#and also gabriel. i like him a lot
thefigmented · 8 months
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me when uh uhm. robots and the horrors etc
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cherubchoirs · 2 years
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in the tomb of saint gabriel
(may your woes be many)
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sorrcha · 8 months
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rend you apart
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 8 months
you said Adams lore has changed in the lab world…instantly curious-
okay so.
Back when the au was first made and before it went on its long hiatus, I said Adam was taken as a child and used as the first test subject for MBT, being the child of Lynn and Jude Murray, who worked at MBT.
Now, he still is. technically the child of Lynn and Jude, but. he was never born. he was grown.
Using DNA from Lynn, Jude, some from Gabriel, and whatever other DNA could fill in the gaps, Gabriel grew a human (mostly) specimen in a tube. being Adam. Took a few months for him to grow to a point where he could be let out of the tube (and sense his growing was accelerated while in the tube, he was aged to like. young toddler at this point.) However, after another few years, Lynn had grown attached to her "son", and wanted him to leave the facility, so she sabotaged the equipment, and let Adam out of the facility to flee into town. Due to this, she was killed, and Jude, who was meant to be looking after Adam, was. met with a worse fate.
So TLDR: Adam was grown in a lab tube and escaped a few years later, meaning he was never fully human in the first place and never knew he wasn't until he was recaptured in 2007.
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mlp-natural-2 · 1 month
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Archangel Gabriel, Trickster, Loki, many names for possibly the funniest guy I know. He can shapeshift not just his form but also his cutie mark if he so chooses to have one! The god Loki is a deer in this world, so Gabe took on some more fawn like traits to add to his prettiest face. Despite still having pony traits, this half-assed disguise still worked for a long period before he eventually got captured.
Also he didn’t die in season 13 to me, he is living in Australia with several other supernatural folks whom the plot forgot in the hunter protection program. (Jesse, Anna, Missouri, Henriksen, to name a few others)
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 10 months
Look I'mma be honest every time twd kills off a long-beloved character at this point I'm just
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stevethehairington · 9 months
i am once again thinking of a good omens wicked au, but this time instead of the obvious crowley as elphaba and aziraphale and glinda, im thinking of the OPPOSITE.
im thinking of how AZIRAPHALE fits elphaba's character in that he is an outsider amongst his peers and he's a little bit awkward and he's got so much faith in the almighty/the wizard. he's got "parents" (read: god) who expect so much from him and siblings who are ashamed of him. and he's got dreams! he wants to do big things! he wants to work hand in hand with and make the almighty/the wizard proud!
and im thinking about how CROWLEY fits glindas character in the sense that he's suave and charming and people are drawn to him. he knows how to talk to them and how to get them to do what he wants, and he's the one that teaches aziraphale things about the world (a la popular, like tempting aziraphale into eating meat and drinking wine and all these very human things he never would have thought to do without crowleys influence).
im thinking of how the two of them start out absolutely loathing each other, as mortal enemies, one could say... but how over time and as they bond more and more, as they see different sides of one another, that loathing turns into something else. something just as strong, just as passionate, but softer. gentler. sweeter. it turns into love.
and of course everything gets shattered when upon meeting his idol, aziraphale learns that god isn't what he thought she was. it turns out god is just a pipe dream. all there is is a floating head, the metatron, posing as god. and not at all the great and powerful entity aziraphale believed. and the metatron CANT help aziraphale, can't fix him. and thus the downfall of aziraphale begins.
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vehemourn · 4 months
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Not even breaking a sweat!
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
I don't think anyone was happy with how Gabriel's whole arc was handled, so I am curious what people prefer on what should've been done or could've been done instead.
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quietwingsinthesky · 11 months
Prompt: the archangelcule celebrating Jack's birthday 🙏
Lucifer runs himself ragged all week getting the party set up (and despite the fact that he’s done this for Jack every time he needs it since he came back into Michael’s life, it still leaves Michael surprised and wondering what happened to the boy who only knew how to bite the hand that fed when Michael abandoned him, when did he learn to be gentle and reliable, why did Michael waste all this time not seeing him?) to the point that he looks like he might fall asleep in front of the birthday cake before Raphael nudges him with their elbow, and he wakes up to sing.
They sing quietly — loud noises hurt Jack’s ears, one of many little oddities, but they rearrange their lives around his needs: no vacuuming unless he’s out of the house and no yelling from room to room — while Jack looks like he’s about to jump right out of his seat with how much he wants to blow out the candles. Gabriel scoops him up in one arm after, lets Jack’s tiny hand curl around the handle of the (dull!) cake knife while his lays over it to guide him, and helps him to cut pieces for them all himself.
(birthday 3 sentence ficathon! come toss a prompt!)
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cherubchoirs · 1 year
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Michael, the Ruined Prince
Michael, having used all of his power to seek out God, had failed as the Prince of Heaven. He had abandoned his people, absent for centuries on a fruitless search filled with unheard, increasingly desperate prayers and an unrelenting, bone-deep exhaustion that is now permanent. His grief grew day by day, and an angel in isolation begins to wither, to warp – they must be with one another lest they twist into their extremes, retreating into their divine purpose until it becomes self-destructive parody. And Michael had already been scarred long ago by his role in banishing Lucifer, by God’s own ever-mounting wrath that ate away at the mercy he was meant to feel alongside it. Michael had already been insular, something had already pulled at the seams of his soul, and now centuries of failure consume him. He would return to Heaven with nothing for his people. Nothing for the siblings he swore to protect.
So his final thought in a deeply troubled mind urged him to try one last time. That if he could not find God, then he must bring God to himself. He must sin, he must beg for punishment, and then God will come to deliver it onto him. Just as He once did to Lucifer. It disgusted him, to think he had to debase himself to be as the sinners he held nothing but vile contempt for ever since he couldn’t cope with the guilt of the first fallen angels. But his prayers have failed, his days of weeping have failed, he moved Heaven, Earth, and all of Hell to come up with empty hands. Less than that. Not even a feeling. So Michael, even as a Cherub who could not, did everything he could to replicate his memories of when he had witnessed God Himself tear the light from His angels. Michael had seen it every time, it was he that had to bind any fallen angel that survived it to their place in Hell. He knew, implicitly, what the ritual was even if God seemed to enact it in one beautiful, elegant motion. And he did just that. Imperfect pantomiming, flawed execution, but the same ritual as best as Michael could copy it. All to himself.
But only God and the high Seraphim can sever an angel from their light.
His soul was rent from his body. His light was torn to shreds by his inexperienced hands. The agony that it screeched resounded all the way back to Heaven in unintelligible, muted whispers of nauseous grief no one could understand. Michael felt himself die, but it was incomplete. He was left in a corpse, a body destroyed and succumbing to all it meant but with him still inside of it. God did not come, and Michael was trapped a ruined body, bereft of a soul, of his light, giving way to rot and deterioration yet fully functional. He could do nothing but take this as a sign from God, one that he will not be punished no matter his crime for being such a loyal servant. Even as his body falls apart, as plants begin to burst from his remains, he believes himself to be blessed – see how he grows God’s garden. See how his crown remains pristine. He adorns his exposed bones with gems and finery, ostensibly as thanks to God for keeping him alive, keeping him sinless when he had so despised his impending fall from grace. But. Michael is, in the back of his mind, highly aware of what he’s become. He knows he is rotting, he knows he is in a dead body, he knows, somewhere, God had nothing to do with it. It was just a mistake, it was just his own foolishness with catastrophic consequence. He is more noxious than a fallen angel now, a botch job shambling numbly back to Heaven when he feels the death of Gabriel.
Upon his return, he largely attempts to hide the rot of his body, at least from the citizenry – he cannot hide it from Raphael or Uriel, nor does he try. To Michael, it proves his devotion, it shows God’s still present love for him, and it is a testimony to how he cannot fall, that he can never lose his place in Heaven. Raphael begs for him to be healed, Uriel pleads reason to him, but neither had ever been as strong as Michael and ultimately, he is their leader. No matter the state he returns in, he is the Prince of the Archangels and truthfully...they both fear him now. He is not the Michael they loved, not the one that had been quiet and stoic yet still loving in return. The Michael that would have done anything for them, that never wanted to lose another like he lost Lucifer. He commands them now to join him in binding Gabriel, his tangible grief the only thing that seems to be left of who he had once been.
Internally, Michael sees their fear, he feels the crushing guilt of Gabriel’s fall, he is violently ill with one true look at himself. He had gone wrong a long, long time ago, when he lost Lucifer, and now all of that was being made manifest, but he can’t face it. As flesh falls away, he covers it more and more with jewels as if that could hide the decay he can feel spreading night and day, the only thing he feels now. He must retreat into his purpose, he must not allow such devastating failure to be his legacy. So he turns on Gabriel. Gabriel, whose light had been severed. Who walks freely in an abandoned Hell. Who still has a living, breathing body. Michael’s vitriol toward the damned hones in on Gabriel, consumed with being sure he is left nailed to the lowest pit in Hell for his treachery. All the love he once had turns to hatred and in it, the other three can see that Michael has been left shattered, that nothing in him truly believes God made him this way. God’s most loyal, left to rot.
Additional information:
Michael now always exudes the Odor of Sanctity, but there is a distinct undertone of mold to it
The opalescent webbing that runs through his body is the angelic brain - normally it is iridescent and transparent with a strange glow, but Michael's is opaque and dull
Michael now prefers walking, something noted as unusual when he returned to Heaven, but it's simply due to the fact that his body has been left entirely numb and so it's difficult to maneuver in the air properly
He is very protective of his crown and dragon-skin bag, as they seem to be the only things left uncorrupted on him
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
so in silent protector au mike posesses the golden suit, right? is there any scenario under which he'd have a form that's recognizably his? i'm curious what the kids would think of him looking just like their killer when they're aware he's 1. not like. A Living Night Guard and 2. a different dude.
ʸᵒ ʰᵒ ʰᵒ...
In this au, lost souls start out stuck inside the suits, with the suits acting as their new "bodies," before the souls eventually gain enough control to leave the suits and wander in their real forms. It would take Mike a long time to gain control, but eventually he would have the ability to wander outside of the suit. It's just a matter of Mike WANTING that, because for a long time, he wants to stay as far away from the physical world, the ghost kids, and his brother for as long as possible.
I can't see Mike willingly leaving the suit for a long time after his death. Once he and Evan actually start *talking*, though, I think Mike would have a hard time denying Evan if Ev asked him to leave the suit.
The question of how the other ghost kids would react to his actual form is an interesting one, because it actually hinges on a lot of moving parts.
Do the ghost kids actually know what their killer looks like?
A lot of media that I've seen depicts William as wearing the Spring Bonnie suit during his murders, so. Did William wear the suit for *all* of them? If he did, does that mean the only "face" the children have for their murderer is Spring Bonnie? Or maybe as ghosts they saw their killer's face when he took off the suit after killing them?
Do some of the ghost kids know what their killer actually looked like, while others only have "someone inside Spring Bonnie" clocked as their killer? Or did they all see William’s face as their killer at one time or another, either while they were alive or as ghosts being forced to watch him kill others?
I've already decided that the spirit possessing Foxy (Fritz) is the most inquisitive of the kids and the spirit possessing Bonnie (Jeremy) is the most reluctant to accept change, thus explaining their more aggressive behavior in the games.
Jeremy, I think, would go out of his way to avoid Mike if Mike wandered outside of the suit. Snide comments get thrown around about how ALL of them have been more on edge since Mike left the suit, and maybe it'd be best if Mike would just go back in, or at least cover up his face.
Fritz is unsettled by the reminder that the person he has been "befriending" (in a way) has had the face of his killer the whole time. There's discomfort there, but he tries not to let it get the best of him. Mike has no more control over his appearance than the rest of them have control over the disturbing wounds warping their ghostly bodies. Like each other's fatal wounds, it's just something he-- all of them-- will have to get used to. But Fritz does have a version of his killer built up in his mind (assuming he never met William in person; maybe William was the type to mingle in the arcades and whatnot, talking to all the kids as he chose his next victim). And i think Fritz would ask Mike a lot of questions, try to learn more about him, learn more to help separate Mike’s face from the killer Fritz has built up in his head and prove to himself that they're not actually one and the same.
Based on what we know about Suzie from pizza sim, Suzie would probably be one of the kids William targeted from walking around the pizzeria, though whether he lured her while inside or outside of the S Bonnie suit could probably be debated. Like Fritz, Suzie tries keeping her negative thoughts about Mike’s appearance to herself because she knows it's not Mike’s fault, as unsettling as the situation is. But mostly, she tries to keep from rocking the boat because she's never seen Evan this... happy isn't the right word, but free, maybe. There is no wondering why he had to die anymore, no more wondering why he wasn't good enough to deserve his brother's love. Evan finally has what the others lack: answers and an opportunity to heal. Suzie feels guilty for treating Evan so harshly when they first found out Mike’s spirit didn't move on. And Suzie knows that Evan needs love and support and the chance to heal as much as the rest of them, and that she and the others didn't give their Protector nearly as much of these things as HE gave THEM. If Evan can get these things from Mike, too, then she wants that for him.
That just leaves Gabriel, who I haven't put any characterization into at all, if I'm being honest. Inside Freddy, he's the star of the show by day, but by night, he almost fades into the background amidst the antics and aggression of the souls possessing Bonnie, Foxy, and Chica. He's not as active, and when he is, he tends to sit outside your door and FORCE you to use up all your power like he just wants this to be over. Like he doesn't get as much fun out of this as the others. Maybe that's what his music box is: a way of celebrating, almost. Of saying "there's no more power. You have no way left to fight. This is over now, and we can finally have some time of peace and rest before we're forced to do this whole thing again without you."
Maybe Gabriel sees Michael outside the suit, and there's a sense of hope because this has never happened before. This is DIFFERENT. Maybe they won't have to spend the rest of eternity locked inside this senseless routine of being surrounded by seas of faces night and day, all of these faces being people who cannot or refuse to help them. But this is just me spitballing ideas so I at least have something to say; this characterization isn't set in stone and I'm liable to change it if I stumble across something more interesting.
I'm very intrigued by the first thing you pointed out, about Mike looking like their killer while not being a "Living Night Guard." I haven't actually put much thought into the fact that Mike looks like the kids' killer or how they would react to him while he was still alive until now. I still haven't decided yet whether Evan knows his father was a killer in this au, but if he doesn't know, then I'm incredibly intrigued by the idea of Evan hearing the other kids whisper "that's the face of our killer" only to look and see his own brother. Michael heartlessly killed Evan; maybe it wouldn't be too big of a stretch in Evan’s mind to imagine Michael killing other kids, too. Maybe the reason Evan is the one to kill Mike isn't just vengeance against his own death, but vengeance against the other kids' deaths, too, because Evan is under the impression that his own brother went on to murder them.
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valentinesparda · 5 months
Hey Valentine!! Been thinking about DMC lately and was wondering if you could tell me some stuff about your DMC s/i? :0 perhaps what their relationship with Vergil is like? -[Wayfinderships]
@wayfinderships OH BOY OH BOY IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT DMC RECENTLY TOO !!!! i miss my half demon husband. it sure has been a whole hot minute since I talked about gabriel in general, and it sure has just hit me that you and most of my current mutuals completely missed my dmc era, so!!
gabriel is my self insert, and they are a collector of demonic goods, a purveyor of powerful artefacts, and they meet vergil shortly before dmc3 is taking place, mostly because their paths cross through happenstance and they offer up information for him. they're around the same age as the twins at this point during the timeline, the two of them are kind of friends and kind of bickering back and forth, and eventually when Vergil Goes To Hell, they kind of dig themself into a hole of work since they're the apprentice to the actual collector they have been working for
um to make a long story short these are bullet points:
find a particular artefact associated to a general of hell named haures, who has his own little plans and manages to take possession of gabriel gradually over time, for the most part they function like they green goblin talking to his own mask
haures corrupts them and essentially demonizes them so they functionally stop aging / age so slowly that it isn't really noticeable
they are also hearing from haures about mundus and sparda and are doing their own little research, maybe in hopes of coming across that one weird white haired dude they met before
their research brings them to fortuna when nero is a little kid !! will expand upon that when i get back around to dmc4
they cross paths with dante a lot!! and he is their friend somewhat
the whole time they're doing all of this they are like actively dying from haures and have to stay in tip-top shape otherwise he will actually kill them!! but no one else can communicate with haures so he's just kind of their intrusive thoughts
badabadaba dmc5 rolls around and v shows up and suddenly it's like they're 20 again and experiencing feelings
anyways gabriel's relationship with vergil was initially a little fling for the short time that they knew each other when they were younger, and tidbits of that are echoed in meeting v. like gabriel wouldn't admit to it and they think they're doing such a good job of hiding it but everyone they know can SEE how they act
and then suddenly vergil is back!! and they are a dam in the process of breaking!! the two of them proceed to bicker like an old married couple and most of vergil's time spent as v winds up being mental anguish and maturity and confronting his own human emotions, so even though they are continuing on that leftover thread from when they were younger and they didn't spend very much time together, it's like they've known eachother forever. like they do care about eachother, clearly, but they're overall very sweet in their own ways and completely awkward in navigating their relationship and feelings. because they are eachothers first love or something. yucky. I'm not approaching the lady in red topic right now because if I do then I have to do mental gymnastics but it's fine, we'll just loophole it
anyways blah blah gabriel and vergil are like. aggressively embarrassed in how they interact with each other, because they're kind of too similar that it's funny, but they do genuinely like eachother. maybe it's just because they were each other's only friend when they were in their teens and were both being manipulated for someone else's gain lol. and after vergil's stay in hell and subsequent Speedrun of the human existence he calms down a little and lets himself learn to love, not just romantically but like, familially. he gets to learn about the people that he left behind again and the one he's never met before (his son), and that is just. so important to me
so gabriel is kind of the only person initially rooting for him, even if they would rather swallow glass than be vulnerable, but they can also have vergil help them control their corruption and possibly use haures to their advantage because i had it set up where he was yeah, a dumbass trying to usurp the throne, but I wanted to plan a whole plot surrounding him and maybe lore connecting him to sparda, specifically
I know i joke about them bickering and being unable to function as real people but i have a very special place in my heart for vergil, not just favourite character wise but also self ship wise. im personally very hardheaded and dragging my real feelings out of me is like literally pulling teeth, so I've hidden a lot of my affections behind jokes and that kind of is also reflected in how I talk about vergil. but i did eventually open up about it and that's where the handfasting ceremony came from. i finally just accepted that i loved him as a character and ive been trying to unlearn my bad behaviors and learn that it's okay to be vulnerable, and not to hold everything in all the time
i like. rambled but its to avoid having to voice how their relationship is in full detail, so all i really have to say is that it's complicated but also plainly simple how they work together, how they love. they do deeply care about the other, and while it takes some time to let the initial feelings go unsaid, they are at their center both very lonely people who have put their trust into someone that they can see themselves in, who know how the other one feels and expresses feelings, with the addition of v functioning as an a-ha moment for vergil while gabriel has had 30 years to think on the guy they first loved - and proceeded to immediately fall back in love with upon seeing again
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gay-caesar-truther · 27 days
Would it be weird to ship Gabriel with a random ass NPC Instead of a compainion or significant character? I'm looking at Alex Richards (the gay doctor at Camp forlorn hope) like... yes... you can fix my boy and he can bring you some peace and joy in return.
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lloydfrontera · 11 months
holy shit i completely misgendered raphael i genuinely thought he was a she/her oh my godddd
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AAAAHAHA I just remembered I also had a WIP of sorts of another Motherfucking Superheroes-type fic but it's gone now because I'd only written it by hand in a notebook and then had to throw a bunch of papers away. I think I remember some of what I'd written, maybe I'll write it on an actual computer soon
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