#and canon innacuracies
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orcelito · 2 years ago
Ok there r some pretty big things I wanna fix with the first chapter of ITNL, but I don't rly have the brain for that. Putting it on the backburner.
Might fuck around with chapter 2 tho. Just maybe.
#speculation nation#itnl shit#desperately need a revamp for chapter 1 bc it's good at its core but it was also written and posted all in one day#and U can tell. a lot of early itnl was like that.#man at this rate im treating the fic as a whole like a WIP chapter#aka im going to be going thru it all and doing incremental changes and touch ups#all in this separate doc. current version of itnl will remain until i have it all smoothed out#ill let u guys know when i actually get around to doing the mass edit changes#again im not changing the overall structure of the story. just addressing some internal inconsistencies#and canon innacuracies#so like itnl is good as it is but im going to make it Better.#the perfectionist in me is showing its colors lol. but 75k isnt that big of a deal to edit tbh#especially since everything's already passed the general grammar and wording edits#taking things from passable to Great#yes this is making itnl 15 take longer than otherwise. but i think itll be worth it.#given that ive recently reread trimax in its entirety#there are a lot of things i remember better. so a lot of things to fix with itnl.#plus im in a better state of mind to dig my fingers into the grit of it and write things Well#getting back into the ITNL story by improving it so that it's the best it can be.#which will get me back into the groove of it. so when it comes time to write itnl 15#im going to be a well-oiled machine. and i can churn out something that does the chapter justice.#this is a major turning point of the story. i Have to do it justice.#all i ask is that readers be patient. xoxoxo love y'all
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exhaustedpirate · 11 days ago
an emergency for valentine's
day 14 of @bucktommyfluffebruary (ignore how late i am!) don't let the title fool you (again), there is fluff ahead, buck is (minorly) injured but he has the best boyfriend in the world.
rated T | 1241 words also on AO3
Buck wakes up to faint sirens and a pounding headache. 
He groans as he screws his eyes shut. A hand on his wrist stops him from bringing his fingers to his forehead.
“Don’t touch your head,” A familiar voice makes him relax and flutter his eyes open.
Tommy. With a deep concerned frown on his forehead.
“Yeah,” Tommy exhales in relief, his grip tightening on Buck’s wrist. “It’s me.”
“What happened?” He groans at the pain in his head and side and Tommy keeps him laying down, with a careful hand on his chest. The sirens are getting close now.
“You, uh, you fell,” Tommy sounds sheepish, a lovely blush spreading across his cheeks. “Do you, uh, remember anything?”
“I-It’s Valentine’s Day, we were gonna have dinner but, uhm, we kinda decided to have dessert first,” A faint smirk appears on Buck’s lips at that before he frowns. “And th-then, uhm, I fell?”
Tommy bites his lip and looks away for a second. “You were on top of me, you put me a blindfold on me-”
Buck’s blush creeps up on him as the memories flood him. “Oh god, I fucked it up!”
“N-no, Evan, you-” A knock on the door interrupts Tommy and the sirens are really loud now. “It’s open!” Tommy calls out.
Buck’s eyes widen and he ignores the pain that causes. “W-wait, you called 911?!”
“You are currently bleeding from your head, Evan, of course I called 911.” Tommy sounds exasperated and he gets it, he does, it’s just that-
“Tommy, you’re in the 118’s area!”
“I hope you’re dressed, lovebirds!” They hear Chimney’s loud voice before they see him walk through the doorway.
“Well,” Eddie grins. “Not church-appropriate attire but also not the worst they could be.”
Buck groans and hides his face on his forearm because while they are not naked - no, they hadn’t gotten there yet -, they were in their boxers, even if Tommy had on his t-shirt.
“I didn’t want to move him,” Tommy explains, moving to kneel by Buck’s head but giving Eddie and Chim enough time to work. “I think he also hurt his side.”
Now that he mentions it, Buck feels it. He hadn’t noticed the pain in his side with the pounding ache in his head but now, he tries to touch his side only to be stopped by Chimney. 
“You are bruised, you might have broken a rib in the fall,” Chim says and brings out his flashlight, shining it on Buck’s eyes. “Your pupils are reacting well but we’re taking you in just in case.”
Eddie passes Chim bandages and adhesive that he puts on Buck’s head. “Do we wanna know what you were doing?”
Buck’s blush is almost as red as the blood that had run down his face. “No…” Eddie and Chimney help him stand up, slowly, keeping the bandage on his head and his torso straight.
“H-He fell.” Tommy says, his blush just as deep as he stands at a safe distance with his arms crossed.
“Right,” Eddie nods slowly. “I’m gonna pretend I don’t see the very clear blindfold on the bed and the handcuffs on the floor.” 
Chimney quickly locates those two objects. “Yep, I’m gonna ignore that,” He looks away towards the door. “I still wanna look my brother-in-law in the eye after this.”
Buck groans. “We’re adults, Chim.” He points out before sending a thankful smile to his boyfriend when he puts a hoodie over his shoulders. 
“We sure are, Buckaroo,” Chim agrees, guiding him out of the house with a hand on his back. “Doesn’t mean we should talk about what either of us do in the bedroom.”
“Especially when what he does is with your sister.” Eddie points out, much to Buck and Chimney’s displeasure.
“Alright, alright, just take me in,” Buck groans. “This is already more painful than anything I’m feeling right now.”
“That’s the spirit, babe.” Tommy taps his shoulder carefully and smiles at Buck’s fond eye roll. 
Eddie is putting an ice pack on his side when Buck turns to Tommy. His frown has eased since he had woken up, likely more comfortable with the presence of actual paramedics - his embarrassment clearly put aside.
“I’m sorry I ruined Valentine’s day.” Buck bites his lip and he feels the bubble of anxiety and concern rumbling in his chest.
“Evan, you didn’t ruin anything,” Tommy holds his hand tight as if that would convince Buck of his feelings. “I promise you.”
“At least you didn’t have to get a tracheotomy, Buckaroo.” Chimney pipes up from the driver’s seat.
“A trache-what?” Tommy’s brows almost his hairline and there’s that worried exasperation he’s so good at when it comes to Buck and his injuries. 
“Later,” Buck promises. “I just, ugh, can’t believe I ruined it all.” 
“You didn’t ruin it, Evan,” Tommy caresses his fingers over the top of Buck’s hands with an indulgent smile. “It was a lovely night.”
“Yeah, but I had a plan,” Buck whines and ignores Eddie’s smirk. “I had dinner ready and we were gonna have dessert while watching your favourite and I ruined it and-”
“Hey, Evan?” Tommy calls out with a soft smile.
Buck is still frowning and he can feel the pout on his lips but he looks at his boyfriend. “Yeah?”
Tommy doesn’t answer, just presses their lips together. It’s a chaste kiss, very aware of their current company, but it works to calm the anxiety running through his body.
“That’s one way to shut him up.” Eddie teases and Buck hits him on the side with his foot.
Tommy ignores Eddie’s teasing and runs his fingers through the curls of Buck’s uninjured side and he tries not to preen at the caress. “I love you, okay? Valentine’s day isn’t ruined.” He speaks in that soft tone, the one that heals any insecurities inside Buck.
“It isn’t?” His tone is quiet and soft, almost pleading.
“Nope,” Tommy’s smile widens, the look in his eyes so full of love that Buck feels it. “I’m spending it with you, that’s all that matters. Even if it does involve a trip to the hospital.”
Buck’s smile is almost watery and he has never felt more cherished, more loved, in his life.
“Wow, Buck, you were right,” Eddie interrupts their moment. “He really is smooth.” Tommy is the one who hits him this time, a quick, barely strong slap to his arm. “I’m driving next time, Chim,” Eddie calls out to the front of the ambulance, arm dramatically rubbing over his bicep. “They’re violent.”
Chimney laughs. Buck is all too happy to ignore their shenanigans - he is too busy staring at the love in his boyfriend’s eyes, at how much he wants to live the rest of his life with him. He never thought he’d get this, this feeling of peace, of happiness, of being so at ease. Of being in love.
Is it too early to look for engagement rings? Probably. Maybe.
He could browse. Just in case.
Buck pulls on Tommy’s hand to press a passionate kiss on his lips, swallowing his boyfriend’s surprised moan before letting the butterflies in his stomach flutter away. He gets to have this now. He gets to kiss this man, to stand by this man, to love Tommy Kinard.
“I love you too.” He whispers against the other man’s lips, feeling his blinding happiness against his lips. 
He’s the luckiest fucking man in the world.
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crispy-critter · 5 months ago
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hey guys remember the time zelda became a magical girl
closeups under the cut :>
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god-damnit-vinne · 4 months ago
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hi here's redesigns nobody asked for
@quazikam i have a personal law where i'm required to tag you in anything shuichi saihara related on my blog
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kachimera · 7 months ago
Me: ok i know this fic will diverge from canon a bit but im pretty curious abt it
Fic: *contradicts canon and some hcs of mine*
Me: hey >:(
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doubleedgemode · 11 months ago
A.B.A's chains-A Guilty Gear analysis
I heard that in the spanish version A.B.A's title of "lovingly latched on homunculus" is translated as "homúnculo encadenado por el amor "(homunculus chained by love) which aside from being a fair translation serves to highlight A.B.A's recurring chain motif, either of real or metaphorical chains.
Out of the way, of course, we have Paracelsus's old chain though of course that's more a motif to him and his story! But in a lesser way you could argue its hers too as it is she who holds the chain.
And of course we have to mention her arcade mode quote of (from memory, sorry for innacuracies) "the shackles of affection are still shackles" which, yes! This is too related moreso to Paracelsus! but its her realization. And a pivotal scene for both.
Lastly, this is more my speculation but you know the gg Isuka xbox cover where her gloves say "Alice"? Part of me wants to believe it's an Alice in Chains reference because.. you know. Guilty Gear.
Whatever, this all plus the hypocrisy she has exhibited about Frasco and Paracelsus make for a really interesting leitmotif. Not as big as the key, frankenstein or even blood ones, but a subtle, present one, imo. A chain motif. Both as the chainer and the chained.
I say hypocrisy because well, she saw Frasco/Flask as her trap (fun fact, the name is prob a reference to Paracelsian lore of homunculi having to spend their early stages in a flask or else they'd die) and she desperatedly wanted freedom, she knows so well how is it to lack autonomy but when she obsessed over Paracelsus she was doing that to him. Hell, while the XX endings aren't canon afaik, we see her bad ending. Just like how other characters in the game make a heel turn or die (I'm oversimplyfying it but you get it) the ending where she keeps human Paracelsus chained (that one ending is... Something) even more crassly than before. She's not the victim here, it's him, but if we follow the metaphorical chaining thing then she has also chained herself very strongly.
As we see in Strive, either always or at some point she realized her doings were wrong... Yet kept on doing them. She's indeed chained to (her unhealthy idea of) love (and her other obsessive mindsets).
Of course, Paracelsus is not innocent, either. This is an A.B.A centric post but of course I have to mention him!! As we see in Strive and, regardless if it was due to his demon nature or simply willingly being a bad guy he was also metaphorically chained before knowing A.B.A... chained to his thirst of destruction and recklessness. And we know he tried to manipulate A.B.A even if he fails and starts to legitimately care about her.
Both of them are chained. Chained not as a good term but as a detrimental one. Chained to eachother, yes, but also to themselves, to their own chains, shackles of obsessions. With A.B.A especially, we know for sure she has managed to escape previous chainings but she keeps getting into them. And that's scary, almost.
But this is Guilty Gear and there's hope and freedom (ha.) so Strive has this beautiful conclusion (or rather new beginning!) to their story, and, while we have seen Paracelsus improve before, maybe A.B.A's won't be linear. But she legitimately, against all odds, WANTS the situation to be better, and both have gotten a better understanding of the other and like Paracelsus said, they can make it right, now. Now what they have with eachother is less chaining and more bonding and dissolving of a healthier kind as partners, be it as lovers, friends or whatever.
The chains are broken now, it's a new beginning.
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dokidokitsuna · 3 months ago
im really endeared by your concepts for re_rise, i was unsatisfied by return of the mammilians and you’ve put together a really sound story! about to say what i’ve taken from it, so sorry if there’s some innacuracy…
my favorite part off the bat is switching the splatoon for deep cut. imo they’ve been the unquestionable good guys for way too long. plus accidentally working against an oblivious/aimless squidbeak splatoon who’s goal is just to get their gramps back, when youve been investigating grizzco and alterna all game is just a refreshing and well contrasting take on a story. it feels like acknowledgment for the previous campaigns story flaws (being it’s in-general non seriousness!!!)
i always felt deep cut always had the potential to be a bunch of very cool and laid back mentors. they just seemed experienced in what they do, and working alongside them sounds VERY cool for a 14 or so year old cephalokid. (additionally, thered be a break in formula by not making the new kid an agent, rather a personal member of deep cuts heist squad. WAY cooler!!!) always felt their dialogue and personalities are pretty exaggerated when they’re on-air, so seeing what they’re like without an audience sounds more than interesting. if that’s the route you go, itd be another way to set them apart from the previous idol bands, who are always their authentic entertainer-type selves when cameras are on. in that case, what would they be like? what things would they feel like talking about? how different would they really act? all things you can answer if you want. but that was my love letter! thanks for writing up such cool concepts, and making such amazing designs. i even made little analyses on them for the color choice… this is long enough already though. tldr thank you!!! 🩷
Okay so first: thanks so much for this; I love it when people analyze my work (you gotta explain the color choice thing to me sometime, because that has me really curious) ^^
So I totally agree with you about the idea of the player character not being an agent for once…even though I still technically call them Neo/New Agent 3. ^^; I just couldn’t think of my own thing to call them; I feel like such a huge break away from the series’ convention is something that should be determined by the canon…and probably will be soon if my predictions about Splatoon 4 turn out to be correct. ;)
I guess it would be cute if Deep Cut gave them a funky nickname instead, like ‘Shark-bait’ or something. Although that would work better if they all had nicknames for each other; like true alter-egos for their bandit work…I would like that~.
Anyway, as for the main question: tbh I didn’t really put much thought into how Deep Cut’s personalities might change…but that’s mostly because I felt a ton of added depth would be inevitable, by the simple act of elevating them from roadblocks to actual characters you can interact with. ^^; So this is basically what I would do:
-Shiver kinda has a ‘2 Cool 4 Skool’ girlboss thing going on (I think?? Tbh for a series as campy as Splatoon, her characterization is really weak…) so I think her alter-ego should have a more grounded, ‘wise mentor’ persona. Like, she can still trash-talk you and keep that ruthless attitude that she has, but here we’d supplement that with real teaching moments and positive affirmation to show why people should really be drawn to her.
-Meanwhile, Frye has this hyper-cute yet ‘rough-and-tumble’ personality, so I think her alter-ego should be more laid-back and relaxed. This way she can keep her positive demeanor; she’ll just express it in a different way, maybe showing the audience more of her mature and sensitive side. 
-Last but not least, Big Man is characterized as a typical airhead, with hints of a responsible ‘parent friend’ (eugh) underneath…so I would let him be more serious as a bandit, maybe even a little edgy. Of course, seeing as he’s a giant manta ray with an (owo) face, ‘edgy’ is probably still gonna come off as comedic for him, but I think that’s fine as long as he has actual moments of gravity to ground them. I want him to feel like a real ‘senpai’ for the player character, not just a funny mascot…y’know, occasionally commanding the respect that you’d think a ‘parent friend’ would have.
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snobgoblin · 10 months ago
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@sounddrive @stickystickyduck
OK I'm so sorry in advance if this seems like A Lot but you did ask and I would have felt bad just not answering. spoilers for just The Game In General
ok so. the painting. this will really only make sense when coupled with my other theory which is a massive spoiler btw so don't read that if you still have things you want to theorize about x
I am so sorry for making you read this please know you 100% do not have to I'm only writing this because you asked
that said this theory will be building on that so tread with caution
FIRST OF ALL. Nadia states that the goat is meant to represent Lucio. he commissioned this painting. and then when she says "my husband was burned" the camera pans to the dove. and the purple dress and proximity to Lucio makes me think this must be Nadia
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now you may be like "why is Nadia a dove. Nadia is always an owl" but please remember that this is Lucios perspective and canonically he sent the original painter to the dungeons for pointing out doves should not have breasts. this painting reeks of innacuracy and has Lucio written all over who can't take a hint about people and is terrible with magic so how can we possibly trust him to accurately assign them animals? I would get into the symbolism of Nadia being associated with Temperance from Lucios perspective but I doubt he knows the meanings of the cards so I'll leave it alone for now (but there is a lot there)
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with this said. I believe that Muriel is the wolf because of all the black and also the association with wolves in Lucios eyes. he even made Muriel wear a costume with two wolves fighting each other portrayed on the corset, Lucio definitely associates Muriel with wolves
and then, Asra. next to Muriel, as Lucio knows they are friends. this cheetah appears to be wearing a white low cut shirt, with his heart exposed. this is important symbolism for Asra that they point out in the art book
all this leads me to believe that Asra is portrayed, incorrectly, as a cheetah in this painting, just as Nadia is incorrectly a dove, Muriel is somewhat correctly a wolf (the Kokhuri are associated with them after all and there's also Inanna to consider) and just like Lucio is incorrectly portrayed as a goat
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copafeelcopperfield · 5 months ago
hello tumblr....
do you wanna read my orphrick yaoi?
Yes! There Are Canon Innacuracies! And Yes! I made up my own lore because I can't be bothered to learn the actual lore! But That's All Background Stuff!!!
Go!!! Go Read My Manipulative Toxic Yaoi!!!
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the-silent-orchestra · 5 months ago
"A beatiful symphony ecos through the facility. Much bliss that may bring one to tears. Such a tragedy it will be the last thing they hear."
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"From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins." - The Silent Orchestra Welcome to T.S.O's Ask blog! Ask your favorite opera idol questions, autographs, more autographs and even more autographs!
This blog is run by @jestervsm , Hiii :3
Reminder that ask blogs, If not already obvious. Have nothing to do with the developers! So this blog will have a lot of theories, head canons and chaos that are too much for the actual canon.
I haven't 100%'ed Lobotomy Corporation and haven't touched Library of Ruina, so keep that in mind that lore innacuracies might happen!
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"The Conductor goes by He/They. They speak like this"
[Mod goes by Dumb/ass, Speaks like this]
*Actions are described like this*
Anon List: First Movememt
Events: First Movement
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No NSFW Whatsoever.
Suggestive is allowed, But keep it light!
M/A is allowed, but can be ignored!
Gore is Allowed! Its a L corp rp, go nuts!
And be respectfull to other people!
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#Backstage Calls: The conductor answering your questions!
#Gallery Showcases: The conductor reblogging posts!
#Idol Bla-bla-bla: The conductor talking to itself.
#Curtains Closes: End of RP reblog chains
#A Random Clown: OOC posts.
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Project moon For making such an amazing character for such a amazing game!
All the Divisors
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maze-of-my-design · 9 months ago
7 8 12 15 for sumi!!!!
(the ask game in question times 3)
[incredible excitement] YA HOO!!!!
7- SUMIRE/VIOLET REDESIGNS MY BELOVEDS god y'all don't know how i love em. As much as i love the canon outfit they SHOULD'VE given her a redesign, small as it may be. Love it when people give her different hairstyles too, shout-out to the short hair sumis out there i love every single one of em. I'm not a part of em personally but i believe in their beliefs.
Also extra shout-out to that one Transmasc Sumire post I think about it always and i love that for him. in love tbh.
7.5 i need more positivity after last post - When people see her past the "hello senpai uwu im so cutesey and shy" personality and treat her issues like they do, say, Akechi's for example. She's an interesting character guys they couldve done so much with her, she isn't just the Badly Interwoven Royal Marketable Plushie guys plea
8- Probably the inverse of the 7.5 point AND when they make her just "akeshu's child" or "akeshu's thirdwheel" or just. make her revolve around them, yknow? ESPECIALLY when it's Royal Trio stuff. She would be mildly concerned about their Doomed Yaoi Swag, of course, but it wouldn't be her sole character trait. Also, when they make her into this permanent doormat-type, fragile little girl. Please, Sumire literally asks Makoto to teach her how to physically clock a bitch in the Theives Den, she's the first one who rushes into battle during Maruki's palace before The Revelation (AND she's verbally told to slow down by AKECHI), she kills three shadows SINGLEHANDEDLY during the intro to the game WHILE LANDING BACKFLIPS. ON HEELS. Sumire is by no means weak or shy in battle and she would be willing to knock a man unconscious if need be.
12 (except it's multiple bc i love her) - She'd be a featherman fan. Maybe not a fanatic, but she'd enjoy the show greatly! She'd also like Disney movies (though not the company itself because Fuck Disney) and taught herself how to pirate TV shows and films so that she could enjoy them in her spare time. Lastly i think she'd enjoy sewing, while Kasumi would have enjoyed embroidering. Two sisters fixing and embelishing clothes, two parts of a whole, you feel me?
12.5 - She's 16 during Royal. Listen, i know she's a first year, but it is stated IN GAME that "the girl who died [Kasumi] was 15" and Sumire is brainwahsed by Maruki on the twins' birthday (according to the wiki) so she would be 16 instead of 15 and that innacuracy drives me a little nuts i think. However we know that fandom wikis aren't the end all be all of characetr info so correct me if i'm wrong
15- I guess i enjoy shu/sumi and sumi/taba* sometimes – their stuff can be rly cute tbh – but i think we were robbed of a bond between Akechi and Sumire. They're the only two theives who arent really members of the theives (Sumire being openly against their methods since they'd make society over-rely on them, Akechi being Akechi), They're both people who pretended to be someboy they weren't because of a single man who thought himself holy, they reunited with eachother at their realest moment (Akechi being Crow, Sumire awakening to who she really is). Akechi would have the opportunity to open himself up at his own pace with her instead of traumadumping to strategically get closer to chosen people, Sumire would get to be more walls-down and feel bad instead of just pretending to be ok. Sumire would learn to be more blunt with others and Akechi would get to be less defensive and mellow down. They're both more honest with eachother than with other people. do you see the vision?
Now i wouldn't say i ship them, moreso i see a Warriors Bond between them where saying friends is too simple but neither would want to kiss eachother on the mouth like That by any means (That is a Gay Man and a Lesbian your honor). They're two ppl who have their worst moments near eachother for an hour and then proceed to cuddle on the couch watching featherman to calm down.
(also because a full on romantic ship would be a little weird considering their ages and all)
*typing the ships like that so that they don't show up on search
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boggsart · 2 years ago
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Hello everyone, long post ahead so beware
First of all, sorry for not being active, like...at all, i've been working my ass off, tryna finish all of my school projects, plus i've been overall just very busy in my so called "free time", so i haven't been able to create anything exciting.
This probably won't excite a lot of people, but i'm showing it anyway, cuz i've worked pretty hard on it, so here we go.
So for one of my classes, we were assigned to create our very own recipe books, and mine of course had to be sw themed. The task was to create a minimum of 8 pages (meaning 8 recipes) and design the pages to our liking. I choose cocktails, cuz these recipes barely have any text, so it wouldn't take the reader's attention away from the illustrations
Originally my recipe book was supposed to have 12 recipes: 4 jedi, 4 sith, and 4 clone battalions. As you can probably already tell, i haven't had the time to finish the sith pages (nor draw the missing glasses lmao), so Maul's just sitting there all alone lmao (if i would've had the time, the 3 remaining pages would've had Vader, Sidious and Dooku). I also haven't had the time to finish the last clone battalion page, that would've had Cody, Waxer and Boil.
I know there are some major canonical (let's not talk about the anatomical ones lmao) innacuracies, the whole thing is a mess and everything is unfinished (the book doesn't even have a table of contents, let alone a cover lmao) but the work that i've had to put into this, to have it be 80% finished by the due date (while i've had other classes and projects too) is insane.
So i hope at least one person will appreciate this lmao
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bijouxcarys · 9 months ago
Not a request but a question...
What are your thoughts on inaccuracies in either "major or minor" characters for the sake of the plot in fan fiction?
For example: Instead of Mary, Freddie has a different girlfriend, or he figures out his sexuality much earlier, or that Miami had cancer or smth like that 😭💀
Will you ever write something like that?
Great question; I always love talking about my thoughts on fanfiction, and analysing things such as this. Throughout my 10 years of reading and writing it, I've picked up a lot of patterns and examples of when things are done well or poorly.
Creative innacuracies are difficult to do successfully and effectively. When reading a fanfiction, you already have a pre-concieved notion of what to expect and what you're getting into, so if a writer chooses to alter a canonical event/trait, they have to make sure that it's relevent, and that it aligns with the story. It needs to contribute to the overall plot, otherwise its value is extremely low and can actually be a distraction to the rest of the fanfiction.
I've seen lots of stories where Freddie was never with a female and he's strictly gay. This could go off in different directions here, where some fans believe he was bisexual, and some believe he was exclusively gay. I, myself, think he was bisexual, based off of his own words. So, I wouldn't have an issue with a fanfiction writer creating a female OC for Freddie to be with at some point in their timeline. Mary, however, is an important part of Freddie's story and how he became who he was, so switching out Mary for an entirely different person would be a risky move that the author would have to navigate in a way that contributes to Freddie's evolution as a character and a person.
When talking about canonical inaccuracies, it gets into AU territory. Personally, I am not a fan of Alternate Universe fiction. I'm pretty realistic about everything I write, minus the obvious shipping of Brian with my OC Maria, and Robert with Elena in a universe where his wife doesn't exist. Where the point is romance, innacuracies such as what I just mentioned can work and do work fairly frequently. The point of fanfiction is to add onto what is already there, or change certain aspects based off of the arena of work that it stems from.
RPF (Real Person Fanfiction) is a slippery slope, since you're essentially manipulating another person's actual life in order to live out a fictionalised scenario/fantasy through literature. Canonical inaccuracies are fine, as long as they make sense and contribute to the entire story and aren't randomised throughout.
Where I personally draw the line with these innacuracies, however, is when an author plays about with a real person's sexuality. I support the idea of people being able to write about whatever they want, as long as they're fully aware of what they're doing and the distinction between their fictional scenarios and what is the truth. However, I personally choose to avoid fanfictions in which the author has chosen to present a character through a sexuality they aren't.
For example: I have an issue with Jimbert (Robert Plant/Jimmy Page) fanfictions. It has nothing to do with the concept of homosexuality, but everything to do with the aversion of how the actual people choose to live. Same goes for Maylor fanfiction (Brian May/Roger Taylor). These are straight men, and I personally think that if you're going to write one of these people being romantically/sexually involved with an OC, at least make sure you're respecting their real-life sexuality. You're already writing about them in their private lives, the least one can do is that.
Ultimately, it's an author's decision how they want to manipulate a factual timeline to align with their fictional scenarios. It's personal preference. I don't think I would ever stray too far from fact in my own writing; I like to stick to the actual timeline of events, as closely as possible, down to the date, as well as adhere strongly to every real person's traits and personalities.
Subjectivity is a large part of fanfiction writing, and it's one of the things that makes it such a beautiful artform. And as a reader, what you choose to injest is up to you.
Sorry if this was a really long response, I just love talking about fanfiction!
Thank you for the ask <3
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mallorykeen · 11 months ago
Sapphic Summer Riordanverse 2021
rating: teen
category: f/f
graphic depictions of violence
relationships: gunilla/mallory keen
characters: gunilla (magnus chase), mallory keen
additional tags: flirting, fighting
Day One: Fighting
Is This Seat Taken?
rating: teen
category: f/f
no archive warnings apply
relationships: rachel elizabeth dare/reyna avila ramirez/arellano
characters: rachel elizabeth dare, reyna avila ramirez/arellano, hylla ramirez/arellano
additional tags: alternate universe - college/university, fluff
Day Two: College AU
Here Come the Brides
rating: teen
category: f/f
no archive warnings apply
relationships: hemithea / emmie/josephine / jo
characters: hemithea / emmie, josephine / jo
additional tags: weddings, fluff, pre-canon
Day Three: Milestones
i'll carry you home (no, you're not alone)
rating: teen
category: f/f
no archive warnings apply
relationships: gunilla/mallory keen
characters: gunilla (magnus chase), mallory keen, jotnar (norse religion and lore)
additional tags: injuries, swearing, they're dating your honour, pre-canon, gunilla has lightning powers now because i said so
Day Four: Patching Each Other Up
Twisted Ankle
rating: teen
category: f/f
no archive warnings apply
relationships: jasmine "jaz" anderson/sadie kane
characters: jasmine "jaz" anderson, sadie kane
additional tags: alternate universe - historical, historical innacuracy, fluff, injury, princess!sadie, alternate universe - ancient egypt, sharing a bed
Day Five: Different Time AU
leaves from the vine (falling so slow)
rating: mature
category: f/f
graphic depictions of violence, major character death
relationships: silena beauregard/clarisse la rue
characters: silena beauregard, clarisse la rue
additional tags: angst, book 5: the last olympian (percy jackson), songfic, for the record i did cry while writing this
Day Six: Last Kiss
rating: general audiences
category: f/f
no archive warnings apply
relationships: billie ng/drew tanaka
characters: billie ng, drew tanaka
additional tags: songfic, moving in together, fluff
Day Seven: Nature
0 notes
A Town Called Revenge
by downstar
When he was a young man, Stede Bonnet traveled to the town of Revenge with his father to learn the family business. There, he met a young Edward Teach and the two had a whirlwind romance.
But then, Stede went home and promises to return or to write were broken, leaving Ed heartbroken and alone. He vowed to push the likes of Stede’s family out of Revenge, and fought to preserve the town’s independence.
Stede remembers their parting very differently. Now, twenty-five years later, he’s embarking on a new chapter of his life and is excited to return to the frontier of his youth.
He has no idea what's in store for him.
This story is very much based on the Hollywood western, with modern sensibilities. I will not be dealing with racism, sexism and homophobia except subtextually (to the same degree the show does). Historical innacuracies and anachronisms abound! Violence level will be comparable to the show, as well.
Words: 1730, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Evelyn Higgins, Israel Hands, Lucius Spriggs, Oluwande Boodhari, Jim Jimenez, Our Flag Means Death Ensemble
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Stede Bonnet & Lucius Spriggs, Oluwande Boodhari/Jim Jimenez
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Western, Enemies to Lovers, Heartbreak, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Historical Inaccuracy (Our Flag Means Death), Western, Jenkensian levels of historical inaccuracy, Cowboys, Gunslingers, Eventual Romance, Angst and Romance, Action/Adventure, Action & Romance, POV Multiple
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45775291
0 notes
woodohwanedandproud · 5 months ago
@bookwormbynight I can't believe this shit. I've had this thought independently before. Is this a common belief in the fandom that we just never talk about. What is happening. Light definitely wanted to at least take like a finger or something off the body after it was in the ground.
@tealmoth #hope this is ok to rb because I’VE HAD THE SAME FUCKING THOUGHT #the lil timeskip after L’s death was so insane to me because like there’s no way Light wasn’t presiding over everything like a fucking hawk #which is typical for him but. you know. #the hypothetical graverobbing would only come after fighting urges to steal that thang before the burial. #and i’ve seen it analyzed before how L’s death is the closest Light has ever been to one of his victims #before that it was always through a tv screen through the news through a window etc etc #but to actually HOLD his victim?? to see the moment it all happens in agonizing minutiae?? #i fully believe that it could have activated an even worse part of his brain and tapped into the trophy-keeping serial killer instinct
@kiyomitakada #prev. your mind #god youre RIGHT #im thinking now. raye penber was probably the closest before L #but even that was through the subway door #and he sent naomi off deliberately #but L. #he catches L in his arms. #cool i am going to be thinking about this for a very long time jesus christ #also because he wasnt actually the one who killed L; that was rem #but he is the one who holds him at the end
@sword-dad-fukuzawa #in terms of disastrous relationships. lemony snicket and beatrice…yeah #i will love you as kudzu loves trees (consumptive. parasitic. all encompassing. devastating) #I will love you as an airplane loves to fall from a clear blue sky (tragedy against a backdrop of surreal beauty. panic and inevitability) #I will love you […] as justice loves to sit and watch while everything goes wrong (lawlight inherently) #crying. yeah. 100%. you get it #lawlight as the masochist's inherent love of disaster and ruin. the god's love for falling. the abjection of it all. the fascination with #one's undoing. #love as a sick and sweet attachment to what will unmoor you from the world. #dichotomies unto dichotomies unto dichotomies #lawlight loving each other incomprehensibly; tragically; devastatingly #like binary stars…one dies and the orbit of the other destabilizes and then the whole system implodes. lawlight. yes. #having a lot of feelings right now #one more: lawlight as the boat that loves the breeze untying the bowline from the pier
@kiyomitakada #THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING EXACTLY WHAT I WAS GOING FOR #as a crow loves a murder #ruin ruin ruin all the way down
@selfspinninglies #yeah. light wanted to vivisect his ass so bad #<- every day [exaggeration] i fight the urge to write lawlight vivisection because medical innacuracy + nobody gets me with that. so #it lives in my head a little #a vivisection of me done by god for all to see- gets shot #<- honestly that lyric is one of the main reasons its on my lawlight playlist #wow i went on a horrible side tangent. anyway a vivisection is essentially a dissection but the thing youre cutting is alive #smiles #if light did graverob and do it without anyone knowing somehow i think he would dissect L. probably not but like. imagine #sews him up like its all normal and keeps something #urgh i need to shut up what the hell. im so normal
@just-a-living-meat-thing #ugh lawlight you fantastic awful dumpster fire of a ship #even though I know you never could’ve worked in canon (except perhaps as a toxic one sided obsession) #in my heart you are married and divorced x3
@applestorms ok not to turn this into a fic rec'ing post, but if anyone happens to want the high key dead dove edition for light being a fucking freak about L's corpse… there's this one. ft. light stealing L's body before the funeral and saving it in his special little corpse-saving apartment. PLEASE watch the tags if you don't like graphic nasty shit though
moonlarked 1. I absolutely agree with you. we’ve all had this idea before 2. Please read this fic
(also kind of x)
you see it is very simple. lemony snicket figured it out already. light loves L the way a corpse loves a vulture and L loves light the way an iceberg loves a ship (and the passengers love the lifeboat, and the lifeboat loves the teeth of the sperm whale, and the sperm whale loves the flavor of naval uniforms)
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