#and assume the fun uncle activities he was MEANT to assume !!
jrueships · 2 years
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an embiid and his embiidling 🥰🥰
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verdemoun · 28 days
Fun fact, Kieran may have been originally supposed to live longer, at least judging by his many unused voice lines (found on YouTube) and a longer hairstyle which I actually think looks better for him (found on rdr wiki of cut content). Maybe he was supposed to go to Guarma? The voice lines to me suggested going on hunting missions with him but I’m not too sure.
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spoilers. obviously
fun fact i have listened to the 2+ hours of Kieran's cut voice lines so many times even my housemates know it and groan when they walk in and i'm listening to it. Did you know one of his cut voice lines for a near miss in a shootout is 'whoo, nearly took my head off!' to foreshadow his eventual demise? And he has several variations of lines telling Arthur to rest with the gentlest tone suggesting he would have been one of the few characters to show concern for Arthur's illness in later chapters? And slightly less relevant but there is a cut interaction in where he asks Jack to sneak him some food only for Arthur to threaten to kill him BUT CALLING HIMSELF UNCLE KIERAN???
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screenshots by cad5150
About Guarma, all but confirmed. Here is one of his cut outfits, which I think very obviously suits the vibe of what most of the gang wore in Guarma like compare it to Micah's Guarma outfit in particular. Additionally he has this hood as an outfit accessory: some people think it was intended that when he rides into camp Horsemen Apocalypse there's a moment of the hood being taken off and then the characters having a much more visceral reaction to his eyes being gauged out but personally I think it makes way more sense that he was meant to be in Banking, the Old American Art 'replacing' Sean as an extra gun. Which would have been really cool because I would have loved a conversation where they bring up they're a gun short and it spiral into more reflection on how they're not just a gun short, they're a man down, they lost the 'joy in their lives' Sean Macguire and they were still hurting instead of just NEVER MENTIONING HIM AGAIN other than a few rare character lines.
Side tangent also his scarf is different in his guarma outfit which is it's own essay because if you're going off the blue high honor red low honor theory this so strong implies we could have seen some really cool character development. looking at what the gang were wearing in banking and then in guarma there's no obvious explanation as to where he got it. how cute would it have been if we got a scene where mary-beth gifted him a scarf?? but the also terrifying implication that we might see kieran become less high honour good boy blorbo to someone a bit more morally ambiguous?
I think the question really is how he would have fit in in Guarma, which of course we will never know and considering how much cut content there is about Guarma. Like everyone else in Guarma makes sense: Dutch's descent into immorality being so clear even Arthur questions it, Bill being the one trusted to look after Javier following his rescue, supporting their friendship in rdr1, Micah reaffirming his position as an actual piece of shit in his lines responding to Hosea and Lenny's deaths and complete lack of empathy. Maybe a kieran who is slightly more ruthless and active in shootouts in guarma but also shows compassion for arthur as arthur gets sick? Maybe the attack on Hanging Dog Ranch was meant to be more a revenge for Kieran's death assuming he was taken and killed similarly to his death in chapter 4 (given how much much foreshadowing there is for his death), but just another misery in chapter 6 that hits harder because we have more time to grow attached and see him develop?
Except. Except then we get to cut outfit kieran.
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first. hellooooo sailor. but who is this man. who is this man who looks older. and wears a very, very low honour red scarf. and is obviously dressed still as an outlaw, and didn't go live a happy life with mary-beth. is it. is it possible. kieran was not always meant to be doomed by the narrative??
is it possible we would have seen kieran become more loyal to dutch and micah, true to his army abandoning, gang jumping, choosing to ride with the o'driscolls rather than die, immediately 'loyal' to the vdls despite torture because being alone meant certain death, coward nature? or would he have just been a character john could encounter in the epilogue? perhaps shaken by knowing arthur, as one of his very, very few friends, died trying to be a better person and abandoned any effort to be more than an outlaw?
but. but kieran. shirt all buttoned up. scarf on. thick coat. hair slightly feral and wild. why does it looked like you're all dressed up for the cold, buddy? like- like you might have been hiding out up mount hagen.
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idlebirdsparagon · 28 days
Musings On Sacrifice And Happiness Regarding Ram & Bheem
@hag-lad this snowballed a bit and took me a few days, but I was not making empty promises in the tags; it is done.
All right folks. This little analysis was inspired by this post by @enigma-the-mysterious and is an exploration of Ram and Bheem's attitudes toward their mortality and potential deaths. Neither of these two knuckleheads (affectionate) seem even the least bit apprehensive at the thought of their own deaths and I want to unpack that.
Content warning for talk of death, and disregard for personal safety, as per the movie.
Bheem: "I'll die with pride."
[Note: this section will be a little less of a deep dive into subtext and deeper meaning/conjecture and more a general explanation of the text, mainly because Bheem, barring the necessity of his Akhtar persona, functions narratively as the "what you see is what you get/I said what I meant" type. But it's fun to talk about him, and I'm making a culminating point at the end of this so I need this here for the sake of ✨️balance✨️]
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Given his role as the protector for the Gond people, I would argue that it's reasonable to assume Bheem is, at any given point, ready to sacrifice himself for those he considers to be under his protection, whether directly a part of his tribe or not, especially based on the description of the protector given by Venkat Avadhani; yes Bheem is often likened to a tiger within the fandom (I do this too), but I think the imagery presented of a man willing to break a tiger's teeth and pry open its jaws to save someone is incredibly visceral and indicative of how far Bheem is willing to go as just one person.
Bheem lives with the knowledge that there's always a high chance that he will die as a natural outcome of his role among his people, as evidenced by how he doesn't promise his return when comforting Ram, saying instead "If we get out safely, I'll come meet you again."
And if he dies for the sake of ensuring that others get to live, that's a net positive for him; his purpose as protector fulfilled.
His entire line to Ram before he leaves to rescue Malli is a verbal acknowledgement of how much love he holds for his friend and an assurance to Ram that he'll have comfort in his final moments should they come to pass; he's not actively seeking to die, and he'll do his best to avoid dying, but he won't deem it an untimely tragedy should it happen. And having forged such a close friendship with Ram, that's another net positive he's been party to, so he can die with pride having done his job and holding the memory of Ram in his heart in his final moments.
Ram: "I will die gladly, Uncle."
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I'm not gonna ease into this idea, I'm too eager so I'm just going to lay it out: Alluri Rama Raju does not live for himself and does not pursue his mission with his wellbeing in mind. Ram operates under the notion of being an instrument of the revolution and, even in times of his most heinous acts, regards himself as such rather than as a person. This is ultimately a topic for another dissection, but to tie it into the point of this post: when a tool breaks, do you weep? Does the tool?
I'm not going to wax poetic about material loss versus emotional loss; there is a nuance there that begs for a much longer word count. However, I will underline the point I'm making about Ram and how he regards his life.
Ram is given the mantle of being the weapon of the revolution at a very young age and we are told that he has worked for 15 years toward his (and his father's) goal; if you subscribe to the ideology that your life is that of a tool meant to achieve a goal, rather than as evidence of a living being, how will that change how you regard that life? Is it something precious outside of the mission?
Ram has a severe reckless disregard for his personal safety; jumping into a throng of protesters with nothing but a lathi as his weapon/protection being the biggest example of this.
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(look at him go. wild. i'm armchair diagnosing him as clinically unwell.)
Ram is well aware of his prowess as a weapon and that gives him the confidence and internal permission to take wild risks without a moment's hesitation; he also knows that, ultimately, a weapon, if broken beyond repair, is replaceable; while he isn't looking to break himself, he certainly isn't being precious with his existence either.
And I would posit that he functions on a day to day basis under the need to accomplish his mission, get the weapons for his people and expel the British; beyond that? I wouldn't put money on Ram having planned for the future, or even having thought of making it to whatever future might be there for him. Though this idea is more of a headcanon than anything else; feel free to agree with or dismiss it as you like.
Then comes his ideological shift in the face of Bheem's rousing defiance of the Empire, and Ram's participation in it, in front of the people of Delhi at the whipping post.
Ram is forced to reckon with the fact that in his bid to be the weapon that brings about the downfall of the British Empire, he has effectively put that weapon into the hands of the enemy and allowed it to be wielded against the people he has been trying to liberate, and he knows this. The thought has been building for some time, as evidenced by his letter to Sita, but being ordered to flog Bheem expedited the process of cementing it as truth, with the final acknowledgement of that truth happening during Komuram Bheemudo.
But what to do with that realization?
What do you do when your purpose is thrown at your feet and you're forced to look at the culmination of your life's efforts as something that has been horribly corrupted and been rendered ultimately impotent? Let's me be specific with this rhetorical bit: What is Ram meant to do when looking at his guilt made manifest in the wounds littering Bheem's body, put there by his hand? Guilt that has been looming over his actions since his final shot in his village at his father's back?
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(do you ever think about the fact that they show us the moment Ram stopped genuinely smiling until the day he met Bheem?...i do)
After the flogging Ram says Bheem is a volcano; I want to take that metaphor and turn it in my hands a bit to say I'd regard Bheem more as the catalyst for the eruption of people in Delhi, the introduction of magma into the chamber that triggers the previous buildup to come rushing forth; again another analysis for another time. Suffice it to say Bheem's actions and defiance in the face of the British and his torture incite immediate and tangible results in a way that Ram's methods from the inside never have and never would have been able to.
Here's where I'm going to bring it back to the idea of Ram and his happiness to potentially die for Bheem
Ram pins his hopes of a successful revolution onto Bheem. He doesn't seem the type to excuse failure in any capacity in regard to himself, and he has just been made painfully and undeniably aware that what he has been doing for the past 4 years has not been working; time to effectively decommission himself as the weapon. And if he dies, well, such is the way of things, no? Ram is beyond skilled in a great many things, especially combat, but I doubt he's ever regarded himself as invincible, he gets hurt too badly and far too often for that to make sense. Luck eventually runs out. He can do what needs to be done, he has every confidence in that, but he's aware of the possibility that doing so will come at the cost of his life. And with all that he has done up to the point of his about face after Bheem's flogging, he's more than ready to pay that price in his own blood.
Ram's life is not his, at least not by his estimation, and if he can keep Bheem alive, his own life is fine to be forfeit. He can die happy knowing Bheem still lives, with the added bonus of knowing the revolution will continue in his absence. At least in death he will have successfully done something good for his people and country.
To Summarize:
Both men are at peace with the idea of their respective deaths: Ram ultimately because he doesn't see his death as a loss if Bheem is still alive, and Bheem because he doesn't see his death as a tragedy if it means saving the life of another, especially with the knowledge that he can hold his friendship with Ram in his heart as he dies.
Though of course, within the context of the movie, neither of them has to die for the other, and I like to think that after the events of the movie they will gladly keep each other alive and never even think to regard doing so as a burden.
And that's where I'll end this analysis. If you made it this far, or just skipped to the summary, thank you for reading!
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openconceptpanicroom · 11 months
The Secret Life of Songbirds
(Chapter One) - How you met
Iori Utahime x fem!reader
Summary: A collection of brief (and not-so brief) glimpses into the love story between you and Utahime.
Notes: reader is a queer menace, Utahime is having a gay panic, mutual pining, awkward flirting, fluff, angst, references to implied homophobia.
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April, 2003- That’s a Pretty Girl
You were the second sorcerer in your family. And a late-bloomer too. One day you were just a regular girl going to school in Tokyo, the next… this. For three years now, you were a part of this strange world. Trained by an uncle you never knew you had, as he had been the first sorcerer in your family.But nothing, not curses or brutal training regimens, could have prepared you for her.
Your first day at Tokyo Jujutsu High, was when you first saw her. She stood so still, hands gripping her hakama with white knuckles. Unlike the rest of your new classmates, she wore the clothing of a shrine maiden. Her dark hair was neat and tied into two loose ponytails. A round face, bright eyes. And she was staring right back at you.
“Oi, what’re staring at?” your uncle elbowed your back. Had he been talking? You would never know. Startled, you blurted out the truth. Loudly.
“Pretty girl!”
The shrine maiden, and many others waiting to enter the school for orientation, heard you. Your hands went over your mouth and you watched that “Pretty girl” turn bright red. Once your uncle saw who you were referring to, he yanked you back and gave you her name. Iori Utahime, a member of a well-respected Jujutsu clan. Not someone you should be loudly declaring you find attractive, even if you weren’t both girls.
You shrugged, “A pretty girl is a pretty girl, uncle. You know I’ve got a weakness!”
“I’m tryin’ to keep you alive, kid! I meant it when I said I don’t care that you like girls, but she’s an exception,” he shook you slightly at the shoulders. Dramatic old man. Though you still heard snickering from your new classmates, you didn’t feel as embarrassed as you thought you would. In fact, you started to turn your head to see if she was still there.
“Utahime, huh? That’s a nice name—“
Your uncle grabbed your face in one hand and made pushed his face close to yours, “Do you only listen to every other word I say?!”
His rant only drags on, with him shaking your face in his hand while you daze off. Utahime.
May, 2003- On the same team
In the first few weeks of school you learned a lot. You went home to your uncle exhausted most days, bruised body and tired out brain. At school, some of your focus was taken up by that pretty shrine maiden you weren’t supposed to get too close to. For a sorcerer from a respected clan, she sure acted like a regular girl.
Utahime liked a lot of modern music, especially sports. She was easily startled, and even easier to anger. You watched from your seat as she berated a boy who tried to accuse her of being a crybaby. While she was crying over some baseball player being traded to another team. It kinda made you laugh, at first. When the boy didn’t let up, you stood, “Don’t make fun of her just because she knows how to show a fucking emotion.”
Again, far more people had heard you than you intended. Heads turned, curious. The silence was long. Ah, maybe your reaction was a bit strong?You cleared your throat and said, “Lay off Iori-chan, eh? She can cry if she’s sad.”
Utahime wiped her cheeks, “I… I do not need your help!”
Right, you almost forgot about it, Utahime’s bizarre dislike of you. From the first day onward, she just didn’t seem to like you. She would actively ignore you sometimes. You assumed it was because you embarrassed her. But jeez, it had been weeks. All you could do was sit back down as class began.
Later that day, students were divided into groups of three. Each trio, or duo, would be set that way for their entire time spent at Jujutsu High. These partnerships may even last after graduation. You were a bit nervous to hear who you would be placed with, but were pleased by the results.
You, a reserved girl named Mei Mei, and Iori Utahime.
At lunch, you gathered your new team together. Mei Mei was all class. Beautiful but cold and with the confidence of a grown woman. Hard to believe she was the same age as you or Utahime. Mei Mei didn’t hide what motivated her, money. You could respect her honesty. Utahime wasn’t offering up any information. Only eating her bento with her back hunched as she sat beneath the cherry blossom tree with you both.
“So, what’s your special technique?”
Utahime put both hands in her lap and crowed, “My technique allows me to amplify the abilities of my allies tenfold through the art of dance!”
She was cute like this, chest all puffed up and proud. You grinned at her, “Dance, huh? You must be really good at it.”
The earlier tension in her shoulders had eased. Utahime looked at you without turning her head, as if trying to hide the fact that she was talking specifically to you. No offense taken on your part. Plus, you were starting to get the hint that she was a bit jumpy.
“I suppose so…” a hint of pink was already spreading across her face.
You leaned in closer to her, “I’m a shit dancer. Maybe you could teach me sometime?”
Utahime jumped to her feet, “I will not teach the Iori Clan’s ancient techniques to someone like you!”
Unfazed, you said, “I can settle for watching you dance to make me stronger, then.”
A chocked guffaw left her mouth as she declared, “I’ll never dance for you!”
“Why not?” There was a pout on your lips that kept drawing her eyes there.
“Because… because… you’re so… ugh!” Utahime grabbed her half-eaten lunch and stormed back inside.
Mei Mei let out a soft laugh, amused by the free show. You turned to her, “Was it something I said?”
Smoothly, Mei Mei collected her things and stood as well. She looked down at you through pale lashes, “You’re both hopeless.” Mei Mei ignored your begging to explain herself as she left you beneath the cherry blossom tree.
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majorproblems77 · 5 months
Hi all! Bonus links updated! Which means I am back to ramble about it! :D
Hello hello!! :D
Hope you are all having a wonderful day (And if not maybe some rambling can make it better!) Bonus links is back with Homesick part 5.
Nuff said :D
Im kidding, but im also not kidding. This comic is wonderful and always so well done! I love it sm, also mandatory Loft my beloved, because he is the bestest boy in the worlds.
For the important stuff! All art belongs to @bonus-links and the artist @ezdotjpg. Please go and look at their other stuff too! And I once again thank you for letting me do these.
You can find a link to the comic here!!! Please go and give the original post some love!
Now, Grab a drink, and some popcorn cause I am about to take you on a journey. Mainly a rambling journey, but a journey nonetheless!
Let's do this!
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Loft.... Loft are you remembering the same trip I am cause you looked horrified. Im sure he kinda had fun eventually but I remember the shenanigans.
Wake is just happy to be here.
And poor wolf. He Frow up! (This made me cackle so much thank you)
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Wake really do be :3 Gives me cat vibes.
I love how expressive he is. He's so proud of himself.
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Oh my god, these two deserve the literal world I love them so damn much okay.
(Is this analysis just gonna be me hyping about all of these guys for 30 minutes. Probably, but that's what you signed up for so.... :D )
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Okay okay okay
So, Aryll has a joy pendant and this gives me joy, did wake give to her from his adventure? That makes me so happy.
And Tetra! Holy hell she looks so cool! Badass bitch over here and I am here for it.
Also, just to check, Thats Linebecks jacket, right? The one he wore in phantom hourglass. I dont remember seeing him give it to Tetra at any point in time. So, how is it she's come across it?
I assume it's just he gave it to her at one point and she wears it as a sign of respect?
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Ohno.... OH NO
Tetra looks like she is about to kill Ganondorf all over again, Also also, the background behind Tetra. Protective mode activated.
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This one, I am loving how it looks like water. I was literally screaming, though, you get that feeling you recognise something? It's something Something about the water.
I'll be back...
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(From Homesick pt3 - link here!)
Also the shadows? The way the light comes up from below her rather than above her at this point. The final fight had this in the final stages. A nice detail.
This is the face of fear
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Help him
Man is about to get killed, tetra is to be feared and I love her.
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She has a point. Stabbing Ganondorf in the head is what caused him to turn to stone, so for all she knows Ganondorf could be walking around right now causing havoc.
And how, casual Wake is about it is probably not helping.
I love how protective of Gran Gran Tetra is, (as she should be Gran Gran is wonderful) and she has a point Wake like the hell why are you bringing in shenanigans on your poor Gran Gran's birthday.
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okay im done
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Yeah, Wake go and see your Gran Gran. Can't believe you are late so rude to Gran Gran.
Also him tucking the windwaker in the back of his belt, a nice touch!
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Also, I know it's not meant to be a lil face, but I can't unsee the lil face on Tetras cheek. It's so angry and sad and I love it.
Tetra's inner demon is just as mad as she is
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Oh my god I love Gran Gran so much
She is actually beloved because she's so sweet! And Wake loves his gran so much I just ahhhhhh
I love them
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His little squishy face oh bless him.
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Linebeck, Linebeck please, he's lowkey their uncle. Look at how disappointed Wake and Aryll look.
Gran Gran you look wonderful.
Oh they all got towels thats so sweet
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Also I am loving the backgrounds, the inside of Gran Gran's House is just wonderful.
So here is some of the stuff I've spotted, which from my understanding come from a mix of Windwaker and Phantom hourglass.
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Yahaha! You found him! :D
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What I believe is the Town flower? I think that's right.
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A Ruto crown I believe!
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They went ice skating and thats adorable
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Look at this boy
How could you not love him?
Cause I do
Loft my beloved
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Me figuring out if this is saying Lie to my gran or Dont lie to my gran because of that hand.
Pretty sure it's Lie to my Gran. But I think it's funnier if it's, Dont lie to my gran.
Take it as you will
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Loft using Groose, he looks so nervous I love him,
Wolf picking Rusl makes me so happy. Man is a hometown kid.
Slate, the sweet darling boy. I love all of them very much. Also, with that smug face, he 100% knew what he was doing.
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This is the look of a man who likes you because his grandmother approves of you.
Also, I think I would literally die for Gran Gran i love her to pieces and if anything happens to her I will go on a rampage, (Affectionally, with a tub of ice cream)
This update was wholesome I loved it. AND THOSE BACKGROUNDS YES.
Background appreciation time
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Look at the detail on the boat!
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Even out of focus the fact that you can see the blades of long grass or the hatching on the window.
(ALso look at how sweet my blorbo is Loft beloved)
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I just love how much detail is in the house or on the tree to the right hand side here.
And the little flowers just outside I see you. so cute!
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Now inside the House is just so incredible looking.
The small details on the blanket on the bed, or the pictures on the wall. The fact that you can make out what they are at this distance is just so cool okay.
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Again, the details on the items on the shelf, or in the flowers in the top right-hand corner.
It's just incredible how detailed stuff is and I love it.
Love it so much!
Okay thats my rambles done for another update. Thanks for following along!
I hope you have a great day! :D
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ae-neon · 1 year
I used to have a theory (until acosf fucked up the system on how the hl's powers are passed, like, i assumed it was a straight line in the genealogical tree and would go to sides, like uncle and cousin, only if they are conected to the later hl's line and are youger) in which, to not write a long text: if all males were dead and only females were left alive, the magic would have no choice but pick the strongest and make her high lady.... but, sjm doesn't read her own books so the theory became invalid....
Hey anon
This is literally why I never understood theory crafting in sjm books, it implies sjm writes with a care and dedication that simply doesn't exist, sjm isn't even consistent within the same book
The theories coming out of MAF and into WAR was a wild time in the fandom, there were theories (mostly supported by the text and things sjm said in interviews) that
Mama Archeron being the sixth queen (who turned out to be Vassa) (or her having been High Lady of the Dusk Court) and that was gonna explain Nesta's resistance to glamour
Half the book would be in Rhysand's pov and we would learn lots about the first war
Miryam and Drakon would show up. This one came true.
Rhysand would get his mom and sisters wings back, in particular that Feyre would steal them. I can't remember if this comes true or not since I actively black out the weird wing trophy
Mor+Azriel were not mates but was still gonna become canon
EVERYONE swore on their mom that sjm was gonna kill one or two members of the IC. Azriel was the most (un)popular choices
With the title Wings and Ruin, Cassian, due the injuries he sustained in Hybern, was an especially popular choice of "he'll die or at the very least will never fly again"
Mor was a spy/traitor for the CoN
Amren was a spy/traitor for Hybern
Amren would turn into a dragon or a valg
That Tamlin and Ianthe had been the ones to perform Calanmai and Ianthe would be pregnant with the heir to Spring and Tamlin would die, leaving Ianthe in power via proxy
Or Tamlin would die and Lucien would become HL of Spring somehow since he was mates with Elain and Feyre had drawn flowers for her
OR Beron would die and Lucien would become HL of the Autumn Court (Helion retcon didn't exist back then) and ally with the NC
Feyre giving herself wings + her having healing powers meant she would heal Cassian
At least 2 or 3 HLs would side with Hybern
Feyre would get help from the Suriel. This one came true.
Feyre would give up her power to save Rhys
Epilogue with Feyre pregnant like 50 or 100 years later since she didn't really want kids but Rhys "deserved" them (LMAO)
Nesta was a valg or something
Nesta was gonna murder a lot of people, like wipe out half of Hybern's army
Nesta was Illyrian
Feyre was gonna kill the KoH
Etc etc
The same thing is happening now, in particular with Elriel/Gwynriel/Elucien where ppl are using the text as some sort of well of proof but all sides have evidence which just means whatever sjm does will be justified
I'm not saying that ppl shouldn't do that. It can be fun, I'm sure, if you enjoy her books
But the canon itself is rarely reliable
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clay-cuttlefish · 1 year
Okay, more Blue Beetle thoughts, mostly about how it adapts the source. Major spoilers under the cut.
Using most of Ted's original backstory was a clever choice. "Evil uncle is building a robot army on a secret island" is a great self-contained threat, and it's a lot simpler than Jaime's crisis origin or longer arcs. The relevant part for Ted is usually just that Dan dies, so pulling a Brave and the Bold and bumping it down a generation doesn't break anything.
Carapax is basically an OC, which works. He's got a really cool design and is fun to watch fight, that's enough of a reason to use him for me. Connecting him to Dan would've complicated things and I like what he's got going on instead.
The OMAC project is a fusion of a couple things? It's definitely mixing the custom super soldiers of the original OMAC with Jaime's comic backstory featuring OMAC. Mostly, though, it feels like a more grounded version of Jarvis' robots from Brave and the Bold that needed the scarab.
Jenny fills some of the story role of Danielle Garrett, and is the Ted standin for the parts adapted from his backstory, but she's mostly her own character. It's odd to me that Ted was married while active as the Blue Beetle, let alone had a kid, but that's not the movie's fault.
There's a bit near the beginning where Jenny asks Victoria "what really happened on Pago Island" or something like that, and I assumed that meant Ted died there, but no? Maybe I'm misremembering, or it was meant to foreshadow the secret evil lair, or I put too much importance on it because I'm used to Ted being asked that, but I don't think it really paid off.
We'll see if the post-credits tease of Ted being alive ever gets followed up on. I couldn't understand most of it but I heard something that could have been "Booster", so if that show actually happens it might be there, or it could tie into Peacemaker. Aside from that, though, the movie works perfectly well as a standalone thing, which was nice. It implies that a larger superhero universe exists, but there's nothing that needs a followup - I wouldn't mind seeing more of Xolo as Jaime, but a good movie can just be a good movie.
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grace--fallen · 4 months
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wishlist ideas 001.
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octavia meets cherri bomb and just goes full send into her queer anarchist awakening. i'm talking sneaking out in the middle of the night to go clubbing, getting caught up in cherri's turf wars, trying all sorts of drugs for the first time with cherri right there to make sure she has a good trip, you know, lesbian stuff.
samael tries to infiltrate the hazbin hotel in disguise but charlie immediately clocks him and assumes lucifer sent him to keep an eye on her and now he has to play uncle to the nephal girl whose faith project he's actively trying to sabotage.
samael trying to convince lucifer to help him shut down charlie's hotel and help with his plan of waging war on heaven instead.
an au where alastor DID join the vees. they have to be called something different now but imagine he either begrudgingly bought into the shtick or he joined with ulterior motives.
someone anonymously buys angel dust's services to perform a private show for lucifer :) this could go many different ways.
alternatively angel is contracted to a different demon and maybe specializes in a different skill / industry because of that.
also anything to do with angel's mafia side. let him be a gangster.
belphegor interacting with literally any other sin. arguing with bee over why she can't have its party drugs. discussing new 𝓅𝓁ℯ𝒶𝓈𝓊𝓇ℯ 𝒾𝓃𝓋ℯ𝓃𝓉𝒾ℴ𝓃𝓈 with ozzie. trying to convince satan to use her inventions to optimize farming in wrath. gaslighting mammon for fun.
asmodeus and stolas......potentially.
asmodeus being summoned by a human and trapped on earth in his human disguise. they meant to summon a lesser demon to do their bidding but now they have a pissed off deadly sin stuck on their leash until one of them can find a way to send him back.
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
Hi I was wondering would you mind make a headcanons for the joy joy gang x lost child reader thank you.
Lost Child Headcanons | Joy Joy Gang
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thank you for requesting, anon!
reader is assumed as gender neutral
it doesn’t much matter how you ended up in joy joy land, because regardless of that you would always end up coming face to face with the animatronics shortly after your arrival.
because of how their patrols usually go, you’re most likely to be found by penny (which is probably for the best because she is the most friendly of the three)
her immediate reaction is a mixture of shock and concern, loudly exclaiming that there’s a child in the realm before quieting herself and lowering herself to your level as she tries to comfort you
she isn’t the most successful, but she does manage to coax you out of the crevice you hid in and learn your name through your frightened sniffles and sobs
“that’s an awesome name, squishy!”
doesn’t actually use it, though
she plays with you for however long it takes for hangry and lucky to get to the building you two were in, distracting you with silly voices and weird games she came up with to keep you calm
she may not like humans, but you were a child and definitely not meant to be there, so she tried her best to, well, not scare or hurt you
when the others arrive she briefs them on what she knows, handing over the plush toys she’d asked the boys to collect on the way there - keeping her voice low but still being expressive enough that you could guess what was happening
is very insistent on them not hurting you and monitors them when they approach you and introduce themselves (scolding hangry in particular when he started talking about ribs)
at the end of their discussion they’re still relatively unsure as to what they should do with you so they decide to keep you around for the time being
they give you a mostly safe room on the upper floors of the central building, away from hangry (something he agrees with because of his outbursts) and out of the way of potential planned guests in the realm
penny spends a lot of time playing with you, bringing you toys and books she finds around the area and basking in the praise and affection you give her once you open up to them all
she’s a mother figure, almost, in how she treats you - though she can be a bit overbearing and overprotective at times
lucky visits often, being the one to take you out of your room and playing more active, engaged games with you - getting out your excess energy and his aggressive urges in a safer way
he also sends a good portion of his clones to keep an eye on you wherever you are, minimising the risk of you being found or getting hurt
hangry is the one you’ll see the least because they’re all aware of how dangerous he is because of his dietary choices (that being his cravings for human flesh)
but he treats you kindly when you do see each other, acting almost like a fun uncle that shares some more human-friendly food with you - even cooking with you if you’re old enough to help over a stove
before long, they end up not wanting to let you go because they love you and the routine they fell into, so they try to child-proof their realm as best they can to facilitate you living there long term
so, all in all, you’d be well-loved and protected by the atypical family that found you - even if you’d never be able to return to your old home
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qianinterprises · 3 years
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Bundled Joy {Part One}
Pairing: Kun x Reader
Genre: fluff, crack, minor angst, pregnancy au
Warnings: pregnant reader, yelling, teasing, overprotective Xiaojun, teasing YangYang, slight explicit language
Word Count: 2.9k
Synopsis: You have a secret that somehow, all of the boys discover before you have time to tell the father. Now, you just have to fight them to tell Kun first.
Author's Notes: I started writing this honestly because I was bored and needed something to do. I didn't expect to finish it, much less post it, so it's going to be pretty different from most of the things I have written in the past. With that said, I have also decided to make this a series, but, as this was just meant to be fun, I cannot guarantee that I will update regularly, but I will try. Also note that this is my first ever series so I hope it's ok! Please enjoy!
Part two coming soon
Tagging: @treasuretaeil
Movie night with WayV happened about once a week, usually on the weekends when the boys either had a day off or didn't have to get up so early. Most of the time, you were invited to movie nights because, in Hendery's words, "movie night just isn't complete without mom and dad together!" It, however, had been a while since you had enjoyed movie night with them, having been too busy with work. This weekend, however, you had decided to join them after not so subtle but ridiculously persistent badgering from both your boyfriend and the other members, particularly YangYang.
Kun had texted you earlier in the day and asked if you'd pick up dinner, something you were only slightly surprised at. Typically, Kun cooked and, if you were over, you often cooked together. However, with deadlines and schedules, you weren't surprised that he was a little too tired to cook a huge meal for six bottomless pits. So, after ordering food online and picking it up, you showed up at the door carrying 10 pizza boxes, four two-liter sodas dangling from your arms in plastic bags because you were sure they'd want something besides water.
As you were struggling to ring the doorbell, having no arms left to reach the door knob or fish your keys out of your pocket, the door flew open to reveal a grinning Hendery who looked more interested in the pizza's that your presence.
“Can I-” he didn’t finish his sentence, looking greedily at the boxes.
“Yes,” you said, almost exasperatedly, though you were glad to be free of the burning boxes.
He grinned gleefully and took the boxes from your arms, hurrying into the kitchen where Lucas and YangYang were already waiting, each holding their own plate.
With a small laugh at the antics of the boys you’d come to love, you stepped into the dorm, only to be greeted with arms wrapping around your waist and a small kiss placed upon your lips.
“Hey babe,” Kun said, smiling softly as his eyes washed over your face.
“Do you guys really have to do that in front of us,” Ten whined, making a disgusted face as he grabbed his own plate.
“At least we have the decency to go somewhere else for our extracurricular activities!” Kun retorted.
Ten was notorious for bringing guests back to the dorms and making poor Hendery snuggle with a reluctant Xiaojun in a small bed.
“Not every time,” Sicheng pointed out, his own face morphing into disgust.
You rolled your eyes. One time to Ten’s twenty, that seemed fair.
“It was one time! And we didn’t even do much!” you argued.
“It would have been different if he had been giving you some… special attention! But instead of seeing boobs, we saw the dick we see all the time!” Xiaojun complained.
“Why do you want to see my girlfriend's boobs?!”
“Better question, why is it so normal for them to see your dick?”
“Kun-gi likes to change in front of us!” YangYang yelled, sounding scandalized.
“We all do!”
“Oh my God! Can we just watch the movie and eat?!” Hendery begged.
With that, Kun handed you a plate of food and sat down on the couch, pulling you snuggly into his side as YangYang started the movie.
It was late when the movie finished and Kun insisted you stay the night, something you would have denied if you hadn’t been too exhausted to think.
It wasn’t unnatural for you to stay over, and it wasn’t that you didn’t want to, you quite liked sleeping with Kun. He liked to hold you while he slept, which was part of the problem. You knew you’d be needing to untangle yourself from him at some point early in the morning and, if you intended to keep your secret, you’d have to do so without waking him, which wasn’t an easy thing to do. However, you agreed anyway, letting him lead you to the bedroom he shared with Xiaojun and YangYang. He wrapped his arms around you and, just like that, you were both sound asleep.
And there you were at 5am struggling to remove yourself from Kun’s hold without waking him up as your stomach churned and half-digested pizza threatened to crawl up your throat.
After a struggle that took way too long for someone needing to rush to the bathroom, you finally, successfully, pulled yourself from the bed without waking up your boyfriend, however, the early morning struggles didn’t stop there.
Stumbling through the dark, your feel suddenly got tangled up in a pair of stray shoes (most likely YangYang’s) settled precariously on the carpet, causing you to stumble and nearly lose your balance, catching yourself on the bunk bed.
Cursing, you paused your movements to listen for any wakefulness, swallowing thickly to push down the creeping bile as YangYang simply rolled over and resumed his quiet snores. Surging with relief, you quickly, but quietly, rushed from the room, not noticing a sleepy Xiaojun sitting up, watching you disappear into the hallway.
You stumbled blindly down the dark hallway until finally, you reached the bathroom, dropping to your knees immediately and hurling into the toilet, holding your hair back until someone suddenly appeared behind you, taking your hair in their hands, allowing you to clutch the toilet as your body shook with the force of the retches.
You assumed it was Kun until Ten’s voice met your ears as a hand settled on your back, rubbing soothing circles.
“Let it all out,” he said softly.
You didn’t have time to question his presence as your body shook through a new wave of nausea. His soothing motions didn’t cease, even though you knew he was probably disgusted.
When you finally finished, you weakly reached up to flush down your sick before turning around. Ten helped you settle against the wall as you struggled to catch your bearings. However, when your eyes floated up from the floor, you were met with a tired, but concerned Ten standing near the sink and a sleepy Xiaojun peering in the doorway.
“What are you guys doing up?” you asked, voice hoarse from exertion.
“I was entertaining a guest when I heard someone barrelling down the hall,” Ten explained, turning his attention to the male sleepily leaning against the door.
“When you hit the bunk bed you woke me up,” he explained through a yawn.
“I’m sorry.”
He shook his head and turned his gaze on you, eyes filled with concern.
“Why didn’t you wake up Kun?” Ten asked.
You sighed. You’d have to come clean now, because if not, they’d badger you until you did and then Kun would find out before you were ready.
“I didn’t want him to know yet.”
“Know what?” Xiaojun asked.
One glance at Ten and you could see the gears turning in his head. You simply let your eyes rest on his face, waiting for the question he was working on generating, steeling yourself when he opened his mouth to speak.
“Are you pregnant?”
Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Xiaojun’s face morph, eyes growing as wide as saucers, lips parting into an ‘O’ at the sudden, accurate question.
You simply nodded before speaking.
“But you’d better not tell him if you both value having dick’s!” you warned. “I already have something planned out and you two better not spill the beans before I have a chance to tell him!”
“We won’t! We won’t!” Ten promised, a giant grin spreading across his face.
“I’m going to be an uncle!” Xiaojun piped.
You rolled your eyes and shifted off the wall to get up when Xiaojun suddenly appeared at your side, half picking you up, eliciting a small yelp from your lips.
“What the hell are you doing?!” you hissed, voice reaching a volume that would likely, accidentally, wake someone else up.
“You have to be careful now! You can’t hurt the baby!” Xiaojun exclaimed as if it should have been obvious.
With a roll of your eyes, you let him continue, crossing your arms over your chest as Ten cackled.
“Looks like you’re going to be dealing with an overprotective Jun!”
You let out a huff but resigned yourself to the fact that this was probably going to be the new normal, at least until you told Kun.
Xiaojun carried you from the bathroom and placed your feet down on the soft carpet of his bedroom floor. He slowly escorted you past YangYang’s shoes to your side of Kun’s bed where he lifted the blankets and tucked you back in. Almost instantaneously, Kun’s arms wrapped around your form, hugging you to his chest.
It was the next morning when the amazing scent of breakfast wafted into the room, stirring you from sleep in the best way possible. You rolled over, feeling Kun’s side empty and threw the blankets off your body, the cool morning bringing goosebumps to your skin.
Slowly, you threw your legs off the side of the bed, letting out a yawn as you scanned the bunk beds across from you, finding both beds empty.
As you stood up, your stomach shifted and grumbled, although you weren’t sure if it could handle Kun’s delicious breakfast.
Still, you made your way from the bedroom, meeting a grinning Lucas outside the room. He was standing outside the door, almost as though he was waiting for you to step out. His grin was a little more than slightly creepy and, as soon as he saw you, he began rocking on the balls of his feet like a puppy getting ready to pounce on its owner, something that wasn’t unusual for Lucas to do.
“Lucas?” you asked cautiously, already bracing yourself for the weight of the gentle giant.
“I wanna be the favorite uncle!”
At his words, you let your arms fall by your sides, a groan rising from your throat.
“I’m going to kill them,” you mumbled. “Which one of the boneheads told you?!”
“Your squeal last night woke me up, and then I heard Ten mumbling how amazing it was walking past my room!”
So your screech had woken people up. Great.
“Who else knows?”
With Lucas knowing, it was only a matter of time before the whole world did. If there was one thing Lucas couldn’t do, it was keep a secret.
“Pretty much everyone except Kun. Xiaojun said you threatened our dick’s if anyone told him.... But with as many hints and YangYang keeps dropping, it’s only a matter of time before he figures it out.”
YangYang. You loved the boy. You really did. He was so precious when he was crawling in bed between you and Kun on the nights nightmares woke him up from sleep. Or when he was crying as his legs cramped painfully. The times when he really showed just how young he was.
However, despite your love for the boy you thought of as a little brother, he truly could be a thorn in your side.
You pushed past Lucas and speed-walked into the kitchen where YangYang was, as Lucas promised, dropping hints.
“I want baby carrots and swaddled pigs in blankets for dinner!” He was saying cheekily.
“That’s a lot! Maybe I can help with that!” you said enthusiastically before grabbing the younger's arms and all but yanking him from the room.
“What?” he asked, as if he had done nothing wrong.
“I swear Yang, if you rob me of the joy of telling him, he’s going to be a dad, I will personally remove your gonads with a rusted spoon!” you hissed,
“Yeah, yeah,” he mumbled, rolling his eyes. “Good luck finding a rusty spoon without searching Jeno’s bedroom.”
You shoved him lightly, glaring at him as he walked back into the kitchen, you hot on his trail.
“Good morning sleepy-head,” Kun greeted, seemingly noticing you for the first time.
He placed a soft kiss on your lips and wrapped an arm around your waist, a greeting you loved but would never get used to.
“That’s exactly the kind of thing that got you into this situation,” Hendery piped.
Kun turned around, arching an eyebrow at the male as you sent Hendery the harshest glare you could muster. He bit down on his lip, trying, and partially failing to hide a sinister smirk.
You were going to end up killing them all if you didn’t tell Kun soon, but you wanted him to find out your own way, not because six boys couldn’t keep a secret!
“Babe? Do you think we could go out today?” you asked.
“Ooooo!” all six boys cooed, nearly in unison.
“Ok, what’s going on?” Kun asked, placing his hands on his hips.
It killed you how perceptive he could be.
“You’ve all been acting funny all morning!”
His tone was sharp and commanding, the kind of tone that sent trembles down your spin and heat rushing to your core with need.
“Oh! He’s using his dad tone! He must be-”
“Yang! Shut up!” you snapped, voice raising as tears gathered in your eyes.
His eyes widened as a tear slipped past your eye, trailing down your cheek.
“Y/N… I’m sorry!”
“Why can’t you guys just accept that I want to tell him in my own way! Stop messing around before he figures it out! Because if he does, I will never forgive any of you!” your voice shook with emotion as you spoke, hands balled into fists at your sides.
You were expecting a snarky comeback about being a crybaby, but no one said anything for a good few seconds before Kun broke the silence by clearing his throat.
“Where did you want to go?” he asked.
“To our special place in the park… for a picnic…”
He smiled and pressed a soft kiss to your head.
“Let’s go back to your place to prepare then,” he said.
With that, you sent one more look at the boys before following Kun back to his room to adorn yourselves in anything other than pjs.
Part of you was reluctant to tell Kun yet, wanting to wait just a little longer, but with the boys’ inability to keep anything held within the confines of secrecy, you knew you couldn’t wait any longer if you wanted to be the one to tell him.
After preparing a nice picnic while Kun was playing with your cat, Kun took your hand and led you to the park where you both had said “I love you” for the first time.
As you reached the grassy area, you separated yourselves from the playground where kids were playing and screaming, finding a nice shady spot near the hiking trail where Kun spread the old purple and brown blanket you’d fished out of your linen closet. You placed the brown wicker basket in the center and sat down on the blanket, pulling your legs in and curling them. Kun sat down beside you, pulling out the plates as you grabbed the plate of premade sandwiches and cucumbers, your heart pounding in your ears.
“So… how do you feel about... sitting on a picnic blanket with… more than just us?”
It was vague, you knew, but you didn’t know how to just come out and tell the truth.
He gave you a puzzled look as he retrieved a sandwich from the plate.
“Like… the boys coming too?” he asked.
Dense. Kun, WayV’s leader. The group's father. So damn dense!
“I mean like… children…?” you mumbled, heart pounding harder.
“I’d love to have children with you one day!”
“What about soon? Like… now?” you asked.
He raised an eyebrow and took a bite of his sandwich, swallowing before replying.
“Are you telling me you want to start trying?”
You sighed, resigning yourself to the fact that Kun was just too dense to get it without you spelling it out for him.
“I’m pregnant,” you whispered finally, the words coming out softly as a weight lifted off your chest.
The truth will set you free.
Kun was silent for a long moment. So long, in fact, that tears of rejection were gathering in your eyes and you prepared yourself for the “it’s not mine” or “I can’t have a baby right now” speech.
However, as you were about to get up and apologize, a huge smile broke out across his face and the next thing you knew, you were being tackled back, back hitting the grass as Kun held himself on top of you, grinning like a madman.
You were too caught up in the moment to care how the moment might have looked to any onlookers. It was none of their business anyway.
“I’m going to be a daddy?” he asked.
Tears of his own were already falling down his cheeks.
You couldn’t bring yourself to speak, your throat choked up from the happiness of his reaction. So instead, you gave a simple nod, your own smile mirroring his.
He rolled over into the grass beside you and pulled you into his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“I’m going to be a daddy,” he whispered this time, almost as if to assure himself of the fact one more time.
As soon as the words left his lips, your ears were met with a surprisingly on key chorus of “awwww’s,” seeming to come from behind the bushes before a hyperactive Bella was jumping into Kun’s lap, licking his face in delight.
“Wait… why did everyone else find out before me?!”
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gacy-lajla · 4 years
karasuno x trans!reader
warnings: accidental and intended misgendering, transphobic comments like twice and probably a curse or two
summary: after outing yourself as a trans man you were forced to live with your uncle Ittetsu Takeda and transfer schools
a/n: heya i’ve been binge watching haikyuu this past month or less (currently through half of season 4) and i just really really wanted to read some content where the reader is transgender!! i’m agender (they/them or he because we don’t have neutral pronouns where i live)
Training started just like always, after a quick warm up everyone got back to improving on their skills. The team worked like clockwork as they practised as a group – of course not leaving out a little banter here and there. Coach Ukai was currently talking outside with Takeda which was nothing too out of the ordinary. The team was used to depend on themselves and coordinate accordingly. What they didn’t expect was for the two absentees to enter with a third person again. You. Tanaka and Nishinoya were the first to react, curiosity making the served ball drop.
“Is that a new manager?” Nishinoya’s eyes lit up as he took in the figure of the new person – Karasuno sure was lucky in that regard, it seemed.
“She looks cute, but not as cute as our Kiyoko!”, Tanaka added in, standing next to the Libero.
The other players attention was on you shortly after, taking your presence in before Sugawara scolded the two friends for being distracted that easily and to keep their eyes on the ball. They were about to resume when Takeda called for everyone’s attention. Quickly gathering around the coach, the teacher and the newcomer they bowed their heads in greeting, just as you did.
Harshly giving you two pats on your left shoulder blade Ukai made you step forward with himself, giving you a reassuring smile in the process. You rubbed your cold hands together, nervousness taking over your body as all eyes were now set on you. Catching on quickly the man introduced you to the team himself.
“Everyone, this is (y/n), a third year. He recently transferred to this school and will be joining our team from now on, I expect you to be respectful towards him.”
You bowed again giving a small “pleased to meet you”, thankful that Ukai spared you of making a fool out of yourself by tripping over your own words. After that you got a short introduction from everyone, trying your best to remember their names immediately but that wasn’t really your forte so you just told yourself you’d pay attention to the others calling each other’s names.
After that you warmed yourself up to join them in the actual training. During that time you couldn’t help but listen in on some of the conversations as there wasn’t much else to focus on.
“Isn’t that a girl? Why is she training with the boys?”
“Yeah, wouldn’t it be better if she just joined the girl’s training?”
“I heard that she’s actually a he.”
You didn’t pay attention to who was talking – they seemed not to be part of the volleyball club – but it sure hit you in the most vulnerable of all places. Just until recently you had been playing with the girls from your former school. You actually transferred because, after coming out as trans, you have been excluded from any gendered club activities as the authority was unsure about how to handle a case such as yourself. There were also some actions inside of school which convinced you that your former school was not the ideal place for you to stay at. Not only that but your parents sent you to stay with your uncle – Ittetsu Takeda – because obviously you were ungrateful towards them. Not that you really mind, he’s much nicer and way more understanding – well, still in the process of understanding, but at least he’s trying his best, which was nice.
“It’s weird calling someone with boobs ‘he’.”
Your jog slowed down, your mind trying to focus on suppressing tears that threatened to appear. Taking a deep breath you gained some tempo again before taking a stop next to the coach again.
“I think I’ve warmed up enough, am I supposed to just… join them?”
Ukai nodded so you continued to walk towards the line waiting to receive their spikes. In your old team you didn’t really have a set position, rotating it around inside the group as the sport wasn’t taken too seriously. Though opponents were cautious of you every time you went out on an attack you had to admit that you had more fun in a defensive position, receiving the ball was one of the best feelings you could imagine while playing on the field. But when it came to skill you would probably be considered an all-rounder.
It didn’t take long until it was your turn to hit the ball – two setters being present making progress like clockwork. You got a pass from a grey haired boy, Sugawara if you remembered correctly. It was easy to remember him, he just had a sweet aura about him which made it easy to remember his name. The moment the ball hit your hand and the ground on the opposite side of the net immediately after, silence befell the room. The Libero didn’t manage to get the ball by a hairs width. Turning towards the setter you nervously played with your hands.
“Could you try to pass the ball a little higher next time? I might not be the tallest person but I can jump pretty high.”
After a brief silence a smile flashed on his face – which you immediately returned -, giving you a thumbs up. “Sure!”
Moving out of the way a boy about your height came up to you, looking at you with bright and sparkling eyes. You didn’t remember his name but you were quite sure he was a first year.
“Can you show me how you did that? When did you learn that?”
You were stunned into silence for a second, wondering what he could possibly mean. He must’ve meant your spike, right? You’ve noticed that they tended to spike their balls quite far which you didn’t – a force of habit since in your old team your teammates struggled to get the ball higher up most of the time. Rubbing the back of your neck nervously you chuckled a bit.
“Well, my old team didn’t really have a setter that managed to keep the ball at the perfect height every time so I had to adapt, I guess? So when I jump too high I just try to get the ball on the other side as close to the net as possible. It took me some time not to touch the net in the process but with enough training it just happens less frequently.”
“Woah, that’s so cool! Do you mind staying after training so you can show me, please?”
“Sure, I don’t see why not.”
After that you got quite comfortable with Sugawara’s sets which never seemed to falter. It finally felt like you were playing volleyball with people who shared the same enthusiasm as yourself which was a nice change. After a few more turns everyone was gathered again. The coach announce that you’d be playing one set before packing up for the day.
The opposing team consisted of Daichi, Sugawara, Tanaka, Kinoshita, Hinata, Yamaguchi and Nishinoya. You were teamed up with Asahi, Ennoshita, Narita, Kageyama and Tsukishima. To be honest, you really hoped you’d end up with the setter you’ve been training with already but that wishful thinking should apparently be denied. You wondered if the coach did it on purpose because he noticed you avoiding the other setter until now? Whatever it was there was no time to complain, not that you actually would.
You started in the back left – thankfully not serving the ball as you struggled most with it. You always made little mistakes, if it was throwing the ball too high or too low, but most commonly not noticing that you stepped over the line. Yes, when you hit the ball you usually hit it hard but if it didn’t reach the other side of the net or flew into the out there was no use to it.
The whistle ripped you out of your thoughts, focusing on the game. Yamaguchi had the first serve. It seemed like the ball was heading straight for Ennoshita next to you but in the last moment it drifted off to the side towards you. Noticing this you quickly sprang into action, diving for the ball. Despite managing to touch it there was no way of it to be saved, the first point going to the opposite team. That had to be a jump float serve! Impressed you looked at the boy breathing a quiet ‘woah’ before resuming your position. Ennoshita turned toward you as well.
“You react quick, I’m sure we’ll get the next one!”
You smiled at him, nodding.
The next serve was easier to react to as Yamaguchi failed to hit the ball right, resulting in Ennoshita successfully receiving. Next thing you knew your teams setter passed the ball towards the guy with the ponytail in front of you, spiking the ball with confidence only to be received by Daichi.
“Good spike!”, you cheered the guy in front of you, receiving a shy ‘thanks’ in return.
The other team struggled a little with the received ball, the second touch not reaching the setter resulting in a successful block from the tall blonde with the glasses, earning your first point. Encouraging words were exchanged and your team rotated its players clockwise, you now standing in the front left, ponytail standing to your right and Ennoshita behind you, Narita having the next serve. His hit seemed a little unstable but ended up rolling over the net, earning you yet another point.
His next serve seemed more intentional but was easily received by Daichi once more, passing the ball to Sugawara who set the ball nicely for Tanaka, but the tall blonde managed to touch the ball taking a direct course towards Narita once again who passed the ball towards your setter. You took the opportunity to run forward, either receiving the ball or distracting the other players – you assumed that he’d play to the ponytail guy again since the middle blocker was smaller by a few heads and thus less likely to block the ball. Sugawara, opposite of you, kept you covered, not joining the small redhead. And just as you predicted ponytail got the ball. What took you a little by surprise was the height the first year student reached, he was easily on par with you. But that didn’t help as a point was scored nonetheless.
The game went on, a head to head game. Your team had 12 points while the opponents had 14. You had scored none of the points, the setter not having played once in your direction. It bugged you, yes, but you also tried to be mindful. You’ve never had any interaction with that guy so it would be hard for both of you to get used to one another, possibly making you lose more points than you would gain.
You nervously fiddled with the volleyball in your hands. It was time for your first serve and your gut was telling you something really bad was about to happen. You’d definitely screw this one up. You really wished you’d practised your serves a little more now. If you didn’t jump you probably wouldn’t be able to score at all because you knew from experience that your standing serves always ended in home runs. Gulping down whatever was blocking your airway the moment you heard the whistle you took a deep breath before throwing the ball. Taking a few quick steps you jumped, dread filling you the moment you hit the ball with all of your might. It wouldn’t be high enough.
Oh no.
A loud thud was heard and the person in front of you stumbled a little forward, holding the back of his head before falling to his knees. Panicked you rushed towards the setter, the looming silence making you wince with every squeaky step you took.
“I’m so, so incredibly sorry! Are you okay? I didn’t mean to hit you like that-”
You cut yourself off the moment the dark haired setter whipped his head around and glared at you. Taking a few steps back others rushed to his side, helping him up asking if he was alright. Reassuring them that he was alright everyone went back to their positions, albeit reluctantly. And not like this situation was humiliating enough already, the moment the coach spoke up you really wanted to be swallowed by the ground.
“(y/n), you stepped over the line.”
You felt your soul leave your body, Asahi, now to your left tried to assure you that everything was alright. But for the rest of the game you didn’t dare call out for the ball once, not having scored once in the end despite winning by a narrow margin. You really feel like you’ve fucked up this one.
After cleaning up you quickly threw on a sweater to keep yourself warm. You were about to call out to you uncle to wait for you when something quick made you stop abruptly. It was Hinata.
“Do you still don’t mind showing me that spike you did? It was really awesome and I want to see it again!”
a/n: thank you for reading! I’m not sure how i want to continue this, i might just turn this into one overall thing with no focus on one character (i’d probably write something similar for other schools as well) or i might split off from here so there would be different ‘routes’ (also including other schools! as in karasuno reader and kuroo, bokuto, akaashi or whoever)
feedback regarding this would be nice :0 have a nice morning, day, evening or night <3
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vespertineflora · 4 years
3zun Combo Fics
we're alone in the dark E, During Canon, Classroom Sex, 4.6k It's the first time Jin Guangyao has had the chance to use the jade token Lan Xichen had given him for free passage in and out of the Cloud Recesses, and it's during this first late evening visit that Jin Guangyao discovers that Lan Xichen has been having fantasies about him for far longer than he ever could have guessed--and that Lan Xichen is very eager to act on one such fantasy.
your love is all i can think about E, During Canon/AU, Love Letters/Sneaking Around, 10.4k After Lan Xichen finally goes all the way with Jin Guangyao in the aftermath of the Sunshot Campaign, responsibility forces the two apart for far longer than either of them care for. When they finally get to see each other again after three long months, having to sit through hours of a discussion conference when the love of his life is just across the room is more than the poor, sexually pent up Lan Xichen can bear, especially as Jin Guangyao seems to realize he likes the effect he's having on him.
in your warmth i forget how cold it can be E, During Canon, Cold Weather Coziness, 3.3k After a long day of traveling in unexpectedly heavy snowfall, Jin Guangyao arrives in the Cloud Recesses and needs Lan Xichen to warm him up.
rest with me a while E, During Canon, Fluff/Smut, 3.8k The day of the Phoenix Mountain Hunt is a stressful one for Jin Guangyao; Lan Xichen can see how tense he is from just a glance. His offer to help Jin Guangyao with his preparations has been turned down more than once, so Lan Xichen isn't sure what he can possibly do to help him... until he realizes there might be one way he might be able to add a bright spot to Jin Guangyao's day. no angels could beckon me back M, During Canon, Post-Coital Cuddling/Confessions, 1.6k What he had with Lan Xichen should have been enough; Jin Guangyao hadn't intended to confess his feelings, and he certainly hadn't meant for them to be confessed like this.
bare your heart to me E, During Canon, Smut and Hurt/Comfort, 9.5k It's impossible for Lan Xichen to say when he first takes notice of it, but a strange exchange one night makes him realize something rather concerning: he hasn't seen Jin Guangyao's naked body in nearly a year. The realization leads to Lan Xichen chasing after the answer to this mystery, ultimately uncovering a painful truth about the daily horrors of Jin Guangyao's life in Carp Tower.
Daylight Can Be So Violent (series) (in progress, but all pieces are functional one shots) if i told you what i’ve become E, During Canon, Confessions/First Times, 13.7k (pt 1) It's Lan Xichen's first visit to Lanling since Jin Guangyao's ascent to the position of Chief Cultivator the previous month, and with everything he's been through recently, he's perhaps tenser than he otherwise would be, spending a peaceful evening with his dearest friend. Luckily, Jin Guangyao has some ideas about the best ways to relieve stress.
heaven help me (i need to make this right) E, During Canon, Light Bondage, 8k (pt 2) The last few months have been... more than Lan Xichen could have ever hoped for. The reconstruction of the Cloud Recesses is complete, which means his uncle is in a good mood. His brother is healed, moving around and spending time with A-Yuan. And his relationship with Jin Guangyao... well, to put it simply, Lan Xichen couldn't be much happier--though Jin Guangyao has no shortage of ideas for them. It's during one of his regular visits to Lanling that Jin Guangyao suggests they... try doing things a different way.
and i'd do anything E, During Canon, Candle Wax/Praise Kink, 4.7k (pt 3) "Do you trust me?" It was that question, and Lan Xichen's resounding yes, that had landed him here, his wrists tied to the bed posts above his head, silk scarf wrapped lovingly around his eyes, his chest heaving with every hard breath, his cock dripping precum in a sticky pool against his stomach, and drips of wax in various stages of hardness scattered all across his skin.
if there was nowhere to land (i wouldn’t be scared at all) T, During Canon, 5+1fic/angst, 10.7k Meng Yao hasn't lead an easy life. He's been pushed around, beaten, and taken advantage of for nearly as long as he can remember... Falling down stairs is one of the worst things he's been through, and he's fallen more times than anyone should have to. OR Five times someone makes Meng Yao fall down a staircase, and one time someone saves him from falling.
they call me underneath M, Post-Canon, Grief/Mourning, 4.2k Lan Xichen never intended to visit the cemetery where his sworn brothers were interred together, but now that he's here, he can't make himself leave without at least trying.
a fine time to regret T, During Canon, Grief/Comfort, 2.3k As it turned out, even knowing Jin Rusong was going to die didn't give Jin Guangyao the chance to prepare himself for it.
hold on to what we are T, During Canon, Fluff, 1.9k Meng Yao is dedicated to working harder than ever as the Sunshot Campaign is ramping up, but Nie Mingjue wants him to come to bed.
if you need it, then i need it (and only we'll know) E, During Canon, Sex Pollen, 13.1k Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue are on what they assume to be a normal scouting mission into Wen territory--but the day is turned on its head when they get a bit too close to some strange looking plants that release a thick cloud of pollen as they approach. By the time they make it back to camp, they're both already feeling the effects, and the camp's doctor has some mixed news to share. The bad news? The pollen will lead to a deadly qi deviation if left untreated. The good news? They know how to treat it! Now it's just up to Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue to act on it (and on the feelings they've been secretly harboring for one another for months).
when it comes time to rest my head E, Canon Divergent, Hurt/Comfort, 20.8k When Nie Mingjue spots the freshly bloodied handkerchief Jin Guangyao accidentally drops, his first sickening conclusion is that he's just caught him in the middle of some nefarious deed--but Nie Mingjue investigates further, and instead uncovers a series of injuries across Jin Guangyao's body that tell a much more heart-wrenching tale than the one Nie Mingjue first suspected. Can Nie Mingjue earn back enough of Jin Guangyao's trust to get him to accept the help he so clearly needs? Can he convince Jin Guangyao... to come back to Qinghe with him? i need your broken promises E, Canon Divergent, Werecat!JGY, 11.7k The night Meng Yao is promoted to be Nie Mingjue's deputy, he makes two requests: to be left alone on the night of the full moon, and to not be asked why he needs to be left alone. Nie Mingjue is extremely curious about this odd appeal, but he honors it regardless. Years later, when Nie Mingjue proposes, Meng Yao repeats his requests as the only stipulations for their marriage, and Nie Mingjue once again promises to let Meng Yao keep his secret... until he realizes that perhaps the secret isn't as well kept as he once thought, and he confronts Meng Yao to learn the truth.
the day bleeds into nightfall T, During Canon, Angst and Romance, 2.5k When Wen Chao attacks the Unclean Realm, Meng Yao rushes to release Xue Yang, and Nie Mingjue catches him stabbing his general. Nie Mingjue might have thought he was doing Meng Yao a mercy when he banished him... but Meng Yao isn't sure he agrees.
love me hard oh, love me right E, Modern AU, Rule 63 PWP, 2k Sometimes Meng Yao just needs to be gently dommed by her girlfriend until she cries, and you know what? That's valid.
the love held in her hands E, Modern Fantasy AU, Rule 63/Fairy!MY, 3k When Nie Mingjue's tiny fairy girlfriend asks to be fingered, Nie Mingjue immediately considers it to be a bad idea... but when her search for something more appropriately-sized drags on too long, she decides to give in to Meng Yao's impatient demands.
the common tongue of your loving me E, Modern AU, 69ing, 3.7k Lan Huan and Nie Mingjue have been dating for almost two years now, but Nie Mingjue is always coming up with ways for him and his beau to have some new sort of fun in the bedroom. (Submission for NieLan Month 2020, Day 22 Desperation/Beauty/Awe. This is also the 69th fic I've uploaded to my AO3 account haha)
home is where my love waits E, Modern AU, Sexted Pics & DP, 5.1k Meng Yao is out of town on business for the weekend and Lan Huan and Nie Mingjue have the brilliant idea to send their absent boyfriend some spicy material to keep him warm while he's away (and definitely not because teasing him is very fun). When Meng Yao gets back to his hotel room at night to discover the proverbial feast, he's both very turned on and very frustrated to be so far away--but luckily for Meng Yao, they have more than adequate plans to make up for their teasing once he gets home.
i’ve had no love like your love E, Modern AU, happy birthday jgy!3some, 9.2k It's Meng Yao's birthday, and after working all day, he travels to Nie Mingjue's place in a swiftly escalating winter storm, where a night of warm wine and even warmer company awaits... Nie Mingjue and a tipsy Lan Huan have a delightful plan in place on just how they can warm him up.
how could i ask for more E, Modern Genderbend AU, CNC Roleplay, 14.3k When Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue ask Lan Huan what she wants for her birthday, they strongly imply it can be a sexual favor. Lan Huan asks for so little in the bedroom; she always seems content to just join in whatever activities her girlfriends partake in and never makes specific requests for herself. Of course, when Lan Huan actually indulges their suggestion, the last thing they expect from her is a detailed, written fantasy that she hands to them with an entirely red face... But if such a thing is what Lan Huan wants, Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue will make sure to give her exactly what she's asking for. Written for Whumptober 2020, Theme No 6. PLEASE… (“Get it Out” | No More | “Stop, please”).
there’s a hole in my soul (can you fill it?) E, Modern AU, Hurt/Comfort & Panic Attacks, 6.2k Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue were exes... until Lan Xichen fell in love with both of them and they decided to set aside their differences for his sake. When they're all together, life is bliss--but Meng Yao's relationship with Nie Mingjue is strained at best, and he notices early on in this reconciliation that the only time Nie Mingjue seems willing to hold him or be affectionate with him is after they have sex. Meng Yao has learned that, on the rare nights and weekends when Lan Xichen is away and he needs affection, that having sex with Nie Mingjue is the quickest and easiest way to get it. Lan Xichen just so happens to be out of town after Meng Yao has a particularly bad day at work. He needs the comfort more than ever, but when he tries to get it from Nie Mingjue the only way he knows how, it doesn't go the way he plans.
in my arms you’re safe and sound T, Vampire AU, Hurt/Comfort & Feeding, 2.9k Jin Guangyao is a dhampir who is fully turned when his father accepts him into the family--but Jin Guangshan treats him terribly, and when Nie Mingjue begins to realize how far this mistreatment goes, he drags Jin Guangyao off for a conversation which quickly escalates into an emotional shouting match that results in Nie Mingjue deciding that Jin Guangyao needs to be removed from Carp Tower immediately. Lan Xichen finds them just in time for the three sworn brothers to head together back to Qinghe, where Lan Xichen personally discovers one of the many awful things Jin Guangshan has done to hurt Jin Guangyao.
how were we to know E, Canon Divergent, MAJOR HURT/comfort, 12.9k (check AO3 for warnings on this one!) After the Sunshot Campaign, Meng Yao took Lan Xichen's offer to come live with him in the Cloud Recesses, sparking the beginning of their romantic relationship--which in turn uncovered their individual romantic histories with Nie Mingjue, and led to a shared romantic present with him. In the years since, the three have been in love and quite happy with their shared arrangement. However, eventual grief lingered at the back of their thoughts; they all knew the effect the saber spirit was gradually having on Nie Mingjue's mind and on his temperament, causing more frequent and more violent outbursts... Though none of them could have guessed the particular sort of violence it would lead Nie Mingjue to commit one night alone with Meng Yao.
when you are lost and i am gone M, Canon Divergent, Character Death, 2k When Lan Xichen had received the letter from Meng Yao, he'd left the camp at once to meet him in the forest outside of Nightless City, but even still, he arrives a second too late to do anything but watch as one of his friends cuts down the other. a light on the other side M, Modern AU, JGY-centric, 2.6k As a child, Meng Yao had only ever met his father in passing, as he had a family of his own and wanted little to do with the child that resulted from his affair with Meng Yao's mother. But when Meng Shi passed away tragically, 13 year old Meng Yao was sent to live with his father, spending the rest of his teen years in a living hell until he was able to escape... A few years later, another affair and another tragedy brought infant Mo Xuanyu into the Jin household and Meng Yao returned to keep him safe from the fate he'd suffered himself. Life there is awful, though not nearly as bad as it was before, as Meng Yao spends most of his time alone caring for Mo Xuanyu. However, a few months into his return, Meng Yao is presented with a unique opportunity when, late one night, he finds Jin Guangshan collapsed on the floor of his office.
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - Braid Braid
Summary: One day Mabel asks her Grunkle Ford to braid her hair, but ever since he went out to investigate an anomaly with Dipper instead, the fact he couldn’t deliver her simple request plagued him.
“Well, Ducktective, it seems you’ve quacked the case.”
“Quack, quack, quack.”
Mabel laughed as she continually brushed her hair; the show may have ended ten months ago, but she was convinced that Ducktective was real and would never die, so she happily watched reruns whenever she could. She sat in her grunkle’s chair with her case of hair things, having already finished her sweater for the day, and she planned to play with her long hair while she watched TV. She heard footsteps and casted her eyes to her left. Soon an old nerd came into view and she grinned. “Hey, Grunkle Ford!”
“Hello, my dear.” He smiled at her. “What are you up to?”
“Just watching TV.” She then lit up as a brilliant idea came to her and she held up her hairbrush and glittery bag full of hair clips and hairbows. “Wanna braid my hair?”
Ford held up a hand as he smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry, Mabel, but I don’t know how to braid hair…”
“I can teach you if you want!” The girl offered happily. “I bet you’d be great at it!”
Just then, Dipper came down the stairs called, “Hey, Grunkle Ford! Ready for our mission?”
“Indeed!” Ford gave him a high-six and the boys headed for the door.
“Where are you two going?” Mabel asked.
“I convinced Ford that we should investigate the Hawktopus further.” Dipper answered. “No anomaly is too stupid to look into.”
“We’ll be back by dinner.” Ford promised as he opened the door. “If not, then assume the monster ate our flesh.”
“See ya later, sis!” Dipper called and the boys were gone.
“Bye!” Mabel yelled after them through the door happily, but her happiness slowly went away as sad thoughts occupied her brain. “Have fun. Without me.”
The teenager slumped in the chair, the sounds of the TV unable to penetrate her thoughts. She knew her grunkles loved her very much, but sometimes she wondered if Ford liked Dipper way better than he liked Mabel. She could understand Ford liking Dipper a little bit more than her, because they were so similar, but it sometimes felt like the Sweater Twins only had sweaters in common and that’s it.
The more Mabel thought about it, it was no wonder Ford liked Dipper way more than he liked Mabel. Stanford Pines was an experienced scientist who had been all over the Multiverse, traveling for thirty years, and was as tough as nails and as strong as an ox; no one like that would want to hang out with a girl who likes glitter and make-overs and other girly things. No wonder Ford would much rather hang out with Dipper than her. Mabel didn’t blame her uncle, but it still kinda hurt.
She wished there was something they could both do. Something Ford and Mabel liked to do. Something no one would only be doing to spend time with the other. Mabel loved adventure and weirdness and exploring, but maybe Grunkle Ford only wanted that to be a Dipper and him thing, which was fine! So Mabel racked her brain for anything he would want to do with her, but she couldn’t think of anything.
To get her mind off of it, she went into the kitchen to get a drink of Mabel Juice and then to maybe hang out with Grunkle Stan, play some cards or throw water balloons at each other. She didn’t really feel like playing with her hair anymore.
The Hawtopus investigation proved to be more difficult and more enjoyable than Ford had predicted, so after dinner and the kids had gone to bed he yawned into his hand and ventured into his bedroom to take a shower and go to bed. He entered the clean space and slipped off his trenchcoat to hang it on the coat track, and as he did so his eye caught something bright purple and sparkly. He smiled as he saw a bundle messily wrapped with coloring paper and tied up with red ribbon, glitter added for some “pizzazz” as Mabel would have called it.
Ford gently picked up the package and sat on the couch with the gift on his lap. He couldn’t contain the huge smile on his face as he unwrapped the gift. There, cushioned in wrapping paper and on his lap, was a brand new sweater. Ford grinned and held it up for a better look at the new turtleneck. It was blue, his favorite color, and had a beaker with atoms swimming around it, something science-y for him to display proudly on his chest. Mabel had made him a sweater once before, a new red one with a golden six-fingered hand on it, and now he was honored with two sweaters.
He made a mental note to thank Mabel with hugs in the morning. As he stripped for his bath and turned on the shower, he wondered how in the world Mabel found time to do this, to make so many sweaters in such a short amount of time; she seemed to miraculously make a sweater every day! Then his mind toyed with the idea of her working on the sweater while watching TV, but then he remembered that Mabel had been doing her hair and had asked Ford to braid it.
Under the warm water, the old scientist felt like a rock had been dropped in his stomach. He realized he might have hurt her feelings to choose to bond with Dipper rather than her, considering the boys always seemed to be together. Ford was aware that he accidentally showed favoritism in one twin, something he completely didn’t intend to do, and not only had he done so, it had hurt Mabel’s feelings. He had hoped countless messages and phone calls and video chats between summers had assured Mabel that Ford cared about her, but it was very possible that she might need a reminder every so often.
To make it up to her and to reward her for her kindness and patience with a special treat, Ford racked his brain for what to do for her. The only thing that stuck out was the way she had innocently asked her grunkle to braid her hair. Taking into account that no one in the family seemed to do “girly” things with her, at least not nearly as much as she does “boyish” things with the men in the family, Ford made up his mind.
After the shower and dressing in his new sweater, dark pants, and trenchcoat, Ford snuck out of the house to do some research. The library was closed, but Ford had no problem sneaking in and settling in a desk at the dead of night, reading books on the History of Braids and the Origins of Dreadlocks and literally any hair-themed book and magazine the library had; he even read up on hair-dying techniques for whenever Mabel had the desire to try something new.
The books didn’t feel enough. After a quick cup of coffee at a gas station, Ford hurried up the hill for his best friend’s manor. He knocked on the door urgently and waited a minute or two for Old Man McGucket to come to the door, rubbing his eyes with a bathrobe over his green flannel pajamas. “St-Stanford? Whazza matter?”
“I’m sorry to bother you, buddy, but it’s very important.” Ford pressed, his arms full of books and magazines he had borrowed without permission from the library. “I need to learn how to braid hair for Mabel and I was hoping I could use your mobile computer.”
Fiddleford blinked through his thick green glasses and smiled a half-toothy smile. “This is an emergency. Anythang for Lil’ Sweet Tea! C’min, c’min. Want some coffee?”
“That would be great, thank you.”
Long into the night, the old researchers acted just as seriously as they did back in the day, except they weren’t unintentionally creating a gateway to Hell. McGucket dug up some more books from the Northwest’ private book collection in the lounge and Ford used the laptop to do some more recent, or “trendy”, findings. To he and McGucket’s amazement, the internet was full of videos showing exactly how to do all sorts of hairstyles. From coloring hair to cutting it to braids and ponytails, all kinds of hair from straight to messy curls to somewhere in between could be learned to tame with a few clicks on a computer.
“Bingo!” Ford said, readjusting his glasses, and he quickly got to work, just as enthusiastic as he was about earning another PhD or discovering a new anomaly. Fiddleford had a very hard time keeping the smiling eyes off his friend as he watched him get so excited about a feminine activity, one both men had been deprived of due to a lack of females in their lives but were eager to explore.
The next morning, Mabel yawned into her fist and skipped cheerfully down the stairs for a glass of orange juice to start the day. She heard the front door open and close and she was surprised to find Ford coming home. “Grunkle Ford, wh… Aw! You’re wearing your new sweater!”
Ford grinned and nodded. “Yes, I absolutely love it! It’s almost as beautiful as you, my dear. Thank you very much.”
Mabel blushed and drank some juice. “You’re welcome! So, where have you been? Out on a morning walk?”
“Something like that.” Ford said with a shrug. “So, would you still be interested in me braiding your hair?”
Mabel gasped and cried out, “OH, YES PLEASE! I’ll be right back!” And the young girl ran off to get her bag of hair things.
Ford sat himself in his brother’s chair and Mabel soon returned and plopped in his lap when he petted his right leg for her. Mabel gave him the hairbrush to detangle her bed-head and said, “Okay, so it’s easier to start by parting it into sections…”
“Oh, don’t worry, my dear.” Ford said calmly as he brushed her hair lovingly. “I’ve done my research.”
Mabel had on idea what he meant by that, but she shrugged and decided to let him do as he pleased. She had braced her skull for a bit of tugging as it was sometimes difficult to brush tangled hair, but Mabel was pleasantly surprised to find Ford being as gentle as a kitten and brushing her hair so gently she could hardly feel the pull on her scalp, and yet she could feel the knots becoming undone and progress being made. She grinned and said, “Wow, Grunkle Ford, you’re really really good!”
It was a good thing she couldn’t see how red his cheeks turned. “Well, thank you, sweetheart. You truly have very beautiful hair.”
“So do you! It’s so fluffy and cute! After you braid your hair can I braid yours?”
Now Ford’s whole face was as scarlet as a king’s robe. He knew his hair was a bit harder to manage than Stanley’s but he never considered it to be cute or fluffy. “I see no reason why not.”
“Yes! I’m so excited! You really are very beautiful, Grunkle Ford.”
Okay, who gave this young lady permission to be this adorable? There were several dimensions in which it was illegal. “Th-Thank you, Mabel, but really I’m not… B-Beautiful is a more suitable term for wom-”
“Nu, uh!” Mabel interrupted and shook her head only a little bit, trying to be still for her uncle as he brushed her hair. “Daddy says anyone and anything can be beautiful. If a flower or Christmas lights or an animal can be beautiful, then girls and boys can be beautiful. And also girls and boys can be handsome!” Mabel added to drive her point further home.
Ford chuckled and it made his niece’s chest feel warm. “That makes sense. Thank you, Mabel. So, did you feel well last night?”
“Yeah! I had a really funny dream!”
“Oh, what was it about?”
The conversation spilled into swapping stories of past dreams. While Ford’s dreams from the past mostly contained nightmares, he could recall a small handful of dreams that were positive spins on his imagination and he happily recalled them with Mabel. As their talk flowed so easily, like water, Ford detangled all of Mabel’s beautiful hair and then began to braid. He wanted to impress her with something big and elaborate, but he wasn’t confident in his skills yet and this was his first attempt, so he met in the middle and did something a bit more complicated than a simple braid but he wasn’t nearly ready for a boho wedding braid.
With his tongue between his teeth, Ford carefully tied the braid close and held his polydactyl hands away to inspect his work. “Okay, I think I’m done.”
“I wanna see, I wanna see!” Mabel squealed and pulled out a mirror to see her uncle’s work. She was silent with a hard-to-read expression on her face as her eyes fell on her reflection. She tilted her head and the mirror to see the back of her head to see the braid and remained silent.
The braid started as two side braids at the back of her head, but they trailed down and combined into one big, lush braid that hung loosely from the bottom of her skull and trailed down her back. There were one or two times the braid didn’t match the rest of the hair piece and Ford thought the big braid was too loose now that he took a second look at it.
His face fell a little as he was concerned that she didn’t like it and was trying to hide her disappointment. Ford knew he should have interviewed some hairdressers before attempting to do Mabel’s hair, but he had been so excited that he had become reckless, just like always. “I’m sorry, Mabel, I understand if you don’t like it…”
“I LOVE IT!” Mabel had finally conjured up the strength to grin, the wind had been knocked out of her from pure delighted shock, and her eyes were filled with tears and her lips trembled as she admired Ford’s work. “IloveitIloveitIloveitILOVEIT!!!” She squealed loudly and was bouncing in Ford’s lap. “Look, Grunkle Ford, look! You did SUCH a good job! I’m so pretty now! That’s the best braid I’ve ever seen! ThankyouthankyouTHANKYOU!” And she spun around to kiss his cheek and she hopped off of him. “I’m gonna go show Dipper! DIPPER! LOOK WHAT GRUNKLE FORD DID!” Mabel yelled as she ran as fast as she could.
Ford was as still as a statue as his niece’s kind words ringed in his ears like cheerful bells. He wanted to smile, but all he could manage was a tearful look as he used all his might to try not to try, his eyes wet and shiny and his lips pressed together. He chuckled at himself as he pinched the bridge of his nose and composed himself. Soon Mabel was skipping back to him and leaped back into his hold to hug him and nuzzle her face in his shoulder.
“Thank you, Grunkle Ford, I love it.” She repeated.
Ford hugged her back tightly and rubbed circles into her back. “You’re very welcome, my dear. Thank you for letting me braid your hair.”
After one last squeeze, Mabel climbed up the armchair to sit on the back so she was behind Ford’s head. She held out a hand for the hairbrush and said, “Your turn!”
Ford grinned and handed her the sparkly hairbrush and felt himself relax as his scalp was treated to the gentle sensation of his niece brushing and caring for his gray fluff.
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the-river-person · 3 years
Confidential Medical File
Patient Name: Sans Admission Date: 21st RESET, Year 2 of New Era. Doctor: Whimsol M.D., D.O. Recording Transcripts from Psychodynamic Therapy Session 8: Doctor Whimsol: You mentioned that you’ve been depressed and somewhat inactive because of it for some time. Sans: Yeah, Papyrus says I used to be more active. But..uh. The whole endless Reset thing kinda made that pointless. Doctor Whimsol: But you’re starting to be more active now? Sans: Its easier than sitting and thinking about everything. And if I’m going fast people don’t have time to treat me like glass or avoid me, I’m just in and out. They gotta get used to me. Doctor Whimsol: You want their company? Even if you don’t like the way they treat you? Sans: They don’t mean any harm, really. All they’re trying to do is show the Judge the proper respect. But... Doctor Whimsol: You don’t want to be the Judge? Sans: I never did want it. But a thing like that? You can’t really say no. Its a great honor to be asked at all. I guess I just wish it hadn’t been my responsibility. That I didn’t have to make a decision about whether or not to ask for help. I either risk everyone’s ignorance by telling them about all the murder and Resets, or just keep dealing with it myself, forever if I have to. And I could do it, I could be the one who judges and fights. If it meant keeping everyone happy despite what was going on, I could do it forever. But... I just... wanted to be normal. I wanted to be me. Doctor Whimsol: But you are you. You’re Sans the Skeleton. Sans: I don’t feel like a Sans. I feel more like a Walbaum or a Scala. Doctor Whimsol: Ah, Fonts. I’m afraid I’m not very familiar with the Skeleton Clan’s naming conventions. Can you explain what you mean? Sans: They’re used for newspapers. Big precise lines and practical attitudes. Modern and structured, but they have something of the old days about them too. Sometimes Scala can get a little fancy with the opening letter, I had a great Uncle, don’t remember him much now, but he used to be great at introductions. Got everyone’s attention and sounded really interesting and important. But after that he didn’t waste time and did everything the “right” way even if it was boring. Doctor Whimsol: I see. And Comic Sans? Sans: Supposed to be informal, friendly. A sort of jokey font for relaxed things. Good with kids, good for comics. Heh, I guess that’s why its called “Comic Sans”. Doctor Whimsol: You did mention in a previous session that you were having a harder time making puns. I didn’t realize it was such an important part of how you see yourself. Sans: It’s like all my life I had this knack for seeing all the little things in people’s words that made them unintentionally funny. With just a short quip I could make them see it too, make them laugh. Sometimes I’d prank or troll people, not in a mean way, just to catch ‘em off guard. My brother and I had this thing for doing jokes back and forth all the time. Doctor Whimsol: Really? I thought Papyrus hated your puns. You said he complained loudly every time you made one. Sans: Nah. Its because I purposely made bad jokes to annoy him. The same ones. All the time. For nearly a year. I had some original stuff too, but it was funnier to see him overreacting. He still jokes and puns more than even I do, but people assume its unintentional for some reason, he just likes to be high quality in everything he does. Its his charm. Doctor Whimsol: Overreacting? You don’t think he minds that much? Sans: He finds it a bit annoying, but that’s what older brothers are for. Mostly he’s just overreacting cause that makes it all so much funnier somehow. He does say that I could be less obvious about it though. Doctor Whimsol: And now you feel like you’re losing your sense of humor? That could be a sign of high anxiety or depression. Sans: No, I’m not losing my sense of humor. Exactly. When I hear the jokes or puns its still hilarious to me. But its like I’m losing my ability to come up with them, at least on the spot. Doctor Whimsol: That’s actually not that surprising. Sans: Really? Doctor Whimsol: From all you’ve told me, you and your brother moved to Snowdin the year before the Resets began. Though an adult, you’d just lost your parents to a tragedy at the edge of the Hotlands. Sans: *mumbling* the conveyor belt. Dad got his hand caught in the conveyor belt and mum was trying to help him get out. But the steam vents are on an automatic timer and they... didn’t make it. Doctor Whimsol: So it was just you and your brother. You left your job at the Hotland Labs. Especially since your old employer, ...Gaster! Your old employer, Doctor Gaster hadn’t recovered from his injuries in a few decades, and your coworker had been his replacement. Right? Sans:.... I... Yeah. Sure. Doctor Whimsol: And you just wanted to get away, so you moved out here where nobody knew you. Where you could “Just be you” again for a while. Sans: That didn’t last long. The King called on me, as the Judge. Doctor Whimsol: Before the Reset incident? Sans: He wanted me to judge his sins, to tell him to his face what he really was for caving to the pressure and for going through with his plan. So I did. Doctor Whimsol: That can’t have been easy on top of everything else. And then the human came and the Resets started. You said that it took a long time before you started remembering them, but when you did it was like waking up to a nightmare. Is that right? Sans: Yeah. Is this going anywhere? Or...? Doctor Whimsol: You were trapped in the same few weeks. Making the same jokes and doing the same puns. Not only had you lost your parents but you lost everyone else too multiple times only to have them spring back to life. The physical consequences gone, but not the trauma. In the end you got used to it, just  going through the same patterns like a script. Why would you even need new jokes? Nobody would remember them, and you had already fallen into the pattern of repeating bad jokes as a way to cope and interact with your brother. Sans: But when everyone started to remember I could still do some new stuff, and I had the occasional prank that no one had seen during all the Reset stuff. Doctor Whimsol: It would be impossible to go that long without ever thinking up something new. But I doubt you ever really had to come up with anything on the spot. It’s possible that you had somewhat of a backup of interpersonal and general knowledge enough to build some quick ones on the spot. But when that backup ran dry... Sans: I had no more material. No more instant jokes. Doctor Whimsol: When nothing changes for a long time, you start to exhaust the creative material you have. Plus you were using it as a coping mechanism, so its not surprising you burned yourself out. Sans: I guess its only jokes, its not a big deal. Doctor Whimsol: It is if its that big a part of how you see yourself. But you said you don’t really see yourself as Sans anymore. Do you like the Fonts you see in yourself? Sans: I guess I don’t mind being a bit more serious, but I dunno about being all precise and perfect all the time, you know? A little fancy, sure, that might even be fun. But I don’t want to be important. I don’t want to be headline news. Doctor Whimsol: You don’t have to be, if you don’t want to. The person who gets to decide what kind of person you are is you. Think about what it is you want to be. It doesn’t have to be Sans, or Scala, or Walbaum. It can be someone new, someone you feel comfortable being. Sans: I dunno. Doctor Whimsol: Take your time. There’s really no need to answer right away. I’ll check in again at our next session and see if anything has come to mind, but there’s no rush. Just focus on relaxing. Don’t be afraid to lean on your brother or your friends if you’re not feeling up to it. Trying to go it alone can be exhausting. Sans: Right. I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks Doc. Doctor Whimsol: I’m afraid that’s all we have time for today. But I think we made some progress. At least we helped to clear up a few things. I do want the chance to discuss the memory problems you’ve been mentioning, though. Next time. *End of recording* Notes: I feel that Sans has undergone a great deal of trauma. Despite appearances he is a very strong individual, especially to have held on this long without a breakdown. Most other monsters or humans would have begun to fall apart long before this. But even the strongest people can’t hold out forever. I wish he’d be more open with his brother and friends about his problems. I am sure it would be of great help. Another concern. While most everybody has that sensation of an invisible aura of rainbow color from the Solution, and most of us have grown so used to it that we forget that it’s there, Sans doesn’t seem to have it. I might not have noticed a year ago. I didn’t notice when I saw the trial on screen, and because we don’t have a means to keep the recordings past Resets I don’t have a way to go back and check. But at the time he seemed vibrant enough, the colorful Sans I’d heard about and seen. Serious for the role of Judge, yes. But was he ever as vibrant as everyone else has become? And what is this strange grey palour that seems to fall about him. When I look close there are nothing wrong with his colors. It’s more like he feels grey, like those with an aura feel colorful. It worries me. I want to check his medical records and see if there was anything strange about the Solution dose when he got it.
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mulletcal · 4 years
scrabble - ashton irwin blurb.
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a/n: would you believe me if i told you i fucked up 4 different times trying to post this. WELL, anyways, here’s a pt 2 to this post and i still mildly blame @sexgodashton​ for it.
word count: ~2.2k (oops)
warnings: none
Since that day where Ashton had realized that his Words with Friends stranger was also his neighbour, his mood surrounding this lockdown brightened significantly.  His niece was good at keeping his spirits up, but it was nice to have someone around that he could talk to as a fellow adult.
More often than not, you would show up with a baked good that you had googled how to make, dropping it off at Ashton’s doorstep before waiting at the end of the driveway to make sure either him or his niece picked it up.  Ashton would return the favour in his own small ways, letting you know what they were cooking that night, asking if he should make extras.  You both had taken to putting lawn chairs at the end of your driveways, maintaining the appropriate distance, but balancing your plates on your laps as you all enjoyed a meal together.
Getting to know Ashton, it grew increasingly difficult to push down your feelings for him.  He was intelligent, handsome, goofy, and he clearly cared for his niece, which also warmed your heart.  Even though anytime Ashton would say something, she’d give him a certain look that had him turning as red as a tomato; which didn’t help you find him any less endearing.
Your Words with Friends games continued, you kicking his ass each and every time - well, except for the one time you let him win, even if he vehemently denies that.  You had suggested that when the lockdown was lifted, he should come over some time and play a game of Scrabble with you, to see if somehow being in person made it any different.  It could be to his benefit, of course, because being that close to those hazel eyes would distract you.
On Ashton’s end, the feelings were very much the same.  He couldn’t stop thinking of you, and how he wished to be closer.  Ashton had never started a friendship, let alone a relationship where he wasn’t able to touch the person he was talking to - whether it be a handshake or a hug.  The most he could do was crack jokes from more than 6 feet away, grinning as you rolled your eyes at another stupid pun.
Ashton realized he had run out of fresh produce once again, but this time before placing his order he sent you a message to ask if you needed anything.  If only you could write back asking if he was something that was available - but you had nowhere near enough confidence for that, so you just replied that you didn’t, but thanking him.  Ashton wanted to use it as an excuse to see you more than just around dinner, but he could never let you know that.
A few weeks later, you heard on the news that the lockdown - as long as everything continued on the decline it had been on - would end next week, with some limitations so people aren’t going too wild too soon; but this meant something huge: you could actually be closer to Ashton.
Figuring a call would be more satisfying than a text, you pressed ‘Call’, vaguely thinking about when you both first exchanged numbers in the first place.  He had forgotten to look at the app all day, busy with Instagram Live interviews, but he felt so guilty and insisted you exchange numbers so you could keep the casual conversation going.
“You there?”  Ashton asked, bringing you out of your memory.
“Shit, sorry! Was just calling to tell you that it looks like our Scrabble game is gonna be happening sooner rather than later,” You speak with a grin that’s probably evident in your tone of voice on the other line.
“Wait really? I haven’t checked the news at all today.  I’m assuming none of the guys have either, we have a music video going up in about ten minutes.”
Oh, right.  You had forgotten he was in a band, his constant drum playing wasn’t just to make noise - he actually did it for a living. “Which music video is it again?” You ask, trying to think of the title before he could speak. 
“Wildflower.  You gonna watch it?” 
“Yeah, of course! I need to support the boomer uncle in the band,” You could hear him scoff on the other end, causing you to let out a small laugh.
“Yeah, I see how it is. Just cause I play the internet’s version of Scrabble makes me a boomer.  Puts you right there with me, though,” He stated, and it wasn’t a lie, but you enjoyed making fun of his age anyways. “I’ll see you later though, the guys wanna have a group FaceTime to watch the video together.  Makin’ pasta tonight, want some?”
“Not tonight, I’m all pasta’d out.  But I’ll meet you guys there, just text me when you start dinner, yeah?”
“Sounds good. Bye!” You could hear an enthusiastic ‘bye’ in the background that made you smile, setting down your phone and looking up ‘Wildflower’ so you could be apart of the video’s premier.
You were most definitely not expecting what you saw while the video played - Ashton had told you, from what you remembered anyways, that they had filmed all their parts separately in front of a green screen in their house.  You didn’t know that you would get so much of Ashton’s personality through the video though, and you couldn’t wipe the grin off your lips the entire time.
Once the video ended, you picked up your phone to send him a quick text message to say you enjoyed the video, and it didn’t take long for him to reply with his gratitude towards you.
Dinner that night had a different air to it, you couldn’t tell if you were all just excited to not be stuck in the house anymore, or sad - or, in your case, if you were flustered because Ashton was wearing the same shirt he had chosen to wear in the video.
This week was going to go by incredibly slow.
As you predicted, the days leading up to the lockdown being lifted dragged on - every hour feeling like another day, but you were aware that it was mostly due to freedom, or your feeling of freedom, was so close.
Ashton knew that the guys would all want to see each other right away, and he had agreed on that front - FaceTime calls just weren’t doing it for him anymore.  He was so close to being able to hang out in Calum’s backyard again, laying in the sun and making jokes with his best friend.  All of them had agreed on one thing though - rather than all get together on their first day out where none of them really had much in their house; the first day would be spent gathering supplies for a “family dinner” on the second day.
This also meant that his first night was free.  Ashton knew he didn’t need to worry about his niece, especially since it was only right next door, and he would have the security system in place to be alerted of any suspicious activities.  He had to see you and deliver on the promised Scrabble game; and he needed to test the waters to see how you felt towards him as well.
When the fateful day came, Ashton was practically buzzing with excitement.  He headed to the grocery store, wanting to pick up essentials for the dish he would bring to Michael’s, but also he wanted to attempt to recreate the cookies you made for him as a welcoming gift - though he was sure his baking skills couldn’t hold a candle to yours.
Having gathered all the ingredients, he headed back home to try and bake.  Ashton was excited when you texted him, asking if you guys were still on for tonight.
[2:04 pm]: You bet your gluteus on it.
He could tell you were laughing on the other end, due to the amount of times the three dots had appeared and disappeared, when his phone finally vibrated in response.
[2:05 pm]: Stop trying to make gluteus happen, it’s not going to happen.  Also that’s only roughly 8 points, so nice try.
Ashton couldn’t contain his fit of giggles - his excitement bubbling out of him again, grinning at his niece who walked into the kitchen.
“Someone’s excited to see his crush today,” She mused, cocking an eyebrow at him.
“Not a crush, just excited to be within six feet of someone who I’m not related to,” Ashton retorted, both of them sticking their tongue out at the other.
“Tell me why I see ingredients to make those cookies, then?”
“Can’t a man just buy apples and cinnamon, and all the other ingredients to make cookies without being judged?” Ashton pouted in a feudal attempt to win this debate, but he knew it was pointless to argue with a 14-year-old.  “Wanna help? I’ll let you eat some cookie dough.”
Very quickly she agreed, and they set about making the cookies for you. 
While on your end, you were doing something similar for him; you had gone out to buy ingredients to make a cake, that you were going to decorate to say “Happy End of Lockdown”.  You weren’t sure if you were taking it too far, but you were genuinely excited to see his reaction when he read it.
You had just finished the final touches on the cake when the doorbell rang.  Furrowing your brows, you glanced at the time, realizing much more time had passed than you had thought.  Suddenly you were nervous again, not having time to fix your appearance, or fix up around your house for that matter.  Your phone on the kitchen island buzzed, and you quickly picked it up to make sure it wasn’t anything super important - only to find a text from Ashton.
[7:56 pm]: Can you hurry up? We’re free, and I promise I won’t spit on you.
If it were any other person in your life, you would have replied with something along the lines of, “Too bad, I’m kinda into that.” But you couldn’t be that way with Ashton - you felt as though you needed to restrict that part, or risk losing Ashton in your life all together because you weirded him out.
Tugging the door open, you mustered up the best grin you could at the man who now stood before you, “Hey stranger,” you spoke, stepping aside so he could come in.
“Hey yourself.  Even though you left me out in the dust, I brought these cookies for you, in hopes you won’t do it again.”  Ashton offered up the plate of cookies, and you recognized the scent that had wafted from them almost immediately. 
“You made those cookies?” You asked softly, your heart completely melting at the sentiment. Glancing up at him, you noticed he was watching you, your eyes meeting his hazel ones, so you cleared your throat.  “You gonna come in, or you gonna wait to be invited in like the boomer you are?” You left him there, mouth hanging open at your words as you brought the cookies into the kitchen.
“For the last time, m’not a fuckin’ boomer.  I was born in ‘94!”
Spinning back around, you nearly collided with his chest, rather instead backing up to pat it while looking up at him, “Okay Boomer.”
After that moment, your nerves disappeared completely.  Flour was in your hair, but the two of you didn’t care; much preferring to laugh over your cups of tea and the treats you had both made.
When it came time to play Scrabble, you were excited to see how he’d live up to his online persona from Words with Friends, or if instead he’d just mutter curse words when you put down a word that was worth triple.  It was fairly easy to stay focused, your eyes trained on the letters before you, instead of the raven haired man whose eyes were boring into the side of your head after each word he put down.
You hadn’t realized why until you looked up from your tiles to the board, trying to place your next word to finally beat him.  There was a word spelt out at the top of the board, one that hadn’t been there previously - the word was ‘date’, but beside it there was a small piece of paper with a question mark on it, and in the corner where the letter value would be was drawn the tiniest heart you’d ever seen.
“Did you make that heart yourself?” You asked, a grin spreading across your lips, finally looking up at the man.
There was a long pause before he whispered, “Yes,” almost sheepishly, his cheeks turning pink.
“You wanna go on a date with me?”
The response was quicker this time, a more confident, “Yes.”
Looking from him to the tiles, you reached across to grab the letters to spell ‘Kiss Me’, stealing his question mark to add to the end of it.
Ashton read it, looking back towards you with a smirk, “You know that’s cheating right?”
“Are you gonna kiss me or not?”
tag list:   @haikucal​ @talkfastromance4​ @softbabiestan​ @boyfriend-cal​ @calum-uncrowned​ @wildflowerirwin​ @irwindoll​ @gosh-im-short​ @atlcalm​ @thesubtweeter​ @heavenisapeach​ @ridingcthood​ @loveroflrh​ @wokeupinjapanisabop​ @mantlereid​ @inlovehoodx​ @irwinkitten​
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hasliaran · 3 years
Undertale is owned by Toby Fox
Sooner or Later You’re Gonna be Mine is written by Staringback.
TimeHealsTale - Still a WIP by me.
Meet my undertale OC from TimeHealsTale which is an AU living rent free in my head. They are a canon MC that replaces the real Sans (age 5) after he got dumped into a tub of Void by Gaster to be forgotten.
Name: Comic Sans Du Font (Comic/Komi)
Age: 22 (5 years younger than canon Sans and 8 years older than Paps)
Job: Monster Healer that does House-calls. (Not a Judge; Sans disappeared because he was a Judge)
Profile in Game: Toriel’s Contact, The Smuggler, Summon Healer (after befriending; limited to 5 calls (diff. work phone no.); rapid calls will assume it’s a prank and not be picked up for a certain period of time.)
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This is not her usual outfit but I just really wanted to post it.
In my head, the scene goes …
- she fell into the void trying to pull out a deformed still 5 years old Sans when she was going through her father’s stuff in his lab dungeon. (Occurred after the barrier broke)
- Sans was in a mega huge test tube floating in pitch black Void essence (frozen in stasis as no time passes through Void), so she couldn’t see anything or knew he was inside. Only after she accidentally tipped it over, smashing it to pieces, when trying to push it out of the lab that she realised there was an effing toddler inside it.
“Dad, seriously?” Comic got fed up already with the mess her father left behind after he got scattered.
- Cue her trying to grab the kid out of the muck only to fall in and be dropped down into another universe with the little one.
(Yes, this is the multiverse travel scene excuse and I love it)
Back then, Sooner or later your gonna be mine just uploaded a new comic chapter on YouTube. Hence, my brain went overdrive and said it’s a free real estate. So, I imagined the duo getting found by the skeleton brothers before the story started from rumours of them pillaging around trash sites, random food thefts and small skeletons offering up to do odd jobs.
Other skeletons than them, huh, curious.
Them skeletons in that story was already huge as heck though, now imagine a five a year old and a roughly five foot skeleton with a slight build running around what was essentially a mob era in the 1920’s.
The first thing that would go through their thick skulls was KIDS, THEY ARE KIDS, WHO HERE F***ED AND DIDN’T USE PROTECTION ?!
So much shenanigans from just trying to chase them down. ^_^
In the end, Komi and Void/V (little Sans; Komi’s not that creative at naming) were lured in by food, an offer for a roof over their heads and warm baths. Yep, tragic.
Little sans doesn’t look like a sans anymore here but a mere smooth skull shell with two big eye sockets and nothing else. I meant that literally. No lips or teeth as those were melted away and a pitch black body with stumps for legs. (look at Hollow Knight; Ghost but without the horns and has smoothen out round cheeks at least. I love that game.)
The last thing he remembered was that his aunt (step sister actually but he knows her as auntie) giving birth in the Underground Hospital and his uncle (Gaster) pushing him into a tub of black liquid, watching him drown.
And now he can’t talk since his lips is sealed shut.
Moreover, someone with his name who looks like a lot like his auntie and a bit like his uncle was dragging him around somewhere. It’s hella weird and confusing and he can’t cry properly. (Yes, HK reference here)
Yes, there is a story here for the duo that will coincide with SoLY’reGBM. Mostly, with Komi claiming Bara Sans courting skills were lame as hell no wonder Frisk ran screaming. This happen only at the time they were all comfortable enough to diss each other. Still, she and V were treated like sassy annoying younger siblings.
One’s assumed to be a teenager another a preschooler. So both were admitted to schools by force and with threats for Komi by Gaster since he didn’t want them in the house 24/7. Also to just enjoy the fact they have money now to send someone in their place to experience school. Papyrus here loves it that someone gets to experience and tell him all about while also not being the youngest in the family anymore.
Komi, in hindsight was 50/50 about it. Hating the idea at first before going, huh, maybe it’s not so bad… Hence the outfit up there. ^
She only has been to pre-school when her mother was alive and nothing else since, Gaster, her father, deeming it useless and only had been homeschooled by him. As much as you could call being locked in a room and told to read/answer these sheets of questions or not she’s never allowed to feed Papyrus as homeschooling activities. It happened in a period of when she was 10 - 14, so Paps would be 2 - 6. Damn well, she learned to memorise and spit everything out like a photocopier.
Seeing the Gaster in this universe sorta freaks her out. Making her wait to be ordered and when she doesn’t gets the order or the orders were just a pat on the skull and be told to behave, nothing else. She will proceed to look at him funny only to realise that oh, this is not dad. The three brothers can see that gal there has been through some shit and it’s not the fun kind. This also makes them question whether they should let them go back to wherever they came from, and that’s a whole other bag of fish to fry.
Komi knows they are a mob family, accepts it because hey her dad had a dungeon where he cuts up humans and eats SOULs for breakfast so why not this?
Only to find out they are pretty nice for a family and was this what a family suppose to be like? She liked it.
Komi with V/Void -, I will protect you my new baby brother that I have adopted at first sight with my body and SOUL. Which she does, she was raised with her Papyrus who was always aimed at gunpoint by her father. Basically, a rinse and repeat cycle situation in her eyes. Only to find out that no, nobody was out to get V!
She felt so gosh darn free in this universe but felt as though she was missing something all the time.
Yep, her found family from back home. So, definitely gotta get out of here somehow.
While also going to high school and befriending your adopted uncles’s enemy’s niece. Fuku Fire. Definitely not telling them what she did. They are gonna get so pissed.
Fuku - I have befriended the cool kid that’s not afraid to talk back against adults and was already a pro in home economics, who is also a skeleton Monster, meaning from a rival family. My parents and Uncle *pedo* Grillby must never know.
Comic will also be going through the motions of life here while figuring out how V’s powers work to send them back home and be getting a supply of Uncle’s favourite mustard since he’s been bitching about it every day by now.
He and Gaster will most definitely never know.
Nah, they know. Comic is a freaking blabber mouth that tells everything to this version of Papyrus just like she does in her own universe. Confirmed, she’ll be outed within 3 days by Paps and a fight about who she befriends was not their business.-at Gaster - who then sees it as an opportunity. Which leaves her storming out yelling they are all the same. Gaster and her Gaster.
Shit goes down that day, and everything went A-okay. Komi would make attempts to not overlap her father’s image over this guy because really, this Gaster is the farthest thing to her dad that’s a centuries old psychopath craving the secrets of the multiverse who would instead have not let her run out the house unscathed for yelling nor talked through things with her when she was brought back.
Darn guy was pretty nice.
Sans and Papyrus of this universe : who are you and what have you done to our brother?
G: What was that?
S&P: Nothing. S: (mutters under his breath) bias piece of sh*t
Then there’s that scene where they now got a new area to govern. Komi and V finds it weird but okay. *shrugs*. It felt like they were going to govern their territory or something. Sounds like basic Royal Guards one-o-one shtick her middle bro’s and friends’ kinda work. Seems simple enough.
It was not simple. I repeat, it was not simple.
G: No, we do not have to patrol the area.
G: No, we do not do shifts to monitor criminal activities.
G: It’s just an area that we will get a claim to.
G: But I need the humans here to be comfortable with Monsters, so I am going to let loose Papyrus on them. Since, we also have you two as well. Feel free to interact with the Humans. Tell me if anyone gives you three any trouble, Sans and I will personally deal with it.
S: wut? Yes? Yep, whatever he says goes. Better listen to your elders, brats.
P: Really, Sans?
C: So-, you want us to help around with the people in the area? Like charity work? Give free food and all that?
G: (how did she jumped to that? but otherwise, she’s not wrong.) … Yes-, that. Feel free to use your green magic on them as well if you have to but only when necessary. I don’t want you to suddenly disappear because your own loose lips.
C: Alright. (Does an excited fist pump) This is gonna be awesome~! …. Heyyy, did you just-
P: And I will be sure to guard them. (No arguing here from the other brothers)
V: (pouts and hand signed) N-O-T—B-A-B-Y
P: (could only stare at this being that barely reaches his kneecaps) Of course, little one.
All I know is, all of them are sassy sarcastic shits and there’s way more to be continued here.
So byeeee~
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