#and exactly how alike they are
heartinhyacinth · 29 days
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levinbolts · 4 months
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lollytea · 1 year
I don't think Willow and Hunter start dating immediately after the events of W&D. They know they're something and they're both open to exploring that when they're ready. But they also agree that it would be in their best interest to adjust to their new normal and do some soul searching before they make themselves an official item. They don't consider themselves dating but they don't consider themselves single either. And the way the two of them approach their feelings for each other in this murky limbo state is vastly different for both of them.
Like if somebody asks Willow if she's in love with Hunter, it's like
Willow: Am I in-...? Well, it's...complicated. It's a very complicated situation we're in and I don't want to make any bold decisions right away. Do I love him as a friend? Of course I do. Am I physically attracted to him? Yes, but hormones don't mean love. Am I also emotionally attracted to him? Yes, but a crush isn't love. Do all of these things at once equate to being in love? Well, that seems like the kind of question that would keep a very nervous very scared person lying awake all night. Good thing that's not me, haha. It's not like I'm scared to be in love and I'm subconsciously avoiding confronting the fact that I am. I just believe in staying rational and analyzing your emotions so you don't get too reckless and dive into things without thinking. You'll hurt yourself. I've heard that's it's really easy to hurt yourself when you're in love. You see it's...we...Hunter and I met at a really crazy time, when I was just starting to become the witch I want to be. And then everything got so much crazier and we were confused and scared and it was hard to think about who you wanted to be when you weren't where you wanted to be. So now we're home. And finally, we have the chance to figure ourselves out. And that's exactly what we're gonna do. I want to be with him...eventually. When we're ready. I like him and I want to kiss him but I'm not in love with him. I'm totally not.
Meanwhile, on the other side of Bonesborough
Del: Willow seems like a nice girl.
Hunter: Yeah. I'm in love with her.
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thatwitchrevan · 7 months
Telling Ven and Roxas apart headcanons:
- Aqua, Terra, Lea, and Sora almost never mix them up. When they do, it's usually when they're distracted and barely paying attention to which one they're talking to. It's just that easy for them to tell from their personalties, manners, how they speak, and the minor differences in their appearances. However, as everyone gets used to having both Roxas and Ventus around, they start accidentally mixing their names up the way parents do with their kids - they're not really thinking that Ventus IS Roxas, they know this is Ventus, but Roxas is the name that came out of their mouth anyway. This eventually happens a lot and Roxas jokes that they should wear name tags. Ventus says that it wouldn't help.
- Isa and Naminé can mostly tell them apart but sometimes they like. Squint at the boys, unsure. Naminé will just be like 'are you Roxas or Ventus' (Ven: It's Ven :)! Roxas: wow Naminé I'd never mix YOU up with Kairi or Xion god). Isa doesn't like to ask but eventually he will if he can't figure it out.
- Riku can't tell them apart at a glance, but after engaging them in conversation he can figure it out pretty quick. Mainly because Ven is really friendly with him and Roxas not as much.
- Kairi is confused at first but then gets really good at telling.
- Vanitas never mixes them up, but he will tease Roxas about 'stealing' his brother's face and is also rude to him a lot.
- Xion can also always tell them apart. It's kind of uncanny: even if one of them comes up to her and she only gets a glimpse of them, without hearing them speak or them do anything distinctive, she knows exactly who it is. Does she just know them both that well, or is it a weird side effect of her mimickery? No one knows.
- Yen Sid and Mickey insist it's 'obvious' which is which. Though Mickey has definitely called Roxas 'Ven' by accident.
- Donald and Goofy are honestly a little lost.
- Most of the Radiant Garden lot are as well, but Aerith can tell them apart. Leon and Cloud usually avoid names just in case.
- Hayner/Pence/Olette find it very trippy that Ventus looks like Roxas, but they take a couple minutes to learn the differences between them and then never mix them up.
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discordiansamba · 9 months
also was thinking about the twin AU again and just. how funny it would be if the only one who realized what was going on was Coran, but he just kept it to himself. Clearly it's none of his business if Keith is actually two people pretending to be one person.
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rxttenfish · 16 days
i absolutely cannot let myself get started on another fic until im at least onto chapter 5 of caecilian but the temptation to write something of aaravi taking miranda monster hunting and describing the entire EVERYTHING there is real
#all the care guide says is 'biomass'#miravi.txt#mostly in the duality that is#what aaravi actually does as a monster slayer and the context that it exists within both in her own life and within the world#and with the fact that miranda doesnt actually sincerely identify as a monster nor care about that divide#to her this is landfolk on landfolk problems that merfolk have absolutely no involvement in#she only gets labelled a monster by landfolk who care about this and using criteria that wasnt made with merfolk in mind#and goes with it because really shes trying to do her job and serve an ambassador role and Whatever#its the same as her picking a gender basically at random. there wasnt a none of the above option that was offered nor applied#to her aaravi is basically a mercenary and thus her feelings are the same as a mercenary#shes not meaningfully different than anyone miranda already knows through bellanda#and aaravi has. complicated feelings about it.#aaravi has complicated feelings about all of this#miranda occupies a role like aaravi herself where she fails to fit into either side of a duality#but aaravi also has a rising guilt about her involvement that she has to explain to miranda in the first place#and all of this parallels miranda's role as princess too#about how little aaravi knows about her atrocities and what shes done and what it MEANS for her to be what she is#as someone who was never subjected to it and has no context for how bad it really is#theyre very much two sides of the same coin tbh#very alike each other but in opposite contexts#which tbh is part of why they work so well#its the combination of understanding and support and yet just enough challenge to stop them from buckling down harder#theyre able to call each other out because they know personally exactly whats happening in the others mind#which is also why i dont like ships that just wholeheartedly encourage aaravis whole everything without understanding whats going on#the same as why i hate ships and endings that have the other person just joining miranda as royalty#like. no. no these are not neutral endings here. you do not get to absolve anyones involvement here.
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
I think all Sims or visual novels (not just dating ones) should have like. Four dialoage options. Each with a unique personality and tone.
Like, one could be more sarcastic and dry, one happy go lucky "look on the bright side ™!", or just emotional in general, one purely logical, and one who just tries to make jokes or playfully flirt.
Player can choose any of these options at any time, they don't just have to stick to one. This could be tweeked whichever way would work the best, but yeah. My opinion.
Thank you very much for answering!!!
In some interactive fictions I've played personality works like a stat, so if you're character is shy but acts more outgoing around an RO they'll comment on it, which I like, but just letting people choose at will would certainly be easier... lots to think on (╭ರ_•́)
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This more or less what I've been working with as a general guide for myself???
I split how MC talks generally vs how they are with the specifically romantic choices. My handwriting is a bit messy here, but I know I want how the player interacts with the romance to be something I keep track of even if I let you bounce around between being pessimistic or optimistic. That way if you are playing someone who is repressing their feelings you get to choose who cracks first, you or your RO.
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lethalhoopla · 2 years
Okay so while everyone's making killer theories and observations about the teasers we have for Dreadwolf on top of piecing together more and more of the lore and imagery from Inquisition and 2 and even Origins, I just needed to put this observation of my own down as well.
So, the final, incomplete, Solas mural in the rotunda, right?
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Clearly, the dragon slayed with the sword, and a.... beast, of some sort. I've seen it referred to as a wolf, a dragon in and of itself, and just some representation of the Inquisition itself.... maybe.
But that's always not quite fit for me. It seems odd that Solas, who is beyond skilled at painting and iconography/symbology, would make something so…. hard to parse. And granted- this was clearly roughed out in a rush, to put it lightly. He's left at this point, the mural forever unfinished.
But in Tevinter Nights, it's described specifically (as written by Lukas Kristjanson):
"The eighth and final panel of the fresco, meant to commemorate the battle against the blighted magister Corypheus, was unfinished. It showed only rough shapes, outlines...."
"... The story was well known- the Elder One, the false god Corypheus, had torn a hole in the sky to steal power from the heavens. He couldn't be killed until his blighted dragon was dead, and the Herald, the Inquisitor, had somehow countered with a dragon of their own. And there was a dragon on the panel, with an Inquisition blade in its neck. But according to the story, both creatures had fallen first, leaving the final victory to the Inquisitor.
But here, unfinished, was the outline of a beast that stood over both dragon and sword. This was not the battle, or the victory. This was after. And the beast was not a dragon. The outline alone might have allowed that assumption, but now, filling with black and red, it was something other. The creature was reptilian, but also canine. The snout was blunted and toothy, but edges came to a point in houndlike ears. [.....] revealing scales and tail, and paws with talons. It looked like two figures painted on either side of a pane of glass, then viewed together, their forms confused. A wolf that had absorbed a dragon, and now stood crooked over all."
Now, without getting too deep into spoilers for that short story (I really recommend it, and the rest of Tevinter Nights!), the depiction could be warped by what happens in the story (and is unfolding in that scene). But due to the reason it's warped, what 'colors' it, I think that the depiction is still accurate (it just becomes a bit more Spicy, let's say). I think that what Solas was starting was a creature like that - a wolf, that absorbed a dragon.
Of course, the question then is what that means.
As lore's revealed over the series, dragons aren't just associated with Archdemons, or even with the potential legends of qunari 'origins' (as dragonkin). Dragons are also specifically associated with the Evanuris - from the fact that only those as powerful as might-as-well-be-god mages could shapeshift into dragons, to their personal symbolism, to hints that different archdemons might be connected to each one (their numbers match, for one...)
Was it Solas leaving some hint as to who, what he was, then? The Dreadwolf, but also the Trickster God? Perhaps how despite simply attempting to free/help his people (he speaks of the loyal, steadfast wolf in the game more than once, wise and wonderful), he was elevated to the status of legend and god (dragonhood)? Was it symbolizing the blended might of the Inquisition, both protector Wolf and godlike Dragon? Some blend thereof, or extrapolation beyond?
Fuel for thought, for sure. But beyond that... the silhouette kept reminding me of something.
It took me a little too long to realize - it wasn't until I was idly staring at the Steam startup image for it while waiting for Origin to hurry up and connect that it hit me.
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It's.... it's right there on the box/start screen.
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It's... way, way closer to the creature Solas had begun to depict than what we've seen in dragon silhouettes in the past. And I get it- even as I write this, I hesitate, because I mean, the whole silhouette included has wings, right?
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(sidenote, but major props to whoever designed this piece, the details are so good, including the fade/fireball/comets shooting off the 'wings' to look like support bones for wing webbing)
That's why I hadn't really thought about it before. But when that hit me, I went back to look at dragon silhouettes in previous games, and I mean-
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That's the usual Origin one - and yeah, that's.... way more narrow a snout, though of course you're still getting that dragon spine spike along the neck. The neck itself is far more narrow, too, and its teeth more needlelike.
Okay, what about DA2?
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Alright, now we've got some framing that is like DAI. (also, more props for the designers, and the silhouettes of Kirkwall friends/foes, hot damn).
But that face - the dragon's face. I keep catching on it. DA has a really great track record of being pretty specific about its silhouettes, symbols, and general representations, at least where it matters.
The dragon-made-by-silhouette in the Inquisition cover art is significantly blunted in its snout, the neck much broader, shortened in horn (or ear), and even the angle of horn (ear??) is different from past dragon iconography.
I dunno. I definitely don't think it's unreasonable to leave it at artistic representation/liberty, it just ended up a bit rounded, whatever. But where I get less inclined to leave it at that is when coming back to this final incomplete mural panel.
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... It's all of it. The down-rounded snout, the way the teeth are depicted, the horn-ears, the spikes-that-could-be-fur, the obviously shorter and wider neck, the over-exaggerated sternum bone that strikes as dragon (/reptilian) before you think it could also be wolf rib cage-
It's.... close. Awfully, curiously close. At the very least, the Inquisition splash art feels like it could be the middle step between dragon and this. The splash is dragon, but wolflike - this is wolf, but dragonlike.
........... now, why the heck does this matter? Well, maybe it doesn't to most people, haha. But I'm an imagery and lore-reference obsessed nerd, and Dragon Age really does go hard with it's laid lore and hints of the future. So I can't help but ask-
Is the mural really depicting the Inquisition Defeating Corypheus?
... even the Tevinter Nights story, the way it's phrased casts some murkiness.
"The story was well known...." ".... This was not the battle, or the victory. This was after."
.... With dragons representing the Evanuris, perhaps.... is this instead a note, a hint, left depicting Solas' intent? To slay the dragon, the true dragons, what remains of the Evanuris after he tears down the Veil - because it would not only cause chaos, but also release them from the prison he'd made via the creation of the Veil?
Is the dragon-wolf not the Inquisition, but Solas, or rather - more importantly - Fen'Harel?
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The shape of the maw, the way the ears point back, the trailing scruff/magic along the neck 'spine'....
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Even the way the rips are traced, and the paw is drawn-
... I think it's depicting more than Corypheus' defeat.
But too, there's two other elements that keep rolling around in my mind with all this-
) "... On the mural, all Messere would say is, 'Skyhold is [their] fortress' (meaning of course the Inquisitor). 'These are [their] actions.' "
If these are their actions........ how does the potential for this image to be depicting the downfall of elven gods play into the picture (literally)...?
And thus, the second thought:
2. ) On that very same splash image for Inquisition, the silhouette of the dragon (with hints of wolf) is made via the energy of the Mark coming off the Inquisitor's hand. The dragon-ish creature is of the Inquisitor's making.
The creature is what the Inquisitor has made. Their actions. The mural, a depiction thereof; their choices, their efforts, their impact.
Their impact - a changed Solas... or, perhaps, one all the more committed to his cause. Fen'Harel, or a wolf-dragon hybrid, roaring at a slain dragon, sword of the Inquisition buried deep.
Trespasser, revealing just how much further Solas' network of spies and agents has expanded through the Inquisition. And whether through friendship/love or rivalry/antagonism, Solas coming away from it with his determination redoubled, his mission certain.
Whether it was intended to depict the effect of the Inquisitor on things they don't yet grasp, or their affect on him and his intent to bear out his mission........... I think this mural's about a lot, lot more than just the defeat of Corypheus.
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carcarrot · 1 year
would you all still love me if i learned french
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femme-enby · 1 month
Btw I saw Deadpool & wolverine, finally, and I will say this-
Whether romantically, platonically, queerly, or whatever else or whatever biggie sized combo deal, I believe they love each other.
The fights? A testament to their love. I don’t just playfight w anyone. I’m small but still worried I could hurt someone, or they might get serious & hurt me. My partner is the only one I’ll playfight. We will go damn near full on WWE, or like two cats scrappin in an alley. After we’re all tuckered out and bc I can still be a lil crazy my partner will just tuck me in or lay on me (that good ol heated weighted blanket move) till he squishes out the last of my crazy.
The verbal bashing? Two fucked up people occasionally misplacing their frustrations. Two fucked up people getting on the others last fuckin nerve. Two people who know EXACTLY how to press each other’s buttons despite not even knowing each other that long bc y’all can just… read each other. A blessing and a curse bc sometimes you do be a lil too snarky, and y’all gotta sort that out.
Do I believe two fucked up people can fix each other? Rarely. Very rarely. Do I think two fucked up people getting together is a good idea? Generally no.
But it happens, and sometimes… sometimes, it can be good. Or at least, good enough for them.
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yeonban · 1 month
PsyPass might be one of Tobias' best lives yet bc he's so much more relaxed there than in his main verse. It's actually ridiculous. He gets more sleep, less things to be cautious of (since his cc & hue never change from flawless and therefore he never has to think about losing his freedom etc), more fun people (whether they're enforcers or criminals), he gets to do whatever he wants without having to sleep with an eye open with the only addendum that he must keep an eye on Sibyl & regularly report back to Wammy's, no one is going to hunt him down for killing criminals as he always does since that's his job as an inspector, and he's spared from other vastly more dangerous missions in who knows which countries need Wammy's House's help. Truly couldn't have been sent to a better place
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sohardlovingyou · 2 months
I usually don't like those posts that go like "if you love x then you can't hate y, because x would hate you!!", bc they're lame, and honestly you just can hate and love whoever you want. HOWEVER I will never not be mystified by Paul or John fans that hate the other.
Like, corporate want you to find the difference between these two pictures. They're the same picture.
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riverrcottage · 5 months
Just realized the two girls i sit next to in bio are identical twins. and I never realized this before today, despite being sat next to them for like, four months now
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*handing this to you in a wrapped box* it’s him!!! The boy of all time and the guy who needs to go to couple counselling/hj! But yeah, magnus ref be upon ye!!
*shreds the wrapping paper /pos* OH MY GOD THE BOYYYYYYYY THE GUY EVER!!!
i meant to respond to this SO much sooner sorry i forgor
oh i am going to have so much fun w these designs hehehehehe >:3
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Original Zack and Cloud
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
I feel like at least several times a month, I have a random insane revitalization of my love for The Smiths. Not that I ever stop loving them, but I'll listen to some song and then suddenly fall into this pit of just deep, intense love for their music again where I can't stop listening to their music on repeat and watching live performances and looking at pics like AAAAAHHHHHH WHY IS THEIR MUSIC SO GOOOD?????? WHY IS IT PERFECT?????? WHY WERE THEY SO GENDER???????
(songs I am feeling intense brainrot over rn in case you're curious: "I Want The One I Can't Have(live)", "Stretch Out and Wait(live)", "You Just Haven't Earned It Yet Baby", "Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others(demo)", "What She Said", "The Boy With The Thorn in His Side(live)"(p.s. I Want The One I Can't Have is Martian-coded to me, pls listen)(also it reminds me of that movie I watched yesterday)
#i want the one i cant have is playing on repeat in my brain rn and i watched a live performance and i was tearing up. why am i like this#the live versions of their songs are just incredibly good like at an insane level to me#i know the guitar is very complicated bcs my brother is equally obsessed w the smiths and rants to me abt how hard their music is to play#so the fact that their live performances are equal if not better than their studio versions is crazy#and i love the way he sings in live versions AAAAHHHH like just so over the top and dramatic#i absolutely love singing along to music and their songs are perfect bcs i can be as dramatic and loud as i want#and that hes singing perfectly and dramatizing it so much also while dancing along to it on stage??????#their music has an energy to it in every single aspect that no other band will ever be able to reach for me#i spent so much of today just dancing along to their music and singing over the top. i just felt so joyful 🥹🥹🥹🥹#GAAAHHHH sorry i just am really in it rn hahaha#its just crazy to me ig that ive listened to these songs so many times and they still fill me with such emotion#my mom sings and dance along w me tho shes like 'wow youre so energetic today did you hit your head or smth' 😭😭😭#also was losing my mind looking at their pictures today and gahhhhhhhhb such gender envy their gender is unmatched to me#but its so funny every time i get gender envy over smiths era morrissey +#because theres some pics of my dad from that same period of time when he was younger where he literally looks exactly like morrissey#SIR WHY DID I NOT INHERIT YOUR LEVEL OF GENDER???????(my dad was a icon sjdkkd we look alike tbh)#anyways: i feel very joyful and energetic about their music. they just make me so happy and i want to dance around again 🥹#i think this recent lapse into the pit was bcs i listened to the demos/live versions on The Queen is Dead deluxe edition#and im like ....how the fuck are they this fucking good??????#hehehe tho my passion has affected others 🤭#my brother is learning some songs on guitar atm and waxes poetic abt their instrumentals#my dad always listens to their entire discography when he needs background music. and my mom sings and dances w me#sorry this is unhinged i just feel a lot of serotonin bcs their music and i need to infect other people LMAO#maybe i need to make another web weave#catie.rambling.txt
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