#and didnt change any lore for ages
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evermorethecrow · 3 days ago
ive realised i never actually show any of the design process i do for my au designs
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valdotjpg · 1 month ago
genuinely love it when i launch an old ass game and my desktop gets all fucked up. im making my pc time travel
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walnutcookie · 3 months ago
Rodger is transmasc (dandy might've helped with the literal surgey)
THIS IS SO REAL. ive had this hc for ages but like honestly ive been trying to figure out how exactly it would work... i like thinking abt how characters transness would really look, how it affects them and their lives etc
‼️warning for some mentions of transphobia/internalized transphobia!!‼️
with the toons in general its. Hard. since they have cartoon counterparts which presumably have the same thoughts n personalities and insecurities and emotions and everything then surely they would feel the same way about their gender that they were written to feel ? either the character was intentionally written to be transgender in the show or. yknow like many real trans people they just felt differently about the gender they were written to have. that they were put in the wrong body, that theyre forced to play a character who they arent and it feels off in a way. a "mistake" in their creation, in the way their cartoon conscious was put into their physical toon body. plus theres the issue that in the dw lore all of the toons were made around the 90s and regardless of the circumstances would gardenview allow one of their toons to change their appearance or pronouns???? would they not allow it because they dont want parents angry and they dont want kids to be confused as to why the toon in the cartoon character is so different from the real toon?
so... theres a few ways ive thought abt it but im really not sure which one is most appealing to me/makes the most sense.
a) rodger was actually a girl in the cartoons. pretend like all the posters and cartoon episodes depicted him as a girl!! but he was allowed to transition in his real toon form. provides some fun trans angst maybe because he has to stare at photos and posters of who he was meant to be and maybe feel a little guilty thinking that he failed at being who he was written as. has to deal with confused kids and angry parents because society is still iffy about trans people
b) rodger was written as a trans man from the start. possibly just some obscure lore that was never mentioned in the cartoons, at most hinted at, because they didnt want people to get angry at there being an openly trans character. nobody really comments on it, but since he has the memories of his cartoon counterpart he has memories of a time from before he had transitioned
c) rodger is some other flavor of trans (amab but doesnt feel masculine? feels enby or female or some other gender) but in his circumstances he cant really transition or even openly admit that he feels this way. just stuck in this body and cant do anything about it because of the environment hes in - gardenview would never allow it. (could also be that rodger is still transmasc, hes just afab and is stuck unable to transition in a different way, but hed probably look different and have a different name altogether)
if anyone has any more ideas let me know pleaaasee🙏🙏i LOVE talking about transness in characters its like one of my favorite things in the whole world.
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thatshadowcomic · 1 month ago
Lore/HC: Underlined text links to original post👇
[For Character answered QnA and general "asks" click here]
You're welcome to expand on my ideas in your own way, but please credit me so they don't mix up with my own HCs/design choices.
Sonic & Shadow:
-Mobians hedgehogs "Anoit" their partners
-Sonadow children ideas
-related to the above, "WOULD sonic and shadow have kids?"
-Fave HCs/ what's it like living with rouge/ where's sonic live?
-Does shadow like/play any instruments?
-who likes to cuddle more?
-Sonic is an accidental flirt.
-Shadow's stripes will become more like the Black Arms emblem over time. His paws are already very similar... do you think his head stripes will change as he ages?
-Sonic grew up alongside Amy and other orphans/broken families. He cares for her a lot but can only see her as a sister-- the same way he sees Tails as his brother--so the idea of a relationship with her disgusts him. Maybe he sees Sonia when he looks at her?
-Before Sonic, Shadow and Rouge fell into a relationship. Shadow assumed they shared a deeper past, given how much Rouge knows and how comfortable she is around him. But really, Shadow didnt know what he wanted, assuming it just was this way. Rouge wasn't sure either, just trying to help Shadow in some way. That said, they learned a lot about themselves and eachother as they opened up-- but in the end deciding to return to just friends...Although it would take some time to feel normal again.
Shadow & Maria:
-Shadow's has dissociative fugue
-baby shadow (shadow and maria)
-Why Shadow knows how to swim
-Maria would have been a menace
-Maria told Shadow to comb his white fur up, so he looks more presentable, teasing, "You have a little built in tuxedo! See? Such a gentle-hog." :)
-I think Shadow liked sleeping in maria's bed. It was probably of great comfort to Maria during her sicker days... He was always being watched, so when they gave him his own bed/room, it must have felt isolating and alone. Do you think he had to wear pajamas so he wouldn't leave any fur in her bed?
-Some scientists/maria used to pet shadow and fluff up his cheeks, to Robotnik's displeasure. Shadow only recently learned that's something you do to your pet... he kind of misses it though.
-This is canon: Abraham Towers (commander) and Shadow grew up alongside each other, though their time was short. Ab was terrified of Shadow, because he saw Doom helping Gerald. He would warn the other's that shadow was some kind of demon, but Maria only became more protective of Shadow. He wasn't just an experiment to her, he was a person. As she became sicker, Ab blamed Shadow. But 50 years later, he finally understands and is trying to build some kind of bridge with Shadow, even allowing Shadow to visit his baby granddaughter. Just like Shadow, he let his anger and pain drive his choices.
AU ideas: Feel free to expand on these in your own way, just credit me for the initial idea, so it doesn't get mixed up as canon in my own HC lore lol.
-AU where Shadow is created on mobius
-Scene from the above AU where shadow is created on mobius
-Return to mobius/search for sonic's mom AU (idea)
-Return of Doom (AU where Shadow is copied and Doom controls shadow's old body)
Other characters:
-Metal sonic in my HC
-more metal sonic HC
-Manic is Scourge, who'd been sent into a zone for safety during the first bombing, only be have been lost to the "other" Mobius. He got a little crazy after that... No one knows what happened to Sonic's sister. It's assumed she died in the first Eggman attack. (or you could go with trans sonic hc? Would be an interesting/wholsome moment between Sonic & Shadow when he reveals it.)
-Omega is basically metal shadow...
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coriphallus · 4 months ago
DA: The Veilguard Spoiler review pt1 - Blood Magic
alright let's do this. let's write an in-depth review of veilguard. this will be long and this will be negative and i might eventually say some good things but everything i say will be undermined with a 'BUT'.
its now been around a week since i finished the game and had some time to parse my thoughts and this is why i didnt enjoy the game; NOT why you shouldnt.
so dragon age has a very special place in my heart and i am %100 the kind that has DAO as their favourite game. i have played these games religiously, and let me prefix this by saying i was not hyped for this game, i wont lie and say i wanted bw to succeed or i hoped the game would be good etc etc. if i liked the game, it would be a surprise. alas.
so theres multiple reasons for that, but the canary in the mine for me had been the announcement on blood magic, and yeah i was not shocked after DAI but i was still disappointed. so lets start with blood magic:
Blood Magic
DA lore has changed alot over time, and just like the media it took inspiration from (ASOIAF) i was under the impression that it used unreliable narrators deliberately, just as theyve poked fun at the concept with bethanys tits. it made sense then that the people telling these stories didnt know much about blood magic therefore they couldnt explain it fully but we've known some things for certain, from the text. blood magic uses blood as its source of power instead of lyrium (blood=life force), what constitutes as blood magic is open to interpretation (i.e phylacteries), multiple groups outside of the 'civilised society' such as chasind are not so staunchly against it, knowledge on it can be passed down from a mentor and that mentor usually happens to be a spirit. it can be used to enact control over people in a literal sense and thats considered by the narrative of all DA games to be more reprehensible than burning someone alive.
now i will derail this but i swear im going somewhere with it. i grew up in a country with majority white people, some blond, most with exposed hair who lived in big cities with cobblestone roads and snowy winters and starbuckses, and who would consider themselves westerners. some religious practices i know less about than most christians know about their holidays.
where my grandma lived was at the bottom of a high slope, and once a year when we went to visit her id see a thick trail of blood trickle down from the waterway to pool on her street, and at that dinner the family (and neighbours, sometimes) would bring a myriad of dishes and we'd feast. i would see butchers shops clean their curbs with buckets of water, mopping red tinted liquid down a drain. when i grew older and we were visiting my mothers village i watched the men subdue and kill a cow that we were going to eat that night. i watched them skin it and separate the meat from its bones, explaining what parts of an animal is used for which dishes because it was their craft and a young girl showed interest. as people we always live with the knowledge that our lives depend on death, whether it be a plant or an animal. existence is not moral and clean, and death is messy. getting blood stains out of a fabric once a month is the lived reality of more than half the human population.
i was not raised religious, nobody in my close family were, i didn't feel any sort of way when those men started to pray around the cow but i knew why they did it, even if it was performative for some, for the rest they had to show respect. the cow was meant to represent somebody you cared about, offering it in their stead symbolically. it needed to be respected, it needed to be butchered without pain. save from one serving of meat, as was tradition, were donated to the food banks.
now im sure some of you are thinking 'no matter how you slice it, its still a brutal act. made more brutal by the audience deriving some form of moral superiority' and yes, i used to think that too, because what is a religious practice for them is a show to me. but it is the norm where i grew up, and in the end a cow is dead regardless because we need to eat. and some people who needed to eat more than us got to eat too.
somewhere in germany news break out that some immigrants were practicing unethical and unsanitary butcherings, you see the footage of men in kufi and puffy pants and women covered completely in black sheets get ushered out by police. they shout some things in a foreign language, speaking the name of their foreign god. they show a censored room covered in blood and gore.
so i have to ask now, when you play veilguard and see venatori torturing and exploding a halla into a puff of red smoke which image does it bring to mind, what do you think of when you hear 'ritual sacrifice'? you may not have noticed this parallel but your brain sure did, as it has been noticing for your entire life and counting, the same reason you cringe at the barbarity of people consuming raw flesh, painting their foreheads with blood, killing animals you would pet. its alien, its gross, its wrong.
i cant play this game and take it seriously with its mask yanked off, gloating about its lack of nuance every step of the way. when you hit people red stuff comes out, red stuff bad. killing bad. murder bad. that it extends more sympathy to a fantasy deer than it ever allows for living breathing people of its universe, faceless and primitive.
in other DA games there were people over there somewhere who enslaved others, built their entire civilization on the ruins of gods they cannot comprehend, practiced bloody sacrifices and rituals that doomed the world for their own power, and even in their homeland they are nothing but canon fodder to be murdered and gawked at. their traditions, religion, entire culture is less than a set dressing, because whatever grosses you out are the bad apples, because the good ones cant be anything else and still derive sympathy from the audience.
and its true, you need to be an exceptional writer to make that work, especially if you dont have any real life experience to pull from. you need to stain your hands a little, and be prepared to be called dirty.
but i see it, i see those news reports everywhere i look in the game, i see the streets being cleaned and scrubbed so the tourists wouldnt call them backwards people, unclean, less than.
ive never played a game so repulsed by and is uninterested in its own universe than DAV, in every line of dialogue i can feel it trembling in fear. my companions tell me i dont need to watch a deer getting butchered, i can look away and proceed to electrocute hundreds of masked men some of whom are talking about comically evil things like patricide.
this has always been a point of contention in the medium of video games as the most prominent way to engage with the world has been through violence, and for me the DA franchise has always managed to tackle this by allowing its main character to be messy. yes, hawke cleaves thru countless faceless raiders but theyre also an illegal immigrant trying to get by with nothing to offer to the world than their violence. warden is deliberately recruited for that same violence, the only purpose of their existence is to fight as theyre made to shed everything else from their old life. and still, still you play these characters as they are allowed to grow, heal, carve out a little space for themselves where they can laugh and joke with their peers. it is juxtaposed to that darkness in their lives that makes those moments precious.
'what is good?' the games asked, and they answered 'doesn't matter, the world can be a better place with them in it'
veilguard asks 'what is good?' and answers 'you are.'
it doesnt matter whether blood magic is bad lore-wise (and that discussion is irrelevant to this decision made by the devs), because it needs to be narratively. like tabloid news the entire premise of the story is built on it. it needs to be inaccessible to and shunned by your party and rook because they need to be 'good' and in contrast, your enemies need to be 'bad'
and like dominoes it retroactively reframes the moral stance of every game in the franchise.
so, yes, i just laughed when i saw that announcement. i didnt know what else to do. but hang on to your knickers because it gets so much worse...
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oh-no-its-bird · 4 months ago
Been thinking about your team ro time travel and team ro defect crossover and I just. I've been rereading keanblade's stuff recently so i have a very specific tobirama in my head and the idea that he'd take one look at this group of sad dissilusioned young adults/children and be like guess i'm a father of 5 now and rewrite his entire priorities around that. Like, you mentioned in the of team ro time travel you liked the idea of having half hatake tobirama in the mix and i'm an enjoyer the idea hatake tend to just adopt children wily nilly like oh look more pack, I think i will thank you very much. Just tobirama absconding with this entire group that has no incentive to return to their own time and being like i'm the dad now (yes some of them are barely younger than him, no that doesn't change that he's everyone's dad fuck off). He gets to teach kakashi all kinds of hatake things! Show him how to be a little wilder like the hatake of the warring states! If you subscribe to the theory he helped hashirama learn how the mokuton worked he could tenzo with his mokuton. The funniest option is that somehow all of this leads to peace without izuna dying and they werent even trying for that. Like, tobirama just straight up ditching everything to take care of a bunch of depressed teenagers and a kid, over half of which are uchiha, and being SO fiercely protective of his little pack of murder children and the uchiha seeing this and being like. Huh. I thought that guy hated us? He just. Is living in the woods with three uchiha and treating them like his specialest little guys. An uchiha patrol runs across them and tobirama is patting itachi on the head for a good job learning whatever insane jutsu he's currently teaching team ro because those are his kids and of course he'd teach them to be as strong and terrifying as he could. Makes them think. Bonus points if this also somehow leads to madatobi and/or when the village does get built tobirama always looking to team ro before agreeing to any plans cuz they know what didnt work the first time, having not only been affected by it in the worst ways but left because of it in their time. Does this make the village better? Who knows. But they're certainly trying.
Sorry for the long thing, this has just been plauging my thoughts. I dont even know if i explained my idea well it's just been banging around in my brain for too long and i needed it out
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Based off [THIS] au about Team Ro defecting from Konoha after Kakashi, having been told the truth of his fathers sabotaged mission and the slander campaign against him by Orochimaru, interrupts Shisui's murder at Danzo's hand, leading to the entire team + Sasuke to flee Konoha-- and then accidentally time travel into the warring states era, years before Konoha was set to be founded.
(This is already long, so the reply is below the cut ->)
Woahh Keanblade mention !!! I love their stuff, they have some great fics and I love their brain. I haven't read their fics in a while actually, I should like go brush up on my keanblade lore / characterization at some point
Tobirama really said "wow I can't believe I have to adopt these guys now"
Hashirama, probably: "Otouto you really dont have to--"
"I can't believe the world itself is making me adopt these sad, lost children."
"Children? Otouto, they aren't exactly--"
"I MUST take them in. I'm FORCED to, even."
"Tobi, no one is saying you--"
"I really have no choice in the matter. There are NO other options for them."
"Tobirama, please--"
The fact that Tobirama is like literally the same age as Kakashi and then they're just barely older than Shisui and Tenzo makes the whole thing so much funnier. It's probably for the best that he didn't try to dad them fr fr bc Im pretty sure the only one here without some form of daddy issues is like. Sasuke. Who is also 7.
(Which could be argued against tbh just depending on ur specific interpretation of Fugaku's dynamic w his kids on any given day)
So I imagine trying to actually parent various members of team ro comes with the risk of accidentally stepping on a landmine and potentially causing incredible violence and years of baggage to explode outward. I love my traumatized shinobi boys !!
Big brother Tobirama my beloved tho !!! Do u think he has complexes about being a big brother I think he has complexes and also that we should totally explore that, send tweet
Tobirama cave hermit arc !!! Madara had his turn, now it's his!
Team Ro really showed up, immediatley got thrust into an (unwilling, unwanted) custody battle, then got fucking SNATCHED by Tobirama before they could try and make a run for it, and just kinda,, decided to go with it? I guess? Fucking gold, actually. How the actual fuck did Tobirama convince them all to stay with him, the world will never know.
The man teleported the group of them into a forest alone, (instantly outnumbering himself) and went "this means I won the custody battle btw." and team Ro just went "I mean its better than being stuck with Uchiha Madara I guess." and went with it
Im not going to lie I fucking pictured Madara stumbling across the cave and team ro yapping at him like little chihuahuas and fucking lost my mind actually, needed to take a second to regain my sanity (in a good way)
Do u think Hashirama yells at Tobirama when he comes back home for publically kidnapping some mystery uchiha (plus others who were not very recognizable and thus do not matter as much) in front of the uchiha clan. Does Tobirama come back home? Does he just decide to become a cave hermit somewhere in the woods with his hashtag found family who may or may not fully want to be there? (they must, to some degree, want to be there-- if only because Tobirama Senju might be talented but he is also 18 at the time and nowhere near the height of his power. And Team Ro is many things, but unskilled is NOT one of them)
I forgot Tobirama knew ab the time travel for a sec and pictured him looking at Sasuke, this little clone of Izuna, and going "Hmm. You look exactly like my rival does and no doubt belong to the Uchiha main house."
"Does this mean you'll give us to the uch--"
(Finders keepers !!)
"Madara, the most uchiha uchiha in who knows how long before itachi and sasuke came along to give him a run for his money" is so fucking funny actually, I am internalizing that line and will probably suddenly think about it later at work and giggle to myself, I can already tell
If Izuna and Hashirama are both being little bitch boys in this I do need to advocate that they should totally get to kiss and be little bitch boys ✨ together ✨(the hashiizu agenda never dies) (let them begrudgingly get a drink together--though its Izuna who does most of the begrudging--get drunk while whining about their brothers, and then share a very ill advised kiss or two that Izuna will now deny ever happened till the day he dies)
I still think Tenzo should get to bond with Hashirama bc I love them getting to interact, but Im hearing your 'bad brother Hashirama' vibes for this spin off and nodding respectfully, so like. Maybe Hashirama can be sad about Tobirama monopolizing Tenzo, literally THE only other Mokuton user in the world's time, and be mad ab that too? I dont usually write explicitly bad brother Hashirama so I'm not too good at proposing how that could go tbh but I love the soap opera / dogblood drama vibes, it's so fun
I do think that some of team Ro could be useful at the peace talk / village planning meetings if they spoke up !!
Itachi may be young but is clan heir, and no doubt knows most of the modern day clan laws that Konoha would one day put in place, so he can suggest those knowing that it's what they'd eventually land on anyways.
Meanwhile Kakashi is the student of a Hokage, who watched over the shoulder of two different Hokage's, from ages 13 to present, so he absolutely knows a thing or ten about politics and running a village (at least from an outsiders perspective) Which. Actually technically makes him the most eligible / knowledgeable person like. In all of the peace talks when it comes to running a village which is fascinating. I'm jotting that one down to reference later in my original team ro time travel fic actually, there's a lot that can be done with that
ALSO !! If this is the 'team ro time travels to warring states era' au but like, with the team ro that defected from Konoha, they totally have Opinions(tm) about Konoha, which is so fun. I feel like Shisui has the sort of personality where he might actually be vocal about things when it comes to founding Konoha.
The way that the team stood whenthey left the village, Shisui and Itachi were both still majority village loyalists (though their loyalty had been deeply shaken)
Tenzo was high key "whatever my teamamtes say I will follow" but still has Konoha's roots buried deep into his heart.
Kakashi was the most complex-- the only one who it could truly be said was against the village, and for that I think he's interesting to play with and has motivation to get inolved in village making-- or the opposite; Want nothing to do with it.
It was actually never time travel, it was straight up dimension travel. They fr went from a grimdark angst fic to a silly fluffy cracky fuckin, blessed eyes au where Tobirama is actually secretly a Good Boi(tm) and his indescribable riz and way with children make Madara forget about the whole mutual genocide thing
(Plot twist: Izuna and Hashirama arent actually bad brothers, they're just not aware of the genre they're in and reacting accordingly to their brothers doing a sudden 180 and ending the war with the ✨power of love ✨ and also adopting several teenagers (some of which are literally their age) who appeared out of nowhere, have no credentials, two of which are technically CONFIRMED BLOODLINE THEIVES (Kakashi willing and Tenzo unwilling, lab grown mokuton stolen from Hashirama's dna is STILL BLOODLINE THEFT, thanks Orochimaru) and are losing their GODDAMN MINDS over the turn of events)
Anyways this whole thing was a riot, I loved it and u are a master at silly fluff and comedy, I had a lot of fun reading what you sent me !!!
Ik u were aiming for silly fun so I hope my additions didnt take anything too seriously, I am in my shinobi politics 'writing everything as being played straight' era, so tried my best to stick with silly fluffy fun time comments instead of tripping and falling into the political implications of, like, a disillusioned with Konoha nukenin Kakashi, at the age where he was near his most depressed and apathetic, who is also technically the most qualified person in Fire to discuss making a village, being let in on village planning with implicit backing from both the Uchiha head and Senju heir. Or how itachi in the original (non nukenin) au was down to kill Madara, but the him in this au now has even more motivation to do it. N other fun implications like that
politics free zone !!! we are not making eyecontact with the drama bc this is team Ro's vacation, actually
umm and then they all lived happily ever after, the end
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enden-k · 3 months ago
Just out of curiosity, if the things were to be reversed (fear Vika/human Saran), what do you think Vika's characteristics would be? I'm intrigued! Do you think their personalities might change? Maybe Saran would be less closed off? The fear itself (you mentioned it was like phobias? Iirc?) Would change?
Totally not trying to get you to talk more about lore and what goes behind fears/Saran turning into one, no sir-
"fear" is just the term used for any type of paranormal being that manifests due to intense negative energy (most often resentment, anger, hatred, sorrow,...) : theyre ranging from ghosts of deceased, manifestations of fears and phobias, nightmares and spirits etcetc and some are harmless and neutral (they can always evolve into smth evil tho) while others are harmful and evil
saran is not a phobia/fear manifestation like mogu is for example; hes a special case of vengeful ghost who went through a mutation (dont wanna disclose too much or i spoil a good chunk)
if their roles would be reversed...thats such a fun question!!! i think i might do an AU of it even AHHAKJSBCK i thought up a whole changed, alternative storyline now
warning for tiny (non descriptive tho) suicide mention, just in case
if their roles would be reversed, half of it would basically be like "if saran didnt die" scenario. their reversed story wont go exactly like the canon story goes tho bc theres no vengeful saran, no fear seeker eyes, no azais questionable methods
sarans life would go exactly how it did before his death (just the 7 years later, in the current present); hes in his early 30s, finished his studies to become a doctor and doing the amygdala stuff as a side job as azais partner since he still refuses to mingle w the ghost world again tooooo much bc of his upbringing in the cult (he always wanted to be just a normal guy instead of constantly interacting with the paranormal)
amygdala isnt a big exorcist organization like it is in canon story but rather a smaller group of exorcists now (basically, just one elite now instead of 10). azai and saran never had the argument that led to his death and azai didnt go the villainous route (lol) which makes saran still one of the only ones who can see the unseen all clear like he sees the living (like in canon story when he was alive)
which also makes him the first to notice and see vika who is a sorrowful sad puppy ghost full of regret bc he was enticed into suicide by an entity and still young and new to the whole paranormal world. its the first time saran feels for a ghost and doesnt exorcise them. vika ends up haunting him instead of the other way around (bc of course they fall in love with each other <3 in every universe) and sticks to him while saran keeps an eye on him to make sure his pure soul wont get corrupted and he ends up an evil ghost. he wants vika to have the chance to enjoy the life that was ended so quickly so early (vika is around the same age as canon) and vika wants him and only him to exorcise him before sarans life comes to an end one day
basically, less dramatic than canon story i guess? just saran and his puppy of a sorrowful ghost living a more or less domestic life bc theres no amygdala doing shady shit in the background and no certain vengeful spirits eating eyes and trying to take revenge kajscbjk
their personalities are still the same, altho saran has less of a "creepy evil" side since hes no evil ghost anymore and vika is even more puppy i think??
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ibunyang · 6 months ago
pirate au go brr. sorry quick lore drop about this au
so it starts with moleswift(DUH...) as pirates they were first mate and his captain (swifts) captain, they were probs looking for something to make them immortal idk fountain of youth pirates of the Caribbean core, they find it they drink from the fountain and mike dies almost instantly compared to norton and he has to get traumatized to see him die in his arms
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Norton realizes he is immortal under the full moon like he's full skelly under the light, so he's just actually a dead man walking. Mike's dead tho but he gets another form of immortality (constant reincarnation)
Anyway, norton and every iteration of Mike throughout 500 years
< soul and sparrow - i think this was his ronald of ness era where he was still trying to hide the fact he was immortal so he kept changing his identity, the first ever time he met another mike that found in a barrel at like 19 years old.. maybe idk, sparrow grew part of his Golden Rose crew, during the whole time… and mike looked up to him as his captain.. until smth more… Ronald projected swifts the most on sparrow, and honestly ended up having to leave him when sparrow was realizing that norton wasnt aging at all since they met, he had to leave him bc he was having an existential crisis about being immortal and not aging at all anymore no matter how he tried to hide or ignore it, so he left sparrow (and the crew, basically fakes his own death.) this is when he just embraces his immortality at this point, after being kind of a recluse for a while
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< cocoa and soul - maybe 100 years after sparrow, and hes given up trying to fake his identity, he has the face paint and everything, hes mostly known as soul now.. cocoa is the owner of an inn and he meets him every time he docks at his towns port, hes nice to him kind.. much softer than sparrow or swifts, but still as cocky and confident in himself (he notes that this mike smokes) cocoa lets him stay over whenever he wants to (hes trying not to get attached to this mike , so hes thankful for the fact that hes not a pirate or a sailor, just someone he can come home to any time, his light house per say.) he didnt have to do a painful goodbye with him, just a letter and the occasional sack of gold and jewels to spoil his favorite chef.
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<pomegranate mike, and soul honestly pomegranate was probably part of a traveling merchant boat that got destroyed at sea, luckily souls crew was around to fish them out of the water, this mike tho wasnt interested in anything that he had to offer preferring the life of being free with his guild at sea or anywhere, he loved to entertain but staying with soul probably felt like a cage. he probably asked soul to take them to the nearest port, hes was a nice equally fun mike, but wasnt interested or too scared to commit to soul. (Wahh da one that got away) soul respects him, of course, but it cant be denied he was hurt over this. and he grew a little bitter because of it.
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<cunning and soul.. - at this point 300 years passed already…pomegranate was the last mike he found and he didn't stay with him long and let him go without fighting because thats mikes choice man WHATEVER anyway, this is nortons sad emo boy era or as i like calling it weezer norton era. he became relentless, ruthless and his name was known through the seas, hes travelled the world at this point and his immortality has never failed him yet. he learned magic from patricia at one point, and now he has a crew of ghosts he necromanced into life to man his ship,- really kicking up the visuals in my head here but he has a literal ghost ship, its a physical ship but everyone on board is probably a ghost or a zombie (WHATEVERR MY AU MY WORLD BUILDING I SAY THEY EXIST.) anyway (onepiece reference i guess) when he saw cunning in one of the meetings for idk pirates or smth, tagging along with hollow (also a pirate bitch on his ass for the past years hes annoying as hell), he ws down right pISSED. (he hasnt seen a single mike reincarnation in 300 years, hes tried sleeping around getting over him, but NOTHING really compares to his soulmate.)
BUT anyway basically, in this au Hollow is looking for Alice (eternity whatever) and Soul knows where she is so he makes a bargain, he'll give Hollow Alice in exchange he gives him of of his most trusted men. (Points at cunning.) IF he gives him Alice in a pretty little bow for him, he can have cunning for himself.
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Cunning is like "pft. Yeah right. You're not gonna find her before we do." And soul is just smiling (horny depressed and has been blue balled for years at this point, u don't know what this guy can do) so he just smiles.
Hollow, surprisingly agrees. "OKAY if u find her before we do I'll give my end of the bargain." Cunning is a little upset at this, but he's determined he'll find Alice before soul. (eermmm)
Soul wasn't lying about knowing where Alice was tho, so he kidnaps her and takes her to hollow. Like a sack of potatoes.
"Gimme gimme." smth like that and mike is so distraught about this he's crying, verbatim; " I don't want to be that bag of bones property- I'm not property " but he's already at souls shoulder and he's kicking and screaming. He's such a bitch in this au I LOVEE BITCH ASS CUNNING WHINEY WHORE. nortons kind of an ass here and hes sort of using him as a way to distress the last 300 years away. Before he spoils him with everything hes gotten (for mike.)
So it's just rough hostage core treatment for the first couple of months until he starts using the money he's been hoarding on mike to spoil him.
But anyway, after cunning dies in idk when, 🤷‍♂️anyway when he dies kay the next one and final one is quinlan, he's an immortal vamp/witch and hes the only mike who remembers every mike reincarnations memories, he knows that soul is out there looking for him but he doesn't care about that rn, in this life he's looking for his mom, and ignoring souls horny whale calling in the back of his mind until they inevitably cross paths BEC they are SOULLMATESS AUGRGRHSHAHAGGZ In my head the way they meet went like this "Mole."
soul looking at him in surprise bec ever since someone misheard his name being soul and he grew tired of correcting people its mole, he hasn't heard that name in years. he wasn't even sure if this was his Mike, he doesn't have the blue eyes he used to have they were more green/gold… and each mike he's met always had swifts eyes. So thats why he's like emo. Do u get it anyway, this is their reunion in the middle of an pub that cocoa bean used to run, they standing in front of each other and quin almost looks too relaxed when their EYEESS MEEETTT FUCKKK anyway, "Swift?" and theres just that LOOK thats unmistakably mikes on his face that mole just couldnt help but take him into his arms like a the sad depressed man he is. They kiss and they start sailing together forever until they turn to ashes.
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thefirstknife · 6 months ago
so like im lost, i didnt play any of Act 1 or 2 or read lore bc life happening (house fire+car crash+laid off+homeless in 2 weeks)
so like whats going on eith the whole
Maya → Lakshmi → Conductor → Maya again??
(or is it Lakshmi→Maya→Conductor???)
like where's one "start" and the other "end"
Oh I'm sorry this all happened to you. I see you have a donation link on your pinned post, if people are able to help, check it out!
Also! Lakshmi is not relevant here; it's just the face that Conductor!Maya is comfortable using. Lakshmi was a sort of copy of Maya that Maya made using the Veil, but her life is separate and she's gone. There's also the meta reason that it's easier to reuse Lakshmi's face than make a new model, though they did show us what Maya actually looked like back in the day (and Chioma too)!
It's still not entirely clear which Maya we're dealing with however, though this week's lore tab added a bit of possible context. In here, Maya is talking about her experience communing with the Veil and how close she got to the Vex Network from it and then she ends up completely crossing over into the Vex Network. I think this probably implies that when original human Maya died on Neomuna ("in the conductor's chair"), she crossed over into the Network.
She is very disoriented inside so we don't really know how it worked time-wise, because for Maya it was almost instant? She ends up in the Network, tries to understand things, shapes herself a body and is still excited to talk to Chioma about all of this, then realises that A LOT of time has passed and that Chioma is now dead. Then she goes wild with grief and decides to find her Chioma because she's convinced that Chioma would've kept looking for her.
There's also the question of all the simulated copies of Golden Age Maya with the other Ishtar scientists: 227 of them. Some of that is also talked about this week in the mission. From what I can understand, those Mayas are not part of the Conductor!Maya; as a matter of fact, that Maya on comms in the mission sounds a lot different to me.
I think the Conductor!Maya is a continuation of the real original Maya that died on Neomuna, though that could still change or remain kinda unresolved overall because a lot of the stuff this episode is about how much it doesn't really matter who is the "original." We'll see though. It's also possible that Conductor!Maya is a combination of the real Maya with an addition of some of her copies from the Network. We're probably going to get more stuff in the next two weeks about all of this, including the simulated copies.
Here's a post with some extra details about this week.
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funnyscienceman · 4 months ago
ok so umm thoughts
Dont like that ori didnt get to do her 'going down to help despite dad's orders', unless somehow she did that as the, like what, twelve year old she's stuck as in that coccoon? So there's hers AND viktor's agency down the drain lmao
Singed actually being, if not corin, A reveck is still cool. Though idk why corin would be a separate person at this rate. I guess it's not impossible. In any case the locket has the initials C.R. on it in fancy writing so take that how you will
I love singed being goofy doing his own thing hes so funny
'No one in power is innocent' and also 'Patience is a virtue that comes with age, both of which I have in abundance' and like everything else in that scene. singed ily
I just love singed getting to be emotional. Getting to talk more and do more besides the baseline stuff in s1. Believe me i love those too bits too but i love singed BECAUSE he can have all this depth and is still somehow extremely silly lmfao
'Chin up, little one.' HE KNOWS HOW TO TALK TO CHILDREN. like we already knew that from his scene with viktor but it's just cool getting to see more of it. He knows how to talk to kids, how to interact with them, because he was ACTUALLY HALFWAY DECENT AT THE DAD THING. granted we dont get to see much of him being a dad with ori alive and walking around but im honesty willing to bet on it, because
Doesnt that make him MORE fucked up? That he would know how to be gentle, how to talk to kids, "Don't be afraid. You built this? Why aren't you playing with the others?" "Chin up, little one. We won't be in there for long." THE TONE OF VOICE. He CAN be decent, he CAN be kind, and he CHOOSES to experiment on and torture people and hurt people and let them get hurt for his own ends. Even his own PUPIL, he's willing to sabotage, just to get to warwick, for orianna. I have no doubts that he gives A shit about viktor, but he also loves Ori and he's put her in a coccoon and did she want that?
Besides the fact that he also could just see how the whole thing was some measure of fucked up and was like nah yeah thats not gonna last lmao heres ur warning kid, take it or leave it
In the moment i had thought that the instant cut from isha to singed at the rally was singed seeing that a kid was getting hurt and choosing that moment to act, but that could've also just been a cut to his reaction to cutting himself to draw warwick out, idk. This is just a footnote it doesnt matter much in the grand scheme of things lmao
Singed in a public space. Never thought i would see the day
I will never recover from all this singed material. What's that? Viktor's started a cult? Jayce has a beard? Caitlyn's flip-flopping allegiances? Dude i dont care, im just here for singed. Look at him being goofy how could you not love him
Though to be real i am going to mourn the massive change to Ori's lore. What was so cool about the idea to me was how Orianna took her own life into her hands, first from dad, then death, and then dad again. I was baffled by it before, but upon rereading it i realize now why Ori left after giving dad her heart — he couldnt stop her from leaving anymore. It's framed as 'oh she's not human anymore so she has to find her place in this world' but it's really the root of her going down to Zaun in the first place: not the part where she's kind and giving, but the wanderlust. She wanted to go out and see the world, and Corin was always like no, it's too dangerous, you're staying here; and he was even pretty sucky about it by making the mechanical lungs require a key for winding, which he kept on his person up until he got sick. After the surgery, Ori took the key and left.
I'd thought myself that it was because she couldnt face him afterwards — i mean, she DID drug her dad and then perform heart surgery on him, using herself as the donor, all without his knowledge or consent; loving a gesture as it was it's still pretty fucked up LMAO — but i guess there's no reason for it to not be multiple things at once. And not like it matters much given s2 act2
One thing i find funny is how ori's image in the locket keeps changing. In s1 she looked like a lil baby, a preschooler maybe. In singed's arcane skin she looked like a teenager or even a young adult. Here in act 2 she looks like a tween lmao pick one rito
My thoughts are all over the place. Im no good at organizing. It's 12am and im brimming with energy.
Honestly no matter what happens, i think it'll be fine. Whatever riot declares as canon, you dont have to keep it. The thing about creative stuff like stories and characters is that once they're out there, they're not just the creators' anymore. That's the fun part about fanfic, we can just do our own thing and ignore whatever mess is going on in 'canon' lmfao
I like the idea of Ori's story being intact, and singed being corin reveck, and ori still going fullmetal and doing the heart surgery and leaving all before arcane even starts. I like the idea of s1 leading directly to all the fun fun fun stuff of league and LoR lore. Also i think singed doing all this unhinged science stuff and keeping himself alive just to preserve the last piece of his daughter, which she had given to him to save him, is pretty neat, so. I'm gonna stick with all that unless something absolutely drastic changes my mind
(Also i think it'd be funny if the worst man to ever walk Runeterra only came to exist/didnt die when nature said he should simply because his daughter, piltover's best most moral champion, loved him so much she gave him the last of her humanity to save him. Like congrats ori, your dad is still alive and kickin! Bad news is he has now aided and abetted imperialism/colonialism, chemical warfare, drug trafficking, and up to a thousand and maybe more awful awful human experiments and other crimes against humanity. Like can you imagine her coming back to piltover and finding all that out? That could mess her up. And wouldnt that be a neat character conflict to work out! Maybe with viktor who's also trying to find a balance between helping people and cold hard machinery! I love this little bubble and i will never leave thanks hahaha)
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a-new-wish-6-3 · 7 months ago
The finale from a new wish was missing something.
It is understandeble that project hazel gets saved for the next season since the built up where dale actually invests into c,w is missing. The anti fairys are the perfect villain where some extra panic is missing because we know they will never actually succeed in ruling fairy world forever. So the writers introduced magic built up back as such a stakes riser. This is not working because:
1. We never saw anything that indicates death before so it is a obviouse a ratcon. Even other fairys who have no godkid never showed any built up before.
2. It makes no sense. Why would the anti fairys Kill their counterpart. Their are litterly the last enemys who would Profit from that. This makes the whole plan look stupid. And why is a built up even working if the magic is shut off from the fairys. You cant have both.
3. The faces are to stupid for such a dangerous Situation and takes away all suspence we built up. You are dying for gods sake dont make it a joke.
But what else do we expect from a blow up into confetty. It was never meant to be sirious so it is hard to show it in a diffrent light.
My Idee, simply switch into magic deplition.
The story is that hazel says, that it is stupid that all their magic only comes from the big wand considering that their are magic entitys. Wanda reviels that fairys contain some magic called live magic which is still active no Matter what. It makes Sure they stay young and immortal even if they lose their wish magic. Otherwise they would have died long ago if really all magic was gone. ( aged up, killed by something without immortality, etc this never happened in the old serie but in other shows so i was always wondering why this is the case here ) This is magic they have no excess too, only a few fairys called fea are born with extra large live magic and are able to use it. They built the fairy councel. Cosmo than says that the councel is chosen only because of that, since it means they have a better connection to magic so they should make the rules. But the councel isnt doing much with that extra magic, since if you can use your live magic you can also use up your live ( they could have helped before since they are stronger than normal fairys, but didnt because of the risk of dying by using that strenght ). This beeing the only way a fairy ( or only fea ) can die. The Lore beeing that we now know who the councel is, why they are here and why they havent done much.
Hazel asks if she can be a fea with c,w saying only really few fairys are ever born as fea and they cant change that.
Of curse in the end battle when fairys ( in Reserve magic ) fight against the powered up anti fairys it is revealed that peri is a fea. The possibility of peri dying stays but is not something the anti fairys planned on. It also gives up a better show with peri vs irep instead off a slow death. Even better the family could actually help out by conwincing every other fairy to give their reserved power to peri so he doesnt have to use his live magic anymore. ( reserve magic in a wand should be transferreble right ). Ending in a big last magic attack. After everything is over peri is announced to have to join the councel with the future problems beeing: can he stay a godfairy, stay with dev, what is his new job ( making and changing the rules ).
This is completly new. We never had such lore or the possibility of our wishes effecting someone who could than change a rule into something better, based on what he learned. Even the possibility of remembering your fairys and timmy could come back throw that. It is a true game changer and not a retcon thrown in with no long lasting story effect.
I would love seeing dev, hazel, cosmo and wanda making Probleme wishes with peri than deciding what the rules should look like. They are After all the perfect Combo for loopholes peri can fix. Peri also already called out that they should change some rules in a previouse episode.
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gritsandbrits · 4 days ago
Guys yall are gonna get so mad at me but i made an oc for The Lorax.
Yes. That Lorax.
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She's only referred to as the Truffula Fairy to keep in line with the naming conventions in Dr. Seuss books. While the Lorax serves as a spiritual guide its the nymphs that have the real power. Now, her lore involves extensive rewrites of the movie because I don't like it that much and I felt it could've been better if it had kept the dark tone of the original story. Also be warned the Onceler does a lot of bad things because he is a villain, not an Uwu baby soft boi.
Truffula Fairy was a young nymph tending to the forest when the onceler arrives. She didnt know what to make of him at first. But he didn't seem like a threat. As much as she adored the animals it was nice to talk to someone her age for once. He completely won her over by offering her marshmallows.
The Onceler and Truffula quickly became friends. He would teach her about human life while she taught him about the truffula trees. To cut one down they have to grow another. The Lorax was skeptical about their relationship but Truffula Fairy begged him to let Onceler stay. She told him as long as he respected the balance he wasnt hurting anyone. When the Onceler's family came to visit she was very friendly to them but they were put off by this strange young woman. They called her a hippie.
While Onceler followed the rules at first, eventually he grew tired of having to wait for the trees to grow back. In the time between building his enterprise, their friendship blossomed a romance. Everything was going great. Onceler told his girlfriend she needed to fit in if she was to handle their nee lifestyle. He started dressing her in fancy outfits, got her to straighten her hair, and hired her as his secretary which alienated her from her duties. But not wanting to lose their relationship she complied. She still visited her animal friends from time to time, but her trips became rare due to the increased workload.
Things started going downhill when Onceler became more and more arrogant. He would cut trees left and right, regardless of how it hurt the animals. His workers slaved away long hours with more health issues than wages. He began making investments for artificial neighborhoods called Thneedvilles. Anything to make money and keep his parents happy. Truffula felt the affects of these changes. She was losing the ability to fly. She was barely able to speak to animals. Further strife followed when the company started to lose stocks due to lack of interest of Thneed. Her boyfriend took up drinking to cope. He didn't spend time with her anymore. All she had was parties and his awful family.
One fateful night, Truffula Fairy mustered enough courage to confront the Onceler. She gave him an ultimatum: either he stops the production and gets help or she leaves. In a drunken stupor The Onceler tries to persuade Truffula to sleep with him but she refuses. Enraged he grabs her by the arm to try to force her back into the house, but before he could do anything else to her The Lorax intervenes. He warns The Onceler that he has gone too far and just as he says that, they all see the last tree cut. Not wanting to accept his own faults, The Onceler blames Truffula for not warning him in time and boots her out. Heartbroken, Truffula leaves and takes the animals away to a safer place.
In the years that followed Truffula Fairy began to resne thumans for destroying her homeland. She had even cursed the Onceler's family to experience permanent bed bugs. She began to build an army of ferocious animals to take back their home by any means necessary. Worried about the potential war, the Lorax goes to the city and meets Ted and Audrey. He helps them get the seeds back from O'Hare but just as theyre leaving the city, Truffula's army arrives and begins to attack. In the chaos the wall breams down down revealing ti everyone about the state of the world. The Onceler steps out of his house for the first time in fifty years and reveals to Truffula that he never stopped thinking about her. Seeing the lengths Ted and his friends would go protect the seeds, she has a change of heart and drops her revenge. They reconcile, she turns O'Hare back into the wimpy nerd he once was and helps Ted replant the seed by using the last of her bad magic to dispel the smog allowing real sunlight to shine through. With her magic fully restored she decides stay and teach the humans about the trees.
Essentially Truffula and Onceler relationship is a darker reflection of Ted and Audrey's. Ted genuinely saw the importance and trees not just to get a girlfriend, but Onceler couldn't understand why the trees where so importsnt to Truffula Fairy until it was too late. Audrey genuinely likes ted quirks and all, while Onceler tried to force Truffula into being a perfect trophy wife.
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oetscop · 10 months ago
hey! absolutely love your art and your rainer interpretation- can you talk about your headcanons lore-wise involving rainer and mike? honestly you can talk about more than just those two as well i'm very curious about your interpretations honestly.
this will hopefully not be complete word salad. bc my brains fried already, but my views on petscop characters are esoteric and best and downright incomprehensible at worst. so idk how legible this will be JDKSHSKSBSK
uhh ill start with like. jill is significantly older than anna and lina. rainers actually fairly close in age to anna.
rainers biological dad isnt in the picture and actually went missing a few years after him and jill divorced. it runs in the family i guess. but since tom was there longer hes only ever called him dad, and both jill and him took the last name hammond when they got married. and mike was actually an accident! a welcome one tho. jill and tom were in their 40s and rainer was like 16 or so.
they were very close tho! he was very close with his immediate family. for the brief time he was in college he still lived at home despite the commute.
mike would sit and watch him work on the game all the time. he wanted him to teach him how to code (thats why he created the "petscop kids" after school program! at first anyway...) but 5-6 year olds dont exactly have the attention span for explaining how the dev kit console works. unless theyre belle i guess. but he did get into art! and considering rainers also an artist he encouraged it. mike would sometimes draw his own pets to be put in the game, but since it never went past evencare they never showed up. he did sorta base toneth on mike, and that was before he based any of the other pets on other family members.
mike went missing shortly after rainers mental health was declining. he ran away after some argument with his mom, and nobody remembers what the argument was even about. since this was after marvin hit the dog with the car, and he was beginning to experience psychosis, he immediately made the connection and believed marvin had something to do with it. the cops found it a little suspicious that rainer somehow just knew he had been struck by a car, and he was the only suspect for quite a while. tom had to vouch for him pretty hard and get him a lawyer.
as for vaguer things. the newmaker plane was started in an attempt to find out where mike wouldve run to. he was already recording movements in game, so he put all of mikes in game behaviors into a to scale version of their town, trying to train it to show him where he couldve gone. this obviously didnt work. didnt help that it was completely flat terrain and like had only their house, the marks house, the school and like a couple roads. it actually lead him to the opposite side of the town than where his body was located.
marvin is ALSO severely mentally ill and was convinced that care was lina reborn before any of this happened. obviously anna didnt believe that since shes still. yknow. alive. but rainer introduced the A/B/NLM concept to him, and they both began to believe care was just lina A reborn. pre traumatic event lina. they were both trying to see if they could somehow force something like that to occur, in an attempt to bring mike A back. when belle didnt work, they figured she was too old, so they moved to care. part of this whole "changing your past" thing involved plucking out her eyebrows (lina A had trich) and essentially trying to reenact aforementioned traumatic event. thats why marvin kidnapped her to keep her in the school. and it didnt work! just traumatized the fuck outta the kid. they never had the chance to do anything to "bring mike back" by the end of it, which lead to Bathroom Tomb Event. however, last belle heard, he was pretty certain paul was actually mike A. she tried her best to keep that from paul before they became distant.
i feel like the core of a lot of this is that i really dont believe that the rebirthing process does anything at all. with enough manipulation you may start developing false memories, sure, but its not actually working. in retrospect it makes rainers character a lot sadder. just a terrified kid trying in vain to bring his baby brother back. its not easy losing someone so young in such a horrible way without knowing who took his life.
BUT UUHHH YEAH ^}^ can you tell ive been thinking abt petscop pretty much nonstop since the end of 2022 i bet you cant
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averageludwig · 10 months ago
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hi I’m very normal about the au and your work I promise (lore drop pretty please??)
Hiii.... Thats me (I got this super late last night and got really nervous and happy and didnt reply sorry woops).... Its not a huge thing, at least not yet, Its a work in progress But I can tell you what I have currently :3
Basically, The Vampire Mercs (RED) (Demo, Medic, Sniper and Spy) aren't mercs but are working different Night jobs. So Demo owns a Tavern (still a demoman, just on the side), Medic is a nurse, Spy is, well, a Spy and Snipers a hitman. They all use their jobs in different ways to get blood !
Medics been a vampire for the longest, He somewhat turned himself by experimenting with vampire dna and he is a few hundred years old.
Spy is the second oldest, naturally Half a vampire, he is still immortal, can turn into a bat and suck blood for strength but physically ages a little faster. Made him a very good spy throughout the years.
Sniper is the third oldest. He was a Monster hunter who travelled around trying to get Medic but ended up dying in the chase, which made Medic bring him back and subsequently turning him into a vampire (He thinks they are friends :]) Snipers fine with it (new powers and such plus loving the taste of blood) but not too keen on the immortal part.
Demos the youngest one, He's been turned recently aftering being offered to get his eye curse reversed by Medic. But the only way to reverse, WITHOUT turning his eye into a monster every Halloween, was to turn him completely into one, a vampire. He still doesn't have his eye but he doesnt have to worry about the curse or going completely blind by his 40s.
This is already alot but I am gonna keep the rest of the guys brief. The rest of the mercs (BLU) (Heavy, Pyro, Engineer, Scout and Soldier) are all workers at a church which suspects vampire activity around the town (RED fucking with them for funsies lol) but it slowly spirals into them practically being friends and more. Engineer, Heavy and Soldier are all Priests whilst Pyro is a Youth pastor and Scout is just a volunteer (his mom dragged him there). The other mercs from from red team are also human but are minor characters (Like Red Soldier and Zhanna are a married couple next door lol) There is alot of pairs which WILL change over time, depending on what I like currently, But the current ones are DemoSolly, Spoovy, Science party and Flash fire + sniper (no idea what ship name for them is !!). And Also Yes, Blu Scout is a quarter vampire. He only gets some powers like speed and living a little longer, but doesn't need blood. OKAY THATS ALL IF YOU WANT ANY MORE YOU CAN ASK ANYTIME !!!
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spacowy · 1 month ago
Little introduction and fun facts about my Dolens victims characters. PART ONE
-Rinn Black
-Lucille "Lucy"
-Aleroth "Zarkun" Black
! Some drawings are old and need redrawing, post will be updated !
Rinn Black
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Rinn is a daugher of unknown pillager and kind, villager woman. She took appearance features mostly from her father (gray skin, sharp, dark eyebrows, typical illager look). Because of that, she didnt really had friends in the village, as kids were taught to fear illagers, hide and comply. With time, she was getting bullied for being only "weirdo" in the village, so she stopped going outside at all, spending whole days with her mother. Because of stereotypes, no one wanted to give her a job in a village, so she with her mother were living poorly. Once another raid occurred (Rinn was 17yo then), raiders seeing alone, emancipated illager locked in the house, thought she was held captive, so they "helped her", by taking her with them. Next 5 years she lived with the raid group, learned how to shoot crossbow, how to fight with the axe and sword, how to hunt and... how to kill efficiently.
More lore will be in separate post!
-her robe has pockets inside, she holds here mainly her smoking pipe with tobacco and a hip flask (wears totem of undying on a long chain, totem additionally is securely hidden in one of her inside pockets near her heart
-her axe is actually an axe stolen from vindicator from the raid on the mansion
-she can read End language and some of enchanting books
-she misses lowe right rib and her stomach is stitched (from same reason she misses her right eye)
-she's tall, 184cm
Lucille "Lucy"
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(2nd drawing is from @expressionless-fr)
Lucille was born in underground village- among the followers of the Warden. Villagers live on eating fungus and spider meat (where they created a whole mob grinder with pure intentions of slaying spiders for fresh meat). Village is located near the Ancient City, on bedrock layer. That's how Lucille came into contact with the void. Fungus farmer pushed his hand into a rift created by the Iris, meet Umbra, and changed his life. Forever.
Much more lore will be in separate post!
-he died at age of 21, but as a voidling is centuries old - exactly 623yo
-knows ancient languages, can read enchanting books and illageralt
-can shapeshift, but prefers to stay in his human form
-he DOESN'T cast a shadow like everything else
-he doesn't need to eat, drink or even breath as a voidling, but does it out of habit
-can't really understand feelings, only knows what Iris "taught" him
-seems much taller as he always hovers above the ground, in reality he's 167cm
Aleroth "Zarkun" Black
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Aleroth is a child of an Evoker and his servant, but not from love in any matter- purely from want to continue the bloodline. Al was a curious child, liked to learn, discover new things, but his father only wanted him to train art of Evoker magic, scolding and beating him when he tried anyhing different. He eventually had enough of younger nature and he gave him to his "weird" (as he always thought about him) brother to look after, at the same time resigning from being his father. Al quicky noticed his master weird obsession with something named "The End" and with weird eyes, but he was to afraid to ask, thinking he would get scolded for it, like everytime earlier when he was curious about anything. Trough the day he was watching vindicators, learning from them how to use weapons, to train alone after dark. When Al felt confident enough with his hand-to-hand combat skills, he made a decision- to see the books his master was always hiding from everyone.
Much more lore will be in separate post!
-had to teach Rinn how to use cutlery and table manners
-is much older than his wife
-plays piano and teaches Rinn to play violin
-almost never leaves the mansion [uses his summon (vex) to "go" outside]
-his vex can shapeshift, but always is dark with yellow eyes, he can summon only one at the time
-really tall, taller then everyone is his mansion in general, 203cm
Any questions about them or TO them? Ask away!
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bigirlbased · 10 months ago
fallowl au time!
second post in like 10 minutes lol anyways luz king and eda time! as ive said in the initial couple post luz king and eda are taking the place of the courier/mc. They all three travel together delivering packages acrose the wasteland, but one day they are interecepted by a gang and they are knocked out and burried alive, the platnium chip they were delivering to the strip taken They wake up in doc Mitchel's house in goodsprings and are told they were found by a securitron in three shallow graves, they are given some supplies and sent on there way and the story goes form there but in this post were talking backstories!!!!!!!!!! Eda: Eda grew up in a little town called bonesburrow in california, she was raised with her sister Lilith and together they both dreamed of one day joining the ncr, but life happens and dreams change. Eda went on to become a courier for the mojave express and Lilith joined the ncr and ended up becoming a high ranking member eda spent her days delivering mail and adventuring across the mojave, until one day she met king... (not going super in detail into eda as 1. i wanna save some for later and 2. im still figuring some stuff out) king: One day while eda was exploring an abandoned vault for treasures and supplies she found a young king, he had been abandoned and Eda had decided she would care for him, it was unclear what king was exactly but it didnt matter to eda,she took him in king has the same personality he has in cannon and is overall the same charecter, just edas companion/adopted son on her adventures Luz: Luz grew up in gravesfeild, a small farming town on the outskirts of the mojave, her father died when she was 7 and she never got to know him super well. She was close to her mom and she loved reading pre war fantasy novels, none of the other kids in gravesfeild never really got her, she was soemtimes mocked and ridiculed but her mom was always there and while it hurt to have no one understand her but she got threw it that was, until the legion attacked when she was 12 the legion attacked gravesfeild and burned it to the ground, her and her mother tried to run but Camila dies trying to defend Luz, and she was left alone. She hid in a secret room under one of the houses until they left, and when she leaves she finds the town burned to the ground and everyone gone, until a woman and her companion stumble into the town and find her Luz has been traveling with eda for the past 4 years and has become part of there little family and they have gone on plenty of adventures together sdie notes: like i said in an earlier post i decided to age up the hex squad just a bit in this au, just cause fallout is a pretty violent series and i thought they should be at least a bit other before getting into shootouts lol anyways the stuff with luz is new lore, like i new i wanted to do the whole orphaned by something happening and eda taking her in type story for luz but the specifics about the town and the legion are new, also gives her more reasons to hate belos, also i just kept the names of towns from the show for any new settlements i add to this au cause i think its neat anyways hope yall enjoyed
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