#and chaos soul thingy
masadd · 1 year
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hms eyes !?!?!?
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circeyoru · 7 months
Reader from the yandere Alastor series with cursed cat Alastor. I said what I said.
It's js being a cat doing a cat things with a hint of chaos and destruction but like Alastor it's super clingy with reader and has a small rivalry with Alastor js because
To those that have no idea what this is talking about, check out {Unwanted Soul}
I saw the cursed cat thingy!!! It's so cutely cursed honestly!!! But love it the same!! (I was wondering if some of you would send in asks about this with Yandere!Alastor and here you guys are)
If we add the cutie cat into the mix, there's more trouble. But! Here's the kicker! Cause Reader's/you're a fan of animals. Cats definitely included. So you'd be hugging the little creature whenever and wherever you can! The moment you got the hint that the cat was okay with you touching it, you got it in your arms.
Now, the cat's just another version of Alastor, right? So naturally, the cat is clingy to you. You don't even mind too! There are certain situations where Alastor can't come close to you, but you allow that cat to do it? What's more that cat is a version of him? Look at that smile! It's grinning and taunting Alastor!
Depending on the time period, there are different reactions:
After your arrival to the hotel, you got a guardcat with you when you're wandering the hotel. It will ward off Charlie and the others whenever they try to approach you or ask you things. You let it and say its harmless. Alastor's pleased that you were covered when he wasn't around, but when he's around, he didn't expect the same treatment done to him! Back off!
After your confession, yeah, Mimzy's getting a bunch of bite marks and not the sexual type. It's logical that Alastor's more possessive and obsessive after you were firm and confident enough to directly confess to him. But that cat was still clinging to you and let you it! Hello? Alastor's right here! Don't pay attention to that copy of him! Pettiness all around, Alastor's battling against his tiny cat version and you're enjoying it.
In terms of the chaos and destruction the cat brings, you're surprisingly lenient to it. You're already lenient to Alastor, defending the demon. But it was a whole new level for the cutie. You'd even fix the broken things the cat did. You didn't scold it? Why??? You only did when it broke/ate something of yours. You really gave the cat the cold shoulders and Alastor was being a big tease about it. "Oh, My Darling isn't letting you in? Then who am I to let you in."
In general, it's all fun and games until you got mad at its actions.
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novthewolf · 8 months
HII IS THIS A NEW BLOG ur theme is so cute giggles 💕💕
*drops request about jinx w a fem or gn reader doing her hair*
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Knotted hair, knotted mind
(Thank you very much anon ! ^^)
Pairing : Jinx x GN!Reader
Masterlist : Here
Warnings : foul language, depiction of schizophrenia, english isn't my first language.
Words : +1,3K
The huge metal structure groaned the more footsteps you took. You hated it here for the sole reason that it was incredibly deadly, and you didn't trust your feet to not betray you and make you fall to your death.
But for Jinx, you were more than willing to face your fears. Once again, she suffered from a breakdown in the middle of a mission, and the moment you got back to the headquarters, she bolted towards her room.
"Jinx ?" You call out, only to be answered by the echo of your own voice. Taking baby steps across the bridge, your eyes scanned the whole room. She could literally be anywhere. Really, she never ceased to amaze you, but this time, you just hoped she didn't hide away.
The deep void was pulling your eyes down towards it. A stream of curses targeted at your brain poured out of your mouth. Thankfuly, you could see the clumped counter in the centre of the giant room coming further. You rushed the last steps and totally leaned on Jinx's workshop, some of her makeeries falling to the ground. "We should really put fences around here." You whined.
A struggling sob resonated within the terrifying open space. Your eyes shot up, and you searched for your friend. She sat there across, her deeply blue hair totally discoloured on her head, as she pulled on it with concerning hatred. You gasped audibly and rushed to her side.
Kneeling down beside her, you hushed her to scout away from the edge of the plateform. Normaly, she wouldn't risk anything, but in her state, you didn't want to tempt the devil. You tilted your head to catch the expression on her face. "Jinx ?"
In the depths of her crisis, Jinx's expression was a haunting portrait of anguish and confusion. Her eyes, once bright and full of life, now mirrored the chaos swirling within her mind, haunted by unseen spectres and twisted visions. Lines of tension etched her brow, and her lips trembled with unspoken words, unable to articulate the torment raging within her soul.
Each fleeting emotion flickered across her face like shadows dancing in the dim light. Though her features were drawn and haggard, there remained a flicker of resilience in her gaze, a glimmer of hope amidst the storm that raged within her.
"Jinx, hey, listen to me." Her eyes snapped to yours, tears falling down her 
As the shadows of evening draped themselves over the room, you sat beside Jinx, whose once bright blue eyes were now clouded with fear and confusion. Her hands trembled as she clutched her long hair, her breath coming in ragged gasps.
With a gentle touch, you reached out, her hand finding Jinx's quivering shoukder, offering a silent anchor amidst the storm raging within yourriend's mind.
"I'm here, Jinx." You murmured softly, your voice a soothing balm against the tumultuous backdrop of young women's thoughts.
Jinx struggled to make sense of the fragmented and distorted whispers of her dead family that echoed in her mind. But you remained steadfast by her side, a beacon of unwavering support in the darkness.
"You're here too. Just you and me." With patience born of love and understanding, you guided her through the labyrinth of her own thoughts.
Together, you navigated the turbulent currents of Jinx's inner world, untangling the threads of reality from the tangled web of hallucinations and delusions.
"I didn't mean to fuck it up... I-It's just those fu-fucking blue firework thingies !" She gestured violently, and you had to duck your head to avoid getting slapped in the face.
"I understand... We should have been more careful. But we made it back; we're here. You are here." You smiled softly, not meeting her eyes, knowing it would only overwhelm her more.
She exhaled loudly and threw her head back, her legs bouncing rapidly. In the quiet sanctuary of your shared presence, you became the blue-haired lifeline, anchoring her to the present moment and gently guiding her towards the light. With each passing moment, the storm began to subside, and a sense of calm descended upon the room like a gentle rain after a tempest. Her small hands finally let go of her long hair and slid down her sides.
You felt her calm down gently, her eyes finally meeting yours. Your caring smile reassured me immensely. After her sister had abandoned her, Jinx kept seeking that loving and patient presence she lacked. Silco offered her the patience and structure she needed, but you brought her the unconditional understanding she craved. Something that could actually help her untangle her mind when the voices came nagging.
She hummed when your fingers brushed through her hair, smiling when she heard you chuckle. "Your hair is all messy..."
Jinx rolled her eyes but looked down bashfully. "Do you want me to brush them?" You offer quietly. The last thing you wanted was to cross her boundaries, though you knew she deeply enjoyed your touches and care.
"Okay." She nodded.
"Okay." You mirrored with a soft smile. Standing up, you offered her your hand, which she gadly took. You guided her towards her work table and sat her down on the chair.
You sat behind Jinx, who still bore the remnants of the storm that had ravaged her mind. With tender care, you began to gently comb through her tangled blue locks, her touch as light as a feather against Jinx's scalp. You put extra care into not pulling her hair or the knots in them.
"Can I braid your hair ?" You whispered softly, your voice a soothing melody in the stillness of the room. She nodded wordlessly, her eyes flickering with a mixture of gratitude and exhaustion, her head tilting back, leaning into your touch.
As you deftly wove Jinx's hair into intricate plaits, the tension that had gripped her features began to melt away, replaced by a sense of calm and tranquility.With each twist and turn of the braid, your fingers worked their magic, creating a rhythmic dance that seemed to lull your friend into a state of peaceful surrender.
As the braid took shape, you spoke in hushed tones, sharing stories and memories from their shared past, each word a gentle caress against Jinx's troubled soul.
"I was terrified of heights as a kid... well, still are." You chuckled, continuing the long braids, her hair seeming endless. "Which is, y'know, quite practical when you live in a city with mostly flying structures." Your joke earned a small giggle from her.
With each tale, the invisible barriers that had separated them began to dissolve, replaced by a sense of intimacy and connection that transcended the confines of their physical surroundings. And as you secured the final knot of the braid, Jinx's beautiful blue eyes fluttered open, her gaze meeting yours with a newfound sense of clarity and gratitude. In that fleeting moment, as they sat entwined in each other's presence.
You blushed slightly as you made her chair spin around. "There. Even prettier than before, I didn't think it could be possible." You winked, trying to come out confident.
She scoffed half-heartedly and nudged your leg with her own. Her gaze dazed at her inventions lying around. "Thanks for being there for me." She couldn't meet your eyes, but her voice carried all the thankfulness she felt.
You chuckled breathlessly and caressed her soft skin with your knuckles. "It's nothing, love. I got your back." Her cheeks heated up at your words, and she played with the newly braided hair.
As the night wore on, you remained vigilant by Jinx's side, offering comfort and companionship until the first light of dawn. From this moment on, she knew that no matter how fierce the storm raged within her, you would always be there to guide her and brush her worries away.
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finaltimelineau · 6 months
OH! I have so many questions for the poor unfortunate soul who doesn't like to talk about himself (, sorry in advance, you're welcome to let Makaio answer if he knows the answers).
How long have you been able to teleport for?
How far can you teleport?
So... if being an anomaly means you have a higher chaos thingy, and having a higher chaos thingy can cause timeline problems, so.... does the CCC not have a problem with hiring anomalies?
ALSO! What exactly is an anomaly? Is it just someone with 'unique' abilities, or...
How does being an anomaly work in your world? Are you excepted in society? Do you need to keep your abilities hidden? Do people hunt you down to use your abilities for evil purposes~ (I read too many evil-cooperate-villain stories, don't mind that last one ^^; )
And finally! How long have you two been at the CCC for?
1. How long have you been able to teleport for?
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2. How far can you teleport?
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3. So... if being an anomaly means you have a higher chaos thingy, and having a higher chaos thingy can cause timeline problems, so.... does the CCC not have a problem with hiring anomalies?
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4. ALSO! What exactly is an anomaly? Is it just someone with 'unique' abilities, or...
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5. How does being an anomaly work in your world? Are you excepted in society? Do you need to keep your abilities hidden? Do people hunt you down to use your abilities for evil purposes~ (I read too many evil-cooperate-villain stories, don't mind that last one ^^; )
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6. And finally! How long have you two been at the CCC for?
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corvussnakee · 3 months
Okay, Somehow posting a thingy with all my fuckin complaints n shtuff has helped to get my fuckin brain rolling again. Or maybe it's due to the fact that I've officially decided to open up questions to everyone and not just Rotten.
This also sorta spells the end of Rotten's ask blog... I'm sorry, truly am. Maybe one day I can bring back an Ask Blog but for right now, nah.
Besides that...
MEET SPLATTER name pending... YALL!!
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Bro I am so happy with his design. I swear, Both my Ink designs are just absolute chaos. Though I guess that's due to the fact I view Ink as being quite chaotic.
It just gets x10-ed in my head.
Anyway, so uh. How'd he get the hole in his skull? That was from his Error. They got into a little itty bitty baby fight and next thing you know he's gotten a hole in his skull.
But don't worry, Dusk/Apathy(His Dream) patched him all up and gave him some cool new chompers!!!!
Fun little personality stuff and fun facts just because why not:
- Very energetic, very easy to excite.
Bro is a ball of energy. I like to think that he just can not physically sit still. He has to be doing something. Messing with his clothes, rocking, tapping a foot, drumming his fingers on the table, he's gotta be doing something. Also it's very easy to get him riled up, especially if you bring up stuff he's interested in. Say one key word and bro is going on a full blown villain type monologue.
- Main choice of Fashion: Yami Kawaii (inspired)
I just thought it fit him. He's got like, a pill pin on the back of his scarf that helps it to keep its bow shape. Honestly he wears a lot of bandages and band aids over his bones because of the various scarring he got from his Error. Dude was not in a good situation, at all, but don't worry. He got his revenge >:3
- Doesn't drink viles.
Okay, so when Splatter first came into being I had this idea of him going feral and having to eat others to quell his hunger, thus allowing him to turn back to normal. But that didn't seem right, especially with how he is now. I mean, he still goes feral-ish but it's more controlled. But then why is this like- where are his viles? He can't drink them anymore. After the hole incident he struggles heavily to drink liquids. So most of the paint just splatters on out. But, surprise surprise that's not the only way he can get colors!! Turns out monster souls hold a shit ton of colors in them. They're like rainbow jelly-filled donuts (God that feels so morbid to say). So he eats souls to get his colors, though the souls sorta... Like... Explode jusssttt... a bit when bitten into so you can tell very easily if he just got back from a hunt. His entire front half is just covered in bright rainbow splatter.
- Childish.
He has a childish spunk to him. At least, in all my daydreams he gives off childish vibes. Just a simple little thing. He can get serious when he wants to be, but most of the time he's an annoying lil shit.
I'm gonna just put it here but both DB and Splatter have little to no respect for the Omega Timeline/Those in power. Dusk and His Cross have a bit more respect but it's more so in the sense of "We're only being nice and respectful of you because you have valuable information"
The Stars have, I guess, gone rouge. Which I like to think the Omega Timeline's council absolutely hates.
Any who, there's Splatter.
Og Ink belongs to @comyet
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
THIS IS AN IDEA I HAVE FOR MY IMAGINATION FIC!! That I haven't written anything yet
I got this idea of Tim getting stuck into the Marvel universe. Like– the idea where Tim is trying to find a way back to his universe but it's slowly crumbling both worlds, so now he has to find a way to save both worlds including himself but that means a disaster will come.
The disaster is a large hole soaring in the sky summoning an unknown entity and demons that clashes between both worlds and nothing can stop it. But- Tim knows, he knows how to save everyone, (I'll also put the au where Tim got those game screen thingy), the screen that helped him many times says that he needs to find a way to go to the "Land of Chaos" where every "chaos" you could imagine is there. He needs to break the main thing that land has and that is "The Core". This Core is protected by a large barrier that Tim needs to break but he didn't know that his soul was also slowly shattering.
The soul is the one thing that can bypass the barrier between Him and the Core, and yet Tim knows that the screen wouldn't let him die that easily so he used that opportunity to make his souls scattered throughout Time and Space in both worlds. So his souls can appear normal as if Tim didn't just sacrifice himself, he then makes some connections and hints to the people that a Disaster is coming and they need to be prepared.
But that means Tim isn't fully human yet, so I have this idea that... Tim needs to be killed. He has to die so that his soul can combine into one and br ak the barrier even though his soul will be shattered again. But the screen tells him that Tim can bypass the barrier safely without his soul shatter because every bit of his soul combines again and makes him much stronger from the connection he has with the people he helped.
That's probably it? Idk I was just brainstorming this idea 💀
A Marvel crossover with Tim having video game powers and needing to close the rift between the dimensions? Poor Tim, lmao, but it sounds interesting
If you're chatting about Land of Chaos, I wonder if Klarion has anything to do with that? He's a great character that I'd love to see more of.
I'm also curious how the souls breaking off and looking normal would play out. Do different versions of Tim (four years old, eight years old, the more angry parts of being fourteen, the grief of seventeen, etc.) all convene out of time? Or do past versions of Tim merge together with a soul shard? Therefore, Tim at nine would receive a small memory of the OG timeline and keep collecting them up until the time where his soul had shattered. If it's the second one, then his soul would be almost evenly split between the two worlds, and that's why he needs to combine them together by "dying."
Feel free to expand on this and let me know what your thought processes are ^^
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royallygray · 4 months
Slowly getting more and more intrigued by @ty-bayonet-betteridge 's 18s9hau (18 souls 9 hearts)
(here's the fic. scroll through the tag #18s9hau for other stuff)
Here are the soulmate duos and what I presume everyone's codenames in the poetry stuff is and my assumptions for the explanations are:
Grian & Jimmy
Grian is referred to as the Watcher, Jimmy as the Phoenix.
Pretty simple, Grian's a Watcher. I'm assuming Jimmy's a Phoenix and not a canary because he gets revived or something. Rebirth and all that jazz.
"The Watcher and The Phoenix, Those against us surely perish;"
BigB & Skizz
I'm assuming that BigB is the Liar and Skizz is the Lover, but it hypothetically could still be the other way around.
Skizz was a part of the Heart foundation, and is generally just a bundle of joy. BigB did like manipulate the entire server for the hole task in SL, and he also was secret soulmates with Grian in DL.
"The Liar and The Lover, - One to cheat and one to cherish."
Tango & Martyn
Tango is the Speaker and Martyn is the Puppet.
In this au, from what I can gather, a Speaker is a sort of Listener thingy and Tango is that. And Martyn is like the Watchers/Listeners/Probably Speakers's puppet. rip martyn
"The Speaker and The Puppet, To bring the game its spark;"
Scott & Joel
Scott is the Dissident and Joel is the Maniac.
Had to google what a dissident is: noun - a person who opposes official policy, especially that of an authoritarian state. So Scott defied the Watchers in Last Life and also sacrifices himself too much and the watchers just kinda hate him for skirting around the rules. And for the Maniac. Well. If you've been watching HC10. He took that Reddit comment and sprinted.
"The Dissident and Maniac, How long to break apart?"
Bdubs & Mumbo
Bdubs is the Faithless, idk why. Mumbo is the Inventor.
I'm assuming Bdubs is the Faithless bc of 3rd Life where he turned on Impulse for a clock, and probably also some other things. Possibly the Boogeyman in LL. And Mumbo's just the redstone guy.
"The Faithless and Inventor, Chaos reigns and shadows grow;"
Ren & Scar
Ren is the Honorbound, and Scar is the Swindler.
Pretty straightforward, Ren was the king and swears his loyalty eternally to people just. always. and Scar. Scar's a scammer. we love him.
"The Honorbound and Swindler, Once both kings and now brought low."
Lizzie & Cleo
Lizzie is the Lonely, Cleo is the Betrayed.
No one showed up to Lizzie's birthday party. Also I think Cleo got betrayed by Fairy Fort, but I'm not sure. And it could also reference how Martyn left them at the beginning of DL.
"The Lonely and Betrayed, Allies once, that broke in twain;"
Etho & Impulse
I assume Etho is the Trickster and Impulse is the Faithful, but I'm not sure.
Impulse stays with his alliances (ex: Crastle) and devotes himself to them even when they're mostly falling apart. And Etho? idk what Etho does. But nothing else works for him.
"The Trickster and The Faithful, Neither shows their truest face."
Pearl & Gem
Pearl is the Wounded, Gem is the Trespasser.
Pearl gets abandoned in DL, and in SL, she sees Scar fall the same way she did, I think. Gem just kind of showed up to help Cleo in LimL and didn't leave. She wasn't invited, but now she can't leave.
The Wounded and The Trespasser, For something wicked this way comes;
"They kill and fall and love and die,
The game begins, our will be done."
(all the quotes are taken from chapter two of the fic)
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
Y'know what my knowledge of bayonetta may be limited to badass witch lady but I'd still like to hear about your Third Eye crossover thingy
Omg what a thing to wake up to thank you so much :D!!!
To quickly summarise, Bayonetta is an unhinged fast paced fighting game (trilogy) about an immortal witch with demon summoning gun wielding powers, who hunts angels for their halos to earn money and feed the demon contracts so they don't eat her instead. It's incredibly campy and shameless, but behind the scenes it's got some seriously well researched lore and a wealth of world building that drew me to writing for it. It's visually gorgeous and amazingly cohesive.
So what started it all was a meme going around the smash bros community a few years ago when joker and bayonetta joined, about how she was joker's mother. And I, having played both games (but not smash, ironically), was instantly hooked. I really wanted to see a story exploring that, but there was only a handful of fics or comics that, while good, weren't what I was looking for.
So I started writing my own. It's a story about joker (I'm using the name Akira for him) being the blood son of bayonetta, and his life being raised by her and fellow witch Jeanne, who in this fic is living with them and co-parenting hehe. It's following him through his trials and tribulations of being the son of the last witch (they were all killed off in a very violent war with their counterparts the sages), his own training to be a witch via time travel (it's a whole thing) and - in the second half - the circumstances around being forced to leave his small circle of protection and being pulled under government scrutiny after saving shidos victim, where any wrong move risks exposing the last dregs of the supernatural to people who would want to ruin everything.
I'm purposely keeping it unclear how Akira was conceived/born, or who the other parent is (if there even is one), because it's not really relevant and I like the mystery! It's also unclear if Jeanne and bayonetta are in a steamy relationship or just doing a besties cohabitation thing for the sake of the kid, but again it's on purpose ;). And lets me avoid writing romance LMAO.
Unsurprisingly, it's the world building that's really making me struggle, but the general gist is that the afterlife is VERY convoluted.
So, in p5 you've got the meta verse and the sea of souls, which is where persona come from. Persona, who are mythological, literary or historical figures. You can summon persona and kill them to make weapons and accessories. Though you don't lose your persona upon entering reality again, it can't manifest.
In bayonetta, there's three planes of reality. You've got the obvious paradiso and inferno, and then purgatorio, a second layer of earth's reality where the games all primarily take place, where living things become faint shadows oblivious to your chaos - though they will freak out when you blow up their car! Angels and demons alike can be summoned to this plane, (though they often show up regardless lol), being sometimes mythological, literary or historical figures but usually just generic mob enemies (hey, just like persona!). Certain enemies can be taken to a guy to be killed and turned into weapons and accessories. There's a lot of similarity!
So, in Third Eye, the sea of souls that living humans cannot reach is referring to the three planes of reality, where angels, demons and human souls can be pulled into the meta verse to become persona. Awakening a 2nd tier persona is an evolution of the user's soul, strengthening it and making the magics easier. It's a third equivalent to the witch/sages, which is going to be VERY relevant in the second phase.
Also, in the second game, spoilers, there's a blue kid called loki who uses tarot cards to fight, who ends up being the amnesiac god of free will trying to save humanity from his evil counterpart loptr who wants to take control of humanity and remake the world in his image, and eventually he sacrificed his life to do so, with a promise to one day be reincarnated.
So that's where philemon was while Igor was taking over his velvet room :D.
Thank you so much for asking ^u^! If you're curious about more I'd be delighted to talk about it, especially the details of jokers altered persona ;)...
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emsuemsu · 10 months
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@hprecfest day 14: favorite series
Now before we get into this, I have to get something off my chest. As much as I love a badass auror(and/or unspeakable) adventure-fic (it is my favorite trope, I love case fics, I can't get enough of them), I don't think Harry (nor Draco) would make a good auror. Especially Harry. Like I don't think that man has an ounce of auror in him. It's the most ridiculous career choice for him. Just no. And it's funny because these are my favorite types of fics to read, and still I constantly think it's just not happening. No way in hell Harry Potter is going to be an auror. Yet, I eat it up every goddamn time, no crumbs left.
Anyways, in spite of what I just said it wasn't hard to come up with a favorite series for todays prompt:
Tales from the Special Branch by @femmequixotic 🩵 4 complete works, 1 wip, 1,214,933 words in total, draco/harry
When Gawain Robards asks him to form Special Branch seven-four-alpha, Harry Potter knows they'll have to work outside the confines of the law--even though they are the law.
This series has had my heart and soul for quite a while now. It's so unbelievably good. I feel like this is the blueprint for any and every case fic on earth, it's just superior. The plotting, the pacing, the feels, the smut, the characterizations, the vibes, the smut... I'm on the floor. The world building is in a league of it’s own with this one. And I've been savoring this series. I've read the first 4 parts of it, unlike my usual style of binging but really taking it slow and reeling in what I’ve read. And trust me, it is a fuckload to take in. I remember seeing like a mindmap-kinda thingy of all the relationships in this series, and it was just pure chaos - in the best way possible. I’ve started the fifth part, but I feel like I kinda want to save it?? For a special occasion????? Whatever that may be. And I know it is unfinished at the moment, now would I be happy if the author continued it? Absolutely over the moon. Beyond excited. But tbh, I’m really content even if this were to stay in the state it is now. It’s given me so much over the last few years, so many good memories and fun times reading this it pretty much feels like a complete work for me already.
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stormvanari · 8 months
imagine a tf2 and toh crossover...which magic track(s) would the tf2 mercs pick?? what do you think??
i’m down to see how the TF2 mercs can survive in a magical world since they have experienced Merasmus’ chaos in Scream Fortress, and at least many of the magic users on the Boiling Isles aren’t too chaotic like Merasmus himself.
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Scout: Becomes a “LORD OF ALL (wild) MAGIC!!!” because fuck the Coven System all the way
-Gives the Emperor’s Coven a living hell by pranking and putting them in a marathon across the Boiling Isles to the point the Golden Guard, Lilith (before Young Blood, Old Souls), or a Coven Head is involved. But the Golden Guard serves as Scout’s main competition until Hollow Mind.
-Always lands in the Detention Track and Scout doesn’t even care! What kind of moron says using one magic is legal, yet doing all kinds of magic is illegal?!
Soldier: Abomination
-He surprisingly got into the EC and is currently a Captain. But Sol primarily specializes in Abomination magic the most because think of the army he would summon and yell commands Pokémon trainer-style
-Soldier wanted to take on all, yes ALL, of the Coven Heads at once cause he heard they are the “most powerful witches on the BI”
Pyro: Bard, Illusion, and Potions
-There are a few Coven Scouts that report feeling frightened by their encounter with this wild witch (and the Scouts even compared Pyro to Hooty but like. without the bad Mickey Mouse voice impression. just an almost silent “cryptid.”).
-Pyro doesn’t agree with the idea of using only one type of magic, even though they primarily specialize in three certain types of magic the most. The merc wants to have fun in this magical world, y’know?
Demoman: Potion
-Conjures magical potions of mass destruction
-Amplifies his scrumpies to boost his attacks, such as his Demoknight Charge ✨🍾✨
-Frequent visitor at Grimgrub’s Pub
-Is a member of Salty’s crew and Demo fought numerous sea beasts with his bare hands
Heavy: Construction
-They say his strength matches that of Mason’s, but those that share close connections with this merc say Heavy’s strength is greater than the Construction Coven Head’s.
-In fact, he was petitioned for that title but Heavy denied the offer and chose to focus on his family’s needs instead
Engineer: Abomination
-Engineer would eventually do Construction and Bard magic post-S3
-One of the EC’s main defense suppliers
-He’s inspired by Alador’s inventions
Medic: Healing (ofc)
-Well. Things are gonna look....splendid when Medic meets Hettie on one of his work days at a Healer House (this isn’t an official name for clinics during Belos’ reign btw)
-Archimedes becomes his palisman in this AU
Sniper: Beast-Keeping
-Some half-bird demon
-Works as a Demon Hunter (which is kinda ironic for Sniper’s species in this crossover AU, but least he got the job due to his sharpshooting skills)
Spy: Illusion (ofc)
-Was doing rebel work on his own, and sees Adrian Graye as an “embarrassment to illusionists everywhere” after Labyrinth Runners. Prior to the Hexside invasion, Spy originally saw Graye as a “close second to the deadliest illusionist I know,” due to the latter’s Coven Head status.
Although the two have not properly met each other, Spy would consider Gus as a “close second.” The merc still considers himself as the deadliest illusionist on the BI.
-On the other hand, Spy would commend Darius’ fashion sense. Those two would get along pretty well.
Speaking of which:
i did in fact made TF2 x TOH dubs before! ⬇️
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tgrailwar-zero · 1 year
It wasn't worth watching the aftermath as ALTER-EGO found herself struck by FOREIGNER's spell, letting out a devastating roar as she stumbled to the side in pain. That was enough to halt FOREIGNER's own pursuit, as she dropped her brush and rushed over to tend to her injured teammate.
The ensuing chaos was enough to get away, which meant that all that was left was to run.
And run.
And run.
Until you reached the boundaries of the Blue Faction's territory. A field, now dark, even the light of the moon covered in dense, dark clouds.
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The sounds of footsteps, quiet yet purposeful, served as the introduction for one more member of the Blue Faction. PRETENDER, with hollow eyes that belayed annoyance, approached.
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"This really is disappointing."
He shook his head, as if deciding that scolding wasn't even worth the hassle.
"Well, I'm sure you've already beaten it into your heads that you've made the right choice, or whatever. 'Sunk cost', and so on, so I'm not going to make any big appeal to stop you. MoonCancer tried. Foreigner tried. No point in me trying. If you feel like driving yourselves off a cliff, that's your prerogative. It's not like we have time and energy to burn to try to convince you otherwise, we're just now getting on our feet, after all."
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"So, I'll just say this. The choices you make, and the consequences they leave behind, are probably far less generous than whatever wars you're used to. This world is cruel, and there are forces that will deceive you for the sake of their own justices. If you want to stab someone in the back first, just… make sure that they're actually holding a knife up to you before you strike."
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PRETENDER stopped, before smiling bitterly.
"Regardless, I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again soon. Ciao."
With that, he did what he said, walking back down the path without any further comment. CONDUCTOR manifested again, standing with an irritated frown.
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"…Uh... Judgy, much? Who does he think he is, talking to you like that? We're going to get this sorted out as soon as possible. They don't understand, after all. And they won't, not until this is done with."
He cracked his knuckled, preparing himself.
"Okay. As suggested before, there's that 'Saint Graph Integration' thingy. To do that without harming your teammates, you'll need to temporarily sever your contract with the Blue Team. Like that Moon-whoever said, I'm registered as a foreign entity… if I'm suddenly integrated within their shared team system without any preparation, it may put them all in danger too. So if you want to protect them, and Avenger too, this is the best option. Quite frankly, the only option, especially at this point. Don't worry, as soon as this is done, I'll reattach the correct 'wires', so to speak, and then we'll be back to the races!"
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"So, which ones of you are willing to take a risk?"
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brandwhorestarscream · 10 months
Cybermorph ideas!
So? We got the whole reproduction ask thingy from before. Maybe, a queen can choose where the transfluid goes? Like maybe they can retain it? It's possible in snakes, why not wacky aliens.
Also, Megs just panicking in a field because EGGS is such a funny image. Imagine the second time it happens, he does feel some obligation to return to them, dragging somebot with him, trying to figure out why he wants to return this time. Only for the eggs to "latch on" to the bot. Imagine his horror. He doesn't know his own workings. To learn how eggs work would be chaos for him.
Ooooh now I've got THOUGHTS
So... this is a little difficult. We established previously that Megatron isn't able to asexually reproduce until he's much older, with an established hive. Which means, if these eggs he's just laid are going to hatch, they have to have a sire. Cybermorph queens can hold onto transfluid to fertilize eggs later, right? Hear me out, then: it's not something they do consciously. It's smthn their body just performs on it's own, and he has no control over it. Just a natural happening of the reproductive system and there's nothing he can do about it short of a sterilization surgery.
So. Megatron is operating under the assumption that these eggs are sterile. The nesting instinct made him withdraw from Kaon and he ended up slinking into a crack in the planet's surface, somewhere dark and secluded where no one would bother him. After the clutch's arrival, he assumes that they're not fertile, same as the first batch. His last time interfacing with someone was a quite awhile ago, waaay before he started to feel eggheavy. He doesn't feel any connection to them, and so just... leaves.
He returns home a few days after nesting, checking in with his parents to let them know he's back. They freaked out pretty bad when he suddenly vanished the first time, so now he makes sure to tell them he's not dead.
And this is where it gets a little wonky. He has very few cybermorph friends: they are the first generation, after all. None of them have experienced any egg cycles, and they're all operating under the false assumption that cybermorph conception is the same as cybertronians: that the fertilization happens exclusively during sex. They don't know it can happen out of order, that there can be large gaps between the actual interfacing and the fertilization of eggs.
I mentioned previously that the war eventually starts when the cybermorph population has swelled considerably, quality of life in the south plummets, and the north side of the planet clings to a strict segregation lockdown. Said lockdown was put in place almost immediately after the first gen of cybermorphs popped
I have a point here, I swear. Stay with me, this is gonna get long. I gotta talk through this or the final conclusion will make no sense
The first generation of cybermorphs were of course heavily influenced by their hosts. Ordinarily, xenomorphs are born and grow rapidly, and are incredibly aggressive, vicious, with the main primary goal of eliminating other species and propagating their own. But they've always been fully organic species: crossbreeding with inorganics resulted in some previously unseen traits. The possession of a spark, for one
The xenomorph embryos mutated rapidly when implanted in their cybertronian hosts, having to very quickly adapt to energon and spark energy radiation to survive. The little ones that come out are half and half, obviously, but their spark is really what matters. Newborn xenomorphs are loyal only to their queen and their hive. But these newborn cybermorphs don't have either. What they do have, however, is alien blood and physical souls in their chests that are linked to their cybertronian carriers. And their carriers are alive. They're bonded to these mecha from birth, can feel their emotions and hear their thoughts, just like any other sparkling. The bonds are incredibly strong, due to utter lack of a queen to imprint on and only growing stronger when their host parents deign to raise them.
Because they possess sparks and energon and have carrier-creation bonds, they're largely judged to be cybertronian. Or at least, cybertronian enough to avoid slaughter. The Senate can't order them killed, because their emergence makes international news, and even if they are incredibly freaky looking, they still possess a soul. Killing them would be infanticide. People would riot. Begrudgingly, the Senate allows the newborns to live, but the trade off is total segregation. No warframes may leave the southern half of the planet without rigorous medical exams and quarantine procedures, and the cybermorphs grow up in designated safety zones Just In Case. The Senate is constantly monitoring them, whether they know it or not (they don't).
Now, going back to Megatron's clutch. The first eggs really are sterile. He leaves them in that little nesting spot and never goes back for them. The Senate, however, does. They send someone to retrieve the eggs for testing, also assuming them to be sterile. They're filled with the cybertronian equivalent of water, a lifeless, perfectly clean oil that has no genetic code in it. Curious.
The second batch, though... not so much. Megatron thinks they're sterile, and so do the ones watching. Another retrieval team is sent in, except this time, they get the facehugger treatment. From what I've read, being implanted with an embryo causes a bit of short-term memory loss (or at least, it did with the first victim), so when the incubators awake in the nest once more they see that the eggs are destroyed and report back to the Senate. They were too late, the eggs have already hatched.
Now, for one reason or another, the retrieval team isn't permitted to cross the border. That's either because of quarantine procedures or because they're warframes that already live there, but regardless. They're still on the southern half of the planet when the morphlings pop out of them
This time, however? These babies don't feel any connection to their host, because they already have a(n unknowing) queen. Megatron is their carrier, not their incubators. He can sense them, in his spark, as well as instinctually, and he goes off on the prowl to hunt them down. He doesn't really know what he's looking for, at first, not until he finds his first cute little sparkling
Or well. "Cute". Cute to him. If they're anything like actual xenomorph newborns they're kinda long and wiggly and wormlike, but nyeh. We can figure that out later.
Regardless. Megatron finds out the hard way that those eggs weren't sterile, and he's very confused. He knows he didn't have any intimate relations whe the eggs were forming, so what gives? And also, how the HELL is he going to manage his morphlings? What if the Senate tries to take them away? What if he can't feed them all? What if- what if-
Anyway. I'm gonna call it here because holy shit this got long. Let this be the beginning of Megatron’s first Hive 😌 their existence has just opened an entirely new chapter for all the cybermorphs and literally no one knows what's going on
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greyborn2 · 1 year
Ok just because brain is buzzing - some more info regarding the Locked Tomb campaign I was gonna run that I posted the sheets for over hereee: https://www.tumblr.com/greyborn2/718444295287390208/custom-character-sheet-thingy-i-made-for-a-locked All the stuff under the cut because it be LONGGGG
-Was gonna be set in the 91st century of the first myriad. So during Nonius' time. Had planned for him to make a small cameo at some point. -Basic setup for it was that the Emperor and his Lyctors had 'gone silent' for a hundred to two hundred years. A blink of time for them (and besides, they were busy fighting resurrection beasts and dealing with losing a few of them) but enough time for things to slowly start descending into a shitshow in Dominicus. The houses wernt at open war, but tensions were super high and basically it was a case of nearly every house or powerful adept making a play for declaring themselves the stewards of Dominicus in the Emperor's absence. Political intrigue, infighting, a war of polite words, intrigue and assassinations. Big regency drama vibes. -Player characters were the Crown Princess of Ida, played by the player who had never read locked tomb but INSTANTLY grok'd third house when I described them and, with no input from me, straight up made a hellish combo of Corona and Ianthe; The Mistress Templara of the Eighth House; The lady of the Fifth house; aaaaaand a traumatized sixteen year old war veteran from the Fourth who went to war and got his leg blown off and narrowly escaped with his life. -Eventual plan was that at some point near the end G1dion would show back up to see Dominicus like that 'everything on fire and chaos' gif from Community. Like full on "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON THE EMPEROR UNDYING LEAVES YOU ALONE FOR TWO CENTURIES AND THIS HAPPENS?!?!" and at some point he and Nonius would fight (and fuck. Lets be honest) in the background. Probably just an event the players would hear about in passing but a lil' nod to the fact that Nonius and G1dion crossed blades. -Mechanically a lot of the system was a stripped back version of v5 WoD/Storyteller system with a bigger focus on narrative > strict mechanics because I just prefer systems to work like that. Less strict "Ah yes, I have this specific power" and more... flexible magic within the three disciplines of necromancy and the three-tier system I wrote within each one. Hard to quickly summarize but ye. -As mentioned in other post, was gonna make a map of Dominicus for it! If you've seen the maps of the Sol system for 40k where they are all sorta gothic and fantasy-y despite being star maps was gonna go for that vibe. Might come back to it at some point as an art project. -Ended up making the executive decision that '''powder''' as an off hand is a single shot duelling pistol. Big regency vibes, again. -Was playing around with the idea of making the Eighth player's cav into the BBEG. TL;DR is that she (Gris Ochtu, the Cav) had previously been cav to another necro. At some point her and her old necromancer had gotten into a life or death situation, her necromancer tried to syphon her to death, and Gris found a way of basically 'grabbing on' to the syphon tether, pulled her necromancer down to the river in a bout of panic and flight/fight and drowned her necromancer to death in said River. The whole event left her with a talent for basically shrugging off necromantic theorems directly cast against her, unraveling theorems that got close to her, and 'swallowing' up other peoples souls (or, well, it was gonna be a power she unlocked later in campaign as she became more of a threat and revealed herself as the traitor), casting them into the River, and then letting revenants take over their bodies. Anyways, she was reassigned after giving a false report that her necro had 'died trying to save her' and was biding her time/playing along before at some point she'd fucking crack and go Wake against the Empire while all the political stuff was also happening. Add a threat beyond politicking. Was an idea I was -toying- with, anyways. Also she was a silver haired milf with hardcore battle scarring because, well, ofcourse.
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moirastuff · 2 years
Yo! Could i request Sidon and/or (you choose!) Link with a gen z human reader who ended up in their world for some reason? The reader is literally the embodiment of chaos and does stupid shit 24/7, quotes memes and vines and stuff.
I just wanna see them confused why this generation wants to ⚰️🤪 so bad GAJAGAKAGAJAH.
Yoo I'm alive :D I really don't have an excuse, only writer's block ig
Also, I learned how to put the read more thingy, why nobody told me about that?????
Oh yeah the hcs,
Both is good
Sidon and Link dealing with a Gen Z
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He just kinda saw you walking around the Zora region and took you in, kinda surprised on how you even survived
This actual himbo of a Zora doesn't understand a single thing you're saying
He's such a gentleman, but your way of talking just immediately confuses him
But sometimes you just,“Where... Am I again?”
“the Zora region” and you looked even more confused, something that took Sidon off guard, like, alright it's fine that the Zora region right now sucks but it's not unknown, the hole city shines in the night
He was so confused on how you looked so puzzled over this
You just had to tell him, because if you didn't, he'll just think you're crazy
Of course, you told him that you're just from another dimension, the guy already has some kind of depression, we don't need him to have an existential crisis, at least one that'll just shut him down
He takes his sweet time to process and will help you to go back home
Of course, this won't be easy, you have to stay in the domain
And everyone thinks that you're a Hylian, and you know what? I think that's better for now
If you even try to talk to the elderly Zora, you will get insulted
Of course, you ain't scared of some crusty ass fish
You'll have a full discussion with anyone that'll try to insult you and won't hesitate to throw hands
Oh but "go and buy fish from the store to eat.... Yeah not happening, instant freeze, no way you're doing it
Look at the good side, you're good friends with some of the younger Zora
You actually manage to become friends with Sidon, he likes your energy... Still confused about what are you talking about, but he tries
Of course, he's the prince, he grow up in a environment that requires him to be really polite, he learned manners, everything he has to know about any other Kingdom and everything about rich people blah blah
But you are a barely middle class and to be honest, for the Zora, you might as well be poor asf gremlin child that has let loose with no supervision
Of course, he's more than nervous every single time you talk with King Dorephan, he's sweating i don't think the Zora can sweat, but you get it
You might fuck up, but you know, he might brush it off as “just young people stuff”
I swear, you get injured so easily that he wishes that he had healing powers just like his big sister
Even for dumb stuff and without you realizing it!
You will be fucking bleeding and Sidon will be like “WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!?!!!”
“nothin' don't worry about it, i had worst”
You seem to be attracted to absurd stuff... Or that's how he calls it
It's been time he has tried to show you some Zora stuff, your either mumble “fucking rich people....” or say “sheeesh this is worth a department on New York or almost a house”
“Your houses are quite big isn't? You could buy some with this I believe”
“Some of them are, but other that are smaller? They're just fucking expensive”
“..... How do you even live?”
“I have no fucking clue”
The rain still continues, Link is taking his sweet fucking time...
“Please don't, you don't even know how to hold a bow properly”
“What are you doing?”
You go outside and look straight to the sky
“STRIKE ME DOWN ZEUS YOU DON'T HAVE THE BALLS!” and almost immediately a lighting strikes somewhere close to you
So close in fact your soul almost leaves your body, Sidon sees all of this and thinks you're in fact, cursed
“..... See? You don't have the-”
“Alright it's enough, whatever you made angry you have to stop”
This himbo is now you're babysitter, no, you cannot change my mind
Also, you, of course, don't like Muzu and he doesn't like you
And every time, every time, you'll get in a heated argument on each other's perspectives, he'll call you brat with no manner's and you'll say to him any kind of insult you can think on the moment
“You're a merely a bratty child that their parents have no care to teach you even the simplest of things, or perhaps you were just unable to understand them”
Even if they turned out so random that everyone doesn't even know if you two are fighting, only can guess because of the screaming
Sidon had to break out the argument and take you somewhere else, not before he reprimanded Muzu for his attitude with a guest
No, you're not getting away, he also semi lectures you, he can't help but to laugh every time he has to repeat your insults
The moment Link arrives to the Zora domain, Sidon is ecstatic, Link is very confused on what the fuck is happening, but you know, happy to help. Sidon tries to explain to the best of his capacity to Link your situation, after what felt hours of Sidon trying to say the right word, Link seemed so unamused and that just confused Sidon even more.... You know what? You're now under Link's care..... “What”
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After that, you try your best to get to know Link, what he likes and dislikes, what is he interested in, etc
Making friends is not your forte but you quite get along with Link
Normally, Link before the calamity is a quiet, put-together young guy, preferring to not show any emotions whatsoever
But after the calamity and the whole memory loss??
He's a chaotic mother fucker
Well, mostly he is quite put together when he talks to people, but when adventuring
You can see him killing time like killing a lot of octorok, getting the balloons and just sending something flying
Or infiltrate bokoblin's camps using nothing but a mask
Or just cooking amounts of food that you could serve in pre-calamity castle town and everyone could have a plate and they'll be some food left
Basically, he gets weird everytime he's bored
After you leave the Zora region, he asked you if you could fight
“I only know how to grab properly a sword"
“great, let's start from there”
He tries to train you
Good news, you can hold your own against some bokoblins
Bad news, you still suck, because your limit is like three normal bokoblins and Link helped with one
You most definitely weren't born to be doing this much exercise, and you absolutely haven't done this much in your whole life
It's that or you know everything about how to use a sword, a bow, everything because... You can get so invested with stuff
Good for you, but I'm projecting so f*ck you/j (not the projecting part tho, I swear I can be athletic... I just need a little bit)
Actually, there was once this time that you Link was trying to figure out where to go, you saw some bokoblins and decided that, somehow, it was a good idea to go and attack them
“Why did you do that?! You could have died!”
“That's the point!”
“WHAT EVEN IS /J?!?!!”
After that uncomfortable situation, you proceeded to explain what it meant and all of the tags
He was, to say the least, very confused and it took him a whole day to understand
There was this one time when you went to Kakariko, Link was trying to talk some matters with Impa
But your little gremlin brain decided that it was a great idea to grab a cucco and just do a parade with them
The cucco was not happy, at all
And when Link found out he was.... How do I explain this?
Confused, amused and a lot of stuff more but he was not surprised
He really doesn't know what to do with you, but he does find it kinda fun
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silent-lily · 5 months
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- But... what would happen if you take off all your inhibitor rings? - Well, nothing good - that's for sure. I'll probably just burn out after a while and collapse. - Huh. Better leave this as a last resort for sure. It's not like there's gonna be such a dire situation you'll need to go all out, right?..
Another doodle thingie for our AU RP. We haven't actually gotten to this moment (yet), but the concept is all thought out.
It kinda spurred out from one question I've been thinking about for a while: how exactly did Gerald give Shadow a soul? How did he create one (if he even did)?
Details under the cut! (because I can't NOT ramble about it)
Yes, I know it's been said numerous times that Shadow has "a soul one like Maria's" and that they're basically literally soulmates. But how exactly did Gerald manage to give him one in the first place?
... After going through Frontiers's story it clicked.
Gerald probably knew at least something about Cyberspace and the Ancients' technology of transforming everything about a person into data.
After all, he conducted numerous researches at the time he's been working on Project Shadow.
So then, an idea for the AU was born.
While researching Chaos Emeralds and everything connected to them - now puzzled about how to create a truly living being - Gerald tried seeking answers in Mystic Ruins and nearby.
There, by accident, he found a strange mechanism. A tall tower with a platform, with a gear installed in a panel at the base. It was clearly weathered down by the sands of time and seemed defunct. But when Gerald touched the gear, that actually reawakened the machine mechanism - the tower started glowing blue, emanating a low hum. And then a tall figure appeared before the scientist...
Their name was Mantis. A being from an ancient civilization known to be long gone from this world. The last guardian of one of the passageways to distant islands where something terrifying and dangerous has been shut away a long, long time ago. They've been dead for centuries - and yet all their memories, feelings, emotions, their everything was still here, right in this peculiar piece of machinery.
Gerald had to know how this was possible.
Mantis could share the knowledge with him - but only on one condition: that the scientist would keep this just to himself and use it only and only for good. And then, they told Gerald what they knew about Cyberspace...
But one problem remained: how can you just create a soul? You had to have at least something for a base here. And not just any person's data would suffice - though, Gerald had a thought about copying some of it from his beloved granddaughter Maria (her kindness and compassion for sure). It would probably take time to find someone truly fitting.
... But what if not?
Risking it, Gerald proposed to Mantis that he'd take their soul to create a new life. A noble, dedicated warrior that used to protect their kind from any danger - that way they could continue on with their duty and also have a chance to see the world as it was nowadays.
Mantis was silent for a bit - then agreed. But added:
Only if you destroy these Gates. You'll have to fully extract all of me from the system - and after that, nobody will be here to guard them. And they can't just be left like that.
An easy thing to do - and not so at the same time. It always hurts a scientist to destroy something of a great significance. But alas, Gerald had to comply.
He did it after he took all of Mantis' data from the machine. And then returned to The ARK, already thinking about how his new creation was finally coming together as intended after all the brainstorming, searching and testing. Now only to hide some things from Black Doom and the government...
So yeah, tl;dr Shadow's soul is actually that of one of the Ancients (albeit modified, of course). Which (partially) is why he's that powerful in terms of chaos energy and using Chaos Emeralds.
Taking off all his inhibitor rings AND being in superform can cause a major overload for him, knocking him out - but not fully. If the will and the need to fight are strong, it will release Mantis from deep within, and they will take his place in the battle.
But that would be the end for Shadow - he'll just literally burn away, torn apart by the continuous massive chaos energy outburst.
Thankfully, no battles have required such dire measures in the past - and probably won't in the future. Right?.. (haha suuuuure)
Bonus: additional scribble of Mantis as they actually are, not influenced by Shadow's own looks! They're overall very chill with strong sense of duty. Wow, a Sonic OC that's not a mobian... Way to go, me.
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theenemyod · 6 months
Constantine and Jericho resurrection au thingy
I don't have much context and idk if I'm gonna even write this but basically am au where Constantine and Jericho come back but as babies and it's just a mess because they both keep their bodies and minds but their bodies are babies and they keep their memories and thoughts and it gets confusing.
And Connie hadn't realised Jericho was back, his main focus was getting back to Joseph before he died, so Jericho was left in the cold massacre with Call, and Sarah had written kill the child because she'd thought Jericho was Constantine but Alistair thought she meant Call was Constantine and didn't realise Jericho was either twin.
When Jericho's body was about four/five he decided to just be honest with Alistair and tell him everything he knew. Alistair was confused but could tell Jericho was telling the truth. And Jericho did look like this old self, just as a five year old.
And then there's the moment of Alistair coming downstairs at like three am after another nightmare because I headcannon Alistair has nightmares and then he comes downstairs and finds like the nine year old version of his dead friend sat inside a kitchen cabinet and eating cereal straight from the box without milk.
Meanwhile Constantine is with Joseph this whole time, and so at the same time with Drew and eventually Alex. Neither twin knows the others alive. Constantine eventually starts to think of Drew and Alex as his brothers, and he gets less lonely, though he's still not mentally okay at all.
Jericho ends up being friends with Call and Aaron, but Tamara recognises his name and doesn't 100% trust him, especially when she finds out how much he knows about pre-war Constantine. When Jasper tries to tell Connie's story in that one chapter Jericho interrupts him, and he turns out to be way more accurate.
The night Call got Havoc, Havoc naturally liked Jericho a lot because he could sense a soul that was also touched by chaos. When Jericho woke up with a puppy in his arms it took him ten minutes to realise he's not in his old group and there shouldn't be a wolf in this one.
The twins first interaction in like twenty years was Jericho stopping Constantine killing Call because Connie thought Call killed Drew.
The magisterium didn't trust Constantine, for obvious reasons, but Jericho convinced them to let him in. It was at first just getting them to let Connie into the infirmary because he overused chaos again getting Drew's chaos elemental under control then summoning it when trying to murder Call. It wouldn't be that bad but he was sleeping deprived and didn't use a counterweight after having Drew or Alex as a counterweight (switched between them to make sure they didn't die like Jericho did) for years. Rufus let Connie in, and after a lot of convincing let Connie into his apprentice group again. Jericho was already in his apprentice group.
The twins personalities were sort of switched for a lot of copper year and the end of iron year. Jericho was familiar with the new magisterium and new students and everything that had changed, and was generally well liked, or at the very least had nothing against him. Connie didn't recognise half the magisterium and didn't know anyone there at all, and had a lot against him that everyone knew. He mostly just tried not to draw attention to himself and just spoke to himself and Jericho, and sometimes Call or Aaron if he needed to (Tamara straight up refused to talk to him).
Alistair did try to steal the Alkahest like what happened in cannon, this time to keep Call safe because he didn't think Call would be safe in an apprentice group with the literal Enemy Of Death. Constantine didn't know this at first, because obviously Tamara's family wouldn't be letting him stay at their house like they did for Aaron and Call. Since everyone thinks it was Connie or someone working for Connie who's trying to steal it, people hate him even more, and even Aaron glares at him and is mean to him. Jericho's the only one who believes that it's not him.
Jericho tries to prove it's not Connie by looking up stuff about the Alkahest. He finds out that it's made with mostly metal magic, and remembers Alistair is a metal mage, so tries to contact him for more information. Alistair doesn't give any, and is really awkward and nervous the moment Jericho brings the Alkahest up, which instantly makes Jericho suspicious of him.
Jericho attempts to sneak out to find out more, and he's caught by Constantine, who freaks out slightly thinking Jericho was running away. Jericho explains what he's doing, and Connie joins him, but that makes them have to go back to get Connie's stuff too. Then they're caught by Call, and they try to say that they're going to walk Havoc, but Call doesn't trust Connie with his dog, and starts arguing, and Aaron hears the argument and points out that they're packed like they're going somewhere for a while, and Tamara also hears and soon the whole group is arguing.
Jericho eventually just tries to explain what's actually going on, but Call refuses to accept Alistair could be guilty of anything, Aaron doesn't really want to accuse anyone of anything, and Tamara doesn't trust Connie or Jericho enough.
They end up all somehow sneaking out of the magisterium anyways, and being caught by Jasper like they are in cannon, though both Connie and Call are suggesting ways to kill Jasper and it's Jericho that threatens him with "Look, there are two Makars with us here and both of them are insanely powerful, so are you going to cooperate, or are you going to be a fucking idiot?". Jasper chose to cooperate.
The order of disorder didn't immediately trust the group when they saw Connie with them, but Master Lemual really didn't seem to give a shit or didn't recognise Connie or something and let him in. Call, Aaron and Tamara trusted Connie even less when they saw him commanding chaos-ridden.
Connie tried to convince Aaron to teach him how to hotwire a car when he found out Aaron could, but Aaron refused to.
Connie suspected Alex of being involved somehow when he saw automatons (idk if I spelled that right the big metal elemental), but didn't tell anyone just in case he was wrong.
Jericho ends up pushing Connie out of the way of the Alkahest when Alistair fired it at him, and in the same chapter Call was revealed to be naturally a Makar.
Tamara trusted Constantine and Jericho slightly more but not all the way after that, Jasper decided to just avoid the entire apprentice group (he's still probably being dragged back into this later).
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