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dndorkdoggo · 2 years ago
O' Lily of My Valley
Glib has seen his love grow old too many times, he just wishes there was a way to keep him around.
Goodbid/Glib (3583 words) TW: Lots of Death Talk
Glib is old. Not physically, he stopped aging a millennia ago, but mentally.
He’s seen cities rise and fall, walked the streets of plague-ridden villages, and held the hands of dying soldiers who were shot in a war they never wanted to fight. He’s known the corrupt rulers who are too arrogant to fear death, the coughs of children too young to understand what it truly means to die, and young men who call out for their mother on their death bed, only to meet him. He’s buried everyone in his family, all the people he grew up with, and all of their kids several times over.
He was the first to become a God, and he was just unlucky enough to become the permanently immortal God of Death, doomed to walk Vontral alone.
Except he’s not quite alone.
Sure, there’s Callum, the insane God of Dreams, but there is also a certain half-elf mortal who gets reincarnated every 200 years, and always seems to come back with an infatuation with death.
“Those are bad for you, you know,” Glib says as he pulls his hood off his head, his brown hair falling limply in front of his deep green eyes while he steps out of the darkness from beside the man. The setting sun casts long shadows across the buildings, giving an ethereal, almost spooky look.
“So you’ve said,” the mustached man says nonchalantly. He’s leaned against a brick building in Bowenburg, watching the mostly empty streets while blowing smoke from a cigar that hangs loosely from his lips. His eyes stay transfixed on the unaware people in front of them, unbothered. He knew Glib would come to him.
The god scowls as he grabs the cigar from his mouth and puts it in his own, sliding to stand next to the taller man. The smoke fills his mouth and floods his airless lungs before he lets it slowly seep from his mouth like a dragon. “I mean it, it’ll fucking kill you,” he growls.
“Death doesn’t scare me,” he says cheekily.
“I should,” Glib says snappily. “Most people are fuckin’ terrified of me.”
“Well, I’m not most people, now am I?” he shoots back, mirth twinkling in his coal-black eyes.
For a moment, Glib considers telling him everything, the reincarnations, the old love, the lifelong relationships, all of it, but he stops. “No, no you aren’t,” he settles on instead.
“Besides,” the half-elf begins slowly, grabbing the cigar back from the god, “An early death just means eternity with you sooner.”
“Goodbid,” Glib growls, though all his previous names sit heavy on his tongue. Lawrence is always the first to come to his mind because it was the first, followed by Naethan, Plutos, and Milburn, but this time it’s Goodbid. Johnny B. Goodbid. “You’d be with me for eternity anyway, why are you fuckin’ wasting the time you have among your friends and family.”
“My family won’t talk to me no more, not since I began workin’ in your bidness,” Goodbid brushes off easily. “And Mr. Goodbid works alone, I ain’t got friends other than Death himself.”
Glib growls, but knows there’s no way to convince the half-elf. There never is. “Why are you here anyway? Aren’t your stomping grounds Riftreach and east of it?”
“Yeah, but I heard a rumor of this dope ass horse that walks the town at night.” The taller looks at him with a cheesy grin. “And I want him.”
“Her,” Glib corrects, “And you can’t be serious, you came all the way out here to try to catch a horse?”
“What? I’m a man of style and that white horse is stylin’!” Goodbid jokes. He snuffs the end of his cigar on the brick wall as the sun disappears over the horizon.
“Let me get this straight, your plan is to what? Stake out here until a pretty white pony comes prancing through town and then you are going to try and what? Catch her?” he questions, his irritation at the plan slipping into his words.
He has to admit that it does sound like something that he would do.
Every iteration of him always loved horses, and Milburn, the reincarnation before Goodbid, had a gorgeous brown and white horse that he lost on the coast just east of Bowenburg. The horse was given to him by his father the Friday before his death, so Milburn named her Friday and treated her like royalty, often better than he even treated himself, so losing her was the worst thing imaginable for him. For nearly ten full years, Milburn searched for that horse day and night, begging Glib every night to promise him that Friday hadn’t died yet and that there was still time. The search for her killed the half-elf, but the horse never did die. Well. The horse, unless she gained immortality through magical means, died sometime after Milburn, but Glib pointedly refused to check because an angry part of him would try to take his wrath out on an innocent horse who got spooked in the middle of the night and ran off.
Distantly, Glib wonders if Goodbid’s infatuation with this infamous white horse is the past echoing through him.
“Hey now,” the mustached man begins, bringing the shorter out of his train of thought, “I thought you promised me you ain’t a mind reader!”
“Goodbid,” Glib groans, using a bit of irritation to mask the fear that he would lose this reincarnation to horse hunting as well.
He laughs. “What? I think it’s an excellent plan, thank ya very much.”
The Death God levels a flat look at him before shaking his head and stepping back towards the shadows, drawing his hood up.
“She doesn’t come out until about two,” Glib explains. “You might want to sleep until then.”
Without hesitation Goodbid sits down in the alleyway with his back to the brick wall.
“What- no- I meant-” the Death God sputters.
“I ain’t gonna spend money on a bed if I’ll just have to kill the staff that sees me,” Goodbid, ever the penny pincher and hitman, reasons. “I ain’t exactly supposed to be in Bowenburg.”
“And the better option is to just sleep in the alleyway?” Glib questions, gesturing to the many ways that he could be spotted and captured.
Goodbid just smiles up at him. “But my guardian angel wouldn’t let that happen, would he?” he asks cheekily, already settling against the wall and closing his eyes.
“I’m not your fucking guardian angel!” the shorter retorts, but it doesn’t come out as hostile as he intended it to.
“Then why are you always here for me?” Goodbid questions, sleep edging into his voice.
Glib is silent for several minutes, as he watches the other’s chest rise and fall until it evens out into sleep before he answers. “Because you’ve always been here for me.”
Despite himself, the human mutters a small spell that would redirect anyone’s attention away from the alley, fulfilling his role as guardian angel as he settles against the opposite wall, alternating between watching the half-elf sleep and watching the empty streets of the college town.
A chill settles in the air after a while, causing Glib to drape his cloak over the sleeping man to keep him from shivering in his dreams before he tilts his head back and bathes in the cold air as it blows across his icy skin. He lets his eyes drift up to the sky and traces over the stars that have been named and renamed by every new generation of scholars.
He thinks about old times when he and Lawerence- no, it was Naethan then- used to star gaze. The half-elf would name the stars and constellations easily before asking Glib for their old names, and in every language the old god could think of.
He stares silently at the sky until his mind inevitably wanders into the song that seems to live within his brain.
“Lily, o’ lily of my valley won’t you stay the summer long?” he sings softly, remembering the first time he sang it to Goodbid.
“Fall leaves me tired and winter is cold without the sweet ring of your bells to keep my body warm.”
Although he had been Plutos at the time.
“Your lips are poison and your love leaves me dizzy, o’ lily of my valley, won’t you just kiss me?”
He had been so nervous to show him the words, worried he’d understand what it actually meant.
“Summer grows near, your time comes to an end, and until springtime, I can’t kiss you again.”
But Plutos was none the wiser.
“Lily, o’ lily of my valley can’t you stay this summer long?”
He had asked Glib to sing it to him whenever he was upset, like a lullaby.
“Lily, o’ lily of my valley, I will miss you while you’re gone.”
And he had it sung to him on his deathbed.
“Beautiful song,” Goodbid says groggily as he sits up, causing Glib to jump.
“Jesus!” he hisses.
“Nope, just Goodbid, but I’ll give it to ya, Mr. Death, you were pretty close,” Goodbid teases.
Glib swallows the uneasy feeling of being called “Mr. Death,” but it’s not like this Goodbid knows any better. Glib stopped telling them his name in hopes that one day he would remember on his own.
“What time is it, anyway?” the half-elf asks, stretching like a cat, the Death God’s cloak pooling in his lap as it falls off his shoulders. “Do I got time to catch a few more Z’s?”
Glib looks back to the sky, tracking the moon. “No, your internal clock was fucking spot on,” the Death God mutters. “It’s nearly 2 a.m. exactly.”
“Well, hot-diggity-dog!” he says with a manic grin. “Well, let’s get on movin’!” He stands up, straightening his clothes and mustache as he throws the cloak back over the short man.
“Mustache, do you even have a clue where you’re going?” Glib says as he steps out of the alley behind Goodbid.
“Not even a little,” he says as he weaves through the streets. “But I’m sure I’ll know it when I see it.”
“Goodbid,” Glib growls. “Tell me you actually have a-”
As if cued in by Glib’s annoyance, the sound of hooves clopping on the stone roads draws both their attention.
Before the Death God can stop him, Goodbid is racing towards the noise. The Death God follows close behind him, muttering swears in every language that he knows -which is all of them- as the tall man almost certainly runs headfirst into a guardsman on horseback.
They burst into a plaza, illuminated sparsely by floating magic lights, but standing in the center is a beautiful white horse with a long flowing mane that ends in electric green. She is larger than a normal horse and has an otherworldly calm about her. She stands patiently, white hair covering most of her eyes, before she turns and calmly trots away.
The pair stands gobsmacked for a little too long before Goodbid is back to running after her. A feeling washes over Glib that tells him something is amiss here. This horse has never allowed herself to be seen so clearly by anyone before, only flashes of white hooves and green tails trotting between streets. The fact that she let them see her leaves a funny taste in the old god’s mouth.
“Goodbid!” Glib hisses as he too runs after them. “Something isn’t right!”
“Not now, Death!” Goodbid whisper-shouts back. “We’re hot on her tail!”
Glib makes an annoyed sound but resolves to ignore his discomfort as they weave through the streets. They’re right behind her, step for step, and seemingly gaining on her, until they burst back into the open plaza from before, and the white horse is nowhere in sight.
“Damn it!” Goodbid swears. “I thought we had her!”
Glib scans the streets as he mutters, “This is probably for the best.”
Goodbid sighs dramatically. “Why can’t I have a snazzy horse?” he jokingly pouts, though Glib can spot the genuine disappointment in his face.
“Because I don’t think that was a normal horse,” Glib explains looking back up at the taller. “Trust me, something was up with her.”
“Well, now, I personally think a bounty hunter riding a ghost horse would be even cooler than a bounty hunter riding a pretty white horse-”
Their little “argument” is cut short by the sound of hooves, though this time they are moving much faster and growing louder instead of softer.
The pair look around frantically before spotting the white horse barreling at them with her head low.
“Shit, shit, shit-” Glib screams as the massive horse hooks her head between Goodbid’s legs, throwing him onto her back and biting into the Death God’s cloak, lifting him easily off the ground.
A white and green mist forms around them as the horse continues barreling forward before in a flash of white -and a wave of nausea- they are suddenly somewhere else.
It resembles a weird amalgamation of Riftreach and Bowenburg, with the sleek style of Bowenburg buildings and the layout and height of Riftreach. The streets are impossibly clean and the sky is blindingly white, bathing the entire area in the same otherworldly glow that surrounds the horse.
Glib roars in anger, more at the audacity of the animal bringing them here than the fact that they are actually here. Thick black fog begins to billow from his cloak as his skin turns ghostly transparent, revealing his skeleton. His eyes become unearthly black as a sickly grey and poisonous purple swirl around his hands, but before he can fire off any of the spells he has, the horse drops him flat on his back.
“That will not be necessary,” the horse says, her voice carrying that same ethereal calm that surrounds her.
“You fucking talk?!” he shrieks, rage still boiling in his blood.
The horse gives him a flat look. “Yes, I am Friday, the Goddess of Fate, and I can talk.”
“Friday?” Glib echoes, bewildered. He stares expectantly at the horse for answers, but she offers none. Surely this can’t be the same horse, but the name is too convenient.
Goodbid awkwardly slides off her back and helps Glib stand up before half-hiding behind him. “Ms. Friday, this ain’t some kinda punishment for trying to catch you, is it? Because I didn’t know you were a sentient horse, and I do treat my horses quite well-”
“No, Mr. Goodbid, it is no punishment, I just needed to step in to make sure what needed to happen, happened,” she says to silence his ramblings.
“And how’d you reckon that?” Goodbid asks, a naturally curious man.
“Your vanity and love for horses would surely draw you to Bowenburg if you heard of an impossible-to-catch white horse,” she explains simply.
Goodbid is silent for a long moment before nodding slowly. “Well, now, I guess there’s no use in arguin’ with a goddess of fate now is there?”
Friday laughs, though it sounds more like church bells ringing. “No, no, there is not, I know what is fated to happen so I know what has already happened.”
“Yeah, yeah, that sounds about right,” Glib sighs.
“So, what are we here for then?” Goodbid questions. “You say you brought us here to make sure fate don’t change, but I don’t see much changin’.” He gestures around them before looking more closely for seemingly the first time. “And, uh, where is ‘here’?”
The goddess shakes her head. “Walk with me,” she says simply, as she begins trotting towards a large building at the end of the street.
“Well, you heard her,” Goodbid says after a moment of vaguely confused silence before he begins to march after her, Glib reluctantly following.
“This is a place known as the Order Realm,” Friday explains. “It is much like the Death Realm that your friend there comes from.” Goodbid looks at Glib before turning his attention back to the horse. “The Primordial of Order once lived here, but was killed by their creator, the Nothing. Butinstead of letting their power be destroyed, they and their seven siblings -in their respective realms- created thrones which would distribute power to any mortal who sits in them.”
They have reached a tall white cathedral with green and grey stained glass windows. Friday easily trots up the stairs and into the building, walking towards a strange-looking chair at the far side. It’s made of metal and gears with tubes full of green liquid running up and down the sides.
“The four possible powers of Order are Fate, taken by me; Peace, taken by an older God named Vaktaan; Knowledge, taken by a man named Aldor; and Law,” she stops speaking as she reaches the throne before looking at Goodbid. “Who is meant to be claimed by you.”
“Me?” Goodbid asks, stopping nearly ten feet away from the chair. “Why me?”
Friday gets a pensive look to her face, well, as pensive as a horse can be. She looks at Glib, but only for a moment before carefully saying, “Fate works in mysterious ways, and you are fated to be with another immortal.”
“Ain’t no way an immortal would choose to be with me,” the half-elf counters. “I’m just Mr. Goodbid.”
Glib snickers at that, earning a confused look from the taller. “You have no idea, do you, Bid?”
“Mr. Death, are you telling me that you’ve been holding information back from me?” Goodbid asks, sounding more betrayed than accusatory.
Friday steps in to save Glib needing to explain. “He has only withheld information that you would discover in due time, as you have every time.”
Goodbid stares at her for a long moment. “What do you mean ‘as you have every time’?”
“Sit on the throne and everything will become clear,” she says, gesturing at the chair with her head.
“Why should I trust you?” Goodbid counters, resting his palm on the hilt of his short swords. “You’ve done nothin’ but kidnap me and my friend and talk in damn riddles.”
“Goodbid,” Glib says. “Trust her, sit on the chair.”
“I thought you had a bad feelin’ ‘bout this!” The hitman snaps back.
Glib tries to stay calm as he explains. “I had a bad feeling because you came to catch a magic horse with no plan and we were actively being led into a trap to get us here.” They hold intense eye contact for another few seconds before Glib says, “You’ve said it yourself, you aren’t afraid of death.” Another few seconds of silence before the death god growls, “Sit on the throne.”
Goodbid looks between Glib, Friday, and the chair for another few seconds before hissing, “Fine, what’s the worst that can happen?”
He walks over to the throne with a clearly fake confidence and sits down on it, crossing his arms.
For about three seconds, nothing happens, but then the gears begin turning, and the sound of metal clicking rings through the air. The liquid in the tube swirls and pumps faster before metal arms on either side of the chair clasp down onto him. The room fills with blinding white and green light.
“What the shit?!” Glib yelps, stepping forward, mind racing on ways to get the half-elf free before all the noise comes to a stop, and the metal arms slowly retract.
Sitting in the chair is still the half-elf, though his suit is now white with a green tie and pinstripes. He looks around, mildly confused, flexing his hands as he tries to adjust to the increase of power.
“I’ll leave the two of you alone,” Friday says, as she turns and begins walking towards the doors at the far end. “You’ll have much to speak of.”
“So,” Glib says, drawing his attention to him once the horse is gone. The light of recognition dances in the taller’s eyes, yet it’s different from five minutes ago. “How do you feel?”
“Glib?” he says instead.
The human’s stomach drops, and butterflies erupt, the contrasting feelings nearly knocking him off his feet.
“No,” the death god says, deep in denial as hope blooms in his chest. “No fucking way you remember.”
The half-elf grins at him, though it’s not the typical smile of his persona. It’s a genuine smile that softens his eyes in a way that makes the human’s heart speed up and time slow down. “Glib Murphy,” he says slowly, as if savoring the way the name fits in his mouth. “I remember you- well, I remember everything, but most importantly, I remember you.”
“Lawrence?” Glib says quietly. The hope spreads like fire through his veins and settles like hot coals in his hands. He wants- no- needs to lay his hands on the half-elf, but he can’t bring himself to move, as if he is afraid that if he moves too quickly, or speaks too loudly, this moment will shatter and his Lawrence will return to being “Mr. Goodbid”.
“That’s the name, Mr. Murphy.” He holds open his arms as he adds, “And I hope you’ll wear it out.”
Glib’s legs are moving before his brain comprehends it, and he crashes headlong into the taller’s open arms.
“I swear to fucking god if you die and I lose you for another two-hundred fucking years-” Glib says into Lawerence’s new white suit.
“I ain’t goin’ nowhere, Glib,” he soothes. “I’ll stay the summer long.”
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mrmanbat · 3 months ago
Some of you are going to publicly stone me for this but- Harley Quinn can’t end with poison ivy.
Listen- I love them, both as individuals and a couple, but her never going back to joker just won’t happen in the main time line.
Modern harleys character is reliant on her being in an abusive relationship with the joker. She’s a psychologist, she recognises it, and she still crawls back every time.
For character progression her having a relationship with Ivy is amazing.
But DC Comics hate any progression of any kind. They need to keep the status quo. They can’t have anything fundamental change.
Batman will always be Bruce despite the talk of passing down the mantle and the appearance of Terry. The joker will never die despite the fact that he is nothing but a man. And Jason can never have reason behind his actions bc god forbid the reader questions Batmans morals.
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nagitosstolenhand · 11 days ago
hate when people feel the need to woobify and make akaza more of a 'moral' character so they feel less guilty about liking him and writing him as a complex character. he's a murderer. he has murdered and eaten innocent people. hes not a savior or genuine outseeking protector of woman, he just doesn't kill them and expresses some semblance of disgust at douma targeting woman to kill specifically. he does have a weird set of morals unlike most of the demons (ex: him refusing to turn people into demons without their consent) but him having some semblance of morals that he abides by does not make him a justifiable person. HES CANONICALLY AN ASSHOLE AND A BAD PERSON. STOP BEING A COWARD AND LET HIM BE AN ASSHOLE.
#my post#akaza#kny akaza#hate the portrayal of akaza as like a very 'honor abiding' character. like the he only wants to fight an entirely fair undirty fight & gets#-pissed when other people dont abide by that#like. no. nooo.#this guy would ABSOLUTELY throw dirt in your eyes or aim for the dick if he got cornered. he is very much a feral fighter#he ENJOYS a 'fair fight' and seeks out opponents he thinks are on his level but his definition of a fair fight is NOT the no 'dirty tricks'#-kind#he likes a good fight to the death and whatever shit that entails because hes an adrenaline junkie and enjoys fighting#i can see him hating POSION and thinking its cowardly but thats because of a trauma response not any morals or specific ideals of his#anyways LET HIM BE AS HE ISSSSS. STOP TREATING HIM LIKE SOMETHING HE ISN'T.#HIM BEING A BAD PERSON IS INTERESTING. LET HIM BE INTERESTING. STOP MAKING HIM LESS INTERESTING CUZ YOU HAVE A GUILT COMPLEX ABT HAVING-#-FAVS THAT ARE BAD PEOPLE. PLEASEEEEE#ahem. anyways. apologies for the rant but i felt like complaining 2nite#demon slayer#demon slayer manga spoilers#just vague ones ig#akaza demon slayer#hakuji soyama#youd think a manga that has such interesting portrayals of morality and good and bad people and sympathy wouldnt have such a boring view of#-character morals. but alas#ALSO ALSO i will say im not against the akaza helping and protecting woman plot becuz its very potentially interesting but its not a canon-#-part of his character and acting like it just is is boring i feel#when a situation where he ended up doing that could be an extremely interesting exploration of his morals and amnesia and relationship to-#-humanity#and portraying it as an already innate part of his character is just boring
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br1ghtestlight · 1 year ago
i consider myself to be inherently a totally awful and irredeemable person so i relate to characters who are horrible people and never get better. but then when OTHER people say they hate those characters or call those characters bad people it feels like they're saying that about me and they also hate me and think im a bad person. this used to be more of a problem in 2019-2020 but if people say (villian character) was Bad and i dont like him bcuz he did bad things. it feels like they're saying that about me
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woodland-gremlin · 1 year ago
Ghostly Parents AU
An AU where Jason was ghost adopted after he died. His resurrection caused his ghost parent a lot of grief. First their kid was brought back to life, having to dig out of his own grave which is extremely traumatic. Second he was kidnapped by a bunch of cultists. Thirdly, said cultist dumped him in contaminated ectoplasm, giving his ecto-posioning. Fourthly they tried to brainwash him and generally treat him horribly. To say that Jason's parent was furious was putting it mildly.
Now depending on the ghostly parent the methods to get him back and how they raise him differ. There is plenty of ghost parents to choose from. There is Frostbite, who would probably just show up and ignore everyone while he treats Jason for ecto-posioning. Depending on who they were he might heal others. He would also do something to the pits just because of how dangerous they are, unknowingly single handily wrecking the League by doing so.
Fright Knight would probably challenge Ras for kidnapping his son/squire, sending him to the nightmare dimension.
Ghost Writer would force the whole League into a book of Jason's choosing forever.
Pandora would charge and seize the League, forcing them to face Amazon justice.
And that is just how they would bring him back, raising him is a totally different matter. Frostbite is pretty chill, ha, but would insist on teaching him the basics of first aide. This could lead Jason to becoming a Doctor that Alfred always wanted in the family because of how well it feeds into his protection obsession. This also leads Jason to meet "The Great One" the yetis always talk about. Whether he joins the yetis in their religion like in one of @long-live-astronerd-ghost-king 's post ( https://www.tumblr.com/long-live-astronerd-ghost-king/742150810600947712?source=share ) or tease Danny about it relentlessly is up to you.
With Fright Knight he would be a squire to him. Jason easily settles into this role because it reminds him of what he did with Batman. All he really did was trade one Dark Knight for another. Like "Afterlife" by batling_out_of_hell on Ao3. Training might kick up a notch because of the kidnapping though. This is also how he meets Danny. Since he is training under Fright Knight who is Danny's knight, this leads to some romance of a knight and his king.
Ghost Writer and Jason would get along like house on fire. They often spend their days writing and reading. Ghost Writer also is very supportive of Jason getting to finish his education. He is not so supportive of Jason's relationship with Danny. He doesn't say anything because of how happy Danny makes Jason but he certainly does not like it, at least at first.
With Pandora he originally had a small fan girl moment because she's related to Wonder Woman! He gets along great with the other Greeks, sparring and having philosophical debates. He meets Danny when he comes for his weekly tea time with Pandora, who later coos about how great they look together.
Writing of this AU:
Clipped Wings Pt. 1, Pt. 2
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orimuraa · 2 months ago
ㅤㅤ ⌇ Two shots deep and I'm getting lucky - Park Sunghoon
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꒰ 𝔖𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴 ꒱┆falling in love with a slytherin was not on your bucket list ⨾
۶ৎ slytherin!park sunghoon x fem ravenclaw!reader ┆fluff, angst┆kisses, petnames, cursing, crying┆wc 2.5k
⤷ 𝐲𝐞𝐣𝐢’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: this was requested by my 🫧 anon so i hope you enjoy!! reblogs and feedback are always appreciated ^o^
꒰ঌ ℬℴℴ𝓀𝓈𝒽ℯ𝓁𝒻 ໒꒱
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you liked to think of yourself as a smart and wise student. precisely why you were placed in the house of ravenclaw a few years ago.
you never imagined yourself getting involved with the school’s playboy, park sunghoon.
you see, sunghoon was so different from you. he was egotistical, rich, and quite snobby. but also very, very attractive.
he was a slytherin and that tells you all you need to know about him.
so how did you end up falling for him?
“y/n!!” a voice called out for you, stopping you in your tracks.
turning around, you find none other than your beloved best friend, kim sunoo.
sunoo was a sweet hufflepuff that you met on your first day here at hogwarts.
all your life, you’ve been told that you were very cold looking and hard to approach. but sunoo ignored all of that and went straight into becoming your friend.
“hi sun,” you smile, waiting for him to catch up.
“the new gossip for today is that someone saw park sunghoon making out with one of the girls in an empty broom closet,” he spills, waving around his hands as he spoke.
sunoo was very much interested with the school’s gossip whereas you couldn’t give a care for any of it.
“sun..when are you ever going to stop being so invested with other people’s lives!” you laugh, rolling your eyes playfully at your best friend.
“never!!!” he jokes before taking you by the hand and running to the hufflepuff common room.
⊱ ۫ ׅ ✧
it was currently posions class and you couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was staring at the back of your head like you had a target planted there.
turning your head, you slowly caught the gaze of..park sunghoon?….
why the hell was he looking at you?
immediately, you whip back to the front, rubbing your eyes before turning your attention back to professor snape.
“today class, we will be learning how to make the potions amortentia, also know as, the love potion,” snape says in his monotone voice.
this causes a few giggles to irrupt from behind you, making you roll your eyes.
once class was over, you make your way back to your dorms. unfortunately, there is something blocking your path. and by something, i mean someone.
“hey, woah woah woah! where are you in a rush to princess?” park sunghoon. again, what the hell does he want with you?
“don’t call me that,” you snarl, assuming this is exactly how the park sunghoon gets his reputation.
“listen, i just wanted to chat! that’s all, i swear,” he confesses, raising his hands in the air.
you’ve never been this close to him and oh god is he gorgeous. his bushy eyebrows and his moles perfectly placed around his face.
“fine, let’s at least go outside then,” you sigh, disappointed in yourself for already falling for sunghoon’s charm.
“so, why did you wanna talk to me specifically?” you ask, curious as to why the park sunghoon would even know of your existence.
“i dunno,” he says as if he’s bored before leaning forward, almost too close to you. “maybe i just want to get to know a pretty girl better.” he smirks, staring you down with those gorgeous eyes.
you don’t last very long before you’re a blushing mess and forcing yourself to look away.
“well from what i’ve heard, is that you’re not very good at sticking around. and i’m not looking for someone like that,” you say, praying that he wouldn’t notice you’re very much flustered state.
“and if i said i would be willing to stay for you?” oh god. your heart just exploded.
⊱ ۫ ׅ ✧
“aughhhh!!! i don’t know sun…he clearly stated that he’s into me but i’m just scared of being another one of his toys…” you sigh, flopping down onto the couch.
in all honesty, you wouldn't mind going out with park sunghoon. you were just scared to get tricked and end up with a broken heart.
"maybe tell him that you would like to get to know him better before starting anything serious? i mean, that's kinda the truth anyway, right?" sunoo suggests, sitting down on the couch next to you.
"yeah...maybe i'll do that..it's smarter and safer. thanks sun," you smile, knowing you could always count on sunoo.
the next day, you were thinking about all the possible scenarios that could happen with sunghoon. turns out, there are actually many negative scenarios that you could think of which made your stomach turn, not in a good way.
"hey princess! got an answer for me yet?" turning around to face reality, you mentally grow some balls, deciding to not be a chicken and just tell him now.
but god, why did he have to be so handsome!?
"o-oh...hi sunghoon.." you nervously stutter, making a mental note to beat yourself up for this later. "i actually thought about this yesterday and i think it'd be nice to get to know you...i would appreciate taking our time though and not really rush into things, y'know?" congrats! you did it!...
"wait really? you'd actually go out with me?" sunghoon perks his head up, totally losing his "cool guy" persona and quickly replacing it with a loser-like one.
"did you think i would reject you?" you fake gasp, clutching at your heart teasingly.
"no! well- sort of? i guess..i'm just used to getting an answer right away..and it's always a yes...and you were taking a lot of time so i just assumed it was a no.." cute. who knew the park sunghoon was such a loser in reality?
"well i've said yes, so when's the first date?" you tease, tilting your head to the side.
"meet me at the 3 broomsticks at 2. don't be late~" he winks, his normal attitude coming back.
sunghoon turns on his heel, walking away and leaving you with a warm and glowy feeling in your cheeks.
⊱ ۫ ׅ ✧
its been exactly 2 weeks since your first "date" with sunghoon and you've gotta say, they've been filled with fun and excitement.
turns out, sunghoon's quite a gentleman for you, making you fall for him even more.
he makes you laugh at silly things, he makes you smile so much til' your cheeks hurt, and he makes you feel understood.
of course sunoo understood you, but you meant by a romantic interest.
all of your previous relationships ended poorly because you never felt understood by your partner, resulting in bad communication.
but sunghoon, he always knew what you were feeling or what you were trying to say. he just...got you.
sunoo was over the moon when you told him things were working out with sunghoon. he's always been like your protective older brother.
he's been there for you every time another one of your shitty partners left you, always there to wipe your tears and tell you that they weren't worthy of your love.
so naturally, he was thrilled to hear that something was working out for you.
"sunoo!!! sunoo!!!!!" you exclaim, running up to him and bouncing like crazy.
"what!? jesus, calm down, you're gonna break something," he says, holding you in place.
"sunghoon asked me to the winter ball!!!" you screech, jumping again and clapping your hands out of excitement.
sunoo just blinks a couple time, fully processing your words before his eyes widen, his hand shooting up to cover his mouth.
"no way!!! really?!!?!" he gasps through his hand. you nod aggressively, giving him his answer. "then we have to find you a dress!"
⊱ ۫ ׅ ✧
"hoon!!" you shout, catching the attention of the raven haired boy. he looks up at you with a cold expression before it melts away at the sight of you.
"hi princess," he greets softly, pushing out the chair next to him so you can sit.
this was how you current situationship was with sunghoon. you were still hesitant of a relationship but you were slowly warming up to the idea every time you were with sunghoon.
you learned that he was actually a big softie once you get to know him and if he lets himself open up.
there were moments where you caught him staring at you, a gaze of admiration in his eyes, making you blush and look away.
he had an effect on you that none of your past partners did, making you more and more convinced that he was the one for you.
as you and sunghoon silently joked in the small corner of the library, 3 figures silently observed from a far.
"that bitch thinks she can steal sunghoon away from me!" jia, one of sunghoon's many crazy admirers, huffs.
"i'll just have to steal him back then," she smirks, a plan forming in her head. then, she signals for her friends to follow as they walk out of the library.
⊱ ۫ ׅ ✧
with only 3 days left until the winter ball, there's much excitement within the castle. many people are running around, trying to find a date or even just an outfit.
the owls have been dropping off suits and dresses of all kinds all day long for the students.
luckily, you and sunoo had already gone shopping together, picking out perfect outfits for the ball.
as you walked the hall, a slight hop to your step, you reach the slytherin corridor, wondering if sunghoon was in there just so you could pop in and say hi.
you hear a high pitched giggle from inside the corridor and thinking nothing of it, you open the door. immediately you regret that decision because this was not something you wanted to see.
sunghoon was kissing some girl passionately and mind you, he's never kissed you before even once!
when the girl notices your presence, you swear you see her smirk before tapping sunghoon's shoulder to say that someone's here.
he turns around but he looks different..there's something about his eyes that you can't place but you know for a fact that their not his.
especially with the way he just shrugs you off, going back to being smitten with the girl you now recognize as jia.
heartbroken, you dash out of the room, tears blurring your vision as you run to find sunoo.
"i knew i never should have trusted him sun!" you sob into his shoulder. all sunoo could do was hold you in his lap, patting your back and letting you know that nothing was your fault.
you didn't understand it all. if this was all a game, why did sunghoon stick around for so long?
just then, sunoo gasps, shaking you to look at him.
"ynnie! it wasn't him! you told me that the look in his eyes looked like he was almost soulless, right?" you nod slowly, not yet catching on.
"well! jia used a potion of amortentia on sunghoon! that potion, although making you fall in love, if it's not a true love, the eyes show no sign of it! meaning, he's being forced to love her! he's under her spell!" sunoo exclaims, pushing his hair back in shock.
"oh sunoo!! you're a genius!!" you cry, throwing your arms around him and hugging him. "but now i feel so bad for ever doubting him..." you sigh.
"you had every right to at the moment, 'kay? it was a natural reaction and now, you just need to fix it by getting sunghoon back," sunoo reassures.
so, the two of you spent the rest of the day, brewing a potion to cure sunghoon. now all you had to do was figure out how to slip it to him.
⊱ ۫ ׅ ✧
walking into the great hall, you stride over to the slytherin table and over to sunghoon. annoyingly, jia is right there, clinging onto his arms.
now that you know, you do see how soulless he looks, not his usual bright and colorful self.
"hey could you two come with me? i need to survey couples for the ball," you lie, just trying to get them away. jia reluctantly agrees, pulling sunghoon with her.
while you were distracting these two, sunoo was borrowing harry's invisibility cloak to drop in the antidote into sunghoon's drink.
once you were done, you sit back at your table, making eye contact with sunoo and sending messages through your stares.
you swiftly turn around to see sunghoon taking a sip of his drink and you smile softly to yourself, knowing he'll be back in no time.
you stand up, walking out of the great hall and to your dorm, wanting to collect your thoughts before talking to sunghoon again.
meanwhile, in the great hall, sunghoon feels like he just woke up from a dream, taking a second to process the whole situation. looking down at the weight on his arm, he sees a girl who is not his y/n.
immediately, he pulls it back, scooting away from the girl.
"sungie?" god her voice made him cringe.
"what the fuck is happening? where's y/n?" he growls, starting to lose patience with the girl.
the girl just scoffs.
"ugh, really? that bitch? she's not eve-" she's cut off by sunghoon's intense glare, like he was daring her to finish that sentence.
"don't ever talk to me or y/n ever again. got it?" he seethes, before getting up and walking away to find you.
"sunoo! where's y/n?" he asks the shorter boy, knowing that you and sunoo were best friends.
"she's probably in the library, but please let her talk, she really likes you and she's just scared to lose you," sunoo says, offering sunghoon a small smile.
thanking him, sunghoon runs off the the library to looks for you.
he finds you at the desk you and him always sat at, making his heart melt a little.
"y/n?" he calls out quietly, and louder and his voice might betray him.
your head turns around at the call of your name, your eyes widening at the source of it.
"hi sunghoon..." you smile softly, motioning for him to sit down next to you.
you fill him in on everything. jia making him fall in love with her, the kiss, and even how you felt. you felt vulnerable talking about this with someone who wasn't sunoo, but sunghoon kept quiet, listening to you attentively.
"princess i'm so sorry..i know that probably isn't enough for all you've been through, but i just want you to know that i like you so so much, and i could never dream of leaving you for anyone else, okay? i will wait forever just so you could be mine, baby," he smiles, placing his hand on yours.
"thank you," you whisper, not trusting your voice. "i really like you too sunghoon, and i want this."
"can...can i kiss you?" he asks softly, reading your expression. you smile and nod, giving him the go ahead.
and with that, he leans in slowly, capturing your lips in his.
his lips are soft against yours, moving slowly yet passionately.
you two pull away breathless, silently laughing to yourselves.
he leans his forehead against yours, kissing the tip of your nose.
"i'm so lucky to have you princess, you mean the world to me."
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𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬: @en-diaries, @k-films, @k-nets
⚘. Perm taglist: @vmpivory, @yuvany, @seozii, @pinknjm, @greentulip, @jomisu, @nxzz-skz, @ancnymcnzjy
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bumblesimagines · 10 months ago
Being Oberyn's lover
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Request: Yes or No
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs, GN!Reader
Oberyn is an infamous man for several reasons, some of which include the rumors of his usage of poison during duels and an interest in the dark arts. Posion-laced swords and dark arts aside, one of the most notable things about him is his multitude of lovers. From men to women, nobles to brothel workers, Oberyn is no stranger to sex and hardly a stranger to love. He may have a wandering eye but his heart remains fiercely loyal to his lovers/paramours and his many daughters whom he deeply cares for despite their bastard status. 
As such, it is no surprise that you catch Oberyn's eye during one of his trips with Ellaria throughout Westeros. He needs little convincing to speak to you and is as smooth as butter when he begins flirting. While he enjoys giggling maidens or blushing lords, his interest spikes when you come off as indifferent to his charm. He is a Dornishman and Dornishmen love a challenge, especially when he notices your eyes linger on him for far too long to be uninterested. 
Of course, Oberyn mentions his interest to Ellaria, for she is essentially his wife and the mother of many of his daughters. Ellaria provides her approval and encouragement, even going as far as befriending you and acting as some sort of wingwoman to her lover. You quickly put together her involvement in Oberyn's plan to woo you and while it's unusual at first, you learn that it's not so odd in Dorne. A cat-and-mouse game ensues and Oberyn's interest becomes all the more clear to others.
Oberyn's main love languages are gift-giving and physical touch, although he'll provide every other love language known to mankind. Since Oberyn's interest extends past sex, you'll be properly courted by him and this will include countless lavish gifts. He is a prince, after all, and his wealth knows little bounds. You can expect a variety of gifts, from clothes to brooches and anything you can think of. You mention wanting something? Expect that very thing sitting in your room the next day. Oberyn is also very handsy with his lovers and always has a hand on them or has them sit on his lap. He's still a prince and gentleman, however, so he will keep his hands to himself until you are comfortable enough with him. Once he has that green light, expect to find his hand resting on your waist or back, and don't be surprised if it wanders.
 You nod along to the lord as he speaks, absentmindedly listening to the conversation about lands and such. None of it really interests you as you're the thirdborn in your family and the likelihood of you ever needing to know much of what he spoke of was slim. The conversation shifts onto his children as he recalls a funny story and then begins the prodding.
"I hear you remain unwed." The Lord hums thoughtfully and strokes his beard. "We've been searching for someone to wed my second eldest-"
"My Lord," A familiar voice greets from behind and sends a welcomed jolt up your spine, unable to contain the smile before it breaks out on your face. Oberyn steps up beside you and his lips curl up in a genuine smile for you, the palm of his hand pressing soothingly against your lower back and slowly creeping to wrap his fingers around your hip. He holds eye contact, even as he speaks to the man. "I'm afraid I'll have to steal this one from you, My Lord." He simply states and without waiting for a response, he sweeps you away from the sputtering lord. 
"Oberyn," You laugh softly and send an apologetic look over your shoulder right before Oberyn leads you fully out of the room. He spins around on his heel and cups your face, his warm skin pressing against yours. His eyes lack their typical sultriness or grumpiness, instead replaced with a fond look that makes you want to look away. He leans forward and kisses you gently. 
"How are you, dearest?" 
Once Oberyn manages to convince the head of your family, you find your belongings packed and ready for Dorne. Oberyn and Ellaria show great excitement and contentment over this, talking about all the things they wish to show you and the people they want you to meet. Dorne is a hot, desert and mountain-covered region but Sunspear is a gorgeous castle surrounded by the ocean and the shadow city. Oberyn's family is welcoming, if not a bit exhausted with him, but they're still warm and kind to you. Though Doran is semi-distant at first, his children are much friendlier and happy to get to know you. After Doran and his children, Ellaria introduces you to the Sand Snakes, Oberyn's countless daughters. Their reactions vary and some are more welcoming than others but all are accepting of their father's decision to take you as a serious lover.
While eager to show you his home, Oberyn first gets you acquainted with your new bedroom and the bed. Oberyn is a versatile lover, although he enjoys being the one in control most times depending on his mood. You can expect to spend a lot of time in bed with Oberyn, and sometimes even with Ellaria. Oberyn is a giver and he'll often have you pinned beneath him until you can take no longer before peppering you with kisses and cooing gentle words in your ear. 
Oberyn is a thoughtful and dutiful lover who ensures you'll never feel left behind or cast away. However, you must be fine with sharing him with others, and even if you find this difficult at times, Ellaria will provide soothing words of advice and comfort. Oberyn will ensure to push away any worries or insecurities and he'll even encourage you to seek out your own lovers, just as long as you always return to him. 
If you are a lady, you can surely expect to fall with child soon after arriving in Dorne. Ellaria, who basically becomes your sister, tends to you and helps you through the process of pregnancy and labor. Oberyn will grow protective during this time and you'll often find him resting his hand over the bump or speaking to it. He'll ensure you are being treated with the utmost care and by the very best. Whether son or daughter, Oberyn will love his child, and the Sand Snakes will be incredibly protective of their newest sibling. 
Oberyn is one of those lovers that still courts you well into the relationship. He continues providing gifts and trying to make you swoon all over just because he feels like it. Getting with Oberyn means having a thoughtful, open-minded lover, a kind sister, and countless deadly stepdaughters willing to fight in your honor if they have to. 
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m0chis-cafe · 5 months ago
how i think pomefiore dorm members would kiss you.. ⋆⑅˚₊
word count; 1.1k
warnings; slight spoilers for their dorm chapter in vils part
characters: Vil and Epel
(i apologize to people who like rook, but i just dont really enjoy his character a bunch, nor pay attention well enough when he is in stories to write for him, no judgment to those who do. sorry again)
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vil schoenheit🧺
-is an absolute diva..
-his lips are so soft it's not even funny. especially because of all the damn lip scrubs and moisturizers he uses
-has never had chapped lips a day in his lip
-wouldn't let you kiss him on the lips or anywhere he has makeup on in public
-also very lowkey with you two to the public, he is a public figure after
-if he lets you kiss in public its just small hand kisses, or to the cheek
-in private though.. absolutely loves you to kiss his lipstick off..
-or if you helped him take off his makeup, would melt if you gave him kisses during it
-he often kisses the inside of your wrist, palm, back of your hand, a lot of your hands
-but hell also go for you forehead a lot because this man is so damn tall
-OMG actually kissing him.. magical. deadass magical
-he will not allow for anything but perfection and is super passionate about it
-every kiss feels like the first because he's so damn dramatic about it, but it's so breathtaking
-comes to you for a kiss whenever rook and epel are pissing him off and not being up to pomefiore dorm standards
-don't get me started on the literal hungry kisses he's about to give you after being pissed about losing the song and dance battle, this man was the most pissed you've ever seen him..
-but.. he could also be gentle, a majority of his energy is used on being the head of his dorm, so when he flops onto his giant-ass comfortable bed after doing all of his skincare and your just there to treat him like a normal human.. it's a pure breath of fresh air..
You awaited for Vil to return from orientation with the new freshman coming into pomefiore. Hes already so exhausted by normal day to day duties, unproperly deducted children that didn't know how to act around him yet would surely leave him in a sour mood.
as you sat in thought on his bed, the door suddenly slammed open dn closed within the same second. a very exhausted and for once slightly disheveled vil leaned his back against the door to his dorm room. two strands of hair were loose from his normal braids and sticking up from his crown that was oh so slightly angled in the wrong way that would normally send him into a spiral. his robes had.. wrickles? gods what did they do to him..
"vil? are you alright sweetheart..? you asked gently, raising from his bed to stand before him, taking his hands in yours, "I take it the freshman are a handful this year?"
he looked down at you with tired eye, leaning forward to rest his chin on your shoulder. his torso folded to your height as he wrapped his arms around your waist, sighing into your shoulder.
"those.. children.. dont know how to behave. how they got into pomefiore in the first place is beyond me, and of course, rook has already taken interest in a particular little poison apple that seems to have an energy about him that guarantees trouble. they don't know how to act, they don't treat me as the royalty I am.. they-" he rambled on into your shoulder, mumbling small curses between subject matters.
you took his face between your hands and looked into his eyes, "vil, its ok. they don't know any better yet. give them time.." you spook gently, being used to his almost instant rants as soon as he was in the privacy of his dorm room.
as he sighed and leaned into your hand, placing kisses onto your palm, he finally smiled, "your right my love.. your always right, you always know how to calm me" he regained his composure and stood, sweeping you into his arms as he carried you to his desk, setting you into his lap "would you help me remove my makeup, id like to hear about your day now poison.."
(posion,, cause the apples. u guys love me)
Epel Felmier🍎
-country bumpkin..
-IM KIDDING, I LOVE HIM.. and i am one too its ok sweetie
-his lips are a fun mix of soft and chapped, depending on if he feels like defying vil that week or not..
-also depends on what kind of a mood the other first years put him in
-actually though is so sweet to you despite being so angry towards most others with his real personality
-when hes being very sweet and calm like vil wants him to be, you make fun of him afterwards, much more so preferring his real personality
-vil hates and loves you guys together
-you keep him present and encourage him to go to pomefiore events and such, but also encourage him to act out sometimes.. which vil hates and rook finds really interesting
-would go into anaphylactic shook if you kissed him in front of anyone, especially the other 1st years
-hes too manly to be soft for you.. until yall are alone
-is actually a big baby when yall are alone
-kissing your cheeks, hand, and nose often
-he was taught by his southern family, very classy back-of-your-hand kisses
-absolutely takes you back to his hometown and gets harassed by his family if he's 'treating you right'
when epel took you and a couple of your classmates to his hometown for a festive this isn't what you were expecting.. it seemed like a year-round pumpkin patch and fall-themed village. you held onto his hand like a lifeline as the others ran around and looked at everything there was to offer while you were terrified to meet his family for the first time in person..
"is there a reason your trying to stop the blood flow from my hand, crimson?" he questioned quietly so the others didn't hear, looking concerned as you released his hand immediately and shaking it out.
"yes.. yea- yea for sure. im good." you rambled in a slight panic. everyone else seemed so calm and excited to be here, but it was just nerves, "do you.. do you think your families gonna like me?" you asked quickly.
"what?" his head snapped towards you, his bangs covering his eyes for a second as his southern accent slipped through, being home and with you made him more comfortable it being normal as he questioned you, "like you? crimson they're gonna love you more than they love me" he reassured, picking up your hand again and placing a gentle kiss to the back of it. tugging you closed to leave a small peck on your lips once he made sure no one else was looking. he held his lips at your hand mumbling while looking into your eyes, "your perfect.."
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larluce · 1 year ago
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @stalesaltinecracker cause he asked for more, and @an-entity-i-think since she made a valid question
In "Valiant"
Arthur: (Impacient and worried cause Merlin hasn't told him about Valiant's echanted shield yet) Is there something you want to tell me?
Merlin: (who decided to not tell Arthur about the shield this time around so he won't embarrased him again) No.
Arthur: I know something is bothering you.
Merlin: Nothing is bothering me.
Arthur: (hurt) Don't you trust me? (thinking) Have I not been worth of your trust again?
Merlin: Of course I trust you! Arthur, I trust you with my life!
Arthur: Then tell me what's wrong! Why were you sneaking out of Valiant's chambers yesterday?
Merlin:(cursing internally that this Arthur somehow is more observant, but still says nothing)...
Arthur: Merlin, please.
Merlin: (puzzled and touched Arthur is saying "please" to him and he finally sighs, giving up cause he always hated lying to Arthur anyway) Valiant's been cheating, he has a magic shield.
Arthur: (hiding his relief Merlin finally told him) Why do you think that?
Merlin: I saw it. The snakes coming out of his shield. Gaius thinks Valiant used them to posioned Sir Ewan. But I don't have any proof, I get if you don't believ-
Arthur: I believe you.
Merlin: ... really? But I'm just a servant, I'm not-
Arthur: (fondly, holding Merlin's hands) Don't ever say that again. You're more than a servant to me. Always.
Merlin: (getting lost into his eyes, blushing)
Merlin: (snapping out of it) Ahmm... Then what will you do?
Arthur: There's not point in bothering my father with this without proof. Now that I know what I'm getting into, I'll know what to look out for.
Merlin: (smiling confident, cause he has the spell to expose Valiant prepared) I'm sure you'll beat him up easily.
In "The Mark of Nimueh"
Merlin: (going to the cavern alone to fight the Afanc himself, a torch in hand) Arthur?
Arthur: (doing the very same thing, a torch in hand as well) Merlin?
Merlin: What are you doing here?
Arthur: I was... strolling.
Merlin: In the vaults underneath the castle?
Arthur: It's my castle. What are YOU doing here?
Merlin: I was... taking samples.
Arthur: Taking samples.
Merlin: Yeah, apparently the sickness is spreading through water. So I was taking samples to find out with Gaius what's causing it.
Arthur: The well is several meters behind, Merlin.
Merlin: Ah... I got lost.
Arthur: (rolling his eyes) Only you, Merlin. (taking Merlin by the wrist) It's not safe for you here. I'm getting you out. (starts walking)
Merlin: (trying to free from his grip) What? No! I need to-
The Afanc roars, making its appareance.
Arthur and Merlin: Shit...
In "The Gates of Avalon"
Both Morgana and Merlin looking Sophia from afar.
Morgana: Who is that?
Merlin: (kind of mad he couldn't prevent the sidhes from entering the castle again, but hiding his discontent) Sophia Tirmawr. Arthur rescued her in the woods.
Morgana: She can't stay here.
Merlin: Well, she and her father are guests in the castle now.(seeing his chance) You had a nightmare about her?
Morgana: (surprised) How do you know about my nightmares?!
Merlin: Gaius.
Morgana: Right... (sighs) You must think I'm crazy.
Merlin: I don't. I also have a bad feeling about her.
Morgana: Really?
Merlin: It just seems pretty convenient. Escaping from raiders in Tír-Mòr? A kingdom too far away to corroborate any of that story? I don't believe she is who she claims to be.
Morgana: (opening up, feeling safe and understood by Merlin) In my dream she drowned Arthur in a lake. I'm scared, Merlin. My nightmares always come true. Always!
Merlin: I already warned Arthur about her. He gave her the chambers far away from his. But I think you should talk to him about this.
Morgana: (laughs dryly) No, he won't believe me. He'll laugh at my face for sure. (thinking) And he's been too cold to me lately for some reason.
Merlin: There's no harm in trying. He might surprised you. (thinking) If this Arthur is nicer to me, he'll defenitely be nicer to her.
Morgana: Alright, I'll try.
Morgana: Arthur, I need to speak with you. It's about Sophia.
Arthur: (Who spied on her when she threatened Sophia in the hallway and still doesn't know how to feel about it) You're starting to sound like Merlin. Do you have a bad feeling about her too?
Morgana: She isn't what she seems.
Arthur: Why? What makes you say that?
Morgana: I just... have a feeling. It's difficult to describe.
Arthur: Try me.
Morgana: I had a dream. A nightmare. She drowned you in a lake. She killed you, Arthur.
Arthur: And why would that be a bad thing?
Morgana: (confused)... what?
Arthur: Don't you want me dead, Morgana?
Morgana: (horrified) No! Of course not! Why would you say that?
Arthur: (shakes his head) Nothing. Forget I said anything.
Morgana: (firmly) No. Arthur, listen to me. (holds his face and Arthur forces himself not to flinch) I don't know what's happening in that head of yours, but let me get this straight. I love you and I care for you. You're like a brother to me. I would cut all my limbs before letting anything happen to you!
Arthur: (with teary eyes, but forcing himself not to cry) You're just saying that.
Morgana: It's the truth.
Arthur: (his voice almost breaking) So you don't hate me?
Morgana: What made you think-(opens her eyes wide in fury) It was her, wasn't she? She put that idea in your head! (starts stomping out of the chambers)
Arthur: (stops her) Hey! Where are you going?
Morgana: I'm going to kill her! No, first I'm going to drag her by the hair through all the castle to let her know what happens when you mess with people's minds!
Arthur: (Shocked for a second at Morgana's thirst for blood and revenge not being drawn at him, but for him. And then he laughs, laughs and laughs)
Morgana: Why are you laughing? (starts to question his sanity, worried) Are you Okay?
Arthur: (stops laughing and smiles) Yes, I am now. Thank you.
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14buddy22 · 8 months ago
Hey if you're looking for Hotch requests, what about Hotch dealing with a crush on a non-bau sunshine reader when he's still sad after the divorce/Foyet but he's so confused by his feelings because it's been so long that he doesn't know what's going on??
Like if it's case related, maybe he thinks reader is a suspect because why else would he be so on edge around her and it's just so painfully obvious to everyone else. Idk if that makes sense but I just think Hotch being so out of touch with his emotions despite being a profiler would be funny lol
Feel free to adapt and make it your own!! Thanks!!
Thanks for your request! I hope it lives up to your expectation!
You were the best damn bartender in Quantico, Virginia. At least, that's what you thought to yourself. You made work fun. You worked in a club environment so if you wore something scandalous, flirted with the customers a bit, you were sure to bring in a hefty tip at the end of the night.
But, you loved the hustle and bustle of it. You loved the interactions, loved singing along to the bands or the good music. You loved having conversations with the locals, loved celebrating parties for kids turning 21, people getting married, or hell, people getting divorced.
Then you met who you swore is your soulmate. Something in you stilled when you were bartending. You never froze up at your job. You were good at what you do. But seeing him walk through that door, looking all handsome in a suit, he took your breath away. You watched how he interracted with the bouncer.
You watched him show his badge to your best friend. FBI. An average Joe wouldn't just waltz into your bar, you knew he was a sophisticated man.
But when he locked eyes with you, you felt like the bar had heated up 100 degrees. Making his way over to you, you were trying to calm down. What had you feeling like this?
"Hi, I'm Agent Hotchner with the Behavioral Analysis Unit for the FBI. It's my understanding from the gentleman at the front that you are the lead bartender?"
You finished making your drink for one of the locals and asked your partner to manage the bar. Luckily it was early evening and the college kids had about another hour before they started flooding in so you knew you'd be okay leaving her by herself.
"Yes, I'm Y/n Y/L/N. It's nice to meet you. How can I help you?"
You shook his hand, and you swore you both held it for longer than you both intended.
All I could think was that she was beautiful. No, no, I can't think like that. My wife, ex-wife was brutally murdered a little over a year ago. Something's different talking to her, to-Y/n. Something I haven't felt in a while but I don't know what it is.
She's a bartender. I hear she's a damn good one. Maybe that's why she's about to be the suspect in a string of murders. Men have been killed shortly after they leave this bar. Traces of posion have come back on the tox screen. Bartenders have access to the drinks and alcohol before they serve, y/n's the perfect suspect.
But she's beautiful, and I haven't seen her stop smiling at all. She has a gorgeous smile. She'd be the sunshine on the rainiest days for the men that have been murdered. Before I know it, my thoughts and feelings consumed me, I'm still holding her hand. I could feel Dave's eyes burning a hole into me.
"Have you heard about the three men murdered around town?"
"Yeah, I have. It's very unfortunate. They were great men. At least to me. They tipped well and always had friendly conversations. They also stood up for me if some men coming in here for the first time were getting a little handsy with me."
Oh how I wished I could be the one to make sure no one got handsy with her. Wait, what am I saying? She's a suspect, she doesn't know it, but she is.
"How were they killed?"
Agent Hotchner's partner spoke up to answer your question.
"They were poisoned."
Ugh, these poor men. Had to die a slow pain, they didn't deserve it. They deserved justice now.
"We just wanted to come in to see if anything unusual has happened lately."
"I've seen a lot of crime shows with my ex-boyfriends before. You're really trying to see if I did it. Which I didn't. I don't think I have the heart to kill anyone. I broke up with my last ex because he hunted and I couldn't bare the thought of killing animals."
Of course you broke up with your ex because of that. But I have a job to do and I have to investigate further. Plenty of killers have lied straight to my face before.
"We'll be in touch Ms. Y/l/n, thank you for your time."
You smiled and shook their hands one last time before you went back to working your shift. Something about Aaron caught my eye. Maybe it's the way he was blushing like a school boy. You're not sure, but he was handsome.
Just when Aaron walked into the bar, you smiled at him, offering him a drink.
"Agent Hotchner, it's good to see you again."
Your smile never waivered. Maybe you would shoot your shot with him.
I can't believe I have to do this. Arrest someone this pretty. Arrest this girl who Rossi thinks I have feelings for. What? Feelings? That's an intense word, but I have to arrest her.
"Unfortunately I'm here to place you under arrest."
I watched all the color drain from her face. I watched her smile fall so fast. But it had to be her. Rossi and the team wasn't so sure, but I have a gut feeling it's her. Of course with it being my team, they weren't going to stop me. I took her sunshine away.
"Agent Hotchner, I, I didn't do anything."
Your manager saw what was going on, he was like your work dad. He took care of you like his daughter, despite him having sons, he treated you like his princess. You heard him say say, "Y/n, I'm getting you a lawyer, do not speak. I know you didn't do this. But I'll meet you where they're taking you."
You smiled back at him, tears filling your eyes. You wanted to make everyone happy, you never wanted to hurt anyone. How are you being arrested? You didn't do anything wrong.
Your ride back in Aaron's SUV was silent. How could you think he was your soulmate? Your soulmate would never arrest you. But you were still feeling something, you couldn't explain it.
I keep looking in the rearview mirror at her. I had to trust my gut. She poisioned those men. But why do I feel so guilty arresting her. From the time we had met her, been surveillencing her, up until I placed the handcuffs on her, she had smiled. Everyone spoke highly of her. I took away her sunshine. I did that.
As you walked into an interrogation room, Aaron sat you down in the seat, then took off your hand cuffs, handcuffing one hand to the table instead.
"We'll wait for your lawyer, do you need anything?"
You couldn't even look at him. How could her. You told him you didn't do it.
As I walked out, I was greeted with Penelope. "Sir, she has nothing on her record, not even a speeding ticket. I've looked through her social media posts and everyone spoke so highly of her. Friends were making special post to thank her for being a great friend. She took care of everyone. Sir, I-I know I'm not an agent, but I just can't believe it's her."
Penelope was cut off by my phone ringing, picking it up after viewing the caller I.D.
Morgan said, "Hotch, we got the wrong girl. It's Y/n's bartending partner. I just watcher her slip something into this guy's drink. I'm bringing her in, we can cut Y/n loose. You can be happy now. Y/n's not a killer. What that gut feeling is, is your feelings that you like her Hotch. You haven't felt that since Haley. I know it's been 20 years, but trust me man. Y/n is something special, according to the track record she has. She's the opposite of a killer. She's just the type of sunshine that you and Jack need in your life."
Aaron walked in and said, "I'm sorry, there has been a huge mistake. You are free to go. It was the other bartender you worked with.
"What? There's no way. She's amazing at what she does."
Aaron shook her head and said, "One of my agents was in the bar watching the entire time, he was undercover. He watched her slip something in another man's drink."
"Oh. Well, I'm glad you got the right killer. If, if you don't mind, can one of your agents give me a ride home? I don't have my car, obviously."
You didn't know how to feel. You knew you didn't do anything, but was Agent Hotchner always going to have a doubt in his mind that you were a killer?
You got in his car, this time sitting in the front seat. A storm was coming in, you enjoyed the rain and thunder, it calmed you. You two rode in silence, when he dropped you of at your apartment, he walked you up.
When you opened your door, you turned around to thank him, instead that didn't come out.
"I told you I didn't do it, ya know?"
"I know. I know. I'm sorry. I. There's something about you, y/n. I thought you were a suspect, but you should've never been one."
As your eyes were red and filled with tears, you looked at the man who you thought was your soulmate, instead, he had ruined you. Yes, you two didn't date, yes, you didn't hook up, but there was something there.
"Well then why the hell did you do this, Aaron? Why arrest me?"
"My ex-wife passed away a year ago. I haven't had feelings for anyone in nearly 20 years. My feelings for you confused me. I didn't know what I was feeling. I didn't know what these feelings were because I've been so out of touch with them. And it took me a minute to realize that these feelings are because I didn't think you were a killer, I thought you were beautiful. I think you're beautiful. But that gut feeling was that I think. I think I've found my soulmate."
As she stepped closer to me, I watched the sunshine fill her eyes again, her smile creeping up her face. God, was she beautiful and amazing, and from her friend's testimonies who I interviewed, she was a down right amazing person. Just the absolute sunshine to be around.
You were going to kiss Aaron. You were glad he figured out his feelings. This was going to be the start of something new. You didn't know what happened to his ex, you'd find out someday. You took the chance. You placed your hands on Aaron's hips and leaned in to kiss him. You were so happy that Aaron felt the same way. How did you know this? He placed his hands on your face and kissed you back like you were the only sunshine he'd ever see again.
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tizeline · 8 months ago
Question: is your raph allergic from peanut butter? And if so how did he found out he is?
Did he ate it on breakfast and then the allergies started?
Well he is allergic to peanuts in canon, so I don't see any reason to change it, so yeah!
I don't know how exactly they figured it out, but it's mentioned in the show that Mikey likes peanut butter ("-eats peanutbutter with his fingers-") so maybe Mikey was just eating peanutbutter, Raph walks into the room and almost fucking dies lmao
On that note, Draxum made the turtles to be extra tough super soldier, right? And because of that I always headcanoned that he made them extra resistant towards posions and other damaging substances and such. So imagine Draxum's suprise when one of his creatons he specifically bio-engineered to be as tough as possible goes into anaphylactic shock from something as common as peanuts, quite the oversight on his part honestly. (After that scare Draxum starts to frantically check if his kids have any other allergies he was unaware of, because holy shit)
Side note though, I always headcanoned that the turtles (in both the AU and in canon) are lactose intolerant. Like. They're reptiles, not mammals, why would they drink milk. And sure, them being mutants mean that they don't exactly have normal turtle diets and for the most part they can eat anything that normal humans eat. But also, most mammals only drink milk while young, from my understanding we're not really "supposed" to drink milk into adulthood, humans are just weird and stubborn and kept doing it anyway XD And even then, based on my 2 seconds of research, like 60-70% of humans are lactose intolerant too. All of this is to say, the turtles are totally lactose intolerant in my mind. I don't think they get very serious symptoms or anything, callback to Draxum making them pretty tough and resistant, but they're not gonna go around drinking a bunch of milk cuz it gives them a tummy ache :(
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cherryredcheol · 14 days ago
gotta catch 'em all
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tldr: svt as pokemon gym leaders a/n: everything i know about pokemon i learned from a shitty ex.
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seungcheol: fire 
maybe it’s the leo in me recognizing the leo in him, but i just see him as so fiery. strong and unflappable he would most certainly be a fire-type gym leader. fire is a starter type, so just like him, it’s classic and stable, reliable above all else. 
companion: incineroar
jeonghan: flying
most of these pokemon are based on birds or bugs. similar to him, they may seem fragile or soft, but in reality, they are resilient and strong, especially in a team or paired with something else. 
companion: noibat
joshua: fairy
considered to be feminine and gentle, fairy types are usually beautiful. however, they can be very powerful. don’t underestimate them! like him, they may be considered decorations for aesthetics but can be handy allies. 
companion: sylveon
jun: psychic
very intelligent but a little weird, like him! these pokemon derive their power from mental ability and can be a little offputting at first. as you get to know them they endear themselves to you. jun takes a while to open up, but give him time and it’ll be worth it. 
companion: munna
soonyoung: electric
rare and special, these pokemon have few weaknesses. though many of these pokemon are small, they are mighty. they produce electricity and are incredibly fast. like him, they are dynamic and interesting. 
companion: ampharos
wonwoo: normal
they may look unassuming but don’t get it twisted, these pokemon can be powerhouses. they just need to decide they want to do that. often overlooked for flashier types, these pokemon are reliable, stable, and strong. don’t underestimate them. 
companion: eeve 
woozi: ghost
these elusive pokemon are rare, few pure ghost-type creatures exist. they live in dark places and often keep to themselves, like himself, but don’t let this fool you, they are playful and tricky. they may have a bad reputation based on assumption but don’t judge a book by its cover. 
companion: banette
seokmin: grass
so stable, like his vocals. many grass types are based on plants, not actual grass. he gives nature vibes so strongly. connected to the earth and grounded, he would absolutely be a grass type gym leader. can appear a little bit cowardly but is ultimately strong witha gentle disposition. 
companion: sunflora
mingyu: fighting
i know he’s a gentle giant and absolutely would not hurt a fly. but fighting-type pokemon are protective and strong, like gyu! their evolutions often show them getting bigger and stronger, much like we’ve seen him get bigger, stronger, and more confident as time has gone on. 
companion: hitmontop
minghao: dragon
ancestral and revered as dieties, these pokemon are hard to catch and exceedingly rare. they’re incredibly independent, like hao. he definitely gives deity vibes and desendes from royalty himself. he’s so regal and carries himself in such a way that this makes compete sense to me. 
companion: dragonair
seungkwan: poison
quick and a little toxic, these pokemon would be a great match for kwannie. this type is often forgotten or overlooked but they are resilient and strong. some posion type pokemon are depicted as ninjas, celebrating their strength and stealth. 
companion: swalot
vernon: bug
these pokemon are bright and fast, two things not necessarily associated with vernon, but these creatures like seclusion and isolation. they evolve quickly, never staying as one thing for too long. 
companion: spidops
chan: rock
these pokemon are strong, but also have the most weaknesses among any other type of pokemon. they often rely onother pokemon in battle, like channie relies on his hyungs. that’s not to say they can’t hold their own, they absolutely can, they just maybe prefer not to. 
companion: gigalith
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i-like-forcefem · 6 months ago
PURELY hypothetically speaking, how EXACTLY would you go about forcefemming a guy who’s sooo masc, like he thinks he’s the ALPHA SHIT, he thinks he pulls all the ladies and is the most manly man to ever man… and turning “him” into an adorable little girly princess :3c asking for a friend
For a hard boiled egg like this it’s very important to get her alone in an isolated location for an extended period of time! It always takes a little longer then they’ve got pride, but honestly that makes it so so much more fun when they crack
It’s a bit of a staple, but I think I’ll use my Basement, yes it’s generic, but it’s tried and true, and a girl like this isn’t a time to experiment
Getting her to the basement is usually easy enough, just invite her over for tea or something and apply a little posion of your choice that will have her immobilised, sleepy pills work, but I personally prefer it when you can see the fear in her eyes when they get fully paralysed
I always have my basement prepared for new arrivals, this means a firm lock, and plenty of hand cuffs around the walls and girly furniture for if I want to move her around
The first time she wakes up is always so important and so so fun, so I’ll pick out a good spot to tie her up, I think the plushy couch would be good for this cutie, and make sure to pick a good outfit
For a girl like this I think it’d be best to start with her in just a pair of pink panties, just being handcuffed in a hugging position with a plushy against her skin should be enough embarrassment for the wake up, I’ll also be sure to use my princess gag just to make her first impressions extra cute as she makes muffled screeches
Then I’ll wait till she wakes up, I usually monitor a camera from outside the room and wait to enter, I want her to get a feel for the room and her situation before she sees me, 2 minutes is usually enough for her to glance around the overly girly room, notice she’s tied up, and to start her muffled screams
Then I’ll calmly enter and tell her how she’s my doll now, she’ll have objections of course, being a big bugle “man”, but it’s pretty hard to do anything about your situation when tied up like that
And then I’ll play it slow
I think I can have her docile by the end of the day, dress her up in her first dress (the basement can get very cold so if she doesn’t want to wear her dress that’s fine by me, but she’ll give in by the end of the second day, and to survive that long I’ll probably get some adorable footage of her willingly snuggling up with her many many plushies, hard to think a “man” would do that)
Any food I give her will obviously have hrt inserted into it, but in this case in particular I want to try something new, next to her (estrogen filled) meals I’ll also give her some placebo pills I’ll tell her are actually hrt, and if she’s a Good Girl and takes her pills she’ll be rewarded
Obviously she’ll refuse at first, willingly taking pills is one of the hardest milestones for a girl to pass
But always giving her the option always gives me to opportunity to punish her, and to tell her just how easy it’d be if she just submitted, became my pretty little girl
Now some of the girls have a surprising amount of determination to not become happy, so this might take a while, which is why I’ll give her her hrt anyway
Since it will be so so fun to tease her for it, I could maybe even gaslight her into thinking she might be taking the pills anyway, or her body wants to become a girl so so bad that’s it’s making estrogen all on its own
You’d be surprised how much gaslighting you can get away with if you’re a persons only outside contact
So… I’ve got some plans to say the least!!! I’ve got a whole laundry list of activities we could try every week to keep it fresh (from shock collars to vibrators to bondage, to “toy” pink weightlifting products that are 10 times the weight it says on the box, I will have so much fun breaking her :3)
Now do you have any idea where this hypothetical person is? And do they prefer tea or coffee?
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luceafarul-de-dimineata · 10 months ago
May I please have Mc becoming asmodeus's fuck toy?
Maybe it's like a what in hell is bad, bad ending
Nsfw below the cut
Asmodeus used to be the most powerful demon king since he got his power equivalent to how much human lust he consumed
Which gave him a little bit of a human kink, to the point he got the prettiest humans he could find and made a harem
After the death of his wife, the other kings voted to stop allowing Asmodeus to enter the human world, which annoyed him so much he stoped talking with the rest of them.
When Asmodeus heard that the child of Solomon was wondering around hell, he was intrigued and turned on.
He would summon you withing his castle and seduce you with ease. Once he gets you into bed once, it's done. You're his
Asmodeus can make a type of posion with his blood and it leaves the victim paralysed and horny
So he'll make you a collar that will shoot that poison into you the moment you misbehave
You'd be to paralysed to crawl back to him, so he'll just pick you up and please you himself.
The only cure is his devil energy, so you have to make him cum at least once to get released
At this point you're too sore from sex to run away from him, not that the collar won't activate once more.
Demons of Abaddon have infinite stamina so Asmodeus can fuck you all day long and not need a break, at most taking a minute to change positions.
His favorite nickname is bunny. You're his little bunny, always desprate to be bred and ravaged yet so soft and small.
He's also very condecending. After overstimulating him with his cock he'll coo at
"Awwww, what is it bunny? Does it hurt down there? Don't worry, daddy will kiss it better."
He'll proceed to give you oral for an hour
Asmodeus will keep you on his lap, cockwarming him on his throne while he works on his laptop
Would make you a trophy for the nobles to fight over. Employee of the month gets the king's fucktoy for a month.
Your lust is so strong that even if another king tried to get you back from Asmodeus, they couldn't overpower him anymore
The only problem now is that you're a mortal, but he heard about this dragon fella that could help with that.
With you on his lap he is invincible. I hope you had no further embitions than being a walking fleshlight because you're not getting out anytime soon
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mochinomnoms · 11 months ago
Funfacts about PTM Characters!
Still chilling out from finishing my thesis, but I had a few fun facts about the side characters for PTM that I'd thought you'd all enjoy in the meantime! It's gonna include some of the canon characters as well as the ocs!
This includes some very minor, but not story defining, spoilers for PTM so proceed with caution! As a reminder, PTM takes place a school year after the current timeline!
Canon Characters:
Jade and Floyd made bets on who would get together with their crush first during their 3rd year. The loser has to let the winner(s) plan and execute the most humiliating way to confess. Neither twin is winning. Azul is currently winning with his bet of “neither of you will, you cowards.”
Ortho went to most of Idia's classes during his time at NRC, so he was allowed to “skip” repeating those years when becoming an official student by taking a competency exam. However, he is still staying for a year since the test only allows for core classes and not his electives. He's happy to do so, though.
Idia stayed at NRC to complete his internship with the school, much to his disappointment. He works as a Technomage Intern with the college's technology department.
The overblot cast got closer with each other and Yuu than expected over the summer due to Crowley and S.T.Y.X. requiring them to take part in a “summer camp” to monitor them and their health. Leona still hates Malleus though. Malleus is still mostly unaware of this.
Malleus still does not know how to use technology. Sebek and Yuu have a weekly call with him via a looking glass mirror that acts like a video call. Malleus enjoys it very much.
Kalim switched places with Jamil and is now vice housewarden, while Jamil is now housewarden. Neither's families were happy about this, but were shut down by Kalim being surprisingly firm about his decision. To everyone's surprise, Kalim does very well as a vice over a housewarden, though Scarabia has had significantly fewer parties since the switch.
Nearly all the clubs that had the 3rd years as captains/heads had one of the 2nd years take over into their 3rd year. Ruggie is now Spelldrive Captain, Azul is head of the Board Game Club, and the Gargoyle Studies Club is headed by Yuu. The Pop Music Club is also more formalized now, with Kalim as the head. The Science Club and Film Studies have an NPC 3rd year as heads.
Yuu isn't actually that bad at singing as everyone has (and will continue to do so) suggested. Most of the student body had classical training growing up as part of their privileged upbringing, and Yuu has to compete with that.
At least two pairs of canon characters will get together at the end! Guess who tehe.
Silas likes to eat bugs and regularly digs in the dirt behind Ramshackle to find something crunchy to munch. They did it once in front of Jamil and the poor guy screamed in horror.
Yev became the new Pomefiore housewarden due to being able to produce the best posion, as per tradition. However, he's actually quite bad at being a housewarden and his vice is the one that everyone tends to listen to.
The Salson triplets are from the TWST equivalent of Salem, and have a North easterner accent, similar to Boston I think. Wynfred and Marion mimic English, or Rosarian, accents, but Silas does not.
There are two more mermen in the school, minus the canon cast and two ocs. They aren't important to the story, but their names are Mariano De La Reyes and Benji (last name still pending). They're based off of Marina and Benjamin from the third Little Mermaid movie.
Speaking of mermen, Aspen is a squidmer and is based on the colossal squid. He's about 18 ft long and still growing. Tony is based on a tiger shark, but is the runt of his litter, hence why he's so small.
Tommy, the white rabbit beastmen that was introduced as Riddle's new vice, is notorious for always running late. He never has actually been late to anything due to parkouring everywhere and climbing the castle walls to enter the classrooms through the windows. Floyd learned how to parkour from him. Riddle hates everything about this.
Briefly mentioned in the last chapter was the botany professor, Kallpa. Kallpa is based on Kronk and the uncle of Yev.
Nurse Goethel has a wife and two daughters that she brings with her to family days on campus. The daughters are roughly age 11 and 13 and each time they've come have designated a student as the new person they want to marry. Two years ago it was Leona and Trey, last year it was Azul and Jamil, this year it's Jack and Ortho. There is no reasoning behind their decision, it's all based on vibes.
James has met Jade and Floyd when they were all very young. James was on his Great Aunt's ship, who was meeting with Papa Leech for unknown reasons. James only remembers them due to their heterochromia eyes, but the twins don't remember anything.
Marion has a really strong sense of smell that is on par with the beastmen. He hates Pomefiore because the dorm and students are heavily perfumed and it gives him a migraine.
Yaqub actually has a twin brother that goes to RSA. He thinks it's funny that it turned out that way and they like to shittalk their schools together on the weekends. RSA is much more chaotic and full of troublemakers than NRC realizes.
At least two pairs of the freshmen will get together at the end of PTM, but it will be a surprise as to who!
And that's all! I have more but I think I'll save them for another time!
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thewritetofreespeech · 4 months ago
hello! i was wondering if since we didn't get the actual confession for DinoxReader 'Queen of Posions' thing if you would be willing to add that? if you're done with that story that's fine too.
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part i
“The doctor said you need to rest.”
“Doctors are idiots.” [Y/N] replied when they arrived back at their townhouse in the city after being cleared by the Blood. Dino had insisted on escorting them home.
After the events of their attack, [Y/N] had been taken for medical treatment to make sure there was no effects lingering in their system. Her hypothesis had been correct in that without the original, there was no way to influence will on the subject. The medical team also tried to do some tests on [Y/N]’s unique compounds found in her blood, but the fools were nowhere near the genius of its host, so they released her swiftly with directions to rest and recover.
“You should still rest.” Dino insisted again. Following her through the house and into her office. A familiar place for them as she was often working in her home lab or office on some manner of research. “You may not be enthralled, but you were attacked.”
“Yes, Dino, I was there.” Her hand came up to rub at her neck that had been bitten. No lingering effects of influence but still no less sore probably. “Your concern is touching but unnecessary. Isn’t there someone else you should be fussing over?”
“No one else is worth the fuss.”
[Y/N] stopped shuffling her papers and looked up at Dino. His tone was naturally very serious. He had always had a deeper timber than most, which led to his dry wit. But the tone he had taken now was much more serious. Dino realizes he would have to be if he wanted [Y/N] to listen to him. Though brilliant, she often mistook social cues or just simply wouldn’t listen to people. She would listen to him this time though.
“When you were attacked it felt like my world had shattered. To think that you would be controlled by someone else. That I may have to kill you like Dali did to his wife. It was too much to even consider, much less live though.”
“Dino, what are you saying?”
“I am saying that I love you.” The direct approach was the only way usually to get her to listen. “What more is there to say than that?”
[Y/N] seemed surprised by his confession, then blushed. Though a brilliant alchemist and steward of science, she was still a woman who could clearly be swayed by soft words deep down.  “Are you sure? You didn’t just get hit on the head or something? Eaten bad cheese?”
Dino scoffed. “I am not the one who was attacked, remember. And you know I can’t stand dairy.”
[Y/N] appeared to rack her brain for another logical explanation for his confession, but of course there was none. Dino might be just as cynical as she was, but he could admit that somethings were not just explained away by logic or reason. Love was one of them. “If you do not feel the same that’s fine. You wouldn’t be the first woman not to love me back. But I just thought I would let you know.”
“Save the self-pity Classico,” [Y/N] clipped at him, “I never said I didn’t love you this is just….a lot.” She said, rubbing her neck once more. “My life was just in peril you know....” She looked nervous. Dino had never seen her be nervous before. Always confident, precise, logical. This change was something new and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t excited by it. He was probably the only person in years to see her like this. Would she look this way during other things, if she accepted him?
The noble stepped forward. Using his full height for a change to crowd her. “I love you.” It seemed to bare repeating. “I have known this about myself for a very long time, though I know this is new for you. If you need time, I will accept it. Just so long as you accept me.”
[Y/N] looked up into his eyes. An expression of calculating honesty but also wonder. “Yes, Dino,” she told him, “I will accept you.” Dino was pleased. Not realizing he had been holding his breath while waiting for her response to then just let it out in a heavy sigh on the air.
It might have been premature & improper, but Dino couldn’t help himself. He leaned down to give [Y/N] a kiss. Yet, just before their lips touched, she cried out, “Wait! Wait! Wait!”
Dino was alarmed. He stopped immediately, thinking that was indeed premature & improper, but then cried out on his own when he was stabbed by a small hairpin in the neck. “Nine hells! What was that for?!”
“The antidote.”
He stopped wincing in pain, realizing what she meant. Her sign of acceptance. That he could touch her. Again, probably one of the first people in years she could get close to.
Dino grabbed [Y/N] hard and kissed her fiercely. No longer afraid of impropriety or decorum, or even her poisons. She would make a fine match for him. His only match, as far as Dino was concerned. Once this case was over, and vampire kind was saved, he would give the Queen of Poisons a new title. For now, he would just be happy she was safe and accepted him. That was all he could ask for right now. That and more kisses.
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