#and beliefs. To better understand OneSelf
artdivin · 2 months
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Knowing OneSelf involves introspection, reflection, and a willingness to confront one's own thoughts, emotions, Patterns, and behaviors. It requires honesty and acknowledging one's strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs. To better understand OneSelf, it can be helpful to engage in practices such as journaling, meditation, or therapy. These practices can provide an opportunity for reflection and Self-discovery and can help one gain clarity on one's own thoughts and feelings. Ultimately, knowing OneSelf is a lifelong process that requires ongoing Self-reflection and a willingness to learn and grow.
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luna-azzurra · 1 year
Character motivations for fictional characters
1. Revenge: Seeking vengeance for a past wrong or harm.
2. Power: Craving dominance and control over others.
3. Love and Relationships: Longing for love, companionship, and emotional connection.
4. Redemption: Seeking to atone for past mistakes and find forgiveness.
5. Survival: Striving to stay alive in dangerous or challenging circumstances.
6. Justice: Fighting against injustice and upholding fairness.
7. Exploration: Satisfying curiosity and a desire for discovery.
8. Ambition: Relentlessly pursuing success and achievement.
9. Freedom: Seeking liberation from oppression and constraints.
10. Knowledge and Wisdom: Thirsting for knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.
11. Family: Protecting and nurturing one's family and loved ones.
12. Acceptance: Craving acceptance and validation from others.
13. Friendship: Building and maintaining meaningful friendships.
14. Escape: Seeking to break free from a stifling or undesirable situation.
15. Truth: Uncovering the truth and exposing lies or deceit.
16. Creativity: Expressing oneself and bringing imagination to life.
17. Competition: Striving to be the best and outperform others.
18. Self-Discovery: Embarking on a journey to understand oneself better.
19. Healing: Seeking emotional, physical, or spiritual healing.
20. Faith and Belief: Holding strong religious or spiritual convictions.
21. Mentorship: Guiding and inspiring others to reach their potential.
22. Revolution: Fighting against oppressive systems and advocating for change.
23. Sacrifice: Putting others' needs above one's own and making difficult choices.
24. Fear: Overcoming fears and finding strength in the face of adversity.
25. Fame: Desiring recognition, acclaim, and celebrity status.
26. Identity: Discovering and understanding one's true self.
27. Empathy: Understanding and connecting with others' emotions and experiences.
28. Tradition: Upholding cultural or familial traditions and values.
29. Rebellion: Resisting authority and challenging the status quo.
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Common character motivations
Revenge - seeking to get even with someone who has wronged them
Love - driven by romantic feelings for another character
Greed - motivated by a desire for material possessions or wealth
Power - seeking to gain control or influence over others
Justice - motivated by a sense of fairness and a desire to see justice served
Redemption - seeking to make up for past mistakes or wrongdoings
Curiosity - driven by a desire to learn or discover something new
Duty - motivated by a sense of responsibility or obligation to others or a cause
Ambition - driven by a desire to achieve a specific goal or succeed in a particular endeavor
Fear - motivated by a desire to avoid danger or harm
Guilt - driven by a sense of remorse for past actions or decisions
Jealousy - motivated by envy or a desire to possess what another character has
Betrayal - motivated by a sense of betrayal or desire for revenge against someone who has betrayed them.
Ambivalence - a character who is conflicted or uncertain about their goals or desires
Freedom - a character who seeks to escape from a restrictive situation or society
Fame - motivated by a desire for public recognition or notoriety
Identity - driven by a need to understand or define who they are
Family - motivated by a sense of loyalty or obligation to their family or loved ones
Discovery - driven by a desire to explore or uncover hidden knowledge
Patriotism - motivated by a love for their country or a desire to protect it
Rebellion - driven by a desire to challenge authority or the status quo
Artistic expression - motivated by a need to create or express oneself through art, music, or other creative endeavors
Religion or spirituality - driven by a desire to connect with a higher power or to live according to certain beliefs or values
Altruism - motivated by a desire to help others or make the world a better place
Atonement - driven by a need to make amends or seek forgiveness for past actions
Nostalgia - motivated by a desire to return to a simpler time or relive past experiences
Status - driven by a desire for social or professional standing or recognition.
Insecurity - driven by a need to prove their worth or gain acceptance from others
Legacy - motivated by a desire to leave a lasting impact or to be remembered in a certain way after they're gone
Survival - driven by the need to survive in extreme circumstances, such as a natural disaster, war, or an apocalyptic event
Belonging - motivated by a desire to fit in with a certain group or community
Love of knowledge - driven by a passion for learning and acquiring new information
Addiction - motivated by a compulsion to engage in a particular behavior or activity, such as drug use or gambling
Inciting incident - motivation driven by a specific event that triggers or sets the character on their journey
Fear of death - driven by a fear of their own mortality or the mortality of others
Intimidation - motivated by a fear of others or a desire to intimidate others for personal gain
Envy - driven by a desire to possess what others have or to be like someone else
Manipulation - motivated by a desire to control or manipulate others for their own benefit
Protecting others - driven by a desire to protect loved ones or innocent people from harm
Sense of duty - motivated by a sense of responsibility to fulfill a particular role or obligation.
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Saturn works well in Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius because in these signs it fights for injustice in ways that are objectively right.
Saturn debilitates in Aries and doesn’t perform well in Mars signs, because Mars is a sign of subjectively fighting for personal conviction and defending one’s boundaries from others. Ironically enough, even Mars exalts in Capricorn, so even personal conviction when it comes to self protection should be tempered with objectivity.
The person with Saturn in Mars signs is gonna fight for injustice based on lack of proportion coming from biased personal motivations and may be completely off the mark and lack bigger perspective in understanding their own troubles. They are unnecessarily defensive and stressful to their environment. They may not understand what is generally right, they operate based on what they personally believe is right and they think their personal feelings represent the bigger truth of the universe, while in fact it’s their very biased conviction.
People with Saturn in productive signs have a better place fighting for necessary changes because they have a good, well measured cause and so their efforts will always benefit the humanity collective, because everyone on the planet benefits from even one person doing the objectively right thing, even if it’s linked to someone’s personal life. Meanwhile, if weak Saturn does the right thing just for oneself, one is not very useful to the world in general and thus their long term contributions are weaker and they will even hurt people unfairly stumbling on the way.
In truth, people with Saturn tainted by Mars have an internalized sense of shame regarding the defense of their personal conviction and their right to it, which, just like with Sun afflicting Saturn, can come from an authority figure in their youth. So they yell at everyone around them louder than necessary, even if no one around them actually cares to attack them, simply because they feel attacked internally due to past traumas and they completely lack the objective perspective to be able to see that.
Saturn is friends with Venus and exalts in Venus’ sign, because a working Saturn is a good psychologist, able to accurately discern other people’s motivations. As a result, a good Saturn takes things less personally because it realizes that people actually don’t care that much about other people, as everyone is preoccupied with their own survival. A strong Saturn simply puts up an impenetrable wall based on what they know to be objectively right, a boundary people can’t cross and acts accordingly if someone tries to breach that wall, but is unbothered otherwise.
Saturn tainted by Mars is instead convinced everyone is out to get them, because they internally believe that everyone wants to attack them for their personal beliefs. As a result they lash out easily and antagonize people when triggered, because they’re unable to keep their cool. They also lack social grace, because they can’t solve conflict productively and they add extra tension to any problematic situation due to their temper. That makes them unpleasant to be around, because in an already tense situation tension should be diffused so that people feel less burdened emotionally and can look for easiest, most productive solutions. Anger in a Mars-Saturn person obscures their clarity and makes their environment more inflamed, like pouring gasoline on an already existing fire instead of putting it out.
The only path for a person with Saturn afflicted by Mars is to become aware of their complexes and defensiveness. They need to internally validate their personal beliefs and learn to put up a wall when it comes to them, not to try to convince anyone but simply to give themselves the right to live the life they want to live. They should become aware of these beliefs and simply live by them independently regardless of anyone’s opinion. They need to realize it’s objectively correct for them to be able to have these beliefs, because after all their life is theirs and not anybody else’s, so they should live it the way they want to.
As a result, their general productivity to the world will always be decreased because this person’s individual karma is about getting into balance with themselves so that they don’t end up constantly upsetting their environment. There are no valid objective external causes they can contribute to, because their karma in this life is about healing deeply individualistic wounds of personal bias. At best, they can be good at motivating people to stand up for themselves, but they will only give that advice coming from a very personal place that relates to their own experience. Of course, one can argue that their own personality and experience is a result of a long lasting line of their own ancestry as well so their very existence is fixing some latent karmas, but the physical productivity imprint will still be decreased as their emotional complexities take such a toll.
The karma of a strong Saturn instead has the power to right wrongs down to their ancestral line and manifest to have physical, societal impact during their own time on Earth, because they have the power to correct long lasting wrongs in the environment around them, which often originate from a long time before the Saturn native even arrived into this world.
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hastyprovocateur · 7 months
Mizu, Akemi and Gender as a weapon
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Mizu's masculinity isn't something she dislikes or is seeking to be rid of. Even at her most feminine, Mizu is still androgynous. Not limited by gender performances, stereotypes and beliefs. It's all part of her. The doting lover, the skilled samurai, the knifemaker, the patron of arts. It just creates internal conflict when she's unable to connect to her femininity in a gendered society, knowing that her femininity will be seen as weakness. On the flipside, we know Mizu suppressed masculine parts of herself in her marriage with the expectation that they'll become a deal-breaker which also wasn't healthy. Mizu doesn't need the go-ahead to be traditionally feminine, she just needs space or a person/people who will allow her be herself without nitpicking parts of her. In that vein, I also wanna address how Akemi is also masculine in her own ways.
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Just because she doesn't wield a sword or has an androgynous bodytype, doesn't mean that Akemi isn't masculine (the social understanding of it). She is very much so in her own right. Seki, her tutor, keeps aligning her with her father claiming that they have the same conviction in their beliefs in which their roots are unshakeable. This lays out how traits of power seeking, ambition, stark independence and intelligence that her father prides himself on are discouraged in Akemi as she's a woman. She is politically informed, highly educated and sexually dominant. She is calculative, express in her expertise at Go, something she's been better than grown men at since she was 12. Seki tells her that beyond just surviving in her marital home, she is equipped to succeed, expand her territory, find people's vulnerabilities, capture and win. That she can learn to do anything she wants and be whoever she wants, even if the goal is to become the ruler of Japan. In that same episode, Mizu is parallel to Akemi where she seeks wisdom from Master Eiji to exact an artful revenge where he proceeds to tell her that he didn't train her to be a demon or a human but he showed her how to be an artist. That revenge, swords, pots, noodles are all the same to an artist. The goal is to learn to be good at something. Anything. Mizu's pursuit of revenge is as masculine as Akemi's pursuit of power. They are both capable of learning. Of being successful. They are both elements of their own destiny. Water. Fire.
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It doesn't matter what the means used are if the objective is one and the same. Akemi learnt this throughout season 1. That to evolve oneself guarantees success over only changing the scenario by running. Like Mizu, Akemi works with what she has. She is feminine presenting, enhanced through the princess finery, she can't fight but she uses her beauty, charm and wit to execute her plans and bend men to her will. Mizu attempted to maneuvere this same tactic after Mikio called her a monster, dolling up like on her wedding day to appease to his masculinity but it only pushed her towards the one thing she does best- wielding a sword to survive. Mizu knows how to fight, that is her agency, not a definitive of her gender. To fight and evolve is human, not select for a particular gender. Akemi also knows how to fight. She's trained in koto playing, singing, dancing, literature, poetry and the sutras. Her modus operandi is to weaken a man through his own hubris of thinking that she presents no threat. Which, as a personal opinion, I find a requires a tad more skill than cutting through flesh and bone. With Mizu, men brace for a fight, with Akemi, they don't even realise there was one in the first place. I posit that fighting is seen as more glorious than manipulation because it's a traditionally masculine way of dealing with things. Meanwhile, artful manipulation if rife with character bashing because femininity, according to some, should not not exist to take advantage only be taken advantage of, which again. Trash take. Needless to say, both Mizu and Akemi easily outclass the men who stand in their way.
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letsatomicbanana · 2 months
Thinking about how the main points of conflict within Ink's character is how he's characterized as someone with communication issues and who has a high resistence to changes.
(i use he/they for Ink in this, since no one calls them 'they' for some reason.)
Firt of all, they're a meta character. He's aware of the outside world and lets that very clear with his general whole world mentality (a.k.a they sees people as characters within a story), so them having a hard time communicating with others is by no means surprising because, again, he's a meta-aware character that has the knowledge that everything surrounding him is automatically fictional. But one thing interesting to him and worth noticing, is that he actually shows signs of being antisocial and having an obvious disregard of people in general sense (or just, having low-empathy/remorse) to the point of being completly disconnect from society and not even seeing himself as a person/monster individual. (Making it clear that this does not make Ink a bad person by any means). You know, they even pushes people away due to his careless nature because he's aware that it hurts people, and he doesn't want it to anyone.
Also something to keep in mind, he hardly has a proper social understanding!! (Something mentioned in the FAQ). They have a hard time understanding social interaction in a typical way and that alone heavily affects his way of communication (a.k.a they're extremly blunt and straight forward). Interesting enough, this information alone heavily implied or otherwise just confirms, that Ink have deficts with Theory of Mind (which is -the ability to explain, predict, and interpret behavior by attributing mental states such as desires, beliefs, intentions and emotions to oneself and to other people-). Since social understanding and theory of mind derive from the same socio-cognitive concept but with different terms attached to it.
In second analysis, he does not react/deal well with sudden/forced changes AT ALL. It's actually a main point of conflict with Ink's character and other people -whetever or not is he able to adapt to changes in the script-. It's worth bringing up that this specific mentality of his has also to do with this previously mentioned meta-awareness and persintence on the respect of the creator's previous intentions with AU's. But he genuinely also has a extreme hard time letting changes happen and by other words, also let him be affected by them.
Anyways, this is just a long explanation to why reading Ink was a character with ASPD (sociopathy) and ASD (autism) genuinely makes me have a better understanding of him lmao.
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drdemonprince · 5 months
Hi! I remember you talking about doing shadow work (in a reply to an ask, I think); do you have any advice on how to start? Especially for someone who who has a really hard time with consistency/habits? Thanks!
For me it is not an intentional practice separate from my regular life, it is an orientation toward my own most negative thoughts/impulses/reactions. I do not believe that any thought is harmful or morally wrong to have, and so when I experience a thought that is violent, cruel, bitter, pathetic, prejudicial, short-tempered, jealous, whatever else, I accept it, and study it with curiosity rather than self-condemnation.
I notice patterns over time in what I am particularly un-evolved and unenlightened about. What hang ups do I have? What weird bullshit respectability politics or traditional gender norms do I still apply to myself or to others? Who do I fuckin hate and why?
Which of these things can I just kind of shrug at and accept as a feature of my programming and which ones do I see seriously holding back my life? That's probably the hardest part of shadow work for me. I'm very aware of a lot of my flaws and the things i'm irrationally emotionally reactive to and defensive about, but I get attached to my way of seeing things. It can be scary to become more open-minded and uncertain and less spiky. And some things just aren't easy to change even if I want them to. Part of shadow work means allowing oneself to be in an unfinished state.
Another part of it for me is accepting with a dark kind of gratitude that the world would be a pretty terrible place if everyone was like me. There is so much about humanity that I do not understand. I could never be a surgeon. I could never be a good parent. I could never be a social worker. There is so much I am so bad at. Maybe this is the Narcissism and Lack of Empathy talking, but I've had to really humble myself. I used to think I was so much more rational and less of a waster of time and resources than most people around me. Now I realize I have run on self-denial and repressed emotionality for a very long time and demanded that life have some Purpose when it doesn't. So a lot of my shadow work has been acknowledging my ultimate smallness and feebleness and just general uselessness -- i have a lot to be grateful to other people for doing, but also life has no purpose that needs to be fulfilled so i can just exist and suck for every single second that i'm alive if that's what i'm gonna do.
radical acceptance shit is definitely mixed in there, and some DBT kinda strategies. I've finally arrived at a place where I can love my dissatisfaction as a core part of me and accept that life is not meant to be happy and comfortable. we always keep moving, changing our environments to make them a little better, chasing after new passions and then getting disillusioned with them, falling in and out of love, getting lost. we're always lost. we're always making mistakes and being dumb as humans. that's like what we are. silly little freaks that make up lots of pretend games for fun but then get swept up in believing them too much. i kind of feel at peace now with the fact that i'll always be messy and impulsive and have weird beliefs and will change constantly and look back on my past with a cringe reaction every four or five years. i dont expect myself to ever arrive, because what the hell would that look like?? being satisfied and happy sure sounds a lot like being dead.
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themainspoon · 5 months
One thing I haven't seen anybody else mention about Dr. Hillary Cass's whole "transition success should be judged by employment success, getting 'out of the house', marriage, and sex life, not happiness" thing is that it's a textbook example of biopower and biopolitical discourse. And I think it's important to be able to take apart what she's doing. Cass is not breaking new ground in the field of transphobia here, she's parroting some of the beliefs that have been causing issues for trans people for decades now. She's doing biopolitics.
This is Foucault theory so I'm giving a very abridged version here: Biopower is power over bodies. As Foucault writes in Vol 1 of the History of Sexuality: Power is no longer about having ultimate dominion over death, but instead about being able to control life itself. In Biopower, power has more than just the threat of death, it has access to our bodies and lives as well. When combined with the concept of the medical gaze, it can be said that medicine is no longer a body of techniques for curing illnesses, but is now an institution with the ability to define "health" and "normality".
In biopolitics, the body becomes a political object, and various technologies, political strategies, and diciplinary techniques operate upon bodies through various institutions in order to shape them and integrate them into society. Ultimately, what is defined as the healthy and valuable body is seen as necessary for the society/nation to thrive. The ideal body is the body of the "ideal citizen", one who fits definitions of "normality".
Within biopower, the purpose of trans healthcare is not to affirm gender or improve the lives of trans individuals. Instead, it is to create "healthy", "productive", "docile", and "normative" bodies that adhere with both the gender binary and understandings of the ideal citizen.
The criteria that Cass states that she thinks the success of transition should be judged by (employment, social involvement, and ability and willingness to participate within heteronormative relationship dynamics) is a list of things expected of "ideal citizens".
In the view of individuals like Cass, who funtion within biomedical discourses, transition isn't about allowing trans people to modify their bodies in ways that bring them joy, better embody their identities, and/or that allow them to feel more like themselves. Transition is instead purely about correcting percived dysfunction, to allow those percived by them as dysfunctional men and women to be transformed into normative, unproblematic, binary adhering, and productive women and men. Options like being non-binary, or using this transition technology to change your body in ways that do not align with medical understandings of binary transition, are seen as invalid, as they create disruption and non-normativity as opposed to 'curing' or 'treating' those things.
Therefore, for people like Cass it only makes sense that the success of transition would be judged by the ability of trans people to adhere to dominant gender norms, productivity, and overall normallity, as opposed to things unrelated to understandings of what "the ideal citizen" is. Y'know, things like happiness, joy, the ability to feel like oneself, etc.
One last point, and this is partially speculation on my part: But I think this is why the fact that trans people face discrimination that makes things like remaining employed and being in healthy relationships much more difficult is ignored by people like Cass. These forms of discrimination are seen as the result of the individuals failure to properly perform and embody "normality". Transphobia is therefore not percived as the fault of a patriarchal cisheteronormative society and culture, but instead a failure of the trans individual and the practice of medical transition.
If it wasn't clear, I think Dr Cass is a hack and that the discourses that inform her positions on trans health issues are not only incorrect, but also act to perpetuate bigotry and social inequality. Fuck Dr Cass, Trans Liberation Now.
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broomsick · 5 months
I was wondering if you have any advice for learning to believe that the gods care about us as individuals?
When I see people saying that the gods really don’t care about us in the grand scheme of things, I find that easier to believe than to believe they care about us, which kinda feels .. shit. Although maybe it’s true, I’m not sure.
I honour Loki, but because I find it hard to believe that they care about me at all (especially given I can’t communicate with him – so he can’t tell me if he does or not, and I don’t want to assume), I feel like it puts distance between us on my end.
I apologise if this is a bit heavy or difficult to answer, don’t stress if you can’t, you’re fine to delete it! But if you have any advice, I’d greatly appreciate it.
Hi there! I definitely understand the way you feel, and from time to time, I experience this very same sentiment as well. I think asking oneself this sort of question comes naturally to many of us, because pragmatic thinking could have us believe the divine is somehow too great to care about us measly earthlings.
But let’s break down this idea that’s being spread around pagan social media platforms, according to which the Gods are too busy, too grand, or too powerful to care about their followers. I’ve never been a fan of this sort of over-the-top cynical rhetoric. Still, I think there’s no better way to tackle pragmatic thinking than in a pragmatic way. The way I see it, this perception of the divine stems from a will to fully detach oneself from common monotheistic concepts. The fact is that a lot of neo-pagans, including popular pagan content creators, come from a Christian background. Some of these creators, whether polytheistic, animistic, both, or else, seem very keen on rejecting any spiritual concept or practice deemed monotheistic in nature, such as the idea that the divine can love us. Neo-paganism entails new ideas, and therefore, any perception of the divine that’s akin to that of the big monotheistic religions is either naive, or shows remnants of monotheistic thinking. However, there’s nothing naive about believing that the divine can care about us. I can believe this, just like I can believe that this or that deity presides over this or that matter in life. Belief systems work in a way that allow for specific ideas of the divine to form, and to vary from person to person. And after all,—just as an aside—, if an entity is powerful enough to be considered divine, then they are powerful enough to know about each of their followers, regardless of how many there are. Now, I don’t think there’s any need to specify that polytheism is inherently spiritual. This means that its very foundations are built upon personal gnosis, and belief in concepts that cannot be proven. No such thing as logic regulates matters of spirituality. So why should we, as theists whose beliefs aren’t commanded by any sort of authority or rule set, be so rigidly pragmatic in this case?
In the end, it all comes down to what we personally believe, and what we’ve personally experienced. Who’s to prove that the Gods don’t love us? And if I saw some stranger on social media tell me “hey um, your God doesn’t care about you by the way”, I would think that 1. Me and this person probably don’t even perceive the divine in the same manner at all; 2. Nothing and nobody dictates belief but the believer themselves; and 3. My experience has proven to me that the Gods care for us, and it’s proof enough. But let me elaborate on that matter further.
In most pagan paths, deities embody different natural phenomena and elements of human life. That’s the way the very first forms of polytheism developed. And to me at least, that’s also the way we as pagans experience their presence firsthand. The Gods are all around us: we can see them because we can see forests, seas, storms, fire, rain… And when you see it that way, they are infinitely closer to us than some cynical social media accounts would have us believe. They don’t sit on golden thrones above the clouds, far away from the human condition. Their presence is tightly intertwined with the earth. So why should “the forest, seas, storms” etc etc care for us? Well my friend, have you ever spent time by a river, and felt that it had a soul of its own? Have you ever felt a bond with a specific tree, or got the sense that the storm was alive somehow? That is something I worship as a pagan. And in my personal experience, the God’s burning, all encompassing love can be felt in these sorts of moments. I don’t need for them to tell me directly. It’s like looking into a loved one’s eyes and feeling that they love you, even though not a single word was spoken. I know how difficult it can be to put one’s faith in such a thing, when it’s already hard for us to even communicate with the Gods. That’s why we keep an eye out for signs from them. And even so, we might never truly grasp their thoughts. If anything, that’s something we know for sure about the divine. If you want my opinion, believing that the Gods love us is a perfectly sound choice to make. They send us their blessings in too many ways to count, sometimes in the form of well-needed change, reassurance, comfort… And if you believe that a certain blessing was sent by the Gods, doesn’t that already showcase a certain care? Even for those who see deity worship as purely transactional (an offering for a blessing and vice-versa), the very idea that a deity would send a blessing implies care for the followers who make the offering. And since me, along with innumerable other pagans, have received blessings without necessarily having to ask or perform some sort of huge offering ritual, I’ve naturally decided that the Gods love their followers. Everybody else can feel free to believe what they will, but my faith, intuition and experience have told me so.
Don’t let your mood be undermined by what people say on the internet, but more importantly, don’t let other people dictate what’s true and what’s false about your experience of spirituality. Let yourself believe what you want to believe, there’s nothing wrong with that at all. You don’t owe anybody proof of what you have faith in.
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grey-sorcery · 1 year
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Title: Shadow Work: First Steps
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Shadow Work Concepts Emanations of The Subconscious Dualities Biases in Witchcraft Finding Balance Divination Basics of Spellcasting Basics of Astral Projection Fundamentals of Energy Work Spell Design What is Witchcraft?
Important: Shadow work is in no way necessary for witchcraft. Nor should magical applications of shadow work be the crux of your self-reflection.
The concept of the shadow holds a lot of significance to most witches today. The shadow, as elucidated by Carl Jung, represents the concealed and often repressed aspects of an individual's psyche. It encompasses the less desirable qualities, such as fears, insecurities, and suppressed emotions, which are typically kept hidden from conscious awareness. Engaging in magical shadow work entails embarking upon a journey of self-discovery and self-integration, allowing individuals to explore these hidden depths in order to achieve greater personal understanding and growth. And while Jung may not have been the most savory character, his contributions were and continue to be very useful! I highly recommend looking into his ideas and how you can potentially modify them to better fit your own life.
The Shadow
The shadow, as defined and utilized in shadow work, refers to the concealed and often repressed aspects of an individual's psyche. The shadow represents the repository of thoughts, emotions, and impulses that are deemed unacceptable or incompatible with one's conscious self-image. A lot of the shadow’s characteristics are forged through traumatic experiences and manifest themselves as trauma responses. These hidden aspects of the self reside in the unconscious mind, remaining largely inaccessible to conscious awareness.
Shadow work involves a deliberate and introspective exploration of these suppressed elements. It is a process of bringing to light the aspects of ourselves that we may disown or deny, aiming to integrate them into our conscious selfhood. By engaging with the shadow, individuals gain insight into their fears, insecurities, and unresolved conflicts, shedding light on the hidden motivations behind their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This exploration of the shadow is not limited to psychological analysis alone. It encompasses various practices and techniques, such as magic, divination, self-reflection, journaling, therapy, and emotional intelligence development. Shadow work allows individuals to confront and confront their shadows in a compassionate and non-judgmental manner, promoting personal growth, self-acceptance, and authenticity.
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Techniques for Exploring and Integrating the Shadow
One approach to delving into the depths of the shadow is through the practice of meditation. By cultivating a focused and contemplative state of mind, individuals can delve into their subconscious and uncover suppressed emotions, memories, and beliefs. Through consistent meditation practice, one can gradually bring these shadows into conscious awareness, allowing for a deeper understanding of oneself.
Rituals and spellwork can serve as transformative tools in shadow work. Rituals provide a structured framework within which individuals can confront and engage with their shadows. By employing symbolic gestures, such as the use of correspondences or ritual objects, or the implementation of astral projections and energy work, practitioners can externalize their inner struggles and navigate the complexities of their shadows in a controlled and intentional manner. Through spellwork, it is possible to influence the psyche, open up self awareness, make it easier to gain access to repressed memories, aid in inducing relaxed states, and form energetic representations of emotional states. 
Archetypes and symbolism serve as potent vehicles for exploring the shadow within magical practice. Archetypes represent universal patterns and primordial images that exist within the collective unconscious. By working with archetypal energies, individuals can gain insight into their own shadows and access the transformative potential residing within them. Symbolism, too, can play a central role in shadow work, as it allows practitioners to express and explore complex emotions and experiences that may be difficult to articulate directly. By utilizing symbols, such as colors, animals, or mythological motifs, individuals can unlock the safety, self-awareness, and confidence contained within their shadows.
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Magical Shadow Work
One of the primary benefits of engaging in magical shadow work is the revelation of hidden aspects of the self. By courageously diving into the shadow, individuals can shed light on the suppressed emotions, desires, and beliefs that have influenced their thoughts and behaviors. This process of self-exploration enables individuals to develop a more comprehensive understanding of their true nature, promoting authenticity and self-acceptance.
Magical shadow work also holds the potential for healing past wounds and traumas. By addressing the suppressed emotions and traumas stored within the shadow, individuals can initiate a process of emotional and psychological healing. Confronting and processing these experiences in a supportive and intentional manner allows for the release of stagnant energy and the restoration of emotional well-being. Engaging with the shadow can lead to personal transformation and empowerment. As individuals become aware of and integrate their shadows, they gain the ability to reclaim the aspects of themselves that were once repressed or denied. By embracing the full spectrum of their being, individuals unlock their true potential and experience a greater sense of wholeness and authenticity.
Before engaging in magical shadow work, It would be wise to approach it mundanely first. At the very least, mundane shadow work will give you an idea of what your shadow is, the shape of it, its reactionary patterns, its roots. Without mundane shadow work, or a very experienced healer, you’ll be flying blind. Shadow work is an intimate process of getting refamiliarized with the sum total of your being, your life. If you’re ready for magical shadow work, here are some spells that can help. (Be sure that they’re of your design for best results.)
Anti-anxiety spell candle
Spell to remember dreams
Spell to make accessing sensitive memories easier
Binding your own trauma response (temporarily)
Cord cutting (Actual cord cutting, not that candle & string tiktok bs)
Glamour for self-love and acknowledgement 
Reveal truth spell
I may write some spells for this purpose, If I do, I will link them here in this section.
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Mundane Shadow Work
Mundane shadow work refers to the process of exploring and integrating the hidden aspects of the self from a psychological and self-care perspective, without invoking supernatural or metaphysical beliefs. It involves delving into the unconscious patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that shape an individual's thoughts and actions; as well as taking the time to care for yourself, even when the cost required to do so means draining yourself. Unlike magical or mystical approaches, mundane shadow work focuses on psychological principles and practices to uncover and address these hidden aspects.
From a psychological standpoint, mundane shadow work involves examining the unconscious patterns and behaviors that influence an individual's life. The unconscious mind plays a vital role in shaping thoughts, emotions, and actions, often driven by deep-seated fears, unresolved conflicts, and unacknowledged desires. By exploring and understanding these unconscious elements, individuals can gain insight into the underlying motivations and dynamics that affect their daily lives. Mundane shadow work also involves exploring the impact of childhood conditioning and societal influences on one's personality and behavior. Early experiences and societal norms can shape beliefs, values, and attitudes that may be limiting or detrimental. Through introspection and analysis, individuals can identify and challenge ingrained patterns and beliefs that no longer serve their personal growth and well-being.
Self-reflection and journaling are effective practices for mundane shadow work. Taking time to reflect on thoughts, emotions, and experiences can help uncover hidden patterns and gain insight into one's motivations and reactions. Writing in a journal allows for a deeper exploration of thoughts and feelings, enabling individuals to recognize recurring themes, triggers, and patterns in their lives.
Self-care can serve as a valuable tool for shadow work, facilitating the exploration and integration of hidden aspects of the self. By engaging in self-care practices, individuals create a nurturing and supportive environment that allows for deep introspection and personal growth.
Examples of self-care as a form of shadow work include:
1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing mindfulness cultivates awareness of one's thoughts, emotions, and sensations, creating a space for acknowledging and exploring the shadow. Meditation provides an opportunity to observe and process unconscious patterns and emotions that may arise during the practice.
2. Journaling and Reflection: Writing in a journal encourages self-reflection and can help uncover hidden aspects of the self. By expressing thoughts, emotions, and experiences on paper, individuals gain insights into their shadows and can identify recurring patterns or triggers.
3. Self-Compassion and Self-Acceptance: Embracing self-compassion and self-acceptance involves acknowledging and accepting all aspects of the self, including the shadow. By practicing self-compassion, individuals can foster a non-judgmental and nurturing attitude towards themselves, creating space for healing and growth.
4. Emotional Regulation and Boundaries: Developing emotional regulation skills allows individuals to navigate and process challenging emotions that may arise during shadow work. Setting boundaries helps establish a safe and supportive environment, protecting one's well-being and allowing for focused introspection.
5. Rest and Relaxation: Prioritizing rest and relaxation is essential for replenishing energy and fostering emotional well-being. Taking breaks, engaging in hobbies, and practicing self-care rituals such as baths or massages create a conducive environment for self-exploration and introspection.
By incorporating self-care practices into one's routine, individuals can enhance their well-being while simultaneously engaging in shadow work. These practices create a nurturing space for deep reflection, emotional processing, and personal growth. Self-care as a form of shadow work enables individuals to develop a deeper understanding and acceptance of their shadows, leading to greater self-awareness and integration.
Engaging in therapy or counseling is a valuable approach to mundane shadow work. Mental health professionals provide a supportive and objective environment where individuals can explore their unconscious patterns, childhood conditioning, and societal influences. Therapeutic techniques, such as psychodynamic therapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy, can aid in uncovering and addressing underlying issues, facilitating personal growth and transformation.
Developing emotional intelligence is another crucial aspect of mundane shadow work. Emotional intelligence encompasses the ability to identify, understand, and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. By enhancing emotional awareness and regulation, individuals can gain insight into their unconscious emotional reactions and learn healthier ways of expressing and processing emotions. Practices such as mindfulness meditation, emotional regulation exercises, and empathy-building activities contribute to the development of emotional intelligence.
Mundane shadow work is an integral part of personal growth and self-actualization. By exploring and integrating the hidden aspects of the self, individuals can achieve a deeper understanding of their motivations, desires, and fears. This process fosters self-acceptance, self-compassion, and a greater sense of authenticity. Through mundane shadow work, individuals gain the opportunity to transform limiting beliefs, heal emotional wounds, and cultivate healthier relationships with themselves and others.
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Similarities and Differences between Magical and Mundane Shadow Work
Magical and mundane shadow work share common goals and principles despite their different approaches. Both seek to explore and integrate the hidden aspects of the self, acknowledging the existence of unconscious patterns and behaviors that influence thoughts and actions. The shared goal is to achieve personal growth, self-awareness, and transformation. Both approaches recognize the importance of addressing suppressed emotions, traumas, and limiting beliefs for healing and achieving a more authentic and fulfilling life.
Magical shadow work often involves metaphysical or spiritual practices and rituals, whereas mundane shadow work focuses on psychological principles. In magical shadow work, practitioners may utilize meditation, visualization, energy work, rituals, and working with archetypes and symbolism.
In contrast, mundane shadow work primarily relies on psychological approaches supported by scientific research. It emphasizes self-reflection, introspection, therapy, and emotional intelligence development. Techniques such as journaling, therapy, and emotional regulation exercises are used to explore and understand unconscious patterns, childhood conditioning, and societal influences. Mundane shadow work seeks to integrate psychological principles and evidence-based practices for personal growth and transformation. Mundane shadow work can also use symbolism and work with archetypes. The shadow is an archetype, a subcategorization of the psyche. 
While magical and mundane shadow work have contrasting approaches, they also have complementary aspects that can be integrated for an approach to self-discovery and growth. Practitioners can incorporate psychological techniques into magical shadow work. For instance, individuals can use self-reflection and journaling to deepen their understanding of the symbolism and archetypes encountered in magical practices. This integration can provide a psychological framework for exploring and processing the experiences and insights gained from themagical, mystical, and metaphysical practices, enhancing self-awareness and personal growth. In mundane shadow work, practitioners can draw inspiration from the use of symbolism and archetypes in magical practices. Symbolism and archetypes provide a rich language for exploring and expressing complex emotions, experiences, and unconscious patterns. By incorporating these symbolic elements into therapy or counseling, individuals can tap into a deeper layer of self-understanding and facilitate transformative healing processes.
Both magical and mundane shadow work recognize the importance of the mind-body connection in personal growth. Engaging in practices such as meditation, mindfulness, or breathwork can foster a deeper connection with the self and facilitate emotional and psychological healing. This mind-body integration can bridge the gap between magical and mundane approaches, emphasizing the interplay of thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations in the process of shadow work. Both require a level of intimacy and honesty that may be uncomfortable for those who are just starting. They both often involve reflecting on past traumas and how they are reacted to.  
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Choosing the Right Approach
When it comes to shadow work, it is crucial to choose an approach that aligns with individual preferences, needs, and goals. While both magical and mundane methods offer unique perspectives, it is essential to consider personal inclinations and strike a balance between the two. However, prioritizing mundane approaches for mental health considerations is of utmost importance. Without professional guidance, a practitioner may end up hurting themselves more than healing. Especially for younger practitioners. 
Each individual has their own preferences and inclinations when it comes to self-exploration and personal growth. Some may resonate more with the mystical and metaphysical aspects of magical shadow work, while others may find solace and effectiveness in the practical and evidence-based approaches of mundane shadow work. It is essential to honor these individual preferences and inclinations when selecting an approach to shadow work.
Before starting shadow work, it is vital to identify personal needs, goals, traumas, boundaries, and influences. What aspects of the self do you wish to explore? Are you seeking healing from past traumas or a deeper understanding of your unconscious patterns? Understanding your specific needs and goals can help determine the most suitable approach for your shadow work journey. Finding a balance between magical and mundane approaches can provide a well-rounded and comprehensive experience. The metaphysical aspects of magical shadow work can offer a sense of awe, wonder, and connection to something greater than oneself. On the other hand, the psychological grounding of mundane shadow work can provide a practical framework for understanding and integrating the shadow. By incorporating elements from both approaches, individuals can tap into their intuition while also utilizing evidence-based practices for self-discovery and personal growth.
While both magical and mundane approaches have their merits, prioritizing mundane approaches to mental health is crucial. Mundane shadow work is rooted in psychological principles and has a strong evidence base. Engaging in therapy or counseling, utilizing psychological techniques, and focusing on emotional well-being are essential components of addressing mental health concerns. It is important to recognize that while magical shadow work may provide spiritual or mystical insights, it should not be relied upon as a sole solution for mental health challenges. By prioritizing mundane approaches to mental health, individuals can ensure they receive the necessary support and guidance from qualified professionals. Therapeutic interventions provide a safe and structured environment for exploring the depths of the shadow, addressing past traumas, and developing healthier coping mechanisms. Taking care of one's mental well-being is paramount and should not be overshadowed by the allure of magical or mystical practices alone.
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How Shadow Work Enhances Magical Practice
Shadow work, with its focus on exploring and integrating the hidden aspects of the self, can significantly improve magical practice in various ways. By delving into the depths of the shadow, practitioners can enhance magical potency, deepen their connection to their own practice, and develop self-awareness regarding potential negative influences on their spellwork, metaphysics, and magical praxis.
Shadow work can enhance magical potency by addressing and transforming the unconscious patterns, fears, and limiting beliefs that may hinder the effectiveness of magical practice. When practitioners engage in shadow work, they uncover and work through these hidden aspects, allowing them to reclaim personal power and align their intentions and energies more effectively. By integrating the shadow, practitioners can cultivate a greater sense of authenticity, clarity, and focus, thereby magnifying the potency of their magical endeavors.
Shadow work offers a unique opportunity to deepen the connection one has to their own magical practice. By exploring the depths of the shadow, practitioners gain insights into their motivations, desires, and fears that may unconsciously influence their magical workings. This self-exploration allows practitioners to align their magical practice with their true selves, fostering a deeper sense of connection, purpose, and resonance. By integrating the shadow, practitioners can cultivate a more authentic and fulfilling magical journey.
Engaging in shadow work helps practitioners become self-aware of potential negative influences on their spellwork, metaphysics, and magical praxis. The shadow, with its hidden and repressed aspects, can manifest in unintended ways within magical practice. By exploring the shadow, practitioners can bring these influences into conscious awareness, thereby minimizing their detrimental effects. This self-awareness enables practitioners to identify and address biases, unresolved traumas, and unacknowledged emotions that may impact their magical workings. By integrating the shadow, practitioners can ensure that their spellwork and metaphysical understanding align with their authentic selves, promoting ethical, balanced, and effective magical praxis.
To become self-aware of the shadow's potential negative influence, practitioners can engage in regular self-reflection, journaling, and introspection. They can analyze their magical experiences, observe recurring patterns or emotional reactions, and critically evaluate their intentions and motivations. Seeking feedback from trusted peers or mentors can also provide valuable insights and help uncover blind spots or unconscious biases. By developing this self-awareness, practitioners can actively work towards minimizing negative influences and ensuring their magical practice aligns with their true values and intentions.
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Tips for Shadow Work
Prepare by gathering comforting items and keeping them close by so they can be used afterwards.
Bathe afterwards (This may not be helpful if you suffer from dysphoria)
Practice regular meditation so that it becomes easier
Take notes during solo shadow work practices in order to discuss the points with a therapist.
Analyze personal biases and preconceptions to prevent them from influencing your exploration.
Understand intersectionality and how it affects your life.
Utilize symbols and archetypes without ascribing unnecessary magical attributes to them.
Cultivate emotional awareness, empathy, and self-regulation.
Seek information from various disciplines, including psychology, history, and ethics, and apply critical thinking to what you read.
Stay open to different viewpoints and be willing to modify your beliefs as you learn.
Dedicate time to reflection and self-assessment to facilitate growth.
Strive for authenticity rather than attempting to conform to any particular spiritual or magical tradition.
Understand your limits and maintain healthy boundaries in your practices.
Recognize that tools and accessories can aid practice but are not inherently magical. They only serve to support headspace.
Share your findings and thoughts with a professional for feedback.
Recognize the cultural origins of various practices and treat them with respect.
Distinguish between metaphorical and literal interpretations to prevent falling into delusions, especially for those with a mental illness.
Extend compassion to yourself and others, recognizing that shadow work can be a challenging process.
Understand that shadow work leads to change, and be willing to embrace it.
Surround yourself with supportive friends, family, or community.
Keeping a journal aids in tracking progress and thoughts.
Acknowledge your responsibility for your actions and beliefs.
Understand that complex phenomena cannot be reduced to overly simplistic explanations.
Seek out primary sources when researching different traditions.
Utilize both logic and intuition in a balanced way.
Recognize how language shapes thought and be mindful of your word choices.
Understand historical practices in their proper context without romanticizing them.
Recognize the metaphorical nature of certain concepts without taking them literally.
If using substances to aid in exploration, do so responsibly and with awareness of potential risks. It is unwise to employ alcohol consumption for shadow work.
Establish a physical and emotional environment that feels safe and conducive to exploration.
Stay clear of pseudoscientific explanations and theories. Especially those originating from New Age “Spirituality”.
Understand that shadow work can be taxing and prioritize self-care.
Recognize the limits of personal understanding and be humble in your approach.
Embrace a nuanced view that avoids rigid binary classifications.
Familiarize yourself with psychological theories that pertain to consciousness and the unconscious.
Be aware of the tendency to seek information that confirms pre-existing beliefs.
Recognize the connection between body and mind and engage in physical activities that promote well-being.
Recognize and avoid superstitions that might influence rational thinking.
Understand how societal norms and constructs can shape personal beliefs and behaviors.
If using visualization, do so with an understanding of its psychological basis rather than mystical.
Recognize the multifaceted nature of human personality and experience.
Be willing to change directions in your practice if something is not working, regardless of the time and effort invested.
Establish a consistent routine that supports your shadow work practice.
Maintain a strong connection to reality, recognizing the symbolic or metaphorical nature of many spiritual or magical concepts
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igotanidea · 1 year
Species relationship (Cinnamon rewritten) : werewolf!Jason Todd x werewolf!fem!reader
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Yes, I think this is way better than previous one. :D
„Where’s Jason?”
All the batfamily has gathered in the batcave, the only one missing being the wayward son, the black sheep.
“I believe he’s with that girlfriend of his….” Damian muttered with the roll of his eyes.
“Yes, father… a fellow female…. Ugh… I don’t understand that concept either….”
“Was it like a good hm or a bad hm?” Dick chimed in. “I swear your grunts are sometimes so hard to decipher, Bruce…..”
“Who is she?”
“We don’t really know…..” Dick threw up his hands “He’s very…. protective over her….”
“Is she…..?” Bruce hesitated. Sometimes it was still hard to admit that werewolves and all the supernatural occurrences to come with it were real. Yes, Bruce had an open mind when it came to technology and reality, but accepting the fact that his second adopted son could transform into a hairy beast was… a lot. However, if there was anyone who could pull that thing off, it was definitely Jason with his 6.0 ft height and 225 Ibs weight.
Imagine the heart attack Bruce would get if it was tiny Damian with such skills…….
“Is she what Bruce?” Dick teased “come on, say it… you can do this….”
“Is she…..a werewolf?” Bruce hissed through clenched teeth.
“Good job, Bruce!” Dick laughed
“She is.” Tim answered, trying to mitigate the situation before someone does something regretful. “A pretty one from what I heard….”
“Who is she Tim?” Bruce turned to his third adopted son.
“How would I know?!”
“You have access to all the Wayne Technology and you’re you. Don’t tell me you haven’t googled her”
“I did no such thing! That would be a gravy invasion of privacy!” Tim made an innocent face that no one bought.
“What?! I’m serious. You can’t just go and spy on people….werewolves… whatever. “ Tim said it with so much belief that Dick couldn’t help it and burst out laughing.
“I’m not sorry Bruce. You’re definitely wasting your comedian and acting talent, Tim.”
“I’m being serious. She’s just a girl. A girl who turns into a giant animal every full moon and then sometimes…. It’s not her fault she imprinted Jason…. I won’t be searching for that poor unfortunate soul.”
“Imprinted?” Damian and Bruce asked in unison.
“No.” Dick says sternly. “Just no.”
“You’re too young to hear about it Damian.”
“I’m 11 years old, Grayson!”
“Precisely my point.”
“You will tell me everything……” Damian reached for his katana, but before he could actually do something, Bruce held him back by the cape. “Let me go father…… this is humiliating….”
“You will now go to your room Damian.”
“I got some things I need to discuss with your brothers.”
And with those words and Bruce stern expression Dick and Tim knew. They were toasted.
 Regardless of what was happening in the batcave, Jason couldn’t care less. He was in fact meeting Y/N, but to say she was his girlfriend or that he imprinted her would be too much. There was something happening between them, but they never really put a tag on it. Besides, the whole concept of finding your soulmate just by looking at them was a false ideology blown by movies like Twilight and Jason scoffed (both internally and externally) every time one of his siblings (or honestly anyone) came as close as even suggesting it.
They felt good with each other, sure, but neither of them were fully convinced whether it was because of the fact that there weren’t really that much werewolves in Gotham and it was nice to have someone to go through the same struggles or whether they liked each other as humans.
Not that they had many opportunities to see one another in that shape.
Werewolf form was… comfortable. It was easier to hide oneself in all that fur and muscle and avoid unnecessary emotions. Being human meant vulnerability, awkwardness and too many words and feelings.
And Jason was not good with feelings. And, to say the truth, he never trusted them.  He was rather used to teasing, deflecting and covering that side with snarky, harsh humor.
At least until he met Y/N.
She was working at the little bakery in Gotham. The only bakery. Maybe that was why it was so easy for Jason to figure out her true identity.
It was not even a challenge considering the fact that as a human, she was always covered in flour and her wolf fur was a mix of tawny and white, almost as if someone sprinkled that ingredient all over her. And what was more, her signature dish was an apple tart with flavoring, and she always smelled of cinnamon. And wolf senses never fails, especially when it comes to nose.
What he didn’t realize what that Y/N was not only a simple baker girl.  And it was amazing what a smart head could do with the access to the Internet and some dot connecting.
Let me repeat: there weren’t many werewolves in Gotham.
For months it was their tradition to meet at the meadow on the outskirts of town to run together or hunt together or just do anything together. He used to swing by her place by the end of her shift, always as a wolf and let her tag along (of course he was not going to admit that he wanted her company. He was an alpha after all. ). So the surprise he felt one day when he showed up at the bakery seeing her as human, not ready for the unwinding was beyond words.
She was just sitting on the threshold of the shop, reading a book, but it was pretty obvious there was something going on in her mind. Again: wolf senses never fails and he could literally smell how distracted she was.
“I know who you are.” She simply said looking straight into his animal eyes.
Jason shook his wolf head. She couldn’t …….
“Jason Todd….”
“Wasn’t really hard to figure.” She shrugs. “You should cut on smoking it’s not good for your health and you reek of cigarettes.” It might have been the first time since they knew each other that he heard her laughing.
The way she acted was… doing something to him. For the hell of it he couldn’t figure why that light reproach made him feel…. Guilty. Chastened. Maybe it was unfair. He knew her identity, maybe he should have told her sooner? It was actually pretty funny that a giant, predatory animal let out a whimper and hung his head in shame in front of a girl, so much smaller than him. It was like at that moment, she got some power over him. A beta!
“Can I?” she asked reaching her hand for his fur and holding back before touching it. Only when he nodded, she tangled her fingers it his silky pelage. “It’s ok, Jason. I know it’s hard to reveal yourself…. Been there, done that… But you’re not alone anymore.” She cooed, caressing his back lightly. “We’re the same kind…..”
In any other circumstances, he would never let anyone touch him like this. But she was… different. The way she talked and comforted him… but surely it was only because of the wolf in her calling to the wolf in him. Kind of a “species relationship”, nothing more.
Definitely nothing more……
So why did he felt the sudden urge to nuzzle her and actually acted on it?
Just a species relationship……
It was month ago and their acquaintance developed.
He learnt that while being a little messy human in her wolf form Y/N was full of grace and gentleness. Acting like one of the Aristocats, even if the werewolves were in fact.. dogs. When she was hunting it was never bloody. She always took care to be clean of the mud, to avoid unnecessary dirt and to choose the nice paths to run in the woods. Each and every of her move were careful, thoughtful and intentional.
Absolutely opposite of Jason who was the perfect definition of running wild and free. But even with her queen-ish attitude she never complained. And he really appreciated that, since Y/N was so different from all the members of his family, who were constantly trying to shape him, tell him what, how, why and when to do (or nor).
With her… he could just be himself.
Just a species relationship.
And after a long night of patrolling he was searching for that freedom he felt with her.
Just like he was doing at that point, escaping the batcave, leaving Bruce, Dick, Tim, Damian and all his Red Hood shit behind, running to the bakery just to spend some time with that beta.
It was purely coincidental that of late she’s been working night shifts, finishing in the very early morning. Her boss found out about the little ailment of her which was hypersensitivity to light. To put it simply, working during the day was nearly impossible for her since she was becoming half-blind, getting clumsy and ashamed of said incapability. But still, she was the best employee, letting her go was not an option, hence the work schedule alteration.
Pretty lucky work schedule alteration.
Pretty lucky work schedule alteration that gave them opportunity to spend some more time together.
But still it was just the species relationship.
Nothing more.    
And his wolf heart definitely did not start beating faster when he saw her turned into that majestic animal, waving her tail awaiting his arrival.  When she senses him approaching she tilted her head playfully, imitating the way she used to do as human when something got her attention and her eyes sparkled.
Jason let out a single howl as a form of greeting. Of course, he had to show off. He was an alpha and had to underline his presence and position. And it scaring the shit out of Y/N’s coworkers came in pair with that, he was more than willing to tease those people a bit. Even if his werewolf female friend shook her head in disapproval and was definitely going to tell him off later.
He knew better. He knew she liked him being like this and her every action was only proving that theory.
However, at the moment they were just looking into each other’s eyes. Two giant animals in the middle of the city, lost in the connection they had. Just a for a second though, because Jason got a bit scared of what Y/N may see in his mind if they were standing like that for too long and started running, signaling her to follow him. 
She just couldn’t ignore the calling of an alpha. Her alpha. It was too strong to disobey so she followed right after him, keeping safe distance to avoid getting hit with the dust he raised. She was a lady after all.
Soon enough, with their speed, they reached the meadow in the forest. Their spot. Their place for relaxation and sleeping after a hard day (night) of work.
Jason just tumbled to the ground not having a care in the world, but Y/N took a few turns to make a proper place for herself and settle down. The sun was about to raise and she needed a spot in the shadows to avoid extensive exposure. Even  if in her wolf form she wasn’t really prone to the light sensitivity, it was a bit of a habit now. Not every human instinct was turned off during transformation.
Unfortunately, the place she choose was too far from Jason for his liking as he raised onto his paws and moved closer to her, laying close enough that if they were humans they would be cuddling. And this time she couldn’t care less about his dirty, messed up fur.
It was Jason.
It was her alpha.
And she was the part of the pack. She had to obey.
Obviously only because of that she let him approach her and lay his head next to her, their noses almost touching, their tails waging happily at the presence and warmth of one another.
Only because of that she felt comfortable and safe enough to close up her eyes and enjoy that fuzzy feeling inside her. 
Only because of that she let him shift his position slightly so that he laid in a way that would give her additional protection from the light. Just in case.
Only because of the pack thing they let their guards down, slowly drifting off to sleep, away from all the people, away from reality, lost in one another. Protected by one another .  
Species relationship, my ass.
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Rising of the moon and the revenant
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Frollo x nuns! readers
warning : obsession, manipulation, drinking blood, murder happened (getting rid of a corpse), Frollo is a creep, no use of Y/n, fluff/comfort (as far as you can call it fluff)
Summary : The evening is over the night is here new prayers and the devil have laid on him. He wasn't punished he was promoted he got something he deserved for a long time. Her chaste heart doesn't know what shadow has fallen on her this night. Something that will become her dreadful nightmare.
info : The second chapter of the Frollo mini series i'm glad you liked the first part (thanks for any support) i had fun writing it and hope you enjoy reading it ;)
Part.1, Part.3, Part.4, Part.5
Faith makes you strong. Faith can mean many things: faith in oneself, in one's family and friends, faith in humanity, in the king and queen of the throne. Or faith goes into the writings of the great philosophers who changed the world with their words, the deeds of heroes who made the world hold its breath.
Or it was the belief in heaven and hell in which both God and the devil ruled and reigned. They were places of infinite redemption and infinite pain.
On the clouds dressed in pure white singing with the angels and being at peace or in hell burning in the stages of hell, bleeding and being torn apart by demons, devils and other creatures that overcame human understanding and knowledge. But faith gives and takes. It can give you strength by simply praying or faith can take everything away if you go against God's plans.
But while God seemed to be everywhere in every life he had created, even the earth itself, the devil was all the darker. In the shadows, in the sins, in the sins of the seventh death, in the bodies of whores and drunken men. In the shadows of the streets pervaded by murder and lust.
The cats, bats, wolves and rats dark creatures who obeyed him who obeyed his demons who obeyed a revenant.
Revenants, the once living humans who could not help it until a certain time when they let sin into their hearts. The bite of evil was enough to poison people's hearts and make them scratch the inside of the coffin after their death.
Scratching and screaming could be heard until the revenants were dug up and set free or, better still, left to rot in the ground. But there was always someone who could escape from their coffin, a creature, a monster, a creature that had to be wiped out, a revenant like the ones in the church books. But it was just such a creature that got free, which Paris chose as his hunting ground for a while.
For a world of decades and centuries he saw the construction, the wars, the royal families rise and fall. Until his time came and he grew tired of it all...but there was one last thing he wanted to do.
He wanted a successor, he wanted a monster, a creature that would carry on his deeds with even greater bloodlust. A bloodlust that he had found in someone who would not be more perfect.
The judge Claude Frollo, a man of power and duty for the entire city. But above all, it was a man who represented the other side of his coin. He was the side of the living and the monster was the side of the dead.
He had been given many names, but when he gave him the kiss of death, his teeth drew blood and the poison of his own blood spilled into his youth, it was done and the dark shadows continued to move across the lands.
But now he had it, Frollo had it all back, he had life, he had strength and he had power. More power than he could ever have.
This bite of his faith that had been his back then when he had taken Quasimodo in because he was in awe of God, of the holy ones and still had something on the word of the Archdeacon. But now, when he had tasted the blood after coming home, something was completely different.
It was more aromatic and more intense than any alcohol or food he had ever tasted. Everything seemed more intense, the creaking of the wooden floorboards of his house all the louder, the sounds of the night ringing in his ears and his own voice strange.
It was unusual, like waking up from a trance after satisfying his bloodlust. ,,What fascinating powers the devil can give," he murmured and wanted to look at himself in the mirror in his room to see if he looked like the creature himself, but instead he backed away.
The mirror, the large gilded mirror, didn't show him...or didn't seem to show an image. Putting his hand to the cool material he saw only what his eyes saw he could look down and see that he was not a mass of bats but perhaps it was time, the record of the revenants was old but he must still have it somewhere.
,,Like years before by the power of blood" he whispered his thoughts to himself as he saw how he didn't look the same as two decades ago but the traces of age seemed to fade slightly as he searched through the books in the private library.
His eyes flew over the pages at a speed that almost made him dizzy everything seemed different and yet pleasantly different. It was the gift of the devil, the demon who had heard his prayers and voices...he had heard his demands for her.
His beloved, his nun, his one and only, whom he had craved and wanted ever since he had laid his eyes on her. It was natural that someone so good as he had been doing his duties and his job as judge of the city for decades was rewarded with things beyond materialistic coins and other objects.
It was his reward from the god of the underworld, the hell that controlled everything dark and negative, who heard him because God was already in his heart. ,,He wants me to bring you to me, to ruin your sins," he wandered on with his thoughts, not realizing how he was almost effortlessly emerging into the shadows of his house without realizing it.
It was a power he had yet to realize, a power he had yet to harness, a power he had yet to use after he had gained it through work and his righteousness. He continued to teleport through the house in the dark until the cold smell hit his nose.
The stable boy. He had killed him just as the Judge saw it as he walked out of his house into the shadows still not quite sure what his power was but when he saw the bath the body parts scattered in the straw and the dark red looking black without the moonlight he wrinkled his nose at the smell of what he had done. Well, I'll take care of that later, he thought, but left Snowbald in the stable and let his hand wander over the animal.
The stallion was warm and full of life he listened to the quiet heartbeat even though Snowbaldd realized that something was wrong and nudged him which made Frollo smile, ,,You felt it, didn't you?" he asked the animal who just snorted and waited to see if an owner would come up. But why go up at night when he could do something much better, when he could do what he could only do during the day...he could finally get to her.
Turning away from his house, he looked around him, his neighborhood was a little further away from the common people anyway, from the rich only a few streets away, he was relatively alone. No one would see him, not even if he walked with the darkness, he knew exactly where he had to go. Where she lived. Where she slept.
Focusing on her location and a blink of an eye later he found her in the darkness neither it seemed like a simple shift but it was longer but before you realize it and the tingle appeared it was over. ,,Fascinating," he murmured and continued through the darkness, running and teleporting further and further, spared even by the light of the moon.
He was the darkness, he was the horror, he was now the evil Paris had to fear and he would use his new power to get it. His figure flitted through the night, sneaking from the streets to the alleys and houses until he arrived at the attic apartment below, where there was a flower store, pretty and colorful by day and dark by night. But he knew that she lived upstairs under the roof with the iron balcony that gave her a view of the cathedral.
Standing below, he concentrated on the balcony, knowing that he was coming up there. Concentrating again on the dark, he dissolved for a moment into the dark shadows and arrived at the top of the balcony. Looking behind him, he had to suppress a grin as he realized how strong he was, how good he would be, how powerful he was.
But his attention went to the room when he heard her heartbeat he was quiet she seemed to be sleeping maybe dreaming but most of all he didn't notice her when he went into her room and emerged from the darkness behind her curtains. ,,So innocent...blood-rich...heartfelt...so desired" Frollo mumbled as he saw her nun's robe folded on the chair but not the rosary that went to her bed a simple but sufficient for her he saw that she was holding something under the covers.
She was lying on her side, her eyes closed and her hair visible, which was usually hidden under the dark fabric. Feeling this newness in him, he wanted her even more than before, this time he wanted her completely from her body to her mind to her blood and her soul. He wanted her completely for himself.
Leaning over her, he placed his deathly cold hand on her cheek for the first time. He touched an angel for the first time, he seemed to feel the holy scripture, what he always wanted.
He had faith in his hand, the heaven he prayed for, he had her. Moving over her cheek he slowly traced the shape of her lips came closer to her his body moved to her bed quietly inaudible.
She slept in her sweet head, probably things were going on that would soon be filled by him. She smelled sweet not surrounded by incense or the scent of wax from the candles, no old beeb sides no she smelled sweet when she was not surrounded by the house of god. It was a sweet smell that radiated from her heart.
It was beguilingly captivating and he wanted it he seemed to want to hold it in his hands felt his fangs forming like when he had attacked the stable boy.
He could have her here and now, he could take her here and now, and yet as he came closer to her neck his hand held her even if she was asleep and didn't notice him, he wouldn't allow a disturbance. It would be easy to take her, to bite her, to drink the sweetness that attracted him next to her.
He came closer to her neck, his teeth scraping the skin, drawing blood slightly, but then he felt a sting. His hand, which had lifted the blanket, revealed her beautiful body adorned with a light white nightgown.
Her body so accessible he would have wanted to know when she was standing how she looked moving slightly back and forth in the moonlight when the wind blew around her.
But as beautiful as she was, the feel in his hand as he gripped her hand was real, it was something like it reminded him of his old life as if he had lived in this new existence forever.
Incredulous, he pulled himself back into the shadowed window and looked down at his hand in disbelief, a burn mark was visible but already healing. The rosary flashed through his mind as he approached her again and saw with a consumed smile that bared his sweet teeth that he was healing away from her.
In her hand was the rose cross, his gift of holiness before he engaged with the devil, it was pure irony. ,,You didn't know, dear?" he asked the sleeping woman and let his hands wander over her body once more, coming closer to her but shaking himself from the rosary, it was uncomfortable, it still seemed to burn slightly but it taught him lessons like a little boy, he had to start to understand it all.
Before he left her with a kiss on her lips, holding back his desire and unable to taste it, he would. He disappeared from her room, the street and the houses and went back to his own house.
He disappeared from the dark into his home again and spent the last hours of the night reading and writing things down in books and writings.
The hours went by and it seemed as if everything was passing all the more quickly, as if all life was passing all the more quickly. He was still lying in his room when the rooster's cry and the people's voices slowly became louder and more present.
,,The people are waking up again without knowing what has happened," he murmured as he looked out, his eyes having to adjust a little to the brightness, but as he held his hand in the light, not knowing whether it would burn or crumble to dust, it was extinguishable.
It was much warmer than usual on a late spring day but he could stand it as he didn't have to go outside that often. But something came to his mind when he saw the town guards patrolling and taking up their positions again, the stable boy.
The light one who happened to be lying brutally murdered with him, ,,It's a tragedy such a young life someone must be held responsible...search the wagons of the traveling people, search the bars and strengthen the guards in the poor parts of the city...I want honesty!" he told the commander of the city guard and saw that the blond felt sorry and uncomfortable as they stood in front of the judge's stable.
Froll had waited a few moments before running to the guard post, out of breath and shaken, he had told them what had happened, fearing for himself and his horse that someone was after him.
It was a simple matter for the guard to take the body and only a few hours later his stable looked like a new stable boy had been found and Phoebus was dealing with the case.
Once again his position of power proved to bring him more than just influence it was his control over the entire city. But he didn't have control over it much to his chagrin because after still having to deal with all the paperwork of his job he got on Snowball and rode to the church knowing she was gone knowing she came to the church from her job at the orphanage to help out where she could.
The church he called into his head on the stairs it was only hours ago was almost unbelievable if he didn't feel the bites himself. As he left Snowball and stepped into the church, a shudder came over him.
It was fear, discomfort and danger that told him he shouldn't be here it was completely different and yet....there she stood by the candles feeling them so that the people could mourn their dead.
He walked over to her, leaning on the benches and pillars every now and then when his body stopped in fear, the gazes of the angels and holy figures seemed to judge him. It was a shock, but she was his angel when he came to her, she revealed herself to him and came over to him.
But as soon as he came to him, he saw her wearing a second layer of fabric around her neck, ,,Good morning my dear, I hope you slept well...if I may, you look a little tired," he said and pointed to the bench to sit down, which she did, folding her hands in her lap.
He saw her pondering as her gaze went over the colors and finally to him, even though she always lowered her gaze, almost not noticing how formal and from she was.
Before she finally admitted, ,,Yes, I had a nightmare, nothing serious it seemed like shadows were plaguing me," she admitted and clasped her rosary that hung around her neck tighter around the expensive materials and prayed in silence.
It was the same tool that healed him from her and perhaps this was good for a moment, ,,I think the food at my place will give you a good night's sleep, can I expect you tonight?" he asked and slowly rose from the bench again, not only did he feel the fear leave him but his desire for his new food was gone and he had to strike again.
He saw the young nun stand up, let go of her rosary and move slightly, answering him with a ,,I'll be there at eight o'clock, Judge Frollo." She set a time that suited him, so he had plenty of time to prepare everything and feast on a new victim, blaming it on another accident or fugitive.
He turned away with a nod and said to her last, ,,Shadows are only shadows my dear they always surround us" before he left her back in the church and hurried out of the sacred building faster than he wanted to and was glad to be back with Snowbald on whom he mounted and took the reins.
The sun is getting too hot, he thought and ran his hand over his forehead as he looked up at the sky and steered his stallion back towards his house.
His new body had advantages, very good advantages, advantages that made him even more of what he was meant to be. The judge of the world a world full of sins.
@oceansrose2002 , @aliensthegreat , @siwucha , @sweet-lil-truffla
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khaire-traveler · 11 months
Deities to help with gender dysphoria?
Hey there! I'm currently on an Internet break, but seeing as how I recently reblogged something related to being trans (particularly about hateful blogs that are vile in every conceivable way), I figured I'd answer this ask now rather than later to hopefully help others out as well.
In truth, I feel that you should be able to feel comfortable turning to any of the gods you worship for these things, but that's mostly because I strongly value comfort and safety within spirituality. The gods that I have personal experience with, however, and that I've heard are the most helpful with these issues would be as follows (I'll make a list):
Hellenic Pantheon
• Dionysus - one of his epithets is literally Androgynos (androgynous) to comment on how he breaks the gender binary and defies expectations (as well as to emphasize that he is very beautiful, but that's more of a historical/cultural thing for the ancient Greeks); he has been one of the most helpful deities when it comes to my transition, and I've always felt extremely comfortable opening up to him about my personal problems and feelings that I wouldn't tell anyone else; he will always listen to you, and there is an air of understanding that I don't always feel with other gods; he really helps you feel at-home in your own skin and will encourage you to dress and act in ways that make you feel happy, comfortable, and safe; something that I seriously love about him is that you will always feel loved when you confide him, and he will go out of his way to remind you that Dionysus stands for the outcasts, for those who people look down on for defying the strict "rules of society"; he will always support you in your endeavor to be and embrace yourself and be right be your side, no matter who stands against you
• Athena - they don't have any epithets relating to this, but based on personal experience, Athena has always been extremely encouraging and supportive throughout my transition; they instill confidence in oneself and are great at helping you feel secure in your transition (like, getting rid of self-doubt regarding gender identity and such, but they're also great at helping you discover what feels right to you if you're unsure); they are also great at helping you identify what triggers your dysphoria and any behaviors/thoughts that you have that may contribute to the feeling; if you struggle with how others view you, Athena is great at encouraging you to focus more on how you perceive yourself and learning how to not take the words of others to heart
• Hermes - I cannot stress enough how extremely supportive and compassionate he has always been; I've heard from many other trans worshippers as well that Hermes is extremely good to interact with when they're having a moment of dysphoria or doubt; he will reassure you, and every single time, I swear he knows exactly what to say to make you feel better, especially if you're having negative thoughts about yourself; he is seriously the best hype man out there as well, if you're ever in need of someone who will boost you up; he will always encourage you to trust your own judgement and will insist that only you know what's truly best for yourself
• Apollo - He tends to be very effeminate in the way that he presents himself, even in ancient Greek culture, and for a lot of people, they find comfort in this; he is extremely supportive during transitions, and I've heard from many worshippers that he will challenge a lot of your negative beliefs about yourself directly; he is the type of god I would suggest if you're looking to work through these dysphoric feelings and, hopefully, get rid of them ultimately; the hard work of that can be extremely intense, I will not lie, and I honestly recommend seeking professional support alongside the support that Apollo can provide you with to ensure that you have all the help you need throughout this process; aside from that, Apollo is a wonderful guide throughout the often scary process that is finding and learning to love yourself; he will never leave you high and dry, and will support you for as long as you desire his support
• Artemis - As a literal goddess of transition, Artemis is fantastic for navigating through the various trials and changes of being trans, whether that be physically or emotionally; similar to Apollo, she defies gender expectations by often presenting herself in a very masculine way which can be a comfort to many people; despite what I often see online Artemis can actually be extremely soothing and comforting, providing you reassurance when you need it the most; she is fantastic for grounding yourself and finding inner stability; I find her to be very passionate and determined, but if you need a calm energy, she's very good at adjusting to whatever you need in the moment; she will encourage you to be yourself without shame as well as help you not care what others think/how others perceive you
• Aphrodite - being the goddess of love, she is AMAZING if self-love is something you specifically struggle with; in ancient Greece, there have also been depictions of her with a penis, so many worshippers believe her to be trans herself; she has been a massive assist for me in learning to love and embrace myself and my gender identity, and something she's been especially helpful with is accepting my physical body the way that it is, to a certain extent; she is extremely gentle, compassionate, and encouraging, and her inviting energy makes it easy to open up to her about how you're feeling; if you tell her you have a problem you'd like to work on, she gets on it immediately, and I personally noticed her presence a lot more in my life even just days after requesting her help
Norse Pantheon
• Loki - This may be a somewhat obvious entry, but Loki is insanely helpful when it comes to anything related to gender identity and self-acceptance; being a shapeshifter, Loki is not bound by the constraints of gender and has even been shown to have a lot of gender fuckery within mythos; Loki helped me come to realize that I identify as non-binary masc rather than fully male; Loki also helped me embrace the more uncommon factors of my gender, as I personally like to go by fae/faer when I can; I haven't gone to Loki much for my dysphoria, but based on what I've heard many worshippers say over and over again, they are a miracle-worker when it comes to anything gender-related
• Freyja - I don't personally have much experience with her, but seeing what worshippers of her say, I felt she was important to mention; similarly to Aphrodite, she has a domain in love and that includes self-love; she is amazing at embracing yourself for everything you are, and I've been told she's especially good at help with physical dysphoria; she seems to be very kind and loving but definitely has a fiery passion to her that cannot be mistaken; if that energy might be too intense for you, I'd imagine it's not an issue to ask her to come across with a gentler energy
• Freyr - From what I've been told, he has a very fatherly and gentle presence which can provide great support throughout your transition; he is wonderful at grounding and replenishing energy; when you need someone to reassure you that everything will be ok, Freyr is a wonderful god to go to; he will make you feel accepted and loved exactly the way you are which is how you deserve to feel
• Odin - I don't personally worship Odin, but I've been told he's a great ally to have when exploring gender; similarly to Loki, he is a shapeshifter; he is very supportive of transfolk, and I've heard that worshipper find a lot of solace in him during difficult times; he is a great advisor as well, and if you are willing, he can help you work on understanding your triggers and learning to cope with them; he's definitely really good with the self-reflection aspect of coping with dysphoria
• Thor - Again, I don't personally worship Thor, but I've been told he's fantastic at he's really helpful with self-confidence and self-assurance; he's great at providing you with stability as well and can be a rock-solid support during the most difficult times; if you're looking for a deity who will ground and support you, I would highly recommend Thor
Since I don't worship many Norse deities, most of my information was from @broomsick who is a very knowledgeable and experienced Norse pagan! I recommend checking out their content, if Norse paganism interests you. I wanted to include the Norse pantheon, though, to leave the option open.
To my followers, please feel welcome to add your own experiences and thoughts/opinions! 🧡
I hope this answered your question and gave you some good options! Best of luck to you as you embark on your journey. ☺️
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soupthatistohot · 1 year
Dazai Osamu (BSD): a case study of a nihilist turned absurdist
I've talked a bit before about the themes of absurdism within BSD, and I think this plays heavily into Dazai and the personal journey he's gone on throughout the series (light novels included). From my perspective, his character development has followed a shift in ideology, from nihilism to absurdism.
First, I'd like to define how these two philosophies are similar yet different. Nihilism is the belief that life is intrinsically meaningless, and that there's no value to seeking meaning. Absurdism also believes that life has no intrinsic meaning, but states that revolting against the absurdity of existence is the way to create meaning.
While I don't think Dazai 100% fits either category fully at any given point in his life as we've seen it thus far, I think in his PM days he leans more towards a nihilist perspective, and following Oda's death he leans more towards an absurdist perspective.
Dazai's reasoning for joining the PM was because he thought that perhaps being around violence and raw emotions would help him understand humanity, giving him a reason to live. This doesn't sound quite like nihilism, but honestly, I think he gains a more nihilist point of view as time progresses and he realizes that he can't find meaning in the PM. I'm not even sure he believed that there was meaning to find in the first place, he was just desperate to prove himself wrong, and then failed, which really cemented this nihilistic mindset for him.
Friedrich Nietzsche, often regarded as the founding father of nihilism, claimed that nihilism "not only the belief that everything deserves to perish; but one actually puts one shoulder to the plough; one destroys.”
If life doesn't have meaning, then it doesn't matter to Dazai if he destroys. So, he fills a corpse with bullets, he horrifically abuses his subordinate, he actively tries to take his own life.
Nihilism is right in line with his suicidal nature. This isn't to say that all nihilists are inherently suicidal, but when one believes that life has no meaning, it's quite easy to come to the conclusion to kill oneself. I think this mindset really lends to his general depression and suicidal ideation, on top of the fact that he feels generally disconnected from humanity. It's so easy for him to consider himself inhuman because he has this nihilistic point of view that nothing matters and everyone else in society seems so dead set on opposing that worldview.
And then you have Oda. He is the closest thing Dazai gets to finding meaning within the PM. Like Chuuya, this is a person that fascinates Dazai, although his reason for fascination is much different. To Dazai, Oda represents what is good in the world, he thinks that he is a good man, and struggles to reconcile how a good person can come out of an existence so seemingly pointless and horrific.
Then, Oda dies.
It's an absurd occurrence, and to Dazai it only proves that life has no meaning. This is exemplified when Dazai speaks to Fyodor about God in Meursault: "[God] is known for is famous for his coincidences and absurdism, I've seen it countless times," and a flashback to Oda's death is shown. A good man died for seemingly no good reason, and to Dazai, this only proves life's meaningless, because to the universe it didn't matter who Oda was, he died, regardless.
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(I quoted the dialogue from the BSD anime English dub because I feel it better suited my argument, but you can see that he's essentially saying the same thing).
This event should have only further cemented Dazai as a hardcore nihilist, but fortunately for him, Oda was able to get a word in before he passed. He told Dazai that as long as he believes the sides of good and bad are the same to him, he should be on the side that helps people. Oda suggests fighting against life's inherent absurdity -- and that's absurdism in a nutshell, revolting against a meaningless universe.
Dazai takes his advice, and within a few years, he's working for the ADA, he's on the side that helps people.
In that same conversation with Fyodor, Dazai speaks further about life's meaning:
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"Those who scream within the storm of uncertainty and run with flowing blood." That's absurdism, the rebellion against uncertainty, meaninglessness, absurdity.
While I don't think Dazai is a bona-fide absurdist due to his suicidality (absurdism basically sees suicide as giving into meaninglessness), I think he's on his way there because of moments like this.
I don't think he's totally convinced that life is completely and utterly meaningless anymore. He, at the very least, has a respect for those who forge their own meaning through the act of revolt.
"Man stands face to face with the irrational. He feels within him his longing for happiness and for reason. The absurd is born of this confrontation between the human need and the unreasonable silence of the world." - Albert Camus
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cherr-22 · 1 year
“I still don’t know what I should do.”
Sen sighed.
“His Highness Belial is much more considerate than I had thought. If I agree to follow him to the castle, he told me he would take care of me so I wouldn’t have to worry about anything.”
I snorted inwardly while taking a bite out of the sandwich in my hands.
‘Take responsibility my ass.’
Who knows how much trouble it might bring if he involves himself in her business. Would a prince even have the time to protect a mere maid? Sure he would, if he plans to marry Sen that is.
“What are you pondering about? If I were His Highness Kyle, you’d be rooting for me.”
Sen clasped her hands together and looked up to me, her eyes open wide and sparkling, waiting for my answer.
I avoided her gaze as I nibbled on my fried ham and cheese sandwich.
“I’ve made up my mind, but I’m worried…… worried that I won’t be able to accomplish what I want.”
I glanced at her while licking off the bread crumbs on my finger tips. You said you wanted revenge. Why can’t you do it? Do you not have enough power?
The expression on her face looked to say that she knew that even the easiest path may also be a path full of thorns, so her worries didn’t seem to be anything about that. It may be a sense of helplessness on a more fundamental issue……
Between annoyance and curiosity, the latter got ahead of me. I made a subtle remark.
“What are you worried about? You’re smart and hardworking. Struggling from the lack of power and authority will only be temporary. The you I know will surely be able to accomplish whatever you want if you put your mind to it.”
That’s right. It hasn’t been long since we first met, but I knew this for a fact.
Sen is that kind of person. She will always go a step beyond the limits a person would set to oneself.
I could feel her determination. The determination to live on and to not stray from her own beliefs and values.
This is why I am not overly anxious about the story of this world, despite working hard to prevent Kyle’s death.
Sen can achieve everything she can possibly want to achieve without anyone’s help. In the time one would look back and regret their actions, Sen would take another step forward and eventually reach her goals.
It would’ve been better if <Winter’s Heart> was a fairytale. Everyone deserves to have the happily ever after. Sen, me, and also Kyle.
Suddenly, the contents of the original story popped up in front of me.
[“Your Majesty Belial. Could this be fate? For you, who resembles His Majesty the late Emperor, and I, who resemble my mother, to become so intertwined. Please tell me. Is this a coincidence……. or is this karma?”]
At first I couldn’t understand why this appeared. Why am I being shown something between Sen and Belial?
I know however. The system would never show me anything that wouldn’t be useful. Even the smallest details would have some sort of meaning.
No, not emotes. Those are usually useless.
I swiped away the emotes and carefully re-read the story contents from before.
‘Fate, coincidence, karma…….’
Human relationships can’t be neatly organized into those three categories. Belial wouldn’t be able to easily reply to a question like that. So, that shouldn’t be the point here……
Ah. Sen resembling her biological mother.
I said as calmly as possible.
“Did you say that you wanted to avenge your mother?”
“Yeah. Due to some various incidents, she fell from her position from a baron family. I also heard she was once nominated for Serena. However… I’m sure you know. The nobility is always full of fights, with no knowing who started it. It could’ve been a fight for authority and everyone pretended not to know anything……”
Ah, now I understand.
There was now confidence in my voice.
“Then go.”
“You’ll know when you get there. Who is your enemy, who wants to get rid of you. Don’t miss anything and look around you carefully.”
Sen’s enemies will definitely recognize her. After all, she resembles her mother. They will see her and will want to erase her existence. Just like they did to her mother.
And if I were to guess from what Sen said in the story, one of those enemies would be Belial’s biological mother, the preceding Queen Serena.
“Would that be enough?”
“Of course. Also…….”
If she’s going against Belial’s mother, she definitely has to go with Belial.
The first step towards revenge is returning back after the passing of many seasons and seeing the shock on the faces of those who thought they had perfectly trampled everything down.
“Don’t let go of Belial.”
Whatever emotion it is that compels her is fine. Belial Serena Meinhardt. He will be Serena’s clue.
Sen began to ponder by herself. I couldn’t give her comforting words, but at least I conveyed the words she needed.
It seemed she decided to trust me. I’ve only shown her my suspicious and shady side, but she nodded her head with a boldly.
“Good. That’s what I’ll do.”
“You said you disliked the cold here in the North, so it worked out for you well.”
Then it seems I won’t be able to see Sen for a while. Will she be ‘Serena’ by the time we meet again, as according to her will?
No longer wishing to influence her fate, I felt that it was now time to step out of her life.
“Take care. Don’t be sick.”
Sen looked at me quietly.
“Whenever you need help in the future, I will definitely come help you.”
I nodded and said yes.
It felt strange. It’s been a long time since someone told me they would help me, so those words sounded foreign to me. After my uncle ran off with all my insurance money, I couldn’t trust anyone anymore. 
“Great. Don’t even think about taking back your words when that time comes.”
I laughed.
And then I prayed. For a happy ending to come to Sen, whether it would be through fate or a miracle.
[The possibility of Sen finding the correct revenge has increased!]
[The threat to Kyle Blake’s life has been reduced.]
[Current Miracle Value 23.0%]
If the miracles of saving a person’s life could really make everything perfect, then perhaps that would really be a life like a miracle.
As expected, the life of a hamster is the most comfortable. No need to worry about anything and without Kyle around, I could enjoy my time on my own.
I’ve earned quite a bit of Miracle Points. I wouldn’t use them often since these points weren't permanent, but it’s still good to have them in case of emergency.
There will definitely be items like the ‘Long-Lasting Acorn Cookies’ from before that can help turn the situation around.
Let’s see…….
‘Show me everything you’ve got.’
Why, what. Is this your first time seeing the strength of a nut?
### He is flexing the amount of Miracle Value points he has
Give me everything you’ve prepared. No, give me everything including the ones you haven’t finished preparing too. Look at me trying my hardest to do good deeds. Let’s be nice to each other, ‘kay?
‘Come to think of it, didn’t it say it had a renewal opening?’
I was curious about the other pages I couldn’t see before. Kyle hasn’t come back yet, so I could look over it slowly.
[☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆]
[!Nut Store!]
Good, good.
[Knock Knock Pistachio Shell |Miracle Points 2% consumption|1-time use Master Key. It can open any lock!]
[Sweet Almond Tart |Miracle Points 5% consumption|You can transform into something else for 1 hour.]
They’re worth as much as they’re expensive. The durations are short, but I am a ham- no a person who mastered the usage of ‘Summon’ despite its short duration.
As I tried to turn the page, another system window appeared before my eyes.
‘……Is it not completely made yet.’
Well, developing isn’t an easy task. Take your time.
While inspecting the system window thoroughly, I saw a new heart-shaped button in the right corner. What is this? Is this also a shop?
[Love Love Corner~❤]
Before I fill up my Miracle Value, I hope I can hit the system just once. I calmed down my emotions and clicked on the Love……. anyway, I clicked on it.
[Fluffy hamster yarn! | ❤×1]
[Small and precious knitting needle set | ❤×1]
[Try making one yourself! 79 styles of hamster clothes| ❤×2]
[Replica hamster to soothe the loneliness (Duration : 30 minutes) | ❤×100]
This time, the currency unit was not Miracle Points
‘Heart? What is that?’
[Currently Possessing Hearts | ❤×312]
[Products bought in the ‘Love Love Corner’ will be recognized as an ‘Item’! Both customizable and adjustable!]
When did I possess so many hearts!? I’ve never even collected them!
‘This, no way this is…….’
My life…….
I looked over to Kyle with a rotten expression on my face. And impressed by his affection towards me, I pushed my front paws onto the rope.
“You ride well, Cashew.”
He said with overflowing satisfaction.
I sat on a piece of wood held up by two thin ropes and swayed on it helplessly back and forth.
It was a swing that Kyle brought over.
Who bought this thing. Don’t tell me, Sen? This…… is this how you repay me back after helping you…….
I know, my expression looks exactly like that emote. We both know I look like that, but only that bastard Kyle doesn’t know.
Kyle continued to push the swing I was sitting on while making noises unlike of his character.
“There you go! Try stretching your legs a bit further. You are holding on tightly to the rope right? As expected, you must be enjoying this a lot.”
―Squeak. (Stop it.)
“Sen said you’d like this, since you are such an active child always running on the hamster wheel.”
―Squeak……. (Bullshit…….)
Sen. ‘m gurnna gill you……
### “Sen. I’m going to kill you……” with clenched teeth in frustration
Doing all this doesn’t mean I’ll lose weight or form a mana stone, and yet it seems he’s already quite happy seeing me play like this. He looked truly happy and had a soft smile on his face.
“From magicians to veterinarians to a demonic beast specialist… you have no idea how much I’d do for you.”
Hearing those words, I pushed my bottom harder while letting out a deep sigh. The swing creaked and began to swing a little faster.
Kyle then let go of the swing. I pushed myself against a pillar to rock myself back and forth.
The wooden swing made cheerful and light noises as it swayed fast. Kyle was so moved seeing me shake my bottom that he began to clap.
Sigh. It sure is hard to play with you.
[Currently Possessing Hearts | ❤×320]
As long as you’re happy…….
Main / Next Chapter
T/N: Please don't hesitate to message me through Ask Me Anything if there are mistakes! Also, consider tipping me if you liked my translation here. Every tip will be an extra chapter released the week after, plus early chapter access for members!
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Hitting a nerve, again
Dear @outlanderfandomfollies,
You took an extraordinary amount of time to lecture me on your blog with regard to one of my comments about the (in)famous funeral pictures. This deserves a reply and I hope you will understand it is done in good faith, although I cannot guarantee you that my answer will be devoid of irony. I am who I am, even if my opinions clearly vex you: I am sorry, but there is little I can do to accommodate you in that respect.
Fair enough, then. I took a stroll on your two blogs yesterday and I have to say I am underwhelmed. The thousands of words, the hundreds of pages, all that Taj Mahal of wisdom so liberally, relentlessly bestowed upon us, ignoramuses, was not enough to shake my beliefs. And pardon me the approximation: trying to make sense of what you wrote left such a strange aftertaste, that I did not pay enough attention to such details. Stupid me.
I have to say I was just starting to enjoy your very interesting interpretation of Jungian archetypes as applied to JAMMF. It did also remind me of Richard Campbell's Hero With A Thousand Faces, to be completely honest. I wanted more of that: a non-biased and personal interpretation of a beloved literary character. So, I am asking you in all honesty: why do your approach and your tone change, from professional to patronizing, when you deal with this side of the fandom, including me?
You present yourself as an independent blogger within the OL fandom. That, in my humble opinion, is a bias and a lie. There can be no independence in the current context of cold war, with the "truthers"' side bucketing out insults on a daily basis, with no prompting and no provocation from the shippers. You probably know as well as I do how the spiel works, via multiple spy sock accounts, anonymous submissions often sent to oneself and yes, rivers of "stupid shippers, idiot shippers". You also know and yet keep complete silence about it, that sensitive information is always exchanged in DMs and private groups, primarily out of respect for the people concerned (and also because that is none of your business, Antis).
Your very peculiar orientation is also something that ethically nags me. Independent, yet aligned. I find this fascinating, truly: it reminds me of an Eastern European tyrant's game of promoting himself for years to the West as aligned with the Soviets, yet independent from them. True story.
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In the side note at the end of your long (loooooong) intervention about a mere comment expressing an opinion, you write:
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I am asking you and I would appreciate a serious, well-researched answer (a girl can dream): exactly which boundaries did I (and I really mean I, Sgiandubh, not "shippers": that is very cheap rhetoric and I expected better from you) cross by simply expressing an opinion that disagreed with your POV?
For comparison purposes, an example of a very recent, supremely suave comment on one of the major Anti players' blogs. We never read any well-articulated protestations from you on those, ever: it is as if they do not exist. Heh. Talking about bias, when it's all about hiding the Antis' garbage under a skillfully woven carpet of scientific jargon:
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And since you love side notes and caveats and all the critical apparatus paraphernalia, let me be very clear: I blurred the blogger's name on purpose, and not by cowardice. I blurred it because it is perfectly irrelevant, in this context and at the same time, very representative of a certain dominating vibe, in your camp, about OL's male lead. Something I believe you, as an independent (let's not forget aligned) blogger, should have no trouble taking a strong stance about.
Oh, the stench of intolerance, from the same person who wrote this, in 2016, on her blog:
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Yes, yes. I know you also wrote your opinions changed with time and adventures along this long-winding, twisted road. Yet, I cannot help but thinking that a walk down this particular memory lane could bring more serenity and more clarity to your fandom endeavors.
I have no wish to attack you and I am not the insulting type, unlike some of your fellows. But I also do not need a laissez-passer sealed, stamped and delivered by you (with which authority?), in order to continue my journey. I would be very happy to settle on a non-aggression 'we agree to disagree' , keep calm and carry on common ground. At the very worst, I will simply ignore you and would be very grateful if you did the same. I simply feel I owe you absolutely nothing, including my time and attention.
Cordially yours,
Sgian-dubh, stupid shipper
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