#and also yes i know kissing won't fix them and kissing would fix them are contradictory. but its also true
thetooncrew · 1 year
the loopyzoop ... the loozennee ... for the ship bingo .... (luzeni)
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do I win
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 7 months
(#) = Notes at the end of post
(*) = Just me building off of other ideas.
Family Reunion
Clockwork sends an adult Danny, newly appointed Ancient of Space, on a mission through time again. Except this time, it isn't located on Earth, but a distant planet he's never even heard of before. Clockwork didn't tell him any specifics on what he was supposed to do or when he was supposed to return to his own time, just to blend in and have an experience. He would know when it was time to return.
Needless to say, he has a blast! His core is bursting with happiness at getting the chance to explore this unknown corner of the universe with a sky full of constellations he's never seen and fascinating locals. Considering he might be here a while, he buckles down and learns all about their culture and their traditions and even eventually learns their language without having to use the two-way translator Clockwork gave him.
He spends decades there, not even having to worry about how he never appears to age, the people here being incredibly long-lived. However, he eventually meets someone. Someone he falls head over heels for. He gets married. He has kids. He watches them slowly grow into adults as well. It isn't until one of his sons informs him that he's expecting his own child(1) that Danny feels a tug at his core.
He ignores it, but over the course of a few weeks, it's gone from the occasional pull to a full-on yank at his entire being, along with a sense of dread that something was going to happen to this wonderful little planet. To his family.
He becomes restless and loses so much sleep, it's a miracle he can even stand. His family are worried for him, but he assures them that he's just feeling a little under the weather. One night, he's sat up in bed, unable to sleep again. His gaze is fixed lovingly on his spouse, but nonetheless sad.
He doesn't miss when all the soft sounds of the night stop and a green glow appears behind him.
"It's time to leave, isn't it?"
"There isn't any way I could stay? I can't bring them with me?"
"I'm afraid not. There are some things that can't be changed or stopped, even when they fall into your domain. I'm sorry."
"Why send me here just to make me abandon them like this? What was the point?"
Clockwork is silent, but when Danny turns to look at the ghost, he's gone.
Danny takes a few more precious days to spend time with his family. Kiss his spouse. Hug his kids. Feel the strong kicks of his grandchild he won't be there to witness the birth of.
The night he leaves, he places a letter on his spouse's nightstand, gently kisses their forehead, and disappears in a flash of green, never to be seen again.
Years later is when Danny gets the news. That the planet Krypton is no more and that his family is gone. He searched the Ghost Zone for them, but he never knew the location of Krypton in the cosmos. Their afterlife is beyond his reach, in a place that isn't even on the Infamap.
He nearly drowns himself in grief when he finds a sliver of reprieve in the form of a news broadcast. An extraordinary man in blue and red with the kryptonian symbol for such emblazoned on his chest is shown fighting off multiple enemies at once. He is the spitting image of his father and Danny as well.
He had a grandson. His grandson was alive.
(1) This was Kara, not Clark. Danny left before he even found out about Kal-El being in the oven, so there will be a misunderstanding at first. Then Kara pops up later, and Danny just bawls his eyes out that he had two surviving grandchildren without even knowing it this whole time. How he first meets either of them is up to you!
(*) What this means power-wise for Clark is yours to decide. As well as what Clark already knows about his grandfather from the stored information his father left him. What his father thought of Danny disappearing without a word is also up for you to decide.
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luvnoirs · 7 months
paige bueckers x blackfem!reader in bed hcs
warning(s): SMUT (mdni)
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first of all, consent is her biggest priority when it comes to anything with you-- especially sex
and even tho it can be a little annoying when you're needy, she just wants to make sure you're comfortable at all times
"can i touch you?"
"please" you exhale shakily
she can be a hair puller sometimes... but she knows not to touch it when you just got it done
"if you pull these fresh baids we're breaking up" you jokingly (sorta kinda!) warn her as she hovers over your body with her front flush against your back. she laughs as she gathers them and pushes them to one side of your shoulder, exposing your smooth skin. She places a couple of kisses on your shoulder as her hand slides down your body and in between your thighs, finding the hem of your panties.
"you won't" she's right
but if she can pull it she definitely will
sex is never 100% serious with her
just as paige settled between your legs with her face inches away from your pussy, she holds up her hand to look at it funnily. she had jammed her middle finger in practice a few days ago so she had a metal brace around it to protect it. you bit your lip to hide a laugh but fail miserably, and paige soon joins you, throwing her head back in laughter
or when she has her sex playlist playing and somehow her kid tunes playlist gets added to the queue and you both stop and stare at each other before bursting out laughing
and if there's music playing, sometimes she'll move her tongue or fingers to the beat of the song wondering if you'll notice
"did you just...?" and she sends you a goofy ass smile (then she's back to destroying your pussy like ten seconds later)
she would never admit it, but she loves likes it when you dominate or take control. she thinks it's so sexy and gets turned on even more
it could be as simple as you telling her to take her clothes off and she's like a soldier ready for her next command with her boxers getting damper by the second
and when you go down on her she can be pretty vocal but she's also so touchy
she'll be holding your hand or your head, pushing your further into her
she mocks you after too... she's such a clown
"uh, paigeee! yes!-" she's interrupted by the pillow you swung at her head
but she always makes sure you're good, messaging the skin on your hip that she might have gripped too hard or fixing your hair
if you wore your bonnet (it definitely came off at some point LMAOO) she'll help you put it back on
she'll also help you clean up in the bathroom after and vise versa
then she's completely slumped after... snoring and all
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hugshughes · 2 months
betty C. Bedard
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Connor Bedard x fem!reader
synopsis - senior year starts, and Connor tries to fix everything after you were left torn to shreds after rumors all summer spread through your small town that Connor had a fling with someone all summer. a fling that supposedly began not long after the messy and unclear "end" of your relationship with him.
wc - 5k
contains - based off of Betty so... <\3. but not that bad because it's less James (Connor) being a douche and more teenagers love to spread rumors and misinformation!!!! crying, sadness, anger, shouting :( but also!!!! touching, hugging, kissing, making out a little bit. reader is 17, and her birthday isn't exactly clear but it's in september. Connor is a jealous teenage boy, and reader is a jealous teenage girl <\3. OH also my high school was 4 periods with over 2000 students and home room was just first period??? i know others are obvi different but that's just what im going off of!
an - hai!!! me when i cut lyrics like this when they don't exactly match how im writing the fic >_< i missed u people. i'm very genuinely sorry i've been gone but i genuinely have had one of the best summers of my life. IM SORRY A CHORUS GOT CUT IT WAS GONNA MAKE THIS HAVE TOO MUCH FILLER OKAY I DID THIS FOR US.
betty, i won't make assumptions, about why you switched your homeroom. but, i think it's 'cause of me.
Second day of senior year, you prayed it would be better than the first.
Yesterday, August 27th, you'd walked into homeroom, and your heart had dropped. Connor sat at a table in the back, laughing at something with his friends. Your Connor. You couldn't even call him that anymore. He wasn't yours. Apparently, he was another girl's, now. A girl from your town's rival school, Augustine, or something.
You sat through first period financial literacy with a weight in your chest. You sat at the very front table with a few friends, trying to smile and converse with them. They could tell something was wrong, and when your teacher said Connor's name during attendance they'd realized what.
You went to second period, feeling a bit better. Then, during lunch, you sped to the guidance office, begging your counselor to change your schedule. She was skeptical, having a feeling it had to do with something social, which she didn't believe called for a change. But when she noticed the tears that welled up in your eyes, she just smiled and clicked her mouse a few times, handing you a brand new paper for the classes you'd start the next morning.
To say Connor Bedard noticed you when you came into homeroom yesterday was the understatement of the year. The boy's smile dropped, his eyes locked on your figure as you shrugged your backpack off, smiling at your friend you sat next to. Yes, this class would be his chance to reconnect with you, fix and explain everything.
He walked into day 2 with a plan, a plan to somehow talk to you in first. He sat in the same seat he had yesterday, talking with his friends while his eyes never left your chair. He waited, and waited, and waited for you to walk in. You never did, you were in another classroom, first period AP Spanish, laughing with your best friend as you did icebreakers.
When the bell rang, he stopped the girl you sat next to the day before, awkwardly calling her name. He asked her where you were, and your friend faked confusion while she fought off laughter.
"Oh, she had her schedule switched, she has like Spanish now I think."
He nodded, mumbling a thank you as he swiftly exited the classroom, his friends shouting at him from the doorway.
As the school day went on, your day got significantly better while Connor's did the opposite. He got in his car after the final bell had rung, sitting in silence for just a minute before his friends piled in. Of course they'd all lived in your neighborhood, it being the most common one for your high school.
betty, one time, i was ridin' on my skateboard. when i passed your house, it's like i couldn't breathe.
He dropped them off at their respective homes, turning down your street to exit the neighborhood. He slowed down as he passed your house, your car was already in the driveway, you must've just got home. Last year Connor drove you to and from school almost every day, he missed that.
You two had broken up, if you could even call it that, in late May. The two of you were arguing about something both of you would now call dumb and you'd stupidly blocked his number after an angry phone call. Connor took that as you ending it, you took it as you were sick of arguing and couldn't speak to him in the moment. You were an emotional wreck when Connor had started ignoring you, still believing it was just all stupid misplaced emotions that needed to be talked through. You let him give you the silent treatment, knowing you were both still very upset.
About two weeks later, still nothing was resolved. School had been over for about a week, but you were miserable. Everything went to shit when you were tapping through Snapchat stories one night. One of your mutuals from school had posted a photo of her and her boyfriend, Connor, and another girl sitting next to each other on a bed in the background. They weren't cuddling, but their thighs were touching while they both looked at something on Connor's phone so basically your life was ruined.
You had over a dozen girls send you the story, asking what the fuck had happened. You had to tell them and yourself that you were broken up.
you heard the rumors from inez, you can't believe a word she says most times. but this time it was true.
It was extremely embarrassing for you once people that you barely even knew were telling others your business.
Connor knew he was royally fucked whenever a random girl he knew you were friends with had come up to him at a party during the summer and asked him about Augustine.
"Is she your new girlfriend?"
"What? No. I don't have a girlfriend."
"That's not what she thinks."
He almost asked who, but he knew who she was talking about. You. Everything was you. He couldn't get you out of his mind no matter how hard he had tried.
the worst thing that i ever did, was what i did to you.
Augustine didn't mean anything to him. His friend had tried to set him up with her because of how sad he'd been. But, he didn't have eyes for anyone but you, so she was just a friend of his.
All summer, he'd tried to find ways that put you two in the same place at the same time. Your town's annual Fourth of July fireworks? You were at the beach with family. Your mutual friend's huge 17th birthday bash? You were at young life camp with friends. The one time it could've worked was when you hosted a party, it was an open invite, but of course, it was the weekend Connor had his biggest hockey camp of the summer. It's like the universe wanted him miserable.
but if i just showed up at your party, would you have me?
You tried to erase Connor from your mind, but it was too hard. Living in a town where everything reminded you of the blonde boy sucked. And even if you were gone, you couldn't get away from him online, either. He was the guy to be watching for next year's NHL Draft. He was amazing, but he was also a very young and socially dumb boy.
You and Connor had gotten together towards the end of freshman year. It'd been about a month since your two year anniversary when the whole miscommunication and breakup took place. He was your first boyfriend, and you were his first girlfriend. Everyone at school knew about you two, even the people who didn't know you at all. It wasn't because you two were grossly comfortable with PDA at 8 am on a Wednesday.
You two weren't at all comfortable with your relationship being too on display to anyone, but the small and subtle things that made people silently root for the two. People saw just how you looked at each other, and how your moods changed with and without each other. They watched you two together at every event. Saw you as the loudest girl in the student section at hockey games. It was just sweet.
would you want me?
Connor was fucked. Although he couldn't confirm it, he was convinced your disappearance from first period was due to his presence. You changed your schedule to get away from him, that's how much he'd hurt you.
would you tell me to go fuck myself?
He wondered what you'd do if he just showed up at your house, or came up and asked to talk to you at school. Would you tell him to fuck off? Would you agree to talk, and listen to his apologies?
or lead me to the garden? in the garden, would you trust me, if i told you it was just a summer fling?
Connor had to speak with you, he couldn't contain himself any longer. When the final bell rang he sat in his car and waited for his friends, driving them home, through your neighborhood once again. He passed your house, only your car was in the driveway. He parked on the street, closing his car door gently behind him as he trekked up your driveway and to the front door.
He knocked softly, stepping back a few feet to wait. After thirty seconds the door opened a third of the way, your body coming into view. You were already in comfy clothes, you hated when your outside clothes touched your bed, Connor remembered. Your eyes widened, your brain sending panic signals through your body, your limbs freezing up.
"Oh my God. Uh, hi?"
You had no clue why Connor would be standing awkwardly on your front porch at 2:38 pm on a Tuesday.
"Hey. You can tell me to fuck right off and I will but, can we like, talk?"
i'm only seventeen, i don't know anythin'. but, i know i miss you.
You blinked a few times, the words taking a moment to register. Connor wanted to talk to you? About what? Did he need real closure after all the dumb shit that happened between you?
"Oh, yeah, sure. Come in."
You led him to your room, you weren't sure why you didn't just go to the living room, silently cursing yourself halfway up the stairs. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Was it clean? Were there clothes on the floor? You were now mortified by the idea of Connor seeing a bra on your bedroom floor, something that wouldn't have crossed your mind five months ago.
Your room was fine, only some socks and a sweatshirt on the ground. You sat in the cushy chair in your corner, pulling your knees to your chest. Connor sat cautiously on the end of your bed, he was always the one person you'd let wear outside clothes on your bed because you didn't care as long as he was laying with you.
It was eerily silent for a few moments before Connor spoke up, your head snapping to him.
"Um, I've been wanting to talk for a really long time, seriously."
You nodded, your eyes leaving his, the air too tense.
"Me too."
Connor's eyes widened at that, seriously? You wanted to talk to him? That was what he'd been hoping for months.
"I can't really think of a better way to say this but, uh. I miss you, a fuckin' lot. And I know I royally fucked up but I really just want you in my life. I hate the tension and the fuckin' like, uncertainty between us."
What? You were so confused. He missed you? But you had people all damn summer nothing but happy to fill you in on all of the Connor and Augustine news. Connor took your silence as you expecting more from him, so he filled it.
"And I know that everything that happened was because I was being a jealous asshole. I'm really sorry and I will show you that."
betty, i know where it all went wrong. your favorite song was playing from, the far side of the gym.
Ah, yes, the fight that ruined it all. See, in May, Connor and the Regina Pats were fighting through the playoffs, and he had one of the biggest games of the season on the night of prom. It was your first prom, and you'd been so excited to go with your boyfriend, so you can imagine the disappointment when he told you he wasn't going to be able to make it. You were crushed, to say the least, and sulked the entire time.
i was nowhere to be found, i hate the crowds, you know that.
The only few minutes you had fun the whole night was when a group of your friends had gotten you to dance after hours of begging, and a photo was taken of you with an arm innocently and extremely appropriately around a guy friend of yours' shoulders. It was platonic, even another girl friend of yours was on the other side of him and had her arm over yours.
It was really not a big deal, but Connor had seen it and was extremely jealous, and felt guilty. He was envious but also beating himself up over not being there.
plus, i saw you dance with him.
"Connor, that wasn't all your fault. I was a crazy bitch and blocked you, even if it was for like forty minutes. I shouldn't have done that, it was stupid. All of it."
He nodded, both of you unsure of what to say next.
you heard the rumors from inez. you can't believe a word she says, most times. but this time, it was true.
"And, I don't know if you care or not. But, I know all sorts of people have been saying stuff about me and Augustine. I promise you that I hung out with her that one time with Adam and hated it. I told her that and we were just kind of friends I guess. I only saw her one other time all summer. I wasn't already moving on from you, 'm still not."
He'd be the death of you, you were sure of it. Did he know how badly you needed to hear that? Even if you were skeptical if it was true when it first came from his mouth, the moment of silent eye contact between you two spoke volumes. He wouldn't lie to you, he was the most honest person you ever knew.
"I think it's stupid for us not to be friends, Connor. We were best friends before and while we dated. I miss that with you."
the worst thing that i ever did, was what i did to you.
You also missed kissing him, and cuddling, and whispering sweet nothings, and holding hands under the table at dinner.
You might as well have dangled Connor's heart on a string in front of him then decided to stomp on it. Friends. That would have to be how it was, he knew he couldn't have none of you, and some of you would always be better than none of you.
"That'd be really good."
You both smiled, although in your minds you both wanted more, you were too scared to say it. You stood up, Connor right after. You just looked at him close up for the first time in a while and sighed happily. You hugged him without caution, arms around his waist and face in his chest. His came around your shoulders, squeezing tightly if only for a few seconds before you let go of what had to be a friendly hug.
You both walked downstairs, Connor opening the front door and stepping onto your porch.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Connie."
"Yeah, okay."
You shut the door with a smile, immediately freaking out as Connor did the same on the other side. You had no desire to be only friends with Connor, but it was the safest route to having him in your life without getting hurt.
i was walkin' home on broken cobblestones.
Connor sat in his car, staring through the windshield. A thousand thoughts raced through his mind. He finally had his favorite girl back in his life, but not the way he wanted. That would have to be enough though, some of you would always be better than none of you.
He snapped back into it when he realized he'd been parked outside your house for multiple minutes and drove off. He went home and then later to hockey practice, and you never left his mind.
just thinkin' of you when she pulled up, like a figment of my worst intentions.
The next day at school you smiled at Connor in the hallway. He was teased for the rest of the day by his friends at the blush he possessed after it happened.
For the next month or so, you two danced around each other. You talked often and hung out together in group settings. At school, you'd talk and laugh, all of your friends demanding they could tell you were still in love. The both of you would insist that you were now just friends and happy about it, even though both of you were yearning to be so much more than that.
she said, "james get in, let's drive." those days turned into nights. slept next to her,
Your birthday was approaching, your 18th. You insisted you wanted something small, a dinner party with your favorite people. You'd invited over a dozen of your friends, receiving RSVPs of yes from all of them. There was still one more blonde boy you wanted to ask, though.
When the final bell rang, you ran out of school like every other teen with a car. Instead of going to yours, you found yourself walking up to Connor's black jeep, one you were oh so familiar with. He was on his phone but noticed you immediately as you were walking up.
He rolled his window down, a grin gracing his face.
"Hey, what's up?"
You lent your elbow against the window sill, resting your cheek against your hand.
"So, my birthday's on Saturday, and I'd really like if you came. It's just a small dinner party at my house, nothing crazy. You might be the only guy attending but I'd love if you could make it. I totally get if you can't though, it's a bit short notice."
Connor's eyebrows raised in shock. You wanted him at your birthday? This felt more intimate between the two of you than any other moment in the past couple weeks. Connor wasn't gonna let you down like he had at prom.
"I'll be there. Can't wait."
Connor wished he didn't love how your eyes instantly brightened, the corners crinkling to match the grin on your face.
"Great, awesome. I'll see you there Connie."
You brushed your hand over his shoulder as you said bye and turned to trek to your parking spot.
"Yeah, bye. I lo-"
I love you. Connor cut himself off before he could say he loved you. Holy shit, why did he almost say he loved you? He prayed you couldn't hear it, the way you kept walking didn't make it look like you did, but he couldn't see your face.
Your jaw dropped, hearing the first two syllables out of his mouth before he caught himself. Oh my God, Connor almost just told you he loved you. You kept on to your car, waiting until you were alone to freak out. Of course, you'd said it all the time while dating, but he hadn't told you that in months, you assumed he didn't feel that way about you anymore.
Connor had told you he couldn't wait for your party, and it was the truth. He had never been a patient boy, and waiting to see you all day on Saturday had him fidgety. He was wearing jeans and a navy Ralph Lauren quarter-zip, a white t-shirt peeking out from the unzipped section. He was wearing his cleanest sneakers and held a small gift bag in one hand, flowers in the other.
betty, i'm here on your doorstep. and, I planned it out for weeks.
He knocked on your door at 7:02, having been sitting in his car outside your house since 6:57, telling himself he could do this. You opened the door quickly, a gorgeous smile on your face. Your eyes widened when you saw what was in Connor's hands, wrapping your arms around his neck in what was too close to be a friendly hug. He wrapped his arms around you, careful to not dishevel the flowers.
"Hey, Connor. Thanks for coming."
"Wouldn't miss it. Happy birthday."
You pulled away after what felt like not long enough, leading Connor inside. He handed you the flowers, a moment of tension between you. Your mother greeted him, hugging him and taking the flowers from you to put in a vase.
Connor was first to arrive, followed shortly by your best friend, who silently made fun of you for how flustered you were. Everyone was in your house by 7:18, and you talked and mingled until around 8 when you decided it was time to eat. You sat next to Connor at your big dining table, earning a few teasing looks from your girl friends.
Dinner lasted a while, everyone talking and laughing. A little over an hour passed by before your mom came through the entrance of the room, holding a stand with a cake, 18 golden candles stuck in the pink and white frosting. Everyone sang as you awkwardly laughed. You closed your eyes and wished for Connor, he was all you could think of. You blew your candles out and everyone cheered, clapping and laughing.
You hung out for a while with everyone, another hour and a half passing before people's curfews started falling. Of course, Connor was the last person there, he'd always been the last one there when everyone else had gone.
but, it's finally sinkin' in.
You two sat on the couch, still awfully close even though everyone else was gone.
"You gonna open your gifts?"
You turned and looked at the small pile of boxes and bags, shrugging.
"My mom always said it was rude to open gifts in front of my guests."
"Am I just a guest to you?"
You laughed, shaking your head. You stood and grabbed all the gifts, laying them on your coffee table before you began opening things. Every gift was thoughtful and sweet, you left things in specific piles so you knew what to thank people for later. Connor's gift was last, and his stomach twisted when you grabbed the bag.
betty, right now is the last time, i can dream about what happens when, you see my face again.
Shit, this was when he was gonna tell you everything. You pulled at the neatly placed tissue paper, you could tell Mrs. Bedard had helped Connor out. The first piece came out and you saw the envelope sitting on the side of the bag. You grabbed it and Connor gently grabbed your wrist.
the only thing i wanna do,
"Can you read it after? I wanna see your reaction before."
Your eyebrows scrunched, but you didn't think too much of it. You pulled out the next piece of tissue paper and your jaw dropped. A small teal box sat wrapped in a bow. The color was unmistakable, the bow too. You looked up at Connor with wide eyes, already feeling tears prick your waterline.
"Connor you didn't."
is make it up to you.
"You don't even know what I did. Look at it."
You grabbed the box, pulling it out and gently untying the bow. You slip the lid off the box, your assumption proved correct, a beautiful white gold necklace lying pretty and perfect in the box. Two heart-shaped white gold pendants hung down, shiny and polished to perfection. Your eyes watered, no one had ever done something so kind for you.
"Connor, I can't even accept this. 'S too much."
"Well I'm not gonna wear it, and I'm not returning it either."
You lightly examined the necklace, light reflecting on the second heart causing something to catch your eye. You held the box closer to your face, squinting for just a second before your eyes widened. There was a small 98 engraved in the heart, your jaw dropping slightly.
so i showed up at your party. yeah, i showed up at your party.
"I've had it since June. I'd tried to order it for our two years but it took forever to ship."
You couldn't help but set the small box down and throw your arms around Connor, a huff of surprise leaving him at the impact. His arms wrapped around you, squeezing tightly.
"I love it, I love you."
You took a leap of faith as you pulled back just slightly and kissed your ex-boyfriend. His arms around you tightened, kissing back immediately. Your hands held his face as you kissed fervently. You were practically pulled into Connor's lap by the time you pulled away to catch your breath, chest heaving as you stared at each other. Connor grinned, extremely happy his girl was back in his arms.
yeah, i showed up at your party.
"I love you."
You giggled and leaned your forehead against his shoulder, still taking in what had just happened.
"Missed you so much."
You turned your head and left a kiss on his neck in response, your boy was back in your arms.
"Missed you more. You don't even know."
"I do know, all summer fuckin' sucked."
"Yeah! And your ass had dating rumors two weeks after we 'broke up'!"
"The key word there is rumors."
You both laughed, Connor kissing you again. You both smiled and giggled into the kiss, tingles running through your bodies.
"Hey, sweetheart! Did everyone leave?"
Your mom had gone upstairs to bed after cake, you thought she'd be asleep by now. You shushed Connor's giggling, pushing yourself off his lap and pulling him up with you.
will you have me?
"Almost mom! Connor's still here, he's leaving soon!"
"Alright, well goodnight you two!"
You both called goodnight to her, turning and smiling at each other.
"I guess that was you demanding I leave."
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down and pecking him a few times.
"Shut up! If I had only said that you were still here she'd probably be down here in her pajamas making sure we aren't getting at it on my couch."
Connor just laughed, kissing you again. You two sat back down and just sat together for a while. You both had missed just existing together so much. It was nearing midnight when Connor told you he had to go.
"I have practice at like 6 tomorrow."
"Connor! You're only gonna get like five hours of sleep. Go home."
He stood up, pulling you with him. You walked him out, very quietly opening the front door. Connor's arms wrapped around you again as you stood on the front porch of your home. You laid your head in the curve of his neck with your arms wrapped around his shoulders. You stood in silence for a few moments, before you interrupted the quiet.
"You know what I wished for?"
"No. What'd you wish for?"
will you kiss me on the porch, in front of all your stupid friends?
He grinned, kissing you sweetly. He held your face as your hands gripped at his quarter-zip. After a few moments, you pulled away, giggly and drunk in love. You didn't know but your Ring Doorbell was catching the whole thing on camera.
You two stood on your porch talking until ten after midnight when you cursed at yourself and insisted Connor needed to go get some rest.
"Walk me to my car?"
"Fine, princess."
if you kiss me, will it be just like i dreamed it?
He failed to fight his laughter as he told you to shut up. You held hands as you walked down your driveway, Connor's jeep parked on the side of the road.
Connor leaned you back against the driver's door and kissed you real good. You almost forgot it was nearing 12:20 am and you were in the middle of your street making out with your technically still ex-boyfriend.
will it patch your broken wings? i'm only seventeen, i don't know anything. but i know i miss you.
You snapped back to reality and pulled away from Connor.
"You need to stop kissing me while I'm trying to get you to go home."
He climbed into his jeep, rolling down the window and leaning his arms against the window frame. As much as you wanted him to go home and get some sleep, you also loved and missed him too much to give up this moment.
"You love it, though."
standin' in your cardigan.
You rolled your eyes and sighed playfully, tilting your head and giving him a smile.
"Might be a crazy question but are we together now?"
"We were never broken up in my mind."
"Cut the poetic shit Bedard. Am I your girlfriend or not?"
He laughed, that was his girl.
"You wanna be?"
You gave him a legitimate eye roll that time, he just laughed again.
"Yes, you're my girlfriend and I'm your boyfriend."
"Perfect, awesome. Have an amazing night. I will text you tomorrow morning whenever I wake up. Which is not gonna be around 5:30 like you."
He groaned thinking of morning practice but was back to smiling at you in less than a moment. You leaned forward, kissing him one more time.
kissin' in my car again. stopped at a streetlight.
You pulled back with a sleepy smile, your whole heart content.
"I love you, Connor."
"I love you."
“Drive safe.”
Connor watched you all the way up the driveway and into your house, waiting a few extra seconds for you to lock the door before he sped home.
Once you closed and locked the door, you were smiling and giggling to yourself. You put on your new necklace and cleaned up from your party.
The two of you slept soundly, you knowing you finally had your person back, and wouldn't lose him again anytime soon. Connor would've been okay with 20 minutes of sleep if that's how long you kept him. His girl was finally his again, and he wasn't going to lose her again.
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the-froschamethyst4 · 10 months
Scars are beautiful
𖤐Pairing: Husband! König x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: fluff, smut, anxiety, language, insecurities, kissing, biting, blow job, mentioning of hard and soft (you know)
𖤐Summary: After König came back from the Military and is now living at home, he's worried his wife may not want him anymore because of all his scar he has on his body now.
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It was a nice and sunny day in Germany right now. König sat on the couch in the living room in the same pajama pants he went to bed in and a tight black t-shirt that hugged his muscles just right.
He was just endlessly flipping through channels on the TV, he lands on one that he won't watch just have it play in the background as he does some house chores before Y/n, his wife of 4 years wakes up.
He fixed coffee for the both of them and unloaded the dishwasher and had placed his nasty, dirty and stinky gym clothes in the washer.
He pours some creamer in his coffee and no sugar; he doesn't like it overbearingly sweet like his wife does.
He fixed the way Y/n likes her coffee creamer and two spoonsful of sugar, he goes upstairs and just barely pushed the door open with his foot.
König saw Y/n was already up, she was just stretching upward, and the neck of her shirt exposes her right shoulder, she smiles seeing her husband come in holding her favorite mug knowing what's already in it.
"The way, I like it?" She asked, before he placed it in her hands.
"You already know it, liebe (love)," he kisses her temple and goes back downstairs, Y/n likes to stay in bed a little bit longer looking at her phone watching TikTok videos, going through X, Instagram and opening Snaps from her friends.
König held his mug and looked down at his hand, he saw the scar on the back of his hand that was like an 'X', after coming home from the Military his body was almost covered in scars, he became nervous that Y/n may not want to be with him anymore, he hates that he thinks like this, and he knows Y/n could NEVER leave him. Especially not over some scars.
He could see his reflection in the microwave and over his right eyebrow was a scar. The corner of his upper lip had a small scar that one hurt the most, he also knows his back and chest were covered in scars as well, he hasn't taken his shirt off around Y/n after coming home a month ago.
Y/n's honestly never really noticed that he hasn't done it, before he would almost walk around the house naked.
Y/n finally came downstairs and smiled at her husband, but she could see his face was done. She walks up to him.
"Oh hey," he says as if he didn't just see her not too long ago.
"Is everything okay?" She asks.
"Umm~" he was hesitant. "How do you feel about my scars? Have you noticed that I'm basically not walking around the house naked anymore?"
Y/n took a deep breath. "I mean I haven't noticed really, I thought since he was around guys a lot you learned to be a little more modest or something but...the scars, King...they do not bother me. I love you, don't I? If they did, wouldn't I have left already? I will never leave you over some scars that showed your bravery. I could never do that to you..." she says, cupping his face and kissing him.
He smiles into the kiss knowing he'll feel safe with Y/n no matter what.
"Usually this is the opposite type of conversation, you're usually the one trying to calm me down about my insecurities." She smiles.
"Well, sometimes I need that encouragement too."
"I know," she places her pointer finger under his chin and her thumb tugged at his bottom lip before kissing him again.
He slightly moans into the kiss. his hands went to her waist as she did all the work, her hands on his shoulders but one measly moving down tugging at the pajama pants.
He smirks knowing what she wanted, and he knows what himself wanted as well.
"Are you sure?"
She pulls away from him. "The last time we did it was the night you came back home and nothing after that, yes, I want it," she says as he smirks and started to tug his pants down, she gets off him just a little bit to see his dick.
It wasn't hard just yet; she goes on her knees and looks up at him. He moves down just a little bit slouching on the back of the couch. The cold air against his lower half just made him twitch just a little bit till her hand goes around him.
Immediately he wanted to cum in her hand.
"H-Holy shit!"
"I haven't done anything yet, King," she giggles.
"I know, but your hands are so soft and...your hands, just look small holding me," he says while holding back a chuckle.
König was big and girthy even when soft he was still big. She starts to pump his cock in her hands, he placed his head back and let out a breathy moan.
"H-Holy fuck," he mutters. She looks up at him through her eyelashes, her eyes looked cute looking up at him. "D-Don't look a-at me like that," he says.
She smirks and hums around his cock. He jolts his hips up, his tip just barely hit the back of her throat.
König grips some of her hair and just rested his hand, he wasn't forcing her or anything, he wanted to let her know, he was comfortable.
She focused on bobbing her head and swirling her tongue around his dick. He places his head back again and felt himself twitch inside of her mouth.
Then he cums in her mouth. she moves her mouth and cum leaked from the corner of her mouth. He holds her chin and watches her swallow. She opens her mouth showing off that she could take him.
"That was fucking hot, liebe..." he removes his shirt and kicked his pants away from his feet, he picks her up off the floor. "I want to stuff you now," he says making Y/n giggle at him.
"Do your worst," she teases.
König was sweating from head to toe, his hair stuck to his forehead as Y/n was shaking, her body was sweaty as well, her body laid limp on the bed, trying her hardest to catch her breath.
She felt small and useless under König.
He gets off of her and laid next to her looking up at the ceiling with her, her soft pants were the only thing his ears could focus on. He sits up now and looks down at her tummy.
He leans down to rest his ear against her.
"What are you doing?" She asks.
"I just thought...how wonderful and cool would it be to have a...little us running around the house?"
"A baby?"
"Yeah...why not...I talked with Price, he has 2 two kids of his own and he says when he retires, he wants to be part of their lives...and I want that too..."
"King...could I think about it?"
Y/n sometimes feels like she's ready for a kid, but she also feels like she's not ready just yet. She was a big kid of her own looking right at her.
"I'm just not sure if we are ready to have a kid yet...I have you to worry about first."
"Okay, okay, I understand," he said, looking down and chuckling. "Please do think about it."
"I will and I will get back to you when I have an answer," she giggles as König smiled and leaned down kissing her lips again.
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simp-ly-writes · 8 days
The Comment Section (pt.5)
─────── · · A Social Media AU Fic
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Pairing: Spencer Agnew x gn!Reader
─ · · SUMMARY: You and Spencer get invited to another convention and host a panel; the fans are ecstatic and you have never felt so high, so happy and truly carefree in your life that makes you do things you would have no considered doing...
─ · · TAGS: SPOILERS IN TAGS!! gender-neutral pronouns, angst, social media au, suggestive themes, attempt at comedy, alcohol consumption, slowburn, light swearing, kissing, fluff, mutual pinning, friends that act like lovers, friends/lovers.
─ · · A/N: will they... won't they...
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🔔 angelagiovanagiarratana, just added to their story, check it out!
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Much Time Later...
🔔 CreatorCon just posted, check it out!
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Liked by spennser, ianhecox, (name)s_username and others
CreatorCon please give a warm welcome to our newest additions to this years panel roster: (name) and Spencer Agnew from Smosh! 🎉
View all 1,577 comments
username99 not to be the grammer police or anything but you should also put (name)'s last name if you are putting Spencer's down since they are both not married 😬
↳ username01 shhh let them join the ✨ delusions ✨ ↳ username84 grammAr not grammer* ↳ username99 shut up 😘
username32 please bring back Brennan Lee Mulligan again!! I am on my hands and knees begging you, please!!!
username22 spencer helping (name) up the stairs and (name) holding the door for them afterwards is just so sweet 🥹
username48 hopefully the V.I.P passes actually work this time around
↳ CreaterCon we are so sorry to hear this, please send us a direct message to let us know what we can do to further improve your experience. ↳ username48 fix your shit. ❤️
username10 what is going on?? what about the Theorists panel, does anyone know where that got moved to?? I can't find any info on the websites or socials 😭
username50 love the line up (so far!) would like to see even more members of the Smosh family though. But I am really looking forward to this!!
username43 those crowd questions about to go crazy, too bad though they will probs limit their personal life stuff.
username19 they about to make a whole 1000+ people crowd third wheel, now that is talent 👏👏👏
smosh thank you for having them both for the weekend, us parents need a break every now and then
↳ smoshpit yes, please take them for us. PLEASE 🙏 ↳ ianhecox (but seriously don't actually, they make us a lot of money) ↳ smoshgames wait, why am i just finding this out now 😭 ↳ username67 for once i am actually fine with company account commenting, what is going on?!?!?
(name)s_username so excited to attend, thank you for having me and my "husband" 🤣
spennser we are never escaping the allegations...
↳ (name)s_username never 🤣 ↳ username44 (yourshipname) actually addressing (yourshipname) directly?? never thought i would live to see the day! ↳ username01 we take this as them admitting feelings... right... right? ↳ username39 touch grass.
username29 Does anyone know what they are willing to sign or if they are signing stuff this year??
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🔔 SmoshCast just uploaded! Turn off notifications here.
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What is the best movie? (definitively)
Smosh Cast ✓ [Subscribed] Like 128k | Dislike | ... 582K subscribers 488k views 2 days ago #7 on trending (name) and Spencer debate the greatest form of every media. from movies to tv shows, video games and music; listeners are in for a wild ride.
username56 2 days ago Really missing Amanda and Shayne doing the weekly episodes, but I guess I can survive on (name) and Spencer... username77 2 days ago Why is nobody talking about how outstandingly (name) preformed in their movie?!?! I just watched it this weekend and was floored by their preformance. I'm surprised it didn't get any further mention in the videos! ▼ 199 replies ↳ username62 2 days ago I am shocked that a youtuber, nevertheless a comedian could portray such range and subtle expressions- it was beautiful even with what little screen time they had in comparison to others. They took away every scene they were in! ↳ username88 1 day ago I really hope they receive recognition, I really think (name) could make it mainstream. I mean, their connections alone from starring in this but be crazy. ↳ username19 1 day ago Im a selfish fan I will admit, I wouldn't want them to leave Smosh for other projects. In all honesty I could not image not having them in front of or in the background of Smosh videos. I mean could you even think of how Spencer would react?? They are stuck to each other like glue. ↳ username33 1 day ago they both are adults, i'm sure they could work something out. (name) shouldn't be held back from becoming something greater (even though they are great now!) because of the "kinda" relationships they are in. ↳ username20 1 day ago I think time will tell us the answers. But I really hope that (name) considers all their options... username01 2 days ago I have been living for all these play fighting and argument videos of the two of them. Like they have chemistry, a degree of hate for one another in some ways (but like healthy silly hate)- i'm pulling out my hair more and more as to why they won't just kiss already!! username67 2 days ago Okay but (name)'s take are 100% based. homebro/girl knows what they are speaking about and never missed ▼ 31 replies ↳ username72 1 day ago Yeah but I think Spencer's take was more well rounded especially in the TV Shows argument. ↳ username22 1 day ago Couples Therapist Here, I just like how they can argue so civilly with one another and really show active listening with one another. Take the eye-contact, small head nods, and inclined seating with restating what they said and expanding upon it. Its beautiful really plus they both know a lot about their field so that helps too I guess. ↳ username88 1 day ago OMG please make a full video break down of one of their videos together, it would do really well!! ↳ username10 1 day ago Yes, Please!! username27 12 hours ago Okay, but we all known that the best video game is Purble Place. username50 30 minutes ago I can't wait to hear from you both in person, have it marked on my calendar!! username91 1 hour ago cringe. username43 5 hours ago Okay but now I need tier lists on them together. Video Concept #1: (name) and Spencer rank every time they almost fell in love and the one time/multiple times they really did. ▼ 10 replies ↳ username66 1 hour ago Officially am deceased XD ↳ username21 1 hour ago Video Concept #2: (name) and Spencer rank every hangout that was actually a date username74 30 minutes ago why am I crying when the video ended?? Like I want whatever this is.
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🔔 (name)s_username just posted, check it out!
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Liked by spennser, co_mill, anthonypadilla and others
(name)s_username it was awesome meeting everyone, same time next year? 😄❤️
View all 2,334 comments
CreatorCon let's make it a date? 😉
↳ (name)s_username noooo, not again! 😩 🏃‍♂️💨 ↳ username41 bwahahahhahahah!!! ↳ chickenshopdate oi!! 💢😡 ↳ (name)s_username ummm, now this is awkward... 😬
username88 was not long enough, i could listen to the two of you speak all day. defiantly worth the money!!
tomeybones i don't think florescent lighting was anyones light but you shine beautifully in it!
username48 glen powell's character should have gotten back with you at the end of the movie, you both had better chemistry!! Its giving La La Land all over again 😭
co_mill wished we could have made it but great work bestie, you killed it up there!! ❤️❤️
↳ (name)s_username aww thank u! would have loved having you there too ❤️❤️
username40 okay google, play "can't help but falling in love with you." move out of the way spenser, if you don't want them- i'll glady take (name)!
spennser good job fellow "spouse" 👍
↳ (name)s_username yes, you as well, "spouse" 👍 ↳ username01 okay, but this is just straight up cruel 😭
anthonypadilla i didn't see anything appear in the news so good work team!
damien_haas so as I was stuck in the signing booths you both were playing with paper airplanes and arm wrestleing?? What fairness is this?? /sarcastic positive
username71 OMG how did I just discover you now and miss a chance of meeting you?!?!?
username60 please tell me that there's a sequel coming out, I refuse to accept that you didn't re-marry him in the film 😭
phatchance excuse me but I know these two people packing out a 2000 person panel and they are the coolest ❤️
username31 I was too scared to ask anything because you both are just such pretty people like holy crap I love you both so much, you all mean the world to me and thank you so much for the hug. I am never washing the coat now
↳ username77 so that went progressively down hill lol
username12 Day 1.4 million of asking, just get together, or fuck, or something, anything but this (or breaking up for that matter) with Spencer. Like get it together.
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🔔 spennser, just added to their story, check it out!
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🔔 alex_tran's story is no longer available.
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🔔 (name)s_username's story is no longer available.
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🔔 SmoshPit just uploaded! Turn off notifications here.
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Sneaking into Concerts??? (Two Truths, One Lie)
Smosh Pit ✓ [Subscribed] Like 79k | Dislike | ... 8.29M subscribers 370k views 1 weeks ago
username31 1 week ago I know I sound like a broken record but it feels weird not having Spencer or (name) in front of camera for once. I got so used to them always being part of the cast like Courtney or Ian. ▼ 10 replies ↳ username29 1 week ago I think around the 12 minute mark, Courtney said something about them both calling in sick. ↳ username73 1 week ago I mean... did you see their stories with one another last night? They both were properly wasted LMAO ↳ username90 30 minutes ago (name) is such a cute drunk, just complimenting and flirting with everyone until Spencer asks them to shut up or hugs them. Damien and Alex really had their work cut out for them hahahha! ↳ username20 4 hours ago Okay but external videos also show they dancing together and grabbing waters its so wholesome that even when heavily drunk they are constantly thinking about one another username88 1 day ago Would have never thought Anthony would have been the one to sneak into a festival! username28 12 hours ago Did anyone manage to catch (name)'s or alex's story last night or was I just seeing things before it got taken down?? ▼ 301 replies ↳ username90 30 minutes ago OMG YES! I threw my phone in shock!! Should've taken a screenshot I am kicking myself rn. ↳ username01 30 minutes ago I. am. not. okay. physically and emotionally after this. username55 4 days ago HAHHAHA "sick." hmmm sure (name) and spencer, sure...
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🔔 (Yourshipname) Updates just uploaded!
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"Drunk Minds Speak A Sober Heart:" A (yourshipname) Edit
(Yourshipname) Updates [Subscribe] Like | Dislike | ... 1.12K subscribers 499k views 1 week ago #2 on trending click to expand
⚲ Pinned by Creator (yourshipname)updates ✓ 1 week ago I will take this video down if requested by either (name) or Spencer but for now... MWAHAHHAHA they have kissed with photo evidence!! ▼ 173 replies ↳ username97 1 hour ago I think I have just ascended. This is truly one of the best days of my life. Take this all your non-believers and haters!!! Amazing edit BTW! ↳ username11 1 week ago I don't think they are going to bring it up anywhere but a small victory is a victory nonetheless. I see this as a mission success boys!! ↳ username01 1 week ago I am happier for them and their still non-relationship than my own long term one hahahhaa ↳ username27 12 hours ago I am in disbelief, I never thought they would. I don't care if they were both hella drunk, they actually kissed?!?!? Like I don't know how to process this information. ↳ username13 12 hours ago fwehd0dfygdkospfhjhgf ↳ username44 just now eloquently said. username23 1 week ago 12 years of pining for one drunk kiss, I'll take it gosh darn it! username90 4 days ago Am currently re-watching all the edits and past moments while having this picture on the side monitor. I am living in a peak moment rn. username80 2 days ago I called my mom to tell her about this and she cheered as well. usernmae32 just now (name) just confirmed on their twitter that them, spencer and the rest of the smosh crew are all going to the oscars! ▼ 4 replies ↳ username13 just now Yes!!! LETS FREAKING GOOOOO!!!! username60 4 days ago This will go down as one of the greatest love stories in the history of the internet; i need movies, more fanfiction, music, and more fanart!! username78 10 hours ago happy for them, truly.
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─ · · A/N: 😉
─ · · TAGLIST: @lisiliely @missflufffanfics @little-stitious-studios @thejourneyneverendsx @sibsteria
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sapphic-serenade · 11 months
Hiii can I request fyodor, Nikolai and chuuya hcs with a s/o who is extremely sensitive and emotional? Like the slightest things could set them in tears.
"Too Much?"
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pairing: Fyodor Dostoyevsky | Nikolai Gogol | Chuuya Nakahara x AFAB!reader plot: Fyodor, Nikolai and Chuuya with an extra sensitive reader word count: 1.2k contains: Established relationships (separate), pet names(gn), orgasm denial, edging, use of toys, fingering(f receiving), spanking, oral(f receiving), dacryphilia if you squint, overstimulation, gentle sex, possessiveness, praise, kisses and hickeys a/n: yayyy first req! any feedback is appreciated 🖤
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♥︎ Fyodor ♥︎
Being sensitive and emotional doesn't initially seem like something Fyodor would want in a partner, but when it comes to you...
Oh, he loves it.
He finds comforting you enjoyable. You always seem so content and calm after he helps cheer you up, and knowing that he was able to make you feel that way fills him with pride.
He doesn't mind when you get upset either, mostly just because you don't get emotional over the most important things. It's always a quick fix, so it's not a big deal to him.
Sometimes when he's too busy he can't always be there to comfort you, so you either have to deal with your emotions on your own or simply wait. If, though, you can't find it in you to wait and you bother him long enough, he'll just make you cry even more.
Fyodor loves to edge you and control when you cum.
He might finger you and pull them out right when you're on the brink of an orgasm, or maybe he'll stick a toy inside you and leave you alone for a while, ordering you not to orgasm until he returns.
Nothing gets him harder than being able to hear your distant desperate please and cries for him to come back and fuck you.
Fyodor couldn't tear his eyes away from you, sprawled out on your shared bed as your arousal trickled down your inner thighs and puddled on the bedsheet. You squirmed as his fingers slid in and out of your pussy, and Fyodor watched in satisfaction at how such minimal effort on his end was enough to make you write around in tears. "If you wanted me to be more gentle, then you should have behaved yourself, myshka," he told you as he increased his pace. Your moans and cries grew louder, and you clawed at the sheets as tears spilled from your eyes. Fyodor, however, appeared utterly unfazed, aside from the clear amusement he felt from watching you unravel on his long, thin fingers. "You knew that your actions would have consequences, yes? Then perhaps...you wanted me to punish you? How naughty." He smirked down at you, before removing his fingers from your warm hole and forcing them into your mouth, making you taste your own arousal as you whimpered at the sudden emptiness.
"Were you about to cum, my dear? You poor thing, and so quickly too. But you're going to have to earn it first."
♥︎ Nikolai ♥︎
He thinks it's soooooo cute how sensitive you are! And he LOVES to tease you.
He thinks your frustrated pouts, watery eyes and the way you fold your arms in annoyance is just adorable. He can't help but push all your buttons to see all the little reactions you have.
Nikolai also loves to tease you in the bedroom, but we'll get to that in a second~
He likes goading you into snapping at him, at which he decides a punishment is in order for you, and so...
He lays you over his lap and spanks you. Nikolai is really, really good at slapping your ass, making sure his large, gloved hand makes impact with your body in a way that stings so good.
He'll make you count how many times he's spanked you, and decides himself when enough is enough. If you lose count, then he'll just have to start again, won't he?
He knows when he goes too far though, and when that time comes he'll apologise, reassure you and cuddle you for as long as you need, and then just to make sure you know you're extra important to him, eat you out until your legs won't stop shaking.
You had lost track of the amount of orgasms Nikolai had given you, and you certainly couldn't bring yourself to try and remember right as you were on the edge of one more. His tongue prodded invasively at your cunt, arms tightening around your thighs as they began to shake. "Mm? You gonna cum again for me, doll?" He smirked, licking a clean stripe up your slit and pressing a kiss to your inner thigh. You nodded, biting your lip to try and suppress a sob. Nikolai chuckled and wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking it harshly and sending waves of pleasure throughout your body. You let out a moan as your body froze, and your partner hummed in satisfaction as you creamed all over his face. As you rode through your high, thighs clamped around his head, he gave them a few reassuring strokes with his fingers, despite his tongue darting in and out of your soaked pussy. You whined loudly at the feeling of overstimulation, but he just pulled away with a devious grin.
"You can give me one more, can't you, sweetheart? C'mon, I know you can. Just one more..."
♥︎ Chuuya ♥︎
Chuuya is a scary man. He yells, he's brash and hot-tempered, and he's violent. But he cannot ever bring himself to treat you in such a way, especially with how you are.
He makes no effort to hide that you're his favourite person in the world. When talking to you, his tone shifts to one much more kind and soothing, and he touches you as gently as one possibly could.
He's a great partner, in short.
There's just something about the way you get when you're upset, the way you come to him for comfort, snuggle into his side and reply to him in little hums and sniffs.
It triggers his possessive side, strangely. And when that happens he wants to make you know how much he cares about you and wants you to be happy.
Chuuya is a gentle lover, caressing every inch of your body with the softest touch and kissing everywhere his lips are able to.
His thrusts are slow and sensual, comforting praises spilling from his lips nonstop as he fucks you.
That being said he does leave a lot of hickeys and marks all over your shoulders and neck, just for good measure~
"God, baby, you feel so good," Chuuya groaned, leaning down to press a few open mouthed kisses across your collarbone. Your fingers carded through his hair as you responded in a high-pitched whimper, legs wrapping impossibly tighter around Chuuya's torso. Every thrust of his, he buried himself as deep inside you as he possibly could, hitting your cervix in the most delicious way that only he could do. "So good for me, darlin'," he murmured into the crook of your neck, "I love you so fuckin' much, you know that?" His words only exacerbated your impending orgasm, and when you wrapped your arms around his shoulders he pulled his head back to look into your eyes, wanting to watch your face contort in pleasure as you came. Chuuya thumbed a tear from your cheek, cupping it as you squeezed onto his shoulders. The feeling of your pussy fluttering around his cock made him grunt as he came right after you, the sudden staccato of his thrusts making you gasp and yelp in gratification.
"You feel amazing, babe. Oh, fuck- you always do so well for me, I don't think I could ever get enough of you-"
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MDNI banner: @/benkeibear
Tagging: @gettinshiggywithit @pillow-princess-diaries
(Please shoot me an ask or a DM if you'd like to join my taglist!)
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darkuselesssomebody · 7 months
𝕧𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖'𝕤 - dark!raider!joel miller x reader
complete masterlist
words || 𝟛𝕜
summary || in which the reader wants a valentine's gift, but Joel's not exactly her boyfriend
a/n || i'm so shocked i haven't written dark!joel before?? i love him, your honor. also, for the raider!joel concept, though overall popular for fanfic, i was personally super inspired by @toxicanonymity and @romana-after-dark. they both have fantastic raider!joel content, please check them out!!
➵ warnings for specific content before the divider, please heed them, this may be triggering content!
➵ technically ooc to joel in the show, but his dark past is hinted at so yeah
➵ not proofread
➵ comment/message if you'd have a request
warnings || smut/dark (dddne)
➵ !! reader is held captive and is experiencing stockholm syndrome. other women to which the same this is occurring are mentioned !!
➵ dubcon sex
➵ unprotected sex
➵ manhandling
➵ controlling dynamics
➵ slight degradation
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“you have to do something for her.”
joel wonders how, as his younger brother, tommy always seemed to be nagging him, instead of the other way around. his face pinches in a scowl.
"the fuck i look like? cupid?" he growls back at his brother, rifle sagging on one of his shoulders, forcing him to readjust. tommy rolls his eyes.
"ya even have john and michael doin' somethin' special for their girls." he reminds joel how the other men in the group, with their own souvenirs, at least showed their consideration of the humanity of these girls on valentine's.
"she probably don't even know." joel grumbles, and tommy snorts.
"oh, she knows what valentine's is. the other girls told her. said she'd have liked some clothes."
"the fuck she need clothes for, ya sayin' i can't dress my girl?" joel, ever defensive, hates being talked down to by his little brother.
he hates more the fact that she seems to tell tommy so much more about herself than she does joel.
"y'can dress her, joel." tommy sighs. "but it won't hurt if she wears somethin' other than yer crusty flannels once in a while."
joel rolls his eyes, but he, luckily, doesn't have to entertain the rest of the conversation. a deer rustles the branches of a tree in the distance. joel's a better shot than his brother, always has been. but he's also less agile. as he's about to shoot, his foot crunches on a stick.
the shot still hits the deer's back, but it's a far cry from the headshot he was aiming for. he swears under his breath, but him and tommy are both already stalking the wounded prey, the same glow of determination and predation in their eyes.
they were still family, after all.
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she used to never be able to sit still. pre-apocalypse, that meant she was always either fiddling with something, reading a book, or talking but... in the past few years, it meant a lot more silent stimulation. it was okay, she got by counting petals of flowers to herself or tracing the veins of leaves with her fingers to keep her mind occupied.
but the one thing she'd never given up was company. she'd had family, or friends, in every walk of this horrible turn of events, until 6 months ago.
when she was snatched away from her cruel life by an even crueler man. stripping her of autonomy and privacy were mild in comparison to her loss of company. the only other people in the house leered or jeered in her presence.
she was usually locked away from them anyways. in a tall tower she couldn't even use her hair to escape from; kept captive for the satisfaction and pleasure of a bad, bad man.
that's what made her head spin, though. because he wasn't always. yes, he was always sullen, and scowling, rough around the edges and calloused in his touch. but he wasn't always bad.
he'd fixed the bathtub of the house they were squatting in so she could revel in warmth if he wasn't around.
he risked his life for a new pack of cards and even a few books so she could keep her occupied.
and he would sometimes press gentle kisses to her forehead when he slept beside her, unbeknownst to himself, and without realizing the effect he had on her.
when the other men had started getting antsy about her being the only girl around (with her obvious off-limits status), joel relented and let them bring back their own. it was to avoid mutiny and maintain control, sure, but... it gave her company, too. and that was important to her.
the women would confide in her. first, of their fears and then, of their growing affections for their own men. it made her happy, vindicated.
she wasn't alone in her stockholm syndrome.
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she's looking at the flowers that michael got for jessica. it's almost comical, with that kinda man and their kinda relationship. but jess liked it - really liked it - and that's all that mattered. john had promised anna something too, which she was talking about as the front door opened.
a dead deer was carried in by the miller brothers, and then some of the other men helped bring it out back to the shed, where they'd scavenge enough to feed the group for the week. as she always does, she approaches and stands in front of joel, greeting him in a low voice. he regards her with a once over, nodding, before his head tilts incrementally up, signalling to his bedroom.
she nods shyly, retreating to the room on the upper floor as joel delegates some tasks, before coming up to join her. she's looking out the window - barred, 'for her protection'- and he finally speaks up.
"what did ya do?" he asks gruffly, referring to the events in his absence.
"played some cards." she smiles softly as she faces him, "talked to anna and jessica." that makes him grimace a little, and she's confused.
"what about?" she shrugs.
"stuff. john and michael are gettin' them things, i guess?" she says it unsurely, "they say it's for 'valentines'?" she says the word curiously, as if wondering if it was something the 4 had made up, or if it was a real celebration. his grimace worsens: he hates when tommy's right. feigning innocence, he continues,
"what's that, then?" she looks at the floor shyly.
"like... a celebration? of... relationships, partners, that sorta thing." it's vague, but it's all she knows.
"huh." joel doesn't continue it further, and he goes silent, as he looks around the room to change out of his dirty clothes.
she sits on the bed, watching him move around, and with every passing moment of silence, her worry grows. did she say something wrong? was he mad? what happened?
when he finally goes to join her, he manhandles her to face away from him. that only makes her more upset, and she feels the prickle of tears in her eyes, as she lays down, and he joins her a moment later.
laying behind her as she feels a tear roll down her cheek, he doesn't realize how upset he's made her: he'd only asked her to turn around so he could fall asleep with the scent of her hair.
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she wakes up after he's already left.
she sighs, rubbing her eyes, that always ended up a little inflamed after she cried. there's a little wetness on her pillow, and she flips it so joel doesn't see.
tommy's downstairs, having saved a fruit for her breakfast. she takes it gratefully, cutting it up and fiddling with the bite-sized pieces.
there's something on her mind - tommy, he notices these things. he wished his brother would, too.
"he's getting supplies." he assures her, knowing what was agitating her. she snaps out of it.
"hmm?" she pops a piece in her mouth, sweetness exploding on her tastebuds as she bites into it, "oh. right, yeah." she realizes what he's saying, "didn't he just get some?" tommy shrugs.
"he likes to go out to the abandoned mall - it clears his head." that makes her squirm.
"is he mad?" she mumbles, and tommy pats her shoulder.
"at you? never."
it wasn't exactly true, she thought. he's gotten mad before: if she talks too much to the others, when she doesn't listen to him, or when she finds herself in danger.
tommy knows joel's not mad in those moments. he's just terrified of what could possibly happen to his girl.
after finishing her fruit, she curls up under the blanket upstairs, wanting some time to herself. humming a melody - she thinks it's one that the guys will sing in an off-key fashion when they get particularly drunk - she tries to occupy herself by counting each of the little plaster bumps in the ceiling, and then all the small flowers on the dingy wallpaper of the room.
she gets to 78 when the door swings open. jolting awake, she makes eye contact with joel, who's looking down at her form under the covers.
"somethin' happen?" his voice is less gruff than usual, and she shakes her head.
"nope. just waiting." she gives him a weak, shaky smile. he doesn't return, but he doesn't click his tongue in annoyance, either. it's a win in her books.
he's got a backpack, and it looks pretty full. she wants to ask what's inside, but she knows he'll tell her if he wants to. he sighs, sitting on the edge of the bed. she scoots over so he has space.
"let me see you." he instructs, and she sits up, crawling out of the covers. sure enough, she's wearing one of his flannels for warmth, and had slipped into a pair of his boxers instead of her otherwise nonexistent pajama shorts. he's silent for a long moment, before he brings his fingers to examine the material. goddamn, was it old, frayed almost everywhere, and the chest pocket had a hole. he sighs, finally speaking, "comfy?"
she blinks, confused, "huh?"
"'re ya comf'rtable?" he repeats, voice gruffer. she lets out a nervous exhale. was it a trick?
"ye-yes. yeah, i'm comfy." she assure, and he hums.
"heard ya want somethin' new." he finally looks her in the eyes, something he doesn't do all that often. she shuts her eyes, cheeks heating in embarrassment and worry. dammit, tommy, she thinks, knowing the younger man had told joel about her offhand comment on clothes.
"it's fine, i'm happy with this." she splutters out quickly, hoping she won't upset him. he sees right though it though.
"yeah, yeah." he scoffs, waving a dismissive hand, as he gets up. her heart clenches, wondering if he was really angry, when he reaches for the backpack, throwing it at her.
it's not an aggressive throw, and lands on the mattress beside her.
"open it." he instructs, and she swallows thickly, unsure what to expect. the zipper is a little worn, but she eases it open... only to find not only clean but colorful clothes inside. she looks up at him in confusion.
"what...?" and for the first time in a while, there's just a hint of a smirk curling at his lips.
"go try 'em on." he encourages. giddily, she beams as she gets up, taking the bag of clothes into the cropped bedroom. he slumps back on the bed, trying to will away his fatigue. it'd been a hassle to collect all the clothes - more so, to find clean one he thought she'd like - so he leans back, waiting for her to return.
she lays out the clothes on the cramped sink counter space, starting with a simple pair of slightly flared jeans, pairing it with a light blue cropped cardigan. she goes out to show him, an obvious pep in her step.
he looks up as she enters, eyes trailing up and down her body, including the way the outfit fits her curves, and the slight glimpse of midriff.
"don't you look pretty?" he drawls, and, though it almost sounds sarcastic with his hard features, a light smile plays on her lips. she tries on 4 other outfits she could make out of the 10 articles of clothing he got her, and he seems to like each one even better. sure, he'd taken the initiative to ensure all of them were a little revealing - he deserved an eyeful for his hard work, after all - but she seemed genuinely happy, and the bright smile on her face almost rivals the cleavage that she shows off in some of the outfits.
when she shows him the final outfit, he pats the space on the bed next to him, and she obliges, sitting beside him.
"happy?" he finally murmurs, pulling her closer by the hem of her pants, and she nods excitedly.
"very." she assures, softening, "thank you." she doesn't need to clarify her sincerity, as it pours out in her tone. he caresses her cheek with his calloused thumb.
"good girl. you make sure to tell the girls." she almost laughs, knowing she'd show off the gift in the same way jess and anna have been with theirs. he wanted it to be known that fucking michael and john couldn't treat a better than he could, "got one more thing f'r you." he pulls her so she's standing, procuring two more pieces of small fabric from his pockets.
she inspects them, eyes widening a little when she realizes it's lingerie. he glances back at him, and he has a brazen and unashamed glint in his eyes. she's about to make a joke that this one seems more a gift for him than for her, but refrains, obliging with a small nod of her head, and taking it to the bathroom.
she strips out of her clothes, pulling up the lace fabric. the panties are practically a thong, shaping her ass nicely, while the bra enhances and perfects the curve of her tits, a small, red bow in between the cups, matching the bow on the hem of her panties.
she looks hot, and damn, is his taste good.
going back outside, a noise escapes his throat - like a guttural growl. he signals her to turn, and she does, giving her an ample view of her ass. he grabs her by the hips as she does, and she squeaks, as he pushes her down on the bed.
"oh!" she gasps, trying to sit up, but he's on top of her in a moment, mouthing at her neck roguishly, a sloppy trail left in his wake.
her skin erupts in goosebumps, but she knows better than to touch him when he gets like this - his need for dominance forbidding it. her hands grip the covers to ground herself, as his lips trail downwards, cheekily biting the bow of her bra, and taking a nip of her skin along with it. she moans, jolting, and he slaps her thigh - but gently. he's not meaning to hurt her - and trust her, she can tell when he is.
"stay still." he hisses, finally parting from her torso to marvel at her, "good lord, gonna fuck you in all this, sweetheart." he mumbles, more to himself than anything else, as his hands cup her breasts framed in the bra, squeezing softly so as to not damage the material.
usually, he'd revel in pushing her down to choke on his cock, and, when he was feeling more generous, he'd go down on her like a ravenous man.
but he was a simple man, who had been generous enough tonight. and he wasn't putting her in a position where he can't see her in the whole get-up, so the blowjob was out too.
fuck it, he thinks, reaching for the belt of his pants, i need her.
she gets up to help him undo his pants, but he forces her back into laying down, "wanna see you." he grumbles, finally undoing his pants. already hard, he palms his cock, eyes rolling back, "fuck."
he lowers again to shift the slit of the panties to the side, exposing her arousal, swiping his fingers through her mess, making her bite her lip. he wipes it gently on her cheek - a wholesome act, with a backdrop of degradation and depravity. he presses a soft hiss to the bow on her panties, making her shiver, before rising to his full length.
"you want it?" he grunts, as he strokes his cock, adjusting so it's lined up. she whimpers, as he's prolonging both of their suffering just to highlight her need for him. pathetically, she nods, and he laughs - barking and cold. "i can't hear you."
"yes!" she gasps out, unable to hold back anymore. he smirks in satisfaction, shifting his hips forward to bottom out in one stroke.
she cries out, eyes rolling back and head lolling onto the mattress, trying desperately to adjust to the stretch. he doesn't have that same decency, animalistically beginning to move his hips.
a squeal gets caught in her throat, and she cave to her instincts, gripping the wrist of the hand he's holding her waist with, squeezing as an indication of not her pain, but her pleasure.
thankfully, the adjustment was quick, and her surprised squeaks morph into pleasured moans, as he grunts on top of her, eyes raking the way that her tits try to bounce in the confinement of the bra. unusually, he's not annoyed by her touch, and it only makes him move more aggressively, as he can tell what makes her pleasure increase - as she'll squeeze his wrist harder.
"who's making ya feel this good?" he growls, "who takes care f'ya, sweetheart?" she chokes, garbled, broken moans escaping her.
"y-you!" she manages to gasp out, "o-only you, no one else, you - you take care of - of - oh, fuck!" she squeaks, feeling the pressure of her orgasm, "gonna - can i please - please-?!" she begs nonsensically, but he understands her - of course he does. she's his girl, after all.
"cum, sweetheart." he assures through gritted teeth, "who's making you cum?"
"y-you-" she cuts herself off with a cry as she cums, body stilling and legs trembling, as he continues to thrust and she rides out the orgasm.
he follows right after her, the squeeze of her cunt around sending his body into overdrive. collapsing on the bed beside her, the two remain silent for a minute to catch their breath.
finally, he clears his throat, getting up, and pulling her up, too. "go, clean up." he instructs, voice less gruff and softer, asking her to do something for her own good as opposed to his, "then change. don't think i can do another round right now." he knows that if he sees her in the outfit for longer, he'd get hard again.
with a woozy head, she does as he says. when she changes, though, she decides against the clothes that he bought her. she loves them, of course, but their either too coarse or flashy for night-time wear.
besides, they don't provide the precise comfort of stability that the flannel and boxers she puts on again does. though she tells herself she's not sure why joel's clothes seem more comforting than the new clothes, she's lying.
she feels more comfy in them because they smell and feel like him.
he's already knocked out when she exits, sleeping on his side, having evidently left the perfect amount of space for her to curl into his side, pulling his arm over to cradle her.
she knew he would always take care of her.
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Short break from the ask request because I was almost finished with this.
And I've already done Mihawk, Shanks, and Zoro's so...
Sanji's turn!! 💙💙💙
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Honestly chef whites have never looked better on anyone.
(Please don't tell my husband he's a chef)
(Also he wants us to watch OPLA together, please send a prayer for my tainted soul)
(Gonna be twitching like I've downed two pots of coffee through all of Sanji and Mihawk's scenes)
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Absolutely uncalled for 😒
Deep breath.
Anyway. Here's the headcanon thing.
Spicy, super fluffy, NSFW.
ABC's of Romance
A — Afterglow (How are they after sex?)
Absolutely, totally and hopelessly devoted to making sure you know just how much of a goddess you are.
Kissing you all over—your neck, your shoulders, your chest, your jaw and your lips.
Praising you endlessly.
"You're so perfect. I don't know how I ever lived without you."
Leaving you only long enough to prepare a quick snack, likely something like a fruit and cheese board paired with a light and tart Rosé wine.
Bonus points if you let him feed you.
He wants to pamper you like the queen you are, so just let him and he'll be in heaven.
B — Backrubs? (Do they like them? Like giving them?)
Yes and yes, and also *yes*.
Any reason to have his hands on you.
Obviously works with his hands all the time, and they are absolute magic.
One can get pretty sore being bent over a cutting board and a stove half the day, so if you get behind him and start rubbing his shoulders, he's going to melt right into your hands.
"Oh, my love, what did I ever do to deserve you?"
C — Cuddling (Do they enjoy cuddling a lot ot only at certain moments?)
Super clingy.
Like super super clingy.
He would probably just glue you to his side if the option presented itself.
Forever coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around you, kissing the top of your head and your cheek.
Nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
Any moment he isn’t holding you is a moment wasted.
D — Dance (Are they good at it? Do they enjoy it?)
Being a good dancer sort of goes hand in hand with being a hopeless romantic.
And again, he never gets tired of being close to you. Any reason is a good reason.
Seeing you in an evening gown or a cocktail dress is going to floor him absolutely every time.
"You look absolutely stunning, darling. Not that you aren't always stunning."
Lacing his fingers with yours, wrapping his other hand around your waist and rubbing his thumb there in slow little circles.
Resting his forehead against yours so he can gaze into your eyes the whole time.
Curling an arm around your back to dip you, and using it as an excuse to oh-so-subtly brush his lips to your neck.
E — Extravagant Gestures (Things they do to make you feel loved)
Preparing a surprise full-course candlelight dinner for just the two of you (and locking the rest of the crew out of the kitchen to ensure you won't be bothered, very much to Luffy's irritation).
Buying you little presents literally all the time, potentially to the point of financial ruin if you can't convince him to stop.
Laying out a blanket and pillows at the helm of the ship in the evening so you can watch the sunset or stargaze with a bottle of wine or mixed drinks.
F — Fighting (How do they handle arguments/apologies?)
Absolutely endless apologizing.
Literally begging on his knees if he has to.
Doesn't matter if he was in the wrong or not, he just can't stomach you being angry with him for any length of time.
"Please, love, just tell me what I can do to fix this. I'll do anything."
He's going to brush it off if you apologize because he just wants it to be over and done with.
Holding you close and cradling your head against him, kissing your forehead and assuring you he isn't upset.
G — Getting Hot (What do they do to turn you on?)
Full-on seduction.
Moving in behind you and brushing your hair behind your ear, his knuckles across your neck.
Rubbing his his hands up and down your waist, grazing his fingertipa across your stomach.
Trailing soft kisses up and down your shoulder and neck, soft little purr in your ear.
"Do you have any idea how badly I want you?"
Pulling you gently back against him and turning your head to gaze into your eyes.
Caressing his thumb across your cheek and brushing his lips slowly against yours. 
H — Heartache (How would they handle it if you broke up with them?)
Oh dear. Let's not do that.
It would absolutely shatter his entire world.
He will do anything in his power to fix whatever is wrong.
He is absolutely not above begging you to take him back.
And if you don't, well, you're his whole universe, and he'll almost definitely fall straight into a depression and refuse to get out of bed ever again.
I — Intimacy (When are they intimate with you? And how often?)
When isn't he?
The rest of the crew is constantly cringing and rolling their eyes.
Keeping his arm around your waist any time he has the chance.
Pulling you close and playing with your hair while he kisses you slowly.
Sneaking up behind you to lift you off your feet and ravish your neck and jaw with kisses.
It can honestly get to be a little much sometimes, but you really can't stand seeing how pitiful he gets when you shoo him off or tell him you're busy.
J — Joker (How do they make you laugh)
His relentless flirting makes you giggle more than anything.
The way he acts like he's still trying to win you over.
His little pout when you tease him about it.
"Well, who in their right mind wouldn't shower the most beautiful woman in the world with praise and affection?"
K — Kissing (How good? How often?)
All the time, and all over.
Your lips, your neck, your shoulders, your chest, your cheeks, your forehead.
Rubbing his hands up and down your waist, tilting his head in to kiss you slowly and deeply. 
Lightly brushing his tongue across your lips, letting you set the pace.
Absolutely losing his cool when you deepen the kiss, pulling you flush against him, picking you up and backing you up onto the nearest counter or table.
He absolutely doesn't care if there's anyone else around, because the rest of the world just melts away when your lips are on his.
L — Lay down (How do they sleep with you? Are they cuddler or do they prefer their space?)
He wants you absolutely flush against him.
Facing you with one arm under your neck and his other around your waist, cradling your head under his chin.
Pressing his lips to the crown of your hair.
Always making sure to tell you how much he loves and cherishes you before you fall asleep.
"I love you. So much. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wouldn't ever trade this for anything."
Maybe more than once.
M — Making babies (Do they want to settle down and have kids?)
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.
Maybe not right this moment, but starting a family with you would be an absolute dream come true.
Two or three kids, your own ship, searching for the All Blue together.
He literally daydreams about it.
N — Nervous? (How confident are they when it comes to romance?)
He was absolutely confident about winning your heart...
But he's a little nervous about keeping it.
That's why he's more than a little clingy. He wants to make absolutely sure that you know how devoted he is to you.
To your happiness, your hopes and dreams, your pleasure.
He wants you to know, every moment of every day, that he is absolutely and hopelessly in love with you.
O — Oral Fixation (Giving or recieving? And how good are they?)
Absolute giver, through and through.
Would gladly suffocate to death between your thighs, as long as the last sounds he heard were your moans.
He's going to eat you out like a man dying of thirst in the desert and you're the first water source he's seen in weeks.
Gripping at your thighs and your hips to pull you closer, his tongue working a steady rhythm, his eyes rolling back when you grip at his hair and moan.
Just living vicariously through your pleasure.
Kissing around your thighs and your stomach when you orgasm, before going right back in to get you there all over again.
You're going to have to tell him to stop, because he could literally do this all night.
He's not going to complain if you return the favor.
Watching you the entire time, his breath shuddering and his fingers combing through your hair, biting the side of his fist.
"O—oh god—oh god yes, love, you're so perfect...."
Absolutely losing his mind when you gaze up at him through your eyelashes and swirl your tongue around his cock.
Gripping at the bedsheets and pushing his hips up, swearing under his breath.
P — Pet Peeves (Things they don't like in a partner)
Being disrespectful toward hospitality workers (wait staff, line cooks, hosts, etc)—big pet peeve for anyone in the culinary industry, and he absolutely will not abide it.
Being inderect/aloof. He's more than happy to give you anything you want or need, so just tell him and he will.
Flirting with Zoro. Just don't, for god's sake. He'll kick that moss-head's face in.
Q — Quiet Time (How much alone time do they need, or do they want to be with you 24/7?)
Just let him glue you to his side already.
He wants to be with you every minute of every day, and he's going to make it known.
Every second of downtime he has, he wants to spend it with you.
Cuddling, kissing, making love, he doesn't care.
What you're doing together is completely on your terms, as long as you're together.
R — Romance (How romantic are they? Do they have to force it or does it come natural?)
Sanji is the most hopeless romantic you have ever met in your life.
It's impossible to count how many times he tells you he loves you throughout the course of a day.
It's also impossible not to believe him, the way he pulls you close and gazes into your eyes.
Cradles your head in his hands and curls his fingers in your hair and kisses you like might never have the chance to kiss you again.
S — Spending Money (How much do they like to spend on you?)
Too much.
No, literally too much. If you don't stop him he's not going to have any money left for basic needs.
Hide his wallet, for heaven's sake.
T — Trust (Are they trusting of you? Jealous?)
Yes, on both accounts.
Sanji absolutely trusts you.
But he gets jealous pretty easily. He does not abide anyone else trying to flirt with you.
He's not going to get upset with you about it. He wholly understands that you're the most beautiful being in the entire universe and that men are going to flock toward you.
But he's going to make sure that they know they can't have you.
U — Underwear (What kind do they wear, and what kind do they like on you?)
He tends toward boxer briefs, but if you told him you wanted to see him in a thong he probably wouldn't object.
You could wear a trash bag and he'd still be ga-ga over your.
But he still loves seeing you in soft, feminine things. 
Lace and satin and silk.
Seeing you in any kind of lingerie is almost enough to give him a heart attack.
V — Vulnerable (How vulnerable are they with you? Is it easy for them to open up to you?)
Sanji is a complete open book with you.
Wants you to know that it's perfectly safe for you to be open with him, and the best way is for him to be open with you.
Even if it's a difficult subject, he will bite the bullet and be completely honest.
Even if it's harder for you to be vulnerable, he will be without question.
Because he wants you to know that he'll be there to listen and understand wheneveryou feel like you can be.
W — Wine and Dine (Do they prefer meals at home or going out with you? Who does more of the cooking?)
Both, honestly.
He wants to take you out to lavish five star restaurants where he can focus all of his time and energy on you.
But he's always thrilled to cook for you.
The best answer is that he would prefer to cook with you.
Asking him if you can help in the kitchen melts him into a puddle.
X — X-Rated (How good are they in bed? What do they like?)
Absolutely hellbent on making you feel like a goddess, and he definitely knows how to.
While Sanji is a relentless flirt, he doesn't tend to jump into bed with just anyone, prefering that sex have both a physical and an emotional connection.
Slow, tender, and loving, making sure that you know he worships every single inch of you, inside and out.
Fingertips caressing up and down your inner thigh while he kisses you slowly.
His lips slipping away to trail down your neck, fingers trailing higher up your thigh, across your soft folds, rubbing your clit in slow, gentle circles. 
His breath catching a little when you moan or arch your hips arch toward his touch.
Every sound you make, every moan amd whimper amd gasp, is like music to his ears.
Trailing his lips lower, kissing and caressing every square inch of your chest.
His lips and his fingers brushing across your nipples.
Circling them with his tongue.
Alternating between rubbing your clit amd pushing two fingers inside you to focus on your g-spot.
Keeping a steady, perfect pace that sends you over the edge in a matter of minutes, over and over again.
Trailing soft kisses back up your neck, murmuring against your ear and gently stroking your wet folds.
"You're so beautiful when you're moaning."
Brushing his lips to yours in a slow, tender kiss before sitting up, gently pulling you with him by your waist and hand.
Pulling you flush against him so your thighs straddle his hips.
Slow, deep kisses, breath shuddering as he grinds his cock slowly against you.
Gripping your hips and lifting you up slightly on your knees, lowering you back down slowly.
Drawing in a sharp breath and moaning quietly against your lips as he slides into you.
Tightening his grip on your hip and your waist, fighting the urge to thrust right into you, wanting to savor the feeling of your tight inner walls slowly enveloping his cock.
Lifting a hand to cradle your head, his thumb brushing your hair behind your ear.
Lips slipping away from yours with a slow sigh once he's fully inside you, gazing into your eyes.
"Oh, you feel like heaven, love."
Lips brushing against your neck and your collarbone as he rolls his hips to meet yours in long, deep strokes.
One hand on your hip to guide your movement and his other trailing up your waist, caressing your stomach, your breasts, tangling in your hair as the pace increases steadily.
Lying you back on the bed and lacing his fingers through yours, gripping your hand to keep himself under control.
Kissing your neck and shoulder and caressing your thigh, grianing quietly, whispering in your ear that he loves you, how perfect you are, his beautiful goddess.
Pressing his lips to yours when you come again, your moans and the tight contractions of your orgasm driving him over the edge.
Thrusting fully into you and coming deep inside you, hands gripping your thigh and your hair, his moans answering yours amid a deep, passionate kiss.
Y — Yearning (How long will they pursue the person they're interested in before losing interest?)
Literally to the ends of the earth.
Sanji is a little obsessed with you. Just a little.
He isn't going to try to push you into anything you don't want, but the flirting will be utterly incessant.
He can't help it, it's his default setting.
He worships the ground you walk on and will stop at nothing to make sure you know it.
Z — Zen (What do they do to wind down and relax? Do they prefer to do it alone or with you?)
Always, always with you.
If it's coming up with a new recipe, he wants your input.
If it's lounging back on a lazy afternoon, he wants you lounging back against his chest so he can play with your hair and breathe in your perfume.
You are his peace.
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thepenguinwriter · 7 months
Hello, buddy!!
A strange request
But what about the idea that his third wife is Lucifer's sister, but she's in heaven and keeps in touch with her brother It would be interesting to read
`` 𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝𝐬 ``
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𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐦 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 - 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐄𝐯𝐞, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐦'𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭.
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- ☆ You were a high-ranking seraphim, similar to your twin brother, Lucifer
- ☆ You always felt sorry for the way other angels treated him, and tried your best to protect him
- ☆ You took part in the creation of the first of mankind - Adam and Lilith
- ☆ And while your brother fell for the independent woman, you took an interest in the other
- ☆ The two of you started hanging out quite often
- ☆ Until both Eve and Lilith were gone
- ☆ And why was that? Lucifer
- ☆ You felt so bad for your brother, but at the same time, you were there to comfort Adam too
- ☆ He had some doubts when you confessed to him but the two of you started dating and it worked out wonderfully
- ☆ Although you didn't forget about Lucifer, either
- ☆ You'd visit him in Hell every few months
And today was no exception..
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You looked into the mirror, fixing up the small golden flower tucked into your hair. You were getting ready to visit your brother, Lucifer, in Hell.
The other seraphims were hesitant to let you do it at first, but you convinced them after a while of begging asking. It was routine by now.
You looked down at the shiny golden ring on your finger, smiling fondly. You recently had your wedding with Adam, and it was the best day of your life. You couldn't have been more happy.
"Ahem.. going to meet little Lucifer again, huh?" Adam's long-familiar voice called out from the door. He was leaning on the frame, looking at you with an annoyed expression.
"Oh, darling, I know how you feel about him, but-"
"Are you ever gonna let him go? He's in Hell, babe." He cut in, rolling his eyes and groaning in frustration. You frowned, walking up to him and grabbing his hands. "Adam.. please, listen."
His eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms, but he didn't protest. "What?" He asked, his voice sharp.
You gave him a soft look, sighing quietly. "You know how much I care about Luci. He's my brother." You took his arms in your hands. "I told you. You won't lose me to him too. I promised that on our wedding day... remember?"
Adam frowned, looking away. His eyebrows were still furrowed, and he still didn't seem convinced.
"Darling, I've known you since Eden!" You tried to reassure him. "Interesting enough, that didn't seem to stop Lilith and Eve." He scoffed, and you realized you'd said the wrong thing.
You frowned aswell, trying to think of any other way to comfort him and let you go. You then remembered how you'd convinced Sera and Emily to let you visit Lucifer -
"Just because we're twins doesn't mean I'm like him. I won't make the same mistakes him.. you have to trust me on this." You gently placed your hand on his heart. "Please."
Adam groaned, crossing his arms. "Alright, alright, I get it." He looked down at you, a slight smirk spreading across his face now. "Just don't keep me waiting, k sugartits?"
You squealed and immediately gave the man a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, thank you!" You smiled, before dashing off. "Love you!"
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A/N: Not a strange request at all anon! Also yes ik I keep changing my formatting but listen I'm trying to find what works 😭
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slyblonder · 6 months
King for a Day
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Youth Pastor!Mingi x GN!Reader
warnings: sex(gross ikr), its just a blowjob, mentions of fingering, throat fucking, spit mention, hair pulling, tears (Dacryphilia), i cant think of anything else ngl
word count: 1.9k (first long fic les gooo)
“You might want to get an early start on your Hail Marys then.”
“In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit..Amen.”
Following along you made a cross on your body. This will not be the only time you do this today, and it certainly won't be the last.Mingi and his father had just moved into town, the new pastor and his insanely hot youth pastor son. You had to have him. You needed him like no other. “Lord forgive me for what I do later.” Fixing your dress as you got up, smiling at all the families that passed by you.
You were never the religious kind, you never participated in church, hell you rarely even came to service. But as soon as you caught a look of Mingi you were already in your closet picking out an outfit. You’d always try your best to match him. His outfits were very simple and appropriate but also so slutty somehow. It could be all his rings and chains but once you start thinking about it your mind wonders, thinking about how his chains would look dangling in your face. You shook those thoughts out of your head, saying bye to the last few families to leave.
Upon Mingis arrival to your town you were quick to sign up as an assistant. You didn't care about them damn kids nor the lord but here you were every sunday, helping by his side teaching about the lord.
“Thank you so much for your help today. I know it was a lot harder since we had a full house.” Mingi spoke, making you jump a bit. That’s the other thing about him that had you so enamored..His voice. It was so deep and husky but so soothing. You could listen to him for hours.
“It's no problem Mingi, you did great like always. I’m just happy we let out early today.” You moved out of the pew to now stand face to face with him. “I get to hang out with my favorite person.”
Mingi looked at you with confusion and sight shock, pointing at himself. “M-me?”
Despite his “cold” and “dark” image Mingi was a very gentle and even cute person. Any and everyone could see that. “Yes, you. Why do you think I help you out so much? Why I’m always by your side? Why I’m always at your beck and call?” You watched as his cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. Cute. Walking closer to him he seemed frozen, closing his eyes briefly as if waiting for something eagerly.
“You’re so cute like this…flustered and pretty.” Walking closer you stopped right in front of him, leaning up to his ear with a smirk. “If only the heavens knew how beautiful you look right now.”
“y/n I…w-what's going o-on…” You placed a quick kiss on his cheek, watching as his eyes popped open. He looked as if he saw a ghost but the tint of pink never left his face.
“Ever since you knocked on our door holding that gift basket, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. You looked so fucking good Mingi. I wanted you, I needed you. So I signed up to help, anything to be closer to you. Not only did my urges to have you get stronger, I started to grow feelings for you.”
Mingi couldn’t believe what he was hearing. This is everything he ever dreamed of. Yeah, he was the pastor's son and had to keep up an innocent persona;but it was quite the opposite. As much as he was devoted to his faith he could never shake the thought of you ever since he saw you. He wanted to hold you, take in your scent…devour you. Mingi knew it would be wrong and go against his faith, but he couldn’t help but imagine such sinister acts with you.
“You’re very bad at hiding your gaze, Min. I see you stare and used to think nothing of it. 'oh, he's not looking at me, he's just giving his attention like usual…’ until I bent down and saw you staring at my chest.” You took a step back and watched his reaction with a smirk. His hands were balled up, his face still a visible pink, and a much more visible print in his pants appeared. You could tell from the way he stood there he was virgin but not in the slightest innocent.
“I- I tried to hide it…”
“Not well enough.”
Mingi bit his lip before starting to mumble.
“Wouldn’t you like to feel like a king for a day or even forever? I think you liked it.” You spoke with a small laugh moving to sit Mingi in the pew. He sat there and watched your every move, waiting for you to pounce on him.
“Y/n please… I can’t get the thought of you out of my head. I ache for you.” These words sounded like music to your ears. Mingi wanted you, ached for you, needed you. Moving into the pew you sat on his lap, feeling how big he was instantly and watching him let out a soft whimper.
“You might want to get an early start on your hail marys then.” You placed small and slow kisses on his neck, moving up to his jaw, sucking lightly. He sounded so fucking needy, and you to wanted to hear him scream in pleasure but decided to spare him.
“H-hail Mary, full of grace…The L-lord is with thee fuck y/n-“
“Don’t stop, keep going.” You began to bite at his skin, leaving small marks that would disappear pretty quickly. “Blessed art t-thou amongst wo- ahh…women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” Mingi finally allowed his hands to rest at your waist, gripping tightly with each bite. “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us s-sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.”
“Amen indeed, I can’t believe I have you all to myself Min. You sound so pretty under me. You’re already so hard for me, I think I should do something about that huh?” You laughed a little as Mingi began to nod very quickly, begging to feel something more. Moving off his lap you found a way to kneel in front of him. It was a little uncomfortable but such a small price to pay for what was in store. Mingi took a second to look at you, taking in how pretty you looked in front of him. He mindlessly reached for your cheek and smiled, knowing there was no going back once you started and he was okay with that.
You wasted no time and began to unbuckle his belt and undo his pants, biting your lip as you could see his print more and more. Lifting his hips Mingi helped you pull his boxers and pants down to his mid thigh, giving you more than enough access. Mingi was big. Bigger than most you’ve been with, you were determined to take all you were given. “Please…do something…” Looking up at him doe eyed you licked a stripe up his shaft, smiling as you finally got a taste of him.
Licking up his precum you took as much of him as you could, moaning and slightly gagging at how full your mouth was. Mingis hand quickly moved to hold onto one of the ponytails, bucking his hips at the sudden warmth. Your mouth felt amazing, he was sure he'd cum in no time if you kept it up.. “Your mouth feels better than I imagined fuck..” Mingi moaned, throwing his head back trying his best to keep as quiet as possible. The worst part is if someone walked in right now, he would care less. All his prayers were being answered right before him.
Tears ran down the side of you face as you let Mingi fuck your throat. He was a lot more rough than you imagined but damn did it turn you on. You let your hands travel between your legs, slipping into your underwear and inserting two fingers to fill yourself up more. Feeling so stretched out you let out a moan sending vibrations up Mingis cock. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum. Lord, please, please please forgive me.” Hearing him beg for forgiveness turned you on so much, inching close to your own release.
You sped up your pace, fingering yourself fast and sucking off Mingi even faster. Every cell in Mingis body felt like it was on fire; He's never felt this kind of pleasure before and hopes that this will never be the last. Mingi grabbed onto both your pigtails, practically hunched over your body. If anyone had walked in right this moment they would just think he was praying. “yn i-im cumming! im cumming oh—oh my god…thank you, thank y-you.”
Cumming down your throat felt amazing to Mingi. From your face stained with tears, spit, and cum; your legs sore and shaking from cumming so hard. You both stayed like that for a second, Mingi finally sitting back breathing heavily. You lifted off his cock, making sure you swallowed everything and taking a deep breath.
“You have a thing for being rough, it's hot. You should also be thanking me, I just gave you the best blowjob ever.” You smiled, moving to place the two fingers you used to fuck your self in Mingis mouth. “A small taste of what's to come. Literally.”
You laughed and used his legs to help you get up, sitting right next to him in the pew. “Y-you want to do this again?” Mingi asked, shocked since he has yet to catch his breath properly.
“I told you I can make you feel like a king for a day, or forever. I think we both want forever…unless I'm wrong?” You searched to see where your bag was, reaching into the pew behind you and pulling it into your lap and searching for wipes to clean you both up.
“No! I mean, you're not wrong…I would really like that,I just feel like I'm still dreaming…” Taking the wipe he was handed, he cleaned up any excess spit and around his thighs before pulling up his boxers and pants.
“Dream or not, I’m all yours Mingi. I’m heavily devoted to you.” He looked at you with so much awe and lust, wiping your stray tears and smiling softly.
“I’m more than willing to sin for you, dream and reality.” And he meant that, no amount of repentance will make up for it and he was okay with that.
“You should come over this weekend, My parents are gonna be out of town. We can see how devoted we are to each other, like the lord wants.” You spoke soft, moving to whisper into his ear before pulling back and giving him a quick peck. “See you soon Mingi, or should I say pastor Song.”
Mingi watched as you picked up your bag and waved bye with such a sinister grin, you truly were a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He sat there and thought back on everything he just experienced, chuckling at how lucky he just got.His prayers were definitely answered. Thanks God. He shook his head and moved to kneel down, folding his hands and bowing his head. Might as well get an early start right? “Hail Mary, forgive me, blood for blood, hearts beating…”
a/n :I FINALLY DROPPED THIS FIC OMG!! Sorry i took so long yall, life started turning me every way but loose and then also starting a new job drained me. But enjoy I hope yall like it, if not also lmk you hate it🗿 okay byee love youu
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@slvtiny @pandoora-the-pink-goth @pearltinyy
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roosterforme · 3 days
I just saw the post about Darlin joking about him using a walker if they had a third baby.
I feel like Jake would have a real big doubt and guilt in himself one night about being too old for her. Maybe one day they're playing with their boys when the two are maybe like 6 and 3 and Darlin says she misses them being really small and now they kick and squeall when they get kisses because it's like icky.
That night maybe Jake is sitting on the side of the bed as Darlin gets in and she senses something is wrong and he asks her if she was with a younger guy would she have more kids as he feels he's holding her back. He definitely has a bit of self doubt as the daggers always tease him about being the old man of the house.
Btw love I adore your little blurbs for this fam. Today is probably the day I might catch up on a bunch but they are amazing 😍
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Oh, ouch. Yes. It would hit him sometimes that maybe certain things would be easier or better for you if you had a partner closer to your own age. (angsty below)
Your husband was one week away from turning forty-seven, and he just absolutely rocked your world in bed. "I like it when you do that thing with your tongue," you whispered, staring up at the ceiling as he sat on the edge of the bed, naked.
His back was to you now, but you heard him chuckle. "And I like it when you do that thing with your tongue."
You rolled toward him and groaned. You were going to be sore tomorrow. "I'll go check on the boys before we go to sleep," you said, kissing him when you stood.
After your robe was securely tied, you walked quietly in to check on both Liam and Asher who were sound asleep. Then you went back to your bedroom where Jake had barely moved an inch.
"They looked extra cute when they're asleep and not fighting over Legos or eating all of the food in the kitchen," you mused, dropping your robe again. "I kind of miss when they were tiny and didn't know how to argue."
Jake cleared his throat. "Would you want to have another baby? If you could?"
You stared at him, unable to read the expression on his handsome face. It was closed off. And you were confused.
"I don't understand," you told him, placing your hands nervously on your hips, suddenly very aware of how naked you were.
"Just answer me. Would you have wanted more than two? Would you have wanted to try for a girl?"
You swallowed hard and shook your head slowly. "You got a vasectomy. I wouldn't even be able to get pregnant again."
Jake ducked his head and looked at the floor. "I wanted the vasectomy, because I'm already the oldest parent in Asher's school pick up line."
You took a step closer. "Who cares about that? You're also the hottest dad in Asher's school pick up line."
He looked up at you and whispered, "Will you just answer the question?"
"I already did!" you snapped. "We decided about the vasectomy together. Last year. You didn't make the decision alone, Jake." His eyes were fixed on your face as you said, "I have never once looked at you and thought you were too old to do anything. I didn't want more kids. Some days I can barely handle the two we have."
You burst into tears, crossing your arms over your chest as you turned to get your robe from the floor again. Jake's arms were around you, pulling you toward the bed, and you let him take you there. "I didn't mean to make you cry, Darlin'," he whispered. "I just hate the idea that I could be holding you back."
"You're not," you sobbed, face buried against his neck as he pulled the covers over both of you. "All you do is make everything better. The boys and I woudn't want it any other way."
Jake held you until you felt calmer, his fingers trailing up and down your arm. "I won't doubt my wife again," he whispered, turning off the lamp.
"Don't you dare."
You fell asleep to the sound of the ocean and the feel of Jake's big hand on your back.
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New Tattoos ~Simon "Ghost" Riley Imagine~
Summary: Soap sees something new on his Liutenant. Luckily for you, you get to enjoy his new hidden tattoo.
Author’s Note: Still in love with Ghost. Also I finished the rest on my phone so if there’s any mistakes or anything like that, just ignore it.
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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Everyone knew that Ghost had a set of tattoos on his forearm. It was something that couldn't be missed whenever he wore a short sleeve shirt or when his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. His tattoos had a meaning to him.
Then came when you both married and had kids. Ghost didn't like to wear his wedding band during duty. But he did wanted to keep you and your kids close to him in some way or another.
So imagine Soap's surprise when he saw something on Ghost's chest where his heart would be.
"What's that Lt?" Soap asked Ghost as he watched his lieutenant put on a new shirt.
They had just finished a mission and had to get fixed and cleaned up before they could head back home. Even then, your children complained whenever Ghost came home, smelling "yucky." So Ghost made sure to get cleaned up before coming back home on every mission.
"What's what?" Ghost asked him.
"Get a new tattoo?" Soap asked him.
"Of what?"
"Why would you want to know?" Ghost asked.
"Just curious."
"Curiosity killed the cat."
"Yes but satisfaction brought it back. Come on Lt. I wanna know," Soap said.
"It's nothing," Ghost said before grabbing his stuff and walking out.
Though every time his greeting from you and the kids were the same, he always treasured it. Before he stepped foot into his house, Simon always made sure to take off his mask.
"Daddy!" His kids yelled out as they ran over and jump onto him. Simon picked up his two children before giving them a kiss on the cheek.
"Where's mommy?" Simon asked the two.
"I'm coming!" You said as you walked over to him. You kissed his cheek first before his lips. "Sorry, was washing the dishes."
"It's alright. As long as you're here," Simon smiled at you.
"Come on kids. Let daddy put his things away and help me set up the table for dinner," you tell your kids.
"Okay mommy!"
"I want to stay with daddy," your daughter pouted as she held onto Simon.
"She can stay with me love. Won't be too long," Simon said before giving you a quick kiss.
After dinner and getting the kids to bed, both you and Simon were able to have your alone time. It was no doubt that Simon wanted to enjoy every inch of you when he came back from a mission. And you enjoyed every inch of him as well.
“Soap might’ve gotten a glimpse of my new tattoo,” Simon told you as you lied on his chest. Your thumb lightly rubbed against Simon’s tattoo that was etched above his heart.
“Mmm. And what did he say?”
“Barely got to see it so he asked about it.”
“I don’t understand why you don’t tell him. You’re obviously close to him.”
“I like it better when you’re the only one who can see it. And maybe the kids,” Simon told you.
A little after your daughter was born, Simon had gotten a tattoo, dedicated to the three of you. Three triangles connected to one another. A very simple design but something only you and Simon would know and something that wouldn’t be used against him in case he was ever caught during a mission.
“Good. Because I like it whenever I’m able to see it,” you tell him, kissing the tattoo.
“I know you do.”
“How much you want to bet on Soap trying to guess what it means?” You joked.
“No need to bet, pet. He’s never going to get it,” Simon told you.
“You have to let me know what he thinks it means when he does see it.”
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hwaslayer · 9 months
project: make you love me (jyh) | thirteen.
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♣︎ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: yunho can’t stand how you’re so wrapped up in the notorious campus fuckboy, park seonghwa. he would gladly love you the way you deserve, despite being shy, awkward and the complete opposite of seonghwa. thus, when he finds himself spending more time with you over literature reviews and random study sessions, he decides to take on the challenge to win you over.
—pairing: jeong yunho x f. reader x park seonghwa
—genre: (18+ - minors dni) strangers/friends to lovers, college au | fluff, angst, smut
—word count: 5.9k
—chapter content/warnings: cussing/mature language, date with yunho!! 🥰, yunho and oc talk a bit about family dynamics, oc meets his mom and aunt <33, just a sprinkle of seonghwa, lots of sweet kisses, making out, breast play, unprotected sex, oral sex (f. receiving), fingering, clit play, teasing, a lil bit of a handjob, multiple orgasms (2 lol), praising, post-sex cuddles!, sorry if i missed anything - quickly edited 😅
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"Why are you doing that?" Yunho laughs, grabbing at your hand and giving it a gentle squeeze from the driver's seat to prevent you from fiddling with your fingers even more.
"I'm nervous." You pout and Yunho can't help but squish your cheeks.
"It's gonna be fine." Yunho smiles before shifting his attention back to the road. "Mom couldn't stop texting me about how excited she was to finally meet you."
"Me?" You ask him, almost in disbelief. "What if she sees me and she changes her mind!"
"She won't. She wouldn't do that over—" Yunho pauses and you can see the tip of his ear turn red, a faint rosy tint also creeping up to the surface of his cheeks.
"Hey, that's not fair." You playfully pinch him on the bicep, making him chuckle in his response. "Say it, Jeong Yunho."
"Not the government name." You glare at him and he shakes his head in defeat. "I was just gonna say she wouldn't do that over someone I'm sure about." Your eyes widen at the response before you smile and giggle.
"You mean that?"
"Of course I do." He laughs, placing a kiss on the surface of your hand. "So trust me when I say don't worry, okay? They'll adore you."
"Okay." Your bottom lip pokes out a bit. Today, Yunho was taking you on a date. To where? He wouldn't tell you. He wouldn't budge, no. But, you do know you're meeting his mom and aunt over a small dinner at the house, your nerves running wild since the moment you've hit the road. It's been awhile since your last relationship, and you really, really adore Yunho.
You don't wanna mess this up.
You are in love with him, and you hope they like you just like he promises they will. You are already hoping to build a good relationship with them, especially if you plan to be around. You can't help but think of your own mom and sister, hoping you'll be able to be plan something soon for them so they can officially meet Yunho in the right circumstances.
Since you're in Yunho's hometown, you aren't too familiar with what's around. You keep your eyes fixed on the scenery passing you by, listening to Yunho softly hum to the music in the background while he continues to drive off to the first destination. He seems to be taking you to the outskirts, driving deeper to the point where the small city fades into the back while the greenery begins to take over. He has to drive on a narrow path before he's navigating through a beaten, dirt path and into a lot that is surrounded by apple trees.
"Yunho." You continue to look out the window as he pulls into a spot in between two trees, a few other cars lining down the aisle.
"Yes?" He shuts off the car and unbuckles his seatbelt, looking at you with a sly smirk on his face.
"What're we doing?"
"Apple picking." You squeal and clap your hands, no longer able to contain your excitement. You had briefly mentioned going fruit picking to Yunho, stating it as a bucket list item of yours. He swings your door open to help you out of the car before leading you to the bins to place your apples in. Yunho hands you one, pleading for you to try and not fill it up too much so the bin doesn't get too heavy. He leads you down the open trail, already picking at a few nice apples along the branches. You stick closer to the ones in close proximity to your height, eyes lighting up every time you're able to snag a pretty one off the branches.
"Aw, I love this." You giggle, picking a few more off of the nearby branches. "They all look too pretty to eat."
"I know. I'm grabbing a few for my mom and aunt." Yunho effortlessly grabs a few off the taller branches, placing them gently into the bin. "Wanna save some for your mom and sister?"
"Just a few. I'm not even sure when if I'll see them in time. Otherwise Soobin, Chaery and Seungmo can eat them." He smiles.
"Sounds like a plan. Are they around for break?"
"In and out. I think the person who is staying here the most is Soobin. Chaery and Seungmin have a couple of plans with their families."
"What about Yeo?"
"He'll mostly be at the apartment." He caresses your chin. "What about you?"
"Ah, my family isn't big on doing things. We'll celebrate for the holidays but that's all." 
"You should. I'd love to meet your mom and sister again.. under better circumstances." You laugh.
"You will." You and Yunho continue to walk down the path, each stopping to take photos of each other under the crisp, afternoon sunlight. Once you're satisfied with the amount of apples in your bin, you take them to the weighing scale and pay for the apples before grabbing a small snack of freshly baked apple fritters and tea. You and Yunho sit at a picnic table to enjoy the sun slowly settling below the horizon. Yunho shows you his new lockscreen while you eat; a picture of you holding an apple next to your cheek while you cutely smile. 
"You're really cute." He smiles at his phone just before tossing his wrappers into the trash can. 
"You take the best photos of me. You sure you aren't into photography or anything?" He shakes his head.
"No. Just like taking pictures of you, thats all." You blush. "We should probably get going. There's one more place I wanna take you before we head to my house for dinner."
"Where?" He smirks.
"It's just 15 mins away. I think you'll like it. We'll only be there for an hour since the event is gonna end soon."
"Hm, okay Yunho. Surprise me some more." You tease with a giggle.
"I will." He kisses you on the temple before holding your hand and heading back to the car. The sun hasn't completely set yet, but the skies are filled with orange and red hues as you continue to drive along to your next destination. Yunho drives off to a nearby park that holds rollerskating events in the evening, except tonight would be its last night before it's converted to an ice skating rink. Yunho talks a bit about how he spent a lot of time at this park with his friends when he was young, and how they've done a lot to make the park nicer over the years. Now, they hold plenty of events that bring the community together. 
When he pulls into another lot, you can already hear the music blaring from within the park. It's muffled due to the trees surrounding the area, but the park is well lit even though the sun hasn't fully set. There are string lights hanging from tree to tree, even around the picnic tables that are planted around the area. As Yunho continues to walk down the path, you see a circular rink where people are rollerskating. There is a DJ blasting music off to the side, and a booth where you can rent skates.
"Rollerskating?" Your eyes light up. "Yunho?!"
"Thought we could give it a try together before they get rid of it."
"You're the best." You tippy-toe to wrap your arms around his neck, planting a sweet kiss against his lips. His large hands come to squeeze your side, holding the kiss for as long as he can before he slightly pulls away.
"Actually, I wanted to ask you something." He brushes the hair away from your face, thumb coming down to caress your cheek. You feel the butterflies swirling in your stomach when Yunho looks at you, his touch simple but warm, safe.
"What is it, Yunho?"
"I just really, really like you, Y/N. You make me happy, and you make me feel safe. I don't feel like I have to be someone I'm not, and that's the best feeling. I don't know, you just.. bring out the best in me. It sounds cliché, but I mean it when I say I haven't felt this way before."
"I feel the same." You caress his jaw. You would have never known that asking Yunho for help would lead to this— would lead to him being a special person in your life, someone you can't imagine your days without.
"So, I-I was hoping that, maybe, you could be my girlfriend?" You giggle and hug him again, nodding to give him his answer.
"I'd love to be." He cups your cheeks and brings you in for another kiss.
"Phew. I was actually losing my shit on the way here." You laugh as Yunho leads the way to the rental booth. "I kept rehearsing it in my head."
"Why?! Did you think I was gonna reject you?"
"Uh, yeah?" He gives you a look.
"No, never."
"Never, hm?" He teases before shifting his attention to the staff member at the booth. He pays for the rentals and hands you your skates, giving you the green light to walk over to the nearest bench and slip them in. You used to rollerskate when you were younger, but it's been years and you've only tried inline skating. Yunho already seems to be more pro than you because he's standing on his two feet comfortably, while your knees are shaking and you can't seem to fully stand up. He laughs as he comes closer, creating a bit of distance to give you some space to get used to the feeling. "Slowly, baby. Shift your weight a bit." You pout as you continue to practice, finally getting into a rhythm after a good 10 minutes.
"I think I should be okay." You say, comfortably skating over to Yunho without wobbling around. He nods and takes your hand, slowly skating over to join the crowd at the rink. "How are you literally so good at everything?"
"Nah." He laughs. "We'll go slow, okay? Everyone's going at their own pace." You smile, trusting in Yunho to take care of you. You easily begin to get comfortable with the music blasting in the background, skating alongside your man as the rest of the crowd enjoys themselves. Today was such an eventful day that you're wishing it never ends. All you find yourself doing while skating is laughing with Yunho and squealing every time you feel like you're going a little too fast and lose your balance.
You feel like you're on cloud nine and you wish you can stay in this moment forever with him.
The hour wraps up quick, and the DJ is having to end the night with a bittersweet speech about how he'll miss playing for this event. You and Yunho return the skates to the booth and slip back into your shoes, rushing over to the car before the lot could get too packed from everyone leaving at once. You laugh when Yunho quickly reverses and heads out of the lot, joking about how you've never seen him move that fast. When you're finally out and away from traffic, Yunho relaxes a little and takes you back into the central part of town for dinner.
"Yuyu?" He lets out a small chuckle hearing the Chaery-granted nickname slip from your lips. Nonetheless, he's grown a liking to it and loves having a nickname you two enjoy. 
"Hm?" He hums.
"Do you remember anything about your dad?" You flat out pose the question without thinking. He doesn't answer right away so you immediately follow-up with a— "Wait, I'm sorry. We don't have to do this right now if you aren't ready."
"No, love. It's fine. I'm okay talking about it, it's just not a common topic for me." He flashes you a small, reassuring smile. "To answer your question, no, I really don't remember anything about him. I remember seeing him come and go in the apartment we lived in when I was younger, and I remember seeing going with him to see some of his side of the family. But even then, those bits are blurred. I can't imagine what he looks like now, I can't make out a height. I can't make out much of his features." Your heart sinks.
"I'm so sorry, Yunho."
"It's okay. You don't have to apologize." He shrugs. "Part of me wishes I knew a bit more than what I know, but then I think about my mom and how she never gave up on me. She gave me everything even when times were tough. She treated me well and raised me well. She never tried to raise her voice at me and she never scolded me the way other parents would. She knew how to communicate with me even when I was small. I guess I never really needed him in the first place. I didn't feel the lack of love or support anywhere."
"That's amazing. I can tell you adore your mom to bits. It must have been tough for her, and I can only imagine."
"It was. It was really tough. But, we got through it together. I tried to fill in the empty spaces as much as possible."
"You're her world, that's more than enough. I know she appreciates you so much." He smiles at you, thumb running over the back of your hand. "There's nothing that could replace you, or any other love that could be better."
"My aunt says I kinda look like him." He chuckles. "But, she says she's glad I'm the complete opposite. My mom likes to remind her that I'm hers only." You laugh.
"How cute. You are hers."
"I know you said your dad comes around, but how is he with your mom nowadays?"
"They're good. I mean, like I said, they're better this way. They still bicker but it's not like before." You let out a soft sigh. "At first, she didn't understand why my sister and I still wanted to see him and have a relationship with him after the divorce. She was hurt, I guess. After everything they've been through. But, my dad never neglected us. He was still a good dad. He still is, even with the distance. He tries."
"That's good. Sometimes, they stop when all that goes down so it's good he still tries and is present in your lives."
"Yeah, I think so. Eventually, my mom understood that we still wanted him to be in our lives no matter what. And, I think she could see he felt the same." 
"That's nice. Do you see him for holidays?"
"He'll pop in for a little." Yunho nods. "Even though I'm nervous, I can't wait to meet your mom and aunt." You shift the topic back to his family.
"Hm, really?" He chuckles. "I can't wait for you to meet them, too. Especially since we're right around the corner."
"Already?!" He nods.
"Already. She told me they prepped a lot of food so.. should be fun."
"Now I'm even more nervous." You whine a bit and he laughs.
"It'll be fine, baby. Trust me." The petname makes your stomach do flips, but you can't really think about that now. He pulls around the corner and into the driveway of the 5th house down the street. The lights in the house are all on, and you can faintly see shadows moving around in what you assume is the kitchen area. "Ready?" He unbuckles his seatbelt and gives you a soft smile.
"Mhm." Yunho comes to assist you in the passenger's side, grabbing the bag of apples from behind your seat to bring into the house. He takes his keys from the carabiner hanging on his jeans, unlocking the door to a fairly loud house— mainly due to the TV in the living room.
"Hello?" Yunho calls out and you hear his aunt scream in excitement.
"Yunho! You made it." His mom greets him first before his aunt does. She looks at you with a soft smile, immediately welcoming you into her arms.
"This is Y/N." He steps aside to let you finish greeting his mom and his aunt, the both of them wrapping you into big, tight hugs.
"She's a pretty one, how did you manage to snag her?" His aunt teases, making his mom smack her on the arm in response.
"Yeah, right?" Yunho playfully agrees anyway.
"Come on, Y/N! Make yourself feel at home. Food is ready, I'm sure you two are starving."
"Thank you." You smile at her and follow her into the dining area. The table is set nicely, with a few candles in the center to help bring in some warmth and those winter season smells you love so much. You almost feel bad that they've cooked so much food, but Yunho is happy and he's excited to dig in. He pulls out your chair before sitting next to you, hand on your thigh to give it a comforting, reassuring squeeze.
"Y/N, please. Go ahead and start. What drinks do you two want?" His aunt asks.
"I'll help you."
"I'm okay with water. Thank you." Yunho stands to help his aunt with the drinks, his mom sitting in front of you with a smile on her face.
"It really is so nice to finally meet you. Yunho doesn't stop talking about you." You hear Yunho clear his throat as he hands you a cup of water.
"Not like that. I take some breaks in between." He jokes.
"He definitely doesn't." His mom corrects him, handing you the bowl of rice. "It's cute to see him all shy like this. He really likes you, and I can see why." You giggle.
"Oh, well. I can say the same." You help yourself to some rice before passing more food around the table. "Yunho's very sweet. He helped me a lot with one of our classes."
"That's cute." His aunt plops onto her seat and laughs. "Tell us about yourself, Y/N. We've been dying to meet you." You laugh, proceeding to tell them more about yourself, your mom, dad and sister. As you've continued to talk about your childhood and how things have been over the years, you find yourself comfortable enough to open up about both the highs and lows being with your family. It was nice to hear Yunho's mom and aunt reassure you, telling you it was nice that your family still got along no matter the circumstance.
Then, you and Yunho talked a little bit more about school and how you two got close over literature class. You shyly praise him in front of his family, telling them how one of your favorite things about him was his humor and how laidback he's always been. Yunho's mom tells you that Yunho has always remained the same throughout the years— that he's always been the same 'sweet, affectionate, funny-boned' boy she's always adored.
After a good, long dinner, you and Yunho help clean up in the kitchen, tagteaming on dishes while his mom and aunt cleaned the table and around the counters. His mom packs you both some leftovers, telling you to share with your roommates. She packs it neatly into separate bags for you and Yunho, handing it over with a sweet smile on her face.
"It's late. You should've just stayed." You hug Yunho's aunt before hugging his mom. She keeps her arm around you, gently rubbing at your back as she continues to softly scold Yunho.
"It's not that late, mom. I'll be okay."
"Still! It's dark out and you have a two hour drive ahead of you."
"I know, I know. Next time." He looks at his mom. "May I have my girlfriend back?"
"Maybe." His mom teases back. "Promise me you'll stay next time."
"Promise." Yunho winks at his mom as he finally gets a hold of your hand and leads you out to the car.
"Mhm. I saw that. Seriously, come back soon, okay? You two better stay here next time." His aunt says, making you laugh as you wave.
"We will. I'll make sure of it." You respond.
"I really like her." His aunt says loud enough for you to hear, causing you to giggle to yourself while you settle into the passenger's seat.
"Yunho." His mom calls out just as he's about to step in, one leg already thrown into the car.
"Drive safely."
"Of course. I'll tokyo drift all the way back to the apartment, how's that? Gets me there faster."
"Jeong Yunho!" She playfully scolds him.
"Kidding. I will!" He laughs and waves her off, finally getting into the car.
"Stop teasing your mom like that." You chuckle.
"It's funny, isn't it?"
"You're too much." Yunho smiles and kisses your hand just before holding it. 
"Mm, wanna watch a movie when we get back? If you're not too tired."
"I'm down."
"You're gonna fall asleep on the way, aren't you?"
"Maybe." You shyly admit. You are feeling pretty exhausted after your day, but you're trying your hardest not to give in so you can continue to keep Yunho company on the long drive back. "But, I'm trying to stay up so I can keep you company.
"It's okay, baby." He says softly, eyes glued onto the road ahead. "If you wanna nap, you should nap."
"What about you?" You yawn, head leaning back against the headrest.
"I'm used to these drives. I'll be okay. Promise."
"Okay." You feel your eyes getting heavy. It isn't long before you fall asleep, Yunho turning down the music and turning up the heat. Quite frankly, he is tired. But, he wasn't lying when he said he was used to these drives. Plus, overall, he does enjoy driving. It soothes him, relaxes him.
He can't wait to get back home and cuddle with you over a movie.
You're his, and he is yours.
The thought alone makes Yunho feel so giddy inside.
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After a somewhat grueling 2 hours, Yunho finally pulls into the familiar lot. You had woken up about 30 minutes ago, and Yunho is glad you did or else he'd feel terrible having to wake you up from a good slumber in the car. The both of you make your way back up to his apartment, finding that Yeosang isn't home. The apartment is dark, but warm. It's spotless and it's incredibly quiet. 
You make your way to the restroom to quickly freshen up and change into Yunho's shirt for the night. You brush your teeth and finish up your bedtime routine before stepping out, seeing Yunho sitting on the living room floor while flipping through the movie options.
"I'll be back." He points to the TV. "I kinda just settled on that new Leave the World Behind movie." 
"Sounds good to me." He quickly eyes his shirt on you, no bottoms. And god, it instantly drives him crazy. Before he could fall too deep into his feelings, Yunho waddles off to the bathroom to get ready for the evening and changed into some sweats and a shirt. By the time he heads back out to the living room, you've shut off all the lights, and you've paused the movie right at the beginning. Your eyes are fixed on your phone, and a few texts come in. But, Yunho doesn't really pay much attention to it and instead plops onto the ground right in front of you.
chaery: hello?! I SAW YOUR STORY. did he finally ask you to be his gf?! holy shit!!
seungmin: y/n's tied down now ayeeee
soobin: congrats!! when's the wedding!!
seonghwa: i see you're around for break.
seonghwa: wanted to see you really quickly and apologize. you don't have to do anything or say anything, but at least hear me out.
You roll your eyes at the two texts from Seonghwa, quickly responding to your roommates before locking your phone and tossing it aside.
"You don't wanna sit up here?" Your arms hang over Yunho as your chin rests on his head.
"I need to stretch." He laughs. "Sorry pretty. I'll be right here." He resumes the movie just as you kiss the top of his head and switch your attention to the screen.
The both of you are equally invested in the movie, even as you continue to hang over Yunho while he holds onto your arms. You've barely even reached halfway when catch yourself ogling at Yunho's hands and the veins that run through them. You peek over to see how glued he is to the movie, eyeing his side profile before placing a gentle kiss on his temple, cheek. He giggles a bit before looking up at you, the mood in the room doing a complete flip when he sees the look in your eyes.
It's the same look he had when he was checking you out in his shirt.
"What's up, cutie?"
"I just wanna say thank you for today."
"You don't have to thank me."
"I do. I really enjoyed it, so thank you, babe." 
"Of course. Is there anything else on your mind?"
"Just wanna kiss you."
"That's it?" He teases, watching as you dip forward to close in on his lips.
"Maybe." You whisper just as you kiss him. At first, the kiss is sweet, innocent. The next moment, it's deeper, more intense— your tongue dancing around with his while the movie is a long-gone thought in the background. Yunho gently bites onto your bottom lip before pulling back; eyes full of lust meeting yours.
"Do you wanna move to the room?" He licks his lips while his eyes dart from your eyes, back down to your lips. 
"Mhm." You respond softly, hands still cupping Yunho's cheeks. He smiles and plants a quick kiss to your lips before standing to his feet. He shuts off the movie and helps you up from the couch, leading you to his room. Yunho shuts his door, watching as you climb into bed and under the covers. It's not long before he joins you— slightly hovering over you as he pulls the covers over his body. 
"Baby." He calls lowly. 
"Yeah?" Your fingers are tangled at the ends of his hair, eyes scanning every feature on Yunho's face— his long lashes, his pink lips, his doe eyes, his soft, black hair. You adore everything about Yunho, and you can't help but melt in his hold.
"Is it okay if I keep going..?" You nod quietly as Yunho leans in to meet your lips again, hand coming up underneath your shirt to caress your bare skin. His hand his warm against the surface, and it's enough to light up your entire body; fireworks going off every time Yunho deepens the kiss a little more. He gives your side a squeeze, lips now trailing down to the corner of your lips, your jaw.
Yunho takes his time on your neck, though. And god, do you love every bit of it. You squirm underneath him, teeth nibbling on your bottom lip when you feel Yunho's tongue glide across the surface before gently sucking on it, when you feel him slowly rocking his hips against you. He catches the way you continue to bite onto your lip, smirking against your skin just as he places another kiss at the base.
Down to your collarbone.
"Can I?" He whispers, slowly lifting up the edge of your shirt. You nod, lifting yourself up to help Yunho tug the shirt over your head and onto the floor. He takes a moment to admire your bare chest, eyes glowing at how beautiful you look underneath him. "So pretty." His eyes are now glued onto yours as he continues to leave a trail of kisses down your chest. His tongue glides over to a nipple, popping the bud into his mouth before working his tongue in a circular motion. You let out a small whimper and Yunho feels the blood rush straight down to his dick.
He can't wait to have all of you. To have a taste, to feel you around him.
As his and his only.
He moves to the next bud, sucking gently before repeating the circular motions around your nipple— pulling back with a small pop. You feel the goosebumps heighten on your arms, the pleasure already surging through your veins. 
"Taking these off." Yunho says as he makes his way down, finger slightly dipping underneath the waistband of your pjay bottoms. You watch as he sheds off your bottoms and panties, tossing them off to the side to join your [his] shirt on the floor. You feel incredibly shy being this bare, this vulnerable, in front of Yunho. But, the feeling dissipates when he smiles in awe; his large hands caressing your thighs and giving them a kiss. "You're so beautiful." He plants a kiss to your inner thigh. "Wanna make you feel good, love." He watches for your response as he softly nibbles on your inner thigh. 
"Please." You respond, almost whimpering for him to continue. Your breath hitches when you feel his thumb graze over your folds then press on your clit. He starts to rub your already sensitive nub in slow, circular motions to test the waters, before diving in with his tongue against you. His other hand is gripping your thigh, keeping your legs spread open so he could get you in all angles, taste every drop of you. "Yunho." You breathily moan, hands tangled in his hair as he continues to lap at your folds and suck on your clit. He proceeds with slipping a finger inside of you, pumping at a slow and steady pace while continuing to work his tongue on you. It's not long before he's slipping another digit in— this time, watching your reaction from in between your thighs, biting onto his lip every time you squirm and moan for him to keep going.
Yunho finds, at this very moment, that he can't get enough of you. He wants to be the only one who keeps making you feel good, and he wants to keep hearing you like this. He wants to be everything for you, as long as you'll let him.
"All this for me, hm?" He hums, feeling his digits coated in your slickness. He quickly removes his fingers and replaces the pleasure with his tongue again, allowing you to grind against him when he picks up his pace— lapping at your folds and flicking at your clit; sucking every drop of you he can get.
"Oh—Yunho!” You almost yell his name, hands now gripping his hair as you continue to grind against his mouth. He lets out a groan against you, sending the vibrations straight to your core. "Oh shit, I'm—" Your statement is broken because your mind is fuzzy with your orgasm approaching quick. You're probably gripping on Yunho's hair a little too tightly without realizing but he doesn't mind. Especially when your face contorts in pleasure, a beautiful, strangled moan leaving your lips as you twitch in his grip. He keeps your legs opened, mouth still latched onto you until you've come down from your high. "Oh my god." You mumble and Yunho chuckles. 
"You okay, baby?" You nod just as Yunho leans forward to kiss you, letting you taste yourself on his lips. "Wanna feel you." He takes your hand and presses it against his hardened cock. He hisses at your touch, shutting his eyes for a brief moment as you palm him through his sweats. "See what you do to me? Want all of you."
"You have me, Yunho." You tug at his shirt, giving him leverage to shed it off and toss it on the floor. "You have me." You repeat. He simply sheds off his sweats and boxers, his cock springing free from its confines. You can't help but ogle at how he's built— his toned abs, his biceps, his pretty, thick cock. You help yourself and continue to stroke him for a bit, pumping at a slow pace while your thumb spreads the pre-cum all over his tip. He lets out a shaky breath just as he lowers himself onto you, planting kisses along your jaw and neck.
"Fuck. I don't have any condoms." He pauses and looks at you, but you respond by shaking your head.
"It's fine. I'm on birth control. And clean. Promise." You reassure him, knowing you made sure to get tested after Seonghwa just in case. He nods and takes his length in his hand, gently tapping it against your folds and nudging the tip against your clit to tease you.
"Yes. Need you." Yunho wastes no time pushing himself into you slowly, burying himself to the hilt. He pauses for a minute to adjust to the feeling, giving you a moment to take him in. His forehead is pressed against yours as he lays a kiss on the tip of your nose, moving down to your lips. He holds the kiss for a second before parting, savoring the feeling of your lips against his for the brief moment.
Yunho begins to pick up his pace, letting out a small groan when he feels how tight you are. He loves seeing your back slightly arch, the goosebumps forming on your skin when he touches you lightly— lips grazing the surface of your collarbones, chest, just ghosting over your nipples. You moan his name when he quickly sucks on your buds, snapping his hips at a faster pace. The room is filled with sounds of skin against skin, wet kisses and moans that are nothing short of pornographic. Yunho thrusts hard one, two, three times, his mouth swallowing the loud moan you let out.
"God, you feel so good around me." He says. "Like you were meant for me."
"I am." You cutely respond and Yunho lets out a shaky breath.
"Mmmfuck." Yunho lets out just as he takes his thumb to your clit. You feel the tingle down your spine, the pleasure building in your gut, as Yunho rolls his hips in a steady fashion; enough to drive you crazy, pushing you close to the edge. "Gotta cum for me, baby."
"So close." You moan, gently biting at his bottom lip and tugging it back. "I'm so close, babe."
"That's my girl." He says, taking note of how you continue to squirm in his hold, your walls clenching around him.
That's it.
You're my babygirl. 
So good for me.
He continues to praise you in your ear until he finally tips you over the edge, eyes shut close as you let out a string of moans— calling his name like a mantra. Yunho feels you squeeze him, walls wrapping him so tightly he might just lose himself right at this moment. So, he locks his hands with yours— holding it against the pillow as he thrusts into you and chases his own high.
Luckily, Yeosang hasn't walked in yet or else he's not really sure how Yeo would react to hearing your loud moans. Yunho doesn't care much to shush you right now, though. He loves hearing it. He's basking in all of this, all of you.
"Y/N—" He groans. "Baby, where do you want me?"
"Inside, please." You're finally meeting his gaze with those doe-eyes of yours and Yunho lets himself go. He moans as his hips stutter, coating your walls as he releases and fills you up. It takes a moment before he comes back down from his orgasm, Yunho looking at you through hooded eyes before lazily planting a kiss on your lips. 
"You okay?" He whispers, brushing the hair away from your face. 
"Mhm." You kiss him again before he leaves the covers, snatching a piece of tissue from his desk to clean you up.
"I'll grab you some water. Do you want anything else, love?" You shake your head and slip back into his shirt.
"No, thank you." He smiles while throwing on his boxers and sweats, walking out to grab some cold water. He comes back shortly, shutting his door before handing you the water. You take a few gulps before you're satisfied, leaving the water aside to slip under the covers and get comfortable. Yunho immediately pulls you into his arms; one arm around your neck, with the other wrapped around your waist. "You're so warm." He chuckles.
"Good. As long as you're okay." He kisses your forehead. "Y/N?"
"You’re everything to me.”
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♣︎ taglist: @s-nsanshine @soupbinlily @tyongff-ff @jiminiscricket @g1g1l @staytinyinmybpack @woomyteez @gfksz @bitchwhytho @savluvsmingi @thisisntmyrightera @hyukssunflower @miriamxsworld @tmtxtf @kuromibabe04 @lmnhead @carrietwrites @tournesol155 @persphonesorchid @txt-yaomi @mxnsxngie @h-nji @mundayoonimnida @jalapeno-princess @nakiiko @asjkdk @kunikku @idkwgoh @kyeos4ng @agust-d2 @araknoid @bintificreads @primoppang @betray-the-light @aurorasjoongie @wineyoungie @yunholuvrsblog @mingigiggles @jaerisdiction @ignoretheskies @luminouskalopsia @naeviscall @vixensss @choisansplushie @arya9111 @my-lightspirit @dazednconfusion @astro-doll-the-star @faesmingi
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randomshyperson · 8 months
Fluorescent Adolescent - Heart Shaped Series
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Chapter Summary: Layla's presence brings back some ghosts from your past and for the first time, you want to include Wanda in everything.
Warnings: Typical canon violence, mentions of blood, stitches, and pregnancy nausea, talking about abusive environments (innuendo of different forms of exploration), mild angsty with a bit of comedy as well, some Blackhill drama too | Words: 6.935k
A/N-> This chapter is a bit longer but I tried to put more characters background on it. I know it's late, I've been struggling with my writer's block, but it's finally here. I'm also sorry there's no smut on this one, but the chapter mood was not a sexy one. We will be back to our normal schedule I promise. Also, the extra chapter with their first kiss is almost ready as well! So hopefully, the next update won't take that long.
General Masterlist | Wattpad | AO3 | Series Masterlist
“Do you really have to do that?”
The question drew a confused laugh from you. With your hands busy with a first aid kit borrowed from Natasha, you can only offer a look to your girlfriend.
But Wanda snorted stubbornly, crossing her arms before stopping in the doorway of the bathroom in Black Widow's room, who was standing outside with the rest of the team. You were supposed to go back outside right away before Layla had a nervous breakdown at being left with the entire Avengers team while you grabbed the kit to fix your own reaction to seeing her and ending up hurting her.
"I just don't understand why you have to do the bandage. Can't you ask Nat or any of them?" Wanda insisted, sounding very irritated and you had no idea why.
"Well, Layla only trusts me of all the people present and I'm the one who threw her against a snack machine." You half-heartedly explain the whole thing. "If you'll excuse me, sweetheart."
Wanda gave you the room but did so with a grimace that you would probably try to understand later. She's been acting so weird ever since your partner arrived, but Layla's presence is making you worried enough. You'd talk to Wanda after you understood exactly what the other woman was doing here.
Outside, and in the outer courtyard that was more isolated from the rest of the motel, Layla was sitting at one of the tables with the Avengers doing a poor job of disguising the fact that they were on alert for her. Sitting down, her jacket was laid beside her, and she was wearing a tank top that exposed the redness of her new bruise and made you groan low in guilt. Wanda, who hadn't left your trail since Layla appeared, glared at you as soon as she caught the sound.
For the witch, she didn't see the bruise but the beautiful woman with well-defined muscles, a tight tank top and curls that made her look even more attractive than before. And you, who apparently had a long-term relationship with the curly woman and were friendly enough for her to come looking for you.
You didn't even notice the look Wanda gave you, busy opening the kit and mumbling apologies to Layla in Arabic that made Wanda spend the next few minutes imagining you learning another language just to talk to your friend.
She was so distracted by her own neuroses that she didn't notice Natasha approaching, and leaning on the pillar she was also resting on.
"Wow, if looks could kill..." teased the widow, but Wanda snorted lowly, ignoring the phrase and trying to pretend she wasn't watching you pull whatever piece of glass the machine left behind in Layla's back, while you whispered apologies to her for it. 
Natasha chuckled at the witch's expression and wasn't intimidated by her aggressive attitude. It surprised her that Wanda, a moment later, was the one who started the conversation.
"Do you think they seem close?"
You had just pressed a cotton pad with alcohol on Layla's wound, and because you were sitting next to her, the woman, grunting in pain, instinctively grabbed your thigh. 
Nat raised an eyebrow.
"I bet you ten bucks they've slept together." Replied the widow, and Wanda grunted in disgust before turning away from the scene. Natasha giggled. "Hey, I'm joking."
"Whatever, I'd better get out of here before I blow something up." Muttered the witch in a frown, practically running away from the scene.
Natasha sighed, regretting having taken the provocation too far. She took one last look at you and Layla before turning back to Steve and Sam on the other side of the courtyard.
You were just finishing sewing the few stitches on Layla's shoulder when she called your attention.
"Sorry, I promise I'm almost done-"
"It's not that, يا حلو (sweetie)." She interrupts gently. "I don't think your girlfriend likes me."
You smile, unable to take your eyes off the stitches you're closing. "Don't be silly, Wanda doesn't know you well enough." You retort. " She'll need at least a few days not to like you."
Layla chuckles, pinching you gently for the joke. You finish the stitches next, and as you assess the work to make sure they won't open, she speaks again.
"I've been looking for you."  Layla's tone is a little upset, and it surprises you. You look at her, but she continues to stare at the team from a distance. "I thought you might have been kidnapped. Or even killed. I almost went to Valentina to ask." You swallow, ready to apologize when Layla finally looks at you. "And all this time you've been playing superhero with your new friends?"
"Layla, it's nothing like that."
"So what's it like?" She demands with a hard stare. You sigh, hesitating about taking it all in like that, and Layla studies you intently. When she speaks again, it's in another language that she hopes no prying ears can understand. "هل هي مهمة أخرى؟ (Is it another assignment)?"
You look back at Natasha talking to Sam and of course she would know Arabic, but she didn't really seem to be paying attention to the conversation.
Either way, you face Layla and and denies it with your head. You sigh once more before forcing a smile at her. "I'm not here on business."
Layla doesn't seem to believe your words. "Come on, I'm not going to torment you if your girlfriend asked you to steal something for them." She shrugged. "I even heard that they're being treated like criminals now. Decided to act on their own, huh?"
You don't answer right away. You occupy your hands with the bloodstained cotton and the needle thread, saving what can be reused, like the alcohol, and throwing away the rest.
When you return to the table where Layla is still exchanging hard looks in the direction of the Avengers, you lean over to talk to her.
"Valentina didn't send me here." You say. "Like I said, it's not about work. Me and Wanda, we're together for real."
Despite the tense exchange between her and the rest of the team, excitement shines through her irises and she looks at you with wide, surprised eyes, a smile playing on her lips.
"Oh, you didn't say."
You chuckle shyly, looking away from your colleague. "Shut up."
"No, I mean it." She giggles. "Damn, I think I owe Xu Xialing some money." You frown in confusion, and Layla sighs. "She bet you'd put a ring on it before the end of the year, and here we are."
Your ears heat up, but you roll your eyes. "I can't believe you bet on me."
Layla chuckles, gently bumping her good shoulder against yours. "Come on, what do you expect from the founder of the Golden Daggers? She breathes gambling. You got really drunk after the last championship and started whining about how much you missed your little Sokovian witch. I wasn't expecting to owe Xialing 20,000 Yuan either, but here we are."
It's your turn to laugh, covering your face for a moment. "And how is she? Xu Xialing?"
Layla snorts softly, shrugging. "Honestly, I have no idea. But if the club is still standing, then she must be fine."
"You should visit her."
"Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you." Layla retorts somewhat ironically, and you hesitate, looking away. "What? Why are you acting so weird?"
You chuckled weakly, trying to gather your courage. Finally, you take a deep breath and say. "I'm not going to do these things anymore, Layla. Nothing we did together. Robberies, fights, the club. None of it. I want out."
But it doesn't take Layla by surprise. She remains silent before looking away.
"I guess I expected that."
You frown. "Really?"
Layla chuckles, looking at you again. "Yeah. Since the day you arrived from Italy, acting so... quirky."
"I wouldn't use that word."
"I thought it would be rude to call you a simp." 
You chuckle, shaking your head. Layla laughs too, before leaning her good shoulder against yours. It's an affectionate gesture, which she used to do a lot when you were on long robberies and so exhausted that the world would stop making sense. The touch was a way of anchoring each other back to reality.
"You could have told me." She says gently, even if the words hide a certain disappointment. 
You swallow, looking down at your shoes. "I was afraid, I guess." You mumble, and she frowns in confusion. You sigh sadly. "I'm not good with these things, Layla. You're my work partner. I thought, if I'm not working anymore, I'll lose you. I just... didn't want that. It was easier not saying anything."
Layla reaches over to entwine her arm in yours and take your hand. "You're an idiot."
"Thanks." You mumble, but she chuckles, squeezing your fingers for a moment.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." She says and you look at her curiously. She sighs. "For giving you the impression that we were just work colleagues. You're my friend. You've always been my friend."
You smile, ignoring the sudden urge to cry. 
"I'm sorry I didn't call." You mumble. "I didn't want to worry you."
"Nah, it's fine." She assures you with a smile. "It's like Bulgaria all over again. I should have waited for backup, but all I ended up doing was calling you for help. I don't think I'll ever get over the fact that you got me out of that basement wearing the Chief of Government's face." You chuckle nostalgically at the story of what was probably the moment when your friendship and partnership with Layla was settled. 
"You want to get even? Tell Valentina about me." It's supposed to be a joke, but it immediately makes Layla tense up.
She opens her mouth to say something, but suddenly there's a backpack slamming into her lap. 
"Your things are in one piece again." It's Wanda, angry and with red eyes that make Layla frown with some concern. The remnants of her magic leaving the backpack also signal that Wanda has repaired anything broken by the impact earlier. "You can leave now."
You only realized you were still holding Layla's hand because Wanda was looking directly at it. It was your friend who let go first, chuckling weakly at the whole thing while you tried to understand exactly why Wanda seemed about to murder someone.
"Thanks for fixing my stuff, but I still have a few things to discuss with my partner." Layla replies with a shrug, her backpack in her hands. "I'll get something to eat first, I'm starving."
But Wanda steps forward. "There are some great restaurants on the road."
The curly gives a confused snort at the hostility, but you get to your feet before your friend ends up giving a rude answer to a witch who could do a lot worse than push her against a snack machine.
You enter Wanda's field of vision, and much of the fury disappears from her gaze. 
"Hey, can we talk?" You ask, and the witch gives the thief one last angry look before allowing herself to be taken to a far corner of the courtyard. You sigh softly as soon as you're alone with her. "What was that all about, Wanda?"
She crosses her arms, her jaw clenched. It's so unfair that Wanda always finds ways to make herself more attractive. 
"You told me you didn't have any friends, but you seem very close to that woman."
You hesitate, and that doesn't help your situation. Wanda narrows her eyes at you, and you try not to look intimidated under her red irises.
"It's complicated."
" It's better not to be, darling, because if she touches you again I swear I'll-"
"Wow, you're jealous." You interrupt her sentence as you realize it, a laugh escaping you. "Holy shit, you really are."
Wanda doesn't reply, rolling her eyes and looking away, but you stare at her with a certain intensity. 
"No one's ever been jealous of me before." You confess quietly, and despite the color in her cheeks, she looks at you with irritation.
"Stop it." She retorts. "That's not a good thing. You shouldn't try to look on the bright side, I'm not… “ She takes a deep breath, as if trying to calm her nerves. Then, she tries to smile. “I'm just being silly. You should say that."
You chuckle. One of your hands moves up to brush the rebellious strands of hair out of front of her eyes.
"Alright, I'll try. Wanda, you're being silly. There's no reason to be jealous. Better? I kinda sound like those movie characters."
Wanda grunted in frustration, hiding her face in your chest afterward. "It's not fair." She mutters, her voice muffled in your clothes as your hands wrap around her shoulders. "She was all over you, and I can't even be mad at you for being clueless."
You sigh, without breaking the embrace, trying to explain further:
"It was a friendly gesture, I promise. It's nothing like when we hold hands. When Layla and I would go on missions together, sometimes we'd spend so long hiding, rationing food while injured, that we'd start to get a little crazy. The touch would ground us again. She reached out to my hand because I told her I wasn't going to work with her anymore."
Wanda breaks the embrace to look at you. "Because you're staying with me."
You smile and nod. "That's right, darling. Just like I promised."
The witch sighs, sinking her face into your chest again for a long moment. You don't mind and stroke her hair until Wanda ignores the insecurities that have arisen and relies only on you.
She's still hugging you when she mutters: "I'm sorry for snapping at your friend. I'll apologize to her too."
"It's okay, I doubt Layla took it to heart." You mutter, and Wanda breaks the hug to look you in the eye.
"What does she still have to discuss with you?" The witch asked more seriously, with a different kind of concern rather than jealousy now.
You force a smile. "Let's find out." 
The new information you passed on to Layla about running away seemed to have some kind of effect on her because when you and Wanda found her again, she was chatting amiably with the rest of the Avengers. Wanda had the impression that Sam was actually flirting with her and felt some weight leave her shoulders even though you had assured her that there was nothing between you. 
With the most sympathetic exchange between Layla and the rest of the team, she was invited to stay - Of course, she didn't miss the opportunity to make a few jokes on earth mighty heroes having lunch with criminals, but everyone took it as a joke. And shortly after eating, Wanda noticed that the two of you exchanged a look that meant it was time to talk.
She was ready to deal with her own jealous insecurities when you, who had been by her side all lunch, leaned over to kiss her cheek.
"Come on, love, let's go for a walk with Layla." It's an invitation, not just to talk, but to a part of your life that Wanda has never seen. She has to bite the inside of her cheek to control her anxiety, and it helps a little by the look of reassurance that Natasha throws her from across the table.  
Layla, now with the bandage securely sewn up, is wearing a jacket again and dark glasses that make her look too cool even for the fugitive Avengers. 
Wanda wishes she wasn't so nice and clever in her jokes and comments during lunch either, so it would be easier to hate her.
So far, she has only been able to understand exactly why you were friends.
"I gotta catch a bus, come on." Layla says as soon as you're on your feet. There's no bigger goodbye for the Avengers than a nod, and it makes sense since despite the polite exchange, they're not friends and Layla is still on the wanted list.
You keep your hand intertwined with Wanda's, and at a slow pace, you accompany Layla to the nearest bus stop.
"It's quite of sad you couln't get a car, my friend." You tease, earning a short laugh from Layla. Even though you can't see behind her glasses, you're sure she rolled her eyes.
"I couldn't bring my bike straight here from across the globe, and I wasn't going to attract unwanted attention by stealing a new one." She explains casually. "Besides, there's decent public transportation around here." She winks at you and Wanda. "I will survive."
You reach the bus stop on the corner, it's completely empty but that's not atypical for a corner motel in an isolated place.
Wanda decides to sit on one of the benches, and even though you're standing, you don't occupy her view or try to exclude her from the conversation. You lean against one of the railings and cross your arms, offering Wanda a small smile before facing Layla.
"So, Miss El-Faouly, how fucked am I?"
She chuckles, shaking her head.
"I told you, Valentina doesn't know you ran away." She retorts. "Not yet."
You sigh, and Wanda bites the inside of your cheek. She has so many questions, but you think it's best not to interrupt. 
"What does she know?"
Layla shrugs. "She probably thinks you're having another morality crisis." The woman retorts, stealing a few glances down the street. "You've been away before. A few times on vacation, yes? But she'll know what you're up to if you don't come back soon."
You look down to check the watch on your wrist. You laugh humorlessly. "Actually, I've just missed the deadline. It's Tuesday, which means that officially, this is my longest period without contact after a mission. I guess she hadn't come to me yet because what I picked up in Greece arrived in the mail."
Wanda doesn't ask - not about what you were stealing before you joined her. The connection, the freshly healed bullet wound you had when you arrived. She knew you were working. 
Layla steals a glance at the witch before clearing her throat.
"What if... you came back?" Your expression hardens immediately, but Layla clarifies; "Just to talk to Valentina, Y/N."
"No, Layla."
"She'll make things more difficult if she knows you've just left. You know that. If only-"
"It's out of the question."
"God, why are you being so stubborn?" Layla replies a little impatiently, her eyes studying you. "Your superhero girlfriend will be fine for a few days without you!"
"Layla." You cut in more seriously, and the girl snorts angrily but doesn't insist. Exchanging a glance with Wanda, you soften your tone. "I'm not leaving her, Layla. I can't, it's not right. Wanda, she... she's pregnant."
Layla widens her eyes, looking between the two of you in shock. "What? Really? And it's yours?"
You and Wanda choke at the same time. With her ears slightly reddened, she gives your friend a deadly stare. "Of course it is!"
The thief shakes her head quickly. "I didn't mean it like that!" She tries quickly. "I just... I didn't know you could, Y/N."
You sigh wearily. "I can transform into any Caborn-based form and you think I'm unlikely to have children?" 
But Layla rolls her eyes, suddenly a little hesitant. "That's not what I meant either." She mutters. "I just assumed... you couldn't. Not after all they've done to you..."
But you clear your throat, get to your feet and Layla falls silent. Wanda frowns in curiosity at the interaction, but you're delivering something to your friend.
"Here, for Lagaro. For all the trouble." You hand over your watch and Layla grimaces.
"And my trouble?"
You chuckle. "Af if  you weren't dying to see me."
Wanda clears her throat, and you take a step away from Layla before your girlfriend loses her temper again. The curly doesn't notice, busy putting your watch back in her pocket and checking the street again.
"Lagaro will be happy to know you're not dead, Y/N. Not just with the watch." Your friend comments and you nod, moving closer to Wanda to rest one of your arms on her shoulder. You're trying to relax the tension that has arisen there. When Layla looks at you again, her expression is more serious. "Think about what I said. I understand why you can't leave her, I really do. I guess it's the same idea with Marc disappearing to protect me."
You smile. "Marc disappears because he's an idiot, you should have married someone more... present." Layla raises her middle finger at you, but Wanda suddenly feels very silly knowing that all this time, your friend was married.
There's a bus approaching on the corner, Layla sighs as she sees it stop at a red light. She then offers you two a smile.
"Despite the circumstances, I'm really happy for you both." She assures you with sparkling eyes. "Just... be safe, darling. Okay?"
As she hugs you, she whispers something that Wanda doesn't hear and has to ignore the instinct to ask. She doesn't want to pry, but she feels so curious that she almost uses her powers to find out.
Instead, she also says goodbye to Layla and the two of you watch the woman get on the bus and leave.
Once you're alone, you entwine your hands together again and give Wanda a small smile.
"I can almost hear the gears in your mind working, baby." You tell her gently, and Wanda sighs. "You know you can ask me anything, don't you?
She nods, before looking around to see the growing number of lunchtime passers-by. With another sigh, she faces you.
"Let's go back inside."
It's a silent, tense walk back. You can sense that Wanda is nervous, and you fear that she's insecure again, about trusting you, about feeling left out.
The Avengers are no longer outside, whether they're back in their own rooms or out for a walk, you don't need to give any excuses about Layla's quick farewell. 
Wanda enters first, and as you close the door, she crosses her arms and waits in the center of the room.
With a sigh, you speak first. "Come on, darling, ask me anything you want." You try to sound as gentle as you can, yet Wanda seems very nervous.
"I've spent so much time studying you. Your missions, your deeds, your disguises." She begins. "Still, I feel like I don't know anything."
"Well, that's because I'm good at what I do." Wanda looks at you seriously and you sigh, forcing yourself to act more serious about the whole thing. "Sweetheart, you know me. You know me more than anyone else."
You try to touch her cheek, but Wanda pulls away. "You say that, but I don't think it's true." She fights back annoyed. "I didn't even know about Layla. What else are you hiding?"
You frown in surprise at the accusation. But instead of starting a fight, you swallow dry. "I wasn't hiding. This is hard for me. I can't just dump my life on you. Sharing... doesn't come naturally to someone like me."
Wanda looks down, a little uncertain. "I just want you to trust me."
"And I do." You assure her, stepping forward to touch her shoulders. This time, she almost melts into your touch. "Look at me, I've been an wanted criminal for as long as I can remember, but I'm here, in a hotel surrounded by avengers, just to be with you. I want to be with you, no matter the risk, no matter what. Not only do I trust you, but I love you. Do you understand what I'm saying? You not knowing all the details of my past, of my work, doesn't make it any less true."
Wanda takes a deep breath and lets her forehead fall to yours. You stroke her shoulders, thinking about breaking the distance when suddely she moves away.
"You really have to go, don't you?" She asks with tears in her eyes, and you feel your stomach sink. You shake your head immediately, but something in your gaze makes Wanda's tears start to fall.
"I'm not going anywhere."
"I'll find another way." You assure her, but she turns her back, wiping her face and sitting down on the bed. Wanda hugs her own body and you let your arms fall by your sides. Seeing her cry is always the worst, and for a second, you let your anger get the better of you. "What? Do you want me to leave by any chance?"
Wanda lets out a tearful laugh. "Don't do that."
You snort angrily. "I'm telling you that I want to stay, that I am going to stay. And you're crying, as if you're sure I'm going to leave. I don't like being called a liar, Wanda."
She shakes her head. "Stop."
"No, you stop. I'm telling you something, but you're acting as if I'm going to abandon you. As if you were sure. Do you really think so little of me?"
Wanda chokes, raising pleading eyes to you.
"Of course not!" she retorts. "Don't say that."
The seriousness in her gaze makes you feel ashamed that you'd even considered such a thing. You prepare to apologize, but Wanda speaks again.
"It's your thoughts." She mutters, now she's the one who looks ashamed as she gazes at the floor. "Your mind is screaming that. You're so worried, I can easily hear it."
"Wanda, I...
"It's okay." She cuts in with a tearful voice. "I'm not angry, I think I get it. You don't want to put me in danger, but I'd like you to understand that you don't have to worry about it. I can protect us both."
You chuckle weakly, looking down at your feet. "That sounds lovely, but the last time I left you, you ended up in the Raft, darling. I don't want that to happen ever again."
"And it won't."
"You don't know that." You retort, moving closer to kneel in front of her. Your hands search for hers. "I won't leave you again, Wanda. Not like I used to do to get back to work. We're in this together. Can you please believe me?"
Wanda lets go of one of her hands to stroke the loose strands of hair away from your face. "Why is it so hard for you to get away from Valentina?" She asks, and the red irises explain why she can read the insecurities in your mind. You hesitate, but when you make a move to pull away, the grip on your hand tightens. "What's different between escaping her and escaping Hydra?"
But the hesitation in your eyes turned to confusion. "Escape Hydra? Wanda, I've never escaped them."
It was then her turn to be confused. "B-but I thought... your records. You haven't worked with Strucker for years. I assume-"
"That I just left them? Like you did?" You add, suddenly upset. Wanda says nothing and allows you to let go of her hand to sit down next to her on the bed. You sigh before speaking again. "I never ran away from Hydra, Wanda. My program was a success. And because of that fact, Strucker was allowed to command yours." You say, without meeting her gaze, your hands fiddling with the loose threads of your jeans. "Even if he made mistakes, even if volunteers kept dying, he could still be in charge. Because it worked for me, so it would work for others."
"What happened to you?" she risks asking and you sniffle.
"What happens to valuable merchandise, of course." You reply darkly. "I was sold." Wanda chokes softly, but you force a sad smile and keep talking. "I was 10, maybe younger. The program was complete, Strucker decided it was time to show off his new triumph. At his request, I created my first fixed identity at that time, to make it easier to find clients. To have a trademark, I guess. But with each buyer, they wanted something different. The Slayer, Mighty Samuel, Scorpion, Dark Diamond, any weird name they wanted. Any face they needed. For any service they paid for." The way your jaw tenses makes Wanda understand what is hidden between your words. Everything that was left out of the Shield and Avengers files, simply because they didn't know you were all those people.
Wanda reaches for your hand, interlacing your fingers together. "If it's too painful, you don't have to talk about it."
You squeeze back, shaking your head. "No, it's fine. I can talk about it, it's been a while. And Val, hm, she put me in therapy for a while. So I could talk about the program, my past, for her records."
"Tell me about her." Wanda asks because this doesn't just sound like a contractor and employee relationship. You sigh, nodding.
"I was 16 when the CIA caught up with me. It was no challenge, of course. But the agent who found me, Valentina Fontaine, had intel on me. At the time, Hydra and Shield shared the same name, so I couldn't tell who was a friend so easily. But Valentina? Oh, she knew a lot. She didn't care about the coats of arms one would wear, she just had a particular interest in special individuals. But she didn't approve of the way I was being enslaved. Barbaric she called. She charmed me, so, so easily. She was always very good with words. Manipulative. She got me to take her to my owner at the time, said she would give me my freedom." You sighed tiredly. "But when I took her to him, the rest of her team revealed themselves. They killed anyone who tried to fight and imprisoned the rest. My master, my boss." You correct yourself as you feel Wanda complains about the title. "He swore he was going to kill me for the betrayal. So Val shot him in front of me, and said that from then on, I owed her my life."
"You don't owe her anything. You know that, don't you?" Wanda retorts immediately, but you move uncomfortably as if the idea was already craved in your mind, and remind Wanda of how Bucky feels about the Winter Soldier and everything Hydra has put him through.
"I can think about it rationally, but practically? No, it's not that simple." You murmur, adjusting yourself to turn your whole body towards Wanda, your fingers playing with hers. "Valentina didn't use me, not like the others did. She bought me a place, gave me a name." You laugh weakly. "Of course, she couldn't say she'd got me in a dirty shed in Madripoor. No, she had to lie. She let me be Lady Fontaine, a distant relative of hers. She paid me very well for any service. I could travel wherever I wanted, have my own teams. I was free."
"As long as you kept working for her."
You swallow, agreeing. "Yeah, as long as I kept doing the job." You mutter. "But for someone like me, the life I had before, the deal was not bad, not at all. The whole sense of freedom. But then... I met you. Suddenly all those expensive things I could buy, all the adrenaline of a new robbery, everything stopped making sense if I didn't have you by my side.”
Wanda smiles tenderly, leaning in to steal a kiss from you. It's quick, but deep enough to make you sigh against her lips.
"Nothing and no one will ever keep us apart again, detka. I promise." Wanda whispers, her arms going to your shoulders so she can hug you and sit on your lap. You melt into the warm sensation, hugging her back with the same intensity.
It takes you by surprise, of course, and a moment later, Wanda hurries away.
"Is something wrong?" But she's already stumbling out of bed, running for the bathroom. "Wanda?" You barely get to your feet and hear her throwing up. First, your body goes into full alert, and then you sigh and relax as you remember: Pregnant girlfriend.
When you reach the door, it slams shut in your face, still shining with red magic. You chuckle.
"Don't come in here. It's disgusting." Wanda grumbles from inside, but you shake your head in disbelief and open the door, reaching up to hold her hair, calming any protests with a caress on her back as Wanda flushes all her lunch down the toilet. 
"Can I run you a hot bath?" you suggest, still holding her hair. Wanda nods weakly, and you smile briefly.
You walk away to the bathtub while hoping that her state is enough for her not to notice your racing thoughts about keeping a pregnant woman in those conditions. 
Wanda gets shot in the stomach. You wake up with a jolt.
The motel room is poorly lit, and you realize you've fallen asleep sitting up. Wanda sleeps deeply beside you, and you sigh before leaving the bed.
The bathroom light is the only one on in the room and gives away the previous activities - Wanda's nauseated state for almost the entire night. Perhaps the events were the reason for your nightmares.
Knowing that your girlfriend would easily notice your discomfort and end up waking up due to the nature of her powers, you left the room to get some air, and maybe push those thoughts away.
Given the time of night, the motel was quiet. But the figure smoking on the balcony made you take a deep breath.
"Hi, Nat."
The widow wasn't startled, she'd probably heard you coming out. She mumbled the greeting back, taking a long drag before offering the item to you. Your response was a dismissive nod.
"Sorry about the smoke." She says, and you scratch your eyes for a moment, shrugging in a sign that you weren't really bothered by it. 
The next moment, you ask: "Rough night?"
Natasha gives a small laugh. "You have no idea." She retorts, attracting your curiosity. But the concern in her eyes is for Wanda's safety, she realizes, and quickly clarifies: "Nothing affecting your little witch, relax."
Despite feeling a weight leave your shoulders, you adjust your body towards the widow. "I know we're not friends and that this is a situation of necessity, but I'm grateful for the way you're keeping us safe. If there's anything I can do to help you with your problem, please don't hesitate to ask."
The sincerity of the words surprised her for a moment. And then, after another swallow, Nat laughs lightly and comments: "If you have any solution for a broken heart, I'll take it."
You frown, absorbing her words for a moment. Nat almost immediately looks away, busy smoking as if hoping that the cigarette would take away all the pain she was feeling. Your mind is racing with all the things you've been entrusted with about the widow, be it work-related or the little socializing of the last few months.
You don't have enough to know exactly what Natasha is saying, but it occurs to you that she must really need to speak to someone about it, at least enough to mention it to you.
"What happened?"
The next laugh that escapes her is a sad one. "Nothing you can fix it."
"I wasn't intending to anyway." You respond gently, offering her a smile. "I'm just here to listen. If you need to talk to someone."
"I have people to listen to me, thank you." She snaps back, and you sigh tiredly before stepping away from the edge.
You nod and retort; "All right, Romanoff, sorry for intruding." And you turn away, heading for the stairs. 
But from the balcony, Nat only lets you go down two steps before saying; "I was engaged. Past tense." And you raise a frown in surprise at her, only for Nat to sigh, looking like she's going to burst into tears at any moment. "Like I said, it's nothing you can help me with."
But you rest your waist on the railing and keep looking up. "I'm sorry, the Captain is an asshole-"
"What?" Nat cuts you off with a grimace. "I wasn't talking about Steve!"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I assumed you two-" But Nat bursts into laughter, and you shut up. It's better that she's laughing than crying anyway. 
Wiping away tears of laughter, she shakes her head. "I understand why Wanda likes you. Your cluelessness is hilarious."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
Nat chuckles briefly, taking one last drag before putting out her cigarette. She rests her elbows on the edge and looks down at you.
"Agent Hill was my fiancée." She explains, more gently than before. "We had a plan. One that didn't involve me switching sides and ending up fleeing across Europe."
You offer Nat a look of understanding. She sighs, looking away so you don't see her tears.
"Let me guess, Miss Hill believes you prioritized the Avengers over the life you planned together?"
Nat chuckles humorlessly, humming in agreement. She looks at you again with watery eyes. "Don't you think she's right?"
You sigh. "I think things are more complicated than that."
"They certainly are." Nat mutters tiredly. She swallows dryly, pushing her own emotions away before looking at you with a certain determination. It's going to be about you now. "How long are you going to keep this up, Y/N?"
It's your turn to sigh and cross your arms. Your gaze wanders away. Natasha decides to press.
"There are hundreds of bounties on you." She says. "You've annoyed too many people."
"I know." 
"And Wanda needs to see a doctor-"
"Natalia." You cut her off, and her given name catches her off guard. She falls silent, staring at you intently. You sigh. “"I'll go where Wanda goes. No more leaving. I'm tired of running away."
Natasha remains quiet and thoughtful for a long moment. When she suddenly laughs dryly and offers you the cigarette again, you think it's best to accept.
"I think I just got Maria's point." She mumbles in annoyance, and you're a little taken aback by the tears in her eyes. But you try to take a drag on the cigarette, and start coughing, and it works to make Nat laugh and help you instead of crying. She takes the cigarette back, and gives you one last pat on the back, her hand staying in place instead of moving away. "That girl loves you with all her heart, Y/N. She'll follow you if you ask her to, so I beg you, make your decisions with your head, not your heart. Don't put her in danger that you can't protect her from."
You look at Nat. "Do you think that's what you're doing for Maria? Protecting her?"
"This isn't about Maria and me."
But you pull away from Nat's touch, looking at her hard. "I think it is." You insist seriously. "I can't protect Wanda from anything, and I don't need to. She's infinitely more powerful than I am. And I certainly won't be plotting decisions without her. If she decides to leave with me, that's her choice. Not any of yours, and maybe that's the problem with the Avengers, huh? You have a bad habit of putting your members in no-win situations."
Nat forces a smile. "Yes, we're the ones who are wrong not to want Wanda running around with a thief." She ironizes it, and you swallow, your gaze tired and disappointed. Nat is upset, and well, you're the easiest target here. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. "Excuse me, for not wanting her in Madripoor, surrounded by the Chinese Mob!" 
You sniffle lightly, shaking your head. "Do you know who's in Madripoor, Natalia? Your old colleague, Sharon Carter. The one who sacrificed her career for what you and Steve did. The one who was abandoned by you two without hesitation. Just like Clint did it, for whom Wanda's twin brother died and for whom she accepted this position. He abandoned her without looking back. Because that's what the Avengers do for each other, isn't it?" you retort angrily. "But I am the villain. I'm the one who stays and takes care of Wanda no matter what and makes her my priority, and I'm still the wrong one. Even though I'm not the one who let her end up in a fucking straitjacket, locked up like an animal!"
You don't realize you're screaming, but for a whole moment, all you can see is that damn newspaper photo of how Wanda looked, how she was captured. Nat's cheeks are wet, but she doesn't lose her posture.
You chuckle humorlessly. "You've got a damn nerve acting like you're better than me, Romanoff. Especially you."
"Don't go there." She warns with a dangerous look, but you shake your head.
"What would be the point?" You retort. "I'm over the past, but I can't say the same for you. You're pushing Agent Hill away because you're afraid of who you were, you're afraid that anger is still there. You're not giving Maria the choice to love you completely. And I'm not going to make the same mistake with Wanda."
With one last hard look at Nat, you turn to leave. Deciding that you need to take a walk and calm your nerves before going back to your room.
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byunpum · 2 years
Experiment 56 [part 3]
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Neteyam x Human reader ( like a mix of human and Navi )
and sullyFAM x human reader, spider x reader , and quaritch x reader (dont blame me )
Tw: mmm neteyam baby, reader being mutant, neytiri being a sweetheart-mother, jealousy, a little 18+ but a little, all the characters are aged up 20's.
POV: Y/N is surprised that it is an indispensable piece for the human race. Her family will do everything possible to keep her hidden and safe…
Experiment 56 masterlist | Experiment 56 sequel Masterlist
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7
Note: I got a little carried away with the pov. So the reading is a little long. But I hope you enjoy it, I already have the other parts in my head. I know you're going to love it, thanks again to all of you. From now on I warn you that I am not very expert in this Navi culture, but I did my best. And I'll be using events that happened in the movie, but they won't be exactly the same. And sorry for the spelling. English is not my mother tongue.
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"Ok, we're all awake now" Jake said, "no, loak is left, he went out to do something" kiri said as she braided your hair. "Well, I'll go get him" Jake came out of the hut. Neytiri came over to you and took your hands to see how your wounds are." How are they feeling? How do you feel? better?" said Neytiri as she also checked the bandages on your ankles. "I'm fine, mom." Neytiri looked at you and laughed a little.
You didn't usually call her mama, but when you did her heart would grow with joy. She didn't understand how she had become so fond of you. She thought it was because you had Navi blood, and that was the reason you were closer to her, but no, it was something else. She loved you as her daughter. It was like that time you were in the lab, you were about 5 years old, and you were in Jake's arms while Norm was taking blood samples. Jake looked up something on the computer, and put on a video of him when he was human. y/n stared at the screen, and then looked at Jake, "Did you see who's there? That's me, daddy." y/n looked at Jake "but you're pink and now you're blue" . Neytiri laughed a little, she was admiring the scene. Y/N was the baby she and jake would have had, if jake was still human. She fantasized about that idea. And if y/n was a gift from eywa, she was grateful for it. Because you were such a well-behaved, kind, strong child. Very strong.
"It's ready," kiri said as she continued to fix your hair. "I think the beads neteyam gave you, they look good "you looked at kiri with a withering look." Which beads?" asked neytiri while looking at your hair. "Yes, neteyam gave me some to put in my hair." Neytiri analyzed your expressions, "well… they look good on you." She shifted her gaze and got up to prepare breakfast.
"Kiriiiiiiii why did you say that?" you whispered to kiri while tapping her on the shoulder." Hey, I think it's cute…that coordinating outfits thing" she giggles at you, while still playing with her. You and kiri were so close. You said you were almost twins, since you gave them away on the same day to your parents. And they were the product of strange circumstances.
"Yes, but no one must know. You know… what mom and DAD will think. I don't want to imagine what dad will say, he's going to bury me alive and then you guys for covering up this secret." You look at kiri with worried. "hey…take it easy. Yeah, we grew up together and all. But we all know you and neteyam like each other…the looks and all. Trust me, I think dad knows something. Besides, neteyam was your first kiss." You turn completely around to look at kiri "kiri…we were 10 years old and it wasn't neteyam….it was spider." Kiri couldn't hold in her laughter. "ahhhh I remember now, it was a challenge. But neteyam kissed you later and ran off." You guys kept laughing until jake came in with loak.
"Ok, together everyone" You all settled in a circle and turned your attention to jake. "Family, you know what happened yesterday…the attack there was towards y/n." you lowered your head, you were trying to forget what happened. "Your mother and I talked and thought about going somewhere else." kiri stood up upset." what????" you tried to take kiri's hand." Hey, this is going to get worse… they want y/n. And then they'll go after all of us. This is for the best" jake took neytiri's hand "guys, it's the right thing to do" neytiri affirmed squeezing her partner's hand. Kiri didn't like the idea and left the pot in anger. Behind her were loak and tuk, these two were not upset by the idea, but went to look for their sister.
You were silent "dad?" Jake looked at you "yes, y/n" you took a deep breath "what about spider?" neteyam looked at you, while jake adjusted "honey, he's got…" "he'll stay here and that's it" said neytiri somewhat annoyed. You knew she didn't tolerate spider, but you still loved him so much. "But they're going to look for him. …. They know he knows me, he knows us. He must go with us. They can hurt him" neteyam stood up in discomfort and came up for air. Here you were again, worrying about spider, thought neteyam.
"Y/N, he will be fine. I promise", jake put a hand on your shoulder " no, please daddy…. He has to go with us. Please" jake looked you in the eyes, he knows how important he was to you spider. He knows his children love that monkey-human. "ok, that's fine he will come with us". "What do you say? No." Neytiri is upset. " Any clan we go to, they're going to reject us. And it's going to be his fault" you stood up and looked at neytiri "then they're not going to accept me either, mom look at me… I'm a human, a fucking demon. An experiment. A fucking human, with a navi tail. I'm sure they'll judge me more than the spider himself. We can't just leave him here." Neytiri looks at you with teary eyes, you just called yourself a demon. No, to her you were not a demon. "come here" neytiri hugged you " don't ever say that again… you are my precious girl". You hugged neytiri tighter, the woman looked at her mate and ascended with her head." It's okay, spider will accompany us." Neytiri looked at you, she saw your face light up. "thank you, thank you!!!" You ran off to break the news to kiri and the others.
"This is a disaster, How she knows it's an experiment. Besides, taking that kid…. I don't like Ma jake" neytiri moved closer to jake as he pulled her arms around her. "We'll be fine, I promise."
Kiri was with spider, loak and tuk. They were discussing the idea that jake had said. Kiri couldn't believe it, she loved her home. And leaving meant leaving everyone, leaving spider. Kiri looked up, when she saw you running, she had to laugh a little. You almost fell to the ground, you were funny when you ran. "Guys I have very good news" you go and hug spider. "what's wrong?" spider hugs you back as he puts his hands on your waist "ahhhh I'm so happy" you start jumping up and down, making spider copy your steps. Tuk joins you "what happened?" kiri asks, making you look at her." Spider is going with us, of course…if he wants to" You look at spider, the boy's eyes widened. "Is it serious?" Kiri couldn't believe it. She hugged spider. "Sure…but how?" spider couldn't believe what you were saying." Well…I have my charms" you say as you grimace, "sure, manipulative" said loak, as he pushed you to the side, so he could hug spider." Come here bro, I told you we would all be together" loak pulled you all closer in a big hug. "where's neteyam?" asked tuk. He was right, he was nowhere to be found. Oh no, you knew where he was and how he was. "Hey, why don't you tell norm and the guys everything while I go look for neteyam" Before you left, spider held your hand, looked you in the eye and rubbed his thumb over your hand. Your heart skipped a beat, you must admit that you and spider had a history, before you liked neteyam. Spider was your first crush. Loak and kiri looked into each other's eyes and tuk made a disgusted face. "well, you come or not" kiri said, as she dragged everyone with her.
You got to the soul tree, you knew neteyam was going to be there. And boom…you were right. He was sitting, while his queue was connected to eywa. He was praying. You sat next to him, and waited for him to finish. When he noticed your presence, he opened one eye and then ignored you. He just did that, you said to yourself." If you don't talk to me, I won't leave. And you know it" neteyam moved away from the eywa branches and settled down next to you. "Why do you always worry about him?" you couldn't believe what you just heard." Excuse me… are you talking about spider?" neteyam complained and you saw his face change color. "hey, don't be like that with me. Spider is part of the family. We can't leave him here" you take his hand "I know, but have you ever asked me how I feel? The first thing that popped into your head was to ask if…he can go with us." Wow, neteyam was right. You were always worried about spider, ever since you were kids. That was the reason why at 12 years old you had a crush on him, but when you confessed spider said you were "weird and ugly". Which caused neteyam to fight with him, loak to tell his mom and neytiri to try to drown him in the nearest river. Thank goodness Jake, everything was under control. After that, you became disillusioned. It wasn't until, at the age of 19, neteyam confessed that he loved you.
"sorry, yes. forgive me for not asking for you" neteyam settled in front of you, and took your face in his hands. "don't apologize to me, you know I don't like it when you do that." You lifted your heels and gave him a kiss. His lips were soft and warm. Neteyam slid his hands down to your waist, to pull you up onto his lap. Your hands tangled in his hair, as the kiss grew hotter. The kisses were messy, as neteyam kissed his way down your jaw to your neck. A gasp came out of your mouth, as neteyam pulled you closer to his body. Shit, you never went this far before. " neyet…" you sighed when you noticed how needy he was " that's not…mmm" you looked down at his crotch. "I'm sorry, I can't contr…" you interrupted him kissing him again. You two were so wrapped up in your make up section. That you didn't hear loak.
"ahhhhhhhhhh YUCK, NO NO NO NO. Ahhhhhhh" Loak yelled, you and neteyam separated quickly, trying to fix yourselves up a little. "you idiot, you need to learn how to call people" neteyam, turned his back to his brother, while trying to hide his recent erection. "hey, I'm not the one running around fucking in a PUBLIC area. You heard Public" Loak was yelling at his brother, until you hit him. "Shut up already, and don't you dare say anything." You threatened him, "I already knew you two were together, I'm not stupid. Plus, kiri, she's not that good at keeping secrets." You looked at him in shook, oh no. Why kiri had to open her mouth. "what do you want? what are you looking for us for?" neteyam asks, "dad, he says to pack up everything, we have to leave before sunset." Neteyam takes your hand, as you all start walking towards the shelter.
"You and I need to talk miss… I'm your best friend!!!! Why am I the last one to find out that you and neteyam are together. You know you're hurting me." I said loak, while still walking. "don't ignore me!!!!!" you and loak continue your discussion all the way to the shelter. Neteyam just ignores them.
AREA 12, northeast of pandora:
Quaritch sat staring at a fixed point in the lunchroom area, while his teammates laughed and talked about god knows what. In his head there was only one thing… you. How could such a beautiful woman, be the mix of a species that, to his taste, was unpleasant. Well not unpleasant, because now his body was the same. But he didn't find it attractive. "Hey…you're still thinking about that girl, aren't you?" said Lyle as he tapped his arm. "I'm just thinking how she could have gotten away from us" Quaritch shifted his gaze." Yeah, yeah…" Lyle giggled a little. "And did you notice that human boy?" commented Lyle, he looks like your son….miles" Lyle looked at Quaritch waiting for an answer." Yes, he does" There was a short silence until Lyle spoke, "do you think he's that girl's mate? He looked a little worried when John tried to touch her." Quaritch complained "that idiot…he doesn't know how to keep his fucking dick tucked away…. But I don't think boy is the mate. I think it's the blue monkey." Quaritch looked at each other as they analyzed the situation." Lucky guy…she's very pretty." Lyle said "hey…watch out." "I knew it…I knew it!!!!" Lyle got up from the chair and walked towards the exit as he teased Quaritch. "Knew what???" he yelled back…what did Lyle know.
After the saying goodbye to the clan and jake passing his toruk makto position. You all went to the area where the ikran were, all the family belongings were packed. Neytiri was checking that everyone was ready, putting on some kind of tunic, for the cold and wind. When it was almost spider's turn, she handed you the tunic "go and put this on him." Said neytiri as she looked at the poor boy out of the corner of her eye. You approached spider," look, this will keep you warm and safe" you place the tunic over his head, neteyam was next to loak talking about something until he saw the scene in front of him, "watch out… he might take your girlfriend away" said loak, causing neteyam to punch him in the stomach.
"hey, you two stop!!!! family are we ready? let's go!!!" announced jake, already getting into his ikran. Neteyam walked towards you, and took your hand walking towards his ikran. You had to go with someone, because even though you can use your queue, the ikran was too big a beast for you, so you had to share it with Neteyam. Spider noticed neteyam's look and lowered his head and walked over to kiri. "I feel that neteyam wants to murder me," says spider as he settles in behind kiri in her ikran, "don't mind him, he must be upset. After all… this is a big change for everyone" kiri tries to comfort spider. Everyone left, you sat right in front of neteyam, your back was against his chest. And he already had a hand on your waist. "hey…. Hands to the front" chuckled jake to neteyam as he noticed the position you two were in. You heard tuk giggling next to you, when you turned to look, you noticed neytiri was watching you too. Damn…this was going to be a long ride.
p.s:What do you think? Did you like it… Between today or tomorrow I will be uploading the fourth part. And remember the tag list is open. Just let me know. Kisses! <3
Neytiri babies tag: @st4rrry @valeriinee @inutheangel @gielrmn @sloppierjewel @purple7theparty @itscheybaby @ssc7514 @namorslit @ducks118 @tpwkstiles @elli-aesthetics @nao-cchi @uselessbutinteresting @msjae @austynparksandpizza @gamorxa @andyyy4444 @itssomeonereading @meivap @barbii04 @mm-nope @dorck26 @nessrin @purple7theparty @ssc7514 @sloppierjewel @yeosxxx @legendleopard100 @pandoragalora @jayzes-blog @ducks118 @laylasbunbunny @kyriekurokami @heesoftiefreak @teamanime
If there is any problem with the tags, let me know. Soon I will make a post with all the parts.
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