#and boone. and charlie. and ben
simptasia · 1 year
“kate was a bitch” “ana lucia was a bitch” “charlotte was a bitch”
look me in my pitying eyes and tell me sawyer isn’t a bitch
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lostfan23 · 1 year
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fist-of-vengeance · 2 months
thinking about how essentially every relationship john locke formed in the early seasons of lost has completely disintegrated by the time of his death.
of course there's his relationship with jack, which starts tense but manageable and culminates in jack pointing a gun at john's head and pulling the trigger. but even his smaller, less narratively prominent relationships either implode or drift apart. he bonds with walt in season one but then walt leaves the island, which is itself a severing of their bond since it was mainly based on being the only two people who wanted to stay. still, he goes and visits walt off the island so this is probably john's most successful relationship. I dont think i need to explain how he fucked up with boone, "the sacrifice that the island demanded." charlie viewed john as a mentor and claimed to trust him more than anyone on the island, but after the events of fire and water, that trust is destroyed and charlie despises him. at the same time we get john bonding with claire and having a pseudo-paternal dynamic with her, but their closeness basically drops off the face of the earth as he gets less and less involved with the other survivors.
his arc in the series is essentially a gradual distancing from everyone around him. it starts when he abandons hunting (providing for the others) in favor of trying to get the hatch open (it's extremely clear his primary motive isn't any survival applications but getting answers to the mystery). when they do open the hatch, he spends more and more time inside, underground, cut off from other people. he spends more and more time interacting with ben, a human mystery box that he's obsessed with cracking even if it gets him killed. he follows the proverbial white rabbit deeper down the hole and leaves his connection to humanity behind. the island and its mysteries become more important to john than anything or anyone else.
then in season three we get him claiming to go undercover with the others only to unceremoniously tell sawyer that he's actually going to join them. and it doesn't feel shocking, it feels inevitable. because john has spent the entire series becoming less and less connected with the people he arrived with. in that sense he actually makes a fascinating foil to juliet, who is introduced as one of the others and yet never really fits, she's increasingly sympathetic and kind in a way the rest of them aren't, her redemption arc feels so natural that she actually starts referring to her old people as "the others" like she's been one of the crash survivors from the beginning. her and john basically have inverse arcs, which is probably accidental but very neat.
in season five john tries to convince everyone to go back to the island, and fails spectacularly. and of course he does, because he was so consumed by obsession that he stopped maintaining his relationships, and in many cases actively alienated people (this is also basically what happened with helen) and now he can't wrap his head around why they're all so hostile to him. i am forever obsessed with the scene where he confronts kate and she brutally calls him out for wanting to return to the island because he doesn't love anyone. it actually struck me on rewatch how well the two of them got along in season one, and how badly their relationship has degraded by this point. john repeatedly casts aside interpersonal relationships in favor of his obsession with destiny, so when said destiny actually involves persuading the people he once shunned, he's at a loss. this is because john treats purpose as a supplement for connection, destiny as an alternative to love.
as an aside, this aspect of john's character kinda ties into my opinion that several lost characters can be read as allegorically neurdivergent under a certain lens. i know this was absolutely not intended, but as an adhd former gifted kid who struggles socially, there is something uncomfortably familiar about a character who allows their relationships to burn around them because of a single-minded obsession, especially as a result of being promised the fickle status of "special."
tl/dr: john locke is a doomed idiot and i love him
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lost-secret-santa · 1 year
Lost Secret Santa
Hi! I thought it would be fun to do a Lost Secret Santa this year, since it seems like the community is big enough that an event like this would work!
This will be a pretty basic fandom Secret Santa gift exchange. You will be assigned a giftee that you can anonymously get to know through asks and make them a gift to be echanged around Christmastime.
Gifts can be really any kind of fandom content you like to make. Some ideas of what that could be include (but are not limited to): fanfic, fanart, edits/gifsets, fan video, a playlist, meta/analysis of a certain character/ship/episode/scene etc., a handmade item (only if the giftee is comfortable giving you an address you can send it to), poetry, icons/profile pics/banners, or themes!
So basically the plan for Lost Secret Santa is you have until November 20th to sign up, and I will be anonymously assigning you a giftee on the weekend of November 25th.
When you sign up there are spaces for you to list what characters or ships you want to receive a gift for, and what characters or ships you are okay making something for, as well as what kind of fandom content
You can list specific ships/characters or general things for either (for example: Kate Austen, Jack x Kate; or any m/m ship, any female character, any canon ship, any platonic friendship, etc.) please be specific and list any character or ship you really don't want to make something for so that I don't assign you a giftee that you won't enjoy making a gift for, however, try to give more than one answer, especially if it's a less major character or rarepair ship with a smaller fanbase.
I will share your preference for characters/ships and type of content you want to receive with only your gifter, and will not share which characters you will/won't create for with anyone.
Once you have been assigned your giftee you will have a month to send them messages on anon so that you can get to know them better and make a gift that they will like!
Gifts will ideally be posted on December 24th, 25th, or 26th, but can be posted any time up until December 31st.
Tag your gifts with #lostsecretsanta2023 so that I can reblog them
If you sign up but have to drop out at any time, I totally understand but please let me know as early as possible so that I can figure out something for your giftee so that everyone gets something.
I'm not sure how many people will be interested in doing this but I hope it will be fun
Here's the link to the form you can use to sign up
Send me an ask if you have any questions at all about how it will work
(please boost this if you plan on participating or have a lost-centric blog so that more people can see it)
tagging some lost mutuals and people who expressed interest under the cut (as always if you don't want me to tag you in things please let me know)
@obsessivedaydreamer @eponine119 @epiphytecanopy @bitchboylinus @unorthodox-oblivion @ff-12 @linusbenjamin @stripesysheaven @skatiet @ivebeendressingforrevenge @hamster-on-fire @finneganhart
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caeloren · 7 months
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kittiewales · 2 years
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simeffable · 7 months
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LOST x The Sims 4: A Project.
UPDATE 12/6/24: This project will now include a save file with a completely customised Sulani. Read more here.
Disclaimer: there is no current end date for this project, as I work 20-30 hours a week and have other responsibilities, but I am hoping it will be available by the end of this year.
The sims I hope to release are as follows (red-complete, green-current WIP, white/black means I haven’t started them yet oops). Any completed items that are not linked will only be available when the entire project is released.
Hurley, Jack, Sawyer, John, Charlie, Jin, Sayid, Desmond, Ben, Richard, Juliet, Kate, Claire, Ana Lucia, Sun, Rose, Bernard, Shannon, Boone, Libby, Eko, Michael, Walt, Penny, Charles (Widmore), Tom Friendly, Keamy, Alex, Rousseau, Miles, Daniel, Charlotte, Horace, Radzinsky, Chang, Jacob, MIB (as himself), Mikhail, Karl.
The items I hope to release are as follows:
• 2x build buy promotional posters (EA aesthetic w/ English and Simlish swatches)
• Dharma Initiative Jumpsuits (linked)
• Jack’s Tattoos (linked)
• Dharma Initiative branded clutter (including cereal boxes, wine bottles, orientation folders, jared and tinned food, Apollo bars)
• The Swan Station mural.
General Progress/Custom Sulani Save File Progress:
30/6/24: WIP The Flame.
7/7/24: 20/39 sims completed.
1/8/24: 22/39 sims completed, The Flame complete, The Pearl WIP.
18/8/24: 26/39 sims completed.
29/8/24: The Pearl complete.
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fallenxobsessed · 17 days
|Tempest Unleashed|Cast|
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Isabela Merced as Charlotte "The Tempest" Rivera (Javi's Older Cousin, Works for both Storm Par and the Tornado Wranglers)
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Anthony Ramos as Javier (Javi) "Little Jabalina" Rivera
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Daisy Edgar-Jones as Kate Carter
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David Corenswet as Scott "Quantum Jackass" Miller
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Natalia Dyer as Hayley "Charlie's Other Half" Owens (Lex's OC)
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Glen Powell as Tyler "The Man With All The Power" Owens
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Brandon Perea as Boone
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Katy M. O'Brian as Dani
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Sasha Lane as Lilly 
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Tunde Adebimpe as Dexter and Harry Hadden-Paxton as Ben
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viviennevermillion · 5 months
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Welcome to my newest AU: Lost but everyone who ever stepped foot on the island has some type of usable magic power from that moment on. Rules for this is every power has a drawback and it only activates at a critical moment to their character arc. Here's what powers I assigned them:
Jack Shephard: Can heal people using his own life force. He can only give up to 50% of his own life force to do this, if the injury can't be healed by that, he can't save a person. Jack's power doesn't activate until way into Season 6 because he didn't have faith in the island.
Kate Austen: Has the same power as Blake Belladonna in RWBY. Both are characters who are established as people on the run because of their past. Their powers reflect that. Whenever Kate is attacked, if she reacts fast enough, she can leave behind a shadow of herself to take the hit for her.
James "Sawyer" Ford: The angrier he gets, the more damage his punches do. On the other hand, if he gets genuinely sad and devastated, his physical abilities are significantly stunted and damage is almost non-existent.
Charlie Pace: Can focus on a person and play or sing a song that reflects their true nature. This can be used to gather information about them. He can only do this once per person.
Claire Littleton: She can sense danger, even when there otherwise isn't any indication of it.
Hugo "Hurley" Reyes: Can speak to the dead. Activates off-island.
Sun-Hwa Kwon: Can accelerate the growth of plants and the natural healing process of animals and people. She has to know and understand the species to do this.
Jin-Soo Kwon: Can communicate with the ocean to go with the "son of a fisherman" theme. If his head is underwater the ocean tries to kill him tho.
John Locke: Is the only one who doesn't have a power. He's like Mirabel Madrigal. He's deeply important to the story but he has 0 magic. He himself and other characters throughout the story think that he does during varying points of time but it's always the MiB messing with him. He realizes this at the end. Can you tell I like angst yet?
Michael Dawson: Can create a magic shield using his own stamina. Shield disappears when his stamina runs out.
Walter "Walt" Lloyd: Astral Projection. Self-explanatory.
Vincent: Ages normally and can die of old age but is otherwise virtually indestructible. Usually animals don't get any powers but Vincent's was given to him by Jacob directly to assist the survivors.
Sayid Jarrah: Can burn a person with his touch when he wants to. Doing this inflicts an equal amount of emotional pain to him as the physical pain he causes. I like angst.
Shannon Rutherford: Can master any skill within 30 minutes if she puts her mind to it. Never figures this out because she has been told that she's useless all her life and believes it. Only uses this once when she translates French but thinks those are lucky guesses.
Boone Carlyle: Blood-bending. Mostly gave this to him because everytime he angrily stares at someone you can tell that his blood is boiling. Never uses this once during his lifetime though.
Rose Henderson Nadler & Bernard Nadler: Have a soul link with one another. They can always tell how the other is feeling and neither of them can die while the other still lives as long as they're on good terms. Virtually indestructible unless you kill them at the exact same time but why the fuck would you.
Ana Lucia Cortez: Pyromancy. Fits her vibe. Also bound to stamina.
Elizabeth "Libby" Smith: Can read people's emotions.
Mr. Eko: Precognition. Can tell what he needs to do when and can anticipate things a couple seconds before they happen.
Benjamin Linus: Everytime he lies (to convince someone of his lie, sarcasm not included), it slightly alters reality in an unexpected way to make his lie appear like the truth. This is how Anthony Cooper gets to the island after Ben tells John about the magic box. The result of his lies is always unexpected and can backfire. He can't make something specific happen intentionally. His power activated during the purge.
Juliet Burke: Ice-bending. This has nothing to do with her character but I've previously seen Elizabeth Mitchell in Once Upon A Time and The Santa Clause and both times she plays a character that has something to do with winter. Also bound to stamina.
Ethan Rom: Superhuman strength. Self-explanatory. It actually takes multiple shots from 6 guns to take him down in this AU.
Harper Stanhope: Can see people's time of death over their head. Was very confused that Juliet's said 1977 and Ben's was way past his normal life expectancy.
Goodwin Stanhope: Idk what his power is but it's certainly not danger sense. 💀
Roger Linus: Can sense fear. Terrible power for a terrible man. I love Ben, I promise. I also love angst tho. The moment Ben killed him was the only time he didn't sense any fear from him, which scared the shit out of him.
Desmond David Hume: Activates his power after the events of "The Constant". Can see glimpses of people's past and future upon touching them. Can only do this once per person.
Frank Lapidus: Always lands safe. Literally always lands on his feet like a cat. Also applies to planes / helicopters he flies.
Charlotte Staples Lewis: Can speak any language after hearing it spoken once. Growing up with this was very confusing off-island.
Miles Straume: Reading the final thoughts of the dead. Self-explanatory.
Daniel Faraday: Stopping time for up to an hour. After using this power, he can't use it for 24 times the amount of time he stopped time for. Only can use it in present time.
Illana Verdansky: Able to tell when people lie.
Danielle Rousseau: Her bullet or arrow always hits the target unless the target specifically blocks it.
Alexandra Rousseau: Can make herself invisible. Used for stealth.
Karl Martin: Can accelerate his speed. Bound to stamina.
Mikhail Bakunin: Telepathy.
Eloise Hawking: Chain Reaction. Once a day for 5 minutes she can see the effects of every action of hers she thinks about.
Charles Widmore: Can take a glimpse at people's destiny. Only can do this once per person.
Richard Alpert: Can't be killed by anything ever. Can't even die of natural causes. Can't die.
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swooning-skulls · 5 months
--- character list
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blue - currently interested | red - not taking requests | green - no romance | pink - yandere allowed
i will occasionally write characters not on this list, that doesn't mean they will be requestable.
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{...live action...}
BULLET TRAIN: Lemon, Tangerine, The Father, The Wolf
COMMUNITY: Jeff Winger, Britta Perry, Annie Edison, Abed Nadir, Troy Barnes, Shirley Bennett, Ben Chang, Dean Craig Pelton
WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS: ---coming soon
YOU: Joe Goldberg, Peach Salinger, Guinevere Beck, Candace Stone, Love Quinn, Forty Quinn, Delilah Alves
YELLOWJACKETS: ---coming soon
FALLOUT: Lucy MacLean, Norman MacLean, Chet, Maximus, Thaddeus, Cooper Howard, Lee Moldaver, Bud Askins, Henry "Hank" McLean, Betty Pearson
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A.N.) depending on the continuity, i may decline romantic requests for scooby-doo characters since they're not adults in all continuities.
SCOOBY-DOO (all except hbo velma): Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, Scoobert "Scooby-Doo" Doobert, Fred Jones, Velma Dinkley, Daphne Blake, Thorn, Luna, Dusk, Vincent van Ghoul
G1 MONSTER HIGH: Frankie Stein, Clawdeen Wolf, Draculaura, Lagoona Blue, Cleo de Nile, Ghoulia Yelps, Deuce Gorgon, Clawd Wolf, Toralei Stripe, Scarah Screams, Abbey Bominable, Spectra Vondergeist, Operetta, Venus McFlytrap, C.A. Cupid, Nefera de Nile, Mr. D'eath, G. Reaper, Ms. Kindergrubber, Mr. Rotter, Mr. Where
G3 MONSTER HIGH: ---coming soon
SONIC BOOM: ---coming soon
LOVE, DEATH & ROBOTS: ---coming soon
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{...video games...}
MARIO FRANCHISE: Mario, Luigi, Pauline, Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Princess Rosalina, Yoshi, Bridette, Bowser, King Boo, Wario, Waluigi, Vivian, Goombella, Madame Flurrie, Lady Bow
FALLOUT NEW VEGAS: Courier 6, Arcade Gannon, Craig Boone, Lily Bowen, Raul Tejada, Sharon Cassidy, Veronica Santangelo, ED-E, Rex, Christine Royce, Dean Domino, Joshua Graham, Benny 'Gecko', Legate Lanius, Robert House, Ulysses (MORE COMING SOON)
FALLOUT 3: The Lone Wanderer, Butch Deloria, Charon, Clover, Cross, Dogmeat, Fawkes, Jericho, RL-3 (MORE COMING SOON)
FALLOUT 4: Nate, Nora, Cait, Codsworth, Curie, Danse, Deacon, Dogmeat, John Handcock, Nick Valentine, Piper Wright, Preston Garvey, Ada, Old Longfellow, Porter Gage, Bobbi No-Nose, Desdemona, Erikson, Ham, Irma, Kent Connolly, KL-E-0, Pickman, Red Tourette, Swan, Tinker Tom, Travis Miles, Vault-Tec Rep, Whitechapel Charlie (MORE COMING SOON)
COD: COLD WAR: Bell, Russell Adler, Lawrence Sims, Frank Woods, Alex Mason, Dimitri Belikov, Perseus, Vikhor "Stich" Kuzmin
RAINBOW SIX SIEGE: ---coming soon
APEX LEGENDS: ---coming soon
OVERWATCH: Soldier 76, Reinhardt, Sojourn, Mercy, Winston, Tracer, Genji, Mei, Brigitte, Echo, Lucio, Pharah, Zarya, D.Va, Baptiste, Bastion, Doomfist, Moria, Reaper, Widowmaker, Sombra, Sigma, Ramattra, Junker Queen, Roadhog, Junkrat, Wrecking Ball, Hanzo, Ashe, B.O.B., Symmetra, Lifeweaver, Zenyatta, Orisa, Illari , Venture
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teddy-boar · 3 months
(no one asked for this, but im still gonna cuz im bored)
LOST characters as DnD classes
Jack: Atheist Cleric, 1 lvl of Paladin after he starts believeing
Kate: Rogue/Ranger
Sawyer: Gunslinger/Fighter
Locke: Druid/Ranger/Paladin
Sayid: Artificer/Fighter
Sun: Druid
Jin: Fighter
Michael: Artificer/Rogue
Walt: Warlock (patron: Man in Black)
Charlie: Bard
Hurley: Bard/Warlock (patron: the Numbers)
Claire: NPC (I'm sorry, i love her I do, but they don't let her do shit the whole show) or I guess, 1 lvl of Ranger after she went crazy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Shannon: gained 1 singular level of sorcerer before she croaked
Boone: Jack of all trade, a lil bit of Monk/Fighter/Ranger/Cleric, master of none
Danielle: Ranger
Ana Lucia: Barbarian (Michelle typecast as an angry barbarian RIP)
Mr. Eko: the most stereotypical Paladin
Libby: Cleric
Bernard & Rose: lovely ol' NPC couple who aid the adventurers on their journey
Desmond: Rogue/Warlock (patron: Fate)
Penny: Wizard
Juliet: Sorcerer/Cleric
Ben: Bastard (not a class, just a bastard)/Wizard
Naomi: Paladin
Daniel: Wizard (if there is ever anyone more wizard than that greasy jittery man, I will eat my shorts)
Charlotte: Ranger
Miles: Necromancer wizard
Frank: Bard
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simptasia · 2 years
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LOST + text posts part 150
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lostfan23 · 6 months
Who will help you survive the island?
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💥 You've crashed on The Island! 💥
Who will help you survive? Use your battery percentage to find out! Be sure to share your results with us in the comments below 🗾🔋
Courtesy of the amazing Hannah Fox
Credit to the Facebook group "LOST SHAMBALA" Hannah Fox.
Nyahaha I got Ben. My chances are great (as long as he doesn't seem me disposable).
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fist-of-vengeance · 4 months
john locke is such an absolute nutjob and im obsessed with him. imagine having the world's most horrendous daddy issues and chosing to cope with this by forcibly adopting everyone you meet. even if they already have a father. john saw micheal's dysfunctional relationship with walt and went "okay, my son now." charlie's struggling with addiction? adoption time. oh claire's mad at him? i am her dad now and also im raising aaron. boone? my son. this random hitchhiker? my son. dude is collecting surrogate children like pokemon, and he's not even a good father figure. he frequently causes problems for the people in question. BUT BY GOD HE DOES NOT LET THAT STOP HIM
that cop eddie knew all he needed to do was get in john's car and trauma dump about his shitty father and john would immediately go "okay yeah you're my son now."
ben probably could've manipulated him twice as effectively if he used this strategy, but instead he was too busy projecting his own daddy issues by trying to make john kill his abusive dad like he did. meanwhile john is reliving the cycle getting conned by ben over and over again just like he trusted his father. they're competing in the daddy issues olympics and no one is winning
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oceanic316 · 1 year
A very short analysis of all* the dads and daddy issues on lost
*Considering every character that was a main character
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Charles widmore- complete sociopath in many ways, only met Daniel when he was an adult to manipulate him into going to the island on which he would be killed by his mother which Charles witnessed
Split up with his mother at some point, was clearly left with a nanny frequently enough to kill her, definitely has unresolved issues with his dead stepfather as he fell in love with the stepsister
Very obvious dad issues from being raised without him present. Did get to meet him but he was a bit of a dick tbh. I guess he did love him but too little too late
Little known about his dad but only his mum was looking after Walt off island. His role as a dad could be interpreted as daddy issues
Ana Lucia
Deffo has mommy issues but the lack of clear father figure points to possible daddy issues as does her time with Christian
Goes to shithole island to try to discover her father who was never there. Clearly has daddy issues regardless of her fathers (unknown) quality.
Has issues but there’s every chance they are NOT daddy issues. Good for him
He’s dead and his widow is a terrible stepmother. Daddy issues up to here-may have contributed to her sleeping with her brother
He had to raise his siblings so this points again to an absent (at the very least emotionally) father. Daddy issues
Had to raise his brother suggesting a largely absent father who wasn’t around much
Blew up her real father due to his general terribleness, her stepfather was in the army so probably has issues over him not being around all that much even though he seems like an alright guy
Jacks daddy issues regarding Christian are basically a main plot point of the show and even made it into the finale. Points to Christian for feeding into a lot of the characters daddy issues
Dear Mr Sawyer… probably the nastiest daddy issues, doesn’t really get much worse than murder suicide with your kid under the bed. All of sawyers bad bits are due to his daddy issues. Also has daddy issue ties to Christian and Anthony
Attempted murder was a pretty bad look from Anthony as was the kidney theft. Anthony traveled across the world giving kids daddy issues left right and centre, despite only Locke being shown as his biological kid
Skeletor was not a great dad and is a key reason captain bunny killer is so messed up. Also bens habit of adopting children (Ethan, Alex) is likely linked to his own crappy upbringing
His dad the war hero gave him some toxic masculinity problems, sayid not killing a chicken is our only main clue but it was pretty dark
Like everything involving Libby’s past, her parents are a big mystery. She does have dead husband issues?
Mr Paik for sure messed Sun up. His treatment of Jin and his general murdery tendency affected sun not only as a child but also screwed up her marriage
Jins dad is the nicest guy on the list, but jin had intense daddy issues due to his shame and being raised by a single father.
Christian really putting it out of the park here! Being the result of an affair involving an American doctor cannot have been fun and his absence in her life probably didn’t help with her wanting to give Aaron up. Also may have contributed to her not trusting Charlie that much
David Reyes is an asshole, but he’s a pretty run of the mill, leave my family and don’t come back til there’s money, but he made the most effort to fix things. Hugo has big daddy issues tho
Pretty standard daddy issues but her parents divorce clearly stayed with her and led her into some pretty unhealthy relationships later on in life
Charlie’s dad seems like quite a nice guy if I’m honest but his older brother messed him up enough I’m happy to say Charlie has something very close emotionally to daddy issues
Too much of an enigma for a strong analysis but imma go out on a limb and say yes
I don’t think so?
She seems pretty well adjusted so I think no
Everyone on the island has been his dad at some point- probably missed Walt his original dad a lot
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lowcountry-gothic · 9 months
That's it for the Lost tarot cards. I wish I'd finished the deck, at least the major arcana. Maybe I'll do it one of these days.
If anyone's curious about which characters/scenarios the rest of the cards were going to feature, I put the list from my notes app under the cut.
Temperance: Hurley (holding jars of ranch dressing and peanut butter) The Devil: The Man in Black (obviously) The Tower: the plane crash, broken apart and in mid-fall The Star: Claire, holding a banded seagull by the shore The Moon: Kate (white toy airplane on one side, black horse on her other) The Sun: Desmond...but I already used him for the Lovers, so I probably wouldn't have ultimately gone with him. But I love the image of him with his golden smile and surrounded with the white light from right after he turned the failsafe key Judgement: the church scene in the finale The World: the Heart of the Island
Torches (Wands): 1. Eko's stick 2. Jack chasing "his father" through the jungle 3. Jack staring at the ocean under the Lighthouse 4. Reunion scenes 5. Either Michael and Jin or Sawyer and Sayid fighting 6. Charlie, Hurley, & Jin driving the Dharma van 7. Jack vs. Locke, torches crossed Eko confronting the monster 8. The trek to the radio tower 9. Michael carrying an armful of bamboo towards the unfinished raft 10. Pushing the completed raft towards the ocean Page: Charlotte Knight: Richard Alpert Queen: Ana Lucia King: Christian Shephard
Bottles (Cups): 1. The cup Jacob's mother gives him 2. Either Hurley and Libby on the beach, or Shannon and Sayid 3. Hurley, Charlie, & Desmond drinking MacCutcheon on the beach 4. Lapidus in Eleuthera before he sees the "wreckage" of 815 5. Jack doing the dishes as Sarah leaves him 6. Cindy playing with Zach & Emma 7. Locke imagining what's inside the hatch door (Twinkies, supplies, hope, etc.) 8. Ben leaving Dharma to join the Others 9. Sawyer giving Juliet the flower in the Barracks 10. Hurley's surprise party with his parents and the Oceanic Six Page: Shannon Knight: Yemi Queen: Penny King: David Reyes
Knives (Swords): 1. Locke's hunting knife 2. Ana Lucia with Sayid tied up after Shannon's murder 3. Locke's murder (with the extension cord knot forming a heart) 4. Jack asleep, having been drugged by Kate 5. Michael leaving on the boat with Walt 6. The Oceanic Six coming ashore on Membata 7. Nikki & Paolo with the diamonds and spiders 8. Sawer or Kate, locked in the Hydra cages 9. "We have to go back!" 10. Juliet with the Jughead core Page: Walt Knight: Pierre Chang Queen: Eloise Hawking King: Faraday
Coins (but with Dharma logos) 1. Hurley's lottery ticket 2. Pressing the button (balancing that with sleep, exercise, etc.) 3. Charlie helping Eko build the church 4. Sawyer's stash 5. Shannon asking Boone for money in her bedroom 6. Hurley handing out DHARMA food from the Swan 7. Sun tending her garden 8. Sayid fixing the transceiver 9. Hurley listening to records in the Swan 10. Rose and Bernard in their "retirement" with Vincent Page: Libby Knight: Cassidy Phillips Queen: Carmen Reyes King: Charles Widmore
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