for them to fly out from.
Kensi had asked Deeks to take a few days off without asking questions and packed for him, so they could leave a couple days before his birthday. He’d taken the strange requests in stride, but now he was starting to get a little antsy.
“Ok, normally I would love the idea of you giving me a blindfold, but it’s starting to feel a little like a hostage situation.”
“You can take it off in a couple minutes,” Kensi assured him, reaching over to squeeze his thigh before turning into the airport parking lot.
“My next guess would be a sex dungeon, but I don’t think I’m dressed for it,” Deeks continued. He tilted his head to the side. “Wait, are we at an airport? Wow, that’s a whole host of other charges.”
“How did you figure that out?” Kensi demanded, and he sat back with a satisfied smile.
“I’m highly observant. Where are you taking me?”
“Just give me like five minutes and I’ll tell you.”
Deeks spent the next five minutes making increasingly ridiculous giggles until Kensi was fully laughing by the time she pulled up in front of the “small” jet Nell had described. A security guard stopped them a few hundred yards away and Kensi flashed her ID, slowly driving the last bit when he waved her on.
She helped Deeks out of the car and up the stairs, her excitement and nervousness mounting the closer they got to the interior. Hopefully Deeks would actually enjoy the surprise.
“Ok, you can take it off,” she told him when they were standing in the middle of the luxurious jet.
Deeks tugged the mask over his head with a dramatic flick of his wrist, smoothing his hair back down before he took a real look around.
“Holy crap, you either won the lottery or sold a whole lot of something illegal,” he said, and Kensi rolled her eyes affectionately.
“We’re borrowing it from Eric and Nell.”
“Right, that makes a lot more sense.”
Taking his hand, she led him to one of the eight seats spread throughout the space.
“Early happy birthday,” she said, handing him a packet containing their itinerary for the next four days.
Deeks pulled out a paper with their hotel details (once again, set up with Nell’s help), several dinner reservations, and passes to a few attractions they’d thought Deeks would enjoy.
“You’re taking me to Tokyo?” he asked, his voice going soft and slightly uncertain.
“I kind of missed the last one, so I figured this would make up for it.” She shrugged, a little shy in the face of his amazement. “I hope you like it.”
“Baby, like it…this is amazing.” He grinned in obvious delight, then frowned. “Wait, I thought we were only taking a day trip. Who’s watching the twins?”
“Eric and Nell,” Kensi replied and he sighed in relief.
“Thank god. Mama would probably end up reporting us missing or something.” Shaking his head, he looked over the documents one more before carefully replacing them in the envelope. “Thank you so much, baby.” He kissed her softly. “This is an amazing gift.”
They took a quick trip around the plane check out all the amenities, some of which were completely ridiculous and completely in keeping with Eric and Nell’s eccentricities.
“Do you think Nell and Eric have cameras on this plane?” Deeks wondered as they closed up a little compartment with a gaming system.
He wrapped his arm around her waist, dragging her to his chest. “Because this might be our chance to join a certain club.”
“It is your birthday,” Kensi said, trailing her fingers down from his jaw.
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ejzah · 7 months ago
A/N: It’s a bit late, but happy birthday to Kensi Marie Blye! Thanks to @mashmaiden for the fic scenario and general brainstorming.
The No Good, Very Bad Birthday
Deeks hefted a large cooler into the back of his truck, pushing it alongside two suitcases. There were also two camping chairs and hiking gear.
“Is that everything?” Kensi called from the ground. “If you let me take a look—”
“Oh Kensi, my love, did you really think I would fall for that? I’m not letting any details slip about this trip.” Deeks shifted to the side to block Kensi’s view as she tried see up into the truck. “So, it would be best if you just gave up trying.”
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”
She did step back so he could secure the top, and extended a hand to help him down. Together, they walked back into the house where Rosa and Roberta were entertaining the twins.
“Are you guys ready to go?” Rosa asked, passing Sophia to Kensi when she reached out. Deeks hauled Caleb up into his arms.
“Yeah. I’m going to miss you guys.”
“Adaba,” Sophia replied, patting Kensi’s cheek.
“All the numbers, doctors, and other important information are still in the binder on the counter,” Kensi said. Rosa nodded along, paying more attention than Roberta as Kensi and Deeks ran through the instructions.
While Deeks took Kensi on a surprise birthday trip, Rosa and Roberta had offered to take care of the twins. This wasn’t the first time Rosa had stayed with the twins overnight, but it would be the longest.
“I know you’ve got this handled, but don’t hesitate to call if anything happens or you need us to come back. Even if it’s just because you get sick of these two,” Deeks added. He tweaked Caleb’s cheek, hefting him higher on his hip.
“As if I could ever get tired of my beautiful brother and sister,” Rosa said. “We’ll be fine. Now please go have fun.”
“Of course they will.” Roberta rolled her eyes. “By the way, where’d you hide the key to the liquor cabinet?”
Deeks ignored her, turning back to Rosa.
He hugged her tightly and Kensi came on her other side, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
“Thank you.”
“We love you, call if you need us,” he said, and snuck a glance at Roberta . “And keep an eye on your crazy grandma.” He whispered the last part as he and Kensi passed the twins back to Rosa and Roberta.
“I will, but nothing’s going to happen. Love you, guys. Have a fun birthday, Kensi!” Rosa called after them on their way through the door.
“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” Kensi asked, snuggling into Deeks as she rode in the passenger seat of the truck. They’d been driving for a couple hours now, and the scenery had become distinctly greener and less populated.
“I guess we’re close enough. We are going to spend the next four days at a cozy little cabin. It’s not Mammoth, but the views and trails are supposed to be amazing,” Deeks told her. He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “And there’s a fireplace and hot tub outside.”
“Ooh, sounds romantic.” She nuzzled his cheek, letting her hand creep up his thigh. “Where did you hear about it?”
“Kat. She said she stayed in one of the cabins a few years ago and it was amazing.”
“Well, if Kat gave it her seal of approval, then it’s got to be good. That girl does not like to endure any hardships,” Kensi said, and Deeks chuckled in agreement.
“No, she does not. Show ponies and filet mignon.”
“I could have done without the ponies, but the food was phenomenal,” Kensi admitted. She hadn’t known quite what to expect of Deeks’ surprise; anything would have been great, but was a little relieved they weren’t headed for a four day survival hike. The past couple years, combined with motherhood had lowered her appreciation for those kinds of activities.
They drove through increasingly winding roads surrounded by forest until they reached a small guardhouse. Deeks showed the guard their pass, and he was provided a small map of the grounds, keys, a pass for the truck and waved through.
“This is gorgeous!” Kensi exclaimed as they drove by rows of luscious trees. Deeks followed the directions on the map, stopping beside a clearing with a wooden cabin.
“This is a little more overgrown than I expected,” Deeks commented as they passed a tree growing through the crack between two slats of wood on the porch.
Inside, was a short entryway that immediately opened into a den area decorated with wooden furniture. It was small, but cozy-looking, and contained a fireplace as promised.
“It’s cute,” Kensi decided.
“I was going for luxurious. As per Kat and the website’s reviews. This is more…forest ranger.”
“It’s rustic, which I happen to like.” Nudging his shoulder, Kensi stepped back outside. “C’mon, let’s unload the truck and then we can explore the rest of the place.”
“Ok. But if the jacuzzi doesn’t work, I’m writing a strongly worded Yelp review,” he said as he followed her out.
Further exploration revealed most of the rooms had some level of water damage or decrepit amenities. The bathroom also sported a large spider in one corner, which they decided to leave to its own devices—though Deeks reserved the right to squash it if it made any signs of movement. Luckily for the owners, the jacuzzi did in fact work, though it would need a thorough cleaning before it would be fit for use.
They saved the master bedroom for last. Fortunately, the bed seemed reasonably sturdy, and clean. Though the same couldn’t be said of the floor beneath it. It creaked with every step, and Kensi didn’t point out the dark stains underneath.
Even though it wasn’t what Deeks had anticipated, it seemed good enough to her. She didn’t think they’d make it out of the bedroom for much of the first couple days.
With that in mind, Kensi threw herself back on the bed, tugging an unsuspecting Deeks with her, one hand tangling in his hair while the other settled comfortable on his lower back. His hands automatically fell to her hips, his body reacting to Kensi’s against his.
“Don’t you want to check for bed bugs, first?” he asked, his tone only half-joking.
“Baby, we have a full four days to ourselves. As much as I love our children, I’m looking forward to the uninterrupted alone time with you. Are you really going to waste a moment of it worrying about whether or not the sheets are two thousand count thread?” she asked.
“I don’t think two thousand is a—”
Kensi cut him off with a kiss, her hand sliding up the back of his shirt. Ot successfully distracted him from any further objections and within moments she had both of them out of their shirts.
Deeks woke sometime later to sunlight streaming across his face and a naked Kensi tucked between his arms. Burrowing his nose in Kensi’s neck, he sighed contentedly.
“See, it’s not so bad after all,” Kensi mumbled sleepily.
“Yeah, but you were willing to have sex with me in the middle of the desert while we were on the run from the federales. Your standards aren’t that high,” he pointed out. Kensi made a half-hearted swat at his back, that ended more like a caress.
“I was trying to get you to wake up.”
“Oh my god!” Kensi groaned. Deeks hid his grin in her shoulder, his body shaking with laughter. “You’re terrible.” Despite her proclamation, nudged his chin so she could reach his mouth, her lips moving softly over his.
“We should eat something,” he said breathily as Kensi kissed her way down his neck and chest.
“I’m not that hungry.”
“It won’t do us any good if we pass out from exhaustion.” At this, Kensi lifted her head, rolling back onto one elbow.
“I hate it when you make sense,” she sighed. Planting a hand on his chest, she pushed up, hovering over him. “But when we get done, you’re mine.” She dipped her head to kiss him one more time, then used his chest to sit up.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Deeks said. Rolling out of bed, he grabbed his discarded shorts, tugged them on, and headed for the kitchen.
Kensi wandered into the kitchen in just his t-shirt about 10 minutes later, finding him in the middle of filling a large pot with water. She peered over his shoulder, examining the boxes and cans spread over the small counters.
“What gourmet meal are you making me?”
“Fettuccini in a rosé sauce. Hopefully. Apparently the state-of-the-art kitchen is a little worse for wear too. Kat and I are going to have a little talk when we get back,” he said grimly, frowning at the hand-written sign taped over the oven that read “Out of order”.
“It’ll be ok,” Kensi insisted. “We brought enough food that doesn’t need to be cooked or at least doesn’t require an oven.”
He took a deep breath, reminding himself that he wasn’t doing either of them any good by constantly whining. “Sorry, you’re right. I just want you to have a nice birthday weekend.”
“I already am.” Kensi took advantage of his current position to slip her hands in his back pockets and squeeze. “I’m going to go to the bathroom and when I get back I’ll chop vegetables or something.”
Deeks continued prepping, getting out a bag of green beans, a jar of tomato sauce, and cream cheese. He was just dumping the sauce into a smaller pan when he heard Kensi make a truly bloodcurdling scream.
He didn’t have a gun with him of course, but out of instinct, he grabbed a chef’s knife and ran for the bathroom.
“Kensi!” he shouted, kicking the door open. He expected to find blood, an armed intruder, possibly a bomb. He did not anticipate Kensi to be standing over the sink, shaking out her hair. “Kens,” he repeated, slowly lowering the knife. “Everything ok?”
She turned around, eyes blazing. “No! I was washing my hands and a toad fell out of the ceiling and on my head.”
“A toad?”
“Yes. It was huge. It landed somewhere over there.” Pointing towards the other side of the room, she crossed her arms as Deeks poked around. He found said toad cowering—as much as a toad could cower—at one end of the tub.
“Oh, it’s just a toad, Kensalina,” Deeks said, cupping his hands and lowering them inside the tub. The toad obligingly hopped into them.
“I don’t care, they’re slimy and gross and I don’t want them in my hair.”
Deeks tried to keep his amusement at his tough-as-nails, could make a raft out of twigs Kensi freaking out over a two-inch amphibian.
“Do not laugh,” she ordered with a fierce expression.
“I would never,” he promised, making a hasty exit before broke that promise. “I’ll just take this little guy outside.”
Fortunately, the rest of the evening passed without anymore excitement. Dinner turned out pretty good, and they tumbled into bed, making plans to explore one of the trails the next day. Assuming they made it out of bed in time.
“We should have brought a machete,” Deeks said, settling his hands on his hips as he considered the fallen tree blocking their path. “Or maybe an electric saw.”
At the start of the leisure trail, everything had been fine. As they got deeper into the woods though, it became clear that no one had been back here in a long time. The path was overgrown with brush and trees had fallen in multiple places. Clearly, things had changed significantly since Kat stayed since Kensi could never imagine her stepping foot on this trail.
It wouldn’t have been that bad if Kensi had actually dressed for a wilderness hike. Instead, she’d foolishly worn shorts and a t-shirt, and she was now splattered with mud and scratched up. Deeks hadn’t faired much better.
“We should just go back.”
“No, we made it this far,” Kensi objected. She didn’t really know why. She was hot and itchy, and wanted nothing more than to go back to the cabin and shower. Somehow it felt like she’d be giving up if they didn’t finish this stupid trail. “There was a sign for a fire pit about half a mile back, let’s try and find that.”
“Are you sure? Cause I have no problem going back and spending the rest of today in the jacuzzi. Sans Frankie,” Deeks told her, and she rolled her eyes.
“I cannot believe you named the toad,” she groaned. Together, they turned around, retracing their steps.
“Well, pets have to have a name.”
“Oh, we are not keeping that thing. He can have the bathtub back when we leave.”
“You mean he’s not growing on you?” Deeks teased.
“No. The dog would probably end up eating him at some point anyway,” Kensi pointed out, and Deeks grimaced, following her as she took the slight right that the signpost indicated.
After a small incline, they found a small raised wood platform with two benches and chairs surrounding a brick fire pit.
“Huh, they actually told the truth this time,” Deeks commented. “I was expecting like a pit of snakes or something.
“Or quicksand,” Kensi added with a wry grin. She plopped down on the closest bench, feeling a soreness in her thighs from the unexpected trek.
“This is kind of nice,” Deeks admitted, taking the other side of the bench. He put his head back, letting out a relieved sigh.
A second later thunderous crack rolled through the air and without warning a sheet of rain poured down from the sky, instantly penetrating the foliage above.
Kensi stared in shock, completely still for a few seconds, then she started laughing.
“Happy birthday! I’ve officially gifted you the worst vacation ever!” Deeks shouted over the rain drops. “I’m sorry!”
“Deeks, come here.” Beckoning him closer, she grabbed the front of his now soaked shirt and kissed him firmly. She pulled back, her lips smacking against his. “I don’t care what we do or where we do it. If it’s eating sushi at the most extravagant hotel in the world or chasing toads out of a barely functioning bathtubs, I want to do it with you.”
“I wanted this to be special though.”
“It is. In its own way,” Kensi said. “The fact that you planned all of this, even if it didn’t turn out the way we expected, is special. And I love you for it.”
“I love you too,” Deeks murmured, leaning in for another kiss. They made out for a couple minutes as the rain soaked through their hair and clothes. Deeks pulled back, water dripping off of his nose.
“Do you want to see if we can get the deposit back, find a Super 8, and maybe get some ice cream?”
“Yes,” Kensi said immediately. “As quickly as possible.”
He laughed, mouth settling into a fond smile.
“Happy birthday, Kensi. Let’s never do this again.”
A/N: Thanks for reading this silly story!
Side note, up til I was around six, we had two pet toads. One was named Frankie.
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ejzah · 1 year ago
A/N: Once again, thanks to @mashmaiden for reminding me that today is Deeks’ birthday. I swear I just don’t have a brain anymore. In any case, happy 45th birthday to Martin Atticus Deeks.
The Best Birthday
“Shhh, you’re going to wake him up.”
“I’m being as quiet as I can. Can you grab the syrup?”
“Let me put the flowers down first.”
Deeks cracked one eye open, first registering the twins cradled in either arm. He vaguely recalled going to change them last night in a haze of sleep. He turned his head to the side where Kensi and Rosa were still whispering, bent over something on the side table. He heard the distinctive click of a lighter.
“Don’t get wax on the—”
“Do I wanna know what’s going on over there,” Deeks croaked, not bothering to lift his head. Kensi and Rosa spun around simultaneously, Rosa hurrying to block his view of the table.
“Baby, you’re supposed to be sleeping still,” Kensi lamented, moving over to the bed and leaning to kiss him.
“And you’re supposed to be taking it easy,” he reminded her. “Cause of these gremlins.” He lifted his shoulders in the direction of the oblivious twins.
“I think I can handle carrying a lighter upstairs,” she countered as Rosa stepped forward with a tray, laden with an omelet, fruit, coffee, and thick pancakes topped with lit candles.
“Happy Birthday, Marty,” Rosa wished him, waving her hand over the spread with a flourish.
He shifted himself higher against the pillows while keeping Caleb and Sophia cradled in his arms. “This is amazing, but I didn’t expect anything this year with everything going on.”
“It’s a very important day,” Kensi said with a fond smile. “One that I’m never, ever going to miss again. She kissed him again, sliding onto the bed next to him, and reached to take Sophia.
“Hey, I can still eat and hold them at the same time,” he protested, scooping both babies a little tighter on his chest.
“I know, but you don’t have to. I promise I’ll give them back as soon as you’re done.”
Kensi scooped up Caleb and Sophia, settling beside him, and Rosa set the tray over his lap.
Deeks gingerly blew out the candle stuck in the center of the pancake stack, putting it to the side. He was about to dig in when Rosa crawled up next to him. Something about that, maybe combined with the lack of sleep, made his heart squeeze with sudden affection, and the odd urge to cry.
“What’s wrong? Did we forget something?” Kensi asked, making Deeks realize he’d been sitting there with an empty fork for a while. He glanced between Rosa, the twins, and finally Kensi. His family.
“No. No, this is absolutely perfect,” he assured her, brushing a couple tears back. “Thank you, baby.”
“Happy Birthday, Deeks. We love you.”
A/N: I just love writing Deeks as the happiest dad.
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ejzah · 2 years ago
A/N: Happy Birthday 41st birthday to Kensi Marie Blye, ninja assassin and half of our favorite duo!
The Best is Yet to Come
Even a few years ago, Kensi wouldn’t have imagined she’d be the lady with a backyard full of people and a table laden with summer snacks and drinks to celebrate her birthday. A few years ago, she wasn’t even sure she was ready to be a mom, yet here she was with her own home, Rosa playing catch with her boyfriend, and another two kiddos happily cooking away.
In some ways, life was more chaotic than ever. In others, she’d never felt more at peace and sure of the future and her decisions.
She saw Deeks in the corner where they’d set up the grill, watching over Sam’s shoulder with what she imagined was an amused grin. As expected, Sam had taken control of barbecue duties shortly after he arrived, ignoring Deeks’ insistence that he was a guest.
Patting Sam on the shoulder, Deeks headed back across the yard, directly towards Kensi.
“Hey, baby, can I get you anything?” he asked, once he was a foot or so away. She already had a strawberry mint lemonade and some fruit on the whicker table next to her chair.
“You know, I can walk,” Kensi reminded him with a smile. “These babies haven’t made me an invalid yet.”
“Yes, but as your husband, who can’t physically carry said babies, it feels like the least I can do.”
She tilted her head, touched by the offer. In the last two and a half months, Deeks had made it his personal mission to keep her well fed and pampered, on top of his normal tendencies. Sometimes she worried he would work himself ragged trying to manage everything, but other times she let him have his way.
“Well, in that case, I’d like two cookies,” she decided. Sneaking her hand into his, she tugged on his arm until he got the message and got down to her level. Deeks arched an eyebrow at her, warmth in his eyes as she stole a kiss. “And you.”
“You know what I always say, my Ladybird gets whatever she wants,” he said with a ridiculous wiggle of his eyebrows. He patted her thigh affectionately, rising with an agility that Kensi envied. She tilted her head, enjoying the view as he sauntered in the direction of the tables set up under a small tent.
A faint jerking in her stomach had her pressing both hands against her stomach. It was an odd sensation, but not painful or uncomfortable at this point. “Somebody’s got the hiccups again, huh?” Kensi said, directing her question to her stomach. As if in response, she felt a flutter on her left side.
“Uh-oh, who’s acting up this time? Donut or Croissant?” Deeks had returned, a plate in hand. He bent down to kiss Kensi’s stomach through her shirt, following it with a brush of his free hand. “Hey, give Mama a break there kids.”
“Pretty sure it’s Croissant,” Kensi told him. At first, she’d resisted Deeks’ pastry related nicknames, but ultimately decided it was better than the Shawarma Twins. Plus, it had kind of grown on her.
“Not even four months old and already causing trouble,” he joked. “That’s ok, your Mom and Dad are kind of troublemakers too, so you’ll be in good company.”
Kensi smiled down at him fondly. She loved how much he talked and interacted with the babies, sharing everything from his favorite music to daily encouragement and little stories.
“What did you bring me?” she asked, attention drifting to the plate again, which held an impressive tower of food.
“Well, I didn’t know what you and the Pastry Babies were in the mood for, so I got a little of everything. There’s classic chocolate chip, a mocha brownie Mama made—don’t worry, they’re decaf, lemon bars, and what I think is red velvet, but could be beet since Anna made them.” He pointed to each dessert as he listed them, offering Kensi the plate when he finished.
“Ooh, brownie please.” She broke it in half, handing Deeks the other piece, explaining when he raised any eyebrow in surprise, “ This way I can try all of them.”
“God, I love you,” he sighed with a massive grin. Together, they happily shared the treats, watching the antics of their guests. Callen had wandered over to Sam and by the look of it, providing unwanted feedback, Rosa and Steven were tossing pretzels into each other’s mouths from a distance, and Roberta and Arkady….well, it was probably best if Deeks ignored any of their activities.
“I’m sorry this year’s celebration isn’t more elaborate,” Deeks apologized unexpectedly, raising Kensi’s hand to his lips for a soft kiss.
“What do you mean? This is great.” Kensi gestured to their yard, now overtaken by their former team, their significant others, Rosa, the moms, and more eating and socializing.
“It is, but I had planned on something a little more intimate.” He shrugged.
“I always enjoy whatever you do for my birthday, because it’s coming from you. I think this might be the best one yet though. I have you, Rosa, these little miracles,” she said, her hand passing over her stomach, gently cupping her four month bump. “41 is looking pretty good so far.”
“Yeah, it is,” Deeks agreed softly, leaning down to kiss her. “Happy birthday.”
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ejzah · 2 years ago
After all my complaining, the final results:
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ejzah · 2 years ago
Think I made enough cookies?
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