#and also supporting my unhinged attitude about this man
iersei · 11 months
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For my request I would love if you drew something that made you happy, or if you just rested 🥺
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thank you sweetie for reminding me to rest <3 dw i’m taking care of myself, but i will only fully rest when glenn claims his victory <3
for you, a little doodle of a wooper and also all of my love <3
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spearxwind · 1 month
Some of those dragons in your recent drawing don’t have any other posts in their tags, could you introduce a few if it’s not spoilery?
Yeah absolutely!! I'll talk about all of them >:)
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Alex and C, you know em, both of em dragon arena gladiators that eventually fight to escape the crushingly oppressive conditions they found themselves in.
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These planes are manned by Soleil (left), who flies an SU-30, and Gala + Reina (right) on an AWACS plane based on the saab Globaleye. Gala is a Human and Reina is a little dragon, either of them can pilot or handle the IFF system interchangeably, though usually Gala is the one who pilots.
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Octane, you know him too, reventant died-but-not-really guy, a jetwing of considerable speed. He's a rly nice chill guy even if dying-but-not-really has made him exponentially more unhinged. Infamous in illegal racing. Used to be a part of Lexios' squadron. And on the right, his brother Jarek, infamous for other things. He's a bounty hunter who specializes in other dragons. Has little care for who hires him as long as he's getting paid.
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Arcturus is one of the fastest dragons out there, and they are the interceptor for Lexios' squad. A whimsical guy, they just like to Go Really Fast but got roped into service along with Octane bc of their abilities.
Voltaire is the support attacker of the squad. He's a gruff older dragon with a lot of flight experience and a nasty EMP attack.
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Lexios, my beloved, absolute showstopper whenever she appears. She's a jetwing based on the XB-70 Valkyrie, with a little bit from the B-52 Stratofortress. She's MEAN AS FUCK, completely unhinged, and super powerful to boot. She's the squad leader, and her squad is the preferred attack hammer of the Dragon Choir. Very probably a war criminal (god forbid women do anything).
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Kelan here is the dragon prince of the region, but he genuinely doesnt care about it. He would much rather be flying around the cast and having fun with his friends than to sit at the council and think about war. His father's death left the Council pretty headless and Kelan's attitude and demeanor makes him disliked among them but deeply beloved by his people.
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Razor is a one-winged dragon from the cliffsides and part of the raider force in the highlands where the story takes place. He lost one of his wings in the past, though he was never able to fly with them anyways. Outside of canon, Razor is one of my oldest dragon ocs and I wanted to breathe new life into him putting him in this world :) Also, he has a really thick australian accent. This fact is very important.
Rivier is a desert dragon that has also found herself in the highlands through Circumstances(tm). She's also part of the raider force, and has a human rider called Jem who she goes on missions with. She and Razor aren't related by blood but they have grown up together and consider each other siblings.
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luminouslywriting · 3 months
hey love! can you do a BoB boys when their partner has the same personality as them? please?
love your work 🤭❤️
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Hi Nonny, you're so sweet :) I'm glad that you enjoy my work so much! Reminder that my requests are open and that I don't mind spam BUT PLEASE, I don't write actual smut scenes/imagines/x readers :) So don't ask?? Thanks??
Cut for length, more under the cut:
Dick Winters:
-You mean this man finds someone of equal responsibility, maturity, kindness, and social grace? The world is unprepared for the level of wholesome that this relationship is going to be.
-I think that naturally, this is the type of person that Dick Winters attracts anyway, so it all works out
-You know that quote about how the Lydia's of the world don't attract the Mr. Darcy's? Yeah, totally applies here. To be in a relationship where there's equal level respect, focus on the job, and genuine care for one another is rare
-He's very grateful for you and for the relationship and never misses an opportunity to express this
-The men of Easy Company easily consider you the parents of the group, hands down
Lewis Nixon:
-This relationship is so chaotic, SMH—like—this man is out here getting drunk most of the time and so are you, as you helpfully suggest an unhinged thing that actually works
-The level of genius and smarts is unparalleled, it's just soured by the attitude that is doubled when the two of you are together
-He considers you his soulmate (like, way more than Vat-69 is) and vice versa
-I think that ultimately, this is a relationship that is consistently burning and like a wildfire, but in the most sensual and best of ways—you're there to help each other be both simultaneously worse and better
-Iconic, if I do say so myself
Ronald Speirs:
-Scary dog privilege goes both ways now?? Iconic, truly.
-Two rather quiet people who are there to work hard and get the job done by whatever means necessary meet and fall in love and therefore the stories about the two of you are UNHINGED
-But behind closed doors, you're both just very soft for one another and in love
-And if you steal as much as he does? It's maybe a competition to see who can flatter the other person more via stolen Nazi goods, but hey—if it works for you two lol
-Honestly, the leadership and compatibility in the way that you two work together is unparalleled
Buck Compton:
-Two college kids that are out there with natural charisma and fun but care about the men in Easy Company more than anything else? Bestie, this is just for you
-This man is utterly besotted with the way that you can talk college/academics with him and not even miss a beat
-There's a fun and healthy level of competition when it comes to games and downtime, which the both of you enjoy
-And everyone knows how good you two are at keeping spirits up and preserving morale, especially for each other
-The kind of emotional atunement to one another is rare to find I think that everyone is slightly envious of the two of you
Carwood Lipton:
-A responsible mom friend meets another responsible mom friend—and you know what? The level of married couple that you two are off the bat from meeting one another is just too much haha
-It's the domestic details and trying to check in on people/their mental health throughout the war, it's the way that the two of you know exactly how to care for one another in a non-overbearing sort. of way—
-If Lipton is the undisputed leader of Easy Company during Bastogne, then you're the undisputed right hand person—always putting the needs of the men and your S/O before yourself
-Selflessness and genuine love is also really rare to come by and I think that this is just what Lipton really needs—a support who is just a little bit too much like him
-You two are easily married by the time you end up in Austria
Joe Liebgott:
-Why is this giving gremlin energy? I can't explain it, but the way that the two of you constantly flirt and joke and have each other's backs is amazing
-Everyone is just like, "Lieb, there's two of you" and they're not wrong
-Supporting one another's beliefs and vengeance—because sometimes it's not about making the other person better, it's just about accepting them as they are and loving them anyway
-Easy Company simply adores the two of you and the way that you two succinctly work as a team and in tandem most of the time
-But you two are also so incorrigible and horny at any given time, so that's their one vice with the two of you
Donald Malarkey:
-This man?? Right here? The best friend energy that he exudes and now gets to have with you? Amazing
-It's the way that your relationship feels like breathing air because the two of you are so easily able to talk to one another, are each other's best friends, and the way that you care fiercely about one another and everyone else
-Sometimes it's like looking in the mirror though and the two of you are like, "please just go take a nap,"
-And unwillingly taking charge of situations w/Easy Company because it's just you or him that's left to lead? Also part of the deal, but everyone is on board with you
-Lots of hugs and cuddles are needed between the two of you
Eugene Roe:
-Oh goodness—two people who are out here burning themselves out for everyone else because they care so much? You two are either the most passionate lovers ever or you two are arguing about how the other person needs to take care of themselves and there's no in between
-You're both nurturers and lovers by nature and so being in this war is hard for the two of you
-Exchanging stories from home and sternly commanding the other to please "get some sleep or eat something" because you love them?? It's a love language
-No one wants to be on either of your bad sides—let alone the two of you at the same time. It's giving the energy of upsetting the nicest and clearly bravest people ever.
-If you two aren't engaged by the end of the war, then what's the point?
Bill Guarnere:
-Loyal to a fault, good sense of humor, probably from Philly? I mean, it's no wonder this man fell for you, you're just him in another font
-Literally everyone out here just wants to be friends with the two of you because you're already lowkey married, if that makes sense
-The conversation alone leaves everyone just wishing the two of you would get a room though
-Physically affectionate best friends who also makeout and maybe have some serious feelings for one another? Absolutely
-He absolutely writes you letters throughout the rest of the war after Bastogne and wants to marry you ASAP
Joe Toye:
-Quiet energy that lowkey makes people scared because of an RBF but then is super gentle? Oh yes, the two of you were made for one another
-You two easily become friends and easily fall in love—after all, the level of devotion and friendship, but also the ability to actually talk to one another? Unmatched
-He always has your back and vice versa; he already wants to talk about domestic life and you're out here naming your future dogs together
-And then Bastogne happens and you promise that you're gonna make it home so you can take care of him
-And no one is surprised when the same week you get home from the war, you end up married to him
George Luz:
-The comedic value here is too great and far unmatched. You're either super menaces together and leadership hates the two of you or you are carrying the morale of Easy Company on your backs.
-He's never met someone to match his humor so well or encourage him in the same way that he does others—and it's a beautiful match made in heaven
-Everyone is half-convinced that you're just his twin or something, but then the two of you are in love and everyone is rooting for the two of you
-You probably both propose to one another in a joke at some point and then have to actually do a proposal later on at the end of the war
-Everyone shows up for the wedding because no one was gonna miss out on the speeches that the two of you prepared haha
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wannab-urs · 1 year
The Spreadsheet Digest - Fic Recs | Vol 11
Hi friends!!
I've really outdone myself this week, folks. I read TWENTY SEVEN new fics (including three very long series) + a bunch of updates to WIPs I was already reading. That being said, I'm gonna sort these by character for you because it's a lot to scroll through.
If you're new here, these are all the fics I read this week (except series updates and unnamed drabbles) and my unhinged/unedited ramblings about them :)
You can find the full spreadsheet here, and you're always welcome to tag me in your fics <3
Fic recs below the Pedro <3
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Din Djarin
Wherever You Stray, I Follow a one shot by @beskarandblasters
This is one of those fics that makes me genuinely pissed I'm not living in the Star Wars universe. Why can't I run away from an arranged marriage with my bodyguard who just so happens to be a very very handsome man in a suit of pure beskar? It's not fair.
Beskar Doll a series by @justagalwhowrites
Okay so I read 40+ chapters of this in TWO days. The story is so engaging?! Also we all know I love me some angst and the angst in this is so well done. It's believable, it's painful, it's excellent. I'm always hype for reader characters/FMC/OFC that are strong and capable (not that I have an issue with the damsel in distress fics either but...) I am obsessed with the reader/MC in this. She's so fucking cool and strong and AGH!!! There was no part of this where I was bored or wondered why the story went in a certain direction - it always made sense to me and I was completely engaged the whole time. That's pretty impressive for a long ass fic like this. I usually fall off after 20 or so chapters. Everyone should read this, tbh.
Significant a one shot by @softlyspector
AHHHH okay first of all, you gotta read the drabble first so you get a feel for the relationship. This was SO CUTE. I support every choice made in this fic. I don't want to spoil anything, but just know that I love the characterization and dialogue in this. I love how quickly I got sucked into the story and believed their relationship despite it only being 5k. I could kind of imagine a full series around this. It was sooooo cute UGH. (Look at me reading fluff, what's goin on).
Fix it a one shot by @jksprincess10
I love how you've barely written Din before (1 fic) and then you produce this. It's so fucking good. We get helmetless!Din without a fuckton of buildup and like I get that it's not the most realistic, but sometimes you just want Din Djarin to eat you out without 20 chapters of wondering what his face looks like or having to be in the dark. And the tattoos... nad... you gave him tattoos.... I'll pass out and die on the floor right now.
a little attention a one shot by @luckbealincoln
Din has a rough day (haha get it?) and reader knows just how to get rid of his pissy ass attitude. I love love love dom!Din so fucking much this is so hot PLEASE
Best Kept Secret a series by @lincolndjarin
Bodyguard!Din and princess!reader!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this trope so much. I expected the fic to be a little kitschy because I mean... it's a kitschy trope. And I love kitschy shit that's why I clicked on it... but guys! guys!! it's not!! This fic has so much depth, so much emotion. The little glimpses of Din's backstory, the depictions of mental health, that bastard Kodo, my beloved Elaine and Lysa... just... there's so much in this story that I adore. It feels fresh and interesting and it's heart wrenching and wonderful and sexy and....yeah read this one thanks.
Who do you belong to? a one shot by @beskarandblasters
HOT!!!!!!! Possessive!Din is so fucking hot. The smut is.... oh my lordt it is good.
Joel Miller
i can be your pretty girl a series by @walkintotheriveranddisappear
A little innocent reader/manipulative dbf!joel never hurt anyone, right? I fucking love this. And the subsequent part is... even better (worse? more depraved?).
Epiphany a one shot by @jksprincess10
This story hurts. It hits you right in the chest and takes the breath out of you. Worth the pain though. It's gorgeously done <3
I'll Do Anything a one shot by @beskarandblasters
I feel like I've seen some fics that are this trope but in reverse, where Joel is the one making reader pay with sex. I think I like this better tbh. Desperate, needy Joel is everything.
Seven a one shot by @proxima-writes
Starting with the dream was so fucking good! And I really like the choice to not make it a 1 to 1 direct recreation of the actual scene with Sarah. I loved the early interactions with Joel and reader so much. The library scene AHHH!!!! And then fast forwarding through the reallly good smut, the dream that's not a nightmare???? Are you kidding me??? genius. Reader still believing in beautiful things and making joel believe he deserves good things and oh my god just shoot me now this was adorable.
sensational a series by @sinsofsummers
I guess I was on an innocent reader kick this week idk. I love the buildup of the reader's background in this though. She feels like a real person and not just a vessel for actual reader to pretend we're virgins and Joel Miller is teaching us about sex. Like she is that, don't get me wrong, and I love it. But!! She's a real person, with feelings and a backstory and I am a slut for a good story with my smut. Okay and also Joel doesn't feel like a creep in this, which is a little hard to achieve given the premise. I really liked this and I hope we get more. (there's a part two, but like I'd read 10 parts of this are you kidding)
Desire a series by @toxic-seduction
Good ol' depraved smut. I haven't read one like this before!! And the follow up is just as yummy. Highly recommend if you're feeling a little freaky :)
Gimme What I Want a series by @atticrissfinch
Oh my god oh my GOD oh my god. This was so fucking hot?! And the little moments of humor too?! I love the format for this so much. And the attention to detail with the timestamps and everything!! And then part two... I was not prepared. God it was so hot. (and the lil bonus of Joel being awkward and adorable ughhhh). The blend of sexy and funny and a tad bit depraved and a tiny bit sweet... perfect.
Lavender a series by @justagalwhowrites
Hey, it's not nice to break people's hearts repeatedly. There are barely even words to describe this fic. The nanny trope to start out with, meaning that you get really really attached to Sarah and pre-outbreak Joel and you build up all these hopes and dreams for the two of them.... and then... (trying not to spoil things) Joel being a moron and then the outbreak of course and... I always want to know what happens in that 20 years between outbreak and Joel meeting Ellie. I really adore the way that canon content was blended with original content in a way that seems to make Joel's actions make even more sense than they do in canon. Doc is such a cool character also??? And oh my GOD Andrew and Jess... I seriously cannot explain how fucking perfect this is. I could read it forever. Like I hope you carry it on through season two when that comes out, it's that good. I would read 500 chapters of this.
Mine a one shot by @the-scandalorian
How does one write Porn Without Plot, anal at that, and make it profound? Apparently this way. How dare you make me feel anything but a little ashamed and lot horny about an ANAL FIC?! Are you a fucking WIZARD?! Anyway yeah y'all should read this one.
Stay here, honey a one shot by @swiftispunk
This is just porn but I was having that kind of day. dbf!joel + really high chance of getting caught PWP. Wonderful <3
What I need a one shot by @swiftispunk
knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink knife kink. Oh and also a lil bit of sweetness at the end. Yes please
Your Summer Dream a series by @swiftispunk
Look I've only read chapter one and I'm already in love. The set up is so good. Joel seems so sweet and charming and cool and HOT?!? Reader is about to win the rebound Jackpot for real. I'd be jealous if I wasn't,,,, ya know,,, the reader.
exile a one shot by @tieronecrush
Oh hey cool, thanks for hurting my feelings... just kidding you know I love angst. This was so gorgeously written. I love all the descriptions a lot. And also... I read a lot of joel/reader breakups where she just immediately crumbles and takes him back because like wouldn't we all? But I really like how you had her hesitate even though she's clearly miserable. At least one of us is emotionally mature enough to not dive headfirst back into a toxic relationship (couldn't be me).
Javier Peña
a pile of cards a one shot by @undercoverpena
There are very few things I love more than fluffy, soft!Javi Peña. That man has the capacity to be so sweet and caring and kind and loving and AHHHHHH. I really love the way this story is told. A story in birthdays for your birthday celebration... that's so fucking creative I love it. I just... I can't say enough about this fic. Read it!!
not here, not now a one shot by @gracieispunk
Reader gets in trouble with Javi and handcuffs are involved... I feel like I do not need to say more.
(Re)union with Elvis a one shot by @tieronecrush
I've read a lot of these lil accidental marriage fics, and this is one of my favorites so far. I loved getting to see them meet up sober, go through the whole night, experience the silly wedding, the mind blowing sex, and then the wakeup scene is actually so cute? I rarely see one of these without a defcon level freak out about the fact they got married. Imagine telling this story at your wedding? Like oh yeah we've actually already divorced each other and it was before we ever started dating.
Pero Tovar
Xìngjiāo a one shot by @absurdthirst
I finally watched The Great Wall and my literal first move after finishing it was to see if absurdthirst wrote a sex pollen fic for Tovar and she FUCKING DID!!!!! Gods I love sex pollen.
Pero Tovar and his Guerrera a series by @prolix-yuy
This lil loose fit series makes my heart sing. Pero being an idiot? Reader being a badass? Silly arrangement to be able to stay near each other without having to admit feelings? Finally admitting feelings??? Wrap me up in this story and bury me in it, thanks.
Dave York
Stormy Secrets a one shot by @absurdthirst
Kinda randomly got in the mood to read something fucked up and stumbled on this lovely Dave York fic. Murder daddy didn't let me down, this was EXCELLENT. Pretty much checked every box on the list of what I would kill to have Dave York do to me.
Just Your Average Suburban Couple a one shot by @absurdthirst
What if Murder Daddy had a Murder Wife? I know it's a hot take, but I love the fake dating trope so this is so fun for me. Add in badass reader, infidelity, murder, Dave York being soft (in his own way), domestic Dave, and possessive/jealous!Dave? Oh and of course delicious smut. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH
Do y'all prefer it sorted like this or was it fine the old way? This takes a little extra work, but it's not that bad.
Happy Reading!
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threepoint14art · 7 months
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Ok so first of all i love reading your guys' tags always and forever, second of all @chocottang HIII CHOCOO (please do tell me if tagging annoys you!) You turned my braincell on, you asked such a simple and normal question and now you are gonna get lore'd about spring im so sorry- ok ok so answer here and then i start ranting about all the things ive done to this poor man if anyones interested:
He is not on the aro spectrum he just never really thought about romance for the LONGEST time. Rubbing my hands like an evil fly why would that be? Read to find out
Also while spring himself is not on the aroace spectrum i do present cami, owynn, bonnie and puppet to you humbly, the silliests ever
Basically, as you MAY have noticed, the guy has a lot of burn scars (shocking), that's because when he was little his house burnt down and his parents died and he got super fucked up, he's been in the foster system since he was like 10, no family wanted to take him in because his parents had him when they were super young and thus were disowned. So we start off strong with that, and it gets worse!
I wanted to make spring a little more unhinged because wowzers the sprintrap animatronic is evil, however his chill attitude captivated me, so i decided to make the unhinged him be his younger self, children are cruel adults are scary people in the foster system get treated as "a way to give people who cant have bio kids families" or "charity cases" instead of normal children with a lot of unnadressed issues who deserve a change to grow up with a semblance of normalcy. He was alone and scared and angry at life and thus tended to get into a lot of fights and to stealing stuff and such. Problem kid status + visibly scarred led him to never really finding a permanent home, not that he wanted one, because most of the adults in his life scared him and also wanted him to have a "new" life, AKA forget his parents and accept these new strangers as parents, horrible!
This little kid who is very scared and alone and wishes for nothing more than his parents calming him down again meets 2 even smaller kids and just, projects onto them. He started coping with all the stuff in his head through taking care of children and pretending it was also him who was being taken care of so softly and tenderly, the children being meg and fox. He just starts taking care of them and subconciously growing up really fast to get them the support and whatever they need and then out of literally nowhere hes 18. He's like "oh crap wth" Gets send off to the real world having BARELY graduated from highschool and with some money, he cannot bear the thought of losing any more people and just looks into becoming the other 2's legal guardian and gets them out of the system to live with him in the worlds cheapest house he could find
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So what I mean is that he hyperfocused on being a caretaker and getting money and growing up and getting ten thousand things that the thought of romance was not even anywhere near his head, having FRIENDS was nowhere near his head. He had to find a job he had to enroll the other 2 into school he had to find another job he had to make sure their house didn't fall apart by the seams. Also fun fact, the more he grew up the more he realized he is a literal carbon copy of his dad, but visibly scarred! have fun looking in the mirror buddy
In his head, he does not really see himself as a full grown adult even though hes 24, and his weird thought of "adults being scary" still persists even though he himself is one, he doesn't like talking to grown people and that isn't helped by how he spent most of his life with Fox and Meg, he is not used to talking to people his age or older and he was too busy to actually process that romance might be something he wanted when he was just drowning in ten other thousand things already. As he got older and fox and meg also got older and got partime jobs his burden was lessened a lot and he was allowed to CHILL a little
So those 2 idiots in the drawing are vincent and leti,,, they might look like ocs and at this point they kinda are but they ARE based on the bg characters of Camarero and "Novia", they both also have their own can of worms to unpack it's insane.
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Spring met Vincent at work, new coworker new hire and then Leti just stopped by sometimes to talk to vincent and he went thought ten billion crisis because "having a crush as an adult is so embarassing i need to be paying taxes"
So TLDR he had his first crushes ever at 24 because at that age he was actually allowed to chill a little and his brain finally had the room to process that romance was in fact, real. He also had to go through the "i like men???????? Im poly??¿¿" thoughts at 24, he shoulda've been at the club/ref
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My Queer analysis of Carnage:
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Cletus Kasady is not an easy character to understand everything about, rarely providing any explanation for anything he does. However, in his first appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man #344. He is seen in his cell and comes off as far too masculine to me. Threatening and being sternly aggressive with Eddie Brock, building himself up to be a major threat to his life. Also with suggestive posters of women on his wall next to his bed, that weren't necessary in the slightest might I add. Macho man move to me, and knowing he's sharing a cell with someone??? That's a choice Cletus.
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He genuinely sounds something like what I'd imagine his father, Roscoe Kasady, would speak. A firm man full of aggression, and I already did an analysis of Roscoe and how his behavior transfered to Cletus in a previous post. He still shines with his bastard personality, but not as evident as when he's bonded with something that makes him feel invincible. The Carnage symbiote that was left behind in that cell after Brock broke out with Venom.
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As Carnage, he seems to go immediately through some crazy bullshit with people just because he can. He kills people of course, feeling the power he holds now and enjoying it. His attitude almost a full 360, of cracking jokes in every sentence and being completely unhinged with his silly behavior. Just laid back with a thirst for blood, the Cletus we know.
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Snarky smart ass Cletus/Carnage is official now! but only after having the power of something that he feels complete with. Not just the violence, but the ability to be protected. Spider-man does an analysis of Cletus Kasady and realizes how his history was strange and not much time at all later, we see Cletus sitting in the St. Estes ruins holding his bear Binky and with a fire going.
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He's strangely emotional and vulnerable, a weird way to see this weirdo. I fully believe he is letting go and killing who he was back then as he rips Binky immediately when he realizes Peter is there. Something I love about his character is he IS Carnage. Not like Venom and Eddie's bond where they're separate. Cletus finds himself best with Carnage, and he is able to be who he is with it. I see queer coding in movement and how he speaks, and even his fashion after his bond with the symbiote. He's free to be what he is now.
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Of course, people weren't supportive of queer things back in the day. So some part of his abuse he faced as a kid, I belive was because of his "gay behavior" and people tried to force that out of him. He was always violent, but it was also all he had been shown. Shown he was wrong for how he was as soon as possible. As Carnage he doesn't give a fuck about that, he'll never be hurt like that again, and he knows it. I'm not saying he's gay, but I am hinting towards queer since his whole ideal is chaos and not falling in a category. He will like who he damn pleases and just him as a whole, is not what people will define as traditional in any way.
He gets to be himself with Carnage, and that's violent, unpredictable, snarky, and QUEER! Also I refuse to believe that a straight man dresses like this for no reason:
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You have had character analysis for the show versions of Marc, Jake and Steven, will you ever analyze the comic versions?
Hey there Anon!
Well… I sort of already have! But not formatted like I did with the MCU, or in as much straightforward detail. 
I recommend that you check out THIS, which covers creating the characters as broken down by Moench himself and I get a bit into it there. 
It’s hard to break down the characters individually in these comics because each writer is going to treat them differently and build on what they took away from the original source or intent. Moench himself spent his OG run developing and taking them in different directions. 
I’ve tried to break down each character as they appear in that comic, but that’s a lot of info and it really does vary issue to issue to writer to writer. 
For instance, in Moench, Marc is beyond self hating, angry, violent, quick to seek out revenge, and disliked by just about everyone in the comics. In the 90s, the writers are quick to ditch Steven and Jake and focus on Marc. 
The 90s were all about ACTION and COOL GUYS. And Who was cooler than a Mercenary with a gun and an attitude? Marc Spector became the action man with a dark past and guilty conscious. 
Then they killed Marc (Twice) and Jake took over. Because Jake was cool and hip. He was the dirty cab driver who got things done and knew the way to get information. He also got a little gritty in the late 90s and early 2000s. 
Steven got left behind for a long….long time. 
It was around this time that Khonshu also took up a life of his own. Khonshu became an actual character. I’ll be doing a piece on that eventually so look forward to that one! 
Marc came back and things get….complicated…. The characterization starts to swing WILDLY as everyone took a shot at trying to make sense of where Moon Knight and the characters needed to be to be brought into the current modern era and still make him have that connection that originally made him popular. 
It was a wild ride. And we don’t see things settle until Lemire picked things up, dusted them off, and said “This is who these characters are.” 
And with two exceptions (BEMIS. AARON), MacKay has not stepped in and attempted to fix things again and provide a place to build on for Jake and Steven to come home again. 
But one thing is for sure…. Marc has ALWAYS been broody, self destructive, self hating, and quick to overt violence that makes him regret things later. 
Steven often bounces between vain and prissy to weak and wimpy to cold and standoffish. 
Jake …Oh boy Jake… My poor boy. From loving kind cabbie to violent unhinged psycho to uncaring cool guy to loving uncle Jake again. 
If we really want to get to the heart of who these guys are… You almost have to read between the comics. 
Even with Moench. You don’t properly see Marc Spector until you get the little after comic shorts “Adventures with Marc Spector” and so on. When you see him being goofy, having terrible luck, and making the most of his bad situations. 
With Jake, you see him asking Gena how the kids are every time he sees her. He buys Crawley a new hat and does his best to support Gena in her hard times. He’s friends with the homeless and druggies. He buys a guy a cup of coffee and chews the fat with people in the streets. 
Steven is charming with Marlene. He takes care of the body with the other two only beat it up. He puts all his wealth into charity events and things that he feels make a difference. 
They all care about their friends and take it personally when their friends are hurt. Or when their friends hurt them. Gena talks about leaving and you see Jake feel like he failed her. Marc’s oldest friend from his time working CIA is killed and he goes on a serious bender of revenge. Even Steven, someone threatens his home and he pays extensively to make sure it is fortified and can keep everyone in it safe. No one hurts his Butler or maid or threatens Marlene. 
It’s the things they can all agree on and these things that I think helps bring them together. 
Where at first none of them can understand Marc and want him gone. But the more you see them coming together to protect what they care about the most, the more you start to see them agree on things and start to work as a unit. 
At the end of the OG run, you see Steven accept Marc and his past after his father’s death. 
It’s these things that I look for in the comics. The moments when you can see who they originally were and what keeps them together. 
Marc’s need for stability and people he can trust. Steven’s need to feel useful and keep his people safe. Jake’s need to be around people that love him and his ability to keep them close and safe. 
While I am NOT going to review every single comics like I did the Moench run... I am going to find time to re-read all of the 90s comics that came right after and might do a few breakdowns of those. ...But they are often a chore to get through. Just saying. They go hard on Marc and I miss my boys. I miss seeing the love that was so obvious in the original comics and the theme of friendship that held them all together.
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heyclickadee · 2 years
Honestly my (hot? cold? lukewarm?) takes on the main six bad batch characters boil down to:
1. Hunter is a good man who cares very deeply about what’s happening around him, but he’s struggling in his new situation and too paralyzed by the fear of getting the people he loves hurt or being forced to hurt them that he won’t confront either the Empire or the Crosshair situation head on. He’s in an impossible situation and he’s trying. He’s latched onto being Omega’s dad in a way that’s both positive (learning how to be more than a soldier, providing a kid with love and support and a safe place to be) and…not exactly negative, but less positive (being a little desperate to do the dad thing right because he’s so unsure of what to do about everything else) He’s also in dire need of a hug and has probably been crying under his helmet since episode one.
2. Crosshair is an asshole who cares about exactly three, maybe four, and maybe even five people in the galaxy at this point, but the whole thing he has going on in the show is more complicated than “it was the chip the whole time” or “it was just Crosshair the whole time.” His actions in the first half of the first season were the chip; during the second half of the season he had a lot more agency, but it’s still complicated. I expect that whether the chip is really out and he’s just experiencing the after effects of being electro-shocked into submission to turn the chip up multiple times, or whether it’s still in there but operating on such a low level he has at least some free will, that we’re never going to get a chip removal scene with him. This is just something he’s going to have to live with and that he’s going to have to sort out what’s the chip, what’s trauma, and what’s just him, and that his redemption arc (getting past choices he did make and getting over his attitude about the other clones) is going to come with a recovery arc.
3. Echo isn’t grumpy, he’s in @&$#%£# chronic pain all the time. He’s the only generalist on the team, which means that his role sometimes overlaps with Tech’s (mechanic, medic, pilot/copilot), but it also overlaps with Hunter’s (making plans, making calls, being the one who tends to fight up close). He’s also sort of the team spy—he’s the one who sneaks into places or maybe even out of places and gets intel that the rest of the team can use—and the guy in charge when Hunter’s not there. And more than everything else, Echo’s just…he’s just an exceptionally good guy with a solid conscience that won’t let him rest when there’s more he could do, he isn’t paralyzed the same way Hunter is because he’s already had the worst happen, and he spent a lot of that first season seething more and more at what was happening in the galaxy and that they as a team weren’t doing more about it. He’s the kind of guy who would fearlessly try to shoot Palpatine in the face if given the chance, even if he knew Palpatine was a crazy powerful space wizard.
4. Tech isn’t cold and he isn’t stiff and humorless, he’s just got a way of talking that makes it sound like he is. He’s actually very expressive if you know what to look for, he’s low-key the funniest character on the show, he’s extremely affectionate with Omega in his own way, and listen this is me grabbing y’all by the lapels when I say that their sibling relationship means the absolute world to me and that if we get an episode focusing on that in this next season I will become extremely deceased. I will be unhinged. You’ve been warned.
5. I’ve already gone on a bit of a rant about Wrecker, but basically; he’s not stupid, he’s an expert in his field and the only one on the team with an ounce of emotional intelligence, he picks up on what Omega needs more quickly than the other guys do most of the time, and he comes across as loud and reckless but if you pay attention he’s usually very aware and careful with how strong he is (for example, the way that he’ll punch playfully punch Echo in the shoulder the same way he does with everyone else, but he’s a lot gentler with Echo than he is with, say, Tech or Crosshair).
6. Omega is precious and I want to adopt her. She’s simultaneously naïve and a little too grown up for someone her age, which probably comes from a combination of having been stuck on Kamino, mostly in Nala Se’s lab her whole life until she left with the batch and having probably been more of…well, a prized goldfish or even a test subject in Nala Se’s eyes than a daughter. She’s got a self-worth estimation of about zero (she was so surprised that the batch came back to Kamino for her that it hurt) and is very quick to blame herself or push her own feelings aside when things go wrong, so it was very gratifying to see her start to grow out of it and start to become more confident towards the end of the season. She’s a tiny little bad ass and I’m excited to see where she ends up at the end of the show.
Edit: Okay, adding this because I’m worried I came across as a little combative on some of these. These are just my condensed takes on the characters; I know everyone’s going to have their own interpretations and I actually really like seeing those different ones, even when I don’t agree, because it helps me see the character in a new way.
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saltprince · 5 months
Do you have a favorite Sandalphon unit? Or does it depend on the job you want him to do?
I need you to know I got this ask late at night and spent like 2 hours figuring out how to answer this before deciding I should go to bed instead of looking like the conspiracy theorist with a wall of print-outs and red threads at 4AM
Talking about favorite characters or units is. Genuinely so hard because I throw myself into a massive rabbit hole. Does it depend on the fight? The lore? The art? Fate episodes? Voice lines? Skills? Full auto? Release? Utility? Synergy? Meta? I'm 100% insane for this but there are too many things to consider here--
Short answer: All of them. Don't make me choose. For as much as I lean into meta there is one man who will make me go monkey regardless of meta. Job doesn't matter when I'll GIVE him a job to do. Though it is easier when his kit is either versatile/specialized or good for full auto/hard content. Either ones of those I'll make work in a heartbeat.
Long and unhinged answer under the cut.
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Light Sandalphon (Event): The OG. The reason I went insane. Did you know he's actually surprisingly usable especially after his rebalance? Hit kit is fun but slightly outdated, symbolic of who he was and grew to be. This one gets bonus points for the lore (every uncap art shows a part of his joruney) and the voice lines, as you can have him be a rat for this one still. Base art and final uncap art go hard. First ringed character.
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Light Sandalphon (Grand): A followup to his event SSR tbh. I get what they're going for in terms of art but it looks too soft compared to his other alts, which bothers me. It does look like a painting which fits the vibe of his lore. Voice lines sound slightly off to me, but I'm insane for this when the content itself is delicious. Kit is strong and satisfying, building on what his event ssr has except modern and miles better. Damage numbers are fun as hell. Can be slotted in the front but is always solid even in the back, which I'm eternally grateful for. Only cost me half a spark, which is nice of him.
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Earth Sandalphon (Grand): A+ lore. Absolute rat. Insane voice lines. Love how unhinged he is. Cygames was insane for giving him to us in the end. Extremely usable for off-element raids, but not that great outside of that. He was on my gold brick farming team for a good while. Not so much fan of the posing for these arts. Does come with his ratty OG dialogue arts, which is a bonus. Base art is nice. He may be evil but he also only cost me half a spark.
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Water Sandalphon (Summer): I went insane for him on release. Love his outfit, but didn't like the posing for this. The bonus art I love but looks too blue next to the rest of the team, which bugs me. Still great piece though. Voice lines are fine. Kit... actually kept me from using him. I used him at first and designed around him, but his kit is not great on full auto, since his buff skill isn't supposed to activate first. Thinking about it I'm going to bring him back now out of spite. If I can click Fediel's field, I can also click his sk1. Fun fact about this one: I had to wait a full year to get him because initially i only had 290/300 spark rolls. Next year he came home in 10 rolls. So technically a full spark over 1 year. I spent the remaining spark on summer Lucio to spite him for doing this to me. Have hardly used Lucio ever since then.
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Wind Sandalphon (Valentine): Quite possibly my favorite outfit for him, he looks comfy and the style and colors remind me of the Eternals, which is a huge plus. Kit has a bit of everything, it's not as stacked as his Light Grand but in turn has major support options. He's on my endgame team for super ultimate bahamut. I find that he usually offers at least some things I need, so I make a point of building around him to utilize his full kit. Voice lines are fine, though I miss his bratty attitude. I think this one has a nice balance. Like his water ssr, he talks about coffee... and treats that pair well with coffee, and coffee breaks, which I appreciate a lot. He's nerding on main. Does great on full auto as well, since he helps keep the team alive. Got him right before the spark was done, and had a spark prepared specifically for him in case he would get a Valentine's alt.
I think this version of him his my current favorite, though his event ssr and earth ssr are close for their voice lines and lore alone.
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lesetoilesfous · 3 years
Anders and ‘‘Murder’’ in Dragon Age
Ok so I’ve seen this a few times recently and want to break down my thoughts on it.
Anders is a murderer - this is true.*
(*Though there are some really great meta posts proving how by Dragon Age Canon he killed less than 100 people in the Chantry boom. I’m on mobile but if anyone wants to add that please do.)
Hawke is a murderer. Varric is a murderer. Isabela is a murderer. Fenris is a murderer. Aveline is a murderer. Merrill is a murderer. Sebastian is a murderer.
Guys you, you have a kill count. Hawke and their whole gang are a group of dangerous vigilantes who kill people according to their own personal moral judgements.
The difference between Anders’ Chantry Boom and the Kirkwall Crew’s merry decade of mass murder is that a) the Chantry Boom was the beginning of a Civil War b) That Civil War started, in part, to prevent a genocide
(Canonically, Meredith had called for the Rite of Annulment with no good reason. Canonically, she is going to enact it knowing the Circle mages are innocent. Canonically, the Gallows had over 800 innocent people inside including children and the elderly. Not to be utilitarian, but yes, I would kill 100 political and religious leaders in a corrupt, dictatorial, violent theocracy in order to save nearly a thousand innocent people.)
The third difference between Anders and Hawke and the gang’s multiple-hundreds head count is that you, the player, don’t do it. So you don’t excuse him the way you excuse yourself - despite the fact that Anders’ last ditch effort to save over 800 people after ten years of peaceful protest is infinitely more justifiable than Hawke’s slaughter of hundreds of refugees and gangs in a city that is canonically riddled with poverty, prejudice, unemployment and homelessness.
When I say Anders Was Right, I don’t mean, “he’s my favourite character so I’m turning a blind eye to his actions”. I mean, seriously, I think that what he did was the morally correct choice and a necessary one.
I don’t mean that Anders isn’t an asshole. He’s a huge asshole!!! He shouldn’t have lied to Hawke. He shouldn’t have manipulated them. He’s selfish, and ignorant, and often blind to the way his words and actions hurt other people. He can become self absorbed and arrogant. He demands disclosure of trauma, he’s short tempered, he leaps to conclusions, he hurts people’s feelings, he IS blinded to the causes and needs of other communities because of his single minded focus on mages and his own suffering. And a lot of his dialogue towards Fenris and Merrill (however cartoonishly exaggerated, but more on that anon) is unforgivably rude AT BEST.
I think Anders actions at the Chantry were correct and morally justifiable. Does that mean I think he’s perfect? Of course not! His flaws are what make him interesting!!!!
But even if all of this weren’t true - EVEN IF the rest of the gang didn’t canonically have a kill count as high as, or higher than, Anders’ first action in a civil war to prevent a genocide - EVEN in that case.
I also cannot condone Bioware’s conscious, deliberate, centrist, toxic, ableist caricature of a mentally ill, queer character and his fight for civil rights. I…don’t actually think we need a story right now that explains to us how, fundamentally, queer bipolar men are ‘unhinged’, violent and evil, simply for the fact of their resistance against state and religious abuse. Even when they’ve been tortured. Even when children are going to die.
We have this appalling, condescending, imperialistic idea that people - in reality and in fiction, are only allowed to violently resist violent oppression by the state and church if we find them palatable. If they step a toe outside of our personal comfort zones, (themselves constructed by the same imperialistic propaganda we’ve consumed since childhood) we immediately rescind that right - damning an individual for resisting, even if their life is on the line. Even if it concerns the death of children. This is not a moral choice. It’s a social bias.
As for Fenris and Merrill - I struggle to believe that a man who spent ten years providing free medical treatment to refugees, criminals and the homeless never met an elf or learned anything about discrimination against elves. I also struggle to understand how - despite the fact that the Circles are the only place in southern Thedas where elves are not segregated from humans, and where they can reach an equivalent position of authority to humans, somehow Circle mages are most often the mouthpieces for anti elven discrimination.
And by this of course I mean I don’t struggle at all. It’s very helpful for bombastic, oppressive governments like the USA, and all who support them, to set up a false dichotomy between marginalised communities. To peddle the lie that marginalised communities’ biggest threats are one another and not, say, the church or state actively enforcing violence against them. (The Chantry teaches that mages corrupted heaven. It also teaches that elves are inherently more sinful than humans because they are ‘born further from the Maker’s light’).
Once again, apart from the catastrophic failure in internal logic that results in these forced, cartoonish caricatures of Anders as a character - I also disagree with this because I fundamentally do not believe that we need a story about queer people and mentally ill people fighting people of colour but never daring to raise a finger to the people lobotomising them, r*ping them, killing them and driving them to s*icide. I don’t like that story because I don’t think it’s a good one - I don’t think it’s narratively interesting. I do think it’s morally corrupt. I think it’s toxic propaganda. I think it drives us apart.
There’s this incredibly condescending attitude among DA fans towards people who like Anders. The patronising, lazy assumption is that we saw a pretty blonde white man and didn’t engage with the narrative at all. This is rarely the case. We are also adults. We also played the game. We just came to a different conclusion.
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
Why do you love Gojo so much? I’m sorry if this question has been asked before
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Anon, don't worry about asking twice or even three times...
Are you prepared for this answer though? I don't know how long this answer will be... I'll try to keep it rather short though because otherwise it would entail a full analysis of Gojo's entire character...
TL;DR: Love me a man who's a little yum yum, a little cray-cray and uwu uwu.
Manga spoilers?
The superficial aspects I really like in fictional characters: appearance (especially the hair), the strength and teasing attitude. Gojo just happens to have all three of them.
If I take a look at my MAL favorite character list, I have 9 characters on there and 4 of them have white/silver hair. And yes, all of them are super strong in their respective verse, so at this point the formula is "white hair = strong" in my head.
Gojo is also a tease. I like that about him because he's not over the top where it's just mean, unless he's talking to an enemy or someone he hates.
His confidence is something I admire and long for because I lack it. His sweet tooth is also something I personally vibe with because I, too, have an insatiable sweet tooth.
On top of that... a character voiced by Nakamura Yuuichi-san? How can I say no?
On a rather deeper level?
From the first moment I got to know this man called Gojo Satoru, I just knew that his cheerful character hid something deeper. (Most of the characters I'm drawn to do.)
And of course, my hunch proved to be right: Gojo Satoru is such a deep, complex and multi-faceted character. He's also one of the few characters that are not defined by the series but instead, he defines the series. It's shown in the fact that the enemies wouldn't make a move just because he exists.
On the one hand, we have the goofy teacher that annoys the living hell out of Megumi simply by being himself and regularly giving Ijichi a heart attack. He also seems to be super cocky and pretty close to having a God complex or something like that (before you ask: no, I do not believe Gojo has a God complex but that's a post for another day... maybe).
That's what we all see at first.
On the other hand, if you dive deeper into his character, you'll quickly notice some other things.
First of all, he's a "shitty teacher". Gojo sucks at traditional teaching, alright? In that aspect, I think Utahime and Kusakabe do better. If you think about it though, Gojo does not suck at teaching at all.
He simply nurtures his students in his own, sometimes twisted, way, with the intention of bringing out their highest potential for growth with each mission or task he assigns.
He uses uncommon methods for this but not before making sure the students are as safe as you can be as Jujutsu sorcerer. After all, he treasures his students a great deal (as can be seen in pretty much every interaction he has with Yuji and also when Yuji dies).
I've said he strives to nurture his students' growth, yes, but he's also respectful about it: He expects great things from Megumi, yet doesn't train him but instead waits for the younger one to approach him.
Yuji is a different matter in this case. Gojo - as busy as that man is - takes in the student without judging him for being Sukuna's vessel and chooses to personally supervise his growth as a sorcerer when he didn't have to - it just adds one more burden onto his already stuffed plate - yet he did. Because he cares. He cares about not unnecessarily throwing another life away (Yuta + Yuji). And he cares about Megumi's opinion or else he wouldn't even ask?
As much as caring Gojo goes, he's also very much capable of being unhinged and feral, if there is need (Shibuya).
He doesn't seem like your typical shonen anime hero that protects people/is on the side of 'justice' "because it's the right thing to do", but rather, he recognizes the faults within this so-called 'justice' and tries to uproot the cause of it. He's capable of thinking and judging for himself and chooses to constantly go against orders that he doesn't think are appropriate - the execution of Yuta and Yuji are one example. Another one would be him and Geto deciding to call off the merger (and you know how important that was), should Amanai Riko express the desire to live on as a normal teenage girl.
Moreover, the drastic change in character is what makes him interesting as well.
At first, he's a cocky teenager who thinks of himself oh-so-highly, with every right. For the longest time, he believed he was undefeatable, only to be proven wrong in a battle against Toji, a man without cursed energy.
This fall from graces shakes him to his core because what? He's been defeated? And thus, he enters a mindset he probably never experienced before: instability and vulnerability first cloud his mind - and he's not capable of processing it at first, leaving him in a delirious state, to the point where Toji questions himself: "Is this man high?"
On top of all this, his best friend 'betrays' the side he is on and defects; that's gotta be a huge blow mentally... and then he has to finish of said friend as well.
That didn't go without consequences.
After Geto's defection that ultimately lead to death in later years... for the first time in Gojo's life, he displays a weakness that is exploitable, used against him in Shibuya.
His fall from grace is a fall from being the strongest to 'oh, maybe I was wrong'.
Gojo went from being a teenager with no apparent goal to being an adult that wants to change the world to one where his (already deceased) best friend can laugh from the bottom of his heart.
On a more personal note:
Generally, his (pretty easy-going) attitude just makes me happy and has actually brought me comfort in harder times.
Obviously, this manchild is also my biggest muse. I have written fanfiction for other fandoms before but I have never published them but Gojo just makes it so easy, I'm having a lot of fun with his character. Plus, without JJK and Gojo, I wouldn't have come to Tumblr at all and therefore, wouldn't have met the wonderful people I call my friends now 💕
All in all, I love the tragedy in his character as the strongest but his unyielding resolve of staying strong, being strong, being the best he can be. The cruelty he, without a doubt, witnessed over and over again, yet he stays kind and caring throughout all of it. Oh, how easy it would be for him to simply destroy everything? "But nobody would support a mass murderer," he is so big-brained for this.
I don't think there's a single aspect of him I do not love? I really adore this man so much.
And yes, this was rather short and I am sure I missed multiple things but I do hope my answer helped.
Maybe, MAYBE, I will post a full one on another day. But that one would be long as fuck...
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gardenerian · 3 years
You must know by now that if you tell me you have thoughts, I'm gonna ask you for them? You must know!
and you must know that if you ask me for thoughts, you're gonna get a bunch of nonsense! these thoughts are. whew. they are very much colored by the very bipolar-y headspace i've been in lately. so i do not know how fair they are... but! they are the thoughts currently clanking around in my head. 7x03 is such a powerful episode and i have gone truly unhinged under the cut:
i'm mostly thinking about lip and fiona in this episode - in that end scene we briefly touched on last night - and how they respond to ian.
i know i've shouted from the rooftops about lip in this episode. he is exactly how i would hope someone would be with ian. or with me, honestly. it is beautiful. beautiful! to see how his attitude shifted across the series. he goes from "there's no help for it" to "what are you supposed to do?"
that's! huge!
monica informed their earlier perceptions - that is not their fault! what they endured was traumatic and the process of reconciling that cannot be easy. especially when you see it stirring in a person you love as much as they love ian.
so we see lip has done the work of unraveling the hold monica has on his understanding.
"you okay man?"
"what happened at work today?"
"what are you supposed to do?"
"how'd you sleep?"
he does not do the one thing that sets me off more than anything: he does not assume he knows better and he does not pressure ian. he offers support, he encourages ian to take care of himself, he shares his own experience. and he just nods along as ian makes the healthy choice - his support is quiet but it is constant. ian is not in crisis, he just needs a little help. lip gives ian exactly what he needs.
fiona.... does not. and i understand! i do. i get it. she is getting pulled in all different directions right now when she's trying to forge her own. her siblings are struggling and it's keeping her from putting herself first - which she should be able to do! i do not think she is in the wrong at all for wanting her siblings to rely on her less. they should! they need to stand on their own feet. and i think they are making those moves!
but it's clear to me that ian was not supposed to be at that meeting. fiona says "i didn't want to wake you" but i think it's more than that. she's about to deliver a harsh blow, and i would think. i would hope. that she was intending to talk about this with him later.
but he was there, and i think she should have recalibrated.
fiona is totally within her rights to ask her siblings to contribute to their financial wellbeing. it's time for that. i would expect a little more grace for debbie and carl but! in the absence of parents, fiona deserves help with the weight of keeping them together. there is already a precedent for the kids working and helping out.
what gets me is the emergency contact thing. again. she has already gone above and beyond for her family. she deserves to consider her own needs and her own bandwidth. but. fuck. this is a role she legally took on! she wanted it, she petitioned for it, she fought for it. there's nuance here, but it's hard to tease it out. i want to support fiona, but i also want to shake her.
lip - i get it. he's an adult. he can change his to ian. and ian, in time, could put lip. the bond between them this season is gorgeous, so you know they'd willingly do this for each other. and eventually, mickey and tami will fill these roles.
but i have issue with carl and debbie. they are still minors! trying to act like mini-adults, as they all did, but they are still legally in her care. they are pushing her, they are making it incredibly difficult, and they are not making the right choices. it's fucking hard. fiona does not deserve to be running around keeping track of these fools. but letting it go now - when debbie has a baby... it's tough. i know it's the emergency contact rather than the overall relationship but it means something, and it hurts.
and ian. fuck. again, i don't think he was meant to be part of this conversation right away. he just had an emergency. in that moment, he needed fiona. he needed someone to remove him from a situation and he needed some space to reorient himself. not a crisis. just time.
i am immediately irritated by fiona asking lip and ian to basically hurry it along ("you guys mind? i gotta get to work") when they're already walking over to the table to talk with her. lip's asking ian how he slept after a flare up and fiona's like *chop chop*? girl if you gotta get to work, maybe this is not the time for this conversation?
i think she's trying to put it out there before she chickens out. i get that. ian is here and she was not expecting that, she's in a rush. she should have waited for a better time to drop this bomb. the day after picking ian up during mental health trouble she tells him, tells all of them, that getting calls about them is throwing off the plan of her life. the day after????? shameless does not get into this, but if it were me, i would immediately be thrown back into trouble. already struggling with a mood escalation, this would totally wrench it back up again - or push it down.
as someone who fears having to be cared for in the way we sometimes need. who fears taking up space in people's lives like that. who fears being told they're too much or they're not worth the work..... this scene is incredibly painful. and i don't know if i can stress this enough: i do not think any of this should rest solely on fiona. that's why lip in this episode means so much! he does have a network. rita and sue.... and eventually mickey again. but to hear that from fiona, who has always held this central role, in the immediate aftermath of this blip. it hurts.
fiona asks to be put at the bottom, so she's not removing herself entirely. but she asks kev and v to be put above her? if they fell and needed a ride to the ER - yeah. if they are stranded and need help getting home - yes. if they're in trouble at school and need an adult - sure.
but if i were ian, and i was having a mental health emergency, and lip was not able to come get me..... having to call kev and v? i'm not sure i could do that. that is such a position of trust. and while he loves them, and i'm sure he does trust them, i don't think he could let himself be that vulnerable. debbie and carl are not yet able to serve in these roles, either. so while fiona remains an option in this case, knowing that she doesn't want to..... fuck. fuck! the day after! she should have rethought this.
i do not know how to wrap this up, because i am suddenly very sad askjfh but! i know i am a broken record, i just have to say it again. this is so complex. that's what makes it so fucking good and painful and powerful and breathtakingly sad. this is not an indictment of fiona, nor do i think ian needs a nanny. but this could have gone better (and the fact that it didn't makes it good television yeah yeah mel).
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dragynkeep · 2 years
I think he saw your posts.
Why hasn't he blocked you yet?
oh he has me blocked, i guess he just can't take responsibility for himself. however big tw for transphobia / nbphobia, ableism, victim blaming & rape mention because actually looking at the post is a major yikes.
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i don't care that you made an anti rwde post, crimson. i care that yet again you're using ableist terms & phrases, once again proving that alongside your "apology" for doing so was utterly conditional but that you also just. can't take responsibility for your own actions. no one is forcing you to go into the rwde tag or see our "cold takes", you need to manage your social media consumption better. no one is going to do it for you.
but also by reblogging a post dripping with radfem rhetoric that directly impacts those with bpd, especially genderqueer people with bpd, you've shown that so long as the views are right, you will platform terfs. & considering that you couldn't even believe that i was the target of the transphobic bigotry from the confessions blog you reblogged & not my trans brother, & you accused me of co-opting that when it was never directed at him in the first place, you need to realize how harmful your words & assumptions can be. you need to stop doubling down when you're proven wrong.
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people like me are not why borderlines, not "bpd", get so much hatred. we're hated because neurotypicals & non cluster b neurodivergents think that we're fundamentally "non human" because of the way our disorders exhibit. there's multiple instances of just how these attitudes harm us & kill us, we're killed as a result of this ableism.
i haven't blamed anything on my bpd, i've actually been quiet about my mental health diagnosis outside of instances where i felt it helpful or supportive. you're the one pulling the "i have a black friend" in regards to your brother, friend & mother. i am not them. if you've met someone with bpd, you've met one person with bpd. we are not all the same & it's abhorrant you would use this as an opportunity to further stigmatize those with bpd after being told that the post you reblogged from a terf was from a neurotypical transphobic woman who exploited our experiences for money. you can't divorce the terf aspect from your "support" for the ableism, they're entwined.
also "stick your head in an oven" is certainly something to say to a jewish person but i'm definitely not going to assume any antisemitism & just ascribe it to the far more likely instance of you telling me to go kill myself. thank you for the suggestion but i'm fine.
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this one was almost kind of funny because i was waiting for a self proclaimed rwby fan to use the instance of me having to flee my house in the middle of the night to escape a situation of domestic violence from the man who was supposed to love & raise me. the man who's same abuse was part of causing my bpd. right now i am homeless because that same bpd, alongside the physical disability i have that prevents me from moving for long periods of time, is the reason i don't "have a job."
you would think that someone who "had to relearn how to walk" would have more sympathy in this type of situation but once again you are proving that just because you are trans & disabled, does not mean that you cannot perpetuate transphobia or ableism. these screenshots & your vile words show that.
it's also hilarious that all 11 notes on your post are further comments of these vile words. it's all you, no one else wants to pay witness to this downward spiral of disgusting bigotry & hatred.
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thank you for being inclusive in your unhinged tirade of insults, it really warms my heart after you reblog ableism from terfs against borderlines & prove that your "apology" a few weeks back was completely spineless.
i'm not engaging in your attempts to bring up any "rape smut" i have written, i implore you to see beyond whatever bubble you've trapped yourself in & actually read some literature on how these kinks occur & just how sex, gender & trauma play into it.
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your brain damage does not allow you to perpetuate ableism against other disabled people; that's not how power reclamation works. this is not 'pc shit', these are legitimately harmful views you're espousing because you hate me that much, you think you're validated in doing this because i'm a "bad person." because i "deserve it." which unfortunately is the same technique of invalidation & dehumanization that plenty of bigots use, & will use against you.
i'm not angry with you, or pissed off. i was when all of this started weeks back & you invalidated the transphobia i faced, when you called into question my status as a rape survivor & when you refused to take any accountability for your ugly words.
now i just want you to find some peace & learn coping mechanisms that allow you not to blow up & harm other marginalized people whenever they bring up something harmful that you've done. all of this came from one ask that pointed out that you had reblogged harmful rhetoric from terfs, & all of this hatred came from it. what if i was in a worse place, like i was a week ago? what if i actually had killed myself? would you be able to live with that?
i don't think so either. do better.
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meta-enthusiasm · 3 years
You know what I am really fucking tired of seeing in popular media?
The "evil, hysterical woman in power" trope. The clichè that potrays women who are in a position of power as overzealous, unhinged, power hungry maniacs who are a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.
Female leaders are shown as less resonable and down to earth as their male counterparts, and are often villainized by either the fandom or the narrative of the story itself. They are doomed to fail because of their womanliness and need to be taken down before they enact their evil plans, preferably by a man, or a woman who performs the 'right' kind of femininity.
This trope relies on the sexist misconception that women are more fragile than men, more emotionally unstable and unpredictable.
"Women aren't cut out to be leaders, they should be nurturing and supportive and tend to their families. Having higher aspirations is against their nature and will eventually break them and drive them crazy."
That type of bullshit that was designed to keep women out of leadership positions and keep oppressing us. To keep us quiet and submissive.
Here are a few examples to further explain this stereotype:
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Daenerys Targaryen is one of the most well known characters to fall victim to this trope. She is an abuse and rape victim, seeking to change the current social and political systems of the world because she knows how many people suffer under its injustice. ("Crush the wheel.")
For all her compassion and charity she has shown over the series, the writers decided that it would be reasonable for her to go crazy at the end of the show and, despite promising she wouldn't inflict more damage than necessary, kill thousands of innocent people whose government had already surrendered to her.
And guess who had to kill her in the end? Yup, another man. Her love interest, who was "forced" to betray her.
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Next, we have:
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Morgana Pendragon, from "Merlin". To remind you, she is an abuse victim who had to endure her father's controlling behavior and bigoted attitude towards people with magic abilities which, suprise suprise, she turned out to have. She had to watch as her father murdered and oppressed people just like herself, and when she challenged that behavior, he would come down hard with punishment. (Going so far as to actually throwing her in the dungeons for a couple days.)
Eventually, she rebelled against the corrupt system and had her genocidal father killed. She led a rebellion against Camelot after Uther's son (Arthur) continued to oppress magicians under his reign, and sought to create a better future for herself and her people.
So far so good, right? Well, no. The problem here is that she is the antagonist of the story. She is portrayed as being in the wrong for not quietly taking the injustice and watching it happen.
Halfway through the show, she becomes obsessed with power and status and desperately chases after the throne of Camelot. She is extremly vindictive, manipulative and cruel to others to archieve her goals. She is a "hysterical woman" who is out of control, emotionally unstable, challenges the patriarchy, and therefore needs to be defeated.
Her death was portrayed as tragic, yet absolutely necessary.
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(Of course it had to be a man who killed her.)
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Azula is the epitome of this horrid, misogynistic trope. She is a fierce, ambitious leader and highly skilled fire bender, respected and feared among her people. She is highly driven and succeeds at almost everything she sets her mind to.
Ever since she came into this world, she was better at everything than Zuko. She was a better fighter than him, a better bender, better strategist, better child. And that is precisely the reason why she had to lose in the end.
Despite coming from the exact same circumstances as Zuko, the story and the fandom at large see Azula as way less redemable and likable than him. Even though she is an abuse victim whose own mother hated her and is a literal child soldier, she doesn't get any sympathy from the protagonists of the story. The otherwise so understanding and wise Iroh even calls her "crazy", (which is, if you've done some basic research into misogynistic expressions, really fucking problematic.) and tells Zuko that there is no saving her. Why? He doesn't tell, but it's obvious that the writers made him say this because of their own internalized sexist beliefs. She isn't offered a way out of her toxic environment like Zuko was. She didn't get the support from Iroh because he had already given up on her.
To top it off, she has a nervous breakdown near the end and loses her remaining sanity. Because, you know, "She's craaaazy!! And SO unstable!! Typical woman." (Not to mention how this further stigmatizes mental illness and portrays it as something only evil people get.)
She was supposed to become the next fire lord, a position that carries utmost power and influence. Of course, such authority could not be given to a woman. That's why Zuko, a man, gets to be the next fire lord, and we are left assuming Azula will be spending the rest of her days in prison.
The writers assume the audience detests Azula and wants her to suffer. She doesn't deserve a happy ending, or the love and support that Zuko got.
Why? Because she poses a threat to the status quo, the patriarchy. She challenged the belief that men had to be the best and most efficient at everything they do, that women could indeed be better leaders and be happy with having a career and not be nurturing, motherly figures to the men in their lives. And for that transgression, for breaking gender stereotypes, Azula was punished.
(It's also why Katara, someone who performs the "right" kind of femininity by being nurturing, motherly, supportive, healing, doting, and is the care taker of the group, ends up taking Azula, the evil and perverted form of femininity, down. I believe @batboyblog has made a similar post about this.)
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This is Carmilla from the popular Netflix show "Castlevania", and if you've payed attention to my previous points, it should be pretty obvious what her character represents and how her story ends.
Note that she is also an abuse and rape survivor who is represented as evil and cruel for being angry at what was done to her.
To top it off, she is also an example of the man hating woman stereotype, whose anger at the misogyny and sexism of the world is portrayed as an "overreaction" and as "too much".
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At the end of the story, she had to be taken down by another man (Isaac) so that the status quo could be preserved, and the reign of a crazy bitch like her could be stopped. Horay, the day is saved from yet another unstable, selfish woman who would have brought suffering and pain over her country if allowed to rule. Hysterical women with their demand for equality.
In all these examples, we can see female abuse victims thriving for power and status, for respect, being represented as something negative and something to avoid. Trying to fundamentally change a system that is rigged against women/female representing people is a fruitless endevour that will eventually fail and drive us crazy, because our minds aren't strong enough to handle this type of responsibility and status.
Holding on to anger and bitterness over what was done to us is the sign of a bad person, and the only morally acceptable path is to forgive/ignore our abusers and let the injustice continue to happen.
Strangely enough though, that same gaslighting, victim blaming mentality gets almost never applied to male characters. Men who seek vengeance are never portrayed as weak or crazy for giving in to the wish of changing a corrupt system/killing bad people. (Batman, the Punisher, Hawkeye, John Wick, Jason Todd, Erin, Scar from FMAB, Iron Man, and so on)
The reason why these stereotypes almost never apply to men but almost always to women is sexism. There is no other explanation for this. These tropes were specifically designed to make society believe that women aren't cut out for leadership positions and are happiest with domestic, easy tasks like watching after our children and taking care of the household.
Women who are angry, women who are dominant are to be feared and distrusted. They are represented as a danger to the general public and need to be taken down before they enact their evil plans.
Feel free to add further examples.
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lunaria--annua · 2 years
What was Ranaer’s childhood like? We know Krit’s was relatively “normal”, but what about the slightly unhinged, deity-devouring mentor?
(still extremely busy but man I just finally want this out of my askbox, so quick paper drawings it is)
love that description!
Unlike The Trio, Ranaer, or "Gemalo Cainam" grew up in the city.
The Cainam's were relatively ordinary city people. They could be pretty cold, but it was not through abuse Gemalo became twisted. Rather than affection, appreciation for eachother was shown through deeds, actions alone.
Like finding a cup of tea on your desk, rather than a heartfelt hug or greeting when you came back from work/school.
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If something did not need to be said, it was not said. It was quiet in the apartment a lot of the time. "How was your day" would almost never be asked, unless it proved necessary somehow. A "thank you" was also rare to hear. Best you would get was a nod.
Hence why Gemalo was always acting quite cold compared to his peers, he did not have friends. They did not know how to be close with him, so there was only mutual respect between him and the other children.
The parents attitude did change however...
Gemalo's hobby was literally studying. (And later causing Problems On Purpose) What is tiring and unfazing to most, Gemalo just... Completely perceived in a different way.
To learn knowledge, to have it in your brain, and then put it into practice by your own hands, alone.
It just hit him completely different!
It fascinated him to the core. That he could do that...
Animals are born with knowledge, instinct. And if they are capable of learning, never to the degree the human mind can.
And it just filled him with amazement.
So, naturally, he aced school.
His parents did not start with high expectations, but were slowly starting to have them seeing how well Gemalo did in school. They praised him, his overwhelming competence, and gave more attention, which was new to him, their (and the teachers) utter admiration only motivating him further, getting high of praise...
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The teachers were in support of it as well, at least at first.
But as he got older and his pride grew, he was starting to loose his respect for them. It starts with correcting them in class (a lot) to full blown philosophical arguments.
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The teachers really started to hate his guts, his peers started to fear him, but he was still acing it academically, so he just saw this as another milestone.
It just keeps escalating (as we saw), always wanting to know more...
And to what that all leads, what he becomes, is already hinted in his birth name~ You can puzzle it out.
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aria-greenhoodie · 3 years
My opinions on every Dream smp character (/rp /c! /lh) 
Dream - die.
George - Does he even exist??? I think he just stays asleep in a shroom forest until Dream XD drags him out for “fun time.”
Sapnap - Pet Killer. >:( But is engaged to Karl and Quackity who are both cool so I guess it’s fine.
Callahan - All knowing and terrifying, but fantastic and great.
Sam - What the fuck??? Is??? Going on with this man??? He’s fucked up. I don’t think hes a bad person but he needs someone to tell him to fucking stop, because he has done bad shit, even if I dont think he’s bad, like, what in the fuck. I kinda wanna bite him.
Sam Nook - The best Sam. I’d kill and die for him. irl. /gen. This is not a joke. I love this robot. SO MUCH. Love so muchh. <333
Alyssa - Exists? I think???
BBH - Bit fucked up. Not that pleasant.
Tommy - Big Man. Always correct. Don’t argue with me about this, I'll bite you. And he probably will too. He reminds me of me when I was in middle school and because of that I will side with him always.
Tubbo - Awe, what a little lad! Oh, he’s a bit fucked up. O-oh… he’s a LOT fucked up… Still a little lad though! Also pretty gender. Also according to literally every single “WHICH DSMP CHARACTER ARE YOU?” quiz I take I’m him, so that’s cool!
Fundy - I hold you very gently and tenderly but also very far away at arms length just in case.
Punz - Punz
Purpled - Funky fucking alien boy!!! Good builder, really cool, deserved better, I got really sad when Quackity blew up his UFO because it looked fucking sick and if it was mine I would have cried.
Wilbur - Seems very polite, but also maybe a little unhinged…
Ghostbur -pspsppssps sweet man so polite come back to me please pspspspspspspps come here pspspspspspspss yes I would love some blue now come closer pspsppspspspspss
Revivedbur - Sir please do not fuck this up I’m rooting for you because I know you can do great things please do not make me regret this please sir I believe in you please
Schlatt - Drunk bitch. Fuckin died. L.
Skeppy - Wait what even is your lore? You got corrupted by the Egg at some point but did you do anything after that?? Do you even still EXIST????
Eret - King, Queen, Royalty at its finest, you have tried so hard and I love you for it, also you’re violently gender and kinda pretty ngl so I may be biased but stfu you fucking kill it you funky fucking Herobrine ily <333
Nikki - Babe ily you deserved better, I may be rooting for Revivedbur but if you wanna punch that mf in his undead face I fully support you ily ily ily
Karl Jacobs - Funky Time lad! Also really pretty. And kinda gender, but only a little bit. Those cool drawings of his old skin that the fandom came up with where he's a weird colorful rubber-hose-armed marshmallow human thing are more gender than what he is now, though.
Hbomb - Furry /pos. Seems nice enough.
Antfrost - Furry /neg. He’s actually fine, but I don't actually have much to say about him.
Philza Minecraft - is quite old, he is married to a woman, which I find interesting. I love him but would also like to punch him, just once. Just one little punch. Nothing super hard, just a little punch. Love ya, Dadza <3
Connor - Sonic Kinnie. I know he has lore but I cannot understand it and only know 1/10 of it so I can't actually say much about him. He seems depressed all the time though, so I feel bad for him.
Captain Puffy - The best Father I have ever seen <3 Also the only semi-fucking-responsible adult??? Like Sam used to be too but then he… yeah… I love her!
Viky - Doesn't exist in cannon I think??
Lazar - Does he exist in cannon either????
Ranboo - YOU!!! You <333 YOUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! I love you!! You make me a little sad sometimes but also INCREDIBLY happy!! My little hypocrite <3 my little walking contradiction <3 also REALLY gender, VIOLENTLY so. And Enderman /very pos.
Foolish - I like you! I don’t know much about you, but I’m learning more! I like your builds and attitude! Nice man :)
Hannah - I know literally NOTHING about you at all but I want to because you seem so badass and cool holy shit
Slimecicle - FUCKING WEIRD ASS SLUDGE MONSTER FROM THE BEGINING OF TIME???? YES PLEASE!!! SO GENDER!!! SO COOL!!! LOVE!!! LOVE LOV ELVOEKJDENJJW!!!!!!!!!! I love this fucking man <3333333 Filled with bones and meat and not slime at all <333333333
Michael McChill - Dream Stan /neg I don’t know much about this guy, actually, pretty neutral on him.
Michael _Beloved - Nice boy! Very polite! Probably could kill me if he wanted! Good lad!
Michelle - Oh she would whoop my ass. Great and fantastic!
Yogurt - babeyy,,,,,, boi,,,,, come hereee,,,,,, pspspsppspspsspspsp,,,,,,, i love youuu,,,,,,,
Foolish Jr. - Seems energetic and excitable! Good lad!
Finley - Fantastic, wonderful girl!
Mexican Dream - Eyyyyyy look at he! Look at the he!!! I like he :)))) he’s cool.
Dream XD - Oh so you’re THAT kind of asshole. Love it. 10/10. Also biblically accurate angel inspired designs for this mf??? So gender. Violently gender. Love that shit.
Mamacita - p, prett y wom an,,, 
Mumza Kristin - If anyone doesn't like Mumza I’ll cut their body into fourths and burry the pieces under a Denny’s <3 She’s so poggers.
Friend - Friend! :DDD
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