#and asked me to do about 3/4 of the laundry. as usual when she does this I did!!! i left her what she said she was going to do
sidereus-stars · 1 month
I just LOOOVVEE hearing my family talk shit about me from the other room.
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stars-tonight · 3 months
Can I have a haikyuu matchup please
1. Long matchup please if possible
2. Romantic
3. Cis female She/her
4. Id like to be paired with a guy please.
5. For Ideal traits in a partner im not too picky honestly as long as they’re smart and they love me then i don’t care that much.
6. Describe yourself:
6.1 Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body (although I’m more top heavy if you know what i mean) black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses sometimes (im far sighted so it’s usually when driving in class or at the theater)
6.2 Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence (more pertaining to my talents or personality then my looks) sassy sarcastic (I’m mainly these things with people i feel comfortable with like friends or family) soft spoken cute (my friends think im cute because i can be pretty innocent plus I’m small physically)
7. Hobbies: Reading, writing, video games, and listening to music
8. Love Language:
8.1 Giving: acts of service gift giving and physical affection (if they’re ok with it)
8.2 Receiving: words of affirmation and physical affection (although i can be shy about it)
9. Extra:
9.1 Likes: animals fantasy magic sci fi anime friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
9.2 Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people who don’t take others into consideration people i care about not caring for themselves (im a hypocrite on this i take care of everyone else but not me) not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests (I’m being tested for a math disability and i have test anxiety)
9.3 Miscellaneous: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater (mainly with textures) i have a cat i have minor ehlers danalos (a hyper mobility disorder) but it doesn’t hurt me like it does my sisters i get abdominal migraines which is basically like a migraine but instead of headaches it’s nausea
Thank you
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🥛 i feel like you're kind of like suga
🥛 suga's the mom of the team and he's also pretty sarcastic
🥛 i guess the main thing that made me pick daichi for you was the love languages
🥛 daichi's used to long days at work
🥛 i feel like sometimes he forgets to take care of himself because he worries about others
🥛 loves it when you go out of your way to do things for him
🥛 like if you do a load of laundry or clean his room because it's getting dirty
🥛 also feels really flattered if you remember something he liked
🥛 if it's just something he mentioned in passing and you surprise him with it he'll be so pleasantly surprised
🥛 daichi is a great communicator thanks to his experience as captain
🥛 will always be there to comfort you
🥛 if he knows you had a bad day he'll probably give you a hug and ask if you want him to stay with you
🥛 if you do then he'll sit with you the whole night
🥛 if you don't he'll let you have your alone time
🥛 either way, the next day before he leaves for his shift he'll leave you a lovely note on the table
🥛 also doesn't strike me as an overly touchy guy
🥛 likes hugs and cuddles though
🥛 will always ask if you're okay with physical affection
🥛 will read things you write if you ask him to
🥛 will basically do anything with you if you ask him to
🥛 if you recommend a song, he'll listen to it on his way to work
🥛 if you recommend a book, he'll read it during breakfast and before bed
🥛 if you recommend a video game, he'll give it a try
🥛 (chances are he won't be very good at it, case in point being the game vs the monster where he literally just kept his shield up the entire time)
🥛 you said you don't like people who harm others
🥛 post-timeskip daichi literally goes after people who harm others lmao
🥛 jumps to help you if you're ever having trouble with your ehlers danlos
🥛 whenever you're feeling nauseous he's there at your side with whatever you need
🥛 be that medicine or soup
🥛 daichi is husband material lol
runner up for you was yamaguchi tadashi!
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A/N: there you go, i hope you liked it! unfortunately i don't know much about ehlers danlos or abdominal migraines but i looked them up quickly and hopefully what i wrote was accurate :)
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luxwritesfanfic · 3 years
Don’t Take The Money
Poor reader thought it would end up being a normal Sunday but that must’ve been the mix of bleach and Pinesol fumes getting to their head. Or, the one where reader finds out they have more in common with the other woman in Sherlock’s life than they thought and Sherlock has an aneurysm at the revelation. Thanks for reading!
Sherlock Holmes/Reader
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You were just waking up when Sherlock was moving around the bedroom trying to pack his overnight bag. You groaned at the noise of drawers being opened and hangers jostled and rolled over onto your stomach, propping yourself up on your elbows. “Sherlock? You’re leaving?”
He stopped in his tracks back towards the closet and moved to sit on the edge of the bed next to you. He looked down at you with fondness that so many people thought he was incapable of feeling and as always, it made your heart swell. Brushing a lock of hair behind your ear, you relished in his undivided attention.
“A case was brought to my attention. I won’t be gone for long, it’s a few towns over.” He insists, trying to ease your worries before they arise.
Although you’d miss him, it never did anyone any good when Sherlock was bored. He needed something to keep him occupied and you needed time to clean up the drywall shrapnel that constantly covered the couch due to the boredness. It would give you the opportunity to deep clean the flat and the idea wasn’t so bad.
“Is John going too?” Sherlock nodded. You don’t know why you asked, they always worked together.
You turned your head to kiss his palm and sat up to get out of bed. “Okay. I’ll make you breakfast before you guys leave. Nobody likes train food anyway.”
Sherlock moved to help you stand, one of the smiles he reserved just for you gracing his lips. “You take excellent care of me. But you should know, you don’t have to be useful for this to mean something to me.”
He caught you off guard, but he usually did when he read you like a book. Your whole life you’d made yourself useful and you weren’t sure if people liked you for you or for the fact that there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for them. You would do anything and everything for Sherlock and it didn’t have anything to do with being useful, honestly. You loved him dearly and you couldn’t imagine treating him like you felt anything less than that. You couldn’t help but kiss him.
“Omelettes or pancakes?”
Your shirt was soaked from washing the dishes and you smelled like a mixture of bleach and formaldehyde from scrubbing the fridge clean and removing the severed head that took up the space where your coffee creamer should be. You had done more loads of laundry than you could count, bleached the bloodstained tub from Sherlock’s latest pig quest, the entire flat smelled like Bahama breeze and you couldn’t be more content. The boys weren’t due back for a day or two so you figured you’d spend some time with Mrs. Hudson when you were done and see if you could meet up with Bucky and Greg for lunch. When you passed the kitchen on your way to your bedroom to change, you decided that this may be the only chance you ever get to clear off the dining room table. Sherlock’s science equipment had overrun it and you figured it wouldn’t hurt if you straightened it up just a bit.
You were in the midst of cleaning out Sherlock’s beakers when you heard the knock on the door. Figuring that John would have posted on his blog that they weren’t currently taking clients because they were on a case, you expected to see Mrs. Hudson and the mop she was letting you borrow. You cracked the door just enough to see who was on the other side and was surprised to see an older woman holding a plate of baked goods who wasn’t Mrs. Hudson.
“Hi... how can I help you?”
The woman in question’s eyes lit up at the sight of you and you weren’t sure why. She smiled and gestured to the platter in her hands. “Is Sherlock Holmes here?”
She must be a client, you thought. Shaking your head, you responded, “No, sorry! The boys off on a case. I’m a friend of theirs. Is there something I can help you with?”
She was looking past you into the flat and you weren’t sure what she was looking for. “Do you mind if I come in? I could really use a cup of tea. And I wanted to drop these cookies I made for Sherlock off.”
You looked at what she was holding and decided it wouldn’t really hurt to let her in, and the cookies looked amazing. Sherlock must have helped her in some way.
“Sure, come on in. Sorry about my clothes... I’ve been doing some spring cleaning.” You stepped aside and let her in. “So, are you a client of his?”
She went to place the platter on the table and you were excited that it was already worth cleaning off the table. “Not quite. I’ve known him his whole life and have loved him even longer.” She turned and smiled at you, seeing through you in a way that seemed eerily close to Sherlock.
You hummed, taking in her answer. Sherlock didn’t talk much about his friends, so you weren’t surprised that you never heard of her.
“Just a minute, I’m gonna change.”
You excused yourself to the bedroom where your phone was charging on the bed. After sending Sherlock a quick text that someone who wasn’t a client was here for him, you dug around in the closet for something clean and more appropriate.
The lady didn’t really seem like a threat and you were sure if it came down to it, you’d be able to protect yourself. You could chuck the skull on the mantle if need be, it was a hard hitter.
When you returned, she was wandering around the flat and looking at all of the pictures of you, Sherlock, and John that you’d recently framed and put out.
“You and Sherlock, you’re close, yes? Tell me about him. It’s been so long.” She was holding a picture that you took of you two in the back of a taxi. Sherlock was on his phone but you thought his hair looked extra good and the golden hour light made him look like an angel so you had to take the picture.
“Yeah, I mean. He’s a seriously great person. A brilliant detective, he’s so smart. He helps all these people for free, and he never complains if they don’t offer him anything. He hates when I tell him he’s a godsend but who else would do that? Um... he’s really funny, probably one of the funniest people I know. You just have to keep up with his humor. It can be kind of dry, but it’s there. He’s one of the most loyal people there is and he’d do anything for the people he cares about.”
It was so easy for you to speak so highly of him. It was like second nature.
“He can be stubborn sometimes, and he can be a little more blunt than he needs to be but... he’s amazing. There’s no other way to explain him, really. He’s got a light that comes from him that rivals the sun and I don’t think it could ever be dimmed.”
She turned back to you and slowly broke out into one of the biggest grins you’d ever seen someone wear. “You really love my son.”
“Your son?” You blinked, unsure of what was going on. You really started to look at the woman in front of you and you realized Sherlock had her eyes. A complete copy and paste. “Oh my God, you’re Sherlock’s mom. I never even introduced myself. I’m Y/N, a friend of-”
“You’re not his friend, dear, and I’m not blind. Old age takes a lot from you, but I could never miss the way my son shines. And you... you see it too.” She walked up to you, still holding the picture frame in her hands. “You love my son in a way that no one else has. Let me tell you all about him.”
You couldn’t stop laughing.
Sherlock’s mom had brought over tons of scrapbooks and old pictures that she had acquired over the years, and you had a feeling she knew you were here alone before she even knocked on the door. Mycroft, probably. You spent the whole day getting to know each other and taking a stroll down memory lane with her telling you all about Sherlock as a kid and how it was growing up with two geniuses as sons. She even gave you a copy of one of Sherlock’s high school pictures that you were going to cherish forever. She seemed so happy to have someone to talk to and assured you that spending time with you was the closest she had felt to Sherlock in a long time.
You insisted that she stay and let you make dinner, but she was as equally stubborn as Sherlock and ordered you takeaway as her treat. You tried to argue but she was having none of it. “My God, you scrubbed this whole flat clean. I’m not going to let you dirty your dishes. How does Chinese sound?”
Sherlock barreled up the steps with all the force he could muster in his legs and rushed in to see you, perfectly fine and all in one piece, having dinner with his mother.
“Sherlock!” You both exclaimed, his mother full of excitement and you full of worry.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, standing up from your end of the couch. “I thought you were on a case? Is everything okay?”
“I’ve been texting and calling you all day! You’re that daft that you couldn’t text back once all this time?” He’s still out of breath and he can feel his heartbeat in his ears. His tone is exasperated and you could hear the mix of anxiety and relief in his voice as he’d yet to acknowledge his mother. She seemed perfectly content to sit back and watch the situation unfold, amusement at her son’s unusual outburst gracing her features.
“My phone was dead! And then I put it on the charger and I forgot about it once your mom came, by the way!” You went to the bedroom and retrieved your phone to find a dozen missed texts and calls.
Probably just a client. SH
11:07 AM
Are you sure it’s not a client? SH
11:43 AM
Are they still there? SH
1:00 PM
Missed Call
1:17 PM
Missed Call
2:03 PM
Call me back. SH
3:26 PM
Y/N, I’m on a case. Call me back. SH
3:44 PM
Missed Call
4:13 PM
Is everything alright? SH
4:52 PM
Missed Call
5:08 PM
Missed Call
5:10 PM
Missed Call
5:12 PM
I’m boarding the train now and I’ll be there soon. Don’t worry. SH
5:21 PM
Sherlock followed after you, still without ever acknowledging his mother, and shut the door after himself. With his palms braced against the wooden door, he tried to ease the tension out of his bones through a deep breath as he watched you check your phone. He wasn’t worried about the case at all. It was mostly solved and what little was left John could do with ease. He felt the weight of the missed calls in his stomach like lead and the three hour train ride that he couldn’t curse to defy time any quicker. He had plenty of enemies and you had virtually none, so there would be no reason to think you’d hesitate to assist anyone who came to his door, especially if it was in the name of helping him. He thought he’d walk into a crime scene and he couldn’t shake those images out of his head.
You got up from the bed and walked over to him, reaching to wrap one arm around his neck and to take his hand in yours in the other. You pressed a kiss to his jaw, and then to his chin, over his eyelids, his nose, and then lastly you met his lips, murmuring “I’m sorry” in between every kiss. He didn’t usually voice it, but you had known him long enough to know when he was upset. He relaxed into your touch as he always did and you pulled away from him long enough to pull on the ends of his scarf. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Let me help. We got takeaway for your mom and I but we can share mine. I got what you like anyway.”
He let you pull his scarf and jacket off and you were delighted to see he wasn’t really mad with you. You hang his jacket on the closet door and by the time you turn back to face him, he’s already making his way back out to the living room. Following after him, you see his mother gesturing him to come over.
“What are you doing here? I thought I told Mycroft to tell you I was away on business.” He was messing with the cuffs on his sleeves but his question was directed at his mother with unmistakable intent. She tsked at him, and you began to see even more similarities in their mannerisms.
“That’s no way to talk to your mother, William. I was spending some time with your darling partner here and I don’t even get a kiss or a hug?” She began gathering her belongings and threw her purse over her shoulder. You weren’t happy to see her go.
You did peak up at the name. “William? Your name is William?”
Sherlock groaned, ignoring you completely. You swore you could see a blush dusting his cheeks. In no time he was at the door, holding it open for his mother. “It’s getting rather late, don’t you agree? Father must be wondering where you are. Be sure to pay Mycroft a visit the next time you’re in town. I assure you, he always has time for family.”
She turned to you and blew you a kiss. “I had a great time with you today, I hope you’ll manage to bring Sherlock home more.”
Walking over to Sherlock, she paused to kiss his cheek and whisper in his ear, “I know you know what you could lose here. So be sure you don’t, Sherlock.”
Before she totally stepped out of the flat, she turned around one last time. “Promise me you’ll come home soon. Your father and I miss you dearly.”
“I heard you the first ten times. Goodnight and safe travels, mother.” Sherlock shut the door before his mother could get another word and your shoulders slumped.
“Hey, that was your mom! She’s really nice. We had a good day.” You started to clean up the coffee table and take the dishes into the kitchen. You couldn’t understand Sherlock’s relationship with his family but you were sure there was a lot of things you didn’t know. Still, it was nice to have a chance to bond with your (maybe one day) future family. It was then that you realized that Sherlock never said anything when his mother mentioned you being his partner. You two never really officially defined what you were, so to see him not object to an actual title made you feel all warm inside.
“No, you had a good day. I was trying to work a case and clear a man’s name while trying to figure out if I’d come home to you kidnapped or dead.” Sherlock rolled his eyes, watching you from the doorway. You looked back at him as you dropped the dishes into the sink and let out a sigh. You hated the fact that you let him down.
“I have to go back tomorrow to tie some loose ends with John. If you come with me, I have a feeling I’ll get over it a lot quicker.” His voice was quiet but full of mirth. He won’t hold this over your head, and you both know this, but if it makes him feel better you’ll follow him. You’d follow him to the ends of the Earth and off the edge if he lead you.
Sherlock pushed himself off of the doorway and walked towards the bedroom, unbuttoning his shirt as he went.
“So, you’re staying home tonight?” You swung around the  kitchen doorway and called out to the hall. You hadn’t even thought about Sherlock having to go back, and you couldn’t help but be excited that he would be there for you to fall asleep next to tonight. 
“You didn’t expect me to make the trip back at this hour, did you? Besides, I sleep better with you and it’s obvious that I don’t focus well if you’re not around, Which is why I need you to come with me tomorrow. It seems you owe me, anyway.” Sherlock takes a step back so you can see him in the bedroom doorway, and you can feel your heart in your throat.
He’s so beautiful, you think, all alabaster skin and lean muscle. He’s pulling a t-shirt over his head and you wonder if you could manifest a photographic memory long enough to commit him to memory. Of course he notices you staring, and you almost want to mention all the times you catch him staring at you but he changes the subject and opens the blankets for you and you shut up and follow him. You follow him and you love him and you wake up in the morning at the crack of dawn to run downstairs and order coffee from the shop next door before your train leaves, being sure to get them to write “William” on the cup. Sherlock doesn’t find this funny at all, but he still lets you fall asleep on his arm on the train ride there and doesn’t complain when his arm falls asleep right along with you.
He thinks that if this is the life his mother wished for him as a child, that would be one thing he could take off of his list of things she eventually needs to answer for. Because mothers know best, and when it came to you, she could have never been more right.
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my-soul-sings · 2 years
what’s wrong with secretary kim: ch 2
Fandom: Tears of Themis Characters: Vincent Kim, Marius von Hagen (not shipped)
Summary: Five times Vincent Kim put up with his boss’ antics, and one time he didn’t.
ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 
You can read this on AO3! See the replies to this post for the AO3 link.
Chapter 2: He’s Not Just A Secretary
Being a secretary is tough. It’s not just the long hours or the late nights or the burnt weekends; it’s the fact that being a secretary means you often have to put on many hats and do things well beyond your job scope.
Or, maybe that’s just how it is in Vincent Kim’s case.
(1) Personal stylist
Just yesterday, he became his boss’ personal stylist. And by that, he means that his boss had “no time” to hire an actual stylist because he was in a rush to get to a date. Yet, the busy man apparently had time to make Vincent sit in front of his walk-in closet for close to an hour just to watch his boss come out in different outfits for him to assess.
His first look was his usual, go-to outfit: a black T-shirt with his white overshirt and a pair of blue denim jeans. 
“I think it looks good,” Vincent had told him, but his compliment was met with a disapproving click of the tongue.
“But this is probably too casual for the venue. Let me try something else.” 
Another ten minutes went by. This time, Marius emerged in a black button-up shirt and a pair of grey pants. 
“This looks more formal and fitting for the venue, young master. I think this is perfect.”
Again, Marius doesn’t look satisfied with that. 
“But I don’t know… I think I’ve worn this out with her too much, it might look bad to keep repeating the same clothes. What if she thinks I don’t do my laundry?”
You don’t. Someone else does it for you.
“Hold on, let me try something else.” 
To Vincent’s chagrin, his boss decides to repeat the same process several times. 
For his fifth outfit choice, Marius chose to put on his formal purple suit embroidered with the family crest. 
“What do you think? Too much?” 
Vincent doesn’t know what he’s done to possibly deserve this. All he wants is some peace and quiet to focus on the mountains of paperwork that he has yet to finish. But no, no no no, he’s here, watching his boss play a game of Barbie dress-up. 
“It looks good on you, young master,” he says with his usual polite smile. For the fifth time, he sees Marius’ lips turn downwards with dissatisfaction. 
“Vincent, I get that you’re trying to be nice, but I want your honest opinion here.”
My honest opinion? Hire someone else to do this and let me do the work I’m actually being paid to do! 
“Hmm… It might be a little too formal for dinner at the restaurant you picked out.”
Marius snaps his fingers and brightens into a smile. “Right? Exactly what I thought.”
…Then why ask me?
“I’ll be right back with something else.” 
Vincent emits an inaudible sigh after his boss withdraws into the closet once again to ruffle through the drawers and hangers of clothes. He checks the time on his watch for what could be the thousandth time that evening, and realises that it’s another twenty minutes till 7pm, which is when he’s supposed to pick her up to go to the restaurant. 
“Um, young master, I think it’s about time you left, or you’ll be late for your date.”
“Crap! You’re right. Okay I think—” Vincent hears Marius snapping his fingers, “—I”ll just go with this then.” 
One minute later, Marius emerges in his second outfit: the black button-up shirt and grey pants that Vincent had already told him was good enough for the date. 
“Done! Thanks for your help. I’ll see you tomorrow!” Marius grins, patting Vincent on the shoulder twice before making a beeline for the door. 
With a sigh, Vincent shakes his head. 
Time to get back to work. 
(2) Cupid 
Vincent Kim had entered this job expecting to have to run small errands, like getting coffee for his boss, or a sandwich from a nearby shop if his boss has no time to eat lunch in between meetings and conference calls.
But what he didn’t expect was that his range of errands would extend to playing Cupid for his lovesick and lovestruck boss.
“Vincent, I think she’s too busy to get lunch today. Could you pick up a bouquet of flowers and a nice packed lunch and send it to her office? And I know this is asking a lot, but I want you to go personally. Let me know how she is. I’m worried about her.” 
The phone call came at 1pm. Precisely at lunch time. 
Vincent’s grip around the phone tightens, but he manages to keep his voice light and cheerful as always. “Of course, young master. I’ll get it done right away.” 
“Oh, and use my credit card. Don’t forget a good lunch for yourself too, okay? It’s on me.” 
“Thank you, young master. I will.” 
“Thanks Vincent. I owe you one.” 
After hanging up, Vincent finds himself softening a little. Working with Marius may be difficult, but it’s not all bad. At least the young man is genuinely nice and caring, unlike many other CEOs he’s had the misfortune of meeting and speaking with. 
So without any further mental complaints, Vincent grabs his things and heads straight out of the Pax Group building to get the flowers and packed lunch for his boss’ girlfriend. 
Fingers crossed, she hasn’t eaten yet. 
(By the time he gets there, she’s already eaten lunch that she ordered via a delivery app. Still, the flowers were a nice surprise.)
(3) Mother
In truth, this is usually Payton’s role. The senior butler took care of Marius since he was a young boy, well before Vincent ever came into the picture. But now that Marius is a grown man and spends more time out than at home, Payton isn’t able to watch over the young master like he used to. 
That’s why the role sort of got passed on to Vincent, whose job is to follow Marius around every day and make sure he does things like eating his veggies and buttoning his shirt right.
The job is simple enough, except that Vincent has to double up as Payton too whenever he has to accompany his boss on overseas business trips.
Usually, the business trips go by uneventfully. But then there are business trips like the present one, where things go on a rapid downward spiral, involving a virus and Marius coming down with a high fever, one day before they are due to attend the conference that they flew all the way here to Japan for. 
At times like these, Vincent knows exactly what he has to do: reschedule Marius’ appointments, inform everyone that he has to about Pax Group’s CEO’s current physical condition, and then arrange for a private doctor to see Marius in his hotel room and watch the young man take his prescribed medicine. It also means he has to liaise with the hotel staff to make sure they cook something suitable for a patient like Marius—strictly no greasy or oily food—and ensure that the ice pack on Marius’ forehead is changed regularly. 
The job requires him to be attentive to Marius’ every need, 24/7.  
Yet, as exhausting and stressful as it is, Vincent admittedly feels bad to see Marius in this state: bedridden and unable to move. It brings up old memories of the time when he first started working for Marius, back when the latter was still a young teen. 
Just like now, Marius hardly ever fell sick, but when he did, the young boy would always look quite miserable. Of course, being the rebellious teenager that he then was, he would put on a brave face and refuse to take his meds when told, but there were nights when Vincent caught him shedding a tear in his sleep. Perhaps it was the fact that his own family was rarely available to care for him when he was sick, or maybe it was something else altogether. 
Nevertheless, the memory of that lonely sight has remained fresh and vivid in Vincent’s mind to this day.
“Vincent.” The man snaps back to reality when he hears his boss call his name in a hoarse voice. He approaches the bedside, offering Marius a glass of water. After taking a sip, Marius offers him a weak smile. “Sorry to cause you this much trouble. You should go back to your room and sleep now. I don’t want to pass this bug to you.” 
“It’s no trouble at all, young master. You should just focus on recovering for now.” Noticing that the blanket is uneven, Vincent reaches down to smoothen the sheets and to tuck Marius in properly. 
“The conference?”
“I’ve informed everyone we need to that you may be absent tomorrow, depending on your physical condition.” 
“Good. Thanks. And uh, did… did you tell her about this?” 
Vincent smiles at that. “I did. But since it’s late over there I told her to go to sleep first. I said I can arrange for a video call between the two of you first thing in the morning. I also assured her that she doesn’t need to worry because I’ll be here to take care of you on her behalf.”
“You always know exactly what to do, Vincent. Thank you.” 
“It’s my job, young master. Now go to sleep. You can talk to her in the morning.”
Wordlessly, Vincent watches as his boss easily falls back into a quiet slumber. He then glances at the text messages from Marius’ girlfriend and cracks a tired smile to himself.
For what it’s worth, he’s glad that he now has someone else to take care of him too. 
(And then soon enough, she can take over this job of his.)
A/N: so i wrote a sick fic for marius and vincent before writing one for marius and mc. no regrets!
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delphi-dreamin · 2 years
He always thought she’d seemed so innocent. She’d always deftly avoided Asmo’s advances and kept mostly to herself when his brothers were being rowdier. She had a shy smile and a soft voice when she spoke, but not now. Now she seems like a completely different person.
Characters: MC!Delphi and Lucifer
Warnings: mildly suggestive, that's all I got, if you're like me then there's some secondhand embarrassment to be had
Word Count: 965 (Whoo!)
It only takes Delphi a couple of weeks in the House of Lamentation to learn that the best time to do her laundry is at 2AM. Most everyone is in bed, everyone is in their respective rooms, and she’s free to move about as she pleases. She takes her headphones and her laptop so that she can work on homework if she needs to, and usually stays until around 4, or until her laundry is done, whichever comes first. She enjoys it. Spending the nights alone, listening to music and working on whatever she needs to. It’s some much needed alone time in a house with seven other occupants.
Its 3:30AM when Lucifer finally puts his pen down for the evening. He’s been at his desk for entirely too long for a Friday night and it’s beyond time to go to bed. Except that he can’t. He still hasn’t done laundry. He sighs to himself. Best to just get it over with.
He approaches the laundry room and pauses. Beyond the open door he can hear someone singing. Not just someone, though. Delphi. He can’t tell exactly what it is she’s singing though. It isn’t familiar to him, and the curse on the laundry room muffles most of the sound coming from inside the room.
He opens the door and his eyes widen.
The exchange student is in front of the dryer in what looks to be one of Mammon’s shirts and a pair of black lace underwear, hips gyrating to a beat that only she can hear. He watches her for a moment, leaning in the doorframe. This is a side of herself she hasn’t shown before, at least not to him. And then she starts singing again, and his face goes impossibly red.
“’Cause I may be bad but I’m perfectly good at it / sex in the air, I don’t care I love the smell of it / sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me,” she sings at the top of her lungs. Not badly by any means. She’s actually quite good, he thinks, but the words themselves catch him off guard.
She continues singing and dancing, completely oblivious to his presence as he continues to watch her. He always thought she’d seemed so innocent. She’d always deftly avoided Asmo’s advances and kept mostly to herself when his brothers were being rowdier. She had a shy smile and a soft voice when she spoke, but not now. Now she seems like a completely different person.
Delphi finishes her song, laughing at her own ridiculousness. She opens the dryer and begins taking her clothes out, piling them haphazardly into her small basket. She pulls out her earbuds, draping them over her shoulder before picking up her basket and straightening.
“’Chains and whips’, hm?”
“Oh my- Fuck, Lucifer!” Delphi yelps, dropping her basket and spilling clothes everywhere. Clutching her chest and leaning back against the dryer she gasps, “You scared the shit out of me!”
The eldest chuckles, “You have a mouth on you after all, don’t you?”
“How long were you standing there?” she asks, kneeling down to pick up her fallen laundry. Her heart is still racing and her hands are shaking, but she does manage to pick her clothes up.
“Long enough,” Lucifer replies, finally bringing his own laundry in. An amused smile still plays at the corners of his mouth, and Delphi feels herself flushing, her face heating up.
She’s suddenly very aware that she has no pants on. And that there aren’t any in her basket that she can put on. And that the underwear she has on are extremely see-through. She’s never doing her laundry this late again. She’ll just suffer through having to sit with Mammon or Satan or whoever while she does it.
She gathers her things on top of her clothes while Lucifer loads his own into the washer. Maybe if she's quick enough, she can get out of this situation without any further embarrassment. She scurries off toward the door, but stops, wincing, when Lucifer clears his throat.
“You have a lovely voice, by the way,” he says, leaning back against the machine, his arms folded over his chest. Before she can thank him, he continues, “Do you often sing about bondage down here at three in the morning?”
Delphi nearly chokes.
“I-I wouldn’t say often,” she sputters, her face and neck heating even more. She doesn’t miss the wolfish grin that passes the demon's elegant features. He’s teasing her. And he’s thoroughly enjoying it.
She’s had her fair share of close calls with the eldest of the brothers. He’s tried to kill her twice now, and only just barely missed the second time. But she’s also had a few…tender? (Is that what you'd call them?) Tender moments with him as well. Before he tried to kill her the second time, she felt like they’d actually been making some progress toward some sort of relationship. But this…This is something she hasn’t seen before.
“Not often?” Lucifer hums, shamelessly raking his eyes over her form.
Delphi feels her skin heat everywhere his gaze lingers, Asmo’s pact mark thrumming steadily on her inner thigh. She hopes the Avatar of Lust is asleep and can’t feel her arousal right now. She doesn’t need twenty questions about this later. Though for Asmo she'd dish.
“Hah, no, not often,” she stammers, backing toward the laundry room door, her basket held like a shield in front of her. “I just had some laundry that couldn’t wait. But that’s done now! So I’m just gonna go to bed! Night, Lucifer!”
She quickly makes her escape, scurrying down the hall toward the stairs as Lucifer chuckles. Their human exchange student was too easy to tease.
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buckyismybicycle · 3 years
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Pairing: Bucky (godfather) x Reader (teacher) Rating: Teen for now Tags/Warnings: godfather/daughter, canon-typical violence/death of character, fluff, slight angst, learning disability Summary: Natasha leaves behind her precious daughter, Yelena, and with her dying breath asks Bucky to look after her. You happen to have Yelena in your class this school year.
We're back! Chapter is a tad bit shorter, but Chapter 4 will be up soon to make up for it :)
PREVIOUS CHAPTER | [series masterlist]
“How was school, dumpling?” He asks as Yelena flies at him to wrap her arms around his neck. 
Bucky lets her ramble about her day when he walks the short distance to the lot where he parks. 
“The bestest. Ms. Teacher let us do puzzles today, and then I got to colour a map, and she told me where places are. And then I told her the big one was Russia, because that’s where we came from! And she said I did a really good job, and gave me a star.”
“A star?” Bucky continues as they both do their seatbelts in the car. 
“Yep! I said I wanted a red one. So now I have three stars beside my name!” She tells him proudly, holding up three fingers for him. 
“That’s really great, peanut! Do you have the most stars?”
“Yep! Well, me and Peter are tied. But we have the most.”
“What happens when you have the most stars?”
“We get to pick a treat at the end of the week! Mary got it last week, and she picked a box of crayons. I think that was a good one.” 
Bucky smiles at the thought of you handing out prizes to children, spending your hard earned money to make these children smile. “That’s really nice of her,” he says. “What prize would you pick?”
“Stickers! She has lots of stickers. I like the dinosaur ones.” 
God, Bucky loves this kid so much. Unpredictable and unapologetic, she's everything that Nat was. 
Wednesday creeps up and he tries his best to calm his nerves to no avail, so he turns to someone who is either going to help calm him down or make it exponentially worse. It’s always a toss up.
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Bucky doesn’t dignify that message with a response, instead choosing to clean the house and do laundry. Not to wash his red henley or anything. Of course. 
He just happens to put it on, along with a pair of black jeans and heads out early to find a coffee place. 
You lift your head from the notes on your desk at Yelena’s announcement. 
As usual, she flings her whole body at him and he lifts her up. In his other hand is a paper bag and a coffee tray, now balancing precariously. You quickly go over to him to retrieve the items and bring them to your desk so they don’t tip over. After he puts Yelena down and takes off his jacket, you get a chance to take in how good he looks with no effort whatsoever. 
The plain henley is a maroon in colour, but fits snugly across his chest, shoulders and biceps. You’ve only ever seen him with a jacket or sweater on and had no idea he was hiding all that underneath. 
“Bucky, hi,” you say a little breathlessly. 
“Hi,” he returns, taking in your black bodycon dress, cotton and simple but hugging your body just right. You’ve since shed the kimono you’d worn over it since the kids had left. 
You give Yelena free reign of all the art supplies in the classroom, not noticing the subtle once-over of your body that Bucky just did. 
“I wasn’t sure how you took it,” he tells you sheepishly, but hands you all the packets he’d gotten at the coffee shop. He also takes out a container of pastries, and you blush slightly at the showering of attention. 
“This is more than perfect, thank you,” you accept and make your coffee. “Shall we?” 
You gesture to the box — you would feel more comfortable if he was also eating. He does, but you notice that he only takes off one glove when he grabs a cookie and then you help yourself to what you think and hope is a lemon poppyseed loaf. 
You make idle chit chat for a while as you pick your way through the pastries, and you can visibly see when Bucky’s shoulders lose some of their tension before you get to the presentation. Bucky is careful with his words, trying to be as vague as possible describing “field work” and what that entails. He tells you the real story, of course, which was extremely interesting; you vowed to yourself to ask about it more, if you got the chance. 
Then, he talks about how some of those skills have helped him outside his job, such as translating important documents for people on the other side of the world. He even threw in how he and Yelena had moved recently, how hard it was to live in a completely different country, boasting that Yelena handled it with ease. His eyes always lit up when he spoke of her, and goddamn if that didn’t make you fall just a little bit in love. 
When he’s done, he looks at you apprehensively and you realize that you didn’t actually have any feedback for him.
“That… was perfect,” you tell him honestly. “I don’t think you need to change any of it.” 
He leans back in the too-small chair and relaxes. “Thank God.” 
You laugh at his obvious relief, unable to imagine that someone who worked for the KGB could be this nervous for a ten minute presentation to a bunch of 6- and 7-year olds. 
The school custodian comes by and you realize that means it’s gotten pretty late. You ask if he and Yelena need to get home, considering it’s a school night. 
“I’m so sorry that I keep eating up your time,” he apologizes after he calls Yelena to start packing up.
“Don’t be silly, I welcome the company.”
“I’m not keeping you from anyone at home, am I?” Bucky asks, hoping he doesn’t raise any red flags with his fishing. 
“No, no,” you reassure him. It sounds pathetic, even to your ears. You were in your twenties, and hadn’t had a steady partner in who knows how long. To someone like Bucky, a thirty-something year old, retired and with a goddaughter, you’re sure it must sound childish. 
“Can I give you a lift home at least?” 
“Oh, you don’t have to go out of your way —”
“It wouldn’t be,” he insists. Then, with a terribly sexy smirk, he hollers over his shoulder. “Hey, jellybean, would you like to drop Miss off at home?” 
“Yes!” She answers immediately, running over to you two. “That’s the bestest way to make sure someone gets home safe! That’s what you told me, papa.” 
“That’s right, pudding,” he praises and kisses her forehead.
You shake your head at him but can’t help the smile at his dirty play.  “Well played,” you murmur to him as you gather your things. 
All three of you walk to the lot through the courtyard and Bucky is glad he didn’t drive the truck today, as hilarious as watching you struggling to get into would be. He unlocks the Camaro and pulls the front seat forward so Yelena can hop in the back. 
He puts the seat back and steps behind the door so you can sit inside and he closes the door for you, terrifbly chivalrous.
The Camaro is sleek, black and well-kept; it’s just as sexy as its owner. 
You tell him your address, and he plugs it into his GPS even though he’s pretty sure he knows where it is. As he drives, you wonder how it would feel to fly down an open road in this thing as Bucky climbs in himself. 
“What’s the fastest you’ve ever gone in this thing?” You ask randomly, though he doesn’t seem to mind. 
“Fast. I’d show you just how fast if it weren’t for my precious cargo,” he says with a nod to Yelena. “Maybe next time?” 
Your stomach swooped at the implications. “I’ll hold you to it,” you respond boldly. 
Since he’s preoccupied with watching the road, you allow yourself a few sneaky glances at him before turning your body and talking with Yelena in the back, which allows you to look at him whenever you want without being too suspicious. Yelena absolutely loves chatting, and her energy was just so infectious, you forget how nervous Bucky makes you. Far too quickly, he pulls up in front of your building. 
“Thanks so much for the ride,” you say, glad that it was fairly dark outside so he didn’t see your faint blush.
“Any time, it’s the least I could do really,” he replies, trying not to stare at you, trying not to follow the flow of your hair over your shoulders and down your back, trying to stop himself from asking you to stay. 
“I’ll see you next week then,” you confirm as you exit the car. “Have a good night you two!”
“Night night, Miss!” 
You can see her little hand waving frantically at you. In the front, Bucky gives you a smile and raises his hand off the steering wheel in his own wave. You turn and make it up the few steps to the main doors, but Bucky hadn’t left yet. Only when you made it into your lobby and he saw that you were safe, did he drive off.
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! / Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here!
Donate to Higher Ground HERE!
* “Everyone in school thought you were dead.”
* Jessica says bluntly as you walk down the pink streamer filled hallway
* you offer her a fake yawn and a smile.
* “My dad came by for a surprise visit.” She looks confused before her expression smooths
* “Oh your real dad, not Carlisle”
* Carlisle contacted his counterpart, Eleazer to tell him you were running away with a man 300 years your senior
* So of course Eleazer came running -after he probably had a spat with Carmen about who would handle this situation better- to Forks on the first flight he found
* Only to burst through the door to see you and Emmett playing kingdom hearts in the living room
* “Oh, I see the rumors have been vastly exaggerated.”
* Cue -figuratively- sweating Carlisle who takes a sip from his mug
* Since he was already here you figured you would take a few days off from school and show him around
* “Is there anything in particular you might want to see?”
* Edward and Carlisle are looking pretty smug thinking that they’ve already shown you everything of note in the area.
* “I’ve always wanted to see the space needle in Seattle.”
* They both falter when they hear that. All the things they’ve shown you are things humans wouldn’t be able to see, hidden meadows, waterfalls, underwater caverns
* They never thought to show you human landmarks. Eleazer nods a growing smile on his face
* “Seattle has a lot of museums that I’ve wanted to visit as well”
* Carlisle let’s out a sigh of relief, none of his kids would be caught dead at a museum outside of a field trip
* To their dismay and Eleazer’s delight your eyes sparkle
* “Can we go to the pop culture museum and the arboretum too?”
* You don’t even pack, Eleazer tells you you can just buy whatever you need when you get there. You do take a duffel bag full of blood bags though
* And then you’re gone, you leave care instructions for your animals with Edward and you and Eleazer drive off towards Seattle in the rented Mercedes he got at the airport
* “Is it just me... or do they look happier with Eleazer than they are with us.” Edward’s only talking to himself, but Carlisle hears and the oncoming doting parent verbal and mental sputter makes him regret saying anything at all
* “it’s okay Carlisle, I’m sure they’re happy here with us too.”
* You guys stay at a pretty upscale hotel downtown, in the penthouse
* “Are you here on a trip with your boyfriend?” The receptionist asks, and Eleazar straight up starts laughing
* “This is my dad.” You say with a straight face and you can tell the receptionist wants to die
* “I-I’m so sorry, we usually get couples this time of year.” Right, it’s almost Valentine’s Day. Makes sense.
* Still there’s something super gross about people thinking you’re romantically linked to Eleazer
* The penthouse is very nice. There’s an infinity pool on your balcony, and three different bedrooms.
* The trip is really fun, you have a -pretend- meal at the revolving restraint at the needle, and spend the rest of the week museum hopping
* “She feels so familiar....” you mumble to yourself as you gaze at a portrait of a woman with long dark hair
* “That’s Carmen” Eleazer tells you
* “What?!?”
* “She was popular with artists even before she turned, it’s always been a hobby of hers to model” You’re just glad it’s not a nude portrait
* You take super cheesy pictures at the natural history museum, and even better pics at the pop culture museum
* On one of your last nights in the city Eleazer took you to a laundromat
* “I know we’ve been running out of clothes, but I’m sure the hotel has a laundry service”
* Eleazer just grins, talking to the attendant, who takes him to a hidden door.
* Well this isn’t sketchy at all
* Eleazer takes your hand in his as he leads you down a long narrow hallway. When you teach the end there’s a pretty nice bar and what appears to be a jazz club
* “It’s a speakeasy, I thought it might be a little fun for our last day”
* Being beautiful has its perks because the waiter doesn’t even card you, just brings you your dink
* “So...Garrett huh?” You groan, and Eleazer smiles
* You knew this was coming
* “Don’t worry, I’m not like Carlisle, if you like someone I like them too.”
* Well at least he isn’t acting like a total freak about the whole thing
* “I am surprised someone like Garrett is more your flavor though” you raise an eyebrow.
* “In comparison to who?” Eleazer gives you a funny look
* “Edward of course”
* You almost spit out your drink
* “Oh, is this one of those situations where the three of you are a couple together?”
* You start coughing and the waiter brings you a glass of water
* “We’re not together!”
* “Well of course you and Garrett aren’t together yet-“
* “Edward and I aren’t dating.”
* Eleazer just looks at you like you told him you’re pregnant
* “That can’t be right” he mumbles and you sigh
* “Why would you think we were dating?” The jazz singer belts out a high note and Eleazer patiently waits for her to be done so he can talk again
* “Well you went with them to Forks, and when you came to visit last year with him we all just figured it had happened naturally”
* Besides, Eleazer see’s the way he looks at you.
* Like you’re the epitome of your gender, like there’s never been anyone like you and there never will be again
* “We all? The entire coven thinks that?” Your fingers thread through your hair.
* What does Tanya think about that? She must be feeling pretty smug what with that talk she gave you all those years ago about how you would eventually date Edward
* Edward probably knows and just doesn’t even care, the criminal probably thinks it’s funny
* Eleazar watches you have a breakdown, taking a small sip of his brandy. It looks like you haven’t realized the way you look at Edward yet
* You look at him like you don’t have a single doubt. You trust him unconditionally, you know exactly who he is and where he will be.
* You look at him like he’s home
* “This is so embarrassing” you mumble and Eleazer smiles
* He guesses it’s not time yet for you to realize your feelings. Maybe it’s for the best, he’s not as bad as Carlisle, but the thought of giving you away at your wedding makes his heart ache.
* “The best cure for embarrassment is alcohol, drink up.” He grins when you clink your glass against his before gulping down the contents of your drink.
* Who knows, maybe in a few years someone completely different will show up and sweep you off your feet.
* You do talk about something really important with Eleazer though
* “Eleazer when do you think Aro will send for me?”
* Eleazer stops mid motion, his glass halted halfway between the table and his mouth
* “If I’m being honest, I don’t think he will for many years” Eleazer has an awkward expression on his face. “I think he’s afraid of you”
* You sputter
* The great and powerful Aro?! Alive for 1000’s of years. AFRAID OF YOU?!?
* “Oh don’t look at me like that, try and think about it from his perspective.”
* Your power is on par with Janes, but unlike her over the decade you’ve been a vampire your power has only gotten stronger. Your body’s natural despair and your desire to be human feed off of each other, compounding on each other to make your power that much more potent
* The only difference is that now you’ve learned to hide it, keeping your emotions in check so others aren’t hurt
* There isn’t a person alive that stands a chance against you at your full potential. You’re the strongest known vampire
* “Chelsea can’t bind you to coven with her loyalty like she does the others,” Eleazer takes a sip of his drink. “his only choice is to let you come back on your own volition, otherwise he risks a war.”
* A war he wouldn’t win, on your own it was dicey, all of them against just you could go either way
* But you weren’t alone anymore, now you have Tanya, Kate, Irina, Carmen, Eleazer
* And Edward. You know without a second thought Edward would follow you into hell if you asked.
* “Saving any discovery of remarkable talent”
* A discovery like Bella
* You’re not 100% certain, but you’re pretty sure your powers don’t work on Bella, the same way Edward, Jane and Alec’s powers won’t work on her
* And if she can really spread her shield to others-
* You’re f*cked
* “but the chances of that are slim to none.” Eleazer reassures you
* You give him a reassuring smile
* “Salud” you raise you glass and he smiles
* “Salud” he grins as your glass clinks
* You weren’t expecting the week to go by so fast, or to be having as much fun as you did.
* You were pretty sad when the end of the week rolled around and Eleazer dropped you off home
* “He’ll be back before you know it” Edward says, his arm over your shoulders, giving your arm a comforting squeeze
* “Yeah I know, it still feels bad though”
* Edward doesn’t say anything, he just holds you a little closer
* You’re thankful to the Cullen’s for taking you in and giving you an opportunity you might not have had otherwise
* But they’re not your coven, they’re not really your family
* And so now you’re here, walking in a bright pink and red construction paper covered hallway next to Jessica who’s talking about Valentine’s Day
* Ah right, today’s Valentine’s Day
* “Do you think maybe...Mike bought me a carnation?” She asks twirling a strand of hair around her finger
* “I’m sure he did”
* You’re actually sure he bought one for Bella, but you’re hoping the courtesy extends to the whole friend group
* You bought all your friends valentines, and that includes the Cullen’s and everyone on the cheer team
* The money wasn’t the worst part, they were only a dollar each, the worst part was having to write notes for all of them, it wouldn’t have been so bad if the girl at the table wasn’t giving you a dirty look as you pretended to struggle through writing 30 cards
* “How much do you want to bet Bella gets the most flowers out of all of us?”
* You would bet the entire contents of your bank account, but you’re pretty sure Jess can’t match your bet
* “Well, she’s something new to look at, and boys are dumb”
* Jessica blows a strand of hair out of her face. You know she’s probably a bit bitter since she’s started to notice Mike is interested in Bella and not her
* But you kind of get it
* Bella’s cute, but she’s no Cindy Crawford. And to add...she’s really shy, not exactly someone with a charismatic personality.
* The attention she’s garnered will fade in due time, Edward had told you as much
* “It’s the same thing as when we moved to town, most of these kids have gone to school together since childhood, so when someone new gets here it’s all they can think about. They don’t really like her, they just like the idea of her. The illusion of a choice”
* It made you a little sad to be honest, even worse was that Bella didn’t seem to enjoy the attention. She seemed uncomfortable every time a boy flirted with her
* “I almost feel bad for her, I get the feeling she’s not really into any of these guys that are chasing her” Jessica says, so you’re not the only one that’s noticed
* You’re a little surprised that when the student comes by with carnations you get two entire bouquets worth
* And then they come back the next period and give you another bouquet
* “Oooo someone’s popular!” Angela teases and you shrug. Most of these are from Alice and Rosalie, they each bought you three each
* You got a whopping 12 from Conner which feels a bit surprising
* You knew he was going after it, but you didn’t think he would bother to actually put any effort into his attraction outside of flirting with you
* You’ve got one from everyone in your friend group, a handful from others on the cheer team, Emmett and Jasper both bought you one
* The only person who didn’t get you one was Edward
* You wonder if he got Bella one? The thought seems unlikely since they were basically at each others throat the last time they were together
* So imagine your surprise when you walk into the hall to see Bella and Edward talking
* You’re gone for a week and it’s like they’re suddenly insta-friends
* In fact, Bella’s actually blushing, a carnation twirling between her fingers
* A light red carnation
* So he did buy carnations after all, just not for you
* And Edward...his eyes are sparkling as he looks down at her. A lopsided grin curling onto his face
* Oh, there’s that smile
* He says something to her and she pouts, slapping him lightly with the carnation
* They’re getting along just fine without your matchmaking efforts
* So you were the problem
* You should be happy, relieved even-
* But all you can feel is the sharp twist in the bottom of your stomach
* “Hey (Y/N/N), I see you got my flowers”
* You turn around to see Conner who’s looking at your half zipped bag, 3 bouquets of flowers popping out of the top
* “Oh, yeah thanks they’re beautiful.”
* “I’m glad you got them, I noticed you weren’t at school and for a second I was worried you wouldn’t be here today too.”
* He really is cute. He’s got chocolate brown hair and clear blue eyes, a splatter of freckles across the bridge of his nose. He plays tennis or baseball or some other irrelevant sport.
* He’s popular with the girls too, he dated Lauren a few times, and Jessica admitted she had a crush on him freshman year.
* “Are you feeling better now?” He asks, he looks genuinely concerned and it takes you back a bit
* “Yeah, my dad came for a surprise visit so we went to Seattle”
* “Oh that’s cool, what did you guys do?”
* You’re a little surprised that Conner O’Malley, f*ckboy extraordinaire, is Trying to engage you in an honest conversation
* “We just did all the tourist stuff, space needle, museums, food, the usual.”
* Conner smiles at you, hands fidgeting together
* “That’s cool, did you um-did you read the note with the bouquet?
* You didn’t notice there was a note, you swing you backpack around, picking out his bright red bouquet with ease.
* You hadn’t paid attention to the note attached than reading the name on the front to see who they were from.
* “Will you be my valentine” you read the note out loud, feeling confused. What does that mean
* He fidgets in front of you, from here you can see his ears are bright red
* “So would you want to go out sometime?”
* He’s asking you out? On a proper date????
* “We could go watch a movie, or um I know you like to ride those bikes in Port A-“ you do like to ride those bikes in port a
* You watch the his human boy fumble over himself. There’s no future with this boy, one day he’ll grow old and want things you won’t be able to give him.
* “I have a ton of homework to catch up on-“
* “Oh, yeah no, I get that”
* But maybe... maybe it’s okay just to pretend and let yourself be entertained by the experience
* “Would you want to come with me to the library? I’m totally lost on Trig”
* You know it’s not the most romantic place, but that’s part of the reason you suggested it. You want to give him an out
* He looks a little surprised but recovers quickly.
* “I’ll meet you after school then, we can drive to the library together”
* You don’t bother telling Edward, you just look to the spot where he’s with Bella, he must have heard
* His eyes meet yours, his mouth pinches into a slight smile and he gives you a nod before turning back to Bella
* What so just because he’s got a new friend you’re invisible now?
* Stupid Edward. Not like you care, you just wanted him to know he’d have to ride home with the others
* Maybe his new best friend Bella can give him a ride home
* “So you’re going out with Conner tonight huh?” Mike asks when you take your seat in biology
* Edward doesn’t so much as spare you a glance
* “He’s just helping me catch up on school work.” You shrug, pulling out your biology homework
* “I bet he’ll help you catch up on-“
* “You’re going out with Conner?” Bella interrupts, you’re grateful for it but at the same time: those doe eyes and innocent face irritate you
* “He’s just helping me catch up on homework I missed”
* “Couldn’t Edward hell you do that?”
* You try to not look at Edward
* But what the f*ck?!?
* Last week the two of them couldn’t even sit in a car together for a short ten minute drive, and now all of a sudden she’s asking why you’re NOT spending time with Edward?
* It’s so... irritating
* You feel a tap on your arm, and turn to look at Edward
* “Control yourself”
* Oh great so the one time he decides to acknowledge your presence is to tell you to control your powers because he’s worried about his little human girlfriend getting the whiplash?!?
* Seriously, f*ck off Edward
* “Mr. Barnes I have to go to the nurse.”
* You don’t even wait to hear his answer, you just grab your bag and walk out
* You keep walking, practically fuming until you get to the parking lot
* Well you can’t leave, you already told Conner you’re going with him to the library after school
* Not to add it’s going to look real weird if you don’t go the nurses office eventually after storming off like that
* But you don’t want to go there yet
* Queue you discretely crouching under a window, lightly tapping the glass
* “Rosalie, Rosalie can you hear me?” You whisper
* Rosalie head turns to the window, her eyebrows threaded together, you poke your head just slightly above the ledge and give her a small smile and a wave
* Well at least it’s always interesting with you around
* “What are you doing?” Rosalie asks when she meets you under the school staircase
* You give her a nervous smile before collapsing onto the floor
* She gives you a knowing look before sitting beside you
* “So what did king Brood do now?”
* Queue the Edward rant
* “I leave for one week and all of a sudden he’s besties with some human, when just last week he told me not to get to close to her”
* “That’s Edward for you, king of the brood and hypocrisy.” Rosalie leans her head back against the wall
* “You know he didn’t even get me a carnation?”
* Rosalie rolls her eyes
* “That sounds like him, if it helps he didn’t buy me a carnation either, he just doesn’t think things like this are important”
* “He bought Bella one.”
* Rosalie sputters at that, so you retell her all about the flirting you had to watch
* “What color was the carnation?” Rosalie asks, and your eyebrows thread together
* Why is that important right now?
* “Um I don’t know, not quite pink, not quite red, something in between.”
* Rosalie’s expression smooths
* So that’s his game
* “Don’t worry about it too much as long as it’s not a deep red it doesn’t mean love”
* Now it’s your turn to sputter
* “W-what why would I be worried? Edward can do whatever he wants, even if it is with some human”
* Rosalie gives you a knowing look, and you avert your eyes
* If Rosalie were cruel she might ask why you’re sitting out here with her instead of in class, if you don’t care about what Edward does
* But Rosalie isn’t cruel, at least not to you
* She pats your shoulder, and you sigh
* “Come on let’s go to the nurse so you can pretend you have cramps or something” you nod
* “Besides don’t you have a date with the hottest human boy at our school?” You groan and a teasing smile curls onto her lips
* “Not you too.”
* The date is over hyped for sure, it’s mostly you and Conner sitting at the end of a small table asking each other questions about the trig homework
* “So...are you supposed to use the radical formula for this one?”
* “I think so..do you remember the formula?” Conner scratches his head
* “Um I remember there was a story about a mixed up guy going to a party that’s supposed to help”
* Basically it’s more like you’re helping Conner with home work than him helping you Totally underwhelming
* “Sorry, I bet there are better ways to spend your Valentine’s Day” Conner scoffs
* “Are you kidding? I’m spending it with the hottest person at Forks HS, as far as I’m concerned this is a win” he grins and you smile back
* Well, it wasn’t completely a waste
* You roll around back home around 11:30, everyone’s gone, on with their own Valentine’s Day plans.
* You’re not surprised to see Edward’s not in his room either He’s probably out watching Bella or doing god knows what
* You know this is the way it supposed to be, it’s the best thing for you too, you know even with Bella in the mix Edward would never betray you
* Once she’s on your side you don’t have to worry about the Volturi. But still, there a twist in your stomach You don’t like this new Edward, even if it is who he really is.
* You want your Edward back
* You sigh as you walk down the hall and into your room Stopping in the doorway when you flick on the lights
* There on your desk is a bouquet of roses
* You have half a mind to think they’re from Eleazer or Garrett or something
* So imagine when you pull off the card to see Edward’s name attached
* “Glad to have you home, happy Valentine’s Day” - Edward
* You toy with the card, a small smile curling onto your lips
* Maybe he’s still your Edward
* Your Edward just more anti-social
Tags:  @moonlights27 @thebluetint @the100thtwilight @awesomebooklover17 @oneofthepotterheads @smileygirl08 @imdoingathingmom @iconicgguk @yrawn @alyciaswhore @little-horror-show @wicked-watering-can @lazydreamers @ xxxmuxxx @ideas-for-you-to-adopt​​ @poisoinedhope @maryleigh8796​ @moose-squirrel-asstiel​ @hotmessgoodness @jaimewho @corabmarie @what-am-i-doing10​
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saltyhyunjae · 3 years
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genre/warnings: angst, fluff, slow burn, enemies to lovers (?), kidnapping, criminal!tbz, mentions of guns & knives, small mention of suicide
word count: 2.2k
summary: It’s time for y/n to carry out her escape plan.
part two
“Here’s the diary you asked for.” Kevin gives you a small notebook with a pen. “Thank you.” Tomorrow is gonna be the day. The day you finally escape. When you enter your room, you sit on your bed and write down the info you have gathered all week.
Everyone goes to their room around 2 in the morning. Eric gets his midnight snack at 2:30, and Sunwoo goes to the toilet around 3. By the time they’re all asleep it’s 3:30. Instead of leaving at 3:30 you decide that it’s better to stay put till 4. You also checked the door last night. It doesn’t have any censors and an easy lock. This should be an easy mission.
“Knock knock.” Younghoon walks into your room. You quickly close your diary and put it on your nightstand.
“That’s not how you knock.”
He laughs and lies on your bed. “I’m so bored, what should we do?” “We?” You turn around to face him and he nods. You look outside. It’s been raining all week but the sun has been shining all morning. “Why don’t we sit in the garden?” You suggest. Ever since you came back from the grocery store you’ve only been inside. You needed some fresh air.
After a couple minutes you were outside with Younghoon, sitting on a picnic blanket, eating some fruit and enjoying the nice weather.
“Ah, the weather is great today.” Younghoon smiles, laying down on the blanket and you do the same. You smile at the warm feeling from the sun, finally relaxing.
Even though your eyes are closed, you can suddenly feel a shadow above you, blocking the sun. “What the-, move!” You hear Younghoon complain and you open your eyes to see Hyunjae, standing between you too. If you’re completely honest you’ve been avoiding him ever since what happened that one night. The more you hangout with him, the weirder you start to feel.
“What are you guys doing?” “What does it look like? We’re enjoying the sun.” Younghoon puts his sunglasses back on and lays down again. You’re about to close your eyes again but Hyunjae finds a way to lie between you two. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Younghoon groans. “I wanna enjoy the sun too.” “Go do that somewhere else.” “No.” You scootch over a bit and decide to just ignore him.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
After you’re done with cleaning the living room and folding the laundry, Jacob asks you to have another guitar session, to which you excitedly agree. You loved his voice and you were hoping he could tell you a bit more about the boys.
He starts off by singing Paris In The Rain by Lauv. you absolutely love his voice and you automatically start smiling the second you hear him sing. You once again take your time to look at him. He has a soft smile as he sings, his hair falling just right above his eyes that are following the chords of the guitar and his head slowly nodding with the melodies.
When he finishes the song, you applaud him. “Wow Jacob, you’re so good at singing. Do you have some self-written songs?” He nods “I do, do you want to hear one?” You nod excitedly. “This one is called happy-” Jacob gets interrupted by Hyunjae storming into your room. Are you actually kidding me?
“Jacob, Sangyeon needs you to help him.” Jacob nods, stands up and thanks you for your time before leaving to help Sangyeon. You were hoping Hyunjae would leave with Jacob but instead he sits next to you on the bed, very close, leaving no personal space.
You're about to scootch away from him. But he places his hand on your thigh to stop you. Usually if a guy did this you would slap his hand away, but you can’t bring yourself to do that right now. “What’s with the distance? You’ve been avoiding me all week. Did you think I wouldn't notice?” He asks in a low voice. Your brain starts to fog up. “I-” You try to find words to say but nothing comes out. His face gets closer, never breaking eye contact with you.
“What? Do I make you nervous?” He smirks. You feel a bubble of annoyance come up. As you're about to reply with ‘no’, Eric storms in. “Y/n! ah Hyunjae, there you are!” “What do you want?” Hyunjae asks, clearly annoyed at Eric interrupting the two of you.
“Y/n, come play games with me. Hyunjae, you can come too if you want.” Hyunjae huffs and rolls his eyes. “Y/n, please.” Eric whines, now pulling your arm, trying to get you off the bed. “Okay okay.” You give in, scared to be alone with Hyunjae in one room. You would be lying if you say that your heart doesn't flutter every time you see him.
After an hour and a half of playing mario kart with Eric and Hyunjae, and you despite your sneaky protests, sitting in between them, and you beating both of them more than seven times, it’s finally time for dinner. And guess who you're sitting next to. Hyunjae.
“So guys, our break is ending. Our next group mission starts next week, so make sure you prepare for it well. I’ll tell you guys the details later.” Sangyeon announces and the boys cheer. “Finally I was so bored.” Changmin drops on his chair. “You're always bored, maybe you're just boring.” Eric laughs, making fun of him, but quickly stopping as Changmin points a knife at him.
After dinner Sangyeon and Chanhee offer to help clean up and Kevin helps you with the dishes. By the time you're done it’s late, so you decide to go to bed first. Since your escape is tomorrow, you need as much rest as you can.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Today you woke up a little later than normally so you won't be tired tonight. You really need your energy to run as fast as possible. After you guys are done with eating breakfast you watch a drama with Juyeon, Haknyeon and Eric, do laundry and clean the house and by the time you're done it's time to prepare for dinner which Younghoon and Sunwoo helps you with.
After dinner you clean up with Eric and then go to your room to prepare your outfits. You grab a sweater from your closet and a pair of leggings that would be comfortable and warm, since it would be cold at night.
While you put them under your bed with your sneakers, someone knocks on your door. Finally someone who can knock, you think. “Come in.” Jacob comes in smiling at you. “Hi, am I disturbing you?” You shake your head sitting on your bed and he does the same.
“Well I just wanna tell you I'm very happy to have you here, you’ve been helping us a lot even though I know you don’t wanna be here and I really appreciate you. I would’ve given you a present, but I don't think you would appreciate stolen stuff.” He looks down at his knees, blushing a bit, cute.
You started to feel a pang of guilt in your heart, Jacob has been an angel to you ever since you first spoke to him but you couldn’t take it any longer, you wanted to leave. You needed to leave. Trying to enjoy the time you had left with him you guys spent hours talking about Canada, his childhood, why he doesn’t swear and about how much he loves basketball. You could watch him talk for hours. You nod to everything he says, trying to ignore the butterflies you feel when you two make eye contact.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
You look up at the clock in your room. 04:00. You get up from your bed and make your way to your bedroom door. You slowly open your door and walk to the stairs, quietly going down the steps and taking breaks every few steps. You mentally sigh when u make it downstairs u slowly make your way to the front door in the dark careful not to make a noise.
When you walk past the kitchen you decide to take a knife with you, just in case. When you get to the door you slowly open the door, cringing at the little squeak sound it makes in the process.
Once the door is wide enough for you to fit in, you step outside, leaving the door open, since the sound of the door closing might wake them up. You take a few quick steps till you reach further from the house.
Once you’re reaching the forest you hear the door slam open. Shit! You turn around before you start running. Sangyeon’s standing at the door. Clearly very angry. “Y/N!” You hear him scream as you start running fasters. You hear the others making a fuss as you take a turn right into the forest.
“God, she’s fast.” Kevin breathes out, taking a break from running. “Yeah, just let her go, I'm too tired.” Chanhee squats down, Younghoon doing the same. “No! she’ll report us to the police and then it’s over for us, we need to find her.” Sangyeon says before making his way to the forest, the others following behind him.
You notice the forest is on top of a hill, which makes you run down faster. You run way faster than expected, almost twisting your ankle when taking a turn left. The footsteps of the boys started to fade away but you didn’t slow down, adrenaline still rushing through your body.
“Y/N!” Sangyeon screams looking around, he stops running and waits for the others to catch up, when they do, he shares his plan. “Okay, we're splitting up in the units we use for our missions, call me when you find her.” And they all split up in their units, Sangyeon’s unit going left.
“How could she do this?” Eric sighs. “I mean we kidnapped her, this was bound to happen.” Hyunjae says. He hates to admit but he’s worried sick and hopes you're not hurt. He shrugs it off thinking it's just a normal reaction and that he’s not actually catching feelings for you.
After a while your running slows down and you start to get tired. You stumble across a huge fallen down tree and you decide to hide behind it. Cliche but you're so tired, you can barely feel your legs. Once you sit down, you bend a bit making sure your head isn’t visible. You sigh. Why did you have to be the one to get kidnapped, why did they have to rob the store you work at. You stop the tears you feel from flowing so it won’t block your sight.
“How fast is she, God.” You hear Changmin’s voice from a little distance. Shit. You're freaking out but remain in your position. You pray that they won’t see you, cause they’ll definitely kill you when they do. The voices are starting to fade and you take the opportunity to start running again, regaining the adrenaline you had earlier.
But you should’ve waited. Juyeon spots you. “There!” You hear him yell and they start running after you. You panic, taking a run right, into the darker part of the forest. You jump over another fallen tree and make your way further down. Once you lose them you slow down a bit. You can barely see anything, so you start walking.
Suddenly you feel two hands grab you. You startle and stab the person with the knife you're holding. “Ow!” Jacob. You panic as you start running again, feeling slightly bad that he was the one you stabbed. You hope he’s okay as you start running faster.
After a while you stumble over something that makes you fall down, hurting your knee and elbows. “Fuck.” You whisper, quickly getting up. Soon after you run into a tree hurting your chest and cheek. You were getting so tired, you couldn’t even focus on where you were running to. You prayed this all was just a bad dream and you would wake up in your own room again, remaining your normal life.
“Jacob what happened!” Sangyeon gives him a worried look. The boys gather around Jacob, who’s holding his arm. “She stabbed me.” He understands why you did it but it still hurts him. “God, she has a knife.” Sunwoo panics. “Younghoon and Chanhee, bring Jacob to the house and take care of his wound. The rest of us will keep on searching.” The boys nod at his order and split up again.
An hour passes and the boys still haven’t found you. Hyunjae starts to worry even more. They were all wearing a jacket, but you didn't. It was so cold around this time of the day and it would be so easy to freeze up. “Shouldn’t we just give up. The sun will start rising soon, she’ll probably show up again.” He suggests, but Sangyeon ignores him. He sighs. As much as he wants you to be free, he doesn’t want to let you go.
You’re just roaming around at this point. You have no idea how much time has passed, or if the boys have given up already. You think it might be easier to just stab yourself with a knife and just die. But you didn’t want to give up. You wanted your old life back. You finally see the end of the forest a couple meters away from you and run towards it. But something grabs you and spins you around. You look up and your eyes widen. Hyunjae.
»»————- ➴ ————-««
@beauchamp-fraser @n-xrmy @givememunjang
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
How the Jujutsu Kaisen Characters Smell
A/N: Absolutely no one asked for this but I have thoughts and now yall have to hear them. Btw gonna put a keep reading because I’m trying to cover as many jjk characters as possible so it’s gonna get long.
Warnings: Spoilers if you’ve only seen the anime or haven’t read the manga up to the Shibuya Arc (relatively minor but you’ve been warned)
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He’s nowhere near the best smelling but his scent isn’t awful 
He sweats a lot so he takes showers a minimum of 2x a day
Overall his smell isn’t that bad, he just smells like outside 
5/10 points for effort but he always smells like he just got done rolling around in grass
Fushiguro smells like the suave ocean breeze body wash with an undertone of pen ink 
His smell is very nice, it’s not the most remarkable but it’s not stinky
Middle school Megumi was definitely a hot mess that smelled solely of axe body spray and other middle schoolers he beat up (Tsumiki tried her best but there was only so much he’d compromise on)
After he started attending the Tokyo school, Maki threw out his axe and made Gojo buy him actual cologne/scented body wash
7/10 smells like a friend (points reduced because he used to use 3 in 1 body wash)
Kugisaki is very much clean
She keeps up a beauty regimen and doesn’t play when it comes to upkeeping it
She has this light floral scent because of that; it varies between cucumbers and roses
Her body wash is also consistent with the smell of her beauty products
One thing about Kugisaki’s smell is that it does change completely depending on what products she’s using
Although, if she were to be completely clean with no scented products, she’d have a smell that’s a little bit metallic because of the nails and a little pumpkin-y
10/10 points because she sets the standard
Smells like the inside of a guys car
He smells like bergamot and cedarwood mixed with a hint of leather
Overall he smells nice and it’s frustrating because his scent lingers. It’s so distinct that even when he’s gone, his scent will stay behind just to taunt you
9/10 minus one point for being Gojo
She’s very particular about hygiene 
It mainly stems from 1) her upbringing and 2) the level of cleanliness needed to clean all the weapons she uses regularly
She smells of metal polish, lavender with a hint of patchouli, and a slight undertone of rust
10/10 overall very strong scent but it’s so uniquely her that it’s calming 
This makes no sense but I feel like Inumaki smells like the sandwich part of a deli
Specifically that fresh baked bread and sliced lettuce smell
It can be a bit nostalgic at times especially because the smell in general occurs in a lot of places 
10/10 because bread smells good
It’s canon that Panda smells like the sun but we can get more specific
Panda does smell like the sun but I think he smells like a freshly cleaned room with the curtains open
The smell is like air freshener mixed with the sun
The air fresheners he smells the most like are: morning and dew, wood, pine, pet odor eliminator
10/10 no explanation needed
Smells like teen spirit
Pre-jujutsu high (and before he was sent away to Africa); Yuta smelled like deodorant
He smelled like wayyy too much old spice, it was pretty bad
Post trip to Africa (idk which country he went to), Yuta smells of shea butter, frankincense, and charred wood
8/10 the crimes of pre jujutsu high Yuta will not be easily forgiven
He smells like the blue Ralph Polo Lauren cologne
No I will not take criticism
He also smells a bit like the wrinkle spray people use when ironing clothes
10/10 we been knew that Nanami looks good, smells good, and dresses good
I don’t even like that cologne but for him...
Love Shoko but her smell isn’t the most pleasant
Literally smells like cigarettes and alcohol with the sterile smell of cleaner to top it off
She’s an icon but her smell can be overwhelming at the best of times and suffocating at the worst
5/10 some people might like it but it is not for me
Her scent is very foresty, either pine or spruce, with an undertone of gree tea
Her scent is a bit muted too so you can only really smell it if she’s really close or if you’re hugging her
It’s not a bad scent though, it’s the type that immediately sets you on ease
10/10 smells like a warm hug
He’s a robot what’d you expect???
Jkjk Pre-Shibuya he smells really sterile and clean due to his condition
His robots obviously smell like metal and wiring
Post-Shibuya arc(or yk during technically): He smells kind of like nothing
There's the slightest smell of sparks from his cursed technique and the hint of mojito’s smell lingering, but otherwise he smells like absolutely nothing
6/10 the lack of smell is a bit off putting
I can’t explain but I feel like Miwa smells like banana and vanilla
Like Mai and Momo tricked her and she ended up actually liking the smell
6/10 not the worst but not the best
Mai smells really heavily of metal and gunpowder
Obviously brcause of her cursed technique but she ever expected it to stck to her like it does
She doesn’t make any active effort to change it though because she thinks it makes her seem cool and mysterious
4/10 because while it DOES make her seem cool and mysterious, she scares locals
She definitely uses bath and body works perfume (tempted to say she uses the glittery versions but alas)
She loves using all the candles, lotions, and perfumes because of how girly they make her feel; has a collection that’s probably on a rotater
Definitely uses sweet pea above all
Tries to get Mai to try some of her fragrances but she has a 30/70 chance of getting her to agree
7/10 another scent that’s not for me
He has a really intense cleaning regimen and is never caught lackin in the smell department
He gets all the more embarrassed when Yuuji smells stinky next to him and will always make Yuuji shower if thr boy stinks
Other than that, he smelled of an ocean-y cologne before Takada-chan released her perfume collection
Now all he talks about is how he smells like the perfect husband for Takada
Takada’s perfume is really light a floral (along the lines of rose + vanilla) and if Todo runs out, he tries to steal it from Momo’s collection
9/10 minus a point for being a simp
Smells really clean except for when he’s using his cursed technique
On average, Noritoshi smells like the clean linen spray/ clean laundry
When he uses his technique, he smells like blood and when he uses his technique to “dope”, he smells like sweat
Usually he smells like clean laundry though, he’s very picky about how he smells and hates the smell he gets from using his technique
10/10 for keeping clean
If you think this man washes his ass...
Sorry but he’s a little too busy being a misogynist 
Naoya saw the term gooch grease and was like “wow someone gets it!”
-400/10 I’m sick of talking about the ways this man smells like a popped neck pimple
Only person that smells worse than Naoya
If Naoya smells like a popped neck pimple, Mahito smells like a literal sewer
He smells like sewage, garbage, rot and decay, melted plastic,etc.
Not only does Mojito’s body stink, his breath stinks, hair stinks, just everything stinks
Jogo and Hanami can’t tell since they don’t have noses but everytime Geto gets a whiff, he dies a little inside
-21982913293237932392379319210391090320323019/10 GET BACK. GET BACK. GET BACK.
Pre-death; he smelled like blood 9 times out of 10 
The other 10% of times he smelled like incense or jasmine but you’d never smell it for long
Post-death; stinky funky and rotten
I’m sorry but 1) he’s a mass murder who literally sits atop a mountain of skulls 2) he’s technically dead and only exists thriugh his fingers
If you think that man smells like anything other than rot and grave wax...
-2/10 be glad he got a higher score than Mahito
I love Choso with every ounce of my being 
That being said, he smells like a scab
Scabs don’t even have smells but somehow he smells like one 
Alright I’m done slandering him
3/10 because I didn’t have the heart to give him anything lower
Pre-Gojo angst: Geto was the best smelling sorcerer in the world
He was very meticulous about his grooming routine and showed Gojo how to care for himself w/o the aid of servants
A king of self care and personal grooming 10/10
Post-Gojo angst: Geto really stopped caring about his appearance
He’d keep clean to set a good example for his kids, but he didn’t really see the value of looking decent
Probably says “I refuse to use the technology of monkeys”
Even though Mahito smells worse, Geto does still hang around Mahito and that’s gonna rub off
2/10 take a shower man, sea water doesn’t count as cleaning yourself
Junpei smells like dandelions/picked grass and cigarettes
Cigarettes are obviously because his mom smokes them so frequently the smell sticks to him
The dandelions/ picked grass smell is because Junpei spends a lot of time outside 
Out of boredom or a need to keep his negative thoughts at bay, Junpei started picking at the grass
I do think he eventually started weaving flower crowns made of dandelions and strips of grass
6/10 because I feel bad for him
This man...
As much as I’d like to pretend he smells good, he has a drooling worm hanging off him and  probably owns like one outfit
That being said, he’s not as stinky as Naoya or Mahito (or even Sukuna), because he does clean himself when he has the chance
It’s just that he spends his money so quickly that he kinda forgets sometimes
Although he usually has no problem finding some woman who’d be more than willing to put him up in a hotel room
His smell is musky but it’s not funky
He smells like a guy right before they start to get stinky, it’s a delicate balance
4/10 he’s a lil funky but it kinda feeds his image
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let-it-raines · 3 years
I Hope We Never See October (7/?)
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When his personal life and football career go up in flames, Killian Jones escapes England for America, finding seclusion in Martha’s Vineyard in order to hide from his demons. It’s a fresh start, or at the very least a paused moment in his life, and all he needs is a few months alone to allow his heart to heal. He doesn’t count on meeting Emma Swan.
Emma’s life depends on tourists who come to the island every summer. It’s how she makes her money working in restaurants and clubs across the vineyard, but every year, she cannot wait until autumn comes and her life returns to normal. She especially cannot wait for Killian Jones to leave.
Rating: Mature
a/n: I so rarely get the time to go through comments anymore, but I had some time this morning and just plowed through responding to a bunch but not all (I'm getting there). I want to let you all know that you're sweethearts, and I really appreciate you! ❤️
AO3: Beginning | Current Tumblr: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
“So tell me, what are your intentions with our dear Emma?”
Killian coughs on his water, but luckily, he swallows it before it can all come out on his shorts. They’ve finally dried after Emma pulled him into the water, payback for him tossing her in, and he’d like to not be chilled after the sun has set and the air around them has cooled. Most of the Nolans’ neighbors have left and returned to their own homes, but several still remain lounging in the pool or inside where it’s warmer.
“Excuse me?”
“Emma,” Ruby repeats. The woman’s a little drunk, but no one would know it if it wasn’t for the slight way she delays a few of her words. Ruby’s girlfriend is inside getting her coffee now, but Killian already knows the hangover in the morning will be a killer. “Our lovely Emma Swan. What are your intentions with her?”
“To be her friend,” Killian says, not sure how to answer. Emma’s inside with David and Mary Margaret, and he wishes she were here to save him from this conversation.
“And to fuck her,” Ruby adds, and Killian nearly chokes on his water again. “But let me tell you something.” She pokes his chest, and Killian laughs. “She likes you.” “Is that what she said?”
“No, but she’s my best friend. I know her, and she likes you. Emma doesn’t like anyone. She talks about you all the time. I think she has a crush.”
“Does she now? Talk about me, that is.”
“Maybe not an official crush, but she talks about you, so she might as well write Emma Swan likes Killian Jones on all of her notebooks.”
She’s drunk, he reminds himself. She’s drunk, and she’s not sure what she’s saying. He and Emma have an agreement, and even though they can be rather friendly with each other, that’s simply the aftereffect of spending so much time together. You have to be a good communicator in order to have good sex, and, well, he might not be good at a lot of things now, but he’s good at that.
“Okay, lass,” he starts, standing from the chair. He helps Ruby stand as well, but she quickly does it on her own. Like her words, her steps only barely fumble, and he thinks that has something to do with the ridiculous heels she’s wearing. “Let’s go inside with everyone else, and let’s not talk about Emma anymore.”
Ruby hums, but he knows she won’t listen. He braces himself for the fallout.
But to his surprise, she doesn’t make a beeline for Emma. She goes straight to Mulan, hugging her as she makes Ruby’s coffee. Killian, however, does head for Emma. She’s on the couch in the living room. Her hair is freshly combed through, and she’s wearing what he can only assume are a pair of Mary Margaret’s pajamas. He’s seen an assortment of Emma’s, and there are very few floral sets like this.
Killian slips onto the cushion next to her, keeping his space. They’ve crossed a few of their own boundaries lately, but sometimes it’s good to keep them in place, especially around other people. Not that it matters here when everyone knows what he and Emma are to each other.
Well, what he thinks they are to each other. He’s trying not to put too much stock into what Ruby said, but the words have settled directly into the middle of his mind.
“What are you wearing?” he asks since everyone else seems to be occupied by the baseball game on the television.
“Mary Margaret’s. I didn’t bring extra clothes, and some asshole threw me into the pool.”
“What a wanker.”
Emma laughs and pulls a blanket up further over her, wrapping her body in it. “Do you want to leave soon? Go back to my place? It’s closer than yours.”
“You sure you haven’t had enough of me today?”
Emma exhales and pats his knee. “I’m sure.”
They drive separately to Emma’s place. Killian parks in his usual spot across the street while Emma parks in the driveway and leaves the front door unlocked for him to follow through. She’s already tossing her wet clothes into the washing machine by the time he gets inside.
“Hand me yours. I’ll wash them too.”
Killian glances down at his clothes. “I won’t have anything else to wear, darling. Though, I’m sure that’s your intention.”
Emma rolls her eyes and holds her hand out. “I don’t have to fake doing your laundry to see your dick, Jones. Just give me the clothes. You’ve left stuff upstairs.”
Killian slowly pulls his t-shirt off, making it as seductive as possible, but Emma only starts tapping her foot. He laughs and tosses his shirt into the machine before doing the same with his shorts and briefs. Emma does a bland wolf whistle, and Killian adds a small amount of sway to his hips as he walks upstairs to find the clothes she claims he left behind. There’s a pair of joggers in one of her drawers, which he quickly pulls on before going to her bathroom to brush his teeth. She joins him to do her nightly routine that he knows as well as his own now.
Wash face. Moisturize face. Brush teeth. Brush hair. Put lotion on arms and legs. Get in bed.
It’s far more intimate than he’s been with a woman in a long time, since Tink actually, but nothing about it is truly complicated. There’s no wondering if he’s taking her out enough, if he’s being supportive enough, if he’s being emotionally vulnerable enough, if he’s being enough. His arrangement with Emma is simple, even if sometimes little slivers of complicated slip in.
He likes her, likes sleeping with her, and even if he knows this all ends when he returns to his real life in England before October, he’s going to enjoy it for now.
Ruby’s words poke at the back of his mind, but he brushes them away. Again. And again until they disappear, at least for now. He knows they’ll sneak back in because if Emma likes him the way a drunk Ruby thinks, that could be complicated in more ways than he’s willing to think about.
More ways than he can handle without his own head becoming a messy place when this is the first time in a long time it’s been clear.
(But who is he kidding? The messy is already starting to slip in.)
Killian joins Emma in her bed, getting comfortable underneath the covers, and Emma flips over, the strap of her ridiculous floral pajamas falling over. Killian reaches for it and tugs it back up, his thumb running underneath her collarbone. Her skin is always ridiculously soft, which she always claims is from the lotion.
It’s not.
“Today was nice,” he whispers, still running his thumb along her collarbone. He leans in, gently and nudges his nose underneath it, breathing her in. She still smells of chlorine. “Thanks for letting me come along.” Emma hums and runs her hands through his hair, scratching along his scalp. Damn, that feels good. “I couldn’t stop you if I tried…not that I would. I guess you’re allowed to spend time with my friends.”
“Your generosity overflows.” Emma laughs, and Killian continues to work his mouth along her collarbone. “Your laugh is spectacular.” He drags his nose down her chest until he’s pushing aside her shirt and freeing her breast. “This is also spectacular.”
She laughs again, and Emma quickly unbuttons her shirt so Killian can have a better grasp on her breast. She arches her back and pulls down her shorts, and while Killian wasn’t planning on this being anything more than some light teasing, he now knows it isn’t that.
Not that he would ever complain.
His mouth dries when Emma reaches between them and grabs his cock underneath his joggers. It feels damn good, like it always does, and he moves away from Emma’s stomach to help pull down his joggers so Emma can get a better grip. Her hand is warm and soft, and he could let her do this all night.
“Fuck,” he whispers, and Emma smirks. “You think you’re so funny, don’t you?”
“I’m hysterical. Get on your back.”
“You know I like a woman in charge.”
“Alright, don’t get on your back.”
Killian huffs and kisses just above her navel before flipping over onto his back, propping his head up with pillows. Emma moves to straddle his thighs, rubbing herself over him in order to tease, and Killian places his hands on her hips, helping her balance. It’s slow when she guides him into her, and Killian curses at how good it feels, how good she feels. It’s even slower when Emma begins to move her hips, a gentle back and forth that has her hair falling in damp waves over her shoulders. It’s a good view, a good feeling, even when the room is only illuminated by the moonlight shining through the window on the opposite side of the room and the light coming through the hallway door. It makes Emma’s hair glow nearly silver, and he grabs the ends, running it between his fingers.
Emma begins to talk about the party, telling him he missed a rousing rendition of Chicago, courtesy of a drunk Mary Margaret, and Killian doesn’t even want to imagine that. Emma does a pretty good impersonation, however, so he really has no choice other than to think about it.
This is good. It’s nice. For the last couple years, sex has been nothing but scratching the itch. It’s been fast, simple, and maybe only involved a few dates. There was no talking or laughing, and there definitely was not any impersonating drunk friends doing musical numbers.
Emma is so damn closed off most of the time, but there are moments like this, like earlier when she shared a little about her past, that he wonders if she’s becoming a little more open.
He thinks he’d like to get to know her more. At least as a friend since he knows more won’t be possible.
There those thoughts come again, invading his space just like Emma is.
Emma’s movements become a little stunted, the roll of her hips not as smooth, so Killian tightens his grip on her thighs and slowly moves them over. When he slips out of her, he quickly thrusts back in as they settle into their new position. The air is tight in his chest, his release coming faster than he expected, and he whispers so to Emma as his hand reaches down between them while her legs wrap around his ass and her hands trace the muscles in his back.
It’s good.
It’s all so bloody good, and he doesn’t want it to end.
But it does, of course, in several hissed curses and whispered words, and Killian grins into Emma’s collarbone before rolling off her.
“I was not expecting that,” Emma mumbles, patting his stomach, “but it works for me.”
“Glad to be of service,” Killian chuckles.
Emma hums and then gets out of bed to walk to the bathroom while he cleans up around them before grabbing the joggers off the floor and putting them back on. Emma comes out of the bathroom in a pair of shorts and a tank top, a much more Emma-like outfit, and he smiles before getting comfortable in bed. He could go home, go back to the big house with no one around, but he knows Emma will let him stay here until she has to go to work in the morning.
“I’m exhausted,” Emma sighs before getting into bed and yanking the covers up to her neck. “Do you think I could get away with playing hooky tomorrow?”
“On a Sunday morning? At the Blue Dog?”
“Ugh,” she groans, “you’re right. I hate when you’re right.” “So you hate me all the time then?”
Emma rolls her eyes and kicks his shin. “Goodnight, Jones.”
Killian leans over and kisses her cheek. “Goodnight, Swan.”
The sun is beginning to rise when he wakes, the dark sky being infiltrated by little bursts of orange light, and while Killian tries to bury his face in Emma’s hair and fall back asleep, he can’t. Despite his best efforts, he’s awake, and after spending nearly an hour answering texts and emails from Ariel, Elsa, and Scarlet, he slowly climbs out of bed, making sure not to disturb Emma, and goes downstairs to fix breakfast. His stomach growls with hunger despite how much he ate yesterday, and surprisingly, Emma has food in her fridge. She’s a fan of take-out and leftovers from her places of work, so rarely is there ever food in the fridge.
Killian takes the eggs and milk out, grabbing some fruit too, before he grabs some flour from her cabinets. It’s been years since he used a waffle maker, and despite a disastrous first attempt, he gets the hang of it enough to start making some eggs on the stove. Emma can sleep like the dead, but her alarm should be going off any minute now. Usually, she heads straight for the shower, but Killian knows Emma can’t resist food, especially if it’s something different than what she eats every day.
There’s a creak upstairs, obviously Emma’s footsteps, and then he hears a door open, and Killian flips the waffle over.
“Emma, love, do you want fruit in your waffles? Or maybe some chocolate. I know you must have chocolate around here.”
There’s no answer, at least not from Emma.
“Are you my mom’s friend?”
Killian jumps and turns to see a kid standing in the kitchen. What the hell? Who the hell is that, and what is he doing in Emma’s house?
“Who, uh, who’s your mum?” Killian asks, scratching his ear and hoping Emma comes down the stairs at any moment. Maybe this is a neighbor’s kid who decided to have a little fun today. “Who are you, mate?”
“I think the better question,” an older man holding suitcases says, “is who the hell are you? And what do you think you’re doing in my son’s house?”
@qualitycoffeethings @marrtinski @klynn-stormz @scarletslippers @elizabeethan @jrob64 @therealstartraveller776 @thejollyroger-writer @galadriel26 @galaxyzxstark @idristardis @karenfrommisthaven @teamhook @searchingwardrobes @jamif @shireness-says @ultimiflos @onepunintendid @killianswannn @carpedzem @captainkillianswanjones @mayquita @mariakov81 @jennjenn615 @onceuponaprincessworld @a-faekindagirl @scientificapricot @xellewoods @ultraluckycatnd @stahlop @kmomof4 @tiganasummertree @singersdd @tornadoamy @cluttermind @andiirivera @itsfabianadocarmo @captain-emmajones @ilovemesomekillianjones @taylrsversion @dramioneswan @jonesfandomfanatic @wefoundloveunderthelight @gloriousfemaleworrier @spartanguard @snowbellewells
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outer-bnks · 3 years
Two Burning Hearts Are Dared to Break (JJ x OC) Ch. 14
Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13
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JJ catches Elle and Topper in a compromising position, eliciting a fight in which some truths are exposed.
Warning: brief mention of alcohol, smoking. hella angst
Word count: 1.5k
“JJ! Wait!”, she followed him out to the side entrance of the garden that was thankfully empty, watching as he made his way over to a catering truck that stood in the carpark attached to the club.
“For what Elle?! What I just saw doesn’t need explaining!”, he huffed, as he continued walking away from her.
“What are you even doing here?”, she questioned, unaware that he was going to be attending the party. Noticing his navy shirt and slacks, she realised that he was working one of his multiple jobs in order to earn enough to pay off his restitution. He opened the back doors of the truck, beginning to unload them.
“What does it look like? I just thought I’d swing by for shits and giggles”, he sarcastically answered, his arms out wide, looking around at the crates around his feet. 
“Well you could’ve told me that you were coming!”, she exclaimed.
JJ scoffed, “What difference would it have made, you looked like you were having a pretty good time in the laundry room!”. The fuzzy feeling that she was experiencing with Topper had definitely dissipated, leaving the all too familiar sinking sensation in her stomach.
“It would have made a lot of difference JJ!”. For starters, she might not have agreed to be Topper’s date in front of the boy she actually had feelings for.
Rolling his eyes, he turned away from her again, continuing to work, “I don’t even care, it's just that I didn’t think you’d move on so fast”, he shrugged, trying to make his disinterest believable by adopting an apathetic tone of voice.
Elle’s eyebrows furrowed, confused by his choice of words, “What? Move on?”. As far as she was concerned, they had nothing to move on from, he had made that very clear as of recently.
“John B’s only been gone for 2 weeks, you know I just wouldn’t have thought that you’re the type to just-”.
Elle cut him off, utterly bewildered by what he was implying, “Wait wait wait. John B?”. 
“Yes John B, Elle! It’s so obvious that you’re into him”.
It was her turn to scoff, “Are you out of your mind? I do not have a thing for John B! I never have!”. He thought she was into John B? Maybe she’d thought she had a crush on him when she first moved to the OBX, but that quickly changed as soon as met JJ. She was even sure that John B was aware of her feelings for JJ, making sneaky comments that only she could hear, or winking at her whenever the pair were left alone together for more than 5 minutes. But she’d never actually had a conversation with him about that, he was the kind of friend who knew what you were feeling before you even knew it yourself. 
“Could’ve fooled me”, he mumbled, locking up the back of the truck as he had now emptied the crates into numerous stacks. 
Looking around the garden, puzzled by how he’d come to this conclusion, she sighed, “God JJ you really do talk out of your ass sometimes!”. Had he forgotten about how obsessed John B was with Sarah? Or the fact that Elle was actually excited when Sarah joined the Pogues?
This seemed to get a rise out of him, turning on his feet and walking over to her, “Oh please! All the times I would come over to the Chateau and you were already there, in his bed fast asleep, or answering his door basically naked?”. He knew that the way he spoke definitely portrayed his jealousy, and was uncalled for, but he hoped that masking it with confusion or anger wouldn’t give away his true feelings. 
Honestly, it killed him the first time he entered the Chateau and found out Elle had decided to sleep in John B’s bed instead of the empty spare room. It was the morning after they’d been hanging out as a group, smoking, watching movies and binging on the snacks Pope had brought over. Often, on nights like that everyone would stay over, usually having already fallen asleep during the last movie. However, JJ had decided to sleep in his own bed that night, knowing that his Dad was on an overnight fishing trip with his workmates. He hadn’t even thought about whether Elle had stayed over or headed home, until he walked in the next morning, calling out for John B and banging on his bedroom door, not expecting her to answer in nothing but one of John B’s oversized t-shirts. He quickly put two and two together, knowing that she had a drawer in the spare room with some clothes in it for whenever she decided to stay over, and concluded that the scene in front of him, reeked of sex. And of an unspoken betrayal that JJ promised himself never to mention. 
That wasn’t the last time he had caught her in that situation, it recurring exactly 5 more times, over the space of the past year. To ensure that he would never feel that betrayal again, JJ had pushed down his feelings for Elle, rebuilt some of the walls that he’d let come down around her, and used sarcasm to hide how he actually felt about the idea of his best friend hooking up with the girl that he thought he was falling in love with.
Shaking her head slightly out of disbelief, she rebutted, her voice rising a few decibels, “Excuse me? I have never slept with John B. So what we shared a bed, does that automatically mean we were hooking up? We couldn’t have just been friends who fell asleep in the same bed after talking for a few hours? JJ I’ve shared a bed with you, Pope and Kie tonnes of times! Was I hooking up with all of you as well?”.
Looking down at the ground briefly, he lowered his voice, becoming aware of how loud they were being. “It’s different with us and you know it”.
Following his lead, she lowered her voice, her anger showing through in her tone instead, “Do I J? I’m surprised you even noticed with all the tourons coming and going from your room”.
His eyes darted up to her face, “What's that supposed to mean?”.
Crossing her arms over her chest, she continued, “You get to have your fun, aren't I allowed to have mine?”. That’s all JJ ever referred to his one night stands or brief flings as, fun. 
Pointing back at the door that they’d emerged from, he referred to Topper, “This is what you call fun Elle? Fine, have all the ‘fun’ in the world, but please spare me, I don’t wanna see it”.
She raised her eyebrows out of surprise, two could play at this game. “Oh and you thought I enjoyed watching you mack on anyone with a pulse at our keggers?”. She couldn’t count the times she had watched him sweet talk a touron at a kegger into going for a walk down to the water with him, often not returning for over an hour. Not that Elle was keeping track (although she was definitely keeping track). In that hour, she’d usually devoured way too many shots, or danced, or began chatting up a guy herself, to ease the dull heartache that seemed to consume her.
Defeated by this argument, and his blood still boiling, he resorted to his defences, “You know what, do what you want, just don't come crying to me when he turns out to be exactly who we think he is”.
“From what I can remember, you wanted nothing to do with me, so what do you care who I’m macking on?”.
“The only reason I care is because of John B and Sarah. We’re trying to find ways to clear John B’s name and get justice for Sarah, whilst you're hooking up with her goddamn ex.
When this whole thing between you two blows up like it inevitably will, just know that you have no one to blame but yourself”, he spat, turning and walking back over to crates, beginning to take them around to the kitchen entrance of the Yacht Club.
“Thanks JJ! I’ll be sure to keep that in mind”, she called out after him, watching him make his way inside. She felt as though steam was coming out of her ears and she swore that her face was beet red right now, matching the faded stain on her dress. She was expecting some sort of drama to occur tonight, but not once had she thought that it would’ve been with JJ instead of Topper.
Hearing the door to the garden close behind her, she took a deep breath before turning around to face him, “Hey, are you alright?”, he asked softly. He had definitely heard the fight, probably opting to stay inside so as to not incite any more tension.
“Yeah I’m fine”, she nodded, grabbing his hand in hers and giving it a gentle squeeze, “let’s head back inside, you might need to show me how to act like a proper Kook, I think I’m finished with being a Pogue for the night”, she winked.
Topper recognised her joking tone, hinging from the hips in a faux bow, “Why of course my lady, follow me”. If she was going to be treated like a Kook, what’s the harm in acting like one?
@mybillyhardgrove @cyrrusmreadings @downbytheouterbanks @belledutchess @imagines-and-preferences1216 @teamnick @lauraxwndrlnd @thehomeiknow @obxlife @shawnssongs @rudyypankow @gigi-june @x-lulu​ @frodofreakingbaggins
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rivers-rambles21 · 3 years
The one where you’re both idiots
Part 8 of The one where Bucky has a cute neigbour series!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader (f)
Summary | Reader and Bucky become friends after he saves her from  a creep in their apartment building. Each chapter explores a different  point in their friendship - very slow burn!
Warnings | 18+ only, Smut in later chapters (this is a slow burn), swearing, unprotected sex, oral sex, (later chapters)
This is my favourite chapter so far as we’ll start seeing the events of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier impact the story more.
Chapter 8 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 1 | Masterlist
“How was your session with the world’s worst therapist?” You asked as you started unpacking your groceries. You’d run into Bucky on your way home from picking up a few things for your evening meal and had invited him inside with the offer of a home cooked meal. 
Taking the milk from you, he helped put your items away as he pondered his response. “Same as always, she asks about the nightmares, I lie to her and she starts writing on that damned notepad.” Taking a tomato from the bag, he snuck one into his mouth and put the rest away, giving him a second to think before continuing. He’d been at your apartment that many times by now he knew where everything lived.
Hoisting himself up onto the kitchen countertop, he sat in his usual spot as he watched you busy around, pulling your utensils out ready to cook. “She also brought up how alone I am.” Despite his efforts, his voice broke slightly, something that you didn’t fail to notice. 
“Well that’s a load of bull” You scoffed as you turned to face him, opening your arms wide. “You’ve got me!” 
He smiled back at you, his face lightening up. “That I do doll, that I do.” 
Satisfied, you turned your back on him once again and began washing the vegetables. 
“I had lunch with Yori,” He continued.
“Yeah...  I’ve also got a… got a date tomorrow” Your hands froze as you felt your heart break, your stomach twisting into knots. A second later you composed yourself and continued with the task at hand, rubbing your hands over the mushrooms repeatedly. 
“Oh.” You remarked, not trusting your voice to say anything further. 
“Yeah, Yori kind of set it up. I tried to explain there was a bit of a dance to this sort of thing but he went ahead with it anyway.” Bucky had missed your reaction when he’d told you about the date and proceeded to pick up one of your kitchen knives, twirling it between his fingers as a distraction. 
Those seconds were all you needed to compose yourself as you shut off the water and began chopping the veg up, mentally preparing your response in your head. “Well it’s good to get out there, when was the last time you had a date?” 
“1942 Stark Expo” He replied with no hesitation. You turned on your heel and gestured towards the cupboard above Bucky's head. With a smile, instead of moving aside, he spread his legs for you to step into. For a second, his smile made you forget what he’d just told you and you were back to it just being you and him, no mystery woman who you feared would take him from you. 
“Lazy shit.” You muttered as you stepped between his open legs swinging the cupboard door open and reaching up for a can. 
For Bucky, he was enjoying the view. Your top had risen and he had a perfect view of your stomach, begging to be kissed. 
As you placed the can on the counter beside him and searched for the opener something suddenly dawned on you. “Does that mean you’ve not gotten laid since 1942?” Your eyes met his and he chuckled in response. 
Picking up the can, he jabbed his knife into it and expertly cut into the lid, opening it with ease. Handing it back to you he shot you another smile. 
“Believe it or not, courting women in the 1940’s was a bit different. Girls didn’t fuck outside of marriage as they do now, and if they did it was a rarity. But, that didn’t mean both of you couldn’t get off if you put other things to use.” He smirked back at you as your jaw dropped, mouth hanging open at his honesty. Not quite knowing what to do with that information you turned back to the stove, your cheeks flushed from not just the heat. 
“Well… I’m sure your date tomorrow will be a welcome relief.” 
“Eh… She's a nice girl and all but I don’t see it going anywhere. Beer?” 
“Oh, um yes please.” A few moments later you heard your fridge open and close and the sound of bottle lids going into the trash. Leaving your beer to the side, he resumed his previous position and continued watching you cook. 
“When was the last time you saw any action?” Bucky wasn’t sure why he asked in all honesty, he’d rather not know as just picturing you with anyone else drove him mad. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” You laughed. “No but seriously I think it’s been two years now?” Taking a swig of your beer you leant against the counter and faced him. “Oh god, it’s been seven. I forgot about the blip. Holy shit.” Grabbing your beer again, you took a few more gulps, enjoying the liquid running down your throat. 
Despite not really wanting to know the answer, Bucky found himself slightly pleased you’d not been with anyone in a while for purely selfish reasons. 
The rest of the evening was spent eating good food and watching TV, something which Bucky didn’t take for granted. He’d only told his therapist part of the truth. When he was alone with you, enjoying each other's company, talking about nothing and everything, he felt calm - content. 
The following day Bucky didn't hear from Y/N at all and his date went as he expected. The girl was nice, charming even but he didn’t feel a connection. He felt bad for lying about his gloves and even worse when she brushed off his comment around his age. Yori was the last straw and he had to get out of there. The guilt was overwhelming, suffocating and heavy. He’d rushed over to Yori’s place with the intention of confessing his sins but something held him back. It wasn’t the first time he’d hesitated, something about him just made him stop every time. Maybe it was the fact that Yori was a friend, someone who seemed to understand his odd quirks, put up with his grumpiness and still wanted to be around him. Then again, maybe he only did that as he got a free meal out of it.
He found himself back at his apartment building, banging on Y/N’s door, praying you were home. But he was met with silence.
He spent the rest of the night watching TV, drinking as many beers as he could before he eventually passed out, either out of boredom or tiredness, the mental battering he’d taken finally taking its toll. 
It wasn’t until the following evening he finally saw you. The sound of bags dropping to the floor as you muttered explicits under your breath whilst searching for your keys was undeniably you. 
Without a second thought, he opened his door, eager to see you. 
“Hey doll”
Turning your heel, you faced him. “Oh hey Buck”
“Lost your key again?” He remarked, smirking. 
“As usual” You muttered, finally finding them amongst the junk in your purse. 
“I was worried about you y’know.” Your head snapped up, eyes meeting his piercing blues as he stared back at you. “You didn’t come home last night, it’s not very…. You. Who is he?”
A laugh escaped your lips before you could stop it. “She is called Lauri and I just ended up staying over.” You tried to make yourself sound as convincing as possible, knowing deep down you hadn’t wanted to overhear any late night activities if his date had in fact gone well.
“Oh. Oh!” His eyes went wide when he thought he’d realised something but couldn’t have been further from the truth. “Well, I hope she’s treating you right.” 
And he truly meant it. Despite pining after you these past few months, your happiness was his priority, regardless of how desperately he wanted to be the one fulfilling that for you. 
You slowly opened your door with your back to him, trying to suppress a grin. “Way off the mark there Buck, although I’m pretty sure she would show me a great time, it’s not like that. We’re just friends.” 
The small sigh of relief that left his lips as he processed what you said, making you pause for a moment. Surely he wasn’t happy that you - ? No, impossible. 
“Fair enough.” He replied, coughing to hide a slight choke. 
“Do you want to come in?” You asked, opening your door wide for him to enter. With a gentle smile he nodded, closing his own door behind him he walked into your apartment. You tried your best to not notice the way his t-shirt hugged his body in all the best ways, tightening around his broad shoulders before delving down to his biceps, the metal of his arm reflecting the light from the hallway. You said a silent prayer before following him in, urging your eyes to stop flitting back to his body and the way his jeans fitted around his tight- no Y/N, no. 
You followed him further into your small apartment as he settled on the couch whilst you put your bag into your bedroom. Pulling the door, you gave yourself some privacy as you pulled some loungewear from your drawers before sliding your top off over your head. “How did your date go?” You asked. You’d prepared it over and over again in your head, testing your tone and delivery to avoid him picking up on the nervousness you felt asking the question. 
“Disaster, I let half way through.” 
Your eyes unintentionally lit up as you unfastened your bra, throwing it into the laundry basket in the corner of your room. “Jesus Buck, what did she do?”
You heard a shuffle coming from your living room, Bucky no doubt playing with the thread coming off your couch as he usually did when he was deep in thought. “It just didn’t feel natural y’know? I wasn’t comfortable with her, I couldn’t be myself, and then she brought up Yori and I-” He couldn’t quite finish his sentence and grunted as he struggled to find the words. Not needing to hear any more, you finished getting changed into your clothes and went back into the living room, plonking yourself down next to him. 
“Well first off, not cool leaving half way through. But… this is New York so I'm pretty sure she’ll have been on worse dates.” You joked, trying to lighten the mood. Bringing your sock clad feet up onto the couch, you stretched your leg out and prodded the man beside you, prompting him to turn and face you. “You’ll tell him whenever you’re ready. For now though, focus on the positive. You went on a date with a girl…. Regardless of how short said date was” You covered your mouth as you giggled, his eyes rollg only forcing more laughs from you. Taking enough of your teasing, Bucky took action and tossed one of your many cushions towards you, landing squarely in your face knocking you back.
“Dick!” you squealed.
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There's paperwork and everything, that's my weirdo.
They both think its a stupid idea at first. Big, fussy weddings are a waste of energy, time, and money. They don't need to make some big announcement about it, they already know they're committed to each other.
But then they realized they can put anything they want on the gift registry. There isn't a law that says it can only be shit from Bed, Bath & Beyond. It could be a new microscope, a year's worth of tea, or a non-flammable waffle iron.
Hange thinks of how it would be great time to make Levi dance and take cute pictures. Levi knows how happy a wedding would make his mom. He also sometimes thinks about how beautiful Hange would look with white flowers in her hair and how she would smile before he leans in to kiss her.
He kind of likes the idea of saying ‘that’s legally my weirdo.’
But they hum and hah over the idea, going back and forth between the pros and cons of the concept of marriage. Hange has made more than a few diagrams and slide shows. Levi nods during her presentations, taking notes. They both learn a lot about the history of the modern concept of marriage in their part of the world. Hange digs around to learn about marriage through the lenses of different fields. She likes to have the whole enchilada before making big decisions. As she puts it, you can't make sound decision before there's a whole lot of enchiladas cookin' in the kitchen.
There isn’t anything wrong with the idea of them getting married, but nothing ever gets decided.
Then one day, Levi is walking through downtown Sina, to pick something up for Kuchel, when he pauses at a window. There, on a plastic hand, is the first ring he has ever seen that might just be able to survive Hange. He goes inside and stands there, looking nervous and uncomfortable, until a sales assistant asks if he would like to look at something. He hopes he doesn't sound as unsure as he feels when he asks about the ring in the 3rd window.
The sales assistant nods and asks what he likes about it, he laughs and says it looks hard to break. She smiles and leads him to a table.
It's even prettier up close, he realizes, as he holds in between his fingers. Beautiful and sturdy, not unlike the person who's finger this ring would sit beautifully on.
Hange is messy, loud, and enthusiastic about everything; she can't enter a room without drawing attention or leave a room like she found it. But she is so kind, caring, and gentle (and patient, and funny, and brave, and brilliant). She sparkles all day and smolders during the night. He smiles to himself and imagines her waving happily at him with this ring on her finger.
He walks out of the store an hour or so later, hands a little clammy. Inside of his pocket there is a small maroon box and a stack of warranty papers. Inside the box there is a silver ring with small sparkling diamonds set flush into the band; nothing to get broken off or snagged on something. It has small indents along one side, where another ring will go, fitting together like a puzzle piece. They can choose the next band together and get a matching one for him. He stops mid-step in the middle of the street, looking more constipated than usual.
Fuck. He's going to ask Hange to marry him.
Hange looks beautiful that evening. Its a warm summer night and Levi had dinner ready for when she got home. Her favourite meal, drinks, and music were ready to go. He was wearing a nice pair of pants, and the third shirt of the day (he sweat through the other two). She gets home and he's at the door, drink in hand, to kiss her hello. She looks over his shoulder at the patio he spent hours setting up, her eyes widen and a small smile creeps onto her lips.
He's really sweating now.
He shoves the drink into her hand and directs her to the stairs, saying to go put something nice on. If he's going to do this whole thing than they better be able to get some good photos out of it.
He's pouring himself another pina colada (her favourite) when she walks into the kitchen. She's wearing one of her brightly-coloured jumpsuits that she breaks out every summer (this one is held up by straps that tie over her shoulders, and he's had a lot of fun untying them on various occasions).
Barefoot, hair down, and smiling brightly; she lights up even more when she sees the pina colada cups filled up to the brim (they bought them last summer and she insists it makes the drinks taste different).
Dinner went smoothly, he tells himself. She's chatting happily about work as they sit around the little patio table. Dinner was finished. Time for dessert. Shit. Shit, fucking shit.
He stands abruptly, which makes her pause and raise an eyebrow. He excuses himself, grumbling something about dessert, and rushes back to the kitchen.
Shit. Shit. Ok, its time. His hands are shaking as he takes the little box out of his pocket. He opens it one last time to check that the ring is still there, still in one piece, before placing it in the middle of a tray. It's surrounded with the assortment of pavlovas he spent a good portion of the afternoon baking (they're Hange's favourite). He carefully places a white bowl overtop of the box and then places another bowl, right-side up, on top. He fills it with blueberries, with a mint sprig on top. Beside it, a bowl of whipped cream and two spoons.
Alright. The plan:
1) Put the tray down.
2) When she goes to mix everything in one bowl (like she always does) ask her to pass you the other bowl.
3) She lifts up the bowl and then bam. There's the box.
4) You take the box, get down on one knee, and open the box.
5) "Will you marry me?"
He's run through this a hundred times. He can do it. This is going be fine. He looks outside at Hange, who is facing away from him, head tilted back to look at the sky. He gulps. Game time.
He walks outside, curses as he almost trips (his life flashes before his eyes), but makes it to the table in one piece.
He sets the tray down before taking a seat and proceeds to stare at his hands. She tilts her head to the side and asks if he's ok. You look unwell, are you feeling ok? What did you eat for lunch?
He waves his hand, stammers out an unconvincing excuse, and motions for her to help herself. Hange raises an eyebrow at him but then shrugs and turns her attention to the plate in front of her. She starts to mix everything and Levi's mind goes blank. He can hear her begin to chat in the background but he can't move his body.
He has found himself in some scary situations before, but this was the most terrified he's ever felt. He looks like it.
But before she has the time to ask if he's ok or reach over to place a gentle hand on his cheek, he blurts out that she's hogging the whipped cream and to pass him the bowl already.
No, not that bowl. The other bowl. No, the one under the blueberries.
She lifts the bowl, eyes glued to his face. She doesn't see it, she's still staring at him. His mouth is open, he's staring at her, and he feels like the world's stupidest piece of shit. He shuts his mouth, and clears his throat. She looks at him like he's losing it, and maybe he is.
Fuck. She's looking down now. She's looking down at the tray. Fuck she sees the box. Oh shit, she sees the box.
He stands up, almost tripping over his feet, and grabs the box a little more aggressively than he planned.
For a minute he's just standing there, holding the box. But then she looks at him with those damned brown eyes; they're wide and sparkling... but there is a hint of fear there too.
She looks nervous, he thinks to himself. She hasn't been practicing for this all week and she doesn't know what's going to happen. Neither of you know what's going to happen tomorrow, or in the next year, or in the next 50 years. But... facing the next 50 years with this brave, fierce, kind, loyal, clever, funny, beautiful person would be the best thing Levi could think of.
He feels himself relax and smile softly. He kisses her forehead before kneeling down. He wonders if she can hear his heart beating loudly, and she wonders if he can hear hers.
Now he's down on one knee. Levi looks up at the person he loves most, the person who makes the sun warm and the sky blue. This is the person that helps ground him when his brain gets stuck in a painful loop about some stain or imaginary dust, that tells him when he needs to apologize, laughs at his stupid jokes, lights up his life, and holds him tightly when he wakes up from a nightmare.
He wants to always help her do her laundry, remind her to eat and sleep when she gets too caught up in work, he wants to celebrate with her when she gets a grant or a tenure position at a university, to smile and tell her that her burnt cupcakes and muffins aren't that bad. He's lucky to have her and he'll never stop trying to be a man worthy of her.
They have the rest of their lives to be together; to laugh at stupid jokes, plant vegetables in their little garden, get stoned and eat everything in sight, go for long hikes in the woods, watch shitty horror movies, and hold each other close. There isn't anything in the world he wants than to hold her and kiss her and love her. Fuck, he even wants to dance with her.
He can't believe he hasn't done this sooner.
No, those are not tears in his eyes.
His eyes are locked on hers as he opens that stupid little box.
"Will you marry me?"
105 notes · View notes
btsmakesmehappy · 4 years
Sweet Scent | 3
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Genre: Agent au. Colleague au. Mutual pining. fluff. Angst. Light smut.
Pairing: Agent!Jungkook x Forensic Doctor!reader
Word Count: 7,3
Rating: 18+ (M)
Warning: little spoiler for the next story. Mention of guns. Kissing-make out without consent. JK is drunk-kisser boi. But not too descriptive.
Chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | completed
Summary: Why does he always look so nervous in front of you? Is it because of your excessive flirting? But how come you don’t tease him when he looks so incredibly cute every time he blushes? 
Series Masterlist: The Company
A/N: Thankyou @arizonapoppy​ to beta-read mine! I love you. And to you all who reading this story, I am very grateful. Also I’ll be more grateful if you send me asks about how you think about this story. I know, this is taking too long to write, but I enjoyed it!
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“Come on! Just show me!” you begged.
“I told you right? That’s impossible to use that gun at such a far distance,” the female agent said with hands on her hips. She looked relaxed in this firing range, even though it smelled terrible, sweat mixed with gunpowder, in contrast with you who kept scrunching your nose.
You pouted. “Just do it. It’s an order,” you said sternly, but still, your eyes kept avoiding her eyes and you kept fiddling the hem of your shirt nervously. You cleared your throat when you met her gaze. “Please?” 
The female agent laughed at your quirk, which she found it cute. “That’s why those male agents all fell for you.”
You tilted your head, “I’m sorry, what?”
“Nothing. Fine, I’ll show you.” The female agent put her earmuffs and took a gun on the desk, then walked to the firing line. She positioned herself and aimed at the dummy. “Close your ears.”
With that instruction, you brought your fingers to your ears, closing them as tightly as you could. Your mouth gawked as she did it so beautifully, hitting the target easily.
Your amazement was interrupted by a sudden bulky man behind you.
“Wow, you are always this good, aren’t you?”
The female agent removed her earmuffs and walked to him. “Hey Kook, what are you doing here?”
Kook, the man in question, beamed a wide smile, his eyes crinkling at the same time. “I want to help you; also I want to see you shooting. Can you teach me again?”
She giggled at the younger man, ruffling his hair. “You don’t need me, you do it just fine!”
“Noona- come on!” he whined as he tried to sneak his head away from her hand.
You couldn’t help but smile at that sight. You couldn’t believe what you saw. He was bulky, wrapped in a leather jacket, why did he sound so adorable?
“Fine, let’s see how well you shoot then.”
His eyes changed suddenly when he was behind those firearms. Your heart raced, and not because of the sound of the firearms blazing on your ears. This man was somehow captivating. You couldn’t help looking at him. And when he stopped shooting, you walked closer to him.
“Hey!” you yelled as the effect of the firing sounds still ringing in your ears. “What’s your name?”
The man turned his body to face you, his face turned red, and aghast. You felt confused in the way he reacted, but still, you found him adorable.
“Jung-Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook.” he stuttered.
Jeon Jungkook, the name fell on your lips.
It just somehow felt right.
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“Are you sure you want to work? It’s gonna be hard for you to type anything.” Jungkook faces you, his eyebrows furrow in worry. You are both in the elevator. After that incident, he decided that you should work on the seventh floor. You’re not gonna complain about it anyway. Since your office was trashed, you can barely stand to work at your desk anymore. Well, it’ll take a good amount of time for you to gladly work at your desk again.
You look at your bandaged hands, slightly clenching them. “Argh,” you cry in pain. Jungkook immediately takes your hands, examining them right there. “I’m kidding,” you say as you poke your tongue out.
He pouts but still holds your hands gently. “That’s not funny.”
“I’m sorry. But you’re just so cute worrying like that.” You bite your lower lips, trying to hide your smile.
He drops your hands and turns his back to you. “I’m not cute.” He stomps away from the elevator as you follow behind him.
“Please don't be mad at me.” He walks faster since his legs are longer than yours. You begin to speed-walk to match his pace. “Kook, wait for me!” And as you are finally just behind him, you reach his elbow, trying to catch his attention, but the pain starts shooting through your hand. You bite your lips to hide your wince.
You hope that he doesn’t hear you, but not only is he good at fighting, he has sensitive ears too. Jungkook turns back and sighs. He reaches for your hands, stroking them lightly to soothe the pain. “I’m not mad… Just please be careful.” He carefully looks at your hands and his eyes widen when he spots a red spot on the bandages. “It’s still bleeding. Let’s just go to the hospital. I think you need stitches.”
“I don’t need to. The cuts are not deep, really.” You retract your hands from him, but he stops you.
He holds your hands again, not wanting to let you go. “That’s what Jimin said! We need to know what professionals will say about your wound.”
“Kook,” you look at his eyes. “I’m literally a doctor.”
He pouts again. “It doesn’t change anything. We need to go to the hos-”
“I’m fine, Kook. It’s just a little painful sometimes,” you interrupt. “Only because the wounds are still fresh. It’ll be better over time.”
“Really? Are you sure you’re okay?”
You smile. “I’m sure.”
Jungkook sighs and brings your hands to his lips. “Please stop making me worry, I beg you...” he says it softly, not loud enough to make you hear it. When he realizes what he’s done, his cheeks turn red as he drops both of your hands immediately and walks away.
Your heart aches, longing for the lost touch. Longing for the warmth enveloping your hands again.
It is weird how he just does it so easily. Only a few hours ago, he couldn’t even stay with you comfortably in the same place. And now? He just holds you like it is a usual thing for him. It is weird that your heart keeps skipping a beat whenever he touches you. It is weird how he makes hope blooming inside your chest.
You just can’t get used to it yet.
You’re used to being with a shy-Jungkook, and when he drastically changes, a thought begins to circulate in your mind, trying to find some reasonable reasons. 
Maybe he simply feels guilty. There’s no way Jungkook will like you.
“I think we should work in the meeting room. Your stuff is there, right?” He opens the door for you, gesturing for you to come in.
“Ye-yeah.” You stutter as he raises an eyebrow at your sudden silence. Well, to you, he is the weirder one, you should be the one who looks at him quizzically.
You sigh as you sit in the meeting room, opening some of the reports. You shake your head to clear your mind. There’s no time to think about this kind of thing. You worked so hard for this case. Let’s just get it done, and move on. This isn’t some romance novel, for god sakes! Control your mind, Y/N!
You try to ignore Jungkook’s presence beside you by drowning yourself in work. Not only that it’s hard, it’s simply impossible. Just the way he props his chin on his hand, looking at you working, it is too distracting.
“Why do you want to be a forensic doctor?” he asks abruptly.
Your jaw drops as you turn to face him. “What is this? Are you interviewing me now?”
He shrugs. “I am just curious.”
You blink your eyes several times in disbelief. “Because I like it?”
Jungkook snorts. “Other than that.”
You bite your lip, turning silent for a moment. “I’m scared of needles,” you whisper; you feel the heat rush on your cheeks in embarrassment. “Maybe? I don’t really know. I just hate seeing my patients in pain from what I did to them and needles is one of them.”
He nods in understanding, and just as he is about to open his mouth, you interrupt him.
“You really don’t need to fill the silence with some useless conversations, you know.”
He pouts. “Why do you think it’s useless? I want to know more about you.”
You look at him weirdly. “Kook, are you okay? Did you hit yourself in the head? Or did you eat something funny?” Why are you doing this?
He sighs and presses his lips into a line. “You know what, just forget about what I said. Do you need any help?” His eyes fall to your bandaged hands.
You tilt your head in confusion. This is really weird. “I just need to copy some of those reports into the computer. You’re right, it’s kinda hard to type.”
He smiles as he moves your laptop to his side. “Let me type it.”
“Thanks, Kookie.” You said it lightly, but it somehow had an effect on him, like it’s triggering something in him, something that makes him freeze.
His face turns serious as he leans to you, turning your chair to face him and caging you with both of his arms. He is too close to you; his cologne smells cotton-powdery-fresh, sneaking softly through your nostrils.
Like newly folded-laundry.
“With one condition: please stop calling me Kookie,” he whispers closely to your ear, his sweet voice rings your eardrum, sending shivers to your spine.
Your heart races. You’re holding your breath when he moves away from you, only to look you directly in your eyes. Why does he sound like he tries to sound more manly? You clear your throat, hoping it also clears your clouded mind. “Alright, I’ll work on it myself then.” You reach for your laptop, ready to slide it to your side.
“Y/N…” He whines as he holds your arms gently. “Just please stop calling me Kookie.”
You hide your smile again. “Fine, I’ll try.”
Jungkook pouts as he begins to work with your report, with you guiding beside him. He types faster than you; you’re glad actually, since it will finish your job faster.
It’s almost afternoon and the meeting room is hotter than before. The big glass window along the wall is facing directly toward the sun at this hour. Not only does it warm the room, the sunlight also gives you an opportunity to see Jungkook’s face more carefully.
In this natural spotlight you trace his jawline, his soft lips, and his long lashes, and how his curly hair frames his face perfectly. You even see the small scar on his left cheek. It is just insane how he keeps taking your breath away. This man is definitely beautiful.
Noticing the attention on him, he turns his face to meet yours, catching you in action. His cheeks turn reddish as he finally realizes that you’ve been watching him for almost five minutes. “Wh-what?”
“You have a beautiful face, Kook.”
He blinks his eyes several times, confused with the sudden confession. He turns his eyes back to the laptop and laughs awkwardly. “And you just noticed it now?”
You snort. “That’s ridiculous. I knew it since I saw you for the first time. I just want to say it again right now.”
He chokes in his own saliva, coughing repetitively to help him calm his racing heart. “Th-thanks, I guess?”
“Why do you want to be an agent?” you ask, unconcerned that he is still struggling with his breathing. When he looks at you in disbelief, you raise your eyebrow. “You can ask me, but I can’t ask you? Uh-uh. This is a two way street, sir.”
He sighs. “Why do you want to know anyway?”
“We’ve worked together on several cases, but I barely know anything about you except for your name, your job, and until just a few hours ago, your number.” You pout. “I also want to know you better.”
“I was recruited after I won a Taekwondo competition.”
You tilt your head. “Just that? Why this Company anyway? Why not the police, or army?”
“I saw Namjoon-Hyung in the briefing.”
“Ah, you mean that tall clumsy man who has feelings for that female agent?”
Jungkook laughs at your description. “Well, first of all: even if he is that clumsy, he is maybe the most elite agent in this Company. That guy is a genius. And secondly: how do you even know about them?”
You shrug, casually rotating your chair. “Just a hunch. They have the I-want-to-kill-you attitude with I-also-want-to-rip-your-clothes-apart-in-a-sexual-way eyes whenever they’re together. So yeah, it’s not that hard to figure it out.”
His laughs don’t stop as he throws his head back and almost knocks the back of his head in the process. You’ve never heard him laughing this much before, and it is captivating. He brings his hand to wipe tears from his eyes. “Well, they’re dating now.”
You widen your eyes. “What? I thought you can’t date a colleague or another agent in this Company. You know, since the incident with Jin’s wife.”
“Well, there’s actually no rule about it though.” He furrows his eyebrow and looks at you quizzically. “I didn’t know that you know her. It happened before you’re here, right?”
“Yes, she is my senior in med school. So, yeah, I know her. We’re kinda close.” You smile as you look at the window, gazing to the buildings lay in front of you.
He hums and turns his head to where Jin sat before. “Jin-Hyung never talks about you.”
You give a bitter laugh. “Has he ever talked about her for real? Nope. And besides, I think he hates me because of what happened with his wife. Well, that’s not my business.” You turn the chair to face him. “So, do you regret working in this Company?”
Jungkook smiles and turns back to the laptop, typing the report again. “Not at all. I love working here.”
A smile beams on your face too. “I know right? It’s such a pity that I have to leave this Company soon.”
His fingers pause and he turns slowly to you. “Ar-are you leaving?”
“Yeah. My rotation is over soon. Time does fly fast, doesn’t it? It’s just like yesterday was my first day working here.”
Jungkook swallows dryly. “So where will you be working after this?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t chosen yet. Maybe I should try the posting in Australia?” Out of your sight, Jungkook tightens his hands into fists and puts them under the table. “I am gonna miss teasing you, Kook.”
Jungkook rises up from his chair suddenly, eyes facing the window. “I am gonna report to the other agents. You should double-check the report, now I’ve finished it. I’ll be right back.” He walks away from your spots at the conference table and out the door, not even glancing at you once.
You look at the door with confusion. Did I just say something wrong?
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Hoseok is puzzled. Why in the world was he stuck with cleaning the trashed office? He even cleans up the problematic cadaver’s heart alone, but not without a lot of yelling and curses leaving his mouth. Yoongi is probably checking the security footage again. Jin is reporting to the higher-ups, Jungkook stays with you. And Jimin and Taehyung? They’re supposed to help him clean the office, only God knows where the hell they are.
He props his chin on the end of his broomhandle. The room is cleaner than before. He laughs bitterly. Well at least there’s no glass shards on the floor and an organ speared on someone’s desk.
His mind wanders to what Jiseok said to him before.
“Did you just think you can stop The Black by locking me here?”
Hoseok shivers. Does it really mean he has an accomplice out there? Sure, Jiseok is manipulative, but Jiseok was serious about what he said.
Hoseok sighs. There has to be something in the hall yesterday, or someone.
"Hyung. What should I do to help?" Jimin pokes his head around the door.
"How's Y/N?" Hoseok points with his elbow to another broom in the corner of the room, which Jimin takes right away.
"She's fine. She's with Jungkook right now." Jimin steps gingerly around the mess and begins sweeping the floor. "They are just so adorable together."
Hoseok laughs and plops in a chair, moving it closer to the desk with his feet. "I know, right? It's just a pity that we can’t see them together."
Jimin stomps over to him and widens his eyes. "What do you mean? Of course they’ll end up together, why wouldn't they?"
Hoseok shrugs. "Jungkook's gonna need a huge push for him to accept his own feelings and tell her. I just can't see it happening."
"Hyung, trust me. He'll tell her his feelings and they’ll date each other. Happy ending."
"Even a man like you gets scared of telling a girl that you like her. How long has it been? Ten years? No, it is longer than that, isn't it?" Hoseok asks Jimin mischievously.
Jimin pouts, a blush forming in his cheeks. "Jungkook's situation is different from mine. Just stop bringing it up! I'm telling you, Jungkook will date her."
“What are you talking about?” Taehyung asks as he casually enters the room.
“Jimin keeps telling me that Jungkook will date Y/N soon.” Hoseok rolls his eyes and tosses his broom to Taehyung.
Taehyung catches it quickly, but just puts it on the corner. He had no intention to clean the room. “Meh, I doubt it. Jungkook doesn’t even realize that he likes her. I’m starting to pity Y/N a bit. Oh let me correct, I’m starting to pity both of them.”
Hoseok laughs loudly. “See? Even Taehyung can’t see it happening.”
Jimin sighs, but he still hasn’t given up yet. He is sure about it. "Wanna bet?"
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“You all should go home.”
Everyone in the meeting room looks up from the briefing packets in front of them. Your eyes widen at the sudden announcement from a fifty-something man who just barged into the room. Jimin, who had been cut off mid-sentence by the newcomer, flaps his mouth wordlessly. Why was the newcomer spouting nonsense to you and the other agents?
“But, Mr. Lee…” Jimin pleads.
Lee shoots him another glare. “You’ve done enough. You can go home now.”
You look around the meeting room. All of the agents are avoiding your gaze. No one wants to talk some sense into the man. What is this? You look back at the man in the suit in front of you. “If this is about the threat, I’m fine with it. I’ll still finish the report.”
Lee’s eyes dart to you, he has an intimidating aura coming from him. You can’t help to step backwards a little. “We’ll send Chanyeol and Wendy to the police in a few hours. Since they admitted that they killed Baekho, they’ll be under arrest for murder.”
You gulp and gather all of your courage to open your mouth. “But, Baekho was killed before that. If you give me some time to finish the report…”
“There’ll be no need for that, especially since the victim’s body is destroyed. There’s no evidence.” Lee steps forward to you. “And shouldn’t you work under Sehun’s supervision? Why are you working alone?”
“But…” you want to protest, instead Hoseok’s hand grabs your arm softly, stopping you from saying more. You bite your lips in frustration. This is just so unfair. Lee, the Boss, knows that it’s not the truth, yet he still proceeds with it.
After the Boss leaves the room, the room is still silent. You can see the look in their eyes that they don’t like it a bit, but they simply do nothing. And it only makes you madder.
In fact, you’re disappointed.
You scoff and begin to gather all of your stuff. “This is all just so fucked up.”
“Sorry, Y/N,” Jin says warily. “The higher-ups thought that it would be better like this.”
You sigh. Holding your stuff in your tiny arms, you exit the meeting room quickly, not bothering to reply to them. You’re so mad at them, mad at the boss, mad at yourself. You’re so mad that you want to cry in despair. This is so unfair.
You push the elevator button quickly and wait for it to arrive. You control your breath, trying to hold back your tears. You don’t want to cry here. You shouldn’t cry here.
You hate it. This is not the reason you chose this field. You should do something, but the fact you can do absolutely nothing is frustrating to you.
Rapid footsteps on the tile sound behind you. “Y/N...” You don’t need to turn around to face him. You know his voice too well, he’s your favorite person in this Company, but you don’t really want to see him right now. “Are you walking home? Let me give you a ride.”
“I can walk by myself,” you hiss. You do know that this is not his fault, he’s just a mere field agent after all, but you’d want him to do the right thing. Or at least, be at your side, not on the side of some man in a suit who’s just barged out of nowhere.
Jungkook sighs. He knows that you’re as stubborn as him, but still he doesn’t want to back away. Somehow, he just can’t leave you alone like this. “Please? You’re too tired anyway.”
Well, he’s not wrong. You barely slept or ate anything since the incident; your body is in pain. Sure, a ride won’t be a bad idea. You’re too tired to fight for your pride. “Fine.” 
As the elevator’s door opens, Jungkook follows you inside the elevator, snatching your reports and laptop from your hands. You are going to stop by your office to get your bag. You hesitate at first, but since your apartment’s keys are in your bag, there’s no other way.
When you arrive at your floor, you gulp. Is this a bad idea? Your heart beats faster and your hands turn clammy. You take a few deep breaths but still you feel afraid. The memory of the trashed office is fresh in your head, making you nauseous, making your hands tremble. Even the floor’s usual silence turns eerie.
Sensing your hesitation, Jungkook grabs your hand softly, guiding you out of the elevator. He walks in front of you with your hand in his. Even when you arrive in your office, he doesn’t let your hand go. His thumb draws soothing circles over your bandaged skin, slowly and carefully. No word escapes from his lips, no verbal reassurance.
Just his touch.
His warmth.
Only when both of you stop by your desk, he releases your hand. Jungkook packs your laptop in your bag quickly and slings it over his shoulder, then tidies the other reports on your desk. “Is this all?” 
You nod weakly and he takes your hand again in his. The two of you leave  your office as quietly as you entered.
His hand still holds yours when you’re back in the elevator, going down to the carpark in the basement. The only thing you can hear is your own breathing, as it quickens with your troubled mind. You’re too busy concentrating on yourself, you can’t see how Jungkook looks at you with worry. How his hand tightens every time you take a deep breath.
He finally lets go of your hand when you sit in his car, putting on your seatbelt carefully, like you’re just a little frail kid, like a fragile glass in a high table, sitting on the corner.
The car ride is also silent and feels longer than your usual car ride, well, taxi ride. You don’t have a car, so you go to work by bus or sometimes you walk, if you need exercise. There’s just a handful of occasions when you’ve been too tired to walk or take a bus, and you’d take a taxi. It’s more expensive, of course, and if you take a taxi any more often than that, your residency salary won’t leave you with a lot of money.
Again, you don’t notice how Jungkook keeps stealing glances at you, too busy with your own thoughts. You don’t notice how his fingers flutter as if to reach your hand sitting on your thigh, too busy looking at the window.
And just like that, you arrive outside your apartment.
Jungkook unbuckles your seatbelt quickly and exits the car to run around to your side. With your laptop bag on his hand, he hesitantly starts to give it to you, but then he rethinks and takes it back again. “Let me bring it to your door.”
The energy in your body is draining, you don’t bother to protest again. You just walk to the building with Jungkook tails after you. And after two flights of stairs, you arrive in front of your door, sending a tired smile to him. “Thank you, Kook.”
Jungkook sighs and scratches his neck, nervously he opens his mouth, “I’m sorry again, Y/N.”
Taking the bag from him, you shake your head. “That’s fine. You should go.”
“You need plenty of rest. I’ve already asked Sehun to give you some days off.” Just when you want to protest again, he interrupts. “It’s an order. Please, just rest.”
Sighing, you rummage your bag to find your keys. “Okay. Thank you, Kook. Have a safe trip back.”
And just like that you leave him alone in front of your door. Jungkook is frozen on the other side of your closed front door, looking at your apartment. He clenches his fist tightly until his knuckles turn white. Your tired face, your passion for your work-- he just can’t get them out of his mind.
His stomach wrenches. Not only has he brought you into danger, and got you hurt physically, now he’s worried that he’s hurt you emotionally.
He sees it in your eyes, how disappointed you are in him, in the other agents. How sad you are that you can’t do anything. How weak and useless you feel when you walk back to your apartment.
It somehow hurts him too. He doesn’t know why his heart keeps aching today, how it aches harder when he sees you, how it aches again right now. He can hear your sobbing even from outside and it makes his heart drop to the ground.
Jungkook raises his hand to knock on your door, but before he does it, he pulls it back to his side. He turns his back to your door and walks away, thinking that you may need alone time.
But that thought simply vanishes as he sits in his car. It’s his own car that he bought with his savings, his car that he cherishes the most, his car that he always washes every three days even when he is tired, but now, his own car smells like you.
And it just makes him miss you even more.
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It’s Monday.
Your phone ran out of juice last night and it had been dead all night. It gave you an opportunity to sleep better without disturbance, but still you can’t feel refreshed no matter how long you sleep. It just annoys you, even though you slept right away after you cried your eyes out last night.
There’s a lot of ringing after you plug your phone into the power socket. 
Sehun 8 new message(s), 17 missed call(s)
Sejeong 2 new message(s)
Jungkook 1 new message
You automatically sit up on your bed, scrolling through the message to look at the message from Jungkook. A tiny part inside your heart wants to check Jungkook’s message first, but there’s also a part inside that is still mad at him. So you decide to check on Sehun’s messages since it can be about work anyway.
Sehun 10.29 pm: Yah. are you okay?
Sehun 10.30 pm: JK told me about what happened. I’m sorry.
Sehun 11.12 pm: Please call me back T_T
Sehun 11.53 pm: why are you ignoring my calls? T_T are you mad at me? T_T
Sehun 00.43 am: are you sleeping?
Sehun 01.03 am: fine. Also you don’t need to come for today.
Sehun 01.05 am:  you should take some days off.
Sehun 01.05 am: just please call me whenever you read this.
 Sejeong 00.13 am: Unnie! T_T Sehun told me what happened. I hope you’re doing okay. I am so thankful for what you did for us. Let’s have dinner sometime T_T
Sejeong 00.29 am: Also please answer his calls, he’s worried. I’m also worried T_T
You smile at your phone. You’ve always known that he is a sweet guy, but why is Sehun so overreacting? Not to mention his girlfriend who you’ve only met twice, Sejeong, the sweetest girl, is also doing the same thing as her boyfriend. Right after you first met her, you just clicked so much with Sejeong. She’s like a little sister to you. And you’re glad they found each other. At least, you still have both of them on your side.
The smile on your face falls when you accidentally open the message from Jungkook.
Jungkook 07.27 am: I hung some food on your door. Heat it up first. -JK
You raise an eyebrow and walk to the door. Your jaw drops as you find a paper bag on the handle. You take it and set it on the counter in your kitchen, opening it slowly to find a bowl of Gukbap.
It’s weird how it sends a warm feeling in your heart. Still, you can’t shake a thought of why’d he do it. Guilty? 
You pour the bowl into a pot and put it on the stove. You walk back to your room to call Sehun while you’re waiting for the food to heat it up.
It only takes two rings for him to answer, “Y/N?”
“Hey. where are you?”
Sehun sighs. “I am at the Company. The office looks so bad still, I can’t imagine what you saw yesterday.”
You scoff. “Don’t you even try to imagine it.”
“Anyway, are you okay? Did you get hurt?”
“I am fine. I got a few cuts on my hands, but that’s fine.”
You hear rummaging from the other end. “Wait, turn your video on. I need to see your wounds.”
You sigh and you turn your phone call into a video call. “Is this even necessary? There,” you say as you point the camera to one of your hands.
“Fuck, a few cuts my ass. They’re all over your hands!!”
You turn it back to voice call. “They’re not deep. It’s fine! Talk to you later. Thanks for the day off.”
You hang up on him before he says anything else and head to the kitchen, getting the warm food from the stove. There’s no need for you to put it into another bowl. It’s easier and more efficient that way, by any means, fewer dishes to wash. The only thing that you have to be cautious about is that you could get burned. But still, eating from a pot has a different feel to it.
You take a big spoonful of the gukbap and blow on it, making it less hot, and eat it slowly. This is what you love about gukbap, how it is easy to eat and digest. And just when it goes straight to your stomach, the warmth fills you right away.
The warmth is familiar.
You sigh. Why is Jungkook doing this? 
Your reverie is broken by a ring from your room, indicating a message. You lay your spoon on the table and walk back to the room. When you spot the phone, you look at the screen quizzically.
Jungkook 11.23 am hope you had a good sleep. And again I’m sorry-jk
You throw your phone to the bed and ball your hands into fists. He’s just feeling guilty, he’s just sorry. You should know better. There’s no way Jungkook suddenly cares for you. You should know that, but why do you feel disappointed? Why does your heart ache so much? 
You rush back to the kitchen. The gukbap is still steamy in the pot. It is one of your favorite foods but right now, you dislike it the most. The delicious smell has turned into a nauseating one. The taste of the broth lingers stubbornly on your tongue, even though you try to wash it away by drinking a lot of water.
A little part of your brain wants to throw the food away but a bigger part in your heart stops it. Your brain wants you to stop hoping that something’s gonna happen with both of you, to recognize that he’s just playing with your feelings. But instead, the feelings just grow stronger, hanging on your feet, not letting you go.
And just like that, you’re back sitting on your table, looking at the steamy pot in front of you with tears in your eyes. Slowly, you begin to pick up your spoon and devour the gukbap quickly, trying to trust your feelings again. You don’t care if you get burned right now, you’ll just have to worry about it afterwards.
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There’s nothing.
Jungkook lays on the bed and just stares up at the white ceiling after checking his phone for a millionth time. He sneaks another peek at the screen and he finds nothing.
Why doesn't she reply to me?
Jungkook lets out a deep sigh, a loud one that makes the man beside him stir in his sleep.
“You know, when you told me that you wanted to crash at my apartment, I thought it’s gonna be a silent one,” Yoongi grumbles. “And what’s with that phone?”
Jungkook bites his lips. “Nothing.”
Yoongi sits up and squints his eyes to Jungkook. “Come on! Just spill it.”
“It’s nothing!” Jungkook stands and walks to the glass window. After all of the team were sent home yesterday, he decided to stay in Yoongi’s apartment. He didn’t tell Yoongi the reason, he didn’t even want to admit to himself that it’s because Yoongi’s apartment is closer to your apartment.
The sunset sky turns red. It’s almost twenty four hours since Jungkook saw you, yet he still thinks about your face, especially the expression he saw your wear in front of your apartment. The one that makes his heart drop to the ground whenever he remembers.
He couldn’t unsee it.
It sticks in his mind like a stubborn pieces of gum.
“Fine. suit yourself.” Yoongi sighs and scratches his head lazily. “By the way, I don’t have any food here. Let’s have dinner outside.”
“I’m even okay with instant noodles, Hyung. Let’s just eat here.”
Yoongi snorts as he walks to the bathroom. “You should open all of my cabinets! There’s literally nothing here,” his voice echoes from the bathroom along with the sound of trickling water. “Lamb skewers?”
“Fine.” Jungkook answers lazily. He takes his phone again and sighs when he sees nothing there. Again. He takes a deep sigh again and puts his phone in his pocket. “Shouldn’t your apartment be filled with some food at least now? You have slept here for a month!”
“Been busy.” Yoongi looks at the younger man with a faint smile on his face. Jungkook looks miserable? Troubled? He doesn’t know what to name it. But Yoongi decides, he can’t leave Jungkook alone right now. “Alright kid, let’s go have some drinks too.”
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You’re always a working woman. Even in your college days, there was only a little amount of time that you spent in your dorm, and that only involved sleeping and taking a bath. The rest of your time you spent in the lab, library, and some club activities. There were even times you didn’t come home at all, too busy making the reports which made you fall asleep in the lab. It happened so often to the point of you even kept some spare clothes and your toiletries inside your locker. The only thing you loved about your dorm was the feeling of your tired body when it touched your bed.
That’s why when you’ve spent more than twenty-four hours inside of your own apartment, you’re getting anxious. But there’s no way you could go back to the Company at such an hour, especially not after yesterday. You just need to do something to take your mind off the recent disaster.
You decide to go shopping, your second favorite thing to do. Grocery shopping to be exact. You love how you can spend hours there, just walking from one aisle to  another aisle, reading ingredients in the shampoo rack, calculating which tissue roll is the cheapest out of there, testing every sample in the food area, and observing the other people shopping for their monthly groceries. Plus, there’s no food in your apartment anyway. It’s just a perfect time.
A perfect time to take your mind off of Jungkook.
Although, after a couple of hours of shopping, several bags of groceries, and slightly pained hands, you still can’t wipe the man in question out of your head. 
Especially when you see him in front of your door when you come home. The grocery bags drop to the floor with a rustle.
You shake your head and blink your eyes several times, thinking that you’re seeing things, but you still find him sitting in front of your door.
“Jungkook?” you call cautiously.
His head perks up to see you. “Y/N?” Jungkook smiles widely as he stands up clumsily and pulls you into his chest. “Where have you been? I was worried sick.”
You freeze with the sudden hug. “Wha-What are you doing here?” you struggle to break free from him, and when you see his eyes, your eyebrows purse together in a frown. “Are you drunk?”
Jungkook giggles and tries to hug you again. “Maybe a little..”
“Kook! Are you okay? You want me to call the others?” You hold his hands midair, stopping him from touching you. A door creaks open behind you, and you turn your head. You nod politely to the old man, your neighbor, who is glaring at you from his doorway. Mr. Baek always gets upset about the slightest noise in the hallway. You swallow hard. “Alright, let’s go inside first.”
Just after the door closes, Jungkook hugs you again, making it hard for you to walk. “Will you let me go first? I need to take care of my groceries, otherwise my ice cream will melt.”
Jungkook lets you go with a pout on his face. He leans against the white wall, his eyes never leaving your figure, as you unload the paper bag on the kitchen table. “You know, when I met you for the first time.. You kinda smelled like an ice cream cone.”
Your head tips toward him a little, and then you give your attention back to the groceries in front of you, ignoring his antics. Good thing that you bought a little more than you needed, just enough to distract you from him, several packs of instant noodles, canned hams, some eggs, dried laver, milk, cereal, beers, canned coffees, and some vegetables. And a pint of chocolate ice cream.
“Yes, you smelled like chocolate ice cream. Did you know that chocolate is my favorite flavor? Well, not really, I love mint chocolate more. Oh, Namjoon-hyung and Jin-hyung really hate that flavor, they always say that it tastes like a toothpaste. Like why do they know in the first place they taste toothpaste?” Jungkook giggles.
“What do you want to say, Jungkook?” You walk over to him with your arms crossed in front of your chest.
“What I want to say is, I also love chocolate ice cream but strawberry is a good flavor too. Oh also you just smell different now, are you changing your shampoo or perfume or something? I don’t mean it’s bad, but it’s jus-”
“Why are you here?”
He blinks his eyes several times, a little surprised with the sudden interruption. “I-I don’t know. I think I just wanted to see you.”
Your heart suddenly beats faster. He is mere inches in front of you. You can faintly hear his breathing. “Why?”
Jungkook sighs and scratches the back of his neck. “I think I just want to apologize.”
You look into his eyes, still red from the alcohol-- God knows how much he drank before he came here. “That’s okay.”
You step back but he grabs your wrist tightly, not letting you walk away. “I know you’re still mad at me.”
Raising your eyebrow, you look at him quizzically. “I’m not.”
“Yes, you are.” His grip turns tighter, eyes bored into you. “Why don't you reply to my messages then?”
“I’m not mad at you, Jungkook.” You try to brush him away, but you can’t release yourself from his grip.
He turns around with you still in his arms, trapping you against the wall, sending a sudden pain through your back. He looks straight into your eyes. “Yes, you are. What can I do to make you forgive me?”
You sigh in frustration, “Again, I am not mad at you.”
“You like me, don’t you?”
A sudden heat rushes to your cheeks as your heart beats faster, like you’ve been caught doing something bad. “Wh-what?” 
He pouts, “so, if I give myself to you, you’ll forgive me right?”
“What? What are you talking abo-”
Your lips are silenced with his lips on yours. He kisses you hungrily, fast, taking your breath away. His tongue swipes over your lower lip, asking for entrance, but you keep your lips closed. You simply freeze, not knowing what to do, how to respond. Jungkook on the other hand, senses it and moves his lips to your neck. “You want me, don’t you?”
Of course you want him. But not like this.
Not when he’s this drunk.
Not when he thinks of it as a redemption.
Not when he doesn’t love you the same way you love him.
“Kook, stop it.” Tears start trickling from your eyes. You try to push him away, but he’s stronger than you, he doesn’t even budge. And so you slap him on the cheek as hard as you can. “Stop it.”
Jungkook finally stops and looks at your face. His eyes widen when he sees you slump to the floor, your shoulders shaking. “Y/N? I’m so sor-” He reaches down to you, but you flinch at his touch.
“Just go.” You barely see him through the haze of your tears. Your hand trembles from slapping him; you try to stop it by hugging yourself. Your heart aches, you’re almost sure it broke into pieces. You feel humiliated. You feel sad. You’re confused. You gather your strength to open your mouth. “Please just go.” you whisper in between sobs.
“Y/N…” his eyes turn panic, realizing the enormity of what he’s done.
Jungkook bites his lips and steps back from you. He’s unsure whether it’s right to leave you alone, but he knows he shouldn’t be here. “I’ll be going then. I’ll call you tomorrow okay? Let’s make sense of this when you’ve collected yourself and I’m sober. Okay?”
Your eyes are still flooded with tears and you turn your head away from him, not wanting to see him at the moment. And when you hear the door close behind you, the grief breaks over you even more heavily.
Jungkook is a jerk, he never liked you.
You should hate him.
You give a light hit on your chest, where the pain is the worst. See? That’s for trusting your feelings without giving it much thought. You hit it again, hoping that you can turn your feelings into hatred.
But in fact, you can’t hate him. You still love him.
You just can’t control it. It just grows so fast, like a fire in a dry forest. Everything he did and everything you did, are like winds blowing to the fire, letting it spread wider and wider. And one thing for sure, it burned you.
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231 notes · View notes
Safe Haven, part 1
(this is the continuation of 12C!)
12C: Part 1 |  Part 2 |  Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |  Part 6 |   Part 7 |   Part 8 |   Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 |
Tag List: @deluxewhump @whumpinggrounds @yet-another-heathen   @its-mysweetlittlesecret-blog  @killtheprotagonist @kixngiggles
Content Warnings:  immortal whumpee, lady whumpee, references to captivity and lab whump, malnutrition, dehydration, exhaustion, escape, caretaking, implied trauma, implied nudity
Author’s Notes: I really really hope you guys enjoy this one...I hope it’s as cathartic to read as it was to write. :)
I decided to start this next bit under a new title. The parts for the last one were getting excessive, and also this way even if my plans for the rest of it don’t work out, 12C is a complete thought.
As for the ‘escape plan’, I had more details of it in my mind but as I was writing it they felt...boring? So I cut the crap and kept it simple. Just trust that there was a plan and I’m just not a good enough writer to make it interesting. Besides, I wanted to get to the cute shit. :))
“You’re sure you know the plan?”
“And...you’re sure you’re strong enough?”
“...I have to be.”
“That isn’t a yes.”
A huff lacking any real frustration. “Yes, Liv.”
“Okay. Two nights from now. Hang in there.”
The wheels of Liv’s cart are loud as they roll down the empty hallway, muffling out her sneakered footsteps. The sound also muffles her half-full water bottle falling from one of the shelves with a smack, and even if it weren’t for the cart, she’s got her headphones on, music turned up loud.
Liv comes to a stop at the door to the storage room. It’s unlocked, like always. She holds the door open with one hand and pushes her cart in halfway with the other. It’s then that she ‘notices’ her bottle down the hall, several yards away. Frustrated, she leaves the cart where it is and trudges to go pick it up.
When she returns, she only spends a couple of minutes in the storage room, restocking a few cleaning supplies so she won’t have to tomorrow. As she leaves the room and continues down the hall, she gives no indication that her cart has suddenly become heavier.
She gets into the elevator and heads upstairs to finish her final tasks of the night. This includes disposing of the garbage and hazardous waste she’s gathered throughout the night, putting utensils in a machine to be sanitized, and dumping linens from a hamper down a chute into a laundry room.
“Curl up tight,” she whispers as she tips the hamper. There’s a soft thud as more than just sheets and towels slide down the chute.
Liv finishes putting her things away, puts the papers from her clipboard in a file folder outside her manager’s door, uses the bathroom, and finally clocks out and heads to the parking garage. Calm, collected, seemingly lost in her music.
Heart pounding. Thoughts racing. Hopeful and terrified.
Her old but beloved little car sits alone on this floor of the dimly lit concrete garage. She throws her things into the passenger side before sitting heavily with a sigh in the driver’s seat. After a moment she turns on the car and begins the winding path up towards the exit.
As she rounds a bend she slows down a little...and remains slow for several moments until she hears her back door open and shut and a rustling as someone lies across the seat and burrows under a waiting blanket. She picks up her speed again, rolling down her window so she can swipe her ID card to get out.
Liv drives into the dark of night. It’s just past two in the morning, the roads empty, the traffic lights in town all blinking yellow. From the back seat she can hear weak, muffled breaths. When she looks at her rearview mirror, she can just make out the bundled heap trembling by the light of street lamps.
She waits until she’s a couple miles beyond the facility’s property before speaking, her voice hoarse from how dry her throat is.
“You okay back there?”
“...not sure,” comes Emmeline’s answer, fear and exhaustion palpable in her voice. “Do you think they saw anything?”
“If we did everything right, no...but I guess we’ll find out.”
Liv puts on an air of confident nonchalance that is so far from how she feels, but it’s for Emmeline’s sake. The risks have become so much more than a slap on the wrist. If they’re caught Liv will be fired and almost certainly arrested for theft of company ‘property’. But Emmeline...not only will she have to go back there, but she’ll be kept under such tight lock and key that any second chance of escape would be impossible, and Liv would no longer be there to even try.
This was their one shot, and all Liv can do is try to keep her panic at bay and hope they didn’t screw it up.
And take care of Emmeline, she thinks, glancing again at the mirror.
The drive home takes its predictable twenty minutes, give or take a few. Liv pulls into her spot beside a nondescript brick apartment building and shuts off her car. She closes her eyes and gives herself a moment to breathe and pull her thoughts together.
It’s quiet from the back.
“Are you awake?”
That translates to barely.
“Not much further...then you can rest…”
The weight of that statement is too much for Liv’s tired mind to truly process, but it still briefly occurs to her just how big it is, just what it means. For the first time in months, Emmeline can finally, truly rest.
She goes to the back seat and helps Emmeline to her feet. Emmeline remains resolutely wrapped from neck to ankles in the blanket. Despite it being the old, scratchy one Liv keeps in her car in case of emergency, to Emmeline it’s so much more than she’s been allowed.
Standing there barefoot in the parking lot, Emmeline slowly looks up at Liv, strands of limp, messy hair hanging around her face. The single light on the side of the building illuminates her drawn face and although she’s weak, malnourished, exhausted...there is a grateful reverence in her eyes that no matter what happens, Liv will never forget.
Liv swallows and pushes down the lump in her throat. “Come on,” she whispers, putting her arm around Emmeline’s blanket-clad shoulders and guiding her towards the door.
Her apartment is tidier than usual; Liv made sure of that, even though she’s pretty sure Emmeline won’t care. Considering where she has spent the last several months, a jail cell would seem like an upgrade. But if Liv is anything, she’s self-conscious.
Emmeline looks around, blinking blearily after having barely made it up the single flight of stairs. She’s swaying on her feet and Liv ushers her to sit on the couch before she passes out right there in the middle of the living room.
Liv is running on adrenaline and fumes at this point. It’s all too surreal, like an out of body experience. Even after long hours spent thinking and planning, she never expected to get this far. But now Emmeline is here, in her apartment, sitting on her couch. Existing outside of the lab, real and tangible.
And she needs you. Get it together.
“I know you probably want to sleep,” Liv begins. Emmeline is still looking around the room like she can’t quite believe it either. “But you haven’t eaten, so...I want to get something in you first, if that’s okay?”
“Okay,” Emmeline whispers.
Liv moves slowly to the kitchen and busies herself with preparing something light and easy: canned soup, crackers, a mug of herbal tea with honey. Like in the car, she allows herself a moment to take a few deep breaths and will her hands to stop shaking before she picks up the plastic tray and carries the food back into the living room.
Emmeline hasn’t moved an inch, not even to relax back against the couch cushions. It isn’t quite what Liv expected...but then, what did she expect? For everything to be better the moment they got here? It isn’t all going to be okay overnight, she realizes. Give her time.
“Here…” Liv sets the tray on the coffee table and sits at the edge of the couch, leaving a few inches between them, not wanting to crowd Emmeline. “Um - chicken noodle soup. Saltines. Chamomile vanilla tea.”
Emmeline blinks slowly at the items before her. “I’m not dreaming. Right?”
“I hope not. Eating canned soup in my apartment isn’t a very exciting dream.”
A faint smile appears on Emmeline’s face. “To me it is…”
Liv holds the bowl of soup while Emmeline eats small spoonfuls of it and nibbles on crackers. She only eats about half before moving on to the tea, cupping the warm mug in her hands and humming with pleasure when she takes the first sip.
“Could I - “ Emmeline begins, but stops abruptly, ducking her head and taking another sip.
“Could you…?”
“Take a shower?” she asks almost inaudibly.
“Of course you can,” Liv answers automatically. “You can have whatever you need.”
Emmeline hesitates, still so frail and uncertain. “Just that is enough...thank you…”
Strengthened by her meal, Emmeline is able to make her own way to the bathroom. Beneath the blanket she is wearing a pair of nurse’s scrubs, stolen from the laundry room at the lab just in case a glimpse of her was caught on camera, though Liv meticulously designed their plan to avoid that. She sheds the clothes and Liv bundles them and the blanket into a plastic bag to discard tomorrow.
Emmeline disappears into the bathroom and a minute later the water comes on.
Liv is left sitting on the couch, finally alone with her fears and doubts.
I can’t believe I did that…
If we get caught we’re so fucked…
Does she even want to be here?
What the hell do I do now?
She grabs the tray of dishes and hurries to the kitchen, where she actually washes them instead of pushing it off to tomorrow, just to distract herself. When that task is done too soon, she goes to change into pajamas and find something for Emmeline to wear.
She’s unfolding and refolding the clothes for the third time when the water shuts off. Just as Liv is standing to bring her the clothes, the sound of the shower curtain moving aside is followed by a cry and a loud thud.
Liv darts to the bathroom, everything else forgotten. She enters without knocking, her heart in her throat.
Emmeline is sprawled on her side on the floor, grimacing. One leg is hooked over the edge of the tub and it quickly becomes apparent that she slipped.
Not attacked. Not passed out or dead. She just fell. It’s okay. It’s okay.
At the sound of Liv entering the room, she rolls onto her back with a groan, revealing a bruise on her hip that slowly starts to heal as soon as the pressure is removed from it.
“Shit...I forgot to put the bath mat in,” Liv mutters, embarrassed. No wonder Emmeline slipped. She crouches beside her and offers her arms for Emmeline to hold onto.
“Not your fault,” Emmeline answers quietly as she slowly gets to her feet. “I got dizzy…”
The moment Emmeline is standing she sways into Liv, leaning heavily against her before her legs can give out again. Liv freezes, acutely aware of the pressure of Emmeline’s body draped against hers, soft and clean, so weary, so in need of comfort.
All of those evenings Liv spent watching her suffer, wishing she could hold her, touch her gently, stroke her hair...now she has the chance, not a camera or another soul in sight, and she can’t move, can barely think. Not when Emmeline has her head tucked against Liv’s shoulder, breathing soft breaths against her neck.
Liv reaches blindly to her side until she finds a towel hanging on a hook beside the shower. She puts enough space between them to wrap it around Emmeline’s shivering form but remains close enough to steady her. By now Emmeline looks like she might fall asleep where she stands.
“Sorry,” Emmeline whispers, her drooping gaze fixed on Liv’s shirt. “I got you wet…”
“Shh. Don’t worry about it,” Liv answers quietly. “Come on…”
She guides her the final few feet into the bedroom and helps her into soft cotton pajama pants and a t-shirt. Then she pulls back the covers - freshly washed sheets on a freshly made bed, another thing she made sure of - and motions for Emmeline to get in.
“A bed?” Emmeline breathes. She runs her fingers over the sheet with a look of wonder.
“Mmhmm,” Liv affirms, lips pressed together. She’s afraid if she opens her mouth to speak she might cry from the sudden well of emotion at finally being able to give this to Emmeline, this comfort and safety she so deserves.
Emmeline slowly lies down on the bed, letting out a long sigh of relief when her head comes to rest on the plush pillow. Liv pulls the covers over her and tucks them around her snugly. She barely resists planting a soft kiss to Emmeline’s damp hair. Barely.
“Goodnight,” she whispers.
Emmeline is already fast asleep.
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cherishingstydia · 4 years
5+1 - Five times Buddie tried to confess their newfound romantic feelings to each other and the one time someone else did it for them?
thank you for the idea! Hope you like it.
Buck took a deep breath as he looked at Eddie and Chris. These nights always cemented the fact that he’s not only in love with Eddie, but this is what he wants everyday for the rest of his life just the three of them, and maybe some more kids at some point.
Eddie is his perfect match. He really never expected to find someone and really never thought it would be a man, but he doesn’t care he just wants Eddie. Tonight’s the night, once Chris goes to bed he’s gonna rip off the bandaid...tell Eddie the truth.
Buck waited in anticipation as Eddie finished tucking Chris in. His heart was pounding, his breathing was erratic and he couldn’t sit still.
“You ok?” Eddie smiled
“Uh yeah great.”
“You sure.”
“Of course I just wanted to tell you something.”
“Ok.” Eddie said sitting next to Buck.
“Eddie I love...I love game night, but I’m not gonna make it this week...I have plans.” Buck lied, and it was a terrible lie because he definitely did not have plans.
“A date?” Eddie asked and Bucks sure Eddie looks upset.
“No, no date for me. I just I have some laundry and cleaning I need to do and that’s the only free time I’ll have this week.” Buck said. Another lie. The truth has to be easier than this.
“We can do it at your place...game night I mean. Then I can help you.” Eddie said softly.
Damnit there’s no way to say no. No way to turn down Eddie and Chris time.
“You’d do that for me.”
“Buck I’d do anything for you.” Eddie said placing his hand on Bucks thigh.
“Ok. Game night at my place.”
Eddie was nervous. Bucks coming over, but only Buck and him will be there. Chris is at a sleepover and most nights it’s just the three of them, which is actually how Eddie prefers it. This isn’t the first time he’s been in love. After Shannon he wasn’t sure how to move on and when he dated Ana he liked her, but something was off. He figured out later it was the skateboard incident and how she reacted vs how Buck reacted. That’s when he knew for sure Buck was the one.
“Hey.” Eddie smiled as Buck walked through the door.
“Hey.” Buck yawned.
“Sorry I’m so boring.” Eddie teased.
“Nah. Just tired Albert and Veronica are...really loud.”
“Why don’t they just stay at her place.”
“Oh they do.” Buck rolled his eyes.
Eddie sat next to Buck making sure he wasn’t too close, even though they’re usually so close their bodies are pressed together, but he knows if he’s too close he’ll lose his nerve.
“I uh need to use the bathroom.” Eddie said excusing himself.
You can do this. It’s not a big deal. Just say it “Buck I wanna be more than friends.” No not that “Buck I like you.” Well it’s more than like but the L word might scare Buck, even though Eddie knows he loves him. “Buck you’re hot as fuck.” Nope nope nope not that one. That sounds purely sexual, and as much as Eddie is sexually attracted to Buck that’s not all there is. It’s really all the small things about Buck and his personality that drew Eddie in. Ok straight forward. “I have romantic feelings for you.” Maybe that works. No speak from the heart.
Eddie walked out of the bathroom not confident in what he’d say, but confident it’s time to tell Buck....who is passed out asleep on the couch.
“I can wake up.” Buck yawned.
“No. I’ll get you a blanket. Lay down and get some rest.”
Buck obeyed and Eddie covered him placing a small kiss on Bucks temple. Buck didn’t seem to notice, but that’s ok it’s not their time yet.
Buck looked at Eddie from across the station and sighed. Why was it so difficult telling him. Ok he knows why because it could potentially ruin the best friendship he’s ever had, but most people think of their spouse as their best friend right? So maybe that’s why their friendship is unlike any other he’s ever had because they belong together.
There’s 5 hours of the shift left, but a wave of confidence hit Buck. He strutted over to Eddie who smiled.
“What’s up?” Eddie grinned.
“Can we talk?”
“Everything alright?”
“Yeah I uh just need to say this.” Buck said before the bell went off.
Saved by the bell...more like blocked by the bell. Buck sighed.
“We can talk later.” Eddie nodded.
Later...later will there be any confidence left?
After returning to the station Eddie stopped Buck.
“Do you wanna continue our conversation? It seemed important.”
“Eddie I...can’t remember.” Buck hated that he said that he wanted to just blurt out “I love you” but that might scare Eddie off, and that confidence from earlier had fizzled out. Today is so not the day.
Today was gonna be the day...again. Buck was coming over to make dinner. Chris had a last minute sleepover invite. Which Eddie was happy his son was so excited, and happy for some alone time with Buck, but it was scary.
Buck showed up in a tight blue shirt not only making his eyes pop but accentuating his muscles. Eddie felt guilty ogling his best friend, but when Buck looks this good it s hard not to.
“You ok?” Buck asked as he began to cook.
Eddie sat on the counter near by.
“Yeah I just. Do you ever have something you think you need to say, but you don’t know what will happen. Like it could ruin something great, but if you say it then the thing you already have could be even greater.” Eddie sighed.
“I guess I don’t know for sure, but I feel like you just go on your instincts. Do what you think is best. Trust your gut....I mean obviously You have no gut just rock hard abs, but you get it. Does that help?”
“ I think.” Eddie but his lip.
“Do you wanna talk about it? See if I can help?”
Yes. Of course we really need to talk about it.
“Uh no...it’s nothing big.” Eddie lied.
“Well I’m here anytime...really even if you ever need to call late at night to talk you can. Don’t worry if I’m asleep or not. I’ll be here...always.”
Eddie felt like his heart was doing somersaults. Buck is so perfect and caring...it’s really Bucks fault he fell in love with him. If Buck wasn’t such an amazing person, and it was just sexual attraction rather than love and sexual attraction this would a lot easier.
Ok no more hiding.
“Yeah?” Buck said with a smile that melts Eddies heart.
“I-” Eddie said before Buck cut him off.
“Sorry hold that thought I don’t want the food to burn.”
Buck returned shorty with two plates piled high full of delicious food.
“Ok so what were we talking about?” Buck asked in a serious tone.
“I was just telling you how much I appreciate you cooking for me.”
“Anytime.” Buck smiled.
And another failed attempt. Bucks totally worth it. Eddie wants to tell him, but the thought of potentially messing up their friendship is what makes it so scary. Every time he tries to tell him it’s like something always gets in his way. Is this fates way of telling him not to say anything?
Buck looked across the bar as he saw a woman practically throwing herself at Eddie....ok she was just talking, but still it made Buck feel an overwhelming wave of jealousy. A shitty bar isn’t really the place to confess your undying love, but now he feels like he has to.
Buck plopped on the chair next to Eddie. He knew it was weird l, but when he got there the words didn’t wanna come out. Not in a way that would make any sense.
“Hey Buck wanna help me carry the drinks back to our table?” Eddie smiled.
“Uh yeah.”
“So Uh why didn’t you keep talking to her. She’s pretty and seemed into you.”
“She’s not my type.”
“What is your type.”
“It’s not that I really have a type its  more a feeing....I can usually tell pretty quick by the way I feel around that person, and I wasn’t feeling it.”
So if Eddie can feel it quickly, but hasn’t said anything yet then maybe that means he’s not into Buck. He has no feelings for him. It’s unreciprocated and the pain in his chest is unbearable he almost feels like he’s at the point where he wants to cry, but he’s in so much pain he can’t.
“Buck you ok?” Eddie asked.
The words echoed through Bucks mind.
“I’m not feeling so well maybe I should go.”
“I’ll drive you home I haven’t had anything to drink yet.”
“Uh no I’ll call an Uber.” Buck said. He wanted Eddie to take him home, but maybe once he’s not around Eddie the pain will lessen. 
Hen and Karen were having everyone other for a game night. Although they had ulterior motives. Everyone was sick and tired of Buck and Eddies shit. They were either pining, moping, or gazing longingly at each other all the time.
Hen was very aware of both of their feelings considering they both confided in her. They both admitted how they keep trying to tell each other, but something kept holding them back. She wanted to say you love him he loves you now be together, but it’s not her place to be so straight forward. She tried and tried to encourage them to just be honest, but they were both too stubborn.
“Buck, Eddie can you grab the folding table out of my bedroom closet?” Hen asked earning a glare from both men.
As soon as they both entered the room hen shut the door and then pushed a chest in front of it barricading the door.
“You two need to talk...about what you keep talking to me about. The thing you both want to say. I know you know what I mean. I’ll let you out when you finally talk.” Hen said.
“Hen.” Buck groaned as he jiggled the door knob.
Eddie sat on the bed.
“Fine I’ll say it blurt it out.” Eddie let out a deep breath.
“I love you.” Buck sighed as he approached Eddie. “Like I’m in love with you. I’ve tried and tried to tell you but I can’t seem to ever get the words out.”
“Buck I’ve been trying to tell you the same thing for so long. I didn’t wanna scare you, but I love you and I can’t believe you feel it too.”
Buck practically tackled Eddie pushing him back on the bed straddling and kissing him.
Moments later Hen was knocking on the door.
“You guys good.”
“Yeah we uh talked.” Buck panted.
“Give is a few more minutes...to talk.” Eddie panted.
“Do not have sex in my room.” Hen said pushing the chest out of the way. “You’re free to come out here now.”
“Oh we aren’t gonna have sex here. When we do I wanna hear every sound I can pull from Buck. If we did it hear he might try to muffle those sounds.”
“Walking away now!” Hen said.
“Eddie should we go back to my place.” Buck whispered.
“Isn’t that rushing this a bit?”
“We don’t have to do anything I just wanna be alone with you.” Buck smiled climbing off of Eddie.
“Ok.” Eddie smiled.
When they walked out to the living room everyone applauded .
“Finally!” Maddie laughed.
“Hey uh so we’re gonna go. We kinda need to talk some more.” Eddie said.
“Thanks Hen for forcing us to admit our feelings.” Buck smiled.
“Hey I knew you both felt it you just needed a little push.” Hen smiled.
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