#and because Nesta Nesta Nesta
wolfnesta · 1 month
The smack in the face everytime I’m reminded I don’t belong anywhere in the fandom when I remember idgaf about Azriel
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seleneprince · 2 months
ACOSF, except that Nesta refuses to move to the House of Wind and packs her bags to leave to the "human lands", but instead of actually going there, she stops at the Spring Court and kinda forces Tamlin to take her in. After all, Spring is close enough to the human lands and she's sure none of the IC would look for her Spring.
She and Tamlin clash at first, but then Nesta tells him that Feyre wanted to lock her in the House of Wind for "her own good" and Tamlin has to take a walk outside the house to not break anything because what the fuck? Those people haven't forgiven him for locking Feyre up to protect her and make him miserable because of it, but suddenly it's okay when they do it? Unbelievable.
They drink together and bond over the Night Court's hypocrisy, how they were treated by them, and Feyre. They start living together. Tamlin plays the music and Nesta dances to it. They spend time in silence in his library or taking relaxing strolls around the garden. Nesta does more healing there that she could've done in the House of Wind. Eventually, she and Tamlin become good friends.
Oh, and she meets Eris again and they actually get to know each other outside the Night Court's machinations. They have a slowburn romance and get married eventually, turning Nesta into the High Lady of Autumn. She helps Tamlin rebuild his court and strikes an alliance between both courts, and she thrives with positive relationships and a man that genuinely loves her and doesn't try to change her.
Also Lucien makes up with Tamlin and returns to Spring, adding him to Nesta's friendship circle.
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ladydeatharcheron · 4 months
Nesta's trauma
Saw a comment saying "Feyre died, Rhys was raped, Az was set on fire, Amren was in a prison, Mor was beaten and used like a pin board and Nesta became poor in her youth lol"
Let's review the things Nesta went through for the illiterate ones who jump at any chance to dismiss a woman's trauma, shall we?
had her palms beaten raw by her grandmother at the age of seven for missteps in her dancing lessons
groomed by her mother as a child to seduce elder men and was led to believe she was only as worthy as the title she married
was almost raped by Tomas Mandray and physically assaulted when she attempted to fight back.
neglected by her father, the man who was supposed to take care of them and bring food to the table
was put in a position where she wanted to starve to death just so her father would get up and provide for them
was shoved into the cauldron against her will (which she described as having molten ore poured into her veins and her human blood boiling) had her bodily autonomy stripped from her, and died as a human
watched her father's neck being snapped right after he told her he loved her
she became depressed and reclusive, "feeling nothing" after the war ended
she couldn't take baths from her trauma of the cauldron, she had to wash herself using buckets
she couldn't endure small spaces due to the cauldron
had to endure the cold in her apartment because the sound of cracking logs reminded her of her father's neck being snapped
was locked up in the HoW because men once again think they know what's best for women against her will
was SAed by the kelpie, monsters known for raping women before they eat them
Hope this helps! Read carefully next time :)
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Nesta, holding a head of cauliflower in front of Feyre's face: What is this?
Feyre: ... Cauliflower?
Nesta to Cassian: Now tell her what you think it is.
Cassian: ....
Cassian, folding his arms: Ghost broccoli.
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kataraavatara · 5 months
can we talk about how nesta’s forgotten drinking buddies definitely think rhysand and feyre are like. super classist. because they’ve watched the inner circle go to Rita’s and get absolutely fucked up for centuries but as soon as the high lord’s sister in law spends some time at a poor people bar she mysteriously disappears without a trace and her apartment building is torn down. there’s no way they don’t talk about it to this day.
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hereathemoment · 8 months
I just remembered that Cassian sat across from Mor sipping tea while she talked about how Nesta should be in a dungeon or being tortured by being locked up in hewn city and he’s just there blown the fuck away by Mor’s beauty AND THEN LATER she winnows to Illyria where Cassian is training, ogles him and talks to Nesta about how she’ll never deserve him and how attractive he is
Nesta stood up for Cassian during the high lord meeting, in front of EVERYBODY and he can’t take his family aside and tell them to stop starting fights with her? He’ll stand in front of Mor when Eris is around but sit by and do nothing when Rhys threatens Nesta’s life?
He. Does. Not. Love. Her. Funny also that his attitude changed toward her after the war when she was taking other men to her bed. Sjm made her sleep around out of character so that nessian can have hate sex but sjm still virtue signals feminism as if Cassian in acowar wasn’t calling her sweetheart and Cassian in acomaf didn’t wipe away her tears in front of the queens and everyone. He promised her time together as his would-be last words. But then sjm writes that Nesta uses sex to cope and now all-of-a-sudden Cassian is telling her that everybody fucking hates her and that he never asked to be shackled to her. Making it clear she can only use sex as a coping mechanism if it’s sex WITH HIM.
Suddenly he’s not understanding. Suddenly he isn’t gentle with her. No, now he’s an incel who locks Nesta up until she caves and sleeps with him.
It’s hard to imagine a being with wings, who flies in the air, would want to confine his MATE to a house she can’t escape from. Azriel, too, was locked up as a boy and then acts as a prison guard against her? And for Feyre to be the one to do it when she was supposedly traumatized when Tamlin locked her in his mansion? I understand why elain packed her clothes and sent her on her way— she’s the type to save herself and if she sided with Nesta she’d be locked up alongside her.
I’m just saying, ACOSF is a lot to unpack and I’m still processing my shock and disgust years later. I truly can’t believe it happened.
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Azriel in the tunnel following behind Bryce and Nesta trying not to alert Bryce to his presence
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gwandas · 3 months
Nesta stans being the only Archeron sister fanbase that doesn’t center the man she’s with… real af of us
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washmchineheart · 1 month
pick your fighter (vanserra bros version)
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unforgivenyunjin · 14 days
Trying to create all these intricate reasons as to why Rhys doesn’t like Nesta when it’s literally as simple as you aren’t going to like someone who mistreats your loved ones. There’s nothing more to it.
Y’all praise Nesta for having “human reactions” to the things she goes through but then demonize Rhys for displaying one of the most human emotions. Being defensive over your loved ones. If you’re protective over your family (which most humans are) you don’t have a hard time understanding why Rhys just doesn’t like Nesta.
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pastelpinkkadan · 3 months
Have people forgotten that they’re suppose to enjoy these books?
And if they’re not…read something else??
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theladyofbloodshed · 1 month
tbh yeah neris is problematic. eris followed nesta in the dark after she asked him multiple times to leave her alone. eris also was lusting after his fling whilst sleeping with nesta. eris was also in a position of power because he was her caretaker when she was trapped in a house at her lowest point mentally and knew she used sex as a coping mechanism. eris shouldn't have told nesta that not eating wouldn't bring her father back whilst also restricting her food
wait, sorry
*checks notes*
that was CASSIAN! So sorry
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litnerdwrites · 5 months
How torturous is it to love with everything your heart can give, and then some, only for your acts of love to either be forgotten about or to be treated like the villain for caring? And on top of that, you never once receive even a fraction of the love back.
Nesta loved Feyre enough to go to the wall for her, and she would've gone farther, if she were able, only for Feyre to forget.
Nesta spent her entire childhood taking her mother's abuse so her sister's didn't have to, only for Elain to turn her back on her.
Nesta spent her whole life trying to give Elain the love that she would've given anything to receive from their mother, for Elain to abandon her and condemn her when she needed that love more than ever.
Nesta joined a war for Feyre, only for it all to be forgotten.
She stayed in the mortal lands, despite it being dangerous after the Queens denied the IC's request for the book, clearly ready to sacrifice their people, including Nesta and Elain, all because Elain wanted to be near her betrothed and be comfortable, just for Elain to try and force Nesta out of her safe space, and into uncomfortable situations.
Nesta stayed with Elain, putting aside her own trauma for her sake to look after her, but when she needed the same love and understanding, Elain abandoned her for the comforts Feyre provided.
Nesta put aside her own trauma to help with war efforts, but it's never brought up again.
Nesta is most likely the one who cooked and cleaned and looked after the cabin, and who thanked her?
Nesta is the one who demanded their neglectful father be held accountable for his failures, but, instead, that burden was forced onto her.
Nesta is the one who demanded Rhysand be held accountable for lying to both her and Feyre, only for Feyre to turn around and laugh at the idea of her being punished for something Feyre said herself, that she isn't mad at.
Nesta endured verbal abuse at the hands of Feyre's new family, let them stare at her like a zoo animal, and didn't comment on it.
Nesta would've gone into the blood right after Emerie and Gwyn, laws be damned, to save them. She would've done it for any of them, only for them to decide she's fine and leave her there. Did they worry about her while she was there? Azriel didn't seem worried. Neither did Feyre or Elain.
That's not even the half of it. Nesta loved so much, with her whole heart, and not a single person could give it back to her. Not one. How tiring, and heart breaking must that be for her? The thought alone brings me to tears.
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littlefeltsparrow · 4 months
Rhysand is really in no position to judge Nesta for “letting” Feyre hunt considering his background. Nesta’s failure to prevent Feyre from hunting in the woods at a young age is the primary transgression that he holds against her, yet he never considers that the Archeron sisters were all victims of the same hardship: poverty.
Rhysand has never had to worry about poverty once in his centuries long life, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth after all. He occupies a place in society where he is afforded the highest amount of privilege and wealth that could be offered, he’s as upper-class as it gets. Not only that, he was also accustomed to a life of security as a High Lord’s son and heir and therefore cannot grasp the powerlessness unique to the Archeron sisters’ situation.
He’s enraged by Nesta’s decisions, and chooses to ignore the circumstances surrounding such decisions in order to vilify her further. Furthermore, he tends to place responsibility on Nesta’s shoulders whilst ignoring Feyre’s agency in the situation. Maas doesn’t lend their dynamic any complexity. She positions Rhysand as the ultimate moral authority and Nesta as the guilty party who is subject to his judgment and punishment. This is frustrating to witness because it’s yet another reminder of the narrative bias that puts Rhysand on a pedestal and asserts him as an individual who isn’t capable of being wrong or narrow minded.
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kataraavatara · 5 months
“wah wah nesta was spending Rhysand’s infinite money!” real talk…why did she even need it? wtf happened to all the money tamlin gave them??? it just disappeared? was this ever explained
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reblogandlikes · 23 days
Stand on business when you post!
I hate that everytime a newish person says something remotely redeeming about Tamlin they feel the need to make a prefix or use the line of, "I'm not excusing his abuse." The culture has been warped to make them believe this is required.
Like, it's so deeply ingrained that he's the big bad for having his magical accidently explode and trapping Feyre in a house that one time she literally tried to follow him in to a very dangerous situations which would have taken his focus away from his peoples survival and defence, or having the gall to be a bit paranoid with her safety when she was literally being hunted by Hybern (which she even admitted later that Tamlin had been correct) and them both being bad at communication. Oh, and petty name calling because she quite literally fucked everything up, could have compromised him as a double agent and he was rightfully mad.
All that he's done is still not comparable to what Rhysand has done in the name of getting what he wants, even when it comes to belittling his own people (because yes, HC and Illyrians are also his people), yet you never see a prefix about Rhysand. No, dude just gets to live merry in the narrative and fandom because he's the "best." Hell, Feyre and the entire IC have done worse shit than Tamlin, but they get far more leeway due to MC bias.
It's slightly similar with Nesta being viewed as irredeemable, but I'd argue both Tamlin and Nesta have been through and have done enough in these god damn books. They simply receive hate because they are viewed as being directly opposed to the IC, and The Mother knows that's a big no-no.
Those who want to post something about another character not particularly liked, go ahead. I promise you, you're not any of these stupid words some stans tries to insult you as. It's their way of silencing and limiting perceptions and its understandably uninviting/daunting.
But please...
Do your thing.
Go off.
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