#i liked that my oufit was very accurate
wildmelon · 6 months
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this is ABSURDLY late, like a month late, but i'm cleaning out my downloads & just found this picrew i made and forgot to post the last time there was a chain goin around but it's cute so i'm just going to drop it here lol. and thank u cuties @wrixie @buttertrait and @spurgees for tagging me much love <3333 here's the link if anyone else wants to play !!!
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shivunin · 1 year
Hi Mo!
❄️ and ☔️, please? :3
Hi, Arja! 💗 I am wishing you an allergen-free day c:
(wip ask game)
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
Tabris couldn’t read Zevran’s face, either. He wasn’t smiling. His eyes looked—she didn’t know. Would it be horrible if she was sick right now? 
Yes. She should say something instead. 
“He died,” she said. 
There: easy. Shianni squeezed her hand again and didn’t let go, fingers winding tighter and tighter around hers, bones grinding hard against each other. 
Like dogs, Shianni. 
No, no; that was done with now. It was all over and gone. 
Zevran was still looking at her, but Wen couldn’t hold his eyes anymore. She hunched her shoulders and turned back to Shianni instead. She couldn’t stand being crushed in between this place and him, couldn’t stand the idea of reaching for him and knowing that he was reaching back.
No; she had to do this alone. Not in the sense that she would be leaving them behind—she might be cold, but she wasn’t stupid. No. They would come with her, but she couldn’t think of them right now. She couldn’t think of the Wardens or the Landsmeet or any of the rest until much, much later. 
“We can discuss it later.” 
Never. She wanted to discuss it never. 
Wen set the blade of a very sharp knife between the memories and now. She cut until the two didn’t touch anymore. When she was done, she straightened at last and looked at her cousin. 
“Tell me about this quarantine,” she said. “Who must I kill?”
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
Technically a UFO (unfinished object) but: Jazz Age!
It is a vaguely 20s/30s-ish AU set in Kirkwall. It is both a period of history I love and also a period of music I enjoy deeply, and I think some of the historical themes (aftermath of a devastating war leading to rapid changes in culture and rebuilding efforts) match up reasonably well to what's going on post-Blight/Chantry explosion. It would be a Cullavellan thing with Emma and Cullen, kind of noirish in tone.
Emma is the ace reporter of the Kirkwall Herald, an investigative reporter pushed to the society pages as the nobility struggle to elect a new Viscount. Cullen is the Knight-Commander of an empty Circle, trying to keep the remaining Templars turned to a helpful task in the wake of the mage-templar war. When Emma angers a prospective Viscount candidate, the two of them fall into a series of investigations of the city's underbelly together.
It has a lot of fun elements I like (mutual pining, begrudging respect, an old-school circus, Hawke and Fenris are there and run a PI office, fancy train cars, somewhat intense discussions of how being an elf might effect access to resources and security in an alienage, and one of those really fun timelines that skips back and forth) but alas, I got annoyed with all the research I was having to do to keep it somewhat accurate, so I lost interest in the idea as a whole and dropped it.
But I want the world to appreciate my vision nonetheless: it's Emma in the left oufit and Cullen in the one on the right. (half of the reason i thought of this at all was for the outfits, tbh; one of my favorite fashion eras):
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marianacifuentes08 · 10 months
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I would like to start with this quote because I think it is very accurate to put it here and as a reminder as well.
Self-confidence definitely is the best oufit you can ever wear. Regarding the video we saw "enclothed cognition" the way we dress up really conveys they way we feel or what we want to communicate. That's why I really love fashion because it is not only clothing, but also a way you can transmit your emotions, thoughts and feelings.It is a way of art.
Having said,choosing what is my favorite outfit was kind of tough because I really love some of them not just one; however I decided that they are these ones:
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kalemakar · 4 years
@mysterystardust @mirroroferisedx @veerledejaegers @sander-klaas @lost-in-an-offbeat-rhythm @virisbitch @engelskeijers @annonnymannonym @zoesrobbe @sanderijzermans @bleachblondebitches @sanabakkoushd and so many more 💕shshsjjsk but also @snorbs you are so amazing ily💞
@mysterystardust i only followed you today but i must say your posts are -spicy- and i love your “ The opinion of a Skam fan on having a remake in their own country” post! its so well written and i loved reading it!!   💕
@mirroroferisedx your gifs? STUNNING!! i just--im always like wowowowow when i see them (especially the purple rain gifset). teach me your wayz bc omg they are soooo prettyyyyyyy 💕💕💕
@veerledejaegers how have you only been making gifs for 3 weeks?!! theyre soo amazing and the c o l o r s. i wish i could get on your level bc omg i love them alll. also youre so funny i love your texts posts sm 💕
@sander-klaas youre so mature and whenever the fandoms going through something you show up with this beautifully articulated post and i wish i had more than 5 braincells like you. but like youre also realllllly funny and youre photo edits are stunningggggg. ly btw💕💕
@lost-in-an-offbeat-rhythm tasfia was right youre so cool and even tho we havent talked that much you are still very nice to talk to. ilysm and if i ever need anyone to talk to about them bois i gotchuuuu 💕💕💕💕💕
@virisbitch imma just copy and paste the other one here {first off ly 💕and second youre so heckin and nice and funny and awesome and [inserts other synonyms here]! youre rankings are so funny and so accurate for some reason 😂. i look forward to seeing your interactions with anons and whatever you post :) you also helped me when i was really upset before so thank you. youre caring and so sweet. 🥺💕}
@engelkeijsers  we dont interact that mcuh but omg i love your oufit ranking for the skam characters!!! also your text posts are so relatable and funnyyyy 💕💕
@annonymannonym  youre art is so beuatful im in aweee!! your line drawings are sooo beautiful and flawless!!!! i love waiting for more of them 💕
@zoesrobbe youre gifs have me like 👁️👄👁️. they are soooo beautifullll. i love the coloring and they always looks so hd (like they are not grainy at alllllll hoooowww)
@sanderijzermans YOURE WRITING BRENNA I-- i love it sooooooo muuuch! i remember reading unattainable and ill admit i cried at some point (youre writing was just so beatiful how could i nOT) and im loving jij verliest btw 💕💕💕
ida  💕💕💕 💕💕💕 💕💕💕
ilyyyyyy and your gifs are amazing your art is amazing YOURE AMAZING! youre coloring for your gifs are just amazing! youre so fun to talk to and im so glad you popped into my dms and started talking with me. best day of my life on this hellsite. you deserve everything good bc youre so frickin amazing  💕💕💕 💕💕💕 💕💕💕 i simply cannot put into words how much ily
omg!!!! youre gifs of all the sana characters?? AMAZING!! the coloring and the ideas and how hd they look? its just amazing i love seeing them come up on my dash  💕💕💕 💕💕💕
iwdjoqweiforiujfuheifur who is she 
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momorabu · 7 years
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A3! Main Story - Episode 1: Show Must Go On! (Chapter 15 - 21)
Whew! It’s been a long time since my last translation for A3. 2...2 months?! Guess I’ve been too held up with other translations that this was really delayed, seeing at how I finished reading these chapters at the end of July...
These few chapters was abit shocking, abit of sadness, and a whole new encounter with new characters ^^ I don’t want to spoil too much so read on!
Anyway as always, the summary of the story can be found below. Translation may not be 100% accurate due to my poor Japanese skills~
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Chapter 15: 専用メニユー / Specialised Menu
The spring troupe continued on with their training as per usual the next day, and Masumi would even helped to remind Sakuya if he had missed a line in his script. Tsuzuru noticed that the line which Sakuya had missed was after his lines, and suggested that he would say his lines in a way that Sakuya would know that it’s his turn next. 
“I” had noticed their interactions and that the training atmosphere had changed after yesterday. They had not only took notice of each others’ mistakes, and had also derived solutions to overcome them. "I” told the troupe that “I’ve” followed the advice given by Yuzo, and came out with a specialised menu that tackles each of their weaknesses, and thus planned to carry them out at the morning practice the following morning. 
For Sakuya, his training menu would be “Story Act”, where “I” explained that even though “I” had felt that the best for him was to perform on stage more frequently to gain more experience, it was not possible at our current circumstances, and thus recommended him to perform more story act instead. “I” had felt that if Sakuya had gotten used to the stage over time, he would be able to calm down while acting and see alot of stuff regarding the interactions of the audience and how other actors would interact with him. Tsuzuru offered to do story act with him as he would be able to gain experience from it as well. 
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For Masumi, his task would be to see more acting shows, which ‘I” told him that he could watch any genre that he would like to watch. “I” had hoped that by doing so would increase Masumi’s interest in acting, and felt that his acting skills would be more charming after that. However, Masumi claimed that he has no interest other than “me”, but Tsuzuru tried to encourage him by offering some acting shows tickets that he had gotten recently. Sakuya also told Masumi that there were some actings shows that were free of charge to watch, and suggested that they go and watch together. Masumi rejected going together with them, though he did accepted the tickets given by Tsuzuru. (Tsuzuru really dissed Masumi that he’s someone that can’t be understand at all ^^;)
For Tsuzuru, his tasks would be to read more scripts written by other script writers. “I” told him that because he was currently acting the script that he had written, there would definitely be parts where his vision of viewing things in the script be restricted by what his own script had written. “I” hoped that he would read scripts that have the stories in different time eras, written by different script writers, and try to act from them. Even though Tsuzuru would feel that there are parts where it would hard to act, or lines that would be hard to say, “I” believed that he would be able to calm down and analyze why the script was written in that way later on. As Sakuya always borrowed alot of scripts from the library, he offered Tsuzuru some recommendations to him. (So cute that they’re helping each other that way ^///^)
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For Itaru, his task would be to go through basic training. “I” assured him that it was not because that he isn’t good enough to be an actor, but more of the reason that “I” could see that his basic skills were lacking compared to the others due to him joining the troupe later than them. Masumi dissed Itaru that it was because he was gaming all the time ^^; Itaru told “me” that he would think about it, and “I” wonder perhaps he was calculating how does the training would waste his time when he could play games in that period of time...  OWO”
Lastly, Citron’s tasks would be to practise speaking lines well and intonation training. Tsuzuru offered that he could change the lines if Citron had felt them to be difficult to say for him, which Citron complimented him that he’s a really nice person. However, Citron assured Tsuzuru that he doesn’t have to worry about it. (Re...Really? ^^;)
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Chapter 16: 毒舌お針子ボーイ / The Boy with a Poison Tongue
With Yuzo’s incident behind us, and everyone’s feelings towards training had chnged,  “I” felt that everything would be able to proceed smoothly from now on.
One day, a girl (?) suddenly entered our practice room with a large and muscular man OWO The manager soon followed behind them and introduced us to the “girl”, who was Rurikawa Yuki, and would be working as our outfit designer and coordinator, Even though Yuki looks like a girl from the outside, he was actually a boy, and Citron remarked that Yuki was a “Otoko no Musume” (a guy who cross dress). Tsuzuru dissed Citron that he really knew alot of “redundant stuff” XD
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Yuki introduced himself being a 3rd year student in middle school, and had experience in selling his outfits online. Tsuzuru was worried about Yuki’s studying since he was a 3rd year student, but Yuki dissed at him saying that he’s being too intruding on his privacy (or say mind too much of other people’s business ^^;), and explained that he won’t have trouble with his studies since his school allowed him to graduate straight into their affiliated high school. Tsuzuru remarked that Yuki seems to be like a Masumi No. 2 as he had a foul mouth too ^^;
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Since Yuki had heard that the performance date was soon approaching, he wanted to confirm who were the actors that would be performing on the show. Yuki analysed each and every of the spring troupe actors, noting down their roles and mumbling “special attributes” (or say nickname” for them.
Sakuya was 100% genki like an energy drink, but with a ratio of 4:1 (?). As Masumi had claimed that he had no interest in other girls other than “me”, Yuki referred to him as the “ultimate stalker”. He referred Tsuzuru as villager C, which offended him as he clarified that he was acting as Mercutio and his name was Minagi Tsuzuru. Itaru was called “fake elite” by Yuki, which Tsuzuru felt that it was a harsh way to refer someone like this. Lastly Citron was a fake foreigner to Yuki, 
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After noting down all these stuff in his notebook, Yuki told us that he’s going to work on his design sketches for the oufits, and would meet us again next time when he had completed them. He left the room, and we’re left with this huge man who had been solemn ever since he had stepped into this room.
The manager introduced him as Iwai Tetsuro, who would be helping us with the large props for the performance. He was someone who had always helped us ever since from the first generation and the manager helped him to tell us “nice to meet you” OWO We’re amazed that the manager could actually hear him but the manager just told us that he just have the feeling that Tetsuro wanted to say that since the two had known each other for a very long time. Since the manager was (most probably) the person who could communicate with Tetsuro, “I” decided that he shall be the one to liase with him regarding the props. 
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With the outfits and props being prepared, Sakuya started to get excited looking at the progress at how things are moving smoothly along ^^ (Aww~ Sakuya is cute here >///<)
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Chapter 17: 忠誠のキス / Loyalty Kiss
On another day, “I” realised that we had ran out of toilet paper from our storage. (Thank goodness not during the time where “I’m” really using the toilet and in need of them ^^:) The manager apologised that he had forgotten to restock them, and since he was currently busy with organising the video information, “I” volunteered to buy them, and asked him if there’s anything that he would want “me” to buy along with them. Turns out that the manager had a long list of stuff to buy as he started reciting them out... (Tissue paper, gummed tape, magic pen, files, notebooks, curtains... How long have you not done your shopping Manager? OWO”)
Citron who was walking past noticed that “I” had a glum look on “my” face and asked “me” what was wrong. “I” asked for his help to help “me” with the shopping as it was quite alot of stuff to carry back home and he agreed, saying that he would of course like to go on a shopping date with “me”. (Erm Citron...? It’s not a date though... ^////^”)
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Citron was like a gentleman during the trip, offering to carry the items and also walking on the side that were nearer to the road himself. Suddenly, Citron was showing a serious expression and “I” asked him if anything was wrong. However, he just asked “me” to keep quiet about it and started talking in a cheerful voice again that we should head to the drug store next.
Seeing how well Citron is taking care of “me” made “me” feels that somehow “I” felt kind of not used to his “lady first” policy. “I” remarked that he was good at escorting, but he said that it was something that came naturally to him since he had the chance to walk with such a wonderful lady like “me”. (Thanks..? ^^;) Seeing how smart Citron could be, it felt that “I” had seen that Citron actually had a new skill... (of escorting? XD)
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However, Citron showed a serious expression once again, and urged “me’ to run with him as he pulled “me” away from the shopping streets. We ran until we reached the home estate and “I” asked him what had happened to make him react that way. But Citron just asked “me” to stay quiet as he looked around to see if anyone had followed us. 
Once it seems that we’re safe, Citron told “me” that he might be causing trouble to our theater troupe. Citron had not come to this country as an exchange student, he had actually escaped from his country and arrived here instead. He was afraid that if he was spotted by the people who had chased after him, he would be caught and forced to return to his own country. Citron confirmed that he was not joking and told “me” that perhaps it would be better for the theater troupe if he was not here anymore.
However, “I” told Citron that he was a part of the troupe and that we would all feel troubled if he isn’t here anymore. “I” asked Citron whether he had did anything bad in his country which cause these people to have chase after him, to which he answered that it was not. It was because that these people had found him to be an eyesore to them (and so probably want to capture him to get rid of him or something?). “I” assured Citron that “I” would assist him to prevent him from being discovered by these people and hoped that he would stay so that everyone would be together for the performance. 
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"I” told Citron that “I” knew that he had been working hard to practise saying his lines more smoothly and working on his intonation, and also noticed that his acting skills had been gradually improving as well. It was also thanks to Citron that the atmosphere in the spring troupe was warm and happy, since he had given everyone a positive influence over there. “I” felt that it won’t just only be “me”, but that everyone would have want to work together and perform with Citron definitely.
“My” words touched Citron and he thanked “me”. He said he would trust “me” from now on, and gave a kiss on “my” hand O////O Citron explained that giving a kiss on the finger was a representation of loyalty, and a common sight in his country. (However, even “I” had to diss that this was not normal in this country ^^;) “I” had felt that “my” heart race at that point as Citron seems like a real prince and wondered who exactly Citron is actually... (Don’t tell me... he’s really a prince...?)
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Chapter 18: 至の本音 / Itaru’s True Voice
Back at the dormitory, “I” was awaiting for Itaru, who had asked “me” to meet him at back balcony at night. Itaru finally showed up, and told “me” that after thinking about it... he decided to quit the theater company. (What?!! OAO”)
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Itaru continued and said that he had initially joined this company since he could saved on his rent and food expenses, and could just play games over here, claiming that even though he doesn’t have any interests in acting, he thought that he could just get by with it by participating in practices and acting as a sub character. 
However, he realised later on that he had quite alot of lines for his roles, and with everyone being all pumped up and ready to train everyday, Itaru felt that he was out of place in here. He thought that it would be best if he quits now, since that would enable us to have more time to find a replacement.
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He wanted to leave the balcony after saying his piece, but “I” called after him to stay. “I” asked Itaru whether he really did had absolutely no interest at all in acting, and doesn’t care about wanting to perform on stage with the others at all. Itaru diverted his gaze and doesn’t want to look at “me”, which “I” took it as a meaning that he’s not quitting because he doesn’t want to act at all actually. 
“I” told Itaru that he had even turned up for morning practices, since he could not have turn up since he had to play his games. He had also followed the specialised menu which “I” did for the troupe and did his basic training as well. 
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Itaru finally revealed his true thoughts about the troupe. He felt that he may have been influenced by the others, and thus had the spirit to work hard at acting, and thought that for the sake of the performance it was alright for him to even cut down his time for gaming. 
But... in the end, it won’t do, since Itaru felt that he can’t work hard with everyone just like how Sakuya and Tsuzuru did by resolving conflicts with others. He expressed that he had difficulty getting along well with other people on a deeper level and revealed that he actually doesn’t really like living with other people that much actually. Itaru felt that if he just can’t do it as the days go on, he would definitely cause trouble to others, and thus wanted to quit now.
(I think... I can sort of understand the conflicting feelings in Itaru’s heart actually...)
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“I” requested Itaru to please stay for abit longer, and that if he still thinks that he can’t do it, we’ll then think of what to do then by that time. In the end, Itaru agreed to just stay for abit longer at the company.
After Itaru left the balcony, “I” thought to myself that even though “I” had seen alot of people quitting from acting, “I” believed that Itaru was different from them since he was now still debating whether he should quit or not. “I” believed that he must still have the spirit of wanting to continue to act in him...
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Since it’s no use trying to hide this from the other members, “I” announced to them regarding Itaru’s thoughts about wanting to leave the troupe. This came as a bad news and a shock to them, and Tsuzuru was quite emotional, saying that he had actually written the role Tybalt to fit Itaru actually. Itaru could only apologise, but Citron told him that he understood Itaru’s feelings and conflicts of wanting to stay or quit. (I guess Citron’s situation was quite similar as well...)
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Masumi was nonchalant about Itaru’s leaving, which Sakuya asked him whether he was alright if Itaru had left. Masumi answered that this was what Yuzo had said the last time to Itaru, telling him that if he doesn’t have the heart to act properly, then he should not have act at all.
Itaru gave a weak smile and told them that if he does quit, he would be giving them support as an audience. However, Tsuzuru doesn’t want to give up and asked Itaru if he found that acting was more interesting than games, would he be able to work hard in acting. Itaru answered that he doesn’t know the answer, since he had never found anything more interesting than games. 
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Itaru felt that his passion for acting just can’t be match to Sakuya’s, to which “I” encourage that there’s different types of actors in this world, and thus no need to compare whether one has more passion than the others. The most important for us and Itaru would be whether he had the heart to want to really perform with us on stage.
In the end, Itaru answered again that he would think about it.
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Chapter 19: ゲームよりも / More Than Games
The next morning, when Itaru was about to head to work, Kamekichi flew and landed himself onto his shoulder, and told him to be careful when heading off. Itaru was surprised that Kamekichi had already remembered his name, to which the latter called his name and reminded him not to play game too much XD 
(So cute how Kamekichi was perched on Itaru’s shoulder like this ^^)
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Just then, Masumi rushed out to him, asking him to wait up and calling him “dad” OWO” He asked Itaru whether he was serious about divorcing with his “mother”. Tsuzuru appeared next and told Itaru that their “mother” was crying. Sakuya soon came and told Itaru to wait awhile longer as they went and get their “mum”, calling to “her” that Itaru’s leaving so she should come and make him stay. (Masumi, Tsuzuru and Sakuya were all acting as Itaru’s kids XD)
Itaru had thought that perhaps “I” would be acting as the mother... but turns out that it was just Citron XD
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Tsuzuru told Itaru that he would think twice before leaving, and said that they all knew that he had the bad habits of drinking and gambling, (Itaru remarked that his character design for this role as the father was horrid, who would want to be known as a gambler and alcholic ^^:)
However, Sakuya continued on and said that their mother had knew all these about Itaru and still insisted on marrying him in spite of that. He also told Itaru that they had all really wanted to stay together with him. 
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In the end, Itaru stopped the story act and remarked that it sounded too ridiculous while laughing. Sakuya said that they had thought of what they should do to make Itaru want to stay at the theater company, and finally decided that if they were able to make Itaru felt serious about acting with their own acting skills, maybe Itaru would want to stay with them in the end. 
Itaru remarked that Sakuya really does seems like a leader when he said that, and assured them that he would at least stayed until they performed Romeo and Juliet in the end. Tsuzuru and the rest were relieved, while Itaru mumbled that perhaps he could still try to believe in someone one more time...
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Chapter 20: スーパーパリピデザイナー / Super Party-Pi (Party People) Designer
Overtime, “I” realised that the troupe members were able to act more naturally, and had improved on their acting skills after working on their specialised menu and morning practices. 
However, even though “I” realised that Masumi’s attitude towards acting had changed and improved, there was a particular line in the script that got “my” attention since “I” felt weird about how he had said that line.
“I can’t. I can’t abandon my family.”
“I” stopped Masumi and asked him to say this lines again according to how he had felt about his family. However, it seems that Masumi doesn’t have much of an impression about his family and thus unable to say this line with the emotion “I” had wanted. “I” thought that this might be because Masumi hardly has any chance to interact with his family members seeing that his parents were abroad. 
In the end, “I” suggested Masumi to think of a scene from an acting show that he had watched which was similar to this scene, and he was able to deliver his lines successfully with the right emotion, though “I” would still want it to be more emotional, and asked Masumi to work on it until the actual performance.
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There was still 5 more weeks till the date of the performance show, so Tsuzuru suggested that we should probably try to start selling tickets now. As “I” wasn’t sure how to go about this, “I” decided to get the manager here so we can ask him about it.  
(Citron had big goals of wanting to sell all the tickets within 15 minutes, whereas for Itaru it would be great if we even managed to see all of them in the first place ^^;)
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The manager came and told us that he too had thought that it was about time they start selling the tickets, and thus showed us the website of the theater company as he had already put up the news on the website.
Sakuya tried to warn us by telling us not to have too much hope on it, and as expected / unexpected, the website looks like it was made 20 years ago, with meaningless colourful words all over the place, and the pictures and text were all squashed together OAO (As a quarter web designer myself, just from the description I knew this won’t do D:)
However, the manager said that the website looked retro and since retro was quite a popular trend nowadays, he was sure that such a simple website was still in trend OWO” (No, “I” don’t think that kind of design would ever come back on tend ><”) “I” thought back to the flyer that ‘I” had gotten when “I” first come to the company... The flyer was absolutely horribly done ><” (So I guess we should know by now who was the one who had made the website and flyer right? XD)
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“I” asked the troupe members whether there was anyone who could do up a website and a flyer for the performance, and Itaru mentioned that though he could help with the scripting part, he can’t design the website. (We need a designer! I would volunteer myself if I had existed in the game ^^;) Just then, Tsuzuru spoke up and mentioned that he knew someone who could help with the design of the website and the flyer. It was his high school senior, and he felt that if he had went to him for help, the other party would be able to help us with it. However, Tsuzuru clarified that he isn’t on close terms with the other party, but offered to contact him nevertheless. (Is that who I thought it should be...? +W+)
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The manager was disappointed to know that his website was not approved by the others, and wondered if it’s really that terrible looking. Kamekichi landed on his shoulder and told him that the website was really ugly XD (Kamekichi you are really not helping to comfort the manager XD) The manager rebutted that it’s just us who do not appreciate this retro look ^^;
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Later on, Tsuruzu informed “me’ that his senior had contact him and that he would be coming here later on. Tsuzuru had also talked to him about acting, and turns out that the senior was quite interested about it. 
The senior finally made his appearance, and was really loud and exaggerated when he made his way around the theater. Tsuzuru showed a complicated face and introduced him to “me”. He’s Miyoshi Kazunari. Kazunari called Tsuzuru as “Tsuzurun” and said that it’s been awhile that he had last seen him and was impressed that he had gotten into a theater company. 
Sakuya remarked about Tsuzuru’s nickname, but Tsuzuru asked him to just let it go this time. When Masumi complained that Kazunari was noisy, Tsuzuru told him that he knew that but urged him to keep mum about it. Seeing how hyper Kazunari was, even Citron felt that his chara / personality had lost to him unless he came out with something new ^^; (No need for that Citron ^^:)
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Kazunari told “me” that he had heard everything from Tsuzuru, and agreed to assist us with the design of the website and flyer. Even though “I” found that Kazunari had a high tension, “I” felt that he was actually pretty nice kid overall (”I” pretty much call everyone who was younger than “me” in the game a kid I guess ^^:)
Tsuzuru was all too impatient to send Kazunari off after that, claiming that the rest of them had to continue with their practices ^^: (He even told him straight up that he’s just going to obstruct them from practising and insisted that he leave ^^:)
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Chapter 21: 新たな挑戰 / A New Challenge
After a few days, Tsuzuru came and informed us that Kazunari had completed the design of the website. Citron even joked that site might turn out to be made of neon colours, but to their surprise, it was a really pretty website design in the end ^^ Even Masumi had to give his approval that the website seems that it was made by a pro, and Itaru added on that the website seems to have moved on for 20 years after its last design XD
Looking at how wonderful the site had turned out to be, “I” was sure that it would be attractive enough to get people interested, and told them that we would have to work hard to improve the quality of our performance then.
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Just then, Yuzo made his appearance at our practice room, telling us that he decided to check up on us as he was here at Veludo Way for some shopping. He was glad to see that the number of actors had not increased and asked us how things have been since the last time he met us. 
Since the last time Yuzo had met us, “I” felt that we had improved by having our attitudes changed towards acting and practised using the specialised menu, and thus told Yuzo that the best he would knew how we’re doing now was to see our performance. And thus, the actors took their places and gave a performance to Yuzo, similar to how it was the last time.
After the performance, Yuzo did not say anything but sigh for a very long time.... (That’s scary! ><”)
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Yuzo finally spoke and commented that the performance was not bad, and was impressed that we were able to improve this much within a short period of time. Everyone was glad after listening to Yuzo’s praise, and “I” felt that they would definitely feel more confident of their acting skills after that.
(Just look at how happy Citron and Itaru’s smiles are ^^)
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However, Yuzo felt that the climax was not climatic enough, which Tsuzuru felt that it may be his fault due to how the script was written. Thus we started to think of how we could make the climax more climatic, and while Sakuya suggested that we could in the performance, “I” felt that that would make it seems like a musical suddenly and it would be very weird for the audience. 
Masumi and Itaru started giving out suggestions that would change the script too drastically, like Romeo being dead and last boss appearing OWO” Citron even joined in and said that he could streak in the performance. (Guys... Please don’t ><”)
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“I” lectured them about how their suggestions would disrupt the flow of the story. In the end it was Yuzo’s suggestion which helped to resolve the problem, which was to introduce some simple stage combat at one of the last few scenes between Romeo and Julius. He felt that if we tried to practise these short scenes from now on, we should be able to make it by the performance date. 
Even though “I” was confident that Masumi should be able to handle it, “I” was worried about Sakuya. The other trouble “I” had would be myself, since “I” had no experience about stage combat and thus won’t know how to teach them about it. Yuzo offered to be their tutor regarding stage combat, saying that this was a repayment of his gratitude towards the theater company. (Thank you Yuzo~~)
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And that’s it for these 7 chapters~! Glad that they’ve made through their problems and proceeding smoothly now though we still went through some hiccups along the way with Citron’s and Itaru’s problems. I’m glad that they’re resolved (for now though), and was also happy to see some of the summer troupe members making their appearance~! (Yuki and Kazunari~!) 
Our next problem to tackle would be the stage combat. I’ve not read much about the next few chapters other than one, and things doesn’t seems to be moving along too smoothly. Would have to read on to see how it proceeds after that. *Time to catch up on reading again~! +W+*
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todokori-kun · 7 years
 the queen, I’ll try my best (seriously tho why are you so nice? Like ???? how ??? Queen Luna is so freaking amazing)
That really does sound fun! (lowkey jealous lol) hope you have a fantastic time!
Thanks! And, well, I was thinking of a very neutral blue-grey color scheme because it’s Ilumi, but then that also feels weird because of his green outfit? (like sure he has different oufits too but that weird green needle suit is the most well-known. Like, it’s the thing cosplayers always wear, the one he’s drawn wearing in most of the fanart…)
Illumi has his eyes on you
(this is probably true)
Do you think Kikyo and Silva (Mr. and Mrs. Zoldyck) ever bothered to teach that to him? They must have encouraged it. From a clip I watched recently it seems that Silva knew about the needle Illumi put in Killua’s head and was pretty much cool with it(…)
He’d drag Armin along with him. If Armin’s genius somehow wasn’t enough to put him into the top ten, Illumi’s really not above using Dead Eyes Intimidation + Zoldyck connections to make sure he’d get there…and then the needle would make sure Armin would never, ever dream of joining the Survey Corps or the Garrison.
That’s extremely accurate XD
Also, look at this cut exchange from Cabinet Battle 2:
Jefferson: Can you do me a favor?
Hamilton: Depends. I can try.
J: Can you tell Angelica Schuyler I said hi?
H: She’s never mentioned you.
J: She’s not the type who shares. But since you’re so interested in foreign affairs…
Yes, Eliza’s awesome ;-;
Well, the word got around, they said, ‘This kid is insane, man!’
Took up a collection just to send him to the mainland
‘Get your education, don’t forget from whence you came and
The world’s gonna know your name.
What’s your name, man?’
Kuroiwa is very much dead. Wonder how Takeomi’s gonna feel about this…first Yoriko, then his dad…;-;
Awww, at least you have tumblr friends? *hugs* and tbh I don’t have any fellow manga/anime fan friends over here either (though maybe that’s just because I don’t have any friends here at all lol)
Please join me in HxH hell. Please. I- I need someone to sob with me because I’m only like seven or eight volumes in and I just met Chrollo and omg please I have literally 0 friends in the HxH fandom (jk jk, just the fact that you listen to me rant out my favs is enough for me. TYSM for being such a queen <3)
And actually, it’s nowhere near as bad as TG or AoT! Like, it has emotional moments, but there aren’t that many character deaths? Like, sure, people die, some favs die, but so far it’s still reasonable and nobody seems to be rage-quitting the manga because of pointless angst.
Chrollo always looks good but yeah, that last style does uit him really well :)
Ging is horrible, but like you said, at least he tries and acknowledges that he’s a bad parent. In his own way. I mean, the whole journey to find him was something he designed himself to help Gon grow as a hunter (though that also connects to Ging’s slightly problematic habit of treating Gon more like a hunter to train than a child to raise…)
Excuse me Queen Luna do not compare yourself to this trashcan. He doesn’t deserve it.
I haven’t even met Pouf in the manga yet and I kinda love him.
I’m sad to say I did not cry at all during Hughes’ death/funeral. I felt a lot of pain but the tears just didn’t come OTL
I’m glad you appreciated the puns ;) (Seriously though seeing the blog back is so exciting <333)
Also: I will now send you some pics of Chrollo’s troupe members (AKA his loyal fellow criminals he’s so proud of them all), and of Ging’s student (Gon’s father figure), if that’s ok?
And I might gift you a surprise fic soon…I promise that it won’t be too angsty. Really. I would never lie to the queen :D
Last thing- is it ok if I rant more about OCs sometime? Mainly about the Love Interests for that Otome Game I mentioned a while ago (the thing I was trying to write a script for)…I’d just like some opinions on the LIs *Lenny Face*
Hi i’m back and ready to die.
I hate school, have I ever mentioned that?
Anyway, lately I’ve been losing my motivation for everything basically and that includes coming onto Tumblr, and I was wondering, do you have any app that has an instant messaging system? This is nothing against you personally, but my replies will be really slow, since I don’t even turn my computer on much these days… In fact, I feel incredibly guilty that I take so long to answer, I just don’t have the motivation…
On a happier note, I finally watched Civil War! And I ship Stony.  My heart is not okay.
Um what else happened… Norway is absolutely beautiful? It’s a place where fairytales would take place, especially the fjords. And I also saw a ton of Thor statues lol
I’d scream if Illumi had his eyes on me. If I’d have the time to before dying that is.
While we’re on HxH, that picture of Hisoka you sent me is just mmmmmm nice abs  He looks less trashy with his hair down. 
well fuck kuroiwa is dead… 
oh god trust me id be a shitty parent. a very very shitty parent. there’s a reason why i don’t want kids and the pain of giving birth is only a small part of it. not to mention i don’t have the patience to deal with a small human who can only shit or cry.
gah i know there was something else i wanted to tell you but forgot hnnnngh
uh well, ive returned to tg, so much about quitting. as long as my sweet sunshine is present, I’ll come back at any time. i just sincerely hope it is actually him and not a fake. 
oh yeah, ive started rereading soul eater! it’s a good manga, you just have to get past the first 2-3 volumes for it to get good. the initial parts are pure ecchi. 
i might spam the blog w some pictures of norway later ^^;;
sorry for the short&all over the place response, I’m just so so tired, even tho it’s only been one week of school. I blame my period.
Anyway, the next one will be longer, I swear!  I hope you’re not too mad…
oh and i’ve gotten around to watching Death Note and it casually broke my heart. good to know, good to know.
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sweetest-honeybee · 7 years
Corne, Dorry, Elliot, and Dr. Picani
Okay, this may be pretty effing long so lets get on with this.
I know I talk about the Sanders Sides SO MUCH BUT HEAR ME OUT.
Nice to know you heard me out if you're reading this far. OKAY.
Let's start with Corne, the easiest to identify. If you don't already know, that is the ship name made up for the characters Corbin and Sloane in Thomas Sanders' newest video.
Corbin is very down to earth and would have rather thought that nothing was off the relationship and that he would much rather be spending his own valuable time with another activity. He uses more sense and is less expressive than Sloane.
Sloane is Corbin's boyfriend. He's very expressive and would rather have Corbin feel like he is listened to and having fun in the therapy session. He uses less logic and has more of the thought and understanding on certain cartoon and, in my personal opinion, has more of a connection to Dr. Picani's advice.
I would imagine that Corbin is more like Logan and Sloane is more like Patton.
Like Patton, Sloane states at the beginning that this was Corbin's own time and that he could talk about whatever he needed to.
Even when the ship name was said, Corbin immediately said no thinking it was obviously stupid to have a 'ship' name. Sloane clearly loves the idea.
I wonder why.
The second ship was Dorry. This is the ship name between Larry and Dot.
This was a bit harder since they share quite a few traits with each other and some traits simply could not be used for either theorized character.
Larry is less stable than Dot. At the beginning, he would fidget(I know it was a fidget spinner but I know you get what I'm saying). He seems much rather go somewhere else than to sit in a room talking about relationship struggles with Dr. Picani.
(If this is not accurate, correct me please🖒)
Dot is also expressive. She feels the need the add extra information which Larry clearly does not want to take the time to hear her explain which further proves my point in Larry's description.
Dot, which I personally assume is more like Roman, even wears whites, gold, and some red. She wears brights red lipstick as well as other makeup.
Larry wears blacks and purples and his face is red and his expression is usually full if nervousness, anger, annoyance, or some small worry.
I assume he is very much like Virgil.
I can't say for sure. Larry says he is confident in his identity and at the beginning creates a word that only Roman could possibly think of.
Let's move on.
Elliot. Elliot feels he is more alone in the relationship. He/They feels more like the outcast but still has hope for Michael. He feels deeply for the relationship generally and very much uses the advice from Picani. His relationship is more unstable than others, but he holds up fine for the most part.
He reminds me of Thomas in some way I can't necessarily describe. He just....does.
Quickly moving on, I want to explain Dr. Picani. Doctor freaking Emile Picani who is almost impossible to describe.
He is very childish. He has a deep love for anything cartoons. He feels for others deeply and obviously loves helping others as he is a relationship therapist.
He is not formal despite his attire and necktie.
He reminds me of nobody but a new and very special character that may appear more often than not. He's unique compared to everyone I know of relating to Thomas.
Most believe this is a possible new Sanders Side that could only be in this other series.
We don't know just yet.
Either way, whether I was accurate or not, this is my personal opinion. I love the Sanders Sides but I wanted to share my opinion.
@thatsthat24 If you read this, it is nothing like a theory, but it was just a thought.
Thomas seems to like the idea of four different character traits who are clearly diverse being personified.
Larry- Anxiety
Dot- Creativity(Romance)
Sloane- Morality/Empathy
Corbin- Logic
Elliot- ??
Dr. Picani- New character??
Crap, I already forgotten if her name was Dot but I'm sticking with it since I'm too lazy to edit this.
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