#and both insufferable too
aston14s · 4 months
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mark webber? oh you mean the lost puppy that follows fernando alonso around?
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lineffability · 8 months
actually it's a good thing that Crowley did miss in 1941 not for the obvious reasons but bc Aziraphale would never have let him live it down ever again ("oh is that so? hey honey remember that time when you discor-" "okay okay shut up I'll get the takeout")
actually let me put the tags into the main post to prematurely deflect any bad faith misunderstandings: they would both do this and it would be lighthearted
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Generally, more people need to understand that EVERY Taliesin PC is an insufferable asshole who thinks he is The Most Correct Person In Exandria and knows so more than literally everyone else does.
This is why none of them would get along. They're all equally wrong in the very different ways they're certain about being right.
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vicioustoker · 2 months
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the parallel between these two scenes haunts me at night because you have ellwood mouthing i love you quietly to gaunt where he couldn't have seen or understood it but it was enough for those words to just exist somewhere, they weren't heard but they were clear in what they were. and on the other you have gaunt also saying i love you in the truest way possible to himself: he hid behind ellwood as a nickname for so long, avoided even uttering his name because of what that meant and how he couldn't have allowed for any feelings of his to shine through until he finds himself saying it over and over, both holding eachother tightly and desperate to be seen by the other person
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butwhatifidothis · 9 months
Do people really not see the inherent disconnect of the claim that Houses Claude is genuinely an amoral opportunist when his dream is to break down barriers to foster unity and peace? Like, is there not a fundamental incompatibility in having a desire for everyone to get along yet being a backstabber that throws people under the bus for their own benefit? From a personality/character standpoint, all that does is make Claude look like a ginormous ignorant hypocrite, and an idiot even though he's supposed to be smart. Because if his end goal is to create a diverse and harmonious community, how is he going to bring people together if he constantly betrays every side? And from a writing perspective, it makes no sense to have a character's actions and goals be completely contradictory and never address it.
Also for someone who is amoral, it sure is interesting in Balthus' Classroom QA Part 2 that Claude likes "ensure the fewest casualties" and dislikes "do anything to eradicate the enemy" when the question was "the war has been dragging for long so let's end it quickly". It's kinda like he has some principles or something.
Like, the idea of Claude being an untrustworthy backstabber who opportunistically takes advantage of everyone without ever growing close to them is just Hubert minus Lady Edelgard could be an interpretation of his character that aligns with at least his initial showing, or a surface level understanding of him. He calls himself the embodiment of distrust, he never fully opens up to anyone, he can in fact be fairly manipulative and callous; the crumbs are there, for sure.
But it also has to ignore how far he's willing to go to protect his people (putting himself in high danger when he is not sacrificial like, say, Dimitri is), or how he supports others having dreams for themselves (Goddess Tower), or how open he is to criticisms against what he thought (Cyril's support), or how he tries to be there for his friends (Marianne's support), or how he's open-minded enough to listen to people he initially thought needed to be his enemy (Rhea), or how violence is not just not something he considers but is something he actively rejects as a means of getting what he wants (The Alliance Leader's Ambitions, near the end), or how putting the people's lives in danger is something he is adamantly against (as you point out, Balthus' classroom question). A staggering amount of Claude's character has to be deliberately ignored in order to come to the conclusion that he's just a backstabbing opportunist who does anything to get what he wants (who magically gets fixed by Byleth's mere presence), because a backstabbing opportunist who does anything to get what he wants who magically gets fixed by Byleth's mere presence does not describe Claude.
Even if one were to take the game's writing failure of properly presenting Claude tackling racial issues (like never addressing Petra's situation despite having supports with her) you can't really deny that Claude is, in fact, a caring person after taking everything in his character into account. For all his flaws, he never abuses the trust people have in him to the extent that they are actively put in danger, nor is it ever the case that the "doesn't truly tackle racial issues" ever translate to anything so drastic as "which means he'll actively worsen relations between two countries." And, well, yes; you still do have to take into account that his dreams are of bringing people together and disregarding past bad blood. He never stops trying to achieve this dream, and he wants it to come true so badly that he is willing to let other people that he trusts rule Fodlan to work together with him to achieve it, shown in VW and even AM. That means a lot for someone like Claude, who is otherwise pretty slow to trust other people so deeply.
That's not someone who would use Leicester's bad history with Faerghus as fuel to violently invade it. That's not someone who would use Almyra's navy to make it look to Sreng like Faerghus tried to invade it. That's not someone who wants to conquer other nations and make his own come out on top. Those things describe Hopes!Claude, which 3H!Claude is not.
It's like. You know how some 3H's fans see 3H as "Edelgard, Dimitri, and the third guy that justifies my fave"? How a lot of people in 3H's fandom don't really see Claude as his own character with his own perspective and ideals and beliefs and morals that are unique to him, and only see him as a battering ram to try and knock down one of the other two lords? And so don't really care how he's characterized in other things (like fanfiction, fanart, meta, or in this case spinoff media) because they never really cared about him as his own character? But then get really, really, really defensive when you point out the flaws in their perception of him, saying that you're the one who never understood or liked Claude, because if you did you'd "realize" that he was always [insert vague, bland description that happens to prop up the lord they actually like]?
Yeah that's basically what's going on here. Most people who prefer Claude as their fave lord do not like Hopes!Claude, some of the loudest voices in the JPN Amazon reviews were of people who hated Hopes!Claude and were literally trying to warn Claude/GD fans away from Hopes as a game because of how awful their writing is, while nearly every Hopes!Claude fan that I've seen vastly prefers Edelgard as their fave lord and are - you guessed it! - very defensive when it comes to Claude fans venting their frustrations over Claude's shit-end-of-the-stick treatment he got in Hopes.
So like, yeah. It's less that people aren't directly computing that Claude's ambitions and character don't match how he's depicted in Hopes, but that they just don't care that it doesn't since 1) it justifies their fave and 2) they never really gave a shit about Claude anyway
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mortiferumsomnum · 2 years
Excuse Me, Barmaid, I’m Afraid You Brought Me the Wrong Hero
Okay, so... Mayyyyybe Dash should have thought this through. And, Dash would like people to know that he was doing all this out of the goodness of his heart. Phantom was becoming... Tired. Everyone could see it. Even the wacky Fenton parents noticed it, doubling their efforts to catch the only ghost that could defend their home.
And, well, when you find an old book from your grandma's that tells you how to summon heroes, who wouldn't take that chance to help their local hero? At least, until Phantom gets better.
So, yeah. Dash wanted a hero who wouldn't get overshadowed. He wanted a hero who had the might of the gods. He wanted a hero who could also be just a regular person, able to blend in with the crowd.
"Hey, do you have any more food?"
Dash wanted to bash his own head against the wall. Because he didn't summon a hero. He summoned a scrawny, 12-years-old kid who looks like he was randomly picked up from the streets!
His mom cooed at the child.
"Yes, you're welcome to have more, sweetheart."
"Thank you, Mrs. Baxton!"
Yeah, this kid certainly isn't a hero if he's easily stealing all of his mom's love and affection like that.
His mom pinched his cheeks, commenting how polite the child is, before getting started with the dishes.
I LOVE summoning fics and ideas!!! 💙 And because I love them, I wanted to change things around a bit! What if it's the local Amity Parker that ends up summoning heroes from another world/universe? (or they could be in the same universe if you'd like!) HERO SUMMONING! 
- Dash ended up summoning Billy Batson, who could pass as Danny's little brother if the Fentons were willing to take him in.
- But the kid, for some reason, doesn't hate him for summoning him and wants to stay with Dash.
- Dash's parents are even considering adopting the kid! As if Dash brought the kid into their home out of the goodness of his heart. (Technically, he did. 😂)
- "Oh, Dash, sweetie. This reminds me of the time you said you wanted a little brother because you found out that little Danny was actually the same age as you!"
- "Mooooom! You promised not to talk about that!"
- "Correction: your dad promised. And I will abuse my power to tease you endlessly!"
- At first, Billy did this to annoy Dash. He knows a bully when he sees one. He also wanted to see how far he could go in annoying Dash before he gets kicked out by him. But as time with the Baxters’ goes by, Billy finds that he's become very fond of this summoner who's slowly becoming like his big brother. Being annoying didn’t feel like a ‘how far could i get away with this’ but has now turned into small teasing between siblings, it was... kinda great...
- But, when Billy encounters his first ghost attack, he suddenly knew exactly why he was summoned. It could have been Superman, or Batman, or Zatanna, or even Wonder Woman! But being the Champion of Magic gave him access to the Infinite Realms, not enough to traverse it, but to at least receive contact from it.
- And so, with a loud SHAZAM! he turns into Captain Marvel and fights alongside the upcoming King to the Ghost Realm.
- Dash... He just witnessed the most insane de-transformation of his life. When lightning struck near his home, he got worried about his parents and, dare he say it, his new little brother. (Dash saw the adoption papers. But also, the kid was growing on him. He gradually stopped being a bully when Billy thought of how cool Dash was, like he was a white Victor Stone or whatever. It made him want to be better, especially when those eyes were genuinely impressed with him. It made it all the better when Danny was weirded out by his character development.)
- But when he saw the newest Hero, Captain Marvel, the very example of what a hero should look like, should act like, and should be like, transform back into his little brother, so many questions started filling Dash's head. Was Billy actually an adult? Or was Captain Marvel really just a child?
- Dash really did summon a hero.
- Dash confronts Billy, because there was no way Dash would be able to pretend he didn't see anything.
- The more Billy talked, though, the more Dash felt... panic rising in his chest. He summoned a hero, yeah, but the hero is an ACTUAL KID who TRANSFORMS INTO AN ADULT.
- That's not what makes him panic, though. What does is that he became so attached to this scrawny kid who keeps raiding his secret sweets stash, who keeps stealing his parents' affection, who Dash has to visit his room at night because he seems to be the only one who can quell the kid's nightmares.
- The newest hero is his kid brother. His annoying little brother. His newest precious little brother who laughs and smiles at him, and calls him the coolest when he manages to throw the football so many meters away.
- It's not about Phantom anymore. Dash needs to be there for his brother.
- He comes to a realizatiom that maybe, maybe, all this time Phantom didn't need another hero to help him. Maybe, all he needed was people who cared to just back him up and give him support. Give him encouragement that he was doing great. That what he was doing was appreciated.
- Because Billy seemed to get better and better when he was told how good he was being in this hero gig. How relaxed and relieved he was when he realized that Dash wasn't going to leave him alone in helping Phantom.
- So, Dash also tells Phantom what he said to Billy, that he has Phantom's back. Phantom didn't seem convinced, most of all Manson and Foley. But Phantom takes it, especially when Dash was being genuine about it.
- And then there's Wes. Nosy and annoying, and bordering on stalkerish. Maybe he might be right about Phantom being Danny Fenton, but he really needs to leave his little brother alone. Dash won't hesitate falling back to old habits if he won't stop.
- "Why are you so calm about all this, Billy?"
- "Oh, well, Batman was more of a stalker than Wes is. Oracle and Red Robin, Batman's hero partners, are actually scarier because they thrive in this. The way he's going about it is actually pretty cute, in comparison."
- Cute? "We need to do something about how desensitized you are about this."
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back with even more trigun x honkai star rail crossover thoughts, this time inspired by @jiinglespurs's veritas the punisher fanart :D though i'm not sure if i can call this just "thoughts" when it's turned into uh... several paragraphs of rambling and then a 2k word ratiorine fanfic about it. it's mostly unedited because i think i wrote most of it in some sort of possessed/fugue state where i was solely consumed by the need to have aventurine as vash, veritas as wolfwood, and for them to hurt my own feelings, but yeah in total this is around three thousand words in one post. i'm gonna hide it under a cut for everyone's sake :)
to start, no man's land is now penacony, of course. instead of seven cities, it's twelve, based on the twelve dreamscapes. now, most of these cities are just there to exist in the background and/or be destroyed. the lore important ones are midnight, sol, and morning dew (idk if the names should be changed to sound more like locations but trigun has cities named after months, names like morning dew aren't entirely out of the question).
midnight is where ships first crashed onto the planet, dooming humanity to a lonesome existence in this new world. however, despite being the vash and nai representative characters, this wasn't because of kakavasha and sunday. no, it was mikhail and gopher wood, the watchmaker and the dreammaster whose actions helped shape the penacony storyline in canon. these days, it's mostly a ghost town, the remnants of the first human civilizations on the planet. and morning dew is the july of this world, the location where shit will be going down, since it's where the dewlight pavilion is in canon so it'd be wherever sunday hosts his currently unnamed religious fanaticism organization.
in canon, sol is the dreamscape known for museums, libraries, and academies. thus, this becomes where veritas is from. to take more from wolfwood's backstory, he would've been an orphan there, brought up in an orphanage and not really able to get a proper education. luckily for him, i feel like he'd be a pretty self sufficient learner- he could've stolen books and snuck into buildings to help teach himself math, science, philosophy, etc. seeing his potential, the orphanage probably would've wanted to help send him to school, but he would insist that if they sent anyone, it would be the other kids who'd need it more than him, or that they save their money for food and supplies. a pity, perhaps if he did go away to school then he wouldn't have been taken and made into a killer rather than a scholar.
remember how i said that things would've been caused by gopher wood and mikhail? well, both of them are dead now. mikhail would've died first, which is rather unfortunate because then gopher wood would've been able to make a power grab and form the currently unnamed organization (though it'll probably be named after smth to do with the harmony or the order) incredibly powerful and influential within penacony. he would've had grand plans, and i think sunday should coup him before he could do much with them. kill his father, take his power, be more ambitious that he ever could.
speaking of this unnamed organization, its members are this au's versions of the gung-ho guns and can really be any character who shows up in the penacony quests. there's veritas the punisher, of course, and it's now led by dominicus, the name sunday goes just like how nai goes by millions knives. very transgender of both of them. then there's gallagher the hound, sparkle the fool, and while i don't have any ideas for robin, those three would be in the upper echelons of this group; both because sunday wants to keep his friends close and his enemies (of which gallagher and sparkle are certainly both possibilities) closer, and because the four remind me of the four harmonic strings, and sunday would definitely love the symbolism of that. i've also got two other ideas for its members: acheron the blade, an accomplished swordswoman known for never unsheathing her sword in a fight, and samuel the cavalry, an unknown young woman cloaked in both brutality and a fearsome armor made from lost tech.
why is kakavasha on the run from sunday and his organization? he's the vash adjacent character in this au, but he's not actually related to sunday, the two don't have any original closeness to utilize. but the glory of an au is that you can put canon into a paper shredder and say things like "maybe the avgins were there before anyone crash landed onto the planet. maybe kakavasha is still the last of his kind. and because i can, maybe he's got some fun powers that i can use to make him get homoerotic with veritas but can also serve as a reason why sunday is hunting him down." really i just need to be able to make him suffer more than jesus for my own entertainment.
and finally, i love the thought of eve being jade's real name, so it's jelena and eve who end up traveling with kakavasha across the world. they're meant to be like the insurance girls, financial sector employees who have ended up sticking with him because of the monetary disasters he keeps causing everywhere he goes.
"what the hell were you thinking, blondie?" veritas yells, crouching beneath a half destroyed wall as the top of it gets riddled with bullets, spinning the punisher around and firing backwards without looking. he doesn't have to; they drilled him on trajectories and distances and angles so much he doesn't even need to run the numbers, his hearing helping to pick up on where the bandits are and his hands naturally guiding his aim. it's not a guarantee that he hit where he wanted every time, but he hears the first three bodies drop like apples from a tree, while the fourth cries out in terror and moves in time to flee.
"i had a plan, veritas! no one was going to get hurt!" he's a damn good liar, that kakavasha, because veritas can smell the blood coming from his arm, enhanced senses tuned in to everything around him more than he would ever like to be. now is not the time to be overwhelmed by all that. covering his ears, veritas remains crouched as another explosion sounds off behind the two of them, and then he takes off. keeping the punisher close to his chest, he counts the footsteps he can hear as he runs, the way kakavasha's catch up to him.
he's taller, but kakavasha is faster. veritas has shorter strides despite having longer legs, it's just because of the way he runs while burdened with such a heavy weight. kakavasha barely touches the ground as he sprints though, especially when they aren't yet back to the sand that surrounds the sprawling metropolitan city of blue hour. an ever-growing town situated with a monopoly of the largest body of water in penacony means the people here certainly wouldn't struggle with shitty roads, and it also means it's a shitty place for them to have run into the fool.
ten more steps. five more. two- kakavasha overtakes him, and veritas finishes counting down the beats in his head. keeping perfect time with the fool's rhythm, he spins, firing a single shot at the explosive doll that's launched towards them. it hits perfectly, and even though whatever charge sparkle put in this one is stronger than the rest, it's still within the parameters veritas had set. kakavasha is out of the blast radius, and the punisher absorbs most of the force of the shockwave and the shrapnel from it, leaving veritas to deal with just a piece that nicks his side and the searing heat.
no time to waste after that; he turns right back around and keeps running, easily falling into step with kakavasha as they both time their steps with each others’. "you think you could have a plan to deal with this? you've heard about the fool before, right? you can't predict what's going to happen next, there isn't any game theory about the best course of action you can apply to this!"
"you predicted that bomb!" kakavasha points out, both yelling to be heard.
"yes, as a one time thing, not a broad overview of this entire scenario! there's no strategy to minimize harm!" he tugs kakavasha into a tight left turn, hearing footsteps from the direction they had been headed. "sparkle doesn't play by any games' rules, only her own. the only way we might be able to deal with her is to get rid of her stage and her audience, and that's this whole damn town!"
he'd have to be more of a fool than dominicus' latest assassin to miss the way that kakavasha looks at him, unnatural eyes wide and staring through those obnoxious pink glasses of him. "you sure know a lot about her," he says once they manage to stop for a moment to catch their breath.
veritas very nearly doesn't resist the urge to go and snap those glasses in half. "well, you heard what miss eve has said before. i'm quite well learned, for someone like me. i'm more worried that you don't seem to know anything at all about the people hunting you down!"
laughing nervously, the way kakavasha checks the ammo of his revolver is one of the most obvious tells veritas has ever seen, second only to the way his fist is always held behind his back as he talks monsters out of mayhem to spare others' lives. it's a tell that reminds him entirely too much of this martyr's opposite, and he forces the thought from his mind. "i'd really prefer it if they didn't have to do so, you know, it'd make this whole journey much more pleasant. after all, i've already got you here with me, right? no need for anyone else."
for all that veritas is well versed in practical manners, his body and mind honed to perfection, the heart and feelings continue to elude his grasp. he has no idea what emotion it is that overtakes him- rage? confusion? fear? something else entirely? all he knows is that he looks over at kakavasha, and that idiot is just grinning at him, just smiling as if he isn't hinting at everything that's been threatening to tear down veritas' entire world.
moving without thinking, dust fills the air as he slams kakavasha against the nearest wall, a hand gripped around his neck and not letting go. "what the fuck do you think you know about?" he yells, tightening his hold. "you- you fucking bastard, how long have you known?"
in the split second attack, kakavasha's glasses must have fallen to the ground, because he's met with the full force of that multicolored gaze that always cuts quick to his very core. "since we met," he wheezes, "i've known all along."
veritas drops him, watching kakavasha fall to sit on the ground as something unfamiliar writhes within his gut. "you knew? and you- you didn't do anything about it? how in the world could anyone, even you, make a gamble with such high stakes? just because you think you know me? were you just going to let me get close to you- no, not even you, were you going to play with jelena and eve's lives like that? just bet that i won't kill them, that they won't end up as more innocent casualties because of you, stampede?"
"hear what you're saying?" kakavasha sounds too smug, too fucking sure of himself, like he's already won this argument, and veritas turns around so he won't have to see the same expression on the bastard's face. "you care about them. you wouldn't let them get harmed in a fight, you're not about to go and hurt them yourself. you're a good person, veritas, and i trust you-"
"no," he spits, seething with vitriol bubbling up to the surface. "you're naive, stampede, you're a gambler and a fool-"
"funny," comes another voice, lilting and feminine, "i thought that i was the fool here."
the argument seems to be unanimously paused as both whip their heads around to stare at the newcomer, guns drawn and at the ready. she just laughs at that, raising her hands to show that she's not carrying any of the dolls she's been using to wreak havoc across blue hour. "easy, boys, no need for such hostility!"
veritas makes sure he's aiming right between her eyes. "what the fuck do you want?"
more giggles. "entertainment, of course! and this little lover's spat is more entertaining than what the rest of the town has become. those girls you mentioned spoiled most of the fun for me, taking away my grand audience and actors, so i had to look for something else!"
jelena and eve got the citizens away. veritas sighs with relief at the realization. there will still be piles of bodies and rubble to clean up, but the girls must've come up with some type of evacuation plan after the four got separated. his grip on the punisher loosens slightly, but not enough to not aim to kill. "so, did you get the entertainment you wanted?"
"of course! and even though you're entertaining, i know that you won't kill me, punisher, and your little blond puppy over there definitely won't, no matter how thrilling that would be to see! so, i'll see myself out, as i'm getting rather bored here. toodle-oo!"
even he can't see where she got the last doll from, considering he hadn't seen any with her, but maybe there is something to how lucky kakavasha seems to be when it only explodes into a cloud of colorful dust and bright lights. by the time he turns back, sparkle the fool is long gone. "damn it," he curses, lowering the punisher as reality sinks in. "damn it, damn it!"
kakavasha's touch is what snaps him out of it, a palm placed right over where he got hit earlier. he hisses at the sting, already reaching for one of the vials he keeps within the punisher. no more need to hide it if blondie's known all this time. "wait," he hears, and he pauses despite himself, unable to stop himself from indulging kakavasha's gentle request.
a warm sensation spreads from where kakavasha touches him, soothing his aches as it spreads through his nerves and veins, through to where blood has already started to clot now that he's no longer prolonging the healing by moving around. the pain was already negligible and nothing compared to what he's faced in the past, yet suddenly it's gone entirely. if he were to look, veritas is sure that he would be faced with the familiar sight of his flesh stitching itself back together until there's not even a single hint that he had been injured remaining. he doesn't look though, keeps his eyes trained away from the man next to him. "i- you-"
"we should meet back up with the girls," kakavasha says. he draws back after a few more seconds, his work apparently done. he picks something up from the ground; his sunglasses, veritas realizes, and it's only once he's got those back on that veritas can face him again.
grabbing onto his wrist as soon as he can get an opportunity to, veritas takes a few seconds to wait for words to start working for him again before speaking. "what the fuck did you just do?"
"oh, that? that's nothing! think of it as just a token of my appreciation, mkay?"
however fast kakavasha can run is not going to help him run away from this. "that's- you know that's not what i wanted to hear, blondie. you just healed me with nothing but a single touch. the only thing i know of that can do anything like that is the healing serum that asshole has been able to cook up for people like me. even someone like you could understand how suspicious that is, and i know i've got no leg to stand on for this, but you-"
"veritas." kakavasha doesn't want to leave him any room to disagree with him on this. "i said, we should meet up with the girls."
"they're safe, they can wait- wait." pieces click into place within his thoughts. they're still hasty and disorganized, but they show him the steps to take through the right method. "heal yourself first, you damn gambler."
"who, me? i'm not hurt, veritas!" he snatches his arm away the moment that veritas makes a move to yank his sleeve up, as if the two of them can't see the blood staining the outside of his jacket anyways.
it's a reaction he had been expecting. "you infuriate me, do you know that? i was going to ask you what you are, considering your little special ability, but i already know the most important answer to that. you're a martyr, and you won't heal yourself even though you can."
"it's just not effective on myself?" kakavasha tries to counter.
"you and i both know that isn't true, but if that's the way you want to play this, fine. let's go back to the girls, and i'll make sure that jelena guilts you into letting me bandage you up properly."
a faux gasp. he's brought them back to more familiar territory. playful sounding bickering that still holds its edge, conceding to his wants while using them against him. half casual conversation, half the strategy of a hostage negotiation. "you wouldn't dare!" kakavasha exaggerates. "i'm her favorite, you know."
he grabs ahold of the unsaid conversation. "no, you're eve's favorite. jelena likes me more than you, she says that i'm more reasonable." in bickering about the two of them, it's what goes unsaid that means the most. they can talk like this because nothing is going to change between the four of them. kakavasha isn't going to tell them anything, for better or for worse. "listen, gambler-"
"no need to say anything, veritas." his eyes don't look as odd when they're accompanied by a genuine smile. "we've all got our secrets, right?"
he looks away first, hauling the punisher back over his shoulder and letting the weight dig in uncomfortably against his back. "yes" he whispers, knowing kakavasha would still hear him, "yes we do."
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blue-thief · 1 year
how do you stop/prevent a ship war. like 95% of my blog is dedicated to skk but i jumped on board with sigzai the MOMENT dazai chose sigma. i love them both. i just wanna open the comments of sigzai instagram posts and see stuff like "yippeee!!! sigzai!!!!", not a whole bloody battle
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synthwayve · 6 months
Thinks about Micolash and Laurence’s rivalry that never strays from the confines of academic snark or the occasional jab despite their shared ambition(and possibly also just accompanying a general friendship they could have had since they worked together at some point. Idk I’m a softie. Sue me.) eventually involving into a full on intellectual divorce. Cries. Explodes. 72 casualties.
#will delete#I am just having thoughts#like yeah listen I love the toxic aspects of their dynamic especially peak healing church#and I’m honestly shocked most people put Micolash in the seat of power there#if anything I think he’d be underhanded with having dirt on Laurence’s operation or his reputation#but yknow. headcanons vary#consider: they could have been soft once. they could have been#and they could have stopped each other’s descent into their respective cosmic obsession(blood and insight)#but neither can actually let the other have his way. if Micolash abandons his research and just does whatever Laurence commands him to#he’ll never be able to pursue his own interest(which could even stave off the scourge). it’d be Byrgenwerth all over#but if Laurence lets Micolash go and just do whatever his silly heart desires#not only will he legit go insane but itd happen at the worst of times. he needs to priortize the blood while they still have time#so they both just. stalemate each other to death#yadda yadda insufferable academics believing only their method must be correct to the detriment of the other#not in a ‘I personally hate you’ way but in a ‘why won’t you just listen to me’ way#I just think there’s fun to be had there. they’re both horrible.#also idk this is being prompted by Laurence being typecast into being completely helpless at the height of his power. against MICOLASH???#let’s let him be a little evil too come on now#but idk. maybe my take is wack
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sofastuffing · 1 month
i have a headache
#i've been stuck scrolling instagram for the past few days#i don't even like being on there#modern ig is so overstimulating everything is either a reel or a reel in disguise or an image post that inexplicably has audio#i kept making myself go on there because i wanted to find a way to make art friends or a community or w/e#and i thought if i had more of a presence and interacted more i'd eventually get people to like. talk to me and comment stuff ig. idk#but ughhhh#i don't think insta is a good platform for that cause it's either pictures with a short caption or the worst media format known to man#like. idk i wanted to find and follow and be friends with and be Cool Artists (don't ask me to define that)#but no artist on instagram is a Cool Artist because there's no goddamn text on there#like if it makes sense i wanna find people who talk About art as well#but not in an art Discourse way#which is another thing. even if instagram had more Talking it would still be shit because the mainstream 'art community' is insufferable#art tiktok is that on steroids#and instagram is is bootleg tiktok#the same five discourse topics jokes memes advice whatever the only difference is now they're circlejerking about ai too#i wanna be Casual and Spontaenous and Mysterious and shit but IG's layout makes me feel like i can't just post whatever#i feel this pressure to give my posts all the same format and add tags and do this and do that and have good Branding or w/e#and it's just ughhh why can't I be a famous enigma (<- doesn't make or share anything)#even on tumblr the pressure is the same#and at the same time i hate looking back on my art accounts (both ig and here) because it just. doesn't align with what i wanna do#like my attempts at categorising and tagging and being consistent#it's just so. yuck#i want to have a Good Brand but i also want to be 'real' but then i look back at my disjointed messy past work and i cringe#i think i need to block my irls from my art accounts bc i feel super embarassed trying to do any typical Get Noticed on Social Media thing#cause it feels embarassing being seen doing shit that's ''influencer-y'' (idk what to call it)#cause it feels out of character to how i actually am in real life#but also why i do want to show my ''real'' character? I'm not cool#and that's another thing I've had these accounts for ages#looking at my past posts makes me fuckign cringe#I want to purge them or start over
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brother-emperors · 10 months
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The Art of Dreams: Reflections and Representations
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The Tomb of Caterina della Ratta and the Iconography of the Reclining Reader in Renaissance Sepulcharl Art, Yonni Ascher
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Ancestor Masks and Aristocratic Power in Roman Culture, Harriet I Flower
okay so just. play connect the dots with me for a second. Girolamo Basso della Rovere is Giuliano della Rovere's (Pope Julius II) cousin. Ascanio Sforza was a long time rival, and later ex-enemy of Giiuliano's. this kind of familial mirroring in the tombs, the way that Ascanio is being subsumed into a matching visual with someone of della Rovere's family is. interesting. because it goes well beyond the expected patron-client relationship between the pope and his cardinals. like, these were companion monuments.
there's also a kind of tragic romantic violence to it, given Ascanio's persistent loyalty to his family and Milan, and Ludovico's plans to have Ascanio's body brought back to Milan in the event of his death and interred in the same chapel as Beatrice d'Este.
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moe-broey · 4 months
Going to the mall as I am now (kinda punky/extremely autistic) is kinda funny like. That's a nice shirt. However, it's not one of my thousand beloved black graphic t shirts and it is such a texture and kind of a weird shape to it and honestly I don't really wanna buy any sort of fast fashion type shit or brand shit. Don't care. Oh they have patches. Kinda cute but straight up I can just make those. In fact, I would prefer to. Don't care. Also I'm not buying that.
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thistableforone · 4 months
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I'm so so glad I'm bisexual
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sirenium · 4 months
I try my damn near hardest to avoid shipcourse on this blog. However, I have so many qualms with the anti side of things that I need to say something.
If your first inclination after seeing someone explore fiction is to call them a pedophile (as an insult, no less!), abuse enabler, and/or urge your followers to mass report them, you are a problem. Maybe it's because I grew up during the golden days of fandoms, where ship and let ship was the norm and not whatever this shit is, but it's bizarre to see people get cancelled for being a proshipper. I just don't have it in me to care about what people do to that fictional child. It's none of my business.
I've noticed a trend from antis of anything: anti radqueers, antishippers, anti hazbin/helluva etc, and it is that their arguments are extremely self centered. 'It's romanticizing MY abuse/trauma/condition!' as if that stranger on the other side of the screen couldn't possibly have similar trauma etc and copes with it differently. "It triggers ME!" then don't actively seek out that material and get mad at the creator. It's a 'me! me! me!' mindset.
See, me personally? I don't care if someone makes and romanticizes a fic that capitalizes on my trauma. I don't care what reason they have, either; whether it's to cope with their own trauma or to simply have fun, I do not care. No amount of harassment from a bunch of teenagers can change the fact that I don't care, and the fact that there are others OLDER THAN ME, someone who will be 19 in July, who condone and enforce anti views is terrible.
Creative freedom shouldn't even be a debate or discourse situation. People need to grow the hell up and get over themselves.
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harrowscore · 23 days
a few days ago i (re)watched the 25th anniversary concert of les misérables and. oh god. i forgot how much this musical did éponine dirty
#partly javert too but éponine is the clearer victim#of simplifying complex characters into more easily lovable (or villainous in javert's case) archetypes#so the audience can root or despise them accordingly#(i think cocciante's nddp is also guilty of this but imo there this adaptation choice makes more sense and is better executed)#say what you want about the 2012 movie and you'd probably be right... but at least they tried and partially succeded in giving éponine back#her complex moral ambiguity with not giving cosette's letter to marius and selfishly goading him into a sorta murder/suicide plan#which more or less is what happens in the book#(javert is also allowed to be more than a caricatural villain. i mean... russell crowe's singing is. Not Great#but at least the script show the character's many layers. or it attempts to#nvm that i don't even consider javert a villain. he's 100% an antagojist but far from the main villain of the story#he's both victim and perpetrator. the law and society at large are the villains here. he's actually a good cop... which is the point!)#éponine in the book is a multilayered bordering on grey and easily the most complex female character of the whole book#but god. in the musical she's just there pining for marius and being all Saint Éponine of Saint Michel#it's insufferable. i mean i still like her but she's TOO perfect. i wouldn't have had such an issue with it if i didn't read the book#.... probably. but damn we were robbed. les mis miniseries with actually accurate depictions of the characters/the plot in general when???#(preferably made by someone who *understands* the book. tyvm)#having said that i still love the musical to pieces. the music is great the songs are beautiful the story is touching#and the epilogue makes me uglycry every damn time. but i think we really missed a chance with éponine ngl#val speaks#txt
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
writing a scene from sirius's pov + he's just like omg we're flirting hehe 🥰😝🤭😉😘 and then going back + writing the same scene from remus's pov and he's like christ what the fuck does this cunt want can i not smoke a cigarette in peace and. well to me this is romantic
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