#and everyone else has AC in their work offices
feluka · 4 months
might be getting air conditioning fingers crossed *looking at god with the biggest puppy eyes right now*
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Mc accidently got splashed with a (obsessive) "love potion" and she falls in giddy love with first person she lays her eyes on.
All she wants to do is give them kisses and hugs...and yea she also is clingy and she follows them around even duuring class. She is ready to do anything for her "love" ( like whatever they ask of her) she wants them to be happy . She is convinced that they are dating and it's honestly pointless to try and explain things to her.
How would Azul, Jamil, Malleus, Duece and Floyd hanndle the situation/what's their reaction? ( they were not dating before ) 
Azul Ashengrotto:
Azul was doomed by yet another situation he couldn’t see himself out of. He hardly knows how to handle you normally, or rather how to handle his feelings for you, but you’re much harder when you’re like this. Having you clinging to his side and demanding his attention made it impossible for him to concentrate, and feelings be damned he wasn’t going to let his business suffer. Since Jade and Floyd refused to escort you from his office (finding Azul’s flustered face and inability to actually push you away the best comedy bit they’d seen in years) he ordered them to instead find a cure for the nightmarish love potion that ailed you. They do agree but take longer than they need to, wanting Azul to endure his torturous thoughts a bit longer.
Deuce Spade:
You have poor Deuce stressed OUT. He’s too worried about your well-being to hear any of Ace’s teasing, also focused on keeping his lips covered in case of another surprise attack. He wouldn’t mind under normal circumstances but this doesn’t feel genuine (and he had a much more romantic first kiss in mind for the two of you). He boldly confided in his seniors about you in hopes of them helping with a solution, tightly holding your hand to keep you at bay. He’s willing to go to any length to cure you, even if he’d miss the closeness.
Floyd Leech:
Floyd is willing to milk this situation for all that it’s worth. He particularly enjoyed the squeezing contest you had, and how tightly you clung to him even after he clearly won. He would have loved to keep you all to himself, using your condition to get out of working at Mostro Lounge as it would be hard to cook with you attached to him like you were. Jade is surprised with how long Floyd indulged your clingy behavior, even when he seemed fed up, he knew if he really wanted to push you away and lock you up so you’d leave him alone, he would do it.
Jamil Viper:
Jamil would have used you for all you were worth if he didn’t have feelings for you. He’s frustrated that yet another responsibility was thrust upon him, but turning his back on you was not a choice under these circumstances. It makes it hard to go about his day when he has two different people bothering him all day, but you proved to be the bigger challenge (for now). If he could concentrate he’d have an easier time of finding a solution but there was a part of him that longed for you to continue to worship him, curious how much of this might mirror your relationship if you ended up dating.
Malleus Draconia:
You had always been more honest with Malleus than others, but this was certainly new. As much as he enjoyed your emboldened behavior it didn’t take him long to detect something was off, leaving him conflicted. He wouldn’t mind having a close relationship like this with you, maybe some more boundaries discussed for the sake of Sebek’s heart and everyone else's eardrums, but he was disappointed to know this wasn’t you acting on ‘real’ feelings. He’s even more suspicious about how and why you were splashed with such a potion to begin with, growing rather possessive at the concept of someone trying to steal your heart away from him.
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timmydraker · 4 days
Tim begins to distance himself from his family after Damian becomes Robin.
It was obvious in the way he ran off to rescue Bruce, but that was more of a physical thing at the end of the day. He was desperate and had lost any kind of safety net and support he had after Dick threatened Arkham and how badly he hurt Alfred with his instance that Bruce was alive.
Either way he was going to get Bruce back, if not because he felt like he was an aimless, nothing human being without Batman then there was that he wanted to be believed.
Then Dick handed over Robin to Damian who at that point genuinely despised Tim, though there was also a level of jealously in the young Wayne’s mind at the intelligence and analytical Tim.
It was then that Tim decided he would bring Bruce back and then do his own thing, outside of Robin and outside of Batman.
He clearly had done his job hadn’t he? Sure Bruce was dead, but Dick was acting as Batman and that Batman had a Robin, so his reasoning for being Robin was extinguished.
Tim brings Bruce back and the older man praises and thanks him for several days and then, like everything else, the attention moves away. It goes to him connecting with Damian on a vigilante level and catching up on the last several months of him being ‘dead’. It goes to Jason who, now that he’s lost his foster father has decided that maybe he could try a little harder after all.
It goes to everyone and anyone other than Tim and this time? That’s actually the plan.
Tim isn’t as good of a hacker as Barbara, but she’s basically a god at it so compared to others he might as well be master level, just not against her. This he uses to shift around peoples schedules so Alfred has no choice but to let him go to school on his own (Tim may have also invented an early morning ‘club’ that was totally legit and not at all a fabrication). He makes it so when Dick is over or Jason takes the rare opportunity to visit he had to work at WE or DI, something important he can’t neglect.
He never has to walk Ace or Titus because he’s busy with his team mates.
Team mates who think he’s busy helping out Batman.
Tim still does work as a hero, but it’s entirely through his businesses after a while. A few times he has no choice but to go out in a boring black suit with a full face mask and hoodie. It’s got nothing on it, no symbols or gadgets. Nothing to connect him to anyone.
He starts with the homeless, dishing out vaccines like candy without even doing a campaign to showcase it.
Then he changes Bruce’s rather naive approach to orphanages and makes it so every single child who is put through is given a small amount of funding. He makes it so kids have more chance to stay with siblings, makes sure everyone who even so much as enters the ground of a orphanage have a real background check and sure the adoption rate drops, but so does the missing kids and DV cases.
Tim steals over fifty million from people like Luther and Penguin and all kinds of corrupt rich assholes for the majority of the funding and not even a cent of it is traced back to Wayne or Drake businesses. Whiles he’s digging into Lex be manages to get enough evidence to put a sizeable dent in his reputation, even if Lex manages to smooch a fair bit of it back.
He’s manages to take out a large sized trafficking ring and helps get the victims into a real recovery home that he hand picks out security for.
Later, as in a few days afterward, he discovers a dog meat farm and everyone medical veterinary student suddenly finds themself free of student loans and debt and with multiple work opportunities available and volunteer work being down right pleased for.
Tim knows he’s being noticed but given that he basically lives in his office in the heart of the city, he isn’t there to hear his old teammates and ‘family’ talk about the mysterious Dread.
Dread who was named that after a report came out about a theory of an unknown hacker or ‘cyber vigilante’ who was stealing money and information from rich folk and giving it to the poor, giving all of the 1% dread that he would hit them next.
The exact quote was ‘Those with money deeper than their pockets dread the hackers next moves. And they should feel that dread as a warning for this Robin Hood like legend seems to be getting braver.’
Dick was sure the hacker would have been called Robin if he hadn’t chosen that name already, to which Barbara responded with grumbles and growl because she couldn’t find anything other than holes and traps left by the hacker. It was like they knew her every move before she even made it!
Tim, obvious to his growing reputation until it fully took off, hadn’t even considered that his actions would be framed a threat by Batman. He would say it was because he didn’t think Bruce would ever really target him like that, but in actuality it’s because he knew Bruce was one of the few good rich folk. Surely he would be on the side of a secret vigilante hacker trying to use horrible people to do good? He embraced Dread quickly and was happy he make the rich squirm and brought a sense of hope to people, it was just like Robin but instead of them being safe and given light they were given a peace of mind in a mix of revenge and justice.
What Tim doesn’t know is that Bruce is still too far into his whole image of black and white, good and evil, that he tends to forget there’s grey areas.
At least Jason is on the side of Dread, even if he still thinks the myth of a story is just that, a myth.
It’s when Tim blows up a bank when everyone has gone home for the night just so people will find the underground money ring that and he visits the manner to get a few things that he hears them talking about it.
By that point it’s been around two years since he dropped Robin and as usual Dick always greets him with a look of a desperate puppy, “Tim! Hi, you’re here. I haven’t seen you in months, how have you been?”
Tim smiles at Dick even if he hasn’t gotten over his anger at his oldest brother and moves to sit at the breakfast table with everyone (Alfred, Bruce, Jason and Damian).
“Good. Busy, we’ve had a lot of donations lately.”
Jason snorts, “No shit. Isn’t Wayne Enterprise one of the few ones not hit by Dread?”
Bruce grumbles and shakes his head, “I wouldn’t say that. They’ve managed to get into our system and completely changed the Jason Project.”
Jason grins and laughs happily, “you mean improved! Crime Ally is doing great now. Not the best, but still a fuck of a lot better.”
Smiling at the man who once beat him to an inch of his life, Tim takes a sip of his tea and casually says, “You’re welcome.”
The whole table goes quiet as Tim continues to casually sip his tea.
The silence carries for a total minute before Bruce puts down his cup and leans forward with a slight growl in his voice, “Explain.”
“Explain what?”
Bruce stands over his son even from halfway down the table and very obviously tries to calm himself with a deep breath, “What do you mean ‘you’re welcome’?”
Tim makes an ‘oh’ expression before cocking his head to the side in confusion, “I was the one who fixed the Jason Project? Wait, did you guys not realise I’m Dread?”
Damian shouts out a ‘what?!’ That makes Titus jump and Tim laughs under his breath, “What did you think I was doing?”
“Running the business! Not stealing from people and black mailing politicians!”
It’s Tim’s turn to growl now and he stands up himself with a glare at Bruce that is as close as any of them have gotten to the famed Bat-Glare, “Are you fucking kidding me? Like are you a Tully kidding me with that horse shit?”
Bruce looks stunned and Alfred doesn’t even tell him not to swear.
Tim slams his chair into the table.
“What the fuck else would I be doing, Bruce? I’m not Robin, that was taken from me, so what else was I gonna do? I finished my job, not only keeping you from killing anyone but bringing you back, so I had do pick something else. I’m not stealing from the rich, I’m stealing from selfish cunts who ruin peoples lives for no reason and giving it to people like Jason. So, don’t you fucking yell at me and don’t try to make me feel bad for this, not when I’ve done more in two years than you ever have and- don’t you fucking speak Dick, not when you were the one who took my place here away from me! Now, I have a trafficking ring I need to expose so good. Fucking. Day.”
Jason is the only one who follows him.
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foone · 2 years
Idea: interspecies TF but it doesn't go like a werewolf movie, over in seconds or minutes, but like HRT.
Every morning you look in the mirror, pulling your mouth open to get a better look at your canines. Is it just you or are they a little bigger?
You turn your head sideways, seeing how much your face is stretching into a snout. You occasionally catch yourself looking at your hands, seeing how the skin on your palm is hardening into pawpads, how the tips of your fingers are stretching, your nails coalescing into claw tips.
You spend a while looking online at r/TFtimelines/, looking at other furries with a mix of envy and lust. God, you hope someday you can look a tenth as monstrous as them. You look up doctors in your area to see their ratings for bottom surgery (which is getting a tail), and wonder if your insurance will cover it.
It's not all physical changes, of course. You're noticing how your emotional state is shifting. You're staring at spreadsheets at work, in need of another coffee, and you have that thought again of just running into the woods. Your clothes seem tight and restrictive on you, and you know it had nothing to do with the fact you've gained 5 inches in height over the last year. It's more to do with feeling you shouldn't need to wear this business formal nonsense, you should be covered in fur and hanging out in the lonely woods, not in a crowded office moving numbers around for your boss.
Ugh, your fucking boss. It's getting harder to not listen to him talk without inadvertently thinking about what it'd feel like to rip his throat open with your teeth, and leave him as a warning for the others not to mess with the wolf...
Not that you'd ever do such a thing, of course... But those pills you're taking every morning have been waking up millions of years of instinct that are saying "this supposed leader is weak and ineffectual and doesn't deserve your loyalty. Kill him. Take his place, or his poor leadership will get you all killed when the winter comes."
You sigh, and keep typing on the keyboard. One day you'll come out to these anthrotypicals. You'll be recognized for the mighty wolf you are, and they'll stop treating you as just another human.
You make a note to email HR about that "I'm a human" CAPTCHA they put on the company's website. They don't know, of course, but they should be more considerate. Not everyone wearing a pantsuit and operating a boring Dell computer is a human, after all.
You glance at the clock and think about getting dinner once this slog is over. You'd been a vegetarian before starting your transition, but there's a new steakhouse that's opened up on your walk home, and every time you walk past it, you keep thinking about biting into a nice steak... Rare, of course. It's probably just the smell. You can smell so much better now, and from what you've heard from others, it's only going to get better.
Well, better is relative. You've learned the downside of having a better sense of smell. It's sometimes unbearable walking to work on Wednesday, when everyone has their bins out. So much rotting food and spoiled milk and bacteria festering in all those cans waiting for the trash trucks.
It gets better once you're in the office. The AC kills a lot of the smell. But now you can tell exactly how many days it has been since your coworkers have showered, and you'll never look at Simon from accounting the same way again.
And it was a bit of a faux pas (or should that be a faux paw, ha!) when you congratulated Cindy on the baby she was expecting... She hadn't told you yet. She hadn't told anyone yet, other than her spouse, but you forgot that it wasn't as obvious to everyone else.
You don't know how that can be overlooked (oversmelled?). The hormones are all different. Was there really a time in your life when you couldn't smell this? Huh. You can't remember anymore. This is your new normal. You've come farther than you think. You should have taken more pictures at the start, so you could compare them to now, but it was so hard to look at yourself then. You looked so... Human. Ugh.
It's getting easier to look at yourself in the mirror in the morning. Your fur is coming in. Your body is changing in so many ways. You're finally starting to look like you.
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bro-atz · 7 months
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in which: managing partner attorney song mingi just seems to get hotter with every passing second.
pair: lawyer!mingi/paralegal!afab!reader
word count: 3.8k
content: smut, office sex, unprotected sex (remember to wrap up irl!), (slight) cum-eating, mingi has a huge tattoo and a huge dick—, so much sexual tension fr, hopefully i'm not missing anything, completely consensual!
rated: R | nsfw — minors do not interact
author's note: inspired by this brain rot of mine. if it weren't for @irlkpop @yunhoszn @sanspuppet @byuntrash101 i wouldn't even have considered writing this, so class say thank you to these four lovelies
network: @cromernet
taglist: @k-hotchoisan @eyeryis @sinnarols @aaasia111 @sunshineangel-reads @hwallazia @dazzlingstarrs @dutchessskarma @yourlocaljonghoe @st4rhwa @frobin4ever @sanhwajjong apply for the permanent taglist here!
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You were rather proud of yourself. You had every right to be as well because you were the paralegal everyone at your firm went to. You were so highly in demand that the other lawyers fought over you all the damn time.
However, there was only one man who got to get your help in full, and that was the managing partner: Attorney Song Mingi. It didn’t matter if you were helping another lawyer on a case; if Attorney Song needed you, you were there in an instant. To use a juvenile term, he had eternal dibs on you.
And you didn’t mind. You liked worked with the attorney, but the one thing you hated the most when working with him was how late he would work you sometimes. The life of a lawyer wasn’t easy, but you should be allowed to sleep at least whether it’s at home or at least one of the couches in his room, but no. If Song Mingi wanted to get something done, he was going to get it done before letting himself rest, let alone sleep.
The craziest part about working these insane hours was that Attorney Song refused to dress comfortably if he was working. You weren’t talking about changing into jammies or anything like that; he refused to let himself look “improper” and was always keeping every single garment of his three piece suit on his body. He wouldn’t even loosen the tie or anything— he was prim and proper ’til the very end.
That is until one particular day.
It was just you and the managing in the partner that day. Everyone else had gone home, but you two were scouring through mountains of papers and files and everything under the sun trying to find a specific, singular piece of evidence; and, as per usual, Attorney Song refused to let you take any sort of break.
The worst part about day was that the building’s AC was shot to hell. You had no idea how or why it happened, but it just did. You thought that the attorney would just take the damn files and go home— as if he was ever going to do that.
“Y/N, focus,” he snapped his fingers in front of you and pointed to a stack on the ground. “Go through all of these.”
“I already did—”
“Do it again. We need to fucking find this piece of evidence.”
Attorney Song rarely swore, so when he did, you felt goosebumps erupt on your skin. With a soft sigh, you did as he said. He watched as you got up from your chair and bent down slowly to get all of the files that you had set on the ground, the stack teetering dangerously as you moved them back to the table. Then, you felt his eyes leave you the second he confirmed you doing the task he assigned you. You went through all the files once again, your fingers combing through each page slowly, being more meticulous than you were during the first pass.
You went through one file and didn’t find it. As you set the file aside, you briefly glanced at the managing partner only to freeze. You had never seen him without his glasses on, and when he took them off in that moment, he whipped them off his face, a heavy, frustrated sigh leaving his lungs.
You always knew that Attorney Song was attractive, but you never really looked at him properly until that day. You wanted to appreciate his hair line, his perfect eyebrows, the lovely beauty mark on his cheek, and his beautifully shaped nose, but you could only focus on his lips. God, his rosy lips, his rosy, plump lips. His lips that only got fuller as he let out yet another sigh.
When he tossed his glasses to the side on the table, you felt saliva pool in your mouth and your pussy quiver. Plus, thanks to the AC being broken as fuck, your body temperature only got hotter and hotter to the point that you wanted to start stripping just to cool off.
Right as Attorney Song was about to look up, you quickly opened the second folder and went through the files in there. You tried to focus, but you were sweating so much that you could feel it roll down your back. So, eyes still on the papers, you unbuttoned one more button on your blouse. You couldn’t go further than that without exposing your bra, so you left it there and started fanning yourself knowing that fanning yourself would only make you hotter, but you seriously had no choice.
Little did you know that Mingi was entranced by you at that moment. He couldn’t help but stare at the new part of your chest that you exposed, blood rushing to his ears and crotch. He watched as a little bead of sweat rolled right down your neck, down your chest, and through your cleavage. He felt like his brain was on fire the longer he stared at you, and his own body started heating up like crazy.
Truth be told, Mingi was dying under all of those layers. He was sweating like anything, and he badly wanted to take off at least his jacket, but he couldn’t, for he had a secret he didn’t want to tell anyone about, and it was a pretty big secret.
There was nothing wrong with his secret, but he had yet to show anyone in the firm, and he wasn’t prepared at all to deal with the questions and the comments and side eyes from people. He wanted to remain as professional as possible, which meant he would rather sweat to death than expose it.
He couldn’t do that for long, though. He felt like he was risking having heat stroke, and there was no way he could afford that right now, not in the middle of an important case. As casually as possible, Mingi shed his jacket and vest and draped both over the chair discreetly, and he prayed that you wouldn’t notice.
Oh, but you did. You were so hyperaware of everything that you looked up slyly and saw him take the jacket off while focusing on the papers in front of him. His shirt— his white button up— was drenched in sweat. The poor guy was probably suffering under his jacket for so long based off of how soaked he was. But forget about how the shirt was clinging to the muscles on his body and displaying his muscles for a second. His shirt was so transparent at that point that it revealed his secret: a chest tattoo that connected to a massive sleeve.
By that point, the damage had been done. You’d seen the tattoo, Mingi knew you saw the tattoo, so there was no point to trying to be inconspicuous about it. Keeping his eyes on the files, he loosened his tie and unbuttoned the first couple of buttons of his shirt, giving you a slightly better look at the black ink on his fair skin. You could see it a little more, but you for the life of you still could not figure out exactly what it was he had tattooed on him. It was when he rolled up his sleeves did you figure it out: it was a biomechanical tattoo that seemed to rip through his skin and show the mechanics in his body. And then, when he leaned towards you to grab more files from your side, you were able to glance down his chest and see a mechanical heart on his chest.
And that’s when you realized after Mingi took his jacket off, every single one of his actions was done very purposefully; because when he leaned towards you for a stack of files, you got a faint whiff of his ridiculously expensive cologne and you felt his hot breath go past your ear, and he definitely heard your bated one. To make matters worse, he was still acting like the attorney you knew him to be.
“Hey,” he said, his low voice barely snapping you back to reality. “Focus.”
The tension in the room got so thick that it practically made the room even hotter. You were losing your mind, and you desperately needed to do something about it.
“A-Attorney Song, I just need to step out for a second,” you told him while squirming in your chair.
“We’re in the middle of figuring out this fucking case. What do you mean you’re going to step out for a second?” The attorney snapped, his attitude returning to normal.
Mingi smirked— God fucking dammit, that made it so much worse— before he responded, “You can pee when we’re done. Sit your ass back down and find me this fucking piece of evidence.”
His authoritative tone made all the cells in your body scream for him. You didn’t need to pee, and he knew it. What you really needed was for him to rail you and fuck you until your brain went numb, but he wouldn’t do any of those things until you fucking found this fucking piece of evidence.
That’s when you saw it— the holy grail. It was almost cliché in a way. The two of you lunged for the piece of paper that would win the case and caught it at the same time. The tips of his long fingers brushed against yours, and the two of you looked from the sheet to each other at the same time. You were frozen, your eyes darting left and right as you observed his face in that close proximity. Mingi, however, still seemed to be in work mode (he most certainly was not at that point). Not moving from his position at all, he plucked the paper from your hand and placed it inside his portfolio folder before grabbing the back of your head and kissing you hungrily.
You were definitely surprised to say the least, but you didn’t want to spend any time pondering how the attorney also got to the same state of mind as you. The point was that you wanted him bad and he wanted you just as badly, and you could tell when his grip on your hair tightened and when he subtly wrapped his fingers around your neck and pressed into the pressure points with just enough strength to make blood rush to your head but allow you to breathe as his kisses got rougher.
Trying to cling to some sense of sanity, you ran your own fingers through his hair and held his hair and forearm tightly. Your exhales in between kiss mingled with his, soft moans and sighs adding to the mix every so often. You felt like you were burning up the longer he made out with you, and the sweat collecting on your body definitely made you aware of that. Sweat dripped down his and your face and mixed with your dribbling saliva, both falling and staining the documents on the table.
“W-Wait, attorney,” you managed to say. “The documents.”
You heard him curse under his breath as he momentarily let go of you to rid every single piece of paper on the table with one fell swoop. Then, he quickly made his way around the table and grabbed your arms roughly to pull you into him, his plush lips barely cushioning the blow of his animalistic kisses.
“Tell me something,” Mingi muttered against your lips, his body pressing into yours, his hands running down your arms and resting on your waist as he kept kissing you. “Do you still wanna go to the bathroom?”
“Depends,” you replied breathlessly, your hands roaming up his chest and grabbing the collar of his shirt. “Are you going to help me take care of it?”
“What, you were going to go to the bathroom to touch yourself?” Mingi chuckled.
“I blame you,” you pushed him away and prodded his chest— the one with the tattoo. Then, you added, “I think you should take full accountability for getting me to this point.”
“I could say the same to you,” Mingi’s voice lowered and nearly growled. He suddenly grabbed your ass and pulled upwards as he said, “You and this damn pencil skirt.”
You bit back a moan when you felt his hands grip your ass harder. You wanted to tease him more, but he interrupted you to continue his previous sentiment.
“And this fucking shirt.”
With one finger, he slid it down the middle of your shirt, ripping the rest of the buttons off. Before he took the shirt off you, he lifted you and sat you down on the table, then his antsy hands working on stripping you down completely.
You didn’t get to ask him what he meant because the second he got you fully naked, he gripped your breast with one hand and gripped your ass with the other. He started sucking hard on your breast as he groped and squeezed your body with insatiability. You let out a sweet moan and clung to the man’s shoulders when you felt him bite down gently on your tit. It was when he brought his hand from your ass to your crotch and rubbed your folds did that last string of sanity of yours snapped.
“Attorney— Ah! Mingi!” you whined as you grabbed his hair and pulled him back to look at you. “I want you in me, please just fuck me already!”
“I want to,” Mingi rasped as he looked at you hungrily. “But I don’t have any condoms.”
“I don’t care— I need you to fuck me,” you whimpered— you were so close to crying because of how sexually frustrated you were.
“As long as you’re clean…” he uttered with a smirk before leaving you with a sloppy kiss.
You helped him out of the rest of his sweaty clothes, your hands unveiling the massive chest tattoo. You trailed your fingers up from his wrist to his shoulder, following the lines of the artwork before arriving at his chest.
“Your tattoos are so sexy, attorney,” you whispered as you outlined the intricate details of the tattoo with your fingernail.
You laid your hand flat over the mechanical heart tattoo and looked into his darkened eyes, the man biting his lower lip to keep himself the slightest bit together, his chest swelling under your palm.
“Y/N,” Mingi said roughly as he took your hand in his. He brought your hand down to his clothed crotch to feel his massive, hardened cock, your eyes widening as you it slowly dawned on you that Mingi may have more than just one big surprise. “I’m warning you. I’m not going to hold back.”
Mingi visibly shivered. He quickly rid himself of the rest of his clothes and stood before you in all of his glory, his immense, veiny, raging red cock twitching the closer he got to you. Pinning you down to the table, Mingi  placed one hand alongside your waist, the other stroking his cock and rubbing the tip against your folds. You desperately wanted to tell him to just hurry up, but if he came at you with his full force from the get go, you felt like you would definitely tear into two pieces. So, you let him go at his own pace.
He only pushed the tip in first, and once he had his hands on either side of you, he sank a good majority of his cock into you gingerly before suddenly thrusting the rest of himself into you. Your hands went to his hair and neck, and you dug your nails into him while letting out a wail, his cock somehow getting bigger as it throbbed inside you.
Honestly, you were in a little pain, but that didn’t change the fact that the rest of your body desperately wanted him to move, and you wanted him to move fast. Heck, you wanted him to fuck you to the point that you wouldn’t be able to think straight. And Mingi understood that when you looked at him with teary eyes and parted lips. He grasped your waist and began to fuck you fast and hard, your back pressing so hard into the table that you thought you were going to leave an imprint of your ass on it— in the most literal sense, Mingi fucked you into the table exactly as you expected him to.
The table creaked under you as Mingi lowered himself so that his chest was pressing against yours. He moved his hand from your waist to the back of your head and clenched your hair in his tight grasp, his sloppy kisses and tongue violating your mouth. He moved up slightly, allowing his cock to delve deeper into to, and with a very specific intense rut, he hit your cervix. You clenched immediately, and you broke off the kiss as you let out a loud, crying moan, your arousal spraying out of you and onto the table; and you clenched so hard that Mingi could barely pull out— the feeling of your walls squeezing his penis tightly made him orgasm immediately. He pulled out and came hard all over your chest and stomach, ropes of cum trailing along your body.
You thought that would be it, that he would clean you up and call it a day. But no, he was far from over, especially after seeing his white stickiness dripping down your skin. He quickly shoved his cock back in you, making you choke out a moan. He wrapped his arms around you and lifted you off the table, your own arms and legs wrapping around him as you clung to him in fear of him dropping you to the ground.
He did drop you, but that was only when he walked you into his office and slammed your back into the shelves of document boxes, the fixture wobbling and nearly dropping some of the boxes. He brought one of your legs up and fucking you relentlessly, the shelves squeaking and creaking with every one of his insane thrusts. Little profanities would slip under his breath occasionally when he felt his waist slam into yours at just the right angle. Stars started filling your vision when he grabbed your breast and massaged it, your nipple rubbing in between his squeezed fingers.
“M-Minngh-gi,” you moaned as you felt your climax nearing. “C-Cumm—”
He cut you off by grabbing your cheeks and kissing you passionately. He didn’t have to say it, but you knew what he was telling you. Wait.
Quickly pulling out, Mingi spun you around so that your chest was pressing into the shelves, and he quickly re-entered you, his waist ramming into your ass with so much force that your knees nearly buckled. You wanted to scream and cry, but your mouth was stuffed with his fingers, so the only thing you could do was moan and suck on his fingers to keep your moans to a minimum. And despite him silently wanting you to hold out, you couldn’t last much longer— his hand moved from your waist down to your crotch, and his fingers rubbed your clit at the same pace as his thrusts, your eyes rolling to the back of your head because of the stimulation.
You came fully when Mingi pulled out of you, making you squirt all over the carpeted flooring beneath you. Had your mind not been swirling with hormones and lust, you would’ve been mortified that you soiled the managing partner’s carpet, but instead, you sighed loudly, letting the pleasure wash all over you.
The man didn’t give you a break. He turned you around and carried you once more to his couch. He sat down, making you straddle his waist. Hurriedly, he rubbed his cock against your folds and forcibly sat you on his lap, his cock shooting through you. Your vision went white as you came yet again, the man underneath you chuckling at the sight of you flinging your head back and gripping his shoulders so hard that your nails left imprints in his skin.
You thought he was going to say something dirty, something to make you slightly embarrassed but more horny. Instead, he grabbed the back of your head and kissed you again, his other hand guiding your waist and making you bounce on his dick. He kept pulling you into him to the point where your hands were pinned on either side of him on the cushions of the couch.
His cock was moving through you at an angle that made him rub against your G-spot repeatedly, and it took everything in you to not cum again because, dear God, if you came again, you would just fucking collapse. Luckily, Mingi seemed to notice your struggle, because he flipped you so that you were laying on the couch and he was thrusting into you from above, his sweat dripping down his face and body at a steady pace, his couch completely coated in his and your sweat.
“Fuck, Y/N,” Mingi’s voice rumbled as he looked at you with the devilish look in his eyes. “How are you still so fucking tight? You’re gonna make me cum.”
“Cum inside,” you panted out, another orgasm rapidly approaching you. “Fill me up, Attorney Song.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice. He rammed his waist into yours and came inside, his cock throbbing and twitching as his seed filled you up. You came again as well, your walls squeezing more cum out of him.
When he pulled out, his cum nearly spilled out of you, but he quickly moved his head down to your crotch and collected whatever wouldn’t stay inside you on his tongue. You watched as he brought himself back up to you, his tongue coated with his and your cum. Before you knew it, he was kissing you, his tongue tangling with yours to give you a taste and transfer his cum into your mouth.
A line of cum and spit connected your tongues when Mingi moved away to see your fucked out face and the mix of cum now in your mouth.
“Swallow,” he demanded in a low voice; you obeyed immediately. “Good girl.”
Dammit. He shouldn’t have said that because now you were turned on all over again. You wiggled below him slightly as you tried to calm yourself down, but the lawyer knew you weren’t done with him yet. He rubbed his hand against your cunt and traced light circles around your clit while you reached for his half-hard cock and rubbed him until he was fully erect again.
“You just can’t get enough, can you?” he whispered teasingly.
“No, sir.”
“You want more, don’t you?”
“I need more.”
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innerfare · 19 days
Ace Relationship Headcanons - Part 1
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Summary: A collection of headcanons about being in a relationship with Fire Fist Ace
Genre: Fluff
CW: None // SFW
A little scenario to start us off: you're Akainu's daughter- meek and mild at the start, with a burn scar or two (and a lot of trauma) from your temperamental father. You have an arranged marriage with a young marine officer, not a bad man but not necessarily a good one, either. And then there's Ace, the Second Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, one of the most notorious criminals in the world. It's quite the scandal when the two of you run away together. Of course, you don’t run away because you’re star-crossed lovers. You run away because Ace finally sets you free. 
You fall first, drawn to him like he’s the sun and you just have to hold him in your hands, even if you’ll get burned. His easy way with people, his boyish laugh, the freckles on his cheeks, his muscular figure. 
Ace notices you’re attractive, sure, and sweet, but he puts you in the same box as everyone else, initially, trying to keep you at arm’s length. This only changes when you reach out to him and forge an emotional connection, approaching him when he’s down, offering him a piece of candy, and saying something along the lines of, “I'm happy you're alive,” or, “I think the world is a better place with you in it,” without even realizing the depths of Ace's low self esteem. 
From that point forward, he loses his voice when you're around because he's never felt such an intense need to wrap someone in his big arms and squeeze, to bury his face in someone’s hair, to inhale someone’s scent. You fell first, but he fell harder. 
His feelings slammed into him like a train and he wouldn’t have been able to peel himself off the tracks if not for Marco’s help (the older man didn’t do much, just told him to stop being so pathetic and shoot his shot). 
Marco intended for him to talk it out with you, but Ace is a man of action, not a man of words. It takes him a bit to gather the courage because he genuinely doesn’t think he deserves to have you, but eventually, the feelings become too intense. Once he decides he’s going to confess, he doesn’t confess so much as he gets you alone and places a heavy kiss on your lips. When you kiss him back, in his mind, the two of you are basically married. 
He works really hard not to be overprotective of you, but he watches you like a hawk. He has such intense anxiety about something horrible happening to you. He even has nightmares of him losing control and hurting you because he’s such a monster, or else of you finally realizing that he’s no good and leaving him. But when he wakes up, you’re always there, and he wraps you in his arms and pulls you into his side. 
Is very insecure about your relationship and has a deep-rooted fear that you will leave him if he isn’t actively doing things for you. Also has an insecurity about being ‘masculine’ enough for you and works really hard not to cry around you. It takes you a really long time to make him feel comfortable enough to open up. 
Isn’t really sure what to do in a relationship because he’s never had one and didn’t exactly have any to observe growing up, so he mostly mimics you. You sat beside him one night on the deck of the Moby Dick and offered him half of the candy you opened up? He starts buying candy to share with you. You offered him your scarf while on a winter island even though he didn’t need it? He always keeps an extra scarf in his bag lest you forget yours and need one. You tell him you love him? He hurries to say it back, not having realized that was something people could say out loud whenever they felt it. 
When Thatch tells him flowers are always a solid bet for wooing a woman, he takes it to heart. He gets so into it, always seeking out flower shops on the islands the two of you visit and asking the people who work there to make custom bouquets with a variety of flowers, though he leans toward sunflowers and orange lilies. If he encounters sunflowers in the wild, he'll most certainly pick some for you. 
He puts so much care into your relationship the guys tease him he’s not much of a pirate, but he doesn’t care. He wouldn’t give up on his dreams for anything, and yet, there’s a small part of him that thinks he would do the white picket thing if you wanted. He wants what you want, and the fact that you want nothing more than for him to achieve his dreams makes him feel like the luckiest guy in the world. The older guys, the ones who have been on the crew long enough to recall Pops in his prime, also tease him that he really is Whitebeard’s son because the Emperor also had a soft spot for a certain lady and was never very good at hiding it (Roger was the same way but don’t tell Ace that, eek).  
Goes a little crazy for words of affirmation. He has a pretty face? He has a nice laugh? He’s a kind person with a good soul? You’re lucky to have ever met him? You love him for who he is as a person and not the things he can do for you, not the flashy ways he can fight and fearsome reputation he’s made for himself? You’d better be prepared to have his children. He’s super awkward about receiving compliments, though, and often has no idea how to respond. “Erm, thanks, I guess.” Can’t bring himself to admit that your words make him feel like he’s drowning in his love for you. 
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
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grandline-fics · 9 months
All That I Need
DESCRIPTION: When your presence is all they crave
WARNINGS:  Just fluff
CHARACTERS: Sabo, Sanji |Luffy,Zoro,Shanks
A/N: Hope everyone has a wonderful and happy New Year. Be safe however you celebrate.
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The role of Chief of staff to the Revolutionary Army was one Sabo would never give up. To even consider that would be laughable to him. Yes it was dangerous at times and hard work but a difference was being made and it was rewarding. However on long missions like these that took him away from you on extended periods of time his resolve did get tested. On the one hand the growing agitation of being away from you could at times make him distracted but on the other hand the anticipation of being in your presence again was a very strong motivator to get the mission finished as soon as possible.
It was a blessing in disguise that the events on Dressrosa greatly intensified for Sabo just when his need to hurry things along was reaching its limit. Reuniting with Luffy and the chance to get Ace’s devil fruit steeled his mind to keep on track enough until everything was completed. Satisfied that he had done all he needed to and that Luffy was safe he finally made the return to the Revolutionary base. When he set his feet on the island he considered home he couldn’t keep the grin off of his face, knowing that finally seeing you would be only minutes away and no longer days or weeks.
Knowing he had one more duty to conclude he ran as fast as he could to Dragon’s office, the small line of line coming from beneath the door telling him his commander was still awake. Sabo barely knocked once before entering and rattled through a condensed and hurried summary of the mission and its success in record time. Dragon was used to this by now, all too aware of the childlike giddiness that took over his second in command when every fibre in his body was being pulled to wherever you were in desperation. “Just go Sabo, but just be mindful that they’re sleeping.”
Sabo’s face fell into a heavy pout as he left the room and walked to the living quarters he shared with you. Logically he told himself that you’d both been apart for long enough that the rest of the night wouldn’t be too long of a wait by comparison. Then again logic wasn’t his priority. He needed to be with you, his whole body compelled him to be near you now. When he entered your shared bedroom he took in your peaceful sleeping form and felt his heart race just a little faster. Quickly shedding his coat, gloves and boots he climbed into the bed instead of doing his usual nighttime routine and wrapped his arms tightly around you, pulling you as humanly possible against his chest while he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck. 
“Welcome back Chief…” he grinned at your greeting, slurred and heavy with sleep. Lightly he pressed a kiss against your shoulder as your fingers found their way into his blond hair and curled against the nape of his neck. As you felt Sabo’s body relax on top of yours as sleep finally claimed him you let your mind linger just a little longer on the edge of consciousness. As much as you wanted to go back to sleep your body needed to anchor yourself to him too, to keep him close and take in his warmth and the feel of him again for as long as possible.
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Cooking was his passion and he’d never want to do anything else. However on a day like this he did resent it just a little. With a feast to beat all other feasts needing to be made it meant he was practically a prisoner in his own kitchen with no end to the meals he had to make in sight. Damn Luffy for making such a huge declaration with very little time to prepare and after such a long battle it meant he hadn’t seen you in what felt like a lifetime. With a heavy pout he tried to make the food as quickly as possible while still ensuring it was the best quality as always. The only problem was he couldn’t stop thinking about you. 
He wanted to see your face, hear your voice and laugh, embrace the feeling of your presence that he just could never get enough of. When he first met you he fell hard and knew that what he felt for you was far different than any other passing infatuation he’d experienced. Something told him that this was real and he made sure to enjoy every day with you being on the crew. It was just a shock but a very pleasant one that you also developed feelings for him too during the adventures on the crew and not once did he ever take it for granted. 
At the sound of the door opening, Sanji turned ready to yell at Luffy to get out and wait patiently for the feast he was so desperate for only for his anger to die at the sight of you entering the room. Immediately he felt his legs carry him away from the stoves to meet you halfway, the excitement on his face unshakable and infectious as you returned the grin he had. His arms slipped around your body and pulled you close, kissing the top of your head and letting out a soft hum of contentment when your arms tightened around him. “Need any help?” You offered, looking up to smile at him. 
“Just having you here is all the help I need, love.” Sanji told you gratefully, pressing one more kiss against your temple before reluctantly pulling away to tend to the mountain of food that still needed to be made. Having the brief moment would be enough to keep him sated until he was done. His heart skipped when you followed closely behind him and tucked yourself against his side. “Everything okay?” He asked, glancing down to see you look over his food in appreciation and a content smile on your lips. 
“I’m great, I just know how Luffy’s spontaneity for this feast ruined any plans we had for today.” You told him, leaning your head against his chest. “Plus I missed you.” Sanji couldn’t help but beam at your words. He knew out of the two of you, he could seem the more invested one and sometimes clingy or overly affectionate so it was rewarding to hear you missed him just as much as he had been missing you. Overwhelmed with his rush of emotions he abandoned the food for another brief moment to lean down and kiss you deeply.  
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namism · 5 months
alternate universe | portgas d. ace
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➳ categories: marine ace au, gender neutral reader
➳ word count: 1.4k
➳ notes: if this fic does numbers, i might consider writing a full-length story ❤️ title came from this underrated banger -> even in an alternate universe by ysanygo
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In another universe, Ace is a member of the Marines and you are his colleague from the same division.
In this universe, specifically, Portgas D. Ace, the son of the wanted Gol D. Roger in another timeline, is an exceptional Marine with a driving passion for his work and a renowned hatred for the pirates that conquer the seas. In this universe, you are Portgas D. Ace's secondhand, who later become a Commander under Captain Ace's leadership.
The admirable grit of your duo is one thing that the Marine upholds. Ordinary soldiers look up to you, while Admirals respect the dedication that you two put in maintaining the Marine code of conduct. There is no one else like your pair.
Lately, however, a few oddities have caught your attention.
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"Hey. Take this to Garp's quarters."
You spin on your heel as you feel a leather bag poke your ribcage. Standing beside you is your black-haired freckled partner, whose Marine uniform is yet again unruly and not a bit presentable for the title he holds and the respect he receives. Grabbing the bag from his hold, you point at a mysterious stain on his uniform.
"What's that?" you question.
Ace follows the direction of your eyes, landing on the collar of his inner dress shirt. "Uh, this? Dunno. Got it somewhere from a battle, I guess."
You roll your eyes.
"Sure. Just another one of the dark stains that you get from a battle without the sight of blood," you deadpan. Ace's lips morph into a sheepish smile. "I know what that is, idiot."
"He-he, just checking. I thought you wouldn't notice," comes his excuse.
"Everyone notices the scent of grilled meat on you, Ace. A food stain is no different." You shake your head. "Anyway, I'll catch you later. Garp's office, you say?"
"Yeah. He should be there."
After saluting to your Captain, you march to Vice Admiral Garp's office that is located in the far west wing of the base. On your way to his office, you encounter an unpleasant sight between a horde of your men and the Vice Admiral himself.
In the far end of the hallway come the marching crowd toward the where you just came from. The Vice Admiral, with his giant and brawny build, pokes out from the crowd as he walks side-by-side of what seems to be a lanky man in his 40s, his hands restrained by a pair of handcuffs made of Seastone.
As they approach, you ask one of your men in the frontlines.
"What's the meaning of this?"
The man salutes.
"Commander. We are taking the possessor of the Memo Memo no Mi to Impel Down. We must sail this evening under Admiral Fujitora's orders."
You look past the soldier to inspect the man in question. Vice Admiral Garp washes him out by a ton with their height difference, as well as the muscular composition of their bodies. His hair is matted and unkempt, and his clothes are ragged and baggy. He has his head down as he saunters with the group, like he's afraid of being seen in this feeble state.
As he comes close, however, he raises his head, then looks at you.
"You have an interesting life," he says. Vice Admiral Garp and the Marines who hear this look at him, surprised that he has spoken since his arrival this morning.
"Me?" you ask in disbelief.
The man grins odiously.
"You're the great first mate of the Spade Pirates." Stopping in his tracks, he chuckles. The Marine behind him barks an order to continue walking. Your vision darkens. "You're— you were a great pirate."
Your men look at you, some in horror and some in anticipation of your response to the strange statements. You grit your teeth.
"What the hell are you talking about?" you growl. "I was never a pirate."
He laughs.
"Of course not, but in your first life, you were."
Your look hardens into a glare. Garp yawns, and with a forceful push of the man's shoulder, he orders him back to walking forward.
"Stop yapping, get moving! I'm going to miss my nap time," he yells. The Marines follow suit. He then notices the bag in your hand. "Good timing, Commander (Y/N). Just in time for my departure. I'll see you in a few days."
The Vice Admiral claims his luggage.
"You're going, too, Vice Admiral?"
"The jerks up there said I must," he says.
You nod. "I see."
You go back to your post as you part ways with the pack. They transport the handcuffed man to the coastal area of the base, where a heavily guarded Marine ship is docked and a Seastone cell awaits the Devil Fruit user in its lower deck.
On their way to the coast, Ace runs into Garp, his grandfather, and decides to tag along to oversee the progress of the mission. Before the shaggy man is taken away into the ship, he speaks to Ace in a wary tone.
"Be careful with the power you hold, Fire Fist," he tells the Captain, leaving the young man disturbed as the ship prepares to sail away.
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Deep in the night a couple of hours later, you reunite with Ace in the mess hall for dinner. As usual, he comes back to your table with three plates loaded with different dishes, not accounting for the seconds that he will be taking later.
With some of your men gone for the recent mission, you and Ace sit alone together at a table.
"Did you know that they were on that mission?" you ask him.
Ace chomps on a rack of ribs, the barbecue sauce staining the corners of his mouth. "What mission?"
"The one with the weird guy," you say. "Uh, I'm assuming you saw him. Old guy, messy hair, looks like he hasn't taken a bath in a month?"
"Oh." He swallows. "I saw him. He was weird. I'm glad I didn't have to deal with that."
"Weird, huh? Did you talk to him?"
"He told me something about fire and a fist." The Captain laughs. "It sounds ridiculous. No wonder why he's going to Impel Down. Something must be wrong in here."
He taps the side of his head with a finger. You snort.
"He spoke to me as well," you admit. Ace looks at you through his peripheral vision as he picks up a bowl of mashed potatoes. It's heated and well-cooked, just the way he loves them. "He told me I was a pirate in my first life. Can you believe that?"
"I do," your partner chirps.
You glare at him.
"Not the time for jokes, Ace. He said that I was the first mate of the Spade Pirates, or whatever that crew is." You look down at your food, feeling the heat waves hit your face. "Is there even such a thing as the Spade Pirates?"
"We can figure that out now that Garp is gone," suggests Ace. You look unamused. "Just kidding, he-he."
After dinner, you retreat to the barracks. You change into a set of pajamas and slip under the covers of your bed. As soon as your eyelids close, you drift off to a deep sleep.
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"Come with me," he tells you, flashing a smile that you have never seen before: lips tight, eyes soft. Strands of his wavy black hair blow on his face as the sea breeze comes and goes, covering his freckles and his smile of sincerity.
"I can't leave Dadan alone." You tell him. He frowns. "I'm sorry."
"She'll be safe with Luffy. Now, come on!"
He tugs your arm toward the shore, where a small boat floats on the water with a thin sail and a couple bags of food that pool around the mast. He hops in the boat. He wears his trademark hat on his head, an orange cowboy hat with a rim of red beads and two smileys in front.
"There's room for one more person and some luggage!"
"I'd rather not, Ace," you say firmly.
Ace purses his lips together. "Are you scared?"
"Uh, no? I told you, I just can't leave this place."
He rests one foot on the edge of the boat. Leaning toward you, he says, "Come with me, please. We'll travel the Grand Line together, and in a few years, maybe we can recruit Luffy into our—"
"Your pirate crew," you finish. "I-I get it, but I can't. I'm not fit for that kind of life."
"You'll be my first mate."
You sigh.
"And what will your pirate crew be named as, Captain Ace?"
He laughs heartily, his bright white teeth showing as his eyes form into crescents.
"The Spade Pirates."
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pretzel-box · 14 days
hi hi, so so sosslsk, I wanted to request that like GN!Reader was Sebastian's lover right? But recently we have been manipulated/ brainwashed to work with Urbanshade; etc, until we needed to have a talk with sebastian of the 9 people's deaths, and he is like tryna talk us out of it basically?
(this is where he is human before turning into fishe man, RAHHAHSGSHS)
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Tags: Angst, Established Relationship [Marriage], GN!Reader & Human Sebastian. Happens before Sebastian gets turned into a fishstick.
Words: 1,1k
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The golden watch on your wrist ticked with a steady rhythm, mocking the whirlwind of thoughts racing through your mind as the elevator descended. Each second dragged out in slow motion, stretching your anticipation and dread to unbearable lengths.
The polished surface of the watch glinted under the soft lighting of the elevator, reflecting a time that you wished could speed up or rewind—anything to change the direction of the day. You had always taken pride in your job, a prestigious position at Urbanshade’s law department. Power flowed through your hands like water, bending situations to your favor. Today, though, your influence felt useless, suffocating you as it pushed down on your chest.
The office had been in turmoil ever since the terrifying news broke. The murder of a colleague, followed by eight more brutal killings, had left a scar on the entire building. The once lively chatter of coworkers was now replaced by grim silence, as everyone buried themselves in paperwork, avoiding eye contact, avoiding thoughts of their own mortality. How could someone kill nine people with such callousness…
But through it all, no matter how hard your workday was, Sebastian was your anchor once you stepped into your shared apartment. Your freshly married husband, your love. He had been your rock, comforting you in ways no one else could, understanding you without words. His presence was a beacon of light in your darkened days. Each night, no matter how draining work has been, Sebastian would welcome you home with open arms, making the world feel safe again. He reminded you how precious life was and how grateful you were to still be living it. There was no denying it,killings were terrible, but at least, you thought, Sebastian was there, safe—alive.
But that sense of safety had shattered when you saw the file, that Urbanshad gave you.
Sebastian’s face. The man you’d shared your life with, your hopes and dreams, stared back at you from a police mugshot. The eyes you adored, blacked out by a censor bar, only deepened the sick feeling in your stomach. The file had slipped from your fingers, its weight dragging your world down with it. Paper truly never felt so heavy.
Sebastian wasn’t just involved, not a witness or a bystander, no,—he was the killer. Your husband, the man who made you feel protected and cherished, had ended nine lives in cold blood and pretended that nothing happened. He had lived his happy little life with yours while 9 whole families lost someone dear. How could the person who breathed life into you be the person that ended others so easily…
The elevator doors opened. You stepped into the dimly lit hallway, feeling as though the ground had disappeared beneath your feet.
"He is in here," a man spoke up harshly, his voice cutting through the quiet. He stood beside a heavy metallic door, dressed in a security uniform. With a gloved hand, he fished out an orange key card and swiped it quickly through the scanner. The door clicked open with a mechanical whirr, but you barely noticed. Your focus was locked on the black-haired man cuffed to the table inside the room, two guards standing ominously behind him.
Your mind struggled to reconcile the image before you with the person you knew.
Your Sebastian—the one who promised you the sun and the moon, who always listened when you vented, who made you home-cooked meals and did your skincare routine with you every morning—was now sitting there, bound, and accused of unspeakable crimes. His face was gaunt, his eyes red and puffy, fresh tears glistening on his cheeks. And even like this, broken and in despair, he still looked precious in your eyes.
It all didn’t make sense. It couldn’t.
The file had said it all—Sebastian was the one responsible for the brutal murders. The evidence was ironclad, but seeing him now, so broken, planted a seed of doubt in your heart. Your mind tried to hold on to the horrific details you had read, but your heart—the part that loved him—was pulling in the opposite direction.
You stepped closer, the weight of the moment pressing down on you, making it hard to breathe.
"Sebastian..." Your voice cracked, and his head snapped up, his tear-filled eyes locking onto yours. The mutual understanding started to break slowly and you really wanted to try and hold it stable.
"Please, you have to believe me," he rasped, his voice hoarse with desperation. "I didn’t do it. I swear, I didn’t kill anyone. I’m being framed."
The words hung in the air between you, thick with emotion. He pulled against the cuffs, his eyes pleading. He yanked his body to the front, trying to reach you on the other side of the table. Yet, somehow, you took a step back, scared. The men behind him pulled him back forcefully onto his chair. "You know me. You know I could never do something like this. I—I'm being set up, they want to pin it all on me. But you, you have to believe me. Please. You are my wife, you know me!"
Your heart thudded painfully in your chest. His voice—so familiar, so full of pain—shook you to your core. This was the man who had held you through your darkest nights, who had been there for every milestone, who had never once let you down. Could he really be capable of such evil?
"But the file..." you whispered, fighting to maintain a hold on logic. "The evidence—"
"The evidence is fake!" Sebastian interrupted, his voice rising in desperation. "They’re manipulating everything. I don’t know how, but they’re doing this to destroy me. I don’t have much time, but you—you have to believe me. I’m innocent."
Your mind raced, torn between the cold facts you had read and the person sitting in front of you, begging for your trust. You could see the fear in his eyes, the same eyes that had always been so full of love for you.
The longer you looked at him, the harder it became to hold on to the accusations. How could the man who had been your everything, your safe place, be capable of such cruelty? Every fiber of your being wanted to believe him, to trust in the Sebastian you knew.
You took a breath, shaky and shallow. "Sebastian... I—" you paused, your voice trembling, the weight of the moment suffocating. "I believe you."
Tears spilled down Sebastian’s face as he sagged in relief. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "Thank you, I knew you would."
“But Ink doesn't lie.”
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inbarfink · 7 months
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So I’ve already seen a fair bit of Appreciation for this piece of Ace Attorney Official Art by Kumiko Suekane cause… well… it is Really Fucking Good.
And most of this Appreciation is focused on Edgeworth, which does make sense cause.... well, this is what the art is focused on. Edgeworth, out in the cold, readying himself to join the warm and bright party with all of his loved ones. He’s Embarrassed but he’s clearly going to wear the goofy Santa suit. It’s some really  good emotional stuff, especially with the role Christmas/late December in general played in Edgeworth’s life.
That is all true, but…
Today I wanna actually focus on Franziska’s role in this little Christmas party.
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Like, first just the fact that she’s attending it so happily in the first place! Considering the kind of sour note Phoenix and Franziska started on, we shouldn't ever take it for granted that nowadays Franziska can just hang out in a Wright and Co. Office Party!
Suekane has a lot of lovely artwork of the Main Trilogy Crew hanging out together as family with Franziska included, but what’s really striking me about this artwork specifically is, well, the fact that Edgeworth isn’t part of the party (yet). 
Cause I think some people assume that Franziska would only ever hang out with the rest of the Main Trilogy Crew because of Miles. Like, the rest of the cast are the obnoxious in-laws she only tolerates because of her little brother. But nope!!! Look at her just chilling happily with everyone without necessarily just being Edgeworth’s Plus One…. I mean, maybe she was Gumshoe’s Plus One… but that would also be a heartwarming indication of how far their relationship has gone!
But also, I wanna talk about her outfit….
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Because even from what little we can see, it looks so much classier than what everyone else is wearing that it’s hilarious. 
Like, the Fey Girls have these cute lil’ kitschy Christmas dresses, Phoenix and Gumshoe are just in their work clothes, even MILES is currently wearing his courtroom suit while debating putting on a santa outfit and then you have Franziska like “hmmm…. Yes, I think I will wear my 5000$ black dress and pearl necklace to the Wright and Co. Christmas Office Party”
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takeachillpillshawty · 5 months
Twst boys with an artist reader
Riddle- it's not uncommon for him to see you doodling in class when nothing is really happening. He knows it's rude to peep into someone else's business but he raised an eyebrow when he saw some doodles for grim and a nice sketch of him, it wasn't life like but it was pretty. There were some crude doodles of him yelling at Ace and Duece, but to his credit you also made them ugly as well.
Ace- Ace is always bored in class but luckily he has you for entertainment, you two would sit next to each other as you draw some funny scenarios play out, like drawing Riddle tripping over his heels, Deuce making a face and other friends of yours with over the top expressions to the point Ace would have to clutch the table not to laugh. He saves a few of them to show to the other first years though.
Deuce- like Riddle Deuce would often glance at what you're drawing, he's some what impressed with how your drawings are. He'd notice sticky notes stuck on his desk, it range from those cringy motivation quotes with a cute little drawing of an animal, a sketch of him and the first years doing activities or doodles of him. He actually has a scrap book of them that he shows his mom during the holidays.
Cater- He was the type of person to ask if you could or draw him, surprisingly you said yes....that was a week ago, he guess you for got about it but to his surprise walking to his desk that morning he saw a paper on his desk with different drawings of him in different outfits and poses. The moment he saw it was the moment everyone saw as well as he posted it on his Magicam. After that day he'd often check out whatever you were drawing.
Trey- He needed ideas for a cake he needed to make for an unbirthday party, he'd ask you what he should do and you left him with a sketch of a cake that would suit that day. He was really impressed by the details of the drawing, he could work with this. After the unbirthday party he made sure to save you a slice.
Leona- he would find post it notes all over his room, one in particular was a note saying 'pick up your socks' with some skeleton character on it. He knew it was you laying those around, Ruggie must have put you up to this. He didn't care really, one thing he knew is that Cheka also likes drawing so he just lets you distract Cheka while he visits. Until he noticed a drawing Cheka left behind, it was of him sitting on a throne with a crown on his head while playing with Cheka, Leona noticed that you helped Cheka with the drawing with it signing off 'To Unca Leona from Cheka and Prefect, you'll always be our king.'
He hung that near his head board and refuses to admit that he felt his heart tug a bit, if you ask him why he kept it... He'll just tell you to piss off.
Ruggie- you two have a post it war, you'd draw something crude and stick it on his back while he wonders why everyone is laughing, he'd do the same to you. And it goes on and on until a teacher has to stop.
Jack- you often draw Jack tending to his cacti or him in his wolf form looking like a puppy... He keeps it but still hates how you draw him all cutesy and stuff.
Azul- He's annoyed with how you portray him in your drawings, his glasses aren't that big and he doesn't stand like that. But oh boy does his heart melt when he found out how much effort you took to draw him. He keeps it in his office in a draw at his desk, last time he left it out Floyd and Jade would not let him love it down.
Floyd- similar to Ace he likes when you make crude drawings of others, especially when you draw Azul as Mr. Krabs or Azul as an octopus with glasses. He'd put them everywhere where everyone could see it, unfortunately Azul had seen a lot of them around the lounge.
Jade- mushrooms. That's it. Jade often walks up to you and you immediately know what he wants. You'd take a few minutes to draw him a mushroom of his choosing and he slides you your payment and walk away like nothing happened. His side of the room is covered in those drawings, Floyd is scared.
Kalim- you draw him as an otter and he finds that adorable, you also draw him and Jamil with Jamil looking miserable, but Kalim could only laugh saying "ahaha! Jamil does make that face!". Jamil on the other hand pays you to draw Kalim cry as he sits on a throne, you'd recommend therapy but you won't be getting that money now would you?
Jamil- he finds it very, now extremely annoying that you leave drawings of him on his door, first it was him as squidward then him at Mc Donalds and him looking miserable. He throws them away but there are a few sketches of him, but the one he likes the most are drawings that make Kalim look stupid, he takes those as apologise for making him look so ridiculous.
Vil- he judges you alot. "Why do the eyes look like that?", "lips don't belong there", "how is that a nose?" Lord forbid you draw this man, "I look nothing like that?! My legs aren't that long, my hair is supposed to be shorter, my hair isn't yellow." Overtime he realized he has been too harsh on you when he himself can't even draw a stick man let alone draw what you draw. He takes the drawings in appreciation on how far you've improved.
Rook- he's the opposite of Vil honestly. He admires your art style and how you draw others, he find it amazing how you gave everyone such unique poses that match with their personality. He keeps every drawing you made of him, and some of the draft ones (don't ask how he got those.)
Epel- he also ask you to draw him, but with big muscles and him beating up Vil. Vil forbids you from drawing any of that due to it being a bad influence on Epel.
Idia- you'd leave post it notes on his table with drawings of Ortho telling him to touch grass, each getting funnier everyday. But it you draw him as his favorite character from an anime he watches in that art style? He's head over heel with you. He wants to marry you and your drawings. NOW.
Ortho- he likes it when you stick post it notes on his with cute little drawings of him and Idia.
Malleus- he just stares like a god excepting a sacrifice from his discipline. he loves your art, to the point he'd request that your drawings and sketches be hanged in his dorm even if they look silly. A person is laughing at a drawing of you and him eating ice cream? They shall be dealt with.
Lilia- similar to Ruggie, you two have an all out war which results in dorm covered in post it notes.
Silver- he's thankful for you leaving post it notes on him to remind him of things he needs to get done, but also enjoys the little drawings you made of his and his family.
Sebek- it depends on how good your art is. He'd degrade you to no end on how terrible it is and how you need to give up now! Or if it's out of this world, he just pays you to draw Malleus like a Greek god.
Staff- Sam most ask for your help decorating the shop during festivities or special occasions, leaving cute doodle or murals to encourage people to stop by the shop more often.
Trein find the drawings you make on the chalk board quite strange... Is it one of those me-mes mr. Diamond keeps talking about? He does admit you have talent but dislikes you drawing utter nonsense.
Crewel is biased and have favourites, you're one of them. You'd draw a sketch of him if you have enough space on your test paper and leaving a little message asking for extra points, how could he say no to his favorite pup?
Vargas doesn't hate you drawing, he just doesn't like it when you're doing it in class. He can't hate you after you just gave him a drawing of himself with the message 'best teacher ever' on it, it'll break his heart.
Crowley hates it, you keep making drawings of him looking stupid, if not that... A stupid bird.
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my favourite thing about WAA is just them being friends without the trauma and courtroom drama. Which is a really big thing to ask of Ace Attorney so I have to make everything up lmao. SO
WAA going on a cozy cabin trip together. They unpack together, Trucy makes a fun vlog, Athena can't make her bed because of a stubborn bedsheet, everyone goes fishing (Phoenix falls into the water), they have a fun barbecue, Apollo tells everyone about the stars (many hugs involved), Phoenix makes the best pancakes for whatever reason. I can list so many things they'd do
WAA having fun game nights together. Many chaos involved, and poker being absolutely hated by Apollo and Athena. Athena is really good at Mario kart 8 deluxe for some reason. Trucy ALWAYS wins trivia nights
Literally just a normal day at the agency. They have minimal work and interact with eachother because they're stuck with work :]!!
WAA going to Eldoon's noodles!!!
WAA cooking/baking together. If not, Apollo usually cooks for everyone else because he's the most competent at it
Sleepovers at the office!!! Phoenix is usually not there though. I like to think Apollo, Athena and Trucy watch bad movies together and make tierlists on how bad they are
Phoenix, Athena and Apollo watching Trucy's shows and cheering her on!! Bonus points if Athena or Apollo has to go on stage and be an assistant. More bonus points if it's Phoenix
There's probably more I have thought of but this is all I can recall right now! I'd love to hear what everyone else has thought of ^.^!
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ramvur · 1 year
random TF-141 headcanons, nothing deep here just casual stuff
soap is the math genius of the 141, they're all good at it, but whenever they need a quick math they'll ask him w no warning and he'll answer inmediatly, 99% of the time correct
everyone at the base thinks gaz can read minds, truth is he's just way too good at reading people, intentions and patterns
ghost can and will clock anyone being disrespectful towards others, despite his cold demeanor he doesnt tolerate disrespect of any sort
price hides a lot, a looooot more than what people could even think he hides, and probably only niko knows the most of that because he's been there with him, laswell being the second person to know almost as much
price is absolutely fucking tired of telling soap and gaz to stop playing w their food while they do fangs using fries
if he's available, ghost will eat at price's office with him instead of on his own, even if the capt isnt eating atm he enjoys the company
speaking of, ghost and price do a lot of pararell play in silent, each of them doing their own thing but they work better around each other
soap can definitely lift up ghost, he has done it while sparring, something they hadnt seen anyone else do, and that made him almost as terrifying as ghost for a moment
gaz is great at sports, any sport you give him he'll ace it (and bc i like to project on my fave characters he's a great skater)
gaz and price have the most father-son dynamic on base, even in their bickering and the way they look after each other, and gaz loves to learn from price
soap and gaz like to play just dance to relax, but there isn't a wii at the base so they just put youtube videos on their phones and pretend they won
price allows ghost to paint his nails bc sometimes ghost will still see/feel they're full of dirt and blood, and if they're covered its easier for him to not wear gloves or fingerless gloves
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kallie-den · 1 year
Sartha Thrace, ace mech pilot, is always so confused. She's a rebel, so why is she fighting on the wrong side? She's a free woman, so why is she wearing a muzzle? She's a hero, so why do her comrades treat her like a rabid dog? Sartha Thrace is so fortunate that her beloved Handler is always there to help her understand
This is a little different from my usual work. An experiment in style and tone, although it is still definitely mind control smut! Be warned, though. The tone is dark and it features some things like betrayal and gunplay that some readers might take exception to
If you enjoy my work and are looking for more, or you want to support me, I strongly encourage you to check out my Patreon! I  write erotica full-time, which means I need your patronage to keep creating, and my Patrons also get benefits like early access to my stories, extra stories, and the ability to vote on what I write next! So, if that sounds good to you, head over and join the couple hundred patrons I already have :)
Nothing makes Sartha Thrace feel good the way being saddled up in the cockpit of a huge mech suit does.
She usually likes to say it’s because of all the good you can do with that kind of power, because it’s a good line for pro-rebellion propaganda, but the truth is that it’s far more immediate than that. The joy comes from a million different things. The way the seat beneath her thrums as the machine kicks into life. The scent of machine oil and burnt steel as the reactor spools up. The way everything in the world shakes when her almighty machine, as big as a skyscraper, takes just one single step. The joy isn’t in her head. It’s in her blood. Her guts.
It’s fucking perfect.
All in all, it makes Sartha feel like she’s not just a person anymore. A person is just meat, however much of a hero they are. In the cockpit, she’s a sixty-foot-tall titan ready to crush the world under her heel. There’s nothing like the power trip, and it helps take her mind off some of the anxieties that like to eat at her.
Ancyor is the name of her beast. They know it everywhere, because Sartha is, after all, a hero. Just a name, no class, no model number. Not much point now. Ancyor isn’t like anything else after all the cannibalism Sartha’s had to do to keep her running. Everything’s been replaced twice. Most of it, three times or more. So now Ancyor is one hell of an ugly mongrel, but that hasn’t done anything to keep it off the rebel recruitment posters. They like using its face almost as much as they do Sartha’s.
It’s what you get for being a hero. Hell, for being the hero. She’s the big hero of the rebellion.
They’re just coming up on the battlezone now. Sartha trusts her instruments but she trusts her eyes even more, so she takes a moment to peer out of Ancyor’s grubby little viewports, even though it’s hard with her muzzle in the way. She can see her comrades’ battle line unfolding on either side of her, and it doesn’t make her happy. None of the other mechs look anything like Ancyor.
They’re all brand new and freshly-painted, and way too sleek for their own good. The kinds of machines that have just rolled off an Imperial production line. Fresh tech given to fresh meat that doesn’t even know how to use it properly. Something about it unsettles Sartha. She has too many ghostly little memories of fighting on the other side, against machines like that. Being with them doesn’t feel right.
Memories of someone else’s life. That’s what Handler always calls them when she tells Sartha not to dwell on them. Sartha does her best to listen, because Handler is always right. Handler is wonderful.
Sartha raises a hand and touches her muzzle as she thinks about that.
Everyone’s in position, comes the voice over the radio. Snooty. Elitist. An officer.
Copy, comes the reply. We’re ready.
Can we send the dog in first? someone asks. A bunch of sniggers follow that one.
Negative, says the officer. We stick to the plan. Commencing bombardment.
A few moments later, the ground starts rumbling and the whole sky lights up red and white. Sartha doesn’t look. She knows better than to stare at the fireworks. This isn’t her first battle. She’s a hero, and she knows what she needs to do. The little drip of adrenaline the blasts prompt helps her focus.
“Here we go, Ancyor,” she murmurs to no one.
When she opens up the throttle, Ancyor responds as always, with an ugly purr. The beast surges forwards. Sartha wants to be right on the heels of the bombardment. That’s what she does best. She gets stuck in with blade and chain, wherever it’s getting good and messy.
That makes her a really big target, obviously, and sure enough, the enemy is already replying to the artillery in kind. Beams and missiles start to fly past Ancyor as it sprints. Well, not all of them. Some of them hit home, and Sartha feels the impact in her own body. It does nothing but put a crazy grin on her face, behind the muzzle’s metal cage. She feels her mech clunk underneath her as redundant systems slam into place wherever the damage isn’t so superficial.
It’ll take more than that to put her beast down.
But since she isn’t actually crazy the way people say, Sartha shelters behind a ruin, ready for the tense dance of sprinting from cover to cover as she advances. As she does, she sees her comm system lighting up. It’s the enemy, yelling at her across a broad comm band.
Obviously Sartha knows she should ignore it, but there’s never been a good pilot who didn’t know how to trash talk. She isn’t enough of a professional to not reach over and flick a few switches so she can listen in.
At first the transmissions are too loud, and so messy they almost sound like interference. It’s not, it’s just too many damn people yelling at once. As usual, the sight of Ancyor loping into combat was getting a nice healthy response. After a moment, Sartha manages to pick out a few things here and there:
How could you do this to us?
What the fuck is wrong with you, Thrace?
What did they do to you?
Somehow, some of that makes it through the adrenaline and Sartha stops grinning. It’s not the words exactly. It’s the emotion. There’s this one woman in particular she can pick out, howling into her radio. It’s not familiar, it’s no one she knows, but there’s something in her voice. A depth; a ragged, throatfucked anguish that only comes from something real.
From real betrayal.
Sartha risks taking a hand off the joystick to adjust her muzzle, trying to make it less uncomfortable.
At the same time, she tries to convince herself it’s all bullshit. She tries to remind herself where she is, and what she’s fighting for, but that’s hard because she doesn’t know. All that stuff - the briefings before the mission, for example - is just a haze. It’s fog. It’s nothing. It’s like she wasn’t even there. So what the fuck is this battle?
Another look through the viewport. The whole place is already buried under inches of dust and napalm, but Sartha still can’t quite shake the feeling that she knows this city. It feels like maybe, in one of those other lives she sometimes remembers, this was a place she wanted to defend.
There’s something wrong with her, she thinks. It’s the only way to explain why she keeps flinching whenever she sees one of those sleek, black, fresh Imperial mechs punch out of the dust-fog. Stupid, stupid. They’re on her side. She needs to get that straight.
Sartha is keeping Ancyor moving, but that’s just instinct, and instinct isn’t half as good when you’re not paying fucking attention. And she can’t stop paying attention to that howling voice on the comms.
What did they do to you, Thrace? Was it money? What the fuck did they do to you?
What did they do to her? Sartha doesn’t quite know, although she knows for sure it wasn’t money. She remembers something, maybe, unless it’s just one of those other people’s lives. A room. A room that makes her scared shitless. And pain. From electric shocks, she thinks. And lights - lights shined into her head so bright she thought they would punch all the way out the other side. And most of all, words that never ever ever ever stopped whispering.
Fuck. Shit. She’s breaking down now, like a raw rookie. Only Sartha’s not a rookie, she’s a hero, only maybe she’s not even that if she��s a traitor like the voice on the radio says. She needs to get her head on straight. She needs to figure out where she is and what this battle is. She needs to get this freakish fucking muzzle off her head. She needs-
The radio goes silent and Sartha goes dead still. She knows Ancyor better than she knows her own soul. She knows every little noise it ever makes, and this one is very special. It’s an override for the comm system, activating a direct line to one special person in particular. Sartha’s breast swells with hope and bile in the instant before she hears her voice.
Can you hear me, Sartha? Handler says.
“Yes,” Sartha replies at once, because she would never keep Handler waiting. She’s already pulling herself together. She can’t break down like this. Not with Handler here.
It seemed like you were getting confused, Handler says. So here I am.
Hearing that almost feels bad because it’s almost a reproach, but Sartha feels good instead because she’s just happy to listen to Handler talking. Handler’s voice is love.
I’m going to take care of that for you, Handler warns. Ready?
“Yes,” Sartha says. She’s never quite ready for what’s coming, but she’s cringingly grateful for it anyway because in a few moments all the things she was worrying about won’t matter.
Hound, Handler says in a special voice. Off The Leash.
It’s not quite instant, and so Sartha gets a single moment to experience her own psyche cracking like an egg. It feels, more than anything, like clarity. She gets it now, as she falls away from herself. Sartha Thrace isn’t a real person anymore. Sartha Thrace is gone, they just kept the shape of her, like a papier-mâché mask keeping the imprint of someone’s face.
They needed her body, because it’s recognizable. They needed her piloting skills, because she’s the best. Everything else, they scooped out, except for whatever they needed to keep to make a nice little convenient shell for the thing that’s inside her now. The thing that’s coming out, now that she’s Off The Leash.
Sartha Thrace goes away, and Hound wakes up.
Hound whoops and growls, making Handler laugh approvingly over the radio, and guns Ancyor’s throttle so viciously hard the mech starts to scream underneath her. Hound doesn’t care. Hound doesn’t care about anything. She’s right where she belongs - in her colossal metal body, muzzle strapped to her face, beloved Handler in her ear.
And in front of her, there are targets.
Hound makes Ancyor lunge out of cover and surge towards the nearest thing she sees that doesn’t look like one of her sleek, black packmates, and then start tearing it to shreds. The way Ancyor jerks and whines in protest as it really rips into an enemy mech turns Hound’s growl into a wolf-scream of pure, untainted glee that lasts until the broken, bleeding thing under Ancyor’s blades finally stops moving.
Then, Hound lopes off into the rebel city in her mech, looking for more things to kill.
Sartha Thrace doesn’t know how much time has passed by the time Ancyor heaves back into its berth in the hangar. She only knows it’s after the battle, and mostly she knows there was a battle because Ancyor is beaten to hell and she’s covered in scars and her own matted blood.
It hurts, but in a good way, like how exercise hurts. The core of that good feeling is the vague sense that she has done a good job today. She fought hard, and they won.
Handler will be proud of her.
Despite how exhausted Sartha is, that knowledge puts a spring in her step as she dismounts from Ancyor’s cockpit onto one of the huge piers that line the hangar in rows. The hangar is a vast, cavernous space, too big to feel real, so big it’ll make your eyes hurt if you stare at the ceiling or the far wall. It’s steadily filling up as more and more of Sartha’s comrades make it back.
Not as many as there had been when they left, but that’s always how it is. Sartha knows how to make herself cold to it.
She gets a lot of hard, bad looks from the other pilots as they dismount. Some even spit. Sartha doesn’t let it trouble her. She isn’t really one of them, she knows. They’re all Imperial to a T: neat, black uniforms, cropped hair, stiff hats and straight backs. Sartha wears grubby old military khakis instead, with more than a few personal touches, and her mid-length blonde hair is messy in a deliberate, handsome way. And there’s the muzzle, of course. She doesn’t look like one of them. She looks like one of the people on the other side.
Sartha could probably figure out the other, less superficial reasons she wasn’t really one of them if she put her mind to it, but she didn’t, because Handler had told her not to. Handler always knows best.
Maybe something happened in the battle, and that’s why they’re so mad. Sartha doesn’t really remember, past the beginning. It’s all fog. She doesn’t worry about that. Another thing Handler has told her not to worry about. Sometimes it feels like her whole life has been consumed by fog, but she never worries thanks to Handler. That’s one of Handler’s many gifts to her, and in exchange Sartha needs to be very very good. She delights in being good. She won’t remove her muzzle without permission, even now, as it rubs uncomfortably into her face.
And there! Sartha catches sight of Her coming down the pier, as if in response to the hero pilot’s yearning.
She’s magnificent. Beautiful, yes, but in a special way, more like a goddess than a person. Everyone else knows She’s special too. The other pilots, the ones who’d been spitting at Sartha, move out of the way and salute at Her passing. A special uniform marks Her rank. It’s more ceremonial than practical: tight-fitting leathers and high boots, with a sleek cap to crown Her platinum hair and a heavy, black coat to make Her silhouette all the more imposing.
Sartha senses that the other pilots are a little bit afraid of Her, but she isn’t. She could never be afraid of Handler.
“Sartha,” Handler says, in a voice that makes Sartha shiver every time. “Congratulations. You did well.”
Every single muscle in Sartha’s body goes stiff at the praise. Her head starts spinning giddily and a nervous, twitchy grin comes to her face. This is a sacred moment. But it’s too good to be true. It’s too much.
“I got… confused,” Sartha replies in a crestfallen tone. She can’t disagree with Handler, obviously, but nor can she be dishonest. She needs to volunteer these things.
“That’s true,” Handler conceded. “But you made it back on track. That’s what counts. It was a very confusing place for you. You did well.”
Sartha gasps and shudders. Butterflies in her stomach. The praise is all the sweeter now that she’s unburdened herself. She feels the ecstasy of purification.
“T-thank you,” she blurts out nervously, stupidly.
Talking to Handler always does this to her. Sartha has as many notches on her bedpost as any other ace but with Handler she’s fourteen again, a tongue-tied virgin struggling to think of a good enough line to get one of the older, prettier girls to take her to prom. She has to grab her left arm with her right hand to stop it shaking too much. But the anxiety is more than balanced out by elation. She can’t be anything but happy when Handler is here.
A thin smile comes to Handler’s face. On anyone else it might have seemed cruel, but Sartha knows that Handler is beyond petty things like cruelty. “You’re a very good hound.”
That phrase is like a magic spell. It lets Sartha relax into the praise. She giggles, and the grin on her face becomes broad and innocent. She’s a good hound for Handler. It’s perfect. It makes whatever she was worrying about earlier when she was confused feel utterly remote and small. Nothing matters when she’s a good hound for Handler. It’s the only important thing in the entire world, and her whole body knows it.
Sartha’s brain throbs endorphins into her bloodstream at a dangerous rate. She’s seeing stars and shivering rapturously. She’s blushing and dripping between her legs; turned on like hell even though this pleasure is so much more than just sex. Being a hound is better than being just a hero ever was.
She’s a good hound for Handler.
“And you know what that means,” Handler adds, smiling still. “Don’t you?”
Sartha dares to nod. She has her hopes, but it would be blasphemous to get her hopes up.
“Good hounds get rewards,” Handler tells her, and reaches out to pet her head.
This is special and it makes Sartha stop thinking altogether. Handler’s touch on her head is infinitely familiar, and more reassuring than anything. Her thoughts turn into bubbles that pop as Handler messes her hair affectionately. Sartha doesn’t try to collect herself, she just grins her stupid grin and stretches her back to try and push her head against Handler’s fingers. The lack of self-discipline is an indulgence, but one that she’s allowed from time to time.
“There we go!” Handler coos. “You deserve this. Don’t you?”
“Yesyesyes,” Sartha blurts out, all in a rush. “Thankyouthankyou.”
She could cry. She’s never been happier.
Handler gives her the blessing of letting her enjoy this for a few long moments before She says: “I think there’s another thing you deserve too. You deserve a treat. Hound deserves a treat.”
Sartha nods, drunk on eagerness. A treat is something different. Something specific. She always gets a treat after a mission, unless she’s been very, very bad.
“Sit,” Handler commands.
At once Sartha is on her knees. It doesn’t take thought. She sees that some of the other pilots are gathering round, and some of them are laughing at her. Sartha doesn’t care. She doesn’t care about anyone else when she’s with Handler. Those other pilots just don’t understand how special She is.
Handler leans in and looms over her, and says in that special voice of Hers: “Hound. Off The Leash.”
Sartha Thrace goes away, and Hound wakes up.
It’s a very different Hound from the one that wakes in the thick of battle. Hound doesn’t growl - she can’t, not at Handler - she just makes her eyes big and looks up at her owner. Handler’s smile widens.
“Very good,” She purrs at Hound’s display of patience. Handler pointedly sets one foot forward, resting Her big, heavy, leather boot on its heel. She waits a few moments, allowing Hound’s need to build. “OK. Go.”
Hound throws herself forward and wraps her entire body around Handler’s leg. She pushes her thighs apart as wide as she can, all the better to start grinding her cunt against Handler’s boot.
Immediately, Hound lets out a desperate whine of pleasure so loud it echoes around the hangar instead of being swallowed up. Her mind goes blank. The few thoughts Hound is permitted to have vanish. Touching Handler this way makes her unbelievably sensitive. The sensation is earth-shattering even though the heavy material of her clothes is in the way. What this represents is more important than how it actually feels.
Safety. Purpose. Reward.
This is Hound’s safe place. Perhaps the only place she feels truly safe, and that’s because this is where she’s meant to be. There’s no doubt. No uncertainty. Not with Handler. Hound does what she’s told and she gets her treat. It’s so blissfully simple.
If being good for Handler is the only thing that matters, she doesn’t need to think about anything else. And this is how she knows she’s been good for Handler.
“Good girl,” Handler says, looking down at her. Handler sounds so very amused, and Hound is just pleased to be the one amusing her.
She puts her face as close to Handler as she possibly can. Her muzzle is in the way so she has to turn her head and rub it desperately against her owner’s hips. She’s desperate for Handler’s scent; that scent of leather and polish and dark perfume is infinitely comforting and pleasurable. As it fills her nose, she starts humping more slowly and deliberately, pressing hard so that she can feel every one of the taut laces of Handler’s boot rubbing against her cunt.
Hound’s whimpers start to fill out into panting, breathless moans. The exertion is almost too much for her. She was already exhausted from combat. But she won’t stop. She’d never give up her treat, not for anything.
The crowd around Handler and Hound is growing as more and more Imperial pilots gather to watch the strange ritual. Despite their lurid curiosity, they keep a respectful distance; Handler commands a great deal of fearful respect. Most of them are laughing or leering or making cruel, obscene comments to one another. Hound barely notices, and doesn’t care at all. They don’t matter. Only Handler matters.
She does care, though, when one of the pilots breaks the circle and approaches. A woman. The laughter dies away, replaced by hushed pleas for their comrade to retreat back into line. She doesn’t. Hound flashes her a look, teeth bared, although her treat is too all-consuming for her to expend anything more than a stray thought on anything but rubbing her cunt all over Handler’s leg.
The woman returns Hound’s look with a hateful glare. “How can you let that… thing do that to you?” she demands of Handler.
Handler stares at her. She doesn’t flinch, which is impressive. Handler remains relaxed, amused. “What do you mean?”
“She’s a fucking rebel!” the woman spits. She steps forward again. “An enemy.”
“Not anymore,” Handler replies calmly. “What’s your name, pilot?”
“Sergeant Meetra Kotys,” she answers. “Sir,” she adds, a beat later than she should.
“You needn’t be afraid, Sergeant Kotys,” Handler tells her. “I personally oversaw Thrace’s reconditioning. Our domestication procedures are extremely thorough. There is no risk of reversion to adverse behavior.”
Hound hears but doesn’t listen. It’s not her place to listen. It’s her place to rut against Handler’s boot like the dumb animal she knows she is.
“I’m not afraid!” Sergeant Kotys spits. “I’m fucking disgusted. That woman took down half my wing at Hebros Ridge last year. Six people in the ground. Because of her.” The pilot’s eyes are uneven. Wild. “She deserves worse than this.”
Handler takes her time composing a reply. She pushes her foot forward, pressing her boot against Hound’s cunt. Hound moans, unfathomably grateful for this gift. She keeps humping, the rhythmic, bucking motion of her hips growing steadily more and more desperate.
“The Hound and her mech are a significant asset to the Imperial forces,” Handler says eventually. Her voice is icier now. More menacing. “That is all you should need to know, Sergeant. I’m pleased you value the lives of your fellow pilots. You might consider how many more of them might have been lost today without Hound here.”
Sergeant Kotys bristles at that. With a woman like Handler, there’s an implied threat lurking behind her every word, but the pilot is too aggrieved to care.
“But,” Handler adds, pausing for long enough to emphasize her charity. “Perhaps it will help you to think of it like this: my little warhound here is not Sartha Thrace. She is not the Sartha Thrace who killed your comrades. Whatever you want to do to her, it won’t be revenge. She is not Sartha Thrace. I have made her something else. Understand?”
Sergeant Kotys’s eyes flit uncertainly between Handler and Hound as she struggles to wrap her head around that; to reconcile her anger with it. In the end, she shakes her head.
“No,” she snarls. “No. That’s her. That’s fucking her. Seen that face a hundred times on the posters. That’s her fucking face. What about her hair, huh? And her clothes? If she’s something else, why does she look the same way she always did?”
“Ego totems.” Handler’s calm was impenetrable. “A few personal touches, nothing more. A little continuity and familiarity helps to maintain a sustainable, pliable outer persona.”
Sergeant Kotys just laughs thickly. “Fuck whatever that means.”
She takes another step forward. This is too close for Hound; she rouses herself a little from her stupid rut and begins to growl protectively at the sergeant from behind her muzzle. She only stops and returns to humping when Handler rests Her hand on Hound’s head.
“How can you just touch her like that?” Sergeant Kotys demands. She is furious beyond reason. Furious enough to risk the pilot’s wings she wore so proudly on her collar. “It makes me sick. Every time we’re told to drag her out into combat I feel like I’m gonna throw up in my damn cockpit.”
Hound isn’t paying attention again. The sounds of her rubbing herself on Handler’s leg are turning increasingly wet. Her cunt is soaked, and the dark stain on the front of her pants is starting to drip.
“Feel like I’m gonna get shot in the back every time I’m not looking her way.” The corner of Sergeant Kotys’s mouth keeps twitching down. “We all do. How do you know she’s not just playing you, huh? How do we know she’s not gonna just… just snap out of it, or something?”
Handler’s lip turns upwards. “Does she look to you like she’s going to snap out of it? See for yourself.”
Sergeant Kotys looks at Hound - really looks at her. She looks at the expression of dumb, grateful lust on her face. At the metal cage strapped firmly over her mouth. At the vacancy in her eyes, and the vulgar, bestial enthusiasm in her hips. She stares for way too long.
“Fuck…” she breathes. Her cheeks are red. “I can’t believe this. This is wrong. This is the woman who… I should really just…”
She reaches to her side and draws her pistol from its holster.
A few brave members of the crowd of pilots start to reach forwards, especially when Sergeant Kotys points her gun straight at Hound. Handler seems to know something they don’t, though. She flashes them a look, and they freeze. All eyes are on the sergeant.
She moves slow and shuddery. Like Hound, she’s not uninjured. There’s a mean cut on her forehead and a couple of bruises on her cheek. She looks exhausted too, but her hand is steady when she puts the barrel of her gun right against Hound’s forehead.
Hound barely even notices. To her, it’s nothing more than a little shock of cold as she feels the metal touch her skin. A mere distraction from what actually matters. She’s in heat. Handler is right here with her. She just needs to do what she’s supposed to do. She needs to enjoy her treat.
“God,” Sergeant Kotys grunts. She sounds almost disgusted, and almost something else. “What the fuck is wrong with her?”
The tip of her gun travels down the side of Hound’s face. The sergeant uses it like an extension of her own hand, dragging it heavily, callously across Hound’s skin until she’s prodding it into her cheek. The pitch of Hound’s moaning changes for a moment, but only for a moment.
“What about this, huh?” Sergeant Kotys nods to Handler as she jabs the tip of her gun hard into the side of Hound’s muzzle. Hound whimpers. “What’s this for?”
“That’s for your benefit, sergeant,” Handler replies. There’s a slight smirk on her face. “It helps our people understand her new place.”
“That’s fucking twisted.”
The expression on Sergeant Kotys’s face is so mixed it’s impossible to read. She hasn’t taken her eyes off Hound in minutes. She’s transfixed, and she barely seems aware of what she’s doing as she starts pushing harder with her gun, steadily dislodging Hound’s muzzle from where it’s supposed to be.
Even in heat, Hound can’t fail to notice this. A sudden burst of anxiety claims her. She doesn’t know what this means, so she looks pleadingly up at Handler.
“Wait.” This is the first true order Handler has given. Her voice is crisp and expectant and makes even Sergeant Kotys pause and look. Handler holds her gaze for a long moment. “She is an asset,” She reiterates firmly. “Do not damage her.”
Sergeant Kotys nods. A moment later, Handler nods too. Both Hound and the sergeant see the nod for what it is.
The barrel of Sergeant Kotys’s gun is even more insistent now as it presses against the side of Hound’s muzzle. She’s pressing hard enough to move the metal cage out of place. Hound lets out an uncertain little whine. Her muzzle is tight enough that it hurts as it’s pushed across her skin, but more importantly, this is unfamiliar. But she doesn’t try to stop the sergeant, and she doesn’t stop steadily bucking her hips as she continues to hump Handler’s leg.
Handler gave permission.
Eventually the muzzle comes away from Hound’s face. The strap that attaches it to Hound’s head is still fastened, but it turns sideways and awkwardly hangs against her cheek. It’s a welcome relief, but the crushing pressure of the tight muzzle is almost immediately replaced by the cold of Sergeant Kotys’s handgun. She angles it slightly, wedging the very tip between Hound’s lips and using it to pry them apart.
Hound whimpers. The sergeant isn’t gentle. She butts the gun against Hound’s teeth and folds her lips up against her face. Hound can’t help but drool; she was already drooling a little from the sheer, gratifying pleasure of Handler’s boot against her cunt short-circuiting her devastated brain, but now trickles of saliva are dangling down her face and coating the gun’s barrel.
Sergeant Kotys’s expression twists.
She keeps going. She takes her time exploring, watching Hound’s face twitch whenever she moves the gun like this or like that. Everyone is watching her, as she goes ten times further than any of the other pilots would have dared. They’re not laughing now, they’re just staring, mesmerized by what’s happening.
The sergeant looks mesmerized too. She looks like she can’t stop.
Her pushing and prodding starts to turn more deliberate. Hound is panting from pleasure, and Sergeant Kotys takes advantage to push her gun deeper, forcing Hound’s teeth apart and ramming the hard, cold, metal barrel into her mouth. It slips in deep enough to make Hound choke on the unfamiliar object.
But after that, she starts sucking.
It’s what Sergeant Kotys wants. Hound can tell from the way she moves the gun back and forth, thrusting it, fucking Hound’s face. Hound doesn’t care about the sergeant at all, but she cares about Handler more than anything, and she knows Handler wants this. That alone is enough to fill her with giddy, heady enthusiasm and make her bob her head as she laps pleasingly at the gun barrel despite the acrid taste of burnt metal and oil.
“Fuck,” Sergeant Kotys breathes as she looks down at her.
There’s something in the sergeant’s eyes. Something bright, something growing. She keeps pumping faster with her gun, daring Hound to match her pace. She’s wearing the expression of a girl who's just figuring out that breaking toys is simply a special, better way of playing with them. Her nostrils flare with each breath, and the way her chest rises and falls beneath her uniform is sinful. There are a hundred ways to read what’s going on in her face, but one thing is very obvious to every single person watching.
She is enjoying this.
Hound is enjoying it too. She enjoys everything Handler wants her to do, no matter what, but after grinding her needy cunt into Handler’s boot for so long, her head is full of endorphins that make her stupid and transform anything into pleasure. And beyond that, a part of her simply loves the attention; a simple, brute, canine part of her they hammered into her head to make her more workable.
So, she has to try as hard as she can to be a very very good hound, and that means sucking off Sergeant Kotys’s gun with the rapturous adoration she’d usually reserve for Handler Herself. She doesn’t have to pay attention to the way her hips are moving, that’s automatic, so can lavish all her attention on the stiff rod of the gun’s barrel, lapping at it, drooling on it, taking it as deep as she can into her throat.
It’s still difficult. Hound is delirious on everything now - the pain, the exhaustion, the attention - and she’s trembling desperately as an orgasm builds inside her. It’s messy. Her drool and spittle form a messy stain down the front of her top almost as bad as the one on her pants, and Sergeant Kotys’s gun has been completely defiled with hanging loops of sticky, trembling saliva. Hound’s moaning is back, so bestial and lewd and breathy it makes all the watching pilots blush.
She’s close. Close to finishing her treat.
Then she hears a loud click as Sergeant Kotys flicks off the safety.
The click provokes a shudder from everyone, and Hound is no different. She glances up and sees that Sergeant Kotys’s eyes are as wide as ever. She looks capable of anything. Despite how fucked out of her skull she is, that click reminds Hound of what the object in her mouth is.
It’s a gun, a killing thing, just like her.
That thought is as exciting as it is terrible. The danger makes Hound freeze in her tracks, but only for a moment, because then her body screams at her and reminds her that, no, she can’t stop, not now, Handler didn’t say she could stop, and besides, she’s too fucking close, she can’t take it.
So she starts humping again, moans low and breathy and pitiful, and somehow it feels better than ever. It’s lightning against her cunt. Despite how insanely dangerous it is, Hound can’t help jostling the gun. She can’t remember if Sergeant Kotys’s finger is on the trigger and it’s too late to check because all she can see is white.
All Hound can do is fuck herself stupid and choke herself on the barrel and prepare for the thunderous oblivion that’s coming. Her hips have hit the point of agony but she’s rutting faster than ever, and so is the sergeant, turning Hound’s throat into another cunt with her pistol. The long piece of steel, now dripping wet and body-warm, chokes Hound’s moans, but she doesn’t care how uncomfortable it is. She just wants to explode. She wants the end. Every part of her is desperate for it, even the parts that used to be Sartha Thrace.
When it finally hits her, Hound howls around the gun at the hangar ceiling before finally, blissfully, she can let herself go slack and slump against Handler’s body.
This is as close as she gets to heaven. It’s sacred. It’s her treat. The privilege of getting to touch Handler like that outweighs anything, any potential humiliation, not that Hound cares about things like humiliation. It’s the ultimate affirmation, smothering all doubts as the indelibly-conditioned link between obedience and reward gets another notch deeper.
This is her. This is Hound. This is her purpose.
Unusually, no one is looking at Hound right now. They’re all looking at Sergeant Kotys.
She looks like she’s just cum too, even though she has not touched herself. A few moments later, her face turns, and she looks utterly consumed with disgust and shame. Then the disgust recedes and she fills with calm, but it’s a calm that glows from within and makes her fellow pilots nervous. Sergeant Kotys takes her time as she kneels down and cleans her gun on a dry portion of Hound’s soiled clothing. Then she stands, turns to Handler, and salutes.
“Thank you, sir,” she says crisply. “I think I understand now.”
Handler’s smile widens. She’s pleased with the lesson, and pleased with Hound as she starts to rouse herself from her post-orgasmic stupor and see to the task of licking clean Handler’s boots. “And what do you understand?”
“That this thing isn’t Sartha Thrace, sir,” Sergeant Kotys replies. “There’s no way Sartha Thrace would have ever let me do that.” She relaxes a little and the calm expression slips from her face, replaced with a smirk that is a mirror to Handler’s own. “We broke her.”
She’s still pushing it by speaking to someone as senior as Handler this way, but she senses - correctly - that she can get away with it. The two of them share something now. An appetite, perhaps. An understanding that her fellow pilots have yet to partake in.
“That’s right,” Handler says. “Now, sergeant, please report to my office tomorrow. We need to discuss your conduct today.”
It isn’t a threat. It’s an opportunity. Sergeant Kotys salutes again as she is dismissed. “Yes, sir!”
Handler turns next to her charge. “Up, Hound.”
Hound is so exhausted and stupefied by her orgasm that it takes her a moment to register what’s being asked of her but inevitably, she obeys. With some reluctance, she hauls herself to her feet. Handler’s boots aren’t clean yet. It’s a task that mustn’t be left half-finished.
“You can finish that later, in your kennel,” Hander instructs. She always knows what’s going on inside Hound’s head. “Now, here.”
She reaches past Hound and properly unfastens her muzzle, only so she can fix it back in place and tie it tight. The way she does it is strict, but not even slightly cruel. She makes sure not to pinch Hound’s skin or knot her hair. There’s something gentle, even loving about the way she attaches the muzzle - which the crowd of watching pilots obviously finds extremely creepy.
“There,” Handler says, once she’s finished. And then, in her special voice: “On The Leash.”
Hound submerges instantly, but it takes a long while for Sartha to truly wake up, leaving their body to sway emptily for a moment before Sartha finds her footing. Once she does, just smiles. Handler is here. All is well. Being able to bask in Her presence washes away any lingering confusion, and the aftershocks of pleasure in her own body simply add to her mood.
She doesn’t question them. She has no need. She’s with Handler.
“Come along, Sartha,” Handler says, turning away. “I need to debrief you.”
Sartha nods and trots after her so she can stand at her place, at Handler’s heel. The debriefing is important, she knows. She never remembers her debriefings, but she knows she needs them to stay good. The two of them walk across the hangar deck to the elevator, Handler’s boots clacking loudly against the metal floor. Before they leave Sartha turns back to look.
All her fellow pilots are watching her. Some of them are smiling. Some of them are laughing. Some of their faces are filled with awe. Sartha isn’t surprised by the way they’re staring. She’s used to it. It’s only natural.
She’s a hero, after all.
I would like to express my gratitude for the generosity of all those who  support me on Patreon, and to give a special thanks to the following  patrons in particular for their exceptional support:
Artemis, Chloe, J, Secret Subject, Kathryn, Lucy, Dex, orangesya, Red, dmtph, Ember, Seph, MegatronTarantulas, Vanessa, Matt, Jeremy, Mattilda, Emily, William, ntad, Flluffie, Silgon, The Flock, ourladyoflilacs, Luna, Abigail, steb, Hypnogirl_Stephanie_, nicholas, Sue, Alan_, mintyasleep, Noelle, Lavender, Madness, Michael, Tasteful Ardour, Michael, Matthew, Full Blown Marxism, Anonymous, GrillFan65, Huge_Nerd, ZephanyZephZeph, Tram345, 8947jts, Chris, Breadloaf, Kyle, Emma, Jack the Monkey, Paul, Willow, Shadows exile, Drone 8315, Matthew, Alex, Madness, Sam, Selina, Daniel, Bubble_Butt, Francesca, WhyamIhere, John, Sarah, Crittergang, Setcab, Erin, Elysium, Bacon Man, Flintnsteal, Arik, John, bluaph, Kyle, Morriel, Jack the Monkey, Sola, NewtypeWoman, Envy, hellenberg, shoktherapy, L, Jim, Black Star, Kay, Michael, strange item, John, Praxis Memetics LLC, Frank, William, Olives, Christopher, Charlotte, Faun, Riley, Brinn, Brendon, B, Jackson, Kyle, Dennis, Nandi, Sanya, David, Morder, Myles_EXVS, Jade, Skylar, Foridin, gabbermoth, Jennifer, Selina, Violet, Slifer274, paxDulcetGirl, Roxxie, Hal, Devi, Phoenix, Laurel, Kyle, Ivy, Jim, Michael, Joseph, June, Yaoups, Yooby Bomb, Peter, Paige, Sophie, imaencuru, Thomas, Katherine, Liz, uusavutonauto, Jens, Ada, EepyTimeTea, nitin, hypnoenby, Sebastian, ds2coffin
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eashn · 1 year
kuroo tetsurō | College AU hcs
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 𓈈 🀢
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summary: a comprehensive list of the CollegeAU!Kuroo headcanons that have been plaguing me for years. 
warnings: allusions to alcohol, some sexual content, swearing, kuroo’s abs.
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he’s double-majoring in business and chemistry—does hella good in both. 
academic weapon
fairly active in the party scene, but won’t admit he secretly hates it sometimes. prefers the quieter, more refined bustle of the science library or the local cafés. 
didn’t want to commit to the professional level, but still plays club volleyball. never quite finds another team that fits him like Nekoma did. 
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on the outside
those dark locks are unruly as ever. 
he’s always been huge but reaaaaally buffed up after high school: broad shoulders and massive, sculpted lats. chiseled abs and the V-line of a fucking god.
he’s worked hard for that body (more on that under Habits), so he shows it off with what he chooses to wear
fitted tees
those sleek athletic compression shirts
prioritizes comfort—his wardrobe is definitely hoodies- and sweatpants-heavy. see images above for a visual 
owns like, nine pairs of gray sweats. the cheeky bastard. 
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hits the gym like it’s a religion. his routine is immaculate: strength training couple times a week, a run/jog outside nearly every day. he kickboxes sometimes. plays volleyball of course. 
doesn’t take enough rest days
and forgets to stretch afterward. his shoulders are always tight because of it. 
has a fairly decent sleep schedule
but. he’s a caffeine addict. pulls all-nighters at least once a month, flipping through his textbooks while sipping hot, black coffee.
takes his tea without sugar
and his whiskey neat
doesn’t drink much, though. especially at parties, he likes being able to talk intelligently—to nail first impressions with biting wit and laid-back charm. there’s a certain level of self-possession he cultivates in order to achieve that, though, and alcohol tends to mess with it.
always drives his friends home when they’ve had too much.
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he’s good. 
really good. 
aced Organic Chemistry his freshman year while everyone else was shitting their pants
chats with his Business professors during their office hours for fun
his notes are disgusting. loose leaf sheets stuffed into his books, chicken-scratch handwriting littering their margins. 
can’t draw good Lewis Diagrams for shit. his Chemistry TAs give him hell for it.
still, he somehow manages to earn the highest test scores in the class.
competitive. silently simmers when he catches someone earn even a slightly higher grade. he always needs to be the best; he’s greedy for success and recognition. 
total workaholic. grinds himself to the bone.
but also, he really, really loves what he does. the little things thrill him: an Acid-Base titration gone perfectly right, or a really good conversation about Keynesian economic theory. 
he’s such a dork. he’ll never admit to it though
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after hours
he’s not a fuckboy. he’s not.
he just…has a certain effect on women. and boy, does he know it.
as mentioned above, he parties fairly frequently—he’s a hot, outgoing twenty-something, so naturally he’s getting invited to a lot. but again, he doesn’t always enjoy the crowds and the noise, and he really doesn’t like getting wasted. 
but if there’s one thing kuroo loves? 
it’s attention. 
though he lingers at the quieter edges of crowds, pretty girls still seek him out, striking up flirty conversation over the din of party music. 
he’ll admit the talk itself is never actually interesting. none of those women are quite smart enough to keep up with him
but all the same, he goes home with them—because they all want him so much. and god, does that stroke some animalistic part of his ego. 
the truth is, kuroo kinda needs to feel wanted. he’s a man that spends all his time competing—beating himself into shape to achieve his various goals. so, when people make him feel like he’s good enough as is, it’s worth a lot. 
his hidden insecurities are part of the reason he won’t approach any truly intelligent women, the ones he notices in his lecture halls and classes. deep down, he’s a little scared of women that can dominate him academically.
but, secretly? he’s also really fucking attracted to that.
desperately wants to meet someone he can actually talk to, a person that’ll share in his ambition and can keep up with his wit.
but for now, settles just for fucking to relieve stress. wakes up more often than not to an empty bed, with no reminder left behind of the girl that was in it the night before. 
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A/N - thank you for reading! these were wayyyy too fun to write so this might be the prelude to a bunch more collegeAU!kuroo stuff i do in the future. send me an ask or a message if you’d like to be added to a taglist for that! 
requests for haikyuu headcannons/drabbles are WIDE OPEN!!! send in an idea, and follow @eashn​ for more :)
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
In the spirit of Christmas I have a request!
Nat is a super powerful and rich CEO of the biggest company in NYC. She’s cold to everyone and absolutely merciless when it comes to business. Everyone is afraid of her and her influence.
Reader is Nat’s low level assistant. Reader has to deal w her cold boss (Nat) and all her needs. Reader is afraid of Nat and afraid of messing up as she’s seen people fired without mercy before.
One day around the holidays Nat catches reader crying or smth about how she can’t afford Christmas for her son (single mom). Maybe reader can’t afford gifts or has to turn the heat off in dead winter to save money. Nat softens up and offers reader and her son to spend Christmas with her in her penthouse. Nat spoils our son and shows a side w other side of cold CEO Nat.
Kinda like devil wears Prada with some protective and hurt/comfort stuff.
THANK YIU SO MUCH!! I know this is super specific so no worries if it doesn’t stay exactly like this!! And happy holidays to you ❤️ I love your work and many blessings in the new year!
☃️ CEO of Christmas ☃️
Pairing: CEO! Natasha Romanoff x Assistant! Reader
Summary: Working for Natasha was never easy and being a low-level assistant for the CEO wasn’t where you thought you’d be after working your hardest for 2 years. After catching you in tears on Christmas Eve, Natasha cold ways start to warm up. 
Slight Angst | Comfort | 1.6K | Reader is a single mum | 
AC: I love how different this request is!! Thank you for sending it! I hope you enjoy it! It’s a little longer than my other Xmas fics but anyways haha, Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!!
Day 23 | Advent Calendar Masterlist 🎄
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"Y/n!" the voice of your CEO startled you as she stormed from her office over to your desk, "Yes Miss Romanoff?" you asked kindly with a warm smile. It was easier to just take her coldness than to demand respect for the way she spoke to those around her. You'd seen people get fired for little reasons that didn't matter to any other CEO that wasn't Natasha Romanoff. "Here's a list of people I have to buy Christmas gifts for. I don't have the time and I pay you, so I need you to go get everything off this list" she explained as she basically slammed the piece of paper on your desk. 
"S-sure" you replied with a slight stutter when your eyes landed on the list, "What would you like me to do if one of these items isn't in stock?" you asked. Natasha frowned as she looked down at you, "Then order it in? it isn't rocket science! Now get going, I need you back within the next hour" she ordered coldly before making her way back to her office. It wasn't the first time you'd had to cover gift shopping for her, almost anytime one of her friends or family had a birthday or even coming up, it was up to you to find the gift Natasha wanted to buy. One time you couldn't buy an item on her list, even asking to get the item ordered in the store manager wasn't able to get stock. Natasha was fuming and took her anger out on you, that entire week you had the to do hours of overtime. 
Lucky for you, you were able to get every item on Natasha's list, even having to have a few items delivered to the office later to avoid being late back. "Where would you like all these, Miss Romanoff?" you kindly asked while standing in the doorway of her office with bags of gifts. "Oh good, you're back. I hope that is everything off the list" she looked up from her computer looking at you in the cold way she looked at everybody. "Yes ma'am, some things I've requested to have delivered to the office later this afternoon. They were in the process of restocking some items" you explained hoping it wouldn't make her made. "I suppose there is a delivery fee" Natasha sighed with an eye roll, "No ma'am, it's all free delivery due to the inconvenience" you assured her. Natasha's attention returned to her computer, "go wrap them neatly" she instructed.
After wrapping all the gifts and making sure you did everything else that Natasha had not so kindly asked you to do, you didn't even realise that everybody else in the office had gone home. 6:30PM read on your watch as tears filled your eyes. Your son was at home with a sitter, you hated working late especially that today was Christmas Eve. Natasha didn't care for the holidays and it showed she didn't have any children of her own. You've been working for her for a little over two years and break downs became the norm for you. Natasha owns the biggest company in New York City, getting a job here isn't easy for anybody and you had never mentioned that you had a son in case she wouldn't hire you. When you first started the money was just enough to get you by and keep a roof over you and your sons head but after two years, you hoped that you would've been promoted by now. 
With your son now being 5 years old and learning the tricks of Santa Claus, you wanted to make Christmas magical for him and spoil him the best you possible could. The winter was too harsh this year and already the two of you have had to suffer without heating just to save money, you've been able to guy him some toys but most of his gifts were clothing that he needed. Socks, underwear, new shoes and clothing that would fit the growing boy. You knew he wouldn't care much for the clothing and be more interested in the few toys Santa would leave him, but you hated how you weren't able to give him more. 
"Why are you crying?" Natasha asked as she walked up behind you with documents that needed sorting before the new year. "S-sorry Miss Romanoff, I…I was just…it doesn't matter" you replied in a whimper knowing she wouldn't care if you even did tell her. To your surprise, Natasha pulled up a chair and sat down, "Well that's a lie, now tell me what's got you so upset. It's Christmas, aren't you supposed to be happy like the rest of the office?" she asked as she watched you wipe your tears. "I guess that's the issue" you looked up at her, "my son is at home on Christmas eve with a sitter while I'm here doing things that could wait" you explained, Natasha's face dropped slightly at the unknown news. 
"You have a son?" 
"I do…he's 5"
"Then what are you doing here? You should have told me; I would've sent you home a lot earlier" Natasha frowned slightly. "I needed this job…I need the money…Especially with the winter being so hard and my sitter is $20 an hour but she's the only sitter that's available for my hours so I need the overtime to cover that…I can't lose this job…" your eyes filled with tears once again. 
"Why would you think I fire you?" She asked almost disheartened by your thoughts. "I've see you fire people for things out of their control before…I didn't think you'd keep around if you knew about my son" your eyes dropped to your feet, "and I'm assuring the father isn't in the picture?" Nat questioned, you shook your head "he's only met him once when he was born and said he couldn't afford a baby and I haven't heard from or seen him since".
There were a few moments of silence before Natasha spoke up, "Go home, be with your son. I'll have a car pick you both up around 8am in the morning, you both can spend Christmas with me at my penthouse", you looked up at Natasha with soft eyes, "Miss Rom-"
"Please, call me Natasha, outside of the office" she smiled softly, "I couldn't intrude on your Christmas like that" you said. Natasha shook her head, "I'm not doing anything for Christmas, I see everybody when we're all together a few days after so there isn't any excuse, you and your son will come spend Christmas with me, that's an order" she playfully winked then hanged you your coat from behind your chair, "now go home" she added. 
Morning came with an excited 5-year-old jumping up and down at his new toys that Santa brought him, his favorite toy was his fire truck with working lights and siren. "Look mommy! Santa got me a fire truck!" He ran up to you with his truck in both hands, showing it off. "That's awesome honey! Are you ready to get dressed so we can go to Miss Romanoff's house shortly?" You smiled before placing a kiss on his forehead. "Can I wear my new hoodie?" he asked, warming your heart. His red hoodie with a fire truck of course. "Of course, come on, let's get ready" you replied, grabbing his outfit. 
Taking the lift up to Natasha's penthouse sent goosebumps all over your body, your son holding your hand with his fire truck in the other, he looks up at you. "Mommy, why are we going to your boss's house?" he asked, "She invited us over for Christmas, honey" You smiled at him just as the lift came to a stop and the doors opened. 
Natasha's penthouse was decked head to toe with Christmas decorations, Christmas music playing softly in the background and a large tree in the center littered with gifts at the bottom. "Wow!" your little boy said as his eyes scanned the penthouse, "Merry Christmas, come on in!" Natasha appeared in a deep red dress with black heels, "Hi Miss Romanoff, Merry Christmas" your son smiled at your boss with his polite manners. "Merry Christmas, please call me Nat" she smiled back at him. 
Your little boy was quick to run over to the rug to play with his new truck as Natasha handed you a glass of wine, "What's his name?" She asked. "Dylan" you smiled softly as you watched him play with his new favorite toy, "Hey Dylan, why don't you see if Santa left any presents under my tree" Natasha caught his attention, but he was nervous and looked at you for an answer. "It's okay honey, Natasha said you could" you assured him. 
Dylan had never seen so many gifts in his life, every gift under the tree had "From Santa" written on it. "You didn't have to go out of your way for this" you turned to Natasha trying to hold back tears from seeing how happy and excited your son was as he opened gift after gift. "I'm not as cold as you think I am, I know the chatter that goes around the office" she replied as she sipped her wine, "Natasha, I didn't mean to often you or anything last night… I'm sorry for being unprofessional but I really do appreciate this". 
"You can make up to me by taking on being my personal assistant. You'll have your own office and not a cubical, less hours and you'll have holidays and birthdays off. I'm going to triple your wage on the condition that some of that money goes into a savings account" Natasha offered in her usual stern tone but with a hint of softness. 
"You deserve it. You have worked harder than any other assistant I have had, I've seen how hard you work and it's about time I stop being so hard on you" she cut you off knowing what you'd say. "Thank you" you whispered with eyes full of tears, finally your life was changing.
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