#and donna also I adore because she was just good. she could have been anyone. she happened to be in the right place at the right time.
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Donna Noble really got in the TARDIS and on trip number ONE like ONLY the FIRST trip she was like we are going to change history to save a single family because that is how it should work so that is how it does and then on trip number TWO on the SECOND trip she was like we are going to destroy an entire culture of slavery because it is right I don't care if we're two people and then on the THIRD trip she was like I am going to be unbelievably brave to save my home and everyone I love and then on the FOURTH trip she was like no living breathing thinking creature is less than a person and how dare you try to dehumanise someone like that how dare you not give her a name and the list GOES ON this woman NEVER MISSED there goes one of the kindest bravest most constant women you might ever meet and she's a temp from Chiswick
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doubleappled · 1 year ago
About the blogger meme
Thank you to @bioloyg for the tag and the fic callout! Team Pete forever and for always!
Star Sign: Libra, but it never resonates the way my enneagram 2 does
Favorite Holidays: Groundhog Day. I love those little dudes (although I wish we could leave them in peace so maybe let’s just celebrate their existence and not force our way into their homes)
Last Meal: Enchiladas for dinner
Last Music Listened To: Waxahatche’s Great Thunder
Last Movie Watched: hmmmm in the theater? I think Bottoms, which I adored
Last TV Show Watched: Shameless. I’m in the beginning of season 9 and it is messing me up in 5000 different ways. The acting is great (sometimes) and the writing is awful (mostly) and the storylines are ridiculous (always) and it’s at least 5 or 6 seasons too long. But every once in a while it really makes you think, and it’s completely gotten under my skin. And I will finish it if it’s the last thing I ever do. And it might be, because wow.
Last Book/Fic Finished: I just finished Justin Torres’ Blackouts and I LOVED it. And the most recent chapter of @glitterslag’s It's Been You and Me Since Before I Was Me — is a witchy creepy Appalachian Gothic MASTERPIECE that I adore. Oh and Blissymbolics’ Colorless Richie Jerimovich, also a masterpiece even though it is sydrichie and that is giving me a teeny tiny identity crisis okay moving on
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: I am thisclose to giving up on Lessons In Chemistry. I do not get this book at all.
Currently Reading: nobody ever got my soul right like she could by seh28
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: Quite a bit about what happens to children of people wirh narcissistic personality disorder (hi Donna, yes I am armchair psychologizing and pathologizing a fictional character) for the fic I’m currently writing. I’m not a really intense researcher, but I’ve read all about elevator mechanics and ancient marriage rites and British parking tickets and EMP’s 2019 spring menu and how to cook uni and where pastina comes from, all for fics. I love that aspect of writing.
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: It’s embarrassing, but it’s probably the first time that one of my favorite fic authors commented on one of my own fics, ca. 2018. I was on the subway, and I dropped my phone on the disgusting wet floor when I saw the incredibly lovely comment they’d posted.
FaNvorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: I really only have two old fandoms, but I do miss HP quite a bit. It’s such a robust space, with really nice people, and so many different fests and prompts and challenges. I still read a bit when my favorite authors post, and would like to write for it again someday. (Also, if you’re the anon who’s messaged me multiple times to tell me that my new fics aren’t as good or creative as my HP, and that I “used to be a good writer” — please stop. That’s not the way to convince me to go back, and it makes me feel bad)
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: Truly I’ve never experienced a hyperfixation like I have with The Bear. I wish fanfic had existed in its current state when I was younger, or that I’d been cool enough to figure out the concept and write it on my own. I would have been VERY ACTIVE in a Dead Poets Society fandom if it had existed when I was obsessed with that movie, a decade after it came out, when I watched it practically every day for a year 🤪
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: I just have 15 different Bear WIPs, none of which have any plot, wooo!
Anyway this was all very fun to think about. Tagging @amieraisposting @kdbleu @justabovewater20 @yannaryartside @glitterslag — only if this is your jam — and anyone else who wants to join in.
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lonelier-version-of-you · 2 years ago
I have mixed feelings on tonight’s Casualty ep. I thought some of it was great, and some of it was... not so great. However, there was a moment that had me absolutely blown away, enough so that it took me over an hour to put words together for this!
I loved how many patients were in this ep. It’s always nice when we get that. Although, I think I’ll have to rewatch, because I didn’t fully ‘get’ all the storylines (there was a lot to keep up with!). I enjoyed the story with the two women who were together, and how it all turned out that they’d just been miscommunicating and they sorted out their relationship after all. :)
I did not love how much Faith was in this ep. I would rather have had her screentime go to a character I don’t adamantly dislike... oh well. I will say, one thing I did think was good was the title “Believe Me”, which I presume was meant to tie into Faith’s case against her rapist being dropped. (And of course, to Jodie’s ordeal too.) If I didn’t despise everything about this storyline, I would love that title even more. As it is, it’s still a good title, so kudos to Casualty for that.
Anna Chell is an incredible actress. Jodie’s storyline was done so well - so much so, I’m baffled at how it’s concurrent with the Faith one. I was a bit wary of how it would be handled, because it’s a very similar storyline to the one Jade had only a couple years ago, but then this sort of thing is, sadly, not rare IRL. So I wasn’t going to go against it just because of that similarity, but I didn’t know how to feel about it either. Turns out, it was very, very well-written. And very, very well-acted.
And now for the moment that I absolutely adored. Jodie’s speech to Rida, about how she wasn’t ashamed of what happened because she didn’t do anything. That was fantastic. I think it was very reminiscent of some of the dialogue Jac got after she was assaulted on Holby, and I’ve praised that so much before, of course I loved this too. I think this is already one of my favourite Casualty quotes.
I’m so, so glad they have respected Jodie in this storyline. They could have done the usual narrative for these sorts of storylines, the sensationalist “ooh, what a tragic little victim, pity them!!” stuff that is still all too often on TV. (Sympathy is one thing, pity is another.) Instead, we got this, and I love it. I take my metaphorical hat off to Casualty!
Also, though... Faith, why? I don’t think she should have told Max what happened at all. Although Jodie isn’t ashamed of talking about it, it’s still ultimately her ordeal to talk about, not anyone else’s. I don’t feel like we’re supposed to agree with Faith, thank goodness, but it still frustrated me when she did all that. I don’t agree with Max either, I think Donna was the only one being a decent person, but still.
I love Rida even more now. She’s such a great friend, she’s awesome, what more can I say. Sarah Seggari’s performance was great, as well. May we all have a friend who cares for us the way Rida cares for Jodie!
Teddy and Paige gave us a sweeter, lighthearted storyline, and I very much enjoyed it. They’re cute together, I like them. <3
And next week, we get Jacob back!! I’ve very much missed him these past few weeks, I love Jacob. He’s definitely one of my favourite characters.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year ago
You love Tennant as The Doctor and also love Donna? Hell yeah! Donna’s always been my favourite companion and I’m so glad you also love her and Tennant as The Doctor was always so nice to watch and he’s definitely my favourite. Though I also like Matt Smith because even though his era might not have been as well-written, it was always still fun watching the episodes because what he brought to the table. Also, Smith’s era has my favourite OST of the series in it so that might also be a reason why I’ll always love it.
Have you watched the 60th anniversary specials since it has Donna and Tennant as The Doctor again (though he’s still different than when he was 10)? I loved the episodes. They were so good and had such a beautiful ending. So I really recommend them if you haven’t had the chance to see them yet.
I love Tennant in anything but anytime he's on screen in Doctor Who is a true pleasure and blessing to all people. Like, the energy and pure acting skills of that man amaze me and I adore him. And Donna is my favourite companion by far, though there are several other companions I love too, of course. She just had enough sass and spunk to really be a good match-up with the Doctor and I loved, after Rose and Martha, that she held absolutely no romantic interest in the Doctor. It was a breath of fresh air and the two of them had fantastic chemistry on screen. Tennant's Doctor was my favourite of new Who, with Capaldi as my next favourite Doctor. I didn't mind Matt but for some reason, I never could connect with him as much. And it's not because he's a bad actor or was wrong for the role or anything, because the man definitely has talent and I've seen him in other things and been really impressed but overall, just never vibed with him and that's perfectly okay. I think that's my favourite thing about both old and new Who is that there is always going to be a Doctor and a companion for everyone.
And yes!! I won't spoil anything because it is still new - it's not like most other fandoms on here where the story has either been over for a while or I'm setting the headcanons in things that have been public knowledge for a bit, but in case anyone is not caught up on Doctor Who, I will not spoil that for anyone because just like....OH MY GOD. I cried. Literal tears of joy and so much happiness and I can't really think of any better ending for those two. It was everything I could have wanted and made me so frigging happy.
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new2fivesauce · 3 years ago
Classically Your's... - Eddie Munson
Summary: Eddie is being this soft, romantic guy the week of your upcoming anniversary and you have nothing to compensate until the day of. (5.2k words of fluff)
No warnings, just Eddie being fucking in love with you.
A/N: I couldn't get out of my head that Eddie gives off golden retriever boyfriend and I know for a fact that he would just be like the best boyfriend ever and would be all lovey dovey. He just gives off those vibes. This is probably just a nonsense fic too, lots of words. Also I was inspired by the Pop Goes Classical (<-link)playlist on Spotify because I'm just a dork who really likes classical shit. Thanks and enjoy :)
When Eddie Munson and you initially got together your junior year and his first senior year, it was the talk of the school for about a week. You two weren’t necessarily the most popular people for either one of you to make the front page of the school paper but you had. You weren’t on the cheer team, you didn’t play sports, you weren’t even in the marching band. You had opted for the softer option and was the top violinist in the orchestra and Eddie… Well Eddie was Eddie.
This was now his second senior year making him a year older than you. He was also not in sports or extracurriculars, but he was a nerd underneath the long hair, dark clothes, and metal rings. He was known as a troublemaker and the school drug dealer, but he wasn’t just that person to you. He was an avid reader, not that he let anyone know that fact. He was greatly interested in mythology and had a poster in his room that connected the aspects of his favorite fantasy game, Dungeons and Dragons, to mythological and folklore. He was also a very good musician, something that the both of you could relate to very well and talk about for hours. He was incredibly musically inclined and just by hearing a song once or twice, he could pick up the rhythm and notes and play it almost exactly note for note on his guitar.
Now Eddie’s music was not particularly kind to the ears of Hawkins’ people. The whole town was going through a panic, blaming metal music and fantasy games for the bad things happening not just in this weird, small town but the whole world too. Fortunately for you, you nor your parents fell for that crap. Sometimes you felt as if your parents were from some different planet. 
The first time you mentioned the long haired boy and your sudden love interest in him to your mother, her eyes lit up like lights on a Christmas tree. “OH! You must bring him to dinner some day.” She had insisted. When you brought it up to Eddie, he was surprised. Typically parents and especially parents of girls he was seeing did not approve of him, but after some careful consideration, he went to dinner one night and he was accepted so fast, Eddie believed he was being pranked. He was low-key expecting someone to come out from a bush and yell GOTCHA!! in his face and then premiere his reaction on the local news channel.
Your mother, Donna, adored him. Your mother, quite the talker she was, could talk to him forever and Eddie never minded. Sometimes, you believed, he needed this maternal interaction since his mom was not in the picture.  Your mom didn’t care about his appearance; she did, however, care about his well being. Seeing as Eddie only lived with his uncle in the not best part of town and was often left alone to fend for himself, your mom always made sure he was well fed, often sending you to school with care packages full of home baked sweets and home cooked easy microwave dinners when his schedule was full from DnD games, band practice, and whatever shenanigans he put himself through the week. Eddie, who had always been scrawny even as a kid, had finally started to fill out and gained a decent amount of weight from your mom’s cooking. He wasn’t anywhere close to being pudgy, but often commented jokingly that Donna would be the death of him if she didn't stop feeding him.
Your dad, James, although a bit hesitant and not as accepting at first as his wife, around the second time Eddie came over for dinner, he had been fully embraced by the patriarch of your family. Your father could tell that Eddie was smart and very well versed in books, music, movies, and world news. Eddie had even beat your dad at Monopoly one family night. Your dad never lost. Your dad was so proud to finally have lost a game and suddenly they had this very close relationship. Eddie had even started teaching your dad about Dungeons and Dragons and they would talk battle strategies until dinner was ready.
You didn’t think your life could be any better than it currently was… until you realized that your one year anniversary with Eddie was a week away. You only remembered when one day as you stepped up to your locker at school and opened it, a bouquet of orange lilies (your favorite) in a small vase was placed on top of your books. You plucked the small note stuffed between the petals and read it.
Your laugh is like music to my ears - EM
You pressed the small, white card to your chest, your entire body filling with giddiness and pure love for this boy. You recalled the time he had said that to you, for even though you’d known Eddie for a long time having grown up in the same small town, you had never talked to him until your sophomore year of high school. 
He had been running in the hall, apparently making a getaway from some jocks that he had pulled a prank on, when he slipped and knocked you and your books over. He apologized profusely as he helped you pick up your belongings. One of the books you had was Shakespeare. He had made a joke that made you laugh so hard, you snorted. You hid your mouth behind your hand in embarrassment, but he had looked at you in awe. “Your laugh… is like music to my ears. Don’t be embarrassed of it.” 
The next day, you met Eddie in the woods next to the school. He was sitting on the top of the picnic table where he often did his little drug deals with the student body of Hawkins High. He heard your footsteps crunch the leaves and a smile as bright as the sun appeared on his face when he saw you walking up to him. You couldn’t help but smile back even though you had had a gnawing feeling in your gut since the day before after receiving the flowers. When Eddie handed you a flat sturdy square, horribly wrapped with the biggest bow he could manage to put on it, the feeling got even worse.
“For me?” You asked through feigned surprise. He nodded, scooting to the edge of the table as you began to unwrap the gift. It was Michael Jackson’s Thriller on vinyl. Your eyes widened in glee as your eyes scanned the front of the vinyl cover and then flipped it over to read the song tracks. Over the song track PTY (Pretty Young Thing), there was a taped tiny blue paper that read You are my…
Read together it said You are my PTY. You laughed and squeezed the vinyl in your arms gently. 
“Eddie!!” You squealed as you put the record on the table first then wrapped your arms around his neck. “Oh my God! Where did you find this? I can’t even imagine you walking into a store asking for Michael Jackson!” 
You pulled back to look at his face, his hands were at your waist. He shrugged shyly. “I just want to make you happy.” He mumbled. You shook your head, mumbling I love you as you inched forward to kiss him. 
You couldn’t believe it. This man must have gone far to get you the record you had wanted so bad. Eddie was a metalhead through and through and he despised your love for mainstream music. He tolerated it like you tolerated his music, although he had admitted that MJ was a very good entertainer. The reason you wanted the vinyl was because your parents had bought you the tape three times already and every time you wore it out. Vinyl would last longer, but Hawkins was such a tiny town and the music stores still had music from the 60s. Anything current had to be purchased in the city.
“Eddie…” you started, peeping at your boyfriend through your eyelashes. “You know you don’t have to do all this.” you said quietly. He placed a hooked finger under your chin, the thick, silver ring on his digit felt cold on your skin and it sent a slight shiver down your spine.
“I want to do this.” he told you sternly. “You are my first real girlfriend and I want to do everything right. You see those couples walking down the hall everyday. They look happy but they’re not. Then they break up and the whole school takes sides. I don’t want that. I don’t ever want you to hate me if something were to happen to us.” 
His eyes closed for a moment. His eyebrows were knitted together; there was something troubling him, but when he opened his eyes again and looked at you, whatever was wracking inside his brain seemed to dissipate.
Day Three’s gift was all black geometric sunglasses similar to the ones that Madonna wore in her Into the Groove music video. The first time you had allowed Eddie into your room, he had pointed out the Madonna poster that you had hanging on your wall. He liked her music. “It’s catchy.” It was one of the very few artists’ tapes that he had in his van collection… just for you to listen to whenever he picked you up.
Day Four’s gift was a Pat Benatar t-shirt. It was black, faded, and had the female artist in a power pose. You slipped the tee over your powder blue top immediately and admired it from your view. “This is so sweet.” you commented, grinning up at Eddie. He brushed his hair back with one of his ringed hands coyly. 
“I knew you’d love it.” he said. And indeed you did. Love is a Battlefield was your anthem. It was also the song that you and Eddie first danced to.
You had been invited to one of Steve Harrington’s big parties. All your friends were going with their boyfriends/girlfriends and you wanted to go so bad. However, you were reluctant to tell Eddie about it. He never intentionally got invited to these types of events. He usually just crashed them or would pop up outside and sell weed. He was the one that brought it up and you were surprised when he did.
“I actually got invited this time.” he mentioned, his eyes flickering over to the jock table. “I guess you give me some type of good rep.” he shrugged.
You could tell Eddie was uncomfortable the second you arrived. He picked a beer from one of the coolers placed around the house and retreated to a dark corner to people-watch. He let you have a good time with your friends and when Love is a Battlefield began playing loudly through the speakers, Eddie saw the way your face lit up and immediately turned to him. You beckoned him over to the dance floor with a wave of your hand and he shook his head no, a smirk teasing on his face. 
You pouted, no doubt, before shuffling through the crowd to get to him before the song ended. You grabbed his hands and pulled with all your might as Eddie dug the heels of his boots further into the linoleum floor of Steve’s living room. 
“You know I don’t dance.” he groaned as you pulled harder, his body barely moving forward a centimeter.
“Just this once! Please!?” You looked at him with the saddest puppy eyes you could manage. He ran a hand down his face, groaning in discontent and begrudgingly let you pull him to the dance floor.
You could feel everyone’s eyes suddenly fall onto the two of you. Eddie stood still as you tried to encourage him by placing his hands on your waist. The song was half over and even if he just shimmied his body just once, you would die happy. But he did you one even better. As the song got to the chorus, his hands dropped from your waist whilst taking a deep breath.
“Please don’t laugh” he remarked as he burst into the choreography move set from the music video. Your hands flew to your mouth in absolute astoundment but recovered quickly to join him. The bystanders around you realized what the two of you were doing and joined in as well until the song ended. 
When the song finished and transitioned into a slow one, you stayed on the floor, arms wrapped around Eddie’s torso and his around yours. 
“What the hell was that?” you asked, trying not to laugh. He bent his head forward, placing his forehead on yours, ignoring the giggles that were slipping from your tight lips. He couldn’t help but cheese back at you. 
“You do know that you’ve shown me that video countless times. I’m sure your mom could do those moves in her sleep.” 
“But you know the moves?” you questioned, an eyebrow arching.
With a roll of eyes, he said “I might have practiced in the shower once or twice.”
On Day 5, Eddie was supposed to take you home after band practice. He took a detour to his trailer first though. He made you wait inside the van while he dashed inside. He came out a few minutes later, his guitar case in one hand and a small box in the other. He handed you the box when he got back into his seat.
“Uhh Eddie… what is this?” you stared at the box. It wasn’t small enough for a ring, but jewelry was a big step up from the other gifts Eddie had given you.
His foot was nervously tapping the floor as he watched you take off the lid. Inside was a small bracelet. When you lifted it out of the box, you realized that it was made from a guitar string. A little skull charm hung off of it. 
You lifted it up to your eye level, studying the charm and the grooves on the string.
“That’s the guitar string that broke at the first show you ever went to see me play at.” 
You briefly remembered the way Eddie loudly cursed on the microphone when he plucked the string too hard after he saw you walk  into the bar. He had invited you to watch earlier that day, but since you hadn’t given him a definitive answer, he didn’t think you were going to come.
He gently plucked the bracelet from your hand so that he could help put it on your left wrist. Your lips trembled, eyes filling up with tears.
“You’re such a fucking romantic.” you whispered, your right hand softly running over the bracelet. 
“Eh, I try.” he said. He eyed you curiously, making sure that you were okay before he put the van in drive and began heading in the direction of your house.
The pit in your stomach now felt like it was going to eat you from the inside. You were still stuck on what to get Eddie. You had scribbled ideas in your journal, even asked some of your friends, but nothing seemed good enough. You had the terrible notion that maybe Eddie knew you better than you knew him. Gosh, you were a freaking terrible girlfriend.
It was a comfortable silence on the way to your house. Eddie had just gotten the new Metallica album on tape so that was playing quietly in the background. He had bought a tape for you too. Even though he knew you were not too fond of metal, you did enjoy the guitar riffs. 
“You okay, Y/N?” Eddied asked as he turned into your neighborhood. You nodded. “Am I doing too much?” 
You didn’t want to tell him yes. You knew if you did it would feel like you were rejecting him. “I like this side of you.” You replied. “I like that you’ve taken what I like into consideration even if it’s not exactly you.”
He nodded. “Okay… I don’t have a gift for you tomorrow.” he said as he pulled into your driveway. “I kinda ran out of ideas, but I have one more. I’ll give it to you on the day of.”
As you grabbed your belongings, Eddie asked you if you had had a chance to listen to the new Metallica tape. You shook your head no.
“I know it’s hard for you to listen to. You being a classical enthusiast or whatever, but listen to the title track. Puppets is…” he paused to think of a word to describe it. “Indescribable.”
You laughed at his lack of choice of words, but promised him that you would listen to it. 
When you entered your house, your mom was in the kitchen. She greeted you by placing a pb&j sandwich at the kitchen bar. You climbed up to a stool and began peeling off the crusts. Your mom looked out to the living room as in expecting someone to strut in behind you.
“Eddie had band practice today.” you said. Your mom pursed her lips, turning to look at the magnetic calendar on the fridge. She shook her head. 
“No, today is DnD.” she said, pointing at today’s date. In Eddie’s handwriting it read EM - DnD at 5:30. Your mom wasn’t a creeper. She didn’t try to live vicariously through you or Eddie, but she liked to know when Eddie was coming to dinner so she could make his favorites. Eddie had gotten so used to your comfortable home life, that he just did things on a whim as if he truly lived there, … including notifying your mom of his after school things.
“Yeah, but the Wheeler kid couldn’t make practice so he canceled that and he has a show coming up soon so…” you didn’t finish your sentence but your mom understood.
She nodded and then went back to clearing up the pb&j mess on the counter.
After your snack, you stayed in the kitchen, talking to your mom and showing off the gifts you’d received. You mentioned that you were stuck on not knowing what to give in return. 
“He’s going above and beyond for me, Mom!” You nearly cried, your tears stinging your eyes as you tried to hold them back. “I feel so bad because I don’t know what to do. You know, he’s even going to the recital next week? He’s told me he only likes classical music because I play violin! He’s too perfect.” you signed, dropping your head onto the counter.
The bang caused your mother to look at you with some concern. She tried to give you some advice, but your parents were together for metaphorically centuries but this was a new relationship. A one year anniversary was either a make it or break it situation in the world of high school.
You thanked your mom for trying to help before trudging to your bedroom. You tossed your backpack on the bed, causing some of your items to fall out. You rolled your eyes, annoyed at yourself. You picked up the stuff off the floor, leaving the Metallica tape Eddie had given you last week for last. You peeled off the plastic wrapping off of it and placed it in your cassette player. You put the volume on the lowest setting. 
You were studying your music for your recital for next week, practicing some of the measures when the introduction of Master of Puppets interrupted your thoughts. You turned up the volume of the radio slightly and you were quickly engrossed by the music.
Your foot tapped gently on your carpeted floor, your head bobbed to the beat, and your left hand was fingering the strings of your violin trying to figure out the notes. 
Suddenly an idea popped in your head. “Holy shit.” You whispered as you quickly got up and went to grab the phone from the kitchen.
You were late. You shoved your violin into its case and snapped it shut in a haste. You threw the strap of the case over your shoulder, grabbed your backpack and threw the strap of that over your other shoulder and dashed out of your room.
You slipped into the kitchen to grab a pack of pop tarts from the pantry. Your mother was at the breakfast nook, reading the morning paper. She looked up at you but didn’t ask anything, just furrowed her brows and went back to drinking her coffee and reading. 
“Bye Mom!” you called out as you made your way to the front door. You hadn’t even bothered to look up after swinging the door open; you were so occupied with trying to open your breakfast that you bumped straight into a body. He hmphed as you bounced back, almost dropping your pop tarts.
“Eddie!” you exclaimed, stumbling with regaining your balance. You shoved the straps on your shoulders back to comfortable positions as the boy in front of you scanned his eyes over you curiously.
You were in jean shorts, a Hawkins hoodie, long socks and beat up Vans sneakers. Your hair was put up high in a ponytail and your face makeup free. 
“Going somewhere?” he asked, his dark eyes darting over the bags on your shoulders. You arched your head and stood on your tippy toes to look over Eddie’s shoulder. A tan car was pulling into your driveway and you could see that it was Tim, your orchestra buddy who sat next to you in class. He took a glance at what you were looking at and scoffed.
“I am.” You answered nonchalantly. You waited for him to step aside so you could make your way to your ride, but he didn’t budge.
“I could have given you a ride.” his tone was bored, but you could tell he was hurt just a tiny bit.
“I didn’t want to wake you.” you lied. He didn’t take it.
“So you wake up Tim? The guy who’s been suddenly crushing on you since we got together.” 
Eddie was not usually the jealous type. He didn’t make a big show of making sure everyone knew that you were his and his only. It was just a given. But he didn’t fuck with Tim like that. You didn’t know why, nor did you really care because you didn’t see yourself dumping Eddie for that guy. Tim was just a friend.
“Ah, Eddie…” you paused to try to find the right words. “It’s a recital thing. Something came up last minute and Mr. D gave us some new music to rehearse.”
Eddie stared into y/e/c eyes, squinting a bit as if trying to read your mind. When you didn’t so much as blink back, he stepped backwards, with a bow and wave of his arm. “See you around, my lady.” 
You could hear the sarcasm in his voice, but you skipped away and hopped into Tim’s car.
You awoke with a start and realized that today was the day. You’d officially been together with Eddie Munson for one year. You tried to stretch but there was something heavy at your feet. You sat up and saw that there was a big box at the end of the bed. This box was carefully wrapped in pink wrapping paper and a white bow. Your eyes were wide with curiosity as you crawled to the end of the bed and pulled the box into your lap. 
The inside of the box was filled with white tissue paper and cushioned in the middle of the paper was a scrapbook. The scrapbook was black, obviously, and had giant stickers of your initials and Eddie’s. The book was thick and was tightly closed by a leather string that was tied around the book.
You untied it and began flipping through it. The book had everything from your first year with Eddie. Your eyes welled up with tears as you skimmed the pages. There was the front page article of when the two of you were in the Hawkins newspaper, a scrap of a menu from the local dinner where Eddie took you on a first date, the hand drawn flier of the first Corroded Coffins show you went to, the ticket stub from the homecoming dance, the note that he tossed to you in the lunchroom that was Eddie asking you to be girlfriend, tons of polaroid pictures, and other little memorabilia. 
Your heart hurt as you reviewed the book again. Your body was so full of emotions, you couldn’t help but let a few tears slip.
You got ready hastily. You had to see Eddie.
You parked outside of the Munson home. You grabbed the book and rushed to the door. Before you could knock, the door swung open to reveal a shirtless Eddie, hair ruffled and face still puffy from sleep.
“I heard your car.” he mumbled, gently rubbing the drowsiness from one of his eyes. 
You held up the scrapbook to his face. “You made this?!”
He hmmmed and you took it as a yes. You attached your body to his so fast, he almost lost his balance. 
“Seriously! This is the sweetest thing ever.” you gushed, flipping through the pages once more with him looking. He ushered you into his place so that you both wouldn’t be standing out in the morning sun. “I can’t believe you kept all of these tiny memories. Eddie, who knew you were such a softie?”
He led you to his room and closed the door behind you.
“Like I told you, I just want to make you happy and everything in that book is times that you’ve me happy. I love you, Y/N and I know that’s weird coming from your local metalhead with tattoos and rad hair, but it’s fuckin’ true.”
You pressed a hand to your chest whilst giving him a soft look. He took the book from you to place it on his messy dresser. He took you into his arms and leaned down to kiss you. 
Before things could get steamy, you pulled away, earning you a whine from Eddie as he lost the warmth of your body. 
You beckoned him to sit on his bed while you stood in front of him. He tried to make a grab for you but you stepped back. You couldn’t let him distract you. His eyes swept over your body as they usually did when you were acting abnormally. He knew there was something weird going on when you grew fidgety.
“Y/N…” he began, but you held up your hand to stop him.
“I know I've been a little odd this week. Honestly, I almost forgot that our anniversary was today… until you put those lilies in my locker, I remembered… and on the second day, you gave me another gift and then another and another. I felt like I was so imcompetant. How could I forget?”
“You had a lot of things on your mind…” Eddie tried to reason.
“No, well yeah, but that wasn’t it. I felt like you were putting in so much effort into the relationship and you know that’s not how we are. But your gifts were so carefully thought out; I can’t even imagine how long you’ve been putting all this together…”
“Well your mom helped me out some. She did the frilly things in the scrap–”
You shushed him so you could finish getting your speech out.
“...and I was just stuck. I didn’t know where to even begin… I finally listened to the Metallica tape you bought me when it dawned on me… Our love language… It’s music. From the beginning. Even though you’re metal and I’m you know, a mix of classical and pop, we still express a lot of our feelings through songs. You’ve made me countless mix tapes with songs that make you think of me. I’ve made you tapes of songs that have played in the background of places we’ve been to.”
You walked over to his boombox as you pulled a cassette case from your pullover kangaroo pocket. 
“I didn’t have a gift for everyday leading up till today, but I made this for you and I hope you like it because it’s a little bit of me and it’s a little bit of you.”
You placed the cassette in the player and pushed play, making sure to turn up the volume because Eddie liked his music loud.
There was static as the tape started, followed by some general room noises, some footsteps, a clearing throat, the tapping of a baton on a music stand.
Then the sudden start of multiple violins began and you thought he would realize the tune quickly because this was one of his top bands, but the instruments must have thrown him off since it took Eddie a good minute to recognize the tune.
Master of Puppets by Metallica. (link)
His eyes widened, his eyebrows went to the ceiling as he realized that the violin was you. He darted his eyes to and from the boombox to you, his mouth in a perfect circle with a fist covering it. As the song got to the climax, his brown eyes began to gush up with impending tears. You’d never seen him cry, not even out of anger, frustration, or sadness, but you’d seen him get wrecked over music before, but not to this extent.
When the last notes of the song faded out, you pushed stop on the player. You faced Eddie. He was still sitting, his body like a statue with the look of surprise still on his face.
“This is why you were hanging with Tim yesterday?” he suddenly asked. You nodded.
“He's the second chair, I needed his help, plus we got together with some other kids to fill in on the other instruments. It took us all day to figure out the song.” You explained. “Believe it or not, you’re not the only one with a good ear.”
At last, released from his stupor, Eddie jumped off his bed and embraced you tightly. 
“That was fuckin’ amazing! I can’t believe that was you! That was you taking on those riffs on your dainty, little violin!” He grabbed your left hand and saw that you had brand new calluses on your fingers. He held up his hand next to yours. “Shit, we really match now.” Noting the calluses on his fingers too from his guitar playing.
He kissed you deeply, gripping your waist tight and pulling you so close you could feel the heat rising off the bare skin of his torso. “You’re incredible. That’s going to live in my brain forever. We need to collaborate now.”
“Whatever you say. You know I’m yours.” you whispered as he reached behind you to rewind the tape and play it again before he snuggled his face into your neck, giving you a playful nibble.
“Can’t wait to see what you come up with on our next anniversary.” he mumbled, taking you back to his bed to show you how much he truly loved and appreciated you.
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wallflowerimagines · 4 years ago
Hi! I looove your posts! Thank you so much for sharing your writing!
I was wondering… could you maybe write about the Four Lords with a shy S/O that gets bold and defensive when someone insults the lords? or calls them names? And the Lord’s reaction to the S/O acting different? Dk if im explaining myself >.<
Again! Love your work! Have a great day!
We stan protective partners on this blog!!
Warnings: uh...insults? They're pretty over the top😅 Also swearing.
Alcina Dimitrescu
Honestly, Alcina is more than able to defend herself.
She's got a tongue like a viper, and the thickest skin imaginable. If you really want to hurt her feelings, you have to be someone whom she already respects to a certain degree, or she won't even be phased.
Still, when she leaves a room, there's always some idiot that thinks it's a smart idea to talk shit.
Maybe it's a maid, maybe it's a guest in the Castle, but either way you're not having it.
"God, you're annoying." There was a pause before they opened their mouth again, and you rolled your eyes. "No please, by all means, continue to share your lack of taste with the rest of us."
You disassemble this dumbass, starting small with comments about their personality (trying to keep it classy), but escalating the more they choose to double down on the comments.
Alcina comes back into the room to find you practically screaming at this asshole.
"Look, all you have accomplished here today is revealing that you are a fundamental disappointment on every possible level. My life is worse now that I've heard you open your mouth, you disrespectful, shit licking worm fucker."
Alcina is stunned. You do not give off "aggressive guard dog" vibes at all, yet here you are defending her tooth and nail. While she had seen brief moments of your inner strength and protective streak (mostly towards her daughters) she just...never thought you would do the same for her.
It's not because she doesn't trust you or love you! But nobody has ever done something like this for her before? Ever? She's never had anyone try to protect her--not physically, and not even verbally. She's been so independent for so long that it's... Strange to see you support her so openly.
She doesn't need you to do this for her, she doesn't even expect it, but you do it anyway for no other reason than the fact that you love her. You want people to give her the respect she deserves.
I'm going to be real here: Alcina has never been closer to swooning before in her life. You're overcoming your shyness because you believe in her so much-- it's not a gesture meant to be romantic, but Alcina can't help but see this as a massive statement of your commitment to her.
Seriously. This is such a massive thing for her that if proposals weren't already on her mind, she is mentally picking out a ring for you the minute this happens.
Then, of course, she glides into the room, kisses you until you're breathless and babbling, and smirks at the unfortunate peon who thought they could get away with insulting House Dimitrescu.
She's in such a good mood that she's considering going easy on the idiot. Maybe removing their tongue would be enough of a warning?
Donna Dimitrescu
You don't really know how it's possible but apparently some people don't like Donna Beneviento? Some people think she's scary and unpleasant????
Wild. Can't imagine what that's like.
The two of you are honestly the sweetest, most toothrottingly adorable couple-- blushing when you hold each other's hands, sneaking glances at each other across rooms, giving each other kisses and forgetting whatever was on your mind...
Honestly, anybody who's critical of your relationship with your girlfriend is just a hater. Fuckers can pound sand😤
Still, you are pretty shy, so it takes a lot for you to defend yourself if someone comments about you. It can take a lot of courage to stand up against rude remarks, and sometimes it's easier to walk away.
Defending Donna, on the other hand?
The minute someone even thinks about dismissing her, you are ready to throw hands.
"My lovely girlfriend already said no, meaning you're either deaf or too stupid to pick up on simple social cues," you purse your lips and give the rude and pushy Villager a patronizing once over. "You and your opinion are equally useless. Get the fuck away from us."
Donna blinks.
She... Was not expecting this??? At all?? You're so nice! You always tell her about your attempts to avoid confrontation! What's going on??? How did you get the guts to say what she's always wanted to say?
Meanwhile, Angie is LIVING.
The little doll chimes in to assist you with the verbal homicide, working as a tag team to absolutely murder this moron. She's half partner, half hype man, and is so excited to do this with you. Normally, she has to protect Donna all by herself, but she's relieved and reassured that you stepped in first.
You high five Angie, still glaring daggers at the unfortunate villager.
The two of you continue to ream into the villager, while Donna hovers nearby.
As surprised as she is, she's also grateful. She's only really ever had Angie to help shield her from insults and disrespect (and occasionally inducing horrifying hallucinations that make people claw off their own skin), but having you in her corner makes her feel safe.
Not to get totally sappy, but you're like her knight in shining armor in a lot of ways. And the fact you two are so similar is really motivating-- She wants to one day be confident enough to return the favor. Until then, she's happy to watch her two favorite people have fun insulting some stranger ❤️
Salvatore Moreau
With you being so shy, Salvatore is surprised how often he takes the lead in your relationship.
He's not normally all that outgoing, but you seem to bring out a side of him that's very protective. Whenever you have a bad day he wants to bundle you up and keep you safe from the world.
If he so much as holds your hand you start stuttering and avert your gaze. It creates a feedback loop where you both get flustered, but Moreau has never felt steadier. Despite your shyness, you make sure he knows how much you love him.
You're sweet as pie and twice as kind--Salvatore is the luckiest man in the world, nobody can convince him otherwise 💕💕
So it comes as a total shock that when a passing fisherman spits in your path and calls him a freak, your entire demeanor does a 180.
Your posture straightens and you look the villager dead in the eye, "I don't believe anyone asked your opinion."
Salvatore: 😳
This is not the time, and he totally knows it, but, uh, something about your tone??? Really does it for him???
While he's attempting to process why exactly he's starting to short circuit, you proceed to verbally shred this person to bits with clinical efficiency-- nothing is off limits.
They might try to defend themselves, but it's useless. You do not let up.
"Ugly? Monster? Bitch your teeth are throwing gang signs, don't throw stones from your shining glass house."
You insult their appearance, what they're holding, their smell-- you get so fucking mean that you might even make them cry.
Moreau is just lost right now, trying hard to figure out how exactly you were able to gain all of this confidence so quickly.
He's not upset! In fact he's very flattered! But, he also doesn't want you to get into a fight with some unimportant stranger. (After all, if they so much as throw a punch, they're straight up dead. Moreau is a patient man, but he's not that patient. You do not hurt his partner and live to tell the tale.)
He may a healer but...
Eventually he steps between you and the fisherman in an attempt to deescalate the situation, but you just kiss him on the cheek and step around him, determined to make your point.
Blushing hard, Moreau lets you do what you want. What can he say? Fish man likes himself a protective partner 💞
Karl Heisenberg
Magnet Man is not the most social guy to begin with, so any opportunities you have to stick up for him are already pretty slim.
He mostly knows you as the shy, sweet, easily flustered partner that lets out a cute squeak every time he sneaks up to hug you from behind.
Karl's honestly happy just to spend time with you all alone in the Factory. It's not the best or healthiest mindset, but he'd be perfectly content to only ever see you for the rest of his life. Spending time with anybody else feels like a boring waste in comparison.
But occasionally, you do head out into town with him. Heisenberg wants you to be safe so he doesn't do it often, but running errands with you is a weakness of his. It's domestic in a way that he's never experienced before.
He likes it ❤️
What he does not like is the shopkeeper starting to give their opinions on the quality of your relationship with him.
Most insults Karl will let slide because he doesn't particularly care. However if anyone makes a comment on how scared (shy) you look around him, how you must be being threatened into being with him, how poorly Lord Heisenberg is treating you...he won't stand for it.
But before his fingers can even twitch towards his hammer, you snap.
"You're clearly the blindest cocksucker I've ever met--so wipe the cum out of eyes and mind your own fucking business."
Karl does a double take.
He's heard you curse before, but quietly. The words coming out of your mouth are WILD right now, he has NEVER seen you so angry. You're defending him with the aggression of a wild animal, and it's simultaneously HILARIOUS, but for some reason he's also getting a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest?
He doesn't need you to protect him like this, but seeing you blatantly argue how much you love and cherish him in public reassures him in a way he didn't know he needed.
Still, hearing you call the shopkeeper "shit for brains" is the funniest thing that's happened in years.
Heisenberg starts laughing, and the more you shout at the idiot, the harder he laughs. Is it weird how hard he wants to kiss you right now?
Eventually, he just has to drag you away, cackling as you continue to shout insults at the unfortunate shopkeep. There's got to be an alley around here for some good old fashioned privacy 💕
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valleynix · 2 years ago
Another chapter is finished. So you had mercy over those poor characters and us and decided to give us some fun time :')
I fear this is only a quiet moment before a huge storm but that's a problem for another day so lets appreciate the peace till it lasts. Ch. 10 comments.
Awww Donna. I wonder if she can become a trusted friend and maybe help Reader a little, it's hard not to be able to share your thoughts and worries with anyone :(
Cassandra: Sit.
Me: I am sat.
There she goes again, protective older sibling Cassandra my beloved <3
I believe in the other reality she was absolutely furious after Dani died and that's so sad that she died after she failed at protecting her and couldn't even avenge her death :') <\3
"If she knew what you had done before you’d gone back-"
You probably would be murdered to prevent it.
Here come Cass and Bela having beef with each other again with the Reader in the middle of it. Poor thing.
And the skinship goes hard whenever Bela's on the radar pls.
Not the Lunatic/Miranda moment pls they're truly mommy's lil bird.
Due to new evidence, their actions are understandable, as they're driven by – mommy issues👨🏼‍⚖️
But Lunatic, bestie, join the good side, we have a mommy too. And Alcina > Miranda.
A full pack of cuddles, kisses and praise too.
"She looks… like she’s been busy."
"(…)messy hair, flushed cheeks, even the robe-"
False alarm.
"I can show you that no one is here that shouldn’t be.”
Like bestie Miranda wouldn't shape-shift to a maid or sth.
“I could bite into your throat, darling.”
I see no issues here???? Next.
"She could tell you to sleep on the floor and you’d be happy."
Reader getting BOLD out there with Bela.
Also it's cute how Bela can be oblivious and shy at times but can also become wild in seconds 😭
Ok but they also cooperated to make a necklace for the Reader and that's so sweet *sobs*
"when you correctly pronounced something, she kissed you quickly and moved on to the next item"
The kind of motivation I need. Dani be my teacher.
"Not many humans would willingly spend their evening with me"
Well they're not really a human so.
Cassandra is like: fine I agree, but I'll complain the whole time.
"Could you lie your way out of it?"
No <3
Cassandra.exe stopped working for a moment there.
The amount of love I have for the Cassandra you write. Please the whole scene with her during that wedding in the village was so beautiful, I need every single word engraved in my heart.
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oh i see you're getting to the good parts BAHA
*i'm definitely planning to have Donna be a friend to Reader, but she does have other things to tend to in her territory :')
*Cass pls anything for you
*oh she 100% was, although iirc, i think Cass was killed before Dani was? i feel like the knowledge that you tried your best and it still wasn't enough to protect your youngest siblings, knowing what would happen to them as you spend your final moments crumbling to the ground... ouch :'(
*Lunatic has worse mommy issues than anyone else LMAO
*(it's the way you just know Daniela would adore Lunatic because of their funkiness (girl loves strange things) and would give them all the kisses and praise they wanted)
*she was... yknow... busy... BAHAHAHA
*tbf she does hire each maid individually, so she would know if someone was in the castle that wasn't supposed to be there :O doesn't stop Miranda from trying, though
*i see Reader is staying relatable as always HEHE
*i love writing her as so teasing and confident, but when someone else is actively flirting with her?? she's so clueless and can't really connect the dots SDJFS she's so smart but so stupid, i adore her
*listen it's so obvious they all adore Reader i love it sm skdjfhskdjfs
*i would learn literally so much if i had Dani giving me a smooch every time i did something right pls
*(we all know Cass actually enjoyed it)
*HEHEHE I LOVE SOFT CASS, she's so awkward but so loving deep down. it's nice to write her as someone with a massive soft spot for those she loves/cares for, even if no one else would ever be lucky enough to see that side of her
*LISTEN THEY WERE VERY DRUNK AND ALCINA IS VERY PRETTY, their brain just. "hm. pretty lady. kith"
ehehe but i'm so glad you're still enjoying it :D <333
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batfamgalore · 3 years ago
Hey so it's a million years later.
"Because nobody cares about me!"
"Because I care about you!"
Wally didn't have to be a Doctor to know that his friend was severely concussed. He also didn't have to be a Doctor to think that Dick getting a concussion after being shot in the head probably wasn't a good thing.
They were currently at Wally's apartment. Wally had left Dick in the bathroom to change his clothes and then helped Dick onto his couch and then left him for a second to go get an ice pack. There wasn't much one could do for a concussion.
When he walked back over, Dick had his head leaned back on the couch cushion and he was mumbling something incoherent.
"What could you possibly be talking about?" Wally asked, as he slowly lifted Dick's head up from the couch and put the ice pack under his head before lowering Dick's head back onto the cushion.
"I said. When my head hurts all I can see is Napkin Man."
Wally didn't quite understand what Dick meant by that.
"Oookay." Wally said as he walked back into the kitchen to get himself a snack.
He came back in the room and Dick was now laying down on the couch, legs curling into his body, taking up as little space as he could.
"Have you met my dog? Do you like my dog?" Dick's words were slurring together and Wally couldn't help but smile a little at Dick's loopy tone. He obviously didn't like the idea of his friend being concussed, but Dick could be very entertaining when he was left to his own thoughts.
"Yes, I met her. Yes, she's adorable." Dick just gave him a loopy smile, which turned into a grimace a second later.
"My head hurts." Dick pointed out, like Wally couldn't tell.
"I know."
Dick let out a small hum.
"Is there anyone you want me to call? I could call Bruce or Tim or -"
"No." Dick's reply was sharper than any of the other words that had been coming out of his mouth.
"They wouldn't come anyway." Dick said, and he moved his hand to his head to try and rub his temples.
Wally could tell his friend was in pain. He wouldn't be talking like this normally. Dick never was one for the whole self pity scene. This only really happened when he was drugged or concussed.
"They weren't there the first time, because nobody seems to care about me.” Without pausing to let any of that really sink in, Dick kept talking. “Hey do you remember that time at the ice rink when Roy said he could skate but he actually couldn't and-"
Dick just kept talking and Wally couldn't tell if he genuinely didn't hear him or if he was avoiding talking about what he had just said.
"Lian thought it was so funny when he fell. Who else was there? I don't remember."
"Donna. It was her and Lian's idea." Wally sighed as he watched his friend try to piece together what he was talking about.
Dick seemed to have forgotten that whole conversation because he was immediately onto another topic.
Wally let him ramble on until he eventually passed out. He slowly and carefully took the ice pack that was now melted out from under Dick's head. He went to the kitchen to throw it out. He walked back into the living room and looked at his friend.
So much hurt had happened and Wally and Roy hadn't been able to be there for any of it. Dick understood. He had to know they would have been there if they could. Based on all the retelling of Dick's being shot in the head, Wally was able to figure out that Dick had mostly been on his own for it all. Even when his family was only a city away.
He shook his head and went to his closet to get out a blanket. He quietly walked back into the living room and put the blanket on his sleeping friend.
As he was about to walk away, Dick started mumbling again.
"Why is the blanket?" Dick's eyes were still closed, but his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Because I care about you. And don't you forget it Grayson."
Wally couldn't tell if Dick heard him or understood, but Dick pulled the blanket closer to him and let out what sounded like a relieved sigh.
Wally wasn't going to let him forget it.
Maybe not what you were looking for? I love writing little fics based on quotes but then I can never tell if they'll live up to any sort of expectation. Hope you liked it!
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legguk · 4 years ago
here I am again!! with chapter 2!!
( chapter 1 in case anyone missed it )
chapter 2: things are changing
word count: ~4,8k
You were almost asleep, the waterfall sounds never failed to calm your soul, the distant symphony nature conceived you always following you throughout the day. Your stay at the Beneviento's state has been satisfactorily peaceful, your routine consisted of watching over Miss Beneviento and Miss Angie, administrate the house and cook for them; although you heard many legends and myths about the veiled woman, they all proved themselves wrong, Donna Beneviento was not a merciless sickening creature and Angie is not a disturbing – well, that's up to debate – maniac doll. They were kind, lovely, graceful, even. Energetic and serene, enthusiastic and gentle, intense yet lethargic; yes, those were Donna and Angie, opposites — The sun and the moon.
“Human! Donna requires your assistance!”
Ah, speaking of energetic. Angie hops through the garden to meet you sitting on a pile of soft snow, facing the waterfall, pleasantly starting the day.
“Donna needs someone to help with the fabric! Hey, are you hearing me?!” The doll pokes your right arm repeatedly, forcefully drawing your attention to her – if she had eyebrows, you can be certain they'd be very frowned now.
“Ah, yes, Miss Angie, I'm hearing you! I apologize for not responding at first” You support your hand on your thigh as you stand up, patting away any flakes on your work pants.
“Hm! I shall forgive you this time, human. But I won't have mercy next time!” It's the fourth time she says this. You play along, bowing to her as if she's the queen of the castle; her hands go to her hips, eyes closed, taking in the adoration you give her, silly little doll, if she only knew how she brightens up your day with only a few simple mannerisms.
You enter the house accompanied by Angie, the cozy ambiance greets you on a warm hug, contrasting the cold weather outside; the fireplace burns leisurely, the dancing flames sounds creating a piece of background music for this lovely morning. There's a certain smell in the air... Ah, chamomile tea and fresh chocolate and cinnamon cake, Donna's favorites – she must be in a good mood today – although you weren't expecting your lady to be baking, you were not going to complain, either.
“I thought you needed help with sewing, Miss Beneviento?” In a jump, she turns around, she must've not heard you coming in;
She lets out a long hum, probably calculating her next words “I did... Not... I apologize.”
You give her a reassuring smile and say there was no problem; the moment you were about to make your way out of the kitchen, a quiet 'Wait!' that was barely said out loud filled the air. “Perhaps... You would want to have some tea?”
The veiled woman sounded hesitant, yet full of determination... And honestly, how could you ever say no? Not just because the cake looks delicious, but because you know Donna made all this effort for you – she would never eat a whole cake by herself, she barely bakes anything since you came around... and did she ask Angie to come up with an excuse for you to get inside? – So it would not only be rude but also be very inconsiderate of you to refuse her request.
“I'd love to,” You say without hesitation.
All of the tension on the woman's shoulders went away, a relieved sigh left her lips as she settles the tea kettle on the table along with delicate ceramic cups – they were beautiful, elegant blue roses were painted along with the whole structure, a true artist's work – Oh, the cake looks divine, you cut a small piece for yourself, getting a small grunt of disapproval from Donna, who puts a larger piece on your plate - you return the favor, cutting a big piece for her as well - you both chuckle, it was moments like this that made you grateful for having her in your life. A lovely company, a thoughtful friend... You cherish each other, you know your place in her heart, and she knows hers in yours as well.
“Are you having a tea party without me?! The nerve!!” Angie stomps her way to the kitchen table, climbing on her high chair and facing you both on – what you believe is – disbelief;
“Oh please, Angie,” your lady says in a breathy response. She has lifted her veil to eat now, even though you've been here for several months and have seen Donna's face multiple times, you understand what her veil means to her and never once asked her to take it off; she's wearing it today because she's nervous – that explains the tea – Today the lords are having a meeting called by Mother Miranda herself to discuss 'village business'... You've been around long enough to know what they talk about in there; Beneviento never feels much thrilled to meet with her 'siblings'... And from what she says, you wouldn't be either! Imagine a 9'6 feet tall lady yelling at the robot man while a fish guy wants to participate in everything... You wonder what Miranda was thinking when she got them.
“Hey!! I'm talking!” The doll snapped you out of your thoughts about the soon event, making Donna giggle at your confused 'huh?'; she even finished her piece of cake already, for how long have they let you drift away?
“My apologies, I was quite distracted” Donna frowns her eyebrows for a microsecond, but decides not to say anything.
“Y’know, Donna was thinking of visiting the big lady this weekend” – Miss Angie rests her little chin on her hands, facing you.
“Oh, that's nice of you, I'm sure the girls are missing you two” You answer without putting much thought to it, as you take the fork with cake to your mouth.
Angie sighs comically loud, what made you look at her with a questioning look “Are you that dumb?? Donna is asking ya to come with us! Gosh!” ...Oh.
Donna wants you to go? That's– That's new. You're just a maid, you don't belong in the family visits... But now Donna is asking you to go. You feel your cheeks grow rosier as you almost choke on your fork – how embarrassing – “Ah, of course I will accompany you! Thank you for being kind enough to allow me to go, Donna”
She smiles, and that's when you smiled too, a peek of her face is all you need to go through your busy week - her serene expressions, the sweet sound of the giggles you steal from her, the way her nose scrunches when she's concentrated - you could spend the whole day listing every bit of her you wish you could frame and save from time's merciless tricks, but for now, her smile is all you want to focus on.
“Please, you're family.” The woman sounded so certain of what she just said, her voice was so filled with love you could almost grab it and keep it in your heart. You're family... that's how important you are to her now. Things are changing.
A few hours go by, the weather is significantly warmer outside, but still cold; the sky is bright grey, little snowflakes descending to meet the fresh layer of snow on the ground. Donna is putting on her veil and adjusting her doll's dress, the meeting will start soon; Lord Heisenberg will pick the girls up, take them there and bring them home safely, in return, you will go to his factory once a week to deliver some desserts and sweets and do him some company — he's a funny man... You worry about him sometimes, but he's not that bad, after all.
“Please take care, put on more clothes, and have the rest of the tea” Donna's left hand touches your shoulder while her right arm holds Angie close to her chest; you are all by the door, you're holding it open for them.
“Don’t worry my Lady, I will take care.” You give her a courtesy bow, receiving a light giggle as a response – the doll rolls her eyes and kicks her feet frenetically, telling Donna off for taking so long to get in Heisenberg's exquisite carriage. You wave at the man from afar, who lowers his hat a bit, his nice way of greeting you. The metal horses neigh and take off, the wagon disappearing into the horizon.
Angie's excited rambling saturates the once calm atmosphere of the house, Karl just dropped them off, coming to the door with them.
“Here they are, kid, no scratches.” He puts a cigar on his mouth and looks into the house through his dark glasses, taking in the ambiance.
“Why, thank you, Lord Heisenberg – ”
“Tsk. Cut the ‘Lord’ shit, just call me Karl.” He interrupted you, although he sounded annoyed, you knew he was befriending you “You’re basically family, no? We all know how Donna cares for you – honestly, it's annoying.”
“I- I’m sorry, what did you mean by that?” The man laughs at your rosy cheeks and stutters, waving his hand, he takes a drag of the cigar, walking to his carriage “I’ll be waiting for cookies, girl”.
You wave back, closing the door and looking at the living room, where your ladies are making themselves comfortable.
“You won't believe what happened today!! The bird lady gave us a baby!”
“Oh– Oh no, Angie– Miranda gave us a flask to take care of..”
“A baby!”
“...A flask”
“A baby in the flask!” – Donna sighs in defeat, rubbing her temples. Angie points to a square yellow flask on top of a ceramic counter, there's a label on it, you come closer to read it.. ‘Legs’.
...Legs? It can’t be actual – Oh, you're starting to feel sick. “Um... Donna...?'' You hesitantly look at the woman, who sighs heavily and lifts her veil, her expression says it all; her eyebrows frowned upwards, lips sealed and her eyes have a disappointed tint to it. She slowly nods, her gaze going from you to ‘Mother Miranda's gift’.
“I understand if you want me to put it away in the basement.” She's willing to do it for you? No, she's your lady, you should do it.
“I suppose I should–” Once again you are interrupted, this time by the eager doll, who jumps in your arms with the flask on her hands – When did she get it? How did you not see her? – “I hope Ethan won’t try to take it back!” Your head tilts to the side, a silent question to both of the girls.
“Ahem... Ethan is... Rose's father... And Rose is, well...” – Oh, heavens. – “Mother captured him and Heisenberg made him go through a ..‘death maze’..” Donna's fingers go up and down on a quotation mark sign.
“But he ran away!!” — A dense silence fell onto the room, the atmosphere suddenly grew uncomfortable, at least for you.
“Are you alrighty?” Angie turns to face you, her eyes traveling your whole face, your expression is blank now; what the hell was going on? This is all too much to take in at once.
“Is he dangerous?” That was the only thing you managed to say among so many questions you wanted to ask Donna.
“Well... He did escape Heisenberg's plan...” Then he is, that's what she's saying.
“How long ago was that?”
“The escape? two hours or so! We stayed there with Heisenberg trying to find out what he did wrong, dumb metal man...” You hum, your semblance should look horribly tense, because the next thing you remember was Donna's hand being so lightly placed on your left arm as if you were a shattered porcelain doll about to break with any rougher contact.
“Miss Angie, would you mind giving us a moment to speak in private?” – You lower the doll and take the flask from her hands.
“Ya know Donna and I are connected, right?” The smaller girl was quickly taken out of the room by her master — and you swear you heard a quiet ‘shoo, shoo’. The lady of the house now stands in front of you, a concerned look on her face, matching yours.
“Miss Donna, I'm worried about this whole situation... Maybe we should be careful. Do you understand what I mean?”
“I am afraid I do...” She looked nervous, her fingers fidgeting and interlocking with themselves; there's silence for a long moment, both of you meticulously measuring your next words, surprisingly, Donna is the first to speak; with a heavy sigh, she stands up straighter.
“If anything happens, you must go to the castle, please.”
“But my lady—”
“Alcina will know what to do, that man won't get past her state, her girls are probably hunting him now – if they haven't found him already. Still, if something happens to me or Angie, you know who to ask for help, okay?” — You nod — “Promise me, please.”
“...I promise.”
How you were going to regret this later.
She shyly smiles with the corners of her mouth as you take her hands in yours, your way of saying ‘everything will be alright’. The woman opened her mouth to say something, but her words died in the air, her sudden frozen reaction sent chills down your spine – what's happening? – she looks straight at the door, her semblance growing more and more despairing.
“Miss Beneviento?”
“My lady?”
Her gaze hesitantly made its way from the door and fell upon you, her hands are slightly shaking – is she starting to hyperventilate? – she tried to speak, but not even a whisper was heard. After a few tries, her shaky and breathy voice met your ears – “He’s here.”
You are petrified, the grip your hands have on hers grows tighter, what does she mean, he's here? He can't be here. That would mean getting past House Dimitrescu and the only way someone could do that is by k—
Oh no...
You can tell that is exactly what Donna is thinking about as tears threaten to fall from her glossy eyes. Lady Dimitrescu can't be... dead... can she? What about her daughters? Oh, poor things...
“You must go.” Your lady's voice got your attention again, her trembling tone barely allowing her to properly speak, so she led you by the hand to a room with aid kits and hand-made medicines; she handed you a bag containing some of it and pointed to the door.
...Is... Is this how she is going to send you off?... Not even a ‘goodbye’, or a handshake, at the very least? Your eyebrows frown and your lips part open, you hold the bag against your chest closer to you. “...My lady..?” Now your voice is trembling as well. She avoids your gaze, standing firmly at the same spot.
She calls Angie, who floats towards you, pushing you through the house to the front door. “I’m sorry, but ya promised.”
She and the other dolls corner you at the door, your back meeting the hardwood board; you can hear your heart shattering as you're being so abruptly banished from the house.
“You can't even say something?! After all we've been through? Is this really how you want to send me away?!... Please, Donna.”
After overlong minutes of deafening silence and a torturing lack of response, you see a now veiled figure stand in front of you, a few meters away; her hands are by her sides, fidgeting with her dress' cloth, her head hangs low, her gaze meeting the floor.
“I didn't know how to...” she murmured.
You feel warm tears wet your eyes as you walk confident steps toward the woman you care so much for – you leave the carrier on the floor – your arms are wide open, embracing her as you bury your face in the crook of her neck; some seconds pass by before her own hands go up to your back and grab your clothes — she's crying on your shoulder and she's soaking it, but you don't care because you're also damping her dress. What felt like an eternity as you were hugging went by too fast, you gradually drift away from each other's embrace, slowly picking up the bag and snuffling, you know you can't stay there; if there's any chance of Donna surviving this, it depends on you.
You hug Angie one last time, the other dolls gather around you and their little arms do their best trying to hold you too, how you loved Donna's marvelous inventions. They all follow you to the back door – where you would try not to cross paths with Ethan – You grab the bag tight, you're leaving.
“I will come back.” You smile as a reassurance, hesitantly going through the door and closing it, you breathe in sharply – can't stop now.
Donna watches you say your last words to her and smiles morosely, waving at the closed-door – “Please don't...”
You were almost crossing the bridge to leave Beneviento's state, everything was going fine, the man didn't seem to show up... Maybe Donna was just mistaken and everything is alright.
— But like a shot, Angie's maniac laughter gets to your ears and smashes any kind of hope you had of Ethan ignoring their house. You hold yourself, Angie's threats can be heard from here; you know Donna won't be able to hold him for much longer, you must be faster.
“Lady Dimitrescu!”
You're here. You're finally here. But what the hell happened here?
The chilly air makes your lips tremble a bit, your arms instantly hugging yourself; walking here was no easy task, but that's none of your concern anymore. You go through one of the castle's demolished walls, you look up, there's a hole in the roof and the levels above, just beneath it there's a... carcass of God knows what, although it looks like a rotting dragon. — Oh God, did it kill Lady Dimitrescu?.. Or perhaps she killed it?
You keep marching carefully yet hurriedly; you find the doors open and the handles smeared with blood, feeling apprehensiveness tightening your chest, you make your way inside of the castle. You look around and process the ambiance, the unexpected warm atmosphere of the house falls upon you like a blanket, but the comfortable feeling disappears the moment you see blood splashed all over the walls, corpses of lycans and monsters ripen in half and splayed on the floor... A crimson path marks its way through the rooms, and maybe you should follow it.
“Lady Dimitrescu?”
As you follow the sanguine liquid trail, you spot a huge stiff figure laying on the floor, covered in wounds and painted scarlet red. You rush to help her, not even certain if she was still alive.
“My lady!”
She grunts, a surprisingly low growl leaves her lips as she sits up, holding onto a cloth around her body for dear life, you walk closer to her slowly and steadily, but her cry of pain as she holds a wound on her side makes you run to her – how it pains you to see someone like this. Yet, you take quick steps back and almost freeze in place when she unleashes her terrorizing long and sharp claws, why is she doing this? You're trying to help, and she needs it.
You bring your hand to your chest, not because you're afraid, but because you feel your heart beating so fast it might explode. – “Please, Lady Dimitrescu, let me help!”
Her voice was like a rumble of thunder and it reverberated through your whole body, giving you goosebumps; for a moment, all you could do was obey and step away, your gaze still fixated on her, but something clicked in your mind — you made a promise.
You can see a clear change in the woman's expression as you stand your ground.
“Leave. I will not repeat myself.”
You can't go, even though you truly want to, you want to go back to your Misses, you want to run away from this woman who might behead you any instant, you want to leave; all this flashes in your mind as you look at the big main doors. You grab the clothes on your chest with an absurd strength, come on, you need to be brave now. You sigh, Donna has no idea of the impact she has on your life.
“Allow me to help.” You try to sound certain, but the thought of Donna and Angie invades your mind and brings you to the verge of tears again.
Feet taking more steps closer to the Lady, you can't look at her, not like this, almost crying, that'd be pathetic.
Although it seemed impossible, her nails grew longer and her eyes were intensely trying to burn holes in your head, she is indeed terrifying, but you must not fear her now, you trust Donna, she said Alcina would help. You move your arms to the front of your body as a peace sign, you don't want to cause any harm. Still, she shows her teeth and looks at you with a feral cast, like a beast ready to devour its prey. You gulp, just a few more steps and—
An unhesitating metal swing sound cuts through the air; you scream, you shout at the top of your lungs as you feel her cold claws rip your face and throw you away with much force. Hot blood squirts and spills from your face and chest — you can't make a noise anymore, your lips are parted, mouth open, searching for the air you suddenly don't have anymore, your hands go to your face, trying to figure out either to press your wounds or hide it from the woman. You spend some more moments in anguish, trying to find your voice, but not even a whisper would make its way out; you were struggling to open your left eye, it hurts so much, everything hurts, burns, aches — pain washes over you and adrenaline runs fast in your veins. A raspy and agonizing scream builds up in your chest and leaves your throat way louder than you expected, getting the Lady's attention. Good.
Stupid loyalty, foolish attachment, cursed be all the fondness in your heart that is making you do this. You need to do this, don't forget why you're here. Your shaky hands reach for your bag, pulling out a flask of treatment disinfectant, you assemble your last strengths to crawl your way to her and kneel up, stretching the hand with the flask out; you can't stay like this for long, your body is giving up on you – the moment she takes the medicine, you collapse right in front of her, not even caring about being safe or not.
It's dark. Cold. Unbelievably silent. You’re alone now, only you and the abandoned hopes that still wander above your head, both yours and hers — speaking of her, where is Lady Dimitrescu? You need her help. but as it seems, you must aid her first — You breathe stiffly and out of tempo, your clothes and hair are drenched, and your face has a bit of crust on it, probably dry blood.
Elbows up first, then shoulders, push your back up and now you’re on your hands and knees, still facing the floor; it all still hurts, your body aches from being so brutally tossed at the floor. You can’t move nor feel your face — not much of a good sign — Your left eye is locked shut, God knows what will happen if you try to open it. Your vision is blurry and dark, as if it’s dirty, which makes sense if you consider all the blood in your face; you cannot see well and… Perhaps, your left eye might go blind... — let’s pray it doesn’t turn that way.
From a pool of blood underneath you, there's your reflected image, you make some effort to see the damage that woman did to you: three big claw marks cuts through your face, one striked your lips, cutting up at a point you can see part of your gum, the other is right in the center, it striked the bridge of your nose and your left eye, and the last one got the side of your forehead and a bit of your hairline. Well… Let’s focus on the not so bad things for now.— At least your body and hair are fairly fine.
A small drop that hits the pool’s liquid and creates small scarlet waves makes you notice you have been crying during this whole process, tears washing over your wounds and making them sting, only to find their way into the crimson beneath you. You take your time at this position, everything is so quiet, so peaceful, the wind and the birds chirping try to fill in the devastating mourning and obscure silence of the castle — they don’t succeed.
… Now, thinking about it, you don’t want to keep facing your — shattered and ruined — reflection, so you heavily exchange your weight to your legs, sitting on your knees.
Air escapes your lungs for a millisecond as your gaze meets the lady of the house — was she watching you the entire time? How did you not notice her? Heard her? — She’s standing away from you, almost hiding in the shadows; at some point of your unconsciousness, she must have gone to her chambers since she got rid of those bloody sheets that wrapped her and is now wearing a proper robe that cascades to the floor.
Neither of you dares to break eye contact — an unspoken dialogue — Alcina has a dreadful look on her eyes as if she’ll murder you right this instant; now that you realize, she’s clean, although her hand still presses the injury on her side, it must be a severe one, as she looks healed from all the others. You decide to stand on your feet, your shaky legs not collaborating; your body is still limp, your joints hurt and there’s this constant pain in your lungs as you breathe, however, you keep your gaze locked with hers. The moment you opened your mouth to speak, she abruptly interrupted you.
“I shall give you one chance. Who are you and what are you doing at my house?”
Her words were like a knife and her tone was a flame burning you alive, her frowned eyebrows and threatening eyes sent shivers down your body — that or the excruciating wintry breeze that kisses your injuries — you are petrified in place. You gulp, your mouth opens and closes multiple times, but nothing comes out, nothing but only a whisper: “Donna...”
Her eyes squint and her lips form a pout, she walks closer to you, bending her torso so she meets your face.
“You know Donna Beneviento?” — You nod twice.
A hum leaves her throat but she doesn’t look any less suspicious of you, she grabs the sides of your face, carefully enough to not open your wounds any further, and brings you closer to her by lifting you at a point your feet barely touch the floor — how little effort it took an injured woman to do this, well, not any woman, she’s Lady Dimitrescu. Who is about to behead you if you don’t decide to speak — Yet, she stops and stares deep into your soul, a command: proceed.
“I-I was sent by Lady Beneviento” You stutter so much you need to take a deep breath before continuing. “She needs help, Ethan is—”
“Yes, Ethan Winters, he found them and n—” She suddenly drops you, the thud of your body hitting the ground makes you gasp for a second, you couldn't even hold yourself up. She stands straighter now, her expression is cold and serious as she looks forward — what is she wondering about? Will she help you? She takes her time staring at the horizon, time enough for you to slowly pick yourself up, limps slightly trembling.
A heavy and low sigh fills the air as she closes her eyes, arms hanging on her sides, as her golden gaze meets you again, you almost frown your eyebrows seeing how unexpectedly her expression changed. She was so revengeful and ferocious a few moments ago, now she looks… fatigued — shattered, if you will — . The woman unhurriedly walks out of the room, leaving you without a proper response. Will she help? Will she not? Good lord, all this tension even made you forget the pain you find yourself in. Perhaps the medicines you brought will do better for yourself than for her. You bury your hand inside of your bag and pull out some pills and flasks for your injuries, following Alcina right away, clumsily sprinting to match her quick pace.
“Lady Dimitrescu! Wait, please!”
heeyyaa I actually posted chapter 2!! yk the drill, if you read it till here, thank you and I love you!! please like and/or reblog if you want me to post the next chapter!!
( posted on Ao3! Name: “The woman in your castle” )
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its-deputy-caleb · 4 years ago
Four Lord’s with a ftm!S/O
a lot of ppl requested a ftm reader with the four lords so i tried to incorporate them all together here, i know everyone’s experiences are different and for people who are trans everyone is at different stages of transitioning so this may not be for everyone: to try and be as inclusive as possible the four lords talk about different areas of transitioning! As always pls enjoy!!
Alcina Dimitrescu
One would simply assume that because Alcina openly shows her distaste for men that she wouldn’t give you a second glance. But you’d be wrong about that.
She’s extremely overprotective of people that she loves and as a member of her family you hold a special place in her heart.
Alcina has been by your side the whole time you’ve transitioned, making sure you’re comfortable everyday and complimenting you every chance she gets.
She has the maidens make you the finest suits with all the expensive accessories like ties, pins and brooches. Everything has a gold inlay and while it may be overwhelming at times she says that you deserve to be treated like a king.
Alcina makes sure the maidens cut your hair every few weeks so that you’re always looking sharp for when you’re at family dinner with her and her daughters.
If anyone is transphobic or misgenders you she will not hesitate to cut them to ribbons on the spot, her long claws ready to kill whoever could’ve hurt you. She’ll never stand for anyone who offends her family.
“Here in House Dimitrescu, we support trans rights!”
The Castle is your sanctuary where you’re allowed to be yourself. Not only does Alcina love you for who you are but the girls adore you and see you as a fatherly figure to them, you’re the perfect addition to their family and they’d change nothing about you.
Donna Beneviento
Donna is your number one supporter. The minute you told her she wrapped her arms around you and said just how proud she was of you.
She’s quite the seamstress herself and so she always finds time to make you clothes for you to wear. Some of your favourite things to do together is explore the old Manor for fabrics that you might like.
It took her a few weeks to perfect but eventually she made you a binder that you could wear. She spent ages finding the right fabrics and threads to use, even taking trips to the duke to make sure the binder she made was safe for you to use.
She never forgot the smile you had on your face when you had it on for the first time looking in the mirror, a brand new shirt over the top. It was the first time in a long time where you saw yourself for who you are.
You and Angie get on like a house on fire, causing mischief where you can and Donna can’t help but smile when she sees you both return from some adventure in the lycan den, covered in blood and chuckling. Donna and Angie couldn’t be happier to have you in their lives.
Donna loves you so much and is always there for you through your dysphoria. She’s always patient and will listen to you for hours while you get everything off your chest. She’ll sit with you and rub slow circles on you shoulder, an arm wrapped around you as she tells you how amazing and handsome you are.
If Donna so much as hears someone misgender you or provoke you, Angie is coming at them with a pair of scissors and a mini army of dolls behind her. Hearing those things about you makes her blood boil and it’s one of the few times she gets truly angry.
What you love about her is how she sees you for yourself and doesn’t define you for being trans but instead sees it as something that builds to someone who she already loves regardless.
Salvatore Moreau
Salvatore has the biggest heart when it comes to you. He understands what it feels like to be rejected and to feel like you don’t belong anywhere but he could never imagine what it’d feel like to be a stranger to your own body. That’s why he’s always thought you were so brave for being who you are, no matter how hard it can get sometimes.
He does a lot of research, trying to find ways that he can comfort you and support you. Of course as a physician he’s got some medical background and that’s why he’s never failed to support you through your medical transition, whether it’s hormones or surgery it’s something Sal can understand and wants to be there for you.
If you have scars, he loves them. He’s constantly complimenting your body and telling you just how perfect you are to him knowing that it helps with your dysphoria. If you don’t have scars it’s still the same, he’s still your biggest supporter and doesn’t love you any less.
You love taking walks together or doing activities on the lake like fishing or swimming. There’s been times when you’ve protected him from lycans and other creatures to which he always refers to you as his “knight”, a nickname which has stuck with you.
One thing Salvatore hates is when people are transphobic towards you. He hates to yell and get angry but he won’t hesitate to turn into a giant fish and spit venom back onto anyone who tried to do it to you. Maybe he loses his cool from time to time but you mean the world to him and you bring out his protective side.
Salvatore just wants to see you happy at all costs and he’ll do anything to make you feel more like yourself. Sometimes that involves running to the top of the hill behind the reservoir and announcing to all who’s near that you’re the man and that you’re the most amazing person. And sometimes it means you’re curled up on the couch in front of the television with a warm cup of hot chocolate in your hand and a cheese platter for you to share and cuddle up together afterwards.
Karl Heisenberg
Karl is super supportive and understanding when it comes to you being trans. He’s always chill and makes you feel comfortable but in his softer moments will make you feel loved beyond imagination.
He makes you armour, teaches you how to fight, lets you pick out weapons you like until you’re more skilled and cunning to defeat even him. He’s so proud of you and is always by your side through all your transitions.
The two of you often get up to a lot of mischief together, sneaking into Alcina’s castle for good wine or taking on the giants near House Beneviento. It’s a way for you to be care free and allows you to be who you are without judgment.
If he sees you’re feeling dysphoric about your scars, he won’t hesitate to show you the array of scars he’s obtained from the battlefield. He’ll tell you about how you should be proud of them; they show how far you’ve come and how much you’ve fought for who you are. Of course Karl will also boost your ego by telling you just how tough scars make you look.
You and Karl spend your nights working away on new designs for armour and weapons, welding long into the night and modifying the machinery on Strum. It ends up with you both passed out on the couch, covered in grime and sweat far too exhausted for a shower.
Alcina called it the behaviour of “man-things” and that you and Karl could at least make the effort to bathe but it ended up with you both bursting into laughter and getting right back to work, wearing your boyish behaviour with pride.
Regardless of the fun you had with Karl, he truly cared for you and understood what it was like to have bad days. That’s why he’s always been supportive and does his best to show you that he loves you no matter who you are.
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So @billy-baby mentioned That 70’s Show and Harringrove, and it reminded me of a *whole ass* set of hc’s about a 70’s/Stranger Things AU that has been sitting in my notes for literal years collecting dust, so here it is:
-Billy & Hyde would be besties, probably neighbours in the same shitty neighbourhood
-They headbang to hard rock and metal, jam to 60’s & 70’s rock while drinking TONS of beer and hotboxing the Camaro and El Camino, respectively
-Bands they’d have in common: AC/DC, Black Sabbath & Ozzy Osbourne, Scorpions, KISS, Judas Priest, Van Halen, and Led Zeppelin just to name a couple
-Hyde always gives Billy shit for like, never wearing a shirt, Billy gives Hyde shit for his ever-present sunglasses & sideburns
-They know each other’s parental problems, and take refuge in the Forman’s basement/the empty Harrington house (yes, we’re talkin’ a Hawkins, Indiana/Point Place, Wisconsin mashup here)
-Billy still has a major crush on Steve (Harrington that is, Steven Hyde will only be referred to as Hyde [and that possible name mix-up could cause some hilarity whenever anyone calls out “Steven”, and some embarrassing rumour drama for Billy, Steve, & Hyde (or omg a block party at the Formans where Kitty calls out “William! Steven! Michael!” And she turns around and has Billy, Will, Hyde, Steve, Mike, and Kelso starting at her expectantly)])
-Billy probably also thinks Eric and Kelso are kinda cute, but total dumbasses, they both definitely annoy him
-Fez would have a totally awkward and hilarious crush on Billy, and you just know Billy would flirt with him on purpose just to make him nervous (this might make Steve a lil jealous and annoy him to no end)
-Jackie would have the BIGGEST crush on Steve, after Kelso, and drag him around to go shopping and shit, he would tolerate it but Billy would absolutely hate her as a “bitchy rich entitled snot-nosed brat” cause she would be vocal about him being poor and he’d have to be calmed down by Hyde and Steve all the time
-Billy would give Hyde an unimaginable amount of shit for going out with Jackie, hooo boy!
-Steve would get a kick outta Kelso, but I think he and Eric would be pretty close friends, with Steve always pushing to hang around at the Forman’s cause Eric’s parents are always present, as opposed to his empty house (he adores Kitty Forman for SURE as the mother he never had)
-But the gang would surely hold parties at the Harrington’s....and only sometimes get away with it (both these groups are known for their KEGS! and the 70’s teens would lose their damn minds over Keg Kings Billy & Steve)
-Billy would put the charm on for Kitty sometimes just to see her blush, and Red would get annoyed and just a little threatening saying something like “Like to see how charming you are with my foot up your ass” and Billy being the abused kid that he is automatically takes it a little too seriously- probably flinches, goes a little pale, stutters out a “Yes sir, sorry sir”
-This would make Kitty and Red a bit concerned, pay a visit to the Hargrove household- I wouldn’t be surprised if they experience Neil putting Billy down or catch a glimpse of a smack or something and they would for sure take action with Red intimidating Neil cause you know he could
-Anyway! Girls. Robin and Donna would be THE BEST FRIENDS EVER, cause Donna had no other cool girl friend to hang out with and you just KNOW Robin might have an “itsy bitsy” (huge) crush on Donna, cause she’s Hot Donna, also they’re both super into female empowerment (and honestly, when Donna/Eric break up I could see her maybe falling for Robin too)
-Donna and Billy would be buds, she might like him for a hot minute but be cool with him being gay (Out of everyone in the 70’s gang, I think he’d most likely share this with her - cause she’d probably figure it out - even if it’s just to gush about their dumb, brave, pretty brunette boys to each other)
-Max would LOVE Donna, not just because of the hair (but also redhead solidarity is important), but because they’re both badasses and would totally vibe together- Max, Billy, and Donna would be an unexpectedly fun trio (and Billy would complain about having to drive the “GingeTwins” around all the time or something to that effect)
-And Jackie having to babysit Erica (because Donna does it sometimes, but she’s out for the night) would be the best thing ever good lord, Erica would put Jackie in her place, but they’d probably make up some schemes together too
-Also Erica would be absolutely appalled at having a similar name to Eric, she’d probably call him something along the lines of “Supreme Nerd” or “King of the Nerds” and have an endless supply of unimpressed looks for him during their debates of whose name is better
-Eric would totally join Mike, Will, Lucas & Dustin in their nerd exploits (STAR WARS!) And he and Dustin would get into loooong nerd debates
-I think Kelso would join Dustin & Lucas (and maybe the other boys too) in doing mischievous experiments including but not limited to: pyrotechnics, wrist rockets, radios and electronics... He’d begrudgingly listen to the scientific explanations of the boys (which would all fly right over his head) and they would have a moderate success rate, but also have to run away from the trouble they’d get in
-Lucas and Hyde would always be cool, but after finding out about Hyde’s biological dad they could become closer (Hyde’s dad and Lucas would have the best banter)
-Will and Eric would geek out over comics, and I think Eric would be super nice/supportive about seeing Will’s drawings
-Jonathan would be pretty quiet at first, but might talk to Fez since they’re both kinda the odd man out in each group (and he’d be genuinely NICE to Fez, *side eyes 70’s teens*)- then he’d be roped into doing random/stupid/mildly illegal stuff with the gang
-And despite Billy & Hyde being besties, I think Jonathan would bond with Hyde over shitty dads (plus I think Hyde would love Joyce, and she’d be another offer of refuge for him & Billy) and WEED WEED WEED
-Actually that might definitely be a sub-trio: Jonathan, Billy, & Hyde- they’d all have each other’s backs when it came to family drama (and later on when Hyde gets his record store, he’d offer them both jobs and Jonathan would be over the fuckin’ moon and work there)
-Billy would for sure work for Red in his muffler shop, and Red would take him under his wing, probably unwittingly become the father figure Billy never had.
-Nancy, hmmm, well she’s on the richer side of town so her and Jackie might be friends? but she’d for sure get annoyed with Jackie’s shallow bullshit
-OH and Robin would also hate Jackie I think, ‘cause of her entitlement and relentless obsession with boys (poor Jackie, I’m not setting her up for anything great here huh)
-So that’d be why Steve is friends with her, if only ‘cause he feels bad when she alienates herself from the rest of the teens, they (and I hate to say this) *could possibly* date for like 5 minutes, it’d be a REALLY hard time for Billy...and Kelso. And those two would probably come up with some hairbrained scheme to break them up (and succeed, but each get ripped a new one because of it)
-But at least the group of teen girls would be bigger if Donna, Robin, Jackie, and Nancy all hung out together sometimes (and if they tried to have a sleepover or something there would be toooo many idiot boys trying to creep on them, I think Billy would be the voice of reason and tell them they’re all being dickheads)
-And he’d give Fez a fuck ton of shit for being such a voyeuristic creep, probably make him stop hiding in people closets (wait what? Fez is like constantly coming out of closets in that show?! hello?? is that a thing??? Oh ho-ho they’d have a whole talk about that)
-Steve would get a kick outta Fez, probably think he was the funniest dude on the planet, as I’d say they’re the goofballs of the group (and yes, I am mostly excluding the King Steve narrative from this and using only cool mom Steve, cool? cool.)
-Steve might also have a lil crush on Donna, (‘cause a strong personality and blue eyes is like his kink, we all know this) but Eric would throw a fit about that and then they’d be all buddy-buddy discussing Donna & Billy (I think Eric being kind of a dumbass about his own gay kiss might put Steve off for a bit [and make Billy super hesitant and real pissed], but I also think Eric would be cool with hearing Steve out about his big bisexuality-discovery-adventure)
-Donna and Eric trying set Steve and Billy up by saying they’re all gonna hang out, and then like locking Billy/Steve in a room together or something and leaving😈
-When Billy/Steve’s relationship comes out, Hyde’s reaction is probably “That’s cool, man” Kelso would make some corny statement about how hot *he* is, Fez would probably fangirl over it with big ole heart eyes, Jackie would be like “weird, whatever”, Kitty would get flustered and then overly excited about it after a while, Red would be uncomfortable but okay with it saying something like “I better not catch you two dumbasses doing anything in my house”
-Ohmygod, Red as a father figure to Billy, Kitty as a mother figure to Steve, and they end up being so supportive of the boys ‘cause they have to put up with so much parental shit (say what you want, but the Formans have compassion) and they convert their house/backyard into a little private prom for the whole gang just so Billy/Steve can dance together and be themselves
-Billy, Steve, and Robin would die laughing every time they saw/talked to Leo. And I feel like Robin would talk her way into a job at the Photo Hut and then just end up being the manager and hires Jonathan herself to do the developments
-And you know how Hyde is always punching Kelso in the arm? Well he’d always get one, and Billy would punch the other arm as he’d classify Kelso a special kind of idiot, they’d always be teasing Kelso together, but Billy (and Steve I’m sure) would have some wicked BURNS that Kelso would love
-Steve and Kelso as friends? Sure, pretty boys gotta stick together~ especially when Steve gets called that by Billy, and then Kelso insists he’s a prettier boy, and Billy either rolls his eyes or flirts aggressively cause Kelso doesn’t understand WHY that’s Steve’s nickname, and it’s a whole can of worms you guys
-(And I didn’t forget about El, I’m just not quite sure where she fits in this AU... she probably doesn’t have powers and is the new kid who moves into town cause of a bad home life, she’d befriend Max in school and then I think Donna would take her under wing, then she’d be a hit with the teen gang cause she’d break her quietness with witty comments/one-liners, and since she’s very intuitive still, she gravitates towards Billy & Hyde and there would be some touching heart-to-hearts about shitty parental situations followed immediately after by inappropriate offers of beer to which she responds with a firm “gross”)
-And finally, *the Circle* would be so much bigger and funnier with the Stranger Teens in it
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You are my home💚💙
Happy Valentine’s Destiel Wedding Day everyone!
Part 2 of my Destiel wedding series.
Click here for the masterpost.
Thanks @bonchickabelle for your support
~2,8k words
“Are you nervous?” Sam teased Dean, who stood in front of the mirror, tugging his tie straight. He thought about it for a moment “Excited? Sure, can’t wait to see Cas again after you forced us to spend last night apart for some stupid tradition. Nervous? No. It’s Cas I’m marrying.” Sam smiled knowingly, already half out the door. “I’m very happy for you two!” Alone again, Dean’s eyes drifted back to the mirror and he placed his hand on his shoulder, right over Cas’ handprint. He meant what he had said to Sam. It had been the first night they had been apart since he got Cas back and he barely slept. He had just felt wrong without hearing Cas’ gentle breaths, without being able to wrap his arms around the former angel and without feeling the weight of Cas’ head on his chest. But was he nervous? Not at all. He was almost surprised at how calm he felt. He’d never been this sure about anything in his life. After today, he would never have to spend another night without Cas.
Everything was perfect. Everyone they knew had insisted on helping with the wedding in one way or another. Sam wanted to officiate them, he got his license as soon as he heard the happy news. Eileen had taken the grooms separately to shop for wedding suits, Jack had promised them a warm, sunny day and handmade the invitations with Claire. Jody and Donna had baked their wedding cake, Ellen and Jo contributed a dozen homemade pies, Bobby took care of the bar and the catering. Garth and Bess promised to capture the whole day on their cameras. Gabe offered to be their DJ and Ash took care of all the technical stuff. Rowena had promised them truly magical fireworks at night, while Crowley and Benny were in charge of the security, although that shouldn’t be necessary ever since Jack became god.
Charlie and Dorothy had not only offered their vast, beautiful property as their wedding venue, they had also taken care of the decorations. The ceremony was set to take place on the Southern side of their house. An aisle led through rows of white chairs up to a little lake in front of which they had placed a rectangular wooden arc, decorated with greenery and big white flowers that stood out brightly against the blue water in the background. The Western side of the house was already equipped with a big dance floor around which tables, a big buffet and a bar had been set up. To top it all off, Charly and Dorothy had hanged fairy lights in every single tree on their property, which would create a magical atmosphere at night.
Lost in thoughts, Dean adjusted the flower on his lapel and smiled at the mirror. He never thought that he – Dean fucking Winchester – would ever get married. And yet here he was. His phone buzzed and his smile became even wider as he saw who texted him.
[Cas 10:34] Dean?
[Dean 10:35] What’s up? Don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet now😉
[Cas 10:37] No, my feet are perfectly fine, why would they be cold?
Dean rolled his eyes, amused at his fiancé’s confusion.
[Dean 10:37] Not literally, that’s an expression for someone who has second thoughts on their wedding day. What’s going on?
[Cas 10:38] Oh. I see. I’m nervous that I might act weird because I don’t know all wedding customs. So I wanted to ask if you could maybe help me out when I’m about to make a fool out of myself.
[Dean 10:39] Sure thing, sunshine, but don’t worry about acting right, it’s your wedding day, all you have to do is enjoy it. And everybody here knows you’re a little weird😉
Without a knock, Charlie barged in. “What’s up bitch, you ready? Cause your fiancé is and he’s smokin’ hot.” She winked as she noticed Dean’s blushing cheeks. “Yeah, I’m ready. Where’s Bobby?” “Already waiting downstairs for you. I have to go, see you in a few”.  As quick as she had come, she disappeared again. Dean took another glance at the mirror to make sure everything was perfect before he left the room.
Downstairs Bobby and Ellen were laughing over a glass of scotch. When Bobby noticed Dean, he smiled and reached up to adjust his baseball cap, scoffing when he realized that he didn’t wear one today. “Lookin’ good” he grumbled. Ellen gave Bobby a quick peck on his cheek and winked at Dean as she went to take a seat. “I’m glad ya two idjits finally got the sticks out of your asses. Took ya long enough.” Dean chuckled nervously, his cheeks turning red again. “Thanks Bobby. Truth is I still don’t know how I got this lucky.” “Well, ya really deserve this, ya know? You’re a good man. He’s lucky to be with you. And I like him. Never seen you this happy.” After a pause he added “I’m very proud of you son.” Fumbling with the empty glass Ellen had left behind on the table in front of him, Dean replied “Bobby... Thank you. You’ve always been a father for me, unlike John, who... Anyways, thank you. For everything.” Dean swallowed, unable to put his love and gratitude for this man into words, but as he looked up at Bobby’s face, he caught him wiping over suspiciously wet eyes. “Idjit” he grunted, pulling Dean into a bone crushing hug. He nodded at the clock. “Ya ready? We gotta go.” “Ready” Dean replied, and he meant it. He was more than ready for this.
Or maybe he wasn’t. He was more than ready to marry Cas, but he wasn’t prepared for the sight of all his loved ones in one place, alive – thanks to Jack – gathered to celebrate with him. He always thought the only occasion where they’d all come together would be for his funeral, and he didn’t even expect that since most of them had been dead until a few months ago. Grateful and touched to see how many people where there because they loved him and Cas, Dean fought back some tears. While Garth’s kids waddled down the aisle, scattering white rose petals, Bobby squeezed Dean’s arm, as if he could sense all those thoughts whirling in his head. Dean nodded, linked their arms and let Bobby lead him down the aisle where Sammy already waited with a big grin and an even bigger stack of notes for his speech.
Back in the house, Charly gave Cas an encouraging smile and handed him a gorgeous bouquet of white and yellow flowers. “Thank you for leading me down the aisle, I was made aware that that would usually be the responsibility of one’s father...” “There’s nothing usual about this wedding..” Charly teased him. “Besides, you’ve been my bestie ever since we first met, of course I’m gonna walk you down the aisle!” She linked their arms. “Ready?” Cas nodded. “Ready...” Leaning in, he added with a proud smirk “...bestie”. The doors swung open and they stepped outside.
All heads turned around to see Cas, but he didn’t even notice. He was completely captivated by the sight of his fiancé, who let out a little gasp before breaking into a wide smile. His eyes made those cute crinkles that Cas loved so much and as he came closer, he could see a tear roll over Dean’s check. Usually, although Dean had become way more relaxed over the last months, Cas could always sense a lingering alertness in him. But now... he seemed completely at peace. Cas quickly blinked away some tears. He didn’t want anything to cloud his vision, he needed to preserve this image in his mind. His navy-blue suit combined with a simple black tie and a white flower on the lapel suited Dean incredibly well. He was beautiful and Cas’ heart skipped a beat at the thought that it was him who caused the pure adoration and happiness on Dean’s face.
Charlie led Cas towards him with excruciatingly slow steps. Dean could barely restrain himself from running towards them. Cas was indeed smoking hot in his black suit, the baby blue tie perfectly matching the color of his big, loving eyes. Their eyes locked and Cas smiled at him with his adorable alien head tilt. Dean took a deep breath in, smiling at his fiancé, whose eyes glistened suspiciously. Cas seemed completely awestruck, and Dean felt a little lightheaded like he always did when Cas looked at him like that... like he meant the world to him.
Charly placed Cas’ hand in Dean’s. “Hey handsome! Missed me last night?” Dean whispered with a wink. “Hello Dean. I missed you very much indeed”. Murmuring “Me too”, Dean softly leaned his forehead against Cas’. The grooms stood there for a moment with closed eyes and fond smiles on their faces, the longing for each other almost unbearable. Cas finally pulled away and stated softly: “You are incredibly beautiful”. He turned towards Sam. Dean blushed at the seriousness in Cas’ voice and slowly turned to face his brother as well, not without glancing at Cas’ concentrated face once more and shooting him a loving smile from the side. While Sam held his unsurprisingly deep and thoughtful speech, Cas slipped his hand into Dean’s, who squeezed it lightly in response.
When it was time to say their vows, Dean took Cas’ hands in his and started shakily: “So, uhm, I’d like to start if that’s okay. Cas – you’re my best friend. And you’re the love of my life. I never thought I’d ever say something like that, I didn’t exactly think love was in the cards for me. I never let anyone close. But you...” His furrowed brows softened, and he broke into a fond smile, adopting Cas’ little head tilt. “You immediately got to me – well, right after I stabbed you... Sorry for that, buddy.” He winked and Cas chuckled softly. Dean continued, his voice overflowing with love: “I love your weird, quirky personality. I love that you’re such an openhearted, adorable little dude and at the same time you’re brave, strong and one hell of a badass. You never stop surprising me. You have the most loving, pure and beautiful soul.” Dean’s voice started to crack. “You know me better than anyone, heck, you probably even know me better than I know myself. You looked into my soul and you love me for exactly who I am, which is the best gift you could have ever given me.” Firmly holding Cas’ gaze, he added seriously: “I promise to always love and support you unconditionally, in our human life together and beyond. I’ve been yours ever since you first laid a hand on me. And I swear I will be yours for all of eternity. I love you Cas, so damn much.”
Cas looked at him completely lovestruck, tears glistening in his eyes. In a low, gravelly voice he declared: “I never truly belonged anywhere. I never... functioned the way I was supposed to. And you made me realize that that’s okay. That freedom and free will were more preferable than being a brainwashed soldier of heaven. You gave me your friendship, you made me part of your family. You taught me to love.” He cupped Dean’s face, gently brushing his thumb over Dean’s freckled cheeks. Squinting his eyes in adoration at the miracle before him, he added: “You are the most perfect, selfless and loving human being I have ever known.” Tears started rolling down Dean’s cheeks, he still had a hard time accepting that someone – especially Cas – would think so highly of him. Receiving this praise in front of such a big audience made him blush. “Dean, you are my home. I love you. Forever.” He pressed a soft kiss on Dean’s forehead and wiped away his tears. Dean almost drowned in his loving eyes, completely overwhelmed with affection.
Claire and Jack came up to give them their rings. Claire handed Cas a ring and whispered: “Congrats Ca... Dad”. Cas froze up for a second, tilting his head, squinting his eyes, trying to understand if she really just meant that or if it had just slipped out on accident. When she gave him a shy confirming smile, he pulled her into a strong hug. Jack handed Dean a ring with a “Hello Dad” and a short hug, before tugging on Claire’s hand to pull her back to their seats. The almost married couple shared a confused look after what just happened, Dean opening his mouth to ask “Did they just call us..?” “I believe they did”, Cas replied happily.
Sam moved on with the ceremony and let them repeat some more promises to each other before posing the final question: “Do you, Castiel, take Dean Winchester as your lawfully wedded husband?” Cas answered earnestly “I do.” Sam turned to Dean to repeat his question: “Do you, Dean Winchester, take Castiel as your lawfully wedded husband?” Dean grinned widely, eyes crinkling around the edges: “Hell yeah, I do!” Sam asked them to exchange their rings to seal their bond and Cas took Dean’s hand gently in his. He slipped the ring on slowly, looking deeply into Dean’s beaming green eyes. Dean then slipped a ring onto Cas’ finger, his fingertips lingering longer than necessary. Sam finally pronounced them “...husband and husband. You may now kiss your groom!” Under the roaring cheers of their loved ones, Dean cupped Cas’ face while his husband pulled him close, arms wrapped around his waist. Their lips found each other easily, all of their adoration blooming into a chaste, soft kiss. Cas spontaneously bent Dean backwards, who gasped into his mouth in surprise, before letting himself fall into the strong embrace. Their kiss deepened, both too far gone to hear the excited cheers and whistles around them. It took them a while to gather the strength to break apart, foreheads resting against each other for one more moment before turning to the cheering crowd. Dean linked their hands and raised them up, as Sam exclaimed loudly: “I present to you Mr. and Mr. Winchester!”
The party afterwards was one for the books. Everyone had a blast and surprisingly enough, everyone got along perfectly, which wasn’t exactly a given on a party were hunters and supernatural beings came together. Donna’s and Jody’s wedding cake was mind-blowingly delicious. It was a white cake with three tiers and a figurine of the happy couple on top, wearing their trademark flannel and trenchcoat. When they cut the cake open, it revealed a colorful surprise. The top tier was colored like the bisexual pride flag. The second tier was chocolate-brown and the bottom tier looked like a rainbow flag. Dean insisted on feeding Cas with some cake and “accidentally” smeared frosting on Cas’ face. After he had kissed it away shamelessly, which earned them loud cheers and whistles from their guests, Dean pulled his husband onto the dance floor for their first dance.
They both didn’t exactly know how to dance, but it didn’t matter. They were just happy to feel the comforting warmth of their bodies against each other and melted into a tight embrace. As they were swaying gently, eyes closed and faces buried in each other’s necks, they didn’t realize that the first song had long blended into the next one. After a couple of songs, Dean opened his eyes for a moment, watching all the people he loved enjoy themselves. Jody and Donna slow-danced next to them and Eileen tried to teach Sam how to dance, hoping not to get her toes crushed. The brothers exchanged a big smile that said: “We’re so damn lucky”. Rowena stood at the DJ-table with Gabe, brushing a hand over his arm and whispering something in his ear. Crowley and Benny seemed to hit it off at the bar and Claire and Jack tried to teach Sonny some “tictoc-dance”, whatever that was, while Miracle excitedly jumped around their feet. Dean closed his eyes again and sank even deeper into the feeling of Cas’ arms wrapped around him.
The party carried on deep into the night, roaring rock classics long having replaced the quiet couple-dance music, everyone partying on the dance floor or sharing stories and laughs at the bar. As the newlyweds sat down to chat with Sam and Eileen over some drinks, Cas looked at his husband lovingly. He was overjoyed to see Dean beaming happily from being among all the people he loved, no danger in sight. As Dean caught Cas starring, he gave him a gentle peck and got up. He linked their hands as they strolled towards the lake, the party sounds fading into low background noises. They leaned up against each other, the reflections of stars and fairy lights glistening on the water as they held each other close in the cold night air. Dean nuzzled his nose into Cas’ hair and pressed a gentle kiss on his head. Cas turned to see Dean’s glowing eyes and pulled him into a long, achingly tender kiss. They were home.
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yellow-white-purple-black · 4 years ago
(took this uquiz and suddenly had a lot of Opinions about the Destiel wedding, so here you go)
The music starts out perfectly fine. Dean and Cas spent hours working on their playlist, sitting across from each other at the kitchen table in the bunker, tapping their legs together and getting into full-blown foot wars on no less than three separate occasions.
It was nice. Domestic. Something neither of them thought they’d ever get, or deserved, and yet here they were.
They had come up with a mix of classic rock (of course) and the pop songs that Cas had developed an affinity for, because Dean was quickly becoming incapable of looking into those pleading baby-blues and continuing to say no. There were also some Taylor Swift songs thrown in, which Dean would blame loudly on Cas to anyone within earshot every time one of them played.
Their first dance was to REO Speedwagon’s “Can’t Fight This Feeling,” because Dean’s a sappy son of a bitch sometimes. (Screw it, he deserves this. Plus it made Cas smile that adorable, gummy smile of his, so he’s gonna put that one in the worth-it column.)
After that, things were awesome. Hell, they were perfect. The floor of the Roadhouse was crowded with more friends and family than he’d ever realized he had, tables and chairs pushed up against the wall to make room for an impromptu dance floor. People were laughing and smiling, relaxed in a way that hunters rarely were. Bobby and Ellen were talking in a corner, smiling over at where Jo and Ash had drawn a small circle of spectators to their intensely competitive arm-wrestling match. Jody and Donna had struck up an eager conversation with a prickly Rufus, who was enjoying himself far more than he’d ever let on. Patience and Alex were listening patiently to an over-eager Jack, who had somehow inherited Cas’ old fascination with all of bee-kind. Claire and Kaia were dancing suspiciously close together, but judging by their matching blushes and wide grins, they were pretty happy about it. Rowena was having an equally suspicious conversation with Charlie, who was talking in between sporadic bouts of dancing whenever she heard a bit of a song that she likes. (She had brought her good camera, petitioning Dean and Cas for what she referred to as a “wedding montage.”) Garth was dancing enthusiastically, pausing only to look at Bess and their kids with the sappiest damn doe eyes Dean had ever seen. Linda Tran was determinedly steering a protesting Kevin to the opposite end of the room from wherever Crowley happened to be, wearing his most innocent, detached look as he surveyed the room. Even Mary had come, and was busy trying to cheer up a storm-faced John. (It had taken a considerable amount of effort to restrain Cas from stomping over as soon as John had entered, but Dean had managed, not wanting to deal with drama on this of all days.)
And, perhaps most importantly to Dean, was Sam, who had been glued determinedly to Eileen’s side the whole time. He was happy for them, and so had obviously spent every possible second teasing them about when the next wedding would be. Judging by the way they were rocking slowly from side to side to the tune of “Highway to Hell,” off in their own little world, it wouldn’t be too long.
And so it went for the first hour and a half or so. After their first dance, Dean and Cas had been content to sit off to the side, holding hands (because that was a thing they could do now, and Dean didn’t think he was ever going to get over the novelty of it), and contentedly observing the little family they had built up over the years.
Then, all of a sudden, the music stopped with a scratch, and none other than Garth clambered unevenly onto a table, shouting into the already still room for silence. Someone had made the mistake of letting him drink a whole beer, and he had then decided that the music arrangements were unsatisfactory, and he could do better. (Maybe the open bar had been a mistake.)
Two and a half a cappella renditions of “I Like Big Butts” later, someone finally coaxed Garth off of the table, and the music started up again to relieved cheers from everyone in the room. Garth retreated glumly back to his family, who assured him that he had been wonderful, then had to hurriedly stop him when he took this as an invitation for an encore.
Dean watched all of this play out with a smile on his face, wanting to watch the shenanigans play out rather than interfere. As the music resumed, he sighed and scooted over to lean against Cas, who turned and pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head.
This was just the beginning, and things were good.
They were finally free to have what they wanted - and it was perfect.
(Also, I should thank @castiellesbian for making the uquiz that inspired my gay little writing spree. You’re wonderful!)
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kkusuka · 4 years ago
Third year songs <3
this is most of the thrid years- not all 
from my spotify liked playlist <3
comes with a side of slight character analysis 
These are my interpretations of HQ characters and these songs!!
Time-skip spoilers!! (very slight) 
Daichi Sawamura
 Waiting for Superman- Daughtry
She's waiting for Superman
To lift her up
And take her anywhere
Show her love
And climbing through the air
Save her now
Before it's too late tonight
She's waiting for Superman
Daichi seems like he makes a  lot of promises, that he just can’t physically keep. He just has so many things going on that he just can’t pay attention to all of them at once. This leads to far too many forgotten dates and even more broken promises. You know its not his fault and he does too, he just can’t leave anyone hanging. 
Koushi Sugawara
 Island- Florida Georgia Line
We might as well be on an island
Like we're the last two on this Earth
Like we're frozen here in time
Like it's empty here tonight
I feel like suga likes to put himself back into happier times. And that he tries to hold into happy moments as they are happening. He says he is a man of the moment, but when he feels down, he tries to put himself back into the more joyous times. 
Asahi Azumane 
You say- Lauren Daigle 
You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
And you say I am held when I am falling short
And when I don't belong, oh You say I am Yours
And I believe (I)
Oh, I believe (I)
What You say of me (I)
I believe
Asahi is clearly very attached to how people perceive him. So when people shower him with compliments, he attaches onto them. He likes what makes him comfortable and he wants to stay comfortable for as long as he can. Words are important to him, so when he hears something bad it can ruin him for a while. He really does believe what the people he loves say to him. 
Kiyoko Shimizu
 Mothers daughter- Miley Cyrus 
Oh my gosh, she got the power
Oh, look at her, she got the power
So, so, so
Must be something in the water
Or that I'm my mother's daughter
The power this woman carries. She’s built her confidence and she’s not letting anyone ruin it for her. I truly believe that her friends all become more confident because she wants everyone around her to feel confident too. Since she doesn't speak all that much she lets her body language do most of the expression. 
Tetsurō Kuroo
 High school sweethearts- Melanie Martinez 
Could you hold me through the night?
Put your lips all over my mine
Salty face when I start cryin'
Could you be my first time?
Eat me up like apple pie
Kuroo definitely takes trust very seriously. I feel he’s also really scared of someone breaking this trust, so he does form it with a lot of people. That saying if he does, he wants it to last forever.
 (...Step twoThis is a waste if you can't walk me down the finish line…) 
He truly believes in the people he surrounds himself with. 
Nobuyuki Kai 
Kill the Lights- Set it Off
Now I am cutting ties clean off
And I can breathe at last
So we all stand enthralled by this bland curtain call
And the truth we pursue as we all, we all beg you to
 Kai seems like he wasn't really that invested in volleyball, so having all these passionate people around him was a shock.  But he really got into third year, and he wants people to feel that passion too. In the back of his mind he feels bad for not feeling it like the rest of the team, but since looking in the past means nothing now, he tries to move on. 
Morisuke Yaku
 Mama- Mcr
And when we go don't blame us, yeah
We'll let the fires just bathe us, yeah
You made us oh so famous;
We'll never let you go
And when you go don't return to me my love
I mean, he is part of the mom squad. But it's ever so slightly more deep. I’m gonna say it's momma-bird syndrome. He doesn't want people to move on without him, seeing people achieve their dreams is great but he doesn't want you to do it if that means loving him. 
Tōru Oikawa
Prom Queen- Beach Bunny
Maybe I should try harder
You should lower your expectations
I'm no quick-curl barbie
I was never cut out for prom queen
I feel like oikawa is constantly feeling like he has to catch up to everyone around him. At some point in Argentina he came to the conclusion that he was good enough and didn't need to rise to anyone's standards of him, but when he got picked for the national team everything came back. He still has all of those feelings from high-school. Never making it to nationals, feeling like he failed his team. 
Issei Matsukawa
Bubblegum Bitch- Marina and the diamonds 
Got a figure like a pin-up, got a figure like a doll
Don't care if you think I'm dumb, I don't care at all
Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored
I'm the girl you'd die for
I feel like to earn Mattsun’s trust, he would put you through some ridiculous trial of sorts. I also feel that he is very comfortable with who he is, and he takes no shit about it. But that comes with the fact that he rarely takes fault in things, and that sparks arguments. He’ll use your love for him against you, he’ll be as cold as he can muster, until YOU take fault. 
Takahiro Hanamaki
 OUT THE ROOF- Chase Atlantic 
Yeah, we stay lit
We fuck bitches, pop on pillies, that is it, yeah
Holy moly, holy shit, yeah
Me and all my people are heaven sent, yeah, yup
9this is a strait vibe for Makki) 
I feel like Makki drowns his problems out with meaningless activities. Like smoking or one-night stands. He’d rather drown out his problems then have them in his  face. Or when he’s forced to face them, he’ll deflect until he has nothing else to deflect. Because when you’re high there nothing to worry about! Why stress about meaningless problems when he can be having fun!  
Hajime Iwaizumi
 Endlessly- The Cab
Yeah, your friends may think I'm crazy
Cause they can only see
I'm not perfect, but I swear, I'm perfect for you.
And there's no guarantee
That this will be easy.
It's not a miracle you need, believe me.
Yeah, I'm no angel, I'm just me
But I will love you endlessly.
Iwa knows that he can't be there for you all the time. Physically he tries his best, mentally he can help when he can. But you both know that you're perfect for one another. He just can't help but listen to the people around him sometimes. You deserve the world, but he doesn't know if he can give that to you. 
Kōtarō Bokuto 
Prima Donna- Andrew Lloyd Webber 
Can you bow out when they're shouting your name?
Think of how they all adore you
We’ve all seen how Bokuto gets what he’s praised for literally anything remotely impressive. So that makes him a cannon prima donna! but that also means the lows and really bad mood swings. This song just fits him so well it’s scary.  
Wakatoshi Ushijim
 More- Usher 
If you really want more, scream it out louder,
If you on the floor, bring out the fire,
And light it up, take it up higher,
Gotta push it to the limit, give it more.
This seems kinda obvious, but Ushijima never gives up. Ever since he was a kid, he set a goal for himself and he went beyond what he even set out for. And that comes with a lot of work and training for every new level of volleyball. He’s just going to get better and better until he retires, or is forced to retire. 
Eita Semi
 strawberries and cigarettes- troye sivan
Long nights, daydreams
Sugar and smoke rings, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
Headlights, on me
Racing to 60, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like
Blue eyes, black jeans
Lighters and candy, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
I feel like semi always thinks about how Shirabu replaced him on the starting line-up. But he’s mostly gotten over it, but certain things bring him back into that stage of his life. Then the cycle starts all over again. He constantly looks back on the game against Karasuno and thinks about wat would have happened if he was the setter instead. 
Reon Ōhira
 Remember when- Chris Wallace 
So can we push push push rewind,
Go go back in time,
When we were kids sneaking bottles of wine,
Take take take me back, I wanna go back,
Back to what we had! Do you remember when we started this mess,
My heart was beating out of my chest!,
Remember when we stole your dad's car,
Reon gives me the vibe that his days at Shiratorizawa were some of the best of his life. How can they not be? He made the greatest friends of his life there. And I also feel like he looks back on them a bit more than he wants to admit.
Satori Tendō
 This Side of Paradise- Coyote theory
Are you lonely?
Passion is crashing as we speak
You seem so lonely
You're the ground my feet won't reach
So if you're lonely
Darling you're glowing
If you're lonely come be lonely with me.
I get the vibe that Tendou attaches himself to whatever makes him feel wanted/safe. (ex. volleyball) he knows it isn't healthy, but he can't help it. This does lead to him completely distancing himself from you over and over because he thinks you’ll leave him. 
Hayato Yamagata- House of gold- Twenty one Pilots 
I will make you
Queen of everything you see
I'll put you on the map
I'll cure you of disease (Ooh)
And since we know that dreams are dead
And life turns plans up on their head
I will plan to be a bum
So I just might become someone
Even though we don't see a lot of him, I get the feeling he treats people really well. Like he cherishes people a lot more than some of them deserve. As you can see this leads to some unfair relationships and toxic people. He just wants to hold on until a good person comes along. 
Suguru Daishō
Mr Loverman - Ricky Montgomery 
I'm Mr. Loverman
And I miss my lover, man
I'm Mr. Loverman
Oh, and I miss my lover
I feel like this was way too obvious, but it really is his song. It’s literally cannon, every lyric in this song is what happened with Mika. but in the end he got her back and made his promise  to be a better loverman <3. 
Kazuma Numai
 Nonstop- Drake 
Future took the business and ran it for me
I let Ollie take the owl, told him brand it for me
I get two million a pop and that's standard for me
Like I went blind dog, you gotta hand it to me
He looks and acts like a guy who listens to drake. He just seems like a guy who won't stop or give up even when things take a turn. He’ll just keep fighting until nothing’s left. 
Kōji Hiroo
 At the Wheel- Colorblind 
I need something to wake me up
It's never strong enough
I'm just getting colder and starting over
Going numb is just the way I run from
All my problems when I can't solve them
Need to break away
Escape the way I'm feeling
Hate to be fake, but I'm just dealing
This one doesn't really have a true reason, i really just felt like this was his song.  Sorry just the vibe. 
Shinsuke Kita
 Oh Ms Believer- twenty one pilots 
Oh, Ms. Believer, my pretty sleeper
Your twisted mind is like snow on the road
Your shaking shoulders prove that it's colder
Inside your head than the winter of dead
I will tell you I love you
But the muffs on your ears will cater your fears
My nose and feet are running as we start
To travel through snow
Together we go
I feel like kita is unintentionally cold towards the world, like he wants to open up but can't figure out how. But in turn if you can get him to feel “warmer” (get closer to him) he’ll share everything with you, almost oversharing. Just because he can't help it, he’s kept it all in for so long. Sometimes he just needs someone to hold him and make HIM feel better, because he does it for everyone. If you can manage all of this i feel like he’ll keep you with him forever. 
Ren Ōmimi
 Armor- Landon Austin
I'm not bullet proof when it comes to you
Don't know what to say when you made me the enemy
After the war is won
There's always the next one
I'm not bullet proof when it comes to you
I feel like not a lot of people approach ren because of how intimidating he looks. This has made him weary when people are really enthused to first meet him, because he thinks it’s a joke. After getting over that hurdle i feel like he just isn't an open person so it’ll take a long time to even get to a point where he trusts you. Hence the other wars after the first. 
Aran Ojiro-
 Never really over- Katy perry
Two years, and just like that, my head still takes me back
Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over
Oh, we were such a mess, but wasn't it the best?
Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over
Just because it's over doesn't mean it's really over
And if I think it over, maybe you'll be coming over again
And I'll have to get over you all over again
After all of these years, I really don't think Aran has truly gotten over losing at nationals in third year. And now on the national team he sees Hinata and Kageyama all the time and it takes him back. It makes him re-feel all the emotions he felt after the game. It hurt him to know that he gave his everything and still lost.  Like when he’s in bed he puts himself back into that self loathing phase of his life. 
Michinari Akagi
Try Hard - 5sos
It's obvious she’s so out of reach
And I'm finding it hard 'cause
She makes me feel, makes me feel
Like I try, like I try, like I'm trying too hard
'Cause I'm not being me
And it’s getting me down that
She makes me think, makes me think
That I try, that I try, that I'm trying too hard again
Akagi gives off boy best friend vibes.  But like to EVERYONE, so the person he liked just thought he was making fun of them and he didn't like them back. And i feel like that kinda traumatized him a bit, so when he got a new s/o he tried really really hard to make them special, but the same thing happened. 
i may do some with the second and first years, idk this took so long :)
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moss-lyman · 4 years ago
If you’re taking prompts and are ever in the mood, I’d love some post series j/d + ‘feeling insecure’
Also I’ve just ripped through everything you’ve posted on AO3 and I wanted to say thank you for writing and for doing it for free you’re a goddamn icon 😭
thank you so much for these kind words! it’s crazy to me that people actually read and care about what I write 🥺 the west wing fandom isn’t big by any means, but you guys have really shown me a lot of love and I really appreciate it! 💛
here’s a little bit set post-series. :)
Josh looks over at Donna as their driver takes them home and he nudges her shoulder. “You’re quiet today.” She doesn’t acknowledge him so he nudges her again. “Donna?”
“Hm?” she asks, turning finally to look at him.
“You okay?”
She goes back to staring out the window and sighs. “Yeah, I’m okay. Just a long day.”
Josh frowns. “How’d the meeting with the women’s caucus go?”
She huffs out a laugh, but Josh knows she’s not actually amused. “Well, do you wanna hear about how Helen is a disappointing First Lady or how I’m a worthless chief of staff?”
“What? Who said that to you?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter,” he urges and he grabs her hand to draw her attention away from the window. “It absolutely does matter. Who the hell said that to you?”
Donna stares at their joined hands and moves her thumb errantly over his knuckles. “Maybe they’re right. Maybe Helen was wrong in picking me.”
“No,” he says firmly and moves her chin up so he can see her face. “Don’t talk like that. Those women... they’re mostly conservative which makes them mostly addle minded anyway. They don’t get to set the First Lady’s agenda. You do. And the caucus will be lucky if you give them a heads up first. You know that’s how we run things.”
“But Josh, I’m not established like I should be. Most congresspeople still see me as your assistant. They’re more worried about what you’re doing than what I have to say. It’s just...” She sighs and puts on her brave face. “It’s fine. It was just a long day is all,” she finishes lamely, wanting to drop the conversation completely.
Josh pulls her into his side and rubs her shoulder, putting his mouth right by her ear. “You are capable. You’re smart, you’re savvy, you’re quick on your feet, you’re always calm and insanely organized. You are meant to do this job,” he murmurs, his tone soft, but firm, and she sniffs a little. “I can’t even put into words how proud I am of you. You amaze me. Every single day, Donna. Do not let those awful women demean you. You’re right where you’re supposed to be. I know it.”
Donna sniffs again and plays with a frayed string on his dress shirt. “How are you so sure?”
“What do you mean how am I sure? You were my chief of staff for 7 years.”
“That’s not the same.”
“Isn’t it?” he argues. “I mean, you corralled Congress and you organized everything like you do in Mrs. Santos’ life. You made big plays and took meetings with important people.”
“I didn’t make policy.”
“Donna, you sat on the budget meetings.”
“Which led to a government shut down.”
“Because of the republicans!” he exclaims. “Not because you weren’t adequate. Leo himself believed in you and your capabilities, babe. I mean, I can’t really give you higher validation than that.” She sighs and tucks into him a little more, so he kisses her forehead. “If it means anything... I believe in you, too.”
She takes her head off his shoulder and gives him a small smile, her eyes a little red from holding back frustrated tears. “It does,” she assures quietly.
Josh leans down and gives her a sweet kiss. “You’re doing an incredible job. Don’t let them ruin your hard work.”
“You really think so?”
“Yes,” he murmurs and gives her another kiss before settling her in the crook of his arm. “Take a page from my book and yell a little next time.”
“I’m a refined woman. I don’t yell.”
“You yell at me all the time.”
“I firmly admonish you for leaving your clothes everywhere. I don’t yell.”
“Pretend they’re me then. Don’t sugarcoat anything with Congress. They’re annoying little sycophants. They have no say in how you run the First Lady’s office. You’re the boss.”
Donna sniffs again and let’s out a long exhale as Josh continues to rub her shoulder. She was feeling defeated all day long. Nothing was going right, she got called names, and she’d been feeling like a total failure - ready to throw in the towel completely and give Mrs. Santos her resignation. It’s weird and also insanely wonderful that Josh can make her mood do a total 180. The tension and fear snarling in her stomach has all but dissipated, and she feels ready to go back to work tomorrow.
“When did you get so good at pep talks?”
“I’m a man of the people,” he quips.
“You hate people.”
“Yeah, well, you’re the exception.”
She stares at their linked hands in his lap and wonders what she did to deserve such a sweet man. “Thank you,” she murmurs, getting emotional for a different reason, and he brings their hands to his lips so he can kiss hers. “I couldn’t do this without you.”
He smiles and holds their hands against his chest. “Yes you could,” he assures, completely confident in her capabilities. “But I plan on being there regardless. I love watching you take over the world.”
“I don’t know about that,” she says, sitting up as the driver pulls in front of their building. “I think I’ll just focus on the east wing for now.”
She moves to get out of the car, but he stops her. “Hey,” he murmurs, pulling a little on her hand. She looks back at him and he’s glad to see all signs of distress gone. “I just wanna say that I am... so incredibly beyond proud of you. And I know I don’t tell you enough, but I am.” She tilts her head as her eyes turn glassy, but he holds steady. “I knew after that very first day that you would go places and I just feel very lucky that I get to be the guy behind you who cheers you on.”
She doesn’t get a word out before she surges forward and wraps her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly as more happy tears slip down her cheeks.
“I love you so much,” he whispers after a moment and moves back to rest his forehead against hers, bringing his thumbs up to wipe her tears away, and kissing her on the forehead.
Her laugh comes out a little watery as she leans back from him completely to flip her hair off her shoulder and wipe the mascara runs from her eyes.
“You got me all gross,” she complains and sniffs again, but Josh doesn’t care.
“Come here,” he murmurs and brings her forward to press his lips to hers. He vaguely hears their agents getting antsy as they sit in the car with Donna’s door open, so he keeps it short and sweet. “You’re beautiful. And smart and capable. Dont ever let anyone tell you otherwise, alright? And if they do, just send ‘em my way.”
“Josh,” she admonishes, but her smile is bright as she finally steps out of the car, much to the secret service’s approval, and meets him in front, taking his hand again.
“You know, everyone always says the White House is like the mob. Just say the word, Donna. They’ll never trace it back.”
She laughs outright at that and nudges him with her shoulder. “You’d put a hit out for me?” she asks, lilting her voice to mimick pure adoration. Like he just gave her 100 red roses.
“I would do considerably more than that,” he answers honestly, walking through the main door of their building. “Nothing’s off the table.”
“You’re very sweet,” she says, holding onto his bicep as he leads her up to their apartment. “And a little ridiculous.”
“I’m a man of many talents.”
She hums in agreement and gets in front of him so she can pull him along by his tie. “That you are,” she murmurs, her bad mood completely forgotten as she draws him into the apartment, the front door closing just as she gets his lips on hers. “Show me some more.”
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equestrianheart · 4 years ago
ok, humour me for a minute.
this isn’t a fix it fic, it’s more of a fix it episode synopsis.
if i could write my own silly little perfect ending: it would mostly be the same up until jack defeats chuck in 15x19.
then, amara becomes god. she is benevolent and she’s caring and she’s everything chuck wasn’t. like jack does in the real episode, she closes her eyes and all the people who got dusted come back. à la avengers endgame with clint’s wife, we know because sam’s phone rings, and its a facetime call from eileen. the relief in his voice is unmatched as he answers.
back at the bunker, dean is first in the door and thunders down the steps. he’s almost afraid to hope, but there he is. standing in the middle of the library, is castiel. he looks bashfully at the man he so clearly loves.
“hello, dean.”
15x20. its got a “road so far” segment, god damn it.
it’s a jump five years in the future. it’s 2025, we’re at a house, it seems to be out in the country, under a wide blue sky. they have a barn, which appears to be all set up for a wedding, with white chairs and a flower arch. there is no exposed rebar in this barn.
they come inside to a house bustling with people. the camera pans through the warm home, everyone is hugging each other, all dressed to the nines. bobby. charlie and stevie. jody, alex, donna, claire and kaia. rowena has come up from hell and crowley is also there because idk his mom is the queen of hell and i’ve just decided that in my perfect episode he was resurrected at some point. garth and his family are there. donatello. the GHOSTFACERS are there! becky and her family are there. mrs butters came back from her forest for the occasion! adam is there, since he was killed by chuck and brought back by amara.
the next scene is in one of the bedrooms, and the brothers are both in suits. sam is fixing dean’s bowtie. there’s a closeup of his hand—he has a wedding band on already. it’s not his wedding!? dean looks nervous.
“tell me honestly sam—is it too much? should i change my pocket square? what do you think about these shoes...”
“dean. shut up. you’re freaking out. just breathe.”
the music slows down, all emotional and we get a monologue that i probably can’t come up with now, but sam tells dean all the things he’s done for him, how much he loves him. how hard they’ve fought together to get themselves to this point. how good it is to see dean so happy and in love. they hug. it’s beautiful.
dean leans back and looks at sam.
“my baby brother. I love you so much.”
the next scene, everyone is seated in the barn, ready for the wedding.
amara is revealed to be under the flower arch, ready to officiate, because who better to wed two lovers than god herself?
sam walks dean up the aisle, as an instrumental version of carry on my wayward son is played by a string quartet.
jack walks down the aisle next, and he is clearly the flower girl. he has a flower crown on (humour me) and he’s clumsily throwing flowers all around him. it’s adorable and amazing and kind of hilarious. he sits at the front, next to eileen and sam, who now has their little boy on his lap. jack gives a thumbs up to dean.
everyone turns for the big reveal.
castiel, dressed in the most handsome suit, walks up the aisle.
the music swells and we see dean’s face light up as we have a hundred times before, because he’s never tired of seeing his person. he is teary eyed and humbled and in love. cas reaches the arch.
“hello dean.”
“hi cas.” dean barely whispers.
amara begins, we’re gathered here today to join these two in holy etc etc.
when it comes times for vows, dean’s not always been great with words, and he keeps it short and simple, but it’s clear to anyone how much this means to him.
castiel brings the entire barn to tears with his. something about millennia spent observing humans and he never understood them. he never understood love, or loss, or want. only duty. but pulling one dean winchester out of hell would lead him on a renegade path, to defeat death, the devil and god just to keep loving him.
sam, still weeping, places his son on the ground, gently pushing him towards his uncles, saying “go on, bobby!”
he toddles over with the two rings. dean goes down to his level and takes the rings, giving him a hug. he adores his little nephew. cas puts a loving hand on his head and bobby looks up. cas signs “thank you” to him. cas and dean exchange rings.
“you may now kiss the angel!” amara exclaims.
dean dips cas back and we get the most incredible, passionate kiss. the crowd cheers, (miracle barks), and dean looks at his husband.
“I love you.”
the song ends, and they run out of the barn, hand in hand, showered in confetti by their friends and found family.
the next scene is the first dance, and it’s just got to be “I can’t help falling in love with you”, hasn’t it? they waltz, and the crowd is out of focus in the background. all that matters right now is these two and their love.
dean looks up and the camera follows his eye-line, lingering on one of the barn walls, which has been adorned with pictures of all their friends they’ve lost. the picture of them all at bobby’s house with jo and ellen. pictures from the day they went LARPing with original charlie. a picture of cas and gabriel. the picture of sam, dean and their parents from the bunker.
cas turns and looks too.
“theyre with us, dean.”
more wedding scenes...
castiel throws the bouquet and charlie catches it, looking at stevie and waggling her eyebrows. jack is dancing with little bobby, because they’re both adorable babies. crowley and rowena have some pretty slick moves on the dance floor, because duh. adam hugs his brothers.
dean and cas cut into the cake, which is of course not a cake but a huge PIE!
the last scene is the brothers sitting on the impala bonnet, having a beer together. it’s clearly late in the night, and you can hear the crickets, and the sound of the party dying down in the barn behind them.
dean throws an arm around his brother, pulling him close.
“we did it, sammy. it was you and me against the world, and we did it.”
Fade out
OBVIOUSLY this is a completely naive disney style happily ever after, but let me have my fun god damn it!!!! if i was ever so inclined, i’d fic it. maybe some day!
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