#and big elf ears ofc
wildmelon · 6 months
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this is ABSURDLY late, like a month late, but i'm cleaning out my downloads & just found this picrew i made and forgot to post the last time there was a chain goin around but it's cute so i'm just going to drop it here lol. and thank u cuties @wrixie @buttertrait and @spurgees for tagging me much love <3333 here's the link if anyone else wants to play !!!
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yanderehsr · 11 months
Hii! How r u? How was ur dai? About the oc thing...Could I prety please with cherry on top get a platonic platonic Furina, Ei, Nahidaand Venti with a reader that is like a elf? Idk, how to explain it, so I am gonna add a picture to how I wiev it:
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Her name is Eclipsa and has white hair and pointy ears(ofc since she is an elf). And I dont mean like Santa's elfs, I mean the ones from greek and romanian mytology.
About the bakstory: Lets just say that she is the daughter of The Heavenly Principels(lets just call her THP bc I am lazy) (ik it sounds cringe but hear me out😭) and since THP was not all the lovey dovey tipe and probably VERY bad with children (maybe even hate them idk, I really cant see her motherly) she just decided to throe her to Tyvat into the care of the archons untill she was old enough (16 years old) to come to Celestia (bacically be mature since she doesnt want a cryng baby around). Eclipsa is growing, just like Klee slower (there is a theorh that says that Klee is 80 but is also 8 bc she is growing 10 times slower than normal) and everu 100 it adds 1 year rlto her age. Now, lets say that when she was 10(1000) she overheared somebody say that the archons dont actually like her (like parental figures ofc) and that they probably just cang get rid of her. She actually belivd them like a dumb child that she is and ran away (opened a portal to another world and dissapeared without anybody's knoladge). Now, lets just say for the sake of this au to make it more interesting (maybe more cringe but I am having fun ok?😭) that the disaster from Khaenri'ah happened bc the person occ heared it was a khaenriah'n and THP since finding this out was like "OH HELL NAHH" and this iz the reason they destroyd Khaenria'h. THP gave the archons untill Eclipsa was to turn 16 to find her. Well, now, at 15, she randomply (and awkwardly) came back. (Maybe she finally got into her head the ideea of checking Irmansole to see if the archons truly hated her and surprise surprise, ints not true). Now, imagine the characters meeting Occ in their nation. For Venti- at windrise, for Ei in the city (near the statue), for Nahida just at the spirit tree (maybe one of her little friends passed that message for her) and for Furina(back when she was still an archon) she was told from Neuvillette that he sensed Occ's presence(lets just say that higher ups are aware of Eclipsa's existance, including Furina. Perhaps she has read about Oc in one of the books she read to find a solution to Fontaine's profecy).
Also, I imagine ooc to look like this when she was little(I just love this fanart sm😭):
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(One thing to note is that none of theres fanarts are mine, and idk who they are from to credit them. Also te line I made was bc there was some writting on that picture and I didnt want it to be out of the context:>)
About personalit I see her as somebody who is quite the drama queen and loves attention 24/7. She loves pulling pranks all the time and also like annoyng people, but in a joking way. Hoever I see her as somebody who has her moments of understanding and is quite the menance to societity(pretty mhch like how Klee is). About her powers, she is developing since young THP's powers but since she is not even 18, its definetly not as affective.
Anyways, I know it might be a weird request or cringe, and maybe I wrote too much, or gave too little information. Also, I am VERY sorry if you cant undrtstand this request, english is not my first language and I pretty much have dyslexia(not bad one tough, I am still working on correcting mynself :D) and I tried to make sure I made as little mistakes as posible but its hard to spot them when its a big paragraphe, uk? therfor you are always free to ignore thiz request, hopw you have a nice day and good luck writting so many requests. Also, congrats on 1k followrs!! :D
...Did I just read an entire fanfiction XD, I will gladly write this, and thanks for the congrats😆
Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Furina: She knows almost nothing about her, Neuvillette doesn't seem to remember anything about her and there are no books about it, hell the only reason she knows about Eclipsa is because Focalors thought of it as important that she knew about The Heavenly Principles daughter if she was going to act as an archon.
Furina's first meeting with Eclipsa is when Neuvillette is showing her around, it was instant love... not the romantic kind, the platonic kind, Eclipsa looked like a doll, so perfect to dress up, so perfect to have around, Furina feels lonely and Eclipsa makes her feel whole again, so she takes what she wants.
Furina dislikes The Heavenly Principles, she would be happy if she was hated by them, her performance is over either way, the profecy is fullfilled, is it really so wrong of her to be selfish... you will see Furina run around Fontaine with Eclipse causing havoc, as long as she is with her she doesn't feel lonely, and now she never will
"Y-you aren't leaving me right, right... ANSWER ME PLEASE... I'm sorry for yelling, I just don't wanna lose a friend so dear, you can understand, right?"
Raiden Ei: The day Eclipsa dissapeared was the day her sister died... not only did she lose her very own sister, she also lost someone she practically viewed as a daughter, she had never felt such horrible pain before, so she shut herself away as to not feel it again.
So many years spent in isolation, all Ei could think about was her sister and Eclipsa, she swore if she could just get them back, she would protect them both with her life, she just wants things to go back to normal, like it used to be.
So many years had passed that Ei nearly didn't recognize Eclipsa, she had so many questions for her, but she didn't say a single one... screw The heavenly Principles, she was going to protect her as best she could, Eclipsa don't even get a chance to talk before she was shut inside the plane of Euthymia.
"So long, you have been away for 500 long years... but that's okay, you're here now, I'll make sure you not come to harm like what happened to Makoto"
Nahida: She doesn't have much knowledge of Eclipsa, she isn't recorded in the Irminsul, all the knowledge Nahida has of her is what her predecessor left for her she didn't forget, she is confused why Eclipsa isn't around... did she dissapear or worse, did she die?
Nahida is confussed when she feels Eclipsa's precence by the Irminsul, it feels familiar but she can't figure out why, of course like the curious 500 year old child she is, she went to figure out what caused such familiarity... Nahida knew who it was the second she laid eyes on her, this is who she is supposed to protect like the Greater Lord she once did.
Nahida asks a lot of questions, why is she here? Why was she gone? Eclipsa is now her favorite subject to learn about, Nahida takes up some kind of little sister role to stay close with her, she needs to know everything, feed her ever-growing curiosity, maybe one day she will introduce Eclipsa to the Wanderer... but that can be later, Nahida wants to be selfish for a bit longer.
"Curious, you being here fills me with a feeling like... like a hole, you fall down it everyday and it just feels so annoying, then suddenly someone has covered it up and I don't feel annoyance anymore... You need to stay with me for a bit longer, I need to figure out why"
Venti: He isn't all that interested in following The Heavenly Principles orders, but he still did as to not occur her wrath... he did not expect to take care of a child, he wasn't the best, he got constantly drunk, never took anything serious, except for protecting Eclipsa from any danger.
It was no surprise that Venti felt such fear and despair when Eclipsa dissapeared, he had lost yet another loved one... why does he still care, it always happens anyways, no relation lasts forever, no matter how much he tries to drown the memory of her in even more alcohol, it doesn't work
That's when Venti notices her precence, after 500 long painful years, is she finally back? Is this his second chance. He meets Eclipsa at windrise, she look just as well as when she dissapeared... He doesn't care what The Heavenly Principles thinks or wants, he will keep Ecilpsa safe and away from her, He will keep that smile on her no matter what.
"It sure has been a while hasn't it, soooo how have you been, hope you missed me for I have missed you"
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mrghostrat · 3 months
I saw that Q&A post you made, where you linked proof of that one person stealing your comic. That sucks, I’m sorry!! 😣
What is your opinion/boundary when it comes to using your art as inspiration or reference, or even tracing? Obvi that particular person straight up copied whole drawings of yours many times, and that’s an extreme case where it’s easy to see that they’re far out of bounds. But what would you consider to be acceptable use/tracing of references, using your work as reference? Thx in advance!!
thank you, and thank you for asking! 💛 (edit: the happy ending to that theft btw)
i separate my fan art from my original art in my head, since fan art so often breaches containment and a lot of people treat it like a community thing, i’ve adjusted my boundaries around it for my own ease.
in short: you can do whatever you want with my good omens fan art. obviously prefer if credit is given where possible, always given if asked, and always displayed clearly if you’re tracing it for whatever reason.
i’m a little more protective of my original art, so i hope this makes sense:
you can trace my original art if you’re giving it to me as fan art of my work. people have done “redraws” before and i love them.
i’m ofc okay with the kind of inspiration that comes up naturally, like, “oh i love how that elf has big floppy bunny ears, i wanna give my elf ears like that!” and same goes for anything that my art might inspire, that you then tweak for yourself
i generally wouldn’t recommend copying my poses 1:1 anyway, since my anatomy can be pretty borked at times, and when it’s stronger i’ve likely used a photo reference. you’re welcome to ask for the references i’ve used for any given piece 💛
slightly less related but you CAN use my original art for icons and banners, but credit is mandatory. i would also prefer if it’s only characters that appear in my stories (rechargeable, paranomads etc), bc i think i’d feel weird if someone used a free floating OC (mister b, my vampire lesbians etc) as a pfp
you can also do whatever the hell you want, no boundaries, if you’re keeping it to yourself. i’ll never know and can’t stop you. so if tracing all my work helps you further your art (i’d hope it’s not the only thing you’re doing, or it’d be to your artistic detriment), i’m fine with that if you’re keeping it metaphorically tucked under your mattress, for your eyes only ☺️
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Back at it again with another Sanders Sides fanart post. This time we have Roman drawing the others the way he sees them, plus a little bonus of my special details and him drawing himself again!!
(is it obvious that I love him?)
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First have Virgil drawn by Roman!! He gave him pointy elf ears because he loves him he has an affinity for woodland mythical creatures. I chose that one famous Virgil picture of Thomas on his chair, you know the one. I also gave Virgil some piercings, went a little bold. Ofc Roman wouldn't dare hide Virgil's beautiful big eyes behind his bangs, so they are a little more sparce.
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Next we have Patton, and am I proud of this one!! Funny how Roman drew Patton so when you first see this drawing you think he's happy looking at you but instead his gaze turns more and more critical the more you look back. Hmm. Pretty sure that's just nothing. Roman drew everyone a little bigger than they drew themselves, however he didn't draw Patton any arms (totally not because he's tired of being manipulated by him)
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Moving on, we have Logan!! Another dissapointed face, poor Logan, he must be dealing with Roman wayy too much. His hair is still neat but not as neat and Roman has definitely taken note of something lurking in the background.
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Remus is always very fun to draw, but even though he lacks the mean look of my previous post, he is as unsettling looking as ever before. You could be naive enough to attribute his blackened fingers to paint (it's blood though) and you could also try to make up an excuse about me not knowing how to draw mouths (very true) but he does have a creepy dark smile. All of that, of course, according to Roman. I do appreciate how he drew him in his jazz "Jeffrey Dahmer" pose though, he still can recognise his brother's creativity.
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Ah, Janus, our favourite lying fibber. Roman has an affinity for threatics, because he really accentuated that "dark" side of our favourite...side. His eyes are sharp and jydgy and instead of hands, he is given his beautiful snakes on his right arm. One with a halo on, one with some evil sparks. Totally nothing to look at here. (Also love how he gave all dark sides a little winged eyeliner, including Virgil)
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If the previous post was about how Roman would draw himself, this one is probably how Roman would draw himself if no one was around. Instead of having a regal appearance and a side profile, he's all badazzled with imperfect sparks on his (badly) drawn fingertips. His outfit is a mess, his hair is curlier than anyone's but he smiles so so much. Poor boy just wants to let his creativity free. (he doesn't know in order to do that, he will need the help of his brother). It's a canon event, you can't interfere.
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gilyoungroach · 8 months
I love how it's just silently agreed that galra Keith is literally just a big cat.
like oh yea Keith purrs, ofc, why wouldn't he? and yea he does that omega nest thing cause yk...it's Keith duh and no doi he has sharp teeth and nails I mean...it's a galra thing that's been unanimously decided
he even has fluffy ears in his galra form but its not like it's ever actually canon, I mean most galra have the pointy elf ears , and his mom doesn't have the fluffy ears either, but Keith does
cus it's keith...duh
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mymelodymia · 10 months
so I was thinking like Christmas eve traditions with the schmidt family? And reader as the middle child, age...14 please
She/her. After the movie. Thank you 😊
Schmidt Christmas Headcannons // schmidt!reader
**not a ship**
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Summary: christmas with the schmidts
Warnings: like 1 curse word, but I think that's it
Age: 14
A/N: this is my first time trying headcannons so sorry if this sucks
>Christmas was always a great time of year
>especially in the schmidt family
>Mike would ALWAYS have something planned
>whether it was just sitting in a park
>or going to an amusement park (abby finally ate her dinner)
>he would always take you and Abby to see Santa at the mall
>and get ice cream ofc
>abby tried the "rainbow explosion" flavor
>which she indeed went crazy for 🤭
>you also opened one present on the night before christmas
>it was usually a small gift to sooth your excitement somehow like a necklace or pajamas to wear for the morning
>but it put the biggest smiles on your faces seeing them open the small boxes
>these little traditions was what made Christmas your favorite holiday
>you also watched "polar express" on Christmas eve while drinking hot cocoa before bed
Because my family does and cause I said so lol
>you all worked together on making the biggest snowman in the neighborhood on the front lawn
>this tradition ALWAYS caused arguments
"No your not doing it right"
"Abby no you cant use your bed sheet as a scarf"
"Abby, y/n get the biggest rocks and sticks you can find"
"Y/n i said a big stick not i fcking tree branch"
"This might even be bigger then last year! And the year before that! And the year before that! And the year before that!"
"Do you think its legal to use the neighbors oak tree as the left arm?"
"Im coollddd!"
"I cant feel my legs!"
"Have you ever wanted to stab someone with an icicle?"
*y/n chasing after abby with an icicle*
>and so on....
>you and Abby would always use Mike as your portable heater
>image after the whole snowman situation going inside to watch home alone and snuggle up against Mike to warm up
>he'd have his arms around both of you
>your heads resting on his shoulder or chest
>and obviously getting Vanessa a gift
>Mike getting her a hootie that he had soaked in his cologne for it to smell like him
I ship them so hard bro
>on the morning of Christmas abby and you would wake up as early as possible
>like 5 am kinda early
>you would both jump on him to wake him up
>but before you and Abby even looked at the presents, or the tree, or the half eaten cookies, you'd both immediately search for the elf on the shelf
>that abby and you named gingerbread
>watching you and Abby rip open your presents was literally Mike's favorite part
>seeing the joy on your faces
>you, abby, Mike, and Vanessa, would definitely have an ugly sweater competition
>you and Abby most definitely acted like spies when it came to Mike's presents
>at the end of the day before bed, you'd both lock each other in the bathroom so Mike couldn't hear your secret meeting
>he heard all of it
>it was either the fact that neither of you had a "whispering voice" or because he was sitting at the door with his ear pressed against it like a little kid
>but christmas was always a great time for all of you
>at dinner, you would all hold hands and say grace, including Vanessa
>this reminded Mike of his life before Garrett was taken
>which always ended up in him holding back tears and you and Abby secretly comforting him under the table or squeezing his hand or something
>he didn't wanna cry in front of his girl
>you'd all have a little town-drife-thru-to-find-christmas-lights-on-peoples-houses session
>once you were all home you'd cuddle and watching one last Christmas movie before bed
@white-wolf-buckaroo //
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itsgirlcraft · 9 days
Heyoooo :D back at it with a double helping of Stevetember!!
Today I bring you day 16: offering, ft. RQ Light and Shy, and day 26: lackey, ft. My Red Steve OC and SS Nightmare!
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So first is day 16!! Took some quotes from ep 42 (?) of RQ with this! Light n Shy my beloveds..,. Shy is the left half, Light is on the right! It's fun trying to figure out how to "translate" each half across to the other one. Yknow, keep his body type and face the same without making either one look strange.
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And the other one! Okay so this OC, her name's B, has a funny story around her- she's actually from a goofy ahh dream I had!
So basically Nightmare ended up on this floating island in the sky, where he has this lab facility. He experimented and created B there, sorta like Positive and Negative's whole bit, but B is just a Red Steve. However, she has really big, long ears- longer than even Nightmare's. Eventually she found out about his past evils, and rebelled against him.
But since she's still quite new, and thus doesn't know much about the world, she can't leave the island. Instead, she hides in the maintenance shafts, sabotaging his work. I decided to interpret her as being a hybrid of a Rainbow Quest Red Steve and a Steve Saga Red Steve, though the dream didn't actually explain her origins.
But that's just HER backstory, that I kinda added onto after I woke up. The actual dream was a lot more vague. So, at first, we're watching these two groups going through this incredibly long, straight, dark tunnel together. But some invisible barrier kept the two groups from actually touching, but they could still talk with one another. But here's- here's the thing. So, group A consisted of: Steve Saga Galaxy, Steve Saga Rainbow, Steve Saga Sabre, Twisted Rainbow Elite (Shadow Sabre form), AND Luna the dog from Alux Rising. Group B...was literally the exact same, except gender swapped. I remember genderswap!Rainbow wearing this really pretty white dress with these colorful splotches on it, like this:
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With the colors all mixing and stuff, it was smoother than this, tho. And the two groups are trying to figure out 1, why there's two of them, and 2, how to get outta this tunnel. But then they come to the end of it finally, but it somehow leads into Nightmare's facility. When they get out of the tunnel, it vanishes behind them.
The non-swapped group ends up getting caught by Nightmare and TR Assistant Steve, who is somehow working for him?? And B sees the gender swapped group and teams up with them to rescue the others. As Nightmare takes the others, he says something about "catching that elf-eared Red Steve," and something about "S+M"??
I interpreted M as, ofc, TR M, since Elite was there. Perhaps M had been friendly with B, and then Night captured him and reworked/fixed Assistant so he'd listen to Nightmare only. And so the dream ended with the one group getting captured, and B meeting the gender swapped group. I added onto it, that B explained herself down in the maintenance shafts first. Then they made a plan of rescue. Once they escaped, they talked more about what was happening, and that M was trying to break Assistant out of Nightmare's control.
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
task force 141 + home decorations
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra, John Price
Warnings: mentions of the dismal housing market
A/N: should probably be studying for physics but GAHDHDHHSHS thanks so much to everyone for ur kind messages im feeling so much better
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kyle "gaz" garrick:
ok so i know i said these were home decorations
but guys let's be real
u really think gaz has a house?
in this economy?
he's got a nice apartment in london tho
he rents it out when he's on missions
but even though he has no house he still decorates the inside
plus the building always sets up lights along the roof and sidewalks
but enough dilly dallying onto gaz fr now
as we've established he's a bit of a nerd so he likes finding christmas versions of figurines and putting them around his place
if he can't find one he'll just smack a santa hat or elf ears on it and call it a day
he also keeps an elf on the shelf hidden around his apartment in case his younger siblings ever swing by
he'll set up string lights along the mantle
but since he has so much color from all the figurines he prefers a solid color light like white or maybe blue or if he's feeling crazy
he gets the biggest tree that can fit in his apartment which is still pretty small unfortunately
but he decks it out with all kinds of nerdy ornaments and figurines
his family also makes ornaments together every year so a lot of his ornaments are from that
if it's not feeling too cramped he'll put in tinsel and banners
but he likes to keep it at least a little classy
he doesn't want it to look like christmas vomited all over his house
john "soap" mactavish:
soap does want it to look like christmas vomited all over his house
im not gonna lie i can't tell if soap has a house or an apartment
on one hand i just feel like a house would be more reasonable at his age
but on the other hand idk if soap's mature enough to have a house
actually imma be fr idek how old soap is
but i could see him inheriting a nice house from his family
yeah let's go with that
he loves to go ham with christmas decorations
the outside always has all kinds of colorful lights lining the sidewalk, roof, and fence
and yes they're multicolored and flash on and off
he has the icicle lights for his fence because he thinks they look cool
and he has a bunch of inflatables of santa, the reindeer, the presents, etc.
onto the inside
pretty much the same as the outside ngl
lots of lights along the stairs and the walls
tinsel, banners, wreaths galore
and ofc he gets the biggest tree that will fit in his house
and he loves real trees
and then he decorates that with all kinds of ornaments
half of them are sentimental half of them he bought at walmart
he also has the candy cane lights down his sidewalk idk why i feel the need to add that but i do
simon "ghost" riley:
ok so ghost's decorations surprisingly do exist
it's not so much that it makes him feel festive
but when he was a kid he loved walking down the street and seeing all the lights so he decorates his house so that another kid can have that feeling
he likes the classic look of white string lights all around
so he'll just line his roof and sidewalks with that
but other than that that's about it for the inside
the inside is pretty sad too im ngl
he has a tiny little christmas tree tho
it's not big enough to put any presents under
but gaz always gifts him ornaments so he hangs those up along with a tiny star
it's pretty sweet ngl
tbh ghost's entire house is usually really empty
part of it's bc he just moved out from an apartment bc it was getting annoying having to pay rent when he wasn't even there
lord knows he's too paranoid to sublet
and another part is just that he really has nothing much to put in his house
so it's like overwhelmingly empty except that one spot with the tree
john price:
ok so i feel like price definitely lives in a cabin in the wilderness
what can i say he's living his 'little house on the prairie' dreams
except it's not a prairie but u get the idea
so he doesn't really decorate the outside because he doesn't want to draw attention and besides it's not like anyone will see
but on the inside it's nice and quant and christmasy
he has the fireplace on like 24/7
and he lines the mantle with christmas lights and tinsel
he likes to put sprigs of holly around his house because he thinks they're pretty
and of course you know he cuts down his own christmas tree
he doesn't line it with ornaments tho because after christmas he chops it up for firewood and it's too much of a hassle in his opinion
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
okay it shouldn't be a surprise that rudy loves decorating
honestly in a weird way i can see him still living with his family
but not in a like discord mod way in a "he loves his family so much" kind of way
plus it's just financially stable let's be real
again having a house in this economy?
idk man
actually no i lied im a liar
rudy has his own apartment but he returns home for christmas
anyways he always helps his family decorate
they put up lights along the outside of the house
and ofc they have a fake tree they put up too
i think rudy and his family always make a wreath together every year to hang on their door
idek if that's a tradition but i like it
actually i feel like rudy's parents would be pretty religious
so they definitely have a nativity scene along the mantle or something
and rudy simultaneously gives younger and older sibling energy
so i have a solution
i feel rudy grew up with an older brother and sister
and so they both had kids so now rudy has a bunch of nieces and nephews
and he loves them more than anything
and so there's so many stockings on the mantle
alejandro vargas:
alejandro's decorating style is actually more similar to ghost's i think
he really likes the classy look of white lights
so like ghost he goes for a bright white exterior
but he brings some soul into the exterior
alejandro actually prefers fake trees
he doesn't like the way real trees shed
plus it's just a hassle to take care of in his opinion
he has a lot of ornaments from rudy's family
and a lot of ornaments from target or something equivalent
he also spends a lot of time making sure that the tree is decorated as aesthetically pleasing as possible
oh yeah and ofc alejandro has a house
he is the king of making smart financial decisions
even in this economy
he likes using holly, mistletoe, honestly all the christmas plants in his house
and pine cones?
don't even get him started man
he lives for those things it's insane
you could be chilling at his house in august and find a pine cone left behind from christmas
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socdarlings · 1 year
i want to know more about your boiling hot takes about transfem dallas i am enamored 😇😇
alright here we go. this is gonna be a long one. tw for transphobia/dysphoria. these are just my own headcanons, some abt his family, etc. i’ll be using she/her and he/him interchangeably
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transfem dally hcs
okay so first off he goes by he/she/they, though he would melt inside if ppl started using she/her for him. i’d imagine it’d be from the gang
pretty much had a feeling she was trans since they were a kid, he stole his sister’s dolls and tried to put on his mother’s dresses when she wasn’t around. had to stop cuz he got caught by his older brother, who’s an ultra masculine douchebag
i feel like this’ll happen no matter what au he’s in (canon, modern au, 80’s or 90’s au, etc) considering he didn’t exactly have the best background
so he never got to explore their gender and was practically forced to shove it down and not tell anyone. ofc this led to him being very secretive and defensive abt his masculinity, where he dials it up extremely when he’s a teen. which is one of the reasons why he’s so angsty in the novel
also being masculine and putting up the tough guy act protected her from the rest of the world, and most importantly: being validated by men. even if she wants to distance herself away from masculinity, internally there will still be that conflict of wanting to be appealing to men
again no matter what au he’s in, i feel like there’d be transphobia everywhere. unfortunately
started growing out his hair and styled it like how those old 80’s supermodel’s used to do it, with the blow dryers and hairsprays. my fav portrayal of dallas is him having really poofy blonde hair (think @/felworthless’ art)
her hair is her pride. absolutely refuses to cut it
is actually quite proud of a little bit of her features, like her ears and her long eyelashes. likes being compared to an elf since elves are always seen as feminine. once somebody drunkenly said she looked like a fairy and her happiness levels? shot through the roof
i feel like she’d start wearing dresses and makeup as a joke on halloween and then continue to wear them in private
actually really likes hair clips. hair clips, berets, hairbands, etc. (if this is a 90’s au, she really likes those butterfly clips)
they would come out to the gang and i’d imagine they’d be confused but accepting
and he’d try coming out to tim who would go like
“we’ve been knew”
would steal sylvia’s perfume and makeup. she also likes smelling sweet, hence the extremely strong strawberry scent i hc she smells like
he wishes he was smaller tho. they feel like it’d be easier to pass if they were johnny or pony’s height
in the future i can see her as an adult either working odd jobs or in radio. i feel like she has that unhinged radio personality, like howard stern’s show in the 90’s
wouldn’t be out out considering the. absolutely difficult circumstances of being trans in the south but within the gang? yeah they’d be really happy. one of the actual few times they’d see them smile w/o it being menacing
likes pink things. pink or red things. also really likes stuffed animals
anything that’s “girly” or “feminine” he really likes
once he came out two-bits been calling him any blonde model he could think of (which was easy since there was a lot of platinum blonde models in the 50’s)
and she’s not opposed to it. not at all
even tried dressing up as marilyn monroe for halloween
in fact i think marilyn monroe and jayne mansfield gave her gender envy big time. maybe was the first time she really wanted to be them
overall. transfem dally my love
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shadebloopnik · 11 months
I keep having these fic ideas that i KNOW will end up sounding like self-insert Mary Sues but i love them anyway????
Like, I had this one fic idea for the hobbit/lotr. So there's this small girl found dirty, injured, half dead, etc. found in the Greenwood. She gets found by the elves and taken to the kingdom until she could wake up. Thranduil finds her and interviews her for her name and stuff, but she can't remember much. The most she can come up with is that her name is Sorano. She looks quite young, but with elves existing, you never really know someone's age right. Still she acts young, so that was something. But ofc she's not just an ordinary girl, shes Special™ (Yes im disgusting, and cliche). So she has this, elvish like traits in her, with her fair skin and slightly pointed ears. Her eyes, tho just as odd as an elf's with their glow, gives off a different vibe, and will LITERALLY glow gold and all when she's in a mood. Her nails are always sharp, she's pretty short for an elf, only barely reaching Legolas' shoulder, has WAYYYYY sharper senses, and she finds herself a bit more durable too.
Sorano ends up getting somewhat adopted Thranduil. Tho he was suspicious, she broke down and was genuinely scared and confused when he found her, and acted so so young that he couldn't help but be a bit sorry. As time grew, he became much fonder of her despite her oddities and came to accept her like a daughter. Tho it was never official, everyone in the wood knew to treat her as their own little secret princess. She gets very close with Legolas as her big brother.
As for Sorano herself, she knows she's different (*cue edgy music lmao jk*) but she never gave it much thought. She loves the Wood and the citizens, even tho she doesn't interact with them alot. She usually enjoys climbing the trees round the woods, her physique letting her cover much more ground faster, letting her explore areas that Thranduil would rather she doesn't for her safety. Basically, picture this elegant and frail looking girl thats lowkey a gremlin.
Yadayada the Company eventually passes through the Woods and she actually helps out in convincing Thranduil to let them go with the promise of proper payment, even volunteering herself to go with them to ensure of no trickery. Thranduil (and Legolas who was hiding in the background the whole time) was expectedly INDIGNANT(i imagine them squawking in offense that she thinks they value her so little and its HILARIOUS for my dead humor.) Eventually she gets to go, and hijinks occur and she ends up helping witth the battles with her secret amazing protagonist powers(lmao there's actually a reason for it but too tired to type)
Ohhhhh and I wanted to pair her with Fili bc he's adorable and I need more fics with him in the main pair
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Remember when I went to the book store and found a disturbing kids book where they had illustrated a girl getting a flattening iron in her face and they drew blood flooding from a boys’ mouth?
I decided to check out the book store again and check out the kids books.
First one I found was ”the princess that did not like princes”
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Did it end with her ending up with another girl instead? Yes. A fairy, even
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So cute.
There was even a line, ”the Princess and her fairy got married and moved to a neighbouring country. To have children was a little hard, but no worse than suceeding”
You heard of horse books. Now let me introduce you to:
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Toy horse books!
Nah I love this idea about horse girls where their horses are actually wooden
Next was this book series about a brunette named Luna (so ofc it caught my attention)
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I thought she was an elf or something first, but it turns out her ears are glowing because she has magical hearing (I guess? Have only skimmed through the book but her ears are magical somehow). And apparently the books flip out because she’s time travelling now too.
I found this pretty funny exchange about stalkers when skimming through pages
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Not gonna translate the whole page, only a part.
Luna has placed herself at the door entrance.
”What’s a stalker?” she asks.
”Someone who is very in love with another person”, dad says.
”You’re making it sound like it’s something nice”, mom scoffs.
”I just wanted to explain it so Luna understands.” Dad looks at Luna. ”In love is maybe the wrong word, it’s more like someone who is very in love in another person.”
”Why is there a bunch of crumbs on the floor?” mom now says and sounds more irritated. ”You were supposed to vacuum? Haven’t you done that?”
Final book I found was this one called ”the rainbow baby”
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I wondered if this was gonna tackle miscarriages, and it was from a child’s perspective imagining their new sibling, that their parents call a ”rainbow baby”, a literal rainbow baby.
But nope.
It starts off with the main character’s dad being pregnant. ”Dads can’t be pregnant but my dad could”
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Then the baby is born and it has a rainbow skin. It could already walk and talk from birth.
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But she’s like ”it’s tedious to have a baby” and tells the baby after 11 sleepless nights ”hey I’ve had enough, I don’t wanna feed and change you and dress you and put you to sleep”
And the baby is like ”Yeah I agree I’m tired of being a baby too”
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”She’d rather want to be big. So we became twins - that’s even more fun. And we don’t care what anyone says about that”.
There the book ends. So in the end this felt like some 5 year old’s made up story that they wrote as a book.
Before I ended my scavenging of random kids books, here’s dolls of Pettson and Findus.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Reading some excellent Merlin fics and got suddenly seized by the urge to make a rendition of Emrys, so here you go!
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Still not entirely sure if I'm leaning more deity!Merlin or just more of a true form/centuries old forgotten his humanity!Merlin. But he came out so well either way 😔
Details! He's got Arthur's mothers sigil on his finger, I couldn't not include that. No room for an actual marking, alas. The gold swirls coming off the grass are my attempts at a magic aura, they're the same colour as his eyes. The butterfly wings are because of his magic blue butterflies he made, and I've always felt they're more symbolic of his true self than, say, a merlin. I'd intended the robes to be more gold but there's only so much yellow you can put on a piece and I wanted to balance the wings. Living laurel crown, ofc. Blue eyeliner to really make it pop, and the gold tattoos invoke a vaguely celtic knot style like the druids and their triskelion. His red neckerchief, of course! Really finished it off. I went with a non human skin, like the magic is just glowing from within. Lengthed his hair because yes. Absolutely. Elf ears to reference his big ears, but ✨magic✨. He's barefoot, too, to live as one with the land. I was torn between a wooden branch and a proper staff, I wanted to give him diolegu from 'from the shadows to the light' which is a REALLY good fic, recommend, but a more natural look worked better here. Nice and simple robes because he doesn't care for pomp and glitter and there you go! I liked the pose I picked as well ^^
Man I wish I could 3d animate these guys.
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brainsforbrunch · 2 years
The Dungeon Master (18+)
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warnings!: smut, 18+, swearing, fluff at the very end, no spoilers (I think!), fem!reader/listener, kink names (slut, whore, good girl, etc.), fingering, penetrative sex, smoking weed, choking, oral sex, reader is 18+!
description: a short smut fic based on (this audio), after teasing you, your DM and neighbor Eddie Munson confronts some hidden feelings
a/n: this is my first real smut writing (it has not been proofread yet so there may be mistakes) I would be glad to do other characters so feel free to leave suggestions (i will do most characters [adults only ofc]) Enjoy! ❤
"Alright guys you get home safe! " Eddie closes the door after saying goodbye to the last of the members and takes a seat back down on the couch with you, taking the lit blunt you had been smoking.
The Hellfire club had just finished off a campaign in Eddie's trailer with an epic battle between your party and a fire elemental. You had done him a solid, helping him clean up after the group, in return you two decided to let off some steam, not like you had to earn his stash anyway.
"Hey, thanks for helping me clean up tonight" Eddie brings the rolled paper to his mouth and takes a long drag
You let out a soft laugh "No, thank you, that session tonight was amazing".
Eddie's eyes light up, he always loves when you enjoy his campaigns " Oh I know, you got so fucking lucky. I mean you completely obliterated that fire elemental, and it was so many more levels than your entire party"
He gives you a big smile and chuckles "I mean who needs power when you're that lucky! Two nat twenties are kidding me" You roll your eyes playfully at his comment.
"You know, I'm really glad you joined the party. It can get pretty dicey with all the testosterone driven egos in the party, I'm glad you enjoy it, get the hang of things"
He shrugs a bit and offers the blunt back to you "For how long we've known each other it was only a matter of time before you joined my little dnd cult".
You raise an eyebrow and take it between your fingers "Cult? Really? Very interesting Munson".
He puts on that signature smirk and leans in a bit closer to you " Yes, it is a cult... And I am your God" he lowers his voice at the last part before bursting out laughing "Yes yes, hail me".
You pull away from him a bit, you could already tell he was trying to to push your buttons with his constant teasing "Oh cmon, I kicked your campaign's ass tonight" you say firmly.
He chuckles to himself "You really know how to run that mouth of yours. It would be a shame to give your character another run in with the fire elemental, I wonder if your dice would save you this time" he stares directly into your eyes, enjoying the slight glare youre giving him
"Or how about an evil evil tentacle monster" he glides his fingers against the side of your thigh while you take a drag "Mm, maybe that's for a private session".
You choke on the smoke in your throat from your surprise, god, he knew exactly how to make your body riled up. Collecting yourself, you give him a hard punch in the shoulder, making Eddie burst out laughing.
" Ow! I'm just kidding, you're so cute, are you blushing? Y'know your half-elf might appreciate this battle"
He leans into your ear after looking you up and down, examining your glorious reactions to his teasing "you seem to enjoy the thought of it, sweetheart".
He stays there for a moment before pulling away and clearing his throat "Oh we should be getting pizza for tonight by the way, horror movie Fridays and all".
Eddie and you had a tradition since middle school where you would lay together on his couch and watch horror movies, often quarreling about which flicks are superior.
" You want to order Ed's? I think we should get a half and half" You hold out the blunt to him
He nods, taking it and stands up, picking up his phone
"Yeah sounds good, hang on one sec".
As he types in the number you press a finger into his side " Ed, do the voice, pleeease"
He rolls his eyes playfully and dabs out the blunt, shushing you as it rings. Eddie clears his throat and puts on a surfer bro accent, as he orders he keeps slipping up, trying to hold back his own laughter.
After ordering he lays down with you, you gently place your hand in his and rub small circles "So what are we watching tonight Munson?"
He smiles a bit "Oh, Evil Dead, for sure mixing horror and comedy like that is talent".
You shake your head " What about the scary movie-"
Eddie shushes you, cutting you off by putting a finger to your lips "No no shh you don't know what you're talking about, the scary movie franchise is horror themed comedy, it's totally different"
You give his ringed finger a little nibble, successfully making him remove his hand "well what about scream? What do you have to say about that, hm? " you glare at him playfully.
He shakes his head "Ah scream is a thriller, if anything, has fantastic writing though".
You roll your eyes " Finally, we agree on something, but since you have a opinion on it, who's your favourite character?"
He laughs a bit and nods "Oh Sid, hands down and Dewey is a close second but that's just because he's a funny man child"
"I can't say I'm surprised you like ghost face, you did mention you had a crush on Billy" he smirks.
You shake your head "Oh my god Munson, I did not, you're lying"
"Yes you did, I remember because you were cooing about him the entire movie"
He brushes a strand of hair behind your ear and lowers his voice "You like how he talked, like some sexy stalker"
The feeling of his warm hand and his eyes piercing through you makes you squirm while he talks, clearly falling for his game again "I- get over yourself Eddie, I did not"
He let's out a satisfied chuckle, knowing he's already getting the reaction he wants "Don't deny it, I can see your lip quiver and your chest heave, who you kidding princess?"
You feel can feel his words make a dampness between your legs, he was already making you needy "S-shut up".
You yank a bit on his curls in a attempt for him to quiet. "Hey, stop" Eddie plasters a smirk across his face "What? Is this voice turning you on? Making your heart race"
He leans into your neck, his lips inches away from your ear "Mm what if I get closer, you like that? "
You let out a small whine and stay frozen in place, you wish he'd just do something, anything. Your thighs squeeze together and press up against him, searching for friction
"But hey that's just my interpretation y'kno- " Eddie's heart begins to go faster when he feels your plush thighs up against him "Ah uh, it was all just acting"
"It's just so much fun to piss you off" He pulls away from your neck and smiles
You roll your eyes "Seriously, you get such a rise out of this"
"Your face gets all scrunched up in a pout and it's uh, it's really cute" your eyes meet as he admires you silently
The two of you stare into each other for a moment before you break the silence "Hey Ed's, uh what are we?..."
His eyes widen and he nervously chuckles "Oh- so we're doing this now? Alright"
"Well uh we are neighbors who watch movies together and make brea-breakfast for each other uh- and play dnd together"
You give him a soft smile. He always seems to finally become as nervous as you when you bring up your relationship, it's cute how he slips on his words.
"Look, don't mind me practicing my improvisational skills, please, so i-"
You lean in closer to him, thighs now straddling his leg. Leaning in close to his face, you shut him up. It's so nice to see him squirm for once.
"What are you doing" he chuckles softly
"What do you mean?" you move your hand to rest on his shoulder
"Your face is very close to my face and you're practically on top of me"
You start to rubs circles on his shoulder as your eyes continue to pierce through him "Hm? "
He takes in a shallow breath and adjusts his leg to cover the bulge growing in his jeans "Did- my Billy impression really do it for you"
"Seriously, or are you just forcing me to confront some hidden feelings" He stops for a moment and hooks his fingers into yours "Y'know just forget I said anything, please?"
"Hm, why? " You take your hand off his shoulder to clasp your hand into his
"Why? Well you don't think of me like that, I mean why the hell would you- "
You suddenly close the gap between each other, clashing your lips and teeth together. Eddie let's a small grunt, surprised by the sudden kiss.
He then releases his hand, placing it to the back of your neck and pulling you closer. His tongue glides across your bottom lip, asking for permission to enter.
You part your lips allowing him entrance, you whine into the kiss when you feel his hand run down to your waist, gripping firmly.
Eddie's cold rings dig into your skin, he groans into the kiss "Fuck-, y/n you taste so good"
After your lips part from each other, you rest your forehead against his, both of you panting.
"Does this mean your feelings have been stewing too? "
You let out a quiet giggle "I just kissed you Ed's, I think that shows I like you. Do you like me? "
He places a small kiss on the tip of your nose "yeah of course i like you, I've liked you for a long ass time, just never had the balls to say it". He moves his other hand down to your waist and joins them both together " It sure as hell didn't help that I got jealous everytime I saw you bring guys over next door."
"Jealous? Really? Eddie Munson was jealous over me"
"Yeah, I'll admit I got jealous" Eddie shrugs "It didn't help also that you were...loud, seemingly even when I was busy"
You bring your hand up and cup his jaw "Do you hold it against me?"
"No, I don't hold it against you" His grip tightens on your waist, the cold metal of his rings on your skin "It just made me rock hard when I was trying to focus"
You run your fingers through his hair becoming needier as he continues "Ah fuck-, my mind just went a little wild wondering what you were doing behind those closed doors".
He breathes out against your neck " I just couldn't help but wonder if I could get you to scream my name, if given the chance"
You whine quietly "Mm, tell what you would do, tell me how you'd make me scream"
He let's out a soft chuckle "What would I do? Man you are full of questions today aren't you. I'm glad you asked"
Eddie places one of his hands in your hair, and the other in the dip of your back "Well first I'd make sure you were comfortable, rub your shoulders, run my fingers through your hair"
You let out a shaky breath and lean down to kiss his neck, leaving small marks to the skin before pulling away.
He then rubs his thumb over your bottom lip, dragging it down slowly "Then I'd kiss you, gently at first"
You lean down closer to him, both of your lips barely touching, your chest heaves as you get closer, the look you have on your face practically begging Eddie to close the gap.
He runs his hands up and down your sides making sure to move slower when he gets to your hips "And then I'd get more daring with my selfishness, like this" he slowly moves in, closing the gap between you, gently sliding his tongue into your mouth.
Your tongues intertwined, you give him the occasional nibble on his bottom lip, causing him to groan "Mm- god youre driving me crazy princess"
You continue letting out your quiet moans in between kisses as he runs his hand down your body, making your back arch "Shiit ah- I'm to high for this, you get me so needy Ed's"
"Aw my girl's needy? Tell me what you want me to do y/n, tell me while I ran my hands down your body, I might go past your waistline if you let me" he glides his hand down your stomach, stopping at the hem of your skirt.
"Yes- please Eddie, just do something" you grip your hands into his hair as he tucks under your waistband, cupping you gently
"I can whisper all sorts of things in your ear, naughty things. Whatever I think you want to hear" he leans into your neck leaving soft kisses behind your ear down to your collarbone "I'm not sure if you're patient enough today for that sweetheart"
Eddie breathes out a deep moan against your ear as you run your hands under his shirt, feeling his chest and stomach. He bites on your neck, fingers slowly sliding into your underwear "that's a good girl"
You yank his hair a bit and buck your hips slightly as he cups you, letting out soft moans into his ear.
"Oh? You bucked your hips when I called you a-" he chuckles quietly to himself and you feel his hot breath against your ear "a good girl "
He continues to suck at your neck, occasionally nibbling at your ear lobe. "I know what you want, say it loud and proud as I cup that hot little box of yours" Eddie now looks at you, his brown eyes piercing into yours "tell me you want my fingers inside you"
You hesitate, it's humiliating to beg but god is it worth it if your begging Eddie fucking Munson, and he knew it too. "I-" your hands grip into him, his shirt bundled between your fingers.
"Do it, do it, do it" he chants, giving you a kiss before smirking "cmon y/n, be a good girl, tell me how you want me" Eddie glides his finger over your entrance, edging you on.
"Oh god- fuck I want your fingers inside me, please Eddie, hurry"
He let's out a laugh and slides his digits inside of you, slowly pumping in and out of your pussy. He places his thumb firmly against your clit as he speeds up his movements "you dirty little slut, I knew I should've had you earlier"
The feeling of his cold rings pressing against you and his low words send a jolt through your clit, making you squirm. "Your innocent eyes told me everything baby, especially when you'd prance around my trailer in boxers and a bra, god that made me so hard"
"I cant tell you how many times I wanted to just bend you over and fuck you on the counter right there"
Your walls start to clench around him and you reach for Eddie's arm, digging your nails into his tatted skin.
"You getting close? Aw good girl's getting close" he pulls out of you for a moment, flipping you onto your back. You whine at the loss of his fingers and he chuckles, leaning down to throw your legs over his shoulders "trust me sweetheart, this'll get you squirming"
Eddie laps his tongue over your slit, placing his mouth over your clit as he returns his fingers to your core. He gets you back on your high as you feel him work at your clit.
"Your so close, so needy princess" he continues to pump his fingers in you, his movements faster this time. The warmth starts to pool in your stomach again, as you begin to reach the edge, your thighs press against each side of his head "Eddie, Eddie Ed- Oh god don't stop baby"
He reaches his free hand to push under your shirt, massaging your breast in his cold hands "Beg me, beg me to cum". Eddie replaces his mouth with his thumb, rubbing soft circles around your ball of nerves" Ask me for permission"
You can feel your eyes start to glaze over as you run your hand through his hair "Please Ed's, let me cum, I'm- begging you"
He smirks and continues his work, placing his mouth over your breast and licking at the sensitive bud. Just as you start to tighten, he removes his digits and brings them up to his mouth, sucking off the slick.
"Ed- why'd you stop" you whine out, throwing your head back at the loss of the fullness.
Eddie looks down to see your pleading face and laughs when he sees a slight pout form "Why'd I stop? " He leans down and places a kiss to your collarbone "Atta girl, you cant cum unless I let you, that's why. Aw don't pout sweetheart, you'll get to cum soon".
He sits up and removes your legs from his shoulders, he glides his hand over your stomach "it's just that my cock needs to be inside of you when you do"
Your chest heaves as you watch him lean next to the couch, grabbing a condom out of the drawer. Eddie places a hand under your skirt and hooks his finger on your underwear "can I take these off princess?" He gives you a smile when you nod and slides them down your legs. After they're removed he stuffs them into his back pocket. Yeah, youre probably not getting those back.
Eddie then hikes your skirt up, rubbing at your thighs "so beautiful y/n..."
You mutter under your breath "I think youre the beautiful one Munson"
He then reaches down into his back pocket, pulling out the tin foil wrapped condom you know so well.
Eddie slowly rips open the wrapper with his teeth with one ring clad hand while undoing and removing his belt with the other. As he pulls down his boxers, you sit up and start to peel his shirt off of him, leaving kisses all over his chest after throwing his shirt to the floor.
You take the condom out of his hand, looking up at him for permission. He gives you a nod and as you work to slide it on him, he grabs your waist, running his hands up and down your body. He then suddenly grabs you by your thighs, pulling you forward to position himself between your legs.
You let out a yelp, surprised as you you fall back against the couch. "Aw you are so cute when you cry out for me" he let's out a low laugh and massages your thigh, his rings pressing into the plush skin.
He kisses right above your belly button, leaving a trail all the way to your chest "Beg me to fuck you, to rearrange your insides"
You glide your fingertips down his stomach, making him shiver "Im all ready for you" you push yourself forward to grind your hot core against his length "Please Ed's, touch me"
He takes a hold at the base of his cock, lining himself, his tip prodding at your entrance " that's my girl, you gonna let the DM slide into you? Such a good slut for me, hm? " he thrusts forward gently, groaning at your tight walls around him.
A wave of pleasure jolts through you as he hits the right angle. Eddie starting to slowly thrust in and out of you, you curse under you breath letting whines and little moans pour out of your mouth.
He slides one of his hands up to your lips, letting you suck on his ringed finger, your mouth hanging open. "Fuck- I had a feeling you liked to be treated like a little whore, I could hear your moans on those lonely nights. Begging, aching, to be filled with a proper cock." Eddie's groans get deeper as his thrusts speed up, snapping your hips together "Oh god- that look you're giving me is making me crazy y/n"
You bite down gently on his finger and laugh "Hm? Does my stare make you nervous Ed's, go faster baby, I can take it" you grind against him, making him throw his head back.
He hisses through his teeth as he bucks his hips into yours, the friction bringing him to the edge "God, I gotta calm down, youre gonna make me lose it-" he grunts under his breath as he slides his hand down to your clit, pressing firmly against it. You feel as though you can't stay still as he slides his fingers through your folds, flicking at your clit.
You grab a hold of his wrist pulling on it to relieve the over stimulation washing over you, whining out as he rubbes circles against your nerves. "Move your hand princess, I got you" you release his wrist and clasp your hand to your mouth, covering the sounds that spill out.
Eddie removes your hand from your mouth moving it up his chest, stopping at his throat "I like hearing those moans, scream louder for me sweetheart. I want the whole neighborhood to know I'm using you as my little fuck toy." He grips your fingers around his throat and groans as you apply pressure, your nails leaving little marks on his neck. "God- yes mm!"
As the sound of skin slapping echos through the room you feel that familiar warmth start to wash over you. Your moans grow louder as Eddie speeds up his movements. He leans down to your ear, his hot breath beating across your neck.
You grab a handful of his curly locs, yanking on them as your high starts to come over you. "Your so close baby, is my girl gonna cum?" He let's out a throaty moan, your hot walls around his cock "Cum for me, let me see how I've ruined you"
You eyes roll back as you lift your hips, pushing against Eddie's length. "Fuck- fuck fuck, so good" your words coming out through breathy moans. Your release suddenly comes over you, the jolt of warmth washing through you.
"Good girl, you're practically dripping for me" he slides his hands down your thighs as you ride out your orgasm, his calloused fingertips making you twitch. He glides his thumb around your entrance, pressing where you connect.
You let out a shaky whine and cover his hand "Hey quit- that feels weird asshole"
"Can you open your mouth for me princess? Good girl" Eddie chuckles and leans down slipping his tongue into your mouth when you connect. He gently takes your bottom lip between his teeth as you kiss, pulling away from you.
You place a peck on his jaw before he rests his head in your neck "My turn, you alright for me to finish sweetheart?" He whispers in your ear, his lips grazing against your neck.
You let out a quiet giggle "I'll be alright, just let me see your face when you cum" you wrap your legs around his waist, pressing him deeper as he raises back up from your neck. His brown doe eyes staring down at you as he begins his thrusting into your core.
You moan out, squeezing your eyes shut as you feel him inside of you, the friction now even harder to control after just cumming.
Eddie slides his hands up to your chest, running his hands across them and pinching at your sensitive buds "Mm, so good baby, I can feel you already clenching back around my cock." His voice rings in your ears as you listen to his moans, his deep throated grunts bouncing off the walls.
You take a hold of his hands, clasping them together with yours as they are pinned to each side of you "You getting close baby?" You lean up next to his ear "Cmon, finish for me Ed's. Fill me up with your load"
"Ah god- shit I'm gonna cum, please" His grip gets tighter in your hand as he snaps his hips harder against yours.
You laugh against his neck "good boy, give it to me" you raise your hips slightly, giving him access to fuck out his high.
Eddie let's out groans into your ear as his thrusts get sloppier , his nails digging into the bedsheets. He finally arches his back, his release washing over him, leaving him a fucking mess in your neck.
He quietly hisses as he pulls out of you, laying down next to you. "Well that was fucking nuts! How'd you feel? "
The both of you start bursting out laughing, "Damn right it was Munson, I don't think I can feel my feet"
"I guess you could say I hit all the right places then, hm? y/n" he plants a kiss on your cheek "I wasn't to rough on you then? "
You lean in close to him " 'Course not, you were just right" you sweep the sweaty hair out of his face, sticking out your tongue at him
Eddie shakes his head and smiles, pulling you in close to his chest.
"Yuck, you're all sweaty Eddie" you pinch his nose and lay against his chest
"Mm I know, we're both sweaty. That's not the only juices we mixed tonight if you get what I mean" he wiggles his eyebrows at you
"Youre quite the cuddle bug l/n. So does that mean this will be another event of Friday horror movie nights and all?" He cups the side of your jaw
You give him a soft kiss and bite his lip as you pull away "Whenever you want, I'm sure as hell not letting you go now ed's"
He rest his head on top of yours, running his hands through your hair "I can't wait to make you happy".
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justleaf · 2 years
Oh hello! Could I hear more about your honey Iorveth ideas? 😊
Henlooo I'm sorry for the delay and um unfortunately it's HoRNy Iorveth ideas HAHAHA. I've included a bunch of snippets below the cut, content warning: iorveth/roche, 18+ and horny ofc.
It's also very long so click the readmore button at your own discretion.
Snippet 1: Relentless
“Just how big is your appetite?” Roche blurted out.
Iorveth rolled over but didn’t open his eye. 
"Why?” he murmured, still half-asleep, “Am I eating through our supplies?"
"I mean your dick. You're always ready to go again right after you cum."
“Oh,” came the soft murmur. He drifted back to sleep so Roche didn’t pry further. 
He hadn’t meant to ask in the first place, but the question had been weighing on his mind for weeks now. It had never been noticeable when their relationship first blossomed and their trysts were limited to stolen moments in a back alley or someone else's house. But with the luxury of time in a home that was theirs, he couldn’t help but notice that the elf took an incredibly long time to get soft.
"To be honest with you, I'm not sure," Iorveth answered out of the blue, "I've heard that three-hour long sessions are typical of eleven couples, but I've never felt capable of it until you."
"Hard to believe. You’ve had a lot of partners."
Iorveth burrowed into Roche's arms, content to just lay there and drift in and out of consciousness, his mutterings barely audible.
"Why is it so difficult to imagine that you might be exceptional? That you might induce a desire in me that none have come close to matching."
"Oh," was Roche's flustered reply. He was never good with compliments. 
Iorveth kissed his pec and it sent shivers down his spine.
"Does it bother you?" 
"No. I was just curious."
"Can I do anything to satisfy that curiosity?" 
His heart jumped and Iorveth, with his ear pressed against his chest, chuckled.
“Let’s talk about it over lunch,” Roche deflected and resisted the urge to run.
“Of course,” Iorveth agreed and went back to sleep.
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
The bastard was all over him in the afternoon. His hands running down his sides,
Snippet 2: Scent
The rage in his chest was building. It had been for days now - encroaching on his thoughts in moments of peace and ruining the contentment he'd conditioned himself to enjoy. Roche contained and delayed it as much as he could, but when he'd lashed out at his men one too many times, Ves suspended his service for two weeks. His heat was approaching and she knew.
That was how he'd found himself locked in his home - a sparse cabin in the outskirts of Vizima, with a pantry stocked with two onions and a block of butter. He could comfortably go two days without food, which meant that there was no urgent need to get up from the bed. The thought of moving felt like far too much effort - a notion that he knew was ridiculous, given how far he’d 
Then there were familiar footsteps and a rapt of knuckles on his door. Roche was up before he knew it, shoving a dresser in front of the door and blocking it with his body.
Iorveth, he knew. Iorveth was on the other side of the door. Denying himself sent searing pain coursing through his body and made the stormclouds in his mind thunder. He wanted him, but he wasn't good for him. Never was, never would be, and especially not in the midst of his heat.
"Don't come in," he growled from behind the barricade.
Roche should have known better when there were no signs of movement. No footsteps, no rustling, no spoken words. But he didn't. And by the time he registered that his bedroom window was snapped open and someone was climbing through it, it was far too late.
Iorveth was by his bed, his expression even and his scent wafting in with the evening breeze. Roche bolted over and shoved him up against the wall, a whine tearing out his throat as he cupped the back of his neck and buried his nose into the crook of the elf's neck. It made his head spin with pleasure and he realised how heavy the weight on his chest had been when it suddenly dissipated.
"You shouldn't be here," Roche forced out, hand fumbling for the other's belt as he tried to undress him. It would take a good half an hour to get the layers off him and he groaned, distressed that he couldn't feel more of him sooner.
"I'm your mate, Vernon," Iorveth chided and ruffled his hair, "I'm here to help you get through it."
Iorveth felt so good under his touch, warm and yielding. Roche pressed his thumb to the pulse in his neck, the steady heartbeat soothing his whatever worries he'd been avoiding. He stilled for a long moment, pressed up against his lover in utter bliss as he soaked in the reality that Iorveth very much real and very much present.
"I'll hurt you," he murmured and untangled himself from the other, "You should leave while my mind is still right."
"You can certainly try. You know quite well that I don't bruise easily," Iorveth chuckled and crowded into his space, "I'm here for you."
Thanks for the ask!
If anyone wants to ask me anything, here's the list of WIPs.
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
1) YEAAAAAHHHHHH LEONA WOOOOOO Love all of your leona fics, they are so, so good!!! Silly lion man, love him. you write him super well too!!!!! (also tumblr how dare you not give me a notif. /lh) Honestly your leona fics are what got me to actually like his character in the first place- i mean i liked him in book 2 (just not as much as i do now-) but idk they way some of the fandom portrays him- y e a h. Love him lots now so thank you for that! /srs
2) Enstars. ive had “come on baby america” stuck im my head for around 5 days now (thanks to my friends on discord- thanks a lot roblox hq.) To be completely honest ive never really been a big fan of rhythm games- at least before twst (i know it’s technically not a rhythm game but like. come on. its 1/3 rhythm game) But i’ve gotten slightly better at rhythm like things thanks to twst so looking forward to enstars!!! also cant wait to get attached to the characters, i know like literally nothing about them-
3) Yes okay thanks for pointing out the crossed out demon on Yu’s intro sheet!! Both of his parents are demons, (mother((Emiriko)) is a water demon, basically demons specifically adapted to living both on water and on land. father((Luka)) is a fire demon, adapted to living in lava and extremely hot places.) so it doesn’t really make sense for him not to be one. Instead, he uses potions (specifically made to not leave a magic scent/residue on the user) To hide his demon appearance, mainly his horns and tail, since its harder to hide those, however said potions do hide the rest of his demon features really well! (fangs, ears((which are normally like small elf ears and tipped in dark gray and black.)), etc.) i could talk all day about my boy, but for now im just gonna leave you with this.
Have a great day!!
(leona fic goes brr)
1 - I'M GLAD YOU ENJOYED THE LEONA FIC !! it was also such a blast for me to write >:DD and that's...that's actually really touching :')) i'm kinda surprised that you fell for leona because of my fics and ahh saying that makes it sound unreal again-
but i can understand why some ppl choose to portray leona as someone who's just plain mean and lazy. bc that's exactly how he comes off. even after his overblot, he doesn't quite get the same wake up call that the others got. he didn't get the scolding like riddle, he didn't get the fact that his friends would always be there like azul did, and he most certainly didn't get the same emotional release that jamil. chapter 2's writing isn't the best twst writing out there, so it's easy to dismiss his character as just what he appears as. his flashback does give us some background on why he puts up such a mean and lazy front despite having potential, but well...some creators might prefer for him just to be that. i'm not here to critique them on how they portray him but it does make me kinda :') when i see that ppl don't like leona as much bc of stuff they've read around the fandom or bc they judge him too quick. n e ways enough abt leona we alr know how whipped i am for him-
2 - I'M SO SORRY FOR YOU BUT ME TOO- c'mon baby america syndrome is real everyone !! stay safe and don't watch cover song 1 crazy:b x undead usa which you can find at this link no matter what !!! /j it made me cringe so hard i had to take a break from watching it but it's so damn catchy TT^TT also you knowing literally nothing abt them was me 40-ish days ago. don't you worry !! you'll get to know them slowly hehe and if you wanna get to know them quickly you could read previous stories or their wiki pages ofc (you could dm me for resources if you'd like :D)
3 - and ooh !! yu lore drop !! how was he able to keep this all a secret from the rest of the ppl at nrc btw ? or does crowley + the staff know, but they keep it a secret from the rest of the student body ? and idk if this is a weird question to ask but did he have any problems like...making the potions ? since he's in twisted wonderland now and not his original homeworld, did the ingredients differ or was it mostly the same ? idk if that makes sense, anyway, i just like asking abt ppl's characters bc it's so interesting to see how many details you have abt him <333
hope that you're having a good day / night wherever you are, strawberry anon !!
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child-of-hurin · 3 years
Dark Narn AU
Recently I mentioned I had some ideas for a Dark Narn AU and @outofangband  expressed curiosity, so I decided to copypaste my notes here :)
The reason this AU was conceived was that I wanted Túrin and Nienor to get buddy buddy with Gothmog and Glaurung…. Literally my motivation for this lmao.
1. This is almost 3 pages long on Gdocs 😭 2. This is actually dark, so mind yourself. CW for mentions of nonconsent, manipulation, murder, slavery, the whole nine yards and, of course, incest.
And btw, this relies on my headcanon/understanding that there were mortal slaves in Angband as well as elves.
When teenage Húrin and Huor are cornered by orcs in Brethil, they are in a dense spot. Húrin stays behind to hold the orcs while Huor runs up the hill. Huor would never have left his brother behind, but it’s a mess and he doesn’t realize what happened until he’s being carried away by other soldiers/rescuers and screaming his lungs out for Húrin, who’s pulled back by the orcs and then taken captive to Angband.
There he undergoes some brainwashing by Melkor, who, true to the essence of their Narn interactions, sees he can profit more from corruption than from killing this agent. By this point Húrin is a teen and hasn’t met Turgon yet. He breaks eventually and becomes Melkor’s champion. 
We have Húrin, and now we need Morwen. To keep the chronology, I prefer having her be captured during a raid on Emeldir’s group of refugees, when they’re migrating west to escape the Battle of the Sudden Flame; that can also have Rian either being captured as well, or escaping and following canon and marrying Huor and mothering Tuor, which I prefer for this AU (also casts a shadow on them as… replacements for the true heirs, sort of! Both having dear family members, who are also the eldest and the legitimate heirs, captured by Morgoth). Either after his brainwashing is complete, or during it, she is given to Húrin to marry as a token of Melkor’s regard: Morwen the beauty, the heir of the House of Bëor, the only fitting consort for the heir to the house of Hador, etc. Túrin is born in 464.
Lalaith is born two years later, which is a weird year because that’s when Beren and Lúthien steal one of Melkor’s silms! Angband has never been more somber, but there is talk of hope among the slaves, of which Morwen hears some, as well as the name of Beren her kinsmen who she knows and loves. She’s fiercely proud of him. But then Húrin, who is head over hells smitten with her, but who’s still wary of her loyalties, casually mentions in bed at some point that Beren was killed by Carcharoth (a lie meant to shake her/destroy any hopes of rescue), and that despite the loss of the Silmaril, Melkor is somewhat satisfied that the whole ordeal ended up dividing the elven kingdoms further apart, and confides in her about some of the plans for the following war (Unnumbered Tears).
The very next day, Morwen kills Urwen. She knows how other female thralls fare, and she knows that as soon as Húrin is dead Melkor would have no more use for them. Like canon, better dead than a thrall. To her, killing Urwen is not only a mercy, but an act of love. I think Morwen was about to end her own life too, or maybe end Túrin’s, but they caught her before she did any more. Maybe she locked herself with her children in a bedroom, ready to off all of them, and someone intervened before she could.
This sends Húrin into a rage out of despair because he really dotes on Urwen no matter the AU, and Túrin takes it all pretty hard, as he adored his sister and feels betrayed and confused. Melkor ofc enjoys the opportunity to turn Húrin even more towards him, and encourages him to get another child from Morwen to make up for the one he lost, whether she wants it or not. 
In this AU Niënor is conceived (at least) nine months before the Unnumbered and not nine months later. During all the pregnancy Morwen is watched, to make sure she won’t do anything drastic. Túrin is one of the people keeping tabs on her. Morwen names her Niënor, lamentation, and instead of being offended, Húrin laughs and says it’s an appropriate name for a warrior that shall bring woe to her foes, who will lament upon seeing her. Morwen is forbidden to be alone with Niënor and they are closely watched; as a result, they aren’t very close in this hc, as opposed to canon.  Niënor grows up being reminded that her mother wants to kill her, never wanted to conceive her in the first place.
Both Túrin and Nienor have strong mommy issues. Túrin is always keeping Morwen company and they have a very similar temper, but he tries to keep his visits a secret from Nienor. Nienor loves Túrin enormously but confronts him when she learns he still visits Morwen; also I think she sees Morwen in Túrin a little, too, because they’re so similar. It drives her mad. There’s a lot going on here with sibling competition / possessiveness / jealousy; Nienor doesn’t want Túrin to get along with Morwen, against whom she has a big grudge; she also doesn’t like that Morwen gives to Túrin the love she has always denied Niënor (according to how Niënor perceives the situation). She wants Túrin to choose her but Túrin just evades the question or gets angry and they fight. 
I like the idea of Húrin heading the fight against mortals in the Unnumbered, and him and Huor meeting on the battlefield, and killing each other. 
Túrin is crazy about Nienor, though you wouldn’t guess it by looking. Not only they’re the only mortals around who are equals and thus relatable on any level, he projects a lot of his Urwen grief on her and is very protective and possessive. There’s a lot of unresolved tension that they don’t even acknowledge. When they’re together onlookers get a feeling like there isn’t space for anyone else - though Morwen is an always-felt presence and the only crack in their bond. Túrin is stoic and reserved and his canon obsession with fighting Melkor is changed into a type of family pride. Right now I think he’s really mad that Dor-Lómin was given to the Easterlings and his mistrust of Melkor grows. He’s also concerned with the hidden elf cities, especially Nargothrond and Doriath because of their ties to the Silmaril heist. 
In this AU Túrin (and Húrin before he dies) is buddies with Gothmog who is sort of a mentor to him, and Nienor has a great friendship with Glaurung, whom she rides on sometimes, maybe into battle. 
I had considered the idea of either Túrin or Nienor meeting Gwindor by accident on the woods and goading him and fooling him, following him until they got the path to Nargothrond, while the other sibling followed them from afar. One sibling goes into the town and the other comes with the army down on them, no need for bridges I guess. Or the bridge can be deliberate sabotage. Since I like Nienor riding Glaurung, it can be Túrin who goes in, as in canon - OTOH idk how good Túrin can be with deception no matter the AU, so maybe it is Nienor... though, really, is she any better? Also, would she have a voice in council? How sexist are they? Maybe if she got Gwindor’s ear somehow… idk, thoughts!
Anyway, Finduilas is captured and not killed, though I’m not sure how much better this is. Maybe both Túrin and Nienor take her for consort in a smoking hot, nonconsensual, incesty edain sandwich. 
I haven’t thought ahead of this yet, that’s all I have! They need to have a cool and tragic ending, though I’m still unsure how. I feel like they need to fall with Brethil, but then I’m unsure what happens. Also I really don’t want Túrin and Nienor to have a permanent falling out and dying hating each other, it’s not my thing. I feel like they need to die together, like in canon. 
Things to consider:
>> Tuor and Aerin as kin who are held captive. Do Túrin and Nienor know they exist and are there? If they do, how do they react?
>> Morwen + other mortal thralls, or maybe Morwen + having ELVISH thralls to serve her, which Melkor does to show Húrin how much he honors him bla bla. I love this concept.
>> Húrin and Gothmog banter, Gothmog warming up to the mortal once he sees him being an absolute savage in battle, Húrin and Gothmog competing to see who causes more havoc
>> Glaurung is super mean to Morwen once and that tickles Nienor so much she just gets attached to him. Nienor joking with Túrin that she rides a dragon (Glaurung) and he is ridden by one (the dragon helm of Dor-lómin)
>> Gurthang???? I think Túrin needs a black sword. I’m SUPER attached to the visuals of Nienor using an axe though.
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