#and don't get me started on temari
nejitenotp · 2 years
Temari and Shikamaru and Sai and Ino are both the definitions of girlboss x malewife, but in slightly different fonts
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justthoughts1310 · 8 months
ShikaTema is the Best Love Story in All of Naruto.
Okay, so Kishimoto and Ikemoto might do better with Boruto. However, as far as Naruto is concerned, ShikaTema is the best love story hands down. Let me explain.
Naruto x Hinata - Naruto spent 19 years either being oblivious to Hinata's existence or thinking she was weird.
Sasuke x Sakura - This relationship was so abusive that it was borderline criminal. I'm glad it's better now. I like Sarada, but Sasuke did not deserve a wife.
Sai x Ino - This is one of the better love stories. They kind of hit it off from the beginning in a lot of ways. However, aside from the light novel, we don't know much about it.
Asuma x Kurenai - Also, one of the better love stories, but we kind of just saw that they were together one day. Then before we know it, Asuma dies before the birth of his daughter.
Minato x Kushina - Another one of the better love stories. However, we were kind of rushed through the love story, because their entire love story was told in the past for obvious reasons.
Obito x Rin - I guess this is a good love story. I mean it almost ended in the destruction of the ENTIRE world, and Rin was in love with Kakashi the entire time, but what can you do? Did Rin and Obito end up together romantically? I have no idea. In death, Obito reverted back to his 13-14 year old self and spent eternity with 13-14 year old Rin. Yes, that's kind of romantic, but let's be honest, they can only be so romantic before it just becomes creepy and inappropriate (assuming the never age).
Now, the big one: Shikamaru x Temari.
I mean one could argue that this love story began with Temari fought Ten Ten. It was the first time Shikamaru noticed Temari. He took one look at her, and said that she had already beat Ten Ten. Naruto asked Shikamaru how he knew that, and Shikamaru said that he would not tell Naruto if Naruto couldn't figure it out himself.
Shikamaru vs Temari is the first time that Temari noticed Shikamaru, and she was utterly unimpressed with him until the very end of the fight when she realized that she was about 2 seconds for losing if Shikamaru had larger chakra reserves. From that point on, Shikamaru was never far from her mind.
Fast forward, these two lovely characters don't see each other again until Temari has to save Shikamaru from Tayuya. Shikamaru underestimates Temari's abilities, and Temari effortless kills Tayuya with her wind scythe jutsu. After seeing this, Shikamaru compares Temari to his mother.
This is important, because earlier, Shikamaru had asked his father why he married his mother, and Shikamaru's dad was basically like, "A good woman can change you."
Aside from a broken finger, Shikamaru visits the hospital to see how his severely injured friends are doing. Temari scolds him for being too emotional, because it seems as though Shikamaru is about to give up.
Shikamaru's like, "I don't need all this smoke." He gets up to leave, and his father is basically like, "You coward, are you going to let this woman talk to you crazy and all your comrades die in the future."
Shikamaru starts crying and this is the first time we see Temari show genuine concern and empathy for Shikamaru.
The next episode, I believe, Shikamaru is the one to see Temari and her brothers off from the Leaf Village as they head back to the sand.
Now, I'm going to fast forward to Shippuden. Yes, there's a filler arc in which Shikamaru saves Temari from another wind user. Upon returning to the Leaf, I believe Temari helps Shikamaru in the ninja academy with the students, and Shikamaru sees off the Sand Sibling again. You get the point.
Moving onto Shippuden, the first time we see Shikamaru in the village, we see him with Temari. Naruto keenly asks if the two of them are dating. Both Shikamaru and Temari think the assertion is hilarious, but it's actually pretty accurate.
Why, because without going through an entire play by play of every time Shikamaru and Temari were together in Shippuden, I will say this. If there's a Naruto episode with Temari in it, there's about an 80-90% that Shikamaru will be in that episode too, and that he will interact with Temari in some way.
For example, the war arc episode in which Konohamaru challenged Temari to a fight. Shikamaru did not need to be in that episode. Yet, Moegi and Udon went and found Shikamaru, so that Shikamaru could break up the fight. That was when Shikamaru said how scary Temari actually was.
There's even a shot little bonus video in which Shikamaru said, "What if it was Shikamaru Shippuden instead of Naruto Shippuden?" The an opening screen appears on the screen, and there's a silhouette of Shikamaru and Temari on the opening screen.
Temari is a long distance combat specialist. I feel that Shikamaru is mid-distance at best, but yet, both of them were in the same exact campaign during the war, and where was Temari? She was standing right next to Shikamaru.
When Shikamaru got caught up in the infinite genjustu, he dreamt of Temari by his side as they mutually agreed that marriage sucks.
My point is, as I skip a ton of points, Kishimoto had built up a relationship between these two characters for nearly 20 years. Mind you, that these characters DO NOT live in the same village. Temari has very little screen time. She has so little screen time, that she has a new outfit dang near every other time that we see her. However, the majority of the screen time she does have is with Shikamaru. The relationship between these two was set long before the light novels from Shikamaru were even considered.
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obitos-whore · 5 months
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I'm so stinkin' happy about the Temari one. My wifey's gonna come home to me. <33
And just look at how adorable Kid!Obito, Rin and Shisui are!! And don't get me started on the Kakashi vs Obito one. (Shisui is an Amazon Glow in the dark Exclusive btw.)
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sickflowerbed · 8 months
One thing I hate about Naruto is that Kishimoto wasted so much potential for Sakura, Team Gai, Hyūga clan, Kurenai, Shino, and so many others.
For me, Sakura is the most wasted because she's one of the main characters, yet it didn't seem that way. Compare Sakura and the other mains. She is more like a side character who's a fan favorite like Shikamaru, expect a lot people hate her.
It makes sense to not like Sakura in the beginning. That's what character development is for. Sakura was supposed to go from boy-crazy to the strong independent heroine, and if you read the manga, it does feel that way but, in the end, she ends up with Sasuke now, that would be a problem if she didn't immediately forgive him, she was the one who told Naruto to stop seeking Sasuke because she could tell, that it was pointless and the damage is evident. Kishimoto himself said he regretted Sakura's character, failed, and said that even if he expanded on her it wouldn't raise her popularity. It was too late the damage was done. Kishimoto knew Sakura wasn't popular yet chose moments for Sakura that needed understanding of her badly written character.
All of the team members of Gai had so much potential, Gai & Lee being the best Taijutsu users, Neji being the genius of the Hyūga clan, and Tenten even though we don't see her a lot, in the manga, we don't see the fight between her and Temari, but we see a few scratches on Temari. Of course, we didn't see the official fight, and Tenten still got folded, but it's the thought that counts. It's a shame we never got to see her get better. She could have used her chakra and infused it with her weapons like Asuma does. We never got to see them fight after the Kazekage Ark, and we never saw them fight as a team, a beautiful dysfunctional team.
The Hyūga clan at the start was shown was the strongest clan, and we learned a lot about the clan during the chūnin exams. With the Hyūga clan, I see the loss of potential with using about them. Personally, I'm fine with Hyūga clan being put in the sidelines for the Uchiha clan to shine. But we only had two main characters from Hyūga clan, Hinata, and Neji. Compared to the Uchiha clan, we don't see any other characters aside from fillers. I just wished we got to learn more about the Hyūga clan and their connection to the Ōtsutsuki clan, which we only saw during the last movie.
I always feel bad for Kurenai because she was done dirty. We were told she was one of the greatest genjutsu users, and the only time we see her fight is against the greatest genjutsu user, Itachi Uchiha. Of course, she gonna lose against him, and that's the one time we see her fight apart from fillers. Then she ends up pregnant and boom she's nothing but a mother, which is fine. Most of the mothers in anime are dead, but we are told that Kurenai is a genjutsu specialist and we never got a chance to see that canonically.
Shino has shown potential in the fights we have seen him in, but we never went into depth into Shino how he uses his bugs and gets better at using them. Apparently, the Aburame clan can identify and counter genjutsu because their kikaichū don't have the brain structures for it. I mean it's a shame we didn't see especially since the show later was centered around the Uchiha clan.
Overall, the reason many characters got left out of the series or ignored was that Kishimoto focused everything on Naruto, Sasuke, and popular characters due to the fans.
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13as07 · 9 months
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Desert Lily #1
(Kankuro Sabaku)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to unknown]
Requested by: Myself
[Idea (somewhat) inspired by the imagine above]
Y/N: Your Name
Word Count: 4,123
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Definitely going to do a part #2 and #3 cause I like this story line
     I hum softly to myself as I walk through the empty hallways of the Hokage mansion. I'm not a fan of the place. The muniment gives me the creeps; as do its residents.
Well, just Lord Fifth. The way he slithers around the huge place, appearing where he pleases when he pleases. Given it is rightfully his home and always has been. Nepo-baby at its finest. Though I shouldn't be so harsh. Temari and Kankuro hold high standings in the village because of their father right alongside our Hokage.
I should take it as an honor that our Lord welcomes me into his home, even if it doesn't seem he does it willingly.
As if Kankuro's emotionally underdeveloped brother could hear my thoughts, a door swings open with the Sand's Kage walking out of it. He's wrapped up in his official robes, the Kage hat coating his face heavily from the oversizing. A big hat for a big-headed Hokage. I smile a bit at that. I’m really mean, perhaps I should be nice to my village's leader. Or at the very least, be nice to the little brother of the man courting me.
"Lord Fifth," I mumble, bowing my head down. If my thoughts can't be nice, my body language can be.
"Do not bow to me," he huffs, my eyes catching a glimpse of the end of his robes as he walks toward me.
"I didn't know you didn't appreciate respect," I mumble, snapping my head back up. I shouldn't have said that. My big mouth always getting in the way.
Gaara tilts his head some, a sliver of confusion in his eyes as he looks at me. "I appreciate the respect given to me by all my civilians," he answers, tipping his hat back. It doesn't stay though, slipping right back down to coat his eyes.
What a humorous little guy. I know very little about Kankura's childhood and even less about the childhood of his siblings. From the offhand comments and whispers around the village, it was not very pleasant, much less the luxurious one you'd expect for the princes and princess of our village. Even if only a fraction of the rumors are true, it would explain a lot.
     "Is that so?" I ask, a bit of a smile pulling at the corners of my mouth.
     "Yes," he answers shortly, turning on his heels and walking away. "Walk with me?" Gaara asks though it's more of a statement than a question. I obey, making quick steps so I can fall in pace with him. "What are your thoughts on sapphires?"
     "Sapphires?" I ask, glancing at the young leader of our village. He's looking back at me, the paleness of his eyes catching me off guard a bit. I snap my eyes away, focusing on the hallway ahead of us.
     "Yes," he answers shortly, eyes still burning into me.
     "They're nice... I think."
     "You think?" Gaara asks, stopping his movements.
     I stop too, turning my attention back to the scary kid standing next to me. Our Lord is the same age as me, but despite that, he still has quite the baby face. "I've never seen one so I don't know."
     He rolls my words over for a while, still looking at me as he does so. Our Lord's eyes are pretty despite their pale coloring of them. They remind me of Kankuro's, though Ro's are brighter than his brother's.
     "Well," he starts, head tilted in confusion again. "A lady of your standing should know what a sapphire is."
     "My Lord, I do not have any standing in the village. I'm not even on the waitlist to be considered for any standing. Perhaps you are mixing up my bloodline," I answer in a bit of a ramble.
     Does my Lord not know who I am? I mean, I would understand since our village is quite large but his brother is courting me. Am I not the only woman Kankuro is courting? Maybe both of them were misled about my family. Is Kankuro going to stop courting me when this misunderstanding is cleared up?
     "Of course, you have standing in the village. Quite a high standing, might I add," Gaara says, starting up his paces again.
     I follow after him, face scrunched up with confusion. Did he not hear me? Maybe he just doesn't believe me. What has Ro told his brother about me? Is he ashamed of courting the daughter of a nightshade farmer?
     "My Lord-" I try again, but get cut off.
     My voice catches in my throat, causing a small squeak to come out instead. "Gaara," I say quietly before continuing my sentence. "I don't think you understand-"
     Once again, I get cut off. "I am aware of your bloodline. I am also aware of my bloodline. The same bloodline my brother shares. Even without my... egotistical brother, your family is quite useful to our village. After all, I don't know a single shinobi within the gates of the village that hasn't used nightshade after an injury."
     Oh. Maybe he's not confused. "I still don't fully follow, my Lord."
     "Gaara," he corrects again, causing the warmth of embarrassment to start crawling up my neck. "You shall eventually. I may not understand my brother but I am aware of his title, the title you'll inherit."
     "I don't-"
     "I must go. The meeting break will be ending soon. I shall see you soon I assume, Princess?" With that Gaara knocks on the door next to us before nodding at me. Before I can get another word in, he turns on his heels and starts walking back down the corridor.
     My head is spinning as I look after him. What title am I going to inherit from Kankuro? How would I even inherit anything from him? Why was the Lord asking me about sapphires? Why would he want to walk with me? Why did he call me Princess? There's no way he meant it as a pet name, he doesn't even know what sarcasm is! Why would he want me to call him-
     "Y/N?" A voice calls, cutting off my thoughts. I'm getting annoyed with getting cut off. Do people have no respect?
     It takes a second but I do end up processing it as Ro's voice. "Ro," I call, turning in the direction of his voice. Even more confusion rolls around my head as I look at him. "You're... where's... goodbye," I stumble over my words for a second before closing the door, separating me from a makeup-less Kankuro.
     My suitor hasn't kept his features hidden from me. He's taken his hood and forehead protection off around me before, showing his brown locks and his face better. I've even played with his hair before, usually picking out sand specks after a mission or training exercise. I've held his face so many times that I have the layout memorized and almost permanent purple ink on my fingertips from his makeup.
     I've never seen Ro without his makeup though. He's very handsome with and without it on. I just wasn't prepared to see his bare face after the confusion dump his brother left me in.
     I feel like this is a big step in our relationship... right? I mean, he's never seen me without makeup either. If Kankuro saw me without makeup I'd consider it a big step. Does he expect to see my bare face now too? Is he upset I saw him without his face paint on? Is he going to be mad? Maybe I should apologize. Maybe I should just go home.
     A knock on the door cuts me out of my thoughts again. It causes more confusion to swirl around my head. The confusion is quickly racing towards upset territory. A second and third knock echo through the hallway, not helping the headache that has started to form from my overthinking. A fourth, fifth, and sixth knock comes before I decide to open the door again.
     "Hello my Desert Lily," Ro says, a smile on his still bare face. His head is titled in confusion, the same way Lord Fifth's was a few minutes ago. The confusion has reached his soft eyes, concern mixing with it. "Are you alright?"
"I'm... my..." I puff out my checks, trying to get words to form as I focus on Ro's face. I like him without his face paint. Don't get me wrong, he looks good in it, but his face is so handsome without it.
"My little Lily," he mumbles, hands reaching out to cup my face. The roughness of his skin brings me some comfort and helps me sort my thoughts a little easier. "What is on your mind?"
"You're not... you don't have your face paint on," I answer, sucking my cheek in so I can nibble on it.
My eyes end up settling on Ro's mouth, memories of our first kiss swirling around my head. It happened a couple of days ago. It was sweet but short. I didn't want it to be that short, and I wanted it to happen again but it didn't. The Lord ended up needing him for something, so I didn't get what I wanted.
"Do you not like it?" He asks, his words slow and careful as they fill the air. His tone is filled with worry, also evident from his scrunched-up face.
"If you don't like it I'll go put some on. I don't mind," Kankuro rushes out, eyes blinking quickly as he scans my face.
"You just... look handsome," I answer, tilting my head in worry. "Ro? Do you... you know you don't have to change your appearance for me right?"
"Ya, of course, I know that," he rushes out, his breath a little huffy as he drops his hold on my face. "It would be, so lame if I... yes, I know that." I tuck his reaction away for later. I have the feeling if I push the subject it'll end up with us talking in circles. "So... um was the whole 'goodbye' thing just because of this?" He asks, circling his face a couple of times.
"No, your brother has me doing mental laps."
"Oh great, what did Gaara do now?" Ro asks, taking hold of my hand and gently tugging me into his room.
This is another first. I've never been in his room before. It's how I expected it to look. Tools and puppet parts are littered all over the room. There's less mess than there is in his workshop, but still very much a puppet-making space. His bed is one of those huge fancy beds with the currents you can pull around it. There's a small couch pushed across from a TV, the coffee table in front of it covered in different scrolls and paper. The wood-shaving-covered desk in the corner looks the same as the coffee table. Two single doors are stamped into one of the walls, but both are closed so I don't know what's passed them.
"My Lily?" Kankuro calls, pulling my attention from my surroundings to himself again.
"He just... said a lot of confusing things."
"Like what?" He asks, gently herding me towards his bed. I do as he wants, heading towards the bed before sitting on the edge of it, the footboard gently digging into my thighs.
     "He asked me about sapphires," I answer, scanning over the room again. My focus is mostly on the puppet parts. Kankuro's art always interests me; all the different colors and how the parts are put together.
     "He asked you about what?" Ro asks, voice chipped and sharp with anger as he asks his question.
     "About sapphires," I repeat carefully, tearing my eyes away from a half-made spider-looking puppet. Ro's chest is pumping fast, eyes wide but I'm not sure why. His voice seemed angry but his eyes seem fearful. "Why are you upset?"
     "I'm not upset. I'm fine. What... exactly did he ask?"
     "Just my thoughts on them," I answer, trying to keep my voice calm in light in hopes it'll run off on my suitor.
     "Okay, okay, okay," Kankuro mumbles to himself, pacing around the room. A piece of wood catches his eye, turning his panicked attention toward it. I watch as he toys with it, his eyes scanning the room for something. "What are your thoughts on them?" He asks, words broken up as he walks toward whatever he is searching for. It's a pencil.
     I watch as he sketches soft lines into the wood, my eyes locking in his fingers that flex and relax against his work. "Haven't seen one so I don't have any thoughts on them."
     Silence falls between us, giving me time to look over his half-worked art pieces again. When the board digging into my thighs becomes too much I decide to shove my shoes off and settle into the bed better.
     Once I'm comfortable lying on my back with my knees propped up, Ro peeps up again. "Is that all you two talked about?" His words are careful again, attention on me as he scans my face. His face is the shallow 'trying to stay cool' look he does when we run into shinobis around the village. I don't know how to take that.
     "No, we talked about some other things too."
     "Like what?" Kankuro's sentence falls out so quickly that it almost overlaps the end of my own. Is he mad I talked with his brother? Is that why he's trying so hard to keep her cool?
     "He seemed a little upset when I bowed," I murmur, doing my own scanning for a reaction. I've seen Ro mad before and it's pretty scary. Would he lose his temper with me? I'd be lying if I said the knowledge of what Kankuro can do didn't scare me. He is a puppeteer after all, which makes it pretty easy to control others, especially those that aren't trained as shunobis, like me.
     His face softens, concern breaking the mask he tried to hide behind. "What do you mean by upset?"
     "Lord Fifth was just a little snippy about me bowing to him. Well, I wouldn't say snippy. He was pretty relaxed about it and about me calling him Lord instead of Gaara."
     Kankuro's mask is back up for a second before a huge smile covers his face. "My brother asked you to call him by his name?" I nod my head, yes, sending him a small smile back. "That's... chill," he murmurs, turning his attention back to his wood chunk.
     My sand prince is a really happy person, but other than his normal 'happy-go-lucky' attitude he won't show his other emotions very much or for very long. I've accepted that if we do plan to start a relationship it'll take some time to build enough trust for Ro to be more open about himself and his feelings.
     Once again silence falls between us, but this time Kankuro moves closer to me. He sits down on the edge of the bed, his back to me as he focuses on his handy work. I take the time to admire the soft outline of his shoulder muscles. Puppeteering works out your arms a lot and it has done Ro some favors.
     Before I can stop myself I reach my hand out, letting my fingertips feather over his shoulder muscles. Ro tenses under my touch but slowly starts to relax as my hand dances over his clothing. "I want to talk to you about something," I whisper, sliding myself closer so both hands can rub on him.
     The pencil scratches that were filling the space stop, but nothing else ends up filling the space. "So, the main thing your brother and me talked about was social standings."
     "Gaara can be a little... unaware of what he says sometimes. Whatever he said probably just came out wrong."
     "I don't know about that. He seemed pretty set on what he said," I mumble as I sit up. I shift myself around again, sitting on my knees. I make sure to keep plenty of space between us, causing my arms to stay stretched out. I start massaging Ro's shoulders instead of my light touches. I can tell he needs it from all the knots tightened up under his skin.
     "What did he say?" Kankuro says, a soft groan following his words.
     My heart flips at the sound as thoughts of our kiss fill my head again. I can feel the heat crawling across my face as the thought of asking for another - deeper - kiss keeps repeating in my head.
     "Gaara said I have 'high social standing' and when I tried to correct him he kept insisting I did. He also mentioned something about title inheritance which I don't understand at all. Plus your brother called me 'Princess' and I'm pretty sure it has to do with all that cause I don't think your brother understands pet names," the words come out in a word dump, my attempt to shove the words out before my overthinking gets to me.
     Ro's head tips back to look at me, eyelashes flutter on overtime as he rapidly blinks at me. I stare back at him, my eyes blinking a lot slower than his. "My desert Lily," he says, his words warm as they collide with my ears. The warmth continues to fill me up, making me feel like actual lilies are blooming in my chest.
     "Ya?" I call back, my eyes settling on his lips again. I want another kiss. I let myself scoot closer, my hands dipping down to his chest as I move.
     "You are aware of my siblings and my titles, ya?" He asks, eyes drooping over my face slowly. Kankuro's hands slide up, tangling themselves with mine, the wooden project completely forgotten.
     I hum a yes, dipping my head down lower. The space between us is thin, so thin that only a sheet of paper could slip through. My mind races from our position. Should I kiss him? Should I wait for him to kiss me? Am I too close to him? Am I not close enough?
     "Uh... with... our father being the last Kage, my siblings and I still hold titles of... um, princess and prince, which passes down to our life partners and kids." Ro's words come out broken again, his head tilting to take up more of the small space between us. His lips are so close to mine that I can almost feel them against me.
     "Oh," I breathe out before fluttering my eyes closed. I need him to kiss me, I need him to do it now before my thoughts pull me back.
     The bedsheets ruffle as Kankuro shifts again, his lips feathery light against mine. "There are customs that come with that though. Approval from the family Kage, family jewelry being gifted, and a dumb long list of all the other customs."
     I can feel a desperate whine clawing up my throat from the teasing butterfly touches. "Kankuro," I whisper, a hum being sent back as an answer. I huff a little, coating his face in warm air.
     I can feel the smile curling on his lips, which only makes the stifled whine even harder to hold down. More shifting fills my ears before the feeling of Ro's fingertips ghost over my neck. Shivers are chased by sparks that rash from his small touches. "I can't read your mind. Tell me what you want, my beautiful flower."
     By the last syllable, my whine had won. The long soft mewl gets me what I want. Ro's hand slides around my neck, his palm barely against my neck, fingertips slightly denting my skin as he holds me still. His lips are finally pressed against my own, his mouth catching my noise before it's finished. Our lips dance against each other for a while, lungs screaming for air, and more sparks filling me up and sinking to my stomach.
     When Kankuro pulls away another whine spills out, getting me sparkling eyes and a soft chuckle from my suitor. My nails dig gently into his chest as I attempt to pull him back to my lips. Once again I'm given what I want, a string of soft short kisses.
     Sadly my kisses are cut off from a knock at the door. "I'm sorry," Ro mumbles, peppering a few more kisses to my lips before letting me go. I can feel the deep pout on my face as I watch him get up and walk over to the door.
     He smiles at me softly, eyes soft and so full of admiration as he looks at me. "Absolutely gorgeous," Kankuro murmurs before turning his attention away from me.
     I flap back on the bed, the tension slowly creeping out of me from the lack of Ro being wrapped up in my space. I watch as he opens the door, cracking it enough to fit himself in the open space but closed enough that I'm not seen. Is he ashamed of me being in his room? Or is he just worked up from our make-out session? Maybe it's part of the customs he was talking about? Is me being in his room against those customs?
     The voice on the other side of the door is hushed enough that I can't make out the words but loud enough that I recognize it as Temari. "I know," Kankuro whines, slumping against the door frame.
     Another hushed whispering before "No, she's not in here, that would be like so against the rules."
     This round of mumbles is harsher, Temari's anger making her voice raise a bit. "I know!" Ro whines again, a groan following his words. It's not the relaxed happy groan from earlier though, this one is a pissy groan. "Ya, ya, ya. Give me a couple of minutes," he answers again before slamming the door shut. The frame creeks against the tension before falling silent again.
     Once the door is shut Kankuro races back to the bed. His hand is instantly back in place, gently wrapped back around my neck, the other pinning my wrists down as he hovers over me. I can feel every inch of him pressed against me, securing my spot on the mattress.
     He wastes no time, lips back against mine. Ro is a lot rougher this time; hand tighter on my skin, lips doing all they can to bruise mine, body pinning me in place. Kankuro's hunger is evident from the way he devours me, only pulling back long enough to suck in a quick breath before going back to my mouth.
     "I'm sorry," he races out once he's gotten his fill. Ro's hands stay in place but are back to the light touches from before. He picks himself off of me a bit, giving me room to move around again. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have... I am so sorry, my little lily." More apologies fall from my suitor, each one chased by little kisses on any skin Ro can get to. His hand shifts as he jumps between my neck and my face.
     "I'm sorry."
     "I shouldn't have - I'm sorry. I really should have - I'm sorry," I can feel the waves of panic ripping off of him, his kisses getting desperate as if he can kiss the experience off my skin.
     "Kankuro," I call again, wiggling my wrists in his hold.
     His hands drop off of me and shift to lifting himself off of me, leaving him in a push-up-like form. "I'm sorry," he says for the hundredth time.
     "Why are you sorry?" I murmur, lifting my hands to cup his face.
     Ro's head tilts, gentle kisses being pressed against my fingers. "I shouldn't have been so rough without asking," he whispers as if the words will click my reaction in the other direction.
     "Kankuro," I call out smoothly, letting my fingertips slide against his lips as he presses more kisses into me. "It's okay, you're fine, I'm fine. Just give a little bit of a warning next time, okay?"
     "Okay. Okay, I will, I swear, okay," he murmurs more to himself than me. It hurts a bit seeing how panicked he is. Maybe Kankuro fears what he can do to me more than I fear it myself. I think in our next meeting I should start poking at his life before me. There has to be a reason Ro fears himself so much. "I'm sorry," he says again, soft kisses tracing up my arm.
     "It's okay," I answer again, softly playing with the ends of his hair. Perhaps my suitor’s walls aren't as high as I thought they were.
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ghoultyrant · 2 months
Anime Sakura vs Manga Sakura
I first got into Naruto the way a lot of English-language fans very clearly did: by virtue of the anime starting to run in my region. More specifically, I got into it partway through the first Toonami airing of the Wave Country Arc -which, for those who don't know (or don't remember), lead to the anime looping back to the beginning as soon as that arc concluded while localization worked on getting the following episodes localized.
I was sufficiently hooked that this wasn't really enough for me, particularly once the anime got back to the episodes I'd already seen, so I checked out fanfic, became aware the series' original form was a manga, and started reading that. This confluence of events resulted in me becoming aware of something I suspect a lot of fans never notice:
That the anime actually changes a lot of early scenes.
Some of this is actually quite appreciated. For example, in the manga Naruto's classmates don't exist in the first chapter: Sakura and Sasuke don't exist until it's time for team assignments in the second chapter, and the rest of Naruto's classmates don't exist until they show up in the Chunin Exams -this is why Naruto breaks the fourth wall and gives an intro for each of them when they show up there, even in the anime where we actually saw them all in the very first episode. The anime adding them in to the beginning is nice!
By a similar token, the manga actually skips the fight between Tenten and Temari, so jarringly I actually had to double-check and make sure I wasn't missing a chapter somehow; the anime giving us the actual fight in detail is also appreciated!
Other changes are sort of random-feeling if you're not familiar with the tendency for anime adaptations to overtake the manga they're rendering in animated form, but understandable if you are familiar with this point: for example, there's an entire episode dedicated to Naruto having a Wacky Adventure in trying to get to the Chunin Exams' final stage on time, involving silliness like running from an entire stampede, which... has no relevancy to the larger plot because it's an anime-only filler episode to stall for time, not based on anything from the manga.
And then there's how Sakura gets changed.
This is kind of weird to describe, because the anime doesn't cut anything or completely rewrite any scenes: it only ever adds bits. The problem is, the bits that are added are... problematic. Consistently, up until about her Chunin Exam fight scenes. But since it is only addition, I'm going to start from just describing Manga Sakura, then explain the changes.
In the manga, Sakura starts essentially exactly as she does in the anime; she doesn't like Naruto, she's pursuing Sasuke... the only 'difference' is that of course Ino doesn't exist until the Chunin Exams and so the whole Ino/Sakura rivalry thing doesn't come up.
However, in short order Sakura starts changing her mind about Naruto; she attempts to confess to Sasuke, it doesn't work out, and she finds the rejection a fairly unpleasant experience and then connects this pretty immediately to her own rather harsh rejections of Naruto's requests for dates and resolves to not be such a jerk to him in future.
And she does in fact stick to that for... at least everything I read. (I've yet to get fully through the Shinobi World War Arc, so I suppose it's possible she goes back on her word somewhere past there)
This is how Manga Sakura goes overall; she starts as a bit of a shallow, thoughtlessly cruel person who isn't really taking this whole 'life and death battles as a ninja' thing adequately seriously, but tends to be quick to engage in introspection, resolve to change such behaviors, and then stick out this resolution; the Sakura we see in the Chunin Exams is something of a culmination of how Sakura has been progressing this whole time.
Anime Sakura still has these moments, but... they get undercut. The date thing is the bit I still vividly remember: Anime Sakura makes her resolution to not be so cruel to Naruto-
-and Naruto immediately shows up, asks for a date, and Sakura punches him out and goes 'never mind' about her resolution.
There's a lot of moments like this with Anime Sakura: 15-45 seconds of content added to otherwise-faithful-to-the-manga scenes where said added content is 'comedy' moments that horribly undercut Sakura's character development. Taken seriously, they make her into an incredibly unpleasant person who intentionally rejects opportunities to become less unpleasant; it's little wonder that so many of the fanfics I saw in the early days really did not like Sakura.
Once the Chunin Exam starts these added bits of unpleasantness stop occurring, but after so long seeing Anime Sakura do things like make resolutions and immediately break them, I imagine lots of viewers found Sakura's Big Resolutions and Major Character Development difficult to take as intended; if I'd not read the manga, I know I would've been expecting these moments to not really stick.
The whole thing is particularly frustrating for how easy it is to overlook; if I'd not been experiencing the manga and anime near-simultaneously, I never would have realized these quick bits of character assassination were anime-only additions. And if you go look at a wiki or the like, you're not going to trivially learn this info, unlike how basically everyone knows that the Anime Filler Arcs are, in fact, the Anime Filler Arcs.
So I've long suspected lots of people are unaware that Sakura comes across very differently in the early anime vs the early manga.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 6 months
Can I ask, if you have top favorite romantic couples (can be canon or non canon) of all time from any media? Why love them? Thx :D
... now this, took a minute to answer in some ways. There a lot of ships I like, so this was really easy and hard to answer at the same time. Some ships it was an immediate yep yep and others I had to go '... but is it a fav of all time, though?" But I think I got it narrowed down.
So here we go, fav ships of all time from any media, no particular order. I didn't get any specific no. to do so I'll just list a handful until I can't think of any others. (Anyone who comes across this that sees a ship on here you don't like and feels the need to say something about it, stay in your lane this ain't about your opinions it's about mine.)
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The main FMA ships
Arakawa Hiromu, nigga, you cooked. Imma just put the FMA ships as one and leave it there because if I do it separately, we'll be here all day. But if you wanna see me diving into why I like these ships in a manic ramble, here's a post I made on that here. The romance in FMA is literally a category and a discussion all on its own that I can go about on for hours. FMA has the best romances in shounen so anyone who has consumed FMA will know what I'm talking about. Like, whenever anyone tries to use a manga being 'shounen' to justify shitty romantic writing, I point at FMA's brilliant riding. An animanga's demographic is not an excuse for terrible executions in romance. EdWin, RoyAi, LingFan, AlMei and all the side ships drank and left no molecules.
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Toxic shippers, again, stay in your lane, I don't feel like dealing with y'all any day. I have been shipping this shit for years, always have, always will. Ignore the fact I ship Sakura with literally everyone from the Akatsuki to Hinata to Sai to Shikamaru. (Y'all I used to look up Kisame/Sakura fics, unironically TAT). (Same for Naruto honestly, I've shipped him with Sasuke, Ino, Temari, Tenten, the list goes on and on.) The way Sakura goes from finding Naruto annoying to almost dying multiple times to keep him safe, I will never EVER be over that. Naruto's love going from puppy to something as passionately red as the thread of fate itself. The MinaKushi parallels. I have a lot (and I mean a lot) of ships in Naruto pertaining to these two, but NaruSaku is my absolute favorite. Like it was literally confirmed that Sakura got over Sasuke and then it got retconned for some bullshit. Saying it with my whole chest, argue with a wall, it should have been them. I won't dog any other ships, but yeah, it should have been them. 699 chapters of Naruto being in love with one woman, I sing the praises everyday.
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Hinata's prince charming is literally Sakura. I have a whole ass fic I am slowly, painstakingly writing about what Naruto would have been like if Hinata had a crush on Sakura the whole time. I just think they're really cute together, have amazing chemistry and balance each other out. I didn't expect to like SakuHina as much as I did but here we are.
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I mentioned it before in another answered ask but Fruits Basket was my first manga (if you're curious what my first anime was, it was Yu Yu Hakusho) and Kyoru was probably my first OTP. There are two characters I think upon so many rewatches and rereads that were prime game for who Kyo and Tohru could have ended up with had things been different (which, I do really ship as well. Multishipper here guys) but I'm not mad about the endgames that we got. From start to finish, Kyo and Tohru's relationship is beautiful and you can feel how strongly they feel for one another. It's like, wow, Takaya really gave us one of the best ships in shoujo and didn't even apologize for it.
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Red + Blue = True. They had chemistry, supplemented for what the other lacked and we really don't need to have me diving into the bs that was VLD. That show wasn't even out long, my god, it was a mess.
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Should I explain to you the romanticism of Hydro x Hydro? Oof how I love them. A Genshin ship after my own heart, truly. But if anyone is trying to against MiHoyoverse (I was here from the Mihoyo days, leave me alone) in terms of seeing who ships NeuviFuri more, we all lose. They literally paid people to do an ice dancing program in NeuviFuri cosplay, paid a guy to make a companion piece to Furina's song from Neuvillette's perspective and several other animations concerning their relationship in some way. But the Mihoyoverse shenanigans aside, it's the build up of 400+ years of working together, the care they still have for one another and yes the complementary abilities and color palettes. Not enough time in the day to talk about them, I don't think.
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Almost thought I wouldn't have a gif for them, then I remembered THEY GOT A MOVIE. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe is one of my favorite books in the world. I have reread it once a year religiously since 2017 when I first discovered it. This is such a beautiful novel and relationship and if you haven't had the pleasure of reading it or the sequel, please do yourself a favor and buy it or rent it from your local library. It's just, the way Ari has been in love with Dante for so long and didn't even realize it but it's so, so clear to the reader because of just how he talks and describes him? I don't even want to go to deep into this one just in case there's someone here that hasn't read this book because it deserves to be read and experienced blind. Just, just please y'all read it.
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geekthefreakout · 4 months
The GaaNaru Letters (part 2 of ?)
AN: Here's some more letters. I don't know how much more I will write, or how much actual romance I will get to. This is still early on.
Dear Gaara,
Sorry I'm sending this with a toad which is weird but I'm in a hurry and this is important. Have you ever heard of the Akatsuki? Don't tell anyone I asked. But this is important
Naruto U
Uzumaki Naruto,
I have never heard of this "Akatsuki." I have told no one. Your toad does not like me. What is happening?
Sincerely, Gaara of the Desert
Uzumaki Naruto,
Temari says the more appropriate question is "Are you alright?"
I still have not told anyone your question.
Sincerely, Gaara of the Desert
Dear Gaara,
Sorry for the delay. There's a lot I'm not supposed to say. I'm okay, though, thanks for asking. Sorry if I worried you.
I'm going to tell you what Akatsuki is. Don't tell Tell who you need to for safety. But not how you heard about it. It's a secret, but you should know this one. Akatsuki is a group of weird guys, and they're after kids like us. Kids with monsters. Two of them found me while I was traveling with Pervy Sage, but him and Bushier Brows Sensei got rid of them. Now Sasuke is hurt, though, so it's even more important that we find the next Hokage. The lady Pervy Sage is thinking of is supposed to be a great medical ninja or something. She can help Sasuke and Bushy Brows.
Anyways, just watch yourself. Especially if you see weird guys with bad fashion sense and a thing for red clouds.
You were right, mine is Kyuubi. I didn't know until right before I became a genin. The Third didn't want it to be known by the younger kids, so only the adults knew. They hated me, but I never knew why. Then I did know why, and some stuff started to make sense. It doesn't really matter, because I'm going to keep working hard so that everyone sees me for me and acknowledges me! That's why I'm going to become Hokage.
You said your sister told you what to ask- does that mean you're on better terms? You didn't actually let them beat you up, did you?
You said a lot of other stuff in your letter that I want to talk to you about, but I don't have time now. Pervy Sage and I are setting out again, as soon as he gets back from "gathering information" at the onsen. Why are so many of the teachers I end up with perverts?
Sincerely, Uzumaki Naruto
Uzumaki Naruto,
Thank you for this information. I do not think it is likely that this Akatsuki will be a threat to me- unlike you, my defense is automatic. However, my time in the Hidden Leaf Village showed me that even my defenses are not perfect, so I will be vigilant. In a few days, I will tell Baki that I overheard a rumor about the Akatsuki and wished to report it to him.
Why do they want us?
Do not answer that. You've already shared too much. Your con You shouldn't I am grateful, but please do not put yourself in an awkward position for me.
Who is this "Pervy Sage"? I wonder if the woman he is speaking of is Tsunade. Her skill as a medical ninja is known even here in the Sand village. Kunoichi everywhere look up to her, including my sister.
I did offer to let Kankuro hit me, and I believe it helped, though not in the way I had anticipated. He became upset and insisted that he, Temari, and I sat down to "talk things out." I did not talk as much as they did. Both of them acknowledged that things were "a little weird" between us, but they insist that they do not want to hit me, because I am their little brother. I've never considered what that meant, outside of the obvious blood relation.
It's because of you that I have this chance I appreciate your advice in this area. Temari is surprised that I am writing to you, but she approves.
How is Rock Lee I will wait for you to return from your mission before resuming our other conversations.
Sincerely, Gaara of the Desert
Part 3
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bandsandwristbands · 1 month
A post with questions - please tell me more about headcanons with piercings 👁️ 🫦 👁️ who is the big spoon/little spoon too
boy i hope this is about gaara and or lee cuz thats what im talkin bout
omg so piercings
Firstly i hc piercings as very normal/relevent in Suna with different ones popular for different types of ceremony! More 'casual' ones for coming of age (like ears, lips, eyebrows etc), more ornate ones for spiritual devotion/religious reasons (Things like more fragile dermals, stretching, specific types of metal or crystals represented in the jewelry would be indicative of status as well) Also probably personally assigned meanings to signify marriage or familial status.
Also also tattoos and henna are popular for similar reasons
OKAY onto Gaara specific hcs
I think Temari pierced his ears for him shortly after the chuunin exams. Two sets to represent his siblings and the relationship with them that he is now starting to fix. (Yada yada healing physically while healing damaged connections yadayada) Plus it's something to bond over mutual interest.
Belly piercing cuz i said so idk if you want gender hcs but short of it is it makes him feel pretty lol
I think he'd show interest in piercings/body mods to try and connect with his people and culture more in pursuit of Kazekage office but also would be about Him trying to practice controlling his sand in response to pain. Between hosting a demon and being treated like a weapon most of his life, Gaara probably struggles with feeling present or in control of his body so having agency over his own pain and how he gets to present would be cathartic.
Others ones that I like on him in general but may be ooc to some are tongue, smiley, or corset but they're all good really 👌👌
Temari def has a belly piercing tooo as well as lots of ear piercings (helix on one side probably for shikamaru, daith, like three on the lobe)
Temari also pierces any Konohan homies who show interest (Mostly the girls, she def pierced Ino's nips lolll)
Kankuro has his whole face done basically (Tongue, snake bites, all three on the nose, an eyebrow my cringe goth king)
Lee is unpierced for practical reasons, with the way he's constantly moving, fighting, getting injured it'd be a bit anxiety inducing to worry about it. He thinks they're very cool tho and really appreciates the cultural significance. He can be convinced once he and Gaara are married uwu
Lee does get done up with traditional henna at the pressure from the locals because it's a warrior thing and when in rome yknow. Plus Gaara is real gay about it. Seeing his culture all over Lee has him all mushy inside.
All three sand sibs go all out during festivals with the ornate body jewelry because they're allowed to express themselves in an official way without the council being a bunch of squares. Flexing the kage wealth a bit lol.
((I don't have any art for this rn cuz I'm including it in Lore Art for a behemoth fic I started that I hope to god i finish in a reasonable time lol))
Anyways they take turns with spooning, they both want to just curl up and disappear into each other although Gaara big spooning is more like a backpack, Lee sprawls and Gaara clings (touch starved headass)
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v01dm1stak3 · 6 months
"I Could Treat you better anyways."
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Summary: Nobody really liked your boyfriend, he was always controlling and possessive. Slowly isolating you from everyone. Temari came to visit and when he slapped you Infront of everyone, Temari had finally had enough.
Word count: 1.5K Warnings: Getting slapped??? Cussing.... Bout it. A/N: I Suck ass at writing, Started this blog to get better.
Everyone knew that Temari had eyes for you, and only you. Yet, they also knew that you had a boyfriend, who you loved dearly. That love for him made you blind of the way he stared at other women. Made you to blind to see that he was slowly pulling you away from your friends with his overprotective demeanor. People tried to tell you, but you always dismissed it with a simple “He just wants what's best for me.” You really were blinded by love. 
You walked down the streets of konoha, a basket in hand. The streets weren't busy, but they weren't dead either. It was nice. You waved towards the people in shops you recognized and the people on the road you have met before. You gripped your basket, looking at the stuff you have bought. Checking off everything, making sure you didn't forget something. 
As you were checking off your mental checklist, you heard a voice right by your ear. “What are you doing?” You jolted, turning around to give a face to the voice. It was Ino, someone you considered a close friend. “Jeez Ino, you scared me.” You sighed, scratching the back of your neck. “Pffft, And you call yourself a shinobi?” She smirked, flipping her hair over her shoulder before resting her hand on her hip.  The streets seemed to get busier, people passing by lost in their own conversation. 
You smiled, adjusting the headband that rested on your neck. “Yeah…. I've been losing my touch haven't I. My boyfriend has been wanting me to stay home more. He wants me to be safe.” You thought he was sweet, Ino clearly wasn't all too happy with it. A clear scowl planted on her face. She began to speak, quickly cutting herself off. Just before saying something else. “I'm not going to even bother. Listen.. I.. umm… Temari is visiting the village. We were all going to meet at the Ramen shop Naruto likes so much. Ichmaku… Ichymaru??? I don't remember the name.” She sighed, looking away and watching the people go around and into shops. “ Just don't bring that boyfriend of yours. It's just going to be us fellow shinobi.. You know?” She fiddled with her hands. She didn't want to make you upset being your friend and all. But she didn't like your boyfriend. Nobody did.
“Huhhhh? Yeah, that's fine! I'll be there!” You affirmed, a happy tone in your voice and a smile planted on your face.  Ino turned her head back around, a smile planted on her face. “ That's great I'll see you then! “ She blurted. Before you could speak, she had disappeared when somebody walked between you two. You were excited, you hadn't seen tamari in forever. 
The night came quicker than expected. When you had gotten home, your boyfriend wasn't even there. He left to who knows where. Just in case he came back while you were gone, you left a note saying where you were at. Just so he knew you were safe. You wore your usual outfit, the usual shinobi uniform. You looked great in it, and didn't really have anything else nice to wear. 
As you stepped out the door the cool wind blew, the stars sparkled overhead and the crickets sang. It was a lovely night. You made your way towards the Ramen shop, your footsteps not making a sound as you went. The streets were empty, compared to when you were out earlier. Everyone was asleep. Besides the very loud shouting as the Ramen shop came into view. You quicken your pace unknowingly as you rushed to get over there. It had been awhile since you were out. And it had been awhile since Temari had been here. 
You moved the piece of fabric as you stepped into the little area. Everyone was sitting down already. Ino, Choji, Shikamaru, and… “Temari! It's been awhile” You beamed, Rushing to give her a hug from behind. “Ack- Hey!! It has been, huh ..” She mumbled, patting your arms signaling to let go despite how much she enjoyed it. “Hey! We are here as well, you know!” Ino shouted from behind. You chuckled before running up to her and giving her a hug. 
As you greeted your old team, Temari's eyes never left you. Even as the night carried on. When you were in a conversation or when she was in one herself. She always had her eyes on you or her hand holding yours. Friends could hold hands, couldn't they? Time flew by and hours passed. You didn't realize how late it had gotten! As you were about to pay your bill, you heard someone shout your name. You didn't have to think hard to figure out who's voice it was. You quickly paid the bill and rushed out, a smile planted on your face. “Hey Love! Me and my friends were just finishing up. I-” You were cut off by a hand smacking your face. Your boyfriend's hand, smacking your face. Your eyes widened as you brought your hand to your cheek. You slowly moved your eyes to look at him. He was pissed. 
“WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR ISSUE?” Someone screamed from behind you, you didn't bother to look to see. You were too busy trying to figure out what you did. What made him so angry. You studied his face for some kind of answer. He shouted at the person behind you. Multiple voices joined in and shouted at him. Your ears began to ring, the shouting becoming background noise as tears slowly streamed down your face.
You weren't in your thoughts for too long. As someone grabbed your hand and pulled you towards them, away from your boyfriend. You were snapped back to reality as Temari was getting louder at the man. Starting to step closer to him. “ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING?? SHE WASN'T HOME SO YOU CAME AND FOUND HER AND FUCKING SLAPPED HER?? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND???” Temari was fuming. “I DONT FUCKING LIKE YOU GUYS. SHE SHOULDN'T BE WITH YOU GUYS AT ALL.” Your boyfriend scowled, matching Temari's tone.  “THE FUCK DID WE DO TO YOU?!” Ino shouted, clearly pissed.
The argument continued for a bit longer. Your boyfriend giving half-assed responses and just yelling. Sooner or later when Temari threatened to get physical he finally walked off, shooting you a glare. The moment he walked off Temari turned towards you, making sure you were alright. You were staring at your shoes, eyes still wide and your cheeks stained with tears. Temari wiped your tears with her thumb and brought you into her embrace. “You guys can go home, I'll deal with her, Alright?” Temari mumbled towards the other 3, Playing with a strand of your hair. Shikamaru nodded and Choji did as well. Both still worried, but they walked off. Ino Nodded as well giving you a pat on the head and saying everything was going to be alright before walking away as well.
You and Temari stood there for a few minutes, the warmth of her embrace keeping you grounded. It was silent besides when the wind blew, it was comforting. But of course, one day someone had to break the silence. “Break up with your boyfriend.” Temari said sternly. “What?” You whispered back, not believing what she said. “Break up with your boyfriend..” She repeated, pushing you out from her embrace and holding you by the shoulders in front of her. Your eyes lock as your eyes widen once more. “B-but it was probably just some misunderstanding! He probably didn’t mean it!” You stammer, moving your hands to try and communicate what you were saying. “A boyfriend doesn’t slap you over a misunderstanding. A boyfriend doesn’t keep you from your job for his selfishness.” She growled, taking her hands off your shoulder. “And a boyfriend, definitely, does not keep you from your friends, and slowly isolate you. “ She crossed her arms, figuring out what to say next. As she began to speak again, adding to her points, You cut her off. “He wasn’t doing that.. Was he?” You whisper, looking down at your feet. She hummed confusingly. “He wasn’t isolating me…” Your hands dig into your uniform as you struggle to meet Temari’s gaze. “He was, why do you think none of your friends like him? Why do you think you are barely leaving the house anymore?” You struggled to form your words, Temari was right. You didn’t want to believe it though, you loved him. Yes he had his… ways. Yet you still loved him. Despite all of it. “I Get it may be hard, but you have to trust me on this. Please?” Temari murmured before hugging you again. You slowly returned the hug, Nodding a yes. You didn’t want to leave him, but you trusted Temari..She sighed a sigh of relief, whispering in your ear something you would remember. “I Could treat you better anyways.”
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mahou-furbies · 3 months
Miss Meguca contest (casual outfits), comments
All preliminary rounds are now over! Since there was some variance in how many people voted each round, I'll have to calculate everyone's scores with percentages. So I think the final round won't start until tomorrow. In the meantime, here are the comments:
Round 1
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Let’s Hope Madoka Wins this Thing Again. I want to See an Idol or Maybe a special Surprise Image song round or something.
Most of these outfits are so good. I only docked off points for some of them cause they weren’t as interesting. Also Ayaka’s outfit is perfect except for the color of her tights
Always glad to see my girl, Ashley!
Hoods are always a good taste, so…
I'm a sucker for suspenders!
Yuuna, Rena and Kokoro are the TOP of winter fashion!!!
There're quite a few outfits I WANT to like but they're just drawn so weird. Like. Why is Mitsune's sweatshirt Like That.
Also why is Mami dressed like she's in her 40s.
I really love all the varied silhouettes Magireco gives its characters in their casual clothes. Yuuna's is probably my least favourite because it's so boring. Ikumi's cat socks are extremely 2010s fashion and I love them.
Ashley has the best one here! It's practically something I would wear!
Rena's was so cute… until the short shorts. Girl!!! Your thighs are going to freeze!!! At least with skirts it's easy to wear skin colored thermal tights!
Ikumi: I'm going to wear e-girl cat socks with the most boring fit possible.
Round 2
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Ren's outfit is so adorable!
Bring On Da Next Round! I Need Madoka to Win!
Yuma stands out not being super detailed, but I like it.
Scene 0 Madoka's outfit isn't bad but I don't think the silhouette and blue jacket necessarily suit her. Also adult Hikaru's outfit looks like something I'd wear in IRL help
Yuna: I don't understand the transparent fabric on her, but aside from that, is a pretty fashionable outfit
Akari: The bunny purse? The bow with the scarf? The puffy shorts? *chef's kiss
Moka: teh top part is a 10, but the bottom is a 3
I would once again kill for Mami's, but Ria's on the block too
Felicia ily but THAT clothes???????
Round 3
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It's designs like these that get my hopes up about character design and fashion.
Alina wins out because of the paint on her clothes!
No Madoka Here but I’m Alright with That Besides Madoka Is Gonna Be the Winner Again!
I love Alina's painting clothes 💚💛❤️
So many cute designs in this round💖
ADORE alinas outfit, its so unique among the rest of the super feminine and cutesy casual outfits!
What is up with that bow on Tomoko’s outfit? It feels like everything was just slapped together when it comes to how she’s dressed.
Round 4
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sorry, kyouko. i cant stand orange+green color combos.
Finally a good outfit for Kyoko!
Why does it feel that they put more effort into making the winter ones and just slap some ramdom shirts and skirts for casual?
They really did Kyouko dirty in this game.
Looking Good I know Madoka is the Winner nothing ordinary or new!
Thought Homura had a mustache necklace for a sec
I was gonna give glasses Homura a -1, but she's getting a 2 for the mustache necklace actually. I don't like it but it's such a bold choice and I love that for her lmao
I dislike Kirika but her clothes are in my fav choices ;;
I find my choices a little funny in hindsight because Kokoro's outfit is a hiking outfit and it looks nice but it also feels very generic, but I also feel like Leila's outfit looks like she's about to go camping or something. Also I am OBSESSED with Homura's mustache necklace.
Round 5
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I'd like to make a disclaimer that I'm not rating Ranka's outfit 1 because I hate it, I just don't think it makes a good winter outfit necessarily. But does this also mean she's into larme kei and shops at places like MA*RS and Ank Rouge? Also: 1) Yachiyo's cold shoulder sweater dress amuses me for some reason. Girl your shoulders! 2) Green is a very interesting colour choice for Temari.
Hotaru, my beloved!! Sleepy queen!!
This is getting Good Final around Ahead and Madoka must Win!
I want Konomi's one so baaaad!!!!
Homura with glasses has the best outfits ;_; I have seen a lot of hers in the polls and always I love how she mixes cutesy with black clothes
Some of these are awful
Round 6
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Lots of threes this time for interesting silhouettes or designs that make me go "yeah, that's [character]"! Also Mifuyu's outfit is just one of my faves in general
These are not as awful as the other but somehow most of them has something that ruins the look for me.
The thing is, a magical girl costume is always so extravagant and beautiful, that when we go back to their casual clothes, we expect nothing less. Bu then it comes some disappointment, because they look so plain and simple.
Last One I Need Madoka To Win!!
hard to be picky abt it ;-; they're all so pretty tbh
ui looks adorable!! i love her little outfit! you can certainly tell she's a kid. i find her outfit works really well over all. a lot of others i felt like there'd be one or 2 elements just don't fit with the rest but ui's just matches perfectly in my eyes
This is so difficult because imo the game has really really good designs for the casual outfits
Round 7
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Kyoko looks really good in purple
After seeing Yachiyo's dress everything seems pretty.
Disclaimer I like Kyouko's outfit but I don't think it suits /her/ personally. I don't really like the mauve on Oriko? I feel like she should be wearing white or a very pale lilac at least. Tsubaki's is okay I guess and there's something about Tsukuyo's I don't entirely vibe with for some reason
I came to the conclusion that Homura is the Fashion Queen…
And poor Kyouko has so much to learn…
Let’s Hope Madoka wins this whole Thing!
Kyoko's outfit is great, but not a good fit for Kyoko.
Nagisa gets a 3. The OG deserves it. Too good for this world. Too pure. Deserves all the cheese.
Again, Homura has the best outfits
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puzzleemerald · 8 months
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Because Amaterasu and Sesshōmaru don't have much further art at the moment, I decided to share another couple who are most dear to my heart. YCH by the lovely Antodonatella on Instagram & DeviantArt.
Please don't reblog!
Keep in mind I will be talking about the FanFiction version of Ayumu in this post! The version of Ayumu I roleplay is her own separate deal! When her bio is done and put up on my Master Post, I won't only RP Ayumu interacting with exclusively Neji writers, lol.
Neji Hyūga is already a very recognizable character, being one of my very first crushes when I started really getting into anime as a thirteen to fourteen-year-old. In fact, he's the reason I later bought and read the manga... all hundred-heccin'-something volumes of it. Much like Sesshōmaru, it was his long hair, elegance, intellect, and stoic demeanor that won me over at first. It also amused me to watch him just be cool; he always felt like the definitive head of his team. Even if Lee wasn't to be sneezed at as a fighter, I saw more leadership qualities in Neji that Lee lacked. I also felt that he had the most interesting plight among the Konoha thirteen as someone from a branch in his clan where he was basically expected to serve and protect the head family deemed "above" him on the social-political totem pole the Hyūga were built on. Despite his innate talent rivaling the daughters of the clan's head at the time, he'd always be considered lesser because of his birth. In ways, he felt like more of an underdog to me than Naruto did—though that also has a lot to do with Naruto's characterization as the "optimistic headstrong protagonist" Kishimoto had going. (I kinda wish Kishi had leaned more into Naruto having some resentment towards the Leaf, but that's a post for another day)
So what'd teenage me do? Tailor an OC to be another half for him because GDI this man deserves happiness, not getting skewered like a redshirt on an overgrown splinter. If they had to have someone, ANYONE, sacrifice themself for Hinata... tbh, I wish it'd been someone on her team like Kiba or Shino, so we didn't have to basically do the thing he was "born to do" according to Clan tradition asfdhjrhyud—
Deep breaths. I'm calm. Suppress the fangirl rage.
So, as a result, I created Ayumu! Who was, by every definition, a Mary Sue at first!! (It was bad... oh god, was it bad...) But after I ditched her for a few years when I lost interest in Naruto, I returned to her when I turned seventeen and completely rehauled her. Leading to the designs she has now.
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This is Ayumu's Part 1/Naruto Design. The Settei was done by a friend of mine on IG called Sento.OC, whom I commissioned.
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Then, we have Ayumu's Part 2/Shippuden Design, also by Sento.
When designing an OC for Neji, I wanted to go more complimentary than contrary. It just didn't feel like it'd make sense for Neji to ever be romantically interested in someone with bombastic energy like Naruto or Lee—mans doesn't have the patience to live with that on a daily basis, LOL! So I thought, "Hey, Neji's a pretty traditional guy; why not give him a traditional woman?" and Ayumu ended up as a very grounded, calm, and analytical person. A bit more on the conservative side, similar to Neji. All the while having occasional bursts of warm, thoughtful moments where she lights up but doesn't explode. She's very, for lack of a better term off the top of my head, "normal" compared to Naruto's big personality, Sasuke's broodiness, Shikamaru's laziness, or Temari's ferocity. It's why I imagine her getting along very well with people like Tenten or Kakashi, too, who tend to be the metaphorical straight man to the more comedic characters around them. Characters like Gai and Lee and Naruto can only be funny, after all, if they're offset by some typically.
Ayumu is also a close-range fire-style specialist with a Kekkei Genkai related to it, so her style compliments Neji's pretty well imo. They can be in a shoulder-to-shoulder or back-to-back situation and cover one another while knowing the other is nearby and safely under their wing. Both characters have some insecurity and neglect issues but for very different reasons. However, this means they relate to one another over their feelings and traumas, and neither really feels a need to "fix" the other. It's what makes them last, in my opinion. They just quietly comfort each other (also slap whoever tries to put the other down, lol), and that's it. ...They did kinda try to scratch each other's eyes out at first, but that'll be its own post! Once they get over their big hurdle and understand each other, they end up just being a pair of supportive friends to lovers 90% of the time. The other 10% is them getting fucked with by the plot around them because Neji barely gets any screen time in Shippudennnnnnn! ;-;
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13as07 · 6 months
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Spitting Image #3
(Gaara Sabaku)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Tamengkay]
Requested by: Myself
Word Count: 3,874
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Should I do a prequel of their night together? Hmm… probably
The opal eyes my son inherited from his father are staring back at me from the door frame of my apartment. "Yoshiki isn't here right now," I mutter, clinging to the door I've cracked open.
     "I know. Shikadai and Inojin were playing with him at the flower shop when I stopped. I stopped at the flower shop, on the way, for these," Gaara races out, shoving one of the fancy bouquets toward me. Ino and I tease that it's the 'I fucked up' bouquet since its starting price is twelve thousand yen.
     "The thought is appreciated but flowers aren't a good present for a nine-month-old," I point out, a ting of sadness aching in my chest. Yoshiki has officially been out in the world longer than I carried him for.
     It's been about two months since Gaara met his son and since we met Yoshiki's family. The Hokage keeps randomly showing up, never going longer than a week without appearing back in the village. More often than not he's only gone three or four days, and while he's away his older sister tends to show up.
     The extra help is nice, for the most part. I'm still a bit on edge about letting Temari help though. I don't like someone I barely know around my kid, even if it is his Aunt.
     The only person stressing me out more than Temari is Gaara himself. He seems cold most of the time, definitely not the blushing 'oh my this is happening' guy he was the night we spent together. He also seems to not know what he's doing, which I get if it wasn't for the older son he has. It leaves room for speculation.
     That and I can only imagine how the sand village is reacting. It's a good half-a-day trip either way, and with him spending so much time in the Leaf I'm sure his council isn't too happy, especially since rumor has it our council isn't too happy with his constant appearance.
     Pair all that with the constant shove of money in my face and it doesn't sit too well in the gut. I know he's doing it in good nature, the fancy dinners, constantly buying new things for Yoshiki and leaving money around the house when I deny it from him. I know it's all meant in good faith... I think, but it stresses me out too.
     I don't need Gaara to take care of us, to take care of me. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Yoshiki's father can offer him the nicer things in life and a part of me is glad that he wants to. But it still stresses me out. It makes me feel like he's setting himself up for a 'you owe me'. Another worry that doesn't get stomached too well.
     I haven't used any of the money Gaara keeps leaving behind. I have been saving it though, squirreling it away, keeping it as a little nesting egg in case Yoshiki and I do have to make a run for it. My father might have kept me blind to the Shinobi world but he didn't keep me blind from ways to keep myself safe. Rule number one: always have a packed to-go bag and an exit plan. At the rate things are going, that might just come in handy.
     "I know that," Gaara says a bit defensively, pressing the flowers to his chest before leaning them back towards me. "I got them for you," he mutters, eyes jumping around the apartment I'm in the middle of cleaning. "What is it that you are doing?"
     "Cleaning," I answer, eyeing the flowers. Is Gaara acting suspicious or am I being paranoid? We shall see. "Yoshiki has grown out of his pre-me clothes and some of the other outfits he has so I'm going through them. Whatever Konah and his wife don't want is going to be taken to the women's shelter."
     "It's short for premature. Yoshiki was born just short of thirty weeks. He was really small, three point two pounds. He's doing good now. His doctors say he's still a bit underweight but it's nothing to worry too much about. Just something to monitor." During my rant I've shuffled away from the door, focusing on folding more of Yosh's clothes and placing them in the box to bring Konah.
     "I was born premature," Gaara whispers, following behind me to watch as I fold.
     "My mother was too, so the chances of Yoshiki being a pre-me was always there. Besides that's a thing that comes from the mother's DNA, so don't work yourself up over it."
     "I was not going to," he murmurs, eyes jumping around the small space as his cheeks slowly dust themselves pink. I hum in disagreement, carefully watching as Gaara makes the short walk from the living room to the kitchen. "Where do you keep your vases?"
     "I don't have any vases."
     "What do you mean you 'do not have a vase'?" He asks, face scrunched up as he looks at me.
     "Exactly what it sounds like. I don't own a vase. Never have cause I've never needed one."
     "I am going to get you a vase."
     "You really don't need to, Gaara. I don't need a vase and I don't need flowers. I appreciate the gesture but I'm good," I tell him, panic banging around my chest at the thought of him buying me something else, much less more flowers.
     His head tilts and his face scrunches more before he shakes his head. "I am going to get you a vase," Gaara says more to himself than me, nodding in agreement with himself. "And new cups," he mutters, opening the cabinet, being met with the mix-match cups I've somehow gained over the years. "You shall have a vase and new cups next time I stop by."
     "I really, really don't need a vase and those cups work just as well as any others. I don't need new cups or anything else from you. I'm doing fine for myself and my son."
     "Our son."
     "My son," I repeat, feeling like I'm going to throw up despite the hardass tone I've managed to maintain.
     Gaara blinks at me a couple of times, seeming a bit dumb-founded and looking it as he stares, still holding the 'I fucked up' bouquet. "As you wish," he mutters, finally back in motion. He sets the flowers down before opening random drawers in search of something. When he finds it - a pad of paper and a pen - he goes to work scribbling on it. "Nonetheless, I shall walk around and make a list of things you two need."
     I let out a laugh of disbelief, clothes completely forgotten because of the madman's words. "No, you are not. I already told you -"
     "If you wish me to stay out of your room I will, but yes, I am going to figure out what it is that the mother of my child and our son needs," Gaara freezes for a second, imaginary eyebrows jumping up. "My apologies, what your son needs."
     "Are you being a smart-alec right now?" I ask, another disbelieving laugh leaving my lips. "Is that what you're doing?"
"No," he says matter-of-factly. "You are not okay with me referring to Yoshiki as something we share, so I will avert from doing so."
"Dumbass," I mumble under my breath, turning my attention back to the pile of clothes I'm giving away. "I got knocked up by a dumbass."
"I'm just saying, Gaara is being a little much," I grumble, messing with my keys in search of the one that unlocks my front door.
"And I'm just saying, Gaara wants to take care of you. What's the harm in letting him?" Ino asks, her eyes are shiny with amusement.
"If you like the idea so much, ask him to take care of you," I groan, finally managing to get the key in the lock.
She laughs focusing on the grocery bags she's shifting in her arms. "Ya let me just ask Gaara to give me a baby too. I'm sure that'll go over well. Honestly, I still don't know how you managed to talk him into bed."
"You and me both," I mumble, pushing the door and leaving it open for Ino to follow. She does follow after me, silence flaking between us as we head towards the kitchen to place my groceries down.
     "Welcome home!" Shinki calls out, racing into the kitchen to greet us. "Oh! Hello Auntie Ino!"
     As Ino greets him, I head back out to the living room in search of Yoshiki. Panic starts to rise a bit when I don't find him - or Gaara.
     The panic doesn't last long though, the two of them falling into view when I push Yosh's nursery door open. Gaara looks uneasy as he sits in the rocking chair, my - our - son fast asleep on his chest. "Hello," he calls, stiffening when our son stirs in his sleep.
     "Hello," I echo, softly closing the door before I head towards them. "You know you can lay him in his crib," I tell him, carefully picking Yoshiki off his chest.
Gaara stiffens again, face scrunching up as he inches forward. "I am aware. I did not wish to."
A smile weighs on my lips as I cuddle with my son, pressing soft kisses to his head as I rock the sleeping boy. "Do you want him back when I'm done?"
He blinks at me in his slow way, his face slowly softening as he thinks. "Yes," he mutters, relaxing in the rocking chair again. "I enjoy our time here."
"I'm glad," I hum, soaking in my greeting to Yoshiki for another beat before I gently lay him back on his father's chest. "Yoshiki enjoys it when Shinki and you are here too."
"Do you enjoy when we're here?" Gaara asks, eyes locked on me, his stone-face expression on it like usual.
I think about it for a moment, trying to decide what answer to give: honestly or sugar-coated. "I enjoy spending time with Shinki, he's a sweet kid. I absolutely adore him. I'm happy the two of you are in Yoshiki's life." Both, that works.
"Are you happy we're in your life?"
"Yes," I answer before I have the chance to fully think about it. It's not a lie, I do enjoy having the Sand Shinobis around. I truly adore Shinki and like having him around. Gaara isn't terrible to have around either, it's nice having an extra set of hands, to have a man for Yoshiki to grow up looking up to, and I might have grown a bit fond of the flowers and the pale blue vase he got me.
He nods to himself, slowly rocking himself and Yosh in the chair as he spaces out. "How was your grocery shopping trip with Ino?" He finally murmurs, opal eyes set on me in their intense way. I swear Gaara can't look at anything calmly.
"It was alright. I think I'm going to make homemade ramen for dinner. I'm thinking of topping it with pork and boiled eggs."
Another spaced-out look and agreeing nod. "You should wait until Yoshiki wakes up so I can help you."
"I think I'm capable of - "
"- I know," Gaara cuts me off, eyes scrunched in a way that makes the markings of his eyes stand out. "I am aware you are capable of a lot of things. I am here to help, so I shall help. I wish you would let me help you more often."
I open my mouth to respond but get cut off again, this time by a knock at the door. "Hey, mamas," Ino's voice rings out as she opens the door, slowly poking her head into the room. "I have a meeting soon so I'm going to head out. Shinki is working on putting the groceries away. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Enjoy your meeting, I'll see you later," I call back, waving at my friend before she pulls the door closed again.
"Let me help with dinner," Gaara butts in once the door is closed, ending my attempt to respond before I can even start it. "I want my sons to see me helping around the house. It is not fair for you to work all day and then come home to do the household duties. Let me help."
I let out a long sigh, crossing my arms over my chest as my eyes jump around the nursery. "Fine, you can help with dinner," I say, giving in to Gaara's request.
I suppose there's no harm in letting him help more around the house, especially since he and his son spend most of their time in the village here. Of course they don't sleep here, it's only a small two-bedroom apartment, but if they're not sleeping or spending time with friends and family in the village, they are here. Which means they're here most of the day.
As I leave Yosh's room, thoughts of getting a bigger apartment cross my mind. Should I start looking for a three-bedroom or a four-bedroom? Probably a three-bedroom, I don't think Shinki would mind sharing a room with his younger brother... maybe. I'll just look for both. After all, at the rate we're going Gaara isn't going to let up anytime soon.
"You're doing that thing again," I grumble, shifting the strainer back and forth to shake the water out of the noodles I'm prepping for dinner.
"What thing?" Gaara asks, his eyes still intensely on me as they have been for the last ten minutes. I swear he hasn't even blinked during the time.
"That thing where you sit there and stare at me. You did it during..." My mouth snaps closed, not sure how to refer to our night together so long again. Not really, it's only been eighteen months. Though a lot has changed in that year and a half. "Our time together," I murmur, shaking the strainer harder.
"Did what?"
"Just sit there and stare. Even in my drunk stupor, it creeped me out a bit."
Gaara finally blinks a few times, slow and steady as he thinks of his response. "You are a very beautiful woman. Besides, I like to look at the mother of my children."
The plural use of the word makes the strainer tumble from my hands, crashing into the sink as I lean down to rest my weight against the edge of it.
"Are you okay?" Shinki asks, his head popping up from the wood blocks he and Yoshiki are playing with. Shinki is trying his hardest to teach his younger brother how to spell his name. I don't think he has grasped the concept of how young Yosh is yet. Still, it's been cute watching him try.
"Yes, sweetie. We're fine," I call before letting out a silent sigh, my eyes snap closed as the sink edge digs into my palms. "What the fuck, Gaara?" I hiss out quietly, refusing to let the boys see me lose my temper with their father.
"What?" He asks, blinking in his slow 'trying to comprehend' way that's starting to piss me off.
"Child, the mother of your child. Singular, one, I have had one baby. In total. Not just one of your sons, one in total."
"Yes, I know that," he says, face scrunching in lack of understanding. "But you are the closest thing to a mother Shinki has known, and I fully intend to get you pregnant again. Perhaps we will have a daughter this time."
"What the hell, Gaara?!" I yell before I can stop myself, snapping my eyes open and standing up straight.
"There is no need to yell. It is not something I plan on doing soon. There are things we need to get in order."
"Like what?" I hiss quietly, shifting closer so it's easier to keep my tone quiet. I don't need the boys noticing the fit heating up, and Shinki's glancing eyes let me know he's starting too.
"Well, I would like to get Yoshiki and you situated in the Sand Village, again not anytime soon if you don't wish it but preferably within the next couple of months. Then we will need to get the events in place for the wedding and of course the papers to update Shinki's adoption order. Then the matter of getting pregnant again. I do not mind the age gap between the boys but I think it would be best to have our next child sometime before Yoshiki is three or four."
"Get out." The words come out airy, disbelief and anger rooted in my mind.
"Get out," I repeat, anger quickly outweighing my disbelief. "I need you to get out of my sight. I need you out of my home, I need you out of the village. I need you as far away from me as humanly possible. Get out, now."
"What is it that I've - "
"Get out!" I repeat, shouting at him now. My hands jump forward, connecting with his chest before I start shoving him out of the kitchen. "Out! Get out! Get away from me! Get away from my son! Go away!" I yell, continuing to shove him.
"I do not understand what it is that - " Gaara tries to say, his hands jumping up and gently cupping my elbows, he's not even trying to stop my shoving.
"I swear to the lord I'm going to stab you, Gaara. Go away," I shriek, tugging myself from his grip before slamming the front door open. Once the door is open, I go back to shoving him out of the house, leaving the Sand Hokage in the hallway before slamming and locking the door shut.
When I turn back around, Yoshiki is crying and screaming in fear because of my yelling. Shinki is wide-eyed and his mouth hangs open as he stares at me. "I swear," I mutter under my breath, taking quick steps towards my son. I swoop down, picking him up before I try rocking him. "It's okay, Yosh. I know, I know. Mommy is sorry for yelling. Everything is okay," I coo, shifting us back and forth as I rub his back.
"Are you kicking me out too?" Shinki's soft voice calls out, the volume being his failing attempt to hide his sadness.
"No, no. Of course not, sweetie," I continue to coo, my fake calmness aimed at him instead of Yoshiki. "I'll never kick you out of my home, okay? You're always welcome here," I continue to soothe, dropping the arm not holding Yosh down so I can run my fingers through Shinki's hair.
"This is a safe space for you, Love. I'm sorry I've made it unsafe," I continue to soothe the older boy, placing his younger brother back on the ground now that he's calmed down. I fall to my knees in front of Shinki, wrapping my arms around him and pressing his head to my shoulder. "How about we put Yosh in his high chair and you can help me make dinner, okay?"
"Okay," the older boy whispers into my shoulder, willingly laying his head down now. "I'm sorry Papa upset you."
"You don't have to be sorry for him. Just because I'm mad at Gaara doesn't mean I'm mad at you, Sweetie," I tell him, littering the side of his head with kisses. "Let's finish making dinner now, okay?"
Ino lets out a loud chuckle, hunching over the counter as she giggles. "I'm sorry, it's really not funny... except it is."
A groan escapes me as I lay my head on the counter, rolling over my fight with Gaara again. "I do not know what is funny," Sai says, looking quite confused as his head switches between his wife and me. "I think it is nice that Gaara wants another child."
"My dear," Ino says, wrapping herself around Sai's arm. "Gaara's bluntness is what's funny. They barely know each other, they are nowhere near close enough to get married, let alone have another child together."
     "Well, why not?" He asks, head tilting as he looks at his wife. "Gaara is here about as much as he's away. They practically live together and already have one child together. The only person in the village who knows Gaara better than her is Temari... well, and possibly Naruto. It seems that the only way they are not married is by the law of the Great Nations."
     Now it's my turn to giggle at Ino's unaware father of her child. "Well," she starts, mouth gaping like a fish as she struggles with her words. "The... there's not the emotional part of it. No one should marry someone they don't love, Sai."
     "Are you blind, my love?"
      "What?!" Ino shrieks, letting go of Sai's arm.
     "Please calm down. I meant it in a joking way, not literally. I am just saying it is obvious that Gaara enjoys her company."
     "What do you mean?" I ask, turning my attention away from the hissy fit Ino is throwing.
     "Like I said before, Gaara spends a lot of time in the village. I am aware it is to see Yoshiki, but he seems quite interested in taking care of you as well. If he did not love you, why would he be interested in your specific needs? Personally, if I was not interested in the mother of my child, my sole focus would be on my child. I would not care about the mother is all I'm saying. My child's needs would be met and that's it."
     Ino's lecture about the hypothetical situation goes into full swing, a few groans of manners and politeness thrown into the mix. As she gets after her husband, I replay Sai's words in my head. Maybe he had a point, or maybe he didn't. I don't know.
     Gaara's and Shinki's constant travels have been weighing on my mind recently though. They travel to and from the village at least once a week, if not twice. It would be a lot easier on them if we all lived in the same village, and well... it would be easier for Yoshiki and me to move to the Hidden Sand than Gaara and Shinki moving here. After all, Gaara is their Hokage, and leaving that job wouldn't be easy or smart, financially.
     "Maybe I will," I mutter, letting out another sigh.
     "Maybe you will what?" Ino asks, stalling her discussion with Sai.
     "Maybe Yoshiki and I will move to the Sand Village. It's the least I can do since Gaara is doing so much for us. Besides, it would be easier for me to get a new job at the same pay I have now than it would be for him."
     Ino and Sia fall quiet for a couple of minutes, the weight of my words hovering over them as much as it's hovering over me. Ino finally pipes up, saying "Whatever you choose to do, we'll support you. Always."
I swear I'm never drinking a margarita for the rest of my life.
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shunshinstan · 1 year
When Tenten and Temari start going out casually, becoming closer after Lee and Gaara get together, I think that they start having little team gai + sand siblings meetups in the name of cross-cultural socialisation, but it very quickly ends up being gaalee + tematen double dates, while Kankurou and Neji sit across the table from each other silently, just staring at each other, their only thought being "PLEASE don't tell me I'm supposed to date this clown now"
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blimbosworlddd · 11 months
Nirvana: A Rock Lee Tale (Chapter 1)
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Summary: Your dating life is terrible. Your friends’ marriage is fantastic. Your career as a medic was doing great, though. But you aren’t happy. However, after one quick trip to the Mighty Rock Dojo, you stumble upon the most magnificent man you’ve ever met- the taijutsu master- Rock Lee.
Notes: slow burn fic, afab/fem/black reader.
Warnings: Mentions of sex, (light) descriptions of blood and violence. Usage of the N word. The reader and Lee are in their late 20s but virtually any age group that is 18 and up can enjoy this story. Again 18+, minors do not interact… pls.
Word count: 2.6k
Next Chapter
You are lonely. So lonely.
Your friends tell you that you’re young and shouldn’t chase and should wait for the right person and should focus on yourself and all that jazz. But there is nothing else you can do but wait; your career as a medic is finally starting to blossom, you’re trying to take care of yourself, and dating apps are full of people you aren’t attracted to. And the ones who did interest you either don’t hit you up or stop engaging.
You feel worthless sometimes, like no matter how beautiful or poised you try to come off, that one person who you dream of spoiling and loving you is only that- a dream. You always feel like you'll never be fully appreciated. You know you deserve someone who takes care of you, but no matter how painful it is you always keep pushing. You never have time to drown in self-pity. At the end of the day, people still love and support you. That’s why you went on a date with some guy Temari and her husband, Shikamaru, put you on.
You always envied their relationship; they’ve been going strong since college, watching them grow and evolve as they fall deeper in love with each other. It’d make you quietly turn away and scowl every time they’d hold hands or smile into their kisses. Your date’s name is Sai. You went out a couple of times beforehand, and actually enjoyed his time; he was a smooth talker with a serene vibe who allowed you to be the corny goofball you are when comfortable. Especially when he’d crack deadpan jokes and tease you. The conversations you had held weight and authenticity.
Y’all are on your third date, walking the night streets of the city while eating rolled ice cream. The stroll is silent but comfortable, ignoring the fact that Sai hadn’t talked much throughout the day.
"Did you enjoy our date?" Sai quips, eyebrows rising inquisitively.
You swallow the melting treat and nod your head.
"Yup!" You lie. "What about you?"
Sai looks down at the remnants of melted ice cream in his cup before stopping in his tracks.
“Y/n, I think you’re really cool,” he prompts.
Fuck me, you think.
"But I don't see us being any more than good friends. I don't feel any excitement when I'm with you. Plus, my ex and I wanna get back together so... Yeah."
While nodding spitefully, your plump lips press together in a tight line.
"Goodbye, Sai." You turn around and walk the opposite direction.
"Should I get you an uber?" He calls out.
You simply wave your hand without looking back. You’re glad you didn’t fuck him anyways, since you already learned the hard way of fooling around while easily susceptible to attachment. That's how you got your heart broken. And you've healed, still healing, but trust is earned. And your time requires effort now.
You shut your apartment door with a foot and lock it before kicking off your heels. Tossing your keys on the living room table, you pad your way to the nearest couch and plop your face on the mattress.
Your eyes sting at the despair of it all, wondering if this love shit is only magical for some. You bring your vibrating phone closer to your face, only to see that it's Shikamaru. You sigh in contemplation, side-eyeing the TV across from you before reluctantly answering the call.
"Heyyy." Your voice drawls out in a feeble attempt at sounding happy.
"How was your date?" He sounds groggy, like he just woke up from one of his daily naps.
You gulp, eyes widening in shame. "It was - uhhh.”
You hear shuffling on your friend's end, waiting patiently for your response as he opens his refrigerator for snacks.
"Do you think I'm boring?" You whisper, as if you’re unraveling this big secret.
The noise ceases on the other side.
"He dropped you, didn't he?" He deadpans.
Your silence is all the answer he needs.
Shikamaru scoffs. "Fuck him. Don't let some dude you only met 3 times ruin the rest of your week.
"Mhmm." You hear people say that all too often for your liking.
"He said I didn't excite him. Whatever the hell that means."
"That's really a drag, y/n. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. But you're not boring at all, it's his loss. Not yours.”
You curl up in a ball and stare at your TV screen, listening to your friend unwrapping a candy bar.
"Hey listen," he takes a bite from the frozen chocolate.
“Instead of sulking in your dark little hole till you find another date, how about you come with Mari and me to meet a good friend?"
"Whoring me out again are we?"
"Damn, was it that obvious?" He sighs tiredly at your lewd sarcasm.
“Anyway, he runs a dojo that his sensei founded. Called the Mighty Rock Dojo."
"Stupid name." You comment petulantly.
"Yeah I know." He snorts. "We'll pick you up at ten am if you want, a change in scenery could help with your... perspective on life."
"S'okay, you can say I’m depressed.”
“Yeah, well I think this could help, even a little bit. Didn't you always watch those Bruce Lee movies when you were a kid? Rush Hour? The Karate Kid?"
“Yeah but-“
"This could unlock good memories for you. Make you feel like you belong?"
"I don't fight though." you reason.
"No need. Just watch."
Your eyebrows furrow in deep worry. While his offer is tempting, you do not see how attending a dojo can fix your love life. Maybe you could use some innocent excitement for once.
"Alright, alright." You whine, cursing your schedule for making you free tomorrow. “Ten am you said?"
"That's my girl,” You side eye your phone: he hasn’t called you that since y’all broke up.
“And yes, we'll pick you up at ten. Now go to sleep.”
After your friend hangs up, you set your timer on your phone and toss it on the table beside you.
You are not a morning person; eyes burning from fresh sleep as you ponder whether you should fling your roaring alarm across your wall. You don’t really know what to wear at a dojo, so you decide on more casual clothing for the day. When you feel like you're all caught up on your morning routine, notifications of Temari texting you to come downstairs pop up on your phone.
You greet the couple as you enter their jeep and sit in the back, enjoying the faint aroma of cinnamon in the air.
"You ready to see some sick ass-whooping?" Temari snarls.
"You know it, girl." You snigger.
She is a breath of fresh air, you like befriending people who are more unserious than you at times.
The ride is peaceful; sun rays dancing through the windows, a lofi playlist tuning in the background to set a nice vibe. You'd doze off if you weren't getting eager to see what this dojo's all about.
"So Pineapple, who is this friend of yours?"
"Rock Lee." Shikamaru grumbles while staring ahead, spiky ponytail peaking above the headrest. You call him "pineapple” when you're feeling goofy, and he hates that his wife started using that foolish nickname on him soon after.
“He's been the master of the dojo ever since his sensei, Might Guy, retired 5 years ago," Temari adds.
You hum in acknowledgment. When you all finally arrive, your eyes droop a bit at how... unimpressive the outside looks. Very bland letters that spell out the text of the establishment's name. you wouldn't consider it a dojo without the word dojo being on the big sign. You groan in pending boredom.
A ceiling bell jingles as you enter, the first step inside the dojo and your face is smothered with the pungency of feet. Usually, you would turn right back around with a cringe and escape such an aggressive odor, but the man before you makes it exceptionally difficult to look away:
Beads of sweat decorate the contours of his neck and chest. An impeccable horse stance coils his body like a spring; perfect posture, plump ass sitting in a squat that shows the subtle bulge of his thighs through the fabric of his Gi; knees spread apart and each one bent at a 90 degree angle; left arm firmly folded behind his back while the other has his front palm facing him, slender fingers pointing up and pressed together like a blade. His hands and wrists are wrapped in white bandages that you assume would help secure the worn skin beneath. He’s in the midst of a match; his intense, unblinking gaze holding both his opponent and the onlookers in rapt attention. Every move is a display of disciplined grace and raw physical power. Every strike, every dodge, every block- they all hold tactical precision unlike any other. It's why he barely took a single blow.
You don't look away, leaning closer to Shikamaru.
"What technique is he using?" You mumble in fascination.
Your friend chuckles, sighing quietly after.
"Taijutsu. An ancient martial art that his sensei put on the map a few decades back. Last time I checked, this'll be Lee's 40th beaten opponent this week."
"Well damn." You grunt.
But how unexpected was it? He looks like an ancient warrior, like he loves what he’s doing. So much so, that the physical pain seems a necessity for his strength. That's why a dozen surround him in awe of his mastery.
The atmosphere is electric, growing anticipation of how this battle will end thickens the air. Lee's opponent is bruised up, battered figure wobbling side to side just to cope with the damage already done to him. All Lee has to do is wait a few moments, not moving an inch until he watches him fall to his knees, and collapse on the matted floor. The victor blinks a couple of times with a deep inhale, you can hear the timbre of his voice when he releases his breath.
"Heh. Some things never change," Temari scoffs with a knowing smile.
Relaxing his arms at the applauding crowd, Lee stands straight and bows to his beaten contestant, whispering a “thank you” for showing his dedication and strength: Lee slowly grabs his arm to help lift his body, walking him to a nursing room in the back of the dojo so he can tend to his injuries. An idea pops into your head, kicking off your street shoes to trot past the crowd and follow them. You decide that since you're a medical professional, you'd assist the fighter in his hospitality. You get steadily closer until you find him looking in the cabinets for certain remedies.
"Got antiseptic with cotton balls?"
Lee jolts to face you while still crouched under the counter, hitting his head against the hard surface.
Your hand covers your mouth in mortification.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't-"
"Don't worry, my friend!" He chuckles sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head. "Just didn't expect anyone to come in yet, haha!"
You smile at his reassurance, not expecting the depth of his voice; a low bass overshadowed by whimsical friendliness every time he speaks.
"Ahh okay. Still have any antiseptic with cotton balls?"
"Oh, yeah! need some?"
"No, but your friend does.”
Lee lowers his hand, turning his head to the man who lay on a thin mattress, and turns back to look at you.
"You want to help him?"
"Mhm!" You chirp, digging in your bag for your wallet to show him your license. Lee raises his hands up at your insistence.
"Y-You don't need to prove yourself to me! I appreciate the help. His eyes crinkle shut with a toothy smile.
You were thinking of ways to make it falter, like caressing the area where his neck and jaw meet or brushing your thumb along his bushy eyebrows. You could see how strong he is, and you want to feel it this time. You've never considered his textbook features attractive, but he makes them look too endearing to dislike.
After swiping a bag full of cotton from the upper cabinet, Lee notions you to come closer with a wave.
Walking to stand beside him, you analyze the man's wounds. Gently pressing your fingers throughout his body, you fail to spot any particularly tender areas.
Lee hands you a cotton swab with a bottle of antiseptic.
"Nun too serious." You murmur while squirting the solution on the cotton. "He'll be fine.”
He nods with a hum, watching you gently dab the damp material on the fighter's bloodied face.
"What's his name?"
"Neji. We've known each other since childhood."
There was a lilt of fondness in Lee's tone when regarding the man you're patching up.
Neji winces when you clean a certain cut above his eyebrow, making you pause with caution.
"Oop, sorry Neji. I'm almost done." You coo.
Lee watches in awe at how graceful and precise your movements are when treating his friend, the subtle focus in your stare as you put your training to use impresses him even more. He couldn't be that delicate with someone if he tried. He clears his throat.
"H-How did you learn about the dojo?"
You look up in quick thought before flickering your eyes down to the task at hand.
"The Naras brought me here."
Lee's eyes glow up like light bulbs.
"Shika knows you?!"
You snort at the cute nickname.
"Yeah. We've been friends since high school. Him and Temari think this place would be a... more cathartic way to spend my time."
You appreciate the couple for thinking of you, really. But it's still kind of embarrassing that they know how much of a loner you are. Lee places a hand on his hip while the other rubs his chin, eyes closing to reminisce about a familiar time in his life.
"Ahh, I remember when I had nothing better to do than work at the dojo. It got so bad that Shika stepped in to show me a more casual way of life. I didn't stop wearing my sense's hand-me-downs till last year!"
You giggle at how open he is to someone he just met. Lee didn't expect your sultry voice to allure him so easily when you laughed. He wants to make you do it again.
*Yeah," you agree. *He's like a dad friend."
"He IS a dad friend."
Both laughing heartily in unison, you wrap up Neji's treatment and return all the equipment you used.
"All he needs is a few day's rest and he'll be good as new." You look down at Neji who's sound asleep, sighing in pride at your handiwork.
"My name is Rock Lee, but I'd like it if you called me Sensei Lee. What's yours?"
"Y/n. It's nice to meet you, Sensei."
You love the way he looks down at you with those big round eyes. His grin is calm, radiating silent confidence.
"You'd be a great addition to our dojo, y/n.” You love the way your name rolls off his tongue. But your skin crawls at what that might say about you.
"You think so?"
"Know so! Every time I patch up my students, they say I'm too rough. But you're obviously a pro.”
You quietly scoff in shyness, the thought of being a nurse for a bunch of fighters never passed your mind till now. Lee blinks a few times in concern.
"I can pay you, if that's the issue."
You shake your head abruptly..
"I already have a well-paying job. Plus I couldn't do my best if it's only for the money."
”Yes, of course."
He is too good at eye contact and manners. You beg yourself to act right.
"I'll think about it. What's your number for the meantime?"
After he gives you his phone, you bid each other farewell. When you reunite with the Nara's you tell them everything that went down in the nursing room.
Shikamaru smirks knowingly, turning towards his car.
“I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Anyways, I want brunch."
"Meals are on me for introducing a new hobby!"
"This is why we love y/n."
"Don't get used to it," you warn playfully.
This work belongs solely to ©️ blimbosworlddd. Do not plagiarize, steal, copy or repost. I worked very hard on this; reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated.
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hellcifrogs · 1 year
About the bad dads debate: Rasa neglected his elder two children too, and saw them as nothing but disposable soldiers. There's plenty of evidence of that in the series. In the manga, before the final stage of the chunin exam, there's a scene of the 3 sibs looking up at their dad (or whom they thought was their dad, it was Orochimaru in disguise but they didn't know that), and it's clear from their faces how stressed, scared and uncomfortable they felt just looking at him. Kankuro and Temari were even sweating. In a semi canon filler anime eps (ep 388 I think. An ep that expanded on what happened the day Gaara lost control of Shukaku). We can see Kankuro completely alone, taking charge of the situation, before his dad appeared. And once he did, Rasa at no point made any attempts to get Kankuro to safety, he just stood and stared. In the scene right after that, Rasa had no problem leaving them in a room alone with Gaara, fully knowing that Gaara could lash out at any of them and kill them. In that scene, Kankuro himself says that Gaara killed their friends, and Gaara threatened him, which ended with Temari taking Kankuro out of the room. It's a canon fact (stated by Temari), that they underwent emotional training, so who knows at what age did he force them to start ninja training to become soldiers. Probably as soon as they could walk. It's just, Temari and Kankuro didn’t have it easy. Just because their dad never directly tried to kill them, doesn't mean they had it easy. And I'd say that he did try to kill them indirectly. Putting them on a team with Gaara at that stage alone, knowing what he could do to them, could be considered a suicide mission. So yeah. Rasa fucked up 3 children not just one, so I'd say he's the worst.
And I'd say you really don't need to argue against Rasa to me! I hate him the most already 😤
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