#and eat shit on the concrete
fellhellion · 1 year
wheres that one 2099 post which was like 'miguel still finding time to be a snarky bitch as though he hasn't got his shit rocked in every single fight so far. truly a slay."
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fuck Charlie and his stupid little cat mouth and his long eyelashes and his soft eyes and that soft face and those arms and RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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flowercoasts · 2 years
imogen and laudna moments before laudna dies, calling out for each other. in pain, in grief, in desperation. imogen and laudna, meeting again in a twisted memoryscape, connecting and listening and talking. imogen trying so hard to save her, to help her, to reassure her even when she knows she can’t. meeting again at the place laudna died, seeing each other - again, finally, again - and the first thing they say is each other’s names. the sigh of relief. breaths no longer held. imogen sundering the tree, sundering delilah, and setting laudna free.
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nyan-bynary · 1 month
Sometimes I forget that yuuji is exactly as crass and weird as gojo occasionally and then I remember him just shoving ijichi around and calling nanami a nickname he (secretly doesn't mind) hates
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gaz-tronautical · 4 months
As drawing and writing are often very hard for me right now due to chronic wrist issues i've primarily been expressing myself via making text based edits and posters, and while i've done them for other kinks before i wonder if i could apply that skillset to this one too. hmm!! Much to ponder
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poisoned-pearls · 11 months
Which of ur fankids is most likely to fall asleep like this cat I'm feeling silly rn
Actually tho- Vivienne. She’s trained to go out like a light, except her body just uses it as a chance to just, knock out if it feels too tired. Smth rook put into her at age 2. Faraja has had to catch her mid fucking fall on multiple occasions. Vivienne never remembers any of it. Faraja’s senses have saved her so many times.
Samir also has a napping problem, but he didn’t get silvers narcolepsy. He just, is sleeping a lot. He napped with silver whenever he knocked out as a kid so he is just gone
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winterrose42 · 7 months
Whatever happens i hope the entirety of the medical system and every other established bullshit broken system run by people whi think theyre entitled to other peoples worth burn to the ground as painfully as possibly and the people effected get to mount their heads on sticks before being given contracts to be involved in the rebuilding process so its actually fucking fair and works
Rapidly losibg vacation time i cannot just simply go to work after just fuck all bullshit
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hog-guy · 7 months
i can't believe moon dog is opening in footscray in a few weeks. it can't be more #over for a rapidly gentrifying suburb than this
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rest in pieces footscray you were the best place in the whole world
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My physio wants me to go outside and walk every day. I feel like I should have warned her that the likelihood of me having that kind of energy is incredibly small, and even if it's there, that energy needs to go towards shit like cooking before trips outside
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jazz-dude · 1 year
I feel like weaponizing brutalism.
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grosutina · 1 year
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Sometimes you have to let your lip curl in disdain instead of engaging.
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othercrossee · 1 year
If I see your dumbass nitpicking art and jumping straight to clocking flaws and calling it ai, im killing you
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I was thinking about this before I want to bed last night so I have no idea if it's anything, but do you think the fact Arakawa (allegedly) was still seeing women for (at least) more than half the time they knew each other would've made it harder for Jo to label whatever they had going on...
Like I don't know if he would've been bothered (or allowed himself to let it on if he was), but crossroads of imperfect communication, only being in one relationship prior, being somewhat old-fashioned, and knowing Arakawa met Akane through an "affair"... no idea where I'm going with this but makes me wonder...
it's a fair thought to have in this (alleged) timeline me thinks
jo wholly doesn't really have experience with other people, whether that's platonically, romantically, or whatever demon lies in-between those. i dont think he wouldve been explicitly bothered- not bothered in a way he'd be ready to acknowledge. just that weird feeling you get when something's off but you can't place it (or rather you don't really want to)
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valleyyofthemoonnn · 1 year
i went on a rant abt why i think percy/nico is a fundamentally Awful ship and is just a disservice to nico as a character at like 4 am last night and im awake now and STILL thinking about it along with other things that bother me about pjoverse and its fandom . God .
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velichorus-k · 2 years
People have got to start reading about modern artists and modern art history
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"Hm, I don't exactly regret that many choices. Sure there's guilt built up in there, a lot of it... and it doesn't get easy to deal with. But I can't see myself doing anything in a different way. It... wouldn't make sense for me to do it."
"But... I don't suppose you see yourself as free of any mistakes, do you?"
"That's... obviously not. I know I did awful things. I left people behind I shouldn't have, didn't lend a hand, didn't risk all that I could for them. I wish I hadn't done that, but I know the situation was hopeless."
"Was it really?"
"No offense but are you asking about me or yourself?"
"Well, if you think you could have done better, then you should have, that seems logical. But... I know that has no effect on you now, if I go by your words. I wish I could think the same way— perhaps not, actually. If it was truly hopeless then I would not have been able to do anything and I would feel no guilt, because I know there was no choice. But here we are, knowing fully well our mistakes. How can you just let it be? Did it really matter or was it just whatever was supposed to be the right thing? Was it worth it to just not do it?"
"Enough. You're going too far with this. So, listen well. I'm not saying that I don't see anything wrong with what I did —and didn't do— in the past. I'm also not saying making those choices was easy and I'm not saying I don't ever think of scenarios were things turned out better. So stop that. And maybe consider that all of that applies to you as well, right? That you also didn't do the right thing, you know it now, and the only difference right now seems to be that I am not on the verge of collapsing by thinking about it."
"Where are you going with this?"
"I... dream about this a lot. Sometimes you don't even need to be asleep. It repeats when you least expect it, sometimes a few details are different, it always ends the same. Anyways, I know what I feel about the whole ordeal. Those are my thoughts, my feelings. I also know that I wasn't stupid either, I had reasons, however bad they may sound now, that made me take certain paths. And the main thing is: I know that all of it is in the past and no matter how much i wish I could change things, I can't. But I am here, today, talking to you, and tomorrow I will be elsewhere. What I can say for sure, is that now, in better circumstances, I can do better."
"Sure you could say that to feel better. But I... don't know what I must do. I could never compensate people for some of my actions. And... I know there are those who will always be affected by them."
"Can you do something for those people?"
"I don't know... I won't get forgiveness. It's fine but it still burns. I could do other things but I think I've broken some things for good."
"Maybe. But will you find a way to sleep tonight?"
"I have to."
"Yeah I guess. I can't say you will ever be able to do enough to compensate, maybe that part will always stink. But between doing something and just crawling and drowning on your guilt, the latter isn't gonna help. So if you can do better now, then do it."
"This doesn't feel like a resolution."
"Of course it isn't, but at least you're not stuck in the past anymore."
"Do you think others feel the same way? About their mistakes?"
"Hah, do they deal with it like you or I do? i don't know. But do they deal with something in the world we live in? Yeah, and that's their own mess to deal with. But I guess you can share some thoughts with me too. Look at it from the bright side, you didn't do anything to me, personally. You don't have to hide. And we may have a thing or two in common to make it even better, maybe even be allies."
"After all, we live in the same world together."
"Sure... that's a pretty broad way to put it, but it works for now. Let's rest, I think it's a good spot to stop for now."
"I suppose."
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