#and also teach rei where the hospital is
bsd-elle · 2 years
Kazuki's involvement and decision to take care of Miri stems from a lot of trauma and grief.
The moment we are introduced to him, we see him taking care of Rei, and chastising him on the cat that he saved.
He says that you shouldn't take care of something if you're not in it for the long run.
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And obviously, that's a result of the loss of his wife and also, a direct result of his childhood.
He has made it clear, and is incredibly self-aware of the fact that he is the way he is because his parents' abandoned him.
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And that could've, very easily, sent him down a road of self-destruction and chaos.
But he never let's it encroach his own personality, his own autonomy.
He makes decisions, and not only that, makes mistakes (like every human being), and rather than using a shield of his upbringing, or lack there of, he's concious and takes the blame with his whole chest.
And that is clear throughout episode 7, where you see the inner workings of his mind, how he's still trapped by the events that transpired 5 years back.
Not only mentally, but also not allowing himself to pursue any stability and happiness.
And I'm so glad the show decided to take that very deep, personal, and real look into trauma and grief, and the guilt that comes along with it, that you're leaving the person behind.
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Kazuki feels like he's not allowed to be happy, he's scared to find happiness, because, in his head, it would be a betrayal of his wife.
I think Kazuki was living on auto-pilot since the events that transpired over five years back. He wanted his routine to be normal.
Works as a hitman, gambles his life away, hangs out with girls, takes care of Rei, and the cycle continues.
He desperately wanted things to stay the same way because he didn't want to confront the possibility that he was happy, nor even grapple with that idea, thus he constantly seeks uncertainty.
We're not even sure if he has a place to stay, as he states himself, he's crashing at Rei's place.
That was his life and he was content with that because anything to the contrary would mean he was moving on. He was changing, and that would be a direct betrayal of his past relationship.
He fought adamantly against change, he didn't want anything permanent in his life. He didn't want to take care of anything, because if he did, it would mean he was changing. If he were to be fulfilled by something new in his life, it would almost be like he was writing over the history he shared with Yuzuko, and the future they would've shared. The future that was taken away from them, by an action that he actively blames himself for.
Hence, he looked towards simple things that wouldn't make him feel fulfilled, things that he wouldn't have to look after or care for. And that could be something as simple as a pet.
Miri, with her rambunctious energy and sunshine personality, quite literally, bombarded into both of their lives.
From the jump, it's quite clear that Kazuki took a liking to her. But I can't imagine, the mental agony he faced, coming to terms with taking care for her.
Because that would mean he was having a family, 'writing over' a future he lost.
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But like Karin said, Memories aren't a prison.
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Kazuki is allowed to be happy, is allowed to have a family, he shouldn't hold himself back, because Yuzuko would want nothing more than for him to be happy.
And I think that was an incredibly well-written look into grief and trauma, and a reminder to everyone: If you lost somebody in your life, you doing need to hold yourself back to enjoying things, you don't have to feel guilty, because at the end of the day, you're not writing over history, you're not changing the past , but rather, you are looking forward to a new future while staying connected to the past, and that is okay.
Kazuki realizes that not only was he stopping himself from feeling joy at permanancy, but he was also actually happy, probably for the first time in a very long time.
He feels happy, he feels hopeful, he cares for his family and wants to take care of them, and look after them (because they would, quite literally, die without him😂).
Kazuki, deciding to look after Miri, put in all the extra effort and time, just to see her smile, goes to show the amount of care and love he has for Miri, and him taking control of being responsible for Miri's upbringing and future, so that she wouldn't 'end up like he did'.
In his journey of mindlessly wading through life, he was able to terms with the fact that he's allowed to be happy, he's allowed to feel fulfilled and allowed to have a family.
Sure, it's not the ideal one, probably not the one he envisioned; with a partner that couldn't hold his weight a lot of the time, and a child who's energy is so vivacious.
But what family is ideal? It's definitely not two hitmen, who can barely function on their own, and a child who has them wrapped around her finger.
Maybe it's not what he dreamed of, but hey, atleast he can spend the rest of his days teaching his little, imperfectly perfect family how to make a good French Toast.
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If ask game still open:
AU where Inko is the personal Mary Poppins for Todoroki family
1. This is a Dad for One AU where All for One got in a fight with All Might earlier in canon AND his organization was even more devastated. While he was unconscious, the safeguards he set up to send money to his family failed. Inko had to get a job.
2. Because of AFO's early arrest, he never kidnapped Touya after he burned himself. Touya manifested a phoenix ability and regenerated after burning to ashes, surviving and returning to his family. However nothing got better as Enji was even more desperate to stop his oldest son from training and Touya even more convinced he could become a hero and also pull off the phoenix power again if his father would just give him a chance.
3. After Rei burned Shouto and got sent to the hospital, Enji sought out a nanny. However, the Todoroki children drove off everyone he hired. Touya's just a total brat. Fuyumi has a notion in her head that her mother will come back if she can get rid of all the nannies, and on some level resents them for stealing her perceived job. Natsuo got discriminated against by several caretakers for being quirkless, so he joined in. Shouto is the only good kid.
4. Inko got hired because her husband is listed as having a fire quirk and her son is quirkless, so Enji hoped she'd be able to handle his children's unique needs. He also thinks he can use her economic vulnerability to keep her quiet about anything that happens in his house, but he underestimates her. This Inko is a former villain fully aware of his husband's business. Despite her outwardly sweet demeanor, she used to be an assassin with a kill count in the triple digits. She easily sidesteps every prank the children try to pull on her and destroys every trap they send against her with a smile. Touya is convinced she might be a supernatural creature.
5. Shouto is happy because he just wanted a mom who wouldn’t pour boiling water on his face. This boy’s standards are so low that it’s pathetic his family couldn’t meet them.
6. Izuku moves into the house along with Inko and quickly befriends Shouto. Natsuo bonds with Izuku over them both being quirkless. Izuku hates how hard Endeavor trains Shouto and goes to his mom for help.
7. Inko absolutely verbally eviscerates Endeavor for his lousy training plan that is likely to cripple Shouto or burn him out, then presents a much better training plan. She also scolds Endeavor for giving up on his other two children. She presents a list of creative ways to use Fuyumi's ice quirk to kill, including blood-bending and freezing people's blood in their veins. According to her, why can't Natsuo become a hero even if he's quirkless? Finally, she has a plan for Touya to slowly train his body to adapt to his quirk. By this point Touya has been converted to an Inko fan.
8. But Inko isn't done yet. She also chews Endeavor out for giving up too easily on defeating All Might, then presents him with a detailed list of All Might's weaknesses that she obtained from her husband. (Izuku is appalled at this All Might slander, but Inko is not the biggest fan of the hero who maimed her beloved husband.) Endeavor is convinced and decides to re-devote himself to becoming number one. He allows Inko to train his children instead while he focuses on his own career.
9. Inko takes over training all the Todoroki children into unstoppable badasses. They might or might not become heroes, but no one will ever mess with them. She includes Izuku, training him to become a future quirkless hero. In this AU, Inko is more willing to teach Izuku to fight because they no longer have All for One's protection so she believes he needs to defend himself. Plus her husband failed to look out for them so he doesn't get a say. With Endeavor's backing, Izuku has a real chance at becoming a quirkless hero.
10. Izuku's totally going to get One for All, though. Natsuo can become the first quirkless hero.
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elevensixteenpm · 2 years
Bringing my lengthier (and maybe more elaborate) thoughts on Rei Suwa in this week's episode of Buddy Daddies. This was originally commented on Reddit.
Now that we got Kazuki's past (a whiplash from his happy-go-lucky smiley face, of course), I'm so hyped up for Rei's backstory. When Rei said he's doing his best, I think he genuinely thought he's doing his best. He doesn't know stuff that one should know as a proper human being living in a society in a worryingly degree—location of medicine and hospital, what's inside the fridge, what can be eaten inside the fridge, etc. I know it's been always told that he's a shut in, but wow, it is THAT bad. (He probably would have died first inside his apartment while gaming because he choked on a potato chip rather than on a mission if Kazuki isn't taking care of him and his house). It also doesn't help how similar Miri and Rei are in terms of personal preferences. It's easy to overlook because Miri is a sunshine and Rei is always just Rei, but when it comes to little things that make us as a human (veggie hating, sweet loving tooth, gaming, how to laze around, etc.), they're actually so similar. This factor possibly adds to how Rei saw himself doing his best because from where he can see it, everything is working well for him. Miri looks happy and comfortable with him. At that point, that's how Rei sees taking care of Miri means. As long as Miri is happy, he thinks all is well. Rei and Miri relate to each other so much that Rei failed to see Kazuki having a hard time taking care of Miri sometimes. Kazuki has to deal with the stuff that Miri doesn't like, but needs to learn, so Kazuki gets a cranky and pouty child more often than Rei did.
It seems like he was really just raised as an assassin. He wasn't raised as a human being. He wasn't raised to live. He was just raised to kill. I wonder how they will tie his past to his current life now because this episode might have been his wake up call that he's not just living for himself now. Instead of killing, he's here, realizing that holy crap, he's taking care of such a tiny human being that relies on him. This tiny gremlin can't live on her own without him. Holy hells. My boss (dad) didn't teach me this! This wasn't in the How to be a Perfect Assassin 101 guidebook!
But from how he was fretting over Miri, and trying to do that poor looking French toast for Kazuki, it shows he wants to try now—he just needs to learn how. Taken from what I shared in another app: Also, that sorry looking French toast at the end of the episode is a good symbolism. It doesn't look good—it looks horrendous compared to Kazuki's French toast—but it is there. Rei made it. He isn't good at it yet, but it's a start, and it's an image for a possibility of so much growth, and he's trying.
Of course, Rei being like another child in the house when he's already an adult supposedly parenting a child is not excusable, but I'm sure it has something to do with his past. I'm looking forward to his backstory to know where he's coming from.
Hopefully, we get to see more involvement from Rei-Papa from here onwards! Kazuki needs all the help he can get. That golden retriever man needs a hug and a trophy. He's a trooper. (Kazuki-Papa might need to add himself in the Mama group chat because hey, I'm sure he'll get a lot of support from the other Mamas who probably have husbands who are pain in the asses, too. He needs a safe space.)
20 minutes seem to pass so fast whenever I'm watching this anime. I can't wait to see the preview for the next EP!
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Angels in America: In the first part, we meet Louis and Prior and Harper and Joe, two couples whose relationships are on the rocks: the former because of Prior’s AIDS diagnosis and Louis’s inability to cope with illness, the latter because of Joe’s closeted homosexuality and Harper’s incessant fears and hallucinations, as well as her addiction to pain-killers. The second part focuses on the story of Prior Walter, a gay man living with AIDS who has recently been left by his partner, Louis, after he could not cope with the physical and personal impact of the disease.
The Baltimore Waltz: In a series of comic vignettes underlined by tragedy, the farce traces the European odyssey of sister and brother Anna and Carl. They are in search of hedonistic pleasure and a cure for her terminal illness, the fictitious ATD (Acquired Toilet Disease) she contracted by using the bathrooms at the elementary school where she teaches. Knowing her life is nearing its end, Anna is driven by a lust that compels her to have casual sex with as many men as possible during their travels, a passion shared by her gay brother. Assisting the pair is the mysterious Third Man. The play actually takes place in a hospital room in Baltimore, Maryland, where Carl has a terminal illness, and Anna is imagining the trip that the two never took.
Propaganda under the cut!
Angels in America:
painful funny surreal and down to earth all at the same time somehow, even without being a landmark piece for me personally w/ regard to queer literature
The Great American Play. The definitive exploration of how AIDS affected an entire generation of queer Americans in the '80s, and what it left behind in its wake. Those more eloquent than I am will be better at doing this play justice, but my sincerest hope is that the sheer significance of this work is clear enough to carry it all the way through to the highest end of this showdown.
honestly the peak of modern theater 2 me. everything i write and create is in the hopes that i might someday make something that lives up to the bar that angels set. it treats every one of its characters with such depth and compassion and the world it creates is so vivid and fantastic. and the context in which it was created will always be beyond important to me like i don't know how to describe how important it is that a play widely considered an american classic is about the aids crisis. she's the blueprint she's perfect she's everything
genuinely changed my life when i first read it. andrew garfield played prior walter in the 2018 national theatre version and he fucking kills it. it's 6 whole hours of joy and heartbreak and, most of all, hope. stan harper pitt!!!
This epic stageplay has become more accessible since its HBO miniseries adaptation in 2003. It is epic, intersectional, commemorative of a collective trauma that had been silenced for too long at the time of writing. (also Harper deserves to be as much a Tumblr Sad Girl icon as Lana del Rey or Sylvia Plath.) 
The Baltimore Waltz:
Paula Vogel's brother died of AIDs. A few years before being diagnosed, he tried to get her to go on a trip to Europe with him, but she was busy. This play explores that imagined trip, but it also a lot more complicated.
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case-almost-closed · 14 days
Currently working on....
The joy he found
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Shiratori Nizaburo x fem!reader
Requested by: no one
Summary: After all this time, he finally manages to find love. Right?
Never fully dressed without a smile
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Kaito Kid x sibling!reader
Requested by: @febrberryy
Request: I got an platonic idea for kaito kid, an terminally sick sibling reader that always at the hospital, and kaito visit them in the hospital while in his kaito kid disguise.and cheer reader up since the reader can't go anywhere.
Don't blame me, love made me crazy
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Furuya Rei x fem!reader
Requested by: @ellie-with-an-s
Request: […] can i please request a Furuya Rei one where he has been dating reader for a while now, but its been super secret like no one knows except the two of them. Like sometimes reader visits Cafe Poirot just to see Rei but they can only act friendly to each other so as not to be sus. But one day the BO finds out and they capture her to get Rei to do something illegal/some mission he absolutely hates. […]
Furuya Rei x reader // Furuya Rei & son
The littlest officer
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Requested by: anonymous
Request: […] can I pls request a dad!Furuya Rei one where lets say many years later when the BO is destroyed and everything turns peaceful. Anyways Rei has a small happy family with Y/N and a son and his small son one day expresses that he wants to be a cop just like Rei. […]
Matsuda Jinpei x fem!reader
Reaper's Call
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Requested by: @febrberryy
Request: Reader that is very injured calls Jinpei when she is bleeding(aka dying) on the ground and saying her last words,the reader is also a police officer.Jinpei and reader are engaged.
Catch you if you fall
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Furuya Rei & daughter // [Furuya Rei x reader?]
Requested by: anonymous
Request: Can i pls request one where dad!Amuro teaches his daughter something?
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salllzy · 1 month
So, the ending of MHA has left me feeling disappointed and in more ways than one. I understand that it needed to come to an end. I truly do, but the ending was terrible. Rei is still with her abuser after the shit he put her through and I am well aware that it takes a lot of strength to leave an abusive relationship. But he had her committed to a mental hospital and he thinks that sending flowers makes things better? Fuck that shit. He faced zero legal repercussions despite Dabi making it public. Sure he retired from being a hero and suffered incredibly bad injuries, but it doesn't take away the fact that he abused and neglected them. Then there is the issue with Dabi, we have no idea if he is alive or dead. The whole thing Izuku has left a sour taste in my mouth, I have no issue with him being a teacher, none at all. Teachers are the unsung heroes that teach future generations. What I have an issue with is the way the whole thing is. Here Izuku, we all chipped in and got this super, amazing, special suit just for you. Let's pretend that we never fell out of contact, okay? Okay! I get it they are heroes and they have a job to do, but after everything that he sacrificed and gave up? He never got a ranking, so he never attained #1 hero. It feels as if he has been shat on from a great height. That is without the fact that Bakugo never once faced repercussions for what he did to Izuku. (baring once I think and that was to do with sneaking out.) Also, what happened to all of the quirks that AFO stole? Where did they go?
I am also salty about the lack of reveal of Izuku's father, something which was promised. X link.
(although I tend to take most things on it with a grain of salt.)
I am also annoyed at the way that they turned one of the most feared villains into a joke, a meme. The whole thing has left me feeling disappointed and feeling bittersweet about the whole thing. That being said, I can't in good conscience write a sequel to hidden in the shadows with MHA, while I am feeling like this and for several reason. 1) my feelings will be reflected in the story and while I have no problems writing when I am in a certain mood, it will affect the whole fic. 2) more likely to get burnout and not finish it. 3) salt levels will increase. It is not that I don't want to, I do, but the whole thing has left an icky taste in my mouth. There will be a sequel to hidden in the shadows, that hasn't changed. The same with changes, I just need to do some thinking. A lot of it.
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lackuraphi · 1 year
Angel wings au)Chapter 10:Arrowroot and Wisteria(Conflict)
The arrowroot and the wisteria were intertwined.
I used a translator
This is the Fan fiction
It’s different from the original
Pokemon doesn’t appear(Except for one)
All Trainers have angel wings
This AU includes discrimination
Hisui is modern in this au
Content Warning:sharp objects, violent, character gets a little mentally unstable
There are so many different talents in the world.
Lian has a talent for analyzing things in detail. Sabi has a talent for hit targets accurately. Akari has a talent for doesn't give up easily. Rei has a talent for fast to acquire skills.
And Melli is… He is a very talented person who makes others angry… —————————————
Ingo was in a small hospital in Jubilife Village, where he was being examined by Pesselle, who was working there.
"Is your headache okay now?" "Yes. Pesselle. I don't feel any pain now." "That's a relief! You can leave the hospital now Ingo!" "Really? Thank you so much! Pesselle! Thanks to your treatment, I was able to survive!!!" "Heck!" "Oh dear..My voice was too loud..I apologize…" "No, I'm fine Ingo, now I'm going to remove the bandage."
Pesselle removed the bandage from Ingo's head. The impact of the impact on his head with a sign was treated without a scar, except for a dark blue bruise.
"You need to be careful until the bruise is gone for a while." "Can I still continue with Apprenticeships training?" "No… You need to rest like now." "…I see. okay. Pesselle."
Ingo put on his black hat, which he had taken off because of the bandage, bowed politely to Pesselle, and then left the small hospital.
'First of all, I have to go to Training Grounds. I'll ask Zisu to train Apprenticeships. …and I'm worried about Rei. He's the only Apprenticeship person who didn't come to visit me.. It would be a relief if he couldn't come to me because he was busy training..'
And he went to the Training Grounds to tell Zisu to ask her to train Apprenticeships for the time being, and also to see if Rei, who had not seen him in a few days, was really busy with training.
"Here we go!!!" "you're slow☆" "Ha!!!" "It will take hundreds of years for your strange-looking blade to reach the end of the beautiful hair of the Great Guardian angel Melli!"
When Ingo arrived at Training Grounds, Akari and Melli were exchanging attacks and playing practice matches. To be exact, Melli avoided all Akari's attacks, so Akari only cut into the air.
"Everyone, what are you…" "Oh Come on! Gee..! MELLI!!!" "Sabi and Pearls Lian must be faster than you~ I know why you're still Apprenticeships, unlike kids~" "What??? Ughhh..!! MELLI!!!!!!!" "I can avoid your attack with my eyes closed☆" "AHHHHHH!!!! MELLI!!!! Take a bite out of this!!!!!!!"
At Melli's provocation, Akari was blinded by her anger and swung a holly Weapon in the form of a sword at Melli. Melli also eluded all of her angry attacks with easefully. If they keep going like this, the practice match would turn into a real fight or Akari would be in danger of being exhausted.
"Please forgive the unscheduled stop! Melli! Akari! practice match is over!" "Ingo?!" "Ingo..!?"
Ingo was forced to step in between the practice match that escalated into a fight between Melli and Akari, threatening them with his clawed holly weapon, stopping their practice match.
"Akari! Are you okay?!"
Ingo first checked Akari's condition. Akari was in good condition except she was breathing heavily because she used up a lot of energy with the practice match just now. After checking Akari's condition, Ingo pressed Melli.. No, He got angry and started scolding Melli
"Melli! What have you just done to Akari!" "Me? I was doing a practice match. As you do." "It was never a practice match! It almost turned into a real fight!"
Melli also raised his voice to Ingo and countered.
"I heard that it's your way of teaching to train like it's real, I just trained that girl in your own way as if she were actually fighting! I did nothing wrong!" "I taught them at least by checking their skills!" "I heard in Master level class that you use all your skills and that girl is Master level class, right?" I just acted in accordance with the Master level class!" "To show all my skills, I meant to scare them! Actually, I hide my skills a little bit in that Master level class!"
Before he knew it, Ingo forgot why he came to Training Grounds, and began to argue with each other, exchanging hurtful words.
"You are not best teacher! You are just a sham teacher!" "What?! You have a great talent for upsetting others!" "Huh? Are you kidding me?! Guardian angel from another region!" "Why did God choose you as a guardian angel! You have no warm and clean heart at all!" "Ha! How funny! I presume from that frown you always make, and your heart is also not warm and clean at all!" "It was a big mistake for me to choose you as my partner! I should've just ignored you being alone from the beginning! Why didn't I change the track after hearing Leader Adaman's warning! I regret it!" "Hahaha! That's ridiculous! Hey! If I wasn't there, you were attacked by a gruesomely smiling black angel and then left unattended, and you're ingoing to the underworld as it is!"
Thus, their quarrel spread so loudly that it was no use for people around them to stop them, and Meli scratched Ingo's pride greatly.
"The way you check and train Apprenticeships, isn't it actually because you're weak and you're trying to hide it?" "Melli. What did you just say to me…?" "I said you were a guardian angel with weak combat skills!" "…….Melli." "Huh?"
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"You are indeed… You have an amazing talent for annoying others. Melli."
"….!!!!" "MELLI!!!!" "……."
Ingo, unable to contain his sudden rage, lost his temper and attacked Melli with holly weapon. The attack was a blow full of anger, like the black angel's attack that toppled Ingo.
"Melli! Are you okay?! Melli!" "…….." "Melli! Melli! Wake up! Melli!" "Don't worry Akari, holly weapon can't kill others" "Zisu… But Melli is…" "He just fainted in surprise, so he's gonna wake up soon.. Please, he needs to wake up soon…"
Akari and Zisu did not blame Ingo. It was Melli who brought it on himself.
"…oh dear..What have..I done..?"
But Ingo, who soon calmed down, blamed himself.
"I can't believe.. I lost control of myself and knocked Melli down…" "Melli just fainted for a moment." "His clothes are just ripped, but his body is fine." "What a shame… I'm doing something terrible…" "Ingo.." "Melli was right.. My heart is not clean and not warm…" "Ingo…!"
Ingo flew away with a rush of guilt
'I'm no different from the smiling black angel who is very much like me who attacked me a few days ago.. I also inflicted pain on innocent angels…'
And he flew through Hisui's sky without a destination.
This is Mistralton City in Unova, It's called the hub of delivery angels who deliver various mails from various regions.
"This is sent to Galar..This is sent to Johto.. And this is…" "Skyla! We're running out of people to deliver mail to Hoenn, can you help us?" "Roger! Winslow! Please wait a moment! I'll be ready for the flight as soon as I'm done sorting!"
Skyla worked as a deliverer in her hometown of Mistralton City, delivering mail quickly, accurately and fresh with her flying skills, which she had excelled since childhood. (So she was always voted outstanding employee of the month.)
"This is sent to Kanto..Huh? This is a letter from Elesa, And the recipient is.. Let's see… Guardian angel Ingo…? Oh Dear! Hisui, where he's staying, is not a place where anyone can go! What should I do? Hisui is a rural village, so it's not easy to contact him…" "Skyla! We're leaving for Hoenn soon!" "Well, I'm going to finish the urgent delivery first! Roger! Winslow!"
Skyla packed her delivery bag full of mail and began flying to Hoenn with other deliverers.
Ominously, the sky road to Hoenn was sometimes windy that day, making it dangerous to fly.
"Aah! suddenly wind!" "Skyla! Be careful! You could break out of the ranks!" "Don't worry, Ewing! I'm a veteran!"
Skyla, a veteran deliverer, often experienced strong winds, so the strong winds were familiar to her. But this time the veteran's composure was poisonous to her. Skyla, who had been on her guard for a while believing in her skills, was swept away by the strong wind as her colleague feared, leaving her far from the ranks.
"Aah!" "Skyla!!!!" "I'll follow you soon!"
As Skyla tried to rejoin the ranks where she had left, a flap of wings was heard behind her, and someone whispered to Skyla in a small voice.
"Hi. It's been a long time no see. A hypocrite." "….!"
Before Skyla could turn her head to hear his voice, someone whispering to her struck Skyla hard with a creepy smile on the sign he was holding.
"Skyla? SKYLA!!!!!!"
And Skyla, who was directly attacked, fell unconscious. When the deliverers went to rescue Skyla, someone with an eerie smile had already left.
'Yup! It's more exciting and verrrrry fun to hit someone than to hit a sandbag! Especially when hitting a hypocrite. Good night. hypocrite. And don't wake up forever.'
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wander-wren · 1 year
lets get controversial! For the character bingo flamey beard man, Endeavor himself!
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so i don’t like him. i think his redemption arc could’ve worked in another world, and i haven’t caught up on s6 yet so i don’t know exactly what he’s like at the moment, but…yeah no.
i don’t think i have to rehash all the todoroki kids’ childhoods and why that’s baaaad. we all know. i absolutely hate him for what he did to rei—talking about the mental hospital, specifically. the stuff that led to it, sure, but mostly the fact that he put her there not because she needed help (she did), but because she hurt his Precious Creation. and just leaves her there. for over a decade. no.
also, he says he wants to be a better dad and then never really does it. and look, if he was trying, he would be allowed to make mistakes. i would love to see that kind of messy complicated relationship. but i don’t, really? it feels very tell-y. everyone Says he’s trying and Says they’re starting to forgive him, but all i see is him texting shouto repeatedly and getting no response and being very angry about it (after he had to get his number from fuyumi, btw. nice boundary crossing and harassment, dude, very making amends of you. i wonder WHY your fifteen year old kid went no-contact).
i also don’t like how he acts with other people just like, in general. i’m not sure if i actually think he has a god complex but he definitely does not give off “listens to others” vibes. but he is a Good Hero, which is a very interesting. thing. to me. is duality the word?
so yeah tldr i’m not a fan but i do think dabi traumatizing his dad back is VERY funny. one time in a fic i had shouto murder him bc i thought it would be fun. i know there’s probably fics out there that give him an actually good redemption arc and that’s awesome but i do not want to read them.
god i do love shouto’s reaction to his making amends, though, even though i feel like it’s unearned. the scene where he fights the nomu and after it’s done shouto just…crouches down on the floor? idk what emotion he’s portraying but i Feel It. and the whole mess of “i hate him but he is the best person to teach me what i need to know.” and the growth of “you can train me but it’s on MY terms now.” hell yeah. while i’m on the subject i actually love all the todoroki kids’ reactions bc they’re all so different and they all make sense. i’m p sure i’m interpreting the “holds their family together” square wrong but i am. i am hugging all of the siblings + rei. and kicking endeavor into the street.
OH ONE MORE THING: i do think he’s a very interesting parallel to bakugou especially since he’s a top hero. he’s a much better hero than bakugou is, at least in the beginning, but he’s a far worse person with a worse redemption arc. i think he serves as a good warning for him. very cool
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amethystsong · 2 years
If you're still doing the wip game!!!
Hallmark Tree Farm
Have Your Cake And Eat It Too
Elegies!! I'm so sorry I didn't see this! Thanks for the ask!
Apron- Gen, Family Fluff
A holiday fic for my Uncle Jeanist series that is probably coming out soon because I am filled with baby Keigo feels after rereading the second fic where Keigo got adopted by Tsunagu! This one has baby Keigo inviting the Todofam over to make cut out cookies with him an Jeanist where Touya bullies Jeanist for the sock advent calender, puts way too much frosting on his cookies, Enji and Tsunagu have a gingerbread house competition, and Rei rocks some sweet mom jeans!
Hallmark Tree Farm-DabiKeigoTouya
Farmverse with the twins Touya and Dabi who have to defend Keigo's Christmas Tree farm from Gremlins and maybe Krampdaddy? And some sexy subby twin action later on in some holiday stockings probably and maybe some christmas light bondage.
Going to ramble for a bit because I'm legit so excited for this one.
Thief Takami injected Endeavor with Trigger as he was getting arrested and Enji nearly died, going to the hospital AFO/Garaki are connected to. Rather than spend time inflicting psychological trauma (too busy with little Tomura) they decide to "nerf" the Todorokis by telling Enji he has to give up being Endeavor or his heart will give out, and that he passed this genetic condition onto his children who will also die if they use their quirks extensively because of the extreme strain with the temperatures. He retires from being a hero, not wanting to die early like his own father, and Nedzu scoops him up. Touya comes to terms with things and becomes a private detective, Enji forbids all the kids from being heroes, but Shouto ignores him and joins UA hero course. Hawks is sent by the HPSC to pose as a part time teacher (teaches communications) (Enji does the older classes and teaches them how to run an agency/history) to spy on All Might and his rumored new protege. Enji's a dumbass teacher who doesn't realize his coworker is flirting with him and Touya wants to slip into a coma to avoid witnessing all this.
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too- TouKei Spy x Family Inspired
Pro Hero Twilight aka Touya Todoroki is asked to investigate a strange new housing development on a remote volcanic island that is suspected of engineering a new strain of Trigger and possible trafficking. But, in order to blend into suburbia he needs a family. He asks his best friend Keigo who owns his own bakery and moonlights as a vigilante called Mockingbird who totally hasn't been pining for him to pose as his husband and move in. On one of Keigo's vigilante missions he finds a recently orphaned owl heteromorph little girl who can read minds who was kidnapped by a shady business man. And well wouldn't you know it, they acquired a daughter now and can totally play house while investigating this suspicious suburbia.
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tracyfance · 1 year
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There's More To Reiki Than You Think
Welcome, dear readers, to a captivating journey into the world of Reiki, an ancient healing practice that's been around since the 1880's, it transcends conventional boundaries. As a Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and an Angel Reiki Master/Teacher, I teach Reiki to so many students, year on year, this year it seems to be particularly popular, it's for this reason that I'm excited to share with you the profound wisdom and versatile applications of this transformative energy therapy.
Understanding Reiki's Essence:
At its core, Reiki is a gentle yet powerful healing modality that originated in Japan. The word "Reiki" can be translated as "universal life force energy" (rei meaning universal, and ki representing life force energy). This practice operates on the belief that life force energy flows through all living beings, and disruptions in this energy can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. Remember we're all energy, everything is energy, which includes your thoughts.
How Reiki Works:
The Reiki practitioner acts as a channel for the universal life force energy. During a Reiki session, the recipient remains fully clothed and lies comfortably on a massage table or sits in a chair. The practitioner places their hands gently on or above specific areas of the recipient's body, allowing the energy to flow through them and into the recipient.
Reiki energy intuitively travels to the areas where it is most needed, helping to clear blockages, restore balance, and stimulate the body's natural healing abilities. It promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and encourages holistic well-being. The experience is often described as soothing, warm, and peaceful.
Expanding the Horizons of Reiki:
Beyond the traditional Reiki session, this versatile healing practice extends its reach into various aspects of our lives. Let's explore some remarkable uses of Reiki beyond the boundaries of a typical session.
Healing Others:
Many of my students decide to learn Reiki because they want to give it to their children, especially if their children have neurodivergent conditions such as:
Tourette's Syndrome
Self-Healing and Self-Care:
Reiki empowers individuals to become active participants in their own healing journey. By learning and practising Reiki techniques, you can tap into its energy whenever you need it. Regular self-Reiki can alleviate stress, promote emotional well-being, and enhance self-awareness, it also improves sleep.
Enhancing Other Therapies:
Reiki beautifully complements other holistic therapies and conventional medical treatments. Its calming influence can enhance the effectiveness of therapies such as massage, acupuncture, counselling, and more. By incorporating Reiki into your existing practices, you can create a harmonious blend of modalities that nurtures the body, mind, and spirit. I have students who use it within a reflexology session or after giving a tarot reading, or during a facial, I use it within my hypnotherapy & NLP sessions to boost the healing for the issue we have worked on. The NHS use it within hospitals to help cancer patients as do some hospices so they can relieve the suffering of those who are end of life.
 Animal and Plant Healing:
Reiki's healing potential extends beyond human beings. Animals, whether domestic or wild, can benefit from the soothing and balancing effects of Reiki, many of my students train in Reiki to help their pets, I also have students who specialise in equestrian healing, work in animal shelters or sanctuaries etc. It can help alleviate anxiety, promote recovery from illness or injury, and strengthen the bond between humans and animals. Reiki can also be directed towards plants, supporting their growth and vitality which is perfect if you grow your own vegetables or herbs.
Cleansing Spaces and Objects:
Reiki energy can be channelled to clear stagnant or negative energy from physical spaces, such as homes or workplaces, if I am going to a client I will often send Reiki ahead of time to cleanse the space but I also use it for spaces where I hold workshops or events. By utilising specific Reiki symbols and intentions, practitioners can infuse spaces with positive energy, enhancing harmony and creating a serene environment. Additionally, Reiki can be used to cleanse and charge objects such as crystals, jewellery, and everyday items, imbuing them with healing vibrations., I even have students who've used it on their car battery!
Medication & Supplements:
I have students who make or sell beauty products or skincare products, they put Reiki in the product to boost it's effectiveness, there is a need to be careful here though, you would not want to make insulin more powerful for instance! Always check with a Dr or specialist if you plan to do this. Vitamins tend to be fine as the body eliminates whatever it doesn't need, however I'd still recommend you check with a health professional before boosting their properties.
Spiritual Work:
Messages From Beyond: Many Reiki practitioners discover that whilst in the altered state of giving Reiki, they become aware of messages from Heaven/Spirit whether that's from the Angels, family members of the Reiki recipient or the Spirit Guides of the Reiki practitioner, it isn't always appropriate to pass these messages on, however, being aware of Spirit & being able to develop spiritually is a reason why many people pursue a Reiki qualification.
There have been times when I've been shown information about my client's past lives, the journey of their soul & those events where healing needs to go so the person can heal in their life now.
Soul Retrieval: I've also used Reiki for the process known as 'Soul Retrieval' which is where a soul is unaware they've passed away and they need help to pass to Heaven or Spirit as I call it. I've also used Reiki to do house clearances where there is spirit activity that the resident is finding troublesome.
Grounding: One of the basic principles of all spiritual work is to be 'grounded' which means they are energetically tethered to the earth, but we often need to be grounded after something particularly exciting or shocking, hence why we use phrases such as 'coming back down to earth with a bump' or talk about people being grounded even though they're famous etc. Reiki can be used to ground you during and after a plane trip which helps alleviate the jetlag & helps you to feel connected to the earth energy again.
Distance Healing:
One of the most intriguing aspects of Reiki is its ability to transcend physical limitations. Through the practice of distance healing, Reiki energy can be sent across time and space to individuals, situations, or events that are not physically present. As always you will need the permission of the recipient either from them directly or their Higher Self. This method allows practitioners to extend their healing intentions and energies to those in need, regardless of location.
It's a great way to send positive energy to a job interview that's coming up or maybe a 1-2-1 with your boss! If you have to give a talk or a presentation, Reiki can be sent ahead so it goes well. Maybe you or a loved one have an operation scheduled, you can even send Reiki ahead to that event to help it go smoothly.
The Written Word: When writing letters, filling out official forms or journaling the Reiki symbols can be traced on the paperwork to create a positivity to the words. It can be placed under the stamp of a letter or written on the gift tag of a present.
So dear seeker of healing and spiritual growth, Reiki is a mystical art that opens doors to transformative experiences and expanded applications. As you delve deeper into the practice of Reiki, its boundless potential unfolds before you. By embracing Reiki as a way of life, you can embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, healing, and service to others.
As a Usui Reiki Master/Teacher and Angel Reiki Master/Teacher, I encourage you to explore the vast realm of Reiki beyond the confines of a traditional session. Embrace the power of self-healing and self-care, allowing Reiki to be a guiding force in your daily life. Take time each day to connect with the universal life force energy, allowing it to nourish your body, mind, and spirit.
Remember that Reiki is not limited to individuals alone—it extends its gentle touch to the animal kingdom as well. Share the soothing energy of Reiki with your beloved pets, offering them comfort and support. Whether they are experiencing physical ailments or emotional imbalances, Reiki can contribute to their overall well-being.
Moreover, do not underestimate the ability of Reiki to cleanse spaces and objects. Invite Reiki into your living and working environments, clearing away stagnant energy and creating a harmonious atmosphere. By infusing positive intentions and energy into your surroundings, you can create a sacred space that nurtures your soul.
In the realm of energy healing, distance knows no bounds. With the practice of distance healing, you can extend the healing energy of Reiki to individuals, situations, or events across time and space. Through focused intention and the use of Reiki symbols, you can become an instrument of healing for those who are physically distant but energetically connected.
As you continue your journey with Reiki, consider exploring the infinite possibilities it presents. You may find yourself drawn to additional forms of Reiki, such as Quantum Reiki, Karuna Reiki or Tibetan Reiki, each offering its own unique qualities and healing vibrations. Embrace the knowledge that as a Reiki practitioner, you are forever a student, continuously learning and expanding your understanding of this profound healing art.
In conclusion, my dear reader, Reiki is a sacred gift that has the power to transform lives on multiple levels. Beyond the traditional session, it serves as a gateway to self-healing, a catalyst for enhanced well-being, and a tool for harmonizing the world around us. Embrace the gentle yet profound energy of Reiki, and let its healing light guide you on a remarkable journey of self-discovery, growth, and service to others.
May the universal life force energy of Reiki illuminate your path and empower you to embrace the wonders of the spiritual realm. Open your heart and mind to the boundless possibilities that await you as you embark on this sacred voyage of healing and transformation.
Do you feel drawn to learn Reiki? You can find out about my classes in Angel Reiki & Usui Reiki using the links provided or if you have questions you can message me or call me and we can chat.
Not sure on the difference between Angel Reiki & Usui Reiki? Here's my short YouTube video to help you.
With love, light, and blessings,
Tracy Fance Psychic Coach, Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, and Angel Reiki Master/Teacher
#angelreiki #usuireiki #learnreikikent #reikihealer #reiki #reikihealing #healyourselfhealyourlife
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starsscribble · 2 years
For your BNHA OCs, what are they like throughout the arcs?
I haven't caught up with BNHA so this is only up to the Pro Hero Arc. And ideas aren't really fleshed out in some arcs
Kami: First appearance is in the Quirk Apprehension Test Arc she doesn't talk and places high in the ranking
U.S.J. Arc - When some of the students are teleported she ends up with Shoto. She doesn't end up going to help All Might because she slightly blames him for the way she grew up.
U.A. Sports Festival Arc - She doesn't feel the need to participate because one it's reminds her on the battles against other children in the lab. And two she's going to work with her family agency she doesn't need people to see what she can do. She doesn't make it pass the first round and refuses to dress in the cheerleading outfit.
After this Arc when Shoto starts to visit his mother he would run into Kami at the hospital and she tells him that she's in therapy. When Kami had a session they would met up and walk to the hospital together.
Vs. Hero Killer Arc - Only seen in the first episode of this arc when her friends asks who she is picking. She only goes for her family agency and it's kind of where everyone in her class realizes who she is.
Final Exams Arc - She is paired with another oc of mine Komichi and fights against Shiko. They ends up winning against Shiko by getting the cuffs on her. This shows just how skill Kami is at coming up with a plan.
Personal Arc - This is solely for Kami. We know that before the Training Camp the hero students could do optional classes. In one of these classes All Might brings in a hero from the U.S. to teach the students. Unknown to Kami this was her mother. During the class Kami's mother would activate Kami using her trigger words and order her to kill All Might. The woman would slip away in the chaos as Kami attacked anyone that got in her way to All Might. She's get up into U.A. custody with her grandmother and Nezu filling in All Might and Aizawa about Kami. This is when All Might learned what the U.S. had been doing. Kami would get the words wiped from her mind but ends up staying at the hospital were Shoto's mother is. Shoto would see he when he visited his mother and tried to talk with Kami but she hurried off feeling ashamed of herself. Rei tells Shoto she will check in on Kami since he clearly cares for her. Kami isn't apart of Training Camp Arc and doesn't know about the Hideout Raid Arc.
Provisional Hero License Exam Arc - She is closed off again; feeling guilt and shamed still for hurt people she grew close towards. When showing dorms she doesn't participate and hides in her room. Shoto, the girls, and Sero show concern when Kami doesn't answers when they knock on her door. A lot of this arc is class 1-A helping to pull Kami back and show her they know that what happened wasn't her. She also passes the Exam.
Shie Hassaikai Arc - She doesn't fight the big three; she knows when she is outmatched and watches from the sidelines and her classmates get beaten. Once again goes to her family agency.
Remedial Course Arc - Not seen
U.A. School Festival Arc - She works behind the scenes for the 1-A show and after her grandmother and her give out Chinese snacks.
Pro Hero Arc - Not seen.
Shiko: First seen in the U.S.J. Arc when she comes with the other teachers. She is also seen sitting beside Aizawa when he was in the hospital.
U.A. Sports Festival Arc - She can see seen watching the events but that's it.
Vs. Hero Killer Arc - Not apart of
Final Exams Arc - She fights against Kami and Komichi. Since both girls aren't close-combat Aizawa place him against Shiko who is an expert in hand to hand forcing them to think on their feet. Shiko is defeated by the girls of which she is very proud.
Training Camp Arc - Not apart of
Hideout Raid Arc - Joins the team that takes down the warehouse when AFO releases the explosion Shiko takes most of the blast for Best Jeanist allowing him to focus on protecting the other. She is still standing which AFO compliments. However as she goes to use the energy her body ends up locking up. She has too much energy stored and using him might rip her body apart. When she is taken to the hospital her heart stops for a few minutes. She is brought back but her body over the next few days is sensitive. When in the hospital Aizawa and her finally talk about their feeling and end up dating.
Provisional Hero License Exam Arc - She kind of brought up when Ms. Joke flirts with Aizawa and he brings up he has a girlfriend.
Shie Hassaikai Arc - She worried for her boyfriend and students. Morning for the raid Shiko wish Aizawa good luck.
Remedial Course Arc - Not seen
U.A. School Festival Arc - She is seen with Eri when the students ar busy and walking around the festival with her.
Pro Hero Arc - She is seen at the Japanese Hero Billboard Chart as she moved up from Rank 13 later Rank 12 when All Might retired to Rank 8. I honestly don't know what Shiko comment would be; but I do know Shiko is unsure of Hawks and Endeavor as the top two.
I kind of want to play with the idea have Hawks have a small crush on Shiko. But idk.
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
So I was rereading the ask about Todoroki Reader driving and it got me wondering, what would happen if Reader did get in a crash? Would their reactions be different depending on how bad it was, and whether she was at fault?
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Todoroki reader gets in a crash
"Mr Todoroki, your daughter Y/n got into an accident-"
Enji doesn't remember much after that, all he knows is that he was in his office one minute and the hospital next.
"Y/n Todoroki. Where is she?" He asked the receptionist.
"Sir, may I know your relation to-"
"I'm her father and if you don't tell me where she is right now, you'll be out of a fucking job-"
"Dad?" Enji looked behind him, and saw Natsuo.
"Natsuo, where's Y/n?" He asked, letting Natsuo pull him to the side.
"She's in surgery right now. But she'll be out soon."
"Surgery? What happened?"
"Apparently, another car crashed to her right and her car toppled. Luckily, Y/n was wearing her seat belt and the air bags opened in time to save her from severe head injuries. She did however end up breaking her left arm when she landed on it at the passenger seat." Natsuo ran a hand through his hair. "That's all I could get from her before she fell unconscious. Dad- I gotta get back to the OT. You call mom, okay?"
Enji waited in the sitting area outside your OT, his mind imagining all the ways your car had toppled over, all the fear you must've felt, all the ways you could've been in worse state.
"Enji! Where's she?!" Rei asked as she grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him out of his thoughts. Behind her, Shotou stood just as curious.
"Surgery. She'll be out soon-"
"Surgery?! Why?!"
"She fractured her arm, Rei. But she'll be fine-"
Rei began smacking her palms against Enji's chest. "I told you! I told you not to give her that car! I told you not to teach her to drive! I fucking told you and look at what happened!" Enji caught her wrists as Rei finally broke down crying. "Our baby- she's- she's all injured and broken and- and-" She sobbed into his chest and Enji collected her in his arms.
"She'll be fine, Rei. Y/n will be fine." Enji patted her back soothingly, and at that moment the doors opened and the surgeon walked out along with Natsuo.
"How is she?" Rei asked, scrambling off Enji.
"The surgery was a success, Mrs Todoroki. Y/n will need a lot of rest however. She's being brought back to her room, but she'll be asleep for some time. You're welcome to stay the night there." He then beckoned Natsuo to come along with him so that he can tell him more about your post op care.
Enji sat in the corner while Rei rested her head on your bed by your torso, her hand holding yours. Fuyumi came by earlier to check on you and left a while later to go home and cook something for you. Shotou left to go check the tapes and file a report with the police.
Enji waited for you to wake up, and seeing your sleeping with bruises littered on your face, he couldn't help but think back to what Rei had said to him.
He only taught you how to drive because you'd begged him for so long and you'd been on your best behaviour all year. No secretly dating, no staying out late, no sneaking away to parties, not even staying up past your bedtime. You'd been a golden kid all year and he felt like this was also gonna be more of an opportunity for you and him to bond more.
And the car? Well that was a birthday present. You hadn't asked for it, but what use is knowing how to drive if you don't have a car? Besides, the way you beamed when you saw your ride- Enji would happily give you another 10 cars just to see you smile like that.
But Enji doesn't understand why you were driving in the middle of the day without informing anyone about your destination/plans. The only rules Enji gave you with the car was to always inform him where and when you're going out, and to drive safely.
As far as Enji knows, you were home alone because Rei had left to go grocery shopping. Which Rei thought was weird because you always came to the store with her, but you were pretty adamant about staying back.
"Dad?" A small voice croaked, barely above a whisper. But it was enough to send Rei and Enji flying to their feet.
"Y/n? Sweetie? Are you okay? How are you feeling?" Rei asked, while Enji poured you a glass of water.
"Here." He helped you sit up and pushed the glass to your lips.
Rei left to call Natsuo and the doctors while Enji laid you back down. His heart dropped as tears formed in your eyes. "I'm sorry..."
"Shhh, its okay. Its not your fault." He patted your hair and kissed your forehead.
"But- the car-"
"Dont fret about it. You just worry about getting better, okay?"
Soon after the doctors had left, Rei had begun to admonish you, only to be stopped by Enji, telling her now is not the time. Fortunately, Rei got the hint he gave and decided now is not the time to make you feel any worse than you already do. Now you sat up as Rei fed you Fuyumi's delicious soup while Shotou sat on the bed beside you and Natsuo fiddled with your IV line.
Enji was outside on his phone, calling Hawks to find the bastard that rammed his car into you because all Shotou could find was that the man had disappeared without a trace and at some point, the cameras had stopped recording.
"Keigo. I need you to find that son of a bitch and I need you to find him NOW, or so help me God I will burn everything in this city until I do-"
Enji was too busy to notice Dabi walking into your room. As the door slammed open, Dabi darted straight towards you.
"Dabi-" but he cut you off by grabbing your collar and yanking you forward.
"What the fuck were you doing out of the house?!"
Fuyumi and Shotou tried to interject. "Dabi, let her go-"
"No." He pointed at them before focusing back on you. "You knew the rules. No leaving the house without informing us. So why the fuck were you out? Were you trying to leave? Escape with some measly boy and live some fantasy with him?!"
But the moment your eyes filled with tears was the instant Natsuo jumped and separated Dabi from you.
"If you must know, I left the house because I was bringing everyone lunches! And if you don't belive me, you can ask Fuyumi and she'll tell you the leftovers she found in the kitchen!" You furrowed your brows and looked down. "I just wanted to surprise everyone with bento boxes, one for all of you to show how much I appreciate you guys. I guess that was a huge mistake on my part." You sniffled before looking straight at him.
"I'm sorry, Dabi." You said before silently breaking down into tears, Rei immediately starting to coddle you. The rest of them send glares to him and Dabi left the room, his own heart now heavy with guilt.
Fuck. I really need to stop jumping to conclusions. He sighed before passing Enji, only to stop when he heard him complain to Hawks about finding the "hit and run" perpetrator.
Dabi snatched the phone out of Enji's hand and ended the call.
"What are you doing? I need to catch the driver-"
"No need. I already took care of him."he handed him his phone back. "He was a drunk driver. If you look any harder, you'll find me burning him to crisp on the missing tapes." Dabi snickered. "Its always fun how much more inflammable they get with alcohol in their system."
Enji could only watch in silence as Dabi walked away, whistling some jolly tune.
Soon after you're released, you already know you're gonna be coddled to the max. Rei and Shotou are now going to be in your personal space all the time, I mean Shotou may let you have a breather from time to time, but they both treat you like you've broken all 4 limbs instead of 1.
They'll always be pushing you back on your bed/on your seat and tell you that "you can't do this and that because I don't need you messing up your arm. Don't you know how critical the healing process is?!"
Oh and no more driving for you. Ever. Even though it was the other guy's fault, they've all agreed that it's far too dangerous for the youngest of the clan to ever be behind a wheel again. Hell, Natsuo us even looking for adult sized booster seats for you. And you already know that they're always gonna be the one strapping you in from then on.
Of course, Dabi spends some extra time stealing HK merchandise because he still feels guilty because of how he yelled at you, but he'd be damned if he ever let you know he's sorry.
Overall, you may or may not be traumatised by your accident, but your family has enough PTSD on your behalf to ever let you go out alone.
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swiftwidget · 4 years
MHA Chapter 301 Analysis
“The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire: Part 1” 
Who was Rei Todoroki comparing her children to and which child did she see peeking through the door that day?
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Chapter 301 is incredibly revealing and shows that a flashback based upon a single character’s point of view is not and cannot be read as the full story. 
What we knew of the Todoroki family - specifically Enji and Rei - mainly came from Shouto’s flashbacks during the Sports Festival and what we essentially overheard the family discuss when the focus is turned on them. 
However! It isn’t the full story! It can even be misleading! 
That is a mind-blowing way to write in a series like this. Just 100% good use of double-meaning and reread value. Horikoshi is honest-to-goodness impressive.
Chapter 301 reveals at least the first half of the downfall of the Todoroki family structure and life. 
We have a marriage built upon an agreement. 
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A man with growing power and influence marrying the daughter of an old-money family that had lost its prestige over time. Both parties understood that they had their part to give. Enji gives Rei’s family a continued connection to power, influence, and money while Rei offers her ice quirk to create the kind of child Enji Todoroki wants.
Enji as the Hero Endeavor has at this point already given up on becoming Number 1. He’s seen the gap between himself and All Might and judged that he comes up short. He simply isn’t able to bridge that gap, but he believes a child of his can - given the right quirk combination. 
Enji and Rei have their first child, Touya, and have a second, Fuyumi, to be his companion and support. 
Enji told Touya what he was going to be, built up the expectation (and pressure) that he’d teach him to be the Number 1 hero. But Touya’s body and quirk don’t match. His quirk harmed his body. At no fault of his own, Touya was judged as incapable of fulfilling Endeavor’s vision. 
All Touya wanted was his father’s attention and affection. He pushed himself to prove he still could be a great hero with his quirk, and hurt himself trying to get the attention he needed as a child. 
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Enji, being an extremely well-written flawed character, wants two things: 1) to continue his vision and 2) to get his first child to stop hurting himself. So, he does what he believes would solve both problems. Continue pushing for the successful mix of quirks. His thought process likely being: If Touya could see that he couldn’t bridge the gap and wouldn’t have to, surely he’d stop. 
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But to Touya, he’s being replaced. Left behind. Erased. 
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Being cast aside and told to try something else only fuels his desperation to prove himself. It fuels his anger too. He continues to self-destruct. 
And he lashes out. 
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Where was Rei during all of this? 
Rei, meanwhile, had been upholding her end of the marriage arrangement. Having child after child put her under more and more strain, exhausting her. Maybe she believed that Enji’s plan would get Touya to stop. Maybe she believed that they all had their part to endure to be in this family. 
Then, Touya lashed out at her and the infant Shouto with his flames. 
I think this will be continued in the next chapter, but this is what we already know:
Touya lashed out at Rei and Shouto when Enji pushed him away
Shouto lived mostly separated from his siblings for the majority of his childhood, including Touya who was still present
Enji put Rei in a mental hospital when she poured boiling water on Shouto
Touya’s ��death” occurred shortly after Rei was sent to the hospital
If Touya lashed out only once, there wouldn’t be a need to separate Shouto from him for so long. It’s likely Touya lashed out more than once. As sad as it is, it is also possible that he was not put through proper therapy and instead was sedated or punished. 
If Touya wasn’t getting the help he needed and he lashed out with his fire more than once?
How do you stop your child from burning you, your other children, or himself? 
How do you put out a fire?
You pour water on it. 
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You use whatever water is nearby. Over and over for as many times as he ignites himself. 
That was Rei’s job as Touya’s mother. When he was upset and burst into flames, she said it herself: “We have to cool him down!” 
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So when Shouto overheard her talking to her mother in his flashback, what he understood was that he was being compared to Endeavor and his mother couldn’t stand to raise him anymore. 
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But what did Rei see? Who?
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She saw Touya as he was when his hair was still turning white. Her baby boy, Touya, overhearing her compare the children to him and rejecting him. Saying she shouldn’t be the one to raise Touya because she can’t help him when she can clearly see he needs help. And in that state of extreme stress, she thought Touya had come to lash out again. 
So she grabbed the water she had on hand and poured. 
This chapter is incredibly revealing and just the title card itself seems to point in this direction. 
“That’s why I’m here.” Rei is stepping up again to put out a fire. This time hopefully the right way. 
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Enji was a terrible father, but not just for the reasons we believed we knew. He never let go of his vision and expected Touya to give up for the same reasons he did. Endeavor pushed Shouto to succeed not only for his vision but also to save the life of Touya whose drive he couldn’t understand. He was and is an extremely flawed and desperate man. 
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Rei hurt Shouto, but not because he reminded her of Endeavor. She was scrambling to put out Touya’s flames, trying to do what she could with what little support, mental stability, and options she believed she had available. Pushed to the brink, she slipped up and mistook Shouto for Touya. 
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Enji and Rei are both incredibly well-written flawed parents. We’re only now seeing the fuller picture.  
This is in part a continuation and expansion of this post. 
This post is based on my real-time realization discussion on the Toshinoumu discord manga chat page. If you want to read the Toshinoumu AU/ “I Am...” Series, check out our @toshinoumu blog for more information. 
Additional fun/sad fact courtesy of @aoimikans​: Rei’s favorite flower is a blue lily. Lily roots and bulbs have been used for medicinal purposes. They were boiled into teas to treat stomach disorders, fevers, and assist women in labor. They have also been used topically to treat sores and burns. The essential oil is used to help treat depression. 
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ayadoesart42 · 2 years
Hello! If you’re still in need: Ofc age appropriate, but HC’s for the guys learning they’re going to be dads? It’s one of my favorite hcs to think about lol
I enjoy your other HC’s, too!!!
This was actually really sad to make, and I apologize I’m pretty sure this was supposed to be light hearted… sorry. Also I’m going off of unexpectedly becoming a parent with s/o, rather than planned bc if it was the reaction would be just “yay” and less interesting so LETS GO
Ichiro- (in 20s-ish so similar amounts of maturity) Really really happy and overjoyed. He would be beaming for like a month straight. He would also be determined to be the best dad ever and fix everything that his dad did wrong.
Jiro- (also 20s) PaNiK 😱 But like- happy panic (hopefully)
Saburo- I sat over this for like an hour and eventually gave up, sorry he is a child
Samatoki- would go spiraling and panicking about how terrible his childhood was and how he doesn’t want to turn into his own father and let someone experience that, also be worried about a kid growing up in the environment of a Yakuza with a smoking problem and would go off trying to right his life
Jyuto- Honestly he would probably break up and chicken out- he has too much to do to care for a child
Riou- Would consider it his new mission, and dedicate himself to completing it with honors
Ramuda- N/A
Gentaro- Become Edward Gorey and start to write children’s books with tragic endings
Dice- Would have taken his chances with knocking a woman after a night at a casino and lost. He’d probably not be emotionally ready for it and he would have no kind of connection with the woman, so they would just move on with their lives.
Jakurai- Would adopt again and take the new child to see Yotsutsuji, their big brother, once a week and maybe start a nice mini foster care system for children in need.
Hifumi and Doppo (I’m sorry I have to do these together): Hifumi would quit his job being a host to be a stay-at-home parent, cooking and cleaning and raising the child while Doppo pays the rent. Hifumi would be joyous forever and Doppo would go through phases of “I am so happpppyyyy” and “I am so tireeeeeddddddddd this is gonna end meeeeee I don’t wannnnaaaaaaaaaa”
Sasara- Quit being a comedian to be a parent because he doesn’t want his kid to be constantly surrounded by paparazzi, and he wants to be there for his kid, and try to not give them the childhood that he had.
Rosho- First of all, Rosho wants to be a parent SO BADLY, I think he straight up considers his students his temporary kids. But if he got an actual child he would be over the moon and do all the cringey parent stuff like put pictures of his kid all over his desk at school and give his students updates at school and everyone would refer to his child as the class’ “little sister/brother/sibling”. Also I think having an actual child would push him into starting a program where he can go to places like hospitals and areas with children that don’t have access to nice schools and he would teach them simple lessons and give them a small, free, education. (CRYING)
Rei- Well we’ve all seen how this goes
Kuukou- I disagree with the fact that Kuukou is having an unplanned child, he is a MONK. So he would become the parent of a very large rescue dog or something and unleash it at the temple and take care of it well.
Jyushi- iS a cHiLd
Hitoya- Read attorney of law repercussions and amendments instead of bedtime stories. Also always say “you never his a woman.” To his kid no matter what 24/7 idk why but he would. He would pay the money for the house but also take a surprising amount of time to be an active father.
Nemu- (Unhypnotized) Would be very very happy until she realized she would have to tell Samatoki
and ofc I'm never not in need of hc prompts lol
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reihimura · 3 years
rei & touya’s relationship is so criminally underrated by canon and fanon imo. people have have pointed out how they look similar, especially when experiencing severe distress or melancholy (which they do look very similar, making their situation(s) all the more sadder), but i also feel a lot of people fail to mention how they are almost… mirror each other, in a sense.
the reason endvr abandoned training touya was because he “inherited rei’s weak constitution”, because he was too much like his mother - not only with the intolerance to heat, but perhaps in personality as well. they have similar reactions when under stress, usually lashing out verbally or sometimes physically. they’re both usually soft-spoken individuals, but also aren’t afraid to speak their minds when need be. they aren’t afraid of getting hurt if it means they deflect or reflect attention from themselves and others (i.e. rei stepping into one of shouto’s training sessions because it was getting too violent, and results in rei getting endvr’s attenttion in a slap. in contrast, touya trained everyday despite the massive amounts of pain it causes to get endvr’s attention.)
they were both the “firsts” in the todoroki family. rei was the first one to take on the todoroki surname as endvr’s wife, and touya was the firstborn todoroki child.
their actions also feel like parallels to each other. they’ve both harmed, or attempted to harm, shouto - but this harm was more-so meant for endvr; these attacks were an extension of the ideals endvr forced onto his family - that only one could be good enough for him.
they both separated from the family in nearly the same amount of time, due to mental breakdowns. they both spent a decade, if not more, away from the family, and then somewhat returned at, once again, nearly the same time. in canon time, it’s only been a year or so since rei and shouto reunited, and perhaps months after touya finally made his grand reveal. it’s kind of funny that this has happened twice - rei leaves, touya leaves. rei returns, touya returns.
and maybe it’s because these two are so similar and so seemingly (and perhaps unknowingly) connected that they don’t know how to help each other, much less themselves. the scene where rei tries to reach out to younger touya really showcases this imo: she almost got through to him, when she asked what he wanted to be. not what endvr wanted him to be; what he, touya, wants.
yet, she loses him when she brings endvr back into the equation - and you can’t fault her for this. her world so quickly and abruptly changed to focus on her husbands rather than her own, when he made her family agree to marry him. the forced marriage and abuse rei suffered from her husband caused her to focus on what she can do for endvr, to focus on him rather than herself. she has to have his children, care for said children, and pay special attention towards the “golden child”. endvr tells rei she needs to “take care of touya”, but not for touya’s sake, for endvr’s sake. because that’s the kind of household endvr has built for years and years. and that’s what causes rei and touya’s interaction to fall apart; because these characters don’t know how to separate themselves from their abuser. it’s a survival tactic; to focus on the needs of the abuser rather than the needs of the victims (including yourself). and neither rei, nor touya, nor any other member of the todofam are at fault for that aside from endvr.
but now, in canon, things are different. rei and touya have been physically separated from endvr for over a decade now, and in terms of mentally/emotionally separating themselves from their abuser, they’ve still got a ways to go. touya’s main goal revolves around killing his father, even if that means touya will die too. rei’s main goal is to bring touya back, and she even encourages endvr to help. while the whole situation regarding what the todofam actually wants to do with touya is still vague, we can see that endvr still has a strong influence over rei and touya.
maybe rei believes endvr can save touya because she couldn’t all those years ago. maybe touya believes he can’t go back to his family and should perish along with endvr instead because, in touya’s mind, he is his father’s ugly, failed creation. something-that-could’ve-been-turned-monster. he’s a reflection of the abuse endvr put both touya and his family through. he even sees himself as his father to an extent, as he’s called his own flames “endvr’s fire”.
they both feel like they can’t do anything for each other because of endvr, when in actuality, i think that rei and touya have always needed each other, and now they need each other more than ever. they had gotten close, back then, with rei asking touya what he wanted to do.
these two characters have so much in common, and their arcs play off of each other’s so well. they can teach each other that they’re not their abuser, and that they’re not what their abuser thinks of them. they are their own person, and it’s time for them to figure out what they truly want going forward.
touya is not his father’s failed creation, he is not weak due to having an intolerance to fire - he’s just touya.
rei is not the hospitalized wife of the #1 hero, she is not a failure of a mother - she’s just rei.
i think the two of them can help each other, and the rest of the family, find healing. they’re so similar, and they should understand each other so well.
basically there’s so much to rei & touya’s relationship that can be explored and analyzed, yet canon (and fanon) seemingly fail to realize this due to the focus on endvr and how He feels rather than… literally anyone else lmao.
there’s still so much about rei & touya’s relationship that we don’t know. but touya does still call rei “mom”, and refers to his father only by name. after all these years, after their brief falling-out before rei was hospitalized, touya still calls her “mother”. that means something.
there’s so much there for rei & touya’s relationship. and it’s a shame that canon and fanon don’t do much with it, or they take what’s been giving to us thus-far at face-value. their relationship has all the seeds planted to make it one that’s complex, caring, healing, and understanding. i just wish canon would actually let it grow instead of focusing on endvr for the millionth time /:
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namjoon-koya · 4 years
Since we got a Todoroki having a little sister what about Dabi ?
I’m going to make this as fluff as I can because reading chapter 300 broke my hEart
Warnings: some spoilers? Angstish also the reader is young so you don’t know what happened in the Todoroki household.
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Him being the older sibling he’s the first one to hold you at the hospital. Tells himself that he’s going to be the best big brother to you and will protect you with any means necessary. Whenever he isn’t with Fuyumi and Natsuo he’s with you, usually you’ll be sleeping though since you’re still a baby.
You tend to make his days better he has a lot of emotions he’s holding back, but one giggle from you and he suddenly forgets what he feels (for a while at least) he gets upset that Enji doesn’t show you any affection at all (he’s not surprised, but he hates it) he tries giving you the attention you deserve since Enji doesn’t.
When you start learning how to walk he’ll take you to the park (with Fuyumi and Natsuo tagging along) you have your cute lil squeaky shoes with a fluffy sweater (when you pull the hood up little bear ears show from the top) if you want to go down the slides you’ll have to sit on their laps (because I’ve seen videos on what happens when kids go down the slide ALONE💀) because they KNOW if you get hurt or even a little scratched their mom is going to give them an earful on having to be careful.
Whenever it’s your bedtime he’ll read stories to you (which makes you fall asleep fast) it becomes a routine he does. Usually he’ll pick a story or you’ll pick which one you want him to read, once he knows your fully asleep he’ll leave the room.
It broke him to leave you alone when he faked his own death, he was hesitant to do it, but he couldn’t back down he had a plan and he intended to complete it in the near future. After that he didn’t come to check up on you he could only hope that Fuyumi or Natsuo filled in his role.
Since you were still a kid and didn’t understand much about death yet you’d always ask Fuyumi or Natsuo where Touya was, but they always gave you a sad pitiful look before trying to distract you with something else. Natsuo was always busy with college so Fuyumi mostly had to take care of you after Rei got hospitalized.
Todoroki spent somewhat time with you, but he ended up training most the time and at this point you were 7 years old already. You finally understood what death meant and what happened to Touya whenever you got home from school you’d grab a book from your shelf and read outside near Touya’s shrine. You always believed that Touya’s spirit was with you even if he was gone.
(Endeavor’s arc I guess)
Todoroki was surprised that Enji was starting to spend more time with you (he was sorta.. nervous with him around you so he made sure to keep an eye out) he tried being more at home and eating dinner together. Fuyumi would always pick you up after school, but not anymore it was endeavor who was picking you up now. (Everyone was intimidated seeing Endeavor hold your small hand in his as you both walked to the car)
Shoto finally brought you to see Rei you haven’t seen her since she got hospitalized. So when he opened the door and Rei saw you she smiled and tried not to cry you grew up so much “mom!” You shouted running into her arms she kissed the top of your head while holding you in her arms. (Shoto takes a picture and sends it to Fuyumi and Natsuo and yes Fuyumi started crying her eyes out)
One time you got sick and went to Endeavor’s hero agency (since Fuyumi couldn’t take a day off from teaching) and lord behold you met Hawks. You were kind of intimidated by him his wings made him seem more bigger. He was going to say hi to you, but you quickly hid behind Enji (which Enji laughed while Hawks pouted about it) since Hawks spent so much time around Enji though you started to trust him.
NOW let’s talk about when Midoriya and Bakugo came over Todoroki’s house to have dinner. They didn’t even know Todoroki had a younger sibling so when you opened the door to them they both stood there SHOCKED. “Nii-San!” You said happily to Shoto “I’m home Y/N is Fuyumi making dinner?” You nodded before going back inside. “Todoroki you didn’t tell us you had a younger sibling.” Midoriya said as he started taking off his shoes. “Sorry, nobody ever mentioned anything so I didn’t. That’s Y/N though she’s only 7 so Bakugo don’t say any cuss words.”
You didn’t really understand why dinner was so awkward Natsuo was upset at Enji, but half of the things he was saying you didn’t completely understand (since no one mentioned what happened in the household) you saw Natsuo get up angrily and leaves. You didn’t leave the table until dinner was over Enji took the Shoto, Bakugo and Midoriya back to school and you decided to go find Natsuo.
He looked upset not that he was crying, but you could tell he was angry. “Nii-San are you mad at dad?” Natsuo quickly snapped his direction up at you his eyes softening he took off his sweater and wrapped it around you “it’s cold Y/N you shouldn’t be out here.” “You’re alone out here, but are you mad at dad?” Natsuo didn’t know what to say. The three of them made a promise to never tell you what happened the last thing they wanted to do was hurt you with the past “we just.. had a little disagreement Y/N it’s okay.”
You gently wrap your arms around Natsuo “if you need to cry you can nii-san whenever I would miss Touya I would do the same.” Sigh.. Natsuo really appreciated that even if you didn’t understand the full context of the argument. “Let’s go inside Y/N it’s cold and you’ll end up getting a fever again-“ suddenly he heard something he quickly pushed you behind him protectively. It was too dark outside he couldn’t see where the noise was coming from! “Y/N!” that’s when he finally saw what was coming he shoved you aside making the Nomu grab him “Natsuo!” You shouted as you fell backwards onto your butt the thing took off flying with him.
Fuyumi quickly rushed outside when she heard you scream “Y/N!” “Natsuo! That thing took Natsuo!” You cried into her shoulder. When Natsuo was recused the first thing you did was jump into his arms while crying “Y/N I’m fine see? Dad.. saved me on time it’s okay.”
You get to met Eri at first you both are shy she hides behind Mirio and you hide behind Shoto. Slowly you both start getting used to each other to the point where you two were running around the school festival excitedly.
So when does Dabi finally see you again? You went to the park alone. At first Enji and Fuyumi were kind of iffy about you being alone, but you kept repeating how you were old enough to go alone (hAhA of course Enji is going to check up on you a couple of times though) the park isn’t completely vacant, but your a bit more alone since some of the kids were playing on the playground while you were on the swinging.
As you were swinging back and fourth you started to remember when Touya would bring you to the park and play with you until sundown. He’d carry you on his back and asked what was your favorite part of the playground. The swings were you favorite Touya would push you (of course though not too high) you stopped swinging as you continued to remember the things you’d do with Touya at the park. Even Fuyumi and Natsuo would join in playing together so much time has passed and now usually everyone was busy.
Natsuo was still busy with school, Fuyumi was a teacher and didn’t have time to play all the time, Shoto was staying at U.A, and Enji was often at the hero’s agency.. you couldn’t remember the last time someone read you a story. You sniffle lightly as you rubbed your eyes “what are you so upset about?” You heard a voice next to you say you quickly looked up and saw a young man with raven black hair and a piercings on his face “I’m not upset.” The man chuckled before sitting down next to the swing beside you “then why did I hear you sniffle?”
You sighed “I miss my older brother his name was Touya.” Dabi’s hand clenched a bit “I love my other siblings! They try to make time for me, but Touya was always there he always brought me to the park or just read me stories at times! He passed away, but I always tell myself maybe that’s he’s still here with us as a spirit.” Dabi wanted to comfort you, but there’s a reason why he had to completely cut off connections with his family he couldn’t ruin his plan. “I’m sorry that you feel that way, but better times are coming soon.” He said getting up you looked at him questionably “how do you know?” “I know Y/N.”
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