#and attitude. It is a scent that's uniquely yours
birrafrgrances · 8 days
How Impulse Perfume Can Become Your New Signature Scent
Finding a signature scent can be a game-changer when it comes to perfume. A fragrance that's uniquely yours, that makes you feel confident and glamorous, and that is always in style. 
But with so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to find the perfect scent. That's why we are excited to introduce Impulse, a fragrance perfect for making a statement. 
Signature Scents: What Makes Them Unique?
A signature scent is more than just a fragrance – it is an expression of your personality, style, and attitude. It is a scent that's uniquely yours, one that you feel confident and comfortable wearing every day. 
What defines a signature scent? Here are some characteristics:
Uniqueness: A signature scent should be distinctive and stand out from the crowd. It should be a scent that you can not easily find elsewhere.
Personal Connection: A signature scent should evoke emotions and memories. It should be a scent that you associate with happy times, special moments, or personal experiences.
Consistency: A signature scent should be consistent in its quality and performance. It should be a scent that you can rely on to make you feel confident and glamorous.
Read more: The differences between summer and winter fragrances
Why Impulse is the Perfect Signature Scent
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With its unique blend of fresh, floral, and warm notes, Impulse from Birra fragrances is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a signature scent that's both elegant and approachable.
Here are just a few reasons why Impulse is the perfect choice for making a statement:
Unique Blend: This unique blend of notes makes Impulse a scent unlike any other. From the freshness of ruby mandarin and peppermint to the warm comfort of cinnamon and amber, Impulse is truly unique.
Elegant yet Approachable: Impulse is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to make a statement without being too over-the-top. It's a scent that's both elegant and approachable, making it perfect for everyday wear or special occasions.
Consistency: Impulse is a fragrance that's consistently reliable in its performance. It's a scent that you can trust to make you feel confident and glamorous every time you wear it.
How to Make Impulse Your Signature Scent
So how can you make Impulse your signature scent? Here are a few tips to get you started:
Wear It Every Day: To make Impulse your favorite perfume, start by wearing it every day. This will help you get used to the fragrance and make it feel more like an extension of yourself.
Experiment with Application: Experiment with different application methods to find what works best for you. Try spraying it on your pulse points, applying it to your wrists, or even wearing it as a perfume oil.
Layer with Other Fragrances: Don't be afraid to layer Impulse with other fragrances or scents to create a unique blend that's all your own.
Make it Yours: Make Impulse your own by adding personal touches to the fragrance. Try adding it to your favorite perfume bottle or keeping it in a special place in your closet.
Click the button below to start shopping now and discover your new signature scent!
Unlock Your Signature Style
Finding a signature scent can be a game-changer for anyone who wants to make a statement. With its unique blend of fresh, floral, and warm notes, Impulse is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a fragrance that's both elegant and approachable. 
So why not give it a try? With these tips and tricks, you will be well on your way to making Impulse your new signature scent in no time!
#Finding a signature scent can be a game-changer when it comes to perfume. A fragrance that's uniquely yours#that makes you feel confident and glamorous#and that is always in style.#But with so many options out there#it can be overwhelming to find the perfect scent. That's why we are excited to introduce Impulse#a fragrance perfect for making a statement.#Signature Scents: What Makes Them Unique?#A signature scent is more than just a fragrance – it is an expression of your personality#style#and attitude. It is a scent that's uniquely yours#one that you feel confident and comfortable wearing every day.#What defines a signature scent? Here are some characteristics:#Uniqueness: A signature scent should be distinctive and stand out from the crowd. It should be a scent that you can not easily find elsewhe#Personal Connection: A signature scent should evoke emotions and memories. It should be a scent that you associate with happy times#special moments#or personal experiences.#Consistency: A signature scent should be consistent in its quality and performance. It should be a scent that you can rely on to make you f#Read more: The differences between summer and winter fragrances#Why Impulse is the Perfect Signature Scent#With its unique blend of fresh#floral#and warm notes#Impulse from Birra fragrances is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a signature scent that's both elegant and approachable.#Here are just a few reasons why Impulse is the perfect choice for making a statement:#Unique Blend: This unique blend of notes makes Impulse a scent unlike any other. From the freshness of ruby mandarin and peppermint to the#Impulse is truly unique.#Elegant yet Approachable: Impulse is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to make a statement without being too over-the-top. It's a sce#making it perfect for everyday wear or special occasions.#Consistency: Impulse is a fragrance that's consistently reliable in its performance. It's a scent that you can trust to make you feel confi#How to Make Impulse Your Signature Scent
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adelheidvonschicksal · 7 months
Nsfw scenarios/hcs for the LADS boys with their MC in ABO!AU (Idl if I wrote this right 😅) please? Like how they marked their mates, how they treated their mates during the rut and heat, etc.
+ Omegaverse, sexual content, alpha boys/omega reader, female reader
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9/10 possessiveness level
Xavier is the most possessive of the main boys and gets jealous the easiest. He may seem calm about other alphas standing a little too close or talking a little too long to his mate, but the tension in the air is thick and unpleasant. There's a specific eery calmness to his face and falsely polite tone to his voice when he happens to cut into the conversation. He always wants to know the topic of conversation when you talk to anyone who has his suspicion. Xavier suddenly gets a little needier than usual, always trying to figure out a way to draw your attention back to himself. Or, purposely sliding an arm around your waist and holding you close in a silent hint that whoever is talking to you should back off, or he will drop his head against your shoulder, saying he’s tired, and asking you to hurry up so you can go home together,  he emphasizes. His last resort isn't pretty. 
While calm, he has a little of a competitive streak with others, whether that means scoring higher in your hunter team battles or building the largest snowman together. He is competitive for your attention against those he thinks are interested in you; and when he has you alone, he insists on scenting you or mating you. You better be prepared to hide large bite marks or hickeys by the time he’s done claiming you.
Protective Level: 6/10
Xavier has no problem with you running about your daily life. He has confidence that you’re strong and don’t necessarily need much protection. He only insists on coming with for two things: (one) if he’s jealous of the person you’re meeting or (two) if you’re going somewhere to fight on your own.
As long as he’s around, he’s confident that things will work out fine. However, he gets extremely protective when you’re hurt, asking for you to stay behind him, rushing ahead to be the vanguard, and trying to take on the brunt of everything himself. And if you get hurt being rash, prepare for him to be upset with you and insist that you allow him to protect you more.
Scent: Fresh Linen
Xavier smells good, but there isn’t something to pinpoint about his scent that is unique to him. Simply put, he smells clean, like freshly dried laundry with a touch of lavender.
Xavier loves covering you in his scent, cuddling and sleeping with you until you’re no longer entirely sure what your scent smells like not mixed with his. He scents your things, like your plushies, before you even need to ask. 
He likes to tease you, asking if you want him to scent his hoodies even more since you take them so much, and he’s always happy to oblige. His first instinct to calm you down consists of three options: scenting, cuddles, and food, in that order.
Xavier already likes to mate with his partner a lot, like a constant rut minus the attitude that comes with it; always wrapping his arms around you, nudging the back of your neck, and lightly coercing the situation to where he wants it to end up whenever the opportunity shows itself.
In a rut, he’s twice as easy to rile up and much more direct about wanting to be alone with you, wanting to hold you and shove his head into the divot of your neck, and audibly inhaling your scent. You can already feel him against you in more ways than one.
He doesn’t waste his time trying to play games with you during this time, choosing to show you exactly how much he wants you before taking charge. You’re burnt out by his energy when you’re used to him napping right after a round or two. This time he isn’t letting up, but he promises that he’ll treat you so well, promises that he’ll get you there twice in exchange for letting him have one more time, as if you're aren't already overstimulated with jellied legs.
He asks if you're already tired. He'll let you sleep but can he at least squeeze and kiss you while he uses his hand. He promises to clean his mess if it gets on you. He'll be good, he swears, and he's so puppy eyed that you let him.
When he finally is tired, he’ll fall asleep while inside you. His knot stopped swelling a long time ago, but he enjoys your warmth around him as he nuzzles the back of your head.
Xavier does his best to tend to his mate when they’re in heat. He’ll get warm compresses and try his best to cook for you (most likely failing) and offer to nap with you when you’re in pain. He’ll let you use him how you want as long as it makes you feel better, whether that’s using his hands, mouth, or knotting you.
There’s a small bit of worry from him, with the way he asks,
“Where do you need it?” “Like this?” “Are you sure you only want my fingers? It’s okay to ask for more.” “Open your legs wider. You don’t have to be embarrassed. It's only me." "Next time, I'll let you take care of me, deal?
You’re so cute like this, needing and wanting him, but he hates how it causes you pain.
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3/10 possessiveness level
Rafayel tends to have confidence that he can have you before anyone else, trusting your judgment to take care of yourself. He also has pretty high esteem of himself when it comes to the social world. A few properly chosen words is usually enough to get any seducer to back off. Rafayel can’t believe someone else could possibly think they’d have a chance with you when you have him.
As repentance, he wants you to do things for him after little incidents like that. It’s so exhausting chasing lesser alphas off, after all. Whether he’s serious or not when he says he could use some affection after his omega so cruelly ignored him for another alpha remains to be determined.
If there ever is a time where he feels insecure or jealous, he isn’t above trying to cut off someone’s relationship with you. If it comes to threats so be it, but it will end. It doesn’t matter if it’s from your side or the pursuer. It’s an ultimatum, either him or the other person, but not both.
He has a bigger concern about you not needing or growing bored of him than falling in love with someone else. Otherwise, he tends to have faith in you.
Protectiveness Level: 8/10
Rafayel knows you’re strong. Trust him—a twisted arm and playfights abound—he knows. But you are also bulledheaded and naïve. He worries you might end up getting yourself injured; or worse, killed.
So, he’s observant as always, watching for any suspicious activities with the people you’re around, whether warranted or not. He wouldn’t just do that for anyone, only for his precious mate and also for his precious peace of mind. He tends to operate from the background to not be too overbearing, but he doesn’t mind being the one to step in—to get hurt—if it means keeping you safe.
Scent: Beach Sand with a Hint of Citrus
Rafayel smells of white beach sand and tropical fruit. He smells like the first hint of salt air and the ocean breeze and mineral. It reminds you of family vacations and old memories. He insists most Lemurians have scents like these, but his is special! It's the only one that mixes so lovely with yours.
He does scent you when you ask, but he requests that you do the same. It’d be much better for you to scent each other. He loves to tease you when you ask him to scent things for you.
“If you like it so much maybe I should make it into a perfume.” But he’d hate it if you actually agree. “Wait, let’s not be too hasty. A perfume really can’t compete with the natural source.”
Rafayel dislikes his mating cycle only because he dislikes losing his sense of control over himself. But when you’re there, with your scent clouding his mind, it’s all bets off. He’s so needy and HAS to have you. He feels like he’ll die if he isn’t burying himself in your scent, your presence, in you. He needs to feel your hands on him and isn’t below demeaning himself or being more forceful than usual to get it.
He’ll constantly seek you out, calling you late at night. He has nothing to say. He just needed to hear your voice, just keep breathing for him, he’s almost there. He needs you to come over to his place right now. It’s all your fault he’s burning like this. You need to get there immediately and take responsibility before he goes insane. He's already dizzy and his hand isn’t cutting it anymore.
In person, he grabs your hand, and the look in his eyes is begging in place of his mouth that’s too heavy with pants to talk straight as he savors your touch, desperate and gluttonous. 
“Right there...don't make me beg…just a little bit longer.” “I need to feel you. There. You feel incredible.” “If you want my knot, you can have it. Say you want it for me, and I’ll give it to you. Say it.”
When it’s your turn to go manic, he’s going to have his revenge for all the bullying and petting you did while he was rutting. He’s going to coo and fawn over how much you need him, and make you ask him nicely for his touch, but he’ll always give in to his little mate. He knows what’ll make you feel good, and he’s going to give it to you in due time. He thinks you look so pretty when you’re about to cum, covered in sweat, body tensing, the shallow, quick breaths.
“I wish I could paint you like this, but I don’t want to look away.” “Do you really want me to breed you that bad? Don’t say you didn’t ask for it.”
Rafayel is going to make sure you have an easy time, clearing out your schedule for you and letting you stay in the studio with him. Thomas' calls are going to go unanswered for a while.
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6/10 possessiveness level
Zayne is able to get jealous; however, he isn’t one to distrust you. It’s other people he doesn’t trust. He’ll drop hints he doesn’t like something you’re doing, a sarcastic jab here, a polite warning there, and even a “you should be careful of the company you keep.”. He always introduces himself as your mate to ensure there are no misconceptions about your relationship with him.
Zayne occasionally has to remind you that he’s your partner especially when you insist on teasing him and being a brat, poking at that jealous side of his to rile him up. It doesn’t take long for you to get the idea after having him between your legs. It’s really more of a funny thing, seeing him possessive, because he becomes a lot more short-tempered but absolutely refuses to admit he’s being possessive.
However, he calms relatively easy with some reassurance, and he doesn’t care as much if someone likes you after he knows you have zero interest in them. It’s more of an annoyance than something for him to fear.
Protectiveness Level: 10/10
Zayne is always so worried about you. He always has to tell you to be careful, to watch where you’re stepping so you don’t trip, to not drink too much without him there to take you home, and to watch for injuries. It might be a bit of his doctor attitude coming out, but it’s so much worse when it comes to you. You know no one else who adds the weather of the city you’re in to confirm you’re okay.
He’s also protective of your mental wellbeing; he tends to be the rock you rely on. If someone is bothering you, you can tell him, and he’ll be sure to handle the issue immediately.
Scent: Bamboo Forest
Zayne smells like bamboo forests, a mix of floral and earthy. It kind of reminds you of him, calm and quiet but strong and solid like the earth. Fresh, green, and slightly woody. It smells like nature.
He scents you when you ask, and he quietly scents you when he wants, always overthinking if it’s something you want him to do or appropriate at a given point in time. It doesn’t take long for him to become better at knowing when you want it, when to leave something with his scent for you when you’re upset, and when to simply cradle you against him. His mood improves exponentially whenever you shove your face into his chest and mumble about how good he smells.
Zayne loves the way you smell. It’s a familiar and comforting thing to have your scent greeting him after a hard day at work. It lets him know you’re doing okay, and he gets worried whenever your scent is off. He can usually tell the slightest changes of your mood, and it makes him agitated whenever you try to pretend you’re fine when he can clearly tell different from smell alone.
Zayne tries his best to control himself and avoid you during his ruts. The last thing he wants to do is hurt you, which leads him to being too restrained whenever he’s with you to the point where you can tell he’s not handling himself well.
It’s going to take a few times to convince him that you can handle it, that he can let go and give you everything before he finally allows himself to dive into his hormones, throw you against the bed, and kiss you hard. It's almost like a completely different side of him. Sure, he could always be dominant in the bedroom but there was always a control to it. Instead, he's instinctive, running off the rush of endorphins to reach the peak he desperately wants to tumble over, harsh and tunnel visioned as he chases the sensation of you clamping down around his knot.
“Hold it there, we’re almost there. You can handle it.” “Let me have you a few more times. Then, you can rest.” “Good girl. You’re doing so well. So good to me.”
During your time, he is meticulous. Zayne knows you almost as well as you know yourself, knows what sweets you like to eat, what positions make you the most comfortable, and tips on how to keep yourself together.
That only works so long, however, and soon he takes a more hands on approach in helping you through your heat cycle. His fingers curled up inside you, pushing that sweet springy spot inside you that has your juices pouring over his palm. He shushes you as you beg for him to give you more and more, to please stop this edging and fuck you already.
He promises he’ll make it good, but he has to slowly work you up first, so you won’t get overstimulated. Then, he’ll give you what you want until you pass out.
“Hold still, or do you want me to stop?” “Does it feel that good? I’ll be sure to remember that for next time.” “See what happens when you follow directions?” “You’ll have your reward soon. Which do you prefer to have—my fingers or my knot?”
Zayne also takes special care of you no matter the situation, making sure to wipe you off and hold a warm rag to your swollen and puffy cunt as he makes out with you. He scents you heavily afterward and lets you fall asleep against him until it all starts over again.
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stararch4ngelqueen · 1 year
hey! just hopping on the period train here…can we get tender, soft, tooth-rottingly sweet ghost with a reader on their period? reader has cramps and will 100% try to overexert themselves if not directly managed lol. Anyway love your work🤍🤍🤍
The unintentional period train 😆 I’ll try, haven’t written about Ghost in a hot minute.
It’s not as grand as I’d like it to be, but I think it’s pretty good for a quick half hour ✨let’s say this is at home too for convenience sake
Simon wouldn’t be aware you were on your cycle at first, which makes the most obvious sense.
You; his sweet, bombshell of a woman, had a tendency to hide what irritated you. Physical or not.
Moving into a new house was a bit of a process, one that had a lot of challenges to overpass before enjoying the rewards. You believed their wouldn’t be as many boxes, or as many things to haul off the moving truck and through the front door.
Simon would then assume something was wrong by the amount of breaks he’d find you taking. Moments you’d catch your breath, stand completely still with a hand along your side, or sitting down in the passenger seat of the truck.
Try as well as you like, it’s his job to be concerned about your well-being. Exertion was a high price to pay in the military; sore muscles, lack of proper sleep, etc.
You weren’t in the military anymore. Pushing yourself wasn’t necessary inside your new home.
You figured this pain would go away. Exercise was always a factor to lessen cramps. An annoying tale, but sometimes effective.
The more boxes you hauled, the quicker you’d walk, the more you’d pace yourself was met with more pain on your end.
“Go rest.” Came his voice from behind you, startling you after you settled some kitchen appliance boxes on your new marble counter.
“I’m fine,” you quickly state, turning your head to meet your husband’s gaze. “I’m okay—“
“That’s an order.” Simon states, leaving little to no room for doubt or denial. You’d frown, but he didn’t care, maintaining his ground with a firm brow and stern expression.
You scoff, glaring up at him as if he asked something vile from you. Again, he didn’t care.
“Fine,” you bite back a bitter tone before leaving towards your bedroom. “You can finish unpacking all by yourself.”
Simon expected this, seemingly unfazed as he watched you go. He didn’t mind the attitude, he would’ve found it funny. He kind of did, but you didn’t see his smile.
He’d find you later curled up on a bare mattress, yanking blankets out from their boxes to wrap yourself up in. Your head settled on a pillow, his pillow, he recognized after a second glance.
He approached, proceeding to pull off your socks and shoes for you.
He pulls the blankets back after crawling into bed, per your irritation, only to apply a warm bottle compress along your tummy.
“M’sorry,” he murmurs into your ear, proceeding to lay the blankets back over you. Your raised hand stops him, your fingers grasping along his wrist.
Your quiet plea encourages him to join you in bed, clutching your body like a gentle wall of support. Occasionally, his hand would remain over the compress, moving it around along spots you desired it the most while his other massages the back of your neck.
“I’ll start unpackin’ in the morning,” Simon murmurs, his head settled ontop of your head, breathing in your sweet scented shampoo.
Your mouth opens to persist, but he beats you to it.
“No no, don’t wanna hear it. I’ll unpack the rest of the frame, an’ the sheets, give you a proper bed to rest on.”
Your silence meant you were listening, which makes him assume you’re growing irritated by his unique form of ‘persistence’.
“Sickness an’ in health, love,” He kisses underneath your earlobe, hearing your small sigh.
“I’m not sick.”
“You’re cranky.” A faint rumble of a chuckle erupts from his chest. “Often times I’d hear ya say you would get lobotomized back in the day for this type of behavior.”
“That’s what I used to tell Soap just to mess with him,” you faintly muse, nearly falling asleep from his rough hand providing the most gentlest of massages along your nape.
“Get some shut eye, sweetheart. Talk about your self diagnosis in the morning.”
I don’t know how to end this 🧍🏽‍♀️this is not proofread. Back on the grind.
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sixosix · 5 months
5k event request :P
Kazuha, light stick, and fluff please
a/n hi anon! when i saw light stick, i instantly interpreted it as those kpop light sticks,, im not sure if u meant something else like those glow sticks, so i am hoping this was what u meant HAHA
wc 700, idol!kazuha/fan!reader, im sure u guys have heard of the 6REEZE group somewhere, meet-cute; disclaimer i only know how auction works from my classmates roleplaying them so ignore accuracies for fic’s sake. bless.
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Kazuha, to be frank, felt a little embarrassed.
His features stood out too much, his friends told him. To go out and enjoy the fresh air of the day, he had to not enjoy the fresh air with a face mask, conceal his red streak of hair by clipping it back and burying it under a cap, and wear green-tinted sunglasses (also to disguise the red of his eyes) that he was struggling to get used to.
In his defense, His friends weren’t any better. Aether’s braid could be recognized with only that, Venti’s glowing braids weren’t any better, Heizou’s shade of hair and green eyes would stand out—if not his unique voice, and everyone knew Xiao even if he were to shave all his hair off. Scaramouche could be salvageable, but one word from his mouth and his fans would fall to their knees—it could be his voice, but it would be the attitude.
Kazuha felt a little too hot with his disguise, but he wanted this, so he would go through with it. He tugged his mask under his nose, relaxing at the scent of the open air. The mall had an open area with trees all over; the leaves fell to the ground, and the wind brushed past. Kazuha couldn’t feel it, having been stuffed under layers, but he was satisfied.
Although it felt embarrassing to be clothed in this disguise, he couldn’t go outside this freely before. He was going to make the most of it.
And then he passed by a stall that had him doing a double take. Kazuha took a few steps back, lighting up with recognition. He couldn’t be mistaken, not with that familiar symbol of Anemo. The stall displayed a light stick of their group, released only a few days ago.
His friends would have a blast if he came back with it, most likely, Kazuha mused. Maybe he could bring it back as a gift.
A hand shot out from the side, blocking his view of the light stick. Kazuha blinked, a little surprised. He followed the arm's stretch and came face-to-face with an angry stranger.
“Hey, you!” you said. Kazuha felt like he needed to stand straighter at the tone. “I had my eye on this one first, ‘kay? Whatever number you have in mind—keep it. I finally get my hands on one of these; I’m not letting it go!”
“Oh, this was an auction?” he asked curiously. The stall didn’t seem to be being run by anyone at the moment, and no one else was there.
“Well, no,” you sniffed, “but I would win. I already told the seller I called dibs on this one—wait until she gets back.”
Charmed, Kazuha smiled. “Two thousand.”
“Three-thousand, five hundred?”
“Five-thousand, three hundred.”
Kazuha had to wonder: “How much do these usually cost?”
“Five thousand, if you’re lucky. I’ll make it ten thousand, easy. Are you still not backing down?”
Kazuha laughed under his breath. Were you serious? Were you actually willing to drop that much for this? “Alright, I cede. I apologize for attempting to defeat you.”
You grinned, eyes sparkling quite literally as your gaze slid back to the lightstick. You were very pretty. “Yeah, I thought so.” You eyed him curiously; Kazuha suddenly felt a little shy. “Are you a fan as well?”
Kazuha nodded, unable to tear his eyes away from your genuine smile for a few moments. His eyes drifted down to your shirt, which had the same Vision of the lightstick—but there was something else. “You could say that.”
Your shirt had maple leaves swirling around the logo, and Kazuha could recognize it all too well because he was asked to sit down and draw it for their merchandise—something personal for each member. Did Kazuha have the right to suspect what it meant that you were wearing his?
Emboldened, Kazuha gestured at the lightstick. “As a fellow enthusiast, may I extend my offer to cover this purchase?”
You blinked and stuttered. “W-What— You don’t have to! I literally stole it from you!”
“So you confess that you pried it off of me?” Kazuha teased.
“That’s not—Listen—” You stared at him, then got flustered. “Hold on, are you hitting on me?”
“Yes.” He took off his sunglasses and tugged down his mask, flashing a sweet smile that he knew was utterly unfair. Your face bluescreened out of pure shock. Without the mask muffling his voice, it was clear as day. “So, will you let me?”
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harfanfare · 2 years
Unique Kisses: Rollo, Che'nya, Neige
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Heartslabyul || Savanaclaw || Octavinelle || Scarabia || Pomefiore || Ignihyde || Diasomnia || Rollo, Che'nya, Neige || Honest Fellow
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Rollo F. (no kisses)
“May I have a kiss, please? A kind word? Any form of attention?”
“Rather not.” 
Rollo does not lift his gaze from his book. He sits too far away for you to read the title — you're separated by the whole length of the coffee table on which the service with the steaming tea stands — but you wouldn't be surprised if he was reading something religious.
You have no desire to return to the Victorian romance, a heavy volume that spreads across your lap. Yet, there are twenty-five minutes left until the end of your reading hour, a meeting you arrange every day because books are cool. You feel like you will die of boredom in three.
Maybe not from boredom, but because of something that makes you unable to focus on the present moment. You feel bad about tearing your lover away from his reading, but finally, with a heavy heart, you get up, walk around the table and sit next to him.
Your thighs touch and you let your head fall against Rollo's warm shoulder.
Immediately, you feel a little better.
“What are you doing?” Rollo doesn't seem to share your enthusiasm. He tilts his head so he can measure you with his eyes. If you looked at him even briefly, you would notice that his eyebrows have dropped slightly in an expression of concern, and his gaze has become investigative, piercing.
You sigh slightly in response, too listless to lift your eyelids, and unwittingly play with the soft tassels of his outfit.
“Please, let's do something else. The weather is so nice today...!” Your plea resembles the lament of a preschooler, especially when you bury your face in his shoulder. By that, some tension from Rollo escapes. He takes his eyes off you.
“I'd rather finish the book.”
“Then at least let me stay here, by your side. I feel extremely lonely today.”
You squeeze even more into his shoulder, warming yourself a little. His rochet-styled uniform wears the distinctive scent of incense, honey and disappointment, a perfume that is even more charming in a room that smells of tea and books. You let yourself inhale it until Rollo puts his hand on your head.
And now, you are distracted.
“Did something happen today?” He asks in a quiet, noticeably caring voice. You often hear a similar tone at night when you two return from evening prayer — whether you go there for God or for him — and Rollo is more inclined to care about everyone. Now all his attention is on you. You are a tad too intimidated and tired to respond. You only shake your head. “Well. Then let's go for a walk.”
That instantly enlivens you.
“Re... Really? You're not joking?!” You need confirmation because Rollo Flamm seldom changes his plans. You've already spent so much time with him that you can't imagine him missing a lesson for no more important reason than a bad morning attitude. And you considered yourself to be a rather imaginative person.
“You should already be aware of my lack of humour.”
You are. The little threads of romance in his body must have awakened, and you feel almost guilty for labelling him as the stiffest student in NBC. And since Rollo is being so gracious today...
“Then, can we hold hands?”
Your question throws him off balance, and you are ready to call off your request when he suddenly starts correcting the folds of his outfit to distract you and focus on staying carefree.
“...I apologize, but I might need some more time. I need to get accustomed to all that… romantic...” He starts, but then you grab his hand. The words of protest die on his tongue. He swallows the remnants of them as he grunts. “Alright. At least you won't get lost.”
(...No kissing before the wedding, though). /hj
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Che'nya (insufficient kisses)
“Raspberry then.”
“Also no. But you're almost there.”
Che'nya presses his lips to yours for the eighth time, and you cover the label of the drink you're holding in your hands even more tightly.
Your boyfriend has decided he can guess the taste of the orangeade you're drinking. You think he knew exactly what you were drinking from the third kiss: you shared a favourite range of fizzy drinks, and there was never any indication that you intended to change it. Che'nya would have forced you to convert back if such a thing ever happened.
“Hm~” Your boyfriend hums under his breath as he moves away from your face. When you look at him unmoved, he smiles broadly. “Cher- Chestnut”.
“Duh, you already know the answer.”
“So it's a Cherchestnut?”
You sigh, and Che'nya’s smile spreads even further across his face. His white teeth flash softly as if he hasn't eaten the entire basket of cakes you baked for him and his friends' first thing in the morning.
“Now you're just being mean,” you cross your arms to have Che'nya feel accused. He leans back in his seat, and his smile does not disappear from his face.
“Am I?”
“Aren't you?”
“If I were so sweetened by your presence that my senses were going mad, would my mistakes be ‘mean’ too?” When he says this, he sits up straight and leans beside you. He takes two steps onto the bench and sinks down into your lap, facing up — and by that — facing you.
He reaches out to touch the locks of your hair falling towards him.
“Are you a madman yet?” You ask, leaning towards him with your lips pressed together in a line.
“Am I? Or am I not? Who are we all anyway?”
“I know you're an annoying boyfriend. I don't like you from now on. Oh from now on, I don't like you,” you snap your fingers, and Che'nya smiles broadly. You try to push him off your lap, but he gracefully turns before you manage to do so and then wraps his arms tightly around you.
“My love will cover the two of us,” here he places his hands on both your cheeks and kisses the corner of your mouth. You try to swat him, but then he starts to disappear. His lips and words remain last with you. “But now it is time to withdraw. I feel a strong antagonism towards me here, and I shall take my leave.”
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Neige L. (the most common in a world of uncommon kisses)
Neige loves kisses.
For this reason, you find it hard to believe that he can't write a few sentences about them on his Magicam. You don't know how to prove it, though, because Neige has photos — beautiful footage from a recent photo shoot revolving around the theme of picnic and spring — that he needed to publish soon. They were now lingering in his gallery on his phone, waiting for Neige’s inspiration to strike.
“If I wasn't here, would you also have such a problem with a short description?” Your question sounded like an insincere accusation, to which Neige replied with a smile.
He had long since put his phone away in his bag. He always put it away when he wanted to give you one hundred per cent of his attention, but the subject of the photo kept hovering over the two of you because your boyfriend said he needed inspiration.
Every inspiration follows experience.
You're ready to help him any time, but not joshing with him first.
“I wouldn't write about them then. I would come up with something about spring or beauty...” He says, peering out of the wide window of his room. The view is lovely, full of greenery. Spring is coming. “But now that I have you, I can write about something as beautiful as love.”
Although that's the title you hail him with, Neige no longer responds. He cannot divide his attention, and what occupies him now is you, your face, your beautiful sparkling eyes, the shape of your ears, the lobes of which he runs his fingers over until they reach your jawline. There they stop as his attention shifts again: to your lips, the soft, smooth lips that he loves to kiss so much. And he kisses them, and everything around him loses meaning.
“How did it feel?” He asks, pulling you back onto the sofa. You sigh lightly.
“Is that survey to create an ideal description for the photo?”
“That's for me too. For contemplation.”
Neige looks at you with anticipation. When he sees that you need to think, he takes his eyes off you and pours fruit tea into the two cups in front of you, on the coffee table bordering a sofa.
“I don't know how to describe them. Either way, it's your job to think of something, so don't dump it on me,” you finally state, picking up the cup you've been given. You take a sip and decide to deflect the question. “And how do you feel, Neige?”
“Indescribably,” he says as he can't describe it either. Neige puts his hand over his heart and when he looks you straight in the eye, you are perfectly able to pinpoint why his fans love him so much - he looks princely. Neige sighs quietly. “I think I'm going to have to go with this spring because I don't know how to describe all the things that are bubbling up in my chest. I'll have to think about it longer.”
You pat him on the shoulder.
“Good luck with that. If you don't come up with any ideas, I can link you some fanfictions with nice descriptions.”
“Thank you, they will come in handy.”
“...They can be works with you, right?”
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lovelykhaleesiii · 9 months
My Best Girl
PAIRING: Best Friend's Dad!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader [Modern AU]
WORDS: 1,200.
SUMMARY: Your best friend from University, had been begging all year long for you to join her back in her home town to spend the holidays with her family. Being the loyal friend you are, you thought it would be the decent thing to do...
WARNINGS: age-gap implies (consensual & legal, reader is 18+, Jahaera aged up), innocence kink, praise kink, degradation kink, Daddy kink, p in v sexual intercourse, edging, cream pie, breeding kink (if you squint), slight dub-con, thigh riding implied, jealous!aegon, possessive!aegon, swearing.
A/N - thanks to the wonderful, talented, beautiful @valeskafics who planted this AU in my head... I have plunged deep into a dilf!Aegon rot. ily bby xx
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You had no intention of ever sparking a relationship over the holiday period, let alone with an older man... That just so happened to be your best friend's father.
Jaheara Targaryen, you had fondly grown acquainted with over your undergraduate semesters in University: so enraptured by each other, she practically was begging for you to join her over the holiday period: saving you from spending a lonesome, seldom time alone on campus.
The moment you laid eyes on her beloved father, Aegon Targaryen, you felt your heart beat halt, breath hitched in your throat, and a rather odd yearning ignited between the sweet spot between your thighs.
He was a rather handsome man, you could no deny: his unique features had softened with adipose, yet his age had shown, along with whatever hardships he had faced. Scarring across his brow, beneath his eye socket, and yet he exuded a formidable presence, it somewhat intimidated you.
You struggled to even maintain eye contact, doe eyes constantly fluttering from the larger man before you, to your scuttling feet, before Jahaera dragged you away into the privacy of her own room.
You subtly attempted to pry, asking singular questions about her father, in which Jahaera would mindlessly respond with a swift response.
A divorcee, his relationship with Jahaera's biological mother had been tense from the beginning, incompatible. She did disclose he had many flings, occupied with one night stands and frequented by regular women of the neighbourhood, yet did not dare to settle, for whatever reason.
That is until, you had mindlessly wandered off venturing the opulent double-storey, before abruptly being surprised by Aegon's presence in the kitchen during the later hours of the night.
"And what might a pretty girl like you be doing wandering in the dark, hmm?"
Your mind rushing with fleeting, blank thoughts, moments later you found yourself being effortlessly lifted onto the counter top, rutting your aching, soaked cunt against his sturdy, meaty thigh, before he would taunt and tease your silky folds with his tip. Burying his dense girth inside of you, stretching your walls like no man has ever.
Since that surreal night, awake the next few days as if you lived through a vivid, fever dream: your relationship blossomed with your best friend's father, in discrete.
Aegon relished in how flustered and bothered you get, even with the faintest motions, such as close proximity, his overpowering musky scent intoxicating you with each inhale: making you weak in the knees, and butterflies fluttering in the pit of your stomach.
Regardless, of the age difference you both shared similar interests in films, attitudes and romance.
Aegon devoured your innocence: despite having been in previous relationships, your innocence in trusting him to take the lead, to protect you and be intimate with you, reinforced his belief in you.
He took you seriously from the beginning: having the decency to not treat you like some mindless, young fling.
Your vulnerability towards him, drove him mad: as he felt a responsibility towards you.
In return, you favored his wisdom, with life and in the bed. He taught you how to really please a man.
He would often praise you: admiring your beauty, your intelligence and demeanor. Although, in the end he was somewhat of a youth, relishing in teasing you, making logic cease as he fucked you senseless.
"My good, little whore so greedy for a Daddy, she took her best friend's, huh? Daddy's gonna have to punish you for that little stunt. Thinking you can come in here looking fucking ravenous."
Regardless of Aegon's intent to care, his sex and affections were rough. Manhandling you, spanking you till your cheeks remained red and raw with tenderness for days [certain his handprint was strewn across your flesh], gripping and pulling your hair with such force. He needed to instil some fear, a mutual understanding as he preferred to call it, that you could not go anywhere now without his knowledge.
When you both weren’t being intimate, he enjoyed our company, having you mount and straddle his thigh and lap. Watching him attend to work, answering phone calls, getting so riled up when he was arguing with his correspondents. You had come to realise, Aegon had a rather quick and fierce temper.
Many times, Jaehaera pleaded and fought with her father to take you out to the local city clubs both in the company of her hometown friend [males present] and without, and time after time, he stubbornly denied the two of you from leaving the premises.
Overtime, he refused the idea of you having male companions and friends.
“I know what boys are like at that age baby, they don’t want to be just friends… You’re mine now, and I don’t like to share.”
Jahaera frustrated and uncertain of his motive would excuse herself, and recluse in her room, leaving you pampered and dolled up for Aegon's own undoing.
He enjoyed watching you from afar pampering yourself: "dolling yourself up for Daddy, baby? Always lookin' so beautiful, I need to keep you running around her for my own viewing."
The moment the word slipped your vile tongue, was the moment something snapped in Aegon, that made him cement his feelings for you... Daddy.
He favored the moment, demanding you obey his every command, moaning heavy breaths for you to repeat yourself in a constant loop, directly into his ear.
He wanted you to acknowledge him as almost your savior. Considering him almost god-like which, you faintly had.
Another niche about your elder boyfriend: he purely enjoyed in fucking you raw, no protection, as he craved to feel you.
"Baby this ain't my first rodeo, I'll pull out okay. I'll get you the pill if I have to--"
"Good cause I still have two years to go, and I don't think J-Jahaera would appreciate this-"
"But your already such a slut for me, taking me so fucking well and perfect, she brought you on a platter for me, knowing damn well I couldn't resist... Surely?!"
Regardless, Aegon's attempts at hiding the affair would occasionally plunder: sending you "anonymous" gifts through the mail, of wealthy jewels, the finest material of laundrette and perfumes.
Countless times Jahaera poorly attempted to pry the truth from your sealed lips: she knew that you were seeing someone, just not who...
When it came to returning to campus: you would often exchange raunchy pictures: Aegon was poorly tech-savy in comparison to you: so a dick pic and video at most, was all he could provide.
You however, thrived off online. Sending him nude pics of yourself [this was a first], only to be showered with compliments, before Aegon would request to video call you: jerking himself feverishly as he ached to feel your tight walls swallowing his dick.
You nearly got caught by Jahaera, lurking his social media and the texts, before coming up with a reasonable excuse.
You would be the first to say "I love you" hesitant and all, Aegon however, had no shame to admit it. The words fell naturally off of his plump lips.
And so, Aegon's intent with you surpassed the theatrics of his previous licentious behaviours. He is obsessed with you!
general taglist - @chompchompluke @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @connorsui @elegantsplendour @randomdragonfires @sylasthegrim @arcielee @s-we-e-t-t-ea @sahvlren @watercolorskyy @hypnos-daughter-certified @urmomsgirlfriend1 @backyardfolklore @snowprincesa1 @aegonslawyer
Aegon ii taglist - @who-told-you-this-was-butter @f4ll-for-you @amiraisgoingthruit @jawline-of-steel @daughter-of-the-stars11
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Thanks to the Amortentia - S.Snape
Summary - When Y/N goes to fetch her cloak back from Severus, she is overwhelmed by the scent of him in the dungeons. Turns out that the students are brewing amortentia, giving away her affections for the broody professor.
Pairings - Severus Snape x Fem!Professor!Reader
Warnings - Embarrassment, female reader, use of Y/N, mentions of bets
Author's Note - She's finally here! I know it took me a little while to write this but school and work have been kicking my ass lately. I was supposed to get this done yesterday because I was supposed to have a half day at work but that turned to be a full day instead. Fingers crossed that I'll be back to writing more consistently soon!
Based off this requests from @acupnoodle thanks for the request!!
Expect delays in my posting! My semester has started and I am taking 4 classes! Please be patient with me!
My requests are open!
my masterlist
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged
After working so closely with Severus Snape, the scent of the man was something she was used to, the smell of old books, wine and something uniquely Severus. Because she was the only professor in the school that grew the ingredients he needed for potions, the two had formed an unlikely friendship. One that the students and fellow professors thought was strange. 
She had realized that she had left her warm cloak in his office the night before, finding her way to the dungeons to grab it. The second she stepped foot in the dungeons, she smelt Severus, a very strong scent of Severus. She made her way to the potions classroom, seeing the students leaning over their cauldrons as she walked in. Her head was beginning to hurt because of how strong the smell was. 
“The whole dungeon smells like you, Sev! It’s giving me a headache!” She said loudly as she approached the man. 
“Here’s your cloak, you left it on my desk last night,” He handed her the cloak with a slight smirk on his face, “The students are brewing amorentia today.”
She felt her heart pick up speed and heat rush to her face, she muttered a quick thank you before fleeing the room. The students were all in shock as to what they had just witnessed. One brave soul, Mattheo Riddle, raised his hand, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Yes, Mr. Riddle,” Severus sighed, knowing what the boy was going to ask just by the look on his face.
“What do you smell, professor?”
“None of your business, get back to brewing.”
In reality, Severus was in bliss at the smell in the room, it was earthy and floral with a little bit of something sweet hiding behind the other scents. He felt bad for embarrassing her so he chased after her although he knew that leaving the class was a terrible idea. “Y/N! Come back!” He shouted to her retreating body. She had stopped short, turning around and slowly made her way back to him. By the time she had reached him, he had a full blown grin on his face.
“Please tell me you aren’t going to make fun of me because I don’t think I can handle that,” She pleaded quietly, looking down at her feet.
“Can you look at me please?” He asked her, but she shook her head, refusing to look up. He gently grabbed her chin between his thumb and index finger and guided her head to look up at him. “I smell you too.”
“You do?” Her face had lit up with excitement, a smile reaching her lips.
“I do,” Severus admitted, “Meet me in our spot tonight? So we can have a proper date?”
“I’ll be there, Sev,” She smiled, kissing his cheek before skipping her way back to her own classroom. He turned back to his class, a gentle smile still gracing his face until he noticed all of the students at the doorway, having listened to every word the two had said to each other. His smile quickly dropped, stepping back into his usual attitude.
“Get back to your seats,” He droned to the students, all of them scurrying back to their spots like roaches, “10 points will be taken from each of your houses for listening in on a conversation between professors.”
By the time dinner came around, the whole school had known that the two professors fancied each other. Most of the other professors had already known how the two felt before confessing. It was the talk of the castle for the remainder of the year, the potions students bragging to the other students that they got to witness what had happened between the pair. 
Multiple students had won bets, many had lost and even some professors had won. But in the end, it was really Severus and Y/N who had won, finally confessing their feelings all thanks to the amortentia.
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Hashiras anddd their fav things?? 👀
hashira povs: their favourite things
note: i like how you put this in my rqs right before my exams 💀
w/c: 1k>
fav food: tempura bento 100%. youd definitely make his day if you manage to cook up a hefty meal like this for him
fav hobby: probably watching television. like sumo wrestling - or anything as long as youre there to accompany him ^^
fav season: contrary to his fiery nature, i feel like he'll absolutely love winter because everything about it is just so chilly and snug and he'd love to embrace/cuddle you with his warmth if you get cold
fav green flag in a person: charismatic nature - i think he'd adore someone with similar traits to him, and also someone keen to impress; im sure he'd love to see someone playin it cool with an energetic personality
fav animal: probably a ferocious animal like a lion or a cheetah, because they represent bravery and strength just like himself
fav food: something high-class, fancy, flashy and expensive af like sashimi 
fav hobby: spending time with you, ofc. but he does has a thing for hot springs, im sure he loves to go there and take a dip with you
fav season: given his extravagant personality, it has to be spring cause it aligns with his character so much, and he loves to see the newly bloomed cherry blossoms because its scent reminds him of you 
fav green flag in a person: it would probably be their confidence n those who embrace their insecurities and aren't afraid to show their uniqueness to others ^^ he would definitely adore a person with a positive self image and an exuberant personality just like him 
fav animal: peacock cause it resembles him sososososo much - like its flamboyance and majesticness and theyre both really flashy LOL
fav food: sakura mochi; it suits her persona so well. you noticed when she eats this, her smile would never disappear because it just tastes so good (even better if you made it) 
fav hobby: in the trivia, she raises bees for honey - so she definitely has a thing for animals and something that suits her aesthetic nature, or maybe like japanese card games which suit her really well
fav green flag in a person: affection and quality time - she loves it when youre always there no matter what she does, and eating together is such a turn on for her. she loves when youre around and constantly making her blush with those affectionate words of yours
fav animal: obv cats LMAO her breathing styles are literally named after it, and it just suits her graceful nature (im pretty sure she has a pet cat already)
fav food: ohagi (sweet rice balls) for sure, even giyu stated it in the manga LOL. i think his usual rough attitude will melt when he takes a bite out of that chunky rice ball
fav hobby: probably does some crazy shit like beetle fighting or just dragging someone into dueling with him - but nothing compares when he does things with you, it just makes him feel 10x better 
fav green flag in a person: it has to be their openness, honesty and their resilience. you obv have to be someone tuff like him (not necessarily in physical appearance) to gain his respect and oh my days words cant express when youre flirtatious with him - that's literally his biggest weakness hes gonna curl up into a ball and hide in the corner of a room out of embarrassment
fav animal: in the manga he does have a beetle, but i think his comfort animal would be dogs because his whole personality just swaps when he interacts with one - and he loves feeding them. its practically the only time you see him smile wholeheartedly
fav food: nah bro this guy probably doesn't have a preference for food - he'll just eat whatever you eat, as long as it makes you happy
fav hobby: hear me out bro hes probably interested in some uncommon things like poetry or sculpting but hes such a quiet and reserved man its impossible to figure out what he likes or doesn't like - but whatever it is, he'll do anything if it meant being by your side
fav green flag in a person: i lowk feel bad for this guy; i think he dislikes women because his upbringing in the past but it was love at first sight when he saw you - he likes when people are commited and loyal, and someone who he can open about to without being scared of getting judged by them. but nevertheless, your wholesome personality just makes up for everything that he seeks in a person
fav animal: its pretty obvious (snakes)
fav food: due to her petite appearance, i feel like her appetite would be petite and to just a tiny adequate amount, don't judge me for this but i think she loves fruits (or mochi like mitsuri) 
fav hobby: this woman is the literal embodiment of "don't judge a book by its cover" i feel like she has a thing for horror stories or she'll just whip out some scary shit to scare you but generally she just spends most of her time experimenting in things but she'll definitely go out of her way to entertain you 
fav green flag in a person: someone who exhibits kindness & compassion - she'll definitely value someone empathetic and those who show genuine care towards others; it makes her happy when she sees good people in the world
fav animal: its either butterflies or her pet goldfish, but generally i think she'll treat any animal the same because shes such a sweetheart
fav food: i feel like this guy doesn't care about what he eats (maybe that's why he doesn't get along w tengen) but if i had to pick i feel like it would be radish sided with some sauce, just something plain yk
fav hobby: other than spending time with you, i think he'd do some papercraft or some peaceful activities when youre not around (he prefers being alone ig). by the time you come home there'll be like 10000 paper cranes folded by your bedside
fav green flag in a person: he really doesn't believe in green flagor red flags, just someone that can keep up with his forgetfulness and someone who isn't weak-minded and likes doing challenges with him
fav animal: i mean he cant really own one or his crow would get jealous, so i guess its his crow LMAO
fav food: either cold soba or salmon daikon (simmered salmon with radish). you notice when he eats these foods, a rare smile emerges on his face and it makes you feel happy as well 
fav hobby: i feel like he would kill time by doing some stupidly weird riddles and solving puzzles LOL cause hes quite a composed person so i dont think he would be into outdoor activities. he just enjoys being by your side
fav green flag in a person: due to his stoic nature he cant express much, but he deeply appreciates a person with a good sense of righteousness and integrity. he has immense respect for someone who'd stand up for something wrong no matter how difficult the situation may be 
fav animal: i don't think he has the time to handle an animal, but it would be like a panther or a wolf cuz of their stoic demeanor before attacking but i rlly don't know
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itgirlblogger · 1 year
How To Feel Like a Victoria Secret Angel💫
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Hi Lovelies! Ever wondered what it takes to exude the same magnetic confidence as a Victoria's Secret model? It's not just about looks – it's about embracing your uniqueness and nurturing your self-assuredness. The secrets to feeling like a true Victoria's Secret model from this guide, from owning your individuality to radiating confidence in every step . Let's dive in and discover the path to walking tall and embracing your inner runway diva.
Self-Confidence: Embrace your individuality and recognize your own strengths and qualities. Confidence radiates from within, so focus on your positive attributes rather than comparing yourself to others.
Buy yourself some lingerie (if your old enough): Indulge in lingerie shopping for your own pleasure. Choose pieces that make you feel confident and beautiful when you admire yourself in the mirror and confidently strut your stuff. Remember, this is about embracing your own empowerment, not for anyone else's eyes.
3. Positive Mindset: Cultivate a positive attitude by practicing self-love and self-acceptance. Replace negative self-talk with affirmations that reinforce your worth and beauty.
4. Self-Care: Prioritize self-care routines that make you feel good physically, mentally, and emotionally. Engage in activities that nourish your body, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and proper sleep.
5. Fashion and Style: Experiment with fashion and find clothing that makes you feel confident and beautiful. Choose outfits that highlight your favorite features and express your personal style.
6. Confident Body Language: Stand tall, maintain eye contact, and practice open body language. These non-verbal cues can significantly boost your self-confidence and the way you're perceived by others.
7. Buy yourself some perfume:Discover a captivating perfume that resonates with your essence, and let its alluring notes become an extension of your identity. It's not about the price tag; it's about embracing a scent that empowers you and leaves a lasting impression. 8. Stay True to Yourself: Authenticity is key to feeling like a Victoria's Secret Angel. Embrace your uniqueness and let your personality shine through in everything you do. 9. Professional Help: If you're struggling with self-confidence or self-image, consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor. They can provide tools to improve your self-esteem and overall mental well-being.
Remember that beauty comes in many forms, and feeling like a Victoria's Secret Angel is about embracing your unique qualities and confidently expressing yourself. It's essential to prioritize your well-being and happiness above all else.
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Could I get prompt 7 with a female tourist reader passing through Santa Carla with Marko?👀
7. I am freezing, can I borrow your coat?
Absolutely! I hope you like this, and thanks for requesting!💜
In a city like Santa Carla, it was hard to truly stand out. Everyone was their own kind of crazy, and it took a certain something to truly stand out. That's why the town was such a haven for the undead, the unknown, and the unnatural. To stand out, there had to be something unique or special about them - at least for humans. For a vampire, it took less. A certain smell, a certain blood type - or the lack of all of these things.
Maybe that was why Marko had kept an eye on her all night, wondering why his eyes kept being drawn to her. She didn't smell any different than any other women around, she didn't have a rare bloodtype... no, based on scent alone she was just like any other women in the crowd. And yet - he couldn't quite put a finger on it.
I had noticed the stares he gave me, when I joined the crowds. When I went to a small concert at the beach, following the show up with a drink at a bar. Wherever I went, I felt his eyes upon me. And if I was being honest, it unnerved me quite a bit.
When I got out of the bar I saw him staring at me again, little over ten feet away. I took a small breath, deciding that this was it. I walked towards him, head held high, ready to tell him I was done with him being a creep when-
"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" An old woman had bumped right into me, holding what could only be described as a bucket that was once filled with ice cold water. I was totally drenched, shivering as the wind picked up. "You must forgive me, dear, I didn't see you-"
"Yeah," I waved her off, "sure. Don't worry about it." I stepped past her, frowning when I realised that the boy that had been staring wasn't there.
As I walked over the boardwalk, searching for the boy - or man, whatever his age was - I couldn't help but shiver. I was still wet, and the wind was only getting stronger. I couldn't stay like this much longer, and I decided to head in to the next restaurant to see if I could order some tea and some soup to warm up.
The only store that was still open is the Chinese restaurant at the corner of the walk, and with a small sigh I pushed the door open. The smell of rice and noodles hit my nose instantly. I went up to the counter, placing my order for a tea and some noodle soup when I saw him.
"You!" I looked at him. "You've been staring at me all night!"
"I have."
I blinked. He didn't even deny it. That was weird, right?
"You're different."
"Why?" I asked it again, sliding in the seat across from him.
"I don't know."
"I don't like being stared at. If I catch you again, I will -"
"You'll what?" He asked, sounding more curious than threatening. I shrugged slightly.
"I don't know, burn your eyes out, or cut them out or something."
He chuckled. "Then I'll make sure you won't catch me."
I glared at him, causing him to grin. He kept looking at me, taking me in.
"You're shivering."
I bit my tongue as I looked at him. He wanted to play all flirty all night? Fine, I could play that game too.
"I am freezing, can I borrow your coat?"
Now it was his turn to be taken aback.
"Bit forward."
"So is staring."
"It's different."
"It's not, though. I was serious about my question, I feel like I'm turning into an icecube here."
He sighed as he took his jacket of, handing it to me.
"I'm Marko."
I smiled as I took the jacket, putting it on. It was large and incredibly warm - I instantly felt better. When he told me his name, I decided I would tell him mine. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot here.
"Am I really that different?" I asked as the waitress brought me my tea and soup.
"It's mainly your attitude. I can't really describe it."
"But it's obvious enough to stare?"
"You looked back, though."
I nodded as I sipped my tea. "I did. Maybe I wanted to know who I was dealing with."
"What would you have done, if you hadn't been doused with water?"
"I'd probably would have yelled at you, called you a creep and depending on your response I might have hit you in the face."
"You had a plan."
I grinned at him, quite enjoying his presence. "Absolutely. Never go anywhere without it."
"So, what's your plan with my coat?"
"Hm," I thought for a moment, eating some bites of my soup, "I'm keeping it hostage."
"You're keeping my coat hostage?"
"That way you have a definite reason to pick me up tomorrow evening."
I smiled at him causing him to laugh. Yeah, as unnerving as his staring had been, he was fun. The banter had been proof of that.
"Alright. How about I also drop you off tonight?"
"I wouldn't mind that. But I'm still keeping your jacket."
"I'll take it back tomorrow."
"We'll see," I grinned, placing some bills on the table and standing up. His order was called out, and he led me outside to his bike.
Marko grinned as he felt her arms wrapped tightly around him. He still wasn't sure what she was to him or why, but he knew that he wouldn't kill her. Something about her made it impossible to do so. Besides, he liked her company. As he drove through the streets towards her motel, he couldn't help but feel as if this was all somehow exactly how it was supposed to be.
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milla-frenchy · 1 year
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Roads part 7
6k4 | Joel Miller x fem reader Chapt summary: you and Joel's paths cross again, 3 years after the breakup Warnings: 18+ mdni. Infidelity (+ "phone infidelity"), spitting, oral (f/m receving), unprotected piv, ass play, rimming, creampie, ball sucking, cum eating, angst, flashbacks a/n: last chapter of the series. Thank you so much @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog ❤️❤️❤️ Not only for beta-ing me, but for helping me with this last chapter. I struggled a lot with this one. I love you bébé 🫶💕 Spotify playlist | ao3 | Series masterlist | Masterlist
Part 6
You froze when you heard him. You had prepared yourself for the idea of possibly meeting him near Tommy and Maria's house, but not here, in front of the hotel.
You felt your heart racing and your mind thinking about a hundred things at the same time. And the longer you waited, the worse it got.
You wanted to stare at him straight away. Show that the three years were enough to get over him. You took a breath and turned,
“Hey, Joel.”
He smiled warmly.
And of course, he was still as handsome as ever.
Of course, his brown curls, his brown eyes, his dimples were beautiful as always. 
Of course, he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt that hugged his biceps and showed off his broad shoulders.
Fuck… you thought.
It took all the energy you could muster to pull yourself together.
“How are you, sweetheart?”
Of course, his voice was as deep and drawling as ever. Fuck. 
You smiled, “I’m fine. What about you?”
“I’m fine. So glad to see ya."
He took a step closer, and you said “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Yeah…I guess.”
You stayed for a few seconds without speaking, and then you said to him “well...”
“Wait,” he replied. You didn’t move, waiting to hear what he had to say.
“Do you wanna have a drink with me?”
You raised an eyebrow, surprised by the proposition.
“A drink?”, you repeated.
“We have a lot to talk about”, he said, still smiling.
You felt your answer coming, and you thought it might be the worst idea of your life. You saw yourself years ago, at home, when your hands had brushed each other’s for the first time, and you hadn’t been able to resist temptation.
"That's true. Okay, fine."
"Is tomorrow ok? Coffee, my place at 10am?"
"Sure. Do you still live in the same place?"
"I sure do. See you tomorrow, then, sweetheart."
“See you tomorrow, Joel.”
You entered the hotel, and as you walked down the lobby, you were relieved that he hadn't suggested going to a pub. You didn't want to see any familiar people there. Yet you weren’t sure about coming back  to his place.
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The next day, at 10 a.m., you knocked at his door. You had arrived a few minutes before, trying to prepare for this coming moment. You hadn't slept well, hesitating for a long time to go. You knew the emotional risk you were taking, but every piece of evidence that this was a bad idea was washed away by this damn inability to resist temptation. To resist the urge to know what was going to happen. Aware that this moment could hurt you.
He opened the door, smiled at you, and said “Always so punctual.”
You kissed each other on the cheeks, and his scent - not just his scent, but his smell - reached your nostrils.
“Come on in, please.”
You entered. Nothing had changed in the living room. Your photo was still there. You didn't know what to think about it. You sat down on the couch.
“So how are you doing, sweetheart?”
"I'm doing well. The work is great, things are going very well." You bit your lip, aware of what your sentence implied. You had been at his house for a few minutes and his calm and controlling attitude was taking power over you. You tried to regain control of yourself.
“And how is your work going?”
"Very good. The business is successful. We have several projects underway and some others planned."
"I'm happy for you and Tommy."
He smiled, and asked “Coffee?”
“Yeah sure.”
He went into the kitchen and you felt very uncomfortable. When he came back, you could hear the coffee running in the coffee maker.
"Huh, listen... I don't know if it's a good idea to be here. I don't know why I'm here actually. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but... I was surprised by your invitation and I don’t know how to act now.”
“'m sorry. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I was happy to see you and��� I imagine a lot of memories came back. And… you know I always loved… enjoyed our conversations. I couldn't help but offer you a coffee, so we could talk a little. Is that okay?”
You were definitely NOT ok. Your hands were shaking and he saw it.
“Oh, sweetheart! I’m sorry I-”
“No, that’s ok,” you smiled sadly.
“Let me bring the coffee.”
You stayed on the couch, stunned. You couldn’t believe how terrible your handling of the situation was. Everything inside you collapsed, and you watched the scene helplessly.
Your phone rang but he didn't hear you answer. When he came back, you were heading towards the front door.
“I’m sorry Joel I… it was a mistake to come here. I should go.”
“No, darlin’, please.”
“Don’t call me that.” There was only desperation in your voice. The feeling of having betrayed yourself by coming to his house, knowing full well that it was a bad idea. It was even worse than you could have imagined, your weakness made you want to vomit.
He grabbed your wrist as you turned towards the door and you didn’t even try to push him away. You turned towards him, face down, and he saw a tear running down your cheek.
“Oh, baby...”
He took you in his arms. You wanted to pull away but he tightened his grip. Not too strong. Not forced. Just enough to make you understand that he really, sincerely wanted to console you.
You finally released the tension, letting yourself go into his arms and hugging his waist with yours. Then you pulled away, and he let you step back.
“Fuck… I’m sorry, Joel. It makes me emotional to see you. I thought I would have handled it better.”
He took your face in his hands and raised it to his. The feeling felt so familiar to you that you didn't even think about stopping his action.
“Listen to me, sweetheart. You know I didn't come across you by chance. I wanted to see you. Not to hurt you. I knew it was now or never. I have never gone against your wish not to contact you. And when I let some time pass, at the time, and I wanted to go to your house - even if you wouldn't have liked it - I found it empty. No curtains on the windows. You were gone, and I felt empty. Although I understood that you needed to cut ties with everything. As you can see, I acted differently.” He moved his head scanning the room, finally stopping at the photo of the two of you on the sideboard.
You were lost. So lost. It would be so easy to let go of everything, let go of your fears, forget why you broke up. Kiss him. You were intoxicated with him, and it came back so quickly. As if you had seen each other the day before, still being together. You wanted to let him comfort you, let his arms wrap around you, listen to everything he had to say. Whatever song it would be. Anything that would make you feel good, right now. But flashbacks hit your thoughts, and hit your heart. There was no point in lying to yourself about the ambivalence of your feelings right away. There was no point making him believe you were strong, that you no longer felt anything. He must have felt the opposite 2 minutes after you entered his home. So you played the transparency card, because you knew that despite your history, he could hear it, and there was no point in lying to him. Not when you were face to face, your cheeks in his hands again, and his deep gaze on you.
“Listen, Joel... Our break up has been really hard for me. I'm sorry I didn't want to show you all that. I'm such a mess right now and I don't have the right to show you that side. So that's why it would be better if I left."
"Don't say that, please. Please don't leave. I know that our break up has been brutal. I've been a coward, you were right. I was so afraid of my feelings that I didn't know what else to do. All this time I haven’t been able to forget you."
"Stop it, please."
Your phone rang again.
"You wanna answer?"
You shook your head.
"Listen. I'm not trying to hurt you. I never wanted to. Can we just... spend the morning ? And talk?"
"It's not a good idea."
"I miss you."
"Fuck, no. Don't tell me that. You… you don't have the right to tell me that. You ended our relationship. You had your reasons, and it happened. But don't tell me that.”
“I ended it not because I didn't love you anymore. I did it because I loved you too much.”
“It's fucking bullshit, Joel. It’s immature as fuck. I thought so then and I still think so now.”
You shook your head. “It’s pointless.” You pulled away from him and he grabbed your wrist again.
“Fuck, Joel…I’ve been through hell. I can't go back there.”
He removed his hand, but said “I’ll let you go, if I’m sure that’s what you want.”
"Excuse me?"
“I hear what you say to me, but I feel something else. Your body, and your heart, say the exact opposite of what your mind says. And… right now, I just wanna hold you against me.”
“Are you mad? After what I just told you? Don’t you even care?”
He approached slowly, and placed his hand on your cheek. Without you backing down.
“Stronger than me, sweetheart.”
He placed his hand on your lower back, and kissed you gently before pulling back and saying again, “I can’t help myself,” in a soft voice. “I hear what you say to me, but I see the way your body reacts. Your mind speaks, but so does your heart. And they say the opposite. I'm not trying to trick you. But what we had is still there. You feel it too, don’t you? You’re fighting it, but you feel it.”
You stared at each other and felt a tear run down your cheek. He wiped it with his thumb.
“Remember when you used to ask me who I belonged to when we fucked, Joel? That no one could fuck me like you? You were right. No one can. How pathetic is that?”
“It’s the same for me, darlin’.”
He kissed you again, and after a few seconds you placed your hand on his neck before pressing yourself against him.
“You’re gonna break my heart again”, you said.
“I don’t wanna do that. Trust me, baby, ok?”
He took your hand and you said “Joel… Besides what I told you, there is something else. I am not single. Part of me doesn't care, obviously.”
“Is it serious? Or is it someone I know?”
He couldn't say his name.
“Someone you know.”
He frowned and took your hand. “We’ll talk and deal with it later.”
“Are you in a relationship?”
"No. I haven't been since you. Nothing serious.”
You looked at him, and you knew that it was over for you. He was right. Your mind and your heart were polar opposites, and your mind was no longer a match. You wanted to feel him against you. Feel his reassuring embrace. You wanted to feel his mouth and his hands on you. The consequences didn't matter, just as in the beginning of your relationship.
He held out his hand to you and you slipped into his arms. Nose in his neck. You thought you'd never smell him again. Never feel his skin under your fingers again. His hands on your back.
You couldn't stop him anymore. Couldn’t stop you either. The memories were rushing through your head. The good ones, and there were a lot of them.
You kissed, and when you pulled away from him, you took his hand and looked at him, before leading him towards his bedroom.
Once in the room, you placed your phone on the nightstand. The photo you took one morning was still there. He reached for you and held you in his arms. You felt his cock against you. Hard. You groaned. The sensation made your panties immediately wet. God, how much you missed it.
“I need to feel you, baby, I really, really missed you. When I saw you yesterday, my heart leapt in my chest. I need to touch you and kiss you. Is that okay?”
In response, you put your arms around his shoulders and buried your face in his neck again, before rubbing your cheek against his.
“Fuck, I missed you so much, sweetheart.”
He hugged you tighter against him again. Joel's heart was on the verge of implosion. He took your hand in his before placing it against his chest. “You feel that?”
You nodded.
“Do you want me to stop?”
You shook your head.
He looked at you and stroked your hair. He kissed your forehead then your cheek. He looked at you again, to check how you were doing. But you had switched. You just wanted to feel good, right away.
“Kiss me,” you said.
And he kissed you. Slowly, like you were a lost treasure that he had just found. And you breathed each other. You brushed your noses together, to remember the sensations from before. He looked at you, and you were so fragile in that moment.
“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry for what I’ve done.”
You looked at each other intensely and he hugged you again. You pressed your pussy against his cock. And the physical tension rose, strong.
He took off your shirt, then his own, before holding you against him and feeling your skin. He removed your bra and took your breasts in his hands, caressing them gently. His mouth came down to take one of your nipples, and you slipped your hands into his hair, moaning.
Then he stepped back, and took off his jeans and boxers at the same time. You looked down and gasped when you saw his cock again. His big cock, which had made you cum so many times.
You were unable to move, so he came closer to you and took off your pants.
He left your panties on, first. He looked at you, kneeling in front of you and you caressed his cheek.
He placed a kiss on your pussy, covered by your panties. You shook.
He slid your panties down your legs before removing them completely. His nose slipped between your folds, before coming to caress your clit.
“Fuck,” you said. “Joel….”
“Shhh, baby,” he replied, before getting up and leading you to the bed, holding your hand. He asked you to lie down then settled himself between your legs and placed his hand against your pussy, feeling its warmth and wetness. He swallowed and said “Fuck, sweetheart… can’t believe I’m gonna eat you again.”
He placed his large hands on the inside of your thighs and pressed them so that you spread them even further. You were completely open, your pussy glistening with your wetness.
He grunted and said “Fuck. You’re so fuckin' soaked.”
His mouth came to rest against your hole, and as he breathed through his nose, his tongue slipped inside your folds. You instantly arched your back, finding that familiar feeling again. No mouth, no tongue, could fuck you as well as he did. And in that moment, it didn't make you sad anymore. You were just enjoying the thousand sensations coursing through your body. You tried to press your thighs even more against the bed, to open yourself even more. Letting him search every corner of you. Giving him as much access as possible.
He licked your clit gently, with the tip of his tongue, while his hands held your pussy open in the filthiest way possible.
He pulled back to look at your pussy. “God I missed it, baby. So much. You taste so good.”
He ran his tongue from your hole to your clit, collecting all the wetness he could. “Fuck…”
He became more and more feral, not knowing if he wanted to focus on your clit or your wet hole. He alternated between the two of them, until he slipped a finger into your pussy, and added his tongue at the same time, fucking you with both of them, spreading you open with his hand.
“You missed it, baby?”
“Yeah… yeah I missed it, Joel.”
He added a second finger, before focusing his tongue on your clit. He heard your breathing quicken. Your hands, caught in his hair, contracted more and more.
“Be a good girl for me, come on my tongue”, he murmured.
He fucked you faster with his fingers, held his mouth around your clit and swirled his tongue around and over it, until the orgasm gripped you. Your pussy clenched around his fingers and you dug your nails into his scalp, saying “oh my god…fuck.” He removed his fingers from your hole and replaced them with his tongue, lapping up all of your wetness until your spasms stopped.
He kissed you, and slid his fingers between your lips. Your tongues sought each other between his fingers.
"I'm gonna fuck you now baby."
“Wait… I wanna taste you too.”
"Later baby, ok? Later I'll fuck this pretty mouth. But right now I wanna fuck your pussy. My cock wanna hear your pussy screaming for it."
You looked at him and nodded.
He lined himself up at the entrance to your pussy, and pressed gently to get his tip inside. You gasped, at the feeling of his thick cock entering you.
“Are you ok, sweetheart?”
“Yeah baby, don’t worry. I can take it.”
He nodded, and pushed again, gently, without stopping. Inch by inch, his gaze boring into yours the whole time. Until he hit the bottom. He kissed you, cock buried deep in your pussy.
Then he pulled back slowly, before thrusting in again, harder. You felt his balls tapping against your pussy. He hooked his arms under your shoulders, using them as leverage to fuck you harder. You moaned into his ear, your arms wrapped around him.
Your phone rang again. He watched the name appear and frowned as you turned your face towards him.
“Answer”, he growled.
"We don't want him to worry about you, baby. Right? Pick up, and tell him you're ok."
It was fucking twisted, you knew it. But his possessive side was turning you on. So you picked up.
"Hello?" "Hey, love. I was worried, couldn't reach you. Are you ok?" Joel grabbed your chin with his hand making you look at him. “Y…Yeah, I’m ok. Sorry,” you said. Joel put his hand over your mouth and pounded you, eyes fixed on yours. It was his way of making you understand that after all these years, you were still his. And you couldn't deny it. The minute he fucked you again, you knew it too. You could never belong to someone else as you belonged to him. As you were his. You were dazed and didn't even try to remove his hand or to make him understand that he had to stop, that it was fucked up. You barely heard what Stefan was saying to you. Joel slowed down and then removed his hand. “Sorry, what?” you said. “Are you sure you’re ok?” Joel had his hand back on your mouth and was pounding you again, harder. Looking at you so intensely. Then he removed his hand again and gestured for you to answer your boyfriend. “Yeah. Sorry I'm at Tommy and Maria's. I’ll call you later, okay?” “Okay, love. Be safe.” He hung up.
“Fuck, Joel…”
“Now he won’t worry anymore.”
His eyes were darker than ever. He kissed you then withdrew almost entirely, before sinking into you all the way. You groaned.
“Touch yourself,” he said.
You wet your finger in your mouth before rubbing your clit, while he moved away to look at your finger, and your bodies which were one.
“Joel… I’m gonna… I’m gonna cum.”
“Together, baby.”
You nodded. And you came together, his cock buried in your pussy. You barely heard him say “Good Girl. My fuckin… good girl.”
He stayed inside you, wanting to feel you as long as possible, and said “Jesus, baby….”
He finally pulled out and lay against you, holding you in his arms.
“God, it feels like yesterday.” You looked at each other and smiled.
You stayed like that for a few minutes, without speaking. Then you said softly “I’ve never cheated before.” He took your chin in his hand to lift your face and kissed you.
“I know. I’m sorry sweetheart.”
He looked at you like you were setting a trap for him then he sighed before replying “I know I was an ass about him. That I didn't handle things the right way. Tommy told me about him and said you smiled less around him. I imagine that played a role.”
“I didn’t know he told you that?”
“It doesn’t matter. I can’t say I wouldn’t have acted the way I did, in any case.”
You ended up falling asleep. As if finding yourself had made all your senses relax, all the tensions in your bodies dissipate. He woke up a couple hours later, the rays of the early afternoon sun warming the room. He was alone in the bed. He got up, and entering the living room, he saw you lying on the sofa, facing the window, under a blanket.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah…I got thirsty and fell in love with the view. Again."
“Can’t blame you. May I?”
You sat up to make room for him and he sat behind you, his arm draping over your chest so you leaned against him. You were both naked.
Both of you were looking at the window, the wind was making the branches of the trees dance.
He stroked your arm gently, and rolled your hair between his fingers.
You didn’t speak, just enjoying the moment.
Then you stood up and held out your hand, asking him to go back to the bedroom with you. He followed you as you walked before him. His gaze landed on your ass and his already semi hard cock became hard instantly.
Once in the bedroom, you turned around and saw his eyes on your ass, then on your pussy. You saw his erected cock. You stared at each other.
“Lie down on the bed,” you told him.
Once he was lying down, you came to straddle him, grabbed his cock in your hand and impaled yourself on it in one go, slowly. 
“Oh, god,” you said, “Your cock is so fucking thick, Joel.”
He looked at you, biting his lip, hands on your hips. In love. As if you two never broke up.
You leaned towards him and pressed his chin to make him open his mouth. You continued to roll your hips, riding him. Your eyes fixed on his, you made your saliva drip into his mouth. “Fuck babe… I love that”, he said after swallowing it. You heard him moan as your tongue entered his mouth and caressed his.
“Fuck, sweetheart, it’s so good… I missed you so much.”
“Joel…we’re not…”
“I know, baby. I know.”
You didn’t know how to handle these words, which already called for an “after”. You didn’t want to think about “after”.
You tilted your pelvis so that your clit rubbed against his lower stomach, and you grabbed his cheeks in your hands before kissing him. You moaned into his mouth. He caught your tongue between his lips and sucked on it, before releasing it and nibbling your upper lip.
You straightened your torso to stand up straight, and for his cock to go deeper inside you. His hands, previously placed on your hips, came to cover your breasts.
“Touch me Joel, please.”
He placed his thumb against your clit and twirled it under his finger, and you placed one of your hands on one breast, and the other on his own hand, still covering your breast.
“Oh Joel…”
“Come for me, I got ya. You’re doing so well, darlin’.”
Your upcoming orgasm washed over you even faster, hearing him. Unable to continue your movements, he took over, rolling his hips gently while you came, collapsing on his chest.
“I wanna fuck you rough now, baby. On all fours.”
“You’re so beautiful, baby…” he said, watching you on your hands and knees.
He took his cock in his hand, before pressing it against your pussy. He hesitated and pulled back, before coming to lick you from your pussy to your asshole. You groaned, and bent your elbows, resting on your forearms with your ass in the air. Giving him free access.
You heard him groan too, as he spread your ass cheeks with his hands and continued to lick you up and down. Then, lingering more and more on your ass.
“You missed that too, baby?”
“Yeah… continue, please. Get your tongue in my ass, Joel.”
He focused on your ass, pressing his tongue against it then working it in little by little.
“I can’t wait any longer sweetheart…need to fuck you.”
He came to position himself at the entrance to your pussy and penetrated you suddenly, his hands clinging to your hips. In one go, as he loved to do. And how you loved it too, in a way that left you breathless.
He dropped his saliva onto your ass, watching the thin stream slide down to your ring. He pressed it in with his thumb and pushed his first knuckle into you.
You bit the pillow from the sensations you felt.
“You’re gonna give me another darlin’,” he told you.
“I…I don’t know if I can, Joel.”
“Of course you can, baby.”
He slid his hand up to reach your clit, and changed the angle as he fucked you, to tap against your G spot. He was fucking you so rough, so hard and deep.
“Fuck…damn, Joel.”
The emotions you felt began to overwhelm you and you were no longer able to formalize what you felt, unable to articulate meaningful words.
“Oh, baby… I missed fucking you stupid like that. Come on my cock baby. Now. Come for me.”
His voice was softer and lower than ever. You released yourself, and even though you thought you wouldn't make it, another orgasm was coming.
“Fuck yeah baby… I knew you could give me another one. Come on baby. Come on my fucking cock.”
He began to spurt his cum into you, his spasms triggering your own orgasm. The spasms of your pussy milked his cock as he stayed buried as deep as possible inside you.
Both of you showered, like you did before, so often. Washing each other. You slid his cock into your soap covered hand. You ran your hand between his balls, eyes fixed on him.
The rest of the day passed with you talking, sitting on the couch. About Sarah, your job, your apartment. You didn't mention the rest. Not your feelings, not what would happen next. Joel asked you if you wanted to sleep at his place and you went to the bedroom, even though it was still early. You faced each other, his hand resting on your hip.
“You promised me something this morning,” you told him, as you gently pressed his shoulder so that he rolled onto his back.
“Take what you want from me, sweetheart.”
You smiled, as you settled down, your head between his legs. You took his cock in your hand before jerking him off. “I missed that cock, baby”, before adding “I want what’s mine.”
He looked at you, with dark eyes, and he placed his hand on yours, accompanying your movement.
You looked at him before running your tongue over his tip, collecting his precum on your tongue. You swallowed, getting his salty taste in your throat, before placing your lips around the tip of his cock.
You sucked on him, your mouth moving further and further down his shaft. His hand remained placed on yours.
“I missed your mouth, baby. No one can blow me so good.”
You groaned, hearing him, trying to freeze the thought in his mind. You looked at him before coming to caress his balls with your free hand. You released your mouth from his cock and ran your tongue from the top to the bottom of his shaft. You swallowed one ball with your lips, continuing to jerk him, before moving on to the other.
“Fuck, darlin’,” he said.
“You’re gonna come in my mouth, baby?”
“Yeah… gonna ruin your mouth with my load.”
“Go on, Joel. Fill my mouth.”
You took him back in your mouth and let him jerk off, the tip resting on your tongue.
“Fuck… Fuck, baby… I’m gonna fill your mouth. Such a good girl for me. I want you to swallow all of it, OK?"
You stuck out your tongue even more visibly and waited.
“Fuck… I’m gonna… Oh god…”
Cum spurted out against the back of your throat. You closed your lips around his cock and kept your eyes fixed on him as you swallowed every last drop.
“Fucking hell, babe…come here.”
You crawled towards him to kiss him, mixing your saliva and the rest of his cum. You pressed yourself against him, his arms embracing you.
The sun was setting and the room was filled with darkness.
“We need to talk Joel… I think.”
“Sure, sweetheart.”
“Like I told you, I went through hell. Literally. I don't want to go back there. The separation that we experienced will happen again. Because things are the same as they were three years ago. So… can we agree that this won’t happen again? We enjoy this moment, and we tell ourselves that it won't happen again.”
“Can we take a moment to slow down? Just… enjoy the moment and talk about it all with a clear head? I don't want it to end, baby. I didn’t do it to let you go. I don’t wanna let you go. Spend the night with me. Please. And we’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
“Okay,” you said.
You were tired, and weren’t sure if discussing it coldly would change things. You didn't know how the root of the problem could go away.
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Joel woke up during the night, your place was cold.
He went into the living room, but you weren't there.
He felt his heart tighten and anxiety overcome him as he returned to the bedroom. He saw a paper you left on the nightstand “I can’t. I'm sorry."
You left while he was sleeping. He held his head between his hands, desperate. He knew he really screwed up the day your relationship exploded. He was afraid of everything and thought it would be easier to be apart, to ignore his feelings, and to silence the fear of losing you.
But feelings don't work that way. They always come back to hit us, in the more or less long term. For him, it came back quickly. The time to let go of his fears and let his heart feel again. And he was hurt. Badly.
Having realized his mistake he came to your house a few weeks later. Ready to do anything to get you back. As he parked in front of your house, he couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. The house seemed empty. The mailbox was full of flyers. “No!” he thought. He ran to your window to look into the living room. Empty. He hit the tile and thought he was going to fall to his knees in the street. He ran back to his car and went to Tommy and Maria's house. He pounded on their door until it opened, Tommy in front of him. “Where is she?” Joel asked.  Tommy stepped aside to let him pass. “She’s gone, Joel.” Joel grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall.  “What the fuck, Joel?” Maria shouted. “What do you mean she’s gone?” He wasn't listening. He couldn't listen. Tommy grabbed Joel’s wrists and pulled himself free. Joel's face was twisted in pain. “She’s gone. She couldn’t stay there any longer.” “Why didn’t you tell me?” “Because she didn’t want to. And she warned me at the last moment.” "It's impossible.... Tommy… Fuck… Do you have her address?” "No. Not for the moment. And if I had it I wouldn’t give it to you. But Joel… She left the town, and changed jobs.” "What?" “She did everything by herself.” “How long have you known?” "One week. After she moved.” “And you haven’t said anything to me this whole time? It’s a fucking nightmare.” “Really, Joel?” Maria said. Joel looked at her, taken aback. “Are you really surprised that she wanted to put distance between you? That she wanted you to disappear from her life? Are you that blind?” “You have no idea what you’re talking about. You don’t know anything about our story.” “Really, Joel? I know enough to know that you hurt her more than anyone. You hated her ex but he didn’t hurt her. He may have taken away her smile, but you took away her oxygen. You've been way worse to her than anyone.” “Maria!” Tommy said. "That's enough." Joel plopped down on the couch. “Listen, Joel, she made me promise to ask you not to call her. She doesn't want to hear from you anymore. It’s her way of handling things and protecting herself. You have to respect that. It's over."
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Your note in his hand, he thought back to that moment at Tommy and Maria's.
The fact that he respected your request. He hadn't contacted you, fearing that you would change your number. He preferred to still have this bond with you, even if he didn't use it.
The days and weeks following your departure, he was a wreck. He threw himself into work, but he never wanted to forget you. He left everything as it was at home. Photos included.
Until yesterday.
Until now. And this time, he wasn’t going to let you go without fighting.
He took his keys and drove to your hotel. Hoping you would still be there.
He knocked on your door. Luckily the number had come up in the conversation the day before. You smiled because it was the same number as the day Tommy and Maria’s baby was born.
“Who’s there?”, you asked.
“It’s me.”
You sighed and opened the door.
“Joel…why are you doing this?” You were tired and sad. You stepped aside to let him in.
“I know I screwed up 3 years ago. We have to burst the abscess. We need to talk about it and tell each other everything.”
“I don’t think there is more to say. You don't want to commit, you're afraid of losing the people you care about. We broke up twice because of this. I don’t want a third time.”
“I am no longer the same. I have changed in the last three years. Our breakup, your departure, they changed me. I realized that you were really gone. That I messed up by not fighting for us.”
“I gave you everything - heart, mind, soul and body. After our breakup I felt empty. When I fuck someone I miss you. What we had. I'm in half of my life and I feel that we missed each other. We crossed, but we missed. It's so fucking sad and pathetic, knowing that I feel empty when I fuck someone, no matter who the person is."
"I won't let you go without doing anything I can this time. I will do everything I can to keep you with me. Can I ask you a question? Without ulterior motives.”
“Why do you say you can't give us another chance, when you and Stefan broke up several times? And now you're back with him again? Why could you try several times with him, and not with me?”
“Because I don’t feel the same for him. I don't risk anything with him, emotionally. It’s meaningless.”
“Is that what you want? Meaningless?”
“No. Of course not. You know it. It's just… easier, in a way. But I would never have got back with him while we were together.”
He nodded.
“I won’t let you go. Not this time,” he murmured.
“It’s… it’s not really up to you.” You hesitated when answering, because of the confidence in his voice.
“I can’t let you go without trying again.”
You sighed.
“I'm fucking exhausted. D'ya wanna go to sleep?”
He didn’t see that coming, but he was glad you proposed. “Sure.”
In bed, you turned on the other side, wearing a shirt and panties.
He didn't want to pressure you so he kept his distance from you and fell asleep. He woke up a few times that night, and he watched you sleep. 
He was struggling, not touching you. He fell asleep again.
Once, you woke up when he was sleeping. You looked at him. You were still in love with him. Deeply. You knew it, deep inside. And you were wondering if you shouldn't let go of your decision. If you shouldn't do what your core wanted- go back with him, no matter what.
You wanted to touch his cheek, but you turned on the other side.
You woke up again, a few hours later. He was asleep pressed against you, your back to his chest. His cock rested against your ass, in his boxers. You stroked his hand and heard him groan, as he was waking up. You turned towards him.
“Sorry,” he said. “I must have… hugged you in my sleep.”
“You really wanna fight for us?”
He looked at you intensely. “Yes, sweetheart. I swear."
You hugged him, nuzzling against him. He kissed your forehead. 
“Okay,” you said.
You had no certainty. You didn't know what the future would bring. But if you could overcome his demons and yours, you figured it was worth a try.
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“Don't blame me, love made me crazy If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right Lord, save me, my drug is my baby I'll be usin' for the rest of my life”
(Taylor Swift - Don’t blame me”)
********************** Thank you for reading 🙏 Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated ❤️
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ox-imagines · 3 months
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I'm Yours (In This Life and the Next)
Pt. 1 | Zenji x reader/OC (Tokyo Debunker)
!! Major spoilers for chapter five of TDB ahead !!
Content warnings: mentions of death
Before my eyes opened, I could smell that something was off. The air was sterile, scented with metal and fresh cloth and… something else I couldn’t quite place, but I was definitely somewhere medical. My whole body felt a general achiness, my neck stiff and sore and my head pounding. Finally, my eyes blinked open. I squinted at the fluorescent lighting, trying to remember what had happened, how I could’ve possibly gotten here.
It was a lovely day out. The sun was gently blanketed by clouds, providing the ideal amount of light as I walked arm-in-arm with Zenji through a secluded part of the Darkwick campus. I’d started at Darkwick the previous school year, having just moved to Japan in order to attend the prestigious academy as a ghoul student. I wasn’t exactly outgoing and being in a new country didn’t help, but getting placed in Hotarubi seemed like a lucky break for me; the other two ghouls, who were also first-years, and all the general students I’d interacted with were so friendly and good-intentioned. Zenji was a particular help in getting me settled here. He was an odd boy, a bit eccentric with a flair for the dramatic, but also one of the most understanding, caring people I’d ever met. Lively ruby-red eyes, shiny deep-purple hair, a touch of eyeliner and lavender eyeshadow, with unique yet fashionable style and a stunningly sweet smile; that was Zenji. Needless to say it didn’t take long for me to completely fall for him. We ended up spending almost every day together, studying side by side, sharing our projects, occasionally getting R&R permits to go on little off-campus dates and day trips so he could show me his favorite places.
Over the spring break between academic years, I'd gone back home and missed being with him, but we texted and called when we could, working around the timezone difference. When we returned this year, it was like we’d never been apart. Haku, a fellow second-year ghoul from Frostheim, transferred to Hotarubi and his easygoing attitude quickly espoused him to our whole house. Zenji also made friends with a sweet, playful new ghoul from Jabberwock named Towa and we spent some of our days with him. Often though, it was still just us. I tried to ground my thoughts and remember the last thing that had happened. The birds were singing quietly as we walked, Zenji rambling about his latest novel idea. That’s how things usually went: I was content to listen to him and give him whatever feedback he wanted, and he was almost always bright and talkative, though always sensitive enough to know when silence was valuable. Even with the chaos and warring going on between the houses this year, his spirits couldn’t seem to be dampened. He seemed particularly vibrant today though… was it today? How did I get here?
All I could remember was him, his crimson eyes glittering, shining with adoration as he looked down at me, watching my reactions to his grand ideas. The warmth of his arm around mine, the lilt of his deep voice, the way he leaned in to gently kiss my cheek and the way his breath tickled my ear as he did so. The dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves added to his magnificence. And then… And then?
The ground trembled softly, Zenji’s hold on me tightening and his bright eyes clouding with alarm as he looked around. The ground started shaking harder, and over the crest of the horizon line a massive anomalous creature resembling a rhino approached. That wasn’t good. The other few students scattered around the lawn screamed and ran, one of them not lucky enough to escape the anomaly’s angered rampage and getting trampled with a sickening crunch. Zenji’s hand slid down and clasped onto mine tightly. “Run. We can’t outrun it, but maybe it’ll go the other way.” He was often a worrier, but the dark concern in his quivering voice didn’t belong there. Though he wasn’t particularly athletic, his long legs moved quickly to try and carry him away, his hand in mine pulling me along with him as I tried to catch up.
“Shit,” I gasped out, unsure whether or not we were successfully escaping the beast but unwilling to look over my shoulder.
“Shit,” Zenji nodded in agreement, one of the very few times I’d ever heard him curse. He did look behind us and his expression told me everything I needed to know. “Leia, don’t let go,” the fear in his voice and eyes chilled me and I held his hand tighter, his own grip on mine almost painful. “Keep running, don’t look back.”
A heavy force hit me hard from the back. I went flying and my hand slipped from Zenji’s. My conciousness faded as I hit a tree.
My heart was pounding and my mouth was dry; I tried to sit up, but a harsh pain in my side stopped me. Some machine I was attached to started beeping and Yuri, a first-year Mortkranken student with a cold, stern air about him and aqua hair that matched his house’s color, appeared promptly with a clipboard. He checked the beeping machine to record my vitals, not saying anything.
“Where, where is he? Where’s Zenji? Yuri…”
He turned to me, wearing an odd look I couldn’t quite discern. “Haku’s here, he’s been waiting for you to wake up. I’ll let you talk to him.” Yuri left just as quickly as he’d arrived. Moments later, a familiar figure stepped into the doorway, stringy green hair hanging over sad eyes and a bittersweet smile.
“Hey,” Haku stepped closer, clearing his throat softly and settling into the chair at my bedside. “You’re up; how do you feel?”
“I, I don’t know, sore? Haku, is Zenji okay?” At my sides, my hands were trembling. I looked down and noticed there were little crescent-shaped bruises on one of them from Zenji’s nails, from the way he’d held on to it so tightly as we’d ran.
Haku’s smile faltered and he looked down. “Leia, he’s… he’s gone. I’m sorry.”
“No. No,” I shook my head. “What do you mean, ‘gone?’ He had to be taken off campus for treatment?”
“Leia…” The boy reached into his pocket, holding something out to me. I held a shaking hand out.
It was Zenji’s necklace and glasses lanyard. I felt like I might be sick.
“His glasses themselves were broken, but,” Haku trailed off, shrugging and rubbing his neck.
I wanted to laugh, to tell him to fuck off with his stupid jokes and tell me when I could see Zenji, but the look in Haku’s eyes told me he was fully serious. “Oh, God,” the pain in my chest was so much worse than any of the other pain in my aching body. “Please,” I whined, my throat tightening. Hot tears ran down my cheeks without me even registering that I was crying.
Haku glanced at the spot between us, his golden gaze flickering, conflicted. He stood and strode over to the door, quietly shutting it. “Leia, the university can’t know this or they’ll make me put him to rest, but…” he carefully sat on the edge of my bed and took my hand that still held Zenji’s belongings. “Close your eyes, hold onto those tightly, and think of Zenji.”
I did as he said without having a clue what was happening and he began playing his flute. My hand was shaking, closed around the trinkets that Zenji virtually always wore, tears spilling silently from my eyes as I kept them squeezed shut. Suddenly, the very familiar sound of a certain stringed instrument joined Haku’s flute: Zenji’s biwa. Instinctually, I almost opened my eyes, but Haku rested a steadying hand on my arm.
The music stopped.
“Oh, my dear, I hate seeing you like this. I hope Haku is right about this working.”
“Zenji?” I cried, my eyes flying open as I lurched forward in the bed, ignoring the sharp pain in my side. Zenji sat at the foot of my bed, his clear porcelain skin puffy and red as if he’d been crying too. As he realized I could see and hear him, a wide grin split his face and his chest shook with something between a laugh and a sob as tears of joy gathered in his eyes. He leapt forward with his arms open.
My smile fell a bit as I felt a cool breeze rather than Zenji’s warm embrace. He’d passed through me rather than hugging me. “Oh,” he sat back, his crimson eyes saddening. He carefully reached out and my cheek felt cold where his hand was, his thumb brushing under my eye. “I’m so sorry this happened, my dearest.” 
I resisted the urge to lean into his touch, knowing I’d just pass through his hand if I did. I closed my eyes and let out a deep, shaky sigh. “It’s okay, baby. It’s just something new to figure out. I’m just happy I still have you, even if it’s in a different capacity.” That was partially a lie. I doubted he’d pick up on it, but Haku surely would have. How could I be happy with this? Zenji was only 19, and was a font of creativity and life and love; he didn’t deserve this, didn’t deserve to die so young.
“I will say,” Haku interrupted after a moment. “With some time and practice, you should be able to feel his touch, properly. Zenji, you’ve already figured out you can interact with inanimate objects when you want to and when you concentrate on trying to, and human contact will essentially work the same way. Have you heard of spirits physically attacking people? It’s the same premise, although vengeful spirits are usually tied to the physical realm more than you are, Zenji.”
By that point, I was only half-listening to Haku. My mind was racing, trying to figure out some way to fix this. I spent a decent amount of time with the Mortkranken ghouls, I’d always had a penchant for science and the morally grey ethics to match theirs, I just had a stronger tendency towards artistry that had landed me in Hotarubi. Between me and Yuri, we could surely deliberate a solution for Zenji, even if it was questionable at best.
“What if we found a way to make him, I don’t know, ‘real’ again?” I turned to Haku, trying to place my hand over Zenji’s on my lap and sighing as I once again passed through him. I flipped my hand over so he could set his on it.
“What did you have in mind, my dear?” Zenji’s voice held a note of skepticism, but his eyes shone curiously.
“I’m not sure yet, but it would have to involve Yuri. Haku, I know you didn’t want to tell anyone, but Yuri would much rather take the chance to play around and make up new experiments than he would turn over a potential test subject to the Chancellor.”
Haku’s brows were furrowed as he studied me. “I’m not sure what you want to try and do, but reanimation and possession are both testy subjects. You’re not wrong about Yuri, though, I’ll give you that.”
My eyes moved back to lock onto Zenji’s. “No matter what, I’m still yours,” I smiled at him, though I could tell it came out a little more lopsided and sad than I’d intended. “Could we go back to the dorms now?”
“Nah, you’re still stuck here for a couple days,” Haku chuckled. “You’ve got two broken ribs and a concussion.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you,” Zenji’s hand brushed coolly along my face again, his tone somber. “But!” It rapidly upticked into his usual dramatic bravado and I couldn’t help but grin. “I will be right by your side; I can read to you, or regale you, or play my biwa for you, or simply talk. I will watch over you all night, my dear.”
My heart swelled with emotion. Even in death, my sweet, perfect boyfriend was concerned for my well-being. There certainly weren't many people who could say the same, either. For better or for worse, this was the situation we were handed, and I’d be damned if we weren’t going to figure it out one way or another.
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massgenocide03 · 4 months
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In Another Life- Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru
Chapter 1
"Satoru, stop... We're going to be late for school. Being Gojo Satoru doesn't excuse you from class," Suguru scolded, though his voice softened as Satoru twirled the hair behind his ear.
"Okay, I get it. I'll stop," Satoru relented, his fingers lingering on Suguru's hair for a moment longer. The morning light filtered through the dorm room window, casting a warm glow on them.
Having spent the night at Suguru's dorm room, Satoru felt a surge of energy pass through him, as though he could take on anything. The only reason he was allowed to stay was because he had begged Suguru until he relented, wearied by his persistence. 
The room was cluttered with books and talismans, remnants of their late-night study session. Satoru's uniform lay crumpled on the floor, contrasting with Suguru's neatly hung clothes. The scent of sandalwood incense lingered in the air, a calming presence amidst the chaos of their morning routine. The walls were adorned with posters of landscapes of serene temples which gave a calming allure to the Geto’s room.
They got ready for school in a rush. Suguru went to the bathroom to complete his morning hygiene routine and get dressed there, while Satoru lazily just slipped on his uniform with a yawn, stretching like a cat waking from a nap. The sound of running water and the occasional clatter of toiletries echoed from the bathroom.
"Okay, I'm done," commented Suguru as he emerged from the bathroom, looking refreshed and composed. Satoru, still sitting on the bed, looked up at him with a lazy grin.
"Go brush your teeth and wash your face, you pig," Geto said while pulling Gojo towards the restroom. 
"Ugh, do I have toooo?" Gojo whined, a playful tone in his voice as he dragged his feet. The cool tiles of the bathroom floor sent a shiver up his spine, contrasting with the warmth of Suguru's touch.
"Yes, you do. You're so disgusting," Geto replied with a scowl, pushing Satoru towards the sink. 
Gojo reluctantly brushed his teeth and washed his face, the cold water splashing on his skin jolting him fully awake. He glanced at his reflection in the mirror, seeing the usual confident smirk looking back at him. 
"Okay, let's go," Satoru said, shaking off the last remnants of sleepiness as they headed out the door.
Gojo and Geto approached the entrance of Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School's main classroom building entrance. The school itself was nestled deep in the mountains and disguised as a Buddhist temple. Hidden from the eyes of any regular human. 
As they approached the main classroom building, they spotted their friend Shoko waiting by the entrance. Shoko, a girl with short brown hair that reached just past her chin, stood amidst the bustling crowds, her laid-back demeanor and nonchalant attitude a stark contrast to Gojo’s. 
Her soft brown eyes held a calm demeanor, their depths reflecting the tranquil beauty of the surrounding landscape. A mole underneath her right eye added a touch of character to her features, serving as a subtle reminder of her uniqueness. The gentle breeze played with the loose strands of her hair, and she absently brushed them away as she watched Gojo and Geto approach.
"What took you guys so long?!" exclaimed Shoko, her voice cutting through the morning air with a hint of playful annoyance.
"Satoru didn't want to get out of bed," Suguru said, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips.
"I'm just so tired," said Satoru with a dramatic sigh. "I've been sent out on a lot of missions by myself lately. It's not that I can't handle it, but even the sun needs to  takes a break from lighting up the day"
"That sounded stupid," Shoko teased, 
"Did you search that up?" Suguru chuckled. They all broke into laughter due to Gojo’s stupidness, their voices echoing through the courtyard. At that moment, Satoru felt a sense of relief wash over him, grateful for the familiarity and warmth of their friendship amidst the loneliness he had sensed between them lately. He hoped that nothing would ever ruin their friendship.
"Oh, shit," exclaimed Shoko, her eyes widening as she checked the time on her phone. "We're hella late."
"I heard that we're getting a mission assigned today together," Suguru said, his tone turning serious for just a moment.
"It's been a while since we've been on a mission together," added Satoru. He noticed the change of tone in Suguru’s voice but didn’t want to say anything that could ruin the warm moment they all had shared just a few seconds ago.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" said Satoru, his energy infectious as he clapped his hands together. "Let's start heading there."
"We're here, sensei," said Gojo, a mischievous grin as he addressed their instructor. "Give us our mission."
Sensei Masashi looked annoyed. "You're late...again," he remarked dryly, a hint of exasperation evident in his tone. "Why am I not surprised?"
The classroom walls were lined with scrolls detailing various curses and exorcisms, and a large blackboard dominated the front of the room. Sunlight streamed in through tall windows, casting long shadows across the polished wooden floor.
"Anyway, kiddos," he continued, his expression shifting to one of seriousness, "your mission today will be to catch a rogue sorcerer that has been massacring people in a group of small villages. We think this might be linked to something bigger, so be careful."
With those words, the group was already on their way to Yamato Village, where the most deaths had been occurring. The journey to the village took them through narrow mountain paths and dense forests, the scenery gradually changing from serene beauty to an eerie quietness. Shoko decided it would be best for her to stay as a lookout at the top of the town hall, where she could see the whole town square best, and if something didn’t go according to plan, she could instantly warn the boys. The town hall was an old building, with weathered stone. Satoru and Suguru opted to stake out the only block in the village that hadn't been attacked yet, predicting it as the next target.
The village itself was quaint, with narrow cobblestone streets and traditional wooden houses. The air was thick with tension, the villagers casting wary glances at the newcomers. The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the empty streets, giving the village an almost ghostly appearance.
"I'm so bored, Suguruuuuu," exclaimed Satoru, his voice tinged with playfulness as they waited for any sign of activity. The quietness of the village was unsettling, the usual sounds of daily life replaced by an ominous silence.
"What the old man was saying is bogus; literally, nothing has been happening," he complained, kicking at a loose stone on the ground.
"Well, it's our job to be vigilant," Suguru replied calmly, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any potential threats. The buildings around them loomed like silent sentinels, their dark windows watching the duo with an air of secrecy. But just as he was about to finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the sight of a man in a black robe staring directly at him.
Before he knew it, an attack was being launched at them.
At that exact moment, Gojo reacted, pushing Geto and himself out of the way. The sound of the attack crashing into the building behind them echoed through the narrow streets, sending a shower of debris into the air.
“WE GOT TO PUT A BA-” Before Geto could finish his sentence, the man in the black robe had his hand around Geto’s neck. His grip was like iron, cutting off Suguru's air supply instantly.
Gasping for air, Geto couldn’t even get his words out. He felt utterly useless; he couldn’t even protect himself. The man's eyes were cold and devoid of emotion, a chilling contrast to the panic flooding Gojo’s mind.
Gojo was panicking at the thought of losing Geto. He felt as though his life would have no meaning without his best friend there. His mind was racing, every thought, every emotion seemed to weigh over him. What seemed like minutes in Gojo's head wasn't even a second in the real world. Geto was his priority.
Geto opened his eyes to see a light shining over him.
Where was he?
He turned his head to avoid the glare, only to see Gojo sitting on a chair. Gojo's face was serious, lost in thought. He looked disheveled, his clothes unchanged, a scratch on his cheek, and dark circles under his eyes. The room smelled of antiseptic, and the steady beeping of a heart monitor provided a reassuring rhythm.
“Satoru…” Geto said softly, his mouth and body aching. The effort of speaking sent a sharp pain through his head, reminding him of the attack.
The moment Gojo heard Geto's voice, he sprang up from the chair. For a moment, he just stood there, silent. Then, in a flash, he was by Geto’s side. Without a word, he lay down next to him, resting his head on Geto’s chest as if listening for his heartbeat. Geto was the only person he would ever willingly turn his limitless off for, and nevertheless just to be able to touch him. Gojo was overwhelmed by a storm of emotions—relief, anger, sadness—but he tried to hide them so Geto wouldn't worry.
After a few minutes, Geto broke the silence.
“Get off of me, dumbass,” he muttered, bringing Gojo back to reality. It was like flipping a switch; Gojo's usual bubbly personality returned.
“Ha! You went down so easily, Suguru!” Gojo exclaimed. “This is why I’m the strongest, and you’re just the second strongest.”
Geto rolled his eyes. He knew Satoru was just trying to rile him up. Gojo was like a puppy, always trying to get his attention.
“Now tell me exactly what happened, Satoru.”
Gojo took a deep breath. “He banged your head on the concrete. There was a lot of bleeding, and I freaked out, and I was finally able to use Purple and I took him out, then rushed you to Shoko. She told me to collect his remains, but when I went back, they were gone.” His explanation was rushed and jumbled.
It took a moment for Geto to process everything Gojo said. “So we didn’t figure anything out. This is all my fault. If only I wasn’t so weak.”
Gojo said nothing. He knew Geto hated words of comfort. Instead, he walked to Geto’s bedside and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a firm embrace. Gojo's grip was strong yet gentle,his warmth seeping into Geto's body. He could feel the tension in Geto's muscles slowly ease. Gojo rested his chin on Geto's shoulder, his breath soft against his neck.
Before he knew it, Gojo was twirling a lock of Geto’s hair around his fingers. The familiar scent of sandalwood calmed him, grounding him in the moment. Gojo closed his eyes, savoring the contact, the steady rhythm of Geto’s heartbeat beneath his chest. He felt an immense wave of relief wash over him, knowing that Geto was alive and here with him.
Geto felt strange. Just a minute ago, he was consumed by failure, but in Satoru’s embrace, he felt a profound sense of safety. The warmth and solidity of Gojo's body against his own made him feel protected, as if nothing could touch him. In that moment, he didn’t need to do anything but exist, knowing Satoru was there with him.
Just as Shoko walked in, her face lit up with surprise.
"Um, what are you guys doing?" She stood in the doorway, eyes wide, as if she'd stumbled upon something private. Gojo and Geto were caught in an embrace, a rare moment of vulnerability for the two. Shoko's presence felt like an intruder on an intimate scene.
The room was bathed in the soft afternoon light filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the stark hospital furniture. The faint beeping of medical equipment punctuated the silence, creating a serene yet tense atmosphere. 
"Am I interrupting something? Because I can just leave."
There was an awkward silence in the room. Geto, feeling a sudden flush of embarrassment, gently pushed Gojo off him. The moment their embrace ended, Gojo felt a sense of emptiness, a coldness where Geto’s warmth had been. The air between them was thick with unspoken words and emotions.
"We were just talking," Geto said awkwardly, trying to brush off the moment. His voice was steady, but the slight tremor betrayed his discomfort. He avoided making eye contact with Shoko, focusing instead on the sterile white sheets of the hospital bed.
"Sureeee," Shoko replied playfully, a knowing smile spreading across her face. She leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, her demeanor relaxed but her eyes sharp. "Anyways, I know you're still recovering, Geto, but do you guys want to go to Kyoto for a break? We have the next two weeks off. I was planning to go myself anyway, but you two idiots might as well come along."
Geto's brow furrowed in thought. "What about our mission?" he sighed, his demeanor shifting back to seriousness. The weight of responsibility hung heavy on his shoulders, the recent events still fresh in his mind.
"Supposedly, some research is being done since some of the higher-ups think they found a lead, so we get the next two weeks off," Shoko explained, her tone lightening the gravity of her words.
"Please, Suguru, let's go," Satoru pleaded, his eyes wide with a childlike eagerness. 
Gojo wanted Geto to relax, he knew that the mission had stressed him, but he didn’t want him to dwell on it, and as a bonus he also got to spend a lot of time with his best friend.
Suguru sighed, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. "Sure, why not. It's not like I'll be much help around here anyway," he replied, his voice tinged with disappointment. He glanced at Gojo, who gave him an encouraging nod.
As they disembarked from the train, the bustling Kyoto station greeted them with a symphony of sounds and colors. The crowded platform was a swirl of activity, with travelers hurrying to their destinations and the vibrant cityscape stretching out before them. The noise of rolling suitcases, the hum of conversations, and the distant chime of train announcements filled the air.
Gojo kept a vigilant eye on Geto. The crowded platform was a swirl of activity, and he didn’t want to lose sight of him for even a moment. Geto, on the other hand, kept a close watch on Shoko, worried she might get lost in the bustling station. The noise, the people, and the vibrant energy of the city were overwhelming, a stark contrast to the tranquil and isolated mountain school they were used to.
Gojo noticed Geto’s attention on Shoko and felt a sharp pain in his chest. What was that? Jealousy? No way! He would never get jealous over a friend, Gojo thought to himself, trying to push the feeling aside. He focused on the city around him, trying to take in the sights and sounds.
When they arrived at the hotel, Shoko mentioned, "I got you two a room to share and myself a separate one."
"Why didn't you get us separate rooms?" Geto asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice. The hotel lobby was warm and welcoming, with plush chairs and soft carpeting.
"Well, first of all, I'm broke, and secondly, you guys always have sleepovers anyway, so it's the same thing," Shoko replied with a shrug, her nonchalant attitude infusing the conversation with a sense of normalcy.
"How do you expect me to stay sane sharing a room with him for two weeks? It's different if it's just one night once a week—" Before Geto could finish his sentence, Gojo interrupted.
"Suguruuuuuuu, you're hurting my feelings," Gojo said, pouting playfully. His attempt to lighten the mood was met with a roll of the eyes from Geto.
"Whatever," Geto replied,with a scowl, but after that, he didn't complain about sharing a room with Gojo. 
The hotel room they entered was small but cozy. The walls were painted a soft beige, giving the room a warm ambiance. Two single beds were pushed against opposite walls, with a small nightstand between them holding a lamp with a dim, soothing light. A large window offered a stunning view of the cityscape, the lights twinkling like stars against the darkening sky. A modest desk and chair were tucked into one corner, and a small flat-screen TV was mounted on the wall. The room smelled faintly of fresh linen and sandalwood, creating a comforting atmosphere as it was also Geto’s favorite scent, and since Geto always smelt like that it was Gojo’s  favorite scent too.
As they settled into their rooms and got ready to go out, the excitement of exploring Kyoto buzzed between them. They found a street vendor selling yakisoba and eagerly stuffed their faces. The savory, sizzling noodles were a perfect start to their evening, the rich flavors providing a comforting familiarity.
Afterward, they went to a nearby park where Geto and Shoko swung on the swings while she took the time for a good smoke since smoking wasn't permitted at the hotel. The park was a peaceful oasis amidst the bustling city, the cool night air filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the distant murmur of traffic. Meanwhile, Gojo found delight in sliding down the playground slide and playfully bothering the children there—or at least that’s what it seemed like. Truthfully, he was just trying to get Geto’s attention, even if it was to get scolded.
By the time they were done, the sky had darkened, and it was time to return to the hotel. The city lights twinkled around them, casting a serene glow over the bustling streets. The energy of the city was calming, the constant hum a soothing backdrop to their conversations.
As they approached the hotel, the anticipation of rest and relaxation washed over them. The warm glow of the hotel's exterior lights welcomed them back.
Gojo and Geto said goodnight to Shoko as they headed into their shared room for the night.
Geto laid down on his bed the moment he got inside. He had enjoyed the afternoon, but that didn't stop him from thinking about his recent failure. He felt utterly useless, the weight of his thoughts pressing heavily on him. The dim light of the room cast soft shadows on the walls, creating an intimate and reflective atmosphere.
Gojo could see that Geto was distracted and a bit sad. He thought it would be better to leave him alone for a moment. As he got into the shower, all he could think about was getting out so he could get back to Geto. The warm water cascaded over him, washing away the day's grime but not his worry for his friend. The moment he got out, he just slipped on a pair of boxers and jumped onto Geto’s bed.
Geto looked really annoyed. “Get off my bed! Look, you're all wet, and now my bed is soaked,” Geto snapped at Gojo.
Gojo didn't really care about what Geto was saying. He just liked that Geto was giving him attention. Without saying a word, he jumped on top of Geto and embraced him again. It felt really nice to be able to touch him, and this time they wouldn't be interrupted.
Geto was just about to complain about how Gojo was practically naked and wet again, but he got overtaken by Gojo's cool embrace. All his irritation melted away, replaced by a sense of comfort and security he hadn't felt in a long time. The familiar scent of Gojo, mingling with the fresh scent of his shampoo, was calming, grounding him in the present moment. The steady rhythm of Gojo’s breathing lulled him into a state of relaxation, the warmth of his friend's body providing a comforting presence.
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24 notes · View notes
slasherhoe87 · 2 years
What Cologne I think the Slashers Would Wear:
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Fcuk Friction by French Connection
"Fcuk Friction is an attention-getting fragrance for men. Let it tickle your senses with a musky ensemble of fruit, lavender, coconut and geranium notes. This well-balanced fragrance has a spicy finish and is perfect for everyday use. It is an excellent choice for the man who wants a magnetic fragrance that is appropriate to wear to work or a date. Make this warm, fruity and aquatic fragrance your new signature scent"
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Minotaure by Paloma Picasso
"Mysterious and virile, Minotaure for men embodies the symbolism and spirit of a mythological creature. Its bold Oriental composition features tart bergamot citrus in juxtaposition with savory spice notes of coriander and tarragon. Wear this intriguing masculine scent to stamp yourself as a rugged individual possessing an uncompromising free spirit"
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Obsession Night by Calvin Klein
"Anticipation builds when evening approaches and Obsession Night casts its seductive spell. The alluring oriental elixir blends crisp pear, sweet vanilla and incense-like patchouli with spicy accents of cardamom and nutmeg"
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Bonus cologne because Michael is my one true love:
Halloween Man by Jesus Del Pozo
"Wrap yourself in mystery with Halloween Man. Its intriguing contemporary formula for men combines tart mandarin and the crisp note of apple martini with ginger spice and pungent violet leaf. A fine example of aromatic alchemy, the unique masculine fragrance conveys a free-spirited attitude along with dark allure. Dare to show your devil-may-care spirit with Halloween Man"
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Toy Boy by Moschino
"Liberate yourself and feel wild and free every time you walk out the door wearing Moschino Toy Boy, a playful men's fragrance. This tempting cologne blends spicy, floral, fruity and woody accords for a well-rounded, exhilarating scent that's sure to leave you feeling confident as you glide through the night in style. Top notes of Indonesian nutmeg, elemi resin, green pear, pink pepper and Italian bergamot immediately set the tone with their bold, bright intensity, only to be smoothly calmed by middle notes of flax flower, clove bud, magnolia and rose absolute. This tantalizing bouquet is further enhanced by base notes of sylkolide (musk), amber, cashmeran, Haitian vetiver and sandalwood for a warm, seductive comedown that saturates the air with its luscious charm"
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Old Spice
"Top notes are Nutmeg, Star Anise, Aldehydes, Orange and Lemon; middle notes are Cinnamon, Carnation, Pimento, Geranium, Heliotrope and Jasmine; base notes are Benzoin, Vanilla, Musk, Tonka Bean, Cedar and Ambergris"
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Hunter by Armaf
"The top opens with a refreshing burst of citrus notes, coming in strong and zesty with a combination of grapefruit, bergamot, lemon and mandarin. The heart settles into floral accords, the romantic aroma of lavender, geranium, tuberose and ylang-ylang spiced by fragrant hints of cardamom and black pepper. The cologne finishes on a warm, aromatic base, featuring the alluring aroma of cedar, labdanum, musk, patchouli and vetiver"
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Close Up by Olfactive Studio
"This fragrance almost defies categorization. It's a little tobacco, a little Oriental, a little gourmand, and everything you want a perfume to be. It opens warm and sweet with top notes of Santos green coffee, Griotte cherry, and fresh spices. The heart notes are complex and mysterious with white tobacco, California rose, Atlas cedar, and patchouli. Base notes of amber, tonka bean, and musk shine through in the dry down for an earthy finish to this alluring scent"
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Craftsman by Tabac Original
"Sharp and confident yet charmingly balanced, Tabac Original Craftsman is a spicy-citrus cologne enhanced by accords of aromatic herbs, clean florals and spice. The opening refreshes and invigorates with a bright blend of tart-sweet grapefruit, bergamot and piquant black pepper. Crisply herbal florals of lavender and peppery geranium merge with almond nuances of tonka bean at the heart. A smooth, enveloping base of vetiver, patchouli and supple leather leaves a clean masculine trail that’s perfect for casual wear"
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Brut by Faberge
"This manly mix features woody and balsamic accords accented by aromatic and sweet notes for an exhilarating yet simple aroma that enhances your image"
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Psychedelic Love by Initio
"Fall under the dizzying rush of Initio Psychedelic Love, a powerfully seductive essence that can leave you in an emotional trance. This decadent elixir blends floral, citrus and exotic accords for a deeply bright and satisfying scent that has the power to ensnare that special someone from across the room. Top notes of sparkling bergamot and sweet ylang-ylang work together to form a radiant energy. Following this is a provocative heart of hedione, heliotrope and Bulgarian rose, which walks a fine line between playful romance and immense passion. Completing the alluring perfume are spicy and sensual elements of myrrh and sandalwood, creating a mystifying foundation that intrigues and attracts with ease"
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Mickey Mouse by Disney
"Mickey Mouse is classified as a refreshing, fruity fragrance. This masculine scent possesses a blend of citrus, lemon and lime"
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Thallium Black by Yves De Sistelle
"Thallium Black is an enticing men's fragrance that is both sensual and gentle to attract plenty of attention. Fruity notes of apple are warm and welcoming, while cardamom is spicy and aromatic. The scent of bergamot adds a fresh citrus quality to the fragrance, plum notes contribute sweet and fruity tones, and nutmeg infuses a warm spiciness to the scent"
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Realm by Erox
"Transcend the veil of the mundane, and enter into a realm of otherworldly sensuality with Realm. This seductive scent for men sets itself apart with its bright notes of orange and ginger, offset by the deeper and more mysterious notes of lavender, patchouli and juniper"
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CK In 2U by Calvin Klein
"A fragrance for men that consists of perfume notes of lime, gin fizz, grapefruit leaves, frosted tangelo, pimento, shiso, cocoa base, vetiver, white cedar and musk to form a well balanced cologne"
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313 notes · View notes
kahuunknown · 1 year
Fate is a strange thing - MCU Bucky Barnes fanfic
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!NOTE!: ABO universe/themes, inspiration from MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE franchise, Bucky Barnes x OC (Theo) male character x potentially others
Theo sighed for the hundredth time that day, they were out in public and Bucky had the balls to expose their relationship by burying that nose of his against Theo’s scent gland, the sun had long since fallen and people scattered back into their homes, but that didn’t mean no one was watching. Theo gives the cheeky Alpha a brief glare while pushing his face away, but Bucky only responds to him with the characteristic ‘charming’ smile, the very same one which usually wooed all the ladies near his person. However, Theo was not only a man, but he was more than used to Bucky’s flirtatious methods and clingy attachment to his person.
And it was all for good reason. Bucky knew since the day he met Theo when they were kids, that this man with the honey golden eyes littered with orange specks (an eye colour unique to Theo alone), with the smell just shy of the typical overbearing sweetness of an Omega, and a heart of gold behind a frankly transparent uncaring attitude- this boy needed to be his in any way that was possible. It didn’t matter that the both of the were men, but it was a difficult secret to hide from the rest of the world.
“Focus.” Theo reminds, snapping Bucky from his lovestruck expression and earning a nod, still adorning that charming smile on the sergeant’s face.
Coming to an abbrupt stop, Theo scrunches his nose a little, a sharp inhale following as a particular scent invaded Theo’s rather sensitive nose, he looked to his partner and gave Bucky a knowing look.
“Let me guess…Steve?” Bucky sighs, the smile finally leaving his face at the thought of the troublesome Alpha-dud. “That guy, I swear.” Bucky grumbles, “Lead the way.”
Theo rolled his eyes at Bucky’s change of attitude, but followed his sensitive Omega nose down a few streets and to the right- into a dark alleyway. Bucky instinctually moved in front of Theo in an attempt to protect him and make him feel secure and safe, but it didn’t have much of an affect when Theo himself was of the same muscle mass, though he appreciated the effort despite being the tallest between the two. Though in saying that, the hidden claiming mark between his shoulder blades throbbed at Bucky’s action in a lower purr.
He’d be able to fight just as well as Bucky, but a small smile still grew on his face at the funny Alpha’s move to protect him. It was a nice thought, Theo supposed.
“You just don’t know when to give up, do you?” An unknown voice chimed, confidence radiating from his words alone. He was no doubt an arrogant drunk Alpha just by the man’s tone, yet alone the disgusting smell of his drunk scent.
“I can do this all day.” Steve mutters, taking another solid hit to the face as the stranger attacks him.
“Hey! Pick on someone your own size.” Bucky voices, standing tall and proud, the embodiment of an Alpha.
The stranger clicks his tongue in aggravation, forgetting Steve in seconds to instead swing his fist toward Bucky. Bucky however, twists the man around skilfully before kicking him to the ground and motioning for the now frightened drunk to leave.
He does so without a moment’s hesitation, earning a low chuckle from Theo.
Theo then quickly approaches Steve’s side in seconds, fingers delicately brushing against Steve’s wounded and bruised face, Theo frowns at the damage, a saddened sigh leaving his lips. Steve glanced away, ashamed of being the cause to the disappointed sigh, much less from his packmates (even if not technically true, Bucky and Theo made it abundantly clear that the dud was stuck with them).
“Sometimes, I think you like getting punched.” Bucky comments, swinging his arm over Steve’s shoulder.
“I had him on the ropes.” Steve states with confidence, holding his head high. Moving away from Steve, Bucky picks up a discarded parchment from the cold and wet concrete of the alley. It was an enlistment form.
“How many times is this?” Bucky questions, raising an eyebrow. He then reads over the paper in his hands, snorting at the information. “Oh, you’re from Paramus now? You know it’s illegal to lie on the enlistment form.” Bucky rambles with a sigh.
“And seriously, Jersey?” Theo adds, a frown on his face.
“You two get your orders?” Steve changes the subject, looking at both their uniforms.
“The one-o-seventh. Sergeant James Barnes and Medical Officer Theo King. Shipping out for England first thing tomorrow.” Bucky chimed with a grin, pulling Theo back to his side, in-between Steve and himself. Steve gave them a tight smile, they looked so perfect and happy, ready to serve their country in war.
“I should be going.” Steve grumbles.
Bucky shakes his head, “Come on, man. It’s our last night! Gotta get you cleaned up.”
“Why? Where are we going?” Steve asks, confusion on his face.
“The future.” Bucky answers, handing Steve a newspaper article, on it is the ad for the World Exposition Of Tomorrow.
“Come on, Stevie. Let’s get you cleaned up back at the nest.” Theo suggested, a rare but charming smile of his own on display for the dud.
The ‘nest’ as Theo called it was more like an assortment of blanket’s and pillows on the ground, two thin-cheap mattresses underneath. All Omega’s have a nest, it brings them comfort and security as it’s their most sacred place. It’s where they raise their pups. But for this rag-tag group, it works just fine as a regular bed to sleep in.
Although it smelt mostly of subtle Theo’s Vanilla bean scent, there was still the faint smell of Bucky’s cinnamon as well. Steve often found himself wondering what his own scent would of smelt like if he wasn’t an Alpha-dud. Strong and powerful? Seductive and safe like leather? Or warm and calm, like apple pie?
Dressing Steve up, Bucky didn’t waste time in grabbing the two and dragging them all the way to the Stark Expo. The child-like wonder Bucky had on his face had Theo show that small smile again, Steve however just looked uncomfortable. Most people weren’t as accepting of duds as Theo and Bucky were, to some they smelt rotten and to others it was a curse.
Theo gave the odd Alpha a reassuring smile, placing an arm around his shoulder and pulling the small man to his side. Bucky smiled at the two as he returned from the food vendor with a carton of popcorn.
“Shall we?” Bucky inquired with an excited glint in his eyes as he led the two toward the Expo’s stage.
Music began playing as the stage lights up, an Announcer introduces the show with an unnatural energy in his voice. He seemed a little fed up with introducing the same show over and over.
“Welcome to the Modern Marvels Pavilion and the World of Tomorrow. A greater world. A better world.”
Bouncing on the balls of his feet, Steve felt himself being pushed backwards as the crowd squeezed themselves closer to the stage with excitement and uncaring for those around them. However, without warning the sudden pressure was gone and Theo draped his arms over Steve’s shoulders, looking up at the stage with a similar excitement in his unique almost electric blue orbs.
Steve let out a small breath of relief as Theo shuffled him to stand at the front, sacrificing his own body to be on the receiving end of all the pushes and shoves.
Most would probably just assume Theo was an Alpha anyway, all the mixing of scents made it incredibly hard to identify anyone’s sub-gender- Theo’s unusual body build just made stranger’s have a harder time trying to categorise him. Besides, Theo’s scent was so subtle that it was only if your nose was against his skin, that you could detect that addicting smell identifying him as Omega. Though of course, Bucky was incredibly sensitive to Theo’s smell as his Alpha- a connection Steve would never understand as a dud.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Howard Stark!” A woman cheers, ushering the famous Stark onto the stage. Howard enters with a wide obnoxious smile, kissing the female announcer before pushing her away. Very old-school Alpha.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, what if I told you that in just a few short years, your automobile won’t even have to touch the ground at all.” Howard inquires, and a few female Beta’s wearing velvet blue, red and white American coloured dresses help take the wheels from a car on stage.
“Yes. Thanks, Ladies.” Howard tips his head at the lady helpers, “With Stark robotic reversion technology, you’ll be able to do just that.” He turns on the switch to his machine and the car starts to magically hover off the ground. Everyone is silent and wide-eyed at the display.
“Holy cow.” Bucky murmurs in amazement.
Without warning the mechanisms holding the car in the air start to malfunction and the car falls back onto the stage.
“I did say a few years, didn’t I?” Howard chuckles, the crowd laughs.
“Hey, Steve, what do you say we…” Bucky pauses as he sees the empty space in front of Theo. Theo follows his gaze, a surprised expression on his face as he realises Steve managed to slip from Theo’s arms without him noticing.
Looking around, the two of them push against the flow of the crowd in order to reach the recruitment/ enlisting office, where no doubt Steve had wandered off to. Theo’s keen sense of smell only confirmed their suspicions as they escaped from the large crowd, making it easier to track that almost rotten scent of Steve’s.
With their uniforms still on, Bucky and Theo received a few head nods and smiles as they moved around the recruitment centre with ease. Bucky sighed as he saw Steve standing on the height measurement scale. Standing in front of a mirror but he’s far too short to fill out the body projected.
“Come on.” Bucky ushered, guiding Steve toward the exit of the centre. “You’re kind of missing the point of a pack activity. We were going to go dancing.”
Steve shakes his head, “You two go ahead. I’ll catch up with you.” Steve states, his eyes drifting back to the centre.
“You’re really gonna do this again?” Bucky sighed.
“Well, it’s a fair. I’m gonna try my luck.” Steve shrugs.
“As who?” Bucky lightly snaps, “Steve from Ohio? They’ll catch you. Or worse, they’ll actually take you.” Bucky ends, his voice softening as Steve’s eyes drift to the ground.
“Look, I know you two don’t think I can do this.” Steve states, his quiet voice cracking slightly.
“This isn’t a back alley, Steve.” Theo adds, his eyes sympathetic.
“It war!” Bucky corrects.
“I know it’s a war. You don’t have to tell me.” Steve states.
“Why are you so keen to fight? There are so many important jobs.” Bucky inquires, raising an accusing eyebrow.
“What am I gonna do? Collect scrap metal…” Steve trails off.
“Yes!” Bucky exclaims, throwing his hands in the air. His frustration was beginning to effect the strangers around him as he unknowingly was emitting his scent in strong waves- trying to get Steve to submit to his ideals.
“…in my little red wagon.” Steve finishes his sentence.
“Why not?” Bucky asks, worry in his expression.
“I’m not gonna sit in a factory, Bucky.” Steve mumbles.
“I don’t…” Bucky trails off as Theo gives his shoulder a squeeze, Bucky looks around him, noticing the wary strangers walking around their small pack. He sighs, reaching up to squeeze Theo’s hand in reassurance. Calming him also in the process, his scent thinning out.
“Buck, come on!” Steve pleads, “There are men laying down their lives. I got no right to do any less than them. That’s what you don’t understand. This isn’t about me.” Steve states with strong conviction. A sad smile makes its way onto Theo’s face.
“Right. Cause you got nothing to prove.” Bucky mumbles.
“Come on, Sarge. Aren’t we going dancing?” Theo voices, giving a nod to Steve. Steve’s eyes widen in surprise at Theo’s sudden change of thought, he returns the nod discretely while Bucky looks Theo’s way.
“Yeah, yeah.” Bucky rolls his eyes, “Don't do anything stupid until we get back.” Bucky orders Steve.
Steve grins, “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.”
“You’re a punk.” Bucky states shaking his head, leading himself and Theo away from the centre.
“Jerk.” Steve mutters, “Be careful. Don’t win the war till I get there!” He calls out to them. Theo looks back at Steve, waving him off, Steve rolls his eyes returning to the recruitment centre’s entrance.
“Sounds like they’re playing our song.” Bucky comments with a cheeky smile. Theo hits his shoulder lightly.
“You say that all the time.” Theo retorts, pressing his lips to Bucky’s before the Alpha could respond. Bucky smiled into the kiss, rocking them side-to-side as the music guided his steps. Lost in a little corner of the dancing hall, away from prying eyes.
“You know…” Bucky starts, “I’m beginning to think you’re not on my side anymore.”
Theo hums, allowing the Alpha to finally dig his nose against Theo’s neck and draw in as much of that vanilla scent as the sergeant wanted.
“I’m sorry…” Theo trailed off, “I know it’s a bad idea- it’s just…”
Bucky pulls away, a concerned expression littering his face, “What? What is it?”
Theo shakes his head, “I know it sounds crazy, but- I swore I saw Sarah right besides him.”
Bucky blinks at the unexpected answer before chuckling, “You are crazy.”
Theo scowls playfully, “Careful choosing your next words, Barnes, I’m not above giving you a concussion.”
Bucky hums, hugging the tall Omega even closer to his person, “That must make me even crazier for loving you.”
Blinking his eyes sluggishly open, Theo groaned at the throbbing of his skull, trying to rub his forehead which seemed to be the source of his irritation. However, his arms did nothing of the sort- instead it sent Theo into panic as he took in his surroundings. Arm and legs strapped to a metal table, Theo’s memory snapped into place as he remembered the mission his squadron was sent on.
“Awake, I see?” A voice chimed. “You know, I’ve never come across someone an Omega as extraordinary as you. You’re quite the anomaly.”
Theo’s head snapped toward the direction the voice emitted from and he glared at the short Beta speaking to him. “Let me out of here!” Theo hissed, pulling at the restrains tying him down.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that. You’re far too intriguing for me to simply throw away.” The Dr. stated, “For whatever reason, you were born bigger and stronger than the average Omega. Thankfully for me- it means you are far more resistant than all the others. Your body has already accepted the serum-“
“Where’s Bucky?!” Theo interrupted.
The Dr. hummed, “Sergeant Barnes. Your Alpha?” Zola inquired. Theo snarled at the short man.
“If you hurt a hair on his head-“
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.” Zola stated, adding to the notebook in his hands.
“Sedate him. Let’s move him to the main lab, there seems to be something else inside him which-“ An explosion goes off, shaking the building and Zola cuts himself short before pressing his lips together. “Get him out of here. Evacuate him now. I need him.”
“Did it hurt?” Bucky voices randomly, stumbling behind Steve on his own. Slowly regaining his consciousness, but his focus was mainly on the fact Steve was so damn tall all of a sudden, and smelling like apple pie.
“A little.” Steve shrugged, looking down the hallway and checking the coast.
“Is it permanent?” Bucky asks.
“So far.” Steve answers, motioning for Bucky to follow.
At the sight of Zola, Bucky growls, unable to stop himself as rage filled his person. “Where is he?” He yells.
Zola gives him a crooked smirk, “Alive.” Was all he said.
“Captain America! How Exciting! I’m a great fan of your films. So Dr. Erskine managed it after all. Not exactly an improvement, but still impressive.” Johann rants, head of Hydra.
Steve punches him in the face without hesitation. “You’ve got no idea”
“Haven’t I?” Johann leaps forward, aiming a punch at Steve but the Captain protects himself with his shield. As they fight, Zola pulls a leaver and the catwalk they are standing on retracts to either side, separating them both.
“No matter what lies Erskine told you, you see I was his greatest success!” Johann exclaims, peeling off the skin on his face to reveal that he is the Red Skull.
“You don’t have one of those, do you?” Bucky asks quietly.
“You are deluded, Captain. You pretend to be a simple soldier, but in reality you are just afraid to admit that we have left humanity behind. Unlike you, I embrace it proudly. Without fear!” The Red Skull states, stepping into an elevator with Zola at his side.
Despite Johann’s words, one major difference between them was Steve’s Apple Pie scent. The Red Skull smelt like nothing. He was no longer an Alpha. He indeed, like he said, had left his humanity behind.
“Then how come you’re running?” Steve argues as the elevator door closes. Sighing, the Captain directs Bucky to the stairs, “Come on, let’s go. Up.”
Steve and Bucky find a beam that’d get them to the other side of the Hydra base, toward the way out. If they want to escape, they had no other option but to cross.
“Let’s go. One at a time.” Steve advises, letting Bucky go first. Bucky reaches the other side but the metal beam collapses afterward, leaving Steve stranded.
“Gotta be a rope or something!” Bucky yells to Steve over the sound of the roaring fire of explosions beneath them.
“Just go! Get out of here!” Steve shouts back.
“No! Not without you!” Bucky states, and Steve sprints to the edge, jumping over the chasm of flames.
Returning to camp, cheers surrounded the survivors of the one-o-seven. It should be a time to celebrate, and for Steve’s sake it definitely was, but Bucky could only hope he’d be able to return Steve’s smile when he faced him next, despite how fake it would be.
But when Steve did, when Steve turned his head to his side, looking down at the now shorter Alpha- his smile vanished in seconds. Bucky had lost Theo, obviously there was still hope for the Omega. He was alive, Zola had said so himself. But what did that mean? What did that mean for Theo?
Bucky’s expression was dull, he looked like he barely had a will to continue. Bucky’s bright blue eyes, Theo often described them as diamonds- had shattered, they were now a shadowed grey, lifeless.
Steve felt conflicted. As a Alpha-dud, his pack was with Bucky and Theo. Normally he’s consider Theo his Omega as well, but with his sudden development into an Alpha- Steve felt that Peggy was now his Omega, his pack.
Although he never claimed Theo, the Omega’s neck still had Bucky’s bite. They had a connection Steve never understood. They could read each other and speak without words. Even feel each other’s pain to an extent.
Steve didn’t know what to do, Bucky would never return to his previous self unless they found Theo alive and returned to the camp, Steve had heard of stories about Alpha who’d lost their counterpart- none of them ended well.
Steve joins Bucky at the bar counter, the background was filled with everyone’s singing of joy. Bucky however looked like death himself, skin pale and with more than his usual stack of alcoholic beverages in front of him.
“See?” Bucky slurred, a smile on his face as he looked at Steve. But it didn’t reach his eyes. “I told you. They’re all idiots.”
“How about you?” Steve asked softly, still not used to acting or behaving like an Alpha. “You ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death?”
Bucky snorts as he chugs another glass empty. “Hell no. That little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb to run away from a fight. I’m following him.” Bucky stated, leaning heavily against the table top. “But you’re keeping the outfit, right?”
“You know what? It’s kind of growing on me.” Steve replies.
The singing in the bar stops as Peggy rounds the bar in a tight fitting, deep-red dress heading straight toward Steve. Both Steve and Bucky stand up in acknowledgement.
“Captain.” Peggy greets, Bucky sniffles his nose at her scent. After bonding with Theo, all the other Omega’s smelt too sweet or not sweet enough.
“Agent Carter.” Steve responds with a small smile.
“Ma’am.” Bucky nods.
“Howard has some equipment for you to try. Tomorrow morning?” Peggy suggests.
“Sounds good.” Steve agrees.
“I see your top squad is prepping for duty.” Peggy comments, looking over briefly at the drunk group of men singing to their hearts content. She frowns a little.
“You don’t like music?” Bucky voices.
“I do, actually. I might even when this is all over, go dancing.” She shrugs.
“Then what are you waiting for?” Bucky snorts turning back to face the bar.
“The right partner.” Carter answers without hesitation. “0800, Captain.”
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll be there.” Steve nods, waving goodbye as the agent walked off. Bucky grumbled under his breath as the agent left.
“We’re not going to give up, Buck. We’ll find him.” Steve promised
“You are failing!” The Red Skull screamed in Zola’s face, his expression was of nothing but pure rage. Practically roaring at the scientist with unhinged emotion.
Captain America and the Howling Commando’s had destroyed many of Hydra’s bases. Fuelled by winning the war and finding their lost Omega friend.
“We are close to an offensive network that will shake the plant. And yet we are continually delayed, because you cannot outwit a simpleton with a shield!” Red Skull growls. And Zola’s short stature shrunk even further at the intimidating and threatening stance the Red skull was loaming over him with.
“This is hardly my area of expertise. I… I merely develop the weapons. I… I cannot fire them.” Zola explains quickly, looking for any excuse to save his life and the continuation of his beloved work/ experimentations.
“And your experiment, Doctor? What of the Omega?” Johann asks.
“It will take more time. But I believe he’ll be a great asset.” Zola assures. “I haven’t an answer yet, but his blood has fused with some sort of power source, something that he looks to have been born with. I believe I can harness that power, given more time. Something is obstructing its full release and capabilities-”
Johann interrupts with a sigh, “Finish your mission, Doctor. Before the American finishes his. And make sure your little experiment is safe from his hands. Move the Omega to our more… secluded bases of operation.”
“Yes, sir.” Zola bows, glee in his eyes at the thought of his most upcoming experiment.
“Wake him.” The head doctor and scientist of Hydra orders, “The soldier’s having another fit.”
A low hissing noise fills the room as the ice-cold chamber melts in seconds, releasing a wave of steam into the room which blinded the group of anxious scientists for mere moments before exposing the resting form waiting within.
“Asset?” The doctor calls, standing a clear distance from the cylinder.
Not a second later and a black combat boot slams onto the ground, hands at the edge of the cyro-freezing chamber for support.
“Ready to comply.” The monotone voice of Theo whisks into the air, sending shivers down the doctor’s spines, Alpha or not- He was intimidating, that was a fact. The Alpha’s in the room stared at him wide-eyed, he was not the typical Omega at all. There was no doubt in their minds why he was paired with the Winter Soldier.
He was tall for an Omega; taller than most Beta’s and even Alpha’s- his height grew more as the serum began it’s work. Moving him from barely 5’10, to 6 foot. His body was fit, muscles spread across his entire body from years of training and discipline.
A quite apparent/obvious change in the Omega however was his hair, what was once midnight black strands of hair are now as white as freshly fallen snow. His electric honey golden eyes now a unnaturally glowing orange.
A blood red tattoo was branded onto the side of his neck, the symbol Hydra had also printed onto the Soldier’s metal arm. On the Asset’s neck was the recognisable red star of their cause, large and covering the majority of skin like a virus.
The head scientist nodded to the few soldiers’ in the room, and they wordlessly pulled Theo’s arms in front him and placed reinforced cuffs around his wrists. Without warning the shoved him forward, he stumbled just very slightly, easily able to catch himself and shift to walking in any direction they wished for him to go.
The walk was mostly a silent one, but everyone was rigid and tense with anticipation. While the Omega was restrained, he could, if he so wished, overpower many of the soldiers escorting him- even with the inhibitors restricting that uncontrolled power of his. Something which years ago, the Red Skull was becoming obsessed in finding the true source of.
Opening the door, random to the many lining the hallway, there inside was an empty confined room, the Asset was directed to a chair. Which he obediently took a seat upon, and as instructed- he simply waited. The mixture of doctor’s, scientist’s and soldiers hurriedly left the room, and Theo was left with his arms still stuck together in front of him by those specialised cuffs as the room delved into a darkness at the slamming of the cell door.
But he didn’t have to wait very long before loud shouts, orders and shuffled movement filled the end of the hall before approaching closer and closer with the sound of a struggle, then a body was thrown into the room, tossed harshly to the concrete before Theo’s feet as the door slamming after this stranger.
The man looked wild, his eyes flickering all over the place and his hair matted due to lack of grooming. His eyes pierced Theo’s causing his body to freeze in alert, but at the simple smell of Theo’s scent, the Soldier approached the cuffed Omega more confidently- more needy.
The soldier buried his nose to the Omega’s neck, finding the vanilla scent addictive, familiar and safe, despite missing all the memories associated with this person. The Asset’s eyes remained staring ahead, unfocused and dull like a robot. His posture was slumped and mouldable as the Soldier roughly pushed his head to the side, trying to gain as much access as possible to the gland before biting down on it.
Orange orbs narrowed at the pain and flickered over to meet the Alpha’s, earning a low growl from him. The soldier was animalistic, practically drooling as he sucked desperately at the taste of vanilla, it acted as a sort of medicine and calming agent.
The serum had increased the Soldier’s height as well, from 5’10 to 6 foot 2. His build overall was a lot bigger and more combat ready than the Asset’s muscular but lean one. Even with the enhancement of his body, Theo’s Omega genes still made his bones more brittle, light and fragile- physically stronger than an average Alpha but weaker than someone like the Soldier, especially when the Alpha had the aid of a vibranium man.
The Soldier’s metal fingers tightened their hold on Theo’s head of white hair, warning the Omega to back down; Theo reluctantly shifted his gaze back to the wall behind the Alpha.
Pulling at the Asset’s like a rag doll, the Soldier knocked over the wooden chair and dragged the Omega onto the concrete floor before shifting his body over Theo’s, trapping him to the ground.
The Asset couldn’t do anything to move, his hands were restrained and his legs were stuck on either side of the Alpha’s waist, he couldn’t kick the Soldier even if he wanted to. A low purring-like sound left the Alpha’s lips as he rested his ear against Theo’s chest, listening to the relaxing sound of the Omega’s steady and slow heartbeat.
He was stuck there for an hour before the Hydra soldiers waiting outside deemed it safe enough to quickly shoot a sedative at the Winter Soldier and remove the Alpha from the cell and back to his cyro-chamber.
Men rushed into the room upon noting the Soldier had been lured into deep and rare rest, most likely he’d be dragged first to the brainwashing chair the Asset knew all too well.
Theo was then hauled to his feet and ushered back into the Doctors lab. He was told to lie against the metal table, and without hesitation, Theo did as told. Robotically slipping onto the table and allowing his cuffs to be removed cautiously, before immediately being replaced with the inbuilt restraints into the table itself.
All precautionary, as Theo would guess he’d lashed out in the past, though he couldn’t recall ever doing so thanks to that memory-wiping chair.
The Doctor shuffled through his notebook and lab report before addressing the additional staff, they carefully cut away at the replaceable Hydra uniform Theo was wearing. Pulling the thin shirt from his body, the staff examined the long cut running down the lower half of Theo’s stomach.
“Good. No issues with healing the incision.” The head doctor commented. “Asset. We have a mission for you.”
The white-haired assassin fiddled with the familiar cuffs around his wrists, flexing his hands open and closed mindlessly. The Hydra agents seated around in in the van watched him warily as he become more impatient. Theo’s orange orbs flickering lowly around the van as it drove at high speeds, dodging and weaving traffic at the command for reinforcement, Theo was careful not to meet anyone’s eyes, that’d only result in punishment for displaying rebellious tendencies.
Skidding to a very fast stop, one of the many Hydra agents wearing a fake SWAT uniform comes to stand in front of the Asset, he fumbles hurriedly with a small electronic key before unlocking the assassin’s cuffs with a quick scan. The inhibitors were deactivated.
The Asset stands without hesitation and follows the agents out of the back of the van as it’s doors are kicked open, his mask was locked tightly into place and couldn’t be taken off without a similar mechanism to the electronic key that had previously been used by that Hydra agent earlier. It kept the Asset’s identity hidden from people that could identify him as Theo King. But it’s true use was as a muzzle, keeping the Asset from lashing out when they tested on him. Keeping his mouth shut until they wanted otherwise.
Marching up to the black government issued SUV, reinforced no doubt as it was littered with unsuccessful shots at the windows. Nick Fury glanced out the window in fright as the Asset’s form marched closer to his window, quickly he slid over to the passenger’s seat. He was expecting a battering ram. Not some juiced up mercenary with hauntingly orange glowing eyes.
The Assassin pulled his fist back-
“Warning! Window integrity compromised.” Fury’s car system warned, red lights flashing all over the place.
Theo’s forearm erupted into black flame and smoke, which soon died to reveal blackened skin and claw-like nails- it was something demonic looking for sure.
The window shatters as a fist meets it, but it doesn’t brake. Fury looks at the white-haired male with surprise and horror. He had no idea of what he was. But he needed to know who he was. No normal human could smash a reinforced SHEILD SUV with just their fists.
“You think?” Fury panic’s, “How long to propulsion?” He inquires the AI.
“Calculating-“ Another hit to the window, “Window integrity thirty-one percent. Deploying countermeasures-“
“Hold that order!” Fury quickly interrupts. Another hit to the window.
“Window integrity nineteen percent. Offensive measures advised-“
“Wait!” Fury growls. Another hit.
“Window integrity one percent.”
“Now!” Fury orders and without delay a small mini-gun pulls up from the inside of the car and Fury wastes no time using it to return fire on the mercenaries.
The Asset shields his face with his arms. Bullets ripped through the skin on his arms, but never got past the bulletproof armour he had covering his chest. The force of the attack sent him to the ground and by the time the bullets were pushed from his arms as his skin healed- the target was racing away in his car.
“Target on the move.” One of the surviving agents said, speaking into the device on his wrist. “Moving Asset to the Soldier’s location.”
The agent waved over a passing Hydra van, and the Asset took himself a seat. Skin regaining it’s naturally pale tone, it revealed Theo’s arms coated in blood, but incredibly the wounds were already halfway through its healing process.
When the van came to its stop, the doors were opened and Theo jumped from the vehicle, landing effortlessly on the road just as the Soldier detonated the remote explosive he’d shot underneath the target’s SUV.
Fury’s vision was blurry as he recomposed himself, he glanced at his attackers, eyes wide at the new masked threat. And he was shocked to see the white-haired male still alive at all and without indicating pain or injury.
Unclipping his pistol from his belt, the Asset stayed back while the Soldier approached the vehicle, ready for any surprise escape attempts on foot.
Trapped inside his upside down car, Fury watches as the mysterious new threat walked slowly toward him, reloading his gun as he did so. Fury however manages to escape just in time by using a pencil-sized laser to burn open a sewage entrance.
The Soldier rips the damaged door off its hinges with his metal arm, there is however no one inside, prompting him to clip his weapon back into place and return to the Asset’s side as they waited for a pick up.
Not a second later and the same van Theo was on previously pulled up to a stop and the back doors swung open for both of them.
The Asset was promptly ushered back into the van, the Soldier pushing him forward with a hand at the back of his neck. The Asset glared back at the Soldier and his small display of dominance. Entering the van and taking a seat, Theo’s hands were quickly cuffed once more (inhibitors activated) before returning to base.
Mission was a failure.
At his home Alexander Pierce goes to his kitchen, and opens his fridge to pull out a carton of milk. He pauses as he sees the Winter Soldier seated at his table, just barely visible within the shadows, a gun however was very visible as the light shined and reflected off of it, the Soldier pulls it out as Pierce’s Housekeeper calls out to him from the other side of the wall.
“I’m going to go, Mr. Pierce. You need anything before I leave?” She calls out.
“No. Uh…” Pierce pauses as from behind the Solder, and Theo comes into view. “…it’s fine, Renata, you can go home.” He replies.
“Okay, night-night.” She calls in farewell.
“Good night.” Pierce responds, his eyes never leaving the two in front of him. “Want some milk?” He offers as Renata closes the door behind her. The Soldier doesn’t reply, and Pierce certainly doesn’t expect the Asset to either. His mask-like muzzle restricted him physically from saying a word.
“The timetable has moved. Our window is limited. Two targets, Level Six” Piece picks up his glass of milk and joins the Soldier at the table. He stills slightly as he sniffs the air, “Seems like your suppressants are fading, Omega.” Pierce hums, a smile on his face as he shifts his gaze to the Asset. Pierce could feel his inner Alpha groan at the smell and he'll admit that he had a struggle to remain composed in front of the two assassin’s. Theo’s sweet scent of vanilla bean, typically you’d never think to use suppressants on an Omega. It can become incredibly damaging to the body. But it didn’t take long for Doctor’s and Hydra agents alike to realise the serum had altered the smell of his scent.
Zola theorised that because Theo’s body had been changed further, more masculine and Alpha, overall less Omega- his hormones were trying to counteract the imbalance by making his scent more potent. It got to the point where Hydra had no choice but to place the Omega on suppressants in order to stop other Alpha’s from trying to breed with him.
Technically his scent shouldn’t even be as strong as a normal Omega, because he bonded with Bucky. He has an Alpha, so his body no longer has the need to try ‘seduce’ other Alpha’s.
Yet something in the serum made his inner Omega feel un-bonded, the scent was a problem even for mated/ bonded Alpha’s whom should be repulsed by the smell of another Omega- yet this again was not the case.
While on suppressants, only the Soldier was able to still smell Theo’s scent. And that again, was just because they were bonded. Hydra used it to their advantage of course, when either the Asset or Soldier became unstable- it was a simple as putting the two together in the same space.
Swallowing his mouthful of milk, Pierce continued, “They already cost me Zola. I want a confirmed death in ten hours-“ Renata (the housekeeper) walks back into the room, cutting Pierce off.
“Sorry, Mr. Pierce, I… I forgot my phone.” She stammers noticing the two figures in the dark.
Pierce clicks his tongue in annoyance, “Oh, Renata. I wish you would have knocked.” He grumbles, picking up the gun the Winter Soldier had placed on the table and shooting at her without hesitation, killing her in seconds with an experience shot centre of her head.
“Get him some suppressants immediately and be on your way.” Pierce orders the Soldier, Winter nods his head, standing up and disappearing without a trace, Theo following his example.
Reaching HQ, the Hydra agents had a hard time separating the Soldier from the Asset, Winter was snarling, growling and snapping at those that got too close. Theo kept his gaze to the ground, letting the agents drag the Soldier away, much to Theo’s regret as every instinct in his body is screaming at him to stay by the Soldier’s side.
The Asset returned to the Lab, his usual destination within Hydra as the Doctor injects a large dose of suppressants, distributing the shots around Theo’s body. Before examining his body once over before the mission early tomorrow morning.
Inside a bank vault, many Hydra agents move around the chair the Soldier is confined to, fixing his broken arm. The Soldier looks in front of him, eyes blank, mind empty.
“Sir, he’s… he’s unstable. Erratic.” A Hydra scientist warns Pierce as he storms into the bank vault. Rumlow is by his side as they make their way in front of the dazed Winter Soldier.
“Mission report.” Pierce demands. “Mission report, now.” He repeats, a frustrated sigh leaves mouth as the Soldier remains stubbornly silent. Something was obviously plaguing the weapon.
“Where’s the Omega?” Pierce growls, eyes looking around him and daring someone to speak.
“The Asset is still under- it takes time for his body to adjust to the suppressants.” One of the scientists answer.
Pierce growls at the answer, it meant harder control over the Soldier when he became like this.
“The man on the bridge… Who was he?” The Soldier voices, catching Pierce’s attention.
“You met him earlier this week on another assignment.” Pierce answers quickly.
“I knew him.” Winter mumbles.
“Your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century, and I need you to do it one more time. Society is at a tipping point between order and chaos. Tomorrow morning we’re gonna give it a push. But, if you don’t do your part, I can’t do mine, and Hydra can’t give the world the freedom it deserves.” Pierce states, like reading a script said a thousand times previously.
“But I knew him.” The soldier pushed.
“Prep him.” Pierce orders.
“He’s been out of cryo-freeze too long.” A scientist voices.
“Then wipe him and start over.” Pierce hisses, “And while you’re at it, keep the Omega under and send him to Siberia. The Soldier will follow after the mission.” Pierce states.
Bucky groaned as his eyes open and he regained consciousness, blinking sluggishly for his vision to focus before realising his metal arm was trapped in a huge vice. He tugged at the restraint but his arm didn’t move an inch. Eyes flickering about the place, he concluded quickly that he’d been brought to a warehouse of some kind- Bucky flinched as a helicopter flew overhead, and worry filled him at the thought of being caught yet again.
But then his attention was brought elsewhere when he heard shuffling steps, and in his line of vision was Sam Wilson, leaning against a pillar.
“Hey, Cap!” Sam called out, the raise in volume had Bucky subtly duck down instinctually to hide, were they trying to be caught?
Steve no sooner rounded the corner past Sam and eyed Bucky cautiously as he approached.
“Steve.” Bucky recalled in an exhausted drawl.
Steve clenched his jaw, “Which Bucky am I talking to?”
Bucky paused, face displaying a blank expression as he realised he did remember, or he remembered more than he did before, in fact he remembered that-
“Your mom’s name is Sarah.” Bucky blurted, before chuckling at another memory, “You used to wear newspapers in your shoes…”
Steve almost smiled, “You can’t read that in a museum.”
“And just like that we’re supposed to be cool?” Sam huffed, narrowing his eyes at Bucky but directing the question to Steve.
Bucky frowned, “What did I do?”
“Enough.” Steve stated.
Bucky sighed, lowing his gaze further, “I knew this would happen... Everything Hydra put inside of me is still there. All he had to do was say the goddamn words.”
“Who was he?” Steve inquired.
“I don’t know.” Bucky admitted.
Steve shook his head, “People are dead- the bombing, the set-up- the doctor did all that just to get 10 minutes with you. I need you to do better than ‘I don’t know’.”
Bucky frowned, looking at his feet as he racked through his muddled memory for an answer that would be of actual help, and like a switch he begun remembering.
“He wanted to know about Siberia… Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where…” Bucky trailed off, just as confused as the Steve and Sam were.
“Why would he need to know that?” Steve pushed.
Bucky instantly slumped at the answer which came into his head, “Because I’m not the only Winter Soldier.”
Steve and Sam followed Bucky’s action and slumped their shoulders in mild defeat at such an undesirable response, containing Bucky had been difficult on its own- for there to be more…
“Who were they?” Steve eventually asked, taking Sam’s approach to lean against one of the warehouse pillars.
“The most elite death squad, more kills than anyone in Hydra history, and that was before the serum.” Bucky spilled robotically, the information drilled into the depth of his brain.
“They all turn out like you?” Sam voiced.
“Worse.” Bucky whispered, but was still heard.
“The doctor, could he control them?” Steve questioned.
“(The doctor) Said he wanted to see an empire fall.” Steve quoted.
“With these guys he could do it. They speak 30 languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilise- they can take a whole country down in one night and you’d never see them coming.” Bucky spoke in a monotone, cringing at the information popping up into his head as he spoke.
Sam ushered Steve closer to him for a private conversation, Bucky wasn’t bothered to listen to them, more so his head was flashing quickly with random memories that didn’t seem to be in any order, it wasn’t until one in particular enter his head that Bucky jolted at his instincts flaring to life, he still had an Omega to find.
Theo awoke with a sharp gasp of air, as pain radiated from his chest, he reached quickly to place pressure upon the wound, a gunshot through-
“You know, you should be dead.” Someone drawled in an exhausted tone. “That went right through your heart.”
Theo’s eyes flashed to the source, seeing an familiar face looking right back at him, someone he’d seen and read about in Hydra files, but had yet to ever meet in person (in a likely assassination). Eyes drifting to the environment around them, Theo concluded that the Hydra base was no longer in function, a sigh of relief almost left his lips as he spotted the dead bodies still within their cryo-chambers, that elite death squad scared him- the stories of their strength even against someone like his Alpha, the Winter Soldier.
“Hey-“ Theo’s eyes darted back to the wounded man, “What’s your name?”
“I’m the Asset.” Theo responded cautiously in a low robotic tone as he pushed himself out of his own cryo-chamber, landing with stumbling unsteady feet thanks to that blood-loss.
“You’re Hydra.” The stranger realised, “You look so young…”
Theo said nothing to the man, deciding instead to stumble in the direction of the other cryo-chambers around the corner, needing to confirm they were permanently gone to the world.
“They’re dead.”
“I know.” Theo responds, eyes lingering over the bodies without glowing orange souls.
“Hydra’s gone, kid.” The man shares, “They’ve been gone a while.”
“Did the Soldier survive?” Theo asks.
Tony Stark goes rigid at the question, rage fuels him quickly before leaving just as fast- “I’m not sure.”
Theo nods with a sigh that caught Tony off guard, “Why?” He blurted, curiosity getting the better of him.
Theo frowns, crossing his arms tightly to his chest, “That’s my Alpha.”
Tony was shocked, “You’re Omega?”
“Yes.” Theo confirmed.
Tony clears his throat, pushing away the many questions swarming in his head, “What’re you going to do now?”
Theo thought about the question, knowing that the Stark was only asking to make sure Theo didn’t intend on continuing Hydra’s legacy, Theo didn’t have much to say, he didn’t even know where to start- his only memories were of Hydra and nothing but.
“I don’t know.” Theo admitted, the Winter Soldier needed him more than Theo needed to see the Soldier, Alpha’s relied on Omega once bonded- whereas Theo could last a lifetime without his Alpha- especially considering he didn’t have any feelings for the brute, or at least, none that he remembered.
Tony bit his lip in thought, “Do you know where they kept their research files? I might be able to find more on you that way…”
Theo hesitated before nodding and guiding the limping billionaire through the facility.
“You are a lot less hostile than, Barnes.” Tony commented, spotting Theo’s confused expression he corrected himself, “Sorry, the Soldier I mean.”
Theo eyed the man before continuing down a narrow hallway.
“Just as quiet though.” Tony sighed.
Tony frowned, “Why haven’t you killed me?”
“I haven’t been assigned a mission or given orders.” Theo stated, “And you do not pose any threat to me.”
Tony scrunched his face up in offense, but silently agreed with the Hydra weapon whom he just now noticed, was no longer clutching at the bullet wound- that would certainly give the Omega an advantage. Added with the fact that Tony had discarded his broken suit back in the control room. Theo also had a good height and muscle advantage as well.
Entering the filing room, Tony darted to the old computer running on fumes. Fingers dancing across the keys, Tony seemed to find the code for the file he wanted- or two, considering he first went to the cabinets to the left before collecting another file to the right.
Dragging a stool over to a desk, which Tony cleared with the sweep of his arm, he opened the first file.
“Theodore King, a medical officer in one-o-seven squadron. Class: Omega. 18 years old upon capture- seems like someone lied about their enlistment age…” Tony mumbled. “… You’re enhanced.”
Tony turned to face the assassin, “Mind telling me what you can do?”
Theo frowned but released the sensitive information after reminding himself that Hydra was compromised if not completely destroyed, “I’m not sure how to explain it.”
“Try for me, kid.” Tony insisted.
Theo sighed, leaning against the edge of the desk Tony was occupying, “Imagine there are two… worlds on top of each other- both existing at the same time.”
“Like alternate dimensions?”
“No. Most people can either be in one world or the other-“
“Well that’s my enhancement. I walk on both.”
“Okay, tell me more about this other world, is it dangerous?”
“It can be, if I let it.” Theo frowned.
“Ok, and can you take anyone there?” Tony asked.
“Well yes, sort of.” Theo mumbled, “I’d have to kill you.”
Tony froze at such words, but relaxed at Theo’s lack of movement, he then put together all the pieces Theo had given him, “Wait- you’re telling me, you can interact the with dead?”
Theo grimaced at the description but nodded, “Yes.”
Tony pursed his lips before looking to Theo with a rather serious expression.
“I want you to prove it.”
88 notes · View notes
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"I desire a colossal stomach that could devour all the food in the whole world. Don't you share the same sentiment?"
"What does fine dining mean to you personally? If you wish to be in the world of gastronomy, you should always ask yourself that."
"Food is the essence of human life...Obtaining rich food can be deemed the ultimate luxury." 
"What is your favorite meal? Come on, speak up. It will help me understand what kind of person you are."
"Well, let us savor this."
"Well, did you come across any rare ingredients?"
"Since you wish to get involved in the Gastronomy Guild, why not start by increasing your daily meal intake?"
"I see, your palate has become quite refined, yet there is still a long way to go...Keep improving. I have high expectations of you."
"Is that your choice of wine? I see...You've learned well. No need to serve it, you should savor it with me."
"It's nice to dine in the sunlight. Different scenery can be like a seasoning that enriches the meal."
"Your attitude toward food is refreshing. It makes me more excited for what is to come. I'm counting on you, Guild Keeper."
"Can you satisfy me?"
"May it become a cornerstone of gourmet dining."
"A meal shared with someone. Hm. It's been such a long time, I had forgotten that feeling." 
"This is a dish often served at weddings. It's intended to deepen the bond between two people."
"It's nice to take a walk, but is it really worth my time?"
"Emma, I'm sorry, but I have a huge pile of work I must tackle."
"Inspection, dining, and tasting - There's a lot to do for the sake of fine gourmet experiences. My schedule is packed up to the minute again this week."
"I also have plans to inspect a suburban market where they sell both domestic and international vegetables."
"If you wish to know the details of my work, take a look at this stack of documents. It's quite a daunting task, isn't it?"
"Being diligent in your duties is an admirable thing. Why not accompany me on all of my inspections today? It will help you deepen your knowledge of cuisine."
"Well then, let's have dinner right away. Hm? Aren't you feeling hungry?"
"Did you visit the restaurant near the castle? I've been there before as well. It's a small humble place, but it has a charming atmosphere."
"Ooh, the street stalls are selling such unique delicacies. Consider me intrigued. Let's go check it out." 
"Hmm, listening to your story is making me hungry."
"Well, shall we go and dine? Take me to the place where you found that delicious food you mentioned."
"You like the way I dress? Well, as the leader of this guild I must dress appropriately. However, my sole focus is on the food."
"Honestly clothing doesn't matter much to me. It's not worth complimenting."
"If you have the time to look at my clothes, you have the time to pursue your career in gastronomy. However, if you attend a restaurant with a dress code, make sure to wear the right attire."
"Don't excessively flatter me."
"It's true that the fabric of my clothes is of high quality, but...Hmm...I suppose you do have a discerning eye for these things."
"Did you help in harvesting the orchard? I swear that I can smell the scent of lemons on you."
"You shouldn't concern yourself with me eating too much. I understand the difference between gourmet dining and overindulgence." 
"So, which restaurant shall we head to? If you're going out with me, it's obvious we'll be dining."
"We didn't have a meal, but it was still a nice break."
"It seems that new restaurants are popping up left and right. How about accompanying me on my next inspection?"
"Dinner? That's not a bad suggestion. I had planned to visit at least eight restaurants before returning to the guild today."
"Not many invite me out to eat as easily as you do. It's a refreshing change."
"However, inviting me out to eat...You must have quite the confidence in the restaurant you chose."
"If you're unsure if your restaurant is up to par, I can easily get reservations elsewhere. Just tell me."
"Exercise? I see...Since I tend to eat a lot, it might not be a bad idea to increase my physical activity."
"Hiking is a good choice. It's not only exercise, but we can also enjoy the scenery. However, if our goal is to burn calories, perhaps swimming or running would be a more efficient choice."
"You are constantly on the move more than anyone else. I'm sure that provides enough exercise for you."
"If you'd like, you could join me on my ingredient hunts. I must warn you, they get pretty intense."
"Were you attempting to keep up with my pace? Even Walter struggles to keep up with me, so...My apologies."
"In the future, there might be occasions where I'll have you accompany me to formal restaurants or banquets." 
"Keep in mind, it's not the nobility that deserve your respect. It is the chefs who serve them and the food itself."
"It seems you overslept this morning. The back of your hair is a tangled. Here. Stay still and I'll fix it for you."
"You'd like to go food tasting, huh? That does sound like fun. With you there at my side, it might taste even better."
"Do you have something specific you'd like to eat? If you have any preferences, I'll do my best to accommodate them." 
"Whether we have a meal or not...Spending time with you is oddly relaxing. It's like savoring a fragrant tea."
"Food to me, is life itself, above everything else. However, your presence is too..."
"Was my scarf askew? Sorry about that. I tend to be neglectful of everything except for food."
"My scarf bears the Gastronomy Guild emblem. You could say that the emblem is a symbol of my life. Having it created by hand cost more than buying a house."
"If you like my scarf so much, I might have one made for you someday."
"You don't need to be so deferential. I have taken a liking to you, and the gifts are a reward for your hard work."
"Your modesty is one of your virtues, but if you're going to assist me at this guild, I think it might be smart for you to grow some thicker skin."
"You'd like to play with my hair? So long as it doesn't disrupt my meal, feel free to do as you like. Just make sure to securely fasten it afterwards." 
"It would be appreciated if you showed as much passion for the food as you do for me."
"I can't help but feel uneasy when you stare at me like that. If you have something to say, speak up."
"No matter how long you stare at me, it won't fill your stomach."
"You seem like you want to say something, but unfortunately, I'm not so brilliant that I can read your mind."
"I can discern the state of ingredients easily, but...It seems I still can't see into your heart." 
"Who I share a meal with has never concerned me before...However, dining with you is a truly enriching experience."
"You want to become a Guild Keeper worthy of my time? That is the best thing you could ever say. I have high expectations of you."
"Lately, you've been thinking a lot about food, haven't you? That's a good thing. It's exactly what you need to do to support someone like me."
"Emma, I want to invite you to dine with me. My gourmet experiences are incomplete without you."
"Oh, right. It's my birthday. I've been so busy, I forgot about it. Thank you for your gift, it has made it feel real."
"There's a thing called moderation. Don't go overboard. I can't accept any more gifts."
Gift (Liked) : Oh, you're giving this to me...? Well done, Emma. You truly are my Guild Keeper.
Gift (Liked) : You have every reason to be confident in your choice. You have managed to satisfy me.
Gift (Neutral) : This is for me? Hm...It's not that bad. I guess I will accept it.
Gift (Disliked) : This is a gift for me? Don't make me laugh. In the future, choose your gifts more wisely.
Gift (Disliked) : We've spent so much time together, and yet you still don't know me. Do I need to teach you?
OSCAR : Feld, try this dish. As my Black Fairy, you need to refine your palate as well.
FELD : Ugh! You're relentless, aren't you?! I don't recall asking you to teach me about food!
OSCAR : Everything I do is for the sake of gourmet dining.
FELD : That's seriously all you care about, isn't it!?
OSCAR : Is there any dish you'd prefer to eat tonight?
FELD : Even in battle you have these discussions?
OSCAR : This time, try making chocolate using Kudzu leaves, Kuchen. You should be capable of that, correct?
KUCHEN : Huh? Those are incredibly sour leaves? Are you in your right mind, Oscar? ...However, it does sound like an intriguing idea. I'll get right on it.
OSCAR : Hmm...Your dessert is truly delicious.
KUCHEN : There's no way it could be bad.
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