#and beta has been working on drawing the twins
localplaguenurse · 1 year
Spoilers for the end of As Gold as the Ginkgo Trees but because E anon requested it, this is a rough family tree for reader’s family
I would’ve made an actual diagram but I just... Didn’t feel like it atm, I’ve been pretty tired all day. Also the colour coordination is just for funsies and to sorta differentiate.
So first and foremost, we have Jin Hua (wifey's mom who passed during childbirth), and then we have Huang Xing (wifey's dad who passed when they were twelve). There is also our absolute beloved Li Lei who was helping raise wifey as they grew up, and then fully took them under her wing after dad passed away.
Wifey and Zhongli are self explanatory
Children birth order + mini descriptions (sorta, most of them are personal interpretation, but all of them have amber/gold eyes and are around or just under six feet tall)
Yánjiāng: P much looks like Zhongli except he doesn’t have the ponytail
Lihua: Also looks very similar to Zhongli, VERY long hair in a half updo with a lotus hairpin, she’s also trans
Zhusha: She pretty much looks like however you think reader looks
Yaling and Feng (twins): Also look very similar to reader but with subtle differences, Yaling has glasses and she is shorter despite Feng being the younger twin
I don’t go into specifics on grandkids or the spouses of the children because that’s a lot of babies and names (why did I do this) but: Yánjiāng has three kids and one grandchild, Lihua has adopted three children, Zhusha has none, Yaling has one child, and Feng has two children (Heng and Mei, the two kids in the mooncake scene)
Shoutout also Li Lei's gf Lin Xiu
If Cheng Gho wasn't a wretched woman she could've been wifey's grandma but NO she had to be a massive c***
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emeritusemeritus · 11 months
Vulnera Sanentur [Weasley Twins x Reader]
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Part 11
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Title: Vulnera Sanentur
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley {established relationship} mentions of Snape x Reader.
Timeline: DH1&2- Initially set during the battle of the seven potters. Canon and certain plot points have been altered for the needs of the story.
Summary: The battle of the seven Potters throws your world into chaos when one of your boyfriend’s is cursed. As Snape’s ex-potions assistant and previous protégée, you recognise the inflicted curse immediately and demand answers from your mentor.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of war and Voldy, descriptions of injury and blood, descriptive smut, p in v sex, shower sex, tension. Outside sex. Semi public sex. None sexual nudity. Crying. Snape has a soft spot for reader. Arguments. Probably some cursing. Mentions of nightmares. Reader is part of the Order of the Phoenix. Mentions of death (Dumbledore). Mentions of Tonks’ pregnancy. On it got a angsty. So much angst I can’t tag it all. Not spellchecked nor beta read, we die like Madeye.
Only a few more chapters left to go now. This one hurt my Severus loving heart🖤
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It's cold and dark in your mind but your body feels like it's on fire, trapped in an inferno that won't end. You'd scream if you could but you're trapped, rendered silent and frozen as your insides blaze without reprieve. Your suffering continues though you fight through it, ploughing on even with a pain-clouded mind and blurry vision as the blood continues to pour from your body.
You try and focus your eyes upon your opponent, forcing yourself to look harder and be stronger, using what little power you have left to continue to fight.
Nagini is hissing wildly, her huge, thick body roiling on the floor as if she's under the cruciatus curse, pain consuming her. There's a sound emitting from her that sounds ungodly, a mixture between a hiss and a scream that makes you feel as if your own throat is burning through the awful sound. Her body vibrates, continuing to convulse on the floor and you take a moment to back away, stumbling backwards as you slide across the floor, not realising until that moment that you'd fallen to your knees. The sharp rubble slices at your hands but you don't feel it, your mind screaming at you knowing you needed to get a safe distance away.
You fix your wand upon the multiple, horrifying gashes in Nagini's body, leaking both blood and black liquid which had mixed together to form the most grotesque sight you could fathom. The skin around her wounds was quickly turning black and your consciousness was fading in and out though you fought to pull every ounce of strength from yourself to focus. Taking steadying breaths, you think of Severus, the dear friend you had lost, feeling more than ever that you needed him right now.
"Vulnera Sanentur, Vulnera Sanentur, Vulnera Sanentur."
You drag your wand across her skin, watching at the lines on her body heal but not completely. It draws the black liquid out of her slowly, like pulling an invisible thread out and you watch in relief as the wounds begin to lose their black hue.
You were weak, much weaker than you hoped to be and you knew with little consolation that you might not be able to get out of this, your own blood still dripping onto the floor by your feet. Your eyes were closing on their own accord, exhaustion overcoming you no matter how hard you fought.
You dragged your wand over your own skin now, trying desperately to stop the blood flow, seeing the black venom infecting the deep gashes on your arm. The incantation was weak but you managed to draw the black venom out of your arm, just. The wounds were far from closed but the blood flow had slowed and that was all you could do.
It hadn't worked. Nagini was still a snake, not the woman you'd had seen in your mind; nothing you had done had worked. You forced yourself in your last moments to think of your boyfriends, their infectious laughter and gorgeous smiles. A loop of memories played in your mind, a montage of favourite moments together throughout the years. The first time you met, the first kisses, the last kisses and everything in between. They had each other, you reasoned, feeling a slither of peace at that very fact, knowing that whatever happened to you, they wouldn't be alone.
Your eyes briefly opened again upon hearing a haunting sound, a hissing that only increases with volume and intensity, immediately causing you to enter an internal fight or flight reaction though your body was still paralysed with exhaustion. Your mind takes a few moments to realise exactly what is happening as you register the figures of two people nearby, their outlines becoming clearer with each passing moment as your vision cleared, though you couldn't hold your eyes open for long.
Ron and Hermione.
You were encased around the large, wrapped trunk of Nagini's body, though you felt no pressure on your limbs, no constriction. The snake was wildly hissing at Ron and Hermione who were trying to approach you with horrified eyes, their wands fixed upon the snake with conviction. She was protecting you.
"Ron no! If you miss, you'll hit y/n!" Hermione wailes, tugging on his arm which had his wand aimed at Nagini. He looked furious, more angry than you'd ever seen him, a look in his eyes which showed he was out for revenge. The snake hisses in fury at Ron, sensing his intentions and gives a warning snap of it's head, showing the vicious fangs to warn them away. You can only see the side profile but even from your limited view, the blood covered fangs and healed but visible gashes across her body were a terror inducing sight.
Closing your eyes, you tried to connect to Nagini, finding nothing in the darkness behind your eyes. You're exhausted, both mentally and physically but you push harder, searching deeper and further in your mind for any sign of the snake, but there's nothing, the connection had been broken.
You open your eyes, feeling it easier now as the light no longer hurts your eyes, finding strength in the knowledge that something had changed, something must have worked.
You shift slightly, attempting to think of ways to get out of Nagini's hold and almost instantly she senses your movement. You reach blindly for your wand but feel nothing, preparing yourself for the imminent attack, but nothing comes. Instead, she unfurls herself from around you and with one last vicious hiss in Ron and Hermione's direction, she turns to you, watching you carefully as she peels her body away from yours, shifting to lie between you and your friends. You don't break her gaze, eyeing her carefully with the knowledge that she might attack the second you looked away.
You look into her eyes and see the woman staring back at you in your mind, looking frightened and lost, her eyes drawing you in. You feel compelled to explain, though she may not understand and there's no denying that the truth could cause her to attack, the uncertain nature of the serpentine creature only making you more afraid.
"You know don't you, what needs to be done," you say gently, still looking into her eyes. She continues to look at you and there's a momentary pause that passes where she doesn't respond in anyway, making you feel foolish for trying to communicate with the snake. She suddenly shifts her head and you immediately throw up your hand to stop Ron from moving forward as he prepares to lurch towards you, wand still aimed at the snake threateningly, his grip so tight you can see that his fingers have turned white. Her head slowly nods, though it's minuscule in movement.
There's a brief flash of embarrassment you feel at connecting this way with a creature but you sense that she can understand you completely.
"If there was another way," you begin to say but the rest of the words catch in your throat. Truthfully, you didn't know any other way of how to save her, of how to kill the Horcrux inside her without her perishing. Her head sinks to the floor, near your leg and suddenly she doesn't feel like a threat anymore. You sit there for some time, not knowing how to proceed, feeling like you'd reached an impasse.
All it took was a large bang out in the courtyard for the temporary armistice to be broken. Ron ran to the main doors just around the corner to look at what had caused the crash and he looked horrified as he explained with difficulty that Harry and Voldemort were duelling. It had to be now.
You turned to Nagini and noticed almost instantly how her demeanour had changed, her eyes no longer conveying any of the sadness or understanding, but instead looked cold and hardened. Her body had tensed and her tail had curled into her body tighter, all signs of alarming defensiveness. You understood immediately; the Horcrux within her was sensing her master only metres away. She could sense his danger, the treat to his life, which meant that the Horcrux within her, the slither of Voldemort's soul was also in danger.
Time seemed to slow as you realised too late the danger you were in, your proximity to the seemingly possessed snake putting you in imminent peril, especially without a wand. You ran, scrambling away until you backed up towards the wall, looking for some way of hiding, dragging Hermione with you so that she would be safe. It was like the predator in her had awoken, the last semblance of humanity drained from her mind as her body tenses, her body stiffening as she prepared to attack. You were defenceless and Hermione only had mere seconds to adjust to you throwing her back, as Ron leapt forward to protect her before Nagini lunged.
You watched at the snake flew through the air, her mouth wide open and blood soaked mouth hurtling towards you with an unstoppable force. You force yourself to think of your beloved boyfriends a s of your lost friend, desperately clinging to the love you'd received throughout your life as you waited for the attack.
But no pain came. Your eyes had closed on their own accord and you opened them tentatively to see a billowing cloud of black smoke rising in the air, clearing slowly to show the figure of Neville, bloodied and panting hard, the sword of Gryffindor in his hands. He'd done it, the very last Horcrux was dead.
Ron and Hermione held on to each other for the longest time, the near death experience pulling them closer together. You looked at Neville and leapt to your feet, throwing your arms around him. He stumbled briefly having not anticipated your embrace but held strong, wrapping his spare arm around you as you hugged him in both celebration and appreciation.
Then, you saw the translucent figure of a woman before you . It was the very same woman you'd seen in your mind, through the connection with Nagini. She was beautiful, the contrast of her dark hair and pale skin looked vibrant once again. The spirit's connection was brief, lingering just long enough for her to nod once at you, bowing her hair before she disappeared. You had done it, her spirit had been freed. The spell, your blood, mixed with hers and the venom really had worked.
You turned to Hermione and Ron, pulling away from Neville and found them to be staring at the exact spot where she hovered only moments ago, clearly having seen exactly what you had.
That one word prompted you all to run around the corridor and out into the courtyard, reminded that Harry was duelling the dark Lord with no assistance. You expected to see a myriad of lights and colour, the two powerful figures mid combat as each opponent fought for what they thought was right. Instead, you found Harry alone, stood in the crumbled courtyard clutching both his wand and the elder wand, staring down at the mythical hallow in amazement. He'd done it. He'd won. You'd all won.
Ron and Hermione ran towards him, embracing with triumphant glory, each of them pleased to be alive after facing their opponent head on. Neville fist bumped the air in celebration and limped quickly off back towards the main building, no doubt alerting the others that Voldemort had been defeated.
You stood alone, feeling suddenly overcome with emotions that you hadn't anticipated, conflicted to your very core. You felt a massive surge of relief of course, wanting nothing more than to celebrate alongside the trio and everyone else. But you felt sad and a little lost. You felt for everyone that had lost their lives in the battle, the damage that had been caused, for little teddy who had lost both of his loving parents in a single night and for Severus, who had died in your arms, a spoil of war.
But then you remembered the tear. The memory he had given you in his last moments. You looked upon the trio once more, seeing them rightfully still embracing and celebrating their win and with one last glance, you slipped back inside the castle and walked straight towards the headmasters office before anyone could stop you. You couldn't wait to get back to Fred and George, to be wrapped in their arms and back with everyone you loved, no longer having to feel fear or doom but this had to be done first, you needed answers and closure from the only person that could give you that.
Approaching the gargoyle staircase, you thought of that night so long ago when you'd slipped in to the castle and confronted Severus about George's injury. You thought of your anger, your resentment and your confusion that your friend and mentor could have done this to the man you loved, particularly as you approached the main doors, remembering how you had barged in the last time.
The office was largely undamaged, with only a few books and glass cases smashed on the floor from the attack. The pensieve pulled out automatically s you stepped further into the room, crossing the threshold with a nervous trepidation that made you pause, pulling the vial out of your pocket and holding it out with shaky hands.
You poured in the tear and watched as it swirled down, a bright white cloud of billowing smoke within the water, drawing you in. You took a deep breath and submerged your face into the tepid water,  watching as the cloud parted and dispersed, forming into figures that you recognised immediately. Severus and Dumbledore. They were in the very office your body was suspended in, Dumbledore sat at his desk with Severus stood before him, attempting to walk out.
"Don't ignore me, Severus," Dumbledore says, causing the potions master to pause in the doorway. "We both know Lord Voldemort has ordered the Malfoy boy to murder me. But should he fail, one should presume the dark Lord will turn to you."
Severus stands resolute, looking upon Dumbledore with a blank expression. "You must be the one to kill me, Severus. It's the only way. Only then will the dark Lord trust you completely."
You watch as Snape's face drops subtly, his eyes expressing a hesitancy and pain that is almost palpable. The vision flickers and you see Snape shushing Harry in what you know to be the astronomy tower before the image of Dumbledore's falling body briefly flickers across your vision, the killing curse uttered by Snape ringing in your ears. The vision then flickers back to their meeting in the office, Dumbledore's weak and tired eyes imploring Severus.
"There will come a time when Harry Potter must be told something. But you must wait until Voldemort is at his most vulnerable."
"Must be told what?" Severus' deep baritone voice calls out, a frustration and element of concern in his tone.
The vision suddenly changes again and you watch as Severus enters the broken house you'd recognised from your trip to Godric's Hollow on Christmas Eve. You watched as he walked across the debris covered landing and caught sight of Lily dead on the floor, the infant Harry wailing in his cot only yards away.
"On the night Lord Voldemort went to Godric's Hollow to kill Harry, and Lily Potter cast herself between them, the curse rebounded."
You can feel the affection he felt for Lily with the sound of her name, and then the devastation and pain at discovering her body on the floor in the nursery. It's gut wrenching and crippling to feel everything he felt and you now understood that he had loved her, he had loved Lily Potter.
"When that happened, a part of Voldemort's soul latched itself onto the only living thing it could find, Harry himself." Dumbledore has begun walking down the platform steps in his office, his legs weak and his frame looking frailer than ever as you see his blackened hand, the curse from a Horcrux.
"There's a reason Harry can speak with snakes. There's a reason he can look into Lord Voldemort's mind. A part of Voldemort lives inside him."
"So when the time comes," Severus says, squinting at Albus who has reared closer to him now, the tension in the room growing increasingly denser and thick. "The boy must die?"
"You've kept him alive so that he can die at the proper moment," Severus accuses, his tone suddenly much harsher, "you've been raising him like a pig for slaughter."
"Don't tell me now you've grown to care for the boy?"
Then you see him look out of the window, the darkness in the sky only further proof that this was conversation had late at night, in complete secrecy. You watch as Severus casts the patronus charm and a familiar glowing doe whips around the room before exiting through the glass, the illuminated spot fading as it disappears further into the sky.
"And y/n, you have grown to care for her too?" Albus asks. You watch as Severus becomes instantly more defensive, his eyes squinting and mouth opening before closing rather harshly, his chest puffing.
"That is none of your concern," he answers in a deadpan way, his eyes averted to a spot on the wall where the portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black hangs.
"But Severus it is, do you not see that she is involved?"
Snape's head whips round quicker than a flash until he's staring back into Albus' eyes with a fierce glare, though beneath the stare is concern and worry.
Flashes of yourself appear in Snape's memory, a strange thing to have seen memories you yourself had but from the other perspective. You see yourself in your sixth year, singled out in his vision as he watches you work, creating a batch of what you remember to be Sleeping Draught in class. The next memory shows the following week, your meeting in his office, seeing you smile and laugh as his deep chuckle fills your ears. You see as different memories merge together of you working together, annotating his books and transcribing his notes, the visions of you shifting to memories you had never known, of Severus watching you and glancing at you when you weren't paying attention. You can feel a warmth again to these memories, feeling the affection he felt for you, as if you were able to experience it exactly how he had, much like the memories of Lily.
"You said that you would protect her! You said by making her my apprentice it would shield her from his notice!"
"The dark Lord may be unaware of her prowess but I fear her connection to the Weasley's will have attracted the attention of her peers." There's a flash of you, Fred and George sat in the great hall from Snape's perspective at the top table, he sees you laughing and resting your head on Fred's shoulder, though the memory is brief.
"There's little I can do, Severus. They will need her," Albus says with conviction.
The memory shifts again before your eyes and you see Severus sat alone in his office, his corporeal patronus dancing wildly around the room as he binds together pieces of what you recognise to be the Lebetum, the misted glass opened as he summons the doe inside. He thinks of you, your laughter playing like a melody in your own ears and there's a brief moment where you can smell the scent of your hair as you watch the words 'Expecto Dominum Meum' appear across the black device just as you had experienced many times before.
There's a brief memory that flashes and you watch as Severus pulls a book from his bookshelf in what you assume to be his home, followed by him using the book as a glossary as he translates his words whilst writing. The next memory cuts in of you receiving the book from him, his deep voice speaking over the memory that you will need this to translate and transcribe his newest paper, handing you the book of Latin phrases and texts.
"You love her," Albus' voice cuts through and you watch as Dumbledore and Snape are stood on a cliff top somewhere, the exchange between the pair is rife with tension.
"Yes," he says, his deep voice speaking matter of factly.
"You've protected her all you can," Albus says, perhaps slightly gentler now.
"It's not enough," he says, his black sleeved arms wrapping around himself, turning to look out into the distance. You know he's thinking about you, and of Lily, the two women he felt he'd lost, slipping between their fingertips. "It will never be enough." He reaches into his pocket and thrusts the black device of his own creation that he'd pulled from within the folds of his cloak into the older man's wrinkled hands, who gapes at it for a moment, a frown pulling between his eyebrows.
"Severus, you can't possibly," Albus begins speaking but he's cut off when Snape looks up from the Lebetum with an expression you had so often seen, the fixed, harsh stare that told whomever he was speaking to that he would answer no questions nor explain further, his word absolute.
"Until my heart stops beating. With hope, even after."
The memory fades and the smoke like memory disappears into the water until it's no longer visible. You pull out of the water and sink to your knees, sitting on the bottom stone step of the desk platform, gathering your thoughts.
You sobbed uncontrollably, chest and shoulders heaving with the effort as you let every bit of pain consume you, every emotion you'd tried to hold back from the moment you left Bill's wedding and everyone behind in your hunt for the Horcruxes, realising that you had been played like a pawn in a game of wizards chess. You cried for your lost friend, knowing now that he loved you. You cried for everything that could have been, for how he'd protected you the whole way through without knowing, for the pain you felt at being so close but so far away from Fred and George, for the months spent pining for them, for the horrors you'd seen and what you'd been through.
You gasped for breath between your sobs, clutching your arms around yourself as you rocked gently, feeling entirely consumed by pain. You should feel victorious and triumphant, celebrating with everyone else in the castle but you couldn't face it, not when you felt so far away from yourself.
Your thoughts were consumed with Severus and what you'd seen in his memories and you wondered if you'd loved him too. You loved Fred and George, that was evident to everyone around you and to yourself but you'd never considered the piece of your heart that had remained with Severus, realising much too late that you had loved him too. Maybe not in the same way that you did the twins but it was undeniable that there was something there much stronger than friendship alone.
Your sobs had subsided eventually and you sat on the cold stone with a vacant expression, gaze fixed upon an uninteresting spot on the floor. You felt drained in every sense of the word; your mind was slowly going blank, unable to string two solid thoughts together as the mental and emotional strain took its toll on you. Your body felt weak and broken, pain and soreness now evident in your injured body, feeling the full effects of your shoulder injury and the cuts on your arm. You look down at the deep gashes on your arm and begin to slowly peel your jacket away, cringing and wincing as the dried blood around the cuts rips away having connected your jacket to the broken skin.
You cast a healing spell on the cuts but it's weak, knowing that you couldn't perform the correct incantation as much as you wanted to, your body too exhausted and drained. You pondered, just for a moment, the irony of the cuts on your arm. The spell created by your mentor intended to inflict pain for those he hated, but instead inflicted upon the woman he loved to free her from her torment.
You sat for a while thinking of the memories he'd shown you, realising now that all his words had made sense. He'd asked you to forgive him, telling you that one day you'd understand. He'd protected you when you needed it most, provided you with his own guardian in the form of a patronus and saved your life multiple times even from afar. He'd given you all the clues, the biggest of all being the book of Latin phrases, somehow knowing that it would be the key to surviving, putting his faith in your ability to decode it. He'd loved you. He was never a true destheater but had been the bravest man alive to act as a spy for the order, for the sake of everyone who seemingly hated him.
One thing had always bothered you, once singular piece of knowledge that had plagued you since the moment you'd been bequeathed with the Lebetum.
You stood slowly, throwing your jacket back over you to cover the scars and the wounds that littered your body and dusted yourself off, though it was a pointless effort as your clothes and skin were still stained with Severus' blood. You stepped towards the littering of books on the bookcase and tried to find the off-white leather book amongst the rows of text, hoping it was there. It wasn't. It was, however, laid on the desk, already open.
You searched through the glossary of words, alphabetically listed as you turned to the section you needed.
Lebetem, or Lebetum (noun) translates to Cauldron. A large metal pot used for brewing potions over an open fire. Can also refer to a situation characterised by strong emotions.
You felt gobsmacked by the revelation, realising that it was most likely a joke played by Severus, a little twist of humour he'd integrated in the the situation.
You then thought of the translation Mr Ollivander had given you of the text on the device, Expecto Dominum Meum, and his little chuckle when you explained that it was a Lebetum, realising now that it all made sense. He’d recognised you as Snape’s apprentice and had only chuckled when he pieced it all together.
Lebetum, Cauldron, a necessity of brewing potions.
Expecto Dominum Meum, I await my master.
I await my potions master.
You laughed out loud; an honest and very real laugh that you felt hadn't happened in such a long time. You'd been blind to it all this time, his intricacies never failing to amuse and astound you. You felt an immense sense of gratitude erupt from you and though you were naturally devastated that he was no longer here, nor were you able to thank him for everything he'd done, the Lebetum had done the trick to make you feel a little better, giving you humour in a time of sheer upset.
You wanted a shower desperately, a hot cup of tea and the comfort of your loved ones around you. You looked down at the book of Latin translations and smiled, touching your hand to the old pages before you walked away, feeling calmed.
You closed the doors to the office as you exited, casting one last glance at the intricacy of the wood and walked down the staircase, back towards the great hall where you hoped everyone was still gathered.
Bill spotted you first and leapt up from his seat to close the distance between you, pulling you into his chest. The unlikely friendship you'd forged during your time at shell cottage was entirely unexpected but welcome, his ability to make you feel at ease and protected was unparalleled, his role of big brother extending to you.
"Stop scaring me like that," he mutters and you can hear the slight smirk in his voice, making you chuckle. "Told you you were tough, wouldn't find me dead near a snake." You chuckle again and start to snark that Werewolves were fine but not snakes, but you're stopped as you see two near identical and very welcome faces waiting anxiously behind Bill. You pull apart, giving him one last smile before he slips back to sit beside Fleur at the table, allowing you to properly reunite with his brothers.
There's a singular beat that passes where you stand still, looking at them with a trepidation to your gaze. You felt guilty for leaving them alone, to fight your own battles without considering theirs. They both looked disheveled and dirty, eyes dark and tired and for the first time that night you no longer thought of your own exhaustion or torment.
Fred moves first and pulls you in for the tightest embrace he'd ever given, his hand holding your waist close to his body and his left hand cradling your head. He kisses you without abandon, uncaring and unashamed of anyone nearby as your emotion pours into the kiss, a thousand apologies and comforting words said silently between you. A tear falls from your left eye, overwhelmed by your official reconnection but he doesn't miss it, moving his thumb to swipe it away as he pulls his lips away from yours reluctantly, savouring the feel of your lips against his.
"I love you so much," he says, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead as he begins to rock you gently side to side. "You're never leaving again, you hear me? I can't ever be apart from you again." Another tear slips at his words and all you can do is nod in agreement, blindsided by the emotion and conviction of his words.
"Never again," you reply, reaching out to grab the material of his jacket, feeling as if he'd slip away if you let go. He senses this and presses one last kiss to your lips before pulling away and stepping aside, allowing George to scoop you up.
Fred and George were different in many ways but it was never more obvious to you than when you were in their arms. George always seemed taller somehow, your head not reaching as far up onto his shoulder as it did with Fred but it was equally as comforting to be pressed into the centre of his chest. His arms caged you and held you tightly, shoulders and breasts smushed against the hard plains of his body but you didn't care.
"Tell me it's over, Angel, please don't leave again."
His voice sounds broken and like a little boys, lost and afraid, a sound that breaks your heart. You pull away firmly, looking up into his gorgeous face.
"I'm staying right here, forever," you say, reaching up to touch his cheek as you lean up, making it clear that you want a kiss. He obliges immediately and kisses you with a passion and intensity you hadn't quite anticipated. His hand find yours and he holds on to you tightly, one large hand grabbed around your back as your right hand stays on his face.
Once the kiss ends, Fred steps back to join you both as both twins grab for you, your small frame between their much larger once's making you feel safe and secure. Eventually you are pulled away by Molly who can't wait any longer and you're smothered by her fussing until Arthur pulls her away with a knowing smile before he embraces you. Each person embraces you as you're passed around the group, feeling every ounce of love they give.
There's a moment where you and Harry look at each other before you embrace, a wordless question about your shared connections to darkness. You shake your head with a smile, telling him that your connection had been severed and he nods his head with the same mirrored look, both of you smiling widely as you realise that it was now just you, no longer plagued by another's emotions or memories. You throw your arms around his neck, both laughing as you finally feel the celebratory mood everyone else felt, now that you were back with the people you loved.
Ginny brought you a hot cup of tea from one of the little reserves that had been set up and you thanked her kindly, taking a seat in between Fred and George, in your rightful place. Instantly, their arms lock you into place with George's arm extending around your back and Fred's large hand covering your thigh, keeping you anchored to them. Everyone was laughing and joking, telling their own stories and as you looked around at your loved ones, though missing one important person; you felt happy.
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Taglist request:
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rosypenguins · 13 days
would you like to dump all your thoughts, headcanons, rambles, and yaps about dom? (i luv letting people yap and i love dom)
Y-yeah I’d like that.
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Most of my headcanons and rambles have already been drafted into future posts, so I’m just gonna yap about them for a lil bit lol.
I genuinely did not expect to get as attached to these twins as I did. Hell, I remember when their beta designs dropped, I thought they looked lame. But then the spin-off came out and I was like ‘oh, they’re alright actually’ and then I kept rewatching the episode because I’m cripplingly addicted to this show and slowly I just grew more and more fond of them. Dom specifically. (Faye’s amazing too but Dom hits different.)
And then the second episode came out, and I started thinking more and more about them, which spiraled into a million headcanons and a whole damn backstory and my gallery looking like this-
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And I basically did to them what I did to Drew: I took all the pieces canon gave me and filled in the rest with my imagination to make two little scrimblos I can more easily write about and analyze. (Normal things hot girls do.✨)
And I find it funny how Dom has managed to capture my attention just as much as Drew has, when he’s probably a character Drew would bully like RELENTLESSLY. (I have two scenarios of this: one being Drew calling Dom’s sweater stupid and childish while Dom’s like “At least mines not all plain and basic!” and then they argue for like two minutes OR Drew actually gets to something Dom’s insecure about or says something like “Oh my God, could you shut up for once in your life? No one fucking cares what you have to say. You’re annoying and if you spent the rest of life with your mouth glued shut I doubt anyone would care. It’d be better off for everyone.” And Dom actually goes silent and then he’s like REALLY hesitant about saying anything for two weeks- wait I made myself sad writing that FUCK.)
ANYWAYS I genuinely don’t really know WHY I’m so attached to Dom right now. He’s literally just a carrot, with about 5 minutes of screen time. Half of his lines are about squirrels and birds, and yet I’d trade my DAMN SOUL for him. HE’S SO FUCKING CUTE. (Maybe it’s because of the lack of backstory and relative mystery. I love me a character I gotta piece together like a puzzle. Or maybe it’s his voice Ireallylikehisvoice-)
But yeah, I’m obsessed with him and it makes me really sad how I’ve barely been able to find any content of him. Like there’s literally no fanfiction, and barely any art. Which I guess makes sense, they’re supporting characters with not much to them, but still, it makes me sad. (BUT IM WORKING TO CHANGE THAT WITH MY FANFIC WIPS AND DRAWING DRAFTS!)
And it sucks too, because I doubt they’re gonna play much of a role in S2. They’re probably gonna fade into obscurity, and I’ll never be able to learn about their backstories or potential mental issues. (Which I ALSO HAVE A POST ABOUT-)
I think going forward, I’m gonna try and post a little more about Dom and Faye, at least for now. I’m still Drew blog obviously, Drew’s still my personality unfortunately, but I really want to try and use my blog to sort of promote them, I guess? I want to share what I see in them, and I want to feed the Dom and Faye fans that are just as starved as me.
Anyways TLDR: I just like Dom a lot. He deserves the world. (I say as I discreetly shove him into the blender of suffering turn it onto high.)
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00belle00lovely00 · 8 months
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(OK. THINGS FIRST, DO FORGIVE ME IF YOU SEE SUDEN STRANGE CHANGES IN THE ART STYLE, I swear to my mama I made all of these, just that I've been drawing this concept idea for the past 2 years and I somehow completely changed from my own art style for these sillies towards the cardboard cutouts that the game has us to offer. So if there's any confusion, the first image up there is the latest from a few weeks.)
So I had this concept AU idea where I wanted to explain WHY the Sun and Moon can be completely separate while Eclipse is just cast away from the whole 'brotherhood' the fandom has created. And BECAUSE I haven't seen anyone do this back when I had this idea, I decided to make it my own!
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Eclipse in this AU appeared way back when the pizzaplex was being built. Small variations of iconic attractions such as a smaller version of the atrium, a half-cut area of Rockstar Row and Bonnie Bowl which was, at the time, the biggest attraction at the in-construction were all located within the upcoming glamrocks with their beta versions. Back at that time, Eclipse was somewhat of a prototype for the present-day daycare attendant we all know and love. They began to work around a smaller version of the daycare, being introduced to the children with both daytime and naptime protocols to ensure their safety and fun in Superstar Daycare.
Eventually, though, the pizzaplex began to grow bigger and bigger, to the point where more clients of all ages started to watch the early performances of the beta Glamrocks. Due to funds increasing and higher-ups becoming much more daring, a new attraction was set up near the daycare, this being known as the present-day Theater where Sundrop and Moondrop were introduced as its performers. Working as entertainers and jesters for comedic acts, especially for the adults who dropped off their kids and went off for a bag of popcorn and a soda to watch the sillies on their performances.
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Sun and Moon as Jesters:
Sun back at the time was his usual joyful and happy self, yet one full of ego and quite self-centered if you must say. As Sun was given the role of the main character in the majority of his performances, he kept the idea that everything must be according to what was planned. Perfect, clean and nicely done, he thinks that the smallest mistake could ruin his "character arc" and much rather be scrapped on set in front of all his fans than admit that sometimes you just have to get off your fantasies and set yourself in real life.
Moon on the other hand, oh boy, that guy wasn't any less good. As the antagonist of the majority of the performances, he grew a 'villainous wanna-be' personality. Where he tries to prank you, trick you, and make pathetic yet silly obstacles before laughing away in an 'evil' laugh. I mean... what would you honestly expect? This is Moon who we are talking about you guys, there's no way this guy can be a calming presence to be around, not even before the virus situation.
At first, Eclipse seemed a bit shocked and wary about how there were suddenly two completely identical modelled animatronics that resembled a lot of him living just near his daycare. At some point, they didn't want to be involved in whatever these two jesters were.
But as time went by, admittedly Eclipse grew attached to the twins. Having an older sibling bonded with them as they were the ones making sure those two imbeciles wouldn't go at each other's necks for dumb reasons like a scrip, a mistake in their performance on stage or even just a simple argument. Which they had. Multiple times.
Things were always a ruckus with the jesters. They hung out on their after-hours, helped each other with their usual routines for the day, and even there were rare occasions when Sun and Moon were invited into the daycare. That, of course, was where Sun learned how to adore arts and crafts. Seeing the beauty of art from his own viewpoint. As for the Moon jester? Well, he learned about disciplinarity, the need for perpetual rest and most wholesomely, he grew to like naptime due to Eclipse's soft lullaby that they would spread to every kid alike. Although too proud to admit, he is slightly jealous of Eclipse's calming nature. In a good way.
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Some art to help those who want to join the comic collab, the artstyle is specific as well as simplified and cartoony. The style is basically how I’ve been drawing my fanart, just something simplified and cute looking. I won’t only have artists to help with this I will also have: Writers if you want to write, additional ideas such as humor, and proofreaders.
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What is it about?
Well it will be mainly about the Sobeck twins bonding and navigating their sisterhood through hunting lessons, similar to how Aloy was raised. It will be humorous and heartwarming, also because it’s fan interpretation👀….Elisabet lives and finds out she has twins, Aloy and Beta also own a sunwing named Soren. Note: There will be no shipping, not because I don’t respect and appreciate what people ship its that it can get really messy with all the different ships that people have (there can be hints, similar to the art I made that’s Beta being a terd about Aloy being in love).
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Extra sheets: Only did Aloy, might do the rest too. But basically she is drawn cartoony and simplified. Her hair is more fluffy, and for comic effect it will poof up if she gets startled. Did a turn around of her head to show her hair’s floofiness uWu. The line art on the characters are kinda doodle-y and sketchy too.
Anyways that’s all there really is, you can DM if your interested if you’d like, or just leave a comment and Reblog with tags please. Thank you and looking forward to working on this collab ❤️
Again this project is entirely on our own time as well, I myself am busy with other projects but I think this will be a fun thing to try when I’m not working on huge projects.
OH! And please use the hashtag Horizon The Adventures of Aloy and Beta.
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emilianadarling · 1 year
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New/Updated ‘Warrior’ Cover Art - Chapter 4: Family
At long last! This latest retroactive chapter cover art has taken me longer than I anticipated, mostly due to a persistent injury/ailment I’ve been grappling with over the past month since we posted the final chapter. (Though I did share an in-progress preview pic a little while back.) Mild expectation spoilers for that chapter ahead!
Technically, Chapter 4 was the second time I ever posted cover art alongside a chapter of ‘warrior’, though making the cover art chapter-specific didn’t come until later. At the time, I figured I’d make a new ‘warrior’ cover every few chapters for the fic writ large. That changed around Ch 6, and it’s been a neat process to go back and fill in the gaps, or to focus in on the actual chapter contents in a more zoomed-in way.  For comparison, here’s the original cover art posted with the chapter:
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With the new/updated/chapter-specific cover art, I wanted to narrow in on what ended up being one of the most memorable/thematic scenes in that particular section of the story: the holocall with Han and Chewie in Leia’s chambers. (A scene that, perhaps interestingly, wasn’t in the original early 2/3 draft of the fic, but was instead added in because I NEEDED it to exist so bad before it felt like the story could proceed to its conclusion. 
Visually, Din is reduced to being seen through a screen -- much like he is in the chapter, when Luke spies in on him and Grogu by way of security footage, hearts in his eyes and utterly uncaring of the fact that Din wouldn’t appreciate the invasion of privacy. A Mandalorian conceptualized as tamed in some base sense -- but also, somehow, taming.
I honestly fucking love how the picture of the twins turned out. Both originals are drawn by Phil Noto, and holy fuck can that man draw these two in a way that just. SPEAKS TO ME. (Here are both originals.) In particular, it feels wonderful to be able to ‘see’ Leia from this universe; I’m so wildly grateful at the fantastic base art to work from. 
Thanks to @universeinorbit​ for their continued incredible beta skills (including ART beta skills, incredible job recolouring/resketching Leia’s clothes so that she’s consistent with how she’s dressed in the chapter), and to @lovey-dovey-and-sad​ for her great feedback during the cover art creation process. Big thanks also to all readers, commenters, and supporters of the story -- it truly means the world!
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toonqueen · 11 months
Duckvember Day 1: Dead Duck (Part 1)
lololol Part 2 coming SOON hopefully.
Okay this story has OCs that are the adult kids of Mighty Ducks the Animated Series. HERE IS A CHEAT SHEET SINCE NOT MANY READ MY STORIES BACK IN HIGHSCHOOL. (Only One Many Here Has. lol) This story is very
Luke-  Duke’s son that pretty much looks exactly like him but has both eyes. Super smart but does not apply himself because of gifted child burnout. @fluxchix is responsible for him.
Maestro - Son of Canard and Luceria Decoy that fell out of a portal one day, like you do. Super sweet guy even though he has seen some shit. Also he's deaf so I'm writing SIGNED instead of SAID a lot.
Tayshia - Tanya and Wildwing daughter that someone while having loving parents turned out to be kinda a jerk man. Wtf is up with that?
Karma - Grin’s son, I really don’t have  much to explain here. 
Mercedes - Nosedive’s daughter. Everything you find annoying about Nosedive but then doubled. 
Molissa - Duke's daughter and Luke's younger sister.
Castor and Blaster - Mallory’s twins.  Funny story I can’t remember these two’s real names. These were their nicknames. I actually rarely ever wrote them so LOLOLOL. 
Rex - Dragaunus’ son that is good and working with the ducks because he’s the bad bitch Mercedes was able to pull by being autistic 
Tyrant - not related to Dragaunus in any way, just a new saurian from limbo that is the new bad guy or something.
Betaed by @cataradical but the next part may be unbetaed because I am unsupervised.
 “Thank you for the ride. You do not have to stick around,” signed Maestro as he sat in the passenger seat. He had been excited all day to go to the bookstore. The book he wanted the author to sign was sitting in his lap.
“Ah, I’ll be in the area. There’s stuff on the other side of the street I’m going to check out,” replied Luke, signing as he spoke aloud.
“Cool. I will text you when I am done,” Maestro signed as he smiled, “I do not know how long the line is going to be. He is famous enough to draw a crowd.”
“Take your time. There’s no rush. Maybe we can have dinner afterwards,” Luke said and signed. Maestro put on the device that helped him hear. It was something Tanya had created a short while ago that easily wrapped around the back of his head and ended at a circular shape on each end. It wasn’t 100% helpful with hearing speech, but it was what he normally wore in battle mode so he could not be surprised and attacked from behind. 
“A quick dinner. I wanted to finish packing tonight,” Maestro signed, smile widening. He opened  the truck door to get out. He closed the door, tucked the book under his arm, and waved his friend off.. Luke snickered and waved in return before the other duck disappeared into the store.
Luke headed to the strip mall across the street. He was sure he could find something to waste his time on for a few hours. He didn’t want to go back to his empty apartment and for sure did not want to go back to the Pond and be forced to practice. 
Luke barely had a chance to park when he already received a text message from Maestro. He expected it to be a long paragraph explaining something that happened at the signing. Instead it was a short message: “Pick me up now. Please.”
Luke hopped back into the pickup, returned to the bookstore. Maestro was waiting outside with a very neutral expression. His copy of the book was no longer in his arms.
Luke parked the truck and Maestro got in without saying a word. Angrily buckled himself up.
“Uh, that was quick... How did it go?” Luke said as he signed, a little bit unsure about asking because it clearly did not go well. 
“Not good. Can we go to your apartment?” Maestro signed back as he dropped his messenger back onto his lap. The book didn’t appear to be inside, either.
“Okay…” Luke trailed off, replying with a simple “okay” in sign.
The drive was awkwardly quiet. Maestro stared out the window, hugging his bag. When they pulled off at an exit and stopped at a red light, he finally broke the silence. Without looking at Luke, he spoke aloud, “He didn’t even give me the chance to explain. He just said I was mocking his work.” Most of his enunciation and tone was clear but when it came to longer words they were more mumbled. Before Luke could say anything, he continued, “I mean. I knew better than to mention Limbo. I just said there is warring on our home planet and he just– just shot me down. I mean. It’s the elephant in the room that no one talks about, but it’s kinda common knowledge that alien ducks are here because our planet sucks right now. So wouldn’t it make sense there would be someone in my situation?” 
Luke nodded, not sure of what to say at that moment. He then realized Maestro wouldn’t see his nod so he reached over to give the upset duck a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. 
Maestro looked over at Luke; he wasn’t crying but his eyes were misty. 
Luke went to speak but was interrupted by an angry honk from the car behind him. The light had turned green. The gray duck grumbled to himself, annoyed, and resumed driving.
Maestro looked a little amused at Luke’s frustrated reaction to being honked at. He wiped a tear from his eye, chuckling, “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” Luke added verbally. He then signed his response, forgetting a moment Maestro wouldn’t understand him. It was frustrating for him that he couldn’t communicate with his friend while driving. 
Maestro could tell Luke thought that he had missed the words. “Do not worry. I am watching your beak now,” he reassured softly with a light smile despite his watery eyes. 
“Did you still want to go out to eat?” asked Luke. 
“No,” Maestro replied verbally. He spoke softly because Luke had to keep his eyes on the road, but still signed a bit out of habit. “I am going to take a nap. I was up until 4 AM, so excited to meet this guy. I do not want to go back to the pond right now because Tanya would see I was upset and mom all up on me.”
Luke took a moment to process what Maestro said. “Yeah, it's fine,” he replied. “You can crash at my place. I have a few things to do so I’ll drop you off first.” 
A Short Time Later
“What kind of dump did you send me to?” the gentleman spoke into his cellphone as he got off the elevator. He angrily dug into his pocket for the hotel room key. “I’m on the third floor. THIRD FLOOR.”
There was a pause as the man stopped in front of the door, finally retrieving the key card. “I don’t care if it's a five star hotel. I don’t care what actors stay here. This place is as bad as that so-called bookstore you sent me to. I’ll call you in the morning.”
The author shoved open the door, tossing the key and phone on the dresser. He took off his jacket, dumped it on the couch as he entered the small office space in the large, fancy hotel room. Before he could switch on the light, he heard an abrupt <i>click</i> from the desk. It was followed by the flicker of fire from a lighter. 
The author, confused, turned on the light.
Luke sat on the desk, lighting his cigarette clamped in his beak. He took a drag, held it between his fingers. In his other hand was a copy of the author’s book, opened about a third way through. “So here’s the shit I don’t get,” he said coldly. “Your book is like, 10% about this former child soldier in Uganda, and then the other 90% about telling others how to cope. You, a guy who has never experienced the horrors of war. Where’s this child soldier you spoke about? The boy who actually had to endure all this pain and misery?”
“How did you get in here! The security in this place is… how!” the human seemed rather stunned. 
The duck ignored his outburst, flipping through the book. “Not a word from the guy in here… It's like you’re making money off his trauma. Wow. Does he get any of the residuals off your book sales, because I mean, come on. Or is this some sorta ‘Memories of a Geisha’ bullshit?”
“What is this? I’m calling the police!” the man went back to the table he had left his phone. The grey feathered duck stayed on the desk as he flipped through to read the next page of the book. When the human picked up the phone he saw he had no signal. He tried calling out but just got a defunct noise in the return. He then picked up the hotel phone but it had no ring tone
“Don’t worry man. I’m her to just talk,” Luke called from the other room. The sound of him getting off the desk could be heard, “Comon, we just need to discuss a little situation.”
The author went to leave the hotel room, but the doorknob didn’t work. 
“You know, EMP shit isn’t just stuff for sci fi movies,” the grey duck added as he came to the office doorway, “Man, everything is fucking automated nowadays. Even that silly hotel room lock.” 
“What do you want?” The man glared at the gray duck. The human didn’t seem scared but knew he was in possible danger. 
“Heh, can’t you at least guess? Maybe?” He stood. “I mean, it's not that often you see two alien ducks in one day,” Luke said as he leaned against the office doorway. He took another puff from his cigarette.
“You’re threatening me because I called out that other duck’s publicity stunt?” the author snapped. 
“Alright, first of all, there was no one from ‘our media’ with him,” Luke gave finger quotations as he spoke, cigarette bouncing between a pair, “he came alone and stood in line with all the others. Why couldn’t you just sign his fucking book and let it go?”
“What kind of PTSD trauma do you ducks have? You play hockey, right? You’re celebrities. I don’t see anything about your experiences related to the contents in my book,” the human ranted, more annoyed than anything else.
“Look, you could &lt;;i>technically</i> say that about any of the other ducks around my age born on Earth.,” Luke explained irritably. “But Maestro wasn’t, okay? He came to this planet when he was fourteen. I think he’s only told me about half of the shit he went through before he got to Earth. He really, <i>really</i> liked your book.” He didn’t expect the author to understand, however. “And even though you’re an asshole, obviously, the book helped him a lot. I could tell.”
Luke stood up right, moving closer to the author. The human stood his ground. Completely unempathetic, just as the duck guessed. 
“And what, praytell, did you want me to do about your friend’s problem?” the author demanded, crossing his arms. 
Luke rubbed his own forehead. God, this man was dense. “You wrote a book to help people, and your attitude is like… <i>this</i>?” he sighed. “Look, how about this. Wait a few days, and then send him a signed copy of your book with a nice short note apologizing.”
“And what if I don’t?” the human replied, unfazed. 
“How bad would it look if the advocate against child soldiers was taking blood diamond money this whole time?” Luke threatened, biting down on the cigarette. He took out his phone and opened up a search.
“I’ve done no such thing,” the author grumbled as he loosened the tie from his collar a bit.
“Oh, I can probably find connections in half an hour. If not, I can make a few up, all 100% believable,” Luke stated as he typed on his smartphone, “I might even have it done in fifteen minutes.”
“Impossible. Get out of here now,” the human said sternly, but it also had a slight tone of worry.
“You really want to try me? I’ve already shown that our advanced alien technology just blocked all the electronics in your room. Don’t you think that I could do more?” Luke asked rhetorically.   The other paused and let out a defeated sigh.
“All this because I hurt your friend’s feelings?” the human replied.
“Yep!” Luke could only reply as he gave what could only be described as  a sarcastic ‘buddy buddy’ patting on the back to the author, “I’ll check up on you and make sure you do as I said. Alright?”
“I will,” the author grumbled, reluctantly taking Luke’s threat seriously. Luke was heading away from the author and to the nearby window.
“Then, I’ll catch you later,” Luke replied before opening the window, “and if you breathe a word of this to the cops, I’ll know.”
“Uh.... alright,” the author said unsure as he saw the duck disappear out the window and probably take the fire escape down. Before the human could say anything else he was gone. 
As Luke was walking to the maroon truck he was borrowing he received a text. 
Mae: Where are you at? I just woke up. 
Mae: Not asking because I expect you to come back. 
Mae: Just asking. No rush. 
Luke saw the messages as he got into the maroon pickup. He replied back.
Luke:  I was just picking up your favorite donuts, from that little place across town. 
Mae: Oh geez. You didn’t have to!
Mae: Thank you! <3
Mae: I’m actually hungry for real food now but I’ll eat one on the way to real food or something. Ha.
Luke: Alright. I’ll come pick you up. :)
After he replied he put the phone in the passenger's seat with the box of donuts he really did get before his meeting with the author.
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felixcloud6288 · 2 months
Higurashi: Festival Accompanying Chapter 20
This chapter revealed a lot of things about Mion that I never knew.
Irie had been doing so well in the last several chapters. Could he please just not be a creep for one arc?
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Rika decided to just go straight to Irie and tell him that Takano plans to kill her. Understandably, he finds it hard to believe because that would be the worst thing that could happen to her research.
I'm kinda surprised about how much he's willing to reveal to Rika when she asks though. Telling her their research is to be concluded in three years is one thing, but actually admitting that there is an emergency procedure to kill all the villagers if anything happens is not something you just admit.
And Irie says Emergency Manual 34 would be used "in case the villagers ever show signs of a mass outbreak." I should remond everyone that the Queen Carrier hypothesis is absolutely 100% incorrect as proven in Cotton Drifting and Eye Opening. In fact, the VNs make it even more definitely true because the Eye Opening epilogue reveals all the secondary characters were still alive and well 20 years after Rika's death.
Kinda wild that those arcs on a cosmic level are the "good" endings since they're the only arcs where Operation Apocalypse failed, the village was spared, and Nomura did not get what she wants.
Irie also survived those arcs as well. So I wonder if part of the reason he was targeted by Operation Apocalypse wasn't just to pin the blame on him but also to keep any medical experts on Hinamizawa Syndrome from being able to prove that a mass outbreak wasn't going to happen.
Now that Rika has more information and less understanding why Takano would kill her, Hanyu suggests doing what the story has kind of said you should always do at times like this: Go ask your friends for help. But Rika, understandably, feels like no one would ever believe her. Maybe she wouldn't feel that way if she had her memories from Massacre. Hanyu is so confident that they'll believe Rika because she saw them believe her before.
But Hanyu does manage to come up with a framing device to get Rika to talk about the situation:
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This made me do a quick dive into what manga might be around at this time. In June 1983, Doraemon, Akira, and Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind were all very early into their serializations. Meanwhile two works of Osamu Tezuka's, Buddha and Black Jack, would finish serialization a few months later. Speaking of which, Tezuka was still alive at this time so maybe Rika was into Phoenix. Unfortunately, Tezuka passed away before he finished it.
Another manga I found that piqued my interest is Touch. It's a manga about two identical twins and the neighbor girl wanting to become professional baseball players. It ran from 1981 to 1986.
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I have just learned some very interesting things about Mion right now. I can imagine her having the managerial skills to handle things like story-boarding, promoting, and publishing; but I'd never guess she has drawing skills or any ability with typesetting.
Rika tells them the plot points she's come with for her "manga" and I bet Keiichi realized she's just copying the plot of the Higurashi VN beta that the regulars at Angel Mort have been sharing with each other (No seriously, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni's beta exists as an actual visual novel within the Higurashi universe).
When Rika asks for help about the "evil researcher's" motives, Mion suggests there is someone else manipulating her, and even though the "evil researcher" is doing something that doesn't benefit her, it would benefit the mastermind.
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And Mion was exactly on point about what is going on.
It's a minor detail, but this moment really exemplifies Rika's "frog in a well" status that Massacre kept calling her. Rika has only known the village and the people living in it. When trying to understand Takano's motives, she isolated her thoughts entirely to the village and the villagers. She never considered someone completely unconnected to the village might be the reason for all this.
So did everyone realize that Rika was asking for help from the start or did they realize after Rika asked for help to figure out how the protagonist of her "manga" can win?
The very first thing Mion brings up is Satoko has built a whole trap mountain. Way back in Curse Killing chapter 1, Keiichi said Satoko could take on an army within the mountains and we're soon going to find out how true that is.
But just as Hanyu predicted, Rika's friends believe her and are ready to help. Now comes the time to plan their counterattack.
Spoiler Discussion
Near the end of this arc, we discover that Takano is beginning to suffer the symptoms of Hinamizawa Syndrome. At this time, she's very likely already low-level symptomatic and is experiencing the symptoms similar to Satoko's: Calm exterior with a burning internal hatred.
Hanyu said one of the ways to keep symptoms at bay is to go to others for help. We saw that at the end of Atonement when Rena calmed down because Keiichi was able to convince her that he cared about her.
In a far darker sense, Nomura is doing the same thing to Takano. She's convinced Takano that she cares about her and her research and Takano is becoming dependent on Nomura to keep from falling victim to Hinamizawa Syndrome.
And maybe finding out Takano is being manipulated is what affects Rika's motivations at the end of the story. Takano and Hanyu both have a wish that oppose one another. But at the end of this story, Rika will make a greater wish stronger than both of them, and her will shall be the one that wins.
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teaableu · 2 years
Sorry if this has been asked before! I tried scouring all the info before breaking down and asking but is the disaster twins au a fic/going to be a fic? Or is it more shared with art and lore asks!
Im absolutely in love w one and two and have been experiencing my villain era w the spotify playlists.
It hasn't been asked before!
We're actually working on it right this second lol. @3lectricinsomnia is writing a script (I guess you could say I'm beta-ing and helping with dialogue) and she's going to help me arrange panels so I can draw a comic :)
The comic is going to loosely follow the events of rottmnt. Some episodes are very similar (we'll probably skip those or exclude them from the storyline if we don't see a way to add anything new or relevant to the au) and some are pretty different. I'm going to keep it pretty messy (minor coloring, sketchy lineart, and minimal stress, just the way I like it >:)) so I'm hoping to start posting it relatively quick, once we've finalized a few episodes.
Of course, we're still thrilled to answer lore asks in the meantime, and we'll probably keep posting art on our respective blogs as we go
I'm so glad you like the playlists and the au twins ! villain playlists are where it's at fr
Anyway, sorry for the tangent and thanks for asking!
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ownerofthisaccount · 1 year
Hello again everyone! This was probably not the next part you hoped for but I hope I can explain well.
@raisans-art has made some really good AUs, such as the Human Illusion Au. One of them is the Chimera Emmet Au where Emmet is captured and experimented on, turning him into Agee after being fused with his Pokémon. Those who watched episode 4 of Fullmetal Alchemist are getting flashbacks
Well, they made a quick sketch of if Ingo was the one turned, called Chei, and I made a drawing for that afterwards because I have enjoyed both designs. As a child I loved transformations and stories of experiment or body horror, so that’s probably a factor. I later drew a mini comic for it detailing how the first night would go down, as well as a side comic of ghost Emmet. I made hints that a part two would come, and even released a WIP of one of the images. Well…I can’t say it won’t ever happen, perhaps months later, but I don’t think I will finish it right now(most of the betas were deleted anyway, either on purpose for space or by accident because of fat fingers). I have Aspergers, and I can hyperfixate on things. This can be for weeks, months, years, even forever in a couple cases. Chimera Emmet happened to be one of those(the twins are still an interest, but I got into several AUs based on them because of it) and I been seeing it since it’s early stages when Emmet was still himself in there. I just didn’t have the courage to fanart it till Chei came out as I love both but lean more to drawing Ingo. I have really enjoyed drawing the two and seeing their interactions, how this bad end line would go, and mentally thinking up things. It was also nice to see other people’s excitement over this and sees their asks created more drawings and pieces. Not recently I’ve been feeling the start of the interest drop. I hate when this happens because you love the thing but you can feel yourself slowly drift from it and it…sucks. I have the outlines ready to be draw but not the push or energy to complete it. I did managed to finish one, being a drawing of the remaining four Pokémon and Pels going to Juniper and Drayden, but unfortunately this was one of the ones that got accidentally deleted and I can’t recover it(which was possibly another push). On top of that I have actually started doing commissions, and being these and the two projects I’m working on(my graphic novel and my favorite list), Ive been a bit drained myself. I have betas for a couple though that were detailed enough to be salvageable, so I won’t put them to waste.
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This was supposed to be Chei reading the floor apology made by Agee, anxiously waiting for a response.
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This one was supposed to be Ingo’s spirit sensing something wrong, while Agee comforts a weakened Chei while they think of a way to escape.
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And my personal favorite, Ingo’s spirit panicking while Emmet’s spirit starts trying to piece together what happened while wishing he was still alive because Chei and Agee would make for an interesting double battle duo(even in death he thinks of battle strategies)
It saddens me to not have full pictures to share, but I won’t leave you empty handed. I’ll share what I was thinking up if I made the final two parts: so after the first night, Chei wakes up to find a poorly drawn apology on the floor from Agee, who still feels guilty for hurting their friend(and shocked when they see Chei is healed) by accident. Though not fully forgiving yet, Chei accepts the apology and slowly starts being less cautious around Agee. Eventually this comes to head when Agee protects Chei from a threat(most likely the scientists) which fully gains the latter’s trust so the two begin to become friends. During this the remaining four mons meet up with Pels(given this Au has mostly the same beginning, Pels still tagged along and escaped the scientists during the chaos that was capturing Ingo) and reluctantly decide the best course of action is to try to tell others, as they feel with Pels with the they could possibly convince someone. Ingo and Emmet’s souls are in limbo, not having moved on due to the circumstances of their deaths(I headcanoned in my ghost Emmet comic that he couldn’t move on until he knew that Ingo was alright and moving forward, so here the two likely wouldn’t till they both pieced together what happened and got justice for the experiments) watch as time pass and the fusions truly become family. However Ingo senses something is amiss and sure enough Chei is growing weaker. Unlike Agee, Chei is an unstable fusion due to the damage before the experiment. Agee colors dull in these bad conditions but Chei’s body and especially souls struggle to handle it, and start to unravel. Agee refuses to let his buddy die and decide to work with Chei to try to escape. That would’ve been part two. The final part would’ve been Chei and Agee combining their moves(multi train style) to break through the glass and begin and escape. They start breaking out everyone and fighting back the scientists when Chei grows too weak to fight and Agee protects him. Before they can be detained, Rescue arrive with the remaining Pokémon, Pels, and the humans fighting to incapacitate the scientists. Chei is wary around them since trust issues, but Agee is grateful for their help and lifts Chei onto his back to carry him. Once the scientists are defeated. The others help Agee out getting everyone outside where the chimera lays Chei down. The fusion would’ve curled up under a tree with Agee and the others by, leaving it ambiguous if Chei was getting better and healing, or peacefully passing away in a nicer area that wasn’t a cell. The final frame would’ve been the twins, now satisfied the experiments were freed and given justice, walking off into the afterlife together. Not a perfect story but I had fun with it. Now…I did prepare something to give you a nugget anyway:
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And here it is! Marshrill design was recently released and as someone who loves and theorize the twins becoming Pokémon, this was certainly up my alley and I had to draw at least a quick sketch. Hopefully it makes up for no huge comic update.
But anyway, final huge props to @raisans-art again and I hope you all still enjoyed this. Thank you all, and have a great rest of your day
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katyahina · 2 years
Points of interest about Old Hunter Henryk (some evident, some possible)
• There was a superstition amongst Old Hunters to wear double-wrapped belt around their right leg (no wonder since it is the leg Gehrman lost + all these wheelchair Old Hunters), but Henryk wears belts around both legs! Perhaps he just was extra careful back then.
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• His life was "tragically long" not because of being partnered with Gascoigne, but because of his own power! Excerpt from original Japanese script (here, by Last Protagonist ( x )) goes like this:
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Basically he is a very skilled Hunter who expected to die in one of those hunts but that never happened. Wonder what that makes of the Paleblood Hunter being able to kill him? Simplest explanation is something-something immortal-for-night Moon boost, but game play aside I think it works better if 'the only thing that was able to weaken him was a broken heart'.
• Younger one of Gascoigne's daughters mentions a 'granddad' next to Viola and Gascoigne, which very likely refers to Henryk as he is the closest male character connected to this family. He could've been Viola's dad, or at least this is just how he's perceived in this family.
• Funny since Henryk is a slavic name that means something like 'the most important person in the house'. I dunno if that was intentional, but would be interesting if he actually turned out to direct all errands and chores in the family xD
• Henryk has a mole on the right side of his nose.
• His set has high bolt resistance which makes one think of Loran, but it is actually even more obvious devs implied that relation, seeing how in beta his set JUST was Loran Hunter set ( x ) :
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• Henryk is brown and is connected to Loran, just like Afflicted Beggar (who turns into Abhorrent Beast that are exclusive for Loran dungeons). Makes sense they are similar since Loran was desert-coded place, however they also share exact same, pixel-to-pixel mole on their nose in data (datamined sliders are here ( x )). This detail being kept might be interesting, like an idea that they're blood related or something! (I struggle to blame this on laziness of creators in altering the model seeing many things are different between the two)
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• Yamamura has Throwing Knives in equipment that he never actually uses ( x ) , seeing how he was part of the League the knives likely are connected to Henryk. He trained him to throw them :(
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• Both of Henryk's summons are shared with Younger Madaras Twin. I guess he is an expert in working with feral men xD
• It is possible that both notes mentioning Rom as 'Byrgenwerth Spider' are his! One note like this is in Byrgenwerth, and it is weird there she is not mentioned by the name there, as students would know who she is! Both of his summons are Byrgenwerth-related, and summon places always have to do with the summoned character's context. Another note like this is in the nook after Tomb of Oedon which Gascoigne guards, which is also location you kill him at, which also leads to Oedon Chapel guarded by a Pthumerian man. Again, lost in translation but in original note says 'hides our invisible lord', not 'our lost master' so odds are it refers to Oedon. Or at the very least this one was written by someone there upon learning from Henryk. Basically Henryk might have been a very good spy for the League after all (better than Yamamura that did get caught :( )
• Even more likely since him being 'quiet' and him being 'so strong he can't die in a battle already' are mentioned back-to-back as if they're connected. Throwing Knives are also sneaky. Basically not only he is strong, but he is sneaky and careful af. Maybe him and Gascoigne were such an effective duo because Gascoigne as the one bigger and more aggressive would draw all attention to himself - so Henryk could backstab anyone meanwhile.
• Music box treasured by Gascoigne and Viola plays Lullaby for Mergo. Seeing Henryk's implied roots to the pthumerians, maybe this box was his gift for them (for the wedding?), or at the very least he's likely the one knowing this melody from somewhere (and Gascoigne maybe just loved it).
• The sets of Executioners and Henryk's share the detail of this long row of buttons on the lower part:
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Might or might not be coinsidental, but seeing how Logarius is 99% a Pthumerian and not 'just very tall' it could be a shared drip from cultural background?
• Henryk drops the weakest form of Heir rune:
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(HUGE thanks to my bestie @val-of-the-north for compiling the runes and their location, you dumbass post the WHOLE reference on Tumblr before I evict you from this plane of reality it is so useful AAAAAAAAA)
Other placements are curious too; for one, 5 out of 7 Yahar'gul Hunters have brown skin too, which opens even more Loran questions imo. Pthumeru Ihyll is also the place associated with Queen Yharnam (and she shares boss theme with Logarius fsr).
Also this rune is the one that lets you gain Blood Echoes (that are dying wills, in more literal translation) from visceral attacks. Remember what I said about Oedon Chapel and stuff? Well, both of Oedon runes are associated with drawing Hunter's power from the blood, and although this Great One has no form, their true nature is said to be 'spilled blood'.
Tangent but I just want to say Henryk dropping this rune is an interesting detail, and even deeper dig into his 'background'. The context of the rune also implies inheriting wills of someone upon as much as just spilling their blood, not even necessarily killing them. Makes me think Henryk's mind is very full of sentiments and unfulfilled hopes of many others despite him being silent, he might as well have the ability to understand struggles of a person/beast once he seriously wounds them.
• It is possible that Djura lost an eye because of Henryk. Sliders don't reflect a missing eye, but Djura's set has his right eye covered and his slider has a scar across his face going through that eye, that looks like a cut wound. Henryk is known for his knives, besides they are both Old Hunters, besides Valtr's weapon is made by Powder Kegs so maybe they had an armed conflict (maybe Valtr's 'fault' was in it, too).
• Old Hunters favored two types of hats, his is 'cap' one like what Maria and Djura have. Djura's hat got tattered terribly (nonetheless became a style nowadays Hunters copy lol), but Maria had decorative feathers, just like him. Basically Henryk is the last one with this style of hat.
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mitchievousness · 2 years
I’m dying over YQY being the one to give SY a makeover XD. Which ended up with him joining the host club. Also, in Gekkan Shoujo crossover, LQG is probably one of SY’s assistants and inspiration for the main character of his manga.
Hmmm, some more lore mayhaps? @zykamiliah
sj was too busy with school council reponsibilities and the one time he tried to, a-yuan just ended up looking like his twin which was funny but alsonkinda weird. yqy stepped in because he is a.) Very Classy, b.) the only person sj entrusts his brother to, and c.) knows enough of sj's own personal style and his preferences/expectations for his brother's clothing choices that make him far more qualified than any personal stylist ever would be.
yqy was also already the host club's president at that time so he basically told sy that if he started dressing nicely, he could join his club where all they do is sit, have tea, and occassionally talk to people. sy, with all the laziness in his heart, agrees, thinking he could probably get away with just slacking in the backroom reading his online novels. besides, who would request him of all people??
for the gsnk au: yes absolutely! prior to meeting lbh, lqg was the perfect protagonist material for his Shounen Action Manga and begins taking notes on lqg. sy isn't as sneaky as he thinks he is though because one day lqg Kabedons him and demands why he's been staring at him so much lately. sy has no choice but to admit he's been using him as reference and shows him the manga he's making in his apartment. lqg catiously helps out on the process and they find out he's actually pretty good at drawing action sfx and filling in betas. sy hires him on the spot.
post-lbh's ""confession"", lbh goes to sy's apartment to help with the manga and almost starts a fight when he sees lqg sitting in his spot, doing his work on the table, all alone with yuan-ge.
Sy, seeing two epitomes of masculine greatness standing in front of him, tension and hostility thick in the air, silently grabs a pen and sketches out an outline for a new series.
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kaunis-sielu · 3 years
October Challenge: 6
Cuddling and Snuggling
You stumble out of the bedroom on aching legs. The ache is more from a lack of use then anything else. Steve hadn’t let you walk anywhere yesterday after you’d gotten up to use the bathroom. You can smell the bacon and coffee from downstairs, you make your way down the stairs to where you know Steve is and when you enter the kitchen he smiles over at you.
“Hi Honey. How do you feel?”
“That too.” You tell him making your way to him for a kiss. You’re wearing one of his shirts and some underwear so you’re a little chilly but you don’t mind being chilly when he looks at you like you’re a treat.
“I’m almost done. Can you get us some coffee ready, then you can go to the living room and when I’m done cooking I’ll bring breakfast into you.”
“Okay.” You agree, you get his coffee ready first then yours and carry them carefully to the living room. Steve joins you a couple minutes later with two heaping plates of food.
You eat in silence, while the tv is on to some cooking show. Last time on your final day of your heat you and Steve had baked almost the whole day then you’d delivered the goods to the firehouse the next day. But today you just want to stay curled up with Steve. As the fall is coming it’s gotten cooler you want to stay in and do nothing.
“What are you feeling up to today?”
“This.” You tell him cuddling closer to him after you put your plate on the coffee table.
“Okay, just in a snuggle mood?”
“Yea, is that okay.”
“Of course Honey.” He says pulling you closer to him, your butt touches the outside of his thigh and your legs go over his. “I can’t get over how soft you always are.” He mutters sliding a hand up and down your leg.
“It’s called lotion.” You tease and he laughs softly.
“How’s the book coming?”
“Really well. The storyline has been approved and I’m working on the drawings. I don’t want Cooper to be the star of the show but he’s so easy to draw because he’s right in front of me.”
“Could you put a picture of all the dogs and handlers that came up to help? That way it’s not like Cooper is the star of the show.”
“Oh! Like a real picture at the end! Steve you’re genius.” You tell him kissing his cheek.
“I certainly have my moments.” He says with a laugh as you settle back against him again. “You wanna go get your StarkPad?”
“Yes but no. This is our time together. I have plenty of time to work when you’re at the station.”
“Speaking of which, I have overnights next week.”
“What, no.” You’ve been dreading the overnights. Disappointment fills you and Steve presses a kiss to your head.
“I know Honey. You can come spend the night but if we have to go we have to go.”
“Do any of the other Mates go?”
“Not usually but you’re one of the only Omegas.”
“Maybe I’ll see if Becca wants to come over.”
“Buck said she’s got an interested Beta sniffing around.”
“How does he feel about that.”
“Apparently he likes the kid. Pietro or something.”
“As in Maximoff? Like Wanda’s brother?”
“Wanda has a brother?”
“Yea, I think he’s still in their parent’s pack. Wanda introduced us one day in the park.”
“I don’t love that,” he says with a small frown.
“I don’t need other packs sniffing around you.”
“Steve, your pack keeps me perfectly safe.”
“Our pack.” He corrects before pressing a kiss to your lips, you hum happily at the contact. “I still don’t like it.” He says after he pulls away.
“He wasn’t a threat Alpha.”
“They’re all threats.”
“Well that’s comforting.” You grumble and he sighs,
“I’m sorry Omega. I’m think I’m still feeling overprotective from your heat and my rut. I don’t mean to scare you.”
“I understand.” You tell him pressing your face into that little space between his neck and shoulder. His hand does small circles on your lower back and you hum happily at the contact.
“Are you sore at all?”
“No, not like the first time. I’m a little achy but it’s a good ache.”
“Is it bad that I kind of love your heat?” He asks softly.
“No, because I also kind of love my heat.”
“Because I get three whole days with you and only you. I know that being the True Alpha has different responsibilities and I’m always fine with that but the fact that the pack leaves us to just us is nice.”
“I agree. When we have the new house all built it’ll be a little while before everyone else is moved up so we’ll have a little more alone time.”
“I feel kind of bad for asking everyone to move.”
“Honey, we’ve talked about this. The pack was moving that way anyway, you were just the extra push we needed. Cooper will love having a yard and so will the kids.”
“I can’t believe that Wanda and Vision are having twins.”
“I’m surprised it was so fast.”
“How long have they been Mates?”
“About a six months longer than us.”
“Do you want kids?” You ask realizing that you’ve never actually had this conversation.
“Had you asked me that before I met you, I might have said I don’t know. But now, if you’d let me I’d have a baby with you tomorrow.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yea really. You tell me when you’re ready and I’m in.” He tells you, softly.
“I want to get married first.”
“A big wedding?”
“Just the pack and a couple people from the mountain.”
“Whenever you want it Omega.”
“Is that your way of proposing to me?”
“Do you want me to?”
“Yes.” You know it might seem silly because you’re already Marked and Mated but you still wanted it all.
“Okay Omega. I’ll do it right.” He promises before he kisses you.
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snowdice · 2 years
742 (Epilogue: A Brownie in a Coffee Shop)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Virgil/Patton (romantic, but could be read as platonic)
Main: Virgil, Patton
Appear: Janus, Logan, Roman
Mentioned: Remus
Virgil Sanders died alone on a hill at the edge of town by his own hand near the end of his senior year of high school. Patton had never known him; he was also the last person to see him alive.
Despite having barely ever talked to Virgil, Patton never could get over the boy’s death and he could never get rid of the sketchbook Virgil had pressed into his hands before running off that day. It didn’t matter that the number of drawings of Patton himself was… a bit creepy given the context that they hadn’t really known each other. The sketchbook was always somehow a comfort to him.
When Patton is mortally injured, he finds himself reaching for that comfort and suddenly ends up in his old high school with a dead boy standing front of him. Now, it’s a race against the clock to survive a danger Patton had no memories of being in last time with a boy who knew more about him than he really should. If they’re fast enough, maybe this time, no one has to die.
Notes: temporary major character death, suicide (temporary and self-sacrificial, not because of mental health reasons), a bit of gross out stuff (a character walked through what is in essence digestive fluid of a giant slug monster)  
This is the chapter by chapter repost of my story for the @ts-storytime Big Bang 2022 event. You can see the whole story here.
A special thanks to @kiapet2 for being my beta reader and to @easy-meta-knight for the artwork. It was fun working with you!
Check out the awesome artwork for this fic here!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
2.5 Years Later (or 1 Month Earlier)
“Don’t be boring,” Patton complained.
“I’m not boring,” Virgil replied, taking a sip of his own coffee. “Coffee is good.”
“Coffee is good,” Patton agreed. “I have coffee, but having the same coffee every day is boring.”
“You don’t have coffee,” Virgil said. “You have an abomination.”
“Just try it!” Patton insisted.
Patton pouted, but Virgil just avoided his gaze, so he didn’t give in and try Patton’s coffee lemonade. Patton had been trying all month to get him to try it, but he wouldn’t.
It was the middle of July, and it was a month before Patton and Virgil started their third year of university. It had taken Patton a lot longer to get to that third than he’d expected.
He and Virgil had ended up getting an apartment in their first year, Patton not wanting to do dorm life again with a bunch of freshmen and Virgil not liking the idea of showering with a bunch of strangers.
They didn’t usually go home to Kairos Hill for the summer. Virgil didn’t care to visit his old foster family, and Logan traveled a lot since he’d gotten a job with the MIU.
“Their summer specials are really good,” Patton said when Virgil gave him no attention.
“So is their plain coffee,” Virgil said with a snort. He was still avoiding Patton’s gaze, bending over to grab his sketchbook out of his backpack.
The sketchbook he pulled out was almost full, but not quite. Logan would be coming by in a few weeks to wish them well for their next year at college and would doubtlessly bring by a fresh one just as he’d get Patton a new planner. Virgil usually took a year to fill a sketchbook if he gave himself a whole page per drawing instead of cramming multiple onto one page.
The sketchbook with 743 drawings crammed into it was in Patton’s backpack at the moment, even though it had long been finished, with one last drawing made 24 hours after the giant slug monster’s eventual defeat.
“Roman will drink your abomination when he comes to town,” Virgil said, twirling a pencil between his fingers as he studied a blank page.
“But I want you to drink it!” Patton insisted.
“Mmm, sucks.”
He still would not look at Patton and Patton’s puppy dog eyes, even when Patton loudly huffed.
Roman was coming to town in a few weeks along with his twin brother Remus. Both of the twins were working with the MIU these days. They’d ended up joining up independently, since apparently some of Remus’s ‘behavioral problems’ that had gotten him expelled from their high school had been magic-related.
Janus was coming too. The MIU initially hadn’t been able to figure out what had happened in this city in the original timeline. Yet, after moving here for university, Virgil had spent a good amount of time researching and by the end of their first semester, he’d found a moth dragon egg in the city sewers. Janus had been impressed as no one else had been able to catch it. Virgil had been deemed the ‘bug expert’ to his and Logan’s chagrin. (Logan’s because a slug was not a bug.) It would have hatched to disastrous results in a few years if they hadn’t caught it.
Even though the threat that they assumed had almost killed Patton once was gone, there was still going to be a MIU presence in the town through the beginning of September.
Now it was still July though and when Virgil still wouldn’t give him attention, Patton sighed and reached for his planner.
They worked in silence for a bit. Patton peaked at Virgil’s drawing ever so often and couldn’t help but forgive the slight of Virgil not trying Patton’s coffee lemonade when he saw the sketch coming to life on the page. It was of Patton once again.
Virgil was invested in his drawing, not even pausing to sip on his coffee which was saying something for him. Patton felt his heart squeeze looking at him and instinctively reached for the sketchbook in his own bag.
The first drawing Patton could fully remember watching Virgil draw (though sometimes when he was on the verge of sleep other memories of the same thing drifted across his mind just out of reach) was the last one in this sketchbook.
It was a picture of the sunset the day after the time loop broke, and it was a perfect rendition from what Patton could remember. Most of the page was dedicated to that sunset, but in the corner, he could see a somewhat vague shape that he knew was Patton himself.
He’d watched Virgil sit in the grass drawing that picture. Virgil had looked at it for a long moment once it was finished and then closed the sketchbook. He’d given it to Patton permanently then. Patton had a lot of other drawings everywhere in their apartment to look at these days, but he still found himself opening this sketchbook often. The protection charm still buzzed merrily under his fingers.
“Are you going to eat that brownie?” Virgil asked curiously after looking up from his sketchbook.
“Yes, I’m going to eat my brownie!” Patton said with narrowed eyes. “Don’t even think about it mister.”
Virgil looked at him, and Patton did not look away quickly enough to avoid Virgil’s puppy dog eyes that were somehow even more potent than Patton’s own.
Patton sighed. “We’ll split it,” he said. “But only this time, mister.” It was a lie. It wasn’t the first or the last time.
Virgil grinned.
Want to read more? Click below!
My Masterpost.
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messwriting · 4 years
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Written for The Smut Pile Collab: Mafia AU | MASTERLIST HERE.
Osamu Miya (Post-Time Skip) x Mob Boss! Female Reader
“Backed into a corner, Osamu makes a deal with the devil -- you.”
Rating: E for explicit | Don’t read this if under eighteen.
Warnings: oh boy. Dub-con (Osamu does consent, but it is coercion); MANIPULATION AND EXTORTION; slight gun play, lasts for a moment; Rough sex; Hate-fucking; Degradation/Humiliation; Spanking, also just for a moment; Oral sex, fingering; Orgasm Denial; Choking; Violence; Dash of corruption and prey/predator; Deep throat; Facial. Fucking in a kitchen/public place. Also, just in case, toxic relationship and money talk (lol). 
Word count: 9,889 (such a nice number)
A/N: Oh, this has been a ride. This is my contribution to The Smut Pile Collab, hosted by the lovelies @present-mel​, @pleasantanathema​ and @linestrider​. I’m very excited to participate, since it is my first collab and they are my (home) first server. Big, huge, gigantic thanks to Lauren (my wife) for reading this over and beta-ing for me. <3
Well, Osamu fuckers unite! :insert elmo fire: (i’ve been on discord too much)
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Osamu gets up from his seat inside his small office, looking from the small window on his door inside the already closed restaurant lit only by the lights that come in through the windows, the time being well after closing. Shady deals are mostly done late at night, he thinks. Right as he’s leaving the office and closing the door behind him with a key, the movement outside catches his eye and Osamu turns just in time to watch as the black BMW sedan of the year quietly comes to a halt right in front of his store. He frowns, knowing who that means. He'd much rather deal with the soldier responsible for his loan initially than with you.
Two men emerge from the front doors of the car, one immediately heading for the passenger door while the driver checks the street; they exchange a small nod before the man on the side of the sidewalk opens the passenger door and when he does, he positions himself behind it and immediately out of the way. Osamu could be intrigued by the action if he didn't feel so represented by it - he, too, would prefer to always be out of your way.
There’s power in the way you move, ingrained in your body as you descend an expensive white heel onto the concrete beneath you on the sidewalk, the other following suit while you propel yourself out, holding the frame of the car for support. It’s late at night and the street is fairly dark, but your simple presence, clad in an impeccable white suit with a deep neckline showing immaculate skin, is enough to brighten the place. There’s an elegant, expensive-looking and equally unnecessary coat draped over your shoulders and your hair was flawlessly styled.
You draw attention as the color black absorbs light-- from all and everything. Maybe it is because of your soul, he muses.  
Once you were standing outside the car, your driver marched to the door of the onigiri restaurant, holding it open for you while you strode inside, heels clicking on the pavement, the sway of your hips something Osamu may think beautiful to watch if it weren’t you.
“Hello, Miya-san. Hope you have better news for me this week.” You state as cheerfully as you can, calmly entering the establishment in a glory of white. You shed your coat once you passed the door, the driver catching it while the second man seemed to survey the outside area a little more before entering.
"Hi." Osamu extends his hand with the brown envelope. But you go around him and walk to the counter, calmly sitting down on one of the high stools while absentmindedly looking around his small restaurant.
“I missed my lunch today, so I hope you don’t mind me grabbing a bite before I leave.” You don’t look at Osamu when he doesn’t move for his place behind the counter immediately.
“We’re closed.” He says and you turn around just momentarily, piercing eyes on his profile. One of your men is still by the door and the look he gives the twin is also very compelling. Osamu feels his teeth gritting against the pressure he makes to shut his tongue. "Sure."
One of the goons comes closer and takes the brown envelope from his hands, without you even looking back as the burly tattooed man sits in one of the booths and starts counting the money.
“So, how’s business? I’ve heard you had a hard time these last two months.” You try to make small talk while checking the menu over the counter, carefully done nails threading along the restaurant menu. You only press a long nail against what you want and slide it to him, the 18K diamonds on your small and discreet Cartier watch and matching trinity ring on your finger catching more of his attention than your watchful eyes. Your jewelry is discrete, tasteful, and still amounting enough to buy the whole building where the Onirigi’s shop is located. Osamu's throat moves around nothing in reflex.
"Isn’t it obvious?" He grumbles while working against the counter, starting once he cleans his hands on the sink. He’d like to say his eyes keep diverting to your neckline because of your shining jewelry.
"So rude, Miya." you chuckle. “And I’ve been nothing but nice to you. Didn’t you pay for your little plumbing problem with my money? Is it only dirty to you once I’m present?”
"I don’t like people like you." Osamu doesn’t beat around the bush. And once he’s done with this payment he’d be completely free of you anyway, he doesn’t feel the need to pretend.
“Like me? You mean kind? All I ever did was help you out in a time of need.”
Osamu’s snort is disrespectful. The big man by the door moves but a simple turn of your hand in the air has him standing back, carefully looking down on Osamu, but unmoving. The other’s still counting the money rather calmly, the booth he’s seated unseeable from the shop window.
“You see, disrespect won’t take you far.” You say offhand, your watchful eyes on Osamu’s every move but with no real worry. You don’t trust him, but you know he’s not stupid.
"I don’t plan on it." He answers you after a beat, finishing wrapping the Salmon onigiri, disposing it carefully on a plate, and depositing it in front of you, accompaniments arranged around. Osamu doesn't use the fact that he doesn't like you as an excuse for a half-ass job; he's not the type, which is refreshing. Is what you like about him.
“Get started on a few others. I trust your recommendations.”
Osamu chooses to work quietly, in silence. You, however, are happily chatting away at his high stool as if this is just another day of bullying patrons. Maybe, for you, it is.
“You work very diligently.” You observe, eyes trailing from his toned arms to his deft fingers diligently working on the rice ball. He’s fast and experienced, rolling the nori around the triangled shaped steamed rice after successfully filling it with whatever he chose. Osamu just grumbles out something, or tsk, even when the way you look at his fingers takes an unexpected appreciative turn. 
“Maybe I should have you working overtime more.” You muse when he finishes the new onigiris and carefully places them in front of you. Osamu eyes you nastily, clearly displeased at your comment, which makes your lips split in a bigger smile despite your teeth closing around the rice ball. Even so, you’re pleasantly surprised by their flavor. 
“See, this is why I like you, Osamu.” The man frowned at your loose use of his first name, the way it rolls off your tongue so nicely. “You always deliver good work.”
“It’s my job.” Osamu retorts, unamused. “I do it right even if it’s for…” He catches his tongue right in time, his eyes catching movement from the man seated down at one of the tables, almost biting his tongue in the process. “--people like you.” 
Osamu watches while the burly man with tattoos moves discreetly despite his size, bends down so his mouth can be on your ear level, and murmurs something to you that he doesn’t quite catch. Your steely eyes are momentarily looking down when they blink and fly back to his face, a deep, blank stare that makes Osamu’s brows furrow. His back becomes straighter, a gripping feeling in his gut that triggers his fight or flight. 
He presses the urge down - tells himself he doesn’t have anything to fear.
He’s looking down at you, but Osamu feels small under your steady glare. Which in reflex, after several years of being stupid in pair, makes him want to act up.
"Seems to me you forgot some money, Miya."
"What?" His shocked tone is harsh and his eyes dart between you to the two men behind you, looking as steady as his walls and just as broad. "I counted it twice, everythin’ I owe ya ‘s there." His accent comes out pretty hard when he’s agitated.
"You only have fifty thousand here."
“I owe ya fifty thousand.” Osamu deadpans, almost sneering. “What ’re ya sayin’?"
“No, Miya. Fifty thousand is what you owed me two weeks ago.”
"You gave me an extension." He argues, brows furrowed.
"Exactly. I never said anything about the interest.”
"You forgot the interest." You talk to him as if he’s a child, lips turning upwards at his confusion. Osamu has the gut feeling you’re enjoying every second of this. Every little moment of his deep discomfort. “You were informed about them when you accepted the loan, you know how they work. If you don’t pay on the due date, 10 percent interest each extra week you remain in debt.”
"Are you telling me I'm missin’ over 10K in interest rates?
"Yes." You say, smiling while tilting your head sideways, analytical. "Because you are."
“I'm paying you back,” Osamu grits through his clenched teeth, almost as if he’s willing it to be true, “Everything I owed ya is there. ”
"Not quite. You’re paying me back about--” You smile and press your lips in thinking, eyebrows furrowing while you calculate on your head the exact number.  “-- 82 percent of what you owe me.”
Osamu’s fists close, veins bulging while his heart picks up with the adrenaline rush of a fit of rage. Aggression flows on his body to the point where his entire frame trembles. His teeth are clenched, tightly forced together by his pressed jaw. His brain cannot reason beyond the need to vent that outrage, and with every second he spends looking at your pretty-faced indifference sitting in front of him at the counter, his outrage slowly merges into fury. Osamu stares back at your emotionless eyes, turns, and walks two strides before burying his fist in the nearest plaster wall, the pain grounding him, soothing his nerves. 
Pain is familiar -- what Osamu doesn’t like is to feel so deranged.
"Fuck!" He exclaims loudly but still controlled, turns his broad back to you, breathes deeply a few times, and then settles. You watch in delighted silence as he moves to the freezer, grabs an iced pack of random food, and puts on his busted knuckles, his eyes on the hole he left on the wall; The twin sighs audibly, then walks back while coldly regarding you and your two watchdogs who look over to him carefully, almost startled.
You, however, didn’t even flinch.
"So how much do I still have to give you?"
“I think the better question is: Can you pay?”
“I’ll figure it out.” Osamu grumbles out, his clenched jaw working over grinding teeth.
“That’s not how this works, Miya.” You tell him, your spine regally straight on the high seat as if it is your throne. Your lips move around the next word with malice. “When.”
“I--” Osamu stops to think for a moment, coldly calculating his financial situation. He has no way to withdraw money from the main branch to try and cover the losses of this branch, that would be simply stupid. There is no way for him to borrow money from Atsumu, who doesn’t know the concept of savings; Kita can not help him with such a great amount and he can’t recur to his poor parents. He also doesn’t want to resort to a bank at all, which doesn’t leave him many options. A new extension raises interests and he doesn't think he can do it beyond the amount he would need to add. Osamu's chest slowly fills with dread - he knows what’ll come if he doesn’t pay and he refuses to let his business become a Mafia parlor.
You watch Osamu slowly and quite meticulously calculate his options while engrossed in reasoning his dreadful situation; it’s thrilling, you almost can’t hide the contentment blossoming in your chest at his desperate situation. 
His expression shifts and turns sour, before slowly building back his blank façade but it’s too late, you already know his conditions and capacities - it’s your job to know. And you pride yourself in never making bets, just assuming calculated risks, so Osamu is right where you wanted him to be.
You do suspect the black-haired male is the same, that disinterested stare in his handsome face nothing short of sharp, his aloof behavior making every second of rilling Osamu up to this manifestation of discomfort all the more delightful. His only problem is that the man plays by rules you don’t. And what you want, you take.  
“I’ll need an extension for the rest.” He finally says, so absolutely angered it’s almost a curse. Even the hostility in his tone makes a shiver run down your spine, all the hairs on your arms standing on edge while your insides slowly melt, fed by the images in your brain.
“Really?” You playfully answer, faked surprise not made to convince anyone. Osamu seethes in place, labored breathing making his chest move up and down. “See, now I can’t help you out. I told you disrespect would only take you so far.” 
You get up from your seat, a show of touching your expensive black plump Louboutin on the ground. “I can’t let you out like this, not when you did such a show of being… rude.”
“What do you want.” Osamu almost spits at you once you’re rounding his counter, entering his space, closing on him. But he holds himself in place by pressing his nails hardly against the inside of his palms.
“First, some respect.” You sultrily say at him, much as a viper luring its prey. It rolls off your scarlet lips while you look up at him from your long lashes and perfect face. It makes Osamu want to wreck it.
“I don’t respect you.” He says in undertone since you’re close, sounding much like a hiss. 
“Doesn’t seem like a smart thing to say to someone to whom you owe so much.” You purse your lips, fake pout. “And you seem like a smart man, Miya. Or am I wrong?”
Osamu blinks, brows furrowing while he looks down at you, his mind working.
“Where are you going with this?” He eyes you warily, his eyebrows furrowing, his mind trying to gauge the target of your wicked intentions. “You want something.”
 You smile, pretty red lips stretching to show a beautiful line of white teeth and he’s surprised that the poison isn’t dripping. 
“See, I knew you were smart.”
“I’m not giving you my business.” Osamu hisses, like a cornered animal, but his instance shows he’s more prone to fight than flee. 
“Don’t want it.” You’re quick to tell him, innocence so out of place that it makes even clearer that you’re being honest. “I may need… services, though.” 
Osamu’s spine shoots straight once again, his eyes sharp boring into your face with cold disdain.
“I’m not laundering your money.” 
“Money launder, Miya? That’s a federal felony.” You lean back, supporting yourself on your forearms against the balcony, vigilant eyes zooming on him. “Are you saying I’m a criminal?” 
Osamu stays silent for the first time. There’s a predatory glint in your eyes that he understands as a warning, but that doesn’t stop him from upturning his brow and tilting his head in a small challenge. Osamu is appalled at what your upturning lips do to his guts, swallowing the saliva that pools in his mouth. He must be wrong in the fucking head to feel anything else than disgust in your sight, but even so, there’s no denying the way there’s a devilish pull around you, like the temptation of a capital sin.
“What I mean is… I have a specific service for you, personally. So you could pay me in...” Your tongue snaps against the roof of your mouth with a small noise, lips turning up in vile intention, “Different goods, per se.”
Osamu refuses to accept his train of thought, eyes pressing into slits while he watches you. His tone enunciates every word of his question. 
“What do you mean?” 
Your answering smile is sordid.
“You know what I mean Miya, we’ve just established you’re not stupid.”
“I’m starting ta’ think you are, though.”
Your laugh is loud, cheerful even. It makes him look at you as if you’re insane.
“Maybe.” You chuckle, retreating your arms back and straightening your posture on the tool, your neck tilting to the side. “But when I want something, I want it. So why deny myself that? I find the whole point of self-control to be so… pedestrian.” There’s this contempt in your tone at the word, mixing into trivial once your shoulders shrug your consideration for a whole chunk of what living in a society means. “Why hold myself to it if I’m above?” Osamu chooses to ignore that question.
“And what if I say no?” 
“You’re free to do what you want, I don’t own you.” Yet, you think, smiling. “Then again you still owe me 10k in interests and with your measly weekly 5k profit and the increased interest percentage with the second extension, we know what’ll happen to you…  And I’d hate for that to happen to you.”
The silence is heavy and acidic, burning on him. And you let the seconds pass, relishing in the way he seems to grow aggravated, jaw overworking around nothing to bite, hands in fists by his side. 
Oh, you’re close to defiling the pristine white of your designer clothes, the feeling brewing inside you threatening to spill between your thighs. Osamu looks absolutely delicious while being so emotional. 
You can see the gears turning inside his pretty dark-haired head, his eyes looking around and back at you, threading down your face, to your neck to the plunging neckline of your suit - you elongate your body while he watches, pleased to have his eyes on you, especially when they're burning with unattended violence and aggression. 
Osamu’s always so detached from the events happening around him, so unshakable in that aura of apathetic tranquility that it has caused you to develop an almost macabre interest in making him desperate. And now you are continually enjoying the result, the awakening of the flames that you always knew existed inside the small business owner.
 A few minutes pass while you’re just content to watch, the knot in your stomach growing tighter as you appreciate the size of his shoulders, the strength hidden in the strong biceps, the broad, defined torso that you know exists under that simple black outfit simply by gut feeling alone. You are tempted to ask him to turn around so that you can also enjoy his backside.
“Ok.” He says in a breath that seems more like it was ripped out of his chest. Like a dead man last world. You like this analysis. But of course, he can’t have it so easy.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear. Did you say anything?”
Osamu purses his lips in discomfort, almost bites his tongue in the process of not telling you to go to hell.
 “I said,” he entones again, though his disdain is showing. “Ok”
“Ok, what?” You press. Oh, the way how his veins bulge on his forearms when his nails press on his palms have your hairs standing on end. You blink at him with a smile, all too pleased with yourself.
“Ok, I’ll do it.” Osamu squeezes out, brows furrowed in discovering your intentions. You’re leering with wicked prowess. 
“I don’t think that's how you say it, Miya.” Your brows go up in the tiniest indication of irritation. Your voice is calculated, though unable to hide the elation.
“Ok… Miss. I’ll do anything you want.” The words come out of his mouth sounding nothing like submission and much like he just cursed your whole generation, teeth grinding. Still, it makes you smile. You don’t want to break his spirit -- that’s why you chose him.
“That’s what I like to hear.” You say, pushing yourself out from the counter where you supported yourself. Coat long forgotten on top of it, you cross your arms in front of your breasts, knowing exactly how you look and very pleased at the way his eyes ever so slightly thread down your plunging neckline. “But not so fast. I didn’t tell you I’d accept it-”
“Ya just--” Osamu almost explodes, the arms he holded closed in front of him being thrown in the air as if he’d be ready to grab you. You just turn a hand up and reels at how he actually shuts up right after.
“I just told you, you could pay me in services.” You continue, one step closer to him in your expensive shoes, plump red lips dripping wicked intent. 
“But,” You start, closer to him enough that your breath is touching his heated skin and you can smell the sweat his aggression produced, your mouth salivating at the thought of tasting it on his skin. 
Your finger rests on his chest and you thread it up while speaking, looking him in the eyes, so pleased at finding so much life in his usual dead stare, “I don’t know if you’re good enough for the job yet.” 
Osamu stares back at you, hands in fists forcibly stuck next to his body, feeling the way your hot breath trails on his jaw and hating himself for what it brews in his insides. 
You stretch up in your heels, mouth dangerously close to his, which rests ajar to let his breathing out, enough that he can taste your mint breath on his tongue. 
“I think I may need a little…”  Your eyes thread down to his mouth and then back to his eyes while you speak your next words, “--taste, you know?”
Osamu flexes his fingers, swallows dry around his closed throat, stares at your face -- so close the downright devilish smile on your red lips seems to narrow his field-view -- and he blinks. 
The Miya thinks how he wants to wipe that smile off your sinful lips. How he wants to have you trembling, unattended, and disheveled. He thinks about you begging with his name on your tongue, for a release that he’ll keep denying at his disposition. Osamu thinks about leaving you sore and marked, thinks about wrapping his hands around your neck to watch as you struggle, turning purple, life evading you while he fucks you; consider this may be the only way he’d ever had the opportunity to get even close to a payback. 
Osamu wants you to experience mind-numbing pleasure you’d never before, uniquelly brought by him… and suffer through the rest of your fucking disgraceful life without being able to taste it again once he’s done paying his debt. Because Osamu swears on his fucking name and whole life, he’ll never give it to you again.
He can see your future already and in it you’re fucked - both by him and for him, while he’s the one who gets away. The twin wonders if you ever lost anything like this in your life, can feel himself growing hard at being the one to make you cry. 
“Sure.” Osamu smiles, lopsided, the devil himself being safer than him. “I’ll give ya the taste ya deserve.” 
Your eyes press slightly closer in mistrust, the wicked intention pouring from his body so close to yours impossible to miss. Either way, it's your win; that’s exactly what you’ve been bargaining for, despite your game being rigged from the start. 
You bring your face close to his as if you were going to kiss him and you are delighted when his eyes go down, although not completely closed, his pupils focusing on your lips. 
You smile and retreat, turning to your men still positioned exactly where you left them, behind the bench where you were sitting previously. They remain so observant and sharp as ever, despite looking more like gargoyles than men.
“I’ll need a moment.” You tell them in a serious tone, calm. They both look at you for a second and nod, their stances changing very little despite it. You turn back to him but walk inside his establishment as if you own the place, pushing through the doors that lead to the back and inside his small, equipped kitchen. Osamu follows in silence, briefly wondering if he’d be able to snatch a knife and bury it in your chest. 
There’s not much outside cooking paraphernalia, with two big counters and taller than normal table in the center. You stop right in front of it, your hand threading over it for a moment. 
“That’ll do.” You say while you turn around to look at him. You look so strikingly bright in the middle of his rather normal kitchen, clad in both lavish clothes and unblemished skin; he wants so much to be able to say your sight doesn’t thrill him -- but he can’t lie to himself. 
But then you pointedly eye him and then the ground in front of you, “Kneel.”
Osamu considers his previous thought about burying a knife deep in your chest but walks, stiff, to where you indicated. He kneels with even less disposition than when he walked towards you, the descent slow until the ground’s hard tile is registered against his knee. He makes a point of looking into your eyes as he lowers, hatred overflowing in waves that seem to give you a sick satisfaction, your eyes becoming slightly out of focus.
The Miya’s about to ask what you’d want him to do next, like pledge himself or some shit, when your hands move to the hidden zipper on the side of your impeccable white pants. 
It drops to the floor in one go, displaying the graceful planes of your hips, appeasing spanse of flesh, a small triangle of silk hiding your most private parts. Saliva pools in Osamu’s mouth at the sight, his teeth pressing against one another to avoid betrayal. He’s still unsure of what’s his next step until your heel digs on his shoulder painfully, using him as leverage to prop yourself up on the high table. 
His eyes snap to yours while he bite his tongue to not curse you out loud.  There’s a gun on top of his head that is a big warning for Osamu to behave -- not that he’d have the chance to escape with the watchdogs outside his only exit. If he had, you could be dead already. 
Your suit threads up when you move up and slide on the table, the white silk panties peeking in between your open thighs. You move your beretta calmly off his face and thread it slightly, almost fondly, over your naked thigh. 
You make a small show of removing your finger from the trigger and depositing it far on the table, enough to be out of his reach and almost yours too. You look back at him once you’re empty handed and just so open right there on the table for him. 
“Behave, Osamu. You know you wouldn’t make it very far.”
Osamu grits his teeth but nods, your heel still supported on his shoulder but not digging on his skin anymore. You lay slightly back against his tabletop, forearms resting on the surface carefully. Dressed in a white, stylish suit like the last trend, the skin in between so bright it feels like a taunt, the curves of your breasts so ripe he wants to taste, the closed lapels looking like his own pathway to sin. He can feel his blood boiling, aggression throbbing, and he wants to paint you in red.
“Well then,” You start, happily above him, spread like a meal, “Show me if you’re good enough to pay your debt. Consider this your warrant.”
“Don’t worry.” Osamu drawls out with dripping distaste, his hand slowly, almost bored, threading up from your ankle to your knees. “I’ll fuck ya like you want it. Within an inch of your life.”
His hands lock on the back of your knees and he parts them forcefully, while you leave a yelp followed by laughter, your head thrown back with glee. 
You smell of flowers and spice, so expensive he was surprised that you weren’t dripping fucking gold. His palms slide through the back of your thigh and the skin under his fingertips is soft and firm, all shapes of heaven despite being in sole service of the devil. 
Osamu starts slowly, the table leaving you open just at the height of his neck while he’s kneeled on the ground, at the perfect height. His thumb presses on your skin while he holds one of your legs up, brings his lips to your knee. There’s a welcoming stain on your panties, and he scoffs at you despite the way his cock responds on his trousers. 
“I haven’t even started and you’re already wet?” The way you smile at him is both infuriating and bewitching. 
“What? Didn’t you enjoy our little foreplay earlier?” You tease him, plump lips locked under a row of teeth with mirth. His skin feels prickling and Osamu decides he needs more room, roughly pushing on your thighs until he can fit between them with room to spare.
It’s not fair, how good you feel, the delicious smell of your skin, the way your taunt alights him with fire in his veins. 
Osamu knows it’s bait -- and he’s willingly falling for it.
When his lips start to thread on the inner part of your knee and up, the twin does it with the intention to mark; he sucks instead of kissing, licks instead of caressing, and bites once he finds the plush meat of your inner thighs.
It stings and you let the smallest of sounds, but Osamu feels it in his gut, brings his hot tongue to soothe over it, bask in the way you tremble under his fingertips just enough for him to sink his teeth and revel in the pain on your groan. 
His nose treads along the furthest expanse of the joining of your thighs, touches the silk of your expensive panties, senses the way you tense and watches while your pussy trembles, even while still covered by fabric.
He considers holding back his tongue, but Osamu has never been the type to be held back by the threat of punishment. And you’ve shown to clearly enjoy his fiery side.
“Such an eager pussy right here, isn't it?” He threads his nose against the wet patch in the silk, carefully breathes against the covered lips. Osamu lets one of his shoulders bear one leg and brings his thumb to pass over the growing wet patch. “Sticky.” He presses it from the wetness to the place where your clit should be, watches as you respond to his touch with aborted movement. “Such a slut.” It’s supposed to be degrading, but there’s a hint of appreciation in his words that isn’t lost on you. “Is this all it takes for my debt? It’ll be finished in a second then.”
Your mouth opens to retort but closes in time to withhold a moan before it falls through your lips. His thumb’s pressing against your clit in tight circles while the index of his other hand threads over your covered cunt. Turns out Osamu has moves to back up the big talk. 
He’s methodical, clearly good and deft with his fingers, controlled pressure applied in a way that has you writhing on the table despite your intention to make this hard on him. Your desire to make him work for it, apparently, is no match for his. 
Osamu presses the tips of his fingers on your clothed entrance, enough force that it barely breaks inside you but the teasing has you churning on the table for him, legs trying to part beyond limits, body arching where it’s been relegated. Your chest feels hot and heavy despite the little clothing. You’re hoping for the moment where he’ll tease the hard nipples pressing against the flimsy lace of your bralet and the inside of your suit with the same intensity he’s depositing on your cunt.
Osamu, on the other hand, has no rush. You did this, gave this opportunity for him to wreck you, and he plans on enjoying it to the bitter end. He’s fairly surprised at how responsive you are, how quickly you melt for him, how vocal you can be despite doing little more than grunts and sighs. A thought flashes through his mind when he feels a renewed wave of wetness blossom against the fabric where his fingers are pressing, his lips turning in a self-satisfied smirk.
“Have you been so desperate for a good cock you’ve resorted to blackmail?” Your eyes snap open at his voice, a warm wave of something that you refuse to believe in being embarrassment depositing in your cheekbones. Osamu’s fingers prod harder against your entrance, fingers spreading against the wet fabric to your outer lips while his thumb keeps drawing endless circles around your clit. “Tsk, what a dirty move from an even dirtier slut.” 
He slaps your clit once, then twice, his bulking frame preventing you from closing your legs against the sudden pain. Your body trembles on unsteady forearms. You choke on a breath and then release a moan, the sound outrageous to Osamu even as his cock throbs from it. 
“Maybe I’ll give ya what you want.” The Miya teases, his voice sounding even despite the turmoil inside him. You look up at him with such eyes he could fool himself into thinking he wanted this. 
His fingers teether on the edge of your underwear, rough fingertips just daring to cross into the emanating heat. Your hips twitch, the emptiness inside you accentuated by your muscles clenching around nothing, desire pouring out against the prodding fingertips. Osamu snorts, throws you a hard stare that is equal parts fire and contempt. 
“You’re so wet. Are you enjoying this that much?” It drips acidic from his tongue against your neck, after he bends himself over you. From so close, Osamu’s warm breath is the same as a caress, his tongue teasing you with the way it threads over his lips but doesn't extend the courtesy to your skin. “You’re rather easy to rile up, hah? Or is it that you enjoyed playin’ with me before?” His teeth flash white above your head and you swallow around the desire of having them plunging on your skin. “How was it ya said? Foreplay, hah?”
You feel weirdly wound up inside your own skin, as if there’s not enough space and still a growing void inside you waiting for him to fill. It’s insane, it’s delicious, and a loud moan breaches your throat when Osamu plunges two fingers inside you without warning. 
Your body arches in such a curve your breasts press against his chest, the relieving brush too shallow to register in your brain when you’re hyper fixated on the sensation brewing inside you. 
It doesn’t even sting, instead you feel like your hunger escalates, fed by such little push that your want becomes need and for the first time in forever you actually consider asking for something. 
Your mouth opens, and Osamu snickers. “What?” He presses his thumb over your clit fast, relinquishes in the way you groan, feels the way your insides beg him to keep going. 
Still not enough though. He wants it ruined for you. 
“Maybe I’ll just make you cum on my fingers right here.” He spreads, scissor and twists them inside you, enjoying the feeling of your tight walls clenching around him at his every move. Osamu’s skin feels on fire, body overheating, and the way your lips turn up to reveal a line of white teeth in glee has his gut twisting. 
“You have a pretty loose tongue for such a quiet guy.” You look at him with semi-closed eyes, the victorious smile of the cat who got the mouse. “Maybe you like me more than you thoug--ahhhhh!”
Osamu shoves and prods around your insides for that special place even demons like you have and his assault is nothing short of merciless. Your eyes snap open at the force of his ramming, eyebrows furrowing at the way your pleasure seems to have forgone climb to skyrocket instead. Osamu watches in begrudging enchantment while your lips fall open to suck air into your breathless lungs and your eyes grow unfocussed, shoulders falling against the table so your hands can come to hold his arms but for what he doubts even you know. 
He’s not stopping. Until he does. 
You let out a noise like a wounded animal, tethering on the edge of mind numbing pleasure he won’t give you and when your body trembles from exertion of a denied orgasm instead of bliss, Osamu’s chest swells in pride.
“Whydidyoustop?” You lament in one breath, eyes are blinking back into focus, sweat and - oh he hopes those are tears - droplets dripping from the corner of your eyes while you turn to press your face on the cold metal surface of the table. “I was so close!” This time you rage, nails pressing against his skin enough to hurt.
“Wadidya mean?” Osamu tilts his head sideways, patronizing. “You didn’t ask for it. I’m just doing what you told me: being respectful.”
You laugh, still breathless, and turn to him in disbelief. “Fucker.”
“Not yet,” He corrects you, nuzzling his hips on your thighs. “Maybe if you ask nicely enough.”
Osamu retreats while you regulate your breath, letting your useless legs fall limp while both of his hands come to help your panties down, marveling at the way they’re peeled off your wet pussy lips. His cock aches and demands, but he’s used to reining in his dick. And he’s just started, anyway.
The Miya pushes you forward on the table, opening your legs wide like a treat. Your pussy is glistening, rhythmically calling for something to fill it while you leak. He plunges a finger back inside to watch you tremble, stimulation enough to make your eyes fall closed, long black lashes against beautiful sweaty skin. 
“Look at this.” Osamu plunges a second finger inside, opening them wide enough to sting. “What a desperate whore.” 
Your mind is swirling in urge, but you refuse to spill the words on your tongue. It would give you what you want, but at what cost? Osamu looks positively ferocious above you, dark eyes focused on your every move; it sends shivers through your spine, your body trembling and blossoming for him once again. You’re in your personal heaven, in company of the devil himself.
Osamu kneels again in front of your open legs, hook one on his shoulder while he holds the other thigh forcefully up with a grip so hard your muscle aches under his fingers. But you don’t care, in fact  you sigh “more” for him right as his breath teases your folds.
“No.” He tells you, two fingers pumping at leisure. His tongue slurps at your inner thigh, teeth closing in a bite with nothing to sooth. 
“Fuck.” You breathe out in a groan and his smirk is pronounced against your skin. 
Osamu, as you’re learning, is a tease.
His moves are soft, lacking in everything but aim; his tongue moves along the sensitive parts of your body you’ve never really cared for, like the plush flesh of your thighs, underside of your ass, the juncture of your groin. He has yet to taste you but you feel wounded, body constricted under weak ministrations, feather-like teases. It sinks with a piercing revelation that you could cum like this -- in an unfulfilled manner with not-good-enough touches that somehow have made your body feel raw like an exposed nerve in which the minimum touch would be enough to warrant waves of pleasure.
When his tongue comes to thread along your slit slowly, nose caressing along his way, your body clenches and threatens to spasm around unmoving fingers. You’re so close, so close, your body is ready to burst, fraying at the seams of a control you’re not using, your hands flying to try and find your clit at the same time Osamu’s eyes flash and he holds it, presses it forcefully against your belly while his lips slurp at your folds, circle your clit, but it’s so soft, it’s fucking unfair.
“Goddammit, Osamu!” You scream, enraged at the way your second orgasm flies away from you as his fingers leave your quivering hole, his mouth doing nothing more than lap at your overflowing juices with no real worry, no urgency.
“Oh, look at that.” The Miya smirks, drawing back up to look at your disheveled state; flustered, sweating, dripping and unattended. “You wanted a taste.” His hand comes back to your cunt, fingers thread along puffy lips. “I’m giving it to you.”
“You bastard.” His fingers leave your heat just to plunge inside again, a loud gushing sound following it. “Shit.” You sigh while falling back, and Osamu feels his cock throb once more at how breathless you sound. 
Your mind works around the feeling of being spread so far you feel as if you’re paper thin. Your mind goes rushing in its last attempt at working. Osamu looks self-satisfied, almost content, so you know where to hit. You want it, so you find a way to have it. 
“Oh, poor Miya--” You coo at him with a hoarse voice in glazed eyes, but the condescending tone is clear as day. “Are you trying to hurt me?” You plant a hand on his black hair, pulling at it enough to hurt.  “‘Cause I like pain.”
Fire explodes in his eyes and you tighten around his fingers in response, but other than his frown, Osamu remains calm. 
He slams three fingers inside before you can mouth any new words, smirks down at you with mischief when you tremble and bite your lips to hold the noises in, eyes falling back closed to hide the way they turn inside your skull. His other hand is holding your thigh forcefully open once again and his palm presses with hurtful intention, fingertips buried in your flesh so hard his digitals may mark you for days.
“Let you cum on my fingers and nothing else, is that going to be enough for you?” Osamu snarls against your ear, hot breath tickling your jaw. His hips hold you open to his assault at your pussy and his hand abandons your thigh to glide over your body and close around your throat. 
Osamu squeezes hard.
“Then again I could ruin your orgasm for the third time.” He bends over you, his lips right in front of your sight; eyes looking down at you with such fire you almost wonder if they’re the cause for the burn in your lungs. “Leave you writhing on the table, empty, until you learn to have a little respect.” 
Your lips spread in a smile almost maniacal, goosebumps rising on your skin as if you’re electrified. This is what you’ve wanted all along -- passion, fearless assault of words, electrifying pleasure; and also, the detachment, the murderous intent, all merging together in one perfect Osamu Miya. Shit, you think to yourself, at this hate you may actually come from his teasing alone.
“You talk too much for someone who didn't make me cum yet.” You pour gasoline into his fire. 
Osamu pulls you up by the lapels of your suit, button flying open at the hastiness, your breasts protected by such a flimsy piece of lace you’re surprised it doesn’t turn to ash at his stare. Your hard nipples mark the white bralet, the air feeling cold at how hot they are. 
A hand covered in your juices closes on your cheeks, forcefully opening your lips at the threat of pain, his fingers with lingering heat from your insides.
“Such a big mouth, should I shut you up?” Osamu asks you, eyes boring on yours. The plea is on the point of your tongue as if he’d shoved his hand inside you to yank it himself, and it tips out when his dark eyes steal one single snippet of your smeared red lips open by his hands.
“Fuck me.” 
He nods negatively, presses hard enough that your teeth could cut your inner cheeks. He relents and your tongue grazes your lips, moistening them for his eyes.  
Osamu smiles, a tilt of his lips up but so earnestly you’re almost hopeful, then: “No.” 
Even if as he says it, it’s a lie. He knows he’ll fuck you, but right now he’s enjoying the build-up, toying with you as if you’re his plaything and not the opposite. You growl and curse, head falling back when he palms at your covered breasts, push the lace up, hears the way it strains and threatens to rip. 
It’s oddly relatable -- Osamu also feels taut, stretched around a fleeting control that he feels will slip with one dip inside you. His past sexual experiences involved partners who he cherished and few one-night stands which, for the small time his dick was inside them, he was mindful and cared for their pleasure. 
Right now, while he pinches and palm at your body, he has not a single worry about your pleasure and all the concern about his. This is for him. He bends his head over your bosom, sucks a nipple inside the hot cave of his mouth and bites. As his cock twitches and aches inside his trousers, he relishes in the pained noises you leave, even when they’re marked by breathless arousal.
“You sure are fucked up. Look how much you’re enjoying this.” His fingers force the howl of your cheeks, feeling your teeth nicking the insides of your mouth even through layers of flesh. There’s an infuriating elation in your expression, and Osamu retaliates by sucking harshly on your skin, teeth finding soft places to close on.
You moan loudly and his hand slides back onto your throat in the motion. Your hand shots up from the table to find his hard dick and your laugh makes his blood boil. “Clearly I’m not the only one.”
His heartbeat spikes at the words, even if Osamu knows it. The twin pulls the suit jacket half-down your arms and slams your body on the slight cold surface of the metal table, noise sounding thunderous but still no one comes after you. 
Your skin erupts in goosebumps at the aggression, blood flying so fast through your heart you feel lightheaded. You’re about to spit some more fire into Osamu when two of his fingers gag you, other hand descending on your ass with such force and so unexpectedly your legs give out, dangling from the table as if you’re a ragdoll.
Something remarkably close to a whine turning sob slides through your throat and dies at Osamu’s fingers, just as something big and hot surges over your ass cheeks. Something coils on your chest, the emotion makes your eyes water and for a moment you blink it away, thanking the new position doesn’t let Osamu catch that. 
Too soon. Osamu pulls your head back as his hand peels the globes of your ass apart and before you can breathe, the little air inside you is being knocked out with one thrust of Osamu’s hip.
He forces his dick inside you, tearing you open as your walls make way for his aggression, wetness dripping while Osamu fills you to the hilt, because yes, that's what you want. You want his hate, his passion, you want Osamu to tear you apart while you enjoy every second of it.
“‘Samu!” His name is on your lips as your eyes roll back, whole body tensing until you’re falling, just like that. 
Then he retreats. “Fuck! Fuck no!” This time it’s a wail, a sob as your third orgasm turns to ashes, your insides trembling with nothing to hold, empty and meager pleasure. 
“Wha--Cummin’ already? Nope.” The twin laughs above you, hands tilting your head painfully back. “So embarrassing.” Osamu mocks you and you swear you can feel a renewed wave of cream slide down your insides to greet the head of his cock, nudging along your swollen lips. Your tongue feels so heavy on your mouth, parched and breathless all at once, no way out but silence. 
“You are disgusting, you know that? Such a greedy fucking pussy doesn’t deserve to be this tight.” 
Your laugh turns into a deep moan when Osamu hits deep inside you. “God yes.” You twist one hand out of the suit’s sleeve just to pull him by the hem of his blouse, your nails digging against the skin of his neck, blooming red yelts. “Talk shit to me Osamu. I know you have better lines.”
“Fuck you.” The twin spits, his hips pistoning harder against yours until he just stops the motion, leaves you open and gapping for him to fill you again. “Of course a pig like ya has the hots for humiliation. Look at that, the slut’s pussy squeezing around my dick because she thinks I'm doing this for her pleasure.” His hand comes down on the other side of your ass, where he hasn't hit yet. It stings, but the way his palm massages and grabs at it before almost soothes the burn. “Disgusting sluts don’t get to say anything, not even begging will get you what you want. I decide what you get."
You look back from your shoulder to see his cock is standing proud and angry, swollen head shining red and dripping translucent white, as if he hadn't been wet from your juices before. Osamu’s big, especially thick and he presses inside you again without giving you time to adjust, unforgiving pace right from the start.
You curse at the way one of your hands keeps locked behind you by your suit, your nails digging on your own skin without anything else to find purchase on; the other tries to grab onto Osamu to no avail, falling on the table to help support yourself at the strength of his pounding.  Your mouth is open, divided between sucking breaths and puffs of air. Osamu’s hand has since found purchase in your neck, the way he forces it back painful, the pressure on your throat growing and ceasing as he wishes. 
Still, you can’t think. Your mind is lost in a sea of searing pleasure, your nipples pressed against the metal surface as Osamu finally fucks you as you’ve been dreaming. No, maybe even better. The past men you’ve fucked had all been afraid of hurting you, careful with retaliation. As Osamu fists your hair and forcefully presses you against the table; you think you may be having a religious experience. Your eyes water from the force of his manhandling, tears spilling while you left unbelievable noises fall from your lips. You want to scream and laugh, a hot sensation spreading from your fingertips to your core. 
The wave of the orgasm is forming quickly, your toes curling against the insides of your Louboutins enough to hurt, the incessant pounding of Osamu’s hips against your ass sounding downright pornographic. As the peak approaches, doubt gnaws at your chest for the first time in forever. 
The simple thought of Osamu robbing you of your orgasm this time is enough to make your whole body tremble and recoil, your mind too slow to catch on to his intentions. You consider biting your tongue to hold the plea in, but as you bolt into mind-blowing pleasure you’ve never even imagined before, the alternative feels like dying.
You’re tethering the edge and you feel Osamu pressing harder against you, and you break. “Please!” You cry out, “Pleasepleaseplease, don’t stop.” His movements slow down and halt, and the hand on your ass slides around you, a single finger taps repeatedly on your swollen clit. 
“Say it.” He all but howls at your ear, bites on it for good measure.
“Please, ‘samu, let me fucking cum!” You beg but you’re already falling over, whole body shuddering just from the way he nudges his hips against your ass and taps on your sensitive bundle of nerves. Panic surges in between your pleasure that he’ll ruin this one when he retreats from your quivering insides, but Osamu rams back inside you with such power that your head rattles, hips hurting from the impetus of his fucking. 
Sound rings in your ear while you drown in the thunderous waves of your pleasure for what feels like forever. It flows and flows and flows to a point you can’t tell if you’re seeing black or just closed your eyes. 
Osamu watches, enthralled, how you go completely boneless under him. Your insides have stopped squeezing him tight but his hard, aching cock still throbs inside your heat. It’s honestly unbelievable how tight you feel around him, how fantastic he feels buried balls deep inside your walls. He had to stop trying to fuck you through your orgasm in worry he’d may cum. Poison and pleasure curl in his chest at the thought. Osamu feels like spanking you, choking you, to punish you for this undeserving heaven you have between your thighs.  
But he’s not done yet.
Osamu retreats, the slide of his cock leaving your delicious walls -- cold air from outside so less welcoming -- and you sag on the table. He pulls you up on unsteady legs and smirks, proud. Your bare feet touch the ground and Osamu spins you around, swallowing on a tight throat after one look at your disheveled blissful state, but then he retreats and let’s you collapse to the ground.
The image of your legs sliding open on the cold tiled floor, unsteady hands finding purchase to hold your torso up while your head looks up at him in outrage is one he sears in his mind, a wicked satisfaction sliding over his spine at the sight alone. The wreck of you at his feet, by his hands, nothing short of perfect. 
His cock throbs and pulses in front of your eyes, dragging your attention and Osamu steps closer, poses one hand on the top of your head, ruins the rest of your styled hair by dragging fingertips in it. 
 You’re still lightheaded, shockwaves making you twitch on the cold floor and Osamu is elated at how wrecked you look, makeup smeared, hair disheveled, body holded up by unsteady arms. Your lips are open, between breathless pulls of air and heavy exhales, but Osamu doesn't care, hands forcefully tugging your hair back and angling your mouth at his swelled cockhead. He counts as a win that you don’t bite him, your tongue threading flat on the underside of his length as he buries himself on your throat. 
There’s resistance, so the Miya retreats, forcing it back a few other times until it finally slides a few inches more inside. While he maintains the force over your hair, his other hand engulfs your chin, thumb breaching your lips to hold your mouth open despite the fact you don’t make any move to close it. 
It feels his chest with acidic bitterness that you welcome his aggression, glazed, tearful eyes looking up at him as if the fact he’s using you as little more than a cocksleeve is the brightest part of your day. Still, Osamu’s skin feels close to tearing under the sheer amount of pleasure flooding his insides. His hairs are standing on end, heart beating so fast his lungs burn, every muscle on his body tensed at his mindless pursuit of his high. He buries his cock deep inside the tight space of your throat, your gurgles and groaning enhancing his sensation. It looks painful to you to hold him inside, tears ending your makeup, face turning red at the lack of air. He closes both hands behind your head, making you nuzzle his pelvis even as your nails close on his thighs threatening to break skin.
He retreats to let you breathe just as your eyes go unfocused, feels something squeezing inside as you cough and wheezes and his throat squeezes a large gulp of air when you look up at him, tongue hanging out with a wide-open mouth just offered for him.
Osamu feels like hurting you at how good you are, infuriatingly obedient and willing to be at the end of his aggression. So he buries himself back inside at one go, both hands holding your head for him. There’s too much chaos inside of him, so he decides to pour some out through words.
“You like being used like this, huh? Like little more than a fucking cocksleeve for me.”
“What is it? Does being in power make you this needy? Does being wrecked make you feel this good?” Your groan makes your throat tighter around him, your eyes rolling back from his fucking and degradation.
It’s unfair, infuriatingly so, that this might be the most unbelievable great sex he ever had. 
Osamu can’t hold back much longer, everything feeling just too good, his skin burning at the stretch of the tourbillion of emotions inside his chest, the captivating sight of tears dropping from your jaw and coating your long lashes as your face darkens by the lack of air, swollen lips stretched beyond capacity around his cock while you willingly let him go harder, faster, into your tight throat. There’s a warm sensation flowing from his limbs to his spine, melting his bones and weighing on his balls until it spreads over Osamu’s whole being.
He pulls back from your throat in time but presses his hands on your jaw and hair to keep you up and open as he coats your wrecked face with hot spurts of cum -- the final touch to the perfection of your wrecked image at his feet.
It lands haphazardly over your lips and even your eyelashes, tear-stained mess of a face marked by his essence. Osamu tells himself he could never feel anything towards you, but for a second there’s a hint of territorial pride at how you look -- and how it is all his doing. The twin is still swimming in searing pleasure as you lick over your lips, hands almost fondly landing over his as if you're assuring him that he can let go.
He does, trying to step back and slowly descending onto the ground when his knees give out. His eyes are glued to how his cum is dripping from your chin onto your chest, how you bring your fingers to sweep over it and end it by cleaning the digits with your tongue. If Osamu’s cock wasn’t so spent, he’s sure it’d swell right back up at the sight alone.
“Can’t say what’s better,” your hoarse voice is barely above a murmur, “the taste or the feeling.”
As you’re standing on unsteady legs and already fixing yourself while he sits on the floor questioning his life choices, Osamu feels as if he’d made a deal with the devil, and you’ll be coming back to collect his soul.
“Seems like the start of a nice partnership, doesn’t it?” 
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Experiment 21 (M)
Jimin x Reader x Seokjin
Genre: Dystopic!AU, Poly!AU, Strangers to Lovers!AU, Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Jin teaches Jimin the WORKS, Body Worship, Marking, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Impreg Kink, Cum Swallowing, Face Fucking, Multiple Orgasms, Masturbation, Fingering, Soft Dom!Jimin, Soft Dom!Jin, Doggy Style, Cream Pie
Other Warnings: Blood, Stabbing, Death Of A Super Insignificant Character
WordCount: 21.7k
A/N: The beautiful banner is from my love lady @ladyartemesia she makes such wonderful moving imagery and I’m always consistantly astounded. This idea came about because of @ppersonna, one day she said “Donna, Jin and Jimin, please.” Faithfully, I can only answer yes ma’am.
Another grandiose shout out to @ladyartemesia​ and @xjoonchildx​ for betaing everything I have so far and giving me such great feedback. I could not ask for a lovelier squad.
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Stark white. There's something about the color that makes Jimin feel so dirty as he sits down in the white chair at the white table. Maybe it was because his one piece outfit was the color of soot. Someone once told him that people called 'mechanics' in the old world wore outfits just like his. They used to have silly names scrawled in ovals over their hearts like Karl or Bubby. 
Or maybe, he felt dirty because of the handsome well put together man that sits opposite of him at the table. His grey three piece suit seems to exude richness, exude power within the small white confined room. Jimin's head dips down, eyes flitting to the table as the handsome man looks up before throwing a tablet onto the table. With a few clicks, a hologram pops up. "Jimin." The voice draws his attention back as the man in the suit puts his elbows on the table.
Clearing his throat, his fingers intertwine before placing his hands on the table. "You've done considerably well throughout this term, my little potent friend." The man's voice has a gruff backbite, one that takes Jimin by surprise as he taps his fingers to his kneecaps. It's no surprise Jimin's handler has jealousy enraptured throughout his voice. He was one of the few that were still virile after The Great End. 
The damage to cities and civilizations was catastrophic, the damage to the human body was even more so. Reproduction came few and far between, pregnancies sometimes not even completing to full term. Babies born through The Meeting weren't guaranteed to be virile later in life either, it was simply a question science couldn't answer. 
One would think the few that could reproduce would be held high in this sort of society, but alas, they were lab rats. Lab rats to be tested upon and made to reproduce without an inkling of care for the virile. Jimin's friend Namjoon once told him that they were like 'worker bees' always doing their mindless duty to perform and please without a second thought. Generations of The Fertile had passed since The Great End, the few reproductive humans left had evolved to feel no pleasure in culminating in man's greatest gift. Just simply two bodies meeting to reproduce. The male and female would house together until the female became pregnant. Upon becoming impregnated she would be taken to The Great Home, where she would live out her pregnancy amongst the other fertile women. 
"You've had six attempts this term and all six have completed with pregnancies." Jimin's handler tells him as he flicks through the women Jimin had stayed with for some time throughout the six months. Jimin gives a small nod before pulling on the fabric of his soot colored one piece. It was something of a coping mechanism for him when it was demanded of him to wear clothes. It keeps him comforted in this familiar sickly white room. "We've discovered a female who has a very strong chance of fertility and the Masters would like you to participate." 
A girl's face arrives on the hologram. She seemed quaint in Jimin's eyes. Friendly to look at. Her eyes expressed emotions he found himself feeling uncomfortable with. Clearing his throat, he leans against the table. His chest presses against the lip of the table as her hologram begins to smile. He looks up at his handler before raising an eyebrow. "Participate?" His handler chuckles quietly, a noise that makes the younger man unsteady as he shoves off of the table. 
"Recently...I shouldn't be telling you this-" His handler mumbles before looking towards the closed door, the reflection of the Peace Maker through the glass has him pressing his body closer to the stark white table, "Recently, Peace Makers went to the Ruins. In the Ruins they found documents signifying there was a very small chance of something called Heteropaternal Superfecundation." Jimin blinks at his words. 
"Heter- What?" Jimin asks as he pulls at the fabric once more. He wasn't the type to ask questions. He did as told and was perfectly happy with getting a few more food tokens after each successful reproductive attempt. "Heteropaternal Superfecundation. A set of twins fathered by two completely different males." Furrowing his eyebrows Jimin can only scoff at the notion.
It was hard enough to reproduce with a female. They want a female to drop two eggs during fertilization? That's a stretch. Jimin runs his hands over his face before looking at his handler. "You want me to mate in the presence of another male?" His handler points at him before clicking his teeth. 
"There have been twenty experiments so far, not a single woman has succeeded. But this woman-" He points to the hologram, "This woman has had two consecutive ovulations where she has produced two eggs." Jimin tilts his head before looking at her again. She has attractive lips, he finds himself noticing before looking back up. His mocha irises meeting the sky blue orbs of his handler.
"You are the most virile man in this part of the country. And this man." He flicks the screen showing a handsome man before pointing. "This is Seokjin, the most virile man from the other side of the country. The Masters would like you to try. Try and get this woman pregnant, she seems to hold high standing with them." Jimin pulls on the fabric of his one piece before sighing. A few extra food tokens certainly wouldn't hurt.
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At first, Jimin found it incredibly uncomfortable to be around so many scientists. He was taken to The Masters when he was eighteen after many series of tests. Now, he is fully comfortable standing naked in front of people without a care. Laying out on the medical table, his eyes stare up at the flecked ceiling. He shivers at the cold gloves as they prod at his skin. "Good morning." The voice is melodic, one not heard before by him. 
His head turns to the voice, the face from the hologram in the flesh as she leans against the doorway. She raises her hand before giving a gentle wave to everyone in the room. "Miss Y/N! Welcome! Please come in!" Jimin raises an eyebrow at the eager voices of the scientists. His eyebrows flicker higher as you begin to smile at them. 
You seem kind. He notices how fancy your clothes are, the fabric of your dress was not one of the matronly women he usually meets. "If you could take off your dress and lay down next to Jimin." One of the scientists relays before looking back over at him. 
Both of your eyes meet, your head tilting as you wrinkle your nose and he finds his body relaxing at your gaze. Your hands come to the zipper on the side of your gray dress before slowly pulling it down. Jimin was never one to take interest in the bodies of the females during his mating experience. His handler once told him that back in the old days before The Great End, people used to lavish on bodies for pleasure and love. A concept far beyond his comprehension. 
Stripping yourself of the dress, Jimin's eyes lazily roam your naked body. Taking note of how puffy and pretty your nipples look before looking back up at the ceiling. Pleasure and love, so far beyond his reach. Such a concept was a fairy tale in these times. Laying down on the table beside Jimin, you hold your hand out. He lifts his head before clearing his throat. "Y/N, nice to meet you." He shakes your hand briefly before jumping as the scientist presses the cold glove to his scrotum. 
"Jimin." He mumbles before closing his eyes. Jimin stayed with the females he mated with for a relatively short time. He was good at the task at hand and that was about it. He didn't need to spend time with them. He didn't 'hang out', a term his friend Yoongi once used after a three month stint with one female he mated with. Jimin never needed to get to know the woman he was staying with. It seems artifice to become friendly with someone who just won't stick around. At least the other guys of his housing block stuck around. He could afford to get comfortable with them. 
"Don't you just hate it when you get shivers during this?" You ask quietly to him as gloved hands run over your breasts. He hums gently to you and he wonders if you're nervous. Talking just to talk, to take away your fright. But, that thought gets wiped out as an alcohol pad is wiped over his inner elbow. "I hear you have a lot of success with impregnating women." You say before turning your head to him. 
You take in his handsome features. The sharpness of his jaw and how attractive his small eyes are. His nose is perfectly straight and his lips were plush and pretty. You've heard that men and women who participate in The Meeting are generally blunt and to the point. Jimin seems a bit cold but it's nothing you don't think you could get past. You weren't usually a part of something like this, this was new and something special. So, no matter how standoffish Jimin could or would get you would take it in strides. The experiment is exciting and if you could bring two new lives into this world it's worth it.
"I get extra food tokens." Jimin mumbles and you find your body going rigid at the notion. That's incredibly depressing, honestly. You didn't need to worry about things like that, you never needed food tokens and the thought makes your stomach roll. "Oh." You whisper before looking up at the ceiling.
He runs his fingers through his black hair before lifting his hips as instructed by a scientist. "Are you comfortable, Miss Y/N? The exam will go quickly and we'll get you back to your home in no time." You smile kindly at the words before nodding.
"Your home?" Jimin questions before turning his head to you. You find it awkward now, once he sees your house he'll surely hate you then. "Yes. We'll be going to my house instead of a Meeting House." You whisper to him before getting the okay to get up.
"Who are you?" He inquires before sitting up. Putting your dress on, you stare at the one sided glass opposite you. "Just Y/N." You whisper before zippering your body out of sight.
He grunts gently at the notion before hopping off of the table. "Sounds like anything but 'just.'" He mutters before putting on his one piece. 
"Well at my house you don't need food tokens, you can just be." You whisper to him before tying your hair up in a satin ribbon. The tendrils of the ribbon fall over your shoulders, the harsh fluorescent lights of the examination room highlighting your features for Jimin to see. A Peace Maker steps into the doorway and Jimin finds it hard to keep his head up as he notices the electric wand in his hand. Never used on him before and he intends to keep it that way. "Come." You tell Jimin happily before putting your hand on the Peace Maker's shoulder. 
Exiting the examination building, Jimin has a hard time keeping his eyes off of the Ruins in the far distance. The multitude of buildings that have been destroyed, toppled over one another as nature reclaims the Earth. The vines and trees that sprout amongst the rubble make him uneasy. A hand is pressed to his back before shoving him forward towards the car. You scowl at the Peace Maker before folding your arms. "Is it necessary?" You ask gently, Jimin's head snapping to your encounter with the taller man as he tilts his head. 
"I'm sorry?" He asks, the tone sending a chill down Jimin's spine as he tries to grab your arm to pull you away from confrontation. 
"You should be. I said is it necessary?" You ask once more as the car doors fly open readying itself for your entry. 
Jimin takes a sharp breath through his nose, mocha irises flitting between your form and the large man in front of you.
"I was just-" Tilting your head down, your gaze pierces the Peace Maker. Daggers of anger thrown at him with one simple look. "No Miss. Not necessary. I apologize." Jimin widens his eyes as you turn to him. Clapping your hands you smile kindly.
"Well then. Let's go." You whisper to Jimin before sitting inside the car. “Who is she?” He murmurs before bowing his head to the Peace Maker. Jimin clears his throat before awkwardly crouching to get inside of the car. Of course he has seen one before but The Fertile never get to ride in one. They have their own system of transportation, they use the underground trains. His fingertips rub at the metal band clamped onto his wrist, eyes tracing over the familiar symbol of a fish inside of a woven basket. His eyes look to your arms as the car begins to move on its own. “You don’t have a band.” He announces as you turn your head to his voice.
You smile gently before pointing at the red satin ribbon in your hair. “This is my band.” You tell him before looking out the window as the streets begin to pass you by. People dirtied with mud and dirt approach the car as it begins to slow down and you clear your throat awkwardly as you drive through the Slums. Jimin is engrossed by the sight, uncomfortably shifting on the leather seat as people knock on the windows. Their muddy knuckles leave prints on the glass. “Pouch.” You say gently before smiling as the car stops to a halt. A drawer opens beside you and your fingers dig into the velvet interior before producing coins. 
Jimin has never seen the Slums before, his handler had told him stories of the people that live here. How they starve and get sick because they have no useful talents to bring them to other more viable areas to work. He jumps, hand flying to his heart as someone knocks on the window beside him. “It’s okay.” You mumble to him before lowering your window. 
Your palm opens, the gold coins reflecting light from the sun as you smile at the people who stand before your car. He notices the coins immediately. Food tokens. Jimin tilts his head in disbelief as you hand them out. You don’t flinch or pull away as your hands become soiled with dirt, your smile stays kind. It’s almost endearing in a way. “Who are you?” He questions again as the people thank you audibly. Some women and men even sob as you nod your head to them.
“Just Y/N.” You reply again before rolling up the window. “Onward.” You say before wiping your hand on your dress, the dirt smearing over the expensive looking fabric. Jimin folds his arms, finding it almost enlightening to be in your presence. You certainly were different, certainly held some sort of high profile. Jimin suddenly wishes he would have taken those classes on history they were giving out for free a few months ago. He wishes he was a learned man. Until now, he never really felt the need to know more than was graciously given to him. Now, he wishes he understood this world and everything in it. It would make it a lot easier to see where you were coming from and just who exactly you were.
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Arriving at your house, Jimin’s eyes widen at the great stature of it. “People once called this a mansion.” You tell him as you exit the car, your feet gracefully climbing the multitude of marble steps before opening the brass double doors of your home. 
His room has exactly four walls. He had a bed, a toilet and a shelf to put trinkets and knick knacks. Some even put books on the shelf. This was grandiose and before he could find himself in wonder of the majesty of this place, anger reached him first. With a scoff he looks up at the gray painted walls, old pieces of art hang in gold frames as they litter the walls of your home. You had furniture, nice olden looking furniture with claws for feet. Everything was expensive and exuded an air he found simply debilitating. “What do you think?” You ask before your hands press to your sides.
“It’s ridiculous.” He mutters before poking a gold statue of a horse that sits upon a small table in front of your couch. You nod to him before clearing your throat. He is certainly not comfortable, that much is obvious. “I had a room made up for you, you don’t have to wear that around here if you don’t want to. I have other clothes for you that my brother gave me.” You say before pointing to the curved staircase behind you. His eyes look up at the second floor before furrowing his eyebrows. 
He was out of his depth here, simply feeling bovine in the grand amazement of this place. “Go ahead, explore if you want. Seokjin should be here soon, too. We can get to know each other.” You tell him before standing up.
He watches you ascend the stairs, leaving him to his own thoughts. He would probably need space, this is a big change for him. Jimin pulls at his one piece before looking around at the mansion. “Absolutely ridiculous.” He murmurs before narrowing his eyes at two doors on the left side of the house. 
Without a second thought he walks over to them, gripping at the gold handles before pushing the doors open. “Jeez.” He whispers before taking in the room, books line the walls in their entirety. Some books even burnt and frail looking as if they were from before The Great End. There was a desk and a leather chair behind it. Papers and books atop the cherry wood table. He closes the doors behind him before running his fingers through his hair, his eyes glancing up at the gold painted ceiling before slowly sliding down the doors. He folds his legs inward before putting his fist underneath his chin. You were someone of great importance, he finds himself thinking. 
He doesn’t know how long he sat in the library, how long his irises flitted from book to book. But, he found his anger slowly becoming replaced with wonder. He wondered just how important you were and how just being virile had brought him to this great opportunity. He began to think if he wasn’t virile would he have ended up in the Slums? Would he have been strong enough to go work in the Mines or the Dam? He guesses he’s just lucky in this way. Then he thinks of you. How gracious you are, giving him space and reading him so thoroughly. The way you gave food tokens to the poor as if it was just the right thing to do. It was a wholesome experience in this black and white world he had never experienced before. 
But, he hasn’t had many experiences before this to be fair. Jimin was bred in captivity much like every other person. He was born in The Great Home. He lived his early years in The Child Unit, undergoing tests to see what his quality of life would be if he wasn’t one of the Fertile. Upon turning eighteen he went for the test, only to find out he was one of two Fertile that were born in his year. He was then taken to the Fertile Housing Unit and lived among men, some of which became his friends. And, that was about it. It was droll and boring and he too found himself droll and boring. His handler had told him that he was a great addition to this world, so far more important than anyone else besides The Masters and yet, he found it all drivel and pointless. 
Stagnant. That was a word, Namjoon had once used to describe how Jimin felt throughout all of this. He was the learned one amongst their friends. “I should have asked him so many things.” He finds himself whispering before looking back up at the gold ceiling. 
A knock comes to the doors behind him and he’s quick to jump up before opening the doors. You stand before him, that same gentle smile on your face before leaning against the door frame. “Do you like to read?” You kindly ask him. He takes in your new clothing, something simpler than before and yet, expensive nonetheless. 
“No. I-I don’t read very often.” You hum at his words before entering the library. He watches you waltz past him, finding your strides almost endearing as you approach the large wall of books. Your fingers trail over the spines of the books before you’re pulling out a book. “Here. If you want, you can read this.” You tell him before turning to him. 
He looks at the book in your hands before tilting his head. “Society Then, Society Now?” He asks before taking the leather bound book. You nod to him before folding your arms. “It’s a good read. Who knows, you might like it.” You tell him.
He nods slowly before opening the cover. “You’re very important, aren’t you?” He asks you before putting the book to his chest. You shrug before intertwining your hands. “Someone people might say so. I don’t think of it that way. I’m just Y/N.” You whisper before hearing a knock in the distance.
“That’ll be Seokjin.” You tell him before leaving him alone in the library. He looks down at the book before running his fingertips over the inscribed letters on the cover. Maybe getting to know your mates isn't a terrible notion.
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Seokjin was cocky. Or, Jimin thinks so anyway. He was also talkative. Too much so for his liking. He arrived with a wide smile and handsome features that made Jimin feel as plain as day. Apparently people from the other side of the country don’t wear one piece outfits like here. They wear woven pants and shirts that highlight their body forms. A weird concept in Jimin’s opinion. He had taken flight to his room, to get away from the awkwardness and to honestly just change. Pulling out a white shirt and white pants, he finds it almost humorous that he looks forward to dressing in clothes that his handler would be seen in. 
His bedroom was beyond impressive. The bed alone, as it stands within four posts, looks like something from an old photo Namjoon had once shown him in a history book. The toilet was in another room, along with a shower. His own shower, he didn’t have to share with anyone else. “Amazing.” He whispers before putting on his new clothes and looking in the free standing mirror. 
A mere second and he is laying down on the bed, closing his eyes. It would seem a shame to go back to his life after experiencing this. This was too good to be true. Too suddenly wonderful and interesting. Rolling onto his side, his eyes open. His gaze passed through the window to the garden outside. Gardens were rare, fertile Earthen soil after The Great End was hard to come by. To have such a stretch of land for just a garden seems like a waste. The flowers were pretty though, it brought solace to his heart. “Jimin, dinner is here.” His head turns to the door as your knuckles rap gently against the wood. 
His housing unit had a cafeteria. Dinner was served at six on the dot, and the food tokens would provide you with food that was somewhat tasty but provided enough nutrition to get you through. Standing up off of the bed, his bare feet pad toward the door before the scent of food wafts through the air. His mouth begins to water, saliva pooling and he realizes just how famished he actually is. He catches a glimpse of you as you descend the stairs. You were graceful in everything you did it seems. 
Entering the dining room, his eyes caught sight of Seokjin. He changed as well, into something that seemed to fit him well. He was a handsome man, someone that seemed to fit a more important role than what he has been given in this life. “Sit!” You say happily before sitting down at the long table. Jimin looks over the table, his eyes widening at the great selection of food before gasping gently. His stomach grumbles and he is quick to sit beside you as you place the linen napkin over your lap.
“How am I supposed to go back to my life after I eat this?” Jin jokes and Jimin can find no humor in his question because to him it’s very serious. You snort, a gentle breathy noise that appeases Jimin’s ears. 
“We can take our time with the experiment, you know. It probably won’t happen on the first go. It was rare in the old world. It’ll be incredibly rare even more so now.” You say before cutting into your steak. 
Jimin grabs a roll of warm bread before ripping it. His eyes on your steak before swallowing gently as saliva pools. To get a piece of steak, someone must have fifty food tokens and request it a week in advance. Taehyung, Jimin’s best friend and the only other Fertile man of his year, did it once. Saved up one token from every mating for years just to be able to get it and here it was on a silver platter in the middle of the table. You look up at him before smiling gently, “Eat.” You whisper before wrinkling your nose.
With unimpressed eyes, he watches Seokjin devour the food at the table. Steak, chicken, corn, carrots. Everything he could possibly get his hands on. “Jimin.” Seokjin calls to him before wiping his mouth. Jimin looks up at him, purple tinted water in hand before sipping it. “Do you feel pleasure?” He asks the younger man as if it’s a common thing. 
Jimin opens his mouth before furrowing his eyebrows. “Pleasure? No. I-I don’t.” He murmurs, the sound of his voice travelling through the still air as Jin nods. “Me either. It’s such a shame. I know someone who does, though.” Jimin sits up straighter at his admission before setting down his roll of bread.
“Really? What do they say it’s like?” As annoying as Jimin thinks Seokjin is, this is truly interesting. 
“His name is Guk. He said he fell in love with one of his females when they were living together. It took them a few months to get pregnant. He used to feel nothing at all until he had sex with her. Now he says that it’s something euphoric. Something so beyond what we could ever hope to experience.” Seokjin says before picking up his glass of water. You raise an eyebrow as your teeth clamp down on the fork before pulling it clean out of your mouth.
“So in order to feel pleasure, you have to love the one you’re mating?” You ask him as he leans back in his chair. “That’s what Guk says. He even masterbates now.” He finishes his sentence with a whisper.
“That’s illegal.” Jimin mumbles to him across the table before picking at his roll of bread. Seokjin shrugs at him before pushing some carrots around on his plate. “He says it feels so good, he can’t help himself.” 
Jimin hums to him before tilting his head, what must pleasure be like? What must it feel like? “Sounds like bullshit to me.” You say before putting your linen napkin on the table. Jin does the same and Jimin chides himself for only eating bread and corn throughout this dinner. He should have had the steak. 
“Maybe. But, it’s something to look for.” Jin says before smiling. 
“Something to look for?” You ask gently before standing. 
“It’s boring to do the same thing over and over again without looking for a new outlook. Right, Jimin?” His head bounces up at the question before sucking a breath between his teeth. That certainly is an interesting way to look at things.
“I could see that as an interesting view.” Jimin agrees before standing up. He goes to grab his plate before your hand grazes over his. There’s something short, a feeling of warmth surging through him as he coils away from your touch in shock. You flex your hands surprised before clearing your throat. “You can leave the plate. Someone will be around to collect it.” You tell him before stepping into the living room.
“So when does the experiment begin?” Jin asks you. 
“It has already begun.” You tell him before walking out of sight. 
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Jimin’s room has no windows. Lights would go out at ten o’clock and would come on promptly at seven in the morning. He finds it difficult to fall asleep with the moon light peering through the large window by the bed. The moon was full tonight, small wisps of clouds drifting by every so often. He finds it majestic to look at. Sitting on the window sill, his fingers graze over the leather cover of the book you had given him. Opening to the first page, he rests his head back against the wall to tuck in for a read before you knock at the door.
The door creaks gently as you peak your head in, “Everything okay?” You ask him in a hushed voice. He nods to you as you enter, your satin black nightgown makes him sit up straighter as you point to the book in his lap. “Good?” You ask before sitting on the end of his bed.
“I haven’t started yet.” He admits making you smile. 
“You don’t have to read it if you don’t want to. I can summarize it for you if you like.” You tell him. He finds himself smirking at your words before turning towards you, his feet landing on the wooden floor as you lean back on your hands. “You like to read, huh? You seem very learned.” You look up at the gold ceiling before giggling gently.
“I know a little about a lot.” You say with certainty before looking back at him. His smile grows wider and you tilt your head at the warmth of his smile. 
“You don’t hate me, do you?” You ask as the moon peaks out from behind a cloud. Your body becomes illuminated in it’s white light. Jimin leans his temple against the wall as he drinks you in, “No, I don’t hate you. I just find it difficult to adjust to the grandness of this place when my home is just a room.” He says to you and you fold your arms before raising an eyebrow.
“Just a room? I thought The Fertile had their own apartments. Living rooms and our own bathrooms?” You ask sincerely. You had learned from when you were little just how respected The Fertile were. How great their lives were. Jimin gives a surprised giggle at your questions. 
“We share showering rooms. Everything in our rooms is white. You get a bed, a toilet, a shelf and that’s pretty much it. We also have a clothing dispenser, we get a new one piece every day.” You widen your eyes at his admission before scoffing gently. So it was a lie?
“And your meals? Doesn’t one food token provide you with half of what we had today?” He shakes his head, eyebrows furrowing at your ridiculous words. 
“No. One food token gets you a roll of bread.” You feel embarrassment ripple over you in waves as you put your hand over your mouth. “Oh my Gosh, I’m so sorry! I was taught that...that The Fertile were held high above most others.” You tell him before sitting up straight.
He snorts at your false information before taking his head off of the wall. “Whoever taught you that was a liar. My friend Namjoon has described us like worker bees. Y’know, mindlessly droning on doing our duties without a thought or care.” You find yourself feeling unabashed horror. 
“Oh, Jimin. I-I didn’t know. I’m really sorry.” You mumble as he shakes his head. You were kind, way kinder than he gave you credit for earlier. And, genuine. “That’s okay. You didn’t know.” 
“I wondered why you weren’t eating earlier.” You whisper more to yourself than to him. He chuckles before folding his arms, “I’m definitely going to eat tomorrow. That steak looked delicious.” 
You nod fervently to him before standing, “I’ll be sure to order it. Is there anything else you want to try?” Jimin hums quizzically before snapping his fingers. “Shepards Pie! It’s worth forty food tokens. I’ve never had it before.” You feel your heart ache long and low before nodding to him. 
“Sure. Shepherds Pie it is.” He finds your face quite pretty in the moonlight. He holds up the book before wiggling it. “Thanks for letting me read this.” His voice is enwrapped with sincerity that makes you feel soft at his words.
“My library is your library.” You tell him before patting your thighs. You turn towards the door, your nightgown shifting with every step. He clears his throat, taking in the curvature of your supple backside before raising an eyebrow. Was every woman he has mated with this appealing? He can’t seem to find it within himself to agree to that question.
“Y/N.” He calls to you before running his fingers through his hair. You turn to him with a smile.
“You could teach me the contents of the book, if you like? I think it would be fun to see things from your perspective.” He says before tapping the leather cover with his finger. Your smile makes one spread on his face as well, his cheek dimpling slightly as he shrugs.
“Sure. I think that’d be fun. Tomorrow then?” You ask before opening his bedroom door.
“Tomorrow.” He whispers as you nod to him. Watching you leave he finds himself thinking of how warm your touch was earlier at dinner. How soft your fingertips were against the skin of his hand. Intriguing really.
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Jin was easier to get along with as days passed. He really wasn't so different from Jimin in all honesty. He was just trying to cope with his situation a bit differently. Although, Jimin couldn't help the twinge of ache in his heart as you smiled freely at the older man. The way your knees would knock together as he caressed your cheek bone or ran his fingers through your hair. He was far more comfortable than Jimin could ever imagine. Jimin began to look forward to late nights with you, staying up and learning about history. He had almost completely forgotten about the experiment, hanging out with you was just simply nice. 
"There used to be places where you could go and watch movies in groups. Sit in rows and eat snacks." You tell Jimin as you lay next to each other on his bed. He chuckles gently before turning his head to you. "Oh really? Next you'll tell me there were places to hear people sing." He quips to you before turning on to his side. 
Your nightgown ripples as you copy him, your hand pressing underneath your head for support. "There were! They were called concert halls." The corners of his lips quirk up, with the roll of his eyes he presses his lips together. 
"You're a know-it-all, Y/N." Your response is a giggle. Your eyes find his as the moonlight invades his now familiar bedroom. Staring at each other, hearts as light as air you find yourself clutching onto something that seems faux. Something unreal and yet, you want it.
"I don't want you to go back to your housing unit." You tell him. He takes a large inhale through his nose before laying on his back. His eyes close, brow creasing as if he’s in pain before sighing gently. “Me either.” He replies truthfully. 
He enjoyed being here, having finer things but above all he enjoyed spending time with you. And Jin, coincidentally, no matter how jealous his heart burned with acid at the mere touch of you. He became enthralled by your words, your movements. The subtle way you would cross your legs when Jin would bring up something sexual or the way you would tie up a ribbon in your hair when you read to keep it away from your eyes. He found it enrapturing to listen to your tales of how it was before The Great End, how much you knew about small things and large events. He found himself keen to be with you, wondering from time to time if Jin’s friend Guk felt this way about the mate he claimed he loved. 
“I want you to stay with me, both you and Jin. I’m so lonely here in this house.” Jimin’s head turns to you as you grasp his hand. That familiar warmth surging through his bones. His nerve endings feel aflame, goosebumps prickle his skin as he leans towards you. “The babies, if we make them. Will they be yours?” He finds himself asking.
Never one for questions, Jimin couldn’t seem to bear the idea of your children being taken away to the Children's Unit. Nodding to him, he finds himself relaxing slightly. “It wouldn’t be false to say that they would undergo testing for the rest of their lives though.” You mumble to him and his heart twangs with regret.
He’s produced many children, but this child will mean more to him that you could ever seem to realize. He’s bonded with you, grown fond of spending time together. “I don’t want you to get pregnant then.” He whispers before turning his head to look out the window. His eyes linger on the garden beside the mansion, watching the flowers sway in the night breeze. 
“I do.” You reply and he shakes his head before sighing. 
“Any memory of the both of you is worth it to me.” You tell him honestly, the surge of warmth echoing through both of you as you run your fingers up his bare arm. With a gentle gasp his head lolls back, eyes flitting to the ceiling. “You feel it don’t you? The warmth?” He nods slightly to your question. He could feel the stroke of your fingers, the energy so raw that it makes him lightheaded. 
“It feels so good.” He admits as his eyes flutter shut. 
“People before used to kiss.” You tell him as you lean your body closer to his. With a sputtering giggle he sits up, keeping your hand over his arm as you begin to smile. “Kiss, what’s that?” 
“Pressing your lips together. It was a way people showed their attraction to one another. It was pleasurable.” Raising an eyebrow he snorts. “Seems stupid.” He mumbles, his breath hitching in his throat as your eyes fall to his plush lips.
“I want to kiss you.” You mumble weakly and he licks his lips as a reaction to your admission.
“Y/N.” He whispers as you sit up, your backside falling to the balls of your feet. Your hand leaves his arm, a sudden wave of disappointment flitting through him before you caress the apple of his cheek with your thumb. He gasps gently, the warmth traveling through his skin as he leans into your touch. You lean in closer, his breath fanning over your face as he swallows nervously. “We can’t feel pleasure, Y/N. This is stupid.” He mutters out, more for himself than to you.
“Then I’m stupid.” You quip back before pressing your lips to his. It’s awkward at first, both of you having never done it before. It was wet and your teeth clashed a few times but the feeling was stupendous. His hands grip at your arms, his heart beating faster as he gasps into your mouth. Was this it? Pleasure? You read somewhere that sometimes one would even nibble on the other’s bottom lip. So you try it, earning a groan from him as he wraps his arms around you. 
“Oh my God.” He whispers against your lips before pulling you down to the mattress with him. This was it, this was pleasure. Pulling away, he presses his forehead to yours before gasping for air, the tingles that emit throughout his body make his eyes widen. “Am I stupid?” You ask before touching your lips. 
“No.” He says breathlessly, “Never.” 
Why drink water, why eat when you could kiss? It was something amazing, straight out of a fairytale. Something so potent, you both could never find a comparison. Kissing could last a lifetime, Jimin only hopes. And suddenly, he feels his pajama pants tenting as you pull away from him. His eyebrows furrow as he pulls at the crotch of his pants finding the fabric tightening. He has an erection, without the help of supplements. Clearing his throat, he tugs at the waistband before eyeing his cock. Hard at the thought of your soft skin against his. 
He rushes into the bathroom, locking the door behind him before closing his eyes as he sits on the marble bench. His hand grips at his cock, tugging once curiously before gasping at the feeling. His toes curl as his head lolls back. Eyes opening wide as his heart begins to beat harder.
He begins to stroke himself, a choked groan leaving his lips. Clasping his hand over his mouth, his eyes begin to water as precum pools at his slit. This is illegal and yet, he can’t stop. It was forbidden to waste sperm in this society. He thinks of the curvature of your ass, how soft and supple the globes of your ass would be. How pretty and puffy your nipples are and he bites down on the skin of his palm as he whimpers. Even your kiss, how soft and warm your lips are. This is euphoric, the feeling of pleasure coursing white hot through his bones as he begins to stroke his cock faster. 
“Jimin? Are you okay?” He hears you faintly through the bathroom door.
“Yes! Fine! Just a minute!” He calls out before he approaches the sink. His hard cock grazing against the cold porcelain sending a shiver down his spine as he stares at himself in the mirror. How could he feel such throes of pleasure? How did this happen? An anomaly. A complete mystery. And, he couldn’t wait to have more. 
Leaving the bathroom, Jimin looks over at the bed. His heart hammering in delight as he gazes upon your parted lips. The shallow breaths you take as you sleep soundly in his bed. His feet patter gently on the hardwood floor as he approaches his bed. Sliding underneath the covers, your body presses into his. Your leg lifts onto his as you press your face into his clothed chest. He finds it comforting, in fact. His lips press to your forehead, his body shivering at the delightful warmth before closing his eyes. Can't wait to have more, is right?
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Jimin had to undergo observation today. It was just you and Jin. Trying to teach him chess was like trying to teach a penguin to fly. "So if I move my piece here then you'll be able to check me?" He asks for the third time and you giggle before nodding. 
You've become fond of the handsome outspoken man that sits before you. He was a fun filled presence in this shit world. Tilting his head he scratches at his band on his wrist. Jimin has fish inside of a woven basket, signifying his fertility but Jin's band was different. "Your band. It's different then Jimin's." Jin follows your gaze before nodding. 
"Yeah, in my part of the country fields of wheat signify our fertility." He says before showing you his wrist. You run your thumb over the silver metal, a familiar warmth quite like with Jimin spreads through you and you find Jin smiling with ease. It doesn't seem to bother him or surprise him like it did with you and Jimin. "I feel pleasure." He whispers to you as if he's telling you a massive secret and your eyes widen. 
"You said you didn't." You whisper back and he nods at your words.
"I didn't want Jimin to feel left out." He says before running his thumb over your wrist. It would explain how comfortable he was with holding you and lavishing you with attention. 
"When did you find pleasure?" You question as he smiles at you, his handsome cheekbones bouncing up as he tilts his head.
"Maybe a year ago. With a girl I was mating with. She taught me so many things before she left." You hum to him and as your thumb passes the band once more, the metal shifts and you see black scrawling underneath the band. 
Jin clears his throat before shoving up the band, it's a simple scrawling of a braid and your eyes flit up to Jin's as he puts the band back in place. "A tattoo? Those are illegal." You tell him before leaning back in your arm chair. 
"I masterbate. That's illegal too." He quips before folding his arms. He was intriguing, almost viciously so. 
"Did you miss her? When she went to The Great Home? The girl that taught you pleasure?" Jin clears his throat at your question before sniffing gently. His eyes fall back to the chessboard as he picks up the pawn. 
"She didn't go to The Great Home. She went somewhere else." He mumbles before staring at you. Holding the chess piece up, his fingertips clasping at the base. You tilt your head in confusion as he taps his tattoo. 
"Do you know anything about the Fierce?" He asks leaning forward. That was something that was never talked about. Something that was strictly forbidden and just the mention makes you shift uncomfortably in your chair.
"No, and I don't care to." You say as he throws the pawn piece onto your lap. Jin sighs gently, his fingers card through his black hair before he hums gently. 
"They still exist, you know." Taking in a deep breath you look at the chess table, the eerie calmness of the large house makes you shift once more as you take in his words. “Jin, you really shouldn’t be talking about this. It’s not right.” You whisper as you put the pawn piece back on the chess table.
“She went Elsewhere. We got pregnant and she left for the Ruins. The Fierce live beyond, beyond the entanglement and the Ruins. They live off the land. Rebuilt old hospitals for the sick and dying, the pregnant.” You stand up at his words, chair scraping loudly against the wooden floors as you fold your arms. 
“We could go there, Y/N. All three of us, we could live Elsewhere. We could get pregnant and stay together. You said you didn’t want us to leave you and this way we won’t have to.” Jin says calmly before standing. 
Your mind was fuzzy at his words, heart beating rapidly inside your chest as he makes his accusations. “And how do you know?! How do you know that this is all true?” Your voice is filled with nervousness, your questions ending with squeak as he wraps his arms around you. The warmth fills you then, coursing through your body making your limbs feel sluggish. He shows you his tattoo underneath the band before running his lips over your forehead.
“Because I am one of the Fierce. All those people in the Slums, that you so earnestly give your food tokens to have been brought back. The Masters, they lie. The people in the Slums have been discovered when Peace Makers go out for raids. They get brought back, forced to live in dirt and grime as punishment for defying.” You shake your head, eyes welling with tears as he runs a hand over your hair.
“We can do it, Y/N. We can live Elsewhere.” He promises to you, his fingers clasp at your chin. Pulling your head up, he leans down. His plush lips press to yours and you feel the warmth slowly seep through your bones. The Masters, they lie.
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Jimin finds it uncomfortable to be in the car by himself. He wore his new clothes today instead of his one piece. He felt more confident in the body fitting wear than he cared to admit. They poked and prodded at him and he went rigid at their touch. A pair of gloved hands had run over the inner skin of his thighs and he remembers pressing his lips together trying to hold still. It was completely new. This sensation of feeling but no one should know he could feel, he would never give them the satisfaction. If the scientists found out he would be taken away. Taken away from you and he couldn’t let that happen.
He was enamoured by you. Simply in awe of your being. Muddy knuckles take him out of his reverie as people knock on the glass windows. He clears his throat awkwardly, before bringing the car to a stop. “Pouch.” He says aloud, shocked that the car obeys his orders. 
If you were here, this is something you would do. And, he wants to do right by you. Always. Without a second thought he lowers his window, hand digging into the velvet pouch before producing food tokens. He finds it jarring how far the people from the Slums dip their arms into the car, almost touching his face as he puts coins into their hands. You wouldn’t shy away from them, though. You had a sense of serenity whilst doing this task. It wasn’t like you did it for anyone but them, not even for yourself. You were so giving, beyond in ways Jimin could never imagine. Handing out the tokens, his eyes catch sight of black scrawling on all of the wrists and he tilts his head at the sight. 
“What is it?” He asks a woman who thanks him vigorously. 
“It’s Elsewhere, my dear boy.” He furrows his eyebrows at her words before rolling up his window. Elsewhere? He’s never heard of the term. 
The house was deathly quiet when Jimin arrived back. He assumed you would be in the living room but you weren’t there. Nor in the library where you found sanctuary. Jin was nowhere to be found either. It was odd. “Hello?” He calls out to the home, his echo reverberating off of the walls as he intertwined his fingers delicately in front of him. 
“Out back!” He hears Jin call, he sounded breathless and a twinge of jealousy sets into his bones. He sounds like you both have been kissing, like Jimin had done with you so many nights previously. “Foul git.” Jimin mumbles before heading to the backyard.
Setting foot in the backyard, he shys away from your gaze as Jin slings his arm over your shoulders. “Was everything okay?” You ask him as you sit down on the bench, your bare feet sweeping through blades of grass. He hums to you, eyes trying to look anywhere but you before noticing an old looking machine propped up onto the garden table. 
“Whoa.” Jimin whispers before approaching it. 
“I told you movies were real.” You quip happily as his fingers run over the olden technology. 
“How did you get one?” He asks before looking up with wide eyes. “I asked for it, so therefore I get it.” You say happily before patting the bench beside you. 
“Who are you?” He questions for what feels like the billionth time before rolling his eyes as you give the same answer as always. His feet trudge over, sitting down next to you on the large bench. You tilt your head, kissing his cheek and he feels sudden relief spread through him at the warmth of your lips. 
“People used to film themselves playing as other people, with worded prompts. It’s quite fun!” You say before intertwining your fingers with his. You grab the remote in your hand before pressing the play button. The back of the house was perfect for this and Jimin gasps gently as the wall becomes illuminated with the moving pictures. 
“It’s like a hologram.” Jin explains and Jimin nods. 
“This movie is called Titanic. It actually happened a long, long time ago.” You tell him and you find comfort as his body leans into yours as the movie begins to play.
The final credits roll and Jimin finally closes his mouth from the amazement he feels. “Wow, that was...incredible. The singing and the way those people played their parts like that. It was fantastic.” He says, noticing how hard he is clutching onto your hand. 
“And long, damn. That movie is like four thousand hours.” Jin says and Jimin finds himself smiling at his words. 
“They also made very risque movies when people felt pleasure.” He quips an eyebrow at you as you scroll through the contents. 
“Risque? Oh, pornography?” Jin asks with a laugh before holding you closer to his body. Jimin feels at a loss as you point to Jin in confirmation.
“Porn.” You say before pressing play. Jimin hums uncomfortably as a man with a pizza box knocks on a front door. 
“He’s delivering pizza?! That’s like, thirty food tokens!” Jimin says astounded and you giggle before running your thumb over the back of his hand. He chokes on his spit as a woman answers the door naked. His eyes take in her body and for the first time he finds himself stirring at the sight. She wasn’t anything compared to you though, your breasts were quite a bit more wonderful than hers and he counts himself lucky to have seen them now. Probably before Jin, and the thought sets smugness into his expression.
“Why would you order food without a way of payment?” You ask with a laugh at the ridiculousness. 
Jimin was hearing new terms to describe body parts, something about them and the actions he was watching strained his pants as an erection grew. “Pussy.” He mumbles after the man and Jin can’t help but smirk.
“I can teach you, if you like. I’ve seen pornography before.” He tells Jimin. The sudden admission makes him forget about the sexual movie as it plays on the wall. “You have?! That’s so incredible! I would love to learn… Y/N has shown me pleasure, now. I-I feel now.” Jin nods happily before tapping your thigh before standing.
“Come.” He tells the both of you before shutting off the movie and entering the house. 
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Jin’s bedroom is quite like Jimin's, he notices as Jin sits down on his bed. Leaning against the doorframe, you raise an eyebrow as Jin leans back on his hands. “I lied to you, Jimin. And, I’m sorry for that.” Jin tells him. 
“Lied? About what?” He asks gently as you sigh gently. 
“I feel pleasure. I lied to you about it because I didn’t want you to feel lonely.” He says quietly. Jimin can’t say he’s angry at this. If anything it seems nice of him to try to make Jimin comfortable, he wasn’t so bad really. “That’s alright, I can experience it now.” 
Jin nods to him before looking at you, “Come, baby.” The pet name was new, something heard from the pornography you three had just watched. You knew it was supposed to be a joke but something inside of you stirs at the simple word.
Jimin sits down on the bench at the foot of the bed as you approach the both of them. “Have you mated before Y/N?” You shake your head to Jin’s question and he nods slowly. 
“Alright. Would you feel uncomfortable getting naked for us?” He asks as he reaches for your hand. His thumb swiping comfortable strokes over your skin as you swallow thickly. You certainly weren’t uncomfortable with the idea, society had taught you that bodies were just bodies but now with the surge of new found pleasure coursing through your bones it was an absolutely titillating suggestion. 
“No. I wouldn’t be uncomfortable.” You whisper and Jin smiles at your words. 
“Go on then.” Jimin sits up straighter as your hands reach for the side of your dress. The ribbon comes undone and you squirm gently as the fabric becomes slack. 
"So pretty." Jin comments as your collarbones come into view. His praise strengthens your resolve and you showly shrug the dress off of your shoulders. Jimin takes a deep breath through his nose. The lacy underwear that adorns your body is so arousing to both men in front of you and Jimin suddenly wonders how he's never felt this before. He shifts on the bench as Jin lowly whistles. "You're beautiful." 
Jimin wishes he knew romantic things to say like that. He wishes he had experience in pleasure before this to truly understand how to get the most out of it. Your hands reach around your back before Jin shakes his head to you. "Come." He stands off of the bed, running his hands over the sheets.
You lay down on the bed, Jin kneeling to one side of you before instructing Jimin to do so. “Nipples and the vagina feel the most pleasurable to a woman, but there are other things too.” He tells Jimin before helping you sit up. He guides Jimin’s hands around your chest and he chokes on a gasp at the warmth of you. 
“Unhooking a bra is fundamental. Step one.” He whispers before pushing some stray hairs behind your ear. 
“When do you ovulate?” Jin asks as he brushes his lips over the apple of your cheek. “Next week.” He nods gently before pulling away.
“There’s little to no risk of her getting pregnant today, so we can just enjoy each other's company.” He whispers as your nipples begin to harden and strain against the lacy fabric of your bra.
“This is illegal.” Jimin reminds the both of you as he struggles to unlatch your bra. Jin chuckles quietly as his lips roam over your neck, licking small circles over the heating skin. You find yourself moaning, a sound that sets Jimin rigid as he finds it even harder to focus on the task at hand. “Not everything illegal, is bad my friend.” Jin whispers before suckling at your neck. 
Finally your bra becomes loose and Jimin sighs happily as he lays you back down gently. Jin pulls the fabric away from you before cooing at your hard nipples. "Baby girl likes it." He mumbles before looking up at Jimin with a glint of deviousness. 
Your nipples are pretty, Jimin finds himself thinking and without thought his hands reach out before recoiling. "It's alright. I want you to touch me." You tell him, feeling liquid arousal pool within you. You've never felt this before, this sudden urge and yearning. Feeling like a live wire waiting for a sudden spark. 
Jin nods to Jimin before leaning back into your neck. The younger man takes into account how your face distorts with pleasure, quite like the woman in that pornographily you had just watched. He watches Jin pluck at the soft skin of your neck, and he finds his hand absentmindedly reaching for his throbbing cock. "Touching yourself is okay, Jimin. It feels great." He whispers before running his fingertips over your bare stomach. Jimin finds it odd how well Jin controls himself, how his need for pleasure doesn't supersede the need to please you. 
"Instead of touching yourself, you can touch Y/N. You can show her how much you want her and it makes your orgasm more worthwhile." Jin instructs before pinning your writhing hips to the bed. Jimin listens, his hands press against your breasts before squeezing gently. Your moan goads him on, feeling powerful that he has made you react in such a way.
His thumbs brush against your hardened nipples and the sob of pleasure you let out makes him recoil quickly. "I'm sorry!" He says confused, simply out of touch with what he should be doing.
"That's okay. You liked it, didn't you sweetheart?" Jin mumbles as his lips trail to the shell of your ear. You nod fervently, body beginning to shake like a leaf as you whimper. 
"She's such a good girl. Go on, Jimin. Touch her pretty tits again." Jimin takes a sharp inhale, his eyes snapping to the older man as such filthy words leave his lips as if this is an everyday thing. "This time why don't you try pinching and rolling them gently." He suggests as he pins you down to the bed harder.
"But… These feed our babies… What if I hurt her?" Jimin asks, carding his fingers through his hair.
"You won't. Don't worry. Just try it, I'm sure our pretty girl will adore it." Jin pulls you into a kiss, the feeling sending you reeling for more as Jimin grabs a hold of your breasts once more. 
He pinches your nipples gently between his fingertips, rolling them for good measure like Jin had told him. The moan you elicit, has his nostrils flaring as his hips rut into the air. He can feel precum leak from his throbbing cock. "When she moans like that, you can kiss her nicely. You want her to feel good. You can even run your tongue over hers. Like this." Jin thrusts his tongue into your mouth, your back arching as your wet muscles slide over one anothers. You grip at his hair pulling him closer to you on instinct and he hums into your mouth.
"That's it. Good girl, baby." You whimper at his praise, head lolling back as his lips caress your skin again. "You can suckle on her skin, that feels good too. But, if you want to leave your marks you leave them where Peace Makers can't see them. They've been trained to look for such things." Jimin finds all of this information wildly fascinating and he has so many questions for the older man beside him but that goes out the window as Jin ghosts his fingers over your pubic bone. 
"Suckle her nipples." He instructs Jimin, earning furrowed eyebrows. 
"What, like a baby?" He asks confused. Jin gently pushes his hand away from her right breast before bowing down. "Not quite." 
His tongue peeks out and Jimin sits on the balls of his feet as he watches with enraptured eyes. Flicking your nipple with the tip of his tongue, his thumbs caress your hip bones as your back bows off of the bed. Your mind is foggy with lust as you grip at his wide shoulders. Jimin takes the lesson in, hand absentmindedly stroking his cock through his pants as Jin's lips encircle your nipple. He sucks gently, a choked moan starling Jimin as he watches your cheeks tinge pink with pleasure. 
You were beautiful, simply gorgeous and he finds his heart swelling as you whimper Jin's name. But, he wants his name to fall from your lips. He wants you to call out to him in your throes of pleasure. Abandoning his cock. His head bows down as Jin lifts up. "That's it." He mumbles as he runs his thumb over your jaw. 
Jimin flicks at your nipple gently, eyes on your face as you moan in unabashed pleasure. He suckles sweetly, trying to gauge how to get his name from you. Suckling harder, he groans against you as he finally hears it. He wants more, so much more.
Without a second though, his hands fly to his waistband about to pull down his pants. Jin chuckles good naturedly before tapping his shoulder. "Your time will come. Don't worry. Baby, can I take off your panties? I think you've soaked them through." You furrow your eyebrows before sitting up on your elbows. Lifting your hips, he pulls your panties from your sodden core. Strings of arousal cling to them before breaking and sticking to your inner thighs. "What is it?" Jimin asks aloud. 
They were given lube for mating. The men took supplements to get an erection and would lube their cocks before rutting until completion. "It's natural lube. Baby girl produces it herself when she wants to be fucked." You widen your eyes at his words before he taps your knees. 
"Spread wide for me, sweetheart." You do as told, enraptured with how wet you are and you gasp gently as Jin splays his fingers in a V motion before spreading your pussy lips. "Look at how wet she is. Does it hurt, baby?" His voice is gentle as he licks his lips. 
"Yes." You reply honestly, you could feel your core throbbing with wanting as he nods. "This is her clit-"
"I know what a clitoris is. It's useless." Jimin mumbles, his cheeks flaring at Jin's words. Jin clicks his teeth before wagging his finger from side to side. "When you don't feel pleasure, it's useless. Look how swollen it is. You can see it throbbing. Her body wants you to touch it." Jin mumbles, before tugging at the crotch of his pants as his erection pressed against the confines of the fabric. 
He holds up his hand before gathering some of your spilt arousal on his two fingers. He looks up at you, your eyes connecting before he touches his fingers to your clit. Your body shakes, arms falling out beneath you as you moan loudly. The loud noise makes Jimin gasp as Jin rubs smooth circles on your throbbing bud. "Baby, you have to be a bit quieter. Okay? Other people don't know what pleasure is like. They might think we're hurting you." He tells you and you clamp your hand over your mouth as you release a shaky breath. 
"Fuck." Jimin curses at how attractive the sight is before him. 
"Lick it." Jin instructs him before running his fingers over your inner thighs. 
"Lick her clit?" Jimin asks as he kneels between your legs. 
"Yeah, lick it. It tastes good. Feels good to get her thrashing beneath you." Watching the handsome man bend down between your legs is so erotic, your eyes widen at the notion of his tongue on you. "I'm going to hold your hips down, sweetheart. You're going to move quite a bit." Jin tells you as he places his hands on your hips.
Jimin's tongue hangs loose, the scent of your arousal wafting through his nose. He groans at the delicious smell, his eyes widening as he gives a flat stripe to your sex. You whimper loudly into your palm as your eyes begin to brim with tears. "Your pussy is so pretty, baby." Jin coos to you as you clamp your hand tighter over your mouth. 
Jimin gives a kitten lick to your clit before looking up at Jin as you writhe underneath his grasp. He winks at the younger man and Jimin does it once more for good measure. Your arousal was thick and sweet on his tongue. The taste driving him mad as he ruts his hard cock against the mattress to take off some of the edge. “Tastes good?” Jimin moans in response as he licks another flat stripe over you.
“Suckle her clit.” Jin whispers before bending down and moving your hand. He kisses you with furious need, his tongue roaming over yours as Jimin begins to suckle gently on your clit. You moan loudly into his mouth, thighs beginning to tremble as Jimin suckles harder. You feel your channel beginning to clench around nothingness, stomach tightening as you grasp onto Jin’s shoulders once more. 
“Put a finger in her pussy.” He instructs quickly as he pulls away. You whimper out, eyes screwing shut as white hot pleasure courses through you. “I-In?” Jimin asks loudly.
Jin pushes him over before running his finger around the tight ring of virgin muscle. “She’s so fucking wet.” He whispers more to himself then to his younger counterpart. He presses his finger to your sex, your muscle swallowing him greedily and he lets out a choked chuckle at your tightness. 
“Oh, sweetheart, your pussy is so tight.” He enters his finger in slowly, your hips lifting off of the bed for more as your body careens towards the precipice of pleasure. “She has a spot inside of her, that if you stroke it nicely she gets great pleasure from.” 
Jimin hums, distracted by how sweet you taste. His eyes on your pleasured face as he licks faster against your clit. He wants to see you reach the peak. He wants you to fall into utter bliss beneath his ministrations. Jin curls his finger upward before finding the soft patch of muscles within you. Your legs lock, toes curling as tears roll down your cheeks. “Good girl.” Jin praises as you clamp your hand over your mouth.
With a loud, long moan your pussy convulses around his finger. Your vision goes white behind your eyelids as you whimper loudly. You feel euphoric, completely and utterly blissed out as you sob. “There. Good job, baby.” Jin whispers before kissing over your thigh. 
Jimin sits up watching your cunt try to milk Jin’s finger and he swallows thickly as his cock throbs within his pants. “Come back down to us.” He whispers before pulling out of you slowly. Your breath is ragged as you lift your head sluggishly. 
“I’m going to teach you how to please us with your mouth now, okay sweetheart?” Jimin furrows his eyebrows in surprise and you nod willingly before sitting up. 
“I’m going to show you on my cock and then Jimin is going to take your pussy. Does that sound good?” He asks before putting his finger in his mouth, groaning gently at your taste. You just felt the most phenomenal pleasure and you couldn’t wait for more. You nod vigorously to Jin and he gives you a sweet smile before helping you sit up. 
Jimin sits back on his heels as Jin tugs down his pants to his knees. Your eyes widen at his large size. You could never have expected to see him this big. Long and thick, rosy colored veins greet your eyes and you whimper at the sight. His bulbous head was an angry shade of red and the precum that pools at his slit makes your mouth water as it slaps against his shirt. He strips himself of the fabric before smirking. 
He knew what he packed but to see you ogle it makes him that much more impressed with himself. Your eyes coast over his golden skin, the way small abs present themself with every deep breath he takes. He was truly handsome, and all yours now that you think about it. “Come.” He whispers before holding his hand out. 
Grasping your wrist, he presses your hand to his cock before shuddering slightly at your warm touch. “Grip it.” He instructs and you do so willingly. The sight so arousing Jimin finds himself whimpering beside you both. 
“Take out your cock, Jimin. It’s okay.” Jin whispers before his eyes flutter shut as you stroke him once for good measure. Feeling every contour and muscle underneath his smooth skin as you watch precum lazily traipse down his length. 
Jimin pulls down his pants, slipping off his shirt a moment after and you take a second to take him in too. His cock was almost as big as Jin’s maybe an inch or so shorter but he was thicker, so thick you wouldn’t be able to wrap your hand around it and touch your thumb to your index finger. “Oh Christ.” You mumble before licking your lips. Eyes glazing over Jimin’s eight pack you feel Jin’s finger tap delicately on your cheek. 
“Right here, sweetheart. Let me teach you.” You look back over, eyes lingering for a second as Jimin’s cock twitches underneath your gaze before giving Jin your attention. “Lick the head.” He instructs before grabbing your hair away from your face.
With a whimper your head bows down, you give a test lick only to hear him gasp through clenched teeth above you. Your thighs press together at the noise, wanting rekindling within you. You lick at his precum, curious of the taste before moaning. He was thick on your tongue, the salty musk enrapturing your taste buds as your eyes widened. “Taste good?” He asks, running his thumb over your collarbone. 
You hum in response as you lick at more as it pools mercilessly. “Good. Some women don’t like it.” He tells Jimin who can’t seem to hear him as his heart beat fills his ears. He grunts gently at the arousing sight. Cock throbbing for release as he watches you. "Swirl the head with your tongue." Jin whispers gently, his hand grasping tighter at your hair as he waits.
You do as told, earning a gentle moan from him and as if on instinct you do it once more before bobbing your head down. He moans loudly then, head lolling back as he curses. "Fuck! Good girl, just like that!" You whimper at the heaviness of his cock on your tongue. You can feel the warmth of his precum coat your mouth as you begin to bob your head over his long length. Whatever couldn't fit was diligently stroked within your grasp. "Ah, s-shit! You sure you haven't d-done this before? Fuck!" He whines and a smile spreads over your lips knowing your pleasing him so well. 
"When she's- fuck- she's sucking your cock you can pinch and roll her nipples like before." Jin tells Jimin before doing so. You moan at his touch, the vibrations of your mouth have his hips thrusting towards you. You gag gently, eyes watering with tears as you whimper. "Aren't you hurting her?" Jimin asks as he wipes stray tears from your cheeks.
"Am I hurting you, baby?" Jin asks delicately as he rolls your nipples lovingly. You shake your head slightly and your tongue licks over his base feeling power surge within you. 
"Oh shit! Good girl!" He mumbles through clenched teeth. Saliva and precum dribble from your mouth, gliding over your chin and Jimin can't take much more. His hand grips at his cock, gasping at the pleasure as he strokes himself. "Stop. Save it for her pretty pussy." Jin finds it within himself to warn Jimin. 
With a huff, he lets his cock go before the older man grips at your head. "I'm going to fuck your face. Tap my thigh if you understand." You tap repeatedly, wanting to feel whatever he gives you. "Sheathe your teeth as best you can." He tells you before thrusting his cock into your mouth. 
You whimper at the action, gasping for air as he grits his teeth. Your eyes meet his, his pupils blown out as he purchases his plush bottom lip between his teeth. "Fuck! You're so good at this! So pretty letting me rut inside of your little mouth." He murmurs and you feel your pussy begin to clench around nothing once more as you feel his cock grow thicker and longer within your mouth. 
"Play with her beautiful nipples, Jimin. Please our girl." He whispers before groaning. Jimin presses his chest to your back, hands reaching around your chest to pluck at your nipples delicately. Whimpering and moaning underneath his ministrations, you find it wildly difficult to concentrate on just about anything. 
"Feel my cock throbbing?" Jin asks you as he runs his thumb over your cheekbone. You whimper in response to him before feeling Jimin's cock glide through your soaked thighs. He moans loudly, pressing his forehead to the back of your head. "I'm going to orgasm for you, sweetheart. Do you want to taste my cum?" You moan loudly in response, so curious to know what it must be like.
Jimin knocks your knees open with his own, primal wanting taking over him as he grazes your shoulder with his plush lips. He runs his cock through your soaked folds. The bulbous head of his cock, dragging deliciously against your clit with each rut. "Y/N. Fuck. I'm cumming, baby." Jin announces as he grips your head harder.
His thrusts become uneven, eyes rolling back in his head as he stills within your mouth. His cock erupts, ropes of warm cum coat your mouth and tongue. You take a deep breath through your nose before swallowing diligently. He moans loudly, hand clamping over his mouth as his body shakes with pleasure. Jimin's eyes are enraptured by the sight, simply yearning for more as he gathers your arousal on his cock. "Wow. Fuck, that was incredible. Thank you, baby." Jin whispers before pulling his softening cock from your mouth. 
He takes notice of how Jimin ruts between your legs before raising his eyebrows. "Lay down for Jimin, baby. He needs some serious relief." Jimin groans at the loss of your heat before spreading your legs and situating himself between them. He was no stranger to this part, he was quite good stamina wise.
He grips at his cock before lining up to your entrance only to have a hand placed on his shoulder. "This is going to hurt her, you'll want to be gentle." He cocks his head to the side.
"I've taken a virginity before. She didn't feel pain." He tells Jin curiously as he lays down beside you. 
"This is different now, she might bleed. You have to be gentle." Jimin nods, not seeing the point in going back and forth. Jin clearly knew so much more than him. 
Jimin's eyes meet yours before softening. You were so beautiful. Truly. "Are you ready?" He asks quietly. 
"Ready." You reply, your hips wiggling with excitement and he can only smile at your earnestness. He prods at your entrance, eyebrows furrowing at how tight your virgin hole is. You grit your teeth as he begins to stretch you. It surely is painful. You gasp with a groan before Jin's lips press to your neck. "Shhh. It's okay, baby. You're okay." Jin whispers before suckling at the skin.
"I'm sorry." Jimin finds himself saying before inching more of himself inside. He moans loudly at your warm, tight channel. Your muscles simply refuse to stretch for him. He bows down as he enters himself to the hilt, his lips suck at your nipples to try and ebb the pain away. "Think about how nice this will be when you're ovulating, hmm? How nice it will be when we get you big and pregnant for us." You whimper at Jin's words as he ghosts his hand over your empty womb.
"How pretty you'll look swollen with our children inside of you. Taking care of them like a good mommy." Jimin feels your cunt relax around him and he gives a small thrust to test it. You both moan, his forehead faltering to the valley of your breasts. His arms shake as he holds himself up. Never before has he felt this euphoria course through him. He whimpers your name gently and you take a small gasp at how loving your name is said upon his lips. "You feel so good. So beautiful." Jimin whispers before kissing over your breasts as he begins a slow pace. You can only moan for him, legs wrapping around his waist as he ruts himself inside of you.
"Fuck! Jimin!" He lifts up only to press his lips to yours. Pleasure was one thing but he feels his heart strings tugging as you moan his name. He can feel this overwhelming surge of emotion take over him as he begins to fuck you faster. Jin's fingertips roll your nipples between then as you lift your hips to each thrust. Moaning loudly into each other's mouths, you run your tongue over his and his hand clamps around the back of your head. His thumb leaves loving strokes against your temple as he gasps into your mouth. He's felt his cock throb for release before but it was always a dull, unpleasurable feeling. Now, he can't help the way his thighs tremble with excitement as your pussy begins to clutch around his. 
"Rub her clit so she'll orgasm on your cock." Jin instructs before pinching your nipples harder. Jimin finds it a shame to let your head go from his grasp but he takes pleasure in seeing your back bow as he rubs circles on your clit.
"J-Jimin! Yes! Please, more!" You gasp out as he groans for you. Using the last bit of strength, he bulldozes himself inside of you. Feeling your velvet walls fucked open by his thick cock. He can feel your cervix folds with every thrust, he wants to get his cum deep inside your womb. "Fuck! Fuck! Y/N!" He cries out as Jin clamps his hands over both of your mouths. You reach climax first, your pussy milking Jimin for his cum as white noise fills your ears. 
"So tight! Fuck!" He whines against Jin's hand as his body falls over yours. He feels it then, his cock growing thicker as pleasure freezes him still. He ruts gently as he moans your name, tears spilling over his cheeks as his cum paints the walls of your cunt. You gasp gently at the warmth as it spreads through you. You sob with the aftershocks of pleasure as Jimin wraps his arms around you. Burying your face into his neck, you kiss over his sweat sheened skin. His eyes meet yours and you both smile at each other. 
You kiss his plush lips before turning your head to Jin. "I want to go Elsewhere." You whisper to him and a smile spreads widely on his face before kissing you deeply. 
"Anywhere you want to go, we will take you." Jim mumbles against your lips before looking at Jimin.
"You'll do it, won't you? We'll get her pregnant and get away. Where we can be a family?" Jin asks the younger man. Jimin pulls out of you gently before pressing his lips into a straight line. He's never been one to want anything, always simply going along with what has been given to him. But now, he can feel. He no longer wanted to be stagnant. He wanted you, and he never wants to let that go.
"Yes. I will go Elsewhere." He says before chuckling as you tackle him into a hug.
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Going Elsewhere was not as easy as it seems apparently, there was a lot to do in very little time. It was a stretch to say the experiment would work immediately but you needed to be ready to leave in two weeks time. Just in case. You had taken the boys to every appointment you had, just to be able to drive through the Slums. Seokjin would show his tattoo to the men and women that would approach the car and he would talk to them. Asking news of where the Fierce leave from in order to make their way to the Ruins. You began ordering extra water and things of that nature to store in the house for when you were meant to leave. Jin would roll down the car window, handing food tokens for extra information before receiving a very dirtied piece of parchment that has directions on how to escape. There was a wall, slightly broken and unelectrified from a previous engagement with Peace Makers that you could scale to get away. It was risky, dangerous even as the wall stood ten feet tall but you three had agreed to do it. Although, Jimin felt it necessary to always interject his worries. 
"What about the babies. If she falls, they could get hurt." He whispers aloud as you all eat dinner. You have gotten so close lately. Jimin even found himself admiring the older man to his left instead of the burning jealousy he once felt for him. "We won't let them get hurt, Chim. Don't worry. The babies and Y/N will be safe. I promise you." Jin says before putting his hand over Jimin's. He nods to the older man before eating a piece of his steak.
You look up at them both, pressing the linen napkin to your lips your head tilts. So fond of these men in your home. So loving in nature they are for you and you finally think it's time to tell them. "I have something I want to say." You whisper before sipping the purple tinted water as they look over at you. 
They give you their undivided attention, putting down their utensils and all as they smile at you. It makes you nervous in a way. What if they come to hate you because of your admission? You clear your throat before leaning back in your chair. "Jimin always asks me who I am and I always reply that I'm just Y/N but that isn't true now is it?" You ask before looking between both of the handsome men as they raise their eyebrows. "I get everything I want and...do whatever I please because...I'm...well...I'm…" You take a deep breath before giving a nervous giggle. 
"We love you anyway. You don't have to tell us." Jimin whispers and your heart leaps into your throat at his words. He was the one that always asked you and now it was suddenly okay? They would always wonder and it isn't fair. Not really.
"I'm the Head Masters daughter." Your words tumble past your lips so fast you aren't sure if they even heard you. Jin hums before nodding. "Wow." Jimin mumbles before scratching the top of his head.
"I just...thought you should know. Sin-since I was keeping this from you." You whisper before looking down at your lap. 
"Hey. Hey." Jin whispers before grabbing your hand over the table. "This doesn't change a thing. Does it, Jimin?" Jimin shakes his head quickly before grabbing your other hand.
"We so earnestly love you. This changes nothing. We'll just have to be more careful when leaving. When we get Elsewhere you won't be anyone's daughter. You'll be a wife and a mother. That's all. Hmm?" Jin kisses your hand before looking into your eyes.
"He lied. He taught me all wrong information and kept me here away from everyone else. To protect me." Jimin nods at your words before clicking his teeth.
"Guess we'll just tell our own kids the truth then, won't we babe?" You nod at his words before he kisses your temple. 
"That's all. See. Nothing to it. Love is stronger than lies that generations before us have built." Jin mumbles before standing. You nod slowly before feeling a weight lift off of your chest as he rounds the table. "Come Jimin. Let's show our girl how much we love her."
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Today was the day, climbing into the car your knees bounce as the two men you have grown to love sit opposite of you in the car. "Two eggs. It's incredible." Jimin whispers before looking at the document on his lap. He's gotten comfortable with the idea of becoming a father. Loving this child unconditionally with you and Jin by his side. 
"Do you want to go first when we get back? You can't seem to keep your hands off our pretty girl." Jin says with a laugh as Jimin rakes his thumb over your bare knee. Jimin notices this before chuckling to himself. He doesn't pull away however, if anything he leans forward more as he looks up at you. His small eyes wrinkling with happiness before the car comes to a halt at the Slums. 
Jin leans past Jimin, lowering the window before giving out food tokens to the Fierce who have been reclaimed by this dreadful society. "May the Mother deliver you Elsewhere." A woman says to Jin who replies back with the same words before closing the window.
"The Mother?" You ask as the car continues to push on. 
"Mother Earth. The infinite mother who will always reclaim what has been stolen from her." He says before pointing at the Ruins in the distance. Your eyes focus on the ivy that crawls up rubble and abandoned buildings before nodding. Jin is wise. Wise, indeed. 
Jimin looks between the both of you before clearing his throat, "What happens if Y/N only gets pregnant with one child? Or perhaps gets a set of twins from just one of us?" He asks gently. Jin looks at him before slinging his arm over the younger man's shoulder. 
"Then we'll continue to try. Again and again for years to come until we die of old age." He jeers making Jimin laugh before nodding. To think of a future with just these two men that you love, without having to be alone anymore it's far greater than any gift you could ever receive.
Entering the house, as soon as the doors close from public eyes you are swept off your feet by Jimin as he presses a passionate kiss to your lips. "Hi beautiful." He whispers before ascending the stairs as you giggle.
With Jin hot on your trail you find it oddly satisfying to know that you could possibly be with child from the both of them by the end of the night. He gives you a smirk as Jimin kicks the door of your bedroom open with his foot. "I'm so excited." Jimin whispers, earning a laugh from Jin. 
"We see." He replies, finger pointing at Jimin's pants before kneeling beside you and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. It is with this kiss, that your hips lift off of the bed. Jimin's fingers slowly undo the belt that keeps it wrapped at your side. His hands push at the fabric, warmth radiating from his touch as he drifts over your stomach. “So pretty.” Jin whispers against your lips.
His touch is gentle as he lifts you up, undoing your bra in a quick fashion that makes Jimin practically sulk. Even with all the practice these past days, he wasn’t as skilled at the task like the older man. “Are you excited, sweetheart?” Jin asks peeling away the bra to reveal your hard nipples. 
With a whimper you nod, arousal unfurling within you. “That’s our girl. Excited to get pregnant for us, hmm? Get swollen with our children and show us how fertile your womb is.” Jimin licks at his plush lips before tapping your hip. You lift at his command, his fingers hooking into the sides of your panties before slowly peeling them down. He never gets tired of seeing your natural lubricant. Never gets tired of the taste or the sweet scent. It was perfect. 
He spreads your legs as Jin suckles red and pink marks to the skin of your breasts. His arms enwrap you as your back bows off of the bed, panting and begging for more. Jimin spreads your pussy lips, finding it pretty how your clit becomes swollen with need. "Your pussy is so swollen, baby. You want our babies that badly?" You whimper loudly. He's gotten much more comfortable with speaking such words, words that have you completely undone within a matter of seconds. 
He licks a flat stripe up your sex, watching your body sag into the mattress as you grab onto Jin's arms. "So wet." He mumbles before his lips attach to your clit. Suckling gently, his arms wrap around your thighs as you writhe beneath him. 
Fuck food tokens, this was the only thing he cared to eat for the remainder of his days. "Such a good girl you are." Jin whispers before abandoning your breast to give love to the other. 
"Chim eats your pussy so well, doesn't he sweetheart?" Jin mumbles against your nipple as you beg for more. Jimin hums in response, letting go of one leg to prod two fingers at your weeping cunt. He found the golden spot not long after Jin had taught him where it was, he was getting quite good at pleasing you. So much so that Jin kept telling him how arrogant he was becoming. 
"Behave." Jimin chides you before entering his fingers inside of you. Moaning gently you whisper his name, fueling his deepest desires as he curls his fingers upward to the soft muscle patch inside of you. "Your breasts are going to be so beautiful full of milk for our children." Jimin closes his eyes at Jin's words. Groaning at the thought, he suckles harshly against your clit. Fingertips dragging quickly against the spot inside of you, he relishes at how your thighs clench around him. "That's right, beautiful. Cum for me." Jimin whispers before rubbing smooth circles on your bundle of nerves. 
"Oh fuck! Fuck! Jimin!" You whine loudly as Jin presses his lips to yours. You moan loudly into his mouth as Jimin continues his ministrations against your pussy. You feel the now familiar bubbling within you, raring to let go. Rolling and pinching your nipples, Jin goads you towards your release before pulling away from your lips. "Cum for Chim and we'll put our babies inside of you, sweetheart." Your mind becomes foggy, eyes squeezing shut as Jimin fucks you quickly with his fingers. 
He can feel your pussy begin to pulse around his fingers, and he lets out a wanton moan as your legs clamp around him tighter. "That's it, beautiful." 
"Cum." It comes out as almost a growl from Jimin before you're submitting to his word. White noise fills your ears as you moan loudly. "Good girl, sweetheart." 
A flush of wetness leaves your sopping cunt and Jimin gasps gently before looking up at the older man beside him. Your hips wiggle and they watch you ride out your high. “I’ve heard people say that women can do such a thing. I’ve never seen it before.” Jin mutters out before bending down to kiss you. 
Jimin watches as your tongues swipe over one anothers. Watching how your hips lift at the arousing act. He strips himself of his pants before hissing as he grasps his cock in hand. He still hasn’t been able to keep his desires quite at bay like Jin but he’s definitely getting better. He finds comfort in seeing you so pleased beneath the both of them. Spreading your legs, he taps the head of his cock to your clit just to watch you whimper into Jin’s mouth. “Eyes right here, babe. Let’s go.” Jimin whispers before running his hands over your thighs.
The warmth that creeps through his body, the tingling of fervent needs sets his mind aflame with passion. He watches as Jin pulls away from you slowly, strings of spit clinging to both of your lips as he trails his thumb over your bottom lip. Prodding the head of his cock to your entrance, he shivers as your heat seeps into his bones. He enters you slowly, both of your mouths opening wide as you groan. He was so thick, stretching your needy cunt so well.
“You’re so wet, baby. Fuck.” He whispers before leaning down, his lips encircling your peaked nipples before whimpering. Thrusting in slowly, he savors the way your cunt clutches around him. Begging his cock to get you full of his cum. He sheathes himself to the hilt in your warm, his eyelids fluttering shut at the softness of your cervix folds. “So fertile for my child. So ready to become the mother of my baby.” He whispers above your breast before his eyes meet yours. 
His blown out irises show emotions he never thought he could have. Love. Passion. Pleasure. You’ve taught him so much in such a short time and he would never have to leave you again for a second. “You’ve taught me what love is, what love can be.” He whispers before pressing his plush lips to yours. Jin watches on, heart swelling as he smiles at the sight before him.
He pulls out of you slowly, taking pleasure in the moan you give as he pries your pussy open. “Look at that.” Jin whispers to himself before taking off his own pants. Snapping his hips hard, Jimin thrusts back inside of you before burying his face into your neck. “Going to look so beautiful full of our children. So big and round. Shit.” He whispers into the crook of your neck as his thighs shake with tremors of unabashed pleasure.
“Your pussy is so needy for it, so needy for my cum. Isn’t it baby?” Your back bows off the bed as he begins to pick up his pace. Bulldozing you deeper into the mattress as he moans your name. “I want it! I want your cum deep inside me! Want your babies!” You choke out as you run your fingers through his hair.
“Spread your legs wider sweetheart, take his cock deep in your needy cunt.” Jin whispers as he strokes himself gently to take some of the edge off. Doing as told, your legs butterfly open wider. “Press her knees to her chest.” Jin instructs Jimin.
Jimin’s hands grip at your knees as he pushes them to your breasts, eyes faltering to the sight of his cock disappearing quickly into your pussy. His thighs were so wet with your arousal, the delicious squelching echoing throughout the master bedroom as his eyes screw shut. Jin’s fingers begin to rub circles on your clit, watching as you whimper out the younger man’s name. “Fuck, you’re going to be a good girl and take it. Isn’t that right? You’re going to take my cum deep into your pussy and give me what’s mine. Give me my child.” Jimin mumbles as he runs his fingers through his hair, sweat gracing his golden abs as he forces his thick cock deeper inside of you. He can feel the barrier of your soft cervix and he grits his teeth as every thrust meets it. 
The pleasure builds within you, your hips lift higher as Jimin whispers your name like an ardent poem on his lips. The new angle has Jin’s hand clamping over your mouth as you sob loudly for him. Your body shakes like a leaf as every thrust brushes against the soft muscle within you. Your eyes become spotty, ears becoming dull to everything else as Jin rubs quicker circles on your clit. “I love you. I love you.” Jimin moans like a prayer as he grips at your hips. 
He could feel his balls tightening, his pleasure coming to the precipice. “Oh shit. You’re such a good girl! So ours. Fuck, baby! I’m going to cum! Going to put my child in you! Fuck!” He whines loudly as you grip at the sheets beside you, knuckles going white as your back bows off the bed. 
The pressure within you is intense, so much so you find yourself drooling and babbling against Jin’s hand as he whispers sweet words in your ear. You can feel your head fogging over as he slaps your clit with his hand. The sharp sting coursing through you like a song. “That’s it! Y/N! That’s it. I feel it, I feel your cunt trying to milk my thick cock. Cum for me, baby. Show me how much you want my child.” Jimin begs with a moan as he pinches your nipples roughly.
With a sharp yelp, you tip over the precipice. Careening into a white void as you orgasm for the second time. Jimin gasps loudly, covering his mouth with his hand as he ruts himself inside of you, chasing his own orgasm as you become boneless before him. “Such a good girl cumming for Jimin’s cock like that.” Jin whispers before trailing his thumb over your jaw. 
Whispering your name repeatedly Jimin stills within you. A gentle whimper leaving his lips as he orgasms. Ropes of warm cum lather your aching cunt and you sigh gently at the feeling. “How beautiful you are.” He whispers before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours. You whine gently as he thrusts his softening cock inside of you trying to let every last drop of his cum coat your insides. 
“I love you.” You mumble against his lips and his smile takes your breath away. He nuzzles his nose to yours before kissing you once more. “I love you too.”
He pulls out gently, looking over at Jin before nodding. “Flip onto your front and lift your hips so we can keep as much of Jimin’s cum inside of you while I fuck you.” Jin whispers and you do as told. Angling your hips up, you whine at the odd feeling as Jin shoves Jimin’s cum back inside of your cunt as it oozes from your tight hole. “Gotta keep as much as we can. I want you to get nice and big for us.” He whispers as his lips graze over your shoulder blades. 
It fills Jimin with pride as he watches your cunt cream with his cum, his eyebrow raising at the sheer eroticism of it. That’s his cum, his baby being made within you and his heart swells at the notion. He lays on his back beside you, head dipping underneath your arms as they hold themselves up to suckle at your puffy nipples. With a whimper you ready yourself for more, hips wiggling as Jin knocks your knees open with his own.
“Ready, sweetheart? I’ll be gentle. For now.” He whispers before prodding his cock at your entrance. You hum in affirmation as Jimin rolls your other nipple between his fingertips. “I can’t wait till your breasts are swollen with the milk of our children.” He whispers beneath you and your breath hitches as Jin’s cock begins to spear your cunt open for him. 
He thrusts in slowly, trying to shove Jimin’s cum past your cervix folds as he groans at how lewdly wet and tight you are. “Fuck, you’re so messy with Chim’s cum. Shit. Feels so good on my cock.” Jin mumbles and your body shudders as he buries himself to the hit. You can feel a dull pain flaring at your cervix folds as the head of his cock nestles against them. He gives shallow thrusts trying to fuck the younger mans cum deeper inside of you before groaning. Your eyes flutter shut as you whimper his name.
You feel so full, and yet, so ready for more. Jimin moves his head out of the way letting your body rest on the mattress as you bury your face into the pillow. Jimin’s hand lazily drifts over your cum filled womb as Jin begins to give harsher thrusts. His cock frothing Jimin’s cum as he grips at your hips. “You’re so loved and so precious, sweetheart. I hope you know this.” Jin whispers before snapping his hips back to you. The globes of your ass jiggle upon impact and he can’t help but smack the flesh with his hand as a groan leaves his lips. 
“Jin!” You whine loudly into the mattress as he fucks you faster. Gentle moans and groans leaving his throat as Jimin keeps his hand over your full womb. “You like it, sweetheart? You like getting fucked stupid by the two men who love you? Like getting pumped full of cum to bear our children inside of you?” He asks through gritted teeth as he kneads at the flesh of your ass. 
He lets out a grunt as your pussy clenches at his words. “So fucking ready to be a mother. So beautiful bearing your fertile cunt for us to breed. You’re so amazing, sweetheart. Fuck, I love you.” Jimin takes a sharp breath through his nose at his words and finds it hard within himself to deny how fond he’s grown of the older man before him.
Jin lets out a whine as Jimin’s hands dip between the apex of your thighs. He rubs smooth circles onto your clit as you buck your hips back to Jin at every thrust. “Oh shit! Sweetheart, I can feel your pussy begging for it. Cum on my cock.” He punctuates every word with a harsh thrust, fingers gripping at your hips almost to the point of bruising. 
“Gonna cum again for us, babe? Suck our cum deep in your fertile pussy? Hmm?” Jimin asks, his breath fanning over your neck and face as he hovers above your ear. Jin lets go of your hip to wrap his hand around the back of your neck, pulling you back on to his cock with a force that makes your legs quiver and your breath get hitched within your throat. He lets out a broken sob of pleasure as his head lolls back, eyes screwing shut as he moans wantonly. 
“I’m cumming!” You whine lowly into the mattress as Jin presses his chest to your back. He feels your pussy twitch repeatedly around his cock, getting ready to milk him as your pleasure builds towards its peak once more. “That’s it, sweetheart. Cum for me, cum on my big cock.” You whimper at his words, eyes rolling back in your skull as Jimin pinches your clit like Jin has taught him.
You were a beautiful sight to behold as you orgasm. The way your knuckles clenched tightly at the sheets, as they turned ghost white. The loud, voracious moan that becomes stuttered into the mattress as you call out Jin’s name. You can hear your heartbeat in your ears as he gasps for you, your pussy clenching tightly around him as your muscles goad his orgasm. “Oh yes. Fuck! I’m cumming!” Jin murmurs in unabashed pleasure as he uses his final ounce of energy to bulldoze himself inside of you.
He presses his forehead to the crook of your neck as his hips stutter. His lips caress your shoulder as he orgasms. Ropes of cum caress your filled womb as he whispers your name. "Good girl sweetheart. You're incredible." Jimin smirks at the sight as your body struggles to hold itself up. 
Pulling out of you slowly, Jin's hand caresses your bare back as he kisses over your face. "Stay like this for just a few more minutes, hmm? Let the cum get as deep as possible." He mutters before kissing the top of your head.
Jimin runs his hand over your back before pressing his face into your neck. "We love you." He whispers before laying down beside you. Pressing his lips to your forehead he closes his eyes. "Elsewhere soon." Jin hums to his words.
"Elsewhere soon."
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"Fourteen bottles of water, nutrient blocks, water purifier, pain killers, bandages, hooks and rope." Jin reads off the list as you sit in the living room, his hand rubbing at your stomach before putting his feet up on the coffee table. 
Jimin nods before throwing the duffel bag on the floor. "The clothes bag. You have that?" Jimin asks before looking at you. You point to the bag at your feet before clearing your throat. "I asked for some baby clothes and I got some. Diapers as well, the Masters thought I was nesting." You tell them as Jimin sits up to meet your eyes.
"Good. We'll at least have a little something for them." He whispers before looking over at Jin. "When nightfall comes, we'll put the bags in the car. We’ll go tomorrow for the tests and if it’s positive we’ll get out in the Slums and make our way towards the wall.” Jin whispers as he runs his thumb over the black ink on his wrist. 
There was this sort of false confidence in the air, each one of you saying positive things without trying to dwindle on the negatives. There could be lots of things that go wrong but you didn’t want to think of them. You couldn’t. Getting to Elsewhere, you would be free. You could have a family with them. Living off the land and simply being together. That sounds perfect, you couldn’t let anything get in your way. Especially nervousness.
Clearing your throat you lean back into the couch before crossing your arms. “Hey.” Jin says calling both of your attention as he sits forward. “We’re going to be just fine.” 
He kisses your cheek before pulling you into his chest, he smells of fresh soap and lingonberries. It’s a scent that keeps you grounded to the Earth as Jimin sits beside you. “We’re going to be fine.” Jimin utters before kissing your temple.
The outside world never seemed to look so cruel until now. You never thought about how grimy and dull everything was until you were able to truly feel. You never had bile rising in your esophagus as you watched Peace Makers hit people in the fields if they didn’t work fast enough. “Jesus.” Jimin mumbles before looking down at his lap as the car drives by. Jin runs his hand over the bags before looking at you. He gives a smile, trying to be reassuring but you can’t seem to return it. You had so many questions, so much anxiety of what’s to come and sitting in this small car only makes it that much worse. 
“They have fields of animals in Elsewhere.” Jin perks up trying to distract you and you’re grateful for the sudden distracting words. “Do you know how to even milk a cow?” Jimin asks before looking back out the window as his knee begins to jump up and down. 
“I can learn. To feed our family.” He whispers before looking at the silver band on his wrist. Our family. Those two words have your chest puffing up as the fields change to civilization. The restored buildings look tacky now that you really look at them. Concrete buildings boarded up and looking menacing greet your eyes as the car drives by people walking on the streets. Their fashion was quite like yours, holding folders in their arms with the word Classified stamped on them in big red letters. Everything about this society is a fucking lie. It's gobsmacking, truly. Nothing about this place is real. Everyone kept in a giant pig pen of a ten foot wall to insure there would be no escape. 
When you’re found you’re put in the Slums to live out your days, injected with a disease that slowly eats away at the cortex of your brain. Making you frail and damaged. Passing through the Slums now, your heart thuds heavily as you grit your teeth. You would get away. No one would stop you.
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Poking and prodding by the scientists is unbearable at this point. Your body feels like a live wire, as they probe you to check for signs of impregnation. Gritting your teeth to keep your legs from jumping you begin to count the tiles on the ceiling. Then you begin to count the flecks of black that speckle them. “You are pregnant.” The words have your head lifting up quickly, almost pulling a muscle in your neck as you widen your eyes. 
“Yeah? How many?” You ask before narrowing your eyes at the sonogram screen.
“Two.” You breathe a sigh of relief before seeing the long needle that is behind the scientist as she checks the fetuses. You were pregnant, and now this was go time. You couldn’t afford to be scared or worried. You have to focus on what will be. And, you will be getting out of this pig pen. 
“What’s that needle for?” You ask the woman as she pulls the probe from you. 
“To take blood from the fetuses and to check who’s babies these are.” You hum before laying back. You hope it’s one from either of them. You could imagine both of their disappointment if they’re a set of twins from just one of them. You hope you wouldn’t have to give them such terrible news. 
“Okay.” The scientist says as she grabs the sheet of paper from the printer. 
“One fetus is from Sector 42A Jimin and one fetus is from District 2 Secortor 3A Seokjin.” You breathe a sigh of relief before nodding. You could cry, you're so delighted but there isn’t time for that now. Born into a life of coddling and being kept safe, you will yourself to see beyond it. To see beyond anything that feels comfortable. You hop off of the examination table before putting your dress back on. Your eyes glancing around the room before spotting the Peace Makers as they walk the two men you love back towards the entrance. 
Tying your hair up in your red ribbon you bow your head to the scientist. She smiles kindly before turning her back to you as she rifles through her documents. Your eyes fall to the tray she keeps beside the examination table and you close your eyes before taking a deep breath. You step gingerly, feet slowly gliding over one another as your hand reaches out for the scalpel on the table. You need it. Or, so you think. You cringe as the tray begins to roll, the wheels squeaking and you turn your head quickly to the scientist as she doesn’t move. “May the Mother take you Elsewhere.” She murmurs before standing up. 
You take a deep inhale through your nose before pocketing the scalpel in your dress before slipping on your shoes. Scuffling out of the room, you slam into a Peace Maker before collecting yourself. You brush your fingers through your now mussed hair before clearing your throat. "I'm sorry ma'am." You bow your head to the Peace Maker before walking towards the exit. Just keep it up, stay normal. As normal as you could be.
"Please tie your hair back up ma'am, wouldn't want you looking defiant." You hear from behind you and you grab your ribbon immediately to tie up your hair. Swallowing thickly you tie your hair up tightly as the French front doors are opened for you. "We will come to collect the Fertile tomorrow morning." You hear a Peace Maker say and you nod to him before looking at the car as it waits for you. Enough time to get away.
Descending the stairs, you find it hard to concentrate as nerves muddle your thinking. Your heart beat is voraciously loud in your ears as you hop into the waiting car. You turn to the men you love before breathing a sigh of relief. The car starts and as you begin to drive away they look at you expectantly. Your hand is placed on your womb before you smile at them. "It worked. Both of you. Fathers." Jin's face breaks out into a smile as Jimin lets out a loud sob. His hands cover his face as he whimpers. 
"Thank you." He mutters out, the sound of a broken sob ripping through his words as he places a hand on your knee. You feel your throat clenched tightly before smiling at him. Jin kisses the back of your hand briefly before looking out the window of the car. "Okay. We have to get to Elsewhere. Our woman and babies depend on it." He tells Jimin who gives a nod as he wipes at his tear streaked cheeks. He finds his resolve as Jin passes him the bag filled with water and other supplies. 
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The car already knowing your routine stops in the Slums. There’s a quick glance between all three of you as you take large breaths. “We can do this.” Jin whispers and you nod more to yourself than to him as if that would help you strengthen your resolve. Wrapping your hand around the door handle, you tug it once before a screech echoes throughout the car. “Oh fuck.” Jin whispers before shoving Jimin back as he begins to kick at the door. 
“Someone had to hear that!” Jin yells as people from the Slums begin to pull at the door trying to pry it open. You gasp loudly as the car begins to shudder. “HELP ME!” Jin yells to Jimin who puts his hand on your stomach before kicking hard against the door. The metal creaks and moans as they grit their teeth. Out of the corner of your eye you can see movement in the distance of the empty streets. Men in white peeking around corners to view the commotions.
“Come on….COME ON!” Jin yells loudly, his neck veins jutting out as he kicks at the door with all of his strength. The door goes flying open, a few people getting knocked into the muddy ground. “Let’s go. Now.” He says before climbing out of the car, throwing the duffel bag over his shoulder and holding his hand out to you as Jimin climbs out quickly. “Come on Sweetheart, we have to move.” You whimper, head turning to see men walking down the now filling avenues and you squeak loudly before grabbing his hand. 
“May the Mother take you Elsewhere!” The people of the Slums murmur as you rush by. Mud and dirt smearing on the bottom of your dress as Jin pulls you. You catch him in the rays of sunlight that peak through the decrepit buildings of the Ruin, how handsome his sweat sheened face is. “STOP THEM!” Your breath catches in your throat as Jin looks at you. 
“You’re going to run with me, sweetheart. Quickly now.” He  says before jumping over some strewn cobblestones from a building that had given way a long time ago. There was rubble everywhere as you make your way through the Slums, parts of broken buildings that nature never got to reclaim. Mud and dirt along everything as you jump over dead bodies. You yell out as your feet take off beneath you, jumping over someone who was still twitching as they die. “Don’t look, let’s go baby!” Jimin yells as he throws the bag on a higher part of an abandoned building. He grunts with effort as he jumps up, pulling himself up by the strength of his arms before leaning down and holding out his hand. 
“Come on, baby. We gotta go-” His eyes look up as Jin jumps up beside him, “-We gotta go now!” He yells as Jin holds out his hand. You grip both of their arms as they haul you up and you groan loudly as your knees scrape against the concrete of the building, leaving scrapes and cuts in its wake. Jimin grabs the bag before helping you up, “You okay?!” You nod quickly before hearing shouting outside of the building. 
“Lets go!” Jin yells and as you begin to take off through the slanted building, running up what feels like the biggest hill your eyes catch black markings of mud on the walls. The braid that is tattooed on Jin’s wrist is the same on the wall and you feel a swell of confidence in your heart as you pull out the scalpel from your dress. Stopping for a second you cut away at the loose fabric of your dress, pulling it off at your mid thigh before beginning to run again. Your thighs strain as you force yourself to sprint up the incline of broken floors through the building towards the window. “GET HER!” You whimper as Jimin looks back, his foot catching before he falls. His arms crashing into the floor first as the Peace Makers run their way up the steep incline. “Jimin!” You yell before holding out your hand, he looks up eyes dazed with pain before gripping on to your hand. 
He forces himself up groaning loudly before running towards the broken window of the building. You’ve probably ran up what seems to be dozens of flights and you can feel the adrenaline pumping through your system like nothing you’ve ever felt before. “Through this window!” Jin yells before stepping out on to the window sill. Jumping over a broken floor you groan loudly as your thighs shake. 
“Come on sweetheart!” Jin yells as Jimin lets go of your hand. “Chim!” You yell as he grabs what seems to be an old looking locker. He grits his teeth, dirt and spit gracing his face as he shoves the locker at the Peace Makers as they make their ascent. The locker rolls once before sliding down the large incline and Jimin doesn’t take a second glance to see if his narrow idea has worked. Grabbing your hand he pulls you towards the window before ushering you out. The sun is blinding and you gasl as your hand coils around the windows' broken edges. Only broken glass and rubble lies beneath you as Jin looks forward towards the Ruins and the wall to your left that keeps you from it. “We’re at least seven feet off the ground. Mind yourselves, don’t look down.” Jin says quickly before beginning to scale the outside of the building. 
You groan loudly and your eyes instinctively look down. “Look at me.” You whimper pressing your back hard against the edge of the building, “Sweetheart! Look at me.” Your head whips over to Jin as he wipes at his dirt covered face. 
“Stick with me, yeah? You and the babies, stay with me.” He says before nodding to you. Swallowing you nod back before ripping your gaze off of him towards the Ruins. “We gotta move! They’re coming!” Jimin calls out next to you and with shaky feet you begin to scale the outside perimeter like Jin. Taking deep breaths you try to zone out, only thinking of the way forward and your hand rests on your stomach as Jin comes face to face with the broken wall. He pulls out the rope and hook before taking a deep breath. 
He swings the hook in hand before throwing it with a grunt, it makes a loud ringing noise as it reaches the top of the wall and he tugs on it a few times for good measure. He jumps off of the building before pressing his feet to the wall. “Okay?” Jimin calls out as you all hear crashing and yelling from inside the building. 
Jin gives a thumbs up with a grunt before walking up the wall at a slow pace. “You go first!” You tell Jimin and he widens his eyes at you before putting his hand on your back. “No! Go!” He yells as a foot perches through the window. 
“Go! I’ll cut the rope so they can’t follow us!” You tell him and he sighs loudly before gripping the rope. You put the scalpel between your teeth as he wraps the rope around your waist. He ties it tightly before pressing his feet to the wall and climbing up behind Jin. “Let’s go, baby!” Jimin yells as you grip on to the rope. With every move they make you are hoisted off of the ground, their bodies carrying your weight as you grab the bottom end of the rope. You begin to cut the rope with the scalpel as you are slowly pulled off the ground. 
“They’re breaking the wall line!” A Peace Maker yells before jumping at you, you scream loudly as he catches your feet. The two men above you faltering into the wall at the sudden weight. Your head smacks into the gray wall of concrete as you kick at the Peace Maker as he holds you tightly. You whimper loudly as you hear your name screamed into the open air by Jimin. You grip the scalpel tightly before jutting it into the Peace Maker’s neck. He gurgles, his grip loosening as you gasp loudly. You grip on to the rope as he falls the seven feet with the scalpel still impaled within his flesh. 
“Come on!” Jin yells before groaning as he pulls himself up the rope. You press your feet to the wall before climbing up with them. Your body is exhausted, simply begging for you to quit but you can’t. You need to find Elsewhere. You need to make it. 
You reach the top after a few minutes of hard work before running behind the both of them as they reach the large crack in the wall. Jimin holds you close to him as Jin sets up the rope to abseil down. The wind picks up, the red ribbon in your hair coming loose and flying away in the breeze as Jimin taps your shoulder. “Just a bit longer baby. Come on.” Jimin murmurs before kissing your temple and handing you the rope. He descends above you last and you hear Jin yelp out as he falls from the rope. “JIN!” You scream loudly as his back makes contact with the grassy floor. The wind is knocked out of him as he gasps for air, coughing loudly as he puts his arm over his face.
You scream incoherently as you try to descend faster, your hands becoming chaffed and red with rope burn. You jump down the final few inches before putting your hands to his chest. He gives you a small smile before sitting up slowly. “Rope burn.” He whispers before showing you his bleeding hands. Jimin jumps off the rope before helping Jin up as sirens begin to scream loudly throughout the distance. 
“I guess your dad knows you ran away, huh?” Jimin asks you before looking up at the Ruins. He bends down before running his hand through the grass. “I’ve never felt grass before.” He whispers before looking up at the both of you as Jin pulls a water bottle from the bag. He cracks the top open before pointing to a building in the distance. 
He pours the water on to his hands before groaning through gritted teeth. “That’s the Way Station. We have to make it there.” He tells you both before passing you the water bottle. 
“Drink. You aren’t just you anymore, we have to take care of the babies too.” He whispers before wiping his shaking hands on his pants. Jimin stands up before slinging the bag back on his shoulders. “Let’s go then.” 
The trip to the Way Station was wondrous in a way. To see all these vines and trees sprouting out of the ground, Earth taking back civilization, it’s incredible. To see deer and other wildlife so close as you jog through. The way that waterfalls have created themselves through broken streets and buildings, it’s eye opening. 
“Through here!” Jin yells happily as the tattoo shows up painted on a wall close to the Way Station. Climbing through a broken window, you realize that this was once someone’s home. Pictures in frames of a family, smiling happily as they sit outside of the house you just entered. You could see dishes set out on the table as if the family were about to eat right before The Great End happened. It makes your heart clench as you pick up the photo. You break the frame before taking the picture out of the broken glass. Jimin stops his jog through the house before looking back at you. He holds his hand out before smiling, his eyes closing tightly. “We’re home.” He whispers as you take his hand. Jin shoves open the back door before turning to the both of you as he folds his arms. “Come sweetheart.”
Walking through the house to the backdoor you focus on the building as it comes into sight, you can see shadows of people moving throughout the building and your breath hitches in your throat as Jin jumps down the patio stairs. He jogs over to the white fence that is broken down before looking up at the Way Station. It’s with tear filled eyes that Jimin clasps tightly on to your hand as you follow behind Jin. He takes a deep sigh before stepping up to the glass door of the Way Station and knocking five times. You hold your breath as shadows and murmurs echo throughout the station before the front door opens. An old woman, white hair down to her waist smiles at you as you put your hand on your flat stomach. “Welcome to Elsewhere.”
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“What’re you up to?” Jimin whispers to his daughter as she picks a daffodil from the field before you. You smirk as your hand is placed on your growing belly before looking back at the wooden cabin you found shelter in all those years ago during your escape. Jin groans loudly as he sits down beside you, his plush lips brush against your temple as he sighs. “Thank you for trusting me.” He whispers before putting his hand on your belly. 
“Hey! Jiseok!” Jimin calls to your other son as he jumps onto the ledge of the hill you live upon. He turns to Jimin with a wide smile and Jimin immediately melts at his gaze. “Get down from there, you know we stay hidden from prying eyes.” Jin chides his son before rubbing your belly. You look out into the distance before putting your head on Jin’s shoulder, your eyes taking in the Ruins in the far distance and the Capital even further beyond that. It’s been seven years since you ran away. Seven years since you’ve found yourself and found the safety of the world beyond what you once knew. Seven years since you found the men you love and could be with them forever. “If someone was to ask mommy who she is, what do you think she would say?” Jimin asks as he places his daughter in his lap before pushing some stray hairs behind her ears. She puffs out her cheeks, making your nose wrinkle as you begin to smile. 
“Just Y/N.” Your daughter says loudly before holding out the daffodil to you. You lean forward, Jin’s hand resting underneath your belly for support as you grab the yellow flower. You nod to her before running your thumb over your cheek like Jin has done so many times over the years to you. “That’s right. Just Y/N.” You whisper before looking back up at the city in the far distance.
“Just Y/N.”
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