#and does anyone even remember vine lol
spirk-trek · 3 months
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balance of terror
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stephofromcabin12 · 3 months
I didn’t know that canonically Dionysus sometimes gets loose and presumably that’s when he has his kids. I always read it as his exile to camp was relatively “recent” in terms of him probably having been grounded in the like. Last few years before the story picks up. I had always assumed his current kids were born before that and so that also helps account for their low numbers (before Rick specified his stance on two being the best number of children or whatever that quote was from TOA)
Well, like most things we learn about Mr D in the books, it’s pretty subtle and mentioned like twice (bc Rick loves to torture me by adding lore and then not developing it further)
Before we look at that, we have to establish that, yes, his punishment seems to be recent. He’s given 100 years to be at camp, and in TLO he explains to Percy that Zeus cut his probation in half, leaving him with 50 years. Which would mean he had just begun his sentence in The Lightning Thief.
“[…] Zeus has cut my probation at that miserable camp in half. I now have only fifty years left instead of one hundred.” (The Last Olympian, p. 343)
But even so, there are a couple of ways he could have snuck out and had some kids.
Firstly, there’s the fact that the gods can be in multiple places at once, as explained by the wine dude himself in The Last Olympian:
“Your concern is touching. I did crash-land. Very painfully. {note: The gods feel pain…Interesting} In fact, part of me is still buried under a hundred feet of rubble in an abandoned coal mine. It will be several more hours before I have the strength to mend. But in the meantime, part of my conciousness is here […] Wherever there is a party, my prescence is invoked. Because of this, I can exist in many different places at once […]”
(The last Olympian, p. 266)
If we assume that gods at their full strength can exist more physically in multiple places, by dividing their “essence” or whatever, we can assume Dionysus would be able to sneak out by being present— seemingly automatically— wherever a party is happening.
It’s pretty much assumed (by me, I don’t think anyone else thinks about his exact whereabouts as much as I do lol) that he does this, or something else, because he is not gone very long in BOTL and TLO, and yet, in The Blood of Olympus, Dakota is seen talking to multiple Dionysus kids, which shouldn’t be possible, since yk. Pollux is the only camper (and should be in college by now but whatever, maybe he came back anyway or took a gap year, who knows) and even if he did take advantage of being away from camp in BOTL and TLO, his kids would be like, 2-3 at most and therefore not old enough to fight (I would certainly hope, although toddlers turning their enemies frantic and crazed is kinda metal ngl) So he must have had more kids before that….Or Rick forgot he killed Castor, which is hilariously possible.
“[…] Dakota shared Kool-Aid with the kids from the Dionysus cabin […]” (The Blood Of Olympus, p. 474)
(Stephanie Olive Overbaum canon confirmed. Its the only possible explanation lmao. If you have a Dio kid OC, you can’t prove they weren’t there. Huge win for the cabin 12 kids lmao)
So, he probably didn’t take advantage of his time away, if he did we wouldn’t know for another couple books, and Rick seems to have lost interest in ever elaborating on his character so we’ll probably never know.
Besides the splitting himself up theory, we have the possibility of him simply leaving lol.
He’s stuck at camp, yes, but the interesting thing is that he seems to be barred from entering Olympus, not so much that he’s barred from going anywhere else. He does leave camp in The Titan’s curse, seemingly without issues. Again, he could have split himself up, but since he’s able to make vines grow and all that, I’m assuming he was physically present. And he mentions paperwork in The Lightning Thief, if I remember correctly, so we can assume he has to file a report everytime he leaves his station to make sure he had a good enough reason to leave (Like a camper sneaking out, for example)
I don’t know how he would get around that one, but he’s sneaky, so I wouldn’t put it past him to sneak out and pretend to be doing something more important.
Of course, there are lines here and there suggesting he does leave every so often.
“As for Seymour, Mr D liberated him from a long island garage sale […]” (The Lost Hero, p. 88)
He couldn’t really have gone to a garage sale without leaving, again, yes he could have split himself up but that’s so easy and boring so I prefer to think he just fucks off and takes a day off here and there. It is a Long Island garage sale, so it’s not like he went far. Even funnier, we can imagine the camp went on another field trip and he came along, finding the garage sale along the way.
“[…] Our camp director, Dionysus, was recalled […]” (The Lost Hero, p. 20)
Ah yes, the recalled era. In HOO Mr D is not present, having been recalled to Olympus.
Technically, we don’t know where Mr D went in the time he was recalled, since we don’t know how exactly that period of time worked for the gods. We know they had no means of communicating, and that Zeus forbid the gods from seeking out their kids.
Even so, Aphrodite sneaks out and meets up with Piper. Athena/Minerva is out and about. Lots of the gods don’t hang around on Olympus the entire time. We’ve established Mr D is A. Sneaky (sneaks up on Percy more than once) and B. Doesn’t give any fucks that Zeus has told him to stay at camp (Garage sale) so I don’t think it’s unfair to assume he dipped and shrugged to Zeus like “I can’t help that I go where parties to🤷🏻‍♂️”
“Yeah but the gods had the headache thing going on, so he probably didn’t want to go anywhere”
I hear you say and you’re right BUT!
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In between The Blood Of Olympus and The Tower Of Nero, we have zero clue where Dionysus is, and what he’s up to. Like nothing. We don’t even talk about it. He’s just GONE.
“After the fight with Gaea, I thought Mr. D might return to camp, but he never did. I hope he’s alright.” (The Hidden Oracle, p. 129)
And then in The Tower Of Nero he shows up and nobody discusses where he went.
Can you tell I’m peeved? I’m peeved. Where the fuck was he, Rick?
I don’t even have a quote to show you because no one mentions it.
Hmpf. Anyway. Then we have the interesting tidbit that Dionysus thinks two is the perfect number of children, although it’s important to keep in mind that he thinks this after staying with the twins, which would’ve had to have happened before The Lightning Thief, when he’s already at camp.
So, perhaps in the time of him staying at camp, he simply doesn’t have any more kids, since he doesn’t want to be further outnumbered. (*In canon, in fanfiction anything is possible)
I can imagine a lot of the gods deciding to cut down on their amount of kids if they had to help raise them for a bit lol so that’s actually fair.
Anywho….I forget what we were talking about.
He probably just sneaks out or splits himself up lol
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axel-the-goat-guy · 1 month
Ark is so fun and also so confusing
Does anyone remember Ark?
With future space dinos and shit lmao
I've seen a handful of people trying to go over the lore and survivors notes and stuff (im actually watching a video about that right now lol) and it gave me the idea of "well what if I made a video/series about Ark, but the way I've always played it?"
Cause yeah the whole thing of tribes of various people from various times throughout history with a common goal of just surving is cool.
But what if it was just you? Just one person? Just one dude with no idea what the hell is going on surving just barely and being scared and confused and alone...
Finding a note from a survivor with no other context in a chest in the middle of nowhere. Wondering how it got there and if the person who wrote it is still even alive?
Finding old long abandoned structures with no signs of life except for the vines and creatures running around...
The constant sense of loneliness knowing that there WAS people here, but seemingly are all gone.
Perhaps they died hundreds of years ago. Maybe they just moved on. Or maybe that paranoid feeling that you're being watch and there is something lurking just outside your view and you're every movement is being watched turns out to be true.
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dizzycloudzzz · 9 months
Shrek AU?????
I just watched Shrek and some spirit possessed me to do this
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OKAY *inhale*
It's on the Boiling Isles buuut in the Deadwardian Era, as if they were ancestors of the current Gus, Hunter and Willow
Does that make sense? Of course it does
Let's change the term "ogre" in the story to "Grimwalker", so this Hunter here is living isolated from witches and Belos, a Golden Guard who escaped and discovered the truth and now just wants to live his own life in peace and A L O N E, so he maaaay have forged his own death and then maintaining the lies that he was some zombie or spirit when one or two witches saw him in the forest and were called crazy for that
And then we have Augustus Porter, running away from a group of annoying witches who were calling him "Donkey" 'cause of the size of his very cute ears and dirtying him with abomination magic, just bullies being bullies
He ran so much until he bumped into one person, and the group of witches behind him also stopped running when they saw who
That guy certainly hasn't slept for a few past lives and not even had found no one alive since WHO KNOWS, and it wasn't even a pleasant surprise
It was just like: eye contact, children screamed when they saw that the legend of "the Golden Guard being alive and cursing anyone who entered the forest" was true partially, and then he walked away, remembering why he didn't like people that much
"new best friend", Gus decided and followed Hunter around like a small but endless source of curiosity and questions
Hunter tried to walk faster, pretend he was deaf or mute, just ignore
Nothing functional, soon he gave in, NOW THEY WERE DONKEY AND DORK UNBEATABLE DUO
Nah, not yet, Hunter was just making up something to distract Gus, trying to scare him by telling him that the legend (that he himself had spread) is true and he was a danger and GUS WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION HE THOUGHT IT WAS SO COOL THAT HE WAS MEETING A LIVING LEGEND
"... you would be SO popular if you showed up to everyone!!!!"
"ew. why would I want that."
He really didn't want anyone much less Belos to know he was living there hidden near a Palistrom tree, and the idea of ​​being known was not attractive to him, he had just invented those rumors about "stealing their souls and bile" so that people would NOT want to know about him, but the plan backfired, now he's famous
And while he and Gus were talking, a crowd gathered around the Palistrom tree/Hunter's home and surrounded the two, not exactly friendly as they trapped Hunter with magical vines and then trapped Gus as well when he tried to save his friend in vain
There was monarchy before Belos, Willow's dads ☝️
Gus and Hunter were taken to their castle and it was a relief to know that they actually wanted to ask for help
They told the sad story that their daughter, the princess of the Islands, had been trapped for years in a tower surrounded by the boiling sea and with a Selkidomus guarding the entrance and preventing anyone from saving her 'cause she mistook Willow for one of her babies lol
and no one was able to save her, but Hunter could!!!!!
"you've already tried the most powerful witches on the island and now you're sending me to die there too?"
"aren't you already dead?"
"... touché. I go, but uhhhhh prohibit entry into Palistrom Forest"
"'cause they are... deforesting... and in a few years there will be a shortage..?"
"makes sense. we have a deal then"
"can I go rescue the princess too? and get free passage to the forest as a reward?"
Hunter said no, the kings said yes, Gus only heard yes
And they walked a loooong way to get to the beach, being able to see the tower in the distance in the middle of the boiling sea as if it were a small island
Hunter tested getting close to the water, not hesitating to put his hand in there and notice that he didn't burn himself, Grimwalker advantages
Gus created a boat of abomination so himself can float to the tower along with Hunter who just went on his own, being received by an angry Selkidomus out of distrust but who was quickly tamed by an illusion-spell mixed with beast keeping magic from Gus that made her believe that they were also her babies, letting them pass and enter (The "heroes" that were sent earlier were trying to fight the poor Selkidomus, a waste of time)
"it was more easy with you"
"I did nothing"
"I would do nothing either if I were alone, thanks for the moral support"
"I still feel useless... but you're welcome..?"
NOW they're bros, and meet the third future member of the inseparable trio
Willow is a Grimwalker too, obviously, she wears contact lenses both to be able to see without needing glasses and to change the magenta color of her eyes to green
She wasn't exactly expecting to be saved (when they arrived, she was trying to escape) but was relieved when she saw the two coming to get her out of there
As they were on the boat heading back to the sand, Hunter noticed Willow touching and playing with the water while they were on the boat and thought about warning her about the obvious fact that it was boiling, but she didn't seem to be affected so he stayed quiet
Gus and Willow? Instant friends, she enjoyed being treated like something other than royalty and liked having someone to talk to after so long
Hunter just like to listen them, during that long journey he discovered himself as a great listener
And they weren't so bad, he didn't hate them, in fact, he liked the company, a little
And so we have in a hasty summary:
Willow giving a little lesson to the jerks who bullied Gus before and being named the coolest of the group without needing even an ounce of magic, CAMPS, Everyone venting about their traumas, Huntlow moment with them cutting each other's hair after an accident and talking about his scars and her broken crown, Gus being a brat but a great cupid for them, Flowers and fruit and backhanded compliments 'cause Hunter doesn't know how to flirt
AND theeeeen
"c'mon! you like him and he DEFINITELY likes you too, he's pretty obvious! what's so complicated about that?"
"that would never work, donkey! how could anyone like someone who isn't even a real witch?! a real person? this is not natural..."
Willow was talking about herself, trying to pretend she didn't care, AND GUESS WHO LISTENED?? YEAH HUNTER IS NOT OKAY NOW
Another summary:
Discussion and separation, Willow was like Elsa singing "For the First Time in Foreveeeer" and trying to focus on being in the present, back at the castle, to the role of princess and... Without her friends, Hunter just wanted to go back to being a lone wolf but obviously Gus wouldn't let him, he clears up the misunderstanding, Hunter discovers she's a Grimwalker too, another little discussion before they sort themselves out and HOOOLD HANDS and then group hug
They keep meeting in the Palistrom forest as a sacred place for them and as if the rest of the world doesn't exist and they don't have to worry about anything while they are together, just being free and having fun and being young
wait, has it been 22 years since Shrek released? ☠️
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lollytea · 2 years
What do you think Hunter’s first daydream/dream/fantasy of Willow was like? Rather, the first time his brain subconsciously started telling him he has a crush? One where he was like, “Holy Titan this is different!” I want to know your take on it!
Oh his subconscious was TRYING to tell him literally that night after meeting her but Hunter blatantly refused to process the truth of the matter cuz it was just too much for him to mentally handle. He was all like "hahaaaa....friend.... :)"
Like "It'll only be 52 weeks before Caleb's next day off"??? Not only has this girl confirmed that she still considers him a friend (She's his friend!!! Hunter's stomach does backflips at the thought it of it.) but she also makes clear that she would like to see him again. 52 weeks....in 52 weeks he's gonna see Willow....there is no way that's not going to cause his mind to wander about the possibilities.
Oh and the pensta chatting. The pensta chatting makes it a billion times worse. Cuz he's here and he's talking to her everyday and he's having so much fun but all he has are her words on a screen. He can't see her face or hear her voice.
He remembers how he blurted out "The Emerald Entrails!", that moment of doubt that he had said something dumb, only for Willow's expression to completely light up in a pretty smile as she touched his shoulder and eagerly began to chant the name he came up with. That was when he knew he had done something right. And those little emojis and exclamation points and 'lol's are cute NICE and makes him all giddy when he gets a positive reaction out of her but he misses the real thing. Which is weird to think because he barely knows the real thing.
Why does he want the real thing so badly?
He misses her.
So he starts to imagine her smiles and her laughter somewhere on the other end of Bonesborough. He knows the hours she's at school. He knows the hours she's working out. So whenever they're not texting, wondering how she's doing is always tucked away in the back of his mind.
As Hunter's crush on Willow fattens up (without him realizing it) the anticipation to see her again only builds. Before he knows it, he falls asleep to the thought of how it's gonna go. What will he say? What will she say? He's writing scripts in his head. He'll be strapping on his armor in the mornings and rehersing his lines in the mirror. He always imagines himself as doing something cool that Willow is very impressed by. And then they'll play Flyer Derby together 🥰
So yeah that is definitely the foundation of Hunter's little Willow daydreams. They don't start off intimate in any way at first. They're very innocent. He just wants to see her. He wants to spend time with her. He wants to talk to her. (He later discovers that talking to her is easier said than done.) So while he definitely has a massive crush on her at this point, his feelings remain repressed because he doesn't have the self awareness to explore them so the explicitly romantic daydreams are still locked behind a paywall.
This shifts into something more heart thumping between the events of LR and COTH where Hunter gradually begins to realize that how he feels about Willow is very very different from how he feels about anyone else. Like Luz. At this point he can admit to himself that he's very fond of Luz. And ever since HP, he has wondered if he'll ever see her again. Her words still stick with him. But she doesn't render him grinning and giggling as he lies awake at night thinking about her. Willow makes vines squirm around in his stomach. It is undeniably different. Even Hunter, the king of mental gymnastics, can't run from that truth forever.
I feel like he didn't quite know he had feelings for Willow during LR. Hell, he was surprised as anybody about how nervous he suddenly became when she was around. But he had observed that she made him feel very funny. In a good way. He mostly just chalked it up to her just being so cool that of course he felt a little starstruck in her presence.
But then Willow yanked him into a hug after the Hexside battle and it changed his brain chemistry. Because she was just!!! So close!!! He could smell her. Her voice was practically in his ear. And she was holding him so tight and secure. It initially startled him beyond comprehension because he is so starved of intimate touch that a hug would absolutely make his endorphins go fucking buckwild and what was happening was so foreign to him that he was frightened of the emotion he felt. He couldn't immediately recognize it as a positive feeling because he had no idea what was going on.
But after?? After Willow let him go and the Hexside students all gathered around to make sure everyone was okay, Hunter was just left standing there, in a complete stupor until Gus pulled him out of it. He still didn't fully understand what had just happened, only that his brain was static because of it.
It takes him a moment to realize that he desperately hopes that whatever that was, she'll do it again.
So those few days/a week he spends with Willow and Gus, Hunter receives a bombardment of physical touch. Usually from Gus. Sometimes Willow too. And Hunter is going absolutely fucking bonkers because Willow's touches are so soft. So fluttery. A hand on his shoulder. A pat on the head. Almost like she knows the effect her touches have and is keeping it to a minimum just to tease him. And it's driving him wild. She'll jokingly pat his cheek and it takes all of Hunter's willpower not to press his face into it. A hand on a shoulder could so easily turn into an arm wrapped around him and pulling him closer. It never does. But that doesn't stop Hunter's kneecaps from melting everytime she touches him so gently and his mind wanders to how it could escalate.
It is astounding what one hug did to him. He hasn't been the same since. But Titan forbid he ask for one. Or initiate himself. Oh no no no that's far too forward.
So yeah, whenever Hunter is left alone and the thought of Willow crosses his mind, he ends up fantasising about being held. Or just. Touched in a way that makes him feel safe. It's a very emotionally charged desire.
Again, while Hunter has definitely reached some awareness that he might be heading down a slippery slope of infatuation, he's still very inexperienced in matters like these. So he doesn't quite know what to fantasise about. But he's had hugs and touching on the brain ever since LR so that's what all his dreams concerning her revolve around.
But then COTH happens and OH BOY. This is when the overload of repressed teenage hormones are finally unleashed. Hunter has spent the last week wanting to be held by Willow because Willow is so sweet and so kind and soft and pretty. But then it finally happens but the nature of it is completely upside down. This is different!!
She swoops in to rescue him and flings him over her shoulder and she's holding him tight but it's not a hug. It's nothing like he was fantasizing about. It's something he has NEVER experienced before but it definitely awakens something in him. She...she's capable of carrying him. She's strong. Girl strong. Arms.. Uhhh..hmm...um. WELL. that's...Ugdhhkk.
This unlocks a new reason that Hunter wants to be held by Willow. Because simply put he thinks Willow is hot.
And that is a whole other set of emotions that Hunter will have to unpack but we won't go into detail about it. But you know how it is with teenagers. Their attractions are borderline feral. Especially if they're experiencing them for the first time.
After Hunter's Strong Girl awakening, he's pretty preoccupied with the Day of Unity to focus on it. It's not until the dust has cleared and he's settled in with Camila that he has the mental capacity to indulge himself with silly little daydreams of Willow effortlessly picking him up.
So now physical attraction has been added to the Hunter crush broth. Now all that's left is for him to observe how Luz and Amity interact with each other, sharing affection that he never really saw up close before and he's beginning to realize that a romantic relationship is....a thing he might actually want? Maybe?? Holding her hand...hm...or....or maybe....
It began as Hunter simply longing to see her in person. To see her smile. To hear her laugh.
Then it escalated to wishing more than anything that she could touch him.
Then the fizzling burst of teen attraction butted its way into the equation and he can't stop thinking about her strong arms.
And now....he wonders what it would be like to kiss her...
Stir that all together and you have a boy who is helplessly in love.
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Fantasy au designs and lore post!!
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So~ here are my fantasy au designs and some good old character lore!
There will be another post for plot, but here’s the link to the main worldbuilding and lore post.
Info and more characters are under the cut (it’s gonna get long):
(Can’t remember if I said smth about this but star fae have star shaped markings that these two have and hide)
So, Tsunagu is half elf, half star fae, and is an elven prince.
His father was an elven king, his mother was a star fae queen.
His father found her fleeing from the village they were destroying, had a change of heart when he saw her (fell in love ooo)
He kept her safe in the palace and tried to convince the others to stop their fae-hunting and let them live in peace but they eventually rebelled against him
They had twins, Tsunagu and his sister. His mother was said to just be a "very magical elf witch" to protect them all
One day, mother got killed and Tsu’s father found her and raised the children by himself
Over time, the king had to tell them about who they were in order for them to hide it so they stayed safe
Unfortunately, darkness took over their kingdom, a dark elf (evil one, very bad) came and killed their father, taking over the kingdom and planting himself as king
Tsunagu follows orders and goes with all the dark and cruel things he says and does in order to keep his sister safe
His sister looked after a crystal necklace, given to them by their mother. She gives it to Tsunagu one day, and tells him to find the piece that it has been split from (it was in a very certain shape, making it clear it had been forcefully split in half - they didnt know what it was) 
This means he follows orders to lead an army into a forest to find and raid one of the last big fae kingdoms
He wields incredibly strong light magic, and can summon special kinds of plants and vines in particular. Isn't great at healing, but he is learning.
His star fae marking is on his neck, which he hides with his clothes and concealing magic.
His sword holds a star beacon piece and was giften to him by his father.
He is nicknamed "the blessed prince" bc of his strong magic
Is afraid of revealing who he is because of how fast star fae (even part star fae) get hunted.
Shinya is fully Star Fae, and is the King of one of the last biggest Fae Kingdoms.
Born to the last star fae village, fled when it was destroyed. He was a small child and his parents had been captured
He got taken in by a close (regular) fae kingdom, and the king and queen protected him and raised him as their own alongside their daughter. (hana - my pink fairy sister oc)
((i should mention that he had wings. A lot of Star fae do.))
One day, when he was like- a teenager, the kingdom was attacked and the king was killed, the queen fell ill shortly after and died
Shinya lost his wings protecting his new sister, and eventually the attackers retreated
She appointed Shinya as the new king, because he had shown that he would protect their people and that is how he became king (at a young age)
Him being star fae also meant that his magic could create a protective bubble against the dark, protecting his people
He holds the other half to Tsunagu's piece of the Fallen Star crystal. It was split many many years ago, where two star fae lovers were drawn apart. They split the crystal piece into two, so that they could find each other again.
(unfortunately they never did, but ig maybe they had this chance in a new life ;) )
Naturally, he has strong light magic and can use it to heal very well and create flowers and new sprouts.
He seems incredibly cold and kinda harsh at first, but he's just very protective of his people.
His people do know that he is a Star Fae, but there is a sort of like- vow- for it to never be told to anyone else. (and they are more than happy to not say anything, shinya keeps em safe they like him lol)
Short "how they meet" and their dynamic:
Tsunagu stumbles across the kingdom and gets greeted (at knifepoint) by Shinya at the river bordering the kingdom.
Tsunagu does not want to hurt fae, but he is kinda with an army of elves searching for that very village- so he doesn't believe him.
(even though he was actually looking for the village to warn them all)
He gets knocked out and taken to the fae kingdom, and he wakes up tied to a chair in the middle of a hall like “okay- i was willing to come here why did i get knocked out :(”
Cue Shinya making his proper entrance in his regal clothes and Tsunagu maybe stops functioning for a minute bc god damn he's Hot.
Elves are approaching too close and so Tsunagu begs for him to let him go talk to them and so he (reluctantly) does.
Tsu tells them to return to camp. And so he goes off with them, leaving the fae kingdom safe
their dynamic is basically just:
"enemies to lovers" but they're only enemies because they're supposed to be and - "I don't trust you, get out." "you...you strapped me to this chair- i don't wanna kill you??"
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Aizawa is a human with no magic. He is an assassin and a ranger.
What he doesn't know, is that he has some royal blood - but he doesn't care about that when he does find out.
His mother was a maid in a small human kingdom, and she got pregnant by one of the princes in the palace she worked at. She ran away to be safe
A kind fae witch took her in and Shouta was born, but shortly after, she died of illness
The fae witch raised him enough for him to provide for himself and left him in a bigger human kingdom (it wasn't safe and his mother had asked her to do this)
He grew up not understanding why he had been abandoned and survived by scavenging and roaming around.
He met Hizashi as a kid, and they became friends, until the two kingdoms fell apart and he could no longer see him.
As he grew older, he became an assassin -not by choice- and started going on dangerous missions for the human kingdom.
(i haven't decided what his piece should be yet, but I'll figure it out soon /lh)
Since he has no magic, he fights physically very well and with short sharp weapons.
Hizashi is an elven prince, and is constantly kept inside and not allowed to leave the kingdom without close supervision
His fathers are very overprotective but caring, but he gets really bored and wants to explore
(even though he is. terrified. of the outside world.)
When he was a kid, he met Aizawa and they became best friends.
When they separated, he gave Shouta his crystal necklace as their "Promise" that they would get back to each other some day
He grows up and grows into his princely duties, but part of him still wondered if Shouta was still alive.
He wields relatively strong light magic and can use it to manipulate the breeze as his strong point
How they meet in the main plot and dynamic:
Shouta gets sent on a mission to assassinate Hizashi, basically, and he sets off knowing fully well that he could not do this, and that this was the time he runs away
He prays that he will remember him
Climbs into his window and, of course, we have a classic "who tf are you and how are you in my bedroom?????" moment
Until Shouta very quickly reveals his face, they have a short sweet reunion, and he explains they have to leave.
Mic agrees within seconds and just whips out his readily-packed-in-case-of-running-away-emergency bag, and off they go
Shouta returns the necklace in a very emotional sweet moment a few days later when they are safe, and they are now just on the run and out in the wild, happily
Childhood friends to lovers - "You came back...thank you" "I promised, didn't I?"
(aka i give them enough angst in my canon hcs and other aus they deserve this one)
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(if it's not already known, Higari gets all my favourite tropes and design elements all the time- i swear its not favouritism, i swear shush shush /lh)
Higari is half dwarf, half dragon shifter.
He is an exiled dwarven general and a blacksmith :)
His mother was a dragon shifter that got captured by his father (a dwarven warrior). He was an asshole haha a bastard, a complete awful fuck-
Anyway his mother got pregnant with him and managed to run away for a bit and entrusted him to a lovely couple that looked after her before she was captured for good.
Higari was raised as a “dwarf” by the lovely couple that owned a smithy. They told him who he was and everything. He disguised himself as a full dwarf and grew up like that.
Eventually he got into the dwarven army, becoming one of the strongest generals.
(he just claimed that he had distant fae ancestors, which was the reason for some of his non-dwarf-like features)
But, one day they wanted to send them out on a mission to capture dragon shifters to use them to look for gold.
He outright refused in front of the king, the other soldiers and everyone. He refused by basically just stepping down right then and there. Obviously he couldn't say why, but he could not take these warriors to kill/capture innocents (like his mother)
He got ridiculed for this and exiled.
He cannot enter the palace, he cannot fight, and if he leaves the kingdom he can't return
Higari is honestly fine with this, he goes back to the smithy and just lives an easy life. Being half dragon shifter makes that not so easy, but as easy as he could.
Uses very strong and particular dark magic, and can sense magic and treasures and all sorts of those things.
His axe holds a piece of the beacon and he made it himself
When he was exiled, his Axe was taken from him and was gifted to another dwarven king as a "peace" offering
Since he is both dragon shifter and dwarf, he can make The Strongest Weapons in almost no time :)
His eyes give away his dragon shifter self, and he wears those lil metal claw things to cover up dark markings on his fingertips
Is the embodiment of Identity Crisis in this au <3
The soliders that followed him and agreed with him also got exiled. (his two children- i mean, closest friends and soldiers are thirteen and cementoss)
He doesn't know how to shift into a dragon
Oh boy, here we go... /lh
Ecto is an elf, an elven prince to a lovely (and the least problematic) elven kingdom.
He used light magic and was a strong fighter and was often leading any battles that needed to be fought, but well, one day in these battles:
He died :)
They couldn’t find his body, but he did die.
Parents and kingdom are left to mourn him after the battle, and his good ol bestie snipe doesnt wanna believe that hes dead. (this is purely out of denial, he knows he is dead.)
Ecto wakes up in a dark cave-like room, very confused as to where he was and how he got there.
Turns out he got revived by a soulwatcher, but he didnt know why. The soulwatcher simply explained that a time would come where he would understand, but it was important that he was revived.
A few weeks pass and ecto finds out more about himself. 
He lost his legs, those apparently couldn't be replaced. He died, but he was now alive. He had skeletal features….
And he was now a wielder of dark magic instead of light magic. A certain type of dark magic too, one that he didn't fully understand.
The soulwatcher taught him the basics and how to conceal himself to look like how he used to. 
He was going to go back home and act like nothing happened, and that he was okay.
Snipe found him and was like “okay- man- i know i said i wasn’t believing you were dead but you literally got stabbed in front of me why are you alive???”
He explains everything to him bc….besties /lh and they return home.
Everyone rejoices and everything returns to how it was, except he pretends that his magic is weaker bc of the injury so he doesnt use it (bc haha dark magic now)
The soulwatcher gave him a staff with a certain crystal in the end of it. He simply said “it'll come in useful” and ecto has to just explain that a kind wizard healed him and gave it to him to help him get around.
His usual legs are made of wood but enchanted with dark magic to make them look and act normal. He had to explain that to his parents and they were like ????
And his face appears normal to others bc of magic
But (like in the designs) unmasked Ecto has shadow magic legs and his skeletal face <3
Since he is now a soulwatcher, he gets random visions and can interact with the dead.
How they met and dynamic:
Ecto's kingdom was visiting Higari's and Ecto's sword breaks during training but no royal blacksmiths can fix it bc it's "too difficult" (elvish and magic blade)
He ends up going for a walk and a civilian tells him about Higari's smithy so he goes in
Higari takes his sword and says it'll be an easy fix, and that he should come back in a day. Ecto is shocked but happily obliges.
Higari instantly knows that something is off and can sense the dark magic both on him and the sword
He also kinda fixes it immediately with the help of his own dark magic
They meet up the next evening when Ecto comes to pick up his sword, can't find Higari, walks into a lil training area around the back and almost gets hit by an axe that Higari threw at him on instinct
They have a slightly ??? dynamic, idk how to label it - "You've got secrets, should I trust you as much as I am right now?" "You also have secrets...let's figure them out together"
but also
"everyone thinks i kidnapped you D:" "but you didn't?? This was my idea???"
The characters get to go on their own separate journeys and adventures, and they all lead to the same point in the end! The journeys and bonds they make separately all contribute to the shared goal of saving the world from darkness :D
I wanted to do more characters (in particular: all three of mirukyubami, hawks, thirteen and cementoss) but this is already long as it is so just these guys for now!
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aprillikesthings · 7 months
YOOOOO IT'S MY WEEKEND and I have eaten dinner and it is time for MORE SHE-RA
OH GOD we're getting into the really good shit btw
if I manage not to do a marathon of these it'll be a gd miracle
Usual reminder: this is a REwatch and there's spoilers ahoy, I make a lot of bad jokes, I reference other cartoons
s4 ep10 fractures
okay before we get started
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I've given in. I'm gonna cosplay Catra. >_< wish me luck, I'm aiming for some kinda loosely post-canon thing, in part because there's no hiding my age at this point, except via like, photoshop pfft
side note the place I was looking at that makes custom fangs based on dental impressions is usually a month and change out, and the con I want to wear this to is in mid-April. *GROAN*
I have tried the cheap ones they don't stay on D:
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Dialogue is Double Trouble. Why are you even in the room??
oh it's a truth-telling spell lol
(it didn't work)
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LOLOL the disbelief in Double Trouble's voice. "Can she do that?"
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oh my GOD (yes it's Double Trouble)
but their Adora looks like Johnny Bravo aaahaha
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Double Trouble does blow a raspberry at Shadow Weaver, tho, so they're forgiven
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Adora explains the Heart of Etheria Project
Shadow Weaver: oooh we can use this to our advantage Me: okay Boromir but NO
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Adora's about to blow a fuse, but I would be, too! Like what part of "the planet could explode" is fucking difficult
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Meanwhile, Catra is watching porn video feeds of places the Horde has taken
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and thinks she spots someone!!!
(she hasn't, and she makes a sad little face when she realizes)
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yeah she's being a bitch but also her deranged little face is great
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does anyone else remember the old video "what your fave she-ra ship says about you"? this was made just after s4 actually. anyway I'm remembering it because it includes the line "you just want good things for Scorpia. and really, who wouldn't?"
Daci and I, for a while, couldn't stop quoting the ContraPoints clip used early on to reference "The inherent eroticism of the sea."
"MMmmm yeah. Don't you wanna just...get in there?"
It's a really funny video (I am called out SEVERAL TIMES) and the channel did a bunch of similar videos for other shows.
(also looking at the home page of the channel, she's a she now!!!! HELL YEAH)
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Anyway everyone is surprised to see Scorpia :D
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And their initial reaction is Not Good D:
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the poor thing accidentally stuns Perfuma (...oh god that'S HILARIOUS knowing later stuff)
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well that stops Adora in her tracks
back in the Fright Zone, Catra thinks she hears Scorpia's laugh and again is visibly relieved before realizing she's wrong
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babygirl you need some rest (and so do your soldiers), you are getting paranoid and hearing things
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so what, you're going to torture the rest of the soldiers who haven't left????
(I understand why she does the things she does but I still want to shake some sense into her)
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she tries to call Double Trouble, but they don't answer
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I want to give her a hug. But also shake some sense into her.
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Another one to add to my "cartoon bondage" collection, as one does. But Perfuma is clearly a little smitten, though: she smiles as she walks away and makes a flower grow in the vines, awwwww
okay oh my GOD okay Scorpia's dialogue is KILLING ME i am CACKLING
"Wow...Yeah, but just-- Shadow Weaver. And at Bright Moon. Everything is making so much sense about why Catra's been acting the way she has."
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Adora goes wide-eyed at Catra's name, Shadow Weaver looks at her, and then Adora looks away, pissed off.
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like I was saying: SMITTEN
Anyway Scorpia explains why she wants to go find/save Entrapta, who's on Beast Island, and:
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they relate various stories about the horrors of Beast Island and Shadow Weaver insists they're nicer than the actual place, it's starting to sound like some bad joke about Etheria's version of Australia
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I mean also you should go get her because she shouldn't be stuck there but okay
They all decide to go to Beast Island to rescue Entrapta but Glimmer is having NONE of it
Glimmer: "Adora, have you ever heard of anyone coming back from Beast Island? Do you even know where it is?"
I mean, good points, but
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Bow: "There's an unstable mass of magic in the middle of the planet. Everyone's at risk unless we can get Entrapta to shut it down."
OKay I'm not typing up the whole damn episode you can read the transcript if you really want to, lol they argue about this for a bit longer, Glimmer even recommends they ask Light Hope how to use it even though that's a terrible idea, Glimmer tries to appeal to Bow but Bow is on Adora's side on this one
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oh honey, no
She tries to order Bow and Adora to stay in the castle and not leave
Scorpia's "prison cell" is a very nice spare room. Perfuma brings her a salad and Scorpia doesn't recognize it as food immediately, the poor thing has only ever had ration bars.
Frosta: "It's not a sleepover!!! Perfuma: ":D I'll get pillows, brb!"
But then Frosta asks about her pincers with genuine interest and makes ones for herself out of ice...and Scorpia starts to cry
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GO. TO. BED. oh my god
I RAN OUT OF IMAGES fhghgh okay gonna reblog
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ell-vellan · 1 year
Get to know the blogger
Tagged by @anneapocalypse ! I utterly missed this earlier, but thank you! I'll happily play despite the fact that I am terribly, terribly boring. Apologies.
Share your wallpaper: I just got a new laptop because my old one died, and I haven't customized the wallpaper yet, so it's just a cool default picture of space. Previously though it's been the cover of a thing I worked on which I'm obsessed with
Last song you listened to: Work Song by Hozier (because I can NOT get enough of the line "no grave can hold my body down, I'll crawl home to her")
Currently reading: Burn by Jolie Vines (I preordered it but haven't gotten very far yet, though I tore through all the other books in the series), like a dozen fanfics (oh god I'm sorry I promise I'll get to them), and I left off the second book of ACOTAR whose name escapes me. I should probably finish something eventually, but I've been in an awful attention-span rut. I tend not to get into a book while I'm writing because my brain can't switch tracks like that very well
Last movie: I literally have no idea. I can't even remember lol. Wait! Maybe the new Lady Chatterley's Lover on netflix! It was okay? Didn't live up to the hype for me
Last show: I've watched nothing but Bluey on repeat for the past 72 hours. It's become background noise. The last grown up show I watched was Shadow & Bone but somehow I just can't finish it no matter how much I really really want to!
Craving: a full 12 hours alone in my house. please, God
What are you wearing right now: Red t-shirt from my hometown and pink shorts
How tall are you: 5'4"
Piercings: Ears, which are probably closed because I haven't worn earrings in ages.
Tattoos: Zero. I have a thing about something on my skin that I can't wash off, and it would drive me crazy.
Glasses? Contacts? Glasses 99 percent of the time unless it's a special occasion. My eyes rejected contacts years ago and it makes me sad.
Last drink: Water because I am a BORING BORING ADULT
Last thing you ate: Chicken margherita pasta
Favorite color: I've always said blue, but lately I think I'm shifting to a specific shade of mint somewhere between green and blue
Current obsession: I'm really deep in my work right now so I guess I can say that? I really am super into it though! It does unfortunately mean I'm between hyperfixations :/ The Dragon Age brainrot has definitely roared back to life in this past year though.
Any pets: A fat white & orange himbo and a crabby dilute calico/tabby mix
Favorite fictional character: Limiting this to just Bioware characters because I've had a lot in my lifetime: The Iron Bull, Zevran, Fenris, Alistair, James Vega, Javik, Shale, David Anderson, Lace Harding, Inquisitor Ameridan, Legion, Joker, Thane
Tag time! @thegoblinwitchqueen @meanestmeanie @beastofmoss @thebookworm0001 and anyone else who'd like to play.
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bylertruther · 2 years
what do you think about "my life started that day we found you in the woods"
lets start with my knee-jerk reaction, which is
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but then when i finally let the all-consuming mama bear spartan rage flow through and out of me, i remember that they had no idea what was wrong with el or how to help her as she seemingly choked to death right in front of them.
they'd dealt with something similar once when will was possessed, though, and will remembers that it was mike and his family professing their love for him that gave him the strength to fight back. so, naturally, he urges mike to do the same now, because he thinks it would mean more if it came from him. he's the heart after all.
we know based off of mike's own dialogue in scenes from other seasons that he doesn't believe in love at first sight. he even repeats as much in the van scene before they pick her up. he says that lie, along with everything else, because he thinks it's what she wants and needs to hear. he's not thinking about anyone or anything else in that moment, he's just locked in on saving her life right now by any means necessary. if will, the person he trusts most in the world and who told him it was him that saved him, tells him this is a time for monologues just like last time, then that's what he's going to do. mike doesn't actually think their love is like that of fairy tales or comic books, but he knows that she wishes it could be and that she'd been previously begging him to say i love you and according to will apparently needs him, so he just does what he can to help her now. because he doesn't want her to die! and he doesn't know what else he could possibly do! (the true love confession worked in s2 but did not work in s4 bc it wasn't true and it wasn't true love <3)
mike's confession is a knock-off of the one he gave will in the shed and will's van confession. "my life started that day we met you in the woods" / "do you remember the first day that we met? [..] it was the best thing i've ever done." like... c'mon, mike, lmao. he highlights her differences and puts her on a pedestal for them, because will's confession ("you make her feel like she's better for being different") led him to believe that that's what she wants and what gives her strength, but it isn't. it's literally the complete opposite and this season spent 39480938094830 years showing us in 9834309840930 ways just how much she hates that shit. instead, the person that gave her strength was the one person that looked at her, saw a girl, and treated her like one. aka, max. it's only when mike she looks over at her and mike stops lying that she wills the vines away.
so yeah. i could go on but the tl;dr is that will's heart-shattering, kicked puppy dog face makes me want to kill myself fifty times over and bite michael like a squeaky toy, BUT. then i remember the context and i'm like oh yeah no. that tracks. makes sense that he'd say that. he's breaking his code to save her life, which is like.. really fucking serious lol. he repeatedly and firmly did not want to lie to her about this and refused to even when pressed, but he'll do it if it means saving her life and the alternative is her dying and the world dying too. he's also working off of a big lie told to him by the one person that he trusts more than anyone in the entire world, including himself, that's the complete opposite of how eleven actually feels. so, like. literally what else is he supposed to do. he got in trouble for plagiarizing an essay in s2 and here he is doing it again smh old habits die hard i guess regurgitating and trying to imitate intimate moments of his and will's for eleven just like he did in s3 when he tried and failed to tell her he was acting like that bc he was going crazy in "love" lmao 🙄
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Week 2: Plant Regression & Music
Hello! I hope you are having a great weekend. Today I am posting again to talk more about plant regression and all about it. My post didn't seem to reach anyone but I'm hoping this second one will draw more attention to my page, so if you are seeing this for the first time, hello! ^_^
This week I wanna talk about how plant regression can be enhanced with music in some cases. In last week's post, which was a guide on how to plant regress, I mentioned that eliminating all distractions is the best way to regress. However, music can be extremely beneficial, especially for beginners, when first moving into a state of regression.
As a youngster, I remember reading in a book that sunflowers supposedly grew faster if you played the classic Neapolitan song "O Sole Mio" and being a massive fan of music, I was intrigued, and wanted to test how music had an effect on plants for my science fair project. I did an experiment where three plants would grow to different music, one to hard rock, one to soft rock, and one to orchestral music. And sure enough, music did have an effect on plant growth! Classical music had a far better effect than the other two, stimulating much greater plant growth, and all three plants had improved growth compared to the control plant.
Success! Unfortunately I was not the first person to make such a fascinating discovery, since when I was older I found studies dating all the way back to the sixties proved that plants do grow better with music, even growing towards the speakers and entangling their vines around them.
So what kind of music/sound waves helps plants grow?
Plants don't have ears, but they do "feel" music through the sound waves vibrating their bodies. I found research that shows plants are best growers when exposed to classical music, and not just Mozart or Tchaikovsky, but also Indian ragas, Chinese classical, and some kinds of chants can all have an effect. These are all best played in the morning to plants to simulate morning birds chirping. Some forms of jazz also helps with growth. Strangely, heavy metal actually increased the density of plants and bettered the taste of their fruits.
So what kind of music/sound waves HURT plants?
Too much bass and too long of musical exposure can kill plants, and also it is said that music with negative emotions can impact the plant's growth (I have yet to see proof of that last bit)
So what does this mean for plant regressors?
Music is an inalienable part of the human experience and like plants, music has a positive effect on us in the correct circumstances. Plant regressors may find that the music that benefits plants also benefits themselves during plant regression... But try to avoid heavy metal lol. Pick music that calms you, or makes you happy, but not excited. Music should make you content when regressing and help you focus on your inner being and introspect upon your emotions. Pick things with lots of string instruments, as plants prefer them, and just soft notes in general.
Personally in my regression routine I listen to some of the classic music of my Baltic heritage. Choral music in those languages resonate deep within me, and also many of the Baltic composers stimulate introspection, particularly the works of Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis and Juozas Gruodis, they make me feel a deep connection to my heritage which makes me feel grounded.
Music doesn't have to mean heritage for you, though, it can mean whatever you'd like it to mean. Maybe it reminds you of someone you love, a place that makes you feel at peace, reminds you of nature or fond memories. As long as it makes you feel at peace, it will help you better move into plant regression. Let me know what kinds of music you plan on using and tell me how it goes, i'd love to hear from you!
Now reaches the end of my weekly blog for this Sunday. I blog every week on this day so if you liked this one, check back again for the next one! I love you all and have refreshing week!
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cosleia · 2 years
Andor Livetweeting: Episode 3
Continued livetweeting from September 21 of the first three episodes, plus some additional discussion from the next day after thinking more and watching breakdowns.
Episode 1 | Episode 2
· Sep 21 I like the opening title
· Sep 21 Kassa walks his own path
· Sep 21 So were children immune somehow?
· Sep 21 So they called this an imperial mining facility but not sure if it’s actually the Empire yet?
· Sep 21 I am willing to wait for answers, I just like asking questions
· Sep 21 Talkative Public Transport guy is cute
· Sep 21 LOVE the sound of ships exiting hyperspace holy shit
· Sep 21 Maarva’s partner is the best
· Sep 21 “Republic frigate approaching” okay yeah. I guess the Empire is retconning the Republic 😂
· Sep 21 Lawful Cute looks SO out of place rofl
· Sep 21 Well that’s one way to adopt a kid
· Sep 21 Does this mean Maarva’s last name is Andor?
· Sep 21 Cassian you’re kind of stupid
· Sep 21 “Hanged”
· Sep 21 He said “hung”. It’s “hanged”
· Sep 21 “Don’t you want to fight these bastards for real?”
· Sep 21 “GIVE IT”
· Sep 21 “Never carry anything you don’t control.”
· Sep 21 This is a really good depiction of the shit that happens when you send cops
· Sep 21 Maarva’s house is cute, it even has a flowering vine
· Sep 21 omg Lawful Cute 😂😂😂
· Sep 21 lol he chained the shuttle to a weight
· Sep 21 THEY TIED UP LAWFUL PRETTY yes I changed his name anyway THEY KNOW WHAT THEY’RE DOING
· Sep 21 Here is a man who is going to vow to hunt down Cassian Andor
· Sep 21 He told you to turn the heat on, Maarva
· Sep 21 I like how they mirrored those two moments that changed his life
· Sep 21 My husband doesn’t just want, he NEEDS to see Lawful Pretty’s boss lose his shit
· Sep 21 I only care about the woman characters’ names apparently
· Sep 21 This is REALLY good so far, super excited for more!
· Sep 22 It occurred to me this morning that we still don’t know if Cassian has a sister or if he is just looking for ANYONE from home. I’m guessing the latter. It seems like there is a taboo surrounding Kenari and either people don’t talk about it or don’t know it existed.
· Sep 22 The “mining disaster” seems to have been the release of some sort of toxin that killed all the miners, and apparently the Republic was coming to “clean up” which Maarva’s partner seemed to think meant killing anyone who was left.
· Sep 22 So of course they wouldn’t want to talk about THAT.
I am still wondering how there were child survivors. Were they just living far enough away from the mine? Bee’s sensors indicated the air in the ship was safe; had the toxin dispersed everywhere?
· Sep 22 I’ve been assuming the children’s parents were miners, and the kids created their own society after they died. But they seemed to have longstanding traditions, not to mention their own language. So maybe their parents were indigenous peoples forced into slave labor.
· Sep 22 I’m not sure of the timeline, but I don’t remember the strip mine being full of bodies, so the kids maybe had time to bury people. Or the toxin spread slowly enough that the adults were burying each other until there were none left.
· Sep 22 The crashed ship they found seemed to have been a new development. They were surveying it for stuff they could use I assume, just like Maarva. Or maybe looking for their lost parents. Regardless, the disaster seemed to have happened a good time before that crash.
· Sep 22 The planet was already off-limits due to the toxin after all. Which makes me wonder what that ship was doing there. Also, one of the people on the ship was still alive, which makes me wonder how fast the toxin works. And again why it didn’t affect the kids!
· Sep 22 I love how many questions I have. This is so fun.
· Sep 22 Does the face paint the kids use protect from the toxin? I’m grasping at straws here
· Sep 22 Okay I’m watching breakdowns now. He DOES have a sister, she doesn’t go on the mission to the crashed ship. So he probably was looking for her.
Also apparently the bell-ringer’s in-universe title is “Time Grappler” which is amazing
· Sep 22 HMMM so the crashed ship was apparently Separatist
· Sep 22 The guy who plays Lawful Pretty looks TOTALLY DIFFERENT out of costume etc, he has CURLY HAIR and a BEARD
· Sep 22 So this breakdown guy thinks Maarva and her partner CAUSED THE SHIP TO CRASH…this had not occurred to me but they did get there fast. Did I miss some dialogue?
· Sep 22 …OH
· Sep 22 That oh was about Maarva’s partner, I missed that he was probably the one who was hanged. (I was too distracted by Luthen saying “hung” lol)
· Sep 22 So anyway, the people on that crashed ship had Separatist patches on their outfits but Maarva called them Republic. Breakdown guy surmised they were undercover and she knew. Still so many questions.
· Sep 22 I can imagine now that the people on the ship turned yellow and died from their ship being sabotaged rather than from being exposed to the planet, which would mean something ELSE happened to all the miners and the “toxic” thing might be a rumor/cover story…I JUST DON’T KNOW
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cupcakedoesthings · 8 months
So, I've started working on the first draft of one of my novels. I've got roughly around 900-something words, out of what i hope to be 60k+. But, I was thinking, maybe I could first publish it on AO3 to get feedback and such, for when I actually publish it? And also get people who would read it, when it *does* get published. Publishing it on AO3 would also give me motivation to continue working on it. But, basically, the reason I'm making this post is seeing if anyone would even be interested. If so, interact with this post! Whether its liking, or reblogging, etc it's just so I know people would be interested :) I'll put what the novel is about under the cut, so this post isnt a whole wall for someone to scroll through lol
So, first of all, the title of it would most likely be Hallowed Realm/The Hallowed Realm. It's going to be a series. It's very loosely inspired by the book The Thirteenth unicorn; (Shoutout to you if you know what book I'm talking about!) I remember reading it when I was younger, and it stuck w/ me for some reason (found family and fantasy. It was the first fantasy book i read!) This series takes place in a world w/ a pantheon of gods i made, and yeah! Here's the plot of it, though;
It follows the MC, Aiden Hale. Aiden, his mom, and his little sister move to his mothers childhood home a few months after his mother had divorced his father. After a few days of helping his mom unpack and settling in, he decides to go exploring on the property. Upon doing this, he finds this large tree, deep into the woods, overgrown with vines and flowers and such. Long story short, he finds a nook in the tree and trips in, getting transported to a different realm. This is where he meets our other MC, Onyx. This basically opens Aiden up to a whole world of magic and stuff. I'm not that good at making summaries without giving major spoilers, so this is it! It also has a lot of lgbtqia+ rep <3
If you have any questions, feel free to ask in my ask box or in the comments! (Or reblogs)
Sorry if this is all over the place/confusing to read, I might come back later to make the post more cohesive (if its not)
0 notes
seldomscilence16 · 2 years
Whumptober day 5: Every Whumpee's Needs
Fandom: Owl House
Blood Loss
Running out of air
And day 5! Wow, at least Im remembering the date at this point. Sorry this is so short and timey wimey, im dead and busy dead lol!
The knee was cold. She wonderes if it was this cold last time, she didnt remember being freezing, but she had been excited then. Now... she wasnt very excited.
She was pretty sure the day wasnt supposed to turn out this way, but the boiling isles did love to mess with her. But she also didnt have a lot of practice with portals and such, so maybe this was completely normal.
Landing in the cave of the slitherbeast with a grudge seemed a bit like a cruel twist of fate though. She'd been too out of it to do anything when shed poofed here, gotten stuck to the wall almost immediately, and it didnt do her favors either of course because why would anything help her in anyway? Doesnt block out the cold, doesnt bind her wounds, doesnt knock her out, just... holds her to an icy wall. And with her usual outfit on, no cloak, no jacket... shes pretty freakin cold.
And alone.
Without even an angry slitherbeast, who left her to do whatever it does, and didnt make it back before the cave in. Because that was her life. A badly over written cluster of tropes, that typically lead to a very bad ending. Bleeding, cold, and probably gonna die a very slow death. The only upside was how numb she was becoming, shes lost feeling in most everything.... which probably isnt actually a good thing... her feet hurt so... maybe there was hope?
But who was she kidding, no one was gonna be able to find her, in a caved in snowy hole on the knee. Why would anyone look here first? Or before she dies? It just wasnt in her luck.
After all, her day started with her falling down the stairs, then just barely getting through their mission, getting wrapped up in thorny vines that left some nasty cuts, and sent through a portal to the knee. And the last she saw of everyone else? In semi better shape than her, but if they got thrown to random parts of the isle too... well they could be in more trouble than her.
Shes heard freezing to death is just like falling asleep. And with the blood currently leaking from her body, it would probably speed it up and... and she wouldnt even notice... shed just... stop being....
And her mama would never know what happened. Eda would probably blame herself, King would be devistated, her first real friends, her almost girlfriend, would they miss her? Would Hunter be okay, he was switching sides that was a lot for anyone. Would it be better if she wasnt there? Would they achieve things better? Would her mom be happier without her?
A stuttering breath in causes a wracking cough to jostle everything, she wants nothing more than to curl in on herself, wants someone to hold her, shes so cold...
She opens her eyes- and when did she close them?- to a light that hadnt been there before, and a shifting in the air-
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mumscarian · 2 years
i promised yall that id tell you about my superhero au, so here it is! thanks to all the anons who reminded me abt it, i 100% would not have remembered otherwise. Anyways, take this, and hopefully ill even write it one day lol.
Scar's the hero, Grian's the vigilante, Mumbo's the villain
they are all HORRIBLE at their jobs
You know that one vine by ProZD about the villain who kept accidentally doing good things? that's mumbo. real doofenshmirtz-esque guy.
scar is so clumsy that he practically does mumbo's job for him. he tries to save a cat in a tree and ends up burning the tree down somehow
grian technically can't be bad at his job, seeing as he is a chaotic neutral in his situation. he's charismatic and often gets the better of scar and mumbo, but is very oblivious when it comes to citizen stuff.
there are a few rules to the meta of this au, which are laws of the universe-- unless its really funny or angsty, and in that case: laws were meant to be broken
1. whatever mumbo and scar do, either it is cancelled out by themselves, the other, or grian puts a stop to it. (example situation: the tree scar accidentally sets on fire (mentioned above) is extinguished by mumbo's evil freeze ray, which he was using to try to kill scar. grian was the one who put the cat in the tree in the first place.) 2. Grian, in roadrunner fashion, always gets the upperhand in the end, though there are times when it seems like either the law or mumbo have truly caught him, just for the ✨drama✨ 3. Grian can make anything work, as long as its sticking to the bit. a true looney tunes man. he has the power of the Absurd on his side.
Grian's superpower is his wings, which he can summon at will
Mumbo's is shapeshifting. i dont exactly know what kind of shapeshifting yet, but i did have a cool idea that if he didn't carefully maintain his form, bits of him start flaking away until he's just Void with a mustache tacked on (the mustache never leaves LOL but he does wear a mask as a villain)
Scar desperately hides his superpower, and just uses his outstanding charisma to avoid the question. (he can turn into a cat <3)
As citizens, they are all Very Normal and Not Suspicious At All! Except for grian. lord help that man, he wouldn't know secrecy if it shat on his shoes. It should be an open secret by now, but through a series of comical yet confusing events, his identity is still a secret to the public. for now.
Speaking of Grian, he works at a coffee shop, because I'm in love with cliches. Mumbo is an redstone engineer, and scar is a landscaper. Grian wants to be an architect, but he had to drop out of college for a couple of years. He's taking it online this year tho!
they all know each other, but mumbo's the only one suspicious of anyone's identities
grian and scar, disguised in their hero gear, routinely flirt with each other's and mumbo's civilian identities. mumbo can't because a villain cant exactly flirt with civilians without them throwing a brick at them LOL
the flirting has No Effect on mumbo (besides him being suspicious ig) until he figures out their real identities and the realization that oh my god grian and scar are flirting with me kicks in and he gets incredibly flustered.
i mentioned before that the whole "villain goes to hero's house all broken and battered saying 'i didn't know where else to go'" and that definitely happens. at one point. i dont know where or when but it definitely happens once the story reaches a more serious and less cartoony point. ill make it happen. i dont have much of an actual plot in mind, if you couldnt tell. haha.
thats all i have baiii
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inbarfink · 3 years
A lot of Undertale fans headcanon the Pacifist Route as Frisk’s ‘canon’ personality. Usually the piece of evidence I see cited is the fact that the name “Frisk” is only revealed during the Pacifist ending.
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Which might be an indication of Frisk’s free will outside of the player’s control, and\or symbolizing them asserting their own identity - specifically in that ending because it’s the one that matches the most with their desires and personality. And that does make sense, but I also think that there is other ‘evidence’ to support this idea. 
I mean for once; the Player stops controlling Frisk by the end of the Route. And since True Pacifist is meant as a totally unambiguous Happily Ever After, that means Frisk did a good job as an ambassador if you told them to do that, and that they stayed good friends with all of the Monsters and stuff. 
But the thing I really want to talk about is the RESETs. 
One of the big gimmicks of Undertale is the way it remembers things across RESETs and Re-LOADs. And there’s only two ways to go around that: the Murder Route ends with Existence Itself being stabbed to death and then rebuilt. So it’s subject to different rules than the usual way RESETs work in the game. And the other one is in the True Pacifist Route:
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After you finish Undertale’s True Pacifist ending your “RESET” option is replaced by a “True Reset”. Which actually allows you to Reset the game (almost) completely. You can rename Chara, the other characters don’t get Deja-Vu anymore, and most importantly - Flowey doesn’t remember anything either.
And the main reason for why you can do this, I think… so if you have the Most Determination within a closed system that allows you to defy time and death itself. But a smaller-but-still notable amount of Determination is enough to allow you to remember things through other people’s time manipulation (like Flowey does through most of the game.)
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But Flowey lost some of his Determination due to the events of the True Pacifist ending. Not in the sense that it got sucked out of him due to magic or something... on a mental, emotional level he’s not as driven as he once was. His experience being Asriel again has affected him even if he’s back to being Soulless. He’s no longer interested in trapping anyone in a time-loop or destroying the entire world for the lols. Without a goal to strive to, and with the powers of RESETs still away from his hands (vines?), he’s just not as Determined as he once was. This is what makes him mentally susceptible to RESETs for the first time.
And that rule of remembering across RESETs due to Determination also applies to the other characters. Even if they’re not as Determined as Frisk or Flowey, even a small amount of Determination allows some characters to... feel a vague sense of daja-vu about what happened in previous RESETs. 
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For example, it’s important to remember that although Sans knows about RESETs, he actually remembers them a whole lot less than anyone else in the cast. His knowledge of them seems to be based entirely on scientific research and his own observations of other people’s behavior. 
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(this ‘’sparing’ dialogue happens even if the Murder Route is your first run of the game ever and you’ve never come close to befriending Sans. He’s not actually remembering anything, he’s bluffing based on an educated guess of your behavior).
And that makes sense, Sans is lazy and pretty depressed - he’s usually not a very driven guy (outside of maybe the Murder Route). Sans is not a very determined Monster, he’s just very very smart.)
And once you get to the True Pacifist Ending, well, it only make sense that everyone’s Determination will get somewhat weaker. They all got their happily ever after, they don’t currently have anything to be Determined about..... And that unfortunately makes them more vulnerable than ever to time-manipulation.
And there’s also one more character who forgets everything on a True Reset: 
Frisk themself.
A lot of the changes across RESETs don’t necessarily come from the other characters vaguely recalling something, but from Frisk reacting - without prompting from the Player - because they seem to remember things across RESETs as vividly as Flowey does. 
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And that also goes away after True Pacifist is achieved, and I think that might be because... like all the other characters, Frisk also got what they always wanted. They keep their memories after Neutral Run RESETs because they are Determined to get a happy ending for both themself and Monsterkind. But once they do get that, they are more-or-less content, they have nothing to be driven for. They have no motivation to go back or do anything differently.  
The problem is just that there’s one person in this world who STILL has the Determination to remember things across RESETs, and that is the Player, and their Determination to continue playing the game. 
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tartglias · 4 years
Xiao, Zhongli and Venti with an immortal s/o
“Sooo 👀 can i request so some fluff hc for venti, xiao and zhongli with an immortal s/o?”
thank you so much for requesting!! this is my first time writing for more than one character at a time so it was a challenge lol thank you sm!!
Xiao never understood the importance of time. Days, months, even years feel like nothing when you’re immortal. What a funny thing that is, immortality. He knows normal humans would do anything for it, and he despises them for that. Nothing so great came free, he knew that well. He was freed from tortures, only to get tormented by karma. He could still hear the voices and screams calling for help from tortured souls, these still haunt him daily. But the worst moments come when he sees that figure, that person who he once considered close. So close he could use the human word “soulmate”, if he believed in those, to describe who that person meant to him.
Many centuries back he met you, such a gentle person who got to break down his hard walls. A smile, a touch, a kiss. That’s all it took. So many meaningless years, and he never once encountered a person as kind yet strong like you. Someone who made the daily nightmares cease, with a simple smile and brush of fingers.
He remembers your last words like it was the day before. You were on top of one of the tall stones in Huaguang Stone Forest, Xiao laying his head on your lap and you placing small qingxin flowers on his hair. He wouldn’t allow anyone do that to him ever, but in the end, you were you. And you were different.
“Xiao” you called, once you were done placing the flowers. He opened his eyes and muttered a “hm?” in response. “I have to leave soon. Mondstadt calls me”
He sat up.
“What do you mean?”
“By tomorrow morning, I’ll be on my way back to Mondstadt” you said, quietly standing up.
He stood up too.
“When will I see you again?” he asked, now not being able to look at you.
“I don’t know” you said, reaching out for his hand and taking it. You placed a soft kiss on his knuckles, and he felt himself calm down at the gesture for a moment.
“I meant it when I said I’ll love you forever, Xiao” you said, finally locking eyes with him. You had teary eyes, he dreaded to see you like that. If it were up to him, he would swallow every bit of pain in your body and soul, just to see you smile.
And with that, you disappeared. As quickly as you broke down his walls, you disappeared just as quick the next day. Days, months and years became even more meaningless, but somehow he felt them longer. He missed you every day, he whispered to the moon every night, wishing that some archon would hear and bring you back to him. He knew you were like him, but he never heard from you again. Were you able to finally cross to the other side? He tried to erase those thoughts from his mind.
He later found himself in that very same stone, the one in which he last saw you. New Qingxin flowers blossomed, and they reminded him of you. He sat down, staring at the horizon. But then, he felt a strange swift of wind, and a presence behind him. He quickly stood up, ready to put his mask on and kill whoever dared to interrupt his solitude. But he didn’t. The mask in his hand dropped to the floor, next to the flowers.
“I’m back” you said, with a shy smile.
“You’re back” he said, more to himself than to you. Were you really there?
His question was soon answered, once you stepped closer and pulled him in a hug. He found himself wrapping his arms around you, holding you as close as he could, while trying to hold back his tears.
“I’m sorry I took so long, my beloved” you said as you locked your eyes with his. You grabbed his hand and held it, but you never once let go of the hug.
“I’m here to stay now” you whispered.
“You need to stop playing with people’s hearts” Zhongli said, as he sipped on his tea and looked at you questioningly. You rolled your eyes in response and put your focus back on your potion. A few petals from the most exotic flower in Teyvat, a little bit of juice made from vines and a teaspoon of slime condensate.
“Sometimes mortals need a little push in the right direction” You said, finishing up the mix and transferring it to a small bottle made of glass. “Plus, we’ve been here for centuries, I’m bored and I need a hobby”
“I don’t think that messing with human’s love lives can be considered a hobby. I don’t think it’s morally correct” he said.
“You’re very dramatic. I can feel the true desires of every being that touches the soil in Teyvat, and if I sense that the desire is mutual, I simply work my magic” You said, sitting back on your chair next to the tall man.
“Can’t you let them figure it out by themselves?” He asked.
“That’s no fun Zhongli” You said, finishing up the sweet perfume-potion you were creating.
You and Zhongli have been friends for centuries. You met when you moved to Liyue as the representative of the Dendro Archon, someone you really looked up to. Zhongli was kind enough to make you feel at home, and soon became friends with the Geo Archon. Though you must admit, you always wished it was something more.
Maybe that’s why you picked up this “hobby” of yours. Unrequited love is something painful and mortals only live a short life, you believe they should live it fully, if possible.
“Are you alright?” Zhongli asked, interrupting your thoughts with a concerned look on his face. You didn’t realize you had a sad look on yours.
“Oh? Yeah of course” You said, quickly brushing it off and proceeding decorating the small glass bottle.
“Y/n-“ he started, placing a hand on top of yours in order to get your attention. “I’ve known you for a long time. I know when something is wrong”
It was funny. He knew you like the back of his hand, he knew how to read you since the first time he laid his eyes on you. Yet he never found out how you truly felt about him, how your heart made like a million flips whenever he did something as simple as hold your hand, or brush a hair away from your face. All these little things and gestures, have been making you swoon over your closest friend for years, centuries even.
“Time and love are strange concepts, aren’t they?” You asked, looking straight at him. Here goes nothing, you thought.
“I believe those are rather simple concepts”
“You can spend a lifetime with someone, know every habit and expression but you don’t know how they truly feel about you” You said staring at him, searching for any hint that indicated he knew what you were talking about. But you saw nothing. Who were you kidding? He’s just your friend, has been for a long time.
You let out a defeated laugh, standing up and letting go of his hand. “Forgive me, I don’t really know what i’m saying” you said, grabbing the potion and starting to leave. But you felt his hand on your wrist, stopping your movements.
“You said you felt the desires of every being that stepped foot on Teyvat’s soil, am I right?” he asked, looking at you. You nodded. “Does it work on me?”
“You wanted to get close to me, as a friend”
“My apologies my dearest y/n, but I think your blessing is wrong” he said, standing up and holding your hand once again. “I did want to get closer to you as a friend at first, but not any longer. I’ve been observing mortals for a while as well, on my daily walks through Liyue Harbor, and I think I finally understood my feelings”
You were sure that if Zhongli listened close enough, he would hear the fast beating of your heart.
“I’ve been waiting for you to use your love potion on me, my dear y/n. I’m sure it wouldn’t have worked anyways since I believe it would take a lot of effort to make an effective potion that could work on me. But it would have given me the excuse to tell you how I really feel” he said.
“How do you feel then?” you asked him, looking up at the tall man.
“I think I’m very lucky to have you by my side, and it makes me want to travel to the Dendro nation and personally thank the Archon for assigning you to Liyue. I also want you to still be by my side for the centuries to come, if you’re okay with that” he said, lowering his voice by the end.
You acted before you could process your thoughts. You stood on your tippy toes and kissed his cheek gently, never letting go of his hand. He liked you, he felt the same way about you. It was real.
“I’m okay with that” you replied.
It was almost noon, almost an hour after the original time you accorded with Venti to meet. You planned a picnic date by the big tree near the statue of the Seven, your favorite spot. The same spot which later, became Venti’s favorite spot as well.
He wasn’t a person who would jump straight to conclusions. You were late. Maybe you fell asleep, maybe you couldn’t find the guitar you promised to bring so you could play a duet. Being late doesn’t mean something bad happened, right?”
He decided to wait a few more moments, but once the sun set, he had enough. He went out to try and find you. He went to your house, but noticed the door was locked and no one was inside. “They left” he thought.
He slowly but surely started to get desperate. Where were you? Were you hurt? Did you get lost somehow? He went to Angel’s Share, and not even Master Diluc had seen you. If Venti wasn’t in such a panicked state, he would have noticed the rare concerned and worried look Diluc had on his face.
If any traveler walked by literally any road in Mondstadt, they would soon encounter a big rush of wind. Venti went from here to there as fast as he could, trying to find you.
He soon enough found you in Stormbearer Mountains, fighting hilichurls and two pyro mages. You looked tired, sweat covering your body and your clothes were dirty. It was obvious that this has been going on for a while. You gripped your sword as hard as you could, and kept fighting. Why didn’t you call for him? With no exception, Venti tells you daily to call for him if you ever encounter a problem. It’s not that he doesn’t think you’re strong, oh no, he believed you were the strongest mortal in Teyvat. But in the end, to him you were still a mortal. Fragile and over-sensitive. He often told you to call his name, that the wind will carry it and he will appear there to help you out. So why didn’t you?
“y/n!” he screamed, once he laid his eyes on you. You turned around and saw a rush on wind, and felt his presence. What you didn’t feel though, was the pyro attack coming from one of the mages. The mage summoned three pyro artifacts that surrounded you, and burnt you. You felt your energy slip away, your head dizzy and your body burning. Then, you felt the cold wind, Venti quickly finishing off the mages and the remaining hilichurls.
Venti thought it was over. You were kneeled down, burnt skin, gasping for air. It was over, you were going to die. He felt his eyes water and fear running through his veins. He wrapped his arms around you, making you lean on his chest.
“Don’t leave me” he begged. “please”
“My dear, I don’t think I can” you said, letting out a short laugh.
“Please stay strong, I think I can carry you to the cathedral but you need to hold very still so-“ he started saying, now fully crying but you interrupted him by putting a hand on his cheek and wiping his tears with your thumb.
“I’m serious, I don’t think I can leave anyways. Venti, I literally can’t die.” you said, with a laugh and slowly standing up.
“You... you’re immortal?” he asked, looking up at you, not being able to leave the floor.
You nodded. “I thought you knew”
“I hate you” he said, standing up and wiping away his tears. “I do”
“No you don’t. But you’re cute though!” you said, grabbing his face and kissing the tip of his nose. “I’m very sorry I’m late though, my commission took longer than I thought but let me compensate you with dinner and a bottle of wine”
“But you’re still burnt?” he asked you, concern still in his face.
“Oh don’t worry about that, it will rip out when I start walking. I have healthy skin underneath” you said, like it was the most normal thing in the world.
“Why do I feel like this is not your first time getting so hurt?” he asked letting out a soft chuckle, suddenly feeling lighter now that he knows you’re okay and will probably be okay for a long long while.
“Eh, been there done that a few times” you simply said, taking his hand and walking back to the city of Mondstadt.
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